Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Configuration Problems

2008-09-20 Thread Dragon

André Warnier did speak thusly:

You might not be aware that in non-US/UK 
versions of Windows, this will also be 
different, such as Dokumente und Einstellunge, 
Documentos y Parametros, and so on.
Also Program Files becomes variously 
Programme, Archivos de Programa, Fichiers 
de Programmes, and Application Data becomes 
Datos de Programa, Anwendungsdaten and so on.
I do not know where your classroom work takes 
places, nor if there is any concern about 
distributing these settings or instructions to a 
multi-lingual audience that might be using other 
that US/UK versions of Windows.  But if there 
is, you might want to take this into account, or it might well confuse some.

The localization issues should be handled by 
using the correct tokens in the installation 
script that represent the proper directories in 
the installation hierarchy. All of the current 
Windows installation tools (either Microsoft 
written or third party) have tools to properly 
handle the installation if these are used. The 
issue comes more so in documenting things in 
print than in installing them. I can only assume 
that the Apache developers have done the right 
thing so it gets installed where it should and there is no issue with this.

While some people may not like Microsoft's 
conventional file layout, it is well supported in 
the tools used to package distributions. Not to 
mention that most installation scripts I have 
seen give you the option of placing it in the 
default location or in a location you choose if you don't like the default.

The fact the MS uses a conventional MS way to do 
things, does not necessarily mean that everyone else has to blindly follow it.

No, it doesn't, but when the expectation of the 
majority of users is that certain things will be 
found in certain places, why should you surprise 
them? The principal of least surprise is a good one to follow.

I use Windows on my own machines both at home and 
for work, I EXPECT programs to be installed in 
the Program Files directory and not in the root 
directory or any non-standard location. I also 
work on a variety of other servers on other 
platforms and I generally leave things in their 
default locations to make support easier. The 
only times I don't do this is if I have a damn good reason to make changes.

Particularly open-source packages and 
particularly for such packages as Apache, where 
the audience almost by default is the world at large.

A moot point if the installation script in the 
distribution was properly set up. Again, I expect 
the developers publiching the Apache Windows 
distribution were savvy enough to do so.

There is a creeping tendency to do so however.

Let me ask you this... if you are running a 
distribution like Ubuntu or RHEL, are you going 
to follow their file hierarchy or are you going 
to decide it is all wrong and do it your own way?

Each OS has a standard for where things live, 
Microsoft is no different from any other OS 
vendor in that they too have a standard. Whether 
you like how they do it or not is all personal preference.

I am waiting impatiently for the Windows Apache 
version's cute paperclip popup assistant to show up.

Apache isn't a Microsoft product, this statement 
is just absurd and I think a bit insulting to the Apache developers.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Responding to ping

2008-09-17 Thread Dragon

Arnab Ganguly did speak thusly:

Hi All,
Is it possible that Apache server stops responding under heavy load, 
but it responds to ping? What would be the possible causes for this?
Remote client is getting connection refused when it tries to 
connect.But when the I ping the server from the client box it shows 
the server is alive.


 End original message. -

Yes, a machine can indeed respond to a ping (ICMP echo request) while 
another application is not responding.

Apache can get completely bogged down by a large number of requests 
but the ICMP mechanism is built into the TCP/IP stack in the OS and 
takes very little in the way of processor or time resources to 
implement. As far as I know, all modern OS platforms on which Apache 
runs are multitasking with a preemptive scheduler which means each 
application gets some share of the processor time on a periodic 
basis. So it is entirely possible that it will continue to work while 
Apache is overloaded.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Problems connecting using Apache on Vista

2008-09-05 Thread Dragon

Gley, David B CTR USAF AFMC HQ AFMC/A7AQ did speak thusly:
A little background:  I have a client-server application that I 
created using Delphi. The database server is a Windows 2003 
operating system running Oracle and Oracle HTTP Server (Apache 
1.3.34). eq_prod.dll is registered with Apache as a handler.  The 
client connects to the database and all works well with this 
configuration. Development was done on Windows XP running Apache 
1.3.39.  I am able to run the client software and connect to the 
database through either the local Apache on the development machine 
or the Oracle Http Server on the database server.
The problem comes when testing Vista Ultimate as my new development 
platform.  I had no errors installing Apache 1.3.39 on Vista. Apache 
seems to run with the same httpd.conf file that I used on Windows 
XP. If I run my client software on Vista, I am able to connect to 
the database through the Oracle Http Server on the database 
server.  If I run the client using the local Apache I get the following error:
Access violation at address 02207FE26 in module 'eq_prod.dll'. Read 
of address 0B37F330.
eq_prod.dll is the name of my server component of the client-server 
software.  Thinking that this may be a permissions error, I have 
tried running Apache as an administrator, the client as 
administrator, and both as administrator with no avail.  I get the 
same error with minor changes in the two addresses regardless.

An error.log file is created when Apache is ran but contains no data.
Any suggestions,
David Gley

 End original message. -

From the error message, it sounds like the DLL is not Vista compatible.

The error message you are getting is saying that the program is 
attempting to access a location outside of its allocated protected 
memory space. That has nothing to do with Apache or what user it or 
the application are being run as.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Getting back HTTP as-is like plain text sometimes

2008-09-05 Thread Dragon

Dobes Vandermeer did speak thusly:

 OK, so then are you certain that the content type header is always being

Yes, as far as I can tell it is always included in the HTTP dump that
I get.  Besides, which content-type includes the HTTP response headers
in it?

I am not sure what you are asking there. As a result of an HTTP 
request to Apache, it will always send a series of headers before it 
sends content. I forget the exact specifics on this as I have not 
looked at the relevant RFC in quite a while. BTW, the relevant RFC 
for HTTP 1.1 is RFC2616

OK, after scanning through it pretty quickly, I have a suspicion what 
may be happening. When the HTTP server sends a response it sends a 
series of header lines including some details on the status of the 
request, a timestamp, and a variety of headers defining the content 
of the request. Each header line is terminated with a CRLF pair. The 
header section is then terminated with a blank line consisting of 
ONLY a CRLF pair. I suspect a blank line is getting to the browser 
before the end of the headers and definitely before the content type 
header. In such a case, the browser is likely to default to plain text.

 I know you sent a list of headers in your original post and it was there,
 but was that for a failed request or a successful one?

It was a failed request - the only reason I had a copy of the headers
was that I saw them in the browser window.

Which tends to support my theory above. If you saw them in the 
browser window, then the browser must have believed that the end of 
headers had already been sent and took everything beyond that to be 
plain text content.

This will require some more digging. If you have Firefox installed, 
you can use the LiveHeaders plugin to capture the request and 
response headers when you load the page. Or if you have a Linux or 
similar machine that supports wget, you can use it to do the same.

 Other than that, I am at a loss as to what might be happening.

Me too :-(  I wish I could reproduce this more frequently so that I
could file a bug or something

Well, we need a real good look at the HTTP transaction to determine that.

You may need to do some more digging beyond that to see where the 
problem is occuring.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Getting back HTTP as-is like plain text sometimes

2008-09-04 Thread Dragon

Dobes Vandermeer did speak thusly:

For some reason I'm not getting any hits on my google searches for
this, so I'm trying this mailing list.

The issue I'm running into is that sometimes I get back the HTTP
response as plain text, instead of the *content* of the HTTP response
as the correct content type.  Many of my requests are served through a
reverse proxy to a glassfish server, but I've also seen this happen
for applications served directly by apache mod_php. Here's an example
of something that was returned to an AJAX query :

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 01 Sep 2008 21:52:55 GMT
Server: Sun Java System Application Server 9.1
X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5
Content-Disposition: attachment
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 55
Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=37
Connection: Keep-Alive


This example was served by glassfish, but I have also seen this with
PHP scripts returning something similar.

It doesn't happen consistently, nor does it seem to be targetting any
particular content-type or URL.

Has anyone seen this before?  Any ideas what might cause it?

 End original message. -

I suspect this may well be a browser problem.

Does the browser you are using know how to handle the content type?

If not, it will likely either default to plain text or prompt you to 
save the content as a file.

Also IIRC, content disposition of attachment should cause the browser 
to prompt you to save the content.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Getting back HTTP as-is like plain text sometimes

2008-09-04 Thread Dragon

Dobes Vandermeer did speak thusly:

On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 9:56 AM, Dragon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dobes Vandermeer did speak thusly:

 For some reason I'm not getting any hits on my google searches for
 this, so I'm trying this mailing list.

 The issue I'm running into is that sometimes I get back the HTTP
 response as plain text, instead of the *content* of the HTTP response
 as the correct content type.

 Has anyone seen this before?  Any ideas what might cause it?

 Does the browser you are using know how to handle the content type?

It seems to be happening for pretty standard content-types, such as
html pages on the site, so I seem like this is the issue.

It also happens in different browsers.

 End original message. -

OK, so then are you certain that the content type header is always being sent?

I know you sent a list of headers in your original post and it was 
there, but was that for a failed request or a successful one?

If it was not for a failed request, you will need to capture the 
headers on a failed request to see if it is there. The browser must 
know what the content type is in order to know what to do with it and 
if the header is missing, it

will have to just make a guess.

Other than that, I am at a loss as to what might be happening.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mod_vhost_alias 404 / ErrorDocument

2008-09-04 Thread Dragon

Graham Clarke did speak thusly:
Hi - I'd like to setup a meaningful error page for a virtual host 
that uses mod_vhost_alias.   If a visitor enters a url that doesn't 
exist on the server they're served a custom error page.

Here's a simple example:

The vhost has:
VirtualDocumentRoot /var/www/html/customer/%1

Requests for  will serve 

However, if the user makes a mistake and enters apache throws an error.

My question is how to catch these cases and show a friendly error 
page rather than an ugly apache error?


 End original message. -

I think you might be confused here.

The example you are giving would likely not even get to Apache in the 
first place as it is likely to be a DNS error you are getting as the subdomain probably does not have a DNS entry.

To verify this, see if you get a valid IP address when you query DNS 
using nslookup or dig for the host.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mod_vhost_alias 404 / ErrorDocument

2008-09-04 Thread Dragon

Graham Clarke did speak thusly:
mod_vhost_alias takes the requested URL and matches a directory on 
the server.  The point of using mod_vhost_alias is so you don't have 
to create vritual host record for each site on your server.

my domain is setup as a wildcard domain, so * will not 
produce a DNS error.

 End original message. -

OK, so you did not state that originally which is why I made the 
assumption I did.

So does the ErrorDocument directive not work for you?

You would put the appropriate directive in the default vhost section 
and it should work if I am not mistaken.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Prevent img smoothing?

2008-09-04 Thread Dragon

Mike -- EMAIL IGNORED did speak thusly:

On my website I have a BMP picture that is 13x20 pixels.
I want it displayed as a matrix of little squares.
Displaying on Win2k with IE or Firefox, and on WinXP
using IE, that is what I get.  But on WinXP with Firefox,
the picture is smoothed into a blurry mess.  Is there
a way to I prevent this?

#rpm -q httpd

 End original message. -

Aside from the fact that I am uncertain what exactly you are trying 
to do here...

This is a presentation issue, in other words, it is the browser that 
decides how to display the content. Apache only serves the data 
requested, it has no bearing on how the browser presents it.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache module compatibility

2008-08-28 Thread Dragon

Steve Wong did speak thusly:

Assume I developed a module, compiled and tested with Apache When I release the binary to others, what kind 
of compatibility may I claim in terms of Apache HTTP server version. 
May I say something like:

Compiled with Apache 2.2.6
Tested with Apache 2.2.6
In theory ccompatible with all 2.2.* Apache servers

If there exist a good guild line/doc regarding release binary and 
describing compatibility, I would appreciate if someone can point me there.


 End original message. -

No, you really can't claim any such thing because there are a bunch 
of system libraries involved on any platform on which Apache runs. 
Unless the OS and system libraries and processor architecture are the 
same, you can only claim that it will work on the exact same environment.

Any other environment may be incompatible in any number of ways.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache module compatibility

2008-08-28 Thread Dragon

Steve Wong did speak thusly:
Thanks for your reply. I do expect the binary releases are tied to 
platform specific information (OS, processor architecture, dependent 
libraries). If the only thing change is Apache server version, does 
it work? Or I should be prepared to add a dimension to my binary 
release matrix. The grid for the new dimension is the last part of 
the version number of Apache.

So, let me ask my question specific to a single platform again. Is 
Apache a.b.y backward compatible with a.b.x in terms of loading 
modules previously compiled with a.b.y? Do I have to recompile my 
modules for every single minor releases?

 End original message. -

I am not an expert on that but I would say that it is possible it 
might work but to be safe, you should compile against each particular 
version of Apache you wish to support.

The other option is to make your source code available so people can 
compile it against their own environment.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] A number of Apache processes

2008-07-25 Thread Dragon

André Warnier wrote:


Is there a way how to find out, from an external program running on the
same machine, a number of a total http  Apache's processes ?
What command must I use in my C  or Python program?
Thanks for help.

At the command-line :

ps -ef | grep httpd | grep -v grep | wc -l
or, better :
ps -ef | grep [h]ttpd | wc -l

(replace by apache or apache2 if needed.)

At the program level :
find the function that lets you execute a system 
command and capture it's output, then use the above as command.

e.g. in perl you can just do :
my $var = `ps -ef | grep [h]ttpd | wc -l`;

There are a number of more sophisticated 
alternatives in each programming language, but that's a simple way.

 End original message. -

You are of course assuming that the OP is using 
an OS that is Unix-like that supports these 
commands (Linux, BSD, OSX, Solaris, etc.).

All bets are off if the OP is using Windows. That 
would require digging into the Windows SDK to enumerate the system task list.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Send a request to another apache server

2008-07-18 Thread Dragon

Chris Arnold wrote:
I have searched around and there are many helps on the internet but 
none seem to address my issue. They have a some-domain.tld site on 
the apache server (where i am making the changes to vhost.conf) and 
i want the requests that come to that apache server to (based on a 
dns address, webmail.some-domain.tld) to then be sent to different 
server which runs the webmail interface. What am i missing? This 
kinda seems to be a port redirect.

 End original message. -

Does the webmail application reside on a physically different machine 
with a different IP address?

If so, the easiest (and best) way to do that is via proper DNS and 
routing to the right machine for each application. Why would you want 
to have Apache do what your router should be doing?


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Send a request to another apache server

2008-07-18 Thread Dragon

Chris Arnold wrote:

Does the webmail application reside on a physically different machine
with a different IP address?

?If so, the easiest (and best) way to do that is via proper DNS and
routing to the right machine for each application. Why would you want
to have Apache do what your router should be doing?
Unless i am missing something and i surely am not a routing guru, we 
have 1 ip address and the inside systems are NAT'ed. So, the first 
entry in the firewall policy points to the webserver (the webmail 
system does not run on this server); therefore, ALL port 80 request 
goto the first entry, which is the webserver. So, knowing this, i 
was trying to have the webserver redirect that request to 
another/different server with a different ip.

OK, if I understand you correctly...

I see you having two options.

You can configure your router/fire wall to route the traffic to the 
individual servers behind the fire wall, (if this is possible, it is 
the BEST way to do it IMO). This means that port 80 traffic for should go to the web mail server and all other 
port 80 traffic to the web server. Most routers intended for 
business/professional use allow you to do just this sort of thing. If 
you are using one intended for the consumer market, all bets are off 
as to whether it supports such a configuration.

Your other option is that you can set up a reverse proxy to serve the 
web mail, though this results in additional internal network traffic 
as the requests and responses will be sent twice in both directions 
(from router to proxy, from proxy to webmail and then back again).


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Send a request to another apache server

2008-07-18 Thread Dragon

Chris Arnold wrote:

OK, if I understand you correctly...

I see you having two options.

You can configure your router/fire wall to route the traffic to the
individual servers behind the fire wall, (if this is possible, it is
the BEST way to do it IMO). This means that port 80 traffic for should go to the web mail server and all other
port 80 traffic to the web server. Most routers intended for
business/professional use allow you to do just this sort of thing. If
you are using one intended for the consumer market, all bets are off
as to whether it supports such a configuration.
Our router/firewall does allow for this but as was stated in the 
other posts (look in the vhost.conf that i posted) webserver answers 
for port 80 and the webmail server answers for port 8080. So when 
users type in webmail.some-domain.tld, this goes to the webserver 
and not the webmail server (these users have trouble remembering to 
type :8080 at the end of the address which results in help desk 
calls). Just so you know, we use a Juniper/Netscreen router/firewall.

 End original message. -

So why not have the web mail server responding to port 80 (as it should)?

Then you configure your router as I suggested. Problem solved and no 
funky business with redirects or proxies.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Any replacement of mod_proxy?

2008-07-17 Thread Dragon

Anand Kulkarni wrote:


 Because we have many TCP servers running and using mod_proxy we want
 to route client request to the specific one.

 Also using Apache as proxy, we can get benefit of different services.

Sorry, this explanation is not enough. What kind of tcp servers are
they and what clients connect to them? What protocol do they use?

It is a pure java application. We have developed TCP Server  TCP client
using Java's standard classes.
Kindly refer to the URL

 End original message. -

Apache (with the proper modules) will proxy HTTP. It lloks like what 
you want is a generic, transparent TCP proxy.

A simple Google search on TCP proxy turns up at least a half dozen 
such server solutions. Perhaps one of those will be a better fit for 
what you are trying to do?


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] virtual instances

2008-07-16 Thread Dragon

Melanie Pfefer wrote:


Actually I want to have different customers that use different 
apache servers without the need to install many apache servers.

I thought of reusing the http binary. Could you please help in this 
regard? Should I simply copy the httpd.conf and change the logs 
location and ServerRoot?

thanks again

 End original message. -

You know, there are a lot of other ways to do this that don't require 
different server instances or placing everything in the main httpd.conf file.

Virtual host configuration can be separated into different files to 
be read by an include directive in the httpd.conf file and each 
virtual host can specify its own set of log files.

This is done by a lot of ISPs, especially ones that use a commercial 
control panel type of system like Plesk or cPanel.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How to configure Apache 2 to compress xml files on serving?

2008-06-13 Thread Dragon

André Warnier wrote:

Bo Berglund wrote:

It seems like there is a setting in the Apache server to change so
that the server along with the actual file data also sends something
that triggers the expansion. What this could be I don't know, and
therefore I am asking here.
If I understand correctly, the files are already 
compressed on the original server (the file on 
disk is abc.xml.gz, as opposed to abc.xml), right ?

Then it probably has something to do with the 
HTTP headers sent in the response.  Apache sends 
the response to the browser, with a HTTP header like

Content-type: application/gzip
or something similar, so that the browser 
believes that the .gz file is the original 
content, and proposes to the user to download it as such and save it to disk.

Instead, what you want is that the browser would 
believe that the gzipped file is only a way to 
transport the original content more efficiently, 
and that the real content is the xml file, unzipped.

So you want the response to be sent with HTTP headers like
Content-type: text/xml
Content-transport-encoding: gzipped

so that the browser would unpack the zipped file and present the XML document.

I am not quite sure of the exactness of the 
header names or form above, but it's the 
idea.  I am unfortunately also not quite sure 
how to configure Apache to set the headers that 
way.  It probably requires some module 
in-between.  I'm sure a neat little mod_perl 
module would do fine here, but that may not be 
what you're looking for, and there might be a 
simpler way using Apache directives only.

 End original message. -

Perhaps the AddEncoding directive would help? I 
don't really know as I have not tried it, but it is worth a try.

Combined with the AddType directive to tell the 
system that it is an xml file, it may well do what is needed.

So something like this (I think):

AddEncoding x-gzip .gz
AddType application/xml .xml.gz

Or maybe the type needs to be text/xml, both are 
valid MIME types for xml documents but I don't 
know which is appropriate to what circumstance.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Re: How to configure Apache 2 to compress xml files on serving?

2008-06-13 Thread Dragon

Bo Berglund wrote:

On Fri, 13 Jun 2008 20:42:46 +0200, André Warnier [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To find out exactly what happens on one server (where it does it right)
and the other (where it doesn't), you should have a look at the HTTP
headers sent in the server response, in one case and the other.

I'll give you what I would use, because I am a perl user, and there is a
utility in perl that allows to do just that.  But I am sure that there
are many other tools available to do the same thing.

1) install perl if you don't have it yet.
2) at the command-line level, enter
lwp-request -m GET -Sed http://server1/.../abc.xml.gz;

This will show you the HTTP headers, as sent by the server1.
The switches -Sed will prevent the actual content to be shown.

3) enter the same for server2
lwp-request -m GET -Sed http://server2/.../abc.xml.gz;

There should be a difference in the HTTP headers.
The difference will tell you (or us) where to start looking.

I don't have PERL and I am working on Windows XP so there is no Linux
style command availabvle either...

 End original message. -

You are using Firefox, yes? (I seem to recall that...)

If so, go get the LiveHeaders plug-in for it. 
That will help you see what headers are being sent by both sites.

And just as an aside, (you don't NEED Perl) but 
you can get Perl for Windows from ActiveState for free.

Just go to

I know they try to sell it, don't let that stop 
you. You CAN download and use it for free as I 
believe it is covered under GPL or a similar 
license. The purchased version comes with a 
physical disk and support while with the free version you are on your own.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] High load, low CPU and processes in state devfs

2008-06-13 Thread Dragon

Stut wrote:


I have a problem with one of the web servers I manage. It runs FreeBSD
6.2, Apache 2.2.8 and PHP 5.2.1. It runs a high-ish number of pre-fork
processes (usually around 240).

What basically happens is that during our peak hours in the evening
the site becomes very slow as does everything on the server. The top
output shows nearly all httpd processes in the state devfs and the
load is jumping up over 10 but the CPU is 70% idle. There's plenty of
free memory, over 4GB, and lots of available disk space.

While it's in this state all disk access is painfully slow. I've
checked all the drives and the RAID card status and everything appears
to be fine. It also recovers itself after a few hours when the traffic
dies down again.

I've spent a lot of today Googling but can't find any reference to
this particular combination of symptoms. Does anyone have any ideas?

 End original message. -

It sounds to me like your system is waiting on disk resources (I am 
assuming that is what the devfs state is), it is very likely trying 
to use swap space.

Now much memory does this system have?

If it has insufficient memory to keep most things in RAM, it is going 
to use a lot of swap and that will slow things down considerably.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] High load, low CPU and processes in state devfs

2008-06-13 Thread Dragon

Stut wrote:

On 13 Jun 2008, at 22:37, Dragon wrote:

Stut wrote:


I have a problem with one of the web servers I manage. It runs
6.2, Apache 2.2.8 and PHP 5.2.1. It runs a high-ish number of pre- fork
processes (usually around 240).

What basically happens is that during our peak hours in the evening
the site becomes very slow as does everything on the server. The top
output shows nearly all httpd processes in the state devfs and the
load is jumping up over 10 but the CPU is 70% idle. There's plenty of
free memory, over 4GB, and lots of available disk space.

While it's in this state all disk access is painfully slow. I've
checked all the drives and the RAID card status and everything
to be fine. It also recovers itself after a few hours when the
dies down again.

I've spent a lot of today Googling but can't find any reference to
this particular combination of symptoms. Does anyone have any ideas?

 End original message. -

It sounds to me like your system is waiting on disk resources (I am
assuming that is what the devfs state is), it is very likely trying
to use swap space.

Now much memory does this system have?

If it has insufficient memory to keep most things in RAM, it is
going to use a lot of swap and that will slow things down

Oh how I wish it were that simple...

Mem: 1629M Active, 770M Inact, 392M Wired, 68K Cache, 214M Buf, 4791M
Swap: 8192M Total, 8192M Free

No swap in use, plenty of free memory.

 End original message. -

Well, I took my best shot on the info presented. I still think there 
is something in the disk I/O path that is acting as a bottleneck.

Sorry it isn't so easy, I have nothing else here. Wish I could help.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache Virtual Server Configuration

2008-06-05 Thread Dragon

Vinay Purohit wrote:


Is it mandatory to have first virtual server block as main server 
when we configure name based virtual server on apache2.2.8  ?

Creation of virtual servers: While creating virtual servers on 
apache 2.2.8 we have to include a virtual host block for each 
virtual server we want to create and one virtual host block for main 
server which should be kept at top of all blocks. The reason and 
description are shown in the mentioned link. 

please suggest if any work around ?


 End original message. -

There isn't a work around, that is how it operates. The first virtual 
host block is always the default and will be served if no other host 
name matches.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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2008-06-05 Thread Dragon

Mohit Anchlia wrote:

On 6/4/08, Dragon 

André Warnier wrote:

Mohit Anchlia wrote:

2. Another question I had was sometimes we don't get real physical IP of the
machine but the IP of something that's in between like router, is there a
way to get the real IP so that we don't end up blocking people coming from
that router or proxy

In my opinion, you cannot.  The whole point of 
such routers and proxies is to make the requests 
look like they are coming from the router/proxy, 
so that is the sender IP address you are seeing 
at your server level, and that's it.  Your 
server never receives the original requester IP address.

 End original message. -

There are legitimate reasons for this to be done 
as well, indiscriminately blocking such access 
is a bad idea as it will affect legitimate 
users. NAT and IP address sharing are among the 
reasons. This allows an organization to have a 
router with one public IP address to serve a 
larger internal network with private IP 
addresses. Without this, we would have run out 
of IPv4 addresses a long time ago.


If there is no way to get the real IP address 
then how would router know which machine to 
direct the response to. It got to have some 
information in the packet. For eg: If A send to 
router B and router sends to C then when C 
responds how would B know that the response is for A.

 End original message. -

The real IP is of no value to an external 
application because it is a PRIVATE IP address. 
It is not a unique address and can not be used to uniquely identify a resource.

The router maintains an internal database mapping 
the connection between the internal machine on 
the LAN that requested a web page (or other 
resource) and the server providing it on the Public Internet.

The router public IP is all you are going to get 
and even if you got the internal IP (which is not 
a globally unique identifier) it would be pretty much useless to you.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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2008-06-04 Thread Dragon

André Warnier wrote:

Mohit Anchlia wrote:

2. Another question I had was sometimes we don't get real physical IP of the
machine but the IP of something that's in between like router, is there a
way to get the real IP so that we don't end up blocking people coming from
that router or proxy

In my opinion, you cannot.  The whole point of 
such routers and proxies is to make the requests 
look like they are coming from the router/proxy, 
so that is the sender IP address you are seeing 
at your server level, and that's it.  Your 
server never receives the original requester IP address.

 End original message. -

There are legitimate reasons for this to be done 
as well, indiscriminately blocking such access is 
a bad idea as it will affect legitimate users. 
NAT and IP address sharing are among the reasons. 
This allows an organization to have a router with 
one public IP address to serve a larger internal 
network with private IP addresses. Without this, 
we would have run out of IPv4 addresses a long time ago.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] problem with perl script and Apache

2008-05-30 Thread Dragon

Denis Peuziat wrote:

Apache 2.2.3 + Perl 5.8.8 on SUSE SLES10

I have just migrated a site from a linux RH server with Apache 
2.0.46 and perl 5.8.0 to a server with the config above.

Some perls scripts that are still executing correctly on the old 
server, are now identified as Unknown files when page is launched in 
a webbrowser (pop up asking to open or save document)

I say some because other pages containing perl scripts are working 
as expected.

The same scripts are working when executed locally on the server 
with perl .pl command.

The only difference is that these scripts are using a 
home-developed module.

Would it be possible that the change of environment would render the 
module useless?

Thanks for your help


 End original message. -

Was this module recompiled with the proper libraries for use with the 
Apache version you are using now?

What does the error log say when you try to access one of these scripts?


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] incomplete graphics downloads

2008-05-21 Thread Dragon

Danie Qian wrote:

do a quick test to see if you get any packet loss:
ping -t

 End original message. -

Considering that many servers these days are configured to not 
respond to ICMP echo requests, that may well be pointless.

It may be possible to get a bit more useful information using 
tracert, that will hopefully give an idea where any excessive latency 
is occurring. Then again, it may not.

A single invocation of tracert may not give any real useful data 
either as it only looks at the current conditions and reports the 
response latency between hops as they are when the test is run. 
Network traffic can change these things dramatically over time. It is 
possible that one time you get a clean, fast run and another you get 
indications of a slow down.

Now it sounds to me that the OP is seeing a problem with the TCP/IP 
sessions between the client and server being closed prematurely. Why 
that is occurring is unclear. It is probably going to take some 
low-level analysis of the packets to determine what is going on.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How to change default Charset?

2008-05-19 Thread Dragon

Jagbir Singh wrote:

I'm on CentOS 5 and like to change default charset of 'ISO-8859-1' 
to 'UTF-8' Apache 2.2, so I updated httpd.conf to have this line:

AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
Restarted Apache and open default page in Firefox, which reports 
UTF-8 as expected but running any perl scripts and then checking 
reports ISO-8859-1. Is there any other settings needs to be changed 
to force all contents have charset UTF-8?

 End original message. -

I believe that what you have done in Apache is all that you can do in Apache.

If I am not mistaken, Apache only adds a header to define the default 
character set if one is NOT provided in the generated content. It is 
entirely possible that your Perl code is sending a different header.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] httpd authorisation query

2008-05-19 Thread Dragon

athul ss wrote:

Expecting fast reply ,

 End original message. -

Reposting your original question within about two hours is rude. 
Expecting a fast reply is unrealistic. You must be patient, the best 
you can do is HOPE for a quick reply. You have to give people a 
chance to see your post and then maybe somebody might have an answer 
for you. There are no guarantees here.

This list is run by volunteers who have other jobs and other things 
to do, they do not sit around waiting for a question to appear here, 
they do it in their spare time. You cannot expect that anyone here is 
going to have your answer or that it will be posted quickly. It is 
possible that nobody on the list has your answer or that the person 
who does is not available right now to answer it.

This is not paid technical support and you cannot demand anything of 
anyone here.

And no, I do not have your answer for you. Have you searched for what 
you need? Have you looked at the Apache documentation on the site? Have you looked for documentation on the module you 
wish to use?


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Convert # to Ascii %23

2008-04-30 Thread Dragon

Phil Pinkerton wrote:

The address is built from a Perl Script

 End original message. -

So then the URL should be properly formatted by that script, if the 
URL contains a special character, your script has the responsibility 
of escaping it.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Problem with Configuring Virtual Host on Apache 2.2.6 Pls Help

2008-04-30 Thread Dragon

Saachin Mandloi wrote:


I recently installed Fedora core 8 and planning to move my site to 
this recently installed server. This has apache 2.2.6 bundled.

I added a new virtual host contained in httpd.conf to start the IP 
based http services for my site. Which was working fine.

Later on i added another virtual host container in ssl.conf to start 
using https services on the same site.

Now the works fine, but when i try to connect to 
open the site through it returns an error which is below

Bad Request
Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.
Reason: You're speaking plain HTTP to an SSL-enabled server port.
Instead use the HTTPS scheme to access this URL, please.

The website should be reachable with both http and https. Am i doing 
something wrong? Which directive has to be set to

get both working?


 End original message. -

What do the Listen directives say for each virtual host?

Your non-SSL should be listening on port 80 and the SSL on 443.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] aptmpZbGOTJ files in apache CacheRoot

2008-04-28 Thread Dragon

Richard Hubbell wrote:

Seeing thousands of files in CacheRoot that look like


This clearly seems like a bug.  Could this somehow be
a feature?  I just can't imagine what purpose it would serve.

 End original message. -

Why do you think this is a bug?

It looks like a temporary file name to me. I don't know the 
implementation details of the particular cache module you are using, 
but I would suspect that it uses unique temporary file names to store 
cached content to ensure that there is a unique name for each cached 
item. It really would make no sense to cache a file under its real 
name if there are multiple files with that name in multiple places 
under the document root.

An example where this would apply is a very common situation where 
you would have an index.html file under every subdirectory in your 
document hierarchy. By giving each cached file a unique name and 
mapping the unique file name to the URI, the cache module will serve 
the right one from the cached content.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] aptmpZbGOTJ files in apache CacheRoot

2008-04-28 Thread Dragon

Richard Hubbell wrote:

The server was shutdown via apachectl stop.  ~50,000
of those files remain in CacheRoot.  Server restart
and still those files remain.  Seems like a bug.
Unless there's some other mechanism that's supposed to
take them out of their temporary state.

 End original message. -

PLEASE DON'T top post, it destroys the flow of conversation.

Again, I do not know the specifics of the cache module you are using 
but it is very likely that those files are still there because they 
are still valid cached content. If they aren't, it is likely that 
they will not get removed until they are invalidated when somebody 
tries to access the corresponding page or file that has gone out of 
date in the cache.

Just stopping and starting the server should not remove the cached 
content. What would be the point of that? If I had cached content, I 
would want whatever is still valid to survive a restart of the server.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] .htaccess for script aliased directories

2008-04-25 Thread Dragon

Danie Qian wrote:

- Original Message - From: Joshua Slive [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 25, 2008 3:39 PM
Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] .htaccess for script aliased directories

On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 3:32 PM, Danie Qian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

require valid-user

Remove the Limit GET POST and /Limit lines. They are dangerous. See:


From the above link I cant find anything dangerous except for the 
fact that it limits requests to GET,POST methods, about which my 
users never complained. Or, did I miss out anything here?

 End original message. -

No, it does not do what you think.

As you have it in your config, it requires a valid user for only the 
GET and POST methods. It ALLOWS all other methods without a valid user.

This opens you up to potential attacks. You want to remove the Limit 
directives so ALL methods will require a valid user.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Directory listings take

2008-04-24 Thread Dragon


Hi -

Thanks for your reply. When the page is finally rendered, as a test 
I save it on my desktop and then open it and it takes but a few 
seconds for the full page to build, so I'm fairly sure a script 
(index.cgi) would do fine.

I've created a crude shell script to build the page and not only is 
it much quicker, but system resources don't get clogged up.

I will look inbto your suggestion, however.

Again - tx

 End original message. -

I have to wonder why you would want your directory structure to hold 
so many files in one place. It seems to me that this is rather 
unwieldy and maybe even practically unusable.

I'd personally be thinking about better ways to organize it under a 
hierarchical set of directories to keep the individual indexes from 
being so cumbersome.

Just my two cents...


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Directory listings take

2008-04-24 Thread Dragon


Heh - I'm just the sysadmin : - )

 End original message. -

My personal opinion (of course...) as the sysadmin, it should be your 
place to recommend a better way instead of trying to fix a mess 
somebody else thinks is acceptable. If they value your skills, 
hopefully they will also value your recommendations.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Force Apache to send the correct encoding

2008-04-24 Thread Dragon

Marcelo de Moraes Serpa wrote:


This might be a simple question, but I'm having issues serving HTML 
files with the ISO-8859-1 encoding. I could, in theory, change the 
encoding of each file, but doing so for thousands of files is not so practical.

I've got a VirtualHost and inside it I have an alias:

Alias /doc /home/dtweb/static/documentation/
Directory /home/dtweb/static/documentation/
   AllowOverride All
   Options ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all

The documentation dir has all these html files. Apache seems to be 
serving them with a UTF-8 encoding.

How could I force apache to tell the browser to use ISO-8859-1?

Thanks in advance,


 End original message. -

See the AddDefaultCharset directive on the following page:


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How do I create virtual directories?

2008-04-18 Thread Dragon

RKVS Raman wrote:


I have a webserver running apache with a public IP.

I have an internal server which runs certain services. Can I create a
virtual directory on public server which actually redirects the
request to the internal server which serves that request and sends it
to the external server which responds to the client.

Any pointers to any documentation in this regard will be highly appreciated.

 End original message. -

What you want to do is called proxying. Apache can do this and be 
configured in a number of ways to achieve this sort of result. The 
actual details of how to do it can range from fairly simple to very complex.

I'd suggest starting with the mod_proxy documentation on the Apache web site:

And then take a look at Nick Kew's tutorial here (useful if you have 
to rewrite URLs in the proxied pages and a few other things):


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] LoadModule takes two arguments...

2008-04-18 Thread Dragon

=?ISO-8859-2?Q?H=FCseyin_=AAent=FCrk?= did speak thusly:


I have been trying to install MySQL, Apache and PHP on my computer.
My resourcebook is PHP  MySQL for Dummies.
I have installed MySQL and Apache2.2.
I downloaded PHP.
But I can not joint PHP and Apache2.
System shows the same errors:
LoadModule takes two arguments, a module name and the name of a shared
object file to load it from...
What should I do?
Thank you very much.

Huseyin Senturk

 End original message. -

I know you probably do not want to hear read the fine manual but 
honestly, this is what you really ought to do.

Start by following the very good installation instructions on the PHP 
and MySQL web sites. If you need help with Apache directives, the 
first place to check is the documentation on the Apache web site.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Protecting a directory while allowing access to certain files

2008-03-28 Thread Dragon

LDB wrote:

I am trying to password protect a directory but still allow access
to all to a single file within that directory.

Is that possible?

 End original message. -

I have no idea to be honest. But why not just move that one file 
someplace else where it is accessible?


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Powerpoint slideshows are gibberish

2008-03-25 Thread Dragon

Carl Carpenter wrote:

I just brought up an Apache2 webserver on Fedora Core 6.  Copied the content
from my old Apache 1.3 server and thought it was working fine.  Then someone
clicked on a PowerPoint slideshow file (.pps) and received a screen full of
gibberish instead of the option to open the file in PowerPoint.  Can anyone
tell me why and how to fix it?  I've verified the file--it's fine.  If I
point the browser to a .ppt file, it prompts for an application or to save.
But not the .pps.  I have gone through the conf file but don't see anything
closely related.  Have made only minor changes to default config file.
Thanks in advance for your help.

 End original message. -

This is a MIME type issue. Your server needs to be configured to 
associate the .pps extension with the correct MIME type for a 
PowerPoint file so it can serve the correct content type header when 
the file is sent.

The correct MIME type for this type of file is application/

Then see:

If the Apache server does not know what the correct MIME type of a 
file is, it attempts to serve it as text/plain. This is why you are 
seeing gibberish, the raw file is being rendered as plain text in 
the browser.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Virtual Host problems

2008-03-22 Thread Dragon

Edwin did speak thusly:
Ok out with the old and in with the new. Now That I have read 
through that and I think I understood most of it. Thank you Craig
I did modify my file structure and as well as modified my code to 
include quotation marks. But the redirect to the new file structure 
isn't working

I know I'm still doing something wrong.

The error this time was
only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network 
address/port) is normally permitted. :make_sock: could not bind to 

no listening sockets available, shutting down

 End original message. -

That means a copy of Apache is probably still running. You need to 
make sure it is shut down before trying to restart it,

Since you are doing this in Windows, go into task manager and end any 
Apache processes in the task list then restart.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)


2008-03-20 Thread Dragon

Melanie Pfefer wrote:


I added this to the conf file:

AddType text/xml .xml

xml files are still treatead as html pages not xml

any idea what could be the cause?


 End original message. -

Have you tried application/xml as your MIME type?

I've seen both used and I seem to recall that in IE (maybe other 
browsers) that this type works and text/xml does not.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] What is apache compiled with now?

2008-03-12 Thread Dragon

On Wed, March 12, 2008 08:55, Jay Why wrote:
 Hmmm... I'm using Ubuntu Linux. Where would I find the build directory?

That is probably a question for the Ubuntu people. Who knows what they did
with it in their distribution?

This is especially so if you installed it originally with some sort of
package manager like yum (or whatever Ubuntu uses for that).

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Readable and L10N URIs with content negotiation and mod_rewrite/aliases

2008-03-11 Thread Dragon

Daniel Aleksandersen wrote:


I need some help to think clearer.

To copy the example used on “Making readable URIs” at W3C:
“A Norwegian without knowledge of basic English would like to be able to
remember instead

What I am wondering about is how I would go about rewriting the URIs in
Apache to allow for content negotiation at these two URIs. If a Norwegian
requests ‘’, he should get redirected to the
Norwegian URI and served the Norwegian document. Say the location of the
two versions is /fishingrods.html.en and fishingrods.html.nb.

 End original message. -

But what if a person with a non-English language 
preference actually wants to view the English version?

I don't know if forcing the language to match the 
user's language preference regardless of the URL 
requested is necessarily a good idea. One example 
I can think of off-hand would be if somebody were 
learning a language and wanted to see both 
versions for comparison. Or maybe if the 
maintainer of both versions had Norwegian set and 
wanted to look at the English version without 
having to change language preferences.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache log errors

2008-02-26 Thread Dragon

Krishna Chandra Prajapati wrote:

Hi All,

My web server log error is  NULL::dba can't connect to mysql

The above error shows occasionally in the error log file of apache. 
Every thing is fine on the mysql database server. It happens twice 
or thrice a day. I am not able to find out whats the issue.

Please help me.

 End original message. -

That looks to me like you have a script of some sort that is trying 
to connect to mysql and is failing. Other than that, it is impossible 
to tell anything else from just that message.


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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Re: PerlSetEnv in .htaccess ?

2008-01-24 Thread Dragon

abhishek jain wrote:

On second thoughts is there a method by which i can execute some 
piece of code to execute even before my scripts are called, remember 
i am on a shared host,


 End original message. -

Child Perl programs inherit the environment of their parent, so 
setting the variable in a wrapper before calling the other script would work.

The best way is to get your hosting provider to help you set what you 
need in the main httpd.conf but if they won't do that, this will work.


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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Multiple Instances of Apache

2008-01-18 Thread Dragon

Mandy Singh wrote:

Thanks ascs. This is a good explanation.

The only other question that partially remains unanswered is that if 
I run apacheN on port 80 (and access my site as 
http://mysite.com and run apacheN+1 on port 8080 
(and access site as - what 
can i do special to access without 
the port number (as if it was running on port 80). Did you get what 
I was trying to say? Is this a legtimate question? :)

 End original message. -

As the person who replied to your first post mentioned, you use a 
reverse proxy to do this.

Instructions on how you do it are here:


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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Where can I find a tutorial for writing apache 2.0.x modules

2008-01-07 Thread Dragon

Campbell, Lance wrote:
I am looking for a web tutorial for writing apache 2.0.x 
modules.  Does anyone have a reference they could give me?

 End original message. -

Perhaps this is a good place to start:

It didn't take more than about 3 clicks from the main page 
to find it.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mode_rewrite hostnames and wikiwords

2008-01-06 Thread Dragon

Phil Wild did speak thusly:


hit a snag

how would I expand this rule to capture and convert the following? - YourHostName (works with rule)
YOUR.HOST.NAME - YourHostName (currently not handled) - YourHostName (currently not handled)

effectively the spec would be to take /doc/FQDN (regardless of case presented)
and capitaliseing every dot separated word returning
/doc/FullyQualifiedDomainName removing any characters other than 

 End original message. -

If I were to do something like this, I would most likely use the 
RewriteMap directive to pass the incoming URL to a short Perl script 
to do the transformation. The stdin file handle presents the program 
with the request URL and you pass the result back via the stdout file handle.

See the section on the page linked above entitled External Rewriting 
Program for details and a skeleton Perl script you can add your 
processing to.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] problem with posted data in UTF-8 and reverse proxy

2008-01-04 Thread Dragon

Scott Douglass did speak thusly:


Please excuse the Tomcat references below, my question is actually about
the HTTPD reverse proxy feature.

I have a web app that, when viewed by hitting the Tomcat 6.0.14 server
it runs on handles the input of multi-byte characters using the UTF-8
encoding. The application is a web mail client, and it uses HTTP POST to
send the fields of the message composer window to the server.

When I put this exact same tomcat/webapp behind the HTTPD 2.2.6 reverse
proxy, the Chinese characters POST'd via the composer window gets some
other encoding than UTF-8. The end result is that when the user views
the result (say they send the mail message to themselves) the Chinese
characters are not decoded correctly.

For example, I type this into a textarea for the body of the message in
the composing form:

ä½ å¥½ 哈哈 孔歇

When I post this directly to tomcat/webapp, I see it again when I
recieve the e-mail a few seconds later (Tomcat has a /* servlet filter
that forces UTF-8 encoding on all request and response parameters, also
all JSPs have %@ page contentType=text/html; charset=UTF-8 %, and
also meta HTTP-EQUIV=Content-Type CONTENT=text/html; charset=UTF-8
and tomcat container definition has URIEncoding=UTF-8...)

When I post through the HTTPD 2.2.6 reverse proxy, the end result
appears like:

ä½ 好 哈哈 孔歇

I've tried as many work arounds as I could search/find/think of

AddDefaultCharset none


AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

Neither of these solves the problem.

Has anyone ever encountered this before? I am happy with the HTTPD as a
reverse proxy other than this encoding issue, and I'm using HTTPD for a
bunch of other functions as well (WebDAV, virtual hosting, subversion
repository, etc.) So, I prefer to solve this reverse proxy problem
rather than use some other proxy server.

 End original message. -

You are going to need to provide more 
information, there simply isn't enough here to 
know how these requests are being processed when 
proxied. In particular, how do you have the 
reverse proxy configured in your httpd.conf file?

Which proxy modules are you using, etc.?

Having those configuration directives will allow 
somebody (probably not me, I'm an amateur at this 
stuff) to decipher what is happening.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cannot restart httpd

2008-01-02 Thread Dragon

Liz Kim wrote:
I was not able to restart Apache earlier today and had to reboot the 
server itself.

This is the error message that I received when it failed to restart.

Stopping httpd:[  OK  ]
Starting httpd: (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not 
bind to address [::]:443

no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs
Any idea what might be causing this problem?
We recently added SSL to the server and redirect all http to https.
I wonder if this is done in an incorrect way?

VirtualHost IP_ADDRESS:80
 Redirect / https://IP_ADDRESShttps://IP_ADDRESS

 End original message. -

That looks to me like something was already using port 443 so Apache 
bailed out and refused to play. If Apache did not actually shut down 
(I know the script said it did, but you can't be certain without 
checking) or if another instance of Apache or another server 
application is running on port 443, you will see that exact sort of message.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Requests taking a lot of time

2008-01-02 Thread Dragon

Jean-Christophe Roux wrote:


I am struggling with an issue and I have the following set up that 
reproduces the problem.

I am running apache 2.2 on Centos 5.0.
On the client side, I have a web page that polls the server every 
second. Using prototypejs, it looks like that:

setInterval('polling();', 1000);
function polling()
  new Ajax.Request
  ( 'polling_server.php',
{ onSuccess: function(transport)

the polling_server.php does nothing:
?php ?
Most queries takes around 100-150 ms for a round trip (measured using firebug)
Sooner or later though, one of those requests will take a lof of 
time and will timeout after 74000ms.
Also, there are sequences of requests that  take a lot of time (5, 
10 seconds sometimes more) and then the system gets back to the normal 100ms.
it looks like a jam. I'd like to understand why this is happening so 
that I can fix it. How could I explore the issue further?

Where does the 74000ms come from? Is it something I can change in apache?

 End original message. -

It is very doubtful that this is an issue with the Apache httpd if 
you are using one of the MPM models and have it configured with 
enough workers to handle the load.

However, you really have not given us enough information to even make 
an informed guess. Is there anything in your error or access logs 
indicating a problem (adjust the debug level of your error log if 
needed to get more detail)? What exactly is your architecture? Are 
you generating dynamic content in a CGI application or back-end 
server process? If so, is that running on the same machine or 
another? How much RAM do you have? How is Apache MPM configured?

I would suggest (with lack of further information) that it is most 
likely that network congestion is the problem or possibly something 
else in the system is resource limited a back-end server application 
perhaps? Possibly another server process such as an MTA hogging 
resources? Not enough RAM causing swap space to be heavily utilized?

Also, you must understand that the Internet as it exists today is a 
best effort delivery system. This means that there is absolutely 
zero guarantee that traffic you send will ever be received by the 
other end or that there will be any sort of deterministic latency to 
the system. You cannot assume that the round-trip time for a request 
to be served will remain in the 100-150 mS window in a production 
environment with access from the public Internet. There are far too 
many random factors regarding routing, traffic bandwidth and other 
things to be sure that your application is going to reliably serve 
within a certain time window to all possible users.

Even on a LAN with a lightly loaded machine, other network traffic 
can affect your round-trip times. The only way you can ever be 
certain of this is in a trivial test application with two dedicated 
machines that has no real resemblance to a production environment.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Can't load .JS file into Perl/CGI script.

2007-12-20 Thread Dragon

CraigT wrote:

Thanks for responding Dragon.   I added the JavaScript mime type to the HTTPD
file.   I restarted the server and tried to load the external JavaScript
file into the .CGI process from the supra-directory (root) and a
subdirectory to the cgi-bin directory.   The load from the root did not
work.   The load from the subdirectory tried to work but attempted to
execute the .JS file like a Perl/CGI program according to the Apache log.
The content type is given as below.

 script type='text/JavaScript' src='js/rnd.js'/script

I need more guidance.

 End original message. -

As I said in my original post, you cannot have these files served 
from anywhere under the cgi-bin directory if Apache is configured to 
execute files in that directory as CGI scripts, (which it appears it 
is from what you say above).

I would suggest making a directory under your document root directory 
for these js files and serve them from there.

Does your server properly send a static HTML file from the document 
root directory or any subdirectories?

What happens if you try to load the js file directly via the browser 
(not as part of a script tag, just type the url of the js file in the 


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Can't load .JS file into Perl/CGI script.

2007-12-19 Thread Dragon

CraigT wrote:


I've built an app with Perl (5.8)/CGI, Javscript, and CSS.  Its running on a
Windows XP Home (development box) using Apache 2.   It is being handled by
mod_perl 2 with no errors.

My problem is that I can't load .JS files into Perl/CGI scripts running out
of the cgi-bin directory using the 'script SRC=' method.   I can't load a
.JS file from a supra-, the cgi-bin, or a sub- directory.  I have no problem
loading a .JS file in this way into a process executing out of the root
directory - the parent to the cgi-bin directory.   I'm thinking I have not
done something needed in the Apache HTTPD?   Can anyone help me.  Thanks in


 End original message. -

Your http server is probably configured to run anything in the 
cgi-bin directory as a CGI script. So what is probably happening is 
that the server is attempting to execute these js files and failing. 
If that is the case, you should see log entries in the error log 
regarding these failures.

You need to serve these files out of a different directory and you 
also need to make sure that the mime type for them is properly 
configured. This is because the server must serve them and not 
execute them and the browser should be given the correct content type 
when the file is served.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Custom hostname and Apache 2.2.6

2007-12-18 Thread Dragon

Hans Tovetjärn wrote:


Thank you, it worked! It does give me the 
warning, but that is perhaps not a big issue. 
This is really a jungle to me right now though, 
in what part of the Apache documentation can I read more about this?

In that case there is maybe another way around it.

In /etc/hosts, change the line

into laptop

That should keep Apache happy.




 End original message. -

That's not an Apache issue at all it is basic 
networking configuration at the OS level.

What you need is to get a good book on Unix 
system administration, hopefully one aimed at your particular OS.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How to rid a pest?

2007-12-17 Thread Dragon

Charles Michener wrote:
I have a couple of spider bots hitting my server that I do not wish 
to have access to my pages - they ignore robots.txt, so I finally 
put them on my 'deny from x' list. This does deny them access 
but they persist to keep trying - trying each page address at least 
30 times - several hits per second .  Is there a standard method to 
forward them to some black hole or the FBI or ...?

 End original message. -

This is the kind of thing a router/firewall will handle for you.

Stopping these requests before they get to your machine is the best 
way to handle them. Otherwise, it doesn't really have a lot of impact 
on the performance of the server for it to send a forbidden response 
back to the offenders. Yeah, it takes a little bit of processing but 
it is pretty insignificant per request.

Hopefully they will eventually give up but if they don't, look into 
using a firewall to deny at the edge of your network.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Question about installing apache 2.0.59 on solaris 10

2007-12-14 Thread Dragon

pdt_p wrote:


I download binary distribution for Apache HTTP server version 2.0.55.
i download it from :
in the readme.bindist and install.bindist file, it say that i have to run path for the apache
in this case my path for apahce is /home/myuser/apache2.
there is no error occur abd successfull message is display.
i try to run my apache server by execute this command: apachectl start
this error is occur: httpd: fatal: /home/myuser/apache2/lib/ unknown
file type

any idea what's wrong with my apache http server?

Thank you

 End original message. -

Is there some reason why you are not building from source?

It isn't difficult and it will help you avoid incompatibility 
problems with somebody else's binary distribution that may have been 
compiled in a way that is incompatible with your exact configuration.

Also, why not use the latest version?

2.0.55 is rather old and there are even newer versions in that branch 
with some rather significant fixes. However, I would recommend going 
with 2.2.6 or something in that branch.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Question about installing apache 2.0.59 on solaris 10

2007-12-14 Thread Dragon

pdt_p wrote:


Thank you for answering my question.
The reason why i am not compile by my self because i don't have permission
to install any application. basically i don't have permission to any root,
usr and etc. I only have access to my home account.
If I download the source, In my case above, is there any way to compile
apache by my self but install it into my home account folder?
I am a new to apache. I apologize for such a silly question.

 End original message. -

I am not certain but I think you can probably compile it and install 
it without having root access.

However, if you want to run it on a privileged port (port number = 
1024), you have to have root access.

Even then, I am unsure if it will start under another user account 
with a port number  1024. I think it should but I don't recall for sure.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Analyzing access and error logs

2007-12-07 Thread Dragon

Arnab Ganguly wrote:

Hi All,
Is there any free tool  available that analyzes Apache error and access logs?
Thanks in advance.

 End original message. -

At the risk of sounding rude, do you know how to use a search engine? 
This is a question you could have answered for yourself with a tiny 
bit of effort and thought on your part.

Put the following terms into Google and you will come up with several 
alternatives at the top of the first page:

apache httpd log analysis open source free software

Whether any of those will meet your needs is up to you to determine.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] SSL Apache Scalability

2007-11-29 Thread Dragon

Tony Anecito wrote:

Hi All,

I have heard a strange story about how using 1 port
for Apache SSL is not a good idea for performance. I
heard if you have three sites usign the same SSL port
it could really slow down performance as compared to
putting those sites on separate ports for SSL.

Should not each site have it's own port for SSL?

 End original message. -

Where did you hear that?

What is true is that you cannot do name-based virtual hosts on the 
same IP address with multiple domain names and have that work 
correctly (that subject comes up here all the time). Basically, you 
have to use a separate IP address for each domain name so that SSL 
negotiation serves the correct certificate for the domain. This is a 
limitation of the protocol that establishes SSL connections and there 
is really no legitimate way around how it works. (There is a way to 
cheat and use wild card certificates but that is considered bad 
practice and should not be done).

All of these IP addresses can and should run on port 443 for SSL 
unless you have another compelling reason to do something different. 
Each of these instances will be separate ports because each IP 
address has its own set of ports that are not shared. In other words, 
port 443 on IP is not the same as port 443 on IP

Perhaps the requirement for a unique IP address is the source of the 


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] install CD for Enterprise Linux 4

2007-11-26 Thread Dragon

lx7 wrote:

Any ideas? Or alternate solutions?

 End original message. -

Not trying to be rude but you are asking in the wrong place. Go to a 
forum or list that supports Redhat.

This one is for the Apache web server and related projects. It is 
doubtful you will find any aid here.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Multiple Wikis, Multiple DB's, Single User Table

2007-11-07 Thread Dragon

Liz Kim wrote:

We have four separate wiki's set up on our server each using a
different db in MySQL.
Each of the db contain their own tables with a list different users...

Would it be possible to only use one of the four tables and have the
three wikis point to this one user table?
I would assume some major restructuring may be needed as the user_id's
differ on each db's but as we have very small number of users, I can
try to clean/match them up some how...
Any suggestions?

 End original message. -

This isn't an Apache server issue. I would suggest finding a support 
list or forum for the wiki software you are using and asking them.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Center for Internet Security's Apache Benchmark Project Update

2007-11-06 Thread Dragon

Gregor Schneider wrote:

On 11/6/07, Ryan Barnett 

 Why not a URL where we can view it?
[Ryan Barnett] Here you go - 

ehem - great, however, there's no such thing like ms word on my 
machine - hope it's not too much asking for a pdf-version... *cough*

 End original message. -

Nor do you need it. Open Office can handle that sort of file too, and 
it is both free and open source, it also runs on every major OS. It 
works quite nicely for me using it at home to work on all sorts of MS 
format documents generated at work in MS applications.

Which is not to say that your comment about providing a document in 
PDF is without merit.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] compiling apache on windows with minimum foot print

2007-11-02 Thread Dragon

Ashwani Kumar Sharma wrote:


Thanks for the reply.

Actually I want to compile the apache source code without including the extra
modules. So, wanted to know what are those modules.

In my application the apache's work is that it will simply send some jar
files to my user through web that's it. So, I want to reduce the foot print
of the apache so that it can fit into my application with minimum size.

 End original message. -

Why not use a light-weight HTTP server like Lighttpd or Mongrel? 
These are very fast and very small and can do exactly what you want 
with no fuss.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Re: Unable to view files under sub-folders

2007-10-30 Thread Dragon

Mick Ken wrote:

Hi Friends,
I got it figured. It has the SVN path URL pointed to an empty directory.

I feel ashamed. This is the second day in a row where i posted a
thread and 5 minutes later i figured out the solution and had to ask
for forgiveness.

 End original message. -

Actually, this is far better than the people who post the same thing 
over and over without answering any questions directed at them or 
providing any relevant information that could be used to help 
determine what the problem is.

It's really a bit refreshing to see that some people continue banging 
away on the problem themselves even after having asked for help. 
What's even nicer is when somebody who has done so comes back and 
posts the solution to their problem so that others in a similar 
situation might be able to take advantage of their success.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Php not running

2007-10-29 Thread Dragon

Vishal Gaurav wrote:

Thanks for your suggestion. Yes i am save the file as .php . I am 
able to get info to use this script in php file ?php phpinfo(); ? 
and i was also attached the phpinfo out put file in this mail.When i 
was trying to run this script then browser gives internal server 
error(500) in title bar.And nothing is displayed in browser. I am 
successfully install Apache on my machine. And when i try to run 
http://localhost/http://localhost/ browser displayed its works! message.

 End original message. -

There are only two ways to troubleshoot this, either examine the 
Apache error log or enable error reporting in PHP. Enabling error 
reporting is done in PHP's configuration file. It is disabled by 
default because it is a security risk. If you choose to enable it, be 
sure to turn it off when you get the problem resolved.

Unless this turns out to be an Apache specific configuration issue, 
you may find better assistance on a PHP support forum.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Php not running

2007-10-29 Thread Dragon

Vishal Gaurav wrote:

Now i am able to use this test script. ?php echotesting; ?
but not
?php echo This is a PHP line; ?
if i remove space in this line ?php echo ThisisaPHPline; ? then 
aple to see thisisphpline.

But If i donot remove the space nothing is displayed by browser,
How can i fix it.

 End original message. -

As I mentioned in my earlier reply, you have to find out what the 
error message is. By default, when an error occurs in PHP it logs the 
error in the Apache error log and does not display anything in the browser.

Until you find out what the error is nobody can help you. You either 
have to examine the server error log or reconfigure PHP to display 
erros in the browser.

Even then it seems from your description that this is a PHP internal 
problem or configuration error. If it is, you will get better support 
from a PHP forum and/or the documentation for PHP which you can 
access from

I will specifically point out that is 
where you should start.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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RE: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache 2.2.0 binary download

2007-10-18 Thread Dragon

Ashwani Kumar Sharma wrote:

Yeah that's true,

There are no binaries for apache 2.2.0 on that url. I have downloaded the
source code for same from

I am facing some build problems.

Is it true that apache 2.2.0 is not a stable version. Please suggest me the
stable version for apache.

 End original message. -

If you are installing it as a new deployment, why are you not using 
the latest released version?

The latest version right now is 2.2.6


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Compiling module under Windows for Apache 2.2.4 with APXS.BAT/.PL

2007-10-03 Thread Dragon

Mark A. Craig wrote:

Got a tiny bit further:

C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\binvsvars32.bat
Setting environment for using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 x86 tools.

C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\binapxs -c -i 
-a mod_httpbl.c

cl  /nologo /MD /W3 /O2 /D WIN32 /D _WINDOWS /D NDEBUG 
-IC:\PROGRA~1\APACHE~1\Apache2.2\include  /c /Fomod_httpbl.lo mod_httpbl.c


C:\PROGRA~1\APACHE~1\Apache2.2\include\apr.h(92) : fatal error 
C1083: Cannot open include file: 'windows.h': No such file or directory

apxs:Error: Command failed with rc=131072

How do I resolve this include failure, and how many other includes 
will it fail to find?  There are a LOT of includes in that .c 
file!  I know, for a guy who once upon a time did programming, I'm 
such a complete newb.  I haven't touched any code file that didn't 
end in .html since the 80s.  :-/

 End original message. -

windows.h (and a whole bunch of other things you will need) are part 
of the Windows SDK which you can download from Microsoft's MSDN web site.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Compiling module under Windows for Apache 2.2.4 with APXS.BAT/.PL

2007-10-03 Thread Dragon

Mark A. Craig wrote:
You mean it doesn't come included with a WINDOWS-based compiler 
package from MICROSOFT?  o_O

And actually, in my case I'll apparently need the old-fashioned 
Platform SDK, because I'm compiling on Windows 2000

*runs outside to the hand pump connected to his pipe to the 
Internet, starts cranking*

 End original message. -

Nope, not unless you buy an MSDN subscription or the pro version of 
the compiler.

But it's free, you just have to go get it.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] image folder outside the to access it ?

2007-09-27 Thread Dragon

Rachel Anderson-Barrios wrote:

From the sounds of it, you are required to use a web application to do
what you want to do.  It doesn't have to be PHP.  You can use cgi
scripts, ASP, tomcat with java, or ...

Make a script or a page which will do two things.  First, validate the
user, check that they are logged in payed, etc.  Second, parses a
parameter to allow the image to be displayed on the page.  Say, for
example, the url is
show_picture.cgi will first check that the user exists, if so, will
display sunset.jpg (from whatever folder sunset.jpg is in).

Now, you do raise a point, a user could view the source and see the
exact location of sunset.jpg.  Well, there are a few other

You don't need your pictures to be in a images directory, it can be
called anything you want.  You could put it under  Once
a user has viewed a picture, the server in the background can move it to
a new location.  For this, you may want to keep a database of where the
pictures are located.

Another thing you could to is only display your photos through an
embedded object. For example, make little flash files out of your
pictures.  Have the flash program check that you are logged in, etc.
Then you wouldn't need to move them around, or do anything else.


PS.  This is my initial impression, there are probably many other ways
to do what you want, but you will need the help of a programed
application to do so.

 End original message. -

Actually, this is almost right but not quite.

If you want the files served securely, they should NOT be located 
anywhere within the document root tree.

The script itself would retrieve the file from where it lives outside 
the server root and forward it to the browser. The URL for the image 
would be a call to the CGI script and not a direct link to the image 
itself. CGI is not limited to serving HTML, you can serve any file 
type you want by providing the appropriate content type and 
disposition headers.

For instance, in one of the applications I am working on, there is an 
option for a logged-in user with appropriate privileges to access a 
PDF file. This file is generated on the fly from the database and it 
never resides as an actual file on the file system. You can do the 
same thing with images. They can be stored in a database or anywhere 
on the file system and served solely by the application script.

In short, the application script acts as a proxy to Apache to serve 
the content. Apache simply invokes the script under the CGI mechanism 
and then gets out of the way while the script does what it is supposed to do.

Unfortunately, this is no longer really a discussion about Apache and 
is thus drifting off topic. There are many good books and tutorials 
out there on how to write web applications. Those resources are a 
better place to turn at this time than this list.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Disable directory browsing

2007-09-27 Thread Dragon

Mark A. Craig wrote:
Sorry I got the sense of things backwards earlier.  Isn't there 
another more brute-force option, to simply place an empty index.htm 
file in every directory that shouldn't be browsed?  Doesn't the 
presence of an index file disable browsing even when it's enabled in 
principle for that directory?  The open source blog software I use 
in fact came pre-packaged that way, with index files placed in all 
the directories where browsing wasn't desirable.


 End original message. -

Sure, that will work. But it relies on the presence of that file and 
that is a potential security hole if somebody forgets to include it 
or deletes it thinking it is not needed.

Personally, I think fixing it in the configuration file is a better way to go.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache 2.2, rotatelogs.exe, and Windows

2007-09-18 Thread Dragon

Mark A. Craig wrote:
So this leads me to ask again, what are all of you successful 2.2.4 
admins using to rotate your logs?  If the piping mechanism is 
broken, at least in the Windows binary, then what other technique(s) 
are people using?  Task Scheduler with a batch or CMD file?

So far I've been manually rotating the logs, but I'd understandably 
like to automate it.

 End original message. -

I think you will find that the vast majority of people using Apache 
are not doing so on the Windows platform. Most people who have 
committed to the Windows platform have also committed to IIS. Apache 
dominates the Linux environment and is used frequently on BSD and 
similar Unix-based platforms. Apache holds only a tiny share of 
Windows servers.

I believe that those few who are using Apache on Windows tend to be 
hobbyists or developers using it to serve their own stuff or to do 
development off-line. I am willing to bet there are very few people 
using it in a production environment under Windows.

So it is entirely possible that there may be nobody on this list who 
has an answer for you. The set of people using it in the same manner 
you are is small to begin with and there may not be many of them 
subscribed to this list.

Repeatedly posting demanding


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [module] how do I compile a module?

2007-09-18 Thread Dragon

On Tue, September 18, 2007 18:27, Andrew WC Brown wrote:
 Hi, I'm new to this mailing list (waves).

 I'm running OS X.4.10 with Apache 2.2.6

 When I installed apache I was sure to --enable-module=shared so I could

 I let apache2 install to /usr/local/apache2. When I run apache it works.

 I didn't specify any additional modules on compilation so my modules
 directory is emptied.

 I'm going to be using virtual hosting so I want to compile

 I've navigated to the directory in my source folder: httpd-2.2.6

 I've tired to compile using: sudo apxs -c mod_vhost_alias.c

 I get the following error:

 gcc -DDARWIN -DUSE_HSREGEX -DUSE_EXPAT -I../lib/expat-lite -g -Os -pipe
 -DHARD_SERVER_LIMIT=2048 -DEAPI -DSHARED_MODULE -I/usr/include/httpd  -c
 mod_vhost_alias.c:36:17: error: apr.h: No such file or directory
 mod_vhost_alias.c:37:25: error: apr_strings.h: No such file or directory
 mod_vhost_alias.c:38:23: error: apr_hooks.h: No such file or directory
 mod_vhost_alias.c:39:21: error: apr_lib.h: No such file or directory
 mod_vhost_alias.c:42:22: error: apr_want.h: No such file or directory
 In file included from /usr/include/httpd/ap_config.h:1129,
  from /usr/include/httpd/httpd.h:29,
  from mod_vhost_alias.c:44:

The section of the errors I have kept above tell you where the problem is.

The header files that apxs expects to find in the include directory
specified on the command line with the -I option do not exist where you
are telling apxs they should be.

You need to locate where those files are and change the -I option on the
command line to point to the right place. I don't know if there needs to
be a space between the option specifier and the include path, but if you
do have those files in the specified directory, I would put a space in
there and try again.

Hopefully, that is all you will need to do.

  Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] how to check caching is disabled?

2007-09-10 Thread Dragon

rahul gundecha wrote:
thanks Joshua for helping, I really appreciate your instantaneous 
and correct solution.

Just to point out confusion in the thread -

first time you replied -
check for mod_cache, mod_file_cache, and similar modules. If they 
are turned off, then you don't likely have any caching going on.

my reply -
 There isn't any cache related entry in that file.
So what's the default setting of apache server ?
I was expecting the answer that without doing anything apart from
normal installation of apache server, will there be caching ? and how to find
about it?

your reply -
But in the default install you will not have any apache-level caching
 if mod_cache and mod_file_cache are both disabled.
now again we end up with same question, how do I know these things 
are disabled?

that's why I asked again. And then I got the correct answer.

 As long as mod_cache and mod_file_cache are not configured, there is no
caching in a default install of apache.

Anyways no hard feelings but just wanted to show lack of clarity in 
your answer.
Thanks for helping me, I really bombarded you with series of 
questions, still you answered them promptly.

 End original message. -

I disagree, I think Joshua's answers were clear and concise.

He said that if it is not configured then you do not have it enabled. 
I don't think that is very difficult to understand though it does 
assume an understanding of the httpd.conf file and configuration of 
individual modules. However, even that is pretty basic stuff and 
easily understood through a perusal of the Apache documentation 
regarding modules.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] UDP support for apache

2007-09-10 Thread Dragon

Yogsothoth GV wrote:

Hi all,

Can I configure Apache to serve webpages using UDP as transport protocol.

I see some code in srclib/apr/network_io/unix to make UDP

 End original message. -

I don't know the answer to your question but I suspect it is very 
likely no. Even though I believe the RFC specifying the HTTP 
protocol does mention that it could be implemented on UDP. AFAIK, all 
practical implementations of HTTP have been over TCP and not UDP.

HTTP could very well work on UDP but all of the browsers I know about 
expect it to function on TCP. So serving it via UDP is pointless if 
you have no client that will accept HTTP over UDP.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] UDP support for apache

2007-09-10 Thread Dragon

On Mon, September 10, 2007 18:26, Yogsothoth GV wrote:
 On 9/10/07, Chris 'Xenon' Hanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yogsothoth GV wrote:
  Sorry previous email was sent before completion.
  Can I configure Apache to serve webpages using UDP as transport

That's the silliest thing I've ever heard of.

 Yes it is silly, only if you think all data that HTML serves requires TCP
 like transport semantics. Moreover, HTML specification doesn't specify
 semantics to use for transport, right ?
 However, content may impose those semantics.

Actually, the fact that nobody has implemented HTTP over UDP puts such a
constraint on you. Just because the RFC allows for it does not mean that
somebody has actually implemented it on both the server and client side.

 |   Why would you want to?
 Say, you are streaming video/audio over HTML like Flash, quicktime.  This
 necessarily require TCP like semantics because delay due to packet
 retransmission or HOL blocking is bad (when serving real time data).
 However, if you are using a transport protocol like
 UDP  you might experience small disturbance, which is better than stalled
 video/audio. This
 is one reason that I can think on top of my head.

I am no expert here, but there are probably much better ways to do this
using more recent and more sophisticated protocols.

When I was working for a company that shall not be named that was working
on edge routing solutions, one of the big things was QOS and priority
scheduling of real-time or streaming data. Unfortunately, my knowledge
here is barely superficial as I never had to get deep into the mechanics
of that to write my test software (which ran functional testing of various
high-speed ATM optical network interfaces).

  Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Baffled for two months - Need help

2007-09-05 Thread Dragon

Frederick Lamartin wrote:
I have removed the alias directive from the configuration file. The 
URL: http://localhost now leads me to the index file in my web site. 
After removing the index file from my website, the URL opens an 
index to the site. We have success! Thanks again.

For the record, the following respond explicitly to your questions.

1. I have not been restarting apache after changing the 
configuration file. I have been directly attempting to open my site 
by directing the browser to the site. After changing the 
configuration file, attempting to restart Apache via the Windows 
start menu results in the following DOS-type error message: Only 
one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is 
normally permitted.: make_s: could not bind to address no 
listening sockets available, shutting down  Unable to open logs. I 
have not yet, but shall,  look into correcting that error by working 
through the Windows Control Panel.

 End original message. -

Apache does not look for changes in the configuration while it is 
running, you have to explicitly tell it to read the configuration 
again by restarting it. Until Apache is properly restarted, it will 
not know anything about the changes you made.

The error message you are getting says to me that you have not 
stopped Apache when attempting to do your restart.

When you say you are restarting it, how exactly are you doing so?


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Unable to run the xampp

2007-09-04 Thread Dragon

raju wrote:

Thanks for your reply. But i would like to work in windows os, I 
want it for php,
Can you advise any other web server(open source) which suits php and 
which works on win 98?

 End original message. -

Why in the world would you want to continue running Windows 98?

Microsoft no longer supports it and most software vendors (and open 
source projects) stopped developing for it a long time ago.

Upgrade your OS. If you want to stick with Windows, update to at 
least Windows XP, Vista would be better if your hardware can support 
it. Both of those versions are still supported by Microsoft with 
security and bug fixes and both are supported by the majority of 
software vendors if they are doing Windows development.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Testing Python Mod

2007-09-04 Thread Dragon

Chris Howell wrote:

Yes I have set it up to listen on port 9000 and everything works 
fine. I fixed the 404 error. This is the error I am getting now.


ProcessId:  2932

ServerName: ''
DocumentRoot:   'C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs'

Location:   None
Directory:  'C:/Program Files/Apache Software 
Filename:   'C:\\Program Files\\Apache Software 

PathInfo:   ''

Phase:  'PythonHandler'

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\mod_python\, line 
1537, in HandlerDispatch

default=default_handler, arg=req, silent=hlist.silent)

  File C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\mod_python\, line 
1229, in _process_target

result = _execute_target(config, req, object, arg)

  File C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\mod_python\, line 
1128, in _execute_target

result = object(arg)

  File C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\mod_python\, 
line 204, in handler

module = page_cache[req]

  File C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\mod_python\, line 
1059, in __getitem__

return import_module(req.filename)

  File C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\mod_python\, line 
296, in import_module

log, import_path)

  File C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\mod_python\, line 
680, in import_module

execfile(file, module.__dict__)

  File C:\Program Files\Apache Software 
Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\Test\, line 1

def world(req):


IndentationError: unexpected indent


Accessed:   Tue Sep 04 11:28:20 2007
Generation: 1

_mp_55aa27656fb6b0a34cdceffae0e6fbab {
  FileName: 'C:\\Program Files\\Apache Software 

  Instance: 4 [RELOAD]
  Generation:   1 [ERROR]
  Modified: Tue Sep 04 11:25:29 2007
  Imported: Tue Sep 04 11:24:38 2007

 End original message. -

That is solely a python error. Your python script is not properly 
formatted. In python, white space is significant and code blocks are 
defined by the indentation. BTW, you read the trace back in reverse 
order the last thing listed is the cause of the error, the rest is 
just a trace of the calling stack.

You cannot have any indentation on line 1 of your script as that is 
the top level of coade and must have zero indentation until you enter 
a new code block with a different execution scope.

Anyway, this is not an Apache issue any longer, you should read up on 
python and its syntactical requirements to fix the problem you have now.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] print label on dot matrix printer

2007-09-04 Thread Dragon

Hiep Nguyen wrote:

Hi all,

i use php  mysql to product a page so that user can use web browser 
(explorer, firefox, netscape, ... etc) to print some labels.  my 
question is how am i going to format the page so that user can print 
on continuous label with dot matrix printer?

Label size is: 7.5in x 3.5in (width x heigth)

appreciates any help.

 End original message. -

Sorry, but I doubt you are going to find much help here, this is not 
an Apache web server issue and not an appropriate topic for this list.

But to give you a nudge in the right direction, you will want to look 
into Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and setting up a style sheet for 
printing devices. Go to to get started with the 
CSS documentation.

From there, if you still need help, I suggest finding a list or 
forum that deals with CSS and web design issues.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Directory Vs Location.

2007-09-04 Thread Dragon

Chris Howell sent the message below at 14:27 9/4/2007:

Hi all.

Can somebody please explain what the difference is between using the 
directory directive and the location directive in my apache 
httpd.conf file. Also when it is appropriate to use which. The 
reason I am asking is, I am trying to get Trac running with Apache 
and both Trac  Apache with mod_python installed work fine 
independently of one another. I've tested apache, and I've tested 
trac with the the stand alone server.

The reason I am asking is trying to get Trac working I am told to put.

Location C:/Program Files/Apache Software 

  Satisfy all
  SetHandler mod_python
  PythonInterpreter main_interpreter
  PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend
  PythonOption TracUriRoot /Worldview

But it doesn't seem to work and I am thinking that I could make a 
better decision if I fully understood the location directive.

 End original message. -

Location is for controlling access based on URLs which may or may not 
reside on your local file system. Directory is for directories which 
are on your local file system. The path shown in the example is 
clearly a local file system directory so you should use Directory.

Now while that change is semantically and syntactically correct, 
whether the rest of the configuration is correct I have no way to 
know as I have never used Trac.

Please see:



 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache under MacOSX 10.4.10 (was Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] logging incomming traffic)

2007-08-30 Thread Dragon

Eric Gorr wrote:

On Aug 30, 2007, at 10:55 AM, Joshua Slive wrote:

On 8/30/07, Eric Gorr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sorry, I should have mentioned that I am using Apache 1.3.33 which is
the default server under MacOSX.

Then go ahead and pull out your network sniffer, since this obsolete
version doesn't have that feature.

What is the easiest way to switch to Apache 2.2.4 under MacOSX 10.4.10?

 End original message. -

I can't speak from experience with your exact configuration but I 
would simply suggest trying to compile from source.

It's relatively painless for most Unix-style systems. It can't hurt to try.

If you do make the attempt, you might want to configure it to install 
in a different location than where the existing version lives so you 
can easily roll it back if needed.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache under MacOSX 10.4.10

2007-08-30 Thread Dragon

Eric Gorr sent the message below at 10:01 8/30/2007:

Yes, I am sure I can build and install it from source without any

What I am uncertain of however is how to get the machine to launch
the Apache2 webserver as opposed to the the default one installed on
the system.

I am also assuming that if I install Apache2, I would no longer be
able to use the Sharing panel to turn the server on/off and would
need to do so from the command line.

I can't imagine this is terribly difficult...I just don't know the

 End original message. -

If you were running a flavor of Redhat or a similar Linux 
distribution, I'd be able to help you.

Unfortunately, how Apple has chosen to do things is out of my area of 

I do know that the current Mac OS is based on a flavor of BSD, I am 
wondering if they might use a similar start-up scripting method as 
the BSD distributions. At any rate, it would be something to ping the 
Mac support lists about to see what they can do to help you.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] REPOST: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Need Help [Again] w. PHP and Apache.

2007-08-27 Thread Dragon

Steve R Burrus wrote:
well actually the only advice which I got/received yesterday was 
from someone asking me what OS I was trying to do the PHP-Apache 
Server integration on and what was the purpose of the integration. 
And that was the * only * response which I have received so far, 
thus my Repost earlier today (which I will apologize for if you 
might want me to).

 End original message. -

I think you are missing the point. People will be MUCH more inclined 
to help you if YOU do some work up front. It helps if you do some due 
diligence by searching for the answers you need as well as reading 
whatever documentation is applicable. As the saying goes RTFM. If 
after doing so, you still have a problem, then it is time to ask a question.

You should tell us exactly what you are trying to do, what OS, what 
versions of software, is it from source or a binary package, and you 
should tell us precisely what you have done to attempt to resolve the 
problem. Posting a relevant portion of your httpd.conf is often very 
helpful and may get you a precise answer very quickly.

This is NOT a help line where you can demand that people give you an 
answer, nobody here is being paid to support you. This list is a 
community of users who may or may not know the answer you seek. Even 
if somebody does know the answer, if you don't ask the question in a 
meaningful, understandable manner or if the person is not immediately 
available to respond, you may not get an answer.

Reposting the next day with the exact same question is not going to 
change anything, well, maybe it will, it will change (usually 
negatively) the attitude of people who might be inclined to help otherwise.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] REPOST: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Need Help [Again] w. PHP and Apache.

2007-08-27 Thread Dragon

On Mon, August 27, 2007 16:20, Steve R Burrus wrote:
 All that I have tried to do was to integrate the PHP scripting language
 the Apache Server, i.e., be able to view PHP files with the help of
 And my OS is Win XP Pro.

Please stop top-posting and trim your posts. It's rude and shows that you
do not care about clear communication. If you don't understand why, go
here and read this:

And also see this:

If you are unable or unwilling to answer the qustions you have been asked
by other list members in an attempt to help you, then nobody here is going
to be willing or able to help you. Nobody can diagnose your problem
without relevant information.

Frankly, enabling PHP support on Windows is trivial and is fully
documented on the PHP web site at in 23 different
languages. If you had done a search for PHP installation windows on
Google you would have found the page you need as the first page returned.

Follow the documentation link on the top of the PHP home page to get to
the installation procedure. Then RTFM. Be sure you use the correct DLL
file for the version of Apache you are using. This too is fully documented
on the PHP site.

  Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] OpenBSD 4.1 CGI issues

2007-08-23 Thread Dragon

Israel Brewster wrote:

First off, I apologize for asking a question that I know you get a
lot, but I have just spent the last hour and a half beating my head
against the wall and searching the internet trying to find a solution
with no luck.

Short version: I have an existing OpenBSD 4.0 box on which Apache
(version 1.3.29) is working properly, including execution of CGI
scripts. I am trying to move to a new machine with OpenBSD 4.1, so I
started with a fresh OpenBSD 4.1 install, which comes with the same
version of Apache as 4.0, and copied the httpd.conf file over from my
old machine. After starting the web server, however, I found that it
could not run any CGI scripts- always just giving me the following

[Thu Aug 23 08:45:40 2007] [error] [client] Premature end
of script headers: /cgi-bin/test-cgi

The details: Aside from being OpenBSD 4.1, the new box is set up the
same as the old one. I have checked and double checked the
permissions on both the cgi files, including the test cgi included
with the install, as well as the CGI folder. The test-cgi, as well as
the printenv both run fine from a terminal window. I tried reverting
to the factory default httpd.conf, with no luck. The permissions on
the contents of the cgi-bin folder are as follows:

ls -l /var/www/cgi-bin/
total 212
--  1 root  bin 99072 Mar 10 16:41 bgplg
drwxr-xr-x  2 root  daemon512 Aug 23 07:59 nagios
-rwxrwxrwx  1 root  bin   268 Mar 10 16:32 printenv
-rwxrwxrwx  1 root  bin   757 Mar 10 16:32 test-cgi

the cgi-bin folder itself has 755 permissions. The relevant section
from the httpd.conf file is as follows:

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /var/www/cgi-bin/

# @@ServerRoot@@/cgi-bin should be changed to whatever your
# CGI directory exists, if you have that configured.
Directory /var/www/cgi-bin
AllowOverride None
Options none
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

I have tried adding an AddHandler cgi-script .cgi directive to that
block, as one webpage I found suggested, as well as changing the
Option none to Options ExecCGI. I did, of course, restart the
server between each configuration change. I have also tried with
various different CGI scripts, most of which come from a fresh
install. Nothing seems to make any difference- I still get the
premature end of script headers error. If this was linux, i'd say
check the SELinux settings, but it isn't. What am I missing here?

 End original message. -

Are you sure that this new version of BSD doesn't have something 
similar to selinux that may be blocking your access?

It sure matches the symptoms one gets when selinux is the culprit on 
a linux installation.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mod_headers mapping problem

2007-08-10 Thread Dragon

Jeff Murch wrote:

I am trying to map the following in my httpd.conf (for a reverse proxy):

header unset Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
header add Content-Type Content-Type: text/html;charset=iso-8859-1

As you can see I want to change the content type so that some of the
characters render correctly. But the unset won't get rid of the old
Content-Type header and the add won't add the new one.  Can anyone figure
out what I am missing here? I have placed both directives at the very end of
my conf as well as other locations and it made no difference.

 End original message. -

I think your syntax is wonky. I think you want:

Header unset Content-Type
Header add Content-Type text/html;charset=iso-8859-1


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Rotate logs for compression but keep them forever

2007-08-10 Thread Dragon

Richard Edward Horner wrote:


I'm sorry this is really a logrotate question but I don't think there
is a logrotate mailing list :) Besides, this is for apache logs and I
bet someone here knows the answer!

I'm running a very high volume website and I'd like to rotate the logs
daily so that I can compress them (.bz2) but all logrotate
configurations I've seen only keep so many old logs. I'd like to keep
the old logs forever. Afterall, I managed to compress 14.5GB of logs
down to 555MB with bzip2.

Is there a simple way to do this? I know if I set rotate to 0 that's
going to keep 0 old logs. What if I just omit the rotate directive in
/etc/logrotate.d/apache2 altogether? Any other ideas? I'd rather not
just set rotate to a really huge number but I will if it comes down to

I'm running an up to date Debian Etch system with apache 2.2.3-4 and
logrotate 3.7.1-3.

 End original message. -

Think outside of Apache.

Write a script in the language of your choice to do the log 
compression and move the log files to an archive directory of your choice.

Run that script as a cron job that happens shortly after the logs are rotated.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache 2.2.4 self-signed SSL problem with openssl 0.9.8e on Solaris 10

2007-08-09 Thread Dragon

S.A. Birl wrote:

Greetings all:

I recently upgraded my server from Solaris 9 to Solaris 10.
I restored my self-signed CRT and privkey.pem from backup,
and restored all of my Apache files (minus the binaries) from
backup too.  Re-compiled httpd (just in case) and started it up.

Apache asked for the passphrase and accepted it, but my web browsers
wont connect to it.  SeaMonkey says Data Transfer Interrupted

Generating a new CSR and CRT with openssl 0.9.8e and tried again.
Same result.

Nothing in the error log; nothing in the access log, but lsof says
httpd is listening on 443.

Im baffled.  What could I be over-looking?


 End original message. -

The site came up in my browser (IE7) but showed a certificate error. 
The error is that the certificate is not signed by a trusted authority.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] About the setting of the Security Console MySQL XAMPP Directory Protection

2007-08-09 Thread Dragon

On Thu, August 9, 2007 16:27, Mar Pearly wrote:

 Hello,how are you all doing?

 well I am new here and i'm trying to set the Security Console MySQL 
 XAMPP Directory Protection through the url .

 My question might sound to you foolish but please forgive me...

 In the MySQL Section, 2 radio button options appear for the  PHPMyAdmin
 Authentification .I should check a specific button-i mean it is for
 everybody the same option and if yes which option ?   cookie or http?And
 what each option serves?

 And In the Security Risk :Safe Plain password in textfile checkbox :means
 that if i check the box my password will be saved in plain text in the
 according file ?

 As far as the Xampp Directory Protection is concerned in the field
 username i must enter root -so that it is in accordance with the MySQL
 Section?Or I should use another different?

 Thanks a lot in advance and sorry for these questions but I really don't
 know what to do...

Absolutely none of this has anything to do with the Apache web server so
it is highly doubtful that anyone here is in a position to help you.

You need to find documentation and/or support lists appropriate to your
problem, in your case, it looks like lists for MySQL, PHPMyAdmin and XAMPP
are what you need to go look for.

None of which you are going to find here.

  Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Multiple Authentication

2007-08-03 Thread Dragon

Brian Weed wrote:

I'm using Apache v2.2.4 (on Windows Server 2003) and
I'm trying to use both SSPI and Basic Authentication
together so that both Domain and non-domain users can
log in to my Trac Wiki site.

Withi this config:

LocationMatch /cgi-bin/trac.cgi/[^/]+/login

  # Domain Login

  AuthName my domain

  AuthType SSPI
  SSPIAuth On
  SSPIAuthoritative Off
  SSPIOfferBasic On
  SSPIOmitDomain On
  SSPIPerRequestAuth On

 # Non-domain login
  AuthType Basic
  AuthBasicAuthoritative Off
  AuthUserFile D:/wikis/trac.htpasswd

  Require valid-user


It only allows Domain users to log in.  Its not
falling back to Basic via AuthUserFile.
If I turn off SSPI, then it allows Basic Auth (but
obviously not Domain login).

Searching the web, I've found a few people with
similar problems, but no real solution:

The error I get in the error.log is: ...Logon
failure: unknown user name or bad password.  : user
MYDOMAIN\\nondomainuser: authentication failure for

So, it seems as though it's always prepending the
domain, even when falling back to Basic, or its not
falling back at all.

Is there some other module I have to install to
support falling back?
Any ideas as to what else I may be doing wrong?

 End original message. -

Just a thought... (caveat being I have not messed with anything 
beyond basic authentication).

What about having two different virtual hosts serving as entry points 
to this application which both point to the same application directory?

I think by doing that you can have one of the authentication methods 
associated with one virtual host and the other with the second virtual host.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Directory mapping and logic inquiry

2007-07-30 Thread Dragon

Steve Finkelstein wrote:

Hi all,

This is more of a conceptual question than actual syntax or the like.

I'm currently revising an application which should contain one 
documentroot for each user. The catch is, the application should 
connect to a user specific backend database based on who's logging in.

My thoughts are the following:

URL name will be something 
like: (One DocumentRoot and the 
application's config file, config.php for argument sake, will reside here.)

Would my best bet be to use mod_env and SetEnv to grab the /(user) 
portion of the URL and then stick to my script specific engine to 
direct them to the user specific config file, based somewhere else 
on the filesystem? (At this point, it's not Apache's responsibility, 
it's at the application layer.)

Also, how about handling for URLs where a /user does not exist. Such 
as (user joebob doesn't exist, 
I wish to redirect them), I'm assuming that's also best to do from 
an application level?

 End original message. -

You could do all of this (and a lot more) through a Rails application 
and the dynamic routing scheme that Rails uses. While a typical Rails 
app is tied to a single database, there is no reason why you can't 
connect to multiple database instances if they all share a common 
structure. If you went this way, I would suggest using Apache as a 
proxy or load balancer only and actually serving the Rails 
application via Lighttpd or Mongrel.

I highly recommend looking into it. A few months ago, I was convinced 
the hype over this framework was just that but I have to say that 
after having learned it and begun using it on a non-trivial project, 
it is a very powerful environment with a lot of good features.

The downside is having to learn a new language but it isn't a hard 
one to learn.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How in the name of LINUX do u set apache2.2 to run as user www-data

2007-07-25 Thread Dragon

Demetri T. wrote:

thats already set by default when i installed apache(which is 
www-data).  I think i am having an issue either with file/directory 
permissions and/or on how Apache is starting up; it just stays 
running as root instead switching over to www-data (the user/group 
set when installed).

I am having a hard time finding the requirements for apache to run 
as another user, would you or anyone know. i have checked the apache 
docs to no avail, and still searching the net.

 End original message. -

I am sure somebody will correct me if I am wrong but IIRC, invoking 
httpd directly results in it continuing to run as the user that invoked it.

As stated in the manpage for httpd:

   httpd is the Apache HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server 
program. It is designed to be run as a standalone
   daemon process. When used like this it will create a pool of 
child processes or threads to handle requests.

   In general, httpd should not be invoked directly, but rather 
should be invoked via apachectl on Unix-based sys-
   tems or as a service on Windows NT, 2000 and XP and as a 
console application on Windows 9x and ME.

How are you starting Apache?

Are you using the startup script apachectl or are you starting it directly?

Most *nix type OS distributions also have a startup script that is 
run at system boot to invoke httpd which generally does some house 
keeping stuff and then invokes apachectl. You may have to use a 
utility like checkcfg on Red Hat systems or your system's equivalent 
to enable the startup on boot.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How in the name of LINUX do u set apache2.2 to run as user www-data

2007-07-25 Thread Dragon

Joshua Slive wrote:

On 7/25/07, Dragon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am sure somebody will correct me if I am wrong but IIRC, invoking
httpd directly results in it continuing to run as the user that invoked it.

Consider yourself corrected ;-)

httpd always switches users for child processes when started as root.

 End original message. -

Hey, we learn something new every day. :-)

Thanks for the clarification.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] puzzling error

2007-07-20 Thread Dragon

Jeffery Poblocki wrote:

Luis also points to my computer.  I registered my 
domain and had it pointed to my computer using zoneedit and a 
program called direct update.  So either or 
localhostboth point to my computer.

 End original message. -

No, doesn't point to your computer.

When I put that URL in my browser, it goes to a GoDaddy parked domain 
site which says that GoDaddy is your registrar and they don't have a 
valid DNS record for that domain.

You need to properly set up DNS and let your registrar know what DNS 
server(s) you are using. Once you do that, then the people here might 
be able to help you with Apache specific issues.

However, DNS configuration is beyond the scope of this list and you 
will need to go do that research on your own, there are plenty of 
resources out there explaining how to do it that are accessible via 
your favorite search engine. Alternatively, call GoDaddy tech support 
and get them to walk you through it. I have no idea what these 
zoneedit and direct update programs are doing for you but they 
are not doing what you think they are.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] .dll files versus .so files in modules in Windows

2007-06-21 Thread Dragon

Don Denton wrote:

SETUP: I am running Windows XP home SP2.  I downloaded Apache 2.0.59 and
then 2.2.4 (both using the windows32 bin with msi) to try to solve this
problem but it exists in both versions.

PROBLEM: In trying to enable the modules (specifically one dealing with
enabling PHP) I found that, instead of referring to .dll files, the
configuration file referred to .so files.  I am new to this and from what
I can tell, those files should be .dll.  What should I do here?  I have
tried to ignore the apparent problem, but as a result I could not enable
PHP.  There seems to be no documentation on this, or after 4 hours of
searching, my brain was too fried to see it.

 End original message. -

Not trying to be rude here, but this is the wrong place to be asking 
this. It is a PHP issue not an Apache issue. It's also pretty well 
covered in the install documentation over on


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Deny CONNECT GET http requests

2007-06-16 Thread Dragon
 domain. This will gradually taper off over a period of 
time as the people trying to use your box to access pages not on your 
server figure out that the gate is closed. That can take a long time 
to happen but at least you will have taken the first step to 
alleviating the problem.

As far as how you are trying to block these things... I don't think 
that would work, but I can't say for sure as I only dabble in this on the side.

And if anyone is wondering... I got bit by this and accidentally 
configured an open proxy because I really didn't understand exactly 
what I was doing at the time and didn't read everything I needed to 
read before I started mucking about with it. Moral of the story here 
is read the fine manual and understand it before you end up like me 
with a server that was overloaded to the breaking point by 
unscrupulous people.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Apache, Windows XP, and mapped drives

2007-06-07 Thread Dragon

William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

Jim Owens wrote:
 I just set up Apache 2.2.4 on a Windows XP system (from the current
 .msi), and I thought I’d share my findings about using mapped network

 If anyone else is trying to deal with this, one workaround is to turn
 the Apache service off and run httpd.exe in a command-prompt window
 instead. That worked for me. I’ve added the 
httpd.exe to my startup folder.

It may also work if you change the dependencies of the service to wait to
start until windows networking is started.  This may simply be a race
condition where networking share components don't finish starting before
apache gets that far.

 End original message. -

If what William states is in fact what is going 
on, you could probably still use Apache as a 
service if you start it manually instead of letting it start automatically.

Change the service properties from automatic to 
manual and then start it from the service window 
after you are sure the network is functioning.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See URL: for more info.
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Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] How to define multiple paths for ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse?

2007-06-05 Thread Dragon

Qingshan Xie wrote:

Hi! all,

   In Apache/2.0.59, if I need to specify multiple
paths for  ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse, for
example, I need to proxy 3 paths /A, /B, /C to
do I need to configure them as,
ProxyPass: /A
ProxyPassReverse: /A
ProxyPass: /B
ProxyPassReverse: /B
ProxyPass: /C
ProxyPassReverse: /C
.. ?

If a hundred paths need to be defined, any simple way?

 End original message. -

You can use a rewrite rule to handle the forward proxy using the [P] 
flag to proxy the request. However, I do not know how to do this for 
the reverse proxy using mod_rewrite.

There is a small discussion on how to do this in the Apache 
documentation on mod_rewrite on the Apache web site.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See URL: for more info.
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