Re: PESO - Waning Light

2005-02-05 Thread Eactivist
In a message dated 2/4/2005 11:08:24 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

Best regards,
Wow! Nice one, Bruce. It's really hard getting the sun in that position 
(since once there it sinks fast). Nice color.

Marnie aka Doe :-)

Re: OLD Film needs developing

2005-02-05 Thread Lasse Karlsson
From: Jim and Lynn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2005 5:22 PM
Subject: OLD Film needs developing

 Does anyone know where I can get some really old exposed film developed to
 see if any pictures survived?  I found a large number of rolls from years
 ago when my kids were small and would like to see if I can salvage anything.
 Didn't have the money then to get them developed.  Probably still don't!!
 Any help would be appreciated.

Hi Jim,

It would help if you'd tell us exactly what kind of film types we're talking 
about and roughly when years ago was. (Like 5, 10, 20, 30, or 50 years ago...)
(If they are a bit old but still use developing processes in use today, there 
will be many places you can get them processed. If not you may have to look 
Btw. I'm no expert on this, why someone else will have to step in to give you 
better advice.

Good luck!


Re: PESO -- Portraits

2005-02-05 Thread Eactivist
In a message dated 2/4/2005 11:33:07 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
Girl Revisited...
(Well I struck up a conversation and got a very tight head shot)
Technical Information:
Pentax *ist-D ISO 800 Shutter speed 1/10sec
Vivitar Series 1 35-85mm f2.8 varifocal @85mm f2.8.

I was getting out of my car on the way to the post office and this kid 
asked if he could take my picture.  I said sure
if I could take one of him.  Turned out he was a student at the local 
community college taking a combined art and photography
course.  So without further ado here 's Sony Boy:
Technical Information:
Pentax *ist-D iso 200 Shutter Speed 1/45sec.
smc Pentax-F 70-210mm f4.0~5.6 @70mm f5.6

Finally here's a guy with a brand new haircut, and an attitude...
Technical Information:
Pentax *ist-D iso 800 Shutter Speed 1/45sec.
smc Pentax FA 20-35mm f4.0 @35mm f4.0
Canon Girl Revisited doesn't do much for me. I think because of the shallow 
DOF -- a lot isn't in focus and it makes it too distracting. (Of course, it 
might be because of the constant Canon shooter bashing, I don't know. I can't 
claim to be impartial.)

Sony Boy is fun (boy, that's a small PS!). And I really like Haircut with an 
Attitude. The best of the lot, IMHO. 

Keep on portraiting... I think you are getting there. (Hope that doesn't 
sound condescending -- I have nothing to condescend about. :-))

IMHO, also, students are good subjects for shots. I keep wanting to get a 
group shot of all the kids at the local junior college on their cell phones. I 
should go out someday and just plunk myself down in the student quad and see if 
I can get some. (See if they start ignoring the camera.) Never seen so many 
cell phones per square foot in my life.

Marnie aka Doe :-)

Re: OLD Film needs developing

2005-02-05 Thread pnstenquist
If it's 35mm film, you can take it to any decent lab. If it's ssomething odd 
like 127 or 126, you'll have to find a lab that specializes in processing old 
film types. I would search the web. If it's black and white film, I'd ask the 
lab to push it one stop (overdevelop it). If it's color, I'd proabably take my 
chances with normal processing. I tried developing a fifty year old roll of 
verichrome pan 120 that was probably exposed. It turned out to be completely 
black, but for all I know the camera might have been opened at some time.  Good 

 Does anyone know where I can get some really old exposed film developed to
 see if any pictures survived?  I found a large number of rolls from years
 ago when my kids were small and would like to see if I can salvage anything.
 Didn't have the money then to get them developed.  Probably still don't!!
 Any help would be appreciated.

AW: PESO - Waning Light

2005-02-05 Thread Michael Heim
I thought you'd worked a lot on this picture, but as you wrote you
Looks somehow unreal. Too beautiful to be real...


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Mark Cassino [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Gesendet: Samstag, 5. Februar 2005 16:47
Betreff: Re: PESO - Waning Light

Nice shot - the subtle colors in the sunset are excellent.

I also really liked the fountain shot you had elsewhere in your

The ATX 400 f5.6 must of been a good find - I have one but it was hard
locate and that was within a few months of their being discontinued.
been quite happy with the results gotten with it and the *ist-D - the
factor' makes for a nice, portable, 600mm equivalent.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mark Cassino Photography
Kalamazoo, MI
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Original Message - 
From: Bruce Dayton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2005 2:07 AM
Subject: PESO - Waning Light

 It's been a while since I last posted one.  I've been quite busy with 
 work - not too busy to take some pictures, but haven't had time to get

 any posted.

 Today as the sun was setting, I stepped outside my home office and saw

 this sight.  Went right back in and got the camera.

 Taken with *istD, Tokina AT-X 400/5.6 AF (newly acquired), set on a 
 stone wall for support.

 The image was converted in C1 and about 10% color saturation added - 
 no other changes other than sizing/sharpening for the web.

 Best regards,


Re: PESO - Swim Meet

2005-02-05 Thread Eactivist
In a message dated 2/4/2005 6:49:34 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
I like to shoot landscapes, bugs, and birds - but hey, the occasional 
bi-pedal amphibious hominid is also fair game!

Shot with the *ist-D and Sigma 70-200. It's not perfect - the focal plane is 
a little in front of his nose - but I like how it captures the drive and 

-  MCC
Nice departure for you, Mark. Good action capture. Like the water droplets 
and the expression.

Marnie aka Doe 

Re: OT: safe place from which to download spyware cleaner

2005-02-05 Thread Eactivist
Major Geeks is a good place to start for doing research and for links to 
several popular spyware programs.

I have Ad-Aware SE (think that has been mentioned) and Spybot installed on my 
machine. Pretty sure there is a link for Spybot at Major Geeks.

HTH, Marnie aka Doe 

Re: First PESO

2005-02-05 Thread Eactivist
In a message dated 2/4/2005 6:01:31 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

Comments welcome, of course.

Thanks to whichever list member made me aware of fotocommunity.


I agree with Bruce, it seems soft, but not offensively so. Nice combo of 
textures and color. In fact, it makes me want to see more.

Marnie aka Doe  (I should get me to a mission.)

Re: PESO: Spit to Manly walk

2005-02-05 Thread Eactivist
In a message dated 2/4/2005 1:32:03 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
Hmm...didn't realize my ISP server was case sensitive. Anyway, that link 

Interesting shot (re middle one -- Zenitar) -- thanks for sharing. Is the 
lower one shot with the 77 limited too?

Marnie aka Doe 

Re: My First GESO: Fun with a Fisheye-Takumar 18mm f11

2005-02-05 Thread Eactivist
In a message dated 2/5/2005 12:28:09 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

Conclusion: this is a fun lens, due to its compactness (it's essentially a 
pancake lens), but not particularly good for digital photography.  With good 
ol' Tri-X, however, it produced some really cool artistic effects.  I'm 
going to have to shoot a couple more rolls and see what I can get from it.

John Celio
Like the one of Bonanza Street Books, nice reflection of stores in window. 
Distortion works well in that shot.

You, know I was just in Reed's yesterday. Wonder if you were there?

John, one tinsy winsy little suggestion -- when you put up more than one shot 
it's nice if each one, in non-thumbnail view, has little arrows or something 
so you can go back and forward between shots. It's pain to have to keep going 
back to the index page to click on thumbnails to see them all. So I admit, I 
stopped after about three. 

Just trying to be helpful.

Later, Marnie aka Doe 

Re: To Ann

2005-02-05 Thread Eactivist
In a message dated 2/4/2005 7:38:21 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
My pleasure.  I don't seem to have any trouble with missing messages - just 
huge numbers of duplicates for some reason

I've been getting a few duplicates lately too -- in the last 2-3 days. Not 
sure I am missing any messages any more, in fact.

I'd much prefer duplicates to missing, so not complaining -- at all.

Marnie aka Doe :-)

French on-line dealers

2005-02-05 Thread Peter Smekal
Has anyone any experience of ordering stuff on-line from France. My
impression is that they do not bother answering mail in English. Any dealer
you could recommend?

RE: French on-line dealers

2005-02-05 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Stuff encompasses a very large group of things.  What kind of stuff?


 From: Peter Smekal 

 Has anyone any experience of ordering stuff on-line from France. My
 impression is that they do not bother answering mail in English. Any
 you could recommend?

Re: First PESO

2005-02-05 Thread John Forbes
I like this picture, too.  Subtle colouring, nice framing, and it leaves  
you wondering about the rest of the building.

On Sat, 5 Feb 2005 11:29:38 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In a message dated 2/4/2005 6:01:31 PM Pacific Standard Time,
Comments welcome, of course.
Thanks to whichever list member made me aware of fotocommunity.

I agree with Bruce, it seems soft, but not offensively so. Nice combo of
textures and color. In fact, it makes me want to see more.
Marnie aka Doe  (I should get me to a mission.)

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Re: Film Hardeners

2005-02-05 Thread Mark Cassino
I don't know if this is the same film as Forte - I got it from, and don't think that they have ever disclosed who the 
original manufacturer is.  The response to my email from the people at the site was that the company was insolvent and hoped to start 
production again.

I only used the 120 film, and it had no writing or imprint along the edge - 
I got the best results exposing it at ISO 100.  I often used a yellow/green 
X1 filter with it when shooting foliage, and found that it needed an extra 
bump in the exposure - a 3 stop increase as opposed to a 2 stop increase - 
with this filter. It also had rather poor reciprocity features, and I found 
that I had to start adjusting the exposure for times of 2 seconds or longer.

Nonetheless, I got really outstanding results developing this in HC110 or 
Rodinal.  My standard became HC 110, Dil H, 17 minutes with very gentle 
agitation every 3 minutes for the first 12, then agitation every 2 minutes, 
and once in the last minute.  When it all came together the level of detail 
and tonal range was just fabulous.  I've experimented a bit with Tri-X and a 
lot with APX-100.  I can get close to the same results with APX 100, but 
never quite the same tonal range and shadow detail.  I suspect that the very 
short developing times for the new Tri-X and HC110 will keep me from ever 
getting the same from it - at least with HC110.

In terms of the hardener - this film tended to curl, with hardener or not. 
It was easy to scratch the emulsion when hanging it or pulling it out of the 
spool, so I went with a hardening fixer. Since it was all was shooting for a 
while, I just mixed up the fixer with the hardener and left it at that.

Cheers -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mark Cassino Photography
Kalamazoo, MI
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Original Message - 
From: Frantisek [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mark Cassino
Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2005 9:22 AM
Subject: Re: Film Hardeners

Saturday, February 5, 2005, 4:35:31 AM, Mark wrote:
MC Last year I really fell in love with Classic Pan 200, and shot a ton 
of it.
MC It hasn't been available for several months.  In response to a recent 
MC to, I've learned that the company that makes it is 
MC hopes to be back,maybe will be in the spring.

Is it the one made by Forte in Hungary?
We bought some bulk from Forte two years ago (we=group of
photographers doing digital commercially but interested in old films
for personal pleasure). What we wanted was the 400 version but they
had a badly labeled batch of 200 they sent us in error. Of course upon
densitometry and other tests we found out, and it really was a mistake
on their part, as they offered an instant remedy, exchanging it for
the 400 and some bonus. So far so good.
It was an interesting film, even the 200 version.
But if they have problems, that's sad. Anybody in Hungary could check
it out, please?
Good light!

Re: PESO - Waning Light

2005-02-05 Thread John Forbes
I also particularly enjoyed the mountain/sky shots, and the scarecrow.

On Sat, 5 Feb 2005 10:47:17 -0500, Mark Cassino [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Nice shot - the subtle colors in the sunset are excellent.
I also really liked the fountain shot you had elsewhere in your  

The ATX 400 f5.6 must of been a good find - I have one but it was hard  
to locate and that was within a few months of their being discontinued.  
I've been quite happy with the results gotten with it and the *ist-D -  
the 'crop factor' makes for a nice, portable, 600mm equivalent.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mark Cassino Photography
Kalamazoo, MI
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Original Message - From: Bruce Dayton  
Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2005 2:07 AM
Subject: PESO - Waning Light

It's been a while since I last posted one.  I've been quite busy with
work - not too busy to take some pictures, but haven't had time to get
any posted.
Today as the sun was setting, I stepped outside my home office and saw
this sight.  Went right back in and got the camera.
Taken with *istD, Tokina AT-X 400/5.6 AF (newly acquired), set on a
stone wall for support.
The image was converted in C1 and about 10% color saturation added -
no other changes other than sizing/sharpening for the web.
-- Best regards,

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Re: [Looking for]

2005-02-05 Thread Wilko Bulte
On Sat, Feb 05, 2005 at 03:44:26PM +0100, Thibouille wrote..
 * SuperA Grip:  Sometimes I'd like to use it without the MotorA and
 without the grip, it is a pain. Anybody having a spare one?
 * MX MotorDrive: I have no idea about the price but I understand they
 are quite rare and expensive. I still need an idea of the price. MX
 winders are everywhere however.

There is one on eBay Germany at the moment.  I think they ask EUR 245.

Too expensive for my taste.  Heh!  But I was lucky last week:
I picked up a very nice MX with 1.7/50 in excellent condition
for (no typo...) EUR 12.50   (that is roughly US$ 15)


Re: Phisheye Phun

2005-02-05 Thread Eactivist
In a message dated 2/4/2005 11:07:57 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

I love fisheyes;  just wait until I learn to use it!  vbg

Really like the first one, frank. Second one is nice too. That is where I 
think the fisheye really soars, nature shots, curvature of the earth, etc. -- 
especially with water.

The bike shot is rather poignant -- very nice. Emotive -- cold abandonment. 
Dead center bothers me a bit, but not too much because of the street shot 
behind. Nice framing.

Strange to see color from you, though. :-)

Marnie aka Doe  I do have to break out my Zenitar one of these days. Sigh. So 
much to shoot and so little time.

Re: OLD Film needs developing

2005-02-05 Thread Butch Black
Paul wrote:
If it's 35mm film, you can take it to any decent lab. If it's something odd 
like 127 or 126, you'll have to find a lab that specializes in processing 
old film types. I would search the web. If it's black and white film, I'd 
ask the lab to push it one stop (overdevelop it). If it's color, I'd 
probably take my chances with normal processing. I tried developing a fifty 
year old roll of verichrome pan 120 that was probably exposed. It turned out 
to be completely black, but for all I know the camera might have been opened 
at some time.  Good luck.

Actually if it's color print film you need to determine if it's C-22 or C-41 
process. If it's c-41 you can try bringing it to any lab. If it's slide film 
(Ektachrome) you need to determine if it is E-2, E-3, E-4, or E-6. E-6 is 
the current process. Kodachrome current process is K-14. If it's a current 
film you can bring it to a lab that does that type of processing. If it's an 
older film you can try Rocky Mountain film labs in Colorado. BW should be 
developable by any good BW lab. MY best guess is that any of the older 
color process films will have lost any latent image by now. The BW is 
definitely worth a try.


(n)ever-ready cases--pro and con?

2005-02-05 Thread Mark Erickson
Anyone know anything regarding the pluses and minuses of storing and using
cameras in ever-ready cases?  Seems like it would help keep paint chips and
scuffing away, but I've also read that leather cases may attract camera



Discontinuement of Film SLR bodies

2005-02-05 Thread Michael T. Foulkes
I was down at the local camera shop the other day and the owner told me 
that Pentax was planning on discontinuing all of their film based 
SLR's.  She said the information came not from her sales rep but from 
another shop owner who is apparently more plugged in to what's going 
on.  Anyone else heard about this?

I'm new to the list, but I did check the archives and couldn't find 

price record?

2005-02-05 Thread Mark Erickson
Anyone else see this auction (now closed)?

$3049 for a suite of 3 lenses: A*135mmF1.8, SMCP15mmF3.5, FA* 24mmF2.
15mmF3.5 lenses are available at several websites for around $800, and a
24mmF2 might go for $300 or so, so I put the A*135mmF1.8 value in this
package at $1900.  Whew!

The bidding looks a little odd, too.


Re: First PESO

2005-02-05 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Hi Joe ... didn't see this post except as when included as a reply.

The photo is a little too soft to make a strong impact.  While the wall of
the building isn't too bad, the foliage growing up (or cascading down)
could really stand to be sharper.  Eliminating, perhaps, the white flower
in the lower left would aid in strengthening the composition.  However,
it's a nice, pleasant shot that offers a good perspective on what could
have been a very cliché shot.


  Comments welcome, of course.

Re: PESO - Waning Light

2005-02-05 Thread Bob W

 Wow! Nice one, Bruce. It's really hard getting the sun in that position
 (since once there it sinks fast).

that's because gravity gets stronger the closer the sun gets to the
horizon, so it starts accelerating.


Re: (n)ever-ready cases--pro and con?

2005-02-05 Thread Paul Stenquist
They're a burden. On a film camera you have to remove it to change 
film. I've never seen one on a digital SLR, but you would have to 
remove it to get at any of the functions on the back or to remove the 
CF card. Never ready cases are for people who leave one roll of film in 
the camera for six months and take four shots at every family event.
On Feb 5, 2005, at 12:36 PM, Mark Erickson wrote:

Anyone know anything regarding the pluses and minuses of storing and 
cameras in ever-ready cases?  Seems like it would help keep paint 
chips and
scuffing away, but I've also read that leather cases may attract camera


Old Film type

2005-02-05 Thread Jim and Lynn
When I said old I really meant OLD!  I can't get it process with the new
equipment.  I have tried.

It's Verichrome Pan 127 Film

Thanks for all the help.


RE: French on-line dealers

2005-02-05 Thread Peter Smekal
Well, I thought about Mousse de Saumon et Câpres, Boeuf Bourguignon, a
bottle of Corton des Clos Faiveley 2002, Crêpes aux Poires, and some
Calvados du Pays d'Auge 8 ans d'âge ...
no just kidding, actually a Pentax *istDs 2004.

Re: RE: French on-line dealers

2005-02-05 Thread John Forbes
As this is a photographic list, a reasonable assumption would be  
photographic equipment.  Of course, the words dealer and stuff might  
refer to something very different, though I doubt it.

On Sat, 5 Feb 2005 09:11:51 -0800, Shel Belinkoff  

Stuff encompasses a very large group of things.  What kind of stuff?

From: Peter Smekal
Has anyone any experience of ordering stuff on-line from France. My
impression is that they do not bother answering mail in English. Any
you could recommend?

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Prices of Pentax Lenses

2005-02-05 Thread Joseph Tainter
I have noticed a sudden increase in pentax prices lately. It can't all
be because of the istDs
A few months after the release of the D there began to be a run on 
Pentax primes. It still continues, and I suspect that DS owners will 
soon try to join in after they decide which zoom to buy. Note that 
Pentax autofocus primes have virtually disappeared from KEH. Here's what 
I think has happened:

1. People who bought the D care about image quality and can afford 
Pentax primes. They began to buy FA primes.

2. Pentax, meanwhile, had stopped production of all, or at least most, 
FA lenses (but maybe not FAJ lenses).

3. Existing stocks began to run out. Look at Pentax USA's web site and 
see how few primes are now listed.

4. Pentax got caught by surprise. It was in the middle of shifting lens 
production to Vietnam and was planning the new DA and D FA lines. Pentax 
did not anticipate that suddenly the old FA primes would be in strong 
demand. Existing stocks have sold out, or nearly so, and they are no 
longer being produced.

5. Nguyen is ill again this winter.
6. Ebay prices began to shoot up.

Re: RE: French on-line dealers

2005-02-05 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Sure, but there's lots of different kinds of photo stuff.  Cameras
(digital and film, small format, medium format, large format), lenses,
cases, tripods, studio gear, flash equipment, memory cards, editing gear,
software ... some dealers may specialize in one area or another, or have
better deals or service for some items.  One might assume that since this
is a Pentax list the question would refer to Pentax gear, but we know
that's not the case since people here use many different brands of gear. 
Let's try not to assume too much ;-))


 From: John Forbesnch on-line dealers

 As this is a photographic list, a reasonable assumption would be  
 photographic equipment.  Of course, the words dealer and stuff might  
 refer to something very different, though I doubt it.


 On Sat, 5 Feb 2005 09:11:51 -0800, Shel Belinkoff  

  Stuff encompasses a very large group of things.  What kind of stuff?

Re: RE: French on-line dealers

2005-02-05 Thread Peter Smekal
Thank you John, for your Gallic response, in between bottles of Beaujolais.
May I congratulate you on your choice of interpreter.

As this is a photographic list, a reasonable assumption would be
photographic equipment.  Of course, the words dealer and stuff might
refer to something very different, though I doubt it.


On Sat, 5 Feb 2005 09:11:51 -0800, Shel Belinkoff

 Stuff encompasses a very large group of things.  What kind of stuff?


 From: Peter Smekal

 Has anyone any experience of ordering stuff on-line from France. My
 impression is that they do not bother answering mail in English. Any
 you could recommend?

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Re: PESO - Waning Light

2005-02-05 Thread Eactivist
In a message dated 2/5/2005 9:50:39 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

 Wow! Nice one, Bruce. It's really hard getting the sun in that position
 (since once there it sinks fast).

that's because gravity gets stronger the closer the sun gets to the
horizon, so it starts accelerating.



That reminds me of cows. We have a lot of foothills in California, some 
fairly steep. On some of the hills cows graze even near the top. They are able 
that without falling off, of course, because on the hill side their two legs 
are shorter. Obviously this means there are left-sided and right-sided cows. 
But, hey, natural adaptation is neat.

My father told me that when I was a kid (except for the last part -- re 
adaptation), and if you are a father, I bet you've told your kids some *real* 

Marnie aka Doe

Re: French on-line dealers

2005-02-05 Thread Bob W

Saturday, February 5, 2005, 5:00:07 PM, Peter wrote:

 Has anyone any experience of ordering stuff on-line from France. My
 impression is that they do not bother answering mail in English. Any dealer
 you could recommend?

do you mean

a) they do not bother to reply if your message is in English, or
b) they reply, but not in English?

I'm just curious. But in any case, if you need anything translating to
or from French, there are plenty of people here who will be happy to


Re: RE: French on-line dealers

2005-02-05 Thread Peter Smekal
Utterly correct, but ... let's say Technikdirekt (Germany) or BH sell
cameras, lenses, cases, tripods, studio gear, flash equipment, memory
cards, editing gear, software ... What about a French equivalent?


Sure, but there's lots of different kinds of photo stuff.

Re: Old Film type

2005-02-05 Thread Keith Whaley
What do you mean, equipment?
New as compared to what?
Did you take a hand loading reel, and try to thread or install 127 film 
in it, and it wouldn't work? Or how new is the equipment. What sort of 
equipment IS it?
I don't think developing reels for 127 film have been made for some 
time, but I could be wrong.
Are you doing it yourself or sending it to a lab/drugstore?

keith whaley
Jim and Lynn wrote:
When I said old I really meant OLD!  I can't get it process with the new
equipment.  I have tried.
It's Verichrome Pan 127 Film
Thanks for all the help.

Re: PESO: Pentax girl

2005-02-05 Thread Joseph Tainter
Very nice, Juan.

Re: DA40 vs M40 (Japanese)

2005-02-05 Thread Joseph Tainter
I can't read Japanese but I did look at the pictures, I really want one 
of those DA lens hoods
for my 40mm M.

How do you squeeze a lens? Does it hurt?

RE: (n)ever-ready cases--pro and con?

2005-02-05 Thread Jens Bladt
Fungus needs moisture AFAIR. So, keep you stuff reasonably dry.
Cameras etc. that have been stored or used under humid conditions should be
taken out of bags etc. to dry. I try to store cameras, lenses etc. on
shelves in a cupboard. Before I go out to photograph, I fill a bag with what
I expect to be using.
That goes for cameras, lenses and flashes. I leave small accessories in the
bag. I try not to leave the stuff in a bag too long. I have one for use when
I drive (Lowepro Reporter) and one for walking/hiking (Lowepro Mini
trecker) - the reporter bag would ruin my back if I walk for a long time.

I only use an eveready bag for short journeys when I want to travel light
and not take a lot of pictures. This will protect the camera from being
bumped around inside my suitcase or bag. I harly ever carry a camera with me
while doing other things - perhaps my Minox. I'd love to buy the new Contax
i4R for my jacket pocket. It's 4MP and even smaller than a cell phone:

Jens Bladt

-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Mark Erickson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 5. februar 2005 18:37
Til: Pentax-Discuss
Emne: (n)ever-ready cases--pro and con?

Anyone know anything regarding the pluses and minuses of storing and using
cameras in ever-ready cases?  Seems like it would help keep paint chips and
scuffing away, but I've also read that leather cases may attract camera



Re: Old Film type

2005-02-05 Thread John Whittingham

John Whittingham


-- Original Message ---
From: Jim and Lynn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sat, 05 Feb 2005 13:04:33 -0500
Subject: Old Film type

 When I said old I really meant OLD!  I can't get it process with the 
 new equipment.  I have tried.
 It's Verichrome Pan 127 Film
 Thanks for all the help.
--- End of Original Message ---

Re: Discontinuement of Film SLR bodies

2005-02-05 Thread John Forbes
It would be more surprising if Pentax were planning to keep producing film  

How many people today are buying new film cameras?  The dwindling ranks of  
film camera users can get second-hand cameras from Ebay at a small  
fraction of the price of a new camera.  The fear that film will become  
hard to get, more expensive, and difficult to have processed, acts as a  
powerful disincentive to spend a lot of money on a new camera.

Far better economics to concentrate resources on a growing market, than  
struggle to prop up a near-dead one.

On Sat, 05 Feb 2005 12:42:50 -0500, Michael T. Foulkes  

I was down at the local camera shop the other day and the owner told me  
that Pentax was planning on discontinuing all of their film based  
SLR's.  She said the information came not from her sales rep but from  
another shop owner who is apparently more plugged in to what's going  
on.  Anyone else heard about this?

I'm new to the list, but I did check the archives and couldn't find  

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Re: Film Hardeners

2005-02-05 Thread Graywolf
Sure they have. The guy that owns JC Photo often posts over on the analog 
photography users group In fact it was one of his posts that told 
what was going on with Forte in Hungry.

Anyone still shooting BW film ought to drop in at and look about, 
there is more information there than you could digest in a month of Sundays (as 
they say).

Idiot Proof == Expert Proof
Mark Cassino wrote:
I don't know if this is the same film as Forte - I got it from, and don't think that they have ever disclosed who the 
original manufacturer is.  The response to my email from the people at 
the site was that the company was insolvent and hoped to 
start production again.

I only used the 120 film, and it had no writing or imprint along the 
edge - I got the best results exposing it at ISO 100.  I often used a 
yellow/green X1 filter with it when shooting foliage, and found that it 
needed an extra bump in the exposure - a 3 stop increase as opposed to a 
2 stop increase - with this filter. It also had rather poor reciprocity 
features, and I found that I had to start adjusting the exposure for 
times of 2 seconds or longer.

Nonetheless, I got really outstanding results developing this in HC110 
or Rodinal.  My standard became HC 110, Dil H, 17 minutes with very 
gentle agitation every 3 minutes for the first 12, then agitation every 
2 minutes, and once in the last minute.  When it all came together the 
level of detail and tonal range was just fabulous.  I've experimented a 
bit with Tri-X and a lot with APX-100.  I can get close to the same 
results with APX 100, but never quite the same tonal range and shadow 
detail.  I suspect that the very short developing times for the new 
Tri-X and HC110 will keep me from ever getting the same from it - at 
least with HC110.

In terms of the hardener - this film tended to curl, with hardener or 
not. It was easy to scratch the emulsion when hanging it or pulling it 
out of the spool, so I went with a hardening fixer. Since it was all was 
shooting for a while, I just mixed up the fixer with the hardener and 
left it at that.

Cheers -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mark Cassino Photography
Kalamazoo, MI
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Original Message - From: Frantisek [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mark Cassino
Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2005 9:22 AM
Subject: Re: Film Hardeners

Saturday, February 5, 2005, 4:35:31 AM, Mark wrote:
MC Last year I really fell in love with Classic Pan 200, and shot a 
ton of it.
MC It hasn't been available for several months.  In response to a 
recent email
MC to, I've learned that the company that makes it is 
MC hopes to be back,maybe will be in the spring.

Is it the one made by Forte in Hungary?
We bought some bulk from Forte two years ago (we=group of
photographers doing digital commercially but interested in old films
for personal pleasure). What we wanted was the 400 version but they
had a badly labeled batch of 200 they sent us in error. Of course upon
densitometry and other tests we found out, and it really was a mistake
on their part, as they offered an instant remedy, exchanging it for
the 400 and some bonus. So far so good.
It was an interesting film, even the 200 version.
But if they have problems, that's sad. Anybody in Hungary could check
it out, please?
Good light!

No virus found in this outgoing message.
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Re: Film Hardeners

2005-02-05 Thread William Robb
- Original Message - 
From: Mark Cassino
Subject: Re: Film Hardeners

Since I re-use the fixer, I don't want to add the hardener to it -
and wind up with hardening fixer that I don;t want to use on APX
after the CP is all gone.
Maybe make up a hardening bath, and harden the film after fixing.
I would rinse the film a bit first to get out the bulk of the fixer,
that way your hardener will stay usable longer.
William Robb

Re: Old Film type

2005-02-05 Thread William Robb
- Original Message - 
From: Jim and Lynn
Subject: Old Film type

When I said old I really meant OLD!  I can't get it process with 
the new
equipment.  I have tried.

It's Verichrome Pan 127 Film
Gives processing times if you want to do it yourself.
I would go with D-76 1:1.
William Robb

RE: flash on *istDs (was: Survey D and DS result)

2005-02-05 Thread Bernd Scheffler
I resume the hints:

- I will fix the sensitivity to ISO200 (or 400).
- I'll try to set the flash compensation to the minus side.
- I will only use lenses of F-type upwards to avoid problems (and avoid
considering them).
Seems that even A-lenses are handled different by the camera: On page 147 of
the manual you can read: Using the flash in TV mode / ... Av mode:
The shutter speed is fixed at 1/180 sec. when lens other than DA, D FA, FA
J, FA or F is used. The built-in flash always discharges fully.
I just tried the FA43/1.9 instead of the A30/2.8 with the built-in flash for
a close-up of a flower and was quite satisfied.


Re: IMATEST comparison of Pentax Photo Laboratory and Adobe Photoshop CS RAW converter

2005-02-05 Thread Jostein
I sent a followup some hours ago, but it didn't make it back to me, so 
here goes again.

There's not enough file space on website to host all the Tiffs at the 
same time, so I have uploaded the ones in the straight folder. I'll 
leave them up until Monday, latest, and then replace them with the 
ones from the straight v2 folder.

Since the first send, I have verified that all the uploads came 
through, and that the link works. :-)

- Original Message - 
Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2005 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: IMATEST comparison of Pentax Photo Laboratory and Adobe 
Photoshop CS RAW converter

File size increased with roughly 3 Mb per picture also. :-)
The PhaseOne C1 RAW has two versions of colour a profile for the 
*istD. I've uploaded 16 bit TIFFs based on the following settings:
Color profile version 1
100% sharpening
whitebalance and exposure unaltered.
film standard response curve (default of C1)
straight v2:
Colour profile version 2
100% sharpening
whitebalance and exposure unaltered.
film standard response curve (default of C1)

adjusted v2:
Colour profile version 2
250% sharpening
automatic setting of whitebalance and exposure,
linear response response curve.
The images will remain until Tuesday 8. February. I will need the 
space. It's 15 images of 35 megabytes each! The upload is proceeding 
as I write this. You'll probably get a 404 until it's done.

- Original Message - 
From: Herb Chong [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2005 2:13 AM
Subject: Re: IMATEST comparison of Pentax Photo Laboratory and Adobe 
Photoshop CS RAW converter

OK, they were definitely cut off. try now.
- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 12:19 PM
Subject: Re: IMATEST comparison of Pentax Photo Laboratory and 
Adobe Photoshop CS RAW converter

For some reason, the PEF files you uploaded doesn't load correctly 
in PhaseOne C1 RAW. The lower 15% of the image is just black. 
Never seen this with my own PEFs... Any ideas?

Re: price record?

2005-02-05 Thread Alan Chan
--- Mark Erickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The bidding looks a little odd, too.

Not to mention the seller was reluctant to provide any detail descriptions.

Alan Chan

Do you Yahoo!? 
All your favorites on one personal page – Try My Yahoo! 

New LX Owner

2005-02-05 Thread Nick Clark
I've just received an LX I won from eBay, and just love the feel of it. I've 
always wanted one since it first came out, but it's always seemed too pricey. I 
nearly blew my term's grant cheque on one at the time, but prudence got the 
better of me.

This one appears to be a new model as shown on Bojidar's site, with the new 
style shutter release, but the film speed only goes up to 1600. The meter does 
come on when the exposure compensation ring release button is pressed (could be 
a problem if it gets pressed in the camera bag as it will drain the batteries), 
but I'm not sure what the description of the dot pattern on the first curtain 
means without some comparison. The serial number is 5299XXX. Anyone got an idea 
of the age of this?

It has some black residue on the mirror surface, but it doesn't seem to affect 
it. It'll be off to Pentax UK for a full service soon.

I thought the automatic mettering wasn't working until I realised the 
reflectance of the pressure plate would be different to that of the shutter 
curtain or the film - duh! It does raise one question though - do all films 
have the same reflectance or have things changed since the camera was released 
so some compensation needs to be applied?

No strap lugs, so I'll have to look out for these. Need to check if the 
AF360FGZ works with it too.

Really looking forward to playing with this.


Re: Prices of Pentax Lenses

2005-02-05 Thread John Forbes
Also, the long wait for a Pentax DSLR resulted in some defections to other  
brands, which depressed demand for Pentax glass between say 2002 and 2003,  
while putting quite a lot of used lenses onto the second-hand market.

That process has presumably slowed or reversed, and digital buyers have  
pushed up demand for wide-angles, though not for longer teles.  I recently  
paid quite a lot for a 20mm, and just missed bidding on a K 300mm f4 which  
went for very little.

On Sat, 05 Feb 2005 11:22:27 -0700, Joseph Tainter  

I have noticed a sudden increase in pentax prices lately. It can't all
be because of the istDs
A few months after the release of the D there began to be a run on  
Pentax primes. It still continues, and I suspect that DS owners will  
soon try to join in after they decide which zoom to buy. Note that  
Pentax autofocus primes have virtually disappeared from KEH. Here's what  
I think has happened:

1. People who bought the D care about image quality and can afford  
Pentax primes. They began to buy FA primes.

2. Pentax, meanwhile, had stopped production of all, or at least most,  
FA lenses (but maybe not FAJ lenses).

3. Existing stocks began to run out. Look at Pentax USA's web site and  
see how few primes are now listed.

4. Pentax got caught by surprise. It was in the middle of shifting lens  
production to Vietnam and was planning the new DA and D FA lines. Pentax  
did not anticipate that suddenly the old FA primes would be in strong  
demand. Existing stocks have sold out, or nearly so, and they are no  
longer being produced.

5. Nguyen is ill again this winter.
6. Ebay prices began to shoot up.

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Re: New LX Owner

2005-02-05 Thread Cotty
On 5/2/05, Nick Clark, discombobulated, unleashed:

Really looking forward to playing with this.

You'll soon have that...aLX feeling...and theahhh...

LX wink:



||   (O)   | People, Places, Pastiche

Re: Discontinuement of Film SLR bodies

2005-02-05 Thread Cotty
On 5/2/05, Michael T. Foulkes, discombobulated, unleashed:

I was down at the local camera shop the other day and the owner told me 
that Pentax was planning on discontinuing all of their film based 
SLR's.  She said the information came not from her sales rep but from 
another shop owner who is apparently more plugged in to what's going 
on.  Anyone else heard about this?

I'm new to the list, but I did check the archives and couldn't find 

I'm surprised they've lasted this long !


||   (O)   | People, Places, Pastiche

RE: New LX Owner

2005-02-05 Thread Shel Belinkoff
According to the SN, it's an older camera.  Many have received updates and
mods as they've been repaired.  Check the shutter curtain for the dot
pattern.  The curtains with missing dots are newer.  Newest SN's are 535,
etc.  I recall that Rob Studdert had a few pages he put up detailing some
of the differences and provided photos.


 From: Nick Clark
 This one appears to be a new model as shown on Bojidar's site, 
 with the new style shutter release, but the film speed only goes up 
 to 1600. The meter does come on when the exposure compensation
  ring release button is pressed (could be a problem if it gets pressed
  in the camera bag as it will drain the batteries), but I'm not sure what
  the description of the dot pattern on the first curtain means without 
 some comparison. The serial number is 5299XXX. Anyone got an idea 
 of the age of this?

Re: New LX Owner

2005-02-05 Thread pnstenquist
If the film speed only goes to 1600, it's a very early model. But it has 
apparently been upgraded with new parts during service. That's a good thing. I 
think that a CLA would be a good idea, while Pentax is still providing service. 
I'm sure you'll enjoy it. It's a wonderful camera.

 I've just received an LX I won from eBay, and just love the feel of it. I've 
 always wanted one since it first came out, but it's always seemed too pricey. 
 nearly blew my term's grant cheque on one at the time, but prudence got the 
 better of me.
 This one appears to be a new model as shown on Bojidar's site, with the new 
 style shutter release, but the film speed only goes up to 1600. The meter 
 come on when the exposure compensation ring release button is pressed (could 
 a problem if it gets pressed in the camera bag as it will drain the 
 but I'm not sure what the description of the dot pattern on the first curtain 
 means without some comparison. The serial number is 5299XXX. Anyone got an 
 of the age of this?
 It has some black residue on the mirror surface, but it doesn't seem to 
 it. It'll be off to Pentax UK for a full service soon.
 I thought the automatic mettering wasn't working until I realised the 
 reflectance of the pressure plate would be different to that of the shutter 
 curtain or the film - duh! It does raise one question though - do all films 
 the same reflectance or have things changed since the camera was released so 
 some compensation needs to be applied?
 No strap lugs, so I'll have to look out for these. Need to check if the 
 works with it too.
 Really looking forward to playing with this.

RE: New LX Owner

2005-02-05 Thread Shel Belinkoff


 [Original Message]
 From: Nick Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I've just received an LX I won from eBay

RE: New LX Owner

2005-02-05 Thread Shel Belinkoff
According to the SN, it's an older camera. Many have received updates and
mods as they've been repaired. Check the shutter curtain for the dot
pattern. The curtains with missing dots are newer. Newest SN's (for the
standard LX) are 535, etc. I recall that Rob Studdert had a few pages he
put up detailing some of the differences and provided photos.
 From: Nick Clark

 This one appears to be a new model as shown on Bojidar's site, 
 with the new style shutter release, but the film speed only goes up 
 to 1600. The meter does come on when the exposure compensation
 ring release button is pressed (could be a problem if it gets pressed
 in the camera bag as it will drain the batteries), but I'm not sure what
 the description of the dot pattern on the first curtain means without 
 some comparison. The serial number is 5299XXX. Anyone got an idea 
 of the age of this?

Re: Loupe de Loup

2005-02-05 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Seems that Mamiya (Cabin) have one ... haven't looked at or through it yet.


 [Original Message]
 From: David Mann 

  Also, since I'm now the owner of a 6x6 format camera, which loupes can 
  be recommended?  Anything that'll cover the entire neg and give about a 
  4x - 5x magnification?

 Hmm, a good 6x6 loupe with that kind of magnification might be hard to 

Re: New LX Owner

2005-02-05 Thread Jostein
Mark Cassio has an article on his site about TTL and film 

His article is about TTL flash photography, but his findings are very 
interesting for general use with the LX also.

(owning an almost forgotten LX...)
- Original Message - 
From: Nick Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2005 9:58 PM
Subject: New LX Owner

I've just received an LX I won from eBay, and just love the feel of 
it. I've always wanted one since it first came out, but it's always 
seemed too pricey. I nearly blew my term's grant cheque on one at 
the time, but prudence got the better of me.

This one appears to be a new model as shown on Bojidar's site, with 
the new style shutter release, but the film speed only goes up to 
1600. The meter does come on when the exposure compensation ring 
release button is pressed (could be a problem if it gets pressed in 
the camera bag as it will drain the batteries), but I'm not sure 
what the description of the dot pattern on the first curtain means 
without some comparison. The serial number is 5299XXX. Anyone got an 
idea of the age of this?

It has some black residue on the mirror surface, but it doesn't seem 
to affect it. It'll be off to Pentax UK for a full service soon.

I thought the automatic mettering wasn't working until I realised 
the reflectance of the pressure plate would be different to that of 
the shutter curtain or the film - duh! It does raise one question 
though - do all films have the same reflectance or have things 
changed since the camera was released so some compensation needs to 
be applied?

No strap lugs, so I'll have to look out for these. Need to check if 
the AF360FGZ works with it too.

Really looking forward to playing with this.

Re: RE: French on-line dealers

2005-02-05 Thread John Forbes
And are you, Shel, able to advise on all these divers kinds of French  

On Sat, 5 Feb 2005 10:31:52 -0800, Shel Belinkoff  

Sure, but there's lots of different kinds of photo stuff.  Cameras
(digital and film, small format, medium format, large format), lenses,
cases, tripods, studio gear, flash equipment, memory cards, editing gear,
software ... some dealers may specialize in one area or another, or have
better deals or service for some items.  One might assume that since this
is a Pentax list the question would refer to Pentax gear, but we know
that's not the case since people here use many different brands of gear.
Let's try not to assume too much ;-))

From: John Forbesnch on-line dealers
As this is a photographic list, a reasonable assumption would be
photographic equipment.  Of course, the words dealer and stuff might
refer to something very different, though I doubt it.
On Sat, 5 Feb 2005 09:11:51 -0800, Shel Belinkoff
 Stuff encompasses a very large group of things.  What kind of  


Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Re: Film Hardeners

2005-02-05 Thread Shel Belinkoff
It's my recollection that using at least some contemporary BW films with a
hardening fixer will induce curling.  That has been my experience with a
couple of films (don't recall which now).  Anyway, I no longer use a
hardening fix ...


 From: William Robb
 - Original Message - 

 From: Mark Cassino
 Subject: Re: Film Hardeners

  Since I re-use the fixer, I don't want to add the hardener to it -
  and wind up with hardening fixer that I don;t want to use on APX
  after the CP is all gone.

 Maybe make up a hardening bath, and harden the film after fixing.
 I would rinse the film a bit first to get out the bulk of the fixer,
 that way your hardener will stay usable longer.

 William Robb

Re: RE: French on-line dealers

2005-02-05 Thread Peter Smekal
Well, just admit it ... nobody knows anyting about it! To quote your president:
France enjoys a rich history, a picturesque and varied landscape and a
temperate climate. In short, it would be a very nice country if French
people didn't inhabit it, and it weren't still radioactive from all the
nuclear tests they run..  The best thing that can be said for it is that it
is not Spain. 

Re: My First GESO: Fun with a Fisheye-Takumar 18mm f11

2005-02-05 Thread John Celio
You, know I was just in Reed's yesterday. Wonder if you were there?
Nah, I usually have thursdays and fridays off.  Feel free to drop by any 
other time, though.  Work's been mind-numbingly slow, I wouldn't mind one 
bit.  (:

John, one tinsy winsy little suggestion -- when you put up more than one 
it's nice if each one, in non-thumbnail view, has little arrows or 
so you can go back and forward between shots. It's pain to have to keep 
back to the index page to click on thumbnails to see them all. So I admit, 
stopped after about three.
I suppose it would be nice, but I do all the coding on my site by hand, so 
adding forward and back links can be a huge increase in labor.  Someday I'll 
find a program to automate webpage creation, but in the meantime visitors 
will just have to hit their back button.  Also, this particular bunch of 
photos was just for fun and not going to be permanent, so I didn't put a 
whole lot of time into the project.

Thanks for your comments,
John Celio
AIM: Neopifex
Hey, I'm an artist.  I can do whatever I want and pretend I'm making a 

Re: (n)ever-ready cases--pro and con?

2005-02-05 Thread japilado
The only cases I have are for the ES and ESII Spotmatics.  I never keep
the cameras in them.  The cases came with the cameras when I bought them.
To me,  it's no big deal whether the cameras get a little nick here and
there.  I want my equipment at the ready for anything.

Jim A.

 Anyone know anything regarding the pluses and minuses of storing and using
 cameras in ever-ready cases?  Seems like it would help keep paint chips
 scuffing away, but I've also read that leather cases may attract camera



Re: RE: French on-line dealers

2005-02-05 Thread John Forbes
Peter, what are you talking about?  You need to quote  the message that  
you are replying to.  The way in which meesages are forwarded here is  
known only to God, and you can't rely on your readers having received the  
same messages as you.

PS: I can't think which president you are referring to.  The use of  
passable grammar rules out GW Bush, and who else is sufficently crass?

On Sat, 5 Feb 2005 22:59:54 +0100, Peter Smekal  

Well, just admit it ... nobody knows anyting about it! To quote your  
France enjoys a rich history, a picturesque and varied landscape and a
temperate climate. In short, it would be a very nice country if French
people didn't inhabit it, and it weren't still radioactive from all the
nuclear tests they run..  The best thing that can be said for it is that  
is not Spain. 

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Re: DA-40mm and spiders

2005-02-05 Thread Nick Clark
Ah, but I've already got the M ;-)


-Original Message-
From: Peter J. Alling[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 05/02/05 00:11:58
Subject: Re: DA-40mm and spiders
  Since you can get the M lens for between 125 and 199 I doubt you save 

Nick Clark wrote:

Does this mean it's identical optically to my SMC-M 40mm f2.8, so I can 
save a fortune buying the new one?


-Original Message-
From: Lindamood, Mark[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Second, Margus Mannik's observation of no DA 40mm vignetting 
through the PZ-1p viewfinder is also terrific.  Several have posted that the DA 
lenses throw only an APS-size image circle, but I can't see any reason why 
that's the case.  The DA 40mm objective element is exactly the same size as the 
original pancake, and the entire lens formulation is probably similar. Why 
would it throw a smaller circle?

What I'm getting at is whether the lens will work on the other Pentax 
bodies despite being advertised as exclusive to the *ist bodies.  Maybe Pentax 
is just trying to avoid sales competition with the 43 ltd.?  Margus, 
can you post one of your shots with that nice DA 40mm lens?


I can understand why mankind hasn't given up war. 
During a war you get to drive tanks through the sides of buildings 
and shoot foreigners - two things that are usually frowned on during 
--P.J. O'Rourke

Re: My First GESO: Fun with a Fisheye-Takumar 18mm f11

2005-02-05 Thread John Forbes
There's little point in coding by hand if it doesn't result in a better  
user experience.

Why not use the thumbnail creation facility in Irfanview?  Free, very  
quick, creates a webpage with arrows.

On Sat, 5 Feb 2005 14:13:34 -0800, John Celio [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

You, know I was just in Reed's yesterday. Wonder if you were there?
Nah, I usually have thursdays and fridays off.  Feel free to drop by any  
other time, though.  Work's been mind-numbingly slow, I wouldn't mind  
one bit.  (:

John, one tinsy winsy little suggestion -- when you put up more than  
one shot
it's nice if each one, in non-thumbnail view, has little arrows or  
so you can go back and forward between shots. It's pain to have to keep  
back to the index page to click on thumbnails to see them all. So I  
admit, I
stopped after about three.
I suppose it would be nice, but I do all the coding on my site by hand,  
so adding forward and back links can be a huge increase in labor.   
Someday I'll find a program to automate webpage creation, but in the  
meantime visitors will just have to hit their back button.  Also, this  
particular bunch of photos was just for fun and not going to be  
permanent, so I didn't put a whole lot of time into the project.

Thanks for your comments,
John Celio
AIM: Neopifex
Hey, I'm an artist.  I can do whatever I want and pretend I'm making a  

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

SMA Pentax 1:3.5/15

2005-02-05 Thread Bob Blakely
I just picked up one of these SMA Pentax 1:3.5/15 babies in pristine
condition (not even any evidence that it was ever actually mounted on a
camera), in case for US$890 plus tax which I consider to be an excellent
bargain. I'm off to the pier to make it look 2 miles long. I have a granite,
gothic church to shoot interiors of too.

Re: Discontinuement of Film SLR bodies

2005-02-05 Thread Bob Blakely
You mean...
(Who has little better to do)
From: John Forbes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Discontinuement of Film SLR bodies

Re: Discontinuement of Film SLR bodies

2005-02-05 Thread John Forbes
Don't tell me, tell the OP.  :-)
On Sat, 5 Feb 2005 14:35:39 -0800, Bob Blakely [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
You mean...
(Who has little better to do)
From: John Forbes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Discontinuement of Film SLR bodies

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Re: (n)ever-ready cases--pro and con?

2005-02-05 Thread Nick Clark
I like ERCs. They add protection when out in adverse weather conditions, and 
also mean I can chuck the camera in a rucksack with other stuff and it will be 

I partly agree about the film changing issue, but the old M series cases were 
the best in this regard as they didn't use the tripod socket but clipped over 
the strap lugs. Very quick and ea y to remove. The MX case with the front meant 
for the 40mm pancake is a marvel.


-Original Message-
From: Paul Stenquist[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 05/02/05 18:00:36
They're a burden. On a film camera you have to remove it to change 
film. I've never seen one on a digital SLR, but you would have to 
remove it to get at any of the functions on the back or to remove the 
CF card. Never ready cases are for people who leave one roll of film in 
the camera for six months and take four shots at every family event.
On Feb 5, 2005, at 12:36 PM, Mark Erickson wrote:


Re: SMA Pentax 1:3.5/15

2005-02-05 Thread John Forbes
Very reasonable. Here in the UK, the list price is equivalent to $2,638.
On Sat, 5 Feb 2005 14:30:51 -0800, Bob Blakely [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I just picked up one of these SMA Pentax 1:3.5/15 babies in pristine
condition (not even any evidence that it was ever actually mounted on a
camera), in case for US$890 plus tax which I consider to be an excellent
bargain. I'm off to the pier to make it look 2 miles long. I have a  
gothic church to shoot interiors of too.


Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Re: PESO - Waning Light

2005-02-05 Thread Joseph Tainter
Another stunning image from Bruce. Yawn. Bruce, you always have stunning 
images. Don't you get bored being perfect?

Just kidding of course. I do greatly admire and enjoy your photography.
Give me your thoughts on the optics of the Tokina AT-X AF 400. I have 
had one for a while and think it is pretty good, except for f5.6. In 
fact I recommended it on dpreview recently and, lo and behold, within a 
short while one of two at KEH disappeared. Lately I have been thinking 
about trading it in for the FA 400 f5.6. The attraction of the FA 400 is 
that it is just about as good at f5.6 as it is stopped down. I don't 
know whether that is worth spending the money, though. Still pondering.


Re: First PESO

2005-02-05 Thread Joseph Tainter
Thanks to everyone who commented. Some thought it was okay soft, while 
Shel didn't like it that way. That's fine. I tried minimal sharpening in 
nik sharpener, but that mainly popped out the little white flowers on 
the hanging foliage, which I thought was distracting. Some images just 
don't seem to sharpen well.


Re: Prices of Pentax Lenses

2005-02-05 Thread Peter J. Alling
The M* and A* 300's are still quite pricey.
John Forbes wrote:
Also, the long wait for a Pentax DSLR resulted in some defections to 
other  brands, which depressed demand for Pentax glass between say 
2002 and 2003,  while putting quite a lot of used lenses onto the 
second-hand market.

That process has presumably slowed or reversed, and digital buyers 
have  pushed up demand for wide-angles, though not for longer teles.  
I recently  paid quite a lot for a 20mm, and just missed bidding on a 
K 300mm f4 which  went for very little.

On Sat, 05 Feb 2005 11:22:27 -0700, Joseph Tainter  

I have noticed a sudden increase in pentax prices lately. It can't all
be because of the istDs
A few months after the release of the D there began to be a run on  
Pentax primes. It still continues, and I suspect that DS owners will  
soon try to join in after they decide which zoom to buy. Note that  
Pentax autofocus primes have virtually disappeared from KEH. Here's 
what  I think has happened:

1. People who bought the D care about image quality and can afford  
Pentax primes. They began to buy FA primes.

2. Pentax, meanwhile, had stopped production of all, or at least 
most,  FA lenses (but maybe not FAJ lenses).

3. Existing stocks began to run out. Look at Pentax USA's web site 
and  see how few primes are now listed.

4. Pentax got caught by surprise. It was in the middle of shifting 
lens  production to Vietnam and was planning the new DA and D FA 
lines. Pentax  did not anticipate that suddenly the old FA primes 
would be in strong  demand. Existing stocks have sold out, or nearly 
so, and they are no  longer being produced.

5. Nguyen is ill again this winter.
6. Ebay prices began to shoot up.

I can understand why mankind hasn't given up war. 
During a war you get to drive tanks through the sides of buildings 
and shoot foreigners - two things that are usually frowned on during peacetime.
	--P.J. O'Rourke

PAW: First Robin of Spring

2005-02-05 Thread pnstenquist
The temperature reached almost 50 degrees F in Michigan today. I went shooting 
on the banks of the Rouge River and was surprised to see a few Robins. It seems 
a bit early for these spring arrivals, but I'm not complaining. Maybe they know 
something we don't. Here's one. Again, this is handheld with the *istD, tha A 
400/5.6 and the A2XS converter. So the fov is equivelant to a 1200 mm lens on a 
35mm camera. ISO 800, f 5.6 @ 1/1000.

Re: French on-line dealers

2005-02-05 Thread Peter J. Alling
Schroeder.  Besides Bush in spite of his mangled syntax is more of a 
politician than to have said this, he'd have let Rummy say it.

John Forbes wrote:
Peter, what are you talking about?  You need to quote  the message 
that  you are replying to.  The way in which meesages are forwarded 
here is  known only to God, and you can't rely on your readers having 
received the  same messages as you.

PS: I can't think which president you are referring to.  The use of  
passable grammar rules out GW Bush, and who else is sufficently crass?

On Sat, 5 Feb 2005 22:59:54 +0100, Peter Smekal  

Well, just admit it ... nobody knows anyting about it! To quote your  
France enjoys a rich history, a picturesque and varied landscape and a
temperate climate. In short, it would be a very nice country if French
people didn't inhabit it, and it weren't still radioactive from all the
nuclear tests they run..  The best thing that can be said for it is 
that  it
is not Spain. 

I can understand why mankind hasn't given up war. 
During a war you get to drive tanks through the sides of buildings 
and shoot foreigners - two things that are usually frowned on during peacetime.
	--P.J. O'Rourke

Re: PAW: First Robin of Spring

2005-02-05 Thread Keith Whaley
Nice! I was born and raised in Northern Ohio. We had tons of Robins in 
the spring! One of the earliest birds to show up in the spring.
I think it's still got a lot of Winter to go yet, along the southern 
Lake Erie and Michigan shores. Wonder where they'll go to keep out of 
the worst of it?

keith whaley
The temperature reached almost 50 degrees F in Michigan today. I went shooting 
on the banks of the Rouge River and was surprised to see a few Robins. It seems 
a bit early for these spring arrivals, but I'm not complaining. Maybe they know 
something we don't. Here's one. Again, this is handheld with the *istD, tha A 
400/5.6 and the A2XS converter. So the fov is equivelant to a 1200 mm lens on a 
35mm camera. ISO 800, f 5.6 @ 1/1000.

RE: [pdml] Discontinuement of Film SLR bodies

2005-02-05 Thread David Chang-Sang
This has been discussed (at least with me) by Aaron (former list member and
one of the original brotherhood members) :D and if there is more than one
person stating this, it may be some sort of confirmation of this being more
than just a rumour.  Aaron had asked me if I had seen or heard about this
rumour on the list but I had seen diddly - apparently though, it appears its
not just one person up here in Canada who has heard this but also your local
camera shop owner down in the states.

Just my 2 cents (which is not worth 2 cents really.. more like.. 0.5 cents)

 -Original Message-
 From: Michael T. Foulkes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2005 12:43 PM
 Subject: [pdml] Discontinuement of Film SLR bodies

 I was down at the local camera shop the other day and the owner told me
 that Pentax was planning on discontinuing all of their film based
 SLR's.  She said the information came not from her sales rep but from
 another shop owner who is apparently more plugged in to what's going
 on.  Anyone else heard about this?

 I'm new to the list, but I did check the archives and couldn't find

Re: Prices of Pentax Lenses

2005-02-05 Thread pnstenquist
I've noticed that the prices on all Pentax lenses seem to be up by a 
considerable amount. Yes, it's most evident among the shorter lenses (FA 
50/1.4s are going for more than BH's new price on ebay -- $209-- and BH is 
sold out.) If you missed the thread about Pentax digital on the Leica forum, go 
take a look. The *istD and *istDS have revived the brand. I guess that's a good 

 The M* and A* 300's are still quite pricey.
 John Forbes wrote:
  Also, the long wait for a Pentax DSLR resulted in some defections to 
  other  brands, which depressed demand for Pentax glass between say 
  2002 and 2003,  while putting quite a lot of used lenses onto the 
  second-hand market.
  That process has presumably slowed or reversed, and digital buyers 
  have  pushed up demand for wide-angles, though not for longer teles.  
  I recently  paid quite a lot for a 20mm, and just missed bidding on a 
  K 300mm f4 which  went for very little.
  On Sat, 05 Feb 2005 11:22:27 -0700, Joseph Tainter  
  I have noticed a sudden increase in pentax prices lately. It can't all
  be because of the istDs
  A few months after the release of the D there began to be a run on  
  Pentax primes. It still continues, and I suspect that DS owners will  
  soon try to join in after they decide which zoom to buy. Note that  
  Pentax autofocus primes have virtually disappeared from KEH. Here's 
  what  I think has happened:
  1. People who bought the D care about image quality and can afford  
  Pentax primes. They began to buy FA primes.
  2. Pentax, meanwhile, had stopped production of all, or at least 
  most,  FA lenses (but maybe not FAJ lenses).
  3. Existing stocks began to run out. Look at Pentax USA's web site 
  and  see how few primes are now listed.
  4. Pentax got caught by surprise. It was in the middle of shifting 
  lens  production to Vietnam and was planning the new DA and D FA 
  lines. Pentax  did not anticipate that suddenly the old FA primes 
  would be in strong  demand. Existing stocks have sold out, or nearly 
  so, and they are no  longer being produced.
  5. Nguyen is ill again this winter.
  6. Ebay prices began to shoot up.
 I can understand why mankind hasn't given up war. 
 During a war you get to drive tanks through the sides of buildings 
 and shoot foreigners - two things that are usually frowned on during 
   --P.J. O'Rourke

Re: Film Hardeners

2005-02-05 Thread Shel Belinkoff
It's my recollection that using at least some contemporary BW films with a
hardening fixer will induce curling. That has been my experience with a
couple of films (don't recall which now). Anyway, I no longer use a
hardening fix ...
 From: William Robb
 - Original Message - 
 From: Mark Cassino
 Subject: Re: Film Hardeners
  Since I re-use the fixer, I don't want to add the hardener to it -
  and wind up with hardening fixer that I don;t want to use on APX
  after the CP is all gone.

 Maybe make up a hardening bath, and harden the film after fixing.
 I would rinse the film a bit first to get out the bulk of the fixer,
 that way your hardener will stay usable longer.

 William Robb



Re: RE: French on-line dealers

2005-02-05 Thread Shel Belinkoff
No, but I do have a friend who spends a lot of time in France, and she's
also a photographer.  She might know something.  But really, what I know,
or what I can do is irrelevant.  The point is that if you want something
it's usually best to be specific rather than general.  As it happens, my
comment generated a little discussion on the subject and it's been
determined that Peter is looking for a Pentax DSLR.  With that information
now on the list, the chances of him finding a shop that will provide what
he wants is greater.  It's all comes down to the old adage, The more you
know, the better your luck.


 [Original Message]
 From: John Forbes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2/5/2005 1:58:31 PM
 Subject: Re: RE: French on-line dealers

 And are you, Shel, able to advise on all these divers kinds of French  


Re: Old Film type

2005-02-05 Thread Graywolf
Verichrome Pan is a regular bw film and as such still processable. You may have 
to search ebay for a tank for that size as hardly anyone uses 127 anymore (the 
adjustable plastic reel type will work). If you have a friend with a darkroom 
who knows what he is doing it can be process in trays. You just hold the ends of 
the film and pull the hanging loop of film back and forth in the chemicals (at 
one time most roll film was developed that way (1940). You have a 50-50 change 
of getting printable images if you overdevelope it a bit (n+1 to n+2). If said 
friend is real knowledgable he will clip off a short piece of the film and trial 
process it, so he has some idea just how much to push the film for best results.

Idiot Proof == Expert Proof
Jim and Lynn wrote:
When I said old I really meant OLD!  I can't get it process with the new
equipment.  I have tried.
It's Verichrome Pan 127 Film
Thanks for all the help.

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.300 / Virus Database: 265.8.5 - Release Date: 2/3/2005

Re: French on-line dealers

2005-02-05 Thread John Forbes
I'm sure you're right about Bush, but Schroeder?  I suspect it's actually  
a spoof by O'Rourke.

On Sat, 05 Feb 2005 18:38:16 -0500, Peter J. Alling  

Schroeder.  Besides Bush in spite of his mangled syntax is more of a  
politician than to have said this, he'd have let Rummy say it.

John Forbes wrote:
Peter, what are you talking about?  You need to quote  the message  
that  you are replying to.  The way in which meesages are forwarded  
here is  known only to God, and you can't rely on your readers having  
received the  same messages as you.

PS: I can't think which president you are referring to.  The use of   
passable grammar rules out GW Bush, and who else is sufficently crass?

On Sat, 5 Feb 2005 22:59:54 +0100, Peter Smekal   

Well, just admit it ... nobody knows anyting about it! To quote your   
France enjoys a rich history, a picturesque and varied landscape and a
temperate climate. In short, it would be a very nice country if French
people didn't inhabit it, and it weren't still radioactive from all the
nuclear tests they run..  The best thing that can be said for it is  
that  it
is not Spain. 

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Re: RE: French on-line dealers

2005-02-05 Thread William Robb
See the conclusion.
William Robb
- Original Message - 
From: Peter Smekal
Subject: Re: RE: French on-line dealers

Well, just admit it ... nobody knows anyting about it! To quote 
your president:
France enjoys a rich history, a picturesque and varied landscape 
and a
temperate climate. In short, it would be a very nice country if 
people didn't inhabit it, and it weren't still radioactive from all 
nuclear tests they run..  The best thing that can be said for it is 
that it
is not Spain. 

Re: First PESO

2005-02-05 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Hi Joe,

There are numerous ways to sharpen, and while I cannot advise on them all,
what seems to work well, using various techniques, is selective sharpening.
So,  for example, you could sharpen the foliage on the wall but not the
white flower, or you could sharpen the wall to a different degree than the
foliage, and so on.

What I think is really unimportant.  That the subject gets opened further
for discussion is more important, and frankly, more interesting.  In
photoshop alone, for example, there are numerous sharpening methods, all of
which can be used on selected areas to varying degrees.  I believe that
your image can be sharpened very well using the high pass filter, the
unsharp mask filter, and the sharpening brush, and using layers and
possibly some masking.

In the FWIW department, rarely will I sharpen an entire image.  In a
portrait, for example, only the face, or certain portions of  the face may
be sharpened, and different areas to different degrees.  I may not sharpen
the sky or water in a landscape, but may sharpen bushes, trees, or rocks,
and those in the foreground to a different degree than those further in the
background.  Anyway, you get the idea.


 [Original Message]
 From: Joseph Tainter

 Thanks to everyone who commented. Some thought it was okay soft, while 
 Shel didn't like it that way. That's fine. I tried minimal sharpening in 
 nik sharpener, but that mainly popped out the little white flowers on 
 the hanging foliage, which I thought was distracting. Some images just 
 don't seem to sharpen well.

Re: Film Hardeners

2005-02-05 Thread Mark Cassino
Over the last several months, I've dug through the archives at APUG, looking 
into both Classic Pan and the new JandC Pro 100.  But, like virtually any 
internet resource, there is mis-information sitting next to valid info, and 
telling them apart is the challenge.

I missed the discussion about Forte and Classic Pan being the same - I'll 
have to do some more searching to dig it up.  Did he offer any explanation 
as to why the developing times on his site are different - often very 
different - than the times that Forte lists for FortePan 200? (Of course, 
the times that list are also different from both of  the other 

At one point in time Forte and Classic Pan were lumped together on the 
Massive developer chart -I have a printout from last May showing them 
together - but now they are separate.

Out of curiosity - have you seen any indication as to what the ultimate 
origin of the new JandC Pro 100 is?  There is a persistent rumor that it is 
rebranded old Lucky 100 film from China, but JandC has denied that in the 
APUG (without ever saying where it _does_ come from.)  I picked up a few 
dozen rolls to play around with, but have not found it to be anything near 
CP200 in terms of quality, and have had only so-so results with HC100, D76, 
and Rodinal.  I recently tried it with Microdol-X 1:3, and it that shows 
promise, though at this point I've basically relegated it to the Holga, 
Ansco, and Argus boxes.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mark Cassino Photography
Kalamazoo, MI
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Original Message - 
From: Graywolf [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2005 3:41 PM
Subject: Re: Film Hardeners

Sure they have. The guy that owns JC Photo often posts over on the analog 
photography users group In fact it was one of his posts that 
told what was going on with Forte in Hungry.

Anyone still shooting BW film ought to drop in at and look 
about, there is more information there than you could digest in a month of 
Sundays (as they say).

Idiot Proof == Expert Proof
Mark Cassino wrote:
I don't know if this is the same film as Forte - I got it from, and don't think that they have ever disclosed who the 
original manufacturer is.  The response to my email from the people at 
the site was that the company was insolvent and hoped to 
start production again.

I only used the 120 film, and it had no writing or imprint along the 
edge - I got the best results exposing it at ISO 100.  I often used a 
yellow/green X1 filter with it when shooting foliage, and found that it 
needed an extra bump in the exposure - a 3 stop increase as opposed to a 
2 stop increase - with this filter. It also had rather poor reciprocity 
features, and I found that I had to start adjusting the exposure for 
times of 2 seconds or longer.

Nonetheless, I got really outstanding results developing this in HC110 or 
Rodinal.  My standard became HC 110, Dil H, 17 minutes with very gentle 
agitation every 3 minutes for the first 12, then agitation every 2 
minutes, and once in the last minute.  When it all came together the 
level of detail and tonal range was just fabulous.  I've experimented a 
bit with Tri-X and a lot with APX-100.  I can get close to the same 
results with APX 100, but never quite the same tonal range and shadow 
detail.  I suspect that the very short developing times for the new Tri-X 
and HC110 will keep me from ever getting the same from it - at least with 

In terms of the hardener - this film tended to curl, with hardener or 
not. It was easy to scratch the emulsion when hanging it or pulling it 
out of the spool, so I went with a hardening fixer. Since it was all was 
shooting for a while, I just mixed up the fixer with the hardener and 
left it at that.

Cheers -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mark Cassino Photography
Kalamazoo, MI
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Original Message - From: Frantisek [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mark Cassino
Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2005 9:22 AM
Subject: Re: Film Hardeners

Saturday, February 5, 2005, 4:35:31 AM, Mark wrote:
MC Last year I really fell in love with Classic Pan 200, and shot a ton 
of it.
MC It hasn't been available for several months.  In response to a 
recent email
MC to, I've learned that the company that makes it is 
MC hopes to be back,maybe will be in the spring.

Is it the one made by Forte in Hungary?
We bought some bulk from Forte two years ago (we=group of
photographers doing digital commercially but interested in old films
for personal pleasure). What we wanted was the 400 version but they
had a badly labeled batch of 200 they sent us in error. Of course upon
densitometry and other tests we found out, 

Re: My First GESO: Fun with a Fisheye-Takumar 18mm f11

2005-02-05 Thread ernreed2
Quoting John Celio [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

(replying to)
  John, one tinsy winsy little suggestion -- when you put up more than one
  it's nice if each one, in non-thumbnail view, has little arrows or 
  so you can go back and forward between shots. It's pain to have to keep 
  back to the index page to click on thumbnails to see them all. So I
  stopped after about three.
 I suppose it would be nice, but I do all the coding on my site by hand, so
 adding forward and back links can be a huge increase in labor.  Someday
 find a program to automate webpage creation ...

If you happen to have Photoshop Elements, that'll do it.


Re: French on-line dealers

2005-02-05 Thread Peter J. Alling
Just a comment on who might be crass enough, but Schroeder is too much 
of a politician as well, he'd let a member of his cabinet say something 
like that too.

John Forbes wrote:
I'm sure you're right about Bush, but Schroeder?  I suspect it's 
actually  a spoof by O'Rourke.

On Sat, 05 Feb 2005 18:38:16 -0500, Peter J. Alling  

Schroeder.  Besides Bush in spite of his mangled syntax is more of a  
politician than to have said this, he'd have let Rummy say it.

John Forbes wrote:
Peter, what are you talking about?  You need to quote  the message  
that  you are replying to.  The way in which meesages are forwarded  
here is  known only to God, and you can't rely on your readers 
having  received the  same messages as you.

PS: I can't think which president you are referring to.  The use 
of   passable grammar rules out GW Bush, and who else is sufficently 

On Sat, 5 Feb 2005 22:59:54 +0100, Peter Smekal   

Well, just admit it ... nobody knows anyting about it! To quote 
your   president:
France enjoys a rich history, a picturesque and varied landscape 
and a
temperate climate. In short, it would be a very nice country if French
people didn't inhabit it, and it weren't still radioactive from all 
nuclear tests they run..  The best thing that can be said for it 
is  that  it
is not Spain. 

I can understand why mankind hasn't given up war. 
During a war you get to drive tanks through the sides of buildings 
and shoot foreigners - two things that are usually frowned on during peacetime.
	--P.J. O'Rourke

Re: RE: French on-line dealers

2005-02-05 Thread John Forbes
On Sat, 5 Feb 2005 18:07:20 -0600, William Robb [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
See the conclusion.
William Robb
- Original Message - From: Peter Smekal
Subject: Re: RE: French on-line dealers

Well, just admit it ... nobody knows anyting about it! To quote your  
France enjoys a rich history, a picturesque and varied landscape and a
temperate climate. In short, it would be a very nice country if French
people didn't inhabit it, and it weren't still radioactive from all the
nuclear tests they run..  The best thing that can be said for it is  
that it
is not Spain. 

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:

Re: PESO: Spit to Manly walk

2005-02-05 Thread Derby Chang
Marnie wrote:
Interesting shot (re middle one -- Zenitar) -- thanks for sharing. Is the 
lower one shot with the 77 limited too?

Hi Marnie,
Last two were with the Zenitar 16mm. Pretty usable lens for the price.

Re: PESO: Spit to Manly walk

2005-02-05 Thread David Nelson
Good job Derby - it's an area I'm pretty familiar with and reckon you've 
done a good job of summarising it with these three shots. Well done.

Derby Chang wrote:
Since fisheye shots seem to be in fashion at the moment, here's a little 
PESO page from me.

The manual metering with the non-A Zenitar is really not a problem. In 
fact I think it helps me take a moments pause to consider the image 
before I press the shutter.

Hard to believe this place is 30min from the city centre.

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.300 / Virus Database: 265.8.5 - Release Date: 3/02/2005

Re: Film Hardeners

2005-02-05 Thread Mark Roberts
Graywolf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sure they have. The guy that owns JC Photo often posts over on the analog 
photography users group appears to be the Asia Pacific Utilities Group

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

Re: Film Hardeners

2005-02-05 Thread Henri Toivonen
Mark Roberts wrote:
Graywolf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sure they have. The guy that owns JC Photo often posts over on the analog 
photography users group appears to be the Asia Pacific Utilities Group

It's dot org.

Re: Prices of Pentax Lenses

2005-02-05 Thread Steve Pearson
What Leica forum are you referring to?  Do you have a
link to it?


PS:  I can't believe some of the prices on ebay
recently.  Almost makes me think about selling all of
my gear.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've noticed that the prices on all Pentax lenses
 seem to be up by a considerable amount. Yes, it's
 most evident among the shorter lenses (FA 50/1.4s
 are going for more than BH's new price on ebay --
 $209-- and BH is sold out.) If you missed the
 thread about Pentax digital on the Leica forum, go
 take a look. The *istD and *istDS have revived the
 brand. I guess that's a good thing.
  The M* and A* 300's are still quite pricey.
  John Forbes wrote:
   Also, the long wait for a Pentax DSLR resulted
 in some defections to 
   other  brands, which depressed demand for Pentax
 glass between say 
   2002 and 2003,  while putting quite a lot of
 used lenses onto the 
   second-hand market.
   That process has presumably slowed or reversed,
 and digital buyers 
   have  pushed up demand for wide-angles, though
 not for longer teles.  
   I recently  paid quite a lot for a 20mm, and
 just missed bidding on a 
   K 300mm f4 which  went for very little.
   On Sat, 05 Feb 2005 11:22:27 -0700, Joseph
   I have noticed a sudden increase in pentax
 prices lately. It can't all
   be because of the istDs
   A few months after the release of the D there
 began to be a run on  
   Pentax primes. It still continues, and I
 suspect that DS owners will  
   soon try to join in after they decide which
 zoom to buy. Note that  
   Pentax autofocus primes have virtually
 disappeared from KEH. Here's 
   what  I think has happened:
   1. People who bought the D care about image
 quality and can afford  
   Pentax primes. They began to buy FA primes.
   2. Pentax, meanwhile, had stopped production of
 all, or at least 
   most,  FA lenses (but maybe not FAJ lenses).
   3. Existing stocks began to run out. Look at
 Pentax USA's web site 
   and  see how few primes are now listed.
   4. Pentax got caught by surprise. It was in the
 middle of shifting 
   lens  production to Vietnam and was planning
 the new DA and D FA 
   lines. Pentax  did not anticipate that suddenly
 the old FA primes 
   would be in strong  demand. Existing stocks
 have sold out, or nearly 
   so, and they are no  longer being produced.
   5. Nguyen is ill again this winter.
   6. Ebay prices began to shoot up.
  I can understand why mankind hasn't given up war. 
  During a war you get to drive tanks through the
 sides of buildings 
  and shoot foreigners - two things that are usually
 frowned on during peacetime.
  --P.J. O'Rourke

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Re: French on-line dealers

2005-02-05 Thread pnstenquist
...and it weren't still radioactive from all the nuclear tests they run.
The grammar isn't passable, although it may have been correct in the original. 
It's obviously a misguided attempt at humor. It's disparaging to both the 
French and to whomever one might attribute it. It doesn't belong here.

 Just a comment on who might be crass enough, but Schroeder is too much 
 of a politician as well, he'd let a member of his cabinet say something 
 like that too.
 John Forbes wrote:
  I'm sure you're right about Bush, but Schroeder?  I suspect it's 
  actually  a spoof by O'Rourke.
  On Sat, 05 Feb 2005 18:38:16 -0500, Peter J. Alling  
  Schroeder.  Besides Bush in spite of his mangled syntax is more of a  
  politician than to have said this, he'd have let Rummy say it.
  John Forbes wrote:
  Peter, what are you talking about?  You need to quote  the message  
  that  you are replying to.  The way in which meesages are forwarded  
  here is  known only to God, and you can't rely on your readers 
  having  received the  same messages as you.
  PS: I can't think which president you are referring to.  The use 
  of   passable grammar rules out GW Bush, and who else is sufficently 
  On Sat, 5 Feb 2005 22:59:54 +0100, Peter Smekal   
  Well, just admit it ... nobody knows anyting about it! To quote 
  your   president:
  France enjoys a rich history, a picturesque and varied landscape 
  and a
  temperate climate. In short, it would be a very nice country if French
  people didn't inhabit it, and it weren't still radioactive from all 
  nuclear tests they run..  The best thing that can be said for it 
  is  that  it
  is not Spain. 
 I can understand why mankind hasn't given up war. 
 During a war you get to drive tanks through the sides of buildings 
 and shoot foreigners - two things that are usually frowned on during 
   --P.J. O'Rourke

Re: Prices of Pentax Lenses

2005-02-05 Thread pnstenquist
The Pnoto Net Leica forum is here:

The recent Pentax digital thread is here:


 What Leica forum are you referring to?  Do you have a
 link to it?
 PS:  I can't believe some of the prices on ebay
 recently.  Almost makes me think about selling all of
 my gear.
 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I've noticed that the prices on all Pentax lenses
  seem to be up by a considerable amount. Yes, it's
  most evident among the shorter lenses (FA 50/1.4s
  are going for more than BH's new price on ebay --
  $209-- and BH is sold out.) If you missed the
  thread about Pentax digital on the Leica forum, go
  take a look. The *istD and *istDS have revived the
  brand. I guess that's a good thing.
   The M* and A* 300's are still quite pricey.
   John Forbes wrote:
Also, the long wait for a Pentax DSLR resulted
  in some defections to 
other  brands, which depressed demand for Pentax
  glass between say 
2002 and 2003,  while putting quite a lot of
  used lenses onto the 
second-hand market.
That process has presumably slowed or reversed,
  and digital buyers 
have  pushed up demand for wide-angles, though
  not for longer teles.  
I recently  paid quite a lot for a 20mm, and
  just missed bidding on a 
K 300mm f4 which  went for very little.
On Sat, 05 Feb 2005 11:22:27 -0700, Joseph
I have noticed a sudden increase in pentax
  prices lately. It can't all
be because of the istDs
A few months after the release of the D there
  began to be a run on  
Pentax primes. It still continues, and I
  suspect that DS owners will  
soon try to join in after they decide which
  zoom to buy. Note that  
Pentax autofocus primes have virtually
  disappeared from KEH. Here's 
what  I think has happened:
1. People who bought the D care about image
  quality and can afford  
Pentax primes. They began to buy FA primes.
2. Pentax, meanwhile, had stopped production of
  all, or at least 
most,  FA lenses (but maybe not FAJ lenses).
3. Existing stocks began to run out. Look at
  Pentax USA's web site 
and  see how few primes are now listed.
4. Pentax got caught by surprise. It was in the
  middle of shifting 
lens  production to Vietnam and was planning
  the new DA and D FA 
lines. Pentax  did not anticipate that suddenly
  the old FA primes 
would be in strong  demand. Existing stocks
  have sold out, or nearly 
so, and they are no  longer being produced.
5. Nguyen is ill again this winter.
6. Ebay prices began to shoot up.
   I can understand why mankind hasn't given up war. 
   During a war you get to drive tanks through the
  sides of buildings 
   and shoot foreigners - two things that are usually
  frowned on during peacetime.
 --P.J. O'Rourke
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Re: [pdml] Discontinuement of Film SLR bodies

2005-02-05 Thread Mark Roberts
Interesting observation I made while working in the photo shop today:
We're now selling more black  white film (Tri-X, TMAX 400 and 100 and a
bit of 3200) than color film. This is because sales of color film have
dropped off precipitously and sales of BW have gone up a little. We're
one of only two shops in Pittsburgh where you can get non-C41 black 
white (none of the serious photographers or students will consider Ritz
g) so we're getting a lot of photo student business, being near to
Carnegie-Mellon University, Carlow College and the University of
Pittsburgh, as well as Pittsburgh Filmmakers, an independent film and
photography outfit.

Single-use cameras represent about 1/3 of our lab's volume.

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

Re: First Robin of Spring

2005-02-05 Thread Mark Cassino
I heard one hits morning but didn't spot any (saw a blue bird in the 
afternoon though...)

Nice shot - let's hope it's the anti-groundhog robin and we won't have 6 
more weeks of winter!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mark Cassino Photography
Kalamazoo, MI
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Original Message - 
Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2005 6:20 PM
Subject: PAW: First Robin of Spring

The temperature reached almost 50 degrees F in Michigan today. I went 
shooting on the banks of the Rouge River and was surprised to see a few 
Robins. It seems a bit early for these spring arrivals, but I'm not 
complaining. Maybe they know something we don't. Here's one. Again, this 
is handheld with the *istD, tha A 400/5.6 and the A2XS converter. So the 
fov is equivelant to a 1200 mm lens on a 35mm camera. ISO 800, f 5.6 @ 

Re: New LX Owner

2005-02-05 Thread David S
Congratulations Nick.

I just picked up mine on Friday. I've already put a roll through it.
Now I have to wait to get it developed :-). I think it's an old one
with the original style shutter lock, but with 3200 film speed, S/N

In case you missed my previous post, here's mine:

It's a pretty sweet camera. Enjoy.

Dave S

On Sat, 5 Feb 2005 20:58:42 -, Nick Clark
 I've just received an LX I won from eBay, and just love the feel of it. I've 
 always wanted one since it first came out, but it's always seemed too pricey. 
 I nearly blew my term's grant cheque on one at the time, but prudence got the 
 better of me.
 This one appears to be a new model as shown on Bojidar's site, with the new 
 style shutter release, but the film speed only goes up to 1600. The meter 
 does come on when the exposure compensation ring release button is pressed 
 (could be a problem if it gets pressed in the camera bag as it will drain the 
 batteries), but I'm not sure what the description of the dot pattern on the 
 first curtain means without some comparison. The serial number is 5299XXX. 
 Anyone got an idea of the age of this?
 It has some black residue on the mirror surface, but it doesn't seem to 
 affect it. It'll be off to Pentax UK for a full service soon.
 I thought the automatic mettering wasn't working until I realised the 
 reflectance of the pressure plate would be different to that of the shutter 
 curtain or the film - duh! It does raise one question though - do all films 
 have the same reflectance or have things changed since the camera was 
 released so some compensation needs to be applied?
 No strap lugs, so I'll have to look out for these. Need to check if the 
 AF360FGZ works with it too.
 Really looking forward to playing with this.


2005-02-05 Thread Amita Guha
I am trying to figure out my kit for my London trip. I think I'm going to go
with my Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 Di and a teleconverter. Now I have to figure
out which teleconverter to get. BH has 2x teleconverters by the following

Sigma (APO)

The Kenko is the cheapest and the Sigma is the most expensive, but that one
doesn't fit all cameras. I would appreciate any advice about which one of
these is best optically. I've seen some pretty impressive results from the
Tamron but none using the *istD.


OT: Photo exhibition in OZ

2005-02-05 Thread David S
To all the Aussie PDML'ers living in Sydney, I just saw a story on
Sunday about Australian photographer Bill Henson. He has a
retrospective exhibition showing at the Art Gallery of NSW until the 3
April. Looks like it might be interesting.

Examples of his work can be found here:

Click on the exhibitions links on the left. The scans a pretty bad,
but they give you an idea of his work.

Dave S

PESO: A few more *istDS portaits

2005-02-05 Thread Derby Chang
The 43mm is an great portrait lens now.

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