Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-11-18 Thread brainchild

cpd73 wrote: 
> Just published a very early 0.0.1 release - see
> for announcement.

That's great, and while saying so probably seems to be beating a dead
horse, I appreciate the publishing of the Debian package.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-11-18 Thread cpd73

Just published a very early 0.0.1 release - see
for announcement.

*Material debug:* 1. Launch via http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json
(Use http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json,cometd to also see update
messages, e.g. play queue) 2. Open browser's developer tools 3. Open
console tab in developer tools 4. REQ/RESP messages sent to/from LMS
will be logged here.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-11-18 Thread brainchild

RobbH wrote: 
> But that approach made for a misguided and unhelpful response to you.
> What was needed was simply to read what you wrote and refrain from
> inferring anything. This exchange has been a good reminder that that
> should always be an option.

Yes, quite right. Even a slight improvement for the application of such
advice would make interactions in our modern lives vastly more pleasant
and successful. Our hunter-gatherer brains have appeared better suited
for interactions with familiar individuals in familiar settings, in
which any inferences tend to be grounded largely on observations from a
shared context.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-11-17 Thread RobbH

brainchild wrote: 
> Perhaps my enthusiasm about expressing a solution I considered as an
> ideal, and one which I think others might also share in principle,
> whether or not having considered it, appeared as a demand or rejection.

Thank you. That may have contributed to our misunderstanding, but by
then I had already failed to understand what you were trying to achieve,
and I had filled in the blanks in my understanding with my own

Sometimes it is necessary to make inferences, because some people do not
have a background that has prepared them to make the necessary
observations or the vocabulary needed to report them. I have been in
that role, and probably will be again, and resolving my issues depended
on finding someone who was able to "read between the lines" and infer
what I needed to say but was incapable of saying.

But that approach made for a misguided and unhelpful response to you.
What was needed was simply to read what you wrote and refrain from
inferring anything. This exchange has been a good reminder that that
should always be an option.

I did think I was trying to be neutral and non-judgmental in my replies
to you, but I see now that I did not try hard enough. Anyone whose
inference engine is running will notice unstated implications in my
words. So I would like to state openly and for the record that it is a
perfectly valid option to prefer properly packaged software to manual

Fortunately, I am not one of the most knowledgeable people here, so some
people who actually know their way around are providing what you need. I
don't think I was exactly wrong when I told you that what you wanted (if
I understood it by then) was unlikely. But Craig (cpd730) has shown
again why he is one of the heroes of this community, and if I have
finally arrived at an understanding of your needs, I think it is very
likely that you will be happy with the results.

All the best

Usually running latest beta LMS nightly on Raspberry Pi OS with virtual
players (Squeezelite and Airplay bridge). Occasionally using SB Radio,
Boom or Classic.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-11-17 Thread brainchild

cpd73 wrote: 
> What makes you think Electron is any more generic than Qt? 

It's fine. I wasn't being critical. I think I probably have tied Qt more
closely than is accurate to KDE, due to a historical association.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-11-17 Thread cpd73

brainchild wrote: 
> May I ask why you chose to use a solution based on Qt, instead of a more
> generic one, such as a direct use of Electron?

What makes you think Electron is any more generic than Qt? Qt runs on
Linux, Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, and more. Electron, AFAIK, is more
about packaging the web-app to run offline - so it has the JS, etc, code
bundled with the app. But LMS is always required, therefore makes more
sense (and easier to update) if Material itself is on the server, and
the app is just used to render it.

Plus, I have plenty of Qt experience (I wrote the Cantata Qt MPD
controller), and no Electron experience.

*Material debug:* 1. Launch via http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json
(Use http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json,cometd to also see update
messages, e.g. play queue) 2. Open browser's developer tools 3. Open
console tab in developer tools 4. REQ/RESP messages sent to/from LMS
will be logged here.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-11-17 Thread brainchild

RobbH wrote: 
> Guilty as charged! I thought I had inferred what you wanted and found a
> way you might achieve that. My inference was wrong and I apologize.

Perhaps my enthusiasm about expressing a solution I considered as an
ideal, and one which I think others might also share in principle,
whether or not having considered it, appeared as a demand or rejection.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-11-17 Thread brainchild

cpd73 wrote: 
> The "qwebappwrapper" is working (barring any bugs), and you can (and I
> already do) use this to access LMS. The newer app takes this one step
> further, makes it LMS specific, and adds features such as auto-discover
> of LMS and MPRIS (so that player controls, etc, are shown in Plasma's
> taskbar or GNOME's central status menu). This newer app is not 100%
> ready - it depends on an unrealeased material version.

May I ask why you chose to use a solution based on Qt, instead of a more
generic one, such as a direct use of Electron?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-11-17 Thread cpd73

brainchild wrote: 
> Yes. Thank you. I think my original impression was that a working
> version was still forthcoming. If there is, in a sense, a phase that is
> already working, perhaps it would help to explain the difference between
> it and the part still under development.

The "qwebappwrapper" is working (barring any bugs), and you can (and I
already do) use this to access LMS. The newer app takes this one step
further, makes it LMS specific, and adds features such as auto-discover
of LMS and MPRIS (so that player controls, etc, are shown in Plasma's
taskbar or GNOME's central status menu). This newer app is not 100%
ready - it depends on an unrealeased material version.

*Material debug:* 1. Launch via http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json
(Use http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json,cometd to also see update
messages, e.g. play queue) 2. Open browser's developer tools 3. Open
console tab in developer tools 4. REQ/RESP messages sent to/from LMS
will be logged here.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-11-17 Thread brainchild

cpd73 wrote: 
> As previously stated I have already written a Qt-based wrapper - this
> was to allow any page to be installed as a web-app. Now grated this
> means creating a .desktop file, but that is fairly easy (and an example
> LMS .desktop file is provided). Although not Electron based specificaly,
> it does use the same chromium engine as Electron - just wraped in the Qt
> toolkit..

Yes. Thank you. I think my original impression was that a working
version was still forthcoming. If there is, in a sense, a phase that is
already working, perhaps it would help to explain the difference between
it and the part still under development.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-11-16 Thread cpd73

brainchild wrote: 
> Some of the suggestions were to migrate the existing web page into a
> distributable wrapper, such as one built through Electron. Doing so is a
> development project in its own right, which would benefit the community.
> That it would be distributable and of benefit to more than the developer
> would be in most cases the reason for someone to undertake such a
> project.

As previously stated I have already written a Qt-based wrapper - this
was to allow any page to be installed as a web-app. Now grated this
means creating a .desktop file, but that is fairly easy (and an example
LMS .desktop file is provided). Although not Electron based specificaly,
it does use the same chromium engine as Electron - just wraped in the Qt

As can be seen from the screenshots I have started working on an
LMS-specific version. This does server auto-discovery, allows
configuring the zoom of the webpage, and now also implements MPRIS. This
is a standalone app wiith its own .desktop file, which I -might- then
build a .deb package from. However, please note that development of this
app has only just started, and it relies on the development version of
Material (which is not yet ready for release). (The app also currently
has an awful name ("lms-material-app-qt") so I will need to think of a
much better one before any release). Being Qt based, if there is any
interest I might see about creating a Mac package, and possibly Windows
(although not much need due to Squeezelite-X).

*Material debug:* 1. Launch via http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json
(Use http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json,cometd to also see update
messages, e.g. play queue) 2. Open browser's developer tools 3. Open
console tab in developer tools 4. REQ/RESP messages sent to/from LMS
will be logged here.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-11-16 Thread RobbH

brainchild wrote: 
> Discussing what I generally am able or willing to do to my own
> system was not the reason I opened the discussion, and (without
> recalling every detail that I shared) I might suggest trying to avoid
> making inferences to such effect

Guilty as charged! I thought I had inferred what you wanted and found a
way you might achieve that. My inference was wrong and I apologize.

Usually running latest beta LMS nightly on Raspberry Pi OS with virtual
players (Squeezelite and Airplay bridge). Occasionally using SB Radio,
Boom or Classic.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-11-16 Thread kidstypike

brainchild wrote: 
> Some of the suggestions were to migrate the existing web page into a
> distributable wrapper, such as one built through Electron. Doing so is a
> development project in its own right, which would benefit the community.
> That it would be distributable and of benefit to more than the developer
> would be in most cases the reason for someone to undertake such a
> project.
> Electron is a software development tool, not a user utility. Such is the
> confusion that I have read into some of the responses given to my
> inquiry.
> There is no software that only can be run when shipped as a package,
> except on a system that has some very serious sandboxing restrictions,
> of the kind common on mobile devices. It is plain, though, from my
> reading, that many participants in the discussion might benefit from a
> package if one were available for distribution, in all the same ways and
> for all the same reasons as why I might benefit from it.
> Discussing what I generally am able or willing to do to my own system
> was not the reason I opened the discussion, and (without recalling every
> detail that I shared) I might suggest trying to avoid making inferences
> to such effect. Sharing these choices is not what would tend to add
> value to a question of such kind. My purpose rather was to learn about
> the range of current options available from the community. Having such
> information allows me to weigh the suitability of the various choices.
> The benefit to many, myself and others, that may be afforded by a Debian
> or Ubuntu package has been given as a rather casual observation, not
> intended as controversial, nor as a judgment toward anyone who might
> take responsibility for maintaining it.


*Server - LMS 8.3.0 *RPi4B 4GB/NanoSound ONE case/pCP 8.1.0 - 75K
library, playlists & LMS cache on Sata SSD (ntfs)

*Lounge* - DAC32 - AudioEngine B2
*Office* - RPi 3B+/HiFiBerry DAC HAT/RPi screen - Edifier D12
*Bedroom* - Echo Show 8

*Spares* - 1xSB Touch, 1xSB3, 3xRPi, 1xCORE32, AVI DM5 speakers

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-11-16 Thread brainchild

RobbH wrote: 
> There have already been some misunderstandings in this thread, and I
> think we now have another one. I cannot speak for others who have posted
> suggestions, but when I posted the directions for manually installing
> SqueezePlay, I was under the mistaken impression that you wanted to have
> a non-browser-based desktop client that could control players attached
> to LMS, and that you might be willing to follow some simple instructions
> to achieve that. I suspect that was the thinking behind other posts,
> too: the point wasn't that *someone* might attempt to follow the
> directions, but that *YOU* could.

Some of the suggestions were to migrate the existing web page into a
distributable wrapper, such as one built through Electron. It is a
development project in its own right, which would benefit the community.
That such a project would indeed be distributable and of benefit to more
than the developer would be in most cases the reason for someone to
undertake such a project.

Electron is a software development tool, not user utility. Such is the
confusion that I have read into some of the responses given to my

RobbH wrote: 
> So far, you are the only one who has expressed a need for a .deb package
> for this purpose.

There is no software that only can be run when shipped as a package,
except on a system that has some very serious sandboxing restrictions.
It is plain, though, from my reading, that many participants in the
discussion might benefit from a package that were available for
distribution, in all the same ways and for all the same reasons as why I
might benefit from it.

Discussing what I generally am able or willing to do to my own system
was not the reason I opened the discussion, and (without recalling every
detail that I shared) it may be wise to avoid making inferences to such
effect. Sharing these choices is not what would tend to add value to a
question of the kind such as the one I asked. The purpose rather was to
learn current options available from the community. Once having such
information, I may then weigh the choices for suitability.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-11-16 Thread RobbH

brainchild wrote: 
> It would be quite nice if someone were interested in maintaining and
> distributing a project on behalf of the community. 
> I think just mentioning ways that someone might attempt it, however, has
> become off topic.
> Thanks for the references, though. Perhaps it will help or inspire
> someone.

There have already been some misunderstandings in this thread, and I
think we now have another one. I cannot speak for others who have posted
suggestions, but when I posted the directions for manually installing
SqueezePlay, I was under the mistaken impression that you wanted to have
a non-browser-based desktop client that could control players attached
to LMS, and that you might be willing to follow some simple instructions
to achieve that. I suspect that was the thinking behind other posts,
too: the point wasn't that *someone* might attempt to follow the
directions, but that *YOU* could.

I think it is clear now that what you want is a .deb package to install
such a client, and nothing else. That remains a possibility, although an
unlikely one. My understanding is that developers in this community
usually work on projects that interest them. So far, you are the only
one who has expressed a need for a .deb package for this purpose. You
might consider offering a bounty for a developer who would be willing to
tackle the task. That might generate some interest, if someone with the
necessary skills has some spare time.

Usually running latest beta LMS nightly on Raspberry Pi OS with virtual
players (Squeezelite and Airplay bridge). Occasionally using SB Radio,
Boom or Classic.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-11-14 Thread chicks

cpd73 wrote: 
> Ah, I set an initial size of 1024x768. What I need to do is check the
> screen size, and set this appropriately.

Yes, that update works.

piTouch™ w/JustBoom DigiHat -> RME ADI-2 DAC FS -> JBL 305P MkII
monitors; LMS 8.2 on piCorePlayer/Pi 4;  Material Skin.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-11-13 Thread cpd73

chicks wrote: 
> Also builds and runs under Armbian Linux on the 'Inovato Quadra'
> (  Not quite fitting the 7" 1024X600 display,
> cut off at the bottom, seems to think it's in portrait mode.

Ah, I set an initial size of 1024x768. What I need to do is check the
screen size, and set this appropriately.

*Material debug:* 1. Launch via http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json
(Use http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json,cometd to also see update
messages, e.g. play queue) 2. Open browser's developer tools 3. Open
console tab in developer tools 4. REQ/RESP messages sent to/from LMS
will be logged here.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-11-13 Thread chicks

Also builds and runs under Armbian Linux on the Inovato Quadra.  Not
quite fitting the 7" 1024X600 display, cut off at the bottom.


|Filename: dqDDgoKWQ8Od1hFk61SdlA.jpeg  |

piTouch™ w/JustBoom DigiHat -> RME ADI-2 DAC FS -> JBL 305P MkII
monitors; LMS 8.2 on piCorePlayer/Pi 4;  Material Skin.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-11-13 Thread chicks

cpd73 wrote: 
> For what its worth, I've started writing a Qt based wrapper app for
> MaterialSkin - see This
> is similar to my Android APK, in that it is a wrapper around a WebView
> that adds extras such as server auto-disovery, etc. Its in its early
> stages, but should be usable.

Builds and tests fine on my Chromebox.  Nice!


|Filename: Screenshot 2022-11-13 2.46.07 PM.jpg |

piTouch™ w/JustBoom DigiHat -> RME ADI-2 DAC FS -> JBL 305P MkII
monitors; LMS 8.2 on piCorePlayer/Pi 4;  Material Skin.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-11-13 Thread cpd73

For what its worth, I've started writing a Qt based wrapper app for
MaterialSkin - see This
is similar to my Android APK, in that it is a wrapper around a WebView
that adds extras such as server auto-disovery, etc. Its in its early
stages, but should be usable.

*Material debug:* 1. Launch via http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json
(Use http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json,cometd to also see update
messages, e.g. play queue) 2. Open browser's developer tools 3. Open
console tab in developer tools 4. REQ/RESP messages sent to/from LMS
will be logged here.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-11-11 Thread brainchild

manx wrote: 
> Nativefier ( is a little open source
> program which allows you to turn any website/URL into an app with native
> integration. It uses Electron/Chromium and provides many options. It's
> easy to use.
> WebCatalog ( is even easier to use and utilises the same
> software but is not entirely free. However it does provide additional
> features such as per-app settings pages, 'spaces' for groups of apps,
> loading extensions from a chromium browser on the same machine etc, even
> on the free tier which is limited to 10 apps.
> There are other similar options out there.

It would be quite nice if someone were interested in maintaining and
distributing a project on behalf of the community. 

I think just mentioning ways that someone might attempt it, however, has
become off topic.

Thanks for the references, though. Perhaps it will help or inspire

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-11-10 Thread manx

brainchild wrote: 
> Thank you for the responses.
> I understand that Material Skin is a single-page web application that
> may be served from LMS or stored on a client. For a cleaner style, it
> may be preferred to load it from an application that operates as a
> standalone wrapper. In principle, the application might be packaged as
> an Electron application, although no one has attempted the work for such
> a migration.
> I also understand that SqueezePlay may be run as a native application on
> Linux system, although the maintainer no longer publishes a Debian
> package. Installation and upgrading is completely manual.
> Because no Debian package is available, I have 'requested a Pacstall
> build script'
> (, which would
> support automatic installation and upgrades on systems running Ubuntu or
> Ubuntu-based distributions, for anyone who uses 'Pacstall'
> (

Nativefier ( is a little open source
program which allows you to turn any website/URL into an app with native
integration. It uses Electron/Chromium and provides many options. It's
easy to use.
WebCatalog ( is even easier to use and utilises the same
software but is not entirely free. However it does provide additional
features such as per-app settings pages, 'spaces' for groups of apps,
loading extensions from a chromium browser on the same machine etc, even
on the free tier which is limited to 10 apps.
There are other similar options out there.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-11-06 Thread chicks

brainchild wrote: 
> Thank you for the responses.
> I understand that Material Skin is a single-page web application that
> may be served from LMS or stored on a client. For a cleaner style, it
> may be preferred to load it from an application that operates as a
> standalone wrapper. In principle, the application might be packaged as
> an Electron application, although no one has attempted the work for such
> a migration.
> I also understand that SqueezePlay may be run as a native application on
> Linux system, although the maintainer no longer publishes a Debian
> package. Installation and upgrading is completely manual.
> Because no Debian package is available, I have 'requested a Pacstall
> build script'
> (, which would
> support automatic installation and upgrades on systems running Ubuntu or
> Ubuntu-based distributions, for anyone who uses 'Pacstall'
> (

Here's a little Python script I threw together the other day, tested on
Armbian Linux and ChromeOS.  It will monitor any of your LMS endpoints,
with remote control switching.

piTouch™ w/JustBoom DigiHat -> RME ADI-2 DAC FS -> JBL 305P MkII
monitors; LMS 8.2 on piCorePlayer/Pi 4;  Material Skin.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-11-06 Thread RobbH

brainchild wrote: 
> Thank you for the responses.
> I understand that Material Skin is a single-page web application that
> may be served from LMS or stored on a client. For a cleaner style, it
> may be preferred to load it from an application that operates as a
> standalone wrapper. In principle, the application might be packaged as
> an Electron application, although no one has attempted the work for such
> a migration.
> I also understand that SqueezePlay may be run as a native application on
> Linux system, although the maintainer no longer publishes a Debian
> package. Installation and upgrading is completely manual.
> Because no Debian package is available, I have 'requested a Pacstall
> build script'
> (, which would
> support automatic installation and upgrades on systems running Ubuntu or
> Ubuntu-based distributions, for anyone who uses 'Pacstall'
> (

It's great that you have found a solution that fits your needs.

Usually running latest beta LMS nightly on Raspberry Pi OS with virtual
players (Squeezelite and Airplay bridge). Occasionally using SB Radio,
Boom or Classic.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-11-06 Thread brainchild

Thank you for the responses.

I understand that Material Skin is a single-page web application that
may be served from LMS or stored on a client. For a cleaner style, it
may be preferred to load it from an application that operates as a
standalone wrapper. In principle, the application might be packaged as
an Electron application, although no one has attempted the work for such
a migration.

I also understand that SqueezePlay may be run as a native application on
Linux system, although the maintainer no longer publishes a Debian
package. Installation and upgrading is completely manual.

Because no Debian package is available, I have 'requested a Pacstall
build script'
(, which would
support automatic installation and upgrades on systems running Ubuntu or
Ubuntu-based distributions, for anyone who uses 'Pacstall'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-19 Thread cpd73

brainchild wrote: 
> Someone mentioned that -Material Design- is a web page that may be run
> without a browser or even an Electron shell. I would like to understand
> this better.

Material -Skin- being a single-page Javascript web-app requires a HTML
redering engine - which a browser or Electron would provide. (AFAIK,
Electron -is- chromium just packed per-app). I have written a smalll Qt
app that uses Blink (chromium's rendering engine) which I currently use
for displaying LMS. See
Perhaps this is what you are referring to? I have thought about
expandnig this to be LSM specific, and add things such as server
discovery, MPRIS, etc., but am too busy at the moment and it currently
suffices for my needs.

*Material debug:* 1. Launch via http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json
(Use http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json,cometd to also see update
messages, e.g. play queue) 2. Open browser's developer tools 3. Open
console tab in developer tools 4. REQ/RESP messages sent to/from LMS
will be logged here.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-18 Thread Michael Herger

I, too, would like to understand how a web page could be "run" without a

It can't. But there are a few ways to hide the fact that it's running a 
web page. Electron is one of them. Many popular apps nowadays are 
written using web technologies (JS, HTML, CSS), eg. Spotify, Slack, VS 
Code etc.

So, asking for a native app, and even considering an Electron app 
"native", but refusing to use a web wrapper is kind of joke (not to say 
lack of understanding).

unix mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-18 Thread RobbH

chicks wrote: 
> Just for grins, installed Squeezeplay on my ChromeBox.  While it's
> nicely suited to 7" touchscreens, it really isn't a desktop app.  The
> Material Skin, saved as an "app", is far more intuitive and easier to
> navigate with a mouse.


But it does require a browser, even if most of the browser functionality
is hidden from the user, and the request was strictly for an application
that is not browser-based.

I found it interesting to try SqueezePlay again. I used it briefly when
I was first getting into LMS, but it's been a long time. I'm glad it's
available, but it does not at all suit my needs these days.

Usually running latest beta LMS nightly on Raspberry Pi OS with virtual
players (Squeezelite and Airplay bridge). Occasionally using SB Radio,
Boom or Classic.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-18 Thread chicks

Just for grins, installed Squeezeplay on my ChromeBox.  While it's
nicely suited to 7" touchscreens, it really isn't a desktop app.  The
Material Skin, saved as an "app", is far more intuitive and easier to
navigate with a mouse.


|Filename: Screenshot 2022-10-18 6.43.00 PM.jpg |

piTouch™ w/JustBoom DigiHat -> RME ADI-2 DAC FS -> JBL 305P MkII
monitors; LMS 8.2 on piCorePlayer/Pi 4;  Material Skin.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-18 Thread RobbH

SqueezePlay running on Linux Mint 20.3 (sorry, I haven't upgraded to 21


Although it COULD be playing music on the computer on which it is
running, at present it is simply controlling a player in a different

Installing it is straightforward, following the directions on the
download page mentioned previously
As you mentioned, the Readme file is three years old, but the most
recent builds date from last year. The first two lines of the directions
only matter if you have previously installed SqueezePlay form a .deb
file. Clearly, that is not the case, so you can safely skip those two


Uninstall the debian package.
  sudo apt-get purge squeezeplay
  Create /opt/squeezeplay if it doesn't exist.
  sudo mkdir -p /opt/squeezeplay
  extract the tar file
  sudo tar -C /opt/squeezeplay -xzf squeezeplay-pulse-7.8.0-1149-x86_64.tgz
  Before upgrading from tar files remove the old /opt/squeezeplay folder before 
extracting the new one, otherwise you could have multiple versions of some 
files installed.
  Start using the script /opt/squeezeplay/bin/
  If you want your screensaver to start, uncomment export 

That will install SqueezePlay, but you may find, as I did, that it locks
up while trying to connect to, with no obvious way to
break out. I found these instructions in the Readme file for the Windows
version of jivelite, which solved the problem for me.


  If you're computer has multiple active network interfaces, for example 
wireless and vpn connections, and after you've completed the initial setup, 
jivelite returns from Scanning for Players without finding one, try this.
  After Scanning for Players fails, click and hold the left arrow button to the 
left of Choose Player, near the top.
  Click Settings->Advanced->Networking->Remote Libraries->Add New Library.
  Enter the IP address of your LMS server and click Done->Connect to this 
  At this point if you can't connect to the library Quit jivelite and restart 
  Jivelite should connect to your library right away.

Once you've done that, you will need to go back to the first level of
Settings and selection the "Choose Player" option, which will allow you
to control any Squeezebox player on your network from your computer.

I think this is exactly what you asked for in your first post,
brainchild. Enjoy!

|Filename: Squeezeplay_Screenshot.png   |

Usually running latest beta LMS nightly on Raspberry Pi OS with virtual
players (Squeezelite and Airplay bridge). Occasionally using SB Radio,
Boom or Classic.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-18 Thread brainchild

slartibartfast wrote: 
> Which Windows desktop front end are you referring to?

So many different variations of the theme have crossed my path that I
can't keep it all straight anymore.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-18 Thread slartibartfast

brainchild wrote: 
> It seems Logitech had supported only Windows and MacOS officially for
> desktop front ends.

Which Windows desktop front end are you referring to?

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-18 Thread brainchild

RobbH wrote: 
> Where was this mentioned? I do not find any mention of Material Design
> in this thread, before your post. (I searched for the word "design" in
> this thread and your recent post was the only thing that came up.)

Seems I wrote -Material Design-, instead of -Material Skin-.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-18 Thread RobbH

brainchild wrote: 
> Someone mentioned that -Material Design- is a web page that may be run
> without a browser or even an Electron shell. I would like to understand
> this better.

Where was this mentioned? I do not find any mention of Material Design
in this thread, before your post. (I searched for the word "design" in
this thread and your recent post was the only thing that came up.)

Material SKIN is a plugin for LMS that provides an alternate web
interface. That's what has been recommended for you, several times. The
interface is still a web page and it does require a browser.

I, too, would like to understand how a web page could be "run" without a

Usually running latest beta LMS nightly on Raspberry Pi OS with virtual
players (Squeezelite and Airplay bridge). Occasionally using SB Radio,
Boom or Classic.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-18 Thread brainchild

Someone mentioned that -Material Design- is a web page that may be run
without a browser or even an Electron shell. I would like to understand
this better.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-17 Thread Man in a van

I seem to have solved the start up problem :)



|Filename: Screenshot from 2022-10-17 10-32-10.jpg  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-17 Thread kidstypike

Jivelite was developed for a touch screen interface, although it does
work using a pointer on a desktop PC it's slow and awkward to navigate.
Why attempt to use Jivelite when there's the excellent "Material" plugin

A few screen examples - 





|Filename: Mat03.jpg|

*Server - LMS 8.3.0 *RPi4B 4GB/NanoSound ONE case/pCP 8.1.0 - 75K
library, playlists & LMS cache on Sata SSD (ntfs)

*Lounge* - DAC32 - AudioEngine B2
*Office* - RPi 3B+/HiFiBerry DAC HAT/RPi screen - Edifier D12
*Bedroom* - Echo Show 8

*Spares* - 1xSB Touch, 1xSB3, 3xRPi, 1xCORE32, AVI DM5 speakers

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-17 Thread Man in a van


This morning, whilst eating my porridge I installed Jivelite on an old
Shuttle computer running Linux Mint 20.3

I used the same build procedure that I utilised on an O2 Joggler running
Debian Bullseye.

I have to start it with a command line instruction in the terminal (on
the Joggler I can set it to auto-start to the screen).

This is most likely due to my poor comprehension of Linus foo and being
a "bear of little brain" :)

As one can see there are some errors, I can post the instructions I
followed if you wish 



|Filename: Screenshot from 2022-10-17 09-04-14.jpg  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread Michael Herger

Does the SqueezePlay controller have control over only the local player,
or any on the network?

SqueezePlay is the software initially created to run on 
Controller/Radio/Touch. But it's available for desktop computers, too.

As its name says it's a player. But it can also be used to control any 
other player. Its first use was in the Controller - which didn't even 
have a player built in by default.

JiveLite is a derivate of Squeezeplay, with the player part removed and 
some parts updated. It's a controller only.

The Material skin has been mentioned before. You can run it standalone, 
as outlined, too, without the browser. Very much like any app run in 
Electron (which you considered "native").

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread chicks

brainchild wrote: 
> To be clear, "LMS GUI" refers to the web page that is served by LMS when
> a browser requests from the machine on which LMS is running, correct?



|Filename: Screenshot 2022-10-16 5.47.02 PM.jpg |

piTouch™ w/JustBoom DigiHat -> RME ADI-2 DAC FS -> JBL 305P MkII
monitors; LMS 8.2 on piCorePlayer/Pi 4;  Material Skin.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread RobbH

brainchild wrote: 
> I am running Linux Mint 21 on an x86 laptop. 
> What I have come to understand is that Jivelite is targeted for a player
> device such as a RPi running piCorePlayer, and that Squeeze Player is a
> desktop application that functions as a player for a media server, not a
> controller for an external player

You are mostly correct, SqueezePlayer is, in fact, an Android app that
allows you to use a mobile phone as a Squeezebox player. SqueezePlay,
which I recommended (but without proper capitalization) is, as you said,
a desktop player application. I THINK (but am not certain, so I hope
more knowledgeable users will either correct or confirm what I say here)
that SqueezePlay thoroughly emulates the interface of some Squeezebox
players, including the ability to switch it to control a different
Squeezebox player on the same network.

In other words, if I am right about this, it is a player, but you do not
have to use it as a player. You may use it as a standalone controller.
You will have the overhead of having some extra components installed,
which you will not be using. But it should function exactly as you want.

Usually running latest beta LMS nightly on Raspberry Pi OS with virtual
players (Squeezelite and Airplay bridge). Occasionally using SB Radio,
Boom or Classic.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread sodface

Greg Erskine wrote: 
> I can read this 2 ways. :)
> The most significant point is the "material" skin plugin. It's a vast
> improvement over the standard skin. It is maintained almost daily. I
> think it is fair to say that "material" is taking over from the numerous
> apps that have been developed for numerous OSes.

There's a screenshot in the below post of the LMS material skin in a
full screen browser. Like Greg and everyone have said, this is just a
browser accessing LMS with the material skin plugin installed. There are
multiple ways to make it look like a native app rather than a browser:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread Greg Erskine

brainchild wrote: 
> To be clear, "LMS GUI" refers to the web page that is served by LMS when
> a browser requests from the machine on which LMS is running, correct?

I can read this 2 ways. :)

LMS GUI refers to the web page(s) that are served by LMS. There is a
little web server built into LMS. Any computer with a browser can access

The most significant point is the "material" skin plugin. It's a vast
improvement over the standard skin. It is maintained almost daily. I
think it is fair to say that "material" is taking over from the numerous
apps that have been developed for numerous OSes.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread brainchild

Greg Erskine wrote: 
> hi brainchild,
> For control on any computer with a browser I would use the LMS GUI with
> the "material" skin plugin.

To be clear, "LMS GUI" refers to the web page that is served by LMS when
a browser requests from the machine on which LMS is running, correct?

Paul Webster wrote: 
> The O2 Joggler is X86 running Linux.
> As stated in a few posts in this tread - Jivelite is a controller (not a
> player ... SqueezePlay is a player with, in essence, Jivelite built in
> as the front end).

It certainly is confusing that the one build of Jivelite shown on the
SourceForge site is targeted for a RPi. 

Does the SqueezePlay controller have control over only the local player,
or any on the network?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread chicks

The Material Skin is excellent, can be made to "look and feel" just like
a native Linux app easily enough.  I use it on my ChromeBox and on my
iPhone most every day to control any/all of my squeezelite endpoints.  I
don't really see a need for a native app, at all.  YMMV.

piTouch™ w/JustBoom DigiHat -> RME ADI-2 DAC FS -> JBL 305P MkII
monitors; LMS 8.2 on piCorePlayer/Pi 4;  Material Skin.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread Paul Webster

The O2 Joggler is X86 running Linux.
The source code for Jivelite is available.
There is a lengthy thread about building Jivelite for Joggler.
This might be a good starting point

As stated in a few posts in this tread - Jivelite is a controller (not a
player ... SqueezePlay is a player with, in essence, Jivelite built in
as the front end).

Jivelite can be used to control any player on any system that is
connected to LMS.

There are examples here of Jivelite on Alpine Linux.

Paul Webster
author of \"now playing\" plugins covering radio france (fip etc),
planetradio (bauer - kiss, absolute, scala, jazzfm etc), kcrw, abc
australia and cbc/radio-canada
and, via the extra \"radio now playing\" plugin lots more - see

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread Greg Erskine

hi brainchild,

Like Ronnie, I am a bit slow as well.

As Squeeze/LMS is a very mature product it has hundreds (thousands?) of
options, with lots of confusing names. LMS has had 3 or 4 different

For control on any computer with a browser I would use the LMS GUI with
the "material" skin plugin.

Jivelite on all the devices I use, can control any player on the
network, not just the one it is loaded on.

Generally, whatever you can think of has probably been done, and
probably over 10 years ago.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread castalla

brainchild wrote: 
> Of course I can use it. I am just asking whether a native alternative is
> available, for Linux, as there has been for Windows and MacOS, that
> remains well maintained and easy to install.
> Yes. I was just being completely thorough, in light on various comments,
> to ensure everyone understood each other.

I suggest that you accept defeat and accept that there isn't what you
are looking for.   Just use one of the workarounds which people have

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread brainchild

Man in a van wrote: 
> I'm a bit slow sometimes, but why can you not use the LMS  web interface
> ?

Of course I can use it. I am just asking whether a native alternative is
available, for Linux, as there has been for Windows and MacOS, that
remains well maintained and easy to install.

Man in a van wrote: 
> And I thought Linux Mint has been x64 only, since 20 :confused:

Yes. I was just being completely thorough, in light on various comments,
to ensure everyone understood each other.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread Man in a van

brainchild wrote: 
> I am running Linux Mint 21 on an x86 laptop. 

I'm a bit slow sometimes, but why can you not use the LMS  web interface

And I thought Linux Mint has been x64 only, since 20 :confused:

As I said, I'm sometimes a bit slow :o


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread brainchild

kidstypike wrote: 
> Good luck finding that for which you seek, with an attitude like yours
> you'll need it.

I am only trying to understand what is currently available. I have
preferences and constraints just as everyone else. There is no need for
you to invoke a judgmental tone.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread kidstypike

brainchild wrote: 
> I am running Linux Mint 21 on an x86 laptop. 
> What I have come to understand is that Jivelite is targeted for a player
> device such as a RPi running piCorePlayer, and that Squeeze Player is a
> desktop application that functions as a player for a media server, not a
> controller for an external player.
> It seems that my information is not consistent with the knowledge being
> offered on this forum, though it has seemed to be in some sense
> confirmed by the sparse, remaining documentation. It has further seemed
> that these packages are not well maintained at the moment, which makes
> me hesitant about choosing to adopt them.
> The three-year-old -readme- file for Squeeze Play opens as follows:
> Meanwhile, I have not found a build of Jivelite available for download
> targeted for any device other than a RPi. To repeat, the purpose of my
> inquiry is to determine whether there is a native application for Linux
> Mint 21 (x86 architecture) for controlling a network player.

Good luck finding that for which you seek, with an attitude like yours
you'll need it.

*Server - LMS 8.3.0 *RPi4B 4GB/NanoSound ONE case/pCP 8.1.0 - 75K
library, playlists & LMS cache on Sata SSD (ntfs)

*Lounge* - DAC32 - AudioEngine B2
*Office* - RPi 3B+/HiFiBerry DAC HAT/RPi screen - Edifier D12
*Bedroom* - Echo Show 8

*Spares* - 1xSB Touch, 1xSB3, 3xRPi, 1xCORE32, AVI DM5 speakers

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread brainchild

sodface wrote: 
> There may be a package available for the distro he's running, but unless
> I missed it, he hasn't provided that info.

I am running Linux Mint 21 on an x86 laptop. 

What I have come to understand is that Jivelite is targeted for a player
device such as a RPi running piCorePlayer, and that Squeeze Player is a
desktop application that functions as a player for a media server, not a
controller for an external player.

It seems that my information is not consistent with the knowledge being
offered on this forum, though it has seemed to be in some sense
confirmed by the sparse, remaining documentation. It has further seemed
that these packages are not well maintained at the moment, which makes
me hesitant about choosing to adopt them.

The three-year-old -readme- file for Squeeze Play opens as follows:

> Debian packages for squeezeplay x86_64 and i386 are no longer available,
> you'll need to use the tarballs going forward.

Meanwhile, I have not found a build of Jivelite available for download
targeted for any device other than a RPi. To repeat, the purpose of my
inquiry is to determine whether there is a native application for Linux
Mint 21 (x86 architecture) for controlling a network player.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread sodface

RobbH wrote: 
> But there does not appear to be a jivelite build that's compatible with
> brainchild's (presumably X86) Linux computer. 

There may be a package available for the distro he's running, but unless
I missed it, he hasn't provided that info.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread markiii

just create a captive browser session that runs material only, its way
netter anyway unless you want VU, metres

PiCorePlayer 8.2 on Allo Digi One Signature (Lounge)
PiCorePlayer 8.2 with  Hifiberry Digi+ Material running on PI for
control (Office)
PiCorePlayer 8.2 with pi official touchscreen and Hifiberry
Radio  (Bedroom)
PiCorePlayer 8.2 with Allo BOSS  DAC (Bedroom)
PiCorePlayer 8.2 with Hifiberry AMP+. Squeezelite=x for control
PiCorePlayer 8.2 with Hifiberry AMP+(Patio 2)
PiCorePlayer 8.2 with Hifiberry AMP+(Patio 2)

LMS 8.3 on DIY unRaid 6.11.1 Server (Seneca HDs)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread RobbH

kidstypike wrote: 
> A Raspberry pi is a Linux computer, it isn't necessarily a player only.
> Jivelite *is* a standalone Squeezebox controller. It does not run in a
> web browser.

But there does not appear to be a jivelite build that's compatible with
brainchild's (presumably X86) Linux computer. Maybe squeezeplay would be
a better option?

Usually running latest beta LMS nightly on Raspberry Pi OS with virtual
players (Squeezelite and Airplay bridge). Occasionally using SB Radio,
Boom or Classic.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread kidstypike

This is jivelite running on a Windows box.


|Filename: jivelite.jpg |

*Server - LMS 8.3.0 *RPi4B 4GB/NanoSound ONE case/pCP 8.1.0 - 75K
library, playlists & LMS cache on Sata SSD (ntfs)

*Lounge* - DAC32 - AudioEngine B2
*Office* - RPi 3B+/HiFiBerry DAC HAT/RPi screen - Edifier D12
*Bedroom* - Echo Show 8

*Spares* - 1xSB Touch, 1xSB3, 3xRPi, 1xCORE32, AVI DM5 speakers

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread kidstypike

brainchild wrote: 
> Yes, I found the download location on SourceForge.
> There is one file for download in the Linux folder. It is called
> `jivelite-0.1-20170220gitde9ea58-fbdev-armv6hf.tar.gz`, indicating that
> it is target for devices of Arm architecture, which excludes personal
> computers such as my laptop.
> The first line of the -readme- file is as follows:
> It appears that Jivelite is intended to add functionality on the player
> device. I am not understanding how it might help to provide controller
> functionality through a standalone application (e.g. not web site)
> running on my Linux laptop.

A Raspberry pi is a Linux computer, it isn't necessarily a player only.

Jivelite *is* a standalone Squeezebox controller. It does not run in a
web browser.

*Server - LMS 8.3.0 *RPi4B 4GB/NanoSound ONE case/pCP 8.1.0 - 75K
library, playlists & LMS cache on Sata SSD (ntfs)

*Lounge* - DAC32 - AudioEngine B2
*Office* - RPi 3B+/HiFiBerry DAC HAT/RPi screen - Edifier D12
*Bedroom* - Echo Show 8

*Spares* - 1xSB Touch, 1xSB3, 3xRPi, 1xCORE32, AVI DM5 speakers

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread brainchild

Paul Webster wrote: 
> Jivelite

Yes, I found the download location on SourceForge.

There is one file for download in the Linux folder. It is called
`jivelite-0.1-20170220gitde9ea58-fbdev-armv6hf.tar.gz`, indicating that
it is target for devices of Arm architecture, which excludes personal
computers such as my laptop.

The first line of the -readme- file is as follows:

> Build tested an rpi model B and 2B running raspbian linux 7.8 and
> piCorePlayer 1.21g.

It appears that Jivelite is intended to add functionality on the player
device. I am not understanding how it might help to provide controller
functionality through a standalone application (e.g. not web site)
running on my Linux laptop.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread sodface

What linux distro are you running? Here's a screenshot of jivelite
running on Alpine in a tiling wm.

|Filename: 2022-10-16-131313_1920x1080_scrot.jpg|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread Paul Webster


Paul Webster
author of \"now playing\" plugins covering radio france (fip etc),
planetradio (bauer - kiss, absolute, scala, jazzfm etc), kcrw, abc
australia and cbc/radio-canada
and, via the extra \"radio now playing\" plugin lots more - see

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread brainchild

Paul Webster wrote: 
> Jivelite / Squeezeplay can be run on Linux desktops.

Would you please help me understand the overall scenario by naming an
application I would run on a Linux desktop?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread Paul Webster

Jivelite / Squeezeplay can be run on Linux desktops.

Paul Webster
author of \"now playing\" plugins covering radio france (fip etc),
planetradio (bauer - kiss, absolute, scala, jazzfm etc), kcrw, abc
australia and cbc/radio-canada
and, via the extra \"radio now playing\" plugin lots more - see

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread brainchild

cpd73 wrote: 
> I know you seem to be explicitly asking for a native app, but I use
> Material Skin as a web-app on my KDE/Plasma desktop. 

I believe what you are describing is largely the same as I have done in
the past for some applications using the Webapp Manager, available in
Linux Mint. However, a native application (even one based on Electron or
Flutter) is preferred when available. It seems Logitech had supported
only Windows and MacOS officially for desktop front ends. I wondered
whether any projects were actively maintained by the community to extend
such support to Linux users.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread brainchild

HB64 wrote: 
> That's what jivelite does.

We are not understanding each other. I am looking for an application
that runs on a Linux desktop or laptop. 

Jivelite runs on a player device.

How would it help with my request?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread cpd73

I know you seem to be explicitly asking for a native app, but I use
Material Skin as a web-app on my KDE/Plasma desktop. I've written a
(very) simple QWebEngine wrapper app that I use. (Previously used Chrome
but this keeps breaking). To use this integrated into Plasma's
taskbar/kickoff you just need a simple .desktop file - I have
/usr/local/share/applications/LMS.desktop with:


  [Desktop Entry]
  Comment=Logitech Media Server
  Exec=/usr/local/bin/qwebappwrapper --dark --qwindowtitle LMS --qwindowicon 
/usr/local/share/qwebappwrapper/icons/lms.svg --appname LMS 

This qwebappwrapper then allows me to wrap other sites. I am, however,
considering on writing an LMS-specific version of this. This specific
version would then auto-discover LMS, have native MPRIS controls, and
perhaps even start/stop squeezelite. But for now this simple wrapper
works well enough for me.

The wrapper can either be built as a normal binary (so will need Qt dev
headers installed), or run from python. See for more info.

*Material debug:* 1. Launch via http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json
(Use http: //SERVER:9000/material/?debug=json,cometd to also see update
messages, e.g. play queue) 2. Open browser's developer tools 3. Open
console tab in developer tools 4. REQ/RESP messages sent to/from LMS
will be logged here.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-16 Thread HB64

brainchild wrote: 
> Thanks for the response.
> It's not clear what this application does, but when I mentioned a Linux
> controller, I had in mind an application to run on a Linux desktop or
> laptop, to connect to the player or the media server, for the purposes
> of controlling what to play.That's what jivelite does.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn POCO F1 met Tapatalk

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-15 Thread brainchild

sodface wrote: 
> What about 'jivelite?' (

Thanks for the response.

It's not clear what this application does, but when I mentioned a Linux
controller, I had in mind an application to run on a Linux desktop or
laptop, to connect to the player or the media server, for the purposes
of controlling what to play.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-15 Thread sodface

What about 'jivelite?' (

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[SlimDevices: Unix] LInux client (controller) currently maintained

2022-10-15 Thread brainchild

For controlling the piCorePlayer from a Linux desktop client, is any
software currently maintained, or is the web interface to the Media
Server the only feasible option?

I see some very old discussions on this topic, and I am seeking
up-to-date information.

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