Re: [Talk-hr] OSM predavanje za DORS/CLUC-u ?

2011-04-14 Per discussione hbogner

On 03/30/2011 09:13 AM, Valent Turkovic wrote:

Ekipa da li netko sprema predavanje o OSM-u na DORS/CLUC konferenciji?

Predlažem da ako pripremate neko predavanje vam ja pomognem oko uvodnog
dijela i odradim uvod tipa OSM for Dummies te onda prepustim ostatak
predavanja vama GIS gekovima ;)


bas razmisljam prijavit osm predavanje, teme, po malo od svega:

kako je nastalo
sloboda podataka
osnovna struktura
neke primjene
stanje u svijetu
poznatije akcije-haiti
stanje u hrvatskoj
poznatije aktivnosti/korisnici
kako pomoci
call for help
the end

prijedozi, komentari, kritike dobrodosli

Talk-hr mailing list

[talk-ph] Fwd: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 begins Sunday

2011-04-14 Per discussione maning sambale
-- Forwarded message --
From: Michael Collinson
Date: Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 5:39 AM
Subject: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 begins Sunday
To: OSM talk

OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 begins this Sunday. A full
announcement has gone to the Announce list and there is full
information at the Find out more about OpenStreetMap's upcoming
license change link on or directly at

Any help getting this out to non-English speaking mailing lists much

In summary: This only affects you if you are an OpenStreetMap
contributor who registered before 12th May 2010 and have not taken
part in our voluntary re-licensing program. Before being able to edit,
you will have accept or decline new contributor terms.  To give time
to get the word out, this does not take effect until Sunday!

Michael Collinson
License Working Group

talk mailing list

Freedom is still the most radical idea of all -N.Branden

talk-ph mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Questions about CTs 1.2.4

2011-04-14 Per discussione Robert Whittaker (OSM)
On 13 April 2011 23:06, Francis Davey wrote:
 Clause 2 is a grant for certain rights. From previous discussion here,
 can I assume that I can agree if I'm not the copyright holder, and
 that I only grant the rights I can under the licence I received the
 data under?

 That depends very much on the licence, but for many licences the
 answer will be no. For example most CC licences don't give you the
 right to grant such a licence.

If I'm reading what Francis has written correctly, this would seem to
be a very real problem with CT 2.2.4, which would prevent us using
almost any source which wasn't PD or for which the contributor didn't
own the copyright. In particular, Francis is saying that we can't make
use of CC-By or ODbL sources because of clause 2.

From the caveats in clauses 3 and 4, I guess that the intention is
that you should be able to use eg CC-by sources (although it's
questionable whether or not downstream attribution is guaranteed under
ODbL, and the possibility of a future license change is also
problematic). Nevertheless, I don't even think that an agreement by
OSMF to only use the Contents in a manner which is compatible with a
given source license gives you the ability to make the broad rights
grant in clause 2, unless the license specifically allows such a
grant. (A CC-By license does not say that you can give a third-party
the right to do anything restricted by copyright as long as they
only use those rights in certain ways.)

I though a previous version of the CTs (possibly 2.2.3) had an
additional phrase in clause 2, along the lines of to the extent which
you are able which I thought was designed to address this point. My
interpretation of it was that it allowed you not to have to make the
grant for parts of the submitted contents which were under a license
that didn't allow it. The CTs then relied on clause 1 to ensure (as
much as possible) that the Contents at least allowed OSMF to
distribute them under the currently chosen license.

Could someone from LWG please confirm the intention of clause 2 and
what their legal advice is on our ability to add data from CC-By
and/or ODbL sources under clause 2? Why was the extra phrase removed
for this new draft?



Robert Whittaker

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Acceptable licences and splitting account edits

2011-04-14 Per discussione Ed Avis
James Livingston lists@... writes:

Using my account I have added data that is under various licences, some of 
will and some of which won't be compatible with ODbL. To be able to keep any of
it, I'll presumably need to split my changesets up.

If Francis Davey's answer in another thread on this list is correct then you do
not need to do that.  All that's needed is to agree that the data is allowed
under the current licence terms (i.e. CC-BY-SA).  So you can click Accept to the
1.2.4 contributor terms anyway, if you wish to support the change.

It would be useful to have some way of labelling which changesets are ODbL-
compatible and which are not.  I guess that is a separate problem which would
need to be addressed if and when there was a change of licence.

Ed Avis

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Acceptable licences and splitting account edits

2011-04-14 Per discussione Robert Whittaker (OSM)
On 13 April 2011 22:24, James Livingston wrote:
 With the upcoming requirement to accept/decline the contributor terms,
 I thought it was about time to figure out whether and how I can agree to
 them. I've had a look around but can't see any FAQs for the contributor
 terms, just for the ODbL part. I'm sure I can't be the only person in this
 situation, so having a list of what to do in various situations would be 
 quite handy.

 Using my account I have added data that is under various licences, some of 
 will and some of which won't be compatible with ODbL. To be able to keep any 
 it, I'll presumably need to split my changesets up.
 1) How do I move changesets to a new account?
 2) How should they be split - one account for ODbL-compatible and
 ODbL-incompatible? One account per licence/source? Something else?

 For each of the licenses/sources, I think we should have a definitive answer 
 as to
 whether they are a) ODbL compatible, and b) Contributor Terms compatible. In
 my case I have my own contributions, CC-BY data, CC-BY-SA data, and public
 domain data.  In addition there is data that is derived from imagery from 
 NearMap, and Bing.

+1 for all of the above.

In addition, I'll also need a way to search for change-sets I created
with certain strings in the comments, and for edits I made that added
certain strings to the source=* tag.

As well as the licenses mentioned above, UK mappers will also need the
results of the promised OSMF Legal Review [1] of the Open Government
License, and the variant of this (which adds more stringent
attribution requirements) which is now being used by Ordnance Survey
for their OS OpenData products.


[1] See the entries for OS StreetView and OS VectorMap District in
the tables at

Robert Whittaker

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Questions about CTs 1.2.4

2011-04-14 Per discussione Francis Davey
On 14 April 2011 08:54, Robert Whittaker (OSM) wrote:

If I'm reading what Francis has written correctly, this would seem to
 be a very real problem with CT 2.2.4, which would prevent us using
 almost any source which wasn't PD or for which the contributor didn't
 own the copyright. In particular, Francis is saying that we can't make
 use of CC-By or ODbL sources because of clause 2.

Strictly speaking, you can make use of them, but contributors are (i) in
breach of contract in contributing that material and (ii) may (in some
circumstances) infringe copyright by authorising OSMF to do acts which are
infringements of the licence (eg CC...) under which the material was

Neither of these may seem like a significant risk. (i) would only be a
problem if OSMF itself, or a successor in title, decided to sue.

(ii) would normally not apply. Arguably the statement of intention earlier
in the CT's (to the effect that OSMF do not intend to infringe the
intellectual property of any other person) is enough that a contributor
could argue they are only authorising lawful use, whatever clause 2 might
say. I wouldn't bet on that.

The other reason (ii) may not arise is because there is in fact no way to
infringe, depending on the original licence (of which there are an
increasing number as governments roll their own) and what OSMF then goes on
to do.

NB: this isn't a formal contractual analysis, but it is generally applicable
since most countries would interpret the CT's as required under English law.
The IP analysis is more complex since different IP systems will be applied
to decide liability. The above analysis is an attempt to look at it from the
English/UK position. Things will vary abroad.

 From the caveats in clauses 3 and 4, I guess that the intention is
 that you should be able to use eg CC-by sources (although it's
 questionable whether or not downstream attribution is guaranteed under
 ODbL, and the possibility of a future license change is also
 problematic). Nevertheless, I don't even think that an agreement by

There's also an untidy relationship between CC-by's requirement for
attribution and the fact that OSMF is only obliged to attribute if asked to
do so rather than in any event.

 OSMF to only use the Contents in a manner which is compatible with a
 given source license gives you the ability to make the broad rights
 grant in clause 2, unless the license specifically allows such a
 grant. (A CC-By license does not say that you can give a third-party
 the right to do anything restricted by copyright as long as they
 only use those rights in certain ways.)

Right. That is, I am afraid, my point.

 I though a previous version of the CTs (possibly 2.2.3) had an
 additional phrase in clause 2, along the lines of to the extent which
 you are able which I thought was designed to address this point. My
 interpretation of it was that it allowed you not to have to make the
 grant for parts of the submitted contents which were under a license
 that didn't allow it. The CTs then relied on clause 1 to ensure (as
 much as possible) that the Contents at least allowed OSMF to
 distribute them under the currently chosen license.

Right. I think it was I who suggested it.

There are arguments both way: if you add such a phrase, contributors do not
have to worry about whether they have the right to grant, all they are doing
is granting what rights they have. That's very tidy. On the other hand it
means that OSMF cannot rely on having all the rights it needs to publish the
map or licence it to others. To do that OSMF needs more rights. Hence not
having the phrase gives more certainty to OSMF.

So neither approach is right. There's a fundamental difficulty here,
namely that incoming data may be subject to a variety of rights licensed
under a variety of licences. Somehow folding all that data with its
disparate rights into a single product licensed under a single licence is
not an easy task.

Francis Davey
legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Questions about CTs 1.2.4

2011-04-14 Per discussione Robert Whittaker (OSM)
On 14 April 2011 09:34, Francis Davey wrote:
 Strictly speaking, you can make use of them, but contributors are (i) in
 breach of contract in contributing that material and (ii) may (in some
 circumstances) infringe copyright by authorising OSMF to do acts which are
 infringements of the licence (eg CC...) under which the material was

 Neither of these may seem like a significant risk.

Nevertheless, I don't think it's really acceptable for OSMF to set up
a contract and then ask all the volunteer contributors to knowingly
breach it.

 So neither approach is right. There's a fundamental difficulty here,
 namely that incoming data may be subject to a variety of rights licensed
 under a variety of licences. Somehow folding all that data with its
 disparate rights into a single product licensed under a single licence is
 not an easy task.

Indeed. I suggested an alternative a while ago, which would have
removed the burden of this folding and license interpretations from
contributors. Essentially you would require the grant in clause 2 for
any material that the contributor owned, and then allow other
license-encumbered material to be submitted only if it was available
under a license on a OSMF approved list. Contributors would also be
required to mark in some specified manner (eg the source tag, or by
using separate accounts, or some new mechanism) contributions that
were so encumbered. OSMF would then maintain a list of licenses it
deems acceptable at the present time, taking into account the current
licence and the need for flexibility in the future.

If/when we wanted to change the license, individual contributors
wouldn't have the option to demand the removal their own data (since
they'd agreed to the grant on the copyright they owned) and it would
then just be a matter of re-assessing the licences from the approved
list to see if any were not now compatible. Then mandatory source
marking would allow the easy removal of any now-unacceptable data, and
also the assessment of what would be lost upon a proposed license

This method seems a much more satisfactory way of doing things to me
-- assuming it could work legally (IANAL). We would still have the
flexibility to re-license if we needed to without individual mappers
being able to hold their data hostage, and we have much clearer rules
for contributors to follow about what sources it is acceptable to use.
It would not be necessary for contributors to decipher some
complicated legalase in the CTs, the OSM Licence, and source license
to work out if they're compatible, or have to rely on a non-binding
OSM FAQ, or risk being in technical breach of contract with OSMF.

Has this option been considered by OSMF and/or LWG?


Robert Whittaker

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Questions about CTs 1.2.4

2011-04-14 Per discussione Francis Davey
On 14 April 2011 09:57, Robert Whittaker (OSM) wrote:

 Has this option been considered by OSMF and/or LWG?

It, or something like it, has been mooted from time to time. There's no
reason why it could not be made to work legally.

Two issues might arise:

(1) Technical - you would need to change the interface to allow this
information to be added and the underlying data model to allow it to be
recorded. That sounds like it should be easy enough to me, but years of
experience in software development tell me that there may be hidden problems
and it may take more developer time than is available (I suspect its in
shorter supply than willing legal help - good developers are a scarce

(2) Work - maintaining a list of compatible licences *might* end up being a
lot of work. I don't know what this is like worldwide. Most work will be
front-loaded, since you need to get started with your list.

There are I believe policy arguments as well as to whether third party data
sets should be allowed or not. Of them I cannot speak of course.

Francis Davey
legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Questions about CTs 1.2.4

2011-04-14 Per discussione David Groom

- Original Message - 
From: Robert Whittaker (OSM)

To: Licensing and other legal discussions.
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2011 8:54 AM
Subject: Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Questions about CTs 1.2.4

On 13 April 2011 23:06, Francis Davey wrote:

Clause 2 is a grant for certain rights. From previous discussion here,
can I assume that I can agree if I'm not the copyright holder, and
that I only grant the rights I can under the licence I received the
data under?

That depends very much on the licence, but for many licences the
answer will be no. For example most CC licences don't give you the
right to grant such a licence.

If I'm reading what Francis has written correctly, this would seem to
be a very real problem with CT 2.2.4, which would prevent us using
almost any source which wasn't PD or for which the contributor didn't
own the copyright. In particular, Francis is saying that we can't make
use of CC-By or ODbL sources because of clause 2.

From the caveats in clauses 3 and 4, I guess that the intention is
that you should be able to use eg CC-by sources (although it's
questionable whether or not downstream attribution is guaranteed under
ODbL, and the possibility of a future license change is also
problematic). Nevertheless, I don't even think that an agreement by
OSMF to only use the Contents in a manner which is compatible with a
given source license gives you the ability to make the broad rights
grant in clause 2, unless the license specifically allows such a
grant. (A CC-By license does not say that you can give a third-party
the right to do anything restricted by copyright as long as they
only use those rights in certain ways.)

I though a previous version of the CTs (possibly 2.2.3) had an
additional phrase in clause 2, along the lines of to the extent which
you are able which I thought was designed to address this point. My
interpretation of it was that it allowed you not to have to make the
grant for parts of the submitted contents which were under a license
that didn't allow it. The CTs then relied on clause 1 to ensure (as
much as possible) that the Contents at least allowed OSMF to
distribute them under the currently chosen license.

Could someone from LWG please confirm the intention of clause 2 and
what their legal advice is on our ability to add data from CC-By
and/or ODbL sources under clause 2? Why was the extra phrase removed
for this new draft?

The reason for the removal of to the extent which  you are able can be 
found here item 5




Robert Whittaker

legal-talk mailing list

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Questions about CTs 1.2.4

2011-04-14 Per discussione Frederik Ramm


On 04/14/2011 09:54 AM, Robert Whittaker (OSM) wrote:

If I'm reading what Francis has written correctly, this would seem to
be a very real problem with CT 2.2.4, which would prevent us using
almost any source which wasn't PD or for which the contributor didn't
own the copyright. In particular, Francis is saying that we can't make
use of CC-By or ODbL sources because of clause 2.

At least CC-BY says very clearly that you may not sublicense the data 
which rules out any compatibility even if attribution were guaranteed. 
In our scenario, OSMF is the one publishing something under ODbL (must 
be - because your own contribution is likely not to be a database), so 
OSMF is the licensor, and if you have third-party data that cannot be 
sublicensed then this is a no-go IMHO.

One that cannot be fixed by any tweaking of the CT.


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] stat pr0n

2011-04-14 Per discussione Martijn van Exel
Well, if there is a will, there will be a way. Be it in the user pages / an
OSMF hosted web site or outside.
How about we pick up this topic at an upcoming hack weekend?
I think badges are important to have for our dying community ;)
To get started, I created a wiki page.
Please add your ideas / thoughts / challenges.


On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 7:53 PM, Tom Hughes wrote:

 On 13/04/11 15:01, Mikel Maron wrote:

  Sure. But I would love to see more detailed stats, and awards/badges
 integrated into user pages.
 There are easy ways to do this on non-osmf servers, and integrate into
 user pages.

 Before anybody sprints off too far down this road I will just point out
 that he sysadmins are extremely allergic to the web site relying on anything
 that is not running on an OSMF server.


 Tom Hughes (

 talk mailing list

Martijn van Exel
talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Australian Disaster 2.0 (Un)Conference

2011-04-14 Per discussione Shoaib Burq
Hi Folks

In the quite recesses of a Sydney neighborhood an (un)conference is being
planned for Sat. the 21st of May. The topic is Bridging the Gap - Disaster

As the name suggests the aim is to bring together people with formal
responsibility to respond to disasters and communities such as
OpenStreetMap, Ushahidi, CrisisCommons, CrisisMappers, Maps-Group, Sahana
and more ... Currently we are looking for someone who can speak about
OpenStreetMap in the context of disaster response. But if you want get
involved in any way please get in touch.

If you are interested you can ping me or Tolmie MacRae:
atmacrae@hotmail.comwho is currently developing the schedule for the
one-day event. He's a great
contact in the Sydney area if you don't already know him, he helped in
organising the HOT Mapping Event/CrisisCamp for Pakistan Floods.

So if you can present on OSM, or are from an NGO, Government, Emergency
Manager, Developer, Hacker, Polymath or can help with the organising
introduce yourself.

Shoaib Burq

Co-founder  CEO at SpacialDB
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapping huge lakes as coastline

2011-04-14 Per discussione Jukka Rahkonen
Teemu Koskinen teemu.koskinen at writes:

 I converted a few of the biggest lakes in Finland a few years ago to 
 coastlines, and they worked fine, until last year some other user converted 
 them to multipolygons with natural=water -tags. He also splitted the biggest 
 lake (Päijänne) in pieces, which created arbitrary lines across the lakes at 
 random where the lake was divided to different polygons.
 The biggest lakes in Finland have tens of thousands (or even hundreds of 
 thousands) nodes and a LOT of islands, so it's not practical to represent 
 as (multi)polygons IMO.

It is not practical, either, to represent them as coastlines. For example
osm2pgsql is not importing coastlines into PostGIS at all but users must use the
processed land polygons as shapefiles for rendering these coastline lakes. One
may say it works fine with Mapnik rendering because of this shapefile
workaround. Some could call it as a dirty hack. For example, it gets complicated
when somebody wants to add tags for the lakes and islands.

By the way, i checked that the biggest lake polygon in the data of the National
land survey of Finland is the lake Saimaa, and it has exactly 287273 vertices
and more than 5000 islands. It is a bit heavy to handle in PostGIS and Oracle
Spatial and with GIS programs but not at all impossible.

There is a wiki page about the future of areas in OSM. Handling big lakes is one
more thing to be discussed there, see

In the data 

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapping huge lakes as coastline

2011-04-14 Per discussione Jukka Rahkonen
Jukka Rahkonen jukka.rahkonen at writes:

 By the way, i checked that the biggest lake polygon in the data of the 
 land survey of Finland is the lake Saimaa, and it has exactly 287273 vertices
 and more than 5000 islands. It is a bit heavy to handle in PostGIS and Oracle
 Spatial and with GIS programs but not at all impossible.

Sorry, I made a wrong query and the correct number is 820357 vertices.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione Michael Collinson

On 12/04/2011 22:59, SomeoneElse wrote:

On 12/04/2011 19:56, Michael Collinson wrote:

As part of the process, the legal wording of the Contributor Terms 
has been improved [3] on the basis of community feedback received and 
to make them more friendly to individual contributors. The 
human-readable version of the Contributor Terms is unchanged [4].

[3] The revised contributor terms showing exactly what has been changed:

Mike,; appears unchanged.  Is that 
some sort of caching effect, or does has been improved actually mean 
is about to be improved, but has not been yet?

Hi Andy,

Don't forget this is a pre-announcement! The technical implementation is 
ongoing thanks to Tom, Matt and Grant.  The revised contributor terms 
should now be live and I have just got the go ahead to be able to 
announce that the mandatory Accept/Decline will be switched on on Sunday.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione John Smith
On 14 April 2011 19:56, Michael Collinson wrote:
 Don't forget this is a pre-announcement! The technical implementation is
 ongoing thanks to Tom, Matt and Grant.  The revised contributor terms should
 now be live and I have just got the go ahead to be able to announce that the
 mandatory Accept/Decline will be switched on on Sunday.

You might want to fix the decline bug before doing so...

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] CC-BY-SA still available?

2011-04-14 Per discussione Michael Collinson

Hi Ed,

On 13/04/2011 16:15, Ed Avis wrote:

Michael Collinsonmikeat  writes:
If you are a user of OpenStreetMap data, this does not affect you. 
OpenStreetMap data continues to be licensed only under CC-BY-SA and

this will continue until we reach a critical mass of acceptance of the
new license.

Accepting the new licence doesn't automatically imply rejection of the old one.
The contributor terms currently proposed are for the map to be distributed under
one or more of CC-BY-SA and ODbL/DbCL.  So the existing licence could be
continued as an option, for those users who prefer it, even after a changeover.
In addition to Dermot's comments, we initially considered dual-licensing 
CC-BY-SA but, yes, regretfully rejected it as it undermines a major 
objective of the license change which is to provide the strongest 
protection of OSM geodata in as many jurisdictions as possible.  Future 
CC 4 dual-licensing is certainly a possibility if that is what active 
contributors want.  CC 4 suite process is being kicked off and we have 
had direct meetings with Mike Linksvayer, Vice President and Diane 
Peters, General Counsel. It will take about four years.

What's the plan for deciding whether and when to cut off CC-BY-SA distribution?
Would it require a 2/3 vote of contributors?
39% of all users have now accepted the new license and contributor 
terms, and while I am not sure of my assumptions I estimate  that is 
about 63% of active and previously active contributors . However, we 
clearly need much, much more than that to preserve data integrity at 
switch over and have two further phases to go [1]. From Sunday, we will 
run 5 weeks allowing folks who decline the ability to continue editing, 
i.e. CC-BY-SA only contributions. The objective is get the remaining 
77,000 to accept or decline. If that runs slowly, we add up to 5 more 
weeks. Else, we proceed to the question of actually switching from 
CC-BY-SA to ODbL and has no date set.  This requires reasonable 
community consensus that the amount of ODbL licensable data is maximised 
both globally and locally and that everything that can be done has been 

License Working Group


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione SomeoneElse

On 14/04/2011 10:56, Michael Collinson wrote:
The revised contributor terms should now be live and I have just got 
the go ahead to be able to announce that the mandatory Accept/Decline 
will be switched on on Sunday.

Thanks Mike - I spotted that they'd changed last night.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione Tom Hughes

On 14/04/11 11:11, John Smith wrote:

On 14 April 2011 19:56, Michael  wrote:

Don't forget this is a pre-announcement! The technical implementation is
ongoing thanks to Tom, Matt and Grant.  The revised contributor terms should
now be live and I have just got the go ahead to be able to announce that the
mandatory Accept/Decline will be switched on on Sunday.

You might want to fix the decline bug before doing so...

Well if we knew what the decline bug was then we might be able to...

If you mean that currently there is no decline button for existing 
contributors then that is a feature, not a bug. When making a decision 
becomes mandatory on Sunday there will be a decline button.


Tom Hughes (

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione John Smith
On 14 April 2011 22:20, Tom Hughes wrote:
 If you mean that currently there is no decline button for existing
 contributors then that is a feature, not a bug. When making a decision
 becomes mandatory on Sunday there will be a decline button.

I reported it several messages back.

I see a decline button, but clicking it doesn't seem to do anything.

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 begins Sunday

2011-04-14 Per discussione Michael Collinson
OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 begins this Sunday. A full 
announcement has gone to the Announce list and there is full information 
at the Find out more about OpenStreetMap's upcoming license change 
link on or directly at

Any help getting this out to non-English speaking mailing lists much 

In summary: This only affects you if you are an OpenStreetMap 
contributor who registered before 12th May 2010 and have not taken part 
in our voluntary re-licensing program. Before being able to edit, you 
will have accept or decline new contributor terms.  To give time to get 
the word out, this does not take effect until Sunday!

Michael Collinson
License Working Group

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione Tom Hughes

On 14/04/11 13:32, John Smith wrote:

On 14 April 2011 22:20, Tom  wrote:

If you mean that currently there is no decline button for existing
contributors then that is a feature, not a bug. When making a decision
becomes mandatory on Sunday there will be a decline button.

I reported it several messages back.

I see a decline button, but clicking it doesn't seem to do anything.

Ah right, that's a bug introduced by Matt's changes to support the move 
to mandatory accept/decline - one that is turned on the button will do 


Tom Hughes (

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Some tiles not rendering?

2011-04-14 Per discussione Nakor


It looks like some tiles are not rendering. For instance has been due 
to be rendered for the last 24 hours when has been 
updated today.

Why would some tile render and some not?



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Some tiles not rendering?

2011-04-14 Per discussione Vladimir Vyskocil

You can see here :
 that the render queue is filed, and if I understand it well new render 
requests are rejected until the render queue decrease...


On 14 avr. 2011, at 15:16, Nakor wrote:

 It looks like some tiles are not rendering. For instance has been due to be 
 rendered for the last 24 hours when has been updated 
 Why would some tile render and some not?
 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Some tiles not rendering?

2011-04-14 Per discussione Nakor

On 4/14/2011 9:40 AM, Vladimir Vyskocil wrote:


You can see here :
 that the render queue is filed, and if I understand it well new render 
requests are rejected until the render queue decrease...


On 14 avr. 2011, at 15:16, Nakor wrote:

So why would some tiles render and some other not? If it is full all 
requests should be rejected right?

Also from the graph it looks like the queue when almost empty during the 
past 24 hours so why would the tile not be rendered in that case?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Some tiles not rendering?

2011-04-14 Per discussione Thomas Davie

On 14 Apr 2011, at 14:44, Nakor wrote:

 On 4/14/2011 9:40 AM, Vladimir Vyskocil wrote:
 You can see here :
  that the render queue is filed, and if I understand it well new render 
 requests are rejected until the render queue decrease...
 On 14 avr. 2011, at 15:16, Nakor wrote:
 So why would some tiles render and some other not? If it is full all requests 
 should be rejected right?

Suppose the queue has 998 tiles in it.  Two will get added, the next few will 
be rejected... Suppose now that the renderer finishes another meta-tile, 
dropping the queue down again, and allowing some more to be added to the end.  
The result is seemingly random tiles will  get rendered and others won't.

 Also from the graph it looks like the queue when almost empty during the past 
 24 hours so why would the tile not be rendered in that case?

Really?  The queue has been full 18 hours a day or more for the past two weeks.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione Anthony
On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 8:37 PM, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer wrote:
 the contract you signed when accepting older versions CTs will of
 course not be changed or automatically updated by newer versions of
 these CTs (like the current one). But that does not necessarily imply
 that OSMF has to make an updated contract with you (or me), it might
 just as well be possible that they keep the older contract.

If they don't want database rights over the content you submit.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] CC-BY-SA still available? (was: OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement)

2011-04-14 Per discussione Anthony
On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 10:28 AM, Dermot McNally wrote:
 I guess the problem with continuing to allow CC distribution of the
 data is that that would leave OSM unprotected in those jurisdictions
 where CC isn't recognised for map data.

1) What jurisdictions would that be?
2) If the license isn't recognized, doesn't everything revert to all
rights reserved?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 begins Sunday

2011-04-14 Per discussione Eric Marsden
 mc == Michael Collinson writes:

  mc In summary: This only affects you if you are an OpenStreetMap
  mc contributor who registered before 12th May 2010 and have not taken
  mc part in our voluntary re-licensing program. Before being able to
  mc edit, you will have accept or decline new contributor terms. To
  mc give time to get the word out, this does not take effect until
  mc Sunday!

  It is not clear to me, from your message or from what I have read on
  the wiki, whether choosing Decline is a irreversible decision, or
  whether one would still be able later to accept the licence + CT.
Eric Marsden

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] CC-BY-SA still available?

2011-04-14 Per discussione Frederik Ramm

Hi Anthony,

Anthony wrote:

I guess the problem with continuing to allow CC distribution of the
data is that that would leave OSM unprotected in those jurisdictions
where CC isn't recognised for map data.

1) What jurisdictions would that be?
2) If the license isn't recognized, doesn't everything revert to all
rights reserved?

You're new to the project obviously. Welcome! If you're interested in 
the background story to the license change, and why we consider CC 
unsuitable, I recommend that you read the archives of the legal-talk 
list (see as well as 
the various Wiki articles (you'll notice the license change banner on right away).

If, thereafter, any questions remain, you can ask then on the legal-talk 
list and I'm sure they will be promptly answered.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 begins Sunday

2011-04-14 Per discussione Frederik Ramm


Eric Marsden wrote:

  It is not clear to me, from your message or from what I have read on
  the wiki, whether choosing Decline is a irreversible decision, or
  whether one would still be able later to accept the licence + CT.

Decline is reversible. Accept isn't. Once we've got you, we'll never
let go.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Android app that has OS 1:25000?

2011-04-14 Per discussione Andrew Gregory
On 12 April 2011 21:08, Dave F. wrote:

 On 12/04/2011 01:54, Andrew Gregory wrote:

 Vespucci 0.7.0 (released a few days ago) has added OS Historic 1:25K. Is
 that what you're after?

 Thanks for the reply but It's the current 1:25k that I'm after.

 Although I use OSM mostly, it's useful to find where ways haven't been
 added yet.

OK, well there's also OS New Popular Ed Historic and OS 7th Series

If the tiles you're after are hosted on a public server somewhere, then it's
possible I could add them to Vespucci...

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Some tiles not rendering?

2011-04-14 Per discussione Nakor

Also from the graph it looks like the queue when almost empty during 
the past 24 hours so why would the tile not be rendered in that case?

Really?  The queue has been full 18 hours a day or more for the past 
two weeks.


Sorry I was not clear The queue went almost empty (for some time) 
during the past 24 hours would have been more correct.

That still leaves 6 hours where the queue is close to empty as seen on 
the graph for today between 0:00 and 6:00 approximately. If there are 
tiles waiting to be rendered why do not they get processed during that time?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Some tiles not rendering?

2011-04-14 Per discussione Peter Wendorff

Hi Nakor.
As far as I know the queue is the whole knowledge about tiles which have 
to be rerendered.
If a tile has to be rerendered due to a changeset, that tile is 
submitted to the queue exactly once, at the time the queue management 
reads that changeset.
If the queue is full at that time, it's in fact not added - and not 
added later, too.

An empty queue at night does not help if there is no call to add your 
tile to the queue.


Am 14.04.2011 16:52, schrieb Nakor:

Also from the graph it looks like the queue when almost empty during 
the past 24 hours so why would the tile not be rendered in that case?

Really?  The queue has been full 18 hours a day or more for the past 
two weeks.


Sorry I was not clear The queue went almost empty (for some time) 
during the past 24 hours would have been more correct.

That still leaves 6 hours where the queue is close to empty as seen on 
the graph for today between 0:00 and 6:00 approximately. If there are 
tiles waiting to be rendered why do not they get processed during that 

talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Some tiles not rendering?

2011-04-14 Per discussione Svavar Kjarrval
Why is the queue not enhanced to avoid instances where tile-rendering 
queries are rejected due to a full queue?

With regards,
Svavar Kjarrval

On 04/14/2011 03:15 PM, Peter Wendorff wrote:

Hi Nakor.
As far as I know the queue is the whole knowledge about tiles which 
have to be rerendered.
If a tile has to be rerendered due to a changeset, that tile is 
submitted to the queue exactly once, at the time the queue management 
reads that changeset.
If the queue is full at that time, it's in fact not added - and not 
added later, too.

An empty queue at night does not help if there is no call to add your 
tile to the queue.


Am 14.04.2011 16:52, schrieb Nakor:

Also from the graph it looks like the queue when almost empty 
during the past 24 hours so why would the tile not be rendered in 
that case?

Really?  The queue has been full 18 hours a day or more for the past 
two weeks.


Sorry I was not clear The queue went almost empty (for some time) 
during the past 24 hours would have been more correct.

That still leaves 6 hours where the queue is close to empty as seen 
on the graph for today between 0:00 and 6:00 approximately. If there 
are tiles waiting to be rendered why do not they get processed during 
that time?

talk mailing list

talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Some tiles not rendering?

2011-04-14 Per discussione Nakor

On 4/14/2011 11:15 AM, Peter Wendorff wrote:

Hi Nakor.
As far as I know the queue is the whole knowledge about tiles which 
have to be rerendered.
If a tile has to be rerendered due to a changeset, that tile is 
submitted to the queue exactly once, at the time the queue management 
reads that changeset.
If the queue is full at that time, it's in fact not added - and not 
added later, too.

An empty queue at night does not help if there is no call to add your 
tile to the queue.



Thanks for the explanations. So that means that the particular tiles 
that got rejected because the queue was full could stay due to be 
rendered forever supposing there are no more changes made to the data 
they conatin?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Some tiles not rendering?

2011-04-14 Per discussione Ian Dees
How would you enhance the queue? Make it longer? How much longer?

On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 10:29 AM, Svavar Kjarrval sva...@kjarrval.iswrote:

 Why is the queue not enhanced to avoid instances where tile-rendering
 queries are rejected due to a full queue?

 With regards,
 Svavar Kjarrval

 On 04/14/2011 03:15 PM, Peter Wendorff wrote:

 Hi Nakor.
 As far as I know the queue is the whole knowledge about tiles which have
 to be rerendered.
 If a tile has to be rerendered due to a changeset, that tile is submitted
 to the queue exactly once, at the time the queue management reads that
 If the queue is full at that time, it's in fact not added - and not added
 later, too.

 An empty queue at night does not help if there is no call to add your tile
 to the queue.


 Am 14.04.2011 16:52, schrieb Nakor:

  Also from the graph it looks like the queue when almost empty during
 the past 24 hours so why would the tile not be rendered in that case?

 Really?  The queue has been full 18 hours a day or more for the past two


 Sorry I was not clear The queue went almost empty (for some time) during
 the past 24 hours would have been more correct.

 That still leaves 6 hours where the queue is close to empty as seen on
 the graph for today between 0:00 and 6:00 approximately. If there are tiles
 waiting to be rendered why do not they get processed during that time?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Some tiles not rendering?

2011-04-14 Per discussione Joseph Reeves
You can, I believe, right click on a tile and do view image (in
Firefox at least, it may be different in whatever browser you use).
This brings up a URL such as:

add /dirty to the end:

Request that and you get Tile submitted for rendering. Presumably
this needs an empty queue, however.

Cheers, Joseph

On 14 April 2011 16:34, Nakor wrote:
 On 4/14/2011 11:15 AM, Peter Wendorff wrote:

 Hi Nakor.
 As far as I know the queue is the whole knowledge about tiles which have
 to be rerendered.
 If a tile has to be rerendered due to a changeset, that tile is submitted
 to the queue exactly once, at the time the queue management reads that
 If the queue is full at that time, it's in fact not added - and not added
 later, too.

 An empty queue at night does not help if there is no call to add your tile
 to the queue.



 Thanks for the explanations. So that means that the particular tiles that
 got rejected because the queue was full could stay due to be rendered
 forever supposing there are no more changes made to the data they conatin?


 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Some tiles not rendering?

2011-04-14 Per discussione Lennard
Nakor wrote:
 Thanks for the explanations. So that means that the particular tiles
 that got rejected because the queue was full could stay due to be
 rendered forever supposing there are no more changes made to the data
 they conatin?

Not forever, but until such a time that somebody requests the tile again
(by looking at it), thereby causing it to be added to the queue again. If
the queue isn't full.

A change in data they contain will not cause a tile to be added to the
rendering queue. Only tiles@home proactively renders every tile that got

Tiles that got dropped from the queue are forgotten. They are not rendered
later on, when the queue isn't full.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Some tiles not rendering?

2011-04-14 Per discussione Svavar Kjarrval
Enhancing the queue is not meant neccesserily to make it longer. 
Although I should've referred to the queueing process to be more clear.

As Andrew pointed out, a really long queue can cause latency issues in 
regards to rendering so that's not such a good idea. There are at least 
two ways to counteract the problem:

1. Instead of rejecting rendering requests due to a full queue, 
implement a secondary queue which will feed the primary queue when it's 
not too busy. If someone requests a re-render of a tile in the secondary 
queue (and the primary queue is not full), the tile request is deleted 
from the secondary queue.

2. Enhance the rendering process so the queue is processed quicker.

With regards,
Svavar Kjarrval

On 04/14/2011 03:37 PM, Ian Dees wrote:

How would you enhance the queue? Make it longer? How much longer?

On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 10:29 AM, Svavar Kjarrval wrote:

Why is the queue not enhanced to avoid instances where
tile-rendering queries are rejected due to a full queue?

With regards,
Svavar Kjarrval

On 04/14/2011 03:15 PM, Peter Wendorff wrote:

Hi Nakor.
As far as I know the queue is the whole knowledge about tiles
which have to be rerendered.
If a tile has to be rerendered due to a changeset, that tile
is submitted to the queue exactly once, at the time the queue
management reads that changeset.
If the queue is full at that time, it's in fact not added -
and not added later, too.

An empty queue at night does not help if there is no call to
add your tile to the queue.


Am 14.04.2011 16:52, schrieb Nakor:

Also from the graph it looks like the queue when
almost empty during the past 24 hours so why would
the tile not be rendered in that case?

Really?  The queue has been full 18 hours a day or
more for the past two weeks.


Sorry I was not clear The queue went almost empty (for
some time) during the past 24 hours would have been more

That still leaves 6 hours where the queue is close to
empty as seen on the graph for today between 0:00 and 6:00
approximately. If there are tiles waiting to be rendered
why do not they get processed during that time?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 begins Sunday

2011-04-14 Per discussione john whelan
Unfortunately I some of my edits used some sources that looked fine under
the for CC-by-SA terms but on closer inspection of the ODBL terms, which was
done after I blindly followed the advice of another contributor, I am not at
all comfortable that the work would stand up legally for CC-by-ODBL terms.
I can give a date before which I was not so careful and would very much
prefer any edits done before this time to be deleted or are you saying I'm
now legally liable for the content of OSM even though I am aware some data
does not meet the ODBL terms and I have no way out of this?

Thanks John

On 14 April 2011 10:49, Frederik Ramm wrote:


 Eric Marsden wrote:

  It is not clear to me, from your message or from what I have read on
  the wiki, whether choosing Decline is a irreversible decision, or
  whether one would still be able later to accept the licence + CT.

 Decline is reversible. Accept isn't. Once we've got you, we'll never
 let go.


 Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione Nathan Edgars II

Nathan Edgars II wrote:
 Mike Collinson wrote:
 If you were a contributor before this date and have not accepted yet, 
 you will be asked to accept or decline the new terms.  You can find 
 background information about this on the main wiki page [2]. If you use 
 an off-line editor like JOSM, you will need to manually login to click 
 the buttons. Even if you choose to decline the new terms, you will still 
 be able to continue editing.
 What happens in the future if I decline? Can I accept at a later date?

Since there has been no response to this, I plan to:
*hold off on accepting or declining with my NE2 account
*create a new account, publicly linked to NE2, for contributions under the
This seems to be the only way to continue to 'vote' against the change.

View this message in context:
Sent from the General Discussion mailing list archive at

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione ce-test, qualified testing bv - Gert Gremmen
You can also just do like me and many others and abandon *submitting*
data end start *using* OSM data.
OSM was made to use data and not to contribute: Create a innovative
application or use geodata (OSM) in a surprising way.

And since some of us want to make it more difficult to contribute to OSM
then to leech OSM

That's also a nice way of working with OSM data and you do not have to
sign or click on any agreement. 
Don't worry (about licenses anymore) and be happy!

Gert Gremmen

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: Nathan Edgars II [] 
Verzonden: donderdag 14 april 2011 19:12
Onderwerp: Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3

Nathan Edgars II wrote:
 Mike Collinson wrote:
 If you were a contributor before this date and have not accepted yet,

 you will be asked to accept or decline the new terms.  You can find 
 background information about this on the main wiki page [2]. If you
 an off-line editor like JOSM, you will need to manually login to
 the buttons. Even if you choose to decline the new terms, you will
 be able to continue editing.
 What happens in the future if I decline? Can I accept at a later date?

Since there has been no response to this, I plan to:
*hold off on accepting or declining with my NE2 account
*create a new account, publicly linked to NE2, for contributions under
This seems to be the only way to continue to 'vote' against the change.

View this message in context:
Sent from the General Discussion mailing list archive at

talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione Dermot McNally
On 14 April 2011 18:12, Nathan Edgars II wrote:

 Nathan Edgars II wrote:

 What happens in the future if I decline? Can I accept at a later date?

 Since there has been no response to this, I plan to:
 *hold off on accepting or declining with my NE2 account
 *create a new account, publicly linked to NE2, for contributions under the
 This seems to be the only way to continue to 'vote' against the change.

Let me start by answering your question - declining now does allow you
to accept at a later date.

But your suggested course of action has me confused - you are happy to
make contributions under the new CT and intend to do so, but yet you
wish to vote against the change. Your choice, I supposed.


Igaühel on siin oma laul
ja ma oma ei leiagi üles

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione Nathan Edgars II

Dermot McNally wrote:
 On 14 April 2011 18:12, Nathan Edgars II lt;nerou...@gmail.comgt; wrote:

 Nathan Edgars II wrote:
 What happens in the future if I decline? Can I accept at a later date?

 Since there has been no response to this, I plan to:
 *hold off on accepting or declining with my NE2 account
 *create a new account, publicly linked to NE2, for contributions under
 This seems to be the only way to continue to 'vote' against the change.
 Let me start by answering your question - declining now does allow you
 to accept at a later date.
Thank you. Do you speak for the OSMF?

Dermot McNally wrote:
 But your suggested course of action has me confused - you are happy to
 make contributions under the new CT and intend to do so, but yet you
 wish to vote against the change. Your choice, I supposed.
I oppose the change, primarily because of the damage it will cause. I've
already seen what removing small amounts of data will do
( and
do not wish to see more of this.

On the other hand, I wish to continue to contribute, and, because I am happy
to contribute into the public domain, I cannot, under my personal ethics,

View this message in context:
Sent from the General Discussion mailing list archive at

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione Grant Slater
On 12 April 2011 21:11, Nathan Edgars II wrote:

 What happens in the future if I decline? Can I accept at a later date?

Yes you can accept at a later date.

 Part of LWG.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione andrzej zaborowski
On 14 April 2011 19:50, Dermot McNally wrote:
 But your suggested course of action has me confused - you are happy to
 make contributions under the new CT and intend to do so, but yet you
 wish to vote against the change. Your choice, I supposed.

I see it logical.  Wanting to contribute to the currently biggest,
most fun free map, with most impact on the industry and a name you got
used to, you soon will have no choice other than to do so under then
new CT because that free map is ruled by people in favor of it.  Yet
the accept/decline buttons are your first chance to vote or express
what you think about the switch if you want to have some say in this
(quite important for the project) decision.  So use this chance, vote
with your data as someone said at the beginning of the process.  This
is also the only way left to find out what the mappers think.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 begins Sunday

2011-04-14 Per discussione Grant Slater
On 14 April 2011 17:26, john whelan wrote:
 Unfortunately I some of my edits used some sources that looked fine under
 the for CC-by-SA terms but on closer inspection of the ODBL terms, which was
 done after I blindly followed the advice of another contributor, I am not at
 all comfortable that the work would stand up legally for CC-by-ODBL terms.
 I can give a date before which I was not so careful and would very much
 prefer any edits done before this time to be deleted or are you saying I'm
 now legally liable for the content of OSM even though I am aware some data
 does not meet the ODBL terms and I have no way out of this?

Can you expand? Where was the data sourced from and under what
license? Can you point to any specific changesets?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione Grant Slater
On 14 April 2011 19:05, Nathan Edgars II wrote:

 I oppose the change, primarily because of the damage it will cause. I've
 already seen what removing small amounts of data will do
 ( and
 do not wish to see more of this.

The revert script used to remove Anthony's edits (which were traced
from Google) was a basic revert script which only used API methods.
There were also mistakes made like reverting the items anthony had
deleted only after most of the cleanup/improvement work had already
been done. Live an learn.

/ Grant

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione Dermot McNally
On 14 April 2011 19:05, Nathan Edgars II wrote:

 Thank you. Do you speak for the OSMF?

No - hence my silence and no doubt that of others when you asked
before. But I have been following the licence issue attentively and
have seen this question answered more than once from official

 I oppose the change, primarily because of the damage it will cause. I've
 already seen what removing small amounts of data will do
 ( and
 do not wish to see more of this.

 On the other hand, I wish to continue to contribute, and, because I am happy
 to contribute into the public domain, I cannot, under my personal ethics,

I applaud your ethics, but it seems to me that your chosen course of
action, unless you do intend to accept at a later stage for your
existing account, will contribute more to the damage you fear than to
the smooth transition many of us would like to see.

Witholding one's data from the new licence, especially if there is no
objection to that licence, is not a very sane way to avoid damage to
the map.


Igaühel on siin oma laul
ja ma oma ei leiagi üles

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione Dermot McNally
On 14 April 2011 19:12, andrzej zaborowski wrote:

 I see it logical.  Wanting to contribute to the currently biggest,
 most fun free map, with most impact on the industry and a name you got
 used to, you soon will have no choice other than to do so under then
 new CT because that free map is ruled by people in favor of it.  Yet
 the accept/decline buttons are your first chance to vote or express
 what you think about the switch if you want to have some say in this
 (quite important for the project) decision.  So use this chance, vote
 with your data as someone said at the beginning of the process.  This
 is also the only way left to find out what the mappers think.

Ah, but is it _your_ data? Or might you have built some of it on top
of mine? Or perhaps I built in good faith on a foundation you created.

So by all means state your opinion and by all means share your
opinions with other mappers. But if, once a consensus is clear, The
Community comes out in favour of the change, many of us will think
very ill of people who still choose to pull out the bottom brick from
the wall and go home. Because that's not the kind of community I've
had the privilege to belong to.


Igaühel on siin oma laul
ja ma oma ei leiagi üles

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione Mike N

On 4/14/2011 2:20 PM, Grant Slater wrote:

The revert script used to remove Anthony's edits (which were traced
from Google) was a basic revert script which only used API methods.
There were also mistakes made like reverting the items anthony had
deleted only after most of the cleanup/improvement work had already
been done. Live an learn.

  Even a proper reversion script will cause much collateral damage for 
the cases I'm aware of.   In at least one case a local mapper has passed 
away and I built some more complex objects top of some of his objects. 
 In another case, another local mapper has done much of the road 
improvements over a large area of our state.   Regional routability will 
go back to initial TIGER state for all practical purposes, as well as 
removing his objects.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 begins Sunday

2011-04-14 Per discussione andrzej zaborowski
On 14 April 2011 18:26, john whelan wrote:
 Unfortunately I some of my edits used some sources that looked fine under
 the for CC-by-SA terms but on closer inspection of the ODBL terms, which was
 done after I blindly followed the advice of another contributor, I am not at
 all comfortable that the work would stand up legally for CC-by-ODBL terms.
 I can give a date before which I was not so careful and would very much
 prefer any edits done before this time to be deleted or are you saying I'm
 now legally liable for the content of OSM even though I am aware some data
 does not meet the ODBL terms and I have no way out of this?

Under the Contributor Terms 1.2.4 I believe it will be the
OpenStreetMap Foundation's responsibility to remove such data before
switching the license, you will not be liable.  Until then the data
will only be distributed under CC-By-SA and you can accept these new
Contributor Terms by which you would be granting OSMF only the rights
which you are able to grant.

I'm not sure if my interpretation is correct and if it's not then I
would like to know the correct interpretation to be able to give an
answer to people asking about this in non-English forums.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione Nathan Edgars II

Dermot McNally wrote:
 I applaud your ethics, but it seems to me that your chosen course of
 action, unless you do intend to accept at a later stage for your
 existing account,
I do, if we get to the point where we are removing data.

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Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 begins Sunday

2011-04-14 Per discussione David Groom

- Original Message - 
From: andrzej zaborowski

To: john whelan
Cc: OpenStreetMap talk mailing list
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2011 7:34 PM
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 begins Sunday

On 14 April 2011 18:26, john whelan wrote:

Unfortunately I some of my edits used some sources that looked fine under
the for CC-by-SA terms but on closer inspection of the ODBL terms, which 
done after I blindly followed the advice of another contributor, I am not 
all comfortable that the work would stand up legally for CC-by-ODBL 

I can give a date before which I was not so careful and would very much
prefer any edits done before this time to be deleted or are you saying 
now legally liable for the content of OSM even though I am aware some 

does not meet the ODBL terms and I have no way out of this?

Under the Contributor Terms 1.2.4 I believe it will be the
OpenStreetMap Foundation's responsibility to remove such data before
switching the license, you will not be liable.  Until then the data
will only be distributed under CC-By-SA and you can accept these new
Contributor Terms by which you would be granting OSMF only the rights
which you are able to grant.

I'm not sure if my interpretation is correct and if it's not then I
would like to know the correct interpretation to be able to give an
answer to people asking about this in non-English forums.

see this thread (in particular Fracis Davey's comments) on the legal talk 
mailing list



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talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione Grant Slater
On 14 April 2011 19:33, Mike N wrote:
 On 4/14/2011 2:20 PM, Grant Slater wrote:

 The revert script used to remove Anthony's edits (which were traced
 from Google) was a basic revert script which only used API methods.
 There were also mistakes made like reverting the items anthony had
 deleted only after most of the cleanup/improvement work had already
 been done. Live an learn.

  Even a proper reversion script will cause much collateral damage for the
 cases I'm aware of.   In at least one case a local mapper has passed away
 and I built some more complex objects top of some of his objects.  In
 another case, another local mapper has done much of the road improvements
 over a large area of our state.   Regional routability will go back to
 initial TIGER state for all practical purposes, as well as removing his

I am sure there are going to be a few cases where difficult decisions
are going to have to be made. We will not have been the only open
source project to have had to make these sorts of decisions. The OSM
Foundation being the legal entity which represents us will have to
decide case by case (and possibly a changeset by changeset) when
presented with these sorts of difficult choices.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione Alex Ruddick
I am of exactly the same mind of NEII on this.  When the OSMF holds the gun
to my head, I will eventually Accept.  Until then, I'd like to keep my 'data
vote' opposed in order to slow down the impending train wreck as long as

My contributions aren't as numerous as his,
but if removed they would set my area back a half-decade.  If NEII's (and
others) are removed, we can add the United States to Australia as 'countries
the OSMF is willing to sacrifice.'


On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 2:48 PM, Nathan Edgars II nerou...@gmail.comwrote:

 Dermot McNally wrote:
  I applaud your ethics, but it seems to me that your chosen course of
  action, unless you do intend to accept at a later stage for your
  existing account,
 I do, if we get to the point where we are removing data.

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the General Discussion mailing list archive at

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione Mike N

On 4/14/2011 3:18 PM, Alex Ruddick wrote:

If NEII's (and others) are removed, we can add the United States to
Australia as 'countries the OSMF is willing to sacrifice.'

  NEII: Please don't participate in any high risk sports or activities, 
at least until all this is resolved.  g

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione Elizabeth Dodd
On Thu, 14 Apr 2011 18:50:22 +0100
Dermot McNally wrote:

 But your suggested course of action has me confused - you are happy to
 make contributions under the new CT and intend to do so, but yet you
 wish to vote against the change. Your choice, I supposed.

There are 2 distinct items to be considered, the input conditions
(Contributor Terms) and the output conditions (ODbL).

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione Elizabeth Dodd
On Thu, 14 Apr 2011 20:10:19 +0100
Grant Slater wrote:

 I am sure there are going to be a few cases where difficult decisions
 are going to have to be made. We will not have been the only open
 source project to have had to make these sorts of decisions. The OSM
 Foundation being the legal entity which represents us will have to
 decide case by case (and possibly a changeset by changeset) when
 presented with these sorts of difficult choices.

I did read the conditions on sign-up. OSM Foundation being the legal
legal entity which represents us did not appear.
The only correct statement remains that OSMF owns the servers.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione Elizabeth Dodd
On Thu, 14 Apr 2011 19:24:28 +0100
Dermot McNally wrote:

 So by all means state your opinion and by all means share your
 opinions with other mappers. But if, once a consensus is clear, The
 Community comes out in favour of the change, many of us will think
 very ill of people who still choose to pull out the bottom brick from
 the wall and go home. Because that's not the kind of community I've
 had the privilege to belong to.

Consider the corollary to your statement please, because that is where
I find myself.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione Frederik Ramm


Alex Ruddick wrote:
I am of exactly the same mind of NEII on this.  When the OSMF holds the 
gun to my head, I will eventually Accept.  Until then, I'd like to keep 
my 'data vote' opposed in order to slow down the impending train wreck 
as long as possible.

Do you expect any positive outcome from this, or is it for moral reasons 
that you choose this course of action?

There are regions in OSM where a visible no vote will lead to your 
data being re-surveyed and replaced by other contributors rather 
quickly. I can only hope that this is not the case in your area because 
otherwise what you plan to do will yield the worst possible outcome - 
others duplicating the efforts you have put in (instead of using their 
time for something more productive), and you being miffed because your 
contributions have been removed before you had the chance to redecide.

My contributions aren't as numerous as his, but if removed they would set my area 
back a half-decade. 

How so, if it has only taken you three years ;)?

If NEII's (and others) are removed, we can add the 
United States to Australia as 'countries the OSMF is willing to sacrifice.'

It's a hard language to use. We don't want to lose any contributors, and 
we don't want to lose any data either. I don't want to compare OSM to a 
hill of mindless ants each of whom just execute their genetic 
programming; I believe that OSM works precisely because we're all 
individuals and contribute our own ideas, our style, our quirks. Every 
contributor is uniqe and (with very, very little exceptions) every 
contributor adds something valuable to OSM. Still, in the grand scheme 
of things, no single contributor is irreplaceable. Rip something out 
(and shed a couple tears about the love that went into it and is now 
lost to OSM) - it will grow back in time, and bring with it new people, 
a new community rallied to the cause.

We're not sacrificing countries. We saw that we have built our project 
on (legal) sand, and we're moving to rectify the situation. The patient 
may lose some tissue about this but he will live, and after the wounds 
have healed, will be healthier than before.

I'm talking all flowery because this is the talk list. If you want hard 
facts, go to legal-talk.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione Grant Slater
On 14 April 2011 21:46, Elizabeth Dodd wrote:
 On Thu, 14 Apr 2011 20:10:19 +0100
 Grant Slater wrote:

 I am sure there are going to be a few cases where difficult decisions
 are going to have to be made. We will not have been the only open
 source project to have had to make these sorts of decisions. The OSM
 Foundation being the legal entity which represents us will have to
 decide case by case (and possibly a changeset by changeset) when
 presented with these sorts of difficult choices.

 I did read the conditions on sign-up. OSM Foundation being the legal
 legal entity which represents us did not appear.
 The only correct statement remains that OSMF owns the servers.

How else would you define the foundation?

The OSMF is a not-for-profit company registered in England and Wales,
the foundation has no paid staff and it is made up exclusively of
unpaid volenteers. The OSMF board is made up of democratically elected
volenteers. I am not an OSMF apologist, the OSMF definitely does have
warts like: Where are the Board Minutes for the last few months? or
what happend to the GPS2Go program?... and other gripes... But I am
reminded they are volenteers, if I want a better service, I could
offer to help rather than chastice their fumblings.

 Grant aka Firefishy.
 Part of Sysadmin Team, LWG Member, Data Working Group, Server order
guy, van driver and mapper.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione Frederik Ramm


Grant Slater wrote:

 Part of Sysadmin Team, LWG Member, Data Working Group, Server order
guy, van driver and mapper.

^^ Lizard man!


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione Nathan Edgars II

Frederik Ramm wrote:
 There are regions in OSM where a visible no vote will lead to your 
 data being re-surveyed and replaced by other contributors rather 
This is vandalism and should be reverted.

Frederik Ramm wrote:
 It's a hard language to use. We don't want to lose any contributors, and 
 we don't want to lose any data either.
Then don't change the license. Problem solved.

View this message in context:
Sent from the General Discussion mailing list archive at

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione Elizabeth Dodd

 How else would you define the foundation?
 The OSMF is a not-for-profit company registered in England and Wales,
 the foundation has no paid staff and it is made up exclusively of
 unpaid volenteers. The OSMF board is made up of democratically elected
 volenteers. I am not an OSMF apologist, the OSMF definitely does have
 warts like: Where are the Board Minutes for the last few months? or
 what happend to the GPS2Go program?... and other gripes... But I am
 reminded they are volenteers, if I want a better service, I could
 offer to help rather than chastice their fumblings.
  Grant aka Firefishy.
  Part of Sysadmin Team, LWG Member, Data Working Group, Server order
 guy, van driver and mapper.

I joined and later made a deliberate decision to leave.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione Elizabeth Dodd
On Thu, 14 Apr 2011 23:10:40 +0200
Frederik Ramm wrote:

 We're not sacrificing countries. We saw that we have built our
 project on (legal) sand, and we're moving to rectify the situation.
 The patient may lose some tissue about this but he will live, and
 after the wounds have healed, will be healthier than before.
 I'm talking all flowery because this is the talk list. If you want
 hard facts, go to legal-talk.

Or you are talking all flowery because you have no hard facts.

Yesterday I read on this list that an alternate plan of action is under
consideration - quite seriously.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 begins Sunday

2011-04-14 Per discussione David Murn
On Thu, 2011-04-14 at 16:49 +0200, Frederik Ramm wrote:
 Eric Marsden wrote:
It is not clear to me, from your message or from what I have read on
the wiki, whether choosing Decline is a irreversible decision, or
whether one would still be able later to accept the licence + CT.
 Decline is reversible. Accept isn't. Once we've got you, we'll never
 let go.

What about if you become aware that once youve got someone, who has
agreed and who has contributed tainted data?  Will you (or someone else
wielding the magical OSMF+3 wand) reverse it?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione David Murn
On Thu, 2011-04-14 at 20:10 +0100, Grant Slater wrote:

 I am sure there are going to be a few cases where difficult decisions
 are going to have to be made. We will not have been the only open
 source project to have had to make these sorts of decisions.

Out of interest Grant, what other large-scale open source projects have
changed their licence the way that OSM has?  In fact, changed their
licence full-stop..?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione David Murn
On Thu, 2011-04-14 at 18:50 +0100, Dermot McNally wrote:

 But your suggested course of action has me confused - you are happy to
 make contributions under the new CT and intend to do so, but yet you
 wish to vote against the change. Your choice, I supposed.

Its not terribly confusing from here.  What he is suggesting, is
creating an account to contribute 'clean' data, which he is prepared to
agree to OSMF's terms about.  What he is voting against, is OSMF using
previously created data which is not practical to split the 'clean' from

I think thats the only logical course of action for long-term
contributors who want to continue to contribute.  There is no way you
can say for sure 100% of your edits were clean, the best you can do is
start again and ensure you only use compliant data sources.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione Dermot McNally
On 14 April 2011 23:38, David Murn wrote:

 Its not terribly confusing from here.  What he is suggesting, is
 creating an account to contribute 'clean' data, which he is prepared to
 agree to OSMF's terms about.  What he is voting against, is OSMF using
 previously created data which is not practical to split the 'clean' from

He didn't say that - there is enough FUD in this discussion without
inventing more.


Igaühel on siin oma laul
ja ma oma ei leiagi üles

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione Frederik Ramm


David Murn wrote:

Out of interest Grant, what other large-scale open source projects have
changed their licence the way that OSM has?  In fact, changed their
licence full-stop..?

Wikipedia went from GFDL to CC-BY-SA. Mozilla changed from MPL-only to 
MPL/GPL/LGPL. Zope changed from a custom license to GPL. Osmosis went 
from GPL to PD - admittedly not a large scale project ;).

But unless I am mistaken, Grant has never even said that large-scale 
open source projects (your choice of words) have changed their license, 
although it would have been perfectly correct to say that. He only said 
that OSM was not the only open source project to go through difficult 
decisions - and it will only take you seconds of googling to prove that 


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione David Murn
On Thu, 2011-04-14 at 23:53 +0100, Dermot McNally wrote:
 On 14 April 2011 23:38, David Murn wrote:
  Its not terribly confusing from here.  What he is suggesting, is
  creating an account to contribute 'clean' data, which he is prepared to
  agree to OSMF's terms about.  What he is voting against, is OSMF using
  previously created data which is not practical to split the 'clean' from
 He didn't say that - there is enough FUD in this discussion without
 inventing more.

Lets break down my sentences, interlaced with what was originally said:

DM is creating an account to contribute 'clean' data, which he is
DM prepared to agree to OSMF's terms

NE2 *create a new account, publicly linked to NE2, for contributions
NE2  under the CT


DM What he is voting against, is OSMF using previously created data

NE2 *hold off on accepting or declining with my NE2 account


So, please feel free to tell me where I invented anything?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 begins Sunday

2011-04-14 Per discussione Frederik Ramm


David Murn wrote:

What about if you become aware that once youve got someone, who has
agreed and who has contributed tainted data?  Will you (or someone else
wielding the magical OSMF+3 wand) reverse it?

If data is tainted in a way that makes in incompatible with the 
currently used license then it will have to be removed in order not to 
put the project at risk (e.g. data copied from proprietary sources). 
This is independent of the license change.

If data is tainted in a way that makes it compatible with the 
currently used license, but it is likely that the data will have to be 
removed should OSM ever change to a different license under the CT 2/3 
of active mappers clause, then things are difficult - it would 
certainly be better in the long run to replace such data by data that is 
fully compliant, and I would estimate tools to be developed that would 
aim to gradually phase out such limited-release data and make sure such 
data is not used to build upon if it can be avoided. But I don't think 
it would be removed outright - I guess the decision will be delayed 
until such time as anyone actually proposes changing the license again.

There's also a third kind of tainted that sits in the middle of these 
two, namely data that has e.g. been released CC-BY. Such data looks 
compatible at first, but closer inspection (see current discussion on 
legal-talk) reveals that CC-BY explicitly forbids sublicensing, and 
sublicensing is what the new scheme is all about. So in that case we'd 
have a legal outcome (data being distributed with attribution) but an 
untidy process that took us there. I don't know if this is a minor 
problem that can be ignored, or a showstopper.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 begins Sunday

2011-04-14 Per discussione john whelan
If data is tainted in a way that makes in incompatible with the currently
used license then it will have to be removed in order not to put the project
at risk (e.g. data copied from proprietary sources). This is independent of
the license change.

I assume that the currently used license means to the ODBL license now in
use by contributors.  If  so how and to whom do I serve notice that even
though I clicked on the accept button I'm not comfortable that all my edits
before March 2011 contain only data is that is completely untainted so
rather than put the OSM project at risk could they be removed.  I'm happy to
get out my GPS and notepad and ensure anything I add from today forward will
meet the new criteria.

Many thanks

Cheerio John
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] CC-BY-SA still available?

2011-04-14 Per discussione Frederik Ramm


David Murn wrote:

Did I just seriously read that right?


You know as well as I do that Anthony is a troll with a long history, 
here and elsewhere. He knows perfectly well, because he has been told a 
thousand times, that one of the countries where CC-BY-SA doesn't work 
for our data is his country of residence, the USA. He has gone on 
record, multiple times, saying that he likes the CC-BY-SA precisely 
because he belives that it doesn't work. So him asking, in that innocent 
manner, which countries would that be, is just prime trolling, hoping 
that someone takes the bait and he can, yet again, involve everyone into 
a word-mincing discussion that gets us precisely nowhere.

Now everybody has their own way of reacting to such trolls. The best way 
is of course to ignore them; but every now and then you have to react 
lest new readers of this list might get the impression that Anthony's 
question was *not* answered and discussed a thousand times. You could 
also get all agressive and dump a bucket of swear words over Anthony; it 
would certainly be well deserved but tends to poison the mood.

So I chose a slightly humorous response, treating Anthony as if he 
really were an innocent newbie.

I didn't expect that I would have to explain the humour, but I guess I 
should have known better.

Is this a sign of things to come?  Is this really the way that OSMF will
treat new contributors in the future?

I am not OSMF. And it is neither the task nor the privilege of OSMF to 
treat new contributors.

I think my message was entirely in order. Even a newbie could be 
expected to read at least a few articles of background on our Wiki 
before engaging in a discussion. Anyone reading e.g. 
would immediately be informed that the USA is one of the countries in 
which CC-BY-SA won't work for our data.

Wouldnt it be easier to simply answer the question, if you really had
anything substantial to contribute?  While we all understand that you
believe licence nitty-gritty (or, anything about the licence for that
matter, even data removal) should be on legal-talk, surely it would be
easier to simply answer some simple easy questions with simple easy
answers, rather than forcing people to read legalese (or the more likely
option, that they just abandon OSM completely).

As you probably know, Anthony's account on OSM has been terminated 
because he openly boasted about violating copyright. He is one of the 
very few people whose net contribution to OSM is indeed negative. He did 
not ask this question because he was truly interested in anything; his 
only motive was to drag us all into a repetition of discussions we've 
already had a thousand times, into wasting precious time and words for 

And thanks to you he has once again succeeded.

I will now stop responding to your messages because you seem to lack 
either the ability or the willingness to understand what I'm saying, and 
it is quite taxing for me to express everything in a way that cannot 
possibly be misread by you. Perhaps others have more luck in trying to 
explain things to you.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 begins Sunday

2011-04-14 Per discussione John Smith
On 15 April 2011 00:49, Frederik Ramm wrote:

 Eric Marsden wrote:

  It is not clear to me, from your message or from what I have read on
  the wiki, whether choosing Decline is a irreversible decision, or
  whether one would still be able later to accept the licence + CT.

 Decline is reversible. Accept isn't. Once we've got you, we'll never
 let go.

So you are happy to breach your own contract?

Since already there are people decieved by all this have blindly
agreed only to find out later they don't have the right to.

It seems all those years of pushing to not include tainted data only
matters if you aren't an individual, and OSM-F is more than happy to
include tainted data from end users.

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Why I am declining (for now) Re: OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione Nathan Edgars II

On 4/14/2011 7:08 PM, David Murn wrote:

So, please feel free to tell me where I invented anything?

I never said anything about the reason being because my old 
contributions were tainted. I do understand the dilemma faced by those, 
but, as far as I know, every change I made can be relicensed (in other 
words, I didn't use NearMap or one of the other sources that OSMF is 
creating incompatibility with). (However, I may have made contributions 
indirectly based on incompatible sources, for example by drawing a way 
parallel to an incompatible way.)

My reason for declining at this time is that it is the only way 
available to 'vote' against the change. I will accept if and only if the 
OSMF starts removing contributions of decliners.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Per discussione Dermot McNally
On 15 April 2011 00:08, David Murn wrote:

 So, please feel free to tell me where I invented anything?

Right here:

What he is voting against, is OSMF using
previously created data which is not practical to split the 'clean' from

As quoted in my earlier mail. Nothing in Nathan's mails suggested that
practicalities or tainted data have any bearing on his decision. That
is what you have invented - it might indeed be _your_ reason for
voting against, and I would certainly have to respect that. But please
stick to facts, this process is complicated enough as it is.

Indeed, the last comment on this page indicates that tainted data are
certainly not a feature of Nathan's contributions:


Igaühel on siin oma laul
ja ma oma ei leiagi üles

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapping huge lakes as coastline

2011-04-14 Per discussione Michal Migurski
On Apr 14, 2011, at 1:52 AM, Jukka Rahkonen wrote:

 Teemu Koskinen teemu.koskinen at writes:
 I converted a few of the biggest lakes in Finland a few years ago to 
 coastlines, and they worked fine, until last year some other user converted 
 them to multipolygons with natural=water -tags. He also splitted the biggest 
 lake (Päijänne) in pieces, which created arbitrary lines across the lakes at 
 random where the lake was divided to different polygons.
 The biggest lakes in Finland have tens of thousands (or even hundreds of 
 thousands) nodes and a LOT of islands, so it's not practical to represent 
 as (multi)polygons IMO.
 It is not practical, either, to represent them as coastlines. For example
 osm2pgsql is not importing coastlines into PostGIS at all but users must use 
 processed land polygons as shapefiles for rendering these coastline lakes. One
 may say it works fine with Mapnik rendering because of this shapefile
 workaround. Some could call it as a dirty hack. For example, it gets 
 when somebody wants to add tags for the lakes and islands.

FWIW, Dane added a --keep-coastlines flag to recent versions of osm2pgsql. It 
hasn't fully propagated out to various package managers and things, but it's a 
big help in these situations.


michal migurski-

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 begins Sunday

2011-04-14 Per discussione David Murn
On Fri, 2011-04-15 at 01:08 +0200, Frederik Ramm wrote:
 David Murn wrote:
  What about if you become aware that once youve got someone, who has
  agreed and who has contributed tainted data?  Will you (or someone else
  wielding the magical OSMF+3 wand) reverse it?
 If data is tainted in a way that makes in incompatible with the 
 currently used license then it will have to be removed in order not to 
 put the project at risk (e.g. data copied from proprietary sources). 
 This is independent of the license change.

This was a question in regards to whether you will reverse the selection
of someone accepting the new licence/terms, if you (or they) become
aware the data is tainted.

You clearly stated in your previous email that once the user has
accepted there is no way to change the decision to decline, then here
say that if that situation came up that it would have to be done.  Is
there anyone here who can answer these questions the same in sequential

While this isnt a licence specific question, its a question specific to
the thread at hand about users accepting or declining to have their
edits released under the new licence/terms.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 begins Sunday

2011-04-14 Per discussione John Smith
On 15 April 2011 12:51, David Murn wrote:
 This was a question in regards to whether you will reverse the selection
 of someone accepting the new licence/terms, if you (or they) become
 aware the data is tainted.

Wouldn't breach of clause 1 break the entire contract ?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 begins Sunday

2011-04-14 Per discussione andrzej zaborowski
On 14 April 2011 21:06, David Groom wrote:
 - Original Message - From: andrzej zaborowski
 Under the Contributor Terms 1.2.4 I believe it will be the
 OpenStreetMap Foundation's responsibility to remove such data before
 switching the license, you will not be liable.  Until then the data
 will only be distributed under CC-By-SA and you can accept these new
 Contributor Terms by which you would be granting OSMF only the rights
 which you are able to grant.

 I'm not sure if my interpretation is correct and if it's not then I
 would like to know the correct interpretation to be able to give an
 answer to people asking about this in non-English forums.

 see this thread (in particular Fracis Davey's comments) on the legal talk
 mailing list

So my understanding now, from Francis' comment, is that CC-By-SA and
CC-By are not compatible (you can't accept the CTs if you've
contributed data obtained under those licenses, without infringing
those licenses?), but ODbL for example might be compatible with CT
although it's not compaitble with the current OSM's license.  But it
might be in the future.

Is that correct?  Is that also the intent of the CTs 1.2.4?  I think
it would be good to have a human readable form of this document
written by its authors.

I haven't read the CC-By-SA license code in this context but I'm
reading in Francis' response that there's something in it that makes
it not compatible.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Veerse Meer

2011-04-14 Per discussione Lennard

On 14-4-2011 22:17, Robert Elsenaar wrote:

Is er iets mis gegaan met de 3dShapes import in Zeeland?
Het Veerse meer is wel erg wittig.
Ik denk dat deze blauw moet zijn.
In ieder geval lag er laatst nog water en water is blauw  toch?

Waarom moet de import nu weer de (vermoedelijke) schuld krijgen?

Die import is al van lang geleden, ergens vorig jaar. De huidige 
drooglegging zal dus niets anders zijn dan een mapper aan het werk.

Droogleggingen zijn we ondertussen wel gewend. Kijk maar naar de 
rivieren rond Dordrecht, die maanden geleden achter elkaar leeg gingen. :)


Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Veerse Meer

2011-04-14 Per discussione Lennard

On 14-4-2011 22:29, Lennard wrote:

Die import is al van lang geleden, ergens vorig jaar. De huidige
drooglegging zal dus niets anders zijn dan een mapper aan het werk.

Zo, gefixt. De enige werkbare methode was het reverten van een berg 
changesets van Tavernsenses. Het enige dat sneuvelde, zover ik kan zien, 
zijn wat pieren op de Schutteplaat.


Talk-nl mailing list

[talk-au] Australian Disaster 2.0 (Un)Conference

2011-04-14 Per discussione Shoaib Burq
Hi Folks

In the quite recesses of a Sydney neighborhood an (un)conference is being
planned for Sat. the 21st of May. The topic is Bridging the Gap - Disaster

As the name suggests the aim is to bring together people with formal
responsibility to respond to disasters and communities such as
OpenStreetMap, Ushahidi, CrisisCommons, CrisisMappers, Maps-Group, Sahana
and more ... Currently we are looking for someone who can speak about
OpenStreetMap in the context of disaster response. But if you want get
involved in any way please get in touch.

If you are interested you can ping me or Tolmie MacRae:
atmacrae@hotmail.comwho is currently developing the schedule for the
one-day event. He's a great
contact in the Sydney area if you don't already know him, he helped in
organising the HOT Mapping Event/CrisisCamp for Pakistan Floods.

So if you can present on OSM, or are from an NGO, Government, Emergency
Manager, Developer, Hacker, Polymath or can help with the organising
introduce yourself.

Shoaib Burq

Co-founder  CEO at SpacialDB
Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Kein Quellen-/Lizenzhinweis

2011-04-14 Per discussione Matthias Julius
bundesrainer writes:

 Am 13.04.2011 15:37, schrieb Tobias Knerr:
 Am 13.04.2011 15:13, schrieb Alexander Matheisen:
 Macht sie irgendwie unglaubwürdig...
 Dass sie unabhängig von OSM sogar ihre eigenen Inhalte unter CC-BY-SA
 stellen, würde ich positiv hervorheben. Dass sie die Sache mit dem
 Lizenzlink hinbekommen, ist auch schon fast ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal
 unter Weiternutzern...

 Ein Vorstandsmitglied ist gleichzeitig auch bei Creative Commons
 Deutschland für die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit zuständig. Da darf man einen
 vernünftigen Umgang mit Lizenzhinweisen schon erwarten.

 Das mit dem fehlenden Quellenhinweis ist wohl einfach nur ein Versehen.

Und da die Karte hier nur als Hintergrund für eine Grafik dient und als
Karte gar nicht zu gebrauchen ist, würde ich das auch nicht so eng


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Kein Quellen-/Lizenzhinweis

2011-04-14 Per discussione NopMap

Tordanik wrote:
 Ich gehe mal von einem Versehen aus, doch gerade eine Seite, die sich
 mit verwandten Themen beschäftigt und auch ihre eigenen Inhalte unter
 eine freie Lizenz stellt, sollte da eigentlich stärker drauf achten.
 Im Allgemeinen wird die Namensnennung nicht als Kernbestandteil der Idee
 freier Lizenzen gesehen. Geht zumindest mir so. ;)

Die Namensnennung ist eine von zwei ausdrücklich geforderten Kernbedingungen
der CC-BY-SA-Lizenz. Also ist es ein klarer Lizenzverstoß, wenn sie komplett

Dabei ist es irrelevant, welchen Aspekt der Lizenz man im Allgemeinen oder
persönlich für wichtiger oder weniger wichtig hält oder ob man der Ansicht
ist, PD wäre sowieso besser. :-)


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Re: [Talk-de] Darstellung von geotagged Bildern in OSM

2011-04-14 Per discussione hardyy
Habe mich überall registriert und hoffe daß es nicht mehr klemmt!.

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Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] Lizenzwechsel Phase 3 beginnt am Sonntag

2011-04-14 Per discussione Frederik Ramm


   diese Nachricht betrifft nur diejenigen Benutzer, die sich vor dem 
12. Mai 2010 angemeldet haben und die den neuen Contributor Terms noch 
nicht zugestimmt haben.

Bislang kann man ja nur ja zur neuen Lizenz und den Contributor Terms 
sagen - nicht nein.

Das wird sich am kommenden Sonntag aendern, denn dann tritt die Phase 3 
des Lizenzwechsels in Kraft. Von diesem Zeitpunkt an kann man auf der Seite

auch nein ankreuzen. Zugleich werden nur noch solche User editieren 
koennen, die entweder ja oder nein gesagt haben - das Ziel der Phase 
3 ist also, zumindest die aktiven Benutzer zu einer Entscheidung zu 

Wer sich noch nicht entschieden hat, wird beim Versuch, irgendwelche 
Edits hochzuladen, eine Meldung erhalten, die in etwa besagt, dass man 
sich erst auf der Webseite einloggen und eine Entscheidung treffen muss. 
Es ist nicht 100% klar, ob alle Editoren das auch wirklich richtig 
anzeigen - einige Editoren koennten evtl. auch nur sagen Fehler beim 
Hochladen oder so.

Auch, wer nein ankreuzt, darf (vorerst) weiter editieren, und kann es 
sich ggf. spaeter noch anders ueberlegen.

Der aktuelle Plan ist, dass in 5-10 Wochen die Phase 4 anschliessen 
soll, ab der dann nur noch diejenigen Benutzer weiter editieren duerfen, 
die dem Lizenzwechsel zugestimmt haben. Die Phase 5, in der dann 
tatsaechlich auf ODbL umgestellt wird, liegt noch in weiter Ferne.

Wer sich fuer Details zum Lizenzwechsel interessiert, der kann neben den 
Informationen im Wiki auch meinen Vortrag von letzter Woche auf der 
FOSSGIS-Konferenz anschauen:



Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lizenzwechsel Phase 3 beginnt am Sonntag

2011-04-14 Per discussione Hanno Böck
Am Thu, 14 Apr 2011 14:44:49 +0200
schrieb Frederik Ramm

 Auch, wer nein ankreuzt, darf (vorerst) weiter editieren, und kann
 es sich ggf. spaeter noch anders ueberlegen.

Darf ich mal anmerken, dass ich deutlich Zweifel hab, dass das
irgendeinen Sinn ergibt?

(mal böse gesprochen: Leute, die sich über die Lizenzänderung aufregen,
können das ja als Anlass nehmen, danach besonders fleißig zu mappen)

Weiter: Gibt es noch den Plan, alle User, die nicht reagieren,
anzumailen? Das scheint mir äußerst sinnvoll, da ich davon
ausgehe, dass viele, die früher mal aktiv waren, nichts gegen einen
Lizenzwechsel haben, aber davon schlicht nichts mitbekommen haben.

Hanno Böck  mail/jabber:

Description: PGP signature
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lizenzwechsel Phase 3 beginnt am Sonntag

2011-04-14 Per discussione Manuel Reimer

Frederik Ramm wrote:

diese Nachricht betrifft nur diejenigen Benutzer, die sich vor dem 12.
Mai 2010 angemeldet haben und die den neuen Contributor Terms noch
nicht zugestimmt haben.

Also mich eigentlich nicht, da bereits zugestimmt.

Auch, wer nein ankreuzt, darf (vorerst) weiter editieren, und kann es
sich ggf. spaeter noch anders ueberlegen.

Genau dieser Zwitter-Zustand, der jetzt schon ewig andauert, beginnt zumindest 
mich so langsam zu nerven.

Der aktuelle Plan ist, dass in 5-10 Wochen die Phase 4 anschliessen
soll, ab der dann nur noch diejenigen Benutzer weiter editieren duerfen,
die dem Lizenzwechsel zugestimmt haben. Die Phase 5, in der dann
tatsaechlich auf ODbL umgestellt wird, liegt noch in weiter Ferne.

Kein Thema. Legt nur endlich mal ein paar Zähne zu! Ich möchte heute schon 
festlegen können, dass meine Änderungen nicht mehr unter CC-By-SA stehen, 
sondern ausschließlich ODbL.



Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] Mapnik deutscher Kartenstil: fehlende Bezeichnung von Flüssen

2011-04-14 Per discussione yobiSource


ich erstelle gerade SLD Styles für Geoserver und orientiere mich dabei 
am deutschen Mapnik Kartenstil.
Mir ist dabei aufgefallen das in der Datei (im 
Gegensatz zum englischen Stil)

waterway=river keine Bezeichnung hat aber drain und ditch sehr wohl.

Hat das einen bestimmten Grund warum mehrere Meter breite Flüsse nicht 
bezeichnet werden aber kleine Bäche usw. schon?

Lustigerweise werden Flüsse in Tunneln wieder bezeichnet. :)


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Mapnik deutscher Kartenstil: fehlende Bezeichnung von Flüssen

2011-04-14 Per discussione M∡rtin Koppenhoefer
Am 14. April 2011 18:51 schrieb yobiSource

 ich erstelle gerade SLD Styles für Geoserver und orientiere mich dabei am
 deutschen Mapnik Kartenstil.
 Mir ist dabei aufgefallen das in der Datei (im Gegensatz
 zum englischen Stil)
 waterway=river keine Bezeichnung hat aber drain und ditch sehr wohl.

 Hat das einen bestimmten Grund warum mehrere Meter breite Flüsse nicht
 bezeichnet werden aber kleine Bäche usw. schon?
 Lustigerweise werden Flüsse in Tunneln wieder bezeichnet. :)

richtig Sinn macht das wohl nicht, evtl. ist es aber auch nicht
tragisch, weil die riverbanks beschriftet werden (nur eine Vermutung)?

Gruß Martin

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lizenzwechsel Phase 3 beginnt am Sonntag

2011-04-14 Per discussione Chris66
Am 14.04.2011 18:37, schrieb Manuel Reimer:

 Genau dieser Zwitter-Zustand, der jetzt schon ewig andauert, beginnt
 zumindest mich so langsam zu nerven.


Wenn man wirklich ODBL will, dann verstehe ich nicht, dass man
Nicht-Zustimmer noch editieren lässt.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lizenzwechsel Phase 3 beginnt am Sonntag

2011-04-14 Per discussione Henning Scholland

Am 14.04.2011 19:44, schrieb Chris66:

Am 14.04.2011 18:37, schrieb Manuel Reimer:

Genau dieser Zwitter-Zustand, der jetzt schon ewig andauert, beginnt
zumindest mich so langsam zu nerven.


Wenn man wirklich ODBL will, dann verstehe ich nicht, dass man
Nicht-Zustimmer noch editieren lässt.
Immerhin können die Coder jetzt die Tools anpassen und die Mapper dann 
die entsprechenden Objekte neu erfassen.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lizenzwechsel Phase 3 beginnt am Sonntag

2011-04-14 Per discussione Frederik Ramm


Hanno Böck wrote:

Weiter: Gibt es noch den Plan, alle User, die nicht reagieren,
anzumailen? Das scheint mir äußerst sinnvoll, da ich davon
ausgehe, dass viele, die früher mal aktiv waren, nichts gegen einen
Lizenzwechsel haben, aber davon schlicht nichts mitbekommen haben.

Ja, den Plan gibt es noch. Ich hatte irrtuemlich angenommen, dass eine 
solche Mail-Aktion noch *vor* der Phase 3 stattfinden sollte, das ist 
aber wohl nicht der Fall.

Das Motiv seitens der LWG ist, dass man (a) die Benutzer nicht zuspammen 
will, d.h. es soll ganz genau nur eine einzige Mail an alle geschickt 
werden und keine 28 reminder; aber in dieser Mail will man (b) bereits 
einen moeglichst eindrucksvollen Zwischenstand vermitteln koennen (95% 
aller Mapper haben bereits zugestimmt, mach Du auch mit!). Daher wir 
die Mail noch rausgezoegert.

Ich finde das auch nicht so prickelnd. Es fuehrt dazu, dass vielerorts 
die Leute diese Informationsaufgabe selber in die Hand nehmen und sich 
dabei eventuell ungeschickt anstellen. Andererseits, meine ein 
LWG-Mitglied mir gegenueber, ist es vielleicht auch gar nicht so 
schlecht, wenn man vom Lizenzwechsel durch einen Mapper aus der eigenen 
Stadt erfaehrt (und vorallem auch: in der eigenen Sprache), anstatt 
durch eine Rundmail vom OSMF-Hauptquartier...


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lizenzwechsel Phase 3 beginnt am Sonntag

2011-04-14 Per discussione Torsten Leistikow
Frederik Ramm schrieb am 14.04.2011 14:44:
 Wer sich fuer Details zum Lizenzwechsel interessiert, der kann neben den
 Informationen im Wiki auch meinen Vortrag von letzter Woche auf der
 FOSSGIS-Konferenz anschauen:

Nebenbei bemerkt: Der Vortrag (genauer gesagt die Folien) hat mir sehr gut
gefallen, denn obwohl die Grundaussage Pro-Lizenzwechsel ist, werden auch alle
Gegenargumente (zumindest was mich betrifft) aufgefuehrt. Sowas sieht man fuer
meinen Geschmack heutzutage viel zu selten.


Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] itoworld Layers

2011-04-14 Per discussione Johannes Huesing
Die neuen Hervorhebungen von ITO World sind ziemlich schmuck, aber es wird
wieder etwas als Fehler gebrandmarkt, was hier viele nicht als Fehler 
empfinden. Mir ist hier
aufgefallen. Gebäudeumrisse, die keine Hausnummer und keinen Hausnamen haben,
werden rot dargestellt, so, als ob hier ein Manko herrschte. Dabei halten
es viele so und verteidigen dies auch auf dieser Liste so, dass die Adressen
als einzelne Punkte in den Gebäudeumriss oder an dessen Rand gesetzt

Hoffentlich führen solche Darstellungen nicht zu einem massenhaften Tauziehen.
Johannes Hüsing   There is something fascinating about science. 
  One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture  from such a trifling investment of fact. (Mark Twain, Life on the Mississippi)

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lizenzwechsel Phase 3 beginnt am Sonntag

2011-04-14 Per discussione Rainer Knaepper

Frederik Ramm schrieb:
Knuffig ist, daß ich einer rechtsverbindlichen Vereinbarung zustimmen 
soll, die ich nicht verstehe.


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