[users] what happened to the extensions?

2011-11-20 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
Good evening
Today, after quite a while since the last time, I tried to access the
extensions page:

Although I managed - after A LOT of trouble, to finally get there, I
don't get anywhere else
Whatever link I click:
* either I get black, white screen, or
* something that should read in English connection as been reset.

So, what happened to the extensions page?
Is there still a way in which one can access the extensions that used to
be there?

Thank you.
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[users] Re: what happened to the extensions?

2011-11-20 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz

(2011/11/21 1:23), Larry Moore wrote:

This http://www.openoffice.org/ gets me there.

Yes, it takes me to

Where I then click on the I want to do more with Open Office button,
which then promptly results in an error, telling me, that the page 
cannot be displayed / the connection has been reset  ...

Is that only me?
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[users] Re: Still active? -- Then I have a question about toggling between attributes.

2011-04-20 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz

THIS may be my chance! Please bear with me ...

Good evening
I used to have a "highlighting function" assigned to certain hot
keys using MS Word and Wordperfect. With OpenOffice I could not
figure out how make that work (and so far nobody on the mailing
list could tell either although I have asked several times ...), so
I created a macro. In LO I found, that you CAN assign a function
that way, but it does not do yet what I want to do: for example
assign upper or lower case -- 
Tools - Customize - Keyboard - Format - *** some attribute ***.
You can do THAT. But ...It switches either to lower or to upper
case, but does not TOGGLE between those two states. You need to
assign "lowercase" (or initial caps for example) to a different
(I hate MS Word, but at least it gives you the toggle between these
attributes - which is the convenience word processor users (like me)
are looking for.)
Since I have asked similar questions several times already (that was
about highlighting) but NEVER got any answer, I assume that this is
either technically not possible - or nobody knows the answer.
The stupid thing is, LO (or OO which I used before = exact same
behavior), comes with a DEFAULT function of TOGGLING between
superscript (or subscript) and normal script.: Ctrl+Shift+P.
If this function **IS** available for superscript (for example), I
cannot understand why this is NOT available for attributes like
bold, highlight, upper case etc. Is there any essential difference
between one font attribute and another???

With all due respect, but I think this is a really stupid/annoying

If there IS a solotion to this problem I would really like to know!
Thank you.

(2011/04/20 22:49), RA Brown wrote:
Vic Dura wrote:
  Is this list server still active?

  It is still running, just few questions coming in.


[users] Re: Still active? -- Then I have a question about toggling between attributes.

2011-04-20 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz


  In my last message I thought you were referring to OOo.  For LibO
  you will need to go through their web site.
  Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Sorry for the mixup from my side, but this behavior has been there
EXACTLY the same since the OpenOffice 2.0 (or earlier) days
and I found it always annoying. Long before I tried LibreOffice,
which is a rather recent event.
I am not sure I can accomplish "filing a bug report", but will try
(these things always look terribly complicated - way beyong my
capability of comprehension ...)

Its good night (1:30 am) from Japan ...

[users] Shift+F5 does not work consistently

2010-12-19 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
Good evening
I am using OO3.2 on two Windows XP and one Ubuntu 10.04 machines (the
latter only rarely, so I have not checked here).

There is supposed to be a funktion - Shift+F5 - that will take you back
to the last (cursor) postion when the document was saved.
It does do so in some cases, but more often than not it does not work.
Either the cursor does not move at all, or it jumps to a location I
definitely did not use the last time I saved the document.
Sometimes, the cursor jumps back to the last position, when I close the
document and then reopen it, but then never again once I am in the
document. I can have the cursor in a different position, save the
document and try Shift+F5, but it always jumps back to the position when
the document was last CLOSED, and not the last time it was saved.

I checked also online:
(problem solved) where someone said:
AFAIK the last working position is maintained on a per user basis. 
Well, I DO have my personal information entered. And reentered.
So, did I check, reenter the key combination Shift+F5 under

Is there any intelligle reason, why this function works in some
documents but not in others and within the same document depending on
its mood (this think is like the weather: unpredictable).
More important, is there any way to correct this erratic behavior?

Thank you in advance for your help.

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[users] [Solved] Re: [users] change scroll behavior

2010-09-02 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz

Thomas Blasejewicz さんは書きました:

Good morning
I am using OO32, the machine(s) I am currently working with run 
Win XP.

Whenever I scroll down the screen (or just typing something in 
text does the same) and I come to the bottom of the screen, the 

jumps between 7-9 lines (I counted them) down. This happens both in
page and web view 

Good evening
I am really sorry, but apparently I did not do my homework on this question.
After receiving all the helpful advice here I also did a Google search.
And I found:
In the past many other people have asked the *EXACT* same question I 
asked for many years already.

The conclusion:
OO is **NOT** capable/willing of changing that behavior, nor offering 
any other options.

I am afraid, that settles it then: I HATE MS Word and AM trying to get 
away from MS products altogether, but having to deal with jitterbugs 
and reorient myself, searching for (d***) cursor is not acceptable.

After staring for +25 years at computer screens my eyesight has 
considerably suffered. So, I usually display text
magnified, so I will not have to squint to decipher each individual 
word. THAT leaves me with less lines on the screen (21-inch monitor); I 
counted: usually around 17-18. Let's say you have 5-6 lines in the top 
have of the screen in one language and 6-7 lines in the bottom half in a 
different language with a little space in between ... looking at the 
bottom shoots the top text portion out of view and vice versa.
And each time the cursor jumps - to stay visible as it is claimed - I 
have to look for it. At least I could not yet find a way to make the 
cursor a bright red spot or so.
I believe I mentioned (western) musical scores before. For +500 years 
they *ALWAYS* use FIVE lines and not six, or seven (OpenOffice uses 
apparently EIGHT lines) or any other number. There is a VERY WELL 
founded reason for that.
I would like to believe, that the people who designed OpenOffice have 
their own reasons for choosing 8-line jumps and similarly believe, they 
are serving mankind in doing so. (In that case they might want to 
consider, why the 5-line musical scores have been so successful!) And 
probably both the designers and satisfied users just love the jumping up 
and down = jitterbugs.
But I cannot handle this kind of nervous behavior. I guess, that will 
make OpenOffice unacceptable as the choice of wordprocessor for my daily 
Maybe these complaints may reach the ears of the designers (or is it 
programmers?) and eventually produce a change? But considering that this 
complaint has been filed many times for more than 5 years already, I 
probably should not keep my hopes up too high.

Anyway, I would to thank everybody for trying to help me.
Thank you!

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Re: [users] [Solved] Re: [users] change scroll behavior

2010-09-02 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz

Uwe Fischer さんは書きました:

Hi Thomas,

the OpenOffice.org Help Tips 'n' Tricks blog has a tip how to scroll 
by one page down or up.


May be this is helpful


Thank you for the advice, but I know (how to do) that.
The problem is, I want to scroll ** ONE LINE AT AT TIME** and not larger 
blocks of text.


As I said before, in Calc using the down arrow scrolls just **ONE 

When Calc can do it, why not Writer?

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Re: [users] messed key assignments up

2010-08-26 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz

Well, ...

James Wilde さんは書きました:

On Aug 26, 2010, at 03:55 , Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:


Usually Ctrl+X deletes selected words or text portions.
But Ctrl+V used to restore/copy that text at whatever position the
cursor is.
Since I played with these settings, that function is gone.
Ctrl+V copies the last text selected for copying. Fine so far, but is
not necessarily the text I just deleted.

Not sure that I'm understanding you fully, Thomas, but I agree that Ctrl+C and 
Ctrl+X both move marked text to the clipboard for subsequent pasting with 
Ctrl+V.  The difference is, of course, that Ctrl+C leaves the original in place 
(copy) and Ctlr+X pulls the original (cut).

However, in either case, Ctrl+V will only paste what has already been moved to the clipboard.  You say 


Ctrl+V copies the last text selected for copying. Fine so far, but is
not necessarily the text I just deleted.

If you have deleted text any other way than with Ctrl+C or Ctrl+X (or their 
menu equivalents of course) I don't ever remember that such deleted text can be 
replaced by Ctrl+V.  The alternative in such a case is Edit/Undo or Edit/Undo 
Typing, and you might have to press that alternative a few times depending on 
what has happened since the text disappeared.


Select any word - press Ctrl+X = text disappears.
In all other software I know, pressing Ctrl+V will paste the text 
portion that was deleted at the cursor position
With my messed up settings pressing Ctrl+V will paste a text portion 
that has *SPECIFICALLY* been designated for *copy* - even this has been 
made in another open software -

but NOT the text I just deleted.
If I use in THIS particular case Undo: first = copied (from another 
software) text disappears; second the word I deleted intentionally 

Fine, but still I would like to return Ctrl+V to its original state.

I do suppose, that everybody else will get: pressing Ctrl+V will paste 
the text portion that was deleted at the cursor position

So, there should be a setting somewhere that will do that trick.
I tried under Customize to click on reset, but that had no 
observable effect.
(in fact, A LOT OF settings do not produce ANY detectable effect, like 
the one with highlighting I asked about the other day ...)

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[users] mess-up gets worse

2010-08-26 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
I just tried (again) to select Ctrl+V under Customize and use reset.
Then I tried load and selected another document, of which I know, that
were functioning fine when I worked on that document.

Now the arrow keys (up, down, left, right) do NOT RESPOND at all

Is there any sensible way out of this,
or do I have to uninstall the whole thing and do everything over again?

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[users] change scroll behavior

2010-08-25 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
Good morning
I am using OO32, the machine(s) I am currently working with run Win XP.

Whenever I scroll down the screen (or just typing something in existing
text does the same) and I come to the bottom of the screen, the cursor
jumps between 7-9 lines (I counted them) down. This happens both in
page and web view.
This DOES NOT happen in Calc. There you get one row at a time.

So, every time Writer jumps to a new location, I have to reorient myself
and find the last location I have been looking at.
Since this happens VERY often in my work, this is also VERY tyring.
I am sure many people are just happy with this behavior, but for me this
is just disorientating.
(All musical scores have FIVE lines, because the number five can be
intuitavely and instantaneously processed by the human brain. With 7 or
8 that does not work any longer.)

IS there a way to change this behavior?
I have looked, but could not find anything.

Thank you.

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Re: [users] change scroll behavior

2010-08-25 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz

Howard Barr さんは書きました:

 On 26/08/2010 09:32, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:

Good morning
I am using OO32, the machine(s) I am currently working with run Win XP.

Whenever I scroll down the screen (or just typing something in existing
text does the same) and I come to the bottom of the screen, the cursor
jumps between 7-9 lines (I counted them) down. This happens both in
page and web view.
This DOES NOT happen in Calc. There you get one row at a time.

So, every time Writer jumps to a new location, I have to reorient myself
and find the last location I have been looking at.
Since this happens VERY often in my work, this is also VERY tyring.
I am sure many people are just happy with this behavior, but for me this
is just disorientating.
(All musical scores have FIVE lines, because the number five can be
intuitavely and instantaneously processed by the human brain. With 7 or
8 that does not work any longer.)

IS there a way to change this behavior?
I have looked, but could not find anything.

Hi Thomas,

I agree, this problem would be very annoying but I have never had this 

Are you using the default page settings? And the default styles?

If you want to attach the page you are having problems with I can 
check it for you.

I have set a font and the margins as my personal style, but otherwise 
did not touch anything.
Yet, this jump (instead of scroll) behavior happens with ALL documents 
on ALL my computers (just checked: it is the same on a PC running Ubuntu 
10.04 / OO3.2).

The file I am working on now is work (= confidential), so I cannot send 
you that, but since ANY file will do, I will try to send you one 
privately later. Or can I attach a file here and send it to the list?
The problem that makes the jumpy behavior most annoying is, that I 
often work on existing texts in one language, that I overwrite in the 
process of translating. That means the upper half of the screen may be 
in one language, while the lower half is in a different one. When the 
cursor jumps at the bottom, the top of the screen - at which I ALSO 
looking - disappears from view too ...

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[users] messed key assignments up

2010-08-25 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
Good morning
I am really sorry for asking this stupid question.
Trying to figure out keyboard shortcuts etc. apparently I messed up one
of the basic settings -
and now I don't know how to get it back (really stupid indeed!).

Usually Ctrl+X deletes selected words or text portions.
But Ctrl+V used to restore/copy that text at whatever position the
cursor is.
Since I played with these settings, that function is gone.
Ctrl+V copies the last text selected for copying. Fine so far, but is
not necessarily the text I just deleted.

Googling I found that Ctrl+V should copy the context of the clipboard.
That makes sense (even to me).
But where do I find that under Tools - Customize - Keyboard.
I have looked through all items there, but cannot find it.
Is is there maybe under a different name?

Sorry for wasting everybody's time,
but thank you in advance.

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Re: [users] change scroll behavior

2010-08-25 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz

Howard Barr さんは書きました:

 On 26/08/2010 10:23, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:

Howard Barr さんは書きました:

 On 26/08/2010 09:32, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:

Good morning
I am using OO32, the machine(s) I am currently working with run Win 

Whenever I scroll down the screen (or just typing something in 

text does the same) and I come to the bottom of the screen, the cursor
jumps between 7-9 lines (I counted them) down. This happens both in
page and web view.
This DOES NOT happen in Calc. There you get one row at a time.

So, every time Writer jumps to a new location, I have to reorient 

and find the last location I have been looking at.
Since this happens VERY often in my work, this is also VERY tyring.
I am sure many people are just happy with this behavior, but for me 

is just disorientating.
(All musical scores have FIVE lines, because the number five can be
intuitavely and instantaneously processed by the human brain. With 
7 or

8 that does not work any longer.)

IS there a way to change this behavior?
I have looked, but could not find anything.

Hi Thomas,

I agree, this problem would be very annoying but I have never had 
this problem.

Are you using the default page settings? And the default styles?

If you want to attach the page you are having problems with I can 
check it for you.

I have set a font and the margins as my personal style, but 
otherwise did not touch anything.
Yet, this jump (instead of scroll) behavior happens with ALL 
documents on ALL my computers (just checked: it is the same on a PC 
running Ubuntu 10.04 / OO3.2).

The file I am working on now is work (= confidential), so I cannot 
send you that, but since ANY file will do, I will try to send you one 
privately later. Or can I attach a file here and send it to the list?
The problem that makes the jumpy behavior most annoying is, that I 
often work on existing texts in one language, that I overwrite in the 
process of translating. That means the upper half of the screen may 
be in one language, while the lower half is in a different one. When 
the cursor jumps at the bottom, the top of the screen - at which I 
ALSO looking - disappears from view too ...

Yes, you can attach and send to the list.

Does this happen when you are using just one language? Is one of the 
languages (fonts) that you are using Japanese?
Yes, one of the language I usually work with is Japanese. BUT the 
scrolling behavior is still the same, even when I use ONLY English or 
I take the liberty of attaching a short file (Japanese + German) where I 
told Mercedes Benz to reconsider their rather strange advertisement in 
Japan ...

(now I have dentist appoint and will not be back for while ...)

Benz claim.odt
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text
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Re: [users] Re: Two page test cursor document

2010-08-23 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz

NoOp さんは書きました:

On 08/21/2010 06:59 PM, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:

Sigrid Carrera さんは書きました:



Tested the same on (all US English):

Standard OOo 3.2.1 (linux)
 o Does not work
OOo-dev 3.3.0 (linux)
 o Does not work
Ubuntu (go-oo/novell) OOo 3.2.0 (linux)
 o Works
Ubuntu (go-oo/novell) OOo 3.2.1 (linux)
 o Works
Standard OOo 3.2.1 (WinXP)
 o Does not work


Good afternoon
Today I tried it on a machine I am using for experimenting with Linux = 
Ubuntu 10.04

OO 3.2
Here it works.
So, this seems to be a problem related to the Windows version.

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Re: [users] toggle functions

2010-08-22 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz

Andrew Douglas Pitonyak さんは書きました:
  On 08/21/2010 05:08 AM, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:
 Andrew Douglas Pitonyak さんは書きました:
  What do you mean by Highlight?

 Can you write a single macro to do this? 
 By highlight I mean applying a colored background to the selected text
 (in the form of a fluorescent marker).
 Naturally, that makes the text stand out.

 I have good news and bad news :-)

 There is a background attribute which contains the color for the
 background. You can grab the cursor and check to see if the background
 is set to your special background color (or if it is set to anything at
 all). Then, you can make your decision of what to do based on that
 (clear it or set it). There may be a few difficulties based on the
 complexity of your selection and things such as cursor position. For
 example, what happens if you select a range of text and only part of it
 has the background set and part does not? Also, if the cursor is
 positioned at the end of the text with the background, you may
 experience a different result than if it is at the front. I could ramble
 on, but, no reason at this point.

 As to how to find the macro, well, this depends on where you stored it
 in the first place. The macro may be stored in a single document, in
 which case it should only be available in a single document. It is most
 likely stored in the OOo Standard library.

 Use Tools  Macros  Organize Macros  OpenOffice.org Basic to open the
 OOo Macros dialog.

 In the left side of the screen, scroll to the top of the list labeled
 Macro From. Expand My Macros. There should be a Library named
 Standard. I would look there first. Highlight a module (probably named
 Module 1 and click Edit.

Below I copy the text from the two macros. Highlight first,
removehighlight next.

But, with your permission, this is not really about macros.
It is about keyboard customization.
Under Tools - customize - keyboard you can assign to keys of your
choice functions/attributes etc. of your choice.
THERE: Ctrl+Shift+P = superscript. Same key combination toggles
superscript ON/OFF.
This has been there from the beginning and is NOT MY doing.

All I want to do is assign this function = turn the font background a
specific color
to a key combination of my choice. Which will then turn this feature ON
and OFF.

THAT is the way it works in Word, Wordperfect and I suppose in other
software too, but there I usually do not need it,
so I cannot tell.
And since it DOES(!) work for superscript, I fail to see why it DOES NOT
work for background color elsewhere called hightlight.
The latter one is a font attribute I can apply using the mouse = same as

So, what is the difference between the one font attribute and the other???
If I could assign this font attribute to a key, I would not need any macros.

Below, a lot of text (macros) I do not understand.


Sub Main

End Sub

sub savetoR

rem --

rem define variables

dim document as object

dim dispatcher as object

rem --

rem get access to the document

document = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame

dispatcher = createUnoService(com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper)

rem --

dim args1(2) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue

args1(0).Name = URL

args1(0).Value = file:///R:/TK%20dye%20patent.ods

args1(1).Name = FilterName

args1(1).Value = calc8

args1(2).Name = SelectionOnly

args1(2).Value = true

dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, .uno:SaveAs, , 0, args1())

end sub

sub eckigklammer

rem --

rem define variables

dim document as object

dim dispatcher as object

rem --

rem get access to the document

document = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame

dispatcher = createUnoService(com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper)

rem --

dim args1(1) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue

args1(0).Name = Symbols

args1(0).Value = [

args1(1).Name = FontName

args1(1).Value = Verdana

dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, .uno:InsertSymbol, , 0, args1())

rem --

dim args2(1) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue

args2(0).Name = Symbols

args2(0).Value = ]

args2(1).Name = FontName

args2(1).Value = Verdana

dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, .uno:InsertSymbol, , 0, args2())

end sub

sub highlight

rem --

rem define variables

dim document as object

dim dispatcher as object


Re: [users] Last cursor position

2010-08-21 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
Andrew Douglas Pitonyak さんは書きました:
  Place the cursor where you want it and then choose file  Save. When I
 open the document again, the cursor is where it was when I last saved
 the document. Is this not the case for you? Very odd indeed. It has
 always done this for me. Is there some configuration setting that
 controls this?

 EVERY time I reopen a document, the cursor starts at the top of the

Good evening from Japan
I just tried that - and for the fun of it - used the mouse (instead of
key commands)
The cursor is ALWAYS at the top of the document.
No matter what I tried so far.

If it provides any consolation (not to me at least): MS Word does the
same thing: cursor always at the top of the document.

Is there some configuration ... ? That was my question.

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Re: [users] Last cursor position

2010-08-21 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz

Sigrid Carrera さんは書きました:

Hi Thomas,

2010/8/21 Thomas Blasejewicz tho...@s7.dion.ne.jp:

Good morning
(OO 3.2)
This relates to the other question I posted a few minutes ago, but
considered it advisable to open a new thread.


OOo does this automatically, but you have to enter at least your name
in the Tools  Options field. Otherwise OOo can not decide, if it
was you who edited last the file and will place the cursor on page 1.
Just filling in your name should be enough, you don't have to enter

I trust this helps.


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I HAVE my name, the name of my little acupuncture clinic, zip code, 
telephone number etc. registered (for a very long time already)

Apparently THIS does not do the trick.

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Re: [users] toggle functions

2010-08-21 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
Andrew Douglas Pitonyak さんは書きました:
  What do you mean by Highlight?

 Can you write a single macro to do this? My guess is that it can be done
 if you desire to do so. the trick, however, is that your macro must be
 able to determine the current state so that it can be toggled.

 You say that you have a macro that turns it on, and one that turns it off.

 Can you post the macros for this and let me have a look?

 On 08/20/2010 10:05 PM, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:
 Good morning
 I am sure, I will make myself with this question - which I actually
 posted already 2-3 times in the past - the most unpopular person on the

 Toggle functions/features.
 Hit F5 - get the navigator; hit F5 again - the navigator disappears.
 Ctrl+shift+p - superscript; Ctrl+shift+p - superscript back to normal.

 The first example is a function, the second a font attribute. THIS
 apparently works.
 I have tried in the past to assign a key combination to highlight text
 and then remove the highlight.
 Upon asking, I was told, the ONLY way to achieve this is by creating
 **TWO DIFFERENT** macros.
 THAT is what I did and currently use.

 But isn't this rather stupid (mysterious):
 I CAN toggle the font attribute superscript with the SAME key ON/OFF
 But I can NOT toggle the font attribute highlight ON/OFF.
 (I have been working on this for a very long time already ...)


 Never in the past when I posted this question has anyone attempted (not
 to mention succeeded) to answer this question.
 And, as a matter of course, this feature is available in almost ALL
 other software that I use/know.

 Anything that makes sense would be highly appreciated. Even this were
 not possible technically (rather difficult to believe!), I would like to
 know the REASON instead of quietely dealing with this schizophrenic

 Thank you.

By highlight I mean applying a colored background to the selected text
(in the form of a fluorescent marker).
Naturally, that makes the text stand out.

Yes, I DO have 2 macros (it took me some struggle to set them up).
One applies the background color to the text (highlight it) and the
other removes it, if I select exactly the highlighted text.
I would love to send you the macro content, but I am afraid I do not
know how find, copy and paste the content.

If you could me a hint as to how to achieve that I will gladly provide
you the requested information.

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Re: [users] Re: Two page test cursor document

2010-08-21 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz

Sigrid Carrera さんは書きました:



I saved the document and opened it. The cursor is to the left of the first

as far as I know, this works as intended. Since the original document
was saved by Andrew, you should see the document from the very start.
But, when you make a change and safe this, the next time you open the
same document, your cursor should be at the same position where you
were last.

Have you tried changing something? Does this work now for you? It
should not matter, if you have en-US or en-GB of OOo. It should also
not matter if you have the vanilla or the go-ooo build of


Good morning from Japan and thank you for your help.
I opened the document and the cursor was at the very top of the document, as 
A few minutes ago I followed your advice, applied some change, saved, reopend.
Now the cursor is CLOSER to the last position.
Last position:
I will place the cursor here   is the cursor there? 
-  between the 

I applied the lately discussed highlight and saved.
BUT, upon reopening the document the cusor is NOT between , but in the middle of 
Even though that is strange, I would be satisfied with that kind of precision, because then I would not 
have to scroll through 30 pages ...

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[users] Restore last view

2010-08-20 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
I am using OO 3.2.
Currently I am working for a week on a certain document (simultaneously
also using a number of other software), so that it more or less
frequently occurs, that I have to shut down OO (and/or the computer) to
open the document later again and continue work.

I have set the View option to web layout. Magnification to 150%.
(the ordinary print layout has a VERY jumpy = annoying behavior. =
does not scroll smoothly)

EVERY time I reopen the document, this is back to normal (100%) and I
have to reset it manually.
Is it not possible to make OO remember what was last set / used?

Thank you.

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[users] Last cursor position

2010-08-20 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
Good morning
(OO 3.2)
This relates to the other question I posted a few minutes ago, but
considered it advisable to open a new thread.

I frequently have to open, close and reopen documents, usually 20-30
pages long.
EVERY time I reopen a document, the cursor starts at the top of the
This is maybe normal, but not where I was working when I closed the

I have been told before, that I could set bookmarks and jump to that
I know I can do that, but that is not really helpful. The last cursor
position is different every time I save the document and even if I set a
bookmark - close the document - reopen it:
the cursor still will be at the top of the document and I have to
perform several key or mouse actions to manually jump to the last
WORKING position. (in this also a number of unnecessary bookmarks

In Wordperfect there is something called quickmark - a bookmark set
automatically at the cursor postion when saving the file and to which
the cursor jumps automatically when the file is reopened.

Is there something as elegant as this, or do I have to put up with
manually scrolling/jumping through dozens of pages each time I open a file?

Thank you.

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[users] toggle functions

2010-08-20 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
Good morning
I am sure, I will make myself with this question - which I actually
posted already 2-3 times in the past - the most unpopular person on the

Toggle functions/features.
Hit F5 - get the navigator; hit F5 again - the navigator disappears.
Ctrl+shift+p - superscript; Ctrl+shift+p - superscript back to normal.

The first example is a function, the second a font attribute. THIS
apparently works.
I have tried in the past to assign a key combination to highlight text
and then remove the highlight.
Upon asking, I was told, the ONLY way to achieve this is by creating
**TWO DIFFERENT** macros.
THAT is what I did and currently use.

But isn't this rather stupid (mysterious):
I CAN toggle the font attribute superscript with the SAME key ON/OFF
But I can NOT toggle the font attribute highlight ON/OFF.
(I have been working on this for a very long time already ...)


Never in the past when I posted this question has anyone attempted (not
to mention succeeded) to answer this question.
And, as a matter of course, this feature is available in almost ALL
other software that I use/know.

Anything that makes sense would be highly appreciated. Even this were
not possible technically (rather difficult to believe!), I would like to
know the REASON instead of quietely dealing with this schizophrenic

Thank you.

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Re: [users] toggle functions on/off

2010-07-05 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz

David Hoehns さんは書きました:
 You did not include the other Cnt Shft
 J= Full Screen
 V=Paste Special
 B=Subscript toggle
 N=Opens Template Window
 and as you said


 From: Thomas Blasejewicz tho...@s7.dion.ne.jp
 Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 9:42 AM
 To: users@openoffice.org
 Subject: [users] toggle functions on/off

 Good evening
 I am using 3.2 and since I installed this version, I am trying to use it
 more frequently (get used to it),
 although I did play with OO for the last few years.

 About 6 months ago, I did ask a question about toggling highlighting
 ON/OFF (in Writer, but if available elsewhere too).
 And I want the function to be available ALWAYS and not only like with a
 certain style in a particular document. I am using this function
 currently in Wordperfect and Word to mark words or portions of text,
 I would like to revise later, upon which I do remove the highlighting.

 Six months ago I was told (on this list), that the best (only?) way to
 do this, is creating macros.
 One for turning highlighting ON and another for turning it OFF again.
 (rather inconvenient)
 And THAT is the way I am currently using it.

 However, the other day I more or less by chance found, that Writer
 actually comes with this toggling function:
 Crtl+Shift+P = toggles superscript ON/OFF.
 Just ONE key combination does the job - not TWO macros.

 If this is possible with superscript/subscript etc., I believe it should
 also be possible for highlighting.
 If this is so, how do you do that?

Thank you for the hint.
But the question was: can you assign this functionality to other things too.
Superscript and subscript are font attributes.
If you CAN toggle those ON/OFF with a single key combination,
I fail to see why you cannot do that with highlight, which is also a
font attribute.
What major difference should there be between the one and the other???

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[users] spellcheck in Calc

2010-07-01 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
I do expect, this question has been asked before, but cannot find it now.

I have a spreadsheet that has several columns of English text and ONE
column with German text.
The German spellchecking dictionary *IS* installed.

Wenn I try to run a spellcheck, Calc naturally assumes, that
everything is in English.
Unfortunately I could not yet figure out, how to tell Calc to use only
for column D the
German spellchecking dictionary.

Selecting the column and then Tools - Language
does NOT allow to set the German dictionary.
Neither is this possible, when I try Format - column etc.
It **IS** however possible to select the text within a particular cell,
then Format - Character - Language - German

But since there are about 1500 such cells, I would prefer to do the
setting in one sweep.

Is that possible?

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Re: [users] spellcheck in Calc

2010-07-01 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz

Thank you!
That was the answer I was looking for.

Brian Barker さんは書きました:

At 20:30 01/07/2010 +0900, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:
I have a spreadsheet that has several columns of English text and ONE 
column with German text. The German spellchecking dictionary *IS* 

When I try to run a spellcheck, Calc naturally assumes, that 
everything is in English. Unfortunately I could not yet figure out, 
how to tell Calc to use only for column D the German spellchecking 

Selecting the column and then Tools - Language does NOT allow to set 
the German dictionary. Neither is this possible, when I try Format - 
column etc. It **IS** however possible to select the text within a 
particular cell, then Format - Character - Language - German. But 
since there are about 1500 such cells, I would prefer to do the 
setting in one sweep. Is that possible?

o Click the column header to select the column (or select a range of 
o Go to Format | Cells... | Font | Language (or right-click | Format 
Cells... | Font | Language) and select the required language there.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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[users] toggle functions on/off

2010-07-01 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
Good evening
I am using 3.2 and since I installed this version, I am trying to use it
more frequently (get used to it),
although I did play with OO for the last few years.

About 6 months ago, I did ask a question about toggling highlighting
ON/OFF (in Writer, but if available elsewhere too).
And I want the function to be available ALWAYS and not only like with a
certain style in a particular document. I am using this function
currently in Wordperfect and Word to mark words or portions of text, that
I would like to revise later, upon which I do remove the highlighting.

Six months ago I was told (on this list), that the best (only?) way to
do this, is creating macros.
One for turning highlighting ON and another for turning it OFF again.
(rather inconvenient)
And THAT is the way I am currently using it.

However, the other day I more or less by chance found, that Writer
actually comes with this toggling function:
Crtl+Shift+P = toggles superscript ON/OFF.
Just ONE key combination does the job - not TWO macros.

If this is possible with superscript/subscript etc., I believe it should
also be possible for highlighting.
If this is so, how do you do that?

(By the way, in Wordperfect you can turn the highlighing OFF simply by
placing the cursor anywhere in the highlighted text and use your
preferred shortcut key. In Word you have to select the exact range.)

I have another question about toggling between windows, but will put
this in a different thread.

Thank you.

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[users] toggling between windows

2010-07-01 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
Is there in OO any way to switch between currently open windows of a
particular application?

I mean:
during my work I often have 8-10 different application running and in
some of them several different documents open (like for example 3 Writer
documents, 2 Calc document and 2 Word documents).
Now, while working on a particular document in writer I may wish to
switch to another open Writer document.

Most (all?) other software I am using allow me to do that (in Word
Shift+F6 etc.).
That is very convenient in that I don't have to think about any other
document/software popping up.
In Writer however, as far as I understand it, you can switch between
open windows by using
Alt + Tab, but as described above, there may be 10-15 open windows ...
In Writer itself, you can go to Windows - and click on the relevant
document (or use a key combination, but if there are more than 2 open
documents, the letter for open document changes and you have to
ascertain it.

Is it possible to setup a keyboard shortcut that will switch ONLY
between open Writer (or Calc etc.) documents?
I tried to create a macro, but had not much luck with that so far ...

Thank you.

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[users] Remember last cursor point

2010-04-04 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
I just noticed, that when I switch between ordinary display and web
layout, the cursor jumps to the top of the document and I have to
scroll down and find the position where I was last working = which is
not necessarily the very end of the document.

Is there a setting that makes Writer remember the last position the
cursor was in before changing something/switching documents/windows etc.?

I know there is a so-called quick mark in my beloved Wordperfect that
assures that you get right back to where you left the document.
Checking the options I could so far not find anything comparative.

Thank you.

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[users] scroll behavior in writer

2010-03-22 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
Good morning from Japan
I have started using OpenOffice more frequently lately and came across
some rather annoying features.
One is the scrolling behavior in Writer.
Searching on the net, I found the following:


Configure Arrow Key Scroll Behavior?
Post13, 2007 10:28 am

Is there any way to change Writer's behavior when scrolling through a
document with the arrow keys? Currently, when it gets to the edge of the
window, it will jump several lines ..
I currently have the Windows 2.1 version.

Post Dec 13, 2007 7:32 pm
No way to change that.
Be aware though, that using the arrow keys in a Writer document does not
scroll the window. What you're actually doing is moving the editing
cursor. .

This was apparently 2 years ago. Has this changed?
Or have there been improvements/changes that allow you to change this
behavior now?
I am using OO3.2 (Windows XP)

Thank you

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[users] how to create a hanging indent

2010-02-28 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
As far as I know, the thing is called in English a hanging indent.
You have a number (may NOT be consecutive), an asterix, a symbol or
whatever at the left margin,
then a tab stop to the text. If the following text covers several lines,
the left margin of the text should be aligned with the tab stop.
Something like the following.

I tried all sorts of predefined paragraph / list styles but could not
find any that would do the trick. In particular since I DO NOT want OO
to put numbers or symbols there.
My endeavors of creating such a style have so far failed and the
official documentation does not contain the keyword hanging indent.

Has this a different name under OpenOffice?
If the trick is possible, I would really like to know how it is done.

Thank you.

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Re: [users] how to create a hanging indent [Solved]

2010-02-28 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz

Thank you.

Séamas Ó Brógáin さんは書きました:

Format  Paragraph Indent 
Before text: 5 mm [or whatever indent you want]
After text: 0
First line: -5 mm [i.e. the same amount as “Before text” only minus]

Thank you and Mr. Barker.
That does the trick. (I will need to get used to that procedure)

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[users] ghost paths for OOo3.2 under Ubuntu 9.04

2010-02-27 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
Good evening
The other day I upgraded the OpenOffice 3.01 that came with Ubuntu
9.04 to 3.2.
(THAT was a difficult birth!)

Because that did not went automatically by simply clicking an installer
icon etc., I created (had to) a directory I called openoffice into
which I unpacked all the files. After lots of trouble I finally
succeeded and the software is working.

Tools - Options - OpenOffice.org - Paths
** it says here, that the path(s) to autocorr, gallery, autotext,
template etc. is something like:
/home/thomas/.openoffice.org/3/user/template (template = example)
That is nice, but when I tried to create a template and save it in this
directory, tells me, there is no such directory or file.
I tried to search (nautilus - Ctrl+F; browse the relevant directories
manually etc.) for it, but cannot find it ANYWHERE! (View - show hidden
files = ON)

I have OOo32 installed under Windows too. THERE I can find, edit, browse
etc. the relevant directories.

Now, is there a particular reason, why I have to deal with ghost
directories under Linux?
In order to save the template I created, I had to create a new directory
(named templates; under openoffice).
When I tried to edit the paths to templates with this new name, I was
given the choice between add or delete.
I added the path to that new directory and marked it as default.

Yet, in the window with the path setting it now reads:
Since the first half of this nice, long path cannot be found anyway ...
Should I maybe first choose delete that old default pathway?

thank you.

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[users] soffice.bin = highly dangerous??

2010-02-27 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
Recently I installed OO32 on both my Windows machines (plus a Linux
Under Windows I have VirusBuster running.

In more or less regular intervals a little window opens in the right
lower corner of the screen, telling me (since I am running a Japanese
system, the message is in Japanese) that something called soffice.bin
is trying to access the system files and VirusBuster has blocked that
And: VirusBuster marks this event as highly dangerous.
This did NOT happen with what I used before: OOo2.3.

What is this all about?
IS OO32 actually dangerous?
What is this soffice.bin trying to do?

In other words ... what am I supposed to do about it?

Thank you.

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Re: [users] soffice.bin = highly dangerous??

2010-02-27 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz

M Henri Day さんは書きました:

2010/2/27 Thomas Blasejewicz tho...@s7.dion.ne.jp


Recently I installed OO32 on both my Windows machines (plus a Linux
Under Windows I have VirusBuster running.

In more or less regular intervals a little window opens in the right
lower corner of the screen, telling me (since I am running a Japanese
system, the message is in Japanese) that something called soffice.bin
is trying to access the system files and VirusBuster has blocked that
And: VirusBuster marks this event as highly dangerous.
This did NOT happen with what I used before: OOo2.3.

What is this all about?
IS OO32 actually dangerous?
What is this soffice.bin trying to do?

In other words ... what am I supposed to do about it?

Thank you.

Thomas, there seem to be several different programmes which call themselves
«VirusBuster», one a rogue anti-spyware programme (
http://preview.tinyurl.com/yg4k34 ), and the other a presumably legitimate
AV-protection. If it's the latter you have, can't it be configured to
recognise «soffice.bin», which I understand to be the OOo quick starter
programme ?...

頑張って !



Thank you Henri
VirusBuster is a commercial product by TrendMicro and which I purchased 
in a respectable shop. It should be both legitimate and probably also 
well functioning.
Your comment referring to the quick starter makes sense and I tried 
(with a little luck also succeeded) in setting permission for it in 

(I will let you know, when this has solved the problem.)

Other comments referring to crappy ... unfortunately have been much 
less helpful.

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[users] keyboard shortcut to toggle highlight ON/OFF

2010-02-25 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
During work (translation) I want to mark certain portions of text that I
would like to go over again later, before I send the job off. In Word or
WordPerfect I use the highlight function for this and have keyboard
shortcuts assigned to that task.

In writer I tried to assign a keyboard shortcut (like eg. Alt+H) that
has the effect of highlighting the currently selected text and
preferrably also turn the highlighting off when pressed again (toggle
between ON/OFF).

First, I could not find the item (highlight) under Tools - customize
- keyboard (categories, functions; looked through all available items).
Next, I created a character style that does the above. But these styles
seem to be limited to the currently edited document. And although my
style seems to be still there, the keyboard shortcut works only if it
feels like it (mostly not), and I have to set it up again and again ...

I am looking not for one particular character style in one particular
document. A keyboard shortcut for one formatting function that is
available in ALL documents I will be working on/with. Since Writer, Calc
etc. are just parts of ONE thing, it would be nice, if that function
would work in all these components.
Is that possible?
How would that be done?

Thank you

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[users] Document style

2010-02-25 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
Is there such thing as a document style (so far I could not find any
mentioning of that in any of the available documentations) that I can
apply to the entire document I am working on. Not only the individual

The documentation mentions: paragraph, character, page, frame and list
A template - as far as I understand the matter - would apply to a NEW
But I would like to have a set of formatting that I can apply to
existing documents.
During my work companies always send me Word files, most of which
contain formatting that is rather counterproductive for my work.
So, I would like to apply a set of formatting - mostly font, font size,
alignment, language setting - that replaces what there is already in the

I tried to create a default template (not really successfully yet), but
that requires, that I first open a file, then copy the text into the new
document. That is not very elegant (and did not work well either).

Is there a trick to do this?
Thank you

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[users] character style and key shortcut

2010-02-21 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
I am trying to get used to styles (rather struggling)
During work (translation) I want to mark certain portions of text that I
would like to go over again later, before I send the job off. In Word or
WordPerfect I use the highlight function for this and have a keyboard
shortcut assigned.

In writer I tried to assign a keyboard shortcut (like eg. Alt+H) that
has the effect of highlighting the currently selected text and
preferrably also remove the highlighting when pressed again (toggle
between ON/OFF).
First, I could not find the item (highlight) under Tools - customize
- keyboard (categories, functions; looked through all available items).
Next, I created a character style that does the above.
But these styles seem to be limited to the currently edited document.
And although my style seems to be still there, the keyboard shortcut
works only if it feels like it (mostly not), and I have to set it up
again and again ...

Is there a way of making this setting stay active in ALL documents I
will be working on/with?

Someone also suggested, that I need to create a template, that contains
all the styles I would like to use.
This is a related question: how do I apply (make them available??)
styles to the entire document?
Including documents that were created in Word for example and read with
Writer (to be edited).
In that case - I tried that - formatting from Word seems to interfer
with the styles I am trying to apply.

Is there such thing as a document style (so far I could not find any
mentioning of that in any of the available documentations) that I can
apply to the entire document I am working on. Not only the individual

Thank you.

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[users] style changes are NOT retained

2010-02-19 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
I am starting to use style in OO.
Referring to the official documentation, I tried to modify the default
paragraph style. Basically changing only the font and its size.
(modified settings - clicked OK)

Yet, when I open another document or try otherwise to apply this
modified style a second time,
all the settings are back to their original values.
Is that normal?? (if it is, it is very annoying at best).
If not, how am I supposed to tell OO that I want it to remember those

Thank you.

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Re: [users] Path specification

2010-02-17 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz

jonathon さんは書きました:

Tim Deaton wrote:

The fact that OOo is one program is no excuse.  It's still several very different TOOLS, 

Actually, it is one tool, with several different modes of operation.


And nobody who's halfway organized is likely to save all those different kinds 
of files in the same folder.

And anybody who is organized, will have a custom directory for _each_
project_, and _each_ client.

What is tossed into those directories is the content for that specific
client, regardless of the format that they are in.


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Well, I am probably not really qualified to comment on this, but for me 
as a freelance translator, it would NOT make much sense to organize 
files by clients or projects etc. (there are usually no big projects, 
but over 120 agencies and 300 jobs per year; separate folders for all 
that would make things probably worse), but over time the number of 
files in the same format (here Writer/Calc) builds up (considerably).
So - for me! - it is much easier to put identical file formats together 
into one folder (allows me to search file content regardless of 
client/project) and maybe sort those files by whatever criteria I may 
fancy at a later time.
But then again, I am not very organized. It is just the way I am 
comfortable with and was hoping OO might be supportive in this not 
really complicated task.
Yet, I understand now, that this is at the moment apparently not 
possible. I will do it manually.

Good night (4:20 am) from Japan

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[users] file icons

2010-02-16 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
Good afternoon
This is not really important, but I still somehow would like to know
what is happening.
I installed OO3.2 both at home and in my office. It works fine in both
Yet, at home I get those little icons indicating Writer, Calc etc. to
the left of the file names, both when looking from within OO as well as
using a browser.
As far as I can tell the installation went exactly the same both at home
and in my office.

In my office computer however, the list of files has these little things
left to the file names usually indicating, that the computer does not know
what kind of software was used to create those files.
Is there any particular reason, why those icons do not show?
Is there any way I can fix that (easily)?
If not, it's also OK, since program and files are working fine anyway 

Thank you.

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[users] Path specification

2010-02-15 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
I know, that you can specify various different paths under
Tools - Options - Paths

However, as far as I could figure out so far, there is only ONE choice
for a path to your private files (my documents).
So, I made a directory for OO files.
Yet, most other software I know, allow to specify individual paths.

Is there a way I can specify ONE default path for all Writer files and a
different path for
all Calc files?
Having those separated would make things a little easier.

Thank you.

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Re: [users] Re: Path specification

2010-02-15 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz

Twayne さんは書きました:
 In news:4b797cc3.6010...@s7.dion.ne.jp,
 Thomas Blasejewicz tho...@s7.dion.ne.jp typed:
 Is there a way I can specify ONE default path for all Writer files
 and a different path for
 all Calc files?
 Having those separated would make things a little easier.

 Thank you.

 This might help you undestand it better:

 I suspect you are under a misconception about where/when the path is
 important. In particular I see no need for the path to ever include My
 Documents. It's only useful for executable files.

 I further suspect that rather than path, you are really concerned with
 relocating some of the program's directories. If so, each entry will
 HAVE a path, but path isn't relevant beyond anything executable;
 it's just a location for storage of files.



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Thank you.
Maybe I did not make myself clear. Probably the path thing was
confusing, but that is, what it is called in the menu ...

I want to set a default folder for Writer/Calc.
That means. whenever I open or save a file, Writer/Calc would look in
that particular folder for files (unless specified otherwise).
Like: open a new file in Calc, work on it and then save it. In that case
I would like Calc to save the file automatically in a folder that
contains only Calc files (same with Writer).
I can do that with Word, Lotus (very old!), Wordperfect, text editors
etc. etc., just about every software I possess.

So, I assume, that this task cannot be so difficult and somehow hope,
that OpenOffice is able to do the same trick.


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[users] Is there an advantage of buying StarOffice?

2010-02-14 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
Good evening
Recently, I downloaded and installed OpenOffice 3.2 plus a few extensions.
Installation of those extensions took me to the Oracle website, where I
learned about Star Office (priced at about 35 USD).

Here is the situation:
* I make most of our living on translation (freelance, in Japan).
* About 99.8% of the companies I work for, send me MS files: Word,
Excel, sometimes PowerPoint -
and naturally expect to get those MS files back.

* Yet, I do NOT like MS and WANT to get away from it.
* I have used - not really intensively - OpenOffice in the past. So far,
so good.
* I have to be able to use English, German (both preferrably including
spell checking etc.) and Japanese.
* So far, OpenOffice allows me to do that.

Now, would there be any advantage of purchasing the commercial version
of StarOffice over OpenOffice?
Mainly with the purpuse of getting away from Microsoft while retaining
the ability to handle MS files.
The website naturally just describes how wonderful the software is
(which is not really helpful), so I thought I ask the learned people on
this list for opinions and maybe advice.
The price is low enough for an experiment, but I still would like to
ask before buying ...

Thank you in adavance.

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Re: [users] Is there an advantage of buying StarOffice?

2010-02-14 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz

Peter Hillier-Brook さんは書きました:
 On 14/02/2010 09:00, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:
 Good evening Recently, I downloaded and installed OpenOffice 3.2 plus
 a few extensions. Installation of those extensions took me to the
 Oracle website, where I learned about Star Office (priced at about 35

 Here is the situation: * I make most of our living on translation
 (freelance, in Japan). * About 99.8% of the companies I work for,
 send me MS files: Word, Excel, sometimes PowerPoint - and naturally
 expect to get those MS files back.

 * Yet, I do NOT like MS and WANT to get away from it. * I have used -
 not really intensively - OpenOffice in the past. So far, so good. * I
 have to be able to use English, German (both preferrably including 
 spell checking etc.) and Japanese. * So far, OpenOffice allows me to
 do that.

 Now, would there be any advantage of purchasing the commercial
 version of StarOffice over OpenOffice?

 I would suggest the following actions:

 1  Continue with OpenOffice.org until you find a task it cannot perform.

 2  Then research Star Office to establish whether it offers the missing

 Until such time, why pay to switch?

 Peter HB

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You are right. That makes sense.
Thank you.

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[users] transfer user dictionary to new version

2010-01-29 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
I am currently using Oxygen Office (OpenOffice 2.3) under Windows XP and
consider installing
the newest version (Japanese localized: 3.1.1).
I did made a few entries during spell checking in the user dictionary
(or rather what is called standard).

Is there a way of using this data after installing the new version?
Maybe copy a certain dictionary file?

I tried to find such a file, but had not much success so far.

Thank you.

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Re: [users] spell checking under Linux

2009-05-28 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
Javier Rivera さんは書きました:
 You can add new extensions using the Extension Manager. It's under the
 Tools menu in Writer. There is a link there where you can click to
 download extra extensions. But...
 If you are using Ubuntu you can click on
 System-Administration-Language Tool. 

Thank you very much. I was able to download + install 1 new dictionary
(German) via the extension manager and probably also able to
successfully to the Ubuntu trick.

Yet, the spell checking still does not work, although the dictionaries
matches the language in the relevant paragraphs. Something like:
This is a teest. Lets seee how it worcs.
is marked as perfectly correct!?

My son has a Windows computer with OO3.1 installed. There the English
spelling somehow worked, but the newly installed German dictionary did not.

So, I suppose, there must be another trick .
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[users] spell checking under Linux

2009-05-27 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
Ladies and Gentlemen
Currently I sometimes use the English version of Oxygen Office 2.3.1 for
Windows (XP).
As a translator I regularly use English, German and Japanese.

For the last year I have been trying (mostly unsuccessfully) to get
friendly with Linux. Currently I have Ubuntu 9.04 installed on one of
my old computers. It contains OpenOffice 3.0.

Under windows I have learned, that you choose File - Wizards - Install
new dictionaries
in order to get new dictionaries.
So far, I could not yet find this function in the Linux version. Nor
does the spell checker work. A complete nonsense text is checked and
no errors found displayed. That cannot be right either.

I would appreciate, if someone could point me into the direction, where
I can find in the Linux version, what I am already using in the Windows
version more or less troublefree.

Thank you.
Thomas Blasejewicz

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Re: [users] mails auf deutsch auf bitte senden

2008-04-23 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz

Schoene Gruesse aus Japan
Ich bin sicher kein Experte fuer OpenOffice und kann da in Details auch 
nicht weiterhelfen, aber ich weiss, dass es eine deutschsprachige 
Webseite gibt:

Dort finden Sie sicher manches, was Sie vielleicht brauchen.
Die englischen Mails auf Deutsch lesen wuerde eine Uebersetzung 
erfordern, da es sich hier nicht um offizielle Mitteilungen handelt und 
ist somit wohl

nicht praktisch machbar. Aber ich kann mich natuerlich auch taeuschen ...

In der Hoffnung wenigsten ein bischen weitergeholfen zu haben.
Thomas Blasejewicz

Was man muehelos erreichen kann, ist gewoehnlich nicht der Muehe wert,
erreicht zu werden

Robert Senn さんは書きました:
Ich bin Anfänger und habe schon über 200 auf englische mails auf 
meinem PC. Bevor ich diese lösche,möchte ich diese auf deutsch lesen 
können. Können sie mir bitte helfen wie ich das anstellen kann auf 
meinem PC. vielen Dank

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[users] Japanese input method - repeated character conversion

2008-01-30 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
Ladies and Gentlemen
Currently I sometimes use the English version of Oxygen Office 2.3.1 for
Windows (XP).
As a translator I regularly use English, German and Japanese.

For the Japanese input you type the spelling (temporary input) of the
words and the computer converts the spelling into Chinese characters.
No problems with that.
Yet, I very often make either mistakes while typing or else the computer
chooses the wrong characters. In that case I have to retype.

The Japanese version of MS Word has assigned a function to the key to
the right of the space bar, that converts the input at the cursor back
to temporary input and thus allows to make the relevant changes in case
the original input was wrong.
I know that the English version of WordPerfect I regularly use, does NOT
respond to this key at all. So, I figure, it would be only natural, if
Oxygen Office does not respond either.

However, for clumsy people like me, who OFTEN make typing errors, this
function of repeated input (I have no idea, whether there is an
official term for it) is very helpful.

Is there something somewhere in OO that could do this little trick?
What would I have to look for in the help files?
If there is no such function, would it be possible to write a macro etc.
that does it? (I don't know how to write macros).

Just hitting one key for the correction instead of retyping all the
errors would save a lot of energy and time.

I am grateful for any suggestions or hints.
Thomas Blasejewicz

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[users] Writer - keyboard shortcut

2008-01-12 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen
I suspect, this question has already been answered somewhere, but since
I cannot find where, I take the liberty of asking.

In WordPerfect (I use mostly for English/German) or in Word, I
customized the keyboard, so that the key combination Alt + H would
highlight the currently selected text. In this way I mark words/passages
I would like to go over again before I finish the document. Since the
finished document cannot contain those highlighted portions, I do have
to remove them during the final editing.

In both WordPerfect and Word the key combination Alt + H produces a
highlight when pressed once, and removes the highlight (of the selected
text) when pressed again.

In Writer I tried to customize my keyboard similarly. For reasons I do
not understand Writer seems not to allow to assign the key combination
Alt + H, but only ctrl + H. That would not be much of a problem, but
I could not yet find out how to REMOVE the highlight from the selected
text with a KEYSTROKE - clicking the icon and then no fill works fine.

If there is a way, in which you can turn certain functions ON by
striking a key shortcut once, and turning them OFF simply by striking
the key again, I would be grateful for any hints.
Thank you.
Thomas Blasejewicz

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[users] Thunderbird question

2006-04-10 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
I am sorry to bother the people on this list, but I noticed the other day
that there were questions (and answers) about Thunderbird.

I am trying to use it (ver. 1.5, Windows 2000) but seem to be unable to make
the mail filters work.
Even if all the parameters seem to be set alright, the mailer does not sort
the messages accordingly = not at all.

Is there a trick to setting mail filters?
Or could anyone direct me to a site where I can find the answers?
In the online help I could not find any instructions pertaining to such

Thank you in advance.

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RE: [users] how come I amnot subscribed

2005-10-29 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
Dear all 
The other day I asked on different occasions 2 questions.
The latest anwer I got today says on the first line:

As you are not subscribed you may not have seen that:

Yet, I DID subsribe in the past,
but certainly DID NOT unscribe from the list.
Every day I get over a 100 messages.

So, what did I do wrong that I am now suddenly treated as an outsider?
Even though I may not be able provide intelligent answers to technical 
questions, I would like to continue being part  of the community.

Thank you for your help in advance.
Thomas Blasejewicz

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[users] delete unnecessary dictionaries

2005-10-26 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
Dear list members
I did install RC3 (I think) on a Windows 2000 machine. I works fine so far.
Yet, there are a number of dictionaries installed from the beginning
(like Thai, Suaheli, Italien etc.) that I do not need.
I tried to disable those, but did not succeed so far.

Is there a way of deleting those unnecessary dictionaries, without 
touching those for English and German that I do need?
I suppose deleting those dictionaries would free some otherwise
unecessarily used resources. 

Thank you in advance for your help.
Thomas Blasejewicz

[users] backspace

2005-10-20 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
Dear list members
I installed the RC3 and wanted to use this program, but noticed that
neither the backspace key nor the arrow keys work.
Which means I can move through text ONLY by using the mouse.

That cannot be right.
Is there somewhere a setting that defines this operation?

Thanks in advance.
Thomas Blasejewicz

[users] Default file type

2005-10-18 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
List members
I did install RC3 and indicated in a dialog box shown during the
installation that OpenOffice should open by default WinWord etc. files.
That was maybe a mistake.
When I try to open a Word file the computer opens that automatically with
Yet, for certain files I would like to open Word files with Word and OO
files with OO.

Is there a way to turn off this preference setting that I did chose myself
during the installation?
Or do I have to un- and then reinstall the software?

Thank you in advance for your help
Thomas Blasejewicz

[users] Re: Spellcheck in 1.9.95

2005-05-02 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
I am not sure if this is really related to the issue, but:
(BI tried spell checking a single column in a Calc document (imported
(BfromExcel) that was written in German. I do have installed the German
(Bdictionaries and they work fine in Writer.
(BYet, in the Calc column, I tried that many different ways, the spell checker
(Bautomatically switches after EACH individual German word checked back to the
(BEnglish dictionary.
(BIs that a matter of setting, or would this constitute a bug?

RE: [users] [moderated]

2005-04-19 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
Thank you for your mail
I am sorry. I found the Open Office Org. site, the download corner and there
the dictionaries (including the said dictinstaller where the downloaded
files are ONLY three gif images!), but I don't know any wizard.
I also don't know what to do with your hint: OOo/share/dict/ooo.
Is that a directory, or an URL? How do you get there?
Entering that into the browser only leads to a dnserror.
A search for that particlar character string brought me to a site offering
German dictionaries, but there too are many strings, commands or
whatever that is, that I do not understand at all.
Name : openoffice-dicts-German
Version : 2004.01.02  Vendor : Ark Open Source
Release : 1ark

Requires :
rpmlib(PayloadIsBzip2) = 3.0.5-1
rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) = 3.0.4-1
rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) = 4.0-1

Does that mean, you HAVE TO BE a  computer crack with a lexical knowledge of
computer terms/commands otherwise unintelligible to ordinary people in order
to install a few dictionaries?
If that is the case I simply have to forsake any hope of finding
alternatives to Microsoft.

My sincere apologies for being so uneducated and asking such foolish
Thomas Blasejewicz

-Original Message-
From: Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2005 5:06 AM
To: users@openoffice.org; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [users] [moderated]

I'm assuming that you are using file  wizards  install new dictionaries
 The folder that the dictionaries are installed into is something like
OOo/share/dict/ooo as opposed to 'dictinstaller' you mention.

Have a check on this directory and advise the list.


On 4/16/05, Thomas Blasejewicz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ladies and Gentlemen
 The other day I learned about Open Office through a mailing list.
 Since I do not like (hate) Microsoft Office, yet have to use it for my
 I would really like to try Open Office.

 Downloaded several files already and installed (as a test) Version 2 (beta
 Also downloaded several dictionary files.
 Yet, the folder dictinstaller contains only 3 gif images, but no exe
 the link found on the website: http://www.ooodocs.org/dictinstall/
 does not lead anywhere (dnserror)

 How/where do I get the dictionary installer?
 Do I need that for Version 2 (it says it works only for Version 1)
 If not, how do I install the dictionaries?
 Without dictionaries the Writer would be close to useless.

 Thank you in advance for your assistance.

 Thomas Blasejewicz

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[users] [moderated]

2005-04-18 Thread Thomas Blasejewicz
Ladies and Gentlemen
(BThe other day I learned about Open Office through a mailing list.
(BSince I do not like (hate) Microsoft Office, yet have to use it for my job,
(BI would really like to try Open Office.
(BDownloaded several files already and installed (as a test) Version 2 (beta
(BAlso downloaded several dictionary files.
(BYet, the folder "dictinstaller" contains only 3 gif images, but no exe file.
(Bthe link found on the website: http://www.ooodocs.org/dictinstall/
(Bdoes not lead anywhere (dnserror)
(BHow/where do I get the dictionary installer?
(BDo I need that for Version 2 (it says it works only for Version 1)
(BIf not, how do I install the dictionaries?
(BWithout dictionaries the "Writer" would be close to useless.
(BThank you in advance for your assistance.
(BThomas Blasejewicz