Re: [rt-users] LastUpdated x days ago

2010-10-11 Thread Raed El-Hames

I 've used:
LastUpdated = '15 days ago'

And it always worked for me.


> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:rt-users-
>] On Behalf Of Mathew Snyder
> Sent: 11 October 2010 03:23
> To: RT Users
> Subject: [rt-users] LastUpdated x days ago
> I'm trying to write  a script that will check for tickets last updated
> 15 days ago. I'm using the FromSQL method. As far as I can tell, it
> doesn't like the '-15 days' or '15 days ago' options. If I use either
> one every ticket in the queue I'm searching in is returned. Am I
> doomed to perform a separate comparison for tickets last updated
> 129600 miliseconds ago or is there a more succinct way to do this?
> -Mathew
> RT Training in Washington DC, USA on Oct 25 & 26 2010
> Last one this year -- Learn how to get the most out of RT!

RT Training in Washington DC, USA on Oct 25 & 26 2010
Last one this year -- Learn how to get the most out of RT!

Re: [rt-users] Help with "Correspond" condition

2010-10-11 Thread Raed El-Hames

Can you post the code that you cut and pasted to get a better idea of the 
Also something that I always fall into , is writing my action code in "Custom 
action cleanup code:"  and forgetting about and leaving
"Custom action preparation code:"  completely empty, you will need
return true ;


[] On Behalf Of Kenneth Crocker
Sent: 08 October 2010 17:25
Subject: [rt-users] Help with "Correspond" condition

To List,

I have some code that strips information out of the content and sticks it into 
a Custom Field. IT works great when I trigger it with an condition set for 
email create tickets. Every time, it works with no problem.

However, when I set the condition for "On Correspond" it does nothing. I want 
to be able to update that Custom FIeld the same way I create it initially and I 
figured "On Correspond" was the right condition. Apparently not.

I look ed in the TRANSACTIONS Table and I See the Type as "Correspond". So why 
doesn't the same code (I copied and pasted) that works for a "Create" not work 
for "On Correspond"?

My error messages (which don't make sense since I am user 146 and am a 
SuperUser) are below:

[Fri Oct  8 16:07:44 2010] [warning]: Couldn't enable user 146 
[Fri Oct  8 16:12:51 2010] [error]: Group::HasMember was called with an 
argument that isn't an RT::Principal or id. It's (undefined) 

Can anyone help me on this? I just need to get the condition right.



RT Training in Washington DC, USA on Oct 25 & 26 2010
Last one this year -- Learn how to get the most out of RT!

Re: [rt-users] Help with "Correspond" condition

2010-10-12 Thread Raed El-Hames
Morning Ken:

Try this :
my $message = $ticket->Transactions->First->Content;
my $message = $self->TransactionObj->Content() ; #and remove my $trans line 
-you don't need it
my $message = $trans->Content() ;  #keeping my $trans line


[] On Behalf Of Kenneth Crocker
Sent: 11 October 2010 17:44
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Help with "Correspond" condition


Thanks for responding. Yse, I do have a "return 1; in the Custom PRep area. 
Actually, I have tried getting this to work with the code in one or the other 
Custom Action areas. As an explanation of the context, I have not been able to 
get CommanByMail to update a Custom Field defined as either "text" or 
"Wikitext" if the content is over 76 or so characters. Apparantly, bith Gmail 
and Thunderbird and perhaps others email providers embed a line break character 
after that many characters and that causes a "line Break" in CBM and I end up 
with only partial updates. So, being the stubborn person I am, I got a perl guy 
to write some code I could put into a scrip that would examine the content of 
an email, look for a define delimiter (like "Description of Issue:") in the 
content and put everything after that delimiter into the Custom Field. Make 
sense? It did to me. In fact, it works perfectly when I set the condition to a 
Type = "Create" and message header = "received". But on a Correspond (meaning 
an update email as opposed to a create), it just doesn't seem to see the email 
at all. Nothing. Nada.
Well, anyway, here's the code:

# Setup initial values

my $trans = $self->TransactionObj;
my $ticket = $self->TicketObj;
my $cf_obj = RT::CustomField->new($RT::SystemUser);
my $cf_name = "Description";
my $cf_value = "Didn't work";
my $message = $ticket->Transactions->First->Content;
my $passed = 0;
my $content;
my $line;

# split up lines in content by line break

my @lines = split("\n", $message);

# walk thru @lines and find the description

foreach $line (@lines)
 if  ($passed == 1)
  if  ($content =~ m/^\n$/)
   $content = $content.$line;
   $content = $content."\n".$line;
 if  ($line =~ m/^Description of Issue:/)
  $line =~ s/Description of Issue://;
  $content = $content."\n".$line;
  $passed = 1;

$cf_value = $content;

# set the value for CF Description

$cf_obj->LoadByName( Name => $cf_name );
$RT::Logger->debug( "Loaded \$cf_obj->Name = ". $cf_obj->Name() ."\n" );
$ticket->AddCustomFieldValue( Field=>$cf_obj, Value=>$cf_value, 
RecordTransaction=>0 );

return 1;

Thanks for your help.

On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 2:36 AM, Raed El-Hames>> wrote:

Can you post the code that you cut and pasted to get a better idea of the 
Also something that I always fall into , is writing my action code in "Custom 
action cleanup code:"  and forgetting about and leaving
"Custom action preparation code:"  completely empty, you will need
return true ;


 On Behalf Of Kenneth Crocker
Sent: 08 October 2010 17:25
Subject: [rt-users] Help with "Correspond" condition

To List,

I have some code that strips information out of the content and sticks it into 
a Custom Field. IT works great when I trigger it with an condition set for 
email create tickets. Every time, it works with no problem.

However, when I set the condition for "On Correspond" it does nothing. I want 
to be able to update that Custom FIeld the same way I create it initially and I 
figured "On Correspond" was the right condition. Apparently not.

I look ed in the TRANSACTIONS Table and I See the Type as "Correspond". So why 
doesn't the same code (I copied and pasted) that works for a "Create" not work 
for "On Correspond"?

My error messages (which don't make sense since I am user 146 and am a 
SuperUser) are below:

[Fri Oct  8 16:07:44 2010] [warning]: Couldn't enable user 146 
[Fri Oct  8 16:12:51 2010] [error]: Group::HasMember was called with an 
argument that isn't an RT::Principal or id. It's (undefined) 

Can anyone help me on this? I just need to get the condition right.



RT Training in Washington DC, USA on Oct 25 & 26 2010
Last one this year -- Learn how to get the most out of RT!

[rt-users] memory leak after search

2010-10-12 Thread Raed El-Hames

perl5 (revision 5 version 8 subversion 8)

mod_perl2 v2.04;

DBIx::SearchBuilder v1.56;

DBD::mysql v4.005;

DBI v1.605;

When a user run a search that returns > 5 tickets , the search runs fine 
and results back fairly quickly (< 10 seconds).

However if a user subsequently opens a ticket -even a small ticket- , it takes 
a long time to open and an apache process start growing and grows further with 
every click during that session, until the user delete the cookie and the 
apache process have to be killed  ...

I have googled for this issue and could n't find any threads relates to this, I 
have removed all customisations , so I know its any local work done here,

Have any one else come across this? And is there a fix??



RT Training in Washington DC, USA on Oct 25 & 26 2010
Last one this year -- Learn how to get the most out of RT!

Re: [rt-users] memory leak after search

2010-10-12 Thread Raed El-Hames
Thanks for you replies ..
Because of the heavy customisation I have on my production enviroment , its not 
simple for me to upgrade RT versions,
Do you know where the fix have been applied? Which modules/Elements ??


From: [] On Behalf Of 
Ruslan Zakirov
Sent: 12 October 2010 14:50
To: Kenneth Marshall
Cc:; Raed El-Hames
Subject: Re: [rt-users] memory leak after search


Quiet right and that has been fixed in 3.8.8.

Regards, Ruslan. From phone.
2010 10 12 17:05 пользователь "Kenneth Marshall">> написал:
> On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 01:58:14PM +0100, Raed El-Hames wrote:
>> Hi:
>> RT-3.8.7
>> Apache2
>> Mysql
>> perl5 (revision 5 version 8 subversion 8)
>> mod_perl2 v2.04;
>> DBIx::SearchBuilder v1.56;
>> DBD::mysql v4.005;
>> DBI v1.605;
>> When a user run a search that returns > 5 tickets , the search runs fine 
>> and results back fairly quickly (< 10 seconds).
>> However if a user subsequently opens a ticket -even a small ticket- , it 
>> takes a long time to open and an apache process start growing and grows 
>> further with every click during that session, until the user delete the 
>> cookie and the apache process have to be killed ...
>> I have googled for this issue and could n't find any threads relates to 
>> this, I have removed all customisations , so I know its any local work done 
>> here,
>> Have any one else come across this? And is there a fix??
>> Regards;
>> Roy
> Hi Roy,
> There was a thread in the mailing list about this issue. Basically
> RT pulls a set of information for every ticket that the search returns
> when opening one of the searched for tickets. I think this was fixed
> in 3.8.8. The only work-around that I recall is "don't do that". :)
> I think the thread was about memory use in RT if you want to look
> at it.
> Regards,
> Ken
> RT Training in Washington DC, USA on Oct 25 & 26 2010
> Last one this year -- Learn how to get the most out of RT!

RT Training in Washington DC, USA on Oct 25 & 26 2010
Last one this year -- Learn how to get the most out of RT!

Re: [rt-users] memory leak after search

2010-10-12 Thread Raed El-Hames
>Nice point you have raised there, but I have a question.

>1. Did you conform to RT localization rules from the word go?
>2. Are your localizations standard?

Yes. As much as possible, whenever I can use a call back I do, but sometimes 
its not possible
I did a fair amount of tinkering with the modules (improve speed etc ) .. I do 
this by copying the routine in question into _Vendor, but again sometimes the 
whole module need copying..

>I am asking because you've raised an issue that would bother everyone - that 
>you've done customizations that have now jailed you into a particular version 
>of RT. >Perhaps you should have contributed your customizations back to the 
>developers to see if they could be incorporated into the main branch, aka 
>giving back to the >community:)

Certain customisation only apply to our business rules and the set of 
permissions and preferences that we apply,  a big chunk of my changes to bypass 
some of the ACL checks , based on who is logged in and what they can see etc 
and groups they belong to, we have over 1000 priv users and ~500 users all 
together, over 200 tickets, so a join to CachedGroupMembers with every 
query was slowing things.

I am not locked to a particular version , I upgrade once a year, but I usually 
go through most of the code base and evaluate.
By the way I do my fair share of contributing back to the rt- list ☺

Hope that helps ;


From: Odhiambo Washington []
Sent: 12 October 2010 15:20
To: Raed El-Hames
Subject: Re: [rt-users] memory leak after search

On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 4:56 PM, Raed El-Hames>> wrote:
Thanks for you replies ..
Because of the heavy customisation I have on my production enviroment , its not 
simple for me to upgrade RT versions,
Do you know where the fix have been applied? Which modules/Elements ??

Nice point you have raised there, but I have a question.

1. Did you conform to RT localization rules from the word go?
2. Are your localizations standard?

I am asking because you've raised an issue that would bother everyone - that 
you've done customizations that have now jailed you into a particular version 
of RT. Perhaps you should have contributed your customizations back to the 
developers to see if they could be incorporated into the main branch, aka 
giving back to the community:)

Best regards,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"If you have nothing good to say about someone, just shut up!."
   -- Lucky Dube

RT Training in Washington DC, USA on Oct 25 & 26 2010
Last one this year -- Learn how to get the most out of RT!

Re: [rt-users] memory leak after search

2010-10-12 Thread Raed El-Hames
>You must be running one of the biggest RT setups in the world:-)
I bet cpan is 10 x bigger ..
200 tickets is not really that big, we ‘ve been using rt for many years 
now, thanks for best practical and the community


From: Odhiambo Washington []
Sent: 12 October 2010 16:30
To: Raed El-Hames
Subject: Re: [rt-users] memory leak after search

You must be running one of the biggest RT setups in the world:-)

You have clearly answered me and cleared my mind.

On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 6:20 PM, Raed El-Hames>> wrote:
>Nice point you have raised there, but I have a question.

>1. Did you conform to RT localization rules from the word go?
>2. Are your localizations standard?

Yes. As much as possible, whenever I can use a call back I do, but sometimes 
its not possible
I did a fair amount of tinkering with the modules (improve speed etc ) .. I do 
this by copying the routine in question into _Vendor, but again sometimes the 
whole module need copying..

>I am asking because you've raised an issue that would bother everyone - that 
>you've done customizations that have now jailed you into a particular version 
>of RT. >Perhaps you should have contributed your customizations back to the 
>developers to see if they could be incorporated into the main branch, aka 
>giving back to the >community:)

Certain customisation only apply to our business rules and the set of 
permissions and preferences that we apply,  a big chunk of my changes to bypass 
some of the ACL checks , based on who is logged in and what they can see etc 
and groups they belong to, we have over 1000 priv users and ~500 users all 
together, over 200 tickets, so a join to CachedGroupMembers with every 
query was slowing things.

I am not locked to a particular version , I upgrade once a year, but I usually 
go through most of the code base and evaluate.
By the way I do my fair share of contributing back to the rt- list ☺

Hope that helps ;


From: Odhiambo Washington [<>]
Sent: 12 October 2010 15:20
To: Raed El-Hames

Subject: Re: [rt-users] memory leak after search

On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 4:56 PM, Raed El-Hames>> wrote:
Thanks for you replies ..
Because of the heavy customisation I have on my production enviroment , its not 
simple for me to upgrade RT versions,
Do you know where the fix have been applied? Which modules/Elements ??

Nice point you have raised there, but I have a question.

1. Did you conform to RT localization rules from the word go?
2. Are your localizations standard?

I am asking because you've raised an issue that would bother everyone - that 
you've done customizations that have now jailed you into a particular version 
of RT. Perhaps you should have contributed your customizations back to the 
developers to see if they could be incorporated into the main branch, aka 
giving back to the community:)

Best regards,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"If you have nothing good to say about someone, just shut up!."
   -- Lucky Dube

Best regards,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"If you have nothing good to say about someone, just shut up!."
   -- Lucky Dube

RT Training in Washington DC, USA on Oct 25 & 26 2010
Last one this year -- Learn how to get the most out of RT!

Re: [rt-users] memory leak after search

2010-10-12 Thread Raed El-Hames
My mistake every one, 00 too many .. (5)
I was amused by the original question ..

If everyone is happy with my set up  now, can they actually help with where the 
fixes for the memory leak are in 3.8.8


From: Josh Narins []
Sent: 12 October 2010 18:23
To: Raed El-Hames; Odhiambo Washington
Subject: RE: [rt-users] memory leak after search

You also said you have 5,000,000 users.

Are you running a trouble ticket system for the nation of Switzerland, perhaps, 
and each living adult gets an account?

I'm filing a ticket to the Washington-DC-General queue to request that system 
for America, but I think I'm going to get wishlisted.

Josh Narins

Director of Application Development
845 Third Ave
7th Floor
New York, NY 10022
Tel: (212) 994-6194
Fax: (212) 994-4260
Mobile: (917) 488-6248<>


SeniorBridge Statement of Confidentiality: The contents of this email message 
are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s) and may contain 
confidential or privileged information. Any dissemination, distribution or 
copying of this email by an unintended or mistaken recipient is strictly 
prohibited. In said event, kindly reply to the sender and destroy all entries 
of this message and any attachments from your system. Thank you.
[] On Behalf Of Raed El-Hames
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 1:13 PM
To: Odhiambo Washington
Subject: Re: [rt-users] memory leak after search

>You must be running one of the biggest RT setups in the world:-)
I bet cpan is 10 x bigger ..
200 tickets is not really that big, we ‘ve been using rt for many years 
now, thanks for best practical and the community


From: Odhiambo Washington []
Sent: 12 October 2010 16:30
To: Raed El-Hames
Subject: Re: [rt-users] memory leak after search

You must be running one of the biggest RT setups in the world:-)

You have clearly answered me and cleared my mind.

On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 6:20 PM, Raed El-Hames>> wrote:
>Nice point you have raised there, but I have a question.

>1. Did you conform to RT localization rules from the word go?
>2. Are your localizations standard?

Yes. As much as possible, whenever I can use a call back I do, but sometimes 
its not possible
I did a fair amount of tinkering with the modules (improve speed etc ) .. I do 
this by copying the routine in question into _Vendor, but again sometimes the 
whole module need copying..

>I am asking because you've raised an issue that would bother everyone - that 
>you've done customizations that have now jailed you into a particular version 
>of RT. >Perhaps you should have contributed your customizations back to the 
>developers to see if they could be incorporated into the main branch, aka 
>giving back to the >community:)

Certain customisation only apply to our business rules and the set of 
permissions and preferences that we apply,  a big chunk of my changes to bypass 
some of the ACL checks , based on who is logged in and what they can see etc 
and groups they belong to, we have over 1000 priv users and ~500 users all 
together, over 200 tickets, so a join to CachedGroupMembers with every 
query was slowing things.

I am not locked to a particular version , I upgrade once a year, but I usually 
go through most of the code base and evaluate.
By the way I do my fair share of contributing back to the rt- list ☺

Hope that helps ;


From: Odhiambo Washington [<>]
Sent: 12 October 2010 15:20
To: Raed El-Hames

Subject: Re: [rt-users] memory leak after search

On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 4:56 PM, Raed El-Hames>> wrote:
Thanks for you replies ..
Because of the heavy customisation I have on my production enviroment , its not 
simple for me to upgrade RT versions,
Do you know where the fix have been applied? Which modules/Elements ??

Nice point you have raised there, but I have a question.

1. Did you conform to RT localization rules from the word go?
2. Are your localizations standard?

I am asking because you've raised an issue that would bother everyone - that 
you've done customizations that have now jailed you into a particular version 
of RT. Perhaps you should have contributed your customizations back to the 
developers to see if they could be incorporated into the main branch, aka 
giving back to the community:)

Best regards,

Re: [rt-users] RT Query not allowing any Custom Field selection

2010-10-15 Thread Raed El-Hames
Hi Ken:

It usually throw you into the Advanced tab when the sql generated is not 
properly formatted into FromSQL ..
Can you share what you get in the advanced Query ? it may also be a problem in 
the displayed fields listed in Format.


[] On Behalf Of Kenneth Crocker
Sent: 15 October 2010 00:40
Subject: [rt-users] RT Query not allowing any Custom Field selection

To List,

I'm getting a wierd result when trying to create a search looking for a certain 
value in a Custom Field that is applied to a couple Queues.
I check the Queues and add them, no problem. I check the Custom Field and add 
it and I am immediately thrown into "Advanced". Every change I make after that 
cannot be applied. I just end up back in the "Advanced" screen. It acts like 
there is no such Custom FIeld. I tried "Like" and "is" and no joy.

I've checked the Custom Field and it IS applied to those Queues.
The Values ARE available for "Select One"
I am a SuperUser so I should have rights to it, but I went ahead and added 
"AdminCustomField", "ModifyCustomField" and "SeeCustomField" to the group I'm 
in anyway. Still no joy.

When I run an SQL in SQL Navigator against the OBJECTCUSTOMFIELDVALUES Table 
with this code:

select *
where CustomField = 50111
  and (Content = 'Ledger' or Content = 'Expense');

I got 12 records. None are disabled.

I'm in 3.8.7 and Queries without Custom Fields are working fine.

Has anyone noticed this?

Was it mentioned awhile back and I missed it?

Thanks in advance.


RT Training in Washington DC, USA on Oct 25 & 26 2010
Last one this year -- Learn how to get the most out of RT!

Re: [rt-users] RT Query not allowing any Custom Field selection

2010-10-15 Thread Raed El-Hames

Can't see much wrong , the only thing I noticed CF.{DS-SubjectArea} should be 
Not sure if it makes any difference
As a first step, I would suggest as you  are directed to the Advanced page, add 
the ' around the CF name and hit apply, then see what happens and if you can 
search, if it works, then the next step is finding out why its not adding ' in 
the first place.


[] On Behalf Of Kenneth Crocker
Sent: 15 October 2010 17:15
Subject: Re: [rt-users] RT Query not allowing any Custom Field selection


Just keep it up guy, and I'm gonna end up owing you an entire brewery. ;-).

This is what is in "Advance":

( Queue = 'DS-BRS' OR Queue = 'DS-Development' ) AND CF.{DS-SubjectArea} = 

and it won't let me get out of it. If I hit "ShowResults", it just shows ALL 
tickets in those two Queues, regardless of the CF value.

The funny thing is, I checked the DB records and the values are there, the 
OBJECTCUSTOMFIELDVALUES records are there (not disabled) for several tickets, 
the Tickets show the values in Display, Privileges are correct for the group 
I'm in (plus I'm a SuperUser), CF is applied to these Queues (duh, wouldn't see 
them in Display otherwise), etc. All data in the DB seems quite correct. RT is 
being VERY STUBBORN about this.

Any ideas?

On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 2:25 AM, Raed El-Hames>> wrote:
Hi Ken:

It usually throw you into the Advanced tab when the sql generated is not 
properly formatted into FromSQL ..
Can you share what you get in the advanced Query ? it may also be a problem in 
the displayed fields listed in Format.


 On Behalf Of Kenneth Crocker
Sent: 15 October 2010 00:40
Subject: [rt-users] RT Query not allowing any Custom Field selection

To List,

I'm getting a wierd result when trying to create a search looking for a certain 
value in a Custom Field that is applied to a couple Queues.
I check the Queues and add them, no problem. I check the Custom Field and add 
it and I am immediately thrown into "Advanced". Every change I make after that 
cannot be applied. I just end up back in the "Advanced" screen. It acts like 
there is no such Custom FIeld. I tried "Like" and "is" and no joy.

I've checked the Custom Field and it IS applied to those Queues.
The Values ARE available for "Select One"
I am a SuperUser so I should have rights to it, but I went ahead and added 
"AdminCustomField", "ModifyCustomField" and "SeeCustomField" to the group I'm 
in anyway. Still no joy.

When I run an SQL in SQL Navigator against the OBJECTCUSTOMFIELDVALUES Table 
with this code:

select *
where CustomField = 50111
  and (Content = 'Ledger' or Content = 'Expense');

I got 12 records. None are disabled.

I'm in 3.8.7 and Queries without Custom Fields are working fine.

Has anyone noticed this?

Was it mentioned awhile back and I missed it?

Thanks in advance.


RT Training in Washington DC, USA on Oct 25 & 26 2010
Last one this year -- Learn how to get the most out of RT!

Re: [rt-users] RT Query not allowing any Custom Field selection

2010-10-18 Thread Raed El-Hames
Ø  Where did you find that? I don't remember any instructions on having to use 
quotes around a CF name. Did I miss that or did you come by that info via trail 
& error?

Working with RT for 8 years, you come across all sorts :¬)

[] On Behalf Of Kenneth Crocker
Sent: 15 October 2010 20:59
Subject: Re: [rt-users] RT Query not allowing any Custom Field selection


That did it. Where did you find that? I don't remember any instructions on 
having to use quotes around a CF name. Did I miss that or did you come by that 
info via trail & error?

Now, again, I owe you MORE beer. ;-).


On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 9:44 AM, Raed El-Hames>> wrote:

Can't see much wrong , the only thing I noticed CF.{DS-SubjectArea} should be 
Not sure if it makes any difference
As a first step, I would suggest as you  are directed to the Advanced page, add 
the ' around the CF name and hit apply, then see what happens and if you can 
search, if it works, then the next step is finding out why its not adding ' in 
the first place.


 On Behalf Of Kenneth Crocker
Sent: 15 October 2010 17:15

Subject: Re: [rt-users] RT Query not allowing any Custom Field selection


Just keep it up guy, and I'm gonna end up owing you an entire brewery. ;-).

This is what is in "Advance":

( Queue = 'DS-BRS' OR Queue = 'DS-Development' ) AND CF.{DS-SubjectArea} = 

and it won't let me get out of it. If I hit "ShowResults", it just shows ALL 
tickets in those two Queues, regardless of the CF value.

The funny thing is, I checked the DB records and the values are there, the 
OBJECTCUSTOMFIELDVALUES records are there (not disabled) for several tickets, 
the Tickets show the values in Display, Privileges are correct for the group 
I'm in (plus I'm a SuperUser), CF is applied to these Queues (duh, wouldn't see 
them in Display otherwise), etc. All data in the DB seems quite correct. RT is 
being VERY STUBBORN about this.

Any ideas?

On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 2:25 AM, Raed El-Hames>> wrote:
Hi Ken:

It usually throw you into the Advanced tab when the sql generated is not 
properly formatted into FromSQL ..
Can you share what you get in the advanced Query ? it may also be a problem in 
the displayed fields listed in Format.


 On Behalf Of Kenneth Crocker
Sent: 15 October 2010 00:40
Subject: [rt-users] RT Query not allowing any Custom Field selection

To List,

I'm getting a wierd result when trying to create a search looking for a certain 
value in a Custom Field that is applied to a couple Queues.
I check the Queues and add them, no problem. I check the Custom Field and add 
it and I am immediately thrown into "Advanced". Every change I make after that 
cannot be applied. I just end up back in the "Advanced" screen. It acts like 
there is no such Custom FIeld. I tried "Like" and "is" and no joy.

I've checked the Custom Field and it IS applied to those Queues.
The Values ARE available for "Select One"
I am a SuperUser so I should have rights to it, but I went ahead and added 
"AdminCustomField", "ModifyCustomField" and "SeeCustomField" to the group I'm 
in anyway. Still no joy.

When I run an SQL in SQL Navigator against the OBJECTCUSTOMFIELDVALUES Table 
with this code:

select *
where CustomField = 50111
  and (Content = 'Ledger' or Content = 'Expense');

I got 12 records. None are disabled.

I'm in 3.8.7 and Queries without Custom Fields are working fine.

Has anyone noticed this?

Was it mentioned awhile back and I missed it?

Thanks in advance.


RT Training in Washington DC, USA on Oct 25 & 26 2010
Last one this year -- Learn how to get the most out of RT!

Re: [rt-users] Another Query question: justification of data

2010-10-19 Thread Raed El-Hames
Hi Ken its me again:

Have a look at share/html/Elements/ColumnMap
# This is scary and should totally be refactored -- jesse
my $COLUMN_MAP = {
id => {
attribute => 'id',
title=> 'id', # loc
align => 'right',
value => sub { return $_[0]->id }

You will see the align = 'right', you can either remove the whole line (I do 
n't think it will break anything), or you can simply change the right to left.
Restart the web server and all should be fine.

For me I would remove the align line from there and do this via the css, not 
sure which stylesheets you use, If its web2, look in ticket-lists.css for
th.collection-as-table , td.collection-as-table {
 padding-right: 0.5em;
And add text-align: left; in between {}
This in theory will apply it to all fields within CollectionList.


[] On Behalf Of Kenneth Crocker
Sent: 18 October 2010 22:32
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Another Query question: justification of data


I can't seem to get that to work. What I REALLY want to do is have ALL Search 
results align the Ticket ID to the left. I know most people want a field 
defined as "Number" to align to the right. But Ticket ID is never used in 
arithmetic expressions so there's no reason to treat it like any other 
character field and align it to the left or the center. Otherwise, it looks way 
out of alignment. When I look at the source code generated for the results, I 
 Admin Queries & Dashboards for EHS Queues







So it looks to me like something it automatically inserting "align=right" in 
the "collection-as-table". I went to main.css and tried  changing 
"ticket-lists.css" and put a change in it (text-align: left;) for the td label 
and it seems to get overridden. Do you know where the code is that overrides 
"ticket-lists.css" so I can change that behavior?



On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 12:50 PM, Ruslan Zakirov>> wrote:

Use "/ALIGN:..." in a format string.

On Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 12:27 AM, Kenneth Crocker>> wrote:
> To List,
> I noticed that when I run a query, the Ticket number seems to be justified
> to the right of it's column, but Priority Subject, and others are justified
> left. Does anyone know why? Does anyone know how to change that?
> Kenn
> RT Training in Washington DC, USA on Oct 25 & 26 2010
> Last one this year -- Learn how to get the most out of RT!

Best regards, Ruslan.

Re: [rt-users] Communicate a message to web UI from inside Scrip?

2011-01-07 Thread Raed El-Hames
Hi Jeff:

Stupid question by where did you put your callback call??
I added 

% $m->callback(CallbackName => 'BeforeDisplay',TicketObj => \$TicketObj,Tickets 
=> \$Tickets,Actions => \...@actions,ARGSRef => \%ARGS);

Just above :
% $m->callback(CallbackName => 'BeforeActionList', %ARGS, Actions => 
\...@actions, ARGSRef => \%ARGS, Ticket => $TicketObj);

And it works:
[Fri Jan  7 14:31:09 2011] [debug]: In Callback/Display.html/BeforeDisplay 

By the way going back to your original query regarding not allowing closure 
until certain CFs are populated, I had to do something similar a couple of 
months back using a different approach , the way I done it is by not including 
@InactiveStatus list if these CFs are not populated, so basically modifying 
if ($CanResolve == 0) {
  @status = RT->Config->Get('ActiveStatus') ;
  push @status,"deleted" ;
} else {
  @status = $queue->StatusArray();

$CanResolve is a variable pushed to the SelectStatus from various pages such as 
Update.html, Modify.html , Display.html etc ..
It included changes in few places, I had very little time to do it in (1 day), 
so did not use callbacks, if you are interested I can send you more details.
I've been following this thread hoping to use whatever you come up with  if its 


> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:rt-users-
>] On Behalf Of Jeff Blaine
> Sent: 07 January 2011 03:17
> To:
> Subject: Re: [rt-users] Communicate a message to web UI from inside Scrip?
> Pulling my hair out here.  Why is this callback not being
> tickled?  I see nothing in my logs.
> RT 3.8.7
> Mason cache cleared and server restarted a million times.
> The call to the callback in Ticket/Display.html is:
>  $m->callback(
>  CallbackName => 'BeforeDisplay',
>  TicketObj => \$TicketObj,
>  Tickets => \$Tickets,
>  Actions => \...@actions,
>  ARGSRef => \%ARGS,
>  );
> And my setup is:
> [r...@rtdev1 Display.html]# pwd
> /rt/local/html/Callbacks/MyCallbacks/Ticket/Display.html
> [r...@rtdev1 Display.html]# ls -l BeforeDisplay
> -rw-r--r-- 1 rt root 689 Jan  6 22:06 BeforeDisplay
> [r...@rtdev1 Display.html]# cat BeforeDisplay
> <%INIT>
> $RT::Logger->info("In Callback/Display.html/BeforeDisplay\n");
> return 1;
> <%ARGS>
> $Actions => []

Re: [rt-users] Certain RT operations painfully slow.

2011-01-18 Thread Raed El-Hames

Another approach is to dissect DeleteWatcher into its row sql and re-write your 
script to talk sql directly instead of going through the api ... (Its highly 
not recommended) but with 20 million rows its an option.
The advantages you gain is not having to do as many selects.
You may still get queries lasting > 86s , but I would bet those will be 50% 
less than the api.

Good luck

> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:rt-users-
>] On Behalf Of Todd Chapman
> Sent: 18 January 2011 18:19
> To: Jesse Vincent
> Cc: rt-users
> Subject: Re: [rt-users] Certain RT operations painfully slow.
> On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 1:13 PM, Jesse Vincent 
> wrote:
> > Todd,
> >
> >> >> Which causes this long running mysql query:
> >> >>
> >> >>    Time: 86
> >> >>    Info: SELECT main.* FROM CachedGroupMembers main   WHERE
> ((main.Via = '28522070')) AND (( != '28522070'))
> >> >>
> >> >> Can anyone recommend an approach to fixing this problem?
> >> >
> >> > What does an EXPLAIN on that select tell you?
> >>
> >> mysql> explain SELECT main.* FROM CachedGroupMembers main   WHERE
> ((main.Via = '28522070')) AND (( != '28522070'))\G
> >>   select_type: SIMPLE
> >>         table: main
> >>          type: range
> >> possible_keys: PRIMARY
> >>           key: PRIMARY
> >>       key_len: 4
> >>           ref: NULL
> >>          rows: 20568305
> >>         Extra: Using where
> >> 1 row in set (0.02 sec)
> >
> > What happens if you add an index on Via?
> I'm considering that, but with 20 million+ rows it will take a
> non-trivial amount of time.
> >
> > Jesse
> > --
> >

Re: [rt-users] Email Queue Routing

2011-01-20 Thread Raed El-Hames

my $queues = new RT::Queues(RT::SystemUser);
is fine but you need to limit
Just add

my $queues = new RT::Queues(RT::SystemUser);
foreach my $queue ($queues->Next) {


By the way , a comment on your next bit, I am just curious why you build a hash 
, then you go through it looking for a match??
Why don't you do
foreach my $queue ($queues->Next) {
my $blah = $queue->FirstCustomFieldValue('MailDomain') ;
If ($self->TicketObj->RequestorAddresses =~ /^.*?${$blah}/) {


[] On Behalf Of Pierre Buhas
Sent: 20 January 2011 09:14
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Email Queue Routing

This is my loop on the queues which is not working..

my $queues = new RT::Queues(RT::SystemUser);
foreach my $queue ($queues->Next) {

there must be some mistake above. Is the creation of my variable $queues 
correct ?

I also tried the following:

my $queues = new RT::Queues(RT::SystemUser);
while ( my $queue = $queues->Next ) {

but it did not work better. So that's why I suspect this is the way I get the 
list of queues which is not the way it should be..

Any idea ?


Pierre BUHAS
+353 1 217 8422

Duolog Technologies

On 19 January 2011 21:43, Kevin Falcone>> wrote:
On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 02:09:38PM +, Pierre Buhas wrote:
>my %domain_map = ();
>my $queues = new RT::Queues(RT::SystemUser);
>foreach my $queue ($queues->Next) {
>$domain_map { $queue->FirstCustomFieldValue('MailDomain') } = $queue->Name;
That really wants to be a while ( my $queue = $queues->Next ) {

The new is really old-style but should be fine


Re: [rt-users] Load balancer and RT

2011-02-03 Thread Raed El-Hames


If you are storing the sessions data in the database you should n't have any 
We 've been running our RT on 2 boxes behind LVS for the past few years without 
any major issues.
The occasional keep alive hiccups which tend to be fixed pretty quickly without 
any major impact.


> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:rt-users-
>] On Behalf Of Thierry Thelliez
> Sent: 03 February 2011 05:25
> To:
> Subject: [rt-users] Load balancer and RT
> Hello,
> For availability more than scalability, we would like to run two
> instances of RT (different hardware). Are there some issues to look
> for?
> Right now we have a simple Apache based load balancer but we are
> getting user session mix up.
> Any experience implementing such configuration?
> Thanks,
> Thierry

Re: [rt-users] Load balancer and RT

2011-02-04 Thread Raed El-Hames

We don't use proxy , we use linux virtual servers and keepalived to balance the 
traffic into 2 RT web servers.
I am sorry I have no real experience with using Proxy so cannot help you. 
In our case keepalived takes care of maintaining session state, when ever we 
tested a failure of the web servers, the users RT session were not interrupted 
with the exception of little glitch when the network adjusted itself.

Our each RT instance is a  , the rest of the 
RT apache configuration is similar to yours. 


> -Original Message-
> From: Thierry Thelliez []
> Sent: 03 February 2011 18:31
> To: Raed El-Hames
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [rt-users] Load balancer and RT
> Roy,
> Thanks for your answer.  Could you please tell me more about your
> proxy settings?
> We have a virtual host definition like the following.  Yesterday we
> started adding the ProxyPreserveHost, ProxyVia,
> ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain while chasing the session mix up issues.
> It is still happening although very rarely.  And it is hard to
> reproduce on demand... This virtual host points to two RT instances.
> RewriteEngine on
> RewriteRule ^/(.*) - [P,QSA]
> ProxyPreserveHost ON
> ProxyVia Full
> KeepAlive On
> ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain
> ProxyPass  /rt_demo  balancer://proxy-balancer
> And on each RT instance we have the 'classic' setup:
> Alias /rt_demo "/opt/rt3/share/html"
> PerlModule Apache2::compat
> PerlModule Apache::DBI
> PerlRequire /opt/rt3/bin/
> AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-javascript text/css
> text/html
>  Order allow,deny
>  Allow from all
>  Satisfy any
>  Order allow,deny
>  Allow from all
>  Satisfy any
>   AllowOverride All
>   Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks
>   AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
>   SetHandler perl-script
>   PerlHandler RT::Mason
> Thanks,
> Thierry

Re: [rt-users] Show RealName in Query Results?

2011-02-04 Thread Raed El-Hames

I think you can do that via a configuration  variable in your 
Have a look there.


[] On Behalf Of Bryan Thoren
Sent: 04 February 2011 10:37
Subject: [rt-users] Show RealName in Query Results?

I'm running RT 3.8.8 on Ubuntu Server 10.10.  Everything runs great.

I need a way to display the ticket owner's RealName in query results instead of 
the short, login Name.  In our system, the login name is a cryptic collection 
of letters and numbers.  Using the user's real name will make the search 
results much easier to read and work with.

Thanks for your help!

--Bryan Thoren

Re: [rt-users] ModifyTicket/Steal/Take privileges

2011-02-17 Thread Raed El-Hames

Another way to achieve what you want and eliminate having to set owner then 
revoke it via the script is by modifying 

Just get it to return the owner name as a string if the $session{'CurrentUser'} 
is not a member of the IT Admin group.
Else If CurrentUser IT Admin then display the Owners dropdown.

The only reason I am suggesting this, is because many times my users do not 
realise an action have been rolled back automatically via the system. 


> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:rt-users-
>] On Behalf Of Jon Baker
> Sent: 17 February 2011 18:19
> To:
> Subject: Re: [rt-users] ModifyTicket/Steal/Take privileges
> That's what I ended up doing and it looks like it's working great.  Here's
> the scrip action that I ended up using in case anyone else is looking for
> the solution:
> my $GroupObj = RT::Group->new( $RT::SystemUser );
> $GroupObj->LoadUserDefinedGroup( 'IT Admin' );
> my $PrincipalObj = RT::Principal->new( $RT::SystemUser );
> $PrincipalObj->Load( $self->TransactionObj->Creator );
> if($GroupObj->HasMemberRecursively($PrincipalObj)) {
>  # IT Admin is allowed to change the owner.
>  return;
> } else {
>  if ($self->TransactionObj->Creator != 1) {
># User 1 is the RT system, if we've recursed into here we don't want to
> do it again
>  }
> }
> On Feb 17, 2011, at 12:13 PM,
> wrote:
> > Jon,
> >
> > Well, here's a thought.
> >
> > 1) For each Queue you want this type of situation, either make the
> > "assigner" the AdminCc, or create a group for just those users allowed
> to
> > assign tickets.
> > 2) Then create scrip for that Queue that is conditioned by "ChangeOwner"
> and
> > in the action section, check to see that the actor of this transaction
> is in
> > that "Assigner" group or that they are the AdminCc. If they are, allow
> the
> > change. If not, change the owner back.
> >
> > That might work.
> >
> > Kenn
> > LBNL
> --
> Jon Baker
> Systems Administrator
> Church on the Move
> 1003 N 129th E Ave
> Tulsa OK 74116
> (918) 234-5656
> CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This transmission may be confidential and subject
> to legal privilege.  If you are not the intended recipient of this
> message, you may not review, disclose, print, copy or disseminate this
> information. If you have received this in error, please reply and notify
> the sender (only) and delete the message. Unauthorized interception of
> this e-mail is a violation of federal criminal law.

Re: [rt-users] Only emailing certain people question

2011-02-18 Thread Raed El-Hames
You can stop certain emails from receiving updates on particular tickets by 
using the "This message will be sent to" form available in the update page.
Just tick the right boxes to remove them from the cc list.

An alternative would be to remove the main group as watcher/cc on that queue 
and instead give them the right to See Queue, show Tickets , and Show Ticket 


[] On Behalf Of Chris Hall
Sent: 18 February 2011 15:17
To: rt-users
Subject: [rt-users] Only emailing certain people question

This seems like a simple thing, but I can't figure it out.  So there's one main 
queue, and there's only about... 10 - 15 users total on this RT system I'm 
admin for.  They all have access to the main queue.  However, the boss guy is 
adding in users/email addresses to the tickets individually in the CC and 
requesters, etc... sections of each ticket.  The idea being he wants everybody 
to be able to go in and look at whatever ticket it is, but he only wants emails 
sent to the specific people he designates on per ticket basis.  For example:  
Ticket A, if commented on, will email user 1, user 3 and user 7.  Ticket B, if 
commented on, will notify user 1, user 4 and user 9, and so on and so on.

This seems like it should be simple.. and yet it's not.  Currently, I have 
everyone grouped together into a "main" group and set as watchers for the main 
queue, and I'm not sure why exactly, but nobody is getting emails except the 
boss, who is an admincc.  Could somebody give me some guidance on how to set 
this up?  Things I've tried so far:

Setting up global scrip to mail cc, admincc and requesters and removing the 
"main" group from cc, which works for email, but then removes everyone in main 
group's access to the queue

Re: [rt-users] Creating a new Queue and Site

2011-02-24 Thread Raed El-Hames

Based on your questions and requirements below, I would suggest you set up a 
new RT instance altogether.
Read a bit more about request tracker. You cannot have a url for each queue, 
you are able to assign an email address for it (if this is what you want), but 
the GUI/URL is the same for all queues.


[] On Behalf Of Alberto Vazquez
Sent: 23 February 2011 23:36
Subject: [rt-users] Creating a new Queue and Site

I inherited an RT system, and now I have the good challenge of creating a new 
queue and a corresponding site for it.  All this has to be done on the existing 
server, which is hosting our helpdesk ticketing system and url.

I tried looking at the exiting config, and also have looked around at the RT 
wiki, but it looks like there are many ways of configuring RT.  In any case, 
this is what I have done so far:

I have created the queue using GUI.

Now I need help with the following:

1.  Create a URL for this new queue
2.  When some one sends a request to the newly created queue, I would like it 
to reply and not the existing helpdesk scrips and template.
3.  I would like to new queue to reside on the same server, but it will be 
awesome it can be transparent to the end user.

I am thinking this should be possible, but I just cannot get it to work.

Your help will extremely appreciated.



Re: [rt-users] owner change - old owner

2011-02-24 Thread Raed El-Hames
> oldOwner ?
I think you grab that from the TransactionObj->OldValue, and find the user 
object and its email address from there. 
Sorry I cannot remember the exact syntax, I am no where near my RT.


> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:rt-users-
>] On Behalf Of Björn Schulz
> Sent: 24 February 2011 14:51
> To:
> Subject: [rt-users] owner change - old owner
> Hi guys,
> I try to send a mail after owner change to the new and the old owner,
> but I stuck...
> I try to do it with a template.
> New owner = {$Ticket->OwnerObj->Name}
> oldOwner ?
> Any help is appreciated.
> Cheers,
>   Björn

Re: [rt-users] owner change - old owner

2011-02-24 Thread Raed El-Hames
> Last Owner: {$Transaction->OldValue} gives me the ID of the User but I need 
> the RealName and the emailaddress.

Yes that's right and that's what I meant by " find the user object and its 
email address from there"
You can do something like :

$user_obj = RT::User->new(RT::SystemUser);
$user_obj->Load({$Transaction->OldValue) ;
$user_email = $userObj->EmailAddress ; 

Etc etc


> -Original Message-
> From: Björn Schulz []
> Sent: 24 February 2011 15:33
> To: Raed El-Hames
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [rt-users] owner change - old owner
> Hi Roy,
> I'm on 3.8.7
> I've tried:
>  Last Owner: {$TransactionObj->OldValue}
> and get:
> RT: Template parsing error: Can't call method "OldValue" on an undefined
> value at template line 15.  Stack:   [template:15]
> Last Owner: {$Transaction->OldValue} gives me the ID of the User but I
> need the RealName and the emailaddress.
> Cheers,
>  Björn
> Am 24.02.11 16:08, schrieb Raed El-Hames:
> >> oldOwner ?
> > I think you grab that from the TransactionObj->OldValue, and find the
> user object and its email address from there.
> > Sorry I cannot remember the exact syntax, I am no where near my RT.
> >
> > Roy
> >
> >> -Original Message-
> >> From: [mailto:rt-users-
> >>] On Behalf Of Björn Schulz
> >> Sent: 24 February 2011 14:51
> >> To:
> >> Subject: [rt-users] owner change - old owner
> >>
> >> Hi guys,
> >>
> >> I try to send a mail after owner change to the new and the old owner,
> >> but I stuck...
> >> I try to do it with a template.
> >>
> >> New owner = {$Ticket->OwnerObj->Name}
> >> oldOwner ?
> >>
> >> Any help is appreciated.
> >>
> >> Cheers,
> >>   Björn

Re: [rt-users] Modifying stuff with CLI, especially rights

2011-03-01 Thread Raed El-Hames

I might be wrong but I don’t think the cli cater for rights (groups or users),
I find the clicky clicky web interface annoying in particular when adding few 
users or few groups etc etc .. and to avoid that I ‘ve written scripts using 
the rt api (so its database/rt conformed) ….
My scripts are heavily customised for our business , I am willing to share but 
I would need to do a lot of stripping first, to save my time if you want to 
have a go yourself I use:

sub Addtogroup {
my $uid = shift ; #This should be the user id , so you need to pull it 
out using RT::User->new(RT::SystemUser)->Load
my $group = "Group_NAME_HERE";
my $g = RT::Group->new(RT::SystemUser);
unless ($g->id) {
print "error loading group \n";
return undef;
my ($gidm,$msg) =  $g->AddMember($uid);
if ($gidm == 0) {
 print "error adding user to group $msg\n";
return 1;

And for rights, I have something like:

my @rights = ('DeleteTicket','AssignCustomFields','OwnTicket','TakeTicket');
my $qobject = new RT::Queue(RT::SystemUser);
my $gobject = new RT::Group (RT::SystemUser);
my $gid = $gobject->Id;
my $principal = RT::Principal->new($RT::SystemUser);

foreach my $right (@rights) {
next unless ($right);
my ($val, $msg) = $principal->GrantRight(Object => $qobject, Right 
=> $right);
 push (@results, $msg);


[] On Behalf Of Lars Reimann

Sent: 01 March 2011 13:30
Subject: [rt-users] Modifying stuff with CLI, especially rights

Hi all,

i've done some digging since we are having the need to alter / edit stuff 
within RT programatically via the built-in CLI.

However, I find the general documentation sparse and can only agree with 
previous questions which have gone unanswered / unsolved.

Modifying stuff such as rights for a user should be possible with CLI, but 
syntax and method is still unknown (at least to me) after a close look at 

What we (and basically other users) need would be the approach to add users to 
specific groups and modify access rights for those groups (its a pain to clicky 
clicky on the web-interface for admins).

I understand that the CLI is basically a wrapper for the underlying perl code. 
I would rather use the CLI to be database conform / rt conform than devising a 
way to solve my problems in an unclean way.
Please update / tell us more about solving things via the CLI.

Updating the Wiki may be also a good step, but that can also be done by me, 
once the general approach / scope is clear.

e.g. References:
Batch Rights modification with 
 Dec 10, 2009, 6:49 AM
Using CLI to modify group rights on a queue - is it possible?  

 Mar 20, 2009, 9:44 AM


[rt-users] Strange bug in Update.html -- maybe cookie related

2011-03-02 Thread Raed El-Hames

Mysql,Apache2, mod_perl v2.04; HTML::Mason v1.39;

When updating 2 tickets (tickets 1,2 as an example) at the same time, using 1 
browser and 2 tabs:
If I upload files A and B into ticket 1, and while waiting for the file upload 
to complete I decide to update ticket 2, the second file (file B) is attached 
to the second ticket (ticket 2), and when I then go back to ticket 1 and click 
on Update Ticket, only file A is attached ...

This is strange one and I have always struggled in how to debug the cookie and 
session handling within RT, so I am hoping someone out there can help me with 
this problem, where to start looking? 

I have tested this on firefox (from windows xp and a linux desktops) and also 
in Internet explorer 8

Any help will truly be appreciated, the consequences of this bug can be very 


Re: [rt-users] Weird results in search

2011-03-02 Thread Raed El-Hames

I do get this when I have changed the organisation name (re branding etc), 
where every user that have saved his search options will get the old url in 
their searches and the new one.
Have you had this system installed/set up under a difference url?
Do the users who get this , have had search options saved? You can find this 
out from the database where  
select * from Attributes where name = 'Pref-SearchDisplay';
and look in users for the ObjectIds you get.

> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:rt-users-
>] On Behalf Of Yan Seiner
> Sent: 02 March 2011 13:39
> To:
> Subject: Re: [rt-users] Weird results in search
> Yan Seiner wrote:
> > I set up a learning/demo site using RT 3.6.7 some time ago.  I've been
> > playing with it, showing it to people and using it as a test site to see
> > if it will work for the various applications that come up.
> >
> > Today I found something weird - the search result for tickets returns a
> > bogus URL.  When you click on a ticket returned as a search you get:
> >
> > http://ticket/Display.html?id=4
> >
> > Notice the 'ticket' instead of the installation domain name.
> >
> > This is the only place where it doesn't properly reference the URL;
> > everything else works.  I can't see where in the config this is singled
> > out.
> >
> >
> Some more checking...  It only does this for users with admin
> privileges...   Any idea on how to fix?
> --
> My car is Japanese. My Vodka is Russian. My pizza is Italian. My kebab is
> Turkish. My democracy is Greek. My wine is French. My coffee is Brazilian.
> My language is English. My movies are American. My music is African. My
> beers are German. My shirt is Indian. My oil is Saudi Arabian. My
> electronics are Taiwanese. My rifle is Czech. My shoes are Chinese.  My
> math is Arabic, my writing Latin. And you complain that your neighbor is
> Mexican?

Re: [rt-users] Strange bug in Update.html -- maybe cookie related

2011-03-03 Thread Raed El-Hames
OK Thanks Ruz.
Ist possible you give me some pointers where to look for so I can patch my 
3.8.7,  the next upgrade for me is in ~ 6 months time, so anything that can 
help me avoid this from happening for now will be useful, just knowing which 
modules/pages to start with will be good.

> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:rt-users-
>] On Behalf Of Ruslan Zakirov
> Sent: 03 March 2011 09:53
> To:
> Subject: Re: [rt-users] Strange bug in Update.html -- maybe cookie related
> On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 1:27 AM, Kevin Falcone 
> wrote:
> > On Wed, Mar 02, 2011 at 12:10:41PM +, Raed El-Hames wrote:
> >> Hi:
> >>
> >> RT-3.8.7
> >> Mysql,Apache2, mod_perl v2.04; HTML::Mason v1.39;
> >>
> >>
> >> When updating 2 tickets (tickets 1,2 as an example) at the same time,
> using 1 browser and 2 tabs:
> >> If I upload files A and B into ticket 1, and while waiting for the file
> upload to complete I decide to update ticket 2, the second file (file B)
> is attached to the second ticket (ticket 2), and when I then go back to
> ticket 1 and click on Update Ticket, only file A is attached ...
> >>
> >> This is strange one and I have always struggled in how to debug the
> cookie and session handling within RT, so I am hoping someone out there
> can help me with this problem, where to start looking?
> >
> > Attachments are tied to your session
> > I believe ruz pushed a branch with a proposed fix, but nothing has
> > been merged and is likely to be a 4.2 fix since it is a large change.
> > It may be 4.2/web-attachs-processing
> Yep, that's right. Working on tests right now.
> > -kevin
> --
> Best regards, Ruslan.

Re: [rt-users] Promoting a user who was autocreated to "real user" status...

2011-03-04 Thread Raed El-Hames
Search users for her email address .. Then edit the entry found for her details 
giving her the appropriate rights, privilege etc. You will be able to change 
the user name if you wish.


> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:rt-users-
>] On Behalf Of Jason Marshall
> Sent: 04 March 2011 05:55
> To:
> Subject: [rt-users] Promoting a user who was autocreated to "real user"
> status...
> Maybe it's just late and I'm having brain fade, but Google is failing me
> right now.  Maybe what I hope to do is impossible, though it seems like
> something people would want to do.
> I've got a user, let's call her "Annie".  She has submitted tickets via
> email to at least one queue, so she has an account in the Users table.
> Now I'm setting up another queue which I need her to have privileges in.
> I tried to create an "annie" account the manual way, and it says her email
> address is already in use, which is of course quite true.
> So how do I now "promote" her so I can grant her some rights?
> For now I just created an account with an alternate email address, but I
> can see this coming up a lot.
> Again, my apologies if this is incredibly obvious.  I find that quite a
> few simple things in RT3 confound me, so this is just another one to add
> to the list if that's the case.  But I still think it's pretty awesome.
> Thanks in advance!
> PS. I'm using v3.8.8 if it matters.
> ---
> Jason Marshall, IT Manager, Kelman Technologies, Inc., Calgary, AB,
> Canada.
>From a Sun Microsystems bug report (#4102680):
>  "Workaround: don't pound on the mouse like a wild monkey."
>"I have great faith in fools:
>   Self confidence my friends call it."  -Edgar Allan Poe

Re: [rt-users] Possible to deny Resolve. Reject permissions?

2011-03-09 Thread Raed El-Hames

One way of doing this is to put the hack in Elements/SelectStatus
Something like :
  @status = $queue->StatusArray();  
} else {
  @status = RT->Config->Get('ActiveStatus') ;

The above will hide the non active statuses (resolve/reject/delete) from the 
dropdown unless the user can resolve/reject etc.

But you need to define / work on how you establish 

It all depends on how you distinguish those that can resolve from those that 


> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:rt-users-
>] On Behalf Of Yan Seiner
> Sent: 09 March 2011 13:44
> To: Ruslan Zakirov
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [rt-users] Possible to deny Resolve. Reject permissions?
> So... Any hints on the hack?  And/or, when will 4.0 be out?
> Ruslan Zakirov wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > In 3.8 with a hack. In 4.0 with lifecycles configuration.
> >
> > On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 7:41 AM, Yan Seiner  wrote:
> >
> >> Is it possible to deny users permission to Resolve or Reject a ticket
> while
> >> giving them modify permissions on the ticket?
> >>
> >> --
> >> My car is Japanese. My Vodka is Russian. My pizza is Italian. My kebab
> is
> >> Turkish. My democracy is Greek. My wine is French. My coffee is
> Brazilian..
> >> My language is English. My movies are American. My music is African. My
> >> beers are German. My shirt is Indian. My oil is Saudi Arabian. My
> >> electronics are Taiwanese. My rifle is Czech. My shoes are Chinese.  My
> math
> >> is Arabic, my writing Latin. And you complain that your neighbor is
> Mexican?
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> My car is Japanese. My Vodka is Russian. My pizza is Italian. My kebab is
> Turkish. My democracy is Greek. My wine is French. My coffee is Brazilian.
> My language is English. My movies are American. My music is African. My
> beers are German. My shirt is Indian. My oil is Saudi Arabian. My
> electronics are Taiwanese. My rifle is Czech. My shoes are Chinese.  My
> math is Arabic, my writing Latin. And you complain that your neighbor is
> Mexican?

Re: [rt-users] Communication between RT and other ticketing systems

2011-03-10 Thread Raed El-Hames
1- I have my RT talking to another RT bidirectional using REST
2- It also talks to a windows based ticketing system via web services (soap on 
my RT end and .net service at the destination) -- The soap interface is 
something I've done here and very customised to our needs
3- It also talks to another couple of ticketing systems via email.

So you take your pick of whatever method of comms you like, as I understand it 
Mantis have built in soap support , so you can build your own soap client from 
RT etc.


> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:rt-users-
>] On Behalf Of bastien_
> Sent: 10 March 2011 10:40
> To:
> Subject: [rt-users] Communication between RT and other ticketing systems
> Hello,
> I'm interested in implementing RT and before starting I would like to know
> if someone would care to share some ideas or experiences in linking RT
> with
> some other ticketing systems.
> In this case I would need to be able to send some tickets from RT to a
> Mantis system.
> I was not able to find my answer online, any idea or link to documentation
> is welcome.
> Thanks
> --
> View this message in context:
> RT-and-other-ticketing-systems-tp31113332p31113332.html
> Sent from the Request Tracker - User mailing list archive at

Re: [rt-users] Applying CF to single tickets

2011-03-16 Thread Raed El-Hames
Yes its possible, but the cf fields will be visible (with empty values) to all 
tickets in the queue where the cfs apply to.

You should be able to auto populate the cf fields via a scrip, you can do that 
under any conditions you define (create/update/or change of any field that have 
a transaction attached)


> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:rt-users-
>] On Behalf Of Magnus Mikkelsen
> Sent: 16 March 2011 06:19
> To:
> Subject: [rt-users] Applying CF to single tickets
> Hi
> Is it possible to apply CF's only to single tickets at a time?
> What I imagined was using a scrip to check if a certain condition was true
> when the ticket is updated, and if it is apply the CF to the ticket.
> Thanks
> Magnus

Re: [rt-users] Support Contract Client Check

2011-03-24 Thread Raed El-Hames

I've done something similar but my approach was slightly different.
My customers in most cases have more than one contact, so for  every customer I 
created a group, and added their contacts as members of their group, the group 
name is the customer name, and I added a couple of group custom fields, 
contract_name and contract_expire_date.
When any of the contacts create a ticket, there is a global scrip that identify 
the requestor and if it belongs to a customer group it populates a ticket 
custom field customer_name with the name of the group the requestor belongs to, 
it also populates ticket custom fields relating to  contract name and expire 
grabbed from the group custom fields.

To keep my RT in sync with the CRM system (to update the customer and contract 
information), I run daily script that export this info from CRM and update the 
group custom fields within my RT.

Hope this helps.


[] On Behalf Of Walid Haider
Sent: 24 March 2011 11:54
Subject: [rt-users] Support Contract Client Check


I am running RT 3.8.4 and have created a custom field, with a list of all our 
clients, so that the client name is selected from the list when creating or 
updating a ticket.

I am now looking to implement a way of checking if the client's support 
contract has not expired (and perhaps even, displaying a message informing the 
RT user that the client's contract has expired and also highlighting the custom 
field in red - under ticket metadata - when viewing existing tickets referring 
to clients that do not have valid support contract).

This support contract information is available in an excel spreadsheet that I 
could either:

* link to RT in some way (of course, the danger here is that in order 
for this to work, the name of client must be exactly the same as in RT) or;

* update the support contract information in RT form time to time 
(probably safer this way)

In future, I would also like to allow our clients to be able to view and update 
their own tickets, and would also like to deny access (automatically, based on 
the check above) if the support contract has expired - possibly displaying a 
message informing the user that why the access was denied.

I would really appreciate in if someone could point me in the right direction.

Thanks and regards,

Re: [rt-users] Support Contract Client Check

2011-03-24 Thread Raed El-Hames
The scrip do all sorts of things, so I just put the relevant bits below

Condition: On Create
Action: User Defined
Custom action preparation code: return 1;
Custom action cleanup code:
#Assumption ticket is created via mail/web by a customer contact.
#So creator ==  requestor
my $req =$self->TicketObj->CreatorObj ;
my $org = $req->ContactMembership ;  #ContactMembership explained below
if ($org) {
   #We found this requestor belong to a Customer group
   my $g_obj = RT::Group->new(RT::SystemUser);
   my $service_id =   $g_obj->FirstCustomFieldValue('Service_Order');
   my $service_valid_from =   
   my $service_expire =   $g_obj->FirstCustomFieldValue('Service_Order_Expire');

  $self->{custfield}->LoadByName(Name=> 'Customer_name');

  $self->{custfield2}->LoadByName(Name=> 'Service_Order_Number');

  $self->{custfield3}->LoadByName(Name=> 'Service_Order_Number_Expire_Date');
$service_expire );

  return 1;
} else {
  return undef;

ContactMembership is a function I written and put it in
There are few ways to extract groups a user belong to , but I needed one 
specific to customers.

sub ContactMembership {

# Identify a group a user belong to
# Used in scrip action to identify cust contact

# Expects a user id and return group name
# If user belong to more than one it returns undef
# This should not happen with customer contacts

my $self = shift;
my $MemberId = $self->Id ;
my $group_list = '';

my $Groups = RT::Groups->new($RT::SystemUser);
   $Groups->Limit( FIELD => 'Description',OPERATOR => 'LIKE', VALUE => 
$Groups->Limit( FIELD => 'Domain',OPERATOR => '=', VALUE => 
$Groups->Limit( FIELD => 'Domain',OPERATOR => '=', VALUE => 

my $alias = $Groups->Join(
TYPE   => 'left',
ALIAS1 => 'main',
FIELD1 => 'id',
TABLE2 => 'GroupMembers',
FIELD2 => 'GroupId'
ALIAS  => $alias,
FIELD  => 'MemberId',
OPERATOR   => '=',
    VALUE  => $MemberId,

return undef unless $Groups->Count == 1 ;
return $Groups->First->Name ;

As I mentioned I removed bits from the scrip and the function, so please check 
the code for any errors.
Note my customer groups have their description starting with Customer-


From: Walid Haider []
Sent: 24 March 2011 14:53
To: Raed El-Hames;
Subject: RE: Support Contract Client Check

Hi Roy,

Thanks for your response, any chance you can send me an example of the global 
scrip you are using?


From: Raed El-Hames []
Sent: quinta-feira, 24 de Março de 2011 12:10
To: Walid Haider;
Subject: RE: Support Contract Client Check


I've done something similar but my approach was slightly different.
My customers in most cases have more than one contact, so for  every customer I 
created a group, and added their contacts as members of their group, the group 
name is the customer name, and I added a couple of group custom fields, 
contract_name and contract_expire_date.
When any of the contacts create a ticket, there is a global scrip that identify 
the requestor and if it belongs to a customer group it populates a ticket 
custom field customer_name with the name of the group the requestor belongs to, 
it also populates ticket custom fields relating to  contract name and expire 
grabbed from the group custom fields.

To keep my RT in sync with the CRM system (to update the customer and contract 
information), I run daily script that export this info from CRM and update the 
group custom fields within my RT.

Hope this helps.



Re: [rt-users] Change Email Subject Line ??

2011-03-31 Thread Raed El-Hames

You can modify the templates associated with the emails you want to send (ie 
Correspondence template, Admin Comment templates etc) to include the Priority 
Subject: [Comment] [{$Ticket->QueueObj->Name}] [$Ticket->Subject] Priority 

I would suggest you put the Priority before the subject


> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:rt-users-
>] On Behalf Of Adrian Stel
> Sent: 31 March 2011 14:13
> To:
> Subject: [rt-users] Change Email Subject Line ??
> Hi All,
> I would like to add issues priority to Email Subject, for example:
> orginal subject is:
> [support #98] [Comment] Testing - Ignore me...
> new subject:
> [support #98] [Comment] Testing - Ignore me... Priority 5
> --
> Best Regards
> Adrian Stelmaszyk

Re: [rt-users] recurring requests

2011-04-01 Thread Raed El-Hames

Have a look at rt-crontool , I think it may help you.


[] On Behalf Of Roedel, Mark
Sent: 31 March 2011 21:45
Subject: [rt-users] recurring requests

Obviously it's pretty simple to write a script against the REST API and launch 
it from a cron job, but has anybody done anything that's more end-user facing 
to allow for the setup of recurring tickets for periodic maintenance and the 

Re: [rt-users] search by today

2011-04-05 Thread Raed El-Hames

Created < 'now' AND Created > '2 week ago' AND Queue = 'FOO'


> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:rt-users-
>] On Behalf Of Garry Booth
> Sent: 05 April 2011 16:05
> To: RT Users
> Subject: [rt-users] search by today
> Hi All
> does anybody know if there is a way to dynamically search through
> tickets with creation dates from today to two weeks ago, without
> changing the dates every time?
> e.g. Created < 'NOW' AND Created > 'NOW -13' AND Queue = 'FOO'
> regards
> Garry

Re: [rt-users] search by today

2011-04-05 Thread Raed El-Hames
Yep, you are right Kenn.
I was translating the original query, your "Created > '2 weeks ago' " will be 
more efficient. - I think


[] On Behalf Of Kenneth Crocker
Sent: 05 April 2011 17:39
Subject: Re: [rt-users] search by today


Isn't the "now" kind of intuitive? Wouldn't "Created > '2 weeks ago' work just 
as well since the query is already running 'Today' or realtime? Unless you can 
created dates in the future, but I would think that unlikely. Just a 
theological thought, ;-).

On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 8:28 AM, Raed El-Hames>> wrote:

Created < 'now' AND Created > '2 week ago' AND Queue = 'FOO'


> -Original Message-
> From: 
>  [mailto:rt-users-<mailto:rt-users->
><>] On 
> Behalf Of Garry Booth
> Sent: 05 April 2011 16:05
> To: RT Users
> Subject: [rt-users] search by today
> Hi All
> does anybody know if there is a way to dynamically search through
> tickets with creation dates from today to two weeks ago, without
> changing the dates every time?
> e.g. Created < 'NOW' AND Created > 'NOW -13' AND Queue = 'FOO'
> regards
> Garry

Re: [rt-users] Using RT to track outgoing requests

2011-04-27 Thread Raed El-Hames

There are different ways of dealing with the scenario you have.
What I do in here in a set up very similar to yours, is create a ticket with 
the customer contact as a requestor,
When 3rd party supplier needed I create a linked/child ticket in queue that 
does not send a standard auto-responder and instead an email similar to 
I like to separate my supplier and customer communication , hence the use of a 
linked ticket, but I have a scrip that trickle the updates from the child 
ticket to the parent as a comment, this allows me to have all correspondence on 
the issue in one single ticket. 


> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:rt-users-
>] On Behalf Of Nathan Ward
> Sent: 27 April 2011 05:39
> To:
> Subject: [rt-users] Using RT to track outgoing requests
> Hi all,
> I imagine this is a common problem, but I can't find anything by searching
> the archives - I've tried a number of different search terms but don't hit
> anything useful.
> I support a number of customers who I look after various IT things for. I
> often want to send an email to someone who I need to work with for a
> customer, for example, I manage a web/email server for a customer and need
> to email the company who runs the customer's desktop machines etc. as a
> new request initiated by me ("I've noticed this problem, here's what we
> should do to fix" type of thing).
> If I create a new ticket in the web interface and add the 3rd party as a
> requestor, they get a somewhat confusing Autoreply message back. That's
> not ideal.
> If I create a new ticket in the web interface and add the 3rd party as a
> CC, and myself as a requestor, that works OK but I have to reply to a
> ticket in order to get the email to the customer.
> I could also create a ticket with email, and CC the other person, but
> they'll hit reply to all (or just reply) and emails will go outside the
> ticketing system and/or create new tickets which is not ideal.
> I have wanted to do this in the past in other situations, for example as
> an ISP I've wanted to send a message to another ISP, or to a transit
> provider or something, to arrange a change in our interconnection/peering.
> I'd prefer these thing to be tracked in RT, instead of my personal mail.
> What are other people doing for this sort of thing?
> --
> Nathan Ward

Re: [rt-users] Reuse RT System Saved Searches for all users

2011-05-04 Thread Raed El-Hames

> we stored a saved search (Tickets) in "RT System's saved searches" with
> the intention to make the search visible to all users.

"RT System Saved Searches" are only available to SuperUsers, these are the 
searches you include as default in home page etc etc.
I think for your purposes and if its possible for you (pending number of users 
etc), I would suggest you create a new generic group and add all your users as 
members, then make your search as the new group search.

Over here I have few generic groups, AllStaff which include all our staff, 
AllCustomers include our customers groups 
And 3rdParty which include suppliers groups etc, having these generic groups 
make my life much easier when applying permissions / dashboards and saved 
searches etc.


> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:rt-users-
>] On Behalf Of Lars Reimann
> Sent: 04 May 2011 11:43
> To:
> Subject: [rt-users] Reuse RT System Saved Searches for all users
> Hi,
> we stored a saved search (Tickets) in "RT System's saved searches" with
> the intention to make the search visible to all users.
> However,
> normal users cannot even see saved searches. We do require users to load
> them only and i gave the showsavedsearch and loadsavedsearch to every one.
> It is not clear to me which access rights are needed to enable users to
> see those system searches.
> If this is not possible via "RT System's saved searches", how do I make
> searches available to all users?
> Otherwise every user has to save his/her own identical query which is
> impractical and most of our users do not want to understand detailed
> search semantics.
> greetings,
> l.r.

Re: [rt-users] Watched queues

2011-05-06 Thread Raed El-Hames
I gather each work group are admin cc on their queue,
If this is the case then try = '__CurrentUser__'


> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:rt-users-
>] On Behalf Of Yan Seiner
> Sent: 05 May 2011 18:23
> To:
> Subject: [rt-users] Watched queues
> I'm stuck on the best way to set this up:
> Our department is set up as a bunch of workgroups.  I have a queue set up
> for each workgroup.  4As things stand, it makes sense to allow anyone to
> create a ticket for any other workgroup and to monitor all the tickets in
> their workgroup.
> It does not make sense to have everyone monitor everyone else's tickets.
> So
> I set up all previledged users with the rights to see all queues, and to
> crteate and comment on tickets in all queues.
> Now I need to set up a search that finds only those queues that each
> member belongs to.
> I am not sure how to do that; I don't see a search option that allows me
> to do that.
> --
> If you have eight hours to chop down a tree
> spend six sharpening your axe.
> --Abraham Lincoln

Re: [rt-users] Default Ticket Message Content when composing new ticket

2011-05-11 Thread Raed El-Hames

You need to explain what you mean by a specific type of ticket??
If its only dependant on the queue, then there is a couple of ways to do this, 
If the same text for a selected number of queues , then in Create.html define 
$ARGS{Content} with the text you wish presented if ($QueueObj->Name) matches 
your condition.
If you wish a different text for each queue, then create a queue template (for 
each queue you want to have pre-prepared text) with the words you wish and pull 
the template content into $ARGS{Content} in Create.html.


> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:rt-users-
>] On Behalf Of Michael P. Carel
> Sent: 11 May 2011 06:16
> To:
> Subject: [rt-users] Default Ticket Message Content when composing new
> ticket
> Hi to all;
> Is there a way I can have the RT ticket to have a default or pre-encoded
> message content when composing new ticket? Somewhat auto content under the
> "describe the issue below:" , but I need it for a specific type of ticket
> only and not applicable to all queue.
> Thanks,
> Mike

[rt-users] Load Saved charts

2011-05-16 Thread Raed El-Hames

Mysql5 and apache2 with mod_perl2

Loading saved charts seems not to be working, 
Created a search, charted it , saved the chart , ran a second search , charted 
it, but when trying to load the first saved chart, all I get is the second 
chart refreshed??

I am not sure if the Saved chart function is not saving the query, or if the 
current search is over ridding the chart query? Did anyone come across this ? 
and is there a known fix?


Re: [rt-users] Load Saved charts

2011-05-17 Thread Raed El-Hames

Thanks for the reply.
Can you tell me where I can find the rt bug tracker, I could not find any links 
from the mail bestpractical site or the wiki.
Also I would guess I need to know where is the repo what patches are kept to 
see the changes? From memory most bug replies only include the patch number?

I am curious as you suggested it should be fixed in the version of RT I am 
using, so I am wondering if anything in my local customisation that is 
effecting this.  


> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:rt-users-
>] On Behalf Of Kevin Falcone
> Sent: 16 May 2011 18:43
> To:
> Subject: Re: [rt-users] Load Saved charts
> On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 04:18:21PM +, Raed El-Hames wrote:
> > Rt-3.8.8
> > Mysql5 and apache2 with mod_perl2
> >
> > Loading saved charts seems not to be working, Created a search,
> > charted it , saved the chart , ran a second search , charted it, but
> when trying to load the first saved chart, all I get is the second chart
> refreshed??
> >
> > I am not sure if the Saved chart function is not saving the query, or if
> the current search is over ridding the chart query? Did anyone come across
> this ? and is there a known fix?
> This sounds like a bug Emmanuel reported and fixed, but it was against
> 3.8.6 and should be fixed in 3.8.8.  It was bug 14002
> -kevin

Re: [rt-users] Load Saved charts

2011-05-17 Thread Raed El-Hames
Apologies. Ignore my question regarding the bug tracker, I found
However can I ask what "fixed in e8c391f7a4119" means and where can I find 


> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:rt-users-
>] On Behalf Of Raed El-Hames
> Sent: 17 May 2011 17:57
> To:
> Subject: Re: [rt-users] Load Saved charts
> Kevin:
> Thanks for the reply.
> Can you tell me where I can find the rt bug tracker, I could not find any
> links from the mail bestpractical site or the wiki.
> Also I would guess I need to know where is the repo what patches are kept
> to see the changes? From memory most bug replies only include the patch
> number?
> I am curious as you suggested it should be fixed in the version of RT I am
> using, so I am wondering if anything in my local customisation that is
> effecting this.
> Regards;
> Roy
> > -Original Message-
> > From: [mailto:rt-users-
> >] On Behalf Of Kevin Falcone
> > Sent: 16 May 2011 18:43
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [rt-users] Load Saved charts
> >
> > On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 04:18:21PM +, Raed El-Hames wrote:
> > > Rt-3.8.8
> > > Mysql5 and apache2 with mod_perl2
> > >
> > > Loading saved charts seems not to be working, Created a search,
> > > charted it , saved the chart , ran a second search , charted it, but
> > when trying to load the first saved chart, all I get is the second chart
> > refreshed??
> > >
> > > I am not sure if the Saved chart function is not saving the query, or
> if
> > the current search is over ridding the chart query? Did anyone come
> across
> > this ? and is there a known fix?
> >
> > This sounds like a bug Emmanuel reported and fixed, but it was against
> > 3.8.6 and should be fixed in 3.8.8.  It was bug 14002
> >
> > -kevin

Re: [rt-users] Migrating to RT from another ticket system

2011-06-06 Thread Raed El-Hames

The offline tool will help you create the tickets as Ken suggested , however if 
you are looking to include any of your old tickets history (correspondence / 
updates), then I would recommend you look into using perl script and the rt api.


[] On Behalf Of Bart
Sent: 06 June 2011 12:44
Subject: [rt-users] Migrating to RT from another ticket system


We are currently working on migrating to Request Tracker.

The step on which we are now is creating a proof of concept, this is coming 
along pretty nicely.
With the O'Reilly book + mailing lists + wiki at hand we're getting there, just 
filling out the specific details :)

I do however want to look at a road bump ahead, which is migrating the old 
ticket date into RT.

We have the ability to export all the current date to CSV format, keeping those 
fields that we feel are fit for RT. (the old/current ticketing system is Assyst 
from Axios Systems)
We don't mind if ticket numbers are new, we prefer it really, as long as we can 
store the old ticket number in a CF (which I believe we can).

What would be the best way to import the data?
Can we use the command-line RT functions or do we have to do some database 
magic? (I'm not a database wizard so we'd have to find someone for that lol)

The reason why I'm asking this is mainly to get some information about the 
migration process before hand, such information would safe me allot of time 
later on.

So any information that would point us in the right direction would be helpful.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,


Re: [rt-users] Problem with aging tickets

2011-06-09 Thread Raed El-Hames

Create a script that run via cron , which looks for tickets in a particular 
status and if the last update was over 5 days , then get the scripts to resolve 
the ticket.
Over here we added a new status 'completed', once we think the issue is fixed 
we ask the customer to confirm if they feel the issue is fixed , and resolve 
the ticket, but the same as it happens with you, most customers do not respond 
back, for that we have a scripts that runs every day looking for tickets in 
'completed' status, and for any that have not been updated for over 7 days, we 
auto resolve.


[] On Behalf Of Rithy R
Sent: 09 June 2011 05:14
Subject: [rt-users] Problem with aging tickets
Importance: High


We are going to implement a new policy. If we replied requester that the 
solution found and we solved their problem user must response back that 
everything is okay. The problem is most of user don't response back and we 
cannot close that ticket without their acknowledgement, how can we close those 
ticket automatically in 5 days or so?


Re: [rt-users] limit ticket list display on requestor login

2011-06-10 Thread Raed El-Hames

I will not give the Everyone group rights other than Create Ticket and 
ReplyToTicket (and this is only to get the email side of things working 
properly).I also would not give any rights to the Unprivileged group.

For your purposes I would suggest you give the Requestor Role rights to 
ShowTicket/ModifyTicket/ReplyToTicket, and if your requestors are Unprivileged 
then their login will redirect them to the SelfService portal which is 

Hope that helps;

> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:rt-users-
>] On Behalf Of Giuseppe Sollazzo
> Sent: 10 June 2011 10:43
> To:
> Subject: [rt-users] limit ticket list display on requestor login
> Hi,
> I guess I'm not getting this right.
> I'd like that a user, upon login, were able to only see the tickets for
> which they are a requestor (in a given queue).
> Let's say I have a group G and a queue Q. If rights for G on Q are
> "Create tickets" and "View queue" obviously they see all tickets in the
> queue, whereas "Create tickets" alone does not allow them to see any
> ticket.
> To keep things tidy, I've also given the same rights to Everyone,
> Privileged, Unprivileged.
> Is what I want to do feasible with just permissions management?
> Thanks,
> Giuseppe
> --
> Giuseppe Sollazzo
> Senior Systems Analyst
> Computing Services
> Information Services
> St. George's, University Of London
> Cranmer Terrace
> London SW17 0RE
> Email:
> Direct Dial: +44 20 8725 5160
> Fax: +44 20 8725 3583

Re: [rt-users] limit ticket list display on requestor login

2011-06-10 Thread Raed El-Hames
The fist question Giuseppe , is user U privileged or not?

If not then by default he should have been redirected to 
SelfService/index.html, which again by default should only display 

If he is privileged (then I would ask why? -- because according to what you 
need below he does not need to be privileged),  if he has to be privileged then 
you may have to do some coding .. I do think there is a limitation in RT , you 
should need to give the "SeeQueue" permission to be able to see it in the 
dropdown ? I would have thought the "CreateTicket" permission should be enough.

As I suggested make user U unprivileged is the easiest solution.

Good luck 

> -Original Message-
> From: [mailto:rt-users-
>] On Behalf Of Giuseppe Sollazzo
> Sent: 10 June 2011 14:15
> To:
> Subject: Re: [rt-users] limit ticket list display on requestor login
> Hi Kevin,
> that was my first thought - however in "global group rights" all
> checkboxes in general/staff/admin rights are unticked for System, Roles,
> and for the given user group.
> Or is it maybe how I shoudl manage this, by adding "show ticket" to the
> global one?
> Just in case I have explained myself improperly, what I'm trying to
> achieve is that users in the G group are shown in the dashboard a list
> of tickets in the queue Q for which they are requestors; such list
> should exclude tickets in the same queue for which they are not
> requestors.
> Thanks,
> G
> On 10/06/11 14:03, Kevin Falcone wrote:
> > On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 01:45:55PM +0100, Giuseppe Sollazzo wrote:
> >> Uhm...
> >> it seems not to behave like I would like to.
> >>
> >> Basically I have a privileged user U that is part of group "G".
> >> On queue Q group G has right to show/modify/reply, whereas the
> >> system privileged group does not have any right on the queue.
> >> Also, on queue Q role "Requestor" has right to show/modify/reply,
> >> whereas the system privileged group does not have any right on the
> >> queue.
> >>
> >> Still, U can see all tickets in queue Q, even those he's not a
> >> requestor for.
> >>
> >> So I'm still looking for a way to hide tickets for which a user in
> >> the group G is not a requestor for from the dashboard, if that's at
> >> all possible :)
> >
> > Sounds like you have some global rights getting in the way.
> >
> > -kevin
> >
> >> On 10/06/11 12:06, Raed El-Hames wrote:
> >>> Giuseppe,
> >>>
> >>> I will not give the Everyone group rights other than Create Ticket and
> ReplyToTicket (and this is only to get the email side of things working
> properly).I also would not give any rights to the Unprivileged group.
> >>>
> >>> For your purposes I would suggest you give the Requestor Role rights
> to ShowTicket/ModifyTicket/ReplyToTicket, and if your requestors are
> Unprivileged then their login will redirect them to the SelfService portal
> which is restricted.
> >>>
> >>> Hope that helps;
> >>> Regards;
> >>> Roy
> >>>
> >>>> -Original Message-
> >>>> From: [mailto:rt-users-
> >>>>] On Behalf Of Giuseppe Sollazzo
> >>>> Sent: 10 June 2011 10:43
> >>>> To:
> >>>> Subject: [rt-users] limit ticket list display on requestor login
> >>>>
> >>>> Hi,
> >>>> I guess I'm not getting this right.
> >>>>
> >>>> I'd like that a user, upon login, were able to only see the tickets
> for
> >>>> which they are a requestor (in a given queue).
> >>>>
> >>>> Let's say I have a group G and a queue Q. If rights for G on Q are
> >>>> "Create tickets" and "View queue" obviously they see all tickets in
> the
> >>>> queue, whereas "Create tickets" alone does not allow them to see any
> >>>> ticket.
> >>>>
> >>>> To keep things tidy, I've also given the same rights to Everyone,
> >>>> Privileged, Unprivileged.
> >>>>
> >>>> Is what I want to do feasible with just permissions management?
> >>>>
> >>>> Thanks,
> >>>> G

Re: [rt-users] limit ticket list display on requestor login

2011-06-10 Thread Raed El-Hames
Sorry Giuseppe I don't have much knowledge of the LDAP plugin.
Under normal circumstances (ie RT auth), I would write script to go through the 
users need changing and set Privileged to 0
foreach $MyUserId (@my_users_to_change) {
  my $u=RT::User->new(RT::SystemUser);
  my ($id, $msg) = $u->Load("$MyUserId");
  if ($id) {

> -Original Message-
> From: Giuseppe Sollazzo []
> Sent: 10 June 2011 15:33
> To: Raed El-Hames
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [rt-users] limit ticket list display on requestor login
> Hi Raed,
> thanks a lot as that explains it. This user is Privileged. Removing the
> privilege everything works as expected.
> What puzzles me is the relationship between system groups and user
> defined groups. I would have expected to have the possibility of
> limiting permissions to Privileged users in a group rather then having
> them as Unprivileged.
> But never mind :-)
> Now the problem I have is that all my imported users are Privileged, and
> reimporting them does not seem to change this (even with
> $LDAPUpdateUsers=1).
> Do you reckon there's a way to bulk update users and make them
> Unprivileged?
> Thanks,
> Giuseppe
> On 10/06/11 14:50, Raed El-Hames wrote:
> > The fist question Giuseppe , is user U privileged or not?
> >
> > If not then by default he should have been redirected to
> SelfService/index.html, which again by default should only display
> > /SelfService/Elements/MyRequests
> >
> > If he is privileged (then I would ask why? -- because according to what
> you need below he does not need to be privileged),  if he has to be
> privileged then you may have to do some coding .. I do think there is a
> limitation in RT , you should need to give the "SeeQueue" permission to be
> able to see it in the dropdown ? I would have thought the "CreateTicket"
> permission should be enough.
> >
> > As I suggested make user U unprivileged is the easiest solution.
> >
> > Good luck
> > Roy
> >
> >
> >> -Original Message-
> >> From: [mailto:rt-users-
> >>] On Behalf Of Giuseppe Sollazzo
> >> Sent: 10 June 2011 14:15
> >> To:
> >> Subject: Re: [rt-users] limit ticket list display on requestor login
> >>
> >> Hi Kevin,
> >> that was my first thought - however in "global group rights" all
> >> checkboxes in general/staff/admin rights are unticked for System,
> Roles,
> >> and for the given user group.
> >>
> >> Or is it maybe how I shoudl manage this, by adding "show ticket" to the
> >> global one?
> >>
> >> Just in case I have explained myself improperly, what I'm trying to
> >> achieve is that users in the G group are shown in the dashboard a list
> >> of tickets in the queue Q for which they are requestors; such list
> >> should exclude tickets in the same queue for which they are not
> >> requestors.
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> G
> >>
> >> On 10/06/11 14:03, Kevin Falcone wrote:
> >>> On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 01:45:55PM +0100, Giuseppe Sollazzo wrote:
> >>>> Uhm...
> >>>> it seems not to behave like I would like to.
> >>>>
> >>>> Basically I have a privileged user U that is part of group "G".
> >>>> On queue Q group G has right to show/modify/reply, whereas the
> >>>> system privileged group does not have any right on the queue.
> >>>> Also, on queue Q role "Requestor" has right to show/modify/reply,
> >>>> whereas the system privileged group does not have any right on the
> >>>> queue.
> >>>>
> >>>> Still, U can see all tickets in queue Q, even those he's not a
> >>>> requestor for.
> >>>>
> >>>> So I'm still looking for a way to hide tickets for which a user in
> >>>> the group G is not a requestor for from the dashboard, if that's at
> >>>> all possible :)
> >>> Sounds like you have some global rights getting in the way.
> >>>
> >>> -kevin
> >>>
> >>>> On 10/06/11 12:06, Raed El-Hames wrote:
> >>>>> Giuseppe,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I will not give the Everyone group rights other than 

Re: [rt-users] Need some help with suppliers

2011-06-15 Thread Raed El-Hames

The way I deal with the scenario below is as follow:

1-  Customer ticket about their issue with customer as requestor

2-  Create depends on ticket to the supplier with the supplier as a 

3-  We put the customer ticket to status 'on-hold' which we added to the 
inactive status list

4-  We have a scrip that pushes updates from depends on ticket to the 
Depended on By as comments (it also changes the ticket status to open) , so 
when the supplier reply back with the solution etc, this update is trickled 
into the main customer ticket and the customer ticket becomes active again.
Hope that helps.


[] On Behalf Of Bart
Sent: 15 June 2011 07:07
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Need some help with suppliers


Our suppliers use different systems and the people dealing with them is our 
supportdesk. So basically any ticket from our supportdesk "could" rely on an 
action from our suppliers.

Creating a "depends on" ticket and giving the supplier a user which becomes 
owner of that ticket could do it, or we could at least make them requestor for 
that ticket in order to mail them. I think requestor is the best case for us, 
the main function we need is the ability to mail towards someone else other 
then the requestor in the "To" field. (I'll explain below)

Something I haven't mentioned, the usual fllow with our supplier is that 
incidents are called in. So we write down that we've called them + I can make a 
CF or something like that specifying that it's now with that supplier.
But changes are things that we e-mail towards our suppliers (sometimes 
incidents too), and that specific action isn't possible by default. You can 
only mail a requestor + CC a few people (or make a comment and CC that towards 
someone). In that context the CC option is a problem for us since suppliers 
expect them to be mailed directly (CC usually means, read but don't do 

We could talk to them about it but I want to avoid it and use mail the way it 
should be used ;)

Best regards,


2011/6/14 Kenneth Crocker>>

Do all your suppliers have RT? If not, then who in your organization deals with 
the suppliers? Perhaps creating a "Child/DependsOn" ticket that is owned by the 
person dealing with that particular supplier would work.

Just a thought.


On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 5:04 AM, Bart>> 

I need some help understanding the flow of tickets in RT, specifically how to 
work with suppliers.

In our test setup one questing came forth about sending a ticket to a supplier 
and how to go about it.
Lets say we have a customer sending us an incident ticket. The incident ends up 
being the problem of our supplier so we need to have the ticket depend on a 
suppliers actions.

Our current setup is pretty much default with two queue's for internal 

  *   Queues:

 *   Servicedesk: All new e-mails go to this queue.
 *   Tech support: Thirdline support for the servicedesk.

  *   CF's:

 *   A few under users for easy selection of organizations.
 *   And a few for the tickets for selecting to what categorie a ticket 
belongs to.
 *   In addition I've installed the SLA plugin with two test SLA's.
In our old system we would do these things by assigning a ticket to a supplier, 
does that mean that I would need to create a queue for each supplier that we 
work with for this to work?

I'm guessing "yes", hoping "no", for some suppliers having a queue is ok but 
for allot of other ones it's not ok. We work for the government, some direct 
suppliers are easy to write down as a queue but sometimes a townhall needs to 
fix something which would mean that we have to add roughly 450 queue's (one for 
each townhall).

Anyway, if someone could help me understand how to work with suppliers then I'd 
be extremely gratefull.

Best regards,


Re: [rt-users] Need some help with suppliers

2011-06-16 Thread Raed El-Hames
Hi Bart,

The scrip that trickle the update from one ticket to another is something I've 
I don't have my rt available to me at the moment , if you need it drop me a 
note so I can send it to you when I can, If I remember rightly there was a very 
similar example scrip on the RT wiki.


From: [] On Behalf Of Bart
Sent: 15 June 2011 20:36
To: Raed El-Hames
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Need some help with suppliers

Hi Roy,

That sounds like a very clean solution :-)

We were already looking at maybe just using our regular e-mail client for 
mailing towards the suppliers with RT on the CC but your solution would allow 
us to really do everything from within RT + I like the idea of making a 
separate ticket for the supplier.

Is the scrip you use something default within RT (can't check it atm but will 
do next thing tomorrow).

Anyway, thanks for the info I'll be sure to give it a try.

Best regards,


2011/6/15 Raed El-Hames>>

The way I deal with the scenario below is as follow:

1-  Customer ticket about their issue with customer as requestor

2-  Create depends on ticket to the supplier with the supplier as a 

3-  We put the customer ticket to status 'on-hold' which we added to the 
inactive status list

4-  We have a scrip that pushes updates from depends on ticket to the 
Depended on By as comments (it also changes the ticket status to open) , so 
when the supplier reply back with the solution etc, this update is trickled 
into the main customer ticket and the customer ticket becomes active again.
Hope that helps.


 On Behalf Of Bart
Sent: 15 June 2011 07:07
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Need some help with suppliers


Our suppliers use different systems and the people dealing with them is our 
supportdesk. So basically any ticket from our supportdesk "could" rely on an 
action from our suppliers.

Creating a "depends on" ticket and giving the supplier a user which becomes 
owner of that ticket could do it, or we could at least make them requestor for 
that ticket in order to mail them. I think requestor is the best case for us, 
the main function we need is the ability to mail towards someone else other 
then the requestor in the "To" field. (I'll explain below)

Something I haven't mentioned, the usual fllow with our supplier is that 
incidents are called in. So we write down that we've called them + I can make a 
CF or something like that specifying that it's now with that supplier.
But changes are things that we e-mail towards our suppliers (sometimes 
incidents too), and that specific action isn't possible by default. You can 
only mail a requestor + CC a few people (or make a comment and CC that towards 
someone). In that context the CC option is a problem for us since suppliers 
expect them to be mailed directly (CC usually means, read but don't do 

We could talk to them about it but I want to avoid it and use mail the way it 
should be used ;)

Best regards,


2011/6/14 Kenneth Crocker>>

Do all your suppliers have RT? If not, then who in your organization deals with 
the suppliers? Perhaps creating a "Child/DependsOn" ticket that is owned by the 
person dealing with that particular supplier would work.

Just a thought.


On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 5:04 AM, Bart>> 

I need some help understanding the flow of tickets in RT, specifically how to 
work with suppliers.

In our test setup one questing came forth about sending a ticket to a supplier 
and how to go about it.
Lets say we have a customer sending us an incident ticket. The incident ends up 
being the problem of our supplier so we need to have the ticket depend on a 
suppliers actions.

Our current setup is pretty much default with two queue's for internal 

  *   Queues:

 *   Servicedesk: All new e-mails go to this queue.
 *   Tech support: Thirdline support for the servicedesk.

  *   CF's:

 *   A few under users for easy selection of organizations.
 *   And a few for the tickets for selecting to what categorie a ticket 
belongs to.
 *   In addition I've installed the SLA plugin with two test SLA's.
In our old system we would do these things by assigning a ticket to a supplier, 
does that mean that I would need to create a queue for each supplier that we 
work with for this to work?

I'm guessing 

Re: [rt-users] Need some help with suppliers

2011-06-16 Thread Raed El-Hames

The scrip on that page is very similar to the one I used,to push the 
correspondence into the ticket,
Before the while:
my $update = $self->TransactionObj->Content();
during the while loop add:
$l->BaseObj->Comment(Content=> "$update");  #or something similar ..


From: [] On Behalf Of Bart
Sent: 16 June 2011 10:40
To: Raed El-Hames
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Need some help with suppliers


Was this the sample script you used on the wiki?

Best regards,


2011/6/16 Raed El-Hames>>
Hi Bart,

The scrip that trickle the update from one ticket to another is something I've 
I don't have my rt available to me at the moment , if you need it drop me a 
note so I can send it to you when I can, If I remember rightly there was a very 
similar example scrip on the RT wiki.


[<>] On Behalf Of Bart
Sent: 15 June 2011 20:36
To: Raed El-Hames

Subject: Re: [rt-users] Need some help with suppliers

Hi Roy,

That sounds like a very clean solution :-)

We were already looking at maybe just using our regular e-mail client for 
mailing towards the suppliers with RT on the CC but your solution would allow 
us to really do everything from within RT + I like the idea of making a 
separate ticket for the supplier.

Is the scrip you use something default within RT (can't check it atm but will 
do next thing tomorrow).

Anyway, thanks for the info I'll be sure to give it a try.

Best regards,


2011/6/15 Raed El-Hames>>

The way I deal with the scenario below is as follow:

1-  Customer ticket about their issue with customer as requestor

2-  Create depends on ticket to the supplier with the supplier as a 

3-  We put the customer ticket to status 'on-hold' which we added to the 
inactive status list

4-  We have a scrip that pushes updates from depends on ticket to the 
Depended on By as comments (it also changes the ticket status to open) , so 
when the supplier reply back with the solution etc, this update is trickled 
into the main customer ticket and the customer ticket becomes active again.
Hope that helps.


 On Behalf Of Bart
Sent: 15 June 2011 07:07
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Need some help with suppliers


Our suppliers use different systems and the people dealing with them is our 
supportdesk. So basically any ticket from our supportdesk "could" rely on an 
action from our suppliers.

Creating a "depends on" ticket and giving the supplier a user which becomes 
owner of that ticket could do it, or we could at least make them requestor for 
that ticket in order to mail them. I think requestor is the best case for us, 
the main function we need is the ability to mail towards someone else other 
then the requestor in the "To" field. (I'll explain below)

Something I haven't mentioned, the usual fllow with our supplier is that 
incidents are called in. So we write down that we've called them + I can make a 
CF or something like that specifying that it's now with that supplier.
But changes are things that we e-mail towards our suppliers (sometimes 
incidents too), and that specific action isn't possible by default. You can 
only mail a requestor + CC a few people (or make a comment and CC that towards 
someone). In that context the CC option is a problem for us since suppliers 
expect them to be mailed directly (CC usually means, read but don't do 

We could talk to them about it but I want to avoid it and use mail the way it 
should be used ;)

Best regards,

2011/6/14 Kenneth Crocker>>

Do all your suppliers have RT? If not, then who in your organization deals with 
the suppliers? Perhaps creating a "Child/DependsOn" ticket that is owned by the 
person dealing with that particular supplier would work.

Just a thought.


On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 5:04 AM, Bart>> 

I need some help understanding the flow of tickets in RT, specifically how to 
work with suppliers.

In our test setup one questing came forth about sending a ticket to a supplier 
and how to go about it.

Re: [rt-users] Dump all except tickets+attachments?

2011-06-23 Thread Raed El-Hames

If you are in a position to do it via sql , then I would suggest you take this 
By via sql I mean you are able to do statements like (insert into 
development_db.Users (select * from production_db.Users) etc ..
If you ignoring Tickets and Attachments I would also ignore the Transactions 
table content , unless you care about change history for users/groups.
Its also possible to ignore objectcustomfields and objectcustomfieldvalues 
content unless you are using users/groups/queues custom fields which are not 
very common.
And also ignore sessions table content

Tables like groups / GroupMembers and CachedGroupMembers are tricky and hard to 
get right via sql, if you start with the Groups table and select * from Groups 
where Domain != 'RT::Ticket-Role', then you should be able to do the 
GroupMembers by select * from production_db.GroupMembers where GroupId in 
(select Id from development_db.Groups)
As for CachedGroupMembers, its far more tricky and please look into it in more 
details, but for a starting point I would suggest you do the same select as 

Hope that helps,

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-Original Message-
> From: [mailto:rt-users-
>] On Behalf Of Jeff Blaine
> Sent: 23 June 2011 16:33
> To:
> Subject: [rt-users] Dump all except tickets+attachments?
> If anyone has any clever advice as to how to about this,
> I'd love to hear it.
> RT 3.8.7 + security patches, PostgreSQL 8.1.23, RHEL5
> We need to replicate our production RT instance's data
> to a development instance (yes, backward), but we don't
> want to carry the ~6GB of *ticket and attachment*
> data (what else?) over to development.
> Essentially, we want the same environment in development
> as production, but with empty queues.
> Advice?
> You are now connected to database "rt3".
> rt3=# \dt
>List of relations
>   Schema |  Name   | Type  |  Owner
> +-+---+--
>   public | acl | table | postgres
>   public | attachments | table | postgres
>   public | attributes  | table | postgres
>   public | cachedgroupmembers  | table | postgres
>   public | customfields| table | postgres
>   public | customfieldvalues   | table | postgres
>   public | fm_articles | table | rt_user
>   public | fm_classes  | table | rt_user
>   public | fm_objecttopics | table | rt_user
>   public | fm_topics   | table | rt_user
>   public | groupmembers| table | postgres
>   public | groups  | table | postgres
>   public | links 

Re: [rt-users] Show tickets depending on creator and not owner

2011-07-01 Thread Raed El-Hames

The Creator of a ticket is in most cases the requestor unless they decided to 
change that by entering a different email address in the requestor field when a 
ticket is first created. I think the scenario you describing below will most 
likely be the creator == requestor.

Customers should not be owners of a ticket (in all ticketing processes that I 
am aware of anyway), ownership should be assigned to those that can fix 
issue/supply information.

If your customers are unprivileged users, then by default the web ui will 
present them with the Selfservice portal which by default list all their 
tickets that they have requested. Try to login as one of those unprivileged 
users to see the different interface you get.

Hope that helps,


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-Original Message-
> From: [mailto:rt-users-
>] On Behalf Of Fabian Unfried
> Sent: 30 June 2011 16:34
> To:
> Subject: [rt-users] Show tickets depending on creator and not owner
> Hi guys,
> just started with rt 4.0.1 and it is really great, but one question:
> Is there a way to show the tickets for the customers (unprivileged users)
> not only when they are assigned to it but also because they are the
> creator of a ticket? So to say I would like that a creator of a ticket can
> always see his/her ticket not only when he/she is assigned to his/her
> ticket.
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Fabian
> This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential, and may
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> 2011 Training:

2011 Training:

[rt-users] Can't call method "ContentAsMIME" on an undefined value

2011-07-12 Thread Raed El-Hames

Apologies Kevin but I put your name because through the archive I noticed you 
looked into similar problem.
When trying to forward an update with an attachment and no text update I get 
the error "Can't call method ..."

I noticed back in December another list user had the same issue (Ticket 
Forwarding), but it seems there was no solution posted.
Do you know if there is a fix/solution?? And what would you recommend, I am on 
3.8.7 (mod_perl2/apache/mysql); an upgrade is not an option for now, but I can 
patch the necessary.


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2011 Training:

Re: [rt-users] Can't call method "ContentAsMIME" on an undefined value

2011-07-13 Thread Raed El-Hames
OK thanks Kevin for your help.I'll dig through 3.8.9 changes.


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-Original Message-
> From: [mailto:rt-users-
>] On Behalf Of Kevin Falcone
> Sent: 12 July 2011 23:07
> To:
> Subject: Re: [rt-users] Can't call method "ContentAsMIME" on an undefined
> value
> On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 04:47:41PM +, Raed El-Hames wrote:
> > Kevin,
> >
> > Apologies Kevin but I put your name because through the archive I
> noticed you looked into similar problem.
> > When trying to forward an update with an attachment and no text update I
> get the error "Can't call method ..."
> >
> > I noticed back in December another list user had the same issue (Ticket
> Forwarding), but it seems there was no solution posted.
> > Do you know if there is a fix/solution?? And what would you recommend, I
> am on 3.8.7 (mod_perl2/apache/mysql); an upgrade is not an option for now,
> but I can patch the necessary.
> 3.8.9 fixes this, and it was a commit we backported from 4.0 by sunnavy.
> I don't currently have time to hunt it down, but hopefully that gives you
> enough information to search for the relevant diff.
> I have no idea if a single patch will fix it or if you'd need a series of
> patches.
> -kevin

2011 Training:

Re: [rt-users] Trouble with scrip to set status based on email subject

2011-08-30 Thread Raed El-Hames

Your scrip is telling RT on Create (> > > Condition: On Create) => resolve the 
You can either change your condition to User defined and add a bit of logic to 
your Custom condition: to identify ticket creation. Or keep your condition to 
On Create and move your:
my $match = "Order [0-9][0-9]+ has been cancelled by Google";
my $t_subject = $self->TicketObj->Subject;
if ( $t_subject =~ /$match/i ) {
return 1;
else {
return 0;

To the custom action prepare code.

Hope that helps ;

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-Original Message-
> From: [mailto:rt-users-
>] On Behalf Of
> Sent: 30 August 2011 16:27
> To: Dave Pascoe
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [rt-users] Trouble with scrip to set status based on email
> subject
> Shouldn't that be TransactionBatch and not TransactionCreate?
> Cheers,
> Ken
> On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 11:17:54AM -0400, Dave Pascoe wrote:
> > Forgot to mention - running 4.0.2.
> >
> > -Dave
> >
> > On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 10:53 AM, Dave Pascoe 
> wrote:
> >
> > > Trying to set up this Scrip to set Resolved status based on email
> subject.
> > >  It is auto-closing all tickets.
> > > Any ideas?  I have to be missing something basic.  I already tested
> the
> > > regex match separately.  I also thought I had the logic reversed but
> tested
> > > it both ways (!~ and =~).
> > >
> > > TIA,
> > > Dave
> > >
> > > Description: Auto Close Google Checkout emails
> > > Condition: On Create
> > > Action: User Defined
> > > Template: Global Template: Blank
> > > Stage: TransactionCreate
> > >
> > > Custom condition:
> > > my $match = "Order [0-9][0-9]+ has been cancelled by Google";
> > > my $t_subject = $self->TicketObj->Subject;
> > > if ( $t_subject =~ /$match/i ) {
> > > return 1;
> > > }
> > > else {
> > > return 0;
> > > }
> > >
> > > Custom action preparation code:
> > >
> > > return 1;
> > >
> > > Custom action cleanup code:
> > >
> > > $self->TicketObj->SetStatus( "resolved" );
> > > return 1;
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > 
> > RT Training Sessions (
> > *  Chicago, IL, USA ? September 26 & 27, 2011
> > *  San Francisco, CA, USA ? October 18 & 19, 2011
> > *  Washington DC, USA ? October 31 & November 1, 2011
> > *  Melbourne VIC, Australia ? November 28 & 29, 2011
> > *  Barcelona, Spain ? November 28 & 29, 2011
> RT Training Sessions (
> *  Chicago, IL, USA  September 26 & 27, 2011
> *  San Francisco, CA, USA  October 18 & 19, 2011
> *  Washington DC, USA  October 31 & November 1, 2011
> *  Melbourne VIC, Australia  November 28 & 29, 2011
> *  Barcelona, Spain  November 28 &

Re: [rt-users] Permissions problem. Cannot view queues/tickets or make changes to config as super user

2011-09-01 Thread Raed El-Hames

As far as I know your only fix is through the database directly.
Login in to your RT database and

select id from Users where Name = 'root';  #on my system the id of root == 12

select id from Groups where Name = 'User 12'; #on my system this id = 13

select id from Principals where ObjectId = 13 and PrincipalType = 'Group'; 
#most likely this should be the same as above in my case 13

select * from ACL where PrincipalId = 13 and PrincipalType = 'Group'; #This 
should return a row with
| id | PrincipalType | PrincipalId | RightName | ObjectType | ObjectId | 
DelegatedBy | DelegatedFrom |
|  3 | Group |  13 | SuperUser | RT::System |1 |
   0 | 0 |

But in your case most likely it wont , so you will need to insert a new row 
into your ACL table to match the above.
(Remember that the id field is auto increment so you don't include it in your 
insert statement).

Hope that helps;


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-Original Message-
> From: [mailto:rt-users-
>] On Behalf Of josh.cole
> Sent: 01 September 2011 00:29
> To:
> Subject: [rt-users] Permissions problem. Cannot view queues/tickets or
> make changes to config as super user
> Permissions problem. Cannot view queues/tickets or make changes to config
> as
> super user. I am logging in as root. Not sure what I did to cause this
> problem but if anyone is willing to tell me how to resolve this problem
> that
> would be great.
> -Josh
> --
> View this message in context:
> Cannot-view-queues-tickets-or-make-changes-to-config-as-super-user-
> tp32376364p32376364.html
> Sent from the Request Tracker - User mailing list archive at
> RT Training Sessions (
> *  Chicago, IL, USA  September 26 & 27, 2011
> *  San Francisco, CA, USA  October 18 & 19, 2011
> *  Washington DC, USA  October 31 & November 1, 2011
> *  Melbourne VIC, Australia  November 28 & 29, 2011
> *  Barcelona, Spain  November 28 & 29, 2011

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*  Melbourne VIC, Australia  November 28 & 29, 2011
*  Barcelona, Spain  November 

Re: [rt-users] Quick Ticket Creation

2011-09-06 Thread Raed El-Hames

You need to edit Elements/QuickCreate and change
<%$session{'CurrentUser'}->Name %>


$session{'CurrentUser'}->Name %>


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-Original Message-
> From: [mailto:rt-users-
>] On Behalf Of john s.
> Sent: 06 September 2011 13:22
> To:
> Subject: [rt-users] Quick Ticket Creation
> Hello everybody
> Is it possible to set the owner to nobody by default , if you use the
> Option to create a Quick ticket ?
> best regards
> john s.
> --
> View this message in context:
> tp32407339p32407339.html
> Sent from the Request Tracker - User mailing list archive at
> RT Training Sessions (
> *  Chicago, IL, USA  September 26 & 27, 2011
> *  San Francisco, CA, USA  October 18 & 19, 2011
> *  Washington DC, USA  October 31 & November 1, 2011
> *  Melbourne VIC, Australia  November 28 & 29, 2011
> *  Barcelona, Spain  November 28 & 29, 2011

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*  Barcelona, Spain  November 28 & 29, 2011

Re: [rt-users] Multiple URL's with multiple themes (look and feel)

2011-09-07 Thread Raed El-Hames
Can you keep us (me anyway) informed how the below solution works out for you, 
I am wondering how it will work if you need to link tickets cross different 
At the moment with mod_perl2 I am running 1 rt database one rt code tree for 2 
different sites (urls) but with 2 different , 2 RT_Siteconfig files, 
and few hacks within the code and exim.conf etc , its not a clean solution , 
and wondering if Ruz solution maybe a better way of doing things.



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[] On Behalf Of Bart
Sent: 07 September 2011 16:09
To: Ruslan Zakirov
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Multiple URL's with multiple themes (look and feel)


Thanks for the reply, I'm going to see if the callback solution will help me 
with this.

It looks like this is indeed how I should attempt this setup.


Best regards,


2011/9/7 Ruslan Zakirov>>

It's double. For beginning alias multiple locations on the server to rt. Check 
that everything works. Some actions and links would point to urls defined in 
the config. Then you have to use callback in main autohandler where you check 
server's variables and set Web* and other options accordingly.

Regards, Ruslan. From phone.
07.09.2011 17:53 пользователь "Bart">> 

> Hi,
> I'm wondering if it's possible to do the following within RequestTracker:
> - Set a different theme (look and feel) per queue / incoming URL.
> - Set a different theme (look and feel) per SelfService portal / incoming
> URL.
> The goal is to have 1 ticket system with multiple queue's but also multiple
> URL's. Technically that's possible but I'd want to give each queue/incoming
> URL a different look & feel (or just a different CSS file
> which overrules the default).
> I know I can do individual per user themes but I'd want to set something
> globally which will work for both normal users and selfservice users but
> then in a dynamic way where a you can implement RT on different websites
> while running just one instance.
> Hopefully someone can help point me in the right direction for this, so far
> all I've found is that it's not possible.
> Thanks in advance.
> Best regards,
> Bart

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*  Barcelona, Spain — November 28 & 29, 2011

Re: [rt-users] How to setting multiple email addresses on Request Tracker

2011-09-08 Thread Raed El-Hames
How did you set up your RT mail, exim , fetchmail ??
Have a look at 
for more information.



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[] On Behalf Of Samuel Ferdian
Sent: 08 September 2011 12:39
Subject: [rt-users] How to setting multiple email addresses on Request Tracker

Hi there,
Introduce i am a newbie on RT, i want to ask if i want to set up multiple email 
on RT instance.
I was installed one RT instance on a server, then i want to set up multiple 
email address to create ticket by email.

So each of email can be set to one queue that i have.

How steps steps should be taken to this all happen on my server ?

Thank You.
RT Training Sessions (
*  Chicago, IL, USA — September 26 & 27, 2011
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*  Washington DC, USA — October 31 & November 1, 2011
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*  Barcelona, Spain — November 28 & 29, 2011

Re: [rt-users] Costum Condition AdminCC Notification

2011-09-09 Thread Raed El-Hames

I would guess client == Requestor?
I would disable the scrip On Create notify AdminCC and create a new one with 
Action Notify Admin but with User defined condition.
Your condition code will depend how you can distinguish that the requestor is 
not a member of the admincc group, for example if you expect the requestors to 
be from a different domain to your admin cc you can try;

If ($self->TransactionObj->Type eq ‘Create’ and 
$self->TicketObj->Requestors->MemberEmailAddressesAsString !~ 
/your_admincc_\@domain/) {
  return 1;
} else {
 return undef;



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[] On Behalf Of Christian Bauer
Sent: 09 September 2011 10:09
Subject: [rt-users] Costum Condition AdminCC Notification

Hello there.

Maybe you can help me with this issue.
I want RT only to send AdminCC Notifications on ticket create if the client is 
not equal to the owner.

I need it because, if an admin creates a ticket on his own behalf, the other 
admins should not be  notified.

Thank you in advance


RT Training Sessions (
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*  Melbourne VIC, Australia — November 28 & 29, 2011
*  Barcelona, Spain — November 28 & 29, 2011

Re: [rt-users] Doing response-time analytics

2011-09-29 Thread Raed El-Hames

> Is there a recommended way to record the 'first contact/response' time
> without analyzing the transactions?

You can going forward , I've done something similar a while back , my 
requirement were to calculate the first response time to the customer from the 
ticket created time, responses to customers are always in correspondence , so I 
created a custom field FirstResponse and a scrip with condition on 
correspondence with action that look for the TransactionObj->Creator if it's a 
staff member (based on group membership), then I populate the FirstResponse 
with the diff in minutes between TransactionObj->Created and 
TicketObj->Created. --Obviously if the FirstResponse is already populated then 
return undef, ie no need to do anything.

As I said this will only help you going forward, for existing tickets , I am 
afraid it have to be the hard way, but I would use the RT Api and not sql 

Hop that helps.


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-Original Message-
> From: [mailto:rt-users-
>] On Behalf Of Richard McMahon
> Sent: 29 September 2011 10:26
> To: Francisco Jen Ou
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [rt-users] Doing response-time analytics
> > Started: Tue, Aug 16, 2011 3:02:18 PM
> Hi,
> It looks to me that Started is updated when the ticket is taken or any
> transaction to the ticket. e.g. queue change
> This time is not the time for first response with a requestor
> Is there a recommended way to record the 'first contact/response' time
> without analyzing the transactions?
> r.
> On Wed, 28 Sep 2011, Francisco Jen Ou wrote:
> > Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2011 16:45:10 -0300
> > From: Francisco Jen Ou 
> > To: Jason Ketola 
> > Cc:
> > Subject: Re: [rt-users] Doing response-time analytics
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > If you have access to RT server console, you can run this command:
> >
> > /opt/rt4/bin/rt show -l ticket/ticket_number
> >
> > which will give you detailed data and these 2 interesting fields:
> >
> > ...
> > Created: Tue, Aug 16, 2011 3:00:37 PM
> > ...
> > Started: Tue, Aug 16, 2011 3:02:18 PM
> >
> >
> >
> > Em 28-09-2011 16:19, Jason Ketola escreveu:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I'm trying to figure out how to do analytics on response times to
> >> messages. That is, I want to be able to graph, for instance, how long
> >> it's taking on average for messages hitting our queue to get a response
> >> (I'm not looking for time to resolution). From what reading I've done,
> >> it seems like I'll need to create a custom field to do this, right? Or
> >> is there somewhere else I should look?
> >>
> >> Thank you!
> >> Jason
> >>
> >>
> > 
> > RT Training Sessions (http:/

Re: [rt-users] Spell checking Solutions for RT

2011-10-06 Thread Raed El-Hames

The spell checking will need to be client side because I guess will need your 
users to do the checking before submit? (or have I missed something??)
As Thomas previously suggested most browsers these days include spell check 
plugins , but if you wish you can look into some of the javascript tools out 
there, I 've come across javascriptspellcheck before but I have n't used it or 
looked into it from a development perspective so not sure how useful its.


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-Original Message-
> From: [mailto:rt-users-
>] On Behalf Of Joop
> Sent: 06 October 2011 16:54
> To: john s.
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [rt-users] Spell checking Solutions for RT
> john s. wrote:
> > Any other way to implement some spell checking stuff in RT?
> >
> Did once some scripting to spellcheck but that is way back in time,
> RT-3.6 or older. Don't know if you can still use that.
> Joop
> RT Training Sessions (
> *  San Francisco, CA, USA  October 18 & 19, 2011
> *  Washington DC, USA  October 31 & November 1, 2011
> *  Barcelona, Spain  November 28 & 29, 2011

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[rt-users] custom fields select with Category --Firefox 7 issue

2011-10-10 Thread Raed El-Hames

I am on rt-3.8.7
We have 2 custom fields related via Category, where selecting one determines 
the content of the second field dropdown, and we had few values for the second 
custom field with the category was left at 'no value', so these are displayed 
as generic options for any value of the first custom field;
However in firefox 7 this is not working, the generic options are not showing 
in the dropdowns! Have anyone else experienced this and have a work around? Not 
sure where to start looking with this; ist the javascript or html?


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Re: [rt-users] How to sync tickets from two RT.

2011-10-19 Thread Raed El-Hames

You have 2 options,
1- Get the 2 organisation to use 1 RT , use groups/queues rights and 
permissions to do the separations, then tickets crossing organisations will be 
simply moving queue.

2- Option 2 is have a queue for org B on RT-A B , and set up on Queue 
change/Correspondence and Comments queue scrips that use the REST interface to 
create or update tickets in RT-B

I use option 1 for the different brands/companies that we have and I use option 
2 when talking to our suppliers that have RT.


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-Original Message-
> From: [mailto:rt-users-
>] On Behalf Of Adrian Stel
> Sent: 19 October 2011 10:45
> To:
> Subject: [rt-users] How to sync tickets from two RT.
> Hi,
> this is the case:
> we have two organizations:
> 1) A
> 2) B
> Both A and B have own RT. (A-RT and B-RT)
> This is what I would like to do:
> When people from A put ticket to owne A-RT in B queue. B-RT will take
> from A-RT this ticket and put him to B-RT.
> What tools we have make sync beteewn two RT ?
> Should we have the same RT in A nad B or we could have in A 3.8 and in B
> 4.0 ?
> --
> Best Regards
> Adrian Stelmaszyk
> RT Training Sessions (
> *  Washington DC, USA  October 31 & November 1, 2011
> *  Barcelona, Spain  November 28 & 29, 2011

RT Training Sessions (
*  Washington DC, USA  October 31 & November 1, 2011
*  Barcelona, Spain  November 28 & 29, 2011

[rt-users] CheckForSuspiciousSender

2007-07-04 Thread Raed El-hames
Hi there;
Rt-3.6.1 apache2, modperl2,mysql5

How does the sub CheckForSuspiciousSender in lib/RT/Interface/ work .
I though if it returned 1, it should stop the message from being submitted to 
the database?? I have quite few postmaster and mailer-deamon tickets/updates 
and I want to put stop to this??


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Re: [rt-users] Default password

2007-08-01 Thread Raed El-Hames
Yes all you need is ~]# /usr/sbin/rt-setup-database  and all mysql related
stuff as per the read me ..
have a look at the wiki installation document it explains how to deal with
your error.
- Original Message -
From: "John Oliver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2007 6:41 PM
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Default password

> On Wed, Aug 01, 2007 at 06:09:42PM +0100, Roy El-Hames wrote:
> > Have you any users in your Users table, if not then I would recommend
> > re-installing RT, cause you need more than just the root user like the
> > user Nobody and RT_System.
> Reinstall???
> Wouldn't dropping the database and re-running rt-setup-database, in
> theory, be sufficient?
> Which leads to another problem...
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# /usr/sbin/rt-setup-database --action init --dba rt_user
> --prompt-for-dba-password
> In order to create or update your RT database,this script needs to
> connect to your mysql instance on as rt_user.
> Please specify that user's database password below. If the user has no
> database
> password, just press return.
> Password:
> Now creating a database for RT.
> Creating mysql database rt3.
> Now populating database schema.
> Creating database schema.
> readline() on closed filehandle SCHEMA_LOCAL at
> /usr/sbin/rt-setup-database line 192.
> Done setting up database schema.
> Now inserting database ACLs
> DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Access denied for user
> 'rt_user'@'' to database 'mysql' at
> /usr/sbin/rt-setup-database line 345.
> Problem with statement:
>  USE mysql;
> Access denied for user 'rt_user'@'' to database 'mysql' at
> /usr/sbin/rt-setup-database line 346.
> rt-setup-database apparantly can start setting up the database, but runs
> into a problem because it tries to access the 'mysql' database.  I
> dropped the rt3 database and granted all to rt_user, but it still fails.
> So... what is the correct way to initialize the rt3 database?
> --
> ***
> * John Oliver *
> * *
> ***
> ___
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Re: [rt-users] Queue list on Comment/Reply page

2007-09-17 Thread Raed El-Hames
It should already be there -the row between Status and update type .. or am 
I mis-understanding your question
I am guessing you have permission problems which also relates to your Child 
tickets problem

- Original Message - 
From: "Mathew Snyder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "RT Users" 
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 7:20 PM
Subject: [rt-users] Queue list on Comment/Reply page

How hard would it be to add a drop down list of all of the queues to the
Comment/Reply page?

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Re: [rt-users] resolving and closing tickets

2009-01-05 Thread Raed El-Hames
(Correct me if I am wrong ..please) but ..
I do not think just disabling / removing the scrip is a good solution , 
what you end up with correspondences/updates filtering into the ticket 
which remains resolved, and no one notices, then a phone call from an 
angry customer who has been ignored  ..
If you do not wish tickets to re-open then in addition to disabling the 
scrip, you either:

1- Create scrip to create new ticket when corresponding to a resolved 
2- As James suggested modify the source code to send back a bounce 
stating the ticket in question is resolved and should open a new ticket

In either case a new ticket and few more rows in your Groups and CGM 
tables, In my opinion, its more system efficient  to re-open the ticket ..


Jesse Vincent wrote:
>>> From the original poster's description, it sounds like "Remove the
>>> global scrip that reads "On Correspond, Open Ticket"
>> Perfect.  Removing that wouldn't effect creation of tickets, though,
>> correct?
> It would not.
>> James
> --
> ___
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Re: [rt-users] Security risk! Passwords can be compromised!

2009-02-03 Thread Raed El-Hames
I would agree with Jesse input that the first email should have gone to 
best practical and not a mailing list, I would also agree with Jesse and 
a couple others that this is "not" a security risk ..
The fact that a sys admin can see a users password and then use it on 
bank accounts or anything else is a very scary thought, this sys admin 
may have access to far more sensitive systems such as finance or billing 
where he/she would be able to access far more information easier and 
quicker ...
I personally think its a bug that should be looked at, but its not a 
security risk.


Dave Sherohman wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 03, 2009 at 01:55:41PM +0100, Andreas Heinlein wrote:
>> Dave Sherohman schrieb:
>>> I can't say that I find the latter point particularly relevant, as many
>>> users are in the habit of re-using passwords across multiple sites.
>>> If I, as an RT admin, have access to my RT users' passwords, then that
>>> may not present any risk to the security of my RT installation (as
>>> admin, I have full access anyhow), but it does potentially place those
>>> users' email accounts, bank accounts, etc. at risk if they use the same
>>> passwords on those sites as they do on my RT install.
>> If such people want to find out users passwords in order to try them out
>> elsewhere, they could just remove the cloaking of passwords from the RT
>> source, or sniff the http packets (or set up a man-in-the-middle-attack
>> if RT is using HTTPS), or design their own login page that writes down
>> the passwords before passing them to RT, or...
> Fair point, but I still see a significant difference between "turn on
> this switch and we'll hand you the passwords in a log file" and the
> various methods you mention, any of which would require some degree of
> skill and/or effort to implement.  Doubly so when the switch in question
> has other, legitimate, uses which can result in the admin accidentally
> making a plaintext record of the passwords without even realizing it.
> --
> Dave Sherohman
> NomadNet, Inc.
> ___
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[rt-users] Group and Users CF Missing Tab (a bug or deliberate)

2009-02-06 Thread Raed El-Hames

I am running (still) version 3.6.2 and noticed a while ago that the 
Tab(link) for custom fields is missing from both the Admin/Users and 
Admin/Groups ?
And added the link to appropriate Admin/Element/xTabs

Today I was browsing a 3.8 demo on , and noticed these links still 
missing, so I am starting to wonder if these are left out for a reason ! 
if there is a reason can I ask why?






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Re: [rt-users] Group and Users CF Missing Tab (a bug or deliberate)

2009-02-09 Thread Raed El-Hames
Hi Kenneth;

No, I am talking about Configuration->Groups->Select a Group to edit, at 
this point you should have
Basics/Members/Group Right/User Right/History and Custom Fields (which 
is missing) ...
The same for Users, when a user is selected to edit you should have
Basics /History/Membership and Custom Fields (again the CF tab is 
missing) ..
Without these CF tabs, its not possible to assign CF's to Groups/Users 
..(Unless I am missing something).


Kenneth Crocker wrote:
> Raed,
> Are talking about being able to navigate to Custom Fields from
> Configuration?
> Kenn
> On 2/6/2009 9:03 AM, Raed El-Hames wrote:
>> Hi;
>> I am running (still) version 3.6.2 and noticed a while ago that the
>> Tab(link) for custom fields is missing from both the Admin/Users and
>> Admin/Groups ?
>> And added the link to appropriate Admin/Element/xTabs
>> Today I was browsing a 3.8 demo on
>> , and noticed these links still
>> missing, so I am starting to wonder if these are left out for a reason !
>> if there is a reason can I ask why?
>> Thanks;
>> Roy


*Roy El-hames *

ISP Systems


*Vialtus Solutions*

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Re: [rt-users] Set a ticket custom field based on a User Custom field scrip action

2009-02-17 Thread Raed El-Hames
Or maybe :

my $billable = 

note the (Obj) at the end of Creator


Emmanuel Lacour wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 08:08:50AM -0600, Joel Schuweiler wrote:
>> [Tue Feb 17 14:06:09 2009] [error]: Scrip 67 Prepare failed: Can't call 
>> method "FirstCustomFieldValue" without a package or object reference at 
>> (eval 932) line 1.
>> my $billable = $self->TransactionObj->Creator->FirstCustomFieldValue ( 
>> 'Billable' );
> try:
> my $billable_obj = $self->TransactionObj->Creator->CustomFieldValues ( 
> 'Billable' );
> my $billable = $billable_obj->First;
> (maybe ->First->Content).
> I'm sorry I have no time to test what I'm writing ;)
> ___
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Re: [rt-users] is it possible to demerge a ticket?

2009-02-17 Thread Raed El-Hames
You would also need to check if the requesters list for each of your 
tickets is as they should be, when you merge tickets both set of 
requesters(and Ccs) get merged into the master ticket.


Mathieu Longtin wrote:
> Thanks, that worked.
> Go in the DB, change the effectiveid of the ticket back to its ID. It 
> could be easier, but not the end of the world.
> --
> Mathieu Longtin
> 1-514-803-8977
> On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 12:28 PM, Emmanuel Lacour 
>>> wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 12:20:38PM -0500, Mathieu Longtin wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > somebody here merged a ticket with another one, but shouldn't
> have. Is it
> > possible to split the tickets again?
> >
> It's a bit difficult but possible in the DB. See the FAQ entry on this
> at
> ___
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*Roy El-hames *

ISP Systems


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Direct Dial: +44(0) 208 587 6181



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Re: [rt-users] Still tryin' to merge tix with matching CFs

2009-02-20 Thread Raed El-Hames
Hi Rob;

What happens if you create the ticket first, then update /modify it 
adding the CF and link relationship after ..
Its more clicks for the users but may work for you ..

In a way  I think there is some contradictions on what you doing, you 
want all tickets with the same CF to merge , but at the same time you 
want some not to


Rob Munsch wrote:
>> I have this working in my RT 3.8.2 installation.  It isn't a very busy 
>> system and I have yet to notice any performance issues.  We only get about 
>> 50 tickets per day and it has less than 5000 tickets in the system.
> This has been working.  Incoming tickets are scanned for CFs, then
> merged when the CF i'm looking for matches.  Now here's a funny
> story...
> I can't create any child, or refers-to, or any other sort of new
> ticket linked to this one.  It has the same CF value, and is being
> Created, so it gets instantly merged into the original ticket...
> The only workaround i can think of is to restrict the search and merge
> to a queue, and create linked tickets outside that queue, but that
> isn't very satisfying and means explaining to everyone why they can
> never have two linked tickets in the same queue.  Anyone have a better
> idea?
> --
> /chown -R us:us /yourbase
> ___
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*Roy El-hames *

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Re: [rt-users] Second Instance Of RT (for branding purposes)

2009-02-23 Thread Raed El-Hames

Are you using fast cgi , or mod_perl ??, with fastcgi you can run as 
many instances you want  --sorry I don't use so I do n't have working 
apache config,
with mod_perl you suppose to only run one instance due to how the 
mod_perl/mason work, however I did find a work around and this is how I 
got my instances working:

for each instance (brand), I have (all in /opt/rt3/local/etc/ ) (which is a copy of adding the line  
$ENV{'SERVER'}= ''; #at the top where the rest 
of $ENV is being defined

Modify local/lib/ adding :

if ($ENV{'SERVER'} eq '' ) {
$SITE_CONFIG_FILE = '/opt/rt3/local/etc/' ;
}elsif ($ENV{'SERVER'} eq '' ) {
$SITE_CONFIG_FILE = '/opt/rt3/local/etc/' ;

You add these lines @ the top/start of sub LoadConfig

In you httpd.conf you call the correct webmux for your instance:
PerlRequire /opt/rt3/bin/

Thats it, the above setup allow you to share the same RT directory , so 
customisation is easier,

Hope that helps,


Doug Eubanks wrote:
> I'm trying to setup a second instance of RT that has a different 
> branding, but uses the same SQL server, etc.
> I copied my existing (and working) RT installation over to a new 
> directory.  Then I created the new instance in Apache in the 
> httpd.conf, changing the file locations to the new directories.  Then 
> I edited the file to reflect the new file locations.
> For some reason, the errors are showing up in the original directory's 
> logs and the error returned is:
> [Mon Feb 23 15:47:56 2009] [warning]: [Mason] Cannot resolve file to 
> component: /opt/rt3-[NEWBRAND]/share/html/index.html (is file outside 
> component root?) at 
> /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/HTML/Mason/ line 853. 
> (/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/HTML/Mason/
> The browser returns a 404 error.
> What am I missing?  Is it not possible to run two RT instances on the 
> same server?
> Sincerely,
> Doug Eubanks




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Re: [rt-users] Second Instance Of RT (for branding purposes)

2009-02-24 Thread Raed El-Hames
And is RT calling the right RT_SiteConfig ??
I am guessing you have modified each RT_SiteConfig per brand??
what do you get when you restart apache and when you browse to each 


Doug Eubanks wrote:
> That's what I have, two different files...
> They are in the same /opt/rt3/bin folder...
> The old brand is called, the new brand is called 
> They are called in httpd.conf with these two separate lines in their 
> respective host entries...
> PerlRequire /opt/rt3/bin/
> PerlRequire /opt/rt3/bin/
> Sincerely,
> Doug Eubanks


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Re: [rt-users] ruby library for REST access status

2009-03-17 Thread Raed El-Hames
Hi Tom;

I will be interested and needing something very similar in the very near 
future, can I ask you what version of ruby you used? (or rather will it 
work with Ruby 1.8.6?)

*Roy El-hames *

ISP Systems


Tom Lahti wrote:
> I have completed a first version of a ruby library for accessing RT via the
> REST interface.  It supports adding/modifying/corresponding on tickets,
> adding/modifying users, and attachments (initially, as long as they fit in
> memory.  Streaming attachments and chunking them via HTTP is on my todo
> list).  It's functionally similar to RT::Client::REST in perl, but for ruby.
> However, since I wrote this on company time I need company approval to open
> source it.  I've requested that and am waiting for approval before releasing
> the code.
> Is there anyone on the list who would use this if it were open sourced?  It
> might provide some leverage to get it released if we know if there are
> others out there who will use it and possibly provide patches / feature
> enhancements.
> --
> -- 
>Tom Lahti
>BIT Statement LLC
>(425)251-0833 x 117
> -- 
> ___
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Re: [rt-users] Getting the following Error on deleting "ObjectCustomFields" table from RT d/b

2009-03-18 Thread Raed El-Hames
Re-install RT, you have removed/deleted users and groups that are part 
of the system ..

*Roy El-hames *

ISP Systems


Jnaneshwar Bantanur wrote:
> Hello ..After I tried to delete the rough data which I have put Just to
> evaluate RT.After Deleting Users,Queues,Groups and Attachments After
> Deleting the data from table "ObjectCustomFields".I am getting this
> error while starting the RT.
> Can't call method "HasRight" on an undefined value at
> /opt/rt3/bin/../lib/RT/ line 1209.
>  I am new to RT and Perl programming environment.
> Thanks and regards
> Jnani

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Re: [rt-users] Scrip: How do I identify who an email was sent to?

2009-04-01 Thread Raed El-Hames
Hi ;

Try ;

my $contentobj = $self->TransactionObj->Attachments->First();
my $headers = $contentobj->{values}{headers};
if ($headers =~ /\nTo: (.*?)\n/) {
  my $to = $1;





Macnlos wrote:
> I've got four process email accounts that are polled by Fetchmail and
> going into a single General queue.  From a scrip I need to pull out
> that the "To" address is from the original email.  I've been going
> through the wiki site but haven't bumped into anything yet.
> Thanks,
> C.Randolph
> ___
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Re: [rt-users] Database relocated onto alternate server

2009-04-01 Thread Raed El-Hames
Hi Keith;

Most likely the problem is with the @hostname bit not being recognised 
correctly ..(and cauing permissions problems)
try to login with rt_user from your rt server to the database via mysql 
client and tail your sql server log files to determine why rt_user is 
being denied.


Keith A McDermott wrote:
> Thanks Odhiambo,
> Yes - I can connect fine through the standard mysql tools from the same
> host without issue however, I was trying "rt_user" previously.  It
> actually does fail when connecting with "rt_u...@hostname".  As I
> manually moved the database over, manually create the user and manually
> granted the rights (I don't want to run make initialize-database against
> our very stable and department-wide mysql server), I'll look through and
> see what else I need to do.
> Keith
> Odhiambo Washington wrote:
>> On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 4:59 PM, Keith A McDermott
>>>> wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I'm moving forward with my testing of RT 3.8.2.
>> Setup:
>> Virtual machine (Virtualbox) running RT3.8.2 in Debian Etch.  Web port
>> is forwarded to the virtual machine through the host but otherwise
>> there
>> is no access to the VM.  I moved the database onto a production
>> database
>> server.
>> has been altered to say:
>> $DatabaseHost is set to dbproductionserver
>> $DatabaseRTHost is set to the hostname of the vm host machine
>> Problem:
>> In the apache error logs, I get:
>> DBI connect('dbname=rt;host=dbproductionhost','rt_user',...) failed:
>> Access denied for user: 'rt_u...@hostmachinehostname' (Using password:
>> YES) at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/DBIx/SearchBuilder/
>> line 106
>> [Tue Mar 31 08:58:05 2009] [error] [client]
>> Connect Failed Access denied for user: 'rt_u...@hostmachinehostname'
>> (Using password: YES)\n at /opt/rt3/bin/../lib/ line 204\n
>> And I get a 500 server error page returned to me.  However, I can use
>> the mysql command line tools from the virtual machine and connect
>> just fine.
>> Is there possibly a port that's being expected to be open that i
>> need to
>> forward or something else that I'm missing?  This seemed like a pretty
>> straightforward change in the beginning...
>> It should be straighforward just as you say.
>> Have you tested manually connecting to the DB like:
>> mysql -h dbproductionserver -urt_u...@hostmachinehostname -pSec3t rt
>> ?? Did it work?
>> If not, then go to the dbproductionserver and give the necessary
>> privileges for rt_user to connect:
>> mysql> GRANT ALL ON rt.* TO rt_u...@hostmachinehostname IDENTIFIED BY
>> "Sec3t";
>> mysql> flush privileges;
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> Odhiambo WASHINGTON,
>> Nairobi,KE
>> +254733744121/+254722743223
>> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
>> "The only time a woman really succeeds in changing a man is when he is
>> a baby."
>>  - Natalie Wood
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Re: [rt-users] RT3.8.x Queue Name in Email Subject

2009-04-02 Thread Raed El-Hames
Hi ;

I have n't started with 3.8.2 yet but my understanding the Branded Queue 
ext is built in, as far as I remember when I looked at the 3.8.2 demo 
site in the queue form there is Subject Tag?? if there is have you tried 
putting the queue name in there ?? I am guessing this achieves what you 


This email is subject to: wrote:
> I just upgraded from 3.6.x to 3.8.2 and I'd like to change the Subject 
> line of the email that is sent out to display the queue name instead 
> of 'rtname'. In RT3.6x i was able to do this ind 
> /lib/RT/Action/ like such...
> ...
> sub SetSubjectToken {
> my $self = shift;
> #my $tag  = "[$RT::rtname #" . $self->TicketObj->id . "]";
> my $tag = "[".$self->TicketObj->QueueObj->Name." - Ticket #" 
> .$self->TicketObj->id."]";
> ...
> However in 3.8 it seems that the code here has been modified and I now 
> it looks like I have to change this in /lib/RT/Interface/ in 
> the AddSubjectTag(), however I cant seem to get this working as 
> expected as my perl oo kung fu just aint what it should be. Can anyone 
> help me out here? Maybe theres an easier way?

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Re: [rt-users] List tickets I ever transacted on?

2009-04-07 Thread Raed El-Hames

Hi ;

If you interested I have modified my Query Builder a couple of years ago 
adding UpdatedBy as a search criteria ; the changes are simple and not 
sure why the RT developers do not include this function , I am afraid I 
do n't know how to do patches to RT , but attached are the code changes: 
( works for rt 3.6.3 -- But I think will work for rt-3.8)

I am sure you are aware that you should not do any changes to share/html 
or lib/RT and any changes its better done in local/html and local/lib ..

Good luck and hope it helps;


Paul Hirose wrote:

Trying to find a Query Builder or other method to list all current 
(not-Resolved/Rejected/Deleted) tickets that I may have been a part of.  Some 
tickets are owned by another staff member, but I've transacted on (either as a 
Comment or Reply.)

I don't want to Steal the ticket, nor do I want to add myself as a CC/AdminCC 
since I'd like to keep the ticket issues in the RT system rather than out to my 

I'm sometimes the LastUpdatedBy, but eventually the Owner, Requestor, or 
possibly another staff member will Reply/Comment on the ticket and I won't be 
the LUB person any more.  So I couldn't use that.

I could Bookmark every ticket I work on (at least those that I don't own.)  But 
I'm not sure that's the best way to go about it either.

Ideas welcome,
Thank you,

Paul Hirose  : : Sysadm Motto: rm -fr /MyLife

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HTML changes:

Modify "html/Search/Elements/PickBasics"  under the  
add the line
so your options for select list now:


LIB changes:
Modify "" :
Add the line:
UpdatedBy   => [ 'TRANSUSER', ],

my %dispatch = (
Add the line
 TRANSUSER   => \&_TransUser,

Then add the sub:

sub _TransUser {
my ($self, $field, $op, $value, @rest ) = @_;
#$RT::Logger->error("the field = $field and op is $op and value is $value 
and rest is @rest");
$self->{_sql_transalias} = $self->NewAlias('Transactions')
unless defined $self->{_sql_transalias};
$self->{_sql_Usersalias} = $self->NewAlias('Users')
unless defined $self->{_sql_Usersalias};


#Search for the right field
ALIAS => $self->{_sql_Usersalias},
FIELD => 'Name',  ### for the Updated by in particular may 
changes later
OPERATOR  => $op,
VALUE => $value,

ALIAS1 => $self->{_sql_Usersalias},
FIELD1 => 'Id',
ALIAS2 => $self->{_sql_transalias},
FIELD2 => 'Creator'

ALIAS1 => 'main',
FIELD1 => 'Id',
ALIAS2 => $self->{_sql_transalias},
FIELD2 => 'ObjectId'

ALIAS   => $self->{_sql_transalias},
FIELD   => 'ObjectType',
VALUE   => 'RT::Ticket',

ALIAS   => $self->{_sql_transalias},
FIELD   => 'Type',
VALUE => 'Comment',

ALIAS   => $self->{_sql_transalias},
FIELD   => 'Type',
VALUE => 'Correspond',


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Re: [rt-users] Trying to solve a problem

2009-04-09 Thread Raed El-Hames
Hi Jason;

Is the ticket showing a requestor (in the People section) ??
Have you a global scrip On Create AutoReply to requestor on Create ?
Have you a global scrip On Correspond Notify Requestors or On Correspond 
Notify Requestors and CCs ??




Jason Yashinsky wrote:
> My RT is sending cc mails on ticket creation, but it is not replying 
> to the requestor
> In my RT log I see the following messages:
> [Thu Apr 09 09:20:15 2009] [error] [client] FastCGI: server 
> "/opt/rt3/bin/mason_handler.fcgi" stderr: [Thu Apr  9 16:20:14 2009] 
> [info]:  
> #40/309 - Scrip 4 On Create Notify AdminCcs 
> (/opt/rt3/bin/../lib/RT/Action/
> [Thu Apr 09 09:20:15 2009] [error] [client] FastCGI: server 
> "/opt/rt3/bin/mason_handler.fcgi" stderr: [Thu Apr  9 16:20:15 2009] 
> [info]:  sent 
>  Bcc: 
> (/opt/rt3/bin/../lib/RT/Action/
> [Thu Apr 09 09:20:15 2009] [error] [client] FastCGI: server 
> "/opt/rt3/bin/mason_handler.fcgi" stderr: [Thu Apr  9 16:20:15 2009] 
> [info]: Ticket 40 created in queue 'NewTickets' by test_inbound 
> (/opt/rt3/bin/../lib/RT/
> It seems like there is an error, but I don’t see what the error is?
> The messages seem like info messages, not error messages
> Same if I reply or comment on the ticket.  The requestor is not being 
> emailed.
> Any assistance would be appreciatied
> Thx
> -jason

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Re: [rt-users] Reply to requestors when resolving a ticket

2009-04-17 Thread Raed El-Hames


if ( $Ticket->Status ne 'resolved' ) {
$actions->{'G'} = {

path => 
"Ticket/Update.html?Action=Comment&DefaultStatus=resolved&id=" . $id,
title => loc('Resolve') };


if ( $Ticket->Status ne 'resolved' ) {
$actions->{'G'} = {

path => 
"Ticket/Update.html?Action=Respond&DefaultStatus=resolved&id=" . $id,
title => loc('Resolve') };

##Note changing the Action from Comment to Respond


Oleg Sladkoff wrote:
> Hi
> I would like to know how I can have by default "Reply to requestors"
> when I Resolve a ticket (the actual default is "Comments (not sent to
> requestors).
> thanks in advance :)
> --
> Oleg Sladkoff
> KELKOO - Service Architect
> Yahoo messenger : Kelkoooleg
> tel : +33 (0)476848147
> gsm : +33(0)675768532
> ___
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Re: [rt-users] rt3 performance problem when updating a ticket

2009-04-24 Thread Raed El-Hames

You need to bare in mind that
Set($SendmailArguments, "-ODeliveryMode=q" );
puts the message in a mail queue, you need to check the frequency of how 
often your mta process its queue

btw, you are using sendmail ?? because  the above line wont work if you 
are using exim, you need  :
Set($SendmailArguments, "-odq" );


*Roy El-hames *

ISP Systems


*Vialtus Solutions*

*(formerly Pipex Business)*


Direct Dial: +44(0) 208 587 6181



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Oleg Sladkoff wrote:
> Hello
> slight problem, RT doesn't send any mail since I updated the 
> configuration (nothing in rt's logs )
> any help appreciated !
> Oleg.
> On Thu, 2009-04-23 at 09:49 +0100, Oleg Sladkoff wrote:
>> Hi Ruslan
>> thanks for your feedback :)
>> after making a few tests it appears that the gap appears whenever 
>> someone is in CC on the ticket (*/This message will be sent to.../*)
>> On mysql side I do not see any slow query (time >1) and I see no 
>> process (show process list).
>> after following sendmailtips my problem was fixed :)
>> in :
>> Set($SendmailArguments, "-ODeliveryMode=q" );
>> thanks for your help !
>> best regards,
>> Oleg.
>> On Wed, 2009-04-22 at 22:32 +0100, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:
>>> Check out RT logs and look at timings. It may help you spot big gaps
>>> and localize problem.
>>> It can be sendmail or whatever you use as MTA:
>>> What have you done to make sure it's not mysql?
>>> On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 7:40 PM, Oleg Sladkoff >> > wrote:
>>> > Hi
>>> >
>>> > Since a few weeks it takes about 10 seconds whenever I update any
>>> > ticket .
>>> > Looking at mysql I don't see any activity.
>>> >
>>> > Any idea where the problem could come from ?
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > Oleg Sladkoff
>>> > KELKOO - Service Architect
>>> > 
>>> > Yahoo messenger : Kelkoooleg
>>> > tel : +33 (0)476848147
>>> > gsm : +33(0)675768532
>>> >
>>> > ___
>>> >
>>> >
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>>> > 
>>> >
>>> >
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>>> >
>> -- 
>> Oleg Sladkoff   
>> KELKOO - Service Architect
>> Yahoo messenger : Kelkoooleg
>> tel : +33 (0)476848147 
>> gsm : +33(0)675768532
> -- 
> Oleg Sladkoff   
> KELKOO - Service Architect
> Yahoo messenger : Kelkoooleg
> tel : +33 (0)476848147 
> gsm : +33(0)675768532

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Re: [rt-users] Urgently need the E-R diagramfor RT schema for 3.8

2009-04-24 Thread Raed El-Hames

The diagram I sent you (which was blocked by the list because of its 
size), is the one within the src for rt-3.8.2

I have not rolled out 3.8.2 , I just started playing with the source 
code If its the same as the 3.4 then it suggests nothing changes since 
then, possibly someone from BP can confirm ..


Uday Dey wrote:
> Hi Roy,
>Thanks, but I am afraid that this is the same E-R diagram which I
> have for 3.4 as well. There is no change in it at all. I would be really
> grateful if you can share the 3.8(i.e. the updated version of RT) schema
> E-R diagram with me.
> Regards,
> Uday
> -----Original Message-
> From: Raed El-Hames []
> Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 8:44 PM
> To: Uday Dey
> Cc: Alberto Villanueva;
> Subject: Re: [rt-users] Urgently need the E-R diagramfor RT schema for
> 3.8
> Attached for rt-3.8.2
> Regards;
> Roy
> Uday Dey wrote:
>> Hi Alberto,
>> Many thanks for your quick update. But I already have the
>> 3.4 version schema. I was looking for the one which was built for 3.8
>> version. As it is quite a task to do it on such a short notice, I am
>> looking for something readymade. It would be of great help if someone
>> can share the 3.8 E-R schema structure for RT.
>> Regards,
>> Uday
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Alberto Villanueva []
>> Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 8:07 PM
>> To: Uday Dey;
>> Subject: RE: [rt-users] Urgently need the E-R diagramfor RT schema for
>> 3.8
>> Hi Uday,
>> The schema for RT 3.4:
>> This tells you how you can generate the schema for your version:
>> Best regards,
>> Consultor
>> Altran Technologies
>> ParqueEmpresarial Las Mercedes, Edificio 1
>> C/ Campezo, 1. 28022 Madrid
>> Tel: + 34 91 744 46 00 - Ext: 2205
>> Fax: + 34 91 415 24 57
>> De:
>> [] En nombre de
>> Uday Dey
>> Enviado el: viernes, 24 de abril de 2009 16:31
>> Para:
>> Asunto: [rt-users] Urgently need the E-R diagramfor RT
>> schema for 3.8
>> Hi All,
>>I urgently need the E-R diagram for RT(version
>> 3.8) schema structure. If someone can provide me the same ASAP,
>> then it would be greatly appreciated.
>> Regards,
>> Uday
>> _
>> _
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>> cooperation."
>> _
>> ___
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> attachments (if any) ma

Re: [rt-users] Auditing ticket accesses

2009-04-24 Thread Raed El-Hames

A while back I added a ticket custom field with Enter multiple values , 
and then a line lines of code in  Ticket/Display.html

 if (! $session{'pull'}{$id})
#$RT::Logger->debug("someone viewing this ticket ". 


$session{'pull'}{$id}= 1;

Where Pulled_By is the custom field name, the session bit is to avoid 
adding a value on refresh etc, in our case we are not bothered how many 
times someone admired a ticket during a session ..
The above lines need to be after a ticket is Loaded, ie after
} else {
$TicketObj ||= LoadTicket($ARGS{'id'});

The proper way to do this is to add this code to callback rather than 
editing Display.html


Flynn, Timothy J wrote:
> I am looking for a way to record when someone views a ticket and log it
> somehow.  I know the url accesses are in apache logs.  I am looking for
> something long term that people could easily see when a ticket was
> accessed, by who, and when.  I was thinking about a scrip to do this to
> record instances to a ticket itself.  Also the RT logfile came to mind
> but it is full of other messages and errors.  Has anyone done something
> similar?
> RT 3.8.2
> Thanks!
> -Tim
> Notice: This UI Health Care e-mail (including attachments) is covered by the 
> Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. 2510-2521, is confidential 
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> copying of this communication is strictly prohibited.  Please reply to the 
> sender that you have received the message in error, then delete it.  Thank 
> you.
> ___
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Re: [rt-users] Slow loading of long tickets in 3.6.3

2009-04-28 Thread Raed El-Hames

I 've had similar slow loading tickets in the past, and it turned out 
(in my case) the problem was with transactions custom fields, do you use 
those?? if you don't you can comment  out the following lines from 

 65 % if ($Transaction->CustomFieldValues->Count) {
 66   <& /Elements/ShowCustomFields, Object => $Transaction &>
  67 % }

The numbers you see there are the line numbers


Justin Hayes wrote:
> Hi,
> Some of our tickets can get pretty long and the longer they get the  
> longer the page takes to load. So for a long ticket with say 100  
> comments/replies and assorted status changes etc it might take 10+  
> seconds to render.
> A lot of the time seems to be looping over every transaction, checking  
> permissions etc etc, I guess maybe to decide whether to display the  
> reply/comment options and other things.
> Have any improvements been made to the history display code in 3.8? I  
> would have thought it was more sensible to check permissions once for  
> the ticket and then quickly render all the attachments, but I'm sure  
> that's a simplistic view of it.
> Any thoughts welcome!
> Justin
> -
> Justin Hayes
> Orbis Support Manager
> ___
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Re: [rt-users] Customization of setting priorities

2009-04-29 Thread Raed El-Hames

I might be mis-understanding your question, but if you are happy with 
the numeric priority set in RT , your users can easily change the 
Priority value from the Basics tab, -its a text field not drop down , 
but I can't see the difference between typing 3 or selecting 3 from a 
dropdown ..
Also in case you did 't know you can set the default priority per queue 
in the Queue basics page

However, it might be you are after a worded Priority (High , medium 
etc), this can be achieved and documented in



Uday Dey wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering if I can create a set priority tab when any user takes 
> up the ticket. Can we develop any kind of drop down from where the 
> user can select the priority coz right now all the tickets generated 
> by customers are by default set to priority 1. Any idea on this will 
> be greatly appreciated.
> Regards,
> Uday
> __
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> cooperation."

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Re: [rt-users] Max # displayed queues for quick search?

2009-04-29 Thread Raed El-Hames

You need to logout then back in, the queue list is cached to speed 
things up a bit


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Flynn, Timothy J wrote:
> Is there a maximum number of displayed queues in the quick search for RT
> 3.8.2?  I just added another queue that is both enabled and set to be
> seen and also I am a super user so I should see it anyway.  It doesn't
> appear in the list.  I am probably close to or over 100 enabled queues
> at this point.
> -Tim
> ___
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Re: [rt-users] replying to "resolved" notification re-opens ticket

2009-04-30 Thread Raed El-Hames
I am daring to question Ruslan's answer, but what is the point of 
creating new ticket ? might as well re-resolve the original one ..
for few years I been trying to find a solution to this and there is n't 
one, you do n't want to ignore new correspondence to resolved tickets 
because it might be important  (so opening the ticket again is the right 
option in my opinion), over here I created new Status labelled "silent", 
so when a customer replies back to a resolved ticket with thank you etc 
, our agents set the status to silent (no notifications sent etc), I 
have a nightly cron job that sets the Status of silent tickets to 
resolved, this is done via SQL , not the api, to avoid sending a 
notification ..



Ruslan Zakirov wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 6:53 PM, GravyFace  wrote:
>> When a ticket is resolved, RT sends out a system notification,
>> "According to our records, your request has been resolved.".  Being
>> polite, our customers usually reply to our resolution emails with a
>> "thank you" -- I could tell them not to, I guess, but am wondering
>> what others in the RT community do.
>> Not a deal-breaker, but I could see this getting annoying for us.
>> ___
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Re: [rt-users] RT db schema

2009-04-30 Thread Raed El-Hames
mysql>  desc ObjectCustomFieldValues;

ObjectId is Tickets.Id if ObjectType = 'RT::Ticket';
CustomField is CustomFields.Id

I did see your earlier question, though I am not sure what you are 
trying to do, using perl and RT api will make your life much easier ?


Alberto Villanueva wrote:
> Then, how do I link Tickets to CustomFields?? :-( :-(
> Thanks a lot!
> Best regards,
> Consultor
> Altran Technologies
> ParqueEmpresarial Las Mercedes, Edificio 1 
> C/ Campezo, 1. 28022 Madrid
> Tel: + 34 91 744 46 00 - Ext: 2205
> Fax: + 34 91 415 24 57
>> -Mensaje original-
>> De: Ruslan Zakirov [] 
>> Enviado el: jueves, 30 de abril de 2009 15:33
>> Para: Alberto Villanueva
>> CC:
>> Asunto: Re: [rt-users] RT db schema
>> There is no "records" table in RT's DB.
>> On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 5:29 PM, Alberto Villanueva 
>>  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Does someone know the "RECORDS" table?? If I write "show
> tables"
>>> in MySQL, this table doesn't exist. Any idea??
>>> Best regards,
>>> Consultor
>>> Altran Technologies
>>> ParqueEmpresarial Las Mercedes, Edificio 1 C/ Campezo, 1. 
>> 28022 Madrid
>>> Tel: + 34 91 744 46 00 - Ext: 2205
>>> Fax: + 34 91 415 24 57
>>> ___
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> Media.
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>> -- 
>> Best regards, Ruslan.
> ___
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Re: [rt-users] Default queue for selfservice

2009-04-30 Thread Raed El-Hames

Have you allowed unprivileged users to create tickets in different queue/s;
In Queues/Your-Queue/GlobalRights , give the system group Everyone 
create ticket priv
and remove this right from the General queue, if you don't wish them to 
create any tickets there

Note you can give this right to more than one queue.


Jim Tambling wrote:
> Hi,
> How can I change the default q for self-service requests? At the 
> moment all tickets raised by unprivileged users go to “General” but I 
> would like them to go to a different queue.
> Thanks, Jim

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Re: [rt-users] Query about Tickets table

2009-05-05 Thread Raed El-Hames
2 possible causes:

1- Merged tickets .. RT will assume 1 ticket for merged ones
2- You do n't have permission on all queues

in Mysql try:
select count(EffectiveId) as TOTAL From Tickets where Status = 'resolved' ;


Alberto Villanueva wrote:
> Good morning,
> Several days ago, I have been executing some queries from mysql.
> I have obtained results that web interface doesn't generate. I
> would like to know if someone knows it's happening.
> The simpler sentence is next:
> RT --> Status = 'resolved'
> MySQL --> SELECT COUNT(id) as 'TOTAL' FROM Tickets WHERE Status =
> 'resolved';
> The result in RT is: 28.536
> The result in MySQL is: 28.659
> Any idea?
> Thanks a lot!!
> Best regards,
> Consultor
> Altran Technologies
> ParqueEmpresarial Las Mercedes, Edificio 1 
> C/ Campezo, 1. 28022 Madrid
> Tel: + 34 91 744 46 00 - Ext: 2205
> Fax: + 34 91 415 24 57
> ___
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Re: [rt-users] Queue could not be loaded

2009-05-06 Thread Raed El-Hames
You need to grant SeeQueue as well ,


nast linux wrote:
> Dear,
> I already grant user to create ticket, but user still cannot create new 
> ticket.
> error : "Queue could not be loaded. ".
> Below the steps while user create ticket.
> - login
> - click new ticket in (no list queue at text box)
> - got error above
> Thanks,
> ns
> ___
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Re: [rt-users] Customizing MessageBox

2009-05-08 Thread Raed El-Hames

Do you need the Queue name in the MessageBox or in the emails sent out, 
you can modify the Templates  to include queue name, for example you can 
modify the admin Correspondence template to include:

 Ticket Queue = {$Ticket->QueueObj->Name}

you do that below the line:
This is an admin correspondence:



Ulf Renman wrote:
> Im a beginner coding RT-stuff so please be patient.
> I want to customize the message template. The first thing I made was 
> to make use of this example:
> That worked exellent. But now I want to include the name of the queue 
> which the ticket belongs to. And later on I whant to include a 
> queue-customized signature to every message.
> I have looked at the Branded Queues extention 
> ( so I have 
> been able to add a field to the queue-page.
> My main problem now is that I'm not able to figure out how to access 
> the queue-object in the /html/Elements/MessageBox file.
> Please help
> /Ulf

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Re: [rt-users] Ingest csv, xls or xml to create, modify or resolve tickets

2009-05-21 Thread Raed El-Hames

Do you mean something similar to :
Tools->Offline ??



Simon Dray wrote:
> Hi,
> Has anyone had to use csv,xml,plain or xls files and then ingest them 
> into RT to Create, Change or delete I ask the question because there 
> is no point in re-inventing the wheel if something has already been 
> written that can be shared.
> Regards Simon

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Re: [rt-users] Ingest csv, xls or xml to create, modify or resolve tickets

2009-05-22 Thread Raed El-Hames
Hi Simon;

Referring to your email yesterday, I think you are better off either 
using the api or web request (rt_cli and REST) as Ruz have suggested to 
you ..
My preferred method is using the api (this what I typically use for 
scheduled bulk create/update etc), and what I mean by api is a perl 
script calling the appropriate lib/RT modules and functions which you 
start by cron ..



Simon Dray wrote:
> Hi
> Is there a list anywhere of the command types for OFFLINE such as === 
> Update-Ticket etc also UpdateType etc
> I really need as much information as possible to try and construct the file 
> for ingesting into RT, I have three basic functions which are Create, Change 
> or resolve
> Any help much appreciated
> Simon

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