[TeX-music] dead link on TeX-music

2001-04-06 Thread Bernhard Lang

Hi Christian

Thanks a lot for your work on the new server for the TeX-music archive.

Trying out downloading some scores I found that the link to Domenico
Gabrielli's "Balletti" seams to be a dead one. Only the gif file works.


TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] sunsite down?

2001-04-18 Thread Bernhard Lang

I can't connect to sunsite.dk any more (http/ftp/ping) since yestersay
evening. Is is down or is this a problem of my network config?


TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] midi-wave

2001-04-24 Thread Bernhard Lang

hello all

This is not really a TeX-music question, but anyhow maybe someone of you
out there knows an answer: Are there programs available for generating
sound files in wave (.wav) format from midi-files?


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Gzip revisited

2001-05-08 Thread Bernhard Lang

The nice thing about gzip is that it can be used as a filter, seamlessly
compressing or uncompressing things, unimportant where the data comes from
and where it goes to, since it uses stdin and stdout in its filter mode.
With zip that's not possible to my knowledge. I prefer using gzip (being a
unix user).


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Vertival space in musixlyr

2001-05-08 Thread Bernhard Lang

Hello all

> My problem is that lyrics are jumping up and down (I think it is
> because of lack of vertical space)
> Maybe there is some global setting that has influence on it. Can
> somebody help me with this?

I've got a similar problem with musixlyr.

PMXing the file to be found below (pmx2.30, musixtex T.102) yields moved
up lyrics in the bass stave. This happens always to the lowest of multiple
staves and only if there is more than one line per page (as can be
verified by adding a lower stave to the excerpt or cutting it down to only
four bars within one line).

Does anyone of you know where this could come from?

thanks in advance

PS: depending on the mailing program the lines containing \\\setlyrics...
could be screwed up. Everything from \\\setlyrics to the corresponding
trailing backslash should be within one line. Otherwise PMX will refuse to

- pmx source ---
\input musixtex
\input pmx
\input musixlyr
% nv, noinst, mtrnuml, mtrdenl, mtrnmp, mtrdnp, xmtrnum0, isig
  6   6   323   2   0 -1
% npages, nsyst, musicsize, fracindent
  1   2  16 0.1
Altus II
Altus I
Superius II
Superius I


\\\setlyrics{11}{Tan-tum er-go sa-cra-men-tum, sa-cra-men-tum}\
\\\setlyrics{12}{Tan-tum er-go sa-cra-men-tum, tan-tum er-go sa-cra-men-tum er-go 
sa-cra-men-tum, tan-tum, tan-tum er-go}\
\\\setlyrics{13}{Tan-tum er-go, tan-tum er-go sa-cra-men-tum, tan-tum er-go 
\\\setlyrics{14}{Tan-tum er-go sa-cra-men-tum, ve-ne-re-mur cer-nu-i, tan-tum er-go}\
\\\setlyrics{15}{Tan-tum er-go sa-cra-men-tum, sa-cra-men-tum, tan-tum er-go 
sa-cra-men-tum, tan-tum er-go sa-cra-men-tum}\
\\\setlyrics{16}{Tan-tum er-go sa-cra-men-tum, tan-tum er-go sa-cra-men-tum, 
rp | rp | r4 f43 d f2 \Nl\ e4 | f2 d4 d a2 | d f4 f c c | g2+d g4 d e |
f2d f4 \bM\ c g+ | d8 e f g a4 f \eM\ c2 | /
r4 f45 d f2 \Nl\ e4 | f2 b4- f \bM\ c2+ | f4-d \eM\ g8 a4 a \Nl\ b.b |
\bM\ a.g f8 g a2 \eM\ e4 | f a2 c4 c ( \bM\ g | g8 ) a b \eM\ c d4.e f \Nl\ g |
c- c2 c4 \bM\ c ( d | d8 ) c a \eM\ b c4 a c2 | /
f04 g2 | a4.a b ( \bM\ a a8 ) \eM\ b ( \bM\ c4 | c8 ) b a g f4 a2 \eM\ g4 |
c2- d4.d e2 | d \bM\ c4.d \eM\ e c | d2 r2 r2 |
r4 \bM\ ( f4 f8 ) g a b \eM\ c4 b | \bM\ ( a a8 ) g1 f e4 \eM\ f2 e4 | /
rp | r4 f44 d f2 \Nl\ e4 | f f2 c+ c4 | c a2 a4 \bM\ a.g |
f8 e f g a4 \eM\ f e2 | r4 ( \bM\ g4 g8 ) a b c \eM\ d4 d |
\bM\ c.b a8 \eM\ g f4 e \bM\ d8 e | f g \eM\ a4 \bM\ a8 b \eM\ c4 c2 | /
rp | f04 g2 | a4 a d.c \bM\ f g | \eM\ f2 f4 d2 cs4 oes | d f2 f4 g e |
d2 r2 r2 | r4 ( \bM\ a4 a8 ) b c d e4 \eM\ g | f2 r4 ( c4 \Nl\ c8 ) da e4 | /
rp | rp | f04 g2 | a0 a2 | a0 g2 | b0 b2 | a0 g2 | a0 \Nl\ g2 | /

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Gzip revisited

2001-05-08 Thread Bernhard Lang

> I see no reason whatsoever to prefer Gzip to Zip.

But other people might have good reasons to do so. Thus, I'd find it more
polite and inviting, if several solutions could exsist in parallel.
Forcing people to use just one method should have serious reasons like
running out of disk space or imposing too much workload on people
maintaining the archive (thanks a lot, Christian!). Thats what I ment with
"I prefer using..." in my last posting (sorry, should have expressed
myself more clearly).

> If we decide to link to .ps files experienced users will still have
> access to the .ps.gz files from the directory entries of the archive,
> i.e. from the composers' names as for example

Since ".../scores/Introduction.html" already contains a short explanation
what to find where, people knowing which type of format, compression or
what-so-ever they like to use should be able to find what they want.


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Gzip revisited

2001-05-08 Thread Bernhard Lang

> Christian wrote:
> - gzip'ed postscript files (donna.ps.gz) should be handled as MIME
> types. I.e. browsers should know how to deal with them. This is
> straightforward with Netscape having its own MIME type configuration
> (Edit -> Preferences -> Navigator -> Applications) while Microsoft IE
> for Win9x relies on the registry database.

> Eva wrote:
> OK, but what exactly is a Mime type anyway, and what Mime type do I
> have to specify to tell Netscape how to handle something with a .ps.gz
> extension?

Perhaps a short introduction (if there is any, or if anyone knows what
would have to be within a such [and has got time to write it]) on the
archive's site could help people teaching their browsers how to handle
what they get.

> and just want to get the file printed out and on the music stand

:-) Ofcourse, that's what everybody'd like to have, UN*X users too. But
that often means, someone else has to do part of the job, i.e. providing
exactly what all browsers out there want to eat or telling them in some
fancy way how to eat what they find.


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Gzip revisited

2001-05-08 Thread Bernhard Lang

> Christian wrote:
> yes, my win98 netscape also presents the name of the file to be opened
> as blabla.ps.ps and then handles it properly! I admit that that may
> seem confusing. I still think, however, that the Netscape handling of
> .ps.gz *is* straightforward since you need to do - nothing!
> Your comments on being confused and by that scared away from the
> archive are highly worth taking into consideration. Do other of you
> share Eva's opinion?

Yes, in principle I do. But since the problem (at least for your netscape
configuration) looks more like something virtual, wouldn't it be
sufficient to tell people about that by means of a hint on the archive's
introduction page not too far from the beginning? I think it is not too
much to expect people to read the first paragraphs there when they do not
suceed immediately.


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Gzip revisited

2001-05-08 Thread Bernhard Lang

>> Another even better solution would be for those poor win9x and mac
>> users, would be to install Linux :)
> ... not squinting at a CRT screen trying to figure out the intricacies
> of Yet Another Bloody Operating System

Let's calm down again, ladies and gentlemen. Many people have good reasons
for using what they use. Did you ever use a ladder to climb onto a
skyscrapper or an elevator to pick cherries from the tree? So...


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Installation of MusiXTeX / TeX-Live questions.

2001-05-10 Thread Bernhard Lang

> I am running Redhat Linux, and my TeX file-structure is from the
> TeX-Live CD. Apparently the .rpm of musixtex is quite different -- and
> I am fairly lost with the .zip! If anyone is familiar with this
> file-structure, and can give me a ``step by step'' method for
> installation, well, I would be very pleased.

In the musixtex zip-file you'll find basicly three different types of
files: *.tex, *.mf and *.tfm. Assuming that you use teTeX it wouldn't
matter, where you put these files within the TeX tree. teTeX uses its own
book keeping mechanism. But since there are thousands of files around
there, it is a good idea to keep them in some order. 

The *.tex files should go to some subdirectory of ../texmf/tex/ (it is
wise to put them all together in a separate, new directory,
/usr/shared/texmf/tex/generic/musixtex/ in my installation)

The *.tfm find their place somewhere in ../texmf/tex/fonts/tfm

*.mf files you find under ../texmf/tex/fonts/source/

To make these files visible to TeX you must now run texconfig with 
"rehash" as command line argument. This updates teTeX's file database.

The remaining files are documentation which can go anywhere where you
think you'll find them again easily. And, ofcourse, musixflx. This is an
external program which does the line breaking job (see musixdoc.dvi for
further infos). In some tex distributions you find precompiled binaries
for different types of operating systems. Since you're using Linux it
shouldn't be a problem for you to compile it directly from the source file
("gcc -o musixflx musixflx.c"). Put the result to a directory which is in
your PATH environment variable (e.g. /usr/bin/).

I hope, I didn't forget anything (yes, there are some DOS batches around,
just put them to the junk). A last tip: try out the preprocessor PMX
(http://icking-music-archive.sunsite.dk/musixtex/software/pmx/) I think
you'll love it.

good luck

TeX-music mailing list

Re: AW: [TeX-music] Installation of MusiXTeX / TeX-Live questions.

2001-05-15 Thread Bernhard Lang

> > ... You can configure further your texmf tree by editing
> > /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf.
> which configuration file with my Redhat 6.2 TeTeX installation is
> located /usr/share/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf

typing locate yields three different texmf.cnf files (SuSE 6.1)


Does anyone know which one is the one TeTeX actually uses?


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] slightly off topic: text of Latin psalms?

2001-05-19 Thread Bernhard Lang

On Sat, 19 May 2001, Maurizio Codogno wrote:

> I need them since I want to write a choral in Latin, and my knowledge of
> the language is not enough to write the text from scratch: what the heck,
> it's twenty years since I learned it!

I have some, but not all, so which one do you actually need?


TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] number of instruments in pmx

2001-05-30 Thread Bernhard Lang

Hello all

I've a question concerning variable numbers of instruments within one
piece (several short movements). The problem is that the piece does not
start with all instruments. It seems to be impossible to tell pmx to
change instruments right at the beginning (using something like L1Mn...).
Does anybody know a solution? (For the moment, I've added one extra page
in front, containing two empty bars. But that's not really what I want).

many thanks

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] clusters

2001-06-11 Thread Bernhard Lang

> > How can I do the following with MusiXTeX?
> >
> > 1) Intervals of not perfect firsts (see attached example),
> Wow - this seems really hard. I think it cannot be accomplished on the
> fly because TeX is unable to draw arbitrary sloped lines. After all, I
> can imagine these solution approaches:

> (a) A sloped line technique similar to beams, requiring an additional
> font for line chars.
> (b) Drawing the lines with PostScript specials; then they are invisible
> in DVI output.
> (c) Assembling the lines of tiny dots, similar to the technique applied
> to the recently discussed arpeggio arrowhead solution.

(d) copy latex's solution to draw (non horizontal/vertical) lines in
the picture environment. (Works like (a), but the font is already there)

In German these animals are sometimes called "Kirschennoten".


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] clusters

2001-06-11 Thread Bernhard Lang

> Therefore my question is: Are the horizontal distances within the
> clusters fixed or glue?

In general, I would go for fixed distances, since the note heads in this
group of symbols belong all to the same beat. So it should be a thing
fixed in size, independent from \elemskip and friends.

But Alexandros, you would perhaps like to have something different?


TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] scor2prt problem

2001-06-13 Thread Bernhard Lang

Hi all

I've a question concerning scor2prt. I've typeset a piece with one solo
voice accompanied by piano. The piano part is in general a four voice part
set on two lines, but sometimes only three voices (still on two steves, of
course). When I run scor2prt the first output file contains the two lower
voices of the piano part *and* the solo voice while the second contains
the two upper piano voices. Furthermore non of the two generated files is
pmxable (Bar line marker out of place / Block duration not equal to voice
1). Did I miss something? (all program versions 2.3)


The top of the pmx-file I start with looks like

% nv, noinst, mtrnuml, mtrdenl, mtrnmp, mtrdnp, xmtrnum0, isig
  3   -2,2,1  444   4   0 2
piano voice 1 //
piano voice 2 /
piano voice 3 //
piano voice 4 /
solo voice /

piano voice 1 //
piano voice 2 /
piano voice 3 //
piano voice 4 /
solo voice /

scor2prt output, file 1

% nv, noinst, mtrnuml, mtrdenl, mtrnmp, mtrdnp, xmtrnum0, isig
  2   1  4 44   4   .00   2
piano voice 1 //
piano voice 2 /
solo voice /
piano voice 1 //
piano voice 2 /
solo voice /

scor2prt output, file 2

% nv, noinst, mtrnuml, mtrdenl, mtrnmp, mtrdnp, xmtrnum0, isig
  1   1  4 44   4   .00   2
piano voice 3 //
piano voice 4 /
piano voice 3 //
piano voice 4 /

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Trills

2001-07-09 Thread Bernhard Lang

On Mon, 9 Jul 2001, Joerg Anders wrote:

> I want to implement trills into "noteedit". Unfortunately
> I don't know exactly how to play them.
> I think it is an 32th alternation between the note with trill
> and the next semitone. But is it the semitone above or the
> semitone below ? Or are there 2 different symbols for above
> and below ?

Depending on what you exactly want to know, I fear there won't be a short
answer. The question of ornaments turnes out to be its own, long story.

I) To my knowledge the trill is always with the note above, if semi tone
or full tone depends on harmony (or how you'd like to call it in earlier
music). But there are several possibilities to play it depending on when
and where the music has been written. For example in the age of baroque
you find mainly three different rules.

a) In French music the normal trill starts with the upper note unless it
is specially marked.

b) In Italian music it starts normally with the lower (main) note.

c) In northern German music it starts with the note which is dissonant to
the actual harmony and this first note should be longer than the following
ones unless the trill goes with a very short note.

II) A trill-like ornament with the next note below you find mostly in
french music, called "pince" if it is a very short and fast one. It can
start either with the upper note (fast one) or with the lower note as a
dissonance held into the new harmony. In the latter this first note should
be held longer than the following (like the inversed version of the
nothern German trill from above). There are two different symbols for
these two cases.

III) Besides that there are a lot of other ornaments, especially in french
music, and furthermore you'll find all possible combinations so that very
often you'll have to decide yourself how to play it exactly. In fact,
since French composers normally tried to controll the way how to play the
ornaments as much as possible, in printed French music you find very often
a table in the front or back matter explaining all the used symbols.

For music after 1750 you shouldn't ask me because there I'm far from being
an expert.

But may I ask why you think you need to know how to play them for
implementing? Do you want them to get written out as single note heads?
Except for such tables explaining symbols I would never do that because
ornaments should always be played freely. Ok, except its for something
like producing a midi file.


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Oriental signatures

2001-08-13 Thread Bernhard Lang

On Mon, 13 Aug 2001, Samy Abbes wrote:

> Standard notation does exist ! In fact it's the same as western
> notation. The difference is in the "exotic" accidentals, and
> the numerous scales, including sharps, flats, but also half sharps
> and half flats in the same scale.
> The symbols are quiet simple : a flat with a bar makes the half
> flat, and a sharp with only one vertical bar instead of two makes
> the half sharp.
> The problem is : how could I introduce them in MusiXTeX,
> and how can I totally decide of the signature ?
> Samy

For the moment you could set up your own font by copying the appropriate
lines of musixgen.mf and musix.mf (where  is the pt music-size)
to another new metafont input file and modify it to your needs. Then
you'll have to define a new font inside your MusixTeX input file by
\font\musix=arabmus scaled 1000
if you called your metafont file arabmus.mf and use something like
to put the character you want to have.

The code for the sharp I've copied below (coming from musixgen.mf) where
you just have to find out (by adding %-comment characters) which draw
command is responsible for which bar of the sharp. The values of the
constants used here are set in musix.mf which you'll have to copy also
to your file.

Note that z is a pair of coordinates automatically composed by metafont
using the variables x and y. The flat seems to me to be a bit more
of work since you have to add something. Which means you'll first have to
find out about all the variables, where they are set and what they

def sharp (expr reduction, zshift) =
  sthick:= .5reduction*thick;
  nx:= reduction*1.5nhh;
  ny:= reduction*.8nhw;
  y1 =-y7= nx-1.5sthick; y2 =-y8 = .5sthick-nx;
  x1 = x2 = y3 = -y6 = ny-x7 = ny-x8 = 2sthick;
  y4 =-y5 = y3 + 3sthick;
  x3 = x5 = 0; x4 = x6 = ny;
  pickup penrazor scaled max(1,thin) rotated angle(z4-z3);
  draw z1--z2; draw z8--z7;
  pickup penrazor scaled 3sthick rotated 90;
  draw z3--z4; draw z5--z6;
  shift_pic (zshift, 0);
  labels (range 1 thru 8)

beginchar(52, nhw#, 1.5nhh#, 1.5nhh#); "sharp";
  sharp (1, 0);

The first number in the argument here tells that character no 52 of the
font created by this file will be what's defined hereafter.

If you feel you don't get through this messy procedure, ask me for
further help. I have a similar job on my schedule for modifying some
continuo figures. I hope, I manage to attack it in September.


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Ack.polyphony / triplets

2001-09-06 Thread Bernhard Lang

On Thu, 6 Sep 2001, Andreas Kurth wrote:

> Since PMX 2.331 is still in Beta state I didn't take the time to
> prepare a UNIX version. I will of course package the next final
> version. (Well, if anybody wants a C port of 2.331, please let me
> know.)

Yes, I did just some days ago, reusing several files of your 2.30 package.
Don has already placed it on the archive.


Bernhard Lang  | Physical Chemistry Departement, Sciences II
21, Avenue du Denantou | University of Geneva,  30, Quai Ernest Ansermet
CH-1006 Lausanne, Suisse   | CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland
TEL/FAX: +41(0)21 601 3657 | TEL +41(0)22 702-6535, FAX -6518

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Re: ... No, I mean ..

2001-09-07 Thread Bernhard Lang

On page six of the pmx manual near the bottom of the page you'll find the
answer to your question.
 "The number of lines in a voice can only be 1 or 2,..." That means what
you're asking for is not directly possible with PMX. The only solution
would be inline TeX, i.e. the third line of music has to be coded directly
using musixTeX commands, bypassing PMX. I think the reason for that is
that it is not easy to set up general rules for stem direction, beaming
and note head shifting in case that more than two lines of music share
the same five lines.


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Re: ... No, I mean ..

2001-09-07 Thread Bernhard Lang

On Fri, 7 Sep 2001, Johan Tufvesson wrote:

> It can be done with PMX. There was a discussion on the topic (I think in
> May) that provided at least two different solutions within PMX (with or
> without some inline TeX). I'm using one of the solutions for a
> transcription, but unfortunately I don't have the sources here now. Search
> the archive.

Oops, this I've overseen. Here's the link to the related posting.


TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] Dynamic Signs

2001-09-17 Thread Bernhard Lang

Hi all

Using the dynamic signs of PMX for the first time I've got a question. Is
there a possibility to change the default location of dynamic signs to
above the staff? Below it tends to conflict with lyrics.


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Newbie's experiences

2001-10-02 Thread Bernhard Lang

> BUG IN DYNAMIC LINKER ld.so: dl-version.c: 210: _dl_check_map_versions:
> Assertion `needed != ((void *)0)' failed!

> This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.3.1)
> (Fatal format file error; I'm stymied)

The first message looks pretty like a problem with different versions of
the GNU libraries, respectively a bug in the auto detection of version
conflicts. I used SuSE linux 6.2 on a PC for quite some time and didn't
have any problems with MusixTeX and friends. So we shouldn't blame SuSE. I
remember that around the version you mention there was a major change in
the glibc version.
 For you there is only one solution. Recompile pmx from its fortran
sources on your system (ask me for help if you don't know how to do that).

The second message tells me that either a TeX format file is missing or
the one you use is in a wrong binary format. Try to musixtex your file
without the musixtex format file by inserting the line '\input musixtex'
into your musixtex source and texing it directly ('virtex ').
If that works you should (re-) generate your format file by typing on the
shell prompt 'initex musixtex.ins'.

Other problems with binary files may show up afterwards:
  - font metrics (*.tfm, in SuSE Linux usually under
  - pixel fonts (*.???pk, /var/cache/fonts/pk//public/musixtex/)

Try to move these files to a save place and run 'texconfig rehash'. After
that TeX should recognise that they are missing and should regenerate them
on the fly. Once that works you can savely remove the backupped old files.

There is another general point: You could think about upgrading your Linux
system to a newer version using an actual binary format of the glib
libraries. This is certainly a major task. But when you want to use new
versions of software you probabely will have similar problems in future
when using an old library format :-(


Bernhard Lang  | Physical Chemistry Departement, Sciences II
21, Avenue du Denantou | University of Geneva,  30, Quai Ernest Ansermet
CH-1006 Lausanne, Suisse   | CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland
TEL/FAX: +41(0)21 601 3657 | TEL +41(0)22 702-6535, FAX -6518

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Newbie's experiences (2)

2001-10-02 Thread Bernhard Lang

> again something seems to be incompatible with Don Simons's files
> pmxab.f, pmxab.c and the way SuSE Linux tries to compile.

Compiling Don's original source pmxab.for with GNU Fortran g77 or
converting it via f2c into C code and using gcc afterwards does not work
directly. There are two lines which have to be replaced by the commented
out succeeding lines. They can be identified by the comment "! May need to
replace this w/ next line". Once this is done compiling should work
straight forward. But for the newest versions (>2.3.0) no compiler
optimisation option should be used.


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Octave of grace notes

2001-10-02 Thread Bernhard Lang

> If I give the absolute octave there's no possibility to automatically
> transpose the whole piece. The only place to give an absolute octave
> is the first note of the piece (This was one of my first lessons
> learned from Werner).

May this have changed? I've typeset now quite some pieces using PMX's
transposition feature and I never payed special attention where to use
absolute octaves. Nevertheless, also +/- is allowed in grace notes. This
should help you?


TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] problems in compiling pmx with g77

2001-10-04 Thread Bernhard Lang

Hi all

Christian Mondrup wrote:

> According to reports I've received the above described 2-step
> compilation shouldn't be necessary on SuSe linux'es. With these linux'es
> using g77 should be sufficient, i.e.
> g77 pmxab.f -o pmxab

On my system (SuSE Linux 7.1 PPC) this does not work correctly with newer
versions of pmx. The compiled binary turns out to be instable and crashes
in some situations. I had send a 'bug report' to Don. But he couldn't
reproduce the problem on his machines. So I compared the two possible ways
to get a running pmx on my machine.

Via conversion into C code (f2c) and gcc it works

$ cp pmx2341.for pmx2341.f
$ f2c -Nx400 -Nn802 pmx2341.f
$ gcc -Wall pmx2341.c -lf2c -lm -o pmx2341

While the direct method

$ g77 pmx2341.for -o pmx2341

results in a binary with the above stated problem. If this is due to g77
on my machine or due to a pretty hidden bug inside pmx which shows up only
under rare conditions (including internal structure of the binary) I
cannot tell.

So, at present the two step process should be preferred.


TeX-music mailing list

RE: [TeX-music] problems in compiling pmx with g77

2001-10-05 Thread Bernhard Lang

Hi Don

> 1. Maybe you could diff the source with the next earlier version that does
> work?

The crash occures at a caesura ornament which you implemented in a very
recent version. Testing against older versions won't help therefore.

I've let my instable version run inside the gnu debugger. I found that the
crash occures in a (library-) function called z_wnew() inside a call of
write() in line 13910 of pmx2341.for and I poked a bit around in the code
and stack neighborhood of this place. The line is passed many times. At
the pass when the crash occures the variable "ioctup" shows the value
306781831 while at the other passes I've only seen things like 1, 0, -1...
When I reset the value to zero just before this pass (if I counted right
its the 99th) the program continues without failing. Inspecting the stack
I see that the value of "ioctup" comes from the variable "ioff" witch gets
in turn its value from "islhgt" being a parameter of "putorn()"
(->remember that an "oc" caused the crash). This gets set by the variable
"islhgt" one stack level (function call) above which seems to be
"make2bar()".  At the start of this procedure I see a decent value of
"islhgt" at most calls, sometimes a strange one like that one above. And
in that single run, where the crash occures, the strange value persists
until the call of "putorn". Beyond this point I didn't hunt since I do not
know much about fortran and even less about internals of pmx...
 The strange value of "islhgt" could be a hint of an improper
initialisation of that variable. But I also observed that tracing the
binary on a change of this variable stops at various unexpected places. I
havn't got that much experience with tracing features of gdb but this
looks to me like a sign of an improper initialisation of a pointer
elsewhere which leads to an overwriting of "islhgt" (ugh).


TeX-music mailing list

Re: AW: [TeX-music] PDF: a dissident view

2001-10-24 Thread Bernhard Lang

> I usually do use gv for pdf -- but some documents are encrypted (there
> seems to be a way around that but I never figured it out from lack of
> real interest) or simply contain some stuff which confuses
> ghostscript.

If gs gets an encrypted PDF file to read it normally prints an error
message containing a hyper-link to a site where you can download a file
like "decrypt.ps" or something like that. You have to let gs read it just
before the encrypted file. I did this once and it worked fine.

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] PostScript slurs

2001-11-15 Thread Bernhard Lang

> Assuming we don't find any show-stopping problems with the slurs
> themselves, one big issue is how they work in dviwin and other dvi
> viewers.  In my initial tests they did not show up at all in dviwin.
> However I recall seeing something about "specials" in dviwin.  Does that
> mean there is some way to tweak dviwin to display them?  I suspect not,
> in which case one will need to use a real postscript viewer to see the
> results.  For me this would pose no problem at all...I have fast
> processors, dvips takes just seconds at most, and gsview works fine.

Specials do address special dvi drivers for doing some specific jobs.
There is no standard about how they should look like etc. However, some
widely used dvi drivers like dvips (or the drivers of the emTeX
distribution in former days) have established some standard like commonly
supported specials. But there is no guaranty for any special to work with
any particular driver/viewer. Thus I guess, a solution using specials
would open up many compatibility problems giving rise to requests like
"Since I'm using viewer nnn, version xx.yy I don't see any slurs any more.
Is this a PMX problem and does any newer version of PMX solve it?"
 Anyway, for people using gsview and friends there is no problem (actually
including postscript into TeX makes extensive use of dvips-specials). And
there ara now many dvi viewers which are capable of viewing included
postscript by calling gsview as a child process. xdvi is one of them in
the un*x world. yap, coming with MikTeX, is another I think.


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] PostScript slurs

2001-11-15 Thread Bernhard Lang

Christian Mondrup wrote:

> The disadvantage is of course that typesetters will be forced to
> re-edit their scores if they want to change to postscript slurs. The
> advantage is that a new syntax might better adopt to the curvature
> variations offered in Stanislafs code.

And the severity of the disadvantage is related to the amount of slurs you
have in your PMX formated scores which you still want to change/improve. I
vote for keeping the syntax and replacing the thechnique. Perhaps there is
a decent way of extending the already existing syntax?


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] PostScript slurs

2001-11-15 Thread Bernhard Lang

> > And the severity of the disadvantage is related to the amount of slurs
> > you have in your PMX formated scores which you still want to
> > change/improve.  vote for keeping the syntax and replacing the
> > thechnique. Perhaps there is a decent way of extending the already
> > existing syntax?
> When silently replacing the technique: Is there a guarantee that the
> old slur expressions yield the same slur shapes in PS? If not, I'd
> prefer leaving PS-or-not as a global option for the user, either on
> the command line or in the score header (or even both).

a) Sorry for being unclear. The latter is exactly what I ment. I don't
think that its time to drop the non postscript slurs now although it might
be time somewhen in the future. But when you have to change the definition
of all slurs in a score in order to improve only some few you think twice
before doing so. On the other hand if changing to PS slurs has allways to
be done on single slur basis will stay being a stranger.

> Call me an oldtimer, but I do not want that PostScript (or any other
> output device) will be mandatory to print TeX documents.

b) There are quite some dvi viewer which automatically detect changes in
the dvi file and reload/redisplay it. At least during basic typesetting
work those viewers are a pretty good help in fast checking if everything
is there where it should be. Fine tuning (as choosing PS or non-PS slurs)
comes later. Using PS and gsview you have allways do do the format
conversion and a manual reload in gsview (well at least on un*x everything
is scriptable, but...). Thus, keeping the posibillity of typesetting slurs
traditionally by using MusixTeX's \islurxxx (with the same syntax of
course) would be nice.

Fazit: renewed vote for using the syntax as it is with a global A-option
for either switching on or off the new technique.


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] PostScript slurs

2001-11-19 Thread Bernhard Lang

> I strongly concur with the last statement: since the advent of dvips
> and gsview (years back!) I have stopped using any dvi viewer
> whatsoever --- the ps route is simple more convenient (both in Winxx
> and in Linux!). I encourage anybody who has not done so already to
> give a try, in ALL TeX-related work!

In principle I agree. But if you're making use of one of the big
advantages of TeX that you don't have allways to use the newest and
fastest machine in order do get to a rasonably fast total working speed
then it makes an extra step which slows down things. For me this is a
quite important aspect when I have to typeset something rapidly.


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] installing musixtex, pmx and mtx in windows xp

2001-11-23 Thread Bernhard Lang

On Fri, 23 Nov 2001, Andre Van Ryckeghem wrote:

> I installed Miktex on Windows XP, which is working normally (as far as i can
> see)
> In Windows98 i had to change autoexec.bat for a path:
> set PATH=c:\musixtex\pmx;c:\musixtex\mtx\prepmx;%path%
> in XP, i do not find autoexec.bat

That's correct because there is no more autoexec.bat in WinNT/2000/XP. In
NT you'd have to go to ->control-panel->system. There you find
"envorinment" where you can either add your path system wide (if you have
administrator priviledges) or personally. In Win2000 its the same if I
remember right (I don't have a Wintel machine in my office, next time I'm
in the lab I can look it up). I assume that this holds also for XP but as
allways, in version n+1 you may find the place where to set something
somewhere else than you'd in version n :-)


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Sautereau

2001-10-17 Thread Bernhard Lang

> A friend asked me this: what is the german word for the french
> "Sauterau": " Dans le clavecin, tige de bois porteuse d' une languette
> munie D' un bec qui pince cordes." I *think* this the piece which
> acually "makes" the sound, like the fingers which (push/pull/move/...)
> the strings of a guitar, but i don't have a word for it :(

The thing which plucks the harpsichord string is called "Kiel" in German
(origin "Federkiel").

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Ornament Doppel cadence

2001-11-30 Thread Bernhard Lang

> I would need a trill sign that has the vertical slash in the middle of
> the third upward line. I probably could manage by a long serie of
> trial and error to create such a font, but I think this would be a
> waste of time when so many TeXperts or metafont wizards are around.

I started to modify some digits from the CM font set into sharped basso
continuo figures some months ago. The thing you ask for looks similar to
me. Unfortonately at present I'm stuck due to serious lack of time. But I
hope I can get back on it at the very end of the year. If there's no
solution shown up until then, ask me again.

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Ornament Doppel cadence

2001-11-30 Thread Bernhard Lang

> However, I have a wish for the continuo number: In all modern editions,
> unfortunately also in those typeset with pmx, the numbers are far too
> small, at least for older players with limited eye adaptation . In contrast,
> it is a pleasure to play from the original typesets: The numbers
> are large, readily visible and usually over the continuo voice. In the
> modern editions, a sharpened 4 is difficult to distinguish from a normal
> one because the stroke is so small.

If you have a look into pmx.tex you'll find at line 214 (version 2.34)
By redefining this you should be able to adapt the size of figures. But we
should ask Don

-- are you there Don?

if this could impose some interferences with internals of PMX or pmx.tex.

Anyway, modified figures would either go to MusixTeX's fontset or into a
separate font. So this would have to be modified once they are available.
Thinking about the problem of readability, a separate font might be the
better choice because it enables to change sizes independend from each
other. Furthermore, this prevents us from having problems with
interferences inside the MF sources of MusixTeX.


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Could anybody explain PMX to me ...

2001-12-11 Thread Bernhard Lang

> Ok, I set
> % npages,nsyst,musicsize,fracindent
> 33  20   0.07
> (see attachment)! One would  think that produces 3 pages and 3
> systems, i.e. one system per page.
> But the result is one page with all 3 systems in uneadable manner.
> Ok I try
> % npages,nsyst,musicsize,fracindent
>66  20   0.07
> But this gives 6 systems on one page.

Similar things happen to me sometimes. I have the feeling that PMX's page
breaking algorithm tends to get confused if you try to force it to go kind
of far away from what it thinks it should normally do, very crowded or too
empty pages or whatever. However, the solution was always to break up the
piece into several files, setting page numbers accordingly and putting the
score together with dvicat.


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] How to install musictex

2002-01-25 Thread Bernhard Lang

> I've tried for a while now to install musictex, but haven't succeeded.
> My problem is that I don't know where to put the files.
> I've found the following at http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html but I
> don't know what to put instead of //.
> .sty, .cls or .fd: $TEXMF/tex/latex//
> .dvi, .ps or .pdf: $TEXMF/doc/latex//
> .tfm:  $TEXMF/fonts/tfm///
> .vf:   $TEXMF/fonts/vf///
> .afm:  $TEXMF/fonts/afm///
> .pfb:  $TEXMF/fonts/type1///
> .ttf:  $TEXMF/fonts/truetype///

First of all: "musictex" is an old version of "musixtex". If you don't
have special reasons for doing else you should install the latter.

To your question: In principle you are free to put these packages anywhere
you want, if it is inside TeX's file tree (or trees). But making
subdirectories helps to keep order with the endless number of files coming
with TeX and it's macro packages.

All TeX distributions I know have a twofold file tree. One is for the
standard files and packages and one is for local stuff. It is up to you in
which tree you want to put them. In my distribution (coming with SuSE
Linux) musixtex is integrated in the standard tree
(TEXMF=/usr/share/texmf, $TEXMF/tex/generic/musixtex,
$TEXMF/fonts/tfm/public/musixtex, $TEXMF/fonts/sources/public/musixtex
etc, local tree would be /usr/local/share/texmf).
 Installing musixtex in the standard tree of distributions coming without
musixtex has the disadvantage that you may loose the added stuff when you
uprgade to a newer version of the distribution.

After installing the packages you shouldn't forget to run the
configuration utility (e.g. texconfig under Linux's standard TeX
distribution teTeX) in order to make the new files visible to TeX's file
searching tool.

good luck, regards

TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] screwed up page layout

2002-02-28 Thread Bernhard Lang

dear pmxpert(s)

Using pmx2355 the attached pmx source (gloria from Brumel's missa Et ecce
terrae motus) produces a screwed up page layout for the first and the last
page. It looks like this has to do with a bug which recently showed up and
has been fixed in one of the latest beta versions. There, long scores with
several forced line/page breaks (+other conditions?) lead to overlayed
lines. In fact, using pmx2341 yields such a result. Note that due to the
change in pmx's slur/tie numbering, some inlined slur/tie numbers have to
be changed when switching from 2355 to 2341. Otherwise they will produce
some musixtex-errors. Without the last page and its line/page break
everything is fine in both versions.


Description: Zip archive

RE: [TeX-music] screwed up page layout

2002-03-01 Thread Bernhard Lang

On Thu, 28 Feb 2002, Don Simons wrote:

> Meanwhile, please try breaking the score in half and see if that gets rid of
> the problem.

Yes, it does. There's just one miner problem: the first page of the second
half doesn't get numbered. Numbering starts only at second page. Am I
doing something wrong? I use the P statement right after the definition of
instrument names.


TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] "Problem finding index for literal string"

2002-03-12 Thread Bernhard Lang

hi pmxperts

pmxing the attached pmx file I get

=== RUNNING PMX  ===
 This is PMX, Version 2.355, 26 January 2002
 Opening gloria1.pmx
 Starting first PMX pass
  Bar 1 ... Bar 59
 Done with first pass
 Starting second PMX pass
  Bar 1 ... Bar 19  Bar 20
Problem finding index for literal string
STOP 1 statement executed

??? What's that? An error in the source file, a bug or a feature? The
problem appeared when I inserted the pieces of inline TeX code for lyrics.

regards and thaks for help

Description: Zip archive

RE: [TeX-music] "Problem finding index for literal string"

2002-03-12 Thread Bernhard Lang

On Tue, 12 Mar 2002, Don Simons wrote:

> As you may have guessed by now, you exceeded the maximum dimension for
> the number of literal TeX strings per input block: 52.  AFAIK you are
> the first person in the history of PMX to have done so.

I guessed already that is has to do with the length of the source.

> I'll make a note to increase this dimension in the next release, but
> meanwhile you can solve the problem simply by breaking the offending
> input block in two.

Since the piece is quite large (twelve voices in about 600 bars) I was
already expecting to touch some limits like that. Breaking it into smaller
pieces works fine. But would it be a big thing to get the page number
printed on the first page even when there is only one system? The number
of throw-away-pages is getting larger and larger :-)


TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] Re: Muffat violin sonata on Werner Icking Music Archive

2002-03-27 Thread Bernhard Lang

On Wed, 27 Mar 2002, Tony Kitchen wrote:

> I have download your edition of the Muffat violin sonata, prior to
> printing it I noticed (with some horror) that there a number of C
> flats in it. Eventually I realised that these should be C naturals.
> There are many instances.

Hi Tony

Thanks for your comment. I should perhaps have mentioned this point in the
preface. All these C flats are original. They are to be found in Muffat's
manuscript. I changed nothing. However, although I carefully checked
against transcription errors I cannot exclude mistypings. But these notes
are not mistypings.

Note that in the renaissance and early baroque notation system there was
no natual "accidental" except for the b which had already in middle age
music two species "b quadratus" and "b mollis". In bar 122 of the sonata
you'll find indeed a b natural in the sense of an accidental and as a
trace of this notation tradition. The sharp was invented during
renaissance. I don't know when the natural "accidental" overtaken from the
"b quadratus" became common for other notes. Apparently Muffat uses the
flat for indicating a cancelled sharp signature and a sharp for canceling
a flat. You find this in many scores of the 17th century. For keybord
instruments this has no great importance, but my personal experience is
that when you have a variable intonation (as with a violin or as a singer)
this system shows much better which notes have to be taken (or to be
thought) higher or lower than expected, or as a sort of average feeling
would tell. Furthermore in the continuo figures you'll allways find a flat
indicating a minor third and a sharp indicating a major third or just a 3
if there is nothing unexpected (except the third itself or the moment when
it should be taken)

> I know that many baroque composers were very adventurous hamonically,
> but these seem to be simple errors, involving the incorrect
> accidental.

In modern sens of reading surely. But since my edition does not try to
describe music of the 17th century with the language of the 19th century
(or from whatever era) I would rather tell the way of reading it as being
incorrect :-)

Actually, as the manuscript of this sonata is written with excellent
clearness and as it is available in a fac simile edition, I'd like to
encourage everybody who has access to it to use this original.

> I am however looking forward to playing the sonata.

enjoy it :-)


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Re: Muffat violin sonata on Werner Icking MusicArchive

2002-04-04 Thread Bernhard Lang

Thank's for your comments, Don and Christian

> And BTW that should clearly be a g# in bar 114, by comparison with the
> other 2 times the same thing happens).

I checked the source: there is clearly no sharp at this point. But I agree
with your opinion that this does not mean there soudn't be played one.
I'll put an editorial accidental in the next revision.

> However, it is not always straight forward what to do: there
> might a significant information with a *missing* accidental in a bar
> where other notes of same pitch *have* an accidental. A modern editor
> can't escape choices and the resulting musical interpretations.

This is one point why I decided not to change anything with respect to the
source. There are some places where the interpret has to make a choice.
Therefore it should be visible without doubt what the source tells. And
then as typesetter you have to decide where's the borderline between a
"pure" transcription into another notation system and an interpretation.

Another point is the intonation. I made once as an ensemble singer the
experience with Heinrich Schuetz's Cantiones Sacrae where we have an
edition dating from the 60es and one from Fridrich Spitta (about 1880). It
turned out that the modern edition was completely unusable when playing
the continuo on an organ tuned in middletone tune due to transposed
notation (chiavetti, transposing key combination). In the sixties editors
were not aware of that tradition writing in transposed notation. When
turning back to the old Spitta edition I realised that even the problem of
intonation, which note has to be thought low or high, is immediately
solved. It is just visible where you have to do what when using the old
way of writing accidentals since it is consistent with respect to
intonation, the modern is not, since a natural means sometimes higher,
sometimes lower. Thus you have always to analyse its actual harmonical
context where you directly see it in the old system.

Thus, I don't see it as teaching when I "force" other people to read the
old system by publishing scores this way. It's a question of practical
use. When getting in contact the first time with early music on a somewhat
"higher level" by reading several of Harnoncourt's essays I couldn't
imagine that what he is telling about old tuning systems could become
true for me. But now I really hear wrong notes when someone is playing
Frescobaldi or singing Monteverdi without respecting the middletone tune.
Thus, we still may happen to escape our first training.

However, in the next revision I will add some sentences in the preface to
clarify this point.


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] (no subject)

2002-04-18 Thread Bernhard Lang

On Wed, 17 Apr 2002, Stefan Svensson wrote:

>  * Printing revisions, copyright information, dates, etc at the bottom or
>top of each page.

See the PMX source of Muffat's sonata for violin on the archive (macros
adapted from Werner's edition of Bach's violin sonatas)


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] PMX crash on xtuplets beginning with a rest

2002-05-16 Thread Bernhard Lang

> On Thu, 16 May 2002, Christian Mondrup wrote:
> > f2c pmxab.f -Nn802 -Nx400
> >
> > gcc pmxab.c -lf2c -lm -o pmxab
> This is, as far as I can remember, how I compiled PMX. I'm not sure on the
> '-lm' thing. I'll try to recompile PMX to see if that helps.

The '-lm' thing does just tell gcc to link against the math library. This
doesn't change anything on the level of compiling (up to my knowledge).

regards Bernhard

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Can't get extract to work with plain TeX.

2002-05-21 Thread Bernhard Lang

On Sun, 19 May 2002, Don Simons wrote:

> Can anyone see why the extract is screwing up the page layout (width, font,
> and indentation)? If I comment it out, the page is centered differently
> (properly) and the width is constant like it should be.

Looking in musixtex.tex you'll find the following lines (from line 36 on)

> \ifx\undefined\documentstyle % -> []plain.tex
>   \parindent0pt
>   \hoffset-15.4mm
>   \voffset-10mm
>   \hsize190mm
>   \vsize260mm
> \fi

Adding \def\documentstyle{} to the top of your extract solves the problem
of page format/centering. The margins come out like you've coded it in the
example. I didn't investigate further the font changing, but I guess it is
something similar. The easiest way to solve this would be first to \input
musixtex and then to set the actual font (That's what you are doing in PMX
generated TeX input files, I guess, when you first \input musixtex.tex and
afterwards pmx.tex)


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Postscript slurs, New PMX Beta (Version 2.358)-headspace error!

2002-06-03 Thread Bernhard Lang

On Sat, 1 Jun 2002, Stanislav Kneifl wrote:

> BTW, why is the screen of so importance? Do you know any musician
> playing from the computer screen? :-)

Yes, me. But up to now only for private use. Especially when checking new
PMXed scores I find it very useful to put my laptop on the harpsichord and
play right away from the screen. I remember having read about a symphony
orchestra (don't ask which one) which recently made a test with flat
screen monitors mounted on the stands.


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] playing_from_computer_screen

2002-06-03 Thread Bernhard Lang

On Mon, 3 Jun 2002, Christof Biebricher wrote:

> I am somewhat puzzled. [...] In contrast to YAP, xdvi has no problems
> in displaying postscript slurs.

This is because xdvi calls ghostscript as a child process if it finds some
postscript embedded within the dvi file. GS shows the ps part if it can
handle it without converting the whole dvi file into ps.


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] multi-line heading in PMX

2002-07-01 Thread Bernhard Lang

On Mon, 1 Jul 2002, Diane Blaurock wrote:

> I've just read through the list of changes to PMX since 2.3 and
> immediately tried out the multi-line titles. Terrific! My acute problem
> right now, though, is that I have a movement in the middle of the piece
> with a title that's too long to fit on one line. The double backslash
> doesn't work with the "h" command. Is there some other way I can produce
> a line break there? In my desperation I've even been reading the
> MusiXTeX handbook, but can't figure this one out>
> Thanks for any help.

Try to put your head line into a macro definition in the top part of the
PMX file like

\def\myheadline{this is the first line \\ this is the second line}

Further down where you actually want to have your head line you put


Since PMX doesn't get to see here anything but the macro call you can put
into it whatever and to wichever extent you want.


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] special characters in PMX?

2002-07-01 Thread Bernhard Lang

On Mon, 1 Jul 2002, Diane Blaurock wrote:

> Me again. Honestly, I've been PMXing along for a while and getting by
> fine with just the handbook, but ... Blame it on Lully and French
> Baroque opera. Now I need to enter movement titles with French accents.
> The only workaround I've been able to figure out is to generate the tex
> file with pmx and then go in and add the "\'" or whatever for the
> accents. It works, but is there a more elegant solution that I can build
> in at the pmx level?

And again me, the solution for titles with several lines should work also
here. By the way, I forgot to mention that you may run into problems with
vertical spacing using this solution since PMX doesn't get to see the
extra amount of space induced by this trick.


TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] Timing problem w/ forced beams & PMX crash

2002-07-12 Thread Bernhard Lang

Hi Don

Typesetting a violin sonanta from Geminiani I get a

"Timing problem w/ forced beams"

What should that tell me?

pmx2357a crashes after giving that message for the fifth time. The
smallest reduced piece of the source behaves similar but crashes after the
second message. pmx2401 does not crash on the smaller excerpt but gives
again these messages. And it crashes when compiling the whole piece. I
remarked that pmx2357a gets through when uncommenting any pair of lines
(voice 1/2) in the excerpt (of course I didn't try *any* combination, but
a reasonable number :-). I think it has to do with the number of forced
beams--I'm using a lot. The reason for doing so is that in a 4/4 measure
pmx beams four consecutive 8 together where I want only groups of two 8.
(Is there a possibility to change this rule for an entire score?)

Please find below the excerpt and attached as zip file the (unfinished)

Further observation: unzipping the just downloaded pmx2401.zip I get

> unzip -a pmx2401
Archive:  pmx2401
  End-of-central-directory signature not found.  Either this file is not
  a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive.  In the
  latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
  the last disk(s) of this archive.
note:  pmx2401 may be a plain executable, not an archive
Archive:  pmx2401.zip
  inflating: pmx2401.exe [binary]
  inflating: pmx2401.for [text]
  inflating: pmxbeta.html[text]

Apparently the file is somehow damaged (I downloaded it a second time from
the archive, same result). Nevertheless pmx2401.for looks fine, except
line 20617 which g77 refuses to compile. A line break is missing there.
After fixing that it gets compiled normally.


Bernhard Lang  | Physical Chemistry Departement, Sciences II
21, Avenue du Denantou | University of Geneva,  30, Quai Ernest Ansermet
CH-1006 Lausanne, Suisse   | CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland
TEL/FAX: +41(0)21 601 3657 | TEL +41(0)22 702-6535, FAX -6518

--- pmx source ---
 2 2 4 4 4 4 0 2
 1 2 16 0.0


% 35
[ f83 c+ ] [ es- c ] [ f gs ] [ a f ] |
[ b a ] [ gs e ] a4d 9 f8 |
[ g f ] [ es c ] f4d 9 a8 6 |
[ b gs ] [ c 64 c- # ] [ f gs ] [ a f ] |
e4 64 e- # [ a8 b ] [ c a ] |
[ d 65 d ] [ e # e ] [ f 5 f ] [ f c 6 ] |
[ d 65 c1 d ] [ e8 # e- ] [ a a+ ] [ g a1 g ] | /
a15 gs a b gs a b gs a gs f8 r1 c c e- |
d c+ c b b d- b+ d- c b+ b a a c- a+ c- |
b a+ a gs g b- g+ b- a gs+ g f f b- a gs |
f d+ c b a8 gs f4 r1 a+ a c- |
c e d c b f e d c b+ b a a e d c |
b a+ a gs g d c b a d c b a a+ a e |
f gs a b gs e+ e b c a+ a c- c a+ a c | /

Description: Zip archive

Re: [TeX-music] Timing problem w/ forced beams & PMX crash

2002-07-12 Thread Bernhard Lang

On Fri, 12 Jul 2002, Christof Biebricher wrote:

> On Fri, 12 Jul 2002, Bernhard Lang wrote:
> >
> >
> > Further observation: unzipping the just downloaded pmx2401.zip I get
> >
> > > unzip -a pmx2401
> > Archive:  pmx2401
> >   End-of-central-directory signature not found.  Either this file is not
> >   a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive.  In the
> >   latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
> >   the last disk(s) of this archive.
> I downloaded pmx2401.zip; it is oK, both in Linux and in Windows.
> Could it be that your downloading protocol loaded it as an ASCII-file
> instead of a binary? The message sounds like that.

Very strange. I can't imagine what happened there. For sure I didn't
download it as ascii since unzip managed to decompress the file although
it complained. Downloading as ascii would have totally scrambled the
file's content. (Furthermore I don't remember having changed netscape's
settings :-(.

But many thanks for testing my input file.


TeX-music mailing list

RE: [TeX-music] Timing problem w/ forced beams & PMX crash

2002-07-12 Thread Bernhard Lang

On Fri, 12 Jul 2002, Don Simons wrote:

> If you keep that number below 20 it should solve this problem. BTW,
> this restriction is listed in the "Limits" section of the manual.

Sorry, I've overseen that. But I was already thinking, its due to
something like that.

> In this case, you don't even need to break up the blocks.  For example,
> e43.es [ f8 c+ ]  es- c  |
> gives the same output as
> e43.es [ f8 c+ ] [ es- c ] |

I know. This came in because my typing assistant was to lazy to change the
typing of beamed 8's every pair of notes. But I'll advice him to type
things less consumptive in future :-)


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] displacing note dots

2002-07-24 Thread Bernhard Lang

On Wed, 24 Jul 2002, George Sicherman wrote:

> I often use chords with displaced notes; e.g., \rq{g}\zq{f}\qu{d}.
> When these notes are dotted, the dots on the displaced notes must be
> displaced, and so must the other dots, so that all the dots line up.
> To do this I use a macro of my own, \rpt, which is just a shifted \pt:
>   \def\rpt#1{\kern6pt\pt{#1}\kern-6pt}%
>   \rpt{d}\rpt{f}\rq{.g}\zq{f}\qu{d}\relax
> But this would be a useful standard feature for MusicTeX/MusiXTeX.

If I remeber well we discussed already once that point whether dots should
be lined up or not and came to the conclusion that it is more a question
of personal taste. At least there is no general rule (in earlier days the
dot was sometimes to be found at the place where the tied note replaced by
the dot would have been placed). I think we talked about it during the
discussions when Don improved PMX's automatical shifting of accidentals in
chord notes some months ago.


TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] off-topic: help for a piano maker

2002-09-11 Thread Bernhard Lang

Hello All

I received the following email about a piano maker in Meissen who lost his
whole workshop and stock of instruments in the recent flood in eastern
Germany. It's somewhat off-topic to our list. But anyhow I think I should
forward it. The attached document is only written in german, but the
second part of the email text below contains an english version.


Bernhard Lang  | Physical Chemistry Departement, Sciences II
21, Avenue du Denantou | University of Geneva,  30, Quai Ernest Ansermet
CH-1006 Lausanne, Suisse   | CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland
TEL/FAX: +41(0)21 601 3657 | TEL +41(0)22 702-6535, FAX -6518
-- Forwarded message --

> - Original Message -
> From: Ulrike und Guido Titze
> To: Freunde, Musikliebhaber und Kollegen
> Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 12:00 AM
> Subject: Hilfe für einen Meißner Klavierbauer
> Hilfe für einen Meißner Klavierbauer
> Liebe Freunde, Musikliebhaber und Kollegen!
> Die Bilder der Hochwasserflut sind uns noch deutlich vor Augen. Das Schicksal
>  eines Freundes hat uns besonders betroffen gemacht:
> Der Meißner Klavierbaumeister Wolfgang Trobisch verlor innerhalb weniger
>  Stunden durch die Hochwasserflut von Triebisch und Elbe seine gesamte
>  berufliche Existenzgrundlage: Werkstatt, Verkaufsladen, Lager, Instrumente.
>  Der Schaden beträgt schätzungsweise 350.000,- Euro. Die Versicherung kommt
>  in diesem Stadtteil nicht dafür auf. Zum Glück geht es der Familie gut und
>  das Wohnhaus überstand die Katastrophe unbeschadet. Wolfgang Trobisch und
>  seine Kollegen sehen ihre Arbeit von zehn Jahren zunichte gemacht, wollen
>  aber nicht aufgeben.
> Auf der Suche nach Hilfe kam uns folgende Idee: Wenn jeder, der einen Flügel,
>  ein Klavier oder Cembalo besitzt, einen Betrag von 10,- Euro für Wolfgang
>  Trobisch überweist und außerdem diesen Brief an seine musikliebenden Freunde
>  weitergibt, ...
> ... kommt auf alle Fälle mehr finanzielle Unterstützung zusammen,
> als wir allein zu geben vermögen,
> ... könnte sogar ein hoher Prozentsatz der Schadenssumme für einen
> Neuanfang zur Verfügung stehen und
> ... haben vielleicht noch Andere etwas von unserer Aktion: Falls mehr
> Geld auf dem Konto eingeht, als die Klavierbaufirma verloren hat, werden die
>  Spenden an das Theater der Stadt Meißen weitergeleitet, das ebenfalls durch
>  die Flut stark zerstört wurde.
> Als Anlage senden wir einen Bericht von Wolfgang Trobisch über die Zerstörung
>  seiner Werkstatt mit. Wenn Interesse an Fotos oder einer Druckvorlage für
>  Handzettel besteht, senden wir diese ebenfalls gern per eMail zu.
> Klavierbau Trobisch
> 01665 Meißen, Leipziger Str. 18
> Spendenkonto der Stadt Meißen: Kto.-Nr. 3100 200 208
> BLZ:  850 550 00 bei der Kreissparkasse Meißen
> Kennwort: Stadt Meißen - Hilfe für Klavierbauer Trobisch
> Einzahlungsbeleg / Kontoauszug gilt als Spendenquittung.
> Wir bitten um Eure / Ihre Mithilfe!
> Ulrike Titze - Konzertmeisterin des Dresdner Barockorchesters
> Guido Titze - Solooboist der Dresdner Philharmonie
> Heinrich-Zille-Straße 39, D - 01445 Radebeul
> Tel. +49 351 8306761
> --
> --
>  Help us to help a piano-maker in Meißen
> Dear friends, music lovers and colleagues,
> The pictures in the media of the recent floods in Saxony still haunt our
>  memories. We have been particularly distressed by what has happened to one
>  of our friends:
> The master piano-maker Wolfgang Trobisch lost his entire professional
>  livelihood in the space of a few hours when the Triebisch and the Elbe
>  flooded his workshop, shop and stock rooms and ruined all his instruments.
>  The total damage has been assessed at 350.000 Euro. No insurance company is
>  prepared to make compensation payments in this part of Meißen. Fortunately
>  the Trobisch family are safe and well and the family home survived the
>  catastrophe unscathed. Wolfgang Trobisch and his colleagues do not want to
>  abandon their workshop, although they have lost everything they have worked
>  for over the past 10 years.
> We would like to find a way to help Mr. Trobisch and came up with the
>  following idea: If everybody who owned a piano or harpsichord made over 10
>  Euro for Mr. Trobisch and forwarded this letter to his musical friends -
>  then ...
> ... in any case Mr. Trobisch would receive more financial support than
> we would be able to give him on our own,
> ... it might be possible to raise enough in donations to cover a large
> percentage of the damages, which would help him to make a fresh start,
> ... perhaps other flood victi

[TeX-music] pmx "bug" report

2002-09-23 Thread Bernhard Lang

Hi Don

A message "Program error in fnote, send source to Dr. Don" missleaded me
for a minute until i realised that i'd just forgotten to put a meter
change. But maybe this tells you something else hidden behind the sceene.
Here's the extract giving the same error message.

1 1 4 4 0 6 0 -1
0 7 16 0.1

g92 of Rd /

And a question concerning the limitation of 12 voices: I'd like to type a
piece with 14 voices where 2 x 4 vocal voices could be packed together in
2 x 2 lines (four choirs, voices: BC + 4 + 4 + 3 + 2 ==> lines: BC + 2 + 2
+ 3 + 2). With musixtex or pmx plus inline tex it workes, but it is
awfully tiresome. Is there another limitation on the number of voices
inside pmx, else than musixtex' limitation?


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] pmx "bug" report

2002-09-23 Thread Bernhard Lang

On Mon, 23 Sep 2002, Andre Van Ryckeghem wrote:

> Replacing  1 1 4 4 0 6 0 -1 by 1 1 4 2 4 2 0 -1  solves the problem

If the whole source has a bar length of two whole notes, yes. In my case
it ts just the final bar which has breve notes (as very often in 16/17th
century music).
 My point was not that the source did not compile, but that the error
message looks odd. This might show that there's eventually another

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] TeX programming

2002-09-24 Thread Bernhard Lang

On Tue, 24 Sep 2002, Stefan Svensson wrote:

> I would like to simplify this with a macro that iterates over a string
> with all notes in the scale ({cd_efg'_ab}) and adds the corresponding
> numbers below, perhaps from a string like {12{\flt3}45{\flt6}{\flt7}}.

This looks like beeing a job for \futurelet: \futurelet\a\b<...> sets \a
to the first token of <...> and executes then \b. You may set up a loop
using this control sequence by iteration:

1 append an end character to the string
2 read the first character into a macro
3 if it is not the end character
  - process it
  - set a temporary macro to the operations 2-4
  - drop the end character
  - set the temporary macro to a void action
4 put the temporary macro

this should look like follows (not tested)

\def\processtoken#1{whatever you want to do with the single tokens}
\def\setend#1{#1-}% sets an endmark (`-`) behind the string
\def\check{% checks one token

happy hacking

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Questions about typesetting keyboard parts

2002-10-21 Thread Bernhard Lang
On Mon, 21 Oct 2002, Jean-Pierre Coulon wrote:

> {slightly off topic:}
> This Duphly site raises an interesting copyright issue, about which I
> have always been curious:
> Some facsimile publishers put a copyright notice on their facsimiles.
> In other words, you may not re-photocopy what they have photocopied.
> (I assume a facsimile is nothing but a well bound, hight quality photocopy).
> I have seen such notices on Minkoff's facsimiles, and I guess Fuzeau
> has such notices too (Minkoff is still more expensive than Fuzeau).
> Any comments ? May be we should hurry to download the Duphly
> stuff before this Duphly site is forced to close :-)

If you once have made a "high quality photocopy" of an old source, you'll
know that this might be quite a lot of work. Therefore even if copyright
may be the wrong term since it is made for protecting the rights of the
author, I find it understandable that publishers of facsimile editions ask
people for paying the edition and not reproducing their "high quality
photocopy". If you ask the photographic service of a library for making a
good quality copy of a manuscript for you, you'll pay in most
circumstances more than what you'd pay for a printed Fuzeau edition for

Anyhow, if people are willing to publish things free, so much the better.


Bernhard Lang  | Physical Chemistry Departement, Sciences II
21, Avenue du Denantou | University of Geneva; 30, Quai Ernest Ansermet
CH-1006 Lausanne, Suisse   | CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland
TEL/FAX: +41(0)21 601 3657 | TEL +41(0)22 702-6535, FAX -6518

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Automatic line-breaking in PMX

2002-10-21 Thread Bernhard Lang
Some time ago, I did some experiments on music line breaking algorithms
and finally I found a solution which was astonishingly easy to implement,
gave stable and nice looking results (as far as I tested it) and was
pretty fast. I didn't dig into the PMX source for finding out how it does
the job. Here's the outline of the idea [inspired by TeX's line breaking
algorithm (the way I understood it :-)]

* Quality of lines is given by
  1) stretching or shrinking them as less as possible, best fit could be
 sum of absolute differences or least square or any other method
  2) neighboured lines should match, i.e.
a) their stretching shouldn't be too different, quantification as
b) outstanding symbols from the both lines should not come too close
   or even crash into each other.

* Consider now bar n and all possible lines ending at this bar. Suppose
  that we knew already for each line i out of these lines how to optimally
  break the chunk from bar 1 to n under the condition that it ends with
  that line i. Consider now all possible lines starting with bar n+1.
  Using the information already collected about the lines ending at bar n
  we may easily get the optimal break of the chunk bar 1 to m(j) where
  m(j) is the end of the jth line starting at bar n+1 (got it? wow!).

* The rest is recursion and book keeping about line starts and ends.

* The advantages are:
  - both cpu-time and memory consumption scale linearly with the number of
bars. In order to test the performance I tried it once with a score
containing about 700 bars and didn't notice a difference to trials of
just some pages.
  - The algorithm can account for "soft" linebreaks, i.e. not only 'do
what you want/force here' but something inbetween like TeX's
  - It is easily extensible to page and even movement breaking.
  - The method of how to find the "optimal solution" is rather easy

However, before having performed tests on a lot of other special
situations, I cannot tell anything quantitative about usability and
quality of results.


Bernhard Lang  | Physical Chemistry Departement, Sciences II
21, Avenue du Denantou | University of Geneva; 30, Quai Ernest Ansermet
CH-1006 Lausanne, Suisse   | CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland
TEL/FAX: +41(0)21 601 3657 | TEL +41(0)22 702-6535, FAX -6518

TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] x-tuplet problem in PMX

2002-11-15 Thread Bernhard Lang
In the following code I have two problems with x-tuplets:

1) The last four notes in the first bar are not beamed as I would like
them to be. I didn't find a way to convince PMX or musicTeX to do this.

2) The quarter note in the second bar should be up up-stem. An u-option in
the xtuplet before the 'D' results in an error message, behind the 'D' it
is ignored, at least there's no visible change.

Am I missing something?


1 1 2 2 0 6 0 0
1 1 16 0.0


a24x3 b cs d2x6Dn3 g f e d | ex6n3 f e d c b ax6Dn3 a+ g f e | /

Bernhard Lang  | Physical Chemistry Departement, Sciences II
21, Avenue du Denantou | University of Geneva; 30, Quai Ernest Ansermet
CH-1006 Lausanne, Suisse   | CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland
TEL/FAX: +41(0)21 601 3657 | TEL +41(0)22 702-6535, FAX -6518

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] pmx: big and small accidentals

2002-11-26 Thread Bernhard Lang
On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:

> "Don Simons" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > It has occurred to me from time to time that a default-override file might
> > be useful. There are a few drawbacks, though. Now, the output from a given
> > pmx file depends *only* on the binary, and that's a very good thing.
> Why not make default overrides part of the pmx language, so that
> they may be specified at top of the pmx file.

What's the difference to the actual state? At present one has to insert
the Ab option somewhere near to the top of the pmx input file.

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Litetrature on music engraving

2002-12-11 Thread Bernhard Lang
On Wed, 11 Dec 2002, Christian Mondrup wrote:

> Could someone in this honoured, learned community recommend some
> suitable titles?

Herbert Chaplik, "Die Praxis des Notengraphikers" is quite excellent.

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Litetrature on music engraving

2002-12-11 Thread Bernhard Lang
On Wed, 11 Dec 2002, Jean-Pierre Coulon wrote:

> BTW, does Chlapik has a good paragraph about horizontal
> spacings ?

>> [...] Nach der bewaehrten Einteilungsmethode des Notenstichs ist dies
(die einwandfreie unterscheidung der Notenwerte, Anmerkung von BL) dann
gewaehrleistet, wenn z.B.

1 Viertel  1 1/2 Achtelabstaende
1 Halbe2 - 2 1/2 Achtelabstaende
1 Ganze3 - 4 Achtelabstaende

einnimmt. In der Praxis ergeben sich mitunter geringfuegige Variationen,
die aber musikalisch oder technisch begruendet sein muessen.

Die Breiteneinteilung ist dann richtig, wenn innerhalb einer Zeile oder
eines Systems gleiche Notenwerte stets denselben Abstand haben. Dieser
ist, falls bei den Noten Versetzungszeichen, Wechselschluessel etc.
stehen, um deren Breite zu erweitern.


Die Masszahl fuer alle Berechnungen ist die Rasterbreite in
Zwischenraeumen (zwischen zwei der fuenf Notenlinien, Anm. BL). [...]
Dabei wird immer vom kleinsten Wert ausgegangen,

z.B.  1 : 1 1/2 : 2  etc., oder  1 1/2 : 2 1/4 (2 1/2) : 3 1/2 (4) <<

Thus apparently, Chaplik prefers a system which is not that easy to
describe mathematically. For smaller notes it goes like

a_0 + a_1 * d

But for spacing between whole notes a_1 increases a bit. I didn't try this
system myself nor do I have printed music engraved by Chaplik. For ancient
music being still in the tradition of white mensural notation I surely
wouldn't apply any special rule for whole notes.

Later on Chaplik spends some words on a topic concerning one-voice music
(which your question concerned). As ligatures and kerning for special
combinations of letters in text typesetting, a sort of optical
compensation should be done:

>> Da jedoch die Abstaende zwischen den Zeichen eine bestimmte Funktion
fuer die rhythmische Gliederung haben und ihr spontanes Erfassen
ermoeglichen sollen, muessen diese nicht nur gemaess der Berechnung,
sondern auch optisch richtig sein.

Ein optischer Ausgleich ist erforderlich:

1) bei gegeneinander gestrichenen Noten.

(Ct e44 e+ e- e+ --> shift upper notes slightly to the right)

2) Wenn nach einer Pause eine (tiefere) hinaufgestrichene Note steht.

(Ct r4 b43 c+ b  --> shift first quarter slightly to the left)

3) In auf zwei Zeilen notierten Notengruppen.

(printed example is too complicated to give a short pmx version)

4) Bei groesseren Intervallen.

(Ct d86 e-- d4 --> shift second note slightly to the left)

5) Fuer den Abstand kleiner hinaufgestrichener Notenwerte zum Taktstrich.

(Ct [ d14 e d e de ] | )

Der Abstand der letzten Note zum Taktstrich ist bei exakter Einteilung
etwas zu erweitern.

In mehrzeiligen Systemen ist ein optischer Ausgleich nur dann sinnvoll,
wenn dadurch in den anderen Stimmen keine Verzerrungen entstehen. <<

Apparently, these optical compensations come in always when the horizontal
positions of the "bulky part" (note head, quarter rest...) and the
horizontal position of the stem do not go in parallel. I.E. the eye
takes as "real position" of a note with a stem something like the average
position of the head and the stem. Thus a compensation is necessary
whenever stem direction changes or there's an object without a stem.


Bernhard Lang  | Physical Chemistry Departement, Sciences II
21, Avenue du Denantou | University of Geneva; 30, Quai Ernest Ansermet
CH-1006 Lausanne, Suisse   | CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland
TEL/FAX: +41(0)21 601 3657 | TEL +41(0)22 702-6535, FAX -6518

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Litetrature on music engraving

2002-12-11 Thread Bernhard Lang
I don't remember from where I've got this reference, and I havn't read it.
But it might by worth considering it...

Musiknotation : von der Syntax des Notenstichs zum EDV-gesteuerten
Notensatz / Helene Wanske. - Mainz ; London ; New York ; Tokyo : Schott,
1988. - 457 S. : graph. Darst., Noten; (dt.)(Schott-Musikwissenschaft)
ISBN 3-7957-2886-X
Zugl.: Hamburg, Univ., Diss., 1984


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] MusiXTeX and TeX register limitation [was: I wantyour tests]

2003-01-08 Thread Bernhard Lang
On Wed, 8 Jan 2003, Rainer Dunker wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 06, 2003 at 11:57:37PM +0100, taupin (wanadoo-lps) wrote:
> > > Is there somebody who observes difficulties or slowing down when \including
> > > musixadd? Otherwise it could IMO also be incorporated in musixtex.
> >
> > I'm really reluctant, once more, because of the problem of register
> > consumption.
> > This make musixadd and musixmadd not compatible with other register
> > consuming packages, especially in LaTeX. Otherwise, MusiXTeX would
> > become reserved for Omega users.
> Just an idea: What about having MusiXTeX use macros instead of
> registers? Sure, this would make musixtex.tex's coding somewhat more
> complicated, especially where calculations are to be performed, but in
> many situations, macros behave just like allocated registers. I've done
> this change with musixlyr, and in the end I was surprised how little the
> necessary code changes actually were.
>  Having overcome the register limitation, MusiXTeX could easily
> be made capable of handling arbitrary numbers of instruments, slurs,
> beams, etc. 

Wouldn't changing from registers to macros dramatically affect the speed?
For typing short pieces this shouldn't be a problem. But for rather big
scores? I remarked already that adding lyrics to a piece using musixlyr
considerably slows down PMXing and TeXing.


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] MusiXTeX and TeX register limitation [was: I wantyour tests]

2003-01-08 Thread Bernhard Lang
> It's a rather general property of musixlyr, based on the fact that the
> necessary lyrics analysis (i.e. the splitting into syllables) can be
> accomplished with TeX data structures only in squared-degree, not
> linear, execution time (related to the length of the lyrics input).

Thus, n bytes of lyrics, cut into some small pieces and put at the proper
position, will win over n bytes at one shot at the beginning?

> It shouldn't have any significance on PMXing, though.

I agree.


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Incompatibity between MusiXTeX T110 and T111 / gracenote problem

2003-01-10 Thread Bernhard Lang
On Fri, 10 Jan 2003, Cornelius C. Noack wrote:

> Hello:
> Here is an entirely different problem that may (mor likely may not)
> have anything to do with the new versions:
> I find that when coding graces with more than note, PMX runs OK, but
> musixtex complains about undef'd \settiny and \resetsize -- ??
> The simple attached gracetst.pmx shows the effect.
> The strange thing is: Don Simons tried to reproduce the problem; but
> with him my test source ran flawlessly !?
> I am using PMX 240.1 and musixtex 109,110, 111 (doesnt matter !).
> My question:
>(i) can anybody reproduce my error ?

using PMX Version 2.401 and MusiXTeX(c) T.102 <16 January 2001> I dont see
any problem

>   (ii) does anybody have an idea whats going on ?
>The problem surely has to do with setting the grace note sizes,
>and possibly with some redefinition of \Internote / \internote
>(???). And by the way,

With PMX I had once a similar problem and there it was system dependend
through a GNU CC compiler optimisation. But your problem seems to occure
inside the TeX macros. Are you sure (stupid question) that there's not
some older version of the musixtex/pmx TeX files in your search path


TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] pmx/musixtex bug?

2003-01-17 Thread Bernhard Lang
hi all

The following excerpt yields a
[][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
when PMXing it and the dot of the r9d in the second voice, second block,
is missing. In fact, this rest causes the spacing problem. Has anyone an
idea what is going on? Is this a PMX bug, Don?

(PMX 2.401, MusiXTeX(c) T.102)


---pmx file---

g03 c0- | //
g03d c2 | /

b0d b2 c0 c0 a0 6 g0 | //
r9d c0- d0 e0 | /

TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] MTX questions

2003-01-27 Thread Bernhard Lang
Hi all

a) Using MTX I need a meter called in PMX 4/0/0/4. The first problem is
that MTX refuses the first zero although this would make sense, regarding
PMX's language. Well, this is not a real problem, since m8/2/0/4 fixes
this. But the second problem is that the third and fourth numbers do not
go through MTX. In the resulting PMX file I find in the preamble "8 2 8 2"
instead of the expected "8 2 0 4". Is this intended?

b) Apparently, MTX cannot handle the nice "rp" full bar rest provided by
PMX. This seems to mess up MTX's meter/length counting. In the above
mentioned meter I would like to use a \PAUSe. Well, "\PAUSe\ rb9 rb9" or
"rb9 \PAUSe\ rb9" are workarounds but both do not produce very nice output
since a full bar rest should appear centered within the bar. A construct
with \centerPAUSe\ on the other hand is also not a real solution as the
pice has 12 voices and many such rests. So I don't see a direct TeX macro

Does anyone have a suggestion?


TeX-music mailing list

RE: [TeX-music] MTX questions

2003-01-29 Thread Bernhard Lang
On Mon, 27 Jan 2003, Don Simons wrote:

> Since the programming is more involved and this is such a rare occurrance,
> I'm not inclined to change PMX to print \PAUSe in these cases. But I don't
> understand why a macro won't work for Bernhard. Here's a compact example
> that Bernhard can use right now if in any bar that has been subdivided in
> some other voice:

Thanks a lot Don, that's perfecly what I wanted. In fact, I was a bit
misslead by the paragraph on \centerpause and friends in the musixtex
manual which are used by \def\atnextbar{\znotes&\centerpause...&...\en}
there. Thus each combination of centered rests would ask for its own macro
(being 11*12 or even 12! or somehing like that). But I didn't think about
redefining the rest command itself.

 \loop nothing's impossible with TeX \ifx don't believe that \repeat



TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] spacing problem with \liftPAuse

2003-02-07 Thread Bernhard Lang
hi all

running tex/musixflx/tex on the following lines

\input musixtex
\input pmx


[...] MusiXTeX(c) T.111 <3 Jan. 2003>
) (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/musixtex/pmx.tex
PMX, a Preprocessor for MusiXTeX, Version 2.406a <13 October 02>
) (test.mx2) < 1> bar 1
Underfull \hbox (badness 1) in paragraph at lines 4--6
[][][][][] [][]
[1] )

Changing \liftPAuse1 to \PAuse lets the spacing problem disappear.

Does anyone have an idea what is going on here?


TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] problem with \treblelowoct

2003-02-10 Thread Bernhard Lang
hi all

Can anyone tell why in the following example the 8 appears below he meter
sign rather than the clef? (PMX 2.407, a Preprocessor for MusiXTeX,
Version 2.406a <13 October 02>, MusiXTeX(c) T.111 <3 Jan. 2003>)

1 1 1 4 0 6  0.0 0 1 1 20 0

a44 /


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] problem with \treblelowoct

2003-02-10 Thread Bernhard Lang
thanks Andre, thanks Christian

It seems that there was a problem in TeX's font cache. After deleting
and regenerating musixtex' pk fonts the problem has gone.


TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] PMX and scor2prt problem

2003-02-20 Thread Bernhard Lang
Hi all

I've got a problem with a lengthy PMX source which looks to me like being
a PMX problem due to the length of the file. Some attempts to considerably
shorten the file failed. Breaking the sources into shorter pieces is
unfortunately not a real solution: I was asked to make instrumental parts
of my score of Brumel's 12 voice mass. Doing cut and paste for 12 voices
times 15 pmx sources makes a lot of work :-(. Thus I would like to have
the mass parts (kyrie, gloria, credo, sanctus/benedictus, agnus) as one
PMX file each, and auomatically generating one single-part per voice file
from each. Now the problem:

uncommenting line 489   ( see attached zip file, line "%L7P4Mi.0c" )

! Missing number, treated as zero.

\setname #1#2->\n@v #1
  \relax \expandafter \edef \csname
l.540 \setname*{}

It is the 'M' which causes the trouble.
Making then parts with

> scor2prt kyrie
> pmx kyrie1


  Bar 55  Bar 56  Bar 57  Bar 58  Bar 59  Bar 60  Bar 61  Bar 62

 ERROR in line 383, bar 64 Bar line marker out of place
 \beginmel\ d0  g2d- a4 b2d c4 d2d e4 f2d g4 a2 d2- | /
and the meter change given in line 1160 seems not to get through the part
making procedure. Is this error reproducable? Am I'doing something wrong?
(newest PMX and musixTeX versions)

regards and thanks for any help

Description: Zip archive

[TeX-music] PMX and scor2prt problem

2003-02-20 Thread Bernhard Lang
On Thu, 20 Feb 2003, Andre Van Ryckeghem wrote:

> i cannot test because i do not have
> brumel-settings.mtx

Ups, sorry. I've attached it to this mail.


Description: Zip archive

Re: [TeX-music] PMX and scor2prt problem

2003-02-20 Thread Bernhard Lang
On Thu, 20 Feb 2003, Christof Biebricher wrote:

> If your editor has good macro facilities, everything goes
> more or less automatically. A perl file or a script may do it as well.

I'm using emacs, so plenty features for automatisation should be
available. Unfortunately I don't know emacs-lisp and for the moment I
don't have the time to learn it. Are the macros/scripts you used for you
Bach edition perhaps adaptable to my problem?

> By the way: the tex file does not seem to have any length restriction.
> This comes from shipping out completed pages.

I didn't suppose that this problem is caused by TeX itself but rather by a
limitation inside a musixTeX macro construct or inside PMX (sorry Don for
steadily touching limits with this 12 voice thing)

> This may look more complicated, but if you considering the time saving
> using pmx, it is really still an enormous bargain.

That's exactly why I'm asking (and hoping that the problem might be only a
minor and simply to fix thing)


TeX-music mailing list

RE: [TeX-music] PMX and scor2prt problem

2003-02-21 Thread Bernhard Lang
Hi Don

Thanks a lot for your help.

> The first is at line 516, where you had a type-3 TeX string followed
> on the same line by some PMX input. It's a no-no that unfortunately
> did not bother PMX, but really confused scor2prt. Type-3 TeX strings
> should never be followed by PMX input on the same line.
>  Should I modify PMX to check for this? In this case it didn't matter
> to PMX. So I suspect there may be lots of existing sources out there
> that have never gone through scor2prt, and would no longer make it
> through PMX if I tightened up the rules. But of course the error
> message would guide the user to a quick fix.

I think so too. At least a warning message of PMX or scor2prt would be
helpful. I used MTX for processing the lyrics. So the PMX file was not so
much under my control and I didn't play with this sort of things.

> The other error was on line 1090 where you used "L15P8" without "%%" on the
> previous line. Again, not an error in the score. But after fixing the first
> problem, when processing one of the parts, PMX did catch this one.

I see, I should have noiced that :-(

many thanks, also to Christian and Christof
regards Bernhard

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Barnumber with PMX and MusiXTeX T111

2003-03-05 Thread Bernhard Lang
On Tue, 4 Mar 2003, Hermann Hinsch wrote:

> I made an update of my MusiXTeX to version T111 by replacing the files of the
> .../tex-directory and the .../mf-directory and deleting the old tfm-files.
> Using PMX the barnumbers are positioned directly above the upper note line
> with no space between. Replacing musixtex.tex by musixtex.tex of T107 the
> barnumbers are positioned as they should. I use linux (SuSE 8.0).
> Does anyone observe the same?
> Hermann

Yes I do so (PMX 2408, MusiXTeX T111). I suspected it was due to some
experiments of mine and I fixed it with for the moment a quick-and-dirty
patch. Now I tend more to think that the reason is located in
pmx.tex/musixtex.tex. Inserting


after reading in pmx.tex puts the bar numbers back to where they used to
be. I didn't dig more into details (a comment in pmx.tex near line
250 states

%  The following 2 macros are messy, but they retain \raisebarno as a macro and
%  retain original definition in musixtex for the end-of-line utility.

:-) but it seems that somehow \raisebarno and \shiftbarno, respectively
the retaining macros/dimension registers get reset to zero later on during
read in of pmx.tex (inspecting this with some inserted \show and \the
commands in inline-TeX commands). Thus redefining them afterwards fixes
the actual problem but may kill the stated end-of-line feature.

Has anyone got any idea what may go on there?


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Barnumber with PMX and MusiXTeX T111

2003-03-06 Thread Bernhard Lang
On Wed, 5 Mar 2003, Olivier Vogel wrote:

> The problem you describe seems similar to the one I observed in January
> 2003. Look at the messages with the subject "Incompability between MusiXTeX
> T110 and T111".
> Try the solution proposed by Daniel Taupin:
> make the following change at line 4418 of the file musixtex.tex
> ---

Yes, that works.


TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] Re: was M-Tx on Windows: starting up problems

2003-03-07 Thread Bernhard Lang
> Wow... Leave for a day and you miss a lot...  I am glad to hear that Gert
> found the answer needed.  I want to add that I frequently use a utility
> called FLIP to convert whole directories from Unix to MS-DOS line endings.
> There are many utilities named FLIP, so a search on Google will bring up a
> lot, but this FLIP is the one I recommend.  (This is for Windows PC Systems,
> where the user knows how to use the MS-DOS Prompt and do basic operations
> from the 'command line.')

It's good to distribute infos about useful tools. Thanks Joel. I'd like to
add a remark/question. Upon Gerds problem I peeked in the prepmx sources
for file IO operations. The fopen commands in the p2c sources show indeed
only mode "r", resp. "w" (binary), as opposed to "rt", resp. "wt"
(text). Thus files are treated in binary mode. Using gcc on UN*X I never
had line ending problems when using text mode. At least the glibc routines
seem to be smart enough. However, I don't know how that is on the DOS/WIN
side and if there is a similar feature available in PASCAL (in which MTX
seems to be written originally). If so, it might be useful to apply a
corresponding patch which avoids the problem in future.


TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] Basso Continuo Source

2003-06-06 Thread Bernhard Lang
Hi all

For those who are interested in historic documents about playing basso
continuo: On the archive, you'll find my translation of Agostino
Agazzari's >>Del Sonare Sopra'l Basso Con Tutti Li Stromenti E dell'Uso
Loro Nel Conserto<< 1607, one of the most important sources about early
continuo practice.


I still consider it to be draft, although the german translation should be
already quite ok, but the english version remains to be improved, since
I'm not a native speaker. I understand it as a starting point and invite
everybody being interested to have a look on it, and I'm happy for all
comments, suggestions, corrections etc. Anyhow and naturally, this holds
also for the german part...


Bernhard Lang  | Physical Chemistry Departement, Sciences II
21, Avenue du Denantou | University of Geneva; 30, Quai Ernest Ansermet
CH-1006 Lausanne, Suisse   | CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland
TEL/FAX: +41(0)21 601 3657 | TEL +41(0)22 702-6535, FAX -6518

TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] meter changes and PMX spacing

2003-06-30 Thread Bernhard Lang
Dear all

Setting a piece from Monteverdi I've the problem that meter is changing
several times within a few bars from common time (four half notes) to
"tempus perfectum diminutum" (six whole notes) and back. The tempo
relation is about such that on half note of the former corresponds to
three whole notes of the latter. Setting this straight forward I get
either much to wide spacing in one or much to crowded in the other meter.
Setting each meter change at a line break does not help, this produces
some odd looking lines. Has anyone got an idea if and how how PMX could be
convinced to change spacing within a running line?


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Most basic PMX file or template?

2003-07-16 Thread Bernhard Lang
Hi Martin

Sending a short file with which you have problems may help us to find
out what the problem is.


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] cue notes, "a defauts": translation needed.

2003-07-28 Thread Bernhard Lang
> Does anyone know the right English term for these notes ? Or does the
> French term belong to the mostly Italian "lingua franca" of music ? German
> term is also welcome.

A "sub-partition", having some but not all voices, for example the
continuo part, where you find also the singer's part in small size, but
not all the other instruments, is called in german "Particell". But I
think this is not really what you mean.


TeX-music mailing list

re [TeX-music] PMX score layout question

2003-08-02 Thread bernhard lang
Hi Joerg

Obviously you provide PMX not the right number of clefs OR names of
voices/instrument (one per line, which are before the clefs). This error
is somehow easy to oversee since PMX wants to have exactly n lines for the
names, even if these lines are empty. And the fact that PMX complains
about clefs missleads in finding the origin of the error. As a first step
I would check this.


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] PMX and brackets ?

2003-08-04 Thread Bernhard Lang
On Mon, 4 Aug 2003, Joerg Anders wrote:

> > Besides, I notice that you use version 2.3 of PMX. I strongly recommend you
> > to use the latest version (2.410) which contains a lot of ameliorations.
> >
> Yes, but for Unix/Linux there is 2.3 the latest version).

You can easily compile it yourself from the sources (having g77 or f2c
this will take you about two minutes)

1) download and unzip the pmx version in question
2) load pmxab.for into an editor
3) look for two lines with comment
   "! May need to replace this w/ next line "
   and do so (in vers. 2401 that's line 543 and 556)
4) delete the very last line (^Z)
5) g77 pmxab.for -o pmxab
6) if you don't have g77 (the fortran frontend of the gcc collection)
   you may use f2c:
   a) mv pmxab.for pmxab.f
   b) f2c -Nx400 -Nn802 pmxab.f
   c) gcc -o pmxab pmxab.c -lf2c -lm
7) copy the result to some location being mentioned in the PATH
that's it


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] figured bass question and PMX - and the next question

2003-08-05 Thread Bernhard Lang
On Tue, 5 Aug 2003, Johan Tufvesson wrote:

> On Mon, 4 Aug 2003, Diane Blaurock wrote:
> > If I understand what I've read about copyright law correctly, scholarly
> > editions with critical apparatus are covered only for a period of 25 years.
> > I am assuming that this pertains to the edition that I have, because the
> > editor lists all of the corrections that he made. If I reset the score,
> > omitting the realization of the continuo line and only giving the figured
> > bass, would I be able to post my score and parts to the archive?
> I have not heard anything about those 25 years, and I presume that it
> differs in different countries. I have taken the "easy" way and only
> published pieces transcribed from 17- and 18th century prints and
> manuscripts.
> > Or should I keep it to myself and we all pretend I never wrote this?
> And do like me? :-)
> This is why I could not keep myself from commenting this. Yes, I have
> transcribed exactly that sonata and kept it to myself because of copyright
> questions that I did not have the energy to solve. If you do come to a
> conclusion, I'm interested in hearing about it.

I'm not a lawyer, but to my understanding of the matter you must
differentiate two things which are addressed by the same word "copyright"
in english as far as I know: a)  the right (or prohibition) to copy
something printed by using a photocopying machine or something similar and
b) to copy a text or sheet music or whatever from a certain author by
reediting it. Obviously the former is bound to the edition and its
graphical outcome, while the latter is bound to the content. The latter
holds in Germany for 70 years or so. After this time, anyone is free to do
with a text whatever he wants. Thus any music from before 1900 you can
safely reedit (in Germany) because noone can have rights on what the music
tells. However you may not scan and redistribute a modern edition of this
piece. On the other hand, if you want to redistribute a scanned old source
which is to be found in a certain library, you may have to pay fees to
this library, because it may have rights on the "graphical part". I would
be very surprised if this is substantially different in other western
countries, except that the delays and fees may vary quite.


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Copyright

2003-08-06 Thread Bernhard Lang
On Tue, 5 Aug 2003, Hermann Hinsch wrote:

> >So if the composer has been dead for 70 years, and you
> >have access to the compostition in it's original,
> >unedited form, nobody can stop you from publishing it
> >if you do the typesetting yourself.
> Is this true too if I use a commercially available facsimile as source?

Again, as to Simon, who should be able to proof it. You may have got a
copy of the original source from someone somewhere. You find exactly the
same content, maybe just a bit more lisible. So noone can have rights on
the content. Of course you must not reproduce the facsimile which might be
of substatially better quality as the original, due to modern graphics
processing programs.


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] figured bass question and PMX - and the next question

2003-08-14 Thread Bernhard Lang
On Tue, 5 Aug 2003, Simon Dreher wrote:

> If you want to re-edit a piece and use any editorial work, you'll have
> to wait for 50 years after the publication of the edition you use.
> This is what I heard about the copyright (at least in Germany).

Who ever would be able to proof, which edition you used? If you don't copy
obvious missprints, parallels between yours and another edition might by
just parallels in interpretation of the original source. Of course you
shouldn't copy things like continuo realisations (ugh such stuff should
never go into an edition! Those things are the job of the players).


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] PMX and continued/discontinued bar rules

2003-08-14 Thread Bernhard Lang
> Is there a possibility to declare individual bar
> rules in PMX ? I assume I can use TeX statments together with

It has to be done by inline-TeX. But there was a short thread on the
list just about this some days ago.


TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] MusiXTeX with LaTeX without problems

2003-09-15 Thread Bernhard Lang
I ran into exactly that problem "no room left for new dimen register..."
yesterday when I included a PMX generated tex file into a longer latex
document. And I discovered that \inputting all the supplementary files
automatically included by the PMX output already in the latex preamble
solves the problem. It seems that TeX eats up some of its space during the
latex run but manages to survive when the space necessary for allocating
registers has been reserved right at the beginnig. Does anyone have an
idea what that is due to?


TeX-music mailing list