Re: Some mistakes in life can be corrected

2002-08-27 Thread Bmacrae
In a message dated 8/27/2002 7:16:08 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The autofocus version just happens to be in a store 
nearby for $9,000.

Do you mean the 250-600 f5.6? I didn't know there was an autofocus 135-600?

-Brendan MacRae

Re: Next Pentax Flagship Camera?

2002-08-20 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 8/19/2002 8:08:04 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> All manufacturers makes special arrangements for pros. Pentax MF shooters 
> get equally good service as Canon pro shooters. 

This is probably true. However, I couldn't imagine Pentax creating an 
equivalent of the Nikon F3 Press. That camera was designed for and sold only 
to those with press creditials.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Today's rant: Alright, already.

2002-08-18 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 8/18/2002 9:42:55 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

>  bought an ME-Super for my son, but of course, whilst he likes it, he wants
> the instant access of digital photography, that comes with his generation.
> He can take a picture to school the following day.

This issue is not strictly "generational" IMHO. If it were, the only digital 
cameras one would see would be cheap point and shoots that are marketed 
specifically to the younger crowds. We wouldn't have 6+ megapixel SLR's on 
the market because no 19 year old could afford them.

Besides, doesn't one hour film developing qualify as instant access? Sure it 
does. And it's been around for 20 years.

Digital photography is a fairly new trend, something that younger people tend 
to glom on to much more readily than older people. It's that simple. I think 
the "instant access" label is rather condescending especially when one 
considers that much of it is dictated from professional industries (photo 
journalism, graphic design, publishing). After all, it is the folks in these 
industries, photo editors and what have you, who are parroting the old "time 
is money" aphorism, right? Besides, there are many young people out there who 
reject digital for the same reasons that some veteran film shooters do; image 
quality vs. price.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Going to San Francisco area next week.

2002-08-17 Thread Bmacrae


In the City, there's Adolph Gasser on 3rd St. In San Bruno, there's Kaufman's 
Cameras on San Mateo Ave. In Palo Alto there's Keeble & Shuchat on Califonia 

All sell new and used gear.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: OT: Windoze 2000 features: End of Rant

2002-08-12 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 8/12/2002 2:31:44 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> Not especially, since it mearly means that you are derived from a long
> succesion of women who were screwed by Scots. Yours were the male
> descendants of a guy named Rae.
> As am I.  From some Scot named Alestaire some hundreds of generations ago.
> (The Mac denotes "son of")
> And proud of it!

As Austin Powers would say, "riight."

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: ebay caveat (Battery Substitutes)

2002-08-09 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 8/9/2002 3:48:23 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> What are you going to use if you can't get batteries to
> operate your camera?

Something that doesn't cost $30.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: ebay caveat (Battery Substitutes)

2002-08-08 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 8/8/2002 8:46:59 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> If considered a part of the battery, sounds a bit steep. If considered an 
> accessory for the *camera* would it still sound as steep?

For me, yes.

10-15 bucks would be reasonable. 30 seems exorbitant.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: OT: Gallery; Out and about on Saturday Morn

2002-08-04 Thread Bmacrae


I really like those shots. That camera appears to have a nice lens (I notice 
the shot of the ship with the sun to the right had no flare!). Also, it's 
nice that you have an area near by with such good photo possibilities.

I wish my dinky OLY point and shoot digital could produce images like this.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Leica vs Bessa $$$ (Was: LX repair update)

2002-08-04 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 8/4/2002 8:04:28 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> That being said, you can always wait a bit, hunt for a used BessaR2  at some
> point :-)
> Now that the seed is planted.. I hear the hunting bugle calling me . . .

I think I've all but decided to pick up a Bessa R2. I notice that I can also 
pick up an M42 to M (bayonet) adapter and use a couple of my wide screw 
lenses (24mm, 35mm) on the Bessa. Of course, they won't be rangefinder 
coupled, but with the depth of field they offer this isn't an issue. I figure 
I should buy at least one or two Voigtlander lenses to flesh out the kit. 
Most likely the 50mm 1.5 and the 90mm 3.5 APO. It doesn't appear that 
Voigtlander makes a 24mm viewfinder but I figure I can just use the 25mm.

Has anyone heard the shutter on the Bessa R2? Stephen Gandy says it's louder 
than a Leica but more like a "quiet SLR."

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Shots from tonight

2002-08-04 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 8/4/2002 8:20:37 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> I really like the first one, high20.jpg.

Thanks Steven. That was one of the better shots I got that night.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Re[2]: Subject: LX repair update

2002-08-03 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 8/3/2002 2:41:29 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> If it has the motor drive attached, the F3 is probably heavier.
> Though I guess I could go through my reference material and come
> up with a weight for the F3 with, and without, a motor drive.

F3 weight, 715G
MD-4 motor drive, 480G

-Brendan MacRae
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Lithium bats and Motor Drive A

2002-08-03 Thread Bmacrae

Hey gang...

I've tried Lithium AA's in my Motor Drive A and while making it a lot lighter 
(the only reason I chose these bats) they don't seem to have the same power 
output as good alkalines. After about 28 frames or so they want to give out.

What's the deal? Is the current output lower in these babies?

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Subject: LX repair update

2002-08-03 Thread Bmacrae


I have to agree with most of your comments. Most LX's are older cameras now. 
The fact that there are so many still being used and enjoyed is a good 
measure of their sound design and reliability.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: please comment on this shot

2002-08-03 Thread Bmacrae

Very nice pic.

Very good light and nice composition.

I'd like to try that lens.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Vs: Vs: Subject: LX repair update

2002-08-03 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 8/3/2002 2:34:21 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

> That´s what I thought when Bessa R2 was introduced - but now I think that it
> has to be a model which does *not* accept Leica lenses


Look here:

The Bessa R2 does accept the M series Leica lenses.


-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Mac vs PC = neither is 'better' SHOCK! (was: Re: OT: Windoze 2000 features)

2002-08-02 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 8/2/2002 10:11:26 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> Brendan buddy you speak ill of the Mac, yet you have not used one. No matter 
> what anyone says Macs are superior to PCs. I own both, I have used both and 
> I'm sorry but I can honestly say that PCs are still a long way from a MAC. 
> That's not to say that PCs are not useful, capable machines. Someone who 
> knows computers, does not mind spending a lot of time learning programs, 
> and 
> who does not mind taking their computers in to the shop to have operating 
> systems restored get along great with their PCs. Yes, they are a little 
> cheaper.


I don't "speak ill of Macs." And, If you'd actually read some of the posts on 
this list you'd see that I like Macs.

What I have a problem with is silly people like you saying such nonsense. 
Your ridiculous post is frankly, a joke. I HAVE used both machines and in my 
opinion Macs are not "superior" machines. Also, I have never had to bring any 
machine of mine to a shop to have it worked on and thinking that PC user's 
need to do this as a matter of course is utterly ridiculous. You're living in 
a dream world.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Making a monopod taller

2002-08-02 Thread Bmacrae

At 5'6" I've never had anything that was too short for me.

Way to go on the pod mod.

Let's see some pics.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: WOW!!!!! LX 2000 auction on Ebay

2002-08-02 Thread Bmacrae

The buyer has a zero feedback...I'd be nervous. But what a price!

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Shots from tonight

2002-08-02 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 8/2/2002 3:38:35 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Nicely done on that tri-x shot, Brendan. Looks like it really captured the
> moment well.

Thanks, T. Tri-X is a favorite of mine, it never fails.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Shots from tonight

2002-08-02 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 8/2/2002 7:17:42 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

>  I did the old trick of leaving the LX on 1/2000 for half a 
> roll of Delta 3200 DOH!

UGH! I've done this myself!

Rob, I totally sympathize with your plight here. It's a tricky environment to 
shoot in. I've been doing a lot of shooting of bands lately and it's 
definately a harrowing experience. I have had good luck simply pushing 800 
color neg and, of course, pushing Tri-X.

Here's a couple I got recently of a group in San Francisco. These were taken 
with the LX (with the SC-69), 85mm f1.4, on consumer 800 rated 1600 and 
pushed. I didn't use any color correction:

Here's one on Tri-X pushed one stop:

I was able to get some fairly quick speeds out of the LX (1/125?) as I recall 
that night. Most of the shots were wide open on aperture-priority. It appears 
as though your group didn't have nearly the same amount of light on them. I 
was lucky enough to put the word out that I needed more light so the guy I 
knew in the band had the tech leave the house lights at 50% for the whole 
show. This made all the difference. That allowed me to go from a 1/8 to a 
1/30 at center stage. I figured as long as they don't jump around too much 
I'd be OK. I still managed to shoot mostly at 1/60 sec or slightly faster as 
the lights changed throughout the show.

Next time I'm going to try the Portra 800 rated at 1600 and process it 
normally and allow the film's lattitude to take care of the -1 exposure.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Re[2]: OT: Windoze 2000 features: End of Rant

2002-08-02 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 8/2/2002 12:13:34 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> My best analogy is that the Mac is like Communism - closed, controlled
> and little variance.  In many respects, when it comes to computers,
> this is a good thing.  It leads to less compatibility problems and a
> set of expectations that the manufacturers must meet.  The PC is much
> like Capitalism - running rampant all over the map and much out of
> control. 


Perfect analogy.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: OT: Windoze 2000 features: End of Rant

2002-08-02 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 8/2/2002 11:32:09 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> Now if you re-format your hard
> drive.. that's a different story as are hard drive crashes :-) .


-Brendan MacRae
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Re: OT: Windoze 2000 features: End of Rant

2002-08-02 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 8/2/2002 11:02:24 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> And incidentally, Mr. McRae, Mac was given permission to use the graphic
> interface from Xerox; Gates, however, stole it from Mac, and pretended it
> was some great innovation of his making and got us all to believe it! I was
> fooled, too. And don't forget there were lawsuits, many of them, and
> continues to be lawsuits, as you know. Unfortunately, Mr. Gates now has so
> much money he can out manoevre even the US Government.
> It is a sad commentary on the state of our society that someone can get so
> rich on the basis of such an awful product that was initially stolen.
> Windoze and its descendants are the product of deceipt and thievery, and 
> the
> company that makes it is driven only by out and out greed. The American
> Dream at its absolute worst.
> End of rant.
> Cameron Hood


Every company that has ever produced a product has ripped off someone at one 
point or another. Give me a break. 

So, when Jobs comes out with the Mac because he could "borrow" the technology 
from a research center, even though he was set to come out with a totally 
different system in the "Lisa" machine, somehow he's not a thief but an 
innovator? Oh, pull the other one...

You're right, given the chance to dominate the market Jobs would just go on 
his merry way with his two-bit market share. What a laugh. He would sell out 
his mother if it meant dominating computing the way MicroSoft has. If you 
don't see this you're a very naive person and you don't know anything about 
Steve Jobs.

By the way, it's MACRae. Ironic, isn't it?

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Mac vs PC = neither is 'better' SHOCK! (was: Re: OT: Windoze 2000 features)

2002-08-02 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 8/2/2002 2:09:20 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> So I repeat the challenge! C'mon Brendan, borrow a Mac for a few 
> months
> (Disclaimer: I used a Windows 95 box for a few months as a personal test, 
> and I use NT machines at work when I'm there, which isn't often)
> Cheers to you whatever platform you're on,
> Cotty

Oh, well, you slightly misunderstand Cotty. I love Macs! I have used them 
many times in the past and I can say that they're terrific little machines. 
In fact, the Macintosh original was the second Apple I used since my 
experience goes all the way back to the Apple II systems when I was in Junior 
High School. In Fact, if I ever get around to starting a home based 
photography business I'm considering a G4 setup and one of the 21" flat panel 
Mac displays. It's either that or a souped-up Dell system. In any case I 
would love a Titanium notebook. You see I really like Macs, I just can't 
afford them.

The last time I used one for some period of time was in a lab at college when 
I was tweaking the soundtrack for a film I was involved in. It went smoothly. 
Again, it was a nice little machine.

My point was the same as yours; computers are computers. It's just that 
certain people tend to gravitate to Macs because they believe them to be 
inherently better computers and I disagree with this premise.

However, my wife uses a Mac every day and she loves them (except when her G4 
died the other day, it's fixed now). She's in the printing business and she 
can tell you that many print houses will simply not accept artwork on PC 
formatted Zip disks. So, even though you can produce the same work on some 
good PC's, the industry is not yet set up to deal with it. Macs are still 
overwhelmingly the choice for designers and others in the video/film/music 
editing arena. But PC's are making very good headway in these areas. As my 
friend Nick used to tease me, "get a Mac if you want to do something 
creative." Hah! Well, you see what I mean?

In the end, I understand that Macs were the first easy to use home computers. 
This is why they still carry the "better' reputation. While Mac users were 
busily clicking away and getting things done on their machines, frustrated PC 
users were having to go refer to their DOS 2.0 manual and look up the command 
to format a disk. It's a legacy that for some unknown reason PC's have never 
been able to live down.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: FS: Prime Lenses (135/1.8)

2002-08-01 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 8/1/2002 8:04:03 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> 24/2.8 SMC
> 85/1.4 A* Ex.   soft case, hood
> 135/1.8 A*   Ex.+   case
> 200/2.8 A*   Ex.+   case
> 300/4 A*  Bgn.

It's like a peaceful dream.


-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Subject: LX repair update

2002-08-01 Thread Bmacrae

Gee, I've never had a single problem with my LX. In fact, I've never had a 
serious problem with any Pentax camera I've owned. That's about 16 years 
worth of picture taking. Granted I'm not a pro and I don't use my gear on a 
daily basis but not a single camera body issue that required service in that 
length of time is a damn good record.

I have had a wonky meter in a K1000 that liked to conk out in the vertical 
position (typical) and a slightly warped Super A lens mount. That's it. I 
ignored the first problem and swapped out the mount in the second. Maybe I'm 

Knock wood.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: OT: Windoze 2000 features

2002-08-01 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 8/1/2002 4:05:42 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> That's right. Get a grip, folks. The stuff stinks. Try putting a Mac zip
> disk into a PC: just make sure you back everything up first. Blue screen of
> death ensues. Fatal error (whatever that means).
> Put a PC zip disk in a Mac, and it will read it no problem.

Oh my God. You're the one who needs to get a grip.

Mac's HAVE to support PC formatted disks since that's what the rest of the 
world runs on. Duh!

And, Apple stole everything about the MAC from Xerox PARC, just down the road 
from me in Silicon Valley. They stole the GUI, the Mouse, networking, 
email...everything! So, to say that Gate's was copying MACS is only accurate 
as long as you ackwnoledge that MACS are a ripoff in themselves! Like Steve 
Jobs is some saint. The guy's an total a-hole by reputation. Every bit as 
ruthless and cut-throat as Gate's (probably why they're both very rich).

By the way, Pirates of Silicon Valley is a stupid film. If you want to see 
something factually based and a heck of a lot more accurate and interesting 
see "The Triumph of the Nerds." It is a documentary about the battle over the 
home based PC. It's not some crappy dramatization of what went on.

>You think Enron was a scam; that's peanuts compared to the crap Bill Gates
and his weasel cohorts continue to foist on the public; and you eat it up in
droves. You get what you deserve, like your weasel of a president (nice
election Bush ran; good clean campaign).

I don't even klnow what this means? Nothing Bill Gate's did to acquire QDOS 
was illegal...what are you talking about?  And, like selling computers that 
are a lot more expensive than others that do the same things isn't snakeoil? 
I mean who are you kidding? Also, what the hell is the political commentary 
all about?


-Brendan MacRae 
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Re: LX repair update

2002-08-01 Thread Bmacrae


Sorry tale. Wish you luck with those dopey people. It stinks when you send 
your equipment to the manufacturer for repair becasue you assume they know 
what they're doing repair-wise only to find out that their customer service 
is sooo bad.

I'd ask for a heafty discount, like the labor charge. See if you can't get 
them to charge you for parts only. Seems fair to me.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: OT: Windoze 2000 features

2002-08-01 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 8/1/2002 9:48:17 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> Get a mac. They are just plain better machines. For everything. Period.
> Cameron

Not true in the least. This is simply a myth. My wife has a brand new G4 at 
work that just died on her. She had so many problems with her last system she 
wanted to throw it out the window.

MAC's are great machines, don't get me wrong. The are very well designed and 
are normally a joy to use. However, most PC's can do anything a Mac can 
do...period. The MAC OS is not, contrary to popular belief, inherently more 
stable than Windows. I have a friend who has been selling very high end video 
editing suites that are MAC based for about 10 years (media 100, Avid). He 
can tell you horror stories about machines DOA out of the box. Machines that 
work fine at set up and then overheat. Machines that have every terrible 
nuance of PC's once you get to know them (in this case admit them) and all 
for more money than a comparable PC system. Strike that, for a system with 
LESS memory, and a slower CPU than an PC at the same cost.

The only people who think MACS are superior are snobs and the uninformed or 

By the way, you're suprised that a Microsoft product crashes your MAC? Give 
me a break...

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: PUG comments (august)

2002-08-01 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 7/31/2002 7:30:33 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> Green Boat by Brendan MacRae
> Reminds me some unknown jazz tunes: Shade of Green; Kind of Green... 
> I like such unconventional framing.

Thanks. Of course, I didn't notice the tie line in the slide until it was 
scanned and that kinda kills the shot for me. Still, I like the color of the 
boat in the reflection and as you say, the unusual composition, which is why 
I submitted it. Anyway, thanks for the mention!

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Leaving the list

2002-07-31 Thread Bmacrae


It's been nice having you around.

Check back sometime in the future.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: ??? on SMC M 120/2.8 and street candids

2002-07-31 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 7/31/2002 11:59:39 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> There was a guy in Honk Kong selling one on eBay a couple weeks ago but it 
> didn't sell:
> Maybe you can make him an offer?

Whoops! He did relist it and it sold...

My bad...

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: ??? on SMC M 120/2.8 and street candids

2002-07-31 Thread Bmacrae


There was a guy in Honk Kong selling one on eBay a couple weeks ago but it 
didn't sell:

Maybe you can make him an offer?

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: OT: Walls Was RE: OT: Writings on "The Wall"

2002-07-30 Thread Bmacrae

Then of course there's the wall that gave Wall St. in NYC it's name...

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Where? RE: Prints from slides(unmounted)

2002-07-30 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 7/30/2002 12:55:50 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> Does anyone know where to find a place that can do slide scanning
> for a good price?  Any one know such a place in the south San Francisco
> Bay area?
> Tonghang.

Try The Darkroom in San Carlos. You can drop off slides and negs for transfer 
to Photo CD there.

Here's their website:

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: MZ-S gripe and Oly pics from the weekend

2002-07-29 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 7/29/2002 7:47:10 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> As for the rewind button - I'm always out in the woods and a twig is never 
> far off. But how about taking a safety pin, cutting off or dulling the 
> sharp end, and then just pinning it to the strap?

If you carry a standard cable release in your bag, the plunger end is perfect 
for this operation.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Article on Kodak

2002-07-28 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 7/28/2002 8:18:19 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> You may be right, but my experience with their previous efforts at
> software have all been dismal at best.  That was mostly (medical)
> imaging stuff.


Well, what I meant wasn't referring directly to computer programs but 
hardware like cameras and things. That's why I had software in quotes.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Re[2]: OT:What other brand camera could make you change systems, or you...

2002-07-27 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 7/27/2002 12:28:47 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> That's a *very* nice picture of a *very* good looking dog.

Thanks, Lukasz.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Re[2]: OT:What other brand camera could make you change systems, or you ...

2002-07-27 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 7/27/2002 12:35:09 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> Elliott Erwitt uses rangefinders and dogs are always jumping around
> him! He says the trick is to bark at them. Apparently they're not
> expecting that. Even less so when you bark in their own language. I've
> heard him do it, and it nearly made me jump.

One way I shoot dogs is setting the 20mm to its hyperfocal distance. At f8 
anything from 2.5 ft to infinity is in focus. This way I can put the camera 
on aperture priority and shoot away without needing to put the camera to my 
eye. This is less disconcerting to the dogs because they can see your face. 
It doesn't help your composition but it's better than not getting anything 
worthwhile. Plus, this allows me to hold the camera at "dog level" where the 
shots are more interesting than a person's perspective.

Another way is with the LX and sport finder flipped up so I can shot with the 
camra at dog level and still not have to get on the ground.

Here's a shot of my Welsh Corgi, Tully, when he was a pup:

I shot this with my Spotmatic F and the SMC 55mm f1.8. I had to lie on my 
stomach on our deck to get the shot. Tully was more interested in chewing on 
the camera than he was getting his picture taken but I still was able to get 
about 5 good frames from a 36 ex roll of Tri-X.

-Brendan MacRae

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Is it Christmas already?

2002-07-27 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 7/27/2002 10:05:35 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> My question is this: does it happen to you, and if it does, what do you tell
> your other halves?

I always try to make sure there's money coming in as the money's going out.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: OT:What other brand camera could make you change systems, or you would l...

2002-07-26 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 7/26/2002 4:35:11 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> You should be happy the
> dog didn't bite you (or did it?) :)

Nah, he didn't bite. I was suprised he jumped since most other dogs didn't 
react that strongly to having their picture taken.

Probably a persoanality issue. Some dogs are more timid than others around 
strangers to begin with.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: OT:What other brand camera could make you change systems, or you would li...

2002-07-26 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 7/26/2002 1:39:58 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

>  I felt how
> the -clack- was noticed by all the other passengers around me. I think a
> rangefinder wouldn't make such noise. I would like one with K-mount.

This is my dream, even more so than a digi SLR with K-mount (although that 
would be sweet, too).

I took a photo the other day of a beautiful Doberman Pinscher at the dog park 
with my Super A and the 20mm f2.8. The shutter was so loud that the dog 
jumped! I can't be sure I got the shot.

UGGGHHH! Give me a rangefinder! Maybe I too should be thinking of the 
Voigtlander's. But, the lenses are really pricey. However, they do have that 
model without the rangefinder that is for wide angle lenses only that won't 
kill your pocketbook. 


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Re: OT:What other brand camera could make you change systems, or you would li...

2002-07-25 Thread Bmacrae

Leica, if they weren't so damned expensive.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Digital Doubts

2002-07-25 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 7/25/2002 1:00:32 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> "See, you can push our film to 3200."
> "Wouldn't it make more sense to rate it at 3200?"
> "But..ours goes to 3200!"

"If I told them once I told them a thousand times, it should read, "Kodak 
Processing" first, and "Puppet Show," last.

-Brendan "Stumpy Peeps" MacRae
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Re: Digital Doubts

2002-07-25 Thread Bmacrae

Or, how about this one:

eastman kodak's defunct
who used to ride a watersmooth-silver (halide) stallion
so we may photograph onetwothreefourfive pidgeonsjustlikethat
they made some fine emulsions
and what i want to know is
how do you like your dominant market share
mr fuji?
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Re: Digital Doubts

2002-07-25 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 7/25/2002 10:19:24 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> Actually I have Kodak's headstone in my back garden at the moment - really. 
> Any offers on the inscription? Also any offers to come & take it away 
> seriously considered
> Kind regards
> Peter

   "Here lies Kodak...and why not?"

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Cosina 20/3.8

2002-07-24 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 7/24/2002 8:48:44 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> We've debated this here on the PDML before, but without reaching a
> consensus.  However, my way of thinking does agree with yours,
> Brendan.

Yeah, I must have missed that debate. Oh, well.

Thanks, Fred.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Push Processing Film

2002-07-24 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 7/24/2002 5:05:13 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

>  isn't that forbidden by the International Standards
> Organization?  When they *do* do that (eg. p3200 B&W), they put a "P" in
> the speed so you know it's pushed to attain that speed.  Who says it's an
> ISO 1000 film, and on what evidence

Forbidden? I doubt it. I suppose Kodak can claim pretty much what they 
please. What would be the sanction? And why ISO even bother for a consumer 
product? Further, the P in the film you're referring to is something mostly 
pros or advanced amateurs are most likely interested in, rather than 
JohnQPublic. Putting the "P" on Max film is only going to confuse the 
majority of MAX shooters which goes directly against the idea of what Kodak's 
doing here; provide film for cameras without exposure overrides and build in 
some overexposure for better prints.

Conversely, years ago when Kodak came out with it's Ektar series of films, it 
was widely believed that the 1000 speed film was more like an 800. 

About the the Max film...

I would say it's faster than rated from my own experience (evidence). I have 
rated it at 1600 and processed normally with very good results. Also, there 
is article in May's Pop Photo (I can already hear the groaning) discussing 
the pluses of shooting negative film over slide. On pg. 69 you'll see that 
there's a blurb (print film FAQS) on how the Versatility films are faster 
than rated. I read this believing it to be true since my own results concur.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Cosina 20/3.8

2002-07-24 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 7/24/2002 4:25:04 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> All lenses do optically vignette however some are more obvious than others. 
> For 
> example ultra-wide lenses particularly symmetrical designs where the rear 
> element is close to the film plane (Like the CZ Hologon) exhibit very 
> visible 
> natural light fall off.

Exactly. This is why lens tests usually show stronger illuminaion near the 
center of the lens than the edges. 

It makes sense that a lens design with a rear element close to the film plane 
has noticeable fall-off, especially in a wide angle lens. 

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Cosina 20/3.8

2002-07-24 Thread Bmacrae

>I thought optical vignetting (other than causes externally by a hood 
or a filter) was measured by light fall-off.

optical vignetting?


I don't know. I always believed "vignetting" was a term used mainly to 
describe something else obstructing the angle of view (as you say a lens 
hood, filter, or even the outer part of the lens itself).

I may be wrong but I though light fall-off was the "optical" version of 
vignetting. The failure of the lens optics to adequately illuminate near the 
edges of the frame.

Maybe I'm wrong. I''ve just never heard of optical vignetting.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Cosina 20/3.8

2002-07-24 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 7/24/2002 1:32:34 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> too much vigneting for my taste

Appears to be light fall-off in this case...

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Push Processing Film

2002-07-24 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 7/24/2002 3:36:59 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> Don't forget that most color negative films have a great deal of
> latitude. That alone could account for some of your success. A push will
> increase of course contrast somewhat so that even two stop underexposed
> scans or prints are marginally acceptable.

How true.

Modern color negative is usually good from +4 to -2. Not bad, eh? Under -2 
and you're in a problem area.

Accordingly, some consumer films (and others I'd assume) like the Kodak Max 
Versatility are more light sensitive than rated. The ISO 800 Max is actually 
a ISO 1000, so it has a built in buffer against slight underexposure for 
"point and shooters" and the like.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Push Processing Film

2002-07-23 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 7/23/2002 2:54:18 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> Seeing my signiture, you are probably not aware that the ½ symbol I see is
> Alt-shift-P, a tall kinda pi thingy.  What is it on your font? '1/2' or a
> curly f (Ÿ) that preceeds "stop."
> JoMac, Pentaxian
>"Pentax, Quadraphonic, Betamax, Macintosh"
>and above the rest.
>  k t,
>  s   e  n
> Living life  aw  o
> almost parallel to,   r
> yet ever so slightly  o u t  --->  f 


I cut and pasted that quote from Kodak.

So, the symbol they used for "1/2" is their own. I don't know how to input 
this symbol using key strokes. I just use "one-front slash-two" to indicate 
one half.

Is this what you're referring to?

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Push Processing Film

2002-07-23 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 7/23/2002 12:28:43 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

> It's been mentioned before that 100 ISO film pushed 1 stop should be shot
> at 320 ISO and that shooting it at 200 ISO is not a 1 stop push.  How valid
> is this?

A doubling of film speed is a one stop push. Rating ISO 100 film at ISO 200
is a one stop push, at ISO 400 it's a two stop push. This is the way I've
always understood it.

I found this, however, on the Kodak web site:

"With longer development times, such as those used in push processing, EI
values actually do increase, but only slightly. Underexpose a film by two
stops and give it a two-stop push, and the real film speed will typically
increase by perhaps a half stop. This means that the film is really
underexposed by only 1 ½ stops, not two stops. But it is underexposed. "

So, rating ISO 100 speed film at ISO 400 is only a 1 1/2 stop under exposure.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: OT: Thought for the day

2002-07-22 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 7/22/2002 11:03:45 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> Or perhaps his humor is just too subtle for you.
> Do we really need political commentary on the PDML?
> How about knocking this shit off?
> Len

I think you miss the irony in your statement. Wasn't this post also 

I could have taken you seriously if you only said to knock it off.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Re[4]: AP UK on why digital is no good.

2002-07-21 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 7/21/2002 4:03:04 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> Had the Lewinski (film) photo not been properly handled after it was 
> rejected 
> by the editors and sent back to the photographer it wouldn't exist either, 
> and 
> how easy would it have been to scan through a bunch of archive CDs rather 
> than 
> wading through leaves of negs?

You make a good point except this shot was submitted and accepted right away 
because no other photog had a shot of the event left in their (digital) 
archives. He had his assistants went back through thousands of slides to find 
a shot, any shot of her once Lewinsky was identified.

Still, I get your point. I said that I didn't believe this issue was an 
indictment of digital per se, it was just one example that makes one wonder 
about how this medium will affect photography as communication. I admit that 
no one is yet sure, least of all me.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Cotty's Sunday Morning

2002-07-21 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 7/21/2002 1:09:46 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> Usually with binding arbitration :-)


- Brendan MacRae
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Re: Re[4]: AP UK on why digital is no good.

2002-07-21 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 7/21/2002 2:32:29 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> What I wrote there was not very clear - this is a problem with email
> which doesn't really encourage careful proof-reading (I expect you'll
> jump on this as evidence for your position).

No, I won't. Fact is I've been guilty of this as well.

I won't pursue my line of argument much further except to say my analogy of 
film/TV was simply to show how different a function two seemingly similar 
form of communication can be. And, while TV has become a metaphor for 
triviality (I attempted to point this out by mentioning that TV's primary 
function is SALES), film has not. Therefore, the epistemological function of 
the two is vastly different. "Truth" is possible through film but not TV.

With respect to the digital photography question, I'm convinced that it is a 
different form of communication than traditional photography. As I say, 
perhaps we don't know exactly how yet, but I think some of the implications I 
mentioned are enough to make one think about it (the Lewinsky photo example). 

>What is the epistemological function of film photography?

>What is the epistemological function of digital photography?

>What are the precise differences between their epistemological

Please understand that these are topics unto themselves. Besides, my reason 
for even mentioning epistemology was to simply clarify that I wasn't making 
purely aesthetic or other judgments about film or digital photography (like, 
film photography is better because it has higher resolution). That's all. 
This is why I was posing questions (is digital manipulation may be an 
obfuscation of "truth") about the possible role digital may have in the 
future. How the medium may change photography as we know it because it is 
precisely that; it's not photography as we know it. Does this make sense?

>What other ways are film photography and digital photography different?

>What is it that makes them "a different language"?

>Why exactly are these differences so much more important than the
similarities that they make the 2 media "as different as night vs day"?

I thought my analogies worked, perhaps they didn't. Let me just say I believe 
any new medium has it's own implications. Because of this, every medium may 
be thought of as a different language. Cell phone technology doesn't "say" 
(in a metaphorical sense) the same thing as standard telephony. Accordingly, 
digital photography "says" something different than film photography. Hence, 
I can't agree that every form of photography "means" the same as any other. I 
think that it only makes sense to understand new forms of communication as 
what they are instead of only what they resemble. That all media can change 
their original "context" and become something else.

Neil Postman writes about this in his book "Amusing Ourselves to Death:"

 "Every medium of communication, I am claiming, has resonance, for resonance 
is metaphor writ large. Whatever the original limited context of its use may 
have been, a medium has the power to fly far beyond that context into new and 
unexpected ones. Because of the way it directs us to organize our minds and 
integrate our experience of the world, it imposes itself on our consciousness 
and social institutions in myriad forms. It sometimes has the power to become 
implicated in our concepts of piety, or goodness, or beauty. And it is always 
implicated in the ways we define and regulate our ideas of truth."

That last line is referring to epistemology.

Perhaps this makes more sense. If not, I'm too spent to continue.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: AP UK on why digital is no good.

2002-07-21 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 7/21/2002 6:15:49 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> Don't study it too much.  It was meant to be nonsensical so it
> would fit right into the discussion.

Fair enough. I actually thought at first you might be refering to the way 
films "sell" products through product placement (like someone shown drinking 
a Coke in a film) or some other way of endorsing certain goods. Then I 
realized that's probably not what you meant.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: OT: Question about "Seattle Film" ?

2002-07-16 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 7/16/2002 7:43:38 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> Seattle Filmworks used to sell 35mm movie film for use in cameras. They
> sent me a few free roles, I never bothered with it. You had it send it
> back to their lab for processing, its got its own special processing
> method.
> Dunno about any of its qualities, but I';m sure there's plenty of info out
> there on "seattle filmworks."

This is correct. Used three rolls of their film back in 1990? terrible stuff, 
although I don't know what it's like now.

Also, beware, there was a pending class-action lawsuit against them. I don't 
know how it turned out or the issues it raised. You can probably find info on 
the web about them.

Your best bet would be to avoid them.

-Brendan MacRae
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SMCT 35mm f2 and the yellow curse

2002-06-27 Thread Bmacrae

A while back we were talking about the yellow curse and the three models of 
the screw mount 35mm f2 lens. JCO pointed out that only the larger first 
verion of the lens seems to be completely free of yellowing as the ages. I 
believed my version (SMCT) was also free but then noticed it did indeed have 
some yellow when compared to other lenses.

On shooting my first roll of color print film (800 max, indoors but with a 
preponderance of sunlight) and I don't notice any color shift at all. It 
looks like I lucked out and can use this lens for color after all. Mind you, 
my example isn't as heavily afflicted as some older 50mm's I seen.

Also, I got a chance to try out the 20mm f2.8 A lens and all I can say is 
wow! I used it for some snaps on both the Zx-5n and the LX and found it to be 
an amazing performer. One nice thing about this les is when set to its 
hyperfocal distance at f8 depth of field is 2.5 ft to infinity. Geez, set 
your lens and go!

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Night time city photographing

2002-06-21 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 6/21/2002 2:56:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

>  nor tripod...  

Oh, you said "nor tripod." Well, then fast is the only way to go. Not even a 
monopod, huh? Yikes...

Geez, night photography without a tripod...sure it can be done. FAST FILM. 
Fast lenses, wide angles...


-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Night time city photographing

2002-06-21 Thread Bmacrae

With a tripod a super fast film isn't necessarily a must have. I have some 
Kodachrome 64 slides of nightime scenes that look exceptional. Of course, the 
color balance is wrong, but this isn't always a problem especially with neon 

Kodak makes a slide film with moderate speed that is tungsten balanced, the 
E320T. This might be the right choice. Only remember, if there's a moon out 
moonlight is the same a daylight.

For black and white I'd go with Tri-X. Easily pushed one or two stops.

For color neg, well, this one is tough. Most are balanced for daylight. 
Correcting with an 80A is difficult to do at night, if not impossible. There 
is the Portra 100T that would require no color correction but it's slow which 
means long exposures.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: slide film - OT

2002-06-21 Thread Bmacrae


Great stuff.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Pentax lenses vs. the world?

2002-06-18 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 6/18/2002 7:09:03 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> I'm denying that pentax lenses in 
> general are rare.


Deny it all you want. Nobody was saying as much. We're all agreed on this!

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Pentax lenses vs. the world?

2002-06-18 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 6/18/2002 6:01:46 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> Now look for a Nikon 
> AI 105/2.5. It doesn't matter how many Pentax 105's were 
> made, there aren't any for sale. 


-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Pentax lenses vs. the world?

2002-06-18 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 6/18/2002 3:59:35 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> Pentax lenses aren't rare.

I didn't say they were rare. I said that the finer versions are rather harder 
to find than comparable lenses of other makes. What's more, you normally pay 
more for a really fine Pentax lens than you would for the same caliber of 
lens in another SLR make. I've always found this to be the case. 

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: A certain retailer

2002-06-16 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 6/15/2002 11:56:38 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> The only trouble with this logic is that it's kinda
> like saying, "I'm not going to vote for this person because I'm sure many
> others will vote for them, or have voted already."

The trouble with this analogy is it's incomplete. I'm not "voting" per se, 
but I'm letting people know what I know about the candidate. 

Most business rely on a good reputation and word of mouth to stay in 
business. An "official" complaint that may never see the light of day is the 
less logical choice when I know there are some folks that can benefit from 
what I know right now.

In the end, of course, there's no protecting people from themselves. As the 
saying goes, "a fool and his money are soon parted."

I suppose those other poor schmucks are on their own.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: A certain retailer

2002-06-15 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 6/15/2002 4:18:29 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> The BBB was created specifically to deal with this problem,
> and you can help many, many more people by telling them than by telling
> us.

No offense Chris but that's quite an assumption. The BBB is just another 
bureaucracy that would treat my complaint only as it related to any others it 
may have. Who's to say they would act on it and give it the attention I feel 
it merits? Besides, I didn't lose any money, just a little time out of my 
day. In any event, I'm certainly not doing them any favors by calling them 
scam artists in a public forum. Also, I didn't wish to provide my name and 
address and other info in order to lodge a complaint which is required by the 
BBB. Perhaps you'd take issue with this but that's my prerogative. 

This list contains an audience of photographers of all levels. I would say 
it's the perfect forum to disseminate this information. It takes a lot less 
time to get the word out on the list than file with the BBB and I'll bet it's 
a lot more effective. I mean if this has been going on for some time you can 
bet the BBB is already aware of them. How did that help me avoid them? See my 
point? Granted, a posting to the list may not reach as many people but it's 
better than nothing.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: A certain retailer

2002-06-14 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 6/14/2002 6:00:36 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> one guy called them "crooks"

that's seems about right!

-Brendan MacRae
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A certain retailer

2002-06-14 Thread Bmacrae

Hey gang - 

Has anyone had dealings with Cambridge Camera in NYC? I just had a 
bait-and-switch scenario with them. I didn't fall for it. 

Has anyone else had this happen with this outfit? They don't seem reputable 
to me.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Pentax lenses vs. the world?

2002-06-14 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 6/14/2002 11:42:09 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> it's a PIA


Exactly; it is masochistic!

-Brendan MacRae
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FS: BLACK Spotmatic F w/55mm f1.8

2002-06-14 Thread Bmacrae

Hey gang,

This had to be offered to the list first.

Pix are here:

Very good condition overall. Fully functional. Some brassing has been touched 
up on the top. Requisite scratches, none down to brass. Very clean inside. 
Lens is in great shape, optics excellent, iris blades snappy. A solid 8 out 
of 10.

Asking $375 US + actual shipping. Will ship anywhere. PayPal, MO's, checks.

Please contact me off-list if interested.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Pentax lenses vs. the world? (was Re: 100mm 2.8 Macro vs. 100mm2.8 long)

2002-06-14 Thread Bmacrae

One reason many Pentax users covet their lenses as they do is simply because 
the finest Pentax lenses are not a dime-a-dozen as they are with other makes. 
This gives us the feeling that when we are able to acquire a "good" lens, say 
the 20mm f2.8 vs. the more commom f4, we want to dance.

I just did an informal check on eBay searching for "pentax 20mm." One russian 
lens came up. The same search for c produced 5 lenses and N produced 
11. At KEH right now, there are 2 20mm pentax lenses for sale, one auto, one 
man. C has 4 man leses listed and 1 auto, N lists 10! manual (plus 5 
21mm lenses) and 3 autos. And as we all know this is nearly always the status 
quo. How often do you find shops that only carry Leica, N and C in 
35mm? It's enough to make you scream.

Pentaxians are a diehard group. Period. We look at our gear and hear strains 
of "sometimes it feels like you and me against the world." Along with all of 
the other reasons for choosing Pentax lenses one cannot be amazed at one's 
luck to come across a K85 f1.8 (at any price) or a 50mm 1.2 for less than 
$250. Were the best gear found all over the place we wouldn't think of Pentax 
the same way. Who else but a Pentax user would spend years searching for a 
particular lens? 

- Brendan MacRae
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Re: Pentax lenses vs. the world? (was Re: 100mm 2.8 Macro vs. 100mm 2.8 long)

2002-06-14 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 6/14/2002 8:24:15 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> Art directors have a funny way of
> noticing little things like changes in colour rendition.
> I found this to be such an issue that I changed from Nikon to
> Pentax, partly to get similar rendition between my medium format
> and 35mm work.

This is the best reason I've heard for sticking to one maker of lenses.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: 100mm 2.8 Macro vs. 100mm 2.8 long

2002-06-14 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 6/14/2002 12:08:33 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> Interesting thread degeneration here.

I know, but I couldn't resist!

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: 100mm 2.8 Macro vs. 100mm 2.8 long

2002-06-13 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 6/13/2002 8:56:44 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> other lenses that are just as good and many that are -- dare I say 
> it -- even better.

Yes! Now it can be told! Zeiss, Kern Switar, Angenieux, Schneider and others 
are every bit as good if not better than Pentax. Dare I suggest the same is 
true of C and N?

-Brendan MacRae
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Pentax-A 20mm f2.8...ohhh, ahhh

2002-06-12 Thread Bmacrae

Well, I lucked out. My b-day present came today and this one is no 

My source rated this one an's more like a 9+! Almost perfect...what a 

I'm thrilled. I saw that Richard Tillis was selling one for $549 not long 
ago. Mine was only $269 plus shipping.

I love wides. Can't wait to shoot with this bad boy.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: MLU trick: SP-F?

2002-06-12 Thread Bmacrae

can't get mine to do it

-Brendan MacRae
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100mm 2.8 Macro vs. 100mm 2.8

2002-06-12 Thread Bmacrae

Hey gang...

I currently have the M version of the 100mm f2.8. I really enjoy the results 
this lens produces. However, I'm in the market for a macro lens and I want to 
know how the f2.8 100mm Macro does for non-macro/portrait work. Is it as 
sharp or sharper that the m and a series lenses?


Brendan MacRae
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Re: APS Film

2002-06-12 Thread Bmacrae


It will probably end up like disc, 110, and other formats.

I, too, have used APS. I have used the N Pronea APS SLR. It hase 
autofocus (of course) and uses interchangeable lenses, albeit only zooms. I 
was very impressed with the photos got with the camera but at the same time 
wouldn't dream of owning this camera.

Looks like it's been discontinued already so I doubt other makes will soon be 
turning out APS SLR's. There's just very little market for them. 

However, for someone like my wife's cousin who owns the camera, it's a nice 
introduction to manual focusing (you can switch between man/auto), fill 
flash, and experimenting with composition at different focal lengths. She 
loves that camera, so for her it's a really good fit. It's a step up from 
point and shoots and more user-friendly than a true SLR.

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Re: OT: Mercury 625 batteries?

2002-06-12 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 6/11/2002 10:32:55 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> I've heard that they don't last very long?

That I'm not sure about.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: OT: Mercury 625 batteries?

2002-06-11 Thread Bmacrae

B&H sells Zinc-air versions of the Px625 by wein for a little more than 4 
bucks a pop.

- Brendan
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Re: new lense acquisition giddiness syndrome caught by Sid

2002-06-05 Thread Bmacrae


I saw it at the website for a retailer in Charlotte, NC.

No, unfortunately this was the only really good lens they were advertising. 
The price was way too good to pass up.

Brendan MacRae
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Re: OT: Plus-X Users ?

2002-06-03 Thread Bmacrae

I have used Edwal film developer with Plus-x. Results were very good as I 

Brendan MacRae
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Re: Vs: Color Film Questions

2002-06-02 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 6/1/2002 11:34:50 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> I like Vittorio Storaro more.

I love Vittorio! He said he wanted to shoot everything in 65mm since he did 
"Little Buddha."

That's like medium format motion pictures! WOW!

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: Color Film Question

2002-06-02 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 6/1/2002 8:35:25 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> I find it a bit lacking in punch 


Ok, ok...BUT the advice I was suggesting wasn't based on the subjective 
nature of one emulsion vs. another to achieve a certain look...and that was 
my intention. Saying one film is more muted than another is a matter of taste 
("I find it..."). Bright colors to me may be flat to you. 

Also, I'm not sure that this technique would be as inconsistent as you 
suggest. With a little trial and error (just like everything else in 
photography) I'm sure consistent results can be achieved.

Brendan MacRae
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Re: Color Film Questions

2002-06-01 Thread Bmacrae


Here's an idea...

To desaturate any color film (and to reduce contrast in B/W), preflash the 
roll first. This should desaturate the colors more than picking a particular 
kind of film.

Have you ever seen Altman's "McCabe and Mrs. Miller?" Shot by the talented 
Vilmos Zsigmond, the entire film was shot on preflashed color negative to 
desaturate the look and mute the colors. I think it produced a very unique 

Just another way to go.

Brendan MacRae
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Re: Drying RC Prints

2002-05-27 Thread Bmacrae

I dry mine the old fashioned way.

I squeegee them completely then hang them from one corner using a c-47 
(clothes pin). I always make sure (especially if a print is borderless) that 
no water puddles at the bottom corner.

RC papers thoroughly squeegeed shouldn't take longer than about a half hour 
to dry completely.

Brendan MacRae
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Re: stiff lens mount issue

2002-05-25 Thread Bmacrae



-Brendan MacRae
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Re: stiff lens mount issue

2002-05-25 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 5/25/2002 7:51:10 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

>  Install a K-to-screw adapter.If it drops-in and turns easily that's a 
> good sign.
> Slowly mount a screw mount lens,preferably a tele-
> Watch the flange-to-lens gap all around as you slowly torque-down the
>   lens..metal should meet metal all-the-way-around at the same time.


Excellent suggestion. Did just as you suggested. The lens appeared to make 
contact evenly. There is no warp as far as I can see. I would suppose it's 
just enough out to cause the stiffness but not so much as to be noticeable by 

Brendan MacRae
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Re: stiff lens mount issue

2002-05-25 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 5/25/2002 6:22:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> bent perhaps?  one never knows w/ Ebay


How true. 

Doesn't appear bent. Odd...

Brendan MacRae
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stiff lens mount issue

2002-05-25 Thread Bmacrae

Hey gang...

Hope y'all are having a fine Memorial Day weekend.

I recently picked up a Super A (Super Program) off eBay. The camera is in 
very good overall cosmetic and functional condition. The only problem I've 
found is that the lens mount is very, very tight. 

The camera came to me without a body cap. I am wondering; would a body 
sitting for some time without a cap or lens mounted contribute to the tension 
when mounting a lens? It seems to make sense. Is there a fix? I've tried a 
tiny bit of white grease under to spring clips on the mount and that helped a 
tiny bit but not much. Any suggestions?


-Brendan MacRae 
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Re: FA* 300mm f2.8 ED users, 112mm filter spotted

2002-05-23 Thread Bmacrae

Spend more?

It's not an auction site. I don't post eBay stuff here.

Why would someone spend more for it?

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: FA* 300mm f2.8 ED users, 112mm filter spotted

2002-05-23 Thread Bmacrae

Ok...and then I replied without seeing you noticed it wasn't an eBay 


-Brendan MacRae
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FA* 300mm f2.8 ED users, 112mm filter spotted

2002-05-23 Thread Bmacrae

Hey guys,

Anyone with the FA* 300mm f2.8 want an genuine 112mm SMC filter?

Go to:

This one also will fit the FA* 250-600mm f5.6.

-Brendan MacRae
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Re: LX repair

2002-05-13 Thread Bmacrae

1 Year warranty?

I thought it was a six month deal?


Brendan MacRae
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Re: lenshoods for A*85 f/1.4 (was: Re: A certain eBay item...)

2002-05-12 Thread Bmacrae

The PH-SA is indeed longer at 2 3/8" tall.

Spitfires, eh? That would be great fun. I love military aircraft. I'm very 
partial to the P-51 Mustang and the P-38 Lightning. I grew up only a stone's 
throw from Miramar Naval Air Station (Top Gun, Fightertown USA) and used to 
watch the A-4's, F-4's, Tomcats, and later F-18's do touch n' go's and circle 
the field over Interstate 15 in San Diego. It's now a Marine Air Field but 
the Navy still flies a few out of there unless I'm mistaken. The F-4 Phantom, 
for those of you who never got close to one, is the loudest damn plane you've 
ever heard. Of course, a Harrier is a very loud aircraft, but then, I 

I probably won't get to cross the pond for another year I'm afraid. I really 
want to visit my brother in Durham, though he may be in London by the time I 
get to see him. My dad just got back from seeing him in Germany. He and his 
F1n got some nice shots of east and west Berlin and Amsterdam. Wish I 
could've gone but no such luck, working you know...

>faster than a Dodge Challenger 

But for my money, give me a 1968 Chevy Camaro with RS and SS options and a 
big block 396.

How about a 426 HEMI Road Runner, say 1969? Or, a 440 six pack Super Bee?

I'd even like a MINI Cooper S in British Racing Green (of course).

Brendan MacRae
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Re: lenshoods for A*85 f/1.4 (was: Re: A certain eBay item...)

2002-05-12 Thread Bmacrae

In a message dated 5/11/2002 6:51:53 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

>  is a 
> rectangular heavy-duty plastic hood, not as long physically as the other 
> similar hood - the PH-SA -  that another listmember uses - sorry I can't 
> for the life of me remember who first brought this up with pics on his 
> website (stand up and be counted!).

Wow Cotty, good memory. It was me. Didn't even know of the other shorter 
hood. Hummm, interesting. Yes, the PH-SA is the one I use. Nice hood, but 
you're right, it is a tad long...

I have been using the 85mm and this hood for some time now and I can't tell 
you how nice a set up it is. 

For anyone wanting a peek --->

Got some great shots with this set-up down in San Diego, CA recently while 
visiting relatives. The combination of the 85mm and the new brighter LX 
screens is simply a dream.

Might also mention that I got some great shots with the SMCT 24mm f3.5 on the 
LX via the screw adapter as well as some nice low light B&W's with the SMCT 
35mm f2. Why didn't I pick up some of these screw lenses before, they're such 
a great value!


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Re: Studio Band info

2002-04-05 Thread Bmacrae

sounds like tri-x country to me...

remember, you push it up to 3200...

what's a little grain?

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