Re: [TruthTalk] Old hebrew Coins found in Kentucky?

2004-03-28 Thread Dave

Kevin Deegan wrote:

  I don't care what you call the rock.

DAVEH:  OK.  To me it seems relatively important though.  And of course
the RCC folks feel the same way, though they look at it quite
differently.  Jesus seemed to be trying to convey a message to Peter
with his rock reference.  It surprises me you don't think it may be
important to understand what he was trying to convey.

  The verse says the gates of hell

DAVEH:  What do you think the gates of hell mean, Kevin?  IMO, it
refers to physical death.  I assume you believe otherwise?

   will not prevail against the church
  Thye other verse teaches the church will exist througout ALL AGES

DAVEH:  ???  I'm not sure why you would think that.

   Jesus must be mistaken because you know there was a TOTAL
  shortly after the last apostle died there were no more
christians on earth.

DAVEH:  Why do you think there could not be a total apostasy unless
there were no Christians on earth?   From my perspective, the
priesthood (the authority to act in the Lord's name) could have been
withdrawn (so to speak) while believers in Jesus could have existed. 
>From your perspective, if there is a believer on the earth, he would
have the that correct?  To me, that is hard to
understand because I don't see Biblical evidence for women having the
priesthood authority.  I assume you believe otherwise?

  WDJKa (What does Jesus know anyhow)
  Seems the DOGMA & tradition of men, here is "The Great
  have you the book?

DAVEH:  Yes.

  If there are no christians there is no church right?

DAVEH:  It does seem hard to imagine a church existing without
believers.  That does not mean that believers can't exist without
having the authority to act in God's behalfIOW, having the
priesthood authority.

    The RCC folks claim the authority was apostallicly passed down. 
Historical evidence would suggest that it became corrupted as it
evolved from Biblical theology to doctrines adopted by men and commonly
accepted today.  The T-Doctrine is a prime example, IMO, having been a
politically motivated consensus of  those who wanted unity by watering
down doctrinal truth.

  Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Kevin Deegan wrote:

  True Christianity was NEVER lost
  Mt 16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and
upon this rock I will build my church;

DAVEH:  IMHO..that rock was revelation, Kevin.   So, to me
it makes sense that after a general apostasy (falling away), it would
be a restitution of all things via revelation to the Lord's servants,
the prophets.

  and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
  EPH 3:21 Unto him be glory in the church by
Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end.
  God's word was NEVER lost

DAVEH:  I don't think we were referring to God's word being lost, but
rather to people being lostsearching to and fro for the truth.  As
Isaiah recorded in 29:13.

Wherefore the Lord said, For as much as this people draw near me with
their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their
heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of

Rather than hear the real message of the Lord's word, they
become lost due to the dogma and traditions (such as the T-Doctrine
& belief in a literal lake of fire and brimstone) derived by men
centuries ago.  At least that's how I see it.

    To suggest that God's word was never lost, I think that might be
short sighted thinking.  Seems to me there are a lot of gaps in or
knowledge of what happened in Biblical times, and what God may have
revealed.  Is that not why there are so many theological questions and
controversies over doctrines?  Furthermore, there are books written
(viz, THE LOST BOOKS OF THE BIBLE) regarding material that has since
been discovered.

  You may have lost it or may never have found it.
  God's word is ETERNAL & ALIVE
  1 Peter 1:23 Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but
of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth
for ever.
  But then again you do not trust His word

DAVEH:  I think I trust it far more than I trust those who purport the
Bible is all God has revealed, Kevin.

Dave Hansen
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Re: [TruthTalk] Spiritual Academics

2004-03-28 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 3/28/2004 9:42:13 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

John, I love romantic stories 

God is good, Izzy.   He apparently saved the best for the last  for both of us.  


Re: [TruthTalk] POLYANYI

2004-03-28 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 3/28/2004 9:36:16 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Well, of course we are brothers!!   We are all children of God, are we not?  I see no way to consider you as anything but a brother who worships Jesus Christ.  Your beliefs may not always coincide with mine, but obviously we both basically are true belivers, are we not?   I can see you are a true believer, and I deem myself to be the same.  

Well, are you aware that you are the only Mormon I have met to date who would acknowledge my sonship in Christ.   Great.   I must admit that you took me a little by surprise.   Perhaps within the spirit of brotherhood, we can eventually agree on what we might consider to be the essential issues that bind us together  -- or whatever the correct wording might be.   Looking forward to future exchanges.  

John Smithson

[TruthTalk] false notions

2004-03-28 Thread Blaine Borrowman

 I would like to try once again to clarify my 
(Mormon) beliefs as to who Jesus really is.  If needed, I can verify all of 
these assertions by biblical scripture. He is as follows:
1)  The God of the Old Testament--Jehovah--he 
was the "I Am that I Am" that gave commandments to Moses, and delivered the 
Children of Israel out of Egypt. 
2)  He was the firstborn of all spirit 
creations OF the Father.  (Rev 3:14)    
3)  All other things were created BY 
him (but OF the father).
4)  He is the 
only begotten of the Father in the flesh.
5)  He gave his life and blood to atone for 
the sins of all, as he overcame all things, including death.
6)  He was the firstborn of the resurrection, having pre-eminance in all 
7)  He now 
reigns on the right hand of the Father (both in bodies of  flesh and 
bone) and caringly intervenes in the affairs of men, by speaking to 
his ordained and authorized servants, the prophets.
8)   He will again set his foot on the 
earth, which is his footstool, and will reign forever as King and Prince over 
all,  in justice and equity, and his Kingdom will never end.  

I can't see that any of these beliefs make my Jesus 
different from your Jesus--unless you don't believe your own 

Re: [TruthTalk] Getting to know you.

2004-03-28 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 3/28/2004 9:19:37 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Both John and Perryâs experience sound a lot like what I consider my âsalvationâ moment. Did you both consider yourselves to be âsavedâ prior to this filling experience? Izzy

I have always considered myself to be saved.   But, funny you should ask.   After the filling,  there was an evening when I was impressed that I might not have been saved prior to the experience.   I put that thought behind, but, for the only time in my Christian life, I was truly afraid of being lost.   


Re: [TruthTalk] The Trinity

2004-03-28 Thread Dave

Kevin Deegan wrote:

  DAVEH:  Does not the Bible suggest what God looks like
when we are told Jesus is in his express image?  (He 1:3)   It seems
logical to me that the Son would look similar to his Father.
  For eons without end (for eternity past) Jesus did look like he
  JN 1 IIn the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
  The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by
him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
  During ALL this time he had no body but was fully God! He had NO
cause for his beginning, He was there with God. God created the
universe from nothing

DAVEH:  Is that commonly believe by most Protestants, Kevin?
many believe he organized the elements into the universe as we now know

   and with this he created the beginning of time.

DAVEH:  ???  Do you mean time did not exist before God created it (and
the universe)?  Is that also commonly believed?

  And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,
(and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the
Father,) full of grace and truth.
  God became FLESH, flesh did not become God.
  God MANIFEST in the flesh
  1 Tim 3:16 And without controversy great is the mystery of
godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen
of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world,
received up into glory.

Dave Hansen
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Re: [TruthTalk] The Last Days

2004-03-28 Thread Dave

Terry Clifton wrote:

Do you recognize/accept the Trinity Doctrine?  To me, the word
doctrine means a set of principles, something concrete to use as a
measuring device.  I am not sure that I can describe the trinity and do
justice.  Your idea of one in purpose is clearly included, but I think
Bill and Kevin made it more clear.  I believe in a triune God.  Whether
for clarification we use "persons", or "personalities", or Gods, there
are three.  They have not only the same purpose

DAVEH:  When I suggested they have the same purpose, I got a lot of
flak for it.  Do you think of them as individual entities, Terry?

(A baseball team has
the same purpose), they are absolutly alike in how they think.  No
disagreement whatsoever on any point, at any time.  They have exactly
the same attributes and emotions.  What one loves, they all love.  What
one hates, they all hate.  You cannot play one against the other
because they are always in total agreement.  They are unified like no
three humans have ever been.  
  I wish I could explain it better

Dave Hansen
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Re: [TruthTalk] The Trinity

2004-03-28 Thread Dave

In a message dated
3/11/2004 11:29:12 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  DAVEH:  Thanx for
the offer, John.  At this point in time, I don't think I am comfortable
with understanding grace as you apparently must
Why not? 
DAVEH:  Because I think there are a few clues found in the Bible that
might suggest many folks may misunderstand the nature and relationship
of grace & works.
  The scriptures and biblical
references to grace verses law are in the same Bible Mormons possess.
 Right there in black and white.   Jere 31:31-34 reads the same as in
my Bible.
DAVEH:  Are you of the house of Israel, John?  (vs 33)
   Romans 3 bears the same
DAVEH:  And in conclusion, Paul reminds us not to neglect the law.
   Hebrews explains the same
redemptive sacrifice.  I Cor 8:1-3 makes our relationship in love with
God more important than religious oriented (or any other kind)
 knowledge as precisely in your Bible as mineand so on.  
DAVEH:  I think it is important to consider who he was speaking to, and
why he was preaching as he did.  Perhaps the folks needed to know it
isn't their works that save them (even though works may be a necessary
element of salvation), but rather it is Jesus who is the redeemer, and
lacking faith in Christ is not overcome by any works by/of themselves.

This biblical teaching of unmerited forgiveness makes the primary need
for a second effort (Mormonism) a non issue.
DAVEH:  Yet some of the Primitive Christians thought a second effort
was necessary, as is evidenced by 1Cor 15:29.  Instead of criticizing
them for practicing baptism for the dead, Paul used their works for the
dead as an example of an important doctrine.the resurrection.
   God did not get it wrong
the first time.   He did not misunderstand the wickedness of those whom
he intended to save.   He is not out of control when it comes to the
history of man's walk with Him.   As I see it, the claim that God
failed to get it right with the New Covenant is amazing.   If not, why
DAVEH:  Are you part of that New Covenant, John?  If sowhat is it
that you have covenanted to do?


Dave Hansen
If you wish to receive
things I find interesting,
I maintain Five email lists...

Re: [TruthTalk] God in our unconscious

2004-03-28 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 3/28/2004 9:02:03 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Correct me if I am wrong, but to me you seem to insist he is a standpat,
gagged and hogtied god who can do nothing new. 

Under the new covenant of grace, He (God) does not need to be anything but steadfast and consistent.   It is grace verses works, whether Mormon, Baptist, Catholic or whatever. The church was NEVER right on its own terms.   It needed grace for the same reasons individual members have that need and it needed grace from day one.    That is the revelation  --  in your KJV bible and in ours.   Sorry for the interruption and Perry can take care of himself, I know.    I just had to do it.   

By the way, your silence on this brother  question means to me that there is more to it for you, Blaine, than simply being a Christian.   



RE: [TruthTalk] Spiritual Academics

2004-03-28 Thread ShieldsFamily

John, I love romantic stories with a happy
ending. J  Had one myself after a 25 year bad deal. Fortunately I was
able to put up with it until my boys were educated and married. Izzy


  I remarried 3 years
ago --  one of the most spiritual gals I have ever met. Great to meet you
and the others.   


Re: [TruthTalk] Tough being a Christian

2004-03-28 Thread Dave

Terry Clifton wrote:

Dave, I welcome your thoughts.  Though  I do not share your beliefs, I
admire the way you are able to discuss them without demeaning the
person with whom yor are conversing.  I do not know if you are doing
this based on training or in love, but you set a far better example
than most of us.
Dave:    In are right, Judy.  What I hear/see in TT does
compel me to want to change from what I have.  In fact, when some tell
me they want to wave my underwear in public, I want to run the other
direction.  But something else in me wants to find out why those
underwear wavers want to act that way, which is so contrary to what I
perceive Jesus would do...which is why I've enjoyed some of my
discussions with the street preachers.  I just want to find out why
that kind of thinking makes them tick.  I suppose that also explains
why I enjoy TT so much.  Though it is so contradictory to the nature of
the way I've been taught, I'm extremely curious as to why you folks
seems so comfortable with the religion you practice that produces such
interesting fruits  I don't know if that makes sense to any of you. 
And, I hope I'm not offending anybody by sharing my thoughts.  Delete
it if you don't want me butting in..or.Ponder it as an
outsider's observation.
I am not sure you can open your mouth without offending someone, but
please continue.  Outside observations can be valuable to those who
want to learn.  You might, if you really want to avoid conflict to some
extent, stop using the word "protestant".
DAVEH:  ???  Why, Terry?  Why would that offend you?  I don't recall if
you told us about your affiliation with any particular denomination. 
>From your below comment, am I to understand you have not associated
with any Protestant groups?
  I am not
certain what you
would replace it with, but that word does not describe today's

DAVEH:  Now you are really confusing me.  I thought most TTers were
Protestant in some sense.  If I were to poll most professed Christians
I meet on the street, I would think they predominantly would claim some
mainline denominational affiliation that would be related to
Protestantism.  (Excepting of course, LDS, RCC, JW, &DA, etc.)  Do
you not consider the Baptists, Lutherans, Methodists, CofC,
Pentecostals (and their variants), Presbyterians, etc to be
is another bummer.  All religions all seem to have
one thing in common,
DAVEH:  $$$?  ;-) 
being that good works will get you
DAVEH:  Most of the Protestants I've talked to condemn my religion for
allegedly believing such.  I don't recall any of them claiming their
religion claimed likewise.
  I have
faith in my Savior to accomplish that.  My good
works, according to the Bible, have all the value of a filthy rag.  No
religion for me.

DAVEH:  Sounds like you might have had a bad experience, Terry.  Care
to share it with us?  Or.have you always believed that way?

Dave Hansen
If you wish to receive
things I find interesting,
I maintain Five email lists...

RE: [TruthTalk] POLYANYI

2004-03-28 Thread ShieldsFamily


That’s “priceless”. J Izzy

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Blaine Borrowman


Yes, I am aware of your perceptions, have been for a long
time--how could I miss it?  LOL  But you are wrong.  The big
surprise was all mine, though.  I never figured you were receiving
messages from the "imitator," as you call him, just didn't think you
received anything at all. (:>)   

RE: [TruthTalk] astrology

2004-03-28 Thread ShieldsFamily



[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Blaine Borrowman


Yes, Astology is definitely an occult oriented skill, or


Blaine—Aren’t mormons aware that the occult of of satan?
Christians are forbidden to dabble in the occult. What is your concept here?


 Since Karl Malone was the mainstay of the Utah Jazz
NBA team, Blacks seem to have been more easily accepted in Utah.  The NBA has done a lot for
Blacks all over the USA,
too, I think, to raise their status and standing in communities.  The NBA
is not all bad--as is the case with almost anything we usually think of as
being bad or evil.  As I recall, one of the concepts I learned in
Sociology classes was that the more minorities interact with the majority
population, the more biases and predjudices disappear.  The NBA does seem
to give Blacks  more exposure.  God, who loves us all, Black or
White, works in mysterious ways his wonders to perform, I guess you could


My husband is the
basketball lover—I admit I just don’t get it. Blaine, does it bother you that at first the
mormon doctrine said that blacks could not be saved, and now it says the
opposite? Since God never changes His mind, doesn’t that make you doubt
the authenticity of mormon doctrine? Just wondering.


  You should come to Salt Lake City for a visit
sometime, and I would be happy to show you around the city, which by the
way is only abput 1/2 Mormon.   I live North of Salt Lake City, in
West Point, a small city near Ogden and Hill AFB. 
But Salt Lake is just 30 minutes



Thanks for the kind
invite, Blaine.
I’m sure the city is lovely. But I didn’t dare tread into the tour
of the new mormon temple here in St.
  Louis when it was first built. I don’t go where
I don’t think the Holy Spirit is. I would never visit a Hindu or Buddhist
temple, either.



- Original Message - 

From: ShieldsFamily


Sent: Sunday, March 28,
2004 1:48 AM

Subject: RE: [TruthTalk]


Blaine, I believe that
astrology is of the occult. Do you? 

 I do think you have a valid point,
however, that God made the heavenlies, and He can use them to give signs, such
as the Zodiac formations. Pastor James Kennedy did a big series on that subject
(and took severe criticism from the Church of the Rigid and Uptight Believers
for it, too.) How does the astrology that you believe in differ from the
Chinese horoscope? How can both of you be right? Isn’t it bad enough to
be a mormon, AND an astrologist? J Izzy


[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Blaine Borrowman
Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 12:11
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] astrology


Blaine:  The stars
fortell, but do not compel.  God Knows us, and what choices we will make,
but we need to make them nevertheless, and thus prove all things, in order that
God may alone be glorified.  There is no evil in reading the stars, but
only evil in thinking they compel us.  We are indeed free by way of the
gospel of Jesus Christ, the sure foundation.

 Few if any men
nowadays can accurately read the stars well enough to be certain what is
written there.  Inspiration is needed, and if that fails, then we are left
unto ourselves.  The Magi were not just astrologers, but wise and holy men
of God, who listened to the promptings of the spirit, which is the only real
key to reading the stars.  

 ALL things testify
of Christ--even the stars.  Take Venus, the bright and morning star at
times,  but the evening star at other times.  Sometimes it is
neither, as it cannot be seen because it has moved behind the sun.  It signifies the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ,
as it moves from being the evening star, to being unseen, to being "born
again" as the morning star.  As Jesus said, "I am the offspring
of David and the bright and morning star." (Rev 22:16

Also, look up some
evening and see the Big Dipper--it has seven stars in it, and they all point to
the fixed star, called the North Star.  As the earth turns on its axis,
the Big Dipper appears to revolve around the North Star, which
itself never appears to move. The seven stars signify the seven
churches of Asia (Revelation, chapter 1),
or, in other words, the Church!  The North Star, which never moves,
signifies Jesus Christ.  


- Original Message -

From: Judy Taylor


Sent: Friday, March 26,
2004 7:50 PM

Subject: [TruthTalk]


From: "Blaine
Borrowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hmmm, can you give me your exact time and place of

I can't predict much without being able to place your sun,
moon and planets

in houses with reference to your rising sign.  You
were born with the Sun in 

Saggitarius, Moon in Taurus, Mercury and Venus in
Capricornus,  Mars in Aquarius

Re: [TruthTalk] POLYANYI

2004-03-28 Thread Blaine Borrowman

Blaine:  Oh yes, I must apologize for not 
answering your questions, John.  Thanks for the reminder.  

Well, of course we are brothers!!   We 
are all children of God, are we not?  I see no way to consider you as 
anything but a brother who worships Jesus Christ.  Your beliefs may not 
always coincide with mine, but obviously we both basically are true belivers, 
are we not?   I can see you are a true believer, and I deem myself to 
be the same.  

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 9:03 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] POLYANYI
  In a 
  message dated 3/28/2004 7:17:05 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
(Blaine Borrowman) Blaine.   Was it Lance 
  who was saying that your Christ is different from my Christ? I believe you 
  said that you believed in Christ so that made you a Christian and then you 
  asked for some impute.   I am saying, if your Christ is the same God 
  I serve, are the two of us brothers?  I am not trying to challenge you. 
   Rather, I am curious.  Or is there more to your sense of 
  brotherhood than meets the eye? John 

RE: [TruthTalk] Getting to know you.

2004-03-28 Thread ShieldsFamily

Both John and Perry’s experience sound
a lot like what I consider my “salvation’ moment. Did you both
consider yourselves to be “saved” prior to this filling experience?


Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 6:26
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Getting
to know you.


In a message dated 3/28/2004 2:49:15 PM Pacific Standard
Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 

Anyway, it certainly was an faith 
confirming and affirming experience. 

Amazing and your conclusions or response was very similar to mine.
  It does not sound as if either of us was looking for this
experience.   It just happened.   For me, however, I
immediately identified it with "filling" because it was such a
perfect word to describe where I was at the time  --  I was was just

Anyway, thanks for the reply.    


RE: [TruthTalk] God in our unconscious

2004-03-28 Thread ShieldsFamily



I can understand your reasoning below. But
may I have permission to insert two comments?


1) Jews can certainly remain Jews as
believers in Messiah Yeshua. Jesus was and still is the Jewish Messiah. Many
Jews today can and do know Jesus as Lord. We might call them “Christians”,
but they still consider themselves to be Jews. (Like Paul himself.)


2) However, I think mormons have a simple
misunderstanding of who Jesus is. They have been taught that He is the brother
of satan, one of many gods, and that mormons themselves are morphing into gods
just like Jesus did, etc. They cannot be followers of the real Jesus because
they have been given the wrong “Jesus” to follow; not because they
don’t have all the “right” doctrines on non-critical issues. (But
the Lord can continue draw truly seeking hearts which, hopefully Blaine has.) 


Do you think I’m all wet? J 




Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 4:33
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] God in
our unconscious


In a message dated 3/28/2004 2:17:45 PM Pacific Standard
Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 

tell me your reasoning

i don't know if my bias and my reasoning can be separaed but, as I used to say
in book sales, "here goes nothing."   I believe the
biblical message teaches clearly that you, Blaine, are saved by faith apart
from being right.   Your faith in Christ and the church you are
aligned with are two different things to me.   To the others on this
list,  Bill, Izzy, and all, I am open to discussion on this.
  Back to Blaine.
  Understand that I am not proclaiming you a part of the saved.
 That's not my job. in this case. If you are saying that we are brothers
in Christ, I can accept that.   You will understand, of course, that
accepting you and accepting Mormon teaching are two different things.
  But I accept Catholics without accepting the Roman Church.
  Paul accepted those who continued to follow Judaism and Christ.
 Are you and I brothers?   


Re: [TruthTalk] God in our unconscious

2004-03-28 Thread Blaine Borrowman
Blaine:  Perry, thank you for always being willing to lower the ladder for
me, that I might climb up where you presume to be.If nothing else, your
heart is in the right place.  We Mormons do have some doctrines that are
foreign to your old system of thought, but they came from God.If you
cannot accept Jesus as being a dynamic, caring,  intervening God, fully
capable of taking the reins and directing his church directly and through
his chosen prophets, then I suppose we will just have to agree to disagree.
Correct me if I am wrong, but to me you seem to insist he is a standpat,
gagged and hogtied god who can do nothing new.   Sorry, but I cannot accept
that.  Take care, old buddy, and keep in touch, as we never know when the
right teachable moments in our lives will be.  (:>)

- Original Message - 
From: "Charles Perry Locke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 4:09 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] God in our unconscious

> >Blaine wrote: So I must be a Christian.  If you still don't believe this,
> >please tell me your reasoning--but withold your biases, as I am not
> >interested in noisy nonsense or insulting word-offal.
> Blaine, Blaine, Blaine. I have been over this several times on TT. Since
> worship a DIFFERENT Jesus and a DIFFERENT God than the Jesus and God of
> Bible, then you are not a Christian. I have given a fairly involved
> explanation in posts a few months back of how I know that the LDS God and
> Jesus are not the Biblical God and Jesus.
> Perry
> >From: "Blaine Borrowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] God in our unconscious
> >Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2004 15:16:03 -0700
> >
> >Blaine:  I keep wondering, when people say I am not a Christian because I
> >am a Mormon, if they even know what they are saying.  It seems to me they
> >haven't really thought anything through, they are just parroting what
> >have heard someone say.
> >Am I a Muslim?  Nope, I do not worship Mohammed, or believe Mohammed was
> >prophet.  Am I a Jew?  Nope, I believe the Messiah arrived as Jesus
> >  Am I an Atheist?  Nope, I believe in God.
> >Do I believe in and worship Jesus Christ?  Yup.- Original Message
> >-
> >   Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2004 9:13 AM
> >   Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] God in our unconscious
> >
> >
> >   In a message dated 3/27/2004 5:04:17 AM Pacific Standard Time,
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >
> >
> >
> > jt: Where would you come up with an idea like that?  You can not be
> >Mormon/Christian
> > any more than you can be Jew/Christian.
> >
> >
> >
> >   Regarding the Jew/Christian thing:  read Acts 21.   More than that  -- 
> >virtually all of Paul's problems in the church was caused by a brand of
> >legalism called Judaism.
> >   Alexander the copper smith was probably a Jew/Christian.  I personally
> >believe that Alexander was yhe reason Paul was prosecuted unto death
> >(Alexander has cause me much harm).  Evidence of the Jewish church is
> >abundant in both Romans and Hebrews.   It is just very short sighted to
> >see the Jewish/Christian church in the biblical message.   It is actually
> >everywhere.
> >
> >
> >   Anyway  --  I have to clean the pool.   It is a great day here in
> >Fresno.
> >
> >   John Smithson
> _
> All the action. All the drama. Get NCAA hoops coverage at MSN Sports by
> --
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
> If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a
friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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RE: [TruthTalk] Getting to know you.

2004-03-28 Thread ShieldsFamily

Amen, Terry. We seek the Giver, and are
grateful for whatever gifts He deems to give. J  Nobody gets them
all. Izzy


Behalf Of Terry Clifton
Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 4:02

I wouldn't worry about the tongues thing.  Paul said it was the least
important of all the gifts.  


RE: [TruthTalk] M Scott Peck a Christian LOL

2004-03-28 Thread ShieldsFamily



I am so glad to hear that M. Scott Peck was of some assistance to you
when you were a seeker. Yours is a perfect example of what Bill and I were
trying to discuss before we were interrupted: that all Truth is of God, and
therefore beneficial to those who are willing to hear it. The Lord has not just
given all truth to Christians, or to
Christians who have the “right” doctrine, or Christians who have
the “right” doctrine plus perfect lives. To ignore truth from
non-Christians is to me a lack of faith in God’s Omnipotence. He is Big
enough to speak through a donkey, and certainly through any human with an open,
inquisitive mind.


That’s what astounded me by Peck’s book “The Road Less Traveled”.  He
wasn’t even a Believer, yet it was so full of amazing common sense and
practical wisdom that anyone could understand. Things like “Love is hard
work.” Don’t think you “love” someone if you aren’t
willing to do the work that it requires, like spending time with them, etc. What
was it that spoke to you at the time?


My favorite book, by far, of Peck’s is “The People of the Lie”. Did you read
that one? In it he says that he believes that psychiatry should have a
diagnosis of “evil”, and he spends the book describing his
encounters with “evil” people who were his patients, and his
experiences with attending actual exorcisms. His explanation of how to diagnose
and comprehend the behavior of evil people was EXTREMELY helpful to my husband
and me when we were dealing with a nightmare situation of slander against him. It
helped us gain perspective when we were reeling with the emotions one goes
through at a time like that. And it has helped us strive for forgiveness by
understanding that “they know not what they do” when evil people “project”
their own self-hatred onto their victims. 


Whether Peck is a Christian today is only God’s decision; who of
us can look inside another’s heart? He is definitely under RCC persuasion,
and is influenced by a whole lot of his past life (aren’t we all?). He
also still clings to non-Biblical beliefs in a lot of areas. But he claims to
have had a definite conversion from paganism to a love of Jesus Christ, and I
accept his statement at face value. One doesn’t grow to perfection in a
day—it is a process that goes beyond our lives on this earth, in fact. However,
I notice that the Peck books that we have in our library do not sit in the “Christian”
section, but in the philosophy section. He is no theologian. 


My personal philosophy is that where you are on the spiritual spectrum
is not nearly as important as which direction you are heading. Are you heading
towards Jesus, or towards darkness? The ones who think they have “arrived”
are often the most dark of all. You can read about them in “The People of the Lie”. 





-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charles Perry Locke
Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 3:29 PM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] M Scott Peck a Christian LOL




   Could it be possible that Scott Peck and his writings have
a purpose in 

the world outside of bringing people to Christ?


   In the early 80's I was reading Peck's "The Road Less
Traveled". It was 

instrumental in my growth as an individual, and helped to place me on a

of peace, tolerance, understanding, and others awareness. At that time
I was 

not a Christian, but a seeker.


   10 years later I became a Christian and, if it was not for
the changes 

made in my life that I underwent in the early 80's, at least in part 

assisted by Scott peck's book, I might not have ever found Christ (or,

I would not have ever let Him find me!)


   Would I have sought Christ without Scott peck's help?
Would I have let 

Him seek me without Scott Peck's help? Only God truly knows. But, I do

that Peck's book was instrumental in turning me from an inward

focused on self, to an outward position, focused on others. Without

turn, I may never have been able to recognize the movement of the

within me.




Re: [TruthTalk] Spiritual Academics

2004-03-28 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 3/28/2004 8:00:38 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

There are too many gentle folks here, such as yourself, that I would miss otherwise. 

Yes, there are and, of course, I think your decision is the best.   There is much to learn from people who are willing to let you think, make wrong decisions, sometimes correct them, and grow.    There  is much to learn in a situation in which you can put something out there without getting the old and tired "oh, another false prophet" salute. Honest people are no more correct in their thinking than anyone else.   Sometimes I disagree simply because I honestly cannot see the opposing point.  Anyway, being in this particular group has help in a number of ways.   Your impute is included in that compliment.   

James graduated from the teaching hospital in San Fran.  I am not up on some of the lingo.   I and their mom was married for 23 years.   The boys were 11 and 9.   I had quit preaching and was just starting in the construction trade.   Tough times.   I coached and they wrestled.   One the most macho homes in America.   Really.   We were tough guys.   Lots of cussing and lots of fights.   The boys went to Davis, to school.  When they came back in the summer of 97,  I  had rededicated my life and was involved in a two year immersion into Christ thing.   Their first question was, "who are you and what have you done with our real Dad?"   Because both boys respect me, we are best friends, they have come to Christ.   They saw in me a real and dynamic change.   And that opened the door to Christ as they understand Him.   I remarried 3 years ago --  one of the most spiritual gals I have ever met. Great to meet you and the others.   



Re: [TruthTalk] God in our unconscious

2004-03-28 Thread Blaine Borrowman


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 3:28 
  Subject: [TruthTalk] God in our 
  Well Blaine:
  According to scripture on the last day we are 
  going to be judged according
  to the Words Jesus spoke.  These are not the 
  same Words your BofM teaches
  Blaine:  Actually there is little in the BoM 
  itself that is contrary to the gospels in the Bible.  Most of the 
  differences that seem foreign to you come from later revelations, now 
  contained in the Book called The Doctrine and Covenants.  It contains 
  much on how Christ's church is to be organized  and conducted in 
  these latter days, in preparation for His second coming in glory, as well as 
  doctriines that clarify but do not really add to the gospel as delivered to 
  the saints of the early church.  I am telling you the truth, the 
  whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God.  OK?
  So how will you get around that?  Jesus said the 
  gate is strait and the way is
  narrow and only a few are going to find it. 
  Blaine:  The question is, who are the ones who 
  will be the "few?"  I have faith God is a fair and equitable god.  
  He will include all who earnestly seek to keep his commandments, and in doing 
  so prove their friendship to him.  We are all his children--do you 
  believe that?
  I know you've heard all this
  before but Mormonism adds to God's Truth making it 
  something other than
  the faith ONCE delivered to the saints.  Some on 
  this list who profess to be
  believers may encourage you in this deception... they 
  are not the ones who
  really care for your soul.
  Blaine: I am always glad to hear someone cares for my 
  soul.  Thank you Judy
  From: "Blaine Borrowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Blaine:  I keep 
  wondering, when people say I am not a Christian because I am a 
  Mormon, if they even know 
  what they are saying.  It seems to me they haven't really 
  thought anything through, 
  they are just parroting what they have heard someone say.   
  Am I a Muslim?  Nope, 
  I do not worship Mohammed, or believe Mohammed was a 
  prophet.  Am I a 
  Jew?  Nope, I believe the Messiah arrived as Jesus Christ.  Am I an 
  Atheist?  Nope, I 
  believe in God.   Do I believe in and worship Jesus Christ?  Yup.  
  So I must be a 
  Christian.  If you still don't believe this, please tell me your reasoning
  --but withold your biases, 
  as I am not interested in noisy nonsense or 
  insulting word-offal.
In a 
message dated 3/27/2004 5:04:17 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 

jt: Where would you come up with an idea like that?  You 
  can not be Mormon/Christian any more than you can be Jew/Christian. Regarding the Jew/Christian 
thing:  read Acts 21.   More than that  -- virtually all 
of Paul's problems in the church was caused by a brand of legalism called 
Judaism. Alexander the copper smith was probably a Jew/Christian. 
 I personally believe that Alexander was yhe reason Paul was prosecuted 
unto death  (Alexander has cause me much harm).  Evidence of the 
Jewish church is abundant in both Romans and Hebrews.   It is just 
very short sighted to NOT see the Jewish/Christian church in the biblical 
message.   It is actually everywhere.    
Anyway  --  I have to clean the pool.   It 
is a great day here in Fresno. John Smithson 

Re: [TruthTalk] POLYANYI

2004-03-28 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 3/28/2004 7:17:05 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Blaine Borrowman)

Blaine.   Was it Lance who was saying that your Christ is different from my Christ?
I believe you said that you believed in Christ so that made you a Christian and then you asked for some impute.   I am saying, if your Christ is the same God I serve, are the two of us brothers?  I am not trying to challenge you.  Rather, I am curious.  Or is there more to your sense of brotherhood than meets the eye?


RE: [TruthTalk] Spiritual Academics

2004-03-28 Thread ShieldsFamily



So your son will be doing his residency at
Fresno? Is that
U of Cal also? He sure must enjoy that adrenalin rush, with his love for the
E.R. and research on a mountain. It must be the wrestling background. Sorry to
hear about the divorce; the boys must have been young then. I know how tough
that is.  Your son has a heart for people, which is what draws him into
medicine in the first place. The experiences of the E.R. are much like
battlefield experiences, and can be just as traumatic. Hopefully he will always
keep that tender heart, but will adjust to the fact that the Lord has foreordained
the number of days a person lives, regardless of whatever heroics a doctor or
nurse employs. You can only do what you can do; the rest is up to Him.


My husband does not have the heartbreaking
experience of losing many patients now that he is settled into ophthalmology. J He just spends his days,
“Stamping out glaucoma.”  My husband loves Residents, and he is his Dept.
Residency Director at St. Louis
 University, in addition
to his regular duties. He is a big believer in the Attendings mentoring the
Residents and would, of course, always be available to speak with your son
about anything that might be helpful, via email or phone.  


Thanks for the kind words of
encouragement. I don’t like having to set boundaries with anyone,
especially other Believers, but Tough Love is never fun. (A good book on the
subject is “Boundaries” by Drs. Cloud and Townsend.) Reconciliation
is always a huge relief and joy; but cannot be done without establishing mutual
respect first.  I look forward to such a day. In the meantime, I care
enough about my own peace to guard it from unnecessary violation. Therefore I
will reluctantly employ the delete button as you advise.  There are too
many gentle folks here, such as yourself, that I would miss otherwise. 



Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 2:10

My son is James Smithson.   James has just finished his academic
requirements at S.F. and is taking nine months off to do this research before
his fours years of residency.   He likes the ER in Fresno  -  it is a little hairy and
fast paste. He is not fully settled on trauma.   Maybe he should join
this list if he wants some real experience in trauma.   Anyway, he is
a wonderful kid     one of three brothers; all were state
wrestling champions.   I have coached for years.   There
mom and I divorced in 1987 and I raised James and his younger brother.
  I worry sometimes about being so tender hearted  --  him
not me.   He comes home in tears very often, especially when he loses
a patient.   Impute from your husband would not hurt.    

Hang in there in this list.  I appreciate your comments and sense of
maturity.  With judyt  --  just delete.   There are
two individuals from another list that are very much outside the will of God
 --  more than any on this list.  They continue to send me
postings  --  I have pretty much warn out the delete button on them.

Grace to you 


Re: [TruthTalk] Getting to know you.

2004-03-28 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 3/28/2004 7:22:12 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Marlin, I pray that the Lord will supply you with whatever your family needs to record your music if that is your desire.

Marlin, my youngest son, Russ, has been into Chrsitian music, band amd all, for several years, now.   He does a lot of recording at home with equipment he has on his computer.   I know it sounds not to professional, but his CD's come out great -- just as good as the CD he and his band paid $22,000 to record.   Maybe you and Russ could email or phone chat about this.   Let me know.

John Smithson

RE: [TruthTalk] Getting to know you.

2004-03-28 Thread ShieldsFamily


I pray that the Lord will supply you with whatever your family needs to record
your music if that is your desire.  My husband says there are recording
companies that are less expensive than purchasing your own equipment, but I’m
sure you know more about that than we do.  Your children are blessed to have
such loving parents. You will be richly rewarded by the Lord for your
faithfulness to Him and your family.  Your life sounds like a real living
sacrifice to Him. A fragrant offering. No wonder he put you in the flower
business. J Izzy

Behalf Of Marlin Halverson
Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 11:14


Of concern to me is conducting
business in a way that pleases God and develops character and training in my
home-schooled children.  Proverbs 22:6 says "Train up a child in the
way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." 
This is my greatest God-ordained responsibility as a parent.  It is not a
job to pawn off on a "church."  I believe that training a child
"in the way that HE should go" takes into account individual aptitudes
and abilities and interests, and matching these to opportunities that we can do
our best to provide.  I believe that training a child "in the way
that he SHOULD go" takes into account the commandments of God which we
will keep if we love Him.  One way to appreciate God in return for His
many blessings and benefits, resulting from our obedience and His grace,
is to praise Him with songs. 


Musically, we are not what one calls
"professionals."  That is not our aim, so much as it is to edify
one another and to praise God.  There are CD recorders available now, but
they are expensive.  We hope to acquire one some day.  The CDs
themselves are cheap.  



Re: [TruthTalk] POLYANYI

2004-03-28 Thread Blaine Borrowman

Yes, I am aware of your perceptions, have been for 
a long time--how could I miss it?  LOL  But you are wrong.  The 
big surprise was all mine, though.  I never figured you were receiving 
messages from the "imitator," as you call him, just didn't think you received 
anything at all. (:>)    I should have looked at my own 
scriptures, which tell me that ALL men are inspired by the Holy Spirit from time 
to time.  Hey, I am just like you, believe me!!  There have been times 
when these "whisperings" have saved my job, or I earned needed extra money. 
  I was even prompted by the spirit to take a piece of a jigsaw puzzle to a 
service station that was offering a free lawn mower if you could finish out the 
puzzle.  The piece I had fit.  I got the lawnmower--just in the nick 
of time, because my landlord was about to kick me out of my house for not taking 
care of the lawn.  

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 1:50 
  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] POLYANYI
  Because I don’t think 
  the same voice speaks to you that speaks to me. There’s the voice of the Holy 
  Spirit, and there’s the voice of the Imitator. Guess you know who I think 
  speaks to mormons. Iz
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Blaine BorrowmanSent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 12:15 
  AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] 
  Why scary?  

- Original Message - 

From: ShieldsFamily 


Sent: Friday, 
March 26, 2004 8:58 PM

Subject: RE: 
[TruthTalk] POLYANYI

Very scary, 
Blaine. Iz

  Blaine:  This is very 
  interesting Izzy.  I have had similar experiences.  I thought 
  Mormons were the only ones who did this.  LOL

Re: [TruthTalk] astrology

2004-03-28 Thread Blaine Borrowman

Yes, Astology is definitely an occult oriented 
skill, or art.  It is not yet a science, but does require quite a bit of 
math and conceptual understanding to get much out of.  I haven't figured 
out what the relationship between Chinese Astrolgy and Babylonian Astrology is, 
but both seem to have some validity.  (:>)
I would guess that being both a Mormon and an 
astrologer on TT is similar to being both a Catholic and a Black 
in Salt Lake City,  at least prior to when the brethren received the 
revelation to allow Blacks to hold the Holy Priesthood.  
 Since Karl Malone was the mainstay of the 
Utah Jazz NBA team, Blacks seem to have been more easily accepted in Utah.  
The NBA has done a lot for Blacks all over the USA, too, I think, to raise their 
status and standing in communities.  The NBA is not all bad--as is the case 
with almost anything we usually think of as being bad or evil.  As I 
recall, one of the concepts I learned in Sociology classes was that the more 
minorities interact with the majority population, the more biases and 
predjudices disappear.  The NBA does seem to give Blacks  more 
exposure.  God, who loves us all, Black or White, works in mysterious ways 
his wonders to perform, I guess you could say.   
  You should come to Salt Lake City for a 
visit sometime, and I would be happy to show you around the city, which by 
the way is only abput 1/2 Mormon.   I live North of Salt Lake City, in 
West Point, a small city near Ogden and Hill AFB.  But Salt Lake is just 30 
minutes away.   

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 1:48 
  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] astrology
  Blaine, I 
  believe that astrology is of the occult. Do you? 
   I do think you have a valid 
  point, however, that God made the heavenlies, and He can use them to give 
  signs, such as the Zodiac formations. Pastor James Kennedy did a big series on 
  that subject (and took severe criticism from the Church of the Rigid and 
  Uptight Believers for it, too.) How does the astrology that you believe in 
  differ from the Chinese horoscope? How can both of you be right? Isn’t it bad 
  enough to be a mormon, AND an astrologist? J 
  On Behalf Of Blaine 
  BorrowmanSent: Sunday, March 
  28, 2004 12:11 AMTo: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] 
  Blaine:  The 
  stars fortell, but do not compel.  God Knows us, and what choices we will 
  make, but we need to make them nevertheless, and thus prove all things, in 
  order that God may alone be glorified.  There is no evil in reading the 
  stars, but only evil in thinking they compel us.  We are indeed free by 
  way of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the sure 
   Few if any men 
  nowadays can accurately read the stars well enough to be certain what is 
  written there.  Inspiration is needed, and if that fails, then we are 
  left unto ourselves.  The Magi were not just astrologers, but wise and 
  holy men of God, who listened to the promptings of the spirit, which is the 
  only real key to reading the 
   ALL things 
  testify of Christ--even the stars.  Take Venus, the bright and morning 
  star at times,  but the evening star at other times.  Sometimes it 
  is neither, as it cannot be seen because it has moved behind the sun.  
  It signifies the 
  death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, as it moves from being the 
  evening star, to being unseen, to being "born again" as the morning 
  star.  As Jesus said, "I am the offspring of David and the bright and 
  morning star." (Rev 22:16
  Also, look up some 
  evening and see the Big Dipper--it has seven stars in it, and they all point 
  to the fixed star, called the North Star.  As the earth turns on its 
  axis, the Big Dipper appears to revolve around the North Star, which 
  itself never appears to move. The seven stars signify the seven 
  churches of Asia (Revelation, chapter 
  1), or, in other words, the Church!  The North Star, which never 
  moves, signifies Jesus Christ.  
  - Original Message 

From: Judy 


Sent: Friday, 
March 26, 2004 7:50 PM

[TruthTalk] astrology


From: "Blaine 
Borrowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hmmm, can you give me your exact 
time and place of birth?  

I can't predict much without 
being able to place your sun, moon and 

in houses with reference to your 
rising sign.  You were born with the Sun in 

Saggitarius, Moon in Taurus, 
Mercury and Venus in Capricornus,  Mars in Aquarius, 

Jupiter in Pices, and Saturn in 


You might want to consult 
astrology books on those plac

Re: [TruthTalk] God in our unconscious

2004-03-28 Thread Wm. Taylor

No, Judy, I am not calling you a liar. And I 
am not even doubting that you did write Izzy. You are right: Izzy is offended, 
and I sense that she is angry. Why continue to provoke her? For I am 
also observing that you have kept with your offensive ways toward her, even 
after your claim to have written to her personally. I may only imagine what 
your private correspondence said, but I can observe with my own eyes what you 
continue to do on TT. Judy, it is time to take the words of your brothers 
and sister here on TT and recognize the error of your ways.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 3:43 
  Subject: [TruthTalk] God in our 
  I percieve that you are another one who does not 
  You have judged me already as offensive, proud, and 
  stubborn, causing hurt to an innocent party.
  I have already written to Izzy with no response 
  so have done all that I can do. Are you calling me
  a liar on top of your other adjectives.  This is 
  not my fight. Izzy is the offended, angry one so
  talk to Izzy.
  From: "Wm. Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Bill writes  >  Judy, sometimes we are commanded to 
  get involved in quarrels that may not concern us personally but do 
  concern us corporately as the body of Christ (Matthew 18). Perhaps 
  John is getting involved here because you are sinning, because you are 
  offensive, because you are too proud to recognize either, and because your 
  refusal to repent is still hurting your sister.
  Take the words of your brothers and sister here on TT and 
  recognize the error of your ways. 
  Bill Taylor
  John writes  >  I  don't mind 
  the discussion with you, but Izzy does.  the scriptures teach that we are not to "seek our own." Love does not seek 
  its own way or will. Izzy does have a delete 
  button. And you have instruction from 
  God on how to show respect to others. Why not 
  practice what you preach instead of insisting on your "rights" as a member of a public list.  
  jt writes  >   Then John, 
  let Izzy use her delete button just like I use mine. Why are you taking up an offense for 
  her? Do you have instruction from God 
  to jump into the middle of this. I think 
  there is a Proverb about ppl who get into quarrels that don't concern them.  Why are you doing 
This is a public list and you are choosing to 
be here
john: Why do you communicate with 
jt: Why do you want to keep stirring this 
Do you actually think you are accomplishing 
some good addressing 
your thoughts to someone who is not listening 
to you?  
jt: I don't address my thoughts to Izzy 
normally.  I did write her off list
but she ignored that and this will most 
likely make things worse. Why
can't we address issues and leave the 
personal stuff alone. 
I  don't mind the discussion with you, 
but Izzy does.  the scriptures 
teach that we are not to "seek our own." 
  Love does not seek its own 
way or will.   Izzy does have a 
delete button.   
jt: Then John, let Izzy use her delete 
button just like I use mine.
Why are you taking up an offense for 
And you have instruction from God on how to 
show respect to others.   
Why not practice what you preach instead of 
insisting on your "rights" 
as a member of a public 
jt: Do you have instruction from God to jump 
into the middle of this.
I think there is a Proverb about ppl who get 
into quarrels that don't
concern them.  Why 
are you doing this?

Re: [TruthTalk] God in our unconscious

2004-03-28 Thread Knpraise

Last I read it was the Holy Spirit who convicts of sin.

An amazing display of hypocrisy.  Words coming from someone who (a) interferes  in every thread on this list and (b)  is so busy doing the Holy Spirit's work that she scarcely has time to think.  

Re: [TruthTalk] Getting to know you.

2004-03-28 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 3/28/2004 2:49:15 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Anyway, it certainly was an faith 
confirming and affirming experience.

Amazing and your conclusions or response was very similar to mine.   It does not sound as if either of us was looking for this experience.   It just happened.   For me, however, I immediately identified it with "filling" because it was such a perfect word to describe where I was at the time  --  I was was just full.   

Anyway, thanks for the reply.   


Re: [TruthTalk] God in our unconscious

2004-03-28 Thread Charles Perry Locke
Blaine wrote: So I must be a Christian.  If you still don't believe this, 
please tell me your reasoning--but withold your biases, as I am not 
interested in noisy nonsense or insulting word-offal.
Blaine, Blaine, Blaine. I have been over this several times on TT. Since you 
worship a DIFFERENT Jesus and a DIFFERENT God than the Jesus and God of the 
Bible, then you are not a Christian. I have given a fairly involved 
explanation in posts a few months back of how I know that the LDS God and 
Jesus are not the Biblical God and Jesus.


From: "Blaine Borrowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] God in our unconscious
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2004 15:16:03 -0700
Blaine:  I keep wondering, when people say I am not a Christian because I 
am a Mormon, if they even know what they are saying.  It seems to me they 
haven't really thought anything through, they are just parroting what they 
have heard someone say.
Am I a Muslim?  Nope, I do not worship Mohammed, or believe Mohammed was a 
prophet.  Am I a Jew?  Nope, I believe the Messiah arrived as Jesus Christ. 
 Am I an Atheist?  Nope, I believe in God.
Do I believe in and worship Jesus Christ?  Yup.- Original Message 
  Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2004 9:13 AM
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] God in our unconscious

  In a message dated 3/27/2004 5:04:17 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

jt: Where would you come up with an idea like that?  You can not be 
any more than you can be Jew/Christian.

  Regarding the Jew/Christian thing:  read Acts 21.   More than that  -- 
virtually all of Paul's problems in the church was caused by a brand of 
legalism called Judaism.
  Alexander the copper smith was probably a Jew/Christian.  I personally 
believe that Alexander was yhe reason Paul was prosecuted unto death  
(Alexander has cause me much harm).  Evidence of the Jewish church is 
abundant in both Romans and Hebrews.   It is just very short sighted to NOT 
see the Jewish/Christian church in the biblical message.   It is actually 

  Anyway  --  I have to clean the pool.   It is a great day here in 

  John Smithson
All the action. All the drama. Get NCAA hoops coverage at MSN Sports by 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought 
to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

[TruthTalk] God in our unconscious

2004-03-28 Thread Judy Taylor

Bill, shouldn't you be letting God be God in the lives 
of people?
Last I read it was the Holy Spirit who convicts of 
From: "Wm. Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
When do unrepentant sinners ever request 
They would be unrepentant sinners if they were 
seeking counsel.

  From: Judy Taylor 
  Kevin isn't the one who 
  dragged this out of the woodpile - it
  was one of 'in your words' your paranoid 
  friends Bill trying to 
  counsel where counselling had not been 
  requested.  jt
  From: "Wm. Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Kevin, maybe sometimes its better to stay out of 
  other people's business, 
  especially if all you are doing in it is making 
  matters worse. Even the paranoid 
  (like me, and John, and Izzy, and DaveH, and 
  Blaine, and Lance, and DavidM, 
  and whoever else you don't like) can have some 
  true enemies. Bill Taylor
From: Kevin Deegan 
Well I guess Jesus should rewrite Mark 
Todays 21 first century version:
Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to those that want to 
hear it[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In a message dated 3/28/2004 
  2:48:56 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
  This is a public list and you are choosing to be 
  hereWhy do you communicate 
  with Izzy?  Do you actually think you are accomplishing some good 
  addressing your thoughts to someone who is not listening to you? 
    I  don't mind the discussion with you, but Izzy does. 
   the scriptures teach that we are not to "seek our own." 
    Love does not seek its own way or will.   Izzy does 
  have a delete button.   And you have instruction from God on how 
  to show respect to others.   Why not practice what you preach 
  instead of insisting on your "rights" as a member of a public list. 

Do you Yahoo!?Yahoo! Finance Tax 
Center - File online. File on 

Re: [TruthTalk] God in our unconscious

2004-03-28 Thread Wm. Taylor

When do unrepentant sinners ever request 
counseling? They would be unrepentant sinners if they were seeking 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 3:19 
  Subject: [TruthTalk] God in our 
  Kevin isn't the one who dragged this out of the 
  woodpile - it
  was one of 'in your words' your paranoid 
  friends Bill trying to 
  counsel where counselling had not been 
  requested.  jt
  From: "Wm. Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Kevin, maybe sometimes its better to stay out of 
  other people's business, 
  especially if all you are doing in it is making 
  matters worse. Even the paranoid 
  (like me, and John, and Izzy, and DaveH, and 
  Blaine, and Lance, and DavidM, 
  and whoever else you don't like) can have some 
  true enemies. Bill Taylor
From: Kevin Deegan 
Well I guess Jesus should rewrite Mark 
Todays 21 first century version:
Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to those that want to 
hear it[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In a message dated 3/28/2004 
  2:48:56 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
  This is a public list and you are choosing to be 
  hereWhy do you communicate 
  with Izzy?  Do you actually think you are accomplishing some good 
  addressing your thoughts to someone who is not listening to you? 
    I  don't mind the discussion with you, but Izzy does. 
   the scriptures teach that we are not to "seek our own." 
    Love does not seek its own way or will.   Izzy does 
  have a delete button.   And you have instruction from God on how 
  to show respect to others.   Why not practice what you preach 
  instead of insisting on your "rights" as a member of a public list. 

Do you Yahoo!?Yahoo! Finance Tax 
Center - File online. File on 

Re: [TruthTalk] M Scott Peck a Christian LOL

2004-03-28 Thread Wm. Taylor
Good stuff, Perry. I'm sure the accuser/s will answer your questions.

- Original Message -
From: "Charles Perry Locke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 2:28 PM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] M Scott Peck a Christian LOL

> TT'rs,
>Could it be possible that Scott Peck and his writings have a purpose in
> the world outside of bringing people to Christ?
>In the early 80's I was reading Peck's "The Road Less Traveled". It was
> instrumental in my growth as an individual, and helped to place me on a
> of peace, tolerance, understanding, and others awareness. At that time I
> not a Christian, but a seeker.
>10 years later I became a Christian and, if it was not for the changes
> made in my life that I underwent in the early 80's, at least in part
> assisted by Scott peck's book, I might not have ever found Christ (or,
> I would not have ever let Him find me!)
>Would I have sought Christ without Scott peck's help? Would I have let
> Him seek me without Scott Peck's help? Only God truly knows. But, I do
> that Peck's book was instrumental in turning me from an inward position,
> focused on self, to an outward position, focused on others. Without this
> turn, I may never have been able to recognize the movement of the Spirit
> within me.
> Perry
> >From: Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: [TruthTalk] M Scott Peck a Christian LOL
> >Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2004 08:49:18 -0500
> >
> >Now how could anyone in their right mind take what this man writes
> >seriously?  He is obviously confused and most definitely does not know
> >the Lord.
> >
> >Claims to have been a Christian for 13yrs - with a nun as spiritual
> >adviser?
> >Says he was accosted by an evil spirit but identifies it as a "good evil
> >spirit"
> >Yeah right!  "Hath God said?" This guy could sell snow cones in Alaska...
> >reminds me of witches who claim there is black magic and white magic.
> >
> >"A doubleminded man is unstable in all his ways [] let not that man
> >think
> >that he shall receive anything of the Lord"  Peck has no idea what sin is
> >or
> >what Christianity is for that matter so what spiritual insight of his
> >could be
> >ov value?  It's all from the wrong kingdom.
> >
> >From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but
> >inwardly they are ravening wolves," (Matthew 7:15).
> >The following is a interview with M Scott Peck:
> >"Door: It is interesting that you describe your writing as a calling. Is
> >this a calling from God?
> >"Peck: I hesitate using the word `God' in that simplistic kind of way. My
> >books are not `channeled' materials
> >"Door: There are a number of writers and others who are convinced that
> >you are part of the New Age Movement.
> >"Peck: Really? Well, we can come back to that subject if you'd like
> >My spiritual director, who is a nun, says that God never calls you to do
> >something that doesn't feel right in your heart. Jesus went to the cross,
> >which wasn't something He felt like doing, but the cross felt much better
> >than the only alternative which was to retire on His pension plan
> >"Door: When we interviewed you last, you had become a Christian three
> >years previously. Now that it has been 10 years, could you comment on how
> >your own personal faith has changed over the decade?
> >"Peck: I don't like the term `became a Christian.' ...I hope to God that
> >I'm going to continue to be converted until I die and perhaps well after
> >that, which is what I think purgatory is all about
> >"Door: Why do we have this feeling of impending doom?
> >"Peck: God knows when I'll ever write about this, so you might as well
> >write about it.
> >"Door: Uh - thanks.
> >"Peck: I have had some dealings with evil spirits, but I have never given
> >any thought to possibility of good spirits. One night while I was in the
> >midst of my depression, my Dark Night of the Senses, I went to bed. I had
> >not fallen asleep and this was not a dream. I was accosted by a spirit.
> >"Door: A spirit?
> >"Peck: ...Almost as instantly, I asked what kind of spirit this was and I
> >immediately knew it was a good spirit rather than a bad spirit. But I
> >also knew I could either confront this spirit or shake it off. I wondered
> >what kind of good spirit it was. The answer came to me immediately. It
> >was a spirit of mirth.
> >"Door: A spirit of mirth?
> >"Peck: That was when the battle began. Just because this seemed to be a
> >spirit of mirth, how did I know for sure? If I let it in -
> >"Door: - You mean like a possession or something?
> >"Peck: Yes So I gave in to this spirit and I giggled myself to sleep.
> >"Door: Since we are talking about the bizarre, we hear a lot of people -
> >who act like they know what they're talking about - claiming that you are
> >`New Age.' What are your feelings a

Re: [TruthTalk] Getting to know you.

2004-03-28 Thread Charles Perry Locke

  I share a similar experience, but never considered it "filling". I was 
away on business and attended an Episopal church next to the building I was 
doing work in. The service was quite impressive, with the processional and 
all, but during the singing of several hymns the tears were just streaming 
down my cheeks. I was recalling the crucifixion of Christ, the great 
sacrifice that he made on our behalf. I looked around, and no one else 
seemed to be tearing up, so I felt a bit out of place, wondering what 
someone might think if they saw me, like maybe I was in crisis and needed 
some intervention, or something. Anyway, it certainly was an faith 
confirming and affirming experience.


From: Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Getting to know you.
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2004 16:01:48 -0600

In a message dated 3/28/2004 7:04:26 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

Hey John:
Having been in the same predicament in my early years, I think the term 
"target" is a vivid and accurate description of your experience.  Could 
you perhaps define this filling that you experienced afterward?  It might 
be that many of us have experienced the same thing but are unable to put 
a name on it or describe it.

I assume that God is the senior partner?

Yes, God is the senior partner.   As so many of these testimonies go, my 
filling came unexpectedly.   After I left the church service, I got in my 
little Camaro and started down the drive to the main street some 100 years 
away. I became so overcome with emotion, that I had to pull over and wait. 
  The biblical word is "filling" that is exactly what it was  -- / I was 
simply full of emotion. /  Being macho is or was a  big deal to me. 
Emotions are always resisted.   But no more.In fact, I cannot be 
involved in a song service with any dynamic to it at all without being 
overcome  -- filled .   Eph 5:18-19 talks of being filled with the Spirit 
when we sing and make melody.   I believe that tongues is a present time 
gift, but not for me. Filling, however, is an occurance that is intended 
for us and happens to more ooften than we know.

there were no lights, no warm feeling, no great sense of peace  -- you 
know, all the things you so often hear (and I am not challenging those 
things).   It was like I had been hit with a ton of bricks  --  I am 
driving, I get emotional,  I am overcome with those emotions,  I pull over 
and wait  -- spending that time talking with God and things in regard to 
filling have been different ever since   (Dec. 1997  --  almost exactly 40 
years after my baptism as a 12 year old, Dec. 27, 1957).

I was one of those guys who thought I needed tongues.  I did everything 
known to modern man to receive that gift.   Lance talks about bias and how 
it relates to what we believe.   Well, since not receiving that gift, I 
look at some scriptures very differently than I used to.   Anyway, I don't 
want to get too wordy.   Does his answer your question?

Yes, it does, and I appreciate your honesty and openness.  If it were 
proper for a Christian to envy, I would envy your ability to get such a 
filling from a sermon or a song.  I guess I am just not built along those 
lines.  Compared to me, Mr. Spock of Star Wars fame would be an emotional 
person.   Normally, I just have to take God's word as truth and let it go 
at that.  There is never an accomanying feeling .  If He says I am saved, I 
accept that as a fact, even though I may not feel anything that validates 
or enhances the statement.  There are a couple of exceptions to the 
foregoing however.  On two occasions I have felt absolutly compelled to go 
and tell someone about our Lord and attempt to win them to Christ.  On both 
occasions, the individual made Jesus their Savior, and I wanted to jump up 
and down and praise the Lord for seeing fit to use me as His messenger.  
That is unusual for me.  Both those men are dead now.  I look forward to 
seeing them again some day.
I wouldn't worry about the tongues thing.  Paul said it was the least 
important of all the gifts. Thanks again,

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"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought 
to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

[TruthTalk] God in our unconscious

2004-03-28 Thread Judy Taylor

I percieve that you are another one who does not 
You have judged me already as offensive, proud, and 
stubborn, causing hurt to an innocent party.
I have already written to Izzy with no response 
so have done all that I can do. Are you calling me
a liar on top of your other adjectives.  This is 
not my fight. Izzy is the offended, angry one so
talk to Izzy.
From: "Wm. Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Bill writes  >  Judy, sometimes we are commanded to 
get involved in quarrels that may not concern us personally but do 
concern us corporately as the body of Christ (Matthew 18). Perhaps 
John is getting involved here because you are sinning, because you are 
offensive, because you are too proud to recognize either, and because your 
refusal to repent is still hurting your sister.
Take the words of your brothers and sister here on TT and 
recognize the error of your ways. 
Bill Taylor

John writes  >  I  don't mind the discussion 
with you, but Izzy does.  the scriptures teach that we 
are not to "seek our own." Love does not seek its own way or will. Izzy does have a delete 
button. And you have instruction from God on how to 
show respect to others. Why not practice what you preach 
instead of insisting on your "rights" as a member 
of a public list.  

jt writes  >   Then John, let 
Izzy use her delete button just like I use mine. Why are you taking up an offense for her? Do 
you have instruction from God to jump into the middle of 
this. I think there is a Proverb about ppl who get 
into quarrels that don't concern 
them.  Why are you doing this?

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
  This is a public list and you are choosing 
  to be here
  john: Why do you communicate with 
  jt: Why do you want to keep stirring this 
  Do you actually think you are accomplishing 
  some good addressing 
  your thoughts to someone who is not 
  listening to you?  
  jt: I don't address my thoughts to Izzy 
  normally.  I did write her off list
  but she ignored that and this will most 
  likely make things worse. Why
  can't we address issues and leave the 
  personal stuff alone. 
  I  don't mind the discussion with you, 
  but Izzy does.  the scriptures 
  teach that we are not to "seek our own." 
    Love does not seek its own 
  way or will.   Izzy does have a 
  delete button.   
  jt: Then John, let Izzy use her delete button 
  just like I use mine.
  Why are you taking up an offense for 
  And you have instruction from God on how to 
  show respect to others.   
  Why not practice what you preach instead of 
  insisting on your "rights" 
  as a member of a public 
  jt: Do you have instruction from God to jump 
  into the middle of this.
  I think there is a Proverb about ppl who get 
  into quarrels that don't
  concern them.  Why 
  are you doing this?

Re: [TruthTalk] Party Crashing

2004-03-28 Thread Wm. Taylor

This one must be bothering you. I can see 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 2:29 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Party 
  Bill Taylor I want to praise you both for helping me with my 
  understanding of how to distinguish between men and men, and which it is with 
  whom to contend. Thank you. I'm more sure than ever that I 
  serve the real Jesus.
  I am glad to be of service, & am glad you have figured it out, stick 
  with the BOOK!
  1 Co 1:21 For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom 
  knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching 
  to save them that believe.
  You just figured it out? It was in the BOOK all 
  the time!
  1 Co Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you 
  seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise. 
  For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He 
  taketh the wise in their own craftiness. And again, The Lord knoweth the 
  thoughts of the wise, that they are vain.  Therefore let no 
  man glory in men
  For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus 
  Christ, and him crucified. And my speech and my preaching was not 
  with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of 
  the Spirit and of power: That your faith should not stand in the 
  wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
  If I want more wisdom than the ancients I go to the Word! Not some demon 
  possesed philospher or author.
  Ps 119:I understand more than the ancients, 
  because I keep thy precepts."Wm. Taylor" 
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Kevin says  >  I hear a lot of praise for men around TT, 
Paloney, Peck. At least one of which professes of a spirit possesion. Prov 
28:4 They that forsake the law praise the wicked: but such as keep the law 
contend with them.
And Judy praises Kevin and calls him a blessing, and then shares this 
insight from some other man  >   "It has escaped the 
understanding of many Christians that what they believe is more often shaped 
by the teachings and traditions of religious men than by Scripture. Yet the 
wisdom of the world is 
no substitute for God's Word, even if offered from the pulpit or in the 
Christian media. Jesus warns us in Matthew 24:12 that in 
the last days the love of many toward Him would grow cold because evil would 
increase in the world. There is little time to waste in the short span of 
life granted us by God. We must choose today whom we 
will serve."
I want to praise you both for helping me with my understanding of how to 
distinguish between men and men, and which it is with whom to contend. Thank 
you. I'm more sure than ever that I serve the real Jesus.
Bill Taylor
  Do you Yahoo!?Yahoo! Finance Tax Center 
  - File online. File on time.

Re: [TruthTalk] God in our unconscious

2004-03-28 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 3/28/2004 2:33:43 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Take the words of your brothers and sister here on TT and recognize the error of your ways. 

Yes and amen

Thanks Bill, 


Re: [TruthTalk] God in our unconscious

2004-03-28 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 3/28/2004 2:17:45 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

tell me your reasoning

i don't know if my bias and my reasoning can be separaed but, as I used to say in book sales, "here goes nothing."   I believe the biblical message teaches clearly that you, Blaine, are saved by faith apart from being right.   Your faith in Christ and the church you are aligned with are two different things to me.   To the others on this list,  Bill, Izzy, and all, I am open to discussion on this.   Back to Blaine.   Understand that I am not proclaiming you a part of the saved.  That's not my job. in this case. If you are saying that we are brothers in Christ, I can accept that.   You will understand, of course, that accepting you and accepting Mormon teaching are two different things.   But I accept Catholics without accepting the Roman Church.   Paul accepted those who continued to follow Judaism and Christ.  Are you and I brothers?  


Re: [TruthTalk] God in our unconscious

2004-03-28 Thread Wm. Taylor

John writes  >  I  don't mind the 
discussion with you, but Izzy does.  the scriptures teach that we are not to "seek our own." Love does not 
seek its own way or will. Izzy does have a delete 
button. And you have instruction from God on how to 
show respect to others. Why not practice what you preach 
instead of insisting on your "rights" as a member 
of a public list.  

jt writes  >   Then John, let 
Izzy use her delete button just like I use mine. Why are you taking up an offense for her? Do 
you have instruction from God to jump into the middle of 
this. I think there is a Proverb about ppl who get 
into quarrels that don't concern 
them.  Why are you doing this?
Bill writes  >  Judy, sometimes we are commanded to 
get involved in quarrels that may not concern us personally but do 
concern us corporately as the body of Christ (Matthew 18). Perhaps 
John is getting involved here because you are sinning, because you are 
offensive, because you are too proud to recognize either, and because your 
refusal to repent is still hurting your sister.
Take the words of your brothers and sister here on TT and 
recognize the error of your ways. 
Bill Taylor

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 2:12 
  Subject: [TruthTalk] God in our 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
  This is a public list and you are choosing 
  to be here
  john: Why do you communicate with 
  jt: Why do you want to keep stirring this 
  Do you actually think you are accomplishing some good 
  your thoughts to someone who is not listening to 
  jt: I don't address my thoughts to Izzy 
  normally.  I did write her off list
  but she ignored that and this will most 
  likely make things worse. Why
  can't we address issues and leave the 
  personal stuff alone. 
  I  don't mind the discussion with you, but Izzy does. 
   the scriptures 
  teach that we are not to "seek our own."   Love 
  does not seek its own 
  way or will.   Izzy does have a delete 
  jt: Then John, let Izzy use her delete button 
  just like I use mine.
  Why are you taking up an offense for 
  And you have instruction from God on how to show respect to 
  Why not practice what you preach instead of insisting on 
  your "rights" 
  as a member of a public list.    
  jt: Do you have instruction from God to jump into the 
  middle of this.
  I think there is a Proverb about ppl who get into quarrels 
  that don't
  concern them.  Why are you doing 

[TruthTalk] God in our unconscious

2004-03-28 Thread Judy Taylor

Well Blaine:
According to scripture on the last day we are going to 
be judged according
to the Words Jesus spoke.  These are not the same 
Words your BofM teaches
So how will you get around that?  Jesus said the 
gate is strait and the way is
narrow and only a few are going to find it. I know 
you've heard all this
before but Mormonism adds to God's Truth making it 
something other than
the faith ONCE delivered to the saints.  Some on 
this list who profess to be
believers may encourage you in this deception... they 
are not the ones who
really care for your soul.
From: "Blaine Borrowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Blaine:  I keep 
wondering, when people say I am not a Christian because I am a 

Mormon, if they even know 
what they are saying.  It seems to me they haven't really 

thought anything through, 
they are just parroting what they have heard someone say.   

Am I a Muslim?  Nope, I 
do not worship Mohammed, or believe Mohammed was a 
prophet.  Am I a 
Jew?  Nope, I believe the Messiah arrived as Jesus Christ.  Am I an 

Atheist?  Nope, I 
believe in God.   Do I believe in and worship Jesus Christ?  Yup.  

So I must be a 
Christian.  If you still don't believe this, please tell me your reasoning
--but withold your biases, as 
I am not interested in noisy nonsense or 
insulting word-offal.

  In a 
  message dated 3/27/2004 5:04:17 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
  jt: Where would you come up with an idea like that?  You 
can not be Mormon/Christian any more than you can be Jew/Christian. Regarding the Jew/Christian thing: 
   read Acts 21.   More than that  -- virtually all of 
  Paul's problems in the church was caused by a brand of legalism called 
  Judaism. Alexander the copper smith was probably a Jew/Christian.  I 
  personally believe that Alexander was yhe reason Paul was prosecuted unto 
  death  (Alexander has cause me much harm).  Evidence of the Jewish 
  church is abundant in both Romans and Hebrews.   It is just very 
  short sighted to NOT see the Jewish/Christian church in the biblical message. 
    It is actually everywhere.    Anyway 
   --  I have to clean the pool.   It is a great day here in 
  Fresno. John Smithson 

[TruthTalk] God in our unconscious

2004-03-28 Thread Judy Taylor

Kevin isn't the one who dragged this out of the 
woodpile - it
was one of 'in your words' your paranoid 
friends Bill trying to 
counsel where counselling had not been 
requested.  jt
From: "Wm. Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Kevin, maybe sometimes its better to stay out of 
other people's business, 
especially if all you are doing in it is making 
matters worse. Even the paranoid 
(like me, and John, and Izzy, and DaveH, and 
Blaine, and Lance, and DavidM, 
and whoever else you don't like) can have some true 
enemies. Bill Taylor

  From: Kevin Deegan 
  Well I guess Jesus should rewrite Mark 16
  Todays 21 first century version:
  Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to those that want to hear 
  In a message dated 3/28/2004 
2:48:56 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 

This is a public list and you are choosing to be 
hereWhy do you communicate 
with Izzy?  Do you actually think you are accomplishing some good 
addressing your thoughts to someone who is not listening to you? 
  I  don't mind the discussion with you, but Izzy does. 
 the scriptures teach that we are not to "seek our own." 
  Love does not seek its own way or will.   Izzy does 
have a delete button.   And you have instruction from God on how 
to show respect to others.   Why not practice what you preach 
instead of insisting on your "rights" as a member of a public list. 
  Do you Yahoo!?Yahoo! Finance Tax Center 
  - File online. File on time.

Re: [TruthTalk] God in our unconscious

2004-03-28 Thread Blaine Borrowman

Blaine:  I keep 
wondering, when people say I am not a Christian because I am a Mormon, if they 
even know what they are saying.  It seems to me they haven't really thought 
anything through, they are just parroting what they have heard someone 
Am I a Muslim?  Nope, I 
do not worship Mohammed, or believe Mohammed was a prophet.  Am I a 
Jew?  Nope, I believe the Messiah arrived as Jesus Christ.  Am I an 
Atheist?  Nope, I believe in God.   
Do I believe in and worship 
Jesus Christ?  Yup.  So I must be a Christian.  If you still 
don't believe this, please tell me your reasoning--but 
withold your biases, as I am not interested in noisy nonsense or 
insulting word-offal.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2004 9:13 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] God in our 
  In a 
  message dated 3/27/2004 5:04:17 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
  jt: Where would you come up with an idea like that?  You 
can not be Mormon/Christian any more than you can be 
Jew/Christian. Regarding the Jew/Christian thing: 
   read Acts 21.   More than that  -- virtually all of 
  Paul's problems in the church was caused by a brand of legalism called 
  Judaism. Alexander the copper smith was probably a Jew/Christian.  I 
  personally believe that Alexander was yhe reason Paul was prosecuted unto 
  death  (Alexander has cause me much harm).  Evidence of the Jewish 
  church is abundant in both Romans and Hebrews.   It is just very 
  short sighted to NOT see the Jewish/Christian church in the biblical message. 
    It is actually everywhere.    Anyway 
   --  I have to clean the pool.   It is a great day here in 
  Fresno. John Smithson 

Re: [TruthTalk] Getting to know you.

2004-03-28 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 3/28/2004 2:02:19 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 wouldn't worry about the tongues thing.  Paul said it was the least important of all the gifts.  

Absolutely.   For me, Terry, for years --  almost 40 -- I could not raise my hands in worship.   And when I finally did that, it was such a distraction in and of itself.   The single most important event in my life was a sermon by a preacher who said (in 1997) :   "Do yourselves a favor and obsess on the Lord for just seven days.   Only Christian songs.  No news.   No newspaper.  Nothin but Jesus."  It took me a few days, but I decided to try it.   I even disconnected by cable TV     Anyway, for me that "event"  lasted almost two years.    It was during that sojourn that I experienced this filling.  Gal. 3:27 says this:  "All of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ."   What if Paul is speaking of obsessing about Christ, or immersing yourself into Christ (isn't that what "baptizo" actually means, immersion?).  Just a thought.  

A brother

John Smithson

Re: [TruthTalk] Party Crashing

2004-03-28 Thread Wm. Taylor

Thanks again, Kevin. I really want to praise you. 
You've helped me more in this area than any of my wonderfully Christian 
Thanks again.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 2:08 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Party 
  It is about time that you are sure. If you had a sure foundation 
  maybe you would not be slip sliding. "Wm. Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Kevin says  >  I hear a lot of praise for men around TT, 
Paloney, Peck. At least one of which professes of a spirit possesion. Prov 
28:4 They that forsake the law praise the wicked: but such as keep the law 
contend with them.
And Judy praises Kevin and calls him a blessing, and then shares this 
insight from some other man  >   "It has escaped the 
understanding of many Christians that what they believe is more often shaped 
by the teachings and traditions of religious men than by Scripture. Yet the 
wisdom of the world is 
no substitute for God's Word, even if offered from the pulpit or in the 
Christian media. Jesus warns us in Matthew 24:12 that in 
the last days the love of many toward Him would grow cold because evil would 
increase in the world. There is little time to waste in the short span of 
life granted us by God. We must choose today whom we 
will serve."
I want to praise you both for helping me with my understanding of how to 
distinguish between men and men, and which it is with whom to contend. Thank 
you. I'm more sure than ever that I serve the real Jesus.
Bill Taylor
  Do you Yahoo!?Yahoo! Finance Tax Center 
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Re: [TruthTalk] God in our unconscious

2004-03-28 Thread Wm. Taylor

Kevin, maybe sometimes its better to stay out of 
other people's business, especially if all you are doing in it is making matters 
worse. Even the paranoid (like me, and John, and Izzy, and DaveH, and Blaine, 
and Lance, and DavidM, and whoever else you don't like) can have some true 
Bill Taylor

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 1:47 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] God in our 
  Well I guess Jesus should rewrite Mark 16
  Todays 21 first century version:
  Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to those that want to hear 
  In a message dated 3/28/2004 
2:48:56 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 

This is a public list and you are choosing to be 
hereWhy do you communicate with Izzy?  Do you 
actually think you are accomplishing some good addressing your thoughts to 
someone who is not listening to you?   I  don't mind the 
discussion with you, but Izzy does.  the scriptures teach that we are 
not to "seek our own."   Love does not seek its own way or will. 
  Izzy does have a delete button.   And you have 
instruction from God on how to show respect to others.   Why not 
practice what you preach instead of insisting on your "rights" as a member 
of a public list.    John 
  Do you Yahoo!?Yahoo! Finance Tax Center 
  - File online. File on time.

[TruthTalk] Some questions

2004-03-28 Thread Judy Taylor

From: "Wm. Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Judy says  >  "everyone wasn't 
pleased with Jesus; he made people angry 

Yes, yes, and so do you. I guess that 
makes you Christlike. Bill Taylor
jt:  Sigh! Whatever Bill
PS. Sometimes Blaine and DaveH and I 
make people angry too. What does that make us?   
jt: Whatever your logic tells 

  From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Christianity is indeed offensive to the natural human 
  jt: How did the "truth" get changed to 
  "Christianity" Lance?
  At times the two are 
  and yet it is often made offensive by its 
  representatives for 
  the wrong reasons. 
  jt: Been there, done that, also. We lived 
  in AR for 2yrs and
  I started attending the local rcc because 
  I could not handle
  the Bible Belt Baptists. I didn't 
  understand what being "saved"
  was all about and the aggressive 
  manner of the preacher sent 
  me running the other way ATST I knew he was well meaning.
  I've been rebuffed occasionally while "speaking the 
  and, in hindsight deserved it! 
  jt: So you weren't suffering for the sake 
  of righteousness??
  God grant us the discernment to recognize the 
  between being offensive and saying things that are 
  offensive. Let's not confuse our role with that of the 
  Spirit of 
  God. Lance 
  jt: This won's happen until we 
  learn obedience. Jesus did
  and said nothing he had not first seen his 
  Father do and say.
  When we learn to be led by the Spirit of 
  God and follow the
  Master's voice it 
  will happen. ATST everyone 
  wasn't pleased 
  with Jesus; he made people angry ...   judyt
- Original Message - 

Sent: March 28, 2004 11:39
Subject: [TruthTalk] Some Questions 
about Getting to know you.

From: Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
God did not make the body of Christ to be all fingers or toes or 
The body needs some of each to be complete.  We need one 
With that in mind, it seems inappropriate to me to tell a brother or 
not to speak (write) to us again.  By the same token, it is wrong 
to cram 
our opinions down someone else's throat.  Maybe if we all went 
and studied what Paul had to say love was? Terry
jt: I agree with you on both counts Terry. It's not good to take up 

offenses and it's not good to cram our own opinions down other's 
I've heard the saying "People don't 
care how much you know, until 

they know how much you care." in 
the past and wondered where this
saying originated.  Do any of the scholars on TT know?
This idea may be the basis for Churches like Saddleback in CA who go 
of their way to create an environment which makes the unbeliever 
feel good
but is founded upon the principles of mass marketing rather than 
God's Word. 
I have to say that the Church I was raised in, although spiritually 
dead, was 
full of nice folk who acted like they cared about me but were void of 
a) How does "speaking the truth in love" 
happen?  Does it take place by
osmosis or does someone need to make a concerted effort? 
b) Since the truth has never been popular to ppl walking in the 
is someone who is willing to go out on a limb with it walking in 
love or lifting
themselves up?  

Re: [TruthTalk] Getting to know you.

2004-03-28 Thread Terry Clifton

In a message dated
3/28/2004 7:04:26 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Having been in the same predicament in my early years, I think the term
"target" is a vivid and accurate description of your experience.  Could
you perhaps define this filling that you experienced afterward?  It
might be that many of us have experienced the same thing but are unable
to put a name on it or describe it.

I assume that God is the senior partner?

Yes, God is the senior partner.   As so many of these testimonies go,
my filling came unexpectedly.   After I left the church service, I got
in my little Camaro and started down the drive to the main street some
100 years away. I became so overcome with emotion, that I had to pull
over and wait.   The biblical word is "filling" that is exactly what it
was  --  I was simply full of emotion.   Being macho is or was
a  big deal to me. Emotions are always resisted.   But no more.    In
fact, I cannot be involved in a song service with any dynamic to it at
all without being overcome  -- filled .   Eph 5:18-19 talks of being
filled with the Spirit when we sing and make melody.   I believe that
tongues is a present time gift, but not for me. Filling, however, is an
occurance that is intended for us and happens to more ooften than we
there were no lights, no warm feeling, no great sense of peace  -- you
know, all the things you so often hear (and I am not challenging those
things).   It was like I had been hit with a ton of bricks  --  I am
driving, I get emotional,  I am overcome with those emotions,  I pull
over and wait  -- spending that time talking with God and things in
regard to filling have been different ever since   (Dec. 1997  --
 almost exactly 40 years after my baptism as a 12 year old, Dec. 27,
I was one of those guys who thought I needed tongues.  I did everything
known to modern man to receive that gift.   Lance talks about bias and
how it relates to what we believe.   Well, since not receiving that
gift, I look at some scriptures very differently than I used to.
  Anyway, I don't want to get too wordy.   Does his answer your
Yes, it does, and I appreciate your honesty and openness.  If it were
proper for a Christian to envy, I would envy your ability to get such a
filling from a sermon or a song.  I guess I am just not built along
those lines.  Compared to me, Mr. Spock of Star Wars fame would be an
emotional person.   Normally, I just have to take God's word as truth
and let it go at that.  There is never an accomanying feeling .  If He
says I am saved, I accept that as a fact, even though I may not feel
anything that validates or enhances the statement.  There are a couple
of exceptions to the foregoing however.  On two occasions I have felt
absolutly compelled to go and tell someone about our Lord and attempt
to win them to Christ.  On both occasions, the individual made Jesus
their Savior, and I wanted to jump up and down and praise the Lord for
seeing fit to use me as His messenger.  That is unusual for me.  Both
those men are dead now.  I look forward to seeing them again some day.
I wouldn't worry about the tongues thing.  Paul said it was the least
important of all the gifts.  
Thanks again,

[TruthTalk] God in our unconscious

2004-03-28 Thread Judy Taylor

Right on.
You know Kevin I can understand receiving a lot of 
flack out on the street 
preaching to unbelievers, in SLC, or in my case 
with my unbelieving family and 
other unbelievers.  
What I find tragic  on TT is that on a list like this where most 

people claim to be serving the Lord one finds the 
same resistance to God's
Word and some are just as mean or meaner than 
the ones out on the street 
How does this figure?  jt
From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Well I guess Jesus should rewrite Mark 16
Todays 21 first century version:
Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to those that want to hear 
In a message dated 3/28/2004 
  2:48:56 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
  This is a public list and you are choosing to be 
  hereWhy do you communicate with 
  Izzy?  Do you actually think you are accomplishing some good addressing 
  your thoughts to someone who is not listening to you?   I 
   don't mind the discussion with you, but Izzy does.  the scriptures 
  teach that we are not to "seek our own."   Love does not seek its 
  own way or will.   Izzy does have a delete button.   And 
  you have instruction from God on how to show respect to others. 
    Why not practice what you preach instead of insisting on your 
  "rights" as a member of a public list.    John 

Do you Yahoo!?Yahoo! Finance Tax Center - 
File online. File on time.

Re: [TruthTalk] Some questions

2004-03-28 Thread Wm. Taylor

Judy says  >  "everyone wasn't 
with Jesus; he made people angry 
Yes, yes, and so do you. I guess that makes 
you Christlike.
Bill Taylor
PS. Sometimes Blaine and DaveH and I 
make people angry too. What does that make us?   

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 10:14 
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Some questions
  From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Christianity is indeed offensive to the natural human 
  jt: How did the "truth" get changed to 
  "Christianity" Lance?
  At times the two are 
  and yet it is often made offensive by its 
  representatives for 
  the wrong reasons. 
  jt: Been there, done that, also. We lived 
  in AR for 2yrs and
  I started attending the local rcc because 
  I could not handle
  the Bible Belt Baptists. I didn't 
  understand what being "saved"
  was all about and the aggressive 
  manner of the preacher sent 
  me running the other way ATST I knew he was well meaning.
  I've been rebuffed occasionally while "speaking the 
  and, in hindsight deserved it! 
  jt: So you weren't suffering for the sake 
  of righteousness??
  God grant us the discernment to recognize the 
  between being offensive and saying things that are 
  offensive. Let's not confuse our role with that of the 
  Spirit of 
  God. Lance 
  jt: This won's happen until we 
  learn obedience. Jesus did
  and said nothing he had not first seen his 
  Father do and say.
  When we learn to be led by the Spirit of 
  God and follow the
  Master's voice it 
  will happen. ATST everyone 
  wasn't pleased 
  with Jesus; he made people angry ...   judyt
- Original Message - 

Sent: March 28, 2004 11:39
Subject: [TruthTalk] Some Questions 
about Getting to know you.

From: Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
God did not make the body of Christ to be all fingers or toes or 
The body needs some of each to be complete.  We need one 
With that in mind, it seems inappropriate to me to tell a brother or 
not to speak (write) to us again.  By the same token, it is wrong 
to cram 
our opinions down someone else's throat.  Maybe if we all went 
and studied what Paul had to say love was? Terry
jt: I agree with you on both counts Terry. It's not good to take up 

offenses and it's not good to cram our own opinions down other's 
I've heard the saying "People don't 
care how much you know, until 

they know how much you care." in 
the past and wondered where this
saying originated.  Do any of the scholars on TT know?
This idea may be the basis for Churches like Saddleback in CA who go 
of their way to create an environment which makes the unbeliever 
feel good
but is founded upon the principles of mass marketing rather than 
God's Word. 
I have to say that the Church I was raised in, although spiritually 
dead, was 
full of nice folk who acted like they cared about me but were void of 
a) How does "speaking the truth in love" 
happen?  Does it take place by
osmosis or does someone need to make a concerted effort? 
b) Since the truth has never been popular to ppl walking in the 
is someone who is willing to go out on a limb with it walking in 
love or lifting
themselves up?  

Re: [TruthTalk] God in our unconscious

2004-03-28 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 3/28/2004 1:43:20 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Amos 5:10 They hate him that rebuketh in the gate, and they abhor him that speaketh uprightly.

Or maybe Proverbs 12:1 applies:   Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge.  But he who hates reproof is stupid.

Re: [TruthTalk] Some Questions about Getting to know you.

2004-03-28 Thread Wm. Taylor

jt > This idea may be the basis for Churches like Saddleback in CA who 
go out 
of their way to create an environment which makes the unbeliever feel 
but is founded upon the principles of mass marketing rather than God's 
I have to say that the Church I was raised in, although spiritually 
dead, was 
full of nice folk who acted like they cared about me but were void 
of truth.
Were they "acting" as in, it was fake? Or did they really 
care about you? Does a person have to be spiritually alive to genuinely care 
about another? How do you know the Church was "spiritually dead"? Does that mean 
everyone there was this?
Does your statement translate into a corresponding belief 
that Saddleback is spiritually dead, because they founded upon a marketing 
plan rather than God's word?
Just curious about your thoughts,

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 9:39 
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Some Questions about 
  Getting to know you.
  From: Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  God did not make the body of Christ to be all fingers or toes or 
  The body needs some of each to be complete.  We need one 
  With that in mind, it seems inappropriate to me to tell a brother or 
  not to speak (write) to us again.  By the same token, it is wrong to 
  our opinions down someone else's throat.  Maybe if we all went back 
  and studied what Paul had to say love was? Terry
  jt: I agree with you on both counts Terry. It's not good to take up 

  offenses and it's not good to cram our own opinions down other's 
  I've heard the saying "People don't care 
  how much you know, until 
  they know how much you care." in 
  the past and wondered where this
  saying originated.  Do any of the scholars on TT know?
  This idea may be the basis for Churches like Saddleback in CA who go out 
  of their way to create an environment which makes the unbeliever 
  feel good
  but is founded upon the principles of mass marketing rather than 
  God's Word. 
  I have to say that the Church I was raised in, although spiritually dead, 
  full of nice folk who acted like they cared about me but were void of 
  a) How does "speaking the truth in love" 
  happen?  Does it take place by
  osmosis or does someone need to make a concerted effort? 
  b) Since the truth has never been popular to ppl walking in the 
  is someone who is willing to go out on a limb with it walking in 
  love or lifting
  themselves up?  

Re: [TruthTalk] Some questions

2004-03-28 Thread Wm. Taylor

Amen, Lance.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 9:58 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Some 
  Christianity is indeed offensive to the natural human 
  mind;and yet it is often made offensive by its representatives for the wrong 
  reasons. I've been rebuffed occasionally while "speaking the truth" and, in 
  hindsight deserved it! God grant us the discernment to recognize the 
  distinction between being offensive and saying things that are intrinsically 
  offensive. Let's not confuse our role with that of the Spirit of God. 
- Original Message - 

Sent: March 28, 2004 11:39
Subject: [TruthTalk] Some Questions 
about Getting to know you.

From: Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
God did not make the body of Christ to be all fingers or toes or 
The body needs some of each to be complete.  We need one 
With that in mind, it seems inappropriate to me to tell a brother or 
not to speak (write) to us again.  By the same token, it is wrong 
to cram 
our opinions down someone else's throat.  Maybe if we all went 
and studied what Paul had to say love was? Terry
jt: I agree with you on both counts Terry. It's not good to take up 

offenses and it's not good to cram our own opinions down other's 
I've heard the saying "People don't 
care how much you know, until 

they know how much you care." in 
the past and wondered where this
saying originated.  Do any of the scholars on TT know?
This idea may be the basis for Churches like Saddleback in CA who go 
of their way to create an environment which makes the unbeliever 
feel good
but is founded upon the principles of mass marketing rather than 
God's Word. 
I have to say that the Church I was raised in, although spiritually 
dead, was 
full of nice folk who acted like they cared about me but were void of 
a) How does "speaking the truth in love" 
happen?  Does it take place by
osmosis or does someone need to make a concerted effort? 
b) Since the truth has never been popular to ppl walking in the 
is someone who is willing to go out on a limb with it walking in 
love or lifting
themselves up?  

Re: [TruthTalk] God in our unconscious

2004-03-28 Thread Kevin Deegan
Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand.
Judy you have been Rebuked for communicating. Please do not communicate a rebuke to John this is a one way street. Is it not a little hypocritical to jump in to your conversation to tell you not to do the same? John's work here accomplishes good in his eyes. As per his rebuke for you, it appears in his eyes, you have no good to accomplish! 

Are you standing for truth?
Amos 5:10 They hate him that rebuketh in the gate, and they abhor him that speaketh uprightly.
Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: This is a public list and you are choosing to be here
john: Why do you communicate with Izzy?  
jt: Why do you want to keep stirring this John?
Do you actually think you are accomplishing some good addressing 
your thoughts to someone who is not listening to you?  
jt: I don't address my thoughts to Izzy normally.  I did write her off list
but she ignored that and this will most likely make things worse. Why
can't we address issues and leave the personal stuff alone. 
I  don't mind the discussion with you, but Izzy does.  the scriptures 
teach that we are not to "seek our own."   Love does not seek its own 
way or will.   Izzy does have a delete button.   
jt: Then John, let Izzy use her delete button just like I use mine.
Why are you taking up an offense for her?
And you have instruction from God on how to show respect to others.   
Why not practice what you preach instead of insisting on your "rights" 
as a member of a public list.    
jt: Do you have instruction from God to jump into the middle of this.
I think there is a Proverb about ppl who get into quarrels that don't
concern them.  Why are you doing this?
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Finance Tax Center - File online. File on time.

Re: [TruthTalk] M Scott Peck a Christian LOL

2004-03-28 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 3/28/2004 1:29:16 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Could it be possible that Scott Peck and his writings have a purpose in 
the world outside of bringing people to Christ?

Yes and a great point.   Ad hank God for your relationship and conversion.  

John Smithson

I must say that I have enjoyed your (you all) response to Terry's request.   When time is right, Terry,  continue the thread.   

RE: [TruthTalk] M Scott Peck a Christian LOL

2004-03-28 Thread Kevin Deegan
Well if God can use a Donkey or a devil possesed preacher like Judas. I guess he could use a demon possesed author. ( of course as Scott says it was a good evil spirit!)Charles Perry Locke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
TT'rs,Could it be possible that Scott Peck and his writings have a purpose in the world outside of bringing people to Christ?In the early 80's I was reading Peck's "The Road Less Traveled". It was instrumental in my growth as an individual, and helped to place me on a path of peace, tolerance, understanding, and others awareness. At that time I was not a Christian, but a seeker.10 years later I became a Christian and, if it was not for the changes made in my life that I underwent in the early 80's, at least in part assisted by Scott peck's book, I might not have ever found Christ (or, maybe I would not have ever let Him find me!)Would I have sought Christ without Scott peck's help? Would I have let Him seek me without Scott Peck's help? Only God truly knows. But, I do know that Peck's book was instrumental in turning
 me from an inward position, focused on self, to an outward position, focused on others. Without this turn, I may never have been able to recognize the movement of the Spirit within me.Perry>From: Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: [TruthTalk] M Scott Peck a Christian LOL>Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2004 08:49:18 -0500>>Now how could anyone in their right mind take what this man writes>seriously? He is obviously confused and most definitely does not know>the Lord.>>Claims to have been a Christian for 13yrs - with a nun as spiritual>adviser?>Says he was accosted by an evil spirit but identifies it as a "good evil>spirit">Yeah right! "Hath God said?" This guy could sell snow cones in Alaska...>reminds me of witches who claim there is black magic and white magic.>>"A
 doubleminded man is unstable in all his ways [] let not that man>think>that he shall receive anything of the Lord" Peck has no idea what sin is>or>what Christianity is for that matter so what spiritual insight of his>could be>ov value? It's all from the wrong kingdom.>>From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but>inwardly they are ravening wolves," (Matthew 7:15)..>The following is a interview with M Scott Peck:>"Door: It is interesting that you describe your writing as a calling. Is>this a calling from God?>"Peck: I hesitate using the word `God' in that simplistic kind of way. My>books are not `channeled' materials>"Door: There are a number of writers and others who are convinced that>you are part of the New Age Movement.>"Peck: Really? Well, we can come back to that subject if
 you'd like>My spiritual director, who is a nun, says that God never calls you to do>something that doesn't feel right in your heart. Jesus went to the cross,>which wasn't something He felt like doing, but the cross felt much better>than the only alternative which was to retire on His pension plan>"Door: When we interviewed you last, you had become a Christian three>years previously. Now that it has been 10 years, could you comment on how>your own personal faith has changed over the decade?>"Peck: I don't like the term `became a Christian.' ...I hope to God that>I'm going to continue to be converted until I die and perhaps well after>that, which is what I think purgatory is all about>"Door: Why do we have this feeling of impending doom?>"Peck: God knows when I'll ever write about this, so you might as well>write about it.>"Door: Uh - thanks.>"Peck: I have had some
 dealings with evil spirits, but I have never given>any thought to possibility of good spirits. One night while I was in the>midst of my depression, my Dark Night of the Senses, I went to bed. I had>not fallen asleep and this was not a dream. I was accosted by a spirit.>"Door: A spirit?>"Peck: ...Almost as instantly, I asked what kind of spirit this was and I>immediately knew it was a good spirit rather than a bad spirit. But I>also knew I could either confront this spirit or shake it off. I wondered>what kind of good spirit it was. The answer came to me immediately. It>was a spirit of mirth.>"Door: A spirit of mirth?>"Peck: That was when the battle began. Just because this seemed to be a>spirit of mirth, how did I know for sure? If I let it in ->"Door: - You mean like a possession or something?>"Peck: Yes So I gave in to this spirit and I giggled myself to sleep.>"Door: Since
 we are talking about the bizarre, we hear a lot of people ->who act like they know what they're talking about - claiming that you are>`New Age.' What are your feelings about the New Age Movement?>"Peck: I am and I am not New Age. ...there are some things about the New>Age Movement that are very godly, and some things that are potentially>evil.>"Door: What is it that you like about the New Age Movement?>"Peck: I wouldn't use the word `like.' The New Age Movement is a reaction>to the

Re: [TruthTalk] Party Crashing

2004-03-28 Thread Kevin Deegan
Bill Taylor I want to praise you both for helping me with my understanding of how to distinguish between men and men, and which it is with whom to contend. Thank you. I'm more sure than ever that I serve the real Jesus.
I am glad to be of service, & am glad you have figured it out, stick with the BOOK!
1 Co 1:21 For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.
You just figured it out? It was in the BOOK all the time!
1 Co Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness. And again, The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain.  Therefore let no man glory in men
For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified. And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
If I want more wisdom than the ancients I go to the Word! Not some demon possesed philospher or author.

Ps 119:I understand more than the ancients, because I keep thy precepts."Wm. Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Kevin says  >  I hear a lot of praise for men around TT, Paloney, Peck. At least one of which professes of a spirit possesion. Prov 28:4 They that forsake the law praise the wicked: but such as keep the law contend with them.
And Judy praises Kevin and calls him a blessing, and then shares this insight from some other man  >   "It has escaped the understanding of many Christians that what they believe is more often shaped by the teachings and traditions of religious men than by Scripture. Yet the wisdom of the world is no substitute for God's Word, even if offered from the pulpit or in the Christian media. Jesus warns us in Matthew 24:12 that in the last days the love of many toward Him would grow cold because evil would increase in the world. There is little time to waste in the short span of life granted us by God. We must choose today whom we will serve."
I want to praise you both for helping me with my understanding of how to distinguish between men and men, and which it is with whom to contend. Thank you. I'm more sure than ever that I serve the real Jesus.
Bill TaylorDo you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Finance Tax Center - File online. File on time.

[TruthTalk] Prayer request.

2004-03-28 Thread Judy Taylor

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: jt: When Jesus spoke of unity and when Paul wrote of 
reconciliation they were both speaking of 
unifying around truth and the only way we are 
reconciled to God is to agree with Him by first 
accepting and then walking in His 
john: This logically means that you have never and will never change your 
mind about 
any doctrinal position you have  -- 
jt: It may mean that to you but it certainly does not 
mean that to me. I do not have
ALL truth and I have said so repeatedly.  Where 
have you been? 
that would mean that you had accepted 'false" doctrine.   You, of 
fantacize that you are full grown as a child of God. 
   There is no room for 
growth in YOUR gospel because "growth" demands that we are in error. 
jt: I have been deceived in the past and the Lord has 
gotten me out of the ditch more
than once - the above is your fantasy John and yours 
alone. You've not understood
anything I've been saying.  Oh well, I tried and 
will continue to obey the 

RE: [TruthTalk] M Scott Peck a Christian LOL

2004-03-28 Thread Charles Perry Locke

  Could it be possible that Scott Peck and his writings have a purpose in 
the world outside of bringing people to Christ?

  In the early 80's I was reading Peck's "The Road Less Traveled". It was 
instrumental in my growth as an individual, and helped to place me on a path 
of peace, tolerance, understanding, and others awareness. At that time I was 
not a Christian, but a seeker.

  10 years later I became a Christian and, if it was not for the changes 
made in my life that I underwent in the early 80's, at least in part 
assisted by Scott peck's book, I might not have ever found Christ (or, maybe 
I would not have ever let Him find me!)

  Would I have sought Christ without Scott peck's help? Would I have let 
Him seek me without Scott Peck's help? Only God truly knows. But, I do know 
that Peck's book was instrumental in turning me from an inward position, 
focused on self, to an outward position, focused on others. Without this 
turn, I may never have been able to recognize the movement of the Spirit 
within me.


From: Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [TruthTalk] M Scott Peck a Christian LOL
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2004 08:49:18 -0500
Now how could anyone in their right mind take what this man writes
seriously?  He is obviously confused and most definitely does not know
the Lord.
Claims to have been a Christian for 13yrs - with a nun as spiritual
Says he was accosted by an evil spirit but identifies it as a "good evil
Yeah right!  "Hath God said?" This guy could sell snow cones in Alaska...
reminds me of witches who claim there is black magic and white magic.
"A doubleminded man is unstable in all his ways [] let not that man
that he shall receive anything of the Lord"  Peck has no idea what sin is
what Christianity is for that matter so what spiritual insight of his
could be
ov value?  It's all from the wrong kingdom.
From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but
inwardly they are ravening wolves," (Matthew 7:15).
The following is a interview with M Scott Peck:
"Door: It is interesting that you describe your writing as a calling. Is
this a calling from God?
"Peck: I hesitate using the word `God' in that simplistic kind of way. My
books are not `channeled' materials
"Door: There are a number of writers and others who are convinced that
you are part of the New Age Movement.
"Peck: Really? Well, we can come back to that subject if you'd like
My spiritual director, who is a nun, says that God never calls you to do
something that doesn't feel right in your heart. Jesus went to the cross,
which wasn't something He felt like doing, but the cross felt much better
than the only alternative which was to retire on His pension plan
"Door: When we interviewed you last, you had become a Christian three
years previously. Now that it has been 10 years, could you comment on how
your own personal faith has changed over the decade?
"Peck: I don't like the term `became a Christian.' ...I hope to God that
I'm going to continue to be converted until I die and perhaps well after
that, which is what I think purgatory is all about
"Door: Why do we have this feeling of impending doom?
"Peck: God knows when I'll ever write about this, so you might as well
write about it.
"Door: Uh - thanks.
"Peck: I have had some dealings with evil spirits, but I have never given
any thought to possibility of good spirits. One night while I was in the
midst of my depression, my Dark Night of the Senses, I went to bed. I had
not fallen asleep and this was not a dream. I was accosted by a spirit.
"Door: A spirit?
"Peck: ...Almost as instantly, I asked what kind of spirit this was and I
immediately knew it was a good spirit rather than a bad spirit. But I
also knew I could either confront this spirit or shake it off. I wondered
what kind of good spirit it was. The answer came to me immediately. It
was a spirit of mirth.
"Door: A spirit of mirth?
"Peck: That was when the battle began. Just because this seemed to be a
spirit of mirth, how did I know for sure? If I let it in -
"Door: - You mean like a possession or something?
"Peck: Yes So I gave in to this spirit and I giggled myself to sleep.
"Door: Since we are talking about the bizarre, we hear a lot of people -
who act like they know what they're talking about - claiming that you are
`New Age.' What are your feelings about the New Age Movement?
"Peck: I am and I am not New Age. ...there are some things about the New
Age Movement that are very godly, and some things that are potentially
"Door: What is it that you like about the New Age Movement?
"Peck: I wouldn't use the word `like.' The New Age Movement is a reaction
to the sins of the Christian Church, the sins of technology, and the
excesses of science.
"Door: What sins?
"Peck: ...Computers.
"Door: Computers?
"Peck: ...These sins are very real. I think there 

Re: [TruthTalk] Getting to know you.

2004-03-28 Thread Wm. Taylor

Terry says > I would rather die than spend years 
sitting in a classroom, but if that is their thing, good for them.  Some of 
them would probably rather work with their brain than with their hands, but I 
need to do something physical to feel as though I am actually 
Thanks, Terry. I have been to university and Seminary. My 
study was in History/Philosophy/Bible and Theology, and so I have spent years 
sitting in a classroom, and it is true that I like to work with my head. I am 
also a brick layer, rancher, and farmer, and so it is also true that I like to 
work with my hands, because I too need to do something physical to feel as 
though I am actually working. Can I ask you something? Where do I fit in in your 
mind, you being a hands-on type of guy?
Bill Taylor

  - Original Message - 
  Terry Clifton 
  Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 8:38 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Getting to know 
  Judy Taylor wrote:

Good idea Terry on a difficult medium.  Dean says he is not good 
expressing himself
here and feel's more comfortable with IM and personal speaking. 
Some are better at 
expressing their feelings than others.  Not sure where I 
stand in all this. I am learning to
love more perfectly and am aware that we are all equal at the 
foot of the cross;  I don't 
try to picture any of you one way or the other but from what I 
know, do appreciate 
everyone's specialness in the Lord..
 When I painted a mental picture of the guys in 
  the gowns and myself as an illiterate, I was trying to show that these 
  pictures are only accurate to a small degree.  There is so much more to a 
  person than how educated or uneducated we are.  These guys don't flaunt 
  their degrees.  I don't have my pickup sitting on blocks.  Still, 
  they have their experiences and I have mine, and we can learn from each other 
  if we don't peck one another to pieces.I would rather die than spend years 
  sitting in a classroom, but if that is their thing, good for them.  Some 
  of them would probably rather work with their brain than with their hands, but 
  I need to do something physical to feel as though I am actually working.  
  God did not make the body of Christ to be all fingers or toes or 
  eyeballs.  The body needs some of each to be complete.  We need one 
  another.  With that in mind, it seems inappropriate to me to tell a 
  brother or sister not to speak (write) to us again.  By the same token, 
  it is wrong to cram our opinions down someone else's throat.  Maybe if we 
  all went back and studied what Paul had to say love 

Re: [TruthTalk] Prayer request.

2004-03-28 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 3/28/2004 1:11:07 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Growth at the expense of Truth is not real growth it is simply more Error!

No kidding.

Re: [TruthTalk] God in our unconscious

2004-03-28 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 3/28/2004 12:48:08 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Why do you communicate with Izzy?  Do you actually think you are accomplishing some good addressing your thoughts to someone who is not listening to you?   I  don't mind the discussion with you, but Izzy does.  the scriptures teach that we are not to "seek our own."   Love does not seek its own way or will.   Izzy does have a delete button.   And you have instruction from God on how to show respect to others.   Why not practice what you preach instead of insisting on your "rights" as a member of a public list.    

kevin, I was quoting I Cor 13:5  but apparently you think this list is a mission field.  Thanks for keeping us all on the straight and narrow.


[TruthTalk] Walking after the Spirit

2004-03-28 Thread Judy Taylor

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: judyt writes:    

john: Actually, judyt, I am pretty much done with this discussion. 
jt: I'm not surprised, I don't think you have 
understood the first thing
I've said if I can evaluate by your responses that 
john: Your God is the same God as that of all works-salvationist. 
jt: So you've given me a label and card filed me. That 
is not what I
am about John, but that's OK. I'm talking about 
spiritual reality and
apparently you are not there.
You have no offer of hope to those who continue to have sin problems 
jt: Speak for yourself. I do have hope for my own 
sin and hope to share
with others, that is, whosoever will come.
in fact you do not recognize the continued sin in your own life. 
You actually think that your are perfect since "accepting Christ" and 

everyone else should be too.  
jt: That is not what I believe, nor is it what I have 
been saying. You
are so quick to jump the gun. How did you ever pastor 
people. No
wonder the professing Church is in such a terrible 
This is not the gospel of Christ.   
jt: I know. I don't believe it either. I's a figment of 
your imagination.
I see I'm not the only one who misunderstands around 
I will not read or answer any of your emails in the future.    

jt: Why am I not surprised?  Please yourself. I 
guess now there
will be Izzy's camp and Judy's camp in your mind 

[TruthTalk] God in our unconscious

2004-03-28 Thread Judy Taylor

This is a public list and you are choosing to 
be here
john: Why do you communicate with 
jt: Why do you want to keep stirring this John?
Do you actually think you are accomplishing some good addressing 

your thoughts to someone who is not listening to 
jt: I don't address my thoughts to Izzy 
normally.  I did write her off list
but she ignored that and this will most 
likely make things worse. Why
can't we address issues and leave the 
personal stuff alone. 
I  don't mind the discussion with you, but Izzy does. 
 the scriptures 
teach that we are not to "seek our own."   Love does 
not seek its own 
way or will.   Izzy does have a delete 
jt: Then John, let Izzy use her delete button 
just like I use mine.
Why are you taking up an offense for 
And you have instruction from God on how to show respect to 
Why not practice what you preach instead of insisting on your 
as a member of a public list.    
jt: Do you have instruction from God to jump into the middle of 
I think there is a Proverb about ppl who get into quarrels that 
concern them.  Why are you doing 

Re: [TruthTalk] Getting to know you.

2004-03-28 Thread Kevin Deegan
Did you guys ever think that just maybe you have over reacted to the spiritual abuse you recieved in the past at the hands of a cult?
Have you shed yourself of all the wrong teachings and bad feelings?
Prov 16:6 By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil.
In a message dated 3/28/2004 7:04:26 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
Hey John: Having been in the same predicament in my early years, I think the term "target" is a vivid and accurate description of your experience.  Could you perhaps define this filling that you experienced afterward?  It might be that many of us have experienced the same thing but are unable to put a name on it or describe it. I assume that God is the senior partner? Yes, God is the senior partner.   As so many of these testimonies go, my filling came unexpectedly.   After I left the church service, I got in my little Camaro and started down the drive to the main
 street some 100 years away. I became so overcome with emotion, that I had to pull over and wait.   The biblical word is "filling" that is exactly what it was  --  I was simply full of emotion.   Being macho is or was a  big deal to me. Emotions are always resisted.   But no more.    In fact, I cannot be involved in a song service with any dynamic to it at all without being overcome  -- filled .   Eph 5:18-19 talks of being filled with the Spirit when we sing and make melody.   I believe that tongues is a present time gift, but not for me. Filling, however, is an occurance that is intended for us and happens to more ooften than we know.    there were no lights, no warm feeling, no great sense of peace  -- you know, all the things you so often hear (and I am not challenging those things).   It was like I had been hit with a ton of bricks  --  I am
 driving, I get emotional,  I am overcome with those emotions,  I pull over and wait  -- spending that time talking with God and things in regard to filling have been different ever since   (Dec. 1997  --  almost exactly 40 years after my baptism as a 12 year old, Dec. 27, 1957).   I was one of those guys who thought I needed tongues.  I did everything known to modern man to receive that gift.   Lance talks about bias and how it relates to what we believe.   Well, since not receiving that gift, I look at some scriptures very differently than I used to.   Anyway, I don't want to get too wordy.   Does his answer your question? John Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Finance Tax Center - File online. File on time.

Re: [TruthTalk] Prayer request.

2004-03-28 Thread Kevin Deegan
Growth at the expense of Truth is not real growth it is simply more Error![EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In a message dated 3/28/2004 4:31:24 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
jt: When Jesus spoke of unity and when Paul wrote of reconciliation they were both speaking of unifying around truth and the only way we are reconciled to God is to agree with Him by first accepting and then walking in His Truth.    This logically means that you have never and will never change your mind about any doctrinal position you have  -- that would mean that you had accepted 'false" doctrine.   You, of course, fantacize that you are full grown as a child of God.    There is no room for growth in YOUR gospel because "growth" demands that we are in error.    John Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Finance Tax Center - File online. File on time.

Re: [TruthTalk] Party Crashing

2004-03-28 Thread Kevin Deegan
It is about time that you are sure. If you had a sure foundation maybe you would not be slip sliding. "Wm. Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Kevin says  >  I hear a lot of praise for men around TT, Paloney, Peck. At least one of which professes of a spirit possesion. Prov 28:4 They that forsake the law praise the wicked: but such as keep the law contend with them.
And Judy praises Kevin and calls him a blessing, and then shares this insight from some other man  >   "It has escaped the understanding of many Christians that what they believe is more often shaped by the teachings and traditions of religious men than by Scripture. Yet the wisdom of the world is no substitute for God's Word, even if offered from the pulpit or in the Christian media. Jesus warns us in Matthew 24:12 that in the last days the love of many toward Him would grow cold because evil would increase in the world. There is little time to waste in the short span of life granted us by God. We must choose today whom we will serve."
I want to praise you both for helping me with my understanding of how to distinguish between men and men, and which it is with whom to contend. Thank you. I'm more sure than ever that I serve the real Jesus.
Bill TaylorDo you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Finance Tax Center - File online. File on time.

Re: [TruthTalk] Getting to know you.

2004-03-28 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 3/28/2004 7:04:26 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hey John:
Having been in the same predicament in my early years, I think the term "target" is a vivid and accurate description of your experience.  Could you perhaps define this filling that you experienced afterward?  It might be that many of us have experienced the same thing but are unable to put a name on it or describe it.

I assume that God is the senior partner?

Yes, God is the senior partner.   As so many of these testimonies go, my filling came unexpectedly.   After I left the church service, I got in my little Camaro and started down the drive to the main street some 100 years away. I became so overcome with emotion, that I had to pull over and wait.   The biblical word is "filling" that is exactly what it was  --  I was simply full of emotion.   Being macho is or was a  big deal to me. Emotions are always resisted.   But no more.    In fact, I cannot be involved in a song service with any dynamic to it at all without being overcome  -- filled .   Eph 5:18-19 talks of being filled with the Spirit when we sing and make melody.   I believe that tongues is a present time gift, but not for me. Filling, however, is an occurance that is intended for us and happens to more ooften than we know.   

there were no lights, no warm feeling, no great sense of peace  -- you know, all the things you so often hear (and I am not challenging those things).   It was like I had been hit with a ton of bricks  --  I am driving, I get emotional,  I am overcome with those emotions,  I pull over and wait  -- spending that time talking with God and things in regard to filling have been different ever since   (Dec. 1997  --  almost exactly 40 years after my baptism as a 12 year old, Dec. 27, 1957).  

I was one of those guys who thought I needed tongues.  I did everything known to modern man to receive that gift.   Lance talks about bias and how it relates to what we believe.   Well, since not receiving that gift, I look at some scriptures very differently than I used to.   Anyway, I don't want to get too wordy.   Does his answer your question?


Re: [TruthTalk] Party Crashing

2004-03-28 Thread Wm. Taylor

Kevin says  >  I hear a lot of praise for men around TT, 
Paloney, Peck. At least one of which professes of a spirit possesion. Prov 28:4 
They that forsake the law praise the wicked: but such as keep the law 
contend with them.
And Judy praises Kevin and calls him a blessing, and then shares this insight 
from some other man  >   "It has escaped the understanding of 
many Christians that what they believe is more often shaped by the teachings and 
traditions of religious men than by Scripture. Yet the wisdom of the world is no substitute 
for God's Word, even if offered from the pulpit or in the Christian media. 
Jesus warns us in Matthew 24:12 that in the last days the 
love of many toward Him would grow cold because evil would increase in the 
world. There is little time to waste in the short span of life granted us by 
God. We must choose today whom we will 
I want to praise you both for helping me with my understanding of how to 
distinguish between men and men, and which it is with whom to contend. Thank 
you. I'm more sure than ever that I serve the real Jesus.
Bill Taylor

Re: [TruthTalk] Getting to know you.

2004-03-28 Thread Terry Clifton

ShieldsFamily wrote:


  Okay, I’ll
play.  Although I
don’t think it is “easy” to describe what I find awesome
about the Lord.  Perhaps it is His absolute tenderness, that He would
to save a piece of “trailer trash”-- a little girl who had no
tenderness or beauty in her life, but had a big ache in her heart to
know if
there was a God out there somewhere, and if there was that would He
just please
let her know.  That the Omnipotent would fall in love with a skinny
waif that nobody else cared much about, and couldn’t have offered Him a
thing in exchange. That’s probably why I love animals, and old folks,
other helpless things today. I’m sure that’s why I love Him. He is
the Tender One. 



Re: [TruthTalk] God in our unconscious

2004-03-28 Thread Kevin Deegan
Well I guess Jesus should rewrite Mark 16
Todays 21 first century version:
Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to those that want to hear it[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In a message dated 3/28/2004 2:48:56 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
This is a public list and you are choosing to be hereWhy do you communicate with Izzy?  Do you actually think you are accomplishing some good addressing your thoughts to someone who is not listening to you?   I  don't mind the discussion with you, but Izzy does.  the scriptures teach that we are not to "seek our own."   Love does not seek its own way or will.   Izzy does have a delete button.   And you have instruction from God on how to show respect to others.   Why not practice what you preach instead of insisting on your "rights" as a member of a public list.    John Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Finance Tax Center - File online. File on time.

Re: [TruthTalk] Prayer request.

2004-03-28 Thread Wm. Taylor

Judy writes >  "If you love me you will do what 
I say" that's [Jesus'] definition of love.
Or maybe its a consequence of loving him, and out-working of love itself. Maybe 
we should look a little deeper for our "definition."
Bill Taylor

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 5:29 
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Prayer 
  In a message dated 
  3/27/2004 10:37:30 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
  Blaine:  I think TT is neither of the devil nor of God.  It is 
  nothing more nor less than the summation 
  of its 
  parts--individuals all coming from different backgrounds and seeking to 
  reconcile differences.  
  Some of us listen, 
  others just expect to be listened to. Egos play a major role on TT, I 
  jt: Ego being an attribute of the unregenerate flesh nature - 
  john: Exactly.  I especially like the "reconcile differences" 
   notion. Christ's only concern for his 
  20th century disciples (John 17) was for unity. Ours is a ministry 
  of "reconciliation" as Paul says.
  jt: When Jesus spoke of unity and when Paul wrote of 
  reconciliation they were both speaking of
  unifying around truth and the only way we 
  are reconciled to God is to agree with Him by first
  accepting and then walking in His 
  john: My mother-in-law is Mormon.   She was born into that 
  faith.   She will always be there.   
  She would be afraid to leave.   Status quo gives her the sense 
  of security that she needs.   
  jt: I find it sad that you have no hope for a 
  change in direction for her.
  john: BUT, we have grown very close.  She loves Billy Graham and she 
  loves the Lord.   
  jt: A lot of ppl like Billy Graham but how can one 
  love the Lord and ATST reject his Word?
  He said in his own words "If you love me you will do 
  what I say" that's his definition of love.
  john: The really great thing about Jesus is that He is not a Baptist, 
  Catholic, and et al.    I once spoke of praying for you, 
  Blaine.   I still do that.   And the prayer is this: that 
  you truly 
  appreciate this salvation by faith apart from being right about 
  everything and that the filling of 
  God's spirit be the kind of experience it was intended to be. 
  jt: Are you saying that Blaine is a "saved" person 
  John and that the Mormon experiences
  of "burning bosom" and their temple ceremonies are 
  acceptable with God?  No wonder 
  Mormon boys stay confused about what protestant 
  Christianity represents.  john: Anyway, some of your 
  observation are equally as thoughtful as Issy's, BillT, Miller's, 
  Lance, Terry and so on.   I truly believe this is a great 
  group.    God bless and good night.   John 

Re: [TruthTalk] Prayer request.

2004-03-28 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 3/28/2004 4:31:24 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

jt: When Jesus spoke of unity and when Paul wrote of reconciliation they were both speaking of
unifying around truth and the only way we are reconciled to God is to agree with Him by first
accepting and then walking in His Truth.   

This logically means that you have never and will never change your mind about any doctrinal position you have  -- that would mean that you had accepted 'false" doctrine.   You, of course, fantacize that you are full grown as a child of God.    There is no room for growth in YOUR gospel because "growth" demands that we are in error.   


Re: [TruthTalk] Walking after the Spirit

2004-03-28 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 3/28/2004 3:38:50 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

judyt writes:   

Actually, judyt, I am pretty much done with this discussion.  Your God is the same God as that of all works-salvationist.  You have no offer of hope to those who continue to have sin problems --  in fact you do not recognize the continued sin in your own life.   You actually think that your are perfect since "accepting Christ" and everyone else should be too.  This is not the gospel of Christ.   I will not read or answer any of your emails in the future.   


Re: [TruthTalk] "free speech zones"

2004-03-28 Thread Kevin Deegan
LDS want the right to preach on your PRIVATE PROPERTY, and have agued the same in federal court. Apparently they beleive others speech must be contained & or silenced even on public sidewalks!
Preachers rebuff LDS buffer zones 
By Brady SnyderDeseret Morning News 
      Despite Salt Lake City's efforts to "buffer" LDS Church members and stationary street preachers, those attending the church's annual general conference next weekend can expect to be sermonized as usual by members of the World Wide Street Preachers' Fellowship.

Lonnie Pursifull delivers his message Friday outside Temple Square. He and other street preachers say they don't recognize buffer zones.Jeremy Harmon, Deseret Morning News
      Representatives of the group vowed Friday that they will not abide by the city's latest buffer plans, and the fellowship sought a temporary restraining order in U.S. District Court in Salt Lake City asking a federal judge to bar the city from establishing physical zones where preachers must stand while preaching during the most crowded times of conference weekend.      "We're prepared to go to jail if we have to," street preacher Lonnie Pursifull said. "We're not going to be put into a box."      The court filing comes after Salt Lake City released details of its plan to create free-speech zones across the street from the LDS Conference Center where preachers must stand when holding signs. When mobile, the preachers would be allowed to cross the street and mingle with conferencegoers, but those preachers would have to stay moving so as not to block pedestrian traffic. Also, on the conference side of North Temple there is a
 small zone where preachers can stand while holding signs.      In court documents the preachers argue the city is sheltering and favoring the LDS Church while violating the rights of the preachers to practice their religion, which, according to the Bible, calls them to "stand" and "preach the gospel to every creature."
  "You got some people up there in the City Council favoring one religion over another, and we aren't going to have a hard time proving that," Street Preachers' Fellowship director Ron McRae said. "I don't think there's a federal judge in Denver (where the 10th Circuit is based) that's not going to agree with us."  The city adopted the zones, designed to create a buffer between LDS Church members and preachers, after an LDS Church attorney asked the city to create "buffer" areas to shield conferencegoers from the preachers. At first City Attorney Ed Rutan and Mayor Rocky Anderson declined to include buffer zones when reviewing the city's free-speech laws. However, last week the city announced it would create the zones.
  The city's review of the free-speech laws followed the LDS Church's semiannual general conference last October, when two street preachers were assaulted by conference attendees. The two attackers became enraged when the preachers donned church clothing sacred to the LDS faithful. Many, including a group of evangelical Christians called Standing Together Ministries, have since decried the preachers for using what they consider mean-spirited tactics when preaching.      It is unclear who at City Hall developed the idea of the speech zones. Even some City Council members who spoke to the Deseret Morning News were unclear on how the zones developed.      A press release from the city attributed the idea to the city's police department, though the release was issued by the mayor's office.      City Attorney Ed Rutan said Friday he wouldn't comment on who at City Hall developed the
 plan or if he or the mayor liked the idea.      Anderson didn't return calls for comment Friday, and Rutan said he wouldn't comment on any aspects of the case.
  McRae maintains the city kowtowed to the LDS Church in creating the zones. In court, McRae said, the city will have to prove that the majority of LDS Church members are inclined to violence and can't help but assault the street preachers, necessitating the buffer zones.      "The majority of Mormons out there are very nice people and are not violent at all," McRae said. "They are going to have to prove that we street preachers need to be protected (in buffer zones) because the vast majority of Mormons are violent."      Since most LDS Church members are generally peaceful, McRae said, the city's real motivation is not to protect the street preachers from assaults but to shield LDS Church members from their message.      Dani Eyer, director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Utah, said she believes the city's buffer zone plan is constitutional. However, she said it does seem that the
 city is going to extraordinary lengths to protect the LDS Church from the preachers.      In fact, Eyer said, the U.S. Supreme Court has less-strict buffer zone rules in front of its Washington, D.C., building than the city has planned in front of the church's Conference Center.      "It's interesting they would have str

Re: [TruthTalk] Walking after the Spirit

2004-03-28 Thread Wm. Taylor

Terry set out a challenge for us to take into our 
considerations over the next week. It was a good challenge; the kind that is 
already bearing fruit as we read of God's splendor in people's lives. I will be 
taking his challenge with me this week. 
I read this discussion between jt and js (see 
below, waaay below), my heart becomes heavy. Rather than saying why that is at 
this time, and thus evoke the wrath of either, I would like to put 
forth another challenge for the week ahead. In our quiet time, when we're just 
reading the Bible because we love God's word, why don't we pay attention to the 
relationship between the indicatives of grace and how they stand in comparison 
to the imperatives of obedience? There's much to be learned here and 
appreciated if we will but try to do it. 
If you are unfamiliar with my terms, please allow 
me to explain them a little further. Indicatives are verbs that indicate the 
status of relationship between the subject and the object of a sentence. 
Indicatives do not expect or request things of the object; they simply indicate 
and declare; e.g., in Jesus' prayer of John 17, look at the nature of the 
subject-object relationships in verse 19 -- "For their sakes I 
sanctify myself that they also might be sanctified 
through truth." Jesus is the subject throughout this statement. The 
verb "sanctify" is indicative. Jesus sanctifies himself that the objects of his 
act, the their and theys, might also be 
sanctified through truth. The verb indicates his heart for them; it indicates 
his desire for them; it indicates his intention for them; it indicates his 
willingness to suffer on their behalf, it indicates how he loves them, all very 
relational stuff. The "indicatives of grace" are those verbs that indicate 
the status of our relationship with the Father, through the Son, in the Holy 
Spirit. What is the status of that relationship? That is the 
Imperatives, on the other hand, are verbs which do 
make requests and carry expectations. Often times in statements where the verb 
is an imperative, the speaker, the one making the request, is not explicitly 
identified in the statement itself. We have to look for the speaker elsewhere in 
the context of the passage to determine his identity. By nature then imperatives 
are less relational than indicatives in terms of closeness between the subject 
and objects involved. This is not to say that imperatives are non-relational 
verbs -- quite the opposite. It simply means that the subject-object 
relationship of imperatives is depdendent upon the closeness supplied 
by the indicatives of their relationship. In other words, relational proximity 
is established by indicatives and not imperatives. Let me say this 
Let's look at Matthew 28.18-20; there's all kind of 
indicatives and imperatives in this passage. Let's look at how they relate. When 
Jesus says, "... Go therefore and make disciples of all the 
nations, ..." the words "go" and "make" 
are imperatives. They are commands. The subject of this statement itself is 
"you." You go and you make disciples. Now, the question is, is Jesus heaping the 
whole weight of disciple making upon the backs of his disciples? This statement, 
by itself (and without support from a greater context!), sounds as though he is. 
It doesn't sound like he is close to them; it sounds like he's 
abandoning them! Is that the case? No! Of course not But we can only 
know that if we go looking for the proximity of the speaker, the first 
subject of the statement, in relationship to the recipients of his 
command (This is so important, because sometimes the indicatives of the 
Speaker-recipient relationship are several verses removed from the 
imperatives of his request, sometimes they even show up after the imperatives 
have been stated. BECAUSE sometimes the commandments will make us feel very 
isolated and over weighted, AND SO we need know how to find something to 
indicate the nature of our relationship to the speaker). 
Where is Jesus going to be while his disciples are 
making disciples? What is his role in all of this? Where is he speaking from? To 
answer those questions we have to look for something which indicates the status 
of Jesus' relationship to his disciples. In this instance we do not have to 
look very far: "And Jesus came and space unto them, saying, All power is given 
unto me in heaven and in earth. ... and lo, I am with you always, even to 
the end of the age." The verbs "came" and "spoke" are indicatives. The verb "is 
given" is indicative. The verb "am," in I am with you always, 
is indicative. What is the relational status between Jesus and his 
disciples in the commandment to "go" and "make"? It is very close and 
tight, Jesus empowering his disciples. We know this because of the 
indicatives supplied by the greater context. Disciples go and make new 
disciples through his authority, baptizing them in his name (the name of 
our God) and tea

Re: [TruthTalk] Getting to know you.

2004-03-28 Thread Terry Clifton

Marlin Halverson wrote:

  Who's next? Terry
  My family just spent the evening with other
brethren singing praises to God.  
  As far as mind games and endless
argumentation, it never ends.  I can easily get involved and say
something if I feel led to do so.  I love to enjoy the creation also.
  But, what is most important to my life is the
relationship developing between my family and God.  We are applying his
word in our lives to the best of our ability.  I marvel at the way the
holy spirit is leading my wife and children as we struggle together
to make ends meet.  Tomorrow begins six more days of hard work, growing
beautiful plants and sending them to market.  We sing together when we
can.  We need each other.  

Good to see that you are concentrating on what is important.  

Re: [TruthTalk] God in our unconscious

2004-03-28 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 3/28/2004 2:48:56 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

This is a public list and you are choosing to be here

Why do you communicate with Izzy?  Do you actually think you are accomplishing some good addressing your thoughts to someone who is not listening to you?   I  don't mind the discussion with you, but Izzy does.  the scriptures teach that we are not to "seek our own."   Love does not seek its own way or will.   Izzy does have a delete button.   And you have instruction from God on how to show respect to others.   Why not practice what you preach instead of insisting on your "rights" as a member of a public list.   


Re: [TruthTalk] Spiritual Academics

2004-03-28 Thread Knpraise
In a message dated 3/27/2004 11:55:52 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

John, Is he doing a residency in trauma care? How many years? I canât imagine what he is enduring to do his research right now. Are you able to keep in touch with him there? Izzy

My son is James Smithson.   James has just finished his academic requirements at S.F. and is taking nine months off to do this research before his fours years of residency.   He likes the ER in Fresno  -  it is a little hairy and fast paste. He is not fully settled on trauma.   Maybe he should join this list if he wants some real experience in trauma.   Anyway, he is a wonderful kid     one of three brothers; all were state wrestling champions.   I have coached for years.   There mom and I divorced in 1987 and I raised James and his younger brother.   I worry sometimes about being so tender hearted  --  him not me.   He comes home in tears very often, especially when he loses a patient.   Impute from your husband would not hurt.   

Hang in there in this list.  I appreciate your comments and sense of maturity.  With judyt  --  just delete.   There are two individuals from another list that are very much outside the will of God  --  more than any on this list.  They continue to send me postings  --  I have pretty much warn out the delete button on them.   

Grace to you


Re: [TruthTalk] Some Questions about Getting to know you.

2004-03-28 Thread Terry Clifton

Judy Taylor wrote:

  From: Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   God did not make the body of Christ to be all fingers or toes
or eyeballs.  
  The body needs some of each to be complete.  We need one
  With that in mind, it seems inappropriate to me to tell a
brother or sister 
  not to speak (write) to us again.  By the same token, it is
wrong to cram 
  our opinions down someone else's throat.  Maybe if we all went
  and studied what Paul had to say love was? Terry
  jt: I agree with you on both counts Terry. It's not good to take
  offenses and it's not good to cram our own opinions down other's
  I've heard the saying "People
don't care how much you know, until 
  they know how much you care." in
the past and wondered where this
  saying originated.  Do any of the scholars on TT know?

tc.Maybe it originated with Paul.  It is consistant with his

  This idea may be the basis for Churches like Saddleback in CA
who go out 
  of their way to create an environment which makes the unbeliever
feel good
  but is founded upon the principles of mass marketing rather than
God's Word. 
  I have to say that the Church I was raised in, although
spiritually dead, was 
  full of nice folk who acted like they cared about me but were
void of truth.

tc. We are not talking about acting like we care

  a) How does "speaking the truth in love"
happen?  Does it take place by
  osmosis or does someone need to make a concerted effort? 
  b) Since the truth has never been popular to ppl walking in the
  is someone who is willing to go out on a limb with it walking in
love or lifting
  themselves up?  

tc.Could be either one.  The thing we usually do when given two
choices is to think the worst.

[TruthTalk] Courtesy of Lamar

2004-03-28 Thread Dave
After the christening of his baby brother in church, 
Jason sobbed all the way home in the back seat of the car. 
His father asked him three times what was wrong. 
Finally, the boy replied, 
"That preacher said he wanted us brought up in a 
Christian home, and I wanted to stay with you guys." 

Dave Hansen
If you wish to receive
things I find interesting,
I maintain Five email lists...
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought 
to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

[TruthTalk] Re:Truth/Christianity/Jesus

2004-03-28 Thread Lance Muir

Embodied vs disembodied - a Person - Jesus. Amen to your 
appropriate distinction.Does this guy (Lance) have a life? Ya. I'm doin' stuff 
in between.Lance

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 28, 2004 12:14
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Some questions
  From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Christianity is indeed offensive to the natural human 
  jt: How did the "truth" get changed to 
  "Christianity" Lance?
  At times the two are 
  and yet it is often made offensive by its 
  representatives for 
  the wrong reasons. 
  jt: Been there, done that, also. We lived 
  in AR for 2yrs and
  I started attending the local rcc because 
  I could not handle
  the Bible Belt Baptists. I didn't 
  understand what being "saved"
  was all about and the aggressive 
  manner of the preacher sent 
  me running the other way ATST I knew he was well meaning.
  I've been rebuffed occasionally while "speaking the 
  and, in hindsight deserved it! 
  jt: So you weren't suffering for the sake 
  of righteousness??
  God grant us the discernment to recognize the 
  between being offensive and saying things that are 
  offensive. Let's not confuse our role with that of the 
  Spirit of 
  God. Lance 
  jt: This won's happen until we 
  learn obedience. Jesus did
  and said nothing he had not first seen his 
  Father do and say.
  When we learn to be led by the Spirit of 
  God and follow the
  Master's voice it 
  will happen. ATST everyone 
  wasn't pleased 
  with Jesus; he made people angry ...   judyt
- Original Message - 

Sent: March 28, 2004 11:39
Subject: [TruthTalk] Some Questions 
about Getting to know you.

From: Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
God did not make the body of Christ to be all fingers or toes or 
The body needs some of each to be complete.  We need one 
With that in mind, it seems inappropriate to me to tell a brother or 
not to speak (write) to us again.  By the same token, it is wrong 
to cram 
our opinions down someone else's throat.  Maybe if we all went 
and studied what Paul had to say love was? Terry
jt: I agree with you on both counts Terry. It's not good to take up 

offenses and it's not good to cram our own opinions down other's 
I've heard the saying "People don't 
care how much you know, until 

they know how much you care." in 
the past and wondered where this
saying originated.  Do any of the scholars on TT know?
This idea may be the basis for Churches like Saddleback in CA who go 
of their way to create an environment which makes the unbeliever 
feel good
but is founded upon the principles of mass marketing rather than 
God's Word. 
I have to say that the Church I was raised in, although spiritually 
dead, was 
full of nice folk who acted like they cared about me but were void of 
a) How does "speaking the truth in love" 
happen?  Does it take place by
osmosis or does someone need to make a concerted effort? 
b) Since the truth has never been popular to ppl walking in the 
is someone who is willing to go out on a limb with it walking in 
love or lifting
themselves up?  

Re: [TruthTalk] Getting to know you.

2004-03-28 Thread Marlin Halverson

Very kind thoughts, Izzy.  If we were closer 
neighbors, that would be nice, but, outside of our marketing area it 
is not economically sound  because of the transportation 
costs.  A neighbor closed down his business, which was an offshoot of the 
one that preceded ours.  Thus we now service more than 100 florists in 
the eastern part of Kentucky, within about a 150 mile radius.  Most of what 
we supply to the florists is used in funeral homes to comfort those who have 
lost their loved ones.  In the Spring and Fall, we also supply plants to 
garden centers.  
Of concern to me is conducting business in a way that 
pleases God and develops character and training in my home-schooled 
children.  Proverbs 22:6 says "Train up a child in the way he should go: 
and when he is old, he will not depart from it."  This is my greatest 
God-ordained responsibility as a parent.  It is not a job to pawn off on a 
"church."  I believe that training a child "in the way that HE should go" 
takes into account individual aptitudes and abilities and interests, and 
matching these to opportunities that we can do our best to provide.  I 
believe that training a child "in the way that he SHOULD go" takes into account 
the commandments of God which we will keep if we love Him.  One way to 
appreciate God in return for His many blessings and benefits, resulting from 
our obedience and His grace, is to praise Him with 
Musically, we are not what one calls 
"professionals."  That is not our aim, so much as it is to edify one 
another and to praise God.  There are CD recorders available now, but they 
are expensive.  We hope to acquire one some day.  The CDs themselves 
are cheap.  

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 3:36 
  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Getting to know 
  Marlin, You are 
  precious. Perhaps some of us on TT could purchase our spring plants directly 
  from your business. Is that possible??? Or do you just sell to local 
  wholesalers? Would you let us know if there was something we could do to bless 
  your family? We are all struggling in one way or another, and we need to help 
  each other if we can. Have you and your family ever produced a musical C.D.? 
  Seems like there’s a lot of talent there. Izzy
  On Behalf Of Marlin 
  HalversonSent: Saturday, 
  March 27, 2004 9:23 PMTo: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Getting to know 
  Who's next? 
  My family just spent the evening 
  with other brethren singing praises to God.  
  As far as mind games and endless 
  argumentation, it never ends.  I can easily get involved and say 
  something if I feel led to do so.  I love to enjoy the creation 
  But, what is most important to my 
  life is the relationship developing between my family and God.  We 
  are applying his word in our lives to the best of our ability.  I marvel 
  at the way the holy spirit is leading my wife and children as we struggle 
  together to make ends meet.  Tomorrow begins six more days of 
  hard work, growing beautiful plants and sending them to market.  We sing 
  together when we can.  We need each other.  

[TruthTalk] Some questions

2004-03-28 Thread Judy Taylor

From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Christianity is indeed offensive to the natural human 
jt: How did the "truth" get changed to 
"Christianity" Lance?
At times the two are 
and yet it is often made offensive by its representatives 
the wrong reasons. 
jt: Been there, done that, also. We lived in 
AR for 2yrs and
I started attending the local rcc because I 
could not handle
the Bible Belt Baptists. I didn't understand 
what being "saved"
was all about and the aggressive manner 
of the preacher sent 
me running the other way ATST I knew he was well meaning.
I've been rebuffed occasionally while "speaking the truth" 

and, in hindsight deserved it! 
jt: So you weren't suffering for the sake of 
God grant us the discernment to recognize the distinction 

between being offensive and saying things that are 
offensive. Let's not confuse our role with that of the 
Spirit of 
God. Lance 
jt: This won's happen until we 
learn obedience. Jesus did
and said nothing he had not first seen his 
Father do and say.
When we learn to be led by the Spirit of God 
and follow the
Master's voice it 
will happen. ATST everyone 
wasn't pleased 
with Jesus; he made people angry ...   judyt

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 28, 2004 11:39
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Some Questions about 
  Getting to know you.
  From: Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  God did not make the body of Christ to be all fingers or toes or 
  The body needs some of each to be complete.  We need one 
  With that in mind, it seems inappropriate to me to tell a brother or 
  not to speak (write) to us again.  By the same token, it is wrong to 
  our opinions down someone else's throat.  Maybe if we all went back 
  and studied what Paul had to say love was? Terry
  jt: I agree with you on both counts Terry. It's not good to take up 

  offenses and it's not good to cram our own opinions down other's 
  I've heard the saying "People don't care 
  how much you know, until 
  they know how much you care." in 
  the past and wondered where this
  saying originated.  Do any of the scholars on TT know?
  This idea may be the basis for Churches like Saddleback in CA who go out 
  of their way to create an environment which makes the unbeliever 
  feel good
  but is founded upon the principles of mass marketing rather than 
  God's Word. 
  I have to say that the Church I was raised in, although spiritually dead, 
  full of nice folk who acted like they cared about me but were void of 
  a) How does "speaking the truth in love" 
  happen?  Does it take place by
  osmosis or does someone need to make a concerted effort? 
  b) Since the truth has never been popular to ppl walking in the 
  is someone who is willing to go out on a limb with it walking in 
  love or lifting
  themselves up?  

Re: [TruthTalk] Some questions

2004-03-28 Thread Lance Muir

Christianity is indeed offensive to the natural human 
mind;and yet it is often made offensive by its representatives for the wrong 
reasons. I've been rebuffed occasionally while "speaking the truth" and, in 
hindsight deserved it! God grant us the discernment to recognize the distinction 
between being offensive and saying things that are intrinsically offensive. 
Let's not confuse our role with that of the Spirit of God. 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: March 28, 2004 11:39
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Some Questions about 
  Getting to know you.
  From: Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  God did not make the body of Christ to be all fingers or toes or 
  The body needs some of each to be complete.  We need one 
  With that in mind, it seems inappropriate to me to tell a brother or 
  not to speak (write) to us again.  By the same token, it is wrong to 
  our opinions down someone else's throat.  Maybe if we all went back 
  and studied what Paul had to say love was? Terry
  jt: I agree with you on both counts Terry. It's not good to take up 

  offenses and it's not good to cram our own opinions down other's 
  I've heard the saying "People don't care 
  how much you know, until 
  they know how much you care." in 
  the past and wondered where this
  saying originated.  Do any of the scholars on TT know?
  This idea may be the basis for Churches like Saddleback in CA who go out 
  of their way to create an environment which makes the unbeliever 
  feel good
  but is founded upon the principles of mass marketing rather than 
  God's Word. 
  I have to say that the Church I was raised in, although spiritually dead, 
  full of nice folk who acted like they cared about me but were void of 
  a) How does "speaking the truth in love" 
  happen?  Does it take place by
  osmosis or does someone need to make a concerted effort? 
  b) Since the truth has never been popular to ppl walking in the 
  is someone who is willing to go out on a limb with it walking in 
  love or lifting
  themselves up?  

[TruthTalk] Some Questions about Getting to know you.

2004-03-28 Thread Judy Taylor

From: Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 God did not make the body of Christ to be all fingers or toes or 
The body needs some of each to be complete.  We need one 
With that in mind, it seems inappropriate to me to tell a brother or sister 

not to speak (write) to us again.  By the same token, it is wrong to 
our opinions down someone else's throat.  Maybe if we all went back 

and studied what Paul had to say love was? Terry
jt: I agree with you on both counts Terry. It's not good to take up 
offenses and it's not good to cram our own opinions down other's 
I've heard the saying "People don't care 
how much you know, until 

they know how much you care." in the 
past and wondered where this
saying originated.  Do any of the scholars on TT know?
This idea may be the basis for Churches like Saddleback in CA who go out 

of their way to create an environment which makes the unbeliever feel 
but is founded upon the principles of mass marketing rather than God's 
I have to say that the Church I was raised in, although spiritually dead, 
full of nice folk who acted like they cared about me but were void of 
a) How does "speaking the truth in love" 
happen?  Does it take place by
osmosis or does someone need to make a concerted effort? 
b) Since the truth has never been popular to ppl walking in the 
is someone who is willing to go out on a limb with it walking in love 
or lifting
themselves up?  

Re: [TruthTalk] Getting to know you.

2004-03-28 Thread Terry Clifton

Judy Taylor wrote:

  Good idea Terry on a difficult medium.  Dean says he is not good
expressing himself
  here and feel's more comfortable with IM and personal speaking.
Some are better at 
  expressing their feelings than others.  Not sure where I
stand in all this. I am learning to
  love more perfectly and am aware that we are all equal at the
foot of the cross;  I don't 
  try to picture any of you one way or the other but from what I
know, do appreciate 
  everyone's specialness in the Lord..

When I painted a mental picture of the guys in the gowns and myself as
an illiterate, I was trying to show that these pictures are only
accurate to a small degree.  There is so much more to a person than how
educated or uneducated we are.  These guys don't flaunt their degrees. 
I don't have my pickup sitting on blocks.  Still, they have their
experiences and I have mine, and we can learn from each other if we
don't peck one another to pieces.
I would rather die than spend years sitting in a classroom, but if that
is their thing, good for them.  Some of them would probably rather work
with their brain than with their hands, but I need to do something
physical to feel as though I am actually working.  God did not make the
body of Christ to be all fingers or toes or eyeballs.  The body needs
some of each to be complete.  We need one another.  With that in mind,
it seems inappropriate to me to tell a brother or sister not to speak
(write) to us again.  By the same token, it is wrong to cram our
opinions down someone else's throat.  Maybe if we all went back and
studied what Paul had to say love was?

Re: [TruthTalk] Getting to know you.

2004-03-28 Thread Terry Clifton

Judy Taylor wrote:

  I was born and raised in Melbourne Australia; both ggrandfathers
on my fathers side
  came to the colony to spread the gospel, (they were Primitive
Methodist ministers). However
  within two generations the truth had been lost and today my
family in Australia are in
  darkness and frantically looking to psychology, eastern
religion, whatever for some relief 
  and peace but in their ignorance they continue to reject the
fount of living water thinking 
  they know all about it and there is nothing left to
learn because they went to SS in a dead 
  denominational Church,   (one neice who is now a
schoolteacher even taught it).  It was
  a shock for me to learn how deceived I had been for all those
years and this may be why
  I am such a stickler for God's Truth.
  I met my husband while on a working holiday and for 20yrs we
were a Navy famly living
  overseas; it was during these years that I returned to the God
of my fathers - (a God I had 
  not known) and I began a serious study of the scriptures (trying
to make up for lost time).
  This has been a transforming experience for me; the more I know
Him through His Word 
  the more I love Him and desire to do His Will; if I appear to
you to be beside myself, 
  please bear with me and forgive me.  judyt
  Hey Judy:

I would be the last person in the world to advise you to be anything
other than a stickler for God's truth.  The only thing I might suggest
is that you think about what I heard a preacher say one time.  "People
don't care how much you know, until they know how much
you care."  You won't find those exact words in a Bible verse, but
it is true, and it is biblical.  I think maybe we have all assumed your
being a stickler has ruled out your also being a carer.  That's why I
am hoping that we can all get to know each other better.  You care more
about people you know, especially your brothers and sisters in Christ.
Just a thought


Re: [TruthTalk] Getting to know you.

2004-03-28 Thread Terry Clifton

In a message dated
3/27/2004 5:32:02 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
for the same length of time on revealing ourselves to others in an
effort to get to know one another more intimately, like brothers and
sisters are supposed to.  Let's start with something easy, like what do
you find awesome about your Lord?
Pretty good idea for a hayseed.   Give me a few hours and I will narrow
it down to one thing  --- seriously.   Actually, now that I think about
it  --  no contest.  For me, it  is God's ability to fill me up to
overflowing.  I had been a child of God for 40 years when I was first
filled.   I was single at the time and had dated a gal from the United
Pentecostal Church of God.   We had gone to church and left separately.
  If you are not familiar with that church, it is a tough place to go
if you are not sure of who you are in the Lord.   They might as well
pass out 8x11 pictures of a target, pin it to your chest as they smile
and welcome you into the sanctuary.   
God has often used the emotion of the song service to fill me since
that time, but on that occasion, there was no emotion.   I had left the
worship service that night feeling like I had just escaped a witch
hunt.  The filling occurred in my car, no tongues, an obvious statement
from God that filling can occur any time and any where and that it is
not the result of simple emotionalism.    Anyway, "church" for me is an
occasion for that filling, a confirmation of who I am (a child of God)
and the relationship I share with a partner God.   
Praise the Lord
John Smithson
Hey John:
Having been in the same predicament in my early years, I think the term
"target" is a vivid and accurate description of your experience.  Could
you perhaps define this filling that you experienced afterward?  It
might be that many of us have experienced the same thing but are unable
to put a name on it or describe it.

I assume that God is the senior partner?


[TruthTalk] Getting to know you.

2004-03-28 Thread Judy Taylor

Good idea Terry on a difficult medium.  Dean says he is not good 
expressing himself
here and feel's more comfortable with IM and personal speaking. Some 
are better at 
expressing their feelings than others.  Not sure where I stand in 
all this. I am learning to
love more perfectly and am aware that we are all equal at the 
foot of the cross;  I don't 
try to picture any of you one way or the other but from what I 
know, do appreciate 
everyone's specialness in the Lord..
I was born and raised in Melbourne Australia; both ggrandfathers on my 
fathers side
came to the colony to spread the gospel, (they were Primitive Methodist 
ministers). However
within two generations the truth had been lost and today my family in 
Australia are in
darkness and frantically looking to psychology, eastern religion, 
whatever for some relief 
and peace but in their ignorance they continue to reject the fount of 
living water thinking 
they know all about it and there is nothing left to learn because they 
went to SS in a dead 
denominational Church,   (one neice who is now a 
schoolteacher even taught it).  It was
a shock for me to learn how deceived I had been for all those years and 
this may be why
I am such a stickler for God's Truth.
I met my husband while on a working holiday and for 20yrs we were a Navy 
famly living
overseas; it was during these years that I returned to the God of my 
fathers - (a God I had 
not known) and I began a serious study of the scriptures (trying to make up 
for lost time).
This has been a transforming experience for me; the more I know Him through 
His Word 
the more I love Him and desire to do His Will; if I appear to you to 
be beside myself, 
please bear with me and forgive me.  judyt
From: Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
It occurred to me today during an off line conversation that though we 
are almost all brothers and sisters in Christ, we at the same time are 
strangers.  I know a little more about some of you who have been on TT 
longer, and I know David Miller from spending part of a weekend in his company, 
but I still do not know any of you well.  I suspect that most of you have 
the same problem.  I picture the more educated among us as standing around 
in a gown and miter board with an armload of books, maybe some horn rimmed 
glasses thrown in.  They probably picture me as the redneck dropout who can 
barely sign his name.  Got the straw between my teeth and the pickup truck 
on blocks in the front yard.  Trailer trash. I know I have to love you 
all whether you are my brother or my sister or my enemy.  That is a 
command, not an option.  Seeing that is so, I am going to love you all, 
BUT.. there exists in my opinion, a responsibility on the other party's part 
to not make it harder than necessary to carry out this command.  Again, my 
opinion; I think it is much easier to love someone you know rather than someone 
who is just a face in the crowd or a voice from the podium.  With that in 
mind, at the risk of appearing bossy, let me suggest that we stop criticizing 
for one week, and concentrate for the same length of time on revealing ourselves 
to others in an effort to get to know one another more intimately, like brothers 
and sisters are supposed to.  Let's start with something easy, like what do 
you find awesome about your Lord?  Just to get it going, I will open up 
first, sharing a thought that started the idea of this post.When I walk 
outside on a sunny cloudless day, I look up and see a beautiful blue sky.  
Then I become aware that this is not a canopy or a ceiling.  I am actually 
looking light years into space.  Looking through the blue, not at it.  
At night it is even more wondrous.  You can look at the same sky that was 
blue, but now it has a billion twinkling stars.  So many that no one has 
been able to name them all or even count them.  They are God's 
creation!.  All He had to do was speak, and they were.  Then I think 
that I am observing all this from a platform called earth that is not anchored 
to anything.  It is held in place only by God's will .  It is a giant 
ball of dirt, one planet among who knows how many, and I, a very temporary, very 
insignificant speck on one ball of dirt, am not only recognized by the most 
powerful being in the universe. I am loved by Him, so much that He sacrificed 
His own son to save me.THAT is awesome!  Who's 

[TruthTalk] Re:Clarification

2004-03-28 Thread Judy Taylor

From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
No Judy, I don't mean the acceptance of some 
I mean that even our reading and teaching of 
scripture is to some extent 
colored or influenced by the tradition in which we 
find ourselves at any 
given time. 
Some Baptists have a clearly stated position on the 
role of women 
in the home and in the church. This position is, to 
them, a totally 
accurate reading and understanding of Scripture. An 
opposing position 
can be found to be expressed in other churches. 
That's what I meant. 
jt: Thank you for the clarification 
Lance and yes I've been through 
some of this in my own pilgrimage and have waded through a 
lot of "stuff" 
so at this point in my walk I have to see it in scripture myself or it 
on the 
shelf.  Checking the 
roots of a teaching or idea is good because 
the root will determine the 
PS I concur with your comments on the history of 
the Rapture. 
Blessings, Lance

  From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Each evangelical tradition also has it's own 
  "use" of Scripture 
  (Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox). One example of 
  this would be a 
  particular reading of Mt24 & 1Thess4 leading 
  to a teaching on what 
  some call the "Rapture". 
  jt: The teaching of the 
  Rapture began in the 1800's - so a
  believer who had just come to 
  Christ with a Bible alone would not
  find it there. I believe it was a 
  Margaret McDonald who had a vision
  which evolved to this teaching 
  which was spread by Plymouth 
  Brethren and some other 
  So Judy, I'd offer an AMEN to the intent of your 
  quotation with 
  the proviso that we acknowledge your meaning of 
  this word to 
  include our own tradition's reading of SOME 
  jt: I'm not sure I understand what 
  you mean Lance. Are you saying
  that I have a tradition that is a 
  mixture or a tradition that only accepts 
  "some scripture?"  What do you mean?
  This REALITY is evidenced on TT daily. Blessings 
  Do you perceive this to be a fair understanding of 
  what you wrote?

Sent: March 28, 2004 07:59
Subject: [TruthTalk] Party 

Thank you Kevin,
Your service to God and zeal for His truth 
is such a blessing.  
I found this quote yesterday and think 
it may be needed here.

"It has escaped the understanding of many Christians that what they 
believe is more often shaped by the teachings and traditions of religious 
men than by Scripture. Yet the wisdom of 
the world is no substitute for God's Word, even if 
offered from the pulpit or in the Christian media.
Jesus warns us in Matthew 24:12 that in the last days the love of many 
toward Him would grow cold because evil would increase in the world. There 
is little time to waste in the short span of life granted us by God. We must choose today whom we will 

[TruthTalk] M Scott Peck a Christian LOL

2004-03-28 Thread Judy Taylor

Now how could anyone in their right mind take what this 
man writes 
seriously?  He is obviously confused and most 
definitely does not know 
the Lord.
Claims to have been a Christian for 13yrs - with a nun 
as spiritual adviser?
Says he was accosted by an evil spirit but identifies 
it as a "good evil 
Yeah right!  "Hath God said?" This guy could sell 
snow cones in Alaska...
reminds me of witches who claim there is black magic 
and white magic.
"A doubleminded man is unstable in all his ways [] 
let not that man think
that he shall receive anything of the 
Lord"  Peck has no idea what sin is or
what Christianity is for that matter so what spiritual 
insight of his could be
ov value?  It's all from the wrong 
From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but 
inwardly they are ravening wolves," (Matthew 7:15).

The following is a interview with M Scott 
"Door: It is interesting that you describe your writing as a calling. 
Is this a calling from God?
"Peck: I hesitate using the word `God' in that simplistic kind of way. 
My books are not `channeled' materials
"Door: There are a number of writers and others who are convinced that 
you are part of the New Age Movement.
"Peck: Really? Well, we can come back to that subject if you'd 
like My spiritual director, who is a nun, says that God 
never calls you to do something that doesn't feel right in your heart. Jesus 
went to the cross, which wasn't something He felt like doing, but the cross felt 
much better than the only alternative which was to retire on His pension 
"Door: When we interviewed you last, you had become a 
Christian three years previously. Now that it has been 10 years, could 
you comment on how your own personal faith has changed over the decade?
"Peck: I don't like the term `became a Christian.' 
...I hope to God that I'm going to continue to be converted until I die and 
perhaps well after that, which is what I think purgatory is all 
"Door: Why do we have this feeling of impending doom?
"Peck: God knows when I'll ever write about this, so you might as well 
write about it.
"Door: Uh - thanks.
"Peck: I have had some dealings with evil spirits, 
but I have never given any thought to possibility of good spirits. One night 
while I was in the midst of my depression, my Dark Night of the Senses, I went 
to bed. I had not fallen asleep and this was not a dream. I was accosted 
by a spirit.
"Door: A spirit?
"Peck: ...Almost as instantly, I asked what kind of spirit 
this was and I immediately knew it was a good spirit rather than a bad 
spirit. But I also knew I could either confront this spirit or shake it 
off. I wondered what kind of good spirit it was. The answer came to me 
immediately. It was a spirit of mirth.
"Door: A spirit of mirth?
"Peck: That was when the battle began. Just because this seemed 
to be a spirit of mirth, how did I know for sure? If I let it in -
"Door: - You mean like a possession or something?
"Peck: Yes So I gave in to this spirit and I 
giggled myself to sleep.
"Door: Since we are talking about the bizarre, we hear a lot of people 
- who act like they know what they're talking about - claiming that you are `New 
Age.' What are your feelings about the New Age Movement?
"Peck: I am and I am not New Age. ...there are some 
things about the New Age Movement that are very 
godly, and some things that are potentially evil.
"Door: What is it that you like about the New Age Movement?
"Peck: I wouldn't use the word `like.' The New Age Movement is a 
reaction to the sins of the Christian Church, the sins of technology, and the 
excesses of science.
"Door: What sins?
"Peck: ...Computers.
"Door: Computers?
"Peck: ...These sins are very real. I think there is something 
potentially holy about the New Age movement because of their openness to new 
ideas The New Age Movement, in reaction to the sins of the Christian Church, 
moved to the East - to Oriental philosophy and theology - and attempted 
to throw all of Christian theology out," 
(Interview, May/June 1990, pp. 5-15).



  Bill, In later books 
  Peck makes it clear that when he wrote The Road Less Traveled he was just 
  about to come to know the Lord.  He wasnt quite there yet, but very 
  close. (Amazing how much wisdom he wrote at that point, before knowing Christ 
  personally). I was just wondering if Pecks unconscious is the same as your 
  spiritual instinct.. Izzy
  On Behalf Of Wm. 
  TaylorSent: Friday, March 
  26, 2004 8:50 AMTo: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] God in our 
  "Then he goes on to 
  explain that this is what we term the presence of the Holy 
  Izzy, I am not 
  familiar enough with Peck to have much more than an elementary appr

[TruthTalk] Re:Clarification

2004-03-28 Thread Lance Muir

No Judy, I don't mean the acceptance of some 
scripture. I mean that even our reading and teaching of scripture is to some 
extent colored or influenced by the tradition in which we find ourselves at any 
given time. Some Baptists have a clearly stated position on the role of women in 
the home and in the church. This position is, to them, a totally accurate 
reading and understanding of Scripture. An opposing position can be found to be 
expressed in other churches. That's what I meant. PS I concur with your comments 
on the history of the Rapture. Blessings, Lance

  Sent: March 28, 2004 08:34
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Re:Traditions of Men 
  MAY include Scripture
  From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Each evangelical tradition also has it's own 
  "use" of Scripture 
  (Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox). One example of 
  this would be a 
  particular reading of Mt24 & 1Thess4 leading 
  to a teaching on what 
  some call the "Rapture". 
  jt: The teaching of the 
  Rapture began in the 1800's - so a
  believer who had just come to 
  Christ with a Bible alone would not
  find it there. I believe it was a 
  Margaret McDonald who had a vision
  which evolved to this teaching 
  which was spread by Plymouth 
  Brethren and some other 
  So Judy, I'd offer an AMEN to the intent of your 
  quotation with 
  the proviso that we acknowledge your meaning of 
  this word to 
  include our own tradition's reading of SOME 
  jt: I'm not sure I understand what 
  you mean Lance. Are you saying
  that I have a tradition that is a 
  mixture or a tradition that only accepts 
  "some scripture?"  What do you mean?
  This REALITY is evidenced on TT daily. Blessings 
  Do you perceive this to be a fair understanding of 
  what you wrote?

Sent: March 28, 2004 07:59
Subject: [TruthTalk] Party 

Thank you Kevin,
Your service to God and zeal for His truth 
is such a blessing.  
I found this quote yesterday and think 
it may be needed here.

"It has escaped the understanding of many Christians that what they 
believe is more often shaped by the teachings and traditions of religious 
men than by Scripture. Yet the wisdom of 
the world is no substitute for God's Word, even if 
offered from the pulpit or in the Christian media.
Jesus warns us in Matthew 24:12 that in the last days the love of many 
toward Him would grow cold because evil would increase in the world. There 
is little time to waste in the short span of life granted us by God. We must choose today whom we will 

[TruthTalk] Re:Traditions of Men MAY include Scripture

2004-03-28 Thread Judy Taylor

From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Each evangelical tradition also has it's own "use" 
of Scripture 
(Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox). One example of 
this would be a 
particular reading of Mt24 & 1Thess4 leading 
to a teaching on what 
some call the "Rapture". 
jt: The teaching of the 
Rapture began in the 1800's - so a
believer who had just come to Christ 
with a Bible alone would not
find it there. I believe it was a 
Margaret McDonald who had a vision
which evolved to this teaching which 
was spread by Plymouth 
Brethren and some other 
So Judy, I'd offer an AMEN to the intent of your 
quotation with 
the proviso that we acknowledge your meaning of 
this word to 
include our own tradition's reading of SOME 
jt: I'm not sure I understand what 
you mean Lance. Are you saying
that I have a tradition that is a 
mixture or a tradition that only accepts 
"some scripture?"  What do you mean?
This REALITY is evidenced on TT daily. Blessings 
Do you perceive this to be a fair understanding of 
what you wrote?

  Sent: March 28, 2004 07:59
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Party Crashing
  Thank you Kevin,
  Your service to God and zeal for His truth is 
  such a blessing.  
  I found this quote yesterday and think 
  it may be needed here.
  "It has escaped the understanding of many Christians that what they believe 
  is more often shaped by the teachings and traditions of religious men than by 
  Scripture. Yet the wisdom of the world 
  is no substitute for God's Word, even if offered from the 
  pulpit or in the Christian media.
  Jesus warns us in Matthew 24:12 that in the last days the love of many 
  toward Him would grow cold because evil would increase in the world. There is 
  little time to waste in the short span of life granted us by God. We must choose today whom we will 

[TruthTalk] Re:Traditions of Men MAY include Scripture

2004-03-28 Thread Lance Muir

Each evangelical tradition also has it's own "use" 
of Scripture (Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox). One example of this would be a 
particular reading of Mt24 & 1Thess4 leading to a teaching on what some 
call the "Rapture". So Judy, I'd offer an AMEN to the intent of your 
quotation with the proviso that we acknowledge your meaning of this word to 
include our own tradition's reading of SOME Scripture. This REALITY is 
evidenced on TT daily. Blessings Lance Do you perceive this to be a 
fair understanding of what you wrote?

  Sent: March 28, 2004 07:59
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Party Crashing
  Thank you Kevin,
  Your service to God and zeal for His truth is 
  such a blessing.  
  I found this quote yesterday and think 
  it may be needed here.
  "It has escaped the understanding of many Christians that what they believe 
  is more often shaped by the teachings and traditions of religious men than by 
  Scripture. Yet the wisdom of the world 
  is no substitute for God's Word, even if offered from the 
  pulpit or in the Christian media.
  Jesus warns us in Matthew 24:12 that in the last days the love of many 
  toward Him would grow cold because evil would increase in the world. There is 
  little time to waste in the short span of life granted us by God. We must choose today whom we will 
  From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  I hear a lot of praise for men around TT, Paloney, Peck. At least one of 
  which professes of a spirit possesion.
  Prov 28:4 They that forsake the law praise the wicked: but such as keep the 
  law contend with them.
  We are told to earnestly contend. 
  Jude 1 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common 
  salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the 
  faith which was once delivered unto the saints.
  Paul spoke with "MUCH CONTENTION"
  1 Thes 2:2 But even after that we had suffered before, and were shamefully 
  entreated, as ye know, at Philippi, we were bold in our 
  God to speak unto you the gospel of God with much 
  But as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel, even so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God, which 
  trieth our hearts.
  Paul refers to his entrance into Thessalonica in verse 1and his treatment 
  in Philippi.
  Act 16:22 the multitude rose up together against them 
  They had many stripes laid upon them. This was just a prelude to turning 
  the whole city into an uproar Act 17:5 in Thessolonica. In 
  Paul immediately set upon disputing again in Athens act 
  A VERY CONTENTIOUS fellow this 
  Paul! Judy Taylor 
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I like you and DaveH too Blaine even though I don't 
agree with the structure
you both serve   Let me address the issue of contention for a moment. 
I'm sure
you will agree that we are at different ends of the 
spectrum spiritually which
in reality is opposite sides. There is a spirit of 
truth and a spirit of error and
we can not both be 
right... so the situation does become contentious at times.  

I don't see any way around it other than leaving the list or playing the 
At least I give all of you equal time :) I 
don't believe any of us are there yet and 
I've learned some things myself... from 
interaction with the ppl on TT.    
From: "Blaine Borrowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
As I said before, Judy often shows more true 
Christian spirit than most.  
She at least tries, huh?  I like Judy, 
even though I have to admit she is, 
as Izzy said, "contentious!!"  

  From: Judy Taylor 
  jt: I was not addressing you Izzy - this time you 
  are interjecting yourself
  into a response I wrote to Blaine 
  and part of your post was needful for 
  I'm not angry with you so the animosity is one sided. 
  not being rude or mean but it is good for 
  one to practice what they preach.   
  From: "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Once again, Judy, 
  I would appreciate it if you would stop interjecting yourself into 
  conversations I am having with other 
  people. You are rudely interrupting at the party again. 
  Surely you 
  understand English, so please honor my request. Thank you again. 
  On Behalf Of Judy 
  TaylorEveryone has 
  stuff that "just comes to them" - where it comes from is the 
  This is why 
  believers should have spiritual discernment. There are lots of spirits 
  all the time. 
Blaine:  This is very 
interesting Izzy.  I have had similar experiences.  

I thought Mormons were the on

Re: [TruthTalk] Getting to know you.

2004-03-28 Thread Terry Clifton

David Miller wrote:

  Terry wrote:
I picture the more educated among us as standing 
around in a gown and miter board with an armload 
of books, maybe some horn rimmed glasses thrown 

Uh, what's a miter board?  Maybe it should be mortar board?  One of those funny looking hats with a tassel.

Terry wrote:
... what do you find awesome about your Lord?

I find it awesome that the Lord is always right.  I know, that sounds a
little corny, but really, I mean, he is ALWAYS right.  His wisdom is far
beyond any of the most learned men.  A simple, uneducated man can read
the Holy Scriptures, walk in simple faith and confidence toward God, and
receive more wisdom and insight than 1,000 professors who labor at
understanding the secrets of the universe.  I find that to be just

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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[TruthTalk] Party Crashing

2004-03-28 Thread Judy Taylor

Thank you Kevin,
Your service to God and zeal for His truth is 
such a blessing.  
I found this quote yesterday and think it 
may be needed here.

"It has escaped the understanding of many Christians that what they believe 
is more often shaped by the teachings and traditions of religious men than by 
Scripture. Yet the wisdom of the world 
is no substitute for God's Word, even if offered from the 
pulpit or in the Christian media.
Jesus warns us in Matthew 24:12 that in the last days the love of many toward 
Him would grow cold because evil would increase in the world. There is little 
time to waste in the short span of life granted us by God. We must choose today whom we will serve."
From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I hear a lot of praise for men around TT, Paloney, Peck. At least one of 
which professes of a spirit possesion.
Prov 28:4 They that forsake the law praise the wicked: but such as keep the 
law contend with them.
We are told to earnestly contend. 
Jude 1 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common 
salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith 
which was once delivered unto the saints.
Paul spoke with "MUCH CONTENTION"
1 Thes 2:2 But even after that we had suffered before, and were shamefully 
entreated, as ye know, at Philippi, we were bold in our God 
to speak unto you the gospel of God with much 
But as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel, even so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God, which 
trieth our hearts.
Paul refers to his entrance into Thessalonica in verse 1and his treatment 
in Philippi.
Act 16:22 the multitude rose up together against them 

They had many stripes laid upon them. This was just a prelude to turning 
the whole city into an uproar Act 17:5 in Thessolonica. In Paul immediately set upon disputing again in Athens act 17:17 

Paul! Judy Taylor 



  I like you and DaveH too Blaine even though I don't 
  agree with the structure
  you both serve   
  Let me address the issue of contention for a moment. I'm sure
  you will agree that we are at different ends of the 
  spectrum spiritually which
  in reality is opposite sides. There is a spirit of 
  truth and a spirit of error and
  we can not both be 
  right... so the situation does become contentious at times.  

  I don't see any way around it other than leaving the list or playing the 
  At least I give all of you equal time :) I don't 
  believe any of us are there yet and 
  I've learned some things myself... from interaction with the ppl on TT.    
  From: "Blaine Borrowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  As I said before, Judy often shows more true 
  Christian spirit than most.  
  She at least tries, huh?  I like Judy, even 
  though I have to admit she is, 
  as Izzy said, "contentious!!"  
From: Judy Taylor 
jt: I was not addressing you Izzy - this time you 
are interjecting yourself
into a response I wrote to Blaine 
and part of your post was needful for 
clarification.  I'm 
not angry with you so the animosity is one sided. I'm 
not being rude or mean but it is good for one 
to practice what they preach.   
From: "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Once again, Judy, I 
would appreciate it if you would stop 
interjecting yourself into 
conversations I am having with other 
people. You are rudely interrupting at the party again. 

Surely you 
understand English, so please honor my request. Thank you again. 

On Behalf Of Judy 
TaylorEveryone has stuff 
that "just comes to them" - where it comes from is the 

This is why 
believers should have spiritual discernment. There are lots of spirits 

all the time. 


  Blaine:  This is very 
  interesting Izzy.  I have had similar experiences.  
  thought Mormons were the only ones who did this.  
And how would 
you define relationship with the Lord? Occasionally, during my running 
daily conversations/mental mullings with the Lord as Im going through 
whatever work I am doing, I am startled by an awareness of Him distinctly 
answering my question. I know the answer came from Him, because it is a 
thought that I know did not originate with me. It is always a surprising thought because of this. 
This never ceases to amaze me. I think this is just one example of being in 
relationship with Him. He is really there. He really interacts with you. 
And you are aware of it.  Awesome!

Do you Yahoo!?Yahoo! Finance Tax Center - 
File online. File on time.

Re: [TruthTalk] Party Crashing

2004-03-28 Thread Kevin Deegan
I hear a lot of praise for men around TT, Paloney, Peck. At least one of which professes of a spirit possesion.
Prov 28:4 They that forsake the law praise the wicked: but such as keep the law contend with them.
We are told to earnestly contend. 
Jude 1 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.
Paul spoke with "MUCH CONTENTION"
1 Thes 2:2 But even after that we had suffered before, and were shamefully entreated, as ye know, at Philippi, we were bold in our God to speak unto you the gospel of God with much contention.
But as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel, even so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God, which trieth our hearts.
Paul refers to his entrance into Thessalonica in verse 1and his treatment in Philippi.
Act 16:22 the multitude rose up together against them 
They had many stripes laid upon them. This was just a prelude to turning the whole city into an uproar Act 17:5 in Thessolonica. In Paul immediately set upon disputing again in Athens act 17:17 
A VERY CONTENTIOUS fellow this Paul! Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I like you and DaveH too Blaine even though I don't agree with the structure
you both serve   Let me address the issue of contention for a moment. I'm sure
you will agree that we are at different ends of the spectrum spiritually which
in reality is opposite sides. There is a spirit of truth and a spirit of error and
we can not both be right... so the situation does become contentious at times.  
I don't see any way around it other than leaving the list or playing the hypocrite.
At least I give all of you equal time :) I don't believe any of us are there yet and 
I've learned some things myself... from interaction with the ppl on TT.    judyt
From: "Blaine Borrowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
As I said before, Judy often shows more true Christian spirit than most.  
She at least tries, huh?  I like Judy, even though I have to admit she is, 
as Izzy said, "contentious!!"  LOL

From: Judy Taylor 
jt: I was not addressing you Izzy - this time you are interjecting yourself
into a response I wrote to Blaine and part of your post was needful for 
clarification.  I'm not angry with you so the animosity is one sided. I'm 
not being rude or mean but it is good for one to practice what they preach.   
From: "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Once again, Judy, I would appreciate it if you would stop interjecting yourself into 
conversations I am having with other people. You are rudely interrupting at the party again. 
Surely you understand English, so please honor my request. Thank you again. Izzy

On Behalf Of Judy TaylorEveryone has stuff that "just comes to them" - where it comes from is the question.

This is why believers should have spiritual discernment. There are lots of spirits talking

all the time. jt


Blaine:  This is very interesting Izzy.  I have had similar experiences.  
I thought Mormons were the only ones who did this.  LOL

And how would you define “relationship” with the Lord? Occasionally, during my running daily conversations/mental mullings with the Lord as I’m going through whatever work I am doing, I am startled by an awareness of Him distinctly answering my question. I know the answer came from Him, because it is a thought that I know did not originate with me. It is always a surprising thought because of this. This never ceases to amaze me. I think this is just one example of being in “relationship” with Him. He is really there. He really interacts with you. And you are aware of it.  Awesome!
 Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Finance Tax Center - File online. File on time.

[TruthTalk] Prayer request.

2004-03-28 Thread Judy Taylor

In a message dated 
3/27/2004 10:37:30 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
Blaine:  I think TT is neither of the devil nor of God.  It is 
nothing more nor less than the summation 
of its 
parts--individuals all coming from different backgrounds and seeking to 
reconcile differences.  
Some of us listen, 
others just expect to be listened to. Egos play a major role on TT, I 
Ego being an attribute of the unregenerate flesh nature - 
john: Exactly.  I especially like the "reconcile differences" 
 notion. Christ's only concern for his 
20th century disciples (John 17) was for unity. Ours is a ministry of 
"reconciliation" as Paul says.
jt: When Jesus spoke of unity and when Paul wrote of 
reconciliation they were both speaking of
unifying around truth and the only way we are 
reconciled to God is to agree with Him by first
accepting and then walking in His 
john: My mother-in-law is Mormon.   She was born into that faith. 
  She will always be there.   
She would be afraid to leave.   Status quo gives her the sense of 
security that she needs.   
jt: I find it sad that you have no hope for a 
change in direction for her.
john: BUT, we have grown very close.  She loves Billy Graham and she 
loves the Lord.   
jt: A lot of ppl like Billy Graham but how can one love 
the Lord and ATST reject his Word?
He said in his own words "If you love me you will do 
what I say" that's his definition of love.
john: The really great thing about Jesus is that He is not a Baptist, 
Catholic, and et al.    I once spoke of praying for you, 
Blaine.   I still do that.   And the prayer is this: that 
you truly 
appreciate this salvation by faith apart from being right about everything 
and that the filling of 
God's spirit be the kind of experience it was intended to be.  
jt: Are you saying that Blaine is a "saved" person John 
and that the Mormon experiences
of "burning bosom" and their temple ceremonies are 
acceptable with God?  No wonder 
Mormon boys stay confused about what protestant 
Christianity represents.  john: Anyway, some of your 
observation are equally as thoughtful as Issy's, BillT, Miller's, 
Lance, Terry and so on.   I truly believe this is a great 
group.    God bless and good night.   John 

[TruthTalk] Party Crashing

2004-03-28 Thread Judy Taylor

I like you and DaveH too Blaine even though I don't 
agree with the structure
you both serve   
Let me address the issue of contention for a moment. I'm sure
you will agree that we are at different ends of the 
spectrum spiritually which
in reality is opposite sides. There is a spirit of 
truth and a spirit of error and
we can not both be right... 
so the situation does become contentious at times.  
I don't see any way around it other than leaving the list or playing the 
At least I give all of you equal time :) I don't 
believe any of us are there yet and 
I've learned some things myself... from interaction with the ppl on TT.    
From: "Blaine Borrowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
As I said before, Judy often shows more true 
Christian spirit than most.  
She at least tries, huh?  I like Judy, even 
though I have to admit she is, 
as Izzy said, "contentious!!"  

  From: Judy Taylor 
  jt: I was not addressing you Izzy - this time you are 
  interjecting yourself
  into a response I wrote to Blaine 
  and part of your post was needful for 
  clarification.  I'm 
  not angry with you so the animosity is one sided. I'm 
  not being rude or mean but it is good for one 
  to practice what they preach.   
  From: "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Once again, Judy, I 
  would appreciate it if you would stop 
  interjecting yourself into 
  conversations I am having with other 
  people. You are rudely interrupting at the party again. 
  Surely you understand 
  English, so please honor my request. Thank you again. 
  On Behalf Of Judy 
  TaylorEveryone has stuff 
  that "just comes to them" - where it comes from is the 
  This is why believers 
  should have spiritual discernment. There are lots of spirits 
  all the time. 
Blaine:  This is very 
interesting Izzy.  I have had similar experiences.  

thought Mormons were the only ones who did this.  

  And how would you 
  define “relationship” with the Lord? Occasionally, during my running daily 
  conversations/mental mullings with the Lord as I’m going through whatever work 
  I am doing, I am startled by an awareness of Him distinctly answering my 
  question. I know the answer came from Him, because it is a thought that I know 
  did not originate with me. It is always a surprising thought because of this. This 
  never ceases to amaze me. I think this is just one example of being in 
  “relationship” with Him. He is really there. He really interacts with you. And 
  you are aware of it.  Awesome!

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