Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Imports du cadastre et compte dédié

2012-09-25 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Christian Quest a écrit:
 Ce n'est effectivement pas très diplomatique de la part de 
 Pieren, mais ce n'est pas plus diplomatique de la part du 
 DWG d'auto-proclamer des règles sans discussion préalable 
 et de bloquer des comptes pour la seule raison qu'on ne 
 prend pas en compte leurs messages issus de ces
 règles auto-proclamées.

Please, please, please stop arguing like this. 

There are suggestions I can envisage bringing forward that could potentially
be an improvement for both parties. But it's very difficult to get anyone to
listen to any degree of compromise when you are saying, as above, na na na,
he started it. All you are doing is making the positions on either side
more entrenched.


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Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Imports du cadastre et compte dédié

2012-09-25 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Christian Quest a écrit:
 Il faut prendre en compte l'aspect très peu pratique et l'utilité 
 très très limitée de ce compte dédié pour les imports faits 
 de façon parcellaire comme c'est le cas pour le cadastre, 
 mais aussi pour beaucoup d'import de données opendata 
 comme nous le faisons depuis quelques temps.

Oui, je comprends vos raisons, et aussi je comprends que (selon DWG) 20,000
noeuds n'est pas entierement de façon parcellaire. DWG n'a pas bloqué la
plupart d'utilisateurs de cadastre, seulement les auteurs des changesets
très grands.

Alors, c'est difficile d'écrire les regles qui sont applicable à tous les
situations. J'espere qu'on peut trouver une solution, mais ça prend du temps
et peut-être du travail technique.


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Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Imports du cadastre et compte dédié

2012-09-25 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Jean-Marc Liotier a écrit:
 Ok - alors peut-être qu'une limite explicite pour la dimension 
 d'un changeset serait intéressante pour apporter une 
 discrimination objective entre import mineur et import massif.

Un peu comme
peut-être? :)


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Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Imports du cadastre et compte dédié

2012-09-25 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Christian Quest a écrit:
 Si je comprends bien, cette proposition permettra le blocage si 
 l'on n'utilise pas de compte dédié, et permettra aussi le blocage 
 si on ne met pas les bons tags dans le changeset...  de mieux 
 en mieux !

Oh for goodness' sake, Christian.

There are two opposing points of view which are incompatible here. I have
tried to suggest a compromise that would (as I understand it) permit 90% of
cadastre-based edits to continue, exactly as is, from the user's main
account, with just a tiny modification to Pierre's JOSM plugin source code.
In addition, it would improve visibility of automated edits worldwide so
that the community can police them, not just DWG on its own.

 Il y a vraiment des moments où l'on a l'impression de perdre son 
 temps à expliquer son point de vue quand celui-ci n'est absolument 
 pas pris en compte. :(

If I wasn't interested in taking account of your, and others', point of
view, I wouldn't be reading and posting to talk-fr. Nor would I be
suggesting a solution which is different to the current import guidelines.

But taking account of your point of view does not mean submitting to every
aspect of it unquestioningly. As I say, there are two incompatible points of
view here. We clearly need to find something that will keep both sides
happy, and that 'something' is clearly not either of the two opposing points
of view right now.

If you're not interested in working towards a solution where both parties
can agree, but instead, you want to continue writing angry mailing list
messages because your point of view hasn't been 100% accepted, then sure,
carry on as now, and rebuff all attempts at compromise. And I can guarantee
we will still be having the same argument in a year's time. Your choice.

Yours, rather exasperated,

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Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Imports du cadastre et compte dédié

2012-09-25 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Christian Quest a écrit:
 J'ai proposé sur talk@ d'utiliser les tags, mais sans le compte 
 dédié qui n'a plus d'intérêt avec les tags.
 Rendre les deux obligatoires ce n'est vraiment pas aller 
 vers un compromis mais rajouter une couche dobligation 

Ah, non, tu n'as pas compris mon proposition.

J'ai proposé:

- les tags pour la plupart d'éditions en masse;
- le compte dedié _seulement_ pour automated edits of a high-volume,
sustained or continuous nature (par exemple, xybot)


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Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Imports du cadastre et compte dédié

2012-09-25 Thread Richard Fairhurst
RÉAU Simon a écrit:
 S'il te plaît Richard pourrait tu écrire en français sur la 
 liste française.

J'essaie, oui, mais mon français n'est pas très bon. Ma première petite amie
était française et en ce temps-là je pouvais parler français assez bien...
mais c'était 1992, et maintenant, 2012, je suis marié à une anglaise. :)


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Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Imports du cadastre et compte dédié

2012-09-25 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Christian Quest a écrit:
 Un import de bâti de plus de 2 nodes est-il 
 concerné ? Quand je lis ta proposition, c'est oui, 
 ou alors il faut que je retourne en cours d'anglais.

Alors, si tu penses pas 20,000 mais 200,000, dites ça sur la liste talk@!


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[OSM-talk] Can you translate the Legal FAQ?

2012-09-24 Thread Richard Fairhurst

All the translations of

are currently out-of-date and refer to the CC-BY-SA, with the exception 
of the Japanese one (at least I think so... :) ).

This is a page that people often refer to for their can I do this...? 
answers. So if you have the time to translate it into your local 
language, please do. It's not too long so shouldn't be a mammoth job.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [possibly OT] Apples IOS 6 Maps and the response

2012-09-22 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
 Didn't find a hint for osm data in it so far.

It certainly isn't OSM in US, UK etc. But I've seen a screenshot of iOS Maps
in Islamabad that looks very very much like OSM data.


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[OSM-talk] If you're on Twitter

2012-09-20 Thread Richard Fairhurst might like to retweet this:



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] La fondation knight attribue 575 000 $ pour l'amélioration de l'infrastructure OpenStreetMap

2012-09-20 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Nicolas Dumoulin a écrit:
 1. un éditeur facile et performant. Il parle de partir de potlach, 
 dommage j'aurai préféré la solution javascript en développement.

Tu as vu iD ( ?


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Re: [OSM-talk] Import guidelines OSMF/DWG governance

2012-09-19 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Pieren wrote:
 The one who never made a mistake in JOSM can be the first to 
 throw a stone.



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Re: [OSM-talk] Import guidelines OSMF/DWG governance

2012-09-19 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Christian Quest wrote:
 As you're joining this topic, can you explain why you changed 
 the guidelines in the wiki to make the dedicated account a 
 requirement and not a recommendation anymore ?

As a few people have already said (Michael, Frederik, Simon etc.) this was
basically codifying existing best practice; there was a widespread
understanding among the worldwide community that this was the way to do it.
At the time, I recall that we were having difficulties with a succession of
bad, unregulated and undocumented imports from newcomers - time dulls the
memory but I think there were several in Canada.

It's also been observed, quite rightly, that the nuances of British English
- which tends to gently suggest when other languages would say you
MUST!!!?!1 - are not easily appreciated by non-native speakers. We had a
case on talk-gb at a similar time where the wiki explained don't do it
with typical British understatement; a chap of Polish origin completely
misunderstood this, imported some unwanted data (in the UK) without
discussion - and incorrectly - and then got very aggressive when challenged.
Firming up the language is an attempt to avoid this type of

The Cadastre 'imports' are an unusual case, and the enthusiasm with which
Marc has taken to them is more unusual still. Clearly someone who just
traces building outlines in their village should not need to set up a
dedicated account just for that. On the other hand, an import of 115 948
nodes (changesets 12758927, 12759290, 12759667) is heavy-duty stuff on a
TIGER/Canvec scale, and the community consensus - outside France, at any
rate - has generally been that a separate account is required for this.

It's an interesting question as to whether local practice trumps general
community consensus. But I would caution against taking this concept of
'subsidiarity' too far. It's great when global norms are extended within the
spirit of OSM: for example, the German community has adopted the additional
tag motorroad=yes because OSM's long-established highway tagging didn't meet
their needs, and I applaud them for this.

But if, for example, the Moldavian community decided not to use
highway=motorway/trunk/primary at all, but chose road=1/2/3 instead, this
would damage every consumer, every newcomer, and lead to fragmentation and
unnecessary complexity. Saying the local community has decided this can
potentially lead to fossilisation: a group of 50 experienced users establish
a way of working that suits them, but which may not be in the interests of
newcomers. It isn't a silver bullet. (It's a similar situation to some of
the more relation-heavy tagging concepts that are introduced, whose users
then get annoyed when well-meaning newbies come along and inadvertently mess
them up.)

I think there are two things we can take from this.

Firstly, the status of the import guidelines needs to become less ambiguous.
At present we have three largely overlapping policies ('Mechanical Edit
Policy', 'Automated Edits code of conduct', and 'Import/Guidelines') on the
wiki, which are not always easy to find or understand. These need to be
abbreviated into one short, simple, unambiguous document, one that reflects
both the majority will of the existing community and OSMF's responsibility
to encourage future mappers, and then signed off by the OSMF board.

Secondly, we've just finished the licence change and I realise that some
people might miss the arguments... but could I gently suggest (there's that
British English reserve again) that a debate is more likely to reach an
amicable resolution if carried out in a less combative fashion? Assume good
faith and all that. Rabble-rousing on talk-fr@ to say come to talk@ and
argue with people is not really helpful, though I will admit to laughing
out loud at
:) A friendly this policy doesn't accord with our local practice, can we
work something out? message to start the thread would have been less likely
to get people's backs up than a long screed with a series of pointed
questions at the end.


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Re: [OSM-talk] Import guidelines proposal update

2012-09-19 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
 I believe that dedicated accounts are generally better for 
 imports than using mixed ones which are also used for 
 original data. This really helps a lot in sorting data 
 according to its intellectual properties holders.

Yes, absolutely.

The really obvious example of this is the Polish UMP data, which was
licensed CC-BY-SA and could not be kept post-licence change. If dedicated
accounts had been used, removing this data would have been relatively easy;
in reality, it has been (and continues to be) a nightmare. :(

So although I understand the motivation behind sly's suggestion that In the
case of regionaly limited imports (inside a country), it is highly
recommanded to get in touch with the local community to discuss your planned
import and ask them if you should, shouldn't or must use a dedicated
account, this approach has proved problematic in the past and I would
caution against repeating the same mistake.


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Re: [OSM-talk] Import guidelines proposal update

2012-09-19 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Pieren wrote:
 I thought that such issue is not possible anymore with ODbl.

No, the Contributor Terms simply say You are indicating that, as far as You
know, You have the right to authorize OSMF to use and distribute those
Contents under our current licence terms (1a).

If the licence changes to one which is incompatible with the import, OSMF
may remove Your contributions from the Project (1b)... and that rather
requires being able to identify what these incompatible contributions are.


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Re: [Talk-GB] SotM 2013

2012-09-13 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Nick Whitelegg wrote:
 Thirded because it's close to me.

All the suggestions so far sound great, but having a keen volunteer team is
absolutely crucial to the success of an event like this. So if there are
three people raring to go with a Guildford event (and maybe some of the
London people might want to help too?) then that's sounding good already.


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Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Mapnik attribution

2012-09-12 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Shu Higashi wrote:
 Map data (c) ODbL 1.0 OpenStreetMap contributors and 
 Map tile (c) CC BY-SA 2.0 OpenStreetMap

That would be fine, but you could also do:

(c) OpenStreetMap contributors: license

where license is hyperlinked to


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[OSM-talk] Licence change

2012-09-12 Thread Richard Fairhurst

Hello all,

If you go to:

you might notice a slight difference. :)

OSM data downloaded after 9am today is now licensed under the Open 
Database Licence. The first ODbL-licensed planet.osm file is currently 
being generated.

These pages summarise the main changes:

The main supporting documents on the wiki have been updated but 
translations and some of the more obscure documents will need attention.

Our recommended attribution is now © OpenStreetMap contributors plus a 
link to . That page then gives further 
details of the ODbL and other relevant information.


[Please check follow-ups when replying. Feel free to forward to local 
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talk mailing list

[Talk-GB] SotM 2013

2012-09-12 Thread Richard Fairhurst

Hello all,

This is just a little heads-up, nothing more.

Before too long it'll be time for OSMF to start soliciting bids to host 
the State of the Map conference next year.

This year was of course Tokyo, and last year Denver. So it might seem 
sensible that it returns to Europe for 2013 - and we haven't had a UK 
SotM since the first one 
( The open 
source GIS conference, FOSS4G, is also coming to the UK next year - to 
Nottingham in September.

Perhaps some of you might like to start thinking about organising a bid? 
Lots of potential in the country where OSM was founded and which, in 
coverage terms, is only rivalled by Germany. Personally I'd love to see 
it in Oxford but don't have the time to help organise it, sadly!


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Modération de la liste talk-fr [Etait : Potlatch, utilisable avec le cadastre ?]

2012-09-11 Thread Richard Fairhurst
verdy_p a écrit:
 Pour revenir au sujet, si Potlatch était développé sans Flash, 
 en HTML5+Javascript, il serait plus viable à long terme. Si 
 Flash est en fin de vie, Potlatch 2 aussi est condamné à 
 disparaître dans sa version actuelle. Il est peut-être temps 
 d'envisager Potlatch 3... :)


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Re: [OSM-talk] Shoud OSM Help move to Stackexchange community?

2012-09-10 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Mike wrote:
 One thing that always bothered me on OSM is that for every new 
 section of the OSM I had to open new account. That is ridiculous.

You don't. Honest. We just have two logins: the main login, and the wiki.,, and all use the main login.

who is slightly bemused by this whole thread and not quite sure what's wrong
with _both_ OSM having its own help site, and people being available on
StackExchange to answer OSM-related questions

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Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Potlatch, utilisable avec le cadastre ? [Etait : Potlatch, mauvais outil ?]

2012-09-10 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Pieren a écrit:
 You can find more details about the special WMS protocol on the 
 wiki (
 I could expand it with the details about how to retrieve CODE 
 field (the municipality ID within the cadastre system).

Thanks for all the details - greatly appreciated. I'm pretty sure we can do
something with that, though we might have to queue requests given the IP
limitation. Projection shouldn't be too much of a problem though.


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Re: [Talk-us] how to select overlapping objects in Potlatch 2?

2012-09-07 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Peter Dobratz wrote:
 Looking at the area in Potlatch 2, I can't figure out a 
 way to select just one of the overlapping objects

Select the shared node, press / . It'll select the other way. (If there
are several sharing the node, keep pressing / until you get to the one you


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Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Potlatch, utilisable avec le cadastre ? [Etait : Potlatch, mauvais outil ?]

2012-09-06 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Pieren a écrit:
 Ces deux points nécessitent du développement assez 

Je serai heureux d'ajouter réprojection Lambert-spherical Mercator à
Potlatch 2.

L'accès aux images avec cookie sera moins facile, mais on peut créer un
proxy cadastre_tools (sur peut-être). Malheureusement quand

richard@errol:~/cadastre$ ./ 399409.28@165107.11
405833.71@171964.30 3800 Caen 14 caen_city.png

le resultat est entierement blanc
( Peut-etre vous pouvez

 Un dernier point : P2 utilise Flash et son language ActionScript3. 
 On sait que de récentes décisions de grands acteurs industriels 
 font que cette plateforme n'a plus d'avenir.

Oui, elle a un avenir, mais pas dans le navigateur. Adobe AIR utilise
ActionScript 3 pour les apps iOS, Android, OS X et Windows (mais pas Linux).


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Re: [Talk-us] Announcing Remap-a-tron

2012-09-03 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Martijn van Exel wrote:
 Let me know if it's useful / how it can be improved.

Very very nice indeed.

If someone could figure out a JavaScripty way to tell a currently-open
Potlatch instance to jump to this location, rather than firing up a new
instance each time, that'd be great. I'll happily do the P2 bit if someone
smarter than me can do the Rails/JS bit.


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Re: [OSM-talk] horrible job in gjilan,kosovo

2012-08-22 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Peteris Krisjanis wrote:
 I'm not the person who can fix this, but can you be more precise 
 why do you think this is error from rectration bot? Do you claim 
 that license of data were ok?

Some of Mike's imports may have had compatible licences.

However, as he says at , he

a) wasn't willing to volunteer information as to which imports these were
(point 2)
b) didn't use separate, documented accounts for each import source, as per
the Import Guidelines (second comment, more than half my edits are

Consequently unless the bot magically gained psychic powers and could guess
the licence of each changeset, his non-acceptance stood. The bot is clever
but it's not _that_ clever.

Mike - all your edits appear to be preserved at so I suggest you
use that. And the FOSM lists.


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Re: [Talk-GB] Footway to Sidewalk?

2012-08-21 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Tom Chance wrote:
 I see Peter Ito has made some changes to tighten up this policy
 (surely guidance?)

It's a policy of the OSMF Data Working Group. I made the clarifications, not


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[Talk-GB] Cycle routes - please document your relations!

2012-08-18 Thread Richard Fairhurst

Hi all,

There is a very useful wiki page:

which documents ids for each route relation on the NCN.

Please use it! Before creating an NCN relation, check if one exists 
already; and after you've created one, please add the id to the table.

Otherwise we end up with the situation that routes get accidentally 
mapped with three or four separate relations, sometimes even on the same 
way. And yes, we should have an awesome search-by-tag function for 
relations in the API, but patches welcome etc.


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Cycle routes - please document your relations!

2012-08-18 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Graham Stewart wrote:
- Should ALL NCN route relations be in this table

Yes. I don't think we're at any risk of out-boggling Map Features quite yet.

- Does the 1x, 2x, 3x etc numbering system still apply?

Yes. It's just that there's now also 1xx, 2xx, 3xx etc.

 The Sustrans numbering system has always seemed a little 
 broken to me. NCN10 is apparently Eastern despite being 
 a Coast to Coast route, and doesn't qualify as 7x. Scotland 
 and Northern England despite being further north than the 
 NCN72. Very odd.

AIUI that's because it was originally Regional Route 10. Re-signing it (last
year, I think) as NCN10, which hadn't been taken, was an expedient way of
getting rid of a Regional Route without causing much confusion. It's
certainly no more broken than the A-road numbering system where
out-of-zone roads such as the A14 etc. are now incredibly commonplace.


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Re: [Talk-GB] Potential Vandalism - AGAIN

2012-08-18 Thread Richard Fairhurst
David Groom wrote:
 Can we get this reverted and block his account



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Re: [Talk-us] Another random road reclassification

2012-08-15 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Richard Weait wrote:
 expressway=yes, seems to be a fringe tag at best.

I believe our German friends use motorroad=yes for this.


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Re: [Talk-us] Another random road reclassification

2012-08-15 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Paul Johnson wrote:
 Not quite.  American expressways sometimes, but not always, have 
 driveways, tracks and service roads connecting, German 
 motorroads don't.

Oh, sure. But you don't need me to tell you that slight national variations
in the exact meaning of OSM highway tagging are nothing new.


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[OSM-talk] New Potlatch feature to aid remapping

2012-07-29 Thread Richard Fairhurst

Hi all,

I've added a small feature to Potlatch 2 which should be generally 
useful but will particularly help in remapping.

When you've selected a way, you can now add intermediate points just by 
shift-clicking a blank area. P2 will work out where to put the node in 
the way, and do it. Exactly like shift-clicking the way to insert a node 
then dragging it, but quicker. (It's a bit like JOSM's 
ImproveWayAccuracy feature, I think.)

You can also incorporate existing nodes by shift-clicking them. This is 
useful for those times when a bunch of orphan nodes are hanging around, 
but the way itself has been straightened.


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Fwd: Re: Post bot cleanup

2012-07-29 Thread Richard Fairhurst

Bryce Nesbitt wrote:

I rather think the non-responders could have been a separate category,
and their data could have been kept.

Doesn't fly legally, sadly. You can't say I'm ignoring any rights on 
this item just because the rights-holder hasn't responded to my e-mails.

That said, I did once live near a tiny village (population 41) that 
claimed to be Twinned with Paris on the basis that they'd written to 
Paris asking for a twinning, and received no reply. I guess that's a 
similar idea.,_Rutland

The license bot damage will take decades to recover from.

Not at all. OSM has only existed since 2004, and the redaction affected 
1% of the database globally. At a very conservative estimate it's 29 
days' work (8*365*0.01); in reality, we _already_ have more nodes in the 
database than we did before the redaction started. Such is the rate at 
which the map is growing.


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Very Happy - Looking forward

2012-07-24 Thread Richard Fairhurst
vegard wrote:
 What about editor facebook support for editors? :)
 No, I'm actually serious -
 Vegard Engen mapped insert changeset comment here, 
 near  . ?

Potlatch 1 actually did that with Twitter. But then Twitter started
requiring OAuth and I really couldn't be bothered to code an OAuth library
in ActionScript 1.


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Re: [OSM-talk] ODbL Attribution

2012-07-23 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Jochen123 wrote:
 In preparation for the release of an ODbL-Licensed planet I have been 
 looking around what the official proper attribution will be, so that I can 
 update all sites where I am using OSM data. I didn't find anything on 
 the Wiki.

A couple of months back I wrote

and threw it out for review by people.


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Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Revert de changesets pour vandalisme ?

2012-07-23 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Jo a écrit:
 Je n'ai pas réussi de restaurer ce changeset:

Je l'ai fait:

J'ai trouvé Maetma trés impoli sur, alors cette
vandalisme ne m'étonne pas. Bon débarras.


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Re: [Talk-us] LA part of the map essentially is unusable

2012-07-20 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Charlotte Wolter wrote:
 Got it. Thanks for the explanation.
 So, how do I load shapefiles into a separate layer? I need 
 someone to walk me through it. How would I do that, if I wanted to 
 get things like street names (and the other TIGER data)?

I'll post a how-to at the start of next week - the new version of P2 needs
to be deployed on the servers, but once that's done it'll be easy. And yes,
it'll include pulling through street names.


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[OSM-talk] Redaction progress

2012-07-19 Thread Richard Fairhurst

Current state of affairs:

- North America is mostly complete. The bot is still working in Los 
Angeles and Victoria (Canada). There are one or two failed or incomplete 
areas which are marked in red on the progress map; these are being 
retried individually. Haiti/Dominican Republic has been left out of this 
initial run to give a little more time for remapping.

- Western Europe is also mostly complete. Some complex areas in Germany 
are still being processed. Redaction in Poland has paused after 
initially being processed with a whitelist missing (with the associated 
changes now reverted) and will resume as part of the final whole-world pass.

- Belarus is complete.

- Redaction is now underway in Australia, starting from the south coast.

- Progress map link:

Please edit the To: line and make sure any follow-ups go to the relevant 
local mailing list only. :)


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Further redaction update

2012-07-19 Thread Richard Fairhurst
The global pass has now started. The redaction bot is at 180° longitude 
and working east. The North Pole, South Pole and Poland have been 
exempted from this pass and won't be redacted until Tuesday at the earliest.


talk mailing list

[Talk-us] Redaction progress

2012-07-19 Thread Richard Fairhurst

Current state of affairs:

- North America is mostly complete. The bot is still working in Los 
Angeles and Victoria (Canada). There are one or two failed or incomplete 
areas which are marked in red on the progress map; these are being 
retried individually. Haiti/Dominican Republic has been left out of this 
initial run to give a little more time for remapping.

- Western Europe is also mostly complete. Some complex areas in Germany 
are still being processed. Redaction in Poland has paused after 
initially being processed with a whitelist missing (with the associated 
changes now reverted) and will resume as part of the final whole-world pass.

- Belarus is complete.

- Redaction is now underway in Australia, starting from the south coast.

- Progress map link:

Please edit the To: line and make sure any follow-ups go to the relevant 
local mailing list only. :)


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Fwd: Re: Post bot cleanup

2012-07-19 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Toby Murray wrote:
 The good news is that TIGER data is still available to help in
 remapping. The TIGER 2011 tiles were recently discussed on 
 this mailing list:

Indeed: and Ian, Andy and I have this afternoon briefly discussed making
this available on a server so it can be pulled through into OSM by mappers.

I've also done some work today on getting Potlatch 2 to load _big_
shapefiles, and tested it on the 55Mb shapefile for LA County. It's not
fast, but it works. This too provides a really easy way to get the latest
TIGER data into OSM, and once the new version is deployed I'll post some
instructions here.

Charlotte Wolter wrote:
 Do we think that the US map can have any validity if it 
 doesn't include LA?

Depends whether you visit LA I guess ;) , but assuming you do, let's roll up
our sleeves and fix it. I don't think that one self-proclaimed viking
deciding not to agree to the new licence completely damns OSM!


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Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Post bot cleanup

2012-07-19 Thread Richard Fairhurst
jerjozwik wrote:
 is anyone else noticing some ways have a name, a one way 
 direction, some other info, but no highway tag. so they dont 
 actually render in potlatch 2. the only reason i noticed them 
 way due to the oneway arrows being drawn on top of the 
 satellite image.

Everything's rendered in P2 - there's a special rule in the stylesheet that
says if it's not been rendered, draw it as a plain black line.

_But_ if you have the full satellite display, you might not be able to
distinguish it easily. Use the Dim checkbox in the Background menu -
that'll help you see it.


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Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] LA part of the map essentially is unusable

2012-07-19 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Charlotte Wolter wrote:
 So, are you volunteering?  Anyone else?

I spent a couple of hours this morning reworking the P2 source code so that
it can load the entire TIGER 2011 road files for LA County in one go without
crashing. So yeah, that counts as volunteering to fix it in a way, I think.


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Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] LA part of the map essentially is unusable

2012-07-19 Thread Richard Fairhurst

On 19/07/2012 23:58, Charlotte Wolter wrote:


I spent a couple of hours this morning reworking the P2 source code
so that it can load the entire TIGER 2011 road files for LA County
in one go without crashing.

That's great, but will it overwrite work that we've already done?
Also, is this something that works only in JOSM, in which case many of
us couldn't use it?

P2 = Potlatch 2. I'm the maintainer of the Potlatch code. I don't use 
JOSM unless someone threatens me with a cheese-grater. As I understand 
it, it's something that only works in Potlatch 2. :)

P2's background layers feature allows you to have TIGER data showing up 
as a background layer, and to alt-click it to bring it through to the 
main map. There is nothing automatic about it: you choose what you want 
to bring through. It's a fast, efficient way of working with third-party 
data sources without the disadvantages of automated imports.

As soon as the new version is available on I'll post 
further about how to use it (subject to being away from the computer 
this weekend).

Also, I still don't understand why all the TIGER data was deleted on
 ways that were partially deleted. I just found a piece of a motorway
 link to I-5 where the bridge part was deleted, but the road still
was visible in Potlatch. All the other TIGER data also was gone
(luckily, I knew what it was). Why was that done?

The redaction bot reverses changes made by decliners, _but_ it does not 
automatically undelete data that was deleted by decliners. Believe me, 
if it did the latter, the mess made of the map would be something to 
behold; there'd be random bits of road doubling up on existing highways 
here, there and everywhere. Neither option is easy but I'm certain that 
this one is the better.


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Update on redaction bot and minutely diffs

2012-07-16 Thread Richard Fairhurst
NopMap wrote:
 It's good that most of Britain has been processed, but it 
 appears that the two areas containing London have failed 
 repeatedly. As they probably contain the most complex 
 data and highest density, I think they are critical and if 
 they cannot be processed I'd expect the bot to run into 
 trouble in most large metropolitan areas in Europe.

I believe the London (west) one was an issue with an odd relation: there's
special-case handling in the code for multipolygons, and this relation had
been a multipolygon at one point in its history but not at another. This has
been fixed so will should succeed on a future pass. As Robert has mentioned,
London (east) has succeeded.


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talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Redaction progress

2012-07-15 Thread Richard Fairhurst
[posted to talk-gb@, announce@ and talk@; please choose follow-ups 
carefully; please also translate and forward to your local mailing list 
if relevant]

The redaction bot has started on the 'Western Europe' area. Because 
continents are annoyingly not shaped like rectangles, this inevitably 
includes some overlap with North Africa etc. The UK is finishing off as 
we speak.

You can monitor its current location at a site set up by Harry:

As you'll see, the internal checks of the bot and the API occasionally 
throw up errors which cause a region (1 degree square) not to be fully 
processed. The coders working on the bot are tracking these failures 
down and fixing them as we go: if you'd like to help or find out more, 
they're in #osm-dev on IRC ( When a failure is fixed then 
the bot is rerun for that area.


talk mailing list

[Talk-GB] Redaction progress

2012-07-15 Thread Richard Fairhurst
[posted to talk-gb@, announce@ and talk@; please choose follow-ups 
carefully; please also translate and forward to your local mailing list 
if relevant]

The redaction bot has started on the 'Western Europe' area. Because 
continents are annoyingly not shaped like rectangles, this inevitably 
includes some overlap with North Africa etc. The UK is finishing off as 
we speak.

You can monitor its current location at a site set up by Harry:

As you'll see, the internal checks of the bot and the API occasionally 
throw up errors which cause a region (1 degree square) not to be fully 
processed. The coders working on the bot are tracking these failures 
down and fixing them as we go: if you'd like to help or find out more, 
they're in #osm-dev on IRC ( When a failure is fixed then 
the bot is rerun for that area.


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Redaction progress

2012-07-15 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Andrew wrote:
 Has redaction failed in London and Surrey? I was hoping to clean up

Failed first time round but is now being re-run. Keep an eye on Harry's site
and it should let you know when things are ready.


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Talk-GB mailing list

[OSM-talk] Building a friendly new editor in JavaScript

2012-07-13 Thread Richard Fairhurst

Hi all,

Potlatch is five years old and JOSM is over six years old. Scary, isn't it?

Lots has changed in those five years. Browsers now do natively things 
that used to require a plugin - indeed, you might not even have the 
plugin anymore. OSM's changed, too, from a little-known geek project to 
this behemoth of map data used by millions every day.

So we need another editor. Not to replace what we have now: Potlatch 
fulfils the intermediate editor role and JOSM fulfils the advanced 
editor role very nicely. What we don't have, yet, is a simple, friendly 
editor as a welcoming way into OSM.

I thought I'd start writing one.

So: iD. Pure JavaScript, using the Dojo toolkit (which is really nice).

It's at a really early stage of development. It doesn't save anything 
yet, nor do any tagging, nor even let you delete things - that's how 
early it is. After all, it'll be much better if the collective brains of 
OSM and elsewhere apply themselves to the challenge, rather than just me 
sitting in a room in Charlbury.

Fancy getting involved?

Here's the project page:

And here's the source:

Throw questions at me (on dev@) or just get started and hack away. 
Between us we can build something really good.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Redaction process is hogging up the tile rendering

2012-07-12 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Roland Olbricht wrote:
 This is not a problem of the rendering server backlog. 
 It is a problem of the minute diff generation.

...which has now been fixed. :)


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talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Redaction process is hogging up the tile rendering

2012-07-12 Thread Richard Fairhurst

On 12/07/2012 14:24, Roland Olbricht wrote:

Thank you very much. Now it works fine, great work.

Thank Andy, Tom and Frederik. I'm just the messenger!


talk mailing list

[Talk-GB] Redaction progress

2012-07-12 Thread Richard Fairhurst

Hi all,

After a couple of delays earlier today caused by technical issues (with 
the setup, not with data integrity), the redaction bot is now running 
smoothly, has completed its run across Ireland, and is starting on Great 

You can follow edits here:

and see a visualisation of which squares have been processed here:


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] railway=abandoned and mapping things that are not there any more?

2012-07-12 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Peter Dobratz wrote:
 I'm trying to get a better understanding of the railway=abandoned 
 tag and see what the community thinks about it.

FWIW there's been a similar discussion on talk-gb recently.

The consensus seems to be railway=abandoned for railways where there's still
some physical trace (and you can see it from the air includes that!), and
railway=dismantled used fairly sparingly where there's no trace left.


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Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] railway=abandoned and mapping things that are not there any more?

2012-07-12 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Mike N. wrote:
 So they are present, and don't hurt anything.  None of the 
 'standard maps' will bother to render them.   A railway 
 map could use them if it needed to. I delete them if they 
 go through current buildings or parking lots also.

Yes, that's a sensible attitude.

I think it's also worth noting that what's on the ground is slightly in
the eye of the beholder. I'm not really a railway archaeologist, but I do
know quite a bit about old canals. There are places, even in redeveloped
town centres, where the canal seems to be obliterated to the untrained eye;
but if you know what you're looking for, the clues are there to see, even
amongst the car parks. In those circumstances, a =dismantled tag makes

I guess one railway equivalent is where a bridge across a river has been
removed. It's not railway=abandoned, it's clearly more than that. But
there are usually bridge abutments still standing on either side, maybe even
some stonework left in the river. Again, railway=dismantled seems
appropriate there.


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Talk-us mailing list

[OSM-talk] Redaction underway

2012-07-11 Thread Richard Fairhurst
[posted to talk-ie@, announce@ and talk@; follow-ups to talk@ unless 

Hello all,

The redaction process is now underway with Ireland as planned.

Further updates will be posted to relevant lists as and when each phase 
starts and ends:

- to talk-ie@ and talk-gb@ when Ireland ends and Great Britain begins
- to talk-gb@ and talk@ when Great Britain ends and Western 
Europe/Belarus begins

- to talk@, talk-us@ and talk-ca@ when Belarus ends and North America begins
- to talk-us@, talk-ca@ and talk-au@ when North America ends and 
Australia begins

- to talk-au@ and talk@ when Australia ends and the rest of the world begins
- to talk@ when the rest of the world ends

...and, of course, if anything interrupts the progress of the redaction 
more than briefly. All updates will be cc:ed to announce@.


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Fwd: [OSM-dev] Licence redaction ready to begin

2012-07-11 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Frederik Ramm wrote:
 I have been informed that I have no clue

Actually the phrase I used was that Frederik clearly knows as much about
Potlatch as I do about JOSM. (But I suspect more.)


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Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Creating a relation

2012-07-10 Thread Richard Fairhurst

James Ewen wrote:

What would be making it impossible to create a lake with two islands
with Potlatch2?

In that example, the outer way isn't closed. If you close the outer way 
(i.e. same node at the start and end) then it'll work fine.


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Licence redaction ready to begin

2012-07-10 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Ed Loach wrote:
 Does later this week suggest that we have some idea of how 
 long the bot will take, and there is a rough estimate of when 
 IE and GB will be completed?

We are expecting the bot to take around a month for the whole world, but
there are so many variables it's impossible to say. In particular, the test
runs have run on test hardware, and we don't know what speed it'll run on
the live hardware/database - which is faster, but also has the slight
complicating matter of people using it for mapping! :) There is also some
uncertainty about whether monster planet-spanning relations will have an
adverse effect on the run.

However - and I'm sure those who know more about the technicalities of it
will correct me if I'm wrong - I think it's entirely plausible that the
British Isles will be complete by the end of this week.


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Talk-GB mailing list

[OSM-talk] Licence redaction ready to begin

2012-07-09 Thread Richard Fairhurst

Hello all,

I'm pleased to announce that the licence change bot is ready to get 

Starting this week, we will be 'redacting' the contributions (less than 
1%) from the live database that are not compatible with the new 
Contributor Terms and Open Database Licence (ODbL) - in other words, 
they will no longer be accessible. We are expecting to begin on 
_Wednesday_ (9th July) assuming a couple of final setup details are 
completed by then.

The bot will run in the following order:
1. Ireland
2. UK
3. Western Europe
4. North America
5. Australia
6. rest of the world

Once it is complete, we will be ready to distribute data under the ODbL 
and we'll advise of that with a separate announcement. The final 
pre-redaction dataset available under CC-BY-SA has now been generated at . Where data has 
been redacted, any attempt to access it from the API or the site's 
'browse' pages will return a response to that effect.

Test runs have shown that the bot is functioning as we want it to, but 
we will of course be monitoring its progress. We are currently expecting 
it to take in the order of one month to complete; given the many 
variables I'm afraid we can't give a more precise steer yet, but we'll 
aim to keep everyone updated as it runs (via the announce@ and talk@ lists).

There will be _no_ API outage and no other interruption to editing. When 
the bot is running in your area, please do save your edits frequently to 
minimise the likelihood of conflict.

(Separate messages are going to talk-ie@ and talk-gb@ as the first two 
areas to be affected. Please do forward and translate this for your 
local mailing lists.)

As you know we were expecting this to start just after 1st April and the 
complexity of the task incurred the delay. Thank you all very much for 
your patience in waiting for it to get underway. Thank you especially to 
those who have contributed to the code, whether by patches, suggestions 
or just helping to firm up the workings.

for the OSMF board

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Licence redaction ready to begin

2012-07-09 Thread Richard Fairhurst

We are expecting to begin on _Wednesday_ (9th July)

11th July. You knew what I meant really. :)

Yours in a state of temporary temporal confusion

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk-ie] Licence redaction ready to begin

2012-07-09 Thread Richard Fairhurst

Hello all,

This is a special heads-up to the British and Irish mailing lists that 
the licence change bot is ready to get underway, starting in our areas.

Starting this week, we will be 'redacting' the contributions (less than 
1%) from the live database that are not compatible with the new 
Contributor Terms and Open Database Licence (ODbL). We are expecting to 
begin on _Wednesday_ (11th July) assuming a couple of final setup 
details are completed by then.

The bot will run with Ireland first of all, then the UK, then the rest 
of the world. Consequently please expect to see a few changes to your 
local area later this week.

There will be _no_ API outage and no other interruption to editing, but 
please do save your edits frequently to minimise the likelihood of 
conflict. Once the bot has finished the UK we'll send a further message 
to both these areas.

When the whole world is complete, we will be ready to distribute data 
under the ODbL and we'll advise of that with a separate announcement. 
The final pre-redaction dataset available under CC-BY-SA has now been 
generated at . 
Where data has been redacted, any attempt to access it from the API or 
the site's 'browse' pages will return a response to that effect.

Test runs have shown that the bot is functioning as we want it to, but 
we will of course be monitoring its progress. We are currently expecting 
it to take in the order of one month to complete the whole world; given 
the many variables I'm afraid we can't give a more precise steer yet, 
but we'll aim to keep everyone updated as it runs.

As you know we were expecting this to start just after 1st April and the 
complexity of the task incurred the delay. Thank you all very much for 
your patience in waiting for it to get underway. Thank you especially to 
those who have contributed to the code, whether by patches, suggestions 
or just helping to firm up the workings.

for the OSMF board

Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] [talk-ca] Merging ways

2012-07-05 Thread Richard Fairhurst

James Ewen wrote:

So, do dig up an old thread again... is there a way to merge
adjoining areas in Potlatch yet? I got a great answer from Adam Dunn
on using the JOSM join ways feature. I'd like to be able to do this
in Potlatch as it is annoying to have to switch to another editor
just to be able to merge these adjoining nodes, and then join the
two adjoining areas into a single common area.

As David said, there isn't, but I'd be happy to look at adding one.

Assuming that (as ever with Potlatch) we go for a 90% solution rather 
than covering every possible combination... am I right in thinking that 
you'd like something that combines two areas, with a shared sequence of 
nodes, into one?

In other words:
(and D is deleted)


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] TIGER 2011 Data

2012-07-05 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Evin Fairchild wrote:
 I click the down-arrow next to where it says background, 
 and then click Vector file.

The$z/$x/$y.png isn't a
vector background, it's a standard tiled imagery background. You add these
just by clicking 'Add' at the bottom of the imagery list, without going into
the 'Vector file' dialogue.


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Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-ca] Canvec in Potlatch 2

2012-07-03 Thread Richard Fairhurst

Hello talk-ca people,

I've made a little change to Potlatch 2 that will ease the process of 
loading Canvec data.

Potlatch's approach is very much here is some data that you can use to 
help your mapping, rather than here is some data you can upload in 
bulk, and the idea is that you load the data as a vector background 
then pull through the bits you want.

You can find out how to do this at:


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] railway:historic = rail tags

2012-07-02 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Peter Miller wrote:
 I started using railway:historic=xxx in place of railway=dismantled 
 for cycletracks etc in response to a comment through OSM 
 messaging that one editor had found it confusing to suddenly 
 have cyclepaths being rendered as railways in Potlatch due the 
 railway=xxx tag (although that is not a good reason to make 
 the change in itself.)

Indeed not. That's a 30-second change to P2 to change the rendering order.
Put a trac ticket in and someone will change the stylesheet!

 As for the best venue to discuss tagging, I signed off the main talk a 
 long time ago as it took far too much time to keep up with. 
 I now use the wiki as my main place for global tagging discussions.

There is a tagging@ list now, of course.


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Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] How to move Potlatch map to specific coordinates whilst editing (without zooming out)?

2012-06-29 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Spod wrote:
 Is there any way to move the map to a specific coordinates 
 whilst editing in Potlatch and stay at the same zoom level?

You can use Potlatch's own search function - the little magnifying glass
below the +/- zoom icons. It doesn't have any specific co-ordinate handling
(I guess we could add that if desired) but just hands your search string off
to Nominatim.


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talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Icons

2012-06-28 Thread Richard Fairhurst
john whelan wrote:
 Could someone or a group come up with a more standard set of icons please?


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talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] OSM use around Nailsworth

2012-06-28 Thread Richard Fairhurst
ael-3 wrote:
 KMS is already using our maps in Oxfordshire.


FWIW there is a local list for Oxfordshire and the Cotswolds:


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Talk-GB mailing list

[OSM-talk] New Bing imagery blog post

2012-06-25 Thread Richard Fairhurst


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] [Rebuild] Progress update

2012-06-21 Thread Richard Fairhurst
[followups set to legal-talk, but you may want to adjust to talk-us if 
focusing on LA etc.]

On 21/06/2012 17:57, Alan Mintz wrote:

Richard wrote:

...Given people's constraints on time and the community's
(understandable) desire for the redaction to get underway asap...

I've seen no such demonstration of desire. The only thing we real
mappers are discussing is anxiety over exactly what will happen and
when, and the huge amount of data that is tainted and will be lost when
this thing is shoved down our throats.

Ok. I am struggling not to get cross here at your caricature of we, 
unlike you, are real mappers, but given that I still have tingling in 
my hands from cycling down 25 miles of bumpy, muddy track yesterday to 
get some GPS tracks and waypoints... well, yeah, I am a little cross.

But in an effort to be civil (hey, first time for everything), I'll 
confine myself to this:

The huge amount of data is globally not that huge. It is 1.2% of nodes 
(or so tells me, and the guy behind that is cleverer than 
me, so I have no reason to doubt it). In the US it's 0.2%.

I know, for LA people, that's a bit like the old saw that 0.2% 
unemployment is no consolation if you happen to be in that 0.2%. But: 
with my Potlatch hat on, I am very very very happy to build/adjust tools 
to help you fix LA quickly in exactly the same way that I fixed the Llyn 
Peninsula and Cornwall/Devon, neither of which have been a problem for 
months. I'm sure there are others who are equally happy to help.

If you want to have that conversation, that's great. _But_ one request: 
please leave out the aggressive stuff about real mappers. About the one 
way in which you could make me crosser is by going on to assert that 
real mappers use JOSM. ;)

Anyway, I ought to go and clean my bike.

personal opinions only yadda yadda

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Rebuild] Progress update

2012-06-21 Thread Richard Fairhurst
[followups set to legal-talk, but you may want to adjust to talk-us if 
focusing on LA etc.]

On 21/06/2012 17:57, Alan Mintz wrote:

Richard wrote:

...Given people's constraints on time and the community's
(understandable) desire for the redaction to get underway asap...

I've seen no such demonstration of desire. The only thing we real
mappers are discussing is anxiety over exactly what will happen and
when, and the huge amount of data that is tainted and will be lost when
this thing is shoved down our throats.

Ok. I am struggling not to get cross here at your caricature of we, 
unlike you, are real mappers, but given that I still have tingling in 
my hands from cycling down 25 miles of bumpy, muddy track yesterday to 
get some GPS tracks and waypoints... well, yeah, I am a little cross.

But in an effort to be civil (hey, first time for everything), I'll 
confine myself to this:

The huge amount of data is globally not that huge. It is 1.2% of nodes 
(or so tells me, and the guy behind that is cleverer than 
me, so I have no reason to doubt it). In the US it's 0.2%.

I know, for LA people, that's a bit like the old saw that 0.2% 
unemployment is no consolation if you happen to be in that 0.2%. But: 
with my Potlatch hat on, I am very very very happy to build/adjust tools 
to help you fix LA quickly in exactly the same way that I fixed the Llyn 
Peninsula and Cornwall/Devon, neither of which have been a problem for 
months. I'm sure there are others who are equally happy to help.

If you want to have that conversation, that's great. _But_ one request: 
please leave out the aggressive stuff about real mappers. About the one 
way in which you could make me crosser is by going on to assert that 
real mappers use JOSM. ;)

Anyway, I ought to go and clean my bike.

personal opinions only yadda yadda

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] England Cycling Data project: DfT cycling data now available for merging

2012-06-21 Thread Richard Fairhurst
David Earl wrote:
 quite why they didn't renumber the continuation of this 
 road to Peterborough also A45 I don't know - it remains A605

Curiously they did - and then changed their mind. For several years there
was new signage saying A45 underneath but with an A605 patch on the top.
But the patch was never removed. I've not been that way for a while so don't
know what the current situation is.


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Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] England Cycling Data project: DfT cycling data now available for merging

2012-06-20 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Andy Robinson wrote:
 Basically any route to or deprecated braid should have a
 bracketed number, though in many locations this may not have 
 happened yet.

There's a slight tagging ambiguity when a link route connects two numbered
routes, of course: often these will be signed as, say, '(5)' in one
direction but '(51)' in the other. For the example in my group's 'patch', I
chose to switch over the tagging at the railway station roughly halfway:


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Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] PRoW Ref tagging when ROW is also a road

2012-06-19 Thread Richard Fairhurst
David Groom wrote:
 However at the north end there is a (newly erected) public footpath 
 sign showing a footpath ref of B64, pointing straight down this road, 
 and the definitive map shows this as a footpath.

I use admin:ref for refs that are predominantly intended for
administrative usage, rather than public-facing usage. (The obvious example
of this in the UK is C roads.) That would seem to work here too: granted,
the one you mention appears to be signposted but I presume that's more for
fault-reporting purposes - dear County Council, the farmer has a bull
roaming free in the field crossed by B64, that sort of thing - rather than
actually expecting people to say oh, I went for a nice walk on B64 today.


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Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] PRoW Ref tagging when ROW is also a road

2012-06-19 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Gregory wrote:
 On 19 June 2012 14:07, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
 I use admin:ref for refs that are predominantly intended for
 administrative usage, rather than public-facing usage.
 Now that sounds like tagging for the renderer.

How dare you! :p

In road terms, there is a big difference between the C64 and the
B2018. The former is of no use to man nor beast, unless man or beast
happens to work for the County Council. Tell me, what would you think if
your satnav suddenly told you at the next roundabout, take the
[unsignposted] C64?


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2012-06-18 Thread Richard Fairhurst - one of the two first UK mapping sites (along with 
Multimap) - has started using OSM. Their 1:5k layer is now OSM-based 
outside London, where they still use A-Z. Custom cartography in quite an 
A-Z-like style!


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Re: [Talk-us] Special issues in LA remap

2012-06-15 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Steve All wrote:
 Now, when and how will this bot run?  Over the entire planet.osm?
 In something like one-degree of latitude at a time swaths?  (That's
 just a guess).  Can you sense my frustration when I feel like I 
 should be able to just go and find these things out (maybe in a 
 big, all-encompassing License Change -- what you need to know, 
 do and not do wiki page), but it really does appear to be a 

I believe the intention is to do a trial run over Ireland first. Ireland is
almost completely ODbL/CT-compliant
( so it should
prove a safe testing ground. This should hopefully be in early July, but
we've not had a great track record on dates so far. ;) The decision on how
to proceed for the rest of the planet will then be taken in the light of

As with everything in OSM, our internal comms are limited by manpower and
willingness to step up to the plate. Generally the people doing the work
are too busy doing the work to write a wiki page... twas ever thus. So I'm
telling you what I know, but there's always scope to get involved - even if
it's just by stopping in at #osm-dev from time to time and finding out
what's going on.


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Re: [OSM-talk] Import guidelines review

2012-06-11 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Russ Nelson wrote:
 I think that the people who wish that the USA had been mapped
 just like Europe have NO IDEA how big the USA is, nor how 
 empty it is.

True enough, but then, I often think that the people who scoff at the people
who wish that the USA had been mapped just like Europe and who have NO IDEA
how empty the USA is... have never been to mid-Wales.

Which is a shame, because mid-Wales is lovely.

Sorry, where was I?


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Re: [Talk-GB] Hampshire Rights of Way Data released under OS OpenData licence

2012-05-31 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Nick Whitelegg wrote:
 Some good news! As from yesterday, Hampshire County 
 Council have released their Rights of Way data under the 
 OS OpenData licence.


 If so, I'd imagine what we need to do is:
 - convert this data to .osm files with OSM tagging, and
 - manually (not automatically!) add any paths not already in OSM to OSM.
 I could develop a tool for the former

If you use Potlatch 2 there's probably no need to develop a special tool:
you can load shapefiles directly as a background layer (including
reprojection from OSGB), and use MapCSS to remap tags. Details at


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Re: [OSM-talk] TomTom is thumping us

2012-05-29 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Nick Whitelegg wrote:
 Whatever. I've certainly seen footpaths classified as roads in
 online maps for instance.

It's basically a misreading of how OSM data works. Essentially they're
saying that the fact we use the highway=track tag means OMG OSM

I've written a bit more about it at


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Re: [Talk-GB] Admin Boundaries and OS OpenData BoundaryLine

2012-05-29 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Colin Smale wrote:
 My questions to the community:
 1) Would a bulk upload of any or all of this data be interesting?

I think uploading the files somewhere for people to use would certainly be
interesting, yes. You could find some webspace and upload (say)
leicestershire.osm and cumbria.osm and so on.

Because so much boundary data (of varying accuracy) is already in OSM,
updating the geometries using OS OpenData would be by necessity a manual
task - which is as it should be. But having the data easily available is the
first step.

With P2, either .gpx or .osm is fine. One file per admin unit would be
better than one 300Mb file... the latter is almost certain to boggle the
amount of data you can load in-browser!


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Re: [Talk-GB] Admin Boundaries and OS OpenData BoundaryLine

2012-05-29 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Colin Smale wrote:
 I realise I probably caused some confusion by using the words 
 bulk upload when I really intended bulk import. Sorry about 
 that... I was thinking about a way of getting all the data into 
 OSM without having to do too much manual work.

That won't really fly, I'm afraid - most of the boundaries are already in
there (albeit in imperfect form), so if you import them you'll have
duplicate data. Better to use the enthusiasm of the community to bring the
data in properly.

 But if people would prefer me to dump the individual 
 GPX files on a server somewhere so people can grab their local 
 councils and get them by hand into OSM, that's fine by me as well.

Yes please!


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Re: [OSM-talk] Import of buildings in Chicago

2012-05-28 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Ian Dees wrote:
 Worst Fixer wrote:
  It is absent from following web page:
 There are dozens of imports absent from the Import Catalog. 
 If you'd like to add it to the catalog, be my guest.

Without wanting to validate Worst Fixer (though I'm pleased he's stopped the
Ich double-bluff ;) ), we need the smart guys like you, Ian, to do things
_properly_ - which includes documentation on the wiki - so that we can exert
pressure on the less skilled to follow your lead.


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Re: [Talk-GB] National Rail as a brand (was: Bulk railway station changes)

2012-05-23 Thread Richard Fairhurst
AJ Ashton wrote:
 So what I'm wondering is, could 'brand=National Rail' be an
 appropriate tag for stations that would be marked with the 
 double arrow in signs, etc?

That seems good in a tag what's on the ground fashion, and more
appropriate than network=.

Two particular cases I'm unsure about:

1. ScotRail is now, as well as a TOC name, the Scottish Executive-mandated
brand for rail services north of the border. I'm not sure whether the
double-arrow is still used in the new branding scheme. (Examples: -
there don't appear to be any double-arrows in the Queen Street pic, but
there may be outside, and I presume that it's still signposted from roads
etc. the same way.)

2. London Overground
( Officially
part of the mainline rail network, I think, but uses the TfL roundel. I'm
honestly not sure whether a map would _want_ to show LO stations with double
arrows or with roundels these days.

Any Scots or Londoners able to advise?


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Re: [OSM-talk] Cycleways and Access tags: Left, Right, Forward, Backward?

2012-05-18 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
 simply draw cycleways with separate carriageways like any 
 other highway with its own way in OSM and you resolve 
 lots of issues, including distinct surfaces and restrictions.

Yes. Absolutely that.

Things like cycleway=track were a hack back in the day when we only had a
few mappers and barely usable tools, and we needed to grow our coverage as
fast as possible. That's not the case now. We can spend the time to map
things properly (hippy), and we should.


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Re: [Talk-GB] Bulk railway station changes

2012-05-16 Thread Richard Fairhurst
AJ Ashton wrote:
 We've found that the lack of familiar London Underground and 
 National Rail icons is a particularly strong sticking point with 
 people who would otherwise happily switch to OSM, which is 
 partly why we chose to focus on it.

Absolutely. It does look really good. :)

 I guess our excitement to make awesome maps tripped us up 
 here. Richard pointed out specifically that 'the network=National 
 Rail tag is of debatable value and relevance'. I'm curious about 
 the details of why.

Sadly anything to do with our godforsaken privatised railway system is
always more complicated than it needs to be!

For me I think the most problematic aspect is that there are actually
several things that could be called networks, particularly in urban areas
which have PTEs (Passenger Transport Executives) or similar. For example,
there's Network West Midlands around Birmingham, Metro in West/South
Yorkshire, Merseytravel/Merseyrail in Liverpool, and so on. (London has its
own peculiarities.) So you end up with network=National Rail;Metro which
is nasty, and breaks most toolchains which don't understand multiple values
for one key.

It may lend itself to an ncn/rcn/lcn or nwn/rwn/lwn solution, or Richard M's
idea of using a distinct tag, or tagging station operators (e.g.
operator=First Great Western) and rendering based on a set of those. I'm
tempted to suggest a generic tag for any country's national railway system
(mainline=yes|no or somesuch), and then you could render based on this tag
and the UK polygon. Or indeed we could just go with network=National Rail
as a good enough solution. I'd be interested to hear what others think.


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Re: [Talk-us] U.S. inland waterways

2012-05-16 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Nathan Edgars II wrote:
 I'm trying to do something like the European tagging:
 But there they have some sort of international treaty that 
 defines configurations.

(puts day-job hat on)

For users of a waterway, the European (CEMT) waterway classes describe,
rather than define, the size of the limiting structures. They're
information, rather than regulation.

In other words, although a class Va waterway has a stated length of 110
metres, that doesn't mean that a river policeman will come and flag you down
for taking a 115m boat along the river. It's very possible that the locks
are (say) 120m long, and if you can get your boat through them, you're
absolutely entitled to do so.

This is particularly important at the smaller end of things where locks and
bridges may be a zillion and one different sizes. (Here in Britain people
routinely build boats to 60ft because there are certain locks that are 58ft
6in long... and if you put the boat in the lock diagonally, you can squeeze
that little bit of extra accommodation. There are other locks that have
subsided to become 1in too narrow for certain historic craft that would once
have used the locks. And so on.)

So the ideal is to tag each structure with its limiting dimensions, using
the familiar maxwidth=/maxheight=/etc. tags. This is never going to be
completely achieved, of course, because draught varies for each bit of the
riverbed. ;)

The next best thing is to tag the 'gauge' of a waterway - in other words,
the largest dimensions that will fit through all the structures on that
waterway. In Europe, tagging a waterway with the CEMT class would be a
quick-and-dirty-though-not-particularly-accurate way of stating the gauge.
(That said, the CEMT class would fit very well in the designation= tag.)


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[Talk-GB] Bulk railway station changes

2012-05-15 Thread Richard Fairhurst
SomeoneElse on IRC noticed a big heap of debatable bulk changes to 
station nodes in the UK, seemingly made by people outside the UK and 
using Wikipedia as a source.

I've reverted these (well, actually, at the time of writing the revert 
is running!). If the users would like to discuss the changes here first, 
then maybe we can arrive at some agreement.

I'm not sure whether they're reading this so will write to them via the 
OSM messaging system too.


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Re: [Talk-GB] Bulk railway station changes

2012-05-15 Thread Richard Fairhurst
I wrote:
 SomeoneElse on IRC noticed a big heap of debatable bulk 
 changes to station nodes in the UK

Someone else (not SomeoneElse... hell this is confusing) has pointed me,
off-list, to this:

which obviously looks cool. I guess this is probably the source of the bulk

Without wanting to copy out the Mechanical Edits Policy word-for-word, I'd
strongly reiterate the need (and, besides that, desirability) of
consultation before making big changes like this. With great power comes
great responsibility and all that.

Most importantly, local insight gives better answers - that is, after all,
the USP of OSM. The RoW tagging thread running at the moment on talk-gb is
an excellent example of how it should work: something that might seem simple
from afar actually turns out to be a bit more nuanced, but by giving careful
consideration to the nuances, we're making what is hands-down the best map
of the world. I hope we can have a similarly useful conversation about the
stations too.


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[Talk-GB] Anyone near Bury?

2012-05-13 Thread Richard Fairhurst

Here's a new viaduct that needs mapping!


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Re: [OSM-talk] OSM cycle map - ?excessive focus on long-distance routes

2012-05-09 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Richard Mann wrote:
 My point is that tagging should allow both types of routes to be 

We tag what's on the ground, whether it's route signage, cycle-specific
infrastructure, or a giant woolly mammoth (

Are you suggesting a deviation from that?


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Re: [OSM-talk] OSM cycle map - ?excessive focus on long-distance routes

2012-05-09 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Richard Mann wrote:
 You'd have to ask the City of Utrecht whether their main cycle routes
 are signed.

Well, ok, I wasn't really asking what I'd have to ask, more what your
point is. :)

If the routes are signed, that's good. If there are measurements that can
be tagged in OSM (vehicles per hour, or surface quality, or whatever),
that's good too. Anything objective can be tagged, and rendered by a
Maperitive guru such as yourself. is still there
for the taking.

But as yet I haven't understood what point you're trying to make in this
thread. Without trying to be obtuse... can you explain?


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Re: [OSM-talk] Bing coverage relations, in particular 1298962

2012-04-27 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Someoneelse wrote:
 Regardless of the perhaps the map shouldn't render unknown things 
 just because of name=blah issue, I'd argue that metadata such as 
 this really doesn't belong in OSM.


OSM is not the world's sole repository of co-ordinate data, and nor should
it be. This would be much better stored in an externally hosted .osm file or
shapefile, which can be loaded into the editor/tool of your choice, than in
the main database.


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Re: [OSM-talk] Licence status in Potlatch2, and data deletion?

2012-04-26 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Steve Bennett wrote:
 The show licence status in Potlatch2 is no longer working for me.

Works fine for me. You might just have hit a temporary WTFE outage.

 Also, could we have an update on what is happening with data deletion?

Henk has just posted .


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Re: [OSM-talk] Licence status in Potlatch2, and data deletion?

2012-04-26 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Steve Bennett wrote:
 It's been like this for at least a week for me, I think. Can you
 definitely see licence info in, say, Melbourne? I see no red
 outlines, and no no/partial etc above the advanced editor.

Presume that's Melbourne, Australia rather than the nice little Derbyshire
town ten miles down the road from where I am now. :) But yes, I can go to
Melbourne and see that way 4308541 (for example) is 'partial'. It could be
that your Flash Player has cached a faulty crossdomain.xml and is
therefore refusing to load, or something. I'd try manually opening (and
reloading) wtfe's crossdomain in a browser window to refresh the cache, or
experimenting with a different browser to see if that works.

 The bad news: the electric chair is *still* out of action, but we're
 trying as hard as we can to fix it. The good news: one of the
 prisoners on death row turned out to be innocent while we were fixing

Caedite eos - novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius...


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Re: [OSM-talk] Geofabrik downloads post-licence-change

2012-04-12 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Stefan Keller wrote:
 Am I right that there are currently no updates available since 
 April 9th at /osm/ and there doesn't exist the new 
 /openstreetmap/ directory neither because we are waiting for 
 the OSM board's approval of the new license?

No, it's nothing to do with OSM(F) board approval. As explained at
, the coders working on the rebuild code are ironing out a few final issues
before the process can begin.


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[Talk-GB] Trunk, primary and secondary roads...

2012-04-12 Thread Richard Fairhurst
All safe. :)

Compare and contrast our German friends:

Obviously this is only the ways themselves, not the constituent nodes, so
if you have the time to browse OSMI and look for red spots, you can still
improve things. I've been intermittently working on Cheshire recently
where we have an untraceable non-responder.


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Re: [Talk-GB] Trunk, primary and secondary roads...

2012-04-12 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Andrew wrote:
 Time for a list of tertiary roads?

My personal preference would be to move to area-based remapping in the
limited time available. Choose somewhere and fix it up. Tertiary roads often
really only make sense within a local context, especially given that some
people are IMHO rather over-enthusiastic with them. But, as ever, do what
you will!

Frederik Ramm wrote:
 There's also an advanced way of checking highways (or other 
 objects) that, like all advanced editing, requires JOSM ;)

I think you misspelt like all large-scale fiddling without any knowledge of
the area ;)


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Re: [Talk-GB] Southwest Coast Path (relation) has mostly disappeared.

2012-04-05 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Jason Cunningham wrote:
 Last nights check showed almost the entire route has gone!


 Disturbingly I've been mapping around
 Brixham for the last six months and I'm therefore concerned I may 
 have done the dirty deed.

No, you didn't.

It appears to have been deleted by user Sailor Steve
( in changeset
10773722. Possibly the age-old too easy to delete large relations in JOSM
issue. I guess it makes a change from the National Byway and poor old NCN 4
which are the usual fallguys...

If there's anyone here who's confident in wangling .osm files (not really my
thing) and can reinstate the old version, please do.

 For other routes your able to access a history, but when I seek the 
 history of the  'Southwest Coast Path' things just hang and eventually 
 result in an error message.

Some big relations are just too big to show the whole history without
boggling the server, but you can always look at the raw XML:

Then check the version attribute, and page back like this:


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