[talk-ph] zero dark thirty using osm for pakistan map

2013-02-21 Thread maning sambale
Did any of you watched the movie zero dark thirty? A friend said it used
OSM for a map of Pakistan.

Maning Sambale (mobile)
talk-ph mailing list

Re: [talk-ph] zero dark thirty using osm for pakistan map

2013-02-21 Thread Eugene Alvin Villar
Really? I saw the movie and my comment then was: The CIA uses Google Maps?

On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 10:45 PM, maning sambale emmanuel.samb...@gmail.com

 Did any of you watched the movie zero dark thirty? A friend said it used
 OSM for a map of Pakistan.

 Maning Sambale (mobile)

 talk-ph mailing list

talk-ph mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Tag for 'mutualiteiten' ?

2013-02-21 Thread Glenn Plas


Anyone have an idea how to tag 'mutualiteiten'  like CM, Union or other 
kind office's like that ?

Best I could find is  amenity=social_centre , with a whopping 505 ( 
http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/tags/?key=amenityvalue=social_centre ) 
over the whole world.

Iemand een idee hoe je best mutualiteiten tagt zoals CM kantoren of 
vakbond e.a. ?


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Tag for 'mutualiteiten' ?

2013-02-21 Thread Glenn Plas

Denk dat het deze wordt, dit lijkt me prima match.

Te vinden in deze v2.0 Healthcare proposal : 



Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] Question about copyrighted hiking routes in France

2013-02-21 Thread Pieren
Hi all,

I'm submitting here a question about the legality of keeping French
long hiking routes called GR or GRP or PR  in OSM. All these
routes are very well known, have sign posts and references on the
ground, e.g. the GR20 in Corsica (but many are still missing or very
incomplete in OSM). See these examples in [1a] and [1b]. These routes
have been created by the national hiking sport federation (FFRP,
Fédération Française de Randonnée Pédestre). You can see them on the
ground by the trail marks visible at regular intervals but also on
most of the commercial maps in France.

But we are facing two legal issues in France. The problems are not new
but become more critical in my opinion (see below).
First issue : it is the hiking route names themselves. For all of them
created by the FFRP, the names are registered trademarks and cannot be
used without permission (see question below). Second issue : the
routes themselves are copyrighted.
The list of trademarks is listed in the legal page of the FFRP web site([2]) :
- (some are just used in books or commercial maps but)
- GR®
- GR Pays®
- PR®
- ... à pied
- les environs de ... à pied
- Sentiers des patrimoines
are very common (especially the first 3 : GR, GR Pays (or GRP)
and PR followed by a reference number.

Question : the FFRP itself is an editor of hiking bookguides or has
contracts with the IGN (the French state establishment for
geographical information) for publishing commercial hiking maps,
giving them royalties in return (an important income for the
federation). So the FFRP is always actively contacting or bringing
actions (sue) against private competitors or simple websites using
their trademarks and routes on maps or book editors not paying any
fees (see e.g. [3]). But some web sites seem to use them without fee
([4]). It seems that the FFRP is tolerating non-commercial use. Since
2009, 2 or 3 OSM contributors (including myself) tried to contact the
FFRP to get the permission they request to use their copyrighted route
names into OSM, wihout any reply until now. Earlier last year (Feb
2012), two members of the French local chapter met them physically and
presented OSM. They showed some interest but repeated again and
clearly that using the GR, PR, etc trademarks is not allowed
without permission, a permission they didn't provide during that
meeting (minutes available here [7]). They also didn't say anything
about the future. it seems finally that they are looking for a
replacement of their current map data provider (IGN) but they want to
preserve their current commercial model. Note that the sign-posts
(trail marks) are also protected (like a logo). After that meeting, we
are several people thinking that we have the remove all references of
the trademarks of the FFRP into OSM db, usually tagged in name or
ref, either on ways or route relations or both. What's your opinion

Second issue : it is maybe a more specific French issue here because
the routes themselves can be copyrighted when they are considered as
original work. A famous case confirmed this with the IGN (publishing
the FFRP maps) sueing a guidebook editor [5] and confirmed by the
highest court in France (1ere chambre de la cour de cassation de
Paris, decision of 30 june 1998 [8]. I don't know if this is the same
in other countries but a significant part of the OSM community in
France would consider deleting the FFRP hiking routes completely (and
not only the trademarks mentionned in Q1).

Personnaly, I think that a route is not considered as an original
work (or not enough original) in many jurisdictions. But still,
keeping them in OSM is raising a legal insecurity in all DB extracts
stored or distributed on French servers or applications. For these
reasons, all FFRP hiking routes (represented in OSM by relations of
type route, route=hiking) in France should be completely removed
from the OSM database. What do you think ?


[1a] http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/relation/1107414
[1b] http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/relation/2650826
[2] http://www.ffrandonnee.fr/_67/mentions-legales.aspx (in French)
[3] http://www.balades-pyrenees.com/numero_55.htm (in French)
[4] http://www.gr-infos.com/
(in French)
[6] http://hiking.lonvia.de/fr/?zoom=13lat=42.95532lon=-0.61968
[7] http://listes.openstreetmap.fr/wws/arc/ca/2012-02/msg0.html
(in French, require ML registration first)

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Question about copyrighted hiking routes in France

2013-02-21 Thread Nick Whitelegg

IANAL but just a thought... is it legal anyway to copyright route references? 
That is what the GRs appear to me to be to my eyes.

Can the Department of Transport copyright the reference M25 in the uk and 
prohibit its use in all other publications?


-Pieren pier...@gmail.com wrote: -
To: legal-talk@openstreetmap.org
From: Pieren pier...@gmail.com
Date: 21/02/2013 12:24PM
Subject: [OSM-legal-talk] Question about copyrighted hiking routes in France

Hi all,

I'm submitting here a question about the legality of keeping French
long hiking routes called GR or GRP or PR  in OSM. All these
routes are very well known, have sign posts and references on the
ground, e.g. the GR20 in Corsica (but many are still missing or very
incomplete in OSM). See these examples in [1a] and [1b]. These routes
have been created by the national hiking sport federation (FFRP,
Fédération Française de Randonnée Pédestre). You can see them on the
ground by the trail marks visible at regular intervals but also on
most of the commercial maps in France.

But we are facing two legal issues in France. The problems are not new
but become more critical in my opinion (see below).
First issue : it is the hiking route names themselves. For all of them
created by the FFRP, the names are registered trademarks and cannot be
used without permission (see question below). Second issue : the
routes themselves are copyrighted.
The list of trademarks is listed in the legal page of the FFRP web site([2]) :
- (some are just used in books or commercial maps but)
- GR®
- GR Pays®
- PR®
- ... à pied
- les environs de ... à pied
- Sentiers des patrimoines
are very common (especially the first 3 : GR, GR Pays (or GRP)
and PR followed by a reference number.

Question : the FFRP itself is an editor of hiking bookguides or has
contracts with the IGN (the French state establishment for
geographical information) for publishing commercial hiking maps,
giving them royalties in return (an important income for the
federation). So the FFRP is always actively contacting or bringing
actions (sue) against private competitors or simple websites using
their trademarks and routes on maps or book editors not paying any
fees (see e.g. [3]). But some web sites seem to use them without fee
([4]). It seems that the FFRP is tolerating non-commercial use. Since
2009, 2 or 3 OSM contributors (including myself) tried to contact the
FFRP to get the permission they request to use their copyrighted route
names into OSM, wihout any reply until now. Earlier last year (Feb
2012), two members of the French local chapter met them physically and
presented OSM. They showed some interest but repeated again and
clearly that using the GR, PR, etc trademarks is not allowed
without permission, a permission they didn't provide during that
meeting (minutes available here [7]). They also didn't say anything
about the future. it seems finally that they are looking for a
replacement of their current map data provider (IGN) but they want to
preserve their current commercial model. Note that the sign-posts
(trail marks) are also protected (like a logo). After that meeting, we
are several people thinking that we have the remove all references of
the trademarks of the FFRP into OSM db, usually tagged in name or
ref, either on ways or route relations or both. What's your opinion

Second issue : it is maybe a more specific French issue here because
the routes themselves can be copyrighted when they are considered as
original work. A famous case confirmed this with the IGN (publishing
the FFRP maps) sueing a guidebook editor [5] and confirmed by the
highest court in France (1ere chambre de la cour de cassation de
Paris, decision of 30 june 1998 [8]. I don't know if this is the same
in other countries but a significant part of the OSM community in
France would consider deleting the FFRP hiking routes completely (and
not only the trademarks mentionned in Q1).

Personnaly, I think that a route is not considered as an original
work (or not enough original) in many jurisdictions. But still,
keeping them in OSM is raising a legal insecurity in all DB extracts
stored or distributed on French servers or applications. For these
reasons, all FFRP hiking routes (represented in OSM by relations of
type route, route=hiking) in France should be completely removed
from the OSM database. What do you think ?


[1a] http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/relation/1107414
[1b] http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/relation/2650826
[2] http://www.ffrandonnee.fr/_67/mentions-legales.aspx (in French)
[3] http://www.balades-pyrenees.com/numero_55.htm (in French)
[4] http://www.gr-infos.com/
(in French)
[6] http://hiking.lonvia.de/fr/?zoom=13lat=42.95532lon=-0.61968
[7] http://listes.openstreetmap.fr/wws/arc/ca/2012-02/msg0.html
(in French, require ML registration first)

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Question about copyrighted hiking routes in France

2013-02-21 Thread Paul Norman
 From: Pieren [mailto:pier...@gmail.com]
 Subject: [OSM-legal-talk] Question about copyrighted hiking routes in
 Hi all,
 I'm submitting here a question about the legality of keeping French long
 hiking routes called GR or GRP or PR  in OSM. All these routes are
 very well known, have sign posts and references on the ground, e.g. the
 GR20 in Corsica (but many are still missing or very incomplete in
 OSM). See these examples in [1a] and [1b]. These routes have been
 created by the national hiking sport federation (FFRP, Fédération
 Française de Randonnée Pédestre). You can see them on the ground by the
 trail marks visible at regular intervals but also on most of the
 commercial maps in France.
 But we are facing two legal issues in France. The problems are not new
 but become more critical in my opinion (see below).
 First issue : it is the hiking route names themselves. For all of them
 created by the FFRP, the names are registered trademarks and cannot be
 used without permission (see question below). 

I cannot see that indicating that there are signs with a particular text on
the ground is infringing their trademark. I'd expect most name=* values on
POIs in OSM to be a trademark (although not necessarily registered). I've
tagged Coca-Cola bottling centers, Starbucks, McDonalds and many more
objects with trademarked names. If the mapping is accurate then the
trademarked name is being used accurately and there's no issue. If I started
tagging every coffee shop as a Starbucks regardless of ownership then I'd be
diluting their trademark and it'd be an issue.

Similarly, their trademark would stop someone from creating another hiking
route with the same name, but would not stop someone from saying that they
were heading to hike the GR20 if that's in fact what they were planning to

 Second issue : it is maybe a more specific French issue here because the
 routes themselves can be copyrighted when they are considered as
 original work. A famous case confirmed this with the IGN (publishing
 the FFRP maps) sueing a guidebook editor [5] and confirmed by the
 highest court in France (1ere chambre de la cour de cassation de Paris,
 decision of 30 june 1998 [8]. I don't know if this is the same in other
 countries but a significant part of the OSM community in France would
 consider deleting the FFRP hiking routes completely (and not only the
 trademarks mentionned in Q1).

If the facts on the ground are covered by copyright I cannot see how a
hiking network is different than a road network or a cycle network.
Accepting this would require removing all roads in new suburbs and
developments because they were copyrighted, not just these hiking routes.

I also wonder if the guidebook copied FFRP maps or sent people out with
GPSes. Another subtle point is we don't map what FFRP says is the route, we
map what is marked on the ground.

 Personnaly, I think that a route is not considered as an original work
 (or not enough original) in many jurisdictions. But still, keeping them
 in OSM is raising a legal insecurity in all DB extracts stored or
 distributed on French servers or applications. For these reasons, all
 FFRP hiking routes (represented in OSM by relations of type route,
 route=hiking) in France should be completely removed from the OSM
 database. What do you think ?

In some countries publishing maps requires a permit, but if someone deleted
all the data in those countries I'm sure we'd regard it as vandalism. Other
countries (e.g. China) forbid maps contrary to official ones, but when
people start edit wars over disputed areas claimed by those countries what
is regarded as important is the ground truth, not what the laws of that
country allow to be published.

I don't see that a French court's judgment should determine what goes in
OSM, any more than a Chinese court. Even if the French court believes they
have jurisdiction, they'd have to get any judgment domesticated by a British
court. To accept the French judgment would gut OSM because it would apply to
every hiking or road network in France, or for that matter, outside of

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Question about copyrighted hiking routes in France

2013-02-21 Thread Pieren
On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 5:55 PM, Paul Norman penor...@mac.com wrote:

 I cannot see that indicating that there are signs with a particular text on
 the ground is infringing their trademark. I'd expect most name=* values on
 POIs in OSM to be a trademark (although not necessarily registered). I've
 tagged Coca-Cola bottling centers, Starbucks, McDonalds and many more
 objects with trademarked names. If the mapping is accurate then the
 trademarked name is being used accurately and there's no issue. If I started
 tagging every coffee shop as a Starbucks regardless of ownership then I'd be
 diluting their trademark and it'd be an issue.

 Similarly, their trademark would stop someone from creating another hiking
 route with the same name, but would not stop someone from saying that they
 were heading to hike the GR20 if that's in fact what they were planning to

Again, you have to understand that this sport organization (FFRP) is
publishing hiking bookguides and maps of their routes. It is their
main income (plus some subsidies from the state). The FFRP made this
trademark and copyright to protect them against commercial competitors
on their market : their hiking routes.

 If the facts on the ground are covered by copyright I cannot see how a
 hiking network is different than a road network or a cycle network.

Perhaps because a road network is in the public domaine. Here we speak
about a copyrighted route.

 we map what is marked on the ground.

This point has been long discussed on our local list. What you see on
the ground is the trail markers. One problem is that the markers are
also copyrighted (the colours and shapes) like a logo. Of course, if
you put the McDonalds logo on OSM maps, McDo will be happy for the
free ads and maps are not their business. But it might be different if
you put an OS or USGS logo on your OSM maps. Second problem is that
the trail markers are present along the route at short intervals. Even
if we map only the marks, it will be easy to rebuild the whole route
by extrapolation.

 I don't see that a French court's judgment should determine what goes in
 OSM, any more than a Chinese court. Even if the French court believes they
 have jurisdiction, they'd have to get any judgment domesticated by a British
 court. To accept the French judgment would gut OSM because it would apply to
 every hiking or road network in France, or for that matter, outside of

Would you say the same if the court is in US or Canada ? Of course, we
can build our mirror of the planet dump files and filter the
compromised data. But is is the policy of OSM to ignore copyrights
infringements outside UK ?


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Question about copyrighted hiking routes in France

2013-02-21 Thread Paul Norman
[reordered to place copyright matters together]
 From: Pieren [mailto:pier...@gmail.com]
 Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 9:26 AM
 To: Licensing and other legal discussions.
 Subject: Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Question about copyrighted hiking routes
 in France
 Again, you have to understand that this sport organization (FFRP) is
 publishing hiking bookguides and maps of their routes. It is their main
 income (plus some subsidies from the state). The FFRP made this
 trademark and copyright to protect them against commercial competitors
 on their market : their hiking routes.

Oh, I understand why they don't want competition. I'm sure any map publisher
would be happy with less competition.

  we map what is marked on the ground.
 This point has been long discussed on our local list. What you see on
 the ground is the trail markers. One problem is that the markers are
 also copyrighted (the colours and shapes) like a logo. Of course, if you
 put the McDonalds logo on OSM maps, McDo will be happy for the free ads
 and maps are not their business. But it might be different if you put an
 OS or USGS logo on your OSM maps. Second problem is that the trail
 markers are present along the route at short intervals. Even if we map
 only the marks, it will be easy to rebuild the whole route by

The copyright of the markers isn't really relevant, we're discussing text
like GR20 which would not be protected by copyright anywhere that I'm
aware of. Trademark yes, but not copyright. The problem with any trademark
arguments is if we're accurate, we're describing 

  If the facts on the ground are covered by copyright I cannot see how a
  hiking network is different than a road network or a cycle network.
 Perhaps because a road network is in the public domaine. Here we speak
 about a copyrighted route.

What makes it in the public domain as opposed to this route? Both networks
were designed.

  I don't see that a French court's judgment should determine what goes
  in OSM, any more than a Chinese court. Even if the French court
  believes they have jurisdiction, they'd have to get any judgment
  domesticated by a British court. To accept the French judgment would
  gut OSM because it would apply to every hiking or road network in
  France, or for that matter, outside of France.
 Would you say the same if the court is in US or Canada ? Of course, we
 can build our mirror of the planet dump files and filter the compromised

*Any* court judgment would need to be domesticated to be able to be enforced
against the OSMF. We're talking about a case where if it were the same facts
elsewhere it would be legal. Should the OSMF remove all landuse=military
from Russia because mapping military facilities may not be legal there? If
it were a local case that impacted me, I'd have to consider what I map and
what I distribute in light of the case, but that's about all I can say about
a vague hypothetical case.

 But is is the policy of OSM to ignore copyrights infringements
 outside UK ?

My points were not about copyright infringements outside the UK. I was
talking about data that would not infringe copyright under UK law. The
Wikimedia Foundation uses US law for determining fair use and out of
copyright status and hosts content where it would be infringing copyright
under foreign law.

Also, I think you mean the OSMF, not OSM, as it's the OSMF that would
receive any takedown notices or lawsuits.

If these did need to be removed as copyright violations, they would need to
be redacted and I imagine the legals question would end up at the LWG,
either directly or via the DWG.

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Question about copyrighted hiking routes in France

2013-02-21 Thread Eric SIBERT

This point has been long discussed on our local list. What you see on
the ground is the trail markers. One problem is that the markers are
also copyrighted (the colours and shapes) like a logo. Of course, if
you put the McDonalds logo on OSM maps, McDo will be happy for the
free ads and maps are not their business.

MacDo may not be happy because you put on the same map all fast-food 
networks. Or because on your smart-phone app Find your MacDo, you 
allowed user to share (bad) comments. Using brand/logo is alway legally 
dangerous. If we consider that everything that the use may be dangerous 
should be removed from OSM, then all brands everywhere in the world must 
be removed. Indeed, I consider that this the way we are using it that is 
dangerous i.e. this is the responsibility of the guy doing the extract 
from OSM and organizing the data that is involved.

But it might be different if
you put an OS or USGS logo on your OSM maps.

I don't see any problem if you put USGS logo on USGS offices/shops.

Of course, you will get in trouble if you put a big USGS logo on the 
cover of your map.

Again, this is the way you are using it that is critical.


legal-talk mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] License question, user clicking on map

2013-02-21 Thread Olov McKie
Hello all!

I have a few usecases for OSM where I do not know if I can use it or not.

I work for a library where we are building a new version of an application to 
handle all sort of collections, for example books, letters, images, music 
sheets, etc. The application will store metadata and digitalized versions of 
the works. To know where an item was created, a letter sent from / to, etc we 
need to store places and information about them. The information we normally 
store about a place is name, alternative names, names translated to different 
languages, etc. A place might be a historic one that no longer exists.

In the current system, metadata about a place is constructed by giving it a 
name, known variations of the name, which country it is in (problematic as it 
might change over the time) and translation of the name. 
As an OSM user and contributor my first reaction was, we can make the places 
more precise and avoid the changing countries problem by using coordinates for 
places, and also present them in a better way.

As the applications data should be readable for a long time (forever), will we 
be storing all metadata together with the digitalized objects. We will over the 
lifetime of the application construct several thousand places. We will not be 
able to share the complete db under the ODbL as the works have all kinds of 
licenses that are incompatible with the ODbL. The resulting system will be 
accessible for anyone from the Internet, subsections might have restricted 

1. If we present an OSM map to the user let them click on the map and use the 
coordinates they clicked on as part of the metadata for a place in our 
application, will the resulting database be considered a derived database?  To 
clarify, we would not extract any information from the map, beside the 
coordinates that the user clicked on, they would by themselves navigate the map 
to for example London and then click somewhere in London.

2. If we use the overpass API to find possible matches for a placename entered 
by a user, present the possible matches with markers on a map and let the user 
click on the map and use the coordinates the user clicks on, will the resulting 
database be considered a derived database?  Again, we would not extract any 
information from the map, beside the coordinates that the user clicked on. 
Presenting the markers would of course help the user find a place, such as 

3. If we use the overpass API to find possible matches for a placename entered 
by a user, present the possible matches with markers on a map and if we have 
more then one result ask the user to fill in more details about the place such 
as, country, region, close to major city, local name, etc until overpass only 
returns on result, would the user entered data be considered a derived 
database? To clarify, in this case would we not extract the coordinates or any 
other data from the map.

4. If we present several places (all data about the place including coordinates 
originates from other sources than OSM) on an OSM map to help find duplicates, 
and then lets the user click on two places marked on the map, to merge them 
into one, would the resulting database be considered a derived database?

I would love for us to use OSM in our application, but I have been unable to 
find out if we can use it for the four usecases presented above.

with hope of a speedy answer


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] License question, user clicking on map

2013-02-21 Thread Alex Barth
I think all of these use cases should be ok and we should adjust the
community guide lines to clarify that ODbL's share alike clause shouldn't
kick in here.

On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 6:16 PM, Olov McKie o...@mckie.se wrote:

 Hello all!

 I have a few usecases for OSM where I do not know if I can use it or not.

 I work for a library where we are building a new version of an application
 to handle all sort of collections, for example books, letters, images,
 music sheets, etc. The application will store metadata and digitalized
 versions of the works. To know where an item was created, a letter sent
 from / to, etc we need to store places and information about them. The
 information we normally store about a place is name, alternative names,
 names translated to different languages, etc. A place might be a historic
 one that no longer exists.

 In the current system, metadata about a place is constructed by giving it
 a name, known variations of the name, which country it is in (problematic
 as it might change over the time) and translation of the name.
 As an OSM user and contributor my first reaction was, we can make the
 places more precise and avoid the changing countries problem by using
 coordinates for places, and also present them in a better way.

 As the applications data should be readable for a long time (forever),
 will we be storing all metadata together with the digitalized objects. We
 will over the lifetime of the application construct several thousand
 places. We will not be able to share the complete db under the ODbL as the
 works have all kinds of licenses that are incompatible with the ODbL. The
 resulting system will be accessible for anyone from the Internet,
 subsections might have restricted access.

 1. If we present an OSM map to the user let them click on the map and use
 the coordinates they clicked on as part of the metadata for a place in our
 application, will the resulting database be considered a derived database?
  To clarify, we would not extract any information from the map, beside the
 coordinates that the user clicked on, they would by themselves navigate the
 map to for example London and then click somewhere in London.

 2. If we use the overpass API to find possible matches for a placename
 entered by a user, present the possible matches with markers on a map and
 let the user click on the map and use the coordinates the user clicks on,
 will the resulting database be considered a derived database?  Again, we
 would not extract any information from the map, beside the coordinates that
 the user clicked on. Presenting the markers would of course help the user
 find a place, such as London.

 3. If we use the overpass API to find possible matches for a placename
 entered by a user, present the possible matches with markers on a map and
 if we have more then one result ask the user to fill in more details about
 the place such as, country, region, close to major city, local name, etc
 until overpass only returns on result, would the user entered data be
 considered a derived database? To clarify, in this case would we not
 extract the coordinates or any other data from the map.

 4. If we present several places (all data about the place including
 coordinates originates from other sources than OSM) on an OSM map to help
 find duplicates, and then lets the user click on two places marked on the
 map, to merge them into one, would the resulting database be considered a
 derived database?

 I would love for us to use OSM in our application, but I have been unable
 to find out if we can use it for the four usecases presented above.

 with hope of a speedy answer


 legal-talk mailing list

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Question about copyrighted hiking routes in France

2013-02-21 Thread Steve Bennett
On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 11:22 PM, Pieren pier...@gmail.com wrote:
 First issue : it is the hiking route names themselves. For all of them
 created by the FFRP, the names are registered trademarks and cannot be
 used without permission (see question below). Second issue : the
 routes themselves are copyrighted.

Hi Pieren,
  I am also not a lawyer, but here's my two cents. First, it would be
really said if we lost the GR routes. I recently hiked about half of
the GR20, using the OSM route of course. So I don't think we should
give up easily - they're so valuable.

On the trademark front, it should be easy to establish if they have a
genuine complaint. If they do, I think we can change the names without
losing too much - even if had to call them French hiking route 20 or

 Second issue : it is maybe a more specific French issue here because
 the routes themselves can be copyrighted when they are considered as
 original work. A famous case confirmed this with the IGN (publishing
 the FFRP maps) sueing a guidebook editor [5] and confirmed by the
 highest court in France (1ere chambre de la cour de cassation de
 Paris, decision of 30 june 1998 [8]. I don't know if this is the same
 in other countries but a significant part of the OSM community in
 France would consider deleting the FFRP hiking routes completely (and
 not only the trademarks mentionned in Q1).

On what basis do they claim ownership of the routes, exactly? As I
understand it, many of these routes link up lots of little trails that
had been around for decades. How did copyright get transferred from
the people who created the trails to the FFRP? Or do they claim
ownership only over new sections? Or only over a particular

Are they aware that all the data has been created independently, by
surveying the trail - not by actually copying their data?

I wonder where the exact line would be drawn - what if we didn't have
routes, but just the trails marked. But then, how would you label
such a trail - often they have no other name other than the GR number,
plus the name of the next landmark.

Presumably someone has sought French legal advice? What was it?


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Revival: Multilingual Country-List

2013-02-21 Thread moltonel 3x Combo

 I revived the Multilingual Country-List tool. Now with Overpass-API as
 source, it's a useful tool again. If you find the time, head over to
 http://toolserver.org/~mazder/multilingual-country-list/ and look for
 your favorite language.

Nice :) I just wanted to point out a paragraph on the tool which IMHO
is bad advice :

 Sometimes the name of a country in the selected language (the value of the 
 is identical to the name of this country in the native language of this 
 country (which is
 stored in the name-Tag). Because the content of the name-Tag is the natural 
 fallback for
 a missing name:xx-Tag, in such a case there should be no name:xx-Tag for this 
 But if there's one anyway, this duplicate tag is highlighted in orange. You 
 may delete
 those name:xx-Tags without changing anything in the effective Name.

The recent multilingual map has demonstrated that it is actually *not*
ok to leave out the name:xx tag if it is identical to the name tag.

Consider this usecase :
* I prefer to read French but can also read English, so I set may
language priority to name:fr - name:en - name.
* I now take a look at a country like Central African Republic whose
local name is a French one.
* If the name:fr tag is present I get to see the French name.
* If the name:fr is removed, I get to see the English name, which is
acceptable but suboptimal.

So instead of saying that one may delete the name:xx tag if it is
identical to the name tag (to reduce bloat, presumably), the
multilingual-country-list should encourage to add the name:xx tag in
all cases.

Vincent de Phily

PS: newly registered to mailing-list, sorry if threading is messed-up.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Revival: Multilingual Country-List

2013-02-21 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2013/2/21 moltonel 3x Combo molto...@gmail.com:
 Nice :) I just wanted to point out a paragraph on the tool which IMHO
 is bad advice :

 Sometimes the name of a country in the selected language (the value of the 
 is identical to the name of this country in the native language of this 
 country  You may delete
 those name:xx-Tags without changing anything in the effective Name.

 The recent multilingual map has demonstrated that it is actually *not*
 ok to leave out the name:xx tag if it is identical to the name tag.

+1, at least as long as we don't store the default/official
language(s) for a feature, the name:xx tag should not be removed, even
if it is a duplicate of the name tag.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Revival: Multilingual Country-List

2013-02-21 Thread Hans Schmidt

Am 21.02.2013 11:43, schrieb moltonel 3x Combo:

So instead of saying that one may delete the name:xx tag if it is
identical to the name tag (to reduce bloat, presumably), the
multilingual-country-list should encourage to add the name:xx tag in
all cases.

I would rather vote for a solution which compares the name tag according 
to region. So, for Central African Republic the default language is set 
to french, meaning that name is automatically also becoming name:fr.

Of course, you have some problems with multilingual countries, but most 
of them have one strongly dominant language (China, USA), or the 
languages are divided by region (Belgium, Switzerland). If there are 
some few leftovers which do pose problem (where there is no clearly 
defined language – e.g. Brussels), one can look for individual solutions 
for them.

If you recommend to add a redundant name:xx tag, most people will not 
follow that advice. You would have to do that for every single road, 
every single shop, every single bus stop. This is not practical. It is 
much more practical to do it in the renderer.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Revival: Multilingual Country-List

2013-02-21 Thread Peter Wendorff

Am 21.02.2013 12:20, schrieb Hans Schmidt:

Am 21.02.2013 11:43, schrieb moltonel 3x Combo:

So instead of saying that one may delete the name:xx tag if it is
identical to the name tag (to reduce bloat, presumably), the
multilingual-country-list should encourage to add the name:xx tag in
all cases.

I would rather vote for a solution which compares the name tag 
according to region. So, for Central African Republic the default 
language is set to french, meaning that name is automatically also 
becoming name:fr.

Of course, you have some problems with multilingual countries, but 
most of them have one strongly dominant language (China, USA), or the 
languages are divided by region (Belgium, Switzerland). If there are 
some few leftovers which do pose problem (where there is no clearly 
defined language – e.g. Brussels), one can look for individual 
solutions for them.

If you recommend to add a redundant name:xx tag, most people will not 
follow that advice. You would have to do that for every single road, 
every single shop, every single bus stop. This is not practical. It is 
much more practical to do it in the renderer.
Well... if there's no localized name tag, then you may omit the name:xx 
tag for that language, as there's no alternative.
On the other hand name:de might be useful even then, as it's possible to 
translate programmatically if the software knows about the language. The 
German suffixes -straße, -weg, -platz could be automatically transcoded 
to street, way and square, the afaik swedish -gatan is street again, väg 
is way and so on.
But if you try to translate something to another language this way where 
you don't know the source language, it's much more difficult.

So a recommendation might be to
- always tag name
- if you translate name into different languages, always add 
name:originalLanguageCode with the same content
- if you want, add that even if you don't translate it to different 

Yes, that's redundant - but it's easy to cut out for software (cut out 
every language attribute that equals the plain name), if wanted; and 
it's less error prone than a tag like language=de or like the lists of 
default language areas you propose above.
Sure: These list are helpful for all cases where only name is given, and 
that's a necessity for great software dealing with that, but that's the 
way defaults in OSM work: there should be a few defaults for mappers, 
where they should decide to not add a tag, but more defaults for data 
consumers, who could/should be able to have a best guess where data is 


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Revival: Multilingual Country-List

2013-02-21 Thread Hans Schmidt

Am 21.02.2013 12:36, schrieb Peter Wendorff:
Well... if there's no localized name tag, then you may omit the 
name:xx tag for that language, as there's no alternative.
On the other hand name:de might be useful even then, as it's possible 
to translate programmatically if the software knows about the 
language. The German suffixes -straße, -weg, -platz could be 
automatically transcoded to street, way and square, the afaik swedish 
-gatan is street again, väg is way and so on.
But if you try to translate something to another language this way 
where you don't know the source language, it's much more difficult.

Why would you want to translate the street names? Do you want to 
translate Paris' “Avenue des Champs-Élysées” to “Allee der 
Champs-Élysées”? Nobody would know what it is anymore.
Also, nobody wants to translate a “Lindenallee” in some minor german 
town to “Linden avenue”.  Also, automatic translation would be error prone.

So a recommendation might be to
- always tag name
- if you translate name into different languages, always add 
name:originalLanguageCode with the same content
- if you want, add that even if you don't translate it to different 

Yes, that's redundant - but it's easy to cut out for software (cut out 
every language attribute that equals the plain name), if wanted; and 
it's less error prone than a tag like language=de or like the lists 
of default language areas you propose above.
Sure: These list are helpful for all cases where only name is given, 
and that's a necessity for great software dealing with that, but 
that's the way defaults in OSM work: there should be a few defaults 
for mappers, where they should decide to not add a tag, but more 
defaults for data consumers, who could/should be able to have a best 
guess where data is missing. 

You say that there should be few defaults for mappers. But what you 
propose is exactly the opposite: You'd have a default, meaning that you 
would need to create a name:originallanguage even if there is a name 
present. I would bet that nobody does this. And if you don’t do it like 
that, chaos will occur if you decide to display the name.

In contrast, if you do it based on region, it would simplify things much 

1. You take the nodes/relation for Canada, add language=en.
2. You take the nodes/relation for Québec: language=fr

Then everybody would just continue using name=British Columbia and 
name=Montréal, and no problem. The multilingual renderer would then 
show, in case the user wants to see French names, name=Montréal and 
name:fr=Colombie-Britannique. If the user is English, he would show 
name:en=Montreal and name:British Columbia.

Tell me where this is not easier than adding a redundant name:en or 
name:fr for every town, bus stop and street in Canada. You would only 
have to change the multilangual renderer so that it would display it 
like that. This is no problem because I guess it is still in development 
– It could be done relatively easy (from a non-developer standpoint 

Plus, most of todays nodes only have a name=... tag, not a name:xyz=... 
one. You would not need to change anything.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Revival: Multilingual Country-List

2013-02-21 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2013/2/21 Peter Wendorff wendo...@uni-paderborn.de:
 Well... if there's no localized name tag, then you may omit the name:xx tag
 for that language, as there's no alternative.

as you point out yourself, then you won't know in which language this
name is. We should tag something like lang=xx to set the default
language (also lang=xx;yy;zz for multiple default/official languages).
Actually what could be omitted then is the name-tag, but not the


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Revival: Multilingual Country-List

2013-02-21 Thread Hans Schmidt

Am 21.02.2013 13:07, schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:

Where do you set this *1 and with which tag? Currently it doesn't look
as if for your example any default language is set:

but it looks as if there are 2 official languages, so putting the
default to french looks like a potential offense to me:
Official languages:

yes, I know that especially for African countries, this could get messy. 
There are many other examples where this would clearly give benefits, 
though. For problematic cases one could develop something special.

Btw, for multilanguage stuff, I'd want a JOSM plugin somehow in this form:


First, in JOSM you could select based with the Overpass API what you 
want to download: All nodes for Japanese prefectures (in my example), 
all cities in Germany etc. Then, JOSM would display these things in a 
tabular form, where it would first analyse which name:xy tags are 
present, and then display them like that.

This would give the following advantages:

1. You could easily see where there are missing items
2. If there are two similar name tags (in my case, ja_kana and ja_hira), 
they could be merged.
3. The input is _much_ faster than opening every node on the map, adding 
a new name:xy tag etc, pressing ok, selecting the next one etc.

4. If you want to add a new translation, just add a new column.

In my opinion, without some tabular based approach, the multilingual 
project cannot be successful, because the input is _way_ to cumbersome.

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] additional layers on osm.org

2013-02-21 Thread Jason Remillard
Hello Everybody,

We apparently have a lots extra bandwidth and disk space on our US OSM
servers. Requests have gone out asking for ideas. We are also starting
the google summer of code project suggestions.

I wanted to confirm the major reason we only have 4 layers on osm.org,
is a resourcing issue, rather than a political issue. Basically, we do
not have enough disk, cpu, bandwidth, and people to host them in the
UK. So assuming: we can host them on the US OSM servers, the servers
can handle it, and the map quality is good, etc, etc.  Would there be
any problem adding the following map layers to osm.org?

- an overhead image layer + mapnik style. We could reproduce the work
that MapBox did collecting existing images.
- a hiking map, like cycle map, show information posts and route
relations on paths, trails, etc.
- a public transportation map

Perhaps digging deeper,
- Equestrian layer
- Boating/Water recreation layer
- Hunting layer
- ATV layer
- a freshness map, anything older than a year is very dim/missing.
- address map, areas without addresses are marked in ugly bright purple.
- etc

I am sure we could think of many others.

Bottom line, If we build this kind of stuff on the US OSM servers, are
we going to be allowed into osm.org layer menu or not?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] additional layers on osm.org

2013-02-21 Thread Tom Hughes

On 21/02/13 15:05, Jason Remillard wrote:

I wanted to confirm the major reason we only have 4 layers on osm.org,
is a resourcing issue, rather than a political issue.

It's a nobody has proposed a layer that meets the criteria laid out in 
the policy issue. This is (astonishingly) one area where we do actually 
have a well defined written policy:



Tom Hughes (t...@compton.nu)

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Question about copyrighted hiking routes in France

2013-02-21 Thread Simon Poole

There are two separate issues here.

- the use of a trademark to refer to the routes in question

- copyright of the route itself (in the sense that the sequence of way
segments is considered a creative work, or potentially protected as a

Both claims cannot simply be dismissed IMHO, the former however is not
really a big concern. In the worst case we could give the routes
descriptive names and leave it at that. The later could have
substantially more impact.

French courts have, as courts around the world, have found that they
have jurisdiction in cases where content has been distributed in their
country via the Internet regardless of where the servers are located.
This clearly could rise to a level of having an impact on the OSMF and
the central infrastructure.



Am 21.02.2013 13:59, schrieb Nick Whitelegg:

 IANAL but just a thought... is it legal anyway to copyright route
 references? That is what the GRs appear to me to be to my eyes.

 Can the Department of Transport copyright the reference M25 in the
 uk and prohibit its use in all other publications?


 -Pieren pier...@gmail.com wrote: -
 To: legal-t...@openstreetmap.org
 From: Pieren pier...@gmail.com
 Date: 21/02/2013 12:24PM
 Subject: [OSM-legal-talk] Question about copyrighted hiking routes in

 Hi all,

 I'm submitting here a question about the legality of keeping French
 long hiking routes called GR or GRP or PR  in OSM. All these
 routes are very well known, have sign posts and references on the
 ground, e.g. the GR20 in Corsica (but many are still missing or very
 incomplete in OSM). See these examples in [1a] and [1b]. These routes
 have been created by the national hiking sport federation (FFRP,
 Fédération Française de Randonnée Pédestre). You can see them on the
 ground by the trail marks visible at regular intervals but also on
 most of the commercial maps in France.

 But we are facing two legal issues in France. The problems are not new
 but become more critical in my opinion (see below).
 First issue : it is the hiking route names themselves. For all of them
 created by the FFRP, the names are registered trademarks and cannot be
 used without permission (see question below). Second issue : the
 routes themselves are copyrighted.
 The list of trademarks is listed in the legal page of the FFRP web
 site([2]) :
 - (some are just used in books or commercial maps but)
 - GR®
 - GR Pays®
 - PR®
 - ... à pied
 - les environs de ... à pied
 - Sentiers des patrimoines
 are very common (especially the first 3 : GR, GR Pays (or GRP)
 and PR followed by a reference number.

 Question : the FFRP itself is an editor of hiking bookguides or has
 contracts with the IGN (the French state establishment for
 geographical information) for publishing commercial hiking maps,
 giving them royalties in return (an important income for the
 federation). So the FFRP is always actively contacting or bringing
 actions (sue) against private competitors or simple websites using
 their trademarks and routes on maps or book editors not paying any
 fees (see e.g. [3]). But some web sites seem to use them without fee
 ([4]). It seems that the FFRP is tolerating non-commercial use. Since
 2009, 2 or 3 OSM contributors (including myself) tried to contact the
 FFRP to get the permission they request to use their copyrighted route
 names into OSM, wihout any reply until now. Earlier last year (Feb
 2012), two members of the French local chapter met them physically and
 presented OSM. They showed some interest but repeated again and
 clearly that using the GR, PR, etc trademarks is not allowed
 without permission, a permission they didn't provide during that
 meeting (minutes available here [7]). They also didn't say anything
 about the future. it seems finally that they are looking for a
 replacement of their current map data provider (IGN) but they want to
 preserve their current commercial model. Note that the sign-posts
 (trail marks) are also protected (like a logo). After that meeting, we
 are several people thinking that we have the remove all references of
 the trademarks of the FFRP into OSM db, usually tagged in name or
 ref, either on ways or route relations or both. What's your opinion

 Second issue : it is maybe a more specific French issue here because
 the routes themselves can be copyrighted when they are considered as
 original work. A famous case confirmed this with the IGN (publishing
 the FFRP maps) sueing a guidebook editor [5] and confirmed by the
 highest court in France (1ere chambre de la cour de cassation de
 Paris, decision of 30 june 1998 [8]. I don't know if this is the same
 in other countries but a significant part of the OSM community in
 France would consider deleting the FFRP hiking routes completely (and
 not only the trademarks mentionned in Q1).

 Personnaly, I think that a route is not considered as an original
 work (or not enough original) in many jurisdictions. But still,

Re: [OSM-talk] additional layers on osm.org

2013-02-21 Thread Martin Simon
Am 21.02.2013 16:08 schrieb Jason Remillard remillard.ja...@gmail.com:

 - an overhead image layer + mapnik style. We could reproduce the work
 that MapBox did collecting existing images.
 - a hiking map, like cycle map, show information posts and route
 relations on paths, trails, etc.
 - a public transportation map

The hikebikemap for hiking/biking/terrain and öpnvkarte for public
transport would be great! :)

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] additional layers on osm.org

2013-02-21 Thread Jason Remillard
Hi Tom,

Yes, I know about the process. It is good that it is setup :-)

It seems like the technical aspects are addressed by hosting them on
the us OSM servers. The soft / arbitrary criteria are judgment
questions about where the OSM community is at.

However, what I was really asking was given the context I described
combined with the process as currently defined, would any of these
layers have a chance of getting approved?


On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 10:31 AM, Tom Hughes t...@compton.nu wrote:
 On 21/02/13 15:05, Jason Remillard wrote:

 I wanted to confirm the major reason we only have 4 layers on osm.org,
 is a resourcing issue, rather than a political issue.

 It's a nobody has proposed a layer that meets the criteria laid out in the
 policy issue. This is (astonishingly) one area where we do actually have a
 well defined written policy:



 Tom Hughes (t...@compton.nu)

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] additional layers on osm.org

2013-02-21 Thread Tom Hughes

On 21/02/13 15:57, Jason Remillard wrote:

It seems like the technical aspects are addressed by hosting them on
the us OSM servers. The soft / arbitrary criteria are judgment
questions about where the OSM community is at.

However, what I was really asking was given the context I described
combined with the process as currently defined, would any of these
layers have a chance of getting approved?

Well that's more or less impossible to say in advance... I didn't read 
the list in detail but I didn't notice anything which sounded like it 
would automatically fail to meet the criteria.

Some of the criteria - like whether it's so garish it makes our eyes 
bleed when we look at it - are of course impossible to evaluate without 
a concrete implementation.

There is of course the question of exactly how much choice we want to 
offer - there is some sort of limit on how many options you can show to 
a user without being completely overwhelming. So layers with a larger 
target audience would obviously better than those which looked like they 
would have a very niche audience.

It's also worth bearing in mind the general mantra that the site is not 
intended as an end user destination - so this should be about show 
casing what can be done with OSM data rather than providing a service to 
a people engaged in a particular sport or whatever.

Much of this is of course just my own thoughts, and at the end of the 
day it would be up to the whole of the operations group to decide.


Tom Hughes (t...@compton.nu)

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] additional layers on osm.org

2013-02-21 Thread Tom Hughes

On 21/02/13 15:56, Martin Simon wrote:

The hikebikemap for hiking/biking/terrain and öpnvkarte for public
transport would be great! :)

Well öpnvkarte was considered along with the current transport layer and 
the decision was that having two transport layers would be silly and 
that we preferred the one that we are currently offering.

Nobody has ever asked OWG to consider hikebikemap.


Tom Hughes (t...@compton.nu)

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] additional layers on osm.org

2013-02-21 Thread Robert Scott
On Thursday 21 February 2013, Jason Remillard wrote:
 - an overhead image layer + mapnik style. We could reproduce the work
 that MapBox did collecting existing images.

I don't think you will have much success with the licensing here. Aerial 
imagery rights go for muchos $$$.

I think you're forgetting we don't have things like bing imagery. We are 
granted the right to use it for a very specific (rather obscure in commercial 
terms) purpose.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] additional layers on osm.org

2013-02-21 Thread Joseph Reeves
MapBox? http://mapbox.com/blog/open-aerial/

On 21 February 2013 16:36, Robert Scott li...@humanleg.org.uk wrote:

 On Thursday 21 February 2013, Jason Remillard wrote:
  - an overhead image layer + mapnik style. We could reproduce the work
  that MapBox did collecting existing images.

 I don't think you will have much success with the licensing here. Aerial
 imagery rights go for muchos $$$.

 I think you're forgetting we don't have things like bing imagery. We are
 granted the right to use it for a very specific (rather obscure in
 commercial terms) purpose.


 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Revival: Multilingual Country-List

2013-02-21 Thread moltonel 3x Combo
On 21 February 2013 13:29, Hans Schmidt z0idb...@gmx.de wrote:
 yes, I know that especially for African countries, this could get messy.
 There are many other examples where this would clearly give benefits,
 though. For problematic cases one could develop something special.

It gets messy in a lot of places in the world.

To pick just one example that I know well : Ireland has both English
and Irish names everywhere, but which one goes into the name tag can
be very tricky to figure out. There are a few areas of Ireland where
the Irish name is the dominant one, but the boundaries are fuzzy and
osm doesn't have a relation for them. Some places use an Irish name in
an English-dominated area, and vice-versa. There's even a town that
uses English for its name, but Irish for the name of its train

It's just too messy, I do not see how defining a default language for
a region could deal with such cases. Remember that which language is
selected for the name tag is sometimes very contentious, and that it
gets sorted by the local mappers rather than by the sysadmin of some
mapnik server.

Besides, I actually think that adding the redundant name:XX tag is
actually simpler than modifying the code of many renderers to take
something completely new into account. On the other hand, it should be
very easy to check that if a place has at least one name:xx tag, it
should also have one that matches the name tag either inside the
editor or via a bot.

Vincent de Phily

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] additional layers on osm.org

2013-02-21 Thread Paul Norman
 From: Jason Remillard [mailto:remillard.ja...@gmail.com]
 Subject: [OSM-talk] additional layers on osm.org
 Hello Everybody,
 I wanted to confirm the major reason we only have 4 layers on osm.org,
 is a resourcing issue, rather than a political issue. Basically, we do
 not have enough disk, cpu, bandwidth, and people to host them in the UK.

The only layer which uses OSMF resources is the layer labeled Standard,
also known as osm.org mapnik. Given that others[1] are successfully
providing a wide variety of layers, it doesn't seem like devoting OSMF
resources to another worldwide non-debug layer is necessary. 

 So assuming: we can host them on the US OSM servers, the servers can
 handle it, and the map quality is good, etc, etc.  Would there be any
 problem adding the following map layers to osm.org?

I don't think these concerns should impact if it goes on osm.org, but a
world-wide tile layer can take substantial resources, and is this what local
chapter wants to be doing?

[1] e.g. http://mapstyle.petschge.de/

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] additional layers on osm.org

2013-02-21 Thread Robert Scott
On Thursday 21 February 2013, Joseph Reeves wrote:
 MapBox? http://mapbox.com/blog/open-aerial/

If you look at the phases table at the bottom of 

From what I can tell, only Phase 1 is going to be open.

So I don't know if that will be good enough for most people (outside the US).


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] additional layers on osm.org

2013-02-21 Thread Simon Poole
Somewhat off topic, but there is http://www.opengeoserver.at/ which is 
financed at least partly by wikimedia and I expect that they would 
gladly include further open imagery sources.


Am 21.02.2013 18:11, schrieb Robert Scott:

On Thursday 21 February 2013, Joseph Reeves wrote:

MapBox? http://mapbox.com/blog/open-aerial/

If you look at the phases table at the bottom of 

 From what I can tell, only Phase 1 is going to be open.

So I don't know if that will be good enough for most people (outside the US).


talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Revival: Multilingual Country-List

2013-02-21 Thread Miloš Komarčević
On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 12:29 PM, Hans Schmidt z0idb...@gmx.de wrote:
 Btw, for multilanguage stuff, I'd want a JOSM plugin somehow in this form:


 First, in JOSM you could select based with the Overpass API what you want to
 download: All nodes for Japanese prefectures (in my example), all cities in
 Germany etc. Then, JOSM would display these things in a tabular form, where
 it would first analyse which name:xy tags are present, and then display them
 like that.
 This would give the following advantages:

 1. You could easily see where there are missing items
 2. If there are two similar name tags (in my case, ja_kana and ja_hira),
 they could be merged.
 3. The input is _much_ faster than opening every node on the map, adding a
 new name:xy tag etc, pressing ok, selecting the next one etc.
 4. If you want to add a new translation, just add a new column.

 In my opinion, without some tabular based approach, the multilingual project
 cannot be successful, because the input is _way_ to cumbersome.


This is why we (well, all credit goes to user mpele) started with our
own transliteration plugin (Serbian Cyrillic - Serbian Latin) [1],
based on the tag editor plugin:


It could be a nice idea to extend this to a more general purpose
multilingual editor, with e.g. copy source lang to dest lang option,
more transliteration filters, etc.


[1] http://svn.mpele.iz.rs/SerbianTransliterator/

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] additional layers on osm.org

2013-02-21 Thread Dave Sutter
I have been working on an indoor editor for OSM. Using a new
indoor-specific editor or not, it is easy to add indoor map data to
OSM. But doing this places a lot of data in the database that appears
very ugly and very difficult to work with for a person not well versed
in indoor maps in osm. Basically it looks like garbage.

Indoor map data is a good candidate to use for an additional Layer
in OSM. And by layer here I don't mean a tile layer on the OSM slippy
map, as was used in this thread, or data tagged with the layer
property tag. I mean a separate database layer. There has been talk
about layers a number of times. I looked up one of the most recent
discussions and pulled out this link from Jochen Topf discussing the


Jochen's proposal is to implement Layers of the data by just using a
different instance of the database.

The same idea was suggested to me by John Novak, of using a new
instance of the database to host indoor map data. And he specifically
suggested petitioning to use the US servers to host this database. If
nothing else, the separate database could be used as a staging area to
test the idea of indoor map data and allow it to get some support in
other editing tools before introducing the data into the regular
database. Or maybe it would just stay as a separate layer.

So if there are resources available I'd propose using them to create a
copy of the database and the associated infrastructure to serve as a
Indoor Map database. And I am sure there are other layers that would
also be useful.


On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 9:06 AM, Paul Norman penor...@mac.com wrote:
 From: Jason Remillard [mailto:remillard.ja...@gmail.com]
 Subject: [OSM-talk] additional layers on osm.org

 Hello Everybody,

 I wanted to confirm the major reason we only have 4 layers on osm.org,
 is a resourcing issue, rather than a political issue. Basically, we do
 not have enough disk, cpu, bandwidth, and people to host them in the UK.

 The only layer which uses OSMF resources is the layer labeled Standard,
 also known as osm.org mapnik. Given that others[1] are successfully
 providing a wide variety of layers, it doesn't seem like devoting OSMF
 resources to another worldwide non-debug layer is necessary.

 So assuming: we can host them on the US OSM servers, the servers can
 handle it, and the map quality is good, etc, etc.  Would there be any
 problem adding the following map layers to osm.org?

 I don't think these concerns should impact if it goes on osm.org, but a
 world-wide tile layer can take substantial resources, and is this what local
 chapter wants to be doing?

 [1] e.g. http://mapstyle.petschge.de/

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] additional layers on osm.org

2013-02-21 Thread Malcolm Herring

On 21/02/2013 15:05, Jason Remillard wrote:

- Boating/Water recreation layer

The water sports layer that is currently in OpenSeaMap could use a wider 
audience. This covers all sport=... features that are in-water as well 
as the whitewater features. The current location is somewhat obscure 
and inclusion as a layer in the OpenStreetMap main map would be a much 
better place for it.

To view it, go to http://map.openseamap.org/map/ and from the View 
drop-down de-select everything except Sport. Then browse to an area 
where mapped water sports are known to exist.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] additional layers on osm.org

2013-02-21 Thread Malcolm Herring
PS: See 

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] uMap Project 0.2.0

2013-02-21 Thread Josh Doe
On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 1:50 PM, Yohan Boniface yohanbonif...@free.frwrote:

 Hi open mappers,

 A quick email to notify that I've frozen a 0.2.0 version of uMap.
 Demo still at http://umap.fluv.io.

This is looking great, and will be very useful. Thank you!
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] additional layers on osm.org

2013-02-21 Thread Arun Ganesh
Resources invested in hosting various useful tile layers and tools would
only help in getting more people to switch to openstreetmaps and support
the project.

Why can't we have a larger donation drive and support such services which
are central to the project and helps its growth?

 Arun Ganesh
(planemad) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Planemad
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] ÖPNV-Relationen

2013-02-21 Thread Martin Vonwald

Habe nun etwas herum probiert und muss feststellen, dass der Fehler wo
anders liegt.
Was habe ich gemacht:
* Diesen Weg am nordwestlichen Ende kurz vor der Kreuzung gesplittet:
http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/32231837 . Zwei zusätzliche
Tags drauf und hochgeladen.
* JOSM musste 63 Elemente hochladen - dies dauerte eine mittlere
Ewigkeit dafür und endete mit einem Konflikt.
* Konflikt: Hochladen fehlgeschlagen, da der Server eine neuere
Version von einem Ihrer Punkte, Linien oder Relationen hat. Der
Konflikt wird durch ein Objekt vom Typ Relation mit ID 2.513.035
ausgelöst. Der Server hat Version 2, Ihre Version ist 1.

Ein Blick in der Relationschronik zeigt, dass Version 2 gerade eben
von mir selbst erzeugt wurde:
Hier liegt das grundlegende Problem: das ist ein Konflikt mit mir
selbst, den es so nicht geben darf.

Nun wählte ich Ganzen Datensatz synchronisieren. Es wurden 48
Konflikte entdeckt, alle ausschließlich in Relationen, darunter auch
eine Abbiegebeschränkung mit drei Members. Im Konfliktlösungsdialog
wird ein Member auf beiden Seiten (Meine Version/Deren Version) rot
markiert, die Liste ist aber soweit ich das beurteilen kann identisch.

Alle 48 Konflikte wurden gelöst in dem ich immer Deren Version
verwendete. Ein weiterer Hochladeversuch war dann erfolgreich,
allerdings sind die Daten nun korrupt: dieser Weg ist doppelt
http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/206492740 und
http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/206490629 und die Relationen
sind gleichmäßig über beide Wege verteilt.

Ich werde versuche diese Stelle wieder zu bereinigen und dann ein
Ticket bei JOSM aufmachen.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] ÖPNV-Relationen

2013-02-21 Thread Roland Olbricht
 Habe nun etwas herum probiert und muss feststellen, dass der Fehler wo
 anders liegt.
 Was habe ich gemacht:
 Hier liegt das grundlegende Problem: das ist ein Konflikt mit mir
 selbst, den es so nicht geben darf.

Danke für das detaillierte Recherchieren. Die gedoppelte Relation ist 
allerdings in der Tat ein JOSM-Bug.

Vielleicht sollte man eine Operation Wege teilen auf der Main API 
implementieren. Das würde nebenbei auch die Qualität der Daten-Historie 

Viele Grüße,


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] ÖPNV-Relationen

2013-02-21 Thread Ronnie Soak
Am 20. Februar 2013 21:27 schrieb Stefan Tiran 

 Für mich als Öffi-Benutzer ist es schon sehr interessant zu wissen, ob
 ein Bus die Autobahn verwendet oder nicht, da sich das deutlich auf die
 Reisegeschwindigkeit auswirkt. Leider ist es so, dass im ländlichen Raum
 fast jeder Kurs einer Linie einen abweichenden Verlauf hat. Das ist aber
 für mich nur viel mehr noch ein Grund dafür, warum es wichtig ist, dass
 diese Daten in freier Form verfügbar sind.

Ich kann das immer noch nicht so ganz verstehen:
Woher kommen denn eigentlich die Infos, wo der Bus lang faehrt?
Die Fahrplane die ich so kenne geben nur Haltestellen an, der Weg
dazwischen wird nur schematisch dargestellt.

Klar kann ich den Weg mappen, den der Bus HEUTE genommen hat.
Das wird sicher auch sehr oft zutreffen.
Aber darauf verlassen kann ich mich doch sowieso nicht.
Der Weg kann sich sowohl kurzfristig aendern (Stau, Baustelle, persoenliche
Vorliebe des Fahrers),
als auch ohne Ankuendigung langfristig (Routenanederung, Neukalkulation wg.
Spritpreisen etc.), da ja in den Plaenen der Weg eben NICHT angegeben wird.

Genauso widersinnig ist es aber im entgegengesetzten Fall: Strassenbahnen
koenen zwischen zwei Haltestellen selten mehr als einen Weg waehlen.
trozdem sind die Schienen in der Routenrelation erfasst. Wozu?

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] ÖPNV-Relationen

2013-02-21 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
Am 21. Februar 2013 11:31 schrieb Ronnie Soak chaoschaos0...@googlemail.com:
 Ich kann das immer noch nicht so ganz verstehen:
 Woher kommen denn eigentlich die Infos, wo der Bus lang faehrt?

von Leuten, die den Bus kennen, bzw. schon benutzt haben und wissen,
welchen Weg er nimmt.

 Die Fahrplane die ich so kenne geben nur Haltestellen an, der Weg
 dazwischen wird nur schematisch dargestellt.

ist aber in der Regel festgelegt, das entscheidet soweit ich weiss
nicht der Busfahrer, wie er genau zur Haltestelle kommt.

 Klar kann ich den Weg mappen, den der Bus HEUTE genommen hat.
 Das wird sicher auch sehr oft zutreffen.
 Aber darauf verlassen kann ich mich doch sowieso nicht.
 Der Weg kann sich sowohl kurzfristig aendern (Stau, Baustelle, persoenliche
 Vorliebe des Fahrers),

m.E. kommt nur Baustelle in Betracht, der Fahrer darf AFAIK
normalerweise die Route nicht ändern, und auch ein spontaner Stau wird
normalerweise nciht zu einer Routenänderung führen.

 als auch ohne Ankuendigung langfristig (Routenanederung, Neukalkulation wg.
 Spritpreisen etc.), da ja in den Plaenen der Weg eben NICHT angegeben wird.

das wiederum kann man mit Ortskenntnis lösen (indem man bemerkt, dass
der Bus jetzt anders fährt, ggf. auch den Busfahrer fragen, ob das
dauerhaft ist).

 Genauso widersinnig ist es aber im entgegengesetzten Fall: Strassenbahnen
 koenen zwischen zwei Haltestellen selten mehr als einen Weg waehlen.
 trozdem sind die Schienen in der Routenrelation erfasst. Wozu?

Vereinfachung für Auswerter der Daten, ggf. auch Redundanz zur
Sicherung der Datenstabilität (zumindest irgendwas bleibt noch in der
db und hilft beim Rekonstruieren falls mal durch Vandalismus oder
Anfänger ein paar Haltestellen gelöscht werden oder so). [Immer
ausser] selten ist ausserdem nicht ausreichend sicher m.E. um sich
darauf zu verlassen ;-)

Gruß Martin

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] ÖPNV-Relationen

2013-02-21 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
Am 21. Februar 2013 09:25 schrieb Martin Vonwald imagic@gmail.com:
 Habe nun etwas herum probiert und muss feststellen, dass der Fehler wo
 anders liegt.
 Was habe ich gemacht:
 * Diesen Weg am nordwestlichen Ende kurz vor der Kreuzung gesplittet:
 http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/32231837 . Zwei zusätzliche
 Tags drauf und hochgeladen.
 * JOSM musste 63 Elemente hochladen - dies dauerte eine mittlere
 Ewigkeit dafür und endete mit einem Konflikt.

ist ggf. die Internetverbindung in der Zwischenzeit getrennt worden?
Das vermute ich z.T. als Ursache für Konflikte, die ich gelegentlich
mit mir selbst hatte. Wenn diese komischen Nachrichten kommen (alles
oder nur den problematischen Teil synchronisieren?) habe ich bisher
noch keine zufrieden stellende Lösung gefunden, beides sorgt endlos
für Kettenkonflikte. Hier gibt es z.B. ein Ticket dazu (vielleicht
nicht ganz derselbe Fall?): https://josm.openstreetmap.de/ticket/7416

 Hier liegt das grundlegende Problem: das ist ein Konflikt mit mir
 selbst, den es so nicht geben darf.

+1 (dürfte)

 Alle 48 Konflikte wurden gelöst in dem ich immer Deren Version
 verwendete. Ein weiterer Hochladeversuch war dann erfolgreich,
 allerdings sind die Daten nun korrupt: dieser Weg ist doppelt

+1, auch schon so beobachtet, nehme normalerweise auch immer deren
Version in der Hoffnung, dadurch nichts von anderen zu zerstören.
_Ein_ Weg doppelt ist noch harmlos ;-)

Gruß Martin

Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] OSM-Daten wieder zusammenführen

2013-02-21 Thread Tom Müller


für ein Projekt haben wir einen Ausschnitt von OSM-Daten (Quadrat) lokal 
(mit JOSM, als .osm-File) bearbeitet.
Nun stehen wir vor dem Problem, dass wir den Datenausschnitt vergrößern 
Ist es möglich die neuen Bereiche herunterzuladen und dann irgendwie 
unsere mit den neuen Daten von OSM zusammenzuführen? Oder müssen wir den 
gesamten Randbereich dann manuell wieder verknüpfen?

Danke für Ideen und Tipps.

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] ÖPNV-Relationen

2013-02-21 Thread Peter Wendorff

Ich sehe mehrere Gründe, warum man die Wege/Straßen selbst 
sinnvollerweise mit in die ÖPNV-Relationen aufnehmen sollte.
Ich gebe euch aber auch recht, dass das momentane Schema der Relationen 
und vor allem der riesenrelationen in bestimmten Fällen problematisch 
ist, dazu ganz unten mehr.

Am 21.02.2013 11:31, schrieb Ronnie Soak:

Am 20. Februar 2013 21:27 schrieb Stefan Tiran 

Für mich als Öffi-Benutzer ist es schon sehr interessant zu wissen, ob
ein Bus die Autobahn verwendet oder nicht, da sich das deutlich auf die
Reisegeschwindigkeit auswirkt. Leider ist es so, dass im ländlichen Raum
fast jeder Kurs einer Linie einen abweichenden Verlauf hat. Das ist aber
für mich nur viel mehr noch ein Grund dafür, warum es wichtig ist, dass
diese Daten in freier Form verfügbar sind.

Ich kann das immer noch nicht so ganz verstehen:
Woher kommen denn eigentlich die Infos, wo der Bus lang faehrt?
Variante 1: Ich setze mich in den Bus und fahre mit, ggf mit laufendem 
Variante 2: Ich sehe die Busse von außen und kann damit einzelne 
Streckenabschnitte eindeutig zuordnen (wegen StVO bleibt oft nichts 
anderes übrig, zumindest in der Stadt)
Variante 3: Der Nahverkehrsverband rückt die Daten in ausreichend freier 
Form raus.

Die Fahrplane die ich so kenne geben nur Haltestellen an, der Weg
dazwischen wird nur schematisch dargestellt.

Klar kann ich den Weg mappen, den der Bus HEUTE genommen hat.
Das wird sicher auch sehr oft zutreffen.
Aber darauf verlassen kann ich mich doch sowieso nicht.
Der Weg kann sich sowohl kurzfristig aendern (Stau, Baustelle, persoenliche
Vorliebe des Fahrers),
Innerstädtischer Busverkehr wird meines Wissens nicht wegen Staus 
umgeleitet normalerweise, zumal Bushaltestellen bei sinnvoller 
Einrichtung innerstädtisch so nah beieinanderliegen, dass die 
Stauumfahrung bei nennenswerten Staus auch nicht viel bringt.
Bei Baustellen hast du vermutlich recht, aber da gilt, was fürs Routing 
in OSM auch gilt: Wenn die Baustelle sehr lange besteht, wird 
entsprechend angepasst, wenn sie kurzfristig ist, sind die Daten eben 
nicht aktuell und perfekt - das ist aber kein ÖPNV-Problem.
Ob Fahrer tatsächlich die Freiheit haben, sich ihre Strecke auszusuchen, 
weiß ich nicht; da müsste man vermutlich mal Profis fragen. Hier 
(Kreise Paderborn und Höxter) hab ich das als sehr regelmäßiger 
Busfahrer aber noch nie erlebt, dass Busse unterschiedliche Strecken je 
nach Fahrer nehmen (okay, den einen Busfahrer ausgenommen, der gepennt 
hat und falsch abgebogen ist; der hat aber auch deutlich geflucht, als 
er auf der Landstraße wenden musste...).

als auch ohne Ankuendigung langfristig (Routenanederung, Neukalkulation wg.
Spritpreisen etc.), da ja in den Plaenen der Weg eben NICHT angegeben wird.
Und die man dann eben genauso nachtragen muss wie man den ursprünglichen 

Genauso widersinnig ist es aber im entgegengesetzten Fall: Strassenbahnen
koenen zwischen zwei Haltestellen selten mehr als einen Weg waehlen.
trozdem sind die Schienen in der Routenrelation erfasst. Wozu?
Zunächst mal zu der Frage, wozu man die Strecke selbst über die 
Haltepunkte hinaus in die Routen mit aufnehmen sollte:

i) Busse gerade im ländlichen Raum halten nicht an jeder Ecke. In 
manchen Fällen bieten die Verkehrsunternehmen als Service in den Abend- 
und Nachtstunden an, dass Busse auch zwischen Haltestellen auf Anfrage 
halten. Im Padersprinter in Paderborn halten Busse ab 20 Uhr maximal 
einmal zwischen zwei Haltestellen [1]. Dafür ist es aber notwendig zu 
wissen, welche Strecke der Bus nimmt.

ii) Wie lange ein Bus fährt, lässt sich außerdem, solange keine 
Fahrpläne bekannt sind, grob anhand von Streckenlänge und -verlauf 

iii) Liniennetzpläne sind entweder schematisiert (dabei wären die 
Straßen unnötig) oder aber auf der echten Karte abgebildet, was nur mit 
den Wegen machbar ist.

Die andere Frage ist die der technischen Umsetzung:
Wir haben in OSM momentan nur atomar zu bearbeitende Objekttypen: Das 
gleichzeitige bearbeiten einer Relation ist dadurch unmöglich und führt 
technisch bedingt zu Konflikten, selbst wenn es sich um die A7 handelt 
und die beiden Bearbeiter in völlig unterschiedlichen Gegenden 
Kleinigkeiten korrigieren, ohne die Attribute anzutasten.
Bisher wird das Problem oft mit den gruseligen Master-Relationen 
umgangen, so dass eine Relation eben nicht mehr die A7 enthält, 
sondern die A7 in Hessen, A7 in NRW und sowas.
Ich könnte mir hier vorstellen, dass auf Dauer das Versionierungsschema 
angepasst werden könnte, indem man Bearbeitungen differenziert betrachtet:
- Änderungen an Attributen sind immer eine volle neue Version des 
gesamten Objekts und führen mit allen anderen Änderungen des Objekts zu 
- Hinzufügungen/Löschungen von Elementen aus einer Relation bzw. Nodes 
aus einem Way beziehen sich jeweils nur auf einen Teilabschnitt des 
Objekts, also z.B. nur den Bereich zwischen bus_stop Bahnhof und 

Re: [Talk-de] OSM-Daten wieder zusammenführen

2013-02-21 Thread Michael Buege
Zitat Tom Müller:
 für ein Projekt haben wir einen Ausschnitt von OSM-Daten (Quadrat) lokal
 (mit JOSM, als .osm-File) bearbeitet.
 Nun stehen wir vor dem Problem, dass wir den Datenausschnitt vergrößern
 Ist es möglich die neuen Bereiche herunterzuladen und dann irgendwie
 unsere mit den neuen Daten von OSM zusammenzuführen? Oder müssen wir den
 gesamten Randbereich dann manuell wieder verknüpfen?

Kommt drauf an... (tm)

Variante 1: eure Daten hochladen und danach alles mit vergrößertem Bereich 
wieder runterladen.
Wenn ihr nicht wollt, dass eure Daten in der Datenbank landen:
Variante 2: eure osm-Datei in Josm laden, Daten-runterladen-Dialog öffnen 
und unten links den Haken bei als neue Ebene laden rausnehmen. Den 
gewünschten Bereich markieren und runterladen. Josm führt dann eure Daten 
und die Daten aus der Datenbank zusammen, ohne eure Daten zu verändern. 
Zur Sicherheit mal alles vorher ausprobieren und mit Kopien arbeiten. 


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] ÖPNV-Relationen

2013-02-21 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
Am 21. Februar 2013 12:21 schrieb Peter Wendorff wendo...@uni-paderborn.de:
 i) Busse gerade im ländlichen Raum halten nicht an jeder Ecke.

Das ist ortsspezifisch. Hier halten die Überland-Busse eigentlich
schon an fast jeder Ecke, auch zwischen Ortschaften, alle paar hundert
Meter bis alle paar km gibt es Bushaltestellen (meistens nur ein
Schild, kein Häuschen, keine Bank, ...) als sog.
Bedarfshaltestellen, d.h. wenn dort jemand steht und winkt oder
aussteigen will hält der Bus, sonst nicht.

Gruß Martin

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] OSM-Daten wieder zusammenführen

2013-02-21 Thread Jimmy_K

zur Variante 2 möchte ich auf
hinweisen. (Nur dass es nicht zu bösen Überraschungen oder Konflikten
kommt, wegen der Lizenz.)

LG Jimmy

Am 21.02.2013 12:42, schrieb Michael Buege:
 Zitat Tom Müller:
 für ein Projekt haben wir einen Ausschnitt von OSM-Daten (Quadrat) lokal
 (mit JOSM, als .osm-File) bearbeitet.
 Nun stehen wir vor dem Problem, dass wir den Datenausschnitt vergrößern
 Ist es möglich die neuen Bereiche herunterzuladen und dann irgendwie
 unsere mit den neuen Daten von OSM zusammenzuführen? Oder müssen wir den
 gesamten Randbereich dann manuell wieder verknüpfen?
 Kommt drauf an... (tm)

 Variante 1: eure Daten hochladen und danach alles mit vergrößertem Bereich 
 wieder runterladen.
 Wenn ihr nicht wollt, dass eure Daten in der Datenbank landen:
 Variante 2: eure osm-Datei in Josm laden, Daten-runterladen-Dialog öffnen 
 und unten links den Haken bei als neue Ebene laden rausnehmen. Den 
 gewünschten Bereich markieren und runterladen. Josm führt dann eure Daten 
 und die Daten aus der Datenbank zusammen, ohne eure Daten zu verändern. 
 Zur Sicherheit mal alles vorher ausprobieren und mit Kopien arbeiten. 


 Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] ÖPNV-Relationen

2013-02-21 Thread Jo
Ich kenne hier in Belgien 2 Linien (selbe Strecke) die frei wahlen dürfen
wie die erste 20 Kilometer von Leuven nach Aarschot zu gehen (305 und 306).
Wenn sie dabei Haltestellen vorbeifahren würden, werden sie nicht halten.
Ich habe die in OSM eingetragen über die meist übliche Route (Autobahn).

Das ist eher Ausnahme.


2013/2/21 Martin Koppenhoefer dieterdre...@gmail.com

 Am 21. Februar 2013 12:21 schrieb Peter Wendorff 
  i) Busse gerade im ländlichen Raum halten nicht an jeder Ecke.

 Das ist ortsspezifisch. Hier halten die Überland-Busse eigentlich
 schon an fast jeder Ecke, auch zwischen Ortschaften, alle paar hundert
 Meter bis alle paar km gibt es Bushaltestellen (meistens nur ein
 Schild, kein Häuschen, keine Bank, ...) als sog.
 Bedarfshaltestellen, d.h. wenn dort jemand steht und winkt oder
 aussteigen will hält der Bus, sonst nicht.

 Gruß Martin

 Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] OSM Mumbai Workshop this FRIDAY 22 Feb

2013-02-21 Thread paramvir00
Will try and be there.
Sent from BlackBerry® on Airtel

-Original Message-
From: Shekhar Krishnan shek...@topomancy.com
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2013 23:41:16 
To: talk-in@openstreetmap.org
Reply-To: OpenStreetMap in India talk-in@openstreetmap.org
Subject: [Talk-in] OSM Mumbai Workshop this FRIDAY 22 Feb

Dear All:

With Mikel Maron and Arun Ganesh, we are organising an OSM Mumbai 
Mapping Workshop/Party this FRIDAY 22 FEBRUARY from 2-6pm in South 
Mumbai near VT/CST Station.


The page above is still in the works, and suggestions and comments from 
existing OSMers in Mumbai are most welcome. Please RSVP soon as we can 
only host 20 (twenty) participants, to confirm see the page.



Shekhar Krishnan
Topomancy LLC


Talk-in mailing list
Talk-in mailing list

[Talk-it] mi ci date un'occhiata??[pla3]

2013-02-21 Thread yahoo-pier_andreit

ho aggiunto la strada e le rotonde che vanno da via nettunense a via 
ardeatina, siccome e' la prima volta che lo faccio, qualcuno esperto 
puo' dirmi se va bene oppure se c'e' qualcosa che andrebbe fatto 

grazie :-) ciao :-) P

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] mi ci date un'occhiata??[pla3]

2013-02-21 Thread Andrea Musuruane
2013/2/21 yahoo-pier_andreit pier_andr...@yahoo.it

 ho aggiunto la strada e le rotonde che vanno da via nettunense a via
 ardeatina, siccome e' la prima volta che lo faccio, qualcuno esperto puo'
 dirmi se va bene oppure se c'e' qualcosa che andrebbe fatto diversamente???

Questa rotonda non è tale, manca l'attributo junction=roundabout, gli
attributi highway=tertiary_link e secondary_link sono errati.

Anche alle altre rotonde manca junction=roundabout.

Poi non sono rotonde (usare la funzione disponi i nodi in cerchio di JOSM).

Qui c'è un segmento duplicato sovrapposto:

I nomi si scrivono con l'iniziale maiuscola. Quindi Via Nettunese e non
via nettunese.

Qui mi sembra che manchi una strada di accesso alla rotonda (vedo solo
quella in uscita):

Inoltre, la strada unclassified parte dalla rotonda ma non è collegata a

In generale le strade della zona non mi sembrano allineate alle Ortofoto.

Qui mi sembra strano che ci sia un pezzo tertiary in mezzo a due tratti

Infine noto una Ex Ferrovia Albano Laz. - Nettuno (tra l'altro non si
usano abbreviazioni). Però dalle ortofoto non vedo nessuna ferrovia
abbandonata. Secondo me se è stata smantellata non deve essere mappata. Noi
descriviamo la realtà, non la storia.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] mi ci date un'occhiata??[pla3]

2013-02-21 Thread Alberto Nogaro
Secondo il wiki è corretto usare railway=abandoned per vecchie ferrovie la
cui infrastruttura è stata smantellata. Probabilmente sarebbe meglio farlo
solo nei casi in cui l’antico tracciato è comunque ancora in qualche modo
riconoscibile, quindi in qualche modo ancora realtà e non solo storia. Non
conosco la situazione della ferrovia in questione.





From: Andrea Musuruane [mailto:musur...@gmail.com] 
Sent: giovedì 21 febbraio 2013 09:45
To: openstreetmap list - italiano
Subject: Re: [Talk-it] mi ci date un'occhiata??[pla3]


Infine noto una Ex Ferrovia Albano Laz. - Nettuno (tra l'altro non si
usano abbreviazioni). Però dalle ortofoto non vedo nessuna ferrovia
abbandonata. Secondo me se è stata smantellata non deve essere mappata. Noi
descriviamo la realtà, non la storia.



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] mi ci date un'occhiata??[pla3]

2013-02-21 Thread Andrea Musuruane
2013/2/21 Alberto Nogaro bartosom...@yahoo.it

 Secondo il wiki è corretto usare railway=abandoned per vecchie ferrovie la
 cui infrastruttura è stata smantellata. Probabilmente sarebbe meglio farlo
 solo nei casi in cui l’antico tracciato è comunque ancora in qualche modo
 riconoscibile, quindi in qualche modo ancora realtà e non solo storia. Non
 conosco la situazione della ferrovia in questione.

Alberto, per smantellata intendevo che non si vede neanche il tracciato
originario dalle ortofoto, al suo posto ci sono case, e altro.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] quanto tempo ci mette di solito a registrare le variazioni?[pla2]

2013-02-21 Thread Simone Saviolo
Il giorno 20 febbraio 2013 21:07, yahoo-pier_andreit
pier_andr...@yahoo.itha scritto:

 un'altra cosa, come si fa a fare un piazzale largo dove si puo' anche

Disegna la strada principale, quella di traffico, normalmente (dovrebbe
avere il nome della piazza o del largo). Poi disegna una way chiusa che
delimita l'area del parcheggio, e taggala amenity=parking. Puoi aggiungere
parking:condition:area=free/disc/ticket/... (vedi qui [1] ), name=* (di
solito si usa il nome della piazza, ma se c'è un nome specifico tipo
Parking Cittadella o Parking Garibaldi usa quello). Puoi anche mettere
parking=surface (oppure underground, o multi-storey, ma qui è un parcheggio
normale di superficie).

Se ci sono corsie nel parcheggio, taggale highway=service,
service=parking_aisle. Personalmente preferisco aggiungere
service=parking_aisle solo su quelle corsi che sono *veramente solo* corsie
per girare nel parcheggio; di solito individuo una corsia di passaggio
che ti permette di andare dalla strada al parcheggio e viceversa, e quella
la metto solo highway=service. Ad esempio [2] [3]



[1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:parking:condition
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Saluti ed aiuto con sensi unici FVG

2013-02-21 Thread Simone Saviolo
Il giorno 20 febbraio 2013 17:56, Marco_T toto...@libero.it ha scritto:

 bruno bruno at anche.no writes:

  Ho dato un'occhiata solo a via Pranuf, e mi sembra tutto ok: la via è
  al contrario rispetto all'originale (che era da Via Stentarie a Via
  Udine), oneway è impostato e osrm la percorre in quel senso, da destra
  verso sinistra. Su Google Maps è disegnata allo stesso modo, e da Street
  View risulta che quello è il modo giusto.

 In effetti osrm funziona correttamente, mentre il primo e il terzo motore
 routing (del link precedente) vanno contromano. Mah!.
 Grazie 1000 per la risposta.

Può darsi che abbiano dati vecchi? Non tutti i consumatori aggiornano i
dati con la stessa frequenza o nello stesso momento.


Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] incontro domani

2013-02-21 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
Vorrei ricordarvi che domani ci incontriamo dalle 18:30 h alla
birreria di Eataly, Airterminal Stazione Ostiense. Sulla relativa
pagina nel wiki ci sono solo 3 persone inscritte per ora, ma speriamo
che ci viene qualcuno in più, se avete intenzione di venire
aggiungetevi all'elenco:


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] quanto tempo ci mette di solito a registrare le variazioni?[pla2]

2013-02-21 Thread Simone Saviolo
Il giorno 21 febbraio 2013 11:14, Martin Koppenhoefer 
dieterdre...@gmail.com ha scritto:

 2013/2/21 Simone Saviolo simone.savi...@gmail.com:
  Disegna la strada principale, quella di traffico, normalmente (dovrebbe
  avere il nome della piazza o del largo). Poi disegna una way chiusa che
  delimita l'area del parcheggio, e taggala amenity=parking. Puoi
  parking:condition:area=free/disc/ticket/... (vedi qui [1] ),

 non conoscevo ancora parking:condition, per indicare se (e quanto)
 costa parcheggiare al solito si usa la chiave fee:

fee=yes/no è il metodo più diffuso, ma trovo che parking:condition sia
- permette di uniformare il tagging dei parcheggi ai lati delle strade
(parking:condition:left, parking:condition:right, parking:condition:both) a
quello delle aree di parcheggio (parking:condition:area);
- dà più informazioni
- fa parte di uno schema di tagging ben costruito, che è usato dalla
principale mappa di parcheggi [1]



[1] parking.openstreetmap.de
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] mi ci date un'occhiata??[pla3]

2013-02-21 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2013/2/21 Andrea Musuruane musur...@gmail.com:
 In generale le strade della zona non mi sembrano allineate alle Ortofoto.

in generale abbiamo deciso di dare precedenza alle ortofoto del PCN
(dal 2008) rispetto a quelli da Bing per l'allineamento/posizione
(ovviamente se ci sono stati modifiche nel mondo reale, per ciò che si
trova lì la realtà ha la precedenza ;-)  ). Questa decisione deriva da
tanti osservazioni che confermano finora che le foto del PCN sono
georiferenziate migliormente rispetto a Bing (ma Bing ha una
risoluzione più alta e quindi serve per derivare dettagli che non si
vedono nel PCN).


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] quanto tempo ci mette di solito a registrare le variazioni?[pla2]

2013-02-21 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2013/2/21 Simone Saviolo simone.savi...@gmail.com:
 Il giorno 21 febbraio 2013 11:14, Martin Koppenhoefer
 dieterdre...@gmail.com ha scritto:

 2013/2/21 Simone Saviolo simone.savi...@gmail.com:
  Disegna la strada principale, quella di traffico, normalmente
  avere il nome della piazza o del largo). Poi disegna una way chiusa che
  delimita l'area del parcheggio, e taggala amenity=parking. Puoi
  parking:condition:area=free/disc/ticket/... (vedi qui [1] ),

 non conoscevo ancora parking:condition, per indicare se (e quanto)
 costa parcheggiare al solito si usa la chiave fee:

 fee=yes/no è il metodo più diffuso, ma trovo che parking:condition sia
 - permette di uniformare il tagging dei parcheggi ai lati delle strade
 (parking:condition:left, parking:condition:right, parking:condition:both) a
 quello delle aree di parcheggio (parking:condition:area);
 - dà più informazioni
 - fa parte di uno schema di tagging ben costruito, che è usato dalla
 principale mappa di parcheggi [1]

Va bene che potrebbe essere un metodo per aggiungere ulteriori
dettagli, ma non è introdotto ampiamente, anzi il tag per aree non si
trova da nessuna parte nel wiki, e quindi si dovrebbe far notare
questo fatto ad un principiante che chiede aiuto. Quella proposta non
è ancora consistente:

Per esempio dice:
e sotto: Examples  parking:lane:both=parallel

In più la pagina è esplicito che non si applica a parcheggi (prima
frase:) The keys parking:lane=* and parking:condition=* define
whether or not the highways themselves have parking, on which sides,
and with which conditions. For parking in designated areas, please see

Quindi per me le informazioni riguardando un parcheggio si trovano
sopratutto qui:
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:amenity%3Dparking Se vogliamo
poi aggiungere ulteriori dettagli con un tag come quello proposto per
le lanes, benvenga.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] quanto tempo ci mette di solito a registrare le variazioni?[pla2]

2013-02-21 Thread Simone Saviolo
Il giorno 21 febbraio 2013 12:06, Martin Koppenhoefer 
dieterdre...@gmail.com ha scritto:

 2013/2/21 Simone Saviolo simone.savi...@gmail.com:
  Il giorno 21 febbraio 2013 11:14, Martin Koppenhoefer
  dieterdre...@gmail.com ha scritto:
  2013/2/21 Simone Saviolo simone.savi...@gmail.com:
   Disegna la strada principale, quella di traffico, normalmente
   avere il nome della piazza o del largo). Poi disegna una way chiusa
   delimita l'area del parcheggio, e taggala amenity=parking. Puoi
   parking:condition:area=free/disc/ticket/... (vedi qui [1] ),
  non conoscevo ancora parking:condition, per indicare se (e quanto)
  costa parcheggiare al solito si usa la chiave fee:
  fee=yes/no è il metodo più diffuso, ma trovo che parking:condition sia
  - permette di uniformare il tagging dei parcheggi ai lati delle strade
  (parking:condition:left, parking:condition:right,
 parking:condition:both) a
  quello delle aree di parcheggio (parking:condition:area);
  - dà più informazioni
  - fa parte di uno schema di tagging ben costruito, che è usato dalla
  principale mappa di parcheggi [1]

 Va bene che potrebbe essere un metodo per aggiungere ulteriori
 dettagli, ma non è introdotto ampiamente, anzi il tag per aree non si
 trova da nessuna parte nel wiki, e quindi si dovrebbe far notare
 questo fatto ad un principiante che chiede aiuto. Quella proposta non
 è ancora consistente:

 Per esempio dice:
 e sotto: Examples  parking:lane:both=parallel

 In più la pagina è esplicito che non si applica a parcheggi (prima
 frase:) The keys parking:lane=* and parking:condition=* define
 whether or not the highways themselves have parking, on which sides,
 and with which conditions. For parking in designated areas, please see

In realtà questo significa che la definizione di dove si trova il
parcheggio viene fatta con un altro tag. Non implica che il sistema di
condizioni non sia applicabile.

Quindi per me le informazioni riguardando un parcheggio si trovano
 sopratutto qui:
 http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:amenity%3Dparking Se vogliamo
 poi aggiungere ulteriori dettagli con un tag come quello proposto per
 le lanes, benvenga.

Ammetto che la pagina wiki non è proprio il massimo. Tuttavia, sia
l'implementazione di parking.openstreetmap.de, sia quella dei preset di
JOSM (preset aggiuntivi, vanno scaricati) sono consistenti. Forse
bisognerebbe allineare il wiki a quanto risulta dall'implementazione.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] quanto tempo ci mette di solito a registrare le variazioni?[pla2]

2013-02-21 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
propongo di usare parking:condition=disc ecc. (perchè si tratta del
modo generico, poi nel caso si dovesse applicare solo da un lato (di
un highway) si aggiunge un :left / :right come previsto).


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] incontro domani

2013-02-21 Thread Maurizio Daniele
Mannaggia... io sarei anche venuto a conoscervi, in qualità di
neo-romano-importato (ma vecchio mappatore), però giusto domani devo
rientrare a Torino per le votazioni...

Sarà per un'altra volta :-)


Il giorno 21 febbraio 2013 11:07, Martin Koppenhoefer 
dieterdre...@gmail.com ha scritto:

 Vorrei ricordarvi che domani ci incontriamo dalle 18:30 h alla
 birreria di Eataly, Airterminal Stazione Ostiense. Sulla relativa
 pagina nel wiki ci sono solo 3 persone inscritte per ora, ma speriamo
 che ci viene qualcuno in più, se avete intenzione di venire
 aggiungetevi all'elenco:


 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] incontro domani

2013-02-21 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2013/2/21 Maurizio Daniele maurizio.dani...@gmail.com:
 Mannaggia... io sarei anche venuto a conoscervi, in qualità di
 neo-romano-importato (ma vecchio mappatore), però giusto domani devo
 rientrare a Torino per le votazioni...

 Sarà per un'altra volta :-)

si, spero che lo faremmo più spesso adesso.


PS: mi ricorda un po' la bibbia questo fatto che ciascuno deve
ritornare nella sua città per votare 1 In quei giorni un decreto di
Cesare Augusto ordinò che si facesse il censimento di tutta la terra.
2 Questo primo censimento fu fatto quando era governatore della Siria
Quirinio. 3 Andavano tutti a farsi registrare, ciascuno nella sua

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] mi ci date un'occhiata??[pla3]

2013-02-21 Thread yahoo-pier_andreit

On 21/02/2013 11:31, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

2013/2/21 Andrea Musuruane musur...@gmail.com:

In generale le strade della zona non mi sembrano allineate alle Ortofoto.

in generale abbiamo deciso di dare precedenza alle ortofoto del PCN
(dal 2008) rispetto a quelli da Bing per l'allineamento/posizione
(ovviamente se ci sono stati modifiche nel mondo reale, per ciò che si
trova lì la realtà ha la precedenza ;-)  ). Questa decisione deriva da
tanti osservazioni che confermano finora che le foto del PCN sono
georiferenziate migliormente rispetto a Bing (ma Bing ha una
risoluzione più alta e quindi serve per derivare dettagli che non si
vedono nel PCN).

in questo caso, le ortofoto non so quando siano state fatte, la strada 
in questione e' stata aperta 1 mese fa, io l'ho fatta con i tracciati 
del navigatore OSM, per le parti che ancora non esistevano, per quelle 
che gia' esistevano ho cercato di fare i raccordi, sono insicuro su una 
zona che ripercorrero' a breve con il navogatore e verifichero'

ciao :-) grazie P.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] mi ci date un'occhiata??[pla3]

2013-02-21 Thread yahoo-pier_andreit

On 21/02/2013 09:44, Andrea Musuruane wrote:

2013/2/21 yahoo-pier_andreit pier_andr...@yahoo.it

ho aggiunto la strada e le rotonde che vanno da via nettunense a via
ardeatina, siccome e' la prima volta che lo faccio, qualcuno esperto
puo' dirmi se va bene oppure se c'e' qualcosa che andrebbe fatto

Questa rotonda non è tale, manca l'attributo junction=roundabout, gli
attributi highway=tertiary_link e secondary_link sono errati.

ok mo vedo

Anche alle altre rotonde manca junction=roundabout.

ok appena trovo l'attributo lo modifico

Poi non sono rotonde (usare la funzione disponi i nodi in cerchio di JOSM).

si, l'ho scoperta ieri ok...

Qui c'è un segmento duplicato sovrapposto:

lo devo eliminare cioe', se una strada poi diventa una rotonda, devo 
interrompere la strada, inserire la rotonda, e come risultato non avere 
segmenti sovrapposti

I nomi si scrivono con l'iniziale maiuscola. Quindi Via Nettunese e
non via nettunese.

anche Via???

Qui mi sembra che manchi una strada di accesso alla rotonda (vedo solo
quella in uscita):

mo guardo

Inoltre, la strada unclassified parte dalla rotonda ma non è collegata a

ok mo vedo

In generale le strade della zona non mi sembrano allineate alle Ortofoto.

la strada e' stata aperta da un mese, non so le ortofoto di quando sono, 
io le ho fatte con OSMtrack, quelle nuove, quelle che gia' c'erano le ho 
lasciate li'

Qui mi sembra strano che ci sia un pezzo tertiary in mezzo a due tratti

la realta' e' cosi', la secondary (come concetto di secondary io intendo 
una strada abbastanza larga) e' stata appena fatta, la tertiary (come 
concetto di tertiary intendo una strada stretta e bruttarella come 
asfalto) c'era gia' prima e cosi' l'ho lasciata

Infine noto una Ex Ferrovia Albano Laz. - Nettuno (tra l'altro non si
usano abbreviazioni). Però dalle ortofoto non vedo nessuna ferrovia
abbandonata. Secondo me se è stata smantellata non deve essere mappata.
Noi descriviamo la realtà, non la storia.

non l'ho messa io, se ci faccio una scappata vedo se c'e' ancora qualche 
pezzo di binario,,,:-) :-) :-)



grazie :-) ciao :-)  P.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] mi ci date un'occhiata??[pla3]

2013-02-21 Thread yahoo-pier_andreit

On 21/02/2013 09:44, Andrea Musuruane wrote:

2013/2/21 yahoo-pier_andreit pier_andr...@yahoo.it

ho aggiunto la strada e le rotonde che vanno da via nettunense a via
ardeatina, siccome e' la prima volta che lo faccio, qualcuno esperto
puo' dirmi se va bene oppure se c'e' qualcosa che andrebbe fatto

Questa rotonda non è tale, manca l'attributo junction=roundabout, gli
attributi highway=tertiary_link e secondary_link sono errati.

ho trovato solo tertiary link, dove sta il potlach (quello da browser) 
l'attributo junction =roundabout?

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] incontro domani

2013-02-21 Thread yahoo-pier_andreit

On 21/02/2013 11:07, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

Vorrei ricordarvi che domani ci incontriamo dalle 18:30 h alla
birreria di Eataly, Airterminal Stazione Ostiense. Sulla relativa
pagina nel wiki ci sono solo 3 persone inscritte per ora, ma speriamo
che ci viene qualcuno in più, se avete intenzione di venire
aggiungetevi all'elenco:


non sono molto pratico di roma, domani dovrei trovarmi a frascati, come 
potrei arrivare all'incontro??? macchina?? macchina metro?? macchina 

grazie :-) ciao :-) P.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] incontro domani

2013-02-21 Thread Caterpillar
Il 21/02/2013 17:57, yahoo-pier_andreit ha scritto:

 non sono molto pratico di roma, domani dovrei trovarmi a frascati,
 come potrei arrivare all'incontro??? macchina?? macchina metro??
 macchina pulman??
 grazie :-) ciao :-) P.

 Talk-it mailing list

Prendi la metro B e scendi a Piramide. Da lì, seguendo i cartelli nei
sottopassaggi, arriverai in men che non si dica a Eataly

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] incontro domani

2013-02-21 Thread Maurizio Daniele
Il giorno 21 febbraio 2013 18:33, Caterpillar caterpilla...@gmail.com ha

 Il 21/02/2013 17:57, yahoo-pier_andreit ha scritto:
  non sono molto pratico di roma, domani dovrei trovarmi a frascati,
 Prendi la metro B e scendi a Piramide. Da lì, seguendo i cartelli nei
 sottopassaggi, arriverai in men che non si dica a Eataly

Beh, da Frascati dovrebbe prima prendere il treno fino a Termini...

Andare da Eataly Roma in auto per chi non è pratico direi che è almeno
sconsigliabile. L'alternativa è auto fino ad Anagnina e poi Metro A (fino a
termini) + Metro B (fino a Piramide)

Maurizio Daniele - maurizio.daniele (a) gmail.com
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] mi ci date un'occhiata??[pla3]

2013-02-21 Thread yahoo-pier_andreit

On 21/02/2013 09:44, Andrea Musuruane wrote:

2013/2/21 yahoo-pier_andreit pier_andr...@yahoo.it

ho aggiunto la strada e le rotonde che vanno da via nettunense a via
ardeatina, siccome e' la prima volta che lo faccio, qualcuno esperto
puo' dirmi se va bene oppure se c'e' qualcosa che andrebbe fatto

Questa rotonda non è tale, manca l'attributo junction=roundabout, gli
attributi highway=tertiary_link e secondary_link sono errati.

Anche alle altre rotonde manca junction=roundabout.

ho provato a correggere la cosa in JOSM ma poi il potlach (quello da 
browser) non me lo riconosce, come devo fare??/

ciao, :-) grazie :-) P.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] incontro domani

2013-02-21 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2013/2/21 Maurizio Daniele maurizio.dani...@gmail.com:
 Il giorno 21 febbraio 2013 18:33, Caterpillar caterpilla...@gmail.com ha

 Il 21/02/2013 17:57, yahoo-pier_andreit ha scritto:
  non sono molto pratico di roma, domani dovrei trovarmi a frascati,
 Prendi la metro B e scendi a Piramide. Da lì, seguendo i cartelli nei
 sottopassaggi, arriverai in men che non si dica a Eataly

 Beh, da Frascati dovrebbe prima prendere il treno fino a Termini...

 Andare da Eataly Roma in auto per chi non è pratico direi che è almeno
 sconsigliabile. L'alternativa è auto fino ad Anagnina e poi Metro A (fino a
 termini) + Metro B (fino a Piramide)

Io ci andrei in macchina, o anche col treno se conviene (stazione
Ostiense). Certo anche con autobus e Metro B è raggiungibile, ma dalla
Metro si camina quasi mezzo chilometro sotto terra, è più vicina la
stazione dei treni:


Si trova dentro la nuova/vecchia ex-stazione, il cosidetto
AirTerminal, pensato per servire come hub al aeroporto di Fiumicino ed
inaugurato per i mondiali nel 1990. Non ho mai capito perché non è
rimasto in funzione, ma adesso al meno ha trovato un utilizzo dopo
anni di degrado e inutilizzazione ;-)


Visto che si tratta di venerdì sera alle 18:30 mi aspetto una
situazione relativamente ottimale al riguardo di parcheggi gratuiti e
liberi nelle circostanze (se non vanno tutti da Eataly). Per arrivare
in macchina andrei da dietro (Circonvallazione Ostiense o Via Capitan
Bavastro verso Piazzale 12 Ottobre 1942 oppure da via Ostiense verso
via Matteucci).


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-lt] Openlayers galimybės vizualizuoti?

2013-02-21 Thread Paulius Masiliūnas
Ačiū Tomai už atsakymai, bet 3 klausimo atsakyme, tu paminėjai kaip pasiėmi
duomenis ir analizuoji juos, čia manau nėra sudėtingas reikalas, pasiemi
duomenis, susiimportuoji į savo DB, o poto tiesiog visokius duomenu bazės
pjuvius darai. Aš labiau norėjau sužinoti čia kaip darot dėl tarkim kokių
piliakalnių sukėlimo į OSM, jei turime tik piliakalniu sąraša excel
formatu, nemanau kad rankomis deliojate kokiame JOSM, manau kažkaip
automatizuotai supučiat viską į OSM (jei taip, tai kokiu maždaug budu).

P.S. Manau reikėtu kažkur surašyti rekomendacijas, ar šiaip sistemas,
kurias naudoja OSM programuotojai, manau gal tada atsirastu daugiau
norinčiu prisijungti programuoti, nes dabar matai kad yra tarkim užduotis
padaryti CSV importą ir atvaizdavimą duomenų, bet nežinai nei kur, kaip
daryt, jei ir padarysi pas save lokaliai, ar tai savo serveryje, tai irgi
kažkokia bus manau nesamonė, nes nebus kažkur centralizuotai, pas Toma
serveryje vienokie kodai ir vienokius dalykus daro serveris, pas Ramuna vel
visai kitaip padaryta ir vel tik pas ji serveryje, koks nors kitas
programuotojas susikurs irgi kažką pas save, tai gausis visur išmėtita po
skirtingus serverius. Pvz.: Pas mane tarkim koks csv importas ir
atvaizdavimas, pas kokį Tomą guli piliakalniai, pas Ramuna tarkim viešojo
maršuto koks impportavimas. Būtu manau kažkaip patogu jei viskas būtų
vienoje vietoje, nu turiu omenyje kad yra kažkokia sistema, ir
programuotojai galėtu sukurti kažką tarkim pradžoje pas save, o vėliau
galėtų ištestave kažkaip integruoti į kažkokią bendra sistema (gal net ir į
ta pačia openmap.lt), nu kaip panasiai maps.lt, ateini ir matai vis
kazkokių naujų feature, tai atvaizduoja ten kažkokius rinkimus rezultatus,
tai kuriuose rajonuose serga gripu (gripo apidemija paskelbima), tai kokia
parduotuvių tinklą (pvz IKI) ar dar kažką, tada manau galėtume pasiskirstyt
kas tarkim kokius duomenis analizuoja ir daro importavima, nes dabar pilnai
suprantu kad Tomui ar Ramunui viską daryt vieniems ir sudėtinga. Ta pati
Tomo duomenų analyzė susijusi su Gatvėmis. Jei būtu ne pas Tomą o kažkur
bendrai, tai tarkim Tomas galėtu padaryt gatvių analizę, koks nors kitas
žmogus kokį tarkim viešbučių analizę, dar kitas kažkokią kita analizę ir
viskas būtų vienoje vietoje, ir būtų visiems paprasčiau viską surasti ir
sužiūrėti ko trūkstą OSM, nes tas lakstymas per daug URL irgi nėra geras
sprendimas. Nu tikiuosi supratote ką aš čia prirašiau.

2013/2/21 Tomas Straupis tomasstrau...@gmail.com

 2013 m. vasaris 21 d. 09:21, Paulius Masiliūnas rašė:
  1) Kokia programine kalba pagrinde naudojat (Python, Ruby, PHP, ar dar
  kažkokia kita) ar čia jokio skirtumo, kokia moki tokia ir naudoji?

   Mano atveju:
   1. Duombazės pusė PostgreSql plsql.
   2. Puslapiai php + javascript
   3. Darbų tinginizavimui (automatizavimui) kažkiek bash/perl

   Ramūnas gal kažką daugiau naudoja?

  2) Jei darote kažkokius duomenų atvaizdavimus, tai ar kuriate savo
  kaip pvz,: openmap.lt, ar tiesiog paimate openstreetmap.org map ir
  layer savus (pirmu variantu reikia dar gerai moket susikonfiguruoti

   Yra savi mapnikai, bet ši dalis jungiantis naujiems programuotojams
 nėra būtina, visada galima naudoti arba standartinį openstreetmap tile
 serverį, arba openmap.lt (jei nereikia stabilumo - tai ir samogitian

  3) Jei darote kažkokių duomenų importavimą iš kitų šaltinių, kur tuos
  duomenis talpinate, ar pas save serveriuose ant koki PostgreSql (o gal
  MySQL), ar kažkur centralizuotai, kažkaip iškart į openstreetmap.org

   Mano atveju duomenys (Lietuvos) kasdien susirenkami iš
 downloads.geofarbrik.de ir osm2pgsql pagalba sukeliami į lokalią
 postgresql db.
   openmap.lt atveju schema žymiai sudėtingesnė, galingesnė,
 lankstesnė, platesnė ir pan., bet ten jau Ramūno daržas :)


 Talk-lt mailing list

Talk-lt mailing list

[Talk-lt] Duomenų sinchronizacija

2013-02-21 Thread Tomas Straupis
Kadangi tema pakrypo link duomenų sinchronizavimo, tai pradžiai apie tai.

Štai pristatymas, kurį buvau paruošęs mūsų susitikimui:

Pristatymas ruoštas su mintimi, kad aš pasakosiu, tai vien iš skaidrių
mintis gali būti neaiški, bet kryptį turėtų būti galima pagauti. Taigi
šiek tiek apie sinchronizavimo dalį (13 skaidrė „Sinchronizacijos

Idėja tokia: sukurti ne konkrečių duomenų importavimo įrankius (daug),
o abstrakčių duomenų (tipų) sulyginimo/importavimo mechanizmą (vieną).
1. Randame kažkokius (bet kokius) išorinius šaltinius.
2. Parašome jiems transformacijas į mums suprantamą formatą.
3. Darome periodinius sulyginimus su OSM esamais duomenimis.
4. Skirtumus apdorojame rankomis arba automatiniais skriptais (kas
konkrečiai naudojama priklauso nuo situacijos su tendencija į 100%

Tokiu būdu pradinė realizacija bus kiek sudėtingesnė, bet ilgainiui
(atsiradus daugiau duomenų šaltinių) turėtume laimėti:
1. tokiu būdu „darbus“ galima pasiskirstyti: vieni ieško šaltinių,
kiti daro transformacijas, treti dirba su duomenimis (mažiau dviračio
2. tas pats mechanizmas veiktų ir kaip esamų duomenų tikrinimas ir
išorinių duomenų pasikeitimo sekimas

Dabar prie konkrečių klausimų:

2013 m. vasaris 21 d. 10:09, Paulius Masiliūnas rašė:
 Aš labiau norėjau sužinoti čia kaip darot dėl tarkim kokių
 piliakalnių sukėlimo į OSM, jei turime tik piliakalniu sąraša excel formatu,
 nemanau kad rankomis deliojate kokiame JOSM, manau kažkaip automatizuotai
 supučiat viską į OSM (jei taip, tai kokiu maždaug budu).

  Piliakalniai - nelabai geras pavyzdys, nes jie kaipo tokie man
asmeniškai labai įdomūs, todėl su kiekvienu piliakalniu aš padarau
gerokai daugiau, nei kad tiesiog įkeliu duomenis. Bet
automatizuojamoji pusė tokia: skriptai aptinka, kokių piliakalnių dar
nėra OSM'e arba kurie yra, bet duomenys šiek tiek skiriasi (žodžiu
eile sql užklausų apdorojamos ir paklaidos/netikslumai). Taigi visi
pradiniai išoriniai duomenys suskirstomi į „YRA“, „NĖRA“ ir „BEVEIK“.
Tada sukuria man xml failą, kurį atsidarau JOSM'e ir per jį galiu
duomenis tiesiog nusiųsti į OSM DB (realiai prieš nusiuntimą rankomis
padaroma daug kitų pakeitimų/papildymų, dažniausiai piliakalnio info
įkėlimo changeset'e būna ~1000 objektų).

  Jei klausimas apie automatinį OSM DB duomenų keitimą, tai yra eilė
variantų, nuo tiesioginio API naudojimo, iki jau paruoštų visokių
python skriptų ir pan. Apie šitai, manau, kiti daugiau papasakos, nes
aš pakankamai nedaug visiškai automatinių pakeitimų darau.

 P.S. Manau reikėtu kažkur surašyti rekomendacijas, ar šiaip sistemas, kurias
 naudoja OSM programuotojai, ...

  Čia yra dvi dalys:
  1. Patarimai, kaip panaudoti OSM savo kuriamame puslapyje/produkte
(tarkime kaip kompanijai įsidėti žemėlapį su savo tarkim parduotuvių
koordinatėmis ir papildoma informacija)
  2. Kaip prisidėti prie „bendro“ OSM produktų/paslaugų rinkinio plėtimo.

  Dėl pirmo punkto - yra planai sudėti į wikibooks informaciją.
  Dėl antro punkto - kiek pamenu, Ramūnas sutiko (Ramūnai, pataisyk,
jei klystu), kad viską galima dėti į openmap.lt (darant pull requestus
į openmap.lt git'ą). openmap.lt yra vienintelė vieta, kur guli LT
daryti „production“ produktai. Pas mane guli tik visokie PoC,
pasibandymai, pasižaidimai ir pan. Ir samogitian negarantuoja ir
nesiruošia garantuoti jokio stabilaus „uptime“.

 manau gal tada atsirastu daugiau norinčiu
 prisijungti programuoti, nes dabar matai kad yra tarkim užduotis padaryti
 CSV importą ir atvaizdavimą duomenų, bet nežinai nei kur, kaip daryt,

  Yra LABAI daug dalykų, kuriuos galima padaryti. Manau netikslinga (o
gal ir neįmanoma) aprašinėti, kaip visus juos reikėtų daryti. Tuo
labiau, kad visa OSM ekosistema pastoviai keičiasi. Tai gali gautis,
kad per daug darbo bus įdedama veltui atnaujinant tokius aprašymus.

  Mano galva, jei kas nors nori užsiimti kokia nors užduotimi:
  1. Savo sugalvota
  2. Kitų anksčiau pasiūlyta
(https://www.pivotaltracker.com/projects/462023 - įjunkite dalį
  Reikia apie tai parašyti į talk-lt. Tada bus aišku, ar yra kitų,
norinčiu užsiimti pasirinktu darbu. Tada bus galima ir konkrečią
užduoti aptarti/patarti.

  vaje koks ilgas laiškas gavosi... aš pats tokius retai teskaitau... :-)


Talk-lt mailing list

Re: [Talk-lt] Openlayers galimybės vizualizuoti?

2013-02-21 Thread Ramas
2013/2/21 Paulius Masiliūnas paulius...@gmail.com

 Ačiū Tomai už atsakymai, bet 3 klausimo atsakyme, tu paminėjai kaip
 pasiėmi duomenis ir analizuoji juos, čia manau nėra sudėtingas reikalas,
 pasiemi duomenis, susiimportuoji į savo DB, o poto tiesiog visokius duomenu
 bazės pjuvius darai. Aš labiau norėjau sužinoti čia kaip darot dėl tarkim
 kokių piliakalnių sukėlimo į OSM, jei turime tik piliakalniu sąraša excel
 formatu, nemanau kad rankomis deliojate kokiame JOSM, manau kažkaip
 automatizuotai supučiat viską į OSM (jei taip, tai kokiu maždaug budu).

 P.S. Manau reikėtu kažkur surašyti rekomendacijas, ar šiaip sistemas,
 kurias naudoja OSM programuotojai, manau gal tada atsirastu daugiau
 norinčiu prisijungti programuoti, nes dabar matai kad yra tarkim užduotis
 padaryti CSV importą ir atvaizdavimą duomenų, bet nežinai nei kur, kaip
 daryt, jei ir padarysi pas save lokaliai, ar tai savo serveryje, tai irgi
 kažkokia bus manau nesamonė, nes nebus kažkur centralizuotai, pas Toma
 serveryje vienokie kodai ir vienokius dalykus daro serveris, pas Ramuna vel
 visai kitaip padaryta ir vel tik pas ji serveryje, koks nors kitas
 programuotojas susikurs irgi kažką pas save, tai gausis visur išmėtita po
 skirtingus serverius. Pvz.: Pas mane tarkim koks csv importas ir
 atvaizdavimas, pas kokį Tomą guli piliakalniai, pas Ramuna tarkim viešojo
 maršuto koks impportavimas. Būtu manau kažkaip patogu jei viskas būtų
 vienoje vietoje, nu turiu omenyje kad yra kažkokia sistema, ir
 programuotojai galėtu sukurti kažką tarkim pradžoje pas save, o vėliau
 galėtų ištestave kažkaip integruoti į kažkokią bendra sistema (gal net ir į
 ta pačia openmap.lt), nu kaip panasiai maps.lt, ateini ir matai vis
 kazkokių naujų feature, tai atvaizduoja ten kažkokius rinkimus rezultatus,
 tai kuriuose rajonuose serga gripu (gripo apidemija paskelbima), tai kokia
 parduotuvių tinklą (pvz IKI) ar dar kažką, tada manau galėtume pasiskirstyt
 kas tarkim kokius duomenis analizuoja ir daro importavima, nes dabar pilnai
 suprantu kad Tomui ar Ramunui viską daryt vieniems ir sudėtinga. Ta pati
 Tomo duomenų analyzė susijusi su Gatvėmis. Jei būtu ne pas Tomą o kažkur
 bendrai, tai tarkim Tomas galėtu padaryt gatvių analizę, koks nors kitas
 žmogus kokį tarkim viešbučių analizę, dar kitas kažkokią kita analizę ir
 viskas būtų vienoje vietoje, ir būtų visiems paprasčiau viską surasti ir
 sužiūrėti ko trūkstą OSM, nes tas lakstymas per daug URL irgi nėra geras
 sprendimas. Nu tikiuosi supratote ką aš čia prirašiau.

Pauliau, mintis graži, bet problema tame, kad nėra vaisto nuo visų ligų.
Yra daugybė individualių atvejų, kuriems reikia taikyti unikalius
sprendimus. O pagaminti tris paprastus prietaisus yra lengviau nei vieną
universalų. Juolabiau, ne pirmą kartą susiduriam su iniciatyvos trūkumo
problema - kalbėt lyg ir kalbama, bet tik vienetai imasi realių darbų.
Kitas dalykas, aš pats visai nenoriu įsileisti į savo daržą nesaugaus kodo.
Taip rizikuočiau ne tik naujai bet ir anksčiau sukurtais dalykais, o
pradėjus keisti kodus lieku nesuprastas...
Dėl visiems suprantamų priežasčių taip pat nenorėčiau nelegalių arba
neaiškios kilmės duomenų host'inti.

P.S. openmap.lt kodas yra atviras, pasiūlymų ir kontaktų forma veikia.
Talk-lt mailing list

Re: [Talk-lt] Openlayers galimybės vizualizuoti?

2013-02-21 Thread Ramas
2013/2/21 Tomas Straupis tomasstrau...@gmail.com

  Nors galutinis tikslas ir yra gauti prieigą prie aktualios adresų
 db, bet... pačiai pradžiai mums labai praverstų ir tiesiog OFICIALUS
 LEIDIMAS „pasižiūrėti ir nusikopijuoti“ duomenis iš tarkim
 vilnius.lt/zemelapis/ į osm... Eitume per trūkstamų gatvių sąrašą,
 rastume gatves vilnius.lt/zemelapis/ ir suvestume į osm. Manau gan
 greit turėtume pilną Vilniaus gatvių sąrašą...

Pritariu. Gan greit pagaminčiau persidengiančius sluoksnius su aiškiai
matomom klaidom ir trūkumais.
Talk-lt mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] OpenStreetMap ved Open Data Day lørdag 23. februar

2013-02-21 Thread Niels Elgaard Larsen
On 20-02-2013 11:41, Soren Johannessen wrote:
 Hej alle sammen
 På lørdag afholdes den internationale  Open Data Day
 http://opendataday.org/ i byer verden over.

Alle tiders.
Jeg regner med at dukke op.

 Nationalmuseet i København lægger lokaler til den danske begivenhed.
 Som tillæg til dagen har jeg fået lagt et begynderkursus i
 OpenStreetMap ind på denne dag fra kl. 13.30 til kl. ca 16.00.
 Hvis der er nogen af jer erfarne, som har tid og lyst i det tidsrum
 til at være klar til hjælpe nybegyndere med svar/hjælp, mens de selv
 er gået i gang med at lære det grundlæggende kortlægning - Så må I
 meget gerne møde op.
 Jeg har skrevet lidt om selve OpenStreetMap kursus den dag her
 Med venlig hilsen
 Søren Johannessen
 Talk-dk mailing list

Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [Talk-se] Lomma kommun

2013-02-21 Thread Andreas Vilén
Kan meddela att importen är färdig, och alla valideringsfel är
åtgärdade (det tog sin lilla stund).

Just som jag blev klar fick jag dock ett halvsurt meddelande från
http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/pnorman som påpekade att jag inte
frågat importgruppen om lov innan importen... Förhoppningsvis betyder
inte det att alla redigeringar återställs, men på tonen känns det som
att det finns en risk... Bland annat klagade de över att jag inte
skapat ett eget konto för importen, något jag inte kände till
behövdes. De andra invändningarna var som sagt att jag inte kontaktat
import-maillistan och inte hade dokumenterat importen på wikin. Han
frågade också om jag fått communitiens tillstånd så jag länkade hit,
till en diskussion han ju dock inte kan läsa.

Skulle kännas lite småbittert att få ett par dagars arbete ogjort pga
formfel, men det hoppas jag verkligen att vi slipper.


PS: Min åsikt om http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import_guidelines
är att den innehåller en hel del vettigt, men att den tyvärr utgår
helt och hållet ifrån att importer är av ondo, istället för motsatsen.

2013/2/18 Erik Johansson erjo...@gmail.com:
 2013/2/18 Andreas Vilén andreas.vi...@gmail.com:
 För tydlighetens skull: inget i Lomma och Bjärreds tätorter är
 importerat än. Det som finns där är sådant som mappats tidigare.
 Radhusområdet du länkat till är väl precis så som vi ska mappa sådana?
 Jag kommer att försöka åstadkomma det med importen, även om jag sett
 att datan i nuläget på vissa ställen ger ett gemensamt hus för flera

 Vad är det i Habo ljung som ser skumt ut? Husen har olika nyanser
 eftersom de använder olika typer av hustaggar. Det är bara bra i min
 mening och vi bör ju inte tagga för renderingen.

 Ingen av de vägarna i Flädie krockar med byggnaderna - att väglinjerna
 blir breda i Mapnik så att det ser ut som att de krockar med
 byggnaderna är ju inte mitt fel. Det är ju inte helt ovanligt med
 byggnader som går precis i gatlinjen ute på landet.


 Trevligt med data från fler kommuner, och snabbt jobbat Andreas!

 Jag hoppas original versionen av denna data kommer att läggas upp på
 Lommas hemsidan också. Jag är lite oroad över vad som händer när/om
 Lomma släpper ny data om 5 år med nya byggnadsformer.

Talk-se mailing list

Re: [Talk-se] Lomma kommun

2013-02-21 Thread Erik Johansson
2013/2/21 Andreas Vilén andreas.vi...@gmail.com:
 Skulle kännas lite småbittert att få ett par dagars arbete ogjort pga
 formfel, men det hoppas jag verkligen att vi slipper.

Alla motgångar känns bittra. :-) Nu finns det för mycket plus för
detta, ska vi ta upp det om import på talk listan?

Jag tittade lite på data, intressant att building=roof rendras
annorlunda än building=[house|garage]


Sedan skulle det vara trevligt att få veta hur Lomma har spec:at sin
data, i.e. jag gissar att building=roof lika gärna kan innebära helt
inbyggd veranda som kanske är en liten förskjutning av meningen med
den taggen.

MvH Erik

Talk-se mailing list

Re: [Talk-se] Lomma kommun

2013-02-21 Thread Christoffer Holmstedt
Ja, det var strikta regler med att få någon form av godkännande från
en importgrupp, sådant dödar ju engagemang. Hur som helst känns det
hela som du har gjort rätt, vad jag vet så har inte så många andra
större importer gjorts i Sverige tidigare. Hoppas importen inte
försvinner och så vet vi ju om detta till nästa gång iaf.

Med vänlig hälsning
Christoffer Holmstedt

Den 21 februari 2013 09:49 skrev Andreas Vilén andreas.vi...@gmail.com:
 Kan meddela att importen är färdig, och alla valideringsfel är
 åtgärdade (det tog sin lilla stund).

 Just som jag blev klar fick jag dock ett halvsurt meddelande från
 http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/pnorman som påpekade att jag inte
 frågat importgruppen om lov innan importen... Förhoppningsvis betyder
 inte det att alla redigeringar återställs, men på tonen känns det som
 att det finns en risk... Bland annat klagade de över att jag inte
 skapat ett eget konto för importen, något jag inte kände till
 behövdes. De andra invändningarna var som sagt att jag inte kontaktat
 import-maillistan och inte hade dokumenterat importen på wikin. Han
 frågade också om jag fått communitiens tillstånd så jag länkade hit,
 till en diskussion han ju dock inte kan läsa.

 Skulle kännas lite småbittert att få ett par dagars arbete ogjort pga
 formfel, men det hoppas jag verkligen att vi slipper.


 PS: Min åsikt om http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import_guidelines
 är att den innehåller en hel del vettigt, men att den tyvärr utgår
 helt och hållet ifrån att importer är av ondo, istället för motsatsen.

 2013/2/18 Erik Johansson erjo...@gmail.com:
 2013/2/18 Andreas Vilén andreas.vi...@gmail.com:
 För tydlighetens skull: inget i Lomma och Bjärreds tätorter är
 importerat än. Det som finns där är sådant som mappats tidigare.
 Radhusområdet du länkat till är väl precis så som vi ska mappa sådana?
 Jag kommer att försöka åstadkomma det med importen, även om jag sett
 att datan i nuläget på vissa ställen ger ett gemensamt hus för flera

 Vad är det i Habo ljung som ser skumt ut? Husen har olika nyanser
 eftersom de använder olika typer av hustaggar. Det är bara bra i min
 mening och vi bör ju inte tagga för renderingen.

 Ingen av de vägarna i Flädie krockar med byggnaderna - att väglinjerna
 blir breda i Mapnik så att det ser ut som att de krockar med
 byggnaderna är ju inte mitt fel. Det är ju inte helt ovanligt med
 byggnader som går precis i gatlinjen ute på landet.


 Trevligt med data från fler kommuner, och snabbt jobbat Andreas!

 Jag hoppas original versionen av denna data kommer att läggas upp på
 Lommas hemsidan också. Jag är lite oroad över vad som händer när/om
 Lomma släpper ny data om 5 år med nya byggnadsformer.

 Talk-se mailing list

Talk-se mailing list

Re: [Talk-se] Lomma kommun

2013-02-21 Thread Erik Johansson
2013/2/21 Christoffer Holmstedt christoffer.holmst...@gmail.com:
 Ja, det var strikta regler med att få någon form av godkännande från
 en importgrupp, sådant dödar ju engagemang. Hur som helst känns det
 hela som du har gjort rätt, vad jag vet så har inte så många andra
 större importer gjorts i Sverige tidigare. Hoppas importen inte
 försvinner och så vet vi ju om detta till nästa gång iaf.

Det har gjorts många dåliga importer, och folk som importerar är
oftast inte så engagerade i data när de är färdiga med importen. E.g.
det var någon som importade en massa berg MED NAMN SKRIVNA SÅ HÄR,
felstavade dessutom, när jag mailade honom så sa han till mig att
fixa det själv då, jag har gjort mitt.

Talk-se mailing list

[Talk-se] Utbredningen av skoterleder det senaste året

2013-02-21 Thread Henrik Rosvall
Som ni kanske har märkt så dyker det upp lite vägar/leder taggade med
snowmobile = designated / yes. Dessa leder syns bl.a. på

Det är en del nya OSM:are som vi har fått in den vägen som aldrig haft
kontakt med OSM tidigare.

Här kan man se utbredningen av skoterleder det senaste året:

Det har tagit fart nu sista veckorna med många nya områden.

På filmen kan man se att bland annat Hudiksvall var en större ort ett tag
och att den svenska gränsen ändades admin level och det tog ett tag för mig
att ändra så att gränsen renderade igen!

Talk-se mailing list

Re: [Talk-se] Lomma kommun

2013-02-21 Thread Johan Olsson

Jag gjorde så att endast det vi kategoriserat som skärmtak när vi mätte in 
byggnaden är building=roof sen byggs ju sen ibland till med väggar runt om 
efteråt osv...Enligt OSM definition så är det 2väggar eller färre väggar och 
det stämmer rätt bra med vår definition.

 From: erjo...@gmail.com
 Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2013 10:08:28 +0100
 To: andreas.vi...@gmail.com
 CC: talk-se@openstreetmap.org
 Subject: Re: [Talk-se] Lomma kommun
 2013/2/21 Andreas Vilén andreas.vi...@gmail.com:
  Skulle kännas lite småbittert att få ett par dagars arbete ogjort pga
  formfel, men det hoppas jag verkligen att vi slipper.
 Alla motgångar känns bittra. :-) Nu finns det för mycket plus för
 detta, ska vi ta upp det om import på talk listan?
 Jag tittade lite på data, intressant att building=roof rendras
 annorlunda än building=[house|garage]
 Sedan skulle det vara trevligt att få veta hur Lomma har spec:at sin
 data, i.e. jag gissar att building=roof lika gärna kan innebära helt
 inbyggd veranda som kanske är en liten förskjutning av meningen med
 den taggen.
 MvH Erik
 Talk-se mailing list
Talk-se mailing list

Re: [Talk-se] Utbredningen av skoterleder det senaste året

2013-02-21 Thread Erik Johansson
2013/2/21 Henrik Rosvall hen...@skoterleder.org:
 Som ni kanske har märkt så dyker det upp lite vägar/leder taggade med
 snowmobile = designated / yes. Dessa leder syns bl.a. på

Kul att det går bra

Jag mailade med en skoter kartläggnings nybörjare som jag hittade på:


Det är ganska uppenbart att man måste hjälpa folk ganska mycket innan
de förstår hur man karlägger, det tog mig tre mail innan jag förstod
att han taggade snowmobile = designated på GPX filen.

MvH Erik


Talk-se mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] nomenclatura de los municipios

2013-02-21 Thread José Luis Domingo López
 me parece muy bien lo que decís, yo también mapeo de todo, pero bueno
 mi comentario solo iba por si pasabais por algún municipio y lo veíais
 de paso. pero veo que si hacéis eso dejáis de mapear tracks, una pena.
Ricardo, no te la cojas con papel de fumar, por favor. Mira lo que yo mismo
puse en mi único comentario de momento al respecto:

 Ahora bien, si mientras uno mapea otras cosas se da cuenta de que una aldea
 está como capital, le cuesta cinco segundos corregirlo. Y se agradece por
 lo tanto el aviso a navegantes (no pun intended)

Creo que David López no ha dicho nada distinto a lo que comenté yo
previamente en el mensaje al que él respondía.

Y me reitero, como aquí no hay un equipo organizado en un objetivo concreto
común (por ejemplo, mapear todas las calles de los municipios de más de 100
habitantes), cada cual aporta lo que puede y cuando puede. Como nadie le va
a decir a los demás a qué tienen que dedicar sus esfuerzos, toda
contribución es bienvenida. Yo por supuesto no voy a dejar de hacer lo que
me interesa para hacer cosas que me parecen de menos interés personal, pero
sabiendo que la situación con los municipios es la que es, pondré atención
en el futuro (como pongo atención, por ejemplo, a arreglar rotondas allí
donde veo una con errores, o a corregir los crossing ways, o cien cosas
más, las cuales no son mi objetivo, pero me cuesta poco arreglar).

Que a los contenidos de OSM en España les falta cantidad y calidad no lo
pone en duda nadie, sólo hay que darse un paseo con cualquier render por
Austria, Alemania e incluso UK, y comparar con España, y ver qué enormidad
de trabajo nos queda por hacer.

Yo por mi parte y en la medida de mis limitadas capacidades estoy
pontificando a ver si alguien del entorno en que me muevo se anima a
contribuir a OSM, pues hasta la fecha la gente se las apaña rapiñando mapas
de terceros (Topohispania y otros Topo-loquesea varios), en lugar de llorar
tanto con que tal sendero falta en Topohispania, o tal pueblo aún no
existe en Topopirineos. Pero por desgracia, en el país de los 6 milliones
de parados, somos ¿unas docenas? los que añadimos contenidos a OSM con
cierta regularidad y en cantidad.

Y nada más lejos de mi intención de desanimar a ninguno de los pocos que
contribuyen, así que si en algo te he ofendido, me disculpo en lo posible.

Un saludo.

Jose Luis Domingo Lopez
Linux Registered User #189436, Linux Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS (3.2.0-38-generic-pae)

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-ar] Límites

2013-02-21 Thread Fernando

Muy bueno!
Que feriado productivo!

Para que vean cómo avanzó ayer el relation del admin_level=2 de Argentina:


El render propio ya lo tenemos, solo que por ahora renderea igual que 
OSM.org, si tienen algun pedido para renderear algún tag avisenme por 
esta lista o postéenlo.
Mañana actualizo el postgis con el .osm.bz2 de Geofabrik actualizado con 
lo de ayer.
Por cierto, si quieren meter el TMS nuestro en JOSM tienen que ir a Edit 
- Preferences - TMS / WMS - + TMS y poner el siguiente url schema:


On 20/02/13 20:33, Horacio Castellaro wrote:
Hola. Ya está subido el límite del mar territorial, que es el que 
tienen casi todos los países en OSM. Por supuesto, sólo subí el límite 
de la porción continental americana. Quedaría pendiente el mar 
territorial argentino que rodea a Malvinas, las otras islas del 
atlántico Sur, y  el mar entorno a la Antártida Argentina.
También se podría subir la Zona económica exclusiva y el límite de la 
plataforma, pero no sé que opinan.

Bueno, seguramente todo esto vamos a poder incluirlo cuando tengamos 
nuestro propio render (o como se llame).

Con respecto a las líneas de costa, que anteriormente formaban parte 
del límite del territorio argentino, ahora sólo conforman las 
relaciones de las provincias correspondientes. Esto mismo sucede en 
todos los países que pude ver.



*Horacio José Castellaro*

Celular: (54 9 11) 6584-5633

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.
República Argentina.

El 20 de febrero de 2013 01:03, Horacio Castellaro 
castell...@gmail.com mailto:castell...@gmail.com escribió:

Hola. Yo tengo digitalizado los límites del mar territorial a
partir de un atlas escolar del IGN. LO estuve tratando de subir,
pero no me funciona el JOSMno descarga los datos.


*Horacio José Castellaro*

Celular: (54 9 11) 6584-5633 tel:%2854%209%2011%29%206584-5633

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.
República Argentina.

El 19 de febrero de 2013 22:41, Facundo Suárez
facu...@svarez.com.ar mailto:facu...@svarez.com.ar escribió:

Yo estuve viendo algo de los limites. Iré haciendo a medida
que pueda
y como dije en el mismo post, me hago siempre referencia al
mapa de
arg500k. Estoy medio retirado ultimamente por razones
laborales mas
que nada, pero ya volveremos...

El día 19 de febrero de 2013 17:05, Gonzalo Gabriel Pérez
zalit...@gmail.com mailto:zalit...@gmail.com escribió:
 Ya que estamos con el tema de límites y que incluso hay un
post (
 http://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?id=19672 )
sobre el mismo...
 ¿qué opinan acerca de que subamos los maritimos?
 Hasta contar con datos de origen nacional podríamos tomar
como base estas



 De última no tocamos la parte en litigio con los ingleses,
pero al menos
 tendríamos mucho mejor la línea que serpentea feo por
nuestra costa.

 Sobre Ulil:
 Si bien hay que tener en cuenta que Ulil ya tiene un
prontuario importante,
 las últimas ediciones que hizo no estan mal (excepto lo de
las sendas
 peatonales que no las encontré). En todo caso como dijo
Werner, no aportan
 mucho más que lo que ya estaba.
 En algunos países europeos las líneas ferroviarias están
dibujadas al
 detalle y eso es algo que tal vez a algunos colaboradores no
les interesa
 demasiado, pero que a los que nos interesa el mundo
ferroviario y su
 historia si.

 Me parece muy sensato que cuidemos al editar de no poner una
 excesiva de nodos y tags por ejemplo, por una cuestión de
performance, pero
 tampoco me parece bien que nos limitemos a dibujar lo mínimo
mientras en
 Europa y EEUU están de fiesta subiendo datos masivamente.
Podemos llegar a
 un equilibrio editando con algo de sentido común.

 Si veo alguna macana de este muchacho la reviso, y si se va
de mambo aviso.


 Talk-ar mailing list
 Talk-ar@openstreetmap.org mailto:Talk-ar@openstreetmap.org

Re: [Talk-ar] Límites

2013-02-21 Thread Fernando
Yo considero que cada pais tiene que cargar su EEZ reclamado, total 
técnicamente no son excluyentes (en OSM) y se pueden solapar, y donde 
suceda tal cosa, implica conflicto (*), luego podemos renderear a gusto 
en osm.ar

* = quizá podamos tagear las partes en conflicto con 
http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/reclaimed = yes , o conflict=yes ?


On 21/02/13 11:51, Horacio Castellaro wrote:
Hola! Inventemos un tag para colocar nuestro mar territorial completo, 
así lo rendereamos nosotros, pero queda almacenado en OSM.

Alguien tiene experiencia en eso?



*Horacio José Castellaro*

Celular: (54 9 11) 6584-5633

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.
República Argentina.

El 21 de febrero de 2013 11:49, Fernando cor...@fernando.com.ar 
mailto:cor...@fernando.com.ar escribió:

Muy bueno!
Que feriado productivo!

Para que vean cómo avanzó ayer el relation del admin_level=2 de


El render propio ya lo tenemos, solo que por ahora renderea igual
que OSM.org, si tienen algun pedido para renderear algún tag
avisenme por esta lista o postéenlo.
Mañana actualizo el postgis con el .osm.bz2 de Geofabrik
actualizado con lo de ayer.
Por cierto, si quieren meter el TMS nuestro en JOSM tienen que ir
a Edit - Preferences - TMS / WMS - + TMS y poner el siguiente
url schema:

On 20/02/13 20:33, Horacio Castellaro wrote:

Hola. Ya está subido el límite del mar territorial, que es el que
tienen casi todos los países en OSM. Por supuesto, sólo subí el
límite de la porción continental americana. Quedaría pendiente el
mar territorial argentino que rodea a Malvinas, las otras islas
del atlántico Sur, y  el mar entorno a la Antártida Argentina.
También se podría subir la Zona económica exclusiva y el límite
de la plataforma, pero no sé que opinan.

Bueno, seguramente todo esto vamos a poder incluirlo cuando
tengamos nuestro propio render (o como se llame).

Con respecto a las líneas de costa, que anteriormente formaban
parte del límite del territorio argentino, ahora sólo conforman
las relaciones de las provincias correspondientes. Esto mismo
sucede en todos los países que pude ver.



*Horacio José Castellaro*

Celular: (54 9 11) 6584-5633

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.
República Argentina.

El 20 de febrero de 2013 01:03, Horacio Castellaro
castell...@gmail.com mailto:castell...@gmail.com escribió:

Hola. Yo tengo digitalizado los límites del mar territorial a
partir de un atlas escolar del IGN. LO estuve tratando de
subir, pero no me funciona el JOSMno descarga los datos.


*Horacio José Castellaro*

Celular: (54 9 11) 6584-5633 tel:%2854%209%2011%29%206584-5633

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.
República Argentina.

El 19 de febrero de 2013 22:41, Facundo Suárez
facu...@svarez.com.ar mailto:facu...@svarez.com.ar escribió:

Yo estuve viendo algo de los limites. Iré haciendo a
medida que pueda
y como dije en el mismo post, me hago siempre referencia
al mapa de
arg500k. Estoy medio retirado ultimamente por razones
laborales mas
que nada, pero ya volveremos...

El día 19 de febrero de 2013 17:05, Gonzalo Gabriel Pérez
zalit...@gmail.com mailto:zalit...@gmail.com escribió:
 Ya que estamos con el tema de límites y que incluso hay
un post (
 http://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?id=19672 )
sobre el mismo...
 ¿qué opinan acerca de que subamos los maritimos?
 Hasta contar con datos de origen nacional podríamos
tomar como base estas



 De última no tocamos la parte en litigio con los
ingleses, pero al menos
 tendríamos mucho mejor la línea que serpentea feo por
nuestra costa.

 Sobre Ulil:
 Si bien hay que tener en cuenta que Ulil ya tiene un
prontuario importante,
 las últimas ediciones que hizo no estan mal (excepto lo
de las sendas

[Talk-ca] Tracé de parcours pour une course?

2013-02-21 Thread Fabian Rodriguez

Hash: SHA1


J'aimerais fournir les cartes pour les parcours de course d'une activité
organisée dans mon quartier, à l'aide d'OSM.

Nous avons 5 parcours (1,2,5,10 km). Quel outil me permettrait de
montrer ces parcours en ligne, en les incluant sur une page web?

J'aimerais bien offrir aussi les GPX ou autres fichiers pour ceux qui
voudraient les intégrer à leur GPS/téléphone. Voici un outil OSM que
j'ai trouvé:

Si vous en connaissez d'autres j'aimerais bien savoir lesquels.

Merci pour toute information,


- --
Fabian Rodriguez

Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: PGP/Mime available upon request
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Tracé de parcours pour une course?

2013-02-21 Thread Harald Kliems
maybe I'm misunderstanding what exactly you're looking for, but why
don't you use a service like http://www.GPSies.com to create the
routes and then embed the maps on the web page? GPSies offers several
OSM-based map layers (with MapQuest as the default).

If you already have gpx files for the routes, you could also use
openlayers: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Openlayers_Track_example


2013/2/21 Fabian Rodriguez magic...@member.fsf.org:

 Hash: SHA1


 J'aimerais fournir les cartes pour les parcours de course d'une activité
 organisée dans mon quartier, à l'aide d'OSM.

 Nous avons 5 parcours (1,2,5,10 km). Quel outil me permettrait de
 montrer ces parcours en ligne, en les incluant sur une page web?

 J'aimerais bien offrir aussi les GPX ou autres fichiers pour ceux qui
 voudraient les intégrer à leur GPS/téléphone. Voici un outil OSM que
 j'ai trouvé:

 Si vous en connaissez d'autres j'aimerais bien savoir lesquels.

 Merci pour toute information,


 - --
 Fabian Rodriguez

 Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: PGP/Mime available upon request
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/


 Talk-ca mailing list

Please use encrypted communication whenever possible!
Key-ID: 0x34cb93972f186565

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Vers une mise à disposition d'un rendu FR (était: osm13 est opérationnel !)

2013-02-21 Thread Francescu GAROBY
Pour le drapeau sur les mairies, je trouve aussi qu'il n'est pas parlant,
d'où le ticket que j'avais ouvert, demandant que ce soit le drapeau du pays
concerné qui apparaisse et ce, sur les mairies, préfectures, ambassades, ...

Pour les logos de La Poste et de la SNCF, n'y a-t-il aucun problème à les
utiliser ? Certains peuvent être très pointilleux (pour ne pas dire
'chiants... Non, je ne l'ai pas dit !) sur l'usage possible de leur logo.


Le 21 février 2013 08:55, Jo. perche...@gmail.com a écrit :

 Le 21 février 2013 00:01, PierreV belett...@hotmail.fr a écrit :

 Sinon j'ai trouvé un double nom pas loin de chez moi:


 Pour le double nom Hérisson, il y a un nom donné à la zone
 résidentielle. Ça peut en être la cause. D'ailleurs quelle est la
 recommandation d'édition concernant les nom de zone ? Faut il les mettre ou
 pas ?

 Il y a également une aire sans nom ni tag autour de la mairie, ce serait à

 Talk-fr mailing list

Francescu GAROBY
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Vers une mise à disposition d'un rendu FR (était: osm13 est opérationnel !)

2013-02-21 Thread Ista Pouss
Dans mon coin il y a un truc qui ne va pas au niveau des gares sncf.

Si l'on regarde la carte générale, on voit le logo SNCF sur une micro gare
: celle de Carnot à St Etienne (http://osm.org/go/0ApGrGcSr--). (il faut
dire qu'à st etienne il y a pas moins de 4 gares sncf).

Mais aucun tag sur la gare principale, celle de Chateaucreux (
http://osm.org/go/0ApMAbF0v--), ni non plus d'autres importantes, comme
celle de Saint Chamond (http://osm.org/go/0ApObXVso--).

À Lyon, la gare de Part Dieu n'apparait qu'au zoom 16
que d'autres nettement moins importantes apparaissent dès le zoom 13 (
Pour l'organisation du SOTM ça risque de pas franchement être pratique pour
ceux qui s'y rendent, que de rechercher un train PARIS-GARE DE LA GORGE DU
LOUP (à Lyon) en ignorant l'existence de la la gare de la Part Dieu :-)

Problème de rendu, ou de base ? No know...

Le 21 février 2013 08:55, Jo. perche...@gmail.com a écrit :

 Le 21 février 2013 00:01, PierreV belett...@hotmail.fr a écrit :

 Sinon j'ai trouvé un double nom pas loin de chez moi:


 Pour le double nom Hérisson, il y a un nom donné à la zone
 résidentielle. Ça peut en être la cause. D'ailleurs quelle est la
 recommandation d'édition concernant les nom de zone ? Faut il les mettre ou
 pas ?

 Il y a également une aire sans nom ni tag autour de la mairie, ce serait à

 Talk-fr mailing list

Les dérives de rue :
Des textes à promenades http://drivrsdu.fr/des-textes-a-promenades/
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Vers une mise à disposition d'un rendu FR (était: osm13 est opérationnel !)

2013-02-21 Thread Francescu GAROBY
Pardon, j'ai oublié d'indiquer de quel ticket je parlais.
C'est celui-ci : http://trac.openstreetmap.fr/ticket/236


Le 21 février 2013 09:25, Francescu GAROBY windu...@gmail.com a écrit :

 Pour le drapeau sur les mairies, je trouve aussi qu'il n'est pas parlant,
 d'où le ticket que j'avais ouvert, demandant que ce soit le drapeau du pays
 concerné qui apparaisse et ce, sur les mairies, préfectures, ambassades, ...

 Pour les logos de La Poste et de la SNCF, n'y a-t-il aucun problème à les
 utiliser ? Certains peuvent être très pointilleux (pour ne pas dire
 'chiants... Non, je ne l'ai pas dit !) sur l'usage possible de leur logo.


 Le 21 février 2013 08:55, Jo. perche...@gmail.com a écrit :

 Le 21 février 2013 00:01, PierreV belett...@hotmail.fr a écrit :

 Sinon j'ai trouvé un double nom pas loin de chez moi:


 Pour le double nom Hérisson, il y a un nom donné à la zone
 résidentielle. Ça peut en être la cause. D'ailleurs quelle est la
 recommandation d'édition concernant les nom de zone ? Faut il les mettre ou
 pas ?

 Il y a également une aire sans nom ni tag autour de la mairie, ce serait
 à contrôler.

 Talk-fr mailing list

 Francescu GAROBY

Francescu GAROBY
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Vers une mise à disposition d'un rendu FR (était: osm13 est opérationnel !)

2013-02-21 Thread Ista Pouss
Et moi j'ai oublié de mettre le lien vers la carte générale stéphanoise qui
montre le problème de la distribution des logos sncf :


Le seul logo SNCF qu'on voit est une gare complètement secondaire, et il y
a deux gares importante (st etienne chateaucreux et st chamond) qui n'ont
pas de logo. Sans compter un peu plus loin, celle de Lyon Part Dieu qui n'a
pas de logo non plus à ce niveau de zoom.

Cordialement, je pense que j'ai fini cette fois ci.

Le 21 février 2013 09:26, Francescu GAROBY windu...@gmail.com a écrit :

 Pardon, j'ai oublié d'indiquer de quel ticket je parlais.
 C'est celui-ci : http://trac.openstreetmap.fr/ticket/236


 Le 21 février 2013 09:25, Francescu GAROBY windu...@gmail.com a écrit :

 Pour le drapeau sur les mairies, je trouve aussi qu'il n'est pas parlant,
 d'où le ticket que j'avais ouvert, demandant que ce soit le drapeau du pays
 concerné qui apparaisse et ce, sur les mairies, préfectures, ambassades, ...

 Pour les logos de La Poste et de la SNCF, n'y a-t-il aucun problème à les
 utiliser ? Certains peuvent être très pointilleux (pour ne pas dire
 'chiants... Non, je ne l'ai pas dit !) sur l'usage possible de leur logo.


 Le 21 février 2013 08:55, Jo. perche...@gmail.com a écrit :

 Le 21 février 2013 00:01, PierreV belett...@hotmail.fr a écrit :

 Sinon j'ai trouvé un double nom pas loin de chez moi:


 Pour le double nom Hérisson, il y a un nom donné à la zone
 résidentielle. Ça peut en être la cause. D'ailleurs quelle est la
 recommandation d'édition concernant les nom de zone ? Faut il les mettre ou
 pas ?

 Il y a également une aire sans nom ni tag autour de la mairie, ce serait
 à contrôler.

 Talk-fr mailing list

 Francescu GAROBY

 Francescu GAROBY

 Talk-fr mailing list

Les dérives de rue :
Des textes à promenades http://drivrsdu.fr/des-textes-a-promenades/
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Vers une mise à disposition d'un rendu FR (était: osm13 est opérationnel !)

2013-02-21 Thread Ista Pouss
ARG NON Je crois que j'aurais mieux fait de ne rien faire aujourd'hui ! La
gare qu'on voit celle de la terrasse, encore plus microscopique que celle
de Carnot ! Encore plus étrange, on la voit au niveau de zoom 12
plus au 13

Encore plus fort, le logo semble placer sur une passerelle, et non sur le
batiment ?

Et voici donc cette fantastique gare de La Terrase, plus importante donc
que celle de Lyon part dieu : http://goo.gl/maps/xfPEx

Et c'est promis je ne publie plus rien de la semaine maintenant !

Le 21 février 2013 09:32, Ista Pouss ista...@gmail.com a écrit :

 Et moi j'ai oublié de mettre le lien vers la carte générale stéphanoise
 qui montre le problème de la distribution des logos sncf :


 Le seul logo SNCF qu'on voit est une gare complètement secondaire, et il y
 a deux gares importante (st etienne chateaucreux et st chamond) qui n'ont
 pas de logo. Sans compter un peu plus loin, celle de Lyon Part Dieu qui n'a
 pas de logo non plus à ce niveau de zoom.

 Cordialement, je pense que j'ai fini cette fois ci.

 Le 21 février 2013 09:26, Francescu GAROBY windu...@gmail.com a écrit :

 Pardon, j'ai oublié d'indiquer de quel ticket je parlais.
 C'est celui-ci : http://trac.openstreetmap.fr/ticket/236


 Le 21 février 2013 09:25, Francescu GAROBY windu...@gmail.com a écrit :

 Pour le drapeau sur les mairies, je trouve aussi qu'il n'est pas parlant,
 d'où le ticket que j'avais ouvert, demandant que ce soit le drapeau du pays
 concerné qui apparaisse et ce, sur les mairies, préfectures, ambassades, ...

 Pour les logos de La Poste et de la SNCF, n'y a-t-il aucun problème à
 les utiliser ? Certains peuvent être très pointilleux (pour ne pas dire
 'chiants... Non, je ne l'ai pas dit !) sur l'usage possible de leur logo.


 Le 21 février 2013 08:55, Jo. perche...@gmail.com a écrit :

 Le 21 février 2013 00:01, PierreV belett...@hotmail.fr a écrit :

 Sinon j'ai trouvé un double nom pas loin de chez moi:


 Pour le double nom Hérisson, il y a un nom donné à la zone
 résidentielle. Ça peut en être la cause. D'ailleurs quelle est la
 recommandation d'édition concernant les nom de zone ? Faut il les mettre ou
 pas ?

 Il y a également une aire sans nom ni tag autour de la mairie, ce
 serait à contrôler.

 Talk-fr mailing list

 Francescu GAROBY

 Francescu GAROBY

 Talk-fr mailing list

 Les dérives de rue :
 Des textes à promenades http://drivrsdu.fr/des-textes-a-promenades/

Les dérives de rue :
Des textes à promenades http://drivrsdu.fr/des-textes-a-promenades/
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Vers une mise à disposition d'un rendu FR (était: osm13 est opérationnel !)

2013-02-21 Thread Cedric Viou

Chez moi, j'ai résolu ce manque en ajoutant operator=SNCF.


Le 21/02/2013 09:32, Ista Pouss a écrit :
 Et moi j'ai oublié de mettre le lien vers la carte générale stéphanoise
 qui montre le problème de la distribution des logos sncf :
 Le seul logo SNCF qu'on voit est une gare complètement secondaire, et il
 y a deux gares importante (st etienne chateaucreux et st chamond) qui
 n'ont pas de logo. Sans compter un peu plus loin, celle de Lyon Part
 Dieu qui n'a pas de logo non plus à ce niveau de zoom.

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Suppression GR dans OSM (encore) (était [forum-osm-fr] Réalisation de cartes Garmin...)

2013-02-21 Thread Pieren
2013/2/20 Balaitous balait...@mailoo.org:

 Pour ce qui est du risque juridique, si j'ai bien compris, OSM a demandé
 à la FFRP l'autorisation, mais n'a pas reçu de réponse.
 Donc la FFRP est parfaitement au courant et a choisi de laisser faire.
 OSM est toujours a temps de retirer les relations en question en cas de
 demande explicite de la FFRP.

Dans ce genre de cas, l'absence de réponse ne vaut pas accord. Et il
faudrait ensuite expliquer notre différence de traitement à ceux qui
contribuent à partir d'images google ou de cartes IGN qu'il faut
effacer leurs contributions à eux mais pas celles de la FFRP. Alors
que dans tous les cas, il s'agit de sources dont nous n'avons pas reçu

 wikipedia publie les itinéraires de manières suffisamment détaillée pour
 pouvoir les recréer sur une carte. Quelqu'un sait-il s'ils ont eu des
 débats à ce sujet ? ont-ils une autorisation pour cela ?

Wikipedia contient aussi de nombreux points géoréférencés sur des
cartes google. C'est pourquoi OSM n'a jamais importé les POI
géoréférencés chez-eux. Le problème des droits liés aux données
géographiques n'a jamais été leur tasse de thé. Et c'est aussi
pourquoi ils comptent sur nous pour être irréprochables de ce côté-là.
Wikipedia est aussi un produit final, libre et gratuit. Alors qu'OSM
n'est qu'une base de données, utilisable par une multitudes
d'applications, gratuites ou commerciales, qui pourraient entrer en
concurrence directe avec les produits de la FFRP.


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Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Vers une mise à disposition d'un rendu FR (était: osm13 est opérationnel !)

2013-02-21 Thread Christian Quest
Le 21 février 2013 00:01, PierreV belett...@hotmail.fr a écrit :

 Génial ce nouveau rendu!
 Désolé si je fait trop de commentaires, mais autant en profiter de faire un
 rendu qui soit adapté aux Français!

 Au zoom 14 les noms des hammeaux et lieux dits apparait... est-ce que
 c'est possible d'y différencier le ou les bourgs principaux avec une police
 non italique ou en gras? comme pour le zoom 15?


Je n'ai pas encore trop faire de tuning de ces niveaux... je remonte petit
à petit.

 Sinon j'ai trouvé un double nom pas loin de chez moi:


Ah oui... on a un landuse=residential + un place=village pour un gros
hameau. Bien sûr pas de relation entre eux, donc pas d'admin_centre pour me
permettre d'éliminer les noms liés.
En fait, le place=village devrait basculer sur le landuse, ça serait plus
logique et du coup on aurait un seul nom ;)

 Pour la baguette est-il possible de la mettre a 45° et/ou un chouilla
 gros? car a plat ca fait une sorte de trait.

J'y pense, j'y pense... je vais la refaire. Je ne suis pas graphiste, je
bricole au mieux
Tu rajoute un ticket ? - http://trac.openstreetmap.fr/

 C'est génial de mettre en avant les gares, la poste, les pharmacies, les
 hopitaux pour des zoom plus gros.
 Le drapeau pour la mairie est une bonne idée, mais la première fois que je
 l'ai vu, je me demandais ce que ca représentait? donc un texte mairie est
 peut etre a accompagner? En plus au zoom 15 il disparait, alors qu'il
 apparait dès le 14:

 Et meme au zoom 14 quand un nom est par dessus il n'apparait pas exemple
 pour Niort alors qu'on oit bien les mairies annexes:


C'est tout le problème du fonctionnement par couche de Mapnik et de la
gestion de proximité des objets à dessiner.
Je pense qu'au zoom 15, le drapeau est trop proche d'un autre texte déjà
présent et donc il a sauté.
Il faut que je trouve un moyen de gérer un peu mieux les priorités dans les
requêtes SQL sinon ça oblige à faire des requêtes SQL séparées ce qui
charge évidemment plus le serveur pour calculer les tuiles.

Je découvre petit à petit les interactions entre mapnik et postgis...

Pour les Temples Protestant serait-il possible de les faire apparaître
 avec une croix voire même avec une croix huguenote plutôt qu'avec un


Oui... un autre ticket ?

 Pour les églises (catho, protestants, ou autres), campings, et offices de
 tourismes est-il possible de les afficher dès le zoom 15 comme pour les
 hopitaux? Ce sont des points de repère que l'on donne assez souvent pour
 des personnes qui ne connaissent pas une ville...

Ticket ?

Il faut dire que j'ai surtout testé en milieu urbain... très chargé.

 Autre proposition: je ne pense pas que c'est utile de les mettre sur le
 rendu osmfr, mais serait-il possible de rajouter des calques de pistes
 cyclables, transports en communs, et d'altimétrie que l'on cocherais pour
 activer en transparence par dessus le rendu osmfr?

Je suis plutôt partant pour des calques transparents complémentaires légers
de ce type.
J'avais même pense à gérer les petits logos comme.

 Dernière idée, il n'est pas possible de mettre sur
 http://tile.openstreetmap.fr un calque bing, mais si l'auteur de
 le veut bien, on peut éventuellement mettre un calque francetopo voire
 même peut etre un rendu 3Liz ou un autre rendu fait par des français?

Francetopo est (me semble-t-il) en Lambert 93... ça va pas coller très bien
sur du Google Mercator.

Je suis d'accord sur le principe de répertorier différents et pouvoir
switcher facilement de l'un à l'autre car ça me semble utile pour les faire
découvrir et montrer la diversité des usages des données OSM en terme de
rendu... sans parler des autres usages.

Le 21 février 2013 00:09, Frank Villaro-Dixon fr...@villaro-dixon.eu a
écrit :

 À Genève, avec toutes les missions et consulats, ce drapeau fait penser à
 un consulat aussi.

Ces drapeaux là sont bleus, non ? Ils proviennent du rendu par défaut.

Les drapeaux gris je les ai ajouté pour les amenity=townhall uniquement.

Le 21 février 2013 09:25, Francescu GAROBY windu...@gmail.com a écrit :

 Pour le drapeau sur les mairies, je trouve aussi qu'il n'est pas parlant,
 d'où le ticket que j'avais ouvert, demandant que ce soit le drapeau du pays
 concerné qui apparaisse et ce, sur les mairies, préfectures, ambassades, ...

Ca va être nettement plus difficile à gérer... mais pas impossible non
plus, juste besoin d'une requête spécifique un peu plus lente (remonter à
l'admin 2)... et puis avoir une panoplie de petits logos des drapeaux.

 Pour les logos de La Poste et de la SNCF, n'y a-t-il aucun 

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Suppression GR dans OSM (encore) (était [forum-osm-fr] Réalisation de cartes Garmin...)

2013-02-21 Thread Christian Quest
Le 21 février 2013 11:25, Pieren pier...@gmail.com a écrit :

 2013/2/20 Balaitous balait...@mailoo.org:

  Pour ce qui est du risque juridique, si j'ai bien compris, OSM a demandé
  à la FFRP l'autorisation, mais n'a pas reçu de réponse.
  Donc la FFRP est parfaitement au courant et a choisi de laisser faire.
  OSM est toujours a temps de retirer les relations en question en cas de
  demande explicite de la FFRP.

 Dans ce genre de cas, l'absence de réponse ne vaut pas accord. Et il
 faudrait ensuite expliquer notre différence de traitement à ceux qui
 contribuent à partir d'images google ou de cartes IGN qu'il faut
 effacer leurs contributions à eux mais pas celles de la FFRP. Alors
 que dans tous les cas, il s'agit de sources dont nous n'avons pas reçu

Je ne suis pas d'accord, la FFRP n'est pas une source sauf si, bien sûr,
on recopie à partir du contenu d'un topoguide FFRP ce qui n'est pas le
sujet ici, mais bien ce qu'on constate factuellement sur le terrain où ce
dont on a connaissance (le GR/Chemin de Compostelle qui passait devant ma
maison !).

Il faut se méfier des analogies un peu rapides.

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
Week-end SOTM-FR à Lyon, les 23-24 février prochains:
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Suppression GR dans OSM (encore) (était [forum-osm-fr] Réalisation de cartes Garmin...)

2013-02-21 Thread Pieren
2013/2/21 Christian Quest cqu...@openstreetmap.fr:

 Il faut se méfier des analogies un peu rapides.

C'est une analogie dans le sens que c'est le même droit d'auteur qui
protège ces sources.


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