Re: CS>CMO for sciatcia nerve pain

2007-09-11 Thread John Plumridge

--On 11 September 2007 20:18:08 +0100 Dee  wrote:

his is not absolutely established.  This *could* be one of the reasons for
it but there may be others

another: slumping on one side, as a result of heart attack or 
neck/brainstem injuries. most people do tend to slump on one side with age. 
An emerging weakness affects standing,  with one leg behind and  hip rolled 
back putting more strain on the hip. This is a classic sign observed by 
teachers from the iyengar shool of yoga. Alternatively, it also a posture 
of attitude in teenagers, and can develop much later into weakness with 
sciatic pain. The muscles and myelin sheath are chronically weakened and 
inflamed due to being overextended for long periods of time, and pressure 
is also put on the nerve anyway.

Postural correction, and maintaining awareness, is of paramount importance 
for sciatica.
Swimming gives relief to some, initially, but strengthening has to done 
with weight on the floor (gravity efffects) because this is what postural 
muscles respond to.

Sleep is also affected: sprung mattresses cause the body to remain in a 
state of strain 'holding against rolling'. Wool, hay, cotton, feather 
mattresses are said to be better.
If you cross feet to offset symptoms, unfortunately that also tends to put 
strain on the hips after just a short while. It might be better to dangle 
feet over the edge of the bed, if you don't allready.

A high dose of environmental toxins, like outdoor paints if painted 
indoors,  can affect the sciatic nerve.


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Re: CS>Sciatcia/CMO ???

2007-09-11 Thread John Plumridge

--On 11 September 2007 13:37:02 -0700 Pat  wrote:

CMO stands for Cetyl Myristoleate.  It can help arthritis and other
problems.  Here is an article about it.

Or you could think about coconut oil with its myristic acid.

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Re: CS>Re: Mercury Levels : toxins

2007-09-11 Thread Clayton Family
It is a test for visual contrast sensitivity- VCS.  He has a version of 
it on his website that I used to help me gauge my body's ability to get 
rid of toxins by itself (well, by eating organic food and taking 

His site has a list of buttons on the left sidebar that link to more 
information on it, and other aspects of his practice and theories. He 
has quite a bit more on it now than he did a year ago or so, he 
continues to study and develop his work.  Apparently the eyes are very 
sensitive to neurotoxins.

On Sep 11, 2007, at 7:57 PM, Jonathan B. Britten wrote:

Would you be able to explain more about this test?  Thanks in advance.

On Wednesday, Sep 12, 2007, at 07:34 Asia/Tokyo, Clayton Family wrote:

That is one of the things I like about shoemaker- he has found a 
simple non invasive test that will indicate biotoxic expsoure-

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Re: CS>CMO for sciatica nerve pain

2007-09-11 Thread Dan Nave
Don't know specifically about some of the questions you 
asked, CMO, etc.  However, I would start taking Bromelain 
(digestive enzyme) with water but with empty stomach about 
500 GDU two or three times a day for a week and then taper 
off to a once or twice a day dose.  This will reduce 
inflammation very well.

Another thing I would do is to rub in some peanut oil once 
or twice a day.  This works very well for joints, almost 
like oiling a rusty hinge.


Tad Winiecki wrote:
Has anyone experienced joint damage while taking CMO?  I was not taking 
it according to directions, 3x a day for 10 days, but for more extended 
periods of time only 2x a day.  I have no idea if it contributed but I 
have been dancing for 15 years, and after one dance session when I did a 
lot of hopping I developed joint pain in one knee and could not bend my 
knee past about 90 degrees, and a couple of weeks later re-injured it so 
that there was some swelling above the patella.  I have tried a number 
of herbs and treatments and my knee does become pain-free but still 
vulnerable to re-injury if stressed.  Has anyone else had any similar 

I was continuing to take CMO 2x a day to encourage healing but started 
to wonder if it was good to take it anymore so quit.  I also found some 
stuff called Celadrin recently that has CMO and similar fatty esters, 
and also a cream form for external application.  Has anyone tried that?

I was using a DMSO extract of Comfrey root and Solomon's Seal root on my 
knee with good results as to pain, and started getting 1/4 - 1/2" 
patches of tiny broken veins in my skin so quit.  Daddybob Ransley sent 
me an email saying DMSO could thin the skin and cause damage.  Has 
anyone experienced this?  I will definitely be more careful in using 
DMSO after this.  At present I'm using an Alacer Muscle Powr Gel that is 
helping a lot, I'm mostly pain-free.


On Sep 11, 2007, at 1:58 PM, wrote:

From: Gail Naranjo 
Date: September 11, 2007 12:09:50 PM PDT
Subject: CS>CMO  for sciatcia nerve pain

Dear List,

For those that have mentioned having problems with
sciatcia nerve pain, don't understimate the power of
CMO.  We've talked about it here while back for
arthritis pain.

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Re: CS>Re: Mercury Levels : toxins

2007-09-11 Thread Jonathan B. Britten

Would you be able to explain more about this test?  Thanks in advance.

On Wednesday, Sep 12, 2007, at 07:34 Asia/Tokyo, Clayton Family wrote:

That is one of the things I like about shoemaker- he has found a 
simple non invasive test that will indicate biotoxic expsoure- 

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Re: CS>[List Owner] More guidance...

2007-09-11 Thread Tony Moody
On 11 Sep 2007 at 11:29, M. G. Devour wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>[List Owner] More guidance..

So its Tel and me vs the rest. !!! Thats ok by me. Not that I like it but its 
not the first time I've 
been out of step. 

Thing is that I am on dialup modem which is slow and which costs per minute. It 
is not a lot 
per minute but it does add up to a significant amount of my budget each month. 
And yes,  I 
live on a mountain, not near any city. And on the other side of the world from 
most of you. 

I really am only here to find stuff to put in my operations manual which is 
sent out with my CS 
generators. I'm still looking for precautions or practical tips to pass on. I 
haven't seen 
anything new or noteworthy here for a long time. I made my first CS gen in 
early 1996 
following a Mark Metcalf reprint from a Nexus magazine. I think I joined this 
forum in about 
1998 or 99

To scathing Faith. What is an 8 ball?? Quite frankly I am offended by your 
sharpness, rudeness and attempts at sarcasm. Actually I don't feel any better, 
just feel sick 
that knowing that what was a wonderfully helpful, practical and knowledgeable, 
nurturing and 
specific forum has turned into something for me to complain about or unsub 
from. It seems 
to be a no holds barred, limitless melee of people all saying something, 
anything, just for the 
sake of it. 

and to doubting Wayne.  I'm not sure whether you are calling me a liar or just 
can't find the 
words to say what you want to say? I kept 10 messages and deleted 193 which is 
enough 5 % of the one days messages. Those kept were important enough for me to 
want to 
save for some reason. CS pertinent messages were only a part of that lot. Today 
I counted 
92 in the bin and about 30 kept so the percentage is much better but a lot of 
those pertain to 
this message.  OK, I hope that satisfies your doubts.
What do you mean "Ask a question" ? ...  Like? Like, "Tell me what I 
don't know, 
Please?" In fact I did ask you some questions about three or four years ago and 
you never 
gave any sensible answers, just went on about bigger and better fuses, 
batteries, telephones, 
circuitbreakers, circuitboards, rifles and carrots; when I'd asked you about 
current control. I 
figured you didn't know anything about it so left you to it. 
I was on about having to go through 50 to 200 messages twice a day now 
skimming each one to see if there is anything worthwhile or if not then 
pressing the delete 
button. Its the reading time that is the real time waster. Spending an hour or 
more doing 
something as futile as deleting gratuitous ego stuff is ... umm .. irritating. 
It would not be good 
to ban it. Carol Ann's vitC/ cancer story is a keeper, thanks that is very dear 
to my heart. 
Odes 'poetry' is delightful, Jack Kerouac almost. John goes on but I trust 
where he is coming 
 -- Using Pegasus email program Deleteing emails is virtually 

I do already filter all downloaded messages with CS> in the Subject to a CS 
folder. I usually 
sort this by date in reverse order and then by thread. I could also filter and 
delete at the 
server before downloading; any email with CS> in the Subject but with no 
mention of silver or 
CS in the body; but that would defeat the purpose of Mikes CS list which, I 
think, is to talk 
about CS mainly and other health products and problems incidentally. 

I unsubbed from the CS OT list about 4 or 5 years ago because it was then 
mainly american 
political discussion which does not interest me in any way. And quite a lot of 

I FEEL GOOD. now that i have that off my chest.

Tony Moody 

A closed mouth gathers no foot.
Generally speaking, you aren't learning much when your lips are moving.
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. 
That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have 
their shoes.

Re: CS>PS (phosphatidylserine)

2007-09-11 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Pat,
I don't have experience with PS but the tingling, pins and needles effect can 
sometimes be 
due to healing taking place. That blood is flowing where it was not and that 
nerves are being 
re-stimulated. Sort of like pins and needles after being in an awkward posture. 

Hope this helps,

On 10 Sep 2007 at 18:08, Pat wrote about :
Subject : CS>PS (phosphatidylserine)

> I have suspected for several months but now am certain, that when I
> take  PS capsule, my sciatica gets worse.  I took one last night after
> my sciatica had been doing well, and today it's got sharp tingles and
> stinging all the way into the foot.  I wonder if it's doing anything
> good by causing it to hurt more, or just doing harm?  

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Re: CS>metal detox and cs

2007-09-11 Thread Tony Moody
On 10 Sep 2007 at 21:44, Dianne France wrote about :
Subject : CS>metal detox and cs

> Hello all, 
> We are new to the group and cs but have a question I was hoping
> someone could answer. My husband and I have just recently been
> introduced to cs and have ordered a generator (silverpuppy) to make
> our own. We also have started with a natural doctor and have started a
> heavy metal detox. Will this detox effect or contradict benefits of
> taking cs during this period of detoxing? The doctor said it could
> take months to a year to completely detox if that is even possible.
> Dianne 

Hello Dianne,

The wisdom on this list used to be that silver goes through the body fairly 
fast anyway. Roger 
Altman did tests (you may find this by google for the report ).  From memory, 
the gist of his 
report was that all silver left the body after something like 24 hours.  So the 
metal detox is 
going to do to silver what the body normally does anyway. 

It may be prudent to ensure that you get replacement minerals after each detox; 
which will 
probably remove all metals and minerals.

Tony Moody

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CS>Question for Tel,

2007-09-11 Thread CWFugitt

Evening Tel,

>> At 03:44 PM 9/11/2007, you wrote:

I read your message more than once. I do understand it and your views.  No 
problem with any of that.

Your background and experience, including reference to the
50's and 60' is interesting also.

Guess what ?  I remember them too.  Many of my best memories and 
experiences came from that period.

Wish I had known about CS back then.  You were lucky !

>> "This list has no mention of CS, "

 This has puzzled me as to why ?

>>  I come on and check to see if I can help any sincer person most

every day, and I got my answer.

  Yes, many of us do that.   I don't know as much technical stuff about it 
as many others, the deep things is not what a beginner usually needs to know.

 That's it.  If you don't like it start your own list and see how long 
you last. End ! It's a lot of work.  I am a nice guy.

   That was the part I did not understand.  But I think I figured it 
out.   I am pretty nice too, most of the time, unless I am in a bad mood or 
something rubs me the wrong way.  

It wasn't until the late 50's or early 60 we used
distilled water with our own steam distiller.

   What did you use before, good water, the best you could get ?

We had a product with some CS in it that we had listed
with the local Drug store, and people could go ask for
it and he would make it from our resipe.

  Interesting indeed.  Is it still a secret formula ?

 Mostly for animals, but we knew some old farmers who used it as
well. It's name was (Tofflemire Liniment) now you know some of me.

   Yes, I wish we knew more about others.

   Mike confused me a little.  If I said anything bad or irritating about 
you, unknowingly, I am sorry.  I hope not.



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Re: CS>Re: PS (phosphatidylserine)

2007-09-11 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
With all due respect, the comment below strikes me as very misleading.  
 It can be true only insofar as LEF sells vitamins and other products 
which one uses as supplements to regular nutrition.   I'll admit that 
I'm sometimes peeved by their effort to bottle active ingredients, such 
as the essence of blueberries (whatever that may be), but at the same 
time they educate consumers about the availability in whole foods, and 
consumers have the option not to purchase the LEF products.

LEF has worked for about two decades to expose the many wrongdoings of 
the FDA and pharmaceutical companies.   The comment below requires 
extensive justification if not retraction.   The monthly magazine alone 
is worth the price of membership.

I strongly recommend LEF, which deserves the support of those who wish 
to preserve health freedom.

On Tuesday, Sep 11, 2007, at 20:50 Asia/Tokyo, Simon Jester wrote:

This is from Life Extension Foundation (

I'd avoid anything from them... they are extremely oriented around 
drug-like methodologies...

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Re: CS>CMO for sciatica nerve pain

2007-09-11 Thread Tad Winiecki
Has anyone experienced joint damage while taking CMO?  I was not taking 
it according to directions, 3x a day for 10 days, but for more extended 
periods of time only 2x a day.  I have no idea if it contributed but I 
have been dancing for 15 years, and after one dance session when I did 
a lot of hopping I developed joint pain in one knee and could not bend 
my knee past about 90 degrees, and a couple of weeks later re-injured 
it so that there was some swelling above the patella.  I have tried a 
number of herbs and treatments and my knee does become pain-free but 
still vulnerable to re-injury if stressed.  Has anyone else had any 
similar experience?

I was continuing to take CMO 2x a day to encourage healing but started 
to wonder if it was good to take it anymore so quit.  I also found some 
stuff called Celadrin recently that has CMO and similar fatty esters, 
and also a cream form for external application.  Has anyone tried that?

I was using a DMSO extract of Comfrey root and Solomon's Seal root on 
my knee with good results as to pain, and started getting 1/4 - 1/2" 
patches of tiny broken veins in my skin so quit.  Daddybob Ransley sent 
me an email saying DMSO could thin the skin and cause damage.  Has 
anyone experienced this?  I will definitely be more careful in using 
DMSO after this.  At present I'm using an Alacer Muscle Powr Gel that 
is helping a lot, I'm mostly pain-free.


On Sep 11, 2007, at 1:58 PM, wrote:

From: Gail Naranjo 
Date: September 11, 2007 12:09:50 PM PDT
Subject: CS>CMO  for sciatcia nerve pain

Dear List,

For those that have mentioned having problems with
sciatcia nerve pain, don't understimate the power of
CMO.  We've talked about it here while back for
arthritis pain.

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CS>Re: Mercury Levels : toxins

2007-09-11 Thread Clayton Family
Hi, Simon, I went there looking for information on a reliable way to 
figure out the heavy metal concentration, and found nothing on it, only 
that they believe that current methods will not tell the whole picture. 
That is what I understood from the medical standpoint years ago. There 
are some things that can be learned from a hair test (past month or so) 
or a blood test (today), but hard to say about what is stored in the 
body elsewhere. This is my understanding.

It seems to me that whenever anyone suspects neurological damage or 
toxin, mercury is one that first comes to mind; however, the mold 
toxins may form a more vast and unrecognised neurotoxin exposure that 
probably will not respond to chelation.

Most people I  know that are definitely suffering from exposure to 
toxic mold will deny it vehemently, and many will die from it before 
they have any idea what is going on. It is due to precisely the 
neurotoxic nature of the beast that it causes mental changes in those 
that are affected- as do many neurotoxic elements, not just heavy 
metals, also biotoxins. A mental rigidity is very common, as are 
anxiety, depression, and anger. These have been shown to be repeatably 
demonstrated on exposure to the offending substances by the pioneering 
work of Dr Doris Rapp, allergist, now of Scottsdale, AZ.  I saw some of 
her work on that aspect of "allergy" in the early 90's. She is now 
concentrating her work on removing toxins from the children's school 
and home environments, and publicising that. She recognised ealry on 
that ADHD can be a response to the environment- which underscores the 
neurological component of toxicity. What was unknown at the time is 
that mold does cause these symptoms and more.

That is one of the things I like about shoemaker- he has found a simple 
non invasive test that will indicate biotoxic expsoure- I am unsure if 
there he has found a way to separate the heavy metal toxicity from the 
biotoxicity- perhaps from heavy metal testing and a trial of his 
adsorbsion therapy, I don't know.

On Sep 11, 2007, at 3:04 PM, Simon Jester wrote:

I don't think there is any questions as to mercury levels in some 
fish.  Salmon and tuna being among the worst.
 She did nothing to help eliminate the mercury.  Her diet did change. 
 She ate less altogether.  She increased alternate proteins like 
chicken, beef, beans, eggs.  My question is does it seem right that 
her mercury levels came down in six months from just eliminating fish 
(salmon and tuna being her staples) from her diet.  I was taken a 
back by this.

This kind of thing is not nearly as simple as some 'doctors' would 
have you believe.

Measuring blood levels of heavy metals is *not* a reliable indicator 
of whether or not you have heavy metal toxicity - nor is a hair 
analysis, contrary to popular belief, or even a DMPS challenge test.

I highly recommend this site/forum if you have serious concerns about 
mercury toxicity:

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CS>Potassium / Iodine

2007-09-11 Thread Tad Winiecki
Ruth- your symptoms are on a list of symptoms of Hashimoto's autoimmune 
disease of the Thyroid-

Signs and symptoms

Hashimoto's disease does not have unique signs and symptoms. The 
disease typically progresses slowly over a number of years and causes 
chronic thyroid damage, leading to a drop in thyroid hormone levels in 
your blood. The signs and symptoms, if any, are those of an underactive 
thyroid gland (hypothyroidism).

The signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism vary widely, depending on the 
severity of hormone deficiency. At first, you may barely notice any 
symptoms, such as fatigue and sluggishness, or you may simply attribute 
them to getting older. But as the disease progresses, you may develop 
more obvious signs and symptoms, including:

▪   Increased sensitivity to cold
▪   Constipation
▪   Pale, dry skin
▪   A puffy face
▪   Hoarse voice
▪   An elevated blood cholesterol level
	▪ 	Unexplained weight gain — occurring infrequently and rarely more 
than 10 to 20 pounds, most of which is fluid
	▪ 	Muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness, especially in your 
shoulders and hips
	▪ 	Pain and stiffness in your joints and swelling in your knees or the 
small joints in your hands and feet

▪   Muscle weakness, especially in your lower extremities
▪   Excessive or prolonged menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia)
▪   Depression

I was just reading on Hashimoto's as my neighbor has it.  Perhaps the 
synthetic hormone you are getting is not fully eliminating symptoms.  I 
am wondering if your taking iodine is a conflict with your prescription 
medicine.  Also I seem to remember someone who had very little Thyroxin 
release after having radiation treatment reporting benefit from taking 
thyroid glandulars, which would be the gland from an animal source.  I 
have no actual experience with this so cannot advise, but you could 
google and do research.


On Sep 11, 2007, at 1:58 PM, wrote:

From: Ruth Bertella

Today my "aches" seem to be spreading through my shins and arms to my 
And elbows. Any suggestions of research I could look into and/or info 

Arm myself to use at the Dr. Appointment would be greatly appreciated!!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Sciatcia/CMO ???

2007-09-11 Thread Treblclef2
In a message dated 9/11/2007 3:38:16 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

CMO  stands for Cetyl Myristoleate.  It can help arthritis and other  
problems.  Here is an article about it.


I  used Myristin by EHP ( _ 
( ) which was endorsed by the  person who 
discovered CMO, 
but there are many  sources.



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CS>Re: Severe muscle cramps

2007-09-11 Thread Simon Jester

Fresh lemon juice (please don't ruin it by putting sugar in it) is
probably the best source of naturally occurring electrolytes 
there is.

> I learn something new every day! Thanks you have a
> reference.

No, sorry - selling electrolytes is big business, and most of the links 
I find are to special formulations someone wants to sell you.

'The Master Cleanse' book talks about it though... and a few other 
books, as I recall, but can't remember which ones. All I remember was, 
it made perfect sense to me.

Grapefruit juice is good too - but both should be mixed at least 50/50 
with water, if not 20/80.

> I wonder how fresh lemon juice would fare with CS as a
> substitute for Gatorade.

It would be so much better as to be no comparison... do it!!!


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Sciatcia/CMO ???

2007-09-11 Thread Marshall Dudley

Dianne France wrote:

Sciatcia pain is due to the pinched nerve.  When the
joints have proper lubrication as well as decreased
inflammation by taking the CMO
Sorry to have to ask but what is CMO.  I'm new so I don't know what 
some initials stand for.
Try google. Almost always ANY term you find us using will be explained 
if you simply use google to find the definition or sites that talk about 
it. In this case googling for "CMO" gives:



If you look at those you will see that it stands for "Cetyl Myristoleate 
and if you search for that, you get even more hits.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>DMSO Urban Myth

2007-09-11 Thread Marshall Dudley

Dan Nave wrote:

" The chiropractor warned me about DMSO carrying anything into the skin
with it..He said a swimmer rubbed it into a sore shoulder, then went
into the water.  He died from absorbing  chlorine.  I told him I always
clean the area and spray it with colloidal silver before rubbing any

I don't believe this...  

(Well, I believe he may well have said it, 
but I don't actually believe that it happened.)

I don't believe it either.  If the dmso did cause a little of the pool 
water to be absorbed into the blood, the 1 ppm of chlorine would still 
be insignificant, and no worse if the same few drops had been swallowed.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>DMSO Herpies

2007-09-11 Thread Tel Tofflemire
RE: the Zastro Herpie Virus, it stmes from chicken pox
or the vacination of chicken pox.  It can show up as
Shingles, anywhere on the body, Cold sores on the
mouth area, and is even rlated to Gential Herpies.
What to do, in most cases do this.
1. take L-Lysine caps daily
2. apply CS to affected area several times a day
3. clean area with 3% H202 Brown bottle store bought
before applying 10% DMSO by voulume to Cloidal Silver
& apply to affected area, it will not harm you.
This will stop the outbreake, and can even surpress
the viruse for years, but I don't think it will remove
that virus, as Stress will bring it back to the
surface of the skin, I even seen one case where it was
broke out inside the body..very hard to stop inside
the body, but CS will help.

--- Dan Nave  wrote:

> " The chiropractor warned me about DMSO carrying
> anything into the skin
> with it..He said a swimmer rubbed it into a sore
> shoulder, then went
> into the water.  He died from absorbing  chlorine. 
> I told him I always
> clean the area and spray it with colloidal silver
> before rubbing any
> on."
> I don't believe this...  
> (Well, I believe he may well have said it, 
> but I don't actually believe that it happened.)
> Dan
> -Original Message-
> From: Pat [] 
> Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 3:14 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>PS (phosphatidylserine)
> Dee, you're so lucky that the sciatica went away. 
> I've never had any
> kind of herpes outbreak except chicken pox as a
> child.  I've been
> thinking about using DMSO and colloidal silver over
> the area.  I asked
> the chiropractor I've gone to four times in the last
> two weeks and he
> said it might help but that he thought the exercises
> he's given me will
> probably help more than anything.  The orthopaedic
> surgeon said the MRI
> shows I have narrowing in the bony passage where the
> nerves go through
> on both sides.  His only recommendation was an
> epidural injection of
> steroid or saline (which I refused).  I'm only
> having trouble on one
> side, so the problem could be muscular.  I used CMO
> about two years ago
> (used it several weeks) and it did absolutely
> nothing for arthritis or
> anything.  The chiropractor warned me about DMSO
> carrying anything into
> the skin with it..He said a swimmer rubbed it
> into a sore shoulder,
> then went into the water.  He died from absorbing 
> chlorine.  I told him
> I always clean the area and spray it with colloidal
> silver before
> rubbing any on.
> Pat
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing
> Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are
> currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.


Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with Yahoo! 

Re: CS>[List Owner]...Thanks Mike D.

2007-09-11 Thread Tel Tofflemire
Thanks, Mike Devour & our list owner since I have been
coming here for about 10 years this month.
If I remember what I said was:
"Where is Mike D. ? "
"This list has no mention of CS, Just a chat list it
To me that is no more objectionable than 99 % of the
chat not pertaining to CS. I had not seen Mike correct
the list so I knew something was wrong, I come on and
check to see if I can help any sincer person most
every day, and I got my answer.  That's it.  If you
don't like it start your own list and see how long you
last. End ! It's a lot of work.  I am a nice guy.

I have helped many newbies with questions about CS for
lots of years, a lot of the old timers know me.
I have been involved in making and use of CS for
nearly 50 years. BTW I am only 67 years old, but
started making it for my Father and Grand Father on
the ranch and their veterinary business. I learned on
a 6 volt tractor battery, and two silver coins on a
999 silver wire and rain water from the cistern. We
used in mostly on livestock during dehorning,
casteration, ear marking, and other external use. 
Some in the water & milk they drink when very young. 

It wasn't until the late 50's or early 60 we used
distilled water with our own steam distiller.
We had a product with some CS in it that we had listed
with the local Drug store, and people could go ask for
it and he would make it from our resipe. Mostly for
animals, but we knew some old farmers who used it as
well. It's name was (Tofflemire Liniment)
now you know some of me.
Tel Tofflemire
owner of Arizona's only
htt://www.quailwoodherbal,com  (Herbs & Potions)

Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.


Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect.  Join Yahoo!'s user panel 
and lay it on us. 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Sciatcia/CMO ???

2007-09-11 Thread Pat
CMO stands for Cetyl Myristoleate.  It can help arthritis and other problems.  
Here is an article about it.

I used Myristin by EHP ( which was endorsed 
by the person who discovered CMO, but there are many sources.



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CS>DMSO Urban Myth

2007-09-11 Thread Dan Nave
" The chiropractor warned me about DMSO carrying anything into the skin
with it..He said a swimmer rubbed it into a sore shoulder, then went
into the water.  He died from absorbing  chlorine.  I told him I always
clean the area and spray it with colloidal silver before rubbing any

I don't believe this...  

(Well, I believe he may well have said it, 
but I don't actually believe that it happened.)


-Original Message-
From: Pat [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 3:14 PM
Subject: Re: CS>PS (phosphatidylserine)

Dee, you're so lucky that the sciatica went away.  I've never had any
kind of herpes outbreak except chicken pox as a child.  I've been
thinking about using DMSO and colloidal silver over the area.  I asked
the chiropractor I've gone to four times in the last two weeks and he
said it might help but that he thought the exercises he's given me will
probably help more than anything.  The orthopaedic surgeon said the MRI
shows I have narrowing in the bony passage where the nerves go through
on both sides.  His only recommendation was an epidural injection of
steroid or saline (which I refused).  I'm only having trouble on one
side, so the problem could be muscular.  I used CMO about two years ago
(used it several weeks) and it did absolutely nothing for arthritis or
anything.  The chiropractor warned me about DMSO carrying anything into
the skin with it..He said a swimmer rubbed it into a sore shoulder,
then went into the water.  He died from absorbing  chlorine.  I told him
I always clean the area and spray it with colloidal silver before
rubbing any on.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Cholesterol Levels article

2007-09-11 Thread Ruth Bertella
Whe  it's a relief to have one less thing to worry about!!  My 
cholesterol is in the "good" range according to my doctor.  I have been 
listening to more and more of you say that the cholesterol level issues are 
all hype.  My father almost died from a massive heart attack three years 
ago, and after being on so many meds that he hates taking, we decided it 
might be safe to at least take him off the cholesterol meds.  That was over 
a year ago and he hasn't had any problems.  His doctor says his cholesterol 
is "somewhat" high and wants him to start them again, but dad says no go. 
Thanks for your input - it was very helpful!!


- Original Message - 
From: "Simon Jester" 

Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 2:52 PM
Subject: CS>Re: Cholesterol Levels article

This may (or may not) help with those of y'all concerned with 
cholesterol.  Hope it helps!

Naah... the whole cholesterol scare is pure FUD created by pharmaceutical 
companies for the sole purpose of selling worse-than-worthless (because 
they are very dangerous and bad for you) cholesterol-lowering drugs.

Do yourself a favor - stop listening to it.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>PS (phosphatidylserine)

2007-09-11 Thread Pat
Dee, you're so lucky that the sciatica went away.  I've never had any kind of 
herpes outbreak except chicken pox as a child.  I've been thinking about using 
DMSO and colloidal silver over the area.  I asked the chiropractor I've gone to 
four times in the last two weeks and he said it might help but that he thought 
the exercises he's given me will probably help more than anything.  The 
orthopaedic surgeon said the MRI shows I have narrowing in the bony passage 
where the nerves go through on both sides.  His only recommendation was an 
epidural injection of steroid or saline (which I refused).  I'm only having 
trouble on one side, so the problem could be muscular.  I used CMO about two 
years ago (used it several weeks) and it did absolutely nothing for arthritis 
or anything.  The chiropractor warned me about DMSO carrying anything into the 
skin with it..He said a swimmer rubbed it into a sore shoulder, then went 
into the water.  He died from absorbing
 chlorine.  I told him I always clean the area and spray it with colloidal 
silver before rubbing any on.



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The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Mercury Levels

2007-09-11 Thread Simon Jester
I don't think there is any questions as to mercury levels in some 
fish.  Salmon and tuna being among the worst.
She did nothing to help eliminate the mercury.  Her diet did change.  
She ate less altogether.  She increased alternate proteins like 
chicken, beef, beans, eggs. 
My question is does it seem right that her mercury levels came down 
in six months from just eliminating fish (salmon and tuna being her 
staples) from her diet.  I was taken a back by this.

This kind of thing is not nearly as simple as some 'doctors' would have 
you believe.

Measuring blood levels of heavy metals is *not* a reliable indicator of 
whether or not you have heavy metal toxicity - nor is a hair analysis, 
contrary to popular belief, or even a DMPS challenge test.

I highly recommend this site/forum if you have serious concerns about 
mercury toxicity:

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Sciatcia/CMO ???

2007-09-11 Thread Dianne France
Sciatcia pain is due to the pinched nerve.  When the
joints have proper lubrication as well as decreased
inflammation by taking the CMO

Sorry to have to ask but what is CMO.  I'm new so I don't know what some 
initials stand for.


CS>Re: Cholesterol Levels article

2007-09-11 Thread Simon Jester
This may (or may not) help with those of y'all concerned with 
cholesterol.  Hope it helps!

Naah... the whole cholesterol scare is pure FUD created by 
pharmaceutical companies for the sole purpose of selling 
worse-than-worthless (because they are very dangerous and bad for you) 
cholesterol-lowering drugs.

Do yourself a favor - stop listening to it.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Mercury Levels

2007-09-11 Thread Dan Nave
Well, where was she getting the mercury from in the first place?
Probably from the fish. 
The test for excess mercury may have been a blood test.  If the source
of the mercury was 
eliminated, the blood level of mercury may very well have decreased to
normal levels.  

From: Norine Twaddell [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 9:07 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Mercury Levels

Thanks for the replies.
I don't think there is any questions as to mercury levels in some fish.
Salmon and tuna being among the worst.
She did nothing to help eliminate the mercury.  Her diet did change.
She ate less altogether.  She increased alternate proteins like chicken,
beef, beans, eggs.  
My question is does it seem right that her mercury levels came down in
six months from just eliminating fish (salmon and tuna being her
staples) from her diet.  I was taken a back by this.
Look forward to your thoughts.  ~Norine
Norine Twaddell CDBC, CPDT  

Re: CS>CMO for sciatcia nerve pain

2007-09-11 Thread Dee
This is not absolutely established.  This *could* be one of the reasons for
it but there may be others.  Dee  

---Original Message--- 


From: Gail Naranjo 

Date: 09/11/07 20:10:39 


Subject: CS>CMO for sciatcia nerve pain 



Sciatcia pain is due to the pinched nerve. 

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>CMO for sciatcia nerve pain

2007-09-11 Thread Gail Naranjo
Dear List,

For those that have mentioned having problems with
sciatcia nerve pain, don't understimate the power of
CMO.  We've talked about it here while back for
arthritis pain.

Sciatcia pain is due to the pinched nerve.  When the
joints have proper lubrication as well as decreased
inflammation by taking the CMO, one will often
experience pain reduction due to the pressure being
released on that nerve.

Try it; you'll like it! lol

Good place to get it is at TRC Nutritional



Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect.  Join Yahoo!'s user panel 
and lay it on us. 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Potasisum / Iodine (repost)

2007-09-11 Thread Dee
Perhaps another thing you could try would be the glyconutrients i.e. The
essential sugars.  Dee 

---Original Message---
From: Ruth Bertella
Date: 11/09/2007 19:02:43
Subject: CS>Potasisum / Iodine (repost)
Today my "aches" seem to be spreading through my shins and arms to my knees
And elbows. Any suggestions of research I could look into and/or info to
Arm myself to use at the Dr. Appointment would be greatly appreciated!!
BTW, I take a few ounces of CS most days (I know I should be more regimented

Fw: Re: CS>Non C/S - Stop - Look - and Listen

2007-09-11 Thread S-Max
Dear Faith, 
My Absolute and Bountiful Pleasure, kind Sir. 
From: faith gagne 
Dear Sasha Max: 
These links are absolutely beautiful. Thanks you, thank you,, thank you. I 
have book marked them and plan to pass them on to others. 
Kindest and Best Regards, 
> Let's Celebrate today, this September 11, 2007, with our hearts and minds 
> wide open, not in hope, but in 'Action' to change this world we live in 
> for 
> the better. 
> If you have a moment, please, take a look at this CMN video 
> and the many others offered on Conscious Media Network. 
> Blessings to All, 
> Sasha Max 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Potasisum / Iodine (repost)

2007-09-11 Thread faith gagne
I heard of something called Elite which supposedly balances electrolytes.  A 
friend tried it, it worked for her and she is stillusing it.


- Original Message - 
From: "Ruth Bertella" 

Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 1:55 PM
Subject: CS>Potasisum / Iodine (repost)

Today my "aches" seem to be spreading through my shins and arms to my 
knees and elbows.  Any suggestions of research I could look into and/or 
info to arm myself to use at the Dr. appointment would be greatly 
appreciated!! BTW, I take a few ounces of CS most days (I know I should be 
more regimented about this) and while it seems to keep me well as far as 
colds, etc. are concerned, it doesn't seem to help this.  The CS has 
improved by gums immensely!   I promise to move this to the OT list IF I 
get any feedback. Hope to hear from y'all soon!!

I have a Dr. appointment on 9/18/07.  He has had me on blood pressure 
(high) and thyroid (mine's low) medication for 1 1/2 years now, so going 
for my 6 month "check".  For just over 2 months now I seem to have heavy, 
aching feet each a.m. and upon rising after sitting even short periods of 
time.  After walking a while (several minutes) everything seems to be OK, 
although they feel kind of "sore" to apply pressure to.  At the same time 
this started, upon awakening my hands are stiff and ache/hurt, and I find 
myself "stretching" my fingers off and on all day to try and keep them 
from aching. (And this starts just as I quit smoking!!!  relevance?!?) 
Today I received an order of Lugol's 5% solution (Potassium Iodide 10%, 
Iodine 5%) and was going to try 2 drops in juice each morning to 
hopefully help my thyroid.

I guess I'm wondering if I should also be taking some additional 
Potassium? (Question is for all you Potassium/mineral experts out there) 
I'm close to being 51 and so tired of hearing from Dr's/others "well you 
know, you're getting to that age."   I just re-subscribed to the list 
in hopes of helping me to help myself with these issues and more.

I look forward to all responses, and thanks to all in advance to save on 


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Mercury Levels

2007-09-11 Thread Norine Twaddell
Thanks everyone for your replies.  Marshall sent me a private reply that 
answered my question directly.  
It was helpful to me so I thought I would share it:

Marshall wrote:
I believe that mercury levels in the blood are an indicate of 
present mercury intake (or spike when doing chelation).  If it was 
circulating in the blood all the time, it would be expelled. However 
mercury tends to bind in the tissues, and brain especially.  I would 
expect that this bound mercury level would be unchanged.

Of course when I read Marshall's reply it made perfect sense like I should have 
known that.

I know I have high mercury levels too.  As I child I collected the mercury from 
thermometers and played with it.   I still have it but I don't play with it 
anymore.  If the list doesn't mind,  I like to move to how to remove mercury 
from tissues.  

What do you do to pull mercury out of your tissues and how careful do you have 
to be not to get sick from the process?

I have looked into this before.  I can't find the my notes.   
I remember the following 3 things coming up:
1. Chelation
2. A liquid mineral remover from a company something like Don's Back.   That 
company was sold to a company with something like Rockland in the name.  This 
is from memory, sorry and I've no luck with searching.  Who else might know 
this info but this list.
3. Mention of anecytel cystine in liquid kelp.

I see Dee mentioned Chlorella.  Is that for removal from the tissues?

Any thoughts or direction greatly appreciated.  ~Norine

Norine Twaddell CDBC, CPDT



2007-09-11 Thread cking001
One of these should help:

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Never ask a man the size of his spread. (Or anything else for that

On 9/10/2007 11:54:43 AM, Marshall Dudley (
> Hanneke wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > Would it be possible for all those  with the desire to discuss  MMS
> > at length to join the group Wayne has started?
> > It would have several advantages, one being that  all questions and
> > personal experiences are kept within the one group which I believe
> > would be helpful for most intending on trying this.
> >
> > Subscribing is as easy as sending an email  to
> >,
> > or go to the website.
> That did not work:
> We are unable 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Non C/S - Stop - Look - and Listen

2007-09-11 Thread faith gagne

Dear Sasha Max:

These links are absolutely beautiful.  Thanks you, thank you,, thank you.  I 
have book marked them and plan to pass them on to others.

Kindest and Best Regards,

- Original Message - 
From: "S-Max" 

Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 11:24 AM
Subject: CS>Non C/S - Stop - Look - and Listen

Let's Celebrate today, this September 11, 2007, with our hearts and minds
wide open, not in hope, but in 'Action' to change this world we live in 

the better.

If you have a moment, please, take a look at this CMN video

and the many others offered on Conscious Media Network.

Blessings to All,
Sasha Max

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Potasisum / Iodine (repost)

2007-09-11 Thread Dee
Have you thought of herpes Ruth?  Maybe if you take CS every hour or so and
maybe l-lysine it would help.  What about mercury overload?  Perhaps some
chlorella may help with this.  Dee 

---Original Message--- 


From: Ruth Bertella 

Date: 11/09/2007 19:02:43 


Subject: CS>Potasisum / Iodine (repost) 


Today my "aches" seem to be spreading through my shins and arms to my knees 

And elbows. Any suggestions of research I could look into and/or info to 

Arm myself to use at the Dr. Appointment would be greatly appreciated!! 

BTW, I take a few ounces of CS most days (I know I should be more regimented 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Now: Typewriters

2007-09-11 Thread Dan Nave
Five strokes equal one word.  There was also a penalty for making
mistakes.  The only reference I could find is below (-10 words for each
Calculating Net Words Per Minute.  Count the total number of strokes
(each space and each character within the line is a stroke), subtract 50
strokes for each error, and divide the remainder by five to determine
the number of gross words.  Divide the gross words by the time allowed
for the test.  The formula is 


From: Day Sutton [] 
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 5:07 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Now: Typewriters

It's the number of characters typed per minute divided by five..

On 9/10/07, Sandee George  wrote: 

Hi There Wayne, I think if you reduce your figures for typing
speed by
one 0 you will be
more in keeping with how it really works, I type at 80 words per
however I have
never figured out how they come to the conclusion, I think it is
actual amount of keys
depressed per minute, because every word does not have the same
amount of
Take good care 

Re: CS>Potasisum

2007-09-11 Thread Bruce Anderson

Me too, Jodi!
Bruce A

seth sato wrote:

Hi Jodi:
I would be interested in your info.


*/Jodi /* wrote:

I was floored by a webpage I came across years ago about potassium. It
has since been taken down, as have many sites that make claims about
natural supplements. I saved it as a text file onto my hard drive
beforehand though, so if anyone is interested, I could email it, or
it here with permission, or to the off-topic list in 5 sequential
emails, each being of a size for easy reading. It's a bit long all in
one email though. This is the info that led me to ignore mainstream
warnings and start on potassium. Please let me know if anyone wants the
info. Jodi

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Need a vacation? Get great deals to amazing places 
Yahoo! Travel.

Re: CS>Herxheimer

2007-09-11 Thread Tony Moody
Dear Marshall,

I am very sorry to hear of your loss. 

This bit of information is so valuable that I am going to add it to my 
ColsilGen instructions. 
something like...  " if taking CS causes you to feel unwell, then there may be 
an underlying 
serious problem somewhere in your body. ... There may be infection which the CS 
is dealing 
with; resulting in your body trying to eliminate an unusual amount of waste"

This statement obviously needs some editing and some explanation added, and 
what to do 
about it. Feedback and contributions from the group would be very welcome. It 
would be 
good to formulate a responsible statement around the herxheimer phenomenon

Tony Moody

On 10 Sep 2007 at 10:58, Marshall Dudley wrote about : Subject : Re: 

> > --On 7 September 2007 15:39:22 -0700 Pat 
> > wrote:
> >
> >> I took some much stronger CS this a.m. and then a couple hours
> >> later my stomach felt yucky and I felt tired.  About 4 hours later
> >> it's passing off.  So, Herx or irritation?
> >
> >
> > yeah sounds like poisons..
> Let me just say I gave my mother some CS and it made her sick. I tried
> to convince her that she had a serious problem, and that it was a herx
> reaction, and she needed to take more until the herx stopped. Instead
> she went to her doctor who proclaimed her healthy and told her not to
> take the CS.  She was dead within 3 months at the hands of the quacks
> she went to.
> Marshall
> >

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Potasisum / Iodine (repost)

2007-09-11 Thread Ruth Bertella
Today my "aches" seem to be spreading through my shins and arms to my knees 
and elbows.  Any suggestions of research I could look into and/or info to 
arm myself to use at the Dr. appointment would be greatly appreciated!! 
BTW, I take a few ounces of CS most days (I know I should be more regimented 
about this) and while it seems to keep me well as far as colds, etc. are 
concerned, it doesn't seem to help this.  The CS has improved by gums 
immensely!   I promise to move this to the OT list IF I get any feedback. 
Hope to hear from y'all soon!!

I have a Dr. appointment on 9/18/07.  He has had me on blood pressure 
(high) and thyroid (mine's low) medication for 1 1/2 years now, so going 
for my 6 month "check".  For just over 2 months now I seem to have heavy, 
aching feet each a.m. and upon rising after sitting even short periods of 
time.  After walking a while (several minutes) everything seems to be OK, 
although they feel kind of "sore" to apply pressure to.  At the same time 
this started, upon awakening my hands are stiff and ache/hurt, and I find 
myself "stretching" my fingers off and on all day to try and keep them 
from aching. (And this starts just as I quit smoking!!!  relevance?!?) 
Today I received an order of Lugol's 5% solution (Potassium Iodide 10%, 
Iodine 5%) and was going to try 2 drops in juice each morning to hopefully 
help my thyroid.

I guess I'm wondering if I should also be taking some additional 
Potassium? (Question is for all you Potassium/mineral experts out there) 
I'm close to being 51 and so tired of hearing from Dr's/others "well you 
know, you're getting to that age."   I just re-subscribed to the list 
in hopes of helping me to help myself with these issues and more.

I look forward to all responses, and thanks to all in advance to save on 


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Cholesterol Levels article

2007-09-11 Thread Ruth Bertella
This may (or may not) help with those of y'all concerned with cholesterol.  
Hope it helps!>1=10405

Re: CS>[List Owner] More guidance...

2007-09-11 Thread cking001
National day of venting?

There are two theories to arguing with women. Neither one works. 

On 9/11/2007 8:56:42 AM, faith gagne ( wrote:
> Hi Mike.
> I certainly agree with your observations and suggestions.  What I do not
> agree with is the
> compaliner's rude message.  If that poster finds this
> message board to be so rude and arrogant and so very full of hot air  then
> the question is why does he even bother to continue showing up here?   Let
> him go spend his hard earned dollars elsewhere. Unsubscribing is very easy,
> but I suppose he had to bust out with a lot of hot air, arrogance and
> gargage of his own first and I hope he/she feels much better now.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>denatured whey

2007-09-11 Thread jessie70
Duncan, Where did you recommend to buy the denatured whey? Thanks, Jess

-Original Message-
From: Duncan Crow []
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 9:33 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: Minimizing Herx reactions- recipe

Since Herx is mainly a response to toxin load, and the chief 
breaker of toxins is glutathione the master antioxidant, (and the 
other antioxidants too) I'd suggest undenatured whey and 
selenium, the glutathione precursors as a minimum. On the 
candidiasis list many ladies are reducing their Herx by using 
precautions like this plus Homozon for oxygen delivery etc.

The list had discussed glyconutrient pudding, which does that and 


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>More guidance, Ideas

2007-09-11 Thread M. G. Devour
G'mornin' Wayne,

You write:
> I am on another list that has more off topic messages than on topic
> messages.  One person complained and all the members stopped while a
> few spoke up and agreed with the person complaining. 
> The list traffic dropped from 30 to 50 messages per day to maybe 5 or
> 10.  Soon it picked bank up slowly to the original state.

Yep, that sounds about normal. Past experience for me is that every 
time I posted even a mild correction to the group, suddenly the list 
would shut down completely for a few hours or even a whole day, before 
a few brave souls would come back and timidly start talking again... 

I'm probably going to regret saying this, but I'm pleased that you 
folks that are here now are defending yourselves a bit, even against 
me! It is NOT my intention to make you shut up and go away!

> The point is, ask one question about the main purpose of that list,
> and you get 50 to 100 replies from some of the best in the world. 

Yep, that's a great model.

> I wonder what per cent of the list members feel this way about off
> topic messages. 

Generally, for every member who takes the time to write to me or 
complain on the list, there are at least a dozen more who feel the same 
way and just don't bother. They either put up with it or they leave.

The list population has dropped by 30 to 40 people over the last 
several months, whereas it had been at it's high of over 600 for at 
least a year or two before that.

Although there might be some global trend effecting interest in our 
subject area, I would judge that most left due to the high volume of 
messages and the often caustic tone from a few people.

> If all the off topic messages were gone, the list would have been DEAD
> in August and September. 

Right! Which is why I'm not trying to squash everything flat. I frankly 
*like* a steady churn of interesting and worthwhile topics.

> I don't think he did a message count.  Not that much arrogance. He
> does not know when we are kidding and does not know who of us know the
> other people and what we feel comfortable in saying.

Actually, no. That person is a long-time member and knows the group 
very well. They just haven't posted much lately, for the reasons they 
stated I expect.

>I wonder what he wanted to know ? He did not ask me, Simon, Dan or
> Charles, or ODE or Daddybob or the list in the month and one half.  

I'd say that this member knows enough about CS they'd be more likely to 
answer questions than ask them, and that they're on the list hoping to 
stay abreast of any new developments in the area.

> >it takes me a > long time to read through and delete. I'm deleting
> >about 95% of the CS  list now.
>Now, a bit of truth emerges, How interesting.  "A long time".
> I figured as much.  An inbox with all kind of messages.

No, I'm almost *sure* this person learned about message filtering and 
sorting a long time ago. No, it's simply true that the CS-related 
content has been as low as 5% lately! 

And, for a person who's seeking the occasional 'gem,' the truly 
informative message worth preserving for future reference, the total 
volume we've been experience would be a strain.

> I just made a new folder on the CS_notes for his benefit and for 
> others. 

Great! I need to think of some way to integrate your efforts into our 
group infrastructure. Until I do, please keep the info in your .sig for 
the time being, and give the URL explicitely when you recommend the 
resource. Thanks again for this.

> I would guess he is spending 30 mniutes to one hour to do what he
> should do in 3 to 5 minutes at most. 

3 to 5 minutes? Wayne, *I* take at least a half hour to go through list 
messages each day, and I do keep them all nicely sorted by my mail 
program! But, then, I'm obligated to at least skim each one, even if 
the subject area is well known or not of interest to me.

>I have not seen many questions in the last month and one half.
> Where did they go ?

That's a good question. There's a small, steady stream of people 
joining and leaving the list all the time. How many of them leave after 
50 messages of chit-chat and tedium, without ever asking one?

I don't really know.

>  Again, these people are in the minority, a very small minority and
> think they can jump in here and tell us what to do. Only You can do
> that. 

This is kinda the crux of the situation.

There are two camps on this issue, the tight-topic-no-noise side, and 
the freewheeling-talk-about-it-all side.

I have NEVER succeeded in pleasing either group completely at any one 
time, nor fully abandoned either of them. I'm always trying to strike a 
reasonable balance between their divergent needs. No doubt the 
freewheeling group has enjoyed the ascendancy of late! 

> Look at what happened to John ! But he is smart enough that he joined
> the club almost immediately.

Yep, I'm pleased with John's response to the first round of coaching he 
experienced. He can be quit

Re: CS>[List Owner] More guidance...

2007-09-11 Thread M. G. Devour
> Hi Mike.

Hi Faith,

> I certainly agree with your observations and suggestions.  


> What I do not agree with is the compaliner's rude message.  If that
> poster finds this message board to be so rude and arrogant and so very
> full of hot air then the question is why does he even bother to
> continue showing up here? 

If you're talking about Tel, he's been on the list for a number of 
years, and he's right to observe that the list has changed since times 
in the past when message volume was generally much less and the signal 
to noise ratio higher. 

It was probably quite a shock to him to arrive in the midst of a surge 
of 120 message days with little to no CS content. 

>  Let him go spend his hard earned dollars elsewhere. Unsubscribing is
> very easy, but I suppose he had to bust out with a lot of hot air,
> arrogance and gargage of his own first and I hope he/she feels much
> better now. 

No, we're just not yet trimmed back to the best (least annoying?) 
compromise between topic freedom and letting the list become 
overwhelmed. I'm working to preserve that spark of spontaneity and the 
scope of discussion, but I need help from each of you to keep the 
quality up and the volume manageable.  

The other side of this argument is, do you really want somebody who's 
coming here, tired, stressed out, desparate for options, either sick 
themselves or caring for a loved one, to be inundated by a hundred 
messages before seeing even one come by that's about CS? A third of 
which probably could have not been sent at all?

> (Why does it cost him to download?  He is behind the 8-ball.)

As I said in my other message, dial-up and other antiquated access 
methods are still common, and I'm not prepared to ignore the needs of a 
third of our members (roughly, guessing) who still use them. 

I've got broadband and a machine that's fast enough to handle the 
messages easily. Many don't have that luxury.  

Now, at some point, I *will* spend a little time reminding everyon of 
the repeated admonition in the rules against playing LIST COP, which is 
what Tel was doing and you're right to resent. That's my job, folks, 
not yours!  (Now I just have to do it, eh?)


Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>metal detox and cs

2007-09-11 Thread Duncan Crow
I did some digging on the it as few years ago and saw the heavy 
metals and silver I think were all found to deplete the master 
detoxifier glutathione and selenium, the metal in this enzyme, if 
that's what you're looking for. 


On 10 Sep 2007 at 21:44, Dianne France wrote:

> Hello all,
> We are new to the group and cs but have a question I was hoping
> someone could answer.  My husband and I have just recently been
> introduced to cs and have ordered a generator (silverpuppy) to
> make our own.  We also have started with a natural doctor and have
> started a heavy metal detox.  Will this detox effect or contradict
> benefits of taking cs during this period of detoxing?  The doctor
> said it could take months to a year to completely detox if that is
> even possible.  
> Dianne

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2007-09-11 Thread Starshar
I've got the group's home page open now; here's a copy and paste from the 

It should work, and you can sub from there


> That did not work:
> We are unable to deliver the message from 
> to .
> Your message was sent to a group that does not exist.  Please check
> to make sure you spelled the group name correctly.
> For further assistance, please visit
> Marshall 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Non C/S - Stop - Look - and Listen

2007-09-11 Thread S-Max
Let's Celebrate today, this September 11, 2007, with our hearts and minds 
wide open, not in hope, but in 'Action' to change this world we live in for 
the better.
If you have a moment, please, take a look at this CMN video 
and the many others offered on Conscious Media Network. 
Blessings to All, 
Sasha Max

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>CS:? Nutrients "not" in food

2007-09-11 Thread John Plumridge

--On 11 September 2007 07:52:46 -0400 Ode Coyote  

Organic/ sustainable farming as we know it and believe it's old,  is a
'New" thing, borne of desperation as we go into another sort of Dust
Bowl, still in development by  wacko hippies who can read hand writing on
walls with no where left to move to.
  It's being developed by methodical science, study and experimentation,
not replicated from centuries of ignorance.

In the "old days" life was ignorant, hard and short for the majority of

Well, I see what you say regarding America. In europe there is the 
biodynamic farming which is the mixed farming techniques of Germany's 
Rudolph Steiner going back to the 1920's and its roots in old practices. 
His research was clairvoyant. In England similar small mixed farms were the 
norm until the 1950's and after.

Then there's the vedic farming systems going back pre-5000 years, which are 
also  settled mixed farming. Neither depend on slash and burn.
IN the fragile  and extensive  Himalaya you can observe settled mixed 
farming in a symbiosis with its environment, with the build up of rich 
soils. IN fact these practices extend to high altitude alpine grazing land, 
from where manure is carried down like precious nuggets in baskets on 
mules, and irrigation channels are cut.
Then there's the ancient practices of farming on the upper Nile, with 
yearly flooding and enrichment of soils. It's not canalised, but again 
lived upon in symbiosis.

SLash and burn techniques as practised by colonisers with plantations and 
ranches is different from hunter gather slash and burn techniques in 
Africa, for several reasons, not least motive. The practice was to make 
small clearings, and not extend them, but move on to allow rapid re-growth.

John, Libertarian, Faithful, Freedom Fighter.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2007-09-11 Thread Marshall Dudley

Hanneke wrote:

Hi everyone,

Would it be possible for all those  with the desire to discuss  MMS  
at length to join the group Wayne has started?
It would have several advantages, one being that  all questions and 
personal experiences are kept within the one group which I believe 
would be helpful for most intending on trying this.

Subscribing is as easy as sending an email  to,

or go to the website.

That did not work:

We are unable to deliver the message from 
to .

Your message was sent to a group that does not exist.  Please check
to make sure you spelled the group name correctly.
For further assistance, please visit


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Herxheimer (reaction?)

2007-09-11 Thread Marshall Dudley

Try google. First 4 hits:


Faith Saint Francis wrote:

Hello C.S. Forum!
Please tell me more about the "Herxheimer" reaction.
Is it an official term, or only popular within our circle?
Is then C.S. dangerous in some situations - for particular people?
'd be glad to hear,

Explore the seven wonders of the world Learn more! 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Mike's incredible patience and benevolence...

2007-09-11 Thread Simon Jester
(And in a few minutes, Simon (Charles) will read my last post, and 
hopefully take a couple of clues from it for himself, as well as some 
satisfaction that I agree with him. )

Heh... yes, I tend to catch up on email early in the morning... usually 
I compose my replies, but wait until I'm finished going through all of 
the digests before sending each of them, which often results in 
consolidating and even deleting some...

Sorry - I'll try to make more of an effort to do just that (and to bite 
my fingers when I don't really need to say something)...

Thanks again for being so patient in dealing with all of the egos here 
(and yes, I am fully aware that mine is hyper-inflated) ... ;)

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Health Canada warning about CS

2007-09-11 Thread Ross Craig
It seems it is against a particular company. They are concerned it's not 
sterile. That it may *cause* infection. That's funny.

And here is a report from British Colombia ministry of environment on the 
effect of silver in groundwater. It does not see silver as a threat.

from the report:below

This document is one in a series that establishes ambient water quality 
criteria for British Columbia. It includes an overview which is followed by the 
main body of the report. This document sets criteria for silver to protect 
freshwater and marine aquatic life.

Criteria were not set for human, livestock or wildlife drinking water, 
recreational waters, irrigation water or industrial water uses, since, either 
suitable data documenting the effects of silver for these uses were lacking, or 
the criteria would have been about 1000 times higher than the aquatic life 
criteria and therefore redundant.

Silver is most toxic to microscopic organisms or larval forms of aquatic 
animals. There is no evidence that silver is naturally transformed to a 
hazardous biologically-available form (such as mercury into methyl mercury). 
Ionic silver is more toxic to aquatic organisms than silver compounds. 
Thiosulphate-complexed silver breaks down to silver sulphide which is less 
toxic than the silver ion. Silver criteria are summarized in the chapter on 
Recommended Criteria. A more detailed discussion of the criteria is presented 
in the main body of the report.

Re: CS>Faith - please, no more "thank you's" on the list

2007-09-11 Thread William Missett

Thank you.

- Original Message - 
From: "faith gagne" 

Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 9:08 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Faith - please, no more "thank you's" on the list

Dear Whoever you are:

Okay I will  stop saying thank you..  I missed your message about this 
because I must have deleted it,  it not being interesting enough to read. 
I apologize to you if I offended you.

Th (oops!  Can't say that).


- Original Message - 
From: "M. G. Devour" 

Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 9:26 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Faith - please, no more "thank you's" on the list

(And in a few minutes, Simon (Charles) will read my last post, and
hopefully take a couple of clues from it for himself, as well as some
satisfaction that I agree with him. )

Be well!

Mike D.

> Thank you.
> Faith

Hi Faith,

I have been biting my tongue for a while, but Mike doesn't seem inclined
to say something so even though I'm not the moderator, I will.

It is very irritating to see post after post from you saying 'thanks'...

Please, if you want to thank someone, that does NOT and should NOT be
sent to the list - just send it to the person you are thanking.

It really clogs up the digest version of a list to see all of these
thank you's - ESEPECIALLY when you won't even take the time to trim your
post, and include pages and pages of quoted text in your two word post.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

CS>Re: Severe muscle cramps

2007-09-11 Thread Simon Jester

And what about the ozone generators used in hot tubs, would they
generate harmful levels of ozone or of nitric or nitrous oxides and
whatever compounds they would form with water?

Not a problem - you can use a cheap ozone generator for ozonating 
pools/hot tubs with no problems.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Mercury Levels

2007-09-11 Thread Norine Twaddell
Thanks for the replies.

I don't think there is any questions as to mercury levels in some fish.  Salmon 
and tuna being among the worst.

She did nothing to help eliminate the mercury.  Her diet did change.  She ate 
less altogether.  She increased alternate proteins like chicken, beef, beans, 

My question is does it seem right that her mercury levels came down in six 
months from just eliminating fish (salmon and tuna being her staples) from her 
diet.  I was taken a back by this.

Look forward to your thoughts.  ~Norine

Norine Twaddell CDBC, CPDT

CS>More guidance, Ideas, Concealment of Facts by complaining people

2007-09-11 Thread CWFugitt

Morning Mike,

>>  At 07:06 PM 9/10/2007, you wrote:

Your message shows thought, logic, and patience as well as understanding.

I read it two or three times and it concerned me to the point I
could not sleep.  Maybe I felt guilt of my transgressions.

Many times I have thought, why don't these people stop, or go to the off 
topic list.  But they don't and soon I have to reply, adding fuel to the fire.

I want to share some feedback I've received privately. My aim is to
clarify, just a bit more, how I'm asking you all to help run the list.

  As I read the message and thought about it later, I kept thinking,
"Something is Missing".  Not from your message but from the complaints.

I am on another list that has more off topic messages than on topic 
messages.  One person complained and all the members stopped while a few 
spoke up and agreed with the person complaining.

The list traffic dropped from 30 to 50 messages per day to maybe 5 or 
10.  Soon it picked bank up slowly to the original state.

The point is, ask one question about the main purpose of that  list, and 
you get 50 to 100 replies from some of the best in the world.

This group has a get together each year at a ranch in Texas. People fly in 
from all over the  USA.  One Large happy family.

If you're in a hurry, then skip past the quoted text and please read my 
comments below.

   I hope no one skipped them.

I wonder what per cent of the list members feel this way about off topic 

I went thru all the messages for Sept and August.

The number of messages about CS in Sept has been few. Only one from a 
beginner I think.

In August there were more early in the month.  Many had subjects that 
appeared to be about CS, but were about other things instead.

Many members are about as bad relative to changing the subject as they are 
about trimming their post.

The other day I received this eloquent perspective on how we're doing 
right now...
   Mike, I seldom disagree with you, however, you called this block 
below  "Eloquent Perspective".Maybe  I need to identify the term.

The block below is what kept me awake.

This person concealed some truth from you and the list as I will proceed to 

> Dear Mike
> I am reluctantly but seriously considering unsubbing from your list.

   As I pointed out,  he is the minority not the majority.
If all the off topic messages were gone, the list would have been
DEAD in August and September.

Many would have likely unsubed if it stayed that dead.

> There is just too much irrelevant traffic. Too much arrogance,
> rudeness, pontification and hot air with a very occasional gem of 
mild > interest. If there were more gems or if this was mostly health 
and  healing then ok i would put up with the garbage.

   I don't think he did a message count.  Not that much arrogance.
He does not know when we are kidding and does not know who of us know the 
other people and what we feel comfortable in saying.

 It costs me to  download and, because I'm searching for cs knowledge,

  I wonder what he wanted to know ? He did not ask me, Simon, Dan or 
Charles, or ODE or Daddybob or the list in the month and one half.   This 
is part of his misrepresentation of the facts and his concealment of his 
real problems.

it takes me a > long time to read through and delete. I'm deleting about 
95% of the CS  list now.

  Now, a bit of truth emerges, How interesting.  "A long time".
I figured as much.  An inbox with all kind of messages.

I just made a new folder on the CS_notes for his benefit and for 
others.  Two files, identical.  I even formatted one in word because it is 
easier to read than a text file.

I am sure others will help me add to this folder  "Mailhelp".

I would guess he is spending 30 mniutes to one hour to do what he should do 
in 3 to 5 minutes at most.

I can delete 1000 messages in a few seconds.
My IN box has over 1000 messages and my outbox has over 7000.

> I could filter out Wayne and Simon and now maybe John Plumrige but I 
still have to download them and pay for that.

   I made the Honor Roll. He forgot one or two. Charles and others.
I think he is discriminating,  Several others to the same thing.

This paying for download bytes is old, primitive and out of date.
He must be out of the USA or in a very remote area.  Would be interested in 
cost per byte so I can figure out the cost of the messages.

If this cost, taxes his budget, I will not comment other than to say,
I feel sympathy for him in several respects.

Anyway it is not a simple as that, all of your contributors have some 
value,  just that lately it is buried in a prolific heap of [messages that 
don't]have much to do with your cs core; I think.

  I have not seen many questions in the last month and one half.
Where did they go ?

Possibly many beginners are also beginners in managing mail and cannot wade 
thru the messages.  How unfortunate ?

Of course many beginners can barely ask a good q

Re: CS>Faith - please, no more "thank you's" on the list

2007-09-11 Thread faith gagne

Dear Whoever you are:

Okay I will  stop saying thank you..  I missed your message about this 
because I must have deleted it,  it not being interesting enough to read.  I 
apologize to you if I offended you.

Th (oops!  Can't say that).


- Original Message - 
From: "M. G. Devour" 

Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 9:26 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Faith - please, no more "thank you's" on the list

(And in a few minutes, Simon (Charles) will read my last post, and
hopefully take a couple of clues from it for himself, as well as some
satisfaction that I agree with him. )

Be well!

Mike D.

> Thank you.
> Faith

Hi Faith,

I have been biting my tongue for a while, but Mike doesn't seem inclined
to say something so even though I'm not the moderator, I will.

It is very irritating to see post after post from you saying 'thanks'...

Please, if you want to thank someone, that does NOT and should NOT be
sent to the list - just send it to the person you are thanking.

It really clogs up the digest version of a list to see all of these
thank you's - ESEPECIALLY when you won't even take the time to trim your
post, and include pages and pages of quoted text in your two word post.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

Re: CS>Re: Vitamin C Plus Fat Might Spur Cancer

2007-09-11 Thread Carol Ann
Simon ~ 
Cravings are usually an indication that something is not balanced, in some 
cases if the cravings are extreme for extended periods the body is probably  
out of whack. And that goes for gummy bears, chocolate or anything sweet as 
well.  Craving sweet is usually a blood sugar (low) issue and if one is not 
cognizant of the signs anything handy that will relieve the imbalance will do. 
Gummy bears to orange juice

For examplejust one of many.

Simon Jester  wrote: 
And if another cancer patient craves gummy bears then eat - gummy bears? 
Cravings are not always accurate.


Regards, Carol Ann ~ 
and the bush was consumed.Exodus 3:2 
Reign of The Mayberry Machiavellis ends in 2008.
Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell. 

Re: CS>PS (phosphatidylserine -sciatica

2007-09-11 Thread faith gagne
Dee:  Years ago my naturopathic dr. told me to take L-lysine capsules of 500 mg 
each for herpes virus which manifested on me as huge cold sores and sun 
blisters on my lips.  During a bad outbreak I would take 3 capsules after 
breakfast, 2 at lunch time and 3 more at dinner time, 8 a day..  It worked very 
well for me, and now I take 500 lysine every day as a precaution.  Again it 
works well for me.  If I do have an outbreak I know what to do.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Dee 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 4:30 AM
  Subject: CS>PS (phosphatidylserine -sciatica

Hi Pat,  I know this isn't quite what you asked, but I  had bad 
sciatica for two whole years, but have a theory that it could be connected with 
the herpes virus.  This is because I also had sharp little stabbing pains in 
other parts of my skin at times, and I also had a mild case of shingles.  For 
this I was taking hourly CS and putting CS and DMSO on the lesions and rubbing 
a mixture of DMSO gel and CS on the lumbar region.  I also was taking L-Lysine 
as Sol had said it was good for inhibiting herpes, and guess what, the sciatica 
has gone!  I don't know which of the combination worked, or whether it was all 
of it, but it has gone.  Dee PS I was also taking chlorella for heavy metal 
removal, just in case. 

Re: CS>OnEarth: "Our Silver-Coated Future"

2007-09-11 Thread Ode Coyote

  Nano tech is "becoming" an industry and growing fast.
Virtually ALL industry comes out of science.
 Science is all about how to do things.
Industry is all about doing it.
 Common sense is all about ...what to do.
Not all that common.


At 08:58 AM 9/10/2007 -0400, you wrote:

How can one make an industry out of a science?  Nanotechnology is a 
science not an industry.


- Original Message - From: 
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 2:26 AM
Subject: CS>OnEarth: "Our Silver-Coated Future"

On your marks...
get set...

"Our Silver-Coated Future

by Robin Marantz Henig

Nanotechnology, fast becoming a three-trillion-dollar industry, is about 
to revolutionize our world. Unfortunately, hardly anyone is stopping to 
ask whether it's safe...Hearing how small things are when you're working 
at the nano level doesn't help you visualize anything, exactly; all it 
does is make you sit back and say, "Wow." If you think of a meter as the 
earth, goes one analogy, then a nanometer would be a marble..."Things get 
complex down there, in terms of the physics and the chemistry," says 
Andrew Maynard, chief science adviser for the Project on Emerging 
Nanotechnologies, "When you have small blocks of stuff, they behave 
differently than when you have large blocks of stuff."...Nowhere is the 
tension between real and perceived risk -- not to mention the tension 
between the mundane and the transformative -- more apparent than with 
nanosilver. Nanosilver offers an important early test case for two 
reasons: It is now used in more consumer products than any other 
nanomaterial, and it is principally designed for use in products that come 
into direct contact with the human body..."
(5 pages!)

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Re: CS>CS:? Nutrients "not" in food

2007-09-11 Thread Ode Coyote

  Get "back" to better methods?
 That would be: burn out a farm and move, wouldn't it?

It was in the 30s that the poor farming practices that burned out the East 
spurring a migration to new farmland, burned up the Mid West and made a 
Dust Bowl, prompting congress to suggest that farmers improve "the old 
ways"  ie   DEVELOP better methods.
 That's when we started to get what we have NOW.  That's when they 
*started* using chemical fertilizers and studying plant nutrition and 
eventually adding in minerals and other nutrients to the fertilizers.
 I'll bet food has more in it today than it did in the 30s. [ It can get 
 It "may" have been better *before* the 30s , but only where there were 
still forests to slash and burn for potash, but there was also a lot less 
of it.  People fought and died over river bottom land.
 The country of Chile was a result of a war over bird droppings. If *good* 
fertilizer was rare and expensive enough to die over, how many farmers were 
using it?  Not many and then, only the wealthy.
"The old days"  Typically, it was burn the stubble, get out the mule, plant 
the same thing again and hope for the best, then move when it wasn't good 
enough.  The Pennsylvania forests of today are loaded with 100-200 year old 
ruins. The South East forests, terraced.  So badly burned out that grass 
for cattle wouldn't grow and STILL won't in some places, just scrubby 
stunted short needle pines with a very long tap root.

 That's those "better methods" of yesteryear.

There were no better methods to go back to, not that they didn't exist 
anywhere on the planet to 'some degree' by default, accident and 
desperation being used by a few thoughtful farmers in survival mode, but 
virtually no one knew about them here...or used them anywhere.
One reason people came to N America was to escape famines, a goodly portion 
of which stemming from poor farming practices in Europe.

Organic/ sustainable farming as we know it and believe it's old,  is a 
'New" thing, borne of desperation as we go into another sort of Dust Bowl, 
still in development by  wacko hippies who can read hand writing on walls 
with no where left to move to. [ The danged Hippies been "right" more than 
once...realistic, sometimes, but then, perhaps the best of new realities 
are watered down and fertilized fantasies.]
 It's being developed by methodical science, study and experimentation, 
not replicated from centuries of ignorance.

In the "old days" life was ignorant, hard and short for the majority of folks.
 Most people suffered from some sort of malnutrition, there were no clues 
about balancing a dietyou ate what you could get.  That just "happened" 
to be, a little of this and a little of that during the local growing 
seasons, then it was hard tack, dried beans, salt pork and a touch of 
scurvy by spring.
When people learned to make canned goods in the 1800s, that was a vast 
improvement. [Took another 50 years to invent a can opener and another 70 
or so to stop using lead solder]


At 01:47 PM 9/10/2007 +0100, you wrote:

--On 9 September 2007 08:10:52 -0700 Harold MacDonald  

The US Library of Congress has documentation going back to the mid 1930s
re the severe lack of nutrient value in food.This document laid a heavy
trip on modern farming practices.The nutrients in the soil were virtually
non-existent as crops were heavily fertilized with chemicals.Farmers were
urged to get back to better methods.
This document can be read by any-one.
AND,you may be sure that most grown food today is no better than it was
70+ years ago.

Correct. It woul dbe good to see the trend of kitchen gardens/allotments 
increase ,for this reason. They  could supply surplus to local circles too.

I would like to see this return as the normal practice for mean and women, 
as it was in England even in the pre-war periods.

Each one of us should try to, as this is a reversal of global domination, 
to produce our own food.


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Re: CS>Re: Severe muscle cramps

2007-09-11 Thread Carol Ann
I learn something new every day! Thanks you have a reference.  I 
wonder how fresh lemon juice would fare with CS as a substitute for Gatorade.

Simon Jester  wrote:
Fresh lemon juice (please don't ruin it by putting sugar in it) is 
probably the best source of naturally occurring electrolytes there is.

Regards, Carol Ann ~ 
and the bush was consumed.Exodus 3:2 
Reign of The Mayberry Machiavellis ends in 2008.
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Re: CS>[List Owner] More guidance...

2007-09-11 Thread faith gagne

Hi Mike.

I certainly agree with your observations and suggestions.  What I do not 
agree with is the compaliner's rude message.  If that poster finds this 
message board to be so rude and arrogant and so very full of hot air  then 
the question is why does he even bother to continue showing up here?   Let 
him go spend his hard earned dollars elsewhere. Unsubscribing is very easy, 
but I suppose he had to bust out with a lot of hot air, arrogance and 
gargage of his own first and I hope he/she feels much better now.


(Why does it cost him to download?  He is behind the 8-ball.)

- Original Message - 
From: "M. G. Devour" 

Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 1:01 AM
Subject: CS>[List Owner] More guidance...

Hi again, everyone!

I want to share some feedback I've received privately. My aim is to
clarify, just a bit more, how I'm asking you all to help run the list.

If you're in a hurry, then skip past the quoted text and please read my
comments below.

The other day I received this eloquent perspective on how we're doing
right now...

Dear Mike

I am reluctantly but seriously considering unsubbing from your list.
There is just too much irrelevant traffic. Too much arrogance,
rudeness, pontification and hot air with a very occasional gem of mild
interest. If there were more gems or if this was mostly health and
healing then ok i would put up with the garbage. It costs me to
download and, because I'm searching for cs knowledge, it takes me a
long time to read through and delete. I'm deleting about 95% of the CS
list now.

I could filter out Wayne and Simon and now maybe John Plumrige but I
still have to download them and pay for that. Anyway it is not a
simple as that, all of your contributors have some value,  just that
lately it is buried in a prolific heap of [messages that don't] have
much to do with your cs core; I think.

Another member replied to one of my recent coaching posts this way:

Dear Mike,

Thank you!!  I almost unsubscribed today, because I'm tired of the
same thing, by the same people, over and over.  Again, I hope
others follow your advice.

I checked, and the smallest number of posts we've had any day in the
last week is 60, and the most was 140, with the average closer to 120
than to 60!! I didn't bother to calculate the percentage that were CS-
related. There were some, and nobody's question was neglected, but...

Okay, so you've gotten the idea that religion and politics and
similarly irreconcilable topics are verboten.

You understand and expect that I will sometimes explicitly ask for
topics to be ended or moved. Great!

What's missing right now is the self-discipline to end or move more of
those topics *without* waiting for me to ask you to!! 

Seriously, I depend on all of you to do that.

Remember, the rules state that non-CS-related topics should be handled
briefly, so that "basic information is given and important resources

They also say, "A modest amount of humor, chit-chat, friendly banter
and encouragement is condoned... Such threads should be brief, seldom
more than a small handful of messages."

How can you judge when it's time??

If it's going to be your second or third post about typing class, then
maybe it IS time.

Count your messages. If you're posting 10, 15, or 20 in a single day,
you really need to be more selective about which posts to reply to.

Rather than reply to every post in a thread, make a single post per
topic and let others reply to you.

Don't think you have to respond to every topic.

Read all the messages in a thread before sending any reply. Then you'll
avoid sending a redundant message that's a repeat of something that
already was said by another person in a duplicate of your message
that's saying the same thing... (Uh, sorry.)

Do you remember back when John first joined and critiqued the group?
One of the points he made then is entirely valid: One line or one word
responses are not generally helpful!

For example, if you're reading a thread about a question you asked,
open a reply window and copy down or cut and the paste the names of all
the people responding, so you can thank them all and add your comments
in one message. Now instead of 5 messages thanking Tom, Dick, Harry,
Mary, and Joan, it'll be ONE message thanking Tom, Dick, Harry, Mary,
and Joan.

Or see if you can pick up the address of the original poster when you
hit the Reply button and send your thank-you directly, rather than via
the list.

One member reminded me last week that he's on web-tv, an excruciatingly
slow service that can take 30 seconds to load a single message. Can you
imagine how frustrating it is for them to load five messages in a row
of you saying "Thank you!" to five different people? (And please don't
anybody say they should dump the service. Similar arguments can be made
about dial-up, but that's not going away anytime soon, either! Not
everybody has broadband and a fast machine.)

So, all right. It's going to take

CS>>Re: metal detox and cs

2007-09-11 Thread Dianne France
> We also have started with a natural doctor and have started 
> a heavy metal detox.  Will this detox effect or contradict benefits 
> of taking cs during this period of detoxing?

That is a big 'depends'... there are many different ways to detox from 
heavy metals, so it would depend on exactly what the method you are 
using entails...

But generally, I'd say no, it most likely won't interfere with using CS.

> The doctor said it could take months to a year to completely detox if
> that is even possible.

Oh, it is possible, if you're willing and able to do what is necessary. 
As I said, there are many different methods, and some work better than 

Hello again:

What I was really concerned about detoxing and the cs was would the detox wipe 
out the cs we are taking also since it is supposed to remove metals.  The 
doctor has us on parotid tablets; allernest, hepatica and bucco drops in water. 


Re: CS>Re: POTASSIUM, Main Stream Information is BOGUS

2007-09-11 Thread John Plumridge

--On 11 September 2007 07:46:50 -0400 Simon Jester 

The fact is, sometimes extreme measures are necessary to help the body
back to a place where it is capable of maintaining that balance by itself
- and usually the problem lies with the above mentioned organs.

I do agree. I think far less often than is realised or practiced. Example: 
Fresh cool air comes first, before all medicines. And, after in recovery. 
Or it should. But look at the state of air in hospitals. A bad example set 
because they are frightened people will jump out or older people need more 
heat, and we like to walk around in t-shirts in the winter. I'm saying I 
observe time and again the people nowadays turn to medicine before they 
would open a window.
Given a good (not poisonous) and adequate diet , though our bodies heal and 
regulate themselves, air is needed too. The organs are part of that 
regulation and have powers of regeneration. Organ failure is extreme. Until 
that point, they can recover.
Of course, I'm stating the obvious, nothing more. Doctors used to proscribe 
fresh air.


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Re: CS>Vitamin C Plus Fat Might Spur Cancer

2007-09-11 Thread faith gagne
Well done.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Carol Ann 
  Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 9:35 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Vitamin C Plus Fat Might Spur Cancer

  John Plumridge  wrote:
--On 9 September 2007 13:44:25 + wrote:

>Excellent. And if another cancer patient craves carrots then eat carrots.

>I accept you wanted oranges with a thirst, and so needed them, but >then 
so do people without cancer.
>SOme people got better without taking vitamin C, How do you account >for 

I don't.  And I refrain from accounting for anything or anyone but myself.  
And to restate the obvious for your benefit regarding the rest of your (and my) 
 post, I stated previously that it is not only I who believe that illness is 
multi-faceted.  Within this forum alone there are many people with a variety of 
problems.   Whilst one remedy works for one, it may not work as efficiently, 
perhaps not at all,  for someone else.  I do not ask why or challenge results.  
There are often personal, extenuating circumstances which we are not privy too. 

Ya know, if you need  a challenge so be it, hopefully you will from this 
point forward engage someone who feels the expenditure of energy is worthy of 
the time.

In no way did I mean to imply or presume to give credit to my continued 
wellness or recovery to oranges or their juice. Vitamin C is my prerogative and 
for me I feel it to be extremely beneficial. 

My point was to illustrate how incredibly deficient  my body was of Vitamin 
C.  Yes, plenty of people thirst for oranges or their  juice.   It is and had 
always been, up until that point in my life,  an occasional drink of choice for 
me.  HOWEVER, it is not normal for someone such as myself who didn't drink 
orange juice on any regular basis to suddenly begin craving it by the coincidently discover cancer 2 weeks later. 

FWIW, when you speak of people feeding on over processed, synthesized food 
on this Forum you are in all probability preaching to the choir.  I take it you 
are speaking generally about the general public?.  I seriously doubt that 
anyone actively participating in this forum for any length of time  feasts with 
any regularity at establishments like Micky Ds. 

>>Because all fresh and natural food contains such properties, 
>>and many potently so.

Really. Prove it.  Food assays from different parts of the country, the 
world perhaps?

>If we advocate Vitamin C based on one persons' account, without >looking 
into the background , then we are irresponsible.

Show me your Nobel. Until that time, I'll go with Pauling, Cameron, et al. 

>We may then have stories like : 'I got better in spite of Vitamin C 

Yes, it would be wonderful to hear such stories.  It would make my day if 
someone said they got better from eating or ingesting a piece of bread and 


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

  Regards, Carol Ann ~ 
  and the bush was consumed.Exodus 3:2 
  Reign of The Mayberry Machiavellis ends in 2008.

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Re: CS>Re: Vitamin C Plus Fat Might Spur Cancer

2007-09-11 Thread John Plumridge

--On 11 September 2007 07:42:49 -0400 Simon Jester 

A plethora of epidemics has arisen due to interference with our food,
our bodies. That's the background. ONe of those is lack of fresh food
and the production of re-synthesised food. That includes Vitamin C

Ok, so now you're saying that Vitamin C is a contributing factor in the
plethora of epidemics we are experiencing?

Come on John...

I'm saying epidemics have arisen due to changes in our food processing and 
in the interferences with our bodies from environmental poisons and 
medicines etc.

synthetic foods include vitamin C.

People take Vitamin C in the belief it is all-good and we 'need it'. But 
it is there in fresh food, which should come first, because it contains 
other things apart from vitamin C. which you also need. Trying to regulate 
the body with a mind towards this supplement and that supplement is 
partial, for lack of knowledge and prone to fads.

One of the reasons people take vitamin c is because  it's also suggested 
for colds, yet for many perhaps all is needed is fresh air - like opening 
the window, turning down the gas heating and wearing a shawl. Winter colds 
are brought on by heat in offices, and it is the artificial heat which 
starts the cold and the flu infections. It's known in tropical lands that 
because in such conditions we cannot easily and quickly regulate heat, 
particularly in the head, which must stay cool, that body fluids are 
expelled though the sinuses to eject heat. But this is immediate and 
temporary, if the conditions aren't changed (the air) the problem becomes 


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Faith - please, no more "thank you's" on the list

2007-09-11 Thread M. G. Devour
(And in a few minutes, Simon (Charles) will read my last post, and 
hopefully take a couple of clues from it for himself, as well as some 
satisfaction that I agree with him. )

Be well!

Mike D.

> > Thank you.
> > 
> > Faith
> Hi Faith,
> I have been biting my tongue for a while, but Mike doesn't seem inclined
> to say something so even though I'm not the moderator, I will.
> It is very irritating to see post after post from you saying 'thanks'...
> Please, if you want to thank someone, that does NOT and should NOT be
> sent to the list - just send it to the person you are thanking.
> It really clogs up the digest version of a list to see all of these
> thank you's - ESEPECIALLY when you won't even take the time to trim your
> post, and include pages and pages of quoted text in your two word post.
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

CS>Re: metal detox and cs

2007-09-11 Thread Simon Jester

Hi Diane,

We are new to the group and cs but have a question I was hoping 
someone could answer.  My husband and I have just recently been 
introduced to cs and have ordered a generator (silverpuppy) to make 
our own.

Don't own this one but from everything I've read it is an excellent one...

We also have started with a natural doctor and have started 
a heavy metal detox.  Will this detox effect or contradict benefits 
of taking cs during this period of detoxing?

That is a big 'depends'... there are many different ways to detox from 
heavy metals, so it would depend on exactly what the method you are 
using entails...

But generally, I'd say no, it most likely won't interfere with using CS.

The doctor said it could take months to a year to completely detox if
that is even possible.

Oh, it is possible, if you're willing and able to do what is necessary. 
As I said, there are many different methods, and some work better than 

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CS>Re: Vitamin C Plus Fat Might Spur Cancer

2007-09-11 Thread Simon Jester
What does the L stand for and where to you buy yours from? Thank in 

It is simply a way of telling the different forms apart, but you needn't 
worry much - pretty mich anything sold as 'vitamin c' is l-ascorbic 
acid. Be more worried about impurities that may be hyped by marketing 
materials - which is why I always say make sure it is *pure pharma grade*...

Below is from a post on the discussion forum at the Vitamin C Foundation 
site - there is lots of good info there:

The post below is from this thread:

Linus Pauling explains this in HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND FEEL BETTER -

> there are actually 4 sterioisomers of ascorbic acid (according to
> Pauling)

l-ascorbic acid d-ascorbic acid ld-ascorbic acid dl-ascorbic acid

but only l-ascorbic acid cures scurvy - in guinea pigs/humans, and

> thus only l-ascorbate is vitamin C. So a vitamin C product is by
> definition l-ascorbic acid, sodium-l-ascorbate, etc.

What I find interesting is that all sterio-isomers, at least in

> theory, are equivalent antioxidants. So if the antioxidant property
> was the significant property in vitamin C - all the forms would have
> at least some value, but they apparently have very little, especially
> regarding scurvy and heart disease.

Back to the question - if a product says it has vitamin C - it is

> talking about l-ascorbic acid.

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CS>Re: PS (phosphatidylserine)

2007-09-11 Thread Simon Jester

This is from Life Extension Foundation (

I'd avoid anything from them... they are extremely oriented around 
drug-like methodologies...

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CS>Faith - please, no more "thank you's" on the list

2007-09-11 Thread Simon Jester

Thank you.


Hi Faith,

I have been biting my tongue for a while, but Mike doesn't seem inclined 
to say something so even though I'm not the moderator, I will.

It is very irritating to see post after post from you saying 'thanks'...

Please, if you want to thank someone, that does NOT and should NOT be 
sent to the list - just send it to the person you are thanking.

It really clogs up the digest version of a list to see all of these 
thank you's - ESEPECIALLY when you won't even take the time to trim your 
post, and include pages and pages of quoted text in your two word post.

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CS>Re: POTASSIUM, Main Stream Information is BOGUS

2007-09-11 Thread Simon Jester

proper dosage would make it safe

As I said earlier our bodies maintain balance. If you want to do it 
as well, you'd need to monitor your blood every hour. It is the form 
of what we eat, which compromised uptake of nutrients, in the mouth, 
in the gut and in the blood isn't it? 

On this point we agree... given the proper input, and given no extreme 
physical damage or deformity of any of our primary organs - mainly the 
liver, kidneys, bowels and skin - the body will maintain its own balance.

I avoid as much as possible taking any individual vitamin or mineral 
supplements - but vitamin c is an exception to that rule.

The fact is, sometimes extreme measures are necessary to help the body 
back to a place where it is capable of maintaining that balance by 
itself - and usually the problem lies with the above mentioned organs.

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CS>Re: Vitamin C Plus Fat Might Spur Cancer

2007-09-11 Thread Simon Jester

19 yrs ago there was a woman who after her pregnancy suddenly found
herself craving anything that had Vitamin C.

Excellent. And if another cancer patient craves carrots then eat 

And if another cancer patient craves gummy bears then eat - gummy bears? 
Cravings are not always accurate.

SOme people got better without taking vitamin C, How do you account 
for that?

Oooh - oooh! Mr Kotter!

Maybe it is because Vitamin C is not (and I don't recall anyone saying 
it was) the *only* way to cure ones self, nor is it a 'panacea' - and 
you were correct that someone who takes mega doses of vitamin c is most 
likely doing other things that often work synergistically - and they may 
also be doing things that work directly *against* the healing process, 
like taking the drugs prescribed by their 'doctor' at the same time.

An example: brown rice diet.

Simply changing one's diet can sometimes be enough...

Another: conversion to religion.

The mind is a very potent and powerful factor that should not be ignored.

Personally - I believe that the mind has the *potential* for enabling us 
to actually 'live on light' - but so far I have not met anyone who has 
tapped into the other 95% of their brain power in order to do this.

But yes, focused 'positive thinking', in the form of visualization, and 
actual *belief* that one can be healed (which is why some people with 
true 'faith' can be healed, while others - who may simply *profess* 
faith but deep down are terrified and don't really believe) - can/are not.

If we advocate Vitamin C based on one persons' account, without 
looking into the background , then we are irresponsible.

I agree, but no one is doing that. Mega dosing on vitamin c has been 
done by thousands - or hundreds of thousands - heck, probably millions - 
of people world wide. There has certainly never been a recorded case of 
someone dying from it, or getting anything worse than a bad case of the 

A plethora of epidemics has arisen due to interference with our food, 
our bodies. That's the background. ONe of those is lack of fresh food 
and the production of re-synthesised food. That includes Vitamin C 

Ok, so now you're saying that Vitamin C is a contributing factor in the 
plethora of epidemics we are experiencing?

Come on John...

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CS>Re: Severe muscle cramps

2007-09-11 Thread Simon Jester

fresh lemon and orange juice from the garden should do it , no ?

For those living in a climate where they grow naturally, absolutely. 
Fresh lemon juice (please don't ruin it by putting sugar in it) is 
probably the best source of naturally occurring electrolytes there is.

I've been seriously considering building a small greenhouse and growing 
some of the dwarf trees, but don't know if they'd be as good (seeing as 
they're hybrids)...

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CS>Re: Vitamin C Plus Fat Might Spur Cancer

2007-09-11 Thread Simon Jester
right now I have an 8.8oz bottle of Solgar Vitamin C crystals  - pure 
L-Ascorbic Acid. 1/4 tsp - 1125 mg.

Sounds about right...

I take about a level teaspone.  Which I buffer with some baking soda.

Why? There is no need, according to those far more knowledgeable than 
myself - my understanding is that, in addition to sometimes causing 
irritation, it actually interferes with its absorption. You are much 
better off taking less per dose (say half-teaspoon), more times per day.

Just take a decent brand - made in the USA Vitaminc C.  period. 

As long as it is is pure pharma grade L-ascorbic acid, you are right in 
that the exact source doesn't really matter - ie, it doesn't have to be 
made here. The c sold by the Vit C Foundation is made in Europe (quali-c):

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Vitamin C Plus Fat Might Spur Cancer

2007-09-11 Thread Simon Jester

are always the same

which are?

I really do appreciate people who trim their posts - but you also need 
to include enough of the relevant part of what you are replying to to 
maintain context.

I have no idea what you are referring to here and don't have the time to 
go back and dig it out...

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Severe muscle cramps

2007-09-11 Thread Simon Jester

My friend who has congestive heart failure was prescribed a
pharmaceutical version of potassium. I just take high doses of the
kind I can get at Walmart and my blood pressure has dropped 50

Anyone with any kind of heart of circulatory problem should seriously do 
themselves a favor and read up on how Dr Schulze cured himself of this 
problem with hawthorne, garlic and cayenne (among other things).

I seriously like him - a natural healer who carries a glock... :)

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>PS (phosphatidylserine)

2007-09-11 Thread M1marine

** See what's new at

CS>PS (phosphatidylserine -sciatica

2007-09-11 Thread Dee
Hi Pat,  I know this isn't quite what you asked, but I  had bad sciatica for 
two whole years, but have a theory that it could be connected with the herpes 
virus.  This is because I also had sharp little stabbing pains in other parts 
of my skin at times, and I also had a mild case of shingles.  For this I was 
taking hourly CS and putting CS and DMSO on the lesions and rubbing a mixture 
of DMSO gel and CS on the lumbar region.  I also was taking L-Lysine as Sol had 
said it was good for inhibiting herpes, and guess what, the sciatica has gone!  
I don't know which of the combination worked, or whether it was all of it, but 
it has gone.  Dee PS I was also taking chlorella for heavy metal removal, just 
in case.<>

Re: CS>Vitamin C Plus Fat Might Spur Cancer

2007-09-11 Thread Dee
Tell me about it!  Dee


---Original Message--- 


From: John Plumridge 

Date: 09/11/07 06:50:22 


Subject: Re: CS>Vitamin C Plus Fat Might Spur Cancer 



Feels like I'm being told off for speaking. 








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