[Concluded] Prosavage and RedHat 0

2003-09-16 Thread nick
Hi all, 

In a thread yesterday I went (with much help) to some extraordinary
lengths to get the prosavage card to work with rh9. 

I've done it now: Here's how:

*   If you can't even get a graphical install (like me) then at the boot
prompt type 'linux text' 
*   Choose a custom install that will ask you at the end if you want a
graphical or text login - Choose text. (and during package selection
make sure you get a copy of Lynx.
*   login and use lynx to go to http://rhn.redhat.com and get the
updated ssl stuff
*   rpm them into the system
*   run up2date and fetch ALL of the errata
*   Next, you need to some kind of X system running. I did mine by
swapping the 'Modes' line from "800 600" "600 480" to run the lowest
first - just swap them around. You may need to choose a lower color
depth also (16 works for me)
*   startx and run redhat-config-xfree86 or choose 'display' from the K
*   Select your desired rez from the first screen then under 'advanced'
choose the 'vesa' driver NOT the 'Savage' which is there already if
you probed the card.
*   Restart X and all should be well ;-)

Nick W

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SPAMed on my root account

2003-09-16 Thread Michael Mansour

I get SPAM messages on my root account. I use

Basically I don't want anyone in the outside world
emailing me on my root account, so I was wondering
what I could do with sendmail to tell it to not accept
anything from anyone outside of my own internal



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sharing internet connections between 2 linux boxes

2003-09-16 Thread Nurullah Akkaya
i searched he internet and got some overall idea of the procedure
but i will just have one chance to set them up cause i do not have a
monitor so i will use my frieds monitor both box are redhat 9.0 one
laptop and my new box pc fallowing is the steps i found on the
internet are there any problems is it going to work or do you know a
easier and more secure way if i do these can i add some firewall
rules to thx
Manual Setup for RedHat or Mandrake

Edit the file /etc/sysctl.conf and on the line net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0, change 0 to 1.

code:# Controls IP packet forwarding
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1

In order for the changes to take effect,
at the command line, type: service network restart

Now you need to setup IP forwarding and Masquerading.
First, you need to flush the old rules.
So open a console window and at the command line, type:

code:service iptables stop
service iptables save

The following commands will create new rules for your system.

code:iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
iptables -P FORWARD DROP

iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o eth1 -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

NOTE: In this case, eth0 connects to the internet and eth1 connects to the local 
You may need to switch eth0 and eth1.
The ifconfig command will give you more information.

To save iptables modifications, at the command line, type: service iptables save.
IPtable rules are located in the /etc/sysconfig/iptables file.

Don't forget to start iptables: service iptables start

Nurullah Akkaya  
Registered Linux User #301438 

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny
matters compared to what lies within us. 

"If at first an idea is not absurd, there is no hope for it"
Albert Einstein

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Re: Restricting DHCP services by MAC address

2003-09-16 Thread Rodolfo J. Paiz
At 15:40 9/11/2003 -0500, you wrote:
I used iptables rules to ACCEPT requests to the DHCP server only from
the known MAC address(es) and this works fine for workstations on the
same subnet as the DHCP server. However, when I expand the service to
multiple subnets across a router the DHCP request packet comes through
with the MAC address of the router port so my iptables rule does not
stop it.
This will always happen, and I know of no way to stop it. The package will 
come to you with the MAC address of the router.

In case you're wondering, the reason I'm trying to do this is to
prevent people from brining their virus infected laptops onto campus and
having them start broadcasting all over our nice clean network.
"To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail."

I suggest that if this is your concern, you will be better served with a 
package that picks up Undesirable Activity (tm) and then blocks off this 
user at the switch or router level. Denying him/her a DHCP address is a 
band-aid, at best.

I do some of this in a simple way using a combination of Portsentry and 
Shorewall, but really what the doctor ordered is something like Snort 
(www.snort.org), don't you think?

Rodolfo J. Paiz
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Re: Prefered backup method?

2003-09-16 Thread Rodolfo J. Paiz
At 15:21 9/11/2003 +0200, you wrote:
Do you folks have prefered backup utils and methods?
ie tar or cpio, perhaps something else?
Is there a beter way to backup,  instead of tape perhaps to another
Tape is old, linear, slow, EXPENSIVE, and it breaks. Nasty stuff, no one 
should use it anymore really. You want size, get a 160GB for $100 
($0.625/GB), and by the way you'll get way more speed than tape would ever 
give you along with the neat non-linear access, real-time speed, yadda 
yadda yadda. You want an off-site backup? Put the drive in a removable case.

My preferred method: one old P100 machine in a corner of my study, running 
RH9. The system runs on a 1GB drive but has two 120GB drives in a RAID-1 
configuration, on separate EIDE channels of course, and /dev/md0 is mounted 
as /backups. The system allows no access at all except for SSH and syslog 
(this is the central remote syslog server for the house). Of course, the 
usual precautions are in place against remote root logins, etc., and SSH 
allows access for only the user "backups", using certificates and not 

Whatever I want to back up, gets sent to that machine with a simple "rsync 
-av -e ssh /path/to/files/* [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/backups/thisbackup/", or 
automated by adding that path of files to back up to a script that runs 
every night at 3am. The rsync command does not require a password since it 
authenticates via the certificate, and the files are transparently (and 
quickly) backed up to the "bakman" machine.

Bakman then rotates the logs of all daily backups using the following 


I figure the odds of losing data are pretty darn low, and this is about as 
close to "zero work" as I can figure on doing. The old P100 box, by the 
way, was free, but the two disks and their add-in $20 EIDE controller were 

The only catch is my wife's computer, since I do not have rsync for Windows 
2000. I need a way to use Putty (more likely, pscp) to do rsync's job, but 
I have not figured that out yet.

Rodolfo J. Paiz
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Re: IPTables overhead

2003-09-16 Thread Jack Bowling
On Sat, Sep 06, 2003 at 08:30:30PM -0700, Gordon Messmer wrote:
> Res wrote:
> >On Wed, 3 Sep 2003, David Hart wrote:
> >
> >>I've about had it with attacks to our web server emanating from certain
> >>geographical areas. This is not a display of Xenophobia. I have never
> >>really used IPT.
> >>
> >>It takes about 4,000 lines for Korea and China alone and that's with
> >>CIDR formatting.
> >
> >You could shrink it a bit...
> >
> In addition to shrinking the list by using larger networks, you can 
> optimize your IPTables setup by testing more specific packets.
> For instance, if you only want to block connections to apache from those 
> networks, create a new chain and only jump there on packets that 
> initiate a connection to apache.  example:
> # Create a chain which will filter out unwanted networks
> iptables -N DROP-ATTACKERS
> # Populate the chain with rules which will drop packets from
> # the unwanted networks
> iptables -A DROP-ATTACKERS -s -j DROP
> iptables -A DROP-ATTACKERS -s -j DROP
> # etc...
> # Create a rule in the input chain that will check incoming
> # connections to apache against the rules in the new chain
> iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 --syn -j DROP-ATTACKERS
> Now, an incoming syn packet destined for port 80 will run through the 
> costly iptables check for unwanted source networks.  All other traffic 
> will pass through the very short INPUT chain with minimal processing. 
> This is a very effective optimization, especially when you plan to 
> include a lot of filter rules.
> Also, because you have your unwanted networks in an existing chain, you 
> can later choose to filter other network ports using the same list of 
> unwanted source networks.

Yay, Gordon. I'm glad somebody brought user-defined chains into this
thread. They really are the best way to stop packet traversal of huge
firewall sets in iptables. If web hits are your main problem, put the 
user-defined chain near the front of your firewall rules so the packets
get dropped early.

Jack Bowling

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Re: root password and su (maybe)

2003-09-16 Thread Rodolfo J. Paiz
At 08:30 9/11/2003 -0700, you wrote:
If he's as 'smart' as you say he is, rewrite 'passwd' to do nothing. He'll 
think he changed it, he'll forget anyway, and you're home free!
Etch-a-Sketch and mauve databases, huh?

Rodolfo J. Paiz
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Re: root password and su (maybe)

2003-09-16 Thread Rodolfo J. Paiz
At 10:06 9/11/2003 -0400, you wrote:
Gah!  Are you local to the DC/MD/VA area?  I'd be happy to come over and
hit him with the security clue-stick, pro-bono.  :)
Aw, maa... Jason, what's your hometown?

I was just wandering the DeClued area (from Reston to Baltimore) from 
Thursday through Sunday of last week. If I'd known beforehand, we could 
have gone out for a beer. Dammit.

Rodolfo J. Paiz
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Re: KVM Switch recommendation

2003-09-16 Thread Rodolfo J. Paiz
At 09:03 9/11/2003 +1000, you wrote:

> Does anyone has recommendation for KVM switch? I plan to use it to run 
> (Redhat 7.3) and Win2K with PS2 keyboard & mouse. The cheaper the 
better, but
> trying to find the one with very minimal / no video degradation at 
> as my linux runs on that resolution on 19 inc monitor.

I've been using cybex (now avocent: http://www.avocent.com) for many years
without a single problem.
I can also recommend these. When I was researching mine, this was what most 
people recommended as being a good value and high quality, and my 4-port 
KVM has been fantastic with no problems. I did, however, get my KVM cables 
from Newegg to save some dough and those have worked well too. I have not 
used above 1280x1024, but in theory you should have no problems at all.

Rodolfo J. Paiz
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Re: Email/SMTP

2003-09-16 Thread Rodolfo J. Paiz
At 11:52 9/11/2003 -0400, you wrote:
I'm pretty much still a newbie to Linux. How can I, in this case in RH 7.3,
check to be sure email is going out from a machine?
Simplest solution, requiring no technical knowledge whatsoever, is to send 
mail to one of your accounts which is on another system. For example, if 
you have a work email account, or a freemail account with someone like 
Yahoo!, try to send mail to that. If it arrives, things are working. Also 
send mail to a couple of your friends... if it arrives, things are working.

Where do I check/change parameters to direct all outgoing
email from a RH 7.3 system to a specific SMTP server.
Using sendmail (the default SMTP daemon in 7.3), you have to change the 
SMART_HOST parameter in sendmail.mc. If I recall correctly, the correct 
format is:

define(SMART_HOST, `mail.myprovider.com')dnl

Please look at the top of the sendmail.mc file for instructions on how to 
make this modification take effect on your running server; you will need 
the sendmail-cf RPM package installed too.

Rodolfo J. Paiz
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Re: PDF Converter on Linux/Redhat

2003-09-16 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
> He's writing a web application. A desktop/interactive app is not a
> solution.

If it can be remotely controlled it can be a solution.  Just run Xvfb on
your server and you're set.


> Tony
> --
> Anthony E. Greene 
> OpenPGP Key: 0x6C94239D/7B3D BD7D 7D91 1B44 BA26  C484 A42A 60DD 6C94 239D
> AOL/Yahoo Messenger: TonyG05HomePage: 
> Linux. The choice of a GNU generation 
> --
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Re: Latest iptables init scripts, and "rmmod"

2003-09-16 Thread Mike Burger
On Tue, 16 Sep 2003, Sean Estabrooks wrote:

> On Wed, 17 Sep 2003 12:58:22 +1000
> Ian Mortimer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > > > If it weren't for the fact that the output told me that it was trying to 
> > > > "rmmod", I'd have nto known what to comment out of the init script.
> > 
> > This is RedHat 8.0 right?  The RedHat 9 init script doesn't do it.
> > 
> > > So far, it's caused one of my systems to crash and reboot, and another to 
> > > lock up.
> > 
> > Another side effect is that it causes hosts to hang during shut down or
> > reboot at "stopping iptables".  A major pain if you're rebooting remotely.
> > 
> > Might be a good idea to post it on bugzilla along with the fix.
> > 
> Be very surprised if this was always a problem with RH8 given its
> maturity.   And the latest init scripts _do_ remove the module,
> they just use the modprobe command instead.

Actually, they use both.
Mike Burger

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Re: Latest iptables init scripts, and "rmmod"

2003-09-16 Thread Mike Burger
On Wed, 17 Sep 2003, Ian Mortimer wrote:

> > > If it weren't for the fact that the output told me that it was trying to 
> > > "rmmod", I'd have nto known what to comment out of the init script.
> This is RedHat 8.0 right?  The RedHat 9 init script doesn't do it.

In my case, 7.1 and 7.2.  Those two are the only systems on which I've 
created my own rules (first one's a server, the other's my 
firewall/gateway).  My RH9 system hasn't had its firewalling customized, 
so I've not had cause to try it.

> > So far, it's caused one of my systems to crash and reboot, and another to 
> > lock up.
> Another side effect is that it causes hosts to hang during shut down or
> reboot at "stopping iptables".  A major pain if you're rebooting remotely.
> Might be a good idea to post it on bugzilla along with the fix.

Hmm...Interesting...haven't had a hang during a reboot...just during an 
iptables stop or restar.
Mike Burger

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Re: Latest iptables init scripts, and "rmmod"

2003-09-16 Thread Mike Burger
On Tue, 16 Sep 2003, Sean Estabrooks wrote:

> On Tue, 16 Sep 2003 21:19:27 -0500 (EST)
> Mike Burger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Can anyone tell me whose bright idea it was to have the init script for 
> > iptables attempt to remove the iptables modules when one runs a "service 
> > iptables stop"?
> > 
> > So far, it's caused one of my systems to crash and reboot, and another to 
> > lock up.
> Hmmm, sounds like a kernel bug.   What kernel are you using?
> Have you upgraded to the latest RedHat supplied kernels?


> > If it weren't for the fact that the output told me that it was trying to 
> > "rmmod", I'd have nto known what to comment out of the init script.
> Good thing it was written well enough to tell you.  ;o)

Mike Burger

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Re: Latest iptables init scripts, and "rmmod"

2003-09-16 Thread Ian Mortimer

> Be very surprised if this was always a problem with RH8 given its
> maturity.

I first started seeing it after the last errata update to iptables
for RH 8.0 (a few weeks ago).


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apache question re: tag not viz.

2003-09-16 Thread Bob Hartung
Hi all,
  I have a simple test css page that includes a single 
image.  When I open the html file using "file->open" the 
page displays correctly.  If I open by "http://localhost"; 
there is a brief flash of a blank square image box of the 
correct height but no image.

  To rule out a path problem, I have moved the image into 
the root [html] RootDirectory without any change.

  Ideas?  What am I missing?



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2003-09-16 Thread Hotmail 2
Hi all,
new to Linux 8.0 

I do not have the icons on the taskbar or no links to them ...any idea??


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Re: Latest iptables init scripts, and "rmmod"

2003-09-16 Thread Sean Estabrooks
On Wed, 17 Sep 2003 12:58:22 +1000
Ian Mortimer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > > If it weren't for the fact that the output told me that it was trying to 
> > > "rmmod", I'd have nto known what to comment out of the init script.
> This is RedHat 8.0 right?  The RedHat 9 init script doesn't do it.
> > So far, it's caused one of my systems to crash and reboot, and another to 
> > lock up.
> Another side effect is that it causes hosts to hang during shut down or
> reboot at "stopping iptables".  A major pain if you're rebooting remotely.
> Might be a good idea to post it on bugzilla along with the fix.

Be very surprised if this was always a problem with RH8 given its
maturity.   And the latest init scripts _do_ remove the module,
they just use the modprobe command instead.


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Re: Latest iptables init scripts, and "rmmod"

2003-09-16 Thread Ian Mortimer

> > If it weren't for the fact that the output told me that it was trying to 
> > "rmmod", I'd have nto known what to comment out of the init script.

This is RedHat 8.0 right?  The RedHat 9 init script doesn't do it.

> So far, it's caused one of my systems to crash and reboot, and another to 
> lock up.

Another side effect is that it causes hosts to hang during shut down or
reboot at "stopping iptables".  A major pain if you're rebooting remotely.

Might be a good idea to post it on bugzilla along with the fix.


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Re: creating multi volume tar files .tar1, .tar2 etc

2003-09-16 Thread Ian Mortimer

> >tar -cvlO /disk /disk2 | split -b 50 - file.tar.

The downside to doing this is that recovery becomes difficult if any of the
split files is lost or becomes corrupted.  If you want to stay below a 
certain size you could (if possible) tar up individual subdirectories.

If you've got directories larger than the size limit you can still break 
it up alphabetically.  Could get tedious though. 

> Last backup system i tried to set up 
> didnt work too well since the company who made the tape drive went out of 
> business about 2 weeks after i bought it. Anyone want a brand new onstream 
> drive? :)

Pity about that.  I've been using an onstream drive for backups for about
3 years now without a single failure.


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Re: PDF Converter on Linux/Redhat

2003-09-16 Thread James Pifer
Thanks, I'll take a look at these. 


On Tue, 2003-09-16 at 21:58, Peter Kiem wrote:
> > He's writing a web application. A desktop/interactive app is not a
> > solution.
> How about doing it from PHP?  There are a couple of commercial PDF
> generators and some free ones as well available for PHP access
> http://au3.php.net/manual/en/faq.using.php#faq.using.freepdf
> -- 
> Regards,
> +-+-+
> | Peter Kiem.^.   | E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |
> | Zordah IT /V\   | Mobile: +61 0414 724 766|
> |   IT Consultancy &  /(   )\ | WWW   : www.zordah.net  |
> |   Internet Services  ^^-^^  | ICQ   : "Zordah" 81 |
> +-+-+
>My current spamtrap address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: PDF Converter on Linux/Redhat

2003-09-16 Thread James Pifer
Actually there are quit a few on Windows that convert many file types:
Microsoft Office Apps, Text, HTML. Some are free others aren't. A few
claim to convert almost any file type under windows. 

It may just be easier to buy one of these and run it on a windows
machine.  :-(


On Tue, 2003-09-16 at 19:59, Reuben D. Budiardja wrote:
> On Tuesday 16 September 2003 06:01 pm, James Pifer wrote:
> > Sorry for the late delay. Lost my d*** internet connection. Anyway...
> >
> > I got a little more information. The web application sticks files in a
> > directory that need to be converted, like a before directory . So I need
> > a converter to periodically check that directory, convert the files, and
> > stick them in another directory, like an after directory.
> What *kind* of files? Text files? HTML Files? MS Word document? Excel? What?
> In any case (except text file), any application that convert the file needs to 
> be able to "understand" and open the files, so different kind of files may 
> need different solution for converting, although some of those may be able to 
> use the same application to get postcript out of.
> You then can write a script that pipe those files to the appropriate apps to 
> be use to get postscript and then convert it to PDF, and run the script in 
> cron every several minute. 
> I doubt also there is a single application that can convert all kind of file 
> under Windows.
> -- 
> Reuben D. Budiardja
> Department of Physics and Astronomy
> The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
> -
> /"\  ASCII Ribbon Campaign against HTML
> \ /  email and proprietary format  
>  X   attachments.
> / \
> -
> Have you been used by Microsoft today? 
> Choose your life. Choose freedom. 
> Choose LINUX.
> -

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Re: Latest iptables init scripts, and "rmmod"

2003-09-16 Thread Sean Estabrooks
On Tue, 16 Sep 2003 21:19:27 -0500 (EST)
Mike Burger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Can anyone tell me whose bright idea it was to have the init script for 
> iptables attempt to remove the iptables modules when one runs a "service 
> iptables stop"?
> So far, it's caused one of my systems to crash and reboot, and another to 
> lock up.

Hmmm, sounds like a kernel bug.   What kernel are you using?
Have you upgraded to the latest RedHat supplied kernels?

> If it weren't for the fact that the output told me that it was trying to 
> "rmmod", I'd have nto known what to comment out of the init script.

Good thing it was written well enough to tell you.  ;o)


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Re: creating multi volume tar files .tar1, .tar2 etc

2003-09-16 Thread Sean Estabrooks
On Tue, 16 Sep 2003 19:05:31 -0700
Ian L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> much thanks ... especially since my idea wont work since there's a 2gb file 
> size limit as ed pointed out. Oh well ... i'll have a backup system working 

FWIW,  The 2Gb limit has been removed in version 3 or better of NFS. 
The underlying filesystem has to support large files too, i use rieserfs
and transfer 30+ GB files over NFS without a problem.


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Latest iptables init scripts, and "rmmod"

2003-09-16 Thread Mike Burger
Can anyone tell me whose bright idea it was to have the init script for 
iptables attempt to remove the iptables modules when one runs a "service 
iptables stop"?

So far, it's caused one of my systems to crash and reboot, and another to 
lock up.

If it weren't for the fact that the output told me that it was trying to 
"rmmod", I'd have nto known what to comment out of the init script.

Mike Burger

Visit the Dog Pound II BBS
telnet://dogpound2.citadel.org or http://dogpound2.citadel.org:2000

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Re: creating multi volume tar files .tar1, .tar2 etc

2003-09-16 Thread Ian L
At 06:57 PM 9/16/2003, you wrote:
On Tue, 16 Sep 2003 18:31:32 -0700
Ian L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey all,
> i made a stupid assumption ... tar would do something intelligently.
> I was running a back up such as: tar -cvlf file.tar -L 50 /disk /disk2
> What i thought this would do is back up /disk and /disk2 in multiple tar
> files of 500megs each. Instead, it creates file.tar and when it hits
> 500megs, waits for me to hit return and then just continues where it
> stopped at, except it starts file.tar over.
> Can someone tell me a way that i can tar up (tar, zip, compress i dont
> care) a group of directories, and have them split up by whatever size i
> set? and have it be multiple files ... i dont want to sit there and
> manually rename files or anything. I want to let it run and come back 
> and have X number of archive files. Ultimately these will be burned on a
> dvd drive on a windows machine.
> thanks,

Hi Ian,

tar -cvlO /disk /disk2 | split -b 50 - file.tar.

The -O option to tar says to send the archive to the standard output.
split will create files names "file.tar." plus a two letter extension for
as many files as it takes to store the input.
To get a listing of what's in the archive, something like:

cat file.tar.* | tar -tvf -

Of course you could add the -z or -j to the tar command so that the
output is compressed too.

much thanks ... especially since my idea wont work since there's a 2gb file 
size limit as ed pointed out. Oh well ... i'll have a backup system working 
eventually ... sometime this year. Last backup system i tried to set up 
didnt work too well since the company who made the tape drive went out of 
business about 2 weeks after i bought it. Anyone want a brand new onstream 
drive? :)

thanks again


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Re: creating multi volume tar files .tar1, .tar2 etc

2003-09-16 Thread Ian L
At 06:54 PM 9/16/2003, you wrote:
On Tue, Sep 16, 2003 at 06:31:32PM -0700, Ian L wrote:
> I was running a back up such as: tar -cvlf file.tar -L 50 /disk /disk2
> What i thought this would do is back up /disk and /disk2 in multiple tar
> files of 500megs each. Instead, it creates file.tar and when it hits
> 500megs, waits for me to hit return and then just continues where it
> stopped at, except it starts file.tar over.
> Can someone tell me a way that i can tar up (tar, zip, compress i dont
> care) a group of directories, and have them split up by whatever size i
> set? and have it be multiple files ...
tar | split

We've been doing that for eons to save large archives on an NFS server
with a 2GB file size limit.
Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
heh, thanks. I just came to a similar conclusion. I just downloaded a 
windows program called mastersplitter to do the same thing.



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Re: PDF Converter on Linux/Redhat

2003-09-16 Thread Peter Kiem
> He's writing a web application. A desktop/interactive app is not a
> solution.

How about doing it from PHP?  There are a couple of commercial PDF
generators and some free ones as well available for PHP access


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Re: creating multi volume tar files .tar1, .tar2 etc

2003-09-16 Thread Sean Estabrooks
On Tue, 16 Sep 2003 18:31:32 -0700
Ian L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hey all,
> i made a stupid assumption ... tar would do something intelligently.
> I was running a back up such as: tar -cvlf file.tar -L 50 /disk /disk2
> What i thought this would do is back up /disk and /disk2 in multiple tar 
> files of 500megs each. Instead, it creates file.tar and when it hits 
> 500megs, waits for me to hit return and then just continues where it 
> stopped at, except it starts file.tar over.
> Can someone tell me a way that i can tar up (tar, zip, compress i dont 
> care) a group of directories, and have them split up by whatever size i 
> set? and have it be multiple files ... i dont want to sit there and 
> manually rename files or anything. I want to let it run and come back later 
> and have X number of archive files. Ultimately these will be burned on a 
> dvd drive on a windows machine.
> thanks,

Hi Ian,

tar -cvlO /disk /disk2 | split -b 50 - file.tar.

The -O option to tar says to send the archive to the standard output.
split will create files names "file.tar." plus a two letter extension for 
as many files as it takes to store the input.

To get a listing of what's in the archive, something like:

cat file.tar.* | tar -tvf -

Of course you could add the -z or -j to the tar command so that the 
output is compressed too.


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Re: creating multi volume tar files .tar1, .tar2 etc

2003-09-16 Thread Ed Wilts
On Tue, Sep 16, 2003 at 06:31:32PM -0700, Ian L wrote:
> I was running a back up such as: tar -cvlf file.tar -L 50 /disk /disk2
> What i thought this would do is back up /disk and /disk2 in multiple tar 
> files of 500megs each. Instead, it creates file.tar and when it hits 
> 500megs, waits for me to hit return and then just continues where it 
> stopped at, except it starts file.tar over.
> Can someone tell me a way that i can tar up (tar, zip, compress i dont 
> care) a group of directories, and have them split up by whatever size i 
> set? and have it be multiple files ... 

tar | split 

We've been doing that for eons to save large archives on an NFS server
with a 2GB file size limit.

Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
Member #1, Red Hat Community Ambassador Program

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creating multi volume tar files .tar1, .tar2 etc

2003-09-16 Thread Ian L
Hey all,

i made a stupid assumption ... tar would do something intelligently.

I was running a back up such as: tar -cvlf file.tar -L 50 /disk /disk2

What i thought this would do is back up /disk and /disk2 in multiple tar 
files of 500megs each. Instead, it creates file.tar and when it hits 
500megs, waits for me to hit return and then just continues where it 
stopped at, except it starts file.tar over.

Can someone tell me a way that i can tar up (tar, zip, compress i dont 
care) a group of directories, and have them split up by whatever size i 
set? and have it be multiple files ... i dont want to sit there and 
manually rename files or anything. I want to let it run and come back later 
and have X number of archive files. Ultimately these will be burned on a 
dvd drive on a windows machine.



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Re: PDF Converter on Linux/Redhat

2003-09-16 Thread Anthony E. Greene
On 16-Sep-2003/18:01 -0400, James Pifer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I got a little more information. The web application sticks files in a
>directory that need to be converted, like a before directory . So I need
>a converter to periodically check that directory, convert the files, and
>stick them in another directory, like an after directory. 

It depends on the type of file. Text or HTML are easy.

Anthony E. Greene 
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Re: Adaptec ATA RAID 1200A under Linux

2003-09-16 Thread Michael Mansour
> | http://www.highpoint-tech.com/r100r_down.htm
> |
> | for Red Hat 8.0 and it works fine.
> |
> | I'm wondering why Adaptec don't "officially"
> supply
> | this driver themselves??? and don't provide
> support
> | for the card under Linux since it works perfectly
> | well. All I need is mirroring facility on the IDE
> | drives, so that's all I wanted in the card. The
> more
> | expensive 2400A (which Adaptec officially support
> | under Linux) has all the bells and whistles, has a
> | processor on board and supports RAID 5, but I
> don't
> | need those features so don't need that card.
> This is due to Adaptec Licensing the Chipset from
> HPT. it's essentially
> a HPT card with an Adaptec label.
> | If not, how else can I upgrade the kernel to
> | 2.4.20-20.8smp while still using the HPT module /
> | driver. Note that I have my RAID 1 mirror as the
> boot
> | drive for Linux.
> |
> I'm looking for an experienced answer to this as
> well.. I believe you
> can take the source code of the module and compile
> it against the
> kernel-source.. but I'm not 100% sure and Mine is a
> production Server,
> and I'm not willing to take the chance yet.
> Anyone else hit this..

Speaking to HPT they told me they do provide the v1.31
driver opensource, which can be used to compile
against the kernel.

I'm building this system as a production server, it's
maybe a week away, so I also don't really have the
chance to fiddle with this too much.

Maybe one day it'll all be added into the kernel, make
life easier for many of us.


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Re: PDF Converter on Linux/Redhat

2003-09-16 Thread Anthony E. Greene
On 16-Sep-2003/15:57 -0500, Joseph A Nagy Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Have you tried printing to a PDF file? That's available most KDE apps.

He's writing a web application. A desktop/interactive app is not a

Anthony E. Greene 
OpenPGP Key: 0x6C94239D/7B3D BD7D 7D91 1B44 BA26  C484 A42A 60DD 6C94 239D
AOL/Yahoo Messenger: TonyG05HomePage: 
Linux. The choice of a GNU generation 

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Re: PDF Converter on Linux/Redhat

2003-09-16 Thread Anthony E. Greene
On 16-Sep-2003/16:38 -0400, James Pifer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Sorry if this has been asked before. I'm looking for a PDF converter
>that will run on Linux for a web application. I did some googling and
>found some that did specific things, like postscript to PDF, but not

When I needed to do this, I had the script write a temp HTML file, then
run it through html2ps , followed
by ps2pdf.

Anthony E. Greene 
OpenPGP Key: 0x6C94239D/7B3D BD7D 7D91 1B44 BA26  C484 A42A 60DD 6C94 239D
AOL/Yahoo Messenger: TonyG05HomePage: 
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Re: Adaptec ATA RAID 1200A under Linux

2003-09-16 Thread Michael Mansour

Just as an update to the Adaptec 1200A issue.

>>   You best bet going forward is to stop using the
>> highpoint binary 
>> driver!!!  This problem is going to come up over
>> over.  You got 2 
>> choices.
>> #1)  Use the card in jbod mode and use the linux
>> software raid driver.  
>> This would reqire a complete reinstall, but will
>> just work for release 
>> after release of any linux distro, or kernel.
>Maybe... the last time I tried software raid was
>RH 6.2, and it didn't support Raid on the boot
>This works now with RH8 yes?

I went this route and am quite happy with the results.
There's a little bit of overhead to the CPU's but its
no big deal for the end result.

>> #2)  Try using the ataraid driver.  Which is fairly
>> complex and not 
>> support in the 2.6 kernel yet.
>> http://www.murty.net/ataraid/main.html
>Interesting... will this driver work for the 1200A ?
>has anyone else tried it ?
>Thanks for your advice Samuel.

HPT got back to me on a support call I logged with
them. They said they do have an opensource HPT driver
for the 1200A card, v1.31 available at the bottom of
the download page where you download the binary

They said there shouldn't be any issues with compiling
this driver into whatever kernel I install.

Strange why this opensource driver still isn't added
into the Linux kernel.


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[SOLVED] RE: Windows VPN Behind Linux Firewall

2003-09-16 Thread Ravi Verma
I managed to solve.

Thanks for help.


-Original Message-
From: Ravi Verma [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 5:46 PM
Subject: Windows VPN Behind Linux Firewall


I have setup a Linux firewall using iptables. I am working on allowing
VPN connections using Microsoft VPN client from my to a Microsoft VPN
server at one of clients. The Microsoft VPN client initiating the
connection is behind the firewall and the Microsoft VPN server is

I am searching for the rule which will allows this outbound connection
through the iptables firewall.

Thanks in advance.


Ravi Verma

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Re: GRUB install on hard drive

2003-09-16 Thread Michael Mansour
 --- Y-Z <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > 
> How about use the following two steps,
> 1. Boot Linux use "linux rescue"
> 2. input command "chroot /mnt/sysimage"
> 3. input command "grub-install /dev/sda", where
> /dev/sda/ is the boot
> disk with MBR. I suppose that u installed windows on
> /dev/sda

Yes, Windows is installed on /dev/sda while /dev/sdb
and /dev/sdc are raid 1 soft mirrors. But that is the
key term, they are soft mirrors. The grub-install
script will _not_ work with installing the MBR on a
soft mirrored linux install.

The error returned when trying to do the above is
something of the form:

/dev/md0 cannot allocate drive from BIOS

(from memory). After much more Googling with the above
error, I came up with the answer.

on bugzilla.redhat.com this is a known bug with
grub-install dating back to Red Hat 7.2 when it was
first logged with Red Hat in 2001. The bug has existed
since then from 7.3 to 8.0 and still exists in 9.
Reading through that bug report many asked why Red Hat
haven't fixed it for more than 2 years, the answer
was, Red Hat consider it a 7.2 bug and not anything

Well, it's still a bug and the solution is given in
there. What I had to do was go into the grub shell,

grub> root (hd1,0)
grub> setup (hd0)

And it wrote the MBR to the Win2000 partition (disk).
I could not do "root (hd0,0)" as grub came back saying
it couldn't mount the NTFS patition.

I write this detail here in the hope that anyone else
experiencing this problem can search the Red Hat
archives and read on how to fix it. It was a
frustrating bug to deal with, and really, Red Hat
should have fixed it by now.

Thanks for your help and advice nevertheless.


> Michael Mansour wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I built a box last night with the following
> config:
> >
> > 4x 9gb UW2 scsi drives off an adaptec controller
> >
> > First drive (/dev/sda) or hd(0,0) in grub.conf, I
> > installed Windows 2000 professional. I made this a
> > primary partition.
> >
> > Second and third drives (/dev/sdb and /dev/sdc) or
> > hd(1,0) under grub.conf I created a Linux software
> > raid 1 mirror and installed Red Hat Linux 8.0.
> Also
> > made this a primary partition.
> >
> > I seemingly mistakenly installed grub on /dev/sdb.
> >
> > When booting the machine, Windows 2000
> automatically
> > boots, when what I really want is for grub's menu
> to
> > kick in and allow me to choose it, defaulting to
> > Linux.
> >
> > I realise now I should have chosen /dev/sda to
> install
> > grub on the redhat linux install (if it would
> allow
> > me) but am now trying to get grub installed on
> > /dev/sda, and realise I don't know how to do this
> > without re-installing linux.
> >
> > Anyone know how to do this?
> >
> > Googling I came up with grubconfig, which is a
> script
> > that installs grub into an MBR, but this does not
> seem
> > to work for software raid under /dev/md0 (which
> really
> > resides under /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc).
> >
> > At the moment I'm booting the system from the boot
> > floppy, which only seems to start one cpu (it's a
> dual
> > system). I also tried changing the boot drive on
> > adaptec's controller to 1, but that didn't work
> > either.
> >
> > Any ideas how I can install grub into this type of
> > combination?
> >
> > I've added my fstab, raidtab and grub.conf below
> for
> > you.
> >
> > fstab:
> >
> > /dev/md3/  
> ext3
> >  defaults1 1
> > /dev/md0/boot  
> ext3
> >  defaults1 2
> > none/dev/pts   
> devpts
> >  gid=5,mode=620  0 0
> > /dev/md5/home  
> ext3
> >  defaults1 2
> > none/proc  
> proc
> >  defaults0 0
> > none/dev/shm   
> tmpfs
> >  defaults0 0
> > /dev/md1/usr   
> ext3
> >  defaults1 2
> > /dev/md2/var   
> ext3
> >  defaults1 2
> > /dev/md4swap   
> swap
> >  defaults0 0
> > /dev/cdrom  /mnt/cdrom
> > iso9660 noauto,owner,kudzu,ro 0 0
> > /dev/fd0/mnt/floppy
> auto
> >  noauto,owner,kudzu 0 0
> >
> > /etc/raidtab:
> >
> > raiddev/dev/md3
> > raid-level  1
> > nr-raid-disks   2
> > chunk-size  64k
> > persistent-superblock   1
> > nr-spare-disks  0
> > device /dev/sdb5
> > raid-disk 0
> > device /dev/sdc5
> > raid-disk 1
> > raiddev/dev/md0
> > raid-level  1
> > nr-raid-disks   2
> > chunk-size  64k
> > persistent-superblock   1
> > nr-spare-disks  0
> > device /dev/sdb1
> > raid-disk 0
> > device /dev/sdc1
> > raid-disk 1
> > raiddev/dev/md5
> > raid-level  1
> > nr-raid-disks   2
> > chunk-size 

Re: grub boot order question

2003-09-16 Thread Ian L
At 05:40 PM 9/16/2003, you wrote:
>   this is in my grub.conf file:
>   if i change default=0 that should boot with the 2.4.20-20.8 kernel yes?
Yes but that's not the approved way to do it.  It's safer to do:

   grubby --set-default=/boot/vmlinuz-$version

(replace $version but the version number 2.4.20-20.8 in your case).




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Re: Kernel Tuning

2003-09-16 Thread Herculano de Lima Einloft Neto
   I hope I'm not inconvenient, but I have an outside view:
   If you check the archives, you'll notice that Sean Estabrooks is kind
of special in this list, in the sense that he holds so much specific
information he's willing to share. Now put yourself in his shoes, and
imagine having to explain every answer you gave in the way Jason
proposed. It's just not possible. But he knows things, and he also knows
this is __difficult to get__ information. Just check the number of
answers he has given this month. The only way to keep up this flow of
service is being straight to the point. 
  They're both right. :)

Herculano de Lima Einloft Neto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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RE: grub boot order question

2003-09-16 Thread Otto Haliburton
After a 10 second delay.

> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:redhat-list-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ian L
> Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 7:34 PM
> Subject: grub boot order question
>   this is in my grub.conf file:
>   #boot=/dev/hda
>   default=1
>   timeout=10
>   splashimage=(hd0,0)/grub/splash.xpm.gz
>   title Red Hat Linux (2.4.20-20.8)
>   root (hd0,0)
>   kernel /vmlinuz-2.4.20-20.8 ro root=LABEL=/
>   initrd /initrd-2.4.20-20.8.img
>   title Red Hat Linux (2.4.18-14)
>   root (hd0,0)
>   kernel /vmlinuz-2.4.18-14 ro root=LABEL=/
>   initrd /initrd-2.4.18-14.img
>   if i change default=0 that should boot with the 2.4.20-20.8 kernel
> yes?
> Ian
> --
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my cups runneth badly

2003-09-16 Thread Steve Strong
so, I've had the printer set up and running and it's worked fine even
share it on the network with linux and win2k clients.  all of a sudden
(after installing the latest up2date stuff) lpq commands result in a
"service unavailable" error and the printer configuration tool finds no
device for printing.  i'm running cups and pointing my browser to
http://localhost:631 results in denied access.

Anybody know what's up?
Steve Strong
Math/Computer Science Teacher
Washington High School
2205 Forest Dr. SE
Cedar Rapids, IA   52403
web: http://crwash.org
telephone: 319-558-4685

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Windows VPN Behind Linux Firewall

2003-09-16 Thread Ravi Verma

I have setup a Linux firewall using iptables. I am working on allowing
VPN connections using Microsoft VPN client from my to a Microsoft VPN
server at one of clients. The Microsoft VPN client initiating the
connection is behind the firewall and the Microsoft VPN server is

I am searching for the rule which will allows this outbound connection
through the iptables firewall.

Thanks in advance.


Ravi Verma

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Re: Kernel Tuning

2003-09-16 Thread Sean Estabrooks
On Tue, 16 Sep 2003 17:39:52 -0700
"Chris W. Parker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> But how do you decide what's best for the poster? How do you know that a
> simple answer is more helpful to them than a more lengthy one? Unless
> they tell you outright it'd be really difficult to determine.

This isn't really a question about length of answer, more about style.
My personal preference is to give as much explanation as is necessary 
to get started but not to try to write a book.   And when an example
can _replace_ a paragraph, then IMHO the example is the correct choice.
This just doesn't seem like the place to reproduce a manual.

What i was really objecting to is the notion that it's wrong to provide the
answer, that somehow it's better to explain in each post how to read the
manual.  (ie. how to fish)

> >>> In these cases especially, a quick answer solves their
> >>> immediate problem and should provide inspiration for them on how
> >>> to proceed in the future.
> >> 
> >> Should, but doesn't necessarily.
> > 
> > That's really up to the poster.
> I agree, but the statement you made was not leaving it up to the poster,
> you were leaving it up to your opinion, so that's where my response came
> from.

Not sure what you mean here.

> >> Clearly?
> >> 
> > Yes, clearly.
> Oh sorry I missed have missed the memo. ;)

lol,  consider yourself CC'd

> >>> IMHO, more people are served by seeing the correct answer.
> >> 
> >> This is true.
> >> 
> > Wow, we agree on something ;o)
> Yeah I'm the kind of person that thinks a correct answer is more helpful
> than an incorrect answer. But that's just me.

Then i'm not sure what we're disagreeing on in the first place.


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Re: Intel E/1000 driver

2003-09-16 Thread Samuel Flory
Vinny Valdez wrote:
MW Mike Weiner (5028) wrote:

I am having some issues with a module I need to load for an intel e1000
interface using RedHat 7.3 linux-2.4.18-3. For some reason, the new 
machines that I am trying to bring up will not load that module nor
initialize the interface, so I am stuck with a single 10/100 interface.
Interestingly enough I get the following in dmesg

First, I would recommend using a newer kernel.  Aside from numerous 
security fixes, the driver version of the e1000.o in that default kernel 
is 4.1.7.  Compared to the e1000.o driver in the 2.4.20-20.7 kernel, 
which is 5.0.43-k1.

eepro100.c:v1.09j-t 9/29/99 Donald Becker
eepro100.c: $Revision: 1.36 $ 2000/11/17 Modified by Andrey V. Savochkin
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and others
eth0: OEM i82557/i82558 10/100 Ethernet, 00:30:48:28:8D:CB, IRQ 22.
  Board assembly 00-000, Physical connectors present: RJ45
  Primary interface chip i82555 PHY #1.
  General self-test: passed.
  Serial sub-system self-test: passed.
  Internal registers self-test: passed.
  ROM checksum self-test: passed (0xd0a6c714).
Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - version 4.1.7
Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Intel Corporation.

This is your problem.  You want to use e1000, but eepro100 is getting 
  No he has a 10/100 and a GigE nic.  The e100, or the eepro100 will 
only grab the 10/100 nic

And nothing else really, but when I go to manually probe or insert the
module I get the following:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# modprobe e1000
Warning: loading 
will taint the kernel: non-GPL license - BSD with patent grant
  See http://www.tux.org/lkml/#export-tainted for information about 
init_module: No
such device

The device is in use by eepro100.

  No see above.  The older e1000 driver doesn't recognize the newer 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# insmod e1000
Using /lib/modules/2.4.18-3smp/kernel/drivers/addon/e1000/e1000.o
Warning: loading 
will taint the kernel: non-GPL license - BSD with patent grant
  See http://www.tux.org/lkml/#export-tainted for information about 
init_module: No
such device

Same thing.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# lsmod
Module  Size  Used byTainted: P 
autofs 12804   0  (autoclean) (unused)
eepro100   20816   1

See, eepro100 is currently loaded.  You need to remove it first.

Does anyone have any quick solutions they might suggest to get this 
to load correctly? Or any other suggestions?

You will need to down your interface, change the module, and bring the 
interface up again.  If you are doing this remotely, you can do it all 
in one command:

[prompt]# ifdown eth0 && rmmod eepro100 && insmod e1000 && ifup eth0

You may loose connectivity for a second, but it should come back.  You 
may have to reconnect the remote session.  If you are satisfied, then 
make the change in /etc/modules.conf from eepro100 to e1000.

Again, use a newer kernel if you can.

Once you have their hardware. Never give it back.
(The First Rule of Hardware Acquisition)
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Re: grub boot order question

2003-09-16 Thread Ian Mortimer
>   this is in my grub.conf file:
>   if i change default=0 that should boot with the 2.4.20-20.8 kernel yes?

Yes but that's not the approved way to do it.  It's safer to do:

   grubby --set-default=/boot/vmlinuz-$version

(replace $version but the version number 2.4.20-20.8 in your case).


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2003-09-16 Thread Michael Mansour
> >Placa base intel con bios actualizada
> >Promise fastrak 100 tx2 con bios actualizada.
> >Red hat 9.0 i drivers de promise ultima version.
> >La instalación del red hat tambien la hace
> correctamente solo hay una
> >pequeña duda, cuando entro en el discdruid veo 3
> discos los dos que he
> >pinchado en la contoladora raid y otro que me sale
> con el comentario promis
> >raid que es de la misma capacidad que los otros,
> supongo que sera el mirror
> >pero mi pregunta es, ¿no tendría que ver uno solo?.
> Linux kernel does not support FastTrak mirror.
> If you want to use it for mirror, you have 2
> choices:
> 1) disable mirror in the fasttrak bios; then use
> linux software mirroring.
> Basically you'll use the fasttrak as an non-raid ata
> cotroller.
> 2) use binary drivers promise provides here
> This will allow you to use the mirror you set up in
> the fasttrak bios.

Why don't these companies release sources to their
drivers to be included in the kernel?

I don't see this "binary driver" implementation very
flexible and self-sustaining, puts more work on the
supplier side to get this working for each
distribution and each kernel release, on top of the
inflexibility it can provide to the customer.


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RE: Kernel Tuning

2003-09-16 Thread Chris W. Parker
Sean Estabrooks 
on Tuesday, September 16, 2003 5:27 PM said:

>> Because it's more informative and helpful.
> Sure in certain cases.   But often it's more helpful just to give
> the command.

But how do you decide what's best for the poster? How do you know that a
simple answer is more helpful to them than a more lengthy one? Unless
they tell you outright it'd be really difficult to determine.

>>> In these cases especially, a quick answer solves their
>>> immediate problem and should provide inspiration for them on how
>>> to proceed in the future.
>> Should, but doesn't necessarily.
> That's really up to the poster.

I agree, but the statement you made was not leaving it up to the poster,
you were leaving it up to your opinion, so that's where my response came

>> Clearly?
> Yes, clearly.

Oh sorry I missed have missed the memo. ;)

>>> IMHO, more people are served by seeing the correct answer.
>> This is true.
> Wow, we agree on something ;o)

Yeah I'm the kind of person that thinks a correct answer is more helpful
than an incorrect answer. But that's just me.

>> Am I completely missing the point of your post?
> Apparently ;-P

My memo machine must be broken. :(



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grub boot order question

2003-09-16 Thread Ian L
 this is in my grub.conf file:
 title Red Hat Linux (2.4.20-20.8)
 root (hd0,0)
 kernel /vmlinuz-2.4.20-20.8 ro root=LABEL=/
 initrd /initrd-2.4.20-20.8.img
 title Red Hat Linux (2.4.18-14)
 root (hd0,0)
 kernel /vmlinuz-2.4.18-14 ro root=LABEL=/
 initrd /initrd-2.4.18-14.img
 if i change default=0 that should boot with the 2.4.20-20.8 kernel yes?


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Re: Kernel Tuning

2003-09-16 Thread Sean Estabrooks
On Tue, 16 Sep 2003 17:14:00 -0700
"Chris W. Parker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey Chris,

> Sean Estabrooks 
> on Tuesday, September 16, 2003 4:56 PM said:
> > If there is an online reference to more information that's a
> > great thing to include in an answer, but why make a paragraph
> > out of an answer that can be stated with a quick example?
> Because it's more informative and helpful.

Sure in certain cases.   But often it's more helpful just to give
the command.

> > Often a person who is just learning about Linux does not have
> > enough context yet to appreciate some of the subtleties of a
> > solution. In these cases especially, a quick answer solves their
> > immediate problem and should provide inspiration for them on how
> > to proceed in the future.
> Should, but doesn't necessarily.

That's really up to the poster.

> > If the solution to a problem is to "set SHMMAX to blah value" then
> > that is the proper answer to a question.If you have the time to
> > explain the highlights of why it works that's even better.
> Yes, and that's what he did.

Wasn't talking about this case, was talking about the general
statements Jason was making.

> > The correct answer should lead them to the correct source for more
> > information. If it's not obvious where this information can be found
> > it's great if you can cite a reference for them.
> > 
> > For example if you tell someone that the answer to their problem is
> > a specific iptable command, then clearly they will know they need
> > to read more about iptables.
> Clearly?
Yes, clearly.

> > No need to tell them to do that in each and every post.
> For that to be the case we'd need to have some sort of collective mind,
> or hive mind (ala the Borg) where eveyone knows exactly what everyone
> else knows. You learn something, I learn it too. 
> Unfortunately this is the real world and your statement can't possibly
> be true since people continuously ask the same questions.
> >> Not to mention, they're more likely to offer the same assistance to
> >> others later on.  :)
> > 
> > IMHO, more people are served by seeing the correct answer.
> This is true.
Wow, we agree on something ;o)

> > They're already looking for the correct answer, just give it to them.
> > Don't assume someone asking a question is stupid and needs to be told
> > to go do more research. Obviously when you've asked questions on the
> list
> > you were looking for an answer not someone to teach you how to "fish".
> Man I'm totally confused by your post. The original poster ASKED to be
> taught how to fish INSTEAD of being thrown a fish.

Again, talking about his general statements, not this case.

> Am I completely missing the point of your post?

Apparently ;-P

> So confus-ed!!


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RE: Kernel Tuning

2003-09-16 Thread Chris W. Parker
Sean Estabrooks 
on Tuesday, September 16, 2003 4:56 PM said:

> If there is an online reference to more information that's a
> great thing to include in an answer, but why make a paragraph
> out of an answer that can be stated with a quick example?

Because it's more informative and helpful.

> Often a person who is just learning about Linux does not have
> enough context yet to appreciate some of the subtleties of a
> solution. In these cases especially, a quick answer solves their
> immediate problem and should provide inspiration for them on how
> to proceed in the future.

Should, but doesn't necessarily.

> If the solution to a problem is to "set SHMMAX to blah value" then
> that is the proper answer to a question.If you have the time to
> explain the highlights of why it works that's even better.

Yes, and that's what he did.

> The correct answer should lead them to the correct source for more
> information. If it's not obvious where this information can be found
> it's great if you can cite a reference for them.
> For example if you tell someone that the answer to their problem is
> a specific iptable command, then clearly they will know they need
> to read more about iptables.


> No need to tell them to do that in each and every post.

For that to be the case we'd need to have some sort of collective mind,
or hive mind (ala the Borg) where eveyone knows exactly what everyone
else knows. You learn something, I learn it too. 

Unfortunately this is the real world and your statement can't possibly
be true since people continuously ask the same questions.

>> Not to mention, they're more likely to offer the same assistance to
>> others later on.  :)
> IMHO, more people are served by seeing the correct answer.

This is true.

> They're already looking for the correct answer, just give it to them.
> Don't assume someone asking a question is stupid and needs to be told
> to go do more research. Obviously when you've asked questions on the
> you were looking for an answer not someone to teach you how to "fish".

Man I'm totally confused by your post. The original poster ASKED to be
taught how to fish INSTEAD of being thrown a fish.

Am I completely missing the point of your post?

So confus-ed!!


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Re: PDF Converter on Linux/Redhat

2003-09-16 Thread Joseph A Nagy Jr
Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 16 September 2003 18:59, Reuben D. Budiardja wrote this in an 
attempt to be witty or informative:

> I doubt also there is a single application that can convert all kind
> of file under Windows.

I wouldn't. It's the most programmed for platform (at least 
commercially). It's probably an app with a lot of plugins. Hehe.

- -- 
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Message, the +3 Clue-by-Four of No Attachments to a Mailing List, and
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Re: PDF Converter on Linux/Redhat

2003-09-16 Thread Reuben D. Budiardja
On Tuesday 16 September 2003 06:01 pm, James Pifer wrote:
> Sorry for the late delay. Lost my d*** internet connection. Anyway...
> I got a little more information. The web application sticks files in a
> directory that need to be converted, like a before directory . So I need
> a converter to periodically check that directory, convert the files, and
> stick them in another directory, like an after directory.

What *kind* of files? Text files? HTML Files? MS Word document? Excel? What?

In any case (except text file), any application that convert the file needs to 
be able to "understand" and open the files, so different kind of files may 
need different solution for converting, although some of those may be able to 
use the same application to get postcript out of.

You then can write a script that pipe those files to the appropriate apps to 
be use to get postscript and then convert it to PDF, and run the script in 
cron every several minute. 

I doubt also there is a single application that can convert all kind of file 
under Windows.


Reuben D. Budiardja
Department of Physics and Astronomy
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
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Re: Configure X without redhat-config-xfree86?

2003-09-16 Thread Jack Bowling
On Wed, Sep 17, 2003 at 12:44:29AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> * and then Lists declared
> > Assuming you haven't had any luck with the other suggestions regarding
> > redhat-config-xfree86,  some things to look at (in no specific order)
> > 
> > 1) Does your monitor def have freq ranges that would allow higher res?
> > Look in /usr/share/hwdata/MonitorsDB to see if you can find the info for
> > your monitor.
> Right, got it sorted. Nightmare. I'll write it up and post to the list
> in the morning. It was the prosavage card in the end but I got it fixed.
> Thanks everyone ;-)

A followup would be appreciated, Nick.

I note the following that dropped into freshmeat the past 24 hours:


which is a repository for the Knoppix hardware detection/config code which 
has recently been ported to RH and MAndrake. The changelog mentions a script
for configuring X settings without rebooting.

Jack Bowling

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Re: Kernel Tuning

2003-09-16 Thread Sean Estabrooks
On 16 Sep 2003 15:57:11 -0400
Jason Dixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey Jason,

Since this thread was already appropriately labeled off-topic
thought i'd pipe in. ;o)

> On Tue, 2003-09-16 at 15:30, Kelerion wrote:
> > nice answer.. now thats what I like to see in mailing lists..
> Thanks.
> > informative.. helpful.. but leads the OP to figure things out 
> > him/herself.. there should be more of this on mailing lists...
> Unfortunately, there are too many a) folks looking for the quick
> answer.  These are, more often than not, people raised on the "Windows
> way" of doing things... call support, get put on hold, get told which

The List is a  great forum for quick answers to problems that
people are faced with.   How many times have you yourself looked
for an answer on the list?   Clearly you know how to _fish_ so
you're not looking for someone to say RTFM.   If there is an online
reference to more information that's a great thing to include in an
answer, but why make a paragraph out of an answer that can be 
stated with a quick example?   

Often a person who is just learning about Linux does not have 
enough context yet to appreciate some of the subtleties of a 
solution.   In these cases especially, a quick answer solves
their immediate problem and should provide inspiration for them
on how to proceed in the future.

> buttons to press.  Or b) too many folks throwing easy answers out there
> without explaining how the solution was resolved.  This is also a
> problem with many Linux HOWTO documents.
> I really enjoy sharing the knowledge that I've acquired over the years. 
> However, this rarely comes in the form of "you need to set SHMMAX to
> blah value", or "compile dillywankers into APCI support".  More often
> than not, it's "go here, check this out, see where it leads you".  This
> is more efficient for me, and, for the self-serving student, a much
> better opportunity for long term retainment.

If the solution to a problem is to "set SHMMAX to blah value" then
that is the proper answer to a question.If you have the time to 
explain the highlights of why it works that's even better.   The correct 
answer should lead them to the correct source for more information.   
If it's not obvious where this information can be found it's great if you 
can cite a reference for them.   

For example if you tell someone that the answer to their problem is
a specific iptable command, then clearly they will know they need
to read more about iptables.   No need to tell them to do that in 
each and every post.

> Not to mention, they're more likely to offer the same assistance to
> others later on.  :)

IMHO, more people are served by seeing the correct answer.   They're 
already looking for the correct answer, just give it to them.  Don't assume
someone asking a question is stupid and needs to be told to go do 
more research.   Obviously when you've asked questions on the list
you were looking for an answer not someone to teach you how to "fish".


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Reading Irix DAT tapes under RH9

2003-09-16 Thread Russell Whitaker


I have a number of tapes I wrote - and verified - a few years ago on various SGI 
(Silicon Graphics) workstations running Irix 5.2 and Irix 6.2.  The tapes are Maxell 
HS-4/60s 2GB DAT tapes.  I  have a Red Hat 9 workstation in which I installed an old 
Python DAT drive, which seems to have installed perfectly (output of dmesg):

scsi0 : Adaptec AIC7XXX EISA/VLB/PCI SCSI HBA DRIVER, Rev 6.2.8

aic7860: Ultra Single Channel A, SCSI Id=7, 3/253 SCBs

blk: queue c365cc14, I/O limit 4095Mb (mask 0x)
  Vendor: ARCHIVE   Model: Python 27871-XXX  Rev: 1214
  Type:   Sequential-Access  ANSI SCSI revision: 02
blk: queue c365ce14, I/O limit 4095Mb (mask 0x)

Version of kernel:

# uname -r

Tape status:

# mt -f /dev/st0 status
SCSI 2 tape drive:
File number=0, block number=0, partition=0.
Tape block size 512 bytes. Density code 0x13 (DDS (61000 bpi)).
Soft error count since last status=0
General status bits on (4501):

Several of the tapes were written with cpio (using "cpio -ovBc -O /dev/tape" under 
Irix), and some were written using tar and Backup (a wrapper to 'bru').  I can't read 
any of these tapes; I can't even use 'dd' to attempt to dump the tape contents:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] tape1]# dd if=/dev/st0 of=archive1
dd: reading `/dev/st0': Input/output error
0+0 records in
0+0 records out

Do I need to set another blocksize?  Do I need to swap bytes?  I've been Googling for 
hours on this problem to no avail.  Anyone dealt with this before?  I can't tell the 
blocksize of the tapes: there doesn't seem to exist the "blksize" option ('mt -f 
/dev/st0 blksize') in Red Hat's 'mt'.

I'm pretty sure that the Python drive works well and the tapes are OK: I sacrificed 
the data on a couple of tapes , successfully reading and writing from them; tar, cpio, 
and dd all worked as they should.  

So, I'm sure the answer lies somewhere in the world of blocksizes and byte orders.  
Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Configure X without redhat-config-xfree86?

2003-09-16 Thread nick

* and then Lists declared
> Assuming you haven't had any luck with the other suggestions regarding
> redhat-config-xfree86,  some things to look at (in no specific order)
> 1) Does your monitor def have freq ranges that would allow higher res?
> Look in /usr/share/hwdata/MonitorsDB to see if you can find the info for
> your monitor.

Right, got it sorted. Nightmare. I'll write it up and post to the list
in the morning. It was the prosavage card in the end but I got it fixed.
Thanks everyone ;-)

Nick W

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Re: Updating OpenSSH for RH 7

2003-09-16 Thread Emmanuel Seyman
On Tue, Sep 16, 2003 at 04:57:58PM -0500, Peter Fleck wrote:
> Could I simply use rpm to install for me including checking on dependencies?

Yes (assuming I'm understanding you correctly).
Download the openssh rpms for RH 7.1 and install them using rpm.


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RE: Oldie but Goodie -- Anyone have a precompiled version of vncs erve r for sparc RH 6.2?

2003-09-16 Thread Leonard den Ottolander
Hello Robert,

> Do you have an example of a working xstartup file on sparc rh 6.2?

 No, sorry for that. It's just I thought you might have missed the prebuilt 
powertool rpm's. Hope somebody else can help you out here.


How clean is a war when you shoot around nukelar waste?
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RE: PDF Converter on Linux/Redhat

2003-09-16 Thread James Pifer
Sorry for the late delay. Lost my d*** internet connection. Anyway...

I got a little more information. The web application sticks files in a
directory that need to be converted, like a before directory . So I need
a converter to periodically check that directory, convert the files, and
stick them in another directory, like an after directory. 

The application itself does not call a printer or print driver.
Unfortunately it's not something that I could easily change either. 

Sorry for the lack of details initially. 


On Tue, 2003-09-16 at 17:03, Agrawal, Manish wrote:
> Openoffice will do it too.
> Manish
> -Original Message-
> From: James Pifer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 3:38 PM
> To: RedHat List
> Subject: PDF Converter on Linux/Redhat
> Sorry if this has been asked before. I'm looking for a PDF converter
> that will run on Linux for a web application. I did some googling and
> found some that did specific things, like postscript to PDF, but not
> enough. 
> There are some apps that run on Windoze that will convert html, word
> docs, excel docs, text files, JPG,  etc to PDF. I'm trying to find one
> that will do these conversions on a Linux machine or else I'm going to
> be stuck running Windoze.
> Any help is appreciated. Thanks,
> James
> -- 
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Re: Updating OpenSSH for RH 7

2003-09-16 Thread Peter Fleck
Could I simply use rpm to install for me including checking on dependencies?

On Tue, Sep 16, 2003 at 02:26:25PM -0500, Peter Fleck wrote:
 Could someone (briefly) outline the easiest way to proceed and
 upgrade. I am familiar with RPM so if that can do it, great.
Since the 7.x series are binary-compatible, I believe that the
openssh rpms that Red Hat has just released for 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3
will work fine on your machine.
 If I have to compile, so be it.
Rebuilding isn't very difficult.

- As root, run the command "chown -R user.user /usr/src/redhat"
where "user" is the name of a user without priviledges.
- As user, download the .src.rpm for Red Hat 7.1
- As user, run the command "rpm -Uvh openssh-3.1p1-9.src.rpm"
- As user, run the command "rpmbuild -ba /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/openssh-server"
- If your system complains about missing packages, install them
as root, either using up2date or from the CDs
- If all packages are installed, the rpmbuild command will build
all the openssh rpms and put them in /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386
- As root, install the rpms and run the command "service sshd restart"
Peter Fleck
Webmaster | University of Minnesota Cancer Center
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Re: Configure X without redhat-config-xfree86?

2003-09-16 Thread Lists
Assuming you haven't had any luck with the other suggestions regarding
redhat-config-xfree86,  some things to look at (in no specific order)

1) Does your monitor def have freq ranges that would allow higher res?
Look in /usr/share/hwdata/MonitorsDB to see if you can find the info for
your monitor.

2) Is your card def complete. (Check /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/Cards for your
card.)  Does it reflect the full amount of video RAM? i.e. is there a
"VideoRAM" line in the def. If so is it accurate ? Considering running
at a lower color depth until you get the resolution worked out. 

3) In your Screen/Display subsection, list the modes from lowest to
e.g.  Modes   "640x480" "800x600" ...

X will start with the  low res which you know works. You can then step
your way up to the higher resolutions using "Ctrl+Alt+Keypad-Plus". 
This may save some debugging time. (See the man page for XFree86 for
other useful key claws"

4) "Ctrl+Alt+Backspace" kills the current X server.  If you're at run
level 5, you can quickly try different config scenarios by modifying the
config file then using the claw to restart the server.

5) Check out http://www.xfree86.org/

  - Paul

On Tue, 2003-09-16 at 16:27, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> * and then Lists declared
> > If that isn't available, have you tried to manually edit
> > /etc/X11/XF86Config ?  Try some basic values for your display, i.e.
> > configure for a generic VGA monitor with low resolution. Once X is up,
> > you can run the GUI tool.
> Right! - I got X up by swapping modes to to "640 480" instead of "800
> 600" but I can't for the life of me get it to run in any higher
> resolution.
> Any suggestions? --- I had it running on the last gfx card in 800 and
> 1024 with only some minor adjustment with xvidtune but this is killing
> me...
> --
> Nick W

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Re: Configure X without redhat-config-xfree86?

2003-09-16 Thread nick
* and then [EMAIL PROTECTED] declared
> You could always try 'redhat-config-xfree86 --reconfig', so that it
> doesn't base your X configuration on your existing screwed up XF86Config
> file.

Yes, I've done that too. It seems that for some reason I'm locked in low
rez... are there any other tools out there that might help?

Nick W

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Re: Linksys router and ssh connection

2003-09-16 Thread Rodolfo J. Paiz
At 22:53 9/13/2003 -0700, you wrote:

Can you elaborate on this a little more? Very interesting... Why not
just have a closed port?
Some SOHO hardware (albeit only a few devices) are too stupid to close the 
port, so you make 100% sure that no one can reach its admin website from 
the outside by redirecting all tcp/80 requests to another, non-existent, 
computer. Defense in depth, layer upon layer.

Rodolfo J. Paiz
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RE: Cron job to copy files from windows server?

2003-09-16 Thread Rodolfo J. Paiz
At 13:33 9/12/2003 -0500, you wrote:
Ok, so I want to rsync /mnt/www/ with /var/www/html/backup/

How would I go about doing that? I've tried searching for examples, but
they are leaving me very confused.
Read the man page; long and somewhat complex but very useful. Also:

# rsync -av /mnt/www/* /var/www/html/backup/

should do the trick, copying all of the files and directories in /mnt/www 
(see the "/*" at the end, meaning "everything inside") recursively and 
depositing them all in the /var/www/html/backup directory (inside the 
directory, because of the last "/"). Be careful where you do or do not use 
the trailing slash, and see the values of -a and -v in the man page, as 
well as many other useful things.

If using rsync remotely to mirror entire trees it's as simple as:

# rsync -av -e ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/path/to/files/* 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/path/to/files/

Enter your password, and you're good to go. Use certificates for unattended 

Rodolfo J. Paiz
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Re: Updating OpenSSH for RH 7

2003-09-16 Thread Emmanuel Seyman
On Tue, Sep 16, 2003 at 02:26:25PM -0500, Peter Fleck wrote:
> Could someone (briefly) outline the easiest way to proceed and 
> upgrade. I am familiar with RPM so if that can do it, great.

Since the 7.x series are binary-compatible, I believe that the
openssh rpms that Red Hat has just released for 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3
will work fine on your machine.

> If I have to compile, so be it.

Rebuilding isn't very difficult.

- As root, run the command "chown -R user.user /usr/src/redhat"
where "user" is the name of a user without priviledges.
- As user, download the .src.rpm for Red Hat 7.1
- As user, run the command "rpm -Uvh openssh-3.1p1-9.src.rpm"
- As user, run the command "rpmbuild -ba /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/openssh-server"
- If your system complains about missing packages, install them
as root, either using up2date or from the CDs
- If all packages are installed, the rpmbuild command will build
all the openssh rpms and put them in /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386
- As root, install the rpms and run the command "service sshd restart"

Voila, you're done!


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Re: PDF Converter on Linux/Redhat

2003-09-16 Thread Reuben D. Budiardja
On Tuesday 16 September 2003 04:38 pm, James Pifer wrote:
> Sorry if this has been asked before. I'm looking for a PDF converter
> that will run on Linux for a web application. I did some googling and
> found some that did specific things, like postscript to PDF, but not
> enough.
> There are some apps that run on Windoze that will convert html, word
> docs, excel docs, text files, JPG,  etc to PDF. I'm trying to find one
> that will do these conversions on a Linux machine or else I'm going to
> be stuck running Windoze.

It's even easier on Linux. You can print anything to a file as postcript file, 
and then just convert it to pdf using 'ps2pdf'. You can furthermore automate 
that and instead of printing to a file, you can print to a dummy printer and 
then pipe it to a script that will convert it to PDF for you.
Check this out:

if that's what you want, then you're done.

But you mentioned about web application. Are you writing a web application 
that will convert data to a PDF? If that's the case, the problem might be 
more involved, depends on what scripting language you use to write web 
application. Could you be more specific on this?

Hope that helps you get rid of the windoze.


Reuben D. Budiardja
Department of Physics and Astronomy
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
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Re: Great, Psionic doesn't exist anymore...

2003-09-16 Thread Rodolfo J. Paiz
At 21:54 9/11/2003 -0400, you wrote:
The author of logcheck and tripwire is maintaining them through
sourceforge now.
Shame about Portsentry, though... useful piece of software if used creatively.

Rodolfo J. Paiz
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Re: PDF Converter on Linux/Redhat

2003-09-16 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
What exactly are you trying to do?  Every Linux application prints to
Postscript, and you can easily convert Postscript to PDF.

In addition, if you want to save license costs in your organization, you
can set Samba up as a "virtual" printer, which touts itself as a
Postscript printer, and then takes what Windows gives it and converts it
to a PDF and stick it in the user's home directory.  We haven't had to pay
a cent for Acrobat because of this.

Tell me what you're trying to do, and I might be able to help (include me
personally in your To: list, otherwise I might miss the email).


> Sorry if this has been asked before. I'm looking for a PDF converter
> that will run on Linux for a web application. I did some googling and
> found some that did specific things, like postscript to PDF, but not
> enough.
> There are some apps that run on Windoze that will convert html, word
> docs, excel docs, text files, JPG,  etc to PDF. I'm trying to find one
> that will do these conversions on a Linux machine or else I'm going to
> be stuck running Windoze.
> Any help is appreciated. Thanks,
> James
> --
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RE: PDF Converter on Linux/Redhat

2003-09-16 Thread Agrawal, Manish
Openoffice will do it too.


-Original Message-
From: James Pifer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 3:38 PM
To: RedHat List
Subject: PDF Converter on Linux/Redhat

Sorry if this has been asked before. I'm looking for a PDF converter
that will run on Linux for a web application. I did some googling and
found some that did specific things, like postscript to PDF, but not

There are some apps that run on Windoze that will convert html, word
docs, excel docs, text files, JPG,  etc to PDF. I'm trying to find one
that will do these conversions on a Linux machine or else I'm going to
be stuck running Windoze.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks,

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Re: PDF Converter on Linux/Redhat

2003-09-16 Thread Joseph A Nagy Jr
Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 16 September 2003 15:38, James Pifer wrote this in an attempt 
to be witty or informative:
> Sorry if this has been asked before. I'm looking for a PDF converter
> that will run on Linux for a web application. I did some googling and
> found some that did specific things, like postscript to PDF, but not
> enough.
> There are some apps that run on Windoze that will convert html, word
> docs, excel docs, text files, JPG,  etc to PDF. I'm trying to find
> one that will do these conversions on a Linux machine or else I'm
> going to be stuck running Windoze.
> Any help is appreciated. Thanks,
> James

Have you tried printing to a PDF file? That's available most KDE apps.

- -- 
Wielder of the mighty +1 LARTsaber of Unsubscribe Instructions At End of
Message, the +3 Clue-by-Four of No Attachments to a Mailing List, and
the -4 Shield of No Spell Checker.
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Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: Intel E/1000 driver

2003-09-16 Thread Vinny Valdez
MW Mike Weiner (5028) wrote:

I am having some issues with a module I need to load for an intel e1000
interface using RedHat 7.3 linux-2.4.18-3. For some reason, the new imaged
machines that I am trying to bring up will not load that module nor
initialize the interface, so I am stuck with a single 10/100 interface.
Interestingly enough I get the following in dmesg
First, I would recommend using a newer kernel.  Aside from numerous 
security fixes, the driver version of the e1000.o in that default kernel 
is 4.1.7.  Compared to the e1000.o driver in the 2.4.20-20.7 kernel, 
which is 5.0.43-k1.

eepro100.c:v1.09j-t 9/29/99 Donald Becker
eepro100.c: $Revision: 1.36 $ 2000/11/17 Modified by Andrey V. Savochkin
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and others
eth0: OEM i82557/i82558 10/100 Ethernet, 00:30:48:28:8D:CB, IRQ 22.
  Board assembly 00-000, Physical connectors present: RJ45
  Primary interface chip i82555 PHY #1.
  General self-test: passed.
  Serial sub-system self-test: passed.
  Internal registers self-test: passed.
  ROM checksum self-test: passed (0xd0a6c714).
Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - version 4.1.7
Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Intel Corporation.
This is your problem.  You want to use e1000, but eepro100 is getting 

And nothing else really, but when I go to manually probe or insert the
module I get the following:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# modprobe e1000
Warning: loading 
will taint the kernel: non-GPL license - BSD with patent grant
  See http://www.tux.org/lkml/#export-tainted for information about tainted
init_module: No
such device
The device is in use by eepro100.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# insmod e1000
Using /lib/modules/2.4.18-3smp/kernel/drivers/addon/e1000/e1000.o
Warning: loading 
will taint the kernel: non-GPL license - BSD with patent grant
  See http://www.tux.org/lkml/#export-tainted for information about tainted
init_module: No
such device
Same thing.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# lsmod
Module  Size  Used byTainted: P 
autofs 12804   0  (autoclean) (unused)
eepro100   20816   1
See, eepro100 is currently loaded.  You need to remove it first.

Does anyone have any quick solutions they might suggest to get this module
to load correctly? Or any other suggestions?
You will need to down your interface, change the module, and bring the 
interface up again.  If you are doing this remotely, you can do it all 
in one command:

[prompt]# ifdown eth0 && rmmod eepro100 && insmod e1000 && ifup eth0

You may loose connectivity for a second, but it should come back.  You 
may have to reconnect the remote session.  If you are satisfied, then 
make the change in /etc/modules.conf from eepro100 to e1000.

Again, use a newer kernel if you can.


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Re: Configure X without redhat-config-xfree86?

2003-09-16 Thread redhat
You could always try 'redhat-config-xfree86 --reconfig', so that it
doesn't base your X configuration on your existing screwed up XF86Config

Chris Purcell, RHCE

> * and then Lists declared
>> If that isn't available, have you tried to manually edit
>> /etc/X11/XF86Config ?  Try some basic values for your display, i.e.
>> configure for a generic VGA monitor with low resolution. Once X is up,
>> you can run the GUI tool.
> Right! - I got X up by swapping modes to to "640 480" instead of "800
> 600" but I can't for the life of me get it to run in any higher
> resolution.
> Any suggestions? --- I had it running on the last gfx card in 800 and
> 1024 with only some minor adjustment with xvidtune but this is killing
> me...
> --
> Nick W
> --
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PDF Converter on Linux/Redhat

2003-09-16 Thread James Pifer
Sorry if this has been asked before. I'm looking for a PDF converter
that will run on Linux for a web application. I did some googling and
found some that did specific things, like postscript to PDF, but not

There are some apps that run on Windoze that will convert html, word
docs, excel docs, text files, JPG,  etc to PDF. I'm trying to find one
that will do these conversions on a Linux machine or else I'm going to
be stuck running Windoze.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks,

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Re: Laptop for RH

2003-09-16 Thread Vinny Valdez
Henderson, Todd L wrote:

I'd like to find out what laptops work the best with RH 9.0 and if 
anyone has any recommendations.

Todd Henderson
I run RedHat 9 on my latitude c640, with a truemobile 1150 for 802.11b 
wireless, and all my devices work out of the box, complete with docking 
station.  I've also run it on a c400, and an Inspiron 8100.  I know a 
lot of folks here that run it on a wide variety of models, all the way 
up to the Inspiron 8500 (I haven't tried the 8600 yet).

The most important component I would research is the wireless card.  The 
truemobile 1150 uses a lucent chipset, and works right out of the box 
with the orinoco driver (just don't try to specify an alternate key 
index).  The newer combo cards use Broadcom, and Broadcom doesn't offer 
Linux drivers, yet.  I believe the same is true for the Intel wireless 


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Re: Configure X without redhat-config-xfree86?

2003-09-16 Thread nick

* and then Lists declared
> If that isn't available, have you tried to manually edit
> /etc/X11/XF86Config ?  Try some basic values for your display, i.e.
> configure for a generic VGA monitor with low resolution. Once X is up,
> you can run the GUI tool.

Right! - I got X up by swapping modes to to "640 480" instead of "800
600" but I can't for the life of me get it to run in any higher

Any suggestions? --- I had it running on the last gfx card in 800 and
1024 with only some minor adjustment with xvidtune but this is killing

Nick W

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Re: Configure X without redhat-config-xfree86?

2003-09-16 Thread Reuben D. Budiardja
Use the good ol' 'Xconfigurator' .. or is that not included in newer RH? I 
always use that.


On Tuesday 16 September 2003 02:56 pm, Kelerion wrote:
> using "xf86config" of course.. forgot to mention that..lol
> Kel
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I can't use redhat-config-xfree86 as it won't start of course!
> > I do not know the monitor sync ranges and although it worked just fine
> > on my old RIVA 2 card, the built in S3 ProSavage KM133 is hvaing none of
> > it.
> >
> > Can someone please advise me?
> >
> > Many thanks
> >
> > --
> > Nick W

Reuben D. Budiardja
Department of Physics and Astronomy
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
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kernel compile issues

2003-09-16 Thread George Nicholls
I have a problem that is frustrating the dwang out of me and I think
that I have narrowed it down a bit to a compile issue.

I have two kernels running on my machine; the vanilla one 2.4.20-8 that
came with the install of RH9 and a custom one that I added
pcmcia/cardbus support for wifi.

The vanilla runs my usb wheel mouse without issue, but on the custom
kernel, it will not work. If I enable it, neither my touchpad or usb
mouse will work. My XF86Config file is set correctly but no luck.

When I compiled the custom kernel, where should I have taken the config
file from? Maybe I did not compile in something that was needed?

Is there any suggestions to where to look to see what the problem could
be coming from?



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Re: Kernel Tuning

2003-09-16 Thread Jason Dixon
On Tue, 2003-09-16 at 15:30, Kelerion wrote:
> nice answer.. now thats what I like to see in mailing lists..


> informative.. helpful.. but leads the OP to figure things out 
> him/herself.. there should be more of this on mailing lists...

Unfortunately, there are too many a) folks looking for the quick
answer.  These are, more often than not, people raised on the "Windows
way" of doing things... call support, get put on hold, get told which
buttons to press.  Or b) too many folks throwing easy answers out there
without explaining how the solution was resolved.  This is also a
problem with many Linux HOWTO documents.

I really enjoy sharing the knowledge that I've acquired over the years. 
However, this rarely comes in the form of "you need to set SHMMAX to
blah value", or "compile dillywankers into APCI support".  More often
than not, it's "go here, check this out, see where it leads you".  This
is more efficient for me, and, for the self-serving student, a much
better opportunity for long term retainment.

Not to mention, they're more likely to offer the same assistance to
others later on.  :)

Jason Dixon, RHCE
DixonGroup Consulting

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RE: OT: Citrix solution

2003-09-16 Thread Wade Chandler
If you just have some applications you need to run on another machine
you can install a minimialistic X system with KDE or Gnome and then use
ssh to run applications securely over a network.  If the connection
isn't blazing maybe you want to reduce your SSH key size to say 128 and
you can also enable compression.  

SSH will allow you to forward the X protocl very easily.  Just use -X
when you launch an ssh connection to a server.  Now apps which use X
will forward over ssh to your X Server.  You can also create icons (if
you wish) to allow ssh to fire up and execute a command on a remote
machine.  It would appear to be a standard application to your users
other than when they save their files in that application.  You just
have to understand how X works i.e. What client and server means in the
X Windows paradigm.  


If you need more than that look into VNC and KDE has a nice full screen
mode for connecting to remote VNC servers.  I like it anyways. :-)

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Distribution Lists
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 11:24 AM
Subject: Re: OT: Citrix solution

yesI guess VNC must be close, its just I've never used Citrix and
have nothing to compare it too.

> On Tue, 2003-09-16 at 11:15, Kelerion wrote:
>> I thought that was the point of X? or did I miss something here..
>> *confused look*
>> Distribution Lists wrote:
>> > Does anyone know of a Citrix like solution for Linux ?
>> >
>> > Regards
>> >
>> >
> Are you asking for a solution for remote desktop use (eg. like 
> terminal services for Winduhs)?
> --
> John


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Re: Updating OpenSSH for RH 7

2003-09-16 Thread Peter Fleck
Been there and done that. My up2date works but Redhat is no longer 
providing updated packages. At least it tells me that there's nothing 
to update.

Am I missing something?

Doing a 6.2 and 7.0 myself. Go here:
Gavin Durman  ---  Xavier University  Systems Administrator

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 9/16/2003 3:26:25 PM >>>

We're running RH 7.0 and need to upgrade OpenSSH due to some new
vulnerabilities. I am very dependent on up2date but 7.0 is in its
afterlife and no longer supported.
Could someone (briefly) outline the easiest way to proceed and
upgrade. I am familiar with RPM so if that can do it, great.
Peter Fleck
Webmaster | University of Minnesota Cancer Center
Dinnaken Office Bldg.
925 Delaware St. SE
Minneapolis, MN  55414
612-625-8668 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | www.cancer.umn.edu
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RE: Kernel Tuning

2003-09-16 Thread Jason Murray
Thank you Jason - you have saved the day for a Linux ignoramus.  I am
downloading the source RPM as we speak (err...type), and will dig through it
as soon as it is installed.

I cannot guarantee that all my fishing endeavors will be a success now, but
I should at least be able to come up with a good fish story ;-).  Thanx


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Jason Dixon
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 3:15 PM
To: Red Hat Mailing List
Subject: Re:  Kernel Tuning

On Tue, 2003-09-16 at 14:50, Jason Murray wrote:
> I apologize - I think that this might be a little off topic, but I know
> a lot of you folks are Linux experts, and I was not sure where else to
> turn...
> I am trying to learn more about kernel tuning.  Right now, my specific
> question is "what does the command echo "4 4 1 4" >
> do"?  I understand that (a) it writes the values "4 4 1 4" (without the "
> marks) to the file /proc/sys/kernel/printk (b)which tunes certain kernel
> parameters, but I have no idea what parameters it is tuning.  Having
> out this much, I have googled on Linux kernel tuning and found a lot of
> interesting articles on "how to tune parameter X"; however, I have not
> a definitive reference on all (or at least most) of the tunable parameters
> and how to tune them.
> Rather than ask someone to "give me a fish" by explaining just what the
> .../printk file tunes, I thought I'd ask to be "taught how to fish", e.g.
> for someone to nudge, push, shove me in the right direction.  Is there a
> definitive reference on kernel tuning, and would someone be so kind as to
> point me toward it?  Feel free to use the clue-by-four if necessary, but
> please be gentle ;-).


How did I find it?  First, I googled for your terms "linux kernel
parameters proc printk", which led me to this post:

I noticed that the diff refers back to the Documentation directory under
the kernel source.  Doing a recursive grep for some of those terms
(particularly printk) and piping it through your pager will reveal some
good sources.  When I ran across "The four values in printk denote", I
knew I'd struck gold.

Hope this helps your future fishing endeavors.  ;-)

Jason Dixon, RHCE
DixonGroup Consulting

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RE: Fetchmail don't keep messages !!!

2003-09-16 Thread Wade Chandler
How much did you pay for Fetchmail?  If you think it is a bug check out
the project website.  Red Hat and nobody on the list wrote it.  Most
developers are willing to listen to anyone with a genuine concern, but
you should remember to keep your cool if you want to ask for someone to
spend hours of their time helping you.  ;-)


-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Marcos S. Trazzini
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 8:33 PM
Subject: Re: Fetchmail don't keep messages !!!

On Mon, 2003-09-15 at 21:02, Joseph A Nagy Jr wrote:
> On Monday 15 September 2003 19:02, Marcos S. Trazzini wrote this in an
> attempt to be witty or informative:
> > I'm Using fetchmail to synch some accounts with remote POP3 servers.
> >
> > But if I set then to "keep" the messages on server, fetchmail 
> > download the already downloaded messages on the next run !!!
> >
> > This result in a lot of repeated messages in my mailbox =(
> >
> > This problem occurs to me with any versio of fetchmail, in any other

> > POP3 server and in any other Linux Distro tha I've tested...
> >
> > --
> > Marcos S. Trazzini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Servmicro Informática LTDA
> It's not a bug. The same occurs when you use a mail client (like 
> Kmail,
> Mozilla Mail, Evolution).

Negative !!!

If I configure the "same" account in Evolution (in example), only the
"new" messages are downloaded, and "only" one time. but the
fetchmail download the same messages that are in the remote POP3 server
every time it runs...

"Any" Other email clients that I've tested (Outlook Express,
Mozilla-Mail, Eudora, etc..) works fine...


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Re: Updating OpenSSH for RH 7

2003-09-16 Thread Gavin Durman
Doing a 6.2 and 7.0 myself. Go here:

Gavin Durman  ---  Xavier University  Systems Administrator
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (513)745-1905http://staff.xu.edu/~durman

I'm not tense, just terribly, terribly alert.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 9/16/2003 3:26:25 PM >>>

We're running RH 7.0 and need to upgrade OpenSSH due to some new 
vulnerabilities. I am very dependent on up2date but 7.0 is in its 
afterlife and no longer supported.

Could someone (briefly) outline the easiest way to proceed and 
upgrade. I am familiar with RPM so if that can do it, great.

If I have to compile, so be it.

Peter Fleck
Webmaster | University of Minnesota Cancer Center
Dinnaken Office Bldg.
925 Delaware St. SE
Minneapolis, MN  55414
612-625-8668 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | www.cancer.umn.edu 
Campus Mail: MMC 806

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RE: wap - email

2003-09-16 Thread Simpson, Doug
I am not a fan of OWA or IIS.
Appreciate your time,

-Original Message-
From: Howard Fore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 10:25 AM
Subject: Re: wap - email

On Tuesday, September 16, 2003, at 10:48 AM, Simpson, Doug wrote:

> Has anyone have any ideas for a wap and email and accessing my Exhcange
> server via WAP?

Have you looked at OWA-WAP? See http://www.leederbyshire.com/

I ran across this yesterday whilst researching an OWA customization 
issue. Don't know anything more about it...

Howard Fore, Web Developer, Professional Career Development Institute
[EMAIL PROTECTED], phone 770.729.8400 ext 5258

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Re: Kernel Tuning

2003-09-16 Thread Kelerion
nice answer.. now thats what I like to see in mailing lists..

informative.. helpful.. but leads the OP to figure things out 
him/herself.. there should be more of this on mailing lists...

2p worth


Jason Dixon wrote:

On Tue, 2003-09-16 at 14:50, Jason Murray wrote:

I apologize - I think that this might be a little off topic, but I know that
a lot of you folks are Linux experts, and I was not sure where else to
I am trying to learn more about kernel tuning.  Right now, my specific
question is "what does the command echo "4 4 1 4" > /proc/sys/kernel/printk
do"?  I understand that (a) it writes the values "4 4 1 4" (without the "
marks) to the file /proc/sys/kernel/printk (b)which tunes certain kernel
parameters, but I have no idea what parameters it is tuning.  Having figured
out this much, I have googled on Linux kernel tuning and found a lot of
interesting articles on "how to tune parameter X"; however, I have not found
a definitive reference on all (or at least most) of the tunable parameters
and how to tune them.
Rather than ask someone to "give me a fish" by explaining just what the
.../printk file tunes, I thought I'd ask to be "taught how to fish", e.g.
for someone to nudge, push, shove me in the right direction.  Is there a
definitive reference on kernel tuning, and would someone be so kind as to
point me toward it?  Feel free to use the clue-by-four if necessary, but
please be gentle ;-).


How did I find it?  First, I googled for your terms "linux kernel
parameters proc printk", which led me to this post:
I noticed that the diff refers back to the Documentation directory under
the kernel source.  Doing a recursive grep for some of those terms
(particularly printk) and piping it through your pager will reveal some
good sources.  When I ran across "The four values in printk denote", I
knew I'd struck gold.
Hope this helps your future fishing endeavors.  ;-)

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Updating OpenSSH for RH 7

2003-09-16 Thread Peter Fleck

We're running RH 7.0 and need to upgrade OpenSSH due to some new 
vulnerabilities. I am very dependent on up2date but 7.0 is in its 
afterlife and no longer supported.

Could someone (briefly) outline the easiest way to proceed and 
upgrade. I am familiar with RPM so if that can do it, great.

If I have to compile, so be it.

Peter Fleck
Webmaster | University of Minnesota Cancer Center
Dinnaken Office Bldg.
925 Delaware St. SE
Minneapolis, MN  55414
612-625-8668 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | www.cancer.umn.edu
Campus Mail: MMC 806
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Re: Kernel Tuning

2003-09-16 Thread Jason Dixon
On Tue, 2003-09-16 at 14:50, Jason Murray wrote:
> I apologize - I think that this might be a little off topic, but I know that
> a lot of you folks are Linux experts, and I was not sure where else to
> turn...
> I am trying to learn more about kernel tuning.  Right now, my specific
> question is "what does the command echo "4 4 1 4" > /proc/sys/kernel/printk
> do"?  I understand that (a) it writes the values "4 4 1 4" (without the "
> marks) to the file /proc/sys/kernel/printk (b)which tunes certain kernel
> parameters, but I have no idea what parameters it is tuning.  Having figured
> out this much, I have googled on Linux kernel tuning and found a lot of
> interesting articles on "how to tune parameter X"; however, I have not found
> a definitive reference on all (or at least most) of the tunable parameters
> and how to tune them.
> Rather than ask someone to "give me a fish" by explaining just what the
> .../printk file tunes, I thought I'd ask to be "taught how to fish", e.g.
> for someone to nudge, push, shove me in the right direction.  Is there a
> definitive reference on kernel tuning, and would someone be so kind as to
> point me toward it?  Feel free to use the clue-by-four if necessary, but
> please be gentle ;-).


How did I find it?  First, I googled for your terms "linux kernel
parameters proc printk", which led me to this post:

I noticed that the diff refers back to the Documentation directory under
the kernel source.  Doing a recursive grep for some of those terms
(particularly printk) and piping it through your pager will reveal some
good sources.  When I ran across "The four values in printk denote", I
knew I'd struck gold.

Hope this helps your future fishing endeavors.  ;-)

Jason Dixon, RHCE
DixonGroup Consulting

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Re: Configure X without redhat-config-xfree86?

2003-09-16 Thread nick

* and then Kelerion declared
> using "xf86config" of course.. forgot to mention that..lol

Doesn't exist in redhat 9 but I can use redhat-config-xfree86 --noui 
Just that question about the lowest sync rate, If I can get *anything*
up and running, I can tune it

Nick W

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Re: Configure X without redhat-config-xfree86?

2003-09-16 Thread nick

* and then Kelerion declared
> get it up and running first.. use the lowest sync rate listed.. get into 
> X.. and then you can run redhat-config-cfree86
> thats what I did anyways when I installed RH on a new machine..

Ok, what would 'the lowest sync rate' be?

This is what mine currently looks like (just the relevant bit ;-)

Section "Monitor"
Identifier   "Monitor0"
VendorName   "Monitor Vendor"
ModelName"CTX VL510 series, PL5 series"
DisplaySize  280210
HorizSync30.0 - 55.0
VertRefresh  50.0 - 110.0
Option  "dpms"

Section "Device"
Identifier  "Videocard0"
Driver  "savage"
VendorName  "Videocard vendor"
BoardName   "S3 ProSavage KM133"

Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen0"
Device "Videocard0"
DefaultDepth 16
SubSection "Display"
Depth 16
Modes"800x600" "640x480"

Many thanks!

Nick W

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Re: Configure X without redhat-config-xfree86?

2003-09-16 Thread Lists
XFree86 used to include a utility called xf86config which was a text
based tool to generate XF86Config files.  Check to see if it's installed
on your system. e.g. "locate xf86config"

If that isn't available, have you tried to manually edit
/etc/X11/XF86Config ?  Try some basic values for your display, i.e.
configure for a generic VGA monitor with low resolution. Once X is up,
you can run the GUI tool.

The following is from /usr/share/hwdata/MonitorsDB on my RH9 system:

Generic; Generic Non-Interlaced SVGA, 1024x768 @ 60 Hz, 800x600 @ 72 Hz;
0; 31.5-48.5; 50-70
Generic; Generic Standard VGA, 640x480 @ 60 Hz; 0; 31.5; 50-61
Generic; Generic Super VGA, 1024x768 @ 87 Hz interlaced, 800x600 @ 56
Hz; 0; 31.5, 35.15, 35.5; 50-61
Generic; Generic Super VGA, 800x600 @ 56 Hz; 0; 31.5-35.1; 50-61

  - Paul

On Tue, 2003-09-16 at 14:16, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi all, 
> I can't use redhat-config-xfree86 as it won't start of course! 
> I do not know the monitor sync ranges and although it worked just fine
> on my old RIVA 2 card, the built in S3 ProSavage KM133 is hvaing none of
> it.
> Can someone please advise me?
> Many thanks
> --
> Nick W

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Red Hat AS 2.1 Compress - Segmentation fault

2003-09-16 Thread Suporte Red Hat - CBPI

We have Red Hat AS 2.1 - kernel 2.4.9-34 in a Compaq Proliant DL580 with 7GB of
RAM and Oracle 9.0.2 i.
Running the compress command after an oracle export tables, causes the error
message "segmentation fault".
We also try to run the compress command, just to a large table, without the
export command, but it result in the same error.

Follow the print screen whith the event log:

Connected to: Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
JServer Release - Production
Export done in WE8ISO8859P1 character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set

About to export specified tables via Direct Path ...
Current user changed to DB2IBM
. . exporting table      DATAWARE_CTAREC_CLIM_HIST    8154240 rows exported
Export terminated successfully without warnings.
/lp2a/u01/app/oracle/local/backup/dbexport_begin: line 171: 20044 Segmentation f
ault      compress <$EXPORTDIR/${DBNAME}.exp >$EXPORTDIR/${DBNAME}.exp.Z

Thank you very much for your help.

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Re: Configure X without redhat-config-xfree86?

2003-09-16 Thread Kelerion
using "xf86config" of course.. forgot to mention that..lol



Hi all, 

I can't use redhat-config-xfree86 as it won't start of course! 
I do not know the monitor sync ranges and although it worked just fine
on my old RIVA 2 card, the built in S3 ProSavage KM133 is hvaing none of

Can someone please advise me?

Many thanks

Nick W

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Re: Configure X without redhat-config-xfree86?

2003-09-16 Thread Kelerion
get it up and running first.. use the lowest sync rate listed.. get into 
X.. and then you can run redhat-config-cfree86

thats what I did anyways when I installed RH on a new machine..




Hi all, 

I can't use redhat-config-xfree86 as it won't start of course! 
I do not know the monitor sync ranges and although it worked just fine
on my old RIVA 2 card, the built in S3 ProSavage KM133 is hvaing none of

Can someone please advise me?

Many thanks

Nick W

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Kernel Tuning

2003-09-16 Thread Jason Murray
I apologize - I think that this might be a little off topic, but I know that
a lot of you folks are Linux experts, and I was not sure where else to

I am trying to learn more about kernel tuning.  Right now, my specific
question is "what does the command echo "4 4 1 4" > /proc/sys/kernel/printk
do"?  I understand that (a) it writes the values "4 4 1 4" (without the "
marks) to the file /proc/sys/kernel/printk (b)which tunes certain kernel
parameters, but I have no idea what parameters it is tuning.  Having figured
out this much, I have googled on Linux kernel tuning and found a lot of
interesting articles on "how to tune parameter X"; however, I have not found
a definitive reference on all (or at least most) of the tunable parameters
and how to tune them.

Rather than ask someone to "give me a fish" by explaining just what the
.../printk file tunes, I thought I'd ask to be "taught how to fish", e.g.
for someone to nudge, push, shove me in the right direction.  Is there a
definitive reference on kernel tuning, and would someone be so kind as to
point me toward it?  Feel free to use the clue-by-four if necessary, but
please be gentle ;-).

Best Regards,

Jason Murray
Senior Design Engineer
jmurray AT promptus DOT com

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Configure X without redhat-config-xfree86?

2003-09-16 Thread nick
Hi all, 

I can't use redhat-config-xfree86 as it won't start of course! 
I do not know the monitor sync ranges and although it worked just fine
on my old RIVA 2 card, the built in S3 ProSavage KM133 is hvaing none of

Can someone please advise me?

Many thanks

Nick W

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RE: Laptop for RH

2003-09-16 Thread Henderson, Todd L
I just found the website linux-laptop.net.  It seems to have a pretty good
listing.  Haven't had time to completely review it.

Does anyone have any experience with the LinuxCertified, Inc. advertiseing
on the website?

Todd Henderson

-Original Message-
From: John Rehmert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 12:39 PM
To: Redhat
Subject: Re: Laptop for RH

On Tue, 2003-09-16 at 13:15, Henderson, Todd L wrote: 
I'd like to find out what laptops work the best with RH 9.0 and if anyone
has any recommendations.

Todd Henderson 

If you're looking for a relatively new system, I'm running a dual boot RH 9
/ WinXP config on my Sager 5670 (desktop P4) and it's solid.  There aren't
Linux drivers available (that I've been able to find) for some of the
additional features (ie. keyboard buttons for e-mail, browser, custom
launchers), but those don't matter that much to me.  The only thing that
required additional "attention" was the add-on D-Link (prism2 based) wlan
card, but that only took a few days (and some help from Mr. Dixon) to get


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COM1 test and verify

2003-09-16 Thread Keith Birchfield
Hello all!

I'm having dongle trouble :-)

Can anyone help me with :

1. Verify that com1 drivers are installed and ok

2. Verify that com1 is working properly

TIA !!

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Re: Laptop for RH

2003-09-16 Thread John Rehmert
Title: Laptop for RH

On Tue, 2003-09-16 at 13:15, Henderson, Todd L wrote:

I'd like to find out what laptops work the best with RH 9.0 and if anyone has any recommendations.

Todd Henderson

If you're looking for a relatively new system, I'm running a dual boot RH 9 / WinXP config on my Sager 5670 (desktop P4) and it's solid.  There aren't Linux drivers available (that I've been able to find) for some of the additional features (ie. keyboard buttons for e-mail, browser, custom launchers), but those don't matter that much to me.  The only thing that required additional "attention" was the add-on D-Link (prism2 based) wlan card, but that only took a few days (and some help from Mr. Dixon) to get purring...


Re: Laptop for RH

2003-09-16 Thread Jason Dixon
On Tue, 2003-09-16 at 13:15, Henderson, Todd L wrote:
> I'd like to find out what laptops work the best with RH 9.0 and if
> anyone has any recommendations.

Best?  As always, it depends on your requirements.  I'm currently using
a Compaq Armada M700 that works fine.  Everything's supported, including
the Winmodem.  Does that mean that I'd like to keep it?  Nope.  Someone
please give me an IBM Thinkpad.  :)

Jason Dixon, RHCE
DixonGroup Consulting

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