Re: [OT] Rev on Linux PPC - Would you use it?

2003-11-01 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le sam 01/11/2003  04:46, Ken Norris a crit :

 Hi Igor,
  Date: Sat, 1 Nov 2003 11:28:05 +1100
  From: Igor Couto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: [OT] Rev on Linux PPC - Would you use it?
  ME A LINE. If there is enough show of interest in this topic, then I
  will message the RunRev team, and let them know that we'd suppor their
  efforts in that area!
 Absolutely. I'm not much enamored with the giant, memory-sucking OS'
 (Windows XP/Mac OSX Panther). YellowDog Linux sounds good to me, and will
 give my disabled users a leg up with cheaper machines. I'd love to do my
 developing there.
 Ken N.

Hi Igor and All,

A LinuxPPC issue of Rev would be really helpfull, for me too... In the
past (1998/2002), my first MC/Rev development platform was the Suse
LinuxPPC and, because, my customers preferences for the x86 world, Suse
Linux x86 was my first deployment/production platform.

When Suse dicide to discontinue the LinuxPPC issue of its distro, and
because my last IBook2.2 was no more supported by the Suse 7.3 issue
(XFree86), i switched to YellowDog 3... In the same time, Scott decide
to discontinue the LinuxPPC edition of a MC 2.5 engine, in considering
that it would be more difficult to compile the 2.5 engine for LinuxPPC
than to invite two customers (was, Andu Novac and me) switch to the x86
development/deployment platform...

So ! I'm sure Scott was fully right and i'm sure, too, that a Rev's
LinuxPPC engine could be back, if enough of us let the Rev's team know
about : please, if possible, give us a LinuxPPC engine back ;-)
Best Regards, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours


GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:   +33 1 41 60 52 68
Dom:   +33 1 64 45 05 33
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Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire delta de productivit
use-revolution mailing list

Re: [OT] Rev on Linux PPC - Would you use it?

2003-11-01 Thread Pierre Sahores
Hi Judy,

Le sam 01/11/2003  22:41, Judy Perry a crit :

 My lone linux student (using an intel box I think) has complained mightily
 to me that he's had nothing but trouble trying to use the 30-day eval
 version and so has given up (and  hence won't be buying it anytime soon).
 (Mind you -- it's not like he's given me any specifics and just seemed to
 be in a complaining mood).
 Do any Rev Linux users out there have any general tips or 'gotcha's' that
 they can pass along?

Because the Linux Rev's issues have probably not been extensivelly
tested under many kind of Linux distributions, a newbie can get some
troubbles in running Rev under Linux.

The best to do is to install it under a RedHat distro and to test Rev
under differents XFree86 graphical desktop managers, Gnome, first, and
KDE, last.

For my own, to avoid possibles problems, i'm still running MC 2.5 under
Linux (Suse 8 Pro x86) and Rev 2.1.1 under MacOSX (Jaguar).

Hope this help !

Best Regards, Pierre
 The MacAddict review noted that Rev seems to crash unexpectedly, but I've
 honestly not had that problem since the OSX appearance manager thingy got
 fixed...  It crashes ALOT in the class lab, but the machines in there only
 have 128 MB RAM.
 On Fri, 31 Oct 2003, Bill Vlahos wrote:
  I would like to deploy my apps for PPC Linux although I will continue
  to use OS X as my primary development platform.
  I don't know if it would be easier for RunRev to resume making the
  distribution engine for PPC Linux even if they don't make an IDE for
  it. Obviously it would be best to have everything for every platform
  but that would at least let me deploy for PPC Linux.
  Revolution offers the linux community exactly what it needs but doesn't
  have...a powerful yet easy to use programming environment. If I was a
  Linux freak I'd be all over Revolution.
  Of course having to actually buy software goes against the grain of
  most of the linux users I know. I'd be curious to know how well any of
  the Rev apps you folks have been selling are actually getting money
  from linux users. I wrote an electronic phone book for my previous
  company which the Mac and Windows community loved, but the linux users
  looked down on it because it was a GUI app and they already had
  finger (and that app was even free).
  Bill Vlahos
  On Friday, October 31, 2003, at 04:28  PM, Igor Couto wrote:
   DROP ME A LINE. If there is enough show of interest in this topic,
   then I will message the RunRev team, and let them know that we'd
   suppor their efforts in that area!
  use-revolution mailing list
 use-revolution mailing list
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours


GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:   +33 1 41 60 52 68
Dom:   +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:   +33 1 64 45 05 33

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Scripting PDF files

2003-10-29 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le mer 29/10/2003  21:49, J. Landman Gay a crit :

 On 10/29/03 2:42 PM, Mark Powell wrote:
  This would presuppose that you have HTML in your flow, which you may not
  want to do.  And it presupposes that it can be driven from Rev, which I
  don't yet know.  But food for thought.
 If you find out if it works, let us know. Unfortunately for me, this is 
 a Windows-only solution.

Hello again, Jacque, Friends,

See below how to drive this kind of workflow in using HTMLDOC (available
as source package for OSX, Win32, and Linux) from (the
CUPS printing system author), with the help of Apache and PHP :

1.- the transcript server-sided part, witch outputs the result direclty
to the client-side webbrowser, where LeTestNe is, as var, the main part
of the name of the html file witch will be ouptputed as PDF file.:

 on PDFoMaticbyMC -- (portrait)
   global Retour,LeTestNe,MasNPE1,Lepath
   get shell (htmldoc --quiet --jpeg --links --webpage --portrait --size A4 -t pdf14 
 -f /tmp/p  LeTestNe  .pdf /tmp/p  LeTestNe  .html)
   set httpheaders to Content-Type: application/pdf  cr  Content-Length:  the 
 length of lalalahitou  cr  cr # Apache :oui ; IIS : non
   put'wmc.php?f=/tmp/p  LeTestNe  
 .pdf');/SCRIPT/HTML into Retour
 end PDFoMaticbyMC
 on PDFoMaticbyMCLS -- (landscape)
   global Retour,LeTestNe,Lepath
   get shell (htmldoc --quiet --jpeg --links --webpage --landscape --size A4 -t 
 pdf14 -f /tmp/p  LeTestNe  .pdf /tmp/p  LeTestNe  .html)
   set httpheaders to Content-Type: application/pdf  cr  Content-Length:  the 
 length of lalalahitou  cr  cr # Apache :oui ; IIS : non
   put'wmc.php?f=/tmp/p  LeTestNe  
 .pdf');/SCRIPT/HTML into Retour
 end PDFoMaticbyMCLS

2.- the php part :

 #Contrle du fichier ( ne pas oublier !)
 if (substr($f,5,4)!='p093' or strpos($f,'.php') or strpos($f,'/') or strpos($f,'\\'))
   BODY background='/gif/fond-maison.gif'H1File Not Found/H1P.
 H3Nom de fichier incorrect./H3.
 if (!file_exists($f))
   BODY background='/gif/fond-maison.gif'H1File Not Found/H1P.
 H3Le document attendu rsulte d'une publication qui n'est plus
   disponible. Renouvelez la requte initiale pour le recharger./H3.
   BODY background='/gif/fond-maison.gif'H1File Not Found/H1P.
 H3Pour pouvoir consulter ce document, une mise--jour de votre 
 navigateur IE est ncessaire./H3.
 #Envoi du PDF
 header('Content-type: application/pdf');
 // header('Content-disposition: inline; filename=($f)');
 #Suppression du fichier

Bests, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours


GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:   +33 1 41 60 52 68
Dom:   +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:   +33 1 64 45 05 33

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire delta de productivit
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Panther problems

2003-10-27 Thread Pierre Sahores
Hi List, Alex,

Le lun 27/10/2003  01:52, Alex Rice a crit :
 On Oct 26, 2003, at 11:45 AM, J. Landman Gay wrote:
  OK then why does the Distribution builder have fields for document 
  type and document icon? Distribution builder ignores it?
  Well, you've got a point there. I wasn't thinking about that when I 
  responded. DB should honor those entries.
 To be fair- DB does get it right, I think, when the document type 
 fields are all filled in. It's when they are empty that it takes the 
 liberty of assigning .rev as a filetype.

So ! It seem you pointed us to the way we need to take to get the
expected results in using DB under the Linux and Panther platforms.
Thanks Alex :-)
 Alex Rice [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Mindlube Software |
 what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
 to make machines that are disposable  -Ani DiFranco
 use-revolution mailing list
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours

GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:   +33 1 41 60 52 68
Dom:   +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:   +33 1 64 45 05 33

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire delta de productivit
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Panther problems

2003-10-27 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le lun 27/10/2003  19:53, Alex Rice a crit :
 On Oct 27, 2003, at 4:22 AM, Pierre Sahores wrote:
  To be fair- DB does get it right, I think, when the document type
  fields are all filled in. It's when they are empty that it takes the
  liberty of assigning .rev as a filetype.
  So ! It seem you pointed us to the way we need to take to get the
  expected results in using DB under the Linux and Panther platforms.
  Thanks Alex :-)
 Sorry, I don't think so- I don't know what it does, if anything, for 
 Linux. What I meant by does get it right is that it fills in the app 
 bundle's Info.plist entries for the doc type. This applies for all 
 versions of OS X not just Panther.

It's what i understood, even if i spoke only about the platforms i'm
mostly interesting in ;-)

Bests, Pierre
 Alex Rice [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Mindlube Software |
 what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
 to make machines that are disposable  -Ani DiFranco
 use-revolution mailing list
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours

GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:   +33 1 41 60 52 68
Dom:   +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:   +33 1 64 45 05 33

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Linux PPC Version?

2003-10-24 Thread Pierre Sahores
Hello Igor,

Two years ago, i had, one hand, to develop, maintain and update
Metacard-based applications servers running under Linux x86 and, second
hand, two development laptops to do the job. The both laptop were
running Suse-Linux 7.3 Pro, one on a Compaq x86 notebook, one under an
IBook2. It was, at this time no difference for me : i was using MC 2.32
Linux x86 and Linux PPC as if it was only one unique Linux platform...

Today, my Ibooks are still dual booting under YellowDog3 and OSX but
there is no a Rev's 2.1 Linux PPC issue available... I'm still using
Linux x86 in both the production and development tasks even if i'm on
the way to switch my Linux development to OSX, just because RunRev seems
no more interested in letting us developp under the Linux PPC platform.

I think, for my own, that's an error, but it's so ;-

Le ven 24/10/2003  05:16, Igor Couto a crit :
 Someone just recently was mentioning that perhaps the Rev folks had 
 dropped support for Linux on PPC (Mandrake/YellowDog)? I was wondering 
 whether that *IS* a known fact, or whether the RunRev folks have just 
 been so busy with the upcoming version of Revolution that they haven't 
 had a chance to do a compilation with the 2.x engine for Linux PPC...
 I'm asking because my partner and I would love to develop some apps for 
 the Linux market. I have a spare HD in my main machine (Mac), and was 
 thinking of installing YellowDog - to use it as a development/testing 
 platform for the Linux versions. However, if Rev does not run there, 
 then there would not be much point, would it?
 Any info on this would be greatly appreciated!
 Kindest Regards,
 Igor de Oliveira Couto
 use-revolution mailing list
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours

GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:   +33 1 41 60 52 68
Dom:   +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:   +33 1 64 45 05 33

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire delta de rentabilit
use-revolution mailing list

Re: cross-stack globals, also, file inclusion

2003-10-23 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le jeu 23/10/2003  04:20, J. Landman Gay a crit :
 On 10/22/03 8:44 PM, Stephen Quinn Barncard wrote:
  But wouldn't a custom property, which can only be modified using the 
  IDE, a script or the message box be more of what you want than a 
  constant (which would have to be defined anyway in a script which would 
  have to be run) ?
  The property is just there, with nothing to do to set it, and nothing's 
  going to accidentally clear or change it.
 That's my feeling too. I'm afraid I don't see any need for global 
 constants when we've got custom properties that can do essentially the 
 same thing.

The same feeling here : unneed keywords may add unneed confusion in the
ways we can get the best from transcript
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours

GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:   +33 1 41 60 52 68
Dom:   +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:   +33 1 64 45 05 33

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
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use-revolution mailing list

Re: ANN: Revolution HTTPd Project

2003-10-19 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le dim 19/10/2003  18:39, Andre Garzia a crit :
 Hi Folks,
 I am very very very very pleased to announce for immediate release the 
 Revolution HTTPd Project. It's a simple httpd server based on Metacard 
 HTTPd stack. It can serve files from a local folder and it can do lot's 
 of stunts with substacks Yes thats dynamic content for you. I 
 borrowed (or invented I don't know) a concept of transportation, 
 meaning when a user call a file from the server, it checks if theres a 
 substack with the same name, if it does have one, then it checks what 
 was the desired output format (this time it's XML or HTML) then it 
 pipes the result from the stack to the user.
 It's very cool and you must see to understand. I created a webpage for 
 this project its located at
 there you can get all your infos and the first release. It's all public 
 domain with source. The current substacks (they act like CGI apps) are:
   Quotes - It's a quote of the day app, when requested as Quotes.html it 
 will render a nice html, if requested as Quotes.xml it will render a 
 simple to parse xml.
   Status - It shows some status info like open sockets and open stacks, 
 when asked as Status.html it renders a nice HTML, the XML option will 
 redirect you to a nice error page telling that this substack does not 
 like XML.
 It's also possible to make HTTPd stack present itself by calling 
 http://localhost:8080/httpd.html, it will echo the http request, this 
 is usefull for debuging.  It's a very fun project, take your time to 
 explore the site, there I explain how it's all done, also feel free to 
 send me mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED] I'll leave the HTTPd stack running at 
 home so if anyone want to try it (don't know if my ISP firewall will 
 allow the connection) can point their browsers to
 The direct download link is
 PS: I've got a paypal account under [EMAIL PROTECTED] if anyone want to 
 support this project.
 Cheers and serve the developer.
 Andre Alves Garzia  2003  BRAZIL
 use-revolution mailing list

Hi Andre,

Congratulations and thanks for doing this great project available to us.
I'm sure i have to learn about it before asking about its
functionnalities but..., i have a first question indeed : does REv HTTPd
support the POST method, along the GET one ?
Thanks again and Kind Regards, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours

GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:   +33 1 41 60 52 68
Dom:   +33 1 64 45 05 33
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Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Mac / PC Scripting issues

2003-10-17 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le ven 17/10/2003  17:52, Stephen Messimer a crit :
   I think I understand what you mean by low ASCII. Not having memorized 
 either the Mac or PC character sets this becomes an issue when I am 
 using a particular character. It would be nice to have a simple list 
 that points out areas where the two character sets diverge.
 Thanks for your response. It will send me in the right direction.
 On Friday, October 17, 2003, at 11:27 AM, 
  Are these all the cross platform scripting cautions you need to be
  aware of when developing for both the Windows and Macintosh platforms?
  Having a complete set of information on this subject in one place 
  be most helpful.
  Stay with low-ASCII and you're fine.
   Richard Gaskin
   Fourth World Media Corporation
   Developer of WebMerge: Publish any database on any Web site
 Stephen R. Messimer, PA
 208 1st Ave. South
 Escanaba, MI 49829
 Build Computer-Based Training modules FAST with preceptorTools -- 
 Public Beta available Now!
 Macintosh G-4 OSX 10.2.6, OS 9.2.2, 512MB RAM, Rev 2.1
 use-revolution mailing list

Hello There,

Try this utility button to stick in your in development stage apps :

 on mouseUp
   if the shiftkey is up then
 repeat with c = 1 to 255
   put numtochar(c)  = #  c  ;  return after buffa
 end repeat
 answer buffa
   end if
 end mouseUp

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours

GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:   +33 1 41 60 52 68
Dom:   +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:   +33 1 64 45 05 33

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire delta de rentabilit
use-revolution mailing list


2003-10-17 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le ven 17/10/2003  19:00, Pierre a crit :
 I'm trying to call a function which is defined in a card, from another card of the 
 same stack. I've been tryinng with the get and call keyword but each time, 
 revolution tells me can't find handler.
 Does anyone can give me the right syntax to call a function ?
 Do I need to define this function as a global function (if it is possible ...) ?
 Thanks a lot
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 use-revolution mailing list

Bonsoir Pierre,

Try this :

Send mouseup to btn x of cd y where btn x contains :

on mouseup
  handlerz # where handlerz lies on the card script
end mouseup

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours

GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:   +33 1 41 60 52 68
Dom:   +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:   +33 1 64 45 05 33

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Installing REV in Linux - how?

2003-10-17 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le ven 17/10/2003  20:56, Barry Levine a crit :
 I DL'd the v2.0.3 Rev but the .tgz file (when I double-click it to open 
 it in KDE) appears to be missing much of what needs to be there; the 
 engines folder is empty, for example. I'm running YDL (Yellow Dog 
 Linux) on my PowerBook.
 Taking into account I'm a Mac guy (obvious by my eMail) who expects a 
 drag  drop installation, what am I doing wrong?
 PS - If you think this is too off-topic, you may eMail me directly.
 use-revolution mailing list


Bad news for us, the LinuxPPC afficionados... If i right remember,
there is no, for yet, LinuxPPC engine available for Rev 2 ;-

The last one available was, again if i good remember, the Metacard 2.4
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours

GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:   +33 1 41 60 52 68
Dom:   +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:   +33 1 64 45 05 33

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire delta de rentabilit
use-revolution mailing list

RE: test

2003-10-16 Thread Pierre Sahores
Hello again, List 'nd Friends ;-):

 Wahoo! Glad to see we're back on line...
 Ken Ray
 Sons of Thunder Software
 Web Site:
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
  Mark Brownell
  Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 5:40 PM
  To: How to use Revolution
  Subject: Re: test
  On Thursday, October 16, 2003, at 03:34  PM, 
   Subject: RE: test
   Reply-To: How to use Revolution [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   I got it.
  10-4 Baltimore: roger, wilco, over...
  use-revolution mailing list
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] revolution
 use-revolution mailing list
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours

GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:   +33 1 41 60 52 68
Dom:   +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:   +33 1 64 45 05 33

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire delta de rentabilit
use-revolution mailing list

RE: JDBC instead of ODBC

2003-10-05 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le dim 05/10/2003  05:43, Monte Goulding a crit :
  On Saturday, October 4, 2003, at 06:02  PM, Todd Geist wrote:
   There is a FileMaker Pro plug-in which can connect to any database
   that has
   JDBC access.  I have used this plug-in to retrieve data from and edit
   on Firebird, MySQL, and Postgres servers.  There was very little
   in the code, and it was very fast. (Why am I using FileMaker?  That's
   another story).
   FileMaker's plug-in API is C/C++, not Java.  So the developers of the
   plug-in had to write some kind of C/C++ wrapper around the java code.
   I was
   imagining that some clever Rev Nut could do the same thing for
   Maybe as others have pointed out there is no need.
  Todd, that's a new one one me!
  I'm all for any method to get the bountiful world of JDBC drivers can
  be opened up to us. Certainly better than dealing with ODBC, on Win32
 This is a very interesting idea. Personally I'd go for expanding the
 external API to include Java. JDBC would be an advantage considering there's
 a JDBC dirver for almost every DB but think of the possibilities that RMI
 would bring. We could all get fat writing Rev clients to J2EE systems ;-)

Yes, Yes, Yes. Even if Rev don't really need Java to connect RDBMS, it
could be a good marketing way to help and let J2EE developers come to
Revolution, in discovering and loving it's elegance and simplicity :-)

 use-revolution mailing list
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours

GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:   +33 1 41 60 52 68
Dom:   +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:   +33 1 64 45 05 33

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire delta de rentabilit
use-revolution mailing list

RE: JDBC instead of ODBC

2003-10-05 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le dim 05/10/2003  09:24, Monte Goulding a crit :
  Le dim 05/10/2003  05:43, Monte Goulding a crit :
On Saturday, October 4, 2003, at 06:02  PM, Todd Geist wrote:
 There is a FileMaker Pro plug-in which can connect to any database
 that has
 JDBC access.  I have used this plug-in to retrieve data 
  from and edit
 on Firebird, MySQL, and Postgres servers.  There was very little
 in the code, and it was very fast. (Why am I using 
  FileMaker?  That's
 another story).

 FileMaker's plug-in API is C/C++, not Java.  So the 
  developers of the
 plug-in had to write some kind of C/C++ wrapper around the 
  java code.
 I was
 imagining that some clever Rev Nut could do the same thing for

 Maybe as others have pointed out there is no need.
Todd, that's a new one one me!
I'm all for any method to get the bountiful world of JDBC drivers can
be opened up to us. Certainly better than dealing with ODBC, on Win32
   This is a very interesting idea. Personally I'd go for expanding the
   external API to include Java. JDBC would be an advantage 
  considering there's
   a JDBC dirver for almost every DB but think of the 
  possibilities that RMI
   would bring. We could all get fat writing Rev clients to J2EE 
  systems ;-)
  Yes, Yes, Yes. Even if Rev don't really need Java to connect RDBMS, it
  could be a good marketing way to help and let J2EE developers come to
  Revolution, in discovering and loving it's elegance and simplicity :-)
 I imagine the combination of Sun's 'write once, run anywhere' marketing and the fact 
 that Rev actually delivers on it would be quite a good combination ;-)
 To be quite honest I think this is an area that Rev could clean up. Java GUI's 
 (swing or not) are crap and dog slow. J2EE clients could be developed in VB but that 
 rules out cross platform clients. 

LOTS MORE THAN 1000 TIMES TRUE. Kevin, Tuviah, Scott ?

 use-revolution mailing list
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours

GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:   +33 1 41 60 52 68
Dom:   +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:   +33 1 64 45 05 33

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire delta de rentabilit
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Newcard: a curious bug!?

2003-10-05 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le dim 05/10/2003  11:19, Dom a crit :

 OS 10.2.4
 iceBook 800
 Rev 2.1

Run an icebook 800, here too. Good mothercard, lots more faster than my
previous icebook 600 and even than the G4 12 inches, i was going to
brought before my resseller said me i would do a best operation in
taking the icebook instead ;-)

Why don't you upgrade to 10.2.6 ?

Bests, Pierre
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours

GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:   +33 1 41 60 52 68
Dom:   +33 1 64 45 05 33
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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Some doubts 'bout Revolution

2003-10-05 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le dim 05/10/2003  18:50, Jlio Csar Kdel a crit :
 No... I was thinking in Platinum... ;-)
 After some time, users get a little tired about the look and feel of their
 OSes (that's why exists skins modules for Windows and Linux). It would be
 nice to change the look of my app without any effort.
 One thing that I'm getting some problem is on buttons.
 It would be nice if we could make buttons like the skins programs. Let's
 suppose a PNG file:
 A Skin program would divide a PNG file in a 3x3 matrix, then, apply the + on
 corners, repeat -, * and - on center (H) and ! on vertical, mouting this way
 a button (independent of its size).
 Would be a nice addition to Rev a way to make a fixed 32x32 PNG and apply it
 to a button (whatever the button changes in size, it will reorganize the
 matrix making the graphic fit to any size without magnifications).

Hi Jlio,

In between many good addresses, you will find most of what you are
thinking about in visiting the Chipp's web site at,
the Richard's one at,
the Jacque's one at,
the Rev's developers home at

etc, etc...

Just see how it's always, in between us, a Revolutionnary to gohead,
in what each other is searching about ;-) Cool, is'n it ?

Bests, Pierre
 - Original Message - 
 From: Stephen Quinn Barncard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2003 4:57 AM
 Subject: Re: Some doubts 'bout Revolution
  I don't think that's what Jlio meant. I think he
  wants his app to *look like* aqua  when it runs
  in Windoze, not just in development.
  I suppose one could create 'aqua like' graphic
  objects such as invisible buttons, but the
  scrollbars in fields would be a problem, not to
  mention menus. There also might be some 'look and
  feel' copyright issues with Apple, depending on
  how far one went.
  Besides, it would probably be disconcerting for a
  Windoze user to see what he is not used to
  At 10:44 PM -0300 10/4/2003, Jlio Csar Kdel wrote:
  My question was: it is possible to make this look and feel of Classic
  MacOS in a Rev. application running in Windows (i.e. I make a
  that is distributed for Windows machines, and want to apply ClassicMacOS
  style on it, as it is possible in the development stage)
  Set the lookAndFeel property to Macintosh to
  get the Platinum appearance. (This is what the
  menu item in the development environment does.)
  Jeanne DeVoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~
  use-revolution mailing list
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 use-revolution mailing list
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours

GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:   +33 1 41 60 52 68
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Fax:   +33 1 64 45 05 33

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
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use-revolution mailing list

Re: JDBC instead of ODBC

2003-10-05 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le dim 05/10/2003  18:56, Jlio Csar Kdel a crit :
 The problem is (for Firebird):
 Firebird is, in my opinion, the best database engine, after Microsoft SQL
 and MySQL. 

I would for my own say : before them and many others alike, Sybase ASE
12.5 or IBM DB2, and along the other best ACID compliant SQL server
available for free : the usefull and unbreakable PostgreSQL...

 BUT, there only source code for direct access in Linux and
 Windows (nobody likes mac =( ). Even if ODBC would be a TRUE reality on all
 plataforms, we'd need a ODBC driver for Firebird, wich exists only for
 Windows (there is plans for a Linux one, but it's not available yet). For
 Macintosh, Firebird is nothing. (Those who program in Windows environment
 know what is Borland and Interbase, are strong names on our plataform, and
 Firebird is the continuation, the evolution, of Interbase).
 So, we need not only ODBC, but the drivers for ODBC also (that's why I
 insist that would be A LOT simple, faster, clean and easier, to make a
 native driver for Firebird/Interbase). After MySQL, Valentine, PostgreSQL
 and Firebird, what more could we want??? Access and MSSQL Server? (This
 could be true to Macs and Windows, but I doubt about someone in Linux make
 some Microsoft thing, he he he)
 - Original Message - 
 From: Tuviah Snyder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2003 8:08 AM
 Subject: Re: JDBC instead of ODBC
  I'm all for any method to get the bountiful world of JDBC drivers can
  be opened up to us. Certainly better than dealing with ODBC, on Win32
  ODBC is standard on Win32 platforms, and OSX ships with an ODBC manager.
  it's just a matter of getting the ODBC drivers from the vendor. If you
  direct access we support a number of databases and are sure to support
  If you want to get your hands dirty with RevDB you can build your own
  driver (or pay someone else to), contact me off list for an SDK. You can
  also use the bugzilla, and request support for the database.
  Tuviah Snyder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Runtime Revolution Limited - Software at the Speed of Thought
  use-revolution mailing list
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 use-revolution mailing list
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours

GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:   +33 1 41 60 52 68
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Fax:   +33 1 64 45 05 33

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Newcard: a curious bug!?

2003-10-05 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le dim 05/10/2003  19:35, Dom a crit :
 Pierre Sahores [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Why don't you upgrade to 10.2.6 ?
 Quand a marche, ne touche  rien ;-
 (c'est comment en anglais ?)
 (I know there is an expression in english but can't remember)
 With each upgrade the battery problem arises again... idem with  the
 new fresh 10.2.8 ;-

Agreed. Some times, mouse freezing and so on, on wake-up, there too...
 I will wait until a stable 10.3 ;-)))
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours

GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:   +33 1 41 60 52 68
Dom:   +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:   +33 1 64 45 05 33

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
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use-revolution mailing list

Re: JDBC instead of ODBC

2003-10-05 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le dim 05/10/2003  21:56, Jlio Csar Kdel a crit :
  I would for my own say : before them and many others alike, Sybase ASE
  12.5 or IBM DB2, and along the other best ACID compliant SQL server
  available for free : the usefull and unbreakable PostgreSQL...
 PostgreSQL... Did you install it on Windows? How many days did you get to do
 this task?

My apologies about Win32 ;- I don't need nor want to use it anymore,
since i'm mostly working in about Web's and ERP's client-server
solutions and because OSX and Linux are giving me all the power and
security i need, where Win NT, XP and so, are, as server-side solutions,
in less than 15 seconds, still full breakables and unsecure systems.

 A good program is a program that you don't need to be a pHD in informatic to
 install. Remember that our costumers are not always genius. Install MySQL or
 PostgreSQL is a pain for a light user, MS SQL is too big... 

Agreed ;-)

 Firebird is the
 only one that you can deploy within your application (it have about 3Mb and
 installation is just as simple as copy files and run a register app.). The
 driver is just a small ActiveX DLL, which you put in the System Folder, call
 Register Service of DLL and you're done (and you don't need to use ODBC for
 that. It will create a ADODB engine).
 Remember RAD? It would be fast, easy and fun ;-)
 use-revolution mailing list
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours

GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:   +33 1 41 60 52 68
Dom:   +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:   +33 1 64 45 05 33

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Newcard: a curious bug!?

2003-10-04 Thread Pierre Sahores
Hi Dom,

It's not a bug...

Just because your answer brakes the original message path, you just
need to invert your two statments as below to get the expected result :

Bests, Pierre

 on newcard
   send delete this card to this card -- in 1 sec
   answer Only one card, please!
 end newcard

Le sam 04/10/2003  17:57, Dom a crit :
 I have a single card stack.
 I don't want the user adds a new card; so I trap the newcard message
 (accordingly with the help)
 If I write:
 on newcard
   send delete this card to this card in 1 sec
 end newcard
 That works...
 But if I add a warning, such as in:
 on newcard
   answer Only one card, please!
   send delete this card to this card in 1 sec
 end newcard
 That doesn't work... the newly created card is not deleted!
 If I go further and add again new card, it ends with a blank dialog and
 Rev freezes...
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours

GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:   +33 1 41 60 52 68
Dom:   +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:   +33 1 64 45 05 33

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire delta de rentabilit
use-revolution mailing list

Re: JDBC instead of ODBC

2003-10-04 Thread Pierre Sahores
Allo Friends,

Under, at least, Linux, Java is between 200% and 600% slower than the RR
2.1 engine is. Use, at least the shell() + pipe option if you are not
really aware (alike me, for yet) with the RevDB lib. I used it for years
in production state critical apps (80% of writes, up to 250
connections/second) with never a problem (Athlon 800, 1Go RAM,
Suse-Linux 8.2 Pro, Apache, PHP, Revolution 2.1, PostgreSQL 7.3.3).

Le sam 04/10/2003  20:26, Alex Rice a crit :
 On Saturday, October 4, 2003, at 11:49  AM, Todd Geist wrote:
  But what about all those database engines that can use JDBC?
  I know some of them are already supported by Rev but wouldn't it be 
  nice to
  have a single method to connect to all those databases that didn't 
  setting up and configuring ODBC?
 But JDBC is for JAVA apps/applets. Java programmers we are not. Maybe I 
 am missing your point.
 Alex Rice [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Mindlube Software |
 what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
 to make machines that are disposable  -Ani DiFranco
 use-revolution mailing list
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours

GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:   +33 1 41 60 52 68
Dom:   +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:   +33 1 64 45 05 33

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Some doubts 'bout Revolution

2003-10-04 Thread Pierre Sahores
Hi Jlio,

To see an example of a full working Revolution+PostgreSQL application,
here as the Web issue (there is a Rev's client side app available too),
developped in less than some days, have an eye at : and let me know, off-list, if
you need more infos or sources stack about how to run this kind of Rev's

Bests, Pierre

Le sam 04/10/2003  23:26, Jlio Csar Kdel a crit :
 Each day I'm more convinced that Revolution is a great program tool.
 Some things are amazing easy to do, and seems so powerfull that I
 think no program CAN'T be developed in Rev. But, I must ask some
 questions: (first, sorry by comparing Rev with VB, but I'm a BASIC
 programmer since 1986, and VB is my current world ;-] )
 1) Nowadays, more and more applications (especially those developed in
 RAD tools) are using HTML, for display data, forms, or whatever. In my
 case, I use HTML for custom relats (my program parses tags in HTML
 file and then replace them with some data. It's a easy way to make
 relats customizable for the final user). Revolution doesn't have a
 control that show HTML pages (I know there is a DLL, which I assume
 that use IE engine, but work only for Windows). There is some way to
 display full HTML pages within cards, in all plataforms (or, at least,
 Windows and *nix)? Or, if not, at least a standard way to execute
 a HTML file (some kind of shell that would open the default Web
 Browser of OS and display a local file).
 2) Someone know a site where there is some Rev. applications to
 download (to study, of course, open source)?
 3) Since Windows 95, both Mac and *nix plataforms are using controls
 like the Windows TreeView and ListItems controls. There is something
 like this for Revolution (TV and LI objects are used, for example, in
 a Windows Explorer window, wich TreeView is the object that shows a
 tree of folders and ListItems is the object that show items with
 icons, tabs and subitems)
 4) Is there a IDE for Revolution other than the current?
 5) Revolution IDE is capable of showing the look and feel of other
 plataforms (for example, MacOS and Motif). In a distributed
 application, there is some way to make it look like a Mac, for
 example, by default (in other words: Can I make a Revolution
 application in Windows that mantain the look of Mac?)
 6) When making a compiled application from Revolution, I noticed that
 it would NOT support Microsoft icons other than 16 colors... There's
 no way to use 256 colors icons? (the best would be if Rev. could use
 TrueColor or RGBA icons, but 256 colors are the minimal to nowadays
 Windows stardards).
 Well... I guess it's only this... Thanx in advance for all ;-)
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours

GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:   +33 1 41 60 52 68
Dom:   +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:   +33 1 64 45 05 33

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire delta de rentabilit
use-revolution mailing list

Re: 'bout Revolution and FireBird

2003-10-02 Thread Pierre Sahores
Hi Jlio,

Revolution is full featured to let us build fine web's/erp's clients and
server side applications. I used Metacard and Revolution extensively
since 98 in this way with full satisfaction.

There are, for yet, two ways you can use to connect Revolution to
FireBird (in between, FB is a great acid compliant db !) :

- the build-in RevDB library to connect both Rev's client-side
front-end, via POST method requests to your remote or localhost server
- the build-in shell() command in sending direct SQL's statements to the
FireBird command-line client via pipe statements. This way can be
usefull to bind server-side Rev's apps to your FireBird back-end (in
root mode). It's the way i used for years, before Tuviah did the RevDB
lib available to us (Rev 1.1.1 and above).

I would recommand you to use the first way, even if the second, i used
extensively (Linux/OSX, Apache, MC/RR, PostgreSQL) for years, can be
usefull too, if needed.

See below an example of code you can test and adapt to your own needs :

put psql -h localhost projecoles -U postgres into PgPath
put shell(echo  quote  select * from etablist order by
etab0011  quote  |  PgPath) into AccPpx

Have fun !

Bests, Pierre

Le jeu 02/10/2003  15:37, Jlio Csar Kdel a crit :
 I was developing a commercial system in VB 6, but many clients request
 me Linux compatibility, which I can't achieve with VB, then, I found
 Revolution and downloaded a trial version to see its capabilities... I
 already know that Revolution have support for MySQL and ODBC, but I
 using FireBird (a Interbase compatible database engine). In Windows, I
 have an OCX DLL that implement ODBC with FireBird (and thus, allowing
 VB access to FireBird). But, I don't know how this work on Linux
 systems... It will be possible to use FireBird on Linux, or even ODBC?
 Any help on this issue will be welcome... ;-)
 Thanx in advance,
 Tenebree Software
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours

GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:   +33 1 41 60 52 68
Dom:   +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:   +33 1 64 45 05 33

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire delta de rentabilit
use-revolution mailing list

[Fwd: Re: 'bout Revolution and FireBird]

2003-10-02 Thread Pierre Sahores

I encourage you to ask more about RevDB to Tuviah Snyder (RunRev's
technical manager and RevDB developer).
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours

GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:   +33 1 41 60 52 68
Dom:   +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:   +33 1 64 45 05 33

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire delta de rentabilit
Hi Jlio,

Revolution is full featured to let us build fine web's/erp's clients and
server side applications. I used Metacard and Revolution extensively
since 98 in this way with full satisfaction.

There are, for yet, two ways you can use to connect Revolution to
FireBird (in between, FB is a great acid compliant db !) :

- the build-in RevDB library to connect both Rev's client-side
front-end, via POST method requests to your remote or localhost server
- the build-in shell() command in sending direct SQL's statements to the
FireBird command-line client via pipe statements. This way can be
usefull to bind server-side Rev's apps to your FireBird back-end (in
root mode). It's the way i used for years, before Tuviah did the RevDB
lib available to us (Rev 1.1.1 and above).

I would recommand you to use the first way, even if the second, i used
extensively (Linux/OSX, Apache, MC/RR, PostgreSQL) for years, can be
usefull too, if needed.

See below an example of code you can test and adapt to your own needs :

put psql -h localhost projecoles -U postgres into PgPath
put shell(echo  quote  select * from etablist order by
etab0011  quote  |  PgPath) into AccPpx

Have fun !

Bests, Pierre

Le jeu 02/10/2003  15:37, Jlio Csar Kdel a crit :
 I was developing a commercial system in VB 6, but many clients request
 me Linux compatibility, which I can't achieve with VB, then, I found
 Revolution and downloaded a trial version to see its capabilities... I
 already know that Revolution have support for MySQL and ODBC, but I
 using FireBird (a Interbase compatible database engine). In Windows, I
 have an OCX DLL that implement ODBC with FireBird (and thus, allowing
 VB access to FireBird). But, I don't know how this work on Linux
 systems... It will be possible to use FireBird on Linux, or even ODBC?
 Any help on this issue will be welcome... ;-)
 Thanx in advance,
 Tenebree Software
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours

GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:   +33 1 41 60 52 68
Dom:   +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:   +33 1 64 45 05 33

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire delta de rentabilit
use-revolution mailing list

---End Message---

Re: Re: 'bout Revolution and FireBird]

2003-10-02 Thread Pierre Sahores

Le jeu 02/10/2003  18:17, Jlio Csar Kdel a crit :
 Thanx for the tip... I was thinking in some more, how could I say, easy, he
 he he (something like ADO), 

About something like ADO, sorry, i forgot to say, explicitly, that
RevDB supports natively ODBC. Just pick the Database Query Builder
item from the Tools menu and fill the needed fields to connect your
Firebird backend in ticks ;-)

 but I'll try to contact  him... Thank you very
 much for the help... I'm analysing a lot of languages (including RealBasic,
 wich doesn't have Linux support yet), and Revolution seems to be a perfect
 tool for my little program.

You welcome, Pierre
 Best Regards,
 - Original Message -
 From: Pierre Sahores [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2003 1:01 PM
 Subject: [Fwd: Re: 'bout Revolution and FireBird]
 I encourage you to ask more about RevDB to Tuviah Snyder (RunRev's
 technical manager and RevDB developer).
 Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
 100, rue de Paris
 F - 77140 Nemours
 GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
 Pro:   +33 1 41 60 52 68
 Dom:   +33 1 64 45 05 33
 Fax:   +33 1 64 45 05 33
 Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
 Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
 Penser et produire delta de rentabilit
 Esta mensagem foi verificada pelo E-mail Protegido Terra.
 Scan engine: VirusScan / Atualizado em 01/10/2003 / Verso: 1.4.0
 Proteja o seu e-mail Terra:
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours

GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:   +33 1 41 60 52 68
Dom:   +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:   +33 1 64 45 05 33

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Burning ISO CD image on Mac

2003-10-01 Thread Pierre Sahores

Here is the way i did successfully the same work :

1.- insert a new writable CD into your macosx box.

2.- it will be asked you to prepare it for writing mode

3.- select the last option in the popup (copy cd)

4.- it will be asked you witch iso formated file to write

5.- select directly the lindows iso file you downloaded (instead of your
unneded desktop mounted file)

6.- the copy will begin...

Bests, Pierre

Le mer 01/10/2003  07:34, curry a crit :
 I am trying to test the downloadable Lindows CD, but my CD burner is 
 on my iMac (built-in), so I'm trying to burn it there before using it 
 on my PC. I was using the Finder's burn feature, and made two CDs to 
 try: first I dragged the ISO itself onto the CD image and burned it, 
 and the second time I double-clicked the ISO to mount it and burned 
 the contents. Neither of the CDs was able to boot the PC. (Yes, the 
 PC is checking CD first for boot.)
 Does anyone know how to do this type of burn? :)
 Thanks very much,
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours

GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:   +33 1 41 60 52 68
Dom:   +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:   +33 1 64 45 05 33

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Using Rev as a multiplatform GUI to control perl and shell scripts -- or is Tcl/tk better?

2003-10-01 Thread Pierre Sahores
Hi Ben,

The best way is to pipe all the needed perl or any other kind of
scripting languages you would have to use. See, as an example, how i'm
accessing the psql command line client (PostgreSQL) and just tune the
script below by replacing my code by yours :

put psql -h localhost projecoles -U postgres into PgPath
put shell(echo  quote  select * from etablist order by
etab0011  quote  |  PgPath) into AccPpx

Bests, Pierre

Le mer 01/10/2003  17:16, Ben Collyer a crit :
 I want to make a multiplatform GUI for dozens of perl and shell scripts 
 that process and analyse logs.
 I had hoped to try to use Revolution, because I know some transcript, 
 but wondered how you simply execute a perl script using Rev, (without 
 passing any arguments etc. -- although this might eventually be useful).
 I am running the scripts on MacOSX, from the bash shell.
 a typical command line to execute a script might be
 bash-2.05a$ perl desktop/logs/scripts/
 its a script that churns away for potentially hours, stripping and 
 reformatting logfile lines, counting, etc
 what transcript script do I need to launch the same script from a 
 button in Rev?
 And would the same transcript work on other platforms?
 A friend said I should learn Tcl/Tk instead.. but is he right?
   opinions gratefully received
 use-revolution mailing list
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours

GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:   +33 1 41 60 52 68
Dom:   +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:   +33 1 64 45 05 33

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire delta de rentabilit
use-revolution mailing list

[Fwd: PreceptorTools Public Beta Released

2003-09-30 Thread Pierre Sahores
Hi Steve,

The subject header of your announcement was missing.
I'm going to test PreceptorTools right now ;-)
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours

GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:   +33 1 41 60 52 68
Dom:   +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:   +33 1 64 45 05 33

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire delta de rentabilit
Hi All,

This is just to let you know that the Public Beta of PreceptorTools has 
been release and is available for download. :-)
For Immediate Release

PreceptorTools Public Beta Released
The New Way to Develop Courseware - In Minutes!
Edinburgh, Scotland, 25th September, 2003

Messimer Computing, Inc. and Runtime Revolution Ltd. today jointly 
announced the release of the PreceptorTools public beta. With the 
PreceptorTools courseware builder, teachers, trainers and students can 
develop training modules, instructional aids, and presentations for 
every major platform in minutes, without any programming! Beginners can 
get started right away, while experienced Revolution developers can use 
Revolution's rich feature set to customize PreceptorTools for their own 

Steve Messimer, President of Messimer Computing, said, With its 
easy-to use ready-made lessons, PreceptorTools is perfect for busy 
teachers. The prebuilt navigation aids, quizzes, and exams let teachers 
focus on delivering educational solutions, without worrying about how 
to code them. Messimer added, I chose Revolution because of its 
unrivaled ease of use and power. PreceptorTools taps that power for 
teachers and courseware developers to use.

Kevin Miller, CEO of Runtime Revolution, said, We're delighted 
Messimer Computing chose Revolution to develop PreceptorTools. In 
combination with Revolution's user-centric approach to development, 
PreceptorTools makes it even easier for courseware developers to create 
great computer-based training solutions.

To download the public beta version of PreceptorTools, visit This public beta can be used 
for 30 days. PreceptorTools 1.0 will ship in fourth quarter 2003, and 
will be distributed in the Runtime Revolution online store.

About Runtime Revolution
Founded in 1997, Runtime Revolution focuses on bringing user-centric 
development tools to all major platforms. The company produces 
Revolution, Revolution Express, and Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor. Runtime 
Revolution, which recently completed its acquisition of MetaCard Corp., 
is based in Edinburgh, Scotland. For more information, please visit the 
company on the web at

About Messimer Computing
Messimer Computing, Inc. is an applications development firm located in 
Escanaba, Michigan. It has provided systems information services, 
custom database design, and application development services to 
companies and individuals throughout the Midwest since 1986.


Messimer Computing, Inc.
208 1st Ave South
Escanaba, Michigan 49829
telephone: 1-906-748-2647
Dr Rod McCall
Runtime Revolution Ltd
91 Hanover Street
telephone: +44 (0) 131 718 4333
fax:+44 (0) 131 718 4334
I am currently working to update my website with reference material 
regarding PreceptorTools.  It will probably take another week or two to 
finish that up as there is a lot to say. Please take a moment and stop 
by the site.

By the way, I would like to thank the members of this list for all the 
help and encouragement they have offered over the last year. You are 
all great!

Kind regards.


Stephen R. Messimer, PA
208 1st Ave. South	
Escanaba, MI 49829
Build Computer-Based Training modules FAST with preceptorTools -- 
Public Beta available Now!
Macintosh G-4 OSX 10.2.6, OS 9.2.2, 512MB RAM, Rev 2.0.2
use-revolution mailing list

---End Message---

RE: Using Valentina Locally, Switching to MySQL on Server`

2003-09-27 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le sam 27/09/2003  05:34, Ken Ray a crit :
 Dan, just curious... why start with Valentina and switch to MySQL
 instead of using Valentina Server? I know it's in beta right now, but
 I've been using it for awhile and it seems to work quite well for me and
 my client. It's not as robust as MySQL, but it is multi-user, has locked
 records, etc. and wouldn't require switching from one DB to another.
 Ken Ray
 Sons of Thunder Software
 Web Site:

Hi Dan, Ken, List,

Agreed. Else, in taking care about the details : as generic as possible
ANSI SQL statements, casual management of the access to both the local
(even CD hosted) and/or networked datasources, usage of Valentina Server
or PostgreSQL instead of MySQL to get the best SQL statements
compatibility between the two kind of datasources..., it will, for sure,
be ways to build great and usefull local/networked online updatables
multimedia and ebooks encyclopedia solutions.

Bests, Pierre
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dan Shafer
  Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 8:00 PM
  To: Revolution List
  Subject: Using Valentina Locally, Switching to MySQL on Server`
  Is it a logical design approach to build a product so that as a 
  stand-alone, it relies on Valentina but when deployed in a multi-user 
  networked environment, it switches to a central MySQL (or similar) 
  database? Would it be easy to compartmentalize the back end such that 
  the move from one to the other could be fairly transparent?
  Dan Shafer, Revolutionary
  Author of forthcoming 3-book set,
  Revolution: Programming at the Speed of Thought for More Info
 use-revolution mailing list
 use-revolution mailing list
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire delta de rentabilit
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Lindows teaser

2003-09-27 Thread Pierre Sahores
Just to say that LindowsCD start and work perfectly under my old Samsung
SN6300 PII 300 160 Mo RAM SNB Laptop. A good ocasion to set-up this old
box as an home-made personal firewall/routeur.

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire delta de rentabilit
use-revolution mailing list

RE: Lindows...

2003-09-26 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le ven 26/09/2003  11:21, sims a crit :
 I suspect the answer will be no...I'll ask anyway.
 If I have Virtual Windows (Windows 98) running on my OSX machine with 
 lots of RAM,
 will I be able to pop in a Lindows CD and have it run?


If you mean Virtual PC 5 or 6 (the second is lots faster), the answer is


Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire delta de rentabilit
use-revolution mailing list

RE: Lindows...

2003-09-26 Thread Pierre Sahores
 Xavier, I would suggest you spend some time researching Lindows and decide
 for yourself, instead of asking your favorite Linux guy. While I originally
 had many of the same concerns as you, once I started learning more on my
 own, I found that Lindows is perfect for what I want to do. And their
 software distribution is most incredible, and solves a lot of problems for
 small developers.
 use-revolution mailing list
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire delta de rentabilit
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Installing Lindows?

2003-09-26 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le ven 26/09/2003  19:38, Barry Levine a crit :
 One other question: I saw a comment here on the list about how a *nix
 distribution requires some sort of additional build, etc. once it's
 sitting on a user's HD. Does this mean that it would require a user to
 possess *nix knowledge to install an app I build in Rev beyond
 double-click this installer or drag this to your hard drive?

No. It will run directly from the desktop gui, just alike under MacOS or

Bests, Pierre
 fixedBarry Jay Levine
 The Mac Guy
 Macintosh Troubleshooting, System Engineering, Training,
 AppleShare/OSX Server Setup, System Upgrades and Enhancements,
 Custom Programming for Mac/Windows/Linux/Solaris
 On-Site service for K20, Business, Consumer
 Phone/VoiceMail: 915-581-1105
 Fax: 915-581-8167
   eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]/fixed
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire delta de rentabilit
use-revolution mailing list

RE: OS Funnies

2003-09-26 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le ven 26/09/2003  20:15, Ken Ray a crit :
 Ken Ray
 Sons of Thunder Software
 Web Site:
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Patrick
 Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 12:02 PM
 Subject: OS Funnies
 Thought this might help start off the weekend right.  I have been
 spending more time working with different Servers and OSes, and a friend
 sent this to me.
 If Operating Systems Ran The Airlines 
 UNIX Airways:
 Everyone brings one piece of the plane along when they come
 to the airport. They all go out on the runway and put the
 plane together piece by piece, arguing non-stop about what
 kind of plane they are supposed to be building.
 Air DOS:
 Everybody pushes the airplane until it glides, then they jump
 on and let the plane coast until it hits the ground again.
 Then they push again, jump on again, and so on ...
 Mac Airlines:
 All the stewards, captains, baggage handlers, and ticket agents
 look and act exactly the same. Every time you ask questions
 about details, you are gently but firmly told that you don't
 need to know, don't want to know, and everything will be done
 for you without your ever having to know, so just shut up.
 Windows Air:
 The terminal is pretty and colorful, with friendly stewards,
 easy baggage check and boarding, and a smooth take-off. After
 about 10 minutes in the air, the plane explodes with no warning
 Windows NT Air:
 Just like Windows Air, but costs more, uses much bigger planes,
 and takes out all the other aircraft within a 40-mile radius
 when it explodes.
 Linux Air:
 Disgruntled employees of all the other OS airlines decide to
 start their own airline. They build the planes, ticket counters,
 and pave the runways themselves. They charge a small fee to
 cover the cost of printing the ticket, but you can also download
 and print the ticket yourself. When you board the plane, you
 are given a seat, four bolts, a wrench and a copy of the
 seat-HOWTO.html. Once settled, the fully adjustable seat is
 very comfortable, the plan leaves and arrives on time without
 a single problem, the in-flight meal is wonderful. You try to
 tell customers of the other airlines about the great trip, but
 all they can say is, You had to do what with the seat? 
 use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

RE: Starting Lindows

2003-09-26 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le ven 26/09/2003  22:59, Scott Slaugh a crit :
 Alex is correct. If you've run into problems (I've heard this happens with
 some onboard display controllers), it will automatically stay in 
 mode. If you want an answer, please consult the Lindows forum and use the
 Guest message board. I've found it to be most helpful.
 I'll look at that.  I was trying to run the CD in VMWare, rather than on a 
 real machine.  I'll have to go home and try the CD on my actual PC.
 Scott Slaugh
 Get McAfee virus scanning and cleaning of incoming attachments.  Get Hotmail 
 Extra Storage!
 use-revolution mailing list

Hi List,

Hum ! LindowsCD lacks to start XFree86/KDE because incompatibilities
with the NVIDIA Geoforce4 420 Go video card of my chipest Sony Vaio PCG

As an off-subject info, Suse 8.0 is full compatible with this so
special NVIDIA Geoforce 4 420 Go but Suse 8.2 is less compatible with
the same card ; the NVIDIA binary linux driver run fine under Suse 8.0
but can't install under Suse 8.2.

Any one interested in purchasing a x86 box/laptop to run any Linux
distro will get a best XFree86 usability in avoiding any NVIDIA video
drived computer...

Regards, Pierre
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire delta de rentabilit
use-revolution mailing list

Re: download woes

2003-09-22 Thread Pierre Sahores
Works OK there in using MacOS X 10.2.6 and Mozila 1.5a

Le lun 22/09/2003  17:21, Stephen Messimer a crit :
 Hi all,
 Anyone have any tips about how to download 2.1. I have tried 
 downloading the Classic, OSX and Windows versions all to no avail.  
 Thinking it might be some sort of Safari related issue I tried IE 5.2 
 but that didn't work either.
 Any assistance would be very much appreciated.
 Stephen R. Messimer, PA
 208 1st Ave. South
 Escanaba, MI 49829
 Build Computer-Based Training modules FAST with PreceptorTools -- 
 Public Beta available Soon!
 Macintosh G-4 OSX 10.2.6, OS 9.2.2, 512MB RAM, Rev 2.0.2
 use-revolution mailing list
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire delta de rentabilit
use-revolution mailing list

Re: [OT] browser plugin patents - warning!

2003-09-13 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le sam 13/09/2003  06:57, Dan Shafer a crit :
 Check out my blog today ( for Jeffrey 
 Zeldman's thoughts about what this does to the Web developer, and for a 
 link to Ray Ozzie (Lotus Notes) elaborate refutation of the patent 
 based on prior art he personally invented.
 Ultimately, this one may get overturned by a higher court.
 Dan Shafer, Revolutionary
 Author of forthcoming 3-book set,
 Revolution: Programming at the Speed of Thought for More Info
 use-revolution mailing list

Thanks for the input, Dan. In reading this, i more and more thinking
that it's time to gohead in using Rev to build ERP's networked
alternative solutions

Best Regards, , Pierre Sahores

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire delta de rentabilit
use-revolution mailing list

RE: [OT] browser plugin patents - warning!

2003-09-13 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le sam 13/09/2003  01:47, Tuviah Snyder a crit :
 Wow how will this impact Java. Looks like Eolas has managed to disable Java
 in ways MS never could.

!!! :-)

 Looks like these days maybe developers should spend less time coding as more
 time at the patent office.
 Tuviah Snyder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Runtime Revolution Limited - Software at the Speed of Thought
 use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: linux question

2003-09-12 Thread Pierre Sahores
Gutten Tag, Klaus,

Le ven 12/09/2003  13:35, Klaus Major a crit :
 Hi list,
 can anyone tell me, what compression-format can be handled by Linux?
 SIT/Stuffit probably not ;-)
 Or good ol' built-in GZ?

zip, gz oder tgz sind OK. Das zwei und drei sind viel mehr bedienen.
(zip, gz, or tgz are OK. The second and three are many more used.
 Thanks a lot in advance...
 Klaus Major

Tchuss ! Pierre
 use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: linux question

2003-09-12 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le ven 12/09/2003  17:29, Dar Scott a crit :
 On Friday, September 12, 2003, at 07:35 AM, Pierre Sahores wrote:
  zip, gz oder tgz sind OK. Das zwei und drei sind viel mehr bedienen.
 On my web site, Revolution stacks are available compressed as zip and 
 sit files.  Can I assume from the above that Linux folks are not 
 slighted or should I add gz?

Not as long as the standard linux uncompress engines (arc/ark,
unzip,...) are, including the zip format.
 BTW, for each stack about 70% of the downloads are in sit, not zip.
 Dar Scott
 use-revolution mailing list
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire delta de rentabilit
use-revolution mailing list

Re: linux question

2003-09-12 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le ven 12/09/2003  19:14, Klaus Major a crit :
 Bong sure Pierre ;-),

Hum ! Is my Spaten beer grade based language...
  Gutten Tag, Klaus,
  Le ven 12/09/2003  13:35, Klaus Major a crit :
  Hi list,
  can anyone tell me, what compression-format can be handled by Linux?
  SIT/Stuffit probably not ;-)
  Or good ol' built-in GZ?
  zip, gz oder tgz sind OK. Das zwei und drei sind viel mehr bedienen.
 Ah, mercy bocuse...

Paul Bocuse ?

 Ah, thanks a lot

... a little...
 Fine, then i will use the build-in GZ routines :-)
  Tchuss ! Pierre
 Oh reservoir :-D

...away from the well knowed european language named German ?
 Klaus Major
 I knew you have a sense of humour ;-)

A cool lazy way to say y'a vol in german ?

Auf wieder Zen, Freund Klaus :)
 use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: [OT] browser plugin patents - warning!

2003-09-12 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le ven 12/09/2003  21:26, Alex Rice a crit :

 If this is as bad as it sounds, soon lots of irate web developers will 
 be flocking to Revolution and other web-aware app development 
 2  September 2003  ::: 10 am edt
 IE, Flash, and patents: here comes trouble
We can hope so :-)
 Alex Rice [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Mindlube Software |
 what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
 to make machines that are disposable  -Ani DiFranco
 use-revolution mailing list
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire delta de rentabilit
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Stack script problem

2003-09-11 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le jeu 11/09/2003  09:52, Rolf Kocherhans a crit :
 I made a stack script which would delete the contents of a field in a 
 which I open as sheet.
 The script goes like this and is in the main stack:
 on openStack
 put empty into field fldLog of stack Log
 end openStack
 Now, my field gets emptied every time I open the Stack  Log  as sheet,
 but I would expect that it is emptied only at startup, when the main 
 stack gets loaded.
 Any clues ?

Did you try to put, at least,

 on openStack
   pass openStack
 end openStack

handler in the substack Log

Regards, Pierre

 use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: cgi does not do save stack

2003-09-10 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le mer 10/09/2003  17:21, Bjrnke von Gierke a crit :

 I am able to do all kind of nifty things in my cgi tests, but I am 
 unable to save a stack, no matter how I try it. Is there a bug, or must 
 I just save differently then in the normal environment? Maybe it's 
 because I use the metacard engine?
 cgi script below:
 on startup
open stack guestbook
read from stdin until empty
if it  empty then
  put urldecode(it) into data
  split data by  and =
  go to last card
  create card
  put the short internet date into field date
  put data[name] into field name
  put data[text] into field entry
  replace return with br in field entry
end if
put  Content-Type: text/html  crlf  crlf
put htmlheadtitleYou are on my iBook! @ bgcolor=  quote  148D00  
repeat with x = the number of cards down to 1
  go to card x
  put pdate:br   field date
  put brname:br   field name
  put brtext:br  field entry  /phr
end repeat
put /body
save stack guestbook --does not work!!
close stack guestbook
 end startup

Hi Bjrnke,

I think that it's no way to save a stack without opening it, directly,
in graphical mode.

Bests, Pierre
use-revolution mailing list

RE: cgi does not do save stack

2003-09-10 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le jeu 11/09/2003  00:00, Monte Goulding a crit :
   I am able to do all kind of nifty things in my cgi tests, but I am 
   unable to save a stack, no matter how I try it. Is there a bug, or must 
   I just save differently then in the normal environment? Maybe it's 
   because I use the metacard engine?
   cgi script below:
   on startup
  open stack guestbook
  read from stdin until empty
  if it  empty then
put urldecode(it) into data
split data by  and =
go to last card
create card
put the short internet date into field date
put data[name] into field name
put data[text] into field entry
replace return with br in field entry
  end if
  put  Content-Type: text/html  crlf  crlf
  put htmlheadtitleYou are on my iBook! @ bgcolor=  quote  148D00  
  repeat with x = the number of cards down to 1
go to card x
put pdate:br   field date
put brname:br   field name
put brtext:br  field entry  /phr
  end repeat
  put /body
  save stack guestbook --does not work!!
  close stack guestbook
   end startup
  Hi Bjrnke,
  I think that it's no way to save a stack without opening it, directly,
  in graphical mode.
 Not quite true. You can save a stack but you have to ensure that it's got the 
 correct write permissions. You probably want it set to 775 or something.

Bjrnke, Monte, Richard,

Thanks to you all three. It's good to know that it works !

Bests, Pierre
 use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: REQ: Calendar control.

2003-09-07 Thread Pierre Sahores
Plaese Friends, it's enough with this thread !

As long as we know something about the beauty of life and sharing the
best we can with each other, there are no one diffrence between girls
and boys able to make them as diffrent as it would be best to be a girl
or a boy.

Both, we are first human persons and we need, before any other
consideration, to respect us for our humanity (elegance), our
complementarity and our differences.

Any other idea is directly driving us to be back just poor and stupid

Regards, Pierre Sahores

Le dim 07/09/2003  12:51, Klaus Major a crit :
 Hi Andre and Ken and all,
  On Saturday, September 6, 2003, at 06:46  PM, Ken Ray wrote:
  Isn't Sean nice?! ;-)
  Yes, she is. I especially like libSMTP... :-)
  She... oh boy, I commited a major error in my mail... I am Brazilian, 
  I have trouble with name endings in foreing languages...
  i am sorry, i am sorry!!
 Stay cool... ;-)
 I don't think that i will tell a secret but Sean is a boy (Its a boy!) 
 Klaus Major
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: New Rev Buyers, did you receive your unlocking key?

2003-09-04 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le jeu 04/09/2003  14:25, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a crit :
 I got mine yesterday around 13h00. Bought it Sunday afternoon...
 Xavier Bury
 TNS NT LAN Server
 ext 6465
Look like there were lots of last time buyers. Cool ;-)


use-revolution mailing list

Re: CGI and find

2003-09-03 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le mer 03/09/2003  19:27, J. Landman Gay a crit :
 On 9/2/03 11:36 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
 This isn't to say that storing data in stacks is always a great idea. 
 For larger data sets the engine breaks down and you need a real 
 database. But for smaller data sets -- under 1000-2000 cards or so -- I 
 have found stack-based storage to be easier to set up, easier to 
 maintain, easier to script, quick to search and navigate, and supported 
 by a large number of native commands in the language. I think it is an 
 overlooked solution. I don't feel the need to put my little personal 
 address book into an SQL database.


About SQL : If you really try it, you will see that it's not a language
but just a subset of xtalk-like commands dedicated to manage big
collections of datas. Before using Postgresql as backend of my web
driven apps, i had to write lots and lots of code to manage in
Metatalk/Transcript what SQL does natively (searches, inserts, updates,
deletes). An appp using 2.9 Mo of scripting to handle a flat-files based
database can be replaced by a 500 Ko one just by using SQL calls instead
of offset searches, read, writes... As in Rev/MC, the only difficulty in
using PostgreSQL (or, at least, MySQL-Max 4.xx, the 3.23 issue is not
really a sure db system) is to think what and how to code. I'm sure you
would be really happy in using it.

Thanks a lot for sharing with us your last find cgi related post about
your mark cards by finding... proposal. Elegant, usefull, impressive.

Kind Regards, Pierre

use-revolution mailing list

Re: How many people use Single-Handler Mode in Script Editor?

2003-09-02 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le mar 02/09/2003  02:22, Sarah a crit :
 Not at all, I don't like it. It feels like I'm not in total control of 
 the script and I can't see the comments I put before nearly every 

The same here.

Bests, Pierre

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Rev CGI Engine and IIS

2003-09-02 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le mar 02/09/2003  01:23, Mike Doub a crit :
 Has anyone be able to use revolution as a cgi engine with IIS?  I would
 appreciate any guidance in setting up the proper configuration.
 use-revolution mailing list

Hi Mike,

I did it four years ago under MC 2.32 + WinNT4 SP5 + IIS4. I reported
how it worked on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] archive list (the old one). It
should work with some adaptations in using the RR engine.

Best Regards, Pierre

use-revolution mailing list

Rev as CGI - regular lackings...

2003-09-01 Thread Pierre Sahores
Hi List, Scott,

In learning how to setup a Rev's sockets listener CGI engine, i get
reccurent errors (one for each six calls to the CGI engine).

The intereting point is that my test client-side script did'nt get the
expected answer from the CGI with a swiss made regularity ??!

This script send in a repeat loop a sequence of 20 POST method calls
to the CGI.

For five to six times, all works fine : the client-side script get its
answer from the CGI script but, the next forcoming time, he only get 19
of the 20 expected answers...

Each call lacking in the sequence of 20 calls is :

sequence 6 : the call number 2
sequence 12 : the call number 4
sequence 18 : the call number 6
sequence 24 : the call number 8
sequence 30 : the call number 10
sequence 36 : the call number 12
sequence 42 : the call number 14
sequence 48 : the call number 16
sequence 54 : the call number 18
sequence 60 : the call number 20

and then, again

sequence 66 : the call number 2
sequence 72 : the call number 4

and soo on...

Here is the client side script, running from inside an active stack :

 on mouseUp
   if the shiftkey is down then edit script of me
   else testconn
 end mouseUp
 on testconn
   put the seconds into time1
   set cursor to watch
   set the thumbposition of sb jauge to 0
   put 10 into aa
   put ee946=941TTF=azertyytreza into ttest
   repeat with ltr = 1 to 20
 if the seconds - time1  10 then exit repeat
 set httpheaders to Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded  return
 # post ttest to url (fld csrecents)
 post ttest to url (http://localhost/cgi-bin/wmc.rev;)
 if it contains ee946=941TTF=azertyytreza then add 1 to qconnect
 else put ltrafter tconnect
 set the thumbposition of sb jauge to aa
 add 10 to aa
   end repeat
   if qconnect = 20 then
 answer La connexion avec le serveur distant est OK  return  \
 (succs des tests de  (qconnect div 20)*100  % en  the seconds - 
 time1  secondes).
   else if qconnect  0 then
 set the thumbposition of sb jauge to 0
 answer La connexion avec le serveur distant est instable.  return  return  \
 Vrifiez votre configuration d'accs  l'internet  return  avant de 
 poursuivre.  return  return  \
 (succs des tests de  qconnect  /20 (  char 1 to -2 of tconnect  
 )  en  the seconds - time1  secondes)
   else if qconnect =  then
 set the thumbposition of sb jauge to 0
 answer La connexion avec le serveur distant est rompue.  return  return  \
 Vrifiez votre configuration d'accs  l'internet  return  avant de 
 poursuivre.  return  return  \
 (succs des tests de  (qconnect div 20)*100  % en  the seconds - 
 time1  secondes)
   end if
 end testconn

and here the cgi script :

 on startup
 start using stack liburl -- idem with/without starting it
 repeat while the length of buffer  $CONTENT_LENGTH
 read from stdin until empty
 put it after buffer
 end repeat
 BODY background='/gif/fond-maison.gif'H1File Not Found/H1P  \
 H3The file you have requested does not exist on this server./H3  \
 /BODY/HTML into buffer
 end if
 put Content-Type: text/html  return  Content-Length:  \
 the length of buffer  return  return  buffer
 end startup

Both the client and cgi are running under the MC 2.5 issue of the engine under 
Suse-Linux 8.2 Pro.

Any idea about solving this (get always 20 replies for each sequence of 20 calls) 
would be really helpfull.

Thanks to All,

Best Regards, Pierre
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire delta de rentabilit

use-revolution mailing list


2003-08-29 Thread Pierre Sahores
Usefull to have an eye to the Metacard's cgi documentation and the example script, about this task.

Le jeu 28/08/2003  17:40, Gregory Lypny a crit :
 Hi everyone,
   I'm wondering if there's step-by-step documentation and perhaps an 
 example for using Rev as a CGI in OS X.
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

New Mainstack item of menu File bug report (Rev 2.1 - Linux x86

2003-08-29 Thread Pierre Sahores
New Mainstack don't work in all cases (Rev 2.1 - Suse Linux 8.2)

1.1. - Start Revolution
1.2. - Select New Mainstack from menu File -- nothing happen and no new
stack window open...

2.1. - Start Revolution
2.2. - Select Open Stack from menu File -- the right selected stack is
2.3. - Close or don't close this last opened stack (egal)
2.4. - Select New Mainstack from menu File -- the new stack window
opens, as requiered...
2.5. - From here, each new mainstack requiest will work as expected
until Rev will be closed.
2.6. - The next time Rev will be launched, the use of procs 2.1 to 2.4
are needed to be able to have menuitem New Mainstack running OK

Reproductibility : 100%

Hope this help,

Kind Regards, Pierre Sahores

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire delta de rentabilit

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Can Rev mimic http forms submit?

2003-08-29 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le ven 29/08/2003  19:21, Rob Gould a crit :
 Can anyone tell me if the Revolution post command does the same
 thing as what a web-browser does when it has a form.submit() action?
 For instance, let's say I have a form on a web-page that contains a
 form with some input fields (I've eliminated the tag characters in
 hopes that email readers won't parse this code):
 form id=theForm method=post
 input type=hidden name=SERVICE value=Login
 input type=text name=UserName value=usernamehere ID=Text1
 input type=password name=Password value=abc123 ID=Password1
 input type=button id=Login value=Login
 So when the user hits the button id Login, the theForm.submit()
 javascript action occurs, and the username/password fields are passed
 to the server.
 The question I have is, what is the Revolution call to do this type of
 thing?  Is it some form of the POST command?  If so, how would I
 format the post command to pass data like this?

Rev is full able to send any kind of POST Method formated command.

Be just carefull about setting the httpheaders global as needed by
your form.

You can adapt the script below as starter point.

 on testconn
   put ee946=941TTF=azertyytreza into ttest # replace with your own
 post datas
  set httpheaders to Content-type:
 application/x-www-form-urlencoded  return # dont forget the space
 after the : char
 post ttest to url (fld csrecents) # your server adress
 put it # your server reply
 end testconn

Have fun !

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire delta de rentabilit

use-revolution mailing list

Re: New Mainstack item of menu File bug report (Rev 2.1 - Linux x86

2003-08-29 Thread Pierre Sahores
Hi Alex,

I did it too.

Bests, Pierre

Le ven 29/08/2003  21:27, Alex Rice a crit :
 On Friday, August 29, 2003, at 11:09  AM, Pierre Sahores wrote:
  Reproductibility : 100%
 Pierre , I believe RRev has stated, bug reports can possibly just get 
 lost in the noise on this list. Open a bugzilla report on it as well if 
 you haven't.
 Alex Rice, Software Developer
 Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Re: Newbie enquiry re using Revolution for Myst style games

2003-08-28 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le jeu 28/08/2003  04:32, Dan Shafer a crit :
 On Wednesday, August 27, 2003, at 09:01 AM, Edwin Gore wrote:
  It's too bad that the market these days doesn't really seem to have 
  any place for brilliant, imaginative, playful software like those 
  original Cyan games.
 I'm not so sure.
 I spent some time last weekend watching my 13-year-old granddaughter 
 using the Web. Quite a few of the sites she visited have what I'd call 
 atmospheric games. They are more Web-aware, have multi-player options, 
 build in instant messaging and community aspects, and are *somewhat* 
 less graphically rich (living within the confines of the browser.)
 I think a compelling atmospheric game a la Myst built in Revolution in 
 a way that was Web-aware and overcame the browser's limitations would 
 in fact make a potentially huge product. I have a friend who's building 
 a 3-D online adventure game using Adobe's Atmosphere technology so that 
 it runs over the Web. I don't know how much success he's had so far, 
 but I know he's working actively on it. He's checking out Rev right now 
 as a possible new way to handle the front end because the UI 
 surrounding the 3D stuff doesn't feel compelling in a browser.
 Dan Shafer, Revolutionary
 Author of forthcoming 3-book set,
 Revolution: Programming at the Speed of Thought for More Info

I believe this market is probably under our eyes, firstly in the schools
and pedagogic spheres.

Bests, Pierre

use-revolution mailing list

Re: free, lightweight sql engine

2003-08-27 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le mer 27/08/2003  09:46, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a crit :
 It is possible to access SQLite from Rev in two ways:
 1) via odbc (requires installing odbc drivers with your standalone)
 2) via shelling out to a command line, running the SQLite SQL client  processing 
 the result.
 I believe that Pierre mentioned that someone (Andu?) on the Metacard list has been 
 using SQLite successfully.

Andu is the one ! He use both MC-CGI's and PHP's SQLite driven
 I've written to Tuviah to say that I don't think that the author of SQLite would get 
 involved in providing drivers for a specific language.  Other people are providing 
 drivers for major languages (Python, Perl, PHP, Smalltalk, Objective-C).  As the 
 code for SQLite is publicly available, I've offered to look at generating the 
 drivers for Rev.  Of course, it would be best of all if Runrev took a look at SQLite 
 and provided and supported the drivers.
 I would suggest that anyone who wants to start looking at SQLite uses the odbc 
 drivers, and looks to the SQLite list for any specific help with SQLite 
 People might want to have a look at some speed comparisons between SQLite, MySQL and 
 PostgreSQL -
 Your welcome to have the author of the database contact me and I will send
 him the revdb he can compile a revdb driver. Should be fairly
 Not sure, but I don't think it's currently possible; someone would have
 to write an external to use the SQLite client API or write a new
 database driver for RR.
 Regards Bernard
 use-revolution mailing list

Thanks for your input about the 2 ways yet availables :-)
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire delta de rentabilit

use-revolution mailing list

Re: how to stop execution

2003-08-27 Thread Pierre Sahores
In some critical debuging state cases, it can be usefull to insert a ...

 if the shiftkey is down then exit repeat

directly inside the repeat loop.


Le mer 27/08/2003  17:36, Steve Gehlbach a crit :
 RR seems to always be running my code, I don't see a way to stop 
 execution, while developing.  Anyone know a way to do this?
 Occasionally I get stupid loops and it can be difficult to get things to 
 stop while I fix it.  Usually RR sprays error boxes and croaks, but when 
 I restart and load the stack, it goes right back to doing the same 
 thing.  I just want to load and edit it, not run it (not until I fix it 
 use-revolution mailing list
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire delta de rentabilit

use-revolution mailing list

Re: The Death of 'RevJournal' ???

2003-08-26 Thread Pierre Sahores
Works just fine from there (Paris/France).

Bests, Pierre

Le mar 26/08/2003  17:19, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a crit :
 I just typed into the IE address bar; and 
 Service Unavailable
 The proxy is currently unable to handle the request due to a (possibly) 
 temporary error. Extended error information is:
 Failed to forward the request to the web server at 
 This may be due to a firewall configuration error or a DNS failure.
 Roger Eller
  I'm not sure what you mean. revJournal is still very much alive. We
  posted two articles just last week, and we're finalizing two more for
  publication over the next few days. New comments were posted as
  recently as yesterday. From where I sit, all the links, including
  yours, work just fine. Please contact me off-list and expand on any
  problems you may be having.
  Alan S. Golub
  Publisher, revJournal
  On Tuesday, August 26, 2003, at 09:40 AM, Mathewson wrote:
  Does anybody know what has happened to RevJournal?
   Everybody's links don't work.
  Has this site died a death even before it was weaned?
  Hope not!
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: 2.1 availability for other unix flavors

2003-08-26 Thread Pierre Sahores
Hi List,

How many of us could be interesting in using Rev under Linux-PPC ?

Thanks for the statistics ;-)

Bests, Pierre

Le mar 26/08/2003  17:55, Heather Williams a crit :
  I clicked the link below since it was announced that Rev 2.1 has been
  released, but in the engines directory there are only files for Linux or
  Heather wrote:
  You can download it from
  The instructions on the download page says to download the distribution
  for unix, then get the engine for the specific platform. I need the file
  Iris.gz to get this running on an SGI Irix machine. When will it be
 The unix distributions will be available in the next few days. They are not
 up yet. 
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire delta de rentabilit

use-revolution mailing list

Re: the IDE does not appear on double click of project

2003-08-25 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le dim 24/08/2003 à 09:39, Stephen Quinn Barncard a écrit :
 When I double click a project file to launch Rev, the IDE does not 
 appear. No menus, etc.
 1. what is the call to start up the IDE from a script?
 2. is there a setting to 'start IDE on application open' ?
 This was not the way Rev functioned earlier. Something changed...or 
 something *I* changed!!
 use-revolution mailing list

Witch platform ? If Linux, be sure about checking the exec in the
properties tab of the Rev engine.
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire delta de rentabilité

use-revolution mailing list


2003-08-16 Thread Pierre Sahores
Yves COPPE wrote:
Hi Heather,

I write this quesiton to the list because it can show interests for much 
Revolution users :

Will you be present at the Apple Expo in Paris as previous year ??


use-revolution mailing list

Same question. It would be really cool to meet us, there :-)

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Serveurs d'applications et SGBDR (Web/PGI)
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Help - my RunRev IDE has slowed to a crawl

2003-08-16 Thread Pierre Sahores
Graham Samuel wrote:
I remember this happening to other people maybe when RunRev 2.0 came 
out, but I can't find the messages using the Google search.

Today I was editing a set of stacks which I've been working on for a 
very long time using both Mac and Windows environments. In this case I 
was using a Mac running OS9.2.2 to power RR 2.0r2, and very soon after 
opening my mainstack in the IDE, things slowed to a crawl to the extent 
that it takes tens of seconds for RunRev to react to clicks or even to 
give up control to another app. I don't think I've changed my own stuff 
in other than a trivial way since it was working without problems (just 
a few iterations ago).

Can anyone suggest something I should be doing to bring the IDE back to 

(I ought maybe to say that most of my recent development has been done 
using a Windows XP system and I've only just got back to the Mac - 
nevertheless I have built some working apps using the Dist Builder today).

Just can't think how to proceed...

TIA for any advice

Hi Graham,

I had such kind of slowing down problems when i switched my first app 
from MC 2.5 to Rev 2.0.1 (Linux and Jaguar platforms). The only 
workaround i found to resolve the problem has been to avoid to put more 
than 100 different objects (buttons, fiels, groups,...) per card.

Hope this can help.

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Serveurs d'applications et SGBDR (Web/PGI)
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif
use-revolution mailing list

Re: How to implement an Agree/Disagree License agreement?

2003-08-15 Thread Pierre Sahores
yoy wrote:
Hello fellow Revolutionaries,

OmniLotto, for those who are familiar is finished except I need the user to
accept my End User License Agreement.
A boilerplate EULA with a not liable for any financial losses as a result
of using this software statement to cover my butt.
You see them in commercial software all the time.

I only want the card (main stack?) to appear once, when they first run it.
Then if they agree, it never appears again.
Should the software write something into the program or somewhere? What
about re-installs?
How do you do that?

Any advice?



use-revolution mailing list

Why not a discrete file, written by your app to the local drive ?

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Serveurs d'applications et SGBDR (Web/PGI)
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif
use-revolution mailing list

Re: I speak French, so I think that I can't use Revolution, aaaaargh.

2003-08-14 Thread Pierre Sahores
François Cuneo wrote:
Je vais voir si je peux mettre un thème Revolution sur notre forum.
J'avertirai ici si ça se fait.
François Cuneo
Site Web dédié au Macintosh

The most we speak about RR/MC,... and it would be cool to speak about 
it, in french, for the froggies we allready are ;-)

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Serveurs d'applications et SGBDR (Web/PGI)
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif
use-revolution mailing list

RevDB, Linux and PostgreSQL

2003-08-14 Thread Pierre Sahores
Rodney Tamblyn wrote:
Hello everyone,

This is just a followup to let you know the bug which I found in 
Revolution at present that prevents binary data operations with 
PostgreSQL database has been confirmed.  It will be fixed in the final 
release of 2.1 apparently.

In the meantime the workaround which I've discovered, and which works 
quite well, is to base64encode data then put it into a PostgreSQL text 
field (which seem, AFAIK, to be able to hold unlimited data).  On 
retrieving the data I do a base64decode to turn it back into binary 
data.  Using this approach I've been able to successfully store image 
data in PostgreSQL text fields.

So the mystery is solved...

~ Rodney

use-revolution mailing list

Hi Rodney,

Cool tip to know !

Could you, please, let me know, the platform witch host your 
Revolution's PostgeSQL client app, the platform witch host the 
PostgreSQL server ? Are both the client and the server running on the 
same box, on two diffrent boxes ?

Even in using an example app, friendly provided to me by Sadhu, i have 
n't, at the moment, found the way to run a Rev's PostgreSQL client app 
hosted on the Linux platform (no tested on Win32 nor OSX, for yet) :-!

Thanks for any help,

IBTW : My Postgres 7.xx server is fine running and serving in production 
mode MC apps trough shell() bindings to the psql Postgres command line 
client. My problem is to get the right way to replace the shell() way by 
the RevDB lib's one?

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Serveurs d'applications et SGBDR (Web/PGI)
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Console mode apps

2003-08-14 Thread Pierre Sahores
Dar Scott wrote:
On Wednesday, August 6, 2003, at 03:40 PM, Pierre Sahores wrote:

Win32 is able to host such apps too, as long as the apps are launched 
in graphical mode, even id they are only working just as *NIX deamon 
apps would do.

I have run standalones as services with the service gui on and off.  I 
have used them as command-line apps, too.  Both seem to be discouraged. 
 It would be great to simply run the engine without the full gui.  It 
would be great to have command-line parsing and stdin and stdout working 
right, too.

Is there a special engine for this?  Where do I find it?

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Did you use the win32 cmc engine before ?

It's available for download at

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Serveurs d'applications et SGBDR (Web/PGI)
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Console mode apps (was Revolution speed sucks?)

2003-08-14 Thread Pierre Sahores
Dar Scott wrote:
On Wednesday, August 6, 2003, at 03:32 AM, Pierre Sahores wrote:

Because the answers have to do with the OS the deamon apps are running 
on, what are the platform's operating systems your are developing for 
(MacOSX, Win32, Linux,...) ?

I want it all!  Let's start with Win32 (or a subset) or OS X.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list


At the begining of the story (1997), i was, as lots others, searching a 
way to set-up a little web-driven flat-files database server. At that 
time, i was mostly interesting in running the stuff under the 
MacOS/Webstar platform.

After testing lots of stuffs and possibles ways to do the trick 
(FileMaker, Frontier, Lasso, Visual Cafe, 4D, MacPerl, AppleScript, 
Live-Card, etc...), i went back to my lovely Hypercard 2.35, found a 
WebStar doc about the way to use to set-up a Hello world !' CGI in 
using HC...

Because MacOS was not able to handle the way the CGI's are running as 
scripts under *NIX, the only way to have HC-based CGI up was to have the 
HC app running along WebStar and to let the two apps communicate trough 
appleevents. After lots of tunning, this way became rally usefull and i 
used it to build some MacOS web apps.

(re)Because Apple shooted HC, i went to Metacard and because MacOSX 
did'nt come out, while i was waiting for more than a beta OS (Rhapsody), 
i went to Linux (1999) and worked hard to set-up Metacard, not as a 
CGI-engine but (in about speed and security considerations, i had 
successfully experimented under MacOS8), to have it up as a long-running 
application process, in compliance with the Init System V guilde-lines.

With the help of Scott (Raney), and some times against his advices !!! 
(the .php-based sockets listener, witch i still recommand) and Andu 
(Novac), i find out the way to get the expected results (see the 
metacard archives list).


As Revolution is yet in front of the stage, i would recommand you to use 
it instead of MC to go head in building XTalk's based three parts 
networked apps.

All what i learned in about this mather is only work in progress (SQL 
 servers handling trough shell() has to be replaced by the build-in 
Rev-DB facilities) but what i experimented, along those years, is that 
the RR(MC) engine rocks in serving critical web's and erp's dedicated 
apps over the internet.

As a possible starter point, i recommand you to read the Sadhu's how-to, 
witch explain how he builded, in some hours, his first MC-based deamon 
to serve datas over the web to a MC-based client-side front-end. In 
between other places, you will find it at

Search too about a recent (july) general post i did on the Rev's list.

Win32 is able to host such apps too, as long as the apps are launched in 
graphical mode, even id they are only working just as *NIX deamon apps 
would do.

MacOSX is able to run them in both the *NIX and Win32 ways but i did'nt 
have time to test the first one, at this point.


Alike Richard, Kevin, Tuviah and others, i belive that Revolution can 
take-off in about the great internet apps framework he is (even if just 
some ones of us are still using it in this way), if we can explain how 
it let us build critical apps without the inconvience of using too 
trivial or unsuitables tools, java included.

Ask for more technical tasks, if needed.


Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Serveurs d'applications et SGBDR (Web/PGI)
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Marketing Rev in Other Worlds

2003-08-14 Thread Pierre Sahores

Very good point Dan Shafer.

Rev almost needs a separate marketing, packaging, support and documentation 
approach for the mass market (and getting Apple to feature it or, dare I say, 
bundle it ... wouldn't hurt). I would not try and remove any of its basic 
features but rather put a different face on it for them.

The existing program is wonderful but it is oriented towards US and not THEM 
and THEY have a lot more money !

Dan Shafer writes:

The real sweet spot market for Revolution, as it was 

for HyperCard and the other xCard products, is what I have long been 

referring to as the Inventive User (IU). IUs are people who:

1. Know their computers can do so much more to help them with their 

work than anyone has yet made them do.

2. Are smart and creative.

3. Can envision the solutions.

4. Are not professionally trained programmers or at least if they were 

at one point no longer earn their living coding

5. Probably working in a team or workgroup setting where they are the 

local IT department

Those folks -- and there are millions of them -- NEED Revolution. 

Badly. But they're not going to take the time to tinker and learn the 

product after opening Revolution and being faced with a blank screen 

and a bunch of loosely connected floating palettes. Heck, they don't 

even get a blank stack window let alone a starting point. 

use-revolution mailing list

Hi There,

At this point, i'm asking in myself if it would'nt be interesting to do 
a test in about trying to put for sale some packaged Studio's issues 
of RR (CD + papers user's and reference manuals) in some special 
computer's dedicated stores and see what could happen.

There is, in Paris, a special technical Books Publisher/Store, many 
developers visit lot of times per year : la librairie Eyrolles and i'm 
no far from sure they would be OK, at Eyrolles, to do a test about this. 
What do you think about the idea, Frédéric R. ?

The interest of such a test would be to see if there are, here in 
France, people who would'nt never purchase an unknowed product over 
the web but could be interested in testing RR because they can touch it 
and read about it along they are holding the packaged box in hand.

The second question is directly adressed to you, Frederic R. : When i 
did my first steeps in discovering Hypercard, i got a special usefull 
help from a little book (less than 100 pages), you sure know about : the 
Dunod/PSI HyperTalk by Jean-Jacques GREIF (1992). Don't you think that 
it could be a good time to rewrite such an usefull syntax reference 
memento, focused on Transcript, this time.

If interested, You, Kevin..., let me know, off-list. I would be OK to 
write it.

Bests, Pierre Sahores
Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Serveurs d'applications et SGBDR (Web/PGI)
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif
use-revolution mailing list

Re: I speak French, so I think that I can't use Revolution,aaaaargh.

2003-08-14 Thread Pierre Sahores
Ken Ray wrote:
Sorry to intrude, but I DON'T speak French...

I don't either, but Babelfish works wonders in translation...

Whenever I see a non-English post, I just go there and I can understand
what's being said (although I'd had to reply in Babelfish-created
French! ;-)
Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site: 

use-revolution mailing list

OK, OK, I promise i will no more use to much French, nor German, nor 
Latin to speak in between us with our Swedish or Dutch Friends ;-)

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Serveurs d'applications et SGBDR (Web/PGI)
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Marketing Rev in Other Worlds (was Re: Script Limits and solidIDE evolution!)

2003-08-14 Thread Pierre Sahores
Robert Brenstein wrote:
This discussion of the need for the RunRev folks to market not just 
the product but the underlying xtalk/xcard paradigm to the world of 
Windows in particular raises for me another issue that I think 
prevents the product from achieving the kind of brilliant Aha! 
success it richly deserves. I refer to the out-of-the-box experience.

When I showed my wife HyperCard a few months before it was released, 
her reaction was, I get it. Get out of the way and let me play. Her 
response to Revolution when it opened was, What's this? Another 
programming thing?

Professional programmers are going to be very slow to switch to 
Revolution or to any xThing for that matter. It's hard enough to get a 
programmer to change languages even when confronted with a 
demonstrably superior alternative (I know; I spent a few years trying 
to do that with Smalltalk). The real sweet spot market for Revolution, 
as it was for HyperCard and the other xCard products, is what I have 
long been referring to as the Inventive User (IU). IUs are people who:

Good points. My reading on the recent changes and glimpes of planned 
changes is that Rev is indeed moving in that direction. However, so far, 
the strength of MetaCard were the professional developers (in a loose 
definition of those) and some of the changes along the way (for example, 
the forthcoming removal of dynamic script setting in standalones -- the 
original topic of this thread) may alienate at least some of them. What 
I am afraid of is that on the long term Rev will become just another 
Hypercard. For sure more powerful and with more features but not a tool 
competing seriously for commercial and semi-commercial development. Of 
course, it does not have to be that way and we can only hope the that 
Rev team ways their options carefully and do not focus solely on making 
a quick buck on short term.

Robert Brenstein
use-revolution mailing list

To the end, if i have to add an Entreprise License fees to the price 
the end-user client will have to pay to get a fine deployement of the 
product he purchased me (aka: without any restrictions about the dynamic 
programming options), this will never be so expensive that it could 
compromise the business On the other hand, if this can help RunTime 
to get usefull incomes from his professional-grade developers, i think 
it will be good for all...

Flaming reactions ?

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Serveurs d'applications et SGBDR (Web/PGI)
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Unable to switch to version 2.

2003-08-12 Thread Pierre Sahores
Jan Schenkel wrote:
--- taillade [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thank you Jan for your prompt answer

I tried stepping many time through the scripts and
it goes wrong at the 
following step

  put vgstack into vgStackactif  -- where vgstack
is the name of the 
stack to go
  do go stackvgstackactif

When arriving to the line do go stack ... either it
enter into an 
endless loop or it skips the line.

it's possible that you
set a custom property somewhere and it gets stuck

an endless loop that way (setProp behaviour was
altered in version 2.0).
I must say that I understand nothing to this problem
of setProp 
What should I do to test your hypothesis?

Michel Taillade

Bonjour Michel,

Don't worry if you don't know what setProp is ; that
means you're not using it and thus in all likelyhood
it won't be the culprit :-)
When you open the same stack from the Open stack...
menu, do you get the same problem ?
If so, try getting in by using :
  lock messages
  go stack Foobar
  unlock messages
If you can get in without errors, use that opportunity
to delve into its stack script, and see what happens
on preOpenStack, openStack, preOpenCard and openCard
(insert breakpoints there for debugging)
If nothing is wrong with the stack script, do the same
for the script of the first card of the stack.
Hope this gets you closer to the error,

Jan Schenkel.

As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time.  (La 
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software
use-revolution mailing list

Hi Michel,

Are you able to open the vgstack.rev as a main stack in Rev 2.xx ? If 
not, your are probably using MacOS X. Try, as a workaround,

1.- to save vgstack.rev as a mainstack if it is not, from within Rev 

2.- to launch Rev and to open vgstack.rev by dropping it over the 
Rev's application icon. This will open the stack and you will than be 
able to save it with save as menu.

If this works and you need to set vgstack.rev as a substack again, 
just do it, yet under Rev 2.xx

Hope this help.

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Serveurs d'applications et SGBDR (Web/PGI)
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Tools palette

2003-08-11 Thread Pierre Sahores
Steve Gehlbach wrote:
Sarah wrote:

Has anyone else had the problem of the Tools palette disappearing and 
not coming back? Sometimes, it just disappears. It is still ticked in 
the Tools menu and de-selecting/selecting it there does no good. 
Command-T doesn't help either - the only solution is to shut down 
Revolution and start it again.

I can't work out what causes it to disappear, no pattern has emerged 
yet, so I can't really bugzilla it, but I would be interested to know 
if anyone else has encountered such a problem.

I've seen it plenty.  Seems more prevalent on Linux than Windows.  I've 
learned to use the pull down menus.  Also have trouble with the property 
inspector disappearing, but it comes back when you close the script 
editor, maybe that is by design.


use-revolution mailing list

I believe that, in using Rev 2.xx, under Linux, at least (no win32 box, 
there), it's by feature that the property inspector desappears each time 
the script editor is opened and reappears the script editor is closed.

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Serveurs d'applications et SGBDR (Web/PGI)
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Script Limits and solid IDE evolution!

2003-08-10 Thread Pierre Sahores

 Runrev should instead be publicising Revolution.  And this means 
attending other than Mac-only events - unfortunate as it may be to Mac 
and Linux users, Win32 still massively dominates the desktop.  The whole 
xCard/xTalk paradigm is virtually unknown to Win32 users/developers. 
This is where they need to market, and it is precisely the people in 
this market who need the opportunity to understand the xCard paradigm 
that the Starter Kit provided.


And it would be usefull to have the xCard/xTalk paradigm best knowed in 
the Linux sphere. Emediat Inc. (RadBuilder3) has build a partnership 
with Suse AG. I belive that it would be good to see RunRev do the same 
with both RedHat and Suse...

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Serveurs d'applications et SGBDR (Web/PGI)
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Losing track of time

2003-08-10 Thread Pierre Sahores
Howard Bornstein wrote:
I've got a simple reminder program that takes a number (representing 
minutes) and plays a chime when that many minutes is up.

The reminder script is:

on reminder
  global SendID
  put fld TheTime into timer
  send reminder to me in timer*60 seconds  
  put the result into sendID
  play chime2.wav
end reminder

The problem is that, for example, if I set the timer to chime every hour, 
I am losing about 5 seconds each time I cycle through. Originally, this 
was because I had the play chime2.wav command before the send reminder 
command. So it would play the chime, which takes several seconds, before 
resetting the time.

But now I've switched the order to the above handler and I'm *still* 
getting this lost time per cycle.

Is it possible that the play command somehow stops the internal timer of 
the send command? This seems highly unlikely but I can't think what else 
would be causing this delay, which pushes me further past the hour as the 
cycles continue.

Any ideas?


Howard Bornstein

D E S I G N  E Q
use-revolution mailing list

Try this :

 on idle
   global Lasttime
   if the seconds = (lasttime+3600) then
 add 3600 to Lasttime
 play chime2.wav
   end if
 end idle
Set up the Lasttime starting value in using a button or so

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Serveurs d'applications et SGBDR (Web/PGI)
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Blobs and PostgreSQL

2003-08-09 Thread Pierre Sahores
Rodney Tamblyn wrote:
Quick question (probably already covered somewhere on this list...)

Can someone post a simple example illustrating adding a blob to a 
PostgreSQL database from RR?

I have worked my way through the simple examples, but before launching 
into Revolution database scripting I thought it would be more efficient 
to see if this info is already available.  If there are any good example 
stacks worth viewing pointers would also be appreciated


Rodney Tamblyn
44 Melville Street
New Zealand
+64 3 4778606
use-revolution mailing list

Hi Rodney,

Sorry ! I have'nt build any RR+PostgreSQL solutions for yet, nor used 
Blobs columns in my MC+PostgreSQL apps.

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Serveurs d'applications et SGBDR (Web/PGI)
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif
use-revolution mailing list

Re: I speak French, so I think that I can't use Revolution, aaaaargh.

2003-08-09 Thread Pierre Sahores
Bonjour Franois,

J'ai, moi-aussi, lu et apprci l'article de premire classe que tu as 
consacr  Revolution 2.0.1. Ne te dcourage pas pour ces quelques 
retards  tes demandes d'explications. Les listes Revolution et Metacard 
sont en pleine bulition, ces derniers temps et beaucoup de ceux qui, 
comme moi, auraient, habituellement, trouv le temps de te rpondre 
rapidement ne l'ont, simplement, pas fait parce que l'attention des 
listiers se focalise actuellement sur les consquences, heureusement, 
de plus en plus prvisibles et rassurantes, du rachat de Metacard par 

Pour les questions prcises sur l'usage des caractres accentus dans 
les noms de fichiers, je ne sais pas rpondre et je le regrette mais 
interroge, de ma part, Scott Raney. Je sais qu'il saura prendre le temps 
de t'expliquer quoi faire et, aussi, pourquoi le faire, et qu'en 
d'autres termes, il saura te rassurer sur le srieux du Team RR/MC en 
matire de support aux utilisateurs. Je n'ai jamais eu, pour ma part,  
attendre plus de six heures, une demande d'information directement 
adresse au support utilisateur de Metacard. Revolution traverse 
actuellement une petite crise de croissance mais je peux t'assurer, 
connaissant les travaux, l'exprience et la notorit xtalkienne de la 
plupart des quipiers du team RunTime Revolution, Kevin, Scott, Tuviah, 
Jeanne, de leurs proches partenaires, tels, parmi d'autres, Richard 
Gaskin, Chipp Walters ou Jacqueline Landman Gay, que le nombre de 
neurones au centimtre-carr tend  croitre considrablement ds que 
l'on s'approche de prs de la communaut des dveloppeurs RR/MC.

Prends le temps de t'habituer aux codes,  l'tiquette, qui prside aux 
changes sur la liste RR/MC. In fine, une seule loi gouverne, entre 
nous, toutes les autres : plus tu aides les autres par des rponses 
utiles et cibles et plus les autres se montreront prompts  rpondre  
tes propres demandes..., tout cel n'tant rien de moins que la marque 
de l'lgances et du respect mutuel qui prside aux relations qui se 
tissent, au fil du temps, entre les colistiers, toujours heureux de 
pouvoir proposer et changer les solutions qui nous permettent de coder 
mieux et plus vite les solutions les plus adquates.

Considre toi comme l'un de ces joueurs d'checs tout fraichement 
dbarqu dans un club o tout le monde serait class au-del de 2000 
ELO, toi, y compris, mais o personne ne te connaitrait encore.

Prends le temps, y compris, d'acqurir une licence de base de Revolution 
pour le tester srieusement (je me souviens n'avoir rien su faire 
d'interessant avec le starter-kit, avant de prendre ma premire licence) 
et je prends le pari que tu me remercieras, avant longtemps :-)

Bien chaleureusement, Pierre

Le Vendredi, 8 ao 2003,  12:15 Europe/Zurich, 

Message: 7
Date: Fri, 08 Aug 2003 09:24:51 +0200
Subject: I speak French, so I think that I can't use Revolution, 
From: Fran=?ISO-8859-1?B?5w==?=ois Cuneo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello everybody,

I'm sorry, but I have asked a lot of questions this last days and I 
have no
answer (just one from Yves) about something that maybe prohibs me to use


Because I think that's it is impossible to use what all people who speaks
French does: use our char in File's names!
If you save a file like

Save this stack as Rvolution.rev

I obtain the first time that seems to be e good file.

But When I open and I save again the file I obtain Rvolution.rev~ that
prohibs Revolution to save correctly the stack.
So I have asked how to correct that.

The answser from Yves (save as Whatever.rev and rename it to 
works only if I don't open the stack another time in the same session 
files stays im memory, so it's impossible to open it again)

I have asked about UTF8 conversion of the files names (I'm sure that 
here is
the problem, I had exactly the same with RealBasic, and it was corrected
with a conversion) but I had no answer.

I have asked about how to purge a stack, no answer.

So I think that I don't have a solution, and for me (and for all 
people that
use   diacritical char), that is a basic necessity.

And I'm sorry but I think that Revolution is not for me.

The problem, that I have writed a review about Revolution (some thousands
have read it)  and I say that Revolution is THE solution for all 
people that
have used languages like Hypertalk and maybe for all that whant to 
begin to
write applications.

The review is here (

I think that I have to change something in my review.

So maybe it is one of my last messages on this list.

For me, it's terrible but it's like that.



Franois Cuneo
Site Web ddi au Macintosh

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
Inspection acadmique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Serveurs d'applications et SGBDR (Web/PGI)
Penser et produire l'avantage comptitif

Re: Revolution speed sucks?

2003-08-07 Thread Pierre Sahores
Dar Scott wrote:
On Tuesday, August 5, 2003, at 08:17 PM, Pierre Sahores wrote:

About console-mode apps : Rev and MC are exactly similar about the 
high speed (lots faster than Java-based apps) they are able to handle 
in running console-mode deamon apps.

I'd like to learn more of these.

Dar Scott

use-revolution mailing list

Hi Dear,

Because the answers have to do with the OS the deamon apps are running 
on, what are the platform's operating systems your are developing for 
(MacOSX, Win32, Linux,...) ?

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Serveurs d'applications et SGBDR (Web/PGI)
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif
use-revolution mailing list

Re: [ANN] searchable use-revolution list archives

2003-08-06 Thread Pierre Sahores
Vikram Singh wrote:
The presentation is cool indeed. Especially, the links popping up rather
than navigating to the record, allowing you skim more efficiently.

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 4:44 PM
Subject: [ANN] searchable use-revolution list archives

I frequently use google to search this list's archives, but
unfortunately the google index usually lags a month or so. Here is a
new web search of the use-revolution list archives:

It's a fast, full text search, and the index now is up to date, and new
messages should appear within a few hours. (I'm not 100% sure about how
quickly new messages will appear-- will just have to see how well the
indexing script works in practice)
Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Thanks a lot Alex,

How did you install/develop this ?

Great and usefull :-)

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Serveurs d'applications et SGBDR (Web/PGI)
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif
use-revolution mailing list

Re: [ANN] searchable use-revolution list archives

2003-08-06 Thread Pierre Sahores
Alex Rice wrote:
On Wednesday, August 6, 2003, at 07:33  AM, Pierre Sahores wrote:

Thanks a lot Alex,

How did you install/develop this ?

Great and usefull :-)

I'm glad so many positive responses. BTW so far it has not indexed any 
new messages, so I'm going to investigate it's page-expiration + 
reindexing feature.

It uses the Mnogosearch software, a link is on the bottom of the search 
I will have an eye on this ;-)
The backend database is MySQL 3.23. The OS is Linux 2.4, Apache 2, dual 
x 3Ghz processors, 2 GB RAM, connected via gigabit ethernet to major 
Internet backbones at Hurricane Electric in Fremont CA.
Wow ! What a config and a provider !!! Is that (monthly) really as 
expensive as i expect (in France, we have to pay around US $ 200 per 
Although it is a CGI, it's a small C program, so it starts fast.

Mnogosearch is using http to periodically spider the content at
Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
use-revolution mailing list

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Serveurs d'applications et SGBDR (Web/PGI)
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif
use-revolution mailing list

Re: database questions

2003-08-03 Thread Pierre Sahores
John R. Brauer wrote:
Hello all,

I am a newbie. I am working on a project which will require that I store 
data in a database (a separate record for each client, and about six 
hundred fields per record). Each time it is used, it will need to 
generate a new record for that client (it is a program that will 
administer and score an exam of sorts) My questions:

a) which database would you suggest (I guess that Oracle, MySQL and 
Valentina are my options)?

b) is there an internal way of doing this instead of one of the above 

c) will the standalone app then incorporate the database functions, or 
will the enduser be required to have the database in question installed 
on their computer as well?

Thank you much...


John R. Brauer, Psy.D.
Clinical Psychologist
Previously answered, if i right remember...

IBTW : No any problem about the six hundred fields per record, if you 
use PostgreSQL. Don't know about the other db.

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Serveurs d'applications et SGBDR (Web/PGI)
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Copying a group

2003-08-03 Thread Pierre Sahores
Ken Ray wrote:
Well, my feeling is that if doing something manually produces a
different result than doing something programmatically, that (IMHO) it's
a bug.
Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site: 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
J. Landman Gay
Sent: Sunday, August 03, 2003 12:08 AM
To: Revolution Mailing List
Subject: Copying a group

Before I bugzilla this, I want to know if others think it really is a 
bug, or if it should be considered normal behavior. I can't decide.

I have a group that consists of several fields. The group has 
backgroundBehavior set to true. Each card has different text in the 
fields of the group. The current card of the stack is, say, three.

In another stack, I issue the command:

   copy group myGroup of stack Main to this cd

I expect to see the contents of card three when the group is copied. 
Instead I see the contents of card one. The work-around is to 
go to the 
Main stack, copy the group, go back to the second stack, and 
paste. Then 
I do get the contents of card three.

The results of the copy command kind of make sense, since I didn't 
specify what card I wanted, and so I got the first card by default. 
However, the command:

   copy group myGroup of cd 3 of stack Main to this cd

doesn't work either, I still get the contents of card one.

Is it a bug or is it normal?

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list
[EMAIL PROTECTED] revolution

use-revolution mailing list

Hi There,

It's probably running in this way :

The group mygroup (set with backgroundbehavior to true, for all over 
the stack) don't lies on card 3 but on card 1 and is shared with each 
cards of the stack -- the MC engine find an kind of object pointer, aka 
an alias, for group mygroup of cd 3 and take and copy the original 
needed object for where it lies in the stack : on card one...

If yes, it's not a bug but a feature and the work-around is to copy, in 
two times, the group object first and, the contents of what appears in 
this group object on card 3.

Hope this help ;-)

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Serveurs d'applications et SGBDR (Web/PGI)
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif
use-revolution mailing list

Re: A call for calm and a tip of the hat to the Rev team..thanks!

2003-08-02 Thread Pierre Sahores
On Sat, 2003-08-02 at 06:11, Stephen Quinn Barncard wrote:
 I'd like to come to Rev's defense here and remind some of our more 
 impatient new users that this is still the 'early days' of the 
 Revolution company. There are only a handful of very overworked folks 
 doing a very wonderful thing- giving us a tool that is not only VERY 
 innovative and useful, but one that is constantly being updated and 
 improved. (I've been waiting for YEARS for something to replace HC).
 Perhaps the documentation is not as complete as you would like, but 
 just try and envision some megalith such as Microsloth or Adobe 
 building a product like this (they wouldn't even try - and if they 
 did, it would cost a lot more).
 Those kind of companies may make slick manuals, but they don't offer 
 products that are updated and improved nearly as often as what you 
 see here. And those companies have HUNDREDS of employees. And try to 
 get bug fixes from Adobe. Ha!
 CAN YOU IMAGINE what it takes to write an app that generates code for 
 all the platforms?? It's never been done satisfactorily before... 
 until now. Perhaps someday one of the team will write the 
 story...when they have time.
 Also remember that this application allows more access to more things 
 on your computer than the applications those companies allow you to 
 get access to. With that power, there are certainly more things to go 
 wrong. Multiply that by the number of platforms... you get the idea..
 Rev is an app that makes it a lot easier to write code, but you still 
 gotta work for it - programming is still something done by folks that 
 are a little more than just usersso some thinking and reasoning 
 is required.
 So I'd advise patience, my friend. You've got a great support group 
 right here - something we didn't have for Hypercard in 1987. Before 
 you start spewing, ask a couple of questions first

...and i want to add that RR is still the finest XTalk available today.
We need to help the Revolution Team to know how much we are felling
lucky to have them providing us this great development environment.

Bests to all and thanks again to all of the ones whose are, day after
day, hard working to do Rev more and more suitable to our development
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

Serveurs d'applications  bases ACID SQL
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Database newbie questions

2003-08-02 Thread Pierre Sahores
John R. Brauer wrote:
Hello all,

I am a newbie. I am working on a project which will require that I store 
data in a database (a separate record for each client, and about six 
hundred fields per record). Each time it is used, it will need to 
generate a new record for that client (it is a program that will 
administer and score an exam of sorts) My questions:

a) which database would you suggest (I guess that Oracle, MySQL and 
Valentina are my options)?

b) is there an internal way of doing this instead of one of the above 

c) will the standalone app then incorporate the database functions, or 
will the enduser be required to have the database in question installed 
on their computer as well?

Sorry if this duplicates, I inadvertently used a wrong email address the 
first time, adn do not know if it will get through the moderator that 
way. Thank you much...


John R. Brauer, Psy.D.
Clinical Psychologist

In about concurrency and write-mode accesses, PostgreSQL 7.xx (ACID 
compliant) and MySQL 4.xx are two of the best unexpensive db-engines you 
can use behind RR (use the Rev-DB library to connect them).

P.S.: MySQL 5.xx will be a great issue and the first full ACID compliant
ever done by MySQL AG, including most of the SAPDB engine features...
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Serveurs d'applications et SGBDR (Web/PGI)
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Very easy to build a web database

2003-08-01 Thread Pierre Sahores
On Fri, 2003-08-01 at 04:11, Takaaki Furukawa wrote:
 I built a simple card-based online database with RunRev CGI. I put a tutorial and it
 explains how easy it is to read/make changes to stacks from the web.
 It could have taken weeks if I used PHP, PostgreSQL and Perl... I finished it
 in simple HyperTalk-like scripts within a day(!!).
 - Takaaaki Furukawa
 use-revolution mailing list

Hi Takaaaki,

Really Cool : the Rev's lightweight web database system you did is
really impressive (and faster than the HC-based LiveCard one never went)

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

Serveurs d'applications  bases ACID SQL
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Is RR suited for this project ?

2003-08-01 Thread Pierre Sahores
 - PDF anti-copy/piracy tools ?
 03.2 Licence / registration key / registration attempts tracking
 tools ?

The RR entreprise edition is best suitable for such kind of project
(stand-alone runtime are royalty-free distribuables.
 04. Which Windows compatible graphic, audio and video
 formats ( supplied by manufacturers ) can be converted to
 Quicktime compatible format(s) ?
 05. What is meant by a double-clickable application ?

It's an executable app, witch embed both the developed app and the
needed runtime engine witch powers it, inside an unique file.
 06. Tool for applying a watermark on graphics and videos. Can
 be automated for a graphic / video collection ?
 07. Statistics on Windows  Mac platform in use + which
 versions of each ?

See the mailing-list archive about this.
 08. Any other important question(s) or considerations I forgot
 to mention ?

Don't think !!!
 09. Any other important selection criteria I forgot to mention ?

Again !!!
 Thanks for your kind advice,
 use-revolution mailing list

Hope this help,

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

Serveurs d'applications  bases ACID SQL
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif

use-revolution mailing list

Re: database bug in 2.0.2

2003-07-31 Thread Pierre Sahores
Chris Sheffield a écrit :
 I'm having a problem and am just wondering if anyone
 else is experiencing anything similar.  I have a
 Valentina database that is storing some media content
 stored in BLOB fields (pictures, sounds, animations,
 etc.).  I am using the revDatabaseColumnNamed function
 to retrieve this data and save it to a tempory binary
 file.  Anyway, all this works perfectly in version
 2.0.1 of Rev.  When I updated to 2.0.2, suddenly this
 function stopped working, but only on files that
 contain audio data.  The pictures can still be
 retrieved just fine.  Like I said, the same exact code
 runs perfectly in 2.0.1.  So something changed between
 the two versions.
 Does anyone have any ideas, or should I just go ahead
 and report it as a bug?
 Chris Sheffield
 Read Naturally
 Do you Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software
 use-revolution mailing list


This seems to be on the desk and Tuviah is working on the needed rev's
2.0?2 patch.
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Serveurs d'applications et SGBDR (Web/PGI)
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Limited number of DB records returned with 2.02

2003-07-30 Thread Pierre Sahores
Le mercredi, 30 jul 2003, à 10:58 Europe/Paris, Tuviah Snyder a écrit :

With MySQL and Rev 2.0.2, revDatabaseColumnNamed and
revDatabaseColumnNumbered both work fine.
No reason to worry. I simply need to update RevDB with the new
still thinks you need a pro version with a special passcode to get 
acess to mysql, odbc, valentina, and postgresql databases. I applaud 
for giving users access to these databases at other levels, and 
Rev developers to write database-centric apps.
Hi Tuviah,

Thanks for explaining what about this. It make me more confident ;-)
I will do so (RR+PostgreSQL, RR+OpenBase) as soon as RevDB will be 
updated !

Bests, Pierre

Runtime Revolution Limited - Software at the Speed of Thought
use-revolution mailing list

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

Applications WEB et ERP personnalisés
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Limited number of DB records returned with 2.02

2003-07-29 Thread Pierre Sahores
On Tue, 2003-07-29 at 23:36, J. Landman Gay wrote:
 On 7/29/03 3:13 PM, Joël Guillod wrote:
 I just installed 2.0.2 and entered my Commercial Enterprise license.  I open
 up my app I've been working on and the DB has a 20 item limit on it.  I have a
 query which returns 416 records but revdb_iseof returns true on record 20.
 Anyone else seeing this?
 Are you using Valentina? I'm not sure if this is your problem, but 
 Valentina is a separate product that has its own restrictions. 
 Revolution ships with the demo version which allows only limited 
 operation. If you want full operation, you must purchase a Valentina 

Hi anyone there,

Some ones running RR+PostgreSQL production-state solutions, there ? If
yes, please let me know.

Thanks a lot,
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

Serveurs d'applications  bases ACID SQL
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Limited number of DB records returned with 2.02

2003-07-29 Thread Pierre Sahores
On Wed, 2003-07-30 at 02:14, Alex Rice wrote:
 On Tuesday, July 29, 2003, at 04:53  PM, Pierre Sahores wrote:
  Hi anyone there,
  Some ones running RR+PostgreSQL production-state solutions, there ? If
  yes, please let me know.
 Not me, but I do have PostgreSQL if you need someone to test something.

Thanks Alex for the purposal. I will try to get time to set up RR + the
native PG driver + Postgres 7.3.3 ASAP.

Bests, Pierre
 Alex Rice, Software Developer
 Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
 use-revolution mailing list
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

Serveurs d'applications  bases ACID SQL
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Rev and substacks

2003-07-24 Thread Pierre Sahores
On Thu, 2003-07-24 at 14:12, Klaus Major wrote: 
 Bonjour Pierre,

Guten Tag, Klaus,

  Hi List,
  Is it a better way to implement substacks inside a Revolution 2.0.1
  project to have them opening as fast as they are opening in the 
  2.5 environnement ?
 Do you mean speed?

 In that case i think no...
 If i remember right only the mainstack of a file (which may have 0 to 
 substacks in that namely file) will be loaded completely into memory.
 All other (sub-)stacks are loaded from the hd only when needed.
 So i think it won't make a difference since substacks are loaded from 
 the hd
 just like separate stacks...

Oh ! I understand my possible mistake... I will try to rebuild my test
app in saving each substack as a separate stack and letting each stay in
ram along the complete session. If this is the right answer to my open
stacks speed problem, i will then be realy happy to become able to use
RR in production-grade web/erp apps development.

 (Correct me if i'm wrong ;-)
 A votre service :-)
 Hope that helps.
  Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
  Serveurs d'applications  bases ACID SQL
  Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif
 Au revoir...
 Klaus Major
 use-revolution mailing list

Thanks a lot, und bis bald, Klaus. 

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

Serveurs d'applications  bases ACID SQL
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Re: Rev and substacks

2003-07-24 Thread Pierre Sahores
On Thu, 2003-07-24 at 19:07, Edwin Gore wrote:
 You are correct though. When you open a stack with substacks all of them are loaded 
 completely into memory.

So, it's not really a good news in regard of the speed problem about
opening substacks from thr Rev2 IDE.

Can some one there, please, explain why this take just some ticks from
within the MC IDE (2.32 to 2.5) and seconds (some times up to 10) from
within the Rev 2.0.1 IDE.

As this development is dedicated to be used as an ERP front-end app, the
running speed of its end-user GUI is essential.

I know the general guidle-line about how to speed-up Metatalk code and
Metacard apps but nothing about how to speed-up specific Transcript code
and Rev apps.

What would i have to learn to get good results in about this under
Revolution ?

Richard ?

Thanks for the help.

P.S. : platforms : Jaguar 10.2.6/IBook G3 800 640 Mo RAM, Suse 8
Pro/Sony Laptop Athlon XP 1.7 Ghz 512 Mo Ram

 - --- Original Message --- -
 From: Rob Cozens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 07:00:15
 I can speak with absolute authority;
 Damn spell-checker errors: that was supposed to be
 can't :{`)
 Rob Cozens
 CCW, Serendipity Software Company
 And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
 Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.
 from The Triple Foole by John Donne (1572-1631)
 use-revolution mailing list
 use-revolution mailing list
Best Regards, Pierre Sahores

Serveurs d'applications  bases ACID SQL
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Rev and substacks

2003-07-24 Thread Pierre Sahores
On Thu, 2003-07-24 at 16:52, Alex Rice wrote:
 On Thursday, July 24, 2003, at 08:38  AM, Pierre Sahores wrote:
  So, it's not really a good news in regard of the speed problem about
  opening substacks from thr Rev2 IDE.
  Can some one there, please, explain why this take just some ticks from
  within the MC IDE (2.32 to 2.5) and seconds (some times up to 10) from
  within the Rev 2.0.1 IDE.
 My project has 17 substacks and it opens up in  2 seconds, in the Rev 
 (on a 466 MHz Mac). Seems very fast to me.
 Why don't you post what's in your startup, openStack, preOpenStack, 
 openCard and preOpenCard handlers.
 Alex Rice, Software Developer
 Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
 use-revolution mailing list

Hi Alex,

Thanks for the suggest :

Here is the main stack stack's script : 

 on navswitcher
   global SelectedPick
   if the shiftkey is down then edit script of me
   else go cd SelectedPick
   set the label of btn Navigation to SelectedPick
   set the menuhistory of btn Navigation to lineoffset(SelectedPick,btn 
 end navswitcher
 on editmainstackscript
   edit script of me
 end editmainstackscript
 on openstack
   go cd 1
   if the short name of me is not evoecoles then
 set the menuhistory of btn NavigationX1 to 1
 set the menuhistory of btn NavigationX2 to 1
   else if there is a button Navigation then set the menuhistory of btn 
 Navigation to 1
 end openstack
 on quitter
   if the shiftkey is down then edit script of me
 answer Souhaitez-vous vraiment quitter  quote  Evolution-Collèges  quote 
  ? with Annuler or Quitter
 if it is Quitter then
   wait 1
 end if
   end if
 end quitter
And here the substacks stack's script (11 substacks with the same stack's script code) 

 on openCard
   send mouseup to btn rafraichir
 end openCard
And here the rafraichir button script :

 on mouseUp
   if the shiftkey is down then edit script of me
 lock screen
 set the height of grp tableau1 to 548
 set the width of grp tableau1 to 700
 set the top of grp tableau1 to 40
 set the left of grp tableau1 to 8
   end if
 end mouseUp
Comment : the tableau1 grp is hosting input fields, ordered as a kind of 
spreadsheets calc.

Thanks for your advice.
Best Regards, Pierre Sahores

Serveurs d'applications  bases ACID SQL
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Re: Rev and substacks

2003-07-24 Thread Pierre Sahores
On Thu, 2003-07-24 at 17:08, Rob Cozens wrote:
 Richard ?
 Richard is probably the best person to answer this outside of Scott 
 Raney or someone from RunRev.(oops!, I guess Scott is someone from 
 RunRev now).
 Richard copied me on a private eMail a week or so ago comparing the 
 number of frontScripts, backScripts, and libraries used by MC vs the 
 number used by RunRev.  There may be something going on there.
 BTW, are you finding the speed difference in the development 
 environment, the runtime environment, or both, Pierre?

In the development environment, at least, as long as i did'nt test the
runtime environment for yet.
Bests, Pierre Sahores

Serveurs d'applications  bases ACID SQL
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif

use-revolution mailing list

RE: Rev killing the Mac platform?

2003-07-23 Thread Pierre Sahores
Hi Chipp,

Using for my own Suse-Linux servers in production mode and OSX laptops
in test mode, it seems me that an OSX server deployment is probably
cheaper than the Linux ones.

Suse = two new distro peer year (aka about US $ 180) and a fine tunning
need of the server by a security engineer (aka US $ 1500).

OSX = one distro peer year (aka about US $ 130) and a simple tunning
need of the server by my own (aka US $ 0).

On Wed, 2003-07-23 at 07:07, Chipp Walters wrote:
 I'm with miscdas on this one...besides, the cost evens out with Mac users
 having to pay the *luxury tax* (cost of equipment and OS upgrades each
 year;-). Though I agree that Macs, with under 2.5% marketshare
 (, are a much smaller
 target for viruses than Windows.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
  Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2003 3:00 PM
  Subject: Re: Rev killing the Mac platform?
  Richard Gaskin writes:
   Alex Rice wrote:
   Personally I would rather pay an extra $75 than to move over to Windows
   for my main development platform.
   If you move your email to Windows as well you'll pay far more than $75
   dealing with viruses. ;)
Richard Gaskin
Fourth World Media Corporation
Developer of WebMerge 2.2: Publish any database on any site
  Wow Richard, that is s definitive sounding almost urban legend-like
  statement! However, as a Windows user for all but the first year it came
  out, I have not spent dollar one in either avoiding viruses or by
  caused by viruses on any of my Windows systems!
  use-revolution mailing list
 use-revolution mailing list
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

Serveurs d'applications  bases ACID SQL
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Corrupted stack

2003-07-23 Thread Pierre Sahores
On Wed, 2003-07-23 at 17:06, Jim Hurley wrote:
 Message: 9
 Subject: Re: Corrupted stack
 From: Pierre Sahores [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 22 Jul 2003 23:43:05 +0200
 On Tue, 2003-07-22 at 23:12, Jim Hurley wrote:
   Ouch!  I lost a stack while working in 2.0
   The stack still appears on my hard drive and is 572 K  in size. So
   there is something there.
   I  tried to open it in RR 1.1.1 and I got a message Stack corrupted;
   check for ~ backup.
   I searched my drive for a tilde file and found nothing.
   I'm afraid I've been spoiled by RR's reliability and took no precautions.
   Any ideas on recovery?
   use-revolution mailing list
 Try to see if a temporary backup issue of the corrupted stack is still
 available on the hard disk. If yes, save a copy of this stack and try to
 reopen it, directly. Test the revert command too of the corrupted stack.
 Both this methods have only chance to work if you did'nt quit the RR
 session along witch the stack has been saved in its actual corrupted
 If this don't work, try to restore the stack in searching among the
 temporary files you can see on your hard drive in using tools like
 Norton Utilites.
 Hope this can help.
 Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
 Serveurs d'applications  bases ACID SQL
 Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif
 Thanks for the tips. I'll see what Norton can do for me.
 I am pessimistic however. I did something profoundly stupid. (I am a 
 recovering Catholic; hence this need for confession.) I lost the 
 stack in question while I was working on it. It just disappeared from 
 the screen. 

If this occurs again, try always (from the message box) set the visible
of window #stack xxx to true before any thing else.

 I tried to reopen it from the open menu but Rev assumed 
 it was already active. So I decided to shut down and start over. And, 
 is my habit when closing RR, I *saved* all running stacks, thus, 
 apparently saving the corruption. I suspect, therefore, that any 
 files I find will also be corrupted.
 use-revolution mailing list
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

Serveurs d'applications  bases ACID SQL
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif

use-revolution mailing list

Rev and substacks

2003-07-23 Thread Pierre Sahores
Hi List,

Is it a better way to implement substacks inside a Revolution 2.0.1
project to have them opening as fast as they are opening in the Metacard
2.5 environnement ?

Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

Serveurs d'applications  bases ACID SQL
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif

use-revolution mailing list

Re: testing on Linux

2003-07-22 Thread Pierre Sahores
On Tue, 2003-07-22 at 19:24, Alex Rice wrote:
 I don't know how many of you develop or deploy your apps on Linux, but 
 if you don't have a Linux machine, there is an easy solution you can 
 use to test your apps.
 Knoppix is a Linux distribution that boots from a CD. It's very 
 advanced and up to date. It auto-detects hardware correctly even on 
 weird laptop systems.
 You can download the ISO image for free and burn it, or mail-order a CD.
 Alex Rice, Software Developer
 Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
 use-revolution mailing list

Hi Alex, List,

Agreed ! Knoppix is a great way to go to test Linux.

I use for my own Suse issues to run my x86 prod servers (fast install,
clean management of the dependencies, clean remote admin via OpenSSH,
fine firewall tools, very active mailing lists in about security and
oracle tasks under Suse (my prefered issues : the 8.0 pro and 8.2 pro,
8.1 Pro is not as good).

On the PPC platform, the Suse 7.3 is much as a little old and i use yet
the YellowDog 3.0, witch works perfectly out of the box, even on the ATI
Readon 7500 32 Mo based IBook 2.2.

Hope this help.
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

Serveurs d'applications  bases ACID SQL
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Corrupted stack

2003-07-22 Thread Pierre Sahores
On Tue, 2003-07-22 at 23:12, Jim Hurley wrote:
 Ouch!  I lost a stack while working in 2.0
 The stack still appears on my hard drive and is 572 K  in size. So 
 there is something there.
 I  tried to open it in RR 1.1.1 and I got a message Stack corrupted; 
 check for ~ backup.
 I searched my drive for a tilde file and found nothing.
 I'm afraid I've been spoiled by RR's reliability and took no precautions.
 Any ideas on recovery?
 use-revolution mailing list

Try to see if a temporary backup issue of the corrupted stack is still
available on the hard disk. If yes, save a copy of this stack and try to
reopen it, directly. Test the revert command too of the corrupted stack.
Both this methods have only chance to work if you did'nt quit the RR
session along witch the stack has been saved in its actual corrupted

If this don't work, try to restore the stack in searching among the
temporary files you can see on your hard drive in using tools like
Norton Utilites.

Hope this can help.
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

Serveurs d'applications  bases ACID SQL
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif

use-revolution mailing list

Re: About MC/RR applications servers

2003-07-21 Thread Pierre Sahores
Hello Bernard,

On Sun, 2003-07-13 at 03:33, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi Pierre,
 Thanks for answering my other questions.  Just one more question,
 based on your answer to Alex.
 I had a quick look in the Metcard archives and found this snippet:
 put  into DbAuteurs
 get shell(echo  quote  select distinct auteur__ from citations
 order by
 auteur__  quote  | psql -h localhost citalis)
 repeat for each line l in line 3 to -3 of it
put word 1 to -1 of l  return after DbAuteurs
 end repeat
 This is more or less how I imagined you were shelling out to the psql
 interpreter. Am I correct in thinking this is how you are invoking

You are right.
 I can understand Alex's disbelief in this regard.  I share his
 understanding of how things are supposed to work using the combination
 the PHP Apache module, and persistent connections.

I use PHP as an Apache module too, but only as sockets listener and
proxying app between Apache and Metacard. If i use, for yet, a shell()
command to bind MC to Postgres, i will, for sure, goes to the native RR
middleware or ODBC driver, after upgrading to RR 2, as soon as
 One of my apps is running on Linux and querying Firebird via ODBC.
 All the queries have configurable debug parameters, so I can actually
 change the parameter to time each step of the process.  So I can
 isolate how long that app takes to connect and return a result set.
 I will see if I can find some details on running Rev 2.01 as a command
 line application, and I will try to find some time next week to
 compare the speed of the two methods.

Thanks for letting us know about the results :-)
 Pierre Sahores
 Sent by:
 13/07/2003 01:40
 Please respond to
 Re: About MC/RR
 applications servers
 On Sun, 2003-07-13 at 01:19, Alex Rice wrote:
  On Saturday, July 12, 2003, at 04:56  PM, Pierre Sahores wrote:
   Just do tests and you will see as me that this works perfectly,
   for example, than in using ASP's or PHP commands, because the
   optimisations, because the psql perfect design to work in
   pipe mode
  This doesn't make any sense to me. I would like to see the shell 
  command you are using.
 Hum... It's, even for you, freely, available on the Metacard archive
  You're saying what you are doing is faster than PHP direct to 
  PostgreSQL? PHP direct to PosgreSQL can have a persistent connection
  already open, and PHP (as apache module) is running already in
  Your way: have to open a socket from PHP, launch the shell, then
  the psql command line program, which THEN finally connects to the 
 Did you learn a little (aka lots) about WebSphere Weblogic or
 before. Have you any idea about how applications servers works...
  It absolutely impossible that your way could be faster.
 Perhaps are you too sure of you about how unixes are handeling
 processes tasks. Did you ever watch at the processor idle average time
 of a linux box ? To the end, you are not alone to think so... even if 
 my clients are, probably, not only too rich and stupid persons...
  Again, why are you even using Revolution instead of just going from
  to PostgreSQL? Call me confused,
 Did you ever ask you about the difference it makes to use real
 application server instead of just including sql replies in web forms
  Alex Rice, Software Developer
  Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
  use-revolution mailing list
 Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
 Serveurs d'applications  bases ACID SQL
 Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif
 use-revolution mailing list
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

Serveurs d'applications  bases ACID SQL
Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif

use-revolution mailing list

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