RE: CS>Hello from new member!

2012-01-11 Thread Jim Meissner yahoo
Hi Paul,


You might consider this one. I've used CS made with it for 11 years now, as
needed, for pneumonia, lyme and other tick-borne diseases, cuts, scrapes,
sinus infections, etc with excellent results.


Carol Monroe



From: [] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2012 6:19 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Hello from new member!


In a message dated 1/10/2012 6:00:12 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Hey everybody. Decided to join because within the last week i've been
researching CS nonstop.
After a long, frustrating journey trying to figure out my health issues
(mostly lifelong asthma, and sinusitis for 3 years) CS hit me like a ton of
bricks, and I knew
I was on the right track. I'm on my 4th day and the results are miraculous.
Just incredible.

I just ordered a portable nebulizer to help accelerate the results.
And now, probably like most of you,  i'm pretty determined to make my own
CS. I'm deep in the middle of reading through each manufacturers site. It
is a bit of a wild ride but i'm convinced i'll find something. I know i
need constant current, probably want an automatic stirrer, etc. I"ll search
the archives for more info.  take care,  Paul   believe it or not i'm
walking on air

Hi Paul & welcome...You've hit a great group of people here.. I have learned
so much since I joined... There are a couple members in the group that sell
C S generators... Ask & I'm sure they will send you info..I have a silver
puppy & love it. Sold by Ode on the group... Once again Welcome.Lois



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RE: CS>Patents on CS and Generators

2010-09-28 Thread Jim Meissner yahoo
It has been many years since I looked at their patent.  What I remember is
that it is "just" a design patent that simply relates to the physical lay
out of the number of electrodes and spacing, etc.  To circumvent that patent
you could just add one extra electrode for example.  Quite useless except
for being able to advertize that you had a patent. 


In case you are interested in nano silver particles take a look at the test
results of my generator design that shows that 96.5% of the total is 2.07
nanometers in size.


There is no patent and anyone skilled in the art can duplicate this design
from the information published on my website.  Or you could just buy one.


Jim Meissner <>  



From: MaryAnn Helland [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 12:12 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Patents on CS and Generators


Thanks Marshall.  Any input for me on ABC's *nano-particle* silver?  




From: Marshall Dudley 
Sent: Tue, September 28, 2010 11:06:52 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Patents on CS and Generators

I tried to patent a generator in 1999 and was told by the patent office that
CS generation is public domain and not patentable.


On 9/28/2010 11:39 AM, MaryAnn Helland wrote:
> I have a question for the gurus on the list.  The owner of another list
that I am on, has publicly made the announcement that those of us who make
our own CS are:
> l) Creating a silver load in our bodies (and in our horse/dog/cat's
bodies) that causes an imbalance with other minerals;
> 2) That ABC (?) holds the patent on small particle CS and that our
generators, therefore, are illegal.
> I have asked her permission to include her post below, and promised that I
would share your responses with her.  So please - respond.  Thanks.
> MA
> Hello Again Mary Ann,
> The people who came to me had generators like mine, that have no timer or
regulator etc, so you never know what product you havemine is very old,
about 15 yrs old...the original version. Therein lies the problem I
thinkhowever, with the patents that ABC holds for the nano particle
size, How can those generators you are using be legal? American Biologics
does not sell them or authorize them.
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RE: CS>CS and Lymes Disease

2010-09-20 Thread Jim Meissner yahoo
Check out the DougPlus group that uses ionic colloidal silver and the DP100.
Several folks have gotten better in 2-3 months. 

Jim Meissner




From: Ron Minnick [] 
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2010 11:24 AM
Subject: CS>CS and Lymes Disease


Hi, my name is Doreen and I am looking for info on treating Lymes disease
with CS..thank you in advance 

FW: CS>(LL) Hi,A silver ?? for the wise ones---

2008-12-27 Thread Jim Meissner yahoo



From: Jim Meissner yahoo [] 
Sent: Saturday, December 27, 2008 11:04 AM
To: ''
Subject: RE: CS>(LL) Hi,A silver ?? for the wise ones---


Hi: I saw my name mentioned?  


The purpose of the vinegar is for no reason other than to clean any oxide
off the silver.  The process works just as well using the dry green scotch
bright to clean the rods.  At these extremely low voltages even fingerprints
will interfere.  There is not enough voltage to break through any film.
Also dirty, un-pure distilled water will not work.


The advantage of all this trouble is that it makes 2 nanometer particles.
Also the process self-limits 18 or so PPM without any active current control
or mechanical stirring.  


I have never sold one on this list but I sell lots of them locally.  People
like them.


Jim Meissner .



From: Tony Moody [] 
Sent: Saturday, December 27, 2008 6:01 AM
Subject: Re: CS>(LL) Hi,A silver ?? for the wise ones---


Hi Arnold, 

That is interesting about the vinegar / acetate .  dunno about insecticide. 


But what I want to say is that round about 3 volts is what is used in silver
plating for stripping silver off smoothly. 





On 26 Dec 2008 at 18:58, Arnold Beland wrote about : 

Subject : Re: CS>(LL) Hi,A silver ?? for the 


> Hi Marshall, 


> It is interesting to me that you mention silver acetate. There is a member

> this list selling a generator using two 1.5 volt batteries for a total of 

> three volts as a Power Supply. I have been pondering how this could

> work for some time. A careful reading of his instructions for use on his 

> website shows that he instructs the users to clean the rods before using

> vinegar and for them to be wet with the vinegar when they are inserted

> the distilled water. Could this explain the use of only three volts? Isn't

> silver acetate used as an insecticide? 


> Best regards, 


> Arnold 



RE: CS>Measuring CS with a spectrophotometer or colorimeter

2008-12-20 Thread Jim Meissner yahoo
Dear Steve:

I am wondering what the purpose of your questions are?
If you are looking for a way to measure the colloidal silver you are making,
then I have a suggestion.  Very likely you would be making ionic silver with
a very small percentage of particles.  In that case the $60 Hanna PWT, pure
water tester, works extremely well for testing ionic silver.  In the case of
my nano silver generator the calibration of the PWT in uS is exactly the
same as PPM, 15 uS is 15 PPM.  I think it is a fortuitous accident that the
readings agree.

So far as I know there is no easy way to test particles.  Very few people
are able to make particles so there is no need to test that for the average
home made colloidal silver.

Frank Key tested my silver with his fancy $300,000 machine.  You had asked
about calibration.  I watched the testing and asked a few questions.  It
seems that you feed (1) pure distilled water, then (2) a certified
calibration solution and then (3) the silver solution to be tested.  The
system automatically does this sequence three times and averages the
results.  It looked like a plasma source burned the solution and then the
spectrometer measured the peak amplitude vs. frequency.

See the test reports done by Frank Key on my generator .

Jim Meissner   

-Original Message-
From: Norton, Steve [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 7:08 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Measuring CS with a spectrophotometer or colorimeter

Thanks Marshall, 
The pictures and plots are very informative. I believe you are right
about trying to measure ppm without digesting the silver won't work.
Your explanation has helped tremendously in understanding the theory and
operation of colorimeters and  spectrophotometers.
 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 2:17 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Measuring CS with a spectrophotometer or colorimeter

Norton, Steve wrote:
> Re.: "picking the right frequency,"
> I'm glad you brought that up. If one was to consider calibrating a 
> spectrophotometer to use for measuring ppm as well as particle size 
> distribution, there is the problem that light absorption by a sample 
> of CS at a specific wavelength could vary from lot to lot based on the

> particle size distribution of the sample. Should one make the ppm 
> measurement at the point of maximum absorption, at some intermediate 
> "average" point or would one need to make measurements over the 
> distribution and average the results.
> I assume that the colorimeter avoids this problem because by digesting

> the silver, you convert all the silver to the same "particle size". Do

> you know what wavelength your colorimeter uses when making the 
> measurement for silver?
> Thanks,
>  Steve N
If you run it on plain old EIS, then you can get a curve which will give
you some idea of the particle sizes.  For ppm measurement, you first
digest the silver. Thus you have no particles at all, it is 100% silver
salts. I use nitric acid, and thus it is silver nitrate.  Then chemicals
are added that give it a very strong color, if I remember right it turns
violet.  The wavelength that is then used is for the violet color that
the chemical changes the silver to.  I doubt you could come up with a
good way to get ppm from a curve of the undigested and treated EIS,
absorption changes so much depending on size and shape of the particles.
To see some typical curves of different ppm and particle size of EIS see
the following:

These are in ever increasing particle size.  The leftmost peak is the
absorption of the silver ion, that is ionic silver. All other peaks
correspond to particles, with larger being more to the right generally.

HIf you look at that is the
absorption of silver nitrate. The reason that  this one appears so much
wider than the others is that I expanded the X axis to show more detail
since there was no absorption at the longer wavelengths (that is all the
absorption was in the uv range.

You can see the changes in the color of CS as particle size increases
here: and the actual absorption
curves vs particl size here


> -Original Message-
> From: Marshall Dudley []
> Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 10:29 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Measuring CS with a spectrophotometer or colorimeter
> Norton, Steve wr

RE: CS>Sovereign Silver will test CS

2008-12-16 Thread Jim Meissner yahoo
The method that Frank Key uses to determine the ionic/particle ratio is to
test the sample with the spectrometer, then use a centrifuge to precipitate
all the particles and then measure again.  From those two measurements the
ratio can be calculated.

Jim Meissner  

-Original Message-
From: Norton, Steve [] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 3:09 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Sovereign Silver will test CS

Here is another source for testing particle size distribution:

Here is Frank Keys lab:

Ode has suggested that you contact where ever you go and ascertain if
they can measure an ionic/particle mix. 

 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: Jim Meissner yahoo [] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 9:42 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Sovereign Silver will test CS

I just looked at the Sovereign Silver site and they test the particle
size with an electron microscope which is totally bogus.
Their product is mostly ions and should not be called colloidal silver
since there is little to no colloidal particles in it.

Frank Key will also test anyone's colloidal silver and has the correct
test equipment ( $250,000 AA Spec and a $40,000 Malvern Particle Sizer ) 

Jim Meissner   

-Original Message-
From: Norton, Steve []
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 12:21 PM
Subject: CS>Sovereign Silver will test CS

Sovereign Silver will test CS.

 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: Ode Coyote []
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 3:39 AM
Subject: Re: CS>testimony of nutronix silver ceo

   The first samples I ever had tested went to:
North Carolina State Department of Natural Resources Water Laboratory.
  [Half the building is a sign the taxpayers bought]

All they do is test water for the state..that's IT.

They sent back an average of three runs using large samples that ranged
from 45 to 55 PPM.

  I seriously doubt it was anything over 20 PPM

  They did have a spectrophotometer, but probably didn't have the right
light source to test silver.
  I don't believe they used it.
Obviously the method they did use wasn't good enough.

Other samples made the same way  and done by two different people [Ole
Bob Berger and Frank Key ] came out at 11. something PPM  with the
results very close to each other.
  Needless to say, I never went back to the state lab.

..about $200 per sample for a complete workup at a "real" lab on a
$250,000 AA Spec and a $40,000 Malvern Particle Sizer..Ole Bob
charged $7 if I recall, but he was a hobbiest using an army surplus Hach
colorometer that was "surprisingly" accurate.  [PPM only]


At 11:28 AM 12/15/2008 -0500, you wrote:

>Thanks, Mike.
>I will give it a shot.
>On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 10:00:09PM +, M. G. Devour wrote:
> > Hi Indi,
> >
> > > Do you know of any labs that have affordable rates for that sort 
> > > of thing? I would love to get a lab report on what I'm producing.
> >
> > I literally picked up the Yellow pages and found an environmental 
> > testing service lab a few miles from here. Dropped my samples off 
> > and received the report in the mail a week or two later. I don't 
> > remember how much it cost but it wasn't so expensive I wouldn't do 
> > it again, nor so cheap I'd do it all the time... 
> >
> > > > You could have a sample tested at an environmental lab. Tell 
> > > > them it's silver in clean water in the low ppm range and ask 
> > > > what methods they have for making the measurement. Atomic 
> > > > absorption spectroscopy is one method I vaguely recall reading
about years back.
> >
> > Mike D.
> >
> > [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> > []
> > [Speaking only for myself...   ]
> >
> >

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Sovereign Silver will test CS

2008-12-16 Thread Jim Meissner yahoo
I just looked at the Sovereign Silver site and they test the particle size
with an electron microscope which is totally bogus.
Their product is mostly ions and should not be called colloidal silver since
there is little to no colloidal particles in it.

Frank Key will also test anyone's colloidal silver and has the correct test
equipment ( $250,000 AA Spec and a $40,000 Malvern Particle Sizer ) 

Jim Meissner   

-Original Message-
From: Norton, Steve [] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 12:21 PM
Subject: CS>Sovereign Silver will test CS

Sovereign Silver will test CS.

 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: Ode Coyote [] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 3:39 AM
Subject: Re: CS>testimony of nutronix silver ceo

   The first samples I ever had tested went to:
North Carolina State Department of Natural Resources Water Laboratory.
  [Half the building is a sign the taxpayers bought]

All they do is test water for the state..that's IT.

They sent back an average of three runs using large samples that ranged
from 45 to 55 PPM.

  I seriously doubt it was anything over 20 PPM

  They did have a spectrophotometer, but probably didn't have the right
light source to test silver.
  I don't believe they used it.
Obviously the method they did use wasn't good enough.

Other samples made the same way  and done by two different people [Ole
Bob Berger and Frank Key ] came out at 11. something PPM  with the
results very close to each other.
  Needless to say, I never went back to the state lab.

..about $200 per sample for a complete workup at a "real" lab on a
$250,000 AA Spec and a $40,000 Malvern Particle Sizer..Ole Bob
charged $7 if I recall, but he was a hobbiest using an army surplus Hach
colorometer that was "surprisingly" accurate.  [PPM only]


At 11:28 AM 12/15/2008 -0500, you wrote:

>Thanks, Mike.
>I will give it a shot.
>On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 10:00:09PM +, M. G. Devour wrote:
> > Hi Indi,
> >
> > > Do you know of any labs that have affordable rates for that sort 
> > > of thing? I would love to get a lab report on what I'm producing.
> >
> > I literally picked up the Yellow pages and found an environmental 
> > testing service lab a few miles from here. Dropped my samples off 
> > and received the report in the mail a week or two later. I don't 
> > remember how much it cost but it wasn't so expensive I wouldn't do 
> > it again, nor so cheap I'd do it all the time... 
> >
> > > > You could have a sample tested at an environmental lab. Tell 
> > > > them it's silver in clean water in the low ppm range and ask 
> > > > what methods they have for making the measurement. Atomic 
> > > > absorption spectroscopy is one method I vaguely recall reading
about years back.
> >
> > Mike D.
> >
> > [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> > []
> > [Speaking only for myself...   ]
> >
> >

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Searching for color. Jim M.

2008-12-15 Thread Jim Meissner yahoo
Dear Neville:


I had my generator tested by Frank Key who has a plasma photospectrometer
and a lab full of other very expensive test equipment.   He tells me that my
generator makes the smallest particles of any other colloidal silver except
for MesoSilver.  Look at the test report on my web site. .


Jim Meissner  



From: Neville [] 
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 4:13 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Searching for color. Jim M.


Morning Carol,


Thank You for that, no that's fine, that's 'scientific' enough for me.  Just
a final question if you don't mind, as you mentioned you've been making it
for 'several years', have you been ingesting CS every day for those several
years?  If so, how much do you reckon you take, or took, each day prior to
the 32 ounce intake?  I take a quantity each morning and have done so for
over 3 years, 2-3 years on and off prior to this of other CS concoctions
before learning more about it.


Thanks again...Neville.

- Original Message - 

From: Carol Monroe <>  


Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 6:43 AM

Subject: Re: CS>Searching for color. Jim M.




I made the silver at home using the CS generator that Meissner Industries
sells. I used steam distilled water, the CS was clear, and the ppm on
ingestion was about 15. I don't measure the ppm each time since I've been
making it the same way with the same water for several years. I filled a
water bottle with CS and keep it by me all the time and take a couple of
swallows every half hour or so. I'm afraid that is not very scientific - but
it was manageable for me. Hope that answers your questions. If not, please
ask again. 





From: Neville 
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 4:00:02 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Searching for color. Jim M.

- Original Message - From: "Jim Meissner yahoo"

Sent: Saturday, December 13, 2008 2:00 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Searching for color.

Jims edited quote:
[My friend Carol consumed 32 oz of
> colloidal silver every day for many months and does not look grey or blue.
Jim Meissner]

-I'm sorry Jim, I got sidetracked.  If it was produced in the home using the
LVDC method is it possible you could let me know (a) what water was used,
(b) what colour the CS was, (c) what the final ppm was on ingestion and (d)
what dosage rate and intervals was it ingested during the day?  If the CS
was purchased then ignore the above questions obviously as I have no
interest in the purchased product.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Searching for color.

2008-12-12 Thread Jim Meissner yahoo
Dear Neville:

I just read with interest your searching for color.  There is another item
you might consider.  Ions do not stay ions very long.  Hydrochloric acid in
the body can combine and form silver chloride and several other such things.
I am way out of my element here and there are many experts on this list that
should jump in and clarify or refute this.

Also I will forward an email from another list proving that argyria is a
real and present danger. Danger, danger, danger.  They are hinting that they
have a team of lawyers ready to sue every silver manufacturer.  I would like
to hear your take on this.

Also another data point for you.  My friend Carol consumed 32 oz of
colloidal silver every day for many months and does not look grey or blue.
Here is a picture .  As a
result of the colloidal silver and the DougPlus frequencies she is now
symptom free after 14 years of suffering from Lyme.

Jim Meissner  

-Original Message-
From: Neville [] 
Sent: Friday, December 05, 2008 7:14 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Searching for color.

No, I'm only seeking clarification regarding 'form' Wayne.

Literature I've read states ions pass through the system very quickly, as in

hours, (and I believe that due to the frequency of my waist water visits), 
which is why it's preferable to take quantities regularly for any medicinal 
purpose, as one would with prescription medication ie; every 2 or 4 hours or

whatever as an example, to maintain a 'constant' within the system.  I'm 
only talking 'form' here, not colour yet, the colour is clear in this 
instance lets say, which means a predominance of ions, there are still 
particles present obviously but ions predominate.  I could drink gallons of 
CS a day, providing it was clear of course, and would not have any issues, 
(retention), because it is mostly ions [my opinion], it's only when 
particles are present that potential for issues are created, and this would 
be in the form of 'coloured' CS, the quantity consumed, and the time period 
of regular consumption.

Now, if the CS is coloured then there are two possibilities, (a) there is a 
higher percentage of particles or (b) the particles are of a larger size, 
however a third possibility would be more accurate (c) both.  In my mind it 
would be the  predominance of the particles which would be questionable 
regarding any issue, but the ions would obviously be the catalyst for the 
occurance of larger particles as positive and negative attract.  I need to 
read a little more but I would guess that there could only be one size of 
particle basically as when positive-negative get together the charge would 
then be neutralised and the particle could not get any larger as there is no

further attraction.

Setting ions aside for the moment, the particles in the nest mouthful could 
further agglomerate with the residual ions still within the system, to 
create even more particles, existing particles would not get any larger for 
the reason I suggested before, so I am 'proposing' that it's the silver in 
'particulate form' which gives rise to any colouration and has nothing to do

with the ions, other than ions acting as a catalyst for the formation of 
more particles of course.

This is the theory I would be more inclined to accept...Particles and ions, 
are in the system after the first ingestion but a percentage of ions would 
have already passed through the system leaving a residual of ions to begin 
to promote agglomeration before the next intake of CS, (assuming my 
literature is accurate regarding the speed at which ions pass through the 
system), but a *large quantity* intake of coloured CS, consumed regularly 
and consistantly over a given time frame, would likely give rise to 
'retention' within the system as the system is unable to pass enough ions 
before getting flooded with more ions and particles in the next ingestion 
and the positive-negative attraction cycle starts again hence a particle 
build up or back up.

I just wanted clarification regarding the 'form' which gives rise to any 
potential issue that's all.

Ions are my friends, I don't want to get too friendly with particles, I'll 
only accept them as acquaintances [my opinion].

I'm not sure I've explained it adequately again, I know what's in my mind 
but don't know if I'm getting it in print, or perhaps I'm just stating the 
obvious, maybe mindless even, nevermind it doesn't matter.

Quote:  [Eliminating metals might be more important that Color.]  -This to 
me is putting the cart before the horse, I'm trying to avoid that by a more 
thourough understanding of CS.  That's 'treatment', I'm trying to ensure a 
'cure' for myself so there won't be a

RE: CS>spectrophotometer readings

2008-07-29 Thread Jim Meissner yahoo
Dear Mike:

I had my nano colloidal silver solution tested by Frank Key.  I watched the
testing process while discussing other things so my recollections may be
vague.  I am sure Frank would be available to give more details.

The process is a high frequency induction heater creates a plasma that
vaporizes the liquid sample.  Then a movable grating is used as a scanning
frequency selective meter.  This plots the amplitude vs. frequency of the
sample. This produces a peak amplitude at the silver frequency.  There will
be other peaks if the sample is not pure.  There are several automatic
calibrations that are part of the normal operation of the meter.  Distilled
water, a calibrated known concentration, then the solution under test.  This
is repeated three times and an average is taken as the final answer.

What this measures is the total silver concentration and does not
differentiate between ionic or particles. 

In order to determine the ion particle ratio, the sample is put in a super
centrifuge which precipitates all the particles leaving the ionic part.
This then measured with the spectrometer and the difference calculated.

Jim Meissner 

-Original Message-
From: M. G. Devour [] 
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2008 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: CS>spectrophotometer readings

I assume Peter's talking about an instrument that measures 
absorption/transmission through the liquid, Ken! Atomic absorption 
spectrophotometry is another animal alltogether.

Peter, did you run a control sample of plain distilled water with which 
to compare? A quick visual scan of your data suggests a basically 
smooth, gradual rise in transmissivity with increasing wavelength. The 
data points are so sparse there's no chance to discern any fine 

I think there was some more informative work done using a scanning 
UV/visible/IR spectrophotometer, but I don't remember by whom.

With a continuously variable wavelength light source, one could expect 
to see an actual resonant peak (or trough) where the particle size 
distribution would interact with the wavelength of the light. A 
sufficiently small particle size would interact in the ultraviolet, I 
believe. I don't know what, if anything, you could see of the ionic 
component of your preparation.

I hope others remember more about this than I do and can dredge up some 
references and/or archived messages on the topic.

Be well,

Mike D.

>Since a [AA} spectrophotometer essentially vaporizes a sample into a
> plasma, why would particle size be any part of that?
> ode
> At 04:03 PM 7/28/2008 +1000, you wrote:
> >Dear csers,
> >
> >I recently had the opportunity to play with a spectrophotometer.Using 
> >the instruction book procedures gave the following readings:
> >
> >I took readings at wavelengths for 
> >blue(470nm),green(555nm),yellow(585nm),orange(610nm) and red(650nm).The
> > results indicated a figure for Absorption(A) and Transmission(T) %.
> >
> >Blue;A=0.143 T=71.8
> >
> >,Green;A=0.136 T=73.2
> >
> >  Yellow;A=0.118 T=75.9
> >
> >  Orange;A=0.115 T=76.8
> >
> >  Red;A=0.093 T=80.7
> >
> >My question for those familiar with this apparatus is;
> >
> >What particle size could be ascertained from these results?
> >
> >My cs production method uses 27v and halts at 8mA using spiral shaped
> >electrodes spaced 25mm apart.Results are a clear solution (no colour)
> >but a slight tyndall effect observable via high power(1w) leds
> >
> >Thank you for taking time to reply.
> >
> >pete
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >**
> >This message is intended for the addressee named and may contain
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

RE: CS>CS ppm ( EC and ppm )

2008-07-05 Thread Jim Meissner yahoo
Dear Wayne:


You are quite right the water you start with has an affect.  My premise is
that I always start with pure water around 1 to 2 uS.


Many years ago when I was more active on this group someone proposed uS to
PPM ratio and I do not remember what that was and who did the research.  


The fact that colloidal silver made with my generator has this 1 to 1
relationship is pure luck and I did not find out about it until Frank Key
made the measurement.


Jim Meissner 


From: Wayne Fugitt [] 
Sent: Friday, July 04, 2008 11:25 PM
Subject: CS>CS ppm ( EC and ppm )


Evening Jim,

>>  At 12:43 PM 7/4/2008, you wrote:

Dear Wayne:
 >> As I have said, no ppm meter exists in the world today.  Just because
many people use the EC meter and call the results ppm metes does not  a ppm
meter exist.
Actually there are at least two scientific instruments that directly measure
silver concentration.  One is a probe similar to a pH probe that
specifically measures silver concentration.  The other is a photo
spectrometer.  Neither one is cheap.   I have been to Frank Keys lab
several times and the device he uses burns the silver sample in a plasma
then measures the frequency spectrum emitted and the magnatude in relation
to a certified standard.

   Interesting indeed.

I made the statement that some high priced instruments exist that will
measure a single salt.
Possibly these fancy devices would be covered by that.

I am not the only person that says this about ppm meters, many others have
said the same thing.

It just so happens that the collidal silver made by my generator shows that
uS is a 1 to 1 realation to PPM using the Hanna PWT tester.  Other EC meters
probably will be different.  See the test report at 

  How did you manage that ?  Looks like that would depend on the water as
much as the CS. .

   Maybe I should have said, no Standard ppm  meter 
or..   No off the shelf ppm meter, that one could afford and use exists.

The EC meters that are showing ppm have internal calculations much like the
people on the list are using.

Back to your original statement,

>> Actually there are at least two scientific instruments that directly
measure silver concentration.

I am fully aware that any machine, device or instrument can be designed and
built to
accomplish virtually any purpose or virtually any task.

And,   I have no doubt that every think you say is  100 % correct.

My only slight difference and problem is that one would consider these
highly sophisticated instruments, costing many thousands of dollars to be a
ppm meter.
They appear to be a single purpose instrument.

I don't think you even said that they were ppm meters.  

It disturbs me that the instrument industry is talking about combining EC
and ppm
 and having only one unit.  Not sure what they could call it.

I believe that many would never accept it. ppm is an absolute.  EC is also,
but they are not the same thing, and never will be.  In rare cases, pure
water and one item, and they will be close, as you stated.


RE: CS>CS ppm ( EC and ppm

2008-07-04 Thread Jim Meissner yahoo
Dear Wayne:


>> As I have said, no ppm meter exists in the world today.  Just because
many people use the EC meter and call the results ppm metes does not  a ppm
meter exist.


Actually there are at least two scientific instruments that directly measure
silver concentration.  One is a probe similar to a pH probe that
specifically measures silver concentration.  The other is a photo
spectrometer.  Neither one is cheap.   I have been to Frank Key's lab
several times and the device he uses burns the silver sample in a plasma
then measures the frequency spectrum emitted and the magnatude in relation
to a certified standard.


It just so happens that the collidal silver made by my generator shows that
uS is a 1 to 1 realation to PPM using the Hanna PWT tester.  Other EC meters
probably will be different.  See the test report at .


Jim Meissner 


From: Wayne Fugitt [] 
Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2008 4:37 PM
Subject: CS>CS ppm ( EC and ppm


At 12:33 PM 7/3/2008, you wrote:

What does this mean Ode?  What exactly is uS and why doesn't the amount of
silver in the water change?  Many thanks.  Dee 


You should know that before you start talking ppm.

Where could the silver go ?  How could it get out ?
Just like Ode said.

The MicroSiemens can change it appears.  Not all salts are conductive, not
equally anyway.
That is only one reason why microseimens is not ppm.   

Conductivity is a measurement of the ability of a solution to conduct an
electric current. An instrument measures conductivity by placing two plates
of conductive material with know area and distance apart in a sample.  Then
a voltage potential is applied and the resulting current is measured.   

For many years the unit of conductivity was the mho, the mili mho, and the
micro mho.

Mho is a goofy word, the unit of resistance, ( ohm ) spelled backwards.
How about that ?

Don't worry so much and realize you are guessing and using approximations.
What difference does it make anyway ?

As I have said, no ppm meter exists in the world today.  Just because many
people use the EC meter and call the results ppm metes does not  a ppm meter

You don't believe me ?

The instrument industry makes it crystal clear.  They are even trying to
combine and make one unit,
EC and ppm.  

While they may do it, rest assured the knowledgeable people will never
accept it, not in
100 years.

Some very expensive meters will measure only one kind or salt, not two or
They can come close to ppm, . maybe.

But I only trust calculated ppm as being very close, as close as one can get
by normal means.



2008-06-30 Thread Jim Meissner yahoo
Dear Ode:

Would you please elaborate!  What do you think is going on? 
Is it copper or any metallic substance?
How about a silver wire?

Jim Meissner 
-Original Message-
From: Ode Coyote [] 
Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2008 5:35 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Big WOOPS!

  Drop a piece of copper wire into a batch of EIS / CS , wait a week or so 
and observe using eyeballs and a meter. more silver in the water.


At 10:37 AM 6/28/2008 -0400, you wrote:
>Dear Mike:
>I do remember talking to you about my design many years ago.  I was not
>if you remembered that.
>Please resist the urge to go to 9 volts, bin there done that!  Spend your
>money on a 4.7 K ohm resistor instead of the current limit diode.
>Look at the third picture down.  That will show you how much of the
>lead is exposed.  The sleeve is 4 inches and the exposed negative silver
>electrode is about 2 inches.  You should see silver fuzz form there
>indicting that you have saturated the water with silver ions and the excess
>is electroplating on the negative electrode.
>Also it is "mandatory" for the negative electrode to be made out of silver!
>I started with silver plated copper wire but got inconsistent results.  I
>know it should not matter what the negative wire is made out of, but
>both proved that silver was necessary.  I was trying to save money using
>copper, but a 7 inch piece of silver is only $5.  I will send you some
>silver wire if you like.
>Jim Meissner
>The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
>To post, address your message to:
>Address Off-Topic messages to:
>The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 
>No virus found in this incoming message.
>Checked by AVG.
>Version: 8.0.101 / Virus Database: 270.4.2/1523 - Release Date: 6/28/2008 
>7:00 AM


2008-06-29 Thread Jim Meissner yahoo
Dear Mike:

I make 5 gallons at a time using 3 volts and a 4.7 K ohm limiting resistor.
I see no reason to rush the process.  There is something magic at 3 volts.
All my testing pointed at 3 volts being the optimum.  Colloidal silver made
this way will store indefinitely.  I had one batch tested that was 6 months
old and it still tested the same as a fresh batch.

The electrode spacing should be as far apart as possible so that the current
path involves the maximum amount of water.  This reduces the need for
stirring.  I put the sleeve on the negative electrode so that the current
path would be longer!

I would expose more than just 1/4 inch of wire, and possibly add more
negative electrodes in a circle around the central positive electrode.

I still think a #12 silver wire would work better than the coin.  I sell one
or two extra electrodes a year to my customers, depending how much colloidal
silver they make, they do wear out.
Jim Meissner 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2008-06-28 Thread Jim Meissner yahoo
Dear Mike:

I found sometimes a 10 PPM differences with batches brewed with same time
duration.  No clue as to why.  With the silver instead of copper the results
are consistent batch to batch.

You do not know that you have inconsistent result unless you measure things
with accurate test equipment.  So don't measure, don't worry, be happy.

Jim Meissner 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2008-06-28 Thread Jim Meissner yahoo
Dear Mike:

I do remember talking to you about my design many years ago.  I was not sure
if you remembered that.  

Please resist the urge to go to 9 volts, bin there done that!  Spend your
money on a 4.7 K ohm resistor instead of the current limit diode. 

Look at the third picture down.  That will show you how much of the negative
lead is exposed.  The sleeve is 4 inches and the exposed negative silver
electrode is about 2 inches.  You should see silver fuzz form there
indicting that you have saturated the water with silver ions and the excess
is electroplating on the negative electrode.

Also it is "mandatory" for the negative electrode to be made out of silver!
I started with silver plated copper wire but got inconsistent results.  I
know it should not matter what the negative wire is made out of, but testing
both proved that silver was necessary.  I was trying to save money using
copper, but a 7 inch piece of silver is only $5.  I will send you some
silver wire if you like.  

Jim Meissner 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Distiller Idea? Was: Waterwise Non-Electric Distiller

2008-06-28 Thread Jim Meissner yahoo
I have a stove top distiller.  You will find that the steam will quickly
heat up your "condenser" collector and become a whole room steamer.  Keeping
the collector cool is a challenge.  The device I have uses another pot
filled with cold water as the collector.  By the time you have distilled a
quart, the water in the cooling pot is hot.

Jim Meissner 

-Original Message-
From: M. G. Devour [] 
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2008 3:27 PM
Subject: CS>Distiller Idea? Was: Waterwise Non-Electric Distiller

Silvia writes:
> Has anyone used this unit to make their distilled water?
>  If so what were the
> pros and cons?

That's an interesting item, Silvia. Too bad we don't have anybody with 
experience with it. I'd be interested, too.

I'd recently thought about building some kind of stove-top distiller, 
since natural gas is still relatively cheap and I could keep it running 
on the stove most days. We're spending a buck a gallon for distilled 
and go through 20 gallons a month or more.

I wonder if the 16 gallon stock pot with glass lid I saw at the store 
the other day would be useful as a distiller? I could invert the domed 
glass lid, moving the knob to the "wrong" side and put a collection 
vessel inside on top of a wire grate or metal stand. The steam should 
condense on the lid and run down into the collector.

There's a small vent hole in the lid. I expect at least some of the 
volatiles would escape through the vent. If the collection vessel 
overflows, no big deal. I'd want the collector to have a wire handle on 
it, like the kind on a paint bucket, so I could lift it out with a hot 
mitt and pour off the contents... maybe a teapot?

Hmmm... sounds like a $50 project versus a $350 product.

Comments or suggestions anyone?

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2008-06-28 Thread Jim Meissner yahoo
Dear Mike:

This looks very similar to my colloidal silver generator design and
therefore I suggest that you look for silver crystals forming on the
negative wire as an indication that the ionic silver solution has become
saturated.  This may take 2 days and depends on other factors like
temperature, the quality of the distilled water and the phase of the moon.

I would also question the use of a solid state regulator at this low power
supply voltage.  This device is rated a 25 volts and I suspect that you
loose more than 1 volt turn on threshold.  The minimum knee impedance is
listed at 6 volts and the maximum limiting voltage is 1.00 volts.  This
means that you do not get 3 volts to the electrodes at rated current.  You
might want to measure this to make sure, I am just guessing.  With my design
I just use a 4.7 K ohm resistor and that seems to work fine.

Another comment is that the Hanna PWT seems to give a 1 to 1 correspondence
of uS to silver PPM when making silver at these low voltages and currents.
If making good colloidal silver is important, then it is worthwhile to spend
$60 for this meter.  It also lets you test the quality of the distilled

Jim Meissner 

-Original Message-
From: M. G. Devour [] 
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2008 3:34 PM
Subject: CS>Big WOOPS!

I don't know if most of you remember the episode a few years back when 
Marshalee discovered the batteries in her generator were dead? It 
explained why her CS had stopped working for her and was a cautionary 
tale for all of us!

Well, I'm not sure what made me think of it today, but I decided to 
measure the voltage across my electrodes just to see if the batteries 
were still okay. They should be, given that the load we put on them 
making CS is so low they should be good for their shelf-life of several 

No voltage. Huh?!

I took apart the case and, lo and behold, the cheapo battery holder 
from radio shack is broken, with the end popped off and the batteries 
sticking out.


So just how long has MY colloidal silver been plain water? God only 
knows. It's been at least 5 years since I built this thing in its 
current incarnation and I'm still on the original set of batteries. The 
last time I checked the voltage? I don't remember.

Time to re-build it with a small LED and a pushbutton battery test 
switch. And a better quality battery holder, of course.

FYI, my generator consists of two AA batteries for 3 volts, a current 
limiting diode (part# 1N5285, 0.27 ma), a silver eagle coin for the 
anode, and a couple of copper wires for cathodes, one on either side of 
the coin. The cathodes have insulation on them except for the bottom 
1/4" or so.

It will also have a battery-check light, real soon. 

Be well!

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

FW: CS>The DougPlus Machine

2008-06-26 Thread Jim Meissner yahoo

-Original Message-
From: Jim Meissner yahoo [] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 2:30 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: CS>The DougPlus Machine

Dear Peter:

>> Jim, can you describe to me or show me in pictures what the inside of the
wooden enclosures of your DougPlus Machine looks like.

The wooden structure on each side of Carol contains a piece of metal to act
as a capacitor plate to couple the Doug MacLean derived Lyme frequencies
into and through the body.  In the original units this was aluminum window
screen and now is a ¼ inch hardware cloth, sandwiched between layers of
Styrofoam.  The size of the “plate” is about 2 by 3 feet.  The purpose of
the Styrofoam and wood structure is to provide insulation from the extremely
high voltage that can be present on the plates.  The voltages can be as high
as 10,000 volts and it is important to prevent someone from touching the
plates.  The wooden structure also contains a 100 to 1 step up transformer
that can be driven by a low voltage audio amplifier.  All dangerous high
voltages are safely contained within the wooden box.

>>  What do the capacitor plates look like and how do they differ from using
a coil, in terms of their effects? 

This is a picture of the typical home made Doug Coil Machine.  The DougPlus
is very much simpler to use.  

Hopefully the plates will be just as effective as or more effective than the
coil.  We only have data on a few people, but so far it looks good.  One
person has reported that his Doug Coil Machine no longer gives him a herx
reaction but the DougPlus is having some positive effects.  Another person
has a PERL that has stopped being effective but the DougPlus is providing
good results.

>> I am interested in knowing more about the random frequency generator.

The random frequency generator is a digital shift register that creates a
random output frequency.  This type of a device is used to test speaker
systems and room acoustics.  In that application it is referred to as a
“pink noise generator” as compared to a “white noise generator” which has a
constant output power over the frequency range.  Take a look at the link and
some of the description there.  

This device generates ALL frequencies at a random rate.  Look at the
spectrum analyzer display.

>> How does this freq. generator accomplish the job without pausing for a
time or sweeping?

We experimented with sweeping and found it to be too complicated for the
user as compared to the random frequency generator.  It requires a high
level of “know how” to set up the sweep parameters.  You must pick the start
and end frequencies, sweep speed or frequency steps and dwell time.  If you
sweep too wide a frequency there may not be enough dwell time at the
critical frequencies to have an effect on the Lyme spirochetes.  Also if you
sweep too fast, you have the same problem.  For those who have this “know
how” there is an optional input for external generators.

>>  How can one be sure that they are hitting the right frequencies for Lyme
or co-infections for a long enough period of time to be effective?

>>  Also, how do you know what you are going Borreliaor
Bartonella...or Babesiaor Erlichia...etc?

>>  Don't you need to control your program to avoid hitting the MORs (mortal
oscillatory rates) of all pathogens within the generator's freq. range in
any given session?

>>  I can't imagine how this freq. generator would work selectively or avoid
giving someone a massive herx if they had several different infections

All of these questions are interesting and I do not have the answers.  I
will answer this indirectly.

I can sit between these plates at full power for over 30 minutes and feel no
effects except possible a boost in energy.  I have done this many times.
Several others have done so also.  This covers several years.  So I would
question the theories proposed by some that there are MORs and the danger of
hitting the wrong frequencies. 

I feel that there is much misinformation on the subject of rife.  Royal Rife
did some fabulous work, but all of that is lost without his special
microscope.  There are many vendors selling rife machines and most are well
meaning, but I wonder about their claims for these frequencies.

The DougPlus covers the Rife-Crane frequencies of 100 to 2500 Hz and the
Consolidated Frequency list covers hundreds of diseases that are reportedly
cured by these frequencies.  Theoretically if these frequencies are valid,
then the DougPlus may have some additional uses.

>>  Am I right in assuming that you would start with a very short-duration
session time, treating all pathogens that a person has (knowingly or
unknowingly) in that session 

>>  and gra

FW: CS>The DougPlus Machine

2008-06-26 Thread Jim Meissner yahoo
This message was to long, so I trimmed it.


Jim Meissner 


From: Jim Meissner yahoo [] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 10:55 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: CS>The DougPlus Machine


Dear Bob:


You are so very close to being right.  Actually the aluminum foil is hard to
make a reliable connection to.  The first units were made with aluminum
window screen and the latest use ¼ inch hardware cloth.


Jim Meissner 


From: bob Larson [] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 6:29 PM
Subject: RE: CS>The DougPlus Machine


let me guess:  inside each enclosure is a sheet of reynolds wrap.

-Original Message-
From: Peter Converse []
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 10:50 AM

RE: CS>H2O2 and Colloidal Silver, Nebulizers, Gatorade, DMSO

2008-06-24 Thread Jim Meissner yahoo
Dear Peter:

It looks like you have been fighting Lyme for quite some time.  If you read
Bryan's book then you know that the Doug Coil Machine is the most powerful
tool out there.  Also you probably read that many protocols and machines
must be combined.  What is not generally stated is that some types of
machines loose their effectiveness and a different machine needs to be

I based my design on Doug MacLean's work with the Doug Coil Machine.  I
worked with Doug for over a year and he would call Carol every few weeks to
monitor her progress.  He was concerned that the capacitor coupling may not
be as powerful as the coil inductive coupling.  I only have data on one test
subject, that is Carol, but it seems like it took 6 months for her to be 90%
recovered and about one year to be 100%.  The only thing we used was the
DougPlus and ionic colloidal silver.  Doug MacLean states that it takes 2 to
3 years to recover from Lyme using the Doug Coil Machine.

I have three machines being tested and the reports I am getting are very
encouraging.  It seems like the DougPlus produces herx reaction where other
machines have ceased to be effective.  One customer has a $6000 PERL machine
that was very effective but no longer does the trick.  He is using
MesoSilver and the DougPlus and calls to tell me that he is feeling good.

If you would like to try the DougPlus, I give a 30 day money back, less
shipping.  You will know whether it works within a few days.

Jim Meissner 

-Original Message-
From: Peter Converse [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 8:11 AM
To: Jim Meissner yahoo
Subject: Re: CS>H2O2 and Colloidal Silver, Nebulizers, Gatorade, DMSO

Hi Jim, Kathryn, Marshall, Dee and anyone else who has chimed in with help 
regarding Lyme Disease. I appreciate it very much!

I have purchased a GB4000 Rife machine, have a coil-type Rife machine on 
order, have been doing the Salt/C protocol for 16 months, tried Meso Silver 
for a couple months and have just invested in a Silver Puppy as well.

Marshall has suggested ozonated water and magnetic pulsing--thanks for those

tips Marshall. Can anyone suggest a good but inexpensive way to make the 
ozonated water?

I am looking into mag pulsing also with Robb Allen's High Power Magnetic 
Pulser, as recommended by Bryan Rosner from www.lymebook.comand also 
looking at MMS.

Jim, maybe we could talk some more about your Dougplus...looks interesting.

Blessings to you all,

Peter Converse

- Original Message - 
From: "Jim Meissner yahoo" 
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 4:51 AM
Subject: RE: CS>H2O2 and Colloidal Silver, Nebulizers, Gatorade, DMSO

Dear Peter:

Kathryn has done an excellent job of answering your questions.

I will add my two cents.  I do not have Lyme, but a friend of mine had it
and I helped develop a system that got rid of it.  Please take a look at
So far as I know, normal ionic colloidal silver by itself will not be useful
in dealing with the Lyme spirochetes.  Once you kill the spirochetes and
have serious herx reactions then colloidal silver will be of great benefit.
My friend Carol consumed as much as 32 ounces a day to help to deal with
secondary infections and the fever and chills caused by the dead

There is another product called MesoSilver made by Frank Key that is mostly
extremely small particles and very little ionic and there is some
information that this type of colloidal silver may be effective for Lyme.

There is a yahoo group that you might want to visit that deals mostly with

Jim Meissner

-Original Message-
From: Clayton Family []
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2008 6:35 PM
Subject: Re: CS>H2O2 and Colloidal Silver, Nebulizers, Gatorade, DMSO

Hi Peter,

Welcome to the group. I am not official in any way, so this is an
unofficial welcoming message.  ;-)

You have so many questions, I am not sure anyone has the answers for
many of them. I don't think I have lyme, but did have one positive
test, they said false positive, but who knows if that means anything,
and if so, what.  It sounds like you have been doing your homework.  I
guess I can tell you what I have read, but I have not nebulized myself.

On Jun 22, 2008, at 1:35 PM, Peter Converse wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am pretty new to the group. I am dealing with Lyme Disease and
> looking for ways to improve delivery of CS into the deeper areas of
> the body where Lyme spirochetes and cysts hide out. I have seen
> mention of Gatorade, DMSO and H2O2 being used to improve penetration
> and have seen that nebulizers have been used to get CS into the
> bloodstream via the lungs. I would appreci

RE: CS>H2O2 and Colloidal Silver, Nebulizers, Gatorade, DMSO

2008-06-24 Thread Jim Meissner yahoo
Dear Peter:

Kathryn has done an excellent job of answering your questions.

I will add my two cents.  I do not have Lyme, but a friend of mine had it
and I helped develop a system that got rid of it.  Please take a look at 
So far as I know, normal ionic colloidal silver by itself will not be useful
in dealing with the Lyme spirochetes.  Once you kill the spirochetes and
have serious herx reactions then colloidal silver will be of great benefit.
My friend Carol consumed as much as 32 ounces a day to help to deal with
secondary infections and the fever and chills caused by the dead

There is another product called MesoSilver made by Frank Key that is mostly
extremely small particles and very little ionic and there is some
information that this type of colloidal silver may be effective for Lyme.

There is a yahoo group that you might want to visit that deals mostly with

Jim Meissner 
-Original Message-
From: Clayton Family [] 
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2008 6:35 PM
Subject: Re: CS>H2O2 and Colloidal Silver, Nebulizers, Gatorade, DMSO

Hi Peter,

Welcome to the group. I am not official in any way, so this is an 
unofficial welcoming message.  ;-)

You have so many questions, I am not sure anyone has the answers for 
many of them. I don't think I have lyme, but did have one positive 
test, they said false positive, but who knows if that means anything, 
and if so, what.  It sounds like you have been doing your homework.  I 
guess I can tell you what I have read, but I have not nebulized myself.

On Jun 22, 2008, at 1:35 PM, Peter Converse wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am pretty new to the group. I am dealing with Lyme Disease and 
> looking for ways to improve delivery of CS into the deeper areas of 
> the body where Lyme spirochetes and cysts hide out. I have seen 
> mention of Gatorade, DMSO and H2O2 being used to improve penetration 
> and have seen that nebulizers have been used to get CS into the 
> bloodstream via the lungs. I would appreciate it if anyone could offer 
> research suggestions  about these methods as well as using cayenne 
> pepper.
> Are nebulizers best for bronchial and lung issues only or can they 
> used to improve delivery to all body sites?

bronchial and lungs, probably, but your mileage may vary.

> Can one safely nebulize a mixture of H2O2 and CS, and if so, what 
> would be the best ratio for this?

I definitely would not do that, but if you feel like it, it's your 
body. I have only seen reference to people here using H2O2 in small 
amounts to break up any slightly larger particles that might have 
formed, so there is more uniformity and tininess (is that even a  

>  If DMSO were to be added to this protocol how would this look on 
> paper?

I have seen recipes for adding DMSO to ionic silver water for eyedrops 
or other specific applications to carry the silver deeper into the 
tissues. I do not recall the amount used, but it was small.

>  Also, what about using the CS in enemas or in colonic implants as a 
> means of delivery improvement?

That might make sense for killing things residing in the colon.

>  Do these methods really excede sublingual doses in effectiveness?

LOL  ???  who knows?

> Do any of these methods approach the delivery capability and 
> effectiveness of IVs?

I have not heard anyone talking about using cs as an IV fluid, 
recently. It may have been discussed, but I do not remember it.

> If nebulizing, is an oxygen-nebulizer really the best and safest way 
> to go or can a cheaper nebulizer perform well enough without using 
> tanks of O2?

Most seem to use a nebulizer without O2, or even a spray bottle. I have 
sprayed it into a plastic bag and inhaled it, and that worked. After I 
tried that, I bought a cold mist humidifier to use, but have not a 
reason yet, so I have not tried it.

> Rather than using Gatorade could an electrolye product like 
> Concentrace or BioPure Matrix Electrolye be used to enhance delivery?

I guess you could use whatever you want. The Gatorade has a balance of 
sodium and potassium, also a little sugar (now corn syrup, which I will 
not drink). There are other equivalent electrolyte replacement formulas 
on the market, or you could make your own using salt and NuSalt, which 
is potassium.

> I am hopefull that someone can help me out here and point my research 
> in the right direction.  Thanks,   Blessings,
> Peter

you are welcome, I am not sure I was any help, but there you are. Take 
care, and good luck with the lyme.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for

RE: CS>Info about the best generatrorfor collodial

2008-06-17 Thread Jim Meissner yahoo
Dear Ode:

I have found what you say to be true.  

With my generator design, that is with the 3 volt, ultra low voltage and low
current, the positive electrode wire becomes slightly black.  One slight
disadvantage of using such low voltage is that poor quality distilled water
will turn the positive electrode very black and stop the process and the
generator will not make colloidal silver.  Probably the high voltage of
standard generators breaks down this layer.  On the other hand it might be a
good thing because why make colloidal silver with poor quality water.  The
other interesting thing that happens using low voltage and low current is
that the solution saturates with ions at 13.5 PPM and after that the excess
ions come out of the solution and become metallic silver crystals adhering
to the negative electrode.  I tell my customers that when they see some
silver fuzz one the negative electrode, they are done.  After a few days you
can see a beautiful upside down Christmas tree hanging from the negative
electrode.  The typical reading on the Hanna PWT will be 5uS after 1 day,
15uS after 2 days, 17uS, 18uS, 20us, and so on.  There seems to be a
limiting phenomenon where the ion content of the solution remains constant
while day by day the particle content increases slightly.  The size of the
particles is 2 to 3 nanometers.  It is interesting that the Hanna PWT
displays a 1 to 1 relationship with the PPM silver concentration.

I would be very interested to have you run some test on the generator to see
what you think.  If you would send me your address I will send you a
generator to play with.

Jim Meissner
-Original Message-
From: Ode Coyote [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 10:24 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Info about the best generatrorfor collodial


## but
they're not metallic particles until they .pick up an electron.
But free electrons don't exist in water.
It's possible that electrons can gather on the surface of glass, acting as 
a capacitor, coming from electromagnetic radiation being converted into 
electrons by the semi metallic and metallic components of the glass acting 
like a [bad] solar cell...thus, you may see some silver plate out build up 
on the glass as silver ions are being made metallic.
  A Harvard study pointed to the surface of glass as being a crystal 
nucleation site where particles form and grow into clusters.

If you illuminate and magnify a CS making chamber and don't stir the water, 
if there is enough [DC] current flowing, you'll see brownish gold particles 
streaming off one electrode and white ones streaming off the other.
  The streams sink towards each other but vanish where they contact the 
glass at the bottom.
  At that spot a silver mirror will form with a black oxide spot on one 
side of it and a white hydroxide spot on the other.

  Why?  I dunno.  Maybe this, maybe that and maybe a combination of both 
with other things thrown on the glass surface?

If current is reduced, the golden stream doesn't form.
Most likely because almost all the oxides stay stuck to the electrode.

Every time I've seen that golden stream, I made golden CS.


>EIS/CS forms silver ions in solution which are single atoms of silver...
>they're not metallic particles until they happen to get together.  the
>particulate portion of EIS/CS varies in particle size, some of them surely
>being as small as is possible, but they tend to grow over time eventually
>falling out.
>so then we come back to which works, particles or ions? or which works
>again & again, ad nauseum.
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Jim Meissner yahoo []
> > Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 5:32 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: RE: CS>Info about the best generatrorfor collodial
> >
> >
> > Dear Mary Ellen:
> >
> > Click on the link
> >
> >
> >
> > No, not all generators are alike.
> > There are no generators that will produce a particle the size of an
> >
> > Frank Key, has developed a method that produces the smallest particle
> > possible and that is a group of atoms about .75 nanometers in
> > size.  He has
> > done some research that says that the smaller particle means more
> > area and best effects.
> >
> > Mesosilver page:
> >
> > Jim Meissner
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Mary Ellen Murphy []
> > Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 12:46 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: CS>Info about t

FW: CS>Info about the best generatrorfor collodial

2008-06-16 Thread Jim Meissner yahoo

Dear Arnold:

I clicked on your link and I think you did a terrific job with all the
pictures and details.  Congratulation! Including the 33 K ohm resistor is
very important in my opinion.

The $29.99 is a really great price.  But you have included enough
information that any technical person can build this with parts just lying
around and not pay you a penny.  I have found that the vast majority of the
world cannot and will not deal with clip leads.  So likely they will buy
something like the silverpuppy that looks simple to operate and has a known
good reputation.  So probably you will not sell many of your design.

I have been a member of this group for over 9 years and have learned a lot
of very useful information by just lurking.  There is a collection of great
minds here.  I have not been active for a few years now, but I remember the
ion, particle wars with Frank Key on one side and seemingly everyone else on
the other side.  I have visited Frank Key's testing laboratory on several
occasions.  He has purchased the very best, money no object, test equipment.
I would guess that he has more that a million dollars sitting in one room.
I remember that the people who criticized Frank the loudest had no test
equipment at all, just pet theories.  He even offered to test anybody's
colloidal silver for free to do a comparison.  I am an engineer and I like
the idea of measuring something rather than just guessing.

So Arnold do you have any test reports showing PPM and particle size for
your generator?

If you click on the link for my generator you will find a page or two
describing the theory behind my design.  If you read that you will find that
I started where you are now and found that the higher the voltage, the less
predictable the outcome.  Not to repeat all that here, but you may want to
repeat my experiments.  There is enough information there that anybody with
some technical know can build my generator design for FREE.  There are some
subtle cute features of this design that are not obvious.  There is no
critical cutoff time that requires watching, timing, or electronic automatic
shutdown, stirring, etc.  One day produces 5 PPM, 2 days 15 PPM, 3 days 18
PPM, 4 days 19 PPM, etc.  The ionic silver solution saturates and you can
tell when you are done by watching the build up of silver crystals on the
negative electrode.  After that you are just wasting silver.  The Teflon
sleeve on the negative electrode stops the floating silver on top of the
water.  Also the sleeve forces a longer electric circuit pathway through the
water.  A fortuitous accident is that the PPM made with this design is 15
micro Siemens on the Hanna PWT which just happens to be 15 PPM of silver

Anyway Arnold, this was not meant to be a criticism of you and your work
rather some more information for people to look at.  My design can be copied
for FREE and the parts costs are lower than your higher voltage design.  The
other advantage is that there is test data on my web page for the colloidal
silver made with this ultra low voltage design.  Frank tells me that this
design produces the smallest particles of all other colloidal silver he has

How I sell my generator for $200 is as follows.  I give colloidal silver
away for free.  I do mention that they could make their own with the
generator I sell.  I keep giving them free colloidal silver and they tell me
how great it works and that they are giving some away to other people.  At
some point in time they decide they want to buy a generator.  Then they come
and pick up a generator for their friends.  It has become a distributed
network of colloidal silver suppliers.  Almost all my sales are by word of
mouth.  Everyone thinks $200 is a great deal.  They know what they were
spending at the health food store.

Now people on this list are too smart to spend $200 because they can make
their own.  In the real world probably 1 out of 100 can make their own.

Jim Meissner 
-Original Message-
From: Arnold Beland [] 
Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 10:44 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Info about the best generatrorfor collodial

LOL   Wow, what a deal!!!  If anyone wants a ready made solution for under 
$200, why not get a generator from Ken at
It has some real guts and is sold by someone who has forgotten more about 
this stuff than must of us will ever know.
As long as we are into blatant self-promotion, free plans and theory for a 
constant polarity machine can be found at
and all the parts and equipment are available for $29.99.
Best Regards,
Arnold Beland
- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Meissner yahoo" 
Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 5:27 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Info about the best generatrorfor collodial

> Dear Bob:

RE: CS>Info about the best generatrorfor collodial

2008-06-16 Thread Jim Meissner yahoo
Dear Bob:

Try the link now.

>> so then we come back to which works, particles or ions? or which 
>> works best? again & again, ad nauseum.

My generator makes mostly ions.  So you are not hearing any of those
arguments from me.  But if there are particles, I would like them to be as
small as possible for two reasons. One, smaller particles "may" be more
effective, and two, very large particles may get lodged in the capillaries.
So, if for the same price I can have small particles, then I would prefer
that.  The only reason all this came up was the statement that Carol was
taking 32 ounces of silver every day for months to help with her Lyme herx.
In those quantities it is very important to have smallest possible
particles. (In my opinion)

>> but they tend to grow over time eventually
>> falling out.

I have not found this to be true with the CS made with my generator.  I have
put my CS in direct sunlight in clear bottles for many days and had no
fallout.  This would be a no, no by those that recommend dark brown bottles.

Your statement does not follow the physics of a true colloidal suspension.
Again it depends on the particle size you start with. 

Jim Meissner 
-Original Message-
From: bob Larson [] 
Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 7:47 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Info about the best generatrorfor collodial that page, the link to see a pic of the generator doesn't work.
i want to see inside the box of a 3vdc constant polarity machine to see
what's costing $200.

EIS/CS forms silver ions in solution which are single atoms of silver... but
they're not metallic particles until they happen to get together.  the
particulate portion of EIS/CS varies in particle size, some of them surely
being as small as is possible, but they tend to grow over time eventually
falling out.
so then we come back to which works, particles or ions? or which works best?
again & again, ad nauseum.

> -Original Message-
> From: Jim Meissner yahoo []
> Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 5:32 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: CS>Info about the best generatrorfor collodial
> Dear Mary Ellen:
> Click on the link
> No, not all generators are alike.
> There are no generators that will produce a particle the size of an atom.
> Frank Key, has developed a method that produces the smallest particle
> possible and that is a group of atoms about .75 nanometers in
> size.  He has
> done some research that says that the smaller particle means more surface
> area and best effects.
> Mesosilver page:
> Jim Meissner
> -Original Message-
> From: Mary Ellen Murphy []
> Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 12:46 PM
> To:
> Subject: CS>Info about the best generatrorfor collodial
> Can some one please tell me which is the best generator to make colloidal
> silver and does the particle size matter. I was told that it did not and a
> lot of people do not know what I am talking about and saY that an
> atom is a
> as small as you can get and that's what they all do.
> Thanks
> Mary Ellen
> -Original Message-
> From: Jim Meissner yahoo []
> Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 10:50 AM
> To: Silver-List@Eskimo.Com
> Subject: FW: CS>Desperately need help with Lyme
> Dear Mike:
> I have not been reading the CS group for quite a while, but Carol
> alerted me
> to the Lyme discussion going on.  A long story very short, Carol
> got bitten
> by a tick and proved to be a willing test subject to help me design a new
> way of treating Lyme disease.  Take a look at the link
> .
> Carol is a great researcher and found that Lyme will mimic 200 other
> diseases.  We discovered that Carol has been suffering from Lyme
> for over 14
> years and was being treated for a variety of illnesses.  It took about 6
> months of daily treatments with the DougPlus for Carol to feel
> like she was
> 90% recovered and possibly one year to be 100%.
> During that time she was consuming 32 ounces of colloidal silver every day
> for 3 or 4 months.  She found that when she dropped back to a
> lower dosage,
> her herx, fever and chills, would get worse.  Please note this high dosage
> should only be done with well made colloidal silver
> containing only nano size particles.  My generator was tested b

RE: CS>Info about the best generatrorfor collodial

2008-06-15 Thread Jim Meissner yahoo
Dear Bob:

Thank you, you are right, the link does not work.  I will email my web guy.

The generator consists of a battery box, two AA batteries, one 4.7 K ohm
resistor and two # 12 AWG .999 silver wires and a Teflon sleeve.  It takes
about an hour to make.  Total manufacturing cost is less than $50.  For a
while I was selling plans for $10 for people to make their own.  No one has
bought the plans.  I have sold quite a few of generators.

I have plans and instruction of how to make lots of things on my
EnergyPulser yahoo group but the interesting thing is that only 1 out of 100
are actually able build something.

Jim Meissner 

-Original Message-
From: bob Larson [] 
Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 7:47 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Info about the best generatrorfor collodial that page, the link to see a pic of the generator doesn't work.
i want to see inside the box of a 3vdc constant polarity machine to see
what's costing $200.

EIS/CS forms silver ions in solution which are single atoms of silver... but
they're not metallic particles until they happen to get together.  the
particulate portion of EIS/CS varies in particle size, some of them surely
being as small as is possible, but they tend to grow over time eventually
falling out.
so then we come back to which works, particles or ions? or which works best?
again & again, ad nauseum.

> -Original Message-
> From: Jim Meissner yahoo []
> Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 5:32 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: CS>Info about the best generatrorfor collodial
> Dear Mary Ellen:
> Click on the link
> No, not all generators are alike.
> There are no generators that will produce a particle the size of an atom.
> Frank Key, has developed a method that produces the smallest particle
> possible and that is a group of atoms about .75 nanometers in
> size.  He has
> done some research that says that the smaller particle means more surface
> area and best effects.
> Mesosilver page:
> Jim Meissner
> -Original Message-
> From: Mary Ellen Murphy []
> Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 12:46 PM
> To:
> Subject: CS>Info about the best generatrorfor collodial
> Can some one please tell me which is the best generator to make colloidal
> silver and does the particle size matter. I was told that it did not and a
> lot of people do not know what I am talking about and saY that an
> atom is a
> as small as you can get and that's what they all do.
> Thanks
> Mary Ellen
> -Original Message-
> From: Jim Meissner yahoo []
> Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 10:50 AM
> To: Silver-List@Eskimo.Com
> Subject: FW: CS>Desperately need help with Lyme
> Dear Mike:
> I have not been reading the CS group for quite a while, but Carol
> alerted me
> to the Lyme discussion going on.  A long story very short, Carol
> got bitten
> by a tick and proved to be a willing test subject to help me design a new
> way of treating Lyme disease.  Take a look at the link
> .
> Carol is a great researcher and found that Lyme will mimic 200 other
> diseases.  We discovered that Carol has been suffering from Lyme
> for over 14
> years and was being treated for a variety of illnesses.  It took about 6
> months of daily treatments with the DougPlus for Carol to feel
> like she was
> 90% recovered and possibly one year to be 100%.
> During that time she was consuming 32 ounces of colloidal silver every day
> for 3 or 4 months.  She found that when she dropped back to a
> lower dosage,
> her herx, fever and chills, would get worse.  Please note this high dosage
> should only be done with well made colloidal silver
> containing only nano size particles.  My generator was tested by Frank Key
> who makes the smallest possible particles of 0.75 nanometer as found in
> MesoSilver.
> Anyway I would like to ask if it would be OK to post the DougPlus link on
> your CS group?
> Jim Meissner
> -Original Message-
> From: Marshall Dudley []
> Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 10:09 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Desperately need help with Lyme
> Mary Ellen Murphy wrote:
> > What type of symtoms did you have.  I suffer with a lot of

RE: CS>Info about the best generatrorfor collodial

2008-06-15 Thread Jim Meissner yahoo
Dear Kathryn:

>> but it is moot to argue about nanometers when one is talking 
>> about ions

Mary Ellen used the word atoms.

There are ions, atoms and particles and they are different things.  I do not
think it is nick picking when someone uses the wrong words.  An ion is an
incomplete atom and yes it will be smaller than an atom.  Most homemade
generators produce mostly ions.  My version produces more than 90% ions.
Depending on the generator, voltage, current, salt, and many other variables
the particles produced "could" be very large.  When taking a teaspoon a day
that may not make any difference.  When taking 32 ounces a day as Carol did,
then in my opinion, it becomes very important.

Jim Meissner 

-Original Message-
From: Clayton Family [] 
Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 6:08 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Info about the best generatrorfor collodial

I beg to differ, at least in principle. An ion is smaller than a stable 
particle of any element.  Don't confuse the poor girl.  I respect Frank 
Key's work, but this is getting to a nitpicking point that she may be 
too sick to understand.

Ionically isolated silver is going to be the most reasonable solution. 
I am not arguing with your statement about the small size being more 
effective, but it is moot to argue about nanometers when one is talking 
about ions.  My generator certainly produces ions, which are the 
smallest pieces of silver that can exist.


On Jun 15, 2008, at 4:31 PM, Jim Meissner yahoo wrote:

> Dear Mary Ellen:
> Click on the link
> No, not all generators are alike.
> There are no generators that will produce a particle the size of an 
> atom.
> Frank Key, has developed a method that produces the smallest particle
> possible and that is a group of atoms about .75 nanometers in size.  
> He has
> done some research that says that the smaller particle means more 
> surface
> area and best effects.
> Mesosilver page:
> Jim Meissner
> -Original Message-
> From: Mary Ellen Murphy [] 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Info about the best generatrorfor collodial

2008-06-15 Thread Jim Meissner yahoo
Dear Mary Ellen:

Click on the link 

No, not all generators are alike. 
There are no generators that will produce a particle the size of an atom.

Frank Key, has developed a method that produces the smallest particle
possible and that is a group of atoms about .75 nanometers in size.  He has
done some research that says that the smaller particle means more surface
area and best effects.

Mesosilver page: 

Jim Meissner 

-Original Message-
From: Mary Ellen Murphy [] 
Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 12:46 PM
Subject: CS>Info about the best generatrorfor collodial

Can some one please tell me which is the best generator to make colloidal
silver and does the particle size matter. I was told that it did not and a
lot of people do not know what I am talking about and saY that an atom is a
as small as you can get and that's what they all do.

Mary Ellen 

-Original Message-
From: Jim Meissner yahoo [] 
Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 10:50 AM
To: Silver-List@Eskimo.Com
Subject: FW: CS>Desperately need help with Lyme

Dear Mike:

I have not been reading the CS group for quite a while, but Carol alerted me
to the Lyme discussion going on.  A long story very short, Carol got bitten
by a tick and proved to be a willing test subject to help me design a new
way of treating Lyme disease.  Take a look at the link .

Carol is a great researcher and found that Lyme will mimic 200 other
diseases.  We discovered that Carol has been suffering from Lyme for over 14
years and was being treated for a variety of illnesses.  It took about 6
months of daily treatments with the DougPlus for Carol to feel like she was
90% recovered and possibly one year to be 100%.  

During that time she was consuming 32 ounces of colloidal silver every day
for 3 or 4 months.  She found that when she dropped back to a lower dosage,
her herx, fever and chills, would get worse.  Please note this high dosage
should only be done with well made colloidal silver 

containing only nano size particles.  My generator was tested by Frank Key
who makes the smallest possible particles of 0.75 nanometer as found in

Anyway I would like to ask if it would be OK to post the DougPlus link on
your CS group? 

Jim Meissner  

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [] 
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 10:09 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Desperately need help with Lyme

Mary Ellen Murphy wrote:
> What type of symtoms did you have.  I suffer with a lot of pain, fagigue,
> brain fog, back and neck problems, thyroid and addison's disease, sleep
> apnea, depression.  Gosh I could go on.  I want to get rid of this.  This
> a
>  miserable existence.
All of the above except Addison's, plus a weird pulling sensation on the 
top of my scalp, insomnia, yet falling asleep when I was trying to stay 
awake, and later arthritis.

> Mary Ellen
> -Original Message-
> From: Dave
>  [] 
> Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 6:55 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Desperately need help with Lyme
> Mary Ellen:
>I had late Lyme for 42 years, a long time before they even
>  named it.
> Besides the usual problems I got to the point where I couldn't even
>  put 
> a sentence together. Speaking to anyone became a major problem that 
> still remains a problem though not so pronounced. Some call it brain fog.
>Well to get to the help you need I will tell you how I got rid of it 
> (the lyme).
> I wasn't into CS at that time so after hearing about it I bought
>  two 16 
> ounce bottles and a generator and started taking the small
>  tablespoon 
> full as was the wisdom at that time. After using up one of the bottles 
> with no relief I thought it was all bull so I chugged the other bottle 
> all
>  at once.
> At that my generator arrived so I made a batch and started taking
>  it at 
> the rate of four ounces every twenty minutes. I figured if it
>  killed me
> it was for the better. What happened was on the third day of this 
> regimen I awoke in the middle of the night with a vigorous feeling of 
> well
>  being.
> The Lyme was gone but a long recovery was ahead as all the damage
>  wasn't 
> over.
> Incidently I had seen a doctor just before this and he took
>  blood for 
> testing at my insistance and it came back positive with two
>  bands, after 
> the CS I went back for another

RE: CS>Desperately need help with Lyme

2008-06-15 Thread Jim Meissner yahoo
Dear Mary Ellen:

Click on the link 

Jim Meissner 
-Original Message-
From: Mary Ellen Murphy [] 
Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 12:42 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Desperately need help with Lyme

What is the Doup Plus that Carol used..

-Original Message-
From: Jim Meissner yahoo [] 
Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 10:50 AM
To: Silver-List@Eskimo.Com
Subject: FW: CS>Desperately need help with Lyme

Dear Mike:

I have not been reading the CS group for quite a while, but Carol alerted me
to the Lyme discussion going on.  A long story very short, Carol got bitten
by a tick and proved to be a willing test subject to help me design a new
way of treating Lyme disease.  Take a look at the link .

Carol is a great researcher and found that Lyme will mimic 200 other
diseases.  We discovered that Carol has been suffering from Lyme for over 14
years and was being treated for a variety of illnesses.  It took about 6
months of daily treatments with the DougPlus for Carol to feel like she was
90% recovered and possibly one year to be 100%.  

During that time she was consuming 32 ounces of colloidal silver every day
for 3 or 4 months.  She found that when she dropped back to a lower dosage,
her herx, fever and chills, would get worse.  Please note this high dosage
should only be done with well made colloidal silver 

containing only nano size particles.  My generator was tested by Frank Key
who makes the smallest possible particles of 0.75 nanometer as found in

Anyway I would like to ask if it would be OK to post the DougPlus link on
your CS group? 

Jim Meissner  

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [] 
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 10:09 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Desperately need help with Lyme

Mary Ellen Murphy wrote:
> What type of symtoms did you have.  I suffer with a lot of pain, fagigue,
> brain fog, back and neck problems, thyroid and addison's disease, sleep
> apnea, depression.  Gosh I could go on.  I want to get rid of this.  This
> a
>  miserable existence.
All of the above except Addison's, plus a weird pulling sensation on the 
top of my scalp, insomnia, yet falling asleep when I was trying to stay 
awake, and later arthritis.

> Mary Ellen
> -Original Message-
> From: Dave
>  [] 
> Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 6:55 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Desperately need help with Lyme
> Mary Ellen:
>I had late Lyme for 42 years, a long time before they even
>  named it.
> Besides the usual problems I got to the point where I couldn't even
>  put 
> a sentence together. Speaking to anyone became a major problem that 
> still remains a problem though not so pronounced. Some call it brain fog.
>Well to get to the help you need I will tell you how I got rid of it 
> (the lyme).
> I wasn't into CS at that time so after hearing about it I bought
>  two 16 
> ounce bottles and a generator and started taking the small
>  tablespoon 
> full as was the wisdom at that time. After using up one of the bottles 
> with no relief I thought it was all bull so I chugged the other bottle 
> all
>  at once.
> At that my generator arrived so I made a batch and started taking
>  it at 
> the rate of four ounces every twenty minutes. I figured if it
>  killed me
> it was for the better. What happened was on the third day of this 
> regimen I awoke in the middle of the night with a vigorous feeling of 
> well
>  being.
> The Lyme was gone but a long recovery was ahead as all the damage
>  wasn't 
> over.
> Incidently I had seen a doctor just before this and he took
>  blood for 
> testing at my insistance and it came back positive with two
>  bands, after 
> the CS I went back for another Lyme test and It came back
>  negative.
> Dave
> Mary Ellen Murphy wrote:
>> I am a new member.  I am
>  trying to find out info about Lyme and how to use
>> the silver, with
>  diatamatious earth to get rid of Lyme
>> I have also gotten info about the
>  terminator zapper.  Has anyone had
> success
>> using these products to get
>  rid of Lyme.
>> I am presently taking the cumanda and burber
>  protocol.
>> How do you read arhives with this si

FW: CS>Desperately need help with Lyme

2008-06-15 Thread Jim Meissner yahoo
Dear Mike:

I have not been reading the CS group for quite a while, but Carol alerted me
to the Lyme discussion going on.  A long story very short, Carol got bitten
by a tick and proved to be a willing test subject to help me design a new
way of treating Lyme disease.  Take a look at the link .

Carol is a great researcher and found that Lyme will mimic 200 other
diseases.  We discovered that Carol has been suffering from Lyme for over 14
years and was being treated for a variety of illnesses.  It took about 6
months of daily treatments with the DougPlus for Carol to feel like she was
90% recovered and possibly one year to be 100%.  

During that time she was consuming 32 ounces of colloidal silver every day
for 3 or 4 months.  She found that when she dropped back to a lower dosage,
her herx, fever and chills, would get worse.  Please note this high dosage
should only be done with well made colloidal silver 

containing only nano size particles.  My generator was tested by Frank Key
who makes the smallest possible particles of 0.75 nanometer as found in

Anyway I would like to ask if it would be OK to post the DougPlus link on
your CS group? 

Jim Meissner  

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [] 
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 10:09 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Desperately need help with Lyme

Mary Ellen Murphy wrote:
> What type of symtoms did you have.  I suffer with a lot of pain, fagigue,
> brain fog, back and neck problems, thyroid and addison's disease, sleep
> apnea, depression.  Gosh I could go on.  I want to get rid of this.  This
> a
>  miserable existence.
All of the above except Addison's, plus a weird pulling sensation on the 
top of my scalp, insomnia, yet falling asleep when I was trying to stay 
awake, and later arthritis.

> Mary Ellen
> -Original Message-
> From: Dave
>  [] 
> Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 6:55 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Desperately need help with Lyme
> Mary Ellen:
>I had late Lyme for 42 years, a long time before they even
>  named it.
> Besides the usual problems I got to the point where I couldn't even
>  put 
> a sentence together. Speaking to anyone became a major problem that 
> still remains a problem though not so pronounced. Some call it brain fog.
>Well to get to the help you need I will tell you how I got rid of it 
> (the lyme).
> I wasn't into CS at that time so after hearing about it I bought
>  two 16 
> ounce bottles and a generator and started taking the small
>  tablespoon 
> full as was the wisdom at that time. After using up one of the bottles 
> with no relief I thought it was all bull so I chugged the other bottle 
> all
>  at once.
> At that my generator arrived so I made a batch and started taking
>  it at 
> the rate of four ounces every twenty minutes. I figured if it
>  killed me
> it was for the better. What happened was on the third day of this 
> regimen I awoke in the middle of the night with a vigorous feeling of 
> well
>  being.
> The Lyme was gone but a long recovery was ahead as all the damage
>  wasn't 
> over.
> Incidently I had seen a doctor just before this and he took
>  blood for 
> testing at my insistance and it came back positive with two
>  bands, after 
> the CS I went back for another Lyme test and It came back
>  negative.
> Dave
> Mary Ellen Murphy wrote:
>> I am a new member.  I am
>  trying to find out info about Lyme and how to use
>> the silver, with
>  diatamatious earth to get rid of Lyme
>> I have also gotten info about the
>  terminator zapper.  Has anyone had
> success
>> using these products to get
>  rid of Lyme.
>> I am presently taking the cumanda and burber
>  protocol.
>> How do you read arhives with this site.  I was
>  referred by Wolfcreek,
>> suppliers of diatamaitous earth
>> Thanks
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>  [] 
>> Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 2:06 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: CS>How to use site
>> The site you are in
>  touch with - - the archives

Re: CS>Help? How do you measure CS PPM using well water.

2004-09-08 Thread Jim Meissner
MessageThank you Trem.

Jim Meissner 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Trem 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 4:57 PM
  Subject: CS>Help? How do you measure CS PPM using well water.

  Hi Jim,

  No help here.  I have never worked with ground water except the first time I 
tried to make CS and discovered that all it made was cruddy looking silver 
chloride.  Which is what you're making.  


  Best regards,


  - Original Message - 
    From: Jim Meissner 
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 12:48 PM
Subject: CS>Help? How do you measure CS PPM using well water.

Dear Trem and others:

I would like to make CS using 120 uS well water for my chickens and cows.  
I am experimenting doing a gallon and possibly 5 gallons at a time..  My 
experimental setup uses 160 volts DC with a 15 Kohm current limiting resistor.  
I get a plume of white that is quite visible right away and shows up with 
strong Tindle using the red laser pointer.  After about 5 hours the whole 
gallon is chalk white.  The next day ( 22 hours ) it is brown.  I was not 
watching it, but it might have gone yellow, golden, and then to brown.

Do I rely on the color as an indication? 

I have a PWT and a EC/TDS meter, but the readings are inconclusive.

Any suggestions?

Jim Meissner 

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CS>Help? How do you measure CS PPM using well water.

2004-09-07 Thread Jim Meissner
MessageDear Trem and others:

I would like to make CS using 120 uS well water for my chickens and cows.  I am 
experimenting doing a gallon and possibly 5 gallons at a time..  My 
experimental setup uses 160 volts DC with a 15 Kohm current limiting resistor.  
I get a plume of white that is quite visible right away and shows up with 
strong Tindle using the red laser pointer.  After about 5 hours the whole 
gallon is chalk white.  The next day ( 22 hours ) it is brown.  I was not 
watching it, but it might have gone yellow, golden, and then to brown.

Do I rely on the color as an indication? 

I have a PWT and a EC/TDS meter, but the readings are inconclusive.

Any suggestions?

Jim Meissner 

Re: CS>just us chickens...

2004-09-04 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Nenah:

Thank you for your chicken facts.

I am a beginner just starting out and following Joel Salatin's "Egg mobile"
and "Feather net" system.  This involves a portable chicken house with egg
nests on skids that gets moved every day or so.  This is surrounded by an
electrified poultry fence to keep the predators out.  This is a sort of free
range model in that the chickens can forage for bugs and greens.  The
chicken poop also fertilizes the grass.

Joel Salatin collects about 100 dozen eggs per day with his "free range"
system involving about 1400 birds.  I am planning for about 100 birds to
start with.

According to the book I am reading a chicken is born with over 4000 eggs and
normally will lay only 10% of that number.  The average is 250 for the first
year and decreases thereafter.  A healthy chicken will lay for 10-12 years.
The rule of thumb is that after 2 years it costs more to feed them than you
will get back in egg sales.

Any helpful comments are appreciated.

Jim Meissner
- Original Message - 
From: "Nenah Sylver" 
Sent: Friday, September 03, 2004 8:22 PM
Subject: Re: CS>just us chickens...

> - Original Message - 
> From: "John Rigby" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, September 03, 2004 7:27 PM
> Subject: CS>just us chickens...
> > Speaking of chickens an' things:
> >
> > I have a philosophical problem though - while I won't kill and eat any
> > of animal, I recently learned that REAL chickens in the wild might only
> > 10 eggs per year ..  I do steal the eggs though and eat them.
> > Under non-forced conditions, I wonder how many eggs a "real" chicken
> lay?
> I don't know about chickens in the "wild," but living in the country I do
> something about chickens in general:
> 1) In chickens bred and sold to be egg layers, the natural instinct to lay
> the eggs to hatch them has been curtailed through selective breeding.This
> it easier to collect their eggs.
> 2) An egg-laying chicken gets tired much sooner than a non-egg laying
> (surprise!), and has about one half the lifespan (assuming she is allowed
> live to a ripe old age and is not butchered first).
> 3) Chickens that are allowed to run around and peck naturally eat insects
> other animal protein.
> 4) The eggs of free-range chickens that eat insects etc. are delectable.
> yolks are bright golden orange, and sit very high and large on the whites.
> 5) Eggs that come directly from a chicken are rather dirty. Commercial
eggs are
> washed before being put into cartons, but the washing removes the
> layer of whatever-it-is that's on the eggs (besides the shit, dirt and
> and afterward the eggs are never as good. If you buy eggs from a chicken
> get them unwashed.
> 6) Chickens that are talked to, respected, and sent good vibes give you
the best
> eggs (no surprise there). I know this because a friend of mine regards her
> chickens as her personal pets and these are the best country, unwashed
egss I've
> ever had.
> End of chicken lecture.
> Nenah
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver List archive:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> OT Archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Chickens, Marek's Disease and CS?

2004-09-03 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Trem:

Yes that really helped!  Do you know what PPM was used and is she continuing
to use CS as a preventative?

I have 67 chickens so far and expect to get several hundred if everything
works out.  The person I am buying from sorted the chickens for me and only
sold me "heavy" ones.  Of course that made me wonder and found out that over
half of the chickens have Marek's disease.  Did a search and found out it is
a Herpes virus.  I remembered that CS is effective against viruses.

Thanks Trem!

Jim Meissner
- Original Message - 
From: "Trem" 
Sent: Friday, September 03, 2004 11:43 AM
Subject: CS>Chickens, Marek's Disease and CS?

> Hi Jim,
> I'm not sure what all the symptoms are but let me tell you a personal
> experience.
> My next door neighbor raises chickens.  Maybe a hundred or so.  One day
> called and told me they had a disease that was causing their heads to hang
> to one side.  She said it was a fatal disease and wanted to know if CS
> help.  I had no idea but provided her with plenty of CS to put in her
> watering devices.
> She said that within a couple of days all their heads resumed the upright
> position and they seemed healthy.  None died.
> I hope this helps.
> Trem
> - Original Message -
> From: "Jim Meissner" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, September 03, 2004 7:00 AM
> Subject: CS>Chickens, Marek's Disease and CS?
> > Does anyone have information whether CS will be of benefit for chickens
> with
> > Marek's disease?  It seems that it is a Herpes virus infection.  I am
> > considering putting some CS in their drinking water.  Any suggestions of
> > PPM?
> >
> > Jim Meissner
> >
> >
> > --
> > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> >
> > Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> > Silver List archive:
> >
> > Address Off-Topic messages to:
> > OT Archive:
> >
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >

CS>Chickens, Marek's Disease and CS?

2004-09-03 Thread Jim Meissner
Does anyone have information whether CS will be of benefit for chickens with
Marek's disease?  It seems that it is a Herpes virus infection.  I am
considering putting some CS in their drinking water.  Any suggestions of

Jim Meissner

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
Silver List archive:

Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: SO>Frequency and the meaning of words.

2004-08-16 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Marshall:

What Bruce Tainio is claiming would be exciting if true.  It would be like
finding the holy grail.  Imagine being able to look at an instrument and be
able to tell whether someone is healthy or near death.  Imagine being able
to test whether a certain food is more healthy than another.  Imagine being
able to test to see which Essential Oil is better.

Bruce Tainio is claiming that the human body is radiating a signal that he
is able to measure with his frequency counter.  He is claiming that a body
near death puts out a 25 MHz signal and a healthy body puts out 60 - 90 MHz.
These frequencies are well within our known and well developed technology.
The CB radio would measure about 27 MHz on the frequency counter.  The FM
radio tunes from 88 - 108 MHz.  The TV channels 2 - 7 are between these

> I don't follow this.  Frequency just means cycles per second, and can
refer to
> lots of things, electromagnetic radiation, sound, vibration, and of course
> resonant and absorption and transmission frequencies.

You are correct that frequency can refer to many things, but in this case
the frequency range is specified by Bruce as being between 25 and 90 MHz.
That is very specific and that would be "electromagnetic radiation" by your
above definition.  It would refer to a radio transmitter type of source that
can be picked up by an antenna and displayed on the frequency counter.  It
would not be sound ( 20 Hz to 20KHz ).  From a certain viewpoint it might be
called vibration, but vibration can mean many things and is not a precise
description unless you define what you are talking about.  Vibration is
usually used to describe things that can be felt or heard.  Matter vibrates
when above absolute zero, but that "frequency" is in the infra red spectrum
that is millions of times higher than the 25 to 90 MHz frequency that we are
addressing here.  Atoms have a "frequency" but that is also million times
higher than the heat signature and not easily measured.  The new age
statement that everything has a frequency is highly misleading.

> resonant and absorption and transmission frequencies
> To measure a resonance
> of something is to measure the resonant frequency

The term resonance, etc is not applicable here.  A tuning fork or a bell
will have a resonant frequency, but that cannot be measured until you strike
the object and excite the object to vibrate.  That is not what Bruce Tainio
is claiming.

>> so I am confused by your
> answer.

Has this explanation helped?

Jim Meissner
- Original Message - 
From: "Marshall Dudley" 
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2004 3:13 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: SO>Frequency and the meaning of words.

> Jim Meissner wrote:
> > Dear Marshall:
> > >> but it is possible they are measuring resonances
> >
> > No, he is claiming to be measuring frequency.
> I don't follow this.  Frequency just means cycles per second, and can
refer to
> lots of things, electromagnetic radiation, sound, vibration, and of course
> resonant and absorption and transamission frequencies.  To measure a
> of something is to measure the resonant frequency, so I am confused by
> answer.
> Marshall
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver List archive:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> OT Archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: SO>Frequency and the meaning of words.

2004-08-16 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Marshall:

> If you are talking about the urban legend webstite, that

No, just an expression, referring to faulty information that is repeated.

> Then you are doing something wrong. If the person is alive you should be
able to
> pick up at least the eeg and ekg.  This is mainstream.

I have designed and built Brain Wave Monitors and ECG equipment.  These
signal are in the Hz, not the MHz region and require several direct wire
connections with conductive paste.  I have never picked up a signal from
oils or dirt as Bruce Tainio is claiming.

> I don't see enough information on the instrument to know what they are
> If they are just measuring noise, that would certainly be suspect, but it
> possible they are measuring resonances.  There simply is not enough

The frequency counter that he uses is a Tenma 72-6605 that sells for $204.75
and when he puts that in a fancy box, he charges $2800.00.  On his FAQ page
someone asks "I have a book on essential oils which list the frequencies of
some of the oils.  Why can't I duplicate these measurements with my
frequency monitor?"  His answer is pure evasiveness.

If these signals were coming from the body or oils, then the measurements
would have to be done in a shielded screen room or Faraday cage to eliminate
the many normal radio and TV station signals.  I have spent years earning my
living working in screen rooms with frequency measuring devices (spectrum
analyzers) antennas and plotters costing over a million dollars.  I have
never observed a signal from the body and I have looked hoping to find one.

>> but it is
> possible they are measuring resonances

No, he is claiming to be measuring frequency.

Jim Meissner
- Original Message - 
From: "Marshall Dudley" 
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2004 12:13 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: SO>Frequency and the meaning of words.

> Jim Meissner wrote:
> > Dear Mike:
> >
> > Thank you, thank you, thank you, for providing the link to the source of
> > "Urban Legend" about frequencies of the human body, essential oils, and
> > herbs.
> >
> If you are talking about the urban legend webstite, that is not a good
source of
> information.  I don't know if they have been bought out, or just don't do
> necessary research, but they claim that nutrasweet it healthy.
> >
> > What a scam, taking a junky cheap digital frequency counter that sell
> > for $204.75 and packaging that with bull shit and selling it for
> >
> > The sad part is that many of my friends and other well meaning
> > like Christine are perpetuating this scam not knowing that they have
> > conned.
> >
> > It is interesting that the quote "the meter is being used at Johns
> > University" is denied by Bruce Tainio in the frequently asked questions
> > section.
> >
> > Christine made a statement that she is not a techie.  Well, Bruce Tainio
> > not a techie either.  He is a biologist who seems to have no clue about
> > operation of electronic instruments.  The way he uses the frequency
> > is as a random number generator, picking up all sorts of interference.
> > only way this test could be run would be in a screen room.  I have
worked in
> > screen rooms where all the interference has been eliminated and have
> > measured a signal coming from the human body.
> Then you are doing something wrong. If the person is alive you should be
able to
> pick up at least the eeg and ekg.  This is mainstream.
> I don't see enough information on the instrument to know what they are
> If they are just measuring noise, that would certainly be suspect, but it
> possible they are measuring resonances.  There simply is not enough
> Marshall
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver List archive:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> OT Archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: SO>Frequency and the meaning of words.

2004-08-15 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Mike:
>   The web page talks about a completely different counter than the one
>   shown in the photos.

The picture on the Tainio website is identical with the Tenma 72-6605.

Jim Meissner
- Original Message - 
From: "Mike Monett" <>
Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2004 4:20 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: SO>Frequency and the meaning of words.

> Re: CS>Re: SO>Frequency and the meaning of words.
> From: Jim Meissner
> Date: Sun, 15 Aug 2004 08:09:22
>   > Dear Mike:
>   >> Where on  earth did you find the url? I googled for  an  hour and
>   >> came up  empty.  I   was   trying   to   find  the  datasheet and
>   >> specifications - if you have the url, please post it!!!
>   > I found  the  "1.3  GHz Hand Held  Frequency  Counter"  in  my MCM
>   > ( catalog  page 572 of catalog 48. It is  a Tenma
>   > 72-6605. Price is $204.75.
>   No wonder I couldn't find it. Tenma doesn't make a 3GHz counter:
>   > The input A that is specified to be used in the instructions  is 1
>   > megohm input impedance with 25 pF shunt capacitance. So the 50 ohm
>   > noise calculation is not valid for 1 megohm.
>   > The frequency  response  of input A is 5 Hz to 25  MHz.  So  he is
>   > measuring 60  - 90 Mhz on a range that is only specified to  go to
>   > 25 MHz.
>   The web page talks about a completely different counter than the one
>   shown in the photos.
>   >> Just for  fun,  let's  go  through  the  calculations  and verify
>   >> Bruce's accuracy. For that, we'll need an equation  solver called
>   >> Mercury, written  by  Roger Schafley,  who  also  wrote Borland's
>   >> Eureka.
>   > Boy, oh  Boy, if I ever need something calculated I  will  call on
>   > you.
>   Nah - I'd be happy to check your calculations, but you'll have to do
>   them yourself:)  Give Mercury a try - you might find it  easier than
>   you think!
>   > Thank you Mike.
>   Thank you, Jim.
>   > Jim Meissner
> Best Wishes,
> Mike Monett
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver List archive:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> OT Archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: SO>Frequency and the meaning of words.

2004-08-15 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Mike:

>   Where on earth did you find the url? I googled for an hour  and came
>   up empty. I was trying to find the datasheet and specifications - if
>   you have the url, please post it!!!

I found the "1.3 GHz Hand Held Frequency Counter" in my MCM
( catalog page 572 of catalog 48.  It is a Tenma 72-6605.
Price is $204.75.

The input A that is specified to be used in the instructions is 1 megohm
input impedance with 25 pF shunt capacitance.  So the 50 ohm noise
calculation is not valid for 1 megohm.

The frequency response of input A is 5 Hz to 25 MHz.  So he is measuring
60 - 90 Mhz on a range that is only specified to go to 25 MHz.

>   Just for  fun, let's go through the calculations and  verify Bruce's
>   accuracy. For  that, we'll need an equation  solver  called Mercury,
>   written by Roger Schafley, who also wrote Borland's Eureka.
Boy, oh Boy, if I ever need something calculated I will call on you.

Thank you Mike.

Jim Meissner
- Original Message - 
From: "Mike Monett" <>
Sent: Saturday, August 14, 2004 6:23 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: SO>Frequency and the meaning of words.

> Re: CS>Re: SO>Frequency and the meaning of words.
> From: Jim Meissner
> Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2004 13:31:41
>   > Dear Mike:
>   > Thank you,  thank  you, thank you, for providing the  link  to the
>   > source of the "Urban Legend" about frequencies of the  human body,
>   > essential oils, and herbs.
>   You are very, very, very welcome:)
>   > What a  scam, taking a junky cheap digital frequency  counter that
>   > sell new for $204.75 and packaging that with bull shit and selling
>   > it for $2800.00!
>   Where on earth did you find the url? I googled for an hour  and came
>   up empty. I was trying to find the datasheet and specifications - if
>   you have the url, please post it!!!
>   > The sad  part  is that many of my friends and  other  well meaning
>   > individuals like Christine are perpetuating this scam  not knowing
>   > that they have been conned.
>   Yes, this is very true. Non-technical people are easily persuaded.
>   > It is interesting that the quote "the meter is being used at Johns
>   > Hopkins University"  is denied by Bruce Tainio  in  the frequently
>   > asked questions section.
>   I think he's pretty clever in the ways he gives himself wiggle room.
>   > Christine made  a statement that she is not a techie.  Well, Bruce
>   > Tainio is not a techie either. He is a biologist who seems to have
>   > no clue about the operation of electronic instruments. The  way he
>   > uses the  frequency  counter  is  as  a  random  number generator,
>   > picking up all sorts of interference. The only way this test could
>   > be run  would be in a screen room. I have worked  in  screen rooms
>   > where all  the  interference has been  eliminated  and  have never
>   > measured a signal coming from the human body.
>   There is  none. If there were, we would have to get  a  license from
>   the FCC, and always be careful to keep our emotions under control so
>   we don't  go outside our assigned frequency band.  Of  course, there
>   would have to be a special frequency allotment in the case of death.
>   > A funny  situation  may have developed at  Young  Living Essential
>   > Oils. The  reason  I  was  not  able  to  get  the  frequency test
>   > equipment used to test their essential oils might be  because they
>   > discovered that they had been scammed and are now locked  into the
>   > frequency scam and cannot back out. Funny if that is the case. How
>   > could they extricate themselves without looking like fools.
>   > Again, thank you for the links to the Bruce Tainio web  site. This
>   > has bothered  me  for years and suspected that it  was  a  scam. I
>   > wonder whether Bruce is knowingly pulling a fast one or whether he
>   > simply does not understand what he is doing.
>   > Jim Meissner
>   Thanks for your interesting comments, Jim.
>   I think Bruce knows he is scamming people. First, he  emphasizes the
>   problems with outside interference in numerous places, such as:
> "What makes  this   frequency   meter   unique  is  it's extremely
> sensitive sensor..."
>   and
> "Unless you find yourself on a deserted Pacific island, the signal
> you intend  to measure is not the only

Re: CS>Re: SO>Frequency

2004-08-14 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Mike:

A great comment about the military, they certainly would use that to track

And thank you for verifying my measurement experiences.

Jim Meissner
- Original Message - 
From: "Mike Monett" <>
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 7:54 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: SO>Frequency

> Re: CS>Re: SO>Frequency
>   Hi Jim,
>   I was having trouble finding the source of this thread,  and finally
>   came across your post where you describe working in a shielded room:
>   > I hate to sound like a doubting Thomas, but unless I see some more
>   > evidence, I  tend  to write this off as an  urban  legend.  I have
>   > earned my living doing radio frequency testing in screen rooms for
>   > electromagnetic  compatibility,   emission,   and  susceptibility,
>   > called EMI and EMC. These test are so sensitive that if  you leave
>   > the screen room door open even the smallest crack,  radio stations
>   > from miles away overload the monitoring equipment. In many cases I
>   > have been inside the screen room in front of the antenna, and have
>   > never seen  a signal. The frequencies covered were from 30  KHz to
>   > over 1000 MHz and printed out on a plotter.
>   I agree  completely. If humans were emitting signals  at  50MHz,  it
>   would most  certainly  appear  in these  measurements.  It  does not
>   appear.
>   Also, if  we radiated at 50Mhz, it would be deadly  in  warfare. All
>   the enemy  would need is a cheap vhf receiver and a  dipole antenna,
>   and could  easily  tell where we were hiding. We  would  have  to be
>   covered from head to toe in thin metal foil to prevent the radiation
>   from escaping.
>   Now, how  many  soldiers  have you seen  walking  around  covered in
>   aluminum foil?
> Best Wishes,
> Mike Monett
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver List archive:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> OT Archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: SO>Frequency and the meaning of words.

2004-08-14 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Mike:

Thank you, thank you, thank you, for providing the link to the source of the
"Urban Legend" about frequencies of the human body, essential oils, and

What a scam, taking a junky cheap digital frequency counter that sell new
for $204.75 and packaging that with bull shit and selling it for $2800.00!

The sad part is that many of my friends and other well meaning individuals
like Christine are perpetuating this scam not knowing that they have been

It is interesting that the quote "the meter is being used at Johns Hopkins
University" is denied by Bruce Tainio in the frequently asked questions

Christine made a statement that she is not a techie.  Well, Bruce Tainio is
not a techie either.  He is a biologist who seems to have no clue about the
operation of electronic instruments.  The way he uses the frequency counter
is as a random number generator, picking up all sorts of interference.  The
only way this test could be run would be in a screen room.  I have worked in
screen rooms where all the interference has been eliminated and have never
measured a signal coming from the human body.

A funny situation may have developed at Young Living Essential Oils.  The
reason I was not able to get the frequency test equipment used to test their
essential oils might be because they discovered that they had been scammed
and are now locked into the frequency scam and cannot back out.  Funny if
that is the case.  How could they extricate themselves without looking like

Again, thank you for the links to the Bruce Tainio web site.  This has
bothered me for years and suspected that it was a scam.  I wonder whether
Bruce is knowingly pulling a fast one or whether he simply does not
understand what he is doing.

Jim Meissner
- Original Message - 
From: "Mike Monett" <>
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 7:15 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: SO>Frequency and the meaning of words.

> Re: CS>Re: SO>Frequency and the meaning of words.
> From: Jim Meissner
> Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2004 12:31:06
>   > I am  an  engineer,  but  I also know  how  to  use  the pendulum,
>   > divining rod, L-rods, radionics machines, etc, so do  not discount
>   > my "awareness".
>   > I have read all the Young Essential Oil literature. I have several
>   > friends who are dealers and they have tried to get the information
>   > of how  the frequencies of the Young essential oils  are measured.
>   > So far  this  information has not been made available.  I  SMELL A
>   > SCAM!
>   Hi Jim,
>   I also  smell a scam. A very expensive one. From Bruce  Tainio's web
>   site,
> "The BT3  Frequency  Monitoring System  sells  for  $2,800.00 plus
> shipping, and comes with a sturdy carrying case and instructions."
>   There is  no  measurable  radiation from  the  human  body  at these
>   frequencies. You  cannot  measure it with  an  antenna  and spectrum
>   analyzer. I  owned a HP 8568A spectrum analyzer for  many  years and
>   can absolutely  guarantee there is no measurable radiation  from the
>   human body at 50MHz. Or from bottles of oil, or lumps of soil.
>   Here is a page with a picture of my HP 8568:
>   The frequency  counter  used in the BT3 is a cheap  Tenmec.  The bid
>   prices for  used units start at $0.99 on Ebay. I have a  Radio Shack
>   unit that is very similar except it doesn't measure period.
>   The main ic in the counter is simply a high-gain amplifier driving a
>   limiter. The  output  of the limiter goes  to  a  standard frequency
>   counter circuit.
>   When there is no input signal, the counter reads approximately 50 to
>   65 MHz. It is simply counting the random zero crossings of the input
>   noise after the amplifier. The frequency is not stable  and responds
>   to stray capacity effects as you place you hand near the counter.
>   As mentioned in the description, the unit is extremely  sensitive to
>   radio interference from monitors, cpus, local transmitters, etc:
> "What makes  this   frequency   meter   unique  is  it's extremely
> sensitive sensor.  Because  of it's  high  sensitivity, background
> interference will  usually have to be taken into account.  It does
> take some  practice and patience at first. It is easier to  use if
> you find  a place in your home, laboratory or office  that  has as
> little electromagnetic  interference as possible, then  always use
> your meter  in that area if you can. The meter may not give  you a
> zero reading  to start with; but a room w

Re: CS>Re: SO>Frequency and the meaning of words.

2004-08-13 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Christine:

The word "frequency" is well defined and the engineer uses this term in his
everyday work.  The engineer uses frequency meters and frequency counters
and can share this information with other engineers, and they will know
exactly what he means.  A CB radio puts out about 27 MHz and an engineer
knows how to measure that.  When you say that a person or herb or oil puts
out a certain frequency, then the engineer who has not observed this wants
to know how you did the measurements.

You claim you are not a "techie" yet you mis-use "techie" words.  If you
were to use the term "vitality" or "vital force" and claimed to determine
the numbers by dowsing or by applied Kinesiology, you would get no argument
from me.  BUT when you use the word FREQUENCY, you are in the ENGINEERING
WORLD and are expected to use the term correctly.

>> One has
>> to learn the science/law/technical/facts of their profession and
>> reduce that foundation of their profession to a minor level of
>> to shift into the next level of discovery and awareness.
>> that are quite common.

I am an engineer, but I also know how to use the pendulum, divining rod,
L-rods, radionics machines, etc, so do not discount my "awareness".

I have read all the Young Essential Oil literature.  I have several friends
who are dealers and they have tried to get the information of how the
frequencies of the Young essential oils are measured.  So far this
information has not been made available.  I SMELL A SCAM!

However I have tried the oils and my friends report very good results.
Therefore I believe that Young is providing a good product in spite of their
misleading advertisements.

If you have more pull than my friends at getting the testing information, I
would be very interested in learning more.

Jim Meissner
- Original Message - 
From: "Christine Carleton" 
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 12:34 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: SO>Frequency

> Dear Jim,
> Check with Traino. I do not know the equipment.

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Address Off-Topic messages to:
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: SO>Frequency

2004-08-13 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Christine:

> Check with Traino. I do not know the equipment.

Can you put me in touch with him?  I am interested in exploring this

Jim Meissner

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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Address Off-Topic messages to:
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: SO>Frequency

2004-08-12 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Christine:

Thanks so much for posting the frequency information.  I have seen this
quote before but was not able to get any more information.  Do you have
more, such as the test equipment used?

I hate to sound like a doubting Thomas, but unless I see some more evidence,
I tend to write this off as an urban legend.  I have earned my living doing
radio frequency testing in screen rooms for electromagnetic compatibility,
emission, and susceptibility, called EMI and EMC.   These test are so
sensitive that if you leave the screen room door open even the smallest
crack, radio stations from miles away overload the monitoring equipment.  In
many cases I have been inside the screen room in front of the antenna, and
have never seen a signal.  The frequencies covered were from 30 KHz to over
1000 MHz and printed out on a plotter.

> When my Mom went to 25 MHz, she had three days left. I don't know if that
> common.

Is this "your" mom, Christine, or is this a quote from your source of
information?  If this is your mom, how did you know that the frequency went
to 25 KHz?

Jim Meissner
- Original Message - 
From: "Christine Carleton" 
Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2004 2:51 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: SO>Esophagus Cancer, Certain Death?

> Re Frequency:
> In 1992, Bruce Tainio of Tainio Technology, an independent division of
> Eastern State Univ. in Cheny, Wash., built the first frequency monitor in
> the world. Tainio has determined the average frequency of the human body
> and brain is 62 -90 MHz.  This was reconfirmed at Johns Hopkins
> Frequencies are important regarding all diseases.
> A healthy body has a frequency of 62 - 90 MHz.
> When the frequency drops, the immune system is compromised.
> If the frequency drops to 58 MHz, Cold symptoms appear
> at 57 MHz. Flu symptoms appear
> at 55 MHz, diseases like Candida take hold
> at 52 MHz, Epstein Barr and auto immune deterioration
> at 42 MHz, Cancer is evident
> at 25 MHz, death begins.
> Monitor what you put in your body.
> Processed/canned foods have a frequency of . . . .  .  ZERO.
>  Fresh produce has frequency up to . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 MHz
>  Dry herbs frequencies from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - 22 MHz
>  Frequency of fresh herbs is approximately . . . .20 - 27 MHz
>  AFNOR standard EO's start at 52 MHz and go to 320 MHz.
> When my Mom went to 25 MHz, she had three days left. I don't know if that
> common.
> From a 'thought perspective' she had no other 'things to do' in this life.
> Her kids were settled, grandchildren were fine, and her job was done.
> In his 80's when Bernard Jensen, author was riddled with many cancers and
> down under 80 pounds, a vitamin formulator asked him if he had things to
> He answered 'Yes, about 11 books to write'.  At that point the
> knew that however desperate the situation appeared in the hospital at that
> moment (was considered within the last week of life) that he would
> He did. He 'cleansed' - a massive, intense cleanse. He wrote the books.
> When completed, he turned to his wife and indicated he he nothing left to
> do, and would be leaving within the week. He did.  Question the thoughts
> the 'esophagus cancer' individual. Answers are evident if they have or do
> not have an unfinished purpose.
> Essiac Tea has a long history of effectiveness also.  There are web sites
> that.
> Christine

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Address Off-Topic messages to:
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Magnetic pulser group

2004-03-13 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Terry:

Having mailing problems, sorry.  The new group is
called Magpulser

--- Jim Meissner  wrote:
> Hi Terry:
> --- Terry Chamberlin  wrote:
> > I was a member of the magnetic-pulser list, which
> > became the power-pulser list. Yahoo says there is
> no
> > such thing as either group now.
> > 
> > Does anyone know what is going on? I am building a
> > large magnetic pulser and have all the parts, but
> > need
> > some info. There were photos, etc., I wanted to
> > reference, but no groups to access. Help.
> > 
> > Terry Chamberlin
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Post your free ad now!
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > The Silver List is a moderated forum for
> discussing
> > Colloidal Silver.
> > 
> > Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> >
> > 
> > To post, address your message to:
> >
> > Silver List archive:
> >
> > 
> > Address Off-Topic messages to:
> >
> > OT Archive:
> >
> > 
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> > 
> =
> Jim Meissner
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing
> Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver List archive:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> OT Archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Jim Meissner

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
Silver List archive:

Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Magnetic pulser group

2004-03-13 Thread Jim Meissner
Hi Terry:
--- Terry Chamberlin  wrote:
> I was a member of the magnetic-pulser list, which
> became the power-pulser list. Yahoo says there is no
> such thing as either group now.
> Does anyone know what is going on? I am building a
> large magnetic pulser and have all the parts, but
> need
> some info. There were photos, etc., I wanted to
> reference, but no groups to access. Help.
> Terry Chamberlin
> Post your free ad now!
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing
> Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver List archive:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> OT Archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Jim Meissner

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
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Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Walgreens Vaporizor! - Expert Help Please?

2003-12-06 Thread Jim Meissner
Thank you Mr. Expert!

I could also theorize that the vibrations are knocking the colloidal
particles out of suspension and causing them to coagulate and form larger
particle clusters.

BUT the BIG question is.  Is it safe to keep using this in the ultrasonic
humidifier or must it be thrown away after one use?

Jim Meissner

- Original Message - 
From: "Ode Coyote" 
Sent: Friday, December 05, 2003 5:38 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Walgreens Vaporizor! - Expert Help Please?

>   I think the brown grey may indicate that a whole lot of air is getting
> mixed into the CS and is oxidizing the ionic portion.
>  The purple indicates particle agglomeration.
>  Several things can cause this over time  including saliva and other
> contaminants but in this case it might be that ultrasonic vibrations over
> long period of time are causing particle collisions...maybe ion collisions
> too.
> ode
> At 11:25 AM 12/4/2003 -0500, you wrote:
> >Would the "Experts" please give an opinion as to what happened to the
> >CS after being used in the ultrasonic humidifier.  The color today is a
> >brown grey with a hint of purple.  Besides the question of what happened,
> >there is also the concern of "is it still safe" to use or should it be
> >discarded after one use?  PWT reading today is 12.6 uS.  ORP + 457 mv.
> >Tindle still looks like mud.
> >
> >- Original Message - 
> >From: "Jim Meissner" 
> >To: ; "walt" 
> >Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 3:38 AM
> >Subject: Re: CS>Walgreens Vaporizor!
> >
> >
> >> The CS that I make can be left sitting in direct sunlight without any
> >change
> >> in color or strength.  It stays clear.
> >>
> >> BUT  I just had the CS that was used in the ultrasonic humidifier turn
> >> color of mud or the color coffee with cream.  It turned this color
after a
> >> day or two.  Running through the coffee filter did nothing.  The
> >flashlight
> >> beam barely makes it through the murky muddy looking water.  There now
> >a
> >> massive Tindle effect.
> >>
> >> I have never seen this happen before and the only difference I can
> >of
> >> is that sunlight was shining on the stored CS that was used in the
> >> ultrasonic.
> >>
> >> My PWT reads 12 uS.  The ORP is + 570 mv.
> >>
> >> Any comment anyone???
> >>
> >>
> >> - Original Message - 
> >> From: "walt" 
> >> To: "Jim Meissner" 
> >> Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 5:25 PM
> >> Subject: Re: CS>Walgreens Vaporizor!
> >>
> >>
> >> > Great! I wish someone would have stated this in the beginning and i'd
> >gone
> >> a
> >> > different way with it. Thanks Walt
> >> >
> >> > - Original Message - 
> >> > From: "Jim Meissner" 
> >> > To: 
> >> > Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 9:45 AM
> >> > Subject: Re: CS>Walgreens Vaporizor!
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > > Dear Walt:
> >> > >
> >> > > I have found that you MUST remove the CS from the ultrasonic
> >> > right
> >> > > after you use it and rinse with plain water.  You may even have to
> >scrub
> >> > the
> >> > > transducer lightly with a cotton swab.  If you do not do this, the
> >> will
> >> > > deposit on the transducer and it will not work the next time you
> >to
> >> > use
> >> > > it.  When I store the CS after using it in the ultrasonic
vaporizer, I
> >> run
> >> > > it through the coffee filter to catch the debris that was created
> >the
> >> > > process.  I think the "black stuff" is silver coming out of
> >suspension.
> >> > The
> >> > > CS that I use is mostly ionic and therefor I see very little silver
> >> > > deposists.
> >> > >
> >> > > I have used this very successfully for many years in clearing up
> >sinus,
> >> > > throat, and bronchial irritations.
> >> > >
> >> > > - Original Message - 
> >> > > From: "walt" 
> >> > > To: "Silver-list" 
> >> > > Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2003 10:37 AM
> >> > > Subject: CS>Walgreens Vaporizor!
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > >

Re: CS>Walgreens Vaporizor! - Expert Help Please?

2003-12-04 Thread Jim Meissner
Would the "Experts" please give an opinion as to what happened to the "good"
CS after being used in the ultrasonic humidifier.  The color today is a
brown grey with a hint of purple.  Besides the question of what happened,
there is also the concern of "is it still safe" to use or should it be
discarded after one use?  PWT reading today is 12.6 uS.  ORP + 457 mv. The
Tindle still looks like mud.

- Original Message - 
From: "Jim Meissner" 
To: ; "walt" 
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 3:38 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Walgreens Vaporizor!

> The CS that I make can be left sitting in direct sunlight without any
> in color or strength.  It stays clear.
> BUT  I just had the CS that was used in the ultrasonic humidifier turn the
> color of mud or the color coffee with cream.  It turned this color after a
> day or two.  Running through the coffee filter did nothing.  The
> beam barely makes it through the murky muddy looking water.  There now is
> massive Tindle effect.
> I have never seen this happen before and the only difference I can think
> is that sunlight was shining on the stored CS that was used in the
> ultrasonic.
> My PWT reads 12 uS.  The ORP is + 570 mv.
> Any comment anyone???
> - Original Message - 
> From: "walt" 
> To: "Jim Meissner" 
> Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 5:25 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>Walgreens Vaporizor!
> > Great! I wish someone would have stated this in the beginning and i'd
> a
> > different way with it. Thanks Walt
> >
> > - Original Message - 
> > From: "Jim Meissner" 
> > To: 
> > Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 9:45 AM
> > Subject: Re: CS>Walgreens Vaporizor!
> >
> >
> > > Dear Walt:
> > >
> > > I have found that you MUST remove the CS from the ultrasonic vaporizer
> > right
> > > after you use it and rinse with plain water.  You may even have to
> > the
> > > transducer lightly with a cotton swab.  If you do not do this, the CS
> will
> > > deposit on the transducer and it will not work the next time you try
> > use
> > > it.  When I store the CS after using it in the ultrasonic vaporizer, I
> run
> > > it through the coffee filter to catch the debris that was created in
> > > process.  I think the "black stuff" is silver coming out of
> > The
> > > CS that I use is mostly ionic and therefor I see very little silver
> > > deposists.
> > >
> > > I have used this very successfully for many years in clearing up
> > > throat, and bronchial irritations.
> > >
> > > - Original Message - 
> > > From: "walt" 
> > > To: "Silver-list" 
> > > Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2003 10:37 AM
> > > Subject: CS>Walgreens Vaporizor!
> > >
> > >
> > > > Hi Folks: Got the Walgreens Vaporizer, had to make two pints of CS
> > hit
> > > > level of CS that activates the metal electric prob to the Sonic
> Speaker
> > to
> > > > make mist. It sat around acouple days after tryng the mist in my
> > > etc.
> > > >
> > > > Showing the unit somedays later when I opened the top and looked in,
> > there
> > > > was 2/16" inch clumps of black (?) particles on the base of the
> plastic
> > > > holding CS fluid, maybe twelve total. I stopped using it hoping
> someone
> > > here
> > > > had a answer to what that black chunky stuff was, and how it got
> there?
> > > >
> > > > Anyone else using this Vaporizer have this occur?
> > > >
> > > > Comments.
> > > >
> > > > Walt
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
> silver.
> > > >
> > > > Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> > > >
> > > > To post, address your message to:
> > > >
> > > > Silver-list archive:
> > > >
> > > > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> > >
> >

Re: CS>Walgreens Vaporizor!

2003-12-03 Thread Jim Meissner
The CS that I make can be left sitting in direct sunlight without any change
in color or strength.  It stays clear.

BUT  I just had the CS that was used in the ultrasonic humidifier turn the
color of mud or the color coffee with cream.  It turned this color after a
day or two.  Running through the coffee filter did nothing.  The flashlight
beam barely makes it through the murky muddy looking water.  There now is a
massive Tindle effect.

I have never seen this happen before and the only difference I can think of
is that sunlight was shining on the stored CS that was used in the

My PWT reads 12 uS.  The ORP is + 570 mv.

Any comment anyone???

- Original Message - 
From: "walt" 
To: "Jim Meissner" 
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 5:25 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Walgreens Vaporizor!

> Great! I wish someone would have stated this in the beginning and i'd gone
> different way with it. Thanks Walt
> ----- Original Message - 
> From: "Jim Meissner" 
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 9:45 AM
> Subject: Re: CS>Walgreens Vaporizor!
> > Dear Walt:
> >
> > I have found that you MUST remove the CS from the ultrasonic vaporizer
> right
> > after you use it and rinse with plain water.  You may even have to scrub
> the
> > transducer lightly with a cotton swab.  If you do not do this, the CS
> > deposit on the transducer and it will not work the next time you try to
> use
> > it.  When I store the CS after using it in the ultrasonic vaporizer, I
> > it through the coffee filter to catch the debris that was created in the
> > process.  I think the "black stuff" is silver coming out of suspension.
> The
> > CS that I use is mostly ionic and therefor I see very little silver
> > deposists.
> >
> > I have used this very successfully for many years in clearing up sinus,
> > throat, and bronchial irritations.
> >
> > - Original Message - 
> > From: "walt" 
> > To: "Silver-list" 
> > Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2003 10:37 AM
> > Subject: CS>Walgreens Vaporizor!
> >
> >
> > > Hi Folks: Got the Walgreens Vaporizer, had to make two pints of CS to
> hit
> > > level of CS that activates the metal electric prob to the Sonic
> to
> > > make mist. It sat around acouple days after tryng the mist in my lungs
> > etc.
> > >
> > > Showing the unit somedays later when I opened the top and looked in,
> there
> > > was 2/16" inch clumps of black (?) particles on the base of the
> > > holding CS fluid, maybe twelve total. I stopped using it hoping
> > here
> > > had a answer to what that black chunky stuff was, and how it got
> > >
> > > Anyone else using this Vaporizer have this occur?
> > >
> > > Comments.
> > >
> > > Walt
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
> > >
> > > Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> > >
> > > To post, address your message to:
> > >
> > > Silver-list archive:
> > >
> > > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >

Re: CS>Walgreens Vaporizor!

2003-12-01 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Walt:

I have found that you MUST remove the CS from the ultrasonic vaporizer right
after you use it and rinse with plain water.  You may even have to scrub the
transducer lightly with a cotton swab.  If you do not do this, the CS will
deposit on the transducer and it will not work the next time you try to use
it.  When I store the CS after using it in the ultrasonic vaporizer, I run
it through the coffee filter to catch the debris that was created in the
process.  I think the "black stuff" is silver coming out of suspension.  The
CS that I use is mostly ionic and therefor I see very little silver

I have used this very successfully for many years in clearing up sinus,
throat, and bronchial irritations.

- Original Message - 
From: "walt" 
To: "Silver-list" 
Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2003 10:37 AM
Subject: CS>Walgreens Vaporizor!

> Hi Folks: Got the Walgreens Vaporizer, had to make two pints of CS to hit
> level of CS that activates the metal electric prob to the Sonic Speaker to
> make mist. It sat around acouple days after tryng the mist in my lungs
> Showing the unit somedays later when I opened the top and looked in, there
> was 2/16" inch clumps of black (?) particles on the base of the plastic
> holding CS fluid, maybe twelve total. I stopped using it hoping someone
> had a answer to what that black chunky stuff was, and how it got there?
> Anyone else using this Vaporizer have this occur?
> Comments.
> Walt
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>nasal spray (mist) bottles

2003-11-29 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Tel:

Help?  I could not find spray bottles listed.  How much are they and where
can I find them?

- Original Message - 
From: "Tel Tofflemire" 
Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2003 12:54 AM
Subject: Re: CS>nasal spray (mist) bottles

> You can find nasal mist bottles here 2oz size
> Tel Tofflemire
> Dewey, AZ.
> Sandy . Green wrote:
> > I have been hunting for nasal spray bottles here in Toronto and found
> > out that there is a real difference between a nasal spray bottle and a
> > nasal mist bottle.  I found what is called a nasal spray bottle,
> > round, plastic and squeeze type.  However, it produces a stream
> > instead of mist.  I was informed that what I should be looking for is
> > a nasal mist bottle. Hope this helps.
> >
> > Sandy
> > 
> > Do you Yahoo!?
> > Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it now
> > 
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>CS Tap Water

2002-10-16 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Jason:

Sorry for the slow answer, too busy!

I may have mislead you.  I will try to clear up the misunderstanding.
>  So pray tell Jim - how are you stabilizing the reaction?
The information about the "self limiting reaction" was with distilled water.

>  What kind of water is it that you are using?  
>  From the conversation, my initial understanding is that it is tap water.  
>  However, most tap water I've had experience with would test "off the chart" 
> on a PWT meter.  
>  You give ending measurements at about 15 - 20 uS.  
>  Am I to assume that the process you are using does in fact precipitate out 
> all dissolved solids?

No.  My "filtered" well water is about 80 uS.  Initially the concentration 
drops to about 60 uS as "some" of the minerals are precipitated.  Then it goes 
up as the silver ions are added.
My question to you is; do you think it is safe to consume this "tap water" CS 
or is it "better" to distill some water, make CS and add it to the "dirty" tap 

Do you think harmful products will be created between the dissolved minerals 
and the silver ions? 

In an emergency with no distilled water available, I would think it would be 
better to add silver ions to the polluted water with this method than to drink 
the polluted water with no treatment.  Yes?  If so it would be interesting to 
see how long it takes make the unknown water safe.  Stick the silver rods in a 
glass of water and wait 5 (?) minutes before drinking?

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving 
your life and health.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 11:05 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>CS Tap Water

  That's really interesting.  In fact, fascinating.
  It's hard to argue with measured observations, so instead I'd like to ask a 
few questions!
  What kind of water is it that you are using?  >From the conversation, my 
initial understanding is that it is tap water.  However, most tap water I've 
had experience with would test "off the chart" on a PWT meter.  You give ending 
measurements at about 15 - 20 uS.  Am I to assume that the process you are 
using does in fact precipitate out all dissolved solids?
  Have you playing with magnets again?  *j/k*
  The fact that the ionic portion of the CS levels off is not so surprising to 
me.  Slowing the reaction down ( this is in regards to distilled water ) can 
increase the ionic content by reducing agglomeration, allowing one to achieve a 
higher concentration of silver ions through "proper hydration" of the ions ( 
for lack of a more suitable term ).  However, the result of the measurement of 
silver ions stabilizing usually means that agglomeration is occuring, easily 
gauged by the laser.
  So pray tell Jim - how are you stablizing the reaction?
  As far as pool water goes, I can only guess at effective concentrations.  
Someone else may have more definitive data.  I would start with a beginning 
concentration of .5 - 1 PPM and begin monitoring growth in the water.  One 
shouldn't need anywhere near the end concentration needed to fight an infection 
in the human body, or as high as would be needed in a bacterial friendly 
environment ( such as waste ).  If chlorine is being used in the water, the 
idea would be to taper it off.
  Of course, the greatest challenge is measuring everything, including the 
total silver concentration in the water and organism growth.  I know that quite 
a few people simply gauge by lack of algae growth, but I'd be more comfortable 
with actual testing of the water at different stages.
  Kind Regards,

Re: CS>CS Tap Water

2002-10-08 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Jason:

Thank you for your reply.  Just like you I try to be very careful and attempt 
to research things before blindly following "standard methods".  I purchased 
several brands of generators and also built "kits" from the available 
information.  I was not satisfied with the somewhat "uncontrolled" results.  It 
seems that with the 27 volt method, 90% of the product is produced in the last 
10% of time and if you are not watching carefully you will have either "mostly" 
pure water or "mud" and silver flakes floating on top of the water.  Since I 
like to measure things, I bought the Hanna PWT and Laser from Trem and did some 

I have come up with a method that self limits the concentration of silver ions 
to about 15 uS as measured with the Hanna PWT.  Even after 5 days of brewing, 
the concentration stays below 20 uS and there is very little Tindel as shown by 
the Laser.  What does happen is that as the concentration increases, the silver 
ions plate back out onto the negative silver electrode.

>  However, the increased conductivity of tap water causes the reaction to 
> start out of control immediately.  
>  This greatly increases the actual amount of silver deposited into the water.
So, let us say that your above statement does not apply.  ( Please feel free to 
argue this if you like. )

Then what would you say?  

Would this be a good method of purifying water by precipitation of solids and 
disinfecting the swimmers?  I would prefer using silver instead of chlorine 
unless there are some negative factors.  What would be a proper dilution, 10 to 

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving 
your life and health.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 8:35 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>CS Tap Water

  Who knows what compounds are made in such a process.  However, the increased 
conductivity of tap water causes the reaction to start out of control 
immediately.  This greatly increases the actual amount of silver deposited into 
the water.  As with using saline solution as a primer, a great deal of silver 
will remain in the "solution".  The end result is a poorer quality product with 
"too much" actual silver content.
  It wouldn't surprise me if one discovered that metallic silver was actually 
plating out in the process, in small quantities of course.
- Original Message - 
From: Jim Meissner 
Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2002 6:44 PM
Subject: Re: CS>CS Tap Water

Dear Jason:

I do know how to make CS with distilled water.  I use low voltage and 
current limiting.  It is about 15 uS as measured on a PWT and has low Tindell 
as shown with the laser.
 But, I have experimented making CS with tap water which in my case is well 
water.  I have been reluctant to drink it though.  Do you think that the 
process causes silver to be electroplated onto the mineral content of the well 
water?  I seem to get a brown residue in the bottom of the jar and a thin black 
coating or plating on the sides of the jar.  Does this mean that I am 
precipitating the minerals in the water?   I am undecided whether this is good 
or bad.  

What do you think?

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for 
improving your life and health.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, October 05, 2002 10:15 AM
  Subject: CS>CS Tap Water


  There's nothing wrong with taking isolated silver and adding it tap water;
  the issue in question would be whether tap water was used during 
  There are plenty of salts in the body to convert silver ions into silver
  chloride.  Not adding CS to tapwater is not going to make one bit of
  difference.  In fact, silver ions are not going to get out of the body as
  ions, period.  At some point, most if not all ions will be converted to
  salts or proteins, and perhaps reconverted to ions, then back to any 
  of possible compounds.

  To think anything else is nothing more or less than unclear thinking.  
  happens between point A ( drinking CS ) and point Z ( the silver either
  exits the body in particulate/compound form or is deposited in the body in
  particulate/compound form ) is the "miracle" of CS.

  The point I've been trying to make for several years now is that not
  everyone is at equal risk for Argyria.  Joe can take CS for thirty years 
  have no problem.  Joe build

Re: CS>CS Tap Water

2002-10-06 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Jason:

I do know how to make CS with distilled water.  I use low voltage and current 
limiting.  It is about 15 uS as measured on a PWT and has low Tindell as shown 
with the laser.

 But, I have experimented making CS with tap water which in my case is well 
water.  I have been reluctant to drink it though.  Do you think that the 
process causes silver to be electroplated onto the mineral content of the well 
water?  I seem to get a brown residue in the bottom of the jar and a thin black 
coating or plating on the sides of the jar.  Does this mean that I am 
precipitating the minerals in the water?   I am undecided whether this is good 
or bad.  

What do you think?

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving 
your life and health.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, October 05, 2002 10:15 AM
  Subject: CS>CS Tap Water


  There's nothing wrong with taking isolated silver and adding it tap water;
  the issue in question would be whether tap water was used during production.
  There are plenty of salts in the body to convert silver ions into silver
  chloride.  Not adding CS to tapwater is not going to make one bit of
  difference.  In fact, silver ions are not going to get out of the body as
  ions, period.  At some point, most if not all ions will be converted to
  salts or proteins, and perhaps reconverted to ions, then back to any number
  of possible compounds.

  To think anything else is nothing more or less than unclear thinking.  What
  happens between point A ( drinking CS ) and point Z ( the silver either
  exits the body in particulate/compound form or is deposited in the body in
  particulate/compound form ) is the "miracle" of CS.

  The point I've been trying to make for several years now is that not
  everyone is at equal risk for Argyria.  Joe can take CS for thirty years and
  have no problem.  Joe builds a website that says it is completely non-toxic,
  add a pinch of salt in the production process because we are impatient...
  Then, six people get Argyria between 5 and 15 years down the road.

  I'm betting the candidate used salt in the production process, as he was not
  even aware of the term Argyria...  Judging from the date, he probably used
  Metcalf's instructions on CS generation ( or some derived from Metcalf's
  work ).

  Like I said on a post earlier this year, lawyers are already listing
  colloidal silver as a topic for lawsuits.  Those manufacturers who do not
  educate their customers on the risk because they don't feel the risk is
  there may be getting some surprises down the road.  It's hard to know
  because it is impossible to truly know how people are using products.

  I've been working on some theoretical programs for quite awhile to reduce
  the risk of Argyria This for those with terminal illness who for
  whatever reason need to be on colloidal silver long term, taking amounts
  exceeding eight ounces daily of 10PPM CS.

  While on topic, I also have a problem with the SilverFacts page on this
  issue, as the site simply plays the propaganda game on the other side of the

  As far as whether or not cosmetic argyria is a real issue, I deal with
  people on both sides of the coin... Those who could really care less, and
  those who have a lot to lose as they make a living on their appearance.

  I still do not believe that taking sane mounts of quality, "isolated"
  colloidal silver places one at risk.  I keep my own silver intake well below
  the EPA established guidelines for lifetime consumption of silver.

  However, I would like to comment on one more issue:  By the time silver
  starts to deposit in the skin, it will likely have already started
  depositing in organs.  When the skin, fingernails, and hair start to show
  signs of a condition, it is a warning that the elimination system is not
  functioning properly.  Dehydration is probably the first place to look.  The
  body's ph levels are likely a good second place to look.

  Best Regards,


Re: CS>"Corrosive" water...

2002-09-20 Thread Jim Meissner
Thank you.

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.

- Original Message -
From: Marshall Dudley 
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 2:58 PM
Subject: Re: CS>"Corrosive" water...

> I believe teflon is about as inert as you can get.
> Marshall

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>"Corrosive" water...

2002-09-20 Thread Jim Meissner
>  Pyrex glass and certain plastics are about the best
>  you can do.
Could you list some of the "certain" plastics?  Such as?

Could you make comments about the use of "Teflon tubing" as a distiller
condenser?  I used this method successfully for many years to distill the
solvent  ( triclor ) used for solder flux cleaning in my manufacturing
process.  I do know it works well, I am just concerned about the possible
"contamination" of the distilled water?

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.

- Original Message -
From: M. G. Devour 
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 2:23 AM
Subject: CS>"Corrosive" water...

> wrote:
> > << Distilled water is extremely corrosive.  >>
> >
> > I think I am justing getting into this conversation. Please help me to
> > understand this statement.
> >
> > Have I been abducted, I thought distilled water was PURE! I have an
> > Ecowater Distiller!
> Both are true, Mom! (I'll use another name, if you like! )
> Pure water will in fact attack a lot of stuff... metal in particular.
> If you use copper tubing in a distiller, it'll erode fairly quickly.
> Stainless is better, but will still slightly contaminate the output of
> the... um, still.  Pyrex glass and certain plastics are about the best
> you can do.
> Water is *the* universal solvent. The purer you make it, the more it
> will try to dissolve whatever it comes in contact with.
> There *is* a debate over whether distilled water is good to drink or
> not, but that's another issue.
> If you've decided to drink it, don't worry on account of the
> "corrosive" remark, above. It may be "corrosive," but, unless
> you're made of metal, relax.
> Be well,
> Mike D.
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> []
> [Speaking only for myself...   ]
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>A lung disease -- suggestions?

2002-09-03 Thread Jim Meissner
Thank you Jeannie.  I have some 99.9% DMSO but I was afraid to use it based
on some of the negative information that I heard about it.  Thanks for the
positive and negative information.  I will try it.


Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.

- Original Message -
From: Jeannie 
Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 2:31 PM
Subject: Re: CS>A lung disease -- suggestions?

> Jim Meissner wrote:
> >
> > Dear Jeannie, could you please provide some more information about DMSO
> > dosages, warnings, effects, etc?
> DMSO is another thing that has gotten a bad rap, and is really not toxic.
> government came out and said that it could cause damage to the eyes.  What
> didn't tell you was that they gave the rats the equivalent of a person
> a quart a day.  At that point there seemed to be some damage to the eyes,
> the rats didn't go blind, and the effect cannot be duplicated in other
> So it probably wouldn't happen to you if you did drink a quart a day
> forbid!).
> The only usual side-effect is that if you use it too strong, it can
irritate the
> skin.  When I use it, I usually mix it with CS.  For external use, I use
it at
> 50/50.  This relieves my husbands arthritis when applied externally to the
> painful joints.
> When I use it simply to make the CS penetrate, I usually use it 90% CS to
> DMSO.  I wouldn't breathe it any stronger than that, although I don't
> know if it would hurt you or not.  We have also sometimes added a drop of
two of
> tea tree oil to the nebulizer.
> I have used the CS/DMSO solution (the weaker one) for ring worm and other
> problems with a great deal of success.  I have reversed all kinds of
> including abcesses, and blood poisoning by using this externally.
> By the way, there is a story that one lady died from taking DMSO.  She was
> Ireland, and was taking several other drugs.  She took DMSO internally,
got a
> allergic reaction, but continued taking everything.  Yes, it killed her.
It was
> a really dumb thing to do.
> For one thing, DMSO makes other drugs more effective, as it makes them
> more.  Heaven only knows what she was allergic to, but you never keep on
> things if you get an allergic reaction.  There is always somebody allergic
> anything, and allergies can be dangerous.
> But these are the only problems that the government could dig up on DMSO.
> Considering how dangerous many drugs are, DMSO is extremely safe.  Many
> take it internally for arthitis pain control.  We have never done that, so
> have no experience with it.
> Jeannie
> --
> We lie the loudest when we lie to ourselves.
> Jeannie McReynolds
> Oregon Coast
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>A lung disease -- suggestions?

2002-09-03 Thread Jim Meissner
The ozone generator is air based.  It is intended for a fish tank.  The  air
pump feeds the ozone generator and you stick the hose into the ear or under
the tongue.

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.

- Original Message -
From: Marshall Dudley 
Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 3:19 PM
Subject: Re: CS>A lung disease -- suggestions?

> Jim Meissner wrote:
> > Then we tried bubbling ozone in the ears and
> > under the tongue.
> Can you explain? Do you mean you put water in the ear, then bubbled ozone
in it
> through a tube in the ear?
> Marshall
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>A lung disease -- suggestions?

2002-09-03 Thread Jim Meissner
A good friend of mine had a serious case of pneumonia that did not respond
to the prescribed antibiotic.  We decided to experiment with CS.  She
consumed about 4 oz of CS per day.  This certainly helped in a general way
and she was able to go to work and function, but the lungs did not seem to
clear up.  The ultrasonic humidifier with CS provided some welcome relief.
We then tried the oxygen CS nebulizer per the Brooks Bradley information and
my friend could actually feel the CS attacking the infection at the bottom
of her lungs.  This also provided some extra energy which seemed to help the
recovery.  If she nebulized at night, she would not be able to sleep!  Still
the progress seemed slow.  Then we tried bubbling ozone in the ears and
under the tongue.  The under the tongue method provided the best results.
She was able to "feel" ozone attacking the infection from the other side
 the inside? )!  Ultimately all three methods used in combination seemed to
work together.  There was no doubt that the oxygen CS nibbled away at the
infection.  But the ozone ( in the blood stream? ) was probably the major
player and the ultrasonic CS helped relieve the coughing caused by the
effects of the ozone.

I understand the DMSO could pull CS through the barrier, but we were too
timid or conservative to try that.

Dear Jeannie, could you please provide some more information about DMSO
dosages, warnings, effects, etc?

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.

- Original Message -
From: Jeannie 
Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: CS>A lung disease -- suggestions?

> Marshall Dudley wrote:
> > I don't  think that CS alone is going to do any good. The body has
walled it
> > off, so things like CS will likely not make it inside.  The only thing I
> > think of that might work would be to nebulize with a CS/DMSO
combination.  But
> > check with those that have done such things before trying. I am not sure
if it
> > is safe to inhale DMSO.
> >
> > Marshall
> We have nebulized both people and animals with CS/DMSO with very good
success.  We
> have reversed pneumonia on both people and animals doing this.
> Jeannie
> >
> >
> > Jdownmaine wrote:
> >
> > > A friend age 50 works in a "sick" school. Lots of lung irritations
from the
> > > air conditioning/heating system.
> > > He has an encapsulated "something" in the upper lung. It has been
> > > biopsied and is not cancerous,
> > > but an "infection. It has neither grown nor reduced with antibiotics
so the
> > > doctor's next step is an "open
> > > biopsy" with or without removal. (Cute!)
> > > I have discussed CS and a nebulizer as an alternative.
> > > I suspect I won't make any headway, but I thought I'd ask for your
> > > experiences, List.
> > > Thanks, Judy Down Maine
> > >
> > > ---
> > > Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> > > Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
> > > Version: 6.0.381 / Virus Database: 214 - Release Date: 08/02/2002
> > >
> > > --
> > > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
> > >
> > > Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> > >
> > > To post, address your message to:
> > >
> > > Silver-list archive:
> > >
> > > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> --
> We lie the loudest when we lie to ourselves.
> Jeannie McReynolds
> Oregon Coast

Re: CS>Re: buying cs instead of making it...

2002-08-29 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Mike D:

I wonder if you could involve some of the experts in this discussion.  I
have made some experiments using a "WAND" type of CS generator in tap water.
What seems to happen is that a black film forms on the walls of the glass
and a brown sludge collects on the silver electrodes.

This reminds me of some of the posts a while back of a water purifier using
stainless steel plates and a 12 volt battery.

The question I have is this a good thing?  It could be "good" in that
"stuff" is being precipitated out of what looked like "clean" water.   Or is
it bad in that the silver ions are re-plating on the mineral content of the
water?  What are the pro and cons here?

For reference I will state the details of my generator design:  Voltage
source is two AA batteries giving 3 volts with a 4.7 K series resistor
providing current limiting.   Two #12 silver wires are attached to the
battery box and spaced 2.25 inches to fit into a quart mason jar.  The
positive pole is 4.5 inches long with about 3.5 inch immersion.  The
negative pole is 7 inches long, insulated with a 4 inch long Teflon sleeving
giving about 2 inches of immersion.  The sleeving is to make the current
path longer.  This design has the feature of being self limiting in CS
concentration.  Starting with DW of less than 2 uS, the first 24 hours
produces a 5 PPM CS concentration, the second day it is 15 PPM, the third
day is less than 20 PPM.  It seems that the CS solution saturates and
additional days it just re-plates back on the negative pole.  If you let it
run for many days the normally "clear"  solution becomes slightly pale
yellow.   My measurement tool is the Hanna PWT and a laser.  I have not
"corrected" the readings of the PWT.  Someone on the list sometime back
stated that the CS saturation is 15 PPM.  I do not know if this is ionic,
particle or what?  From reports I get and my own use it seems to work very
well.  I am not actively marketing this device.  I have sold a few to
friends and by word of mouth.  I would be happy to share the information
with anyone interested in making their own.

Any comments would be welcome.

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.

- Original Message -
From: M. G. Devour 
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 10:58 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: buying cs instead of making it...

> > In article <005701c24e48$12bc0900$d90e3...@home>,
> > "MARIANO  DELISE"  wrote:
> > >How would you make a battery operated silver wand?
> I bet you could get by with only a few volts from some AA or AAA size
> batteries, or even some button cells... Maybe an N-size?
> Remember, the you're talking about germ-killing in plain tap water,
> rainwater, streamwater or whatever. It's already quite conductive, and
> it will only take a few *seconds* for enough silver ions to come off
> the "wand" to effectively generate a few ppm of silver in the water.
> The voltage needed for that would be quite low.
> You'd probably put in a small series resistor to protect the batteries
> a little and set a reasonable maximum current.
> Don't know how well it'd work, but would be a simple concept to try.
> > I'd probably cobble together two or three 9v batteries into a handle
> > holding a couple pieces of heavy gauge .999 or . silver wire. The
> > wires would be stirred in a glass of tap water to disinfect it with
> > silver. Let it sit a bit to allow critters to be killed, then drink.
> >
> > With a little experimentation and analysis one should be able to find
> > a suitable combo of electrode spacing and number of batteries to make
> > an effective unit.
> Be well,
> Mike D.
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> []
> [Speaking only for myself...   ]
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Silver/Silica

2002-08-28 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Rod:

I looked at the web site.  As an electrical engineer, I know what the word 
"Frequency" means.  When this word is used by the "New Age" group, it almost 
always is related to bovine feces or sometimes known as BS.

I do know something about energy fields.  I built several "Orgone Accumulator" 
boxes and do hands on healing.

I doubt that you will find any technology as referred to in the web site.

But combining CS with silica may have some benefit.  I understand that it is 
possible to transfer a charge to the silica and "energize" the water.  Drinking 
it will transfer that charge to the cells of the body.  

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving 
your life and health.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Rod Stevenson 
  To: silverlist 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 8:00 AM
  Subject: CS>Silver/Silica

  I found the product that I spoke of earlier, it's found at They talk about energy 
fields, reprogramming and more. Some of you may know I'm an acupuncturist-I 
deal with these 'energy fields' every working day, but they talk about 
introducing these vibrations elecrtronically. This is out of my 
experience/knowledge. Does anyone know any more about this 'technology' Is any 
of it applicable to the home set-up? 

Re: CS>OT -- Sea salt...

2002-08-27 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Brooks:

I did a search for "Thorvin" and found that the company is here in Virginia
where I live!  How is that for coincidence.

Thank you for your help.

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.

- Original Message -
From: Brooks Bradley 
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 9:03 PM
Subject: Re: CS>OT -- Sea salt...

> Dear Jim,
> Since I have received other, off-list, inquiries similar
> yoursI will attempt to answer in a vein satisfactory to most of these.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT -- Sea salt...

2002-08-27 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Brooks:

You mention three kelp products, Thorvin, Maxicrop, and ??? from a company
in Waldboro.

Could you give some more detail about getting kelp.  You had posted
something about that before, but the kelp I bought in the health food store
was not water soluble.

You mention "commercially-available" sources.  I have no idea what that
means.  Who would be selling that, and who would they be selling it to?
Where would I go to find a supplier?  Is this available on the internet?

Thank you for all your great information!

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.

- Original Message -
From: Brooks Bradley 
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 10:54 AM
Subject: Re: CS>OT -- Sea salt...

> Dear Mike,
> Our researches have confirmed (to our
> the most preferable manner in which to obtain the needed trace elements is
> through some form of reliable kelp product.  Additional  NaCl (if needed)
> can most conveniently be supplied through common table salt.  There are a
> number of acceptable powdered kelp products available.  Tablets are both
> convenient and inexpensive.however,  the average subject (we found)
> requires eight to 12 tablets dailyfor minimum proper systemic
> maintenance.  The minimum we found satisfactory for "non-compromised"
> (acceptably healthy) adults, was two rounded teaspoons of powdered
> (granulated) kelp daily.   However, to facilitate ease of ingestion, we
> found it necesssary for the volunteer to combine each teaspoon of
> kelp with a teaspoon of granulated lecithin and mix as a slurry (using a
> small amount of water) by agitating in the mount briefly before
> The superior emulsifying properties of lecithin  results in a mixture that
> is easily swallowed without inconvenience.except a mild one requiring
> the drinking of additional water to flush the granulated residue from the
> mouth.  This seems a small price to pay for the splendid
> health-support results we obtained  suring these experimentations.
> From among  the commercially-available sources of kelp, we
> found Thorvin to be quite superior..for our purposes.  Maxicrop was,
> certaily, acceptable;  as was a product we obtained from a company in
> Waldboro, Mass., USA.
> As we conduct some agricultural experimentation, one of
> investigations included investigations into utilizing unprocessed
> (containing ALL of the elements) sea salt...reduced to various
> concentrations via solution-as a
> FERTILILZING agent.  Properly concentrated and applied, it works
> splendidly.and this without the application of ANY other amendments.
> I hope these comments are of some value.
> Sincerely, Brooks
> p.s.  Unless memory fails me---complete---I posted some more expansive
> comments on our evalutions of sea salt as
> a soil amendment, some months ago.  Those interested might refer to the
> archives.
> M. G. Devour" wrote:
> > > Pure sea salt is literally the best mineral/trace element nutritional
> > > supplement you can find.
> >
> > I don't disagree with anything you said in your post, Bill, but have a
> > question...
> >
> > What source do you recommend? There are brands of "sea salt", both
> > iodized and not (Yes, I know, avoid the iodized) that come in paper
> > cartons just like "table salt." They're quite inexpensive.
> >
> > Then there's the Celtic sea salt that comes in plastic bags, still
> > damp, in several grades of grind, and cost an arm and a leg. I'm
> > talking 20 USD for a pound or two at the Health Food Store!
> >
> > Just curious.
> >
> > Mike D.
> >
> > (Yes, it's off topic. If there's more than a handful of followup
> > posts, then we switch to
> >
> > [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> > []
> > [Speaking only for myself...   ]
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> > Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> >
> > Silver-list archive:
> >
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Where to buy silver foil and silver mesh

2002-08-22 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Harvey:

My "opinion" is that .999 is good enough.  I can see no need to go to .
or better.

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.

- Original Message -
From: harvey norris 
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2002 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Where to buy silver foil and silver mesh

> --- Jim Meissner  wrote:
> > I purchase #12 silver wire for the CS generators
> > that I make from
> > or  or
> > (505) 598-5322
> > I noticed they sell silver "sheets" and "tubular"
> > shapes also.
> Thanks Jim, I have been lurking on the list for awhile
> hoping to find a source of silver wire for CS. The web
> site seems a little complicated, should I purchase
> ONLY the .999 pure for making CS water?
> =
> Tesla Research Group; Pioneering the Applications of Interphasal
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> HotJobs - Search Thousands of New Jobs
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Where to buy silver foil and silver mesh

2002-08-21 Thread Jim Meissner
I purchase #12 silver wire for the CS generators that I make from or  or (505) 598-5322
I noticed they sell silver "sheets" and "tubular" shapes also.  I have not
seen any screens, but chain mail is sold for jewelry.  For your application
a solid sheet should work as well, just not as comfortable as a pliable

I have played with copper "bio circuits" also.  Peter Lindemann thinks the
copper is too rough and likes to make his from pure silk "conductors?".  I
think that some of this is the princess and the pea story.

I do not believe that there will be much difference between copper and
silver.  But, I could be wrong.  Making "all" the connections out of silver
will be a challenge.  If you really want to spend the extra effort, let me
know and I may be able to help ( contact me off list ).

You might also check out the Edgar Cayce's "Radial Appliance" and the "Wet
Cell" if you are interested in this sort of thing.

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.

- Original Message -
From: resd 
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 1:47 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Where to buy silver foil and silver mesh

> What I want to make are silver biocircuits.. I have one made from
> copper. Materials were easy to get hold of for that one
> >>>>>
> Biocircuits, available from Tools for Exploration are another device that
> uses subtle energies though rather simply. Biocircuits are screens made of
> copper, silver or silk that when placed beneath the head and base of the
> spine and connected to the hands (and sometimes the feet) by copper,
> or silk cords move the life force around the body. A double-blind study
> by Julian Isaacs, PhD., at John F. Kennedy University in Orinda,
> proved that biocircuits cause a profound relaxation and sense of well-
> being. Anecdotal healings have been attributed to the device as well.
> enough, if a cord is cut and a bottle placed in the circuit with both ends
> of the cut cord placed into the bottle, whatever is placed into the bottle
> will affect the body. For example, aspirin in the bottle will reduce a
> fever. As an experiment I placed pure tachyon water in the bottle. Not
> did a sore shoulder disappear but I left practically walking on air. You
> actually feel the energy moving around your body when you use biocircuits.
> It feels rather strange, like something moving inside of you. Some people
> feel it immediately but with me it took a few weeks of regular use to be
> able to tune into something that subtle.
> - Original Message -
> From: James Osbourne, Holmes 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2002 9:00 AM
> Subject: RE: CS>Where to buy silver foil and silver mesh
> > Sorry, I don't know where to find the stuff you seek.  Try contacting
> > Argentum Research.   I am  curious about your project.  Are you building
> an
> > orgone box?
> >
> > James-Osbourne: Holmes
> >
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: resd []
> > Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2002 6:36 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: CS>Where to buy silver foil and silver mesh
> >
> >
> > Hello all...
> >
> > I have a project that needs some silver wire that is insulated not
> bare.
> > About ten feet of this.
> >
> > I also need thick silver foil   a few square feet
> >
> > And some silver mesh. By mesh I mean it looks like a window screen but
> made
> > from silver. I would need a few square feet of this
> >
> > Anyone know suppliers for these items?
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Dan
> > Florida
> >
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> > Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> >
> > Silver-list archive:
> >
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >
> >
> >

Re: CS>Some airbrush comments

2001-12-22 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear James-Osbourne:

Got the airbrush, got the O2 tank and welding regulator, working on the

What to spray? Just CS?  or with DMSO or MSM?  If so what ratio?

Any breathing tricks?


Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.
- Original Message -

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Request Kelp Help

2001-12-21 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Group:

Would someone please translate Brooks Bradley's fascinating post about Kelp.
I am over 60, so I think this may be applicable.

I am guessing that 11 oz of kelp powder is "11 oz. dry weight" mixed into 1
gallon of water?  (It does not like to mix! How do you suggest?) Does this
need to be refrigerated after mixing?

Then I would like to make 32 oz batches.  If 2 table spoons for 1 gallon,
then it would be 1/2 table spoon for 32 oz of water?

Now if I wanted to add 20% CS.  That would be 6 oz CS and 26 oz of water and
1/2 table spoon of concentrated solution?

Is that right so far?

Now when he talks about Celtic sea salt I get lost.

Can this be translated into how many teaspoons per 32 oz?

All you chemists are probably laughing, but ...

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 2:30 PM

> The recent animal-related posts jogged my failing memory
> into recalling some interestingand I believe, useful investigations
> we conducted some time in the past.  These endeavors revolved about the
> possible efficacy of "kelp-based solutions" for nutritional support and
> disease prevention/abatement in animal pets and livestock.  Our results
> were VERY encouraging.
> The most efficacious protocol was as follows:
> Starting with a concentrated solution of  kelp (seaweed)
> extract [ approx. 11 ounces of soluble powder in 1 gallon of water],  we
> used 2  tablespoons CONCENTRATE diluted in 1 gallon of the
> basic  mixture.   Our goal was to evaluate the benefits---if any---of
> using this material as a nutritional support and/or a disease prevention
> modality for domestic pets and livestock.  The beneficial results
> exceeded our expectations.  In chickens furnished this solution free
> choice, NO significant nutritional-based deficiencies were
> detectable(less than .1%)..with them receiving 3 different
> commercial feed mixtures.  Among controls, a background pathogenic level
> of 5% was a constantand in some cases outbreaks of varying pathogens
> expressed as high as 20%...on occasion.  Among "purposely infected"
> groups, naturally -occurring recovery/resistance spontaneously
> established (lowering mortality from 60% to 10%) when the kelp solutions
> were administered as the sole source of liquid intake AFTER THE
> INFECTION. The speed and completeness of recovery was noticeably
> enhanced when the parent solution was diluted 20%, by volume, with 10
> ppm CS.  This in spite of contentions/suspicions of antagonisms between
> the silver colloid and the parent solution substances.  Among subjects
> furnished access to the Kelp X CS combination solution, we were able to
> infect...via direct injectionless than 2% of the subjectsand the
> resulting insults were, in almost all cases, quite mild.  Mortality was
> less than .05%.
> Our results among dogs, cats, and birds.were equally
> impressive;  although the physical number of subjects was much smaller.
> We did encounter some difficulty in getting cats to drink water
> containing this level of least in the beginning.  The only
> successful method involved maintaining them in cages.during the
> evaluations.
> At the time of these experiments we did not utilize MSM,
> vitamin supports, fluid electrolyte enhancement, etc.
>  A rather fascinating byline relating to this type
> investigation is that a similar modality involving human volunteers
> (older subjectsbeyond 60) yielded superior resultswhen employing
> a somewhat modified versionfor individuals suffering from a variety
> of chronic expressions.  The principal modification involved a second
> dilution of the kelp X CS with 25%, by volume, of  complete sea-solid
> solution (reduced from 35,000 ppm to 8750 ppm).   The sea solid solution
> may be constructed using any acceptable FULL SPECTRUM source (e.g.
> Celtic Sea Salt, etc.but never ANY white or leached marine salt).
> This latter modification enabled a rather pronounced synergistic
> effect.  Interestingly, we utilized the same unmodified, agricultural
> grade, kelp powder. which we used in the animal experiments.  Our
> bacteriological tests (of these CS containing solutions) revealed no
> viable pathogens extant.prior to use for the human volunteers.
> While there was little difference in the kelp
> products we evaluted, we settled.for the bulk of our tests.upon
> o

Re: CS>Arthritis!!!! And Computers!!!!

2001-12-21 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Robb:

Now that you have installed the electrostatic-radiation filters on your
computer, that will reduce the positive electrostatic charge aimed at you,
it is still "stealing" from the room.  The next step is to get one or more
negative ion generators.  Many air purifier filter machines come with an
ionizer option.  Look at the one you are going to buy and check to see
whether you can see the 4 or so needles on the output port of the air
cleaner.  Try to place it next to you and the computer so that the negative
ions are blown at you.  These little ions sources are only 7,000 volts and
you are fighting against the 35,000 volts from the monitor.

My girl friend works in the hospital and was always getting sick.  Among
other things like CS to help her, I  redecorated her office.  Computer
screen, ionizer, a green plant and a full spectrum light shining on her and
the plant.  She no longer gets sick, and now all day long people stop by and
stay to visit her.  Many comments about how nice her office feels.

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.
- Original Message -
From: Robb Allen 
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2001 3:11 AM
Subject: CS>Arthritis And Computers

> Hello All.I have really become somewhat convinced that that my
> computer is either soley responsible.or partly responsible for my
> arthritisI have spent major amounts of time on my 2
> pc's..neither of them have filtersand both show some attraction of
> paper to the screens...I have followed the advice of the list owner
> a diet..or at least the beginnings of how to healand I have bought
> radiation filters for both my monitorsI have shown ALOT of signs
> progress in these few short days already.  I'm sure at this point it is
> probably mostly the dietbut believe me when I say that I can really
> that monitor is a major culprit in this whole eye symtoms
> have decreased by probably 70 percent already..and my arthritis
> have leveled off and started a decline rather than a steady increase
> I don't have my hopes set too high...I've been shot down
> before...but I think we are on to something here..hopefully a big
> breakthrough.and also hopefully a big lesson learned about monitor
> radiation...adding the filters really really makes a
> difference.if you don't have one..GET ONE!!..I will also
> that I have just begun taking colloidal gold.  Any help as to the dosage
> colloidal gold would be aprreciated..thank youRobb
> PS..I'm on no drugs at the present time!!!.Good Bye Vioxx
> _
> Join the world's largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Water Distiller

2001-12-14 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Marshall:

I purchased an "emergency" stove top distiller called the e-STILL.  It is
slow, but my wood stove is on anyway.  Makes better than 3 mS of distilled

e-STILL System (1995) .. $ 89.00 x 1 = $ 89.00
Replacement Post filters(19021) .. $ 12.50 x 1 = $ 12.50

Subtotal  : $ 101.50
Tax (0.0%): $ 0.00
Shipping/Handling : $ 17.90

TOTAL : $ 119.40
3725 Touzalin Ave.
Lincoln, NE 68507

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.
- Original Message -
From: Marshall Dudley 
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 1:13 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Water Distiller

> I was looking at that yesterday.  The power at 8 cents a kilowatt worked
out to be
> around $.25 a gallon also.  I would like to find one that I can put on a
> since my gas is free.
> Marshall
> Ode Coyote wrote:
> >  $199 is like almost 200 gallons of water from the store with no
> > How about a condensor plate in front of the steam humidifier in winter?
> > Filter the drippings from the air conditioner in summer?
> > ken
> >
> > At 10:56 AM 12/13/01 -0700, you wrote:
> > >From past posts some were having problem with distilled water. Ran
> > >this distiller, small and inexpensive. No idea if suitable. This is
> > >add.
> > >
> > >
> > >(Genesis 3000 Water Distiller
> > >If you are really serious about purifying your water, use this
> > >and vaporize your tap water, killing bacteria and viruses. Removes 99
> > >percent or more of sediment, dissolved solids, particles, salts and
> > >metals, including lead.  Order now and receive a FREE gift with any
> > >of $75 or more!
> >
> )
> > >
> > >ron
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >--
> > >The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
> > >
> > >To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
> > >  -or-
> > >with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> > >
> > >To post, address your message to:
> > >Silver-list archive:
> > >List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> > >
> > >

Re: CS>Arthritis?....and Computers?

2001-12-14 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Robb:

I noticed you have gotten lots of answers to this message.  Here is one

Negative ions are very healthy, while positive ions are destructive.
Negative ions have extra electrons that they will give up to feed your body
energy system.  Positive ions are lacking electrons, and they try to steal
electrons from other (your body) systems.  Free radicals can be very
dangerous.  So how does this relate to you?  Your computer display has about
35,000 volts of positive electrostatic electricity less than 1/2 inch from
the front of the screen.  This will attract opposite charges from the
surroundings including your body.  That will, given enough time "discharge"
your body energy system.  So what can you do?  First run this test.  Take a
piece of regular printer paper and hold it to the front glass of your
monitor.  If it sticks to the glass and will not slide down by itself, you
have an old (dangerous) monitor.  Nina mentioned that the new Swedish
monitors are much better in this regard, but they are quite expensive.  You
have a less expensive option, and that is to by a EMI screen to put in front
of the monitor.  This consists of a very fine metallic mesh that has a wire
that you must connect to ground.  This will redirect the 35,000 volt
positive charge to ground and protect you.  The fine mesh also gives you a
better looking display.  Polaroid made them, but I think 3M makes them now.
Look in the Global Computer or such catalog.

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.
- Original Message -
From: Robb Allen 
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 7:52 PM
Subject: CS>Arthritis?and Computers?

> Hello again .This may sound rediculous..but another
> with the timing of when I first became illfor about 3 months prior
> to when I got sick..I was working on a computer for many hours every
> day...sometimes as many as 12 hours a day...then I became ill with
> my arthritis...and also the watery eyes...{which seem very  much
> connected}.is it possible for my computer monitor?..or the cpu
> itself?to make me sick?..or have any of the symptoms that I'm
> having??if I'm nuts just say so*LOL*..Robb
> >From: "Acmeair" 
> >Reply-To:
> >To: 
> >Subject: Re: CS>My Arthritis...Still
> >Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 11:27:43 -0800
> >
> >you might want to go to these sites, and look for info on foods that you
> >should avoid based on your blood type.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >- Original Message -
> >From: "Robb Allen" 
> >To: 
> >Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 8:50 PM
> >Subject: CS>My Arthritis...Still
> >
> >
> > >
> > > Greetings All..
> > > since my last update about my arthritisI have severely
> >am
> > > personally 99% sure that what I am dealing with is none other than
> >gut
> > > syndrome...I experience alergic-like reactions whenever I
> >eat..the
> > > main symptom besides the arthritis is watery eyes.this is just
> >to
> > > drive me nuts!!!My arthritis pain comes and goesand thus
> >is
> > > still avoiding my hands{Thank God}..My worst spot is my
> > > shoulders.the attacks jump around...from place to
> >now
> > > it is very very bad in my left shoulder..Feels like it has eate
> >the
> > > way through the soft tissues...and is on raw boneI had no
> >but
> > > to take vioxx...nothing else I know of will take the edge off of the
> > > pain.I'm about to go nuts from all of this stuffif anyone
> >can
> > > offer any would be much appreciated..I'm still hell
> >bent
> > > against letting the medical proffesion do its's
> >what
> > > I'm doing right nowI'm on the water cure..have been for a
> >long
> > > time..since I weigh about 200.give or take.I'm drinking
> >about
> > > 100 ounces.I'm also on MSM6000 mg per day..b-12..6000 mcg
> >per
> > > day...I just started liquid alo vera.3 ounces per
> > > also just started PDA.these last two supplements were given by the
> > > advice of my local health food store guru.I've also stopped
> > > swallowing CS..I am do

Re: CS>Arthritis?....and Computers?

2001-12-14 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Lew:

>  And the Frequency  Counter for Resonant
>  Field Imaging for  the detection of  Bioenergies from
>  living systems and objects and Subtle Energies  such as brain waves.

Please tell me more.  Possibly off list so as not to annoy anyone.  I have
frequency counters what else do I need?

 Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.
- Original Message -
From: FHLew 
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 1:00 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Arthritis?and Computers?

> Robb Allen wrote:
><  ..for about 3
> prior  to when I got sick..I was working on a computer for many
> hoursevery  day...sometimes as many as 12 hours a day...then I
> became illwith  my arthritis...and also the watery eyes...{which seem very
> much connected}.is it possible for my computer monitor?..or
> cpu itself?to make me sick?..or have any of the symptoms that
> having??>
>   There is in existence a noxious wave, the French
> radiesthetists called " Vert Negatif " or  Negative Green .
> This malefic energy wave, Negative Green, has its spectral location
> the colours,white and black. It is bactericidal and mummifies meat. This
> spectral band is divided into:
>   1. Alpha waves - emanting from subsoil cavities
>   and geological clefts.
>   2. Beta waves - emanating from contaminated
>   currents of water,sometimes known as " Black
>   Streams" from subterranean water-ways.
>   3. Gamma rays, Theta,Nu,and Zeta waves which
>   come from TV sets, or the wiring of the house
>   itself.
>  Radonics sometimes detect strong sources of
> negative green radiations underneath houses where apparently healthy
> families succumb to cancer. These
> are called  " cancer houses". I have come across cases
> of patients who have exhausted  the many resources of
> medical expertise and yet have found no relief. This category of patients
> under geopathic stress. There is no relief for them until the source is
> removed  or  have their
> place for sleeping or working changed. Sometimes , they
> may have to change their residence. Then, there is the psychic stress. The
> possibility of aluminium toxicity from
> cooking utensils should be ruled out. I use a tri-field meter
> for the detection of  magnetic, electric , radio/microwave
> radiations. And the Frequency  Counter for Resonant
> Field Imaging for  the detection of  Bioenergies from
> living systems and objects and Subtle Energies  such as brain waves.
>  With regards
>   Lew
> - Original Message -
> From: "Robb Allen" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 7:52 AM
> Subject: CS>Arthritis?and Computers?
> > Hello again .This may sound rediculous..but another
> correlation
> > with the timing of when I first became ill..for about 3 ..months
> > to whefor about 3 n I got sick..I was working on a computer for many
> hours every
> > day...sometimes as many as 12 hours a day...then I became ill
> > my arthritis...and also the watery eyes...{which seem very  much
> > connected}.is it possible for my computer monitor?..or the
> > itself?to make me sick?..or have any of the symptoms that
> > having??if I'm nuts just say so*LOL*..Robb
> >
> >
> > >From: "Acmeair" 
> > >Reply-To:
> > >To: 
> > >Subject: Re: CS>My Arthritis...Still
> > >Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 11:27:43 -0800
> > >
> > >you might want to go to these sites, and look for info on foods that
> > >should avoid based on your blood type.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >- Original Message -
> > >From: "Robb Allen" 
> > >To: 
> > >Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 8:50 PM
> > >Subject: CS>My Arthritis...Still
> > >
> > >
> > > >
> > > > Greetings All..
> > > > since my last update about my arthritisI have severely
> relapsedI
> > >am
> > > > personally 99% sure that what I am dealing with is none other than
> leaky
> > >gut
> > > > syndrome...I experience alergic-like reactions whenever I
> &g

Re: CS>Help please Re Kelp-CS-Salt solution

2001-12-11 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Group:

Would someone please translate Brooks Bradley's fascinating post about Kelp.
I am over 60, so I think this may be applicable.

I am guessing that 11 oz of kelp powder is "11 oz. dry weight" mixed into 1
gallon of water?
(It does not like to mix!)

Then I would like to make 32 oz batches.  If 2 table spoons for 1 gallon,
then it would be 1/2 table spoon for 32 oz of water?

Now if I wanted to add 20% CS that would be 6 oz CS and 26 oz of water and
1/2 table spoon of concentrate?

Is that right so far?

Now when he talks about Celtic sea salt I get lost.

Can this be translated into how many teaspoons per 32 oz?

All you chemists are probably laughing, but ...

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 2:30 PM

> The recent animal-related posts jogged my failing memory
> into recalling some interestingand I believe, useful investigations
> we conducted some time in the past.  These endeavors revolved about the
> possible efficacy of "kelp-based solutions" for nutritional support and
> disease prevention/abatement in animal pets and livestock.  Our results
> were VERY encouraging.
> The most efficacious protocol was as follows:
> Starting with a concentrated solution of  kelp (seaweed)
> extract [ approx. 11 ounces of soluble powder in 1 gallon of water],  we
> used 2  tablespoons CONCENTRATE diluted in 1 gallon of the
> basic  mixture.   Our goal was to evaluate the benefits---if any---of
> using this material as a nutritional support and/or a disease prevention
> modality for domestic pets and livestock.  The beneficial results
> exceeded our expectations.  In chickens furnished this solution free
> choice, NO significant nutritional-based deficiencies were
> detectable(less than .1%)..with them receiving 3 different
> commercial feed mixtures.  Among controls, a background pathogenic level
> of 5% was a constantand in some cases outbreaks of varying pathogens
> expressed as high as 20%...on occasion.  Among "purposely infected"
> groups, naturally -occurring recovery/resistance spontaneously
> established (lowering mortality from 60% to 10%) when the kelp solutions
> were administered as the sole source of liquid intake AFTER THE
> INFECTION. The speed and completeness of recovery was noticeably
> enhanced when the parent solution was diluted 20%, by volume, with 10
> ppm CS.  This in spite of contentions/suspicions of antagonisms between
> the silver colloid and the parent solution substances.  Among subjects
> furnished access to the Kelp X CS combination solution, we were able to
> infect...via direct injectionless than 2% of the subjectsand the
> resulting insults were, in almost all cases, quite mild.  Mortality was
> less than .05%.
> Our results among dogs, cats, and birds.were equally
> impressive;  although the physical number of subjects was much smaller.
> We did encounter some difficulty in getting cats to drink water
> containing this level of least in the beginning.  The only
> successful method involved maintaining them in cages.during the
> evaluations.
> At the time of these experiments we did not utilize MSM,
> vitamin supports, fluid electrolyte enhancement, etc.
>  A rather fascinating byline relating to this type
> investigation is that a similar modality involving human volunteers
> (older subjectsbeyond 60) yielded superior resultswhen employing
> a somewhat modified versionfor individuals suffering from a variety
> of chronic expressions.  The principal modification involved a second
> dilution of the kelp X CS with 25%, by volume, of  complete sea-solid
> solution (reduced from 35,000 ppm to 8750 ppm).   The sea solid solution
> may be constructed using any acceptable FULL SPECTRUM source (e.g.
> Celtic Sea Salt, etc.but never ANY white or leached marine salt).
> This latter modification enabled a rather pronounced synergistic
> effect.  Interestingly, we utilized the same unmodified, agricultural
> grade, kelp powder. which we used in the animal experiments.  Our
> bacteriological tests (of these CS containing solutions) revealed no
> viable pathogens extant.prior to use for the human volunteers.
> While there was little difference in the kelp
> products we evaluted, we settled.for the bulk of our tests.upon
> on one called Maxicrop.  The reasons being that it gave the best
> solubility 

Re: CS>Is CS and Chlorine combination DANGEROUS?

2001-11-30 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Gaston:

Good point.  I will check.

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.
- Original Message -
From: Gaston Boucher 
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 3:22 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Is CS and Chlorine combination DANGEROUS?

> Hi Jim,
> You say that a 400 PPM cs was used.  I heard on this list from experts
> It would be almost impossible to produce true CS at 400 PM.
> I have not seen anyone commenting on this aspect, should we not be
> concerned about this 400 PPM ?  is this 400 PPM  CS  true CS  ?
> Gaston
> ==
> ----- Original Message -
> From: "Jim Meissner" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 9:00 PM
> Subject: CS>Is CS and Chlorine combination DANGEROUS?
> > Dear Group:
> >
> > I just hear a disturbing story about a severe reaction between CS and
> > swimming pool water.  The story is: The father put some 400 PPM CS on a
> > small abrasion on his son's arm.  After going swimming it became
> > inflamed and the son ran a very high fever.  He called the local
> > health doctor who explained that CS and chlorine is a very dangerous
> > combination.  Could this be true?  I know all the people involved and
> > ask more questions.
> >
> > Does anyone know?
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
> >  -or-
> > with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> > Silver-list archive:
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >

Re: CS>newbie question/oldbie question

2001-11-30 Thread Jim Meissner
To add more information.  I use the Hanna PWT and the small laser pointer
that I bought from Trem for my testing.  The CS is perfectly clear although
after 3 or 4 days of cooking it gets a very, very pale yellow color.  The
laser pointer shows almost no TE.  I have left a jar in full sunlight for a
day with no apparent effect.  My customers report miracles, so it must be

BUT, with this low voltage, the cleaning of the electrodes is critical.
Even fingerprints and oxide on the wire will effect the process.   My
instruction state to wipe the wires with a paper towel soaked with "White
Distilled Vinegar" just before inserting into the distilled water.

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.
- Original Message -
From: I Anderson 
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 6:45 AM
Subject: RE: CS>newbie question/oldbie question

> So from 3 to 30,000 volts currently under production...that is a huge
> range. Could be unprecedented as a manufacturing parameter.
> Thanks Jim.
> BTW generating the same 15-20 PPM after 4 days as you get after 2 may
> be unprecedented also ;-)
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Jim Meissner []
> > Sent: Friday, 30 November 2001 6:05 a.m.
> > To: *Silver-List* (E-mail)
> > Subject: Re: CS>newbie question/oldbie question
> >
> >
> > I happen to use 3 volts and a 4.7 Kohm limit resistor with
> > the generator I
> > make.
> > In 1 day you get 5 PPM, in 2 days you get 15-20 PPM, in 3
> > days you get 15-20
> > PPM, in 4 days you get 15-20 PPM.
> > I am not in a hurry and with this system the time is not critical.
> >
> > Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
> > Check out my Website at
> > Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer
> > sounds for improving
> > your life and health.
> > - Original Message -
> > From: I Anderson 
> > To: 
> > Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 6:24 AM
> > Subject: RE: CS>newbie question/oldbie question
> >
> >
> > > Ken,
> > >
> > > Theoretically 0.79 V above the 0V set by a standard
> > hydrogen electrode
> > > (bubbling hydrogen over a platinum electrode I think).
> > >
> > > I should think that a single 1.5V cell would do something over a
> day
> > > or so.
> > >
> > > Ivan.
> > >
> > > > -Original Message-
> > > > From: Ode Coyote []
> > > > Sent: Thursday, 29 November 2001 12:43 a.m.
> > > > To:
> > > > Subject: Re: CS>newbie question/oldbie question
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >   A high voltage helps push current through highly resistive
> > > distilled
> > > > water but the water becomes less resistive with process
> > time and the
> > > > current draw increases. You can start with many nine volt
> > batteries
> > > at
> > > > first but should reduce the voltage as the process goes to
> > > > keep the current
> > > > draw down.  Ending up with one battery is good.
> > > >  Starting out with one battery is OK but can take a very long
> > > > time. Any
> > > > voltage over 3v [I think] will work. Ivan can tell you what
> > > > the absolute
> > > > minimum is.
> > > > ken
> > > >
> > > > At 09:08 AM 11/27/01 -0500, you wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > >- Original Message -
> > > > >From: 
> > > > >To: 
> > > > >Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 9:00 AM
> > > > >Subject: CS>newbie question
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >> OK-I got my first set of silver rods, my three 9 volt
> > > > batteries and my
> > > > >> alligator clips. I've made umpteen 2 cup batches using 4
> > > > different brands
> > > > >of
> > > > >> DW,(the first batch was yellow, all others were clear and
> > > > it all has a
> > > > >> slightly bitter taste.) Now, I want to know, what do I
> > > > have to do to
> > > > >increase
> > > > >> the amount I make in each batch?  I'm brewing it,
> > according to my
> > > > >directions,
> > > > >> for 1 hour,(I wipe off the rods and stir the water after
> >

Re: CS>Is CS and Chlorine combination DANGEROUS?

2001-11-30 Thread Jim Meissner
Thank you very much for that answer.

The doctor was so positive that I had to double check with the CS group.  I
thought it was more likely the boy picked up an infection from the pool
water with the open abrasion.

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.
- Original Message -
From: I Anderson 
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 6:18 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Is CS and Chlorine combination DANGEROUS?

> Jim,
> It is possible that the boy has an allergic reaction to silver, but
> more likely that he has had a reaction to the chlorine. Silver ions or
> silver chloride (solid) are benign and do not have a history of
> causing inflammation.
> The health professional is, as far as I know, quite mistaken, and
> would do better to concentrate on finding the real cause of this
> reaction.
> Regards
> Ivan.
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Jim Meissner []
> > Sent: Friday, 30 November 2001 4:01 p.m.
> > To:
> > Subject: CS>Is CS and Chlorine combination DANGEROUS?
> >
> >
> >  Dear Group:
> >
> > I just hear a disturbing story about a severe reaction between CS
> and
> > swimming pool water.  The story is: The father put some 400
> > PPM CS on a
> > small abrasion on his son's arm.  After going swimming it
> > became violently
> > inflamed and the son ran a very high fever.  He called the
> > local alternative
> > health doctor who explained that CS and chlorine is a very dangerous
> > combination.  Could this be true?  I know all the people
> > involved and could
> > ask more questions.
> >
> > Does anyone know?
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of
> > colloidal silver.
> >
> > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail
> > message to:
> >  -or-
> > with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> > Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Is CS and Chlorine combination DANGEROUS?

2001-11-29 Thread Jim Meissner
 Dear Group:

I just hear a disturbing story about a severe reaction between CS and
swimming pool water.  The story is: The father put some 400 PPM CS on a
small abrasion on his son's arm.  After going swimming it became violently
inflamed and the son ran a very high fever.  He called the local alternative
health doctor who explained that CS and chlorine is a very dangerous
combination.  Could this be true?  I know all the people involved and could
ask more questions.

Does anyone know?

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>newbie question/oldbie question

2001-11-29 Thread Jim Meissner
I happen to use 3 volts and a 4.7 Kohm limit resistor with the generator I
In 1 day you get 5 PPM, in 2 days you get 15-20 PPM, in 3 days you get 15-20
PPM, in 4 days you get 15-20 PPM.
I am not in a hurry and with this system the time is not critical.

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.
- Original Message -
From: I Anderson 
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 6:24 AM
Subject: RE: CS>newbie question/oldbie question

> Ken,
> Theoretically 0.79 V above the 0V set by a standard hydrogen electrode
> (bubbling hydrogen over a platinum electrode I think).
> I should think that a single 1.5V cell would do something over a day
> or so.
> Ivan.
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Ode Coyote []
> > Sent: Thursday, 29 November 2001 12:43 a.m.
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: CS>newbie question/oldbie question
> >
> >
> >   A high voltage helps push current through highly resistive
> distilled
> > water but the water becomes less resistive with process time and the
> > current draw increases. You can start with many nine volt batteries
> at
> > first but should reduce the voltage as the process goes to
> > keep the current
> > draw down.  Ending up with one battery is good.
> >  Starting out with one battery is OK but can take a very long
> > time. Any
> > voltage over 3v [I think] will work. Ivan can tell you what
> > the absolute
> > minimum is.
> > ken
> >
> > At 09:08 AM 11/27/01 -0500, you wrote:
> > >
> > >- Original Message -
> > >From: 
> > >To: 
> > >Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 9:00 AM
> > >Subject: CS>newbie question
> > >
> > >
> > >> OK-I got my first set of silver rods, my three 9 volt
> > batteries and my
> > >> alligator clips. I've made umpteen 2 cup batches using 4
> > different brands
> > >of
> > >> DW,(the first batch was yellow, all others were clear and
> > it all has a
> > >> slightly bitter taste.) Now, I want to know, what do I
> > have to do to
> > >increase
> > >> the amount I make in each batch?  I'm brewing it, according to my
> > >directions,
> > >> for 1 hour,(I wipe off the rods and stir the water after
> > the first 30
> > >> minutes,)-if I want to make double or quadruple the
> > amount, or even a
> > >gallon,
> > >> do I need more power? How much more? Longer brewing time?
> > I'm thinking of
> > >> getting a small fish tank to make it in-would the bubbles
> > be a good idea?
> > >> (Sort of like stirring. . .) Sorry if these questions seem S
> > >elementary
> > >> to some of you, but I've just started :-)
> > >
> > >I don't have any answers for Kathryn, but would like to add
> > more questions
> > >to this.
> > >After many moons of using my trusty CS generators, I am
> > getting ready to do
> > >the homemade alligator clip routine (I bought some lovely
> > silver that I'm
> > >itching to use).
> > >
> > >1) What is the advantage to using many 9 volt batteries in a
> > row, as opposed
> > >to one?
> > >
> > >2) Also, is one 12 volt battery okay to use instead of a 9 volt?
> > >
> > >Thanks.
> > >Colloid
> > >
> > >
> > >--
> > >The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of
> > colloidal silver.
> > >
> > >To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail
> > message to:
> > >  -or-
> >
> > >with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> > >
> > >To post, address your message to:
> > >Silver-list archive:
> >List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >
> >

CS>A question about CS and Chlorine

2001-11-28 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Group:

I just hear a disturbing story about a severe reaction between CS and
swimming pool water.  The story is: The father put some 400 PPM CS on a
small abrasion on his son's arm.  After going swimming it became violently
inflamed and the son ran a very high fever.  He called the local alternative
health doctor who explained that CS and chlorine is a very dangerous
combination.  Could this be true?  I know all the people involved and could
ask more questions.

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Good non-toxic substance to clean electrodes?

2001-11-19 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Stephen:

I have stopped using the Scotch Brite scrubby pad in favor of using "White 
Distilled Vinegar" on a paper towel.  This removes the tarnish without removing 
so much silver.  Also I clean the wires with Vinegar just before brewing the 
next batch.  This removes fingerprint oils and tarnish from the silver.  This 
results in much more repeatable CS production.  

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving 
your life and health.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Stephen Summers 
  Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 7:08 AM
  Subject: CS>Good non-toxic substance to clean electrodes?

  Dear Members

  We produce very good CS using LVDC. When the process is complete, there is no 
silver oxide residue in the water at all.

  All that remains is a very thin film of black oxide on the electrodes (silver 
ions having bonded with any free oxygen in the water) which one simply wipes 
clean with a tissue or paper towel once the electrodes have been removed.

  After some time, however, the electrodes go a little dull in colour. Does 
anyone know of a good non-toxic cleaning liquid or substance that one can apply 
to restore the shiny clean surface of the silver? I know one can use a little 
steel wool or scouring pad, but I'm trying to avoid that since it is rather 
harsh on the surface of the electrodes.

  Any feedback will be appreciated.



Re: CS>Full? Sine? Half?

2001-10-22 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Mike D:

Knowing the right answer and explaining it to a layman without knowing what
the common ground is, represents quite a challenge.  I think you did a
terrific job of explaining it all!

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.
- Original Message -
From: M. G. Devour 
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 7:06 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Full? Sine? Half?

> > If you replace "average" with RMS in what you wrote it would all be
> > correct.  However average and RMS are NOT the same thing. ...
> > The average is approximately .90 times the RMS value for a sine wave.
> >
> > See for
> > more information on this relationship.
> Thank you. I appreciate the connection. Now, how does one explain the
> concept of RMS to a non-technical person other than as a fancy
> approximation of "average of the voltage available to do work", which
> is what I was intending in my message?
> Be well,
> Mike D.
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> []
> [Speaking only for myself...   ]
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Full? Sine? Half?

2001-10-20 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Terry:

>  I thought a half-wave was
> a mountain peak followed by a flat plane (an AC that
> isn't allowed to change polarity, so the bottom valley
> is cut off).

That is exactly correct.  With half wave you are only using the positive
mountain top and blocking the negative going mountain top of the sine wave.
The full wave rectifier that actually contains four diodes rearranges the
current flow so that the negative going part of the sine wave becomes
positive and thus gives two positive mountains.  If you start with 110 volts
AC, the output will be around 100 volts average of pulsating DC just like
you have measured, and if you were to add a capacitor it would be around 155
volts steady DC.

> Also, I had understood that the molecules from the
> negative silver wire (anode) were attracted to the
> positive (cathode) wire? Isn't it the anode wire that
> gets thinner and thinner? I may have it backwards, but
> this is essential to get clear, ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE

The bridge rectifier probably has a (+) and (-) marked on it.  Also you DC
meter will tell you which is positive.  The silver wire goes on the (+) or
positive wire.  And yes the positive wire will become thinner.

The following suggestion is unrelated to the voltage and rectifier question.
I have experimented with not using a silver wire for the negative wire.
Theoretically it should make no difference what the negative wire is made
from.  BUT, I have had strange and unrepeatable problems that do not occur
when using two silver wires.   Since the negative wire does not get used up,
why not use the "best possible silver" there as well.  I do not have the
sophisticated equipment as others on this list, but the difference between
silver and stainless steel showed up in my testing.  My measurements are
based on the inexpensive Hanna PWT and laser pointer.

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.
- Original Message -
From: Terry Chamberlin 
Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2001 6:45 AM
Subject: CS>Full? Sine? Half?

> "half wave looks like a mountain peak followed by a
> valley (zero volts). With full wave you have two
> mountain tops with no valley in between."
> How is a full-wave different from a sine-wave? I had
> thought a full-wave WAS a sine-wave, a mountain peak
> followed by an equal valley. I thought a half-wave was
> a mountain peak followed by a flat plane (an AC that
> isn't allowed to change polarity, so the bottom valley
> is cut off).
> Also, I had understood that the molecules from the
> negative silver wire (anode) were attracted to the
> positive (cathode) wire? Isn't it the anode wire that
> gets thinner and thinner? I may have it backwards, but
> this is essential to get clear, ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE
> ___
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Get your free address at
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Unidentified subject!

2001-10-19 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Terry:

> 1-gallon pickle jars. I am not sure how it would work
> with 220 volts, having no experience, but a half-wave
> AC to DC rectifier would convert 220 to 110, wouldn't
> it? (Comments, electrical types?)

Your original question was about "half-wave" which is completely different
from "full-wave"!  With half wave you get one pulse per cycle and with full
wave you get two pulses per cycle.   If you look at it with an oscilloscope,
half wave looks like a mountain peak followed by a valley (zero volts).
With full wave you have two mountain tops with no valley in between.  Full
wave produces twice the energy of the half wave.  And yes that would measure
about 110 volts on a DC meter.  Adding a capacitor will raise that to about
160 volts DC.

Not mystifying at all when all the facts are know.

 Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.
- Original Message -
From: Terry Chamberlin 
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 5:26 PM
Subject: CS>Unidentified subject!

> Jim Meissner said:
> "That was my question to you!  Does the pulsing
> provide some value?  My guess would be that if you add
> a capacitor it will raise the voltage and probably
> reduce the brewing time?"
> Terry responds:
> I contacted the shop where I got my rectifier, he
> asked some questions about the particulars of my
> rectifier, and told me it was a full-wave rectifier,
> but he was mystified how it could give me 100VDC. I
> hooked it up to my voltmeter (which reads it as 120VAC
> before the rectifier) and it still reads 100VDC all by
> itself.
> Mystifying, eh?
> ___
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Re: CS>DC rectifiers, etc.

2001-10-18 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Terry:

> The real question is, if I
> fooled around with capacitors, etc., and smoothed out
> my pulsating DC to a true DC, would it make better CS?

That was my question to you!  Does the pulsing provide some value?  My guess
would be that if you add a capacitor it will raise the voltage and probably
reduce the brewing time?

Not to be argumentative, but try to measure the output of the diode without
hooking to your jars and see if you don't measure about 55 volts on your
meter.  The jars will act as a small capacitor changing the reading towards
the peak value of 160 volts.  The meter I used is an old fashioned
multimeter, not a modern digital meter.  What kind of meter are you using?
Once I thought I was wrong, but I was mistaken.

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.
- Original Message -
From: Terry Chamberlin 
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2001 9:42 PM
Subject: CS>DC rectifiers, etc.

> Jim Meissner wrote:
> "If you were to add a large capacitor (correct
> polarity!) after your half wave rectifier, you would
> measure about 160 volts DC on your DC volt meter. Try
> it. Without the capacitor you will measure about 55
> volts depending on the meter."
> Terry responds:
> Actually, when I have set up my jars and turned on the
> power, and touch the positive and negative leads from
> the meter to the appropriate silver wires, it measures
> 100 VDC, not 55 volts.
> Jim:
> "I have a question for you. Is there any advantage of
> pulsed 60 Hz current as compared to straight DC for
> making CS?"
> Terry:
> I don't know of an advantage, but a true DC is not
> what I get from a 120VAC to 120VDC rectifier out of an
> old TV (I am assuming it is pulsating DC, I don't know
> how to test to be sure). The real question is, if I
> fooled around with capacitors, etc., and smoothed out
> my pulsating DC to a true DC, would it make better CS?
> ___
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Re: CS>half-wave DC, DMSO

2001-10-15 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Ted:

> A sine wave AC electrical current has 2
> halves, the top half, which looks like the top half of
> a circle, and the bottom half of the circle, like an S
> on it's side, with a line horizontally through
> the middle.

You are quite correct.  But some of the time there is zero voltage, then
peak voltage, and variations in between.

The 60 Hz AC voltage is measured as RMS or root mean squared.  The RMS
voltage has the same heating effect as DC.  If you apply 110 volts DC or 110
volts AC the lamp would be the same intensity.   In order for the average or
RMS power to be the same, the peak of the two halves of the sine wave has to
be higher.   The RMS times 1.4 gives you the peak.  If you were to add a
large capacitor (correct polarity!) after your half wave rectifier, you
would measure about 160 volts DC on your DC volt meter.  Try it.  Without
the capacitor you will measure about 55 volts depending on the meter.  To
get even more technical, most AC meters are "average responding" calibrated
to read RMS.  You have to pay more money for a "True RMS" meter.

> a pulsating DC current, which,
> for brewing CS, appears to make a good CS (for me it
> does).

I have a question for you.
Is there any advantage of pulsed 60 Hz current as compared to straight DC
for making CS?

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.
- Original Message -
From: Terry Chamberlin 
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2001 3:26 PM
Subject: CS>half-wave DC, DMSO

> "Half wave rectifiying 110 volts AC will give you
> about 154 volts peak DC. With 220 volts you will get
> about 308 volts peak DC."
> Hold on a minute here, I am not an electrical
> technician, but my understanding of the juice goes
> like this. A sine wave AC electrical current has 2
> halves, the top half, which looks like the top half of
> a circle, and the bottom half of the circle, like an S
> on it's it's side, with a line horizontally through
> the middle. A half-wave rectifier, as I understand it,
> keeps the electricity from reversing the direction of
> the flow, cutting off the bottom half cirlce, and
> making, functionally, a pulsating DC current, which,
> for brewing CS, appears to make a good CS (for me it
> does).
> I am at a loss to understand how then a particular
> voltage would be increased by a rectifier.
> Comments, anyone?
> Terry Chamberlin
> ___
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Re: CS>Foot-in-mouth disease

2001-10-15 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Terry:

> 1-gallon pickle jars. I am not sure how it would work
> with 220 volts, having no experience, but a half-wave
> AC to DC rectifier would convert 220 to 110, wouldn't
> it? (Comments, electrical types?)

Half wave rectifiying110 volts AC will give you about 154 volts peak DC.
With 220 volts you will get about 308 volts peak DC.

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.
- Original Message -
From: Terry Chamberlin 
Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2001 9:32 AM
Subject: CS>Foot-in-mouth disease

> Listers!
> When posting on the List, remember this important
> fact! EVERYTHING you say is documented! It is NOT
> forgotten!
> I said:
> "If you have been reading on the silver-list for very
> long, you will have seen a lot of mumbo-jumbo about
> voltages, current limiting, etc."
> "Mumbo-jumbo" was a very poor choice of words. It
> sounded so arrogant, and appeared to dismiss all the
> research efforts and discussion of those
> technical-minded folks on this list as being
> irrelevant tripe. (I got blasted for that one,
> deservedly so.)
> I actually recently reposted these instructions, minus
> (I hope) the inflammatory phrases. Jeez, why'd you
> have to go and dig up that old one?! (Mutter, mutter,
> eating humble pie)
> Oh, well, I still believe the essential details of
> that post. And yes, you can make good CS quickly in
> large quantities (as I am doing regularly) using
> 1-gallon pickle jars. I am not sure how it would work
> with 220 volts, having no experience, but a half-wave
> AC to DC rectifier would convert 220 to 110, wouldn't
> it? (Comments, electrical types?)
> Terry Chamberlin
> Metabolic Solutions Institute
> RR1  314 Carleton Rd
> Lawrencetown, NS B0S 1M0
> 902-584-3810 voice
> 413-826-7641 fax service
> ___
> Do You Yahoo!?
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> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>New forum for ideas

2001-10-10 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear damian:

I would be very interested.

>This site will be strictly practical with schematics
> and hands on stuff. Such topics will be devices to talk to the dead,
> levitation, devices to induce deep trance and altered state, along with
> more.
I have spent over 15 years studying and building such devices except for the
levitation part.  Have not had much luck with that yet.

My background is in electrical engineering and hands on practical stuff.
Check out my website about binaural beat generators and brain state changes.
I have done a lot of brain wave analysis to develop these frequencies.  And,
on the other hand I have developed the ability to do "hands on healing" and
made the lame to walk again.  Please understand what a conflict this
presents to the engineer in me!

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.
- Original Message -
From: damian 
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2001 12:03 PM
Subject: CS>New forum for ideas

> I'm thinking of starting up a forum while i put together a site on
> thoughts and devices. This site will be strictly practical with schematics
> and hands on stuff. Such topics will be devices to talk to the dead,
> levitation, devices to induce deep trance and altered state, allong with
> more. I wasnt orriginally going to put this info out simply because i
> to try it out myself and have fun, but also were a bit scared as to what
> could do in the wrong hands, but the way the world is and my budget i
> now is a good time to discuss such stuff and share information. What i
> at the moment is a whole lot of interelated ideas that when put together
> a beautiful picture and are a testament to how great god is. When i say
god i
> dont mean any god bellonging to a specific religion. too me god is the
> its that simple. Anyhow the reason im writing this email is to see if any
> interested. It would be a great help if people who are handy with
> joined allong with alternative thinking people. Some of the ideas are not
> new, and probably in the short term will be drawing allot on others
> while i gather together my own for brousing. ANyhow I want to know peoples
> thoughts.
> Ok all take care
> damian
> PS I myself know only a little electronics so dont feel intimidated or
> stupid. All thoughts are welcome.
> --
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> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Ozone

2001-05-04 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Marshall:

The first question was; do you think either of the units in the pet catalog
would work for ozonating water, or should I look elsewhere?

> Check Beck's stuff, he give guideline as to what you need, it must make
> fast enough, so you need to check that spec.
Please explain.  Where do I find the info?

Thanks for the ORP information.  The probe in the pet catalog was $60.  Can
I just hook up my DVM and measure the millivolts?  I like to measure things!

By the way, I read the info from  "In
the presence of water, ozone (O3) breaks down to O2 plus O1.  In the process
of breaking down, ozone releases electrons into the water.  The difference
between hydrogen peroxide and ozone is electrons."
Does that answer the Frank Key - Marshall discussion?

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.
- Original Message -
From: Marshall Dudley 
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 3:05 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Ozone

> Jim Meissner wrote:
> > Dear Marshall:
> >
> > Your information is very useful and informative.  Thank you very much!
> >
> > I found a Pet Warehouse catalog in my files.  They list a AQUAZONE
> > discharge model for $139, and an OZOTECH cold plasma corona discharge
> > for $299.  Which one should I get, or do you have another suggestion?
> >
> Check Beck's stuff, he give guideline as to what you need, it must make
> fast enough, so you need to check that spec.
> >
> > The AquaZone Plus has an ORP monitor for the fish tank to regulate the
> > levels.  What can you tell me about ORP?  I noticed that the Flanagan
> > "microhydrin water" was "proven" using ORP measurements.  What can you
> > me about that?
> ORP is oxidation reduction potential.  The instrument is used to measure
> water quality, if you have a lot of organic matter it will be heavily
> and if all that is burned out with ozone, and you have free ozone, or H2O2
> that matter, then it will be oxidizing.  Either is bad for an aquarium, so
it is
> very important to use this device when ozonating an aquarium.  However for
> ozonating water for you use, the instrument is of no value that I know of,
> except it might be able to indicate how much ozone you have in the water,
if it
> doesn't over-range.
> Marshall
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Ozone

2001-05-04 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Duncan:

I had a very nice chat with Saul Pressman last week and he sent me some
info.  I cannot afford to spend $2800 for his unit.  His steam cabinet costs
$6500.  To start out with I am looking for a cheap way of making ozonated
water to drink.

As an ozone hyperthermic technician you probably have studied all this. Any
suggestion?  You get what you pay for?

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.
- Original Message -
From: Duncan Crow 
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 4:08 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Ozone

> Hi Arthur;
> I didn't find that article, but I must say that if the referenced
> do-it-yourself description uses an ultraviolet tube or compromized mercury
> vapor lamp, there is very little ozone in the output, let alone harmful
> levels for insufflation, even if you start with oxygen.
> That kind of setup it's NOT recommended while any components are not
> resistant on the input side AND ozone resistant on the output side. You
> too much plastic toxin in the output.
> What you need for insufflation or sauna cabinet use is cold corona or cold
> plasma discharge and resistant material.
> I'm an ozone hyperthermic technician. Hope this helps a bit.
> Also, the article on keephope mentions olive oil with ozone bubbled
> for 10 minutes. That amount of time with high grade ozone is insufficient
> and several days (7 days) of bubbling is recommended, enough to turn the
> olive oil into a thick paste which incidentally will keep for years in the
> freezer.
> To buy ozonated olive oil of this description contact Saul Pressman
> ciao
> Duncan
> - Original Message -
> From: "Arthur Rambo" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 8:35 AM
> Subject: Re: CS>Ozone
> | I put together an effective "unit" by buying one similar to the one
> | referenced at
> |
> | which is the "tackle box" type approx. $350
> | Next, disabling the air supply hose, and substituting oxygen (20lb tank
> | @ $80-deposit/ plus $10 fill up, and $175 for a regulator.
> |Now, fill ups are all that are needed.
> |   On the down side, you have no measurement on precise amount of ozone,
> | but for ozonated drinking water, I find that 10 minute bubbling at max.
> | does well.
> |   The only caution I would  urge is low concentration when doing other
> | methods like rectal or vaginal or ear insufflation.
> |
> |
> |
> | --
> | The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> |
> | To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
> |  -or-
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> |
> | To post, address your message to:
> | Silver-list archive:
> | List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> |
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Re: CS>Ozone

2001-05-04 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Arthur:

I went to the website and did not see the "tackle box" listed.  Do you
really have to spend that much money just to bubble through a glass of
water?  Is the oxygen tank necessary?

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.
- Original Message -
From: Arthur Rambo 
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Ozone

> I put together an effective "unit" by buying one similar to the one
> referenced at
> which is the "tackle box" type approx. $350
> Next, disabling the air supply hose, and substituting oxygen (20lb tank
> @ $80-deposit/ plus $10 fill up, and $175 for a regulator.
>Now, fill ups are all that are needed.
>   On the down side, you have no measurement on precise amount of ozone,
> but for ozonated drinking water, I find that 10 minute bubbling at max.
> does well.
>   The only caution I would  urge is low concentration when doing other
> methods like rectal or vaginal or ear insufflation.
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Ozone

2001-05-04 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Marshall:

Your information is very useful and informative.  Thank you very much!

I found a Pet Warehouse catalog in my files.  They list a AQUAZONE corona
discharge model for $139, and an OZOTECH cold plasma corona discharge one
for $299.  Which one should I get, or do you have another suggestion?

The AquaZone Plus has an ORP monitor for the fish tank to regulate the ozone
levels.  What can you tell me about ORP?  I noticed that the Flanagan
"microhydrin water" was "proven" using ORP measurements.  What can you tell
me about that?

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.
- Original Message -
From: Marshall Dudley 
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 11:36 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Ozone

> Checked aquarium suppliers and found a cold plazma unit, an aquarium pump,
> tubing and flowstone.  Assembled parts.  Teh pump pumps air into the
> the ozonator supplies the ozonated air to the flowstone that is submerged
at the
> bottom of a glass of water with ice in it.  Let bubble for 5-10 minutes.
> Marshall

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Ozone

2001-05-04 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Marshall:

How do you make your ozone?  Is this something you built or is it a
commercial unit.  Can you steer me?  My research so far says that there are
three methods to produce ozone, UV lamp, electric arc, and cold plasma.  Can
you tell me more?

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.
- Original Message -
From: Marshall Dudley 
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Ozone

> Not initially.  Although it probably does convert to H2O2 after it sits,
initially it is
> O3 dissolved in water.  Since I make and drink it quite often, I know that
it is not
> H2O2.  The ozonated water taste quite good, refreshing in fact, but H2O2
taste awful, I
> virtually gag on it.  There is virtually no H2O2 in freshly made ozonated
> Marshall
> Frank Key wrote:
> > Jim wrote:
> >
> > > The other "simple" method is to bubble ozone through (cold?) water and
> > > it?
> >
> > If you bubble ozone through water, what you produce is weak hydrogen
peroxide (H2O2).
> >
> > frank key
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> > Silver-list archive:
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Ozone

2001-05-04 Thread Jim Meissner
> > Is there anyone on the list familiar with coning?  Has anyone tried
> > delivering colloidal silver into the body through coning?  I know this
> > method is supposed to be excellent for use with ozone.  In fact, the
> > thing on our purchase list is an ozone sauna.
> >
I would be interested in more information about ozone.  From what I have
heard the ozone sauna is the most effective way to get ozone into the body.
The other "simple" method is to bubble ozone through (cold?) water and drink
it?  I would be interested in building something rather than purchasing some
expensive piece of equipment.  Any info available?

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.
- Original Message -
From: A.V.R.A 
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 10:01 AM
Subject: Re: CS>VIRUS

> > I find it amazing the colloidal silver soothes the mucus membranes so
> well!
> > Twenty minutes with the humidifier, and the relief is astounding.  For
> those
> > with various lung conditions, it is certainly worth looking into.  I've
> > found that one must be diligent in application, using the
> > nebulizer/humidifer sometimes as much as every five to ten minutes for
> > hour.
> >
> > Is there anyone on the list familiar with coning?  Has anyone tried
> > delivering colloidal silver into the body through coning?  I know this
> > method is supposed to be excellent for use with ozone.  In fact, the
> > thing on our purchase list is an ozone sauna.
> >

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Charged water

2001-04-20 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Gage:

I am also interested in charging water, and I hope some of our "experts"
will contribute with some how to information.

The following is my limited knowledge about UV.  I have a Hammamusi(SP?)
sensor that is only sensitive to UV at 256 nm.  All glass that I tried looks
opaque to UV.  Quartz will pass UV.  A real surprise is that  some plastic
bags will pass UV without any loss.

Pointing this sensor directly at the sun shows "NO" UV transmission in this
frequency range.  So it is not likely that you will "charge" water with
sunlight.  Callium Coats in "Living Energies" states the sunlight will
degrade water and rainwater is labeled as "poor".

Low pressure mercury vapor cold cathode lamps will produce UV at 256 nm.

> The reason quartz is mentioned is because it passes UV light. UV light is
> required to generate ozone in water, which then degenerates to H2O2.
> Most glasses and plastics will not pass UV light.) were placed in the sun,
would this energize >the h2o in a desirable way?  Thanks

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving
your life and health.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Proof of homeopathy?

2001-04-05 Thread Jim Meissner
Dear Russ:

I am slogging through 1145 messages not read yet, mostly from the CS group.  
Nice talking to you today.

A lady in NJ did a channeling about my Synchronizer and I asked if there were 
any additional uses for it.  I can find the original if you want, but it 
related to the subject of this Email.  They said that the Synchronizer and 
speakers could be used to dramatically improve the germination and growth of 

Juergen P. (Jim) Meissner
Check out my Website at
Read about the benefits of the Brain State Synchronizer sounds for improving 
your life and health.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Russ Rosser 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 9:18 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Proof of homeopathy?


  Same question as I asked posted re: Benveniste--WHAT THE METHOD OF THIS

  > ... member of the bioelectromagnetics group ... scientist

substances have analogous resonances in each of the various bands.  There's 
"magnetic resonance".  Dr. Chi found evidently produced similar effects on 
plants (Univ. of OH) from the IR spectrum.  Benveniste uses the audio spectrum 
(today I received a 100W RMS, speakerless, all-purpose, electromechanical audio 
transducer in the mail).  

  Horticulture has been the prime focus of my interest in wave manifestations 
of substances, both for growing plants without sunlight and "tuning" water 
instead of relying on fertilizer (to whatever extent is possible).  
