Re: [videoblogging] Re: sound/mic help? (SOLUTION!)

2007-02-18 Thread RANDY MANN
no dont use tape use a string.tape will leave sticky stuff every wehre . put
a small peice of sting on the jack to do the same thing.  wehn you get sick
of the micky mouse stuff go and get a propeer addaptor.


On 2/17/07, Bill Cammack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   If that's actually the solution, which I can't believe that it is...
 You have to A) wrap an amount of tape around the end of the connector
 so that you can push the plug all the way in and the tape will
 restrict the plug from going so far that it becomes a problem, and B)
 use headphones to check whether you have sound or not and whether it's

 I'm assuming that that camera has a headphone jack.

 Bill C.

 --- In,
 Halcyon  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  okay, so I just went out and tried to record a segment using my new
  out the cord a little technique.
  And I guess I pulled it out a little too much, making the mic not
  at all (so only the camera mic recorded).
  An external mic is totally useless if I am never sue if it is
 connected or
  not. I'm going to have to send it to Sanyo or return it. Which sucks,
  because I was enjoying it.
  On 2/17/07, Halcyon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I found something on (below)
   The hot scratchy sound goes away if I pull the plug out 1/16 of an
   WTF!? What a crappy solution.
   Now if I'm on location I have to dangle the mic connection and
 hope that
   it's working!? ugh.
   Anyway, thanks for all the help and suggestions!!
   I've discovered what the problem is with the external mike input
 on my
   Both the adaptor lead supplied with the camera, and the plastic
   adaptor I've tried can be pushed too far into the jack socket! If
 they are
   plugged fully in, then you get lots of electrical noise: if you
 pull the
   jack out about 1/16th inch, where there's a natural, but small detent
   position, then all the mikes work fine.
   So it's simply a mechanical design problem with the jack socket
 used on
   HD1, certainly on the camera I have and from what others have
 said, on at
   least some others as well.
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] Joost for Mac in Beta

2007-02-18 Thread Ryan Kawailani Ozawa
Noted on BoingBoing:

Links here:

A quick review here by Bryan Wyrick:

Any Joosters try the Mac version?  I know Windows folks have been playing
with it for a while.  Meanwhile I'm still scrounging about for an invite
code (sheepish grin)...


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] Re: sound/mic help? (SOLUTION!)

2007-02-18 Thread Bill Cammack
I can go for Randy's solution, since I would personally never do
either one (tape or string).  Whatever you can use that causes the
least mess and gets the job done.

The bottom line is that that can't be the solution, or else there
should be recalls and free shipping for every single person who bought
one to receive a newly created adapter lead supplied with the
camera.  It makes sense for 3rd-party stuff not to work, but NOT
accessories supplied WITH the camera. :/

Bill C.


 no dont use tape use a string.tape will leave sticky stuff every
wehre . put
 a small peice of sting on the jack to do the same thing.  wehn you
get sick
 of the micky mouse stuff go and get a propeer addaptor.
 On 2/17/07, Bill Cammack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If that's actually the solution, which I can't believe that it is...
  You have to A) wrap an amount of tape around the end of the connector
  so that you can push the plug all the way in and the tape will
  restrict the plug from going so far that it becomes a problem, and B)
  use headphones to check whether you have sound or not and whether it's
  I'm assuming that that camera has a headphone jack.
  Bill C.
  --- In,
  Halcyon  halcyon@ wrote:
   okay, so I just went out and tried to record a segment using my new
   out the cord a little technique.
   And I guess I pulled it out a little too much, making the mic not
   at all (so only the camera mic recorded).
   An external mic is totally useless if I am never sue if it is
  connected or
   not. I'm going to have to send it to Sanyo or return it. Which
   because I was enjoying it.
   On 2/17/07, Halcyon cockybastard@ wrote:
I found something on (below)
The hot scratchy sound goes away if I pull the plug out 1/16 of an
WTF!? What a crappy solution.
Now if I'm on location I have to dangle the mic connection and
  hope that
it's working!? ugh.
Anyway, thanks for all the help and suggestions!!
I've discovered what the problem is with the external mike input
  on my
Both the adaptor lead supplied with the camera, and the plastic
adaptor I've tried can be pushed too far into the jack socket! If
  they are
plugged fully in, then you get lots of electrical noise: if you
  pull the
jack out about 1/16th inch, where there's a natural, but small
position, then all the mikes work fine.
So it's simply a mechanical design problem with the jack socket
  used on
HD1, certainly on the camera I have and from what others have
  said, on at
least some others as well.
   [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] Re: OurMedia, Whose Media? Concerns with CC licenses...

2007-02-18 Thread Bill Cammack
--- In, brian conley

 This morning I discovered that the work of one of my projects, Alive
in Baghdad, had been posted on the front page of
 (I have enclosed a screen capture for your reference.)  Not only did
noone request the use of our work, or inform us of our inclusion on
this site, but OurMedia  presents our work in a way that could be
significantly harmful to our project. 
 At first glance, the presentation of our work on OurMedia suggests
to the average viewer that AIB has a political, anti-war stance and
that AIB is a part of OurMedia. In fact this could not be farther from
the truth, AiB takes pains to present a balanced view of life in Iraq,
that simply shows the experiences and feelings of Iraqis, without
adding a political tone.
 Basically—in representing AIB, OurMedia selected a thumbnail of a
woman with a translated quote underneath that says May God Curse Bush
and all those that brought him here.  Obviously, this is not a quote
that we would choose to have represent us. We worried about including
that segment at all and feared that, out of context, separate from our
other work, it could cause harm to the public face of the project,
bring flamers, etc.  However, inside of the entire episode, we felt it
was acceptable and was reflective of the situation in Iraq. We care
deeply about building a project that gives voice to Iraqi citizens—not
towards pushing a political agenda.  Such a posting can damage the
perceptions of Alive in Baghdad and our future opportunities.  
 Additionally, OurMedia indicates that we are a member of their
organization—i.e. you'll notice to the right of the thumbnail, it
lists a link titled member page that links to
AiB is not, nor has it ever been, a member of Ourmedia.  Given our
experience, we question whether they actually have 125,000 members

Jay @ Markus are addressing the issues and clearing up the
misunderstandings, but I agree with you that someone reading that page
will get certain incorrect impressions.

Until reading the posts here, I didn't realize ourmedia was revlogging
at all.  I went to the page, saw the lady, saw the caption, clicked on
member page and went straight to AiB.  I think there's another link
that says media page that goes to the AiB permalink for that video.
 I was looking for ANY member list at all, and couldn't find a list of
content creators... you get sponsors  partners, so that seemed odd
as well.

If a group's going to re-vlog material, especially sensitive material
like AiB, thumbnail selection is CRITICAL.  Until this situation, I
would have assumed that the thumbnail used would have been the
thumbnail supplied by the content creator.  For instance, if you go to
a video on blip and select share, you can select the actual
thumbnail that the creator uploaded.  I would assume that that would
be used in the revlog as well.  You can't use some
automatically-generated thumbnail, because it's completely out of
context.  You can have a video about cleaning up the neighborhood with
examples of what NOT to do in it, and the randomly selected thumbnail
is of some guy spraying paint on the side of a wall.  People's
impression of the video itself, and consequentially, the group
responsible for it, is going to be affected by their perception of the
out-of-context image representing the video.

Also, Markus has already mentioned the link issue.  member page
makes the person who is certainly not a member of this group think the
group is cheating or trying to gain something by sneaking an
affiliation with them that they were never contacted about.  It also
gives more credence to the out-of-context still, because it looks like
this entry was created by the group that created the video.

The page itself doesn't mention revlogging in any fashion.  It also
says not to post other artists' copyrighted works without permission.
 I see where Brian would see this as a CC issue, because the
implication is that nobody needed AiB's permission to post their
material (in this case, revlogging, though it doesn't say that
anywhere) because AiB's license allows use of the video under certain
circumstances, including attribution, which the linkbacks took care of.

I think it's an interesting topic that Brian's raised here.  The
obligation is attribution and whatever else, but attribution doesn't
necessarily mean that the content creator received notice of that
attribution.  It also doesn't mean that the creator has APPROVAL over
the use of their video... especially before it goes out to the public.
 Trackbacks and Pingbacks go out when the post is published, so by the
time that the creator finds out about it and decides they want to
contact the site and let them know what they'd like changed, the cat
is already out of the proverbial bag.

Bill C.

[videoblogging] Re: OurMedia, Whose Media? Concerns with CC licenses...

2007-02-18 Thread Steve Watkins

Interesting stuff. Heres my personal take on this:

Using Creative Commons means that people certainly dont have any
obligation to contact you first in order to fully redistribute
(including re-host) your work, or make derivative works from parts of
your show. Under the terms of the license you use, they can pretty
much do what they like with your stuff so long as its non-commercial,
they give attribution to you, the new work is shared by the same
terms, and they display your license.

The wording on their site which made it sound like you were a member,
is probably not a copyright/creative commons issue, unless they failed
to disclose your cc license, or attribute/link back to you. In cases
where they do that but still make it seems like you are an active
member of their community, I would think areas of the law that deal
with misrepresentation and fraud are more likely to apply.

Your own site does not appear to link to your creative commons license
info, which strictly speaking means you arent using creative commons
properly, according to their own instructions. The knock-on affect of
this is that other sites do not have to put a URL to your page when
they show your work (because the creative commons license specifies
that the page linked to must have creative commons license details
within it)

The issue of controlling how your show is represented, what quotes are
used, whether a misleading impression is given, is not often discussed
in the vlogging community so far. Copyright (and thus creative
commons) are only part of this side of the things. The following is
taken from the creative commons site, it may not be 100% applicable in
this case because I dont know if ourmedias use constituted a
derivative or collective work, but its in the right area of the law:

I don't like the way a person has used my work in a derivative work
or included it in a collective work; what can I do?

If you do not like the way that a person has made a derivative work or
incorporated your work into a collective work, under the Creative
Commons licenses, you may request removal of your name from the
derivative work or the collective work.

In addition, the copyright laws in most jurisdictions around the world
(with the notable exception of the US) grant creators moral rights
which may provide you with some redress if a derivative work
represents a derogatory treatment of your work. Moral rights give an
original author the right to object to derogatory treatment of their
work; derogatory treatment is typically defined as distortion or
mutilation of the work or treatment, which is prejudicial to the
honor, or reputation of the author. All Creative Commons licenses
(with the exception of Canada) leave moral rights unaffected. This
means that an original author may be able to take action against a
derivative work that infringes the moral right that protects against
derogatory treatment. Of course, not all derivative works that a
creator does not like will be considered derogatory. 

So you need to study moral rights or equivalent US law (if any) to see
how much this applies. Bear in mind this is largely a copyright issue,
using creative commons does not change things very much here.

For example, even if your work was fully copyrighted, some countries
have 'fair use' rights, which include certain educational uses,
parody, and quoting. There are therefore various circumstances in
which I would be fairly confident I would be able to take a snippet
from your show and highlight it or use it in some other context, even
if you use ful copyright. This is a fairly grey area, but the point is
that even normal copyright has its limitations.

Personally I think your fear of beind misrepresented by others is
understandable, as is the instinct to try to stop this, but it is
something most creators have to put up with to a certain extent, and
is an issue that have existed long before vlogging and the internet
came along. 

To clamp down on this stuff to the maximum extent possible, other laws
need to be used, in areas such as trademarks, libel and defamation.
Even then there are limits to how far you can take things, and the
specific case you highlight does not seem like a prime candidate for
using any of those laws. Consider trademarking your name and logo as a
way of stopping people misusing you in ways far greater than are being
considered today.

But when it comes to how much to try and clamp don on people casting
you in the 'wrong light', I think you are hoping for too much control.
Politicians have to get used to being misquoted, and of all sorts of
accusations. There are legal mechanisms which they can use to try to
put people off the worst of this, but at the end of the day they have
to take most of it on the chin. Creative people in traditional media
are powerless to stop reviewers etc from saying almost anything they
like. Michael Moore, The Dixy Chicks and many others, are powerless to
prevent a billion words of hate 

[videoblogging] Re: LisaNova now on Mad TV

2007-02-18 Thread Bill Cammack
Here's the video... she neglected to mention you by name. :D

--- In, Bill Cammack [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 A) Did you get your 10%? :D
 B) Next time mention YOUR OWN SHOW! :D
 --- In, Harold Johnson
 harold.johnson@ wrote:
  So listen to this, guys -- I've just got to share this 'cause I just
  this out and I'm still kind of spinning on it.  I know someone
 (well, just
  barely) who has a boyfriend who's a regular on Mad TV.  So about two
  ago I'm talking to her about YouTube, and I mention this LisaNova, a
  self-described vlogger who's got a huge following in that community.
  acquaintance asks me what's so special about LisaNova? and I
 describe her
  talent, the community that's pulling for her, etc.  Today I find that
  LisaNova has now been cast on Mad TV.  Coincidence?
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [videoblogging] Re: OurMedia, Whose Media? Concerns with CC licenses...

2007-02-18 Thread Jay dedman
  I think it's an interesting topic that Brian's raised here.  The
  obligation is attribution and whatever else, but attribution doesn't
  necessarily mean that the content creator received notice of that
  attribution.  It also doesn't mean that the creator has APPROVAL over
  the use of their video... especially before it goes out to the public.
   Trackbacks and Pingbacks go out when the post is published, so by the
  time that the creator finds out about it and decides they want to
  contact the site and let them know what they'd like changed, the cat
  is already out of the proverbial bag.

In this case with Ourmedia and Alive in BaghdadI agree that the
member page needs to change. Up until recently, JD only linked to
video on Ourmedia...but I guess he wanted to stat linking out...and
the wording hasnt changed yet. Markus says he's working on this change
in the template.

If you go to, the AIB video is now gone. So
that's an easy fix too.
if you see something you dont like, definitely complain to that person.
If they dont do anything about itthen raise a big stink.
I find that most times things we dont like are just a misunderstanding.
Since Brian ants to make sure people see AIB as being
objectivehe should complain if someone makes him look

as far as revlogging...let's look at a couple examples:   (Ryanne) (Michael Schaap)
Do you expect either of them to email people BEFORE they reblog somebody?
And you dont think they have the right to choose the frame of video
they want to link to?
I find this interesting since a journalist would sayI can write
about anything with any spin I want.
Fair use.

Do you email anyone you are going to link to?


Here I am

[videoblogging] Re: sound/mic help? (SOLUTION!)

2007-02-18 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd

Take a look at the plug. Is there one or two Bands below the tip?
Post the link and any details/links to your mics, cables, and the plug
you are using.

What might be happening is that your camera is stereo but the mini
plug is mono. The sleeve is shorting the two channels until you pull
it out just past that first section of the sleeve.

Simple solution hopefully is using correct stereo plug. If that
doesn't do it, I'd contact Xacti.

--- In, Halcyon  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I found something on (below)
 The hot scratchy sound goes away if I pull the plug out 1/16 of an inch.
 WTF!?  What a crappy solution.

 Both the adaptor lead supplied with the camera, and the plastic 2.5/3.5
 adaptor I've tried can be pushed too far into the jack socket! If
they are
 plugged fully in, then you get lots of electrical noise: if you pull the
 jack out about 1/16th inch, where there's a natural, but small detent
 position, then all the mikes work fine.
 So it's simply a mechanical design problem with the jack socket used
on HD1,
 certainly on the camera I have and from what others have said, on at
 some others as well.
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [videoblogging] Re: SXSW

2007-02-18 Thread Brett Gaylor
I'm doing a panel called Open Knowledge vs Closed Knowledge on Tuesday the
13th.  Can't wait!


Brett Gaylor

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] Re: OurMedia, Whose Media? Concerns with CC licenses...

2007-02-18 Thread Bill Cammack
--- In, Jay dedman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I think it's an interesting topic that Brian's raised here.  The
   obligation is attribution and whatever else, but attribution doesn't
   necessarily mean that the content creator received notice of that
   attribution.  It also doesn't mean that the creator has APPROVAL over
   the use of their video... especially before it goes out to the
Trackbacks and Pingbacks go out when the post is published, so
by the
   time that the creator finds out about it and decides they want to
   contact the site and let them know what they'd like changed, the cat
   is already out of the proverbial bag.
 In this case with Ourmedia and Alive in BaghdadI agree that the
 member page needs to change. Up until recently, JD only linked to
 video on Ourmedia...but I guess he wanted to stat linking out...and
 the wording hasnt changed yet. Markus says he's working on this change
 in the template.

Sure.  That's just semantics., which you
mention later, does a much better job of making it clear where they
got their material.  They also don't make it look like whomever
originally posted the material has any affiliation with their blog
whatsoever.  It looks like what it is... a re-vlog.

 If you go to, the AIB video is now gone. So
 that's an easy fix too.

You can't un-ring a bell, so that's not a fix.  It prevents anyone
that hasn't already seen it from getting the same incorrect
impressions, which is a good thing, but it does nothing for those that
already saw it and gathered their impressions of the situation.  It's
still a good idea until something can be decided between revlogger and
content creator... IF that's a goal of the revlogger in the first

 if you see something you dont like, definitely complain to that person.
 If they dont do anything about itthen raise a big stink.
 I find that most times things we dont like are just a misunderstanding.
 Since Brian ants to make sure people see AIB as being
 objectivehe should complain if someone makes him look
 as far as revlogging...let's look at a couple examples:   (Ryanne) (Michael Schaap)
 Do you expect either of them to email people BEFORE they reblog

It depends on what their intent is.

If their intent is to publicize people that want to be pubclicized,
yes, they should email the content creator to find out if they'd like
to be featured on their site.

If their intent is to present the content creator's work in a way that
pleases the creator, then, yes... they should email ahead of time.

If their intent is to report anything they want to report in any way
they want to report it, then, no... they shouldn't email the content
creator before re-posting their content.  As you say, you can write
anything you want and spin it any way you want.  That's a position.  I
suppose the question becomes what is re-vlogging? then.

If a re-vlog is simply Look everybody!  Look at what I find
interesting, and [maybe] here's what I think about it, then nobody
needs to be contacted... AND no videos need to be removed when the
content creator isn't satisfied with how his/her video and possibly
entire group has been represented.  That's what many many blogs are,
anyway.  It's not people that are actually DOING something.  It's
people that are REPORTING on OTHER PEOPLE doing something. :)  Of
course, if everyone extended the courtesy to the people they're
reporting on of asking their permission for this or that, nothing
would get done, because the Nokia N95 representatives would never stop
getting emails, and they would never return them and the whole system
would shut down.

OTOH, if a re-vlog is a social attempt to make a video known or a
group who did that video known, it seems to me that they'd like to
present the featured videomaker(s) in the light they'd like to be
featured in.  Of course, this happens to be a special circumstance,
which is what makes this such an opportunity for discussion.  There
happens to be a war going on.  There happen to be cameras over there.
 There happens to be footage coming back that MSM would never EVER
have shot in the first place or aired in the second.  There are
already people (I'm sure) taking advantage of this for propaganda on
both sides of the issue.  The question is what is whomever trying to
do with their re-vlog?  Are you trying to accommodate the person or
group who created the content?  Are they _really_ a part of your
group, as member suggests? (and I know that issue's being fixed) 
How involved are you with whomever you're re-vlogging?  If the answer
is NOT, then no action needs to be taken regardless of how the
content creator feels.

 And you dont think they have the right to choose the frame of video
 they want to link to?

hehe They absolutely have the RIGHT to choose whatever they like. :) 

Re: [videoblogging] Re: sound/mic help? (SOLUTION!)

2007-02-18 Thread Halcyon
interesting. The included adaptor has 2 bandsmaybe I can find a mono
adapter and see if that works.

the included 2.5mm - 3.5mm adaptor cable:

and short video of me talking with the plug pulled out a little:


On 2/18/07, bordercollieaustralianshepherd 


 Take a look at the plug. Is there one or two Bands below the tip?
 Post the link and any details/links to your mics, cables, and the plug
 you are using.

 What might be happening is that your camera is stereo but the mini
 plug is mono. The sleeve is shorting the two channels until you pull
 it out just past that first section of the sleeve.

 Simple solution hopefully is using correct stereo plug. If that
 doesn't do it, I'd contact Xacti.

 --- In,
 Halcyon  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I found something on (below)
  The hot scratchy sound goes away if I pull the plug out 1/16 of an inch.
  WTF!? What a crappy solution.

  Both the adaptor lead supplied with the camera, and the plastic 2.5/3.5
  adaptor I've tried can be pushed too far into the jack socket! If
 they are
  plugged fully in, then you get lots of electrical noise: if you pull the
  jack out about 1/16th inch, where there's a natural, but small detent
  position, then all the mikes work fine.
  So it's simply a mechanical design problem with the jack socket used
 on HD1,
  certainly on the camera I have and from what others have said, on at
  some others as well.
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] MyBlogLog Spam

2007-02-18 Thread sull
Anyone use
Are you having sudden spamming issues... splogs and bogus friend requests?
I am.

Sull (a project) (my blog) (otherly)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [videoblogging] Re: LisaNova now on Mad TV

2007-02-18 Thread groups-yahoo-com
Very cool.

Is anyone keeping track of vloggers and podcasters crossing over to
broadcast radio or TV?

I'm going to start a before they were famous or cross-overs guide
on mefeedia.

So far I just have Brookers, and LisaNova but I'm trying to think of any others.

Dawn and Drew?

Madge Winestien?

I'd like to put Ask A Ninja on that list one day.

Aha, the Lonely Island Guys who are now on Saturday Night Live.

Anyone else?

Oh, and Amanda Cogdon

What about reverse-crossover?

Maybe we can come up with a list of mainstream personalities that have
now crossed over into podcasting.  I know NPR has a bunch. The most
recent one that comes to mind are the Cartalk guys, and there's the
Jim Lehrer podcast, but I need something more substantial then just
NPR personalities much as i love them

Oh! Heh! The digg guys!  I forgot about them. Leo Laporte too... Maybe
Adam Curry. He's a true hybrid. A lot of people from G4/TechTV jumped
ship and landed in this new media world. Timing as they say is

I guess the question is...

Who are your favorite videoblogging celebrities?


On 2/18/07, Bill Cammack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here's the video... she neglected to mention you by name. :D

 --- In, Bill Cammack [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  A) Did you get your 10%? :D
  B) Next time mention YOUR OWN SHOW! :D
  --- In, Harold Johnson
  harold.johnson@ wrote:
   So listen to this, guys -- I've just got to share this 'cause I just
   this out and I'm still kind of spinning on it.  I know someone
  (well, just
   barely) who has a boyfriend who's a regular on Mad TV.  So about two
   ago I'm talking to her about YouTube, and I mention this LisaNova, a
   self-described vlogger who's got a huge following in that community.
   acquaintance asks me what's so special about LisaNova? and I
  describe her
   talent, the community that's pulling for her, etc.  Today I find that
   LisaNova has now been cast on Mad TV.  Coincidence?
   [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Yahoo! Groups Links

[videoblogging] Re: sound/mic help? (SOLUTION!)

2007-02-18 Thread Bill Cammack
From that video you made, it looks like you're using a mono mic.  The
specs of the camera say that it has a stereo input.  If that's the
case, the number of rings on the end of your mic is going to be
different from the number of rings on the plug that goes into the
camera.  Basically, you want both to be the same, one way or the other.

Try going to Radio Shack and getting a really cheap (or actually,
maybe just asking them to use it to see if it works with your camera,
like Jan suggested) mixer that accepts mono inputs but outputs stereo.
 Plug the adapter plug all the way in and have that connect to the
stereo mixer and have that attach to your mic.  That solves two
problems. 1) Going from mono to stereo and 2) if it's still too loud,
you can use the mixer to lower the volume to an acceptable level. 
This might not be practical on the go, but if you're staying in one
place or using a tripod, this could work for you.  An added benefit of
using a mixer is that you would be able to plug in as many mics as the
mixer allows.  You could mic yoursef and someone else and have your
input go left and their input go right, so while you're taping, you
have two clean signals instead of having to pass a mic back and forth.
 Another application could be to have one side attached to a mic set
up to pick up natural sound from the background and the other side
pick up your mic.  That way, you could mix the sound however you want
when you get to editing.

My miniDV camera has a stereo input also.  The difference is that it
also has a headphone jack.  When I plug a mono mic into my camera, I
only hear the audio on one channel.  The other channel is just static,
because it's not receiving any input.  That doesn't matter, because
coming through a mono mic, I'm only going to receive a mono signal, so
I only need one channel to come through.  I can tell on the headphones
that I'm getting what I need, so it's a wrap.

They DO sell stereo mics, though, so either try your camera with the
adapter all the way in and connected to a stereo mic, or use a mixer
to convert the mono signal into a dual-mono signal that the camera can
pick up properly on both channels.

Bill C.

--- In, Halcyon  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 interesting. The included adaptor has 2 bandsmaybe I can find a mono
 adapter and see if that works.
 the included 2.5mm - 3.5mm adaptor cable:
 and short video of me talking with the plug pulled out a little:

Re: [videoblogging] MyBlogLog Spam

2007-02-18 Thread Sanford Dickert
I am - and I am getting an increase in spam - thought it was just  

On 18 Feb 2007, at 13:34, sull wrote:

 Anyone use
 Are you having sudden spamming issues... splogs and bogus friend  
 I am.

 Sull (a project) (my blog) (otherly)

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Yahoo! Groups Links

[videoblogging] Re: OurMedia, Whose Media? Concerns with CC licenses...

2007-02-18 Thread Steve Watkins
Great post Bill.

I used google cache to see what the ourmedia page was like before it
got changed. Because there is no mention of re-vlogging anywhere on
ourmedia that I can see, and the site's historical emphasis has been
on content uploaded by its members  hosted at, I
certainly do think they need to take care and make some other changes
before getting into this revlogging stuff. 

And I definately think that re-vlogging is a lot better when some
commentary is added, even just a few  text sentences explaining why
the work is worth highlighting, goes a long way to making it look like
 a decent thing. Avoid having too many similarities with services that
put other peoples popular work on your site to make you look good 
attract attention/viewers. Dont rely on your history or reputation or
stated goals and objectives as being things that give you any more of
a buffer to err in.

I look forward to the interesting sounding changes that will be made
to ourmedia, if revlogging is to be a common thing then Id suggest a
seperate section where other works are highlighted along with some
commentary. Is just changing the name of a few buttons enough? I
dunno, its easy for me to shout my opinion, Im not the one thats gotta
do it.

Hows everything going out there in the world of non-commercial
entities trying to do their bit for vlogging etc anyways? Hows
ourmedia and node101 and freevlog and others doing? I always admired
these projects whilst doing bugger all to help any of them myself. My
guess as an outsider is that they have been rewarding in their own way
but have struggled to get a critical mass of people and resources.
Donations alone havent been enough, so either adverts or sponsorship
or a reduction in time spent on the projects are other options.
Outhink seems to be one of the few commercial entities enlightened
enough to have given money  resources to these causes, they seem to
pop up all over the place, Im an outsider so I dont know the details
or how sustainable this stuff is.

Oh I dont really know what I am talking about. But if we have gone
past the initial phase where video on the net and citizen media needed
evangelising and promoting in order to raise awareness, and on to an
era where youtube got the critical mass for now, where videoblogging
is now commonly understood but maybe not using any of the terms weve
used, but rather simply in terms of 'going on youtube', then does this
mean all these helpful services that do their bit, need to change a
little or a lot? How does something like ourmedia distinguish itself
from youtube and add genuinely useful things that arent delivered by
using any of the commercial options, even enlightened ones like blip?
If the focus that created a community was 'video' and that no longer
leads to a small respectful community, and people miss that, then a
new community needs to form around something more specific in its
aims? Purists, noncommercialists, anybody who is not overjoyed by the
ways video on the web is going, people who think the magic is going or
that its been tainted somehow, the solution is not to rage against the
youtube or worry about what the masses are doing. Just create the
community you want, somehow. The tools are there, just because others
may misuse them doesnt mean that anybody needs to let even 1% of their
dreams of the potential of vlogging get soiled by what others are
doing. Then again thats probably what ourmedia set out to do in the
first place, but its easier said than done.


Steve Elbows
--- In, Bill Cammack [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Sure.  That's just semantics., which you
 mention later, does a much better job of making it clear where they
 got their material.  They also don't make it look like whomever
 originally posted the material has any affiliation with their blog
 whatsoever.  It looks like what it is... a re-vlog.
  If you go to, the AIB video is now gone. So
  that's an easy fix too.
 You can't un-ring a bell, so that's not a fix.  It prevents anyone
 that hasn't already seen it from getting the same incorrect
 impressions, which is a good thing, but it does nothing for those that
 already saw it and gathered their impressions of the situation.  It's
 still a good idea until something can be decided between revlogger and
 content creator... IF that's a goal of the revlogger in the first
  if you see something you dont like, definitely complain to that
  If they dont do anything about itthen raise a big stink.
  I find that most times things we dont like are just a
  Since Brian ants to make sure people see AIB as being
  objectivehe should complain if someone makes him look
  as far as revlogging...let's look at a couple examples:   (Ryanne) (Michael Schaap)
  Do you expect either of them to email 

[videoblogging] Re: LisaNova now on Mad TV

2007-02-18 Thread Steve Watkins
Im not keeping track deliberately but off the top of my head:

KarmaBanque got a deal with Al Jazeera English to make some videos for
broadcast on TV.

Clive James who is an Australian famous in Britain for many years in
the mainstream media, now does stuff online, though I dont know if his
videos would meet the definition of videoblogging.

Years ago a famous UK TV presenter called Keith Chegwin, fairly down
on his luck, broadcast himself live via streaming net video for many
hours every day. I believe he was infamously naked once.

A famous UK soap star had to leave the program after it was revealed
that he had been exposing himself on a web cam he had in his dressing
room, maybe that doesnt count :D

Here in the UK im finding it pretty hard to tell if there are really
many web celebrities here. If I go to the uk itunes podcast directory
then its dominated by BBC  other mainstream media people. Im probably
forgetting some really obvious example but no UK web celeb is
springing to mind right now. In the UK the web has been used to launch
some very sucessful (so far) musical careers, but I cant think what
'personalities' its brought into our mainstream yet. Fameseekers here
are currently stil more likely to try their luck in Big Brother
auditions! Our famous homegrown youtuber is that great really old
bloke, he has got some media attention but didnt even allow interviews
until recently, he was the only person who'd ever filmed himself, so
he isnt a crossover so far.


Steve Elbows

--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Very cool.
 Is anyone keeping track of vloggers and podcasters crossing over to
 broadcast radio or TV?
 I'm going to start a before they were famous or cross-overs guide
 on mefeedia.
 So far I just have Brookers, and LisaNova but I'm trying to think of
any others.
 Dawn and Drew?
 Madge Winestien?
 I'd like to put Ask A Ninja on that list one day.
 Aha, the Lonely Island Guys who are now on Saturday Night Live.
 Anyone else?
 Oh, and Amanda Cogdon
 What about reverse-crossover?
 Maybe we can come up with a list of mainstream personalities that have
 now crossed over into podcasting.  I know NPR has a bunch. The most
 recent one that comes to mind are the Cartalk guys, and there's the
 Jim Lehrer podcast, but I need something more substantial then just
 NPR personalities much as i love them
 Oh! Heh! The digg guys!  I forgot about them. Leo Laporte too... Maybe
 Adam Curry. He's a true hybrid. A lot of people from G4/TechTV jumped
 ship and landed in this new media world. Timing as they say is
 I guess the question is...
 Who are your favorite videoblogging celebrities?
 On 2/18/07, Bill Cammack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Here's the video... she neglected to mention you by name. :D
  --- In, Bill Cammack BillCammack@
   A) Did you get your 10%? :D
   B) Next time mention YOUR OWN SHOW! :D
   --- In, Harold Johnson
   harold.johnson@ wrote:
So listen to this, guys -- I've just got to share this 'cause
I just
this out and I'm still kind of spinning on it.  I know someone
   (well, just
barely) who has a boyfriend who's a regular on Mad TV.  So
about two
ago I'm talking to her about YouTube, and I mention this
LisaNova, a
self-described vlogger who's got a huge following in that
acquaintance asks me what's so special about LisaNova? and I
   describe her
talent, the community that's pulling for her, etc.  Today I
find that
LisaNova has now been cast on Mad TV.  Coincidence?
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
  Yahoo! Groups Links

[videoblogging] Re: LisaNova now on Mad TV

2007-02-18 Thread Steve Watkins
And, at least from an international point of view, Im perhaps more
interested in those who 'make it' and dont cross-over.

If Ask a Ninja signed some TV deal, what good is that to me in the UK?
That means at best I can watch their stuff months later if its picked
up by a uk tv network?

Wheras Ask A Ninja got that nice lucrative advertising deal didnt
they, and as far as I know this means I can still watch them wherever
I am (even if i hate ads, at least I have the option).

Its funny how rarely I see the international dimensions of net video
being discussed in the mainstream  especially business press. They
throw all these huge numbers around concerning ad revenue, but I dont
see all that much talk about the implications of having global
audiences as well as relatively localised ones. Sometimes I wonder why
the large companies that have global products  brands, dont see more
in these opportunities, although of course I could be overstating
things as I dont know what %age of a typical popular USA vlogs
audience is in the USA.


Steve Elbows
--- In, Steve Watkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Im not keeping track deliberately but off the top of my head:
 KarmaBanque got a deal with Al Jazeera English to make some videos for
 broadcast on TV.
 Clive James who is an Australian famous in Britain for many years in
 the mainstream media, now does stuff online, though I dont know if his
 videos would meet the definition of videoblogging.
 Years ago a famous UK TV presenter called Keith Chegwin, fairly down
 on his luck, broadcast himself live via streaming net video for many
 hours every day. I believe he was infamously naked once.
 A famous UK soap star had to leave the program after it was revealed
 that he had been exposing himself on a web cam he had in his dressing
 room, maybe that doesnt count :D
 Here in the UK im finding it pretty hard to tell if there are really
 many web celebrities here. If I go to the uk itunes podcast directory
 then its dominated by BBC  other mainstream media people. Im probably
 forgetting some really obvious example but no UK web celeb is
 springing to mind right now. In the UK the web has been used to launch
 some very sucessful (so far) musical careers, but I cant think what
 'personalities' its brought into our mainstream yet. Fameseekers here
 are currently stil more likely to try their luck in Big Brother
 auditions! Our famous homegrown youtuber is that great really old
 bloke, he has got some media attention but didnt even allow interviews
 until recently, he was the only person who'd ever filmed himself, so
 he isnt a crossover so far.
 Steve Elbows
 --- In, groups-yahoo-com@ wrote:
  Very cool.
  Is anyone keeping track of vloggers and podcasters crossing over to
  broadcast radio or TV?
  I'm going to start a before they were famous or cross-overs guide
  on mefeedia.
  So far I just have Brookers, and LisaNova but I'm trying to think of
 any others.
  Dawn and Drew?
  Madge Winestien?
  I'd like to put Ask A Ninja on that list one day.
  Aha, the Lonely Island Guys who are now on Saturday Night Live.
  Anyone else?
  Oh, and Amanda Cogdon
  What about reverse-crossover?
  Maybe we can come up with a list of mainstream personalities that have
  now crossed over into podcasting.  I know NPR has a bunch. The most
  recent one that comes to mind are the Cartalk guys, and there's the
  Jim Lehrer podcast, but I need something more substantial then just
  NPR personalities much as i love them
  Oh! Heh! The digg guys!  I forgot about them. Leo Laporte too... Maybe
  Adam Curry. He's a true hybrid. A lot of people from G4/TechTV jumped
  ship and landed in this new media world. Timing as they say is
  I guess the question is...
  Who are your favorite videoblogging celebrities?
  On 2/18/07, Bill Cammack BillCammack@ wrote:
   Here's the video... she neglected to mention you by name. :D
   --- In, Bill Cammack BillCammack@
A) Did you get your 10%? :D
B) Next time mention YOUR OWN SHOW! :D
--- In, Harold Johnson
harold.johnson@ wrote:

 So listen to this, guys -- I've just got to share this 'cause
 I just
 this out and I'm still kind of spinning on it.  I know someone
(well, just
 barely) who has a boyfriend who's a regular on Mad TV.  So
 about two
 ago I'm talking to her about YouTube, and I mention this
 LisaNova, a
 self-described vlogger who's got a huge following in that
 acquaintance asks me what's so special about LisaNova? and I
describe her
 talent, the community that's pulling for her, etc.  Today I
 find that
 LisaNova has now been cast 

[videoblogging] Re: sound/mic help? (SOLUTION!)

2007-02-18 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
If that is the case and your mic's connectors/plugs are mono
Radio Shack used to have these. I think Mono was Black moulded plastic
(stereo mini - 2 mono mini L-R) and the stereo was a red molded plastic.
The adapter does not weigh a pound, more like a ounce. No real added
weight to camera. 

I think you are in LA...
Second to the last: st mini plug to L/R mini jacks $7.50
Y-cable separates stereo mini into left mono mini jack and right mono
mini jack.

--- In, Bill Cammack [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 From that video you made, it looks like you're using a mono mic.  The
 specs of the camera say that it has a stereo input.  If that's the
 case, the number of rings on the end of your mic is going to be
 different from the number of rings on the plug that goes into the
 camera.  Basically, you want both to be the same, one way or the other.
 Try going to Radio Shack and getting a really cheap (or actually,
 maybe just asking them to use it to see if it works with your camera,
 like Jan suggested) mixer that accepts mono inputs but outputs stereo.
 Bill C.
 --- In, Halcyon  halcyon@ wrote:
  interesting. The included adaptor has 2 bandsmaybe I can find
a mono
  adapter and see if that works.
  the included 2.5mm - 3.5mm adaptor cable:
  and short video of me talking with the plug pulled out a little:

[videoblogging] Re: LisaNova now on Mad TV

2007-02-18 Thread Kent Nichols
Yeah it's a good point.

But also consider that the advertising deals Ask A Ninja has dealt
with to this point have all paid us only for US views.  They don't
really care about the numbers internationally.

I'm sure some clever tech person will develop a system that will
dynamically insert the right video ad based on guessed locale of the
audience member, but we're a little ways a way from that.

The Lisa Nova thing is a nice landmark in terms of how to break
through and get a role in Hollywood.  Lisa is the first person to not
have any real acting credits and then get hired to do a big league
Hollywood gig.  (The Lonely Island guys gradually grew and then SNL
got them).

It's Hollywood's version of being bought by Google.  And I'm sure it
will happen more and more.

Ask A Ninja is a little too big to be bought now, not saying that it
will never happen, but the money Hollywood has offered is no where
near what we can make on Advertising/Merch.


--- In, Steve Watkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 And, at least from an international point of view, Im perhaps more
 interested in those who 'make it' and dont cross-over.
 If Ask a Ninja signed some TV deal, what good is that to me in the UK?
 That means at best I can watch their stuff months later if its picked
 up by a uk tv network?
 Wheras Ask A Ninja got that nice lucrative advertising deal didnt
 they, and as far as I know this means I can still watch them wherever
 I am (even if i hate ads, at least I have the option).
 Its funny how rarely I see the international dimensions of net video
 being discussed in the mainstream  especially business press. They
 throw all these huge numbers around concerning ad revenue, but I dont
 see all that much talk about the implications of having global
 audiences as well as relatively localised ones. Sometimes I wonder why
 the large companies that have global products  brands, dont see more
 in these opportunities, although of course I could be overstating
 things as I dont know what %age of a typical popular USA vlogs
 audience is in the USA.
 Steve Elbows
 --- In, Steve Watkins steve@ wrote:
  Im not keeping track deliberately but off the top of my head:
  KarmaBanque got a deal with Al Jazeera English to make some videos for
  broadcast on TV.
  Clive James who is an Australian famous in Britain for many years in
  the mainstream media, now does stuff online, though I dont know if his
  videos would meet the definition of videoblogging.
  Years ago a famous UK TV presenter called Keith Chegwin, fairly down
  on his luck, broadcast himself live via streaming net video for many
  hours every day. I believe he was infamously naked once.
  A famous UK soap star had to leave the program after it was revealed
  that he had been exposing himself on a web cam he had in his dressing
  room, maybe that doesnt count :D
  Here in the UK im finding it pretty hard to tell if there are really
  many web celebrities here. If I go to the uk itunes podcast directory
  then its dominated by BBC  other mainstream media people. Im probably
  forgetting some really obvious example but no UK web celeb is
  springing to mind right now. In the UK the web has been used to launch
  some very sucessful (so far) musical careers, but I cant think what
  'personalities' its brought into our mainstream yet. Fameseekers here
  are currently stil more likely to try their luck in Big Brother
  auditions! Our famous homegrown youtuber is that great really old
  bloke, he has got some media attention but didnt even allow interviews
  until recently, he was the only person who'd ever filmed himself, so
  he isnt a crossover so far.
  Steve Elbows
  --- In, groups-yahoo-com@ wrote:
   Very cool.
   Is anyone keeping track of vloggers and podcasters crossing over to
   broadcast radio or TV?
   I'm going to start a before they were famous or cross-overs
   on mefeedia.
   So far I just have Brookers, and LisaNova but I'm trying to think of
  any others.
   Dawn and Drew?
   Madge Winestien?
   I'd like to put Ask A Ninja on that list one day.
   Aha, the Lonely Island Guys who are now on Saturday Night Live.
   Anyone else?
   Oh, and Amanda Cogdon
   What about reverse-crossover?
   Maybe we can come up with a list of mainstream personalities
that have
   now crossed over into podcasting.  I know NPR has a bunch. The most
   recent one that comes to mind are the Cartalk guys, and there's the
   Jim Lehrer podcast, but I need something more substantial then just
   NPR personalities much as i love them
   Oh! Heh! The digg guys!  I forgot about them. Leo Laporte too...
   Adam Curry. He's a true hybrid. A lot of people from G4/TechTV
   ship and landed in this new media world. Timing as they say is
   I guess the question 

[videoblogging] Re: sound/mic help? (SOLUTION!)

2007-02-18 Thread bordercollieaustralianshepherd
My mistake, I left a link out:

For the future and pre planning for audio on location. A little late
when trying to correct problems. Hope it will be of help.
 The adapter does not weigh a pound, more like a ounce. No real added
 weight to camera. 
 I think you are in LA...
 Second to the last: st mini plug to L/R mini jacks $7.50
 Y-cable separates stereo mini into left mono mini jack and right mono
 mini jack.

Re: [videoblogging] Re: video thumbnails

2007-02-18 Thread Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen
Den 10.02.2007 kl. 02:10 skrev Frank Carver [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 a href='mythunbnail.jpg' rel='thumbnail'img  

 Then it will show fine in browsers, be XHTML compliant, and easy to
 scrape while generating a feed.


Doesn't work in the real world. People use thumbnails to link to their  
video and you can't have two links on the same object.

Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen

[videoblogging] Video Blog File Type Recommendation Request

2007-02-18 Thread Giovanni Gallucci
OK...I bow before the video masters.

Simple question ­ What does the videoblogging group members recommend when
it comes to video file-type for a video blog.

I am doing post production on a Mac with a combination of iMovieHD and
FinalCut Express. 

I am considering .mov, .mp4, and .m4v.

I have three goals in this order -

Widest possible distribution with a single file format;
highest quality; and
smallest files size :-).

The only thing I¹m not asking for is a built-in, guaranteed audience of
several thousand right out of the gate.

So...what say ye, video smarties?

giovanni gallucci
tel € 469.682.6978
blog €
aim € giovannigallucci

kinetic results, llc
14875 landmark boulevard, suite 200
addison, tx 75254
tel € 972.202.9945
web €

media swamp podcast network
15950 dallas parkway, suite 400
dallas, tx 75248
web €
podcast €
video podcast €

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] Elura 100 vs. Xacti C40 (and hello!)

2007-02-18 Thread jsmooth995
Hello hello, been lurking for a while now and gleaned lots of insight
from you all (my first little forays into video are here:

I want to pick up a second camera that's easier to carry around, and
after reading up here and elsewhere I'm looking at the Elura 100 and
the Xacti C40. Wondering how much difference there is, especially in
terms of portability (xacti seems more pocket-sized, and just looks so
much cooler lol), and audio quality (i've read the xacti is weak on
sound recording). Also low light recording.. 

Much thanks for any insights!
Jay Smooth

[videoblogging] Re: What really traps new talent (and it's not the gatekeepers)

2007-02-18 Thread humancloner1997
Bill Cammack's advice to become an editor reflects a truism about
the arts in general.  The technicians generally earn a living and/or
prosper while the artists  would-be stars starve.

This was the biggest discovery I made while hustling Hollywood Blvd
one summer in the late 1950s.  The middle-aged men driving new cars,
living in great apts, etc. were the lighting technicians, the camera
opoerators, the prop managers, etc.

Those who aspired to be writers, actors, singers, dancers or
performers in general comprised a huge poverty class buried beneath
the riches and glitter of the successful few in those crafts.

I always advise people starting college with liberal arts majors to be
sure to take courses in accounting, etc. because those skills are very
important in life even in the arts.

--- In, Bill Cammack [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 That's a benefit to being an editor... you ALWAYS get paid. :D  If you
 think there are/were A LOT of reality tv shows on television, imagine
 how many PILOTS people made in order to pitch their shows to a
 production company!  Whether their show is picked up or not, they
 still had to pay the editor to make the pilot.
 Same thing with music.  If you think there are a lot of rappers (now
 that they let ANYBODY on the mic... :/ ), imagine how many people
 bought hours in the studio to put together a demo tape.  It used to
 be really funny, knowing full well that some of the guys were absolute
 GARBAGE on the mic, and weren't going anywhere... but business is
 business, so the tapes/CDs got made.  At least they had something to
 take back to the block and pull some chicks with by fronting like
 they're actually in the industry! :D
 Bill C.
 --- In, Halcyon  halcyon@ wrote:
  Totally agree!
  I think that 'quick and dirty video editor' is soon going to be
the web
  designer of the Internet bubble days.
  EVERY business will need a video commercial/brochure soon -- in the
 same way
  every company needed a webpage in 99.
  Sharpen those imovie skills!!!
  On 2/16/07, humancloner1997 rhwicker@ wrote:
 Yes, there are people out there who are really dumb.
   However, I know one enterprising professional filmmaker who
   shoots auditions for aspiring actresses for a fee---just like the
   old game of selling photographic portfolios to would-be models.
   Actually, there is nothing wrong with doing that. I'm surprised move
   vloggers haven't gotten the idea of just going door to door 
   someone that for $200 they'll put up a five minute ad for their
   bakery (or other business)  give them a copy on DVD.
   For those unable to do it for themselves, $200 would be a great
   investment if you had a location/hotel/lounge/retial shop with an
   interesting ambience.
   Ma, I found this fabulous 'Magic Shop' in NYC with powerful
   crystals. They said you could get an idea by watching this link on
   the Internet! I really 'have to have' the big quartz crystal in
   their window. It's only $395.00!
   You get the idea. Like that famous old Carvel Man (am I dating
   myself here?), everyone gets a kick out of seeing  hearing
   themselves in the media--even if it is just on the Internet at
   Randolfe (Randy) Wicker
   Hoboken, NJ
   One mile West of the center of the world!
   --- In,
   leesarbarnes@ wrote:
--- In,
   humancloner1997 rhwicker@
 I couldn't agree more with Schlomo on this one. Vlogging removes
 the gatekeepers but traditional media tries to trap new
 When you buy into them, you won't feature the really
 different and fabulous things in your own life because you have
 brainwashed to think most popular is best.
New talent is trapped, not by traditional media, but by their
Case in point - I met an actress about a month ago at a photo
   shoot. I
go into a studio once a year to get professional pictures done. I
the camera, but the whole of act of cheesing in front of one for
on end is too rigid for my taste.
So, I met this young woman who's an aspiring actress. And I
use the
word aspiring loosely as she's still trying to get her first gig.
She was complaining that she couldn't find an agent to
represent her
and just couldn't get any breaks. Of course, my video
podcasting hat
goes on and I start telling her about the benefits to her
career if
she starts one.
That if she could put together a show and broadcast it over the
internet, she could amass a following. That people who show that
have a following are 10x more likely to get their break on TV
are my 

[videoblogging] Moving on to other podcasting ventures, selling old domains

2007-02-18 Thread Jacek Artymiak
I'm moving on to other podcasting ventures and getting rid of these domains: and other 7 domains:

Jacek Artymiak

[videoblogging] Re: Joost for Mac in Beta

2007-02-18 Thread Dee Copeland
I'm getting started in video blogging and would like to test the
platform for Mac as well.

--- In, Ryan Kawailani Ozawa

 Noted on BoingBoing:
 Links here:
 A quick review here by Bryan Wyrick:
 Any Joosters try the Mac version?  I know Windows folks have been
 with it for a while.  Meanwhile I'm still scrounging about for an invite
 code (sheepish grin)...
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] Re: Elura 100 vs. Xacti C40 (and hello!)

2007-02-18 Thread Bill Cammack
Checked out your videos.  Entertaining. :)

Depending on what you're trying to do, you might consider getting a
digital still camera that also shoots video.  I picked up the Samsung
NV3, though it's unreliable sound-wise.  Another option is the Sony
W-70 for ~ the same price or the Sony W-100 for a little more.  Both
record video to a card instead of tape, so transfer to computer for
editing is infinitely faster.  Also, you get to carry around a still
camera instead of a video camera.  Comes in handy sometimes. ;)

Also, use the search function.  A lot of this has been discussed and
is already available.

Bill C.

--- In, jsmooth995 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello hello, been lurking for a while now and gleaned lots of insight
 from you all (my first little forays into video are here:
 I want to pick up a second camera that's easier to carry around, and
 after reading up here and elsewhere I'm looking at the Elura 100 and
 the Xacti C40. Wondering how much difference there is, especially in
 terms of portability (xacti seems more pocket-sized, and just looks so
 much cooler lol), and audio quality (i've read the xacti is weak on
 sound recording). Also low light recording.. 
 Much thanks for any insights!
 Jay Smooth

[videoblogging] Re: Video Blog File Type Recommendation Request

2007-02-18 Thread David Howell
This is my personal preference for video file formats. I am by far not
an expert, master or authority on this though.

For the best quality and size, I prefer h.264 encoded .mov files.

For the best distribution, probably Flash format.

I use Final Cut Express HD to do all my editing.


--- In, Giovanni Gallucci [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 OK...I bow before the video masters.
 Simple question ­ What does the videoblogging group members
recommend when
 it comes to video file-type for a video blog.
 I am doing post production on a Mac with a combination of iMovieHD and
 FinalCut Express. 
 I am considering .mov, .mp4, and .m4v.
 I have three goals in this order -
 Widest possible distribution with a single file format;
 highest quality; and
 smallest files size :-).
 The only thing I¹m not asking for is a built-in, guaranteed audience of
 several thousand right out of the gate.
 So...what say ye, video smarties?
 giovanni gallucci
 tel € 469.682.6978
 blog €
 aim € giovannigallucci
 kinetic results, llc
 14875 landmark boulevard, suite 200
 addison, tx 75254
 tel € 972.202.9945
 web €
 media swamp podcast network
 15950 dallas parkway, suite 400
 dallas, tx 75248
 web €
 podcast €
 video podcast €
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] Re: sound/mic help? (SOLUTION!)

2007-02-18 Thread humancloner1997
Maybe you could wind some sewing thread around it and/or find s rubber
washer that would keep it sitting right in the plug.

Randolfe (Randy) Wicker
Hoboken, NJ

--- In, Halcyon  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I found something on (below)
 The hot scratchy sound goes away if I pull the plug out 1/16 of an inch.
 WTF!?  What a crappy solution.
 Now if I'm on location I have to dangle the mic connection and hope that
 it's working!?  ugh.
 Anyway, thanks for all the help and suggestions!!
 I've discovered what the problem is with the external mike input on
my HD1.
 Both the adaptor lead supplied with the camera, and the plastic 2.5/3.5
 adaptor I've tried can be pushed too far into the jack socket! If
they are
 plugged fully in, then you get lots of electrical noise: if you pull the
 jack out about 1/16th inch, where there's a natural, but small detent
 position, then all the mikes work fine.
 So it's simply a mechanical design problem with the jack socket used
on HD1,
 certainly on the camera I have and from what others have said, on at
 some others as well.
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] Re: OurMedia, Whose Media? Concerns with CC licenses...

2007-02-18 Thread humancloner1997

I understand Brian's objection to how his AIB has been revlogged as
if he was part of OurMedia and with a misleading political slant given
his video via choice of thumbnail  a quote taken out of context.

I have to admit being technically challenged here.  I am just starting
to study linking.  There is a tutorial called 'Link Love on I have to study.

I've had many requests to swap links and/or for me to link to
another site.  I know I'm missing traffic by not having done so.

What question arises in my mind is where the dividing line is between
a link posted on a site that may have a stated focus.  Let's say, in
this case, it was called Make Love, Not War  was devoted to pacifism.

If such a site wanted to put a link to your content on their site 
you really didn't want them to do so because you held neo-con views,
do you have thge right to make them remove your name  link from their

And what about all these embed this video tags on YouTube 
elsewhere?  Once you have allowed that to be with your video, have you
consented to allow anyone to embed your video on their site?

Hope this question doesn't make me seem technically stupid.

Randolfe (Randy) Wicker
Hoboken, NJ

--- In, Bill Cammack [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In, brian conley
 brian_conley2005@ wrote:
  This morning I discovered that the work of one of my projects, Alive
 in Baghdad, had been posted on the front page of
  (I have enclosed a screen capture for your reference.)  Not only did
 noone request the use of our work, or inform us of our inclusion on
 this site, but OurMedia  presents our work in a way that could be
 significantly harmful to our project. 
  At first glance, the presentation of our work on OurMedia suggests
 to the average viewer that AIB has a political, anti-war stance and
 that AIB is a part of OurMedia. In fact this could not be farther from
 the truth, AiB takes pains to present a balanced view of life in Iraq,
 that simply shows the experiences and feelings of Iraqis, without
 adding a political tone.
  Basically—in representing AIB, OurMedia selected a thumbnail of a
 woman with a translated quote underneath that says May God Curse Bush
 and all those that brought him here.  Obviously, this is not a quote
 that we would choose to have represent us. We worried about including
 that segment at all and feared that, out of context, separate from our
 other work, it could cause harm to the public face of the project,
 bring flamers, etc.  However, inside of the entire episode, we felt it
 was acceptable and was reflective of the situation in Iraq. We care
 deeply about building a project that gives voice to Iraqi citizens—not
 towards pushing a political agenda.  Such a posting can damage the
 perceptions of Alive in Baghdad and our future opportunities.  
  Additionally, OurMedia indicates that we are a member of their
 organization—i.e. you'll notice to the right of the thumbnail, it
 lists a link titled member page that links to
 AiB is not, nor has it ever been, a member of Ourmedia.  Given our
 experience, we question whether they actually have 125,000 members
 Jay @ Markus are addressing the issues and clearing up the
 misunderstandings, but I agree with you that someone reading that page
 will get certain incorrect impressions.
 Until reading the posts here, I didn't realize ourmedia was revlogging
 at all.  I went to the page, saw the lady, saw the caption, clicked on
 member page and went straight to AiB.  I think there's another link
 that says media page that goes to the AiB permalink for that video.
  I was looking for ANY member list at all, and couldn't find a list of
 content creators... you get sponsors  partners, so that seemed odd
 as well.
 If a group's going to re-vlog material, especially sensitive material
 like AiB, thumbnail selection is CRITICAL.  Until this situation, I
 would have assumed that the thumbnail used would have been the
 thumbnail supplied by the content creator.  For instance, if you go to
 a video on blip and select share, you can select the actual
 thumbnail that the creator uploaded.  I would assume that that would
 be used in the revlog as well.  You can't use some
 automatically-generated thumbnail, because it's completely out of
 context.  You can have a video about cleaning up the neighborhood with
 examples of what NOT to do in it, and the randomly selected thumbnail
 is of some guy spraying paint on the side of a wall.  People's
 impression of the video itself, and consequentially, the group
 responsible for it, is going to be affected by their perception of the
 out-of-context image representing the video.
 Also, Markus has already mentioned the link issue.  member page
 makes the person who is certainly not a member of this group think the
 group is cheating or trying to gain something by sneaking an
 affiliation with them 

[videoblogging] Boston Globe Article is Online

2007-02-18 Thread Darren Winkler Darren Scott
Hey group!
Here is the link to the article in the Boston Globe that I told you 
about last week where I was interviewed regarding the Aqua Teen Hunger 
Force Bomb Scare in Boston.

You can also view the Blog here:

Please let me know what you think!

Thanks, Darren W
The Driving Blogger

[videoblogging] Re: OurMedia, Whose Media? Concerns with CC licenses...

2007-02-18 Thread Darren Winkler Darren Scott
This is a very interesting thread to me in that I am a member of Our 
Media yet have found myself taking issue with the moderators of the 
site many times in the past.
I have been what they call a guest editor and was charged with 
providing the links on the home page of Our Media and I can say that 
I like every other person on that site does in fact have a polital 
I have been in a struggle with most of the moderators at Our Media as 
I am one of those neo-con LIBERTARIAN members who feels greatly 
misrepresented and mostly censored at Our Media.

I realize that the creators of AiB wish to maintain a balanced view 
and I must say that it has been my experience that Our Media is not 
in any way a balanced site and 99.9% of the users are in fact very 
far to the left. There is nothing at all wrong with that fact but it 
should be clearly stated so that viewers can be aware or beware of 
the site and it's content.

I beleive that the poster was in fact attempting to skew the content 
of AiB to suite their view. It may be legal, but it should be shunned 
by our community as no one here would want this to happen to their 

I think that Our Media should hear from all of us that although 
there is likely legal authority to re-post in this way that it is 
nevertheless unethical.

Just my two cents worth.

All the best, Darren W.
The Driving Blogger

--- In, humancloner1997 

 I understand Brian's objection to how his AIB has been revlogged 
 if he was part of OurMedia and with a misleading political slant 
 his video via choice of thumbnail  a quote taken out of context.
 I have to admit being technically challenged here.  I am just 
 to study linking.  There is a tutorial called 'Link Love on I have to study.
 I've had many requests to swap links and/or for me to link to
 another site.  I know I'm missing traffic by not having done so.
 What question arises in my mind is where the dividing line is 
 a link posted on a site that may have a stated focus.  Let's say, in
 this case, it was called Make Love, Not War  was devoted to 
 If such a site wanted to put a link to your content on their site 
 you really didn't want them to do so because you held neo-con views,
 do you have thge right to make them remove your name  link from 
 And what about all these embed this video tags on YouTube 
 elsewhere?  Once you have allowed that to be with your video, have 
 consented to allow anyone to embed your video on their site?
 Hope this question doesn't make me seem technically stupid.
 Randolfe (Randy) Wicker
 Hoboken, NJ
 --- In, Bill Cammack BillCammack@
  --- In, brian conley
  brian_conley2005@ wrote:
   This morning I discovered that the work of one of my projects, 
  in Baghdad, had been posted on the front page of
   (I have enclosed a screen capture for your reference.)  Not only 
  noone request the use of our work, or inform us of our inclusion 
  this site, but OurMedia  presents our work in a way that could be
  significantly harmful to our project. 
   At first glance, the presentation of our work on OurMedia 
  to the average viewer that AIB has a political, anti-war stance 
  that AIB is a part of OurMedia. In fact this could not be farther 
  the truth, AiB takes pains to present a balanced view of life in 
  that simply shows the experiences and feelings of Iraqis, without
  adding a political tone.
   Basically—in representing AIB, OurMedia selected a thumbnail of 
  woman with a translated quote underneath that says May God Curse 
  and all those that brought him here.  Obviously, this is not a 
  that we would choose to have represent us. We worried about 
  that segment at all and feared that, out of context, separate 
from our
  other work, it could cause harm to the public face of the project,
  bring flamers, etc.  However, inside of the entire episode, we 
felt it
  was acceptable and was reflective of the situation in Iraq. We 
  deeply about building a project that gives voice to Iraqi 
  towards pushing a political agenda.  Such a posting can damage the
  perceptions of Alive in Baghdad and our future opportunities.  
   Additionally, OurMedia indicates that we are a member of their
  organization—i.e. you'll notice to the right of the thumbnail, it
  lists a link titled member page that links to
  AiB is not, nor has it ever been, a member of Ourmedia.  Given our
  experience, we question whether they actually have 125,000 
  Jay @ Markus are addressing the issues and clearing up the
  misunderstandings, but I agree with you that someone 

Re: [videoblogging] Re: OurMedia, Whose Media? Concerns with CC licenses...

2007-02-18 Thread Jan McLaughlin
One thing about blogging is that you can present your case - and I think AiB
should do so - using the blogtools available. A great chance to speak to
their mission / purpose.

Make it part of the AiB blog.

The screenshot.

Parts of this discussion.

I'd be delighted to vlog it.


On 2/18/07, Darren Winkler Darren Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is a very interesting thread to me in that I am a member of Our
 Media yet have found myself taking issue with the moderators of the
 site many times in the past.
 I have been what they call a guest editor and was charged with
 providing the links on the home page of Our Media and I can say that
 I like every other person on that site does in fact have a polital
 I have been in a struggle with most of the moderators at Our Media as
 I am one of those neo-con LIBERTARIAN members who feels greatly
 misrepresented and mostly censored at Our Media.

 I realize that the creators of AiB wish to maintain a balanced view
 and I must say that it has been my experience that Our Media is not
 in any way a balanced site and 99.9% of the users are in fact very
 far to the left. There is nothing at all wrong with that fact but it
 should be clearly stated so that viewers can be aware or beware of
 the site and it's content.

 I beleive that the poster was in fact attempting to skew the content
 of AiB to suite their view. It may be legal, but it should be shunned
 by our community as no one here would want this to happen to their

 I think that Our Media should hear from all of us that although
 there is likely legal authority to re-post in this way that it is
 nevertheless unethical.

 Just my two cents worth.

 All the best, Darren W.
 The Driving Blogger

 --- In, humancloner1997
  I understand Brian's objection to how his AIB has been revlogged
  if he was part of OurMedia and with a misleading political slant
  his video via choice of thumbnail  a quote taken out of context.
  I have to admit being technically challenged here.  I am just
  to study linking.  There is a tutorial called 'Link Love on I have to study.
  I've had many requests to swap links and/or for me to link to
  another site.  I know I'm missing traffic by not having done so.
  What question arises in my mind is where the dividing line is
  a link posted on a site that may have a stated focus.  Let's say, in
  this case, it was called Make Love, Not War  was devoted to
  If such a site wanted to put a link to your content on their site 
  you really didn't want them to do so because you held neo-con views,
  do you have thge right to make them remove your name  link from
  And what about all these embed this video tags on YouTube 
  elsewhere?  Once you have allowed that to be with your video, have
  consented to allow anyone to embed your video on their site?
  Hope this question doesn't make me seem technically stupid.
  Randolfe (Randy) Wicker
  Hoboken, NJ
  --- In, Bill Cammack BillCammack@
   --- In, brian conley
   brian_conley2005@ wrote:
This morning I discovered that the work of one of my projects,
   in Baghdad, had been posted on the front page of
(I have enclosed a screen capture for your reference.)  Not only
   noone request the use of our work, or inform us of our inclusion
   this site, but OurMedia  presents our work in a way that could be
   significantly harmful to our project.
At first glance, the presentation of our work on OurMedia
   to the average viewer that AIB has a political, anti-war stance
   that AIB is a part of OurMedia. In fact this could not be farther
   the truth, AiB takes pains to present a balanced view of life in
   that simply shows the experiences and feelings of Iraqis, without
   adding a political tone.
Basically—in representing AIB, OurMedia selected a thumbnail of
   woman with a translated quote underneath that says May God Curse
   and all those that brought him here.  Obviously, this is not a
   that we would choose to have represent us. We worried about
   that segment at all and feared that, out of context, separate
 from our
   other work, it could cause harm to the public face of the project,
   bring flamers, etc.  However, inside of the entire episode, we
 felt it
   was acceptable and was reflective of the situation in Iraq. We
   deeply about building a project that gives voice to Iraqi
   towards pushing a political agenda.  Such a posting can damage the
   perceptions of Alive in Baghdad and our future opportunities.
Additionally, OurMedia indicates that we are a member 

[videoblogging] Re: Elura 100 vs. Xacti C40 (and hello!)

2007-02-18 Thread amani_c
What up Jay welcome!

I can't offer a comparison, but I've been using to Elura 100 for a 
lot of my v-blog episodes, and I have no complaints.  Its a very 
affordable camera, it takes great pictures (for a 1 chipper), it has 
a mic imput which is a must if you're doing any interviews, and it 
works as a vcr and can record from external video sources.  I'm 
using a wide angle lens for most of my videos, except when I need to 
zoom.  I also use it as a deck for ingesting video into my laptop (I 
also shoot on a Canon XL1 in low light situations).

I checked into the specs of the Sanyo, and I didn't see anything 
about a mic imput. For now, I'd take tape (MiniDV) over a hard drive 
recorder any day because I like to keep all of my raw, and unless 
you're going to save all your video on an external hard drive, all 
that video you shoot will have to be deleted eventually.

Any one chip camera is going to be weak in low light situations. 
I've found the Elura to be very portable, and it will fit in your 
coat pocket with no problem.

Here are a couple of links to some videos I've shot with the Elura 

You can compare that to the XL1

Hope this info helps.


--- In, jsmooth995 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Hello hello, been lurking for a while now and gleaned lots of 
 from you all (my first little forays into video are here:
 I want to pick up a second camera that's easier to carry around, 
 after reading up here and elsewhere I'm looking at the Elura 100 
 the Xacti C40. Wondering how much difference there is, especially 
 terms of portability (xacti seems more pocket-sized, and just 
looks so
 much cooler lol), and audio quality (i've read the xacti is weak on
 sound recording). Also low light recording.. 
 Much thanks for any insights!
 Jay Smooth

[videoblogging] Re: Boston Globe Article is Online

2007-02-18 Thread Darren Winkler Darren Scott
Hey gang...

I posted the wrong link to the Boston Globe story...

Here is the correct URL to the article:

Thanks, Darren W
The Driving Blogger

--- In, Darren Winkler Darren Scott 

 Hey group!
 Here is the link to the article in the Boston Globe that I told you 
 about last week where I was interviewed regarding the Aqua Teen 
 Force Bomb Scare in Boston.
 You can also view the Blog here:
 Please let me know what you think!
 Thanks, Darren W
 The Driving Blogger

Re: [videoblogging] Joost for Mac in Beta

2007-02-18 Thread T Shey
I downloaded and played with it a bit last night, we have a few beta
testing accounts via our company.  The video quality was pretty
impressive over my wifi connection... froze up once or twice but in
general videos started playing pretty quickly and looked pretty sharp
and smooth.

It beats any progressive Flash video out there I've seen, and as more
people download it, it'll only get better.

That said, the user interface and the content they've signed on so far
leave a lot of room for improvement -- but those to me seem like the
easier things to fix.

The minute they give me some extra invites, I'll be happy to spread them around.

On 2/18/07, Ryan Kawailani Ozawa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Noted on BoingBoing:

 Links here:

 A quick review here by Bryan Wyrick:

 Any Joosters try the Mac version?  I know Windows folks have been playing
 with it for a while.  Meanwhile I'm still scrounging about for an invite
 code (sheepish grin)...


 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: [videoblogging] Joost for Mac in Beta

2007-02-18 Thread tim
Leme hold one of dem tokens.

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.  

-Original Message-
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2007 01:06:30
Subject: Re: [videoblogging] Joost for Mac in Beta

I downloaded and played with it a bit last night, we have a few beta
 testing accounts via our company. The video quality was pretty
 impressive over my wifi connection... froze up once or twice but in
 general videos started playing pretty quickly and looked pretty sharp
 and smooth.
 It beats any progressive Flash video out there I've seen, and as more
 people download it, it'll only get better.
 That said, the user interface and the content they've signed on so far
 leave a lot of room for improvement -- but those to me seem like the
 easier things to fix.
 The minute they give me some extra invites, I'll be happy to spread them 
 On 2/18/07, Ryan Kawailani Ozawa mailinglists@: wrote:
  Noted on BoingBoing:
  Links here:
  http://www.joost.: com/betatest/
  A quick review here by Bryan Wyrick:
  Any Joosters try the Mac version? I know Windows folks have been playing
  with it for a while. Meanwhile I'm still scrounging about for an invite
  code (sheepish grin)...
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
  Yahoo! Groups Links

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Re: [videoblogging] Re: LisaNova now on Mad TV

2007-02-18 Thread Harold Johnson
A) Not even 1%

B) I would have IF I HAD ONE! :D

Since posting this info. to this group, I've since discovered that LisaNova
(real name Lisa Donovan) previously auditioned for MadTV, but was rejected
until recently.  Still don't know if my reminder had any influence at all on
her hiring, but you know what they say about the butterfly's
know, the Butterfly Effect?  Maybe my little wingflapping was just the extra
nudge the cast of MadTV needed to hear in order to make a decision...

Seriously, I'm not in the belief that my part in this truly made any
difference.  Still, you never know who's discussing you, and who they're
discussing you with...


On 2/17/07, Bill Cammack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   A) Did you get your 10%? :D

 B) Next time mention YOUR OWN SHOW! :D

 --- In,
 Harold Johnson

  So listen to this, guys -- I've just got to share this 'cause I just
  this out and I'm still kind of spinning on it. I know someone
 (well, just
  barely) who has a boyfriend who's a regular on Mad TV. So about two
  ago I'm talking to her about YouTube, and I mention this LisaNova, a
  self-described vlogger who's got a huge following in that community.
  acquaintance asks me what's so special about LisaNova? and I
 describe her
  talent, the community that's pulling for her, etc. Today I find that
  LisaNova has now been cast on Mad TV. Coincidence?
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] a gentle suggestion

2007-02-18 Thread Deirdre Straughan
...for those of you who run blogs.

I'm 44 years old. I've been horribly near-sighted since I was a kid, and now
my close-up vision is going as well - it's getting harder and harder for me
to read small type.

For some reason, the default font size on every blog theme I've seen is
tiny. I'm starting to regularly use Ctrl + to be able to read blogs at all.
Which gets pretty squirrelly with some layouts. And it's a trick that might
not occur to many less-experienced computer users. So most blogs, by
default, make themselves difficult to use for older people.

A lot of us out here in audienceland are over 40 and starting to have vision
problems (just you wait - it'll happen to you one day). So, if you want to
enlarge your audience, ENLARGE YOUR FONT.

best regards,
Deirdré Straughan (personal) (work)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]