question for anyone who downloads music from walmart

2005-12-18 Thread joanne
Well I thought I'd try the Walmart site and, for the most part, it seems 
accessible with Jaws.  But for those who have used it, where in the world is 
the download and how can I find it?!  I bought one song just to try this out 
and it took me forever and several steps and trials and errors to find the 
thing.  I couldn't even find it when I went to start menu and search!  I'd 
like to be able to move the items from wherever in windows media that 
Walmart puts it and place these purchased songs in my regular song folder. 
Is this not possible?  I finally stumbled on it by control tabbing a lot in 
windows media and going to library button, but if someone can tell me an 
easier way and perhaps a way to copy my Walmart songs I'd appreciate it. 
Thanks for any help. 

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online question/Re: sirius radio

2006-01-02 Thread joanne
In September I visited a friend and we wanted to listen online to Sirius. 
At that time you could only listen for 3 days free, and Sirius had told my 
friend that even if we were willing to pay to listen online you couldn't do 
this without first having the radio.  So I'm confused, as I thought someone 
on this list said you can listen to the music channels online without having 
the radio.  We would like to be able to listen online without getting the 
radio, and I know with XM you can do this.  Has the policy changed at Sirius 
and can we hear music channels by paying for the online service but not 
having the radio?  Thanks for clearing this up. 

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Re: User friendly DVD payer

2006-01-04 Thread joanne
Raul and others:  what Terri and I are both wanting is a DVD player that 
would be easy to use as far as going between episodes on, say, a TV series 
DVD or one like this with different chapters or episodes.  With the Sony 
Raul mentions, I'm wondering if, by pressing the forward button on the 
player (not using the remote) will this take you to the next episode and 
will the back button take you to the previous?  While you may think this a 
silly question, I'm asking specifically because my daughters have DVD 
players and they use these complicated menus to go to a chosen episode and 
they tell me you have to use arrow keys on the menus to find episodes and 
not just hitting a forward or rewind button as you do with CD players.  I 
know DVD's are formatted different from CD's, but we're hoping we can simply 
use a forward or backup button without having to use menus or a remote to go 
to different episodes, and so far the ones I've seen don't seem to allow 
this type of ease when changing to a new show on the DVD.  Not really 
understanding how DVD's are formatted, didn't know if it was possible to 
simply forward and back up with the same ease you have with a CD player. 
Hope someone can help. 

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help from anyone who uses walmart for downloading

2006-01-31 Thread joanne
Well a couple things have happened regarding my Walmart downloading and I 
hope another Walmart purchaser can help.  First, my instructor was here 
yesterday and he said he doesn't like the software Walmart recommends for 
downloading so he suggested just going to the site instead of using my very 
convenient desktop icon which simply opened up Walmart's music download 
store in windows media player.  So he removed that and after trying it his 
way I truly want that software back.  I think it was more accessible and I'm 
having trouble finalizing my order using the website.  But I can't get the 
software back because when I go to the Walmart home page and enter on 88 
cent downloads it keeps saying an error has occurred and internet explorer 
must be closed.  It gives no details about the error and I don't know if 
perhaps something's not right in my settings in I.E. and thus Walmart won't 
let me on that page or what's going on.  Does anyone have suggestions about 
what I can do and how I can get back the Walmart software which never 
should've been removed?  Any help would be appreciated. 

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using and adding with url finder/Re: My Review of Replay AV

2006-02-23 Thread joanne
I too thought your review was terrific, and right now I'm trying the demo 
till I really get comfortable with this program and what exactly it can do. 
I know I'm limited right now with the demo but I wanted to see if I could 
use u.r.l. finder and I have a couple questions.  First, can you put any 
station into this?  For instance one station I'd like to have would be the 
ACB radio interactive stream if Replay AV supports this.  If this can be 
done with any internet station and I want to go ahead and add, how exactly 
do I do this?  Jonathan, when you were at your list box all you had to do, I 
think, was hit your internet explorer key and you got Google and could 
search right there.  When I tried going to internet explorer while on the 
combo box (using Jaws 7 I should also add) I got no search fields at all. 
Hoping someone can explain how to do the search and then add the proper 
u.r.l.  But it definitely looks like a great program and there's something 
for everybody in that extensive station guide.  Also love the way it 
schedules the shows for you when the guide is used and you don't even have 
to bother with setting a timed recording. 

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Re: My Review of Replay AV

2006-02-23 Thread joanne
Dennis and others, you can't record more than one show at the same time 
though, can you?  Don't you have to pick just one show for a particular time 
slot or will it record more than one show at the same time? 

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replay AV and podcasts

2006-03-09 Thread joanne
I am using Replay AV successfully with the radio shows and absolutely loving 
it.  I do have a question about podcasts though.  First, maybe I'm still not 
clear on exactly what they are.  I thought I could set podcasts to download 
every day with AV but most of the podcasts I want won't automatically 
download the way regular radio shows will.  Now I did go to the checkbox 
yesterday that says to check at certain times for podcasts, and that did 
bring some of my previously not-downloaded podcasts in.  But now what 
happens is, it checks every day at a certain time and it brings down 
podcasts I've already heard.  For instance, instead of today's broadcast 
it'll bring down today's, yesterday's and maybe the day before--ones I 
already heard.  How do I get AV to check and only bring down the newest 
podcast?  Thanks. 

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don't want replay AV to split files

2006-03-09 Thread joanne
I convert my music shows to MP3 and notice Replay AV sometimes will split 
the file into parts.  I guess this would be okay if it were a logical split, 
like perhaps at the hour or something, but it will take, say, a 4-hour show 
and split it after 3 hours and 20 minutes or so and it could be in the 
middle of a song or in the middle of a sentence.  How can I get it not to 
split the files when it converts to MP3? 

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replay AV recordings skipping in MP3 format

2006-03-15 Thread joanne
I have had no trouble getting my replay AV recordings to play in MP3 format, 
but have noticed some skipping and wondered if there's a bit rate or 
something I should set to minimize this possibility.  I don't understand 
what all these rates mean like constant and variable, and the numbers like 
128 and 44, etc.  But if there's something I can do to continue to have my 
files converted to MP3 but to minimize skipping would appreciate knowing 
this.  I know where the MP3 settings dialog is; just don't know what rates 
or variables it should be on.  Thanks. 

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asking again/shows skipping in replay AV

2006-03-20 Thread joanne
Some of my Replay Radio AV shows are skipping quite a bit and I'm wondering 
2 things.  First, should I not be converting these shows to MP3 and could 
this have something to do with the skipping?  If anyone's had this trouble 
would like to know what you did to solve it.

Second, I do plan on reporting this to tech support but can't find the email 
form.  I go to the "help" button and am taken to different searches of the 
FAQ, and I did try searching this way but my particular problem isn't 
showing.  So I was trying to find an email form to report this but cannot. 
Hope someone can point me to a link where this can be reported, as I've 
heard their tech support is really good about helping out.  Thanks.

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nero 6.6 tree views not showing everything

2006-03-26 Thread joanne
Using Jaws 7 and XP home, I am having trouble using Nero 6.6 all of a 
sudden.  It was working fine but now I can't go to the folders in the drive 
I choose.  What it says is, "my computer open, 6 items," but instead of the 
6 items (which are of course the drives available to me) showing underneath 
the "my computer open" thing it shows the 6 drives only when I tab instead 
of down-arrowing through the tree.  So since Nero only gives you so many 
spaces to tab, I can only get to the drive I want but it doesn't show the 
folders within that drive so I can select songs.  Hope someone can please 

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how to check for updates with replay AV

2006-03-29 Thread joanne
I had a problem with something not recording in Replay Radio AV, and Tech 
Support said to try upgrading to 7.0B and even gave me a direct link to the 
download.  But when I tried to save the download it said the download 
already existed, so either I have this upgrade with the B after the 0 or 
there's another place I need to go to find it.  Since there are no alt menus 
you can use with Replay AV, how can I check to see if I do in fact have the 
latest version?  I don't see a place where it will tell me the version 
number.  And if I don't have the latest, how would I get it?  The download 
link she pointed me to looks like the same one I used to download the 
program, and I shouldn't have to re-download the entire program, should I? 

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for dennis or anyone/how do you get replay AV upgrade?

2006-03-29 Thread joanne
I do see that I have 7.04 version of Replay AV, but the only way I know this 
is by looking at a log.  When I go to the download page to try downloading 
the latest version it says I already have the RAV setup file in my downloads 
folder.  So what exactly do you do to get the very latest version, and once 
you have it what do you do to verify which version you in fact have?  Thanks 
for any help. 

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where are the stations added in replay AV

2006-04-02 Thread joanne
I understand about how to add shows in Replay Radio AV, but there are also 
options to add stations so you can just tune into the stations of your 
choice if you want to.  But when I add a station, not a show, I don't know 
where to look for it.  I see "list of shows" but no station list.  Am I 
doing something wrong, or should I be doing something more with URL finder 
instead of just hitting "add" on a station?  Thanks. 

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cannot open files made with MP3 direct cut

2006-04-09 Thread joanne
For anyone using MP3 direct cut, I normally have no trouble splitting files 
and finding the list of splits the program made.  But I am now running into 
a problem with the program having supposedly split a large file for me and I 
see the MPD formatted folder where the split files should be; but when I try 
opening this MPD folder it says Windows can't open it and wants to know what 
program to use.  I tried going to the Web to see if I could get info on the 
program they suggest, but it seems to take me to a Microsoft page where you 
have to buy tools or updates, etc.  All I want to be able to do is open this 
MPD file as usual and find the splits that are inside it, but I don't know 
how to do this or with what program.  Thanks for any help. 

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Re: New version of itunes available.

2007-03-06 Thread joanne
I thought Itunes was inaccessible with Jaws.  Does anyone use it as a 
podcatcher?  I normally use Replay AV and am happy with it, but some shows 
only seem to have an Itunes link.  Would like feedback about its 
accessibility with podcasts.  Thanks.s
- Original Message - 
From: "hank smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " 
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2007 5:39 AM
Subject: Re: New version of itunes available.

> there is a windows update as well 7.1
> 73
> hank smith
> amateur radio call sign:
> echo link node:
> 301027
> email:
> msn messenger:
> aim:
> hanksmith5
> skype:
> hanksmith5
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Lynda Ingraham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "PC audio discussion list. " 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2007 2:03 AM
> Subject: Re: New version of itunes available.
>> Is this update only available to Mac users?
>> X-Antispam: NO; Spamcatcher Score 2
>> Thank you.
>> Lynda
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using juice and finding podcast by title

2007-08-13 Thread Joanne
Just started using Juice but don't see how I might be able to search for 
podcasts by title rather than by podcast URL.  I don't know the URL's of my 
podcasts but do know their titles and am wondering if I'm overlooking this 
option in Juice.  Thanks for any help.

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subscribing to podcasts by title using juice

2007-08-13 Thread Joanne
Just started using Juice but don't see how I might be able to search for 
podcasts by title rather than by podcast URL.  I don't know the URL's of my 
but do know their titles and am wondering if I'm overlooking this option in 
Juice.  Thanks for any help.

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question about any DVD and clone DVD

2007-09-25 Thread Joanne
If anyone uses either or both of these products mentioned in subject line, I am 
wondering if these need to be used somehow together and how this is done.  The 
reason I ask is, when wanting to download and try Any DVD it said it works best 
with Clone DVD.  So how do you use these 2 programs together to maximize their 
benefit, or do you really need to?  In other words can I just use one or the 
other and still have the same results of being able to play DVD's more easily?  
Thanks for any help.

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Re: Michael Goren

2007-10-30 Thread Joanne
Oh no Gary, not correct!  The '78 shows deejay is Michael Gorman.  Not the 
same person.
- Original Message - 
From: "Gary Wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" 
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2007 2:23 PM
Subject: Re: Michael Goren

>I believe that he's the man who did those 78 shows on ACBRadio!
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Chris Skarstad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" 
> Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2007 7:12 AM
> Subject: Re: Michael Goren
>> Hi.  I never knew him, but I knew of him, I always saw lots of
>> messages from him and he was a great contributer to lots of lists
>> like this one.  He'll definitely be missed.
>> At 03:50 AM 10/30/2007, you wrote:
>>>Dear Friend
>>>please pass on my condolences to his family.
>>>all the best from sean waiting.
>>>- Original Message -
>>>From: "Sarah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>To: "PC Audio Discussion List" 
>>>Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2007 6:52 AM
>>>Subject: Re: Michael Goren
>>> >O my! Well his family are in my thoughts and prayers!
>>> >
>>> > SA&G
>>> > - Original Message -
>>> > From: "Jonathan Mosen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> > To: "'The Accessible Phones Discussion List'"
>>> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "'PC Audio Discussion List'"
>>> > 
>>> > Sent: Monday, October 29, 2007 7:08 PM
>>> > Subject: Michael Goren
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Many of you on this list will have read messages over the years from
>>> > Michael
>>> > S. Goren. It's with very deep regret that I have to advise that 
>>> > Michael
>>> > succumbed to a long struggle with cancer, passing away at 6:15 PM on
>>> > Sunday,
>>> > October 28,2007.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > His funeral will be held on Friday, November 2, 2007 at 11:00 at the
>>> > Cornerstone Funeral Home, 5318 E 37th Street North, Wichita, KS.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Viewing will be Thursday from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM.  The family will be
>>> > there
>>> > in the evening from 6:00 to 9:00.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
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>>> >
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > No virus found in this incoming message.
>>> > Checked by AVG Free Edition.
>>> > Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.15.12/1097 - Release Date:
>>> > 28/10/2007 13:58
>>> >
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Re: What have they done to Easy CDDa Extractor

2005-01-04 Thread Joanne
I want to learn Easy CD and, since this new one doesn't seem accessible at 
all from what you're saying, which version would you recommend as being the 
easiest to use with Jaws?  Thanks.

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Re: What have they done to Easy CDDa Extractor

2005-01-04 Thread Joanne
Bruce, is there a tutorial with easy CD creator where I can teach myself, or 
did you need help from someone to get started?  Also does it matter to easy 
CD whether the files are WMA or MP3?  Nero doesn't recognize certain formats 
and wondered if you had trouble with this in easy CD.

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getting dvd to play all the way through/Re: DVD Playing

2005-01-23 Thread Joanne
   I am new to playing DVD's and have both Power DVD and Windows Media 
Player which will play these.  I tried using Power DVD and am not sure of 
the Jaws commands to make it play all the way through.  This DVD has several 
episodes on it and I thought there might be away to make it play all the 
episodes, as you'd play all tracks on a CD by simply hitting play.  But only 
one episode plays and it stops.  Are there some good tutorials for Power DVD 
working with Jaws and what key commands to use? 

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are there accessible websites for playing tv shows?

2005-01-23 Thread Joanne
Just as we can download or listen to music online, are there Jaws-accessible 
websites where I can play favorite TV programs or download TV episodes? 

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Re: DVD Playing

2005-01-24 Thread Joanne
Raul, do you have a file on the Jaws-specific hot keys for Power DVD or is 
there a help section somewhere in the program which has the Jaws hot keys 
listed?  Thanks for your help. 

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how do you make c dex create artist folder

2005-01-27 Thread Joanne
I cannot find this in the f4 options menu but know it can be done.  I want c 
dex to go ahead and, when taking tracks off cd's, make a folder within the 
folder where the songs are going.  It's happened before by accident and at 
that time I didn't want c dex to do this, but I think it may be helpful now 
and hope someone can help.  What it did was, at the bottom of my music 
folder, the newly-acquired tracks from c dex would be in an artist folder of 
its own.  Please let me know how to reinstate it so c dex makes these artist 
folders while extracting. 

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how to change default folder in c dex

2005-01-28 Thread Joanne
I have installed c dex 1.51 but don't know where the tracks are going; would 
like to store them in my music library.  On file names tab I don't see a 
browse for folder place.  Can a blind person change default folder 
independently using Jaws, and if so how do I find a browse tree view? 

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how do you get enhanced cd's to play

2005-01-30 Thread Joanne
I have a few cd's that are apparently enhanced in some way where other files 
besides music are contained in them--sort of like a cross between a DVD and 
music CD I guess.  I have winamp set to play music cd's but it doesn't know 
how to play these at all.  In fact when I go into the drive where the disc 
is, and when I enter on properties it gives me only power dvd as my choice 
to play this type of cd.  Isn't there another way to get just the music to 
play with winamp or media player?  I was ripping the tracks with c dex and 
luckily c dex didn't have trouble finding the tracks in spite of all the 
other enhanced stuff on the disc, but how can I get the music files to play? 

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is there accessible program for recording audio streams

2005-02-21 Thread Joanne
I would like to be able to record online shows that I won't be able to hear 
at the time of broadcast.  Is there a Jaws-accessible program that will 
record the program onto a hard drive for later listening?  I want one that 
will also have an accessible timer I can start in case I can't be right 
there to start the recording.  Is this at all possible?  Thanks for any 

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total recorder questions

2005-02-24 Thread Joanne
I have installed total recorder but it isn't the purchased version because I 
wanted to first see if I could work it with Jaws before buying.  I have read 
the help file on how to use some of the features but would like opinions 
from those who use this program frequently.

It seems from the help file that you can use total recorder standard for 
recording from tapes or records.  Is the sound quality good when recording 
from tapes or records, or would there be a better program (either total 
recorder pro or another program) for getting music from these formats?

Also wondering if total recorder only records in wav or can it record in mp3 

Thanks for any help. 

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total recorder not recording

2005-02-26 Thread Joanne
Well hopefully a setting got messed up and that is all, but I hit record 
button on total recorder and Jaws even says "stop" button" to let me know 
it's supposedly recording and I can toggle it to stop when done.  But when I 
hit stop and try to save there is nothing there, and when I've routed my 
cursors to see if it's recording I get "duration 0.0".  I was playing with 
the scheduler this morning and possibly a setting got messed up at that 
time, so if anyone can tell me how to get it to actually record again I'd 
appreciate it.  Thanks. 

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converting files with cdex

2005-02-28 Thread Joanne
Someone has told me I can convert files on my computer by using cdex.  Is 
this true?  I thought cdex was used for taking tracks off c.d.'s but I 
didn't think you could use it to go into, say, your music folder and convert 
wma's or wavs to mp3's.  If you can convert these files how do you do it? 
I'm looking at the help but don't find anything related to converting 
individual files already stored in your system.  Thanks for any help. 

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mp3's sounding distorted

2005-03-01 Thread Joanne
I've noticed of late a little kind of hiss or background distortion--just a 
slight one but more noticeable than before--when playing mp3 files.  Other 
file types are clear-sounding and I just wonder if there's either a winamp 
setting or a setting somewhere else where I can try fixing the distortion. 

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i'm also needing total recorder help

2005-03-04 Thread Joanne
Does anyone know if there's a good detailed tutorial with adaptive 
screenreaders in mind, dealing with total recorder and how to use its 
settings?  I've run into a couple things.  First I guess I have to keep my 
files wav files because changing format only recorded what Jaws was 
saying--well it would either record what Jaws was saying, or if music 
started on the stream it'd record that but then Jaws was totally 
inaccessible to me and was shut off by total recorder.  So trying to get it 
not to record jaws is one problem.

The other is how to schedule a recording.  I know you begin with the new 
button but I honestly don't know where the url of the station you want to 
record goes.  I did hear the tutorial on main menu that Marty recommended 
and it had some good basic starter suggestions but the scheduler and how to 
get Jaws to find where the url field was ... that wasn't really covered so 
would appreciate any help or if someone has a good file on the program 
that'd be great too.


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setting up total recorder

2005-03-13 Thread Joanne
I had to uninstall total recorder and am putting it back in, and someone had 
given me some parameters like bit rate and volume setting, etc., recommended 
to get the program working well.  What would be the recommended settings to 
start with?  Thanks. 

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scheduling/Re: Total Recorder question

2005-03-19 Thread Joanne
I am still hoping someone can please give me directions on how to schedule a 
job with t.r.  I have asked a few times and know that some of you can do 
this independently, but I can't figure out the advanced page where you have 
to use the tuner.  I would love either a concise tutorial on this program or 
just some scheduling directions to get me started.  Hope someone will help. 

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using cdex to record files or streaming media?

2005-03-26 Thread Joanne
I hope someone who really knows cdex well can help here.  I heard that you 
can use cdex to record files that are playing on your computer, and I do in 
fact now see a record button.  But I'm not sure how this works or exactly 
what you can do with this function.  The person said you have to find a what 
you hear option but I'm not sure where that option is or how to get cdex to 
record files other than CD tracks.  Hope someone can help as I'd love to 
utilize this feature. 

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media recorder help

2005-03-31 Thread Joanne
For DJC or anyone who uses Mediarecorder, do you know if it needs to be 
reset each time you use it, and if so which button does this?  Jaws speaks 
several r buttons but wonder if I need to reset it because about every third 
or fourth recording the recording keeps going until I actually have to 
restart the computer.  In other words it may be set from this time to this 
time but it wants to keep recording.  Also when it has done this constant 
recording I have opened one of my players either before or during the 
recording to play other files.  Does mediarecorder not want winamp or media 
player to be in use while it's recording?  Winamp's the default for 
mediarecorder so thought I could use media player to play something but I 
noticed that my last recording was an ongoing one, and during the recording 
time I had in fact used media player.  Hope someone can help. 

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and scheduling/Re: Splitting and appending in total Recorder

2005-04-01 Thread Joanne
Since you've asked for shortcut keys as well, I'm again appealing to anyone 
who has total recorder professional for help in scheduling a recording and 
using the tuner to tune in a station.  Like you I'd also like hot keys for 
general use but would really truly appreciate someone's help with the 
scheduler and tuner. 

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Re: recording live streams.

2005-04-18 Thread Joanne
Hi.  DJC recommended mediarecorder to me and I can't say enough about it!  I 
think it's pretty much limited to winamp and the streams you can pick up 
with winamp, but DJC can correct me if I'm wrong there.  It was a little 
tricky to figure out the jaws commands when entering times, but once I got 
it I really have had no trouble.

I also have total recorder which I think is more versatile as far as working 
with media player and winamp, but I've not been able to figure out how to 
get it to connect to the station.  Setting the record and timer functions 
was easy, but I can't get it to connect to the stream and I've asked for 
help here but didn't get a response.

I don't have the exact website I got mediarecorder from, but I did a google 
search and it took me to a download site. 

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Re: Replay Radio Driver Question

2005-05-14 Thread Joanne
Larry or anyone who has this program:  First, does it come with a good help 
file as far as what hot keys do what?  Second, wondering if this program 
will record stations in any format (like will it record windows media 
streams as well as winamp stations or is it limited to one player)?  Thanks 
for any help.

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Re: Replay Radio Driver Question

2005-05-14 Thread Joanne
But Kevin, if you uninstall the driver would you still be able to record 
streaming media?  With total recorder you have to have its driver in order 
to record radio stations.  Are you saying that if I try replay radio I won't 
need its driver to make recordings?
- Original Message - 
From: "Kevin Cussick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'PC audio discussion list. '" 
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2005 4:20 AM
Subject: RE: Replay Radio Driver Question

Hi their,
You will find if the sound driver is installed and you have told
replay radio to use that external driver it will always use the
external driver and you will always have to change the configuration
back to your sound card of coise!!
I use quick mix it's a very good utility you set your preferred
settings in your mixer then save them then when you need to use them
you just open quick mix and just open the preferred setting of your
If I was you I would unstall the external driver for replay radio it
causes more problems than it is worth in my opinion.
all the best.
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Ron or Susan Denis
Sent: 13 May 2005 1:06
To: PC audio discussion list.
Subject: Re: Replay Radio Driver Question
Larry, now that I think about it, there is a setting that starts
replay-radio when windows starts and I believe minimizes it to the
This can be changed in the settings section which is found in the main
near the end of choices.  When the program starts, shift tab about
three or
four times and you should get to settings.  Hit the spacebar, when you
I believe the choice of starting replay-radio when windows starts is
in the
"general" tab of that menu I think.  I never thought of this as I keep
like this unchecked as a rule and did it so long ago I'd forgotten
about the
Ron Denis
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Re: Total recorder 5.2 question

2005-06-04 Thread Joanne
How do we get this registry patch?  I also have XP and am still not sure how 
my settings should be or if I'm just plain not doing something right, but 
when I've attempted to record sometimes I get background sounds and a couple 
times I've actually been able to record without any other computer sounds or 
software speech.  I'm still not sure how to sue this program but if I could 
obtain a patch it may help.  Thanks for any help. 

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registry patch/Re: Total Recorder comments

2005-07-16 Thread Joanne
   Dean or anyone else who might know:  I think I do need that patch 
because Jaws sometimes does seem to get in my recordings.  It could be I'm 
not checking something right in t.r.--not sure--but would like to know how 
to get this patch.  I tried emailing High Criteria once and they sent some 
form letter about filing a bug report, and I wasn't sure exactly what they 
meant since I thought I'd explained the problem in my email.  Is there a 
phone number or some other way to contact them to request this patch?


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total recorder/software or sound board options

2005-10-07 Thread Joanne
I really hope someone can help.  I am not interested in necessarily always 
having total recorder go online to find a certain URL when doing many of my 
recordings.  In fact what I'm wanting to do is record a lot of programs from 
stations in winamp library, or to even open winamp and start another winamp 
stream myself and then get t.r. started.  A friend advised that, since I'm not 
going online and typing in a particular stream, that I just record my winamp 
station shows with sound board option rather than with software option under 
recording source and parameters.  Is this correct, or should it still remain on 
software when recording through winamp or another player on my system?  Thanks 
for any input. 
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Re: Total recorder 5.2

2005-10-11 Thread Joanne
Rusty, when you use the sound board what are your settings on?  I was told to 
put it on wave and I guess that works for awhile, or maybe the setting has 
nothing to do with what I'm about to tell you.  But when I record from sound 
board and set the timer and open winamp to get my stream, after an hour or 
maybe 2 winamp starts sticking like an old record might do.  It locks up in the 
same spot but of course t.r. continues recording.  I'm thinking it could be my 
driver doesn't like playing the stream and recording at the same time or 
something.  In order to stop this I can't close any windows; I must alt control 
delete and end the winamp task so wonder if sound card is overloaded or if 
doing something different could prevent this.  But just wondered how you set 
yours and if you've ever run across this.  Believe me I don't like the t.r. 
driver and the way it takes over my system so if you have any ideas about using 
t.r. with sound board and without its driver I'd appreciate it.  Thanks.
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Re: questions regarding total recorder scheduler

2005-10-18 Thread Joanne
Marty I don't know if this will help, but on the scheduler there are several 
pages.  You were on the first page, where you schedule the time and name of 
your recording.  I don't know the window eyes command but with jaws it's 
control tab; I have to control tab to get to the streaming page and it is there 
that you can type in the URL.  Then when you have your information typed in 
you'd again find that first page with the time setting and make sure all is set 
and apply your scheduled recording.
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Re: Winamp book mark?

2005-10-21 Thread Joanne
Hi.  You would hit alt f together for file menu; then the letter b by itself.  
Alt f and then b takes you to the bookmarks sub-menu and you can either enter 
or right-arrow right there and go down the list and find your bookmark.  Hope 
this helps.
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Re: VLC media Player

2005-10-25 Thread Joanne
I would also like to know how to work this player.  I can't get it to do 
anything and don't know the key commands to tell it to play my files.  Is there 
a tutorial or some type of help file with this player?
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some dvd's not going to next track when pressing next

2005-10-26 Thread joanne
I'm still in the process of finding the most accessible DVD-watching program; 
using jaws and XP home.  I am trying to learn power DVD and the VLC player, and 
they both have some advantages and drawbacks as far as accessibility.  But one 
thing that happened on one of my TV episode DVD's is:  no matter what I do it 
won't go to next episode, with either program, whether I press next or the 
actual number of the chapter.  Is there a better and easier program than either 
of these 2, or are some of these DVD's just not set up to go to the next 
chapter or episode without some sort of mouse command that I'm not aware of?  
I'd appreciate any thoughts.
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Re: some dvd's not going to next track when pressing next

2005-10-26 Thread joanne
Jamie, I have tried opening all my DVD's in windows media player but it keeps 
saying the program has encountered an error and needs to close.  I'm wondering: 
 with windows media should something in visualizations be checked or could I 
possibly need another video plug-in to make it work in media player?  Thanks 
for any thoughts.
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real alternative volume controls

2006-06-06 Thread joanne
I have real alternative or media player classic, but I don't know how, with 
Jaws, to raise and lower the volume.  There is a context menu and it says 
volume up and down but nothing seems to happen.  I guess I'm wondering, 
since it's hard to find hot keys with real alternative, if I should just go 
ahead and get real 10.  I hesitate to do so because of 2 things:  one, it 
may try taking over as default and I want Winamp as default; and two, the 
"message center" thing has popped up in the past and I don't know how to get 
rid of it.  Just wondering what those who have used both Real-type players 

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Re: Replay Converter!

2006-06-12 Thread joanne
Brent, I converted several MPEG video files to MP3 with Replay Converter. 
Not knowing a lot about real technical things I'm not sure what you mean by 
"batch file," but I had several MPEG's on my system that I wanted to take 
video off of, and it did this beautifully. 

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what are RAR files and how to play them

2006-06-23 Thread joanne
I downloaded something I wanted to hear but it says it's a RAR file, and 
none of my 3 players will play it.  I did a Web search and it says you have 
to have some sort of extraction program to play these, but I was 
unsuccessful trying to use the demo of one they suggested.  Can these be 
played at all or is there a workaround with Win Zip?  If anyone knows how I 
can get these to play I'd appreciate any help. 

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Re: problem with mp3 files

2006-08-09 Thread joanne
Allison, have you tried pressing the right mouse key instead of the enter 
key?  Sometimes doing this will bring up a save target as box and you can 
download this way.  Hope this helps. 

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please help/problems with replay AV 8.03

2007-01-10 Thread joanne
Hoping Petro or someone else who is using Replay 8.03 can shed some light on 
why I'm having trouble using it.  One big problem that I can't solve (and 
this is pretty important) is that I can't open a show in my list to set a 
time to record.  In other words, if I'm on a program in my shows list the 
enter key does nothing at all.  Any ideas as to what else I can do to get 
the show's schedule page to open?  This has happened both times I've 
installed the program; then if I go back to 7 I can hit enter on a show just 
fine and it opens the schedule page just fine.

The other thing I'm wondering is, when trying to use my TV tuner card I keep 
getting warning messages about not having the latest Quiktime player.  I 
don't know what this has to do with using my TV card (which is an ATI) but 
nothing records until this warning is shown at least 5 times and I've hit 
the "get it now" button at least that many times.

Hope someone can help. 

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Re: replay 8.03

2007-01-10 Thread joanne
Roger, I know what you're referring to and it's called Win Cap.  Replay 8 
asks if you want to install this Win Cap thing, and quite honestly I don't 
know what it is or if it's really needed.  I installed it anyway because I 
thought I had to, but I too am wondering what this is and if it's really 
needed.  Hope someone more knowledgeable can clue us in. 

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please help/need a tv card that works with jaws

2007-02-02 Thread joanne
I am looking for accessible TV tuning software so I can watch TV on my 
computer.  My old ATI software is no longer working and unfortunately we 
don't know where original disc is; plus I've had a lot of trouble with it 
giving me error messages on startup.  Does anyone know of a good TV tuning 
package, and if possible could this be downloaded from the Net so I could 
get it right away?  Thanks. 

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accessible tv tuning software with jaws

2007-02-03 Thread joanne
Hope someone can help.  I had a TV card but it no longer works, so am 
needing to start over.  I would like to buy software that is accessible with 
Jaws for watching my cable channels on the computer.  If possible I'd like 
to be able to just download this software from the Net and then back it up 
myself.  Does anyone have any good ideas for a TV tuner?  Thanks. 

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tv tuning software that works with jaws

2007-02-03 Thread joanne
First of all, I'll apologize ahead of time if this message comes through 3 
times, but I have been having trouble sending mail to this group.  So hoping 
this one works and that you won't have to deal with a couple duplicates.

I am looking for accessible TV tuning software so I can watch TV on my
computer.  My old ATI software is no longer working and unfortunately we
don't know where original disc is; plus I've had a lot of trouble with it
giving me error messages on startup.  Does anyone know of a good TV tuning
package, and if possible could this be downloaded from the Net so I could
get it right away?  Thanks.

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windows media player equalizer

2004-04-30 Thread Joanne
Does anyone know how to use the windows media player equalizer and how to
find it?  Thanks.


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kazaa won't connect

2004-05-05 Thread Joanne
I have tried installing kazaalite resurrection several times and even though
it opens (and even though I'm constantly connected with cable modem) it
keeps saying "kazaa is not connected when doing a search.  Do I need to set
something differently in the wizard?


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problems with volume and distortion

2004-06-02 Thread Joanne
First, no matter how many times I set volume the play control volume keeps
going to zero instead of staying at 50%.

Second, when the PC is turned up (even a little) there's a bad humming sound
and Jaws is distorted.  I checked my speakers and it doesn't look to me like
there's really a short; just this hum and this speech distortion.  I've
re-started and tried Jaws 4 and 5, and whether playing music or reading
there's a hiss when turned down and this sound when turning up the volume
that sounds like when someone's talking into a mike and gets feedback.  Is
there a place, maybe in programs, that should be looked at as far as PC
sound?  Thanks.


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setting the speed in nero and keeping it there

2004-06-06 Thread Joanne
I want to burn my CD's at a slightly slower speed than the maximum, which is
what Nero is set at.  I thought I had lowered it and it did lower for that
session, but apparently I didn't set it right and it goes back to 40x.
Maybe I'm going to the wrong spot to change the speed permanently, so could
someone give me instructions as to how to do this?  Thanks.


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saving speed settings in nero

2004-06-06 Thread Joanne
How can I save the setting for the speed at which I want my CD's to burn?  I
set one for that particular session but it keeps going back to the maximum
speed as default.  Thanks.


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volume leveling in windows media player

2004-06-26 Thread Joanne
I hope someone can help.  I know there are plug-ins in winamp to level
volume but right now I'm using WMP and wondered if there's such a plug-in in
WMP that will keep volume at relatively the same level with each song.  I
know you've discussed something about "normalize" plug-in that can be
downloaded but I don't understand how to use it and thus it won't work.  So
does WMP itself have a plug-in for this purpose?


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hope it's not off-topic--fixing music files

2004-08-24 Thread Joanne
I hope I'm writing to the list and please direct me if this isn't on topic.
I have a music folder that I have put in alphabetical order by song.  I use
Winamp as my player and when opening some files the window may say "no
artist" or it may even give the wrong artist.  I know sometimes when
downloading music the person who has the song may misname it or give it the
wrong artist's name.  Is there a way, using Jaws and XP, to correct this?  I
know how to rename a song--with f2.  But is there a property or something I
can go into where I can rename the artist and even album title from where
the song came?  Thanks for any feedback.


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playing mp3's in real player or making it default player

2004-09-18 Thread Joanne
I have several players and know how to make them the default, but I was 
curious about Real player.  I know some people say it's not real accessible 
but I wanted to hear some of my music in Real Player 10 to test its sound 
quality.  So 2 things:  (1) can I somehow get Real to play one of my songs 
by using something on the menu and not necessarily making Real the default? 
(2) If not, how do I make it the default and then cancel it as default if I 
want to later?  Using XP home, Jaws 5.10 and IE 6.  Thanks.


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cannot find file types in windows media player 10

2004-09-21 Thread Joanne
With Media Player 9 you could use the tools and options menu to go to your 
file types page and there were 11 items you could check or uncheck.  These 
would be things like "play mp3's and "play CD's," etc.  With Media Player 10 
when you go to the file types page you are shown 400 or so items that are 
very unfamiliar sounding.  Is this player accessible as far as bringing up 
that smaller list we had in Media 9, or is there a different way to do this 
instead of going to file types?  If not, where can windows media 9 be 
downloaded?  There are a couple websites for the blind but when I go to 
download media 9 it says the page cannot be displayed.  Also under file 
types, instead of saying player page and library page, etc. the pages where 
you control tab sound like the pages you get in the folder types menu under 
display in my computer.  So actually no pages come up that are windows media 
specific when you go to tools and options.  Thanks for any feedback.


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still having menu problems with media player 10

2004-09-21 Thread Joanne
When I open media player 10 it automatically gives me a list, saying not 
selected icons, one of 19.  Media 9 never did this and it's still not 
working correctly with the alt t and then o for options menu.  When I hit 
alt t and then o it does not, as in media 9, bring up the player page, 
library page, etc.  It brings up general page, as if I were in properties 
instead of options.  I tried so hard to get rid of it but it won't let me 
because I'd like to go back to media player 9.  I hope someone has 


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opening media player 10/how to get rid of the list

2004-09-25 Thread Joanne
When opening media player 9 it just says "windows media player".  When 
opening media player 10 it says "not selected icons, skins, visualizations, 
migrate," etc.  There are 19 items and also you cannot make the alt t and o 
for options list work as long as this annoying list is there.  Should 
something be configured in the player so I don't have to see this list upon 
opening the player?  The alt t and o, as long as this list is around, does 
not bring you to the player page, etc.  It takes you instead to "folder 
options" and "general page" as if in a properties menu.


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how to get enhanced CD to play correctly

2004-10-15 Thread Joanne
I received a CD and at first my daughter thought it was a DVD because of the
way it started and the pictures, etc., on the screen.  But it's probably an
enhanced CD--sort of acting like a DVD and audio CD by the images she was
describing.  Well it opens in internet explorer and says it has 8 links; it
also starts at midpoint and plays a little of that track repeatedly till I
close out of it.  Operating Windows XP home and Jaws 5.10.  There doesn't
seem to be a play or track link to get it to start at the beginning, and
besides I don't want internet explorer to open the disc.  My other audio
CD's open in Media Player but this one does not.  I can open Winamp and
arrow down to play but I'd like to be able to have it open in one player or
the other without it going to I.E.  It also never gave that option of "open
with" and a list view.  Any ideas?


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enhanced CD starts in IE

2004-10-15 Thread Joanne
If anyone knows how to make an enhanced CD start with one of my players
instead of opening in IE please let me know.  My other discs don't do this
but my new one starts in IE and doesn't start at the beginning as it should.
There's also no option given to open in media player or winamp or whatever.


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trouble with live 365

2004-10-17 Thread Joanne
If I log into live I am recognized, but I find that website
difficult to get around so I want to play stations from Bill Sparks' site.
As I said live 365 itself recognizes my user name, but when I go to play a
station on Bill's website there's a little recording that says I have to
sign in or register with live 365.  I'd be glad to sign in on Bill's site if
I could find a place to do this, so that site recognizes my live 365 user
name.  But I don't see one and don't know how to get the Sparks site to
recognize that I'm signed up with the service.  Thanks for any input.


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real player and live 365 player volume problems with jaws

2004-10-18 Thread Joanne
With Winamp and Windows Media Player you can raise and lower the volume and
Jaws' volume is not at all affected.  But in Real Player and with the live
365 player the volume cannot be raised or lowered without Jaws' volume doing
the same thing.  In fact, what's really annoying is when I start listening
to a file in either of these players; right at startup the volume lowers and
I have to every single time go into my volume controls and raise them to 100
percent.  Is there a way to fix this?

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Re: real player and live 365 player volume problems with jaws

2004-10-18 Thread Joanne
Thanks Gary.  I'll try that.

- Original Message - 
From: "Gary Wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 12:13 PM
Subject: Re: real player and live 365 player volume problems with jaws

> Hi Joanne.  If you like, you can go toWhitestick.CO.UK, and download the
> Real Alternative.  This will allow you to listen to streams that they say
> requires Real Player, but with Real Alternative, you don't have to even go
> into the Real Player.  I hope this helps.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Joanne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "pc-audio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 8:33 AM
> Subject: real player and live 365 player volume problems with jaws
> > With Winamp and Windows Media Player you can raise and lower the volume
> > and
> > Jaws' volume is not at all affected.  But in Real Player and with the
> > 365 player the volume cannot be raised or lowered without Jaws' volume
> > doing
> > the same thing.  In fact, what's really annoying is when I start
> > to a file in either of these players; right at startup the volume lowers
> > and
> > I have to every single time go into my volume controls and raise them to
> > 100
> > percent.  Is there a way to fix this?
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2004-10-24 Thread Joanne
My friend has even reinstalled Windows Media Player and we have gone to file 
types and selected all types and still it won't play mp3's or stations on 
the net specifically requiring Media Player.  The player does open but no 
sound.  Her other players work but these are Media Player-specific stations 
and we just can't get them to play.  Any thoughts? 

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making a data backup disc with different types of files

2004-11-12 Thread Joanne
I want to start making data discs and I use Nero, so to do this I know I 
make an ISA c.d. that will hold more data than an audio.  But my music 
folder has lots of WMA files as well as WAV files and mp3's.  If I were to 
make a data disc with these different file extensions would the disc play on 
an mp3 player?  Or will it only play certain tracks, those being the ones 
with the mp3 extension?  Thanks for any help. 

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jaws not reading list of copied songs in WMP

2004-11-14 Thread Joanne
I like to copy full albums into windows media library, so of course the c.d.
starts in media player.  This happens using media 9 or 10, by the way.  Also
am operating XP home with SP 2 and using Jaws 5.10.  In the past, while
songs were being copied, you could arrow down through the list and see which
ones were copied and which were not.  For example, Jaws said "1, checkbox
not checked; 2 checkbox not checked," etc.  Now when copying Jaws just says
"1 of 12" and doesn't show the entire list.  It is showing on the screen as
verified by a sighted person, but I cannot read the list.  Any suggestions? 

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Re: jaws not reading list of copied songs in WMP

2004-11-14 Thread Joanne
Frank, yes this is exactly what it's supposed to do and it's done it this 
way before.  But now it just says "1 of 10" or whatever and when you arrow 
down it doesn't read 2, 3, etc.  In other words it reads the numbered track 
you're on but you can't scroll through the whole track list to see what's 
checked or not.  When the c.d. is almost finished copying only then can you 
see every song in your list and what's checked or unchecked.  But during 
most of the copying you only see the song you're on.

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Re: FOOBAR 2000

2004-11-15 Thread Joanne
Also is the player free or do you have to purchase?

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is there a jaws-accessible listening site for albums

2004-11-17 Thread Joanne
I am planning to purchase a new album and it's in fact on its way via mail, 
but can I preview it at a Jaws-accessible site?  Using XP home and Jaws 
5.10.  Thanks. 

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how do you make foobar 2000 default

2004-11-17 Thread Joanne
I am just experimenting to see if I like Foobar but it won't stay drault. 
Please help. 

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accessible MP3 player

2007-12-03 Thread Joanne
I would like some info on the MP3 player people were talking about that can be 
used independently by blind people.  If there is a tutorial or any other info 
please direct me to this, as I am looking for one that I can put my songs on 
and travel with.  I don't know how many gigs this player holds or much about it 
at all, so would appreciate any help.


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for those who have the victor reader

2007-12-08 Thread Joanne
Haven't been following threads on this because I didn't have one, but I'm 
getting one soon and need to know some things about it.  First, will this come 
with accessible instructions?  Second, is there a tutorial on it somewhere so I 
can learn in detail what to do and how to operate it?  If not then I'll have 
lots of questions for the group (smile), but just wondered if there's a good 
tutorial.  And if someone can tell me this, how much music or about how many 
gigs is on the SD card provided?  Thanks.

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for those familiar with the legend channels

2008-08-02 Thread Joanne
I have been listening to The Legend and Country Legend on Bill Sparks' site, 
but am wondering if anyone knows where a schedule can be found for when each 
deejay's show is on.  Thanks.


Jonathan Mosen List Founder
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[EMAIL PROTECTED] help/converting books to MP3

2008-09-04 Thread Joanne
First, I wasn't sure which to download--Audible Download Manager or Audible 
Manager--when purchasing my first book.  Not being sure I first downloaded 
Audible Download Manager but found it confusing and wasn't sure where in Media 
Player to find my file or how even to get into the player itself.  So I 
downloaded Audible Manager, which is on desktop and it says you can use its 
player or Windows Media.  Well I did get it to play with the Audible player and 
I do like the way it continues from where you left off when you re-open Audible 
Manager.  But I don't know the hot keys as far as forwarding, rewinding and 
using volume on this player and wouldn't mind help there.

But what I'd also like help with is being able to somehow convert Audible books 
into MP3's so they can be played in Winamp.  I know that somehow they convert 
to small files and these files end in mid-sentence, but I do prefer Winamp and 
am hoping someone can show me how to convert books to MP3.



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how to find name of DVD disc

2008-11-09 Thread Joanne
Using Jaws and XP, is there any way at all to read the name and disc number of 
the DVD disc in my disc drive?  I went into "my computer" and the drive name, 
and with some DVD's I notice it does give me the title but with others it 
simply says "DVD drive E or F"--whichever one I happen to be using.  I have a 
whole set of discs for a TV series and they're in a spindle-type thing, so it's 
hard to make absolutely sure I've got the right disc in when using DVD Audio 
Extractor.  I don't know if perhaps maybe DVD Audio Extractor may have a way of 
finding the exact title or not, but thought I'd pose the question.  Thanks for 
any help.


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2013-10-27 Thread joanne
My sighted daughter helped me set up Pandora and she was able to add artists to 
an already created station.  I was informed about the Hope program and I 
installed it, but I don't see an option for adding another artist to my 
station.  Can this not be done using Hope?

Another Hope question:  do I have to open both Hope and Pandora to use Pandora? 
 I opened just Hope and it does play my stations, but I didn't know if I should 
also open Pandora to, say, add artists or do other things.

Thank you.  Love the program and hope someone can help.
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a replay 8.43 guide error

2014-08-09 Thread joanne
This has recently presented itself when either looking for a specific podcast 
by writing its name in the form field, and when I do the enter XML option with 
Replay 8.43.  I can't get any podcasts because it tells me there is an error in 
line 54.  This is stated every time I look for any podcast, and I'm not sure 
what this line 54 thing is all about.  Do any replay users know what this error 
means and how I can fix it?

Thanks for your assistance.


jaws friendly program for cutting out commercials

2014-09-15 Thread joanne
I have heard of and actually have MP3 Direct Cut--probably a very old 
version--but am not sure if this program will do what I want, and if it does 
I'm not sure exactly how to do this.  Is there a good and simple program which 
will help me to remove commercials and to then join the file back together 
minus the commercials?  I have heard the MP3 direct recording but am not real 
sure how to make markers, etc., so if someone has an easier solution I would 
appreciate info.


what are compression settings as in setting compression with winamp plug-ins?

2015-02-14 Thread joanne
With Audiostocker and Rock Steady, both of which I use, there's a set 
compression area and one thing says like 18 db and then flat db or something, 
and another box says soft compression, hard or very hard.  What do all these 
things mean?  Is the sound more distorted with, say hard compression and what 
are the other boxes with the 18 db and flat db talking about?  What differs in 
the sound quality when changing settings?

Thanks for any help.

cannot merge files with either MP3 direct cut or MP3 merger

2009-02-26 Thread Joanne
I wanted to put several chapters of a show into one whole show, but when I use 
MP3 Merge it only puts one file in the output folder; doesn't recognize the 
other files in the selected group.  I could be missing a step there so if 
anyone knows what I might be doing wrong please let me know.

I also have MP3 Direct Cut, but I can't find the append to file in menus 
anywhere.  It might be a newer version and this got removed, I don't know.  
Would I be better off getting an older version of this?  Just wondering how to 
do this or if there's an even better program for joining MP3's.


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need help installing audiostocker plug-in

2009-10-31 Thread Joanne
I needed to reinstall Winamp and need to add my DSP plug-ins, and the one I 
like best is Audiostocker.  But this is a zip file which doesn't have an e.x.e. 
selection, so I'm not sure how to install this.  Can someone either point me to 
an e.x.e., rather than a zip version of this plug-in?  Or can someone instruct 
me as to how to install the zip version?  Thanks.
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is media center available for XP home?

2010-01-02 Thread joanne
I was told Media Center works great for tuning into and recording TV 
programs, and I do have a Windows 7 computer that I see has Media Center. 
But my regular computer, which is being repaired, has XP Home and I've been 
told Media Center isn't available for XP Home.  We're trying to figure out 
how the scheduler works in the TV card itself, but I was hoping somehow 
Media Center could be used on the XP computer since it seems to be 
accessible with Jaws from what I've heard.  Just wondered if someone could 
verify whether or not it can be used with XP Home.

If not, I could put the card in my Windows 7 computer that has Media Center, 
but does anyone know of an easily-accessed TV card I could use with XP for 
recording purposes?


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2010-01-08 Thread joanne
Since we're on this topic, I do hope someone will respond to my query.  I 
asked last week but hadn't seen a response, and using Media Center is 
something I'd really like to try.  My concern is getting an inaccessible or 
too graphical TV card, and I want a card for my PC that's easy to install. 
I would prefer a card that plugs into a USB port, and then I'm hoping Media 
Center can take over from there and just find my channels for me.  I can 
teach myself how to use Media Center, but it's the setup and finding the 
easiest way to set things up that I'm needing opinions on.

Thanks for your help.

From: Brett Boyer
Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2010 11:12 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List

Thanks. Actually I've done that and thats what prompted me to ask how
accessible these media center computers are. Especially now with vista and
windows 7
But thanks for the tip! 
- Original Message - 
From: "DJ DOCTOR P" 
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" 
Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2010 8:35 PM

> High Brett,
> Why don't you give the DELL media center computers a look?
> Go to:
> and see what they have their on their website.
> They also have a toll free number, but I don't remember what it is at this
> time.
> My best regards.
>  John.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Brett Boyer" 
> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" 
> Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2010 11:24 AM
>> Hi everyone. I'm looking in to getting a new desktop pc but not really
>> sure where to start. I've been looking at media center computers because
>> I would like to hook up my tv / cable box so I can have some form of
>> control.
>> Any tips or places to go for some information?
>> thanks in advance
>> bb
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how to access track info using Windows Media Player 11

2010-03-09 Thread Joanne
I know there are different modes and menus one can set to hopefully make WMP as 
accessible as possible, but I need help doing so.  I am used to Winamp giving 
me the track title and length, etc., but I can't find this info when playing 
tracks in Media Player.  Using Jaws 10 or 8 with XP Home.  Right now I need to 
use WMP, and I see lots of buttons and menus and possible modes or skins to 
use; but I'd like to know what settings would make it clear-cut and how I can 
find specific info about the currently playing tracks.

Would appreciate any detailed help.  Thanks.
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Re: accessible MP3 players

2010-04-16 Thread Joanne
I saw that there is a manual or guide.  Is this in accessible format or is 
it, like a lot of guides, printed?  Or if it's printed, is there a guide 
somewhere online that we can read when we get the player?
- Original Message - 
From: "glenna burgess" 

To: "PC Audio Discussion List" 
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 2:01 AM
Subject: Re: accessible MP3 players

I got one of these players tonight. It really sounds great! I got the 8 gig 
one. Glenna
- Original Message - 
From: "Johnny Russo" 

Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2010 1:16 PM
Subject: accessible MP3 players

Hello PC-audio friends,

   Accessible Electronics offers 5 MP3 players that are
completely voice output accessible to the blind.  The units are all under
one hundred dollars.  They all have a built in FM radio, which can record
internally, a built in microphone, in case you want to record a lecture, 

they all play a variety of formats, from MP3, to even CD audio.  The web
site is:  There is a link on the site for 
audio demo.  You'll hear Laz Mesa, who is blind, operate one of the 

and you'll hear the synthetic voice announce all menu options.  Hope this

John Russo

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what is bard and where to find it?

2010-04-19 Thread Joanne
I've heard of Bard but don't really know details.  Is this a service where we 
can download talking books without having to have something like a Victor 
Stream?  I would like to know about it and where to sign up, especially if it 
is simply a download of talking books service.  Thanks.
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Re: what is bard and where to find it?

2010-04-19 Thread Joanne
I am looking at the application and using Jaws 10, and it's showing only 2 
libraries--one in Pittsburgh and one in Philadelphia.  I'm not in 
Pennsylvania and don't know where to explain that it would be the Michigan 
library.  I'll call my library later if I need their reference, but just 
wondering if others are getting only 2 choices in the combo box.
- Original Message - 
From: "Christopher Chaltain" 

To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" 
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 6:45 AM
Subject: RE: what is bard and where to find it?

Yes, you can download Digital Talking Books from BARD. You can copy them
onto a blank cartridge which you could use in your Digital Talking Book
Player or you can use a thumb drive and the USB port on the side of the
player. If you're already a borrower in good standing with the NLS than 

can apply for a BARD account at

The BARD Talk web site at is a good source to 

more about BARD. Your state library service is obviously another good


-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of Joanne
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 5:34 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: what is bard and where to find it?

I've heard of Bard but don't really know details.  Is this a service where
we can download talking books without having to have something like a 

Stream?  I would like to know about it and where to sign up, especially if
it is simply a download of talking books service.  Thanks.

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