Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LMS very unresponsive after upgrade from 7.9.1 to 7.9.2

2021-02-22 Thread erland

drmatt wrote: 
> What surprises me is just that one plugin is able to lock the whole
> server. I didn't expect that to be the case, I thought LMS ran
> multi-threaded and individual plugins wouldn't be able to be so evil.

Unfortunately it’s single threaded so it’s very easy for a plugin to
accidentally lock the server. The plugin APIs related to scanning is a
bit better today compared to when TrackStat was developed to decrease
the risk of this happening during scanning. Scanning is the only thing
that runs as a separate process to avoid the risk of locking the whole
server. However, the scanning APIs would unlikely help with the
TrackStat issues since people would be equally tired of a scanning
process that takes several hours to complete.

The easy solution is to uninstall plugins that cause these kind of
issues, especially unsupported plugins like TrackStat that’s unlikely to
be fixed. For people interested in rating support there is a new Ratings
Light plugin that’s actively supported and don’t have these kind of
issues. Might be worth to encourage the developer of that to add
features necessary to be able to replace TrackStat.

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
*Starting with LMS 8.0 I no longer support my plugins/applets* ('see
here for more information'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LMS very unresponsive after upgrade from 7.9.1 to 7.9.2

2021-02-22 Thread erland

drmatt wrote: 
> Well I can tell you it's not doing system calls while it's hung, it's
> purely spinning in user code:
> # strace -fp 24410
> strace: Process 24410 attached
> [..tens of seconds elapse..]
> ^Cstrace: Process 24410 detached

If it’s related to the TrackStat plugin it hangs in an SQL statement
executing in the SQLite database code. 

Skickat från min iPad med Tapatalk

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
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here for more information'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LMS very unresponsive after upgrade from 7.9.1 to 7.9.2

2020-12-24 Thread erland

CypherMK wrote: 
> So as long as I don't move stuff around, it's ok? 
I think so but it’s about 10 years since I wrote this code so I might
have forgotten about some situation.

CypherMK wrote: 
>  Is there a way to make this scan to be triggered by CLI or maybe a http
> request? So I can run this at night. My system hangs for 3.5 hours.
There is no way to trigger the refresh specifically via CLI.

If the “Rescan refresh” option is enabled and the “Startup refresh”
option is disabled it will only run after LMS performs a rescan and this
might solve the problem as long as you don’t perform rescans when you
are about to use the system. Could be complicated though because you
probably want to listen to new music immediately after you have ripped a
newly purchased CD. I also believe LMS performes rescans automatically
of a subset of the library in some situations.

The other option is to disable ”Rescan refresh” and instead enable
“Startup refresh”. This might work if LMS and its computer is always
running and you don’t need to use LMS immediately after you have
restarted LMS or the computer running LMS. Could obviously cause issues
after upgrading LMS since LMS might seem to hang after upgrading.

Disabling only the “Enable musicbrainz tags” option can also help in
some setups since the musicbrainz handling part in the refresh operation
might be the cause to the problem. You should be able to see in the
server.log which part of the refresh operation that takes most time.

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
Developer of 'many plugins/applets'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LMS very unresponsive after upgrade from 7.9.1 to 7.9.2

2020-12-02 Thread erland

GoodVibrations wrote: 
> OK workaround.
> But I guess you'll have an unresponsive system as soon as you scan for a
> new album.
There are two options in TrackStat for its refresh operation, one for
refresh at startup and one for refresh after rescan, if you disable both
in TrackStat settings page you should not have the problem that LMS
hangs. The side effect of disabling them is that you will loose some of
the smart logic in TrackStat, primarily related to not loosing data if
you rename or move music files. If you don’t rename/move music files you
are probably fine with having both these options disabled.

GoodVibrations wrote: 
> I don't think a solution is on the horizon.
> Just a few weeks ago, Erland offered to let another take over the
> maintenance of his plugins. So he clearly has no time himself. Don't
> know if he even uses LMS anymore?
> So, I'm still on 7.9.1. :-)
I use LMS 7.8.0, unfortunately my current setup can’t run any later LMS
version. Haven’t updated the Ubuntu OS for a long time and the old
Ubuntu version I’m using breaks newer LMS versions. Unfortunately my
spare time is a bit limited at the moment so I will likely not have the
time to look into this in more detail in the foreseeable future.

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
Developer of 'many plugins/applets'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeeze on Arch - developer version

2014-08-03 Thread erland

Krisbee wrote: 
 This leaves the question of  running a SAMBA server.  I believe we only
 need to share locally attached storage.  As soa-aur on Arch has no
 normal user, just root and system user jivelite,  you could expose
 everything under “/mnt/local/” with  a samba config that has “security =
 user” and “guest account = root”.   This would make all local data
 available as a public share fully rw.   That may not be restrictive
 enough for some users.  It should also be possible enabel/disable any
 SAMBA server via the soa-webUI.
The general issue we need to think about when starting to attach a local
storage is that normal people will do stupid things. As an example,
they will disconnect a drive without power off the Wandboard, since
there isn't any power button to use to power off the Wandboard. Don't
expect normal people to know that you need to go into a web interface
with a web browser and select to shutdown the device before you can
remove a drive. The advantage of making it a bit complicated is that the
only people that will use it are people that hopefully know what they
are doing and understand that they need to shutdown the Wandboard before
disconnecting the drive.

It's of course possible to ignore all this, but be prepared that people
who get a corrupt file system because they remove the drive in the wrong
situation are going to complain, especially when it contained the only
copy of their music library because they didn't have a proper backup.

Access to remote storage is good and even recommended, but I agree that
there isn't any need to be able to share it via SAMBA since it's already
shared by the remote device that contains the drive.

Offering a preconfigured SAMBA server has the advantage that there is a
chance people connect the drive permanently instead of disconnecting it
every time they need to add new music. So I think it's a good idea to
also offer a preconfigured/preinstalled SAMBA server if we automatically
mount locally attached drives.

An alternative to all this is to make sure the automatic mounting only
mounts drives as read-only, so there is less risk that the file system
get corrupt if the drive is abruptly disconnected, but in this case it
does not make sense to offer a SAMBA server since you wouldn't be able
to use it to upload new music anyway.

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets (both free and commercial)'
If you like to encourage future presence on this forum and/or third
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeeze on Arch - developer version

2014-08-03 Thread erland

Krisbee wrote: 
 I don't disagree with any of this, but just to be clear when I talked
 about -As soa-aur on Arch has no normal user- I was referring to user
 accounts on the system and not the physical user. 
Yes I understood that, my comment was more a general comment about
having externally connected local storage than a specific comment to
your previous post.

Krisbee wrote: 
 If the most likely from of local storage on a Wandboard is one, or more,
 USB devices, how do you instill the discipline of the correct procedure
 for connecting and disconnecting such devices, and overcome the
 disadvantage of having no power button?
I wonder how hot plug based NAS boxes handles it ?
Would it be possible to do something similar to those ?
Or does that rely on specific hardware which is able to give the right
trigger to the OS ?

Krisbee wrote: 
 There is currently no automatic mounting of locally attached storage.
Feels like it would make sense to at least mount them automatically in
readonly mode ?
Just to make it easier for a non technical user who just want to attach
a local storage ?

I haven't really kept up with the latest goals of the Squeeze on Arch
software, is the goal to create a player or is the goal also to create a
LMS server ?
If the goal is just to create a player it feels like the focus should be
primarily on player related configuration and then mounting of local
storage can safely be a bit more technical, but if the goal is also to
create a LMS server it feels more important to handle these matters in a
more user friendly way.

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets (both free and commercial)'
If you like to encourage future presence on this forum and/or third
party plugin/applet development, 'consider purchasing some plugins'

*Interested in the future of music streaming ? 'ickStream -  A world of
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeeze on Arch - developer version

2014-07-05 Thread erland

I'm just going to ask here in case someone has a good idea.

The only computers I have with SD card readers are based on OSX and OSX
can't format/read ext4 as far as I know.

So is there a good way to install Arch or more specifically Squeeze on
Arch on a SD card using an OSX setup ?

I can get around it, because I do have a Wandboard and several SD cards
and I can probably also use a Linux based VirtualBox guest to make a
ext4 based image file of latest Arch distribution, but it just feels
like there must be an easier way which I've missed ?

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets (both free and commercial)'
If you like to encourage future presence on this forum and/or third
party plugin/applet development, 'consider purchasing some plugins'

*Interested in the future of music streaming ? 'ickStream -  A world of
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeeze on Arch - developer version

2014-07-05 Thread erland

erland wrote: 
 I'm just going to ask here in case someone has a good idea.
 The only computers I have with SD card readers are based on OSX and OSX
 can't format/read ext4 as far as I know.
 So is there a good way to install Arch or more specifically Squeeze on
 Arch on a SD card using an OSX setup ?
Not sure if this helps anyone, but I thought I'd post it so I at least
have the instructions somewhere the next time I need to do this myself.
I successfully created a normal image file which can be written to a SD
card from Windows or OSX as follows:

1. Install VirtualBox on Windows/OSX and create a new virtual machine
which you install Ubuntu 14.04 in.

2. Follow the following to create an image file
This is for a Wandboard Dual, you need to use different distribution
tar.gz file and different u-boot imx file for other platforms.
It's probably possible to make a smaller image and then resize the
partition afterwards.


  # The following instructions was taken from:
  # Make sure we have at least 16GB free space in /media/somedir
  # Install kpartx
  sudo apt-get install kpartx
  # Create an empty image file (using 16 GB didn't work because my SD card was 
slightly smaller than 16GB)
  sudo fallocate -l 15G /media/somedir/archlinux.img
  # Create a partition in the image file and make it bootable
  sudo fdisk /media/somedir/archlinux.img
  1. o: Create an empty DOS partition table
  2. n, p, 1, 8192: Create a primary particion starting at block 8192
  3. a, 1: Make primary partition bootable
  4. w: Write table to disk
  # Mount image as /dev/loop0
  sudo losetup -f --show /media/somedir/archlinux.img
  sudo kpartx -a /dev/loop0
  # Format primary partition in the mounted image
  sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/loop0p1
  # Mount first partition in /media/somedir/tmp
  sudo mkdir /media/somedir/tmp
  sudo mount /dev/mapper/loop0p1 /media/somedir/tmp
  # Retrieve and extract Arch distribution in the mounted directory
  tar -xf ArchLinuxARM-wand-latest.tar.gz -C /media/somedir/tmp
  sudo sync
  sudo umount /media/somedir/tmp
  # Retrieve and write u-boot to the image
  sudo dd if=u-boot-dual.imx of=/dev/loop0 bs=512 seek=2
  sudo sync
  # Unmount image
  sudo kpartx -d /dev/loop0
  sudo losetup -d /dev/loop0
  # We now have a normal image file in /media/somedir/archlinux.img which we 
can copy to the OSX/Windows computer and write to a SD card in the normal way.

3. Write archlinux.img to your SD card using your normal Windows/OSX

4. Insert SD card in Wandboard and let it boot and login via ssh with
root/root and run following receive updates to the U-Boot bootloader:
pacman -Sy uboot-wandboard-dual

5. Follow SqueezeOnArch installation instructions according to the file:

The whole process would be a lot easier for Windows/OSX user if step 1
and 2 in the above instruction could be made once by someone and then
redistributed. However, I'm not sure if it was this kind of distribution
of complete images that brought the CommunitySqueeze project down, so I
don't want to do it myself until someone with deeper knowledge has
ensured me there isn't some kind of legal problem to distribute complete
images which I haven't realised yet.

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets (both free and commercial)'
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeeze on Arch - developer version

2014-07-05 Thread erland

Triode wrote: 
 If you can stand the two stage process of booting the wandboard into
 another distro and then using the create-sdcard script I think it is
 reasonably user friendly (it also enables a couple of things which a
 straight arch install won't do such as enable ntp and set the number of
 cpus for makepkg)
I guess this only works as long as we are using the standard carrier
board ?
If we ever switch to use John's DAC board we don't have the extra SD
card slot ? Or did John's DAC board also contain an extra SD card slot

The general obstacle for me is that I have the Wandboard in the case, so
every time I need to re-write the image I have to unscrew the case to
get access to the SD card slot. 

Is the image only needed once and after that I can upgrade everything to
latest version through ssh (or even better to update through a web
interface) ?
Or is there something that can't be upgraded via ssh so I often have to
re-create a new image ?

Triode wrote: 
 My current thoughts are to make jivelite, lms and wandboard kernel
 optional installs which are controlled from the web ui.  This should
 mean that people don't need to ssh to the device to install them.  
Sounds good.

Triode wrote: 
 I'm still thinking about whether we should do a binary repo for the soa
 specific components and whether we can make the original install
Do you mean so they can just be installed instead of compiling them on
the Wandboard as the and scripts
currently do ?
So it would speed-up the installation process ?
Or are there other advantages than just to speed up the installation ?

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets (both free and commercial)'
If you like to encourage future presence on this forum and/or third
party plugin/applet development, 'consider purchasing some plugins'

*Interested in the future of music streaming ? 'ickStream -  A world of
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeeze on Arch - developer version

2014-07-05 Thread erland

Triode wrote: 
 My wandboards are not in a case so I haven't seen this problem :) - but
 you need to unscrew the case to get at the cd sd card anyway..
The obstacle in my case might be more related to having to keep track of
two SD cards, I should probably start writing something on them to make
it easier to remember what I have on them, or just keep them in the two
SD card slots and switch when I need to upgrade to a new main image.

The need to unscrew the case has always been the main limitation for me
to upgrade CommunitySqueeze, so I think if you want normal users ( not
that I'm normal :-) ) to upgrade regularly you really need some kind of
Upgrade button in the web interface to make it easy to upgrade to
latest version, kind of similar to how Plugins tab in LMS works. I know
I could upgrade Community Squeeze via ssh, it's just that it's hard to
remember from time to time exactly which command to run when you are
normally using a different OS or Linux distribution.

Triode wrote: 
 There's no real advantage other than faster install - however if we only
 do for the binaries we own then it probably doesn't help with the long
 to build lms and kernel.  For the moment my aim will be to make the
 installation of these driven from the web ui.
For LMS I think you need some kind of progress indication if you do it
from the web GUI, because for an operation which takes an hour people
are going to start wondering if it has hanged if there isn't some kind
of progress indication that indicates that it's still doing stuff. If
you build Logitech's binaries you can also build your own in my opinion.

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets (both free and commercial)'
If you like to encourage future presence on this forum and/or third
party plugin/applet development, 'consider purchasing some plugins'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-31 Thread erland

SamS wrote: 
 Even a 2-3 sentence summary of where things stand for both hardware and
 software would be MUCH appreciated.
Software path 1:

Software path 2:

No idea regarding hardware.

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets (both free and commercial)'
If you like to encourage future presence on this forum and/or third
party plugin/applet development, 'consider purchasing some plugins'

*Interested in the future of music streaming ? 'ickStream -  A world of
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-27 Thread erland

JackOfAll wrote: 
 Contact Erland first and ask him if it is OK to borrow clauses 5 and 6
 from the ickStream NDA agreement. (Which you already have, because I
 know you are a BETA tester.)
Clive this is not directed to you, I'm just quoting your post to make it
easier for people to find your original post, hope that's ok.

First of all, to avoid possible confusion or conspiracy theories, I just
want to be very clear that ickStream has nothing to do with CSOS project
nor anything that has happened to Clive personally. We were looking
forward to see a community player compatible with the Squeezebox
infrastructure and like everyone else around here we all feel very sad
about the current situation both in the project and for Clive

I think the reference to ickStream NDA was just used as an example of a
typical NDA.
I'm no legal expert and due to this I do NOT recommend anyone to use
text from the ickStream NDA.

If someone really wants to distribute images in private, I'd recommend
using the Warranty and Limitation of liability texts from one of the
available open source licenses. Just make sure you read it and
understand it before you use it and understand that if you are using it
the wrong way it can potentially cause problems both for yourself, your
relatives and people who have previously been involved in CSOS project.
The last part from the 3-clause BSD license looks reasonably simple to
me but since I'm not a legal expert I can't promise it will give anyone
the necessary protection.

For reference, even if I would like to make people happy I would
personally not dare to distribute any images at the moment, the risk of
causing problems for myself, my relatives or anyone who have been
involved in the CSOS project is just too large when I don't understand
what this is all about. I would be willing to share it to a close friend
who I know and thrust but not with someone I don't know.

Clive, if you feel I'm making this sound too scary, please feel free to
correct me.

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets (both free and commercial)'
If you like to encourage future presence on this forum and/or third
party plugin/applet development, 'consider purchasing some plugins'

*Interested in the future of music streaming ? 'ickStream -  A world of
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-26 Thread erland

JackOfAll wrote: 
 It's been 3 weeks. How long do you suppose everyone should wait? 
Well, Triode has been around here a long time and as long as I can
remember he have been very fair to everyone and he have contributed a
lot both through forum discussions, his own plugins but also by helping
other developers and providing changes in the LMS core which we can all
benefit from today. If I would have to pick one person in this community
to thank, Triode would without any doubt be on the top of the list. I
understand that you want an announcement as soon as possible but I'm
honestly prepared to give him the time he and JohnSwenson need to make
the right decision. For all the contributions he has made to this
community and the Squeezebox platform I feel that we at least owe him
that much, if this was an easy decision he and JohnSwenson would have
made an announcement by now, there is obviously something more complex
going on and the exact details are really not our business.

I'm just hoping this will be sorted out in one way or another so the
community can go back and produce a community based hardware player,
independent if it's called Community Squeeze or something completely
differently. I'm not giving up on this idea just because you aren't
interested to be involved in it.

JackOfAll wrote: 
 Because the waiting and there having been no public announcement from
 them, directly led to what happened yesterday, because people believe
 that in the current vacuum, I am still Mr Community Squeeze. And I
 remember saying to you how I expected there to be confusion if I
 continued posting in this thread, and *you* encouraged me to do so. Yet
 another mistake!
I'm really sorry about what happened to you yesterday (whatever that
might have been) but I think you have made it crystal clear that you are
no longer Mr Community Squeeze.

Hopefully people will be able to accept that and not contact you about
Community Squeeze in the future. If people didn't understand it when you
posted a few weeks back I think you made it extremely clear with your
posts yesterday and today so now there shouldn't be any doubt. 

If you want to make it even more clear, you can put a link on that points to 'your post from yesterday'
so people who doesn't follow this thread but just access the web site also get the necessary information.
Sometimes the amount of posts in this thread is a bit overwhelming for
people who only visit the forum once a week and I guess they
theoretically could have missed your announcement a few weeks ago.

Once again, thanks for all your efforts and hopefully things will be
sorted out in one way or another so you can go back and enjoy being part
of this community.

Sorry if I've caused unnecessary confusion with any of my posts during
the last two days. I'll try to avoid posting more in this thread in the
near future since my participation currently just seems to cause more

Now I'm crawling back to my cave to have some fun and do some more music
related development...

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets (both free and commercial)'
If you like to encourage future presence on this forum and/or third
party plugin/applet development, 'consider purchasing some plugins'

*Interested in the future of music streaming ? 'ickStream -  A world of
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-25 Thread erland

Let's focus on the facts, JackOfAll have clearly announced that he don't
plan to continue as packager/developer in the CSOS project, he did that
weeks ago, yesterdays post was just a clarification. We don't know the
exact reasons for it and frankly it's none of our business, if JackOfAll
doesn't want to continue that's his decision and he doesn't have to tell
us exactly why. If JackOfAll still wants to continue posting in this
thread and other CSOS related threads, we should encourage him rather
then question if he is back in the project. If he sometime in the future
would decide to join the project again, I'm sure he will let us know and
in that case we should of course welcome him back.

I'll consider Community Squeeze to be dead when we have also heard from
Triode/JohnSwenson that they don't plan to continue, the fact that they
are silent is probably because they are currently considering what
options they have. From my perspective there are a lot people around
here with a lot of knowledge, we shouldn't let the idea with a community
based player die because one project member doesn't feel it's fun to
work on it anymore. If someone have experience with software packaging
or driver development and want to help it's probably a good idea to
contact Triode or JohnSwenson and let them know.

It might sound strange that the following comes from me, but I'm going
to say it anyway since I've personal experience in the area.

I think generally we all have to realise that most(all?) third party
developers around here spend their spare time to improve our music
listening experience. Some do it for free because they like the
challenge and the idea to do something for the community while others do
it for a small compensation through commercial apps/plugins, but in all
cases we are talking about people who prefer to prioritise their spare
time to be spent on things that prolong the life of the Squeezebox

It's easy to forget about this when you want a new feature or you are
frustrated because your system doesn't work or you are tired of waiting.
Let's be honest, it's our own individual choice if we want to stay in
the Squeezebox universe and this community or if we want to move on to
Sonos and other similar systems. If we choose to stay in the community,
we should also make the third party developers feel appreciated and
consider spending our own time to help them with whatever we can, it
might be as easy as testing a new software version or giving feedback on
a solution to guide them in the right direction.

There are some people who believe this is all about money, please
realise that this is NOT the case. With money the demands, critique and
expectations increases rather than decreases, so when you decide to
start asking for money you also have to be prepared to handle requests
from users and helping users who don't get everything to work. In this
regard money can actually make the situation worse if the main problem
is that you feel that people have too high expectations or you feel a
demand from them who you can't fulfil. 

I would personally prefer to see a commercial community based player
rather than no community based player at all, but I also understand what
kind of commitment this would require from the people behind it so I'm
not going to ask for that, I'll instead leave it up to the people behind
it to decide what's appropriate. In my mind it doesn't matter if it
costs money, it doesn't matter if costs as much many as other commercial
alternatives out there, it doesn't matter if the people behind it earn a
lot of money on it, but it do matters that the people behind it is happy
so let's leave the choice to them and let's not push them into a
particular direction.

My experience tells me that in these kind of projects, limited time is a
lot bigger problem than limited budget. You might think that money could
solve this, but in reality it's hard to earn enough money so it's
possible to quit your day job, the community is just too small for this.
Even if it would be possible to earn enough money to quit your day job,
most people also have a family to think about and have to think about
how the situation is going to look like 1-2 years in the future. 

Now, please remember this and let's try to not push Triode and
JohnSwenson for an answer right now, if they need time to think about
their options, let's give them some time.

JackOfAll, thanks for all your efforts in the Community Squeeze project.

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets (both free and commercial)'
If you like to encourage future presence on this forum and/or third
party plugin/applet development, 'consider purchasing some plugins'

*Interested in the future of music streaming ? 'ickStream -  A world of
music at your fingertips'

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-11 Thread erland

rulof72 wrote: 
 Is there any source at all for the images?
They were previously available through but that
doesn't seem to be the case anymore.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-10 Thread erland

rulof72 wrote: 
 Is it just me or is gone? What happened?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-05 Thread erland

JackOfAll wrote: 
 I suppose, I could hack something together, using both sdcard slots.
 Just have uboot, 1k in on the cpu card sdcard, (using a very small
 capacity sdcard), so it doesn't need to ever be removed, pointing to
 mmcblk1 for boot/root partition. ie. the OS on the carrier board slot
 and just uboot on the cpu board sdcard slot. This all comes down to
 time. There is never enough time.
For what it's worth, something like this would make me upgrade my
Wandboard a lot more often.

However, I'm not sure if it's worth it if the problem will be solved
when we all are using the Community Squeeze DAC board ? Or will we also
have to open the box to upgrade the SD card with the Community Squeeze
hardware ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-05 Thread erland

JohnSwenson wrote: 
 The CSP hardware does not have an accessible SD slot. So to swap a card
 you have to take the board out of  the box. 
As long as we have an easy way to do software upgrades directly on the
device, for people who don't know how to use SSH and Linux, this
shouldn't be a problem.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-03 Thread erland

praganj wrote: 
 So what is the situation now with Community Squeeze ? 
You will find the latest information from one of the project members in
the following posts:

We will have to wait and see how it evolves but from what I've seen
there is nothing that indicates that the project won't continue. People
come and goes in open source projects, if one leave the project that
position is usually replaced by someone else if there is a big community
around the project and the project has a potential, which definitely is
the case with Community Squeeze.

praganj wrote: 
 Are there any official download links for OS releases ? 
Not sure if they are official, but the latest images are as I've
understood temporarily available on

praganj wrote: 
 Any chynce to get F20 ?
Yes, but probably not until the remaining project members have decided
how to proceed.

There is no reason to worry at the moment, just give them some time to
adapt to the new situation instead of demanding answers right now.
As you can see from the latest posts in the following thread,
JohnSwenson is definitely still working on the hardware side of the

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-30 Thread erland

JackOfAll wrote: 
 I think it may be best to avoid any confusion if I refrain from posting
 in any CS thread.
You are probably one of the people who know most about CSOS, so I would
personally hate if you stopped posting just because someone get a bit

From my perspective I think you should continue to post as much as you
like and we should all appreciate the fact that you want to continue
posting things related to the project even after you have retired.

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-30 Thread erland

JackOfAll wrote: 
 What that screenshot shows is squeezelite running on the single core
 BeagleBoneBlack, upsampling all day long to 384k, and squirting data out
 of the USB port, completely glitch free! No smoke and mirrors. No
 trickery. No overclocking the CPU. No RT patch set. (Standard upstream
 Fedora voluntary PREEMPT.) Just a minor USB driver optimisation, (which
 isn't really an optimisation considering one has to do without DMA
 transfers on the BBB to have working USB at all), and that soxr patch to
 enable SIMD. Sure the 80% looks bad, but there is still enough resource
 left for the USB port overhead and ethernet.
 Bottom line, for £35 quid, it's a miracle and something you'll never get
 close to with the Pi.
Does this mean that a BeagleBoneBlack is the best(most affordable)
solution for people who want a player to connect to their external USB

I guess a Wandboard is still preferable if one wants to run LMS directly
on the box ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-30 Thread erland

JRatron wrote: 
 it appears that nobody else is taking ownership, carrying the torch and
 driving this project forward now. 
Just give it some time, I'm sure things will be sorted out eventually,
in one way or another.
4 days is a short time in a community project where people might be
restricted to work on the project during their spare time and also need
to have time for their day work, family and other matters. We need to
give Triode, John and other people involved in the project some chance
to adapt before requiring answers on how the project will proceed.

I know it's frustrating but we need to remember that all these people
have spent a significant part of their time and knowledge to make it
possible for us to enjoy the music on our DIY hardware. From personal
experience I know that it feels a lot better to do something on my spare
time because I like to do it than just because someone else wants me to
do it.

The best we can do at the moment IMHO is to encourage JackOfAll to
continue participating in the Community Squeeze related discussions in
the forum, he is probably one of the most experienced people in the

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-30 Thread erland

JRatron wrote: 
 Sounds like the most helpful thing I can do to help the project for now
 is to bugger off and stop stirring the nest.
Or even better, use one of the supported DIY hardware devices with the
CSOS images to enjoy the music and report things that doesn't work or
things you think can be improved.

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-30 Thread erland

Kuro wrote: 
 May I suggest anyone using CSOS whether it is on Wandboard or another
 platform donate £10 to Clive?  I'm happy to do that if you can give me
 your Paypal acct for sending the donation.
Please read the previous posts on this topic unless you think they have
been clear enough on this already:

Money isn't always the best way to show your appreciation. A lot of us
(including myself) would happily donate if the project members ask for
it, but let's try to avoid pushing money on them if they don't think
they want/need it themselves. 

I suspect the people in the project would appreciate a lot more if you
contributed your time by using the CSOS images to enjoy the music, by
reporting bugs, by helping with documentation, by helping other
community members with problems with CSOS, by expressing how good you
think the currently produced software is or by expressing what you think
should be changed to make the product even better.

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-27 Thread erland

JackOfAll wrote: 
 With immediate effect, I announce my retirement from the Community
 Squeeze project. 
Thanks for all your efforts, everything you have done for the community
is greatly appreciated by all of us.

Does this affect all your involvement in Community Squeeze project or
are you only retiring from the software packaging part ?

Just asking to better understand if this is just a way to make it
possible for you to focus on other areas, such as software development
specific to the Community Squeeze hardware ? Or is that part already
finished or managed by someone else ?

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-10 Thread erland

JackOfAll wrote: 
 The point is this, that while it's possible to make anything work on
 anything, given time and resource, things don't just work. 
This is of course your choice, since it's your valuable time being
spent, but if you have limited time my advice would be to purely focus
on making CSOS work with John's CSOS hardware. After you have got that
working, you can always later start spending time on making CSOS work
with other kind of hardware (if you like). 

I guess this might also be what you are saying, but I just wanted to
ensure you that there are people that support you if you want to purely
focus on things that will get us closer to a working setup based on
John's CSOS hardware.

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-08 Thread erland

JackOfAll wrote: 

   sudo yum install http://the.web.server/repo-package.rpm
   sudo yum install logitechmediaserver

Would it be possible to put this in the FAQ and just clearly state that
it will add your third party repository and isn't part of the official
Community Squeeze distribution ?

Just asking because I'm pretty sure I'll have a hard time to find this
post the next time I want to install LMS on the Wandboard.

It would be even better to add it as a checkbox/button in the Community
Squeeze administration UI, but I can understand if you don't want to do
that considering the cirrcumstances.

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-03 Thread erland

Chunkywizard wrote: 
 I ran into this today as I update to the latest R7 image. I downgrade as
 Clive suggested and everything is fine. One question, how do we know
 when it's safe to update LMS to the latest build so that it works with
 your plugins?
The previous problem is corrected in latest 7.8.1 version of LMS so at
the moment TrackStat (which didn't work in the early 7.8.1 version)
works again.

However, Michael are currently cleaning up LMS and removing old stuff,
due to this it's very possible that my plugins are going to break now
and then. I'm not using 7.8.1 much myself since my production
environment is based on the official 7.8.0 release so I can't promise
I'll notice the issues immediately. We have been used to the 7.7.x betas
being stable but it looks like 7.8.1 is different in this regard as it
includes some API related changes which is going to break third party
plugins now and then.

So, if you want to be sure to always have a reliable system, you need to
use the official 7.8.0 release or the latest 7.7.x beta.

If Community Squeeze project want to ensure to always have a stable LMS,
it should probably base it's builds on 7.8.0 at the moment and switch to
7.8.1 after a few months/weeks when most clean-up work has been
finished, but on the other hand it's very good for mherger to get
information immediately when something breaks.

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-01 Thread erland

Just wanted to report that the installation of
CSOS-Wandboard-Dual-F19-R7-20140329-1.img on my Wandboard Dual worked
very good after I had realised that my 4GB SD card was to small and a
8GB is needed as minimum now.

Overall, really great work!

Some ideas for future improvements follows below, feel free to ignore
them if you don't feel they are relevant. I don't need anyone to respond
to this post, just wanted to post some thoughts from my setup

Not sure if this is possible but it would be great if the IP-address of
the wandboard could be discovered automatically. Maybe having a simple
app you can install on a computer or do something based on javascript
which can run in a browser. It's not a problem for people who know how
to run a network scanner or look in router logs, but for people who
haven't connected the wandboard to a TV it's going to be a challenge to
configure it. However, it's not important if we are mainly targeting
Linux/computer geeks.

The port number shown in the quick start guide indicates port 8080 but
the one that seems to be used now is 8081. Since it's both in the
screenshot and text of the QuickStart guide it's probably best that
someone that can provide fresh screenshots updates it.

It took a while until I realised I had to click Interface up to
activate the WiFi, maybe this should happen automatically if you specify
a SSID and WPA Password ?

Squeezelite player was by default configured to use the analogue output
even if I have a USB DAC connected. I guess this won't be a problem with
the real Community Squeeze hardware but for someone using a Wandboard if
feels like it would be preferred to set it to the DAC by default if a
DAC is detected. If no DAC is detected it's of course correct to set it
to use the analogue output by default.

SqueezeLite started automatically but SqueezeServer didn't. This is of
course by design since it's a player project, but the issue it caused in
my setup was that when I started SqueezeServer it was started with no
player because SqueezeLite had already started and discovered the LMS
that executes on one of my other servers. Not a main problem for someone
used to Squeezebox and LMS and it's works the next time I restart
SqueezeLite, but it would be good if it could switch to the
SqueezeServer on the wandboard automatically when it's started. I
understand it can cause side effects but maybe it would be possible to
either automatically restart SqueezeLite after SqueezeServer has started
or as an alternative at least give the user a popup about it.

The network share mount configuration is going to be hard for a non
Linux user to use, we should as minimum show some sample values for the
Network share field in the online help for various file system types.

Generally the whole configuration interface feels a bit technical for
people not used to work with devices and Linux. Possibly it can be
solved by enhancing the online help but it currently feels technical
even for me who is somewhat used to this stuff. Feels like some kind of
automatic default/simplified installation wizard would be preferred and
separate the advanced settings in a separate section, kind of similar to
how LMS installation wizard works. Of course, this only matters if we
are targeting non DIY/Linux geeks, if we are only targeting people used
to Linux and/or DIY devices it shouldn't be a bit problem.

I just realised that when I've used the USB port for the DAC I have no
way to connect a keyboard or IR dongle. I guess this is also something
that's going to be solved with the real Community Squeeze hardware and
shouldn't be a main priority to solve for people with the default
Wandboard, but in case some third part developer is interested in doing
something it would be good to be able to control JiveLite using a smart
phone/tablet in this kind of setup. Not sure if there might be something
that can be easily installed directly on the wandboard to solve this ?
Would vnc or something similar work to be able to access it with a
virtual keyboard on a smart phone/tablet ? In reality the only thing I
want to do is to configure the language and setup a Now Playing screen
saver. Maybe this could even be done via the web interface so you don't
need to connect a keyboard if you just want a Now Playing screen on the
TV ?

If we want to simplify the LMS setup it would be good if it could
automatically select the disk I've mounted via the web configuration
interface as music folder so I just can click Next if I'm happy to use
that. The current behaviour is fine for people used to Linux but the top
level Linux folder structure showed in the first step of the LMS
installation wizard can probably look a bit scary to non Linux users. In
similar fashion it would also be good if a playlist directory existed as
default if you like to store the playlists on the SD card so you don't
have to login via ssh to create a suitable directory.

Erland Isaksson ('My

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-04-01 Thread erland

JackOfAll wrote: 
 I'm going to create an unstable repo and move todays LMS 7.8.1 packages
 there. Until I do that, I'm suggesting that no-one install the latest
 LMS packages from the testing repo. 
 What you normally get with CS testing repo, is the equivalent of what
 other people would call stable. I'm aware of issues with these latest
 LMS packages, which means I don't want people to install them thinking
 they are up to the quality of the packages normally found in the testing
I guess you are already aware of this but if you install the
CSOS-Wandboard-Dual-F19-R7-20140329-1.img image you get broken LMS 7.8.1
automatically. Well, broken might be the wrong word, but they contain
some API changes mherger introduced after the 7.8.0 release which breaks
some third party plugins. As an example, many of my plugins doesn't work
with the CSOS-Wandboard-Dual-F19-R7-20140329-1.img image due to this.

It's not a problem for me, just wanted to make sure people who have
installed this image are aware of it.

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-03-31 Thread erland

Any way I could get a link to the images ?
The ones on the web site still just shows permission denied error.

I have a Dual if that matters.

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets (both free and commercial)'
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party plugin/applet development, 'consider purchasing some plugins'
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-22 Thread erland

Triode wrote: 
 Lets create a list of things which don't work and then I can look at
 this.  I never used number buttons to jump to locations on the lists so
 this has never been something I've looked at.  Agree we need to do
 something for the search input.

For searching, we really need something similar to LazySearch plugin on
ip3k devices.

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-01-06 Thread erland

JackOfAll wrote: 
 It's a non-issue, as far as I am concerned. If other people want to make
 it an issue, they can go complain elsewhere or write their own.
As long as Java is only used for the configuration GUI, performance
shouldn't be an issue. As already mentioned, you probably configure it
once in the beginning and then rarely enter the web gui.
If someone wants to document instructions how to upgrade it manually, is
that something that can be put on the Community Squeeze web site or do
you prefer that it's placed on a third party site ?

JackOfAll wrote: 
 We'll see what happens. If someone dares to take the CSOS image,
 pre-packages the Oracle JVM and supplies that with it, that is for them
 to deal with any potential consequences, not me. They have been warned
 that a), they had better remove the CS name from everything to do with
 that image and that b), *their* image had better not be pointing at our
 repo for updates. 
Regarding not pointing to your repo for update, is this also the case
for people who decide to setup Oracle JVM themselves without
re-distributing their changes ?

Just a thought, if you want to avoid people to use CS name for their own
images you should probably make sure that's clearly specified in the
If it's defined in the license that changes can't be redistributed as
custom images under CS name, people tend to avoid it because they don't
want to risk legal action. It also makes it a lot clearer what you are
allowed and not allowed to do as a third party.

The same also applies to the usage of the repository.

I'm guessing your reasoning in both cases is that you want to avoid the
risk that people using third party images ask you for support ?

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
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party plugin/applet development, 'consider purchasing some plugins'
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-07-07 Thread erland

JackOfAll, what's the state of the fstab/mounting GUI for network
drives, do you want feedback on the GUI at this stage or is it still
work in progress so people should wait a bit before commenting it from a
user/GUI perspective ?

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-07-05 Thread erland

JackOfAll wrote: 
 I have no intention of having storage on the device for media. Always
 has been and remains my intention that the music library is network
Just out of interest, do you feel that you need the SSD mainly to speed
up restarts/upgrades during development ?

I'm just asking because with the exception for development and usage as
local media storage, I can't see any reasons why the device would need a
fast local storage. 
Maybe I'm missing some obvious use case ?

JackOfAll wrote: 
 I want to run the board and the drive from a single 5V power supply and
 have it in a single enclosure, without having to be concerned about
Do you have any idea how the planned enclosure is going to be able to
handle ventilation/cooling ?
I'm guessing it won't have a fan, but does it have room for decent heat
sinks or is it going to be pretty tight ?

For me personally, even if I do have a NAS and 24/7 server, I'd actually
like the idea of having one player which could act as a server to the
other players. Basically, separating the music stuff as a fairly closed
system which doesn't get disturbed by OS upgrades and other maintenance
work on my normal server. So far the issue has always been that it has
been hard or expensive to accomplish with decent performance and still
make it completely silent, so I've just kept using LMS on the 24/7
server and served the music files from the NAS.

Also, related to all this, does anyone have any idea if people should
worry about audio disturbances if putting HDD/SSD in the same box as
John's audio circuits ?
I haven't really done any comparisons myself, but I've read some of the
threads in the audiophile section where it sounds like any electronics
(especially stuff that physically moves) and LCD displays should be as
far away from the audio signal as possible. Having a HDD in the box,
sounds a bit worrying if this is the case.

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-07-05 Thread erland

JohnSwenson wrote: 
 The current design is using a Hammond 1455T1601 extruded aluminum
 enclosure. The board slides into slots in the side walls. With the end
 panels in place it is completely enclosed no ventilation at all. The
 wand module and the carrier board are going to take about 2 watts which
 will work well with the aluminum enclosure which will act as a heat sink
 for what is inside.  
 This design was never designed to have an additional large heat
 producing device inside. The idea was that if you wanted to use a large
 drive that uses a lot of power that you plug it into the the USB port
 and use the power supply and heat removal mechanism that came with the
 Having to support power hungry drives and get rid of their heat would
 compromise the design in several ways by adding increased electrical
 noise in the box, possible fans that not only add electrical but also
 acoustic noise. I'm trying to produce the best sounding network music
 player I can with for low cost, low power and small size. Internal
 drives tend to conflict with that. 
I'm still interested to hear if JackOfAll had a reason for having a
drive that isn't related to local media storage and development speed.

With the exception for this, my feeling based on your post is that it
might be better to look into solutions where we can have an external
drive in a separate stackable enclosure. My personal worries with an
external drive is that it's going to look ugly, but if we can come up
with a stackable solution that looks decent this wouldn't be the case.
The price of a stackable drive solution would of course be higher due to
the extra box, but it would make it possible to feed the drive enclosure
with separate power and select an enclosure for the drive that has
better ventilation.

This way it's also possible for people to buy player box + drive box in
their main listening room and only buy the player box for the additional

I kind of like the idea of having a solution that's expandable instead
of building a do it all solution that solves all possible needs by

Is there any stackable solutions that would work with the Hammond
1455T1601 enclosure ?

Maybe it would even be worth to consider to have a eSATA connection on
the back of the enclosure to indicate to people that it's designed to
have the drive outside the box and not inside the box ? Or would that
require a lot of changes ?

I also agree with JJZolx, if the board isn't suitable to handle a SATA
drive you should probably not offer an option to do so, it will just
cause you trouble because people are going to try to use it the wrong
way and then complain when it doesn't work and can't fulfill their

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets (both free and commercial)'
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party plugin/applet development, 'consider purchasing some plugins'
You may also want to try my Android apps 'Squeeze Display'
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-07-05 Thread erland

JohnSwenson wrote: 
 There is no way an eSATA connector is going to fit on the back panel, it
 is already completely maxed out. The only way it could fit is to get rid
 of connectors that are already there. There are a few jacks that are big
 enough that a eSATA would fit in their place: 
 ethernet jack
 full size USB jacks
 XLR jacks
 I don't think you want to get rid of the ethernet jack, a network player
 without the ethernet jack is not a good solution. If people are willing
 to use adapters for all their USB devices we could get rid of the full
 size jacks, but again I think that would cause more trouble than its
 worth. If I take off the XLRs I'll get shot. So it doesn't look good for
 an eSATA jack.
 What advantages do you get for using a SATA drive instead of a USB
 drive? Do people really need the speed difference? Or is it cost?
Sorry, I got so focus on SATA that I forgot about USB, a stackable drive
connected with USB should of course be fine. 
The speed difference shouldn't be an issue in this case, IMHO.

Personally, I suspect having the internal SATA connection is going to
cause you more support issues than benefits, I would instead suggest
focusing on making it attractive to use an external USB drive. If you
want to keep the internal SATA connection that's fine, but I would be a
bit careful to announce its existence too much, people are are just
going to try to connect drives it isn't suitable for. It's better to
make it attractive for them to use an external drive, for example by
supporting some kind of stackable drive solution.

One issue that needs to be handled somehow if we start recommend people
that they can connect a drive is also that it really needs a soft power
off button, else people are going to turn it off by disconnecting the
power and that can easily trash a file system or cause data loss with a
local drive, at least if it's formatted with a file system without
journal. This is probably not related to SSD/HDD choice, I'm just
mentioning it because it's important to handle if we start announcing
that people can connect a local media drive directly to the box
(indpendendent which connection type we offer them).

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets (both free and commercial)'
If you like to encourage future presence on this forum and/or third
party plugin/applet development, 'consider purchasing some plugins'
You may also want to try my Android apps 'Squeeze Display'
and 'RSS Photo Show'
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-07-04 Thread erland

JackOfAll wrote: 
 Thank you, to everyone who has expressed interest and support. It's
 probably going to be a few weeks until we know the final numbers, lead
 time, final pricing, and how many beta boards will be available for
 purchase. At that time, we'll make an announcement, start a list
 allocating the boards, and a waiting list just in case anyone drops
I guess you are already aware of this and it it's already in the plan,
so I apologize if I'm suggesting something obvious. It would probably be
a good idea to briefly list what kind of stuff you want to be verified
during the hardware beta so you can ensure the beta testers will cover
as much as possible. 

As an example, I guess you are going to want some testers who use an
external DAC, some testers who use the internal DAC connected to a
high-end amplifier and some who are going to use the internal DAC
connected to an amplifier in the $500 price range (or maybe even
cheaper). There are probably also other aspects, like testing with LMS
on the Wandboard with a USB drive connected, testing with LMS on a
NAS/computer, testing with IR remote, testing synchronization with other

The above is just samples, I'm not sure everything is relevant to a
hardware beta, for some stuff it might be enough if the tester have a
Wandboard with the default carrier board.

This way it will also be easier for the beta testers who volunteer to
decide if they will be be useful or if it's better if someone else who
is able to do more productive testing takes their place in the queue. As
you have realized, you won't have any problem to get enough beta
testers, the challenge is to pick the right ones so you cover as much as
possible of the stuff which is hard for you, Triode to John to cover

With about 15-20 testers it's going to be important that there are some
variations of how the testers use the board, else the testing isn't
going to be as broad as needed to ensure you cover all angles that needs
to be covered before the second generation board is released.

I'm not sure if you are looking of a broad range of different type of
testers or if you are only looking for testers who can verify the
audiophile characteristics ?

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets (both free and commercial)'
If you like to encourage future presence on this forum and/or third
party plugin/applet development, 'consider purchasing some plugins'
You may also want to try my Android apps 'Squeeze Display'
and 'RSS Photo Show'
*Interested in the future of music streaming ? 'ickStream -  A world of
music at your fingertips'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-07-04 Thread erland

JackOfAll wrote: 
 Obviously everything on the board needs to work, whether that be the USB
 port, ethernet port or SPDIF out, but this is primarily about the
 on-board DAC analogue out. 
Ok, in that case, feel free to drop me from the list in case there are
other audiophiles who want want a test board instead of me. I'm still
interested to get one and pay for it if there are boards available, it's
just that I feel that I'll probably not be that useful if it's primarily
high-end audiophile testing which is in focus.

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets (both free and commercial)'
If you like to encourage future presence on this forum and/or third
party plugin/applet development, 'consider purchasing some plugins'
You may also want to try my Android apps 'Squeeze Display'
and 'RSS Photo Show'
*Interested in the future of music streaming ? 'ickStream -  A world of
music at your fingertips'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-07-03 Thread erland

JackOfAll wrote: 
 The $200 figure I have used above, is just a number I have plucked out
 of thin air, so it is not a fixed and final figure. But on the basis
 that it is the number, my question would be, how many of you, (if any),
 would be prepared to pay $200 for a CSP1 beta board, which will also
 include a complimentary CSP2 production board when they are
Count me in if there is room for one more.

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets (both free and commercial)'
If you like to encourage future presence on this forum and/or third
party plugin/applet development, 'consider purchasing some plugins'
You may also want to try my Android apps 'Squeeze Display'
and 'RSS Photo Show'
*Interested in the future of music streaming ? 'ickStream -  A world of
music at your fingertips'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-28 Thread erland

JackOfAll wrote: 
 I should have been a little more verbose. It's not so much that it's not
 working because it is broken There is obviously a SATA port on the
 carrier board and the traces are routed over the EDM connector, but
 unless the CPU on the CPU board supports SATA, (which as Paul says, the
 Solo and Dual Lite do not, you need a full Dual or Quad imx6 CPU for
 SATA support), the port on the carrier board won't actually work.
Was the plan to have a SATA port on the Community Squeeze carrier board

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-11 Thread erland

Some feedback on the CSOS-Wandboard-Dual-R4-20130510-2.img.7z build
follows below.

I realize some of this isn't implemented yet, I'm just posting it to
give you the ideas in case you haven't already thought about it.

First of all, really great work, for someone who knows what they are
doing it worked perfectly.

The quickstart guide didn't contain any information about the timezone
configuration, it's probably a good idea to recommend users to set the
timezone through the CSOS web interface.

In the LMS (Squeeze Server) configuration page, or even better on the
Home page, of the CSOS web interface it would good to have a link to LMS
web interface in case it has been started.

The USB keyboard I had connected didn't work in JiveLite at the initial
boot, I'm not sure if it was a one time thing but after rebooting CSOS
it started to work. 

At first when I started to browse music through JiveLite it was
connected to my SheevaPlug instead of to the Wandboard. I'll experiement
a bit more but my expectations if I've configured CSOS to run LMS and
Squeezelite would be that SqueezeLite is connected to LMS running on the
Wandboard. Of course, a normal user would probably not have 3-4 LMS
instances on the network, so this is probably not a major problem.
Rebooting the wandboard made it switch to the SheevaPlug again so I have
to reset it currently after each reboot.

If possible, I think it would be great to have a wizard configuration
instead of the current menu based. The menu based approach have
advantages for users who know what they are doing, but if you want to
make it attractive to non technical users not familiar with Linux I
think a wizard based setup would be preferred. Maybe it would be
possible to offer both, so advanced users can use the menus but normal
users can get a simplified wizard based setup ?

The disk mounting configuration needs more work, but I suspect this is
still work in progress. There are samples in the /etc/fstab file but
through the web interface you need to know a lot of Linux stuff to be
able to configure it currently. As a minimum it would be good to at
least describe the /storage file structure where it seems like CSOS has
been designed to mount things based on the samples in the /etc/fstab
file. It would also be good if LMS could be preconfigured with defaults
pointing in /storage/music/flac and /storage/music/playlist to make it
easy for a new users to select the correct directories when configuring
LMS. My dream would be a network browser who showed available shares on
my network and just allowed me to select which one to mount and by
default automatically mounted it in the correct place in the file

This is probably something that's already in the plan, but it would be
great to have a software update option through the CSOS web interface,
something similar to how update works in VortexBox.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: JiveLite - cut down squeezebox control application

2013-05-11 Thread erland

Triode wrote: 
 I've updated the grid branch on googlecode to do something like this,
 but using a 6x3 grid as I think the text is more readable at this size.
 I would be interested if one or more people could try it - it works
 using a new HDGridSkin which is 1920x1080 only.
 Note that in grid menus the right and left buttons are used to navigate
 around the grid - you need to use enter for go and backspace for
 back functions.  This means that you need an alternative remote with
 more buttons than a squeezebox remote if using flirc, but I think it
 works reasonably well.  
 There are several rough edges, but it is at a state where its worth
 asking for feedback.
Some feedback and ideas (I've tried it on a 1080p TV with a USB keyboard
on the Wandboard).

Grid view works great for album views

In current playlist I would like to have a separate screen which
- Now Playing information on left half of screen with big cover art of
current track
- Vertical current playlist on right half of screen with small cover art
and vertical track list instead of grid view

Moving left when standing on top left item should move back, you
shouldn't be forced to use Esc to move back. Typical case would be a
user entering the menu with right arrow and then regret it and want to
go back. Esc is fine when you are in the middle of the menu and want to
move out without having to navigate to the first item first.

Not sure if it's my cover art being too small or if there is some
antialiasing missing in the rescaling logic, the album covers generally
doesn't look as good as they do in the grid view on iPeng.

Default icons needs to have higher resolution, but I'm sure you are
already aware of this, it's not really unique to the grid skin, I just
noticed it now when using it on a 1080p TV.

The track list view when navigating into an album should have a separate
screen, something similar to what I suggested for the current playlist
screen with:
- Big album cover to the left of the screen with some album information
- Track list of album to the right
Currently it wastes a lot of screen space by just showing the tracks
with text

Browsing artists, genres and years also wastes a lot of screen space.
Not sure how to fix that. It would make sense to show currently playing
track to the left but it feels strange to do so if you doesn't do it
always and I really want point 6 above, so I'm not sure what the best
solution would be. Maybe showing currently playing track always on the
left side would be the best way.

My Apps/Spotify/Playlist and also other views which list tracks would
be better with a vertical view than the grid view. Possibly two column
view with text to the right instead of below the album covers could be a
solution. I'm just not sure how logical it would be to the user.

Grid view works good for the settings menu.

Grid view works pretty good in the TuneIn menus under Internet Radio, so
I think it's a good idea to have it in menus that lists radio stations.

As a side note, is there some way to control JiveLite on the TV from
another computer or an iPad ?
Making that possible would make me use it a lot more because I usually
have another computer or iPad in front of me when listening to music.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: JiveLite - cut down squeezebox control application

2013-05-08 Thread erland

castalla wrote: 
 I've been following the jivelite developments with a degree of jealousy!
 Why, oh why, isn't there something like this for Android??
 I can't be alone in not wanting a a large display attached to my DIY
 squeezebox.  In fact I keep the TV and Radio separate in our shack.   I
 appreciate that jivelite can and will be used with smaller hdmi screens
 for use with the WB.
 I've tried most of the android controllers - they work okay but
 generally I find them too fiddly to mess around with.  The original
 screenplay program for windows is just what I like and use - simple,
 uncluttered  best of all emulates a Touch display.   Beats me that
 no-one has developed an android version!  (I would if I could, but don't
 have the skills).
Do you want the exact JiveLite/SqueezePlay interface on Android or do
you want the grid based album view which Triode just posted ?

In my very personal opinion, the standard SqueezePlay isn't optimized to
run on a larger screen the problem is even seen on the Touch in some
menus, it wastes too much space which are just empty, I'm guessing this
is a reason why Triode implemented the grid view which will take better
advantage of a larger screen.

Have you seen SqueezePad on iOS, is it something similar to that you
would like on Android ?
What about Logitech's free Android app, isn't that fairly similar to
SqueezePlay when browsing ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-05-08 Thread erland

I'm sorry if this has already been answered, in that case just refer me
to the previous post (in case you don't want to answer it again)

If I install the R3 image, is there an easy way to update everything to
the latest version ?
Or do I at the moment need to go though this thread and find all update
instructions since R3 was released ?

Looking for something similar to apt-get update;apt-get dist-upgrade;
on Ubuntu.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: JiveLite - cut down squeezebox control application

2013-05-07 Thread erland

Triode wrote: 
 I've updated the grid branch on googlecode to do something like this,
 but using a 6x3 grid as I think the text is more readable at this size.
 I would be interested if one or more people could try it - it works
 using a new HDGridSkin which is 1920x1080 only.
Is this specific to JiveLite or is this something that could be used
also on a Touch, maybe as a third party applet ?

Just asking because I've always wondered how a view like this would work
for albums on the Touch.
On the Touch you would probably have to skip the album titles due to the
more limited screen size.

Will try to get some time to try it during next couple of days.
Is there an easy way to try it on Community Squeeze so I can try it on
the Wandboard and don't have to setup a separate environment for
JiveLite ?

Without trying, it feels like it should at least make sense for My
Albums and My Apps menus.

If you could somehow make it possible to filter the view it would be
even better, for example allowing the user to enter text in a search
field at the top or select a genre.

Now, I just want artist images also, too bad the artists and music
industry don't want to share them to the public...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-04-27 Thread erland

JackOfAll wrote: 
 Maybe a one page history of the SqueezeBox, product history, etc. etc.
 SlimDevices - Logitech - CommunitySqueeze. 
You have probably already seen it, but if you don't get anything else
there is always the wikipedia page you can take som info from regarding

It's just missing the last Community Squeeze step.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-04-27 Thread erland

JackOfAll wrote: 
 I have got a pro web developer on-board for the whole of next week, to
 do a website design. Forgetting about photos for a moment, we still need
 some more content. It's down to me to write some detail, dealing with
 eg. how to use the software repo, (for non ARM Wandboard users). I know
 writing documentation sucks, but can you guys help me out a little here
 so we have some content on the site. The stuff that you don't need any
 particular skills to write about..
I'm going to ask stupid question regarding this.

If this is going to be a community maintained product, wouldn't it be
better to have a wiki solution for most of the documentation where
everyone could directly help editing it instead of having you as an
intermediate step. You can still have a real web site for the very first
page, but having a wiki in the background which everyone can help edit
and add information to feels like a better long term solution, will be
easier for people to help maintaining it over time and everyone would
feel like they are part of it as they can edit the information

Or is there a reason you want to have the content on a normal web site
Using a wiki is pretty standard among other open source projects as far
as I've seen.

I suggested the same for the FAQ which was created earlier:

Since everything is planned to be non commercial (unless I've missed
something) and Squeezebox related you could even use Logitech's wiki at and just link to the page from your front
page if you don't want to setup your own wiki solution. Keeping a backup
of a few pages of the Logitech wiki on nighly bases is easy if you just
want to be sure the information isn't lost if Logitech would suddenly
decide to shut it down. However, if you are unsure about the future of
the Logitech wiki, a separate wiki could make sense.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-04-27 Thread erland

JackOfAll wrote: 
 With regard to your comment about me being an intermediate step, that is
 not a role I want. And is why I have been working on and discussing a
 build system where the non-technical can make a change to a doc file or
 translation, push a single button on the website, causing the source to
 be pulled from git, the package to be built and pushed to the testing
I just know that a lot of documentation has been provided by community
members on the Logitech wiki and I believe a reason for that is because
it was easy for people to add stuff directly without it being approved
or reviewed by Logitech and without having to know HTML. One person can
add content and another person can later fine tune the layout so it
looks nice.

As long as you make it easy for people to contribute it doesn't matter
if it's a wiki or some other solution. 
If your build system makes it easy and doesn't require people to know
more complex HTML, I'm sure that will work as good as a wiki.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-04-22 Thread erland

michaelvv wrote: 
 A few pictures so far...
 My Belowed wacuum cleaner died a few years ago...
 /Best Michael
Would be perfect if the top of the antenna of the wandboard also was
shown, except for this it looks like the perfect DIY kit :-)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Plastic Box Which Plays Noises

2013-04-09 Thread erland

albertone74 wrote: 
 I fully agree with Michael's feelings. Thanks a lot for all these big
Really great work by everyone who has contributed.

I'll get back a bit later with some feedback after I've tried the
release image a bit.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: JiveLite - cut down squeezebox control application

2013-04-03 Thread erland

Just tried it on my wandboard together with my Sony 1080p TV, generally
seems to work great but my feeling is that the user interface really
need a different layout to look good at a big TV, at the moment there is
a lot of empty space which isn't used for anything.

On the wandboard it would probably be good if it started with the Now
Playing screen and stayed there because I suspect a lot of people are
going to control the wandboard with smartphone unless the Gen1/Gen2
hardware comes with a IR remote and having to attach a USB keyboard just
to change the screen saver settings might not be an optimal solution. I
think Now Playing is already default when something is playing, but if
you only use the Now Playing screen you probably also want it to be
active when not playing or as an alternative show a clock screen saver
as default when not playing.

Some way to disable the button bar on the Now Playing screen would also
be good when it's used on displays without a touch screen.

Does the applets load in same way as in SqueezePlay ? (if I install them
via SSH)
is there a general short list of things that needs to be changed to make
old applets work ?

Is VU meter stuff ripped out of it since the audio stuff is removed ?
If so, is there some alternative way to accomplish a VU meter ? 
I really want to make my Custom Clock screen with LastFM artist images
to the left and VU meter to the right work if possible.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Plastic Box Which Plays Noises

2013-04-03 Thread erland

squeezelite started to use 100% CPU and stopped playing music in a
middle of an album. /var/log/squeezelite/squeezelite.log is empty so I'm
not sure what's going on.
I restarted it via the wandboard:8080 web interface and after that it
works again.
Just thought I'd mention it in case someone else sees similar issues.
I'm using the Ethernet connection and have the music files on a NAS if
that matters.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Plastic Box Which Plays Noises

2013-04-03 Thread erland

JackOfAll wrote: 
 I've made an updated release candidate image, CSOS RC2. web-gui (index
 page) availability is averaging 23-25 seconds from being allocated an IP
 Address via dhcp after booting. That's the best it is going to get for
 the moment. I can probably shave a few more seconds off, but that's
 basically the time it's going to take for tomcat to start and deploy the
First of all, really great work!

Some feedback from my setup after installing RC2.

The first time I accidentally entered the wrong passphrase when setting
up the Wifi, obviously this resulted in that the wifi didn't work but
after a few reboots and figuring out that I had entered the wrong
passphrase it started to expose itself over duplicate IP addresses (both
using WifI) and the connection was really bad and went up and down all
the time. I'm sorry if I can't be more specific, just thought I'd
mention it in case someone else does the same mistake. I ended up
re-writing the image to the SD card to start over again. If it's of
interest I could try to reproduce it, but then it would be great to know
if you want me to look at some specific files or logs when it happens
again, it was a bit hard to troubleshoot since the connection when up
and down so it wasn't even possible to reliably connect to it with ssh.

The Save button on the Wifi page is placed a bit badly because I
didn't notice it the first time, I just noticed the Reboot button at
the bottom and entered my Wifi network data and clicked Reboot, which of
course resulted in that it didn't save any settings.

When specifying the Wifi data and clicking save, the result is that the
networking seems to be restarted which in my setup resulted in that the
Ethernet address got a new IP and the web page didn't work. I had to
manually switch the IP in the url in the web browser to match the
address the Wifi or new Ethernet IP addresses.

The WiFi settings page list a lot less WiFi networks than I see on other
devices. Not sure if it's the WiFi strength (I have the external antenna
connected) or if it's some timeout so it requires more time to find all
network. As an example it didn't find the Airport Extreme in the same
room but it find my D-Link router from another room. It's not big issue
for me personally since the Airport Extreme didn't work previously so
I'm currently using the D-Link which works.

Would probably be a good idea to place a Shutdown and Reboot button
on the Home page. I guess it's preferred if people shutdown properly
instead of just unplugging the power, at least now in the beginning
until all issues have been solved.

The parameters in the WiFi settings could be a bit confusing to someone
not used to network configuration. While ESSID and Wireless PSK
makes sense to technical users it could be confusing terms for less
technical audiophiles. Using Wireless network (ESSID) and Passphrase
(PSK) would probably make it a little bit more clear. Another thing
that also might be good is to have a Static/DHCP option where DHCP
is default and when selecting that the IP address and DNS address fields
are disabled to avoid confusing for non technical users.

Outgoing connections outside the local network didn't work when I had
both Ethernet and WiFi connected. Disconnecting the Ethernet cable
solved it.
I noticed the problem because LMS wouldn't allow me to click Next on
the initial setup wizard after entering the network credentials. After
this I logged in via ssh and realized the wandboard couldn't ping or I disconnected the Ethernet cable
and rebooted and after that it worked again.

Some data in case it's a routing issue:


  [fedora@wandboard ~]$ route
  Kernel IP routing table
  Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface
  default UG0  00 eth0  *   U 0  00 wlan0  *   U 0  00 eth0
  [fedora@wandboard ~]$ cat /etc/resolv.conf 
  # Generated by NetworkManager
  [fedora@wandboard ~]$ 

I'll try if I can reliably reproduce the problem a bit later after I've
tested that everything else works correctly.
Local network accessed worked because I could mount the disk from the
NAS and ping machines on the local network.

The Squeezelite player which I setup before LMS, connected to my
Sheevaplug so I didn't see it in LMS by default. Switching it to LMS
solved the problem and it's probably not a big issue since I suspect
most people will just have a single LMS server, I just thought I'd
mention it. I guess the reason for it is 

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Plastic Box Which Plays Noises

2013-03-20 Thread erland

JackOfAll, great work with the image, it was easy to install and very
clear instructions in the beginning of the thread, thanks a lot for your
work to make this as simple and possible. I got it all working a lot
faster than I had expected.

Just to help other people and give you some ideas of things that might
be worth to improve, the main issues I had was:
1. How to switch it to use the analoge output
- I just run squeezelite -l and picked the first device in the list
default:CARD=sgtl5000audio and edited the -o parameter in
- I changed the Mac address in the -m parameter and also changed the -a
parameter to ::16: which was mentioned later in the thread.
- It had very low volume at start, using alsamixer to raise Headphone
and PCM to 100% and also raise the volume in LMS to 100% solved that.
- Used sudo alsactl store 0 to ensure it survives a reboot
- After this it works properly and all these instructions was actually
in the thread, so it was just me being a bit too excited to get things
going and not reading the instructions that caused the struggling. I
know the analoge output is not the best option but it was the only free
cable/connection I had available for my amplifier at the time. 

2. I had some issue to connect the WiFi to my Airport Extreme WiFi
- It's not something I've solved and I've seen other devices have
similar issues previously so I suspect it's not caused by the Wandboard,
just thought I'd mention it in case someone else have similar issues.
- The WiFi works properly when I switched it to connect to my D-Link
WiFi network instead.

3. It hangs during reboot
- Removing the
/usr/lib/systemd/system/ file
seems to solve that

4. NFS mounting didn't mount automatically
- The NFS mount to your vortexbox obviously doesn't work in my setup, so
I adjusted /etc/fstab to point to the NFS share on my own NAS and also
had to change noauto to auto in the /etc/fstab row to make it mount
at boot.

A question I have is if it is safe to rename the clivem user to
something else or will this break anything ?
I'm just asking because I would prefer to have a user with the same name
and UID as my other machines to make it as smooth as possible to access
NFS shares from the NAS from the wandboard.

Now, a stupid question (don't feel obligated to answer if you don't have
the time).
If I wanted to compile some programs for the Wandboard, my idea was to:
1. Setup an Ubuntu VirtualBox machine (because I want to build it on a
separate machine and I'm used to Ubuntu)
2. Install the toolchain you seem to have been using:

Is this the best way to do it or should I handle it some other way to
make it easier ?
Do I need anything else than the above toolchain ? 
As an example, there seems to be some Wandboard SDK on their download
page:, is this needed to
compile programs (I'm not planing to compile the kernel) ?

Finally, is there anything in particular you would like people with a
wandboard to help you try if it works or not ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2012-12-27 Thread erland

castalla wrote: 
 (Supplementary:  at a later point, would there be anyway to switch
 between the default analog and the bt outputs dynamically?)
Not sure exactly how you plan to use it, but maybe it would be worth to
consider running multiple instances of Squeezelite, one with default
analog output and one with bluetooth audio output. This way they would
appear as two separate players in your Squeezebox system which makes it
easy to select which one you like to play the music on using the
standard Squeezebox remote control apps. Ideally, I guess you would also
want to have some kind of start/stop script integrated with the
operating system bluetooth detection mechanism so the bluetooth player
starts when bluetooth audio device is connected and stops when it's

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Logitechmediaserver consumes all available CPU, becomes unresponsive

2012-07-18 Thread erland

Do you have any idea if the issue happens when you are listening to
music, when you are browsing or doing some other operation or when the
system isn't doing anything special ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Transfer LMS settings to new computer

2012-01-01 Thread erland

Copying the prefs directory should copy all settings both for LMS
itself and its plugins. You will find the location of the Preference
Folder by looking in LMS Settings/Information.

If you use some of my plugins, you might also have configured separate
configuration directories in respective plugin settings page, in this
case you want to copy these directories too.

And if you use TrackStat plugin, remember to do a TrackStat backup on
the old computer and restore it on the new one. Note that TrackStat
will only be able to restore the statistics and ratings properly if the
path to the music files is the same on the new computer unless you have
musicbrainz id tags in your music files.


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets (both free and commercial)'
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party plugin/applet development, 'consider purchasing some plugins'
Interested in music discovery ? See 'Social Music Discovery (SMD)'
( project.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Unable to run LMS 7.7 on debian lenny

2011-08-18 Thread erland

hatng;650656 Wrote: 
 I tried on ubuntu and it works
Where you able to scan pictures and videos on Ubuntu ?
The LMS scanner has always crashed for me on Ubuntu as soon as it found
a picture or video file. Music scanning seems to still work correctly.


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Help with Perl code needed...

2011-05-04 Thread erland

Put this somewhere at the top of the file together with all the other
rows that starts with use:


  use File::Spec::Functions qw(:ALL);

And then replace:


  my $path ||= Slim::Utils::OSDetect::dirsFor('prefs');
  $path = $path . '\plugin\sugarcube.db';



  my $path ||= Slim::Utils::OSDetect::dirsFor('prefs');
  $path = catfile($path,'plugin','sugarcube.db');


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] MySQL Scan - Column 'contributor' cannot be null

2011-03-20 Thread erland

nigelf;619167 Wrote: 
 Can you suggest where I find an mp3 that is 'known' to work so that I
 can discount any suggestion that it's down to faulty tags?
You can try one from the Logitech test suite, for example this one
works in my library and appears as album AutoTests and artist Steven

If you suspect the tags, it might be a good idea to try the same music
file on one of the officially supported platforms, for example on a
Windows installation of SBS if you have access to a Windows computer
where you temporarily can install SBS to try a file you suspect.


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] MySQL Scan - Column 'contributor' cannot be null

2011-03-19 Thread erland

JJZolx;619126 Wrote: 
 Where do you see that? The query
From the scanner log:


  [11-03-18 10:52:29.6062] Slim::Schema::_createTrack (1364) Created track 
'Sweet Little Rock N Roller' (id: [0])

According to the code (assuming I've interpreted it correctly) the
number between [] should be In my setup the identities in
tracks table are 1 or higher.

If the MySQL auto_increment doesn't work correctly and generate a
correct sequence number that's probably an issue.


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] MySQL Scan - Column 'contributor' cannot be null

2011-03-18 Thread erland

It looks like your track get an id in the tracks table of 0, in my setup
the first track in a new database always gets the id 1. I wonder if this
might be related to some setting in the MySQL database ?

I still don't understand how 0 can became undef, but in my MySQL
database it isn't possible to insert a row in tracks table with id 0,
if I try to insert 0 it will generate an id higher than 0.

It looks like the code to get back the generated identity from the
tracks table also looks different in 7.3 compared to 7.4, so this
probably explains why it works in 7.3. If I interpret the code
correctly, 7.3 seems to use the DBIx create call to create the tracks
table row while 7.4 and later use a standard INSERT directive and the
last_insert_id function of DBI.

So I suspect your problem is either related to DBI/DBIx CPAN modules or
some setting in the MySQL database. If you are running a standalone
MySQL database, check your my.cnf file and compare it with the one
bundled with SBS to make sure you haven't set any extra options that
might cause problems.

As an example, there is a sql-mode parameter called
NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO that seems to affect how auto incremented columns
works, maybe that's set in your MySQL instance ?


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
( If my answer
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and/or third party plugin/applet development, 'donations are always
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] MySQL Scan - Column 'contributor' cannot be null

2011-03-17 Thread erland

Have you tried pointing the music folder to a sub set of your library
instead of scanning the whole library ?
Just to eliminate the risk that this is caused by an incorrectly tagged
music file.


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
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and/or third party plugin/applet development, 'donations are always
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Database problems with squeezeboxserver 7.5.1 - build 30576

2010-04-15 Thread erland

Looks very strange, which SBS version did you use previously ?
The statement that fails was part of the upgrade script to a 6.5.x

Could you have some old installation left on the disk that's causing
some conflict ?


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Database problems with squeezeboxserver 7.5.1 - build 30576

2010-04-15 Thread erland

thies;535279 Wrote: 
 The previous build, so some 7.5.1 build. I never had 6.5.x installed I
 think. I already purged the whole thing but I'll do that again and see
 if there are any references left. Does 6.5 install in a different path
 than the 7.5 versions?
Yes, 6.5 was called SlimServer and early 7.x was called SqueezeCenter
and now it's called Squeezebox Server. I think the product name is
reflected in the installation directory name, at least in the
directories under the /var structure.


Erland Isaksson
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Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Network configuration question: better asking here?

2010-01-09 Thread erland

audiomuze;504494 Wrote: 
 So if I've understood correctly the fact that I've used static IP's on
 the PC's means I manually need to check they've the gateway set
 correctly also. If not, they can see the router, but not access the net,


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( (Install my plugins through
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Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Network configuration question: better asking here?

2010-01-09 Thread erland

How are the DNS server attributes configured on the NAS ?
You want them to point to either if the router is able
to proxy DNS request or to the real DNS servers which the router uses.

Does it work to ping a internet address from the NAS using IP instead
of hostname ?
Does the same thing work from the PC ?

What does ipconfig /all (Windows) or ifconfig (Linux) output on the
PC ?
Does the DNS, Gateway, netmask look correct in the output from these
commands ?

Try to reboot the PC if you haven't done so already, if you are using
Windows a reboot usually tends to fix things.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Network configuration question: better asking here?

2010-01-09 Thread erland

audiomuze;504510 Wrote: 
 All looks fine using dynamic IP.  Will try static and revert.
If I remember correctly I think I once had a router that didn't allow
unknown static IP's to pass through if DHCP was enabled. There could be
some setting in the router that controls this.

Is there any way you setup static IP addresses in the router, some
routers has support for this. This way you can configure the devices for
DHCP but they will always get the same IP address because the router
keeps track of which IP-addresses it should assign to devices with
different MAC-addresses.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Network configuration question: better asking here?

2010-01-09 Thread erland

JJZolx;504581 Wrote: 
 I would seriously reexamine your need to use static IP addresses.  For
 some odd reason, people seem to believe using static IPs solves some
 unknown networking issues.  Using DHCP allows you to reconfigure your
 entire network in a matter of minutes, in one central location.  The
 only thing using static IP addresses can really overcome is the failure
 of the DHCP server itself.
I think most people uses static IP addresses because they use
IP-address when accessing the machine or have a local hosts file on each
machine with IP-Hostname mapping. 
None of the home routers I've used has been able to reliably handle DNS
requests on the internal network so it's possible to find a machine with
hostname. It usually works if you only have Windows machines but in a
mixed network with Windows, OSX and Linux you need something outside the
cheap home router, at least that's my experience.

I'm personally using static IP's on my internal network for this reason
and run a central dnsmasq server so I can have the static IP-Hostname
mapping in one place.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( (Install my plugins through
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Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Network configuration question: better asking here?

2010-01-08 Thread erland

I'm guessing the ADSL router is one of those with several LAN ports ?

If that's the case I'd do as follows:

- Connect a cable between the ADSL router and the gigabit switch
- Connect a cable between the gigabit switch and PC1
- Connect a cable between the gigabit switch and PC2
- Connect a cable between the gigabit switch and the NAS

If it's a problem having the NAS connected to the gigabit switch (due
to Jumbo frame problems) it should also work to connect it directly to
the ADSL router instead.

In this setup only one of the NICS in the PC's would be used. You would
only have one local network and every unit on that network would have
both access to internet and access to the other units on the local

If you for some reason want to limit internet access for some devices,
I'd just get another cheap router that has a built-in firewall where you
can restrict the internet access from some MAC/IP adressses. In this
case that router would be placed between the gigabit switch and the ADSL


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Network configuration question: better asking here?

2010-01-08 Thread erland

audiomuze;504479 Wrote: 
 I'd tried what you and Erland described above yesterday and the NAS
 consistently couldn't see the Internet.  I'll specifically disable eth1
 on both machines and double check that the PCs are cabled to the switch
Make sure the default gateway is set correctly on the NAS, if it isn't
it will only find machines on the local network. I'm guessing it's
something like, it should be the internal IP of the ADSL
Also make sure the NAS is configured with the correct DNS servers.

If you have DHCP enabled on the router and the NAS, all this should
happen automatically, if you don't you will need to configure them

audiomuze;504479 Wrote: 
 Agreed, there's nothing in it in performance terms, but it was a simple
 way of keeping my music network from being Internet facing.
I assume there is some kind of firewall in the ADSL router that will
handle this protection. The router will make sure no one can access your
music server unless you have explicitly configured the router to open
ports towards the music server.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Running from SVN

2010-01-07 Thread erland

When I like to run several SBS's as services I've started to use
VirtualBox virtual machines, if you install Ubuntu Server and selects
the installation option for a virtual machine it's pretty slim so it
doesn't use too much extra resources. I think the plain OS works with
128MB memory assigned to the virtual machine, possibly even less. The
advantage with using virtual machines is that you can use the standard
installation scripts if you like to.

This is what I have in my environment:
A virtual machine which runs a standard SBS 7.4.1 installed with

A virtual machine which runs svn version of 7.5, this has a row like
this in /etc/rc.local


  su - myuser -c screen -S squeezecenter75 -d -m squeezecenter75

And the squeezecenter75 script which is in /home/myuser/bin looks like


  export PERL5LIB=$PERL5LIB:/opt/squeezecenter75:/opt/squeezecenter75/CPAN
  export PATH=/opt/squeezecenter75:$PATH --cachedir /var/lib/squeezecenter/Cache75 --prefsdir 
/home/myuser/Configurations/Prefs75 --logdir /var/lib/squeezecenter/Logs75 $*

I've selected to put the prefs dir under /home because that what's
included in my regular backups.

The /opt/squeezecenter75 directory is just svn checkout of

On the development machine which is also a VirtualBox virtual machine I
don't run them as sevices, I just start the server I like to start
manually in a terminal window. 

In the development setup I have a script like the squeezecenter75
script mentioned above for each configuration I like to have easy access
to. For example, a squeezecenter75_small script that points to a
specific prefs directory which is configured towards a Music Folder with
just a few albums.

The standard debian installation scripts puts log, cache and
prefs all under /var/lib/squeezeboxserver, so I'm guessing you should
do the same if you like to have a setup as similar to a real
installation as possible. If you like a fully linux compliant
installation, you probably want the log dir somewhere under /var/log/


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] SC File Permissions

2009-02-17 Thread erland

socistep;397054 Wrote: 
 How do I update my access set-up to resolve this ? I presume the
 initial install for a plugin is done under root type access so there
 are no issues with that ?
It probably complains about the access to the directories you have
configured in the plugin settings page for the particular plugin. The
default points to the playlist folder configured in SqueezeCenter so
unless you have changed these directory parameters you probably also
have problem to edit playlists in your SC setup.

The Linux commands to change permissions are:
- chmod (gives user, group or all read/write access to a specific
- chown (changes the owner of the specific directory)
- chgrp (changes the group of the specific directory)

Using chmod 777 directory is the easy way out but this is NOT
recommended as it gives anyone with access to the machine write access
to the directory and thus opens a security hole. The correct way to do
it is to use the chgrp(or chown) command to make sure the directory
belongs to a group which the SC user is member of and then use chmod
ug+w directory to give everyone within the group write access to the
directory. Use man chgrp or man chmod for more information about
the chmod and chgrp commands.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
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[SlimDevices: Unix] SqueezeCenter restarts every morning

2008-11-06 Thread erland

I've noticed that sometimes in the morning after the alarm has been
running for a while it stops automatically even if I've set it to never
end automatically.

I've thought this was due to some temporarily network problem but today
I started to look in the log files and the reason seems to be that
SqueezeCenter is restarted every morning.

My suspicion is that it might be the /etc/cron.daily/logrotate script
but if I interpret /etc/logrotate.d/squeezecenter correctly it should
only happen once a week if this is the cause ?

In /var/log/syslog files I have:


  Nov  7 06:17:01 squeezecenter /USR/SBIN/CRON[16612]: (root) CMD (   cd /  
run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
  Nov  7 06:25:01 squeezecenter /USR/SBIN/CRON[16623]: (root) CMD (test -x 
/usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd /  run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily ))
  Nov  7 06:44:02 squeezecenter -- MARK --
  Nov  7 06:52:42 squeezecenter syslogd 1.5.0#1ubuntu1: restart.
  Nov  7 07:04:02 squeezecenter -- MARK --

And in /var/log/sequeezecenter/server.log the first entry is:
2008-11-07 06:52:41 squeezecenter_safe started.

(The machine is called squeezecenter)

SqueezeCenter seems to be restarted once a day according to the
/var/log/squeezecenter/server log files. Sometimes it happens after
06:45 when the alarm has been trigged and then the alarm stops,
sometimes it happens before 06:45 and then the alarm continues to run
as expected when it is trigged at 06:45.

So am I correct that the cause might be the logrotate scripts even
though they seems to be set to rotate weekly ?

Is there any way to adjust this so always happens before the alarm is
triggered ?


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and Database Query plugins'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Squeezecenter 7.1.0 dies every night....

2008-08-03 Thread erland

Remember to register this as a bug report when you have found the
problem, that way someone will remember to fix it in a future release.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and Database Query plugins'

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[SlimDevices: Unix] SoftSqueeze mixed with other sound ?

2008-07-07 Thread erland

Has anyone succeeded in getting SoftSqueeze on linux to work together
with other applications that uses the sound card ?

It seems like SoftSqueeze grab the sound card exclusively and if it
doesn't succeed it doesn't even start.

I'm using Ubuntu and have this problem both in Ubuntu 7.10 and Ubuntu


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and Database Query plugins'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Ubuntu beginner - Where to start?

2008-01-13 Thread erland

Tbrooke;257823 Wrote: 
 Now what? I went to terminal and typed service slimserver start and
 everything else I could find on the wiki and nothing happens
I haven't actually tried the debian package, but on ubuntu I start/stop
services like this:

To start a service:
sudo /etc/init.d/slimserver start

To stop a service:
sudo /etc/init.d/slimserver stop

If you install SlimServer with the debian package, I assume you will
get a slimserver that also automatically starts up when the computer is


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and Database Query plugins'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Linux advice needed please !!

2007-09-21 Thread erland

DLloyd;228340 Wrote: 
 And probably the most important question I have right now, which
 distribution of Linux should I be looking at running ?

Have you installed and configured Linux before ?

If not, listen to Pat's advice, choose a distribution which you have
some friend that runs who can help you when you get in trouble. I say
when because, you are, it's just a matter of where it happens. Some
people are lucky with their installations, but my experience is that
there is always something that will require some work. It might be some
hardware in the box or it might be some default behaviour that isn't
like you want it. 

If you don't know any Linux friend that is able to help you, I would
personally choose Ununtu. The main reason is that it is simple to setup
and their installation packaging works so you don't get dependencies
problem unless you are doing something really special and finally their
discussion forums are very active.

If you aren't experienced with Linux I would also suggest that you
install the desktop installation and connect a monitor and keyboard
during the installation. Setup everyting as you like it and when you
have everything working, start to think how to make it work without the
monitor or keyboard. For a beginner it is a lot easier to use the
graphical configuration tools while the more experienced users tends to
like vi and manually editing of the text configuration files.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] EAC on Ubuntu Fiesty

2007-08-15 Thread erland

Mark Lanctot;220885 Wrote: 
 I'm thinking if you can ever get a re-read in EAC under wine, EAC can
 detect when sectors don't match and you get the full benefits of the

Shadowtester;220886 Wrote: 
 And yes there are advantages to using EAC if you want a really accurate
 bit for bit rip I have not found any other app that is as accurate.

Just to be clear, I'm not questioning EAC, I'm using it myself but I
run it on Windows. I would really love to run it on Linux but I haven't
dared to do it yet. The thing I'm a bit afraid of on Linux is that EAC
can't force a re-read when run under wine. I don't know if this is the
case or not, but since wine is in the middle and the whole thing is
running under another OS (Linux) which EAC doesn't know about, it seems
to me that there might be things going on in the OS which EAC has no
knowledge of. So EAC might think that it reads the drive directly when
it in fact just reads from a cache in memory or from the hard drive.

But again, I don't know if this is the case or not, so if someone knows
the definite truth, please post.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and RandomPlayList plugins'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] EAC on Ubuntu Fiesty

2007-08-14 Thread erland

Do you really get any benefit of running EAC when you run it under Wine

I'm guessing that EAC can't access the hardware directly when running
it this way and I have always thought that EAC get its strengths by the
fact that it accesses the hardware directly. 

Wouldn't a native Linux application based on cdparanoia be preferable,
for example Grip ?


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and RandomPlayList plugins'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] SoftSqueeze problems on Linux ?

2007-08-08 Thread erland

Ron F.;219627 Wrote: 
 My problem was only occuring with SoftSqueeze running on the same Ubuntu
 platform running Slimserver. If I were to run SoftSqueeze on a separate
 Windows platform - it would connect to Slimserver on the Ubuntu machine
 and run fine.I just checked, when I run SoftSqueeze on Windows towards my 
Dapper 6.06 with SlimServer 6.5.3 everything works perfectly. However,
when I run SoftSqueeze from my Ubuntu Fiesty 7.04 laptop towards the
same Ubuntu Dapper 6.06 with SlimServer 6.5.3 it hangs.

The Windows client runs Java 1.6.0_01 while I think the Ubuntu Feisty
client runs Java 1.6.0_00 and 1.5.0_11, where the 1.5 version is used
by default. I've also runned it with Java 1.5.0_12 on Windows and it
works perfectly with that too.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and RandomPlayList plugins'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] SoftSqueeze problems on Linux ?

2007-08-08 Thread erland

Ron F.;219768 Wrote: 
 Reading this thread, I remember doing two more things that might have
 helped make it work on my Ubuntu machine:
 1. I commented out the normal Ron-ubuntu line in my
 /etc/hosts file, and replaced it with localhost Ron-ubuntu
 - I put the host name after localhost.
 2. I disabled IPv6 - not sure this matters, as I have not reactivated
 it to be sure. This included commenting out all the ip6 lines in
 Not that it matters, but I am also using the Java MP3 plugin.
 Thanks for the ideas.
I've tried all this, but unfortunately it didn't solve the problem.

Ron F.;219770 Wrote: 
 SoftSqueeze has been playing continuously for the past 16 hours on my
 Ubuntu 7.04 machine now, without a hiccup - so it is possible to make
 it work!
 Just to make sure, you did try to change track manually sometime during
these 16 hours ?
It only hangs for me if I change track, if I let the tracks play to the
end so SlimServer itself just start to play the next track everything
works perfectly in my setup too.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and RandomPlayList plugins'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] SoftSqueeze problems on Linux ?

2007-08-07 Thread erland

Ron F.;219613 Wrote: 
 What finally did work for me was to install the Java 1.5.0_11 JRE,
 Softsqueeze version 3.4, and Slimserver 6.5.3.This is exactly the versions 
 I'm running, so this didn't solve the
problem for me. Although I also has Java 1.6.0 installed on the
machine, but it's 1.5.0_11 that is active and that 's also the version
that is shown within the SoftSqueeze preferences window. 

To make sure we are seeing the same problem, this is what happens in my
1. I can successfully start SoftSqueeze and start playing something
2. If I now use the Fwd button to skip to next song, SoftSqueeze
totally hangs. The progress timer stops and SoftSqueeze no longer
receives any remote commands.
3. Restart of SlimServer doesn't help, when SlimServer is restarted
SoftSqueeze doesn't connect, it is still hanged.
4. Restart of SoftSqueeze solves the problem and the next songs start
to play again.

The problem is repeatable with both FLAC and MP3 songs on the current
machine. I'm pretty sure my previous installation on another computer
only had the problem with FLAC songs, while MP3 worked correctly. The
exact same songs works perfectly with a standard SqueezeBox with the
same SlimServer installation and computer. SoftSqueeze doesn't seem to
hang if I play the song to the end and SlimServer itself switches to
the next song, then it successfully switch song and starts playing next
song without any hang. The hang problem also occurs if I switch song
when a song is playing some other way, for example start to play
another artist or album from the browse menu.

I've also seen situations where SoftSqueeze is hanged with a blank
screen, but I'm not completely sure when this happens.

I've installed slimserver with the tar.gz package and used the script to build the necessary perl modules.

On Windows on the same machine (dual booted) everything works perfect,
so the problem seems to be related to Linux.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and RandomPlayList plugins'

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[SlimDevices: Unix] SoftSqueeze problems on Linux ?

2007-08-06 Thread erland

Does anyone else have problems with SoftSqueeze on Linux ?

The problem I'm having is that SoftSqueeze totally hangs pretty often
when playling FLAC songs, sometimes also with MP3. The hang often occur
when I change to play another track. When it has hung, I can shutdown
SoftSqueeze and restart it again and then the song continues to play.

I'm using SlimServer 6.5.3 and have tried both Java 5 and Java 6. The
problem also exists in previous SlimServer 6.5 releases, I haven't
checked if it also occurs in 6.3 and earlier.
I've tried both SoftSqueeze 3.4 and 3.3 and the problem is the same in
both releases.

It works perfectly on Windows.

The computer I'm running softsqueeze on is Ubuntu Feisty 7.04, I have
tried to connect to a locally installed SlimServer and also towards a
remote SlimServer running on a Ubuntu Dapper 6.06 computer. The problem
is the same in both configurations.

I have posted some SoftSqueeze log files here:

I appreciate any ideas of how to solve the problem or confirmations on
that I'm not the only one that is seeing this.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and RandomPlayList plugins'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Good solution for iPod and Linux ?

2007-07-19 Thread erland

peterw;215659 Wrote: 
 If you get rid of Windows and iTunes, what will you use to replace
 iTunes' smart playlists?Smart playlists are supported in several of the Linux 
 applications, for
example gtkpod and Amarok. The problem with this are:
- Amarok has no criteria for limiting the smart playlist to a specific
size in GB, I'm also not sure if it supports to export only files which
are in a playlist. Next TrackStat version will support export/import of
statistics to/from Amarok, so getting the SlimServer ratings into
Amarok won't be a problem.
- There doesn't seem to be any way to get my SlimServer ratings into
gtkpod, I'm also not sure if it supports to export only files which are
in a playlist.

Ratings are important because I use them as one of the criterias to
select which 6GB of music to export to the iPod.

peterw;215659 Wrote: 
 Building a script to sync the first 6GB of music from a playlist doesn't
 seem tough. But I don't know how you'd create the playlist.
Do you have any ideas regarding this ?
I have no problem to generate a standard playlist file, I can implement
this pretty easy by using SQL towards the Amarok database. The problem
is that the applications doesn't seem to support to export music based
on a playlist, they typically supports to export a whole directory.

I guess I could generate a directory which only contains the correct
songs with a script that copies or soft links the correct files. I
could then choose to just export this directory from Amarok or gtkpod,
but I wish there was an easier way.

peterw;215659 Wrote: 
 Are you sticking with the Apple firmware, or considering moving to free
 software ( on the iPod, too? :-)I've installed the 
 Rockbox software, so currently I have both installed
in a dual boot configuration. However, the Rockbox doesn't really have
any good support for smart playlists yet and it doesn't seem as user
friendly as the apple firmware, so I'm not sure it will solve anything.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and RandomPlayList plugins'

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[SlimDevices: Unix] Good solution for iPod and Linux ?

2007-07-11 Thread erland

Has anyone found a good solution with the SlimServer, iPod and Linux
combination ?

Today I do as follows:
Rip new CD's to FLAC with EAC using Windows, store them on a network
drive on the Linux server. SlimServer points to this directory.

flac2mp3 is run every night and converts any new or changed FLAC files
to MP3 and put these in a separate directory structure. The MP3 files
should be used on the iPod.

In iTunes I have a number of smart playlists, one main playlist which
has a criteria to limit the size to 6GB (I have a 6GB iPod mini). The
smart playlist is constructed so it priorities high rated tracks and
exclude some old albums and leaves out low rated or non rated tracks to
get below 6GB in total size. All the smart playlists are constructed so
they only contain tracks which is in this main playlist.

When syncronizing with the iPod from iTunes i select to syncronize all
the playlists that depends on the main playlist (which is limited to

I would like to get rid of Windows and use Linux only. EAC is one
problem but I know there are solutions for the ripping part, but the
other part is the iPod synchronization. The problem is that most of the
Linux software available seems to do the iPod synchronization with a
directory and have no possibility to limit the synchronized files to
those in a smart playlist.

Does anyone have a good solution for iPod synchronization that doesn't
involve Windows/Mac and iTunes ?


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and RandomPlayList plugins'

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[SlimDevices: Unix] Debian installation on download page ?

2006-09-21 Thread erland

Shouldn't the .deb installation for debian based linux systems be
available on the download page ?

Or will it just be available for download using apt-get ?


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat'
, 'SQLPlayList'
, 'DynamicPlayList'
'Custom Browse'
and 'RandomPlayList'

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[SlimDevices: Unix] Re: Debian installation on download page ?

2006-09-21 Thread erland

Dan Sully;138003 Wrote: 
 * erland shaped the electrons to say...
 Shouldn't the .deb installation for debian based linux systems be
 available on the download page ?
 Or will it just be available for download using apt-get ?
 Only via APT, as there are a number of dependencies that are needed.
Maybe there should be some information available on the download page
that it is available using apt and which apt repositories you will have
to setup ?


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat'
, 'SQLPlayList'
, 'DynamicPlayList'
'Custom Browse'
and 'RandomPlayList'

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[SlimDevices: Unix] revision.txt not installed in deb package ?

2006-07-11 Thread erland

Is it intentional that there is no revision.txt installed with the .deb
package ?

The result of this is that revision will always show up as trunk so a
plugin cannot use $::REVISION to execute different code for pre
split-scanner and post split-scanner releases.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat'
, 'SQLPlayList'
, 'DynamicPlayList'
and 'RandomPlayList'

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[SlimDevices: Unix] Re: Two slimservers running?

2006-07-11 Thread erland

I'm am not running the debian installation myself so I am not sure this
works, but it might.

I think you probably need to shutdown your previous installation before
you upgrade.

Just run the following as root/sudo before upgrading:
/etc/init.d/slimserver stop

Then upgrade and start slimserver again after the upgrade with:
/etc/init.d/slimserver start

If that doesn't work you should be able to simply kill all processes
found with the following command, you probably only needs to kill the
first process found and the rest will be killed by themself:

ps aux|grep slimserver


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat'
, 'SQLPlayList'
, 'DynamicPlayList'
and 'RandomPlayList'

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