Re: Increasing heap size in Tomcat

2004-09-28 Thread QM
On Tue, Sep 28, 2004 at 03:36:51AM -0700, Srinivasarao Salla wrote:
:   We are using Tomcat 3.2.1 version. We want to Increase the Heap
: Size.
:   Can anyone suggest way of how to do this. 

Find some way to pass the -Xmx flag to the Java commandline.

In v4.x and 5.x, you set the environment variable JAVA_OPTS  before
running the start script.

It may be the same in v3.x; what do the docs say?



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Re: OutOfMemory on Tomcat webapp with awt use

2004-09-28 Thread QM
On Tue, Sep 28, 2004 at 11:32:40AM +0200, Camillo Granchelli wrote:
: My webapp crashes also with few concurrent users when it 
: uses awt for images generation on server side; the images are 
: visualized to internet users by their requests. 
: The server error (in catalina.out) is: 
: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError 

Perhaps you'll need more memory (larger heap, aka -Xmx).  Image
rendering can be memory-intensive, depending on what API is used on the
backend and the type of image you're creating.

Run a load-test to guage your memory settings.



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Re: Need help for case insensitive deployment

2004-09-28 Thread QM
On Tue, Sep 28, 2004 at 10:39:19AM -0700, Willy Lin wrote:
:   I need to server up some pages through Tomcat4 that are case
: insensitive.

Time for some creative Filter action, then?
-or even not-so-creative Filter action...?



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Re: Norton AntiVirus and False Positives In Tomcat

2004-09-27 Thread QM
On Mon, Sep 27, 2004 at 01:46:47PM -0700, Michael Duffy wrote:
: One of the corp IT server admins just called to tell
: me that the server is riddled with viruses,
: according to Norton Antivirus.  One of the bugged
: files is TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/ROOT/index.html, which is
: dated 8-Oct-2002.  There doesn't appear to be anything
: odd in this file when I look at it in either a text or
: hex editor.

Sounds like NAV may have returned some false positives.  The only
virus-like content I would expect inside a plain HTML doc would be
rogue JavaScript.

Perhaps you could point your admin to the web resources you found, those
concerning false positives from NAV?

This could become a sticky issue of corporate politics, depending on
your organization's structure.  You may have to get your management to
talk to the admin's management.



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Re: JK2 causes SEGV in httpd

2004-09-27 Thread QM
On Mon, Sep 27, 2004 at 05:27:33PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
: I have recently configured Apache 2.0.51 with based on the information
: from the book Professional Apache Tomcat 5, and now all requests
: to the web server cause a segmentation fault.  :)  Is there something in my
: config that may be causing this?

A segmentation fault is caused by a dereference error in native code
(English: C/C++ accessing memory incorrectly, such as trying * or -
ops on a null pointer.)

That's a code bug.  It may have been uncovered due to your
configuration, but certianly not caused by it.

Have you tried a later version of JK2?  You could also try rebuilding
JK2 from source, so it builds against all of the latest APR headers and



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Re: headless java setting

2004-09-27 Thread QM
On Tue, Sep 28, 2004 at 12:39:28AM +, Didier McGillis wrote:
: I have a small problem.  My predicesor setup his code to work with 
: X-Windows.  Well the code will not work without an x11 server running.  
: However I have all my machines setup as a typical server and do not have 
: xwindows installed.  I saw where you could grab a few x11 libs and then run 
: somewhere in the file a flag that would flip on the headless 
: setting in teh JVM.  I have tried that several times and not even a hint 
: that it works.

1/ please demonstrate what you've done; that will help someone determine
whether there's just an error in your setup.

2/ the Java/X11 issue appears on the list now and then; please search
the archives.  In short, solutions include: xvfb, the system property
java.awt.headless (or something like that) if you're running JDK 1.4+,

3/ instead of editing, create a wrapper script that sets the
JAVA_OPTS environment variable and have that call the Tomcat
script.  That's much more portable between Tomcat versions.



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[OT] getting started

2004-09-26 Thread QM
[I've changed your subject line to start a new thread]

On Sun, Sep 26, 2004 at 02:47:19AM -0300, Eugene wrote:
: Hello,  also it would be great if they can give some information where
: and how to place jsp pages if somebody want to use Tomcat with Apache.

Anywhere you want.

: But  tell the truth I never seen clear instructions how exactly newbie
: can   deploy   the   page   or  application.  All  books  starts  from
: HelloWorld..  but  there  no  any  word about ROOT, about how to use
: custom directory under Apache or without it and things like this.

Likely, there's no one catch-all doc because

Apache httpd != Tomcat != Java webapps

They're all separate topics with their own learning curves.  Trying to
run them all together at once, when you're just starting out, is asking
for a headache.

To start with Java webapps, read the servlet spec (search
for the doc).  That details what a container (such as Tomcat) must
provide to be spec-compliant, as well as the basics of assembling a
webapp.  Yes, it's dry in places, but it's not meant to be movie-script
material. ;)

Next, follow some tutorials on Java webapps. has some, there
are others all over the web.

Once you get that down pat, return to the Tomcat setup issues.

Finally, review the Tomcat connector documentation (mod_jk, jk2) to
connect Apache to Tomcat.



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Re: New bies

2004-09-25 Thread QM
On Sat, Sep 25, 2004 at 09:44:20PM -0700, hbklau wrote:
: I have a few questions here. I am running tomcat 5 on my windows 98. It goes
: like this, I had deleted the index.jsp but how come i still able to view the
: index.jsp when i type http://locahost:8080?

Sounds like you tried to customize one of the demo apps.  This usually
isn't a good idea, since those JSPs come precompiled and are thus
hard-mapped as servlets in web.xml.

You want to start from scratch.  Follow the instructions on the Tomcat
website for first webapp or something of that nature.

For the Tomcat developers: is there a need for a blank sample webapp,
for which JSPs aren't precompiled and users can directly tweak?  (This
app may already exist; I've never poked through the demos.)  I volunteer
to create one. That should reduce confusion with the newer users and
trim list traffic accordingly.



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Re: Use Tomcat to access Other Directories On Server (outside of webapps/) With Authentication

2004-09-24 Thread QM
On Fri, Sep 24, 2004 at 09:20:06AM -0400, Matt Mejaski wrote:
: [snip re: using Apache]
: Currently, in Apache, I have some Alias'es to point to other directories on
: the server (i.e. Alias /MyStuff C:\MyStuff), and then, I use a .htaccess
: file to control access to /MyStuff.
: Now, I was wondering if I could get rid of Apache altogether and only use
: Tomcat.
: I can set up a Context in Tomcat for my Apache Alias'es (i.e. Context
: path=/MyStuff docBase=C:\MyStuff), but I don't know how to control
: security on that Context!  

You're running into brick walls because you're trying to pull Apache
magic with Tomcat (really, with Java webapps).  The two worlds are
similar but not the same.

What you're really trying to do is have a single Tomcat instance that
serves/manages content from paths outside of the context. Out of the box
this will not work because Java webapps are meant to be self-contained
applications that can be dropped into a container in framework fashion.

: In Tomcat, is there an alternative way that i can use an Alias that will
: share the security of my main app if my main app uses Container Managed
: Security?

Directly, out-of-the-box?  Not to my knowledge.

The choices I see are as follows:
1/ If you're willing to write some custom code, you could map the path
/MyStuff to a servlet (a Page Controller) that streams those
non-context files to users.

2/ separate your virtual Apache paths into full-fledged webapps
(contexts), with their own deployment descriptors (web.xml) and security
constraints defined therein.  Look into single sign-on to handle
inter-app credentials.

3/ put all of these files into a single webapp

4/ Stick with Apache on the front end =)



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Re: Tomcat 5.0 contexts

2004-09-24 Thread QM
On Fri, Sep 24, 2004 at 10:37:51AM -0400, Luc Foisy wrote:
: I did get my context to load from Catalina/localhost/qbs.xml
: INFO: Processing Context configuration file URL
: file:/home/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/qbs.xml

Did you edit that file (qbs.xml) or the one in your WAR file's
META-INF/context.xml?  Tomcat doesn't overwrite the file in
conf/{engine}/{host} with the one in the WAR file, even if the WAR file
is newer.



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Re: Tomcat dies at 167M

2004-09-23 Thread QM
On Thu, Sep 23, 2004 at 12:14:24PM -0500, Jacob Kjome wrote:
: Ahh... Then I eat my words.  Sorry about that.  I don't know why I remembered
: the case as being important?

Depends on the vendor/version of the JDK... just as some care about the
space or equals-sign between the flag and its arg.



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Re: Allowing users of web app to upload files

2004-09-23 Thread QM
On Thu, Sep 23, 2004 at 12:14:18PM -0700, Justin Jaynes wrote:
: So my question:  How do I USE the fileupload Commons
: package?  I don't see any instructions with the
: COMMONS packages.

I take it, then, you didn't see this?

If you did read it, then what are your specific questions?



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Re: -server vs. -client

2004-09-23 Thread QM
On Thu, Sep 23, 2004 at 04:40:04PM -0400, Dale Lum wrote:
: Now, it would seem obvious that an option called -server would be
: appropriate if you're running Tomcat, but it surprises me that I've
: seen no mention of this in the Tomcat docs. I just came across this
: today. My questions are, does anybody have any experience running
: Tomcat with and without the -server option? Would you definately
: recommend adding this to CATALINA_OPTS?

Perhaps not in the docs, but certainly in the archives. =)
There have been reports of -server leading to instability, so some
(many? most?) people here use -client.



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Re: Tomcat courses

2004-09-23 Thread QM
On Thu, Sep 23, 2004 at 02:52:54PM -0500, Reis, Tom wrote:
:   Do anyone know of any facility in the Illinois area that has technical
: training for Tomcat.Thanks.

None come to mind; but between the servlet spec (which Tomcat
implements) and several online lists/forums (including this one), you
should be covered for most container-relevant questions.

Do you have a specific question at the moment?



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Re: Tomcat Repeatedly Hangs.

2004-09-23 Thread QM
On Thu, Sep 23, 2004 at 05:05:53PM -0400, Jeffrey Lage wrote:
: The problem appears to have been in my use of the generic datasource in
: struts.  Now that I have removed it, I in good shape.  Thanks.

-as in, the Struts-provided data sources?  I recall from watching the
Struts list, people are encouraged to ditch those in favor of
container-managed DB connectivity.  I don't think the Struts DSs are
actively maintained any more, for that reason...



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Re: Configure Teradata data source connection...

2004-09-22 Thread QM
On Wed, Sep 22, 2004 at 01:42:22PM +1000, Prabhjot Sodhi wrote:
: I have got a dummy test file using an applet to connect to the 
: Teradata database. But it is failing in dearth of proper drivers.
: Can you please guide me set up the Teradata drivers information in 
: the conf files, etc so that the applet can sonnect to the RDBMS and submit 
: the query?

1/ please post a *new* message when writing to the list.  Replying to an
old (unrelated) makes your question harder to find (and thus answer).

2/ Is this Teradata product some kind of RDBMS?  If so, and as long as
it is JDBC-compliant, you can follow the instructions on the Tomcat

The Teradata docs will explain whether it is JDBC-compliant.



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Re: Do the jars I use affect webapp reloadability?

2004-09-22 Thread QM
On Wed, Sep 22, 2004 at 02:32:57AM -0400, Anthony E. Carlos wrote:
: already found that some of the code I wrote was definitely using static 
: variables that could never go out of scope. I've removed those, but the 
: problem persists.

A profiler would tell you what objects remain.

: I'm using log4j and Struts and your comment about LogManager#shutdown 
: begs a question: Where in my code should I be calling the shutdown 
: method? Is there some method in Tomcat that I need to override to call 
: the shutdown method of each library I'm using? Or, should I be calling 
: those methods by the end of each Struts Action#execute method?

Remove/cleanup objects when they are no longer needed.  Make sure your
data layer closes any DB connections/statements/result sets/etc before
returning data to the client.  (Pooled connections aren't really
closed in this case; they are returned to the pool.)

For appwide objects, look into ContextListeners.  These fire a method
when a context (webapp) is loaded and when it is shutdown by the



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Re: Help on setting up tomcat paths properly

2004-09-22 Thread QM
On Wed, Sep 22, 2004 at 11:36:53AM +0530, Shanti Priya wrote:
: I am using tomcat 4.1.18 version.Whenever i startup my
: tomcat it throws the  following error .I have actually set up the paths
: properly. Plz go through the following 4  issues.
: 1---) My classpath(Env variables) is as below

There is no need to setup a $CLASSPATH for Tomcat.  

Tomcat (and most other web containers) don't rely the classpath as set as
an environment variable or on the commandline.  They use:

1/ the JARs in the webapp's WEB-INF/lib and bare class files in

2/ some container-specific hierarchy of classloaders, usually in a 
chain-of-responsibility pattern.  Tomcat uses
{Tomcat install}/common/lib
{Tomcat install}/common/classes
{Tomcat install}/shared/lib
{Tomcat install}/shared/classes
{Tomcat install}/server/lib
{Tomcat install}/server/classes

(though probably not in that order ;)

Long story short: if you use the container's (and the spec's) method of
making classes available, there should be no need to set a classpath.

The problem you've experience is because you've hacked the classpath
Tomcat searches.  Start with a clean install, and follow the proper
procedure for making classes available.

[Talk about reuse: I posted this same message two days ago... ;)]



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Re: How to configure crystal report 10 in Tomcat 4.1

2004-09-22 Thread QM
On Wed, Sep 22, 2004 at 12:15:32PM -0500, Kiran Patel wrote:
: I have a web application using tomcat 4.1.  I want to access a crystal report.
: I have installed crystal report 10.  Can I view that from Tomcat 4.1?  What
: are the configuration steps?  I found the instruction for Tomcat 5.0 in the
: web, but not for Tomcat 4.1.  Please help me.

You'll have to review the Crystal Reports docs to answer that.
Specifically: does CR require servlet spec 2.4 features?
If not, then Tomcat 4.1.x will be fine.

Then it's a matter of assembling a custom web application (or
dropping in a vendor-provided WAR file) and following the instructions
to get that app running inside Tomcat (e.g. database pooling).



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Re: Tomcat 4.1.23

2004-09-21 Thread QM
On Tue, Sep 21, 2004 at 10:17:11AM +0600, Sudhrasun Ramalingam wrote:
: I've a doubt, What is the root directory for a webapp? 
: And if the answer is $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/webapp..
: Then how can the jar file referring $CATALINA_HOME as root for my web
: application?

1/ root directory and document root are terms that don't 100% apply
in the J2EE world.  Use the term context path, because a webapp
(context) may exist in a directory or inside a WAR file.

So, the context path defaults to one of
{value of appBase}/{context dir}
{value of appBase}/{WAR file}

where the value of appBase defaults to {Tomcat install}/webapps.

2/ $CATALINA_HOME and $CATALINA_BASE are not the root/context/whatever
path for your application.



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Re: real world deployment with multiple virtual hosts

2004-09-21 Thread QM
On Mon, Sep 20, 2004 at 11:58:08PM -0400, Anthony E. Carlos wrote:
: I've configured Tomcat with multiple virtual hosts. However, because of 
: ever-increasing memory usage, (see 
: at the bottom), I 
: often have to restart Tomcat. Thus a dozen or so sites all go down for 
: a minute or two while each of them reloads.
: My question is, what are people doing to avoid this problem? Are people 
: generally running an individual instance of Tomcat for each virtual 
: host?

This isn't specific to Tomcat.  With *any* J2EE container, it's best to
isolate applications into separate instances for the reasons you've
outlined above.  This practice also simplifies the spot the resource
hog game and moving apps between physical hosts.

: but it seems like an awful waste of resources especially 
: compared to Apache.

It's your call: use extra resources, or keep admins up all night
restarting Tomcat and irritate other app teams because their downtime is

Memory and CPU power is relatively cheap these days, and Java takes some
horsepower.  J2EE (and mod_perl, and certain uses of PHP) != serving
content with Apache.  These cases involve the server managing live
objects internally, which is quite different that the fire-and-forget of
static content, raw CGI, and some PHP.



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Re: Suggestion: A dedicated TOMCAT forum!

2004-09-21 Thread QM
On Tue, Sep 21, 2004 at 03:18:16PM +0200, Eric VERGNAUD wrote:
: le 21/09/04 15:13, Shapira, Yoav ? [EMAIL PROTECTED] a ?crit?:
:  If we have a Forum AND a mailing list, that leads to confusion: two
:  places to post questions, two places to look for answers, etc.  Should
:  we drop the mailing list?  I wouldn't be so quick to do that ;)
: Please don't. I hate forums.

Yes, and forums typically require web access whenever you want to
check/post/review.  By comparison, raw mail permits archival and offline
access that a web-based (or even NNTP-based) forum can't touch.



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Re: Sybase

2004-09-21 Thread QM
On Tue, Sep 21, 2004 at 10:12:38AM +0200, Marek W?jtowicz wrote:
: Do you know if there is A howto Linux+Tomcat+Apache httpd+ Sybase in 
: the net?

1/ please post a *new* message when writing to the list.  Replying to
an old (unrelated) message confuses thread-aware mailers, which makes
your question harder to find (and thus answer).

2/ There are myriad Apache/Linux/Tomcat tutorials out there.  Check with
Sybase to determine what JDBC they offer and whether they're stable.



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Re: [OT] Handling JDBC transactions

2004-09-21 Thread QM
On Tue, Sep 21, 2004 at 04:31:25PM +0530, Antony Paul wrote:
: What are the ways to handle transactions in Tomcat ?. No EJB here. I use
: Tomcat standalone. I am using JDBC calls to manage DB. I had used
: Connection.commit() and party in previous projects. But this have 2 draw
: backs
: 1. Need to pass Connection to methods which is coming under the transaction.
: 2. Some methods may need to be transactional in future which are not
: transactional now. Since now it is not transactional I am not passing the
: Connection object. Hence it requires modification of the method signature to
: implement the new changes which is not desirable in most cases.
: So I am looking for alternate ways. How you people handle this ?.

This is a design issue.  With proper abstraction of/within your data
layer, you can minimize the amount of Connection-passing to a specific
set of database-related methods (preferably within the same object).

Create methods that handle business processes; in turn, these methods
call several (internal, private) methods that handle the Connection

Look at the Thread-Safe Interface pattern for hints, then adjust as
needed to fit your situation.



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Re: Help on database and server configuration

2004-09-21 Thread QM
On Tue, Sep 21, 2004 at 07:03:54PM +0530, Shanti Priya wrote:
:   I have gone through that,but it's not that useful for me as i
: have a bug with my database setups.As already suggested by the other user i
: set up the in lib also.Please help me out.

Then it sounds more like an issue with whomever packed the WAR file:
once you rename - classes12.jar (and any other
Oracle-specific tweaks), you're back to the basic instructions (hint:
context.xml) that let you drop your WAR file into a container.



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Re: can't send request over my network ip

2004-09-21 Thread QM
On Tue, Sep 21, 2004 at 04:16:55PM +0200, Sebastian Kerekes wrote:
: I can access Tomcat through but not via 
: (private network). I'm using Tomcat 5.0.27. I haven't changed any of 
: Tomcat's settings. Do I have to change some settings or is this problem 
: not related to Tomcat?

1/ please post a *new* message when writing to the list.  Replying to
an old (unrelated) message confuses thread-aware mailers, which makes
your question harder to find (and thus answer).

2/ sounds like a firewall issue. What OS do you use?



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Re: Tomcat + mysql + axis

2004-09-21 Thread QM
On Tue, Sep 21, 2004 at 04:27:43PM +0200, Daniel S?nchez G?mez wrote:
: I'm  newbie   of  Web service and I want to do a web service wich
: inserts data into a mysql database
: I  dont't know if I need to configue  server.xml and web.xml files? (I
: work with Tomcat)
: I've  read  jndi-datasource-examples-howto.html,  but  it's  a servlet
: example and I don't know if it is identical to a simple webservice

Web services, servlets, whatever... if it runs inside Tomcat, you can
use the examples in the doc you read.


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Re: Can Tomcat User Locak Socket instead of TCP for Mysql Connections?

2004-09-21 Thread QM
On Tue, Sep 21, 2004 at 07:46:36AM -0700, Chuck Carson wrote:
: I noticed that the URL contrains the port number for mysql, 3306. Is it possible for 
tomcat to use
: the local socket directly? (/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock by default from most Linuxes)

Check the docs for the MySQL JDBC driver, which sits between Tomcat and
the database.  I know the PostgreSQL driver requires network
connectivity, but perhaps MySQL would be different.



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Re: seperate development spaces on same server/tomcat

2004-09-21 Thread QM
On Tue, Sep 21, 2004 at 04:59:42PM +, Didier McGillis wrote:
: to setup up three instances of the same site.  Here is the reason.  I have 
: three developers who are coming in.  I have one set of code, rather then 
: they share it, and play that way I would rather them have their own spots 
: to play.
: [snip]
: so HTML/images is in /usrl/local/apache2/guy1, guy2, guy3 
: jsp/java/servlets is in /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/guy1, guy2, guy3 
: http://server/guy1
: http://server/guy1
: http://server/guy3

Check out the Tomcat docs on CATALINA_BASE vs CATALINA_HOME, which lets
you provide each developer with their own Tomcat instance (separate
JVMs).  Find/create custom scripts for each developer to start/stop
their own instance.

The rest is, well, up to the developers.  They should be able to check
out the entire site from source code control (or however it's stored).
They would work on just their piece, and only check-in code related to
their piece; but to be effective, they should be able to run/see the
full site within their instance.

Taking this a step farther, you could create another instance for QA,
one for load-tests, etc.



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Re: a question or two

2004-09-20 Thread QM
On Mon, Sep 20, 2004 at 08:19:44PM +, Didier McGillis wrote:
: This site that I'm moving over to an Apache/Tomcat intergrated site has jsp 
: and html pages intermingled, so when I move these over and sperate the jsp 
: file from the html file I have to create a folder in the Tomcat folders 
: that are named the same as the one in the html side?  Is that correct.

I'm not sure I get you here.  If all of the webapp data is within the
context's path (i.e. you could serve it all from a WAR file) then:
1/ set Apache's doc root to the Tomcat context path
2/ tell Apache to serve the static content and let Tomcat handle the

A slight twist on #1, you could setup Apache with a separate document
root and copy all static content there.  This has the added benefit that
Java code never touches the web server (should you separate the web/app
servers) but will require some fancy script work if the app is not
organized by content, i.e.
+- jsp/
+- images/
+- html/

... and so on.



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Re: Suggestion: A dedicated TOMCAT forum!

2004-09-20 Thread QM
On Mon, Sep 20, 2004 at 02:00:37PM -0700, nyhgan wrote:
: I believe that having an open discussion forum is the first step toward such a goal 
as it will attract a vast number of new users to the tomcat world.





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Re: classpath with a service help

2004-09-20 Thread QM
On Mon, Sep 20, 2004 at 03:16:10PM -0700, John MccLain wrote:
: I wish to deploy Tomct5.0.28 along with a webapp. I want to be able to
: insure that Tomcat is deployed as a service, uses the standard classpath AND
: 1 more classpath entry. How can I set up the Tomcat windows installer to
: setup Tomcat as a service and include a specific directory on the classpath?
: Do I simply change ...tomcat/bin/service.bat (is that all that the installer
: runs)? if so, then how? I would prefer to not haveto have clients manually
: configuring classpath's for windows services.

Tomcat (and most other web containers) don't use the classpath as set as
an environment variable or on the commandline.  They use

1/ the JARs in the webapp's WEB-INF/lib and bare class files in

2/ some container-specific hierarchy of classloaders, usually in a
chain-of-responsibility pattern.  Tomcat uses
{Tomcat install}/common/lib
{Tomcat install}/common/classes
{Tomcat install}/shared/lib
{Tomcat install}/shared/classes
{Tomcat install}/server/lib
{Tomcat install}/server/classes

(though probably not in that order ;)

Long story short: if you use the container's (and the spec's) method of
making classes available, there should be no need to set a classpath.
Make your one other entry available in one of the places mentioned



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Re: Tomcat 4.x or 5.0x???

2004-09-20 Thread QM
On Mon, Sep 20, 2004 at 03:17:49PM -0700, Chuck Carson wrote:
: Would I be better
: off using 4.x or should I use 5.0x? The app I am writing will not likely be ready 
for at least a
: year so I kinda want to use the latest possible stable version so I'm still pretty 
up to date 1
: year from now.

A year is a long time =)

1/ the latest Tomcat is v5.5, but that's still in alpha (or beta?) so
you probably don't want to use that if you're writing an app anew

2/ Tomcat 5.0 is stable and fairly modern (servlet spec 2.4/ JSP 2.0).

A safe bet would be to use 5.0 for now, but keep an eye on 5.5 (and
whatever else comes out in the next year).

Generally speaking, as long as you keep an eye on the relevant J2EE
specs and don't code to container-specific features, migration between
containers/versions is straightforward.



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Re: Linking Sessions

2004-09-19 Thread QM
On Sun, Sep 19, 2004 at 12:58:05PM +0200, SH Solutions wrote:
[post trimmed for archive's sake]
: So my problem is, that inter-domain-links by default loose their session. Is
: is a problem.
: Now, I have special links, that lead to a servlet that puts every attribute
: of the local session into a hashmap and jumps to another special servlet on
: the other domain, which itself copies attributes from the hashmap back to
: the new session.
: So I am searching a way to link to a KNOWN session instead if creating a new
: one.
: Is there a way for this?

If I understand your setup, you could look into Single Sign-On.  Tomcat
has a special Valve for this.  Search the docs/archives for details.

If that doesn't work for you -- granted, there are some limitations --
you could use a shared database for intra-app data sharing. This is
similar to your HashMap but lets the various domains live in physically
different processes/servers.

The shared DB has fewer app-level requirements than single sign-on, but
still presents its own set of potential problems (performance,
coordination, DB availability, etc.)




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Re: [ot] something similar to phps ?

2004-09-19 Thread QM
On Sun, Sep 19, 2004 at 05:52:51AM -0400, Alex wrote:
: cool.  was showing a few folks in the office here how to set up tomcat
: (.net converts) and they were looking at the examples provided with the
: tomcat 5.0.x release.  i thought, boy, this would be nice if out of the
: box, all the examples had some nice colour syntax highlighting, just like
: php does.

It couldn't hurt.  If *you* see a need for it, that means at least one
person's interested.  Put the product out on the 'net for others to see,
and you'll likely gain followers. ;)



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Re: persistence after the request response cycle

2004-09-19 Thread QM
On Sun, Sep 19, 2004 at 07:25:26PM +0100, ian stone wrote:

: I'd like to extend the present setup so that after
: receiving the 1st POST data, the servlet responds with
: HTML page 2. HTML page 2 then returns form data via
: POST to the same servlet. The servlet would then save
: the accumulated responses from HTML pages 1  2 to the
: MySQL database.
: How can I get the servlet to remember or persist the
: response of HTML page 1 without writing to the
: database or to file.

Skim the servlet spec for session, specifically, HttpSession.



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Re: linux, tomcat5, jsvc, chroot and jsvc error:Invalid user name 'nobody' specified

2004-09-19 Thread QM
On Sun, Sep 19, 2004 at 05:24:02PM -0500, Glen Ezkovich wrote:
: I'm trying to run tomcat in chroot jail using jsvc. I can run tomcat
: inside chroot by its self without any problems. I also can run tomcat
: using jsvc as various users outside of chroot. When I attempt to run
: tomcat with jsvc inside of a chroot jail, I get the folowing error
: message:
: jsvc error: Invalid user name 'named' specified
: [snip]
: Obviously, I am missing user information inside my jail. I've tried
: adding copies of /etc/group, /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow but that
: didn't work. (not really surprised).

There's more to recognizing user info than just passwd and shadow; apps
these days make calls through system libraries rather than process those
files directly.

Start with {chroot}/etc/nsswitch.conf: what's in there?  In turn, the
calls that load nsswitch.conf will likely involve a trip through the 
resolver libraries (/lib/libnss_*)... You could start there and see what
else comes up.

I've found it invaluable to (temporarily) install strace under the
chroot area to see what files programs try to open behind the scenes.



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Re: AW: why is tomcat-users.xml rewritten ?

2004-09-19 Thread QM
On Sun, Sep 19, 2004 at 06:19:57PM -0400, Fred Stluka wrote:
: I've just searched the archives and it seems that this question
: comes up every few months at least.  The behavior of rewriting
: tomcat-users.xml and changing its permissions to match the
: Tomcat umask surprises enough people that it seems worth
: changing if possible.  I put a lot of faith in the principal of
: least astonishment.

True, but what's the purpose of the MemoryRealm?  Is it meant for
production use, where this file rewrite/perms issue could be a problem?

I always took MemoryRealm for a basic Realm implmentation: test how
Realms work without adding database/LDAP debubbing to the mix; and mine
it for sample Realm code.

If the Manager app's user-management feature works with JDBC, give
HSQLDB [1] + JDBCRealm a try.  You could lock the user/password info in
a file accessible only to the Tomcat user, and not have to worry about
the Manager app handling file perms.  As an added bonus, you could
deploy your webapp as a WAR file.

[1] = HSQLDB: on-disk/in-memory, JDBC-compliant database written in



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Re: Tomcat vs BEA Weblogic?

2004-09-19 Thread QM
On Mon, Sep 20, 2004 at 01:31:52AM +0200, Bj?rn T Johansen wrote:
: So basically, I would like some advice on why I should/shouldn't continue
: with Weblogic? :)

I've used Tomcat and Weblogic, and can offer a brief comparison:

1/ Co$t.  You can't beat Tomcat's price.  WL licensing is based on the
number of CPUs in the machine.  (Doesn't sound too bad until you have
40+ CPUs involved. ;)

2/ Spec compliance/upkeep: Tomcat 5.x implements servlet spec 2.4,
while (IIRC) Weblogic 8.1 is still 2.3.  Granted, BEA has several
reasons to take the Corporate slow and steady Pace; but it's nice
that I can use the servlet 2.4/JSP 2.0 features *now* instead of

3/ Clustering: Weblogic wins here, not so much because WL clustering
is any better but because it's been tried and tested.  I've been
using WL clusters for more than 4 years now, since v5.1.  By
comparison, Tomcat clustering appeared in v5.0 (last year, was it?) so
it hasn't experienced nearly as much road-testing.

4/ Webserver connectivity: I've never had a problem with mod_jk; but
based on list posts, I'm the pathological case.  (The ratio of jk
flaws vs pilot error is beyond me.) Setting up the Weblogic Proxy
Plugin was a complete no-brainer, vs mod_jk which was a partial

5/ All-In-One package: What are your long-term app dev goals?  WL
provides EJB and other features out of the box.  As others have
mentioned, doing that with Tomcat involves adding other products to
the mix, which can slow down a pre-product RD effort.

6/ Hand-holding: for a fee, BEA can send a pro-serv team to your site
and/or provide training.  There is no official (Apache-based) Tomcat
consulting/pro-serv, as far as I know.  While unofficial services are
certainly available, you'd have to shop around, check credentials,

That said, don't let the open source vs vended labels fool you.
The support models aren't too different as long as you don't deviate
too far from the norm with your app/setup, and you're conservative
about upgrades.

What you really have to worry about is in it for the long run vs
fly-by-night; and neither Tomcat nor Weblogic show any signs of
disappearing for the forseeable future.



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Re: Stability problem due to Too many open files

2004-09-18 Thread QM
On Sat, Sep 18, 2004 at 05:46:59AM -0400, Steve Job wrote:
: I get:
: SEVERE: Endpoint [SSL: ServerSocket[addr=,port=0,localport=443]]
: ignored exception: Too many open files
: Too many open files

Someone else mentioned ulimit.  You could also look into tuning your
network stack.

Most OSs default to a very high wait time on closing disconnected
sockets.  For machines that serve large numbers of short-lived
connections (e.g. web servers) this can produce the very problem
you've experienced.

Reduce the TIME_WAIT interval, which should reduce the number of
sockets in CLOSE_WAIT state.  Since sockets == handle == file in the
Unix sense, this should reduce the number of files you have open at
any given time.

For Solaris the ndd param is tcp_time_wait_interval; in Linux it's
somewhere under /proc/sys/net/ (aka sysctl net.something.other).



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Re: cannot find server

2004-09-18 Thread QM
On Sat, Sep 18, 2004 at 10:40:45AM +0800, Brian Roberts wrote:
: I'm having a problem with tomcat server version 5. When I click on
: the welcome button from the start/programs/apache tomcat 5.0 the
: browser opens and says 'cannot find server'.

Sounds like a networking problem.  What's the URL in the browser window?
Check your DNS or hosts file to make sure that name is resolvable, etc.



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Re: 404 etc

2004-09-18 Thread QM
On Fri, Sep 17, 2004 at 07:21:19PM -0300, Eugene wrote:
: How to disable ServerTokens in Tomcat and how to replace
: the error pages on custom static pages?

For the latter, review the servlet spec for error-page



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Re: Class Loading question

2004-09-17 Thread QM
On Fri, Sep 17, 2004 at 01:49:51PM -0400, Robert Bateman wrote:
: Some where in the code I think I've messed up a call because the code I'm 
: invoking is failing.  The problem is, the message I'm getting isn't telling 
: me what I specified wrong.

Specifically, what is your code, and what message do you get?

: What I'd like to do is have the system tell me 
: what classes as being loaded.  With stand alone Java code, I specify 
: -verbose:class.  Is there an easy way to do this directly in Tomcat?  Or do I 
: use -verbose:class?

Why not try it?



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Re: Serializable Logging implementation

2004-09-16 Thread QM
On Thu, Sep 16, 2004 at 07:49:17PM -0500, Spiegs wrote:
: What is the best approach for someone starting a new app? Is having all 
: of your model objects contain a transient static log instance, implement 
: Serializable, and implement HttpSessionActivationListener to 
: reinstantiate the log instance the best approach? What other approaches 
: would you recommend if you were to start with a clean slate?

What about, don't store model objects[1] in session (or anyplace else
that may be serialized)?  If you're passing data around, use a DTO.

Whether to use DTOs is something of a religious issue; but pure
data-holders rarely need internal logging.  If client code wants to log
a value they fetch out of a DTO, let them have at it...


[1] = This statement assumes any model object that requires internal
logging is much more than a pure data-holder.


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Re: porting to tomcat 5

2004-09-15 Thread QM
On Tue, Sep 14, 2004 at 02:38:02PM -0300, Justin Kennedy wrote:
: I'm new to this mailing list, so I'm thinking I didn't ask this question
: properly or did something wrong because I never had a response. Maybe I
: posted too much code?

Perhaps you left out some necessary information, such as what version of
Tomcat 5 you're running.

You say you're porting to Tomcat 5: did you rebuild the app against the
newer Tomcat 5 JARs?

Finally, while I understand your original tags were written before
servlet spec 2.4/JSP spec 2.0, have you at least tried using JSTL?  You
could setup a stripped-down JSP that contains just the section in
question, then try that with both your tags and JSTL.



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Re: Why tomcat 4 or even 3?

2004-09-15 Thread QM
On Wed, Sep 15, 2004 at 04:07:52PM -0400, John Villar wrote:
: A question to everyone out there. why does anyone use nowadays 
: Tomcat 4 branch?.

Some more conservative shops intentionally lag behind on releases. The
reasons range from afraid to upgrade to don't feel the need to
upgrade or even we've built a sizable architecture on an older rev and
upgrading will be a monumental effort.

: isn't tomcat 5 branch more bug free, featurefull 
: and backwards compatible?

Yes and no.  Even if the app used no features specific to Tomcat 4, you
still have to rebuild the app to upgrade.



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Re: pageContext.getSession()

2004-09-14 Thread QM
On Tue, Sep 14, 2004 at 02:24:03PM +0200, Pablo Carretero S?nchez wrote:
: I'm migrating an application from Weblogic 5.1 to Tomcat 5. can I use
: pageContext.getSession() in tomcat 5??cat 5??

Isn't this call in the servlet spec? ;)
Yes, it should work.  What's the relevant code?  I'd suspect you're
calling this from a JSP?

Are you certain a session has even been setup when this JSP is called?



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Re: 'referer' header contains Servlet path, not referrer

2004-09-10 Thread QM
On Fri, Sep 10, 2004 at 11:19:09AM +0530, Keith Hankin wrote:
: Here's the scenario: I am getting input data from the user and have
: determined that the user has made an error. I want to redisplay the last
: page so they can fix the errors.

Someone mentioned Struts as a solution.  That, in and of itself, is too
heavy a solution; but you can borrow some of those ideas:

Setup your form to pull data from request-scope vars.

- user goes to page first time: vars are empty, fields are blank

- user fills out some fields and clicks submit button: at least
  some fields are populated

- the servlet checks the form (based on request-scoped vars).  If some
  are missing, dispatch (not redirect!) to an error page.

- user sees form, some fields are prepopulated based on the information
  still in the request from when they clicked submit



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Re: How to configure jakarta-struts-1.2.2 with tomcat 4.1.27

2004-09-10 Thread QM
On Fri, Sep 10, 2004 at 05:58:46PM +0530, Arun Prasad R wrote:
: i want to know step by step process of configuring
: jakarta-struts-1.2.2 with tomcat 4.1.27,

Struts is a collection of JARs and XML files meant to be used within a
webapp.  See the Tomcat docs for setting up a webapp (review the servlet
spec if needed), then follow the Struts docs for creating a Struts-based

Struts also includes a stub webapp that you can drop into a container
and use as a base for your own code.  You could start with that.



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Re: mod_jk2 : apr_socket_send error

2004-09-10 Thread QM
On Fri, Sep 10, 2004 at 01:03:42PM -0400, Jacques Poulin wrote:
: Cannot load /etc/httpd/modules/ into server:
: /etc/httpd/modules/ undefined symbol: apr_socket_send
:  [snip]
: I was hoping someone could help me.  I've seen a lot of messages in the
: archive about the apr_socket_send message, but couldn't make sense of them.

Do a search on undefined symbol instead, you'll turn up
more messages and likely explanations to go with them.

This topic comes up frequently. ;)



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Re: 'referer' header contains Servlet path, not referrer

2004-09-09 Thread QM
On Thu, Sep 09, 2004 at 03:16:19PM +0530, Keith Hankin wrote:
: I am trying to determine what JSP page sent me to my Servlet, so I use 
request.getHeader(referer). Unfortunately, the String returned is the Servlet itself 
and not the actual referer. This seems like a bug to me. Is there some way to get the 
actual referer?

The referer header isn't reliable.  Browsers may refuse to send it,
for privacy reasons.

What's your high-level goal?



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Re: Pls Help index.jsp not compiling dynamically

2004-09-09 Thread QM
On Thu, Sep 09, 2004 at 04:00:25PM +0530, Arun Prasad R wrote:
: index.jsp is not being compiled dynamically, if i rename to some
: other name some.jsp its get compiled. if somebody faced this issue
: pls help. im not getting clue by google.

Did you just overwrite one of the sample apps?  Those JSPs are
precompiled, meaning the .jsp files themselves aren't referenced by the
container (and in turn, changes to them aren't noticed).

-and what Google terms did you use?  This topic turns up periodically on
the list.



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Re: tomcat as AJP frontend to other tomcats?

2004-09-09 Thread QM
On Thu, Sep 09, 2004 at 02:19:30PM +0200, Tore Halset wrote:
: This are easy to configure under Linux, but this is a windows company.. 
: Should we look for a precompiled Apache httpd with matching mod_jk and 
: mod_ssl? Or compile it myself? Or should we use IIS?

All 3 would work, but if you look around enough you're bound to find
precompiled Apache binaries for Windows.

: Is it possible to run tomcat on the frontend server and act as a Apache 
: httpd + mod_jk + mod_ssl? Are there any other options we should take a 
: look at?

I've never used it, but I understand the Tomcat Balancer webapp does
this and more.



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Re: Name jdbc is not bound in this Context

2004-09-09 Thread QM
On Thu, Sep 09, 2004 at 10:28:32AM -0300, Kelly C. Goedert wrote:
: I'm getting this error  Name jdbc is not bound in this Context on my 
: application. My tomcat version is 5.0.27.


See the Tomcat docs for details.



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Re: Pls Help index.jsp not compiling dynamically

2004-09-09 Thread QM
On Thu, Sep 09, 2004 at 07:07:26PM +0530, Arun Prasad R wrote:
: i want to edit that source file. and i removed servlet and
: servlet-mapping entry from web.xml and restarted tomcat. new tomcat
: should recompile index.jsp and fulfill the request. but it throws an
: exception like

Perhaps Tomcat's flipping out because it can already resolve the class
org.apache.jsp.index_jsp from the JAR of precompiled JSPs?

Find that JAR, rename it (something *without* a .jar extension, so it's
not automatically loaded by Tomcat), and try again.



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Re: tomcat as AJP frontend to other tomcats?

2004-09-09 Thread QM
On Thu, Sep 09, 2004 at 03:41:03PM +0200, Tore Halset wrote:
: Will the balancer webapp proxy or just redirect? We want to hide 
: multiple servers behind one frontend. The clients use https.

The Balancer docs will reveal the answers to this and other questions.



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Re: Pls Help index.jsp not compiling dynamically

2004-09-09 Thread QM
On Thu, SOP 09, 2004 at 07:20:31PM +0530, Arun Prasad R wrote:
: thanks it worked, i just rename the existing index_jsp.class to

That worked for you, fine; but that's not what I suggested:
JAR file != class file.

Please reread my last message.

: but this is not the expected behavior right. after removing web.xml
: entries tomcat should recompile it under work directory.

You'll have to take that up with the Tomcat developers; but the behavior
experienced makes perfect sense to me.

Note that if you start with a fresh webapp, instead of one that uses
precompiled JSPs, this doesn't happen.


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Re: DataSourceRealm can not find JNDI name in context

2004-09-09 Thread QM
On Thu, Sep 09, 2004 at 11:03:18AM -0400, David Smith wrote:
: Subject: Re: DataSourceRealm can not find JNDI name in context
: Otherwise, I haven't dealt in realm definitions.  Does the datasource 
: work from code?  In otherwords, write a quick and dirty little jsp to 
: access the db and put up some success message.  If that works, the issue 
: is most likely in the realm def somehow.

I've missed part of the OP's message, but this may help *if* the Realm
is using a DataSource that's declared within the Context tags:

specify localDataSource=true in the Realm tag



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Re: More than one thread part II

2004-09-08 Thread QM
On Wed, Sep 08, 2004 at 10:58:14AM +0200, wrote:
: I submitted a question about multiple threads (See message below). What I
: discovered is that I have defined 7 (virtual) hosts in my engine tag
: (server.xml). And during startup Tomcat initiated 7 times (I think for each
: host all the hosts again) each application, but one time is enough or not??

Do you enable autodeploy and/or deployOnStartup for each vhost -AND-
share the same appBase?  That will trigger this behavior.

I also recall this answer is in the archives.



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Re: Can't get servlet to work on tomcat5.0.x.

2004-09-08 Thread QM
On Tue, Sep 07, 2004 at 09:31:48PM -0700, nyhgan wrote:
: I finished the apach2 and tomcat5.0.27 integration today, The JSP is fine, but the 
servlets are not working. When I try to login to my application, I got the this page 
cannot be displayed message. There are no error messages in catalina.out

Step 1 of Apache/jk(2)/Tomcat debugging: take Apache and JK out of the
picture.  Enable an HTTP connector on Tomcat and access it directly.  If
that works, check the Apache setup.

Try to think of the Apache as a mask or a pass-through for Tomcat.



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Re: More than one thread part II

2004-09-08 Thread QM
On Wed, Sep 08, 2004 at 03:01:56PM +0200, wrote:
: They share the same appBase. Is this a problem (for instance performance) or
: not?? And what should i do then?? Isn't turning autodeploy to false not
: enough??

You tell me -- what do the Tomcat docs say about deployOnStartup vs

: p.s. do you know where in the archive?

I can help you help yourself. Search for:

my name/e-mail address
the term deployOnStartup
the term autoDeploy

(all in the same message)

That may yield a few hits ;)



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Re: Help with Tomcat Install?

2004-09-08 Thread QM
On Wed, Sep 08, 2004 at 10:49:41AM -0500, Lash, David A (David) wrote:
: When I go to http://localhost:8080 I cannot display the 'default page'. Any idea why?

Step 1 of Apache/jk(2)/Tomcat debugging: take Apache and JK out of the
picture.  Enable an HTTP connector on Tomcat and access it directly.  If
that works, check the Apache setup.

Try to think of the Apache as a mask or a pass-through for Tomcat.



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Re: Programmatically assign servlet mappings

2004-09-08 Thread QM
On Wed, Sep 08, 2004 at 03:05:38PM -0400, Tim Funk wrote:
: You'll need at least 1 servlet and servlet mapping. From there, that 
: servlet can dynmically dispatch as needed. See the invoker servlet on how 
: to do so.

-or, a twist on this: look into the Front Controller pattern.

You can make the app as dynamic as you want.



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Re: missing resource bundle shouldn't be

2004-09-07 Thread QM
On Tue, Sep 07, 2004 at 09:19:07AM -0400, Shapira, Yoav wrote:
: IMHO, the best way to share common code is to put it in a source-code
: control system (CVS, Subversion, ClearCase, whatever you want) and have
: a consistent deployment process where the deployment script (Ant, Maven,
: whatever you want) is also in the source-code control system.

This is especially key as needs diverge (version skew).

When each app can pull its own version from source control (or just copy
a versioned JAR) as part of its build process, you've spared yourself
some headaches.



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Re: Tomcat 5.5.0 - Child name is not unique error

2004-09-07 Thread QM
On Tue, Sep 07, 2004 at 08:50:37AM -0700, helena rato wrote:
: I have repeated the exact same process, creating a 'lololo' web app the same way I 
did create 'blabli' , and I get the same error (Child name 'lololo' is not unique).
: I am 100% sure that I don't have 2 web apps with the same path. The error comes when 
I add a 'context' tag in server.xml (in my case I'm just trying to add a logger), as 
explained in my previous mail.

Do you have both autodeploy=true *and* some Context elements (either
context.xml or in server.xml)?  That would trigger the double-deploy.



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Re: Why is Tomcat/Connector Installation So Incredibly Painful??

2004-09-07 Thread QM
On Tue, Sep 07, 2004 at 06:25:46PM +0200, Endre St?lsvik wrote:
: Do you really deny that mod_jk is somewhat hard to install? I mean,
: probably 50% av the OH MY WHATEVER - I CAN'T GET THIS TO WORK!!! mails
: are related to mod_jk..

Yes, but posts to list != users.

:   Even if it isn't for anything else, a transparent forwarding mechanism
: between a specific subset of the server's URL namespace (quote from
: ServletContext) of the server holding the listen call at port 80, and
: Tomcat, will always be needed, I believe.

Some people use mod_proxy for just this reason.

If mod_jk isn't to your liking -- and I see there have been a fair
number of gripes (warranted or not, I won't answer to that ;) -- then
you're free to write another.

Some would complain that creating Yet Another Connector isn't the
answer, but nor is Staying Unhappy With What's There, Knowing It Won't
Change The Way You Want It.



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Re: NoClassDefFoundError Issue

2004-09-07 Thread QM
On Tue, Sep 07, 2004 at 10:36:29PM +0530, Avinash R S wrote:
: - Root Cause -
: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ssbi/bean/SSBIUserMessage
: Prior to restarting the server I didn't have this issue. The classes referred
: in the above Exceptions, exist in the correct location.

Are there any new classes in the tree?
Put another way, has the app been recompiled against all required



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Re: TLS-Enabled Connector Prevents Startup

2004-09-07 Thread QM
On Tue, Sep 07, 2004 at 07:59:46PM +0200, Igor Zlatkovic wrote:
: however bizarre that may sound. It seems that the recent Linux kernel 
: update wasn't up to Tomcat's liking. For whatever the reason, Tomcat's 
: initialising of the TLS connector blocks in a read from /dev/random, 
: always. Ensuring that it reads from /dev/urandom instead makes it happy 
: again.

You may want to check what the kernel's using as a source of randomness.

I forget the details, but IIRC /dev/urandom never blocks, whereas
/dev/random may block under {some condition I can't recall in detail}.



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Re: Why is Tomcat/Connector Installation So Incredibly Painful??

2004-09-07 Thread QM
On Tue, Sep 07, 2004 at 02:57:10PM -0400, Lon Palmer wrote:
: It's obvious to me ( and probably to everyone else that uses
: it ) that then entire process of installing mod_jk is broken.  It takes too
: much fiddling and effort.

I don't share that view.  I've setup mod_jk a few times, and it was very
straightforward.  I followed the docs and ran with it.  JDBC/JNDI
Resources (another problem that appears regularly) works for me without
a hitch, too.  Maybe I'm just lucky. ;)

As for the rest of your post: I'll spare you a debate and leave it at
whatever works for you, works for you. Some people have an easier time
working with the open software than dealing with commercial products.
At least have the choice.

Having dealt with my fair share of both commercial and free software,
the price tag and quality don't necessarily correlate.  I've used a few
Very Cos$tly Products -- names withheld to protect the guilty ;) -- that
required a lot of twiddling to get working, were very fragile once they
did work, and bug reports were handled pretty much as the vendors felt
like it.  It's easy to say, you should have put pressure on them,
you're a customer but when a vendor's large enough and you're bound to
their product, that doesn't fly.



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Re: Pool and Postgresql

2004-09-07 Thread QM
On Tue, Sep 07, 2004 at 11:07:19PM +0200, Philippe Mathieu wrote:
: I'm using Postgresql 7.4.x  and Tomcat 5.0 under Linux Debian.
: In my application I'm using the Tomcat Connection Pool to access to a 
: Postgresql Database.
:  [snip]
: 2004-09-07 22:23:25 JDBCRealm[/vide]: Exception opening database connection
: java.sql.SQLException: ERROR:  SET AUTOCOMMIT TO OFF is no longer supported
:  [snip]
: Does anyone knows how to avoid this message ?

It sounds like you have a (now-)unsupported param in your JDBC URL, or
perhaps in one of the resource's param elements.

Check the docs for the PostgreSQL JDBC connector, as well as for the
database engine itself.



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Re: Tomcat on CD-ROM

2004-09-07 Thread QM
On Tue, Sep 07, 2004 at 03:57:45PM -0500, Ruth, Brice wrote:
: I've gone through the archives and read about setting loggers  
: workDir to a writable directory, yet I'm still getting an exception 
: thrown in tldScanJar (ContextConfig). I've checked out the code for 
: tldScanJar and I don't see it doing anything but opening an 
: InputStream to the JAR using JarURLConnection - does this Java class 
: try to extract the JAR somewhere?

I can half-help here: does WinXP provide an equivalent of strace/truss,
that would should you system calls as the app runs?  That would point
out specifically what file the OS is trying to open.

If you were running a Unix or Linux, I'd be much more help... ;)



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Re: Newbie to Version 5.5

2004-09-06 Thread QM
On Mon, Sep 06, 2004 at 06:25:01PM +0200, Freddy Villalba wrote:
: Just one more question... if I copy the dist files, how am I supposed to
: configure the CATALINA_HOME and CATALINA_BASE variables for each copy???
: (it's unique, so it can't be valid for all the copies I configure, am I
: right?)

Me, I use a separate start/stop script for each instance.  That script
sets relevant env vars and calls the global

Is that what you mean?



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Re: missing resource bundle shouldn't be

2004-09-06 Thread QM
On Mon, Sep 06, 2004 at 01:45:27PM -0700, Garret Wilson wrote:
: Different class loader. The JSP's are running in a class-loader with the
: application, while the common/lib jars are in a different class-loader 
: where
: the WEB-INF/classes are not part of the search path.
: Then what's the solution? I've tried moving the jar from common/lib to 
: WEB-INF/lib, but that didn't help. Unjarring the files into 
: WEB-INF/classes didn't work, either.

When you say the jar, you mean the jar containing my servlet
classes, correct?  That should work.  You restarted Tomcat after this
change, right?  You could also clear the work/ dir to be certain.

-and if I may ask, why'd you put the servlet classes in common/lib?  

: How can I programmatically reference the appropriate classloader from 
: within my servlet so that I can access property files in 
: WEB-INF/classes?

You don't. =) That would, in some sense, defeat the purpose of having
each webapp live in its own classloader.



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Re: missing resource bundle shouldn't be

2004-09-06 Thread QM
On Mon, Sep 06, 2004 at 02:55:13PM -0700, Garret Wilson wrote:
: I'll try that---it wouldn't cache a jar, would it?

Maybe, maybe not.  I see from your first message that you're running
Tomcat 5.5, which is technically in alpha state.  If you're trying it
out to report issues to the developers, great; but if you're simply
trying out a v5.x release, 5.0.x is considered stable.

Furthermore, I see you're running JDK 1.5.  Has anything changed there
w/r/t ResourceBundles and I18N?  Doubtful, but worth a look.

I know my apps running under Tomcat 5.0.28 / JDK 1.4.x don't have this
problem.  The servlets -- techically, Struts Action classes -- load
ResourceBundles and other objects out of WEB-INF/classes without a

: I was planning on using the same set of libraries for multiple web 
: apps---the jar in question had more than just servlets for a single web app.

There's no need to do this, really.  Webapps are supposed to be
self-contained.  My inner C++ developer says I should share common code,
similar to shared libraries; but C and C++ != Java. =)  I tend to leave
common/lib/ alone, so only the Tomcat-provided JARs exist there.

: Surely the web container doesn't use a different classloader for 
: container-generated servlets and user-created servlets in the same 
: context---does it? (And if it does, where should I put my resource 
: bundles so that the user-created servlets can access them?)

Don't quote me on this, but IIRC there is a separate classloader for
compiled JSPs to help with GC due to the fact that a classloader can't
be GC'd until all classes it owns have been GC'd. Remember, though,
Tomcat (and other containers) stack certain classloaders for a
Chain-of-Responsibility pattern effect.

Really, I'm at a loss for why it wouldn't work for you, outside of the
fact that you're using Tomcat 5.5 and JDK 1.5.

As a quick test, what about loading *any* data out of the class?  Does a
raw getResourceAsStream() work for you, for the sake of testing?



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Re: Problem with Tomcat upgrading

2004-09-03 Thread QM
On Fri, Sep 03, 2004 at 03:54:18PM +0200, wrote:
: No not that I can see in the log. What I know is that ven not all the
: examples work as well. Some does other not.

What was your upgrade process?
Did you recompile everything against the new JARs, etc?

There's a brief list of steps on my website (



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Re: Kinda Urgent: Huge Temporary Files (2BG) Fill Up Root Partition (mrfxxxxx.tmp files?)

2004-09-03 Thread QM
On Fri, Sep 03, 2004 at 07:19:08AM +0200, Nikola Milutinovic wrote:
: Check with the app's developers -- perhaps they're creating temp files
: Could it be a session holding many objects? Or an application scope 
: holding the same?

Doubtful, as (IIRC) all that happens in memory.

This sounds like something the app's developers are doing, either
directly (their own code) or indirectly (using a third-party toolkit).
The .mf extension will likely be your clue.



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Re: Need Help

2004-09-03 Thread QM
On Fri, Sep 03, 2004 at 02:16:26PM +0800, Venu wrote:
: I am trying to execute my jsp's  servlets from my remote server
: from /home/httpd/vhosts/ dir
: It works fine for the Html's but when try to execute my jsp's  servlets
:  it is not able to execute and even doesnt displays an error page just
: displays
: only the html tags.

Check out the Tomcat docs on this one.



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Re: Form based authentication - last login

2004-09-03 Thread QM
On Fri, Sep 03, 2004 at 10:08:59AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
: IMHO the best sollution would be to intercept the authentication process (I'm 
working with Tomcat 4.x), to smuggle some custom code there that updates the 
appropriate column in the database. The question is.. how can I do this?? Or maybe 
someone has a better idea how to do this??

There are several ways to do this, I'm sure.  My preferred method:

map a Filter to the protected area(s) that checks for the presence of
some session object.  If the object isn't there, the person has just
logged in, so you record the timestamp and store the object.  Otherwise,
the person's already logged in and the filter can pass the
request/response down the chain.

The marker object needn't be anything special: a simple Boolean will do,
if you don't store any other objects for users who are logged in.



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Re: Fatal: relocation error: file symbol __divdi3: referenced symbol not found

2004-09-03 Thread QM
On Fri, Sep 03, 2004 at 10:44:13AM -0400, Jonathan Rengifo wrote:
: nm /usr/local/apache-httpd-2.0.50/lib/ | grep div
: [337]   | 0|   0|FUNC |GLOB |0|UNDEF  |.div
: [640]   | 0|   0|FUNC |GLOB |0|UNDEF  |.udiv
: [909]   | 0|   0|NOTY |GLOB |0|UNDEF  |__divdi3
: [938]   | 0|   0|NOTY |GLOB |0|UNDEF  |__udivdi3
: So it seems that the problem is on the because there
: is the variable __divdi3 wich is reporting the relocation error

What happens when you run ldd on, and skim those libs for
the symbol?

Note especially any libs that ldd claims it can't find.



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Re: lot of logging statements when upgrading from 4.1.29 to 5.0.27

2004-09-02 Thread QM
On Thu, Sep 02, 2004 at 12:01:51PM +0200, Kris Barnhoorn wrote:
: But from the moment i add host configuration like the one below, it
: seems like all the logging levels of all classes are active? (eg lot of
: [DEBUG] Digister or BeanUtils etc)

Perhaps a rogue log4j config in one of a context classpath?



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Re: ServletContextListener and HttpSessionActivationListener

2004-09-02 Thread QM
On Thu, Sep 02, 2004 at 10:47:06AM +0200, Michael Sudkamp wrote:
: From testing I saw that during a startup (with a serialized session available)
: the sessionDidActivate() method is called prior to the contextInitialized()
: method.
: Does this make sense? Shouldn't I be sure that the context is fully available
: when sessionDidActivate() is called.
: [snip] 
: The servlet 2.3 spec IMO gives no info about the sequence. What is your
: opinion?

1/ Perhaps this really is a bug, and it's been fixed in Tomcat 5.x.
Setup a test instance and find out.

2/ I don't think opinion matters here -- if the servlet spec is shady on
it, containers are free to do as they please.   That leads me to...

3/ It may have been someone's idea that all session info should be
available for the ContextListener.  That would mean sessions would be
deserialized before a context starts and serialized after the context
stops, so a CL could gather some session stats. 

Who knows?  #3 is pure speculation on my part, so you may as well work
with #1 or #2  =)



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Re: custom error page for 403

2004-09-02 Thread QM
On Thu, Sep 02, 2004 at 10:39:28AM +0100, zhicheng wang wrote:
: can any one tell me how to config tomcat 5.0.25 to use
: custom error 403 page? I can config it for 404, but
: 403 apparently does not work, even though some
: articles say that the configs are the same.

apparently does not work is hardly enough detail.
The process should be the same for all error pages.

Post your web.xml and perhaps the page itself, and someone here may have
some answers.



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Re: ServletContextListener and HttpSessionActivationListener

2004-09-02 Thread QM
On Thu, Sep 02, 2004 at 05:44:14PM +0200, Michael Sudkamp wrote:
: It it is for that purpose, then IMO there must be fully initialized context at that 
point. I mean I must have had the chance to set up my own context attributes prior to 
this point.

We can talk opinions all we want -- if it's a grey area in the spec, and
your container (Tomcat, in this case) does things a certain way then
that's how it goes.

Have you at least tried the 5.x series and/or checked Bugzilla?



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Re: usage tomcat5w ?

2004-09-02 Thread QM
On Thu, Sep 02, 2004 at 03:44:52PM +0200, Quinten Verheyen wrote:
: we have Tomcat 5 installed and there is something that troubles me.
: Some guys have modified the classpath via the tomcat5w.exe (Java tab) and put
: all their applications in a directory outside of tomcat. It isn't even a web
: root, just a root for class files.
: They did this so they don't have to restart Tomcat for every class change and
: to put their application class files anywhere they want.

Unless the context's reloadable attr is set to true, Tomcat won't
reload *any* classes until a context (re)start.

: This bugs me. They just change the classpath known by Tomcat at startup (like
: bootstrap) but isn't this against all design logic ?

Generally speaking, it's best for the long-term to follow the spec's and
Tomcat's guidelines for where to put things.  That simplifies upgrades
and makes it easier to determine whether a problem lies in the
container's code or yours.

That said, there are a million ways to run a shop, half of which are
right.  Sometimes it's necessary to deviate from the norm.



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Re: RHEL 3.0, Tomcat 4.x and IPTables

2004-09-02 Thread QM
On Thu, Sep 02, 2004 at 11:14:35AM -0400, Wade Chandler wrote:
: I would take a small machine and make a firewall out of that.  You pose 
: yourself more of a security risk having your app server stuck on the 
: same machine as your security.  I assume you are running your mail 
: services and all on the same machine.  Probably not a good idea. 

True, but having a per-host firewall in addition to an overall network
firewall isn't such a bad idea.  Security in layers and all that rot.



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Re: Installing SLL on Tomcat 5.0.12

2004-09-02 Thread QM
On Thu, Sep 02, 2004 at 10:24:44AM -0700, Xeth Waxman wrote:
: I am in a project to allow our company to process
: credit card statements via the web - we use LinkPoint
: as our service provider.  Unfortunately, their API
: guide is written only for Linux/UNIX systems, so I
: have no idea how to configure my Tomcat running on
: Win2K for SSL.

What sort of API is it?  Does it use raw C/C++ calls, or is it all web

: The linkPoint documentation says I
: need and  Does anyone know if
: these files have windows equivalents (I'm assuming
: they would be dlls or jars) and how I can configure
: tomcat to use them?

Sounds like the former case, then...

Regardless, these *really* sound like questions for LinkPoint, not the
Tomcat list.



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Re: Kinda Urgent: Huge Temporary Files (2BG) Fill Up Root Partition (mrfxxxxx.tmp files?)

2004-09-02 Thread QM
On Thu, Sep 02, 2004 at 02:47:19PM -0600, Peter Alvin wrote:
: Here's the scoop: Massively HUGE .tmp files grow in this directory:
: /var/cache/tomcat4/temp
: Here is an example:
: -rw-r--r--1 tomcat4  tomcat4  2272915456 Sep  2 11:19 mrf20744.tmp
: I don't know what these files are for nor why some of them grow to
: over 2GB.

Check with the app's developers -- perhaps they're creating temp files
within their code, and the dir you've mentioned above is the designated
Java temp dir?  (I forget the system property name, but it's
java.tmp.dir or something like that.)



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Re: web.xml

2004-09-02 Thread QM
On Thu, Sep 02, 2004 at 05:10:53PM -0400, Yanbin Ma wrote:
: I was using all jsp files without a web.xml under WEB-INF folder.
: Everything worked fine, until I added some servlet java classes and
: web.xml to register them. Then tomcat cannot find my jsp any more. 

1/ please post a *new* message when writing to the list.  Replying to
an old (unrelated) message confuses thread-aware mailers, which makes
your question harder to find (and thus answer).

2/ Post your web.xml, as none of us can see it =)  Sounds like a
misapplied servlet mapping that includes a / where it shouldn't.



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Re: tomcat5 using jsvc in a chroot jail

2004-09-02 Thread QM
On Thu, Sep 02, 2004 at 02:42:07PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
: I am trying to configure tomcat 5.0.27 to run using jsvc in a chroot jail.
: I have gotten this configuration to work on rh7.2, but am having problems
: on rh9.  Tomcat works fine using jsvc out of the chroot, but when trying to
: start it in the chroot, jsvc loads without an error (according to jsvc
: debug) and nothing is written to catalina.err or catalina.out (which is
: where jsvc is set to redirect stdout and stderr), but tomcat doesn't load.

Creating chroot jails can be a tricky art. =)

Does a standalone Java program run inside the jail?

Also, did you copy needed system libraries from the old rh7.2 box or
from the /usr/lib of the new rh9 machine?



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Re: tomcat5 using jsvc in a chroot jail

2004-09-02 Thread QM
On Thu, Sep 02, 2004 at 03:05:23PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
: Does a standalone Java program run inside the jail?
: Yes, jsvc and tomcat as well as the entire JDK reside within the chroot
: jail.

You misunderstood my question: can you get a standalone Java class to
execute within the chroot jail?

If that works, then it's likely Tomcat itself is missing something
inside the jail.  strace is your friend.  No syscall can hide from it.



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Re: Fatal: relocation error: file symbol __divdi3: referenced symbol not found

2004-09-02 Thread QM
On Thu, Sep 02, 2004 at 06:25:53PM -0400, Jonathan Rengifo wrote:
: 1-Sep-2004 1:46:26 PM org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket init
: INFO: JK2: ajp13 listening on /
: /usr/java/bin/java: fatal: relocation error: file
: /usr/local/apache-httpd-2.0.50/lib/ symbol __divdi3:
: referenced symbol not found

The error means that the specified symbol -- loosely put, a C/C++
variable or function -- wasn't available within the currently executing
program's binary, nor any of the shared libs it loaded.

Tracking down missing symbols can be a pain, especially if you didn't
compile everything yourself from source.

It could be as simple as a missing dir in LD_LIBRARY_PATH (especially
since the Tomcat user's environment may not the same as the build-user's
environment), or something as nasty as subtle linking problem.

Run ldd on to see what libs it needs, then run nm on
those libraries to see which one defines __divdi3.



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Re: tomcat5 using jsvc in a chroot jail

2004-09-02 Thread QM
On Thu, Sep 02, 2004 at 03:57:36PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
: Good call :)

chroots require that you start small, then build ;)

: When I run an strace on it in the jail, it
: appears to hang after the following line:
: open(.hotspot_compiler, O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or
: directory)

The system's looking for a file named .hotspot_compiler in the current
dir.  The java command may internally change dirs, though, so you'll
have to do some more work to figure out where current dir is.

If the process hangs, you can check its /proc/{pid} entry for that info
and more.

That, and dump strace's output to a file so you can grep for other
occurences of .hotspot_compiler... Maybe it's failing to create a file

How did you copy/install the JDK?  You'd catch all of the hidden files
if you were to tar it up and ship it over.

: Any additional help would make you my hero :)

Don't applaud; just throw money. ;)



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Re: Tomcat 5.0.27 and the McKoi Database

2004-09-02 Thread QM
On Thu, Sep 02, 2004 at 06:41:06PM -0700, Caroline Jen wrote:
: All of a sudden, I am told to use the McKoi
: database. 
: Do I need a connector to establish JDBC connection? 

Yes, and your DB vendor should have this if the database is

: How do I configure the Tomcat to use connection pool? 

This is in the Tomcat docs, online at



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Re: problem starting sever-engine

2004-09-01 Thread QM
On Wed, Sep 01, 2004 at 10:04:00AM +0200, Hermel Thomas , K?ln wrote:
: this might sound peculiar, but I'm having problems starting Tomcat (V4). 
: I placed my application (Java-Applet) as usual in the webapps directory,
: but the engine doesn't initialize completely, although there are no error
: messages in the loggings. 

having problems and doesn't initialize -- these are too vague for
someone to offer you a solution.

More details, please.



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Re: Unpack WAR Problem

2004-09-01 Thread QM
On Wed, Sep 01, 2004 at 11:51:49AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
: You say you installed the xml file *in the webapps directory*. It should
: be in your-web-app/WEB-INF directory, shouldn't it? Or is this what you
: meant?

Instead of WEB-INF, make that META-INF. -but that's if the context XML
file is already inside the WAR file.  Otherwise, the OP could put it




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Re: jndi-datasource

2004-09-01 Thread QM
On Wed, Sep 01, 2004 at 07:08:06PM +0530, V. Karthik Kumar wrote:
: But seriously, there ought to be a better way to add datasources in the
: future... 

See below.

: Probably the only solution is to set-up a LocalDataSourceFactory, when
: an entry exists in Context.xml ...  and then add these to the current
: classpath... Yeah, I know it sucks, but when it's possible to have
: add-on libraries, Tomcat can provide a better managed LocalDSFactory as
: well

If you hurry, maybe you can get this patch in before 5.5 goes




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Re: How do I make my servlet the welcome page

2004-09-01 Thread QM
On Wed, Sep 01, 2004 at 02:16:49PM -0500, Brad Taylor wrote:
: I am running tomcat 5.0.9.  I currently enter a url like
: http://localhost:8080/myapp.  This causes a redirect page to be
: briefly displayed followed by my servlet getting invoked and serving the
: real page.  I would like to bypass this redirect, but can not seem to
: get it to work.  I have tried changing my welcome-file-list to
: and I have tried creating a servlet-mapping specifying index.html.

Change your web.xml to specify the new 2.4 schema , aka:


Then add your servlet's mapping to welcome-file-list.

[for the archives: using servlets as welcome files is supported as of
servlet spec 2.4, which Tomcat 5.x implements]



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Re: Remote Installation of Tomcat 5.0

2004-09-01 Thread QM
On Thu, Jul 08, 2004 at 10:56:02AM +0800, Venu wrote:
: -How to  perform Remote Installation of Tomcat5.0 on a linux machine for running 
: about 30 different applications on that Server.

Are you running a single Tomcat instance that serves 30 webapps? or 30
Tomcat instances, each with one webapp?

Either way, Tomcat ships as a zip/tar.gz file, so mix some scripting
skills with some ingenuity and you should be fine.

: -Is the Tomcat5.0 is stable or Tomcat4.1 is stable?

Please see the site for this.  It's clearly marked.

: -What are the Steps to taken in Server.xml for getting more efficency.

If you mean general Tomcat tuning (not just server.xml) please search
the archives.  This topic comes up quite a bit, but the answers don't

btw, please note the clock setting on your computer -- it's about a
month behind =)



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Re: Problem with session counting

2004-08-31 Thread QM
On Tue, Aug 31, 2004 at 11:14:29AM +0200, Michael S?dkamp wrote:
: In our app for a new session there is a thread started that inserts some
: session-specific data into a database. If I replace that thread by synchronous
: code, the problem does not occur.
: So the solution should be to stop this thread before invalidating a session.
: Does it sound OK to you that a running thread causes this behaviour?

I would say, doing any sort of thread work inside the container is
asking for odd behavior.

As for stopping the thread before invalidating a session, how will you
control that?  You could perform this action as part of the general
logout page, but what about people who simply let the sessions time



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Re: Tomcat Holding Database Open??????

2004-08-31 Thread QM
On Tue, Aug 31, 2004 at 08:43:00AM -0400, Michael McQuade wrote:
: It appears to me, and god knows Im REAL knew to this world,  that Tomcat is somehow 
holding my database open..  not releasing it on DISCONNECT.
: DOES anyone have any idea, I have been at this for a week, day and night, to no 
avail..  Im desperate for some sound guidance.

A couple of questions:
are you explicitly closing those DB connections?
are you pooling your connections?



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