Re: [pygame] Using PyOpenGL for 2D graphics

2007-07-16 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Monday 16 July 2007 02:05:43 pm Matthew Marshall wrote:
 I'll also throw in a mention of my own project, Rabbyt
 (  Like Simon's GFX, it's done
 in Pyrex for speed.  (The two libraries can actually be used simultaneously
 without problems.)

 Here's a port of Simon's dumb example (quick, untested):

 import pygame
 import rabbyt


 ball = rabbyt.Sprite(ball.png)

 # Make the ball bounce up and down :-)
 ball.y = rabbyt.lerp(0, 100, dt=1000, extend=reverse)

 running = True
 while running:
 if QUIT in (i.type for i in pygame.event.get()):
 running = False

 On Monday 16 July 2007 02:53:43 Simon Wittber wrote:
  I've been told pyglet ( is approaching a stable
  release. AFAIK, Pyglet works without pygame.
  If you're after brain dead simple 2D OpenGL functions only, try
  in the GFX package. (
  Dumb GFX example:
1 import pygame
2 from pygame.locals import *
3 from gfx import gl
5 pygame.init()
7 pygame.display.set_mode((800,600), flags)
8 gl.init((800,600))
9 image = pygame.image.load('ball.png')
   10 texture_id = gl.load_texture(pygame.image.tostring(image, 'RGBA'),
   11 running = True
   12 w,h = image.get_size()
   13 while running:
   14 if QUIT in (i.type for i in pygame.event.get()):
   15 running = False
   16 gl.draw_quad((0,0),((0,0),(0,h),(w,h),(w,0)),
  texture_id=texture_id) 17 pygame.display.flip()

I've got so many choices...

Too bad I suck at making decisions. :P

I have actually decided that I'd try to use Opioid2D for my first game...

I have decided to make a simple strategy RPG for my first game idea. I'm 
leaning toward making it a Touhou doujin game. OK, gotta go... See ya later!

Re: [pygame] Using PyOpenGL for 2D graphics

2007-07-08 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Sunday 08 July 2007 09:09:23 pm Dave LeCompte (really) wrote:
 Greg Ewing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Making lots of calls to glVertex() from Python will
  be inefficient, even more so than it would in C, due to the
  slowness of Python function calls.

 And it's not just the Python function calls (which we know are slow) - the
 PyOpenGL wrapper actually does error checking for you on every call, so it
 can raise an assertion if something goes wrong. The overhead of this error
 checking adds to the function call slowness.

 Even more reason to use display lists or otherwise group your data.

 -Dave LeCompte

All of this information is very helpful! I'm glad I asked you guys ;)

I've downloaded the Python version of NeHe 1-10,  and I'll take a look at it 

One of the reasons I wanted to get into OpenGL, although I probably won't be 
learning it until A LOT later, is things like particle effects and other 
types of visual effects (I know a lot of people who used Direct3D in their 2D 
games to do such things), and plus I had assumed that OpenGL draws more 
things much quicker if you have Direct Rendering and code it properly.

Plus, I'm learning 3D modeling and, although 3D graphics for games don't seem 
as good as well polished 2D graphics to me, I'd like to at least experiment 
with the idea as soon as I stop sucking at Blender. Plus, if I ever want to 
make that Tetris Attack clone (in the far future) with the 3D mode, well, it 
has to be in 3D :P

Also, kinda off-topic, I've found an idea for my first game that is so simple, 
that even I can't screw it up.
...I think. (Plus, the game is awesomely addictive)

A simple game concept, yes? I think I could do it. I'm positive, in fact. I 
could practice all sorts of simple concepts, like randomization, 2D graphics, 
simple logic, and different types of input, like keyboard and mouse. Oh, and 
I can finally learn how to make a menu. I still have no clue how to do that 
(or make any other screens, scenes and popup menus in games).

Re: [pygame] Testing if a File Exists

2007-07-08 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Sunday 08 July 2007 10:17:06 pm Ian Mallett wrote:
 So, how exactly do try/except things work?  I've seen them in various
 programs but I dn't know what they really do.  I was just about to ask, and
 this seemed the perfect opportunity...

 On 7/8/07, Dave LeCompte (really) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  John Eikenberry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Ian Mallett wrote:
   Exactly what it sounds like.  Using pygame.image.load([file]) will
   an error if the file doesn't exist.  How do you test if it exists
   actually loading it, and without crashing?  Thanks.
  Some consider it more pythonic to just try the call and deal with the
  except pygame.error:
# handle the error here
  -Dave LeCompte

Try and except: Try to execute the command. If it works, it works. If an 
exception is raised, instead execute the command in the except block.

Fwd: Re: [pygame] Starting a game

2007-07-03 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Friday 29 June 2007 06:21:56 pm you wrote:
 On Friday 29 June 2007 06:15:39 pm Casey Duncan wrote:
  On Jun 29, 2007, at 3:06 PM, Charles Joseph Christie II wrote:
   You say to look at other people's games for an example of
   abstraction. Do you
   have a particular one in mind?
  Totally depends on the kind of game you are going to implement and
  whether it is sprite-based or OpenGL. Have you decided which of the
  options you mentioned you are going to do?

I've got my final decision on what my first game should be.

A shoot-em-up game that uses OpenGL to draw 2D sprites. I'm really stubborn on 
using OpenGL now. I really want to learn it!

And I really want to make a shoot-em-up too. I've wanted to make one ever 
since I played ZUN's games, especially after I moved to Linux and couldn't 
play his games anymore (the bullet patterns are practically art, and the 
presentation of every game just gets better). If you search ZUN on google, it 
should be obvious which one of the ZUNs is the one I'm talking about. ;)

Of course, I don't expect anything that awesome for a first attempt. But I 
won't release a pile of dung, either. If I make a game, and decide that it 
sucks, I'll either trash it and start over, or put it on the internet with a 
warning that it sucks or something. :P

[pygame] Starting a game

2007-06-29 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
Alright. I don't know if I'm going to be using that MVC stuff... although I 
might reprogram the game to use it later, if I decide it'll be better... but 
I want to start a game now! I'm so bored just sitting here that I may as well 
start something.

So now, I'm going to get started. But the problem is that the last time I 
tried it, I over-complicated it by using advanced sprite functions that I 
didn't understand at all. I'm still trying to figure out an eaiser way to 
draw stuff than making everything a class and making it extend from 
pygame.sprite.Sprite (painful .)

Also, some concepts of object orientation seem to have bit me. How should I 
have classes interact with each other? I know I was doing it completely wrong 
last time, and one of my friends called me on it. But I forgot how he said I 
should do it...

Well, I'm going to see if I can drum up something usable...

Re: [pygame] Starting a game

2007-06-29 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Friday 29 June 2007 05:55:26 pm Casey Duncan wrote:
 On Jun 29, 2007, at 2:34 PM, Charles Joseph Christie II wrote:
  Alright. I don't know if I'm going to be using that MVC stuff...
  although I
  might reprogram the game to use it later, if I decide it'll be
  better... but
  I want to start a game now! I'm so bored just sitting here that I
  may as well
  start something.
  So now, I'm going to get started. But the problem is that the last
  time I
  tried it, I over-complicated it by using advanced sprite functions
  that I
  didn't understand at all. I'm still trying to figure out an eaiser
  way to
  draw stuff than making everything a class and making it extend from
  pygame.sprite.Sprite (painful .)

 My advice, come up with a game concept, then come up with one aspect
 of it that you can implement easily and do that first. For example,
 if you were making a tiled rouge-like game, you could come up with
 some simple art for a player character (like a knight or mage) then
 make it so you move the character in a grid on the screen. If you are
 making an asteroids type game, make it so you can turn your ship,
 then implement thrust, etc.

 Try to bite off little chunks you can do in a few hours time and
 don't try and invent the whole thing at once, learn as you go.

 Some kinds of games (such as the rouge-like one I mentioned) already
 have lots of pygame implementations, and there are frameworks that
 can help with things like tiling, level design, etc. Sometimes though
 it may be as hard to learn to use the framework as it is to learn
 pygame itself, so beware of biting off more than you can chew.

  Also, some concepts of object orientation seem to have bit me. How
  should I
  have classes interact with each other? I know I was doing it
  completely wrong
  last time, and one of my friends called me on it. But I forgot how
  he said I
  should do it...

 Look at other people's code. Games and OO programming go hand-and-
 hand IMO and it really helps you if you have the right level of
 abstraction. The sprite class is supposed to help you in this regard,
 giving you a small organizational unit for the components of your
 game. OTOH, using Sprite may make it more difficult to implement
 certain patterns (i.e., MVC). But to risk overusing a cliche: Don't
 let the perfect be the enemy of the good, figure out how to make
 something work first then learn how to make it better. Don't try to
 learn everything at once.

 Maybe you said this before, but what kind of game are you making? Is
 there another pygame that has similar ideas and elements you can
 borrow from?


I'm trying to decide between a Tetris Attack clone (my friends were all 
interested in this idea), an RPG (some of my other friends recommended I 
start with this, but if I did I wouldn't allow myself to do something like 
Final Fantasy, it'd have to be something really weird like Tendrills) or an 
arcade shoot-em-up game like the one I tried to make for my senior project, 
which would be a series of boss-battles in which you have to type a set of 
words to damage the boss. My teacher really wanted to see what it looked like 
when it was done but my first try ened up... well, crappy to say the very 
least. (it couldn't shoot bullets T_T)

I had other people on the ML say that I should start backwards from what I did 
last time: try to get an enemy firing bullets before I get the player on the 
screen. Which I probably will do, just to make sure I do it right this time.

You say to look at other people's games for an example of abstraction. Do you 
have a particular one in mind?

Re: [pygame] Starting a game

2007-06-29 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Friday 29 June 2007 06:15:39 pm Casey Duncan wrote:
 On Jun 29, 2007, at 3:06 PM, Charles Joseph Christie II wrote:

  You say to look at other people's games for an example of
  abstraction. Do you
  have a particular one in mind?

 Totally depends on the kind of game you are going to implement and
 whether it is sprite-based or OpenGL. Have you decided which of the
 options you mentioned you are going to do?


Whatever I make, I definitely want to use OpenGL for rendering. I know it's 
harder, but  no pain no gain amirite? ;D

Plus I'm learning how to make (really crappy) 3D models in Blender (awesome 
program, by the way). I don't intend to make a 3D game any time soon, but I'd 
still like to know how to use OpenGL.

Re: [pygame] Tendrils

2007-06-25 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Monday 25 June 2007 03:27:48 pm DR0ID wrote:
  Mon, 25 Jun 2007 07:57:51 -0700
  James Paige [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is it just me, or is the directory structure of that .rar file all
  screwed up? Everything seems to be in the wrong folder, and many
  folders are duplicated. Definitely not runable out-of-the-box.
  James Paige
  Hmm... A friend of mine has made the archive and uploaded the
  file (I don't have the bandwidth). He's just downloaded and unpacked it
  again and he said it was alright. He's used a rather old version of
  WinRar (3.30 Beta 2 cough), so maybe your problems are related to that?


 I could extract them although having many warnings (see below). The game
 started and I palyed it about 10 min without problems.

 I could zip if it, but I have no space to upload it.


Extracts perfect over here, but I can't get the script to work because of 
the WHERE_IS_TENDRILS variable wanting a directory, and when I put one in 
it says invalid syntax.

Re: [pygame] Re: Tendrils

2007-06-25 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Monday 25 June 2007 06:45:50 pm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There seems to be a file in the Tendrils package labeled crack.nfo,
 which when opened in Notepad begins:

 KR4XX0R3D   . . . . \  .  .\
 BY \. . . . .\.  . .\/
 [{BaSaLiSk}]\. .   @ |.\  /
  of  \..   \/ |..\ ABCGi  /. /

 Presumably this isn't the original program, so I'm hesitant to run the
 thing without scouring the code first.

Well... that's good to know. Tell me if you find anything...

Re: [pygame] Display-less PyGame

2007-06-20 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Wednesday 20 June 2007 06:46:28 pm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Actually, someone did use Pygame to make a DDRPG called Tendrils.

Awesome. I had an idea for this but it looked more like Paper Mario 
than Final Fantasy but great minds think alike, I suppose :P

(I have to get this game when I come back from Church and get done playing 
Star Wars Rogue Squadron 3)

Re: [pygame] Display-less PyGame

2007-06-20 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Wednesday 20 June 2007 06:46:28 pm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Actually, someone did use Pygame to make a DDRPG called Tendrils.

Doesn't work, the project's homepage is dead. Darnit, I really wanted to play 
this :P

 Have any of you played the old text-mode game engines ZZT and Megazeux?
 For the most part these were action games. There's also ika
 (, a Python spinoff of the RPG engine
 Verge. It doesn't use Pygame itself though.

I've heard of Megazeux ages ago, but that's about as much as I know. I never 
really got into text RPGs.

Re: [pygame] Display-less PyGame

2007-06-20 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Wednesday 20 June 2007 10:46:49 pm Luke Paireepinart wrote:
  Have any of you played the old text-mode game engines ZZT and Megazeux?
  For the most part these were action games. There's also ika
  (, a Python spinoff of the RPG engine
  Verge. It doesn't use Pygame itself though.

 Wo, thanks for introducing me to this. Ika looks super-awesome!
 Maybe when my two summer school classes stop eating up my time, I'll be
 able to look into it more ^_^.

Well, hey, would you look at that. Two of my prominent game ideas, an SRPG and 
a Tetris Attack clone, right there on the examples page. :P

ika looks pretty awesome... But now I'm all I want to use pygame but this 
looks really interesting but I want to learn to make my own game engine in 
pygame but this one is already great bu *head asplodes

Crap. I don't know what I want to use now :P

Re: [pygame] I have a quick question... again...

2007-06-19 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Sunday 17 June 2007 08:30:04 pm Greg Ewing wrote:
 Charles Joseph Christie II wrote:
  What I mean by 3D:

 Hmmm, I guess that's sort of 2D with wrap-around
 as far as the game logic is concerned.

Oh, I knew that, I'm just trying to figure out how much trouble I'll be going 
through if I start with regular 2D and then change to 3D later. Through this 
MVC magic that you guys are talking about, it seems to be almost what I 

 I once did a true 3D tetris for the Mac. It was
 quite an interesting experience, both to implement
 and to play. Some day I'll dig it out and make a
 pygame version...


How do you do 3D tetris? o.O

Re: [pygame] I have a quick question... again...

2007-06-19 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Saturday 16 June 2007 09:36:18 pm Greg Ewing wrote:
 Casey Duncan wrote:
  I'm curious how many of you actually employ MVC using pygame, since  the
  library encourages mixing the model and view via sprites.

 I always try to separate the application logic from the user
 interface in any kind of program I write, including games.

 I've never tried to use sprites in pygame. If they're designed
 in such a way as to make model/view separation difficult or
 impossible, I probably won't be using them, for that reason.


Well, if I don't use the pygame sprite module, what should I use?

Also, I'm reading about MVC from multiple sources right now and, although I 
get the concept, I'm still not 100% sure how to use it in a game.

[pygame] I have a quick question... again...

2007-06-16 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
So, if I was making a Tetris Attack clone using plain pygame and the SDL 
blitting functions, but later on decided that I wanted to render the blocks 
in 3D and add a 3D mode like Pokemon Puzzle League for the Nintendo 64, using 
pyopengl, how much of the code do you think, aside from the drawing, do you 
think I'd have to rewrite?

Oh, don't worry about giving a 100% accurate answer to this: I won't be doing 
it for a LONG time.

Re: [pygame] I have a quick question... again...

2007-06-16 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Saturday 16 June 2007 01:18:49 pm Marius Gedminas wrote:
 On Sat, Jun 16, 2007 at 09:32:09AM -0700, Casey Duncan wrote:
  On Jun 16, 2007, at 8:56 AM, Laura Creighton wrote:
  If you use Model-View-Controller like separation of your code,
  None.  All your changes will be in the drawing.
  I'm curious how many of you actually employ MVC using pygame, since
  the library encourages mixing the model and view via sprites. I'd be
  interested to see a canonical example of a pygame that uses MVC.

 I don't know about canonical, but PySpaceWar uses pure MVC.  I think; I
 never fully understood the controller part of it; my views are often
 also controllers.

 There were two reasons for making the model independent of views:

   * I wanted beautiful and understandable code
   * I want to add network play at some undetermined point in the future

I'll take a look at that. But when you say making the model independant of 
views, what exactly do you mean?

  MVC has strong advantages when you need to present and interact with
  the same data in multiple ways, but often in simple games data is
  only presented a single way. Using MVC has advantages for unit
  testing as well, but how many pygames actually employ unit tests in a
  meaningful way?

 For some low-level functions (e.g. vector math) unit tests were rather
 useful.  Also, I couldn't have refactored the AI code that Ignas
 Mikalajūnas wrote for me without writing a set of unit tests for it.
 Other than that, my initial resolution to have everything covered by
 unit tests evaporated pretty rapidly when I got caught in the frenzy of
 prototyping the fun stuff.

What's unit testing? I wouldn't be surprised if I knew what it was, but didn't 
know what it was called. I also wouldn't be surprised if I never had the 
slightest idea what it was, either.

  I'm curious how widespread these practices really are in the pygame
  community, not to make a point for or against them, but to better
  understand theory vs. practice.

I'm curious about everything.

Re: [pygame] Playing mp3s

2007-06-16 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Saturday 16 June 2007 04:51:52 pm Ulf Ekström wrote:
 Many linux distros cannot legally distribute mp3 decoding software
 (patent?), so sdl (mixer) is compiled without mp3 support on those
 platforms. Use ogg if you can, it sounds better anyway.


Of course, after you install MP3 support you should be able to compile pygame 
and sdl mixer yourself with mp3 support. Which is made very easy if you use a 
source-based distro. :p

Re: [pygame] I have a quick question... again...

2007-06-16 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Saturday 16 June 2007 04:25:59 pm Marius Gedminas wrote:
 On Sat, Jun 16, 2007 at 01:27:37PM -0400, Charles Joseph Christie II wrote:
   I don't know about canonical, but PySpaceWar uses pure MVC.  I think; I
   never fully understood the controller part of it; my views are often
   also controllers.

 Gaah, obviously it should have been just
 Copying and pasting URLs from Firefox to GNOME Terminal sometimes has
 this strange delay that makes me thing I didn't press the middle mouse
 button, so I do it again.

No problem.

   There were two reasons for making the model independent of views:
 * I wanted beautiful and understandable code
 * I want to add network play at some undetermined point in the future
  I'll take a look at that. But when you say making the model independant
  of views, what exactly do you mean?

 Model objects have no references to view objects.

 You can take the Python modules that implement the game model of
 PySpaceWar (,, and build a different user
 interface without changing those modules.  Or build a network server
 that doesn't have any drawing code.  In theory.  I haven't attempted
 either, so it's possible that some flaw in the design may require
 modifications to the model classes to support alternative views.

That's exactly what I want to do when I build my games. I want this to be one 
of the first things I learn before going into a game.

  What's unit testing? I wouldn't be surprised if I knew what it was, but
  didn't know what it was called. I also wouldn't be surprised if I never
  had the slightest idea what it was, either.

 It's the programming equivalent of putting your answers into the
 original math equation to make sure you haven't made any silly mistakes
 while solving the problem.

So I was right. :P

 Dive Into Python has two chapters devoted to unit testing (and
 test-first programming, which is a somewhat separate thing):

 Marius Gedminas

Thanks, I had read parts of that book but skipped others. Now that I think 
about it, had I read the entire book, I might have come up with something 
better for my senior project game.

Re: [pygame] I have a quick question... again...

2007-06-16 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Saturday 16 June 2007 09:36:11 pm Greg Ewing wrote:
 Charles Joseph Christie II wrote:
  So, if I was making a Tetris Attack clone using plain pygame and the SDL
  blitting functions, but later on decided that I wanted to render the
  blocks in 3D and add a 3D mode like Pokemon Puzzle League for the
  Nintendo 64, using pyopengl, how much of the code do you think, aside
  from the drawing, do you think I'd have to rewrite?
 It also depends on what exactly you mean by 3D. If it's still
 essentially a 2D game, just rendered using blocks that have
 depth, the game logic doesn't change. But if the game itself
 is to be 3D (with the blocks moving in 3 dimensions instead
 of 2) you may have to re-think the whole thing.

What I mean by 3D:

For some reason, I remember this game looking a whole lot different, but this 
version isn't the US version so many things might be different after all.

Re: [pygame] Shining Sea source code

2007-05-31 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Thursday 31 May 2007 09:21:11 am Samuel Mankins wrote:
 I tried this source code, and at first it spat out a pygame.error
 with  the traceback:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /Users/samuelmankins/Desktop/070530ShiningSeaSource
 Folder/Shining, line 668, in ?
 game = Game(screen=screen)
   File /Users/samuelmankins/Desktop/070530ShiningSeaSource
 Folder/Shining, line 182, in __init__
   File /Users/samuelmankins/Desktop/070530ShiningSeaSource
 Folder/Shining, line 379, in GoToZone

 Then when I commented that line out, it started up, but then just sat
 there with a blue screen for about a minute and then crashed with
 another error (Unfortunately I didn't save that traceback).

You probably need to turn antialiasing on, because your computer doesn't like 
drawing without antialiasing.

Re: [pygame] Shining Sea source code

2007-05-31 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Thursday 31 May 2007 09:27:53 am Samuel Mankins wrote:
 How do I do that?

 Charles Joseph Christie II wrote:
  On Thursday 31 May 2007 09:21:11 am Samuel Mankins wrote:
  I tried this source code, and at first it spat out a pygame.error
  with  the traceback:
  Traceback (most recent call last):
File /Users/samuelmankins/Desktop/070530ShiningSeaSource
  Folder/Shining, line 668, in ?
  game = Game(screen=screen)
File /Users/samuelmankins/Desktop/070530ShiningSeaSource
  Folder/Shining, line 182, in __init__
File /Users/samuelmankins/Desktop/070530ShiningSeaSource
  Folder/Shining, line 379, in GoToZone
  Then when I commented that line out, it started up, but then just sat
  there with a blue screen for about a minute and then crashed with
  another error (Unfortunately I didn't save that traceback).
  You probably need to turn antialiasing on, because your computer doesn't
  like drawing without antialiasing.

Change the 0 after Now Loading to a 1, and do this for all of the other 

Re: [pygame] my tutorials

2007-05-28 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Saturday 26 May 2007 02:47:41 am DR0ID wrote:
 Hi again

 payback time 2:

 In the past months I have started to write some tutorials for some
 friends. I think other people might be interested too and they do not
 help, if they are not published.
 Here they are:

 As you can see I want write more tutorials. I hope in time I will get
 there. At the moment its more an introduction on how to use blit.
 Further tutorials will cover more advanced topics as you can see.

 To stay informed, do not forget to subscribe to the RSS feed.

 I would appreciate some feedback.



Looks great so far, I'm looking forward to the animation and hud sections the 
most ;)

Re: [pygame] Need help testing Slingshot rc2

2007-05-25 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Friday 25 May 2007 04:23:24 am Rikard Bosnjakovic wrote:
 On 5/24/07, Charles Joseph Christie II [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It segfaulted when trying to find some timidity configs.

 Sounds very unlikely, and OTOH: strace is not a good tool for finding
 segmentation violations. But you can try adding the -f option to
 strace (follow forks) and see what happens.

Same thing, it shows a bunch of sound related things and the timidity config 
file is the last thing on the list before segmentation fault. Because it 
doesn't dump a core, gdb was no help either _

So how do I go about troubleshooting this?

Re: [pygame] Need feed back on new game!

2007-05-24 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Wednesday 23 May 2007 12:54:51 am John Eriksson wrote:
 Since still seems to be dead I'll post the direct link to
 Slingshot should anyone liek to try it and drop some comments.

 Best Regards

 tis 2007-05-22 klockan 21:11 +0200 skrev Rikard Bosnjakovic:
  On 5/22/07, John Eriksson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Could you try downloading it again? (I can't for some reason start my
   vmware windows right now.) seems to be dead at the moment.

In Gentoo Linux, when I run it I get:
Fatal Python error: (pygame parachute) Segmentation Fault

I'll run it with a strace later to see if I can find out why.

Re: [pygame] Need help testing Slingshot rc2

2007-05-24 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Thursday 24 May 2007 03:04:48 pm John Eriksson wrote:

 Hopefully this new version of Slingshot will work on more platforms.
 I've removed the surfarray dependency which caused problems on several

 I've also changed the behaviour of the force fields used on some levels.
 Instead of exploding the torpedoes will bounce off. This gives level
 building a new dimension.

 Please, help me test Slingshot once more and tell me what you think.

 Since the PyGame-site still has some problems I include a direct link to
 the new version.

 When the final release is finished there will be a Windows and Mac
 release as well.

 Best Regards
 /John Eriksson

still segfaulting for no reason on my computer.

Re: [pygame] Need help testing Slingshot rc2

2007-05-24 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Thursday 24 May 2007 03:04:48 pm John Eriksson wrote:

 Hopefully this new version of Slingshot will work on more platforms.
 I've removed the surfarray dependency which caused problems on several

 I've also changed the behaviour of the force fields used on some levels.
 Instead of exploding the torpedoes will bounce off. This gives level
 building a new dimension.

 Please, help me test Slingshot once more and tell me what you think.

 Since the PyGame-site still has some problems I include a direct link to
 the new version.

 When the final release is finished there will be a Windows and Mac
 release as well.

 Best Regards
 /John Eriksson

The strace helped, I think:

open(timidity.cfg, O_RDONLY)  = -1 ENOENT (No such file or 
open(P/timidity.cfg, O_RDONLY)= -1 ENOENT (No such file or 
--- SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) @ 0 (0) ---

It segfaulted when trying to find some timidity configs. Well, at least that's 
what it looks like is happening... I'm not an expert at reading strace logs, 
but those are the last 2 lines above the SIGSEGV. I built my system without 
Timidity support, so maybe that's what's going on?

Re: [pygame] Installing from source

2007-05-20 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Sunday 20 May 2007 08:10:36 pm Grant Ito wrote:
 Hi there.

 New to pygame here. Running on SuSE Linux 9.0, and I didn't see an RPM
 for it so thought installing from source would be the only way to go.

 Downloaded the tarball and followed the instructions: python
 help. Got a message No setup file exists, running '' - fine
 enough. Result:

 Hunting dependencies...
 sh: line 1: smpeg-config: command not found
 WARNING: smpeg-config failed!
 SDL : found 1.2.7
 FONT: not found
 IMAGE   : not found
 MIXER   : not found
 SMPEG   : not found
 NUMERIC : found 23.1

 Warning, some of the pygame dependencies were not found. Pygame can
 still compile and install, but games that depend on those missing
 dependencies will not run. Would you like to continue the configuration?

 So I said no. Just wondering if someone could tell me where I should
 look to find FONT, IMAGE, MIXER, and SMPEG - are these python modules or
 Linux-specific RPM's?

 Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Install the devel rpms.


that should do it.

Re: [pygame] OLPC game jam

2007-05-10 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Thursday 10 May 2007 09:14:47 am Kris Schnee wrote:
 Richard Jones wrote:
  OLPC are having a game jam! It sounds like a helluva lot of fun and I'm
  totally jealous of anyone who's in the US who could just fly there to
  The deadline for signing up is the 12th of May, so hop to it!

 This sounds like fun. But I'm not eager to pay $50-100 for the privilege
 of making and giving away games for a system I can't buy.


You don't have to pay to do this, do you? I thought you could download the 
image for the computer systems and run it in a chroot or something like that.

Re: [pygame] Infinite sprites

2007-05-02 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Wednesday 02 May 2007 06:08:01 pm Will McGugan wrote:
 Hi folks,

 Ive just posted a demo of how to render an infinite number of sprites in


 Will McGugan

Wow, that's pretty neat!

Re: [pygame] Infinite sprites

2007-05-02 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Wednesday 02 May 2007 07:42:27 pm Ethan Glasser-Camp wrote:
 Will McGugan wrote:
  Ive just posted a demo of how to render an infinite number of sprites in

 This is a very clever trick, and it makes a neat demo. One thing that
 I would do to make it look a little prettier is to prerender the first
 k frames with the ball having a decreasing alpha, so that the ball
 looks like it's fading in.

 While I wouldn't say you've managed to render an infinite number of
 sprites, this technique might come in handy for some of the bullet
 hell games people were talking about around here.


Am I the one that started the whole idea of bullet hell games in this mailing 
list? heh, well he's definitely right that this little trick would make 
rendering hundreds of bullets at a time less painful...

...If I could wrap my empty head around it. T_T

Re: [pygame] Infinite sprites

2007-05-02 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Wednesday 02 May 2007 07:58:03 pm Ethan Glasser-Camp wrote:
 Charles Joseph Christie II wrote:
  Am I the one that started the whole idea of bullet hell games in this
  mailing list? heh, well he's definitely right that this little trick
  would make rendering hundreds of bullets at a time less painful...
  ...If I could wrap my empty head around it. T_T

 My original email had an explanation of the technique but I thought
 that might be considered spoilers :). It might help you understand if
 you went into the code. At the very top, there's a line called
 FRAME_COUNT. Change it to 1 or 2 and see what happens.

 It's a cute trick, but it relies on certain properties of the sprite
 motion -- namely that all sprites are identical, and are all following
 the same trail, but are just on different places on it. I think
 generally the use of sprites in a game runs counter to these
 assumptions -- you introduce a sprite class because the sprites aren't
 identical, and they move differently. But like I said, maybe bullet
 hell games.


Oh... that's still cool, though. Maybe after I fix my little game thing that 
currently is out of order, I could implement something like this? It would be 
cool to have, oh say, 2 or 3 of these running at the same time making a 
pattern. Would that make sense or would it be asking for trouble?

[pygame] loading images and sounds

2007-05-01 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
So, I have a file that I imported into all of my files. It loads 
sounds, images and music. However, when I load an image, I can't do anything 
with it because pygame keeps saying that tuple object has no 
attribute 'blit' and I can't do anything.

I noticed at the bottom of this helper file, it says return image, 
image.get_rect() on it. What should I do with that then?

Here is the file that is causing the problem and the file. this is 

(I said I wouldn't be rushing to get it out at the end of the deadline and, 
hey look, I'm rushing to get it out at the end of the deadline. Go figure. 
_ )

Help is appreciated! I need all the help I can get!
Description: application/python
Description: application/python

Re: [pygame] loading images and sounds

2007-05-01 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Tuesday 01 May 2007 09:48:04 am Samuel Mankins wrote:
 I think I ran into the problem before. What it is is that the load_image
 function does is return the image, and the image's rectangle. All you've
 got to do is delete the bit at the end of the function that says return
 image, image.get_rect and replace it with return image.

 Charles Joseph Christie II wrote:
  So, I have a file that I imported into all of my files. It
  loads sounds, images and music. However, when I load an image, I can't do
  anything with it because pygame keeps saying that tuple object has no
  attribute 'blit' and I can't do anything.
  I noticed at the bottom of this helper file, it says return image,
  image.get_rect() on it. What should I do with that then?
  Here is the file that is causing the problem and the file.
  this is due on the 3RD OF MAY OH DANG IT GOT HERE FAST!!! :P
  (I said I wouldn't be rushing to get it out at the end of the deadline
  and, hey look, I'm rushing to get it out at the end of the deadline. Go
  figure. _ )
  Help is appreciated! I need all the help I can get!

Well, it's problem after problem, bug after bug over here. I fixed it so that 
it loads images (Thanks!). I added my sprites to the 
pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() sprite group and (after fixing a couple syntax 
errors) it worked!

...OK, not really. It almost worked. It returned no errors, yet the bullets 
don't appear on-screen. I put the code in SVN just a second ago if you want 
to check it out (svn:// and I can provide 
a zip if you want, too. It's weird though... I think it's because I didn't 
put attacking in the def update() section but instead put self.attack() in 
there and made a def attack() in there to fire the bullets. I think that's 
the reason, anyway...

Re: [pygame] loading images and sounds

2007-05-01 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Tuesday 01 May 2007 11:58:17 am DR0ID wrote:
 Charles Joseph Christie II schrieb:
  On Tuesday 01 May 2007 09:48:04 am Samuel Mankins wrote:
  I think I ran into the problem before. What it is is that the load_image
  function does is return the image, and the image's rectangle. All you've
  got to do is delete the bit at the end of the function that says return
  image, image.get_rect and replace it with return image.
  Charles Joseph Christie II wrote:
  So, I have a file that I imported into all of my files. It
  loads sounds, images and music. However, when I load an image, I can't
  do anything with it because pygame keeps saying that tuple object has
  no attribute 'blit' and I can't do anything.
  I noticed at the bottom of this helper file, it says return image,
  image.get_rect() on it. What should I do with that then?
  Here is the file that is causing the problem and the file.
  this is due on the 3RD OF MAY OH DANG IT GOT HERE FAST!!! :P
  (I said I wouldn't be rushing to get it out at the end of the deadline
  and, hey look, I'm rushing to get it out at the end of the deadline. Go
  figure. _ )
  Help is appreciated! I need all the help I can get!
  Well, it's problem after problem, bug after bug over here. I fixed it so
  that it loads images (Thanks!). I added my sprites to the
  pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() sprite group and (after fixing a couple
  syntax errors) it worked!
  ...OK, not really. It almost worked. It returned no errors, yet the
  bullets don't appear on-screen. I put the code in SVN just a second ago
  if you want to check it out (svn://
  and I can provide a zip if you want, too. It's weird though... I think
  it's because I didn't put attacking in the def update() section but
  instead put self.attack() in there and made a def attack() in there to
  fire the bullets. I think that's the reason, anyway...

 Hi again

 I looked at it for a moment and found following:

 in Player.update()
 uncomment slef.image.blit(self.image, ...)  # this cuases a segmentation
 fault on my machine, winxp

 2.)you have to add a Bullet.png in the img directory

 3.) in in Boss.update()   same line as in Player.update()

 4.) in in the Bullets class the same error as in the other
 classe in update()!

 otherwise it seem to work, although I cant see anything happen on screen
 except of the typing (cant see any bullet??).

 well done.


 PS: if you want to chat, I'm currently online in the IRC on #pygame  :-)

I think you have the old code... really really old. I uncommented the player 
image stuff ages ago and I have a (really ugly) bullet in my img folder. Did 
you use svn to get the code or what? I sent another email, it should have my 
most up-to-date junk on it.

Re: [pygame] Mouse Speed

2007-05-01 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Tuesday 01 May 2007 03:01:43 pm Rodney Brown wrote:
 The more I read up on this, it seems what I should do is hide the real
 mouse cursor and use a sprite instead.  Then I could maybe take the value
 from pygame.mouse.get_rel() and cut the x/y values in half to slow down
 movement of the sprite cursor?

 - Original Message 
 From: Rodney Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: pygame-users
 Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2007 11:21:36 AM
 Subject: [pygame] Mouse Speed


 I am trying to figure out how to slow down the mouse pointer in pygame. 
 I've looked over both the mouse and cursor documentation and don't see a
 speed setting.

 I wrote a very simple app for someone.  It's not a game, but uses the mouse
 and draw functions of pygame.  I use Linux and the user I've written the
 app for is on Windows.  I recommended they slow down the pointer in the
 Windows crontrol panel.  This works for Windows but the mouse runs at full
 speed in my app, then goes back down to the slower speed he's set in
 Windows once he exits the app.

 So is there any way to slow down the mouse in pygame?  A couple people on
 the irc channel suggested slowing down my game engine, but I don't have
 much of an engine and that wouldn'ts affect the mouse pointer anyways.

 Any suggestions?

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Wouldn't that cause sporadic jumping of the mouse?

Re: [pygame] loading images and sounds

2007-05-01 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Tuesday 01 May 2007 03:26:04 pm DR0ID wrote:
 Charles Joseph Christie II schrieb:
  On Tuesday 01 May 2007 02:52:30 pm DR0ID wrote:
  Charles Joseph Christie II schrieb:
  On Tuesday 01 May 2007 02:40:24 pm DR0ID wrote:
  Hi again
  I looked at it for a moment and found following:
  in Player.update()
  uncomment slef.image.blit(self.image, ...)  # this cuases a
  segmentation fault on my machine, winxp
  2.)you have to add a Bullet.png in the img directory
  3.) in in Boss.update()   same line as in Player.update()
  4.) in in the Bullets class the same error as in the
  other classe in update()!
  otherwise it seem to work, although I cant see anything happen on
  screen except of the typing (cant see any bullet??).
  well done.
  PS: if you want to chat, I'm currently online in the IRC on
  I think you have the old code... really really old. I uncommented
  the player image stuff ages ago and I have a (really ugly) bullet
  in my img folder. Did you use svn to get the code or what? I sent
  another email, it should have my most up-to-date junk on it.
  I had the same problems that DR0ID had, and I got the code from
  I think you forgot to svn add img/Bullet.png
  Yeah, I did. :P (I just fixed it, try it again)
  Hi again
  still segmenation faults on winxp. Sorry, this time I have no time to
  check where in the code they occure.
  (well blitting an image on itself at (0,0) does not make any sense,
  Well, it worked on all the other images... :P
  I don't know what to blit it to, then. Could this be the problem?
  why do you want to blit and image to itself?
  Anyway you fill it just a line befor, so it has already only one color.
  It is that evil line, where you blit it to itself, that causes the
  segmentation fault (at least on my machine running winxp).
  As I told you, I commented these lines out and it worked.
  So then just get rid of all the self.image.blit lines or just remove
  what's in the brackets?


 delete or comment the lines out.

 How do you run you script? I run it in the command shell because then I
 see what the traceback is :-)


I did, and I didn't get the problems you got... I'll get rid of them though.

Re: [pygame] PATCH: movie_set_display hangs on movie from file-like object

2007-05-01 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Tuesday 01 May 2007 07:17:08 pm René Dudfield wrote:

 Committed revision 994.

Working hard or hardly working? ;)

Well, it looks like you got a lot done today. 5 fixes in an hour. Nice.

Re: [pygame] pygame and Ubuntu

2007-04-30 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Monday 30 April 2007 12:09:10 pm James Paige wrote:
 On Sun, Apr 29, 2007 at 05:38:33PM -0400, Jason Coggins wrote:
  I am trying to run them from the desktop by double clicking on them then
  selecting either run or run in terminal from the box that pops up.  I
  tried right clicking on the program to select open with python but that
  was not an option.  When I right clicked and selected open with another
  application python was not listed on the application list.  I know I
  have python 2.5 installed because it states so on the synamtic package

 I have had a lot of problems with this too. The problem is that most
 pygame games assume that that the current working directory has been set
 to the directory where the .py file is located. But when you
 double-click and pick run or right-click and pick open with python,
 the current working directory does NOT get set, and the game cannot find
 its data files.

 What I do for my own games is something similar to this:

   import os
   import sys

 That makes sure that the data files will always be found where you
 expect them.

 James Paige

That's good information. I'll have to remember to make my game do that too!

Re: [pygame] pygame and Ubuntu

2007-04-29 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Sunday 29 April 2007 05:38:33 pm Jason Coggins wrote:
 I am trying to run them from the desktop by double clicking on them then
 selecting either run or run in terminal from the box that pops up.  I tried
 right clicking on the program to select open with python but that was not
 an option.  When I right clicked and selected open with another
 application python was not listed on the application list.  I know I have
 python 2.5 installed because it states so on the synamtic package manager.


 - Original Message -
 Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2007 4:45 PM
 Subject: Re: [pygame] pygame and Ubuntu

  How are you trying to run them ?
  I have not had alot of success with the open with python right click
  thing.. (but that's me, yours might work fine)
  I usually just open a terminal, navigate to the directory containing the
  program and type ..  python
  --- On Sun 04/29, Jason Coggins  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
  From: Jason Coggins [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2007 16:14:37 -0400
  Subject: Re: [pygame] pygame and Ubuntu
  Alright, I found the package and installed it but for some reason none of
  the python programs I wrote will run on Ubuntu.  They run perfectly fine
  on windows.  I already have Python 2.5 installed on Ubuntu.  Is there
  anything else I should get to make python run on Ubuntu?Jason-
  Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To:
  pygame-users@seul.orgSent: Sunday, April 29, 2007 3:59 PMSubject: RE:
  [pygame] pygame and Ubuntu Go to Synaptic and make sure Universe is
  checked as a repository..  update.. and search again.. (I used by
  description and name) for pygame. --- On Sun 04/29, Jason Coggins 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote: From: Jason Coggins [mailto:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Date: Sun, 29 Apr
  2007 15:19:44 -0400 Subject: [pygame] pygame and Ubuntu I am trying to
  install pygame on the Ubuntu Linux operating system but I  cannot find
  it in any software repository.  Could someone tell me where to  find a
  copy in a software
  repository for Ubuntu?Jason
  ___ Join Excite! - The most personalized portal on the Web!
  Join Excite! -
  The most personalized portal on the Web!

This is Linux. You have a terminal. Use it! It's not hard... there should be 
an option in the right click menu or one of the file or tools menus to open 
up a terminal in the current location. Then type python and then the name of 
the program (for instance: python

Re: [pygame] pygame and Ubuntu

2007-04-29 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Sunday 29 April 2007 05:38:33 pm Jason Coggins wrote:
 I am trying to run them from the desktop by double clicking on them then
 selecting either run or run in terminal from the box that pops up.  I tried
 right clicking on the program to select open with python but that was not
 an option.  When I right clicked and selected open with another
 application python was not listed on the application list.  I know I have
 python 2.5 installed because it states so on the synamtic package manager.


 - Original Message -
 Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2007 4:45 PM
 Subject: Re: [pygame] pygame and Ubuntu

  How are you trying to run them ?
  I have not had alot of success with the open with python right click
  thing.. (but that's me, yours might work fine)
  I usually just open a terminal, navigate to the directory containing the
  program and type ..  python
  --- On Sun 04/29, Jason Coggins  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
  From: Jason Coggins [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2007 16:14:37 -0400
  Subject: Re: [pygame] pygame and Ubuntu
  Alright, I found the package and installed it but for some reason none of
  the python programs I wrote will run on Ubuntu.  They run perfectly fine
  on windows.  I already have Python 2.5 installed on Ubuntu.  Is there
  anything else I should get to make python run on Ubuntu?Jason-
  Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To:
  pygame-users@seul.orgSent: Sunday, April 29, 2007 3:59 PMSubject: RE:
  [pygame] pygame and Ubuntu Go to Synaptic and make sure Universe is
  checked as a repository..  update.. and search again.. (I used by
  description and name) for pygame. --- On Sun 04/29, Jason Coggins 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote: From: Jason Coggins [mailto:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Date: Sun, 29 Apr
  2007 15:19:44 -0400 Subject: [pygame] pygame and Ubuntu I am trying to
  install pygame on the Ubuntu Linux operating system but I  cannot find
  it in any software repository.  Could someone tell me where to  find a
  copy in a software
  repository for Ubuntu?Jason
  ___ Join Excite! - The most personalized portal on the Web!
  Join Excite! -
  The most personalized portal on the Web!

One more thing: you might want to install a Python IDE. I recommend Eric3 
because it is easy to use. It also has a run current script button you 
might like to use. 

Re: [pygame] pygame and Ubuntu

2007-04-29 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Sunday 29 April 2007 09:51:31 pm Jason Coggins wrote:
 I am currently using Wing IDE on Windows.  I will see if Wing IDE works on
 Linux but if Wing IDE doesn't work on Linux I will check out Eric3.  Do you
 have a link for it?


 - Original Message -
 From: Charles Joseph Christie II [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2007 6:05 PM
 Subject: Re: [pygame] pygame and Ubuntu

  On Sunday 29 April 2007 05:38:33 pm Jason Coggins wrote:
  I am trying to run them from the desktop by double clicking on them then
  selecting either run or run in terminal from the box that pops up.  I
  right clicking on the program to select open with python but that was
  an option.  When I right clicked and selected open with another
  application python was not listed on the application list.  I know I
  python 2.5 installed because it states so on the synamtic package
  - Original Message -
  Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2007 4:45 PM
  Subject: Re: [pygame] pygame and Ubuntu
   How are you trying to run them ?
   I have not had alot of success with the open with python right click
   thing.. (but that's me, yours might work fine)
   I usually just open a terminal, navigate to the directory containing
   program and type ..  python
   --- On Sun 04/29, Jason Coggins  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
   From: Jason Coggins [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2007 16:14:37 -0400
   Subject: Re: [pygame] pygame and Ubuntu
   Alright, I found the package and installed it but for some reason none
   the python programs I wrote will run on Ubuntu.  They run perfectly
   on windows.  I already have Python 2.5 installed on Ubuntu.  Is there
   anything else I should get to make python run on Ubuntu?Jason-
   Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To:
   pygame-users@seul.orgSent: Sunday, April 29, 2007 3:59 PMSubject:
   RE: [pygame] pygame and Ubuntu Go to Synaptic and make sure Universe
   is checked as a repository..  update.. and search again.. (I used by
   description and name) for pygame. --- On Sun 04/29, Jason Coggins
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote: From: Jason Coggins [mailto:
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Date: Sun, 29 Apr
   2007 15:19:44 -0400 Subject: [pygame] pygame and Ubuntu I am trying
   install pygame on the Ubuntu Linux operating system but I  cannot
   find it in any software repository.  Could someone tell me where to 
   find a copy in a software
   repository for Ubuntu?Jason
   ___ Join Excite! - The most personalized portal on the Web!
   Join Excite! -
   The most personalized portal on the Web!
  One more thing: you might want to install a Python IDE. I recommend Eric3
  because it is easy to use. It also has a run current script button you
  might like to use.

Pretty much every Linux distro I've used had it in Synaptic or APT or whatever 
your package manager is. Also, make sure you have all of the repositories for 
your distro turned on.

Re: [pygame] Drawing Bullets

2007-04-28 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Saturday 28 April 2007 01:28:38 am Kris Schnee wrote:
 Charles Christie wrote:
  Well, bullets just seem to be a sticking point for me...

 Stick with it!

  1. bullet cleanup (self.kill, etc.) which isn't important to me right
  now, as the demo won't be running for an extended period, and when it
  does it'll be running on a monstrous beast of a computer that can
  probably handle the crappy coding.
  2. Drawing bullets (pygame.update.dirtyrects, etc) which is VERY
  important to me right now.

 I don't think you need a kill function. What I did in my shooter game
 was to have the bullets stored in two lists, and then every frame:

 self.player_bullets = [bullet for bullet in self.player_bullets if
 bullet.ttl  0]
 self.enemy_bullets = [bullet for bullet in self.enemy_bullets if
 bullet.ttl  0]

 This filtering gets rid of the ones whose time-to-live is expired, due
 to Python's automatic garbage-collection.

  So, I tried to load an image for the bullets, and that didn't work
  either. What happened was that it couldn't load the image... probably
  because it doesn't exist. Which it does, though.
  It's in the project directory under the folder img/Bullet.png. When I
  put img/Bullet.png into the load_image function it says it can't load
  the image! I tried it with front and back slashes and it didn't work.

 Yeah, Python doesn't automatically handle path names. Try os.path.join,
 as in:

 import os
 filename = os.path.join(img,Bullet.png)
 my_image = pygame.image.load(filename).convert_alpha()

 As I understand it, os.path.join attaches the directory terms (any
 number of them) according to whatever format is appropriate for the OS.

  After I get the image loaded, however, I can't add the bulletlist to my
  list of dirtyrects to update... The dirtyrect doesn't read from lists!
  How do I get pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates to display my bullets on the

 I haven't messed with dirty rectangle functions myself, so this one is
 beyond me.


Woohoo! Thanks! I'll try this ASAP. Still need to figure out how to get the 
dirtyrects thing sorted out though...

Re: [pygame] Drawing Bullets

2007-04-28 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Saturday 28 April 2007 11:45:15 am DR0ID wrote:
 Charles Joseph Christie II schrieb:
  On Saturday 28 April 2007 01:28:38 am Kris Schnee wrote:
  Charles Christie wrote:
  Well, bullets just seem to be a sticking point for me...
  Stick with it!
  1. bullet cleanup (self.kill, etc.) which isn't important to me right
  now, as the demo won't be running for an extended period, and when it
  does it'll be running on a monstrous beast of a computer that can
  probably handle the crappy coding.
  2. Drawing bullets (pygame.update.dirtyrects, etc) which is VERY
  important to me right now.
  I don't think you need a kill function. What I did in my shooter game
  was to have the bullets stored in two lists, and then every frame:
  self.player_bullets = [bullet for bullet in self.player_bullets if
  bullet.ttl  0]
  self.enemy_bullets = [bullet for bullet in self.enemy_bullets if
  bullet.ttl  0]
  This filtering gets rid of the ones whose time-to-live is expired, due
  to Python's automatic garbage-collection.
  So, I tried to load an image for the bullets, and that didn't work
  either. What happened was that it couldn't load the image... probably
  because it doesn't exist. Which it does, though.
  It's in the project directory under the folder img/Bullet.png. When I
  put img/Bullet.png into the load_image function it says it can't load
  the image! I tried it with front and back slashes and it didn't work.
  Yeah, Python doesn't automatically handle path names. Try os.path.join,
  as in:
  import os
  filename = os.path.join(img,Bullet.png)
  my_image = pygame.image.load(filename).convert_alpha()
  As I understand it, os.path.join attaches the directory terms (any
  number of them) according to whatever format is appropriate for the OS.
  After I get the image loaded, however, I can't add the bulletlist to my
  list of dirtyrects to update... The dirtyrect doesn't read from lists!
  How do I get pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates to display my bullets on the
  I haven't messed with dirty rectangle functions myself, so this one is
  beyond me.
  Woohoo! Thanks! I'll try this ASAP. Still need to figure out how to get
  the dirtyrects thing sorted out though...


 if you use Renderupdates then you have to do the following:

 make an instance of the RenderUpdateGroup
 add as many sprites you want to it

 then in each frame of you game:
# update your sprites in here
dirty_rects = renderUGroup.draw(screen)

 It should be more or less that thing. Try to look at an example like
 chimp on the pagame website.

 Sorry, about that short and quick instruction, but I have not much time
 at the moment.


No problem, any help is appreciated! Does RenderUpdateGroup read from lists, 

Re: [pygame] Distributing pygame games for non-Windows platforms

2007-04-28 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Saturday 28 April 2007 05:17:12 pm Kris Schnee wrote:
 p p wrote:
  PyInstaller is a program that converts (packages) Python programs into
  stand-alone executables, under Windows, Linux and Irix.

 How does that work with the GPL, though? I still don't fully understand
 the thing, but it seems like you're obligated, if you make a Pygame
 game, to distribute it in such a way that people can try plugging in a
 new version of Pygame. I don't necessarily want to make all of my code
 public, so I'm uneasy about the licensing.


Why not?

Also, what does the GPL have to do with anything? Is pyinstaller GPL?

Re: [pygame] movies

2007-04-18 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Wednesday 18 April 2007 09:28:46 pm Jason Coggins wrote:
 I noticed the documentation states that pygame.move does not work on
 windows.  Does anyone know how to fix this problem?


The documentation states:
No one has managed to get smpeg working there.

It also recommends that you use a library called pymedia.
The link given is

Re: [pygame] Firing bullets

2007-04-09 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
That's not quite what I meant... I'm bad at describing things.

Let's see... um... my drawing code uses the RenderUpdates method.

At the top of the main loop, I have:

all = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates()

after that, I have all the classes listed as:

textsprite = Textsprite([])

the text I want shows up in the brackets. I'll be changing that later

Next, I have all.add(textsprite) which makes the game update the
sprites in the listed classes, in this case textsprite.

A little later down, I have:

all.clear(screen, background)
dirty = all.draw(screen)

which would redraw all the sprites on the screen that have changed
without updating the ones that haven't. My question is, what do I have
to put in all.add to get the bullets to actually show up on screen?

On Mon, 09 Apr 2007 15:38:25 -0400
Kris Schnee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Charles Christie wrote:
  Now my questions are:
  A. If this is really all I have to do, how do I get the bullets to 
  register with my screen redrawing class? I use that dirty rect
  update method where you have to specify the class with the sprite
 If you want the bullet objects to have a reference back to the object 
 running the game (if any), you can give them that reference. Say:
 class Game:
   def MakeBullet(self):
   self.bullets.append(self, Bullet() )
 class Bullet:
   def __init__(self,game_object):
   self.game_object = game_object
 If you do that, the bullets can then call functions of the game
 object. I do that for the ships in my game so they can say, Hey, I
 got destroyed, but not for bullets. Also I've got separate lists for
 player and enemy bullets to simplify collision detection.

Re: [pygame] Firing bullets

2007-04-08 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
That's the most basic way of doing it... but reusing bullets means that
the program doesn't have to delete and recreate bullets every
operation. If I understand correctly, it only needs to make one set of

I know that it is faster, but I'm not sure how much faster, or how much
more efficiently it will work, and if it is easier or harder to code it
that way, although the kill and recreate way sounds a bit easier to

I don't know which I would be using, though... I have until the end of
April to turn in my code and art... my code is not finished, my music
isn't anywhere near done and I keep forgetting to contact my artist _

On Sun, 8 Apr
2007 10:29:19 -0500 Lamonte(Scheols/Demonic) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Im a noob  all but why not just fire the bullet and destroy it when
 it hits the object or hits the outside of the window size(max
 width,max height)?
 On 4/8/07, andrew baker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I absolutely have profiled using lists and creating/destroying
  instances.  Using freelists is always faster if you have enough RAM.
  This amount of RAM is well within reasonable limits.  I always
  develop for low-end machines, so my minspecs are usually tiny.
  Recycling is not particularly difficult if you use a factory.
  def fireBullet(mVector):
if returnVal = unfiredBullets.pop():
   return returnVal
   return Bullet(mVector) # produces a new Bullet object
  On 4/7/07, Greg Ewing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Kris Schnee wrote:
I'm not
sure that the recycling method is really necessary, if you find
to program. (It's probably not hard; just laziness on my part
that I didn't use it.)
   I suggest measuring before concluding that keeping a
   free list is faster. It might not be.
-Is it worth using ODE physics for bullets? ... But you'd also
 overhead of constantly being notified about bullet-on-bullet
   Not necessarily. ODE geoms can have a bitmask that
   determines what categories of objects collide with
   others. So you could easily arrange for bullets to
   collide e.g. with players and walls but not with
   each other.
  Andrew Ulysses Baker

Re: [pygame] Firing bullets

2007-04-08 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
You guys kinda lost me here. Do you guys have examples of both styles?
and what's mVector and unfiredBullets?

On Sun, 8 Apr 2007 01:12:30 -0700
andrew baker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I absolutely have profiled using lists and creating/destroying
 instances.  Using freelists is always faster if you have enough RAM.
 This amount of RAM is well within reasonable limits.  I always develop
 for low-end machines, so my minspecs are usually tiny.
 Recycling is not particularly difficult if you use a factory.
 def fireBullet(mVector):
   if returnVal = unfiredBullets.pop():
  return returnVal
  return Bullet(mVector) # produces a new Bullet object
 On 4/7/07, Greg Ewing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Kris Schnee wrote:
   I'm not
   sure that the recycling method is really necessary, if you find
   it hard to program. (It's probably not hard; just laziness on my
   part that I didn't use it.)
  I suggest measuring before concluding that keeping a
  free list is faster. It might not be.
   -Is it worth using ODE physics for bullets? ... But you'd also
   have the
overhead of constantly being notified about bullet-on-bullet
  Not necessarily. ODE geoms can have a bitmask that
  determines what categories of objects collide with
  others. So you could easily arrange for bullets to
  collide e.g. with players and walls but not with
  each other.

Re: [pygame] Nutshell Simple Game Framework

2007-04-08 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
Open it up and I'll be glad to do everything I can to help. Most likely
music, not art though.

I'll try my hand at graphics code although I'm still learning... and I
am a Math expert so I can help with RPG-ish stuff.

On Sun, 08 Apr 2007 08:29:35 -0400
Kris Schnee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm trying to build a game framework that's simple and easy to use,
 and that incorporates the ideas of a huge game space and basic
 physics that I've been working on. I don't care about complex physics
 simulations like hinges, and am willing to callously treat objects as
 hard boxes standing upright, on or above a plane. I just want
 characters that can run and jump around in a game world and interact
 with stuff.
 As a result you can so far make a game world with an object in it
 that can move around, with the following code:
 import Nutshell
 w = Nutshell.BasicWorldsim()
 The collision detection isn't quite done yet, but motion is, it's 
 optimized for efficiency, and I'm going to build on the basic
 worldsim class to get zones that can be loaded/saved.
 I'm willing to open-source this if anyone's interested, especially if 
 people are willing to help with graphics/graphics code. My question
 is, does it seem reasonable to build a goodly chunk of the game
 character code into the simulation, ie. having RPG stats mixed in
 with the class that handles the physics of living creatures?
 Considering the module as a pure physics simulation, that seems odd,
 but since a physics simulation doesn't really need a Creature class
 at all, maybe it's justified.

Re: [pygame] Calling all game developers - OLPC

2007-04-08 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
After I finish my game, I'll be VERY glad to work on a game for the
OLPC project. I can use it as community service learning because my
school requires it for my graduation. ;)

On Sun, 08 Apr 2007 13:04:47 -0400
Noah Kantrowitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Horst JENS wrote:
  On Fri, 2007-04-06 at 20:02 -0400, Noah Kantrowitz wrote:

  Calling all game developers! The One Laptop Per Child project needs
  talented game developers to work on software for the XO laptops.
  Thanks to a few awesome developers, PyGame is now up and running
  under Sugar (the OLPC graphical environment) and should be
  included in the build system shortly. What we need now is games
  geared towards children in developing areas. Information about
  PyGame on the XO can be found at
  I would ask anyone interested in either building new games or
  porting existing ones to join the OLPC games list
  ( and discuss
  your ideas there. This is a chance to have a major impact on the
  lives of millions of children, as well as work on a unique
  platform. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to email
  me, or ask on the games list.
  --Noah Kantrowitz
  OLPC Evangelist
  Hi Noah,
  making pygames for the OLPC project is a great idea.
  Could you post to some direct links of how and where to join the
  project (pygame - olpc)?
  I figure i need to download / set up an emulator to test if my game
  is working on the OLPC-Computer ?

 There are several developer images with Sugar preinstalled here: If you are using Linux you
 can also install the sugar system directly (see As for joining,
 there isn't really much formalized yet, other than the mailing list I
 mentioned. Hope this helps.

Re: [pygame] Sprite to variable

2007-04-04 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
Wow thanks, this might come in handy for me too. ;)

On Wed, 04 Apr 2007 11:53:08 -0400
Samuel Mankins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Jason Massey wrote:
  Okay, have you checked out the pygame tutorials?  I find piman's 
  tutorial very good:
  On 4/4/07, *Samuel Mankins* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Jason Massey wrote:
   What about a dictionary of sprites?  A lot safer and more
   flexible option than defining variable names on the fly.
   On 4/4/07, *Samuel Mankins*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Does anyone know how I can create a sprite and then set
   it to a variable
   name? If not, thanks anyway.
  How would I do that?
  (I'm sorry, my pygame and python experience is pretty small)
 I checked out some of them, but not this one. It looks good, thanks!

[pygame] Strange syntax error

2007-03-05 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
I have come to the decision that this idea would make a great sequel,
But for now I don't want to throw away the work I've already done. So,
without further ado...

I got hit with a syntax error, but I don't see it anywhere. Does
anybody see it?

It's on line 17. I don't see it though...

On Thu, 1 Mar 2007 21:14:10 -0500
Charles Christie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I know the basics of both Python and C, I took robotics and the
 robot's programming was done in C.
 I've learned how to use C but I've never actually done it, though.
 I've read code, went bug hunting and used code in a robot but I've
 never actually done something on my own in it yet.I know a little
 python from what I've been doing with my game so far. I'm just trying
 to think which direction I should take it. I had better make up my
 mind soon...
 I'd like to experiment with SWIG and C... but I don't know if I have
 enough time for that. I'm afraid that if I do it wrong I'll waste too
 much time and have nothing good to present for my project...
 Hmm. It's a difficult decision.
##Character class. This is where the main playable STG character actions will be defined.

import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
from helpers import *

class Charsprite(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, pix, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.sprite = load_image(pix)
def update(self):
self.image = self.sprite
self.image.blit = (self.image, (0, 0)
self.rect = self.image.get_rect() = (self.x, self.y)

##class Playersprite(Charsprite):
##def __init__(self):
##def update(self):
##class Bosssprite(Charsprite):
##def __init__(self):
##def update(self):
##class Lifebar(Charsprite):
##def __init__(self):
##def update(self):
## - has all the stuff for importing images and sounds and other helpers I might want
import pygame, os, sys
from pygame.locals import *

def load_image(name, colorkey=None):
fullname = os.path.join('data', name)
image = pygame.image.load(fullname)
except pygame.error, message:
print 'Unable to load ', name, '!'
raise SystemExit, message
image = image.convert()
if colorkey is not None:
if colorkey is -1:
colorkey = image.get_at((0,0))
image.set_colorkey(colorkey, RLEACCEL)
return image, image.get_rect()

def load_sound(name):
class NoneSound:
def play(self): pass
if not pygame.mixer:
return NoneSound()
fullname = os.path.join('data', name)
sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(fullname)
except pygame.error, message:
print 'Unable to load ', wav, '!'
raise SystemExit, message
return sound

Re: [pygame] Game idea revised

2007-02-28 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Wed, 28 Feb 2007 14:27:45 -0800
Bob Ippolito [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 2/28/07, Charles Joseph Christie II [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Wed, 28 Feb 2007 10:55:30 -0800
  Bob Ippolito [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On 2/28/07, Kordova [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Feb 28, 2007, at 8:27 AM, Charles Christie wrote:
 This idea seems more and more feasible, and better for pygame,
 every time I think about it, and my previous idea of making a
 danmaku shoot-em-up game out of this typing thing gets less
 savory due to the speed and accuracy limitations of python
 (which isn't exactly a bad thing, it's easy to program in for
 a newbie like me).
I do not know what danmaku is (actually thanks to google I
think I now do), but I have had success at work and at home
with intensive 3d applications written primarily in Python. If
you feel you are able to develop this and are interested in
doing so, you should try it. In my experience most complaints
against Python tend to be based on poor design and/or
implementation of algorithms rather than the language running
dog slow. (And you can make the plunge into C extensions or
whatever if it really becomes an issue.)
   Python having accuracy limitations seems very suspect as well.
   Where the heck did that assertion come from?
  A tutorial on the pygame website says that you shouldn't try to get
  pixel perfect hitrect detection. Wouldn't that mess with the game's
 That's a general rule of game programming; doing bounding rects or
 circles is a LOT faster than comparing swaths of pixels. It's possible
 to do it with pixels in pygame if you really want to, and I'm pretty
 sure I've seen extensions that do exactly that. You still need to
 design for bounding rect or distance based collision detection in
 *any* environment even if doing pixel based collision in order to
 decide which things are worth comparing.
Bounding rect? you mean like something that surrounds an object and
tells if the two bounding rects touched? That's what I thought he meant
by pixel perfect detection. Oops. ^_^;;

  And the speed limitations thing comes from the fact that, well, I
  suck at coding. :P
  I read one tutorial that if you're making a fast paced game you
  shouldn't even bother with Python. Of course, I considered this BS,
  but I know that Python isn't as fast as C. That doesn't mean it's
  _slow_, though.
 If you can do fast paced games in Flash (and you can), then you can do
 it in pygame. I've seen an ikaruga clone in Flash, which sounds like
 the kind of game you're thinking of. That said, you need to know what
 you're doing in nearly any environment to get good performance when
 you're managing hundreds or thousands of things many times a second.

Good point. Although it wouldn't be thousands of things. at the most a
hundred or two.

  Didn't know you could use C extensions in Python. Is that like
  saying, if I have a library I like to use in C (in this case, Kenta
  Cho's awesome bulletml library) I can use it in python? How much
  hacking would that take?
 pygame is a C extension. I don't know anything about bulletml, but you
 might be able to use it relatively easily with something like ctypes
 or swig. Otherwise you'd have to write code in C or Pyrex against the
 Python API that gets what you want out of it.
someone was writing a python wrapper for it and then disappeared off of
the face of the planet _

I kinda don't have time for that, though.

  Other reasons I wanted to change the idea of my game is because...
  1. Time limitations. It'd probably be easier to come up with a grid
  instead of 20 bullet patterns and program them all, but if I could
  use bulletml this wouldn't be nearly as much of a problem.
  2. I never thought of doing it this way and someone else said it
  would be a good idea, and I agree with him now.
  3. No need to change the game code for every keyboard layout. My
  typing danmaku game idea assumed everyone has a QWERTY keyboard.
  4. I've never seen anyone else do this, while I've seen multiple
  shoot-em-up typing tutors (but none of them were danmaku and none of
  them were based on the Touhou games).
  5. Well... uh... my typing danmaku game would make a good sequel. ;P
  I didn't mean to make it sound as if it's impossible to make a
  danmaku typing game in Python, but rather a newbie like myself
  would end up making code that is slow and inaccurate due to lack of
  information and (moreover) time.
 None of these really seem terribly relevant to Python or pygame. You'd
 have the same problems with just about anything...

Yeah, I know, which is why I am going for something a little simpler.

 Since it sounds like you're just starting out I would recommend doing
 simpler games that you can actually finish instead of trying to make
 your first or second project a masterpiece... but again, that's not

Re: [pygame] Game idea revised

2007-02-28 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Thu, 01 Mar 2007 15:48:29 +1300
Greg Ewing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 No, pixel perfect usually means taking the actual shape
 of the object into account, i.e. comparing their bitmaps.
 This is obviously a lot more expensive than just comparing
 the bounding rects.
 Rest assured that Python has no trouble doing integer
 arithmetic accurately, and will tell you for certain
 whether the bounding rects intersect or not. :-)
 (If you were using floats for your rect coordinates,
 you might have some accuracy limitations, but that's
 a general feature of float arithmetic, and nothing to
 do with Python.)

On Wed, 28 Feb 2007 18:27:42 -0800
Bob Ippolito [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Pixel perfect detection typically means that you're actually comparing
 a bitmap mask of two sprites, to see if the actual pixels overlap.
 Comparing rectangles or circles is a lot cheaper than individual
 pixels. You can check the pixels *after* you've found a collision in
 the rectangles (which means they're at least very close to touching
 visually), but usually you don't have to bother.

Thanks for clearing that up guys. I'll remember that. 

Re: [pygame] Making a moving character in Pygame

2007-02-16 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
On Fri, 16 Feb 2007 17:58:54 -0800 (PST)
Dave LeCompte (really) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  So... I've seen it done in like a billion ways, but I don't know
  which way is the best.
 Ok, what does best mean for you? Easiest to code for you? Easiest to
 maintain over the long run? Fastest execution speed? Closely
 resembling the feel of a specific game you wish to emulate?
 Once you decide what's important to you, you can evaluate possible
 solutions and pick one that most closely matches your requirements.

I would like a balance between fast execution and easy maintenance if
possible. If I could only pick one it would probably be maintenance.
  One of the ones that interested
  me was the one in the pyraider gamelet up on the pygame website.
 Sounds like a perfectly good starting point.
 -Dave What's the best pizza? LeCompte

OK. Let's go with that then. The thing that puzzles me is what the
advantage (or disadvantage) of those miniature def statements for
deciding which way the player is moving.

Re: [pygame] pygame is a disgrace

2007-02-16 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
Excuse me for hijacking this thread and asking, but how hard is it to
compile programs in Windows? 'Cause in Linux you just type:

./ configure  make  make install

and you're set to go after you settle dependency problems, which I
found overwhelmingly easy the last time I tried it in PCLinuxOS. And
since you compile everything in Gentoo Linux anyway, it was as easy as

emerge pygame

and dependencies and everything were grabbed for me.

so what do Windows users go through to compile stuff? I don't think it
would be worth complaining this much about it...

Re: [pygame] Newbie needs help, what's the most efficient (or easiest) way to do this?

2007-01-30 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
I figured I was doing something wrong... I didn't know I could include
attachments. Sorry, this is really the first experience I've had with
a mailing list...

A few e-mails up, I said I was trying to get the game to display the
letters and words you typed correctly in a row. Someone said to put the
sprites in their own group, so I thought he meant class. So that's what
I did. Yet, the text still doesn't show up on screen... What am I doing

Yeah. So when I get back to my laptop I'll attach the code instead of
sending it in the body of my message next time. Sorry about that.

On Tue, 30 Jan 2007 16:26:30 -0600
Luke Paireepinart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Charles Christie wrote:
  Aww it still doesn't work... am I doin' it right? 
 What doesn't work?
 it's easier to give you help if you explain the problem you're having 
 and only include
 code snippets you think are relevant...
 I have zero desire to read through all your code and try to figure
 out what the problem is,
 especially since if you think there is a problem you probably know 
 approximately where it is occurring...
 Also attachments are better than including the whole thing in your 
 e-mail because then you can be
 sure that it isn't messing up your tabs, and you won't have problems 
 with wrapping

Re: [pygame] Newbie needs help, what's the most efficient (or easiest) way to do this?

2007-01-29 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
Actually, you would only move if you held the TAB button, else you'd

On Tue, 30 Jan 2007 14:03:34 +1300
Greg Ewing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Charles Christie wrote:
  The game would be about typing english words as fast as possible to
  damage the boss, while moving around the bullet pattern it fires at
  The thing is that moving would be mapped, on a qwerty keyboard:
  WASD, IKJL, and the up, 5, left and right buttons on a numpad.
 There's an interesting idea in there somewhere. Suppose
 movement was *only* done using alphabetic keys. Then the
 words you typed would have the side effect of moving you
 around in various ways. To allow you some freedom of
 movement, you'd have a set of words to choose from at any
 moment. The game would then be to choose which word to
 type next to move you in the direction you want to go...

Re: [pygame] Newbie needs help, what's the most efficient (or easiest) way to do this?

2007-01-04 Thread Charles Joseph Christie II
Saw that, but I didn't feel like getting ideas from other people's code
until I understood it myself. Oh yeah, and I couldn't make sense of
anything I read in that the first time I looked it over (I'd probably
get most of it now, but when I looked last time I didn't even know how
to get the typing portion, and I couldn't distinguish it from the rest
of the code :P ).
Thanks for the replies, guys. I was afraid of using mailing lists
because I thought I would get loads of gtfo and noob replies and,
well, I never tried to figure out how they worked. Thanks for not
outcasting me. You guys totally remind me of the Gentoo Linux forums
(which is a very good thing) so thanks again!

On Fri, 5 Jan 2007 01:09:40 +0100
Kai Kuehne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 1/4/07, Charles Joseph Christie II [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Well, actually, after I finish all of the homework that's due
  tomorrow. After I get this down, I just have to get the combo timer
  system thing up... But I'll ask about that a little later. Thank
 Maybe you can find some ideas in TypusPocus: