Re: K-1 and 70-200mm are "in full production run"
Larry Colen Mon, 07 Dec 2015 12:41:06 -0800 wrote: End of March? More like the start of April. You aren't going to fool us here, are you? -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: PESO - Awesome: no tears on crocodile monitor
Thanks all for looking and commenting! Below are a couple of comments interspersed. ann sanfedele Sun, 06 Dec 2015 07:24:07 -0800 wrote: sweet expressionyou captured on that fearsomebeastie What I envisioned was a different kind for monitor wrapped in crocodile stretch fabric, the way Ceasar wrapped his Lx'en ann Ha-ha! I can do some things with my hands, but I am not into artistic crafts. Alan C Sun, 06 Dec 2015 03:59:02 -0800 wrote: Quite handsome actually. The ones we have around here look quite vicious by comparison. Alan, that's probably because you are not feeding them... I am sure Mr. Awesome is fed well. Igor On Sun, 6 Dec 2015, Igor PDML-StR wrote: A thoughtfully-looking guy with a funny-sounding name: No, it is not a crocodile, nor a part of crocodile's computer. Rather, it is believed to be warning about crocodiles that are nearby... And at Moody Gardens' Rainforest Pyramid, it is called Mr. Awesome. And formally it is called "Varanus Salvadorii": All comments are welcome! Igor -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
PESO - Awesome: no tears on crocodile monitor
A thoughtfully-looking guy with a funny-sounding name: No, it is not a crocodile, nor a part of crocodile's computer. Rather, it is believed to be warning about crocodiles that are nearby... And at Moody Gardens' Rainforest Pyramid, it is called Mr. Awesome. And formally it is called "Varanus Salvadorii": All comments are welcome! Igor -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
SDHC/SDXC cards speed and Pentax K-3 ii (test results)
The question of the card speed vs. capabilities of the camera pop-up every so often. (Recently Larry was asking about it.) I just found results of tests with Pentax K-3 ii camera. I don't how this would reflect on K-3 or K-5*, but I hope these data would be useful for some PDMLers. Igor -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: PESO - Small Wasp
:-))) Sometimes, nominally antonyms can mean almost the same, e.g. "shut up" and "shut down" - both supposed to create silence. Literally! [sic!] Bruce Walker Fri, 04 Dec 2015 18:48:01 -0800 wrote: Inverted my meaning accidentally with a typo ... On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 8:57 PM, Bruce Walker wrote: In my case, creating a huge field of crazy specular reflections was my whole point. The large hard silver light source was directly behind me so the model is surrounded by millions of points of sparkling light. Kudos to the Pentax lenses and coatings that let me do this with massive veiling flare. ^^^ without massive veiling flare ^^^ -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: PESO - Small Wasp
Exactamundo! Here is the one I saw: Thank you, Bruce! And here is an interesting story about that car's creator: Igor Bruce Walker Fri, 04 Dec 2015 18:04:55 -0800 wrote: Igor, your 3-eyed car is the 1948 Tucker Torpedo. On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 8:56 PM, Igor PDML-StR wrote: That's a fun looking car! (As well as the 2-eyed Sprite on the photo posted by Frank.) Actually, there was at least one 3-eyed car, I believe, in 60s. I've seen one at one of the Smithonian museums (I believe it was Smithsonian National Museum of American History) in DC back in 1995. My vague recollection of it was that it was conteporary of JFK, but that might be off by a few years. The middle headlight was turning with the wheels. I have a printed photograph of it, - but since that I was unable to trace what model that car was (actually, I never tried hard). I suspect some experts on this list might know that model. (I am too tired at the moment to dig into the photo albums and scan that photo.) Igor -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: PESO ~ Tools PUG alternate: bolt cutter
Bruce, I actually thought that you were deliberately trying to have the reflections. My suggestion may not work for you for that reason, - and that's fine. I was just thinking aloud about how to avoid blending with the backdrop. Then you might want to try something else to achieve a better separation. That would depend on your vision of what you are trying to achieve. Or maybe you already achieved what you wanted. In any case, it is obvious that you are having lots of fun! Igor PS. Having read your intention, I am thinking what type of effect would be produced by blasting the light onto the backdrop from right behind the model, with a slightly more subtle source in front of the model (maybe at an angle). Bruce Walker Fri, 04 Dec 2015 17:58:43 -0800 wrote: Well, thanks Igor, but I'm afraid your suggestions put me in mind of a fragment of Bruce Springsteen lyric: Mama always told me not to look into the sights of the sun Oh, but Mama, that's where the fun is I can just imagine you giving advice like this to a test pilot: "you would experience a smoother ride with none of those annoying sonic booms if you would keep your airspeed below 767 miles per hour." Thing is, going really fast is the whole point! :) In my case, creating a huge field of crazy specular reflections was my whole point. The large hard silver light source was directly behind me so the model is surrounded by millions of points of sparkling light. Kudos to the Pentax lenses and coatings that let me do this with massive veiling flare. Sure I could substitute a black background or shift the lights off-axis but I'd have a completely different image then, and not what I was after. On Fri, 4 Dec 2015, Igor PDML-StR wrote: I agree with Dan. For this "silver" image, I think silver-on-silver doesn't work too well: The separation of the two "metals" is not sufficient, even though the pattern of the backdrop helps somewhat. It even creates an illusion of a "floating" head (as if the head is inserted in a hole in the board with some picture drawn on the board). I am thinking if a dark (black?) backdrop would've been better. And, probably, there are too many light reflections from the backdrop. Maybe if instead of straight-on light that gives rise to those, two lights from both sides at some 30-45 degrees would both issues that I mentioned here. Basically, I am thinking along the lines of reducing specular reflections from the backdrop, making it more diffused light. Cheers, Igor Daniel J. Matyola Fri, 04 Dec 2015 08:47:17 -0800 wrote: Interesting, but I prefer the one you chose for the PUG. Dan Matyola On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 10:10 AM, Bruce Walker wrote: I had a number of reasonable alternatives to post for the "Tools" PUG theme. This was one of the best contenders ... Don't worry: completely safe image, fully clothed. Rated G for general audiences. :) 645Z, DFA645 f:2.8 55mm, f:11, 1/125th sec, 100 ISO. Lighting: 1. Paul C Buff 7 foot extreme silver PLM behind camera, perpendicular to background. 2. PCB Litemod 7" reflector with 10 degree grid camera-left a bit, aimed at model's face. Comments welcome. -- -bmw -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: PESO - Small Wasp
That's a fun looking car! (As well as the 2-eyed Sprite on the photo posted by Frank.) Actually, there was at least one 3-eyed car, I believe, in 60s. I've seen one at one of the Smithonian museums (I believe it was Smithsonian National Museum of American History) in DC back in 1995. My vague recollection of it was that it was conteporary of JFK, but that might be off by a few years. The middle headlight was turning with the wheels. I have a printed photograph of it, - but since that I was unable to trace what model that car was (actually, I never tried hard). I suspect some experts on this list might know that model. (I am too tired at the moment to dig into the photo albums and scan that photo.) Igor On December 4, 2015 1:44:39 PM EST, Mark C wrote: I sometimes wonder if automobile designers are deliberately trying anthropomorphize their products, but at the end of the day two head lights ("eyes") and one grill ("mouth") will result in some resemblance to a human or at least vertebrate face. Adding a third light would change that - I keep looking for alternate subjects other than insects and spiders, but despite several test shoots I still have not found much that is interesting at these magnifications. Mark On 12/3/2015 11:56 PM, Igor PDML-StR wrote: Great work, as usual, Mark! I do not find these insect particularly ugly or threatening. In many (most?) cases those impressions both concepts are experience-based. Naturally, a human brain tends to like what we are used to, and dislike (or even get threatened by) what is very disparate from ourselves: we fear unknown. I think it is very similar to the roots of xenophobia (and a few other phobias). I also think a similar mechanism is responsible (at least in part) for face recognition problems across races. Mark, I see why you said this insect looks like a puppy. It does a little bit. By the way, this is actually a great example of that we tend to relate new objects to something that we are familiar with. Very similarly, we find human-like features in cars (headlights -> eyes, grill -> face), and classify some grill features as friendly or aggressive. Igor PS. I find it interesting that a few months ago I was shooting a wasp, thinking it was an ant queen. :-) You might remember it: On Thu, Dec 3, 2015 at 10:45 AM, Mark C wrote: Since posting this I've learned that it is actually an ant queen, and not a wasp, not that it makes much difference to the viewer. As nasty as ti looks, the whole frame is covering less than 3mm of space, so the ant is very tiny indeed. On 12/3/2015 12:19 AM, Boris Liberman wrote: Certainly a creature one wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley :-). On 12/3/2015 1:48, Mark C wrote: Looks a little like a puppy to me: or on flickr: 8x lifesized. Pentax K01 and K 24 f3.5, lots of extension and flash. Comments welcome! Mark -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: PESO ~ Tools PUG alternate: bolt cutter
I agree with Dan. For this "silver" image, I think silver-on-silver doesn't work too well: The separation of the two "metals" is not sufficient, even though the pattern of the backdrop helps somewhat. It even creates an illusion of a "floating" head (as if the head is inserted in a hole in the board with some picture drawn on the board). I am thinking if a dark (black?) backdrop would've been better. And, probably, there are too many light reflections from the backdrop. Maybe if instead of straight-on light that gives rise to those, two lights from both sides at some 30-45 degrees would both issues that I mentioned here. Basically, I am thinking along the lines of reducing specular reflections from the backdrop, making it more diffused light. Cheers, Igor Daniel J. Matyola Fri, 04 Dec 2015 08:47:17 -0800 wrote: Interesting, but I prefer the one you chose for the PUG. Dan Matyola On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 10:10 AM, Bruce Walker wrote: I had a number of reasonable alternatives to post for the "Tools" PUG theme. This was one of the best contenders ... Don't worry: completely safe image, fully clothed. Rated G for general audiences. :) 645Z, DFA645 f:2.8 55mm, f:11, 1/125th sec, 100 ISO. Lighting: 1. Paul C Buff 7 foot extreme silver PLM behind camera, perpendicular to background. 2. PCB Litemod 7" reflector with 10 degree grid camera-left a bit, aimed at model's face. Comments welcome. -- -bmw -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: PESO: Kia Orana
I assumed you had a not-too-small f.-number... Cheers! Igor David Mann Thu, 03 Dec 2015 20:47:24 -0800 wrote: You don't know the size of my aperture! Cheers, Dave On Dec 4, 2015, at 3:40 PM, Igor PDML-StR wrote: Dave, That's exactly what photographers do: When the sun is bright, in the absence of a Neutral Density filter, you set a short shutter speed. :-D Igor David Mann Wed, 02 Dec 2015 20:27:06 -0800 wrote: Thanks, Igor. I had better mention that I did lie in the hammock for a few minutes but I wasn't wearing sunscreen at the time so I had to limit my exposure. I planned to go back but never quite got around to it. Cheers, Dave On Wed, 2 Dec 2015, Igor PDML-StR wrote: Dave: What an idyllic scene! .. ideally pictured. I am speachless and envy. Igor On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 11:17 PM, David Mann wrote: Yesterday we arrived back from an enjoyable week on Rarotonga which is the largest of the Cook Islands. Here's a photo to make you feel miserable :) Hope I didn't miss too much, I have 501 messages... Cheers, Dave -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: PESO - Small Wasp
Great work, as usual, Mark! I do not find these insect particularly ugly or threatening. In many (most?) cases those impressions both concepts are experience-based. Naturally, a human brain tends to like what we are used to, and dislike (or even get threatened by) what is very disparate from ourselves: we fear unknown. I think it is very similar to the roots of xenophobia (and a few other phobias). I also think a similar mechanism is responsible (at least in part) for face recognition problems across races. Mark, I see why you said this insect looks like a puppy. It does a little bit. By the way, this is actually a great example of that we tend to relate new objects to something that we are familiar with. Very similarly, we find human-like features in cars (headlights -> eyes, grill -> face), and classify some grill features as friendly or aggressive. Igor PS. I find it interesting that a few months ago I was shooting a wasp, thinking it was an ant queen. :-) You might remember it: On Thu, Dec 3, 2015 at 10:45 AM, Mark C wrote: Since posting this I've learned that it is actually an ant queen, and not a wasp, not that it makes much difference to the viewer. As nasty as ti looks, the whole frame is covering less than 3mm of space, so the ant is very tiny indeed. On 12/3/2015 12:19 AM, Boris Liberman wrote: Certainly a creature one wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley :-). On 12/3/2015 1:48, Mark C wrote: Looks a little like a puppy to me: or on flickr: 8x lifesized. Pentax K01 and K 24 f3.5, lots of extension and flash. Comments welcome! Mark -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: PESO: Kia Orana
Dave, That's exactly what photographers do: When the sun is bright, in the absence of a Neutral Density filter, you set a short shutter speed. :-D Igor David Mann Wed, 02 Dec 2015 20:27:06 -0800 wrote: Thanks, Igor. I had better mention that I did lie in the hammock for a few minutes but I wasn't wearing sunscreen at the time so I had to limit my exposure. I planned to go back but never quite got around to it. Cheers, Dave On Wed, 2 Dec 2015, Igor PDML-StR wrote: Dave: What an idyllic scene! .. ideally pictured. I am speachless and envy. Igor On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 11:17 PM, David Mann wrote: Yesterday we arrived back from an enjoyable week on Rarotonga which is the largest of the Cook Islands. Here's a photo to make you feel miserable :) Hope I didn't miss too much, I have 501 messages... Cheers, Dave -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: PESO - After The First Snow
Bulent, It is a nice image. I see a story, but it might be different from yours. But on my, seemingly still calibrated, screen, - it looks a bit too dark. If it were my image, I would have bumped up the exposure (in LR). I would have also considered some "unsharpen mask" ("presence" in LR), - to have the flower standing out more. Best, Igor On Thu, Dec 3, 2015 at 3:40 PM, Bulent Celasun wrote: A simple composition. It, however, tells me a story... (Ricoh GXR A12). Bulent -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: New "IR" 645z
What I find interesting is the last phrase on that website (in automatic Google translation): "In addition, not sold to the general customers for the purpose of personal use." I wonder why... The only guess is that the sensor is very IR-sensitive (maybe has sensitivity into the deeper IR-range?), which creates some privacy concerns (as it [presumably] was the case with some military-surplus night-vision tools). Any ideas? Igor On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 8:39 AM, Darren Addy wrote: IMHO, this camera is named incorrectly: If the cut filter is removed and the IR filter must be placed over the LENS, then that means that the camera has been modified to become a Full Spectrum camera and you can put ANY filter over the front to limit the wavelength of light reaching the sensor. This means narrowband astrophotography is possible with it (astrophotography that is not affected by city skyglow or moonlight). You are not going to BELIEVE the astrophotography that can be done with this instrument. (In addition to the other possible uses of any full spectrum camera.) Super move by Ricoh/Pentax. -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: PESO: Kia Orana
Dave: What an idyllic scene! .. ideally pictured. I am speachless and envy. Igor On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 11:17 PM, David Mann wrote: Yesterday we arrived back from an enjoyable week on Rarotonga which is the largest of the Cook Islands. Here's a photo to make you feel miserable :) Hope I didn't miss too much, I have 501 messages... Cheers, Dave -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: PESO: Bark in the Park
Dan, When I first looked at this photo, my impression was that it is a self-repeating image (as in a multiple mirrors). This funny illusion was caused by a sort-of repeated combination of people facing back toward you. Upon a careful look, I realized that none of them are actually similar, but the illusion remains. I enjoyed the title too. Igor On Dec 1, 2015, at 9:50 PM, Daniel J. Matyola wrote: Our local minor league baseball park has a tradition; for several games each year, fans are invited to bring along their dogs to the ball game. (No cats!) The dogs and their owners parade around the field before the game, and them enjoy the ambiance, the food and the action on the field. K-5 IIs, DA 18-135 zoom Comments are invited. -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: So the Luminous Landscape is going behind a pay wall...
Larry, Are you implying that TOP is sci-fi too? ;-) Igor Tue Dec 1 13:48:06 EST 2015 Larry Colen wrote: Ralf R Radermacher wrote: Am 01.12.15 um 14:56 schrieb Darren Addy: Forgive my ignorance, but what is TOP. I'm tempted to answer that, in this case, ignorance is bliss. So, click at your own risk: Ctein, who I know from the local science fiction community wrote some articles for ToP. I just found out from a mutual friend that a book he co-authored is now available: -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: Weird Pentax items @Walmart
I remember reading about the draconian demands of Walmart from its suppliers (borderlining racket). Those are a barrier for some businesses to sell their products at Walmart. On another hand, for the last 10 years has been selling Pentax bodies and lenses through Igor P.J. Alling Tue, 01 Dec 2015 10:46:27 -0800 wrote: Yea, I was told by a Walmart manager, (I don't know how much he really knew, but for what it's worth), that Pentax wouldn't play ball with Walmart on pricing and supply, On 12/1/2015 12:58 PM, John wrote: Probably won't find anything Pentax in an actual Walmart store. On 11/30/2015 10:40 PM, Igor PDML-StR wrote: Lenses with Mm focal length (M = Mega, so it would be megameters, e.g. thousands of kilometers): Another item is a "Pentax Lens Kit (Blue Cream Soda)" (And you'd have to work hard to find the camera's model written anywhere...): or a short link: Walmart is trying to be Amazon, including being a marketplace platform. Some of the 3rd-party sellers that are selling Pentax photo items seem to have very little clue about what they are actually selling. Enjoy! Igor -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Weird Pentax items @Walmart
Lenses with Mm focal length (M = Mega, so it would be megameters, e.g. thousands of kilometers): Another item is a "Pentax Lens Kit (Blue Cream Soda)" (And you'd have to work hard to find the camera's model written anywhere...): or a short link: Walmart is trying to be Amazon, including being a marketplace platform. Some of the 3rd-party sellers that are selling Pentax photo items seem to have very little clue about what they are actually selling. Enjoy! Igor -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: OT or not OT
Joe, I am so sorry to hear this... And since the morning when I read that, I've been at a complete loss not knowing what to write... I recalled some exchanges over the years. Among those was an unexpected surprise holiday greeting back in 2008 and then in 2009. Those and other bright moments are greatfully remembered. And here are a couple of your images that I still remember from the early days of PUG (and PDML) some 15 years ago: Those are charming! I love sunsets too... You'll be missed here... Igor On Nov 27, 2015, at 10:30 PM, Joseph McAllister wrote: On Nov 27, 2015, at 1:35 PM, Ken Waller wrote: I'm squinting a little but I can't see you. All I see are black letters on a field of white. Kenneth Waller In the not too distant future, that is all you'll see from this tired old photo=weenie. First found in late 2014, cancer of the left kidney. By last week, cancer is is now chewing up my right kidney, my lower spine, pelvis, bladder, my brain and my right femur.. Rapid, greedy and uncomfortable to sit around in it's pain, it's going to be a short year, or at best a short 2016. Am planning on selling or donating most of my loot. Not organized as yet, but I will find someone to list everything photo, Plans to deal with my imagery as well as my family's geneology may have to evaporate along with my brain. Over 1500 PDML msgs to read. May not get too much done as the brain is damaged. MRI in two weeks will tell that story. It's been fun allowing my thoughts mingle with such depth of experience and humor. I may or may not respond read or answer or reply, but will try. J.J.McA -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: PESO - Endangered Species
Sadly, you are right... One of two remaining photo stores in Houston closed earlier this year: It was a nice store with nice people working in it. I don't know what happened. From what I heard, they were going to move to a diferent location, but then the owner started selling the remaining stock over the phone. (I learned about it only a few weeks ago, about half a year after it closed.) Igor Rick Womer Tue, 24 Nov 2015 19:00:07 -0800 wrote: Move over, Alan C! I also recently photographed an endangered species, in the wilds of Vancouver: That's right! A brick-and-mortar camera shop advertising Pentax and Ricoh; =and= with the K-S2, K-3, and K-3II on display, along with at least a dozen lenses. Bigfoot next! Rick -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: Packing for a trip...
Bob, I think you are grossly undervaluing Mark. I think he produces _EXTRAordinary_ (garbage) :-D < EXTRA BIG Grin Bob W-PDML Wed, 25 Nov 2015 11:36:12 -0800 wrote: When Mark uses the camera it converts it _into_ ordinary garbage... :0) <= big smiley On 25 Nov 2015, at 14:28, Darren Addy wrote: The bad news is that the K-1 consumes 1.21 gigawatts of power. The good news is that it can convert that power from ordinary garbage. On Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 8:20 AM, Mark Roberts wrote: As usual, a selection of camera gear is in order. Of course. And ad usual I'll be bringing two camera bodies . the K-5 and the K-01 this time around. And thus, for the first time in *years* all the batteries I pack will be the same and I'll only need one charger! I'll enjoy the feeling until the K-1 arrives in the spring, I suppose. -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: PDML ~ fate handed me a clementine
Bruce, I am very much enjoying your recent series -- "studies". Yesterday, while writing this message, I looked through your new gallery website again, and I enjoyed the fun combination (or even juxtaposition) of live models and mannequins. (Or should I call them womannequins?) Now, here is what I've written yesterday about this photo, but didn't send right away. I am sure mine will be the only "dissenting opinion". I like the technical aspects of the photo: the light, the setting, especially how the lamp, light and shadows render. I like the artistic aspects of the setting. But a couple of aspects keep bothering me. Both are related to the pose. First, the way she is slouched. The combination (or juxtaposition?) of her look and the setting creates some vibe that I don't know how to call. For the lack of a better word, I'd use "power" (or a combination of strength and maybe even intimidation.). That slouching is neutralizing all of that. But what do I know, - maybe that was the desired effect?! For the second, I should share my childhood memory: The very first film I shot in my life (B&W), - to start learning photography, - included a few first shots of my father. He was took a shot "straight on" at a relatively short distance. To keep the long story short, - I had the obvious result to learn from: what you get from the perspective... That's what I see kids are learning quickly by shooting their own legs with the camera. And the second association is with a backfiring compliment: "Wow! You've got such legs! One is longer than the other!". In this case, - the right leg of the model suffered that type of "disproportional elongation". And a minor thing, - I'd think that it would've been better without that bright red in her "clothing". It clashes here with the setting (see my first item above). Even though in many other situations, this red would've been "powerful", here it seems out of the color gamma. It looks like a piece of a backpack. I hope these thoughts would be useful... Keep it up! (I mean your photo studies.) Cheers, Igor On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 10:18 AM, Bruce Walker wrote: A shot from a creative shoot that resulted from a model cancellation and this model being suddenly available on about 12 hours notice. Sometimes fate hands you clementines. NSFW: fashion nudity!/index/I31f3jQxo7HY Model Little Miss Maggie May ~ Hair & makeup: Judi Willrich ~ 645Z, DFA645 55mm/2.8 SDM, f:4, 1/125th sec, 100 ISO One light: Buff 86" extreme silver PLM above camera-left. Comments enjoyed! -- -bmw -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: Pentax D FA * 70-200/2.8
Darren: Yes, I realize it is not sold by Amazon, sorry, I wasn't more clear about it. I actually looked for other sellers, including Amazon itself yesterday, but somehow I missed those two that you mentioned. And yes, it probably makes sense that this lens could be released earlier in Japan. Collin: Yep, thanks for the explanation. I actually knew about these three AF options. I didn't know what DC in this case stands for, but I didn't expect it to be "direct current" (and hence my comment about it). I thought it was a mistake in translation, but it looks like this term is actually used in the "official" descriptions. I hadn't see it before, but now I see it in B&H descriptions. I am still puzzled buy this term though: I am not aware of any AC being used in cameras; so, all electric motors are using DC. Igor Tue Nov 24 10:01:03 EST 2015 Collin B wrote: That listing has an interesting "product highlight": "Direct Current AF"... Ghm... As opposed to AC-AF? ;-) Pentax has 3 AF systems. The original gear drive, SDM, and DC. It's DC as opposed to the other two. IIRC, they have maintained a single interface to power both DC & SDM -- the old PZ connectors. On Tue, 24 Nov 2015, Igor PDML-StR wrote: I just noticed that Amazon has it listed already (with a Dec.28, 2015 in stock date). I haven't heard much said about this lens... $3,880. Ouch! Although I see one listed @B&H: for a much smaller amount: $2300, but available on Feb.25, 2016. That listing has an interesting "product highlight": "Direct Current AF"... Ghm... As opposed to AC-AF? ;-) Igor -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
discounted sample kit from RedRiver
I know that some PDMLers are using Red River papers. There is a special order for the sample kit of 23 different papers for only $4.99 and free shipping (or at least it is free within Texas). However, note that you can not use this 8.5"x11" (Letter) size paper for 8.5"x11" prints. This arrogant company insists on printing the paper name on the _front_ side of the paper (and does not say that explicitly for this sample kit). So, if you can cut it and can use [up-to] 8"x10" paper for something, - this could be a good opportunity to sample their 8"x10" papers at a low cost. Otherwise, you can use it for checking the calibration color profile. Or, if all what you do with paper is just staring at it, you can "sample" it that way. Caveat Emtpor! Cheers, Igor -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Pentax D FA * 70-200/2.8
I just noticed that Amazon has it listed already (with a Dec.28, 2015 in stock date). I haven't heard much said about this lens... $3,880. Ouch! Although I see one listed @B&H: for a much smaller amount: $2300, but available on Feb.25, 2016. That listing has an interesting "product highlight": "Direct Current AF"... Ghm... As opposed to AC-AF? ;-) Igor -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: Last PUG of 2015 - Countdown
E.g. chain-saws shouldn't be bloody... On Mon, 23 Nov 2015, Igor PDML-StR wrote: I assume it should be kept at least PG-13. :-) Igor ann sanfedele Mon, 23 Nov 2015 15:13:11 -0800 wrote: Risky topic ...;-) ann On 11/23/2015 2:22 PM, Brian Walters wrote: G'day all Another 12 months - gone in a flash. But there's still time to submit for the Decemvber PUG. Theme: Tools Submit here: Nominal closing date: 30 November Cheers Brian -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: Last PUG of 2015 - Countdown
I assume it should be kept at least PG-13. :-) Igor ann sanfedele Mon, 23 Nov 2015 15:13:11 -0800 wrote: Risky topic ...;-) ann On 11/23/2015 2:22 PM, Brian Walters wrote: G'day all Another 12 months - gone in a flash. But there's still time to submit for the Decemvber PUG. Theme: Tools Submit here: Nominal closing date: 30 November Cheers Brian -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: PESOs Tinman at the Quarter Note
Larry, Bruce expressed my thoughts. I also thought that the single shot that you referenced and other fish-eye shots (at least the first three in the set) were very effective. I know some people do not like fisheye, and I agree that sometimes it might be hard to use it efficiently (which includes tastefully here). But fisheye has its place for serious photography (as opposed to caricatures), and your photo(s) is(are) a good example. But I have a technical question related to that lens. I thought you had the same lens as I do, 8mm f/3.5, don't you? Is that f/2.8 just a typo? I do not see 8/2.8 in K-mount. (Is there one?) (And I was surprised that there is 8mm/2.8 in some other mounts) Also, I just discovered that there is Rokinon fisheye 12mm f/2.8 (pentax). But on B&H it is listed as "discontinued". At first, I thought that it was just a new lens that hasn't been shipped yet.. But then I see that it exists on Amazon from a 3rd party seller: Does anyobyd know what's the situation with that lens? Igor Bruce Walker Sat, 21 Nov 2015 05:17:52 -0800 wrote: The fish-eye shot is really effective. Nice! On Sat, Nov 21, 2015 at 3:54 AM, Larry Colen wrote: I finally had a chance to sort out the photos from last Saturday into a smaller set. Here's one of the band and some dancers, shot with the 16-50: Here's one of the band. In the front you can see the most important member of the band, Phillip, the tip jar. shot with my Bowers 8/2.8 For those interested in the whole set of 31: -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: What type of printers are those?
Thank you, John! Igor John Fri, 20 Nov 2015 09:56:55 -0800 wrote: Maybe Oc. Lightjet, Durst Lambda, or ZBE Chromira? Looks like ZBE is the only one still manufacturing large format laser chromogenic printers. You can put a traditional chromogenic print emulsion on almost any flat material that can be fed from a roll. I get 12"x36" panoramic photographic prints from Costco, printed on a Fuji Frontier. -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Pentax K3-ii and patents
Apparently, I've missed the fact (discussed back in the spring) that the pixel-shift technology used by K3-ii could've been infringing on Apple's patent (application) of 2012. See e.g. here: Or read the patent application here: If you missed all that like me, then you might also be interested to know there were much earlier patent(s?) on the same or very similar ideas. E.g. this one, filed in 1988: Cheers, Igor -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: Has anybody used "silky" type of paper?
Thank you, P.J. It looks like this "silky" is different from luster, but then, it might be just a marketing gimmick. Igor P.J. Alling Thu, 19 Nov 2015 20:59:38 -0800 wrote: I don't know exactly what they mean by Silky, I have used Inkpress luster, which is well semigloss, as expected, it's very nice and gives very good results with Canon inks. On 11/19/2015 7:04 PM, Igor PDML-StR wrote: Hi All! I just came across some papers that have "silky" finish. (It is offered at some print shop that I am considering to use, but it is in a far-away city.) Here is an example of such a paper: Note that this seems to be different from "silk coating" (about which I hadn't heard either until today: (Scroll down about 2/3 of the page.) Has anybody here used this "silky" type of paper? If yes, - what's you impression? Thank you, Igor -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
What type of printers are those?
Hi All, I am hoping to draw from the rich technical knowledge of PDMLers. First, (from early 2000s or even earlier), photo-printing shops/labs that could print from the digital media were using on "regular", i.e. light-sensitive, photo paper. Then, for the large formats and the media such as canvas, watercolor, metallic, they started using something else. What was that? I thought those were wide ink-jet printers, but then I am not sure in case of the metallic prints. I ordered a bunch of them back in 2007-2009 from Those seemed to be different from the metallic paper that is presently available for inkjet printers (dye or pigment). What was that technology? Thanks in advance, Igor -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
OT - mesmerising "moving pictures" {NSFW}
NB: Some images on the pages referenced here are NSFW. No these are not movies. This is not quite photography, but an art that uses photography as ... I am not sure what: [raw] material? foundation? building blocks? ... you can read the description e.g. at this H.P. page: OT - mesmerising "moving pictures" (But at least in my browser, the images on this page are getting stuck, so, I'd recommend watching the images on this page: Besides, this latter page has many more images, some of which are very interesting. I think some people here might enjoy this work. (But I also wouldn't be surprised if some people totally disliked it.) In any case, it might be interesting just for the technique (approach) itself. (Yes, I know animated gifs are old... I am not talking about just animated gifs.) Igor PS. These images reminded me of the photos in the newspaper in Harry Potter books. -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Has anybody used "silky" type of paper?
Hi All! I just came across some papers that have "silky" finish. (It is offered at some print shop that I am considering to use, but it is in a far-away city.) Here is an example of such a paper: Note that this seems to be different from "silk coating" (about which I hadn't heard either until today: (Scroll down about 2/3 of the page.) Has anybody here used this "silky" type of paper? If yes, - what's you impression? Thank you, Igor -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: OT - a tech WTF?? moment viewing Godfrey's flikker page
Ann, This is likely some sort of corruption of the information. It might be a glitch in your browser, but it might also be an indication that you have some "weak" bit in the computer's memory (main RAM or RAM used by the video card; those could be shared, depending on your computer's hardware). You don't need to do anything at this point. (And most likely you cannot do much about that.) But if you see something similar repeating, I'd suggest de-maximizing the browser window (so that it doesn't take the entire screen, but just a portion). If those lines will remain through the area not covered by the browser, it is likely a problem with the memory used by the video-card. Otherwise, it is either a glitch in the browser or a problem with the main RAM. That might be helpful for you to know what is the likely culprit if/when the computer fails in the future. Igor ann sanfedele Wed, 18 Nov 2015 08:50:04 -0800 wrote: while viewing that GESO he jsut sent us, this weirdness happened... it alsochanged... lines moved around...etc.. At first I thought it must be something set up to prevent image pilfering - can't be just my computer as it only happens on that page on flikker.. hmmm ann -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
PESO -- Caption Contest
"Trick or treat?!" Or "out of season". This photo reminded me of an old question why programmers mix Halloween and Christmas. Because oct(31)=dec(25). Igor Sent from mobile phone -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
PESO - What's in the color?
I had a brief moment today to experiment with a photo taken this morning. (I tried something similar back in April.) Initially, I thought of this: But then this happened: (And my daughter liked this one the most.) All comments and suggestions are welcome. Igor -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: My Wife, Marlene
Paul, My deepest condolences to you and your family! That photo is a great memory of Marlene. It is emanating bright light. Thank you for sharing it. Igor On Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 7:35 PM, paul stenquist wrote: As many of you know, my wife, Marlene, succumbed to cancer yesterday in our home, without the angst of a hostpital environment. She has been my inspiration and partner for 45 years, and I can.t believe she.s gone. I keep thinking I have to go check on her, but then remember she.s no longer here. Her passing was peaceful and apparently painless and for that I am eternally grateful. Kudos to the doctors at Karmanos Cancer Center and Angela Hospice. The hospice nurses were constantly available and at my side during those last days. I can.t thank them enough. This is my favorite photo of her. She was 23 years old here and just bubbling over with life. Paul -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: PESO ~ Portrait of a self-portrait
Bruce, That's a nice shot... This point of view creates some suspense: The the way she is positioned, what she is looking at... Being pictured against the white cold-looking floor (table?) creates the contrast with how hot she looks. The extended black bellows just sprung into the action That's such a sexy camera!.. The lady is fine. :-D Igor On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 3:44 PM, Bruce Walker wrote: Molly Fassbender has a fascination with self-portraits, so I brought my little collection of vintage cameras along to our shoot last Thursday. 645Z, DFA645 90mm f:2.8 Macro, f:11, 1/125th sec, 100 ISO, handheld. One light: Buff 86" extreme silver PLM boomed directly overhead. Model: Molly Fassbender Hair & makeup: Judi Willrich Comments welcome, as always! -- -bmw -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: PESO - Self Portrait of a Confused Photographer
Bulent, It looks like you are having lots of fun! Judging from your self-portrait, I'd say "you've been thinking outside the box". :-) And don't listen to your enemies: you are not square! ;-) Cheers! Igor On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 10:29 AM, Bulent Celasun wrote: I may call it a figurative abstract, to make it still more confusing! Anyway, consider it untitled, if you like! Pentax 67, 165mm f/2.8 (at f/8), Fomapan ISO 100 film (on tripod). Comments appreciated. Bulent -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Pricing and Negotiating - interesting take
I remember several discussions (here, on PDML) about pricing of the photo-work. So, I thought this would be interesting for PDMLers: For me, it is the logic behind this estimate that is the most interesting part. Igor -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: PESO Rover
Larry, that's the result of your testing of a smoke? ;-) Larry Colen Fri, 06 Nov 2015 02:04:24 -0800 wrote: I was doing a smoke test of my 16-50 when it returned from precision. -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: #@!#!^$%@ Computers!!!
I fully agree with you. I know several cases when my colleagues have lost their computers and other electronic equipments when the power was coming back up. That's why I've always been trying, both at home and at work, to unplug all somewhat valuable electric equipment from the outlets when the power goes down. Surge protectors are somewhat helpful as well. Igor Otis C. Wright, Jr. Tue, 03 Nov 2015 20:41:39 -0800 wrote: After some years of investigating damage attributed to power anomalies during power restoration, it is my opinion that here in the USA, it is a good idea to leave the power to the computer (and other electric units) disconnected/off until power is restored and stabilized. I use drop out relays and/or ups systems with computers. Otis On 11/3/2015 4:34 PM, Igor PDML-StR wrote: > Many (most?) desktops since probably late 1990s/early 2000s have an option in the BIOS that enables starting upon power loss/detecting power. I've used this feature for many years with the computer, monitor and other related devices all connected to one surge protector. With a flip of a single switch you turn on all of them and have the computer booting up. HTH, Igor John Tue, 03 Nov 2015 12:05:42 -0800 wrote: ... 've been bringing network resources up as I need them and finally got around to the printer next to the Photoshop computer just now, I found that the computer was already switched on. Hadn't noticed it because the monitor was still turned off. Since I didn't switch it on, what did? ... -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Snapchat also uses your photos perpetually (Re: Contracts for pro band photographers.)
I am not using it, but here is what Snapchat included with the new terms of service: You grant Snapchat a worldwide, perpetual, royalty-free, sublicensable, and transferable license to host, store, use, display, reproduce, modify, adapt, edit, publish, create derivative works from, publicly perform, broadcast, distribute, syndicate, promote, exhibit, and publicly display that content in any form and in any and all media or distribution methods (now known or later developed). Given the fact that Snapchat (at least initially) was aimed at "private" messaging (or was it messaging privates?), that type of TOS is even more disturbing (compared, say, to photohosting services). Igor -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: #@!#!^$%@ Computers!!!
Many (most?) desktops since probably late 1990s/early 2000s have an option in the BIOS that enables starting upon power loss/detecting power. I've used this feature for many years with the computer, monitor and other related devices all connected to one surge protector. With a flip of a single switch you turn on all of them and have the computer booting up. HTH, Igor John Tue, 03 Nov 2015 12:05:42 -0800 wrote: ... 've been bringing network resources up as I need them and finally got around to the printer next to the Photoshop computer just now, I found that the computer was already switched on. Hadn't noticed it because the monitor was still turned off. Since I didn't switch it on, what did? ... -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: Warning for Mac users with Old PhotoShop versions
Dave, Just in case you want to upgrade, you can still do that for free for yet another old (but newer than yours) version, - CS2: I believe it still works... (YMMV) Igor David J Brooks Sat, 31 Oct 2015 07:00:31 -0700 wrote: I'm still using CS .:-) Dave -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: Contracts for pro band photographers.
That's an interesting case, thanks for posting, Malcolm! For those who are not interested in listening to 15 minutes of blubbering, here is the link to the article in the paper he is talking about: inlcuding the letter therein. And here is the followup: Igor PS. 6 years ago I encountered somewhat similar ownership demands from the organizers of then-annual swing-dance event called "Eastern Balboa Championship". Here is the discussion of that at PDML: Those draconian ownership demands was the reason we decided not to go to that event at all. Malcolm Smith Tue, 03 Nov 2015 08:17:09 -0800 A (fair) bit of swearing but with a message: -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: PESO: Poke
Speaking about "organic" bananas, (And you might enjoy the entire video clip from the beginning.) Igor Daniel J. Matyola Sat, 31 Oct 2015 10:09:41 -0700 wrote: We just returned from Wegman's our local supermarket. I almost made a mistake and purchased "organic" bananas instead of the regular ones. Luckily, I realized the mistake in time. -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: PESO: Poke
On Fri, Oct 30, 2015 at 3:10 PM, P.J. Alling wrote: No culture that had a choice would have chosen Corn But some were forced: But then that's what politicians do: HFCS, methanol-added gas.. -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: PESO ~ Facebook-safe
!!! Bruce, thanks for providing good morning loughs. Those are especially welcome after 2-hour-sleep work night. Enjoyed the image and the pun. It looks like Judi also provided support for the model (to prevent her from falling down). :P~ Cheers! Igor On 11/2/2015 9:21 AM, Bruce Walker wrote: I have decided that from now on I will only take Facebook-safe shots to avoid problems. Here's the first: Model is Playboy Croatia July 2015 playmate Kristina Jovanovic. Hair and makeup by my pal Judi Willrich, who also gave me a hand getting the shot. 645Z, DFA645 55/2.8, f:10, 1/125th sec, 100 ISO. Comments are always welcome! -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: Copyright issues: What if you photograph someone with a copyrighted tattoo?
Actually, here is the latest bill that I can find that covers fashion design protection: And here is its discussion in Forbes: This bill was meant as a replacement for the 2006 one previously referenced by me. As far as I understand, it still has not been enacted by the Senate. It turns out that EU and European countries provide better protection for the fashion design: That article discusses several other examples that might be of interest to inquisitive minds. Igor On Sat, 31 Oct 2015, Igor PDML-StR wrote: Mark: thanks, that's an interesting article. Bob: I don't know how it works on your side of the pond, but in the US, sculptures in a photo MAY BE and often ARE covered by copyright. There have been several cases in the past decade or so. See e.g. this case: It looks like it is different in Canada: If you read that second reference above, you'll see that you can photograph and paint (on your own media! ;-) ) public buildings without copyright infringements. As for clothes, I know much less about that area. There is much lower level of copyright protection in the fashion design (if at all). You can read e.g. this document: HTH, Igor Bob W-PDML Sat, 31 Oct 2015 11:38:41 -0700 wrote: I can't see the difference between photographing someone with tattoos and someone wearing clothes that someone else has designed, or a street containing buildings and billboards, and tons of other shit that's copyright. Sounds to me like a lawyer trying to drum up some spurious business. B On 31 Oct 2015, at 18:22, Mark Roberts wrote: Some interesting questions arise! -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: Copyright issues: What if you photograph someone with a copyrighted tattoo?
Mark: thanks, that's an interesting article. Bob: I don't know how it works on your side of the pond, but in the US, sculptures in a photo MAY BE and often ARE covered by copyright. There have been several cases in the past decade or so. See e.g. this case: It looks like it is different in Canada: If you read that second reference above, you'll see that you can photograph and paint (on your own media! ;-) ) public buildings without copyright infringements. As for clothes, I know much less about that area. There is much lower level of copyright protection in the fashion design (if at all). You can read e.g. this document: HTH, Igor Bob W-PDML Sat, 31 Oct 2015 11:38:41 -0700 wrote: I can't see the difference between photographing someone with tattoos and someone wearing clothes that someone else has designed, or a street containing buildings and billboards, and tons of other shit that's copyright. Sounds to me like a lawyer trying to drum up some spurious business. B On 31 Oct 2015, at 18:22, Mark Roberts wrote: Some interesting questions arise! -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: PESO: Poke
On 29 Oct 2015, at 23:39, Bill wrote: On 10/29/2015 6:26 AM, Daniel J. Matyola wrote: On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 1:04 AM, knarf wrote: Nice photo anyway. Thanks, Frank. I don't really understand the vegan movement, but then again, you don't need my understanding or approval. At least it keeps the price of red meat down a bit. Not really, Vegans are competing for food with farm animals. I recently saw a "grass fed yougurt". So, vegans are also competing with yougurt. :-) And they drink the blood of dead tomatoes! ;-) Cheers, Igor -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: PESO: Poke
Dan, Yep, nice poke is very tasty! Surprisingly, the sushi stand at the local supermarket ("HEB") sells "poke". But it is essentially just passable tuna sashimi. As for things that are similar to this "poke" is the dish that is called "[fish] ceviche" in Chile, and especially in Easter Island. It is different from "Mexican" ceviche, and much closer to what you pictured as "poke". That Easter Island ceviche is one of the best dishes we've tried there (while the food there is very tasty in general). Igor Daniel J. Matyola wrote: Poke (pronounced POH-kay) is the quintessential Hawaiian dish. It is served in most Hawaiian homes and restaurants, and no gathering in Hawaii would be complete without a few bowls of poke. Poke is bite-size pieces of raw tuna doused in seasonings, and mixed with seaweed and Maui onions. -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: PESO ~ A portrait in window light
Bruce, I remember seeing this image earlier, - I probably browsed through your website. Very nice shot. One thought that I remember I had back then, and that is sort of lingering now: I wonder if the same photo would have worked even better if that sweater was not ripped? (Obviously, that would've been a very different photo.) There is some dissonance between the glamorous setting/look and that ripped, almost-revealing sweater. It's like a tritone in music. Let me share yet another thought started by association to this photo. Your warning and responses of others (Dan and Ann) had me thinking that the famous painting by Delcroix ("Liberty Leading the People") would be considered NSFW. And yes, I would be careful not to open that painting in the university classroom (in a Physics or Materials Science class). Igor On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 9:16 AM, Bruce Walker wrote: This is another shot from my first work with art model Dorrie Mack, back in May. (It's actually work-safe unless you squint real hard.) K-3, DA* 55/1.4, f:2.2, 1/100th sec, 100 ISO. One light source, daylight. I positioned her in the open mouth of a black v-flat (4x8' sheets of foam core) at right angles to the very large studio windows. Comments welcome! -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: Fighting enablement - lens choice question
Alan, I don't know if it was just a rhetorical question or not. Until recently, I had thought that "Limited" designation was limited [sic!] to primes lenses. And for the "*" designation zooms had to have constant aperture and be parfocal (as opposed to varifocal). (Of course, those criteria were in addition to the great optical and build quality.) The recent introduction of 20-40 f/2.8-4 lens broke both of those rules. So, I think both of those designations now mean close to what "reserve" means for wines: "We thought we can charge extra for this product, and we hope this designation will help the sales". Also, I thought the lenses had to be fast in their class. But 21mm-f/3.2 was pushing that criterion as well. Still, I would be surprised to see any of those designations on a f/3.5-5.6 lens. Also, the 16-85/3.5-5.6 is suspiciously similar in the specs to the one from Nikon. By any chance, - do they share the design? (I.e. is it possible that the lens optical design was done by the same 3rd party? I do not see any discussion about that upon a quick search in Google.) Igor Alan C Wed, 28 Oct 2015 21:26:10 -0700 wrote: Very erudite reasoning. I also have the 18-55/55-300 combo which gives perfectly acceptable results in most circumstances. Although I do have other lenses, they are all inferior optically except for the Pentax M 50mm 1.7 & the Sunactinon A 28mm 2.8. The 16-85 is so highly rated one wonders how it missed "limited" or "*" status. Alan C -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
OT (WAY OT): Entertainment Recommendations
Dan, Thanks for the interesting recommendations. I'd be interested to see that Broadway show, but I am not sure how soon I'll get to NYC. As for your comments about how a profession and professional proceedings are presented, - the same can be said about most of professional areas. First that comes to mind are: computers (in many different aspects and applications), space (flights), police investigations (e.g. various unreal tests, image enhancements, etc...). And I hear the same from my friends doctors about medicine-related shows. I think it is a trend of the pop-culture/media: "Correct or not, - who cares if it sells". And I'd venture to say, that it is not limited just to the American TV. We all remember Roman "panem et circenses" ("bread and circuses"). Igor Daniel J. Matyola Thu, 29 Oct 2015 06:46:06 -0700 wrote: This is mostly for the Americans on the list, especially those near NYC, but I am sure the movie will play abroad as well, if not the play. As an attorney, I am embarrassed by the offerings on American TV these days about lawyers and the law. IMO, they are all salacious soap operas that perpetuate gross misunderstanding about the law and legal process in a democracy. Theatrically, the constitute a big pile of crap. There are, however, two current events that portray legal issues in a thoughtful way, and are at the same time immensely entertaining: ... -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: Fighting enablement - lens choice question
Malcolm, I haven't used any of these lenses, but I was thinking about a similar question. Just in case you haven't seen this review, - it might give you some impression of this lens, and answer some technical questions, including some comparisons between different lenses in this range: (It is spread over many pages, - this is just one of them, so use the arrows to go "left" and "right".) My lens is 17-70/4. I like it. It is not perfect: it is good at the wide end, but becomes less sharp in the 50-70 range. But I've stopped carrying 18-250 which is more "universal" in favor of 17-70 which provides better quality for me, and I always have 50-135 for when I need the higher quality for 50+ mm. I value the extra "17" vs. "18"mm, and the constant f/4 aperture. (f/5.6 becomes a bit too slow for my needs.) So, as other people pointed out you'd probably need to figure out what your most frequent subjects/scenes demand, and go from there.. Alternatively, you might buy just the lens that you _want_ to have. :-) HTH, Igor On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Malcolm Smith wrote: I have the opportunity to add either an 18-135mm WR lens, or a 16-85mm WR lens to my collection at a discount. In the past I would have jumped to add another lens, but as I already have the 18-55mm WR & 55-300mm WR lenses, I am struggling to see what advantage I would gain by acquiring either of these. I don't want equipment to sit in boxes, I want things that will get regular use. Is there any point in considering either of these, just in case I'm missing something that makes one worthwhile? Thanks, Malcolm -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: what do you do with cameras you cannot sell
One night, when it's dark and cold, they leave and go to the place where old cameras go. They get together and tell stories about ol' good days, when they were young and full of film. Once in a while, one of them blinks its aperture and they get excited and start all flipping their mirrors. ... And that strange sound can be heard... David J Brooks Mon, 19 Oct 2015 08:00:09 -0700 wrote: I have a bunch of older Nikons that no one seems to want. Any one in the same boat, what do you do with them, kepp them, scrap them>> ?? Dave -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
I need to improve my diagnostic skills
Larry, even the Sun has spots... :-) Igor Sent from mobile phone -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: Pentax DSLR memory card bus speed, theory & practice?
Larry, Some time ago, I was trying to find answers to similar questions. Unfortunately, Pentax doesn't provide (at least at that point it didn't) any specs with respect to this. So, let me share the most essential bits of information that I was able to find (and still remember). First, a few comments: 1. Note that Speed class (Class 10) specifies only the minimum speed and only for WRITING. 2. An additional classification that is somewhat complementary to theses classes is the UHS speed classes (UHS-1, and -3) . They specify not only the minimum writing speed, but also the UHS mode of the SD bus. 3. Note, that you would benefit from how fast you can READ from the cards, both (a) in the camera and (b) in your card reader. 4. Also, note that SDXC, compared to SDHC also defines a difference in the file system support (exFAT). So, when I was choosing my cards at the end of 2014 (I have k-5 iiS), but I was considering K-3, so, I had it in mind (somewhat). My conclusion: to have at least Class-10, UHS-1.[*] I don't remember for sure if K-5/K-3 support UHS-I mode, but I deemed it to be necessary. I forgot what I decided was the useful writing speed cut-off (I might not have gotten that number). I vaguely remember thinking in the range of 40-60 MB/s. (Notice, unlike internet connection speed, it is megabYtes per second, hence MB, not Mb) [ Just in case: says that "Speed Class and the UHS Speed Class are not compatible", but that is an ambiguous statement, as the cards include markings for both.] In any case, the latest card I bought was 64GB Samsung PRO that is labeled: SDXC, I, (1), and Class 10: . This card has specs for 90 MB/s - Read, 50 MB/s write. I've been using it for 10-11 months, and have no complaints. As a matter of fact, within this time I've used my SanDisk cards only once or twice. Sorry for the lack of solid number, but I HTH, Igor Larry Colen Thu, 15 Oct 2015 16:56:29 -0700 wrote: Does anyone have any specifications for the bus speed for the SD cards in our DSLR bodies? Under the rubric of Class 10 cards, different cards are sold with different data rates. My recent purchases vary from 40 to 90 MbPS. The last time I bought cards, boosting speed from 40 to 80 or 90 cost about as much as going from 32 to 64 GB. In addition to the speed to transfer the raw files from the buffer to the card, there is also the speed to process the raw files, so while the bus might in theory be able to handle 120 MbPS, the system might not work any faster with a 90M card than with an 80M card. Has anyone done any specific experimentation on where diminishing returns come into play on recent bodies (K-5, K-3 ...)? -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: OT - To print or buy ?
Larry, Ken, - thanks for the followup information. Bulent: Other people have suggested what comes out well on metal (paper or aluminum). My experience with metallic PAPER (and from Larry described, I assume prints on aluminum sheets have similar properties) is that glossy works much better than matte. I am not sure about other 3 types of finish that BayPhoto has. I know that this photo comes out really well; Just recently I used this for a birthday card - for the kid who likes rainbows: And it looked very well on Epson Metallic glossy paper that I mentioned earlier. Ann: I had used "Metallic Photo-Chrome Pearl" (from Atlex) that also got discontinued recently. and then I found the new Epson Metaallic glossy which is noticably better. Igor On Wed, 14 Oct 2015, Igor PDML-StR wrote: Thank you, Don, for the pointer. I wasn't aware of that option. I just looked, - and they are indeed very pricey. I like some photos how they look on metallic paper, and those aluminum sheets look like an interesting option. But at this price, I'd want to see how it looks first. So, I'll probably hold off until I can get to some print shop that has them to show (which might not happen any time soon, unfortunately). I just managed to find a shop in Houston that presumably does this type of prints. "Presumably" is because they don't have the price list on their website ( ). But I called them, and they confirmed. I will try to stop by when I am in Houston on a weekday to look at the samples. Igor Donald Guthrie Tue, 13 Oct 2015 13:07:59 -0700 wrote: Thanks. Yes I will hunt some down maybe from Red River as Paul S mentions in another reply. I was referring to larger prints on sheets of aluminum. They are pricey but come with a hanger and require no other framing, mitigating cost somewhat. With the right subject and lighting they can be quite attractive. -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: OT - To print or buy ?
Thank you, Don, for the pointer. I wasn't aware of that option. I just looked, - and they are indeed very pricey. I like some photos how they look on metallic paper, and those aluminum sheets look like an interesting option. But at this price, I'd want to see how it looks first. So, I'll probably hold off until I can get to some print shop that has them to show (which might not happen any time soon, unfortunately). I just managed to find a shop in Houston that presumably does this type of prints. "Presumably" is because they don't have the price list on their website ( ). But I called them, and they confirmed. I will try to stop by when I am in Houston on a weekday to look at the samples. Igor Donald Guthrie Tue, 13 Oct 2015 13:07:59 -0700 wrote: Thanks. Yes I will hunt some down maybe from Red River as Paul S mentions in another reply. I was referring to larger prints on sheets of aluminum. They are pricey but come with a hanger and require no other framing, mitigating cost somewhat. With the right subject and lighting they can be quite attractive. -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Stunning wildlife photos
I suspect some pdmlers might have seen these already. Some impressive photos here: Igor Sent from mobile phone -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: OT - To print or buy ?
Larry, Although I haven't tried Walgreens for several years, previously, I had established that Walmart's 1-hour (!) service provides much better quality. That was the case during the film era, and it was the case in the digital age. But it is important that it is the 1-hour service, which is done in-store. The other, non-1-hour service is done elsewhere, and it is not as good (at least that used to be the case, - it's been years since I've tried). HTH, Igor Larry Colen Mon, 12 Oct 2015 21:01:03 -0700 wrote: A couple months ago I wanted to send Mom some prints of my meteor photos from the Pleidies. Since Mom is deathly allergic to learning anything about computers, if I want to show her any of my photos, I have to send her prints. Unfortunately, after the people who run the costcophotocenter website were hacked, the site was down for a bit while they addressed security concerns. It turned out that while Costco is cheaper if I pick up prints rather than getting them mailed, if you're going to mail prints to someone, then Walgreen's is cheaper. I know nothing about the quality, but I assume that it is good enough for sending snapshots to friends and relatives. -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: OT - To print or buy ?
Don, Just in case: you can print on metallic paper with your Epson printer. I've used a few different papers, - but most recently I tried this one by Epson and liked it: Igor Donald Guthrie Tue, 13 Oct 2015 08:19:07 -0700 wrote: I am interested in your findings. I print more in the winter and it is time to buy supplies for the Epson. I don't know if I can break the habit because it is my last link to film days when I developed the film and printed in the darkroom. Sometimes I think I am only making proofs for the ones I want to send out for enlargement or metal prints. -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: OT - To print or buy ?
Ken, thanks for the pointer. I don't remember hearing about Bayphoto. For the small sizes, 4x6, and probably 5x7, ordering it from almost any [reasonable] print shop is cheaper. For the larger sizes, depending on the prices and amounts, it can go either way. But for me, there is one big factor of having a printer at home: convenience. I know that I can quickly put together and print a birthday card for a friend in the morning, before going to a party. I haven't checked recently, probably it is no longer the case, but it used to be that not all print shops would have some specialty paper (or it would be unreasonably expensive), - e.g. metallic or canvas. But even having a printer at home (Epson R2880), I place some orders to a print shop. E.g. recently, I had a bunch of invitation cards printed at Walmart's 1-hour shop. Yet another convenience of using Walmart's 1-hour shop is that I can submit it to be printed at the Walmart near my relatives across the country, and they can pick up those photos there. At some point, I ordered photos to be shipped to other people. I'd share a small hint for those who have printers: I discovered a source of _very_ cheap paper that one can use as a sort of "scratch" photo paper: Dollar Tree (in the US) sells some generic gloss paper: 20-pack of 4"x6" for $1 or 8-pack of Letter size (8.5"x11") for the same $1. It's lightweight, only 9 mil., but it is suitable for some non-demanding testing. The curious fact is that the batches I've seen in the past half a year are branded by Polaroid. Igor Bruce Walker Mon, 12 Oct 2015 16:11:22 -0700 wrote: I came to that conclusion a few years ago and have avoided ever buying any printer at all. Between the supplies costs and the regular maintenance nuisance, an in-house printer ain't worth it. If I printed a lot, _maybe_. What I will do someday here is get a colorimeter that can read paper so I can calibrate my various print houses. Then I know I'll have the most accurate rendition I can get. On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 5:39 PM, Ken Waller wrote: I was getting ready to start printing 4" X 6" prints off of one of my Epson printers for 2016 calendars I am in the process of producing, but I had to buy some ink & paper. I've had really good results from Bay Photo & have been pleasantly surprised at their very reasonable prices on large prints so I checked out their cost for 4" X 6" prints & found that I couldn't print myself for the cost of their prints, including postage. With postage, Bay charged me $.30/print. Using Epson 4" X 6" photo paper would have cost me $.33/print, not even including the cost of ink! I ordered them last Thursday & they arrived this afternoon. While I like the control I have over my in house printing, I've given nothing up by having Bay do the work for me. I sent them the highest res jpegs I could, after I had perfected the images thru Photoshop. I requested no changes from Bay and the results are every bit as good as I have gotten in house in the past with out my time to sit by the printer and feed paper to the machine. Just thought others might be interested in my findings. -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: An enjoyable day and now I understand the appeal of superzooms...
Darren, I don't know if you'd thought of it or not: if the effective focal length is 2000 mm, and the crop factor is 5.64 (per Bipin), - than the actual focal length of that glass is about 355 mm. So, that's shorter than your 500 mm (which is equivalent to 750 mm on the Pentax body). So, the glass focal length by itself is not the factor there. And BTW, your "disadvantage" with K-3 is not 2000/500=4, but only 2000/750=2.67. Now, the ratio of the crop factors 5.64/1.5 = 3.76. That, divided by Sqrt (24 MP / 16 MP) = 1.5 (assuming K3) gives us about 3.08. If I didn't make some stupid error in my estimates, it means that the linear density of the pixels on that P900 is 3 times higher compared to K-3. I.e. the size of the pixel is roughly 3-times smaller (so, that's one of the resolution-limiting factors when you make a tight crop on a larger sensor). Of course, this matters only when the optics doesn't limit the resolution first. I don't know what's the optics resolution for P900, especially at the longer end which is typically showing worse performance than the short-end and mid-range of the superzooms. So, I don't know what is the ultimate resolution limiting factor in this case. Correction: I just checked and 1/2.3" inch sensor actually has a crop factor of 5.2 ( ). 5.64 crop factor is fot the smallest sensor that is 1/2.5". So, for P900 sensor, the linear pixel density is about 2.84 that of K-3, and the actual focal length is about 385 mm. You draw your own conclusions. That's all about stills. For the video, that you reference, - you are not using the full resolution of the sensor. I don't know the actual technique, but I assume it averages the adjacent pixels. So, for the video, the advantage of P900 would be because you cannot define the crop while shooting video in K-3 (I have K-5 iiS, but I from what I know K-3 is the same). Yes, the light-weight remains an advantage. I hope these considerations are helpful. Igor Darren Addy Sun, 11 Oct 2015 19:11:09 -0700 wrote: To finish my thought... my sister and I both had zooms with a 500mm long end. The Nikon Coolpix P900 would bring things 4x as close, with a lot less weight. Nikon sort of blew away the field with the 83x of the P900. Even Nikon Coolpix forum members are getting sick of people raving about it. On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 8:34 PM, Darren Addy wrote: Different tools for different purposes... Spent an enjoyable day with my Nikon shooting birding sister. We started the day in a Crane Trust blind before sunrise and ended at Rowe Sanctuary near Gibbon, NE which is a great facility. My sister is amazing at seeing birds where I'm obivious. It was great "exercise" for me and a got a few keepers (but nothing special). We had a pair of coyotes come into frame while shooting Great Blue Herons on the Platte River. Unfortunately, on the opposite shore. A middle morning visit to Fort Kearny turned up little, but good exercise trying to capture fast-moving Ruby Throated Kinglets eating the last elderberries on a bush/tree. Also a single cormorant keeping his distance in the Platte River. Later, on the way to Rowe we had a photogenic posing adult Osprey and an immature Bald Eagle enjoying lunch at the top of a tall power pole. At Rowe we discovered some deluxe blinds on the river and a tall above the trees blind, open to the public (Filed for future use.) We also got a distant shot of a Kingfisher, some black terns and our closest view of a Great Blue Heron in the river. Used multiple techniques (AF, MF, etc.) and learned a lot. I certainly see the appeal of the superzooms like the Nikon P900 with its 2000mm equiv (search YouTube for HD video from it). With the K-3 and an extreme crop I"m only using a fraction of the sensor anyway... plus the lightness of the P900 would be a real plus.Unfortunately, no RAW... JPEG only... but still... -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: I was wondering ...
Larry, I've had that hypothesis (in the back of my mind) for a while. Your question made me thinking in more detail about it. On one hand the argument for why that should be possible is as follows: If the noise is due to the statistical uncertainty (Sqrt(N)) for the number of counts (N) on the detector (pixel in this case), and the number of counts scales with the area of the single detector (pixel), then by combining the output of the equivalent number of the detectors (or more exactly, areal coverage), we should obtain a comparable level of the noise to that of a large detector of the same area. (For simplicity, let's neglect for now the "wasted" area between the smaller pixels that is not occupied by the pixel.) However, that doesn't cover other (numerous) sources of noise that scale differently (or even don't scale at all) with the sensor size. Dissertations are written on very careful analysis of those. (If you are interested, - look e.g. at these class notes: ) But I can think of two "phenomenological" examples that demonstrate why the sum of smaller sensors might not be as good as a single large one. 1. A smaller sensor might require a fundamentally different design, which, in turn, produces a different level of noise (e.g. CMOS vs CCD). 2. If noise is generated at the boundary of the sensor. (This could be relevant for very high-density/small pixel size sensors) Then the combined boundary length (circumference) of the M smaller pixels covering the same area as one large pixel will be Sqrt(M) times larger then that of that single large pixel. I am not sure if this type of "boundary" noise is actually happening/important in today's sensors. It might be that this type of effects are only relevant for much smaller (e.g. double-digit-nanometer-scale electronics) devices. But in any case, - different scaling of different types of noise (noise sources) and different relative contribution from different sources at different pixel sizes can create the situation when you might not get a low-light-level noise from the combined pixels of a high-pixel-density camera sensor as low as you would get it from an equivalent-pixel-count lower-pixel-density camera sensor. Igor Larry Colen Fri, 09 Oct 2015 14:10:38 -0700 wrote: That being said, I don't understand why with a bit of math a 42 MP sensor could not put out 12 MP files with the same noise and DR as the 12 MP sensor. My feeling is that you could probably come pretty close to the noise of the 12 MP sensor, while still retaining most of the resolution of the 12 MP sensor, particularly for high contrast edges. -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: PUG Themes for 2016
That's a fair point. (And that's one of the reasons why I cannot watch most sitcoms -- all that use the forced background "laughter". But at the same time, aren't all cuttens absolute? ;-) Cheers, Igor On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 10:00 AM, ann sanfedele wrote: Yeah yeah -- Make fun,... but seriously - I think those adjectives should be applied by the viewer after they look at a photo, since those things (funny, cute) especially (along with Butt-ugly) are so much a matter of personal taste- in a group such as ours with widely different backgrounds - spanning ages and countries and ethnicityit just seems like a bad idea. and of course I'm happy when viewers " get the joke" in my photos, but not if they are told they are supposed to smile or laugh. Good morning everyone! now I'm off to feed the cute kitty for my friend... ann -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: PUG Themes for 2016
Can a copy machine [aka xerox] made by Ricoh be considered a Pentax camera? Jack Davis Thu, 08 Oct 2015 09:57:12 -0700 wrote: I'd like to avoid the predictable bunch of ugly butts! J -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: PUG Themes for 2016
Ann, Ghm... you prefer "nonhumourous" and "uncute"? ;-) It's interesting that I had exactly the same reaction about the song one.. Brian, I appreciated the sequence (proximity) of some of the proposed themes, so I thought of a combined one: "tranquility at rush hour". And in a similar manner, when I mistook "shed" for "shadow", I thought of "shadow reflection". On a serious note, - I seriously propose "serious" as a serious topic. And, if the combinations are not accepted, - I suggest "shadow" (not "shadows"!) Best, Igor ann sanfedele Wed, 07 Oct 2015 16:41:17 -0700 wrote: I liked the challenge of World photo day - I just wish it were not in the middle of the summer. It was 2012 that we did the music thing? good grief, where has the time gone? Spare me the evaluative adjectives (humorous, cute) as subject matter please. But subjects like "wind" that have multiple meanings are fun, although it was a tough one for me... guess I'm distracted. ann On 10/7/2015 7:00 PM, Brian Walters wrote: G'day all Some suggested themes for 2016: * World Photo Day - this one was popular this year - worth doing again? * Songlines - Pick a Song or Piece of Music and make a photo to suit. We did this in 2012 - worth doing again? See here: * Golden Hour * This Sporting Life * In Silhouette * Humorous * A Fork in the Road * Beyond Reach * Black and white * Cute * Gathering * Iconic Places * Hands * History * Hot * Leaves * Sheds * Reflection * Peace * Rush Hour * Tranquillity * Up Let me know if any of those appeal (or not) and feel free to suggest others. Cheers Brian -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: PESO - Ground Spider
Mark, on the phone, I couldn't see "open in a new window ". It was too small. Catch 22. :) Igor Sent from mobile phone Mark C Tue, 06 Oct 2015 19:29:41 -0700 wrote: Thanks Igor! If you tap on the image on you phone it will expand, and if you then tap on "open in a new window" you will get a zoomable file. Not ideal, I know. On October 6, 2015 9:21:36 PM Igor PDML-StR wrote: "Look into my eyes!..." That's what started playing in my head once I looked at this furry creature on my laptop. (I had problems viewing it on my Android, as the website does't allow to zoom in.) Very elaborate photo! I enjoyed it as always! Igor Mark C Tue, 06 Oct 2015 10:01:31 -0700 wrote: If spiders bother you don't look: K-3, reverse mounted K 24mm f3.5. 135 stacked images. -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: October PUGgery now up!!
Don, The topic of the next PUG reminded me of this: BTW, that's a piano, not a guitar in Rick's photo. Rick, - I greatly enjoyed your original interpretation of the theme. Cheers, Igor Donald Guthrie Wed, 07 Oct 2015 08:59:51 -0700 wrote: Gosh I thought the group did a great job with a tough concept. Two windmills were obvious but well done with my nod going to Dan for making a rather ugly subject into a rather beautiful one. Pat T had a subtle sail boat & Ken dramatic windy sea. Theme wise Darren's storm might be the best. But Ann's barren treeless landscape has a haunting beauty. Bending the topic Rick's guitar Alan's elephant en passant gave me pause and smile. Frankly not a clinker in the bunch. Now what the heck is next month's theme. -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: PESO - Ground Spider
"Look into my eyes!..." That's what started playing in my head once I looked at this furry creature on my laptop. (I had problems viewing it on my Android, as the website does't allow to zoom in.) Very elaborate photo! I enjoyed it as always! Igor Mark C Tue, 06 Oct 2015 10:01:31 -0700 wrote: If spiders bother you don't look: K-3, reverse mounted K 24mm f3.5. 135 stacked images. -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: Peso - another flower for testing :-)
Ann, I like the combination of colors. I had not notice the "shadow"y thingies (leaves?) at the bottom right that Jack has mentioned, - until I read his message. They are there, and it would've been better if they weren't. But they aren't distracting. What bothers my eyes is the softness of the central flower (stem and blossom). More than once, I've had a similar problem with my own photos of flowers, every time ending with leaving the photo aside. I know some people aren't disturbed by this. Sorry... Igor On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 7:48 AM, ann sanfedele wrote: might as well send a link - I haven't seen a post on PDML since last night ann -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: Re: October PUG - Last Call
Exactly as Darren said, - you can still submit while the submission form has the particular monthly gallery. And it still does... Just harry up while Brian is still asleep ... :-) Igor Darren Addy Fri, 02 Oct 2015 08:58:33 -0700 wrote: I think you can still submit. By the way, I'll bet you are not the only one to think in that direction. Imagine we will see some winding roads, as well. :) On Fri, Oct 2, 2015 at 10:51 AM, Donald Guthrie wrote: Oops looks like I missed the last call. I had a great picture of my last stem-winding watch to submit but I will save that for another time. On 10/1/15 6:32 PM, wrote: Re: October PUG - Last Call -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
RE: Free bird blinds in your area...
Dear Elmer J. Fudd, That's been done by some mighty people. The photos are here: :-) Cheers, Wabbit B.B. Bob W Fri, 02 Oct 2015 08:11:45 -0700 wrote: The best way to shoot ducks is to dress up in a duck suit and float around on the local pond. I'm not a big fan of duck photography, but if you can send us a picture of yourself so attired, I could change my mind. Elmer Fudd -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: Fwd: Your photo has been selected for photo of the day at
Cool! Dan, I liked the image when I saw it earlier, and despite the weather, nothing has happened to it since that. :-) Igor PS. Many years ago, I was wondering what the number means when a movie theater is called e.g. "Windchimes Cinema 18". And then I figured it out. So, now, I know what "Monarch 12" means. ;-) Daniel J. Matyola Thu, 01 Oct 2015 05:42:14 -0700 wrote: -- Forwarded message -- From: Date: Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 12:41 AM Subject: Your photo has been selected for photo of the day at To: Congratulations! Your photo ( has been chosen by the Elves to be featured as the Photo of the Day for October 2. This is a distinct honor as gets thousands of uploads a day by notable photographers from all over the world! Take this moment to pat yourself on the back for creating a truly wonderful photograph and we would like to sincerely thank you for sharing it with us. Each photo of the day will be featured on the home page as well as our social media outlets! There are many more very exciting updates coming to in the coming months, so keep up the terrific work, stay active on and once again congratulations! Sincerely, Glenn Palm General Manager - -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: October PUG - Last Call
On Thu, 01 Oct 2015 11:45:11 +1000 Brian Walters wrote: A few people have been quick off the mark this month - 7 to be exact (and there's even a very early one for December!) I'll be putting this one out to pasture on Friday evening, Sydney time. Theme: Wind The server logs show only 10 submissions so far, it looks like some PDMLers are passing Wind. ;-) -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: October PUG - Last Call
Jan, I see in the server logs that your submission happened on Sun Sep 27 08:56 2015 (EDT). A confirmation e-mail to you was sent at 08:57. A somewhat strange thing is that it was passed to and accepted by the server [] . I see that that server is in the Amazon cloud, and it doesn't match any of the 4 MX servers currently listed for . I suspect that the DNS records have changed since Sunday. Otherwise, there might be something malicious about someone messing up with your DNS records. I hope this helps. Igor Jan van Wijk Thu, 01 Oct 2015 03:21:07 -0700 wrote: Hi Brian, On Thu, 01 Oct 2015 11:45:11 +1000 Brian Walters wrote: A few people have been quick off the mark this month - 7 to be exact (and there's even a very early one for December!) I'll be putting this one out to pasture on Friday evening, Sydney time. Theme: Wind Did you receive mine ? ( I never received the confirmation email, but that is probably due to problems on my side. (I did get the confirmation on the WEB page) There have been some problems at my ISP/registrar so my '' domain has been out of order for a few days, making me miss some email ... Regards, JvW -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: Good news, I'm an idiot!
Larry, There was a Russian TV cartoon for kids: One of the characters, a cat, who is mad at and refuses to speak to his housemate, dog,asks the postmaster who visits their house to pass a telegram "You are an idiot!". But then he finds out that a congratulatory telegram is cheaper, but it has to contain some "congratulatory word". So he sends: "Congratulations, you are an idiot!" I'm glad your problem resolved this easily, even though you missed some opportunities. I've had a couple of similar mishaps. Igor Larry Colen Wed, 30 Sep 2015 14:45:13 -0700 wrote: P.J. Alling wrote: Don't worry Larry, we all knew that. ;-) I found what I'm good at and work at excelling. -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: OT - speaking of bad "cut-n-paste" photoshop jobs
HAR! Steve, I almost bought that... even went back to look at the image again. :-) Igor steve harley Wed, 30 Sep 2015 13:11:30 -0700 wrote: On 2015-09-30 13:10 , Igor PDML-StR wrote: Mark, I enjoyed your posting of the obvious fake. I just came across this one (the first photo of the guy): Never mind that unidentified (by me) celestial object. (Actually, now I am acurious if it is the Earth in the sky... Is that Indonesia-Malaysia region or somewhere around Sea of Japan?) The halo around the hair and even neck is similar to what I see when my little kid who is still developing fine motor skills, cuts out a picture with scissors. It's disappointing when a multi-billion company does such a sloppy job. the man's head is actually composed of thousands of LEGOs, which accounts for the jagged edge -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: Watermarked pictures for display on the internet.
I have almost the same view on watermarking images as what Mark described. To add some details to what Mark wrote: 1. I allow people using photos with themselves for their person non-commercial use (e.g. posting on their facebook page). In that case, I'd like people to see who took that photo. What I am thinking about adding to my watermark (but haven't don't yet, - maybe will do for 2016) -- is to add my website in addition to my name. 2. Indeed, with some possible copyright law changes, - there will/might be a clause that is talking about the user of a "stray image" doing a reasonable research of the ownership. In the case of a watermark, - it's there. About annoyance factor: Two years ago, a friend professional photographer took our family photos, and shared with us (and allowed me to print those for ourselves and close family). I don't mind to have her signature watermark in the corner and we even asked for that version (in addition to the one without any). It is in a way similar to how artists put a signature on their paintings. Igor Mark Roberts Wed, 30 Sep 2015 14:06:08 -0700 wrote: Malcolm Smith wrote: With recent discussion about pictures getting taken by unscrupulous individuals and passed off as their own, or being used in part of an image etc, what is the view of watermarking images that are posted by folk here? The views I've read seem to vary; those in the 'no' camp because you should only be displaying a low res image and that a watermark distracts your eye. The 'yes' camp are equally persuasive in that it immediately tells someone that it is owned and who by. I'm starting to take more pictures again and I think it's about time I had my own account again somewhere, and I'm trying to work out which way I want to go with watermarking images. I can't say that looking at those with watermarks gives me any problems or distracts from what I should be looking at. Is there a right or wrong or simply a choice? My view is that watermarking is not for the purpose of discouraging infringers but for the benefit of those who come across your images out of context and want to know who the creator is. (True, you can accomplish this in metadata but it's amazing how many people don't know how to look for it.) Accordingly, I watermark all my images, but in a small and discreet fashion, making it as subtle as possible while being completely legible. If someone does steal an image outright, removal of the watermark works against them in court and can net you extra damages. -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
OT - speaking of bad "cut-n-paste" photoshop jobs
Mark, I enjoyed your posting of the obvious fake. I just came across this one (the first photo of the guy): Never mind that unidentified (by me) celestial object. (Actually, now I am acurious if it is the Earth in the sky... Is that Indonesia-Malaysia region or somewhere around Sea of Japan?) The halo around the hair and even neck is similar to what I see when my little kid who is still developing fine motor skills, cuts out a picture with scissors. It's disappointing when a multi-billion company does such a sloppy job. Igor -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: Peso-Primal Migration
Jack, Sometimes, while explaining physics of recoil to my freshman students in mechanics, I draw a gun on the board, saying: "I am not a very good artist. I am sure you can draw a gun much better, ... and, being from Texas, much faster..." Having seen this photo, - I wouldn't challenge you to a duel! :-) I enjoy this shot and the composition. I didn't notice any halos until read about them in a comment, but even after that, I don't find them disturibing. The only minor tweak that I would have considered if it were my photo, is maybe very slightly cropping at the bottom (something like 1/15th or even 1/20th of the height), and then on the right to maintain the proportions. I think that might place the sun in a more "powerful" position. But I am not even sure about that... I'd try and see if that works, and if not, - would leave it as is. Igor On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 10:59 AM, Jack Davis wrote: I blindly pointed my A*300mm F/2.8 toward the sound and shot a couple frames -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: Which is the perfect camera bag
Larry, I encourage you to take a look at Vanguard products. Since I've first seen Vanguard Up-Rise II line of bags (ironically, in Tokyo), I've been pleasantly surprised how thoughtsful design is (for me): . I hope you'd be able to take a look at some of those models in one of the still remaining stores in the Bay Area. (Houston stores, err. actually more like the only remaining Houston photo stor doesn't carry these bags at this time.) I have Up-rise 33 (messenger style), and it travelled around the world with me, carrying my camera, lenses and laptop. Here is what I wrote about this line earlier here: B&H, Amazon, and Adorama carry Vanguard bags. HTH, Igor On Sep 28, 2015, at 1:19 PM, Larry Colen wrote: If I cannot get my fastpack 350 replaced under warranty, I'll be needing a new backpack style camera bag. I tend to always have mine with me, and so I use it as my daily use backpack as well, carrying my cellphone, wallet, keys and other little bits in it as well. My requirements are: Outside pockets that work for carrying my wallet, keys and other things I might need for using it as a daily use backpack. A fairly large computer pocket. Even if I don't carry a computer I like to carry a softbox for my speedlight, monopod and other fairly large flat objects. Things that I like: An easy to get to pocket for the camera, without having to open the whole pack. I like the way the fastpack does this without needing to take off both shoulder straps. A good way to strap a tripod to the backpack. (the fastpack lacks this) -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: Where should I send my DA* 16-50 for repair
Larry, Bipin gave an interesting idea. I had one experience with KEH repairing SDM. I had one used SDM lens purchased in early 2014 from KEH, and the SDM AF failed right away. I sent the lens back to KEH and they repaired it within a week or two. I don't know what they actually did with it. (Did they replace the motor, the chip?) In the past month, I have had 2-3 occasions when the lens wouldn't start focusing when I mount it on the camera, but then, after I turn the ring manually (no obstruction, even slightest is felt), - it starts working. I suspect it's at the verge of failing again. I have only one other data point for comparison: The lens where the SDM chip was replaced by CRIS under warranty, hasn't shown any problem over 3 years since the repair. In any case, I have too few data points to make any conclusions. But maybe those are helpful for you. Igor Bipin Gupta Mon, 28 Sep 2015 07:18:32 -0700 wrote: Hello Larry, suggest you try KEH. I have had some lenses repaired from them, though not SDM related. Rergards. Bipin camp: San Mateo, CA -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: The Moon
That's a nice catch, Paul! I envy your opportunity to observe it. It was cloudy and drizzling all day and throughout the night. But my biggest disappointment was that I was unable to show the eclipse to my daughter. The timing would've been perfect: the totality was starting just before the bed time for her. Earlier last week, I had explained to her how eclipse happens, showing that with a lamp, inflatable globe and a yellow ball (as the moon). At about 8:20pm (CDT), it started clearing up right above us, and the clouds thinned slightly around the moon, to give a hope, but only for less than a minute, and it didn't reveal the moon. I kept stepping outside of the house to check, but to no avail. Bummer! Igor On Sun, Sep 27, 2015 at 11:18 PM, paul stenquist wrote: Kept watching the moon and realized it was a pretty good look. Got a camera and lens, went to get my tripod in the office and realized I didn't have the tripod food. Said eff it and shot it handheld. Someone else will do it right. -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
No eclipse in central TX
As they said in Car Talk: Second Shift Meteorologist Claudio Vernight. Igor Sent from mobile phone -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: Ya gotta love Amazon's algorithm...
"Well, nobody's perfect!" Amazon might assign some [slightly] higher weight in their suggestions to certain products over some other products (still fitting the same relational criteria) based on other commerical interests. But I don't think that Amazon, who is considered one of the champions (if not The champion) in the "big data" efforts in the effectiveness of offering "related" products, -- would decide to consiously override the outcomes of those efforts that easily. Besides, - after looking at that link below, I am getting a full "line" of recommendations from Amazon for exclusively Canon lenses. So... PJ, - can you guarantee you never ever looked at any Canon lens? (e.g. like in this case, - by following a link)? Or maybe now Amazon has a way of looking in your deep-secret dreams? Com'on, PJ, come clean! :-) Igor Darren Addy Sat, 26 Sep 2015 11:29:14 -0700 wrote: Interesting. I can't see a rational explanation for that UNLESS Amazon is now SELLING product placement in "Recommended" based on keywords in your search/viewing history. If Canon is paying the most for those keywords, they may get "inexplicable" representation in your search results. On Sat, Sep 26, 2015 at 1:01 PM, P.J. Alling wrote: Now I've never bought any Canon centric equipment from Amazon, and I often, search for Pentax gear to check competitive prices, so what it Amazon's top recommendation based on my searches and what I've told them? It looks like a neat lens, affordable and if I could figure out how to mount it on my K-5II I'd probably buy one. But then I could get used 40mm DA XS from KEH for about the same price. So, it's used, but at least it would mount and focus... -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: Full-frame lens lineup grows
Stanley Halpin Fri, 25 Sep 2015 12:53:00 -0700 wrote: I have to disagree with both of you on this point. The 645D and 645Z would have had virtually no market as a camera body on its own. It takes lenses to complement the body to create a camera .system.. Without screw-drive focusing (and thus compatibility with two handfuls of prime and zoom FA-series lenses), a buyer would have had only 1 or 2 available lenses, and those at a cost that would have doubled the cost of the 645 digital camera system. Yeah sure, there are at least as many 645 A-series lenses out there, but lenses that are manual-focus only are so last century! MARK! And only for the young with good vision. And those aforementioned youngsters with good vision are less likely to have the financial capacity for a digital 645 camera system. Without backward compatibility the Pentax 645 digital bodies would not have happened. stan -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: How'd I miss this
P.J., I didn't follow when exactly Zeiss stopped the production. As for the "Veblon good" (which I had to look up that term), - I suspect that in case of K-mount lenses, it wasn't the case. And the fact that they discountinued those confirms my hypothesis. As Stan wrote in another thread "lenses that are manual-focus only are so last century". [BTW, - Mark!] I suspect that the number of Pentax users who are willing to buy non-AF high-end lenses and can afford them is very small. It is a very small niche of the niche of the niche market. Igor P.J. Alling Fri, 25 Sep 2015 21:41:52 -0700 wrote: On 9/25/2015 6:42 PM, Igor PDML-StR wrote: Everybody knows that there will be no more Pentax lenses from Zeiss.. .. and there couldn't be any fewer either... ... but the latter depends how you count the famous K 28/2: Pentax lens from Zeiss, or Zeiss lens from Pnetax... On a more serious note, - Mark, you might be right on the money, - that's quite possible that Zeiss will stop developing (and maybe even producing) lenses in K-mount. I wouldn't be surprised if those didn't sell much. I had thought they had ceased production of ZK lenses sometime in 2010, and Lo consulting the lesser god Google, was given the word... So this is pretty much old news. It was a bit saddening at the time, but didn't unduly disturb me. Zeiss makes a Veblen good, in a lot of ways. No one would deny that they make a very good product, no one would pay that much for it from a different manufacture, well. except maybe if it had Leica emblazoned on it somewhere. -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: How'd I miss this
Everybody knows that there will be no more Pentax lenses from Zeiss.. .. and there couldn't be any fewer either... ... but the latter depends how you count the famous K 28/2: Pentax lens from Zeiss, or Zeiss lens from Pnetax... On a more serious note, - Mark, you might be right on the money, - that's quite possible that Zeiss will stop developing (and maybe even producing) lenses in K-mount. I wouldn't be surprised if those didn't sell much. Mark C Fri, 25 Sep 2015 10:23:50 -0700 wrote: Just to be clear - did the Zeiss rep mean no more Zeiss lenses in K mount ? On 9/25/2015 10:59 AM, Collin B wrote: Looks like the DA* 55/1.4 is out of the US lens lineup. Perhaps they'll bring a digital 85/1.4 back for the full-frame? Also Zeiss rep told me this summer, and most may know this, that there will be no more Pentax lenses. What's out there is all there will be. So if you like 'em you'll have to get a used one or some NOS from a dealer. -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: GESO - Once upon a morning ...
Bruce, (and Cotty). Yep, I was off by one, starting from #4[5] and ending with #8[9]. (So that what I wrote #4 should be #5) Below are the corrected numbers - I mark the corrected once with []. Igor PS. I don't break things, I just notice them. Don't shoot the messenger. (Unless it's a photo-shoot. ... or your name is franK. :-) ) On Thu, 24 Sep 2015, Igor PDML-StR wrote: Bruce, I second Cotty's summary word by word (even though we probably differ in detail). Being less diplomatic than Cotty, I can give some specifics if you are interested. I especially liked 1, [5], 11, 12, even though #11 might look somhhwat cliche (or was it your photo that I've seen before? ;-) ) (If those were mine, I would probably try to tone down slightly the window light reflection from the RHS wall in #[5]) Unless it was a part of some special story, I'd say the toilet in the background of #[6],[7] is not as glamorous as the rest. I like the idea of using reflections in #[7],[8] but it would've been better if the mirror were cleaner in #8. :-) But I suspect that it may not have been a planned shot (has it?). From the entire set, only two are somewhat bothering me: In #[9], the pose is too static (as in obviously posed). It looks obvious that she was standing in that pose for some time. It is present in some other shots, but the frozen muscle strain is not as obvious in those. Sorry, from the previous discussion, I suspect that it doesn't bother you. In #10, with that counterlight, - it's an interesting effect, but I wish it was softer with that. I don't know how that can be reached. I am thinking that a "soft" portrait lens (Pentax FA-85) might work for that, even though I've never used one. This photo is too softer than a sharp one, but just not soft enough for that "creamy" cloud-of-dream look. I don't know, - maybe some local PS experts (Mark?) know how to enhance that in post? Igor PS. The website design is weird: clicking on the thumbnail of the "active" photo moves the thumbnail tape to the top, and the active photo disappears, so you'd have to reload the page and start over. And that's in 4 different browsers on Windows. I understand that it is not your website. Steve Cottrell Thu, 24 Sep 2015 13:09:50 -0700 wrote: On 24/9/15, Bruce Walker, discombobulated, unleashed: NSFW for mild topless nudity. A baker's dozen shots ... These images are from my first shoot with local model Araina Nespiak in August. Taken in a borrowed conference space in Mississauga. Great job as usual. Regarding style, some I'm not bothered about but some are superb. Really really superb. -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: GESO - Once upon a morning ...
Bruce, I second Cotty's summary word by word (even though we probably differ in detail). Being less diplomatic than Cotty, I can give some specifics if you are interested. I especially liked 1, 4, 11, 12, even though #11 might look somhhwat cliche (or was it your photo that I've seen before? ;-) ) (If those were mine, I would probably try to tone down slightly the window light reflection from the RHS wall in #4) Unless it was a part of some special story, I'd say the toilet in the background of #5,6 is not as glamorous as the rest. I like the idea of using reflections in #6,7, but it would've been better if the mirror were cleaner in #7. :-) But I suspect that it may not have been a planned shot (has it?). From the entire set, only two are somewhat bothering me: In #8, the pose is too static (as in obviously posed). It looks obvious that she was standing in that pose for some time. It is present in some other shots, but the frozen muscle strain is not as obvious in those. Sorry, from the previous discussion, I suspect that it doesn't bother you. In #10, with that counterlight, - it's an interesting effect, but I wish it was softer with that. I don't know how that can be reached. I am thinking that a "soft" portrait lens (Pentax FA-85) might work for that, even though I've never used one. This photo is too softer than a sharp one, but just not soft enough for that "creamy" cloud-of-dream look. I don't know, - maybe some local PS experts (Mark?) know how to enhance that in post? Igor PS. The website design is weird: clicking on the thumbnail of the "active" photo moves the thumbnail tape to the top, and the active photo disappears, so you'd have to reload the page and start over. And that's in 4 different browsers on Windows. I understand that it is not your website. Steve Cottrell Thu, 24 Sep 2015 13:09:50 -0700 wrote: On 24/9/15, Bruce Walker, discombobulated, unleashed: NSFW for mild topless nudity. A baker's dozen shots ... These images are from my first shoot with local model Araina Nespiak in August. Taken in a borrowed conference space in Mississauga. Great job as usual. Regarding style, some I'm not bothered about but some are superb. Really really superb. -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: Full-frame lens lineup grows
Since they kept the line of Limited Primes (as well as other successful designs, such as DFA 100/2.8 and 50/2.8 Macros, and some FA primes), - I'd asssume, the answer to your question is "Yes". Igor John Thu, 24 Sep 2015 10:43:24 -0700 wrote: Now, I'm wondering if the putative Full-Frame DSLR is even going to have the drive thingy to focus my legacy AF lenses? -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Cormorant spotting
Sorry for referencing this show for the 3rd time in the past two weeks... I tried to resist the temptation, but it was hard, knowing how much PDMLers love the black bird. Just by coincidence, Tuesday night's show featured a real cormorant (besides the pun-dits): Cheers, Igor -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.
Re: Selfies: The death toll (really)
You never know, - maybe they are aiming at getting a Darwin award. Thank you, Mark, I've seen some of those, but I really enjoyed the last, CATastrophic image. Igor Mark Roberts Wed, 23 Sep 2015 09:28:39 -0700 wrote: This is why you should learn to use Photoshop, so you don't need to do this stupid stuff for real. -- PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List to UNSUBSCRIBE from the PDML, please visit the link directly above and follow the directions.