Re: [ubuntu-uk]

2016-08-01 Thread Gareth France

On 01/08/16 21:49, William Anderson wrote:

Has there ever been a meeting?  It doesn't look like it.  Have you
considered going to a LUG meeting instead?  You may not find a
laser-focus on Ubuntu, but I guarantee at any LUG meet, at least one
other person is using it.
Not to my knowledge, no. Yes I have been to the local LUG and as nice as 
it is, it's just an excuse to have a drink and a meal out. It would be 
nice to attend a more focused meet. I don't think my local LUG has ever 
been particularly Linux focused, the last meet seemed to mainly focus 
around Theresa May!



2016-08-01 Thread Gareth France
I am a member of and of the Ubuntu meetup group on there. I 
think it's a fantastic idea as I'm not personally aware of any regularly 
meeting enthusiast group for Ubuntu in the UK.

However it doesn't currently have a group owner and will be deleted in 7 
days if nobody claims it. I'd love to but for groups with more than 50 
members there is a $14.99+ fee per month to pay and I simply can't 
afford the extra expense.

I would welcome suggestions from anyone as to how this could be made to 
work without costing me money or would anyone else be willing to step up 
to the plate?


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Mystic Meg aka Facebook

2016-06-22 Thread Gareth France

On 22/06/16 09:56, Colin Law wrote:

Even better don't use facebook.


As great an ideological solution this is it really doesn't work in the 
real world. There are no genuine alternatives that are in popular use. 
You have three options if you are honest with yourself:

Use facebook and keep in contact with your friends

Use something else and lose social media contact with most if not all of 
your friends

and finally to use both and double the effort required.

I agree that something else is required, an alternative that people 
actually flock to, but it isn't here yet. That said what are the 
alternatives? And which one is the go to choice?


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Mystic Meg aka Facebook

2016-06-21 Thread Gareth France

On 22/06/16 01:10, Liam Proven wrote:

Do you have the FB client on your smartphone? Did you let it access
your contacts? Then it knows who you called, knows his number and made
the connection.

As I understand it this would not be possible on the Ubuntu phone.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Mystic Meg aka Facebook

2016-06-21 Thread Gareth France

I hadn't thought of that. Good thinking.

On 21/06/16 22:52, Tony Arnold wrote:

Maybe he looked you up on Facebook?



[ubuntu-uk] Mystic Meg aka Facebook

2016-06-21 Thread Gareth France
I have decided to ask Facebook for Saturday's lottery number as it is 
obviously psychic. I have been dealing with a roofer who lives 100 miles 
away. He did some work for my Nana who is no longer up to the task of 
negotiating when things go wrong.

I have contacted him by phone, I have emailed him from a domain I own. I 
have a Ubuntu phone and access my email through Thunderbird on my Ubuntu 
laptop. So in theory everything is quite open and transparent.

So quite how did Facebook get the idea to suggest a man who lives 100 
miles away whom I have only ever met once as a possible friend? I am 
baffled as to when they managed to spy on me.


[ubuntu-uk] Seeing double with new hard drive

2016-06-19 Thread Gareth France
I have a dual hard drive setup in my laptop thanks to a secondary cradle 
where the DVD rom should be. I have decided to replace my primary hard 
drive as it is virtually dead. I have installed the new drive in the 
secondary caddy and begun to copy my home directory in it's entirety 
across to the new drive.

The old drive installed here was sdb and my primary drive sda, weirdly 
though now my primary is sdb and this new one is sda. I decided while 
waiting for the copy to complete I would have a nose around in the Disks 
utility. Firstly I was surprised to see that apparently both drives were 
exactly the same make and model. Something fishy is surely going on there!

Both drives have exactly the same SMART data, showing a pre-failure 
condition. In summary it appears that Disks is displaying two copies of 
my primary drive, rather than the genuine data for my second drive.

Where might I report this? And before I remove my primary drive and move 
on to installing Ubuntu is there anything I should do to gather data n 
this issue?


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Choice of OS in work

2016-03-29 Thread Gareth France

On 29/03/16 21:32, Liam Proven wrote:

On 18 March 2016 at 22:49, Gareth France  wrote:

I haven't yet been in the job long enough to figure out the reasoning behind
this software labyrinth.

There isn't one.

The sad fact is that most people in C21 IT are incompetent. They don't
understand systems in any real depth, not throughout -- modern systems
are so baroquely complex that almost no-one can. So there are rituals,
done without understanding, and a superstition that enough levels of
firewalling and virtualisation and encryption, if built from recent
code, especially *expensive* recent code, magically combine to make it

It's nonsense and totally untrue, but alas, such systems hold the
world together now.

The systems I work on are designed to interface with other software 
built by other companies to support their products. They mimic the 
product and trick the software into believing it is being used as 
intended. As a result half of the issues are out of the companies 
control. It's all a bit of a mess but in flux so a lot of it is due to 
change in the future.


[ubuntu-uk] Choice of OS in work

2016-03-20 Thread Gareth France
No real point to this but I wanted to share with you my delight in 
finding out they use Ubuntu in the office I now work in.

and the disappointment of finding out I'll only be using Windows!


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Choice of OS in work

2016-03-19 Thread Gareth France

On 18/03/16 21:42, Daniel Llewellyn wrote:

On 18 March 2016 at 21:38, David King>> wrote:

Where I work, it is Windows 7 throughout, although running from
remote servers.

The actual computers we log on from mostly run Windows 7, but a few
of the newer ones which have replaced older ones are running Ubuntu.
So some people use Ubuntu to log into Windows.

​Now that really is saddening - working on an excellent OS with the sole
purpose of ignoring it and instead connecting to another less-awesome
OS. Sounds like typing "google" into Bing (or vice versa) to get to a
page where you can search for something.
Daniel Llewellyn

It's like using a high def TV to watch old, warn VHS tapes.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Choice of OS in work

2016-03-19 Thread Gareth France

On 18/03/16 21:45, Daniel Llewellyn wrote:

The Government likes people to do that: they supply a really old laptop
with an ancient version of Windows* that you use to connect to a remote
desktop and from that remote desktop you connect to another remote
desktop which is actually inside the firewall and for us where we run
Linux systems inside their firewall we then use SSH from that second
remote desktop to get to the systems we support for them. It's nuts.

* The laptop they provide cannot be connected directly to the internet
and thus cannot run Windows Update.​

Daniel Llewellyn

I haven't yet been in the job long enough to figure out the reasoning 
behind this software labyrinth. I may find some logic behind it. The 
remote machines access dedicated hardware and run simulations of 
hardware which link to them. Many people in the business need to access 
that same simulation/hardware so perhaps this is the only way.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Choice of OS in work

2016-03-18 Thread Gareth France

On 18/03/16 20:59, Daniel Llewellyn wrote:

On 18 March 2016 at 20:56, Gareth France>> wrote:

No real point to this but I wanted to share with you my delight in
finding out they use Ubuntu in the office I now work in.

and the disappointment of finding out I'll only be using Windows!

​That sounds decidedly like the torment of Tantalus.
Daniel Llewellyn

I'd say you've pretty much nailed it. I have 2 people using Ubuntu 
within eyesight. Apparently you have to be a member of the development 
team to be so privileged. I'm only a mere software engineer.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Choice of OS in work

2016-03-18 Thread Gareth France
I'm using Windows to log into a remote virtual machine which in turn 
logs into another remote machine. My computer is like a Russian doll!

On 18/03/16 21:38, David King wrote:

Where I work, it is Windows 7 throughout, although running from remote

The actual computers we log on from mostly run Windows 7, but a few of
the newer ones which have replaced older ones are running Ubuntu. So
some people use Ubuntu to log into Windows.

David King


Re: [ubuntu-uk] PAT testing project published at last

2016-02-24 Thread Gareth France

On 24/02/16 10:19, Mike Hingley wrote:


I worked on a PAT testing project some time ago - it was for the MEB
(Midland Electricity Board), and was tightly integrated into their
testing technology - they were using SmartPat 5000's...

I'd be interested in taking a look at your project -

I'll try have have a look at it this afternoon.


	I'm thrilled to hear you are interested, especially after a narrow 
minded, petty PAT tester told me it wasn't worth doing. Apparently 
because a commercial product exists that is perfectly good it is 
pointless to create this project, and also that nobody he does business 
with uses Linux. I pointed out to him that I was hurting nobody by 
trying and that actually everyone he does business with uses Linux and 
so does he. 'You do have a router, don't you?'

Besides, why shouldn't my software become better than the perfectly good 
stuff? *huff*


[ubuntu-uk] PAT testing project published at last

2016-02-23 Thread Gareth France
It has long been my intention to publish my software, the only PAT 
tester download and conversion software available natively on Linux, in 
the software centre. However after being in the 'Review in progress' 
stage now for 7 months and 1 week and not being able to get any replies 
from anyone on the matter I have come to the conclusion that it is not 
physically possible to get anything published in there!

As a result of a rather interesting conversation with a developer last 
night I have decided to make my program open source and publish it on 
github. You can now find it at the address below, published under GPL v3.

Now I am very new to this, some of the aims of this project are to 
educate me in the way github and open source production works, to gain 
feedback on my (mediocre) programming skills and to hopefully learn more 
modern techniques as I learned to program in the 80's in basic. So 
please do feel free to pitch in with an opinion or a modification.

Windows PAT testing software is seriously expensive and I feel there is 
a place for a free and open alternative for what is actually a very 
simple piece of software.

Please do take a look, be honest with me but please don't be too cruel.



[ubuntu-uk] Self driving car - Runs ubuntu

2015-12-17 Thread Gareth France

Here's a video of a self made self driving car which runs on ubuntu.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] MeetUp

2015-11-16 Thread Gareth France
I got it in the end, it didn't like my postcode. I ended up signing up 
in Reading, 20+ miles away.

On 16/11/15 20:45, Travis Mooney wrote:

Gareth —

I have managed to join up with my meetup account (which isn’t tied to
FB, it’s email based). Maybe give that a try?

Kind regards,



Travis Mooney
Technologist and Writer
+44 (0)7908631440
Skype: ttmooney

On 16 Nov 2015, at 20:12, Gareth France>> wrote:

It will not let me sign up! When signing in with Facebook it keeps
asking me to specify a location even though I have.

On 16/11/15 20:06, Alan Pope wrote:



We (Canonical) have signed up (and pay for) for a MeetUp Organiser
account. This makes it easy for people in the Ubuntu community around
the world to create and manage events on
<>. I created one for
the UK Team here:-

Feel free to join. I'm not going to start spamming the group with
stuff, so don't worry about getting a flood of notifications. I'm
new-ish to MeetUp too, so feel free to point out any mistakes /
omissions on the above page :)

You can see the 'world map' at the url below. Currently we're just
starting out, so there's only a couple of groups :)

The idea being if anyone _anywhere_ in the UK wanted to create an
Ubuntu related event they can create / manage / publicise it for free
on MeetUp to other like minded individuals. If people join the 'team'
they will get notified of upcoming events and can sign up (if
required) to get updates about those events. I'm sure many of you have
heard of MeetUp and/or have used it too. The wiki page above goes into
way more detail.

In short:-

* Nobody is forcing anyone to use MeetUp, it's just a service we
thought people might like to use
* We can create events anywhere around the UK (or beyond) despite the
group being 'based' in London (it's not based there, it's just that
the site wants a 'place' by default)
* Other services are available

As a starter we're looking to set-up some themed events maybe starting
as soon as next month and ongoing through next year which people may
be interested in attending. If people have ideas on subjects they'd
like talked about, or additional events elsewhere, let me know.


-- <>


Re: [ubuntu-uk] MeetUp

2015-11-16 Thread Gareth France
It will not let me sign up! When signing in with Facebook it keeps 
asking me to specify a location even though I have.

On 16/11/15 20:06, Alan Pope wrote:



We (Canonical) have signed up (and pay for) for a MeetUp Organiser
account. This makes it easy for people in the Ubuntu community around
the world to create and manage events on I created one for
the UK Team here:-

Feel free to join. I'm not going to start spamming the group with
stuff, so don't worry about getting a flood of notifications. I'm
new-ish to MeetUp too, so feel free to point out any mistakes /
omissions on the above page :)

You can see the 'world map' at the url below. Currently we're just
starting out, so there's only a couple of groups :)

The idea being if anyone _anywhere_ in the UK wanted to create an
Ubuntu related event they can create / manage / publicise it for free
on MeetUp to other like minded individuals. If people join the 'team'
they will get notified of upcoming events and can sign up (if
required) to get updates about those events. I'm sure many of you have
heard of MeetUp and/or have used it too. The wiki page above goes into
way more detail.

In short:-

* Nobody is forcing anyone to use MeetUp, it's just a service we
thought people might like to use
* We can create events anywhere around the UK (or beyond) despite the
group being 'based' in London (it's not based there, it's just that
the site wants a 'place' by default)
* Other services are available

As a starter we're looking to set-up some themed events maybe starting
as soon as next month and ongoing through next year which people may
be interested in attending. If people have ideas on subjects they'd
like talked about, or additional events elsewhere, let me know.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Spare RAT ticket?

2015-08-21 Thread Gareth France

On 21/08/15 21:01, Laura Czajkowski wrote:

On 21/08/15 20:58, Gareth France wrote:


Aah yes, no kids allowed. Not for me then.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Spare RAT ticket?

2015-08-21 Thread Gareth France


On 21/08/15 20:57, T T Mooney wrote:

So, I have a houseguest the weekend of the RAT. Anyone have a spare ticket I 
can beg, borrow, or steal? I bought one for myself, but no spares.



[ubuntu-uk] Windows 10 can disable your hardware

2015-08-16 Thread Gareth France

So it seems in an update to the user agreement Microsoft have sneaked in 
allows them to remotely disable 'pirated software and unauthorised 

Ok, pirated software fair enough. But why does the term unauthorised 
hardware give me a sinking feeling? How vague is that?!


[ubuntu-uk] Publishing software - timelines and open or private

2015-08-03 Thread Gareth France
I know I've posted about this before but there does not appear to 
actually be anybody to talk to about this. I am currently trying to get 
software published in the software centre, my current attempt has so far 
been going on for three months!

My current submission was sent in a month ago and the status was changed 
to 'Review in progress' 2 weeks and 5 days ago. The people working on 
this seem to be unreachable and the process seems to be taking forever. 
There surely has to be a better way than this?

My current submission is under a proprietary license and I am wondering 
how others make money out of their programs. Is it done to release open 
source software but still charge for it? How often are donations or 
adverts within the program used?

I have my doubts about some of these methods but it seems to me that I 
should be creating some programs and releasing them free, but that 
anyone who puts in so much effort to making something would naturally 
want some kind of return from their work.

I'd love to hear how other people tackle this.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Windows 10 - Still a disaster zone.

2015-08-02 Thread Gareth France

On 02/08/15 21:07, Barry Drake wrote:

I had Windows7 on a removable drive in a caddy on my desktop.  A couple
of days ago, I downloaded the Win 10 iso and did the free upgrade.  the
install process is painfully slow - but it worked.  I was surprised MS
allowed me to do it!  Windows 10 itself is much much better than I
expected.  I haven't tried to install anything - if I did, I doubt I'd
use the 'shop'.
Next time I fire it up, I'll try installing something.
Going from Win 7 to Win 10 changes the reg. number - and Microsoft
doesn't make it easy to retrieve it.  It's in the registry with the
characters written in Ascii-hex.  I think I got mine back OK, but I will
try one of the downloadable apps that get it back, next time I fire
Windows up (not for a few months, hopefully!).

Back on topic, I am delighted that Wine now installs and works properly
in Wily.  I have been using Mint for a while, and am glad to be back
with Ubuntu at last!


The feeling I get when using Windows is very much that I am using a 
product still designed to be installed off floppy disk with many patches 
bringing it into the 21st century like some sort of software jenga! 
Linux comes across as having sat down at some point and said 'ok, we 
need to integrate this internet thing' and because the whole workflow 
has been considered the solution is much, much more sane, elegant and 

Yes, on first glance Win 10 seems to be better than 8 but it's still so 
painfully slow. The win 8 machines I have seen are all unusable, my old 
laptop I retired runs quicker! I don't think this is going to win any 
hearts, it still suffers from all the same bugs I have been complaining 
about since win 95!


[ubuntu-uk] Windows 10 - Still a disaster zone.

2015-08-02 Thread Gareth France
Today I have upgraded a family member's laptop from Windows 8.1 to 
Windows 10. First off the updates on 8.1 are abysmal. The progress bar 
jumps in huge leaps and there is no activity sometimes for up to 10 
minutes between. You are left wondering if it has crashed. Eventually 
once all the updates have completed and you still can't find the missing 
'Get Windows 10 app' you realise that it was always there, just not in 
the 'lego brick screen' where you would expect it to be.

The upgrade process was seamless, although agonisingly slow. Once 
upgraded I turned my attention to the fact that he can not install new 
apps. When I first set his machine up it demanded an email address which 
could be un-linked after installation but it would not continue without 
it. Seems like a terrible design to me and the un-linking is what was 
stopping it from installing so I set him up an account and promptly 
failed to install the program he desired. The files downloaded, it 
claimed to have installed yet it would not run. Returning to the store 
it proclaimed 'this is embarrassing' and offered up the error code 
0x80070002. Much searching of many forums takes me to a number of 
Microsoft 'Fixit' downloads, one of which claims 'Service registration 
missing or corrupt' Unable to find out anything meaningful about this I 
eventually decided to try to remove the downloaded file and start again. 
An educated guess at where the store cache is resulted in something 
getting deleted which is essential for any program to launch, now 
nothing runs.

When I left the system was restoring to the point of upgrade at the 
speed of a snail. Why do their error messages have to be so meaningless? 
And why is it so difficult to get any common sense out of the system? A 
single upgrade system, app store, seamless upgrades without wiping the 
system, all features I found magical and wonderous as a new Linux user 
in 2006. They all seem to be embedded so deeply in the workflow of the 
system that it is elegant to see in action. What Microsoft have produced 
seems to be slow, clunky and doesn't really seem to work. If something 
can't install in Ubuntu I'm told something useful about why and can 
discover a solution within minutes. Three hours + later and Windows is 
still broken.

I haven't used it myself since '06 and haven't missed it. Every chance I 
get to go back just reminds me why I left!


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Looking for old computers

2015-07-13 Thread Gareth France
Actually Paul, the last I read on here about ToriOS was about 
undocumented binary blobs in the system. A big turn off for most Linux 
users. For the moment I have switched back to Ubuntu and the official 
spins but would love to hear your take on this subject.

On 13/07/15 11:15, Paul Sutton wrote:

Good to hear people are getting on well with ToriOS:)

thank you

Paul Sutton (ToriOS Docs team)


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Looking for old computers

2015-07-03 Thread Gareth France

On 03/07/15 22:21, Barry Drake wrote:

Just a little warning.  If you have anything other than a source drive
and a target drive plugged in when you install one of these mini
systems, it usually seems to mess up anything else it finds.  Be safe
and unplug anything else that isn't read-only.

In this use case that really isn't a problem as it will be a machine 
dedicated to demoing. I don't think I'd ever be looking at this sort of 
thing as a production machine.

Thanks for the warning though.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Looking for old computers

2015-07-03 Thread Gareth France

On 03/07/15 08:29, Barry Drake wrote:

I installed 8.04 on a drive using the old hardware.  Surprisingly, 8.04
runs on the old hardware better than I had expected!  After that, I
installed DSL-N onto the same drive with perfect results.  Now, how to
change the MBR on other drives without having to install 8.04   I
think I can save the first 446 bytes of the MBR to a file using dd - I
understand that this copies only the boot information, and not the
partition table, so it is portable to another disk.  Having said that, I
can't find anywhere exactly what has changed in the way in which BIOS
boot took place then compared with now.  I've just about exhausted my
efforts to find out on the internet ...  anybody know any more?  I'm
really curious.

But: my answer as to the best system for seriously old computers is
definitely DSL-N and/or Puppy.  Both seem a bit quirky at first, but
they can both be made to do almost anything commonly needed.

Just remember, my aim is to get an old 486, ideally with 5.25" drive, 
yellowed and covered in marks. It should look like it's really had a 
hard life. The aim is to say 'look, a modern desktop running even on 
this old thing, imagine how well it would run on your pc!' So the system 
being demoed is only to show an extreme case and will not end up getting 
installed on a user's pc, so it can be as quirky as it likes really. A 
Ubuntu spin would be the distro being pushed to end users, possibly mate 
or lubuntu.

I'm curious about this mbr issue, of course I very rarely look back in 
this way so I had no idea anything had changed. I do wish they would 
stop reinventing the wheel, it worked fine as it was, didn't it?


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Looking for old computers

2015-06-25 Thread Gareth France

On 25/06/15 10:11, Barry Drake wrote:

Hi there ...   I mentioned getting good results with Tori OS on an old
pentium 4.  It didn't like Zorin, but since then I've resurrected a
newer computer that would run 14.04 Lubuntu, but was a bit stretched.  I
tried Zorin.  It has none of the freedom of Ubuntu.  It is very heavily
branded and 'locked in'.  To get a useable Firefox, I had to purge
Firefox, and then delete the entire .firefox directory.  It contained a
number of unidentifiable binaries so it's anybodies guess how they've
crippled it.  Downloading an archive from the Firefox site, and running
that was the only way to get something decent.  I'm sure there will be
intrusive hacks in other programs - I just haven't found them yet.

If anyone comes up with a better option than Zorin, I'll get it!


Interesting. Thank you for that I'll bare it in mind.


[ubuntu-uk] Publishing app stalled

2015-06-21 Thread Gareth France
I submitted my application for desktop submission to the software centre 
three weeks ago and haven't heard a thing back since. Does anyone know 
how long the waiting list for approval is? At what point do you start to 
think there is a problem?



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Looking for old computers

2015-06-20 Thread Gareth France
As tempting an offer as that is I'm afraid I don't have the time so 
spare for that sort of thing. Sorry.

On 21/06/15 06:21, Andres wrote:

El Fri, 19-06-2015 a las 13:46 +0100, Gareth France escribió:

Sorry, what exactly are you proposing here?


On 19/06/15 13:20, Andres wrote:

RichmondMakerlabs open Tuesday evenings from 7:30 pm we have a load of
PCs and laptops that if you can give them life it would be great for our
monthly coder dojos.

No, I'm sorry, as I did not read your email correctly.

My comment must have read really cheeky, I'm sorry as I thought you
where offering to fix computers and I was proposing the ones donated to
our CIC.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Help! - problem installing Ubuntu

2015-06-20 Thread Gareth France
Sounds like the pc has crashed to me. Only a reboot will sort that but 
I'm not sure how well the install would cope with that. You may need to 
start the reinstall again.

On 20/06/15 21:32, Tony Pursell wrote:

Hi All

I'm installing Ubuntu 15.04 on a new computer - a cheap and cheerful
Lenovo 50 Pentium from Ebuyer.

I chose to install alongside Windows and resized the partition to give
about 50GB to Windows and 329GB to Ubuntu.

The install then seem to go well and got to the stage of removing
unwanted packages, but now it has been stuck on 'Completely removing
xfsprogs (amd64)' for over half an hour.

The little icon that replaces the pointer when something is working is
not going round and there is no response to moving the mouse.

I suspect there could be a message box under the Install window.

Is there anything I can do?  Should I just remove the USB and reboot?



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Looking for old computers

2015-06-19 Thread Gareth France

Sorry, what exactly are you proposing here?


On 19/06/15 13:20, Andres wrote:

RichmondMakerlabs open Tuesday evenings from 7:30 pm we have a load of
PCs and laptops that if you can give them life it would be great for our
monthly coder dojos.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Looking for old computers

2015-06-18 Thread Gareth France
I'm thinking about popping over to see if you can help with finding an 
old pc. What are the opening hours please?

On 12/06/15 15:55, Stuart Ward wrote:

On 12 June 2015 at 08:29, Gareth France>> wrote:

ideally though I'd like to find something at the extreme bottom
range of what is still usable. I know slitaz will run on a 486 very
quickly and it looks as modern as any OS.


I am sure we have something like that it the various computers bits at
rLab, Pop by and have a look. <>

-- Stuart Ward M +44 7782325143


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Looking for old computers

2015-06-12 Thread Gareth France

On 12/06/15 22:06, Barry Drake wrote:

On 12/06/15 21:44, Gareth France wrote:

Looks different. What is it based on?

Hey - I'm really interested in this.  I quote from the Torios website:
"ToriOS, a GNU/Linux Distribution based on Ubuntu LTS, will be
potentially one of the strongest systems available for NON-PAE machines".

I have chosen to use Zorin, I think it offers the best mix of low spec 
performance and familiar interface for new users.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Looking for old computers

2015-06-12 Thread Gareth France

Looks different. What is it based on?

On 12/06/15 21:43, George DiceGeorge wrote:

Torios is being developed for old computers, PAE


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Looking for old computers

2015-06-12 Thread Gareth France
Ah yes, thank you for the offer. I have been meaning to visit you for 
years but family commitments now prevent such luxuries as hobbies! I 
will try to stop by some time and see. It would be great to get some 
feedback on my ideas also.

On 12/06/15 15:55, Stuart Ward wrote:

On 12 June 2015 at 08:29, Gareth France>> wrote:

ideally though I'd like to find something at the extreme bottom
range of what is still usable. I know slitaz will run on a 486 very
quickly and it looks as modern as any OS.


I am sure we have something like that it the various computers bits at
rLab, Pop by and have a look. <>

-- Stuart Ward M +44 7782325143


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Looking for old computers

2015-06-12 Thread Gareth France

	It's a step in the right direction, ideally though I'd like to find 
something at the extreme bottom range of what is still usable. I know 
slitaz will run on a 486 very quickly and it looks as modern as any OS. 
Of course it doesn't have the support you'd want for promoting it to 
customers but it highlights very well that you don't need to upgrade, 
upgrade, upgrade when you diversify from M$.

On 12/06/15 08:26, Dan Andrews wrote:

Hi Gareth,

I don't know if it is exactly what you're looking for, but I've got an
old(ish) Toshiba equium with a pentium processor that's running 32-bit
Ubuntu 14.04.

I'd be more than happy to bring it along if you're interested.

Dan Andrews

On 12 Jun 2015 8:16 am, "Gareth France">> wrote:

I'm working on a new project and need to ask for your help. Here in High
Wycombe we have a pop up shop which can be rented to try out new
business ideas before committing to long term leases etc. I am wanting
to launch a new service offering sales and support aimed at home and
small business users. My main focus will be on promoting Ubuntu but in
order to demonstrate the versatility of Linux I wanted to have a 486 (or
possibly early Pentium) running Damn Small Linux or Slitaz.

My problem is that 486s seem to be going for silly money on ebay, so
would anyone have one propping up a table leg they could donate to the


-- <>


[ubuntu-uk] Looking for old computers

2015-06-12 Thread Gareth France

I'm working on a new project and need to ask for your help. Here in High
Wycombe we have a pop up shop which can be rented to try out new
business ideas before committing to long term leases etc. I am wanting
to launch a new service offering sales and support aimed at home and
small business users. My main focus will be on promoting Ubuntu but in
order to demonstrate the versatility of Linux I wanted to have a 486 (or
possibly early Pentium) running Damn Small Linux or Slitaz.

My problem is that 486s seem to be going for silly money on ebay, so
would anyone have one propping up a table leg they could donate to the



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu phone performance one month on

2015-05-27 Thread Gareth France

The phone is improving with every update so all is good.

On 28/05/15 00:12, wrote:

I don't have any of this on BQ 4.5

I had occasional issue answering the phone (ringtone rings, but no
interface to answer/reject. After reboot it is back to normal. I don't
use camera much, but when I do I have no issues. With apps crashing  and
loading logo showing - I have it with much lower frequency - I barely
even notice now...

I may be lucky. If I were you I would try factory reset, but then I
don't have much data on this phone - just in case of something like you
described happened.
(Also  I am not sure if factory reset can fix anything :/)

On 09/05/15 19:35, Gareth France '' via
33Mail wrote:

This email was sent to the alias '' by
'', and 33Mail forwarded it to you. To block
all further emails to this alias follow this link :

I'm doing this through the mailing list as it's not a specific bug
report but rather just a general bad mood my phone has developed!

I have updates set to manual so I know what is being updated and when,
the last system update was weeks ago. However over the last week or so
it seems to be pot luck as to whether I can make or receive calls. The
vibrate stutters during the call if it is going to fall flat, then
either it reboots or the microphone stops working. Apps have startyed
crashing (camera) or they show the loading logo and just hang
(contacts, phone, system settings)

It has been like this only recently fr no real reason so I'm counting
down the days to the next major update. Is it just me or are others
experiencing this.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu phone performance one month on

2015-05-27 Thread Gareth France

The phone is improving with every update so all is good.

On 28/05/15 00:12, wrote:

I don't have any of this on BQ 4.5

I had occasional issue answering the phone (ringtone rings, but no
interface to answer/reject. After reboot it is back to normal. I don't
use camera much, but when I do I have no issues. With apps crashing  and
loading logo showing - I have it with much lower frequency - I barely
even notice now...

I may be lucky. If I were you I would try factory reset, but then I
don't have much data on this phone - just in case of something like you
described happened.
(Also  I am not sure if factory reset can fix anything :/)

On 09/05/15 19:35, Gareth France '' via
33Mail wrote:

This email was sent to the alias '' by
'', and 33Mail forwarded it to you. To block
all further emails to this alias follow this link :

I'm doing this through the mailing list as it's not a specific bug
report but rather just a general bad mood my phone has developed!

I have updates set to manual so I know what is being updated and when,
the last system update was weeks ago. However over the last week or so
it seems to be pot luck as to whether I can make or receive calls. The
vibrate stutters during the call if it is going to fall flat, then
either it reboots or the microphone stops working. Apps have startyed
crashing (camera) or they show the loading logo and just hang
(contacts, phone, system settings)

It has been like this only recently fr no real reason so I'm counting
down the days to the next major update. Is it just me or are others
experiencing this.


[ubuntu-uk] Issues publishing software (current and resolved)

2015-05-15 Thread Gareth France
Thanks once again to everyone who stuck their oar in and helped me out 
while the packaging process for inclusion in the software centre drove 
me potty!

The fantastic news is I now have a working program which features both 
command line and gui access and I believe I have it correctly packaged.

However I have a problem with the developer portal and I'm not sure who 
to turn to. I submitted the wrong file initially. I was aware of this 
but someone got to it and reviewed it before I could sort it. Since then 
I have uploaded the correct file and I have now been waiting a week and 
a half. The status shows as 'pending review' but surely it can't sit 
there for this long? There is no sign of life at all, and as far as I 
can tell no way to contact anyone to ask.

Could someone please tell me how long I should leave this thing before 
deciding something isn't right?



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Phone questions

2015-05-15 Thread Gareth France

On 15/05/15 10:37, Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:

Yes I saw that - I assumed that was about the first releases, and that
it might have improved for general sale...

The BQ devices have now received their second major update. We are just 
starting to see the big issues being resolved. I think it is the best 
phone I have ever owned, both for hardware and software. But in order to 
make that statement I'm having to look both at where it is today, and 
what the developers are aiming at.

The biggest issue really is the lack of big name apps, the fact that the 
selection is perhaps a little narrow (no spreadsheet available, no uk 
based ebay stuff etc)

So if you are not really a user of apps it will be fine, but if you 
can't make do without a facebook chat client, ebay sniper and turn by 
turn GPS, it's not ready for you.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Evolution

2015-05-10 Thread Gareth France
I have had this problem for years. It comes and goes and I just assumed 
it was to do with poor connection issues. I've never worried about it. I 
just click around a few emails and come back to the offending mail, it 
usually clears then.

On 10/05/15 20:38, Norman Silverstone wrote:

My wife has used Evolution for several years with very few problems
however, recently, she has reported a rather unusual fault and I am
supposed to put it right. Sometimes, a message which is listed will not
show the body of that message, who it's to and who it's from are there
but no message. If reply is selected the message appears in the reply
window and if print is selected the message is printed. Thus, we know
the message is available but it will not display. To make things worse,
this problem is not tied to any particular sender and seems to be

I would be most grateful for suggestions on how to troubleshoot this
problem as I know very little about Evolution. Furthermore, I have no
idea what my wife may have done out of the ordinary when using her
computer and neither does she.

Thanks in advance



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu phone performance one month on

2015-05-09 Thread Gareth France

Which precise update is installed?

No idea how to check I'm afraid.

What precise steps are you taking to:

   (a) make a call
   (b) receive a call

a - type the number in or select a contact and push the green button
b - move the slider to answer the phone

Where is the call being made to, or from.
I'm really not sure how to answer this one, to/from a variety of people 
from/to me/my phone/wherever I happen to be stood

The vibrate stutters during the call if it is going to fall flat,

What is "Fall flat".  Is it the battery, or something else.

Reboot or crash or the microphone stops working

Which precise app, and after which precise sets of actions?

the camera dekko, gmail, right after loading

or they show the loading logo

Which precise app, and after which precise sets of actions?
the phone app, system settings, gallery, probably others. Right after 

and just hang

Which precise app, and after which precise sets of actions?

See above, right after loading

Which version is installed (remember you're doing manual updates).

Of what exactly?

As I said this is not a bug report as there is no specific problem, just 
my phone has developed an attitude problem.


[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu phone performance one month on

2015-05-09 Thread Gareth France
I'm doing this through the mailing list as it's not a specific bug 
report but rather just a general bad mood my phone has developed!

I have updates set to manual so I know what is being updated and when, 
the last system update was weeks ago. However over the last week or so 
it seems to be pot luck as to whether I can make or receive calls. The 
vibrate stutters during the call if it is going to fall flat, then 
either it reboots or the microphone stops working. Apps have startyed 
crashing (camera) or they show the loading logo and just hang (contacts, 
phone, system settings)

It has been like this only recently fr no real reason so I'm counting 
down the days to the next major update. Is it just me or are others 
experiencing this.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Issues packaging software

2015-05-04 Thread Gareth France
Panic over. Today I took a random meander around some of the snippets of 
code I have collected over the last few years and actually managed to 
assemble a GUI.

I now have a simple window with two pull down menus and three buttons. 
Not exactly high tech but it will do the job perfectly for now. All I 
have to do now is get through the approval.

Thanks for all your help guys.

On 03/05/15 17:50, Alan Pope wrote:

Well, typically applications that are submitted via that means are
shipped with a graphical user interface, an icon and a .desktop file
which allows the program to be launched from the menu / launcher.

It's not common for there to be a command-line only application to get


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Issues packaging software

2015-05-03 Thread Gareth France
Correct, my software is ready to roll, it is simply a case of knowing 
where to install it to make it accessible. Should no better suggestions 
be put forward I shall attempt to submit your solution and see if it 
gets accepted.

On 03/05/15 21:50, Colin Law wrote:

I thought you had got over the problem that Barry is addressing.  That
was the debian/source/format:3.0 (quilt) was it not?


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Issues packaging software

2015-05-03 Thread Gareth France
My brain still hurts from figuring out everything I have done so far. 
I'd rather not have to start again if I can at all help it. As you say 
there will be a correct way to do this and I would hope that being 
pointed to that correct way I would be able to do so with the tools I am 
already using. I shall keep this message highlighted but I'd like to 
hold off looking at this sword thing for as long as possible, it sounds 
like it might just be the straw that broke the camel's back!

On 03/05/15 20:52, Barry Drake wrote:

On 03/05/15 20:04, Gareth France wrote:

As most people are now well aware I'm desperate to be able to work out
GUI programming, but it does not seem to be my fate. There must be a
correct way to submit a commercial command line only program. It is
virtually useless if each user must be taught to use the full path each

Gareth - I'm away from my main computer at the moment and don't have all
the stuff with me.  This is the critical patch from the Sword library
package.  I is a copy of Dmitri's original from an earlier Sword Debian
package.  I do remember not being able to get it to work properly until
I was told to use the chroot version of Debian.  I spent many frustrated
hours trying.  There is no gui in the Sword engine - it's pure library
binary stuff with the odd commanline program - and it was just fine.
Your program does not need to be gui - it just needs to put stuff where
Debian/Ubuntu allows it.  pbuilder under debootstrap is very strict, and
gives a lot more error messages.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Issues packaging software

2015-05-03 Thread Gareth France
As most people are now well aware I'm desperate to be able to work out 
GUI programming, but it does not seem to be my fate. There must be a 
correct way to submit a commercial command line only program. It is 
virtually useless if each user must be taught to use the full path each 

On 03/05/15 17:50, Alan Pope wrote:

Well, typically applications that are submitted via that means are
shipped with a graphical user interface, an icon and a .desktop file
which allows the program to be launched from the menu / launcher.

It's not common for there to be a command-line only application to get


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Issues packaging software

2015-05-03 Thread Gareth France
So how do you set a program up to accessed from anywhere as you would 
expect to be able to use it?

On 03/05/15 12:01, Alan Pope wrote:

It will be rejected if you do.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Issues packaging software

2015-05-03 Thread Gareth France
There is no point in botching it to make it work as that's not really an 
instruction I can expect anyone downloading it to have to follow.

Will the packaging moderators be happy with me installing to /usr/local?

On 03/05/15 11:33, Simon Greenwood wrote:

Your immediate fix is to run 'export $PATH=$PATH:/opt' from a terminal
but I would change the install path to /usr/local.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Issues packaging software

2015-05-03 Thread Gareth France

The packaging tutorial ends with:

Basic DOs and Dont's for packaging for Commercial Applications


Please use /opt// as your application root directory

I have no idea if it is in $PATH but this is a stock install and I need 
this to just work on a stock install.

On 03/05/15 10:52, Simon Greenwood wrote:

On 3 May 2015 at 10:47, Gareth France>> wrote:

With a little help from Paul Sladen I got it sorted thanks. My only
issue now is that the installed package only runs if you call it
using the full path /opt/cliftontestsuite/primetest. Just typing
primetest an any random location does not work. Is this by design or
have I screwed up?

Obvious perhaps but do you have /opt in your $PATH?

A packaged binary should really be installed in /usr/bin or
/usr/local/bin to avoid that issue.

Twitter: @sfgreenwood
"TBA are particularly glib"


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Issues packaging software

2015-05-03 Thread Gareth France
With a little help from Paul Sladen I got it sorted thanks. My only 
issue now is that the installed package only runs if you call it using 
the full path /opt/cliftontestsuite/primetest. Just typing primetest an 
any random location does not work. Is this by design or have I screwed up?

On 03/05/15 10:44, Barry Drake wrote:

Gareth   Just over a year ago, I had a go at making a Debian Sword
set of packages.  The errors you are getting seem remarkably similar.
After a lot of discussion on a Deban packaging list, I discovered that
the Sword stuff simply would not build properly under Ubuntu.  Solution:
use debootstrap.  This creates a Debian minimal installation in a chroot
environment ...  the instructions for debootstrap are very complex - but
it does do the lintian checks properly and I got working packages that I
was able to test out properly.  I handed it over to someone (I can't
remember who) and after a couple of tweaks, it passed Debian.  Same
thing ought to be OK for Ubuntu packages.  Get back to me if you want
more info.  I have a few notes, but memory is less certain after over a


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Issues packaging software

2015-05-02 Thread Gareth France

debian/source/format:3.0 (quilt)
debian/cliftontestsuite.install:primetest /opt/cliftontestsuite/

On 02/05/15 21:43, Paul Sladen wrote:

Please post the output of:

   $ grep . debian/{source/format,*.install}


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Issues packaging software

2015-05-02 Thread Gareth France
Ok, I am really, really needing some help here. I have resolved all the 
issues one by one, except for an issue with the format. It is set to 3.0 
(quilt) but I keep getting this error:

dpkg-source: warning: no source format specified in 
debian/source/format, see dpkg-source(1)

The format is correctly specified there.

The deb file correctly creates but it doesn't contain my binary file. I 
have tried making a package.install file but it doesn't seem to do 
anything. I'm tearing my hair out here and I can't find anything even 
remotely helpful when searching online. Could someone please give me a 
little inspiration?

On 28/04/15 09:32, Alan Pope wrote:

Honestly, read the documentation. You have multiple issues here, but
they can be taken one at a time. Some are warnings so*may*  be


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Issues packaging software

2015-04-28 Thread Gareth France
All the reading in the world isn't going to change the issues which to 
the best of my ability appear to be correct. The format file in 
debian/source contains:

3.0 (quilt)

Which as far as I can see is correct.

On 28/04/15 09:32, Alan Pope wrote:

Honestly, read the documentation. You have multiple issues here, but
they can be taken one at a time. Some are warnings so*may*  be

I assume that outsourcing the packaging costs. I'm not in the position 
to pay and where I to do so I wouldn't learn anything.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Issues packaging software

2015-04-28 Thread Gareth France
I must apologise that I have limited time to look at this, usually at 
the end of the day when I'm not at my best anyway. I've just performed 
debbuild on it and taken some time to scrutinise the output. It does 
seem to be experiencing some issues, though I'm a bit stumped as to what 
to do next:

dpkg-source: warning: no source format specified in 
debian/source/format, see dpkg-source(1)
dpkg-source: warning: Version number suggests Ubuntu changes, but 
Maintainer: does not have Ubuntu address
dpkg-source: warning: Version number suggests Ubuntu changes, but there 
is no XSBC-Original-Maintainer field

dpkg-source: warning: the diff modifies the following upstream files:
dpkg-gencontrol: warning: Depends field of package cliftontestsuite: 
unknown substitution variable ${shlibs:Depends}
E: cliftontestsuite source: invalid-standards-version 3.9.5, 
libtext-csv-perl, libdevice-serialport-perl, perl

E: cliftontestsuite: section-is-dh_make-template
W: cliftontestsuite: empty-binary-package

On 28/04/15 08:43, Alan Pope wrote:

It's incredibly unprofessional to upload software to any store on any
platform with zero testing. For the ubuntu store this is one of the
reasons it takes so long to get into the store. So many developers
submitting code and packaging that hasn't even been tested results in
wasted time for our people who review submissions and delays for
everyone else.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Issues packaging software

2015-04-28 Thread Gareth France
I'm saying that the guide steps you through packaging one example where 
the work has already been done. Applying that to a fresh project is 
impossible as it skips important steps that you need to know. It is not 
possible for someone who has not done this before to follow the guide! 
No I have no idea how to do that.

On 28/04/15 08:35, Colin Law wrote:

On 28 April 2015 at 08:22, Gareth France  wrote:

If it were clear how to do this then I would most certainly have done so. In
practice I may have or I may have not. I have followed as much of the
process as makes sense.

Please don't top post, thanks.

Are you saying you do not know how to test that the package installs
and runs on a clean install?


On 28/04/15 08:19, Alan Pope wrote:

The idea is that you test the package yourself before submission rather
than use the publishing process for support and QA.

Have you successfully built a Debian package from your config and
installed it on a clean machine or VM. You should do that and confirm
that the files deployed go in the right place and the package follows
the packaging guidelines before uploading it.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Issues packaging software

2015-04-28 Thread Gareth France
If it were clear how to do this then I would most certainly have done 
so. In practice I may have or I may have not. I have followed as much of 
the process as makes sense.

On 28/04/15 08:19, Alan Pope wrote:

The idea is that you test the package yourself before submission rather
than use the publishing process for support and QA.

Have you successfully built a Debian package from your config and
installed it on a clean machine or VM. You should do that and confirm
that the files deployed go in the right place and the package follows
the packaging guidelines before uploading it.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Issues packaging software

2015-04-27 Thread Gareth France
I have just submitted my program. What has been so frustrating for me is 
that I know it is a simple process once you have done it. I'm certain 
I've got it wrong but I should be able to deal with that thanks to 
feedback from the submission process.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Issues packaging software

2015-04-27 Thread Gareth France

When following the guides for submitting it talks you through setting up 
your system, then the content of the various files. Then it steps you 
through downloading, compiling and submitting the hello program. However 
it states that hello uses the autoconf build system, but doesn't tell 
you how to do this without that, or how to go about obtaining and 
setting autoconf up for yourself.

Any suggestions?


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Issues packaging software

2015-04-27 Thread Gareth France
Yes I do mean proprietary. I'm building this software as a product for 
my business, I have chosen to go down the proprietary route and charge 
for the program as if course it does need to make a profit. I am open to 
any suggestions as to how I could monetise my product better in line 
with the ubuntu ethos, something I could work towards and convert to 
later down the line.

I have made a local copy of the packaging guide. I am now going to step 
through it once more and add highlighted comments for every step I take 
and its outcome. Hopefully this will shine a light on where the problems 
are and someone can look at the notes and steer me back on track.

Thanks for the license, I didn't think of looking at Skype. Under my 
nose and so obvious I overlooked it.

On 27/04/15 18:09, Alan Pope wrote:

By "commercial" I wonder if you mean "proprietary"?


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Issues packaging software

2015-04-27 Thread Gareth France

On 27/04/15 13:50, Dave Morley wrote:

You need to read up on creating a debian package.

Having taken a look at those links I can now confirm they are the ones 
causing all my problems. I just don't get along with them.

Could anyone suggest what I am supposed to put for copyright and 
licensing if I'm doing a commercial project?


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Issues packaging software

2015-04-27 Thread Gareth France

On 27/04/15 14:36, Andy Partington wrote:

Documenting is the way forward! I do it to everything I do now, my
memory sucks!!! I just bullet point each procedure I do and expand as
and where necessary after I've worked it out.

I agree with you and have already tried that. I think sometimes the 
problem is that you don't even know what the problem is, so it's hard to 
document. Thinking about it last time I started out by simply uploading 
my script (one perl file on it's own) and got direct feedback from the 
submission. This seemed to be much more targeted and relevant to what I 
was doing, perhaps that's how I was able to get there.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Issues packaging software

2015-04-27 Thread Gareth France

This is a good place to start. I've been through this tutorial,
written by someone else, and it worked. It really clearly steps
through every bit of the process. It's good for QML applications which
are mobile focussed, less good for "legacy" type desktop applications

My program needs to be desktop, it needs to interface with external kit 
via usb.

Also worth looking at simple tools like tkinter or wxPython or to make
graphical Python apps. Building up to other toolkits afterwards.

My program is built in perl at present. Ideally I'd rather not have to 
start from scratch again if I can help it.

Debian packaging is not straightforward. This is one reason why we
developed click and then snappy packaging, which will debut in the
15.10/16.04 timeframe. That makes it very much easier to package up

The click packages interest me. Once fully implemented will it be 
possible to publish command line apps this way?

Well, there's going to have to be some research and learning on your
part too. Just throwing your hands in the air and saying "this is
broken" is somewhat defeatist.

I wouldn't say I'm doing that but there is an issue with being 
experienced and talking to someone who hasn't even started. It is 
difficult to know which of the things you know like the back of your 
hand are just alien to others. For instance the packaging guide mentions 
licenses and uses GPL as an example but doesn't tell you what the other 
options are or where you can go to explore them. It mentions files, 
tells you what to put in them but leaves you unsure of the file name or 

The file structure required for packaging is not mentioned at all and I 
didn't see it talking about compressing the files either, but I know 
that's a must.

When the help files do not help, turning to others and saying it seems 
to be impossible is not just throwing your hands up and being defeatist. 
I know this is possible and I want to do it, my program is about as 
simple as they come so I don't think it's too much to ask that I put it 
to good use.

I have seen campaigns encouraging those with no programming experience 
to code for Ubuntu, so the process needs to be straightforward enough, 
and documented well enough, for such people to do so. At present it's 
not, or I would have managed it with far less effort and aggro than this.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Issues packaging software

2015-04-27 Thread Gareth France

On 27/04/15 13:50, Dave Morley wrote:

If it is a cli tool you can create an application launcher that calls
terminal and then opens the cli app but that is not recommended,
however it is not impossible and takes longer to review.

As for the gui guide follow the many examples on
there is more than just the hello world example, that should help you
get used to programing 1)in the sdk and 2) in a gui format.

There is no way that someone that wrote a guide can sit down and hand
hold someone through the process, however at the bottom of each page
there should be a link to file a bug if you are confused by a step.
Put the details into the bug.

Why would it require a launcher at all if it is cli?

My concern with this whole do a thing, wait for help, do a thing, wait 
for help method is my memory. When I managed to package and submit once 
before I gave up because it took so long that by the time I finished I 
had no idea how I got that far. If I have to send out a bug and wait 
each time the help will probably be meaningless to me by the time it 
arrives. One of the down sides of having to juggle family, work, 
programming etc is that my train of thought is being constantly torn away.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Issues packaging software

2015-04-27 Thread Gareth France

Probably worth starting from the beginning and stopping when it gets
difficult and ask for help at that point.

Ok, load the SDK, open a new project. Now I'm stuck. I just don't get 
any aspect of the concept of graphical programming.
I really do think the only way I'm going to get it is to have some time 
face to face with someone who knows what they are
doing, tutorials are great until you make a wrong move and get an error 
message, then because you can't ask a tutorial

page questions you just get stuck.

I am not following your logic. You can submit free apps to the archive
or a PPA. You can push paid apps to the store.

In an earlier reply someone said the software centre isn't geared up to 
accept non-graphical commercial applications. Sounded a bit weird to me. 
I have managed to package an earlier version of my program before but it 
was slow, painful and I don't seem to be able to replicate it. The 
guidance given by Canonical is missing huge chunks of important information.

I really do think it would be of benefit for whoever maintains that 
guide to step me through this and note where I am having problems 
because it should be so straightforward for a simple program like this.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Issues packaging software

2015-04-27 Thread Gareth France
Alan, I have tried to work out the process of creating a GUI and it's so 
alien from what I know to be programming. The SDK will generate an empty 
package for me but then what??? I've followed the tutorials and ended up 
with something that's almost working and absolutely no understanding of 
how I got there. The task is just too big for me to visualise right now 
so I don't have a clue where to start.

It seems rather unfair that I have a program which adds value to the 
software centre by offering something nobody else does and I can either 
give it away or just not offer it at all. I've put a lot of work into 
making it go specifically so I can publish it in this manner.

On 27/04/15 12:52, Alan Pope wrote:

That's not a commercial app in the store, it's a free software
application packaged up in the standard ubuntu repository.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Issues packaging software

2015-04-27 Thread Gareth France

So how do you explain the likes of get-iplayer?

I would love to develop a gui app but it is physically impossible and 
nobody seems willing to help me with that.

On 27/04/15 11:29, Dave Morley wrote:

On Mon, 27 Apr 2015 11:18:36 +0100
Gareth France  wrote:

I didn't think you could package commercial pay for software that way.

On 27/04/15 09:21, Dave Morley wrote:

If it's just command line I would suggest just using a ppa on

Ah not commercial paid, but the store only supports gui apps
technically and then only for 14.04 now.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Issues packaging software

2015-04-27 Thread Gareth France

I didn't think you could package commercial pay for software that way.

On 27/04/15 09:21, Dave Morley wrote:

If it's just command line I would suggest just using a ppa on launchpad


[ubuntu-uk] Issues packaging software

2015-04-25 Thread Gareth France
I have written some software I would like to publish in Ubuntu. 
Following the official guides I can create their demo program which 
simply prints 'hello world' on the screen. Unsurprisingly I'm looking to 
do much more than that! However the guides miss out a lot of important 
information and just cause more confusion than they solve.

I have done this once before but it was so long winded and required so 
much back tracking and re-submitting over and over that by the time it 
got approved I had forgotten how I'd got there, so gave up.

Is there anyone who could help me get a very simple command line only 
utility submitted to the software centre?

Thanks in advance.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] More phone problems/observations

2015-04-17 Thread Gareth France

Aah, I did my updates the day I got it so that explains why I had no issues.

On 17/04/15 10:48, David King wrote:

Well, I just found out there are lots of updates for Ubuntu Phone, so I
installed those and now the Ubuntu PC recognises the phone when plugged
in -- hooray


On 17/04/15 09:36, David King wrote:

My Ubuntu Phone is not being recognised by my Ubuntu PC again -- even
though it was last week on the same USB cable in the same USB socket
on the PC.

Anyone have any ideas on why this might be?

I have searched online but I am finding very little of anything about
fixing Ubuntu Phone problems.

David King

On 10/04/15 21:45, David King wrote:

I fixed the USB to PC connection issue. I had tried it in Ubuntu
12.04 and Mint, both installed on the same PC, but still no luck with
accessing the phone.

Then I went back into Ubuntu 14.04, and put the phone onto a long USB
cable into the PC instead of the USB hub and now it works -- no idea
why it would not work on the hub when other devices worked okay.

Overall, I am pleased with the Ubuntu Phone -- but today I was out
and using the phone, went online a bit, took some photos, and then it
ran out of power. The battery was fully charged before I went out, so
battery is quite weak. I shall have to buy a new USB portable power
supply -- I had one before but it stopped working.

David K

On 09/04/15 19:29, Gareth France wrote:

Can you try it on another Ubuntu install? Live disc?

On 09/04/15 19:28, David King wrote:

Yes, no problem now adding contacts from received calls.

But still my Ubuntu PC cannot connect to the Ubuntu Phone when
via USB.

David King

On 09/04/15 19:05, Gareth France wrote:

I love the fact going to advanced setting in Dekko just brings up a
message saying 'not implemented'.

It looks like the option to share a URL via messaging is there but
issues with copy and paste are well known and being worked on. I have
just tried it and was able to load the browser, click on the url, the
full url is displayed highlighted. I then hold down on the
address and the option to copy was presented. However I can't see any
way to paste and email it as you say.

Did you figure out adding contacts in the end?


Re: [ubuntu-uk] More phone problems/observations

2015-04-10 Thread Gareth France
The battery is just fine but some changes in the system recently have 
resulted in additional battery drain when the devs weren't happy with it 
in the first place. I assume we will see this aspect improve along with 
all the other issues in the near future.

I'm finding mine is lasting the day just about, I tend to put it on 
charge if I'm in the car though.

On 10/04/15 21:45, David King wrote:

but today I was out and using the phone, went online a bit, took some
photos, and then it ran out of power. The battery was fully charged
before I went out, so battery is quite weak.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] More phone problems/observations

2015-04-09 Thread Gareth France

Can you try it on another Ubuntu install? Live disc?

On 09/04/15 19:28, David King wrote:

Yes, no problem now adding contacts from received calls.

But still my Ubuntu PC cannot connect to the Ubuntu Phone when connected
via USB.

David King

On 09/04/15 19:05, Gareth France wrote:

I love the fact going to advanced setting in Dekko just brings up a
message saying 'not implemented'.

It looks like the option to share a URL via messaging is there but the
issues with copy and paste are well known and being worked on. I have
just tried it and was able to load the browser, click on the url, the
full url is displayed highlighted. I then hold down on the highlighted
address and the option to copy was presented. However I can't see any
way to paste and email it as you say.

Did you figure out adding contacts in the end?

On 09/04/15 18:42, David King wrote:

I am having trouble sending things by email, such as if I see a webpage
I went to email to myself and then view on my PC. I try to select and
copy the URL from the address bar, but although I can highlight the
whole lot at once, there is no option to copy. If I select part of the
URL, then the option to copy appears. So I can only copy it in bits.

Then if I use Dekko, it will not send emails at all. I can paste stuff
into a new email, but when sending it gives an error -- I posted it as a
bug online already.

If I try to use gmail to send an email, when I try to paste into the
email, all I get is a blue box filling the area to enter text with the
word Copy above it, thus giving me only the option to copy and not to

If I want to share a URL from the web browser, the options are so
limited as to be useless -- only by text message or Telegram, there is
not even an option to share via Facebook (using the Facebook app
installed) or by gmail (using the gmail app).

So what is the solution to this? How can I share a URL from my Ubuntu
phone to send to my pc to view it on there later?


Re: [ubuntu-uk] More phone problems/observations

2015-04-09 Thread Gareth France
I love the fact going to advanced setting in Dekko just brings up a 
message saying 'not implemented'.

It looks like the option to share a URL via messaging is there but the 
issues with copy and paste are well known and being worked on. I have 
just tried it and was able to load the browser, click on the url, the 
full url is displayed highlighted. I then hold down on the highlighted 
address and the option to copy was presented. However I can't see any 
way to paste and email it as you say.

Did you figure out adding contacts in the end?

On 09/04/15 18:42, David King wrote:

I am having trouble sending things by email, such as if I see a webpage
I went to email to myself and then view on my PC. I try to select and
copy the URL from the address bar, but although I can highlight the
whole lot at once, there is no option to copy. If I select part of the
URL, then the option to copy appears. So I can only copy it in bits.

Then if I use Dekko, it will not send emails at all. I can paste stuff
into a new email, but when sending it gives an error -- I posted it as a
bug online already.

If I try to use gmail to send an email, when I try to paste into the
email, all I get is a blue box filling the area to enter text with the
word Copy above it, thus giving me only the option to copy and not to paste.

If I want to share a URL from the web browser, the options are so
limited as to be useless -- only by text message or Telegram, there is
not even an option to share via Facebook (using the Facebook app
installed) or by gmail (using the gmail app).

So what is the solution to this? How can I share a URL from my Ubuntu
phone to send to my pc to view it on there later?


Re: [ubuntu-uk] More phone problems/observations

2015-04-08 Thread Gareth France
Ah, I see the problem. First to screenshot hold down both volume up and 
volume down together.

Now, forget scopes. Go to the phone app, as if you are going to manually 
type in a number. Now swipe up from the bottom to obtain the call log. 
Tap the number you want to save and it will load it into the dial pad. 
To the left of the number (at the top of the screen) you will see the 
save icon.

On 08/04/15 22:32, David King wrote:

Okay, let me show you via some screenshots (taken with the camera on my
Android phone as Ubuntu Phone does not seem to have any of its own
screenshot capture)


Re: [ubuntu-uk] More phone problems/observations

2015-04-08 Thread Gareth France

What red button?

On 08/04/15 18:27, David King wrote:

Okay, I finally figured it out. I had to press the red button marked
Call even though I do not want to call the person, I want to add them to
the contacts list -- this needs redesigning as it is unintuitive at present.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] More phone problems/observations

2015-04-08 Thread Gareth France
I am running 14.10 and mine is working perfectly. I connect the phone 
and a nautilus window titled 'unknown device pops up with no entries. 
Unlocking the phone results in two entries popping up, one for the phone 
and one for the SD card. Something wrong with your install perhaps?

On 08/04/15 18:20, David King wrote:

The phone is not locked. Actually I just tried it on my netbook running
Linux Lite OS which is based on Ubuntu 14.04. My PC runs Ubuntu Studio
14.04 but does not see the phone.

In a terminal I typed lsusb with it connected and with it not connected,
and there was one more entry when it was connected but no device info,
so it is recognising that something is connected via USB but Ubuntu on
the PC cannot recognise the Ubuntu Phone -- some sort of problem in
Ubuntu on the PC it seems, as netbook can see it and access its files.

David King

On 08/04/15 18:11, Gareth France wrote:

When you do this is the phone unlocked? If you do not unlock the phone
screen it will not release access to the computer.

On 08/04/15 18:08, David King wrote:

The other main problem I am having is that when I connect the phone to
my Ubuntu PC via USB, the PC does not recognise the phone at all, as if
it were not connected, yet the phone is charging from the cable. An
Android phone on the same cable was recognised perfectly well, as were
ebook readers. So why not the BQ Ubuntu Phone?


Re: [ubuntu-uk] More phone problems/observations

2015-04-08 Thread Gareth France

Not the number, to the left of the number is an icon of a person with a +

On 08/04/15 18:14, David King wrote:

I had already tried that, but touching the number does nothing.

On 08/04/15 18:07, Gareth France wrote:

When you click on the number in the received calls list it loads it
into the dialer screen. On the left of the number is a + icon to add it.

On 08/04/15 17:30, David King wrote:

When I receive a phonecall from someone not in my contacts list, how can
I easily add that number to the contacts -- I see no options at all when
looking at received calls other than info relating to the call. It needs
to have the option to add a caller to a contact, either an existing one
or create a new one.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] More phone problems/observations

2015-04-08 Thread Gareth France
When you do this is the phone unlocked? If you do not unlock the phone 
screen it will not release access to the computer.

On 08/04/15 18:08, David King wrote:

The other main problem I am having is that when I connect the phone to
my Ubuntu PC via USB, the PC does not recognise the phone at all, as if
it were not connected, yet the phone is charging from the cable. An
Android phone on the same cable was recognised perfectly well, as were
ebook readers. So why not the BQ Ubuntu Phone?


Re: [ubuntu-uk] More phone problems/observations

2015-04-08 Thread Gareth France
When you click on the number in the received calls list it loads it into 
the dialer screen. On the left of the number is a + icon to add it.

On 08/04/15 17:30, David King wrote:

When I receive a phonecall from someone not in my contacts list, how can
I easily add that number to the contacts -- I see no options at all when
looking at received calls other than info relating to the call. It needs
to have the option to add a caller to a contact, either an existing one
or create a new one.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Further Ubuntu phone observations

2015-03-28 Thread Gareth France

Does anyone know what the thinking was behind the launcher on the 
desktop starting at the top of the screen and running down and the 
phone's starting at the bottom and running up?


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Further Ubuntu phone observations

2015-03-28 Thread Gareth France
Mine seems to last the day for the most part. With all the bells and 
whistles turned on it just about lasts until I go to bed and is charge 
by the time I wake so no complaints here.

Watch those cutters though. I destroyed my sim and had to order another. 
It cut out of alignment so I ended up having to shave it down and hold 
it in place in my old phone using tape until a new one could be ordered.

On 28/03/15 10:55, David King wrote:

Has anyone else experienced the BQ Ubuntu phone charging slowly? It
seems to take longer than my Android phone to charge up and too quickly
it is running down the battery at times, and I have not used it much
yet. Not even put a SIM card in yet (waiting for a cutter to cut my SIM
card down to micro size).

David King


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Further Ubuntu phone observations

2015-03-28 Thread Gareth France
Copy and past seems to be hit and miss. I saw the terminal command to 
enable tethering on the phone and wanted to keep a note of that so I 
copied it and then couldn't paste it into the note taking app. I had to 
settle for making it a task instead.

On 27/03/15 23:08, David King wrote:

So has anyone yet managed to do a copy and paste on an Ubuntu Phone? I
cannot find a way to do this.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Further Ubuntu phone observations

2015-03-25 Thread Gareth France
Thanks for that Alan, worked a treat! I'm very glad to see that all the 
issues I have experienced seem to already be listed. Roll on next update!

On 25/03/15 10:51, Alan Bell wrote:

you will need to be a member of a group that has access to the pad, the
ubuntu-uk group has access, as does so click the join button there
and someone will approve you within a couple of minutes (it is a basic,
but functional spam prevention system)



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Further Ubuntu phone observations

2015-03-25 Thread Gareth France

5 minutes and no joy. Long enough?

On 25/03/15 11:09, Alan Pope wrote:

On 25 March 2015 at 10:49, Gareth France  wrote:

Ok, now I've discovered the perils of a non-removable battery. The phone app
crashed again so I rebooted. Now I have a blank screen with backlight on and
can't turn the phone off!

Hold down the power button for longer than you think you need to. If
it doesn't reboot then you didn't hold it long enough.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Further Ubuntu phone observations

2015-03-25 Thread Gareth France

No, it won't let me in. What do you mean exactly by login via ubuntu one?

On 25/03/15 10:48, Jon Spriggs wrote:

So, you need to login (via Ubuntu One) to contribute to the pad, but
once you're in, that's it, you're in :)

Give it another shot and see if it works for you now.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Further Ubuntu phone observations

2015-03-25 Thread Gareth France
Ok, now I've discovered the perils of a non-removable battery. The phone 
app crashed again so I rebooted. Now I have a blank screen with 
backlight on and can't turn the phone off!

I'll give it a go, fingers crossed!

On 25/03/15 10:48, Jon Spriggs wrote:

I think the Ubuntu One login system has been a little flakey today -
I've certainly had problems. So, you need to login (via Ubuntu One) to
contribute to the pad, but once you're in, that's it, you're in :)

Give it another shot and see if it works for you now.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Further Ubuntu phone observations

2015-03-25 Thread Gareth France
I have tried accessing this and get this response. Has it not been fully 
set up yet?

OpenID Authentication Required

Authorization is required to access
Either you have not been granted access to this resource or your 
entitlement has timed out. Please try again.
You are currently logged in as 

On 25/03/15 09:09, Gareth France wrote:

I asked the same question of Alan Pope yesterday. We're putting together
something on which covers where to report
bugs, what bugs are known about, what is outstanding on being logged, etc.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Further Ubuntu phone observations

2015-03-25 Thread Gareth France
I already do think it is pretty awesome, we all knew the state it would 
be in before we signed up. I have every faith in Canonical to get things 
straightened out. After all this is the first time a big batch of them 
has been released like this so I bet the potential for usage stats and 
bug reporting has gone through the roof!

One other thing I noticed is that using my old android phone the sat nav 
was able to grab control of the screen so that it can't blank or lock 
itself whilst in use. Yesterday I was driving through those horrid 
average speed camera areas and wanted to see an accurate speed as I was 
in a hurry and wanted to keep my foot down as much as possible. I 
downloaded a speedometer which worked brilliantly for 30 whole seconds 
before the screen went dark. I can't find any way of changing that so 
either I've missed something, the app developer hasn't made use of this 
feature behind the scenes or this is a feature which should be requested.

Great to hear that I can feedback as I'm sure there will be lots more 
like this in the coming months.

On 25/03/15 08:42, Jon Spriggs wrote:

Hi Gareth,

I asked the same question of Alan Pope yesterday. We're putting together
something on which covers where to report
bugs, what bugs are known about, what is outstanding on being logged, etc.

Please feel free to contribute. Like you, I've got some niggles with the
phone (I'm using it sim-free via wifi at the mo), but I really want to
see some awesomeness here :)

All the best,

Jon "The Nice Guy" Spriggs

On 24 March 2015 at 19:21, Gareth France>> wrote:

Having spent my first whole day with the phone today I have to say
it has been a real mixed experience. It feels like I could really
get to like the interface but it is currently suffering from a few
show stoppers (as you would expect right now).

I have spent the whole day on the move today and the nearby scope
offered up some interesting content on the motorway. Unfortunately
the first time I tried to use it, it disappeared and hasn't been
seen since. For most of the day the scopes were virtually blank, the
facebook app loaded essentially a facebook skeleton and the software
centre wouldn't display anything until you did a search. My sneaking
suspicion is that my 3g connection is simply too weedy when on the
move as all of this content returned as soon as I got back home and
on the wifi.

The handset froze a couple of times today, once it left me unable to
make a call for over 5 minutes and the second time it let me answer
the phone but didn't let me hear the other person, then the other
way round and only on the third time did it work. Hopefully this one
will get identified and patched in an update.

The bluetooth partially gave up on me yesterday and today wouldn't
let me make voice calls either. I gave up and just used a lead
instead. It should be noted that this is on a par with my
experiences of using bluetooth on android, it just seems to have an
attitude problem whatever your setup.

On the whole I love the phone and I'm looking forward to seeing the
software mature and develop over time. Could anyone tell me is there
somewhere I can report issues that crop up or should the phone be
passing all the crucial info automatically?

-- <>
<> <>


[ubuntu-uk] Further Ubuntu phone observations

2015-03-24 Thread Gareth France
Having spent my first whole day with the phone today I have to say it 
has been a real mixed experience. It feels like I could really get to 
like the interface but it is currently suffering from a few show 
stoppers (as you would expect right now).

I have spent the whole day on the move today and the nearby scope 
offered up some interesting content on the motorway. Unfortunately the 
first time I tried to use it, it disappeared and hasn't been seen since. 
For most of the day the scopes were virtually blank, the facebook app 
loaded essentially a facebook skeleton and the software centre wouldn't 
display anything until you did a search. My sneaking suspicion is that 
my 3g connection is simply too weedy when on the move as all of this 
content returned as soon as I got back home and on the wifi.

The handset froze a couple of times today, once it left me unable to 
make a call for over 5 minutes and the second time it let me answer the 
phone but didn't let me hear the other person, then the other way round 
and only on the third time did it work. Hopefully this one will get 
identified and patched in an update.

The bluetooth partially gave up on me yesterday and today wouldn't  let 
me make voice calls either. I gave up and just used a lead instead. It 
should be noted that this is on a par with my experiences of using 
bluetooth on android, it just seems to have an attitude problem whatever 
your setup.

On the whole I love the phone and I'm looking forward to seeing the 
software mature and develop over time. Could anyone tell me is there 
somewhere I can report issues that crop up or should the phone be 
passing all the crucial info automatically?


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu phone issues not good for Ubuntu reputation

2015-03-23 Thread Gareth France

Having said that I've had it since about 2pm and I've broken it already!
Looking at the scopes there is a star icon at the top right, it took several
clicks before I realised it was removing my scope screens (nearby, weather
etc). I don't have the manual with me so does anyone know how to put them

Swipe up from the bottom.

Of course! Bloody obvious now you say it!

I've not tried bluetooth like that as I don't have such a fancy car stereo ;)

I only use bluetooth for listening to music via a speaker.


Funnily enough that's the thing I'm having the most trouble with. My 
stereo connects for both music and phone calls. The calls it seems to 
periodically get bored and disconnect, refusing to connect up again 
until my next journey and the music only worked the first time, now the 
connection is missing.

Though to be fair I've never found a phone or bluetooth stereo which 
actually do play nicely together.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu phone issues not good for Ubuntu reputation

2015-03-23 Thread Gareth France
Buying this phone is a big leap of faith, the hardware is pretty 
immaterial and we trust that the software will be developed and taken 
seriously enough to become fully featured in time. I think it's an 
amazing start.

Having said that I've had it since about 2pm and I've broken it already! 
Looking at the scopes there is a star icon at the top right, it took 
several clicks before I realised it was removing my scope screens 
(nearby, weather etc). I don't have the manual with me so does anyone 
know how to put them back?

The bluetooth connection to my car stereo seems to be irratic so far but 
I'll keep an eye on that and just now the phone froze when I tried to 
answer it and it took over 60 seconds before it would let me unlock to 
call them back! Then I must have had about 20 failed calls before it 
would actually make the call. Teething problems I suppose. I'm going to 
do the updates now, maybe that will sort it.

On 23/03/15 17:33, Alan Bell wrote:

It is a bit of an odd launch, but I have fairly low expectations. We
were in the first batch but don't have handsets yet, probably confused
them by ordering two rather than one so they will have to think about
how to package it. I am trying hard not to compare it with any kind of
Apple launch and I have never really observed any android device launch,
I just go to the shop and buy one if I want one. I think we just don't
see distance selling product launches and our expectations are formed by
Apple stuff and Amazon pre-orders for books and DVDs where the order
turns up in the post on the launch date. If you think of it as a month
of occasional pre-orders for an launch date of today(ish) then it
suddenly seems massively more reasonable - they just called what was
actually the start of pre-orders the "launch date".

I think the problem for me is that whilst I had very low expectations
around logistics, I had higher expectations of what I can do on the
platform with web apps. The web app API documentation has been pulled
(API and Cookbook links on and that
whole chunk of platform integration functionality is deprecated/missing
for remote web apps and reserved for locally installed HTML5
applications, which wasn't really what I was expecting so I am trying to
drag my expectations down to the new reality.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu phone issues not good for Ubuntu reputation

2015-03-23 Thread Gareth France
Paul, I think you have missed my point. It is about customer service 
standards. If you promise something, you deliver. Regardless of how much 
or little the value.

Also I stopped working on the PAT testing data files at the same time 
you stopped replying to my emails. There seemed no point.

On 23/03/15 16:30, Paul Sladen wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Mon, 23 Mar 2015, Gareth France wrote:

Lets assume that every minute of replying takes away from potential
debugging/improvement time on Ubuntu and the Ubuntu Phone;
Oh well, I guess it's important.

Is it just me or have Canonical chosen

...a manufacturer to help get a small number of devices out there,
to beta the Ubuntu Phone in public and ensure that developers have
some real hardware to develop apps on?  Yes that looks like the case.

someone mentioned that the free case

Oh, my, cases:  I appreciate that the unexpected freebie, that
wasn't originally expected, has now unexpected not turned up.  As far
as I can see there isn't any stock to unexpectedly send one out:

   Duo Case Ubuntu Edition: "Availability: Out of stock"

as only the first buyers

Based on the numbers apparently sold in the first *minutes* I'm
unsurprised that an order placed an hour later wasn't the first.

So even if somebody wanted to mail out an extra unexpected freebie
case, it's going to likely mean scheduling a batch run, then setting
up the injection moulding machines, running a batch, shipping them
halfway around the world, and posting out again.

I'm sure when 3D printers rule the world such real world logistics
caused by the annoying limitations of physics might be avoidable.
Why not take it as a challenge and make/adapt one!  We'll all be
waiting six weeks for spools of nylon and binding resin to arrive

The date was confirmed as within the first fortnight of March.

What we need is Amazon-designed Supersonic fusion-powered delivery
drones that can delivery from one side of the planet to everyone's
front door in under three minutes while ensuring that acceleration and
decceleration G values remain within specification at all times and
the packaging doesn't get scratched.  For no more than a fiver.

Sans case!!

Imagine the camity if a case had arrived without a device. There'd
be nowhere to insert the SIM! (At least it wouldn't need charging up).

These guys could not organise a piss up in a brewery!

So "these guys" took an order, processed, made some hardware on the
other side of the world, sealed it, shipped halfway around the world
to your doorstep, complete with a cute box, and software, and in *a
month*. Seems truely amazing for a product that didn't exist before.

And yet, *three months on* a person called Paul is still waiting for a
person called Gareth to run and email a bunch of test results that
would take about 15 minutes to run.  And all so that the person called
called Paul could have the personal privilege of spending a few more
hours reverse-engineering embedded file-formats, for the benefit of
the person called Gareth.

further development of the app selection,

...If only there was a plan in place to get a select few of these
devices out to the developers who *really need them to make apps*?

we all knew that before it was announced didn't we?

One would hope so.


I've been more than a little sarcastic, I hope it invokes some
thinking about priorities and motiviations.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu phone issues not good for Ubuntu reputation

2015-03-23 Thread Gareth France

On 23/03/15 16:03, Tony Pursell wrote:

I'm getting quite used to it now, and I only got it this morning.

I have literally only had it for about an hour. I'll get there


are a lot of things missing that my Android phone (a Motorola MOTO G)
has got.  But I was pleased to get synchronisation with my Google
contacts, for instance.  HERE is nothing like Google Maps,
unfortunately.  I can't even tell it where my home is, let alone plan
journeys.  The Near By scope tells me where my nearest bus stop is, but
I know that (I can see it from my window), but HERE doesn't show it on
the map.

I'm pretty sure the idea is that you may  want to know about a nearby 
bus stop if you were miles away from home in a place you had never been 

Fortunately for Ubuntu, my expectations were not all that high for the
phone.  I hope it will improve, though.

What are we on now? V2? early days yet and what is there seems to work well.

I think its is unfair of you to say "have Canonical chosen a bunch of
cowboys...".  Nobody seems to realise that its the 'cowboys' who are
choosing Ubuntu, not the other way round, and we should be thanking
them.  Ubuntu will only get shipped by the phone providers that choose
it.  Something that all those people in the USA, Canada, Indonesia,
India, etc, that are asking when they will get an Ubuntu phone, don't

Point taken but BQ could learn a lot about customer service I think.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu phone issues not good for Ubuntu reputation

2015-03-23 Thread Gareth France
Yes, I am aware of this, yet I can't break the android habit of 
expecting to push a button and have them listed like a start menu or the 
dash. Habit I guess.

On 23/03/15 15:28, Tony Pursell wrote:

Apps are in the Apps scope


[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu phone issues not good for Ubuntu reputation

2015-03-23 Thread Gareth France
Is it just me or have Canonical chosen a bunch of cowboys to ship the 
first phone? After the initial server issues causing problems for buyers 
I managed to lay my hands on one.

Shortly after someone mentioned that the free case being offered to 
early adopters did not show on their invoice and so they would not be 
getting it. I contacted them right away to check mine and was told that 
I would not be getting one as only the first buyers of the day would. I 
had to stand my ground and explain that after pressing refresh over and 
over for 1 hour + I could only have been one of the first buyers. They 
confirmed that indeed yes I would be getting the case. The date was 
confirmed as within the first fortnight of March.

Having heard nothing I contacted them a few days ago to be told that it 
would not be shipping for a while yet, no date given. Today I contacted 
again as my 1990s style backup phone is driving me insane and was told 
that some have shipped but mine is not one of them, I would be emailed 
when it was sent. Fair enough except I arrived home to find it waiting 
for me! Sans case!!

Contacting them again to complain they still insist it will be sent out 
later this week (the phone, with the case). Seriously? These guys could 
not organise a piss up in a brewery!

Having said that, thoughts on the phone. At first it did absolutely 
nothing, just blank screens when I try to add my online accounts. Turns 
out my 3G 'Mifi' was being overloaded by the update automatically 

If I had one thing on my wish list right now it would be either the 
ability to record your own ring tones from mp3 etc or defaults which 
were less hippy dippy or wind chimey. Oh and it really needs a sat nav 
app, as there is no dedicated turn by turn mapping program on there.

It is taking a bit of getting used to the idea of a phone without a 
dedicated apps menu, for some reason I keep feeling the need to swipe 
for the taskbar and I'm trying to open the dash 'a la desktop'. But no 
doubt this will pass.

All in all it looks great and the only thing is really needs is further 
development of the app selection, but then we all knew that before it 
was announced didn't we?


Re: [ubuntu-uk] SOT - What phone do you use?

2015-03-06 Thread Gareth France
Ubuntu phone once it arrives, because it's the first time I've ever been 
able to afford to be at the front of the trend!

On 06/03/15 09:10, Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:

Hi all,
Just trying to get a straw poll of what phones people use here and




Re: [ubuntu-uk] Exposure

2015-02-15 Thread Gareth France


On 15/02/15 12:57, Sheila Farmer wrote:

Hi ,
My name is Sheila Farmer, I am a friend of the Professor Mike and his
machine, I have cured malignant brain cancer, my book is soon to be
serialised in the National Tabloids, called Blue Rooms , Your party is
mentioned in it, you will get extreme exposure from it.  The content of
the book was censored but I have found a way around it.  If you would
like to talk to me let me know.
Thanks Sheila Farmer.  Michael Tellinger for president.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Corporation tax submission issues

2015-01-29 Thread Gareth France
I was being given the number for some online help department. I can only 
repeat what I was told.

On 29/01/15 12:32, Stuart Ward wrote:

On 29 January 2015 at 11:28, Gareth France>>

Already been there. The numbers they list just give me an 0845 that
isn't listed there and say they can't help.

Lists only a 0300 number and also has a geographic +44151 number

  Corporation Tax: general enquiries

*Beta* This part of GOV.UK <http://GOV.UK> is being rebuilt – find out
what this means <>


  * Telephone: 0300 200 3410
  * Outside UK: +44 151 268 0571

-- Stuart Ward M +44 7782325143


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