[Puppet Users] "Could not back up" errors when files change

2013-08-26 Thread Rich Burroughs

I'm new to the group but not as new to Puppet. I've used the open source 
version at work for a while and taken the Puppet Fundamentals course.

I set up a couple of CentOS 6.4 VMs that I'm using to have a look at PE 
3.0.1. One is master.localdomain and one is agent1.localdomain. I'm running 
them in Virtualbox, both have a NAT adapter and a second host adapter 
that's in

Things are working well in general but I have one issue that's coming up on 
both hosts during agent runs. Whenever there's a file that Puppet manages 
that needs to get updated, it fails with these errors:

Error: Could not back up /etc/ssh/ssh_config: getaddrinfo: Name or service 
not known
Error: Could not back up /etc/ssh/ssh_config: getaddrinfo: Name or service 
not known
Error: /Stage[main]/Ssh/File[/etc/ssh/ssh_config]/content: change from 
{md5}af4cb8f2c52f0e44575d64cc20d9bc65 to 
{md5}5f7d05d43959932df5c63197cf3e963f failed: Could not back up 
/etc/ssh/ssh_config: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known

I did some Googling and it sounded like the getaddrinfo errors usually have 
to do with the agent not being able to resolve "puppet," but mine 
definitely can. The hosts file I have set up for both looks like:

# HEADER: This file was autogenerated at 2013-08-26 18:22:18 -0700
# HEADER: by puppet.  While it can still be managed manually, it
# HEADER: is definitely not recommended. localhost4 
::1localhostlocalhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 master.localdomain puppet.localdomain

Both hosts can ping the names puppet, agent1.localdomain and 
master.localdomain and get responses from the correct IPs.

I'm scratching my head at this point. It looks like the host is failing to 
find the location to back the files up to on the local host? I don't see 
how that could be though.

Also I actually had this same basic setup before but with only one bridged 
adapter per VM, using the same CentOS setup, same version of PE, etc. I 
didn't have this problem then. What I didn't like about that setup is that 
it depended on the addressing of my home network, and I read about doing 
the combination of NAT and host only adapters as a way to get Internet 
access and still have a private network where you control the addresses. So 
the fact that it worked with a different network setup makes me thing 
that's to blame but I can't see what's wrong.

On each of the hosts eth0 is the NAT adapter and eth1 is the host only. 
Here's what the agent host looks like:

rich@agent1:~$ ifconfig eth0
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 08:00:27:AB:08:67
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  inet6 addr: fe80::a00:27ff:feab:867/64 Scope:Link
  RX packets:86 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:94 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
  RX bytes:8012 (7.8 KiB)  TX bytes:7260 (7.0 KiB)

rich@agent1:~$ ifconfig eth1
eth1  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 08:00:27:F3:69:37
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  inet6 addr: fe80::a00:27ff:fef3:6937/64 Scope:Link
  RX packets:1237 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:946 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
  RX bytes:467558 (456.5 KiB)  TX bytes:407532 (397.9 KiB)

Again, I can ping between the machines on the 192 addresses and they work 
fine, and both agents can talk to the master and perform most functions. 
The one thing that's failing is backing up changed files.

I'm going to append what I get using --trace in case that's helpful.




Error: Could not back up /etc/ssh/ssh_config: getaddrinfo: Name or service 
not known
/opt/puppet/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:763:in `initialize'
/opt/puppet/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:763:in `open'
/opt/puppet/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:763:in `block in connect'
/opt/puppet/lib/ruby/1.9.1/timeout.rb:69:in `timeout'
/opt/puppet/lib/ruby/1.9.1/timeout.rb:100:in `timeout'
/opt/puppet/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:763:in `connect'
/opt/puppet/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:756:in `do_start'
/opt/puppet/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:745:in `start'
/opt/puppet/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:1285:in `request'
/opt/puppet/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:1065:in `head'

Re: [Puppet Users] "Could not back up" errors when files change

2013-08-26 Thread Rich Burroughs
Ahh nevermind I got this figured out.

I had copied over my site.pp from the previous install and I changed the
hostname of the master on the new setup. The one in the filebucket in
site.pp no longer exists. I changed it to "puppet" and it's working now.


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Re: [Puppet Users] Hiera and hiera-gpg

2013-08-30 Thread Rich Burroughs
Your manifests look the same. You do a hiera lookup just as you would if
you weren't using the GPG integration. It's just another data store for

You do need to set that up, as other people have mentioned. But it's no
different in the manifests.

On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 6:30 AM, Worker Bee  wrote:

> I am looking for some manifest examples, if anyone has any to share!
> On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 7:16 AM, Richard Clark wrote:
>>  On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 05:47:41PM -0400, Worker Bee wrote:
>> > I am having a bit of difficulty implementing hiera-gpg; particularly
>> with
>> > accomplishing the deencryption in my manifests.  Can anyone either
>> provide
>> > a simple example or point me to a good resource?  I have searched alot
>> and
>> > am still struggling.
>> >
>> > Any help would be very appreciated!
>> >
>> > Thanks!
>> > Bee
>> You just need to have the hiera-gpg gem installed, make sure that gpg is
>> listed in the backends array in hiera.yaml, then the puppet user needs
>> to have the private key configured within it's $HOME/.gnupg -where $HOME
>> is usually /var/lib/puppet.
>> By default pgp keys are encrypted with a passphrase, which would need to
>> be supplied and held in a running keyring for that user, so was
>> previously working around this by using a non-passphrase protected
>> subkey.
>> I've now however moved away from hiera-gpg due to performance overhead
>> on large catalogs and moved to a git post-commit hook that decrypts any
>> .gpg files to .yaml within a dedicated hierarchy for decrypted files,
>> using that same insecure private subkey.
>> Cheers,
>> --
>> Richard Clark
>> rich...@fohnet.co.uk
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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet under HA Environment

2013-09-05 Thread Rich Burroughs
One of my former co-workers did a talk about Mcollective at PuppetConf.
People involved in this thread might find it useful :) He gives some
examples about doing rolling restarts, you could do something very similar
with orchestrating agent runs.


On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 10:13 AM, Brad  wrote:

> Stuart,
> If I'm understanding your needs correctly, this may be what you're looking
> for:
> http://www.devco.net/archives/2010/03/17/scheduling_puppet_with_mcollective.php
> On Monday, September 2, 2013 11:01:46 AM UTC-5, Stuart Cracraft wrote:
>> How can this be randomized within a range?
>> I believe someone mentioned "splay" ?
>> My fear is that all the boxes will request at a similar some day, by
>> chance
>> and send a tidal wave over to the master.
>> On Sep 1, 2013, at 10:27 PM, Rahul Khengare  wrote:
>> You can use different *runinterval *for each client.
>> This can be done using editing of "/etc/puppet/puppet.conf" on each
>> client machine.
>> Set the following (add a new line if it's not already present)
>> in the [agent] section of the file:
>> runinterval=XXX
>> where, XXX is the time in seconds(default is 180),
>> Thanks and Regards,
>> Rahul Khengare,
>> NTT DATA OSS Center, Pune, India.
>> On Friday, August 30, 2013 2:20:36 AM UTC+5:30, rjbu...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> How do I avoid a situation where all of my Linux servers execute a
>>> service restart at the same time upon receiving a new configuration change
>>> via Puppet?  I am trying to avoid any possibility that the service would be
>>> unavailable for any length of time.  The servers are behind a load
>>> balancer.  At least one node needs to remain available.  Any idea how I
>>> might configure Puppet to work in this HA environment?
>>> Thank you for your feedback!
>> --
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Re: [Puppet Users] puppet agent modules/ manual pull

2013-09-09 Thread Rich Burroughs
For #1: Puppet is very good at managing cron jobs, in fact there's a cron
resource type that makes that very easy:


I'm not sure if there's an easy way to do #2. You could maybe run a puppet
apply on that manifest out of cron if you have it on all the nodes, but
then you have to deal with getting the code installed on all the hosts,
keeping it up to date, etc.

Honestly, I think you're making this a lot harder than it needs to be. Just
run the agent. It shouldn't cause a big performance issue, especially when
you only have a few simple modules. The agent runs by default every 30
minutes, maybe that's really often enough to make your check? You could set
it to run every 5 minutes too.

You may find as you go on that there are things you'll want puppet to do
much more often than once a day. Like managing user accounts, for example
-- you're maybe not going to want to wait up to a day for a new account to
show up on the hosts.


On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 10:46 AM, Tony Caffe  wrote:

> Hi,
>  I have puppet running just for a group of 5 servers. I am planning for
> increase and thus why I am starting now with puppet.
> I have only one github puppet module, puppet-timezone, as default for all
> nodes and is currently the only module even set up. This is key for our
> scripts to run.
> cat site.pp
>> class base {
>> class { 'timezone':
>> timezone => 'PST8PDT',
>> ensure => present,
>>  autoupgrade => true,
>> }
>> }
>> node default {
>> include base
>> }
> Now I want to create 2 groups, one called cacher and other procacher which
> will contain about 4 or so nodes each. They are identical servers in each
> group.
> Now I use this on each node install of puppet:
> crontab -l -u root
>> # Puppet agent check-in to save resources:
>> 0 1 * * * puppet agent --test --onetime
> I dont need them to check timezone sync all the time and I can utilize
> system resourses by leaving puppet off only to run cron 1 time per day.
> These are small machines and thus dont need puppet agent going all the time.
> Now I want to set up a custom module that will edit a users crontab and
> make sure the two tasks are uncommented out, but this I want to check every
> 5 min.
> crontab -u user -l
>> */5 * * * * nice /home/user/other-script.php
>> "/home/user/other-script.log" >> /home/user/other-script.log
>> # BATCH
>> */5 * * * * nice /home/user/script.php "/home/user/script.log" >>
>> /home/user/script.log
> So my question/ help needed is 2 parts.
> *1st.)* What is the simplest way to create a custom module to check this
> is exactly as is every 5 min, but when I want to it will comment out those
> two scripts and make sure they stay that way till I want them back on?
> *2nd.)* (Not as important but would be nice) Is it possible to run this
> module check in crontab -u root every 5 min separate from the default once
> a day check for any other config options/modules I will use in the future,
> including puppet-timezone which is currently only one?
> Thanks in advance.
> Tony
> --
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Re: [Puppet Users] Looking for tips for transitioning to Puppet Enterprise

2013-09-11 Thread Rich Burroughs

You can do those things from the PE console but you don't have to. You can
assign classes to nodes the old school way too. It's really up to you
whether you prefer to do those kinds of things through the UI or in your
Puppet code.

On Wednesday, September 11, 2013, Dan White wrote:

> I have bee using Open Source Puppet for about two years now -- and I have
> enjoyed the ride so far.
> I want to spin up a demo PE-Master because we are also spinning up a big
> VMWare driven virtualization push and I want to try the Cloud Provisioning.
>  If it works for me as well as everything else has to date, I will have no
> trouble making the pitch to The Customer to go for PE licensing.
> The difficulty I am having is transitioning from nodes defined under
> /etc/puppet/manifests/nodes to nodes defined in the PE console.
> I think I have to somehow add all my modules into the console and then I
> can assign them to nodes.
> Is that in the right direction ?
> “Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere
> in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.”
> Bill Waterson (Calvin & Hobbes)
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Few questions about Puppet

2013-10-24 Thread Rich Burroughs
It's not clear to me exactly what you're trying to do. Unless I'm
misreading something, both of those file resources are exactly the same.
I'm not sure why you would need to manage the same resource twice with the
same settings, but as the earlier person said, you can't.

Maybe part of the confusion comes from you thinking of manifests as
scripts. They're not. With Puppet what you're doing is specifying what you
want the running state of the system to be. And for a given resource, like
a file, that's one state. And every time the agent runs, it will make sure
the resource is in that state.

In fact by default Puppet may not do things in a given manifest in the
order that they appear in the manifest, unless you do something
specifically to control that. There's a doc on resource ordering here:



On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 5:28 AM, shazni nazeer wrote:

> Thank Rahul for your responses.
> I would like to know how do I achieve my requirements. The second one
> seems a bit trickier
> On Wednesday, October 23, 2013 3:41:08 PM UTC+5:30, shazni nazeer wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I'm new to puppet and I've three requirements to achieve using puppet.
>> 1. I've a json file shown below that I need to modify, when I run my
>> puppet script.
>> {
>> "assets":{
>> "ignore":[],
>> "icons":{
>> "gadget":"icon-dashboard",
>> "ebook" :"icon-ebook",
>> "site" :"icon-site",
>> "default":"icon-dashboard"
>> }
>> }
>> }
>> I need to add a new entry in the mid of "icons", say "a":"b". How
>> do I do this?
>> 2. I replace a directory using another directory. And I need to do the
>> same after doing some other additions to configuration. I get the following
>> error when I apply the 'file" resource twice.
>> Duplicate declaration: File[/home/shazni/Documents/**
>> Junk/wso2greg-4.6.0/samples/**asset-models/ApplicationModel/**] is
>> already declared in file 
>> /home/shazni/.puppet/modules/**gregstore/manifests/init.pp
>> at line 85; cannot redeclare at /home/shazni/.puppet/modules/**
>> gregstore/manifests/init.pp:**108 on node wso2-thinkpad-t530.private.**
>> wso2.com 
>> My script does this.
>> file { "$StoreHome/repository/**deployment/server/jaggeryapps/**
>> store/extensions/assets/**servicex":
>> ensure => directory,
>> recurse => true,
>> purge => true,
>> force => true,
>> source => "puppet:///modules/gregstore/**
>> setup-beta2/store/servicex/",
>> }
>>   // Some more work
>> file { "$StoreHome/repository/**deployment/server/jaggeryapps/**
>> store/extensions/assets/**servicex":
>> ensure => directory,
>> recurse => true,
>> purge => true,
>> force => true,
>> source => "puppet:///modules/gregstore/**
>> setup-beta2/store/servicex/",
>> }
>> How to solve this issue?
>> 3. I want to run a script file, which in turn invoke some java class
>> files. How to to do it in the same file?
>>  --
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Issuing web request (REST) from puppet manifest

2013-11-14 Thread Rich Burroughs
I haven't coded this sort of thing but I know of one example. We use a
module where I work to configure our Opsview monitoring software. It sends
requests to the Opsview REST API, parses the responses, and sends more
requests to update anything that needs it.

If you want to look at it:



On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 1:06 AM, ulrich igor ngouagna kouete <
igor.ngoua...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> thanks for reacting.
> To describe more what I want to do:
> I have a web API and I want to make some REST requests to it, and verify
> the response satus or body to make sure the request succeeded. With "curl"
> it gives this:
> exec{"add a cluster ${clusterName}":
>   command=> "curl -u
> ${$::clouderapuppet::cm::server::params::cmUsername}:${$::clouderapuppet::cm::server::params::cmUsername}
> -X POST -H \"Content-Type:application/json\" '
> http://localhost:7180/api/v4/clusters' -d
> '{\"items\":[{\"name\":\"${clusterName}\",
> \"version\":\"${clusterVersion}\"}]}'"
>   }
> See how it is long and annoying? (hahah ;) ). And imagine I have to POST a
> huge JSON doc, the code will be unreadable!
> Do you tell me I can do that with hiera or generate() function?
> I'll explore those paths now, but feel free to continue the discussion :)
> thanks a lot.
> Le mercredi 13 novembre 2013 17:03:35 UTC+1, ulrich igor ngouagna kouete a
> écrit :
>> Hi,
>> I'm looking for a resource / type that will allow me to issue web
>> requests from a manifest file. I've heard about the web_request module ,
>> but seems quite dificult to use (in fact I do not succeed in issuing a POST
>> request with a JSON body doc).
>> Any ideas about that?
>> Thanks.
>  --
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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet agent does not start in Solaris zone

2013-11-14 Thread Rich Burroughs

It's starting up through SMF? What happens if you try to run the agent
directly? Like:

sudo puppet agent -t

Or run it as root without sudo.


On Wednesday, November 13, 2013, Andreas Dvorak wrote:

> Dear all
> the puppet agent does not want to start on my first Solaris zone. I have
> already Puppet on x86 server running.
> Can anybody please help me?
> I have created a package for Solaris 10 Sparc to use the puppet agent on a
> Solaris zone.
> /opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -a puppet
> common   package  catalog
> size
> puppet   CSWpuppet2.7.23,REV=2013.08.15  728.3
> KB
> puppet3  CSWpuppet3   3.3.1,REV=2013.10.22   980.4
> KB
> puppetmaster CSWpuppetmaster  2.7.23,REV=2013.08.153.4
> KB
> puppetmaster3CSWpuppetmaster3 3.3.1,REV=2013.10.22 2.2
> KB
> from http://mirror.opencsw.org/opencsw/unstable
> Command to create the package:
> /opt/csw/bin/pkgutil --stream --target=sparc:5.10 --output
> CSWpuppet3_agent_sparc_3.3.1.pkg --yes --download CSWpuppet3
> But the service cswpuppetd does not want to start:
> [ Nov 13 17:28:24 Leaving maintenance because disable requested. ]
> [ Nov 13 17:28:24 Disabled. ]
> [ Nov 13 17:29:04 Disabled. ]
> [ Nov 13 17:29:04 Rereading configuration. ]
> [ Nov 13 17:29:04 Enabled. ]
> [ Nov 13 17:29:04 Executing start method
> ("/var/opt/csw/svc/method/svc-cswpuppetd start") ]
> /var/opt/csw/svc/method/svc-cswpuppetd: /opt/csw/bin/puppet: cannot execute
> Starting Puppet client services:/var/opt/csw/svc/method/svc-cswpuppetd:
> /opt/csw/bin/puppet: cannot execute
>  puppetd
> [ Nov 13 17:29:04 Method "start" exited with status 0 ]
> [ Nov 13 17:29:05 Stopping because all processes in service exited. ]
> [ Nov 13 17:29:05 Executing stop method
> ("/var/opt/csw/svc/method/svc-cswpuppetd stop") ]
> /var/opt/csw/svc/method/svc-cswpuppetd: /opt/csw/bin/puppet: cannot execute
> Stopping Puppet client services:/var/opt/csw/svc/method/svc-cswpuppetd:
> test: argument expected
> [ Nov 13 17:29:05 Method "stop" exited with status 1 ]
> The zone has
> cat /etc/release
>Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 s10s_u11wos_24a SPARC
>   Copyright (c) 1983, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights
> reserved.
> Assembled 17 January 2013
>  --
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Re: [Puppet Users] Upgrade from Puppet 2.7.20 to latest !!!

2013-11-15 Thread Rich Burroughs
Yeah seconded. I'm in the same boat :) I appreciate the info.


On Friday, November 15, 2013, Rakesh Kathpal wrote:

> Thanks a lot Pete for your really helpful reply.. :)
> On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 4:49 PM, Peter Meier 
> > wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> > But the problem is that I have a lot of modules (downloaded from
>> > forge and few of my own) which used by hundreds of puppet clients.
>> >
>> > I need to know 1) Will the functionality of these modules get
>> > affected after this upgrade ?
>> There might be some impact. A good thing is to already have cleaned up
>> all deprecation warnings on the master, before going to 3..
>> If you want to be really sure, compile your catalogs once with 2.7 and
>> then once with 3.3.2 and diff them so you might get an idea what could
>> go wrong. If your modules are in a good shape, then the you likely
>> won't anythig.
>> There is Volcane's catalog-diff for that and there is a wrapper script
>> that can assist you doing that:
>> https://github.com/duritong/puppet_catalog_test
>> But you will have to investigate some time to!
>> > 2) Other than ritual of being on the latest verison, are there
>> > actually any benefits of upgrading?
>> speed.
>> > 3) Any other precautions that I should take during / before / after
>> > the upgrade ?
>> Get rid off all deprecation warnings.
>> ~pete
>> Version: GnuPG v1.4.15 (GNU/Linux)
>> Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/
>> b2kAn1B7vmSSgPZTarhVpr2xWZFSmPuy
>> =Mqha
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Re: [Puppet Users] some good books

2013-11-15 Thread Rich Burroughs
The new Pro Puppet is likely to be great, I haven't read it yet. It's
updated for 3.x.



On Thursday, November 14, 2013, Stuart Cracraft wrote:

> Hi,
> I have some books on Puppet, none of which impresses me.
> What are the Puppet books you have and why do you think they are good.
> Don't you think they are out-of-date?
> Stuart
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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet agent does not start in Solaris zone

2013-11-15 Thread Rich Burroughs
I'm not sure. I'd check to see if your Ruby version is supported:



On Friday, November 15, 2013, Andreas Dvorak wrote:

> Hi Rich,
> I tried
> /opt/csw/bin/puppet agent --test
> bash: /opt/csw/bin/puppet: /opt/csw/bin/ruby18: bad interpreter: Invalid
> argument
> But unfortunately that does not help me. Have you got any idea?
> Regards
> Andreas
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Re: [Puppet Users] List of all Hiera data for a particular host/puppet run?

2013-11-16 Thread Rich Burroughs
This would be a pretty awesome feature. I think the hard part about
something like a script is that different hosts may have different classes
applied. You could also make a big ERB template with all the known
Hiera variables in it and just have it generate a file somewhere on your
filesystem. I'm not sure how helpful that is though.


On Saturday, November 16, 2013, Tony Hays wrote:

> Thanks for the quick reply.  Thought of that as I was typing up the
> question.  I guess my goal is to try and use the info that is already in
> the puppet run, and try to tease out this info into a separate report.  I
> mean it is building this list somewhere in the catalog, I just don't know
> enough about getting custom stuff out to know if it is worth diving in
> deeper, or just take the .sh route.
> On Sat, Nov 16, 2013 at 2:07 PM, Dan White 
> > wrote:
>> Knee-jerk-reaction response:
>> Make a shell script of hiera command line calls with the host name as an
>> input to the shell script.
>> On Nov 16, 2013, at 3:20 PM, Tony Hays > 'cvml', 't0nyh...@gmail.com');>>
>> wrote:
>> Quick question for the gurus out there, I have searched a bit but haven't
>> seen a topic that seems to fit...
>> I have a fairly nested Hiera hierarchy.  I was wondering if there was a
>> way of displaying/outputing/reporting on all of the substitutions that have
>> been made during a particular puppet run on a particular host.  I currently
>> am stepping my way through the hierarchy pre-run, but I thought it would be
>> kind of cool to be able to show for the >40 variables that hiera is looking
>> up for this host in the 10 yamls, this is the specific list that was used
>> in the run.
>> Any thoughts?
>> --
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Re: [Puppet Users] running a program and returning the value

2013-11-16 Thread Rich Burroughs
Yeah I'm with John. I don't know what your use case is, but if you want to
make sure that user's UID is set to a certain value, that's a great task
for Puppet's user management. Manage the user in a manifest and set the
UID, and Puppet will make sure it's set to that value each time the agent
runs. If it's got the wrong UID somehow, Puppet will fix it.


On Friday, November 15, 2013, jcbollinger wrote:

> On Friday, November 15, 2013 1:36:59 PM UTC-6, Stuart Cracraft wrote:
>> Also, I want to see the return status code, besides the standard output
>> from the program.
>> Does Puppet not provide a way to get at either?
>> On Friday, November 15, 2013 10:30:28 AM UTC-8, Stuart Cracraft wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I want to run a command:
>>>   /usr/bin/id someusername
>>> and then check that the output is equal to some variable.
> For what purpose?  Are you sure you're not trying to duplicate
> User-management behavior that Puppet can do for you?
>>> Is there a way to do this in puppet pattern language?
> To probe the target node before applying any resources, so as to inform
> decisions about what resources should be declared for the node or what
> their properties should be, create and use custom facts.  These can execute
> arbitrary commands and generally do anything Ruby can do to compute fact
> values.
> To probe the target node during the catalog application process (at which
> point it is too late to alter the catalog for that run), use a resource --
> ether an Exec or a custom resource.  Specifically for Execs, control
> whether the standard output is captured in Puppet's log by twiddling the
> Exec's 'logoutput' parameter.  Setting logoutput => true should cause the
> output to be logged whenever the Exec is synced.
> To inject your own mechanism for managing resources of an existing type,
> create a custom provider for that type.
> Overall, though, Puppet DSL is not a scripting language, and Puppet is not
> a script engine.  If you want a general-purpose remote control or automated
> testing tool then there are other products that are better suited.
> Depending on your needs, it might make sense to use Puppet together with
> such a tool, or it might just be simplest to use one of those other tools
> exclusively.  That's not to say that Puppet *can't* be made to do what
> you ask, but it might be more trouble than it's worth.
> John
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Re: [Puppet Users] Enterprise support for Puppet

2013-11-18 Thread Rich Burroughs
We've been using the open source Puppet for a while but we're going to
switch over to PE.

>From what I understand, their top level of support is pretty extensive,
like they will actually look at manifests and tell you why your code isn't
working (so I've heard). We had them out for a professional services
engagement to help with our setup of the open source version too.

Given the choice between them and a third party for support, I'd definitely
choose them. From my experience their employees are very skilled, and they
also have the advantage of having the actual programmers there in their

I went there for a few days to do their Puppet Fundamentals training and it
was very impressive. They have a great team.


On Monday, November 18, 2013, harshit wrote:

> Stuart,
> Yeah, looks like a good biz opportunity for sure.
> Thanks
> Deepak
> On Monday, November 18, 2013 11:16:35 AM UTC-8, Stuart Cracraft wrote:
>> Harshit,
>> Seems like it would be very ripe for an external consultancy business,
>> frankly.
>> Stuart
>> On Thursday, November 14, 2013 8:54:44 AM UTC-8, harshit wrote:
>>> Wondering if all of you guys are getting the enterprise support.
>>> Also, if PuppetLabs the only company providing this kind of support or
>>> do you have anyone else giving the support
>>> Thanks
>>> Harshit
>>>  --
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Re: [Puppet Users] group type

2013-11-18 Thread Rich Burroughs
I bet members needs to be an array when you specify more than one value.


On Monday, November 18, 2013, Stuart Cracraft wrote:

> Hi.
> Created:
> class mumble {
>   :
>   random stuff
>   :
> }
> class mumble:grouper inherits mumble {
>   group { "somegroup":
>  name => 'somegroup',
>  members => 'user1,user2,user3',
>  ensure => present,
>  gid => 123,
>   }
> }
> After a time, mumble:grouper ran, before I added
> user2, and user3 and /etc/group shows:
>   somegroup:x:500:
> but it doesn't show what it should show which is:
>   somegroup:x:500:user1,user2,user3
> I verified that user1/2/3 all exist in /etc/passwd.
> My question is, why isn't Puppet making the right memberships?
> Do I misunderstand member?
> Stuart
> --
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Re: [Puppet Users] group type

2013-11-18 Thread Rich Burroughs
Oops my mail client hadn't loaded the replies, it looks like Matthaus has
it. But yeah you do also need to use arrays when there are multiple values.


On Monday, November 18, 2013, Rich Burroughs wrote:

> I bet members needs to be an array when you specify more than one value.
> http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/3/reference/lang_datatypes.html#arrays
> On Monday, November 18, 2013, Stuart Cracraft wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Created:
>> class mumble {
>>   :
>>   random stuff
>>   :
>> }
>> class mumble:grouper inherits mumble {
>>   group { "somegroup":
>>  name => 'somegroup',
>>  members => 'user1,user2,user3',
>>  ensure => present,
>>  gid => 123,
>>   }
>> }
>> After a time, mumble:grouper ran, before I added
>> user2, and user3 and /etc/group shows:
>>   somegroup:x:500:
>> but it doesn't show what it should show which is:
>>   somegroup:x:500:user1,user2,user3
>> I verified that user1/2/3 all exist in /etc/passwd.
>> My question is, why isn't Puppet making the right memberships?
>> Do I misunderstand member?
>> Stuart
>> --
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Re: [Puppet Users] group type

2013-11-18 Thread Rich Burroughs
If you really mean assign, no. UIDs are managed through the user resource



On Monday, November 18, 2013, Stuart Cracraft wrote:

> Is there a way to assign the uids in the user {["user1", "user2"]:  }
> expression?
> On Monday, November 18, 2013 3:47:10 PM UTC-8, Rich Burroughs wrote:
>> I bet members needs to be an array when you specify more than one value.
>> http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/3/reference/lang_datatypes.html#arrays
>> On Monday, November 18, 2013, Stuart Cracraft wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> Created:
>>> class mumble {
>>>   :
>>>   random stuff
>>>   :
>>> }
>>> class mumble:grouper inherits mumble {
>>>   group { "somegroup":
>>>  name => 'somegroup',
>>>  members => 'user1,user2,user3',
>>>  ensure => present,
>>>  gid => 123,
>>>   }
>>> }
>>> After a time, mumble:grouper ran, before I added
>>> user2, and user3 and /etc/group shows:
>>>   somegroup:x:500:
>>> but it doesn't show what it should show which is:
>>>   somegroup:x:500:user1,user2,user3
>>> I verified that user1/2/3 all exist in /etc/passwd.
>>> My question is, why isn't Puppet making the right memberships?
>>> Do I misunderstand member?
>>> Stuart
>>> --
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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet: a way to secure certain files

2013-11-19 Thread Rich Burroughs
You can use hiera gpg for ssh keys too.

See this example:


On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 1:03 PM, Sergey Arlashin <
sergeyarl.maill...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> I'm trying to secure some data inside my puppet repository. Some passwords
> and private ssh keys.
> I have discovered a plenty of ways to secure passwords - hiera gpg,
> puppet-decrypt, extlookup  and so on. What about files? Is there a decent
> way to encrypt files, for example ssh keys?
> --
> Best reagards,
> Sergey Arlashin
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Re: [Puppet Users] Can't find good tutorial/how-to

2013-11-26 Thread Rich Burroughs
I took the Puppet Fundamentals class a few months ago in Portland at Puppet
Labs and it was great. I definitely recommend it. I already was using
Puppet some in my day job but it gave me a lot more context. The instructor
was very well qualified and was fielding some pretty advanced questions, he
had years of experience working with the tool.

And the second edition of Pro Puppet looks to be pretty good, I'm just a
few chapters in.


On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 8:15 AM, Ken Barber  wrote:

> > That was a dick move, Dan. Dick. Move. ;-p
> >
> > Not only are you hiding your vileness in an obfuscation (steering all
> > innocent list readers into your trap), but to add insult to injury, your
> > (arguably) annoying signature is larger in volume than the affront
> itself.
> >
> > No cookie.
> +1 thank you Felix :-).
> To keep on topic though, I think what Dan was trying to say in his own
> cheeky way was to check out the Learning Puppet tutorials and start
> there: http://docs.puppetlabs.com/learning/. It provides a VM to
> download and some lessons to walk through that should get you sorted
> out on the basics.
> Once you've moved beyond those lessons or you start to struggle, come
> back to the list and ask your specific questions. Puppet Labs also
> offers formal training if that is desirable.
> ken.
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: noop = true and what for test?

2013-12-02 Thread Rich Burroughs
Hi Stuart,

I'm not sure what your use case is for running the agent as a daemon in
noop mode? I can't think of a situation at least in my workplace when I'd
want to do that.

You know that you can run the agent once in noop mode from the command
line? You can do that without changing any configs really easily:

puppet agent -t --noop

We do that a lot where I work when we're testing code. The agent just runs
once and will report on what it would have done, but won't make any
changes. A lot of times when we test that we're doing it on a different git
branch, and we use "--environment=" to run against that other branch.

I'm not sure if this is helpful, maybe you already know about it :)


On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 5:07 PM, Stuart Cracraft wrote:

> What I had to do (confirm or deny at-will please) is:
>   uncomment the node in /etc/puppet/manifests/nodes.pp
> on the puppet master
> and
> on the daemon have
>   noop = true
> in the main section of the puppet.conf
> and run the agent simply as /usr/bin/ruby /usr/bin/puppet agent --verbose
> Now the yaml's get generated, have the message indicating what would be
> changed
> but don't change it at all.
> And we get "Would have triggered 'refresh' from N events in the
> /var/log/messages on
> the node.
> The only betterment to the above would be that /var/log/message over on
> the puppet master.
> Desirable and controllable
> Stuart
> On Tuesday, November 26, 2013 4:30:14 PM UTC-8, Stuart Cracraft wrote:
>> Hi,
>> When I put
>>   noop = true
>> in /etc/puppet/puppet.conf
>> on the node in question, I observe no changes. Great. Good
>> But also, I see because of
>>   report = true
>> absolutely zero information in the yaml regarding what would have
>> been changed.
>> Is there an equivalent to the above for "test = true" or must I alter
>> the rc file to include --test ?
>> Thanks ahead Puppet wizards!!!
>>  --
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Re: [Puppet Users] best way to distribute puppet manifests

2013-12-02 Thread Rich Burroughs
I think it depends a bit on your situation. If you're the only one editing
the code, you might find using a version control system too much overhead.
I would probably still want to do it even in that case, but not everyone
would. If you're making changes infrequently, a backup of the files might
be enough for your comfort level.

If there are multiple people editing the code, I think it's a no brainer to
use some kind of version control, whether it's git or another option. It's
great to be able to look at commits and know who changed what, when, and
why. One nice thing about git specifically is that branching is really
inexpensive. We use topic branches a lot where I work and then test against
them using "--environment =" when we run the agent.


On Sun, Dec 1, 2013 at 9:20 AM, Philippe Conway

> Hi Everyone,
> I am currently trying to learn puppet through this book called Puppet 3
> Beginners Guide by John Arundel and it talks about distributing puppet
> manifests using git. As I'm going through it, it looks a little pieced
> together and complex.
> I was wondering what was the best way? Using the puppet-master or through
> git? Just wondering what everyone else does to distribute their manifests?
> Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
> --
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Re: [Puppet Users] Can't find good tutorial/how-to

2013-12-03 Thread Rich Burroughs
Yeah agreed. I took a few of those, I thought they were well done.


On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 5:02 PM, Nathan Valentine wrote:

> Hey, Stephen.
> I point people here: https://puppetlabs.com/learn/library. Free
> self-directed videos about core Puppet concepts with similar content to the
> instructor-led courses. Great resource if a little hard to find on the
> website.
> --
> ---
> Nathan Valentine - nat...@puppetlabs.com
> Puppet Labs Professional Services
> GV: 415.504.2173
> Skype: nrvale0
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Re: [Puppet Users] Question about Hiera...

2013-12-04 Thread Rich Burroughs
Is this the one you were using Jerald?


I'm not sure I've seen a better one. There is a chapter on it in the second
edition of Pro Puppet. I am expecting it will be pretty clear but I've not
gotten that far yet :)



On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 11:14 AM, Jerald Sheets  wrote:

> If I'm finding Hiera unnecessarily obtuse and the PuppetLabs documentation
> (after dredging through the docs literally all morning) similarly
> confusing, where could I look to find more clarity and quality tutorial or
> instruction in the Hiera product?
> ---
> Jerald M. Sheets jr.
>  --
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: VMware and open source puppet

2013-12-04 Thread Rich Burroughs
If you are using Puppet Enterprise, it does have support for provisioning
VMs though Puppet:


If you're using the open source Puppet, I'm not aware of a way to do that
(I'm not saying there's not a way, just that I don't know of one). But once
you have provisioned the nodes some other way and have them running, you
can manage them through Puppet at that point.


On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 11:24 PM, Dhanarajan Ponnurangam  wrote:

> Thanks Ygor for your reply.
> Could you please eloborate on your statement. I understand that ESX is
> installed in the bare metal server. Now I need to create VM's in this
> server through puppet.
> What are the hardware and software resource I may need to accomplish this.
> It will be of great help if you can give more inputs on the same.
> Regards,
> Dhanarajan.P
> On Tuesday, 26 November 2013 23:32:34 UTC-8, Dhanarajan Ponnurangam wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I am very new to puppet an vmware.
>> I have a hardware server with ESX5.1 installed in it. I have a Linux
>> server (Centos) running open source puppet.
>> I need to create a VM on this hypervisor by using this puppet master.
>> Can anyone please help me in understand the list of required packages
>> that needs to be installed on the puppet master to get this done.
>> It will be great if some one can share the puppet master configurations
>> that needs to be done to create and manage VM's using puppet.
>> Appreciate your inputs on the same.
>> Regards,
>> Dhanarajan.P
>>  --
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Re: [Puppet Users]

2014-01-01 Thread Rich Burroughs

Is the version of Puppet the same on the agent and master? When you upgrade
you want to upgrade the master first.

I'm not sure what's causing it but the puppet@localhost part actually looks
like a MySQL grant issue, like something is hitting a MySQL DB trying to
use that user and host and failing.


On Wednesday, January 1, 2014, Tim Dunphy wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am getting this error when trying to register a new host with my puppet
> server:
> Warning: Unable to fetch my node definition, but the agent run will
> continue:
> Warning: Error 400 on SERVER: Access denied for user 'puppet'@'localhost'
> (using password: YES)
> Info: Retrieving plugin
> Error: /File[/var/lib/puppet/lib]: Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve
> information from environment production source(s) puppet://
> puppet.jokefire.com/plugins
> Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER:
> Access denied for user 'puppet'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
> Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
> Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
> Notice: Using less secure serialization of reports and query parameters
> for compatibility
> Notice: with older puppet master. To remove this notice, please upgrade
> your master(s)
> Notice: to Puppet 3.3 or newer.
> Notice: See http://links.puppetlabs.com/deprecate_yaml_on_network for
> more information.
> I was hoping someone could help me with this error message.
> Thanks
> Tim
> --
> GPG me!!
> gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys F186197B
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Re: [Puppet Users] puppet agent doesn't start service on initial run

2014-03-28 Thread Rich Burroughs
I just saw this, glad you got it worked out. In my experience that sort of
behavior usually does have to do with resource ordering, when something
fails on one the first run but succeeds on the second. It's usually because
a dependency like that got created too late.


On Thursday, March 27, 2014, Bogdan Mania 

> Ok, I sorted it out... I used your suggestion too, but the problem was
> that on the first run puppet created the log folder after initiating the
> service start. And having nowhere to write the log, the application failed
> to launch.
> So I added require File["/var/log/java/java-app"] to the service
> declaration and it worked perfectly.
> Thanks for the answers.
> On Thursday, March 27, 2014 11:01:02 AM UTC+2, Jose Luis Ledesma wrote:
>> I think you should declare the require Jdk7::Install7['jdk1.7.0_51'] in
>> the service.
>> If it doesn't work, I would comment out the service and would try to run
>> it manually. It doesn't seem a  puppet problem.
>> El 27/03/2014 09:09, "Bogdan Mania"  escribió:
>>> Yes it does. But java gets installed first when executing the catalog
>>> for the first time. In the Puppet dashboard it shows for the service
>>> "ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'".
>>> But the service is not running. If I trigger a second puppet run it
>>> shows again the
>>> On Wednesday, March 26, 2014 6:50:36 PM UTC+2, Jose Luis Ledesma
>>> wrote:"ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'" message and this time is
>>> actually running.
>>> The service requiere the java to be installed first?
>>> El 26/03/2014 14:49, "Bogdan Mania"  escribió:
>>> Hi,
>>> I've created a module to manage a custom java application. It has it's
>>> own SysV init script which is working perfectly.
>>> My issue is this: when a node pulls it's catalog from the master for the
>>> first time, it doesn't also start the service. It starts the service
>>> however on the second run.
>>> This is the module's init.pp file:
>>> class java-app {
>>> $java_paths = ["/usr/local/java/", "/usr/local/java/java-app/",
>>> "/var/log/java/", "/var/log/java/java-app/", "/etc/java/",
>>> "/etc/java/java-app/",]
>>> jdk7::install7 { 'jdk1.7.0_51':
>>> version =>  "7u51",
>>> fullVersion =>  "jdk1.7.0_51",
>>> x64 =>  true,
>>> downloadDir =>  "/install",
>>> }
>>> file { $java_paths:
>>> ensure  => directory,
>>> owner   => "ec2-user",
>>> group   => "ec2-user",
>>> recurse => true,
>>> }
>>> file { "/usr/local/java/java-app/java-app.jar":
>>> ensure => present,
>>> owner  => "ec2-user",
>>> group  => "ec2-user",
>>> notify => Service["java-app"],
>>> source => "puppet:///files/java-app/java-app.jar",
>>> }
>>> file { "/etc/java/java-app/java-app.yml":
>>> ensure => present,
>>> owner  => "ec2-user",
>>> group  => "ec2-user",
>>>  notify => Service["java-app"],
>>> source => "puppet:///files/java-app/java-app.yml",
>>> }
>>> file { "/etc/init.d/java-app":
>>> ensure => present,
>>> source => "puppet:///files/java-app/java-app",
>>> }
>>> service { "java-app":
>>> ensure  => running,
>>> enable  => true,
>>> hasrestart  => true,
>>> hasstatus   => true,
>>> status  => '/sbin/service java-app status | grep "is
>>> running"',
>>> restart => "/sbin/service java-app restart",
>>> start   => "/sbin/service java-app start",
>>> stop=> "/sbin/service java-app stop",
>>> require => [ File['/etc/java/java-app/java-app.yml'],
>>> File['/usr/local/java/java-app/java-app.jar'],
>>> File['/etc/init.d/java-app'] ]
>>> }
>>> }
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[Puppet Users] puppet-lint questions

2014-04-10 Thread Rich Burroughs
I saw one of the Puppet Labs webinars about setting up your Puppet 
development environment, and at one point it mentioned using a git hook to 
run puppet-lint before committing. We do that where I work with "puppet 
parser validate," but right now a lot of our code would not pass a 
puppet-lint run with no options.

I'm curious how many people actually are that strict about it.

Also, I have a couple of specific questions about errors that show up in 
our manifests commonly.

We get this a lot:

  WARNING: quoted boolean value found on line 39

With code like this:

$foo=hiera('foo', 'false'),

We've given a default of false for a Hiera lookup. It doesn't seem like 
there's a way around this, it seems like it actually needs to be quoted.

One other example:

  WARNING: double quoted string containing no variables on line 57

We get this when we are doing a tidy and are globbing:

  tidy { $log_directory:
schedule => weekly,
backup   => false,
type => ctime,
recurse  => true,
matches  => "foo.out*",
age  => 97d,

Again, I think this is supposed to be double quoted (I found some examples 
on the Puppet Labs site that had double quotes).

I know I can pass options to disable those checks, but in both cases there 
are times we might legitimately make a mistake that would cause that error, 
and I wouldn't want to ignore those...


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Re: [Puppet Users] puppet-lint questions

2014-04-10 Thread Rich Burroughs
Oh that's clever, thanks :)


On Thursday, April 10, 2014, John Warburton  wrote:

> We are in the middle of a similar task
> We are manually fixing lint issues and putting a string '#PUPPET_LINT' at
> the end of each fixed file. The pre commit hook checks for this string
> before doing the lint check
> All new puppet modules get the string put in immediately
> At some time in the future, we will flip the logic and string change to  
> for the challenging files and lint check by default
> John
> On Friday, April 11, 2014, Rich Burroughs 
> >
> wrote:
>> I saw one of the Puppet Labs webinars about setting up your Puppet
>> development environment, and at one point it mentioned using a git hook to
>> run puppet-lint before committing. We do that where I work with "puppet
>> parser validate," but right now a lot of our code would not pass a
>> puppet-lint run with no options.
>> I'm curious how many people actually are that strict about it.
>> Also, I have a couple of specific questions about errors that show up in
>> our manifests commonly.
>> We get this a lot:
>>   WARNING: quoted boolean value found on line 39
>> With code like this:
>> $foo=hiera('foo', 'false'),
>> We've given a default of false for a Hiera lookup. It doesn't seem like
>> there's a way around this, it seems like it actually needs to be quoted.
>> One other example:
>>   WARNING: double quoted string containing no variables on line 57
>> We get this when we are doing a tidy and are globbing:
>>   tidy { $log_directory:
>> schedule => weekly,
>> backup   => false,
>> type => ctime,
>> recurse  => true,
>> matches  => "foo.out*",
>> age  => 97d,
>>   }
>> Again, I think this is supposed to be double quoted (I found some
>> examples on the Puppet Labs site that had double quotes).
>> I know I can pass options to disable those checks, but in both cases
>> there are times we might legitimately make a mistake that would cause that
>> error, and I wouldn't want to ignore those...
>> Rich
>>  --
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> --
> John Warburton
> Ph: 0417 299 600
> Email: 
> jwarbur...@gmail.com
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Re: [Puppet Users] change jboss port

2014-05-29 Thread Rich Burroughs
Are you using a Puppet module to configure JBOSS?


On Thursday, May 29, 2014, Ankita kumari  wrote:

> I want to know how can we change the jboss port no. which is 8080 by
> default
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Re: [Puppet Users] EC2 autoscaling reusing hostnames

2014-05-29 Thread Rich Burroughs
Yeah I think masterless is probably the way to go for autoscaling. Even
with autosigning on you have to deal with the cert issue somehow.

I have a vagrant environment I hacked together for some testing and I
re-use hostnames there. My solution was to have the agent execute a "puppet
cert clean" on the master for its own hostname over ssh as it comes up the
first time.


On Monday, May 26, 2014, daddy dp  wrote:

> I think, you need to use master less configuration, it is more robust
> solution and more suitable for autoscaling env. Just keep puppet and puppet
> modules on ami or check out on first boot.
> On Saturday, May 24, 2014 8:54:04 AM UTC+3, Bad Tux wrote:
>> Wha?
>> Uhm, okay. So I need to solve this problem so that my new instances can
>> get deployed. Only thing I can think of is to trash the ssl directories on
>> both the puppet master and all of the clients, and then run puppet again.
>> Note that all the instances and puppet are in a "puppet" network security
>> group that was created by CloudFormation, and instances not part of the
>> "puppet" security group cannot connect to the puppet master, so we *know*
>> that we're talking to the puppet master, and the puppet master *knows*
>> we're actual hosts that can talk to it, and besides all of these instances
>> are inside a virtual private cloud that is inaccessible to the wider
>> Internet except via port 8080 between the load balancer and the application
>> instances (again enforced by the security groups mechanism) so there's no
>> way an outsider could talk to the puppet server anyhow, but... puppet
>> insists on validating these SSL certificates before letting the instances
>> talk to it. Even though that's a totally useless exercise given that
>> Amazon's enforcing the ACL's at the virtual network (firewall) layer to
>> prevent anybody unauthorized from getting anywhere near that puppet port or
>> puppet IP address.
>> Am I missing a configuration option in the manual to somehow disable SSL
>> certificate validation? Does everybody add a cron job to their puppet
>> master to stop the puppetmaster daemon and blow away its SSL directory then
>> restart it at exactly 12:00AM every day, and the same on the instances at
>> exactly 12:02AM every day? Or are we the only people on the planet who
>> actually use Amazon's auto-scaling feature *plus* use Puppet at the same
>> time? Curious penguins are... curious!
>>  --
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Re: [Puppet Users] change jboss port

2014-06-02 Thread Rich Burroughs
Can you let people know which module exaxtly that you're using? Is it one
you wrote or one you got from the Forge? I looked on the Forge and saw
multiple JBOSS modules and they are probably all going to work differently.

Hopefully it's parameterized and you can just override the default port
when you apply it to a node. But it all depends on what code you're using.
There may be a readme with the code that explains how to use it.

We have a JBOSS module where I work and we actually manage some of the XML
configs as files, since the guys who wrote the code knew we'd want the
containers to be the same in all environments.


On Thursday, May 29, 2014, Ankita kumari  wrote:

> Yes I am using puppet module to configure jboss
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Re: [Puppet Users] Problem, with Vagrant and Puppet

2014-06-09 Thread Rich Burroughs
If you want to rule out Puppet as being involved, you could run the Puppet
agent by hand when you know that the resolv.conf is correct and see if
anything changes. If it's something happening on reboot, I doubt Puppet is

If you're using VirtualBox, Vagrant will assign a NAT interface
automatically as the first interface on the host and that will use DHCP.
You can specify other additional network interfaces in your Vagrantfile.

I have a multi-host Vagrant environment I use with Virtualbox for Puppet
testing. I define a second interface on the hosts using private_network,
and just copy in a pre-populated hosts file during the provisioning. If you
need your VM to talk to your real Puppet master, then that setup wouldn't


On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 11:20 AM, Almudena Soblechero Garcia <
asobleche...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello good afternoon
> El lunes, 9 de junio de 2014 13:42:04 UTC+2, Christopher Wood escribió:
>> On Mon, Jun 09, 2014 at 01:44:20AM -0700, Almudena Soblechero Garcia
>> wrote:
>> >Good morning, I' m Almudena, it's my first question in these group,
>> and my
>> >english, it'snt good, i apologize
>> >
>> >I have a problem with vagrant and puppet.
>> >
>> >The problem, its with de certificates, puppetd and puppetmaster.
>> >
>> >I think that the problems ist with Vagrant, and with the
>> actuamatically
>> >configuration.
>> Here's a hint to the problem. How is Vagrant configuring /etc/resolv.conf
>> before the first puppet agent run?
> My personal configuration with Vagrant before restart Vagrant: it's
> resolv.conf:
> search despliegues.com
> nameserver
> nameserver
> I  wnat to have an  server/client configuration, and DNS its necessary for
> the certificates between clients and server, right? So Its necessary have
> DNS configuration, but, when i restart my VM that dns configuration
> desapear (specially resolv.conf).
>> >I'm goint to explain the problem, I wnat to have one server (puppet
>> >master) and one client (puppet), both VM Vagrant have a DNS
>> >configurations, but, if reboot the VM client, tha VM lose all the
>> dns
>> >configuration.
>> >
>> >Any sugestion?
>> Not that I've worked with Vagrant much, but it sounds like Vagrant may be
>> setting up networking, breaking the puppet configuration you used. In your
>> place I'd go dig around in the network settings to see if I could disable
>> DHCP or something similar.
>> Otherwise, since the damage happens after reboot but before puppet, you
>> might want to go ask the Vagrant people:
>> https://www.vagrantup.com/support.html#community
> I think so, im goint to ask vagrant people, but, thank very much for you
> help!!
> Almudena.
>> >Thnks
>> >
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Re: [Puppet Users] Dynamically make configuration chnages in files with puppet

2014-06-10 Thread Rich Burroughs
There are multiple ways to make configuration data available. The pattern
we use where I work is to manage the config files, use ERB templates for
them, and store the data in Hiera. You could also set custom facts on your
node to make data available. The second edition of Pro Puppet has some examples
of both of those approaches.

The trickier part with a real-time app deploy is timing the agent runs and
ordering the resources properly. You might need to use an orchestration
tool like Mcollective to control the agent runs, to get them to happen when
you want to, if the timing is critical.


On Tuesday, June 10, 2014, Malintha Adikari  wrote:

> Hi,
> I am beginner to puppet. I have evaluated puppet and want to use puppet
> for my project. My project is deployment automation task where I have
> several different servers with me. There are different types of
> configuration files in my servers. Let me explain the manully process what
> I am going to be automated using puppet. When I want to setup deployment
> manually, think there are 3 different servers in my setup, first I unzip
> those server packs. Then I make changes in the congifuration file of that
> each server. Then I run server and if I make configurations correctly , the
> setup will be done.
> Automating: I will store server packs (zip files) in puppet master side.
> Then I will send request to master for one by one servers. (If there are 3
> servers in my setup , I have to send 3 request to puppet master through 3
> clients). Those server are deployed inside separate clients. What I have
> planned is send all my configuration details along with a request to the
> puppet master. But one problem with that approach is there are lot of
> different configurations to be done when I configure a pack. Initially I
> want to know that
> 1. could we send our configuration details with a request to the master
> 2. Can we make configurations changes to the files in the packs with data
> we get with the request from master side
> Regards,
> Malintha Adikari
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Re: [Puppet Users] What is the puppet way to do if I want to customize run interval of a special module

2014-06-11 Thread Rich Burroughs
This is the best answer, in my opinion. Spencer has it totally right.
Puppet is not a substitute for scripting languages and cron. Think of it as
a way to enforce a desired configuration of a node at any given moment.
Things that fall outside of that are probably better candidates for other


On Tuesday, June 10, 2014, Spencer Krum  wrote:

> I think the 'Puppet' way to do this is to not do it with Puppet at all.
> Puppet works by inspecting the system and resolving inconsistencies. "Do a
> thing every quarter" maps poorly to this. The ordering of Puppet also makes
> it hard to do rigorous error checking and logging.
> I would recommend you capture the syncing behaviour in a shell or
> ruby/python/perl script. Then use Puppet to put this script in place, and
> to set a cron job to run it at the interval you desire.
> Thanks,
> Spencer
> On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 5:58 AM, Felix Frank <
> felix.fr...@alumni.tu-berlin.de
> > wrote:
>> Hi,
>> you can do this more or less, by applying a schedule to one or more
>> resources. The schedule makes sure that the resource is not synced
>> outside a specific time window. But if there happens to be no agent run
>> *inside* the window, then no sync will happen at all.
>> See http://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/latest/type.html#schedule
>> HTH,
>> Felix
>> On 06/10/2014 12:17 PM, Chrislynn Chee wrote:
>> > Hi all,
>> > I would like to know how puppet admin usually do or structure the
>> > modules, if there is a particular module that I do not which it to be
>> > applied in catalog in a normal run mode, but to be included at a custom
>> > time interval. For example, I have a special module to "sync sqlite file
>> > from my server" only in a quarterly basis. I do not want the sync to be
>> > happened in the standard puppet run interval. Can I achieve this
>> > requirement?
>> >
>> > Thank you.
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> --
> Spencer Krum
> (619)-980-7820
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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet new deployment questions - deployment patterns, sensitivity to network errors, and certificate headaches.

2014-06-16 Thread Rich Burroughs
I'm not sure about your #2 and #3. I've not really experienced either of
those and I wouldn't expect they are regular for most people. It would
probably be more helpful if you could post more specifics when one of those
things happens.

As to #1, it maybe depends on how you administer your systems. Even if
files should not be changing under normal circumstances, managing them with
Puppet can make sure that doesn't happen (or at least that it's corrected
the next agent run). It sounds like you were already putting your configs
in version control, from that point it's not a ton of extra overhead to
write Puppet code to manage them. If you're just starting out with it,
you'll get faster/better at that part too. And if those resources aren't
changing, then it's not a lot of overheard for Puppet to deal with them.
Agent runs where no changes need to be applied should be pretty fast.

I'd also encourage you to think about scenarios like losing a node and
having to rebuild it from scratch. Suddenly all of those files that don't
normally change are gone and need to be replaced. Puppet can do that very
quickly. Or needing to spin up additional nodes to do the same task, that
can become very easy.

One of the other things I see as a huge benefit with Puppet is that it's
self-documenting. If you want to know what's going on with your systems you
can just look at the code. I was in a situation about a year ago where I
inherited a Puppet install when a co-worker left, and it was a huge
advantage, that the code had so much information. And since it's running
all the time you don't have to worry about whether it's stale like a Wiki

That all said, if there's something you feel it's not necessary to manage,
then that's up to you and your team. I've definitely found that the more
I've used Puppet the easier it's gotten, which means it's less of a burden
to take the time to manage extra things. Puppet isn't the best tool for
everything, but it's a great one for managing files.

There's not really a way to tell an agent to run against just a subset of
the manifest sometimes and others other times, without doing something
pretty goofy. You can make manging files a bit easier in a few ways, like
specifying default attributes/values and using arrays of filenames, if you
want to apply the same settings to multiple files.


On Monday, June 16, 2014, Stephen Morton  wrote:

> I've got some newbie puppet questions.
> My team has a tremendous amount of linux/computer knowledge, but we're new
> to Puppet.
> We recently started using puppet to manage some 100 servers. Their configs
> are all pretty similar with some small changes.
> History
> Prior to Puppet, we already had a management system that involved having
> config files under revision control and the config file repo checked out on
> every server and the repo config files symlinked into the appropriate place
> in the filesystem. Updating the repo would update these files.This was
> mostly just great, with the following limitations:
>- If the symlink got broken, it didn't work.
>- Some files require very specific ownership, or were required not to
>be symlinks (e.g. /etc/sudoers. /etc/vsftpd/ files I think)
>- Updating a daemon's config file does not mean that the daemon is
>restarted. e.g. updating /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf does not do a "service
>httpd reload"
>- You can't add a new symlink.
>- All files must be in revision control to link to. Some
>security-sensitive files we want to only be available to some servers and
>something like puppet that can send files over the network is a good
>solution to this.
> Puppet to the rescue?
> So we've tried a very conservative Puppet implementation. We've left our
> existing infrastructure and we just add new rules in Puppet. So far, we
> have a single site.pp file and only a dozen or so rules. But already we're
> seeing problems.
>1. Puppet is good for configuring dynamic stuff that changes. But it
>seems silly to have rules for stuff that will be configured just one time
>and then will not change. If we set up some files, we don't expect them to
>disappear. In fact if they do disappear we might not want them silently
>fixed up we probably want to know what's going on.  Doing everything in
>puppet results in ever-growing manifests. I don't know of a way to specify
>different manifests, e.g. every 30 minutes I want Puppet to run and request
>the lean and mean regular manifest and then once a week I want it to run
>the "make sure everything is in the right place" manifest.
>2. Puppet seems very sensitive to network glitches. We run puppet from
>a cron job and errors were so frequent that we just started sending all
>output to /dev/null.
>3. Endless certificate issues. It's crazy. So sometimes hosts would
>get "dropped"... for unknown reasons their certificates were no longer

Re: [Puppet Users] 3.6 directory environments, r10k, and hieradata

2014-06-22 Thread Rich Burroughs
I wonder if you could use hiera-gpg or eyaml to deal with this. Keep the
Hiera data in one repo, but have the sensitive data encrypted so the other
groups can't read it but the Puppet master can.

We use hiera-gpg where I work. With it you should be able to have the
people working with the files encrypt them with their group member's keys
and also the Puppet master's. Split the different groups into
different files, so people could only read the files they need to. You'd
also gain the benefit of having the sensitive stuff encrypted in the repo.

It seems like it could work but I'm not positive.


On Friday, June 20, 2014, Wolf Noble  wrote:

> Hi Guys,
> I have a few questions about 3.6 directory environments, which we're
> looking to adopt.
> Currently the most pressing surrounds the integration of r10k and hiera…
> I believe I want to store hieradata inside the r10k repos, so that each
> r10k repo (I'm planning on using these to segregate different internal
> product stacks so that product owners can put sensitive data in their own
> hiera hierarchy, without the members of other products having access to the
> sensitive data)
> It seems that if I want some tiers of my hierarchy to be accessible to
> all, the only path open to me is to have a hierarchy inside each r10k repo,
> and symlink the branches of that hierarchy to relevant locations inside the
> global hierarchy.
> While I suspect this _will work_ it doesn't quite sound like the most
> elegant solution.
> Does anyone have any input on a more elegant way that they'd be willing to
> share?
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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet newbie, Apache vHosts, and trying to do it the right way

2014-06-24 Thread Rich Burroughs
Yeah I think part of the difficulty is that there are multiple ways to do
things and not everyone agrees on what is the best way. There are some
groups that have put their entire Puppet code base on GitHub. I bet you
could find some by Googling or searching on GitHub. That's one of the nice
things about Hiera -- you separate any sensitive data from the code, and so
it's not a problem to share the code with others if you choose to.

One of the best blogs I have found is Gary Larizza's:


Gary works at Puppet Labs and has a ton of great information there.

Also the second edition of Pro Puppet has a lot of good information on
things like Hiera and writing modules with specific examples. That would be
a good place to start, in my opinion.


On Monday, June 23, 2014, Ben Ruset  wrote:

> Well, so I didn't know if it was "good form" to modify modules to hold
> site-specific configuration items.
> I think part of my frustration is that I haven't been able to find a doc,
> or maybe one doesn't exist, that shows what a decent "production" Puppet
> environment might look like. I think it'd be easier for folks like me who
> are super new to it to be able to look and see how someone might have
> implemented it. Obviously there's a million ways to accomplish an
> implementation, but at least it'd be great to see something as a starting
> point.
> On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 1:53 PM, Christopher Wood <
> christopher_w...@pobox.com
> > wrote:
>> Perhaps read about modules? if you specify a class name (apache,
>> apache::vhosts) that class is automatically loaded from the relevant
>> module. Just like putting stuff directly in node definitions has correctly
>> gone out of style, so has defining classes/defines outside of modules.
>> http://docs.puppetlabs.com/learning/modules1.html
>> http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/modules_fundamentals.html
>  --
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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet newbie, Apache vHosts, and trying to do it the right way

2014-06-24 Thread Rich Burroughs
I'd really recommend that second edition for Pro Puppet for you if you are
starting and want to learn to Puppet the right way. If I remember right
doing Apache vhosts is an example they use in the book even.

The problem is that there are certain types of tasks that it's going to be
able to do without some extra source for data, whether it's Hiera, an ENC
like Foreman, or custom facts. You are just going to need to get to data
that's not going to be available. Yes you can do things like override
parameters for parameterized classes in site.pp but you did say you want to
learn to do things the right way :)

Also, I mentioned Gary's blog, he had a great post where he talked about
some of these same issues, comparing using Hiera to params.pp and


It may be worth reading even if some of it ends up being advanced for where
you're at. Or bookmark it for later.


On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 11:41 AM, Ben Ruset  wrote:

> My rationale for it is exactly that. Focus on learning how Puppet itself
> works, and then learn the add-ons after the fact. On top of that, Hiera
> isn't a requirement for use - you can just as easily use something like
> Foreman (which, from what I've seen of it so far looks really good.) But
> even in my learning environment I'm not using Foreman yet because I want to
> focus on the absolute basics first.
> On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 1:21 PM, Ramin K  wrote:
>> You'll get no arguement from me on those points. However I recall
>> it taking several months to wrap my head around my first Puppet install
>> circa 0.24. Perhaps building manifests without Hiera is the "wax the car,
>> paint the fence" exercise that sets the new user up for their config mgmt
>> epiphany in the future?
>> Ramin
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Re: [Puppet Users] Execute a class if a file is not present.

2014-06-26 Thread Rich Burroughs
How are you doing the installation? With an exec? If so there are some
notes about making those idempotent on the type reference page:


Have a look at the creates attribute.

If it's not an exec, maybe provide some code so people have an idea what
you're doing.


On Thursday, June 26, 2014, Seby  wrote:

> Hi Puppet experts,
> I'm trying to install tomcat7*tar.gz on few puppet-agent machines. I've
> defined a class that will create a user/group and copy the source file
> from puppet-master then extracts the tomcat*.tar.gz file to its home
> directory and deletes the source file. This seems to be working. But each
> time when the agent runs(on all agents), it will copy the source file from
> the master and then deletes it wasting the bandwidth.
> Is there a way to call the tomcat7 class only if the tomcat directory is
> not present?
> Regards,
> SFK.
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Re: [Puppet Users] Execute a class if a file is not present.

2014-06-27 Thread Rich Burroughs
That should work if you have it look for the install directory. If it
exists the exec won't be executed.


On Thursday, June 26, 2014, Seby  wrote:

> Yea, I'm using the exec to do all custom things. I see the create
> attribute and will try it out and let you know.
> On Friday, June 27, 2014 11:08:25 AM UTC+5:30, Rich Burroughs wrote:
>> How are you doing the installation? With an exec? If so there are some
>> notes about making those idempotent on the type reference page:
>> http://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/latest/type.html#exec
>> Have a look at the creates attribute.
>> If it's not an exec, maybe provide some code so people have an idea what
>> you're doing.
>> Rich
>> On Thursday, June 26, 2014, Seby  wrote:
>>> Hi Puppet experts,
>>> I'm trying to install tomcat7*tar.gz on few puppet-agent machines. I've
>>> defined a class that will create a user/group and copy the source file
>>> from puppet-master then extracts the tomcat*.tar.gz file to its home
>>> directory and deletes the source file. This seems to be working. But each
>>> time when the agent runs(on all agents), it will copy the source file from
>>> the master and then deletes it wasting the bandwidth.
>>> Is there a way to call the tomcat7 class only if the tomcat directory is
>>> not present?
>>> Regards,
>>> SFK.
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Re: [Puppet Users] New Puppet book: Extending Puppet

2014-06-27 Thread Rich Burroughs
Yes congrats :) The table of contents looks like it covers a lot of useful


On Thursday, June 26, 2014, Alessandro Franceschi  wrote:

> Sorry for the shameless promotion, but I suppose this might be of interest
> for the readers of this group.
> After more that 6 months of pain, efforts, frustration and excitement it's
> finally out a book where I tried to pour all my knowledge and experience on
> Puppet.
> It's oriented to people who have already some experience on Puppet (for
> beginners there are definitively more fitting titles around) and I hope it
> can give some useful information also to experienced users.
> Find more about it at:
> http://www.packtpub.com/extending-puppet/book
> You can get a free chapter here: http://bit.ly/1qbxWZy
> I'd take this occasion to thank some members of this group for their
> support, in particular:
> Brice Figureau, who has been a great technical reviewer and has prevented
> me from making some big mistakes. His support and help has been decisive.
> Nigel Kersten, who has written the Foreword and has given me very useful
> hints and feedback.
> Joshua Hoblitt, who has reviewed some chapters and has given great advices
> on the language and the contents.
> Daniele Sluijters, who has been a very precise technical reviewer for some
> chapters.
> Jon Forrest, who has slashed the language of my first drafts and opened my
> eyes on what it means to write in proper english (I obviously haven't
> learnt how to do it properly, but thanks to the reviewers the final output
> has been definitively more linguistically appropriate than the first
> drafts).
> I hope this book can help people who work with Puppet and, if you happen
> to get it, please give feedback, in any way you find appropriate.
> Thank you
> Alessandro Franceschi
> --
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[Puppet Users] Stop and Start Services running on Puppet Master or Agent Machine

2014-06-30 Thread Rich Burroughs
I think you're right about the two slashes, if you're specifying the

One thing you might try is running puppet parser validate on your manifest,
if you haven't. I'm not sure what the problem is based on your code
examples, it's not jumping out at me, but that might point it out. There's
some info on that here:


We use a git hook where I work so that command runs before we're able to
commit code.

Also you might try substituting the actual server name in that puppet URL,
I'd be curious if that works.

You could also put a notify in your manifest to print the value of
$puppetserver if you want to make sure that's getting picked up. There are
some examples of that here:


And you can always run the agent with --debug.


On Monday, June 30, 2014, Satish Katuru > wrote:

> Hi Brian Mathis,
> I think no need to put 3 slashes after "puppet" because i have declared
> this variable in site.pp
> $server="..." .
> Event I tried with placing 3 slashes and it was throwing an error message.
> Am I missing any thing here?
> My site.pp :
> import 'nodes.pp'
> $puppetserver = 'dayrhetamp076.enterprisenet.org'
> and in the nodes.pp I have declared node.
> Regards,
> Sathish.
> On Friday, June 27, 2014 12:17:06 AM UTC+5:30, Brian Mathis wrote:
>> Your "source" line needs 3 slashes after "puppet:"
>> source => "puppet:///$puppetserver/modules/httpd/ParserService-1.
>> 0.esb",
>> ❧ Brian Mathis
>> @orev
>> On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 2:47 PM, Satish Katuru 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Brian Mathis,
>>> I tired to copy the jar files and Zip files from Master to agent machine
>>> but i am unable to do this.
>>> My init.pp looks like below:
>>> class httpd
>>> {
>>> file { "/home/katusa02/soa/jboss-soa-p-5/jboss-as/server/default/
>>> deploy/ParserService-1.0.esb":
>>> ensure => present,
>>> owner => "katusa02",
>>> group => "katusa02",
>>> mode => "0777",
>>> source => "puppet://$puppetserver/modules/httpd/ParserService-1.0.esb",
>>> }
>>> }
>>> I tired with ensure => file and ensure =>"present" but didn't work.
>>> Can you please guide me how to do this?
>>> Moreover I got following error message:
>>> Error: /Stage[main]/Httpd/File[/home/katusa02/soa/jboss-soa-p-5/
>>> jboss-as/server/default/deploy/ParserService]: Could not evaluate:
>>> Could not retrieve information from environment production source(s)
>>> puppet://dayrhetamp076.enterprisenet.org/modules/httpd/ParserService
>>> Regards,
>>> Sathish.
>>> On Saturday, June 21, 2014 3:56:43 AM UTC+5:30, Brian Mathis wrote:
 Summary: Do not try to control processes directly with Puppet and
 instead properly integrate your service into your operating system.


 It sounds like you are misunderstanding how Puppet integrates into the
 rest of the system.  Puppet should not "kill processes" directly like you
 would with the 'kill' command (actually, it can, but this is almost
 certainly NOT what you want).  I think you may also be misunderstanding
 some basic concepts of running a Linux/Unix server.

 A process is not the same thing as a service.  A single service may
 have many processes, and they are typically controlled by a script in the
 /etc/init.d directory (or maybe somewhere else if you are on a newfangled
 system running systemd).  If your process does not have a control script in
 /etc/init.d, then is is NOT a "service", it's just a process you happen to
 have running for a long time.  For Puppet to consider it a service, it must
 be controllable using the 'service' command (on RedHat based systems), or
 the equivalent for your version of Linux/Unix.

 What you really want is to be making and installing a bash script to
 control your java process in /etc/init.d.  Once written, you can use Puppet
 to install the script by using the "file" resource.  After you have that
 done, then you can use the "service" resource to control the service as you
 are tying to do.  The name of the service will be the name that you call
 your script in /etc/init.d, for example: /etc/init.d/my_service.  Please do
 not call your service "java", as it makes no sense to name a service after
 the programming language it is written in.  If it's an accounting system
 for example, call the service "accounting_system", or something like that.

 You are bound to get some other replies telling you how to use an
 'exec' resource to call the "kill" command, etc..., since this is
 *possible* with Puppet, but it is grossly abusive of its capabilities and
 you really should not be doing that.  Please do this correctly by setting
 up your software as a real service and then control it correctly with the

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Puppet 3.6.2: import is deprecated

2014-06-30 Thread Rich Burroughs
I think what you were seeing is related to the last note on this page:


Restarting the master should have corrected it, did you end up trying that?


On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 12:15 PM, Sergey Arlashin <
sergeyarl.maill...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I half an hour it magically started to work. Seems to be some caching
> issue?
> Did I need to restart puppet master after removing 'imports' ? Or do
> something like this ?
> --
> Best regards,
> Sergey Arlashin
> On Jun 30, 2014, at 10:07 PM, Sergey Arlashin <
> sergeyarl.maill...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I forgot to mention that I'm using directory environments.
> > Also when I remove site.pp I get
> > Error: Could not run: Could not find file
> /etc/puppet/environments/production/manifests/site.pp
> >
> > --
> > Best regards,
> > Sergey Arlashin
> >
> >
> >
> > On Jun 30, 2014, at 9:52 PM, Sergey Arlashin <
> sergeyarl.maill...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >> Hi!
> >>
> >> I used 'import' in my previous config.
> >>
> >> I had the following structure:
> >>
> >> site.pp :
> >> import 'nodes.pp'
> >>
> >> nodes.pp:
> >> import 'node1.pp'
> >> import 'node2.pp'
> >> import 'node3.pp'
> >> etc.
> >>
> >> Now I'm moving to 3.6.2 and after getting the deprecation warning
> decided to remove all imports from my manifests.
> >>
> >> Now puppet agent seems to ignore all my config. None of my modules is
> applied. --debug shows that it doesn't try to apply anything at all.
> >>
> >> Could anyone tell me if it is normal? :) Or may be I'm doing something
> wrong? Or may be this is a bug?
> >>
> >> # puppet config print manifest
> >> /etc/puppet/environments/production/manifests
> >>
> >>
> >> Thanks in advance!
> >>
> >> --
> >> Best regards,
> >> Sergey Arlashin
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> --
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Re: [Puppet Users] Do modules need to be installed on agents?

2014-06-30 Thread Rich Burroughs
You should not need to install modules on the agents. If they use plugins
you will want to have pluginsync enabled, see:


That may be what you ran into with the Augeas module. You shouldn't need to
install the module on the client though.

I'm not positive what your issue is but installing the modules on the agent
is not the solution. My best guess is that the module itself is not
actually still in your modulepath on the Puppet master.


On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 9:30 AM,  wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm getting confused about module paths...
> In a master - agent configuration, if the classes applied to the agent
> need some additional Forge modules to be installed, is it enough if I
> install them on the master, or do I need to install them on all clients too?
> I didn't need to install them on clients... until now, when I started
> using the domcleal-augeasproviders module which appeared to work
> differently.
> And then, trying to get around this and rearranging modules and
> environments, I started having problems with other modules I already used
> before.
> For example, on the master I have a custom class which contains a call to
> the class defined in spiette-selinux, like this:
> class mymodule::myclass {
>   class { 'selinux':
> mode   => 'disabled',
>   }
> }
> If I run a puppet agent --test on a client where myclass is applied, I get
> a "Could not find declared class selinux" error.
> This also happens if I install the spiette-selinux module on the client
> itself.
> But if the spiette-selinux module is installed, then a simple "puppet
> apply manifest.pp" works fine (where manifest.pp only contains the "class {
> 'selinux': ...}" section as above).
> What am I missing?
> The spiette-selinux module is correctly installed on the master, it is
> listed in /etc/puppet/modules when I do a "puppet module list".
> The agent is in the "development" environment, and $confdir/modules is in
> the modulepath for the development environment on the master.
> Thank you very much.
> Marco
> --
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Re: [Puppet Users] puppet agent --test errors

2014-07-04 Thread Rich Burroughs
Yeah I think that error occurs when the agent node can't resolve the
master's hostname. If you don't define a master I believe the default is
just the hostname "puppet". It's probably trying to resolve that and


On Friday, July 4, 2014, John Kennedy  wrote:

> First thing off the top of my head is that puppet.conf on the client does
> not define which server is the master.
> What happens if you try:
> puppet agent --test --server puppetmaster.puppet
> John
> John Kennedy  (_8(|)
> I have a yellow dog:
> http://www.theyellowdogproject.com/The_Yellow_Dog_Project/About.html
> Why would anyone foster a dog/cat?
> I would rather cry watching them leave our home to live a life of
> happiness and joy in a loving home than cry because no one stepped up to
> help them and they died alone, frightened, and sad in a shelter.
> On Fri, Jul 4, 2014 at 5:32 AM, Mark Matrosow  > wrote:
>> Hey guys,
>> Sorry for my bad english. I'm on a traineeship at the moment. My boss
>> gave me the task to install Puppet on 2 virtual machines and install a
>> package on the puppetclient over the puppetmaster (Im running Debian
>> "wheezy" on both machines).
>> I configurated both machines and also could sign the puppetclient on the
>> puppetmaster. If I type: puppet agent --test in my clients terminal I get
>> the following error:
>> err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: getaddrinfo: No
>> address associated with hostname
>> warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
>> err: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
>> err: Could not send report: getaddrinfo: No address associated with
>> hostname
>> I documented the way of my configurations:
>> (I did it on German thats why Konfiguration with "K" ;) )
>> Puppetmaster
>> Hostname Konfiguration
>> Puppetmaster → vi /etc/hostname → „puppetmaster“
>> Domain/Host Konfiguration
>> → vi /etc/hosts
>> localhost
>> #   puppetmaster.puppet puppetmaster
>>   puppetmaster.puppet puppetmaster
>>   puppetclient1.puppet puppetclient1
>> Network Interface
>> # The loopback network interface
>> auto lo
>> iface lo inet loopback
>> # The primary network interface
>> auto eth1
>> iface eth1 inet static
>> address
>> netmask
>> network
>> broadcast
>> dns-nameservers
>> auto eth0
>> iface eth0 inet dhcp
>> # I got 1 auto and 1 static, because i need to network adapters: NAT and
>> Hots-only for my machines, otherwise the connection wouldnt work as it
>> should.
>> nodes.pp
>> Puppetmaster → cd /etc/puppet/manifests → vi nodes.pp →
>> node ’puppetmaster’  {
>> include apache2
>>  }
>> site.pp
>> /etc/puppet/manifests → vi site.pp
>> package {
>> 'apache2':
>> ensure => installed
>> }
>> service {
>> 'apache2':
>> ensure => true,
>> enable => true,
>> require => Package['apache2']
>> }
>> Puppet.conf
>> cd /etc/puppet → vi puppet.conf →
>> [master]
>> # These are needed when the puppetmaster is run by passenger
>> # and can safely be removed if webrick is used.
>> ssl_client_header = SSL_CLIENT_S_DN
>> ssl_client_verify_header = SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY
>> puppetclient1 =
>> Puppetclient1
>> Hostname Konfiguration
>> Puppetclient1 → vi /etc/hostname → „puppetclient1“
>> Domain/Host Konfiguration
>> vi /etc/hosts
>>   localhost
>> #  puppetclient1.puppet puppetclient1
>>   puppetmaster.puppet puppetmaster
>>   puppetclient1.puppet puppetclient1
>> Network Interface
>> # The loopback network interface
>> auto lo
>> iface lo inet loopback
>> auto eth0
>> iface eth0 inet dhcp
>> # The primary network interface
>> auto eth1
>> iface eth1 inet static
>> address
>> netmask
>> network
>> broadcast
>> dns-nameservers
>> Puppet.conf
>> cd /etc/puppet → vi puppet.conf
>> [master]
>> # These are needed when the puppetmaster is run by passenger
>> # and can safely be removed if webrick is used.
>> ssl_client_header = SSL_CLIENT_S_DN
>> ssl_client_verify_header = SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY
>> certname=puppetmaster
>> Would be very kind of you if you guys could help me (:
>>  --
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>> .
>> For more 

Re: [Puppet Users] My hiera entries parse incorrectly

2014-07-04 Thread Rich Burroughs
Hi Marc,

Have you tried removing that backslash? I don't think you need to escape
the colon.


On Friday, July 4, 2014, Marc Whittaker  wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I have run into an issue using puppet with hiera. The situation is I have
> the following in a yaml file
> - marcstest1.password='Checking\: This'
> When I try to fill this into a file using a template similar to below this
> is what gets put into the file instead
> # General Settings
> <% props.each do |prop| -%>
> <%= prop %>
> <% end -%>
> marcstest1.password='Checking\This'
> when the expected result is marcstest1.password='Checking: This'
> Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
> --
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Re: [Puppet Users] How to deploy code in agent machines from Master

2014-07-04 Thread Rich Burroughs
The Puppet agent runs are initiated on the agent side. There is no Puppet
master command that you can use to trigger an agent run.

If you want to do something like kick off multiple agent runs at the same
time or in a sequence, you can do that with Mcollective. Mcollective comes
with Puppet Enterprise, you could actually trigger the agent runs from the
PE console. Or if you're using open source Puppet you can install
Mcollective separately and use the mco command to start agent runs. There's
an Mcollective plugin you need installed to be able to control the agents.

There are other orchestration tools that you could use for this sort of
thing besides Mcollective, like Fabric or Ansible. You would just have them
run the same command you would run to start the agent.

Also once you have a signed cert you don't need to use waitforcert. You can
just run "puppet agent -t" on the agent host.


On Friday, July 4, 2014, Satish Katuru  wrote:

> Hi,
> My init.pp has 4 nodes and I want to control all these 4 nodes from the
> Master.I mean to say how to deploy the code in all the nodes from Master?
> If I execute Puppet agent -t --waitforcert=60 on Agent machine it reads
> init.pp on Master and deploy the code in Agent.
> But I can't run this on each and every node.So how to do it?
> Do we have any other command to run it from Master?
> Regards,
> Sathish.
> --
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Re: [Puppet Users] My hiera entries parse incorrectly

2014-07-04 Thread Rich Burroughs
Ah ok. I was looking at this page:


Which is linked here:


It seems to indicate that you don't need to escape colons in single quoted
strings but maybe I'm misreading it.

I don't think I've ever had a colon in my data. You might try double quotes
too if you haven't. Or maybe someone who knows for sure will pipe in :)


On Friday, July 4, 2014, Marc Whittaker  wrote:

> Actually if I remove the backslash the result is instead
> marcstest1.password='CheckingThis'
> and if I shift the backslash to after the colon I get
> marcstest1.password='Checking:\ This'
> On Friday, 4 July 2014 14:28:09 UTC-4, Rich Burroughs wrote:
>> Hi Marc,
>> Have you tried removing that backslash? I don't think you need to escape
>> the colon.
>> Rich
>> On Friday, July 4, 2014, Marc Whittaker  wrote:
>>> Hi Everyone,
>>> I have run into an issue using puppet with hiera. The situation is I
>>> have the following in a yaml file
>>> - marcstest1.password='Checking\: This'
>>> When I try to fill this into a file using a template similar to below
>>> this is what gets put into the file instead
>>> # General Settings
>>> <% props.each do |prop| -%>
>>> <%= prop %>
>>> <% end -%>
>>> marcstest1.password='Checking\This'
>>> when the expected result is marcstest1.password='Checking: This'
>>> Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
>>> --
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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet copy not working

2014-07-11 Thread Rich Burroughs


On Friday, July 11, 2014, Nishantu Kumar  wrote:

> Hello All,
> I have successfully configured puppet master and agent on two machines and
> i have created a file in manifest directory to copy a file from master
> server to agent machine but its not copying and throwing some error,  can
> anyone tell me and share with me the procedure to copy file from master
> server to client machine.
> Thanks in advance
> Nishantu
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Re: [Puppet Users] Example of how to use require with hiera?

2014-09-18 Thread Rich Burroughs
I'm not clear what the context is here. Those snippets are what's in your
YAML file? Maybe you could post the relevant code from your manifest too?


On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 6:19 PM, Daniel Johnson  wrote:

> Things like
> require: File['somefile']
> or
> require:
>   File: somefile
> both crash, and burn.
> Not having a require also causes failure as it tries to do things it
> can't without the prerequisite.
> After hours of searching I couldn't find any examples to work from.
> --
> teknotus (Take Notice)
> --
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Re: [Puppet Users] Beaker Platforms?

2015-11-19 Thread Rich Burroughs
I think you need a dash in there, not a slash, like:


The code is here:


One thing that can help with Beaker stuff is looking at examples like the
modules in the puppetlabs space.


On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 11:58 AM Peter Berghold 

> I have a beaker hosts file that looks like this:
>   debian-8:
> platform: debian/jessie
> image: debian:8
> hypervisor: docker
>   type: foss
> when I run beaker --hosts it chokes on every permutation of debian
> platform designation I can think of with this sort of error message:
> /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/beaker-2.29.0/lib/beaker/platform.rb:64:in
> `initialize': Unsupported platform name debian:jessie (ArgumentError)
> So the question I have is if I want to designate debian 8.x as my
> platform, what the heck do I put there?
> Thanks in advance.
> --
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Re: [Puppet Users] Still mud-wrestling with spec testing

2015-11-28 Thread Rich Burroughs
+1 for Gareth's skeleton, it's a great way to get started with testing. It
comes with rspec-puppet and Beaker set up.

I ended up updating some modules recently to use the latest version of it
and I was very happy with it.


On Sat, Nov 28, 2015 at 10:29 AM Gareth Rushgrove 

> Hi Peter
> On 27 November 2015 at 20:23, Peter Berghold 
> wrote:
> > So,
> >
> > Now that my schedule has some slack in it I've turned my attention back
> to
> > doing spec testing of my Puppet modules.  Taking a really really simple
> > module that I wrote as an example I started in again.
> >
> > Here is the one and only file making up the class.
> >
> > -- init.pp --
> > class ntp {
> >
> >   package { 'ntp':
> > ensure => latest
> >   }
> >   service { 'ntp':
> > ensure  => running,
> > enable  => true,
> > require => Package[ntp]
> >   }
> >
> >
> > }
> > -
> >
> > That should be really easy to run tests against in my opinion.  I wrote a
> > Gemfle for the occasion.
> >
> > -Gemfile---
> > source 'https://rubygems.org'
> >
> > puppetversion = ENV.key?('PUPPET_VERSION') ? "=
> > ['>= 3.3']
> > gem 'puppet', puppetversion
> > gem 'puppetlabs_spec_helper', '>= 0.1.0'
> > gem 'puppet-lint', '>= 0.3.2'
> > gem 'facter', '>= 1.7.0'
> > gem 'rake','>= 0.0.0'
> > gem 'spec','>= 0.0.0'
> > 
> > and my spec file looks like this:
> >
> > --- spec/classes/init_spec.rb ---
> > require 'spec_helper'
> > describe 'ntp', :type => 'class' do
> >
> >   context 'On Debian' do
> > let :facts do {
> >  :osfamily => 'Debian'
> > }
> > end
> >
> >   it {
> > should contain_package('ntp').with({ 'name' =>  'ntp' })
> > should contain_service('ntp').with({ 'name' => 'ntp' })
> >   }
> > end
> >
> > end
> > ---
> >
> > and when I run "rake spec" I get this (severely trimmed) set of errors:
> > -errors--
> >  1) ntp On Debian should contain Package[ntp] with name => "ntp"
> >  Failure/Error: should contain_package('ntp').with({ 'name' =>
> 'ntp' })
> >
> >  ArgumentError:
> >wrong number of arguments (2 for 1)
> > 
> >
> > Looks to me after reading "The Next Generation of Puppet Module
> Testing"  at
> > this page:
> > https://puppetlabs.com/blog/the-next-generation-of-puppet-module-testing
> > there should only be one argument to  "with" so.. if that's not an
> > authoritative page for that information, which one is?
> >
> That blog post is a good 3 years old. Probably the best place to look
> for up-to-date information is the rspec-puppet site itself.
> http://rspec-puppet.com/
> You'll also find lots of examples in the the supported and approved
> modules on the Forge, and the module skeleton I maintain generates
> working tests out-of-the-box from which you could copy the requisite
> files. https://github.com/garethr/puppet-module-skeleton
> My guess here is this is something to do with versions or some other
> file you're using to setup the tests. If you checkout the skeleton
> above you should be able to do:
> puppet module generate yourname/ntp
> cd ntp
> bundle install
> bundle exec rake spec
> You don't need to then use the resulting module if you don't want, but
> you should have a working setup from which you can port to your
> existing modules.
> Gareth
> > Can somebody clarify for me what;s going on here?
> >
> >
> > --
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> --
> Gareth Rushgrove
> @garethr
> devopsweekly.com
> morethanseven.net
> garethrushgrove.com
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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet 2015.x versus 3.x

2016-02-10 Thread Rich Burroughs
There's a doc about it here:


On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 3:58 PM warron.french 

> Can someone please explain to me, the purpose or difference between the
> various puppet versions?
> More specifically, I see references to PE 2015.3.2 and I also see other
> version patterns like 3.7 for example?
> Was this due to a shift in marketing style, or is it a matter of PE versus
> open source Puppet?
> Thank you.
> --
> Warron French
> --
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Re: [Puppet Users] Please explain need for multiple .ppm files in a single module

2016-02-17 Thread Rich Burroughs
Check out the Class Design section here:


On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 5:01 PM warron.french 

> Where I work a great of the Puppet Modules employed are downloaded from
> the Puppet Forge; however, some are created by my teammates.
> What I can't figure out is WHY are some modules written with multiple .pp
> files in the manifest directory.
> Can someone please tutor me on this point, or point me to a document/link?
> Thank you,
> --
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Re: [Puppet Users] Difference between Puppet agent v. apply

2016-02-18 Thread Rich Burroughs
The agent does not pull modules in a master/agent setup. They are only on
the master.

The catalog contains the info that the agent needs to get its managed
resources into the desired state. It's not a list of modules.


On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 12:31 PM warron.french 

> Henrik, that looks like the text straight of the man page, which is what I
> can't quite wrap my head around.
> I thought the purpose of the catalog is for telling the agent what modules
> it needs to pull to update its files to what is specified in the modules.
> --
> Warron French
> On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 10:20 PM, Henrik Lindberg <
> henrik.lindb...@puppetlabs.com> wrote:
>> On 18/02/16 02:10, warron.french wrote:
>>> Can someone please clearly explain why/when to use:
>>> puppet apply versus Puppet agent?
>> puppet agent makes requests to the master - the master compiles the
>> catalog.
>> puppet apply produces the catalog locally (must have all the manifests
>> etc on the agent) - a.k.a known as running masterless.
>> - henrik
>> --
>> Visit my Blog "Puppet on the Edge"
>> http://puppet-on-the-edge.blogspot.se/
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Re: [Puppet Users] Difference between Puppet agent v. apply

2016-02-18 Thread Rich Burroughs
They would not likely have covered Rspec in Puppet Fundamentals, if you
took that. Rspec is a Ruby testing framework, and most of the Puppet
testing tools out there are based on it.

And I think your challenge you mention isn't uncommon. A lot of sysadmins
can write scripts but don't have experience with engineering practices,
like writing tests. It's a new way of looking at things.

The upside is that these kinds of skills are in demand, and in demand at
the more interesting shops out there to work at. So it's definitely in your
benefit to work through this and learn some new things :) Hang in there.

On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 12:48 PM warron.french 

> Hi Rich, thank you for the clarification.  The more we discuss this, the
> more clear (granted slowly) it becomes for me.
> --
> Warron French
> On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 3:36 PM, Rich Burroughs 
> wrote:
>> The agent does not pull modules in a master/agent setup. They are only on
>> the master.
>> The catalog contains the info that the agent needs to get its managed
>> resources into the desired state. It's not a list of modules.
>> Rich
>> On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 12:31 PM warron.french 
>> wrote:
>>> Henrik, that looks like the text straight of the man page, which is what
>>> I can't quite wrap my head around.
>>> I thought the purpose of the catalog is for telling the agent what
>>> modules it needs to pull to update its files to what is specified in the
>>> modules.
>>> --
>>> Warron French
>>> On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 10:20 PM, Henrik Lindberg <
>>> henrik.lindb...@puppetlabs.com> wrote:
>>>> On 18/02/16 02:10, warron.french wrote:
>>>>> Can someone please clearly explain why/when to use:
>>>>> puppet apply versus Puppet agent?
>>>> puppet agent makes requests to the master - the master compiles the
>>>> catalog.
>>>> puppet apply produces the catalog locally (must have all the manifests
>>>> etc on the agent) - a.k.a known as running masterless.
>>>> - henrik
>>>> --
>>>> Visit my Blog "Puppet on the Edge"
>>>> http://puppet-on-the-edge.blogspot.se/
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Re: [Puppet Users] Announce: A REPL for the puppet language

2016-02-19 Thread Rich Burroughs
Wow! I can't wait to have a look at this.

On Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 3:04 PM Corey Osman  wrote:

> Hi,
> I created a REPL for the puppet language this week. This is something that
> has been lacking for quite some time.
> https://github.com/nwops/puppet-repl
> Install: gem install puppet-repl
> bash$ prepl
> It is currently at version 0.0.1 but is still very functional.
> MacBook-Pro-2~ % prepl
> Puppet Version: 4.2.2
> Puppet Repl Version: 0.0.1
> Created by: NWOps 
> Type "exit", "functions", "types", "reset", "help" for more information.
> >> $hostname = 'node123.company.com'
>  => node123.company.com
> >> $hostname =~ /node/
>  => true
> >> split($hostname, 'node')
>  => ["", "123.company.com"]
> >> ['/tmp/test1', '/tmp/test2'].each |String $file_path| {
> file{$file_path: ensure => present}}
>  => ["/tmp/test1", "/tmp/test2"]
> >> ['/tmp/test1', '/tmp/test2'].each |String $file_path| {
> file{$file_path: ensure => present}}
>  => Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement,
> Duplicate declaration: File[/tmp/test1] is already declared in file :1;
> cannot redeclare at line 1 at line 1:57
> >>
> Corey
> --
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Re: [Puppet Users] connection refused: 8140

2016-02-19 Thread Rich Burroughs
This is PE and I'm pretty sure iptables can cause this. I believe I've had
the same problem, because iptables was blocking the installer from
connecting to Puppet DB. I was doing a monolithic install but I expect it
could happen if Puppet DB is running on a separate host too.

Take a look at the installer output/log and I'm guessing you'll see that's
what failed.

The agent gets connection refused because the install failed on the master,
the master isn't actually running. I can't recall the port number for
Puppet DB off the top of my head but I know there's a page about network
requirements in the PE docs.

On Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 5:01 PM warron.french 

> Chaitanya, you should have been able to install the Puppet Master easily
> without disabling or removing the iptables at all.
> Explain your environment,  CentOS, or what OSI exactly by brand and
> version.
> What puppet master installation? Monolithic or separated?
> How are you implementing the Puppet Master binaries? Packages or tarball?
> Finally, what do your iptables rules for 8140 and 3000 look like exactly?
> On Feb 19, 2016 10:17 AM, "Chaitanya Phani" 
> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> When I run "puppet agent --test" i am getting the connection refused
>> error at port 8140.
>> When I am installing puppet master I have faced the following issues
>> *Issue 1: *
>> Initially when I installed puppet enterprise the installation failed due
>> to some firewall issue. I tried to stop the iptables "service iptables
>> stop"  but still not able to install. Finally I removed the iptables then I
>> was able to install.
>> Please let me know how to install puppet enterprise without removing
>> iptables.
>> I tried to accept the 8140 and 3000 ports in iptables but no use.
>> *Issue 2:*
>> After removing iptables the installation is progressing and able to
>> access web console but I faced another issue.
>> Installing your deployment
>> Install Puppet Enterprise on saim3.sai.com. [saim3.sai.com] An error
>> occured while performing install*pe*saim3.sai.com: invalid byte sequence
>> in US-ASCI
>> Not sure what is this issue and how to resolve. Since I am working in VM,
>> I started with new VM with fresh installation.
>> Please let me know if any have any suggestions.
>> Thanks,
>> --
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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet-in-Docker

2016-06-03 Thread Rich Burroughs
I was starting to play around with rolling my own puppetserver container a
few weeks ago and I was wondering if there would ever be an official one.
So thanks for reading my mind :)

On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 6:23 AM Gareth Rushgrove 

> Hi All
> A few folks might have seen this yesterday, but just in case.
> https://puppet.com/blog/puppet-docker-running-puppet-container-centric-infrastructure
> I've been working on a set of Docker images for running Puppet
> software, so Puppet Server, PuppetDB, etc. The blog post above covers
> why and when this might be useful, but a few examples:
> * You want to run Puppet on something like CoreOS, PhotonOS or Atomic
> where containers are the defacto way of installing software
> * You want a full local development environment (including on WIndows
> or OSX) with minimal overhead
> The Dockerfiles and various build tools are available on GitHub:
> https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet-in-docker
> And the images are available today on Docker Hub:
> https://hub.docker.com/u/puppet/
> We've also created a number of examples that show a few tips and
> tricks, including standing up the server stack using Docker compose:
> https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet-in-docker-examples
> These are an experimental way of packaging up and releasing Puppet
> software intended for those people already familiar with Docker. We'd
> love any feedback about what you like and don't like, what you'd like
> to see in the future or anything vaguely related.
> And a quick thanks to all the people in the Puppet community who have
> rolled their own versions of this at some point or another. By having
> an official Puppet repo we're hoping that for the common case we can
> get everyone collaborating on a shared set of Dockerfiles/images, and
> that with many eyes come all the good ideas, but we want to make them
> a good starting point for advanced users too.
> Cheers
> Gareth
> --
> Gareth Rushgrove
> @garethr
> devopsweekly.com
> morethanseven.net
> garethrushgrove.com
> --
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Re: [Puppet Users] Git Repo Strategy

2016-06-10 Thread Rich Burroughs
I'm assuming this could be done. We're talking about UNIX she'll commands
and there's a way to do just about anything. But I can't imagine it being
simple or fun to use. Like could you do Pull Requests on Github between
these repos? Maybe, depending on how you set it up. People nowadays
recommend against monolithic repos too, and that's what you'd have. You'd
just have a bunch of them.

The normal recommended workflow with r10k is using branches for those
environments, not separate repos. Then you have the ability to merge
between branches, so it's easy to promote those changes along your pipeline.

I remember back before I started using r10k, it seemed very confusing to
me. I think there's a bit more info out about it now. In terms of getting a
Puppetfile setup, one of the hard things there is that you need to account
for all of the dependencies. Rob Nelson made this cool Ruby gem that makes
generating the file a bit easier. You can pass it a set of Forge modules
and it will also include their dependencies:


It's pretty slick.

Personally I'd recommend you stick it out and figure out how to make r10k
work for what you're doing. I would bet you'd be glad you did after. If you
have problems ask specific question here or IRC or Slack. There are a lot
of people using it now and there should be lots who can help.

On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 7:34 AM Funsaized  wrote:

> Hello,
> I am relatively new to puppet and am trying to develop a good workflow in
> conjunction with git/github to keep a better version control system. The
> version of puppet that I am working with and has been implemented is a bit
> dated, and using R10k and developing a puppetfile would be quite time
> consuming. I know that R10k and dynamic environments is the recommended way
> of doing things, though for now I'm not sure if its the best for my
> scenario and how everything has been previously set up. My question is is
> there a simple way to just map one git repo for each environment (dev, QA,
> production, etc). That way changes could be made in the dev environment,
> then moved over to the correct repos when the changes are confirmed in
> order? Would this be as simple as declaring each folder withing the
> /puppet/environments folder as a git repo and controlling that way?
> Deployment strategy
> -   Upload changes to Dev repo
> -   Deploy Dev changes to Dev master
> -   Test
> -   Merge Dev changes to QA repo
> -   Rinse and repeat
> --
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Re: [Puppet Users] Anyone know how to use the puppetlabs-packer module ?

2016-06-12 Thread Rich Burroughs
Hi Dan,

Yeah I took a look and there's not a lot there doc wise. It's quite
possible they're driving this from Jenkins or another tool.

The Packer JSON files all appear to all be in the templates directory. I'd
imagine you could run Packer against the one you need to get the base OS
you want, and then look at the scripts directory to see which ones you
think you need. Some of the stuff would be superfluous for you since it
looks like there's tooling for pushing to Atlas (formerly Vagrant Cloud)
and you won't be able to push to their account there.

Another option that may be less painful would be to install their box you
want to update locally, run "vagrant up", do the yum updates, and then use
"vagrant box package" to save the resulting VM as a new local Vagrant box.

On Sun, Jun 12, 2016 at 7:16 AM Dan White  wrote:

> There was a request on the mailing list for a newer version of
> puppetlabs/centos-6.6-64-puppet
> I would like to try building a 6.8 version but I am not completely sure
> how to use puppetlabs-packer
> There are either a piece or two missing or exactly HOW to use it is not
> clear - not clear to me anyway,
> Thanks.
> Dan White
> y...@comcast.net
> -
> “Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere
> in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.”
> Bill Waterson (Calvin & Hobbes)
> --
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Re: [Puppet Users] "extending" hiera data?

2016-08-13 Thread Rich Burroughs
You're right on with the libs part. The modules are assigned to the nodes
but using the parameter values that are passed in.

There's a great talk from Gary Larizza from Puppet Conf a couple of years
ago where he lays this all out. You write modules with parameterized
classes (or use ones from the Forge), and they become like APIs that you
use in your profiles/roles.


I highly recommend it. It's funny and informative.

And Peter's response was great. I agree completely. I think of Hiera mainly
as a place to put data that's different between environments (load balancer
IPs, creds, etc.). I have never liked create_resources and I'm not crazy
about the pattern of using Hiera like an ENC.

But everyone can Puppet their own way, and people may love patterns I

On Sat, Aug 13, 2016 at 6:54 AM Robert Poulson  wrote:

> Hi Peter,
> thank you for the valuable input!
> I read your answer yesterday many times and asked myself: "yes, it's clear
> that I'm doing it wrong, but what is the Right Way™ then?".
> But many hours later, I might have one of those "aha moments" :)
> I always wanted to write modules - or use them in a manner - which define
> the state of the node after the module gets assigned to it. The modules
> either contain the information themselves (like the mounts, apache modules
> etc.) or get these as a parameter; and they always got assigned directly to
> the node.
> But it seems to me that in this "roles & profiles" model, one uses the
> modules more like if they were just various libs; they're not assigned to
> the nodes per se, but are just "called" (included) in the node classifiers
> with the parameters.
> This way, I don't have to open the port 5601 for Kibana in my ELK module,
> but include the firewall class with port 5601 as a parameter within the ELK
> profile.
> Or something similar. Or something different. But I think I got your point
> :)
> The good news is, I have very much work ahead of me so I don't mind to
> start creating new modules, and re-doing the existing ones in this
> philosophy.
> Thanks; and feel free to correct me if I'm still wrong :)
> Rp
> On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 11:30 PM, Peter Kristolaitis 
> wrote:
>> This is probably a case of trying to use Hiera for stuff you shouldn't be
>> using it for.  It's important to keep in mind that Hiera is not really a
>> replacement for manifest files -- or even better, modules that follow a
>> role & profile architecture.  You can hack Hiera to do that, but you're
>> going to rip your hair out debugging it, and there are better architectural
>> ways of dealing with it anyways.   create_resources() seems really cool
>> when you first learn about it.  That fades quickly as you scale.  ;)
>> To use your firewall example, "ports opened" depend on the profile of the
>> system (e.g. what software is installed).  All nodes that have Apache need
>> port 80 and 443 opened, for example.  All SSH servers need port 22.
>> In a "roles & profiles" model, every node probably gets a "baseline
>> firewall" profile assigned to it.  This is where you would set up iptables
>> policies, default-drop rules, etc.   If you're using the
>> puppetlabs-firewall module, you'll probably tell it to purge all
>> non-Puppet-managed firewall rules.
>> Then in every profile class that requires an open network port, you would
>> have it add the appropriate firewall rule definition.   The SSH profile
>> class adds a firewall rule for port 22.  The Apache class adds firewall
>> rules for ports 80 and 443.
>> This way, when Puppet is configuring your system, the logic is "I have
>> Apache installed, so I need ports 80 and 443 opened", instead of "I'm node
>> ABC and I have port 80 and 443 opened, but I might or might not have Apache
>> installed", which is a situation you can easily get into if you're shoving
>> as much as you can into Hiera.
>> This approach seems like much more work at first, because breaking out
>> all your logic into profile modules can be quite verbose and
>> time-consuming.  Sometimes you will get a profile class that does nothing
>> but install a single package (e.g. if you have multiple profiles that
>> require a single Apache module).  That's OK.  It will be MUCH easier and
>> less error-prone to manage over the long run, and you'll appreciate the
>> architecture if you start using exported resources and other features of
>> Puppet.
>> On 2016-08-11 04:46 PM, Robert Poulson wrote:
>> Hey List,
>> during the last weeks I finally managed to spend some quality time :)
>> with Puppet and I deepened my knowledge a bit: learned some ruby, wrote my
>> first custom ruby facts, used hiera in my latest module... it's been fun.
>> There is one concept with Hiera though which is still unclear for me.
>> Let's say all of our servers have only port 22 open. But I assign my
>> module to a node which installs and co

Re: [Puppet Users] How does Puppet Push Model works

2016-08-17 Thread Rich Burroughs
Well there is Application Orchestrator if you are using PE, but I think it
is still pretty green. It's meant to be the push solution for deploying
apps but I'm under the impression that not a lot of people are using it

Mcollective is one option, for sure, but there are others. Most
orchestration tools will work, like Ansible. I've also used the
Python-based tool called Fabric.

At my current job we do this with Jenkins. A Jenkins job kicks off a shell
script on the target host that runs "puppet agent -t" at the proper time.

That's really the model. You need some tool that will kick off the agent
runs on the right target hosts at the right time. I think eventually the
"puppet job" command that showed up with App Orchestrator will be able to
do this too.


On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 10:25 PM Dirk Heinrichs <
dirk.heinri...@recommind.com> wrote:

> Am 17.08.2016 um 05:14 schrieb megha sharma:
> How does puppet push model works for application deployment. It should be
> done in such a way that deployment happens only when required and the same
> should be initiated from puppet master.
> It's not really push. Puppet agent runs on each node and connects to the
> master every 30 minutes (default), asking for its configuration. So you
> need to change the nodes configuration on the master, so that it gets it
> next time it connects.
> To simulate a push, you'd need to setup mcollective on both master and
> nodes. You can then initiate an agent run remotely, from the master.
> HTH...
> Dirk
> --
> *Dirk Heinrichs*, Senior Systems Engineer, Engineering Solutions
> *Recommind GmbH*, Von-Liebig-Straße 1, 53359 Rheinbach
> *Tel*: +49 2226 159 (Ansage) 1149
> *Email*: d...@recommind.com
> *Skype*: dirk.heinrichs.recommind
> www.recommind.com
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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet control, Hiera data, puppetfile, and r10k and git merging woes

2016-08-19 Thread Rich Burroughs
I'd love to see you write an article about this if there's not one already.
I think these are pretty common workflow issues people grapple with.


On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 9:24 AM Rob Nelson  wrote:

> The term 'environment' is overloaded. In the context of puppet, I prefer
> to think of it as "a set of puppet code/data representing a branch of the
> controlrepo' (puppet environment), rather than 'an environment that nodes
> run in' (dev/qa/prod/etc) (node environment). Since you can make the latter
> part of your hiera hierarchy, the only puppet environment that needs to
> live forever is 'production'. Inside it, the hieradata has ALL the data for
> all of the node environments, so they actually all check into 'production'.
> The hierarchy value for the node environment can be a custom fact,
> calculated or a file on disk, so nodes can get the right node environment
> data from the puppet environment 'production'.
> :hierarchy:
>   - "nodes/%{::trusted.certname}"
>   - "node_env/%{node_env}"
>   - "common"
> By differenting the various uses of the overloaded term 'environment' a
> bit, you can actually streamline your workflow quite a bit. Now all your
> data is in one place. When you create a feature branch for testing, you can
> then point the canary nodes to that branch (`puppet agent -t --environment
> ticket1234`, or putting `environment = ticket1234` in puppet.conf). Whether
> you're changing roles and profiles, hiera data, or the Puppetfile, it's
> contained in that branch, but you can actually have production, dev, qa
> nodes check into it and get the new results, so you aren't surprised when a
> Puppetfile change in dev trickles up to prod and suddenly things blow up.
> Of course, you need to have some canary nodes in each node environment (or
> place a LOT of trust in --noop mode) to get there, but I think that's a
> reasonable goal to work toward.
> Aside: I know we have discussed workflows and the various types of
> environments on this list quite a bit this Spring/Summer. Does anyone have
> a good reference article for this already, or do we need to come up with
> one? I think this is an important gap to fill.
> Rob Nelson
> rnels...@gmail.com
> On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 12:07 PM, Mike Sharpton 
> wrote:
>> The static branches are basically Puppet environments in which nodes are
>> bound/pointed to them in their puppet.conf.  This way we can open CR's per
>> set of nodes and move up the chain.  Also, I may have found another option
>> on Gary's site.  We could r10k our hiera data and split it from our control
>> repo.  More to come.  Thanks again for thoughts.
>> On Thursday, August 18, 2016 at 10:00:01 AM UTC-5, Christopher Wood wrote:
>>> I'm missing why you need static branches. I'm picturing something more
>>> like:
>>> git checkout production
>>> git checkout -b ticket1234
>>> # make changes, commit, push, test, repeat
>>> git merge production # catch up on any prod changes, retest
>>> git tag ticket.1234
>>> git checkout production
>>> git merge ticket1234
>>> git branch -d ticket1234
>>> That way everybody's changes are working pretty close to what production
>>> is right now.
>>> The alternatives are curating your branches, periodically re-branching
>>> from production, or just accepting the current state, as near as I can tell
>>> off the cuff. If you want to maintain something it requires maintenance
>>> work no matter the tool you pick.
>>> On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 05:27:40AM -0700, Mike Sharpton wrote:
>>> >Thanks for your reply.  We based our initial design on shit Gary
>>> says.
>>> > This may be our only option as you say, to have hiera data changes
>>> made
>>> >to each static branch/puppet environment by hand and not merge.  We
>>> need
>>> >the static branches for separation of Puppet environments.  Problem
>>> with
>>> >this approach is humans will make errors between each branch
>>> sometimes or
>>> >always.  The branches/environments will eventually become snow
>>> flakes over
>>> >time as far as Hieradata.  Perhaps we can possibly merge them
>>> weekly to
>>> >lower this risk.  Assuming no code changes are in flight, which
>>> there most
>>> >likely always will be.  The search continues. Thanks again,
>>> >Mike
>>> >
>>> >On Wednesday, August 17, 2016 at 3:52:31 PM UTC-5, Christopher Wood
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> >  It sounds like these might help:
>>> >
>>> >  [1]https://puppet.com/blog/git-workflows-puppet-and-r10k
>>> >
>>> >  [2]http://garylarizza.com/blog/categories/r10k/
>>> >
>>> >  Seems like you would benefit from having all teams work from
>>> branches of
>>> >  current production and merge back, rather than maintaining a
>>> >  semi-permanent dev branch shared by everybody. This is usually
>>> where I
>>> >  suggest that people review commits and talk to each other and
>>> figure out
>>> >  what's good, but sometimes that's like pulling teet

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Puppet control, Hiera data, puppetfile, and r10k and git merging woes

2016-08-22 Thread Rich Burroughs
I've managed a lot of configs for apps our developers build. At times when
config changes were not backwards compatible I built in the equivalent of
feature flags. I added a Boolean param that controlled if it was on or off,
and built logic into the ERB/EPP template that used it. Then I could
control the rollout by setting the value for that param in Hiera.

Not my favorite thing to do but it worked :) And of course the bad part
about feature flags is remembering to clean them up when the rollout is

I'm really enjoying this discussion. I haven't done A/B or canary nodes
with Puppet and I think some of this stuff is hard to figure out if you
haven't seen it work.


On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 7:06 AM Rob Nelson  wrote:

> I think there are so many ways to do A/B deployments that it's probably
> not wise to codify that into your Puppet environments layout. Here's a few
> examples of how:
> * Use DNS/Load Balancer rules/etc to control which puppet masters
> different agents connect to. Some of the masters have a different default
> environment, to force some percentage of nodes to run against your feature
> branch and receive the correct environment. After the feature is merged
> into production, those masters default back to the `production` environment.
> * Your ENC provides the puppet environment to check into, forcing some
> percentage of nodes to receive the `feature` environment, and later to
> return to the `production` environment.
> * Use any orchestration solution (mcollective, ansible, vRO, etc) to
> configure agents to check in against the `feature` environment, and later
> to return to the `production` environment.
> * Manually check in canary nodes against the `feature` environment, and
> later to return to the `production` environment.
> That's just a sampling of methods in no particular order (although I think
> we can all agree that the manual option is the least appealing) but is by
> no means comprehensive. However, all of these methods let you do A/B
> testing between production and a specific feature branch, rather than
> against a long lived and divergent branch than production which may have
> numerous changes that cause interaction in unexpected ways, which certainly
> tests a lot more but makes it more difficult for diagnosing where failures
> come from. Having your feature branches diverge from `production`, your
> single source of truth, greatly limits the number of variables in play at
> any given time and streamlines your pipeline.
> I would recommend a book on Continuous Integration and/or Continuous
> Delivery as these are subjects far too deep and wide to properly cover here
> in the detail they require.
> Rob Nelson
> rnels...@gmail.com
> On Sun, Aug 21, 2016 at 11:20 PM, Alex Samad  wrote:
>> On 21 August 2016 at 11:04, Chadwick Banning 
>> wrote:
>> > As Rob Nelson mentioned above, you can differentiate between operational
>> > environments in Hiera as long as you have the appropriate facts
>> available.
>> >
>> > If you differentiate Puppet environments and operational environments,
>> then
>> > it's easier to address staged rollouts in each appropriate context.
>> Staged
>> > rollouts of changes across *operational* environments may be done
>> through
>> > Hiera, and staged rollouts of Puppet code (usually common Puppet code
>> that
>> > cuts across operational environments) can be done through *Puppet*
>> > environments.
>> >
>> > If your environment is simple enough...such as a single app with dev,
>> > staging, and production operational environments, then equating a Puppet
>> > environment to an operational environment is that much of an issue. For
>> more
>> > complex Puppet setups, equating them always creates issues IMHO.
>> Okay I get it you have another branch in hiera lets say env as you have
>> above.
>> But they pull in the same profile class - lets say openssh.
>> So lets say ssh come out with v3, you want to slowly roll out.
>> Do you have a bit if then or case switch statement in your ssh profile
>> class or do you create a new ssh class call ssh-v3 and then assign it
>> to only the env you want to.
>> seems like every time you want to make a change to a profile/class you
>> need to create another one so you can control the roll out or you have
>> a big if/then or switch case to do that for you.
>> trying to persist with the 2 branches production and testing for now ..
>> >
>> > This topic is really interesting to me since I've run into it multiple
>> > times, the last being very recent.
>> >
>> > On Saturday, August 20, 2016 at 6:39:03 PM UTC-4, Alex Samad wrote:
>> >>
>> >> On 20 August 2016 at 22:50, Chadwick Banning 
>> wrote:
>> >> > This is an issue I run into pretty regularly. If your Puppet
>> >> > infrastructure
>> >> > is even moderately complex, I'd recommend NOT equating a Puppet
>> >> > environment
>> >> > to an operational environment, operational environment being the
>> groups
>> >> > of
>> >> > 

Re: [Puppet Users] Free cloud for puppet

2016-08-23 Thread Rich Burroughs

There's not a SaaS version of Puppet, if that's what you mean.

You can set up the open source puppetserver yourself in the cloud, or
Puppet Enterprise has a free trial. But you have to install it somewhere

On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 7:48 AM mastinder singh  wrote:

> Do puppet server is  available  in cloud for testing.
> --
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Re: [Puppet Users] F5 Module - proxy server

2016-09-06 Thread Rich Burroughs
Hi Mike,

I've not done that, but from glancing at the documentation on the Module's
Forge page, there don't seem to be any requirements around that besides
running a PE agent on that node.

I don't know anything about how it hits those APIs on the F5 though.

I believe you can use "puppet resource" with that module to get a list of
the resources it sees on the load balancer, even before you have it
managing anything. That could be a way to test.

On Fri, Sep 2, 2016 at 1:14 PM mike r  wrote:

> Hello, quick question, when setting up the F5 module and setting up the
> proxy server that talks to F5 balancer, can this proxy be a Windows machine
> or are there any specific OS or system requirements for this proxy?
> --
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Re: [Puppet Users] Using a module that is not 100% hiera-compliant

2016-10-18 Thread Rich Burroughs
On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 10:56 AM, Ugo Bellavance  wrote:

> However, since I can't put all the settings in hiera, I must put some in
> the class declaration for the smtp frontends.  When I declare the postfix
> class in both my default profile and in the smtp frontend profile, I get an
> error saying that the class cannot be declared twice (Class[Postfix] is
> already declared; cannot redeclare at /etc/puppet/manifests/nodes/
> smtp_postfix_servers.pp:19)
> Another solution would be to declare the profile in all my roles, but it's
> far from perfect.
> Is there a simple solution?
> I guess that I could do an if based on ipaddress in my default profile,
> but I wanted to use hiera as much as possible. Yes I created an issue to
> ask for full hiera support.

I don't really know of a better solution than the ones you mentioned.
Perhaps someone else will. But yeah if you need to apply that class to the
node with a different value for that param, it can't also get applied from
your default profile.

Having to add it to all of the roles is a bit of a pain too. I've been
there. Then the concern is someone leaving it out accidentally.

I like the suggesting of the conditional in the default profile best. It's
maybe not as clean as Hiera but it's less messy than the alternatives I
think, and it should be very visible there.


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[Puppet Users] PuppetConf talk recommendations?

2016-11-08 Thread Rich Burroughs
You may have already heard but the PuppetConf videos are posted:


I wasn't able to attend and I'm wondering if there were talks people really
like that they'd recommend watching :)


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Re: [Puppet Users] PuppetConf talk recommendations?

2016-11-08 Thread Rich Burroughs
>   exec-to-types-and-providers-martin-alfke-example42-gmbh
> <https://puppetconf2016.sched.org/event/6fjq/moving-from-exec-to-types-and-providers-martin-alfke-example42-gmbh>
>   - Slides - http://www.slideshare.net/PuppetLabs/puppetconf-2016-
>   moving-from-exec-to-types-and-providers-martin-alfke-example42-gmbh
> <http://www.slideshare.net/PuppetLabs/puppetconf-2016-moving-from-exec-to-types-and-providers-martin-alfke-example42-gmbh>
>   - Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jr8H0wSUMBY
>   - Did you think writing your own Types and Providers is hard? I did
>   too until Martin shows us how.
>   - A+ talk
> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 2:10 PM, Rich Burroughs  wrote:
>> You may have already heard but the PuppetConf videos are posted:
>> https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLV86BgbREluVjwwt-9UL8u2Uy8xnzpIqa
>> I wasn't able to attend and I'm wondering if there were talks people
>> really like that they'd recommend watching :)
>> Rich
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Re: [Puppet Users] 2016.4.2 puppet enterprise

2017-01-12 Thread Rich Burroughs
The address Carthik mentioned was - certification at puppet dot com.

I see the messed up version where it's quoted in your reply, not sure why
that's happening :)


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 11:41 AM, Ryan Vande  wrote:

> I have a case open with pearson vue over this, I don't mind paying again
> if tha'ts what it takes but I just want a bigger monitor! I'll bring mine
> from home!
> Anyway I will send the E-mail explaining, is this a valid E-mail address ?
>  certif...@puppet.com?
> On Monday, January 9, 2017 at 2:25:54 PM UTC-5, Carthik Sharma wrote:
>> Hi Ryan,
>> On Mon, Jan 9, 2017 at 9:40 AM, Ryan Vande  wrote:
>>> I went to take the test last week, they had questions about live
>>> management. To be honest the testing center monitors were so small all of
>>> the content would not fit on the page, I spent so much time resizing
>>> windows, I ran out of time to finish the test.
>> Could you please email certif...@puppet.com with the details of where
>> you took the test? Sorry to hear you had a poor experience.
>>> I seen what the test is composed of and went right home and started
>>> writing notes on topics I need to study up on before taking it again (Which
>>> I will refuse to take if I cant get a bigger monitor, its 2017 ! give me a
>>> monitor that fits all the content ! ).
>>> One of those topics was live management that I need to freshen up on.
>>> Not a big deal, I will go read 3.8 documents on live management.
>> Here's the list of topics you are expected to know:
>> https://puppet.com/support-services/certification/professional-overview
>> Live Management isn't one of the topics the latest test addresses,
>> although it was in previous (older, retired) versions of the test.
>> I would really appreciate it if you could please email
>> certif...@puppet.com so we can learn more.
>> Thanks!
>> Carthik.
>> Manager, Training and Education
>> Puppet Inc.
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: puppet ruby code documentation needed

2017-01-24 Thread Rich Burroughs
That looks like a really good blog post :)

It's definitely work looking at some Ruby Rspec to get some background. I
took an introductory Ruby course a few years ago that covered Rspec and it
helped me a lot with Puppet testing. At this point pretty much all of the
tools widely used for Puppet testing (Rspec-puppet, Beaker-rspec,
Serverspec) are based on Rspec.

I think one area that causes some pain for new folks is managing gems and
Bundler. That's another thing worth reading up on. Actually it causes some
pain for old folks too.


On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 8:06 AM, Ryan Vande  wrote:

> I believe Puppet is snooping my data ! ;-)
> They released these documents the day after my post ;-)
> I believe this will help me to get started on the right footing.
> I also bought two ruby books off amazon learning ruby 2007 edition , it
> was suggested and ruby cookbook,and this newly released info
> https://puppet.com/blog/unit-testing-rspec-puppet-for-
> beginners?ls=social-media&ccn=integrated-pe&pub=facebook&
> cid=701G001BZCK&utm_medium=social-media&utm_
> campaign=integrated-pe&utm_source=facebook&utm_content=blog-post-pe
> On Sunday, January 22, 2017 at 3:23:30 PM UTC-5, Ryan Vande wrote:
>> I posted this before with a subject line that was vague, i will repost
>> with a more detailed subject line
>> I need some good documentation on ruby code for putting together puppet
>> rake beaker tests..
>> I need to add some code for my acceptance class rb script. Is there
>> documents out there that anyone can provide. I'm not even sure the right
>> technical words to use to phrase my question.
>> Ruby is a new language to me, I just need to know how to structure the
>> code.
>> I.E. I need to add ruby code to allow my acceptance testing (rake beaker)
>> to include classes that are not directly already incorporated in my main
>> modules that get called. I just need to add other classes specifically for
>> testing. I don't know where to start.
>> Thank you ,
> --
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Re: [Puppet Users] Newbie Question About Puppet

2017-02-17 Thread Rich Burroughs
PuppetDB is great :) You can use Puppet without it, but it gives you a lot
of insight into what's happening with puppet and your environment.


There's actually a Puppet module that you can use to set up PuppetDB:



On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 4:54 AM, Net Warrior 

> Hi,
> Thank you very much for your response, what about puppet db? is that
> really needed? can I live without it? still I do not now the real benefits
> of using
> PostgreSQL.
> Regards
> On 02/17/2017 07:48 AM, Dominic Cleal wrote:
>> On 16/02/17 20:51, Net Warrior wrote:
>>> I'm reading some docs and it seems the lates version is 4.8, the reading
>>> about the installation it talks about Puppet server install which is
>>> version 2.6 and puppet db is 4.2, so this at first confused me, because
>>> I do not know to which package 4.8 is related to, is that a whole
>>> version number? to the whole puppet suite?
>> To use Puppet Server there are two packages you will install:
>> 1. puppet-agent
>> 2. puppet-server
>> puppet-agent contains Puppet itself and its dependencies. The latest
>> agent version is 1.9.1, which contains Puppet 4.9.2. There is a list of
>> known versions on this page:
>> https://docs.puppet.com/puppet/latest/about_agent.html
>> puppet-server adds the server components to puppet-agent. The server
>> uses Puppet from puppet-agent. The latest server version is 2.7.2, and
>> see https://docs.puppet.com/puppetserver/latest/release_notes.html for
>> the latest release notes.
>> Install puppet-agent 1.9.1 and puppet-server 2.7.2 (at the time of
>> writing) and you'll have the latest Puppet 4.9.
> --
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Re: [Puppet Users] Manage delivery and execution of RPMs not in YUM

2017-03-02 Thread Rich Burroughs
There are a number of reasons it's not a great idea to put them in the
module, but one is that if you start sticking binary artifacts into your
Puppet code, the size of the repos(s) will grow a lot and it will be much
slower to clone them. Also it's just not how people expect things to work.

Say you onboard a new member of your team and they need to deal with that
RPM -- your Puppet module is probably the last place they would ever look
for it. Beyond the technical reasons, I think this is an important one. The
less snowflakey you can make your automation, the easier it's going to be
for new folks to learn to work with it.

Lots of good suggestions in the thread: setting up a Yum repo, or using an
artifact repository like Artifactory or Nexus. At my last shop we used


At my first job where I did Puppet like 4-5 years ago we had Solaris hosts
that used a lot of custom packages. We served those up with just a vanilla
HTTP server and used wget to pull them down in our Puppet code. Pretty ugly
but still better than checking them in with the modules themselves.

Whenever you can leverage your OS's native packaging system, you're going
to make it easier on yourself and your coworkers.


On Thu, Mar 2, 2017 at 6:58 AM, warron.french 

> Hello all,
> can someone please advise me on a proper set of syntax (a file to look at)
> for an example to follow to solve the following challenge:
>1. I have 2 deliver 2 *.rpm files that are not in a YUM repository, so
>I dropped them into the files directory of my module path.
>2. I need to be able to execute each of them either together, or*A.rpm
>before B.rpm*
>3. Then execute a shell script that requires the 2 RPMs to be in place
>before that happens.
> I am starting to get into slightly more complicated modules, instead of
> simply delivering basic ASCII text files using  *content =>
> template('modulename/some.erb')*.
> I just need an example that is know to provide proper execution, proper
> syntax, and something I can learn from correctly.  I am still building the
> foundation of my understanding, so troubleshooting someone else's code
> isn't going to be too good for my development yet.
> Thank you in advance,
> --
> Warron French
> --
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Re: [Puppet Users] Database of Puppet Errors

2017-03-16 Thread Rich Burroughs
I've not seen something like that.

I usually just Google for error messages or search this group. There's also
the Ask site:



On Sun, Mar 5, 2017 at 5:57 PM, warron.french 

> Is there a website or database that would help a new Puppet developer
> learn what to look at for various problems during the time code is being
> applied to a Puppet Client machine?
> So much of the errors one sees has "personal specific" data in it that is
> common of course, but there is all of the rest of the text that could be
> used to point to the problem for the developer to look at and realize "hey
> dummy, you forgot to write the Service['x'] resource" as an example.
> --
> Warron French
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[Puppet Users] Pro Git 2nd Edition out

2014-10-27 Thread Rich Burroughs
This isn't Puppet specific but I know a lot of people are using Git in 
their Puppet workflows (or should be).

There's a 2nd edition out of the awesome Pro Git book. It's free, which is 
just one of the reasons it's awesome:


I haven't read through the new version yet but the first edition was a 
really great reference and helped me a lot. It's been a long time since the 
first edition came out so it's really nice to see it get updated.


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Re: [Puppet Users] Why variables standing by themselves should be quoted in resource titles and only there?

2015-08-15 Thread Rich Burroughs
Hi David,

My guess is that this is because of the guideline in section 9.1 that all
resource titles be quoted. So that is the area where it should be done for
consistency. Otherwise if you have a standalone variable elsewhere in your
manifest, it's not necessary to quote it.

Generally the impetus behind the suggestions in the style guide is to make
the code as readable as possible. That partly means being consistent (like
quoting all titles), and keeping things as simple as possible (not quoting
standalone variables, and using single quotes for strings unless there is a
variable being interpolated, etc.).

I'm pretty sure I've written code where there were unquoted variables in
titles and it worked fine (in Puppet 3.x anyway). You aren't required to
use all of the formatting in the style guide, and if you're using
puppet-lint you can disable specific checks you don't want to use.

On Sat, Aug 15, 2015 at 7:23 AM David Racodon 

> Hi,
> The Puppet Language Style Guide states at
> https://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/style_guide.html#quoting that
> "Variables standing by themselves should not be quoted, unless they are a
> resource title". So, it means that you should write:
> file { "${foo}":
>> ...
>> }
> instead of:
> file { $foo:
>> ...
>> }
> correct?
> If so, could you please provide some explanations on why it is recommended
> to quote variables standing by themselves in resource titles and only there?
> Thank you
> Regards,
> Freelance QA Consultant
> LinkedIn  | Twitter
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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet Server install basic problems

2015-08-16 Thread Rich Burroughs
Yeah you should add /opt/puppetlabs/bin to your shell's PATH or run it with
the full path.

On Sun, Aug 16, 2015 at 3:40 PM Christopher Wood 

> On Sun, Aug 16, 2015 at 08:19:10AM -0700, Sarsa-JP wrote:
> >Guys,
> >
> >First, I'm sorry for the basic question. I'm just starting on Puppet.
> >
> >I've been trying to install Puppet Server following this guide:
> >
> http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppetserver/2.1/install_from_packages.html but
> >I think I ran out of luck.
> >I could set everything up and the installation seems to finish well
> and I
> >ended up with the service running. However, every time I run the
> command
> >to set the certificates and start serving my nodes, I get a message
> >"command not found".
> >
> >The command is:  puppetserver --verbose --no-daemonize
> The document specifies to use "service puppetserver start". That likely
> sets up your certs on initial startup, check under
> /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl.
> >Is that correct? Even running the command puppetserver alone, it
> doesn't
> >work.
> You'd have to specify error output to narrow down "doesn't work". I see
> that a shell script is installed at/opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppetserver, so it
> looks like the 'puppetserver' command just isn't in your $PATH environment
> variable, for starteres.
> >I'm running puppet on Ubuntu LTS 14.03 and 14.02, and have even tried
> >CentOS7, all with the same output.
> >
> >I came from the Learning VM, which made things look pretty easy, but I
> >feel like I have a lot to catch up, and I couldn't find a place to get
> >help.
> >
> >Can you please advise?
> >
> >Cheers.
> >
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> >
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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet node does not pull changes from master's catalogs in site.pp or node.pp ?

2015-08-26 Thread Rich Burroughs
Hi Chuck,

If the communication is all working fine and the agent is getting the
catalog back from the master, and nothing is changing, that likely means
the agent just doesn't have any changes to make.

If there are files that you think should be created but aren't, then it's
possible there is a problem with node classification. It would probably
help folks to see your site.pp and node.pp file to see what the logic is
there, or you might examine them yourself. Mask any sensitive data you
don't want to share if you post them.

If you've used Gist that would be a good place to stick this sort of thing.

The resources are possibly being applied to the master but not to the other
host in your code. If you hook an agent up to a master and it doesn't have
any classes or resources being applied to it, then the agent will run and
just not make any changes.

On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 7:22 PM Chuck Amadi  wrote:

> Hi I Setup a Open Source Puppet Master and a Puppet Agent client on Linux
> CentOS release 6.6, Puppet 3.8.1 on two separate servers.
> Have successfully setup communications between both servers (cert
> list/sign/fingerprint etc etc and telnet 8140, disabled SELinux and added
> iptables 8140 rule) and I have created and run "puppet apply site.pp"
> node.pp and a init.pp/class no errors.
> Thus run "puppet master --verbose --no-daemonize" on the PM and "puppet
> agent -t --debug" on the client and I do not receive any errors when I run
> # puppet apply site.pp or node.pp etc or see any issues when I run tail on
> the masterhttp.log file.
> Test files specified in site.pp and node.pp are created on the Puppet
> Master but do not replicate to the Node ?
> Puppet node does not pick any changes from master's catalogs when I
> forcibly restart puppet client or run puppet agent instead of waiting 30
> mins, even though the "Info: Applying configuration version '1440626773'"
> number changes accordingly.  Further information below:
> # puppet master --verbose --no-daemonize
> Info: access[/file_metadata]: adding authentication any
> Info: Inserting default '/status' (auth true) ACL
> Info: Caching node for chat.client.com
> Info: Caching node for chat.client.com
> Notice: Compiled catalog for chat.client.com in environment production in
> 0.04 seconds
> # puppet agent -t --debug
> Debug: Creating default schedules
> Debug: Loaded state in 0.00 seconds
> Info: Applying configuration version '1440626773'  < changes >
> Debug: Finishing transaction 69904202860300
> Debug: Storing state
> Debug: Stored state in 0.03 seconds
> Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.13 seconds
> Debug: Using cached connection for https://puppet.master.com:8140
> Debug: Caching connection for https://puppet.master.com:8140
> Debug: Closing connection for https://puppet.master.com:8140
> Any help or advice to troubleshoot on why Puppet node does not pull any
> changes from master's site.pp and node.pp manifest. I'm ignoring the Module
> classes I have created for now.
> Cheers,
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Puppet node does not pull changes from master's catalogs in site.pp or node.pp ?

2015-08-26 Thread Rich Burroughs
Hi Chuck,

I'm not seeing anything wrong with your code glancing at it, but it could
be I'm missing something. But if it was an issue with the syntax I'd expect
you to get an actual failure, as opposed to the agent running but just
making no changes.

You connected with the agent once and signed the cert for it on the master?
I'd check and make sure the cert on the master has the same hostname that
you're using in your site.pp. You'll want those to match, like if the cert
has the FQDN then you want the same thing in site.pp.

Like I said, if you are connecting fine and the agent is running with no
errors but nothing is happening, that sounds like a node classification
problem to me. Like the master doesn't think that node should be given that
resource in its catalog.


On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 8:17 PM Chuck Amadi  wrote:

> On the Puppet Master this occurred when I tweaked the site.pp file, but no
> joy on the Node Agent ?
> I run the following command on the node "chat.client.com".
> chat.client.com#
>  puppet
> agent --test on the node agent.
> puppet-master  # puppet apply site.pp
> Notice: Compiled catalog for puppet.master.com in environment production
> in 0.26 seconds
> Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/test_example-ip]/ensure: created
> Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.16 seconds
> # cat /tmp/test_example-ip
> Here is my Public IP Address: 172.18.x.xxx.
> puppet-master # vi /etc/puppet/manifest/site.pp
> node 'chat.client.com' {
>   file { '/tmp/hello_puppet':
> content => "Hello, Puppet\n",
>   }
> }
> file {'/tmp/test_example-ip':  #
> resource type file and filename
>   ensure  => present,   # make
> sure it exists
>   mode=> 0644,   #
> file permissions
>   content => "Here is my Public IP Address: ${ipaddress_eth0}.\n",  # note
> the ipaddress_eth0 fact
> }
> node default { }
> <--  EOF -->
> I tried this below but failed miserable in my site.pp file.
> node 'chat.client.com ' {
> file {'/tmp/mytest_example-ip':
># resource type file and filename
> ensure  => present,
> # make sure it exists
> mode=> 0644,
> # file permissions
> content => "Here is my Public IP Address:
> ${ipaddress_eth0}.\n",  # note the ipaddress_eth0 fact
> }
> }
> Cheers,
> On Thursday, 27 August 2015 03:22:05 UTC+1, Chuck Amadi wrote:
>> Hi I Setup a Open Source Puppet Master and a Puppet Agent client on Linux
>> CentOS release 6.6, Puppet 3.8.1 on two separate servers.
>> Have successfully setup communications between both servers (cert
>> list/sign/fingerprint etc etc and telnet 8140, disabled SELinux and added
>> iptables 8140 rule) and I have created and run "puppet apply site.pp"
>> node.pp and a init.pp/class no errors.
>> Thus run "puppet master --verbose --no-daemonize" on the PM and "puppet
>> agent -t --debug" on the client and I do not receive any errors when I run
>> # puppet apply site.pp or node.pp etc or see any issues when I run tail on
>> the masterhttp.log file.
>> Test files specified in site.pp and node.pp are created on the Puppet
>> Master but do not replicate to the Node ?
>> Puppet node does not pick any changes from master's catalogs when I
>> forcibly restart puppet client or run puppet agent instead of waiting 30
>> mins, even though the "Info: Applying configuration version '1440626773'"
>> number changes accordingly.  Further information below:
>> # puppet master --verbose --no-daemonize
>> Info: access[/file_metadata]: adding authentication any
>> Info: Inserting default '/status' (auth true) ACL
>> Info: Caching node for chat.client.com
>> Info: Caching node for chat.client.com
>> Notice: Compiled catalog for chat.client.com in environment production
>> in 0.04 seconds
>> # puppet agent -t --debug
>> Debug: Creating default schedules
>> Debug: Loaded state in 0.00 seconds
>> Info: Applying configuration version '1440626773'  < changes >
>> Debug: Finishing transaction 69904202860300
>> Debug: Storing state
>> Debug: Stored state in 0.03 seconds
>> Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.13 seconds
>> Debug: Using cached connection for https://puppet.master.com:8140
>> Debug: Caching connection for https://puppet.master.com:8140
>> Debug: Closing connection for https://puppet.master.com:8140
>> Any help or advice to troubleshoot on why Puppet node does not pull any
>> changes from master's site.pp and node.pp manifest. I'm ignoring the Module
>> classes I have created for now.
>> Cheers,
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Puppet Users" group.
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Puppet node does not pull changes from master's catalogs in site.pp or node.pp ?

2015-08-26 Thread Rich Burroughs
I'm not that familiar with that log file but it looks like it did a GET and
got a 200 back, so I wouldn't guess that indicates a problem.

I saw you have that definition for the node in your node.pp file. What does
your site.pp look like?

I'm assuming you've double/triple checked that the file in /tmp does not
exist already on the chat node? Because if it got created once with the
right content, you'd get the exact behavior you're describing on the
following configuration runs.

On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 11:31 PM Chuck Amadi  wrote:

> Hi,
>  further
> Just filtered my node from the masterhttp.logs and come across this
> "transaction_uuid=f189dce8-d424-4736-8bbc-3dd4da655275&fail_on_404=true"
> msg  below. Investigating further au advise welcome.
> 2015-08-27 06:40:07] - -> /production/report/chat.client.com
> DNS:chat.client.com, DNS:puppet, DNS:puppet.master.com
> [2015-08-27 06:43:48] - - [27/Aug/2015:06:43:48 BST] "GET
> /production/node/
> chat.client.com?transaction_uuid=a4e4515f-ce5e-439d-b662-b92bf136346a&fail_on_404=true
> HTTP/1.1" 200 4094
> [2015-08-27 06:43:48] - -> /production/node/
> chat.client.com?transaction_uuid=a4e4515f-ce5e-439d-b662-b92bf136346a&fail_on_404=true
> Cheers,
> On Thursday, 27 August 2015 03:22:05 UTC+1, Chuck Amadi wrote:
>> Hi I Setup a Open Source Puppet Master and a Puppet Agent client on Linux
>> CentOS release 6.6, Puppet 3.8.1 on two separate servers.
>> Have successfully setup communications between both servers (cert
>> list/sign/fingerprint etc etc and telnet 8140, disabled SELinux and added
>> iptables 8140 rule) and I have created and run "puppet apply site.pp"
>> node.pp and a init.pp/class no errors.
>> Thus run "puppet master --verbose --no-daemonize" on the PM and "puppet
>> agent -t --debug" on the client and I do not receive any errors when I run
>> # puppet apply site.pp or node.pp etc or see any issues when I run tail on
>> the masterhttp.log file.
>> Test files specified in site.pp and node.pp are created on the Puppet
>> Master but do not replicate to the Node ?
>> Puppet node does not pick any changes from master's catalogs when I
>> forcibly restart puppet client or run puppet agent instead of waiting 30
>> mins, even though the "Info: Applying configuration version '1440626773'"
>> number changes accordingly.  Further information below:
>> # puppet master --verbose --no-daemonize
>> Info: access[/file_metadata]: adding authentication any
>> Info: Inserting default '/status' (auth true) ACL
>> Info: Caching node for chat.client.com
>> Info: Caching node for chat.client.com
>> Notice: Compiled catalog for chat.client.com in environment production
>> in 0.04 seconds
>> # puppet agent -t --debug
>> Debug: Creating default schedules
>> Debug: Loaded state in 0.00 seconds
>> Info: Applying configuration version '1440626773'  < changes >
>> Debug: Finishing transaction 69904202860300
>> Debug: Storing state
>> Debug: Stored state in 0.03 seconds
>> Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.13 seconds
>> Debug: Using cached connection for https://puppet.master.com:8140
>> Debug: Caching connection for https://puppet.master.com:8140
>> Debug: Closing connection for https://puppet.master.com:8140
>> Any help or advice to troubleshoot on why Puppet node does not pull any
>> changes from master's site.pp and node.pp manifest. I'm ignoring the Module
>> classes I have created for now.
>> Cheers,
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Puppet node does not pull changes from master's catalogs in site.pp or node.pp ?

2015-08-28 Thread Rich Burroughs
Well he has actually been posting that stuff, he's posted his site.pp a few
times in the thread. But it has been a bit confusing. He was trying to
manage a file resource directly in the node definition in site.pp, but then
he was also trying it in node.pp too I think?

I do agree that stepping back and going through some of the tutorials for
some context could help..

My guess is that John is right, that the site.pp file he was working on is
not in the right place, like he is using directory environments and doesn't
have it inside his production environment. It seems like the agent/master
communication is all working fine, but Puppet doesn't think there are any
resources to manage on the client node.


On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 10:14 AM Christopher Wood <
christopher_w...@pobox.com> wrote:

> It sounds like you may need to back up a little and focus on the basics,
> these will help:
> https://learn.puppetlabs.com/category/self-paced-training
> https://puppetlabs.com/download-learning-vm
> http://docs.puppetlabs.com/
> More specifically, you'd have to post your test case for us to see what's
> happening. For instance, do you have any node definitions in site.pp? Or
> any included classes? Or even any resources? Without those the agent will
> not have any catalog items to apply.
> On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 09:47:53AM -0700, Chuck Amadi wrote:
> >OK,
> >For my test case, I want to create basic manifest files such as,
> site.pp
> >and nodes.pp file on the Puppet Master, which will have one or more
> node
> >agents statements. So when the node agents pulls the catalog from the
> >Puppet Master, it will pull the nodes.pp statements and create a
> specified
> >user (with permissions), files and directories that are specified in
> the
> >nodes.pp and automate the tasks.
> >Would like Puppet Master to manage all manifests and Puppet Node
> Agents to
> >pull when changes happen.
> >Am I supposed to create site.pp and node.pp manifests on the Puppet
> Nodes
> >?
> >Regards,
> >On Thursday, 27 August 2015 03:22:05 UTC+1, Chuck Amadi wrote:
> >
> >  Hi I Setup a Open Source Puppet Master and a Puppet Agent client on
> >  Linux CentOS release 6.6, Puppet 3.8.1 on two separate servers.
> >  Have successfully setup communications between both servers (cert
> >  list/sign/fingerprint etc etc and telnet 8140, disabled SELinux and
> >  added iptables 8140 rule) and I have created and run "puppet apply
> >  site.pp" node.pp and a init.pp/class no errors.
> >  Thus run "puppet master --verbose --no-daemonize" on the PM and
> "puppet
> >  agent -t --debug" on the client and I do not receive any errors
> when I
> >  run # puppet apply site.pp or node.pp etc or see any issues when I
> run
> >  tail on the masterhttp.log file.
> >  Test files specified in site.pp and node.pp are created on the
> Puppet
> >  Master but do not replicate to the Node ?
> >  Puppet node does not pick any changes from master's catalogs when I
> >  forcibly restart puppet client or run puppet agent instead of
> waiting 30
> >  mins, even though the "Info: Applying configuration version
> >  '1440626773'" number changes accordingly.  Further information
> below:
> >  # puppet master --verbose --no-daemonize
> >  Info: access[/file_metadata]: adding authentication any
> >  Info: Inserting default '/status' (auth true) ACL
> >  Info: Caching node for [1]chat.client.com
> >  Info: Caching node for [2]chat.client.com
> >  Notice: Compiled catalog for [3]chat.client.com in environment
> >  production in 0.04 seconds
> >  # puppet agent -t --debug
> >  Debug: Creating default schedules
> >  Debug: Loaded state in 0.00 seconds
> >  Info: Applying configuration version '1440626773'  < changes >
> >  Debug: Finishing transaction 69904202860300
> >  Debug: Storing state
> >  Debug: Stored state in 0.03 seconds
> >  Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.13 seconds
> >  Debug: Using cached connection for [4]
> https://puppet.master.com:8140
> >  Debug: Caching connection for [5]https://puppet.master.com:8140
> >  Debug: Closing connection for [6]https://puppet.master.com:8140
> >  Any help or advice to troubleshoot on why Puppet node does not pull
> any
> >  changes from master's site.pp and node.pp manifest. I'm ignoring the
> >  Module classes I have created for now.
> >  Cheers,
> >
> >--
> >You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups
> >"Puppet Users" group.
> >To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it,
> send an
> >email to [7]puppet-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> >To view this discussion on the web visit
> >[8]
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/puppet-users/1b28887c-8f0e-4d5a-b8b3-18678ef6e000%40googlegroups.com
> .
> >For more options, visit [9]https://group

Re: [Puppet Users] How do you track large lists of modules?

2015-08-28 Thread Rich Burroughs
I have not been in a position to have to do that, but one thing that comes
to mind is that "puppet strings" can generate HTML docs. Those could be
leveraged in a lot of interesting ways:


On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 2:00 PM leam hall  wrote:

> I'm wondering how people track large lists of modules, to ensure new team
> members know which does what, when the last time a module was reviewed for
> usefulness, etc. How do you handle growth and complexity?
> Leam
> --
> Mind on a Mission 
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Puppet node does not pull changes from master's catalogs in site.pp or node.pp ?

2015-08-29 Thread Rich Burroughs
So Chuck, it looks like you are set up to use what's called directory
environments. And I think your site.pp is not in the right place for that

This is in your master config:

environmentpath = $confdir/environments

And your agent is using the default environment, production.

So your site.pp should be located at:


You can see what the value of $confdir is on your master by running:

sudo puppet config print confdir

This issue actually matches up perfectly with the behavior you're seeing.
The agent is running fine but there's just nothing for it to do because the
code you're testing is not in the site.pp that the master is actually
looking at. So when it compiles the catalog it's not including that
resource you're trying to test with.

If you add your code to the site.pp in that location I have a feeling it
will work.

This stuff around environments is honestly confusing at first. It was set
up so people can run their Puppet master against code in different Git

On Sat, Aug 29, 2015 at 12:24 PM Chuck Amadi  wrote:

> Hi Christopher and all,
> Utilised your crib troubleshooting checks and found out the following on
> the Master. Currently looking at working out these debug messages such as, 
> *"Debug:
> Did not match path"*, but can you confirm if this is a possible reason
> for my nodes not pulling the manifests from the master ?
> "puppet master --debug --no-daemonize --color=false 2>&1 | tee
> /var/tmp/logm1" Procedure.
> # cat /var/tmp/logm1
> Debug: Evaluating match for Route /^\/v2\.0/
> Debug: Did not match path ("/production/catalog/chat.client.com")
> Debug: Evaluating match for Route /^\/v2\.0/
> Debug: Did not match path ("/production/reports/chat.client.com")
> Debug: Evaluating match for Route /^\/v2\.0/
> Debug: Did not match path ("/production/node/chat.client.com")
> Debug: Evaluating match for Route /^\/v2\.0/
> Debug: Did not match path ("/production/file_metadatas/pluginfacts")
> Data from chat.client.com logsc file.
> Debug: Loading external facts from /var/lib/puppet/facts.d
> Info: Loading facts
> Debug: Loading facts from /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/puppet_vardir.rb
> Debug: Loading facts from /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/root_home.rb
> Debug: Loading facts from /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/concat_basedir.rb
> Debug: Loading facts from /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/pe_version.rb
> Debug: Loading facts from /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/facter_dot_d.rb
> Info: Loading facts
> Debug: Failed to load library 'msgpack' for feature 'msgpack'
> Debug: Puppet::Network::Format[msgpack]: feature msgpack is missing
> Debug: catalog supports formats: pson b64_zlib_yaml yaml dot raw
> Debug: Using cached connection for https://puppet.chat.client.com:8140
> Debug: Caching connection for https://puppet.chat.client.com:8140
> Info: Caching catalog for chat.client.com
> Debug: Creating default schedules
> Debug: Loaded state in 0.00 seconds
> Info: Applying configuration version '1440873225'
> Debug: Finishing transaction 70311483905180
> Debug: Storing state
> Debug: Stored state in 0.02 seconds
> Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.11 seconds
> Debug: Using cached connection for https://puppet.chat.client.com:8140
> Debug: Caching connection for https://puppet.chat.client.com:8140
> Debug: Closing connection for https://puppet.chat.client.com:8140
> I have checked the json and it appears that I have not pulled no .pp files
> from the master.
> # cat chat.client.json
> {"metadata":{"api_version":1},"document_type":"Catalog","data":{"resources":[{"title":"main","tags":["main","stage"],"type":"Stage","exported":false},{"title":"Settings","tags":["settings","class"],"type":"Class","exported":false},{"title":"Main","tags":["main","class"],"type":"Class","parameters":{"name":"main"},"exported":false}],"tags":["settings"],"environment":"production","version":1440873225,"classes":["settings"],"edges":[{"target":"Class[Settings]","source":"Stage[main]"},{"target":"Class[Main]","source":"Stage[main]"}],"name":"chat.client.json"}}
> Master puppet.conf file:
> [main]
> # The Puppet log directory.
> # The default value is '$vardir/log'.
> logdir = /var/log/puppet
> # Where Puppet PID files are kept.
> # The default value is '$vardir/run'.
> rundir = /var/run/puppet
> # Where SSL certificates are kept.
> # The default value is '$confdir/ssl'.
> ssldir = $vardir/ssl
> always_cache_features=true
> # Looking at using hiera key/value lookup to to config data for the
> future.
> hiera_config = $confdir/hiera.yaml
> server = puppet.master.com
> dns_alt_names = puppet, puppet.master.com, chat.client.com
> always_cache_features = true
> environment_timeout = unlimited
> environmentpath = $confdir/environments
> certname = puppet.master.com
> user = puppet
> group = puppet
> archive_files = true
> archive_file_server = puppet.mast

Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Puppet node does not pull changes from master's catalogs in site.pp or node.pp ?

2015-08-29 Thread Rich Burroughs
production is the default environment. That's what an agent will use unless
you override it with something else.

On Sat, Aug 29, 2015 at 12:50 PM Chuck Amadi  wrote:

> Hi All,
> Just to note I have added  "environment = production" directives to both
> master and agent puppet.conf file and still seeing those Debug : Did not
> match path ("/production/*)" messages.
> Cheers,
> On Thursday, 27 August 2015 03:22:05 UTC+1, Chuck Amadi wrote:
>> Hi I Setup a Open Source Puppet Master and a Puppet Agent client on Linux
>> CentOS release 6.6, Puppet 3.8.1 on two separate servers.
>> Have successfully setup communications between both servers (cert
>> list/sign/fingerprint etc etc and telnet 8140, disabled SELinux and added
>> iptables 8140 rule) and I have created and run "puppet apply site.pp"
>> node.pp and a init.pp/class no errors.
>> Thus run "puppet master --verbose --no-daemonize" on the PM and "puppet
>> agent -t --debug" on the client and I do not receive any errors when I run
>> # puppet apply site.pp or node.pp etc or see any issues when I run tail on
>> the masterhttp.log file.
>> Test files specified in site.pp and node.pp are created on the Puppet
>> Master but do not replicate to the Node ?
>> Puppet node does not pick any changes from master's catalogs when I
>> forcibly restart puppet client or run puppet agent instead of waiting 30
>> mins, even though the "Info: Applying configuration version '1440626773'"
>> number changes accordingly.  Further information below:
>> # puppet master --verbose --no-daemonize
>> Info: access[/file_metadata]: adding authentication any
>> Info: Inserting default '/status' (auth true) ACL
>> Info: Caching node for chat.client.com
>> Info: Caching node for chat.client.com
>> Notice: Compiled catalog for chat.client.com in environment production
>> in 0.04 seconds
>> # puppet agent -t --debug
>> Debug: Creating default schedules
>> Debug: Loaded state in 0.00 seconds
>> Info: Applying configuration version '1440626773'  < changes >
>> Debug: Finishing transaction 69904202860300
>> Debug: Storing state
>> Debug: Stored state in 0.03 seconds
>> Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.13 seconds
>> Debug: Using cached connection for https://puppet.master.com:8140
>> Debug: Caching connection for https://puppet.master.com:8140
>> Debug: Closing connection for https://puppet.master.com:8140
>> Any help or advice to troubleshoot on why Puppet node does not pull any
>> changes from master's site.pp and node.pp manifest. I'm ignoring the Module
>> classes I have created for now.
>> Cheers,
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Puppet Users" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
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> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/puppet-users/665c7e02-6b8a-44b3-9d05-73549e3ab83a%40googlegroups.com
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Puppet node does not pull changes from master's catalogs in site.pp or node.pp ?

2015-08-29 Thread Rich Burroughs
Did you see my other message about how your site.pp is in the wrong place?
I think that was maybe the cause of those debug messages.

I think at least that part of it should work if you get the file into the
right place. I sent it right before the message you just replied to :)


On Sat, Aug 29, 2015 at 6:35 PM Chuck Amadi  wrote:

> Hi Rich,
> Thanks for clarifying that, I was added that directive because of the
> these Debug messages "Debug: Did not match path *".
> I am still going through all the puppet.conf's directives and retracing my
> steps as a few months ago, my vps worked like a charm on my vps servers,
> attempting to familiarising before trying deploy a test case at woek , but
> I have broken that seemingly :(
> Something will go ding, hopefully sooner than later.
> Cheers,
> On Thursday, 27 August 2015 03:22:05 UTC+1, Chuck Amadi wrote:
>> Hi I Setup a Open Source Puppet Master and a Puppet Agent client on Linux
>> CentOS release 6.6, Puppet 3.8.1 on two separate servers.
>> Have successfully setup communications between both servers (cert
>> list/sign/fingerprint etc etc and telnet 8140, disabled SELinux and added
>> iptables 8140 rule) and I have created and run "puppet apply site.pp"
>> node.pp and a init.pp/class no errors.
>> Thus run "puppet master --verbose --no-daemonize" on the PM and "puppet
>> agent -t --debug" on the client and I do not receive any errors when I run
>> # puppet apply site.pp or node.pp etc or see any issues when I run tail on
>> the masterhttp.log file.
>> Test files specified in site.pp and node.pp are created on the Puppet
>> Master but do not replicate to the Node ?
>> Puppet node does not pick any changes from master's catalogs when I
>> forcibly restart puppet client or run puppet agent instead of waiting 30
>> mins, even though the "Info: Applying configuration version '1440626773'"
>> number changes accordingly.  Further information below:
>> # puppet master --verbose --no-daemonize
>> Info: access[/file_metadata]: adding authentication any
>> Info: Inserting default '/status' (auth true) ACL
>> Info: Caching node for chat.client.com
>> Info: Caching node for chat.client.com
>> Notice: Compiled catalog for chat.client.com in environment production
>> in 0.04 seconds
>> # puppet agent -t --debug
>> Debug: Creating default schedules
>> Debug: Loaded state in 0.00 seconds
>> Info: Applying configuration version '1440626773'  < changes >
>> Debug: Finishing transaction 69904202860300
>> Debug: Storing state
>> Debug: Stored state in 0.03 seconds
>> Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.13 seconds
>> Debug: Using cached connection for https://puppet.master.com:8140
>> Debug: Caching connection for https://puppet.master.com:8140
>> Debug: Closing connection for https://puppet.master.com:8140
>> Any help or advice to troubleshoot on why Puppet node does not pull any
>> changes from master's site.pp and node.pp manifest. I'm ignoring the Module
>> classes I have created for now.
>> Cheers,
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Puppet Users" group.
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Puppet node does not pull changes from master's catalogs in site.pp or node.pp ?

2015-08-29 Thread Rich Burroughs
Awesome :)

On Sat, Aug 29, 2015 at 10:10 PM Chuck Amadi  wrote:

> Hi Rich,
> Guess what ?
> My vps are back in business.
> Much appreciated, now I can continue on the Work Project and add a
> progress report. :)
> Cheers,
> On Thursday, 27 August 2015 03:22:05 UTC+1, Chuck Amadi wrote:
>> Hi I Setup a Open Source Puppet Master and a Puppet Agent client on Linux
>> CentOS release 6.6, Puppet 3.8.1 on two separate servers.
>> Have successfully setup communications between both servers (cert
>> list/sign/fingerprint etc etc and telnet 8140, disabled SELinux and added
>> iptables 8140 rule) and I have created and run "puppet apply site.pp"
>> node.pp and a init.pp/class no errors.
>> Thus run "puppet master --verbose --no-daemonize" on the PM and "puppet
>> agent -t --debug" on the client and I do not receive any errors when I run
>> # puppet apply site.pp or node.pp etc or see any issues when I run tail on
>> the masterhttp.log file.
>> Test files specified in site.pp and node.pp are created on the Puppet
>> Master but do not replicate to the Node ?
>> Puppet node does not pick any changes from master's catalogs when I
>> forcibly restart puppet client or run puppet agent instead of waiting 30
>> mins, even though the "Info: Applying configuration version '1440626773'"
>> number changes accordingly.  Further information below:
>> # puppet master --verbose --no-daemonize
>> Info: access[/file_metadata]: adding authentication any
>> Info: Inserting default '/status' (auth true) ACL
>> Info: Caching node for chat.client.com
>> Info: Caching node for chat.client.com
>> Notice: Compiled catalog for chat.client.com in environment production
>> in 0.04 seconds
>> # puppet agent -t --debug
>> Debug: Creating default schedules
>> Debug: Loaded state in 0.00 seconds
>> Info: Applying configuration version '1440626773'  < changes >
>> Debug: Finishing transaction 69904202860300
>> Debug: Storing state
>> Debug: Stored state in 0.03 seconds
>> Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.13 seconds
>> Debug: Using cached connection for https://puppet.master.com:8140
>> Debug: Caching connection for https://puppet.master.com:8140
>> Debug: Closing connection for https://puppet.master.com:8140
>> Any help or advice to troubleshoot on why Puppet node does not pull any
>> changes from master's site.pp and node.pp manifest. I'm ignoring the Module
>> classes I have created for now.
>> Cheers,
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: puppetlabs-postgrest module not loaded

2015-08-30 Thread Rich Burroughs
A lot of modules do have one, but not all of them. It's not required, it's
a design decision.

You should be able to add the classes you want to assign using the proper
scoping like:


On Sun, Aug 30, 2015 at 9:12 PM Alfredo De Luca 

> Hi all.
> I found out that niether puppetlabs-postgresql or mysql has the
> init.pp so that's why when I call them from hiera they fail.
> Is it normal?
> Alfredo
> On Sat, Aug 29, 2015 at 2:31 PM, Alfredo De Luca
>  wrote:
> > Hi all.
> > Using Puppet open source  3.8  with hiera for test purpose.
> >
> > I installed puppetlabs-postgresql from forge but when on my puppet
> > client yaml I use postgresql I got the following error:
> >
> >
> > Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on
> > SERVER: Could not find class postgresql for puppet-sql.alflab.net on
> > node puppet-sql.alflab.net
> >
> >
> > Any clue why?
> >
> > Here is the yaml file
> >
> > ---
> > classes:
> >   - sudo
> >   - selinux
> >   - postgresql
> >
> > All the rest is working just fine. Also I tried puppetlabs-mysql but
> > same error.
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > --
> > Alfredo
> --
> Alfredo
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Puppet Users" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to puppet-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: puppetlabs-postgrest module not loaded

2015-08-30 Thread Rich Burroughs
The one in your example was:


And yes that won't work because there's not an init.pp. There's actually
not a class in the module called postgresql.

You need to use the specific classes like:


Whichever ones you need. There is a list of them on the Forge page.

If that's not working I'm not sure why. Maybe you could paste in your new
example and the error.

On Sun, Aug 30, 2015 at 10:43 PM Alfredo De Luca 

> Hi Rich.Thanks for that but when I try to do so I got that error
> Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on
> SERVER: Could not find class postgresql for puppet-sql.alflab.net on
> node puppet-sql.alflab.net
> It seems it can't find the class at all even it's all there and that's
> why I thought the init.pp would be why.
> Alfredo
> On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 3:02 PM, Rich Burroughs 
> wrote:
> > A lot of modules do have one, but not all of them. It's not required,
> it's a
> > design decision.
> >
> > You should be able to add the classes you want to assign using the proper
> > scoping like:
> >
> > mysql::server
> >
> >
> > Rich
> > On Sun, Aug 30, 2015 at 9:12 PM Alfredo De Luca <
> alfredo.del...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi all.
> >> I found out that niether puppetlabs-postgresql or mysql has the
> >> init.pp so that's why when I call them from hiera they fail.
> >> Is it normal?
> >>
> >> Alfredo
> >>
> >>
> >> On Sat, Aug 29, 2015 at 2:31 PM, Alfredo De Luca
> >>  wrote:
> >> > Hi all.
> >> > Using Puppet open source  3.8  with hiera for test purpose.
> >> >
> >> > I installed puppetlabs-postgresql from forge but when on my puppet
> >> > client yaml I use postgresql I got the following error:
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on
> >> > SERVER: Could not find class postgresql for puppet-sql.alflab.net on
> >> > node puppet-sql.alflab.net
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > Any clue why?
> >> >
> >> > Here is the yaml file
> >> >
> >> > ---
> >> > classes:
> >> >   - sudo
> >> >   - selinux
> >> >   - postgresql
> >> >
> >> > All the rest is working just fine. Also I tried puppetlabs-mysql but
> >> > same error.
> >> >
> >> > Regards
> >> >
> >> > --
> >> > Alfredo
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Alfredo
> >>
> >> --
> >> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups
> >> "Puppet Users" group.
> >> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
> an
> >> email to puppet-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> >> To view this discussion on the web visit
> >>
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/puppet-users/CAAWpFTFioMKsLcNDKtKtG8o5Fo7X7Z-kBzqCWsp2VasRGNZBLQ%40mail.gmail.com
> .
> >> For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.
> >
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > "Puppet Users" group.
> > To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> > email to puppet-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> > To view this discussion on the web visit
> >
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/puppet-users/CAPGcbtCceoq9ks%2Brvux7_x%3DFj6GUZLTvRr7jftXW8RstFcerGg%40mail.gmail.com
> .
> > For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.
> --
> Alfredo
> --
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> "Puppet Users" group.
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> email to puppet-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: puppetlabs-postgrest module not loaded

2015-08-30 Thread Rich Burroughs
Also if any of that is unclear there is a doc on auto loading and
namespacing here:

On Sun, Aug 30, 2015 at 11:18 PM Rich Burroughs 

> The one in your example was:
> postgresql
> And yes that won't work because there's not an init.pp. There's actually
> not a class in the module called postgresql.
> You need to use the specific classes like:
> postgresql::client
> postgresql::server
> Whichever ones you need. There is a list of them on the Forge page.
> If that's not working I'm not sure why. Maybe you could paste in your new
> example and the error.
> On Sun, Aug 30, 2015 at 10:43 PM Alfredo De Luca 
> wrote:
>> Hi Rich.Thanks for that but when I try to do so I got that error
>> Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on
>> SERVER: Could not find class postgresql for puppet-sql.alflab.net on
>> node puppet-sql.alflab.net
>> It seems it can't find the class at all even it's all there and that's
>> why I thought the init.pp would be why.
>> Alfredo
>> On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 3:02 PM, Rich Burroughs 
>> wrote:
>> > A lot of modules do have one, but not all of them. It's not required,
>> it's a
>> > design decision.
>> >
>> > You should be able to add the classes you want to assign using the
>> proper
>> > scoping like:
>> >
>> > mysql::server
>> >
>> >
>> > Rich
>> > On Sun, Aug 30, 2015 at 9:12 PM Alfredo De Luca <
>> alfredo.del...@gmail.com>
>> > wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Hi all.
>> >> I found out that niether puppetlabs-postgresql or mysql has the
>> >> init.pp so that's why when I call them from hiera they fail.
>> >> Is it normal?
>> >>
>> >> Alfredo
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> On Sat, Aug 29, 2015 at 2:31 PM, Alfredo De Luca
>> >>  wrote:
>> >> > Hi all.
>> >> > Using Puppet open source  3.8  with hiera for test purpose.
>> >> >
>> >> > I installed puppetlabs-postgresql from forge but when on my puppet
>> >> > client yaml I use postgresql I got the following error:
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on
>> >> > SERVER: Could not find class postgresql for puppet-sql.alflab.net on
>> >> > node puppet-sql.alflab.net
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > Any clue why?
>> >> >
>> >> > Here is the yaml file
>> >> >
>> >> > ---
>> >> > classes:
>> >> >   - sudo
>> >> >   - selinux
>> >> >   - postgresql
>> >> >
>> >> > All the rest is working just fine. Also I tried puppetlabs-mysql but
>> >> > same error.
>> >> >
>> >> > Regards
>> >> >
>> >> > --
>> >> > Alfredo
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> Alfredo
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>> Groups
>> >> "Puppet Users" group.
>> >> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
>> an
>> >> email to puppet-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> >> To view this discussion on the web visit
>> >>
>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/puppet-users/CAAWpFTFioMKsLcNDKtKtG8o5Fo7X7Z-kBzqCWsp2VasRGNZBLQ%40mail.gmail.com
>> .
>> >> For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.
>> >
>> > --
>> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>> Groups
>> > "Puppet Users" group.
>> > To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
>> an
>> > email to puppet-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> > To view this discussion on the web visit
>> >
>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/puppet-users/CAPGcbtCceoq9ks%2Brvux7_x%3DFj6GUZLTvRr7jftXW8RstFcerGg%40mail.gmail.com
>> .
>> > For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.
>> --
>> Alfredo
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "Puppet Users" group.
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>> email to puppet-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: puppetlabs-postgrest module not loaded

2015-08-31 Thread Rich Burroughs
Yeah that is not going to work.

Your Hiera file is a list of classes you're including on the host, I'm
assuming your code is using the hiera_include function. Basically Puppet is
turning the classes listed in that file into an array and then trying to
apply them all. What you've done is try to include the same class three
times. That won't work.

You would just do:


Just that one line.

But then it would get applied with all of the default parameters. If you
want to override any of the default parameters, you could just set those
elsewhere in your Hiera data.

If you google hiera_include I know there are some docs about it.

Another option would be to skip this route and just apply the class to the
node in your site.pp or roles/profiles if you have them. Then you could
override any parameters you want to at the same time. You would use that
syntax that's on the Forge page.

A lot of this stuff is just preference but I'm not a fan of applying
classes though Hiera like that. There are better ways to handle node
classification in my opinion.


On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 11:20 PM Alfredo De Luca 

> Hi Rich.
> Thanks.
> I tried without - postgresql. Only adding
> postgresql::server::db: test
> postgresql::server::password: test
> postgresql::server::user: test
> What happens is I don't get that error but it doesn't do anything either.
> Alfredo
> On Sat, Aug 29, 2015 at 2:31 PM, Alfredo De Luca
>  wrote:
> > Hi all.
> > Using Puppet open source  3.8  with hiera for test purpose.
> >
> > I installed puppetlabs-postgresql from forge but when on my puppet
> > client yaml I use postgresql I got the following error:
> >
> >
> > Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on
> > SERVER: Could not find class postgresql for puppet-sql.alflab.net on
> > node puppet-sql.alflab.net
> >
> >
> > Any clue why?
> >
> > Here is the yaml file
> >
> > ---
> > classes:
> >   - sudo
> >   - selinux
> >   - postgresql
> >
> > All the rest is working just fine. Also I tried puppetlabs-mysql but
> > same error.
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > --
> > Alfredo
> --
> Alfredo
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Puppet Users" group.
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: puppetlabs-postgrest module not loaded

2015-09-01 Thread Rich Burroughs
John, what made me say that is the thread. He was trying to apply a class
to a node in his Hiera data that doesn't have an init.pp. It seems like he
is new to class namespacing and didn't know how to apply a class that
wasn't in init.pp. That's the discussion we were having.

I may have misunderstood his last message, rereading it now. I thought he
thought he could declare the class by including those lines. It was late
and it looks like I missed what he was trying to do. I'm not sure though
because it still wasn't working for him. Your YAML looks good to me though
and I think that should work.

But I was absolutely not saying that Hiera data is just a list of classes
that you include on your node. That would be a pretty silly thing to say,
right? I was speaking in the context of the original message, he and I had
an ongoing discussion.

Honestly I'm not sure why you would assume that's what I was trying to say.
I think you and I write/communicate differently. When I post a message here
I'm not trying to make sweeping declarations about how things work, I'm
trying to help someone with the problem they asked about.

On Tue, Sep 1, 2015 at 6:40 AM jcbollinger 

> On Tuesday, September 1, 2015 at 1:59:10 AM UTC-5, Rich Burroughs wrote:
>> Yeah that is not going to work.
>> Your Hiera file is a list of classes you're including on the host,
> What makes you say that?  The Hiera fragment presented does not appear to
> satisfy that description, and the description certainly is not a general
> characterization of Hiera data.
>> I'm assuming your code is using the hiera_include function. Basically
>> Puppet is turning the classes listed in that file into an array and then
>> trying to apply them all.
> Certainly not.  The hiera data presented are three separate keys / value
> pairs.  They appear to present parameter values for class postgres::server,
> and as such they look fine.  No standard Puppet function will combine these
> into an array automatically.
>> What you've done is try to include the same class three times. That won't
>> work.
> If that were what he had tried to do then it probably *would* work,
> because Puppet has no inherent problem with the same class being declared
> multiple times.  It only becomes an issue when the resource-like class
> declaration syntax employed, which is one of the major reasons to avoid
> that class-declaration syntax.
>> You would just do:
>> postgresql::server
>> Just that one line.
> No, definitely not.  That one line by itself is neither valid YAML nor
> valid Puppet DSL, and that line is not a correct addition to the value of
> the 'classes' key that was earlier presented.  Replacing the current Hiera
> data with that will make the problem worse, not better.
> More generally, though, it very likely is the case that the problem
> Alfredo last described is indeed that the 'postgresql::server' class is
> nowhere declared.  Including class parameter mappings among your hiera data
> is not sufficient to cause the target class to be declared, largely because
> recognizing the data as defining parameter mappings in the first place
> depends on there being a class declaration.
> Supposing that somewhere in one of the manifests that are being evaluated
> for the target node there is a call to hiera_include('classes'), as the
> originally-presented data suggest, it seems an appropriate way to include
> 'postgres::server' class among those applied to the node would be to make
> the 'classes' entry in the Hiera data look like this:
> classes:
>   - sudo
>   - selinux
>   - postgresql::server
> (Note the indentation and leading hyphen.)  Supposing that class parameter
> values are to be provided via automatic data binding, Alfredo's alternative
> Hiera data should be *added* to the file.  It does not substitute for an
> entry in the 'classes' array:
> postgresql::server::db: test
> postgresql::server::password: test
> postgresql::server::user: test
> Note, too, that the data binding and class declaration are almost entirely
> orthogonal.  Without any class declaration, the parameter binding keys are
> (probably) unused, but not erroneous.  Moreover, a class declaration
> directly in DSL or via an ENC, instead of via hiera_include(), will draw on
> those same parameter bindings for any parameters whose values are not given
> in the declaration.  Thus, for example, instead of including
> postgresql::server in the 'classes' array

Re: [Puppet Users] params.pp vs Hiera

2015-09-09 Thread Rich Burroughs
I recommend this post on Gary Larizza's blog:


On Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 9:16 AM Martin Alfke  wrote:

> As a module developer I want to provide a module which will do sane
> defaults without forcing users to hiera.
> Module developer (at the moment) put OS and application defaults into
> params.pp.
> As a user you might want to override these defaults and specify them
> either as a parameter or via hiera.
> On 09 Sep 2015, at 17:47, Dan White  wrote:
> > Your observation is on target.
> > Now consider a module that has to support multiple operating systems,
> multiple locations, et cetera, ad infinitum. You can either have a whopping
> huge params.pp file that contains all the logic and possibilities, or you
> set up Hiera to pick and choose for you, completely outside of your module
> and, IMNSHO, much easier to maintain.
> >
> > On Sep 9, 2015, at 8:45 AM, Sergiu Cornea 
> wrote:
> >
> >> Hello guys,
> >>
> >> I was wondering if someone can explain the difference between using the
> params.pp file and Hiera, as in my opinion they achieve the same thing
> using different methods.
> >>
> >> For example, in the params.pp file you declare all or almost all the
> variables that are going to be used in your module and then call then in
> each manifest that you are using them and by using Hiera you declare the
> variables as you go in your manifest and set them using the Hiera file for
> that node.
> >>
> >> Thank you,
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Sergiu
> >>
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Re: [Puppet Users] puppet local environment doesn't match server specified node environment switching agent to

2015-09-22 Thread Rich Burroughs
Are you using Puppet Enterprise? If so, have a look at this:


If you are using the console for node classification you need to have a
group that allows the agent to specify the environment, to use something
other than production. Or you can create a group that points to a specific

On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 12:55 AM Andreas Dvorak 

> Hi,
> I have created a new environment for windows server, but the agent does
> not use it. Can somebody please help me?
> message on agent run:
> puppet local environment windows doesn't match server specified node
> environment switching agent to production
> puppet.conf of windows agent
> [main]
> server=puppet-simu.baag
> ca_server=puppet1-simu.baag
> autoflush=true
> [agent]
> environment=windows
> pluginsync=true
> puppet.conf of master
> [main]
> autosign= $confdir/autosign.conf { mode = 664 }
> environmentpath = $confdir/environments
> logdir  = /var/log/puppet
> rundir  = /var/run/puppet
> ssldir  = $vardir/ssl
> privatekeydir   = $ssldir/private_keys { group = service }
> hostprivkey = $privatekeydir/$certname.pem { mode = 640 }
> pluginsync  = true
> [agent]
> classfile = $vardir/classes.txt
> localconfig   = $vardir/localconfig
> default_schedules = false
> report= true
> pluginsync= true
> masterport= 8140
> environment   = production
> certname  = sv2655.muc.baag
> dns_alt_names = puppet-simu.baag, puppet1-simu.baag
> server= sv2655.muc.baag
> listen= false
> splay = false
> runinterval   = 1800
> noop  = false
> show_diff = false
> [master]
> autosign   = $confdir/autosign.conf { mode = 664 }
> reports= foreman
> external_nodes = /etc/puppet/node.rb
> node_terminus  = exec
> ca = true
> ssldir = /var/lib/puppet/ssl
> cat environment.conf
> config_version = /usr/bin/git --git-dir /data/git/windows/.git show --stat
> | head -1| cut -d" " -f2
> manifest   = /data/git/windows/manifests
> modulepath = /data/git/windows/modules
> # pwd
> /etc/puppet/environments
> # ls -l
> total 20
> drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 18  2013 common
> drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Oct 18  2013 development
> drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Sep 21 09:48 example_env
> drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Sep 21 10:09 production
> drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Sep 22 08:48 windows
> # pwd
> /data/git/windows/manifests
> # ls -l
> total 4
> -rw-rw-r-- 1 gitwin gitwin  23 Sep 22 08:41 nodes.pp
> -rw-rw-r-- 1 gitwin gitwin 195 Sep 22 08:41 site.pp
> # cat site.pp
> node default {
>   notify { 'Server ist noch nicht in Puppet definiert': }
> }
> if versioncmp($::puppetversion, '3.6.0') >= 0 {
>   Package {
> allow_virtual => true,
>   }
> }
> hiera_include('classes')
> # cat nodes.pp
> node 'vm7523.baag' {
> }
> Best regards,
> Andreas
> --
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: err: Failed to apply catalog: Parameter source failed on File[...]: Cannot use URLs of type 's001ap38-test' as source for fileserving at /etc/puppet/modules/httpd/manifests/init

2015-10-07 Thread Rich Burroughs
Puppet knows to look in the files directory in your module.

There's a bit of an explanation here:



On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 10:31 PM Wei Chen  wrote:

> Hi John,
> Thanks very much. It works now with your code. But even though I can't
> understand, why I have to take out the 'files' ? The file to be copied, the
> "s001is35-test.conf", locates under "/etc/puppet/modules/httpd/files/" on
> the server.
> Wei
> Am Mittwoch, 7. Oktober 2015 21:17:34 UTC+2 schrieb jcbollinger:
>> On Tuesday, October 6, 2015 at 8:02:23 AM UTC-5, Wei Chen wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> As I run following command:
>>> puppet agent --server s001ap38-test --no-daemonize --verbose --onetime
>>> I got error as follow:
>>> ...
>>> err: Failed to apply catalog: Parameter source failed on
>>> File[/etc/httpd/conf.d/s001is35-test.conf]: Cannot use URLs of type
>>> 's001ap38-test' as source for fileserving at
>>> /etc/puppet/modules/httpd/manifests/init.pp:12
>>> ...
>>> My init.pp looks as follow:
>>> class httpd {
>>> package { httpd:
>>> ensure => present,
>>> }
>>> file { "/etc/httpd/conf.d/s001is35-test.conf":
>>> owner => "root",
>>> group => "root",
>>> mode => 0440,
>>> source =>
>>> "s001ap38-test://$puppetmaster/modules/httpd/files/s001is35-test.conf",
>>> require => Package["httpd"],
>>> }
>>> }
>>> Note: the $puppetmaster is defined in "site.pp" as follow:
>>> import 'nodes.pp'
>>> $puppetmaster = 's001ap38-test'
>>> I want to know what is the reason to the error? I guess the sentence
>>> "source =>
>>> "s001ap38-test://$puppetmaster/modules/httpd/files/s001is35-test.conf"," in
>>> the init.pp could be the reason. But I have no idea how to fix it. Could
>>> someone help?
>> You guess correctly.  The value of the 'source' attribute should be a URI
>> identifying a resource (HTTP sense) whose content should be used as the
>> file content, or else it should be a path on the local file system to
>> another file from which the content should be copied.  Not only is
>> 's001ap38-test' not a known URI scheme, but Puppet anyway supports only the
>> 'file' and 'puppet' schemes.  It looks like you want
>>   source => "puppet:///modules/httpd/s001is35-test.conf"
>> John
>> --
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Why the copied file on client site will not be recovered from server?

2015-10-09 Thread Rich Burroughs
You are specifying the name of the Puppet master when you use --server but
that's not how the agent will usually run. The error you're getting with
the puppet agent -t indicates a problem communicating with the master.
That's going to behave the same as when the agent runs every 30 minutes.

I would check to make sure that the agent has the correct master listed in
its puppet.conf file, and also that you can resolve that master's name from
the agent host.

There's a bit of additional troubleshooting info in this doc:


On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 11:56 PM Wei Chen  wrote:

> Hi John,
> Thanks for your answer first.
> I am new comer of puppet. I just wrote some simple code as follow:
> The 'site.pp' on the server side:
> import 'nodes.pp'
> $puppetmaster = 's001ap38-test'
> The 'init.pp' on the server side:
> class httpd {
> package { "httpd":
> ensure => present,
> }
> file { "/etc/httpd/conf.d/s001is35-test.conf":
> owner => "root",
> group => "root",
> mode => 0666,
> source => "puppet:///modules/httpd/s001is35-test.conf",
> require => Package["httpd"],
> }
> }
> The 'nodes.pp' on the server side:
> node 's001is35-test' {
> include httpd
> }
> I ran the agent with following command:
> puppet agent --server s001ap38-test --no-daemonize --verbose --onetime
> The file 's001is35-test.conf' is coped from the server to agent. But since
> I used the option '--onetime', the agent is stopped after this. I think
> this is the reason why the copied file on the agent side, which I've
> changed it, is not recovered after 30 min.
> Then I try to run the agent manually with 'puppet agent -t' as you told.
> But I got error as follow:
> ...
> ]# puppet agent -t
> err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: getaddrinfo: Name or
> service not known
> warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
> err: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
> err: Could not send report: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
> ...
> Then I simply run the agent with:
> puppet agent
> The agent is ran as a daemon.
> But 30 min later, the file is not recovered yet.
> Any suggestion?
> Wei
> --
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Why the copied file on client site will not be recovered from server?

2015-10-09 Thread Rich Burroughs
Hi Wei,

I wasn't suggesting you should always run it with that --server flag. What
I was saying is that the fact that you have to do that to make it work
means something is wrong.

Again, I would check on the agent host to see what server you have listed
in its puppet.conf file. And then see if you can actually resolve that
hostname from the agent node.

My guess is that you don't have that same server listed in the agent's
puppet.conf that you're using when you run with --server. If that's true
you should just fix it there.

On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 3:25 AM Wei Chen  wrote:

> Hi John,
> You are right.
> Now I use the following command and it works.
> puppet agent --server s001ap38-test -t
> Many thanks!
> Wei
> --
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[Puppet Users] rake coverage failing with rspec-puppet

2015-10-12 Thread Rich Burroughs
Hey folks,

I'm using a pretty recent version of Gareth's module skeleton and the
included Rakefile. I can run "rake spec" fine but I don't seem to be able
to get the "rake covereage" task to work.


$ bundle exec rake coverage
rake aborted!
NoMethodError: undefined method `rcov=' for

Tasks: TOP => coverage
(See full trace by running task with --trace)

My first thought was to try "gem install rcov" but that blew up pretty
badly. I did some googling and got the impress that rcov is no longer in
use, and to use simplecov instead, but I installed that and I'm getting the
same result.

I'm on OS X Mavericks/10.9.5.



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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Configure Jboss EAP with Puppet: How to set the 'jboss_bind_address'

2015-10-16 Thread Rich Burroughs
Yes exactly, you want to override those defaults in Hiera as John says.

If you are implementing a module off of the Forge, you shouldn't have to
edit the module itself. They should be designed so you can use them with
your own data already.

On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 6:24 AM jcbollinger 

> On Thursday, October 15, 2015 at 6:44:41 AM UTC-5, Wei Chen wrote:]# cat
> init.pp
>> # Puppet class jboss_install to install jboss rpm and start
>> # the jboss server as service
>> class jboss_eap (
>>  $jboss_bind_address = '',
>>  $jboss_bind_address_management = '',
>>  $jboss_multicast_address = ''
>> ) {
>> [...]
> One can see at the very beginning, the 'jboss_bind_address' is not set. In
>> this case it will take the default value of '', the socalled
>> localhost. And I can call up the Jboss Web-Admin-Console with
>> http://localhost:8080
>> But this is not what I want. What I want is I can call up the Jboss from
>> any machine. So I change these to as follow:
>> ...
>> $jboss_bind_address = '',
>> $jboss_bind_address_management = '',
>> ...
>> But seems it doesn't work. The IP is not taken into used. I guess I have
>> to fill some code anywhere in 'init.pp'. But how?
> The $jboss_bind_address and $jboss_bind_address_management are parameters
> of the class you presented.  The assignments in the class header define
> their *default* values; if you want those parameters to take different
> values then you should bind the wanted values to them via Hiera
> .
> John
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