Re: CSHVAC Colloidal Silver Generator Construction

2000-11-06 Thread V. Richter
Thanks Robert,
I'm reading daily but looks like I missed some of the earlier.  

  - Original Message - 
  From: Robert Bartell 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2000 8:16 AM
  Subject: Re: CSHVAC Colloidal Silver Generator Construction

  Hey Vince, 
  Looks like Ole Bob's model, which I hope to duplicate, sinters off much finer 
particles from the anode by arcing HV through co2 gas. The particles also carry 
a stronger electrical charge.(Longer shelf life) He describes his unit as HVAC 
ARC CO2. The PVC pipe and fittings are for construction of a dry ice cannister 
that will feed CO2  into the top of the DW jar. The CO2 tank (same as they use 
for soft drinks) will replace the dry ice CO2 unit for more serious control 
over the CO2 with pressure valves and a flow meter. In case you missed it, here 
is what Ole Bob said in a previous post.

Re: CSHVAC Colloidal Silver Generator Construction

2000-11-07 Thread V. Richter
Hey Ole Bob,
I went to town today and bought a used Neon Sign Transformer.  I ended up
with a 120/15000 30ma transformer with box, high voltage leads, and all the
hardware I need to suspend 2 copper steel brazing rods with alligator clips
on the ends.  All I need now is the silver and I'll be in business.
Tomorow, I go to the jewelry store for the silver and I'll begin making my
first batch.  What's the spark plug used for?  I planned to make the batch
with two arcs, one piece of silver on each lead from the secondary of the


- Original Message -
From: Robert L. Berger
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2000 7:02 PM
Subject: Re: CSHVAC Colloidal Silver Generator Construction

 Hi Robert;

 Don't run out and buy that spark plug yet. I am not sure that I want to
 use it. I made two run today and am not sastisfied yet it.

 I will refigure the lid as it was in the past and rerun a gallon.

 Ole Bob

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Re: CSHVAC Colloidal Silver Generator Construction

2000-11-08 Thread V. Richter
Thanks for the concern Ole Bob,

The spark plug doesn't sound like it's working out, but I wasn't going to get 
one anyway until I at least know what it was intended for.  That's why I asked 
about it.  Just wanted more info, that's all.  I'm learning rapidly about CS 
production and don't want to get too quickly carried away .

Everything I've heard from people who have made HVAC ARC CS mentioned the 
danger of fires and shock, so I'm going to try real hard to avoid that part of 
the learning process.  The two main problems I can see, (please add to these if 
necessary) is:

1)  high resistance conections which translate into excessive heat - hence 
fires or damaged insulation and shorting.  Distance/separation from the bare 
high voltage conductors and rated insulation on the rest of the conductors is 
the best safegaurd here.  The sources for neon sign transformers all sell the 
high voltage cable.  An ohmeter can identify any high resistance connections 
before they cause a problem.

2) Loading of the transformer could be greatly affected if the arc is lost and 
the transformer sits at full open circuit voltage for a time.  Overheating in 
the transformer can occur and at best the transformer open circuits and quits 
working.  Here, don't leave the unit unnattended for any length of time and 
adjust the arc frequently during production/evaporation of the water.  Keeping 
the two secondary leads apart prevents shorting, fires, and overloading the 
transformer .

I share the concern for peoples' safety first and foremost.  Secondly, CS 
specifically and alternative health in general don't need any problems caused 
by ignorance and half-cocked attempts.  If you think this needs to be taken 
off-list for this reason that would be fine with me.

Vince Richter

  - Original Message - 
  From: Robert L. Berger 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 8:52 AM
  Subject: Re: CSHVAC Colloidal Silver Generator Construction

  Hold it Vince. 
  Right now you have no idea what you are doing. You can give yourself a Good 
case of  ARGYIA if  you screw up. 

  Don't get the spark plug, I cannot duplicate the work of another you swears 
by the spare plug. 

  Did you get the NO3 test kit??  Any arc in air will generate NO3 by 
the barrels. 

  First off you only need one arc and it has to be adjustable. The other 
electrode goes into the DW. 

  I hope you knw what your are ding with 15,000 volts. It can kill or burn you 
house down. That high of voltage will arc track 
  on plastic if there is not a sufficeint separation. 

  I was afraid the some of you would run off in all directions. This is not a 
process to tinker with unless you have the test equipment to measure you 

  Do you have a PWT to measure conductuivuty. Do you have someway to measure 

  PLEASE  PLEASE  PLEASE don't run ahead of me, I will supply all of the data 
and even make the lids for the gallon jug. 

  If you have a lathe I will send sketchs on how to do it. I have had several 
fires, and have evaluated about 6 different lid configurations. 

  This is not a toy. 

  Ole Bob 

CSDMSO Source/formerly Re: CSnerve ganglia

2000-11-09 Thread V. Richter
DMSO can be obtained at Jeffers Vet Supply (as in veteranarian).  
1-800-533-3377 or 1-800-jeffers 5:30AM-10:30PM Mon-Fri, 6:00AM-10:30PM  CST USA.
  - Original Message - 
  From: johannus faustus 
  Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 9:08 AM
  Subject: Re: CSnerve ganglia

He has turned down morphine because he does not want to get addicted.

it is my understanding that, if the opiate is absorbed for use like this, 
it is not addictive.  that is to say, if it is absorbed into the area where the 
pain is and is used for that, one doesnt get addicted or build up a tolerance 
in the same way.  when one uses it for recreation, one takes 'too much' of it, 
and that is when addiction occurs.
i could be wrong, though.  personally, i dont use painkillers, even though 
i have a very painful arthritic condition.  
i am trying to find out where i can get some dmso.

Re: CSvirus

2000-11-13 Thread V. Richter
To a person whose only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

- Original Message -
From: Nick Grant
Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2000 9:29 PM
Subject: CSvirus


 Lets just say life is one big virus and be done with it.  Sorry, I don't
 agree.  Allopathic medicine ALWAYS calls something a virus when they have
 answer for it!

 As for obesity - whatever happened to eating too much?  Doesn't anyone
 to take responsibility for what they do any more.

 Everyone seems to think they have the answer to illness - If Hulda is
 why doesn't anyone else know?  I am not disputing that she isn't right,
 I did say is that she seems to blame just about every illness  on

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Re: CSdouble ARC HVAC CS

2000-11-14 Thread V. Richter
Ole Bob,

Forgive me if you're going over previously traveled ground, but what then is
the advantage to the arc?  Would both electrodes in the water be much
preferable to one or both out of the water?  Inquiring minds want to know :)
My information was that the arc provided much smaller particles of silver
and the ppm was simply a function of time under production (not necessarilly
a linear function).  I didn't know about any bad stuff that was more
plentiful than the silver.



- Original Message -
From: Robert L. Berger
To: Silver-list
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2000 4:46 PM
Subject: CSdouble ARC HVAC CS

 Vince and all,

 I set up a two arc HVAC CS system and ran one gallon for two hours. The
 results are not very good. I will use this stuff to water my plants.

 A good HVAC ARC CO2  CS will measure 11-12 ppm, with NO3 less than 2 ppm
 and a conductance of 50 to 100.

 This stuff measured 5.72 ppm for ailver and 15 ppm for NO3, the
 conductance is 782 uS. Since I do not knowwhat all of the other stuff
 is I would under no circumstances drink it.

 This did provide a qualitate answer as to how much CS is contributed to
 the arc. My first guess would be about 25%. The balance coming from the
 wet electrode.

 Any comments??

 Ole Bob

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Re: CSOT - Silverlon my mother

2000-11-16 Thread V. Richter
Silverlon has a lot of success stories.  I'll pray that your mother will be
another one.

Vince Richter

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2000 1:02 AM
Subject: CSOT - Silverlon  my mother

 Since my mother's condition has degenerated to the point that amputation
 very near at hand, I contacted Silverlon (esp. since for me it is a local
 call) and hopefully by early next week my mother's legs will be wrapped in
 Silverlon bandages.  I'll keep the list updated.  Her clinical case is
 important, as some of the best in allopathic medicine have tried to save
 leg for 5 years - this month.  IF Silverlon works and the other stuff
 - I perceive this as a real red letter day for those of us in the


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CSFDA Halts Internet Laetrile sales

2000-11-19 Thread V. Richter
The following is a news item that I just read on the internet:

Online Firm Agrees to Stop Peddling Laetrile - FDA
Nov 17 2000 5:44PM

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said on
Friday it forced a company selling laetrile online to stop peddling the
compound as a cancer cure.
Laetrile, derived from the pits of apricots and other fruit, has never
been shown to work against cancer and can cause cyanide poisoning.

New York-based Christian Brothers Contracting Corporation and its
president, Jason Vale, signed a consent decree of permanent injunction in
which it agreed to stop selling any laetrile products, the FDA said.

It is an agreement between the parties and it means he has agreed to stop
selling, manufacturing, processing and distributing any products referred
to as Laetrile, vitamin B-17 or apricot kernals, FDA spokeswoman Susan
Cruzan said in a telephone interview.

What this case actually demonstrates is that FDA is willing to take
action against products that are marketed over the Internet and that
violate the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. snip a federal judge in
Florida had issued a preliminary injunction barring three firms from
promoting or marketing products containing laetrile -- Florida-based World
Without Cancer Inc. and The Health World International Inc., and one
Arizona firm, Health Genesis Corp. 

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Re: CSzappers

2000-11-19 Thread V. Richter
Hi Dean,

I have a zapper on order and don't understand something.  Maybe you or
anyone else can comment on it.

I've read several of the internet sites which promote H. Clarks and other
types of zappers, but I don't have a feel for the extent of parrallel
current paths they can take.  For instance, the usual protocol is holding
the two opposite polarity leads in your hands.  Does this send currnet as
low as your colon to kill unwanteds there, in the bladder, liver, kidneys,
etc. or is there other methods of application that one needs to use for
different specific areas of the body?  (That sounded like a good idea to
contact your cheeks with the back of your hands while holding the
electrodes.  I'll try that since I have some problems with sinuses too).

Thanks for any insight from current or previous zapper users.

Vince Richter

- Original Message -
From: Dean T. Miller
Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2000 10:49 PM
Subject: Re: CSzappers

 Hi Tracy,

 On Sun, 19 Nov 2000 16:56:17 +1300, Nick Grant

 Can anyone please tell me if they have a zapper, found it useful, what
 works, and doesn't work and how they use it on themselves.

 I have a zapper (several, actually).

 I've found it useful (it's the only thing that's cleared up my
 chronic, debilitating, sinus condition).

 I'm not sure what you mean by what works, and doesn't work.

 I use it by holding onto the two wands with my hands.  Most of the
 time I also rest the back of my hands (which are holding the wands)
 against my cheekbones.  This increases the amount of current from the
 zapper, and apparently the current's going through my head, and
 especially my sinus area.

 I try to use it 7-on, 20-off, 7-on, 20-off, 7-on.  But sometimes (too
 many times) I'll just do the first 7-on.

 -- Dean -- from (almost) Duh Moyn  (CDP, KB0ZDF)

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Re: CSzappers

2000-11-19 Thread V. Richter
Thanks Dean,

I guess with a little ingenuity the probe could be modified to attach to
both hands and feet at the same time (one lead on one side of the body and
one on the other.  This should get all the body from the neck down anyway.

Duncan has a good point.  This discussion of zappers and Hulda Clark is
definately off topic.  I'll make a motion we stick more closely to CS.  I've
been part of the problem.

Vince Richter
- Original Message -
From: Dean T. Miller
Sent: Sunday, November 19, 2000 1:39 PM
Subject: Re: CSzappers

 Hi Vince,

 On Sun, 19 Nov 2000 04:57:00 -0600, V. Richter

 I have a zapper on order and don't understand something.  Maybe you or
 anyone else can comment on it.
 I've read several of the internet sites which promote H. Clarks and other
 types of zappers, but I don't have a feel for the extent of parrallel
 current paths they can take.  For instance, the usual protocol is holding
 the two opposite polarity leads in your hands.  Does this send currnet as
 low as your colon to kill unwanteds there, in the bladder, liver,
 etc. or is there other methods of application that one needs to use for
 different specific areas of the body?  (That sounded like a good idea to
 contact your cheeks with the back of your hands while holding the
 electrodes.  I'll try that since I have some problems with sinuses too).

 I haven't tried the Zapper with foot pads, which is one way people
 have reported using it.  I imagine (I haven't measured it) that foot
 pads would put more current through the lower parts of the body.  You
 could also use thigh pads, where you place a flat copper pad under
 each thigh as you use your computer.  :)

 Of course, the copper pads should be covered by a wet cotton cloth
 (handkerchief).  I wet the cotton coverings for the wands with CS (the
 cotton coverings are infant socks, from Wal-Mart).

 -- Dean -- from (almost) Duh Moyn  (CDP, KB0ZDF)

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Re: CSAd for CS

2000-11-21 Thread V. Richter
Ole Bob,

Do you have a site where info about Spectrophotometers, prices, etc. can be



- Original Message -
From: Robert L. Berger
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 9:32 AM
Subject: Re: CSAd for CS

 Hi Ya'all,

 If you read my post the other day I referenced this company but with
 held the name.

 I ordered their 10 ppm and 50 ppm for testing, which I have done.

 The 10 ppm checked out at 12.1 ppm and the 50 ppm as 61.6 ppm, abd the
 T.E.'s almost invisible in a dark room. the conductivity of the 12.1
 sample is 258 uS which leads me to believe that it was made with HVAC
 ARC using a gas shield as the NO3 is 1.53 ppm.

 It is very good CS.

 I did not check the 50 PPM sample as it has several herbs in it.

 Ole Bob

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Re: CSAdvice needed: CS + DMSO?

2000-11-21 Thread V. Richter
A friend of mine who got me started on making colloidal Silver has had great
success with mixing CS half and half with DMSO.  He has internal and
external infections, caused by foriegn material throughout his body from an
explosion in Viet Nam, which are treated this way with better success than
anything else he has used.

According to Ole Bob's analysis, his CS is only about 2-3 ppm.  I'd say at a
minimum this proves it doesn't take much CS to greatly help health problems.

I don't know about MSM and how it compares with DMSO.


- Original Message -
From: russ e rosser
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 10:48 AM
Subject: CSAdvice needed: CS + DMSO?


 A friend is developing lumps in her legs (by some accounts, an indication
 of malignant tumor activity somewhere in the body).  Among other
 modalities, I thought about trying to deliver CS to these sites, not only
 for its anti-parasitic activity, but also its obvious (although
 mysterious) healing properties.

 Is it reasonable to mix DMSO to act as a penetrant? and would MSM be
 redundant in such a mixture?


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Re: CSRe: Re: CSAdvice needed: CS + DMSO?

2000-11-21 Thread V. Richter
That's a good question.  He applies it topically and even for very deep
infections, it works great.  The DMSO apparently carries the CS with it deep
into the tissues.


- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 11:50 AM
Subject: CSRe: Re: CSAdvice needed: CS + DMSO? wrote:
 A friend of mine who got me started on making colloidal Silver has had
 success with mixing CS half and half with DMSO.  He has internal and
 external infections, caused by foriegn material throughout his body from
 explosion in Viet Nam, which are treated this way with better success than
 anything else he has used.

 According to Ole Bob's analysis, his CS is only about 2-3 ppm.  I'd say at
 minimum this proves it doesn't take much CS to greatly help health

 I don't know about MSM and how it compares with DMSO.


 Is the CS/DMSO applied topically or taken orally? DMSO is, to say the
least, very unpleasant-tasting.

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Re: CSAdvice needed: CS + DMSO?

2000-11-21 Thread V. Richter
That's correct Russ,

He applied it topically as close to the problem areas as possible.

Come to think of it, in theory, the DMSO/CS mix would dilute more and more
the farther the distance from the point of application.  I can't remember
how often he applied it, a few times a day at the most would seem adequate
for most situations.


- Original Message -
From: russ e rosser
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 2:36 PM
Subject: Re: CSAdvice needed: CS + DMSO?

 V. Richter writes:
  A friend of mine ...
  had great
  success with mixing CS half and half with DMSO.  He has internal and
  external infections, caused by foriegn material throughout his body

 Topical application over the internally infected areas, right?  Tx.

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2000-11-22 Thread V. Richter
If 100% DMSO is mixed half and half with CS, it changes the DMSO to a 50%
solution.  When the mixing occurs, there is definately heat generated.  Wait
until the heat production is complete before applying it and there shouldn't
be any burning.


- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 10:01 PM

 To all interested List Members.
 Just a word of caution relative to the use
 of DMSO as a topical
 agent.  While not a direct tissue-burner, the effects of using highly
 concentrated DMSO (90% to 100%) can cause very uncomfortable blistering
 effects.  This is caused by the heat-generating effects of concentrated
 DMSO as it dilutes with water-bearing liquid fractions.  We have, on
 special occasions, used 90 to 100% solutions..almost without
 exception, some blistering (from mild to aggravating) does occur.
 Additionally, because of this characteristic, it
 adviseable never to use concentrated DMSO (above 50%) directly upon the
 hair-covered surfaces of domestic pets (especially where hair covering
 is dense).  If  higher concentrations (above 50%) are indicated, it is
 adviseable to shave (if possible) the area of proposed treatment.
 Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSDental

2000-12-05 Thread V. Richter

The paddles for the nine volt batt?  Could you re-describe them?  Sounds


Vince Richter

- Original Message -
From: russ e rosser
Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2000 10:36 AM
Subject: Re: CSDental writes:
  On Monday 11-17-2000, had the remaining teeth pulled (13 with
  In the process the
  upper center jaw was broken in several places.
  Started flushing the mouth out with Colloidal Silver on Wednesday,
  Also used one 9 V battery with the little paddles and moved it all
  around the
  Saw the dentist again today, and
  indicated he has never observed such fast healing.
  The bones are actually starting to knit
  together in the
  front.  It has been one week today, and ...
  chewing looks like a possibility again.
  I know several people who had trouble
  just swallowing
  water, even after a month. Not sure what has caused the rapid
  healing (never
  healed well before), whether it was the CS or the battery, or both.

 Thanks for reporting, Suzy.

 The mouth tissues were probably affected mostly by CS *contact*, and the
 jawbone from elec. *penetration*.  (The penetration issue is why I
 introduced the simple DC wands to the CS list.)

 Someone here speculated about CS  DC having the similar healing effects.
  I aggree, e.g., because silver affects  microbes electrostically.  The
 best explanation I've found connecting electromotive force and cellular
 processes is in the profusely footnoted literature surrounding the PAP/
 IMI machine (, patent # 5,556,418).
 There are multiple, albeit unintentional allusions to Body Electronics.
 I'm now working to bring the PAP technology into better fidelity to the
 B.E. paradigm in a home-made facsimile, with a few additions to round out
 the range of healing influences.  Upon completion, we should then have
 inexpensive access to something unequivocally...'miraculous'.


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Re: CSRe: Kombuchu tea

2000-12-06 Thread V. Richter
I'm on the Kombucha list, and would gladly send you a starter for the cost
of postage:  $3-$5 or that ballpark.  First, read up on the tea and how to
make it to make sure you want to do that.  It's not difficult and it's not
expensive.  However, in this modern rushed society which demands convenience
it's more than most people want to mess with.  Send me a private email if
you want to pursue it.

Vince Richter

- Original Message -
From: Judith Thamm
Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2000 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: CSRe: Kombuchu tea

 It is sold in Health food shops, however, if you join the kombucha
 list you can ask for a starter from someone as it is very easy to
 make; it is a fermentation.

 HELP: is the list address, but you would need to go to first and join the list.   The HELP address may direct you
 how to join.

 There are people from all over the world on the list - a starter is
 usually provided free plus the cost of postage and packing from
 someone close to where you live.


 MAMA2BEAR asked
  Judith, where do you get this tea?  Thanks.

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CS Bio Availability, Was: Re: CSUnidentified subject!

2000-12-10 Thread V. Richter
I've been watching the discussion about CS Bioavailability with interest.
It's apparent that there is not a lot of diffinative info available on how
the CS is made available in the body, except that it, when made properly
(particles aren't too large or combined with other substances besides
water), CS will be absorbed directly into the tissue in the mouth and
stomach.  This will mean it is absorbed before much of it reaches the

My not medical trained opinion is:  When anything is absorned in the tissue
of the body, and is of small enough particles to keep moving through the
body, it will reach the intestine and every other part of the body before
it's all processed out.  The blood and lymphatic system carries stuff all
over the body and transfers the nutrients out of the intestines and toxins
into the intestines all the time.  Why would we assume that the silver
didn't end up in the intestines along with all the other stuff which is
being put there by the blood and lymphatic systems?

- Original Message -
From: Terry Wayne
Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2000 9:27 AM
Subject: CSUnidentified subject!

  I don't believe CS offers systemic protection.
  First of all, haven't we established that it doesn't
  even reach the intestines?

 I have received several reports from Health Food store
 owners of kidney and bladder infections vanishing
 overnight from drinking CS. One man called me directly
 to report drinking 4 oz. of Cs and seeing wriggly
 critters in his stools. We don't have CS all figured

 A man called me a few days ago from Alberta to tell me
 he had burned his face, it had become infected, he was
 in great pain. He called a friend who said, I have
 just what you need. When he got there, he was given a
 small jar of the CS salve I make and market. He put it
 on right in the car. He told me, My gosh, in 2 hours
 the pain was gone. I put some more on that night, and
 the next day I could shave!!

 Terry Wayne

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 Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.

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Re: CSsystemic protection

2000-12-10 Thread V. Richter
Hi Karl,
That's great news about your successfully improving your condition.  Are you
sure it wasn't a candida yeast overgrowth?  That's what it sounds like.  In
any case, I'm glad you're better; and I know that even though there are no
double blind scientific studies published in a major medical journal to
prove you're better, it's still good news to you too.

Vince Richter

- Original Message -
From: Karl Kristianson
Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2000 5:32 PM
Subject: Re: CSsystemic protection

 If CS doesn't reach the intestines, it must be absorbed before then.
 doesn't just vanish. Ken


 I recently purchased a nice constant current colloidal silver generator,
 after wanting one for years; but living a somewhat cash free life, I
 could never afford it.

 So, I have been using CS just a few weeks now. For many, many years I
 have had tremendous problems with intestinal bacteria. I have tried any
 number of nutritional things, but nothing helped. Anytime I would have
 much sugar, I would get tremendous gas from the bacteria.

 Well, no longer.

 My few weeks on CS has seemed to have wiped most of the bad bacteria
 out. I find I also seem to need to have acidophilus yogurt more often,
 too. (Won't be 100% certain for a few more weeks on this, but it seems
 to be the case.)

 I understand this is just anecdotal, but after not being able to have
 much sugar for YEARS without paying for it, I can't imagine why else
 this would have suddenly changed.

 Karl Kristianson

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CSClark legal team seeks expert witness

2000-12-16 Thread V. Richter
Hulda Clark's medical team requests expert witness services.  See below.
They need someone who can trace email and prove the email's true origin in

Vince Richter

  From: Tim  Jan Bolen
  To: Clark Support Network
  Subject: I need an expert witness...
  Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 21:18:58 -0800
  Health Freedom Fighters:
  I'm looking for an expert witness who can testify
  in a court
  case in California.
  What I need is someone who can authoritatively
  trace e-mails back
  to the source computer, source person, and the
  physical address
  of that computer, and person, and then testify in
  front of a jury
  convincingly.  The information provided must also
  be able to be
  used in the subpeona process.
  We would need a level of expertise consistent with
  the expert
  witness standards usually experienced in important
  court cases.
  That witness must be able to prove their expertise
  in the
  courtroom.  The expert would be required to
  properly trace, and
  provide evidence, on fifty (50) or more defendants
  involved in a
  conspiracy to damage a world renowned health
  Reasonable witness fees, and expenses, will be
  Tim Bolen
  JuriMed - Public Relations and Research Group
  Strategies for Government Beseiged
  Health Professionals.

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Re: CSburned fingers

2000-12-18 Thread V. Richter

My sympathies on the nasty burn.  A friend of mine who introduced me to
Colloidal Silver showed me his finger about 2 weeks after burning it
severely - third degree - and it was a healthy shiny pink with no scarring.
He uses 1/2 100% DMSO and 1/2 colloidal silver mixed together.  He applied
this topically daily and that's all he used.  No infection and rapid
complete healing.  The DMSO carries the silver deep within the tissue and
apparently keeps away infection as well as promoting healing.

Vince Richter

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2000 8:33 AM
Subject: CSburned fingers

 We have had a power outage here so we used dry ice to keep
 our freezers going.  My daughter held the dry ice in her hands although it
 was wrapped in plastic and brown paper.  Now 3 days later her fingers
 are swollen and burning.  Is there help for this?


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Re: CSSource for Clark Book

2000-12-20 Thread V. Richter

Vince Richter
  - Original Message - 
  From: Steve  Jackie Young 
  To: Silver List 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2000 8:57 PM
  Subject: CSSource for Clark Book

  Hi Group,

  Can someone direct me to an inexpensive source for Clark's book A Cure for 
all Diseases?  I tried Barnes  Noble and was informed it is out of print (or 
perhaps the FDA got after them to quit selling it?)  


CSOde to Ole Bob

2000-12-22 Thread V. Richter
Hope Bob will stay.  When I came to this list, a friend of mine was making
CS with some misinformation and I had been buying it.  I started out making
it like he did and commenced to learn more.  Turned out it was about 2 ppm
CS and 160 ppm of NO3 thanks to Ole Bob's discount analysis - $7.50 for the
first sample and $5 apeice for additional samples in the same shipment (I
haven't found any good lab analysis cheaper).  That's 160 ppm of nitrates,
the stuff in sausage and bacon I presume.  I prefer to get all my nitrates
from the good tasting stuff.  Bob helped me out with the rest of the story
and I am on my way to much better CS.  Yea, he chewed me out a few times.
That's not going to hurt me as much as his good information will help me.

If I had to supervise a bunch of electrical engineeres all my working life
and had by the Grace of God made it to the age of 78 I'd have a few grumpy
days too :)

Thanks Bob.  Stick around if you would for the next new people who won't
otherwise get to hear what you've learned .  You know how us newbies are
about avoiding the archives.

Vince Richter

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Re: CS and GA

2000-12-23 Thread V. Richter

Sorry to hear about your two year old.  My personal opinion about doctors is
that I try as best I can to avoid the need of them.  Some would say there is
no need of them, but I think there is.  If I'm in a serious car wreck and
need sowing up, I'll be waiting on an ambulance to take me to the hospital.
There are other needs for them too.  If I ever find myself under a doctor's
care, I'll do what you're doing and supplement their care with all the
alternatives I can find to help.  My wife will become the stealthy smuggler
if necessary :)  LOL

Vince Richter

 Now that I have got that of my chest - thank you for listening, I know
 of you LOVE doctors.  Hey, I have been around hospitals probably more than
 most of you (unless you are a nurse or doctor), and I am very grateful for
 alot of what they have done.  I just get this helpless feeling when they
 stuffing my kid full of dangerous drugs

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Re: CSAlert

2000-12-24 Thread V. Richter
Russ or anyone with a comment,

What is your opinion about the benefits of both zapping and LVDC therapies?
Are they redundant, synergistic, complementary, ?  Presently, I'm doing
both and taking advantage of your previous suggestion of using sponges to
regulate the contact resistance and it's working well.

Vince Richter

- Original Message -
From: russ e rosser

 Like a broken record, I must keep referring to the AEU research about the
 antiseptic power of miniscule DC electrical current against ALL

 As usual, the battery electrodes would be inserted into small sponges
 moistened with salt water.

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Re: CSquestion

2000-12-24 Thread V. Richter
My wife just had a shoulder problem which was painful, preventing full range
of motion, and prevented good night sleeps.  1/2 DMSO mixed with 1/2 CS (one
part of each) applied to the shoulder twice a day, in her case, fixed the
problem in about 3 days.  Application before bed and in the morning did the
trick.  This could be done more often if necessary and longer if necessary.
There should be a noticable improvement very quickly - immediately to 24
hours in my limited experience.

Hope the problem gets better soon.

Vince Richter

- Original Message -
From: Frances Jo
To: silver; alt. health
Sent: Sunday, December 24, 2000 1:21 AM
Subject: CSquestion

 Can someone give me ideas of natural alternative to Aleve for
 anti-inflamatories?  My husband's shoulders are getting very painful and
 the dr. thinks it's just inflammed tendons and wants him to take Aleve,
 2 x 2 a day for 3 weeks.  He doesn't want to.  Thanks.

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CSprevious post

2000-12-26 Thread V. Richter
Sorry to the list.  My last post was meant to be a forward to Ole Bob Berger
but I hit reply to the list instead.   Oooos :)

Vince Richter

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Re: CSOle Bob Please Don't go away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2000-12-28 Thread V. Richter
Hi Al,
I know how you feel about Ole Bob leaving.  You may want to forward this to him 
directly.  If I'm not mistaken, he's gone :.  (I'd love to be wrong about 
this).  There were other factors involved with his leaving than just someone 
innocently mentioning his abruptness/grumpiness.  Hopefully, he'll be back 
:.  I'll take this opportunity to say how much great information and help 
I've gotten from everyone on this list - Bob definately included.  Thanks to 
you all.

Vince Richter
  - Original Message - 
  From: Al Riley 
  Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2000 1:08 PM
  Subject: CSOle Bob Please Don't go away!!

  Speaking just for myself.Ole Bob has been of PRIMARY assistance 
in my voyage from a Newbie to a Silver Specialist.
  Bob, it was you who first taught me about the RS Motor that could very easily 
be adapted to a vessel and used to constantly stir the liquid!!
  Bob, it was you who first spoke to me of the distance between electrodes!!
  Bob, it was you who first spoke to me of the wetted depth of those 
  Bob, it was you who first spoke of clear colloidal silver, instead of Urine 
Yellow stuff!!
  Bob, it was you who titilated my considerations of going to HVAC!!
  Bob, it was you whose words finally convinced me that I would be better off 
just producing LVDC instead!!
  Bob, it was you who offered to test my unworthy samples for a reasonable 
  Bob, I'm just one person who has held on to your shirt tail as I worked my 
way to production of what I consider a reasonably good product!!
  Bob, it was your wit and inate caring that made this trip both fun and 
  Bob, leave if you must, but remember that there are many people out in the 
lurker zones who have clung to your every word and witicism, who waited for you 
to get back from your short vacations so they could hear your discussions once 
again.  Don't let just one person's criticism cause you to throw in the towel, 
you've had too great an impact on the lives of those whom you have helped!!  
Both my wife and I have benefitted greatly from the improvements that you 
instituted in my silver making.  Perhaps my wife is still alive today because 
of those improvements.
  You've shown us your great heart and your concern time after time after time, 
and been of service to God knows how many people.  Please continue that 
honorable service to us ignorant masses out here, continue to offer your wit, 
and continue to care enough to ignore solitary criticisms by people who 
probably just had a bad day themselves.
  Al Riley

Re: CSRe: Re: CSChewing Gum Releases Mercury From Dental Fillings

2000-12-28 Thread V. Richter

I've never been in the doctor's situation, but it just seems to me that the
strong incentive would be to hang onto the rewards of the many grouling
years of school and income it affords.  Dissenting from the official dogma
would be to get kicked out of the club.  It would take an unusually strong
person to unlearn and relearn and leave it all behind to do what is right.

Vince Richter

- Original Message -
From: Ron Hackley
Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2000 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: CSRe: Re: CSChewing Gum Releases Mercury From Dental Fillings

The closed minds of
 otherwise apparently educated and intelligent people really confuses me.
Are they really
 that brainwashed, or are they scared? I know my doctor is very reluctant
to speak of
 anything alternative, for fear of the eFDeA.


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Re: CSFree Book Available

2000-12-31 Thread V. Richter

Thanks for your postings and responces to specific questions.  I've enjoyed
your information and am filing it for future reference.  Here's yet another

Could you give any generalities on which HVAC methods are best for colloidal
silver production and how the different methods vary the results.  Let's
say, 10,000V and up to 15,000V for the voltage to limit the scope.  I know
you scientific types aren't in your comfort zones with generalities, in
general; but in this case I believe it has it's place.  For example, There
is a both silver electrodes immersed HVAC method (which has a variable of
surface area of immersed electrode).  There is a one electrode immersed and
one arc method (which has a variable of the one electrode's wet surface
area).  There is a cone method for which the wet surface area of the
electrode is inherently minimized and only dependent on the geometry of the
end of the electrode.  The cone method, of course, is where the distance
from the electrode to the water is shorter than the arc distance but not
below the surface of the water.  The elecrodes attract the water and pull it
up to continuously touch the electrodes.

I realize this could occupy a lengthy paper and I'm not trying to impose on
you for that.  Any experience you have gained relative to the above would be
greatly appreciated.


Vince Richter

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Re: CSFree Book Available

2000-12-31 Thread V. Richter
Thank you very much.  The methods of CS Generation represented on this list
are many and diverse, and anyone not interested in the HVAC method at all
would not be interested in the level of detail you provided.  I'm a
fledgling HVAC CS maker using a 15,000V 30ma neon sign transformer.  I'm
very interested in all the details about the options and results of
different production techniques.  I already found I can vary the primary
voltage by installing an inexpensive 600W light dimmer switch on the
primary.  When I get all my metering hooked up, I'll know what variables I
can control and start experimenting.  I make a gallon at a time and have
made a few gallons so far.  It's crystal clear, approximately 10ppm by Hanna
Pure Water Tester indication after about 4 hours of production with constant
stirring.  I don't have an idea of particle size.  There is a tyndall effect
which is easily seen in daylight conditions.

Thanks for your info.  The 15ma current density per probe is something I'll
keep in mind as I try different things with the cone method.

Vince Richter

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CS>Laser test and results

2015-09-23 Thread Ed V

I belong to a Rife group and the conscientious of the leader is that
laser testing and seeing particles means you have a small in size silver
product.  It is my thought from reading and testing different products
that if you see a laser trail of fine particles, your silver product is
too large.  Please, what is the true story?

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Re: CS>Laser test and results

2015-09-23 Thread Ed V

On 9/23/2015 5:50 PM, Deborah Gerard wrote:

What I did was buy a quality CS product,  Sovereign CS, and tested it.  
It is a clear product, clear water color, and tested 6ppm.  It is 
advertised at 10ppm and it was explained that ppm is not a measurement 
that can be used for CS.  Under the laser light, as explained by other 
professional makers of CS, you don't see a light trail.  So many 
opinions, and I guess the expensive testing procedure is the only 
answer, which Sovereign uses. I figure that using the ppm and getting a 
reading, no laser trail is a great homemade product. So far, not made yet.

How do they know if they even have a product?

On Wednesday, September 23, 2015 7:51 PM, Ed V <> wrote:

I belong to a Rife group and the conscientious of the leader is that
laser testing and seeing particles means you have a small in size silver
product.  It is my thought from reading and testing different products
that if you see a laser trail of fine particles, your silver product is
too large.  Please, what is the true story?

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Re: CSTaking CS internally

2000-05-16 Thread Brita V. Jones
Stephen Hessler,


How did you get that?  And how did you know you had it?


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Re: CSScientific Method, Pt 1

2000-05-22 Thread Brita V. Jones

Bravo, and thank you.
That would explain why we're in the shape we're in.

Hopefully part 2 will at least hint at how to get 
out of the shape we're in.

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Re: CSRe: have you heard ear candling is a hoax?

2000-05-28 Thread Brita V. Jones
James Allison,

what's ROFLMAO?


Re: CSRe: have you heard ......

2000-05-28 Thread Brita V. Jones

I knew that laughter is good medicine, also exercise.  Doing the exercise
below will also
stop a young child in the midst of a temper-

I really do love this *list*.


Rolling On Floor Laughing My A$$ Off


 Brita V. Jones wrote:

 James Allison,

 what's ROFLMAO?

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Re: CSJoyce Reilly and CS

2000-06-09 Thread Brita V. Jones
Hulda Clark gives frequency to kill anthrax with
zapper in her Cure for all Diseases book.

I wonder if anyone has been successful in testing CS and


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Re: CStest

2000-06-11 Thread Brita V. Jones
Am, too.


It didn't work, they're still not here :)

Yours in health,
James Allison

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Re: CSOT G Microsoft Alleges US Government is a Monopoly

2000-06-13 Thread Brita V. Jones
monopoly won't let him win his case.


National News
Wednesday May 24 10:06 PM EDT

Microsoft Alleges US Government is a Monopoly

(from James Allison)

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Re: CSHarmony

2000-06-26 Thread Brita V. Jones
- Original Message - 
 From: Terry Wayne
 Subject: CSHarmony

Yeah!  What he said!  :)

Yours in health,
James Allison

Ditto! :)


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Re: CSWater

2000-07-10 Thread Brita V. Jones


RE:   what is the best water to drink. Dr. Hulda Clark recommends filtered
tap water. Others
recommend reverse osmosis or distilled.

Any suggestions?


# I would go with what Dr. Clark recommends, unless you have very bad
(private) well water, or Fluoridated public water supply.  In either of the
last two instances I would use purified, de-ionizedbottled water, which is
what I use to make CS and no longer have yellow tinged CS as I did with
distilled water.
(I had taken Fred's advice, thanks Fred in Florida).


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Re: CSWater

2000-07-10 Thread Brita V. Jones

Dave Perkins, see below, probably has the better answer for your water
consumption needs.  I'm going to check it out myself as I didn't think of
the alkalinity aspect of it.


I now drink Ionized Alkaline Water for the health benefits
associated with the ionized minerals, the increased availability
of oxygen, the altered structure that allows the cells to more
easily absorb this water and , especially, because it helps to
keep my body in an alkaline condition (Cancer and most disease
don't like alkaline and oxygenated conditions) without having to
rob calcium from my system to buffer acidic buildup.

Please visit my site (below) for more details on Ionized Alkaline

Thanks Katie

Dave Perkins
enjoy being

web site:

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CS instructions and dangers

1999-07-20 Thread MS SHELLEY V CORBIN
I am planning to make silver for the first time as soon as i get my 
silver in. i was talking to a friend who said that she orders her CS 
because the guy who sells it to her warns that making it wrong could 
be fatal. is there really a safe way to make it yourself? what are 
the dangers? is it a safe way to make it yourself?  

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CSbuying silver

1999-08-02 Thread MS SHELLEY V CORBIN
i have a jewerly cataloge that sells germs. i am looking at the .999 
silver they have on sale by the inch. any advice on what to look for? 
should i buy the thin wire or the flater strips? i was planning to by 
a couple of feet, that should last a couple of years, right? also, 
could any pass along a web site on ways to make it? i have a site, 
but i want to make sure it gives good advice. 

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CSsilver-digest Digest V99 #447

1999-08-12 Thread MS SHELLEY V CORBIN
 i have obviously missed something? what on earth are herxheimer 

 I do have herxheimer reactions, 

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CS and spouting

1999-08-18 Thread MS SHELLEY V CORBIN
will rinsing spouting seeds with this control ecoli and samonella? 

Consumers need to understand that, at this time, the best way
to control this risk is not to eat raw sprouts, she says. Raw
sprouts have been associated with salmonellosis and e-coli
infections, the FDA says. Children, the elderly and people with
weak immune systems are at greater risk for developing serious
illness due to food borne diseases.

If you do opt for sprouts, the FDA advises you to: Cook
sprouts to reduce risk of illness. Check sandwiches and salads
purchased at restaurants, and request that sprouts be omitted.
Be careful of homegrown sprouts. Sprout seeds may be
contaminated and bacteria present in or on seeds can grow even
under clean conditions.

I have also read that because of the delicacy of sprouts, they
can't be effectively washed to clean bacteria off them. Since I
recently purchased hundreds of alfalfa and broccoli seeds for
sprouting for Y2K, I'm not sure what to do myself. Cooking
destroys the enzymes and some nutrients. What are your thoughts
on this? 

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Re: CSintro and question WOOPS!

2000-07-22 Thread Brita V. Jones
How much water do you use, and what type of water?


I bought a 30VDC wall transformer from Radio Shack, along with a 6 inch
pigtail and some alligator clips.  All for about $30.  I am using this in
place of the three 9 volt batteries.  I let it run for about 20 minutes with
12 AWG silver rods spaced 1 1/2 inch.  Makes Cs without depending on

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Re: CShealing

2000-07-27 Thread Brita V. Jones
Recently there was a post about how perfectly balanced the pH of the human
body needs to be for good health.

At the time I thought, isn't that interesting!

 And to think that  there are learned people who attribute such perfect
arrangement to accidental, or evolved out of green slime rather than
allow for the greater likelihood of a superior (to humans) intelligence who
is the designer of ALL things, including CS and the Zapper, and that
knowledge was given by that designer otherwise it wouldn't exist, as well as
the capability to reason out when and how to use everything he designed.

So Bob Squires gave credit to whom credit is really due, God, (not god)!
Why is that remarkable?

Even though the Founding documents of this country clearly state endowed
by their Creator, I am well aware that there are people who think those
documents and what they enumerate are out of date, no longer apply, need to
be re-interpreted, so as to enable a certain number of other people to
dictate what we do, what we eat, what we use for medicine, etc.,and
eventually who to give the credit to for all these privileges which
these thousands of non-elected, college educated gophers invent 24 hours a
day throughout the whole world, sanctioned  by the state!

On all points,  sufficient information, to make a right decision is
withheld, or suppressed by humans, and this is the greatest form of
violence, and too many people don't know, don't care, don't see it that way.
That is interesting!

Instead of marvelling at the intelligent design of the human body, designed
to heal
on its own or with external means, we find it interesting that this man,
who has love and joy for others in his heart gives credit to God rather than
to CS or the Zapper.

That, dear friends, is interesting and remarkable to me.

Most sincerely,

Devnull  wrote, in response to Bob Squires, below:

so she used cs and a zapper but your giving credit to god? interesting.
Bob Squires wrote:

 Dear ones;

 I just received a call from a woman customer of three
 weeks past who had bought a CS unit and Zapper . She had lumps in her
 breast and long time back pain  She said the back pain went away almost
 at once and she just came from an MRI at the local hospital and all
 trace of the lumps are gone. Of course we prayed with her as well and
 she had faith and God did it .

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Re: CSNo cancer!

2000-07-27 Thread Brita V. Jones

No cancer! that's good news indeed.

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Re: CShealing

2000-07-28 Thread Brita V. Jones
Ivan, you wrote:

Oh please, don't start down this road! It leads to  trouble.

My response:
Please be assured that I have no intent to cause trouble.

You also said:
You are quite free (or ordained) to believe what you do, but others
believe that they have good reason not to agree.

My response:
The comment by Devnull was neither a joke nor a statement of disagreement.

Further you said:
Let us leave religious discussion and politics for other venues (are you
listening Mr Squires?).

My response:
I, me, Brita, was offended by the little dig by Devnull to Mr. Squires'
post. I neither know Mr. Squires, have never corresponded with him, nor was
it meant to defend Mr. Squires post, nor G-d for that matter.  No
proselytizing intended via the two examples I gave as to my amazement over
the uncalled for dig
by Devnull. I am very sorry that you missed the point.

Lastly you said:
I am thankful that the health protocols discussed on this list benefit
the believer and the heathen alike.

My response:
So am I, Ivan, very thankful and many times for yours because they teach me
something.  Most posts do, some
are so funny, I bust out laughing, which is good medicine.  But that one
post by Devnull, today, was one I could not swallow.
Most sincerely
- Original Message -
From: Brita V. Jones
Sent: Friday, 28 July 2000 17:22
Subject: Re: CShealing

 Recently there was a post about how perfectly balanced the pH of the
 body needs to be for good health.

 At the time I thought, isn't that interesting!

  And to think that  there are learned people who attribute such
 arrangement to accidental, or evolved out of green slime rather

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSota Website

2000-07-29 Thread Brita V. Jones
The new website about Sota Instruments with an update on their situation:


Thanks for the above, I have only one thing to add to their evaluation, all
the necessary laws will be on the books, passed quietly, and when Codex
Alimentarius is up for approval/ratification, we will be told that no
additional laws are necessary. Endrun, from the top down, and another one
bites the dust.  I'm so glad Hulda Clark got her books out when she did!

I could use another of Chuck's funny lines about now
but I'm afraid not even that would dissolve the knot in m y stomach.


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Re: CSStandardization

2000-08-07 Thread Brita V. Jones
Dear Ole Bob

Since I am still in the learning stage, your 6 step outline is most helpful,
in more ways than one. I can
honestly say, I understand the whole process better now
No harangue here.  Thank you.


So having a reasonable knowledge of your product may mean the success or
failure in what you are trying to accomplish.

Sorry for the harangue.

Ole Bob

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Re: CSZapper Schematic

2000-08-12 Thread Brita V. Jones
It didn't come through Mike, I'm going to check the archive to see if it got

I'm going to try re-sending this for Bill.

My mailer doesn't send HTML, so this might work if the headers aren't
too big.

Be well,

Mike D.

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CSFw: CSRe Anarchy

2000-09-29 Thread B V Jones

rou're a gem.


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2000 7:42 AM
Subject: Re: CSRe Anarchy

 Howcome you can use girls, and when I do it, I get thrown across the
 I hate PC police at Aikido class!!!
 Incoming fire has the right of way!

 On 28 Sep 2000 11:34:3 GMT, wrote:

   Girls just wanta
 have fuuunnn.

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2000-10-09 Thread B V Jones
my AVG virus protection says its a :


Sender: Grant McKenzie

Subject: CSUnidentified subject.

Hope this helps.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSOT-Taxes

2000-10-31 Thread B V Jones
snipi've tried to explain to people and got told
i don't want to know

I know what you're saying.  For the few who do think it matters, here's a
brief intro attachment with a link to a very short report by Texas
Congressman Ron Paul on recent WTO mandate



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October 30, 2000

Dear friend of liberty,

Between March and June of this year, thousands of you helped as we
tried to get passed H.J. Res. 90 which called for the United States to
withdraw from the World Trade Organization (WTO).  During the
debate, we argued that the WTO will be the trade ministry for a
world governmental system and, therefore, the demise of our system
of government would be significantly accelerated.  Our opponents,
in a committee hearing and on the U.S. House floor, dismissed our
argument as unthinkable and as something that will never happen.
Well...only a few months later

An extraordinary event occurred this week in Washington during
the final days of the 106th Congress, an event which did not receive
comment in either the media or the halls of Congress, save for my
office.  This event had been termed unthinkable only a few months
ago, writes Congressman Ron Paul in a statement released today.

To read the rest of Congressman Paul's statement, please go to and click U.S. Congress Bows 
to W.T.O.

Kent Snyder
The Liberty Committee


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unsubscribe LibertyStudyCommittee

on the first line of the body of the message.
Please leave the rest of the message blank.

---End Message---

Re: CSBottles - Sunburst

2008-06-08 Thread Sandra V George
Thank you for this one Michael - they look good and I like unlimited
quantity 1 - 1000 no 
problems - the prices also are in line - will try them next time I need
to get stock 

Peace is easy . . . It is a mind set

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSun Protection Posting 9 June

2008-06-09 Thread Sandra V George
Hi there to you - this posting is especially interesting to me as I grew
up in Jamaica and 
abused my skin in the sun for ions - I only used raw natural coconut oil
and I used to be in
the sea/sun for hours on end for over 40 years - swimming, diving,
fishing and anything you 
care to mention which happened out in the open where the sun was shining
- in reality I should
have no skin on my bones, I have never used any of the so called sun
protection products,
and I am now 69 years old and the skin cancer spots I do have are so
easily controlled by Colloidal Silver that I feel I am truly blessed - so
your article answers the question I have   always asked - how come I have
any skin on my bones !
Thanks for the answer

Peace is easy . . . It is a mind set

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Fw: CSTake A Look At This!

2008-06-09 Thread Sandra V George
I would call this subtile microwave - the phones are doing what
microwaves do - simple and   that is what we are all doing to our brains
by using them - so tumors are the enevitable - this is
a wonderful example of how self destructive we all are !   How many
will put their cell phones in the garbage after seeing this one 
Peace is easy . . . It is a mind set
- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2008 17:02:08 -0400
Subject: CSTake A Look At This!
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Fly in style.  Click here for information on private jets.

Re: CSWhere to buy generator

2014-01-20 Thread Sandra V George
As always well said Ode - wishing you a wonderful 2014
manifesting all you wish for yourself;  my equipment still runs as it did from 
the very first day, now some 14 years ago
Research, knowledge experience and desire cannot be topped!!!
Attitude is Everything
Alive Again Colloidal Silver drops  gel
Organo Gold Coffee infused with Reishe mushroom

 On Jan 20, 2014, at 9:21 AM, Ode Coyote wrote:
   It that the huge black box of junk  that's sealed under threat of warrantee 
 violation so no one can see what's in it? [which BTW , can be circumvented 
 with a heat gun ]
 What's in it is a small transformer, a rectifier bridge, a capacitor, [all to 
 get DC from AC wall power] a partly dismantled  Walmart fish tank air pump, 
 an LED and a resistor that limits current to 40 milliamps which is only good 
 to prevent fires should the electrodes get shorted out.
 No more process control than a 3 nines  generator or a $15 DC wall power 
 supply in a tiny fish tank.
 Bubblers will mix everything that's in the air into your batch.
  The three top deals on the market [IMO]
 If you want spend money, better  than most of the other pricey  glitzy 
 website units [likely more marketing 'spit and polish' than actual functional 
 product, but at least it's functional and not 98% BS  ]
 Lab stirrers [aka magnetic stirrers] have no interface with water vapors that 
 can eventually corrode motor bearings.
 ..avoid anyone that sells you your own fears or tries to manipulate your 
 emotions as a sales tactic.
 At 11:06 AM 1/19/2014 -0800, you wrote:
 Can the group advise where to buy a generator with a built in bubbler. I 
 found one for over $200.00 thought that was too steep. Got a friend in the 
 west coast really wanting to make her own...I trust your opinions here and 
 want her to get a good deal on something that is easy to use.
 Thanks in advance,
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