[TMIC] prayer

2008-02-15 Thread ceckenberg
 Hey all:  I hope this goes through. Have been able to receive, but not
send anything for a couple of weeks, and yes, Jude is on my prayer list!


Re: [TMIC] leg stiffness

2007-12-26 Thread ceckenberg

Oh, yeah!  Stiffness is due to muscle spasms.  I have been going to a
massage therapist for over a year now, and she is really just getting some
of the knots to loosen with heat and massage.  I have hopes that this will
help more and more.  today she got my left lower leg looser than it has
been in five years, and she says there's more to go.  It has sure been an
uphill battle, but there is always hope.

Cora in OK

 anyone else having this problem?

 Never miss a thing.   Make Yahoo your homepage.

Re: [TMIC] OT. Ice storm in Oklahoma

2007-12-12 Thread ceckenberg
Hey, gang, we in Eastern OK have also missed the ice. Well, gee whiz, we've 
already had it twice. We are more than glad to miss out this time. Cora, in the 
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

-Original Message-
From: Larry Throne [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2007 09:38:25 
Subject: [TMIC] OT. Ice storm in Oklahoma

I just thought I'd drop a note and let you all know I'm Okay.  We didn't get 
the ice most of the state got and still have electricity.  So far there are 
over 500,000 without eletricity in the state.  I haven't heard from Cora yet 
but I'll try to catch her later today.
 Larry in Oklahoma where it is raining again.


[TMIC] Happy, happy Birthdays

2007-11-04 Thread ceckenberg

Here's to the November Babies:  Have your birthday and your cake too!

  Ella,   Jeff ,  Gina ,   Margaret Monson ,   Diane ,
  Marie,  Kevin,  Lauren Bresse,   Sandra,  Becky,
  Drema,   Cossy,  Pearl Bernocchi,  Judy Hoops,
 Gunny,  Jack McMillan, and Louise Flagg  

From Cora in Oklahoma!

Re: [TMIC] ozone

2007-07-01 Thread ceckenberg
When we had a house fire and they wanted to ozone treat our furniture
for about a thousand dollars--I told my family to put it out in the
sunshine for a few days--that's ozone; No?  It worked: no smoke or other
bad smells in the couch and chairs!  course, that's not what ozone
therapy is for people, but makes one think.


 Hi Again
   Thank you all  for the info on ozone therapy.  I am NOT going to try it
 but if my friend does I will let you know what happens to her.
   Brooklyn NY

 TV dinner still cooling?
 Check out Tonight's Picks on Yahoo! TV.

Re: [TMIC] Cold Spots

2007-05-04 Thread ceckenberg
Barbara, I would hug everyone if I could.  This is so great.  No one
(except this bunch) knows how disconcerting it is to be leaking, voiding,
urinating all the time, even if I do have enough pads on to keep it from
leaking to outer clothes.  Also, with all that padding, how much is it
affecting my gait?  Walking with mostly numb feet is no easy task, as you
all know.  I guess that's what is so truly enjoyable about horseback
riding--he has full function of his legs-all 4 of them, and I get to
experience that in a way.  The spasms in the worst affected muscles in my
legs and ankles keep them very stiff.  The massage therapist is working
very hard on getting some relaxation from those muscles.  I'd hate to
think how my feet would be curled down if she hadn't been working on my
legs weekly!  Now I just have to get my stamina back after having to stay
quiet for 2 months.
Buck up, gang--technology is definitely worth it!Cora

 Hello Cora,

 You are just the great success story!  I am just so thrilled for  you!
 Thanks so much for sharing and giving hope to so many.

 Hugs, Barbara A

 ** See what's free at

Re: [TMIC] Cold Spots

2007-05-02 Thread ceckenberg
Hey: Diathermy is the one thing I cannot have since the implanting of my
Interstim (neurostimulation device).  I got a medical ID tag to wear to
warn of the presence of the device and that diathermy is not good for
me--or more accurately, nnot good for the device.
BTW, the company representative that talked to me also said that some
great things were happening for some people who took detrol/ditropan like
drugs while on interstim therapy.  I had some left, so I tried it, and
have been totally continent for 3 days and nights.  and it doesn't take
much.  Cora

 I use MIRE / Anodyne Therapy 3 times a week that does help me, but we have
 now heard of Diathermy that could be better.

   Diathermy: The therapeutic generation of local heat in body tissues by
 high-frequency electromagnetic currents.
   It looks like the MIRE is another option to Diathermy for people that do
 have metal in their body.   Which I don't have.  There should be no
 reason, that Diathermy could had helped me.

   What is Diathermy:  http://www.answers.com/topic/diathermy

 Diathermy Option
 Clinically Proven Infrared Therapy Effective for Neuropathy  Wounds

 Mettler Diathermy Units Discounted. Compare Our Prices. All Models.

   Hello everyone,
 My name is Kristy Matheson I am from Tennessee. Im new to this so bare
 with me. I was just wondering if anyone has ever experienced cold spots on
 your legs or arms?
 I have had TM for 5 years now, In the past two weeks my feet get cold
 (really cold) and it will travel up to my knees, I also get it in my arms
 but not as much as in my legs Also during this my symptoms have
 multiplied. I would appreciate any input.

 Kristy M

[TMIC] birthdays

2007-05-01 Thread ceckenberg
Ah! the Spring Babies!  Have happy days and celebrations on your special
day!  I love having birthdays---it's so much better than the alternative.

Happy birthday:   Linda Garrett ,  Lynn - R I,   Lynn,  motherogs,
  Mary,  Maureen ,  Maria ,   Jim   , and  Wendy

From Cora in OK.

Re: Fw: [TMIC] News And Results!

2007-03-29 Thread ceckenberg
My hubby is advacating the same thing.  Worth a try for night time
dryness, eh?



 [Original Message]
 To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
 Date: 3/26/2007 9:37:58 PM
 Subject: Re: Fw: [TMIC] News  And Results!

 Jude:  After getting off the foley catheter, I went to pads and diapers,
 and after about a year of that, and a visit to the urologist, got taught
 to self-cath, which I didn't have to do all the time, but if I get a
 retention is what happens and I can't void.The doctor says that my
 bladder is doing its job:  when it fills to a certain point, it empties.
 Now that is without any control from my head--or whatever.  If I want to
 wait, Forget it, cause it's doing its own thing.  I'm not sure if the
 sacral nerve on the right side is so damaged that it couldn't respond,
 the left was more okay, or what?  I'm going to ask the doc on Friday.
 Yes, pads and pads, and more pads.  I did find out that the Overnight
 strength Assurance underwear (aka diapers/pull ups) has an extra little
 elastic barrier inside each leg to keep leaks inside.  I have only found
 that brand and that particular Night time product at Wal-Mart.  I've
 two or more Depends Boost pads to that to go most of the night.

 I have found that this works well both night and day to keep outer
 clothing dry.  I does help one's dignity to know you're not dripping all
 over the place! LOL

 The stimulator was described to me as a pacemaker for the bladder.
 And the doc also said that a particular stimulation level (different for
 each patient, I'd guess) kind of removes all the background noise and
 allows the brain signal--to wait, or to release, etc.--to be heard and
 understood by the detrussor muscle--the bladder.   This is one of those
 things that works or doesn't.  And the only way to find out is to try.
 But the doc did say that among tm patients, those who can't go
 have the least improvement/success.

 I just know that today I wore panties again, and a pad, and I did have
 some leakage, but not like before!  A gal my age probably usually wears
 pad in case she sneezes, anyway LOL.

 Cora, still in Baltimore, but yearning for home.

  http://www.oztion.com.au/myauctions/trinketgilly.aspx - Original
  Message -
  Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2007 3:09 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] News And Results!
  Hi Cora,
  Gilly, please forward this to Cora for me...I don't have her address
  anymore.  Thanks.
  Congratulations!  Sounds like there is good news from your neck of the
  woods too.  Isn't it weird the simple things that make us happy now?
  May I ask, because I missed something along the way,,,what did you
  done and why?  I mean, it sounds like you weren't self-cathing or
  something.  I could never have gone more than three hours around the
  before I broke my legs and had this foley put in.  Now they don't know
  they can get me off of it.  That's why I have a special interest in
  you had done.
  I also have to do digital stimulation of my bowels to have any effect
  sometimes , as you know, it is a whole lot of work and takes forever.
  am super interested in what kind of stimulator you are talking about.
  I woke up from a nap today soaking wet with urine and it went through
  pads.  I have dressings on both sides of my butt for pressure sores
  course they got all wet and I had to take them off.  Dave had gone to
  already and I could not get my home nursing to come out and put new
  dressings on, so here I sit, in pain...waiting for Dave to get home.
  sounds like whatever it is that you have had done is right up my
  You hang in there lady and keep enjoying all of your newfound freedom.
  Maybe you'll  beat your TM, a little bit at a time.
  Peace and Prayers,
  AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free
  from AOL at AOL.com.

Re: [TMIC] Allen Rucker on tv

2007-03-26 Thread ceckenberg
Yes, and he was on Talk of the Nation on National Public radio, and if you
want to hear it, you can access it on www.npr.org It was on Feb 28th,
I think: don't hold me to that.  We played it on the computer just the
other night, as my husband hadn't heard it, and I only heard the last five
minutes of the broadcast.

 Sandy wanted me to let everyone know that Allen Rucker will be on tv
 talking about TM in the following cities.

 SUNDAY, APRIL 1: WLS/ABC-7 Sunday Morning News, Chicago, 8:20 am.
 Feature piece with interviews with both Harold Ramis and me by local
 disability reporter, Karen Meyers.

 TUESDAY, APRIL 10: Life  Times, KCET, Los Angeles, 6:30 pm.
 Feature piece by reporter Hena Cuevas.

   He will also be on an upcoming The Montel Williams Show, but we
 don't know the air date yet.

 Jim Lubin
 disAbility Resources: http://www.makoa.org

Re: Fw: [TMIC] News And Results!

2007-03-26 Thread ceckenberg
Jude:  After getting off the foley catheter, I went to pads and diapers,
and after about a year of that, and a visit to the urologist, got taught
to self-cath, which I didn't have to do all the time, but if I get a UTI,
retention is what happens and I can't void.The doctor says that my
bladder is doing its job:  when it fills to a certain point, it empties. 
Now that is without any control from my head--or whatever.  If I want to
wait, Forget it, cause it's doing its own thing.  I'm not sure if the
sacral nerve on the right side is so damaged that it couldn't respond, but
the left was more okay, or what?  I'm going to ask the doc on Friday. 
Yes, pads and pads, and more pads.  I did find out that the Overnight
strength Assurance underwear (aka diapers/pull ups) has an extra little
elastic barrier inside each leg to keep leaks inside.  I have only found
that brand and that particular Night time product at Wal-Mart.  I've added
two or more Depends Boost pads to that to go most of the night.

I have found that this works well both night and day to keep outer
clothing dry.  I does help one's dignity to know you're not dripping all
over the place! LOL

The stimulator was described to me as a pacemaker for the bladder.
And the doc also said that a particular stimulation level (different for
each patient, I'd guess) kind of removes all the background noise and
allows the brain signal--to wait, or to release, etc.--to be heard and
understood by the detrussor muscle--the bladder.   This is one of those
things that works or doesn't.  And the only way to find out is to try. 
But the doc did say that among tm patients, those who can't go (retention)
have the least improvement/success.

I just know that today I wore panties again, and a pad, and I did have
some leakage, but not like before!  A gal my age probably usually wears a
pad in case she sneezes, anyway LOL.

Cora, still in Baltimore, but yearning for home.

 http://www.oztion.com.au/myauctions/trinketgilly.aspx - Original
 Message -
 Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2007 3:09 PM
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] News And Results!

 Hi Cora,

 Gilly, please forward this to Cora for me...I don't have her address
 anymore.  Thanks.

 Congratulations!  Sounds like there is good news from your neck of the
 woods too.  Isn't it weird the simple things that make us happy now?

 May I ask, because I missed something along the way,,,what did you have
 done and why?  I mean, it sounds like you weren't self-cathing or
 something.  I could never have gone more than three hours around the clock
 before I broke my legs and had this foley put in.  Now they don't know if
 they can get me off of it.  That's why I have a special interest in what
 you had done.

 I also have to do digital stimulation of my bowels to have any effect and
 sometimes , as you know, it is a whole lot of work and takes forever.  I
 am super interested in what kind of stimulator you are talking about.

 I woke up from a nap today soaking wet with urine and it went through four
 pads.  I have dressings on both sides of my butt for pressure sores and of
 course they got all wet and I had to take them off.  Dave had gone to work
 already and I could not get my home nursing to come out and put new
 dressings on, so here I sit, in pain...waiting for Dave to get home.  It
 sounds like whatever it is that you have had done is right up my alley!

 You hang in there lady and keep enjoying all of your newfound freedom.
 Maybe you'll  beat your TM, a little bit at a time.

 Peace and Prayers,

 AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free
 from AOL at AOL.com.

RE: [TMIC] News And Results!

2007-03-25 Thread ceckenberg
Ah Hah!  You know that the secret is that most of us out here can't fit
into any of her stuff! :-)

 Such great news! On your way home stop at Victoria's Secret you

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2007 3:48 PM
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; tmic-list@eskimo.com
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] News And Results!

 I'm having the Medtronic Interstim device implanted.  There has even been

 a company representative involved in the procedures.  It can kind of be

 described as a pacemaker for the bladder.  Check out the Medtronic

 website for more information.

 Cora, wearing first pair of panties in 4 1/2 years.

 Hi Cora,

 That sounds great!  But what is it that you have had done?  I guess I


 those emails.  Right now I have to straight cath to go pee.  I don't

 that much leakage but I am on 2 bladder meds also.

 Lynn, in RI  where it is a beautiful spring Saturday

 - Original Message -


 To: tmic-list@eskimo.com

 Sent: Friday, March 23, 2007 8:03 PM

 Subject: [TMIC] News And Results!

 We switched the leads from the right lead to the left lead this

 I can scarcely believe the difference!  I've only had enough leaking


 to change pads ONCE!

 We all know that this TM/blasted syndrome-opathy affects us differently

 from person to person-- but differently on different sides as well.


 got a feeling they put me on the side that they thought was less likely


 give results first.  I admit that I'd have been severely bummed if I

 good results then bad.  We'll see how nights go.. I usually

 put on a gob of pads and overnight diaper  and try to sleep through.

 I kept increasing the signal, as I became used to it , on side one, up


 about a 5 (halfway)  Then I had some fever, dizzyness, didn't feel at


 good, and pretty much got over that, then when changing to the left


 I thought the tolerance that had built up might have some effect, but

 no!  I started at about .5 and haven't gone above 1 today, and can

 feel it.  I'm pretty sure that its just about finding the setting that

 works; on the side that works.  I did ask, and was told they would use


 side that did the best.

 And...I've had normal bowel movements since about the 4th day.  I


 I used to have to use digital stimulation to achieve a bowel movement,


 considered it to be under control, but these are without stimulation

 (except from the stimulator, of course)!  Wow!  This is what I was



 They did say that us TMers have less success if our bladders retain


 than leak.

 If it works for me, it can work for others.   Cora


2007-03-25 Thread ceckenberg
coffee? did someone say coffee?  Can't be too much coffee, can there?
And the engineer's exam is way great!

 The swelling question is a tough one. Most of us just have to find a way
 to try to keep it down to a level we can live with. Keeping your legs
 elevated helps some. Watching salt intake, taking diuretics and exersize
 are the most standard endeavors. One of the group members has a pretty
 cool contraption that helps him hang upside down for several minutes at a
 time which he says helps with his but that equipment is expensive and
 takes up a lot of room. Plus, I'm not sure how healthy it would be for
 you. You would need to talk with your doctor or physical therapist before
 trying it. As far a a quad being about to transfer, I've known a couple
 that could do it alone but not many. It depends on how much return you are
 going to get. It takes a lot of strength to move dead wieght from point A
 to point B. But don't give up. Keep trying. The best thing is to get in
 the best shape you can  be in. In the long run, as much as you can do,
 keep doing it. If you don't use it, you will loose it. Every little bit
 Where do you live Wayne? I don't remember reading any of your postings.
 How long have you had TM?
 Larry in Oklahoma where I think I've had too much coffee this

 Larry Throne, MSW   From: Wayne Rabalais
 Subject: [TMIC]
 Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2007 18:00:09 -0600

body {font-family:Arial,
 P.msoNormal, LI.msoNormal {font-family:Helvetica, quot;Times New
 I know there was a question about swelling but I never saw an answer. Do
 any of you have swelling of the feet? What has been done for you?  I also
 wanted to get feedback on something.  I'm about to go to PT and OT. I
 haven't had therapy for about 11/2 years.  I hope to get some strength in
 my hands and arms.  What are the chances of me being able to transfer if I
 am a quad?
  Watch free concerts with Pink, Rod Stewart, Oasis and more. Visit MSN
 Presents today.

[TMIC] RE: News and Results

2007-03-24 Thread ceckenberg
Thanks, All of you for the well-wishes.  This is the best I have felt
since getting this disease.  I would defenitely recommend a trial.  And,
yes, Larry, I had a UTI just before: they called me and called in a couple
of antibiotics that we had to go by and pick up on the way to the airport.

They also gave me a 'routine' bout of Keflex after the stage one surgery. 
I may have to still worry about retention:  but I do have a catheter with
me in case I need it.

Hang in there, folks.  I am your poster child for today!


Re: [TMIC] News And Results!

2007-03-24 Thread ceckenberg
I'm having the Medtronic Interstim device implanted.  There has even been
a company representative involved in the procedures.  It can kind of be
described as a pacemaker for the bladder.  Check out the Medtronic
website for more information.

Cora, wearing first pair of panties in 4 1/2 years.

 Hi Cora,

 That sounds great!  But what is it that you have had done?  I guess I
 those emails.  Right now I have to straight cath to go pee.  I don't have
 that much leakage but I am on 2 bladder meds also.

 Lynn, in RI  where it is a beautiful spring Saturday
 - Original Message -
 To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
 Sent: Friday, March 23, 2007 8:03 PM
 Subject: [TMIC] News And Results!

 We switched the leads from the right lead to the left lead this morning.
 I can scarcely believe the difference!  I've only had enough leaking
 to change pads ONCE!

 We all know that this TM/blasted syndrome-opathy affects us differently
 from person to person-- but differently on different sides as well.
 got a feeling they put me on the side that they thought was less likely
 give results first.  I admit that I'd have been severely bummed if I had
 good results then bad.  We'll see how nights go.. I usually just
 put on a gob of pads and overnight diaper  and try to sleep through.

 I kept increasing the signal, as I became used to it , on side one, up
 about a 5 (halfway)  Then I had some fever, dizzyness, didn't feel at
 good, and pretty much got over that, then when changing to the left
 I thought the tolerance that had built up might have some effect, but
 no!  I started at about .5 and haven't gone above 1 today, and can still
 feel it.  I'm pretty sure that its just about finding the setting that
 works; on the side that works.  I did ask, and was told they would use
 side that did the best.

 And...I've had normal bowel movements since about the 4th day.  I
 I used to have to use digital stimulation to achieve a bowel movement,
 considered it to be under control, but these are without stimulation
 (except from the stimulator, of course)!  Wow!  This is what I was

 They did say that us TMers have less success if our bladders retain
 than leak.

 If it works for me, it can work for others.   Cora

[TMIC] News And Results!

2007-03-23 Thread ceckenberg
We switched the leads from the right lead to the left lead this morning. 
I can scarcely believe the difference!  I've only had enough leaking today
to change pads ONCE!

We all know that this TM/blasted syndrome-opathy affects us differently
from person to person-- but differently on different sides as well.  I've
got a feeling they put me on the side that they thought was less likely to
give results first.  I admit that I'd have been severely bummed if I had
good results then bad.  We'll see how nights go.. I usually just
put on a gob of pads and overnight diaper  and try to sleep through.

I kept increasing the signal, as I became used to it , on side one, up to
about a 5 (halfway)  Then I had some fever, dizzyness, didn't feel at all
good, and pretty much got over that, then when changing to the left lead,
I thought the tolerance that had built up might have some effect, but
no!  I started at about .5 and haven't gone above 1 today, and can still
feel it.  I'm pretty sure that its just about finding the setting that
works; on the side that works.  I did ask, and was told they would use the
side that did the best.

And...I've had normal bowel movements since about the 4th day.  I mean,
I used to have to use digital stimulation to achieve a bowel movement, and
considered it to be under control, but these are without stimulation
(except from the stimulator, of course)!  Wow!  This is what I was hoping

They did say that us TMers have less success if our bladders retain rather
than leak.

If it works for me, it can work for others.   Cora

[TMIC] RE: News

2007-03-21 Thread ceckenberg
Hey Gang, Thanks for all the well-wishes and prayers.  I need 'em.
One day was not good at all--I wet myself in the middle of a store on the
way to the bathroom.  I didn't die of embarrassment--quite!

The next day was better.  I have some questions to ask the Dr. today.  I
want to know if I'm supposed to crank this thing up till I can feel it
again.  Part of the problem is numbness in the area I'm supposed to feel
it in: the pelvic floor.  There's a tolerance factor in that where I could
feel it at first, now it takes more juice.  Not sure, but I think it's
just where it works for me  Let you all know more later.

Cora, who got into Baltimore and into and out of surgery before the sleet

Re: interstim therapy [TMIC]

2007-02-26 Thread ceckenberg
Helga:  Yes, I am going to go to  Baltimore on March 16 to give it a try: 
I'll get back to everyone to let you know how it goes.  The research
suggests that most folks who have this get at least 50% improvement, and I
don't know what improvement means, but I will before all is said and

 Dear Cora:

 Did you have your appointment with the urologist at Johns Hopkins?

 Were you a candidate for interstim therapy?

 Warm regards,

 Helga [from the TMIC list]

RE: [Norton AntiSpam] [TMIC] FYI

2007-02-23 Thread ceckenberg
Well, I think that is what I'm about to get!  Less than 30 days now til I
go and get it!  cora



 - Original Message -
 From: Larry Throne
 To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
 Sent: 2/16/2007 7:53:55 PM
 Subject: [Norton AntiSpam] [TMIC] FYI

 I found this in the MSN Health  fitness Web page:

 Health News
  'Smart Bladder' Technology Could Help Paralyzed

 Stimulating spinal cord can restore natural urination, animal study shows
 -- Robert Preidt

 FRIDAY, Feb. 16 (HealthDay News) -- Duke University researchers say
 they've moved a step closer in their efforts to develop a smart bladder
 pacemaker that could restore bladder control in people with spinal cord
 injury or neurological diseases.
 The latest finding of the project, which started in 2004, shows that
 electrical stimulation of the pelvic nerve in the spinal cord can control
 the contraction and relaxation of muscles involved in bladder control.
 In tests on cats, the researchers found that high frequency electrical
 pulses directed at the pelvic nerve helped empty the bladder, while low
 frequency pulses increased bladder capacity and improved continence.
 This method of manipulating the nervous system is a more flexible way of
 controlling urinary function than direct bladder stimulation, said Warren
 Grill of Duke's Pratt School of Engineering.
 Stimulating the bladder directly can cause it only to contract, not to
 keep it from contracting. We stimulate the sensory inputs in the spinal
 cord to orchestrate either the inhibition or activation of urination,
 Grill said in a prepared statement.
 This illustrates an important principle: We can use the 'smarts' of the
 nervous system to orchestrate control of complex functions, he said.
 It may be possible to use a similar approach to stimulate spinal reflexes
 that control movement to help people who are paralyzed, Grill said.
 The research is expected to be presented Friday at the American
 Association for the Advancement of Science annual meeting in San
 More information
 The U.S. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
 explains how nerve damage/diseases affect bladder control.
 content by:

 SOURCE: Duke University, news release, Feb. 16, 2007

 Play Flexicon: the crossword game that feeds your brain. PLAY now for

[TMIC] February BirthBabies

2007-02-23 Thread ceckenberg
Happy Birthday ALL!  (better late than never, no?)

2/2/63 Ursula
2/2 Lisa in TN
2-5 Tita in Delaware
2-6-51 Barbara Alma
2/6/53 Sue
2-7-82 Barbara in Texas
2-9-41  Frank
2-11-56 Deb Casey
2/15/70 Jill
02/16/38 David T. Gibson
2/16/62 Diane Aja
2-17-40 JOAN FINK
2-20 Norma
21/02/47 Phyllis Pollock
2/23 Erin
2/26 Patti - Michigan
2/27/53 Cindy

Have a Wild and Crazy Day!


Re: RE: [TMIC] Magic?

2007-01-30 Thread ceckenberg
Whew! I thought there for a minute that phranque had gone serious on us.


 [Original Message]
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; tMIC-list@eskimo.com
 Date: 1/23/2007 10:44:14 AM
 Subject: Re: RE: [TMIC] Magic?


 I believe you,

 But some cases of TM are from VooDoo.


[TMIC] Re: Flack

2007-01-20 Thread ceckenberg
Hear, Hear!  Do I remember getting flack from Tom way back when I started?


RE: [TMIC] TM Spasms

2007-01-20 Thread ceckenberg
Tracey and all:  The doctor at Johns Hopkins who is doing my interstim (in
March--I'll be sure to tell you all about it) said that Botox injections
in the bladder muscle is the next thing to try for my spastic bladder. 
and as for spasms in legs, I have a very good massage therapist. She does
not make a euphoric, dreamy, good-feeling massage--she gets in there and
kneads those muscles til it hurts, but over the past few months, I
actually have had some time when the spazzing in the backs of my thighs
stopped! (for some days)  Of course, we're  in ice right now and walking
on it has got my legs tightened up again.  She claims that the horseback
riding helps as much or more than her massage.  For me, this is working,
as long as I work at it.  That seems to be the key doesn't it? We all have
to work hard at keeping whatever functioning we have.

Cora, who cannot ride til the ice melts and the temperature gets to at
least 40 degrees.

 My 13 year old daughter just received Botox in the outside calf muscle
 on her one leg. The only issue is that it relaxed the good muscles to
 help the others to become strong. They have now put a cast on her leg,
 from her knee down, to re-teach the muscle where it should be. It was
 too tight and they couldn't get it to relax. The chance of a sprain is
 very good b/c she won't have the control of her good muscles and the
 not so good muscles have not completely strengthened yet. If you are
 not able to be up and moving, this would probably be a good fix, but if
 you are currently up and moving about, it will relax muscles that you
 used to have control over, therefore, making slightly harder to get
 around until the other muscles are strong.
 I don't regret her having it at all. The prognosis is supposed to be
 very good. I would just make sure that you all know the risks involved
 before doing it. With my daughter, they actually hooked up e stem to the
 needle so that they could make the muscles jump and know that they were
 getting the botox into the correct muscle. She had approx 15 shots in an
 area of about 10 inches high and 4 inches wide. The froze the skin with
 that freezing spray before they inserted each  needle and she didn't
 seem to mind any of it. She has approx 95% of her feeling back in her
 legs and couldn't really feel anything during the procedure. The only
 issue was that the freezing spray actually caused frostbite kind of
 marks on her leg. By the evening her leg was burning and kind of sore
 but Tylenol helped it quite a bit and she has been fine since.

 Tracey L. Black
 Certified Insurance Service Representative
 Hockley  O'Donnell Insurance Agency
 Phone - 717-334-6741, x 29
 Fax - 717-334-3414

 Thank you for providing information to us. Please beware that no
 coverage is bound and no change to your insurance program is confirmed
 until verified by a licensed agent during regular business hours. If you
 do not hear from us within 1 business day, please re-contact us in case
 your information has not been retained.


 From: Sandy Heidel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 10:13 AM
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] TM Spasms

 Reported January 3, 2007

 Botox: Helping Patients Move Again

  WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (Ivanhoe Broadcast News) -- You've seen the results
 of people who look years younger after Botox injections. But Botox is
 turning out to be more than a fountain of youth ... It's becoming a life
 saver for some people battling serious illness.

 Nine-year-old Andrew Carter is not afraid to fall off a horse. And he
 refuses to let cerebral palsy get the best of him. I like the jumping,
 he says. That's my favorite part.

 When Carter tried to move, his muscles would fight him -- jerking him
 around. It's a condition called spasticity. Botox injections help calm
 his muscles. He says, It hurts but I really do think it helps because
 it loosens me up.

 Botulinum toxin is what causes food poisoning, but in patients like
 Carter, it's targeted to specific muscles.

  It causes partial paralysis in the muscle you inject it into,
 Orthopedic Surgeon Lewis Andrew Koman, M.D., of Wake Forest University
 Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, tells Ivanhoe.

 Botox is also helping stroke patients, like Ginger Hinshaw, by relaxing
 muscles. Before Botox, Hinshaw could barely move after her stroke. My
 left hand -- if it's not in this splint, my fingers will just be in a
 knot, she says.

 Today, Hinshaw is able to write about what happened to her. She says, I
 have a lot of exercises and stretches to do at home to get me ready for
 my next phase of recovery.

  Wake Forest Neurologist Allison Brashear, M.D., says there's no risk --
 and patients can take it again and again and again. The beauty of the
 drug is that you put the Botox in the arm, and it just stays there.

 Botox is also being used to help multiple sclerosis patients and

[TMIC] January Birthdays

2007-01-02 Thread ceckenberg
Hey! Let's us Januaries show all the others how to have the best birthdays
ever!  Happy Birthday everybody!
1- 7-77 Lauren

1/8/51 Nancy Williams

1-8-51 Sandi
1/9/60 Julienne

1/13 Debi
1-17 Jenna Stentz
1/20/56 Kay Cole
1-21 Blaine Frye
1/21 Carol Easterday
1/23/49 Patti Dotson
1-27-44 Pat S.
1-28 Holly 1-28 Sally  and ME!


Re: [TMIC] Where is everyone?

2006-12-23 Thread ceckenberg
Easy to rememer, Frank:  SAD  Seasonal Affective Disorder
And add my Christmas wishes to the List!  I am having a wonderful time
preparing for Christmas.  This year is as good as last year was bad!  My
strength and Stamina have increased with the horseback therapy, and the
trigger point massage:  I don't know what I'd be like without it! Well,
yeah, last year my muscles were making my toes curl down, which added to
my problems)  Maybe this time next year, I'll even be out of diapers!
Love to allCora

 HO, HO, Ho...

 Merry Christmas to each and every one of you!!!

 I have been on this listserver for about 5 years.  It seems that the
 e-mails start decreasing in early november and bottom out about at the
 Solstice then increase.

 Another effect of T.M.,  decreased sunlight causing depression- I can't
 remember the name... Another effect of T.M.

 Good Tidings and Blessings to All


RE: [TMIC] Interstim therapy

2006-12-15 Thread ceckenberg
Tracey:  I have taken my sweet time, I guess, getting ready for this step
mentally.  The first year was the worst.  Now I have bowel control at
least 90% of the time.  I have tried the medications, etc. and I just get
UTIs. What kind of procedures are they doing?  Exercises?  Ive tried
hourly trips to the bathroom, and what I get with that is no voiding until
I stand up and get somewhere else, then it goes!  Dr. Wright said it
sounded like my bladder is just doing whatever it wants to when it wants
to, regardless.  I said, YEP.  Of course, I am  61, had a hysterectomy and
then surgical repair of cystocele, rectocele, and urethral sling.  Tell me
more of what they are doing with Ashlee.   Cora

 My daughter, Ashlee, is actually in The Kennedy Krieger Institute for
 Spinal Cord injuries and they are going to work on how bowel and bladder
 and their main goal is to get her out of her pull ups as well. They are
 attached to Hopkins and are excellent at rehab. My daughter, who just
 turned 13 has been dealing with TM for almost 2 years. She has made so
 much progress in the last 4 days of being here, it is amazing. These
 people are great, if you have the opportunity to come here and let them
 work with you, I know that you would probably see results. They do
 intensive rehab not only on the body but have a specific nurse that
 works with the bowel and bladder patients to get them out of diapers and
 pullups and into normal underwear. Do you cath during the day at all?

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2006 7:15 PM
 To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
 Subject: [TMIC] Interstim therapy

 Hey all:  I am going back to Johns Hopkins again to the plumbing dept.
 I have had no luck at all taking medicine to get my bladder to work
 right again and so the docs are going to see if I am a good candidate
 for interstim therapy.

 Any of you tried it?  It is rather like a pacemaker for the bladder,
 with a lead placed nest to the sacral nerve, and then you adjust the
 electric signal until it makes the bladder relax and quit
 spazzing,(making you void).  After four years of this wearing diapers,
 I'd like to see if something can be done.  He said 2nd choice is botox,
 but it has to be repeated every 7-10 months.

 Most radical is surgery on the bladder--reconstruction actually.  I
 don't think I hate diapers that much. :~)


[TMIC] Interstim therapy

2006-12-14 Thread ceckenberg
Hey all:  I am going back to Johns Hopkins again to the plumbing dept.  I
have had no luck at all taking medicine to get my bladder to work right
again and so the docs are going to see if I am a good candidate for
interstim therapy.

Any of you tried it?  It is rather like a pacemaker for the bladder, with
a lead placed nest to the sacral nerve, and then you adjust the electric
signal until it makes the bladder relax and quit spazzing,(making you
void).  After four years of this wearing diapers, I'd like to see if
something can be done.  He said 2nd choice is botox, but it has to be
repeated every 7-10 months.

Most radical is surgery on the bladder--reconstruction actually.  I don't
think I hate diapers that much. :~)


[TMIC] December birthdays

2006-12-07 Thread ceckenberg
Sorry to be a little late, but if late, Happy Birthday, re-cycled!

I thought about just skipping it, since I'm late, but thought: that's just
what most folks do to December birthday folks, and I'm not going to.  You
are just as entitled to celebrate as those of us who don't have a birthday
that close to Christmas!   Happy Birthday from Cora!
12-2-74 Meghan
12/2/93 Ashlee Black
12-3 - 53 Wim from Holland
12- 4-34 Jan Burgess
12-8-62 Lori Malloy
12-10-59 Shirley from UK
12-10-77 Lauren in MO
12-11-47 Donna Hodson
12-15-34 Alton
12-15-70 CarolAnn B.L. from South Carolina
12-16-60 Rachael
12-18-57 Rod Jenke
12/23/49 Roger Pratt
12-25 Gilly

[TMIC] night

2006-11-24 Thread ceckenberg

Yes! Through the experiences shared through this list, plus my own
experimentation, I, too take my meds at night before bed.  I don't take
baclofen or neurontin, only zoloft and tizanidine, but taking them in the
a.m. just made me drowsy, and I often had to take an hour or half-hour nap
before I could do anything.  Now I take them at night, and if they make me
drowsy--so much the better--and no creepy-crawly leg spasms--and, I don't
wake up in the morning with leg cramps!  Cora

 Hello Jill. I take both of them at night to help me sleep. The neurontin
the pain and the baclofen relaxes the spasms. I used to take them both
during the
day but found the fatigue too overwhelming. I don't have any side effects
than the fatigue, which is a bonus at bedtime ;-)

RE: [TMIC] today's feat

2006-10-09 Thread ceckenberg
Sue: that's exactly where I was affected too.  L5.  I tried to tell myself
that it didn't come on with back pain, but then why was I twisting and
trying to chang my position to something more comfortable?  Yeah, there
was back pain!  Then burning pain in left lower leg.  It went on from
about 3pm to 6pm, and then sorta slacked off--I'd had a shot of Torridol
and some steroids by mouth.  If I had not, who knows how long it would
have kept on like that?  That night I found that if I didn't get up and go
the the toilet--immediately, I couldn't hold it.  And I couldn't walk
either, so we had put me on a wheeled secretary chair so I could roll into
the bathroom.  By noon the next day I was numb from belly button down, and
couldn't urinate at all. So I guess onset was over several hours.  It took
almost 3 weeks to get me walking with a walker, and 3 months to go to a


 I should have also added to my previous e-mail that at onset I felt an
 excruciating pain in my lower back which felt like someone stabbed me
 with a knife. Within minutes I was paralyzed from the waist down and the
 excruciating pain was gone. I don't know if it had gone away..or I could
 no longer feel it because of the paralysis. L-5 was where my lesion was.

 -Original Message-
 From: Bob and Sue Mattis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, October 08, 2006 10:40 PM
 To: 'Alton Ryder'; 'TM list'
 Subject: RE: [TMIC] today's feat

 I agree Alton. My onset was within less than 10 minutes..and paralysis
 from the waist down . Seems more likely to be something quick like a
 stroke/infarction than something underlying like a virus, infection or
 autoimmune reaction. I was given the TM diagnosis though..and no one
 ever mentioned a stroke.
 Sue M

 -Original Message-
 From: Alton Ryder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, October 07, 2006 8:52 PM
 To: TM list
 Subject: Re: [TMIC] today's feat

 My neuro thinks I had a spinal cord infarction(stroke) but all my
 symptoms sound similar to TM

 I believe that I, too, had an infarction within the spinal cord.

 The onset was twenty or thirty minutes, start to finish. That seems more
 consistent with an infarction, not an infection or an autoimmune
 reaction. I went from normality to paraplegic that suddenly.


Re: [TMIC] Re: tmic-digest Digest V2006 #218

2006-10-03 Thread ceckenberg
Harold-  my 4 yr anniversary is one week from today- after rehab, etc. I,
like you got back to walking with a cane, still have my bladder and bowel
dysfunction, and have had quite a lot of numbness and muscle spasms in my
legs.  Year 3, I got worse: UTIs, and feet got sores, etc.  In this last 3
months I am experiencing regaining of some sensation in my feet that I
have not felt for 4 years! I attribute this to horseback riding therapy
and trigger point massage therapy.
Improvement after the 2 yr. anniversary is a theme we have discussed here
many times.  The big conclusion is that it is never too late to expect
improvement! Don't stop trying different ways to manage your symptoms.
Advocate for yourself, keep excellent records, and work hard to keep all
your health care team up to date on you.  I keep a running record of all
my doctors, addresses, phones, last appt., next scheduled appt, from my
primary care physician right down to my pharmacist and massage therapist, 
another sheet has my medications, dosages, and prescribing physician,
along with a statement of the benefits or side effects I experience from
the medication, when first prescribed, last prescription refill date, down
to the vitamins and over the counter stuff I take, including the cranberry
juice taken daily.  These I keep on my computer, update them regularly and
take a new copy to each appointment.  I think that this helps each
physician know clearly what I am doing and how and why.  I try to be an
open book.
Cora in OK

 I have a simple Question.  Has anyone showed any improvement after the 2
 year's of Transverse Myelitis?  I sure would like to know.  I  have got
 to walking with a cane, but still have my Bladder and Bowel dysfunction.
 thanks Harold
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Monday, October 02, 2006 2:56 PM
 Subject: tmic-digest Digest V2006 #218

[TMIC] Happy, Happy Birthday

2006-10-02 Thread ceckenberg


 Lauren Graham,Neil McNeil,
 Jackie,  Rudy Aceves,
 Lori B.,

 Kate,   and Kim,

 Diana Gray,
 Lanora,   Sandy Parker,  Linda Cherpeski,
 Renee A.,  Cody Kidwell,
 (inhale deeply)
 Matthew,   Keith, Debby Jones,

 Jim Lubin (yea!)

 Anne Shreve,Bernie Pelow,  Robin ,
 Krissy ,  Netta Ganor ,Joellen Finkelstein,
 Jennifer Spence,

and...  Donna !

From Cora

Re: [TMIC] TM and recurrence

2006-09-30 Thread ceckenberg
Janet:  In this forum, we are glad you ask; you cannot ask a stupid
question because there are none--if you need to know, it's important. No
matter how many times something comes up, there's always a new or
different way to look at it or deal with it.  And if the answers that are
posted don't quite get it for you, keep asking until you get something you
understand.  That's what is so very special about this group. We never
take it for granted that any part of living with TM is a known quantity. 
When you realize how wonderful and complicated the spinal cord is--it is
no wonder that we all experience individual clusters of symptoms and

A warm welcome to you, and to any lurkers out there who are too shy to
ask a question.  TM is a continuing journey, to which we all can attest. 
I am still learning what works for me.

Cora in OK, with the most recent developments being: using  multiple
Depends Boosts pads for night time, so I don't have to wake up and go to
the potty.  Also, horseback riding for strength and exercise. I swear I
can walk better after riding.  And a new massage therapist that's working
the knots (trigger points) out of my muscles of my legs, and we are making
headway!  It's not as enjoyable a massage as my old therapist, but we're
getting better results.  And last but not least, changing my medication
schedule to where I take the Tizanidine at bedtime, so that the drowsiness
it tends to cause helps my legs relax and quit twitchin'!

I am  just wondering if anyone has had another episode of TM after the
original  one?  Mine has remained relatively stable for a year now, and I
am just
wondering if this will be the way it is now, or if it can flare up and be
debilitating again.
Being  fairly new to the list, I am not sure if this has been covered before,
my  apologies if it has.

Re: [TMIC] HMO's

2006-08-11 Thread ceckenberg
Jude:  What a Bummer!  That is what anger is for! when you have been
messed over and it energizes you to do something about it.  I am wishing I
was closer so I could help you advocate for yourself!  Perhaps Adult
Protective Services could be called---I'm not sure what all they could do,
but maybe they would have an in with some of the systems in your state.

One thing we learned at the Symposium was that HMO s and PPO's sometimes
will assign a Case manager if you ask:  I think that's the route I would
take ASAP.  Also, don't just take one route.  You can drop action from
other sources if you get results from any of the others.  Cora

 Hi All and Frank,

 As usual, I need some advice and help.  I am so darn mad  I almost cannot
 stand it! (actually, can't STAND it, at all)  LOL

 I think that most of you know I have been waiting and waiting  to go to
 seating clinic so that I can get my tilting/reclining  wheelchair so that
 I can
 get out of this danged bed I have been in since  December.

 Well, the telephone woke me up early this morning with the  good news from
 doc's office that all of this time the clinic they were  sending me to is
 of my HMO's territory!!!  I hate ineptness so  much...

 What have I done lately to hurt anybody?  (feeling sorry  for myself)

 I have been in this da bed (that I am so thankful to  have) since the
 first of December with two broken legs, after being  Paralyzed with
 complete TM
 for 4 years (for those of you who do not know  this), and I want to get up
 in my chair so badly I almost can't stand  it!

 I can't sit in the chair for more than 1/2 hour because my  legs swell
 the casts so badly and become so painful that I can't  take it and have to
 to bed in order to raise them.

 Besides that, I have a pressure sore inside the anal cavity  (caused by
 ischema (sp) bone) that bleeds profusely when I perform my  normal bowel
 program.  I was so looking forward to the new (my old  one was stolen)
 seat for the
 new wheelchair...
 (feeling even more sorry for myself)

 I just don't know what to do any more.  I need help with  some ideas and
 answers.  I don't know how to fight city hall any  longer and am almost
 out of
 the strength needed to do it.  It's all  INSURANCE COMPANY and HMO'S, not
 mention the SOCIAL SECURITY COMMISSION  who have all of the power...They
 are in
 charge and what I/we say is of  little or no consequence. I am getting so
 pissed!!! (anger)

 Why is it always one step forward and three steps  back?

 Dr. Frank, I added your name to this email because you know  what I need
 say and who I mostly need to say it to in order to get  something moving
 in the
 proper manner, by doing whatever it is in the  proper order, addressing
 right people!  And, I want ACTION,  now!  What do I do, how do I do it,
 and who
 do I address my actions  to?  Help me, please!

 Some of you have already been helping from behind the  List.  Sally, the
 Nutritionist wrote a lovely letter addressing how  the use of a new
 that raises up above my cooktop so that I  could take charge of making our
 using healthier foods (Dave does his  best, but cooking is not his strong
 suit...), so that it would help  by enhanced healing of pressure sores and
 ulcers, my weight  loss, and all over general health.

 People have been sending me loving support through the  grapevine and I
 appreciate it all so very, very much.  And I  appreciate all that Dave
 does.  He
 takes care of me all by  himself...no one comes in to help and we can't
 to pay any type of  service.  He takes care of the animals, the house, the
 acres,  the laundry, all of my needs (staying up half the night last night
 because  I had such deathly diarrhea I was in tears), and he works six/ten
 twelve hour nights a week, at 54 years old.  I don't mean ever to  sound
 like I
 don't appreciate him.

 Anyway, I'm sorry for getting out of control with this.   And for being so
 needy.  But I am at my wits end and need whatever  kind of help any of you

 Peace and Prayers,


2006-08-11 Thread ceckenberg
That makes two of us:  The way it is working, I consider my bowels to be
under control:  daily bowel movements.  It's been two years now and it
does take some time for the bowel to be stimulated by hand, and to respond
by opening.   And you're rightIt never fails.

 well, I just use the good ole stimulation method and use my finger...never
 seems to fail me and I've been doing it since I got out of the hosp a year
 now...I have just come to terms with the fact that this is the way it is
 for now...

 bobby jim hijar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Have you tried
 squatting...  Of  course, you'll hafta deposit your stuff on a
 shallow pan or  newspapers.   In the very old dayze, women used to give
 birth by  squatting... there must've been a good reason why they did it
 that  way.

 From:ROBERTCOOKTo: TMIC-LIST@eskimo.com  Sent:
 Thursday, August 10, 2006 11:43 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] BOWELS



 From:  Stacy HarimTo:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED];TMIC-LIST@eskimo.com   Sent: 8/10/2006
 11:24:09 AM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] BOWELS

   I use magic bullets.  The only place that they can be bought is
 online.  They are water based instead of oil like the
 Bisacodyl   or Ducolax suppositories.  They work faster and
 most of the people I  know with paralysis use them.  They
 were also recommended by my rehab  doctor.  Oh and they are
 cheaper.  You can get a box of a 100 for  45 bucks here


 Krissy Zodda
 Tri State Support Group Leader
 ~I'm In pretty Good Shape
  For the Shape I am in~

 Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls.  Great
 rates starting at 1¢/min.

Re: [TMIC] Crazy Question

2006-08-09 Thread ceckenberg

Marie:  Doctors have their opinions--and you have yours.  I just got back
from my (local) neurologist, and she still says my diagnosis is Transverse
Myelitis.  Dr. Kerr is sure it was caused by the B-12 deficiency. 
Whatever--the results are the same.  I'm not taking anything for my
burning, tingling feelings either:  the side effects of the medications I
have taken were worse than the pain.

But really: if the heat is bothering you: and we know it does; you may not
be able to perspire below the affected area--your neuro surely would
realize that it would be dangerous for you especially in this heat if your
body could not cool itself!  Be sure to write your symptoms down and give
your doc a copy every time you go in.  Make sure he can explain your
condition to you in plain language that you can understand.  If you don't
advocate for yourself--you will not get the care that you need.

My husband just came in from a supervision session with some colleagues at
the VA hospital, laughing because they told him someone got a
wallet-biopsy  I know the feeling.   Cora

 Good morning Jill,

 I'm not taking anything at this time for the burning, tingling feelings.
 I tried Lyrica and Cymbalta and both gave severe diarrhea
 (uncontrollable).  Both caused weight gain and I certainly don't need
 that.  My neuro doesn't seen to think my TM is anything to worry about.
 He sees I am able to walk so he just says see me in 6 months and that's
 it.  When I try to explain my new aches and pains and other symptoms he
 says get better control of your diabetes and you will do fine.  Sometimes
 I think what's the use of even going to the Dr.  My lesion is at the C 2-3
 level.  I can't take the heat since TM came along.  I walk unassisted but
 have trouble with balance.  I stumble and stagger.
 Hope today is a better day.
 Marie in sunny Fl

 - Original Message -
   From: Trudy
   To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; tmic-list@eskimo.com
   Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 9:22 AM
   Subject: RE: [TMIC] Crazy Question


   I have had TM for four years and Barbara describes it exactly as I have
 experienced it. And Tegretol amost did me in. My neuro was on vacation
 and when she got back I was in a very, very bad way! My liver started
 shutting down. Baclofen did nothing for me. I am now on Lyrica the
 latest drug of choice very similar to Neurontin. I too have that worry
 of TM turning into MS at any time. I have experienced flare ups at
 times also.



   Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 8:55 AM
   To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; tmic-list@eskimo.com
   Subject: Re: [TMIC] Crazy Question

   Yes, it's very normal to have little flare-ups. I would often fear
 another attack was coming on during the first year or two, but in my
 case, it never got quite to the extent the first attack reached. I was
 seeing my neuro often the first several months and he would assure me
 that it was just a flare-up. He said that the TM affects the nervous
 system in such a way that it's like it is oversensitive to stimuli, so
 even things like not getting enough sleep or having a cold or having
 stress (even good stress, like getting ready for company to come)
 could make symptoms flare up a bit. But some times there was no reason
 that I knew of -- things would just get worse for a while. Even now,
 almost 11 years later, though I've kind of reached a plateau, there will
 be some days when I'll wonder what in the world is going on with me. I
 kind of think of it as riding the waves (though I'm not surfer and can't
 even swim :-) ) -- but I try to tell myself, This is just a flare-up --
 just ride it out for a while and things will be normal again. Of
 course, after TM hits, normal is different from what it was before
 anyway. :-)

   That said, though, don't hesitate to call your dr. if things are flaring
 up to the point where it is scaring you. And ask about different
 medications -- Kathryn mentioned Baclofen. That didn't do much for me,
 but it helps a lot of people. I was on Tegretol for a while -- my neuro
 said it was used for epilepsy patients but had a quieting effect on
 the nervous system in general, so was sometimes used for TM patients. It
 really did help, but they have to check your liver functions often when
 you're on it. I decided to get off of it because I was afraid of
 long-tern liver damage (though that may be unfounded, I don't know). But
 I wouldn't hesitate to try it again if I felt I needed it. We all have
 different body chemistries and different things, or different
 combinations of things, will be helpful to different people.

   Barbara H.


   In a message dated 8/7/2006 11:16:36 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Although I feel I'm VERY fortunate to be able to walk unassisted, I
 feel like I 

Re: [TMIC] unsubscribe

2006-08-09 Thread ceckenberg

Folks out there wanting to subscribe, or unsubscribe must make that
request to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject either subscribe
or unsubscribe

Re: [TMIC] Getting Your Vitamin B12 + The Symposium

2006-07-30 Thread ceckenberg

 Alan, and all:

Well, I am now rested up from the trip to Baltimore, and it was more than
FABULOUS--it was STUPENDOUS!  For those of you who don't know, there are
two tracks: a scientific track for the doctors and scientists, and a
clinical track for the rest of us--simultaneously going on.

Chitra Krishnan organized the symposium--and what a job she did!  She is
Dr. Kerr's Research Assistant.  The subject matter was organized from the
simple to the complex:  Anatomy and neural function--normal function, then
presentation of the various cousin diseases/syndromes; their symptoms
and how they are diagnosed; how they are similar and different;
presentations on various symptoms/residuals, like bowel and bladder, gait
and pain; then treatment elements, including physical therapy, drug
therapy, devices which improve functioning, and culminating in the climax
piece: Dr. Kerr and his stem cell research!

It will all be available on CD.  We even got to see Jim Lubin on a web-cam
type of connection, in real time!  So glad to see you, Jim.

The last event was a question-and-answer session with Dr. Kerr, Dr.
Greenburg, Dr. Kaplin, and some others.  And Nancy Davis was there--she
was diagnosed with MS some time ago, and has written a book Lean on Me,
which she generously provided everyone a complimentary copy of!
It is about how to organize and manage your own health care, especially if
you have a life threatening, life changing diagnosis.

For those of you who think you can't afford this trip, I hope you realize
that they provided continental breakfast, buffet lunches and snacks daily,
plus one evening banquet, and two wine and cheese evening events, so
suppers were the only meal you needed to buy on a couple of  the evenings.
 And they kept us busy 9am to 7pm or later most days!  It was really hard
to miss some of the sessions to go get a little rest!  The symposium cost
is very reasonable for patients and caregivers, and the hotel had a
conference rate that made it affordable.

The doctors were great at intermingling and answering questions, including
Dr. Kerr, and his staff.

I am on the internet researching how B-12 deficiency usually presents, if
it does so in predictable ways, and exactly how and what the damage is in
this Classic Case that I have.  Dr. Kaplin and Dr. Kerr pretty much said
that my demyelinating injury due to B-12 deficiency was not an
inflammatory one.  One thing I learned was that B-12 deficiency can take
months, even years to develop symptoms, and that usually, cognition,
depression, fatigue, and other like brain functions are affected first. 
It makes me look back to the year or so before I came down with the sudden
physical symptoms and try to remember: I do know There was fatigue, and I
was burning out some.  Probably it was the early symptoms.  I also found
out that bleeding gums can be caused by B-12 deficiency.

Sorry to be so windy:  I'll have more to say, I'm sure.


Re: [TMIC] Baltimore Symposium

2006-07-15 Thread ceckenberg
Debbie:  I will be there!  Bringing my husband this time, instead of my
son.  Hubby has retired and can travel with me.  Cora

 How many people will I be having the privilege of meeting or seeing again
 during the TM symposium in Baltimore?

 I am really looking forward to it!

Re: [TMIC] July Birthdays

2006-07-03 Thread ceckenberg
  Happy Birthday  All you July Babies:

  Sumer   Smile!

  Vicki   Dance!

  Julie   Laugh!

  Sandi S.Eat Cake!

  JohnHave lots of Ice cream!

   Jenna Be with Friends!

  Michelle   Have Fun!

  LindaBe Happy!

 Hildred Love!

  Dex  Celebrate!

And, everyone have the best Birthday Ever!

Re: [TMIC] June birthdays

2006-06-02 Thread ceckenberg
Happy Birthday to
Tobe,   Irene,  Marabeth,   Sharon ,
Sheila,  Cheryl,   Tom, Debbie,   Ann,  Errol ,  Dennis,   Pauline,  
Bobby Jim,   and Crystal!

Celebrate Big Time!


Re: [TMIC] fatigue

2006-06-02 Thread ceckenberg

I sure don't know--but I am going to the Symposium---I'll try to find
out--You going?  Cora in OKla.

 I noticed that this summer at the 2nd International Rare Neuroimmunolic
 Symposium there is going to be a session on Fatigue in TM and similar

 In the meantime I just wondered if someone can explain it or has any
 information on it.

 I take many vitamins and supplements, and they may be helping, but still
 battle fatigue daily.

 Gary in Michigan

Re: [TMIC] OK, another *graphic * question

2006-05-10 Thread ceckenberg

Yeah, I see what you mean--I was repeating what someone on the list told
me a year or so ago, and was speaking of the sphincters,   Of course there
are other muscles that push in  the case of bladder and bowel.
And of course, my own damage is at the sacral level, so I am a mess, and
am still trying to understand it all.  Thanks for the help and for the
websites!  Anything you may have to say in further clarification of the
anatomy and function would be welcome.  Cora

   same muscles control both

 Mnnn. No, not really.  Control for each comes from the brain and the
 sacral spinal cord. The muscles are quite separate. Even f the
 bladder, for example, the detrusor muscles [the push the urine out
 muscles] are separate from the bladder sphincter muscles that won't
 let it out. My personal problem is that both sets of muscles
 spastically contract at the same time - the bladder tries to empty so
 badly it hurts while the sphincter blocks all but a teaspoon
 [detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia].  Because of this I wear a Foley.

 A Google search for neurogenic bladder yields
 http://www.emedicine.com/MED/topic3176.htm  read it.

 A Google search for  nerves autonomic bowel
 incontinence   yields
 http://www.emedicine.com/pmr/topic230.htm  read it.

 Alton, who has little trouble with his tail

Re: [TMIC] Hello from Oklahoma

2006-05-08 Thread ceckenberg
It is definitely your business, as a part of my support group!  Yes, I saw
a podiatrist today, got put on antibiotics, --again, and feel pretty good
about the decision to go to someone who could help with the feet.  He
picked up on the extent of the problems, and the causes, quicker than any
doc I have seen up to now (except Dr. Kerr, of course), and he also said
classic case when I ran down the exact extent of my symptoms.  He will
put me in diabetic shoes, after the infection is cleared up and he has
shaped up my feet.  Thanks, Jude for your concern and for your prayers!
We're all in this together.  Cora.

 Hi Cora,

 Maybe it's none of my business, but I am writing concerning the  problems
 are having with your mostly numb feet.

 As you know, I have been dealing with broken leg bones for almost 5
 and have recently been having numb feelings accompanied by pins and
 like they are falling asleep.

 I am wondering if  you have seen a doctor yet and if so, what  did he/she
 have to say about it?  Could it be related to deadened nerves  caused by
 moving enough, kind of like one would get from a pressure  sore?

 I'm so sorry to hear about the challenges you and your husband have  gone
 through as of late.  You are in my Prayers and if there is ever any  way I
 help, please let me know.


Re: [TMIC] OK, another *graphic * question

2006-05-08 Thread ceckenberg

Linda:  And I am 61.  And when I was a newby on this list, I asked about
what muscles controlled peeing, pooping, etc.  and was told that the same
muscles control both!  That's why we toot while we pee, and if one comes,
the other might also: particularly if you have nerve damage, etc.
This stuff is of such interest--it is how we deal with everyday things. 
It is called functioning.  I just find it easier to know why!
Thanks for the questions/comments: everyone's say helps someone else who
is afraid to ask.


 Oh my..I have been dealing with this issue for some time. I can't
 figure out what the problem is, age, TM, or both? I remember, when I was
 young, walking with older people, and they would toot as they walked
 along..I couldn't understand why they didn't at least try to control
 that!!! Now, I find myself in the same situation, and I can noit control
 it! I was in this duscussion at work the other day, talking to younger
 ones, telling them I can't figure this out, and for then to just wait!!!
 And of course, after sitting for a while, I get up and away I went, toot,
 toot, tootfor once, my face did not turn red! I decided it is just
 laughter from my back side.by the way I am 59
   Linda Garrett in Ohio

 New Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC and save

Re: [TMIC] More questions

2006-05-08 Thread ceckenberg
Hello Nima:  I am on Tizanidine and Lyrica. Both seem to work ok. 
Remember, I am not a doctor, so cannot give medical advice.
I see several factors at work here:
  All medicines have side effects. One of Tizanidine's is drowsiness. So
is Lyrica.  I take naps after medication time so I can function.

  As we deal with our cluster of symptoms, we have to compensate for our
deficiencies by overworking other parts, thus causing more problems.

  I see others on the list who regularly see a physiatrist to evaluate
their functioning and suggest exercises and ways to strengthen and
improve physical functioning.

  Be sure to let the doctor know about these problems!  Be an advocate for
him!  Don't take no for an answer.  And with everything else that is
going on--is he being treated for depression?  TM has the highest
coincidence of depression of any disease, including MS.

Hooray for you looking for answers!

 Hi Everybody

 A lot has been said about Lyrica and before that about Baclofen. I would
 like to clarify these points.

   a.. Those who are taking Lyrica are you on any other medication like
 Baclofen or Tizanidine or Zanaflex?
   b.. My husband Dev was put on Baclofen and Tizanidine. He started
 getting very tired. His left leg is very weak he cannot use it. He does
 regular physiotherapy but now he feels his right leg is getting weak. Is
 it fatigue?
   c.. He is using a walker at the moment and all the weight is borne by
 his arms so his arms get tired and at times he gets blisters on his
 palms. Will it be harmful or dangerous to his upper body if this goes
   d.. His back jams up at night. He is feeling a lot of pain lately. So he
 was put on Lyrica. Is this usual with TM?

 These symptoms are coming now. Initially there was no pain (only burning),
 no spasms, his legs were almost ok and his balance had come back 70% but
 now after 1 1/2 year it is getting worse. Yet all the tests, MRI  and
 scans prove there is no further demyelination of the nerves and his VEP
 and BERM (sight and hearing evoked potential tests) are normal so MS is
 ruled out.

 I was under the impression that TM is one time attatck it doesn't get
 worse, there is only residual effect of TM.
 So is his condition getting worse because of
 TM getting worse
 or due to taking Baclofen
 or overstraining of muscles
 or what???

 Hope someone has some answers for me

 Dev's love of life
 from Kenyan coast

Re: [TMIC] Hello from Oklahoma

2006-05-07 Thread ceckenberg
Hello, Larry!   I, too, had taken a sabbatical, so to speak: including a
house fire; rebuilding, and my husband had a car wreck, broken wrist,
surgery, etc. Now the infrastructure is fixed and my feet are giving out. 
I guess the next step (no pun intended) is to go to a podiatrist.  After
nearly 4 years, I am getting hammer toes, terrible corns, callouses,
blisters, and can't wear my shoes or I get the above, plus infections.  In
feet that are mostly numb, this can't be good!

Cora, also in OK, and yes it is cool and rainy!

 Just wanted to say hello and let everyone know I am still doing okay.
 Deborah Nord Capen contacted me noticing I have been missing in action. I
 also just located the new archived emails, so I can try to stay up with
 everyone again. Hope all is well. Talk to you soon.

 Larry Throne where it is cool and rainy in Oklahoma

Re: [TMIC] OK, another *graphic * question

2006-05-07 Thread ceckenberg
Krissy: get set for mortification!  If death came by emarrassment from
farting in public, we'd ALL be DEAD.  I, too, have the same problem: and
if people are polite, they won't mention it.  Or...you could explain,
quickly, as if it weren't important-which it isn't--that sometimes that
happens, and you can no longer control that.  Do it with a smile!


 OK, maybe not so graphic and I am sure will make ya giggle or smile BUT I
 have this issue. I know we all have poop and pee issues and I have learned
 to deal with them. But I am also farting alot! I bend over, I fart. I lean
 , I fart. It's not the gassy smelly ones, but just noise, but it still can
 be loud sometimes and its damn embarrassing! So my question is, is there
 anything I can do? I am going away in June with friends and would rather
 not be farting around them...I'd be mortified!

 Krissy Zodda
 Tri State Support Group Leader
 ~I'm In pretty Good Shape
  For the Shape I am in~

 Get amazing travel prices for air and hotel in one click on Yahoo!

Re: [TMIC] Mr. Graves info?

2006-05-07 Thread ceckenberg
Rosalie:  The neurologist gave me a tm diagnosis, but also noted that I
had a B-12 deficiency.  When I went to the 2004 Symposium, Dr Kerr noted
that a differential diagnosis (some other ailment that might look like tm
that might be present, and if found to be true, would supercede the tm
diagnosis)  is B-12 deficiency.  When I heard that, I asked him
specifically about it--subsequently became his patient, went to him, and
he confirmed that B-12 deficiency caused my spinal cord demyelination, at
L5/S1.  A classic case, he said.  Doesn't change the fact that the damage
I have causes the exact same symptoms, so I live with it like the rest of
you-  and I hang around this bunch because you all are the best thing
since sliced bread!  I love you all!


 Of course so
 far I have no diagnosis.  First thought it was Guilliane-Barre Syndrome,
 TM, but my  neurologist says it was a spinal cord stroke and is quite sure
 about it.
In any case I have most of the symptons that most of you have but
 fortunately not alot of pain.  Some nerve pain that is like sciatic pain
 but only
 in the evening.
Also, the more I lie around the worse I feel.  If I spend more time
 walking (with a walker of course and using mostly hands) then I dont get
 stiff and ill feeling.  I cant stand on my own yet but am working on it
 and thats
 because the muscles in my butt and my hamstrings are not working,
Thanks, Rosalie

[TMIC] May Birthday Greetings

2006-05-03 Thread ceckenberg
Happy, Happy Birthday, May babies!  Have an extra piece of cake!

Re: [TMIC] Why Depression with TM?

2006-04-16 Thread ceckenberg
Those things certainly are factors, but research done by Dr.s Kerr and
Kaplin show that a substance called IL-6, I think, is present in the
body/spinal fluid: and this substance is highly correlated with
depression.  So, there seems to be a physiological cause as well.

 My question is this---why does cord insult  itslf cause depression
 of degree of disability?

 Don't you think that the root of the depression comes from  the basic loss
 our selves as we used to describe our  existence  and place in our

 Everything changes.  We are no longer the vital human  beings,
 in all ways to society, and it it loss piled upon loss,  upon loss that
 the depression.

 In my humble opinion,

Re: [TMIC] Doing the Right Thing

2006-04-04 Thread ceckenberg
 Actually, One of the studies was informational only, and I had to fill
out several questionnaires.  The other was with Dr. Kaplin, the
psychiatrist that works with Dr. Kerr.  He and Dr. Kerr were doing a
study on the extreme prevalence of Major Depression on victims of MS, TM,
and other spinal cord injuries.  They included clinical
interviews/diagnosis, and some standardized testing for mental
functioning, a spinal tap, and then a follow-up six months later, with
repeats of all, plus an overnight stay in the hospital with a test on the
effects of a chemical over time, via blood draws.  It was awesome.

They are having another symposium this summer, I am advised.  I will
definitely go.


 Hi  Cora,

 Kudos to you for following through
 and actually doing something physical to  advance the science of stem cell

 What kinds of studies will you be involved in?   How exciting for you to
 on the cutting edge of technology and for you to know  the right people,
 in the
 right place, at the right time.

 I hope you will keep us all informed of the goings on  during the clinical

 I had been selected to be in a study of pain relief at  Brigham and Young
 College at Harvard Medical School, but it required constant  travel back
 forth and started by removing all of us from the pain medication  we are
 presently taking.  They were going to pay almost $2000.00 to  each
 selected, but I had to turn them down when I broke both  legs.  I received
 letter just last week, so if anyone (women only)  is interested, let me
 and I will send the  information.

 If anyone out there can advise me of a way to help our  cause from my
 hospital bed, using my computer, please let me know.  If  writing to
 people or
 companies, I might need some help in formulating letters  etc.

 Thank you again Cora, and best of everything to  you.


Re: [TMIC] April Birthdays

2006-04-01 Thread ceckenberg
 Happy Birthday:
 and anyone else lurking out there with an April Birthday!


Re: [TMIC] weather and TM

2006-03-19 Thread ceckenberg
Sure sounds familiar.  And these hot flashes can't all be about the change
of life!  Cora in OK

 A lot of times, even just watching TV on the couch, I'll take  a throw
 blanket to cover my arms, which are cold, but have to leave it off my
 feet, which
 get too hot. Unless its' really, really cold, I start off at bed at  night
 just a sheet over me and my lower legs sticking out, then some time
 the night pull the bedspread on and bring my feet in. My thermostat is
 messed up!

 Both the heat and the cold affect me -- the cold makes my  muscles stiffen
 up, and heat just drains energy from me.

 Barbara H.

Re: [TMIC] hello again

2006-03-07 Thread ceckenberg

Thanks for the warm welcome:  I did get some surgery:and no, it did not
fix things so I don't have to wear diapers!  I guess I'm stuck with this
for now.
Hope all is well with you.

 Welcome home Cora!  Glad you are back and I hope you never get
 your diapers in a wad!  :)  O...that would be doggone uncomfortable.
 You have been rather busy of late and I am sorry for your problems
 but sure am glad you found time to return to the fold and help us out

 Mary Eden