Re: Store_url_rewrite for squid 3+

2012-09-24 Thread Eliezer Croitoru

On 9/24/2012 11:46 AM, Amos Jeffries wrote:

   Haven't heard anything about this is a while. How is this project going?

Well it's holidays here now so I took a small stop to breath.
we had one just ended and 2\3 in the way so it leaves small amount of time.
and some family stuff on the way so I hope I will sit some more this week.

I had some progress while refactoring and re-reviewing the code.
I found one problem of handling the helper which leaves the helper 
without any place(STOUT) to write and there for will have trouble and crash.

I am now working on the points which each original_url is being 
requested and making sure this is the right point to replace it with 

I managed to predict what keys squid should lookup(storeget) and create 
couple times In the code but I'm still missing something since while I 
managed to change the digest I get in the store.log a lot of question 
mark which leaves me to think that probably there is a point which the 
referencing variable is not the right one.

I also had a bit time to look over the Link headers and metalinks files 
since I remember something about it from the past.


Re: Store_url_rewrite for squid 3+

2012-09-09 Thread Eliezer Croitoru

On 09/08/2012 01:36 AM, Alex Rousskov wrote:

On 09/07/2012 01:32 PM, Eliezer Croitoru wrote:

On 09/07/2012 05:10 PM, Alex Rousskov wrote:

 I am not sure what option you are referring to in the above. The
 Store::get(key) API I have described is not optional -- it is the
 primary way of detecting a hit.

+1 to use the api.
are we talking about the Store::Root().get ?

That is where it starts, but other Store kids implement the get() method
as well IIRC. From the caller perspective, you should also look at
storeGetPublic*() and similar functions.

basic review Done already.

 The URL rewriting must happen before or during Store key calculation.

The problem is that if I am rewriting the url, unlike
url_rewrite\redirect the connection should be initiated based on the
original url and not the rewritten one.

Sure, but that is not a problem you need to worry about much. Since you
are not going to alter the original URL, the connection initiation code
will not be affected by your changes (except for some minor adjustments
if some data members get renamed or Store::get() API-related calls get
adjusted as discussed below).

Got my answers during the review.

What I do not know yet is what and where and based on what the request
is done.

For this project, you do not need to know much about connection
initiation code. You need to make a copy of the original URL, rewrite
that copy using the new helper, and put it in a new HttpRequest data
member (for example). This should probably happen (or be initiated from) or
Well after the review it seems like there is no need to copy the request 
but to use the char * storeurl.
it makes more sense since you never touch any other part of the object 
while you are getting it.

You then need to make sure that every time Store calculates a store key,
the new member (if any) is used instead of the original URL.
this is the original  reason I wanted to know\find about the initiation 

but I managed to find what I need for now.

Since the current code is using the original request URL where you want
the rewritten/store URL to be used, I recommend _renaming_ all members
that keep or extract the original/request URL (e.g., MemObject::url).
This will force you to go through the relevant callers and make sure
that the right URL is used, depending on the caller context.

Exactly what I was getting into.

Once you are done, we can review whether the vast majority of changes in
the diff are a simple renaming of url to requestUrl. If yes, you can
revert that renaming change. If there are many cases where old url
became storeUrl and many cases where it became requestUrl then the
change should stay.

Please note that the above is just a sketch. I am not suggesting any
specific new names, and I am using existing class names only as an example.

Will look into it more.
as far as I can tell most of the current code MemObject::url calls are 
from debug.

so we need to store the original url and the store_url at least for the
period of time the request is being served.

Yes, we need to keep both URLs around during the transaction lifetime.
When I was talking about storing a URL, I was only talking about Store
(i.e., storing something in the cache).
A reason I can think of is to make it possible to use 
mgr:store_url_option that will maybe give some data about in cache 
objects such as urls etc.
For most cases the access.log is what will be used but if there is a 
need it's for it it's for that.

by the way the Purge tool uses the URL part of the metadata to find urls 
and purge them in a ufs cache_dir.
since I stored objects in my cache with URL meta data as the rewritten 
one I could do lookups on the cache objects using purge.
It gives you the ability to find out exactly at this moment what objects 
urls are in the cache and in my case also rewritten ones.

(answer about storing or not the store_url in meta)

That is a separate question. I cannot answer it, unfortunately. I do not
know why Squid2 stored either of those URLs. I know Squid3 does not
store the original/request URL.
It does in ufs cahe_dir as a fact. (see the below quotation from a cache 

url_rewrite api gets the http requests as the background to any action
so it cannot be used for store_url since any change to the request will
lead to the change we are trying to not do exactly.

mem_object contains:
char *url;
HttpRequest *request;
and the url is being used to make the hash but I still dont know what is
being taken from the mem_object to do the request.

HttpStateData::buildRequestPrefix() builds request headers. It may use
mem_object::url. I do not think you should change that code (apart from
renaming and Store::Get() API changes discussed elsewhere).

You should only be concerned with calls to storeGetPublic*() and such.
Make sure the callers do not use mem_object::url without checking
whether there is a rewritten store URL as 

Re: Store_url_rewrite for squid 3+

2012-09-09 Thread Amos Jeffries

On 9/09/2012 4:19 a.m., Alex Rousskov wrote:

On 09/07/2012 09:13 PM, Amos Jeffries wrote:

Also, any revalidation requests done later must be done on the
original request URL. Not the stored URL nor the potentially different
current client request URL.

This sounds like a very important point that could justify storing the
original request URL -- exactly the kind of information I was asking
for, thank you!

Why do we have to use the original request URL for revalidation instead
of the current one? We use current, not original request headers (we do
not store the original ones), right? Is it better to combine current
headers with the original URL than it is to use the current URL with
current headers?

Revalidation requires very precise variant targeting to ensure updated 
headers received from the revalidation is not corrupting the cached 
object copy. Regardless what people may think the YouTube URLs and other 
sites being de-duplicated with store-url *are* actually pointing at 
different files on different servers with potentially different hashes 
or encoding details. Particularly in the cases where the HD and standard 
definition variants of a video are store-url mapped to the same cache 

The URL and ETag are both critical details to preserve here. Also, 
anything else which is used for specific Squid-upstream identification 
of the resource being revalidated.

The store URL rewriting feature essentially assumes that any request URL
that maps to URL X is equivalent and, hence, any response to any request
URL that maps to URL X is equivalent. Why not use that assumption when
revalidating? If we receive a 304, we can keep using the stored content.
If we receive new response content, should not we assume that the stored
content [under the original URL] is stale as well?

Assumes is the right word. They are equivalent only in the proxy 
administrators thoughts. Which may be wrong or right. We have to let 
them be wrong sometimes and cause clients display problems, but we 
should not let them cause local cache corruption with revalidation 
updating cached objects meta data from incorrect variant sources.

Again, I am not trying to say that using original URL for revalidation
is wrong -- I am just trying to understand what the design constraints are.

We could simply re-fetch and store a new copy from the new client 
request details. Revalidation is an optimization, but requires correct 
identification of the particular resource and variant we have in cache. 
That goes for anything in cache, store-url is just tricky in that the 
client-side request can't present us the accurate details for server-side.

Thank you,

P.S. The above still does not justify storing the rewritten URL(s), of

No. I think those are only useful for key purposes and can be discarded 
once the object in cache is located for a HTI, or stored fro a MISS.


Re: Store_url_rewrite for squid 3+

2012-09-09 Thread Eliezer Croitoru

On 09/06/2012 03:58 AM, Amos Jeffries wrote:

I don't think there is anything which needs new code. The 
parsing side if things is identical for url_rewrite_*. The different 
defaults and locations are all coded in ... 

yes indeed but the actual effect comes from the code in
an example is:
 if (Config.Program.redirect) {
if (Config.redirectChildren.n_max  1) {
Config.redirectChildren.n_max = 0;
}it's specific for the redirect program.

I have tried to use the helper but it seems like without the 
code it wil assume the number of default helpers is 0/20 and will not 
start any.

which is werid...


Re: Store_url_rewrite for squid 3+

2012-09-09 Thread Amos Jeffries

On 10.09.2012 04:56, Eliezer Croitoru wrote:

On 09/06/2012 03:58 AM, Amos Jeffries wrote:

I don't think there is anything which needs new code. 
The parsing side if things is identical for url_rewrite_*. The 
different defaults and locations are all coded in ... yes 
indeed but the actual effect comes from the code in

an example is:
 if (Config.Program.redirect) {
if (Config.redirectChildren.n_max  1) {
Config.redirectChildren.n_max = 0;
}it's specific for the redirect program.

I have tried to use the helper but it seems like without the code it wil assume the number of default helpers is 0/20
and will not start any.
which is werid...

Ah. Okay I had forgotten that hack. Yes it is needed for store-url as 

It is for the case where a program name is configured but there are no 
children to be started. Or on reconfigure where a program used to be 
configured but is now removed from the config.

0/20 with none started straight away is the default. One will be 
started on first request through the proxy that needs the helper.


Re: Store_url_rewrite for squid 3+

2012-09-08 Thread Alex Rousskov
On 09/07/2012 09:13 PM, Amos Jeffries wrote:

 Also, any revalidation requests done later must be done on the
 original request URL. Not the stored URL nor the potentially different
 current client request URL.

This sounds like a very important point that could justify storing the
original request URL -- exactly the kind of information I was asking
for, thank you!

Why do we have to use the original request URL for revalidation instead
of the current one? We use current, not original request headers (we do
not store the original ones), right? Is it better to combine current
headers with the original URL than it is to use the current URL with
current headers?

The store URL rewriting feature essentially assumes that any request URL
that maps to URL X is equivalent and, hence, any response to any request
URL that maps to URL X is equivalent. Why not use that assumption when
revalidating? If we receive a 304, we can keep using the stored content.
If we receive new response content, should not we assume that the stored
content [under the original URL] is stale as well?

Again, I am not trying to say that using original URL for revalidation
is wrong -- I am just trying to understand what the design constraints are.

Thank you,

P.S. The above still does not justify storing the rewritten URL(s), of

Re: Store_url_rewrite for squid 3+

2012-09-07 Thread Eliezer Croitoru

On 09/06/2012 09:04 PM, Alex Rousskov wrote:

On 09/05/2012 06:58 PM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
FWIW, I have not reviewed the store_url_rewrite code in Squid2 so I 
cannot answer the questions related to how it was done.
I can suggest ways of doing this in Squid3, but since somebody already 
investigated all the alternatives, it would be better to hear the 
summary of the Squid2 implementation (as it relates to Store) before 
diving into Squid3 development. 

squid2 form makes sense for me by the minute.
The biggest question for me is why Squid2 code was storing multiple 
URLs with the cached object (if it was).
Why cannot Store just work with the [rewritten] URL given to it and 
ignore the fact that some [store] URLs originated from some other 
[real] URLs?

I found the answer in the documentation at: 03_major_componenets:
The Storage Manager is the glue between client and server
sides.  Every object saved in the cache is allocated a
StoreEntry structure.  While the object is being
accessed, it also has a MemObject structure.
so I think the duplication was to preserve this structure and prevent 
major api changes.
as far I get into the depth of the code I see how it's reasonable to 
make this decision if you compare the loss and benefits .
loosing a few single(sometimes it's not) bytes of GB is cheap compared 
to depth development time.

some calculations: youtube url will be about then 600 ascii letters and 
before it was object = video but now it's about 1.7MB per chunk.
so the loss of about 600 bytes of space(am i right?) compares to 20 
Million bytes gain?
well on 1.7MB it's something else but we are talking about 96Kb loss for 
a video file.

Are we trying to support going from a store_url_rewrite config back to 
regular config without losing some of the cached objects? 
Since we are talking about a try for solution to solve a static objects 
de-duplication I think it's not our case.
and even for a more dynamic one the case is always many-1 to achieve 
better cache and it's a case that makes no sense in rolling back to a 
dynamic url acquired per unique IP+COOKIE+TIME+other stuff.

It will make sense if there was a plan for rebuilding the cached objects 
and the storeurl in store but it's seems like too intensive task to hand 
it like a reasonable regular usage case.

If someone have this kind of cases he should migrate from generic 
cache-proxy to a more specific task customized proxy.(still not seems 
like a reasonable request for anything unless you want to be the 
CIA\KGB\FBI and collect data)


? question how cachemgr gets the list of urls in memory?

You might be confusing cache manager (the thing that responds to
squidclient mgr:info requests) with Store. Also, you should not think
in terms of memory (RAM) because some objects are only cached on disk.
It is best to think of Store as a collection of stored objects, ignoring
their particular location (memory or disk) to the extent possible.

no no i was talking about mgr:info ..
this not related in straight connection but I had a question about it in 
the past and will leave that to somewhere in the future.

but related to to store_url there was something that prevented 
mgr:what-ever-gives-data-on-cached-objects that it wont show the 
store_url objects.
after understanding how it was coded it's pretty obviates how and why 
this happened and it can be prevented during new development while 
structuring the data correctly.

Store can get a list of cached objects by iterating through store_table
and other store indexes. In general, you should not assume that it is
possible to get a list of all cached URLs in any efficient/practical
fashion because not all in-RAM indexes store URLs. It is only possible
to get an answer to the following question:

   * Is a response with cache key K likely to be in Squid cache now?

Where cache key is a hash computed over the request method, request URI,
and other properties.

this is what I remember.
so for the new development there should be an option to do that but also 
do the rewriting of the url before checking that or more practically to 
change the cache key calculations if there is a store_url present for 
the request.

The Store is too big and complex of an API to accurately describe in an
email IMO. I would be happy to answer specific questions about the stuff
I know, but you may have to research how things work as there is no
comprehensive documentation yet.

just need major points in the process mentioned before. but will take 
sometime until I will review more code to not make any basic stand on 
the subject.

I do have an approach that I want to check and Its' based on finding 
all\specific mem_object operations and object creation in the code.

now I'm struggling to juggle find and mark the points.

answering the double url thing
In 2.7 the feature used the storeswap_meta to add the storeurl string 
and it's simplified things.
it's  a TLV struct so you are safe in to 

Re: Store_url_rewrite for squid 3+

2012-09-07 Thread Alex Rousskov
On 09/07/2012 06:20 AM, Eliezer Croitoru wrote:
 On 09/06/2012 09:04 PM, Alex Rousskov wrote:

 The biggest question for me is why Squid2 code was storing multiple
 URLs with the cached object (if it was).
 Why cannot Store just work with the [rewritten] URL given to it and
 ignore the fact that some [store] URLs originated from some other
 [real] URLs?

 I found the answer in the documentation at: 03_major_componenets:
 The Storage Manager is the glue between client and server
 sides.  Every object saved in the cache is allocated a
 StoreEntry structure.  While the object is being
 accessed, it also has a MemObject structure.

I do not understand how the above quote answers my question. Moreover,
the above text is stale -- Squid3 (Rock Store and shared memory caches
specifically) does not allocate StoreEntry for every object saved in the

Furthermore, as far as I can tell, current Squid3 code does not store
the request URL at all (please correct me if I am wrong). This may imply
that there is no [pressing] need to store the rewritten URL either (or
at least we should have a clear understanding of why it needs to be
stored, and storing it may be viewed as a separate project/improvement).

 so I think the duplication was to preserve this structure and prevent
 major api changes.
 as far I get into the depth of the code I see how it's reasonable to
 make this decision if you compare the loss and benefits .
 loosing a few single(sometimes it's not) bytes of GB is cheap compared
 to depth development time.

I do not know what benefits you are talking about. Why do we need to
store the rewritten URL? In other words, what will break if we do not
store the rewritten URL? Again, I am not saying that storing URLs is
wrong -- I just want to understand why we need to do that.

One possible use is consistency checks. If we store the request URL, the
hit serving code can double check that the current request URL is the
same as the stored request URL. However, those checks do not explain why
we need to store two URLs (rewritten and original) and they should be
viewed as a separate improvement/project outside of your work scope.

 Store can get a list of cached objects by iterating through store_table
 and other store indexes. In general, you should not assume that it is
 possible to get a list of all cached URLs in any efficient/practical
 fashion because not all in-RAM indexes store URLs. It is only possible
 to get an answer to the following question:

* Is a response with cache key K likely to be in Squid cache now?

 Where cache key is a hash computed over the request method, request URI,
 and other properties.

 this is what I remember.
 so for the new development there should be an option to do that but also
 do the rewriting of the url before checking that or more practically to
 change the cache key calculations if there is a store_url present for
 the request.

I am not sure what option you are referring to in the above. The
Store::get(key) API I have described is not optional -- it is the
primary way of detecting a hit.

The URL rewriting must happen before or during Store key calculation.

 I do have an approach that I want to check and Its' based on finding
 all\specific mem_object operations and object creation in the code.
 now I'm struggling to juggle find and mark the points.
 answering the double url thing
 In 2.7 the feature used the storeswap_meta to add the storeurl string
 and it's simplified things.

Yes, if we need to store URL(s), we should use the StoreMeta API.

Why do we need to store URL(s)?

 I noticed STORE_META_STOREURL still in the TLV headers (probably to
 support older cache object structure versions) so i will try to use it..
 for some testing purposes.


 I have tested and added basic tests to make sure that the storeurl is
 being written and used and it's not hearts the any current cache objects
 or stuff.
 any thoughts?

Why do we need to store it?

Thank you,


Re: Store_url_rewrite for squid 3+

2012-09-07 Thread Eliezer Croitoru

On 09/07/2012 05:10 PM, Alex Rousskov wrote:

   I am not sure what option you are referring to in the above. The
   Store::get(key) API I have described is not optional -- it is the
   primary way of detecting a hit.

+1 to use the api.
are we talking about the Store::Root().get ?
I was just getting into it now and it seems to confused me a bit.
and I found my answer for couple things about purge and other stuff on 
the way.
as I see if we want to make it work we need to take another logic then 
then in 2.7 (obviously).
I will check it and make sure I can make it stick and not break anything 
in *store* on the way.

   The URL rewriting must happen before or during Store key calculation.

The problem is that if I am rewriting the url, unlike 
url_rewrite\redirect the connection should be initiated based on the 
original url and not the rewritten one.
What I do not know yet is what and where and based on what the request 
is done.

if it's based on the original request or the url.
so we need to store the original url and the store_url at least for the 
period of time the request is being served.(answer about storing or not 
the store_url in meta)

url_rewrite api gets the http requests as the background to any action 
so it cannot be used for store_url since any change to the request will 
lead to the change we are trying to not do exactly.

mem_object contains:
char *url;
HttpRequest *request;
and the url is being used to make the hash but I still dont know what is 
being taken from the mem_object to do the request.
when I will know what exact object and exact point in code is being used 
to fetch the request I think I can be more clever on a way to implement 
my idea.

I had the end of the redirector but I lost it somewhere in couple too 
much K*lines.


Ok, but it still there and can be used with just 2-3 lines of code.
I have tested it and the data is written if needed but is not in use 
when reading from store.

Why do we need to store it?
I do not know why we need to store it and i think that the only things 
that should be saved is the full request full reply and some data\meta 
the being will be used by the replacement policy.

since I dont know how everything works and about all the api in the code 
after reviewing the 2.7 code related to store_url it's seems like the 
approach wasn't that bad using the meta data.
since couple hours ago I noticed that it was done in order to make 
things possible and not really to think in a more wide angle about the 
effect of it.

the main problem I think the STORE_META_STOREURL was maybe used for is 
if and while  rebuilding the cache_dir data to be able not pass the url 
to the store_url helper.
from this point I think it's costs space but when squid rebuilds the 
cache_dir I still dont now if it's good to pass url into the helper.
And for the question that pops out: if a cache_dir get's 
corrupted, what the fate of the cache in the squid3.head ? (I have never 
had such a bad luck to be able feel what it's like).


Re: Store_url_rewrite for squid 3+

2012-09-07 Thread Alex Rousskov
On 09/07/2012 01:32 PM, Eliezer Croitoru wrote:
 On 09/07/2012 05:10 PM, Alex Rousskov wrote:
 I am not sure what option you are referring to in the above. The
 Store::get(key) API I have described is not optional -- it is the
 primary way of detecting a hit.
 +1 to use the api.
 are we talking about the Store::Root().get ?

That is where it starts, but other Store kids implement the get() method
as well IIRC. From the caller perspective, you should also look at
storeGetPublic*() and similar functions.

 The URL rewriting must happen before or during Store key calculation.
 The problem is that if I am rewriting the url, unlike
 url_rewrite\redirect the connection should be initiated based on the
 original url and not the rewritten one.

Sure, but that is not a problem you need to worry about much. Since you
are not going to alter the original URL, the connection initiation code
will not be affected by your changes (except for some minor adjustments
if some data members get renamed or Store::get() API-related calls get
adjusted as discussed below).

 What I do not know yet is what and where and based on what the request
 is done.

For this project, you do not need to know much about connection
initiation code. You need to make a copy of the original URL, rewrite
that copy using the new helper, and put it in a new HttpRequest data
member (for example). This should probably happen (or be initiated from) or

You then need to make sure that every time Store calculates a store key,
the new member (if any) is used instead of the original URL.

Since the current code is using the original request URL where you want
the rewritten/store URL to be used, I recommend _renaming_ all members
that keep or extract the original/request URL (e.g., MemObject::url).
This will force you to go through the relevant callers and make sure
that the right URL is used, depending on the caller context.

Once you are done, we can review whether the vast majority of changes in
the diff are a simple renaming of url to requestUrl. If yes, you can
revert that renaming change. If there are many cases where old url
became storeUrl and many cases where it became requestUrl then the
change should stay.

Please note that the above is just a sketch. I am not suggesting any
specific new names, and I am using existing class names only as an example.

 so we need to store the original url and the store_url at least for the
 period of time the request is being served.

Yes, we need to keep both URLs around during the transaction lifetime.
When I was talking about storing a URL, I was only talking about Store
(i.e., storing something in the cache).

(answer about storing or not the store_url in meta)

That is a separate question. I cannot answer it, unfortunately. I do not
know why Squid2 stored either of those URLs. I know Squid3 does not
store the original/request URL.

 url_rewrite api gets the http requests as the background to any action
 so it cannot be used for store_url since any change to the request will
 lead to the change we are trying to not do exactly.
 mem_object contains:
 char *url;
 HttpRequest *request;
 and the url is being used to make the hash but I still dont know what is
 being taken from the mem_object to do the request.

HttpStateData::buildRequestPrefix() builds request headers. It may use
mem_object::url. I do not think you should change that code (apart from
renaming and Store::Get() API changes discussed elsewhere).

You should only be concerned with calls to storeGetPublic*() and such.
Make sure the callers do not use mem_object::url without checking
whether there is a rewritten store URL as well. You will probably want
to change profile of most of those calls so that the caller does not
need to worry about picking the right URL to use (the decision would
happen inside storeGetPublic() and friends).

 Why do we need to store it?
 I do not know why we need to store it and i think that the only things
 that should be saved is the full request full reply and some data\meta
 the being will be used by the replacement policy.
 since I dont know how everything works and about all the api in the code
 after reviewing the 2.7 code related to store_url it's seems like the
 approach wasn't that bad using the meta data.

How is that metadata used in Squid2? What is it used for? Nobody is
suggesting that Squid2 does something wrong here, of course. We just
need to understand _what_ it does so that we can either mimic what it
does in Squid3 or do something better.

 since couple hours ago I noticed that it was done in order to make
 things possible and not really to think in a more wide angle about the
 effect of it.

What things does it make possible?

I hope we will not have to commit some code without understanding its

 the main problem I think the STORE_META_STOREURL was maybe used for is
 if and while  rebuilding the cache_dir data to 

Re: Store_url_rewrite for squid 3+

2012-09-07 Thread Amos Jeffries

On 8/09/2012 7:38 a.m., Eliezer Croitoru wrote:

On 09/07/2012 05:10 PM, Alex Rousskov wrote:

   I am not sure what option you are referring to in the above. The
   Store::get(key) API I have described is not optional -- it is the
   primary way of detecting a hit.

+1 to use the api.
are we talking about the Store::Root().get ?
I was just getting into it now and it seems to confused me a bit.
and I found my answer for couple things about purge and other stuff on 
the way.
as I see if we want to make it work we need to take another logic then 
then in 2.7 (obviously).
I will check it and make sure I can make it stick and not break 
anything in *store* on the way.

   The URL rewriting must happen before or during Store key calculation.

The problem is that if I am rewriting the url, unlike 
url_rewrite\redirect the connection should be initiated based on the 
original url and not the rewritten one.
What I do not know yet is what and where and based on what the request 
is done.

if it's based on the original request or the url.
so we need to store the original url and the store_url at least for 
the period of time the request is being served.(answer about storing 
or not the store_url in meta)

Correct. Also, any revalidation requests done later must be done on the 
original request URL. Not the stored URL nor the potentially different 
current client request URL.
Thus we need to store the object with key being the store-url and 
preserve the original for server-side use.

url_rewrite api gets the http requests as the background to any action 
so it cannot be used for store_url since any change to the request 
will lead to the change we are trying to not do exactly.

mem_object contains:
char *url;
HttpRequest *request;
and the url is being used to make the hash but I still dont know what 
is being taken from the mem_object to do the request.
when I will know what exact object and exact point in code is being 
used to fetch the request I think I can be more clever on a way to 
implement my idea.

I had the end of the redirector but I lost it somewhere in couple too 
much K*lines.


Ok, but it still there and can be used with just 2-3 lines of code.
I have tested it and the data is written if needed but is not in use 
when reading from store.

Why do we need to store it?
I do not know why we need to store it and i think that the only things 
that should be saved is the full request full reply and some data\meta 
the being will be used by the replacement policy.

since I dont know how everything works and about all the api in the 
code after reviewing the 2.7 code related to store_url it's seems like 
the approach wasn't that bad using the meta data.
since couple hours ago I noticed that it was done in order to make 
things possible and not really to think in a more wide angle about the 
effect of it.

the main problem I think the STORE_META_STOREURL was maybe used for is 
if and while  rebuilding the cache_dir data to be able not pass the 
url to the store_url helper.
from this point I think it's costs space but when squid rebuilds the 
cache_dir I still dont now if it's good to pass url into the helper.

It will be costly to process maybe several millions of objects through 
the helper on startup/restart.

And for the question that pops out: if a cache_dir get's 
corrupted, what the fate of the cache in the squid3.head ? (I have 
never had such a bad luck to be able feel what it's like).


Re: Store_url_rewrite for squid 3+, on what branch to start working?

2012-09-07 Thread Amos Jeffries

On 6/09/2012 11:00 p.m., Eliezer Croitoru wrote:
I had a *smalll* issue with my storage so I'm forced to start from 
almost scratch.
I previously worked on the 3.2.1 latest stable sources and I am 
wondering on where to start now?

start on head? stable?


3.HEAD please.


Re: Store_url_rewrite for squid 3+, on what branch to start working?

2012-09-06 Thread Eliezer Croitoru
I had a *smalll* issue with my storage so I'm forced to start from 
almost scratch.
I previously worked on the 3.2.1 latest stable sources and I am 
wondering on where to start now?

start on head? stable?


Re: Store_url_rewrite for squid 3+

2012-09-06 Thread Alex Rousskov
On 09/05/2012 06:58 PM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
 On 06.09.2012 11:58, Eliezer Croitoru wrote:
 We can pause there for the infrastructure to look fine before moving on
 to the store details. I've been waiting on assistance from Henrik or
 Alex on that for a while. They are the ones who know the answers to your
 questions below AFAIK.

FWIW, I have not reviewed the store_url_rewrite code in Squid2 so I
cannot answer the questions related to how it was done. I can suggest
ways of doing this in Squid3, but since somebody already investigated
all the alternatives, it would be better to hear the summary of the
Squid2 implementation (as it relates to Store) before diving into Squid3

The biggest question for me is why Squid2 code was storing multiple URLs
with the cached object (if it was). Why cannot Store just work with the
[rewritten] URL given to it and ignore the fact that some [store] URLs
originated from some other [real] URLs? Are we trying to support going
from a store_url_rewrite config back to regular config without losing
some of the cached objects?

 2. Research the workflow of storing objects in memory and store and
 introduce psudo for a new workflow of storing objects to avoid bad
 effects on cache objects usage in any form that can be.
 - I do know that squid uses some hash look-up and I have seen in the
 things about it.
 - as far I understood from the code:
 client_request builds the request of the http object.
 creates a mem-object and on the way creates a checksum.
 a transfer from of the mem-object to a store happens.
 if a store rebuild happens it takes all of the data from the file in
 the store.

 ? question how cachemgr gets the list of urls in memory?

You might be confusing cache manager (the thing that responds to
squidclient mgr:info requests) with Store. Also, you should not think
in terms of memory (RAM) because some objects are only cached on disk.
It is best to think of Store as a collection of stored objects, ignoring
their particular location (memory or disk) to the extent possible.

Store can get a list of cached objects by iterating through store_table
and other store indexes. In general, you should not assume that it is
possible to get a list of all cached URLs in any efficient/practical
fashion because not all in-RAM indexes store URLs. It is only possible
to get an answer to the following question:

  * Is a response with cache key K likely to be in Squid cache now?

Where cache key is a hash computed over the request method, request URI,
and other properties.

 I will look at it later but if someone have solid knowledge on how
 the store routing was or implemented before i'm rushing into the code
 every piece of info will help me when looking into it.

The Store is too big and complex of an API to accurately describe in an
email IMO. I would be happy to answer specific questions about the stuff
I know, but you may have to research how things work as there is no
comprehensive documentation yet.

Another complication is that such fundamental Squid2 Store feature as
store_table needs to be removed but it has not been completely removed
from Squid3 yet, so there is some [older] code that relies on it and
some [newer] code that tries hard to stay away from it, all while doing
the same kind of operations.

Finally, the whole Store class hierarchy is ugly to a fault. It needs to
be split into more independent classes instead of everybody and the
kitchen sink inheriting from Store, hiding the intended boundaries among
store manager, memory storage manager, disk storage manager,
cache_dir manager, etc.

Good luck,


Re: Store_url_rewrite for squid 3+

2012-09-05 Thread Eliezer Croitoru

On 9/5/2012 8:00 AM, Amos Jeffries wrote:

On 5/09/2012 4:10 p.m., Eliezer Croitoru wrote:

I'm reading some code (will take a while) to maybe get a functional
store_url_rewrite for squid3+.

Actually i was thinking about it a lot and the process should be very
use some stdin+stdout like for url_rewrite interface for starter.

Yes. The interface can be used. The caller code runs
*_access checks and provides a callback function which uses the
resulting URL to do things to store keys.

i think this is can be done pretty fast if someone knows the current
it's kind of replicate the url_rewrite and change all the directives
names from url_rewrite to store_url_rewrite and let someone write the

how is this as a starter to maybe make it work?

Exactly what I was planning. Just a lack of store code knowledge getting
in the way.

It should be done before the request is being done and i think that
before url_rewrite helper.

At the point where cache key is being decided I think. Which is just
before HIT lookup. After adaptations like url_rewrite.

the next step after that is to take the to be cached entry and
change the the key of the stored object. as it will be stored at in
the cache and not like the old store_url_rewrite that was saved in a
formart of old+new url.

how about just start with the basics of putting the whole redirector
as in with store_url_rewrite?

how hard can it be?

Want to give it a try?
Well I would like to but it seems i'm lacking of knowledge in c\c++ and 
squid structure.
I do recognize that there is a language there with some structure since 
I did wrote using java and ruby.
(just wrote a small proxy for specific protocol that peers two tcp 
incoming connections after verification of identity and it seems to rock)

I was thinking to start with creating a store_url_rewrite (fake) that 
will debug and all but will not do any changes except logging.
If I\we can make this stage it will benefit anyone who will want to 
integrate some new interface for squid.

So I started playing with the sources but since squid is a big puzzle 
for me I dont know where and what I should put or look for pieces of 
code related to the .
what I did as a starter is to take (3.2.1)and change all the 
methods names I could find\think off to a srewriter syntax such as:


file and diff attached.

after that I tried to find anything related to in the 
makefiles and have seen:


so i suppose i should add to every place of also
(but i'm dont know...)

I didnt made any changed to the that will make it harmless 
and fake yet.

now the hard part for me is: how would I find any in the 
rest of squid and make sure to add the needed code for

I can parse the but since I dont know any of the code 
structure I wouldnt know what to extract and look for.

I noticed kinkie did pretty things while parsing the code.

I took a peer at the old store_url_rewrite and it seems to be divided 
into client_side_storeurl_rewrite.c, store_rewrite.c

and has some struct in structs.h for children concurrency and command.

On 3.2.1 it's seems to be organized better and only in couple files such 
as the and others.

any leads,?


Eliezer Croitoru
IT consulting for Nonprofit organizations
eliezer at
  * DEBUG: section 61Redirector
  * DEBUG: section 61Srewriter
 /// url maximum lengh + extra informations passed to redirector
 /// url maximum lengh + extra informations passed to srewriter
 } redirectStateData;
 } srewriterStateData;
 static HLPCB redirectHandleReply;
 static void redirectStateFree(redirectStateData * r);
 static helper *redirectors = NULL;
 static OBJH redirectStats;
 static HLPCB srewriteHandleReply;
 static void srewriterStateFree(srewriterStateData * r);
 static helper *srewriters = NULL;
 static OBJH srewriterStats;
 redirectHandleReply(void *data, char *reply)
 srewriteHandleReply(void *data, char *reply)
 redirectStateData *r = static_castredirectStateData *(data);
 srewriterStateData *r = static_castsrewriterStateData *(data);
 debugs(61, 5, redirectHandleRead: {  (reply  *reply != '\0' ? reply 
: NULL)  });
 debugs(61, 5, srewriteHandleRead: {  (reply  *reply != '\0' ? reply 
 : NULL)  });
 redirectStateFree(redirectStateData * r)
 srewriterStateFree(srewriterStateData * r)
 redirectStats(StoreEntry * sentry)
 srewriterStats(StoreEntry * sentry)
 if (redirectors == NULL) {

Re: Store_url_rewrite for squid 3+

2012-09-05 Thread Eliezer Croitoru

On 9/5/2012 9:56 AM, Eliezer Croitoru wrote:

any leads,?

Well there is a nice progress.
I reviewed the 2.7 store_url_rewrite and I divided the task into more 
detailed smaller tasks.

1. Research the  url_rewrite interface code and Introduce a modified 
version of url_rewrite as url_store_rewrite_program.
- this task is kind of done(passed compiling and running on 3.2.1) by 
now and I want to get some ideas on naming conventions for the code to 
fit the project amazing code looks.

list of changed files and code:
create a mimic file of in  ./  and change 
all the methods and variables to fit store_rewrite.

strip all the url_rewrite data manipulating actions.
change the debugging info.
(after the store related planning tasks get back here to redo)

adding the proper variables for:
helper naming, bypass(on\off), acl_access namespace, child configs
the ??_rewrites_host of url_rewrite dosnt belong for store_rewrite 
process at all.

state the default configuration for the helper

stating all config directives for the the helper (copy and modify from 

adding int for state
adding bool for done

stating the start method as squidexternal something

adding calls and callouts

stating the start init and shutdown methods.

calling init and shutdown methods at start/reconfigure etc..

./  ./
adding the source ?.cc file into the commands

2. Research the workflow of storing objects in memory and store and 
introduce psudo for a new workflow of storing objects to avoid bad 
effects on cache objects usage in any form that can be.
- I do know that squid uses some hash look-up and I have seen in the 
things about it.

- as far I understood from the code:
client_request builds the request of the http object.
creates a mem-object and on the way creates a checksum.
a transfer from of the mem-object to a store happens.
if a store rebuild happens it takes all of the data from the file in the 

? question how cachemgr gets the list of urls in memory?

so probable points of failure:
using the wrong url to fetch the object.
wrong arguments for checksum.
storing with wrong arguments\url leading to faulty rebuild.

I do remember that when I looked at a stored old store_url_rewrite cahce 
file long time ago there were two urls in the file what leads me (it's a 
bit fogy) to think that the stored file was the memobject cache rather 
then a set of arguments such as refresh time related 

I will look at it later but if someone have solid knowledge on how the 
store routing was or implemented before i'm rushing into the code every 
piece of info will help me when looking into it.


Eliezer Croitoru
IT consulting for Nonprofit organizations
eliezer at

Re: Store_url_rewrite for squid 3+

2012-09-05 Thread Amos Jeffries

On 06.09.2012 11:58, Eliezer Croitoru wrote:

On 9/5/2012 9:56 AM, Eliezer Croitoru wrote:

any leads,?

Well there is a nice progress.
I reviewed the 2.7 store_url_rewrite and I divided the task into more
detailed smaller tasks.

FTR: squid-2.7 ports are exempted as suitable in most cases for 
back-porting to stable despite our no new features policy.
I am happy for this to be done as a series of patches instead of a 
singular change. It can be assembled in trunk and back-ported as a 
singular later.

1. Research the  url_rewrite interface code and Introduce a modified
version of url_rewrite as url_store_rewrite_program.
- this task is kind of done(passed compiling and running on 3.2.1) by
now and I want to get some ideas on naming conventions for the code 

fit the project amazing code looks.

list of changed files and code:
create a mimic file of in  ./  and change

No need.

What I meant earlier about src/ being usable is that most of 
the code is an exact duplicate. You should only need to:

 * write a new start() function ie storeurlRewriteStart()
 * add new storeurl_rewriters global

 * adapt redirectRegisterWithCacheManager() to register a new 
storeurl_rewrite report (when that part is written)
 * adapt redirectInit() to setup both url_rewrite and storeurl-rewrite 
 * adapt redirectShutdown() to cleanup both url_rewrite and 
storeurl-rewrite helpers.

The new storeurlRewriteStart() to be used by store code for this 
re-writing and sets up the redirect interface using the new store 
helpers and whatever callback the changed URL is to be sent to. The 
entire rest of the code for helper management is identical.

all the methods and variables to fit store_rewrite.
strip all the url_rewrite data manipulating actions.
change the debugging info.
(after the store related planning tasks get back here to redo)

adding the proper variables for:
helper naming, bypass(on\off), acl_access namespace, child configs
the ??_rewrites_host of url_rewrite dosnt belong for store_rewrite
process at all.

state the default configuration for the helper

What do you mean by this?
 doConfigure() post-configuration checking?

I don't think there is anything which needs new code. The 
parsing side if things is identical for url_rewrite_*. The different 
defaults and locations are all coded in ...

stating all config directives for the the helper (copy and modify
from url_rewrite_program)

Okay. However, if merging the stages to trunk separately this will need 
to be the final step, since it makes the directives publicly visible. We 
want to make these changes and doc/release-notes/release-3.*.sgml at the 
same time when it is suitable for public use.

Also, remove the storeurl_* entries at the top marking them as 
obsolete/unavilable type.

adding int for state
adding bool for done

stating the start method as squidexternal something

Just extern will do. We are killing the SQUIDCEXTERN mess.

adding calls and callouts

stating the start init and shutdown methods.

We are in the process of killing protos.h. Please create a 
store_urlrewrite.h header for these definitions instead.

However, see the comments above about There should not 
need to be any new files created for this. Which removes the protos.h, and changes.

calling init and shutdown methods at start/reconfigure etc..

./  ./
adding the source ?.cc file into the commands

Other than the notes above. Okay.

If you have a patch for that please submit for audit :-)

We can pause there for the infrastructure to look fine before moving on 
to the store details. I've been waiting on assistance from Henrik or 
Alex on that for a while. They are the ones who know the answers to your 
questions below AFAIK.

2. Research the workflow of storing objects in memory and store and
introduce psudo for a new workflow of storing objects to avoid bad
effects on cache objects usage in any form that can be.
- I do know that squid uses some hash look-up and I have seen in the
things about it.
- as far I understood from the code:
client_request builds the request of the http object.
creates a mem-object and on the way creates a checksum.
a transfer from of the mem-object to a store happens.
if a store rebuild happens it takes all of the data from the file in
the store.

? question how cachemgr gets the list of urls in memory?

so probable points of failure:
using the wrong url to fetch the object.
wrong arguments for checksum.
storing with wrong arguments\url leading to faulty rebuild.

I do remember that when I looked at a stored old store_url_rewrite
cahce file long time ago there were two urls in the file what leads 

(it's a bit fogy) to think that the stored file was the memobject

Re: Store_url_rewrite for squid 3+

2012-09-05 Thread Eliezer Croitoru

it seems we are getting to somewhere.
i know how to patch using command but what are the proper one to get a 
patch file to be run later? will look into  it.


On 9/6/2012 3:58 AM, Amos Jeffries wrote:

On 06.09.2012 11:58, Eliezer Croitoru wrote:

On 9/5/2012 9:56 AM, Eliezer Croitoru wrote:

any leads,?

Well there is a nice progress.
I reviewed the 2.7 store_url_rewrite and I divided the task into more
detailed smaller tasks.

FTR: squid-2.7 ports are exempted as suitable in most cases for
back-porting to stable despite our no new features policy.
I am happy for this to be done as a series of patches instead of a
singular change. It can be assembled in trunk and back-ported as a
singular later.

1. Research the  url_rewrite interface code and Introduce a modified
version of url_rewrite as url_store_rewrite_program.
- this task is kind of done(passed compiling and running on 3.2.1) by
now and I want to get some ideas on naming conventions for the code to
fit the project amazing code looks.

list of changed files and code:
create a mimic file of in  ./  and change

No need.

What I meant earlier about src/ being usable is that most of
the code is an exact duplicate. You should only need to:
  * write a new start() function ie storeurlRewriteStart()
  * add new storeurl_rewriters global

  * adapt redirectRegisterWithCacheManager() to register a new
storeurl_rewrite report (when that part is written)
  * adapt redirectInit() to setup both url_rewrite and storeurl-rewrite
  * adapt redirectShutdown() to cleanup both url_rewrite and
storeurl-rewrite helpers.


The new storeurlRewriteStart() to be used by store code for this
re-writing and sets up the redirect interface using the new store
helpers and whatever callback the changed URL is to be sent to. The
entire rest of the code for helper management is identical.

all the methods and variables to fit store_rewrite.
strip all the url_rewrite data manipulating actions.
change the debugging info.
(after the store related planning tasks get back here to redo)

adding the proper variables for:
helper naming, bypass(on\off), acl_access namespace, child configs
the ??_rewrites_host of url_rewrite dosnt belong for store_rewrite
process at all.

state the default configuration for the helper

What do you mean by this?
  doConfigure() post-configuration checking?

I don't think there is anything which needs new code. The
parsing side if things is identical for url_rewrite_*. The different
defaults and locations are all coded in ...

ok so later we will see how ot optimize the conf file.
but there are coupe arguments there that are crucial for compilation and 
parsing the config file

stating all config directives for the the helper (copy and modify
from url_rewrite_program)

Okay. However, if merging the stages to trunk separately this will need
to be the final step, since it makes the directives publicly visible. We
want to make these changes and doc/release-notes/release-3.*.sgml at the
same time when it is suitable for public use.

Also, remove the storeurl_* entries at the top marking them as
obsolete/unavilable type.

adding int for state
adding bool for done

stating the start method as squidexternal something

Just extern will do. We are killing the SQUIDCEXTERN mess.

adding calls and callouts

stating the start init and shutdown methods.

We are in the process of killing protos.h. Please create a
store_urlrewrite.h header for these definitions instead.

will be done

However, see the comments above about There should not need
to be any new files created for this. Which removes the protos.h, and changes.

calling init and shutdown methods at start/reconfigure etc..

./  ./
adding the source ?.cc file into the commands

Other than the notes above. Okay.

If you have a patch for that please submit for audit :-)

We can pause there for the infrastructure to look fine before moving on
to the store details. I've been waiting on assistance from Henrik or
Alex on that for a while. They are the ones who know the answers to your
questions below AFAIK.

2. Research the workflow of storing objects in memory and store and
introduce psudo for a new workflow of storing objects to avoid bad
effects on cache objects usage in any form that can be.
- I do know that squid uses some hash look-up and I have seen in the
things about it.
- as far I understood from the code:
client_request builds the request of the http object.
creates a mem-object and on the way creates a checksum.
a transfer from of the mem-object to a store happens.
if a store rebuild happens it takes all of the data from the file in
the store.

? question how cachemgr gets the list of urls in memory?


Re: Store_url_rewrite for squid 3+

2012-09-05 Thread Amos Jeffries

On 06.09.2012 13:23, Eliezer Croitoru wrote:

it seems we are getting to somewhere.
i know how to patch using command but what are the proper one to get
a patch file to be run later? will look into  it.

If you are using diff:
  diff -u orig_code/ new_code/ output_file.patch

If you are using bzr:
 bzr diff output_file.patch


Re: Store_url_rewrite for squid 3+

2012-09-05 Thread Eliezer Croitoru

On 9/6/2012 4:37 AM, Amos Jeffries wrote:

On 06.09.2012 13:23, Eliezer Croitoru wrote:

it seems we are getting to somewhere.
i know how to patch using command but what are the proper one to get
a patch file to be run later? will look into  it.

If you are using diff:
   diff -u orig_code/ new_code/ output_file.patch

If you are using bzr:
  bzr diff output_file.patch


and I hoped to sleep but i'm not  tired :(

anyway I will post couple patches later with the basic thing.
i'm now mangling my working version into the file and moving on.

Eliezer Croitoru
IT consulting for Nonprofit organizations
eliezer at

Store_url_rewrite for squid 3+

2012-09-04 Thread Eliezer Croitoru
I'm reading some code (will take a while) to maybe get a functional 
store_url_rewrite for squid3+.

Actually i was thinking about it a lot and the process should be very 

use some stdin+stdout like for url_rewrite interface for starter.
i think this is can be done pretty fast if someone knows the current code.
it's kind of replicate the url_rewrite and change all the directives 
names from url_rewrite to store_url_rewrite and let someone write the 

how is this as a starter to maybe make it work?

It should be done before the request is being done and i think that 
before url_rewrite helper.

the next step after that is to take the to be cached entry and change 
the the key of the stored object. as it will be stored at in the cache 
and not like the old store_url_rewrite that was saved in a formart of 
old+new url.

how about just start with the basics of putting the whole redirector as 
in with store_url_rewrite?

how hard can it be?


Eliezer Croitoru
IT consulting for Nonprofit organizations
eliezer at

Re: Store_url_rewrite for squid 3+

2012-09-04 Thread Amos Jeffries

On 5/09/2012 4:10 p.m., Eliezer Croitoru wrote:
I'm reading some code (will take a while) to maybe get a functional 
store_url_rewrite for squid3+.

Actually i was thinking about it a lot and the process should be very 

use some stdin+stdout like for url_rewrite interface for starter.

Yes. The interface can be used. The caller code runs 
*_access checks and provides a callback function which uses the 
resulting URL to do things to store keys.

i think this is can be done pretty fast if someone knows the current 
it's kind of replicate the url_rewrite and change all the directives 
names from url_rewrite to store_url_rewrite and let someone write the 

how is this as a starter to maybe make it work?

Exactly what I was planning. Just a lack of store code knowledge getting 
in the way.

It should be done before the request is being done and i think that 
before url_rewrite helper.

At the point where cache key is being decided I think. Which is just 
before HIT lookup. After adaptations like url_rewrite.

the next step after that is to take the to be cached entry and 
change the the key of the stored object. as it will be stored at in 
the cache and not like the old store_url_rewrite that was saved in a 
formart of old+new url.

how about just start with the basics of putting the whole redirector 
as in with store_url_rewrite?

how hard can it be?

Want to give it a try?


Re: [PATCH] Solaris /dev/poll support for Squid 3 (how can I contribute)

2010-10-20 Thread Peter Payne

 On 10/19/10 18:40, Alex Rousskov wrote:

On 10/13/2010 04:21 AM, Peter Payne wrote:


Firstly, I wanted to address the benchmark questions as it made me
curious as to whether there really was an advantage in using /dev/poll.
I used the Apache Bench tool (that comes with HTTPD) to do my 

I compiled a 32-bit Solaris 5.10 x86 of Squid version 3.1.8, and another
Squid version 3.1.8 with my patches. I shall call them unpatched Squid
and patched Squid respectively. Note that unpatched Squid was using
ordinary poll() and patched Squid was using /dev/poll.

Where I used Apache bench with 1 simultaneous connection or even 8,000
simultaneous connections there was little difference between unpatched
Squid and patched Squid. When all connections are busy there is no
performance gain.

However the test that proved the most striking difference was
pre-establishing 8,000 TCP socket connections to Squid using a basic
Perl script. Then running Apache Bench with 1 connection making 100,000
keep-alive'd requests.

unpatched Squid (using poll):
2min23sec CPU user-time
171sec to process 10 Apache Bench queries

patched Squid (using /dev/poll):
0min22sec CPU user-time
25sec to process 10 Apache Bench queries

Clearly /dev/poll has a significant performance gain where there are
many idle TCP socket connections.

On 10/13/2010 04:25 PM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
 Oooh... Speed.

Not really, at least not if you define performance or speed as 
ability to sustain an X requests/second load.

The above test is a classic best-effort test that, by design, cannot 
measure proxy's ability to handle load because its offered request 
rate depends on measured response time. During such a test, Squid 
drives the benchmark rather than the benchmark driving Squid.

There are many real-world examples where a faster product (for any 
practical definition of faster) would show drastically worse results 
during such a test.

What the test does tell you is that an idle Squid became faster at 
processing a single transaction after the patch. Significant 
performance gain and similar conclusions are premature after a 
best-effort test like this one.

Please do _not_ interpret my comments as negative towards the patch 
itself. I just want to minimize the chance that others will start 
running similar tests and jumping to the wrong conclusions regarding 
their own optimization ideas.

Thank you,



I completely agree. During testing there was little or no performance 
gain when processing n busy connections (all busy). The only performance 
benefit arose out of servicing few busy connections when many were idle.

As for the realism or effectiveness in the real world it may be 
negligible. However there are situations when a connection is idle: when 
waiting for a proxy to fetch a page from somewhere else, when holding a 
connection open using keep-alive.

At any rate, it was a desired feature on the Squid 3 roadmap and was 
already provided for Squid 2, and given that epoll and kqueue support 
exists, it is added for completeness (with a LOT more comments in the 
source too, initially I found reading the older code harder going).


Re: [PATCH] Solaris /dev/poll support for Squid 3 (how can I contribute)

2010-10-19 Thread Alex Rousskov

On 10/13/2010 04:21 AM, Peter Payne wrote:


Firstly, I wanted to address the benchmark questions as it made me
curious as to whether there really was an advantage in using /dev/poll.
I used the Apache Bench tool (that comes with HTTPD) to do my benchmarks.

I compiled a 32-bit Solaris 5.10 x86 of Squid version 3.1.8, and another
Squid version 3.1.8 with my patches. I shall call them unpatched Squid
and patched Squid respectively. Note that unpatched Squid was using
ordinary poll() and patched Squid was using /dev/poll.

Where I used Apache bench with 1 simultaneous connection or even 8,000
simultaneous connections there was little difference between unpatched
Squid and patched Squid. When all connections are busy there is no
performance gain.

However the test that proved the most striking difference was
pre-establishing 8,000 TCP socket connections to Squid using a basic
Perl script. Then running Apache Bench with 1 connection making 100,000
keep-alive'd requests.

unpatched Squid (using poll):
2min23sec CPU user-time
171sec to process 10 Apache Bench queries

patched Squid (using /dev/poll):
0min22sec CPU user-time
25sec to process 10 Apache Bench queries

Clearly /dev/poll has a significant performance gain where there are
many idle TCP socket connections.

On 10/13/2010 04:25 PM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
 Oooh... Speed.

Not really, at least not if you define performance or speed as 
ability to sustain an X requests/second load.

The above test is a classic best-effort test that, by design, cannot 
measure proxy's ability to handle load because its offered request rate 
depends on measured response time. During such a test, Squid drives the 
benchmark rather than the benchmark driving Squid.

There are many real-world examples where a faster product (for any 
practical definition of faster) would show drastically worse results 
during such a test.

What the test does tell you is that an idle Squid became faster at 
processing a single transaction after the patch. Significant 
performance gain and similar conclusions are premature after a 
best-effort test like this one.

Please do _not_ interpret my comments as negative towards the patch 
itself. I just want to minimize the chance that others will start 
running similar tests and jumping to the wrong conclusions regarding 
their own optimization ideas.

Thank you,


Re: [PATCH] Solaris /dev/poll support for Squid 3 (how can I contribute)

2010-10-16 Thread Amos Jeffries

On 14/10/10 13:58, Henrik Nordström wrote:

ons 2010-10-13 klockan 22:25 + skrev Amos Jeffries:

+1 from me with merge tweaks.

Unless anyone has objections I will commit with tweaks at the next

No objection from me. But have not reviewed the changes outside


The rest being minimal basic plumbing. I'm taking this as a second vote. :)

Applied to Squid-3 as r10946. Thank you Peter.

Please be using
  Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE9 or 3.1.8
  Beta testers wanted for

Re: [PATCH] Solaris /dev/poll support for Squid 3 (how can I contribute)

2010-10-13 Thread Peter Payne

 Hello Amos,

in response to your comments.


Firstly, I wanted to address the benchmark questions as it made me 
curious as to whether there really was an advantage in using /dev/poll. 
I used the Apache Bench tool (that comes with HTTPD) to do my benchmarks.

I compiled a 32-bit Solaris 5.10 x86 of Squid version 3.1.8, and another 
Squid version 3.1.8 with my patches. I shall call them unpatched Squid 
and patched Squid respectively. Note that unpatched Squid was using 
ordinary poll() and patched Squid was using /dev/poll.

Where I used Apache bench with 1 simultaneous connection or even 8,000 
simultaneous connections there was little difference between unpatched 
Squid and patched Squid. When all connections are busy there is no 
performance gain.

However the test that proved the most striking difference was 
pre-establishing 8,000 TCP socket connections to Squid using a basic 
Perl script. Then running Apache Bench with 1 connection making 100,000 
keep-alive'd requests.

unpatched Squid (using poll):
  2min23sec CPU user-time
  171sec to process 10 Apache Bench queries

patched Squid (using /dev/poll):
  0min22sec CPU user-time
  25sec to process 10 Apache Bench queries

Clearly /dev/poll has a significant performance gain where there are 
many idle TCP socket connections.

I have now also optimised the routine to ensure 
unnecessary calls to /dev/poll with the POLLREMOVE flag were removed.


Most of the style used was a result of directly copying the styles used 
in the existing comm_devpoll.c from Squid v2.7 and from 
Squid v3.1.8. However where these conflict with the requests made most 
recently I will adopt the recommendations in the e-mail.

1. used #if USE_DEVPOLL instead of #ifdef
2. moved #includes except squid.h inside USE_DEVPOLL wrapper
3. moved comment to own line
4. removed big XXX..XXX lines (note uses this notation)
5. made big doxygen effort!!! Enjoy.
6. (did not remove no-op else cases, I think they are clear)
7. used HERE macro as requested


/dev/poll doesn't need to be hard coded, that was a mistake. Please 
migrate USE_DEVPOLL conditional to same line as USE_EPOLL.


Pretty much all beyond me, am happy with whatever changes you decide to 
make. I just wanted to add a /dev/poll auto-detect routine and use that 
in preference to poll() if available.

Note that epoll/kqueue is assumed to be unavailable on any Solaris 
system with /dev/poll. You might want to thus prioritise /dev/poll 
support to BELOW that of epoll and kqueue (in case there's any 
confusion). But of course /dev/poll should be by default selected if 
available before defaulting to standard poll().

Kind regards,
Peter Payne

On 10/12/10 00:36, Amos Jeffries wrote:

On Mon, 11 Oct 2010 14:58:34 +0100, Peter

Hello Amos,

thank you for your response. Please find attached the four files in

Companies to mention as sponsors are BBC (UK), Siemens IT Solutions and
Services (UK).

Credit to Peter Payne, Pirosa Limited UK (no e-mail please).

Sure. No problem.

Squid bug 3057 was raised by another member of Siemens IT Solutions and
Services during testing of Squid 3.1.8 on Solaris - that bug was not
produced on the 32-bit compile, just the 64-bit compile. It is not
thought this is related to the /dev/poll support added here.


On to the audit. This is just a 3.x style and consistency check. I'll take
it as tested and working. please make the following updates
   - use #if USE_DEVPOLL instead of #ifdef.
   - move all #includes except squid.h inside the USE_DEVPOLL wrapper.
   - move the /* Solaris /dev/poll support */ to its own line or remove
   - remove the big ... lines.
   - use /** for the function documentation.
 If you know doxygen syntax please markup the text in any other
relevant ways as well.
   - replace all debugs DEBUG_DEVPOLL ? 0 : 8 with 5 or 7 to match
the other comm loops display density.
   - replace comm_update_fd the #if DEBUG_DEVPOLL with (?:) constructs in
the debugs()
 ie  (events  POLLIN ?  IN:)
   - in commSetSelect please remove the no-op else cases. // else: we want
...  comments are fine.
   - comm_select please use HERE macro in debugs() instead of the text name
of the function.

squid-include.diff all done by autoconf during packaging. This can be

   - automake changes need to be made in This can be done on
   - changes okay.

   - changes okay.
   - but can you mention why /dev/poll limit is hard-coded? compat area
needs enough details so we can track the when and why for each hack. The
aim being to remove them when the problems have been resolved.

   - okay as-is for 3.1.
   - for 3.2 and later we have simpler logics with some helper
macros. That can be 

Re: [PATCH] Solaris /dev/poll support for Squid 3 (how can I contribute)

2010-10-13 Thread Peter Payne

 Hello Amos,

apologies to the dev list for what must appear to be spamming.

Please use the attached version of the file. It has a minor performance 
tweak (only set events that have changed if not clearing any events).

Compiled using CC=/tool/sunstudio12/bin/cc and tested again using Apache 
Bench and some manual queries through a web browser.


On 10/13/10 11:21, Peter Payne wrote:

 Hello Amos,

in response to your comments.


Firstly, I wanted to address the benchmark questions as it made me 
curious as to whether there really was an advantage in using 
/dev/poll. I used the Apache Bench tool (that comes with HTTPD) to do 
my benchmarks.

I compiled a 32-bit Solaris 5.10 x86 of Squid version 3.1.8, and 
another Squid version 3.1.8 with my patches. I shall call them 
unpatched Squid and patched Squid respectively. Note that 
unpatched Squid was using ordinary poll() and patched Squid was 
using /dev/poll.

Where I used Apache bench with 1 simultaneous connection or even 8,000 
simultaneous connections there was little difference between 
unpatched Squid and patched Squid. When all connections are busy 
there is no performance gain.

However the test that proved the most striking difference was 
pre-establishing 8,000 TCP socket connections to Squid using a basic 
Perl script. Then running Apache Bench with 1 connection making 
100,000 keep-alive'd requests.

unpatched Squid (using poll):
  2min23sec CPU user-time
  171sec to process 10 Apache Bench queries

patched Squid (using /dev/poll):
  0min22sec CPU user-time
  25sec to process 10 Apache Bench queries

Clearly /dev/poll has a significant performance gain where there are 
many idle TCP socket connections.

I have now also optimised the routine to ensure 
unnecessary calls to /dev/poll with the POLLREMOVE flag were removed.


Most of the style used was a result of directly copying the styles 
used in the existing comm_devpoll.c from Squid v2.7 and 
from Squid v3.1.8. However where these conflict with the requests made 
most recently I will adopt the recommendations in the e-mail.

1. used #if USE_DEVPOLL instead of #ifdef
2. moved #includes except squid.h inside USE_DEVPOLL wrapper
3. moved comment to own line
4. removed big XXX..XXX lines (note uses this notation)
5. made big doxygen effort!!! Enjoy.
6. (did not remove no-op else cases, I think they are clear)
7. used HERE macro as requested


/dev/poll doesn't need to be hard coded, that was a mistake. Please 
migrate USE_DEVPOLL conditional to same line as USE_EPOLL.


Pretty much all beyond me, am happy with whatever changes you decide 
to make. I just wanted to add a /dev/poll auto-detect routine and use 
that in preference to poll() if available.

Note that epoll/kqueue is assumed to be unavailable on any Solaris 
system with /dev/poll. You might want to thus prioritise /dev/poll 
support to BELOW that of epoll and kqueue (in case there's any 
confusion). But of course /dev/poll should be by default selected if 
available before defaulting to standard poll().

Kind regards,
Peter Payne

On 10/12/10 00:36, Amos Jeffries wrote:
On Mon, 11 Oct 2010 14:58:34 +0100, Peter


Hello Amos,

thank you for your response. Please find attached the four files in

Companies to mention as sponsors are BBC (UK), Siemens IT Solutions and
Services (UK).

Credit to Peter Payne, Pirosa Limited UK (no e-mail please).

Sure. No problem.

Squid bug 3057 was raised by another member of Siemens IT Solutions and
Services during testing of Squid 3.1.8 on Solaris - that bug was not
produced on the 32-bit compile, just the 64-bit compile. It is not
thought this is related to the /dev/poll support added here.


On to the audit. This is just a 3.x style and consistency check. I'll 

it as tested and working. please make the following updates
   - use #if USE_DEVPOLL instead of #ifdef.
   - move all #includes except squid.h inside the USE_DEVPOLL wrapper.
   - move the /* Solaris /dev/poll support */ to its own line or 

   - remove the big ... lines.
   - use /** for the function documentation.
 If you know doxygen syntax please markup the text in any other
relevant ways as well.
   - replace all debugs DEBUG_DEVPOLL ? 0 : 8 with 5 or 7 to match
the other comm loops display density.
   - replace comm_update_fd the #if DEBUG_DEVPOLL with (?:) 
constructs in

the debugs()
 ie  (events  POLLIN ?  IN:)
   - in commSetSelect please remove the no-op else cases. // else: 
we want

...  comments are fine.
   - comm_select please use HERE macro in debugs() instead of the 
text name

of the function.

squid-include.diff all done by autoconf during packaging. This can be

   - automake changes need to be made in This can be 
done on


Re: [PATCH] Solaris /dev/poll support for Squid 3 (how can I contribute)

2010-10-13 Thread Henrik Nordström
ons 2010-10-13 klockan 15:40 +0100 skrev Peter Payne:
 Hello Amos,
 apologies to the dev list for what must appear to be spamming.

No apologies needed. We are all for release early an often, and
discussing code is what this list is for.


Re: [PATCH] Solaris /dev/poll support for Squid 3 (how can I contribute)

2010-10-13 Thread Amos Jeffries
On Wed, 13 Oct 2010 15:40:22 +0100, Peter Payne
 Hello Amos,
 apologies to the dev list for what must appear to be spamming.

Completely on topic. No apologies needed.

 Please use the attached version of the file. It has a minor performance 
 tweak (only set events that have changed if not clearing any events).
 Compiled using CC=/tool/sunstudio12/bin/cc and tested again using Apache

 Bench and some manual queries through a web browser.

Will do. Thanks.

 On 10/13/10 11:21, Peter Payne wrote:
  Hello Amos,

 in response to your comments.


 Firstly, I wanted to address the benchmark questions as it made me 
 curious as to whether there really was an advantage in using 
 /dev/poll. I used the Apache Bench tool (that comes with HTTPD) to do 
 my benchmarks.

 I compiled a 32-bit Solaris 5.10 x86 of Squid version 3.1.8, and 
 another Squid version 3.1.8 with my patches. I shall call them 
 unpatched Squid and patched Squid respectively. Note that 
 unpatched Squid was using ordinary poll() and patched Squid was 
 using /dev/poll.

 Where I used Apache bench with 1 simultaneous connection or even 8,000 
 simultaneous connections there was little difference between 
 unpatched Squid and patched Squid. When all connections are busy 
 there is no performance gain.

 However the test that proved the most striking difference was 
 pre-establishing 8,000 TCP socket connections to Squid using a basic 
 Perl script. Then running Apache Bench with 1 connection making 
 100,000 keep-alive'd requests.

 unpatched Squid (using poll):
   2min23sec CPU user-time
   171sec to process 10 Apache Bench queries

 patched Squid (using /dev/poll):
   0min22sec CPU user-time
   25sec to process 10 Apache Bench queries

Oooh... Speed.

 Clearly /dev/poll has a significant performance gain where there are 
 many idle TCP socket connections.

 I have now also optimised the routine to ensure 
 unnecessary calls to /dev/poll with the POLLREMOVE flag were removed.


 Most of the style used was a result of directly copying the styles 
 used in the existing comm_devpoll.c from Squid v2.7 and 
 from Squid v3.1.8. However where these conflict with the requests made 
 most recently I will adopt the recommendations in the e-mail.

 1. used #if USE_DEVPOLL instead of #ifdef
 2. moved #includes except squid.h inside USE_DEVPOLL wrapper
 3. moved comment to own line
 4. removed big XXX..XXX lines (note uses this notation)
 5. made big doxygen effort!!! Enjoy.
 6. (did not remove no-op else cases, I think they are clear)
 7. used HERE macro as requested


 /dev/poll doesn't need to be hard coded, that was a mistake. Please 
 migrate USE_DEVPOLL conditional to same line as USE_EPOLL.

K. will do


 Pretty much all beyond me, am happy with whatever changes you decide 
 to make. I just wanted to add a /dev/poll auto-detect routine and use 
 that in preference to poll() if available.

 Note that epoll/kqueue is assumed to be unavailable on any Solaris 
 system with /dev/poll. You might want to thus prioritise /dev/poll 
 support to BELOW that of epoll and kqueue (in case there's any 
 confusion). But of course /dev/poll should be by default selected if 
 available before defaulting to standard poll().

Okay. Thanks for that.

 Kind regards,
 Peter Payne

+1 from me with merge tweaks.

Unless anyone has objections I will commit with tweaks at the next


Re: [PATCH] Solaris /dev/poll support for Squid 3 (how can I contribute)

2010-10-13 Thread Henrik Nordström
ons 2010-10-13 klockan 22:25 + skrev Amos Jeffries:

 +1 from me with merge tweaks.
 Unless anyone has objections I will commit with tweaks at the next

No objection from me. But have not reviewed the changes outside


[PATCH] Solaris /dev/poll support for Squid 3 (how can I contribute)

2010-10-11 Thread Peter Payne

 Hello Amos,

thank you for your response. Please find attached the four files in 

Companies to mention as sponsors are BBC (UK), Siemens IT Solutions and 
Services (UK).

Credit to Peter Payne, Pirosa Limited UK (no e-mail please).

Squid bug 3057 was raised by another member of Siemens IT Solutions and 
Services during testing of Squid 3.1.8 on Solaris - that bug was not 
produced on the 32-bit compile, just the 64-bit compile. It is not 
thought this is related to the /dev/poll support added here.

Note that while porting I have suspicions that the commResetSelect() function does nothing (i.e., it calls 
commSetSelect with no type flag, which I suspect is a no-op for all 
intents and purposes). I haven't confirmed this, however, so haven't 
raised it as a bug. Someone may want to double-check.

Kind regards,
Peter Payne

On 10/09/10 02:26, Amos Jeffries wrote:

On 08/10/10 23:13, Peter Payne wrote:

Dear Mailing List,

I have a contribution to make, a C++ file (and autoconf patches) for
/dev/poll Solaris support, ported from Squid-2 and in use on the BBC
(UK) estate managed by Siemens UK with permission from the BBC to
publish to the Squid open-source project.

I've not contributed to an open source project before and unsure how to
deliver the patch. We (at the BBC/Siemens) would like to see the patch
included so that future releases of Squid shall have the Solaris
/dev/poll support supplied (reducing the need for us to patch each
following release manually).

If one of you were to e-mail me directly I would be happy to provide the
following: - /dev/poll support file to add to /src/ subdir
squid-root.diff - unified diff to update in the / subdir
squid-include.diff - unified diff to update in the
/include/ subdir
squid-src.diff - unified diff to update files and
in the /src/ subdir

The support for /dev/poll will be automatically detected by configure
and conditionally compiled in.

Greetings Peter,
  Thank you very much for this.

Our procedure for patch inclusion is relatively simple:

 * Post the unified-diff format patches here to the squid-dev list.
 * with a subject starting [PATCH] 
 * who to credit as author(s), default is the senders name and email.
 * message text describing hat it does for the public commit record 
and to assist people understand the code.

 * companies where relevant mention as thanks or sponsors
(these last two are covered by the email you already sent).

 One or more of us will do an audit that it fits on 3.HEAD then reply 
with any updates that may be needed.

Most of that you have done already, we just need the patches posted 
with author details to start the audit cycle.

On the administrative side. I'm not sure this one is /dev/poll 
related, but with the info that BBC is using your patch this reporters 
address and build options looks a little suspicious:
If you can sight it without the patch or can't sight it at all thats 
fine, but if introduced it will need fixing.

Amos Jeffries
Squid HTTP Proxy Project

 * $Id$
 * DEBUG: section 05Socket Functions
 * SQUID Web Proxy Cache
 * --
 *  Squid is the result of efforts by numerous individuals from
 *  the Internet community; see the CONTRIBUTORS file for full
 *  details.   Many organizations have provided support for Squid's
 *  development; see the SPONSORS file for full details.  Squid is
 *  Copyrighted (C) 2001 by the Regents of the University of
 *  California; see the COPYRIGHT file for full details.  Squid
 *  incorporates software developed and/or copyrighted by other
 *  sources; see the CREDITS file for full details.
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA.

 * This is a very simple driver for Solaris /dev/poll.
 * The updates are batched, one trip through the comm loop.
 * (like libevent.) We keep a pointer into the structs so we
 * can zero out an entry in the poll list if its active.
 * Ported by Peter Payne from Squid 2.7.STABLE9 comm_devpoll.c
 * on August 11, 2010 at 3pm (GMT+0100 Europe/London).
 * Last modified 2010-10-08


Re: [PATCH] Solaris /dev/poll support for Squid 3 (how can I contribute)

2010-10-11 Thread Amos Jeffries
On Mon, 11 Oct 2010 14:58:34 +0100, Peter Payne
 Hello Amos,
 thank you for your response. Please find attached the four files in 
 Companies to mention as sponsors are BBC (UK), Siemens IT Solutions and 
 Services (UK).
 Credit to Peter Payne, Pirosa Limited UK (no e-mail please).

Sure. No problem.

 Squid bug 3057 was raised by another member of Siemens IT Solutions and 
 Services during testing of Squid 3.1.8 on Solaris - that bug was not 
 produced on the 32-bit compile, just the 64-bit compile. It is not 
 thought this is related to the /dev/poll support added here.


On to the audit. This is just a 3.x style and consistency check. I'll take
it as tested and working. please make the following updates
  - use #if USE_DEVPOLL instead of #ifdef.
  - move all #includes except squid.h inside the USE_DEVPOLL wrapper.
  - move the /* Solaris /dev/poll support */ to its own line or remove
  - remove the big ... lines.
  - use /** for the function documentation.
If you know doxygen syntax please markup the text in any other
relevant ways as well.
  - replace all debugs DEBUG_DEVPOLL ? 0 : 8 with 5 or 7 to match
the other comm loops display density.
  - replace comm_update_fd the #if DEBUG_DEVPOLL with (?:) constructs in
the debugs()
ie   (events  POLLIN ?  IN:)
  - in commSetSelect please remove the no-op else cases. // else: we want
...  comments are fine.
  - comm_select please use HERE macro in debugs() instead of the text name
of the function.

squid-include.diff all done by autoconf during packaging. This can be

  - automake changes need to be made in This can be done on
  - changes okay.

  - changes okay.
  - but can you mention why /dev/poll limit is hard-coded? compat area
needs enough details so we can track the when and why for each hack. The
aim being to remove them when the problems have been resolved.

  - okay as-is for 3.1.
  - for 3.2 and later we have simpler logics with some helper
macros. That can be cut-n-pasted on commit.
  - RUNIFELSE is a bigger problem. It breaks cross-compiling and I notice
its not present in 2.7.
Is the configure-time run test marked Verify that /dev/poll really
works actually needed?
What will happen to builds made on non-Solaris with forced devpoll and
the kernel headers present?

In the magic if statement (hunk: @@ -3013,6 +3066,8 @@) has
a specific order from fastest to slowest. Can you please point me/us at any
reliable /dev/poll benchmarking comparisons with epoll/kqueue to justify
placing it where you did?

Thank you.

 Note that while porting I have suspicions that the commResetSelect() function does nothing (i.e., it calls 
 commSetSelect with no type flag, which I suspect is a no-op for all 
 intents and purposes). I haven't confirmed this, however, so haven't 
 raised it as a bug. Someone may want to double-check.

Hmm. Yes. It stops the event FD being polled, but does not unset the
handler like all the other loops.
I've not yet learned the details of epoll well, if you think doing a no-op
there is incorrect please make the bug report about it.


Solaris /dev/poll support for Squid 3 (how can I contribute)

2010-10-08 Thread Peter Payne

 Dear Mailing List,

I have a contribution to make, a C++ file (and autoconf patches) for 
/dev/poll Solaris support, ported from Squid-2 and in use on the BBC 
(UK) estate managed by Siemens UK with permission from the BBC to 
publish to the Squid open-source project.

I've not contributed to an open source project before and unsure how to 
deliver the patch. We (at the BBC/Siemens) would like to see the patch 
included so that future releases of Squid shall have the Solaris 
/dev/poll support supplied (reducing the need for us to patch each 
following release manually).

If one of you were to e-mail me directly I would be happy to provide the 
following: - /dev/poll support file to add to /src/ subdir
  squid-root.diff - unified diff to update in the / subdir
  squid-include.diff - unified diff to update in the 
/include/ subdir
  squid-src.diff - unified diff to update files and in the /src/ subdir

The support for /dev/poll will be automatically detected by configure 
and conditionally compiled in.

Kind regards,
Peter Payne
Pirosa Limited, under contract to
Siemens UK, who operate
BBC media estate

Re: Solaris /dev/poll support for Squid 3 (how can I contribute)

2010-10-08 Thread Amos Jeffries

On 08/10/10 23:13, Peter Payne wrote:

Dear Mailing List,

I have a contribution to make, a C++ file (and autoconf patches) for
/dev/poll Solaris support, ported from Squid-2 and in use on the BBC
(UK) estate managed by Siemens UK with permission from the BBC to
publish to the Squid open-source project.

I've not contributed to an open source project before and unsure how to
deliver the patch. We (at the BBC/Siemens) would like to see the patch
included so that future releases of Squid shall have the Solaris
/dev/poll support supplied (reducing the need for us to patch each
following release manually).

If one of you were to e-mail me directly I would be happy to provide the
following: - /dev/poll support file to add to /src/ subdir
squid-root.diff - unified diff to update in the / subdir
squid-include.diff - unified diff to update in the
/include/ subdir
squid-src.diff - unified diff to update files and
in the /src/ subdir

The support for /dev/poll will be automatically detected by configure
and conditionally compiled in.

Greetings Peter,
  Thank you very much for this.

Our procedure for patch inclusion is relatively simple:

 * Post the unified-diff format patches here to the squid-dev list.
 * with a subject starting [PATCH] 
 * who to credit as author(s), default is the senders name and email.
 * message text describing hat it does for the public commit record and 
to assist people understand the code.

 * companies where relevant mention as thanks or sponsors
(these last two are covered by the email you already sent).

 One or more of us will do an audit that it fits on 3.HEAD then reply 
with any updates that may be needed.

Most of that you have done already, we just need the patches posted with 
author details to start the audit cycle.

On the administrative side. I'm not sure this one is /dev/poll related, 
but with the info that BBC is using your patch this reporters address 
and build options looks a little suspicious:
If you can sight it without the patch or can't sight it at all thats 
fine, but if introduced it will need fixing.

Amos Jeffries
Squid HTTP Proxy Project

storeurl_rewriter squid 3.x

2010-06-25 Thread Joaquim Pedro França Simão
I read a while ago that this would only be available in squid 3.2, but
wonder if there is already some implementation because I was thinking
about doing that but was wondering if there is already some effort.

Joaquim Pedro

Re: storeurl_rewriter squid 3.x

2010-06-25 Thread Amos Jeffries

Joaquim Pedro França Simão wrote:

I read a while ago that this would only be available in squid 3.2, but
wonder if there is already some implementation because I was thinking
about doing that but was wondering if there is already some effort.

It was planned to be ported along with the other 2.7 features. It is one 
which has not yet happened.

The deadline for 3.2 feature submission is running low (branching and 
release of happens 30th July if snapshot releases are fixed), so 
any effort you can make towards a port patch in that time would be very 

You can find the basic 2.7 code changes and a few additional bug fixes at:
plus one more recent bug fix at:

Please be using
  Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE9 or 3.1.4

Re: Squid-3 and HTTP/1.1

2010-02-10 Thread Alex Rousskov

HTTP compliance results for Squid 3.0.23, 3.1.16, and trunk r10264
have been uploaded to

We tried to preserve the old results intact for this update and just
added new stuff. Going forward, we will polish the spreadsheet and
probably remove outdated results. Suggestions welcome!

The updated spreadsheet contains a new U test case outcome,
representing test cases that yield different results during what should
be identical tests from HTTP point of view. Most of such outcomes
indicate timeouts and similar non-problems, but a few probably indicate
parsing bugs.

Thank you,


On 01/29/2010 09:45 AM, Alex Rousskov wrote:
 On 01/28/2010 06:34 AM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
 Robert Collins wrote:
 On Wed, 2010-01-27 at 22:49 -0700, Alex Rousskov wrote:

 c) Co-Advisor currently only tests MUST-level requirements. Old Robert's
 checklist contained some SHOULD-level requirements as well. I see that
 Sheet1 on the spreadsheet has SHOULDs. Are we kind of ignoring them (and
 Sheet1) for now, until all MUSTs on Sheet2 are satisfied?

 d) I do not know who created the spreadsheet. Whoever it was, thank you!
 Is there a script that takes Co-Advisor results and produces a
 spreadsheet column for cut-and-pasting?
 Spreadsheet by me. Item format + naming by the Co-Advisor authors. Data
 by Y! testing + me for the estimated column.

 I tried to base it on yours Rob for a historical view of the 2.x
 support. But the item naming and crossover was too different and too
 much work to be reliable and easy. half-sorry ;)

 Alex: the current form is effectively a XLS dump cross-test of the
 Co-Advisor results. Plus manual estimations for the guess column.

 I've forgotten what was on the Sheet2. So yes it's missed a few rounds
 of updates.
 By Sheet2, do you mean Sheet1? Sheet2 seems to be more polished and it
 opens first by default. Please double check.
 Can you explain what XLS dump cross-test of the Co-Advisor results
 mean? Co-Advisor produces HTML and XML output. If you have a script that
 converts that to XLS, please share.
 Thank you,

Re: Squid-3 and HTTP/1.1

2010-01-29 Thread Alex Rousskov
On 01/28/2010 04:42 PM, Mark Nottingham wrote:

 FWIW, I have an XSLT stylesheet that can format the results
 pleasantly; it could be a starting point for something automated.

Please share if you can.

Thank you,


 On 29/01/2010, at 12:34 AM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
 Robert Collins wrote:
 On Wed, 2010-01-27 at 22:49 -0700, Alex Rousskov wrote:
 c) Co-Advisor currently only tests MUST-level requirements. Old Robert's
 checklist contained some SHOULD-level requirements as well. I see that
 Sheet1 on the spreadsheet has SHOULDs. Are we kind of ignoring them (and
 Sheet1) for now, until all MUSTs on Sheet2 are satisfied?

 d) I do not know who created the spreadsheet. Whoever it was, thank you!
 Is there a script that takes Co-Advisor results and produces a
 spreadsheet column for cut-and-pasting?
 It looks nice. It might be based on the xls spreadsheet I made, but I
 don't know ;)
 I would not worry about SHOULD's until the MUSTs are done (but if a
 SHOULD is in reach while doing a MUST, doing it would be good).
 Spreadsheet by me. Item format + naming by the Co-Advisor authors. Data by 
 Y! testing + me for the estimated column.

 I tried to base it on yours Rob for a historical view of the 2.x support. 
 But the item naming and crossover was too different and too much work to be 
 reliable and easy. half-sorry ;)

 Alex: the current form is effectively a XLS dump cross-test of the 
 Co-Advisor results. Plus manual estimations for the guess column.

 I've forgotten what was on the Sheet2. So yes it's missed a few rounds of 

 Please be using
  Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE7 or 3.0.STABLE21
  Current Beta Squid
 Mark Nottingham

Re: Squid-3 and HTTP/1.1

2010-01-29 Thread Alex Rousskov
On 01/28/2010 06:34 AM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
 Robert Collins wrote:
 On Wed, 2010-01-27 at 22:49 -0700, Alex Rousskov wrote:

 c) Co-Advisor currently only tests MUST-level requirements. Old Robert's
 checklist contained some SHOULD-level requirements as well. I see that
 Sheet1 on the spreadsheet has SHOULDs. Are we kind of ignoring them (and
 Sheet1) for now, until all MUSTs on Sheet2 are satisfied?

 d) I do not know who created the spreadsheet. Whoever it was, thank you!
 Is there a script that takes Co-Advisor results and produces a
 spreadsheet column for cut-and-pasting?
 Spreadsheet by me. Item format + naming by the Co-Advisor authors. Data
 by Y! testing + me for the estimated column.
 I tried to base it on yours Rob for a historical view of the 2.x
 support. But the item naming and crossover was too different and too
 much work to be reliable and easy. half-sorry ;)
 Alex: the current form is effectively a XLS dump cross-test of the
 Co-Advisor results. Plus manual estimations for the guess column.
 I've forgotten what was on the Sheet2. So yes it's missed a few rounds
 of updates.

By Sheet2, do you mean Sheet1? Sheet2 seems to be more polished and it
opens first by default. Please double check.

Can you explain what XLS dump cross-test of the Co-Advisor results
mean? Co-Advisor produces HTML and XML output. If you have a script that
converts that to XLS, please share.

Thank you,


Re: Squid-3 and HTTP/1.1

2010-01-28 Thread Robert Collins
On Wed, 2010-01-27 at 22:49 -0700, Alex Rousskov wrote:

 c) Co-Advisor currently only tests MUST-level requirements. Old Robert's
 checklist contained some SHOULD-level requirements as well. I see that
 Sheet1 on the spreadsheet has SHOULDs. Are we kind of ignoring them (and
 Sheet1) for now, until all MUSTs on Sheet2 are satisfied?
 d) I do not know who created the spreadsheet. Whoever it was, thank you!
 Is there a script that takes Co-Advisor results and produces a
 spreadsheet column for cut-and-pasting?

It looks nice. It might be based on the xls spreadsheet I made, but I
don't know ;)

I would not worry about SHOULD's until the MUSTs are done (but if a
SHOULD is in reach while doing a MUST, doing it would be good).


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Squid-3 and HTTP/1.1

2010-01-28 Thread Amos Jeffries

Robert Collins wrote:

On Wed, 2010-01-27 at 22:49 -0700, Alex Rousskov wrote:

c) Co-Advisor currently only tests MUST-level requirements. Old Robert's
checklist contained some SHOULD-level requirements as well. I see that
Sheet1 on the spreadsheet has SHOULDs. Are we kind of ignoring them (and
Sheet1) for now, until all MUSTs on Sheet2 are satisfied?

d) I do not know who created the spreadsheet. Whoever it was, thank you!
Is there a script that takes Co-Advisor results and produces a
spreadsheet column for cut-and-pasting?

It looks nice. It might be based on the xls spreadsheet I made, but I
don't know ;)

I would not worry about SHOULD's until the MUSTs are done (but if a
SHOULD is in reach while doing a MUST, doing it would be good).


Spreadsheet by me. Item format + naming by the Co-Advisor authors. Data 
by Y! testing + me for the estimated column.

I tried to base it on yours Rob for a historical view of the 2.x 
support. But the item naming and crossover was too different and too 
much work to be reliable and easy. half-sorry ;)

Alex: the current form is effectively a XLS dump cross-test of the 
Co-Advisor results. Plus manual estimations for the guess column.

I've forgotten what was on the Sheet2. So yes it's missed a few rounds 
of updates.

Please be using
  Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE7 or 3.0.STABLE21
  Current Beta Squid

Re: Squid-3 and HTTP/1.1

2010-01-28 Thread Mark Nottingham
FWIW, I have an XSLT stylesheet that can format the results pleasantly; it 
could be a starting point for something automated.

On 29/01/2010, at 12:34 AM, Amos Jeffries wrote:

 Robert Collins wrote:
 On Wed, 2010-01-27 at 22:49 -0700, Alex Rousskov wrote:
 c) Co-Advisor currently only tests MUST-level requirements. Old Robert's
 checklist contained some SHOULD-level requirements as well. I see that
 Sheet1 on the spreadsheet has SHOULDs. Are we kind of ignoring them (and
 Sheet1) for now, until all MUSTs on Sheet2 are satisfied?
 d) I do not know who created the spreadsheet. Whoever it was, thank you!
 Is there a script that takes Co-Advisor results and produces a
 spreadsheet column for cut-and-pasting?
 It looks nice. It might be based on the xls spreadsheet I made, but I
 don't know ;)
 I would not worry about SHOULD's until the MUSTs are done (but if a
 SHOULD is in reach while doing a MUST, doing it would be good).
 Spreadsheet by me. Item format + naming by the Co-Advisor authors. Data by Y! 
 testing + me for the estimated column.
 I tried to base it on yours Rob for a historical view of the 2.x support. But 
 the item naming and crossover was too different and too much work to be 
 reliable and easy. half-sorry ;)
 Alex: the current form is effectively a XLS dump cross-test of the Co-Advisor 
 results. Plus manual estimations for the guess column.
 I've forgotten what was on the Sheet2. So yes it's missed a few rounds of 
 Please be using
  Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE7 or 3.0.STABLE21
  Current Beta Squid

Mark Nottingham

Re: Squid-3 and HTTP/1.1

2010-01-27 Thread Alex Rousskov
On 01/09/2010 04:10 AM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
 Alex Rousskov wrote:
 On 09/12/2009 05:36 AM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
 Updating the checklist today I again wonder if we can repeat the step
 from 2.7 and enable HTTP/1.1 on requests sent to servers

 As far as I can see the missing bits 3.2 needs to take that step are:

  - reject http-Upgrade requests from clients.
  - reject Expect-100 requests from clients.

 anything else?

 NP: both of those are temporary measures to prevent passing something
 through to the server that will get us into trouble. Until we get real
 support for them ready.

 PS... Alex and co, what hardware/system requirements are needed to run
 one of the audits?

 There are pretty much no special requirements other than internet
 connectivity because one can use Co-Advisor hosted on the Factory
 server. Linux RPMs can be used if remote testing is not possible. The
 tool does not require a fast CPU and 512MB RAM should be sufficient.

 Okay, wonderful.
 Then could we get things moving towards an audit of when it
 happens next month please? possibly with a followup for 3.1.1 when the
 bits that first audit finds are fixed.

Will do. I should update Sheet2 of the wonderful Features/HTTP11
spreadsheet, right? Please consider it locked for a few weeks.

I have a few related questions:

a) We have a 3.1 patch (currently being tested in production) that
forces HTTP/1.1 version string for ACL-matching responses. Should we add
that and turn in on for this audit? IIRC, a few test cases fail because
Squid does not claim to be HTTP/1.1 compliant and that would allow us to
pass those.

b) We can (and may even have to) write a patch to force HTTP/1.1 version
string for ACL-matching requests. Should we write and enable that as
well for this audit? Same rationale as in (a).

c) Co-Advisor currently only tests MUST-level requirements. Old Robert's
checklist contained some SHOULD-level requirements as well. I see that
Sheet1 on the spreadsheet has SHOULDs. Are we kind of ignoring them (and
Sheet1) for now, until all MUSTs on Sheet2 are satisfied?

d) I do not know who created the spreadsheet. Whoever it was, thank you!
Is there a script that takes Co-Advisor results and produces a
spreadsheet column for cut-and-pasting?

Thank you,


Re: Squid-3 and HTTP/1.1

2010-01-09 Thread Amos Jeffries

Alex Rousskov wrote:

On 09/12/2009 05:36 AM, Amos Jeffries wrote:

Updating the checklist today I again wonder if we can repeat the step
from 2.7 and enable HTTP/1.1 on requests sent to servers

As far as I can see the missing bits 3.2 needs to take that step are:

 - reject http-Upgrade requests from clients.
 - reject Expect-100 requests from clients.

anything else?

NP: both of those are temporary measures to prevent passing something
through to the server that will get us into trouble. Until we get real
support for them ready.

PS... Alex and co, what hardware/system requirements are needed to run
one of the audits?

There are pretty much no special requirements other than internet
connectivity because one can use Co-Advisor hosted on the Factory
server. Linux RPMs can be used if remote testing is not possible. The
tool does not require a fast CPU and 512MB RAM should be sufficient.


Okay, wonderful.
Then could we get things moving towards an audit of when it 
happens next month please? possibly with a followup for 3.1.1 when the 
bits that first audit finds are fixed.

I'll do the gopher work myself if need be.


Re: Squid-3 and HTTP/1.1

2010-01-08 Thread Alex Rousskov
On 09/12/2009 05:36 AM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
 Updating the checklist today I again wonder if we can repeat the step
 from 2.7 and enable HTTP/1.1 on requests sent to servers
 As far as I can see the missing bits 3.2 needs to take that step are:
  - reject http-Upgrade requests from clients.
  - reject Expect-100 requests from clients.
 anything else?
 NP: both of those are temporary measures to prevent passing something
 through to the server that will get us into trouble. Until we get real
 support for them ready.
 PS... Alex and co, what hardware/system requirements are needed to run
 one of the audits?

There are pretty much no special requirements other than internet
connectivity because one can use Co-Advisor hosted on the Factory
server. Linux RPMs can be used if remote testing is not possible. The
tool does not require a fast CPU and 512MB RAM should be sufficient.


Re: Squid-3 and HTTP/1.1

2010-01-01 Thread Amos Jeffries

Henrik Nordstrom wrote:

lör 2009-09-12 klockan 23:36 +1200 skrev Amos Jeffries:
Updating the checklist today I again wonder if we can repeat the step 
from 2.7 and enable HTTP/1.1 on requests sent to servers

The default in 2.7 is 1.0 still. There is an option to enable 1.1, or
actually three.. (http11 cache_peer option, server_http11 directive and
http11 http(s)_port option)

As far as I can see the missing bits 3.2 needs to take that step are:

  - reject http-Upgrade requests from clients.
  - reject Expect-100 requests from clients.

Unfortunately there is several clients which will fail if you do that...
sending Expect: 100-continue, but not expecting it to be rejected with
417 Expectation Failed...

is why there is an ignore_expect_100 directive in 2.7.. default off but
many of the setups using 2.7 as normal proxy have had to enable this..

Thanks to the experimentation trying to fix bug 2176 I think I see a 
clean way to create expect-100 handling in Squid-3.

If someone with more store experience can point out to me how to reset 
the StoreEntry properly after receiving and passing on a reply we can 
accept and process the 100 reply and then reset it for the actual data 
reply. Turning sockets used for *100 into a temporary persistent 
connection with two pipelined replies regardless of the overall 
persistence needs.

... branch created to experiment with.

Please be using
  Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE7 or 3.0.STABLE21
  Current Beta Squid

Re: [PATCH] Support ICY protocol (ICECast / ICEShout servers) in Squid-3

2009-11-02 Thread Amos Jeffries

Amos Jeffries wrote:
Since we have no central place where the headers are upgraded I've had 
to skip porting the upgrade_http0.9 hack in Squid-2 and go straight to 
accepting ICY protocol as an accepted response protocol and handling it.

Somewhat primitive for now. It's limited to parsing and regenerating the 
status line correctly, and skipping the HTTP/1.0 version override on 
non-HTTP protocol replies.

Since it is on port 80 I've temporarily left the HTTP/1.1 required 
header alterations happening. Some testing will be needed over the next 
few days to ensure that the client software treats unknown headers 
nicely. If needed overrides for those are easily done as well now.


Now tested with VLC and WinAmp.

Looks like a success for the ICY changes.  Sounds artifacts and 
stuttering occurring regularly 1/sec without the patch. A seamless 
stream of sound when it's added.

The patch as given breaks HTTP with an incorrectly inverted parse test. 
And was omitting a bypass on the incomplete parsed reply case. Applied 
after tweaks.

Please be using
  Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE7 or 3.0.STABLE20
  Current Beta Squid

Re: [PATCH] Support ICY protocol (ICECast / ICEShout servers) in Squid-3

2009-11-02 Thread Amos Jeffries
On Mon, 02 Nov 2009 22:22:41 +0100, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
 mån 2009-11-02 klockan 00:43 +1300 skrev Amos Jeffries:
 Since we have no central place where the headers are upgraded I've had 

 to skip porting the upgrade_http0.9 hack in Squid-2 and go straight to 
 accepting ICY protocol as an accepted response protocol and handling
 What do you mean by no central place?

The parse+validate and upgrade are spread between HttpStatusLine, HttpMsg,
HttpReply, and client_side.

Testing the first-round patch, found the spot that was triggering the
header addition to 0.9 was done in two places, first by HttpReply on clone
and also by client_side on slow clients after each incomplete status line
parse attempt, then by HttpReply again after the client_side.

It's a little bit of a mess with correctly scoped code and incomplete
conversion of legacy code to such.

 Internally the headers should always be upgraded. To implement the
 squid-2 option then all that is needed is to detect when the header have
 been upgraded and then skip to send the header to the client.

This is merely accepting the ICY status line as a valid header. The
sub-headers are still operated as normal. The only crossover between the
protocols seems to be Content-Type which retains semantics. The upgrade is
still done and adds Via, Date, etc normally and seems not to effect the
client software.

I spent a rather enjoyable evening yesterday tested with Nullsoft WinAmp
and VLC against a number of radio and stream servers of various speeds and

 Just remember to not enable chunked encoding for the response..

Oh darn. Guilty.
AFAICT the keep-alive is automatically disabled because there is no
content-length set or possible.

 Somewhat primitive for now. It's limited to parsing and regenerating
 status line correctly, and
 Do this mean HTTP status lines is also properly preserved now?

Yes. And non-ICY status lines remains upgraded to HTTP/1.0 as required by

 skipping the HTTP/1.0 version override on 
 non-HTTP protocol replies.
 What Squid-2 does is to add that header internally with HTTP/0.9 as
 version. The version is overridden anyway when the response is composed.

Aye. I read the patch many times ;)

Squid-3 stores them as:

 ICY+HTTP-headers (new HTTP ones last due to appending)

Code which does upgrading on purely version numbers sees ICY as version
0.0. Any which gives trouble (such as chunked encoding) can be modified
slightly to check for sline.protocol==PROTO_HTTP as well as version.

 Since it is on port 80 I've temporarily left the HTTP/1.1 required 
 header alterations happening. Some testing will be needed over the next

 few days to ensure that the client software treats unknown headers 
 nicely. If needed overrides for those are easily done as well now.
 Or fall back on what squid-2 does.. internally upgrade but then skip
 sending an HTTP header out..

Testing succeeded. We don't need to play tricks with the other headers. It
hinges entirely on the first four bytes of the reply being ICY 


R: R: Squid 3 build errors on Visual Studio - problem still present

2009-09-24 Thread Guido Serassio
Hi Henrik,

Sorry again for the delay ... :-(

  c:\work\vc_string\ : see declaration of 'size_t'
  c:\work\vc_string\ : error C2057: expected constant
 Good. so it seems the test case worked.
 now replace std with testcase and try again, both in namespace and the
 failing assignment just to make sure it's not tripping over something
 else built-in.

Still failing.



Guido Serassio
Acme Consulting S.r.l.
Microsoft Gold Certified Partner
Via Lucia Savarino, 110098 - Rivoli (TO) - ITALY
Tel. : +39.011.9530135   Fax. : +39.011.9781115

R: Squid 3 build errors on Visual Studio - problem still present

2009-09-17 Thread Guido Serassio
Hi Henrik,

 Odd... std::string::npos is declared as follows:
 namespace std;
 templateclass _Elem,
 class _Traits,
 class _Ax
 class basic_string
 : public _String_val_Elem, _Ax
  static const size_type npos;
 templateclass _Elem,
 class _Traits,
 class _Alloc
  const typename basic_string_Elem, _Traits,
 basic_string_Elem, _Traits, _Alloc::npos =
 (typename basic_string_Elem, _Traits,
 typedef basic_stringchar, char_traitschar, allocatorchar 
 Maybe Visual Studio drops the const attribute when trying to convert
 value from const std::string:size_type to const String::size_type
 and gets lost somehow, even with the value as such being a simple
 What does it say about the attached code? My attempt in isolating the
 String npos = std::string::npos code with as little change as possible
 (had to kill the char_traits thing as that used template syntax not
 accepted by G++ which slightly changes how size_type is declared)

It fails:
c:\work\vc_string\ : error C2371: 'size_t' :
redefinition; different basic types
c:\work\vc_string\ : see declaration of 'size_t'
c:\work\vc_string\ : error C2057: expected constant

A comment to line 1 fixes only the first redefinition error.

Do you need the preprocessed source ?


Guido Serassio
Acme Consulting S.r.l.
Microsoft Gold Certified Partner
Via Lucia Savarino, 110098 - Rivoli (TO) - ITALY
Tel. : +39.011.9530135   Fax. : +39.011.9781115

Re: R: Squid 3 build errors on Visual Studio - problem still present

2009-09-17 Thread Henrik Nordstrom
tor 2009-09-17 klockan 11:15 +0200 skrev Guido Serassio:

 It fails:
 c:\work\vc_string\ : error C2371: 'size_t' :
 redefinition; different basic types

Gah, should have been unsigned long.. but interesting that VS apparently
has size_t built-in. It was declared in the preprocessed source as

typedef __w64 unsigned int   size_t;

 c:\work\vc_string\ : see declaration of 'size_t'
 c:\work\vc_string\ : error C2057: expected constant

Good. so it seems the test case worked.

now replace std with testcase and try again, both in namespace and the
failing assignment just to make sure it's not tripping over something
else built-in.

 Do you need the preprocessed source ?

No, that was preprocessed already with no includes or other preprocessor


R: R: R: R: R: Squid 3 build errors on Visual Studio - problem still present

2009-09-14 Thread Guido Serassio
Hi Henrik,

 Can you produce a preprocessed source? That's the output of just the
 preprocessor, not actual compilarion, comparable to gcc -E option.
 Easier to identify what the compiler actually saw that way...

Done. Sorry for the delay, but I'm very busy (as usual ...)

I have placed the preprocessed source of two failing files
( and here:



Guido Serassio
Acme Consulting S.r.l.
Microsoft Gold Certified Partner
Via Lucia Savarino, 110098 - Rivoli (TO) - ITALY
Tel. : +39.011.9530135   Fax. : +39.011.9781115

Re: R: R: R: R: R: Squid 3 build errors on Visual Studio - problem still present

2009-09-14 Thread Henrik Nordstrom
mån 2009-09-14 klockan 11:27 +0200 skrev Guido Serassio:

 Done. Sorry for the delay, but I'm very busy (as usual ...)
 I have placed the preprocessed source of two failing files
 ( and here:

Odd... std::string::npos is declared as follows:

namespace std;

templateclass _Elem,
class _Traits,
class _Ax
class basic_string
: public _String_val_Elem, _Ax
 static const size_type npos;   

templateclass _Elem,
class _Traits,
class _Alloc
 const typename basic_string_Elem, _Traits, _Alloc::size_type
basic_string_Elem, _Traits, _Alloc::npos =
(typename basic_string_Elem, _Traits, 

typedef basic_stringchar, char_traitschar, allocatorchar 

Maybe Visual Studio drops the const attribute when trying to convert the
value from const std::string:size_type to const String::size_type
and gets lost somehow, even with the value as such being a simple size_t

What does it say about the attached code? My attempt in isolating the
String npos = std::string::npos code with as little change as possible
(had to kill the char_traits thing as that used template syntax not
accepted by G++ which slightly changes how size_type is declared)

typedef long size_t;

namespace std {

templateclass _Ty class allocator
typedef size_t size_type;

templateclass _Elem,
class _Traits,
class _Ax
class basic_string
	typedef typename _Ax::size_type size_type;
static const size_type npos;   

templateclass _Elem,
class _Traits,
class _Alloc
 const typename basic_string_Elem, _Traits, _Alloc::size_type
basic_string_Elem, _Traits, _Alloc::npos =
(typename basic_string_Elem, _Traits, _Alloc::size_type)(-1);

typedef basic_stringchar, char, allocatorchar 

class String {
	typedef size_t size_type;
	static const size_type npos = std::string::npos;

Squid-3 and HTTP/1.1

2009-09-12 Thread Amos Jeffries
Updating the checklist today I again wonder if we can repeat the step 
from 2.7 and enable HTTP/1.1 on requests sent to servers

As far as I can see the missing bits 3.2 needs to take that step are:

 - reject http-Upgrade requests from clients.
 - reject Expect-100 requests from clients.

anything else?

NP: both of those are temporary measures to prevent passing something 
through to the server that will get us into trouble. Until we get real 
support for them ready.

PS... Alex and co, what hardware/system requirements are needed to run 
one of the audits?

Please be using
  Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE6 or 3.0.STABLE19
  Current Beta Squid

Re: Squid-3 and HTTP/1.1

2009-09-12 Thread Henrik Nordstrom
lör 2009-09-12 klockan 23:36 +1200 skrev Amos Jeffries:
 Updating the checklist today I again wonder if we can repeat the step 
 from 2.7 and enable HTTP/1.1 on requests sent to servers

The default in 2.7 is 1.0 still. There is an option to enable 1.1, or
actually three.. (http11 cache_peer option, server_http11 directive and
http11 http(s)_port option)

 As far as I can see the missing bits 3.2 needs to take that step are:
   - reject http-Upgrade requests from clients.
   - reject Expect-100 requests from clients.

Unfortunately there is several clients which will fail if you do that...
sending Expect: 100-continue, but not expecting it to be rejected with
417 Expectation Failed...

is why there is an ignore_expect_100 directive in 2.7.. default off but
many of the setups using 2.7 as normal proxy have had to enable this..

 anything else?

I don't think so.


R: R: R: R: Squid 3 build errors on Visual Studio - problem still present

2009-09-02 Thread Guido Serassio

OK, but what next ?


Guido Serassio
Acme Consulting S.r.l.
Microsoft Gold Certified Partner
Via Lucia Savarino, 110098 - Rivoli (TO) - ITALY
Tel. : +39.011.9530135   Fax. : +39.011.9781115

 -Messaggio originale-
 Da: Amos Jeffries []
 Inviato: martedì 1 settembre 2009 10.43
 A: Henrik Nordstrom
 Cc: Guido Serassio; Robert Collins;
 Oggetto: Re: R: R: R: Squid 3 build errors on Visual Studio - problem
 still present
 Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
  mån 2009-08-31 klockan 13:40 +0200 skrev Guido Serassio:
  I have found this definition:
  Hoping that helps.
  Matches the standard definition from what I can tell, and should not
  cause any errors...
 Ah, well. It seems that npos may not work if its int or unsigned
 We do this:
include/config.h:typedef unsigned int size_t;
src/SquidString.h:typedef size_t size_type;
src/SquidString.h:const static size_type npos = std::string::npos;
 making   SquidString::size_type == size_t == unsigned int
 But, the complaint is about constant expression being expected?
 Please be using
Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE6 or 3.0.STABLE18
Current Beta Squid

Re: R: R: R: R: Squid 3 build errors on Visual Studio - problem still present

2009-09-02 Thread Henrik Nordstrom
ons 2009-09-02 klockan 21:11 +0200 skrev Guido Serassio:
 OK, but what next ?

Can you produce a preprocessed source? That's the output of just the
preprocessor, not actual compilarion, comparable to gcc -E option. 

Easier to identify what the compiler actually saw that way... 


R: R: R: Squid 3 build errors on Visual Studio - problem still present

2009-08-31 Thread Guido Serassio

I have found this definition:

Hoping that helps.


Guido Serassio
Acme Consulting S.r.l.
Microsoft Gold Certified Partner
Via Lucia Savarino, 110098 - Rivoli (TO) - ITALY
Tel. : +39.011.9530135   Fax. : +39.011.9781115

 -Messaggio originale-
 Da: Robert Collins []
 Inviato: domenica 30 agosto 2009 22.13
 A: Guido Serassio
 Cc: Amos Jeffries;
 Oggetto: Re: R: R: Squid 3 build errors on Visual Studio - problem
 On Sun, 2009-08-30 at 18:13 +0200, Guido Serassio wrote:
  I don't know what is std::string::npos, and so I don't know what to
 It should be a static const, which is why I'm so surprised you're
 getting an error about it.

R: Squid 3 build errors on Visual Studio - problem still present

2009-08-30 Thread Guido Serassio

The patch from Amos fix the warning (not blocking problem), but the
compile problem is still present, and I don't know how to fix it.

Any file including SquidString.h doesn't build with following error:

c:\work\nt-3.0\src\SquidString.h(98) : error C2057: expected constant

The offending code is:

const static size_type npos = std::string::npos;


 Hi Amos,
   Who can help me to fix the following C++ errors on Visual Studio ?
   1c:\work\nt-3.0\src\SquidString.h(97) : error C2057: expected
   1../../../src\auth/User.h(39) : warning C4099:
 'AuthUserHashPointer' :
  type name first seen using 'struct' now seen using 'class'
   1../../../src\auth/Gadgets.h(51) : see declaration of
  I think the TODO just needs to be enacted.
  Changing the 'struct' to 'class'.
 I need some hints for the SquidString.h error: it's a blocking error.
 I remember you that my C++ knowledge is too much limited.

Guido Serassio
Acme Consulting S.r.l.
Microsoft Gold Certified Partner
Via Lucia Savarino, 110098 - Rivoli (TO) - ITALY
Tel. : +39.011.9530135   Fax. : +39.011.9781115

Re: R: Squid 3 build errors on Visual Studio - problem still present

2009-08-30 Thread Robert Collins
On Sun, 2009-08-30 at 09:48 +0200, Guido Serassio wrote:
 c:\work\nt-3.0\src\SquidString.h(98) : error C2057: expected constant
 The offending code is:
 const static size_type npos = std::string::npos;

Can you find out what std::string::npos is defined as in your compiler's


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: R: R: Squid 3 build errors on Visual Studio - problem still present

2009-08-30 Thread Robert Collins
On Sun, 2009-08-30 at 18:13 +0200, Guido Serassio wrote:
 I don't know what is std::string::npos, and so I don't know what to look

It should be a static const, which is why I'm so surprised you're
getting an error about it.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

R: Squid 3 build errors on Visual Studio

2009-08-23 Thread Guido Serassio
Hi Amos,

  Who can help me to fix the following C++ errors on Visual Studio ?
  1c:\work\nt-3.0\src\SquidString.h(97) : error C2057: expected
  1../../../src\auth/User.h(39) : warning C4099:
'AuthUserHashPointer' :
 type name first seen using 'struct' now seen using 'class'
  1../../../src\auth/Gadgets.h(51) : see declaration of
 I think the TODO just needs to be enacted.
 Changing the 'struct' to 'class'.

I need some hints for the SquidString.h error: it's a blocking error.
I remember you that my C++ knowledge is too much limited.



Guido Serassio
Acme Consulting S.r.l.
Microsoft Gold Certified Partner
Via Lucia Savarino, 110098 - Rivoli (TO) - ITALY
Tel. : +39.011.9530135   Fax. : +39.011.9781115

Squid 3 build errors on Visual Studio

2009-08-22 Thread Guido Serassio

Who can help me to fix the following C++ errors on Visual Studio ?
1c:\work\nt-3.0\src\SquidString.h(97) : error C2057: expected constant 
1../../../src\auth/User.h(39) : warning C4099: 'AuthUserHashPointer' : type 
name first seen using 'struct' now seen using 'class'
1../../../src\auth/Gadgets.h(51) : see declaration of 



Guido Serassio
Acme Consulting S.r.l.
Microsoft Gold Certified Partner
Via Lucia Savarino, 1    10098 - Rivoli (TO) - ITALY
Tel. : +39.011.9530135   Fax. : +39.011.9781115

Re: Squid 3 build errors on Visual Studio

2009-08-22 Thread Amos Jeffries

Guido Serassio wrote:


Who can help me to fix the following C++ errors on Visual Studio ?
1c:\work\nt-3.0\src\SquidString.h(97) : error C2057: expected constant 
1../../../src\auth/User.h(39) : warning C4099: 'AuthUserHashPointer' : type 
name first seen using 'struct' now seen using 'class'
1../../../src\auth/Gadgets.h(51) : see declaration of 



I think the TODO just needs to be enacted.
Changing the 'struct' to 'class'.

Please be using
  Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE6 or 3.0.STABLE18
  Current Beta Squid

Re: Squid-3 MacOSX IPv6 problems

2009-08-02 Thread Amos Jeffries wrote:

It appears the special split-stack option was off, according to config.log:

Depends on how it says off.
Squid configure tests to see if its required by --with-ipv6-split-stack 
option. And if the option is not seen it attempt to operate the 
v4-mapping ability and see if its available.

What I expect to see for you is that:
  configure detects the --with-* option (split-stack requirement) is 
not found.

 tests stack capabilities and finds type/mode as split-stack.
 - Which causes split-stack to be automatically enabled anyway despite 
the missing --with option.

If your automatic build failed to detect it I would still like to track 
down why in addition to knowing if the split-stack code works yet.



Datum: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 14:24:06 +1200
Von: Amos Jeffries
Betreff: Re: Squid-3 MacOSX IPv6 problems

Oh dear.

Can you provide the config.log generated during build and a full cache.log
from the point of startup through a failed DNS query please?


Please be using
  Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE6 or 3.0.STABLE17
  Current Beta Squid

Re: Squid-3 MacOSX IPv6 problems

2009-07-26 Thread Amos Jeffries
Oh dear.

Can you provide the config.log generated during build and a full cache.log
from the point of startup through a failed DNS query please?


Re: Squid-3 MacOSX IPv6 problems

2009-07-26 Thread vollkommen

I'm not see any discernable difference than before:

Squid Cache: Version 3.HEAD-20090723
configure options:  '--build=i686-apple-darwin' '--mandir=/usr/local/share/man' 
'--with-large-files' '--disable-ident-lookups' '--disable-dependency-tracking' 
'--enable-filters' '--enable-ssl' '--enable-icap-client' 
'--enable-digest-auth-helpers=password' '--enable-delay-pools' 
'--enable-multicast-miss' '--enable-default-err-language=templates' 
'--enable-fd-config' '--with-filedescriptors=16384' '--with-dl' 
'--enable-gnuregex' '--enable-zph-qos' '--enable-ltdl-convenience' 
'--prefix=/usr/local/squid31' 'build_alias=i686-apple-darwin' 

barebone squid.conf used:

acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src ::1
acl to_localhost dst ::1
acl localnet src # RFC1918 possible internal network
acl localnet src  # RFC1918 possible internal network
acl localnet src # RFC1918 possible internal network
acl SSL_ports port 443
acl Safe_ports port 80  # http
acl Safe_ports port 21  # ftp
acl Safe_ports port 443 # https
acl Safe_ports port 70  # gopher
acl Safe_ports port 210 # wais
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535  # unregistered ports
acl Safe_ports port 280 # http-mgmt
acl Safe_ports port 488 # gss-http
acl Safe_ports port 591 # filemaker
acl Safe_ports port 777 # multiling http
http_access allow manager localhost
http_access deny manager
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
http_access allow localhost
http_access allow localnet
http_access deny all
http_port 3129
hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?
coredump_dir /Applications/squid
cache_access_log /Applications/squid/logs/access.log
cache_log /Applications/squid/logs/cache.log
cache_store_log none
refresh_pattern ^ftp:   144020% 10080
refresh_pattern ^gopher:14400%  1440
refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|\?) 0 0%  0
refresh_pattern .   0   20% 4320

cache.log with squid -N -X:

2009/07/26 21:43:03.923| comm_poll: time out: 1248658983.
2009/07/26 21:43:03.923| Engine 0xb588 is idle.
2009/07/26 21:43:03.923| Engine 0xb59c is idle.
2009/07/26 21:43:03.923| comm_poll: 0+0 FDs ready
2009/07/26 21:43:03.923| comm_poll: time out: 1248658983.
2009/07/26 21:43:03.923| Engine 0xb588 is idle.
2009/07/26 21:43:03.923| checkEvents: checkEvents
2009/07/26 21:43:03.923| The AsyncCall idnsCheckQueue constructed, 
this=0x1132e20 [call56]
2009/07/26 21:43:03.923| will call idnsCheckQueue() [call56]
2009/07/26 21:43:03.923| Engine 0xb59c is idle.
2009/07/26 21:43:03.923| entering idnsCheckQueue()
2009/07/26 21:43:03.923| make: make call idnsCheckQueue 
2009/07/26 21:43:03.923| idnsCheckQueue: ID 0x3fe3timeout
2009/07/26 21:43:03.923| comm_udp_sendto: Attempt to send UDP packet to using FD 6 using Port 49745
2009/07/26 21:43:03.923| comm_udp_sendto: FD 6, (family=2) (22) 
Invalid argument
2009/07/26 21:43:03.923| idnsSendQuery: FD 6: sendto: (22) Invalid argument
2009/07/26 21:43:03.923| comm_udp_sendto: Attempt to send UDP packet to using FD 6 using Port 49745
2009/07/26 21:43:03.923| comm_udp_sendto: FD 6, (family=2) 
(22) Invalid argument
2009/07/26 21:43:03.923| idnsSendQuery: FD 6: sendto: (22) Invalid argument
2009/07/26 21:43:03.923| comm_udp_sendto: Attempt to send UDP packet to using FD 6 using Port 49745
2009/07/26 21:43:03.923| comm_udp_sendto: FD 6, (family=2) 
(22) Invalid argument
2009/07/26 21:43:03.923| idnsSendQuery: FD 6: sendto: (22) Invalid argument
2009/07/26 21:43:03.923| comm_udp_sendto: Attempt to send UDP packet to using FD 6 using Port 49745
2009/07/26 21:43:03.923| comm_udp_sendto: FD 6, (family=2) 
(22) Invalid argument
2009/07/26 21:43:03.923| idnsSendQuery: FD 6: sendto: (22) Invalid argument
2009/07/26 21:43:03.923| schedule: schedule: Adding 
'idnsCheckQueue', in 1.00 seconds
2009/07/26 21:43:03.923| leaving idnsCheckQueue()
2009/07/26 21:43:03.923| Engine 0xb588 is idle.
2009/07/26 21:43:03.923| Engine 0xb59c is idle.
2009/07/26 21:43:04.890| comm_poll: 0+0 FDs ready
2009/07/26 21:43:04.890| comm_poll: time out: 1248658984.
2009/07/26 21:43:04.890| Engine 0xb588 is idle.

 Datum: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 01:50:08 +1200
 Von: Amos Jeffries
 An:, Squid Developers
 Betreff: Squid-3 MacOSX IPv6 problems

 Hello again and apologies

Squid-3 MacOSX IPv6 problems

2009-07-22 Thread Amos Jeffries

Hello again and apologies for the long delays.

If you are still interested in getting Squid-3 to build with IPv6 read on.

The current Squid-3.HEAD snapshots have been stabilized as much as I can 
do for now and include a few patches which I believe get split-stack 
support you need to build and run.

The support is theoretical, I have had it working here for me for some 
basic web access operations. But my systems are natively hybrid stacks 
so the emulation may have holes I'm unaware of.

Please test it out and let me know how things go. I'd like to get it at 
least confirmed usable before I back-port the patches to a 3.1 release.

Please be using
  Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE6 or 3.0.STABLE16
  Current Beta Squid or

Squid 3 build failure on MinGW

2009-05-31 Thread Serassio Guido


I have a little of free time, and I'm trying to build Squid 3 on 
MinGW, but I'm getting the following error:

if /bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ 
-DHAVE_CONFIG_H  -I../.. -I../../include -I../../src 
-I../../include   -I/usr/include/libxml2  -Werror -Wall 
-Wpointer-arith -Wwrite-strings -Wcomments  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -g 
-O2 -mthreads -MT IntRange.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/IntRange.Tpo -c -o 
IntRange.lo; \
then mv -f .deps/IntRange.Tpo .deps/IntRange.Plo; else rm -f 
.deps/IntRange.Tpo; exit 1; fi
 g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I../.. -I../../include -I../../src 
-I../../include -I/usr/include/libxml2 -Werror -Wall -Wpointer-arith 
-Wwrite-strings -Wcomments -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -g -O2 -mthreads 
-MT IntRange.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/IntRange.Tpo -c  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o .libs/IntRange.o
../../include/Range.h: In member function `RangeC 
RangeC::intersection(const RangeC) const [with C = int]':   instantiated from here
../../include/Range.h:77: error: `max' was not declared in this scope
../../include/Range.h:77: error: `min' was not declared in this scope
../../include/Range.h:77: warning: unused variable 'max'
../../include/Range.h:77: warning: unused variable 'min'
make[3]: *** [IntRange.lo] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/c/work/mgw-3.nt/src/acl'
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/c/work/mgw-3.nt/src'
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/c/work/mgw-3.nt/src'
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

Someone could help me ?




Guido Serassio
Acme Consulting S.r.l. - Microsoft Certified Partner
Via Lucia Savarino, 1   10098 - Rivoli (TO) - ITALY
Tel. : +39.011.9530135  Fax. : +39.011.9781115

Re: Squid 3 build failure on MinGW

2009-05-31 Thread Amos Jeffries

Serassio Guido wrote:


I have a little of free time, and I'm trying to build Squid 3 on MinGW, 
but I'm getting the following error:

if /bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H  
-I../.. -I../../include -I../../src -I../../include   
-I/usr/include/libxml2  -Werror -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wwrite-strings 
-Wcomments  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -g -O2 -mthreads -MT IntRange.lo -MD 
-MP -MF .deps/IntRange.Tpo -c -o IntRange.lo; \
then mv -f .deps/IntRange.Tpo .deps/IntRange.Plo; else rm -f 
.deps/IntRange.Tpo; exit 1; fi
 g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I../.. -I../../include -I../../src -I../../include 
-I/usr/include/libxml2 -Werror -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wwrite-strings 
-Wcomments -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -g -O2 -mthreads -MT IntRange.lo -MD 
-MP -MF .deps/IntRange.Tpo -c  -DDLL_EXPORT -DPIC -o 
../../include/Range.h: In member function `RangeC 
RangeC::intersection(const RangeC) const [with C = int]':   instantiated from here
../../include/Range.h:77: error: `max' was not declared in this scope
../../include/Range.h:77: error: `min' was not declared in this scope
../../include/Range.h:77: warning: unused variable 'max'
../../include/Range.h:77: warning: unused variable 'min'
make[3]: *** [IntRange.lo] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/c/work/mgw-3.nt/src/acl'
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/c/work/mgw-3.nt/src'
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/c/work/mgw-3.nt/src'
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

Someone could help me ?



They are declared in the compat/* library. Included through config.h.

compat/compat_shared.h to be exact if you need the definition (but 
please only include config.h for the compat stuff).

Please be using
  Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE6 or 3.0.STABLE15
  Current Beta Squid or 3.0.STABLE16-RC1

Re: Squid 3 build failure on MinGW

2009-05-31 Thread Amos Jeffries

Serassio Guido wrote:

Hi Amos,

At 11.45 31/05/2009, Amos Jeffries wrote:

 Someone could help me ?



They are declared in the compat/* library. Included through config.h.

compat/compat_shared.h to be exact if you need the definition (but
please only include config.h for the compat stuff).

Already seen that, and config.h is included 

But there is something wrong in the definition of min() and max(), the 
build of every file in src including Range.h is failing 



I've seen this occur under 2 cases. One was when a .h in the core 
section failed to include config.h outside its wrapping protection. A 
circular include developed and broke things.

And when the namespace for something was screwed up.  It wouldn't be 
needing that nasty using namespace Squid; hack would it?

Please be using
  Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE6 or 3.0.STABLE15
  Current Beta Squid or 3.0.STABLE16-RC1

Re: Status of Squid 3 on Windows

2009-05-05 Thread Kinkie
Hi all,
  I've also planned hosting a shared windows dev system on eu, but we
need to secure the necessary OS and devkit licenses first.

On Monday, May 4, 2009, Guido Serassio wrote:
 Hi Alex,

 Il 02.13 04/05/2009 Alex Rousskov ha scritto:

 Hi Guido,

     Thanks a lot for the update. It is sad to see the results of many
 years of work dissipating and I sympathize with your situation. I wonder
 whether the demand for Squid on Windows is just not there OR it is the
 current lack of Windows support that makes it difficult for Acme to
 quickly monetize the potential demand. I know very little about folks
 running Windows servers so it is difficult for me to judge what they are
 using and what they want to use.

 Squid on Windows suffers two big issues: the only available comm loop is 
 select() and the maximum FDs number is hard coded to 2048 in the MSVCRT 
 This limits the scalability and restrict its usage to low end implementation, 
 and go over this is really not so simple, because very big changes in the 
 comm code are needed.

 My feel is that Squid on Windows is mainly used on very low cost 
 implementation, and only a few of user could be interested on very limited 

 I have compiled an experimental binary build of Squid 3.0 STABLE 13 asking on 
 squid-users to test it and give some feedback to the list. After two months, 
 the feedback number was NONE, really I cannot understand this ...

 Can you say what it would take for you and Acme to resurrect Windows
 support for Squid3? It might be easier for others to pitch in with time,
 money, and/or hardware if the requirements are known. We can post your
 estimates to both mailing lists and see what happens.

 Mainly is not a money/hardware problem, its a time/resource problem. I cannot 
 leave my current activity out but I could try to fix the build environment 
 and after manage the work of some other developer, but  the availability of 
 other human resource in the Windows project is essential.



 Guido Serassio
 Acme Consulting S.r.l. - Microsoft Certified Partner
 Via Lucia Savarino, 1           10098 - Rivoli (TO) - ITALY
 Tel. : +39.011.9530135  Fax. : +39.011.9781115


Re: Status of Squid 3 on Windows

2009-05-05 Thread Alex Rousskov
On 05/05/2009 12:51 AM, Kinkie wrote:

   I've also planned hosting a shared windows dev system on eu, but we
 need to secure the necessary OS and devkit licenses first.

Securing somebody who will be working on that windows dev system should
come first, I guess. If nobody is going to be responsible for Squid on
Windows, there is no point in obtaining licenses.


 On Monday, May 4, 2009, Guido Serassio 
 Hi Alex,

 Il 02.13 04/05/2009 Alex Rousskov ha scritto:

 Hi Guido,

 Thanks a lot for the update. It is sad to see the results of many
 years of work dissipating and I sympathize with your situation. I wonder
 whether the demand for Squid on Windows is just not there OR it is the
 current lack of Windows support that makes it difficult for Acme to
 quickly monetize the potential demand. I know very little about folks
 running Windows servers so it is difficult for me to judge what they are
 using and what they want to use.

 Squid on Windows suffers two big issues: the only available comm loop is 
 select() and the maximum FDs number is hard coded to 2048 in the MSVCRT 
 This limits the scalability and restrict its usage to low end 
 implementation, and go over this is really not so simple, because very big 
 changes in the comm code are needed.

 My feel is that Squid on Windows is mainly used on very low cost 
 implementation, and only a few of user could be interested on very limited 

 I have compiled an experimental binary build of Squid 3.0 STABLE 13 asking 
 on squid-users to test it and give some feedback to the list. After two 
 months, the feedback number was NONE, really I cannot understand this ...

 Can you say what it would take for you and Acme to resurrect Windows
 support for Squid3? It might be easier for others to pitch in with time,
 money, and/or hardware if the requirements are known. We can post your
 estimates to both mailing lists and see what happens.

 Mainly is not a money/hardware problem, its a time/resource problem. I 
 cannot leave my current activity out but I could try to fix the build 
 environment and after manage the work of some other developer, but  the 
 availability of other human resource in the Windows project is essential.



 Guido Serassio
 Acme Consulting S.r.l. - Microsoft Certified Partner
 Via Lucia Savarino, 1   10098 - Rivoli (TO) - ITALY
 Tel. : +39.011.9530135  Fax. : +39.011.9781115


Re: Status of Squid 3 on Windows

2009-05-04 Thread Guido Serassio

Hi Alex,

Il 02.13 04/05/2009 Alex Rousskov ha scritto:

Hi Guido,

Thanks a lot for the update. It is sad to see the results of many
years of work dissipating and I sympathize with your situation. I wonder
whether the demand for Squid on Windows is just not there OR it is the
current lack of Windows support that makes it difficult for Acme to
quickly monetize the potential demand. I know very little about folks
running Windows servers so it is difficult for me to judge what they are
using and what they want to use.

Squid on Windows suffers two big issues: the only available comm loop 
is select() and the maximum FDs number is hard coded to 2048 in the 
MSVCRT library.
This limits the scalability and restrict its usage to low end 
implementation, and go over this is really not so simple, because 
very big changes in the comm code are needed.

My feel is that Squid on Windows is mainly used on very low cost 
implementation, and only a few of user could be interested on very 
limited investment.

I have compiled an experimental binary build of Squid 3.0 STABLE 13 
asking on squid-users to test it and give some feedback to the list. 
After two months, the feedback number was NONE, really I cannot 
understand this ...

Can you say what it would take for you and Acme to resurrect Windows
support for Squid3? It might be easier for others to pitch in with time,
money, and/or hardware if the requirements are known. We can post your
estimates to both mailing lists and see what happens.

Mainly is not a money/hardware problem, its a time/resource problem. 
I cannot leave my current activity out but I could try to fix the 
build environment and after manage the work of some other developer, 
but  the availability of other human resource in the Windows project 
is essential.




Guido Serassio
Acme Consulting S.r.l. - Microsoft Certified Partner
Via Lucia Savarino, 1   10098 - Rivoli (TO) - ITALY
Tel. : +39.011.9530135  Fax. : +39.011.9781115

Status of Squid 3 on Windows

2009-05-03 Thread Guido Serassio


Hoping that Bazaar 1.14 really fixes its problems on Windows (I still 
don't have tested if it really works), I have done a summary of the 
status of Squid on Windows, focusing on various aspects: build 
environment, resources for development, source code status and a TODO 
for both Squid 2 and Squid 3.

Build environment

Squid should compile on Windows with 3 build environment, but with some limits:

- MinGW+MSYS: full automake/autoconf/libtool/gcc support based on GNU 
toolset, but not all functionality (Large file support, IPv6, 
mswin_check_ad_group helper, WSAPoll() support on Vista and later, 64 
bit Windows support, AIO) can be compiled because a lack of many 
library definitions. The generated code quality is good and runs 
natively on Windows using the MSVCRT, good performances.
- Cygwin: similar to MinGW, but with more problems. The Windows API 
libraries are common to MinGW, so, same compile problems, but 
moreover, the build environment itself is very inconstant due to 
continuous changes from Cygwin developers and many times the Squid 
build process fails after a Cygwin update. The generated code is not 
so good, because it relies on an emulation layer, with worse performances.
- MS Visual Studio: it lacks any kind of configure script support, 
some of the magic is done using some special make projects included 
in the main Workspace. But all functionality can be compiled. The 
generated code quality is good and runs natively on Windows using the 
MSVCRT, good performances.

So, Visual Studio environment is still a must for Squid 3 on Windows.

Resources for development

Currently I'm the only developer working on Windows, but Squid for 
Acme Consulting today is a very marginal business, because we are 
mainly focused on services for Windows System 
Administration/Deployment and because it seems that IT Italian Market 
is not so interested to Squid (not only on Windows). For this reason 
currently we cannot invest into Squid deployment, so I can dedicate 
only a little part of my limited free time to Squid Development.

Source code status

While Squid 2 source code is fine, things for Squid 3 are disastrous:
Squid 3 (trunk and 3.1) was no more compiled on Visual Studio since 
March 2008, so the effects of all subsequent big changes are totally 
untested on Windows. At the time of the bazaar cutover, the IPv6 
support on Windows was still missing.
Today the Visual Studio workspace is totally outdated and needs a big 
work to be repaired.
Just to more complicate things, the NT CVS branch on Sourgeforge is 
corrupted since two months by a very big cvsmerge failed for a 
time-out during script execution.

TODO Squid 2

- Upgrade Visual Studio support from old 6.0 (even if it's very good, 
but obsolete) to 2008 (better if we can use the free version)
- Add real run-time support for WSAPoll() on Windows Vista and later, 
the Enhancement from the bug #1739 is required

TODO Squid 3

- Allow Squid to build again on Visual Studio
- Check if Squid 3 still runs on Windows 
- Upgrade Visual Studio support from 2005 to 2008 (better if we can 
use the free version)

- Add IPv6 support
- Add real run-time support for WSAPoll() on Windows Vista and later, 
the Enhancement from the bug #1739 is required

- .

IMHO, the port of Squid 3 on Windows seems to be too much damaged for 
my capabilities and time resources, so, without any other big 
development contribution, we should drop it.




Guido Serassio
Acme Consulting S.r.l. - Microsoft Certified Partner
Via Lucia Savarino, 1   10098 - Rivoli (TO) - ITALY
Tel. : +39.011.9530135  Fax. : +39.011.9781115

Re: Status of Squid 3 on Windows

2009-05-03 Thread Alex Rousskov
On 05/03/2009 05:02 AM, Guido Serassio wrote:
 Hoping that Bazaar 1.14 really fixes its problems on Windows (I still
 don't have tested if it really works), I have done a summary of the
 status of Squid on Windows, focusing on various aspects: build
 environment, resources for development, source code status and a TODO
 for both Squid 2 and Squid 3.
 Build environment
 Squid should compile on Windows with 3 build environment, but with some
 - MinGW+MSYS: full automake/autoconf/libtool/gcc support based on GNU
 toolset, but not all functionality (Large file support, IPv6,
 mswin_check_ad_group helper, WSAPoll() support on Vista and later, 64
 bit Windows support, AIO) can be compiled because a lack of many library
 definitions. The generated code quality is good and runs natively on
 Windows using the MSVCRT, good performances.
 - Cygwin: similar to MinGW, but with more problems. The Windows API
 libraries are common to MinGW, so, same compile problems, but moreover,
 the build environment itself is very inconstant due to continuous
 changes from Cygwin developers and many times the Squid build process
 fails after a Cygwin update. The generated code is not so good, because
 it relies on an emulation layer, with worse performances.
 - MS Visual Studio: it lacks any kind of configure script support, some
 of the magic is done using some special make projects included in the
 main Workspace. But all functionality can be compiled. The generated
 code quality is good and runs natively on Windows using the MSVCRT, good
 So, Visual Studio environment is still a must for Squid 3 on Windows.
 Resources for development
 Currently I'm the only developer working on Windows, but Squid for Acme
 Consulting today is a very marginal business, because we are mainly
 focused on services for Windows System Administration/Deployment and
 because it seems that IT Italian Market is not so interested to Squid
 (not only on Windows). For this reason currently we cannot invest into
 Squid deployment, so I can dedicate only a little part of my limited
 free time to Squid Development.
 Source code status
 While Squid 2 source code is fine, things for Squid 3 are disastrous:
 Squid 3 (trunk and 3.1) was no more compiled on Visual Studio since
 March 2008, so the effects of all subsequent big changes are totally
 untested on Windows. At the time of the bazaar cutover, the IPv6 support
 on Windows was still missing.
 Today the Visual Studio workspace is totally outdated and needs a big
 work to be repaired.
 Just to more complicate things, the NT CVS branch on Sourgeforge is
 corrupted since two months by a very big cvsmerge failed for a time-out
 during script execution.
 TODO Squid 2
 - Upgrade Visual Studio support from old 6.0 (even if it's very good,
 but obsolete) to 2008 (better if we can use the free version)
 - Add real run-time support for WSAPoll() on Windows Vista and later,
 the Enhancement from the bug #1739 is required
 TODO Squid 3
 - Allow Squid to build again on Visual Studio
 - Check if Squid 3 still runs on Windows 
 - Upgrade Visual Studio support from 2005 to 2008 (better if we can use
 the free version)
 - Add IPv6 support
 - Add real run-time support for WSAPoll() on Windows Vista and later,
 the Enhancement from the bug #1739 is required
 - .
 IMHO, the port of Squid 3 on Windows seems to be too much damaged for my
 capabilities and time resources, so, without any other big development
 contribution, we should drop it.

Hi Guido,

Thanks a lot for the update. It is sad to see the results of many
years of work dissipating and I sympathize with your situation. I wonder
whether the demand for Squid on Windows is just not there OR it is the
current lack of Windows support that makes it difficult for Acme to
quickly monetize the potential demand. I know very little about folks
running Windows servers so it is difficult for me to judge what they are
using and what they want to use.

Can you say what it would take for you and Acme to resurrect Windows
support for Squid3? It might be easier for others to pitch in with time,
money, and/or hardware if the requirements are known. We can post your
estimates to both mailing lists and see what happens.

Thank you,


Re: storeurl_rewrite_program in squid 3.x?

2008-12-14 Thread Kulbir Saini

There are long term plans to include it along with the rest of the
useful stuff in Squid-2.7. It's most likely to occur in 3.2 and later,
but we don't presently have anyone with time and interest to port it
right now.

If you are able to supply the developer time or cash resources to get it
done please do so.

  Though I know python well, I am not comfortable with c/c++. And as I 
am a developer myself, can't really supply cash :(

  I'll sit back and wait. In the meantime will try to revamp my c/c++ 
concepts so that I can jump in squid-devel in future.

The roadmap for work on Squid-3 can be found at


Thank you,
Kulbir Saini,
Computer Science and Engineering,
International Institute of Information Technology,
Hyderbad, India - 500032.

My Home-Page:
My Open-Source Project :
My Web-Blog:

IRC nick : generalBordeaux
Channels : #fedora, #fedora-devel, #yum on freenode

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.

storeurl_rewrite_program in squid 3.x?

2008-12-13 Thread Kulbir Saini

Hi list,

   Is there any plans to port storeurl directives from 2.7 to 3.x? I 
don't see it in 3.1 beta. One of my plugins (intelligentmirror [1]) 
depends on it. I am not able to release a version for squid-3.x and most 
the distros are shipping squid-3.x now.


Thank you,
Kulbir Saini,
Computer Science and Engineering,
International Institute of Information Technology,
Hyderbad, India - 500032.

My Home-Page:
My Open-Source Project :
My Web-Blog:

IRC nick : generalBordeaux
Channels : #fedora, #fedora-devel, #yum on freenode

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.

Squid 3 HEAD - compiler options

2008-06-11 Thread Ritter, Nicholas
Just for the sake of consistency and preference for better
troubleshooting and testing, are there any CFLAGS that I should be using
during configure and compile of Squid 3HEAD? I was using the same
options I was using with 2.6, which were:
CFLAGS=-DNUMTHREADS=65 -march=nocona -03 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer
-funroll-loops -ffast-math -fno-exceptions
I pseudo blindly copied the CFLAGS from what was consistent between two
different deployments of squid on two different institutions that I was
not a part of. This platform is a Intel Core 2 Duo system running 64bit
Fedora 9 or 64bit CentOS 5.1, 4 GB RAM, 250GB SATA storage.

I want to make sure I present any testing/troubleshooting information in
a manner that is best suited to helping the project members resolve

Re: TPROXY support in Squid 3

2008-04-08 Thread Adrian Chadd
Take 2: includes initial modularisation (untested; I'll test it at home
this weekend when I get my tproxy box back online) and configure magic
(with placeholders for tproxy4/freebsd.)


* pull out the capabilities stuff, removing the last #ifdef LINUX_TPROXY
  from the source
* look at modifying comm_open*() to take a setup flag, and pass this in
  where required
* make sure upstream/peer-forwarded requests aren't thrown to the tproxy
* Once thats committed and working, go through and rename everything to be
  slightly more sensible.


- Xenion - - VPS Hosting - Commercial Squid Support -
- $25/pm entry-level VPSes w/ capped bandwidth charges available in WA -

Re: TPROXY support in Squid 3

2008-04-08 Thread Henrik Nordstrom
tis 2008-04-08 klockan 17:59 +1200 skrev Amos Jeffries:
fde::flags::transparent == 'intercept/non-intercept'
fde::flags::tproxy == real-transparent/non-transparent
(new) COMM_TRANSPARENT == real-transparent
 Their use is currently good for what they do. A small re-naming is all 
 that is needed there. I'm thinking flags::intercept and 

In the request flags I would use intercepted and spoofclientip, with
intercepted replacing the current transparent flag.

Probably the same in the fde, where tproxy sets both.

intercepted This connection was intercepted
spoofclientip   Please mark received requests for spoofing the client ip

intercepted This requequest was received on an intercepted 
need to act as if we were the origin server..
spoofclientip   Spoof the outgoing connection using the client ip

It's possible one may want to use spoofing without interception, and the
above opens up for the possibility of marking requests with
spoofclientip even without having to be received on an intercepted


Re: TPROXY support in Squid 3

2008-04-08 Thread Henrik Nordstrom

tis 2008-04-08 klockan 14:28 +0800 skrev Adrian Chadd:
 Take 2: includes initial modularisation (untested; I'll test it at home
 this weekend when I get my tproxy box back online) and configure magic
 (with placeholders for tproxy4/freebsd.)


commTransparentRemote needs to move into comm_openex. You can't fit
tproxy4/freebsd in a reasnoable manner otherwise.

By removing the need_linux_tproxy you just killed the capability to fall
back no non-tproxy connections if we failed to gain the capabilities
needed.. cache.log will now get filled with tons of errors in such
setups., where you earlier only got a single warning about continuing
without tproxy support..

 * pull out the capabilities stuff, removing the last #ifdef LINUX_TPROXY
   from the source

TPROXY both versions need the special capabilities, and we do not want
to keep these capabilities if TPROXY is not used..

 * make sure upstream/peer-forwarded requests aren't thrown to the tproxy

Consider a local proxy connecting to a remote proxy. You may want to
still show the actual client IPs to the remote proxy just as you do to

A cache_peer flag controlling this would make sense, probably defaulting
to not spoof the client ip on requests sent to peers..


Re: TPROXY support in Squid 3

2008-04-08 Thread Adrian Chadd
On Tue, Apr 08, 2008, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
 tis 2008-04-08 klockan 14:28 +0800 skrev Adrian Chadd:
  Take 2: includes initial modularisation (untested; I'll test it at home
  this weekend when I get my tproxy box back online) and configure magic
  (with placeholders for tproxy4/freebsd.)
 commTransparentRemote needs to move into comm_openex. You can't fit
 tproxy4/freebsd in a reasnoable manner otherwise.

Yup, that'd be part of the follow up work. This first cut is to break out what
is there; the next commit would be further API tidyups to support TPROXY4
and FreeBSD.

 By removing the need_linux_tproxy you just killed the capability to fall
 back no non-tproxy connections if we failed to gain the capabilities
 needed.. cache.log will now get filled with tons of errors in such
 setups., where you earlier only got a single warning about continuing
 without tproxy support..

Yes, I have to give that a little more thought. I may keep the global but
not call it linux_tproxy..

  * pull out the capabilities stuff, removing the last #ifdef LINUX_TPROXY
from the source
 TPROXY both versions need the special capabilities, and we do not want
 to keep these capabilities if TPROXY is not used..


  * make sure upstream/peer-forwarded requests aren't thrown to the tproxy
 Consider a local proxy connecting to a remote proxy. You may want to
 still show the actual client IPs to the remote proxy just as you do to
 A cache_peer flag controlling this would make sense, probably defaulting
 to not spoof the client ip on requests sent to peers..

I read the current code as don't do that; its the behaviour I'd like to
maintain. We can always add the functionality later.


- Xenion - - VPS Hosting - Commercial Squid Support -
- $25/pm entry-level VPSes w/ capped bandwidth charges available in WA -

Re: TPROXY support in Squid 3

2008-04-08 Thread Alex Rousskov
On Tue, 2008-04-08 at 15:15 +0200, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
 tis 2008-04-08 klockan 17:59 +1200 skrev Amos Jeffries:
 fde::flags::transparent == 'intercept/non-intercept'
 fde::flags::tproxy == real-transparent/non-transparent
 (new) COMM_TRANSPARENT == real-transparent
  Their use is currently good for what they do. A small re-naming is all 
  that is needed there. I'm thinking flags::intercept and 
 In the request flags I would use intercepted and spoofclientip, with
 intercepted replacing the current transparent flag.
 Probably the same in the fde, where tproxy sets both.
   intercepted This connection was intercepted
   spoofclientip   Please mark received requests for spoofing the client ip
   intercepted This requequest was received on an intercepted 
 need to act as if we were the origin server..
   spoofclientip   Spoof the outgoing connection using the client ip

Please use camelCase or underscore_separators to make new names more

Thank you,


Re: TPROXY support in Squid 3

2008-04-08 Thread Henrik Nordstrom
tis 2008-04-08 klockan 22:17 +0800 skrev Adrian Chadd:
   * make sure upstream/peer-forwarded requests aren't thrown to the tproxy

 I read the current code as don't do that; its the behaviour I'd like to
 maintain. We can always add the functionality later.

Yes, it is not something you want to have done by default as in many
cases peerings is local..


Re: TPROXY support in Squid 3

2008-04-08 Thread Adrian Chadd
On Tue, Apr 08, 2008, Adrian Chadd wrote:

Take 3:

* restored the global flag which indicates tproxyness; renamed to
* moved the tproxy bind stuff into comm.c, with a flag to comm_openex()
* changed forward.c to try a tproxy comm_openex() if requested, falling back
  to a non-tproxy comm_openex() if that fails.


* actually call the ipt_*Capabilities() hooks; I'll go add that in now.

This stuff has almost no testing! Its more for feedback; I'll try to fire
up the tproxy+wccp testbench this weekend to do some actual tproxy2 and
tproxy4 testing before I look at committing it.


- Xenion - - VPS Hosting - Commercial Squid Support -
- $25/pm entry-level VPSes w/ capped bandwidth charges available in WA -

Re: TPROXY support in Squid 3

2008-04-08 Thread Amos Jeffries
 On Tue, 2008-04-08 at 15:15 +0200, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
 tis 2008-04-08 klockan 17:59 +1200 skrev Amos Jeffries:
 fde::flags::transparent == 'intercept/non-intercept'
 fde::flags::tproxy == real-transparent/non-transparent
 (new) COMM_TRANSPARENT == real-transparent
  Their use is currently good for what they do. A small re-naming is all
  that is needed there. I'm thinking flags::intercept and

 In the request flags I would use intercepted and spoofclientip, with
 intercepted replacing the current transparent flag.

 Probably the same in the fde, where tproxy sets both.

  intercepted This connection was intercepted
  spoofclientip   Please mark received requests for spoofing the client ip

  intercepted This request was received on an intercepted connection,
 need to act as if we were the origin server..
  spoofclientip   Spoof the outgoing connection using the client ip

 Please use camelCase or underscore_separators to make new names more

Agreed. For the flags I'm keeping with the lower case and using _.

I'm part way through rollout of the 'intercepted' flag change now. Next up
will be replacing the tproxy flag.

I've enabled both flags as always-present where they are used and dropped
the LINUX_NETFILTER and LINUX_TPROXY4 macros back to
LINUX_TPROXY2 requires a few extra bits of code which are still unique so
until its agreed for dropping there are bits where its better to leave it.


Re: TPROXY support in Squid 3

2008-04-07 Thread Amos Jeffries

Adrian Chadd wrote:

On Mon, Mar 31, 2008, Alex Rousskov wrote:

What about Adrian plans (if I understood them correctly) to add
TPROXY-like support to FreeBSD but not for TPROXY4-like API? Is that a
good enough reason to continue supporting unsupported TPROXY versions?

The FreeBSD API will be almost like the TPROXY-4 API.

I'd suggest supporting TPROXY-2 for a few reasons:

* Those who are using it may not want to track the latest kernel + TPROXY
  patches for various reasons (if it just works; company policy; etc.) 
  and I think its easy enough to maintain support for both without

  too much hassle.

* Supporting both TPROXY-2 and TPROXY-4 will (hopefully!) force someone
  to integrate it cleanishly and avoid the Squid-2 ip interception mess!

* Thus making it easier for me to drop in a FreeBSD version of tproxy
  without too much hassle (or #ifdef's for that matter.)

It shouldn't be that difficult to isolate the bits of the code required for
spoofing the client IP in the request versus the TPROXY-specific stuff.
In fact, the only tproxy-specific stuff I can really see is:

* the logic in forward.c to the local bind, which can be wrapped up as
  part of the socket creation process, and
* The initialisation code, which in the tproxy-2 case does capabilities


We have come up with a 'final-beta' patch for squid-3 now.
Just waiting on Laszlo final approval.

It's pretty much:

 * adding a COMM_TRANSPARENT flag to comm_openex(...)

 * adds a comm_set_transparent for internal comm use to do setsockopt()

 * adding a transparent flag to all fde's
   - set to 1 on fde's which are opened with the transparent flag
 OR, accepted from a listening fde with transparent flag.

 * override getOutgoingAddr ACL checks to produce the transparent 
client-address as outgoing addr.

 * adapt the existing Netfilter NAT getsockopt() for tproxy option.

Should be easy to drop the squid side of your emulated TPROXY-4 
alterations in there Adrian.

Please use Squid 2.6.STABLE19 or 3.0.STABLE4

Re: TPROXY support in Squid 3

2008-04-07 Thread Henrik Nordstrom
mån 2008-04-07 klockan 23:11 +1200 skrev Amos Jeffries:
 We have come up with a 'final-beta' patch for squid-3 now.
 Just waiting on Laszlo final approval.

Some comments...

There should be a general TPROXY define, shared by all, or the common
os-independent code should always be enabled. I do not want to see #if
LINUX_TPROXY2 || LINUX_TPROXY4 defines in the general code. Such ifs
should only be seen in the lowlevel implementation. And from a code
maintenance perspective it's best is the common code is always built,
just as is done for the transparent interception code. The drawback is
that it costs one or two cpu cycles more per requests even if the
feature is not available on the platform but it's much much less likely
the feature gets broken by other changes.

+/* AYJ: do we actually need to set this again on every accept? */
+if(fd_table[fd].flags.transparent == 1) {
+F-flags.transparent = 1;

You need to at least set the internal flag. But you most likely do no
need to make the comm call telling the kernel it's a transparent
connection (it already knows..)

Is this indended?

@@ -652,7 +673,6 @@
 AI-ai_socktype = sock_type;
 AI-ai_protocol = proto;
-AI-ai_flags = flags;
 debugs(50, 3, comm_openex: Attempt open socket for:   addr );


Re: TPROXY support in Squid 3

2008-04-07 Thread Adrian Chadd
In fact, there shouldn't be any LINUX_TPROXY* defines in the main codetree.
There should be a SERVER_SPOOF define which ties in all of the connection
tracking stuff, and a clean cut API for doing TPROXY2/TPROXY4/etc socket

Gah, this makes me want to just ignore more classwork and fix the tproxy
support in Squid-2 to show how it should be done..


On Mon, Apr 07, 2008, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
 m??n 2008-04-07 klockan 23:11 +1200 skrev Amos Jeffries:
  We have come up with a 'final-beta' patch for squid-3 now.
  Just waiting on Laszlo final approval.
 Some comments...
 There should be a general TPROXY define, shared by all, or the common
 os-independent code should always be enabled. I do not want to see #if
 LINUX_TPROXY2 || LINUX_TPROXY4 defines in the general code. Such ifs
 should only be seen in the lowlevel implementation. And from a code
 maintenance perspective it's best is the common code is always built,
 just as is done for the transparent interception code. The drawback is
 that it costs one or two cpu cycles more per requests even if the
 feature is not available on the platform but it's much much less likely
 the feature gets broken by other changes.
 +/* AYJ: do we actually need to set this again on every accept? */
 +if(fd_table[fd].flags.transparent == 1) {
 +F-flags.transparent = 1;
 You need to at least set the internal flag. But you most likely do no
 need to make the comm call telling the kernel it's a transparent
 connection (it already knows..)
 Is this indended?
 @@ -652,7 +673,6 @@
  AI-ai_socktype = sock_type;
  AI-ai_protocol = proto;
 -AI-ai_flags = flags;
  debugs(50, 3, comm_openex: Attempt open socket for:   addr );

- Xenion - - VPS Hosting - Commercial Squid Support -
- $25/pm entry-level VPSes w/ capped bandwidth charges available in WA -

Re: TPROXY support in Squid 3

2008-04-07 Thread Henrik Nordstrom

tis 2008-04-08 klockan 01:16 +0800 skrev Adrian Chadd:
 In fact, there shouldn't be any LINUX_TPROXY* defines in the main codetree.
 There should be a SERVER_SPOOF define which ties in all of the connection
 tracking stuff, and a clean cut API for doing TPROXY2/TPROXY4/etc socket

I say it shouldn't even be a SERVER_SPOOF define. Make the generic parts
always compiled, doing nothing if spoofing capabilities is not


Re: TPROXY support in Squid 3

2008-04-07 Thread Amos Jeffries

Henrik Nordstrom wrote:

tis 2008-04-08 klockan 01:16 +0800 skrev Adrian Chadd:

In fact, there shouldn't be any LINUX_TPROXY* defines in the main codetree.
There should be a SERVER_SPOOF define which ties in all of the connection
tracking stuff, and a clean cut API for doing TPROXY2/TPROXY4/etc socket

I say it shouldn't even be a SERVER_SPOOF define. Make the generic parts
always compiled, doing nothing if spoofing capabilities is not

I'm agreeing with Henrik on this one. Transparent mode basics should be 
always available.

But, baby steps people:
 - Get it in
 - Get it tested.
 - Polish into a class.

So far we are at #1

Please use Squid 2.6.STABLE19 or 3.0.STABLE4

Re: TPROXY support in Squid 3

2008-04-07 Thread Henrik Nordstrom
tis 2008-04-08 klockan 09:57 +1200 skrev Amos Jeffries:
 But, baby steps people:
   - Get it in
   - Get it tested.
   - Polish into a class.
 So far we are at #1

And I won't approve the change of sprinkling #if LINUX_TPROXY4 over the
code, even if it's just adding to the existing #if..

Get the basic polished up as part of #1.. it's simple, makes things much
cleaner, and #3 gets a much narrover focus.


Re: TPROXY support in Squid 3

2008-04-07 Thread Adrian Chadd
On Tue, Apr 08, 2008, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
 tis 2008-04-08 klockan 09:57 +1200 skrev Amos Jeffries:
  But, baby steps people:
- Get it in
- Get it tested.
- Polish into a class.
  So far we are at #1
 And I won't approve the change of sprinkling #if LINUX_TPROXY4 over the
 code, even if it's just adding to the existing #if..
 Get the basic polished up as part of #1.. it's simple, makes things much
 cleaner, and #3 gets a much narrover focus.

My attempt for Squid-2, step 1:

This just removes LINUX_TPROXY for the global state stuff and the 
global variable.

Looking at it, it probably makes more sense to do this:

comm_open(with flags if tproxy)
if (tproxy for this request)
comm_bind(non-local bind)
if (comm_bind failed)
disable tproxy for this request
if (not tproxy)
comm_bind(local bind - from the outgoing addr ACL logic)

How does that sound?


- Xenion - - VPS Hosting - Commercial Squid Support -
- $25/pm entry-level VPSes w/ capped bandwidth charges available in WA -

Re: TPROXY support in Squid 3

2008-04-07 Thread Adrian Chadd
On Mon, Apr 07, 2008, Amos Jeffries wrote:

 We have come up with a 'final-beta' patch for squid-3 now.
 Just waiting on Laszlo final approval.
 It's pretty much:
  * adding a COMM_TRANSPARENT flag to comm_openex(...)

This is the only thing I'm a bit weird on. This means that the same flag
to TPROXY is used for outgoing sockets and incoming sockets?

I'm thinking about seperating them just to make it absolutely clear -
it doesn't matter that the backend sends the same sockopt and calls the same

I don't think it matters in the FreeBSD case either as I'm pretty sure
the patch I have here uses the same flag for incoming and outgoing sockets.

What do you (and others) think?


- Xenion - - VPS Hosting - Commercial Squid Support -
- $25/pm entry-level VPSes w/ capped bandwidth charges available in WA -

Re: TPROXY support in Squid 3

2008-04-07 Thread Amos Jeffries

Adrian Chadd wrote:

On Mon, Apr 07, 2008, Amos Jeffries wrote:

We have come up with a 'final-beta' patch for squid-3 now.
Just waiting on Laszlo final approval.

It's pretty much:

 * adding a COMM_TRANSPARENT flag to comm_openex(...)

This is the only thing I'm a bit weird on. This means that the same flag
to TPROXY is used for outgoing sockets and incoming sockets?

The sockets open either as listening (needs IP_TRANSPARENT option set 
for the OS to track new inbound connections as TPROXY targets etc.)

Or as outbound spoofed connects (needs IP_TRANSPARENT option set for the 
OS to track the connection for special TPROXY handling.)

Both need the sockopt set in the same manner on connect. Sequence 
matters for one, but not the other. So its done the same way for both 
and in sequence where it handles both nicely.

I'm thinking about seperating them just to make it absolutely clear -
it doesn't matter that the backend sends the same sockopt and calls the same

Make what clear? that is a socket involved with transparent handling?
Thats all the information that is needed by squid to operate well.

It's simpler to keep it in squid as a boolean flag. Tri-states can get 
messy. Especially in squid case where we already have the 
non-transparent intercept handling for non-tproxy methods intertwined at 
higher levels.

Keep-it-simple and all that.

I don't think it matters in the FreeBSD case either as I'm pretty sure
the patch I have here uses the same flag for incoming and outgoing sockets.

What do you (and others) think?

I think we need to clean up the two flags floating around squid rather 
than adding more state.

  fde::flags::transparent == 'intercept/non-intercept'
  fde::flags::tproxy == real-transparent/non-transparent
  (new) COMM_TRANSPARENT == real-transparent

Their use is currently good for what they do. A small re-naming is all 
that is needed there. I'm thinking flags::intercept and 

Please use Squid 2.6.STABLE19 or 3.0.STABLE4

Re: TPROXY support in Squid 3

2008-04-01 Thread Adrian Chadd
On Mon, Mar 31, 2008, Alex Rousskov wrote:

 What about Adrian plans (if I understood them correctly) to add
 TPROXY-like support to FreeBSD but not for TPROXY4-like API? Is that a
 good enough reason to continue supporting unsupported TPROXY versions?

The FreeBSD API will be almost like the TPROXY-4 API.

I'd suggest supporting TPROXY-2 for a few reasons:

* Those who are using it may not want to track the latest kernel + TPROXY
  patches for various reasons (if it just works; company policy; etc.) 
  and I think its easy enough to maintain support for both without
  too much hassle.

* Supporting both TPROXY-2 and TPROXY-4 will (hopefully!) force someone
  to integrate it cleanishly and avoid the Squid-2 ip interception mess!

* Thus making it easier for me to drop in a FreeBSD version of tproxy
  without too much hassle (or #ifdef's for that matter.)

It shouldn't be that difficult to isolate the bits of the code required for
spoofing the client IP in the request versus the TPROXY-specific stuff.
In fact, the only tproxy-specific stuff I can really see is:

* the logic in forward.c to the local bind, which can be wrapped up as
  part of the socket creation process, and
* The initialisation code, which in the tproxy-2 case does capabilities


- Xenion - - VPS Hosting - Commercial Squid Support -
- $25/pm entry-level VPSes w/ capped bandwidth charges available in WA -

TPROXY support in Squid 3

2008-03-31 Thread Amos Jeffries

Between Balabit and TreeNet we have come up with a working TPROXY 4+ patch.

It'll be sent to trunk soon.

The merge It would be a whole lot cleaner and actually less change 
overall if we could drop the TPROXY version 2 support from Squid-3.

I know we will likely need to keep the old support in Squid-2. But with 
3.1 we will have the option of saying it requires kernel 2.6.2* or later 
to run transparent TPROXY.


Please use Squid 2.6STABLE19 or 3.0STABLE3

Re: TPROXY support in Squid 3

2008-03-31 Thread Adrian Chadd
On Tue, Apr 01, 2008, Amos Jeffries wrote:
 Between Balabit and TreeNet we have come up with a working TPROXY 4+ patch.
 It'll be sent to trunk soon.
 The merge It would be a whole lot cleaner and actually less change 
 overall if we could drop the TPROXY version 2 support from Squid-3.
 I know we will likely need to keep the old support in Squid-2. But with 
 3.1 we will have the option of saying it requires kernel 2.6.2* or later 
 to run transparent TPROXY.

Abstract out the stuff that you need, and support both.

Why? Because FreeBSD will grow the support (I've got the test code here
to get ready to commit to FreeBSD) and I don't really want to try and special
case a third transparency method.


- Xenion - - VPS Hosting - Commercial Squid Support -
- $25/pm entry-level VPSes w/ capped bandwidth charges available in WA -

Re: TPROXY support in Squid 3

2008-03-31 Thread Alex Rousskov
On Tue, 2008-04-01 at 00:18 +1300, Amos Jeffries wrote:
 Between Balabit and TreeNet we have come up with a working TPROXY 4+ patch.
 It'll be sent to trunk soon.
 The merge It would be a whole lot cleaner and actually less change 
 overall if we could drop the TPROXY version 2 support from Squid-3.
 I know we will likely need to keep the old support in Squid-2. But with 
 3.1 we will have the option of saying it requires kernel 2.6.2* or later 
 to run transparent TPROXY.

We may be able to provide better comments when we see the current code.
It does not have to be polished and ready for commit.

Thank you,


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