Re: relay-ctrl and qmail (it's finally working!)

2001-03-01 Thread Bill

Thanks guys and gals(?)!

This is making my life much easier.  


2001-05-08 Thread Bill Andersen

This message attmepts to load the Chineese Character set.

It could be SPAM, or it could be a question written in Chineese...

I CAN'T read Chineese, but I'll take a stab at translating it anyway.
(I feel lucky today!)

I'll bet he is asking at LEAST one of the following questions...

1) Why does it take so long to check mail?
2) How do I set up relaying?
3) How do I set up virtualdomains?
4) How can I discard Mail?

Robin, Tim, Dave... you guys want to flame him or should I?

:) :) :)Bill

RE: Fw:

2001-05-10 Thread Bill Andersen


  How damn ironic!  You preach and preach to these guys about
  send unadulterated, unedited examples to the list and the
  one frickin guy who actually DOES - sends a virus!

  I know you always try to make this list idiot proof, but I
  think we just _found_ that "better idiot!". :)

-Original Message-
From: Robin S. Socha [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 3:28 AM
Subject: Re: Fw:

* Okan CIMEN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010510 03:11]:

If you are 99% certain that you're sending a virus, WHY DO YOU SEND IT?
If you can be 99% sure that at least 5 "administrators" whose users are
subscribed to this list are idiots with misconfigured virus scanners,

> Our e-mail users receive lots of e-mails with no subject nor from
> adress but just an attachment. Below is an example I have received
> before. As you may see there are no "from" or "subject" information
> available. The only clue is the .exe attachment with a random name
> written in capital letters.

Which documents about qmail and UCE prevention did you read before you
asked here? There are several on

> How can I block these e-mails?

When all else fails, man procmail. But you don't leave the impression
that you'll understand it. I'll get some popcorn while the "our L33t
virus sc4nn3r has found some virus that can't affect you because you're
not running commercial software from Redmon" hit this list. Again.
Thank you *very* much.

RE: OT: where are you from

2001-05-16 Thread Bill Andersen

D.J. Bernstein is big into "Cryptography" - using key encryption for
private/secure email, etc.   His domain choice "" is "crypto"
without the dots - AFAIK, he is actually in the USA.  Based on his
web site, I would assume in the Chicago area.


>On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 09:33:46AM +0300, Martín Marqués wrote:
>> Off Topic, but not so much.
>> what does .to stand for, as in [EMAIL PROTECTED]?

>The island of Tonga.

>djb uses only because it looks good and is easy to remember,
>however. He's not (AFAIK :) related to anybody in Tonga.

>Greetz, Peter.

[OT] qmail & php

2001-06-06 Thread Bill Andersen

When I installed qmail, I obviously removed sendmail.  Now
when I build php(4) and try to use the the mail() function,
I get "mail() not supported in this PHP build" because
sendmail was not found during the configure (I assume).

The only reference I could find in the php archives was to
put "sendmail_path=", but it didn't

Has anyone had any luck using php with qmail?

Please reply off-list as I realize this is really a php issue.
The php mailing list is down per their web site, but I
figure someone on this list is bound to be running php...



BTW: RH7, php4<->apache

RE: [OT] qmail & php

2001-06-06 Thread Bill Andersen

OK, I hate to go back "on list" with this, but since I got about
30 replies, it's easier to go back to the list then to reply to each
of you.  THANKS for all the replies though.

Almost all the replies were "did you set up links to qmail's sendmail
wrapper"... Yes!  I've had qmail running for 6 months without any
problems.  Followed LWQ to the letter and have since re-verified the
links are in place...

[bill@mail bill]$ cd /usr/lib
[bill@mail lib]$ ls -l sendmail
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   23 Jun  3 11:25 sendmail ->
[bill@mail lib]$ cd /usr/sbin
[bill@mail sbin]$ ls -l sendmail
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   23 Jun  3 11:25 sendmail ->

I even did the following:

1) Stopped qmail and removed the symlinks
2) Installed sendmail (from RPM)
3) Did a complete install (./configure , make, make install) for
   both PHP and Apache (per their instructions)
4) Uninstalled sendmail using RPM
5) Re-create the symlinks to "qmail's sendmail"
6) Restarted qmail (actually restared the machine, qmail's working)

STILL, get the error: "mail() is not supported in the PHP build"

The only thing I haven't tried is the suggestion from Michael Geier below.
Nothing personal Michael, but Hell, I don't want to have to start from
scratch... surely I don't need to re-install Linux!

Anybody else?


(OK, back to "off list" mode!)

>-Original Message-
>From: Michael Geier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 1:47 PM
>To: Gordon McDowall; Bill Andersen; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Subject: RE: [OT] qmail & php
>you must install php pre-qmail.
>PHP compiles with the sendmail executables and libraries.
>   install os (w/sendmail)
>   install php
>   install qmail
>   follow the qmail faq for linking to qmail executables
>   change sendmail_path to "/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject" in php.ini
>This is how I did it and it works great on a machine with big.concurrency
>patch and 400 remote processes.

RE: [OT] qmail & php

2001-06-06 Thread Bill Andersen


  I got this two or three times, so I don't know if the list
  sent it more than once, or whether you just thought you hadn't
  sent it and decided to send it again.

  In any event, I'm not ignoring your reply, just thinking it
  through.  I'm not using FreeBSD, so I've got to find time to
  look into mailwrapper (if it's even available on RH Linux).
  I'm not at my Linux machine right now...

  Don't worry, I did get it... :)  Thanks.


-Original Message-
From: Jeremy Suo-Anttila [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 2:49 PM
To: Gordon McDowall; Bill Andersen; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [OT] qmail & php

I have a machine with apache_mod_ssl+php4+mod_jk and the MTA is qmail and i
have yet to have any problems using php scripts on it. I am using a FreeBSD
4.1.1 Box and for the sendmail mailwrapper i used this

If the system undergoes a 'make world', its going to replace the sendmail
link to /var/qmail/bin/sendmail, qmail and break the package. Dj-vapor
kindly pointed out that linking to the qmail's sendmail binary
at/var/qmail/bin/sendmail is a not the best solution, there's an even more
fun way of doing it. He suggests using mailwrapper to link to qmail's
sendmail binary. First we'll link the old sendmail binary to mailwrapper.
Lastly, we'll edit /etc/mail/mailer.conf and replace the old sendmail binary
locations with qmail's sendmail binary.

# ln -s /usr/sbin/sendmail /usr/sbin/mailwrapper

# pico -w /etc/mail/mailer.conf

Replace the following lines:

   sendmail /usr/libexec/sendmail/sendmail
   send-mail /usr/libexec/sendmail/sendmail
   mailq /usr/libexec/sendmail/sendmail
   newaliases /usr/libexec/sendmail/sendmail


   sendmail /var/qmail/bin/sendmail
   # send-mail /var/qmail/bin/sendmail -bp
   # mailq /var/qmail/bin/sendmail
   # newaliases /var/qmail/bin/newaliases

If you want more information on mailwrapper, then type the line below on
your FreeBSD machine.:

# man mailwrapper

If you don't want to use mailwrapper, then you can simply link the old
sendmail binary to qmail's sendmail binary using one of the methods below

Good Luck


-Original Message-
From: Gordon McDowall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 10:50 AM
To: Bill Andersen; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [OT] qmail & php

I have a machine with php and qmail on it, but I can't remember which I
installed first ;o(
I will put a php form script on if you like to test it

- Original Message -
From: "Bill Andersen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 3:28 PM
Subject: [OT] qmail & php

> When I installed qmail, I obviously removed sendmail.  Now
> when I build php(4) and try to use the the mail() function,
> I get "mail() not supported in this PHP build" because
> sendmail was not found during the configure (I assume).
> The only reference I could find in the php archives was to
> put "sendmail_path=", but it didn't
> work.
> Has anyone had any luck using php with qmail?
> Please reply off-list as I realize this is really a php issue.
> The php mailing list is down per their web site, but I
> figure someone on this list is bound to be running php...
>  (Sorry!)
> ./bill
> BTW: RH7, php4<->apache

RE: better methods to install qmail on linux ( Redhat 6.2 or 7.0)

2001-06-07 Thread Bill Andersen

>>Kalle Kivimaa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>In a mail server this fails when you get a mail which is larger than the
>>available size on /var.  Thus, have AT LEAST 4GB for /var, then you SHOULD
>>safe.  Same goes with /home if you deliver mail locally.
>Dave Sill wrote:
>You really have users sending multigigabyte messages? Yow.

I first thought the same thing, but then remembered seeing a
graphics designer friend of mine email a complete corporate
brochure to his printer.  Sent 8 emails with attachments of
just under 125MB EACH.  He had 768DSL, they had T-1.  Started
the send and went to eat dinner.  We got back a couple of
hours later and they were done! I asked him why he didn't
FTP them and he said, why email is easy!

Get many people doing that on your mail server and
you are right, "Yow" is about the only thing you can say!


RE: New Broadcast Message!!!

2001-06-08 Thread Bill Andersen

There is always...  To: "Everybody" <*@*.*>

That sends email to everyone in the world!

(Yes, I am just kidding!  However, I got a double bounce the
 other day with this as the address... I actually got a good
 laugh out of it! :>)

-Original Message-
From: Kirti S. Bajwa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2001 8:18 AM
Subject: New Broadcast Message!!!

 Hi All:

Previously I posted a message under heading "Broadcast Message" and got some
good suggestions. I also got a response whereas the person responding
thought that I was try to send spam. After reading my original posting, I
think I need to clarify what I am doing and what I need (previously I did
not do it to keep the message short). So here is the question:

Our company has a mail server. It has RH 6.2 and Qmail 1.3 and very much
else. This server serves to about 200 email addresses. We need to install a
patch which will require the system to be re-booted. Therefore, we would
like to send an email message to all the emails addresses on our company's
mail server, informing them of coming re-boot. Any suggestion??



2001-06-08 Thread Bill Parker

Hi All,

Through a fault of no one, it appears the password for
postmaster for my default domain was changed, and no one can
remember it.  How can I change it manually, as I have root
access to the machine in question, and I am the administrator.

I see a file called vpasswd in the domain in question, can I
hack the file and remove the encrypted stuff for postmaster?


RE: W32.Hybris double-bounce clobber perl script...

2001-06-12 Thread Bill Andersen


  Just so you'll know.  No filtering going on at

  I got this one the first go round...


-Original Message-
From: Roger Merchberger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 10:10 AM
Subject: W32.Hybris double-bounce clobber perl script...

(I tried sending this once before - methinks there's some filtering going
on at, so I'll change a few things & try again...)

Hello all...

I finally got deeply disturbed about all the double-bounces coming into my
email box (sometimes 2500 after a weekend... :-( ) from the Hybris virus
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and I figured I needed to create a personal filter
for my mailbox to filter these thingies out... So I did.

The proggie is simple (and included here) but most everything's hardcoded
into the program, so you'll need to modify it to suit yourself (& salt to
taste... ;-)

It's a *very* short Perl script, named (on my machine), and
here's what my .qmail file reads:


and here's the script:


### Let's get the info first, to see if it's actually something
###  we need to control...

@zline = ;

$limpy = grep (/TVqQAAME/, @zline);

exit (0) if ($limpy == 0);

# Now, we know that we have a virus... send it to a separate file
# have the proggie die quietly while disregarding further delivery
# instructions in the .qmail file...

open (Q,">>/home/zmerch/hahainfo.txt");

# go thru each environment variable and write them to my logfile...

foreach $quack ( keys(%ENV) ) {
print Q "ENV - $quack = $ENV{$quack}\n";

print Q "\n\n";

foreach $liner (@zline) {

# re-search for the beginning of the virus, because we don't
# need to save the entire virus payload to our data file...

$limpy = grep (/TVqQAAME/, $liner);
last if ($limpy != 0);

print Q "OMail:  $liner";


print Q "\n=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=\n\n";

# Now exit the proggie & exit w/a #99 exit code to make
# qmail disregard any further lines in the .qmail file

close (Q);

exit (99);

Anyway, I hope this helps someone out there...

Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

RE: help : qmail-popup3d

2001-06-15 Thread Bill Andersen

I wouldn't normally chime in on this (cause I sure don't
claim to know much normally), but I happened to help
someone change a service from inetd to xinetd this weekend
and remember the man pgs mentioning that "inetd" uses the
name of the service as the first parameter in the
inetd.conf file...

So it MIGHT be correct.  I say might, cause as I said,
I don't profess to be an expert!! :)


-Original Message-
From: Charles Cazabon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2001 8:58 AM
Subject: Re: help : qmail-popup3d

Carlos Baptista <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> this are two configurations for starting qmail-popup3d that i have used:
> inetd.conf
> pop3  stream  tcp nowait  root/var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup
qmail-popup /bin/checkpasswordnt /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Mail

That looks incorrect to me.  qmail-popup followed by qmail-popup?

> tcpserver
> tcpserver -v -R 0 pop3 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup \
>/bin/checkpasswordnt /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Mail 2>&1 |
>/var/qmail/bin/splogger pop3d &

This one looks okay, although splogger is deprecated and unnecessary.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.


2001-06-22 Thread Bill Andersen

Lars Hansson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
>- "Hello, Joe's Car Service. How may I be of service?"
>- "Ah yes, it's my car. It doesn't start"
>- "Ah, I see. What make is it?"
>- "Oh well, I'm afraid I can't tell you that"
>- "Uhmm...why not?"
>- "Well, you never know. So many car thieves these days. You might find out
>where it is and come and steal it"
>- "We would not do that sir. We're a respectable company"
>- "Well, I can not know that for sure..."
>- "Aha. So, can you give us your address so we can come and have a look at
>it at your home then?"
>- "Heavens no! You might rob my house at night if I tell you where I live!"
>- "Oh well, I'm afraid we can't help you then, sir"
>- "WHAT!! WHY NOT! I'm only asking for help"
>- "But sir..."

And then there are these two conversations that took
place in Dallas, Texas. Late 1999.

First call:
"Hello, Joe's Car Service.  How may I be of service?"
"Ah yes, I need someone to pick up my Chevy Suburban
 at 1234 Anystreet, it won't start this morning.
 I'm taking a cab to work."
"Ok, sir.  We'll take care of it.  Goodbye."

Second call:
"Hello, Joe's Car Service.  How may I be of service?"
"Hi, I called this morning about the Chevy Suburban.  Did
 you have any luck with it?."
"Uh, sir.  We thought you got it started and took it
 on to work.  It wasn't there when we went to pick it up..."

CAUSE: Someone had tapped into the car shop's phone
line and beat them to the address.  3 vehicles THAT DAY!
Of course, after getting to the 3rd address and NO vehicle,
they started getting suspicious.

MORAL OF THE STORY:  Don't EVER think it can't happen to you.

I know, I know.  You have to give out enough info to get help.
But some people are a little more cautious than others.  Remember,
they DON'T know YOU.  And with all the inflated news propaganda
about the Internet and how people can "steal you blind", we should
at least understand someone's reluctance to just "spill it all out"
in a public group.  In any event, Robin's attack on these individuals
accomplishes NOTHING.

But then again, I'm sure that doesn't surprise anyone on this list.


2001-06-22 Thread Bill Andersen

Charles Cazabon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
>Nope.  If you're running a mail server, you should have enough technical
>knowledge to not be vulnerable to mass hysteria about technology.
>go back to your stone knives and raw mastodon meat.

However, you are making the assumption the user wants to actually "run"
a mail server.  I've helped a few individuals that have no desire to
commercially run a mail server.  They simply want to set one up for their
own use in order TO LEARN how it all works.  Heck, my qmail box at my
house only has 3 users.  Me, my wife and my son.  I thought it would be
interesting to see if I could set up qmail and a Linux box at my house
(on DSL) and host my own domain.  I have no NEED for a mail server at
my house.  I've got an ISP that uses qmail that I could be using.  I just
wanted to learn.  Hey, I got it working and learned a lot about Linux/qmail.

That's the only way to get rid of my stone knives and raw meat! LEARN!

Your philosophy says, if you're not technically knowledgeable, you
have no business trying to learn how to use a mail server.  How the
heck do you become technically knowledgeable then?

OK, maybe the way some people had to learn was by asking uneducated
questions and then getting the shit kicked out of them for asking.
I'm sure someone's father out there used that approach when they
were a child.  Maybe it's why they always do the same to other



2001-06-22 Thread Bill Andersen

Russell Nelson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
>Then don't ask a public mailing list for help.  Instead, go to one of
>the suppliers of commercial support.  How to know which is reliable?
>Watch this mailing list, and see who's been around longest (has the
>most established reputation to protect), and who supplies the most
>clueful answers.

Well put.  Very much in the spirit of user supported software...

Russ, I'm not saying they shouldn't give us the information needed
to help them.  I'm just of the opinion we shouldn't jump down every
newbie's throat just because they are a little over cautious.

Put yourself in their shoes.  Imagine walking up to an Automated Teller
Machine and seeing a guy, presumably a maintenance worker, adjusting
the electronics.  He says, "The card reader and pad aren't working.
Just give me your card and PIN number and I'll swipe it back here."

Would YOU hand over your card?

All he wants to do it help you, right?

Think about it...

RE: Peter from the Dike and Security

2001-06-27 Thread Bill Andersen

You guys are making this way too hard...

Copy the text, go to
and paste it in the "translate to..." box.

Then choose "Garbage to English" and click on "Translate"

Poof!  You get it back translated into "English" garbage :)

-Original Message-
From: Mike Peppard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 9:03 AM
To: Qmail List
Subject: RE: Peter from the Dike and Security

I'm glad this is a slow week.
(Yahoo search keywords - caesar, encryption, unix)

Substdio Functions

2001-06-28 Thread Bill Luckett


Can someone point me to some documentation on using the substdio functions?
Is there any?


Bill Luckett
Director of Information Systems
Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society
1625 Eastover Dr.
Jackson, MS 39211

Ph:  601-984-3559
Fax: 601-984-3506

RE: FYI: Windows is better

2001-07-05 Thread Bill Andersen

Robin S. Socha wrote:
> The internet was neither invented by Gill Bates, nor by Al Gore. *WE*
> run it, and we don't use Windows. Ever. If you find using MacOS or $UNIX
> on your desktop too much of an intellectual challenge, please don't use
> technical mailing lists.

Oh no, this is real scary.  I may have to adopt a new found respect
for you Robin.  Do you actually hold the MacOS in higher regard
then Windows?  Or is that only the new MacOS X due to it's $UNIX

Bounce Info

2001-07-10 Thread Bill Luckett


For various resasons I'm trying to construct a file with the sender and
recipeients of bounce messages like:

... entry for every *fatal* bounce.

I've tried putting code like this in various places in qmail-send.c and

if ((outfile = fopen("/var/log/somedir/bounces", "a")) != NULL)
  fprintf(outfile, "%s   %s\n", sender, intended_recip);

but I get only the sender or nothing at all. If I can't get both easily
then I need to at least get the intended recipient (the address that's
potentially no good.)

Anyone know where I can plop this code and what variables I should be

It's a long story but I don't want to have to parse the logs.


Bill Luckett
Director of Information Systems
Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society
1625 Eastover Dr.
Jackson, MS 39211

Ph : 601-984-3559
Fax: 601-984-3506

tcpserver slow on internal network

2001-07-16 Thread Bill Arends

I have a qmail server running on RH7 w/ tcpserver.  I
has been installed for about 2 weeks.  For about a
week it ran fine but it suddenly started to time out
forwarding mail both to internal addresses and to
external addresses.  I researched the list and assumed
it was a DNS issue.  I added the appropriate switches
and increased the softlimit from 200 to 400. 
See below: (basically a copy of LWQ)

QMAILDUID=`id -u qmaild`
NOFILESGID=`id -g qmaild`
MAXSMTPD=`cat /var/qmail/control/concurrencyincoming`
exec /usr/local/bin/softlimit -m 400 \
  /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -H -R -l 0 -x
/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -c "$MAXSMTPD" \
   -u "$QMAILDUID" -g "NOFILESGID" 0 smtp
 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1

The timeouts stopped and now the response is about
20-25 sec some of the time and normal 1-2 sec. others.

The server has a public and private network interface
and is running Linux Masq (ie. 192.168. internal and a
routable address external).  If I attach a workstation
on the public network it responds normally.  It is the
private network that is inconsistant.  Web activity
thru the Linux Masq is always normal.  I even attached
a single workstation to the inside to eliminate
possible conflicts on the internal network.  Same

Everything seems to point to a DNS issue but the
external network always seems normal.

I hope I haven't overlooked the obvious but I probably
have.  Any guidance on where to look would be greatly

Thanks in advance,


Do You Yahoo!?
Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail

sqwebmail and qmail?

2001-07-16 Thread Bill Parker

Hi All,

I was wondering, is there a way to make a reply to a
message sent from sqwebmail not show the username@FQDN but
rather username@domain

example:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] is what comes up now in
response to a reply in a MUA, but I want it to be just
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (where is the domain).  Is this
possible?  I have this issue on my mail server, and while
minor, I would like to know if it can be eliminated?


RE: Robin Socha, this is a plea.

2001-08-01 Thread Bill Andersen


  You are wasting your time.  Robin is just gonna hit you with
  his BS now...  Don't take me wrong, I AGREE with YOU.  But
  I went down that road with Robin and it didn't do any good.
  And it never will.  I don't think he had a mother and it's
  obvious his father beat him regularly... hence the anger.

  Now we'll see if he replies to this.  He shouldn't, since I
  use Outlook and he's already said he filters out all Outlook
  mail from this list.  If he replies, we'll know he lying
  there too...


> -Original Message-
> From: Jeff Palmer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 3:10 PM
> Cc: Robin S. Socha
> Subject: Robin Socha, this is a plea.
> Can anyone say 'anger management course'?

> Jeff Palmer
> P.S.  I did indeed read the message about not CC'ing you..

Re: qmail & anti-virii

2001-08-12 Thread Bill Arlofski

I am working through a few last minor issues, but Kaspersky Antivirus 
for Linux servers has a nice qmail integration piece.   (You'll want at least the August 1st 3.5 
build 136 version - mime problems with earlier versions)

Basically, you start the antivirus daemon, rename the original 
qmail-queue file, drop Kaspersky's qmail-queue in it's place. 
 qmail-smtpd passes inbound mail to the Kaspersky qmail-queue which 
performs the scan via the running daemon process, then passes off 
virus-free email to the original qmail-queue program.

Logging is to syslog, or a file, or both. You have options of emailing 
the offending users that they have sent infected email (most of these I 
am finding are getting bounced for all the obvious reasons). You can 
also send an administrative mail to your network admins to keep you up 
to date on incoming (or outgoing) email virus activity.

I am pretty happy with it. I'd be glad to comment more, show configs, or 
help in any way.. I just don't want to clog up the list on my first day 

Averroes wrote:

>Hi There,
>I am new in qmail and want to migrate qmail with security purposes
>but I want to know how to deal with virus, worms, etc.
>It is possible to configure qmail with some tools
>which check the contents of mail, attached docs, etc.
>All my server are Linux powered and all clients are Win2k.
>This is why of my mail.
>Docs, Tutorials, etc. will be helpful.
>In advance Thanks!
># Averroes A. Aysha
># Think Linux, Think Slackware!
># Network Security Auditor (NSA)
># Fingerprint = 73B7 2559 2968 5094 3B95 5C70 4E85 5F94 6068 1DD8

Qmail, tcpserver, environment variables, and qmail-smtpd

2001-08-12 Thread Bill Arlofski

Quick question regarding tcpserver, environment variables,  and 

I'd like to be able to stop inbound smtp connections for systems that 
don't have at least a DNS A record. I mean, c'mon... If you are running 
a mail server, it should have a valid DNS entry, no?   Anyway, here is 
where tcpserver comes in, or so I thought. I figure I can use the 
default -h option (or -p 'parinoid')  to set the $TCPREMOTEHOST variable 
for inbound servers with valid DNS entries, and have inbound connections 
stopped or allowed based on that, right?  Wrong. (or so far it appears 
to be wrong)

I am trying to understand the purpose of being able to set environment 
variables like $TCPREMOTEHOST with tcpserver for incoming connections 
(ie: using the -h option or -p 'paranoid' option to perform reverse DNS 
lookups) and set or unset the $TCPREMOTEHOST variable based on DNS 
information. when qmail-smtpd does not seem to care, or make any use of it.

Is a shell script to be called in place of qmail-smtpd to check 
environment variables, then pass control back onto qmail-smtpd?  

Any comments, or pointers would be appreciated, even if you are just 
going to tell me I am being too paranoid.:)  

Bill Arlofski
Unix Systems Administrator
The Hotchkiss School

Re: qmail book coming?

2000-07-06 Thread Bill Parker

At 03:44 PM 7/6/00 -0700, you wrote:

I dunno, we have been hearing about the qmail book coming out for a while 
now, so I would
reserve judgement until it actually hits the shelf...I've always said 
everyone on this list could
use a good qmail reference with lots of step by step stuff, and what to do 
when bad things
happen to your qmail system...comments anyone?


invalid characters in a email address?

2000-07-29 Thread Bill Parker

Hi All,

Could someone give me a list of characters (ascii) which are NOT
valid in a e-mail address...We had a problem with a user interface, and
want to add code to prevent occurance from happening again...


hosting domain via vpopmail

2000-08-09 Thread Bill Parker

Hi All,

I have qmail v1.03, vpopmail, tcpserver, and qmailadmin installed
at my site...question I have is:

assume that brings up a web page

assume that is in our Class C

assume that has a priority of 10

assume also that points to the
IP of my linux box which has qmail installed on
I correct that by using vadddomain program I can process pop3
mail for this domain, and also if memory serves, some files
in /var/qmail/control need to be modified as well?

Last question...ORA qmail soon guys, and
will it contain information about vpopmail, tcpserver, etc?


Booby trapping tcprules

2000-08-25 Thread Bill Luckett


This may be the wrong place to post this but I didn't see a tcpserver/ucspi-tcp list. 
If there's a better place to post please let me know and forgive.

I'm wondering if and how you can booby trap a tcprules deny rule like you can with 
tcpd. With tcpd for instance you can have hosts.allow allow what you want then 
hosts.deny has a rule:

ALL: ALL: spawn (echo Attempt from %h %a to %d at `date` | tee -a 
/usr/adm/tcp.deny.log | mail -s "NETWORK DENY--myserver" [EMAIL PROTECTED]) &

which lets me know immediately if someone has tried something naughty. From the docs I 
get the impression it can be done but I'm pretty stupid and can't figure out how.



Re: clustered qmail solution

2000-09-01 Thread Bill Carlson

On Thu, 31 Aug 2000, Dave Sill wrote:

> It's also possible to cluster POP and IMAP servers, either with
> partitioned or shared responsibilities. E.g., you could have two POP
> servers: one for users whose names start with the letters A-M and
> another for those starting with N-Z. That spreads the load, but
> doesn't provide redundancy: if a server is down, some users are unable 
> to access their mail. Alternatively, you can have multiple POP servers 
> accessing a shared high-availability mail store like a
> network-attached RAID. The RAID is still a single-point-of-failure,
> but it's designed to minimize downtime. qmail's maildir format is
> especially well suited to storage on a network-attached RAID since it
> avoids messy locking problems.

In the case of shared storage, what is done to protect the queue? From
what I've read this far, losing the qmail queue means losing mail.

What are some of the ways to protect against this?

My first thought is mirrored drives on the incoming machines. That makes
the machines a little more pricey, but you get what you pay for.


Bill Carlson

Systems Programmer[EMAIL PROTECTED]|  Opinions are mine,
Virtual Hospital|  not my employer's.
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics|

Re: log database

2000-09-06 Thread Bill Carlson

On Wed, 6 Sep 2000, Clemens Hermann wrote:

> Hi
> now I have been running qmail fore a while. The logs keep on growing,
> the mail-traffic increases. It now becomes necessary to evaluate the
> logs to know who produced how much traffic. There will be some thousand
> pop users and so I guess it might be a really good idea to put all the
> logs in a database and query the database for needed information.
> So I would be glad if someone could give me a hint on how to solve the
> following two problems:
> 1. How can I get the qmail logs into a database? Is there a wesite
> onthis issue? I really would like to use MySQL. 
> 2. How do I generate a log analysis from the database (all the tools use
> textfiles). Any tool evaluationg the logs might be o.k. 
> It would be great if anyone could give me a hint, website, etc.
> thanks a lot in advance

1. What purpose is there in having the logs in a MySQL database?
Aside from that, one could write a perl script to do just that.

2. You seek qmailanalog, which can be found at, as well as qlogtools, at

Check and do a find for 'log' or 'statistic', that
might turn up more than my cursory look.


Bill Carlson

Systems Programmer[EMAIL PROTECTED]|  Opinions are mine,
Virtual Hospital|  not my employer's.
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics|

Re: log database

2000-09-06 Thread Bill Carlson

On Wed, 6 Sep 2000, Clemens Hermann wrote:

> Hi sean,
> > Here are a couple of benefits for throwing the logs into a database.
> > 
> > 1) You can be dumb and create killer reports using Crystal Reports. (IE your
> > BOSS who dont know anything about qmail or unix)
> this is one of the reasons. I want to be able to query the database and
> generate HTML-Reports. I tend to use PHP4 because it seems to be
> relatively easy to generate such reports this way for someone who is not
> very experienced with databases

How you generate your reports is not dependent on what format the logs are
in. The log files are a database, just not a very convenient one for ad
hoc queries. Write an app to process the logs and populate a database, I
am not aware of something that already does that.

> > 2) If you have more then one server then you have a central repository for
> > all your logs.
> I only have one server but my log directory keeps on growing and for
> this reason I want to get all logs into a database. Now I have the
> problem that I have to set up 5000 Mail accounts and it is absolutely
> necessary to get monthly traffic reports. Furtermore it might come up
> that the customers want to know more about the accounts and I suppose it
> might finally be easier to geth this information in an HTML document
> from a database than from very large text log-files.

It sounds like you need several things, all of which fall under system

1) Log rotation
2) Post processing of logs
3) Log archival

I don't know of anything that you can just plug in and have this work, it
takes time, effort, knowledge of the systems and knowledge of your needs.

2 Possible scenarios:

1. Post process the logs with an app that creates database records. Daily
rotation of the log files would probably be best

2. Process the logs through qmailanalog or similar, take those results
and create database records. This saves you from having to reinvent some
wheels, but may not give you the detail you need.


Bill Carlson

Systems Programmer[EMAIL PROTECTED]|  Opinions are mine,
Virtual Hospital|  not my employer's.
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics|

Re: qmail + freebsd = reboot

2000-09-14 Thread Bill Moran

Gustavo Vieira Goncalves Coelho Rios wrote:
> Doug White wrote:
> >
> > On Wed, 13 Sep 2000, Gustavo Vieira Goncalves Coelho Rios wrote:
> >
> > > Sep 13 17:12:21 etosha /kernel: pid 3197 (qmail-remote), uid 1008:
> > > exited on signal 11
> >
> > I'll bet you it's bad memory.  Get your DIMMs tested and/or replace them.
> >
> > Can you build a kernel?
> At the time the problem occured, i tried to compile the kernel and it
> failed!
> Then, i gave up! One day after i could do it (compile de kernel and
> stress the qmail) but the problem did not occur again!
> It's very strange! I could make world+make buildkernel+stress qmail
> without any problem.

Sounds suspiciously like either buggy hardware or a power problem.
Do you have the system plugged into an online power conditioner? What
else is plugged into the circuit the computer is plugged into?


FreeBSD ('BSD'):
No battles to the death are recalled. It is a small Daemon wearing
sneakers. It
is normally found on Internet servers and powerful desktops, and moves
quickly. A kill of this poweful creature is enough to tick off any
sysadmin. It
is highly magical, having the power to serve. It resists DoS and SYN
attacks. Nothing is known about its attack.

stumped with ezmlm

2000-09-20 Thread Bill Logan

I'm new to linux, qmail, fetchmail, serialmail, maildrop... I
have linux installed on a small two machine lan and am using a
dial-up connection... I own a domain hosted by a another server
and maintain a small, low-volume mailing list which I would like
to manage from this machine. I've followed the instructions to
the best of my ability and read until I'm tired of reading, and
still I can't get fetchmail to deliver list mail to "user-list"
when it retrieves it from the pop3 server who hosts my domain. It
sends everything to "user", not "user-list". Probably something
simple and obvious I've overlooked, but I can't seem to see it
for the life of me. Any help from users (if there are any) using
these programs in this manner will be greatly appreciated.


stumped with ezmlm

2000-09-20 Thread Bill Logan

My apologies for sending the following to the wrong list. (Can't
believe I did such a stupid, stupid thing! I'll just go ahead and
sign off the list!


I'm new to linux, qmail, fetchmail, serialmail, maildrop... I
have linux installed on a small two machine lan and am using a
dial-up connection... I own a domain hosted by a another server
and maintain a small, low-volume mailing list which I would like
to manage from this machine. I've followed the instructions to
the best of my ability and read until I'm tired of reading, and
still I can't get fetchmail to deliver list mail to "user-list"
when it retrieves it from the pop3 server who hosts my domain. It
sends everything to "user", not "user-list". Probably something
simple and obvious I've overlooked, but I can't seem to see it
for the life of me. Any help from users (if there are any) using
these programs in this manner will be greatly appreciated.


Re: ISP mail server.

2000-09-22 Thread Bill Carlson

On Fri, 22 Sep 2000, Frank Tegtmeyer wrote:

> >Does ISP mail server need to install mail virus scanner ??
> You have to weight the arguments:
> yes: centralized scanning allows easy update of virus signatures and 
>  instant reaction to new problems
> no:  - centralized scanning uses server resources that are expensive/rare 
>and that are massive available at the workstations
>  - it makes DoS more likely to succeed (think of zip-bombs)
>  - it creates delays in mail transfer that may be massive (I know
>of companies that had delays of up to 4 days)
> I personally would not apply centralized scanning.

An additional no for an ISP would be liability. If you're virus scanner
failed to pick up something and a users drive was destroyed, big problem.
Heck, some people would blame the ISP even if they got the virus from a

Better to not even try, then try and fail.

Bill Carlson

Systems Programmer[EMAIL PROTECTED]|  Opinions are mine,
Virtual Hospital|  not my employer's.
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics|

Strangeness in 95/98 machine and qmail

1999-06-02 Thread Bill Parker

Hello all,

I am writing in the hope someone can give me a clue as to what
might have happened.  I have a machine in our office which has a 
real ip address ending in .214 (it used to end in .249)...Now, ever since
it was changed, outlook express (the MTA the guy uses) has been barfing
sending and receiving mail outside of our domain.  Does anyone know why
this would happen, since I am not aware of anything in qmail which would
trigger this problem just by changing an IP address...


Re: Strangeness in 95/98 machine and qmail

1999-06-03 Thread Bill Parker

At 12:52 PM 6/3/99 +1200, you wrote:
>Check the qmail FAQ under the allow selective relaying bit...  chances are
>this machine is no longer within the range you specified.
>I assume you're using tcpserver, specifying an IP range here...  if not,
>specifically allow this machine to relay as well.
I think that is what the problem is, I checked the tcp.smtp file under
/etc/tcprules.d and found the old .249 address listed, but I then changed
it to .219, however, the file will not process under tcprules when I try
to run it...I know I am missing something basic here, but I can't see what
it is...

Re: Always, always!

1999-08-13 Thread Bill Parker

At 11:07 AM 8/12/99 -0400, you wrote:
>James Raftery writes:
> > On Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 02:15:17PM +0100, Simon Rae wrote:

> > > line traffic. Does this sound feasible? Is there anything I can do to
> > > remedy this apart from splash out extra cash on a line upgrade (assuming
> > > this is the problem)?
> > 
> > You (c|s)hould run a nameserver on your qmail machine. It's makes quite
> > a difference.
>*Always* run a nameserver on your qmail machine, even if it's caching-only.

U, i'm a little confused here, I don't admin my own DNS (UUNET does
that for me), is there a difference between DNS and a caching nameserver?

if so, will a caching nameserver speed up web queries by the machines
who get their net access via the linux box (NAT)?


Re: Always, always!

1999-08-13 Thread Bill Parker

>Bill Parker wrote:
>> At 11:07 AM 8/12/99 -0400, you wrote:
>> U, i'm a little confused here, I don't admin my own DNS (UUNET does
>> that for me), is there a difference between DNS and a caching nameserver?
>No.  DNS most likely runs as named (also called BIND) on your unix box. 
>If you're set up as caching only, you also want to have the forwarders
>set, and also alsways forward first.

ok, named is not currently running on my Linux box, and I have the ORA
DNS/Bind Book, does it show how to set up a caching only DNS (for local
stuff), or where should I look for this info?
>That way, your caching only nameserver will never try to resolve names
>itself that are not in its cache, but will always ask UUNET first. 
>Chances are that UUNET's nameservers are much, much faster than yours,
>so names are resolved very quickly.

Yeah, but when UUnet breaks down once in a while (always at the MOST
inopportune times), DNS lookups croak, so a caching DNS w/forwarding
makes the best sense...Doe the book cover this stuff?

>> if so, will a caching nameserver speed up web queries by the machines
>> who get their net access via the linux box (NAT)?


That sounds like what I want to do...h!


Re: Always, always!

1999-08-13 Thread Bill Parker

I got my config from LDP -, linux documentation project,
look up the DNS HOWTO.  It's pretty well documented.

I just printed it out and cut and pasted the files...

You may have to download the latest version of BIND (8.1.3??) to make it

quite possible, here is the output from tail -f /var/log/messages...

Aug 13 11:59:53 odie ftpd[15356]: FTP LOGIN FROM [],
Aug 13 12:00:00 odie ftpd[15358]: FTP LOGIN FROM [],
Aug 13 12:00:04 odie ftpd[15356]: FTP session closed
Aug 13 12:00:04 odie ftpd[15358]: FTP session closed
Aug 13 12:20:06 odie named[15412]: starting.  named 4.9.3-BETA26 Sun Nov 26
2:58:49 CST 1995 ^Iroot@fuzzy:/tmp/bind-4.9.3-BETA26/named
Aug 13 12:20:06 odie named[15412]: /etc/named.boot: No such file or directory

Does anyone have any ideas, or does my version of BIND/named need to be
upgraded or replaced?   (running Caldera OpenLinux 1.2 Base here,
libc5 based)


Re: Always, always!

1999-08-13 Thread Bill Parker

At 02:49 PM 8/13/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Quoting Bill Parker ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
>> Nod, I see a tarball for that stuff...have to download from,
>> since the tarball installs with root privledges, it should put every
>> thing in the right location (if my understanding of tarballs is any
>> good?)
>yes make install puts everything into the proper place.
ok, I did an rpm -e of bind, and downloaded the three .gz files in the ftp directory...also interesting is when I issued the rpm -e on
bind, it also removed the named file from /etc/rc.d/init.d, although
the /usr/sbin/named file is still on the system...does this need to be
removed prior to is a ls -al of /usr/sbin/named* 


so it looks like the binaries for named (aka bind 8.1.1) have been removed.

Is there any other problems or issues I might look for before untarring
the three packages I downloaded?


DNS 8.2.1 installed

1999-08-14 Thread Bill Parker

hello again,

Thanks to the help of some guys on here and IRC, I have installed
bind 8.2.1 from a tarball which I got from, now I am ready to
try to implement a caching DNS server, it appears to be working, now
I have a question, since I used the DNS How-to on the sunsite page (I
can't find my ORA bind/dns book at the moment), what I would like to
know, will named grab information from the root name servers if the
info is not stored in cache (I take it that is what the root.hints
file is for?)  Or am I in the wrong direction again?


Re: DNS 8.2.1 installed

1999-08-16 Thread Bill Parker

>On Sat, Aug 14, 1999 at 04:28:31PM -0400, Chris Johnson wrote:
>> You're in the right direction. If your server doesn't know the answer to a
>> question (it's not authoritative and the answer isn't in cache), it'll ask
>> someone else. This may be a root server if no information at all about the
>> request is cached, or it may be something further down the line. (Maybe it
>> already has cached the fact that is authoritative for
>>, but it doesn't know what the mail exchanger is for
It won't
>Of course, who the root servers are is something that you have to 
>keep up to date in your bind installation.  That is, bind doesn't
>automatically know who the root servers are.  That's something that
>it looks to a file for.  And it's up to you to keep the file up to

Which brings me to my next question since qmail is dependent on DNS
for proper operation, I downloaded a script from the DNS How-to at someone take a look at it to see if it
is workable for Linux via cron?

# Update the nameserver cache information file once per month.
# This is run automatically by a cron entry.
# Original by Al Longyear
# Updated for bind 8 by Nicolai Langfeldt
# Miscelanious error-conditions reported by David A. Ranch
# Ping test suggested by Martin Foster
 echo "To: hostmaster "
 echo "From: system "
 echo "Subject: Automatic update of the root.hints file"

 export PATH
 cd /var/named

 # Are we online?  Ping a server at your ISP
 case `ping -qnc` in
   *'100% packet loss'*)
echo "The network is DOWN. root.hints NOT updated"
exit 0

 dig . ns > 2>&1

 case `cat` in
# It worked
echo "The root.hints file update has FAILED."
echo "This is the dig output reported:"
exit 0

 echo "The root.hints file has been updated to contain the following   

 chown root.root
 chmod 444
 rm -f root.hints.old
 mv root.hints root.hints.old
 mv root.hints
 ndc restart
 echo "The nameserver has been restarted to ensure that the update is
 echo "The previous root.hints file is now called   
) 2>&1 | /usr/lib/sendmail -t
exit 0

Now in the To: field, what goes here (forgive me for being stupid
sounding, but I have never done something like this...The From:
entry should be root@ from what I see there...

Can anyone assist?


Re: POP takes >20sec to connect ???

1999-08-20 Thread Bill Parker

At 03:54 PM 8/19/99 -0500, you wrote:

>> When connecting to my pop server, it takes between 20-30 seconds to
>> connect.  After connecting, everything is fast.  I have tested my client
>> with pop servers on other machines and I don't experience this delay (i.e.
>> it is a server problem).
>run the pop server with tcpserver and use the -H and -R options
>man tcpserver for details

Also, another thing which makes a really big difference is running
a caching DNS on your linux box...smtp and pop3d on my system are
blazing in the office now)...The How-to at Sunsite shows how to do
this, and requires BIND 8.x.x in order to work properly...(I got
mine working 3 days ago)


qmail-send and the processes it spawns

1999-08-20 Thread Bill Johnson

I'm presently working on a project to place concurrency limits on mails sent
by qmail, and I have a few questions

1) Does there exist a method within qmail right now (or a patch to qmail)
that will enable me to limit the number of sockets qmail-send and associates
will open to a given IP during a send operation?

2) Sine qmail-remote has to send some kind of message back to qmail-send as
to whether it succeeded or failed, I presume there is a method of
communication between them. I haven't had a lot of experience with the
source code yet, so I have not found any such method of communication. If
any of the people who have studied the source code know how this works, I'd
be curious to know.

Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.

    Bill Johnson

Bill Johnson
Systems Administrator
Digital Services Network

qmail and statistics

1999-09-02 Thread Bill Johnson

Is there a patch, or some internal method, by which I might determine how
many messages per second are accumulating in the qmail queue, and how many
messages are being successfully delivered per second? I've considered
tail -f on the logs, piped through Perl, but as I am running cyclog, this is
all but impossible (at least from what I can tell.) Does anyone have a good

Thanks in advance.

Bill Johnson ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

I think I've got it. (was: Re: qmail and statistics)

1999-09-03 Thread Bill Johnson

I've made a small modification to multilog in daemontools, and written a
perl script which will allow me to tail through the cycling log just as if
it were a single text file. The way it works is, multilog will write a line
to the effect of "CLOSING LOG FILE" when it is about to cycle to a new log,
and the perl script detects this, closes the old log, waits a tenth of a
second, then opens "current" again. It seems to work quite well. Since this
seems it could be useful to a lot of people, if anyone's interested feel
free to email me for a copy of the sources.

Bill Johnson

RE: restarting qmail

1999-09-04 Thread Bill Parker

At 01:17 AM 9/4/99 -0400, you wrote:
> A kill -HUP seems to always work for me.
/etc/rc.d/init.d/qmail stop
/etc/rc.d/init.d/qmail start

will also work well :)


Re: Login shell for telent clients

1999-09-05 Thread Bill Parker

At 08:37 PM 9/4/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Is there a way to have in.telnetd present the client with a different
>shell than the default shell (bash) listed in the /etc/login.defs file?
>The man page says you can have a different login program specified at
>the command line for in.telnetd. Would it be a hassle to recompile a
>version of login to change the .defs file? Where is the source code of

Joel, just so you know, my system was compromised by a pissant hacker from
the following location: (which is a proxy machine located in
the .de domain which is either germany or denmark)...the exploit occurred
because an attempt was made at telnetting into the box (telnet access is
now closed, and commented out in /etc/inetd.conf and /etc/services)...I
strongly advise against using telnet even with took me
the better part of 1.5 hours to get my system back to normal usage,
damage done was to /etc/passwd and qmail v1.03...

I would like to know how something like this could happen, would the
problem have been caused by a rapid fire type of attack, and if so,
what can be done to counter such stupidity (I don't think notifying
the site admin will be of much good, but i'm not sure about this)?


p.s. - I got good help by Ken Jones at inter7 to get my system back up
and running, but this should serve as warning not to use telnet in any
way shape or form...

Re: QMail startup strangeness

1999-09-14 Thread Bill Parker

Sometime on Sept 14, 1999, Trevor Harrison said:

At 12:48 PM 9/14/99 -0600, you wrote:
>I've installed qmail on 2 other boxes serveral months ago, no problem.
This weekend, I installed qmail 1.03 on my home box, which I just updated
to Caldera 2.3.

i'm curious, i'm running an OpenLinux 2.2 box, and want to know how you
installed it, tarball, or RPM?



1999-09-14 Thread Bill Parker

Hello All,

I'm running qmail v1.03 on a system which has tcpserver/tcprules
installed on it, now I am preparing to install qmail on my backup linux
box (P133 vs P100, OpenLinux 2.2) until this is done, I would like
users to be able to relay from an address of 192.168.3.x (current users
are on 192.168.2.x) via ipchains/ if I make my tcp.smtp
look like this:


and do the same for pop3d, will this achieve what I want to do?

Also, if I want to run tcprules against this file, the following
should do the trick, if I understand the docs:

tcprules tcp.smtp.cdb rules.tmp < tcp.smtp

Will this do what I want it to?


MANPATH variable?

1999-09-22 Thread Bill Parker

Hello all,

I just had a brain lock, where does one modify the MANPATH variable so
that it is good system wide, and not for each user individually?


pop3d - Unable to scan $HOME/Maildir??

1999-09-27 Thread Bill Rogers

Using Paul Gregg's howto setup Single UID based POP3 boxs.

I can't find what's wrong.

#Qmail pop daemon
pop-3 stream tcp nowait root /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup qmail-popup
mailer.famvi /var/qmail/bin/checkpoppasswd /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir &

( I've tried wtih and without the trailing '&', what's that for anyway?

My poppasswd entry looks like:

My testid validates because syslog looks like:
Sep 27 17:31:06 mailer syslog: pop3checkpasswd: POP3 user testid :
pboxes/sadi-com/joe logged in from unknown@ []

and virtual joe's directory looks like:
# l -aR /var/qmail/popboxes/sadi-com/joe
total 2
drwx--3 popuser  qmail96 Sep 27 17:40 .
drwx--3 popuser  qmail96 Sep 27 14:10 ..
-rw---1 popuser  qmail11 Sep 27 16:43 .qmail
drwx--2 popuser  qmail96 Sep 27 16:44 Maildir

total 0
drwx--2 popuser  qmail96 Sep 27 16:44 .
drwx--3 popuser  qmail96 Sep 27 17:40 ..

This is also SCO Unixware 7.0.1 should that matter.

I hope I'm missing the obvious. Does someone else see a problem?

Thanks in advance,

Qmail RPM available?

1999-02-06 Thread Bill Parker


I was wondering if a QMAIL RPM is available for Linux (RH or Caldera, etc)?


Helping a guy out with qmail

1999-02-11 Thread Bill Parker

Hello all,

I am trying to give a guy some assistance with qmail, he is running a
linux box which is on a private network (i.e. the FQDN is NOT known to the
internet) when he sends mail with Outlook Express (on his lan to the
Linux box) he gets the following:

heres the error (i think, im look in /var/log/qmail)
918783025.254361 info msg 147722: bytes 2293 from <#@[]> qp 31505 uid 86
918783025.331852 starting delivery 9: msg 147722 to remote postmaster@
918783025.334195 status: local 0/10 remote 1/20
918783025.875727 delivery 9: failure:
918783025.879945 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
918783025.884383 triple bounce: discarding bounce/147722
918783025.885949 end msg 147722

but outlook express said it sent the mail...

Can you give me some hints here...also, how is the Qmail book coming along,
if it is by ORA, i wanna copy the moment it comes off the presses...


qmaild and tcpserver processes?

1999-01-11 Thread Bill Parker

Hello All,

I was wondering if someone could explain exactly what is happening when i
issue a ps aux | grep "qmaild" is the output for your examination:

qmaild 196  0.0  0.6   828   208  ?  S  Dec  8   8:17
qmaild   24056  0.2  0.6   824   216  ?  S   13:51   0:00
qmaild   24069  0.2  0.6   824   212  ?  S   13:51   0:00

I see the initial qmaild which was started when the system was last booted,
are the additional qmaild processes being spawned from messages being sent
and received by my linux box? ...


No incoming mail

1999-02-17 Thread Bill Hults

I'm setting up my first qmail system & have hit a snag.
I can mail internally, access mailbox over inet & send mail over inet.
I cannot receive inet mail?
Any help would be appreciated.

Bill Hults  Network Engineer
Vermont Systems Support Group
26 Sunset Ridge  Jericho, VT 05465
Office(802)899-2549 Home(802)223-6249

qmail strangeness

1999-03-02 Thread Bill Parker

Hello All,

I am running qmail v1.03, but when I try to telnet to my SMTP port
(25) it takes upwards of 60 seconds or more to respond.  Does anyone have
an idea as to what could be wrong?  I am using tcpserver to control qmail's


qmail failure w/qmail.init

1999-03-03 Thread Bill Parker


I am in need of a lot of help, I am no longer able to send or receive
qmail at all on my main server at work...We had a power failure, and when
the system restarted, all the qmail daemons started up, but Eudora and
other remote
MUA's responded with connection refused.

I also cannot get qmail started via tcpserver at all, here is what the
current ps aux looks like as of 10:10pm (PST):

qmaild1347  0.0  0.9   828   296  ?  S   15:48   0:00
/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -R -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -g 2108 -u 7791 0 smtp
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd (this is the line I used to start smtpd)

root  1350  0.0  0.9   828   296  ?  S   15:48   0:00
/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -R 0 pop3 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup /bin/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir
(this is the command i used to start pop3)

there are no other qmail daemons present (qmails, etc)...?!?!?!

I see I do not have all of the script stuff running, but what can I do to
get the mail system working again (even w/o spam blocking)?  I am really up
the creek w/o a paddle it would seem...

I suppose I could start qmail via inetd.conf, but even that does not work...

Can you help me at all?  (I guess I don't know as much as I thought I did) :(


Re: Why Red Hat is not distributing qmail

1998-12-29 Thread Bill Parker

>Sendmail is *the* UNIX mailer. Everyone knows how to work it. It's
>well documented, well proven, and hopefully most of the major bugs
>have been found. We can tweak the source any way we see fit. Not
>many (paying) customers are complaining about it. Sure, qmail is
>better, but when we compare the benefits to the costs, it doesn't
>make economic sense to switch.

Ahem! if you are installing a system from scratch (as i did about 5 months
ago) and you read horror stories about what a pain it is to admin sendmail,
it makes perfectly good sense to install what you want when you are loading
the operating system..:) In my case, i installed Qmail v1.03 and never have
looked back (except for a few small problems, etc)..



1999-03-19 Thread Bill Luckett

Can anybody tell me where I need to call recordio from in order to get
details on local to remote messages? I put it in qmail-smtpd.init but only
got incoming mail. I'm guessing now that it has to be called with
qmail-rspawm or qmail-remote but I can't figure out how to do it.

Bill Luckett
Director of Information Systems
Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society
Center for Excellence
Mississippi Education and Research Center
1625 Eastover Drive
Jackson, MS 39211

601.957.2241 ext 559

DNS and MX Question

1999-01-13 Thread Bill Parker

Hello all,

I have an interesting question, on my production Linux box, Ihave it
registered as a MX with UUNET (since i don't run my own DNS, yeah I know),
and i have their DNS as the first entry for nameservers in
/etc/resolv.conf...(We have a T-1 thru UUNET)

Now, we also have a T-1 thru AGIS which is dual homed on a Cisco 4700
Router, and i need to know if AGIS also needs the MX information for the
machine which hands e-mail (SMTP and POP3), in case UUNET's entry goes
down...Any ideas anyone?



1999-03-24 Thread Bill Luckett

Can anyone point me to some documentation on how to use fixcr. I've read
that "you can simply run sh -c 'fixcr | qmail-smtpd' for your outgoing mail
relay." but where do you put that command? In the startup script?

Bill Luckett
Director of Information Systems
Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society
Center for Excellence
Mississippi Education and Research Center
1625 Eastover Drive
Jackson, MS 39211

601.957.2241 ext 559

Re: fixcr?

1999-03-25 Thread Bill Luckett

>Russ Allbery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Bill Luckett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> Can anyone point me to some documentation on how to use fixcr. I've
>>> read that "you can simply run sh -c 'fixcr | qmail-smtpd' for your
>>> outgoing mail relay." but where do you put that command? In the startup
>>> script?
>Sorry to follow up to myself, but I should add that while I haven't been
>following the fixcr discussion that closely (it's not a problem that I
>have to deal with), the note "outgoing mail relay" seems to me to imply
>that you *don't* want to be running fixcr on arbitrary *incoming* e-mail.
>So you may want to only do this on the qmail-smtpd you're running on a
>special relay host or on a different port than smtp.

Is this so? Should fixcr not be used on incoming mail? We attach a lot of
UNIX text files--I sure hate to have to complicate my setup if it's not

Bill Luckett
Director of Information Systems
Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society
Center for Excellence
Mississippi Education and Research Center
1625 Eastover Drive
Jackson, MS 39211

601.957.2241 ext 559

System Loggers not recording mail, etc...

1998-12-30 Thread Bill Parker

Hello all,

I was wondering what would cause my Col 1.2 Base system to stop logging
messages from my MTA (Qmail v1.03), /var/log/messages, /var/log/secure,
etc...syslogd is running on my system...!


AOL Cname lookup failure???

1999-04-03 Thread Bill Parker

Hello All,

I get a message from AOHell users in my /var/mail/log which states
the following:

Apr  3 13:36:19 odie qmail: 923175379.711394 starting delivery 1798:
msg 356449 to remote [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apr  3 13:36:19 odie qmail: 923175379.711795 status: local 0/10 remote 1/20
Apr  3 13:36:19 odie qmail: 923175379.969619 delivery 1798: deferral:
CNAME_look up_failed_temporarily._(#4.4.3)/

Is there any way to correct this problem w/o taxing myself to death?

They are AOL users ya know..:)


Re: AOL Cname lookup failure???

1999-04-03 Thread Bill Parker

>> Apr  3 13:36:19 odie qmail: 923175379.711394 starting delivery 1798:
>> msg 356449 to remote [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Apr  3 13:36:19 odie qmail: 923175379.711795 status: local 0/10 remote 1/20
>> Apr  3 13:36:19 odie qmail: 923175379.969619 delivery 1798: deferral:
>> CNAME_look up_failed_temporarily._(#4.4.3)/
>> Is there any way to correct this problem w/o taxing myself to death?
>There are a couple of things you can do. One is to patch qmail with one of
>large DNS packet patches, which you'll find on the qmail web site. The other,
>easier thing to do is to look up the mail exchangers for and stick
>of them in your smtproutes file, like so:

U, i looked in controls (and I don't have a smtproutes file), is this
where it goes (we need O'Reilly to publish a qmail book which covers all
this neat stuff in simple plain english)...


p.s. - will smtproutes cause any problems with std mail delivery?


Re: AOL Cname lookup failure???

1999-04-04 Thread Bill Parker

At 05:32 PM 4/3/99 -0500, you wrote:
>On Sat, Apr 03, 1999 at 02:21:31PM -0800, Bill Parker wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> Apr  3 13:36:19 odie qmail: 923175379.711394 starting delivery 1798:
>> msg 356449 to remote [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Apr  3 13:36:19 odie qmail: 923175379.711795 status: local 0/10 remote 1/20
>> Apr  3 13:36:19 odie qmail: 923175379.969619 delivery 1798: deferral:
>> CNAME_look up_failed_temporarily._(#4.4.3)/
>> Is there any way to correct this problem w/o taxing myself to death?
>There are a couple of things you can do. One is to patch qmail with one of
>large DNS packet patches, which you'll find on the qmail web site. The other,
>easier thing to do is to look up the mail exchangers for and stick
>of them in your smtproutes file, like so:

>From what I see when I issue the following command:
nslookup -query=mx

I get the following back:

nslookup -query=mx | more

Non-authoritative answer: preference = 15, mail exchanger = preference = 15, mail exchanger = preference = 15, mail exchanger = preference = 15, mail exchanger = preference = 15, mail exchanger = preference = 15, mail exchanger = preference = 15, mail exchanger = preference = 15, mail exchanger =

Authoritative answers can be found from: nameserver = nameserver =   internet address =   internet address =   internet address =   internet address =   internet address =   internet address =

Now, which entry is preferred for the smtproutes file here (or can I just
pick one I like)?


CNAME problem solved, I think, but another ???

1999-04-04 Thread Bill Parker


I believe I have my CNAME problem with AOL solved, but it will take
a day or two to be certain.  On a more difficult note, I have the following
script to stop, start, restart, and status qmail (which was furnished by, good commercial support for qmail IMO):

[billp@odie billp]$ cat /etc/rc.d/init.d/qmail
# Qmail Startup
PROG=qmail  # what program are we playing with?
COMMAND=$PROG   # command to start $PROG
DIR=/var/lock/$PROG # a directory for supervise to use
LOGDIR=/var/log/$PROG   # directory for logs
# Source function library.
INITDIR=/etc/rc.d/init.d# location of initscripts
. $INITDIR/daemontools.functions
# See how we were called.
case "$1" in
echo -n "Starting: "
env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:/usr/local/bin" \
qmail-start ./Maildir/ splogger qmail &
echo -n "qmail "
env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:/usr/local/bin" \
tcpserver -H -R -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -c20 -u7791 -g2108 0 smtp \
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1 > /dev/null &
echo -n "smtp "
env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:/usr/local/bin" \
tcpserver -H -R -b30 -c10 0 pop3 \
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup \
/bin/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir &
echo "pop3d"
echo -n "Stopping: "
killproc qmail-send
echo -n "qmail "
killproc tcpserver
echo "smtp pop"
$0 stop
$0 start
status qmail
echo "Usage: qmail {start|stop|restart|status}"
exit 1
exit 0

Now the problem I have is when I want to stop or restart qmail, it
calls a procedure called killproc (or a command?!?!).  I can kill
qmail-send with a kill , but can someone suggest
where to get killproc, or a cleaner way of handling this strip?


Changing RH 5.1 to OpenLinux 2.2

1999-04-19 Thread Bill Parker


I am going to wipe RH 5.1 off of my test Linux box, and install
OpenLinux 2.2 (the latest distro from Caldera)...Now since it is 
glibc based, I have a few questions about drive layout:

The following products are going to be installed on the hard

qmail 1.03
ssh 1.2.26
apache (comes with OpenLinux 2.2)
and a few other things...

Now what drive partitions should I make when installing
OpenLinux 2.2, should I look to keep users and extra
software like qmail, ssh, VNC, etc on a separate partition
and just mount it at boot-up?  Has anyone compiled qmail 1.03
on a glibc based system, and will the 2.2.5 kernel cause me
any admin problems

This machine is the back up for my production box, which is OpenLinux
1.2 (2.0.36 kernel)...Any tips would be useful...


Qmail to multiple users on same system

1999-04-28 Thread Bill Parker

Hello All,

I have an interesting question, I am using .qmail to forward
a copy of a message received by a user on my linux box (qmail v1.03),
and I have the &username@location and it works fine for a single
& entry, now how can I send a message in this way:

Want to send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I also want joe (who is a valid user on the box) to forward received
mail to addresses [EMAIL PROTECTED] AND [EMAIL PROTECTED] this be
accomplished w/o too much fuss via entries in .qmail?


qmail tuning question

1999-01-21 Thread Bill Parker

I have a question regarding the following message...To start, let me give
you some details, I have a box which runs OpenLinux 1.2 (Caldera) that has
qmail v1.03 installed, and is known to UUNET as a mail exchanger.

The other day, UUNET's DNS server(s) crapped out, so mail had a tough time
going no where, but i figured that if i just assigned the ip address of the
box, remote mail clients (Eudora, Outlook, etc) could go in and
send/receive mail).

Now, i don't think this is the proper way to handle this problem, since i
would have to re-work smtp and pop3 servers everytime UUNET's DNS goes
down.  In addition, i got the following message back from qmail:

74 uid 7796
Jan 21 08:16:32 odie qmail: 916935392.464177 starting delivery 2868: msg
356439 to remote [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jan 21 08:16:32 odie qmail: 916935392.464698 status: local 0/10 remote 1/20
Jan 21 08:16:32 odie qmail: 916935392.464698 status: local 0/10 remote 1/20
Jan 21 08:16:32 odie qmail: 916935392.751479 delivery 2868: failure:

The IP address above is a real one (static), but can i get some suggestions
as to how to improve this situation (I am using tcpserver 0.84, btw to
process smtp and pop3d)

Any help or knowledge would be welcome...


Re: US Crypto export limits ruled unconstitutional

1999-05-06 Thread Bill Parker

At 03:32 PM 5/6/99 -0600, you wrote:
>Go DAN!!!  I can wait for qmail2 if this is what your up too...

I wouldn't get too happy yet, I live in the area of the 9th Circuit
Court of Appeals, they have been reversed more than any other circuit
court in the US (28 of 30 decisions reversed on cert. granted by the
US Supreme Court)...In my opinion, this decision will be reversed by
the Supreme Court, if it decides to grant cert. by basis of Gov't appeal


p.s. - I also believe that most of the judges who make up the 9th
circuit court of appeals smoke crack while on the bench...

blocking mail send/receive from a domain?

1999-05-13 Thread Bill Parker

Hello All,

I would like to know how the qmail book is coming along, and
as a side note, I have a domain which is being a PITA in terms of not
wanting to stop one of it's customers from auto mailing...the domain
is, and I would like to block any mail from being sent from
my server and being received by my there an easy way to
do this?


Re: Mate Wierdl: send failed on enclosed draft

1998-12-23 Thread Bill Nugent


I'm catching up on old email from when I was out of town and I did not 
any answer on the list...

mh automatically wraps long lines when they are over a preset amount.  It 
does this without sensitivity to word boundaries of any kind - hence the 
email address being chopped.  This controlled by your reply filter (look 
in the man page for the repl command - about half way down).

The workaround is simple.  Run repl, manually edit the email and join the 
line back together and then send the message.


On Friday, Nov 27 1998 at 09:32:53, Mate Wierdl wrote:

>To my surprise, mh cannot handle the long reply address required by
>ezmlm. I thought it is only Eudora and friends that have problems.
>(Though this is different: the address is folded at the wrong place)
>I just tried to use repl to reply to the confirmation request. 
>I have 
>postproc: /usr/lib/nmh/spost
>editor: jed
>in .mh_profile.
>This is nmh-0.27.  Can other people confirm this? (Then I send a
>message to the nmh developers).
>--- Forwarded Message
>Delivery-Date: Fri Nov 27 15:14:17 1998
>Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Received: (qmail 18980 invoked from network); 27 Nov 1998 15:14:17 -
>Received: from localhost (HELO ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>  by localhost with SMTP; 27 Nov 1998 15:14:17 -
>To: mw
>Subject: send failed on enclosed draft
>Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1998 09:14:16 -0600
>From: Mate Wierdl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>spost: bad address 'mw-sos-sc.912179516.albjinkondbfmfplbjdk-mw=wierdlmpc
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]' - no at-sign after local-part (du), continu
>Message not delivered to anyone.
>- --- Unsent Draft
>To: mw-sos-sc.912179516.albjinkondbfmfplbjdk-mw=wierdlmpc.msci.memphis.e
>Fcc: sent-mail
>Subject: Re: confirm subscribe to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>In-Reply-To: Message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>   of "27 Nov 1998 15:11:56 GMT." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>- - 
>- --- End of Unsent Draft
>--- End of Forwarded Message

Re: pop3d auth error after auth ok? LDAP patchs,whoops #2

1999-10-14 Thread Bill Rogers

The "free" email was swallowing 1/2 my message.

Running qmail-pop3d with LDAP patchs and have just gotten
things working, sort of.

Authorization and denials are working , however, after authorizing
and delivering, getting an error, thusly:
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
user barfo
pass whatever
-ERR authorization failed
Connection closed by foreign host.

I've searched the archives, but I didn't know how to search for
something that worked.

Still worried,

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

SMTP connections

1999-10-23 Thread Bill Parker

Hello All,

With the help of Ken Jones at, I have qmail running on a
slightly faster pent-133 (as opposed to a pent-100), and things are working
well, however, how fast should an SMTP connection take to this box (it has
a static IP which is part of our companys class C), and runs NAT via
IPchains, smtp/pop3 via qmail v1.03, sshd 1.1.27, samba, send a mail
message takes on average (since this morning) about 20 seconds, and then it
is gone...running tcpserver with -H -R, there is a caching DNS server running
on the pent-133, and lookups go quite fast (IMO), and UUnet handles our DNS
table...Any ideas guys?

Or a better question is how long should an SMTP connection take to form on 
machine which IP address range is in 192.168.3.x (and that range is listed
in tcp.smtp.cdb)...


SMTP connections

1999-10-25 Thread Bill Parker

Hello All,

Since I didn't get a reply back with this msg, I thought I would try again :)

With the help of Ken Jones at, I have qmail running on a
slightly faster pent-133 (as opposed to a pent-100), and things are working
well, however, how fast should an SMTP connection take to this box (it has
a static IP which is part of our companys class C), and runs NAT via
IPchains, smtp/pop3 via qmail v1.03, sshd 1.1.27, samba, send a mail
message takes on average (since this morning) about 20 seconds, and then it
is gone...running tcpserver with -H -R, there is a caching DNS server running
on the pent-133, and lookups go quite fast (IMO), and UUnet handles our DNS
table...Any ideas guys?

Or a better question is how long should an SMTP connection take to form on 
machine which IP address range is in 192.168.3.x (and that range is listed
in tcp.smtp.cdb)...


Still trying to figure out delay on smtp/pop3

1999-10-29 Thread Bill Parker

Hello All,

I am still trying to figure out why smtp/pop3 requests take so long
to respond or process when users try to send/retrieve mail off of the

Machine Specs:

Pent-133, 32MB, 1.6GB HD, CD-ROM, 2 Intel EEPro NIC's

eth0 has static class C IP address connected to D-Link Switch
for internet access (Cisco 4700 router with T-1 connected)

eth1 has private ip address of which several machines
go thru to get internet access via IP chains (No problems observed)

Distro is OpenLinux 2.2 (Caldera) with latest security RPM updates

tcp.smtp.cdb allows, 192.168.3. and 192.168.2., and any
machine assigned to our class C...The lan segment also has IPX/SPX
traffic on it as we use Novell 3.12 for a file server...

Machine runs caching DNS on port 53 (no problems observed)

Machine runs ssh 1.2.2x on port 22 (no problems from work or home)

Ipchains in rc.local looks like this:

/sbin/ipchains -P forward DENY
/sbin/ipchains -A forward -j MASQ -s -d

other commands in rc.local (before above lines) are:

/sbin/ifconfig eth1 netmask up

# enable ip forwarding

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_syncookies

Here are the start lines for qmail script in init.d

echo -n "Starting: "
env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:/usr/local/bin" \
qmail-start ./Maildir/ /usr/local/bin/accustamp \
| /usr/local/bin/setuser qmaill /usr/local/bin/cyclog /var/log/qmail &
echo -n "qmail "

env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:/usr/local/bin" \
tcpserver -H -R -c100 0 pop-3 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup \ \
/home/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir &
echo -n "pop3 "

env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:/usr/local/bin" \
tcpserver -H -R -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -c100 -u7791 -g2108 0 smtp \
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1 > /dev/null &
echo "smtp"
echo -n "stopping qmail"
killall qmail-send
killall tcpserver 

Does anyone have any idea or clues why smtp/pop3d would take so
long to process...This used to work fine under a 2.0.36 >= kernel when
I ran OpenLinux 1.2 Base (what I mean by this is issuing send/receive
on OutLook Express or the same in Eudora Light ran in less than 5 seconds,
but now runs in anywhere from 3 seconds to a full minute in some cases)...

I'm going to cross-post this to the caldera list to see if anyone
there has any ideas (it's driving me and my users crazy, a little at a
time, so I have a woeful look on my face)...


I know i'm stupid

1999-11-02 Thread Bill Parker

How does one solve this problem (I know i'm an idiot, so don't laugh)...

Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

Sorry. Although I'm listed as a best-preference MX or A for that host,
it isn't in my control/locals file, so I don't treat it as local. (#5.4.6)

the domain in question (above) is listed in /var/qmail/control/locals 
$$ (not the real name), but I know I am overlooking something
very obvious (at least I hope so)...


how do I accept mail for a given domain?

1999-11-02 Thread Bill Parker

Hello All,

Running qmail v1.03, vpopmail, chkpasswd, tcpserver, etc...mail works
well for the primary domain (smtpd/pop3d) what I am trying to is
is accept mail for a domain, so if someone sends a mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], it goes to an actual user in the primary domain.

At the moment all I get for the domain if someone sends a msg
to [EMAIL PROTECTED] is: No Mailbox here by this name...I know this can
be done, but it eludes me from reading the docs...(Where is that pesky
qmail book with lots and lots of examples) :-)


Ipchains and smtp/pop3?

1999-10-31 Thread Bill Parker

Hello all

In running OpenLinux 2.2, and using ipchains, is there any optimizations
which could be done with ipchains to speed up pop3/smtp access?

Currently, I am only using two rules for ipchains on all machines
which use ip masq in the office (about 25 or so):

# enable ip forwarding

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_syncookies

/sbin/ipchains -P forward DENY
/sbin/ipchains -A forward -j MASQ -s -d

Now, according to my Using Caldera OpenLinux 2.2 book by QUE, it is
recommended that the following optimizations be added:

ipchains -A output -p tcp -d 0/0 80 -t 0x01 0x10
ipchains -A output -p tcp -d 0/0 telnet -t 0x01 0x10
ipchains -A output -p tcp -d 0/0 22 -t 0x01 0x10

(though I deny telnet access to the box, and use ssh 1.2.2x instead) :-)

then a section for maximum reliability for stmp:

ipchains -A output -p tcp -d 0/0 smtp 0x01 0x04

then a section for minimum cost for pop-3

ipchains -A output -p tcp -d 0/0 pop-3 0x01 0x02

Now, will this configuration produce better performance in qmail 1.03, or
can I just ignore what is in this chapter of the book?



1999-11-08 Thread Bill Parker


After adding an entry for 192.168.3 to my named.conf file, I am getting
faster response on smtp/pop3 via qmail on my LAN, however, I was wondering
if I could get better performance if I added the class C range I was 
assigned via UUnet to my caching DNS server (still learning DNS, but it
is tough going here)..:)

Another question, assume I have a user shark on my system, and I
am using qmail v1.03 w/ can I cc: a message to his mailbox
at his isp (I know forwarding and alias is easy, but i think i am over
looking something basic here) ...


Newlines Patch?

1999-11-16 Thread Bill Parker

At 10:28 AM 11/16/99 -0500, you wrote:
>On Tue, Nov 16, 1999 at 09:50:25AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> > > AMD K6-2 333
>> > > 384MB RAM
>> > > UW SCSI disk on Buslogic controller
>> > > True tulip 100bTX NIC on 3com 10/100 switch, full-dup
>> > > RH6 w/ 2.2.13 kernel
>> > > qmail-1.03 + jbuce.diff + newlines.patch

Where does one obtain this patch, and how hard is it to apply?  Every time
I try patching a kernel, it never seems to work, so I download a whole
tarball :-)...In addition, will qmail need to be re-compiled, and is it a
difficult process (I did it when I installed from a tarball, but I guess
I need practice).


Qmail architecture questions

1999-11-16 Thread Bill Halchin

Hello Qmail community,

   I have some architecture questions:

1) qmail_smtpd send (via pipe) to qmail_queue in the following

 - email message

 - "F" (from string)

 - list if "T" (To) strings

 Is this true??  (In qmail_queue.main, I see where it is checking
   "syntax" for "F" and "T".)

2) I am looking at Pictures/PIC.rem2local. It describes flow from
  qmail_smtpd -> qmail_queue ->  qmail-local.

   - It says that qmail_send checks domain, e.g.
   Where is this in the code??

   - It says in qmail-lspawn that we check whether "joe" has an
acoount. Again where is this check???


Vasili N Galchin

Get Your Private, Free Email at

RE: Benchmarks

1999-11-16 Thread Bill Parker

At 08:56 PM 11/16/99 -0500, you wrote:
>On Tue, 16 Nov 1999, Sam wrote:
>> { char buf[512]; while (read(0, buf, 512) > 0); }
>Oops.  I just realized that this will not work very well.
>After getting a 551, the sender will send at least one SMTP command, for
>which it will await a response.  Eventually it'll timeout, but you don't
>want to have qmail-smtpd twisting in the wind, all along.
>Hmmm...  I'd say stick in "alarm (60);" just before the while loop.
>That'll be good enough for most people.
I re-compiled, but when I try to copy over the file, I get an error which
says the following:

cp: cannot create regular file `/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd': Text file busy

What does one do now? :)


Re: deferral - how long ?

1999-11-22 Thread Bill Parker

At 05:50 PM 11/22/99 +, you wrote:
>On Mon, Nov 22, 1999 at 04:48:59PM +, John P. Looney wrote:
>>  How long will an undeliverable mail be deferred, before it's returned to
>> it's sender ? I've seen a few "Delivery deferred" mails in my queue for
>> over a week now...
>604800 seconds (a week) or the number of seconds 
>in control/queuelifetime if it exists. 'man qmail-send'

I added the value of 3600 to queuelifetime under /var/qmail/control, and stop
and started qmail...this should correct the deferral problem (at least
on my system)...also, what is the best method of making manual pages
visible in qmail, I added MANPATH /var/qmail/man to /etc/man.conf on my
OpenLinux 2.x this ok, or is a better method preferable?


stunnel + qmail + vpopmail

1999-11-30 Thread Bill Parker

Hello All,

I was wondering if there is any need for something like stunnel when
used in conjunction with qmail + vpopmail for secure transmission of
usernames and passwords for pop3d based stuff...or does it encrypt on it's
own (not that I see from initial install)


Re: relay logging

1999-11-30 Thread Bill Parker

At 05:04 PM 11/30/99 -0500, you wrote:
>I suspect what you mean is that you want to log attempts to use your SMTP
>server as a relay. That would not be logged by tcpserver, and qmail-smtpd
>(which is doing the actual rejecting, of the recipients, not the connection)
>doesn't emit any logging information.
>To get what you're looking for, you'll need a patch. Here's one (you'll
>probably find others at

When I attempt to compile qmail with make, this is what occurs:

[root@nermal qmail-1.03]# make
./load qmail-smtpd rcpthosts.o commands.o timeoutread.o \
timeoutwrite.o ip.o ipme.o ipalloc.o control.o constmap.o \
received.o date822fmt.o now.o qmail.o cdb.a fd.a wait.a \
datetime.a getln.a open.a sig.a case.a env.a stralloc.a \
alloc.a substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a auto_qmail.o  `cat \
qmail-smtpd.o: In function `smtp_rcpt':
qmail-smtpd.o(.text+0x893): undefined reference to `strerr_warn'
make: *** [qmail-smtpd] Error 1

I know that the include for "strerr.h" is there, and the line
for strerr_warn6 appears to be ok also...any ideas?



1999-12-05 Thread Bill Hults

Is there a default maximum size for attachments? Users on one of my
qmail sites can't receive attachments larger than 1 MB.
No quotas on the file system

Bill Hults  Network Engineer
Infinite Technologies of Vermont
71 Millet Street Richmond, VT 05477
Office(802)343-5393 Home(802)223-0576

[Fwd: Re: Attachments]

1999-12-06 Thread Bill Hults

The file doesn't exist.


> On Sun, Dec 05, 1999 at 05:56:20PM -0500, Bill Hults wrote:
> > Hi
> > Is there a default maximum size for attachments? Users on one of my
> > qmail sites can't receive attachments larger than 1 MB.
> > No quotas on the file system
> Is there anything in /var/qmail/control/databytes?
> Greetz, Peter.
> --
> Peter van Dijk - student/sysadmin/ircoper/womanizer/pretending coder
> |
> | 'C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot;
> |  C++ makes it harder, but when you do it blows your whole leg off.'
> | Bjarne Stroustrup, Inventor of C++

Bill Hults  Network Engineer
Infinite Technologies of Vermont
71 Millet Street Richmond, VT 05477
Office(802)343-5393 Home(802)223-0576

Re: [Fwd: Re: Attachments]

1999-12-07 Thread Bill Hults

I created it & put 200 in it. I get UNABLE_TO_WRITE ./Mailbox
Any thoughts anyone.

Dimitri SZAJMAN wrote:

> On Mon, 6 Dec 1999, Bill Hults wrote:
> Create it !
> > Hi
> > The file doesn't exist.
> >
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > > On Sun, Dec 05, 1999 at 05:56:20PM -0500, Bill Hults wrote:
> > > > Hi
> > > > Is there a default maximum size for attachments? Users on one of my
> > > > qmail sites can't receive attachments larger than 1 MB.
> > > > No quotas on the file system
> > >
> > > Is there anything in /var/qmail/control/databytes?
> > >
> > > Greetz, Peter.
> > > --
> > > Peter van Dijk - student/sysadmin/ircoper/womanizer/pretending coder
> > > |
> > > | 'C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot;
> > > |  C++ makes it harder, but when you do it blows your whole leg off.'
> > > | Bjarne Stroustrup, Inventor of C++
> >
> > --
> > Bill Hults  Network Engineer
> > Infinite Technologies of Vermont
> > 71 Millet Street Richmond, VT 05477
> > Office(802)343-5393 Home(802)223-0576
> >
> >
> __

Bill Hults  Network Engineer
Infinite Technologies of Vermont
71 Millet Street Richmond, VT 05477
Office(802)343-5393 Home(802)223-0576

Re: [Fwd: Re: Attachments]

1999-12-08 Thread Bill Hults

I've checked the quota situation since quotas are assigned to most users
but this user is exempt & I just copied a 3 MB file into his directory


> On Tue, Dec 07, 1999 at 08:44:32PM -0500, Bill Hults wrote:
> > Hi
> > I created it & put 200 in it. I get UNABLE_TO_WRITE ./Mailbox
> > Any thoughts anyone.
> Ehm... quota?
> Greetz, Peter.
> --
> Peter van Dijk - student/sysadmin/ircoper/womanizer/pretending coder
> |
> | 'C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot;
> |  C++ makes it harder, but when you do it blows your whole leg off.'
> | Bjarne Stroustrup, Inventor of C++

Delivering mail into a SQL table

2000-01-03 Thread Bill Ataras

Are there any patches that let me deliver mail messages into a SQL
database (mysql preferrably) instead of Maildir ?

Delivery bug?

2000-01-04 Thread Bill Ataras

I have 1 real domain ( and one virtual domain (

In qmail/control, files are like this:

rcpthosts: and on 2 lines

I have a user named virt. In his home dir, i have .qmail-default and .qmail
putting everything addressed to into a Maildir.

If I send a mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" it gets bounced properly by qmail because
there is no user 'a'.
If I send a mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" it gets received properly into user virt's
If I send a mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED],[EMAIL PROTECTED]" virt receives his mail
properly, but [EMAIL PROTECTED] is not bounced as I would expect. When I look at
the maillog qmail says:

starting delivery 73: msg 376980 to local [EMAIL PROTECTED],[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jan  4 23:29:06 frodo qmail: 947057346.691573 status: local 1/10 remote
Jan  4 23:29:06 frodo qmail: 947057346.751821 delivery 73: success

What's the deal with the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" ? Looks like the original
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" was rewritten to that. But virt-a wasn't bounced either.


What MUA do you use?

2000-01-04 Thread Bill Ataras

Just curious what people are using to read/send mail from X. I was using
netscape (SMTP/POP) that came with my redhat dist, but wanted something
with more features (multiple POP accts, filtering etc). I've been playing
with "spruce" (check freshmeat). Its pretty good. But I'm curious what you
guys are using. Now that I have an industrial strength mail server (qmail)
I'd like a really good MUA. Maybe to help me use different mail accounts
for different maillists and for usenet etc etc. Have you found a good mail
client that will let you live on multiple maillists, usenet, spam/filter
yada yada?

Does qmail-local run more than 1 simultaneous instance?

2000-01-04 Thread Bill Ataras

Anyone know if more the one instance of qmail-local can be run

Need to know this to have .qmail-* run a magic program to deliver mail to a
sql table. Don't want to flood mysql with too many connections.


Re: Re: What MUA do you use?

2000-01-05 Thread Bill Ataras

I mailed both authors to ask them

On Thu, 06 Jan 2000, Jedi/Sector One wrote:
> Date: Thu, 06 Jan 2000 01:26:02 +0100
> To: Bill Ataras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> From: Jedi/Sector One <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: What MUA do you use?
> Bill Ataras wrote:
> > Ok. Now here's a question. Compare the above balsa web page to this web
> > page:
> > This is the web page for SPRUCE. Spruce is a mail app I'm currently
> > using. But balsa and spruce look exactly the same (the gui as well as
> > web page). What's the deal?
>   Oh !!! That is really funny. I never peeked at Spruce before, but yes,
> they look very similar. The features list, however, is not exactly the
> same. I can't leech and try Spruce right now, but I'll do ASAP in order
> to compare them. Really strange, anyway.
> -- 
>Frank DENIS aka Jedi/Sector One aka DJ Chrysalis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   -> Software : <-
>-> Music : <-

FAQ for envelope/header fields

2000-01-06 Thread Bill Ataras

Is there a good faq somewhere that talks about how to handle the various
envelope and header fields from a MUA point of view? ie, which field should
I actually reply to when the user clicks reply, should I show the from:
field or sender field, etc etc

Daemontools.61 initscripts?

2000-01-26 Thread Bill Rogers

Installing qmail and thought it would be a breeze just
to install daemontools and use old scripts. WRONG.

Could someone point me to some standard qmail-* scripts
using daemontools .61


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