Re: [RDD] Sound Panel

2022-03-24 Thread Geoff Barkman
If needed you can make a macro that you can put a button to on every sound
panel at the bottom or something. Just click when you want to fade out.
PT c 0, 0 0 fade 5000!
And this will put a 5000 milli second fade (5 seconds) on anything playing
on the current panel.
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On Fri, Mar 25, 2022, 7:45 AM Bryan Burchfield 

> That is helpful Robert.  Thank you
> *Bryan B*
> On Thu, Mar 24, 2022 at 2:35 PM Robert Jeffares 
> wrote:
>> Hi Bryan,
>> Sound panel plays out audio files as recorded. If you are doing it live
>> you can route the output to a separate fader if you have enough sound card
>> capacity and enough faders on the console.
>> The alternative is to make a track with the music in then fade which
>> plays the same every time.
>> You could build the breaks with the bumper which fades and starts the
>> first commercial using the SegueStart in RD Library Edit Markers.
>> Being clever you can make this a macro cart that switches RD to AUTO ;
>> plays the bumper; plays the ad break then the back bumper is a Macro which
>> plays the outro; then returns to MANUAL
>> You can have this on the  log or on the sound panel.
>> There are myriad ways...
>> regards
>> Robert
>> On 25/03/22 02:47, Bryan Burchfield wrote:
>> Thank you for your answer but I am not needing the fade out command for
>> the log. I am using the sound panel to produce a live, on-air, program. For
>> example, one button in my sound panel is bumper music for going in and out
>> of commercial breaks. When I click the button to end the bumper, instead of
>> letting it play completely out,  it stops immediately. I am needing it to
>> fade. Is this possible and is it in the RDAdmin settings somewhere? I
>> haven't been able to find it. Thank you
>> Bryan B
>> On Thu, Mar 24, 2022, 3:44 AM jm  wrote:
>>> Hi ! use a macro with the rml command PS for the log you want to stop (1
>>> for main log) and the duration (in ms) of the fade out, you want.
>>> PS 1 3000! stop with fade out the main log in 3 seconds.
>>> JM
>>> Le 23/03/2022 à 22:26, Bryan Burchfield a écrit :
>>> Is there a way to set the buttons in the sound panel to fade out when
>>> you click them to stop instead of just an abrupt stop?  Thank you
>>> *Bryan B *
>>> ___
>>> Rivendell-dev mailing 
>>> listRivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
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Re: [RDD] RDAirplay Crash - Double Free Corruption

2022-02-24 Thread Geoff Barkman
The only time I ever had crashes is when I overfilled the logs. With a few
hours of spare music. Running rivendell 2.10.3 on ubuntu 14.04.
Many thanks Geoff Barkman

On Fri, Feb 25, 2022, 8:34 AM Rob Landry <> wrote:

> It's ancient, but I run it on at least half a dozen stations, and have
> never encountered any crashes at log-loading time.
> Rob
> --
> Не думай что всё пропели,
> Что бури все отгремели;
> Готовься к великой цели,
> А слава тебя найдёт.
> On Thu, 24 Feb 2022, Fred Gleason wrote:
> > On Feb 23, 2022, at 22:32, Steve  wrote:
> >   This is Rivendell 2.19.3 on CentOS 7.
> >
> >
> > That’s an ancient version. There have been literally hundreds of bug
> fixes
> > and feature enhancements made since in the v3.x tree. Your best bet
> would be
> > to upgrade.
> >
> > See:
> >
> > 7
> >
> > Cheers!
> >
> >
> > |-|
> > | Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. | Chief Developer |
> > |   | Paravel Systems |
> > |-|
> > | A room without books is like a body without a soul. |
> > | |
> > | -- Cicero   |
> > |-|
> >
> >
> >___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Re: [RDD] Ransonware attack

2021-12-10 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Tim
Sorry to hear about this. What a way to spend the weeks leading up to
If you were to grab a copy of one the pieces of audio from the /var/and,
and listen to it on another program eg audacity, does it have a physical
wave form that you can see and listen to?
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On Sat, Dec 11, 2021, 6:42 AM Tim Camp  wrote:

> Greetings,
> This past Sunday morning our four station had a cyber attack.
> They gained access through a windows server that we use for traffic and
> bookkeeping.
> Through this connection they exploited samba to place ssh keys on many of
> our linux machines and erased all files on the control room pc's and erased
> /var/snd on our nfs server.
> They encrypted the windows server for ransome and just erased the linux
> machines they got access to.
> Trying to rebuild four radio stations from the ground up.
> We had backup on several drives but they were on the network so they got
> them as well.
> One issue if someone can help me with.
> I have recompiled rivendell on two control rooms and everything works
> except no audio and no meters, Carts act like they are playing but no
> output. I'm sure I have overlooked something, I've been up for days.
> Warning to all that Samba is a weak spot.
> Tim Camp
> Mobile, Al.
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Re: [RDD] Samba configuration question

2021-11-30 Thread Geoff Barkman
Samba is completely different program from rivendell. Whoever set up your
install must have set up file shares on your rivendell set up. The shares
are usually defined in the /etc/samba/smb.conf
It's a tricky file to set up and has to be edited as root user.

To view your configuration either use a terminal and type.
cat /etc/samba/smb.conf
And hit enter. The relevant lines are usually at the end of that file.
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On Wed, Dec 1, 2021, 11:00 AM Jason McMullan 

> Hi,
> I'm on Rivendell 3.6.2, is there information on the default samba
> configuration somewhere in the ops and admin guide or somewhere else? I
> think I need to make some changes but I don't want to break anything. I
> believe it's currently running the configuration that comes with a new
> install of Rivendell.
> Thanks,
> Jason
> --
> Jason McMullan (he/him/his)
> Program Coordinator at WHUS Radio
> .
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Re: [RDD] Spound Panel question

2021-05-30 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Rob
I've not tried in Rivendell 3x,
But in Rivendell 2x The sound panel playout numbers refer to the first
button pushed ,,, plays out of one card... then if that button is still
active a second button push will play out of the next sound card...
Sometimes having multiple soundcard playouts can be used for crossfading
At my station we used to play the main log out of alternating soundcards...
because thats what we used to do with our old master control system. I
could see that as handy in some stations but it wasn't necessary in ours.
I hope this helps you.
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On Mon, May 31, 2021 at 4:32 AM Rob Landry <> wrote:

> On RD 2.19.3, in rdadmin, in Manage Hosts, in rdairplay:
> The Sound Panel outputs are defined as "Sound Panel First Play Output",
> Sound Panel Second Play Output", "Sound Panel Third Play Outout", etc.
> What do those correspond to? Is it columns 1, 2, 3, etc? Rows 1, 2, 3,
> etc? Panels S1, S2, S3, etc? Or something else?
> I'd like some Sound Panel buttons to play out of card 0, output 0, but
> others out of card 0, output 1; however the Operations Guide doesn't make
> it clear which outputs correspond to which Sound Penels or buttons.
> Rob
> --
> Не думай что всё пропели,
> Что бури все отгремели;
> Готовься к великой цели,
> А слава тебя найдёт.
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Alternative /var/snd directory

2021-05-20 Thread Geoff Barkman
I'm not sure about rivendell 3x versions. It works on rivendell 2x versions.
But you can add lines to you /etc/rd.conf file

Except use square brackets around the cae section.
Many thanks
Geoff barkman

On Wed, May 19, 2021, 11:36 PM Sojo Gold  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've got brain fog on this and seem to be unable to think it through.
> I want to use alternative storage space for */var/snd*
> For learning, I have setup a (Linux Mint 20.1) Libvirt/KVM Host on an
> 128GB SSD with 2 additional drives, 750GB (KVM Guests) and 3TB (Plex
> Library etc.).
> I built a Rivendell (3.5.x /Centos7) virtual machine and needed to keep
> /var to a minimum, but have enough space on 3TB for /var/snd.
> I attempted to setup an NFS share on the 3TB that Rivendell could use but
> somehow seem to have got it the wrong way round and was only giving access
> to the Rivendell /var/snd directory from the 3TB. When importing audio,
> Rivendell /var/snd was still taking up space on the virtual machine file
> system.
> Basically my thinking says it should be easy... simply instruct Rivendell
> to send imported audio to the 3TB drive instead.
> What am I missing...any help would be much appreciated.
> Thanks.
> Chris Perkins.
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Re: [RDD] x11vnc woes

2021-05-11 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Stan
Haven't tried that one... looks good.
Many Thanks
Geoff Barkman

On Tue, May 11, 2021 at 4:01 PM Stan Fotinos  wrote:

> Hi Rob
> I find that NoMachine is more reliable and performs much better on lower
> bandwidths and If this go wrong you can ssh into the server and restart it
> using the cli. You don't need to install the full version on the clients
> server/client just the client enterprise version (free) will do the trick.
> You can also try the NX open source version if you wish.
> Thanks
> Stan
> On 10/5/21 8:18 pm, Rob Landry wrote:
> I have a client who is running RD 2.19.3 running on CentOS 7, installed
> according to the Paravel instructions. Most of his people are doing their
> shows from home via Comrex Access. They are VNC'ing in to the Rivendell
> system in the air studio to control rdairplay and doing their breaks live
> via the Comrex link.
> Most of the time it works flawlessly, but once in a while the x11vnc
> server will either crash or freeze. When it happens, the current song will
> run out and they'll be silent for several minutes while they go looking for
> someone to VNC in and fix the problem.
> This morning, x11vnc froze; I had to use kill -9 to kill it, and when I
> restarted it, the new process immediately froze. Only rebooting the system
> got it working -- not something I like doing when I'm an hour and a half
> away and there's no one at the station.
> I have tried downloading the latest x11vnc code and compiling it manually;
> that hasn't helped. The logs don't offer any clues.
> I know this isn't strictly a Rivendell problem, but I'm wondering if any
> of y'all have encountered it. Is there a better option than x11vnc? I
> suppose I could try vino.
> Thanks,
> Rob
> --
> Не думай что всё пропели,
> Что бури все отгремели;
> Готовься к великой цели,
> А слава тебя найдёт.
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing 
> listRivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] x11vnc woes

2021-05-10 Thread Geoff Barkman
I'm wondering if having another remote desktop client installed might help
get over your problems?
There is the commercial software TeamViewer and another that I use called You don't have to worry about any port forwarding through
your firewall etc. DW Service is opensour ce and free.
Even if you just remote in for a short time enough to restart the x11
service etc.
Many thanks
Geoff barkman

On Tue, May 11, 2021, 10:29 AM Rob Landry <> wrote:

> I do have a script running to restart x11vnc. If it crashed, the script
> works perfectly. But this morning instead of crashing, it froze. And the
> more I think about it, the more I think there must be some underlying
> issue. I've got a lot of CentOS 7 machines running Rivendell, as well as
> some older RD machines built on Debian. Have any of the Debian ones ever
> frozen? I'm not sure.
> But the thing is, this machine gets a lot more VNC connections than any of
> the other machines. And people stay connected a lot longer and do a lot
> more. On the others, someone might reload a log or insert a spot, then
> disconnect. These people stay connected for hours, doing exactly what they
> would if they were live in the studio. I've never had a client do that
> before.
> I have one other client doing live remote shows, but their people don't
> have remote access to Rivendell; they run everything, music and all, from
> their homes.
> Rob
> --
> Не думай что всё пропели,
> Что бури все отгремели;
> Готовься к великой цели,
> А слава тебя найдёт.
> On Mon, 10 May 2021, drew Roberts wrote:
> > x11vnc sometimes crashes on me. sometimes infrequently, sometimes way too
> > frequently.
> > I try to be ssh'ed into the machine when using x11vnc and I have a script
> > that will restart it if it does crash and go away.
> >
> > all the best,
> >
> > drew
> >
> > On Mon, May 10, 2021 at 8:18 AM Rob Landry <>
> wrote:
> >
> >   I have a client who is running RD 2.19.3 running on CentOS 7,
> >   installed
> >   according to the Paravel instructions. Most of his people are
> >   doing their
> >   shows from home via Comrex Access. They are VNC'ing in to the
> >   Rivendell
> >   system in the air studio to control rdairplay and doing their
> >   breaks live
> >   via the Comrex link.
> >
> >   Most of the time it works flawlessly, but once in a while the
> >   x11vnc
> >   server will either crash or freeze. When it happens, the current
> >   song will
> >   run out and they'll be silent for several minutes while they go
> >   looking
> >   for someone to VNC in and fix the problem.
> >
> >   This morning, x11vnc froze; I had to use kill -9 to kill it, and
> >   when I
> >   restarted it, the new process immediately froze. Only rebooting
> >   the system
> >   got it working -- not something I like doing when I'm an hour
> >   and a half
> >   away and there's no one at the station.
> >
> >   I have tried downloading the latest x11vnc code and compiling it
> >   manually;
> >   that hasn't helped. The logs don't offer any clues.
> >
> >   I know this isn't strictly a Rivendell problem, but I'm
> >   wondering if any
> >   of y'all have encountered it. Is there a better option than
> >   x11vnc? I
> >   suppose I could try vino.
> >
> >   Thanks,
> >
> >
> >   Rob
> >
> >   --
> >   Не думай что всё пропели,
> >   Что бури все отгремели;
> >   Готовься к великой цели,
> >   А слава тебя найдёт.
> >   ___
> >   Rivendell-dev mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Enjoy the Paradise Island Cam playing
> > Bahamian Or Nuttin -
> >
> >___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Spacebar Behavior

2021-03-12 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Alan
This might be silly thought, but it it possible that the keyboard is
somehow creating 2 keyboard presses instead of the one intended... perhaps
a worn out or faulty keyboard? You could perhaps plug another usb keyboard
in to test out? Or fire up a text editor on the computer to see if the
spacebar pushes twice.
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On Thu, Mar 11, 2021 at 1:07 PM Alan Peterson 

> Hi all - Running version 3.4.1 on an older Dell dual-core. I have the
> spacebar set up to Play Next when tapped. But when I do, it skips ahead two
> events instead of just one.
> What should I try?
> Alan Peterson
> 1700 Rolling Valley Radio
> Springfield Va.
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Re: [RDD] RD Database transfers

2021-01-31 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Jesse
This sounds what I'm trying todo. I've got Rivendell running on Ubuntu
14.04 with Rivendell 2.10.3... I tried importing the Database into Ubuntu
18.04 and Rivendell 3.5.

Doing the intermediate step of converting to a machine running Rivendell
2.19 sounds like a great idea. I did find a cd of the Rivendell Broadcast
Appliance... Do you know if this is Rivendell 2.19 at the
download site
? I'm not familiar with Centos... but I think the appliance runs Centos?
Many thanks

On Mon, Feb 1, 2021 at 5:11 AM Jesse Jones  wrote:

> Angela, I found a similar problem trying to move from Rivendell 2.5
> (Schema 242) up to RD3.5 in that the the new machine thought the old
> database was corrupted and would not convert it.  I still haven't been told
> how to repair that original database - but I have found a workaround that
> worked for me.
> I ran the original database through a Rivendell 2.19 which used schema 272
> or so but was on CentOS 7 - and it converted just fine there - then
> restored that database in the new RD3.5 which took about 10 minutes but
> works great.
> Of course, with the CentOS shutdown I have not been able to "yum update
> rivendell" on any of my RD2.5/CentOS 6 machines so I was just lucky I had
> the RD2.19/CentOS7 machine (which has other issues).
> If you can get your hands in a RD2,19/CentOS 7 machine and use it as an
> intermediate I bet you can use that older DB,
> I still have not heard from anyone about how to repair/rework/update these
> old RELIABLE databases.  However, I have found the RD3.5 to be a sweet
> machine and worth the gyrations for the upgrade.  Maybe someone will come
> up with something like RDDBCheck to do this stuff for Rivendell 3.
> Jesse Jones
> Broadcast Tech for
> All in Central Texas
> ___
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[RDD] Using RDDbconfig to restore a database

2021-01-16 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi there
I've just completed an install Rivendell v3.5.0 on Ubuntu Mate 18.04.
It seems to work well until I use Rddbconfig to import my old Rivendell
2.10.3 db schema 242 into it.
RDDbConfig Error (as superuser)
DB connection re-established
invalid SQL or failed DB connection[unknown column 'BUTTON_LABEL_TEMPLATE'
in 'RDPANEL' QMYSQL: Unable to execute query]: alter table RDPANEL modify
column BUTTON_LABEL_TEMPLATE varchar(32) default '%t'
rddbmgr: sql error: Unknown column
'BUTTON_LABEL_TEMPLATE' in 'RDPANEL' QMYSQL: Unable to execute query: alter
table RDPANEL modify column BUTTON_LABEL_TEMPLATE varchar(32) default '%t'

I can see it is a problem with the Label Template on my old rivendell
2.10.3 in rdadmin. The Label field is blank. It will let me type %t into
the template field, but doesn't seem to save it when I click ok.

Does any one know how I can fix my old db before I export it to import into
the new database.

Many Thanks
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Airplay double audio

2021-01-08 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Tom
 I'm not familiar with your version of Rivendell Still using 2.10 here.
But I struck this caused by faulty Seque markers on a song. The seque
marker was placed 10 seconds from the start... so the rest of the song was
in constant fade after that point to the end of the songs. Generally you
get a warning if you put the seque marker too close to the start of a song.
Perhaps check the audio that played around 10.45pm give or take about 10

I hope this helps you.
Many Thanks
Geoff Barkman

On Tue, Jan 5, 2021 at 4:48 AM Tom Van Gorkom 

> Has anyone encountered a problem with RDairplay (v2.19.3 using Axia audio
> driver) where it starts playing two audio files at the same time and keeps
> on going? Last night at about 10:45pm our on air machine did this
> undetected by station personnel until 7am this morning, right through the
> log load at midnight. I simply closed airplay and restarted it and the
> problem was gone. I don't know where I would look in logs.
> Listening to off air recordings, I can tell that it played the same log
> and where there were hard timed events, the audio synced until it came to a
> regular ID in rotation and the seemingly two instances of RDairplay chose
> two different IDs so it got farther off. Right after midnight, the same
> song, two instances, were only 10 secs apart.
> Any ideas?
> Tom Van Gorkom
> Radio Esperanza Engineering, KRIO AM/FM, KOIR FM
> Office: 956-380-8150
> Cell: 865-803-7427
> Director of Media
> Rio Grande Bible Ministries
> 4300 S US Hwy 281
> Edinburg, TX 78539
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Old Ubuntu Repository

2020-10-07 Thread Geoff Barkman
Further to this email. The error message I get is.
gnutls_handshake() failed: Handshake failed
I've downloaded the repository key, using the wget command.
Many thanks
Geoff barkman

On Thu, Oct 8, 2020, 8:24 AM Geoff Barkman  wrote:

> Hi there.
> I'm not sure who is in charge of the Ubuntu/debian backup repository
> But I can't seem to be able to download packages from it.
> Any ideas if or where I can get required packages from?
> I know its an old version of Rivendell.
> Many thanks
> Geoff Barkman
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Old Ubuntu Repository

2020-10-07 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi there.
I'm not sure who is in charge of the Ubuntu/debian backup repository
But I can't seem to be able to download packages from it.
Any ideas if or where I can get required packages from?
I know its an old version of Rivendell.
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Painful log generating times

2020-05-11 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi there.
I'm not familiar with rivendell 3x versions. But on rivendell 2x versions
if the MySQL database got too big log creations took ages to create. Over
40 mb in a database slowed it down and a quick fix was to back up the DB
and run rdbcheck to speed it up.
Does that work with rivendell 3x?
Just a thought.
Many thanks
Geoff barkman

Just a thought?

On Mon, May 11, 2020, 7:17 AM Jay Schell  wrote:

> Where is the config file located?
> Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
> --
> *From:* <
>> on behalf of Workino <
> *Sent:* Sunday, May 10, 2020 2:45:15 PM
> *To:* Chuck 
> *Cc:* <
> *Subject:* Re: [RDD] Painful log generating times
> Hello Chuck,
> The database is on the same computer? If yes the problem can be the
> memory.
> If this is the case check the configuration of MySQL and the cache. If
> MySQL starting to swap the answer can become slow.
> Regards
> Gabriele
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On 10 May 2020, at 18:31, Chuck  wrote:
> >
> >   I am experiencing lots of problems with v3.3, and one of them is what
> > you mention.  However, if I generate logs immediately after rebooting,
> > log creation is amazingly fast--less than 3 minutes.  But if the
> > computer has been running for an hour or so, just generating one log
> > can take up to 3 hours.  Something is happening during normal operation
> > that messes things up.  After the problem surfaces, database backup
> > won't work, and even the Library finally locks up.  Oddly, Airplay
> > continues running through it all.  Tried totally different hardware,
> > and the problem is there on both, so I doubt it is on the user end.
> >
> > --Chuck
> >
> >> On Sa, 9 May 2020 17:09:47 +
> >> Jay Schell  wrote:
> >>
> >> I built a new virtualization server for hosting two Rivendell servers
> >> running completely different stations and audio libraries. The new
> >> servers are version 3 but generating logs is taking FOREVER, I am
> >> talking almost an hour to make one log. This is on an imported v2
> >> database. Any thoughts on what might be wrong? The new server has
> >> lots of RAM and processing speed so I wonder if it is a database
> >> issue or hard drive performance issue.
> >>
> >> Jay Schell
> >> WLFC-FM Engineer
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Rivendell-dev mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Re: [RDD] RDImport

2019-11-26 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Mark.
What format are you storing your audio files in? Mp2 or pcm wav? A way to
work out is a 3 minute audio file is 30 mb if pcm wav, whereas mp2 is about
4mb. Pcm wavs will fill your hard drive quickly.
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On Wed, Nov 27, 2019, 2:00 PM Mark Murdock 

> OK, need some help. I’ve been using rdimport to import a bunch of songs
> from our SS32 system into Rivendell, and just as I was about to finish up,
> I started getting an error that said, “Audio Converter Error: No space left
> on device, skipping [file name].” The drive is a 1.5 TB drive, and there’s
> plenty of space left on it, but when I looked at the properties of /var/snd
> it said that 49.5 GB had been used of 53.7 GB, and that there is only 133
> MB left (99% used). Is there a way to expand the space allocated for
> /var/snd? Is there a solution for this?
> Thanks!
> Mark Murdock
> 90 E. 16th St.
> Merced, CA 95340
> (209) 723-1015
> Website <>
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Re: [RDD] New HP Pavilion i5 compatibility?

2019-09-17 Thread Geoff Barkman
It might be something like turn off UFI Boot or something?

On Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 7:09 AM Tom Van Gorkom 

> Would anyone know if a brand new HP Pavilion 595-p i5 8th gen
> cpu/chipset is compatible with CentOS 7, and if so, how do I get it to boot
> on a liveCD or USB? No matter what the BIOS settings, it keeps ending with
> a kernel panic, not syncing. I went into Grub and it sees the boot disc.
> I've looked for online solutions and HW compatibility lists and so far
> nothing helps.
> Tom Van Gorkom
> Radio Esperanza Engineering, KRIO AM/FM, KOIR FM
> Office: 956-380-8150
> Cell: 865-803-7427
> Rio Grande Bible Institute
> 4300 S US Hwy 281
> Edinburg, TX 78539
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Re: [RDD] Rivendell on a Raspberry Pi

2019-08-23 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Dennis
I don't think its quite the one I had... I think it is better.
Thank you very much.
Greetings from New Zealand.
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On Fri, Aug 23, 2019 at 10:22 PM Dennis Wynes <> wrote:

> Was it these?
> On 23/08/2019 11:05, Geoff Barkman wrote:
> About a year ago I downloaded a version of Rivendell that runs on a
> Raspberry Pi.
> I have mistakenly misplaced the Image... Does anyone know where I can
> download it from? from memory it was quite a large file.
> Is there a group people working on it?
> Email me off list if you wish.
> Many thanks
> Geoff Barkman
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing 
> listRivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
> --
> Dennis Wynes
> The Carpet Cleaning Company
> 4 Curie Drive, Gorleston, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR31 7RH
> 01493 668440  07860
> Expertly Caring For Your Carpets Since 1990
> ___
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[RDD] Rivendell on a Raspberry Pi

2019-08-23 Thread Geoff Barkman
About a year ago I downloaded a version of Rivendell that runs on a
Raspberry Pi.
I have mistakenly misplaced the Image... Does anyone know where I can
download it from? from memory it was quite a large file.
Is there a group people working on it?
Email me off list if you wish.
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Panel buttons, macro carts, and "toggle switch" functionality

2019-06-17 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Keith. There is 2 ways of doing this I can think of.
1. Use the toggle on air state macro to make a red ring around the
countdown clock .
2. Use the macro to change the rduser. This means duplicating all your
hotkeys. Make the button one color on one user and another on the other user
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On Tue, Jun 18, 2019, 2:10 AM Keith Thelen  wrote:

> Right now I have two RDAirplay panel buttons, one assigned to a macro cart
> that turns a device on, and another that turns said device off.
> Can anyone think of a good way to combine these two functions into a
> single button, WITH the button showing toggle status? (Push once, device is
> on, button "lights up" as an audio cart button would while playing; push
> again, device is off, button returns to idle state.)
> I'm thinking about just doing it using the "PC" RML command (turn button
> red when device is on). If I want flexibility in moving, renaming, or
> re-coloring the button from the user interface, I suppose I’d need to
> search for the relevant cart number and host in the PANELS table, get the
> button’s position, and store the original label color/text somewhere for
> when it’s time to turn the device off.
> I see no reason this wouldn’t work, but I feel like I might be reinventing
> the wheel. I also haven’t yet sorted out how I might maintain compatibility
> with “flash active buttons” if enabled.
> Thoughts?
> -
> Keith Thelen
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Re: [RDD] Taking Streams with Rivendell Automation

2019-04-16 Thread Geoff Barkman
I've been connecting to a remote stream using alsa for over 4 years now
I put some scripts and instructions on my blog It required 3 soundcards
and a Patch cable from the green speaker output plug on soundcard 3 to the
blue line in socket on soundcard 1.

Its quite complex and I can explain more if required.
Many Thanks
Geoff Barkman
Dunedin New Zealand

On Mon, Apr 15, 2019 at 3:35 AM Ryan Kin  wrote:

> I know that it's not 100% physically possible to take streams through
> RDAirplay, but you can do it with external software and RDCatch along with
> JACK. I'm not too JACK Savvy and was wondering how I can have JACK take a
> source through VLC then have VLC feed into JACK to go into RDAirplay's
> Source Take feature and have Rivendell's Macros load the source and VLC at
> the same time, then when it's done, have another Macros key kill the source.
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] FreeDB Option Greyed Out

2019-04-12 Thread Geoff Barkman
It could be that you are not in the cdrom group on the linux system. Test
this in most linux systems by holding down CTRL and ALT keys and with
another finger type T... once the terminal opens type "groups" and hit
Or alternatively your rivendell system user could have cdrom user
privileges taken away from it... log into rdadmin and check the user
privileges in there.
Many thanks

On Fri, Apr 12, 2019 at 10:51 PM David Garwood  wrote:

> Hi
> I am trying to rip some CDs into the Rivendell database and to use the
> FreeDB service However, the FreeDB button is greyed out. I have checked
> the RDLibrary config and the freedb server entry is correct
> ( but I can find no way of enabling the service. It
> has worked previously as we have several thousand tracks already loaded.
> I seem to recall having this problem before but I cannot recall how it
> got fixed.
> Any help much appreciated.
> David
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Rivendell 3.0.0beta00 packages for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (bionic)

2019-02-21 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi there.
I'm pleased that rivendell on Ubuntu is starting again. I'm waiting for a
chance to update our systems.
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman
New Zealand

On Thu, Feb 21, 2019, 11:54 PM le père Léon  wrote:

> Le 20/02/2019 à 21:54, Florent Peyraud a écrit :
> > And to begin with, I'm pleased to announce that Ubuntu packages are
> > available for *testing*. Here is the procedure for installation
> Do you plan to make packages for Debian 9/10 ?
> Else I can try, as I managed to install for Deb9..
> --
> Léon.
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Running rddbcheck

2019-02-18 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Scott.
You should always make a backup of your database. If it crashes imagine how
long it would take to recreate it.

For best results stop all your rivendell processes. You find after running
rdbcheck your backup file will get smaller.
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On Tue, Feb 19, 2019, 12:30 PM Scott Powell  wrote:

> We have never run rddbcheck, looks pretty straight forward
> Having done a dry run through with --no 'answer all questions with no' its
> obvious we are overdue to clean things up.
> The big question is.Should mysql and/or rivendell be stopped or is it
> possible to run rddbcheck on an in-use system?
> besides having a fresh backup, anything else we should consider before
> starting the cleanup?
> Thanks in advance for the advice
> scottp.
> <>
>  Virus-free.
> <>
> <#m_-4080576163410341602_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Re: [RDD] Ubuntu 18.04 rivendell 2.19.3

2019-01-04 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Tim. I'd like to try out your Ubuntu as well.
Thank you for all your work.
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On Sat, Jan 5, 2019, 6:29 AM Ken Goods  wrote:

> Hi Tim,
> Would be very interested in taking a look. Will be evaluating Rivendell
> over the next couple months and this would be very helpful.
> TIA!
> Ken Goods
> Pacific Empire Radio
> Lewiston, ID
> --
> *From: *"Tim Camp" 
> *To: *"User discussion about the Rivendell Radio Automation System" <
> *Sent: *Thursday, January 3, 2019 1:03:33 PM
> *Subject: *[RDD] Ubuntu 18.04 rivendell 2.19.3
> Greetings all,
> I have spun up a installable or live ISO of Ubuntu 18.04 with rivendell
> 2.19.3 and
> Several different desktop environments.
> If anyone would like to have it, let me know and I will set up a download.
> It can be run with Ubuntu standard desktop, gnome shell with plank or
> xfce4.
> It is a stripped-down OS with only the essentials, Jack, HPI, and Alsa
> drivers
> All installed.
> It also includes a complete build environment for compliling upgrades.
> Pretty close to 4 gig.
> Lmk
> Cheers
> Tim Camp
> Mobile, Al
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Database Migration

2018-12-03 Thread Geoff Barkman
>From memory when I did this about 10 years ago RCS stored all the files
with letters and numbers that look like microsoft serial numbers with a WAV
file extension.
Many Thanks
Geoff Barkman

On Tue, Dec 4, 2018 at 6:38 AM Fred Gleason 

> On Dec 3, 2018, at 11:24, Jeremy W. Eisenzimmer  wrote:
> I'm looking at moving one of my database from RCS Master Control into
> Rivendell. Taking a look at the MC database in SQL - I think I can pull all
> the metadata info I need out of it (Title, Artist, NTP, TrimEnd, file name,
> etc) with some manipulation to make this somewhat simple and automatic.
> The trick is importing it into Rivendell. I haven't really found any
> documentation on migrating an entire database into RD.  Has anyone done
> something similar to this before? How'd you do it?  I'm just curious how
> much of a chore this may be.
> Migrations tend to be ‘one off’ projects by their very nature. Not only
> does each ‘legacy’ system have its own way of storing data (some *much*
> more accessible than others!), but even with a given manufacturer and
> product those things can vary according to the specific software version in
> play.
> I would start by getting a few audio files out of the existing system and
> importing them into Rivendell. It’s entirely possible that everything you
> need is there already, and Rivendell will just populate the cart labels
> accordingly as part of the import. If not, then it’s time to think about
> getting out the big hammer.
> Cheers!
> |--|
> | Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |  Chief Developer |
> |   |  Paravel Systems |
> |--|
> |   Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the road.   |
> | -- Anonymous |
> |--|
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Sound Panel / Hotkeys Swapping

2018-10-16 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Rich. I've got it... I'll post it on my website in the next few days.
Will post a link for it.
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 9:53 AM Rich Stivers  wrote:

> While searching the [RDD] archives I found a 2012 post referencing a
> 'Hotkeys Java Panel Changer Applet'.
> The URL to the source no longer works.
> Is there someone out there who could provide me with a new link to the
> source for this program? It was
> originally authored by Wayne Merricks.
> Many Thanks,
> Rich Stivers
> KKUP-FM 91.5
> Cupertino/San Jose CA
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Re: [RDD] VNC on CentOS 7

2018-09-06 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Patrick
If you have troubles with VNC... there is always teamviewer?
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On Fri, Sep 7, 2018 at 6:20 AM Patrick  wrote:

> Which VNC server is recommended for Rivendell on CentOS 7?
> Thank you.
> —
> Patrick
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Paquetes.

2018-08-17 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Florent
Your new repository works well.
I just had to replace "distibution" with my Ubuntu version "trusty" and it
work nicely.
I wished I knew what was involved in creating packages for later Ubuntu
versions like "bionic" or "Xenial" and having later versions of rivendell
as well.
Does anyone know of any good tutorials?
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 2:12 AM Florent Peyraud  wrote:

> Hi
> This is great news !
> I've set former packages from tryphon up on a new URL :
> The former redirects to it
> A new key has to be downloaded and trusted. The procedure is written on
> the site above. Please note that it is new HTTPS, so that you will need
> apt-transport-https package on Debian and Ubuntu.
> If you are OK to send me the packages, I can test them and if everything
> is fine, I can put them on this repo
> Best regards
> Florent
> On 09/08/2018 21:34, Luigino Bracci wrote:
> Hola Juan Carlos,
> Ya logré hacer paquetes de Qt3 para Ubuntu 18.04, y también hice paquetes
> de Rivendell 2.7 (que es lo que aún usamos donde trabajo), pero no de la
> última versión 2.19, que es el que se necesita para que sea compatible con
> las versiones de MySQL y MariaDB que vienen con ese Ubuntu. Lamentablemente
> no soy muy ducho empaquetando o haciendo repositorios y tengo otras
> prioridades en el trabajo, pero puedo pasártelo por email para ver qué
> puedes hacer.
> In english:
> I just finished making Qt3 packages for Ubuntu 18.04, and I also made
> packages of Rivendell 2.7 (the one we still use where I work), but not of
> the latest version 2.19, which is what everyone needs because it's the
> version compatible with latest MySQL / MariaDB coming with Ubuntu 18.04. 
> Unfortunately,
> I am not very good at packing / making repositories and I have other
> priorities at my work, but I can pass the packages to you by email and you
> try to make them work.
> El 8 de agosto de 2018, 11:29, juan carlos navarro hernandez<
>> escribió:
>> Desde la versión de Debian Jessie no he podido actualizar a la ultima
>> versión de Rivendell, ni tampoco instalarlo en versiones mas actuales como
>> Ubuntu 18.04 o Debian 9.
>> ¿alguien sabe como hacer esto por favor y que me pueda guiar en el
>> proceso?
>> --
>> Juan Carlos Navarro Hernandez.
>> Twitter: @juancnh80
>> ___
>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> ___
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> listRivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org
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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Problem with RRAbuntu

2018-08-04 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Dave
Just to clarify. This is the RRAbuntu downloaded from Sourceforge?
If it is from sourceforge it is close to 8 years old and uses an old
version of both Ubuntu Linux and Rivendell.

If you have another computer handy does the cd fire up and produce the
desktop and Demonstration of rivendell?

It could be the that RRAbuntu is too old and cant handle the secure boot of
the hard drive on the computer?
Many thanks

On Sat, Aug 4, 2018 at 9:55 PM, Dave Garwood  wrote:

> Hi
> I have limited experience of working with Linux and have therefore been
> looking to install Rivendell from the RRAbuntu live CD.
> I am using a new machine (i3, 8GB, 1TB) which has uefi rather than bios
> although I have disabled the secure boot and am able to boot from the CD
> using the startup menu. It also has Windows 10 installed that I have no
> interest in keeping
> When the CD boots it leaves me in a terminal mode and I cannot seen the
> GUI screen that should lead me to the installation and associated scripts.
> I am not a Linux expert by any means but was hoping that RRAbuntu might
> help with a straightforward installation of Rivendell.
> Any help anyone can provide would be much appreciated.
> Dave
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Tryphon server is dead

2018-08-02 Thread Geoff Barkman
I'd love to see Typhon carry on. I use it on all my machines. Not going
passed 10.03 is quite frustrating. So many new features. I don't know
enough about fixing up the qt3 problem.
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On Thu, Aug 2, 2018, 5:50 AM Jonathan Cohen 

> I suspected that might happen and made a private mirror. If there’s demand
> from people who are stuck building systems I could make it public, but
> there’s no way to update it past 2.10.3 (though I use the Tryphon QT3
> install to install 2.19.2 from source).
> Jonathan
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Andy
> Higginson
> *Sent:* 01 August 2018 11:50
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [RDD] Tryphon server is dead
> Hi,
> It looks like the end of the Tryphon server is finally here.  I'm
> currently not getting any response from or
> As a community of users, we need to be ready for any questions that might
> be asked here on the list.  What might be useful to know is the status of
> any projects that are on the go to create a new Debian / Ubuntu repository.
> Lastly I think all that remains is to say a big thanks for everything that
> Alban and the Tryphon team have given to the community.
> Andy
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Re: [RDD] Audio Playback Stopping

2018-08-02 Thread Geoff Barkman
Yep that was me. We had a fairly simple set up with audio stored on an 8
year old sata hard drive. We copied all the audio to another drive and no
pausing or spluttering of playback.
It's running well now and audio is mirrored to another drive daily. MySQL
backed up 3 times per week.
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On Thu, Aug 2, 2018, 6:16 PM David Henderson 

> I seem to recall a while back, that someone posted about RDAirplay
> randomly stopping or pausing during playback. I am now experiencing this
> issue, however I recall that the fault was potentially caused by a pending
> hard disk failure, or that seemed to be the opinion.
> I have set up a raid server with 2x2TB hard drives for the audio store and
> a third SSD for the operating system. I think it is unlikely that a newly
> built system would have a pending hard disk failure and there are no errors
> or issues reported anywhere in CentOS6 or the raid configuration screens.
> Does anyone else have any suggestions as to what might be causing this?
> It's a mirrored raid set up and I also have a further backup of the audio
> store and SQL on an external hard drive which I manually update after any
> changes have been made to the system (eg new carts added etc).
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Glitches pausing in audio

2018-06-24 Thread Geoff Barkman
Already have one back up and I'm currently using rsync to populate the
drive. Should be done later on this afternoon.

On Mon, Jun 25, 2018, 11:33 AM <> wrote:

> If you are still on the same hard drive for 8 years... I would make haste
> and get your stuff copied off to somewhere else.
> that's what I think.
> On 06/24/2018 04:56 PM, Geoff Barkman wrote:
> > Hi there.
> > My rivendell Ubuntu 14.04 system running rivendell 2.10.3. I know it's
> > old.
> > While playing songs that have been doing the rounds for years in the
> > playlist has started occasionally glitches while playing music.
> > Sometimes for a second or two every now and then. Could this be a sign
> > of hard drive failure inpending? What do others think.
> > It's getting on 8 years old.
> > Many thanks
> > Geoff
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Rivendell-dev mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Glitches pausing in audio

2018-06-24 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi there.
My rivendell Ubuntu 14.04 system running rivendell 2.10.3. I know it's old.
While playing songs that have been doing the rounds for years in the
playlist has started occasionally glitches while playing music. Sometimes
for a second or two every now and then. Could this be a sign of hard drive
failure inpending? What do others think.
It's getting on 8 years old.
Many thanks
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Network clilent audio playback problem

2018-06-13 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi David
You've to MySQL ok. That's good.
Where is the audio files sitting that you are trying to play?
If they are only on the server, you need to be able to connect to them.
Usually nfs is a good way. Samba does sometimes work, but not recommended.
The files have to be mounted so the client can play them.
Many thanks
Geoff barkman

On Jun 13, 2018 7:32 AM, "Lorne Tyndale"  wrote:

A few things to look at:

-For the client, make sure it has a static IP, and be sure you have
added the client in rdadmin --> Hosts

-If you are running a standard onboard (or otherwise) sound card - using
ALSA - have you set up the card in /etc/asound.conf  on the client?  You
can use rdalsaconfig for this

-Check RDAdmin --> Manage hosts --> (click on host) --> Audio adapters.
Are there any items listed under Audio Adapters?

-If you are trying to use an on-board sound card (and some inexpensive
sound cards that are not onboard also require this) you *might* need to
add your sample rate (the sample rate that Rivendell uses in rdadmin -->
System Settings) into your /etc/asound.conf - here's an example from one
of my systems:


# *** Start of Rivendell configuration generated by rdalsaconfig(1) ***
pcm.rd0 {
  type hw
  card 0
  device 0
rate 48000
ctl.rd0 {
  type hw
  card 0

# *** End of Rivendell configuration generated by rdalsaconfig(1) ***

Make the above addition for each of your pcm entries in /etc/asound.conf
(you will need to be root to edit this file), save your file and restart
your daemons or reboot.  Check in rdadmin --> Manage Hosts --> Audio
Adapters and see if your sound card shows up.

While in rdadmin --> Manage Hosts check each module (rdairplay,
rdlibrary, etc) and make sure your card and port is selected for the
outputs and inputs

Hopefully one of those will point you in the right direction.

Lorne Tyndale

> I've been following this thread online
> but I'm having trouble getting the client machine to actually play any
> Everything else works fine, it can access the mysql server and can get
into rdadmin but no audio plays. Neither does the level meter move. If I
try to play an item in rdairplay it just disappears when the start button
is pushed. In rdlibrary the play button illuminates in the audio editor and
I can see all the cue points etc  but that's as far as it goes. The server
plays audio no problem
> Anyone got any ideas?
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Re: [RDD] File Name in RDLibrary

2018-05-24 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Seth. Another thing you can try is %a - %t or %f in the meta field a =
artist, t = song title or f = file name.

On May 25, 2018 8:19 AM, "Seth Stevenson" <> wrote:

> I think that will work.
> On Thu, May 24, 2018, 4:13 PM Geoff Barkman <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Seth
>> I have my drop boxes set up to use the meta information with %i (lower
>> cast letter I) or %l (lower case letter L). I think that is what you are
>> wanting to do?
>> Many thanks
>> Geoff
>> On Fri, May 25, 2018 at 7:45 AM, Seth Stevenson <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am having trouble with my file names showing up in rdlibrary. I am
>>> using .wav files. It shows the cart number/cut number, but no matter how I
>>> manipulate the file it doesn't seem to tag it. I am using the dropbox
>>> feature to import. I even used a third party software to try and tag it
>>> before importing. Any idea what to do? I am using the cart chunk feature in
>>> dropbox. Thanks.
>>> --
>>> Seth Stevenson
>>> ___
>>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] File Name in RDLibrary

2018-05-24 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Seth
I have my drop boxes set up to use the meta information with %i (lower cast
letter I) or %l (lower case letter L). I think that is what you are wanting
to do?
Many thanks

On Fri, May 25, 2018 at 7:45 AM, Seth Stevenson  wrote:

> Hi,
> I am having trouble with my file names showing up in rdlibrary. I am using
> .wav files. It shows the cart number/cut number, but no matter how I
> manipulate the file it doesn't seem to tag it. I am using the dropbox
> feature to import. I even used a third party software to try and tag it
> before importing. Any idea what to do? I am using the cart chunk feature in
> dropbox. Thanks.
> --
> Seth Stevenson
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] RDLIBRARY in mysql Rivendell

2018-05-21 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Robert
How big is your mysql database back up file? My backup file got to be about
80mb and kept crashing.
I ran the rddbcheck on it... and became quite stable after that... backup
file shrunk to about 10 mb in size.
Many thanks

On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 9:42 PM, Robert Jeffares 

> Is there a reason for these entries?
> +++--+
> +++--+
> | 2 | studio | 0 |
> | 9 | ratchet | 0 |
> | 15 | production | 0 |
> | 14 | linux | 0 |
> | 18 | localhost | 0 |
> 35 is the local server in each instance.
> I am exporting music carts from one system to another. I can export/import
> CART and CUTS; but when I do; RDLIBRARY does not work. It will 'open' but
> not display and RDAIRPLAY stops.
> I am exporting successfully to 3 other locations with all logs are
> generated at the Master.
> Music carts are updated in mysql hourly with actual music files generally
> delivered by rsync the same day.
> The problem system locally generates logs and has some local GROUPS.
> The receiving system is squawking about a duplicate key which I think I
> have removed on the source database.
> RDLIBRARY had two entries for the originating server and a bunch of
> klingons.
> I entered the names in RDADMIN >MANAGE HOSTS and then deleted them.
> This database is getting on for 15 years since it was first created and
> it's been through a number of power events. Might be time to build a fresh
> system and migrate all the music to eliminate the history of clients that
> have come and gone.
> regards
> Robert
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] RdAirplay causing system reboot

2018-05-17 Thread Geoff Barkman
I've had similar problems when I had one of my soundcards was faulty.
Perhaps rdairplay points to the faulty sound card?
Many thanks
Geoff barkman

On May 18, 2018 3:56 PM, "Lorne Tyndale" <> wrote:

> Chester,
> I've never run into something like you've described, it could be any
> number of things.  Sounds like it is time for you to check your syslog
> and see if there is any hint there as to what might have crashed.
> Lorne Tyndale
> >
> >
> > I am attempting to get an install on an ubuntu based system using
> kxstudio.
> >
> > The distribution that I am testing is
> which
> > is an audio tuned system based on linux mint.
> >
> > I followed the instructions on
> > to install qt3 and
> > rivendell both from source, omitting the patching steps of rivendell.
> >
> > I ended up with a system that is working with Cadence, rdlibrary works
> fine
> > and imports and plays.
> >
> > RdAirplay will play the test tones from the Sound panel on the right side
> > of Airplay, but if I try and put the test tones on the left side of
> > RdAirplay and play it it causes the system to immediately reboot.
> >
> > Anybody have any ideas of what might cause this behavior?
> >
> > Chester Graham
> > WGTT___
> > Rivendell-dev mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
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Re: [RDD] Make the default "play" instead of "segue"?

2018-02-12 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Chris. If you go into rdadmin and the edit hosts. There is an option in
the rdairplay to change the default transition. You'll have to restart the
rdairplay app. To see the changes.
Many thanks
Geoff barkman

On Feb 12, 2018 1:20 PM, "" <> wrote:

> I'm in the Editing Event screen.
> I put carts into the pre-import window.
> I have to right-click them, each one, and change the transition from
> "segue" to "play".
> Is there a control somewhere that will make the default already be "play"
> so that I don't
> have to modifyeach one?
> Chris Howard
> Classic Book Radio
> Columbus, MS
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Lubuntu Live CD

2017-10-21 Thread Geoff Barkman
Well done Tim. I'll have to download and give it a spin.
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman
On 21/10/2017 3:24 am, "Tim Camp" <> wrote:

> Greetings,
> I have uploaded to my website a installable live cd of Rivendell 2.17.0 on
> Lubuntu 14.04LTS for x86-64
> I built this iso to help me do multiple installs at our stations and just
> thought some of you debian/ubuntu peeps might have a use for it.
> This LTS version is supported through April 2019
> The iso of Lubuntu has had all the fat removed nothing but system
> utilities and a few necessary packages.
> I like bare bones appliances in my control rooms.
> It contains a fully operating Rivendell 2.17.0 install compiled from
> source.
> One caveat no-hpi, I'll upload one that includes that in a few days.
> I've got a little tinkering to do with the hpklinux.
> For live testing with a cd
> username is rduser
> pw is rivendell
> to run Rivendell from the cd you will have to start mysql
> sudo service mysql start
> If you wish to install you must run install from the boot splash, not
> inside the live version.
> Here is the link
> ubuntu-Rivendell-2.17.0-Live.iso
> MD5 check sum at
> I'll also post a 16.04 version when I get finished with it.
> Cheers
> Tim Camp
> Mobile, Al.
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Question about macros for operating a switcher?

2017-07-31 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi there
For several years now I have been using a set of Macro scripts to operate a
Broadcast tools switcher.
I've been using the SA (switch Add) command to choose the one I want and SR
(Switch remove) to turn off what I don't want. Would I be better off just
using ST (Switch Take) to select just what I want to simplify the input I
what and making the command 1 line only?
(Using Rivendell 2.10.3 on Ubuntu 14.04)

rmlsend --to-host= SA\ 1\ 1\ 1\!

rmlsend --to-host= SR\ 1\ 2\ 1\!
rmlsend --to-host= SR\ 1\ 3\ 1\!
rmlsend --to-host= SR\ 1\ 4\ 1\!
rmlsend --to-host= SR\ 1\ 5\ 1\!
rmlsend --to-host= SR\ 1\ 6\ 1\!

Many Thanks
Geoff Barkman
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] rdimport dropbox stopped

2017-03-04 Thread Geoff Barkman
I found drop boxes often stop working if the apache time out is wrong. And
if you modify settings in rdadmin if a file is currently being imported.
Many thanks
On 5/03/2017 11:25 am, "Hoggins!"  wrote:

> Hey there,
> Yes, this thread is fairly old, but this just happened to us twice in a
> week.
> Do you have a clue about what could have happened ?
> Our Rivendell version is 2.15.2
> Hoggins!
> Le 23/01/2015 à 00:06, Keywan Najafi Tonekaboni a écrit :
> > Hi,
> >
> > today all of our rdimport-dropboxes stopped, but just few restarted.
> > Where I can find clues about, why dropboxes did stopped. At that time
> > I'm pretty sure, I didn't opened rdadmin, and nobody else know how to do
> > that.
> >
> > I checked syslog and the dropbox.log. Any clues where to log for what?
> >
> > Until today we never experienced problems with rdimport-dropboxes. After
> > I opened the Dropbox-Dialog in rdadmin somewhat later, all dropboxes
> > restarted as expected.
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> >
> > Keywan
> >
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Database Access Question(s)

2016-12-03 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Alan
(Thought I'd sent this email a few days back... but I discovered it in my

Yes you can have multiple computers accessing the rivendell database at the
same time BUT there are a few restrictions.
If you were editing logs on your machine and someone else edited the same
log on another machine... last person to click save would overide the
changes of another. this could happen if you were voice tracking and
another were just adding programs as well.
log generation should only be done on one machine at a time.
rdairplay is ok to run on multiple machines... if you add new hotkeys on
the user panels... it will appear on the other machine within a few seconds.
rd library is ok as long as you don't do stuff on the same cart etc.
I don't think there is a conclusive list of do's and don't's... sometimes
its trial an error finding out things on a test machine.

On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 11:51 AM, Alan Smith <> wrote:

> Geoff,
>   Thanks for the links to your script.  Also, the rddbcheck did the
> trick.  Fixed it right up, and I can now do backups from within RDAdmin
> again.
> The database wasn't very large to begin with, but is several years old.
> Questions still remain though:
> Is is safe to have multiple simultaneous db accesses happening at once?
> Is it even allowed?  Again, this is for clock generation/modifications at
> the same time as traffic log generation/editing from remote Windows
> workstations.
> Thanks!
> -Alan
> On 11/25/2016 1:01 PM, Geoff Barkman wrote:
> Hi Alan
> How old is the Database? I ran into problems when my system had been
> running 2 or 3 years. I have a cronjob set up to automaticly back up the
> database every week at the same time and append the current date / time to
> the filename so a sequential backup is kept.
> I think I fixed it by running rddbcheck from a commandline. It fixed up
> the database and let me make database back ups in the normal way using
> rdadmin.
> Running rddbcheck shrunk the db backup sql file from 45 mb down to about
> 10 mb.
> Here is my script and a link to my blog that hosts it.
> rivendell-database.html
> NOTE If sharing created files with windows users Colons eg : cannot be in
> filenames
> #I suggest doing the date variable creation like this.
>  currentdate=`date +%F-%H.%M.%S`
> Instead of like this currentdate=`date +%F-%X`
> Note
> I found that sometimes the Rivendell macros crash rdairplay so I now run
> from a command line the following script.
> #!/bin/bash
> currentdate=`date +%F-%X`
> echo $currentdate
> mysqldump -u rduser -pletmein --lock-tables=false Rivendell >
> /home/geoff/rivendell-backup/RD-$currentdate.sql
> You can set up this macro to run daily weekly or whenever.
> I hope this helps you automate the process.
> Many thanks
> Geoff Barkman
> On Sat, Nov 26, 2016 at 3:19 AM, Alan Smith <> wrote:
>> Been a while since I've posted to the group.
>> I currently still only have a single RD system running out on the other
>> side of the country, so I don't get a chance to "fiddle" with it much.
>> I decided I had better do a database backup since its been a long while,
>> and using rdadmin when I tried was greeted with "Unable to create
>> backup!".  On some google searching, seems this is a common long-running
>> issue.  I did find a command that allowed me to back it up via the command
>> line.
>> The reason for my post is I am wanted to install RD for a single AM
>> station that I do some side work for.  My plan is going to make heavy use
>> of running RDLogEdit/RDLogManager from a couple Windows machines.  So my
>> questions:
>> 1)  Does this "bug" that crops up that won't allow DB backups from within
>> RD also affect the ability to remotely access the DB from RD modules
>> running on Win platforms?
>> 2)  Can you have simultaneous access to the DB from multiple Win
>> platforms?  I imagine the PD will want to create clocks and such while
>> Traffic will be working on logs.
>> Thanks!
>> -Alan
>> PS  This is on the latest appliance via the Parvel website. Also,
>> database backup in rdadmin used to work fine.  It just "broke" one day, and
>> since its been a while I'm not sure when or why.
>> ___
>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Database Access Question(s)

2016-11-25 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Alan
How old is the Database? I ran into problems when my system had been
running 2 or 3 years. I have a cronjob set up to automaticly back up the
database every week at the same time and append the current date / time to
the filename so a sequential backup is kept.
I think I fixed it by running rddbcheck from a commandline. It fixed up the
database and let me make database back ups in the normal way using rdadmin.
Running rddbcheck shrunk the db backup sql file from 45 mb down to about 10

Here is my script and a link to my blog that hosts it.

NOTE If sharing created files with windows users Colons eg : cannot be in
#I suggest doing the date variable creation like this.
 currentdate=`date +%F-%H.%M.%S`
Instead of like this currentdate=`date +%F-%X`

I found that sometimes the Rivendell macros crash rdairplay so I now run
from a command line the following script.


currentdate=`date +%F-%X`

echo $currentdate

mysqldump -u rduser -pletmein --lock-tables=false Rivendell >

You can set up this macro to run daily weekly or whenever.

I hope this helps you automate the process.
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On Sat, Nov 26, 2016 at 3:19 AM, Alan Smith <> wrote:

> Been a while since I've posted to the group.
> I currently still only have a single RD system running out on the other
> side of the country, so I don't get a chance to "fiddle" with it much.
> I decided I had better do a database backup since its been a long while,
> and using rdadmin when I tried was greeted with "Unable to create
> backup!".  On some google searching, seems this is a common long-running
> issue.  I did find a command that allowed me to back it up via the command
> line.
> The reason for my post is I am wanted to install RD for a single AM
> station that I do some side work for.  My plan is going to make heavy use
> of running RDLogEdit/RDLogManager from a couple Windows machines.  So my
> questions:
> 1)  Does this "bug" that crops up that won't allow DB backups from within
> RD also affect the ability to remotely access the DB from RD modules
> running on Win platforms?
> 2)  Can you have simultaneous access to the DB from multiple Win
> platforms?  I imagine the PD will want to create clocks and such while
> Traffic will be working on logs.
> Thanks!
> -Alan
> PS  This is on the latest appliance via the Parvel website. Also, database
> backup in rdadmin used to work fine.  It just "broke" one day, and since
> its been a while I'm not sure when or why.
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Dropbox question

2016-11-04 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi there.
The only way I could work this one out is to do this to have two dropbox

If you put a piece of audio in one... it deletes all the existing cuts.

Then you put all the other pieces of audio into the second dropbox
folder... it then adds cut to the existing cart.
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On Sat, Nov 5, 2016 at 8:23 AM, Rob Landry <> wrote:

> I'm trying to imagine how this would work.
> If someone loads a single ID cut into the dropbox, you want it to delete
> all current ID's from the cart and just import the one?
> I would not use the Rivendell dropbox feature at all, but set up a Perl
> script to run as a cron job at the top of each minute. The Perl script
> would look for dropbox files conforming to the desired specification,
> delete the target cart, and run rdimport on them.
> Rob
> --
> Я там, где ребята толковые,
> Я там, где плакаты "Вперёд",
> Где песни рабочие новые
> Страна трудовая поёт.
> On Thu, 3 Nov 2016, Seth Stevenson wrote:
>> I'm not sure how to get a script to do that. Here is what I want to to in
>> detail.
>> We have a number of transmitter sites. We are putting raspberry pi with
>> Rivendell at each site to run localized Id's for that station. They are in
>> one cart in the panel on rdairplay.
>> We use a folder on the computer linked to our FTP server. A
>> Rivendell Dropbox then imports them into that cart. When we want to change
>> ids we just want to put them in the appropriate folder on the server and
>> let
>> Rivendell Dropbox overwrite the existing ones. The goal is to automate
>> this
>> so it is easy to swap out each stations ids for new ones in the same cart.
>> There are dozens of stations, so I don't want to go in each one and delete
>> the current cart or the cuts. The cart needs to the same, since a script
>> fires it to play the same one.
>> Hope I haven't muddied the waters with that explanation. What's the best
>> way
>> to do this.
>> It should work to delete the cart with a script or by some means, then
>> when
>> the dropbox imports new cuts to the specific cart, it recreates it with
>> only
>> the new cuts in it.
>> Tom Van Gorkom
>> Radio Esperanza Engineering, KRIO AM/FM, KOIR FM
>> Office: 956-380-8150
>> Cell: 865-803-7427
>> Rio Grande Bible Institute
>> 4300 S US Hwy 281
>> Edinburg, TX 78539
>> On Thu, Nov 3, 2016 at 9:42 AM, Seth Stevenson <>
>> wrote:
>>   No, actually I want to delete all current cuts before importing
>>   new ones.
>>   On Nov 3, 2016 10:39 AM, "David Klann" <> wrote:
>> Hey Fred,
>> I think what Seth is asking for is an option to
>> delete /all/ cuts in a
>> cart, and then (at a later time) load the cart up
>> with several cuts, and
>> *not* delete each cut before importing a new one.
>> This is more complex
>> than a simple checkbox (i.e., binary) option.
>> Because, how would
>> Rivendell know, without setting some kind of
>> schedule, when to drop cuts
>> and when to leave cuts?
>> *My* opinion on this is that it wouldn't be
>> appropriate to change
>> Rivendell to support this -- Rivendell is already
>> flexible enough to
>> support the few cases in which people want to do it.
>> Hope this helps clarify!
>>   ~David Klann
>> On 11/03/2016 08:50 AM, Fred Gleason wrote:
>> > On Nov 2, 2016, at 15:27, Seth Stevenson
>> <
>> > <>> wrote:
>> >
>> >> I had a question about Dropbox operation in
>> Rivendell. I want to
>> >> import say 25 cuts, in a cart that already has 25
>> cuts in it. I was
>> >> hoping the delete cuts before import button would
>> delete all the cuts,
>> >> and then do the import, which is what I want to
>> do. However it deletes
>> >> cut for cut, so I end up with only one cut in the

Re: [RDD] Rivendell distros

2016-08-28 Thread Geoff Barkman
Yes I'd love to get back into the RRAbuntu cd set up for rivendell. I'd had
it running with Lubuntu 14.04 and Rivendell v2.10.3. The setup was a messy
and I Never had the nice installer and Demo mode going like we did with the
original RRAbuntu on Ubuntu 10.04 (6 years old now and I think out of
Frederick Henderson came up with the fancy scripts to install it.
I'm not a fan of the Ubuntu Unity interface and have looked at Ubuntu Mate
desktop but 14.04 is not an LTS release.
Remastering the Ubuntu Iso image was quite time consuming and failed
Many Thanks
Geoff Barkman

On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 4:44 AM, Chuck <> wrote:

> On Wed, 24 Aug 2016 09:12:07 -0500
> David Klann <> wrote:
> > I requested a Tryphon wiki account a few months ago. I heard back from
> > Florent Peyraud on June 12th letting me know that my wiki account was
> > active. So it seems there is life at Tryphon, but not much activity
> > keeping up with the packaging of Rivendell... <
>   According to his Linked-In profile, Alban got a new job in October
> 2015--about the time he disappeared here.
> --Chuck W.
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] RD Appliance Install

2016-08-17 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Forrest
Most of your problems might be tied up in using virtialbox for your demo.
You can't possibly borrow another computer? Or perhaps put an alternative
hard drive into the machine for the demo?
I'm sure they will love it if they see it in action.
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman
On 18/08/2016 1:02 pm, "Forrest B" <> wrote:

> So, I wanted to show RD off to a local community radio station here in
> town that doesn't have such a system. I've installed VirtualBox 5.0.26 on
> to a Windows 10 laptop. For portability, and the fact I don't have a
> machine around to install it properly on. To that I've installed the RD
> Appliance in it's own little 300GB virtual space. I upgraded the kernel to
> 2.6.32-642.3.1el6.x86_64, with matching kernel-devel so that I could
> install the Virtualbox Guest Addons. I added the ELRepo repository to gain
> access to MP3 playback, and installed gstreamer with the ugly, bad-nonfree,
> and bad-freeworld plugins, as well as dependencies. I've also upgraded to
> the latest version of RD.
> The problem I am having is with audio playback from RD, in that it plays
> back audio files in super slowmo. My source audio files are MP3's from my
> personal library as well as RD promo FLAC files downloaded from RD website.
> I've checked ALSA, audio source files, and imported audio files, both play
> fine with aplay and rhythmbox. Also tried recording within RDLibrary some
> voice, within RD it plays back in slowmo, but the recording file itself
> sounds fine.
> caed reports on start up that it starts playback and capture of device rd0
> successfully; it can't find a control device for rd0; twolame encoder
> library can't be found, but is installed; MAD decoder library can be found;
> uses RT with priority of 8; and everything else seems fine. After working
> on this for three days, starting from scratch four times, I can't think of
> what else I can do, so I'm asking for some advice.
> --
> Forrest
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Program file shortcuts

2016-06-26 Thread Geoff Barkman
I use ubuntu and it's quite similar.
First create a desktop shortcut. Sometimes you can right click on the main
menu and add to desktop.
Now fire up the file manager.
Hit ctrl H to turn on hidden files. Look near the top of your home
directory for a folder called .config (all hidden files have dot at the
start). Now double click on .config folder then go into the autostart
folder. Move your desktop shortcut into there and it will autostart on
Many thanks
Geoff barkman
On 27/06/2016 3:51 pm, "Michael Barnes" <> wrote:

> You can also use the locate command. It is usually in most distributions,
> but you may have to install it. I don't remember the package name, but a
> quick Google search for "Linux locate command" should find it. It is used
> with updatedb to create a database of all files on the computer.
> Michael
> On Jun 26, 2016 8:00 PM, "Mike Carroll" <> wrote:
>> The #1 hit of a search for "debian find program command" gives these
>> three ways, although it's not clear that they're all available on Debian:
>> "whereis rdpanel"
>> "which rdpanel"
>> "type rdpanel"
>> You can also use "find -name rdpanel" from the root directory but that
>> generates a lot of permission-denied messages.
>> (On a CentOS system the Rivendell programs are in /usr/bin.)
>> On Sun, Jun 26, 2016 at 3:07 PM Seth Stevenson <>
>> wrote:
>>> Where does the program files for the Rivendell programs reside. I am
>>> trying to find the one for rdpanel so I can try to make it autostart on
>>> bootup. I am using debian wheezy. Thanks!
>>> ___
>>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
>> ___
>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Australia

2016-06-10 Thread Geoff Barkman
It's not quite Australia but there is a few of us in new Zealand that run
Rivendell. I can easily think of 7 stations that run it nz.
Many thanks
Geoff barkman
On 10/06/2016 1:02 pm, "Stan Fotinos" <> wrote:

> Hi Peter
> We do run Rivendell.
> Kind Regards
> Stan
> On 10 June 2016 8:26:06 am AWST, Peter Bell <>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We are looking at implementing Rivendell to replace an ageing NETIA
>> system, and I have been asked if there are any stations in Australia
>> using Rivendell, so:
>> Are there any radio stations in Australia using Rivendell?
>> Regards,
>> Peter.
>> IT dept Fine Music 102.5 (2MBS-FM)
>> --
>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Problem ubuntu 16.04 LTS

2016-05-23 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Wayne.
I hope you can answer this. My machine is 64bit. Can I put rivendell in a
64 bit machine? Or does it only work with a 32 bit machine?
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On Sat, May 21, 2016 at 1:15 AM, Wayne Merricks <> wrote:

> Hi David,
> Thanks for the systemd links, it helped me sort out the last little bits I
> had going wrong.
> I've uploaded all the scripts to github and updated the wiki entry.
> Wiki here:
> Github here:
> I recommend installing Ubuntu 16.04 server rather than the desktop
> flavours.  Once you've got that installed, download the script package and
> unzip to your home dir so that it is ~/install, then just run sudo ./
> my_riv_user_name
> About 20minutes later you'll have QT3, Rivendell 2.13.0 and a minimal XFCE
> Remember to run sudo rdalsconfig and rdadmin (reboot if you get an unable
> to start daemons error).
> Regards,
> Wayne
> On 20/05/16 04:44, David Klann wrote:
>> Hi Wayne,
>> I have a set of systemd unit files for Rivendell. Feel free to snag them
>> from the GitHub repo:
>> There certainly may be other ways to implement it, but I created a
>> "" in which each of the three rivendell services lives.
>> Let me know if you have questions about how I did it.
>> Thanks for documenting this process!
>> On 05/19/2016 05:44 PM, Wayne Merricks wrote:
>>> Hi again,
>>> I finally have some instructions up on the Rivendell wiki:
>>> I have to finish writing up the Systemd scripts for the Rivendell
>>> daemons but for now you can just run any Riv component and they will
>>> start on their own as long as you have /var/run/rivendell on the system
>>> with write permissions to your logged in user.
>>> I'm also tweaking a bunch of scripts to automate all of this but they
>>> will have to wait for another day or two.
>>> Hope that gets you started,
>>> Wayne
>>> On 2016-05-17 22:21, Manuel wrote:
>>>> Wayne Merricks <waynemerricks@...> writes:
>>>>>  Hi,
>>>>>  I finally had some free time to try this.  Installing on Ubuntu
>>>>>  16.04 is a bit more effort than normal because you can't use the
>>>>>  Tryphon repos which means you have to install QT3 from source
>>>>>  yourself because Ubuntu dropped QT3 in either 14.04 or earlier.
>>>>>  The install goes something like this:
>>>>>  1) Install all the dependencies of QT3 and Rivendell from source
>>>>>  2) Download the archive QT3 version
>>>>>  3) Compile and install that (you need to edit qmap.h and
>>>>>  qvaluelist.h to include stddef.h)
>>>>>  4) Compile and install the mysql driver for QT3 (not compiled in
>>>>>  normal configure & make)
>>>>>  5) Add QTDIR and others to your bash paths
>>>>>  6) Download Rivendell 2.13.0
>>>>>  7) Compile and install that (remember to make a script to create
>>>>>  /var/run/rivendell, systemd init?)
>>>> Hi Wayne,
>>>> The hard work is not the big problem, since after all job is done, I
>>>> should
>>>> have a system that can work for years.
>>>> But... let me know if importing audio data really works fine.
>>>> I have some 60GB of audio data but I don't bother to start a new
>>>> database
>>>> from scratch. My Rivendell 2.10.3 works fine, but working on a netbook
>>>> with
>>>> 1024x600 is just like watching the world through a submarine hatch. xD
>>>> ___
>>>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
>>> ___
>>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Scheduling Generic Promo when No Specific Exists

2016-05-07 Thread Geoff Barkman
I think one way to do this is the evergreen option. I think it plays if no
there option exists?
Many thanks
Geoff barkman
On May 8, 2016 12:09 PM, "Chuck" <> wrote:

>   I don't think there is a way to do this, but thought I would check
> here to make sure.  We have a weekly show where the host provides
> specific promos for most weeks.  Those promos come in batches of a month
> at a time and are put as multiple cuts in a single cart, with start and
> kill dates for each cut.  That has been working perfectly, and we only
> have to bother with that cart when a new set of promos comes in.
>   Some weeks, there is no specific promo, and we want to run a generic.
> Is it possible--without further messing with that cart--to schedule
> things so the generic cut plays only when there is no specific cut
> available?
> --Chuck W.
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Newbie with a New Install

2016-03-07 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Jamie.
What is the general health of the machine like? If seen errors like this
from bad ram and crook CD drives.
If you have spare ram try it. Or perhaps run memtest 86. You should be able
to run it for 20 minutes or so to test your ram.
Many thanks
Geoff barkman
On Mar 8, 2016 12:24 PM, "Jamie Dennis" <> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I have been beating myself up trying to do this new install but I can't
> get the system to boot up after installing.  Now, I have to admit that I am
> new at Rivendell and new with linux as well.  I have very limited
> experience in that I have only run an installed system and I've also setup
> an FTP Server with CentOS.
> So I downloaded the Broadcast Appliance DVD, since it has everything I
> need, CentOS 6.7 and Rivendell.  The PC I am trying to install this on is a
> Lenovo ThinkCentre M83.
> Once it completes the install, I reboot the machine and it starts running
> and then stops at ...
> [] ? child_rip+0x0/0x20
> I've tried changing Bios settings, I've tried changing hard drives, and
> I've tried re-installing everything more times than I care to admit.
> Please help,
> -Jamie Dennis
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Porting over from V1 to V2 software.

2016-02-25 Thread Geoff Barkman
I think one thing to watch when going from v1 to v2 is rdadmin password. I
think you are best to remove password on v1 then make a backup. Once
restored on v2, you can then create a password again.
Many thanks
Geoff Berkman
On Feb 26, 2016 3:15 AM, "Wayne Merricks" 

> In theory yes but you'll probably have to go into rdadmin and add your new
> laptop to the Rivendell hosts (check the config too).
> Keep a backup of your V1 dump as I did have the update fail once when
> doing a big version jump, reimporting and trying again fixed it in my case.
> On 25/02/16 13:50, David Brown (RH) wrote:
>> I have been using Rivendell V1 software on a laptop to make programmes
>> for my Hospital Radio station. I would like to now move to the new V2
>> software. I've loaded it onto a second laptop using the Appliance image and
>> updated it to the latest software.
>> If I now copy the snd folder containing the WAV files over to the new
>> laptop and backup the SQL database on V1, restoring it onto the V2 laptop,
>> will the V2 software update the database when it is restarted so I have a
>> duplicate of the V1 setup but running on the new laptop?
>> I don't have time to reimport all the music to V2.
>> Regards
>> David
>> ___
>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> ___
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Re: [RDD] Updates killed rivendell daemons

2015-09-22 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi tom
One thing you might have to do is log in to rdadmin. It will convert the
database to the new version and back up the old. Running rdadmin after
upgrading an important step.
Many thanks
Geoff barkman
On Sep 23, 2015 12:00 PM, "Tom Van Gorkom" <> wrote:

> Since our rivendell network is not on the air yet I thought I would run
> updates. I use a client on the network as a test machine for changes and
> ran the updates along with the new Rivendell ver 2.11.0. It ran fine so I
> updated all the other clients. Now none of the clients except the test
> machine will run RD daemons. They connect to msql fine, drives are mounted,
> no other errors that I found. They didn't seem to be able to upgrade to
> 2.11 either because of missing so many resources when I run ./configure.
> Not finding anything obviously wrong with my limited experience, I decided
> to reload RD on one of them. Same results. I then cloned the working client
> drive using dd clone and it worked... except that eth0 was renamed eth1. I
> found how to rename it in the networking rules but when people mention
> making sure the hardware address in the network-scripts/70-persistent rules
> matches the ifcfg-eth0 file hardware address, it didn't exist on the cloned
> drive. Copying it from the good drive only confused things because of the
> hardware address and maybe the UUID. I finally removed the 70-persistent
> rules file along with all defined network connections, rebooted, and got it
> working but on boot it gives an errors looking for the former eth1 and
> another user defined connection and even says it couldn't mount the nfs
> shares but it does and all seems to work correctly. It created rule for
> eth0 DHCP connection called ifcfg-DHCP (what I called it DHCP in the GUI)
> and one for the static IP called reairplay1. Have I made a mess or not too
> much? Will this cause trouble down the road? Would I be better reinstalling
> from the appliance disk and re-configuring/troubleshooting until I get it
> working?
> Suggestions? Never update once you have a working system?
> Now that I am making them all ver 2.11, should the ver 2.10.3 servers be
> updated?  I am a little hesitant but I have to learn this.
> Thanks,
> Tom Van Gorkom
> Radio Esperanza Engineering, KRIO AM/FM, KOIR FM
> Office: 956-380-8150
> Cell: 865-803-7427
> Rio Grande Bible Institute
> 4300 S US Hwy 281
> Edinburg, TX 78539
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Scheduler tips?

2015-09-16 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Tom
For those time announcements you can put them all in the one Cart and
make each Time announcement a seperate Cut you can choose up to
999 cuts inside a Cart.
Not quite enough to make time announcements for the whole day, you
would need 1440 cuts.
Each Cut, gets set up so it is only valid to play during 1 minute of
the day for your time checks. To fill up the other times have a few
generic evergreen station ids in the Cart to cover those times when
nothing else is valid to play.
Does that help you?
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On 9/17/15, Tom Van Gorkom <> wrote:
> Being new to Rivendell and having to become the staff trainer by default, I
> have scheduler questions. I have looked at Brett's Blog of 12/2009 which
> was helpful but not enough. We are a Christian teach, talk, and music
> station with several live segments during weekdays with every hour being
> somewhat unique throughout the day and night. Thanks in advance for your
> patience with all my questions. If there are documents that you could give
> me links to that would help as well as answering from your experience.
> - Do you use the included scheduler and does it work well?
> -How do I set up for live shows - stop automation or add a blank event of
> the show length at the right time?
> -My GM would like to keep using hard timed TOH "The time is..."
> announcements which seems complicated to work out. It seems like I have to
> overfill the clock a bit to make sure it doesn't run short and then either
> it cuts off whatever is playing at the TOH or I have to edit the log
> extensively to do fade outs before each clock end, or is there an easier
> way?
> -It seems like Rivendell 2.10.3-1 RDAirplay post point counter may still
> have inconsistencies - when changes are made in the loaded playing log, the
> clock doesn't always change accordingly. (I read about this in the
> archives). True? is there a trick to getting this right?
> Thanks,
> Tom Van Gorkom
> Radio Esperanza Engineering, KRIO AM/FM, KOIR FM
> Office: 956-380-8150
> Cell: 865-803-7427
> Rio Grande Bible Institute
> 4300 S US Hwy 281
> Edinburg, TX 78539
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] rdimport ignores seque-level parameter in cmd line

2015-09-08 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi there.
Apparently that bug has been there for a while.
There is a program called rdmarkerset that you can use to fix the makers.
Many thanks
Geoff barkman
On Sep 9, 2015 4:52 AM, "newsletter, mail" <>

> No one has that problem.?
> How to mass import without to fix every tracks seque fades by hand.??
> Am 2015-09-07 19:39, schrieb newsletter, mail:
>> Have tried it. But thats the same...
>> Am 2015-09-07 14:36, schrieb Richard Gorbutt:
>>> I've had this issue with some builds I've done.
>>> Try "sudo rdimport etc", in my case that worked. I had this issue
>>> with the appliance so I used Linux Mint 17 in the end.
>>> It was raised on this group a while ago but nothing came of it.
>>> Regards Richard.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Sep 7, 2015, at 08:21, newsletter, mail <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> OK, seems to work now with my new address...
>>>> Hi
>>>> Have some trouble with my import script.
>>>> It seems it ignores the  seque level.
>>>> The line is:
>>>> rdimport --drop-box --log-mode --fix-broken-formats
>>>> --autotrim-level=-65 --normalization-level=-10 --segue-level=-8
>>>> --segue-length=$segue $group * &
>>>> The $ parameter are filled by the script by asking the operator bevor
>>>> the import starts...
>>>> I've tested with -4 ,-8 ,-15 , -25. But the marker will allways stay at
>>>> the same position.(to early..) If i remove the --seque-level the marker is
>>>> set to the end of the track.
>>>> Whats wrong.??
>>>> BTW, why i can't use that parameter in the rdadmin/dropbox settings.?
>>>> System is a xubuntu 12.04, self compiled. Release 2.10.3
>>>> --
>>>> Ruediger
>>>> ___
>>>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
>>> ___
>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> ___
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Re: [RDD] Troubleshooting rdadmin, etc

2015-08-03 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Nicholas
I'm another Ubuntu fan except I use Lubuntu with its different desktop.

2 problems you might be having is group membership.

Just after you install and before you try to run rdadmin. Run these 2
commands in a terminal...
sudo adduser $USER rivendell
sudo adduser $USER audio

Also check in the /etc/rd.conf file that the line saying
AudioOwner=USERNAME is correct.
Now log out or reboot the machine. Then try starting rdadmin. You
might also want to check ownership of the /var/snd directory is

I hope this helps you.
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On 8/4/15, Nicholas Young wrote:
 After many attempts to make everything cooperate on CentOS with the
 Rivendell Appliance (and none of them successful), I decided to go back to
 an OS that I know: Ubuntu.

 Everything seems to be installed with the Tryphon repositories, but I can't
 successfully start rdadmin. It will connect, ask for a root password, and
 create the database -- but no luck beyond that. It complains about rdimport
 not being running, and closes.

 Any time that I open it after that complaint, I enter the user/password
 combo, and it says failed login, with the errors: QSqlQuery: not
 positioned on a valid record, and crashes.

 Any ideas?

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Max size of importing audio

2015-07-13 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Alessio
I don't usually import audio longer than an hour, but had similar
Audio Conversion errors.

I think I solved this problem with increasing the Apache Time Out
length in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf file. Ubuntu  not sure where
other linuxes store it.
Look for the line Timeout 300 and change it to Timeout 3000

1.2 gig for 2 hour audio files, sounds like a pcm wave file. I think
there is a limit of 4 gig on one of those files... my head hurts
trying to work out how long that is.
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On 7/14/15, Alessio Elmi wrote:
 I was noticing that importing very big audio files leads sometimes to
 Audio conversion error. We're talking of file of about 2 hours in plain
 wave format (a bit more that 1.2 GB).

 I suspect the reason is because the /tmp (or the ram?) is getting full or
 something like that. However on the / there are more than 25GB available so
 I cannot figure out where it gets stuck.

 Splitting that in two solves the problem but I'd like to understand it
 better for the future. Given available resource, what's the largest file I
 can import?

 Thank you


Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Possible Problem with Seque importing?

2015-07-12 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi There
Using Lubuntu 14.04 and Typhon Repositories
Rivendell v 2.10.3

I've been importing music using a command line option to import songs
in a given directory using the syntax.
rdimport --verbose --segue-level=-10 MUSICGROUPNAME *.mp3

It seems to be putting the fade point at the start of the fade down
instead of halfway down where it should be placed that is when the
music level drops by 10 db. Am I doing something wrong or has the way
of deciding when to fade changed? Should I change -10 to some other

It used to work alright in versions before v 2.10.3 of Rivendell.
Can anyone else confirm this problem ... or am I imagining it?
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] NPR news auto FTP limit to 3 min ONLY

2015-04-15 Thread Geoff Barkman
I just did a test on mp3split
# mp3split -t 3.00 filename.mp3
and it makes a new shorter piece of audio 3 minutes long.
There are other ways you can split it if it detects silence at a point
in the audio.
Many thanks

On 4/15/15, Geoff Barkman wrote:
 Hi Les
 The is linux command line program called mp3split. It should be
 available on most linux distros.
 You download the file run it through mp3split  dump any longer
 that 3 mins and then copy the modified file to your cart.
 This all could be done using a script that could be automated easily.

 many thanks
 Geoff Barkman

 On 4/15/15, Admin wrote:
 Hi Guys,

 We are downloading NPR news each day for rebroadcasting by ftp via
 RDCatch, the file is a 5 min news file with a pause at 3 mins if you
 wish to only take the 3 min part we can download the cart at 5 mins and
 manually edit it to 3 mins but really needs to be done automatically so
 far we have tried

 rdlibray npr cart

 Click enforce Lenth
 change Forced Lenth to 2.59.1


 Just ignores forced length although shows cart as 2.59.1 in log.

 also tried to use threshold settings but as so many dips its not stable

 Most other Broadcasters have different length news files but out
 listeners want NPR as there news service so looking for any ways that
 you may have got around this problem or could be a bug in forced length
 in carts.


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Re: [RDD] Table Rivendell.VERSION doesn't exist

2015-03-09 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Nicholas
You installed Rivendell using the Tryphon repositories. After
installing it, did you fired up rdadmin? This usually creates all the
necessary Rivendell Database and tables for the database.

 If you forgot to start rdadmin but instead manually created a
rivendell data base using mysql admin or some other mysql database
manipulation program. You probably just have to delete the database
that you made and then fire up rdadmin and let rdadmin create the
Database and tables itself.
If I read your email correctly it looks to me like you made the
database yourself... instead of rdadmin.

Once the database is correctly made you can also do a database restore
from another Rivendell Database if you have one from another machine.
I'm not sure if this is your first machine or you have another set up
of rivendell.

Many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On 3/10/15, Karl Koscher wrote:
 MySQL is sometimes case-sensitive, so make sure you created the DB as
 Rivendell and not rivendell (as the instructions say).

 On Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 5:40 PM, Nicholas Young

 So I did something not-so-smart. Installed Rivendell (from the tryphon
 repos), and realized I didn't have a Rivendell DB., so I made one. Now
 rdadmin is complaining that the table Rivendell.VERSION doesn't exist.


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Re: [RDD] AutoTrim Threshold

2015-02-17 Thread Geoff Barkman
My auto trim threshold in RDadmin  Manage Hosts  rdlibrary is set to
-30. I don't think I've had any problems with silence being added.
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On 2/18/15, Angelena Chapman wrote:

 When I set the AutoTrim Threshold to 0 in my rdimport command it works
 great. (Keeping my Liners, etc., exactly the length they have been edited

 However, I went into ConfigurationRDAdminManage HostsRDLibrary and set
 it to 0 and now instead of importing the items exactly the length they are
 - it is adding dead air to them. i.e. a program that is 26:00:00 when I
 open it in Audition is 26:08 after I import it into the library.

 Any idea why it is doing this?


 *Angelena Chapman*
 *978-696-0607 |*

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Can I Copy A Clock

2015-02-01 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Steve
If you open the clock you want to copy. Type in a new 3 letter number
combination up the top hit the save as button down the bottom give it a new
name to save it. Then close the clock. Open your new one. Edit away. You
might meant to change the colour of the clock so you can spot it when you
put it into the grids.
Many thanks
 On Feb 2, 2015 12:06 PM, Steve Atkins wrote:


 This is probably something simple I'm not aware of.  I'm using the 2.10
 appliance and would like to save as in order to make minor feature
 changes to the basic flow, and create a new clock (without having to
 reconstruct ten new ones manually).  I fear dayparting programming features
 would create predicability which I'm trying to avoid.  Any thoughts?


 Rivendell-dev mailing list

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Re: [RDD] New Installation - Audio distorts after about 2 Seconds

2015-01-12 Thread Geoff Barkman
I've had this problem with 1 pci soundcard. The onboard card worked well
but then I changed pci card for another type so I figured it was a non
compatible card.
I'm now using the funny card in a machine for non rivenddell stuff.
Many thanks
Geoff barkman
On Jan 13, 2015 8:41 AM, Christian Arnaut wrote:

 No, it snaps. It's an instantaneous jump in level.


  Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 12:36:59 -0700
  Subject: [RDD] New Installation - Audio distorts after about 2 Seconds
  Does the audio gradually ramp up to the distortion or does it suddenly
  snap to it?
  If it ramps, then I wonder if the audio card is set to feed back on
  itself. I've seen this before as sometimes default ALSA configs are
  And of course Ubuntu adds the Pulse Audio layer by default which is
  another place where things can go wrong.
  On 1/12/2015 12:13 PM,
   [RDD] New Installation - Audio distorts after about 2 Seconds
  Rivendell-dev mailing list

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Re: [RDD] Voice tracking

2015-01-05 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Al
In rdadmin  Manage Services  Select your service name and then Hit
edit  Select Your Voice track Group (mine is using the default group
You may have to close rdlogedit before the group becomes active.
I Hope this helps.
Many thanks

On 1/6/15, Al Sargent wrote:
 I have set up a group, VoiceTracking, with about 500 carts.  I went to
 RDLogEdit, select a log, and click on the Voice Tracker button and the

 No voicetracking group has been defined for this service.  Can someone
 give me a heads up as to what I am missing?

 Thanks - Al Sargent

 Rivendell-dev mailing list

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Re: [RDD] Networking with RRAbuntu 10.04

2014-11-30 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Ryan
You have your network machines all with Static ips?

The default install of Mysql locks in mysql so only the localhost
can connect to the database.

If you open the file called /etc/mysql/my.cnf
And look for a line in it saying bind-address   =
and change it to bind-address   =

Then you open mysql-admin on the server machine and add the

If you intend to share the music library between the machines you'll
have to use nfs to share the audio library.

Unfortunately the RRAbuntu 10.04 is quite an old version of Rivendell
with version 1.71 of Rd and I think you have to use pcm wave file for
your audio library which takes lots of file storage space.
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On Nov 30, 2014 5:03 PM, Ryan Kingham wrote:

 I'm trying to set up a network but I'm having trouble with the MySQL
 and terminal of the OS. Suggestions please!
 Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Importing files from a Rivendell Dropbox

2014-11-23 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi there
I think the file importing from a dropbox is working well now.
I increased the apache time out value from 300 to 3000 and some test
imports have worked well. I presume 300 = 300 seconds = ten minutes
and 3000 = 3000 seconds = 100 minutes and when you consider it only
took about 10 to 15 mins to import the 52 minute audio files  it
didn't miss out by much time.

Many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On 11/21/14, Rob Landry wrote:

 On Fri, 21 Nov 2014, Geoff Barkman wrote:

 Thats interesting about the files importing before they are finished
 copying. I struck that a few years back when copying pcm wave files
 into dropboxes... I assumed the network was too slow... so I assumed.
 I solved it by saving as 320k mp3 and hadn't struck the problem
 since. I wonder if an option would be for a dropbox to wait a few mins
 before it started importing? Perhaps a checkbox or an ability to wait
 x number of minutes before it started importing?

 30 seconds is usually enough, although it's easy to change the value in my
 script. It runs at the top of each minute, checking all subfolders of
 /home/scott/import except bad, which is where invalid files end up, and
 any other subfolders listed in an exceptions list.

 If a previous instance of the script is already running the new one
 immediately terminates.

 The script will run rdimport on any files with a .wav suffix. Anything
 else gets moved to 'bad, along with any file that fails to import.


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Importing files from a Rivendell Dropbox

2014-11-20 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Alessio
I found the conf file that you mentioned... I added another 0 to the
end making it 3000... will test out to see if it works.
Its just so weird... my Lubuntu set up works good as gold. Only
difference is I can see is the size of his database (20 thousand)...
double the number of songs... whereas mine only has 10 thousand
and mine is a database that is over 7 years old and its migrated
up through versions up to its present v 2.9.3.
Whereas his database is only 6 months old... and I think started at
about v 2.8.1 and migrated upto the prersent v 2.9.3
Its so strange Hopefully the apache fix will do it.
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On 11/20/14, Alessio Elmi wrote:
 not sure if it solves the problem.. We don't use dropboxes, our
 problem was that long tracks (like pre-recorded entire shows) give
 error when imported. Anyway track is present in terms of wav file and
 database audio length.
 So I checked the log but I will try to tweak on that the next days.
 Anyway you can experiment a bit on the field by tweaking Apache
 configuration file. In case you constate that it fix that behaviour
 please share that with us.
 We use Debian 7 (so Apache is 2.2, while yours probably is 2.4) so
 there may be difference in behaviour.
 Anyway you can find Apache config file in
 /etc/apache2/apache2.conf and there is a timeout value, which is 300
 by default I think.
 More info here: (for
 current apache version).


 2014-11-20 1:10 GMT+01:00 Geoff Barkman
 Hi Alessio and Wayne
 How do you increase the apache timeout? I take it is one of the conf
 I did notice when running top the rdxport.cgi process was using 25%
 of the cpu and importlog.txt has messages like Database connection
 failed: select FILE_DATETIME from DROPBOX_PATHS

 Many Thanks

 On 11/20/14, Alessio Elmi wrote:
 Nice tip Wayne thank you! We experienced the same problem and checking
 in the Apache log:
 [Mon Nov 17 10:52:15 2014] [error] [client] Script timed out
 before returning headers: rdxport.cgi
 Thank you!

 2014-11-19 15:24 GMT+01:00 Wayne Merricks

 Just a thought are you running into the apache script time out limit?
 imagine a 52minute mp3 would take some time to import and apache's
 time outs are quite conservative by default.

 Wayne Merricks
 The Voice Asia

 On 19/11/14 07:34, Geoff Barkman wrote:

 I've set up Rivendell dropboxes for my friends Radio Station.
 Running Lubuntu 14.04 Rivendell v 2.9.3

 His machine is also identical specs to mine. Apart from having more
 ram and 20 thousand songs in the database. My system has about half of

 I've made shared folders that his production machine saves files to
 (using samba). These shared folders are dropboxs for a series of carts
 in his system.

 The problem we are having with his system is Files not importing...
 deleting the existing audio and leaving an empty cart. We then have to
 manually import which sometimes works. We get an Audio Error OK... but
 the file has imported.

 The Audio carts are about 52 minutes long (128k mp3) ... should I make
 them half that length?

 Any thoughts
 Geoff Barkman
 Rivendell-dev mailing list

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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Importing files from a Rivendell Dropbox

2014-11-20 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Rob
Thats interesting about the files importing before they are finished
copying. I struck that a few years back when copying pcm wave files
into dropboxes... I assumed the network was too slow... so I assumed.
I solved it by saving as 320k mp3 and hadn't struck the problem
since. I wonder if an option would be for a dropbox to wait a few mins
before it started importing? Perhaps a checkbox or an ability to wait
x number of minutes before it started importing?

You mentioned that you had a script that imported audio and got rid of
junk files eg adobe pk files... Is it possible to see a copy of that
script? it might be something I can adapt to my situation?

Many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On 11/21/14, Rob Landry wrote:

 On Thu, 20 Nov 2014, Alessio Elmi wrote:

 Hi, not sure if it solves the problem.. We don't use dropboxes, our
 problem was that long tracks (like pre-recorded entire shows) give error
 when imported.

 I have encountered two problems using dropboxes. One is the well
 documented Apache timeout problem; but also, large files copied from a
 Windows machine into a dropbox may get imported before they're finished
 copying, resulting in a truncated Rivendell file.

 To avoid this second problem, I don't use dropboxes, but run a cron job to
 look for files to import; it checks the last modified time, and if it's
 more than 30 seconds ago, it assumes the file is complete and runs
 rdimport on it. Files that fail to import are copied to a bad folder,
 which usually fills up with Adobe Audition .pk files and other junk.


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Rivendell Not Recognizing Macros Commands

2014-11-20 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Ryan
There is a graphical program to send commands to your Rivendell machine.
In a terminal type rmlsend
One the box opens up type in the Send To field localhost or the
ipnumber of your machine.
Try a command like LB Hello World!
and see if a message appears in the message field on rdairplay. Make
sure rdairplay is open before you do it.
It is possible that something is blocking port 3306 that rml commands
get sent on.
I hope this helps
Many Thanks
Geoff Barkman

On 11/21/14, Ryan Kingham wrote:
 Both of my RD Machines aren't recognizing any of my commands when I
 program them into my computer.. It recognizes the sleep command,
 but other than that, it won't recognize any other command. Any
 suggestions please?
 Rivendell-dev mailing list

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Importing files from a Rivendell Dropbox

2014-11-19 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Alessio and Wayne
How do you increase the apache timeout? I take it is one of the conf files?
I did notice when running top the rdxport.cgi process was using 25%
of the cpu and importlog.txt has messages like Database connection

Many Thanks

On 11/20/14, Alessio Elmi wrote:
 Nice tip Wayne thank you! We experienced the same problem and checking
 in the Apache log:
 [Mon Nov 17 10:52:15 2014] [error] [client] Script timed out
 before returning headers: rdxport.cgi
 Thank you!

 2014-11-19 15:24 GMT+01:00 Wayne Merricks

 Just a thought are you running into the apache script time out limit?
 imagine a 52minute mp3 would take some time to import and apache's
 time outs are quite conservative by default.

 Wayne Merricks
 The Voice Asia

 On 19/11/14 07:34, Geoff Barkman wrote:

 I've set up Rivendell dropboxes for my friends Radio Station.
 Running Lubuntu 14.04 Rivendell v 2.9.3

 His machine is also identical specs to mine. Apart from having more
 ram and 20 thousand songs in the database. My system has about half of

 I've made shared folders that his production machine saves files to
 (using samba). These shared folders are dropboxs for a series of carts
 in his system.

 The problem we are having with his system is Files not importing...
 deleting the existing audio and leaving an empty cart. We then have to
 manually import which sometimes works. We get an Audio Error OK... but
 the file has imported.

 The Audio carts are about 52 minutes long (128k mp3) ... should I make
 them half that length?

 Any thoughts
 Geoff Barkman
 Rivendell-dev mailing list

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Re: [RDD] Sound card question

2014-11-18 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Jason
I think most m-audio cards should work.
Ubuntu will probably know your sound card is there.
In a terminal type this.
cat /proc/asound/modules

Sound Cards start at 0 and a second card would be card 1 etc

You should get all your cards listed.
If the m-audio shows up there.
You might have to add lines for the second card in the /etc/asound.conf file.
for example...
pcm.rd1 {
  type hw
  card 1
ctl.rd1 {
  type hw
  card 1

Now Ubuntu has a reputation for swapping cards around on subsequent
reboots. So you may need to hard code in sound card values into the
/etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf file. We can help you set that up if

I hope this helps you.
Many Thanks
Geoff Barkman

On 11/19/14, Tim Camp wrote:

 Generally if you check the alsa project any of the cards listed there to
 work on linux will work.
 Don't know about akai, but surprised the m-audio doesn't work for you, if
 they are external as in usb you need to make sure
 that the usb sound module is started. Most m-audio usb's will work with the
 generic usb sound driver.

 sudo modprobe snd-usb-audio

 should get it started for you.



 On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 9:27 AM, Jason McMullan

 Hi all,

 I deployed Rivendell for production a couple of months ago and I've been
 very happy with it. Production install is currently on an old mac mini
 running Ubuntu 12.04.

 Sorry to ask what is probably a common question but I'm a newcomer to
 Linux when it comes to audio support and configuration.

 Are there any recommended external audio interfaces that are known to
 on linux and with Rivendell? Or recommended PCI sound cards?

 I've tried a few external audio interfaces I had in the shop, including
 two M-Audio interfaces and an Akai interface without any luck. In all
 I could not get linux to recognize the interfaces at all, and could not
 find drivers for them. I know this is not a rivendell question per se but
 I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.



 Jason McMullan
 Program Coordinator at WHUS Radio .

 Rivendell-dev mailing list

 Tim Camp
 Director of Operations/Programming
 Dot Com Plus L.L.C.
 Mobile, Al.

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Sound card question

2014-11-18 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Lorne
I've been using Lubuntu 14.04 and haven't had any problems with Pulse
audio and Rivendell 2.93 on it. I've found the Lxde desktop seems to
run well with rivendell. No annoying unity desktop... so it runs fast.
I've tried remastering it to make a new RRAbuntu live cd but thats a
wee way off coming to fruition. Lots of scripts needed to automate the
set up.

Having to log out to add the user to the rivendell and audio groups is
a bit of a pain. But its a spare time project so I might get time over
my christmas/summer break in December January this year. (I live in
southern hemisphere).

Many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On 11/19/14, Lorne Tyndale wrote:
 To further what Goeff said...

 I run Ubuntu 10.04 and yes - it does like swapping around sound cards.
 PCI can be hard coded, but with USB - even hard coded - I've found that
 it'll still from time to time swap around the values for no reason that
 I can find.  Most of the time it works as expected, but every so often
 it doesn't.  As a result I've just taken the view of avoiding USB audio
 cards for all but basic consumer use.

 The other thing with Ubuntu - by default it has PulseAudio installed and
 enabled.  Unless you have a reason to keep it around (in which case, you
 can jump through some hoops to make it work with JackAudio) then disable
 the thing - it'll only cause you grief (and if it is using your audio
 card(s), that may be why you can't get audio to play)

 To learn how to kill it, have a look at:

 Hi Jason
 I think most m-audio cards should work.
 Ubuntu will probably know your sound card is there.
 In a terminal type this.
 cat /proc/asound/modules

 Sound Cards start at 0 and a second card would be card 1 etc

 You should get all your cards listed.
 If the m-audio shows up there.
 You might have to add lines for the second card in the /etc/asound.conf
 for example...
 pcm.rd1 {
   type hw
   card 1
 ctl.rd1 {
   type hw
   card 1

 Now Ubuntu has a reputation for swapping cards around on subsequent
 reboots. So you may need to hard code in sound card values into the
 /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf file. We can help you set that up if

 I hope this helps you.
 Many Thanks
 Geoff Barkman

 On 11/19/14, Tim Camp wrote:
  Generally if you check the alsa project any of the cards listed there
  work on linux will work.
  Don't know about akai, but surprised the m-audio doesn't work for you,
  they are external as in usb you need to make sure
  that the usb sound module is started. Most m-audio usb's will work with
  generic usb sound driver.
  sudo modprobe snd-usb-audio
  should get it started for you.
  On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 9:27 AM, Jason McMullan
  Hi all,
  I deployed Rivendell for production a couple of months ago and I've
  very happy with it. Production install is currently on an old mac mini
  running Ubuntu 12.04.
  Sorry to ask what is probably a common question but I'm a newcomer to
  Linux when it comes to audio support and configuration.
  Are there any recommended external audio interfaces that are known to
  on linux and with Rivendell? Or recommended PCI sound cards?
  I've tried a few external audio interfaces I had in the shop,
  two M-Audio interfaces and an Akai interface without any luck. In all
  I could not get linux to recognize the interfaces at all, and could
  find drivers for them. I know this is not a rivendell question per se
  I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
  Jason McMullan
  Program Coordinator at WHUS Radio .
  Rivendell-dev mailing list
  Tim Camp
  Director of Operations/Programming
  Dot Com Plus L.L.C.
  Mobile, Al.
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[RDD] Importing files from a Rivendell Dropbox

2014-11-18 Thread Geoff Barkman
I've set up Rivendell dropboxes for my friends Radio Station.
Running Lubuntu 14.04 Rivendell v 2.9.3

His machine is also identical specs to mine. Apart from having more
ram and 20 thousand songs in the database. My system has about half of

I've made shared folders that his production machine saves files to
(using samba). These shared folders are dropboxs for a series of carts
in his system.

The problem we are having with his system is Files not importing...
deleting the existing audio and leaving an empty cart. We then have to
manually import which sometimes works. We get an Audio Error OK... but
the file has imported.

The Audio carts are about 52 minutes long (128k mp3) ... should I make
them half that length?

Any thoughts
Geoff Barkman
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Test

2014-11-13 Thread Geoff Barkman
Recieved in Nz too.
I had to retrieve Andy's Email out of my Spam box. For some reason
gmail does like you... but I'm sure you're a reasonable sort of
person. You use Rivendell... so you must be good :)
Many thanks

On 11/14/14, Frederick Gleason wrote:
 On Nov 13, 2014, at 15:54 16, VE4PER / Andy wrote:




 | Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |  Chief Developer |
 |   |  Paravel Systems |
 |  A room without books is like a body without a soul. |
 | -- Cicero|

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Re: [RDD] Command to check rdairplay quit?

2014-10-12 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Bernardo
You could try looking at the main system log by using the tail
command. For example...
In a terminal.. type the following line.

tail /var/log/syslog

See if that give you any clues. You could try adding -100 to the
command to display the last 100 lines of information.
tail -100 /var/log/syslog

Do this as soon as you discover the error. Because rdairplay creates
about 10 or more lines in the log file every time a song or advert etc
plays and transitions to the next event.
Many thanks

On 10/10/14, Bernardo J Mora wrote:
 Could someone toss me a command line command to check why rdairplay could
 have quit suddenly on me?

 Just happened to check in on my stream, found it off line for about 15

 BJ Mora for GraceRadio

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Skipped today's log?

2014-09-27 Thread Geoff Barkman
I've had this problem before. What has probably happened is the Friday log
finished early. It clicked over to Saturday and then it got to midnight and
then it jumped to end and then moved to Sunday.
You can probably prove this by the first item on Saturday playing by the
play count in rdlibrrary unless it's something like a news bulletin that
plays every hour.
On Sep 28, 2014 3:12 AM, Bernardo J Mora wrote:

 Any ideas why today's log would have been skipped over in favor of

 RD seemed to be very happy playing Sunday's log today, Saturday. I find no
 evidence that Saturday's was touched at all... and yes, there was one
 generated for today, which I promptly loaded (after quitting RDairplay to
 do a software update including updating BASH to protect from Shellshock).

 in His service,
 BJ Mora for GraceRadio - on the air at
 KGCE-LP/Modesto, CA
 under construction

 Rivendell-dev mailing list

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[RDD] Checking if rdairplay is running

2014-08-27 Thread Geoff Barkman
I was having a few problems with rdairplay crashing randomly and
leaving silence on air. I made a script to check if it is running and
restart if neccessary and delete the rdairplaylock file.
I hope someone finds this usefull.

 I think someone wrote something similar a while back using a while
loop or something.
You could run it periodically using crontab if you wished?

 When you save this file dont include the word rdairplay as part of
the file name or else the running of this script will show up as an
rdairplay  process on your system. I called my script
... but you can choose a name that suits you.


# This returns a value of 0 (if not running) or 1 (if rdairplay running)
statusrdairplay=`ps x | grep -v grep | grep -c rdairplay`

echo $statusrdairplay

if [ $statusrdairplay = 1 ]; then
echo rdairplay is running

# Remove rdlockfile Change the path to the rdairplaylock file on your set up.
rm /home/geoff2/.rdairplaylock

# Start rdairplay

#Pause for 10 seconds to give rdairplay time to start up prior the
running rmlsend command
sleep 10
#Optional you could add this rmlsend line here to play next track if you wished
rmlsend PN\ 1\!


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Fwd: Trusty install

2014-07-27 Thread Geoff Barkman
I've had rivendell running on Linux Mint (not the latest). I think
from memory I had to add the new sources for tryphon into it using the
update manager. The repository key I added using the command line.
Linux mint doesn't store the apt-get sources in the
/etc/apt/sources.list It uses directories in that directory instead.
I've gone back to Lubuntu 14.04 now (... so I don't have access to
that machine anymore.

Many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On 7/28/14, Andy Sayler wrote:
 Also, make sure you didn't include the '$' in the 'sudo apt-get update |
 grep' command. I just added that to show the terminal prompt.


 On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 4:49 PM, Andy Sayler wrote:

 If the tryphon repos were dead, you'd still see 404 errors.

 Is grep not installed on Mint be default? That might be why you get a
 command not found error. Although manually looking at the apt-get update
 output works just as well.

 If you don't see any tryphon references in the apt-get output, it seems
 like mint is ignoring your /etc/apt/sources repo files. I'm not sure what
 to do about that, but it seems like a Mint issue.

 On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 4:40 PM, Pedro Picoto

 Using $ sudo apt-get update | grep '' I get a command
 not found (Guess it's a Mint issue)
 Update on terminal I don't see any mention to Tryphon reps (Dead Trusty
 Tryphon repos.?).

 On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 11:33 PM, Andy Sayler wrote:

 When you run 'apt-get update', do you see it pulling the latest package
 list from the tryphon repos?

 $ sudo apt-get update | grep ''

 I've never used Mint, just pure Ubuntu, so maybe mint handles adding
 party repos differently?

 Beyond that, I don't know why it's not working. Maybe mail the
 list/tryphon guys again to see if they have any ideas?

 On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 4:24 PM, Pedro Picoto

 Since i'm using secondary partition I've formated it and made a fresh
 install with Mint 17, again. Update and upgrade using terminal. Done.
 Dist update using update manager. Done.
 Add Tryphon reps and key. Done. (Checked the update manager to
 sudo apt-get update. Done.
 sudo apt-get install mysql-server. Done.

 (Fingers crossed)

 pedro@pedro-desktop ~ $ sudo apt-get install rivendell-server
 [sudo] password for pedro:
 A ler as listas de pacotes... Pronto
 A construir árvore de dependências
 A ler a informação de estado... Pronto
 E: Não foi possível encontrar o pacote rivendell-server
 E: Não foi possível encontrar o pacote rivendell

 Frustation is arising...

 My guide sites are these:

 I have no issues installing Rivendell on 12.04. On 14.04 is a %$#...

 On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 8:51 PM, Andy Sayler wrote:

 Response inline.

 On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 11:21 AM, Pedro Picoto

 Sorry for bothering you again, this time off-list. I think my
 noobness is becoming dumbness regarding this issue.

 I have listed on Mint 17/Update Manager/Aditional Repositories:

 deb trusty main contrib
 deb-src trusty main contrib

 I have listed on Mint/Update Manager/Authentication Keys:

 Tryphon debian Packagers root at


 Upon update:

 A ler as listas de pacotes... Pronto

 W: Falhou obter

 W: Falhou obter
 Não foi possível resolver ''
 W: Falhou o download de alguns ficheiros de índice. Foram ignorados
 ou os antigos foram usados em seu lugar.

 This looks unrelated to Tryphon, but it does look like you have a bad
 line in one of your source files: isn't a real
 address. Maybe a copy/paste error?

 Upon Upgrade:

 pedro@pedro-desktop ~ $ sudo apt-get upgrade

 A ler as listas de pacotes... Pronto
 A construir árvore de dependências
 A ler a informação de estado... Pronto
 A calcular a actualização... Pronto

 0 pacotes actualizados, 0 pacotes novos instalados, 0 a remover e 0
 não actualizados.

 That's fine, although you normally want to run 'sudo apt-get
 dist-upgrade' instead of 'sudo apt-get upgrade'. The former will make
 packages with new dependencies get upgraded, the latter will only
 packages with no new dependencies.

 pedro@pedro-desktop ~ $ wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -


 After all the above:

 pedro@pedro-desktop ~ $ sudo apt-g

 et install rivendell-server rivendell

 A ler as listas de pacotes... Pronto
 A construir árvore de dependências
 A ler a informação de estado... Pronto
 E: Não foi possível encontrar o pacote rivendell-server
 E: Não foi possível

Re: [RDD] Upgrading from rrbuntu to appliance v2

2014-07-02 Thread Geoff Barkman
Yes...Some people have created a password for the admin user... so
those people have to blank it to nothing during the transition.
 I got caught out with my database and had to get my wife's assistance
to log on to to mysql and alter it using the command line.
many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On 7/3/14, John Hodgson wrote:
 The username and password I use for rdadmin is admin with a blank password.
 I'm assuming this is ok?


 On 1 Jul 2014, at 22:14, Geoff Barkman wrote:

 Hi There
 I think the first thing you do before you make a mysql dump of the old
 database is to log into the old Rivendell system 1.x.x version and
 change the rdadmin log in password to blank (no password)
 I believe Riv 1.x.x stores the rdadmin password differently from Riv
 2.x.x. Otherwise you might block yourself out.
 I think someone else might have documented having to do this.
 Many thanks
 Geoff Barkman

 On 7/2/14, Wayne Merricks wrote:
 If you can; set up v2 on a separate machine with enough space for the

 Once that is working copy over /var/snd on the original to /var/snd on
 the new machine.

 Now dump your database on the original:

 mysqldump -u root -p Rivendell  backup.sql

 Copy that to the new machine and import it:

 mysql -u root -p Rivendell  backup.sql

 Log into rdadmin on the new machine to let it upgrade (might take a

 Go into edit hosts and add in the hostname/ip of the new machine.
 Restart the Riv daemons or restart the machine and you'll be back where
 you were on RRAbuntu just with v2 instead.


 Wayne Merricks
 The Voice Asia

 On 01/07/14 17:06, John Hodgson wrote:
 Hi guys,

 I've been thinking about upgrading from the rrbuntu distro which is
 running an earlier version of Rivendell. We don't have any problems
 it on the whole but I think we need to move with the times.

 Is there a step by step guide on what I need to do upgrade?

 Obviously back up my /var/snd folder but what else? Do I need to do
 anything special with the database etc?

 If anyone has a guide or any info that will help that would be great.

 Rivendell-dev mailing list

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Re: [RDD] Upgrading from rrbuntu to appliance v2

2014-07-01 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi There
I think the first thing you do before you make a mysql dump of the old
database is to log into the old Rivendell system 1.x.x version and
change the rdadmin log in password to blank (no password)
I believe Riv 1.x.x stores the rdadmin password differently from Riv
2.x.x. Otherwise you might block yourself out.
I think someone else might have documented having to do this.
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On 7/2/14, Wayne Merricks wrote:
 If you can; set up v2 on a separate machine with enough space for the

 Once that is working copy over /var/snd on the original to /var/snd on
 the new machine.

 Now dump your database on the original:

 mysqldump -u root -p Rivendell  backup.sql

 Copy that to the new machine and import it:

 mysql -u root -p Rivendell  backup.sql

 Log into rdadmin on the new machine to let it upgrade (might take a while).

 Go into edit hosts and add in the hostname/ip of the new machine.
 Restart the Riv daemons or restart the machine and you'll be back where
 you were on RRAbuntu just with v2 instead.


 Wayne Merricks
 The Voice Asia

 On 01/07/14 17:06, John Hodgson wrote:
 Hi guys,

 I've been thinking about upgrading from the rrbuntu distro which is
 running an earlier version of Rivendell. We don't have any problems with
 it on the whole but I think we need to move with the times.

 Is there a step by step guide on what I need to do upgrade?

 Obviously back up my /var/snd folder but what else? Do I need to do
 anything special with the database etc?

 If anyone has a guide or any info that will help that would be great.

 Rivendell-dev mailing list

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Re: [RDD] Blank Reports with 2.9.0

2014-06-23 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi there
Thats scary. I looked at my 5 computer rivendell set up has nearly
half the machines with Hyphens ( - ) in them. I don't generally do
reports but that might cause problems if I start doing that in the
Many Thanks
Geoff Barkman

On 6/24/14, Lorne Tyndale wrote:
 Hi again,

 I've found the difficulty only seems to come up on systems where there
 is a - in the Host Name.

 When I removed the - out of the host name on my test system and fixed
 all similar references in the database to my new host name (without a
 dash in the name) the reports worked.

 I can only guess that other similar characters in the host name may
 cause similar difficulties.

 Lorne Tyndale


 It looks like this is either a bug in RDLogManager or there is something
 extra missing from the report setup in rdadmin that was not previously
 required.  I can see the playouts are being added to the appropriate
 database in MySQL, so RDAirplay is working correctly.  We're just not
 getting the needed info pulled from MySQL when RDLogManager tries to
 create the report.

  Yes. I'm having the same problem on RD 2.9.0 Appliance.  Were you ever
  able to get it working?
   Ever since updated to Rivendell 2.9.0, we generate blank historical
   Anyone else having this happen?
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Re: [RDD] Btools ACS 8.2 Plus with RD

2014-06-15 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi There
We have one of these switchers to switch our station output from
computer direct on air or via the studio desk... or a net radio
receiver. The trouble is the stream goes off line from time to time
and we have silence during the night.
Is it possible to get the Broadcast Tools switcher to put the computer
back on air if the audio stream goes down (10 second silence
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On 5/21/14, Jim Stewart wrote:
 My Rivendell works perfectly with a BT ACS 8.2 Plus, including all the GPIO
 and silence sense capabilities.

 Under Edit TTY's, for entry Serial0, I have /dev/ttyS0 in the TTY
 Device field with 9600, None, 8, 1, and None in the rest of the fields
 Than just selected Serial0 under the Edit Switcher section for the BT ACS

 Assuming you are actually sending strings out of your serial port (perhaps
 need to test with a PC on the other end):

 Note that there are some different modes the BT switcher can be in. Perhaps
 is this NOT a factory new device? if so note that you can optionally hang
 several of these things on a single serial line if you enable a special
 addressing mode. When enabled you then have to specify the address of the
 unit you want to talk to on the front of each command. You may need to make
 sure your switcher is NOT in this mode as I'm thinking Rivendell doesn't
 support this.

 Also you will find you need to put the switcher into the non-factory-default
 of Mix Mode for it to switch correctly.

 If in doubt plug the BT switcher into a PC running a serial terminal program
 you are familiar with and send some raw commands yourself and see what
 happens. There is a little program called minicom available on Linux, but
 unsure if it is included with the Appliance, if not maybe you can install it
 with yum.

 On Tuesday 20 May 2014 10:37:36 am Nathan Steele wrote:

 Is there a difference with the PLUS version? I tried controlling it last
 night with the setting for the ACS 8.2, no dice

 Not sure anything is actually going out the seriel port. the SER light
 on the switcher flashes at bootup, but then nothing when trying to test
 my macro cart.

 I tried playing with the seriel port settings in rdadmin also? not real
 clear on whether i need to enable the seriel port there to work with the
 switcher or not. tried both ways. still no dice. not sure what Im
 supposed to put in the ttydevice field.

 The seriel port is shown by dmesg | grep tty

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] rdairplay pausing/MySQL issue?

2014-04-12 Thread Geoff Barkman
How old is your database? If it is several years old, it might be time to
run rddbcheck. Make a backup copy of your database first.
My MySQL dump of my database was 40 meg when running Rivendell 1.72 and
when I upgraded to rivendell 2.x.x it jumped to 80 meg.
The rddbcheck cleans out old stuff and fixes the database. You need to stop
all your rivendell processes to do.
Many thanks
Geoff  Barkman
On Apr 13, 2014 6:07 AM, Rob Landry wrote:

 On Sat, 12 Apr 2014, Lorne Tyndale wrote:

  When  it is slow / has stopped working, does TOP show anything eating up
 CPU cycles or memory on either of these machines?


 Rivendell-dev mailing list

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Re: [RDD] rdairplay pausing/MySQL issue?

2014-04-11 Thread Geoff Barkman
How is the network file share mounted?
Are you using nfs or samba? Samba can be quite unstable if you are using
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman
On Apr 12, 2014 3:08 AM, Rob Landry wrote:

 That doesn't seem to have helped.

 Alas, none of the logs I've checked offer any clues.


 On Fri, 11 Apr 2014, Wayne Merricks wrote:


 Have you tried skip name resolve in the mysql conf file?

 In the [mysqld] section just add:


 Then restart the server.

 Wayne Merricks
 The Voice Asia

 On 11/04/14 13:11, Rob Landry wrote:

 I have a Rivendell machine (Debian 6/RD version 2.5.5) running rdairplay
 on a network where it is using /var/snd and a MySQL database residing on a
 second machine (also running rdairplay).

 What I am observing is that rdairplay on the first machine (but not the
 second, where /var/snd and the database reside) will occasionally pause for
 several seconds while the audio continues to play. At the end of the cut,
 however, there will be a pause before the next cut starts.

 I've never seen this behavior before; if there were droputs in playback,
 I'd suspect a network problem, but in this case ecah cut will play in its
 entirety, even though rdairplay may pause in the middle of the cut, and
 there will be a delay of some seconds before the next cut starts.

 I'm guessing this is a MySQL issue. Are there parameters I should try
 tuning in my.cnf? If so, on which machine? The machine exhibiting the
 pauses is not the one hosting the database.

 Thanks all.


 Rivendell-dev mailing list

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Re: [RDD] RDAirPlay Issue

2014-03-23 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Todd
I'm not sure if you are are new to  rivendell or this is an install that
has been going for ages. Generally this sort of behavior comes from missing
audio or the permissions are wrong on your audio.
Missing audio. Check that the piece of audio exists in /var/snd directory.
Permissions.  Check the ownership of all your audio in your /var/snd using
the command ls -l /var/snd
The audio should belong to the user that runs rivendell and the group
should be rivendell.
I hope this helps.
Many thanks
Geoff barkman
 On Mar 24, 2014 1:30 PM,


 I hope everyone is having a good day =-) I am having an issue with
 RDAirplay. Basically, I load a play list which goes well. I start playing
 this play list. For some reason at random, the audio and the audio meters
 stop, but the file will continue to play. And from this point on, it stays
 this way until I reboot.

 Todd Maheu

 Rivendell-dev mailing list

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Re: [RDD] silence at log rotation

2014-03-12 Thread Geoff Barkman
What is the last trasition on the log before the log chain event?
If it is play the loading of the new log will take longer. Seque will be
quicker especially if it is a song with a long fade out.

sent by geoff on his android phone
On Mar 13, 2014 12:36 PM, Dan Gruner wrote:

 I have exactly the same issue - although the silence tends to vary from
 anything up to 10 secs.  Very annoying!

 Dan Gruner
 Loud Audio

 Office: 01963 406102
 24hr Mobile: 07590 044386

  On 12 Mar 2014, at 23:07, Rick wrote:
  On a dual core on 10% CPU I have about 10 seconds of silence at 00:00
 when the log rotates to the next day. I am sure others have solved this a
 long time ago, so perhaps anybody can tell me how to solve this or share
 his solution?
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Re: [RDD] Golden Hour Feature with Rivendell Scheduler?

2014-03-02 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Marc
I do a similar thing on a Saturday night... I made some sound codes
for live recordings of songs. And have different clocks for my
Saturday evening programming... the clocks have different events the
pull up Live recordings out of my music category... give a sort of
live feel to the show on a saturday evening.

I guess with your situation when songs are added to your system... tag
a date sound code to it... and when you are happy with having enough
in that category of years... start making clocks... and swapping them
in and out of your grids in rdlogmanager.

I think manually building logs is very tedius... Sound codes would
take a while to set up... but save you time in the long run.

Many thanks

On 3/3/14, Marc Steele wrote:

 We're a station that automates heavily (we're only really manned a couple
 of hours a day) and we're considering a Golden Hour/Top Ten at Ten/Time
 Tunnel type feature.

 Catch is, we're struggling to come up with a neat way of getting Rivendell
 to select songs from the same year for this feature. We could create a
 whole lot of song codes (one for each year) then create a whole lot of
 different clocks for each year. But that doesn't seem to be the most
 productive approach.

 So, does anyone have a neat way of doing this with the built-in Rivendell
 scheduler? Worst case we'll probably just end up hand picking the songs and


 Marc Steele
 Program Controller - NHR.

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Guide to installing RD on Ubuntu 12.04

2014-02-13 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Andy
I'm pleased that you are finding RRAbuntu handy. The version that you
are using was made about 2010. I used Ubuntu Customization Kit (UCK)
to create it. With some very cleaver scripting by Frederick Henderson
we created it. I have tried several times to recreate RRAbuntu on
later versions for Ubuntu... but have become frustrated by the new
unity interface. I have been experimenting with my new desktop of
choice Linux Mint but have been unable to get the remastering to work.

Transitioning from Rivendell 1.7.x series to Rivendell 2.x.x can be
quite tricky. If you have Changed the admin user password on 1.7.x
versions of Rivendell you need to change to no password or you might
get locked out of your system.

I think someone might have made some more comprehensive notes about
the transition... It might even be in the main Rivendell Docs.

Many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On 2/14/14, wrote:
 I just wanted to say well done for a good clear instructional post about how
 to install Rivendell. I consider myself pretty computer literate and have
 been using Linux for nearly 2 years, but I'm really not into all the
 technical jargon. I just need things I use to work straight out of the box,
 which is one reason I use RRAbuntu for a weekly live radio show on Sheffield

 I know there are more recent versions of Rivendell available than the one on
 RRAbuntu, but I've never been told of any benefit in updating, so have never
 bothered. And to be honest I probably still won't update until there is a
 new RRAbuntu that I can just load onto a memory stick and load over the top
 of the old OS.

 I think the thing that puts a lot of people off using Linux is the fact it's
 so complicated with having to do so much in Terminal. It's a bit like
 learning MS DOS was 20 years ago. So I'm definitely interested in anything
 that makes things easier and quicker to install. The main thing about any
 new RRAbuntu is that it would need to come with the ability to keep all the
 data (music library etc) from the version it replaces on any given machine.
 The installation should also be a GUI.

 As a current RRAbuntu user, those are my thoughts.

 Keep up the good work!


 Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone

 -Original Message-
 From: Stephen Ward
 Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 08:58:09
 Subject: [RDD] Guide to installing RD on Ubuntu 12.04

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Re: [RDD] Stereo phasing

2014-02-03 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi There
We had a situation in our studio when we still broadcast on AM and
mono when we had an audio lead that program makers could plug their
Ipod or laptop in and play audio. it sounded ok in the studio speakers
but when broadcast on AM... it sounded hollow with the middle channel
missing.  After lots of checking... I found that the XLR plug on the
desk had been wired wrong by a previous employee (Hot and cold wires
swapped on one plug) ... turning the channel upside down... and
getting nullified when being broadcast. Sound improved when the fault
was discovered and fixed.

Many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On 2/4/14, Cowboy wrote:
 On Monday 03 February 2014 06:18:15 pm Rick wrote:
 Virtual idea sounds great with phase check being critical.

  Except that some phase deviation is intentional, caused by mic
  placement when the source is recorded, so that's not an
  entirely acceptable solution.

  Stereo is stereo, and any attempt to mix it down to a single channel
  must result in the loss of something.

  The question becomes, how much is tolerable ?


 It's not reality or how you perceive things that's important -- it's
 what you're taking for it...

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Re: [RDD] Moving Library From Machine to Another

2014-01-30 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Brandon
The music library is the easiest part to duplicate. Are the computer or
host names the same or are they different? If the are different you will
need to go into rdadmin on your original machine and create the new host
name. Now once that is done you back up the database in rdadmin. This backs
up the MySQL database.
Now copy the audio from /var/snd over to the new machine to the same
directory. You'll have to check the permissions on the audio. Then you log
into rdadmin on the new machine and restore the database.
All your music should be in the new rdlibrary with all the relevant markers
I'm not sure exactly what aspects of your old system that you don't want
but I'm assuming its clocks and grids etc. If that is it you may might want
to make a new service in rdadmin. Don't put spaces in the service name. It
can be a problem later.
Duplicating the library will keep the play count numbers. They won't be
Let us know how you go.
Many thanks
On Jan 31, 2014 9:04 AM, Brandon Sossamon

 I am planning to load into my new machine this weekend.  I have a good bit
 of my library set with markers and would like to keep that.  Upon looking
 into the wiki for help, I found the following article:

 Can I move just my audio carts to another Rivendell System?

 Q: I would like to do a total Rivendell database overhaul and basically
 start over with a new system setup. The only thing that I would like to
 keep is my music library. Is there a way that I can keep the music data
 (name, artist, album, scheduler codes, etc.) and easily integrate it back
 into a new rivendell database?

 A: You might want to check out the 'rivendell-filter' utility (part of the
 'rivendell-importers' package), which was designed to do precisely this
 sort of thing --i.e. copy carts from one Rivendell DB to another.

 Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. Chief Developer Paravel Systems

 Note: See /usr/share/doc/rivendell/RIVENDELL_FILTER.txt on a computer with
 Rivendell installed for more information.

 I entered the above path and it gave me a no such file or directory
 error.  Are there further directions elsewhere?  Anyone have any tips on
 making this sort of move?  Will moving the database do the same or just the

 brandon sossamon

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Re: [RDD] USB to Serial Adapter

2014-01-13 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Ryan
We bought one of these in New Zealand from Dick smith to control the
same model switcher... works like a charm after trying unsuccessfully
to get a pci card serial adapter to do the job.

at $52.98 NZD its a bit dearer than the model that cowboy said about.
Geoff Barkman

On 1/14/14, Ryan Williams wrote:
 Does anyone have a recommendation for a USB to Serial adapter? This is to
 control a BT 8x2 switcher using the Appliance v2.


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Re: [RDD] Sound card positions

2013-11-16 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi mathew
Thats a common problem with the cards swapping around. The sound cards are
easy to hard code in the values.
First you need to identify the card types.
I can send you the details tpmorrow cos im away from my studio at the
Many thanks

sent by geoff on his android phone
On Nov 17, 2013 1:11 PM, Matthew Mangan

 Hi all,
 You will have to forgive me I am sure I read this somewhere in part of a
 post but can't seem to find it anymore. That or I had a dream about this
 mailing list and it never has actually been answered.

 I have a set up that contains 4 sound cards, two identical creative sound
 blasters that play out the main log in order. A digital USB connection to
 mixer for Rivendell cue or sound panel play out. And an onboard sound card
 which is set up to handle external sounds to Rivendell (allows for VoIP
 soft phone and audacity editing whilst using Rivendell)
 I'm running Linux mint with kde and all sound cards go through Alsa.
 However the problemo I have is that each time I reset the computer sound
 cards change order so rdalsaconfig goes all funky.
 What's the easiest way to somehow lock sound card positions so that sound
 card 0 will always be say creative blaster channel 1, etc?

 Thanks in advance!
 Matthew Mangan

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Re: [RDD] Rivendell over SSH

2013-11-07 Thread Geoff Barkman
Well done ales so with your tunneling.
I use an Ubuntu program called gstm to tunnel to save using the command
line. You can save connections to make them easy to reuse
Many thanks
On Nov 7, 2013 10:23 PM, Alessio Elmi wrote:

 Hi there,
 yesterday I succeeded in tunneling Rivendell over an SSH gateway. From my
 house, with my laptop I played *locally* music which is stored inside
 Here's the configuration:
 HOMESSH GatewayRiv. Server
 For the moment I just tunneled MySQL traffic (-L 3306:server:3306) and NFS
 mount (which needed two more bindings).
 From the Rivendell point oh view I created a new host in RDAdmin and
 that's it.
 I am pretty happy because even though audio is stored in plain wave format
 I was able to play with minimal latency..
 Anyway I noticed some error in terminal - launching rdlibrary - but it
 works. I still need to test import/export tasks (I will use local apache
 In your opinion is there anything more I need to tunnel in order to setup
 Rivendell properly?
 I know it is not a secure behaviour but it's been just an experiment.

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Re: [RDD] Rivendell on Debian Sid... import problem

2013-10-31 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Alessio
Are you sure that you want to run Rivendell on Debian Sid? Sid is
generally the Testing version of Debian and can produce interesting
results with any software.
If you were planning in implementing Rivendell at your station a
Stable version would be a best bet.
All the best
Geoff Barkman

On 10/31/13, Alessio Elmi wrote:
 Just to add info: deleting is ok (apache works)... only import is the
 problem (apparently it says it succeeded, but it didn't) in reality.

 2013/10/30 Alessio Elmi

 Hi everybody,
 anyone has tried Rivendell on Debian Sid? I tried even using Tryphon .deb
 and compiling it by myself.
 It seems that compiling is better... Even though I can't import files...
 The strange thing is that rdimport --verbose MUSIC ../../file.wav says
 ...done. From its point of view everything is ok, but:
 - I don't have audio in /var/snd
 - Entries in RDLibrary say 00:00 duration (red).
 Permissions on /var/snd are 777 (only for debug purpose) but it can't
 import properly.
 As rdimport says ...done I was thinking a multimedia decoding problem.
 Could it be?
 Do you have any test to do in order to investigate better the problem?

 Thank you


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Re: [RDD] caed finds MAD and TwoLAME, but rdimport cannot import mp2 or mp3 files ( Audio Converter Error: Unsupported Format )

2013-10-17 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Fred
According to synaptic (an Ubuntu package manager)
mp3val is a program for MPEG audio stream validation.

MP3val is a small, high-speed tool for MPEG audio files validation
and (optionally) fixing problems.

It was primarily designed for verification of MPEG 1 Layer III (MP3)
files, but supports also other MPEG versions and layers.

It can be useful for finding corrupted files (e.g. incompletely

And thats what Synaptic says...
Many Thanks
Geoff Barkman

On 10/18/13, Fred Gleason wrote:
 On Oct 17, 2013, at 18:59 23, Nate Hartmann wrote:

 Just to test if mp3val was actually the critical piece here, I removed
 mp3val using dpkg, and did a make clean  make  sudo make install to
 see if mp3 imports would no longer work. It still works, I can still
 import mp3 files. So, I'm not sure what fixed it, but I can't complain.

 I'd be interested in understanding exactly what happened here too.  When
 caed(8) starts, we attempt to dlopen() each of the MPEG libraries (Libmad,
 TwoLAME, LAME); if the dlopen() succeeds, we conclude that the corresponding
 capability is available (and report such to syslog(3)) and then do a dlsym()
 call for each of the required library functions.  If, for whatever unusual
 reason (version skew?) an expected symbol doesn't exist in a given library,
 the result should be a segfault in caed(8) when attempting to utilize that
 function.  Under normal circumstances, there should be no failure mode that
 would explain the appearances observed by Nate (dlopen() succeeds, but the
 converter routines report 'Unsupported Format'.

 In light of the fact that a complete rebuild of the source tree without
 'mp3val' still results in a fully working system, it seems safe to conclude
 that the original build was somehow corrupt.  How exactly that happened and
 if the somewhat mysterious 'mp3val' package played a part in it remains
 cloudy.  Would any Debian gurus here care to describe exactly what 'mp3val'
 provides?  There is no corresponding package in the Fedora/RedHat distro


 | Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |   Chief Developer   |
 |   |   Paravel Systems   |
 | Easiest Color to Solve on a Rubik's Cube:   |
 |Black.  Simply remove all the little colored stickers on the |
 | cube, and each of side of the cube will now be the original color of|
 | the plastic underneath -- black.  According to the instructions, this   |
 | means the puzzle is solved. |
 |-- Steve Rubenstein  |

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Re: [RDD] New instalation, nicer issues...

2013-09-10 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Pedro
Yes the cd issue
The /dev/cdrom is a mount point that can vary between Linux OS's and
versions of Os's
I have mine set in rdadmin  Rdlibrary config to /dev/scd0 (Ubuntu 10.04)

You could look in your /dev directory to see what devices are in
there but there could be a few devices for you to look through.
I hope this helps.
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On 9/10/13, Pedro Picoto (TSF/tec) wrote:
 To get a 192kbps bitrate, the Rdlibrary is set to 96kbps. Nice offset :-)
 The sample rate is stuck on the 48kbps...

 Hints for the cd issue. Any?

 -Mensagem original-
 De: Sharkie []
 Enviada: ter 10-09-2013 1:19
 Para: Pedro Picoto (TSF/tec)
 Cc: User discussion about the Rivendell Radio Automation System
 Assunto: Re: [RDD] New instalation, nicer issues...

 On 10 September 2013 10:01, Pedro Picoto (TSF/tec)

 I got it running. Except... the test tone cart didn't play.

 From memory, the test tone didn't work for me either.  But your imported
 audio can be played which indicates your set up is correct.

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] My Recent Problems with a New Install

2013-08-31 Thread Geoff Barkman
Hi Kevin
I presume this is just one machine or is it a networked installation.
What linux version are you using? (I've put some comments further down
in the email)

On 9/1/13, Kevin, Natalia, Stacey and Rochelle wrote:
 Hi Guys,

 I have built a new Rivendell box for the local Primary Schools radio
 just over a month ago and all was working well. It's due to go into service
 in 2 weeks time.

 But yesterday, after finally getting some free time to work on it I ran
 across a few problems.

 1.  From the Library, opening a music cart. Then I go into the cut, and
 I am wanting to edit the cut. When I press the Edit Markers button I get
 the following error message. Unable to download peak data, error was:
 RDXport service returned an error. The Edit window does open after I
 the ok button on the popup window, however there is no wave form (actually
 nothing) showing. I can press the play button and can hear the cart.

I've struct this when the database library (rdlibrary) has the
filenames listed... but the audio is missing from /var/snd or where
ever you are storing it. What audio type have you defined in rdadmin
for that machine pcm wave or mp2? Sometimes it gets confused if you
have it as one type and the database thinks its the other.

 2.  Generating a log, I have a made all my clocks and edited my days
 with the clocks I want,  but when I go to generate a log I get an immediate
 message window saying No Exceptions Found and no log generated.

In rdadmin  Manage Services  Edit Services
Have you defined a Log Template Name in there?
Usually something like %Y_%m_%d
and I also tick the box insert log chain to at log end.

 And just in finishing I have decided to put a larger hard-drive in the
 system for the music. Could one of you Linux guru's please advise what is
 the best way to copy all the data from the 2nd drive already in there to
 new one, so I can just do a swap over?

 Also on the subject of hard-drives, I have used a USB H/D hub and plugged
 the new Hard-drive into it, but the Linux box does not see the external
 and drive. I know the USB port is working because I can plug a USB stick in
 and it starts up.
Does it work if you plug the USB hard drive straight into the
computer... bypassing the USB hub? I think in some cases.. there is
limits on how long usb cables can be... more than 3 or 4 metres... it
either gets slow or doesn't work at all.

Many Thanks



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Re: [RDD] Timings

2013-05-14 Thread Geoff Barkman
I use rdlogmanager to create logs from the commandline.
My work station takes about 4 minutes to make each days log but the home
station takes about 40 minutes to make each log. I guess it comes down to
the number of rules and size of the mysql database for the system.
Main differences I see is Work station is only half a day because BBC
satelite runs over night... and under 10 thousand items of music ...
whereas home station runs 24/7 music with close to 15 thousand items in the
Many thanks
Geoff Barkman

On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 8:59 AM, Robert Jeffares

 RD Log manager can take some time to generate a log if you have a lot of
 songs in the library and have a number of rules relating to the selection.
 1.5 hours would be in the normal range. We run log generation from a shell
 script at 2am each day, when the time it takes bothers no one.

 Robert Jeffares
 Big Valley Radio

 On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 6:30 AM, Rob Landry 41001...@interpring.comwrote:

 Are you using rdlogmanager to choose songs? I have one system at a station
 that doies that, and it takes 25 minutes to generate a log. On another
 station that merges a separate music log, generating a log is virtually


 On Sun, 12 May 2013, Peter Claes wrote:

  How long does it take to generate a log on average ?
  1.5 hours, would that be normal ?
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