[SlimDevices: Plugins] SC runs VERY slowly with Multi-library installed

2009-03-21 Thread chill

I've recently transferred my SC setup from my main XP computer to a
slightly lower spec XP box that is primarily for the kids to do their
homework on.  It's a nice quiet, low power box, yet SC runs nice and
snappy.  I had Erland's Multi-Library and Custom Browse plugins
installed on the main computer previously, and they worked perfectly,
allowing me to separate my wife's iTunes music and playlists from the
'master' library.  However, on transferring everything to the other PC,
the multi-library plugin makes everything grind to a halt.  With it
installed, SC takes an age (many minutes) to start up, every click
inside the SC interface takes minutes to respond, SC occupies the CPU
at virtually 100%, and the hard disk churns away continuously.

I'm at a loss to explain this, since as far as I can see the two SC
setups are the same.  I've cleared out the multi-library libraries,
I've tried every combination of Custom Browse and/or Multi-Library, and
I've concluded that even a basic fresh install of just Multi-Library
(without Custom Browse), even with no libraries defined, is enough to
cause this behaviour.

I did some searching and found reference to a similar problem, but with
a much earlier version of Multi-Library.  I'm using the current version

It looks suspiciously like a RAM problem (all the disk churning), as
though Windows is having to page memory continuously.  The lower spec
PC has 1GB, where the previous one had 4GB.  Does Multi-Library use a
lot of RAM?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] SC runs VERY slowly with Multi-library installed

2009-03-22 Thread chill

Hi Erland

Yes, I'm afraid that it's true that the slow performance is there with
no libraries defined, and without Custom Browse enabled/installed.  All
I need to do is tick the Multi-Library plugin (to enable it) and then
restart SC, and it runs like treacle from that point on.  It's the same
after several restarts, but returns to normal as soon as I untick

In Task Manager I can see that Squeezecenter.exe runs the CPU at
90-100%, and that the memory allocated to it just climbs and climbs the
longer I leave it running.  At first it is a few hundred mb, and the
total commit charge is around 600mb.  I have never left it long enough
for the commit charge to exceed the 1GB of ram available (although it
has got up to around 850mb at one stage), so I no longer believe it is
a ram paging issue.

One small correction - I said that any click in SC takes minutes to
respond.  That isn't quite true - most clicks are just a bit slow, but
only clicking on Multi-Library takes a couple of minutes to respond.

A can't think of any other differences in the machines.  Both are
running AVG Free for virus protection, both have all the XP updates
installed, both are running the same versions of SC and your plugins. 
Only the hardware is different - the original machine is a dual core
Athlon 64 X2 4200+ at 2.2GHz with 4GB ram, whereas the lower spec one
is a single core Athlon LE-1620 at 2.4GHz with 1GB ram.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] SC runs VERY slowly with Multi-library installed

2009-03-22 Thread chill

Thanks for the suggestions.  I hadn't tried that, but I have now, as
well as a few other combinations of parameters.

So, with the two directory parameters pointing to C:\tempempty1 and
C:\tempempty2 (both new, empty directories), and all the other options
set to 'no' (ie the refresh settings etc), the time between clicking
'restart' in the services panel and the 'open squeezecenter' option
being available on the tray icon is:
15 seconds with multi-library disabled
1:20 with multi-library enabled.

Also, clicking on multi-library in 'home'/'extras' takes almost exactly
a minute.

So something that multi-library is doing seems to take a minute, even
when it apparently shouldn't be doing anything.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] SC runs VERY slowly with Multi-library installed

2009-03-22 Thread chill

Hi Erland

I've enabled logging.  Attached is an extract of the log file, with two
sections related to Multilibrary.
The first is for a restart of the SC service.  The second is for just
clicking on the MultiLibrary link in 'Home'/'Extras'.  In both cases,
there seems to be a longish pause corresponding to "Checking for dir:
C:\Program Files\SqueezeCenter\server\Plugins\MultiLibrary\Templates",
and then another corresponding to "Loading configuration from:

The second makes some sense, as I have now set up a couple of new
libraries with about 10,000 songs in each (one for my main library, one
for iTunes) and they work fine.  However, the first pause seems to be
the template search that you mentioned.  Strangely the folder that the
plugin is looking for doesn't exist, although I do have a templates
folder at "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application
Is this because I used the Extension Downloader rather than a manual

|Filename: Multilibrary_log.txt |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=7155|


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Custom Browse and playing other songs in album

2009-03-29 Thread chill

Ok, I'm confused, and would appreciate some help setting up SC with
Custom Browse.  I'm using a Boom, and the latest releases of SC (for
Windows XP) and Custom Browse.  I've set up a 'Standard Library' and an
'iTunes Library', and they seem to work nicely.  However, there's one
feature that I can't get to work properly.

Without Custom Browse, I can navigate to a single song, press play, and
just that song gets put into the playlist (because I have the 'Play only
selected song' option selected).  If I navigate to the album name and
press play, then all the tracks in the album are put in the playlist.

However, with Custom Browse, I understand that the menu-specific option
to 'Play all songs in selected album' overrides the SC default option. 
The trouble is, if this option is NOT set, then even pressing play at
the Album level only plays the first track, whereas when the option IS
set, then even selecting just one track causes the whole album to be
loaded into the playlist.

I'm not sure why the Custom Browse menus need to have this option
separately defined - I'd prefer to let the SC default flag apply in all

So can someone summarise just how I should set all these options so
that, whether I'm in a default menu or a Custom Browse menu, pressing
play at the album level plays the album, and pressing play on a
specific track plays just that track?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Custom Browse and playing other songs in album

2009-03-31 Thread chill

D'oh!  I think there's a law that covers this kind of situation.  For my
tests with the 'play all songs in album' option I'd managed to choose an
album for which I only have one track!  No wonder I could only get one
track into the playlist!

Just to summarise:  I've now set the global SC option 'Play Other Songs
In Album' to 'Play only selected song', and I've unchecked the 'Play all
songs in selected album' option in every Custom Browse menu.

With these settings:
- if I press the play button on an individual song from anywhere in the
Boom menus, then only that song plays
- if I press the play button on an album title, the whole album is

Exactly what I was looking for.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] SQL error on Genre/Sub genre menu

2009-04-12 Thread chill

I am getting an SQL error when accessing any of the subcategories
underneath my multilibrary libraries.  For instance, when accessing
'Artists' under my 'Standard Library' I get:

Running: select
from contributors,contributor_album,albums,multilibrary_contributor
where contributors.id=multilibrary_contributor.contributor and
multilibrary_contributor.library= and
contributor_album.contributor=contributors.id and
contributor_album.album=albums.id and contributor_album.role in (1,5)
and ( albums.compilation is null or albums.compilation=0 or 1=0 ) group
by contributors.id order by contributors.namesort asc got error:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds
to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'and
contributor_album.contributor=contributors.id and contributor_albu' at
line 4

Is this the same error?

Strangely I only get this error when accessing SC from a remote
computer.  These subcategories seem to work correctly when accessed
from my Boom, or from the host PC running SC.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] SQL error on Genre/Sub genre menu

2009-04-12 Thread chill

Hi Erland

Yes - I'm using the default skin on both my laptop and the host machine
running SC.  When I access my library from the host machine it works
fine, but from my laptop (wireless) I get that SQL error.  I've tried a
few things to diagnose it:

- My laptop is a Mac running OS X, with Firefox as the browser.  I've
also tried Safari and got the same error.  I've also booted into native
Windows XP Pro, using Bootcamp, and accessed SC via Google Chrome, and I
get the same error.

- I've used iPeng from my iPhone, and I don't get the error, but under
any of my subcategories the only entries I see are 'Various Artists'
under either 'Artists' or 'Artists by Letter'.  I'm guessing that iPeng
suppresses the text of the error message. 

- I've used another Windows XP PC running Google Chrome, and the
problem is NOT there!  It works fine.

- I've restarted the SC service, and I've also completely rescanned the
library and the multilibraries - the problem persists.

I would have guessed that it was a local cache issue on the laptop,
except that it is independent of browser and even OS.



chill's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10839
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] SQL error on Genre/Sub genre menu

2009-05-01 Thread chill

Hi Erland

This problem has persisted since I last posted.  In fact, now it
doesn't matter which computer I use to access SC, ANY sub-menu under
either of my two libraries returns a similar SQL error.  The only
sub-menu which returns any entries is 'New Albums'.  Accessing my music
libraries from one of my players returns no tracks at all under any of
these sub-menus.  I'm currently surviving by using the Music Folder
option to navigate to the files directly.

If I disable Custom Browse, then everything works OK (except that I see
two copies of every track - one for my standard library and one for my
iTunes copy).  If I re-enable Custom Browse, then I get nothing but
these SQL errors again.

Any tips for trouble-shooting this?



chill's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10839
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] SQL error on Genre/Sub genre menu

2009-05-03 Thread chill
ed: 1
> menu_artistsbyletter_std_enabled: 1
> menu_decades65_enabled: 0
> menu_deepartists1_enabled: 1
> menu_deepartists_enabled: 1
> menu_directory: M:\Squeezecentre\Playlists
> menu_folders_enabled: 0
> menu_genres_enabled: 0
> menu_multilibrary_iTunes_ml_albums_enabled: 1
> menu_multilibrary_iTunes_ml_artists_enabled: 1
> menu_multilibrary_iTunes_ml_decades_enabled: 1
> menu_multilibrary_iTunes_ml_genres_enabled: 1
> menu_multilibrary_iTunes_ml_newalbums_enabled: 1
> menu_multilibrary_iTunes_ml_playlists_enabled: 1
> menu_multilibrary_iTunes_ml_years_enabled: 1
> menu_multilibrary_standard_ml_albums_enabled: 1
> menu_multilibrary_standard_ml_artists_enabled: 1
> menu_multilibrary_standard_ml_decades_enabled: 1
> menu_multilibrary_standard_ml_genres_enabled: 1
> menu_multilibrary_standard_ml_newalbums_enabled: 1
> menu_multilibrary_standard_ml_playlists_enabled: 1
> menu_multilibrary_standard_ml_years_enabled: 1
> menu_newalbums65_enabled: 0
> menu_newartists65_enabled: 0
> menu_playlists65_enabled: 0
> menu_years65_enabled: 0
> menubrowse_artistsbyletter_iTunes_enabled: 1
> menubrowse_artistsbyletter_std_enabled: 1
> menubrowse_deepartists1_enabled: 1
> menubrowse_deepartists_enabled: 1
> menubrowse_folders_enabled: 1
> menubrowse_multilibrary_iTunes_ml_albums_enabled: 1
> menubrowse_multilibrary_iTunes_ml_artists_enabled: 1
> menubrowse_multilibrary_iTunes_ml_decades_enabled: 1
> menubrowse_multilibrary_iTunes_ml_genres_enabled: 1
> menubrowse_multilibrary_iTunes_ml_newalbums_enabled: 1
> menubrowse_multilibrary_iTunes_ml_playlists_enabled: 1
> menubrowse_multilibrary_iTunes_ml_years_enabled: 1
> menubrowse_multilibrary_standard_ml_albums_enabled: 1
> menubrowse_multilibrary_standard_ml_artists_enabled: 1
> menubrowse_multilibrary_standard_ml_decades_enabled: 1
> menubrowse_multilibrary_standard_ml_genres_enabled: 1
> menubrowse_multilibrary_standard_ml_newalbums_enabled: 1
> menubrowse_multilibrary_standard_ml_playlists_enabled: 1
> menubrowse_multilibrary_standard_ml_years_enabled: 1
> menuinsidebrowse: 0
> menuname: Custom Browse
> override_trackinfo: 1
> properties: 
> itemid: 1106
> itemname: Jakatta feat. Seal
> itemtype: artist
> libraryAudioDirUrl: file:///M:/Superstore/Music
> libraryDir: M:\Superstore\Music
> mixsize: 20
> replacecontrollermenus: 0
> replaceplayermenus: 1
> replacewebmenus: 1
> showmixbeforeexecuting: 1
> single_web_mixerbutton: 0
> squeezecenter_album_menu: disabled
> squeezecenter_artist_menu: disabled
> squeezecenter_genre_menu: disabled
> squeezecenter_ipengbrowsemore_menu: custombrowse
> squeezecenter_newmusic_menu: disabled
> squeezecenter_playlist_menu: disabled
> squeezecenter_year_menu: disabled
> template_directory: M:\Squeezecentre\Templates


chill's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10839
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] IPad App

2011-02-01 Thread chill

pippin;607508 Wrote: 
> On the other hand, you do of course have another edge because you decode
> FLAC on the server, which makes, as I have learnt, for more spacious
> bits :)

Not wishing to trample over your punchline, but does this mean that
iPeng will have an in-app FLAC decoder, or am I reading too much into
your comment?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] IPad App

2011-02-01 Thread chill

bluegaspode;607517 Wrote: 
> The version of SqueezePad already waiting for review now also natively
> decodes FLAC on iPad so user will need ye olde tricks to prevent that
> and to of course further improve quality.

pippin;607519 Wrote: 
> Yep, it has a FLAC decoder.

Cool. But I guess software decoding is going to have some sort of
impact on battery life.  Forgive me if this has already been covered
elsewhere (269-page threads are too much to skim through!), but does
the iPad/iPhone platform have any hardware decoders built-in - will it
be more energy efficient to stream, say, MP3, so that it can be played
natively by the hardware? 

Feel free to point me to the relevant posts if this has been discussed


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-09 Thread chill

m1abrams;609762 Wrote: 
> Any ideas to have some level of security on the SBS while still being
> able to stream to iPeng over 3G?

Server settings -> Advanced -> Security

Here you can set a username/password.  You can also block/allow users
by IP address, which might be useful if you know that the IP address of
your remote device will always stay the same or similar.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Client Cleanup v1.0

2019-02-07 Thread chill

mherger wrote: 
> And trust me, people are amazed over and over 
> again when they see how many SB users there still are!

Out of interest, are you allowed to give us a ballpark figure?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Client Cleanup v1.0

2019-02-07 Thread chill

Ooh - tricky question.  I don't think I'd know where to start!  I see a
lot of devices being sold on on eBay, but I'd guess that most end up
connecting again with their new owners.  So the total number of hardware
devices probably isn't going down very fast.  On the contrary, probably
the pCP/Max2play/etc devices are growing in number faster than the
original hardware is dying.  But I would have no clue how to estimate
that number.  Maybe a number in the 10s of thousands in the UK, but
multiplied up around the world - no idea!

chill's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10839
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[SlimDevices: Plugins] How to enable visualisations in Jivelite?

2019-02-12 Thread chill

I've been working on a Jivelite setup for a Joggler.  I thought I'd have
a go at building it to support visualisations.

I set an environment variable:



Then I deleted the earlier binary and reissued the makefile.  I noticed
that output_vis.o was now included in the binary.  


root@openframe:~/squeezelite# make
  cc main.o slimproto.o buffer.o stream.o utils.o output.o output_alsa.o 
output_pa.o output_stdout.o output_pack.o decode.o flac.o pcm.o mad.o vorbis.o 
mpg.o output_vis.o faad.o  -lasound -lpthread -lm -lrt -ldl -o squeezelite

But when I try to start jivelite with the -v option, I get the usage
statement (meaning that -v isn't recognised), and sure enough it's not
listed as one of the options.  The build options at the end of the usage
statement show



So evidently something else is needed to get the visualisation option
into the build.  Can anyone advise?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] How to enable visualisations in Jivelite?

2019-02-12 Thread chill

Roland0 wrote: 
> "It" presumably being squeezelite, and not Jivelite?

Indeed! Yes, sorry, I wasn’t clear. Thanks, I’ll try that.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] How to enable visualisations in Jivelite?

2019-02-12 Thread chill

Roland0 wrote: 

Hmm - that achieved the same thing.

Without that option I get:


  cc main.o slimproto.o buffer.o stream.o utils.o output.o output_alsa.o 
output_pa.o output_stdout.o output_pack.o decode.o flac.o pcm.o mad.o vorbis.o 
mpg.o faad.o  -lasound -lpthread -lm -lrt -ldl -o squeezelite

By specifying -DVISEXPORT, either with






I get:


  cc main.o slimproto.o buffer.o stream.o utils.o output.o output_alsa.o 
output_pa.o output_stdout.o output_pack.o decode.o flac.o pcm.o mad.o vorbis.o 
mpg.o output_vis.o faad.o  -lasound -lpthread -lm -lrt -ldl -o squeezelite

Note the extra 'output_vis.o'.  But in either case the -v option doesn't
seem to exist, and the build options in the usage statement include only

What else could I be doing wrong?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] How to enable visualisations in Jivelite?

2019-02-12 Thread chill

d6jg wrote: 
> In SqueezeOS Visualisation only works when a Joggler is also a player. I
> don’t think you will ever get Jivelite to visualise unless there is a
> running player on the same hardware.

My original reason for building Jivelite on the Joggler was to have the
controller part of Squeezeplay without the player part, since I
personally didn't have a need for the player on the Joggler, and its
presence (on a couple of Jogglers) was just cluttering up my list of
players.  I'm pretty much there with the Jivelite build, so my original
objective has been met.  But I've also added the option to have
Squeezelite running on the Joggler as well to cater for cases where this
might be useful - separate instances are possible on the internal
(analogue) and external (USB) interfaces, and I've made an applet to set
up and control these instances.  So when either of those instances is
running I think that would meet the conditions necessary for
visualisations - there should be the necessary shared memory available.

I'm puzzled why the visualisation option doesn't appear to be included
in my Squeezelite binary, despite the make option apparently selecting
the necessary object file.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] How to enable visualisations in Jivelite?

2019-02-12 Thread chill

Mystery solved.  I deleted all the object files and reissued the make
command with the '-DVISEXPORT' option, and now my squeezelite binary
includes the VISEXPORT build option, and the -v command line option is

Next mystery - I'm not sure where the visualisations option(s) should
be.  If I start squeezelite with the -v option, and then start jivelite,
and select the squeezelite player, shouldn't I see a visualisations
option under 'Settings' > 'Screen' > 'Now Playing' > 'Now Playing
Views'?  What could explain why I don't see the visualiser options?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] How to enable visualisations in Jivelite?

2019-02-12 Thread chill

I had a quick look in the NowPlaying applet, and I guess the problem is
that Jivelite is not identifying my local instance of squeezeplay as a
'local player', so the visualiser options aren't enabled.  So what is it
that identifies a player as 'local'?  An instance of squeezeplay running
on the same device as jivelite should surely qualify, but do I need to
force it to be recognised somehow?


-- style names are grabbed from the skin
  -- this list is compared against the settings.views table (if any), and 
certain views are disabled as specified
  -- further, if the player is not local and the view is local only, don't 
allow that in the returned table
  function getNPStyles(self)
local npSkinStyles = jiveMain:getSkinParam("nowPlayingScreenStyles")
-- visualizers are only available for connected local players, so only 
include them in that case
local auditedNPStyles = {}
if not self.player then
-- don't give any options if not connected to a player
local settings = self:getSettings()
local playerId = self.player:getId()

chill's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10839
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] How to enable visualisations in Jivelite?

2019-02-13 Thread chill

Thanks Ralphy

My two instances have adjacent MAC addresses - I simply add 1 to the
final segment of the hardware MAC address to get the second MAC address
(unless it's 'FF', in which case I subtract 1), and then I use the lower
of the two MAC addresses for the internal interface.  Maybe I need to
adjust that policy (e.g. so that a single instance always uses the
hardware MAC address, and if there are two instances then the first one
enabled gets the hardware address).

But I wonder if that matters.  If jivelite doesn't check again after the
first check, what would happen if I start jivelite when a
visualiser-enabled local player with the right MAC address is running,
then switch to a visualiser-enabled local player with a different MAC
address?  In that case would jivelite attempt to use the shared memory
offered by the second player?  Presumably, if I switch to a different
player altogether (e.g. a hardware player), while jivelite thinks
visualisers are enabled, they would simply not work due to the lack of
shared memory, but would that crash jivelite perhaps?

Time for some experimenting I think.  Clearing the Lua settings is the
important step before I start.

chill's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10839
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] How to enable visualisations in Jivelite?

2019-02-13 Thread chill

It took me a while to figure out that jivelite gets its MAC address from
the eth0 interface, whereas I was giving squeezelite the wlan0 MAC
address.  Fixed that now, and now I have the visualisers working.

So to answer my own questions:
- If I start jivelite while a visualiser-enabled player is running on
the same MAC address, then the visualisers work.
- If I then switch to my other squeezelite instance (MAC address differs
by 1), then I get the visualiser options in the 'Now Playing Views', but
they don't work.  I guess jivelite has already decided to use the shared
memory offered by the first player.
- If I switch to a completely different (hardware) player, the
visualiser options disappear from the 'Now Playing Views'.

So now I just need to decide on a strategy for assigning the jivelite
MAC address to the most appropriate squeezelite instance.  Or maybe I
don't - I am doing this to be able to *avoid* a Joggler-based player
after all!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] How to enable visualisations in Jivelite?

2019-02-13 Thread chill

KeBul wrote: 
> Of course you do - I have some spare Jogglers so have followed your
> progress on this with interest but the most striking part is your
> evident delight in getting things to work how you want them to... keep
> on joggling!
> Kev

Haha - yes, you're right, it would annoy me to know that visualisers
'half work', so I'll have to think of some sort of strategy.  I'm not
sure there is a 'perfect' strategy when there's a choice of player
configurations; Internal, or External, or Neither, or Both, and when
either player can be started or stopped at any time.  Maybe I need a
separate screen to allow the user to choose the player that gets the
'magic' MAC address.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] How to enable visualisations in Jivelite?

2019-02-13 Thread chill

d6jg wrote: 
> I may be being a bit dense here but why would you ever want to run two
> instances of squeezelite on one Joggler?

That's a very good question!  Headphones and DAC perhaps?  But even in
that case, why would you have headphones on while the DAC is playing -
you'd inevitably be in the same room as the DAC.  Maybe 'either/or'
would simplify things.

I did add an option to select which player gets the visualisations, and
it seems to work ok, but in all my testing the named players have had
their MAC addresses changed numerous times, and LMS did get a bit
confused - playlists swapping between players etc.  This might be a
'feature too far' after all.  Perhaps the best approach would be to just
let the user select whether squeezelite plays on the internal interface
OR the external interface.  It would still use most of what I've coded,
but the interface selection would be a radio button group instead.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Best player for macOS, for remote connections

2019-03-05 Thread chill

richboyce wrote: 
> Squeezelite v1.9.1-1130 - Connects fine, works well, is stable - but in
> the default configuration I have lots of pops and crackles when mousing
> about certain things (browsers are bad for this!) typing and changing
> desktops. Very odd, doesn't happen with any other players.

Could be worth enabling logging to see if there's anything obvious when
you get pops and crackles.  Could it be buffer underruns?  You could
experiment with different buffer sizes.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Customizing jivelite skin

2019-05-15 Thread chill

That's very inventive, and looks well executed.  I love projects like

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Control via sirs / Siri shortcuts (Pengsupport for Siri shortcuts?)

2019-10-19 Thread chill

Excellent - thanks for doing this.  I jumped on it straight away, but I
must have missed a step:

"OK. Something unexpected happened. (Dictation is not supported in

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Control via sirs / Siri shortcuts (Pengsupport for Siri shortcuts?)

2019-10-20 Thread chill

thouky wrote: 
> It sounds like you are attempting to run the Scriptable script directly
> from Siri, instead of using the Shortcuts app to request input.
> Unfortunately that does not work (unless you also set *Always Run in
> App*, but that breaks the Siri experience); see
> https://talk.automators.fm/t/dictation-from-siri/3617.
> Instead of using the *Add to Siri* within Scriptable you need to install
> or create a shortcut within the Shortcuts app that acts as an
> intermediary to act for the dictation. Step 2 of the installation
> instructions on https://github.com/thoukydides/siri-squeezebox-control
> is to install:
> https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/4b66dc7c872747d48228d204e58c8021
> If you used the *Add to Siri* option within Scriptable before installing
> the Shortcut then that will have created a shortcut that just runs the
> Scriptable script. If you then installed the proper Shortcut then the
> name would have clashed, so the app would have renamed it automatically
> to be unique. In this case you will need to
> _delete_the_wrong_shortcut_and_rename_(or_reinstall)_the_correct_one_.
> If you still can’t get it to work then try running the Scriptable script
> directly within its app, and the shortcut directly within the Shortcuts
> app. Both of these should work, albeit without the benefits of Siri.

Thank you - got it now.  I thought I'd followed the steps, but at one
point my phone told me that it couldn't install the shortcut because
it's from an untrusted source - but it seemed to skip past that when I
clicked 'Add to Siri'.  That was clearly the wrong thing to do.

In their infinite wisdom Apple don't let you see the option to allow
untrusted shortcuts until you first install and run a shortcut from
their gallery.  I'm slow to criticise Apple, but that's just dumb,

So after allowing untrusted shortcuts, I was able to complete the
installation as intended.  It's working well now.  Siri is struggling to
understand me at the moment because a cold virus this week has robbed me
of my voice!  But I've managed to make it do a few things, and am
looking forward to doing more when my voice returns.

@Michael - a couple of times Siri has repeated the word 'Squeezebox'
back to me, and she says it 'Squeezerbox'.  Maybe she'll understand you
better if you say that!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Can't play/add single tracks in CustomBrowse

2008-02-29 Thread chill

erland;251001 Wrote: 
> It is configured per menu when editing the menu configuration, the
> parameter is called "Play all songs in selected album". I'm not sure
> it's available on all menus, so let me know if there is some specific
> menu type where it is missing.

I installed the Custom Browse and Multi Library plugins the other
night, so that I could separate my wife's iTunes library (of MP3 files)
from the Standard Library (of FLAC files).  It works like a dream,
except that now I realise that something I've done has stopped the
'Play only selected songs' option from working.  I've seen the comment
above, but for the life of me I can't find where to change this
setting.  Can someone talk me through, click-by-click, how to change
the settings so that when I'm in the 'Standard' library or the 'iTunes'
library, pressing play or add will apply to just the selected track.

Many thanks.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Can't play/add single tracks in CustomBrowse

2008-03-01 Thread chill


Many thanks - 'straight from the horse's mouth', as the phrase rather
strangely puts it!

That's solved it for me, of course.  I hadn't realised that each menu
shown after step 2 was a link that brought up further options.

Your excellent work with all your plugins clearly keeps you busy, but
I'd like to just add my support for the suggestion to make the "play
all songs" option follow the standard setting.

Thanks again


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-25 Thread chill

pippin;697436 Wrote: 
> Now, as you probably guessed by the name, Chill pretty much nailed it
> with answer #8.

Woohoo!  Do I get a free copy then?  Oh wait..

Nice idea Pippin, and a clever way to introduce people to all the iPeng
goodness.  I can see myself using this even when it's just me, for those
times when I'd prefer not to risk losing the playlist - it could be
quicker to launch this than to set the full iPeng into 'Party' mode.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2012-12-28 Thread chill

Trying version 0.91 on a Mac Mini, running LMS 7.8.0 - 1350572233, OS X
10.6.8.  Looks like the same error as Pippin, so maybe a Mac thing.

Not Swedish :-)

I get an error at the end of a 'Clear library and rescan everything':


  Profile export* *(2000*of*11872) * Complete* 00:00:16

  Media scan terminated unexpectedly (Scanning Progress)

and in my scanner log I get:


  [12-12-28 09:38:26.4384] Slim::Music::Import::runImporter (485) Starting 
Plugins::SmartMix::Importer scan
  [12-12-28 09:38:44.6266] main::main (327) Error: Failed when running main 
scan: [Can't call method "name" on an undefined value at 
 line 76.
  [12-12-28 09:38:44.6270] main::main (328) Error: Skipping post-process & Not 
updating lastRescanTime!

I do get a mix option when I drill down on the now playing track.  I
haven't done much experimenting beyond that though.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-01-03 Thread chill

mherger wrote: 
> > Excellent! I look forward to the bug-fix that will allow me to use
> your
> > plug-in with Rhapsody.
> 0.95 is on its way to your LMS. Please give it another try!
> - should fix issue mixing Rhapsody/Napster content
> - added button to reset default recipes to their "factory" values
> - added support for play counts and ratings: if respective values are  
> available in LMS, they're submitted to TEN to further tweak the mixes. 
> Please note that these numbers are _not_ updated between scans.
> - added a log of tracks which are not recognized by the Echo Nest (can
> be  
> found in the web UI, or in the LMS log folder)
> - the blender should now be pre-configured with all the music services
> you  
> are using (see the bucket field)
> -- 
> Michael

Hi Michael

This update caused my 'new and changed' scan to fail:


  [13-01-03 10:09:23.4347] Slim::Music::Import::runImporter (485) Starting 
Plugins::SmartMix::Importer scan
  [13-01-03 10:09:41.7032] main::main (327) Error: Failed when running main 
scan: [Can't call method "playcount" on an undefined value at 
 line 88.

I don't use Erland's TrackStat plugin - is that the reason?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-01-03 Thread chill

mherger wrote: 
> No. What LMS version are you running?

Logitech Media Server Version: 7.8.0 - 1350572233 @ Do 1 Nov 2012
21:41:09 CET
Mac OS X 10.6.8

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-01-03 Thread chill

mherger wrote: 
> 0.96 should fix this issue. Thanks!

It has.  Thanks Michael - this is a really useful plugin.  It's already
becoming one of the most used features in my setup.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Local Player plugin and Squeezelite for Linux/Windows/OSX

2013-01-05 Thread chill

Hi Triode

I installed this on my Mac mini server (OS X 10.6.8) running LMS 7.8.0
and it seems to work well.  The install ran with no problems, and it
plays my FLACs fine.  As I think you're expecting, it doesn't play MP3s.
It does play the 320k OGGs from your Spotify plugin though - was that

Can the local player be killed and restarted conveniently?  As defined
by the 'Sound' preference pane, the sound is currently going from my Mac
to the USB input on my DAC, which is perfect, but out of interest I
tried changing the output to the internal speaker or the TV on the HDMI
port, and the only way I could find to make it switch was to stop and
restart LMS.  I tried 'powering off' the local player using the web
interface and restarting it, but that didn't work - I suspect that's
because the local player picks the output device defined by the
preference pane at startup, and simply powering down the local player
doesn't cause it to recheck the output device.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Local Player plugin and Squeezelite for Linux/Windows/OSX

2013-01-05 Thread chill

Triode wrote: 
> You should be able to change the output device on the setting page and
> it will kill and restart the device when you click apply.  Can you
> enable output debugging and see what it writes to the log file?

Oops - I hadn't seen the settings page!  That works perfectly.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-01-08 Thread chill

garym wrote: 
> checked back with my office setup (and also now checked at home and a
> 3rd location) and I'm not seeing the problem of repeated short playlist.
> I suspect my initial issue was the quickly hitting "next track" button
> and not giving the plugin time to add new tracks to the end.


I can't really put my finger on the exact circumstances yet, but I'm now
seeing this sort of behaviour too.  When I start, for instance, a
Classic Rock mix, I get 5 or 6 tracks in the playlist.  I have the
impression that if I skip to the next track at any point during playback
of this playlist then the list doesn't get added to.  I think I've also
seen one or two cases where this happens even without me skipping
tracks, but it's hard to be sure of this as lately I've been skipping
more tracks - 'Classic Rock' mixes based on my own library plus Spotify
seem to contain more 'metal' tracks than they used to, although my
sample size is probably too small to be meaningful.

I'm also now seeing a problem that someone else reported earlier - the
playlist seems to start playback at the second track.   Skipping and
deleting tracks in general seems a bit hit and miss, so rather than
skipping a track I've tended to start a new mix, and this is when I've
noticed the problem of starting on the second track.

On a separate point concerning usability, I find the operation of the
plugin differs slightly from the conventions of the rest of the LMS
experience.  When browsing my own library I'm used to having to
specifically click on the 'play' or 'add' button to get the tracks into
the playlist.  As far as I'm aware, the Smartmix plugin is the only case
where a LINK in the left window actually starts playback.  In all other
cases I can think of, clicking an underlined link either drills down
further or shows more information.  I wonder whether it's feasible to
implement the 'play', 'play next', 'add' etc buttons in the left hand
panel alongside the mix links, and perhaps remove the direct playback
from those mix links, and change the functionality so that clicking a
mix link creates a preview of the playlist in the left panel.  This is
obviously just a personal opinion - maybe it's on your to-do list
already, or maybe it's not feasible - just thought I'd raise it.

I should probably have waited till I can access my server to check
version numbers etc.  I'm running a version of the plugin that I updated
last night, and it's on a Mac mini (Snow Leopard) running LMS 7.8.0

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-01-08 Thread chill

chill wrote: 
> I'm also now seeing a problem that someone else reported earlier - the
> playlist seems to start playback at the second track.   Skipping and
> deleting tracks in general seems a bit hit and miss, so rather than
> skipping a track I've tended to start a new mix, and this is when I've
> noticed the problem of starting on the second track.

Forgive me quoting my own post, but I wonder if it's possible there's
still a problem with Triode's Spotify plugin and the Spotify tracks that
Smartmix queues up.  I've been experimenting this evening, trying to get
to the bottom of the 'second track' issue.  In addition to this issue
I've noticed playback stopping and starting, and various track skipping
issues.  By a process of elimination it seems to be that some Spotify
tracks seem to cause problems, but I can't tell what it is about those
tracks that's different.

- When I use Triode's plugin to play a Spotify 'radio', ie not using the
Smartmix plugin, playback is perfect - no skipping, playlist starts at
first track etc.
- When I use the Smartmix plugin to generate a 'Classic Rock' mix from
just my own local library, then playback is perfect in this case too.
- But if I add 'Spotify' to the music sources for Smartmix, then I get
playback problems.

Could it be that Triode's Spotify plugin can't play some of these
Spotify tracks, due to region problems, or is it feasible that they're
being streamed from a server too far from my own region (in the UK), so
that internet latency is causing a problem?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-01-08 Thread chill

Mnyb wrote: 
> Second track,issue ? Is that the seed song does not actually play when
> you start a mix ? I think I've seen that behaviour , I'll try more when
> I get home .
> I want to hear the seed song , here is why , I'm listening to a song and
> think " it would be cool with a mix from that " .

No, that's not what I was calling the 'second song issue'.  I'm not
suggesting it is widespread at all, but in my case Smartmix often seems
to generate a playlist of five or six tracks of which the first (and
some others) seems unplayable.  Typically though I can't reproduce this
this morning.  The best I can suggest at the moment is that maybe some
of the Spotify tracks the plugin queues up don't play properly through
Triode's Spotify plugin, either because of region restrictions (but I
think he already fixed that) or maybe because the track is being served
up from a server that has network latency issues when streaming to me in
the UK - maybe it's not coming from the same server it would if I used
the Spotify plugin directly.  I have no idea whether that theory is
plausible or not.  And this 'second song' issue seems to disappear if I
remove 'Spotify' from the list of music sources that Smartmix can use.

However, I agree with your use case.  I'd like my Smartmixes to start
with the song I first thought of, ie the seed song.  I believe this
could be achieved using the functionality I suggested earlier.  If,
instead of clearing the current playlist and loading a Smartmix, the
Smartmix links had the usual 'play', 'play next', 'add' buttons, then
you could start your seed song playing, click on it to get to the ' Smartmix' link, then 'add' that link to the current playlist.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-01-09 Thread chill

mherger wrote: 
> > Does this only work with music services, or can it work with the
> local
> > library? When I launch it, it plays from MOG.
> Heh... it started out as a "mix my music library" plugin. I only added 
> support for streaming services later...
> Go to Settings/Advanced/Smart Mix to enable/disable the sources you want
> to use. There have been a few requests for supporting this on the fly  
> (during a mix). But I've noted this for post 1.0.


In addition to the possibly-spotify-related playback issues I'm having,
I've noticed that with only the two music sources 'Local music files'
and 'Spotify' enabled, my mixes seem to be entirely made up of Spotify
tracks.  If I disable Spotify, then I get mixes from my local files, so
I don't think its a catalogue export issue.  This is with Smartmix 0.98.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-01-09 Thread chill

mherger wrote: 
> > Could it be that Triode's Spotify plugin can't play some of these
> > Spotify tracks, due to region problems, or is it feasible that
> they're
> > being streamed from a server too far from my own region (in the UK),
> so
> > that internet latency is causing a problem?
> Don't know. Do you see anything in server.log?
> -- 
> Michael

I'll check this evening.  Do I need to enable any particular level of

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-01-09 Thread chill

mherger wrote: 
> > Could it be that Triode's Spotify plugin can't play some of these
> > Spotify tracks, due to region problems, or is it feasible that
> they're
> > being streamed from a server too far from my own region (in the UK),
> so
> > that internet latency is causing a problem?
> Don't know. Do you see anything in server.log?


server.log.zip attached.  Logging was set to Debug for plugin.smartmix,
plugin.spotify and plugin.spotify.radio (which of those Spotify plugins
is Triode's, and what's the other one?).  I grabbed this log file
shortly after experiencing a non-playing track at the start of a
Smartmix, one in which my only music sources are Local music files and
(Triode's) Spotify.  So towards the end of the log there is evidence of
this occurrence.  The track concerned has the URL:
spotify:track:1NNkuYp4RKgbQjoVLetXR5 ('Jury', by 'Trapeze', but you
can't tell that from the log).

The logging relating to this track seems to start at about 18:21:27.1. 
I've picked out a couple of messages that look like they're related to
this error, but there are more in the log concerning this particular
file.  The first message that looks suspicious (to me) is one which says
there's no duration for the file, so it sets a temporary duration
(although later the duration seems to get updated, to 493 - units?). 
The second suspicious message says that a track is unavailable (I assume
it means my problem track in this case) and then it seems to move on to
the next track (spotify:track:2TJvGyQNDvWoTc7xYipKOP, 'I wish I had a
Girl', by 'Henry Lee Summer'), which plays OK.


  [13-01-09 18:21:27.1122] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::canDirectStream 
(266) no duration for url: spotify:track:1NNkuYp4RKgbQjoVLetXR5 - setting 
temporary duration
  [13-01-09 18:21:27.2181] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::__ANON__ (196) 
updating temporary duration for url: spotify:track:1NNkuYp4RKgbQjoVLetXR5 to 493
  [13-01-09 18:21:27.4448] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::handleDirectError 
(341) track unavailable


|Filename: server.log.zip   |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=14217|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-01-10 Thread chill

mherger wrote: 
> > The logging relating to this track seems to start at about
> 18:21:27.1.
> > I've picked out a couple of messages that look like they're related
> to
> > this error, but there are more in the log concerning this particular
> > file.  The first message that looks suspicious (to me) is one which
> says
> > there's no duration for the file, so it sets a temporary duration
> > (although later the duration seems to get updated, to 493 - units?).
> > The second suspicious message says that a track is unavailable (I
> assume
> > it means my problem track in this case) and then it seems to move on
> to
> > the next track (spotify:track:2TJvGyQNDvWoTc7xYipKOP, 'I wish I had a
> > Girl', by 'Henry Lee Summer'), which plays OK.
> Yeah, it looks like TEN is returning tracks which are not available in 
> your place. Which country are you living in? TEN has an identifier  
> "spotify-WW" where WW is considered a country code. Other services would
> have US or WW etc., where US was specific to the US (obviously) and WW
> for  
> the rest of the world. But for Spotify they don't provide any specific 
> country code.
> Oh, just found this thread in the TEN forums which pretty much sums it
> up:
> http://developer.echonest.com/forums/thread/922
> So there's not much I can do about this. Maybe Triode can?...
> -- 
> Michael

OK, thanks Michael, it does seem like there's not much that can be done
about it in that case.  I'm in the UK, but I guess it's possible for
this to happen to anyone anywhere - if a track in the aggregated
worldwide catalog isn't available in the local region then it won't

Would it be possible for the Smartmix plugin to quietly remove from the
playlist any Spotify tracks that can't be played?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-01-11 Thread chill

Triode wrote: 
> What's the actual problem? - this is how I would expect the spotify
> plugin to work.  It successfully skipped over this unplayable track and
> started to play the next track.

OK, agreed, I guess that's one way to look at it :)  But it leaves that
track in the playlist, and there are times when several of the first
five tracks that the Smartmix plugin picks are unplayable.  I haven't
got to the bottom of my unreliable playback from Smartmix, except that I
know it's only a problem when I include Spotify in the list of music
sources (I should add that playing from your Spotify plugin directly
always works perfectly).  In Smartmix I believe that new tracks are
fetched when there are three tracks left in the playlist - is it
possible that this goes wrong if several tracks are skipped because
they're unplayable?  Does the rule for fetching tracks get triggered
only when there are exactly three remaining tracks or would it still get
triggered if the playlist went straight from four remaining tracks to
two because of an unplayable track?

I realise that it doesn't look like there's a way to avoid fetching
these unplayable tracks, but would it be possible perhaps to check
whether they're playable (before it's their turn to be played) and
either remove them from the playlist, or not add them in the first
place?  Is that even possible?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-01-11 Thread chill

Triode wrote: 
> Other than having extra tracks in the playlist which are skipped, what
> is the actual problem we are looking to improve?  Is it that multiple
> sequential unplayable tracks cause a problem or just that it the
> playlist looks odd?

Hi Triode

In my case, I am experiencing occasional choppy playback - pauses,
skips, hangs - when using Smartmix with Spotify.  All I can say for sure
is that this combination (Smartmix with Spotify) is the only time I've
experienced it, and I've experienced it a few times since I started
playing with Smartmix.  Smartmix with just my local files works
flawlessly.  Spotify on its own also works flawlessly.

When I first started trying to diagnose the specific situation that
causes this, I realised that some tracks wouldn't play at all, and as
far as I was concerned that seemed like it was part of the same problem.
But I have to admit that having found out a little more about these
unplayable tracks it doesn't seem likely that they could be the cause of
my choppy playback.

The log file I submitted was from a case of an unplayable track, rather
than choppy playback.  So I guess I need to look out for a case where
playback pauses, skips or hangs, and then look deeper into the log file.
This is an intermittent problem, so I can't guarantee to reproduce it
at will.  Who knows, maybe my server or my wifi are developing a new
problem, but so far the problem correlates exactly with

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-01-12 Thread chill

dbinder101 wrote: 
> Great plug-in, thanks for your effort. I'm trying to create a new recipe
> using the Advanced settings and selecting song-radio instead of
> artist-radio, but it complains about the Artist Pick field "the
> artist-pick parameter is only available for artist-type mixes". I cannot
> seem to blank this out. Is there any way I can create this type of
> recipe?

I'm seeing the same thing here, trying to create a 'genre-radio'.  Has
something changed here?  The other day I used the advanced settings to
pick a genre, select 'genre-radio' and then save the recipe without
touching any other settings, and it all worked fine.  This morning I did
the same but it's complaining about the artist-pick parameter.  In fact,
if I open up the simple genre-radio I created the other day it now shows
the 'artist-pick' parameter in red, and the options at the top to play
the playlist or save the recipe are greyed out.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-01-12 Thread chill

Triode wrote: 
> That sounds a bit like spotify playback issues as once Smart Mix has
> added a track to the playlist it is no longer involved.  Sounds to me
> that its more likely to be related to bandwidth/spotify server
> performance than Michael's plugin.

OK.  I don't know how Spotify works at that level - is it possible that
some Spotify tracks queued up by Smartmix are being streamed from a
different place from those that your plugin queues up by itself?  I
never have any problems playing directly from your plugin.

But back to the consequences of the unplayable tracks:
- I started a Smartmix this morning with local files and Spotify set as
the only music sources.  It selected five tracks to start the playlist
(as usual, none of them were from my local files), but it turns out that
tracks 1 and 4 are unplayable.  Maybe as a consequence, this short
playlist does not get added to - it just goes round and round playing
tracks 2, 3 and 5.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-01-12 Thread chill

mherger wrote: 
> >> Great plug-in, thanks for your effort. I'm trying to create a new
> recipe
> >> using the Advanced settings and selecting song-radio instead of
> >> artist-radio, but it complains about the Artist Pick field "the
> >> artist-pick parameter is only available for artist-type mixes". I
> cannot
> Should be fixed now. Please give it another try (just reload the Blender
> page). Thanks!
> -- 
> Michael

Yep - fixed for me, thanks.

Next problem (sorry, it seems like I do nothing but complain!):

If I use the blender to create a recipe, the area at the bottom of the
page fills with a list of tracks, but if I then use the option at the
top of page to 'Play these Tracks as a Static Playlist' I get the
following error:


  "msg": "Playing 0 tracks to Kitchen Boom",
  "error": 0

The option to 'Play this Recipe as a Dynamic Playlist' starts playing
without that error.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-01-12 Thread chill

mherger wrote: 
> Are you running version 0.98 of the plugin? There were multiple issues 
> around the static playlist in earlier versions.

Yes, version 0.98, and for good measure I just did a 'new and changed'
rescan, but I still get that message.  Would the blender settings make a
difference?  This is from the Advanced page, with a selected genre and
'genre-radio' as the type, no other changes to the settings.  Local
music files and Spotify as music sources.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-01-12 Thread chill

mherger wrote: 
> When you double-click an item you should get some information about it.
> Do  
> you see a foreign_id value starting with spotify-WW in there?

Hi Michael

It doesn't seem to matter whether my music sources are set to just local
files or just Spotify - I get the same error message.

With a list made up of just local files, double clicking the first track
gives me this:


  Sebastian - Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel
  "title": "Sebastian",
  "foreign_ids": [
  "catalog": "CAUTINE13C1B634554",
  "foreign_id": "CAUTINE13C1B634554:song:00d44a0fbc641aefdd36ad036962a98d"
  "artist_name": "Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel",
  "artist_hotttnesss": 0.373707,
  "song_hotttnesss": 0.292098,
  "artist_familiarity": 0.742523,
  "artist_id": "ARRMVHS1187FB542FE",
  "id": "SODNQRR1373ECC74E3",
  "audio_summary": {
  "energy": 0.3718218675824041,
  "tempo": 123.478,
  "speechiness": 0.0554922661241215,
  "key": 11,
  "duration": 639.80517,
  "audio_md5": "1990103a6b206b35226edf3284bc5160",
  "liveness": 0.9910588171977303,
  "mode": 0,
  "time_signature": 3,
  "loudness": -15.84,
  "danceability": 0.3578992117969318

With a list drawn from Spotify, double clicking the first track gives


  "title": "The Girl Gets Around",
  "foreign_ids": [
  "catalog": "CAUTINE13C1B634554",
  "foreign_id": "CAUTINE13C1B634554:song:9d5f6067615d2f3c1829a73f5c62be97"
  "catalog": "CAUTINE13C1B634554",
  "foreign_id": "CAUTINE13C1B634554:song:96123cb74e339d4ef06d0747d2962578"
  "artist_name": "Sammy Hagar",
  "artist_hotttnesss": 0.44274,
  "song_hotttnesss": 0.24029,
  "artist_familiarity": 0.767478,
  "artist_id": "AR0YTWT1187FB3D62F",
  "id": "SOKTXQL12AB017FCC1",
  "audio_summary": {
  "energy": 0.6420190606469259,
  "tempo": 144.19,
  "speechiness": 0.03520202101189357,
  "key": 0,
  "duration": 203.09333,
  "audio_md5": "f081326d39aa5ac839152482ccd2e807",
  "liveness": 0.14939077808252038,
  "mode": 1,
  "time_signature": 4,
  "loudness": -5.081,
  "danceability": 0.5688644092151148


chill's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10839
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-01-12 Thread chill

mherger wrote: 
> >  Sebastian - Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel
> >   "foreign_id":  
> > "CAUTINE13C1B634554:song:00d44a0fbc641aefdd36ad036962a98d"
> >   "title": "The Girl Gets Around",
> >   "foreign_id":  
> > "CAUTINE13C1B634554:song:9d5f6067615d2f3c1829a73f5c62be97"
> These are both local IDs, no sign of Spotify. Do you even have these two
> tracks in your library?
> -- 
> Michael

Well I've got a live version of Sebastian, and much to my surprise, I've
also got that Sammy Hagar track.  Should that matter if the music source
is set to Spotify only?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-01-26 Thread chill


If I start a smartmix on one player in a synced group using the web
interface on my laptop, then switch the web interface over to another
player in the same sync group, the smartmix seems to reload with a
different selection of tracks. I'm running Smartmix v1.0.0, with the
music sources set to local files and Spotify.  Is this the intended

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-01-28 Thread chill

mherger wrote: 
> > If I start a smartmix on one player in a synced group using the web
> > interface on my laptop, then switch the web interface over to another
> > player in the same sync group, the smartmix seems to reload with a
> > different selection of tracks.
> I think what you're seeing is a long standing issue with the web UI:
> when  
> you switch player, the left hand side frame is re-loaded. If that was
> the  
> result page of starting a mix, then the reload would cause a new mix to
> be  
> generated.
> You can easily confirm this if you navigate back to the home of the left
> hand navigation panel before switching player. In this case it shouldn't
> happen any more.
> -- 
> Michael

Yes, that solved it.  Thanks Michael.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Local Player plugin and Squeezelite for Linux/Windows/OSX

2013-02-17 Thread chill

Triode wrote: 
> I've just updated LocalPlayer to 0.10. This include the released
> binaries for Squeezelite.
> It also includes an additional binary for osx which is i386 only.  This
> should allow it to always work with the mp3 codec recommended from the
> settings page(mpg123 download from rudix).  I hope this makes
> installation easier on osx machines.  Please let me have your
> feedback...

Hi Triode

Thanks for the update.  I've just updated to 0.10, selected the i386
binary, installed mpg123, and it now plays my MP3s too.

Thanks again for a really useful plugin.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-02-22 Thread chill

mherger wrote: 
> > Hello Michael, maybe I missed the answer somewhere, but can we use
> our
> > own api key with the plugin?
> Technically yes (hey, it's software, anything can be done ;-)). But TEN 
> explicitly forbid it in their terms:
> "Help us manage server and bandwidth costs. - Don't use the API or feeds
> in a manner that exceeds reasonable request volume, or constitutes  
> excessive or abusive usage as determined by The Echo Nest. Don't
> register  
> for multiple API keys in an attempt to cirumvent rate limits."
> http://developer.echonest.com/docs/v4#ground-rules
> (And yes, it has been mentioned before :-))
> -- 
> Michael


I don't recall the earlier discussions, but are you sure you're
interpreting TEN's terms correctly.  The text you've quoted is from
their ground rules for developers, and clearly it forbids you, the
developer, from registering for multiple keys.  But it seems odd that
this rule should force all the end users to share your key.  Are you
sure this rule forbids you from providing your end users with a way to
enter their own keys (like we do, for instance, with bpa's 'Find Cover
Art' plugin)?  Has this been clarified with TEN?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-02-22 Thread chill

mherger wrote: 
> They obviously have to do a living  
> from their service by selling commercial licenses. But yet they're
> giving  
> away keys for free under certain limitations. I do respect this. I'm  
> thankful I can use their service for free at all.

Ah, ok.  Same here.  I hadn't appreciated that this mode of operation is
running alongside commercial licences.  Clearly, if they allowed
developers to make it possible for end users to enter their own keys
then nobody would pay for a commercial licence.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Smart Mix plugin

2013-03-08 Thread chill

Mnyb wrote: 
> Smartmix restarts when changing player in the web-UI when synced ?

I think that's this:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: New WeatherTime Screensaver adds graphical forecasts

2008-05-09 Thread chill

kyleki;300512 Wrote: 
> The City field is simply there for your reference and is not used by the
> plugin in any way.

I'm not sure that's correct.  I have nothing in the 'citycode' field,
and have put my search term in the 'city' field, and it seems to work -
unless of course I'm getting some random forecast displayed on the

It's not immediately obvious (ie I have no idea) what the difference
between these two fields is.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-11-16 Thread chill

Forgive me if this question has arisen before in this thread, but with
almost 400 pages its a little difficult to find out!

I have 4 players in a synch group (Touch, SB3, Boom and Radio), and am
experiencing players randomly powering up when I turn on other players
in the group.  Not a problem for the Touch and SB3 when their
associated amps are turned off, but for the Boom and the Radio it's
sometimes annoying when they turn themselves on and start playing
music.  Of course, I've checked that each player is set to 'Power
off/on separately' in the player settings.

The only reason for asking about this in the iPeng thread is in case
it's related to my use of iPeng on my iPhone.  I haven't yet been able
to spot a pattern, but I HAVE noticed that the player display in iPeng
is often quite slow to reflect changes in the power state of my
players, whether started up at the player hardware or remotely via
iPeng - the power state of each player doesn't seem to stay in synch
with what's displayed in iPeng.

So is it possible that if iPeng has been used recently, could it's
out-of-synch power states affect what happens to one player when I
power up another player?

If this hasn't come up before in this thread then I'd be surprised if
it has anything to with iPeng, and I'll post it in another thread.  I
don't want to clutter up the iPeng thread so if this behaviour sounds
familiar but is known to be due to some other cause, please point me in
the right direction.

LMS 7.7.0 (although this was happening in 7.5.something too)
OS X 10.6.8
Boom, Radio and SB3 connected wirelessly to an Airport Extreme router,
Touch wired
iPeng 1.4.3 running on iPhone 4, iOS 5.0.1


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-11-24 Thread chill

MeSue;670643 Wrote: 
> The only time I have this problem with iPeng is when I start playing
> something without checking first to see which player is selected in
> iPeng.

pippin;670660 Wrote: 
> 1. Please check in the player settings in the web interface whether one
> of your player has the "sync power" setting enabled.

Thanks folks

I'm pretty sure now that the problem of my players randomly powering up
isn't related to iPeng, but it's difficult to be sure because iPeng is
my 'go to' controller so it's rare that I'll start music playing
somewhere in the house without iPeng.  Even if I'm stood right next to
my Boom I'll still usually start it up from iPeng.  But since I've seen
my Radio power up when starting my Touch from its touch screen, it seems
like iPeng is off the hook.  Unless of course it can still have an
influence when in the background on my iPhone.

So I think I'll post my problem in a general forum, to see if anyone
else has experienced this.  Pippin, regarding your suggestion above - I
have indeed made sure that all my players have their power settings
unsynched, ie 'Power off/on separately'.  This is how they've always

To anyone having a suggestion for this issue, please post a reply in my
new thread to avoid cluttering this iPeng support thread (unless of
course you think it IS related to iPeng).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] I've made an OSX installer for Inguz...

2012-02-07 Thread chill

Munroe;689279 Wrote: 
> Edit: Never mind I see it now.  Had to manually relocate the DSP files
> and reboot server.

Which files, and where from/to?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-06 Thread chill

A cut-down stand-alone party mode app?  Just going by the icon,


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-08 Thread chill

pippin;694805 Wrote: 
> The ones (back buttons) that the iOS creates simply don't grow any
> bigger if you put another button next to them (the "home" button in
> this case) but I really wanted the "home" button because otherwise you
> would have to step out each menu level at a time.
> I couldn't even manage to get a gesture recognizer for long presses on
> the back button.

Could you put the home button to the left of the Radiohead button, or
would the size of the Radiohead button still be fixed?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Coming soon... The iPeng teaser thread

2012-03-10 Thread chill

pippin;695121 Wrote: 
> ...or use a completely different color.

That would be my suggestion, although it's obviously not easy to judge
from just a screen shot.

A little music note symbol, perhaps above the playlist number, would be
somewhat consistent with the web interface.

So how long are you going to keep us guessing?  Has this been submitted
to the App store, or is it still a work in progress?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Community Firmware for Squeezebox Radio/Touch/Controller and LMS 8

2020-12-30 Thread chill

This is brilliant - I'd followed the development thread, but had decided
to wait for this type of release.  I just installed the community
firmware on a UE Radio, and so far it's working perfectly.  

So is it too early to start asking for feature requests?  I'd really
appreciate a basic tone control - maybe something like the 'treble/bass'
settings in the Boom.  Or better still, the ALSA 10 band Equalizer
available under pCP.  Are either of those possible?  Have the various
obsolete features that have been removed created enough space to do
something on those lines?  Even if there's no UI on the Radio itself to
control the settings (i.e. LMS or SSH configuration only), it would
still be worth having in my opinion.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Community Firmware for Squeezebox Radio/Touch/Controller and LMS 8

2020-12-31 Thread chill

mrw wrote: 
> I suspect that space is not the issue, but processing power may be.
> The Radio's hardware chip does provide for some basic DSP, and it is not
> used. There is a preconfigured (closed source) software DSP component in
> the Radio's ALSA chain, which is rather betterer than that, and is
> probably responsible for the quality of the sound output. 
> I have contemplated the idea of implementing a basic 'bass cut' filter
> on the hardware chip to quell the occasional sense of "baritone boom"
> that I hear. Or perhaps one might want a step/baffle type filter to deal
> with being placed close to a wall. But UI becomes an issue, and I am no
> audio engineer, so I don't know what curves one might want.
> I did suss out the DSP filtering actually in use:
> https://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?111663-Community-Build-Radio-Firmware&p=966771&viewfull=1#post966771
> Perhaps, one day, it could be reimplemented along the lines you suggest.
> I don't have a Boom, but one of its features is, I think, to
> automatically extend bass response when volume levels allow. The Radio
> clearly owes much to the Boom in its audio design, but that feature was
> not included. It might be nice to have. There again, the risk of
> overloading the bass driver must increase !

Thanks mrw.  I do remember your promising post about the DSP filter
coefficients.  If processing power in the Radio is the issue, then
tweaking those filter coefficients in the hardware seems like a useful
alternative.  I'm sure the Radio has an admirably flat response curve,
but I'm not afraid to admit that I'm not a big fan of a flat response
curve in all situations! My own personal preference with most audio
devices is to try and cut the mid range a bit compared to the bass and
(especially) the high frequency components.  I believe this is called
the 'Rock Smile' :-)  The Boom and the Radio seem to have the same
driver units (the bass driver certainly, not sure about the tweeter),
but to my ears the Boom can be made to sound a lot better, by boosting
the bass a little and the treble a little more.

I'm not sure what's involved in using Ghidra, but if a Boom would be any
use to you in seeing what's been done in its DSP then I'll happily
donate one to the cause - just PM me if you want one of my 'spares
awaiting refurbishment'.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Community Firmware for Squeezebox Radio/Touch/Controller and LMS 8

2020-12-31 Thread chill

kidstypike wrote: 
> Have you seen this Boom .pdf?

Every time I read through that paper I'm always taken by the care and
attention to sound quality that went into the Boom's design.  I always
get to the end, where the future possibilities are discussed, and regret
again the untimely demise of the product line.  But in fact, even
without any of those future possibilities being implemented, the Boom
just sounds wonderful as it is.  It's my favourite ever portable music
player, which is why I have so many of them!  I live in hope that some
of that DSP goodness can be added to the Radio, because I also have a
number of them :-)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] LMS and Apple

2021-01-21 Thread chill

Just in case it's not widely known, if you have iPeng running then Siri
can do some basic actions with LMS.

"Hey Siri, skip track" is one of the three things I ever say to Siri :).
Very useful if I'm cooking, say, and playing a Spotify-generated
playlist where I don't like the current track.

(The other two are "Hey Siri, xx minutes", to set a cooking timer, and
"Hey Siri, where are you?", on the off-chance that I've left my phone
face-up somewhere.  Make that four things: I also had a bit of fun over
Christmas with a Lidl smart home system - "Hey Siri, turn on my
Christmas lights").

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] LMS and Apple

2021-01-21 Thread chill

rkrug wrote: 
> Didn’t know that - thanks. Are there any other Siri commands which
> work?

I've only tried a few.  "Hey Siri, pause", "Hey Siri, previous track". 
I'm not sure how this is achieved - maybe it's something that Pippin has
specifically programmed, or maybe it's built-in audio player commands
that are sent to the currently running audio player?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-01-26 Thread chill

I have a 4th Gen Echo Dot on the way, specifically so that I can try out
this skill - I'm looking forward to having a bit more voice control over
LMS than I get through Siri by having iPeng running.

I've been running through the ngrok setup on a pCP device in preparation
for the Dot arriving.  So far so good.  I now want to automate the
updating process, using the Python or Perl scripts on the setup page,
but unfortunately the links don't seem to work:
Python: https://mediaserver.smartskills.tech/downloads/updater.py
Perl: https://mediaserver.smartskills.tech/downloads/updater.pl

I did do a bit of a search on this thread, but it's a long thread and
'updater.py' generates a lot of hits!  Is there somewhere else to get
these scripts?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-01-26 Thread chill

philchillbill wrote: 
> EDIT: Fixed. An issue with relative vs absolute paths. Sorry for the
> inconvenience.

Great, thanks.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-01-26 Thread chill

philchillbill wrote: 
> If you note any specifics for pCP that are different to a normal Debian
> install, I'd appreciate a summary so it can be added to the docs.

I'm still hacking my way around to get a feel for what needs to be done
to get it working and then redone after a reboot.  So far I have it set
up such that pCP runs a script at startup (via the built-in 'User
Command's' tweak) e.g. /home/tc/.ngrok2/ngrok_startup.sh, which starts
ngrok and then finds the URL via that curl command.  grep in Busybox
doesn't have the -P option, but I can get to the url with a bit of


curl -s http://localhost:4040/api/tunnels | awk -F"https:// {'print $2'} | 
awk -F" {'print $1'}

I haven't attempted to make it a service, because this User Command
script seems sufficient - I can run the script manually if I ever need
to run it without a reboot, but since this is RPi3 is currently
dedicated to ngrok only, a reboot is fine.

I haven't got the python script working yet - it's failing at 'import
requests' and I can't see whether that, or json or urllib.parse, are
included in any of the python packages that are available for pCP.  To
be investigated later if necessary.

I have installed the Alexa app on my iPhone and MediaServer is one of
'my' skills, and seems to have linked successfully, but since I don't
have a device yet I can't test it any further.  And I also can't tell
what the final step of the python script should be doing, once it's
recovered the url.  Maybe I can do that too with simple shell scripting,
but I need to find out what the python would do first.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-01-26 Thread chill

philchillbill wrote: 
> Would the Perl not be easier than Python, given that pCP needs Perl
> itself? All the script does is a HTTPS GET to a specific url with some
> url parameters filled out. It can be done from any language. If it helps
> you at all, I have a tiny sh script that does it too. pCP has sh
> available.

I've just been trying the perl script.  I first installed LMS, so as to
get all the associated perl modules, but running updater.pl gives me a
similar missing module error:


tc@pCP:~$ perl updater.pl
  Can't locate LWP/UserAgent.pm in @INC (you may need to install the 
LWP::UserAgent module) (@INC contains: 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.32.0) at updater.pl line 8.
  BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at updater.pl line 8.

That tiny sh script would be very useful, thank you.  Yes, pCP has sh. 
I've tried to figure out, from both the python and the perl, what those
specific url parameters are for the https get, but haven't managed it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-01-26 Thread chill

philchillbill wrote: 
> This is the sh script - it's a simplified but functional script that
> will update a single ngrok tunnel for the skill:
> > 

  >   > 
  > #!/bin/sh
  > UUID="a84fb223c34002944701a9a70e5e82b65e01cda21b6e8914"
  > URL="`wget -qO- http://localhost:4040/api/tunnels | grep -Po 
  > DATA=[{\"name\":\"false\",\"url\":\"${URL}\"}]
  > RES="`wget -qO- 
  > echo $RES

> > 
> The GET to smartskills.tech sends the uuid and a tunnel specification
> for a single tunnel. When people link multiple LMS servers, there can
> be multiple tunnels so the python and perl create a JSON array of
> values, but from pCP when there is only one tunnel we can skip all the
> fancy looping JSON creation and just hack a JSON string manually. It
> looks like [{"name":"false","url":"https://abcdef123456.ngrok.io"}],
> which is created here with the DATA= statement. The "name" is the
> tunnel name and when there is only one tunnel a string value of
> "false" is expected.
> The tunnel url is in the :4040 response as the "public_url" parameter.
> My grep -Po just tries to grab that to a string using a regex. If you
> can do that with your awk then this script should work. Make sure you
> set the correct uuid constant in the file.

Brilliant - thank you.  I'll give it a go.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-01-26 Thread chill

philchillbill wrote: 
> The Alexa app on the phone can act as an Echo if you give it mic
> permissions. When you open the app just ask Alexa what time it is and
> she will answer. If that works, "Alexa, ask Media Server to discover my
> players"

Oh that's useful, thank you.  I'll give it a try if I get past this
linking script.

For some reason, your script doesn't work as is.  I'm getting a "Fail 4
[Badly-specified URL(s)]".  I changed your single quotes to the upright
ones " ' ", and then I'm not sure the command even runs at all - RES is

I'm getting confused with all the different types of quotation marks and
brackets, but I think I managed to construct the command as intended and
execute it, but I get "Fail 2 [Data JSON parse error]".  I suspect the
'data' bit is wrong, but I don't understand what the combination of
curly and square brackets is supposed to do.  My command looks like this
(with the sensitive bits overtyped with 's):


wget -qO- 

Any chance you could put me out of my misery and show me an example of
that last wget command exactly as it should be issued?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-01-26 Thread chill

philchillbill wrote: 
> If that works, "Alexa, ask Media Server to discover my players"

That bit is working fine, so I can start to play with the skill
tomorrow.  So I just need to get that script working so that it can all
be automated after a reboot.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-01-27 Thread chill

chill wrote: 
> Any chance you could put me out of my misery and show me an example of
> that last wget command exactly as it should be issued?

I think I'm there now. Not sure what I was doing wrong before, but my
script now autostarts and autoupdates after I reboot the pCP.  I'll tidy
it up a bit and post what I have, so as to get feedback on my scripting
misconceptions :)

The skill is working well.  Unfortunately I can't subscribe from iPhone,
so I'll have to wait a few more days until the Dot arrives.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-01-27 Thread chill

philchillbill wrote: 
> Good to hear. If you run the script manually from the command line, it
> should respond with OK 1 if the updating went well (the '1' means one
> tunnel was updated). 
> Regarding brackets:
> [] delimits an array or list. In this case the array only has one member
> because you have a single tunnel, but it is still an array.
> {} delimits an object, in this case a JSON object. JSON requires the use
> of "" around strings and will not tolerate ' unless it's inside a
> string.
> If you want to build a string out of a substring that contains "" then
> the outer quotes need to be ', or vice versa. So e.g. 'This is a "test"'
> or "This is a 'test'".
> The backtick ` means that what is inside is executed as code.
> In our case, the backticks are around the -wget -so it is executed and
> by wrapping the result of that execution in "" we can assign the result
> of that wget to URL and RES in a single command that runs/assigns.

Thanks for the explanations.  Is it possible the backticks aren't
supported in pCP?

Anyway, the script that works for me to autostart and autoupdate ngrok,
either at boot as user 'root' or from the command line as user 'tc', is
as follows.  Please let me know of any obvious blunders or suggestions.


  # autostart and autoupdate ngrok for Media Server skill
  # enter your own details here
  AUTH="your username:your password"
  UUID="x" #from account linking step
  #path to ngrok executable.  Big file, keep it out of the pCP backup, e.g. put 
it on the third partition
  # make sure ngrok is started by the authorised user, i.e. 'tc'.  When run as 
a user command at boot, the user is 'root'
  user=$(id | awk -F\( {'print $2'} | awk -F\) {'print $1'})
  if [ $user = "tc" ]; then  # ngrok command can be run without modification
$ngrok_exec http -auth $AUTH $SVR > /dev/null 2>&1 &
  elif [ $user = "root" ];then # force ngrok command to be run by user 'tc'
sudo -u tc $ngrok_exec http -auth $AUTH $SVR > /dev/null 2>&1 &
  sleep $1  # send sleep time in seconds as command line parameter:
# 1 second seems to be enough once booted, 5 seconds to 
play safe during boot.
  # get new URL
  URL=https://$(curl -s http://localhost:4040/api/tunnels | awk -F\"https:// 
{'print $2'} | awk -F\" {'print $1'})
  date > /home/tc/ngrok.log
  echo "URL = "$URL >> $logfile
  # construct JSON data
  echo "DATA = "$DATA >> $logfile
  #see what the update command looks like
  CMD=$(echo wget -qO- 
  echo "CMD = "$CMD >> $logfile
  #send the update command
  RES=$(wget -qO- 
  echo "RES = "$RES >> $logfile

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-01-27 Thread chill

philchillbill wrote: 
> I have no idea if backticks are supported in pCP but your shell commands
> are perfectly valid without them. No errors that I can see in the script
> so good work !

Great stuff, thank you.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-01-27 Thread chill

philchillbill wrote: 
> One small thing I just noticed. You use both curl and wget (which is
> valid sh for sure) but I thought curl was not installed on pCP (which is
> why wget was used as fallback) ?
> In order to make the script more tolerant of the existence of other
> ngrok tunnels around your household, the search/update for the
> parameters for the relevant tunnel pCP is using can be narrowed down by
> supplying its name. See what I've done below (where I also swapped out
> curl and use two wget calls):
> > 

  >   > 
  > #!/bin/sh
  > TUNNELNAME="mediaservertunnel"
  > UUID="a84fb223c34002944701a9a70e5e82b65e01cda21b6e8914"
  > URL=https://$(wget -qO- http://localhost:4040/api/tunnels/${TUNNELNAME} | 
awk -F\"https:// {'print $2'} | awk -F\" {'print $1'})
  > DATA=[{\"name\":\"${TUNNELNAME}\",\"url\":\"${URL}\"}]
  > echo $DATA
  > RES=$(wget -qO- 
  > echo $RES

> > 

Thank you - yes, curl is not in the basic pCP distribution, although it
is available as an Extension package in the pCP repository.  But it
certainly makes sense to use wget instead of curl in this case, because
the whole lot will then run without the need for any additional packages
- no python, no perl, no nothing - just the ngrok executable and the

I'll apply your suggested changes to my script.

Given that adding this to pCP doesn't require much to be installed, I'm
planning to move it to one of my other Squeezebox-related pCP devices so
that I don't have to keep a separate one running.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-01-27 Thread chill

Hmm. This works


wget http://localhost:4040/api/tunnels/

...but this doesn't


wget http://localhost:4040/api/tunnels/mediaservertunnel

I've checked and it's definitely called 'mediaservertunnel' in the yml

Oh, wait, looking at the output from the first command I see that my
tunnel is called 'command_line' for some reason.  So this works:


wget http://localhost:4040/api/tunnels/command_line

What have I done wrong?  This is my yml file (with the sensitive details
replaced of course):


authtoken: xxx
  region: eu
  proto: http
  bind_tls: true
  inspect: false
  addr: 192.168.x.x:9000
  auth: "username:password"   

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-01-27 Thread chill


Because the configuration is all in the yml file, the earlier ngrok
command needs to be


$ngrok_exec http start $TUNNELNAME > /dev/null 2>&1 &

instead of


$ngrok_exec http -auth $AUTH $SVR > /dev/null 2>&1 &

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-01-27 Thread chill

Which of course means the AUTH and SVR variables aren't needed in the

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-01-27 Thread chill

philchillbill wrote: 
> I was curious why you had them in there but thought it might be a pCP
> thing :cool:

It was from the first part of your instructions 'II. ngrok'.  I only
skimmed the following section, where the 'start' option is clear,
because I wasn't using systemd.  Oh well, learned that lesson now.

New problem.  Your account linking page now tells me "Other smartskills
linked with tunnel [name]: You must also include it for this skill".  Is
that because the tunnel name has changed?  What do I do to clear that
start again?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-01-27 Thread chill

Got there - I had to include the tunnel name in square brackets after
the URL on your account linking page.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-01-27 Thread chill

So as an interim update, until I find the next thing I've done wrong,
here's my current ngrok_startup.sh


  # autostart and autoupdate ngrok for Media Server skill
  # enter your own details here
  TUNNELNAME="mediaservertunnel" # whatever you named the tunnel in 
  UUID="xxx" # from account linking step
  date > $logfile
  # Start ngrok
  # path to ngrok executable.  It's a big file, so keep it out of the pCP 
backup, e.g. put it on the third partition
  # make sure ngrok is started by the authorised user, i.e. 'tc'.  When run as 
a user command at boot, the user is 'root'
  user=$(id | awk -F\( {'print $2'} | awk -F\) {'print $1'})
  if [ $user = "tc" ]; then  # ngrok command can be run without modification
$ngrok_exec start $TUNNELNAME > /dev/null 2>&1 &
  elif [ $user = "root" ]; then # force ngrok command to be run by user 'tc'
sudo -u tc $ngrok_exec start $TUNNELNAME > /dev/null 2>&1 &
  # wait for ngrok to initialise
  sleep $1  # send sleep time in seconds as command line parameter:
# 1 second seems to be enough once booted, 5 seconds to 
play safe during boot.
  # Update ngrok
  # get URL
  URL=https://$(wget -qO- http://localhost:4040/api/tunnels/${TUNNELNAME} | awk 
-F\"https:// {'print $2'} | awk -F\" {'print $1'})
  echo "URL = "$URL >> $logfile
  # construct JSON data
  echo "DATA = "$DATA >> $logfile
  # see what the update command looks like
  CMD=$(echo wget -qO- 
  echo "CMD = "$CMD >> $logfile
  # send the update command
  RES=$(wget -qO- 
  echo "RES = "$RES >> $logfile

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-01-27 Thread chill

My Echo Dot arrived today, so I was able to subscribe to try out the
full set of commands.  I was impressed that Alexa was able to find my
'My Shazam tracks' playlist on Spotty.  

I moved the ngrok setup to another pCP device and it was very
straightforward - I just had to copy over the ngrok executable, the
startup script and the yml configuration file.  I shut down the original
ngrok RPi, added the startup script to the user commands on the 'tweaks'
page for the new one and rebooted. 
It was up and running almost immediately.

Just about to try out LMS-lite.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-01-27 Thread chill

philchillbill wrote: 
> Great to hear. I’ll add pCP instructions to the website so that others
> can benefit from your pioneering spirit [emoji41] Thanks again !

Thanks.  There's a couple of details that I'd like to check in the
script before it should be considered definitive.

1) There's a bit in the script to force ngrok to be run as user 'tc'. 
When called at startup the script is called by user 'root', and I found
that it didn't work in that case, hence the workaround to force it to
run as 'tc'.  In hindsight I suspect it might just have been that 'root'
didn't look in /home/tc/.ngrok2 for the yml file, so it may be enough to
simply specify the full path to the yml file.  Then it wouldn't matter
which user executes ngrok.  I'll test that later.

2) pCP runs entirely from ram, so the 'tc' user's home directory is also
in ram.  Any files included in the tc's home directory must be backed-up
to an archive, so that they can be reinstated after a reboot.  It's
desirable to keep that archive file small - if nothing else the backup
process takes an annoyingly long time if the home directory has a lot in
it.  I started off by copying the ngrok executable to
/home/tc/.local/bin, but since it is quite big (~25MB), I was finding
that backups were quite slow and were triggering a warning from pCP.  So
I moved it to somewhere else permanent (I used a third partition on the
boot drive, which is stored on the drive itself, not in ram, so isn't
part of the backup).  I suspect it might be possible to put it somewhere
else on the root drive so that it gets loaded into ram at boot time, and
doesn't require another mount point - maybe the 'tce' folder on the root
partition.  But I've never played with that, and I don't really know how
the 'optional' and 'on demand' folders work - how I should make a 'tcz'
package and make sure it loads into the executable path in ram at boot. 
If any of the pCP folks, or anyone else who knows how this works, is
watching, any advice would be welcomed.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-01-27 Thread chill

Well indeed both of those details were worth investigating.

1) ngrok can be run as root by simply including the path to the yml
configuration file with the --config option, e.g.:


ngrok start mediaservertunnel --config=/home/tc/.ngrok2/ngrok.yml > 
/dev/null 2>&1 &

I guess the script could have that option included in another variable,
but for a standard pCP user who has carried out the authorisation as
user 'tc', that /home/tc/.ngrok2/ngrok.yml file is fixed.  This option
means the whole section of the script that determines which user is
calling ngrok is redundant.

2) It is quite simple to create your own .tcz package that just includes
the ngrok executable, to be placed in /usr/local/bin/, and to have this
package loaded at boot.  The result is that ngrok is available in the
user's executable path without taking up any space in the user's backup
and without the need for an extra mount point.  So since it's now in the
path the startup script doesn't need to point to a specific copy of the
executable, so 


$ngrok_exec start mediaservertunnel --config=/home/tc/.ngrok2/ngrok.yml > 
/dev/null 2>&1 &



ngrok start mediaservertunnel --config=/home/tc/.ngrok2/ngrok.yml > 
/dev/null 2>&1 &

I could detail this process for the pCP-specific setup instructions, but
I think it would be simpler to ask one of the pCP guys to make ngrok
available in the standard repositories so that it can be installed like
any other extension.  I'll make a request in the 'pCP7 thread'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-01-28 Thread chill

Understandably, Paul doesn't want to include the ngrok executable as a
package in pCP since it appears to be closed source.

So pCP users have a choice of where to put the ngrok executable:

1) Place it in /home/tc/.local/bin
Pro: This will mean that it's in the executable path so can be invoked
without supplying its path.  
Con: It will be included in the user's backup whenever pCP is backed up,
so the backup will be large and slow.

2) Place it in a folder on another drive, such as a third partition on
the boot drive, e.g. /mnt/PCP_DATA
Pro: This will be permanent storage, so won't be included in the user's
Con1: This approach requires there to be another mounted partition, and
it has to be reliably available and when the ngrok command is invoked at
Con2: This location will not be in the user's executable path, so the
path to ngrok will have to be specified whenever it is invoked.

3) Make your own 'ngrok.tcz' package so that the executable is loaded by
the system at boot.  This is the 'best' option if you are comfortable
with the steps below.
Pro: ngrok will be available in the executable path without it being
part of the user's backup
Con: Making the package involves a few more steps (below), but they're
straightforward, and 'do-and-forget'. 

Steps for making ngrok.tcz:

1)  Make this folder in your home directory:
cd ~
mkdir -p ngrok/usr/local/bin

2)  Obtain the ngrok binary from https://ngrok.com/download.  Look for
'Linux (ARM)' for pCP 32-bit or 'LINUX (ARM64)' for pCP 64-bit
Extract the single binary file from the download and place it in the
folder you've just made, /home/tc/ngrok/usr/local/bin
Your method for placing ngrok in that folder will depend on the tools
you use.
For instance, FileZilla will allow you to upload the file from your
computer to a destination on the RPi

3)  Install the squashfs-tools.tcz extension from the pCP 'Extensions'

4)  Make 'ngrok.tcz' with: 
cd ~
mksquashfs ngrok/ ngrok.tcz

5)  Copy the resulting ngrok.tcz to the 'tce/optional' folder with:
cp ngrok.tcz /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/optional 
If you have booted from USB, the 'tce' folder will be at a diffrent
mount point, 
so replace 'mmcblk0p2' with your 'root' partition, e.g. 'sdb2'

6)  Edit the onboot.lst in the tce folder to include ngrok.tcz  
e.g. use 'vi' on the pCP, or the linked file editor in FileZilla

7)  Backup and reboot your pCP.  After rebooting you should now have the
ngrok executable in /usr/local/bin.
Type 'which ngrok' to check.

8)  Assuming that works, remove the ngrok folder and the ngrok.tcz from
your home directory to minimise the size of your pCP backup.
cd ~
rm ngrok.tcz
rm -Ri ngrok/ # the -i option will prompt for every deletion. Check
that it's doing what you expect before answering 'y'
Finally, backup pCP again, otherwise those deleted files will come back
after a reboot!

chill's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10839
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-01-28 Thread chill

philchillbill wrote: 
> Appreciate your looking into this topic. Is a prepared tcz file (2
> versions for 32 and 64 bit) something that I can host on my site to
> reduce the number of steps?

One reason that Paul- was reluctant to make an ngrok package is "Binary
re-distribution licensing is not clear", so I guess you'll have to
figure out if that's something you want to do.

If you want to go ahead, I can prepare the two tcz files if you wish.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-01-28 Thread chill

philchillbill wrote: 
> I have to admit I'm surprised that backing up a 24MB file is slow on any
> modern system. This is the GB and TB era so we're talking crumbs here
> :confused:

Yeah, it's not -slow--slow (maybe 20 seconds or so? - not sure, haven't
timed it), but you have to keep in mind that pCP is usually booted from
an SD card and the backup goes back to that SD card.  On an older Pi,
with a slow SD card, it would probably take longer.  That extra 20s goes
against the 'ethos' of pCP, which is to have a small, light, and very
fast system, regardless of hardware.

Including the ngrok executable in the backup didn't seem to cause any
other problems, but as a pCP user it's something I'd personally want to

Your shell script seems like a nice idea.  I looked at the links to the
binaries on the ngrok site (e.g.
because a wget command would be better than downloading it to a computer
and then uploading to the Pi, but all those random characters in the
link give the impression that it might not always be the same link. 
Aside from that, the shell script could download the binary, build the
tcz, create the yml file, and also personalise the startup script, which
could be included in the tcz.

chill's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10839
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-01-28 Thread chill

philchillbill wrote: 
> I’m just worried that supporting that may turn out to be more work than
> supporting and improving the skills themselves [emoji23]

Sounds like a great idea, but yeah, it would no doubt take a lot of
effort to make it foolproof!

I may have a tinker with a pCP-specific installer script along the lines
you suggested earlier.

chill's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10839
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-01-28 Thread chill

This script should download the 64-bit ngrok binary, convert it to a tcz
package and make it load on boot.

To use it, create a file 'ngrok_installer.sh' in your home directory
(/home/tc aka ~), paste the lines of the script into it, and make the
script executable (chmod +x ngrok_installer.sh).

Then simply run the script (./ngrok_installer.sh) and reboot.

Once the Pi reboots you can type 'which ngrok' to see if it has
installed.  It should show a single entry '/usr/local/bin/ngrok'.

Everything else in the home directory should have been tidied up by the
script.  The script itself will even have disappeared unless you did a
'backup' before rebooting.


  # download ngrok and convert to installable package, so that the executable 
is placed into /usr/local/bin
  # setup some path shortcuts
  # create folder structure
  mkdir -p $rootpath
  # fetch ngrok tgz - N.B. may need to check path to this file in case it 
changes in the future
  wget https://bin.equinox.io/c/4VmDzA7iaHb/ngrok-stable-linux-arm64.tgz -O $tgz
  # extract the ngrok executable into the required part of the folder structure
  tar -x -f $tgz -C $rootpath
  # download and load squashfs-tools
  tce-load -w squashfs-tools.tcz
  tce-load -i squashfs-tools.tcz
  # create the ngrok package
  mksquashfs $workingdir/ $tcz
  # tidy up
  rm $tgz
  rm -Rf $workingdir/
  # move the ngrok package to the tce/optional folder
  TCEMNT="/mnt/$(readlink /etc/sysconfig/tcedir | cut -d '/' -f3)"
  mv $tcz $TCEMNT/tce/optional
  # add ngrok.tcz to tce/onboot.lst
  sed -i '/^ngrok.tcz/d' $TCEMNT/tce/onboot.lst #remove all previous ngrok 
entries, to make sure it's only listed once
  echo $packagename.tcz >> $TCEMNT/tce/onboot.lst

I've tested this on a fresh pCP install, and also on a machine where
ngrok was already installed, and seems to work ok.  You don't need to
change any of the path variables at the start of the script, but if you
do, TAKE CARE, because in the 'tidy up' section of the script it will
recursively and silently delete everything in $workingdir/

This also worth keeping in mind if you DON'T change the path variables,
and you already have a folder called ~/ngrok.  That will be GONE after
this script runs :)

chill's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10839
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-01-28 Thread chill

philchillbill wrote: 
> @chill, Nice work :cool: This stuff gets addictive when the creativity
> adrenaline flows.

Indeed.  It'll be a sad day when I stop enjoying a new challenge.  And
it beats doing my tax return, which sadly has to be a priority this
afternoon :(

philchillbill wrote: 
> Hope you're enjoying the skills. If you're new to Alexa it takes a
> little while to learn to pace the commands so that she always
> understands but that quickly becomes second nature. I don't have any
> Echo 4s here - how's the sound quality when streaming from LMS?

I'm afraid I haven't tried streaming to the Echo, or even used the skill
a great deal yet - too busy concentrating on scripting!  But what little
I have used it so far has been positive, and I am getting used to the
syntax and pacing.  I'm perhaps struggling with the overlap between
MediaServer and LMS-lite, but that will come with a bit more experience.
Oh, and of course I tend to have my music too loud for Alexa to be able
to hear me clearly!

chill's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10839
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-01-28 Thread chill

Tax calcs done - just the form filling bit to do now :)

I now have an installation script that will fetch the correct version
according the pCP platform (32-bit or 64-bit).  I used the 'rule' that I
found 'here'
- not sure how future-proof that is!

It will also dump a pro-forma ngrok.yml file in /home/tc/.ngrok2, so the
use only has to update it with the necessary personalised data.

chill's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10839
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=111016

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-01-28 Thread chill

philchillbill wrote: 
> I've added a new section to the online docs which addresses built-in
> commands and when the skill invocation name can be omitted vs when it is
> required. This also explains why there can sometimes be a clash between
> the MediaServer and LMS-lite skills for simple transport commands like
> pause.
> It's at
> https://mediaserver.smartskills.tech/mediaserverhelp.html#section-1-6
> Hope it's clear !

That's answered a few questions.  Very useful, thank you.

chill's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10839
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=111016

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-01-28 Thread chill

Do I need to do anything special to make streaming to the Echo work?  If
I ask her "Alexa, ask MediaServer to stream the playlist 'Catchy'", she
finds the playlist ok, tells me that it's now streaming, and in the LMS
web interface I can see the playlist is loaded up under the 'Web Client'
player, but there's no sound from the Echo.  The transport and volume
controls in the web interface don't work either.

If I ask her to stream something else, without invoking MediaServer, she
starts playing something from Amazon Music, and that plays fine.

Any tips for getting streaming to work?

chill's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10839
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=111016

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