Re: [Vo]:Banned from Steorn

2007-07-19 Thread Paul Lowrance

thomas malloy wrote:

Horace Heffner wrote:

On Jul 17, 2007, at 3:54 PM, Paul Lowrance wrote:

Horace Heffner wrote:

 I think you missed my point.  If you don't want something public  then
 don't make it so yourself.

Actually it appears you did miss something.  If you are so concerned  
and you want your address protected from web crawlers then you should  
post them on your web site in a cryptic form, not out in the clear as  
you have on you web page.  You can add obvious spaces for example.

Getting Spam is a necessary evil of accessibility. My ISP has a Spam 
filter, which works quite well. I get about 200 per day. I know this 
because I have to look it over, One day I found a message from a talk 
show host, on another Cyril Chuckanov.

I hear that all the time from friends, family, people on the Internet. My poor 
aunt gets a lot more. Perhaps just lucky, but after being online since the mid 
1990's still I only get about a few dozen spams per day. Maybe they don't like 
me, LOL.

Re: [Vo]:VORTEX MODERATOR: P. Lowrance use of personal attacks

2007-07-19 Thread Paul Lowrance

I was defending an individual, Dr. Mike.  Horace should not publicly post an
individuals email address on a list without permission. He should have sent
the email address in private to the person requesting the email. Instead,
Horace argued and argued about the topic knowing full well he was wrong.

Spammers subscribe to a great deal of lists for the purpose of collecting
emails. That's correct. They receive the exact unfiltered Vortex-l emails
you receive. We don't know if Dr. Mike is subscribed to Vo. It appears he's
not subscribed, but the point is we should first ask Dr. Mike for permission.
Better yet, just send Dr. Mikes email in private to the person who requested
it. Spammers prey on the ignorance of people such as Horace.

I would be more than happy to be a martyr and get band for the sake of
Dr. Mike! :-)

I'll debate you or anyone on your claim that I'm a dick or whatever else you
feel. Sorry, I can only live by truth and logic, and if it infuriates people
that I'm blunt and the fact they cannot strike emotions in me then that's an
issue they need to deal with.

Hey folks, this may be my last post, LOL. As they say, all good things *must*
eventually come to an end. If so, then it's been great keeping you all on your
toes. Allow your mind to govern your emotions! Unconditional love is not an
emotion, but often such emotions along with physical tears is a side effect.
Unconditional love is a Soul quality. Never give up hope! Please, consider
spending a few days analyzing and logging your every occurring thought,
emotion, and action in extreme detail. One day you will awaken and see your
true self. To Truth  Logic!!! :-)))

Kind Regards,
Paul Lowrance

William Beaty wrote:

Anyone can fall into uncivil behavior during a heated debate.  A civilized
person catches most of their own misbehavior and apologizes to those
they've insulted.  But anyone who uses repeated and unapologetic personal
attacks is a different problem, and I will remove such people from this

  Wikipedia:  DON'T BE A DICK

Re: [Vo]:Mr. Lowrance's choice of words: You people...

2007-07-19 Thread Paul Lowrance

OrionWorks wrote:

You have called the Vortex participants You people..., that we
...can't get past [our] emotions, that we ...continue to kill each

Thanks for pointing that out. To be more accurate, this statement can't get 
past emotions is referring to present tense. Sorry for the lack of clarity. 
There is great potential in all people, which is why I also wrote, One day you 
will awaken and see your true self.  My post was by no means directed toward 
any individual. The word you is used as in the plural sense, and it's directed 
toward nearly 7 billion people.

You people...


Indeed, that's based on a great deal of my unbiased research in analyzing 
thousands people in detail. I'm still searching for that one person who exhibits 
a true mental state over emotional dominance over 90% of their waking life. Such 
people are out their, somewhere. Unfortunately I've *yet* to meet such a person.

Re: [Vo]:Banned from Steorn

2007-07-18 Thread Paul Lowrance

OrionWorks wrote:

 ...whose email address is clearly displayed in all my vortex-l
 messages every-single-time as: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Try this logic -- By my choice I submit to Vortex-l. Dr. Mike has not submitted 
his email to this list. People should not submit another persons email address 
without permission. The lack of foresight, and dim consciousness found in nearly 
every human being is rather frightening. It's no wonder an entire so-called 
civilized country of so-called humans can support a war of killing. You people 
can't get past your emotions, which passively dominate your consciousness. You 
continue to kill each other, cycle after cycle, and time after time you find 
what I refer to as fuzzy logic to justify your actions, referring to such wars 
as defense or preemptive strike.

Please wake up!

 For someone who claims he is in pursuit of the truth, that his
 motivations are driven by pure logic I find it incredibly
 contradictory for you to express the amount of LOLing that you do when
 you disagree with the opinions of others.

Indeed, because one needs to be light of heart to view such darkness within 
humanity. I've discovered that people dominated by the passive emotional ego 
become infuriated when they cannot strike emotions in another person who returns 
their emotions with a so-called smirky smile. My study reveals that people 
become more and more emotionally upset until they can at least spark some form 
of emotions in the person. ... My LOL's really bother you, don't they. All I can 
say is Sorry, but I'll continue being happy thank you very much.

It's my firm belief you people are utterly dominated by emotions, which the east 
has rightfully identified and referred to as one's own self demons.

 It suggests on the surface a massive ego

I'll be more than happy to debate with you to see if you can prove your claims 
that I am egotistical, but I already know your so-called logic has more holes 
than Swiss cheese, and IMHO you believe (more like feel) you are correct because 
you desire (an emotion) it to be so. Such a debate in all likelihood will bare 
very little fruit, accomplish next to nothing while wasting a great deal of 
time. After a lifetime of being correct nearly 100% of the time I can safely say 
that my words (not my opinions) are based on truth and are justified. If you 
only knew my actions, my history, and me then you would see how silly your words 

 that constantly needs to
 reassert its personal concept of superiority by dismissing the
 opinions of others - by all that LOLing you constantly express
 directly in their face. It comes across as one gigantic bluff tactic.
 Who are you trying to fool?

 IMO, you might come across more sincerely and with greater integrity
 and respect if you were to tone down the amount of posturing that you
 tend to indulge in, particularly when in disagreement with the
 opinions of others.

 By all means, feel free to disagree with the opinions of others. We
 all do. I certainly do.

 I certainly haven't agreed with how you have been going about
 expressing a lot of your opinions lately. I've kept those personal
 opinions to myself – until now.

You offer zero proof.

 PS: Your last concluding comment to Horace where you say:

 BTW, let me know when you want continue our debate
 on capturing ambient energy so I can educate (LOL)
 you on some fundamental physics.

 ...reveals a very shallow, petty and manipulative attitude. Very
 arrogant. There is little room for the pursuit of truth or the
 pursuit of pure logic when one allows themselves to be consumed by
 such behaviors.

My LOL in I can educate (LOL) was between Horace and I. Horace gets it. It 
appears you have no clue what the LOL truly meant in this case. My LOL was a 
reflection of a sentence Horace has repeatedly posted recently.

Paul Lowrance

Re: [Vo]:Banned from Steorn

2007-07-18 Thread Paul Lowrance
Michel, I understand you probably were not following the thread, but as Horace 
even pointed out that Spammers subscribe to as many email lists as possible. 
Therefore, when someone posts an email address then you're giving such spammers 
that email.

Although knowing how polite and gentle Dr. Mike usually is, surely he would not 
mind, but there's still no excuse. Horace is not perfect, but for him to argue 
and argue about an obvious negative act is ...

This is pure and simple logic. For the umpteenth time, you people don't need to 
post Dr. Mikes email and phone number when you can simply post Dr. Mikes web 
URL. If Dr. Mike wishes to remove or even modify his email address and/or phone 
number then support it. Don't hard code his email and phone number by emailing 
it. Don't post it to potential spammers without first obtaining his permission.

Just in case that did not sink in with you people, post the URL rather than the 
email address  phone number. If Dr. Mike changes his email and/or phone number 
then it will reflect on his web page. Such a change will not reflect in your email.

Michel Jullian wrote:

Paul, the Vortex-L web archive automatically hides addresses given in the text 
of messages, cf:

Further, as Horace correctly pointed out, the particular address [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]  you accused him of disseminating to this list's hypothetical 
spammers has been publicized in an unhidden form on several web pages, see:

So kindly stop going on about this, you seem to fail to realize you're boring 
us all to death.


- Original Message - 
From: Paul Lowrance

Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 5:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Banned from Steorn

OrionWorks wrote:


...whose email address is clearly displayed in all my vortex-l

Try this logic -- By my choice I submit to Vortex-l. Dr. Mike has not submitted 
his email to this list. People should not submit another persons email address 
without permission. The lack of foresight, and dim consciousness found in nearly 
every human being is rather frightening. It's no wonder an entire so-called 
civilized country of so-called humans can support a war of killing. You people 
can't get past your emotions, which passively dominate your consciousness. You 
continue to kill each other, cycle after cycle, and time after time you find 
what I refer to as fuzzy logic to justify your actions, referring to such wars 
as defense or preemptive strike.

Please wake up!

For someone who claims he is in pursuit of the truth, that his
motivations are driven by pure logic I find it incredibly
contradictory for you to express the amount of LOLing that you do when
you disagree with the opinions of others.

Indeed, because one needs to be light of heart to view such darkness within 
humanity. I've discovered that people dominated by the passive emotional ego 
become infuriated when they cannot strike emotions in another person who returns 
their emotions with a so-called smirky smile. My study reveals that people 
become more and more emotionally upset until they can at least spark some form 
of emotions in the person. ... My LOL's really bother you, don't they. All I can 
say is Sorry, but I'll continue being happy thank you very much.

It's my firm belief you people are utterly dominated by emotions, which the east 
has rightfully identified and referred to as one's own self demons.

It suggests on the surface a massive ego

I'll be more than happy to debate with you to see if you can prove your claims 
that I am egotistical, but I already know your so-called logic has more holes 
than Swiss cheese, and IMHO you believe (more like feel) you are correct because 
you desire (an emotion) it to be so. Such a debate in all likelihood will bare 
very little fruit, accomplish next to nothing while wasting a great deal of 
time. After a lifetime of being correct nearly 100% of the time I can safely say 
that my words (not my opinions) are based on truth and are justified. If you 
only knew my actions, my history, and me then you would see how silly your words 

that constantly needs to
reassert its personal concept of superiority by dismissing the
opinions of others - by all that LOLing you constantly express
directly in their face. It comes across as one gigantic bluff tactic.
Who are you trying to fool?

IMO, you might come across more sincerely and with greater integrity
and respect if you were to tone down the amount of posturing that you
tend to indulge in, particularly when in disagreement with the
opinions of others.

By all means, feel free to disagree with the opinions of others. We
all do. I certainly do.

I certainly haven't agreed with how you have been going about
expressing a lot of your opinions lately. I've kept those personal
opinions to myself – until now

Re: [Vo]:Do NOT post phone numbers, e-mail addresses, or out-of-town notices

2007-07-18 Thread Paul Lowrance

Jed Rothwell wrote:
[snip lots of good stuff]
So have some common sense, and refrain from posting their 
addresses. Send them by private e-mail, or at least disguise them by 
writing, for example: JohnSmith at-sign

Very nice. Also, if the person has their contact info on a their web page then 
post the URL rather than post/email the person email and/or phone #.

For those people who have a web page, here's a nice free online tool that 
creates the javascript needed to protect your email address:

It's true that a spammer could reverse engineer this code (takes the spammer 
time and work to accomplish this), but there are a significant sites that use 
different code to encrypt such email, and therefore it would require a 
considerable amount of time for the spammer to reverse engineer all encryption 
methods. Furthermore, the spammer would have to write recognition code to know 
which javascript method the web site uses. This amounts to a lot of difficult 
work for spammers. The spammer would much rather use their web spiders to scan 
to internet for unprotected emails, which appears to be mass majority.

BTW, referring to the above site that creates javascript code to encrypt your 
email, if you want your javascript to display your email address rather than a 
message such as email me then *please* replace --

document.write(a href='mailto:+link+;'Email me/a)


document.write(a href='mailto:+link+;'+link+/a)

In the form textarea, Link text:   please do *not* type your email address 
because that will place your email address directly in the javascript code.

Re: [Vo]:Do NOT post phone numbers, e-mail addresses, or out-of-town notices

2007-07-18 Thread Paul Lowrance

Jed Rothwell wrote:
 Yo, people:

 Here in the Brave New World of the Internet you can cause big trouble by
 posting personal information on public forums such as this one. You
 should refrain from posting e-mail addresses, although I admit I have
 done that myself occasionally. I hope that I have only posted
 institutional addresses that are available on public servers such as
 university campus directories. As Michel Jullian pointed out, the
 Vortex-L web archive automatically hides addresses so you do not need to
 worry as much about your own address.

I should have added to my previous email that I already mentioned that, but as 
Horace pointed out spammers subscribe to as many lists as possible. IOW, 
spammers are subscribed to this list and they receive unfiltered emails. Let me 
try and clarify it again. The email Horace sent that contained Dr. Mike's email 
address was delivered to potential spammers. The spammer's software would 
immediately see Dr. Mikes email address.  Again, we don't know if Dr. Mike is 
subscribed to Vortex-l. Lets at least ask Dr. Mike for permission. Better yet 
people, just post Dr. Mikes web page URL that directly contains his up-to-date 
email address, which is exactly what I did, and was chastised for doing such, LOL.

That's proper online etiquette.

Re: [Vo]:Banned from Steorn

2007-07-17 Thread Paul Lowrance
... and I'll add that a persons email and phone # should *not* be published on 
the Internet without his or her permission. I'm still a little appalled that 
someone at Vo publishing Dr. Mike's email  phone #.

R.C.Macaulay wrote:
As an internet group that is widely read we should refrain from 
mentioning someone's daughter by name. In this case she is both a 
professional and entitled to privacy.


Re: [Vo]:Banned from Steorn

2007-07-17 Thread Paul Lowrance
Exactly. Post his profile url, silly. People have no business posting his email 
 phone # until you get his permission, period. That's common Internet educate. 
If Dr. Mike wants to remove his email from the Internet then he merely needs to 
delete it from his profile. How's he going to remove it from hundreds of web 
pages?  Furthermore there's the topic of online spiders that collect email 
address for spamming purposes.

Unbelievable, LOL

Terry Blanton wrote:

Dr. Mike's email is posted in his profile on Steorn.  Marissa is
listed as an experimentalist on Earthtech's web site:

Youse guys are being silly.


On 7/17/07, Paul Lowrance [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
... and I'll add that a persons email and phone # should *not* be 
published on
the Internet without his or her permission. I'm still a little 
appalled that

someone at Vo publishing Dr. Mike's email  phone #.

R.C.Macaulay wrote:
 As an internet group that is widely read we should refrain from
 mentioning someone's daughter by name. In this case she is both a
 professional and entitled to privacy.


Re: [Vo]:Banned from Steorn

2007-07-17 Thread Paul Lowrance

Horace Heffner wrote:

 On Jul 17, 2007, at 6:59 AM, Paul Lowrance wrote:

 Exactly. Post his profile url, silly. People have no business posting
 his email  phone # until you get his permission, period. That's
 common Internet educate. If Dr. Mike wants to remove his email from
 the Internet then he merely needs to delete it from his profile. How's
 he going to remove it from hundreds of web pages?  Furthermore there's
 the topic of online spiders that collect email address for spamming

 There are crawlers and acrchivers of web pages also.  You put something
 on a web page and you can expect it to be around indefinitely.  Ever
 hear of the Wayback Machine?

You betcha I have!

Horace Heffner wrote:

On Jul 17, 2007, at 6:17 AM, Paul Lowrance wrote:

... and I'll add that a persons email and phone # should *not* be 
published on the Internet without his or her permission. I'm still a 
little appalled that someone at Vo publishing Dr. Mike's email  phone #.

It was published on his web site.  It is therefor public information.

Whoosh!  Right over your head Horace. ;-) It's called educate. Educate is not a 
requirement. People don't have to be nice, just as people can grab anyone's 
email address and post it at all over the Internet. My email address is publish --

Yet it's in javascript to prevent spiders, but I certainly do *not* want people 
blasting my email address all over the Internet. If one must pass it on, then 
*please* do it privately or by some other appropriate manner.

Re: [Vo]:Banned from Steorn

2007-07-17 Thread Paul Lowrance

Paul Lowrance wrote:
There are indeed sites that post your email address, which is why I try 
my best to maintain minimum posting at such sites.

As stated, there are sites that have poor educate. Generally smaller sites who 
can't afford to program proper anti-spam server code.  Google is a prime example 
of a friendly site:

A person can obtain Uncle Al's email address, but a spider cannot.

Re: [Vo]:Banned from Steorn

2007-07-17 Thread Paul Lowrance

Horace Heffner wrote:

On Jul 17, 2007, at 1:43 PM, Paul Lowrance wrote:

Horace Heffner wrote:

On Jul 17, 2007, at 1:09 PM, Paul Lowrance wrote:

 My email address is publish --

Yet it's in javascript to prevent spiders, but I certainly do *not* 
want people blasting my email address all over the Internet. If one 
must pass it on, then *please* do it privately or by some other 
appropriate manner.
That's absurd.   Your email is in every reply to every email you send 
to vortex.

Please post a Vortex-l archive URL of my email address?

I didn't say anything about the vortex archive. You think there are no 
spammers subscribed to this list, and every other list they can get wind 
of?  Quite a nonsensical assumption.

I have no idea how many spammers are subscribed to this list, but I don't see Dr 
Mike here.

Again you're missing the point. We're trying to deter spam. Google and other 
friendly sites spend a lot of money trying to deter spammers.

Re: [Vo]:Banned from Steorn

2007-07-17 Thread Paul Lowrance

Horace Heffner wrote:

 On Jul 17, 2007, at 2:41 PM, Paul Lowrance wrote:

 I have no idea how many spammers are subscribed to this list, but I
 don't see Dr Mike here.

 Again you're missing the point. We're trying to deter spam. Google and
 other friendly sites spend a lot of money trying to deter spammers.

 I think you missed my point.  If you don't want something public then
 don't make it so yourself.

I didn't miss anything. The moral of this story -- There will always be 
mindless jerk who doesn't give a rats a** about other people.

Horace Heffner wrote:
 You think there are no spammers subscribed to this list,
 and every other list they can get wind of?

You admit it. You posted Dr. Mikes email address to who knows how many spammers 
subscribed to this list. You have no morals what so ever ... surprise, surprise, 

Re: [Vo]:Banned from Steorn

2007-07-17 Thread Paul Lowrance

Horace Heffner wrote:

 On Jul 17, 2007, at 3:54 PM, Paul Lowrance wrote:

 Horace Heffner wrote:

  I think you missed my point.  If you don't want something public then
  don't make it so yourself.

 I didn't miss anything. The moral of this story -- There will always
 be mindless jerk who doesn't give a rats a** about other people.

 Actually it appears you did miss something.  If you are so concerned and
 you want your address protected from web crawlers then you should post
 them on your web site in a cryptic form, not out in the clear as you
 have on you web page.  You can add obvious spaces for example.

LOL, this is hilarious. My email address on my site is and has been in cryptic 
form. You don't know what you're talking about. It's called javascript.

 You admit it.

 I don't think it is appropriate to cow tow to bullying trolls.  It
 appears that in the future I should simply ignore any of your replies,
 but comment freely on your work, or not, as I chose.

And I have zero respect for someone who acknowledges they submit an innocent 
persons email address to potential spammers.

 You posted Dr. Mikes email address to who knows how many spammers
 subscribed to this list. You have no morals what so ever ... surprise,
 surprise, LOL.

 I didn't post anything Dr. Mike did not put on his web site in public view.

Fuzzy logic. You should get Dr. Mike's permission before posting his email 
address to a list of potential spammers. You could have *easily* posted Dr. 
Mikes URL rather than post his email. A lot of people don't know about or how to 
protect their email address with javascript.  By posting Dr. Mikes URL you are 
giving Dr. Mike the option of removing or changing his email any time he wishes. 

BTW, let me know when you want continue our debate on capturing ambient energy 
so I can educate (LOL) you on some fundamental physics.

Re: [Vo]:DrMikes final report

2007-07-13 Thread Paul Lowrance

thomas malloy wrote:

In his conclusion to Steorn, Dr. Mike wrote;

My conclusion after going through all this is that Steorn is neither
hoax nor scam.  It is delusion.  The reason it seems surreal is
because it is surreal - we are the real part of someone elses

I thank Steorn for this truely awesome opportunity to meet so many
really wonderful people.  I hope I get to meet you all again someday.

Patience, persistence, truth,

Dr. mike

IMHO, the key word is delusion. I reference my post yesterday on the The 
Prendev and Bedeni motors. Many inventors have spent millions of
dollars on those designs. Any physicist will tell you that there is no 
reason for them to work. Dr. Mike's word is delusion, mine is


That's one of the weakest Steorn theories to date. To believe such a theory one 
needs to believe Sean seriously hallucinates, as Sean clearly stated he's seen 
the Orbo run up to two weeks, in which case Steorn had to stop the Orbo.  Those 
who truly believe Sean hallucinates to such a degree knows very little about 
human psychology.

Sean's either telling the truth or he's lying.

Re: [Vo]:How are they doing this

2007-07-13 Thread Paul Lowrance

Harry Veeder wrote:

On 12/7/2007 9:18 AM, Paul Lowrance wrote:

You should check out Google Pages:

Very nice, free hosting, with Googles backbone. I just moved my site
( to --

No updates yet.

Paul Lowrance

Good idea. That way I could remove my mistakes faster.


Ahh shucks Harry, you make a mistake???  Never! ;-)

Re: [Vo]:DrMikes final report

2007-07-13 Thread Paul Lowrance
Sure, I'll provide the link to his Steorn profile page so drmike can hide his 
email any time his wishes:

His email is below his 1.8 MB animated image!

Steven Krivit wrote:


Can you please get me contact info for Dr. Mike?



At 07:58 PM 7/12/2007, you wrote:

DrMikes final report of Steorn:

Re: [Vo]:DrMikes final report

2007-07-13 Thread Paul Lowrance
It's so fascinating studying human logic, or shall we call it emotional logic, 
LOL. Steorn cronies flock around drmike like he's some god. Yet drmike comes up 
with the most illogical theory regarding Sean. Here's a little personal debate 
history between drmike and I.  I drmike challenged my statement, which my 
statement was essentially you can capture ambient energy, but after a few days I 
finally got drmike and various other physicists at the Steorn forum to admit 
that a simple resistor can light an LED to the point where a human can see it 
due to thermal electrical noise. Another error by drmike was when he challenged 
me that the human eye can see a single red 700 nm photon, LOL. Later on in the 
discussion drmike finally admitted that a human would most likely not be able to 
sense such a single photon. Another claim by drmike was that Neo magnets do not 
have appreciable eddy currents. What planet is drmike from because the 
electrical resistivity of Neo's is ~12 times that of the nickel-plating commonly 
found on Neo magnets. Now drmike hits us with the preposterous idea that Sean 
sees things that don't exist, LOL. That's called hallucination. An appreciable 
percentage of homeless people hallucinate, not a business and family oriented 
individual. Is Sean hallucinating? There's always some probability, but like I 
said, it's the least likely theory, by far.


Paul Lowrance wrote:
 thomas malloy wrote:
 In his conclusion to Steorn, Dr. Mike wrote;

 My conclusion after going through all this is that Steorn is neither
 hoax nor scam.  It is delusion.  The reason it seems surreal is
 because it is surreal - we are the real part of someone elses

 I thank Steorn for this truely awesome opportunity to meet so many
 really wonderful people.  I hope I get to meet you all again someday.

 Patience, persistence, truth,

 Dr. mike

 IMHO, the key word is delusion. I reference my post yesterday on the
 The Prendev and Bedeni motors. Many inventors have spent millions of
 dollars on those designs. Any physicist will tell you that there is no
 reason for them to work. Dr. Mike's word is delusion, mine is

 That's one of the weakest Steorn theories to date. To believe such a
 theory one needs to believe Sean seriously hallucinates, as Sean clearly
 stated he's seen the Orbo run up to two weeks, in which case Steorn had
 to stop the Orbo.  Those who truly believe Sean hallucinates to such a
 degree knows very little about human psychology.

 Sean's either telling the truth or he's lying.

Re: [Vo]:Insane people who make over-unity claims

2007-07-13 Thread Paul Lowrance

Jed Rothwell wrote:

Paul Lowrance wrote:

That's one of the weakest Steorn theories to date. To believe such a 
theory one needs to believe Sean seriously hallucinates, as Sean 
clearly stated he's seen the Orbo run up to two weeks, in which case 
Steorn had to stop the Orbo.  Those who truly believe Sean 
hallucinates to such a degree knows very little about human psychology.

I know nothing about this person Sean and I have no medical training 
whatever, but I have spent time with clinically insane people, as a 
volunteer. So I do have a little experience to draw on. In the years I 
have been dealing with cold fusion, I have met three people who:

1. Were convinced they had over-unity results.

2. Seemed insane to me.

I mean genuinely, clinically insane.

I can believe you. Personally I'm still searching for a sane person. ;-)

We often toss around words like crazy and insane.

 Some people in cold fusion are eccentric, or

highly opinionated, antisocial

That's true. A genius perceives more flaws in humans than the average person. 
Given an individual who's awareness has reached a level of perceiving too many 
human flaws they may become somewhat disturbed and dissociate from society. 
Trust you me, it happens ... society cannot understand these people. Asking 
society to truly understand these people is to expect an anthropoid understand a 

or not well grounded in reality, but that 
is not what I am talking about. Real mental illness is much more severe, 
and it is recognizable. The people I am talking about made unconnected, 
irrational statements, or they waved simple drawings of something like a 
piston and cylinder, or -- in one case -- the fellow showed me a photo 
of an electric motor attached to a car battery, and said something like: 
See! It goes and goes! It is over unity! I asked what happens when you 
take away the battery, and the poor guy said: I haven't tried that yet.

I gave up long ago trying to converse with such people. Their consciousness is 
far too encased in emotions.

Re: [Vo]:DrMikes final report

2007-07-13 Thread Paul Lowrance

It's still there.

Steven Krivit wrote:

uh-huh...I guess it's hidden now...that doesn't help me too much...

At 11:05 AM 7/13/2007, you wrote:
Sure, I'll provide the link to his Steorn profile page so drmike can 
hide his email any time his wishes:

His email is below his 1.8 MB animated image!

Re: [Vo]:DrMikes final report

2007-07-13 Thread Paul Lowrance

LOL, such a funny world of funny people.

Steven Krivit wrote:

aha..most helpful, thx


At 02:54 PM 7/13/2007, you wrote:

On Jul 13, 2007, at 9:45 AM, Steven Krivit wrote:


Can you please get me contact info for Dr. Mike?

Re: [Vo]:The Preendev and Bedeni motors

2007-07-12 Thread Paul Lowrance

thomas malloy wrote:

R.C.Macaulay wrote:

Paul wrote,,

It sounds like it could be accelerated-- not sure. I'd be surprised 
if just anyone could build such a machine using any type of PM and 
expect free energy. After glancing at some Perendev motor designs 
seemed clear it used the same

It sounds like... I liked the sound effects too. Varoom!,

I agree. Richard. I assume that the Perendev Motor is an energy 
consumer, the film doesn't make that clear. I'm wondering why the rotor 
speed up when he pushed it in a certain way.

We don't know if the motor speeds up. Sure, it may sound cool, varoom varoom 
Macaulay, LOL but it's worth analyzing the audio for verification. This is a 
simple task. View the audio amplitude vs. time on a scope or appropriate 
software to see if the rpm increases.

Re: [Vo]:How are they doing this

2007-07-12 Thread Paul Lowrance

Stiffler Scientific wrote:

Have one of the Harbor Tool devices in hand and will disassemble it today to
see if Paul and Jones are right on how they are doing it or if the wiki
article is correct.

Will not be hard to get an answer with a couple of pull scales and a yard

Will post the results and make available a picture of the guts of the thing.

It just depends on the items quality. A cheap unit is a simple magnet with a 
leverage switch. You can test this by placing a magnet on a vice, close the vice 
so the PM makes contact on both sides of the vice. Then twist the vice to 
separate the magnet. Unless you're using some massive Neo's you should be able 
to separate the PM's with one finger using the vice. There's probably countless 
designs. Some cheap, some expensive.

Re: [Vo]:How are they doing this

2007-07-12 Thread Paul Lowrance

Harry Veeder wrote:

On 12/7/2007 3:03 AM, Horace Heffner wrote:

On Jul 11, 2007, at 10:07 PM, Harry Veeder wrote:

Please see my naive conceptual illustration at

for my take on a Stiffler's imaginings.

Is this system capable generating electricity, and if so if some of
electricity was used to turn the magnetic shield would it then
qualify as a
self-powered mobile?

Or is it yet another example of wishful thinking?

What say ye?

Nice graphics!  The net energy to displace the field with a magnetic
shield, and then remove it, is more than the energy that can be
extracted by the coil.

Horace Heffner


Would it possible to arrange things such that the _net_ displacement
of the field is zero?


You should check out Google Pages:

Very nice, free hosting, with Googles backbone. I just moved my site 
( to --

No updates yet.

Paul Lowrance

Re: [Vo]:How are they doing this

2007-07-12 Thread Paul Lowrance
Actually all aforementioned methods use the same principle. Just depends how 
cheap the unit is. The type provided in wikipedia rotates the PM rather than 
pulling it. Same effect, as both designs require the same amount of energy. The 
less expensive designs have less torque. :-)

Stiffler Scientific wrote:
 We have done some preliminary work on this device and will within an hour
 post a link to some pictures.

 Wiki Article Won!

 It does indeed use Al and Fe on the On/Off Switch.

 The pictures are self captioned with text and I will post actual test
 results as soon as the unit can be reassembled. They used brass rivets and
 we do not have brass screws long enough to put the plate back on. Once its
 back together the measurement protocol is set up.

 One thing, it will indeed hold 40+ lbs, but it will not pull the weight to
 it. This may not be a problem.

 A :-) for the day. I called Harbor Tool when they opened this AM and wanted
 to be sure the item was in stock. I gave the girl on the phone only the
 first three digits of the part number and she said 'The Magnet Holder?, yes
 I said. She said they had five left as there was a rush this AM. Okay
 Houston, what is going on? Should I ask Harbor for a cut?

 -Original Message-
 From: thomas malloy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 12:15 PM
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:How are they doing this

 Jones Beene wrote:

 Horace Heffner wrote:

 However, there will still be losses due to core and magnet heating,
 even if no power is drawn from the coils. Further, as soon as the
 coils draw power, the  motion of shield is retarded because the
 energy from opening the flux hole is less.

 The so-called flux-gate is an old concept which has never come close
 to *replicated* OU in over 100 years of trying. There are hints and
 glimpses, but that is all. In effect, it can be analogized to a
 rotating transformer.

 BTW there is a technical definition for fluxgate, related to
 magnetomerty, which is slightly different than the free-energy usage.

 I'm not clear on how the effect works, Otto Schmitt built a flux gate
 magnetometer which he used to detect german submarines, and  Ka Boom!

Re: [Vo]:How are they doing this

2007-07-12 Thread Paul Lowrance

Looks like a nice unit.

Stiffler Scientific wrote:


-Original Message-
From: Stiffler Scientific [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 1:22 PM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:How are they doing this

We have done some preliminary work on this device and will within an hour
post a link to some pictures.

Wiki Article Won!

It does indeed use Al and Fe on the On/Off Switch.

The pictures are self captioned with text and I will post actual test
results as soon as the unit can be reassembled. They used brass rivets and
we do not have brass screws long enough to put the plate back on. Once its
back together the measurement protocol is set up.

One thing, it will indeed hold 40+ lbs, but it will not pull the weight to
it. This may not be a problem.

A :-) for the day. I called Harbor Tool when they opened this AM and wanted
to be sure the item was in stock. I gave the girl on the phone only the
first three digits of the part number and she said 'The Magnet Holder?, yes
I said. She said they had five left as there was a rush this AM. Okay
Houston, what is going on? Should I ask Harbor for a cut?

-Original Message-
From: thomas malloy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 12:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:How are they doing this

Jones Beene wrote:

Horace Heffner wrote:

However, there will still be losses due to core and magnet heating,
even if no power is drawn from the coils. Further, as soon as the
coils draw power, the  motion of shield is retarded because the
energy from opening the flux hole is less.

The so-called flux-gate is an old concept which has never come close
to *replicated* OU in over 100 years of trying. There are hints and
glimpses, but that is all. In effect, it can be analogized to a
rotating transformer.

BTW there is a technical definition for fluxgate, related to
magnetomerty, which is slightly different than the free-energy usage.

I'm not clear on how the effect works, Otto Schmitt built a flux gate
magnetometer which he used to detect german submarines, and  Ka Boom!

--- http://USFamily.Net/dialup.html - $8.25/mo! -- - $19.99/mo! ---

[Vo]:DrMikes final report

2007-07-12 Thread Paul Lowrance

DrMikes final report of Steorn:

Re: [Vo]:How are they doing this

2007-07-11 Thread Paul Lowrance

I believe the switch merely pulls the magnet back away from the face.

Stiffler Scientific wrote:

The link dd not work after pasting it here,

use the following item# to search for it;  93329-2NDA

-Original Message-
From: Stiffler Scientific [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 12:31 PM
To: Vortex-L
Subject: [Vo]:How are they doing this

Turn the magnetic field on and off with a slight movement of a switch,
unless I am drawing a blank here this device could be interesting?

Here is a link to it.

Re: [Vo]:How are they doing this

2007-07-11 Thread Paul Lowrance
I don't see why such a sim would show OU unless you have a better understand of 
gravity that reveals some fundamental KE inherent in gravity, such as radiation. 
Radiation can cause a force, but theoretically you can also capture such 
radiation energy.

Stiffler Scientific wrote:

Paul, don't you have a computer simulation to run this idea?

I do and do not trust it as I have been able for 9 years now to fool both
the magnetic and electronics programs to show OU.

From you past posts I trust you can simulate this?

-Original Message-
From: Stiffler Scientific [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 2:37 PM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:How are they doing this

Don't bite Harry, those Irish squirrels in the cage do.

-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 2:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:How are they doing this

Harry Veeder wrote:

By simply rotating the switch on and off you can lift the
weight up and down with less energy than it takes to lift the weight by

A company in Ireland needs your help ASAP ...

Re: [Vo]:Why isn't this creating a stir?

2007-07-06 Thread Paul Lowrance

R.C.Macaulay wrote:

Paul wrote,,

It sounds like it could be accelerated-- not sure. I'd be surprised if 
just anyone could build such a machine using any type of PM and expect 
free energy. After glancing at some Perendev motor designs seemed 
clear it used the same

Howdy Paul,

It sounds like... I liked the sound effects too. Varoom!,

IOW, I do not have time to analyze the machines rpm.

Re: [Vo]:Steorn will demonstrate the Orbo in ~ a few days

2007-07-06 Thread Paul Lowrance
People, including a lot of physicists at Steorn forum are stating the London 
Orbo fiasco has all the appearance of a deliberate failure attempt. Speaking 
from personal experience, one good thing about such failures is that it doubles 
the drive to succeed in legitimate researchers.

Paul Lowrance

Terry Blanton wrote:


On 7/5/07, OrionWorks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From Terry:

 It looks like the Perendev Motor with magnets in repulsion.  In
 repulsion, the magnetic domains are eventually misaligned and the
 magic stops.  Magmos will only work with maggies in attraction where
 domain alignment is enforced.


Wish I could get a decent view of the critter.

If, as you claim, it appears to be operating in repulsion mode that
suggests to me that the so-called ORBO effect would work even better
in attractive mode. IMO, there is every reason to speculate that the
effect would work in either mode. It's just more structurally
challenging to construct in attractive mode, which may be the reason
why the prototype isn't. Apparently it was only meant to run for about
a week.

Re: [Vo]:Steorn will demonstrate the Orbo in ~ a few days

2007-07-06 Thread Paul Lowrance

OrionWorks wrote:

From Paul:

People, including a lot of physicists at Steorn forum are stating the 
Orbo fiasco has all the appearance of a deliberate failure attempt. 
from personal experience, one good thing about such failures is that 
it doubles

the drive to succeed in legitimate researchers.

Paul Lowrance

A ...deliberate failure attempt.???

Yeah, that's the ticket. It must be...another conspiracy!

Well, I have not read anyone stating it must be anything. Hopefully this 
fiasco will increase the drive in a lot of legitimate researchers to succeed.

Re: [Vo]:Steorn Offline

2007-07-06 Thread Paul Lowrance


Terry Blanton wrote:
He keeps scratching his nose; or, he's checking to see if it's growing.  


On 7/6/07, Terry Blanton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The bearings (barings) failed.


On 7/6/07, Terry Blanton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Vid of Sean 'splainin' what happened:


Re: [Vo]:Steorn Offline

2007-07-06 Thread Paul Lowrance

Maybe they used plastic bearings made for display.

Mark S Bilk wrote:

Maybe the leprechauns are holding out for a bigger cut of the profits.

On Fri, Jul 06, 2007 at 06:53:49PM -0700, Paul Lowrance wrote:
Listening to that video is frustrating. ... Damaged bearings???  From 
light LOL  What's wrong with this story?

Terry Blanton wrote:
He keeps scratching his nose; or, he's checking to see if it's growing.  


On 7/6/07, Terry Blanton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The bearings (barings) failed.


On 7/6/07, Terry Blanton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Vid of Sean 'splainin' what happened:


Re: [Vo]:Steorn will demonstrate the Orbo in ~ a few days

2007-07-05 Thread Paul Lowrance

I found the following statement by Sean very interesting:
Quote, Steorn say that the intense heat should not affect future applications 
of the Orbo technology as this is just a prototype. ***The prototype was set up 
in the museum on Sunday and as of Tuesday night, McCarthy said it was 
functioning perfectly until yesterday when it froze suddenly.***

So the London Orbo was running just perfectly until it froze July 4th.

Paul Lowrance

Jed Rothwell wrote:

Stiffler Scientific wrote:

What you said makes sense, except;

Unless the device is so costly and complex that you can only afford 
'one' or

have only managed to get 'one' to work, I would think it prudent that you
have another in the wings to be rushed in for just this type of problem.

That is what I had in mind when I described Charlie and the burning 
power supplies. Always pack a spare!

Charlie in this case is honors of the two Charlies who accompanied 
the Wright brothers on some of their most crucial tests and public 
demonstrations, Charles Taylor and Charles Furnas. The Wrights 
experienced dozens of disastrous public demonstrations, ranging from the 
time the airplane did not take off in front of reporters (Dayton, OH, 
1904) to the time the airplane crashed and killed the passenger (the 
official U.S. Army tests, Washington DC, 1908). They had dozens of other 
crashes and accidents. (By the way, the two Charlies were never to blame 
as far as I know.) If they had staked their success on a single 
demonstration they would have failed. On the other hand, it took only 
two successful demonstrations to make them the most famous people on 
earth in 1908.

If the device is so expensive or complex and borders this close to 
or not working then the public demo in my mind is only to get new 
money to

hold off the old providers (VC's) and get new cash to keep everyone quiet
for a bit longer.

I disagree. Marginally functional technology can be successfully 
demonstrated, but you have take the right approach and say the right 
things, to keep the stakes low in the event of a failure. Edison, the 
Wrights and many others screwed up demonstrations. Edison's early 
incandescent lights exploded and set fire to his parlor during a 
demonstration to investors. His wife, who was used to such things, put 
out the fire while redirecting their attention to tea and snacks.

Unless I have my history wrong, old Henry Ford did not present a lot 
complex auto before he sold a working one. Think is was simple at the 

and grew in complexity.

Actually, Ford is a counter-example. He started by building a racing 
car, which was a complicated and finicky thing, and he won an important 
race. Auto racing was in its infancy back then, so no record lasted for 
long, but he leveraged his short-lived fame to get investors to put 
money into his plans for a simpler passenger vehicle.

I suppose if he had lost that race, he might have won the next one. But 
it was still a daring, all-or-nothing venture. There were not many races 
back then, and the drivers were often killed or wounded.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Steorn will demonstrate the Orbo in ~ a few days

2007-07-05 Thread Paul Lowrance
I agree. From what we can see so far the London Orbo resembles the Perendev 
Motor. Also there's a striking resemblance to my sample mechanical motor, which 
I drew for the soul purpose of demonstrating my theory --

Scroll down to the black highlighted text, Mechanical motor version

Paul Lowrance

Terry Blanton wrote:

It looks like the Perendev Motor with magnets in repulsion.  In
repulsion, the magnetic domains are eventually misaligned and the
magic stops.  Magmos will only work with maggies in attraction where
domain alignment is enforced.


On 7/5/07, OrionWorks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From Paul Lowrance:
 I found the following statement by Sean very interesting:
 Quote, Steorn say that the intense heat should not affect future 
 of the Orbo technology as this is just a prototype. ***The prototype 
was set up

 in the museum on Sunday and as of Tuesday night, McCarthy said it was
 functioning perfectly until yesterday when it froze suddenly.***

 So the London Orbo was running just perfectly until it froze July 4th.

 Paul Lowrance

Least we forget, it's Friday.  And that of course means...

Brace for another fine installment from the honorable Dr. Park. The
trials and tribulations of STEORN's recent ORBO demo no-show at the
Kinetica Museum is sure to be discussed in painful detail, with a
concluding nod of assurance that this incident is just another
confirmation that the sacred LoT have once again been upheld.

Park's comments may soon be followed by (once assured that it really
is safe to come out of hiding) a me too installment from the Amazing
RANDI. After all if the APA has given RANDI one of its most
prestigious awards for critical thinking, he had better live up to his
reputation and pontificate some additional critical comments. Perhaps
the APA is also hoping the Amazing RANDI will make the damned critter
disappear down a rabbit hole as well - permanently.

Ah, well, perhaps it's STEORN's LoT life - pun intended. Of
course I still hope STEORN may soon be able to pull their misplaced
rabbit out of the hat, though perhaps a tad more awkwardly than
planned. Just not on cue. The creature is probably off somewhere doing
what it is that critters of that kind are inclined to do, making more

All humor set aside for the moment: In the recently posted article
STORN appears to claim it's a bearing problem - due to the unexpected
intense heat from the lamps. I hope they are right, that it's not just
a smokescreen. It would mean the magnets themselves were not affected
by the heat. That was my worst fear.

Fingers still crossed.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Steorn will demonstrate the Orbo in ~ a few days

2007-07-05 Thread Paul Lowrance

Paul Lowrance wrote:
 I found the following statement by Sean very interesting:
 Quote, Steorn say that the intense heat should not affect future 
applications of the Orbo technology as this is just a prototype. ***The 
prototype was set up in the museum on Sunday and as of Tuesday night, McCarthy 
said it was functioning perfectly until yesterday when it froze suddenly.***

 So the London Orbo was running just perfectly until it froze July 4th.

I would interpret Seans statement as Orbo ran perfectly from Sunday till July 
4th. Perhaps the key words are ... and as of Tuesday night, McCarthy said it 
was functioning perfectly until ...

Paul Lowrance

Re: [Vo]:Why isn't this creating a stir?

2007-07-05 Thread Paul Lowrance

Horace Heffner wrote:

A self-running Perendev motor would create a stir.

Re: [Vo]:Why isn't this creating a stir?

2007-07-05 Thread Paul Lowrance

Horace Heffner wrote:

On Jul 5, 2007, at 6:49 PM, Paul Lowrance wrote:

Horace Heffner wrote:

A self-running Perendev motor would create a stir.

The video makes it look like the armature even accelerates when the 
stator is moved into place, and vice versa.

It sounds like it could be accelerated-- not sure. I'd be surprised if just 
anyone could build such a machine using any type of PM and expect free energy. 
After glancing at some Perendev motor designs seemed clear it used the same 
method as my research shows-- magnetic attraction pulse followed by repulsion. 
Magnetic material choice is crucial. Even so, lets say they manage to tap into 
ambient energy by means of magnetic avalanche. The material will continue to 
drop in temperature until thermal equilibrium, which changes the magnetic 
characteristics to some degree. Characteristics slightly change, but does the 
design recalibrate? Last, but not least, during simulations I've seen the 
magnetic material domain structure drastically change when ambient energy is 
removed. When such an event occurs it can take ambient temperature appreciable 
time to reorganize the structure back to normal.

So it's possible Sterlings Perendev motor was momentarily accelerating, but 
nature pulled the plug, figuratively speaking. Another possible example is a 
Frenchman who knows some details about Naudins self-running MEG attempts. He 
stated Naudin was successful, but for a short period of time.

Paul Lowrance

Re: [Vo]:Steorn will demonstrate the Orbo in ~ a few days

2007-07-04 Thread Paul Lowrance
Paul Lowrance wrote:
 The above article says the Steorn Orbo will be viewable live on the Internet
 from 6pm this evening at
 with four webcams focused on the machine 24 hours a day.
 The question is, which time zone?

Ah, the answers now found on Steorns home page. It says, View the online
demonstration here at 6pm (Eastern Time).

Paul Lowrance

Re: [Vo]:Steorn will demonstrate the Orbo in ~ a few days

2007-07-04 Thread Paul Lowrance

The above article says the Steorn Orbo will be viewable live on the Internet
from 6pm this evening at

with four webcams focused on the machine 24 hours a day.

The question is, which time zone?

Paul Lowrance

Esa Ruoho wrote:
 'Free' energy technology goes on display (
 Sean McCarthy, chief executive of Steorn, said: What we are showing
 basically is a very simplified version of the technology. It's virtually
 all-clear plastic and magnets so we are demonstrating obviously that there
 is no battery hidden and so on. What the system will be doing is literally
 lifting a weight, demonstrating work being done for free.
 Obviously Steorn and Sean McCarthy would never recover if there is a
 negative result here. But we don't see that as even an outside 
 he said.
 more urls at
 On 04/07/07, Terry Blanton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The streaming video from Kinetica is said to start at 6 pm GMT today.
 That would mean we should see it here at 1 pm EDT.

 No URL for the vid yet.



Re: [Vo]:Steorn will demonstrate the Orbo in ~ a few days

2007-07-04 Thread Paul Lowrance
There appears (perhaps) to be a bit of conflicting information. Steorns home 
page says View the online demonstration here at 6pm (Eastern Time).  While 
Kinetica Museum says starts July 5th, details revealed 6pm tonight.  Kinetica 
Museum is in London.

Terry Blanton wrote:

6 pm ZULU according to the press release.


On 7/4/07, Paul Lowrance [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The above article says the Steorn Orbo will be viewable live on the 

from 6pm this evening at

with four webcams focused on the machine 24 hours a day.

The question is, which time zone?

Paul Lowrance

Esa Ruoho wrote:
 'Free' energy technology goes on display (

 Sean McCarthy, chief executive of Steorn, said: What we are showing
 basically is a very simplified version of the technology. It's 
 all-clear plastic and magnets so we are demonstrating obviously that 
 is no battery hidden and so on. What the system will be doing is 

 lifting a weight, demonstrating work being done for free.

 Obviously Steorn and Sean McCarthy would never recover if there is a
 negative result here. But we don't see that as even an outside
 he said.

 more urls at

 On 04/07/07, Terry Blanton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The streaming video from Kinetica is said to start at 6 pm GMT today.
 That would mean we should see it here at 1 pm EDT.

 No URL for the vid yet.


Re: [Vo]:Steorn will demonstrate the Orbo in ~ a few days

2007-07-04 Thread Paul Lowrance
Yes, today, July 4th, could turn out to be the declared day humanity was freed 
from oil!!

Paul Lowrance

Terry Blanton wrote:


Well, I'll check frequently (as I'm sure we will all do).

Meanwhile, is it too early to declare Oil Independence Day?


On 7/4/07, Paul Lowrance [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
There appears (perhaps) to be a bit of conflicting information. 
Steorns home
page says View the online demonstration here at 6pm (Eastern Time).  
Kinetica Museum says starts July 5th, details revealed 6pm tonight.  

Museum is in London.

Terry Blanton wrote:
 6 pm ZULU according to the press release.


 On 7/4/07, Paul Lowrance [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The above article says the Steorn Orbo will be viewable live on the
 from 6pm this evening at

 with four webcams focused on the machine 24 hours a day.

 The question is, which time zone?

 Paul Lowrance

 Esa Ruoho wrote:
  'Free' energy technology goes on display (
  Sean McCarthy, chief executive of Steorn, said: What we are showing
  basically is a very simplified version of the technology. It's
  all-clear plastic and magnets so we are demonstrating obviously that
  is no battery hidden and so on. What the system will be doing is
  lifting a weight, demonstrating work being done for free.
  Obviously Steorn and Sean McCarthy would never recover if there 
is a

  negative result here. But we don't see that as even an outside
  he said.
  more urls at
  On 04/07/07, Terry Blanton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The streaming video from Kinetica is said to start at 6 pm GMT 

  That would mean we should see it here at 1 pm EDT.
  No URL for the vid yet.

Re: [Vo]:Steorn will demonstrate the Orbo in ~ a few days

2007-07-04 Thread Paul Lowrance

Ah, here's the actual Steorn web address:

Tic ... Toc ...

Paul Lowrance

Terry Blanton wrote:

Just posted on their main page:

View the online demonstration here at 6pm (Eastern Time).

Which would be 11:00 pm London time.


On 7/4/07, Terry Blanton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

6 pm ZULU according to the press release.


On 7/4/07, Paul Lowrance [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The above article says the Steorn Orbo will be viewable live on the 

 from 6pm this evening at

 with four webcams focused on the machine 24 hours a day.

 The question is, which time zone?

 Paul Lowrance

 Esa Ruoho wrote:
  'Free' energy technology goes on display (
  Sean McCarthy, chief executive of Steorn, said: What we are showing
  basically is a very simplified version of the technology. It's 
  all-clear plastic and magnets so we are demonstrating obviously 
that there
  is no battery hidden and so on. What the system will be doing is 

  lifting a weight, demonstrating work being done for free.
  Obviously Steorn and Sean McCarthy would never recover if there is a
  negative result here. But we don't see that as even an outside
  he said.
  more urls at
  On 04/07/07, Terry Blanton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The streaming video from Kinetica is said to start at 6 pm GMT 

  That would mean we should see it here at 1 pm EDT.
  No URL for the vid yet.

Re: [Vo]:Steorn will demonstrate the Orbo in ~ a few days

2007-07-04 Thread Paul Lowrance

Terry Blanton wrote:

One camera is online.  Nothing to see yet.

Would that be #4?  Nothing happens when I click on #4.  How long does it take 
after clicking on it?

Re: [Vo]:Steorn will demonstrate the Orbo in ~ a few days

2007-07-04 Thread Paul Lowrance
Camera 4 shows nothing but Windows media with flag swirling around on the latest 
version of Firefox.

Terry Blanton wrote:

It looks like a ferris wheel on the left and it is moving.  Slowly.


On 7/4/07, Terry Blanton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Now it give an image of some type of scaffolding and an audio ad for, the vid host.


On 7/4/07, Terry Blanton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The others give an error page.  Only four has a blank image.


 On 7/4/07, Paul Lowrance [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Terry Blanton wrote:
   One camera is online.  Nothing to see yet.
  Would that be #4?  Nothing happens when I click on #4.  How long 
does it take

  after clicking on it?

Re: [Vo]:Steorn will demonstrate the Orbo in ~ a few days

2007-07-04 Thread Paul Lowrance

And Microsoft Internet Exploder crashes. Tested it on versions 6 and 5.

Paul Lowrance wrote:
Camera 4 shows nothing but Windows media with flag swirling around on 
the latest version of Firefox.

Terry Blanton wrote:

It looks like a ferris wheel on the left and it is moving.  Slowly.


Re: [Vo]:Steorn Online

2007-07-04 Thread Paul Lowrance

Terry Blanton wrote:
Here are two screen shots with a digital camera approximately 9 seconds 


Thanks a bunch!

Does anyone plan on going to view this monumental display that if true will go 
down as one of the biggest moments in time?

Paul Lowrance

Re: [Vo]:Steorn Online

2007-07-04 Thread Paul Lowrance
Kinetica Museum finally updated their website. It says, Between Shows  Our 
Next Show : starts July 5th, world's first free-energy demonstration

Terry Blanton wrote:

Well, uh, no.  It's a view of the London Eye, a Y2K fiasco, a scaffold
of sorts and a doorknob (with a door!).  If it is from the Kinetica
Museum, the camera is looking southwest approximately 3 km.  I cannot
identify the scaffold which looks to be beyond the ferrite wheel.  :-)

S!  Some in the Steorn forum believe it's the Orbo, still.

Roofie party?  Pin your address to your shirt so the cabbie knows
where to drop you.


Re: [Vo]:Steorn Online

2007-07-04 Thread Paul Lowrance
It appears the stream is live, as it's getting darker to the point where red 
lights just turned on the wheel, no?

Terry Blanton wrote:

Well, uh, no.  It's a view of the London Eye, a Y2K fiasco, a scaffold
of sorts and a doorknob (with a door!).  If it is from the Kinetica
Museum, the camera is looking southwest approximately 3 km.  I cannot
identify the scaffold which looks to be beyond the ferrite wheel.  :-)

S!  Some in the Steorn forum believe it's the Orbo, still.

Roofie party?  Pin your address to your shirt so the cabbie knows
where to drop you.


[Vo]:Steorn will demonstrate the Orbo in ~ a few days

2007-07-03 Thread Paul Lowrance
I'm a little surprised at the total lack of attentions Steorn is getting in the 
alternative and Free Energy communities. For some time Sean has stated the 
Orbo will be demonstrated to the public the first week of July in London.

Most people who follow Steorn news are nearly 100% certain such demonstration 
will take place at the Kinetica Museum in London, most likely July 5th.  The 
demo might last 9 days. The Orbo will run non-stop in public display and some 
type of camera (webcam?).

Here's a bit of interesting rumor:

According to a commenter here:

...a quick call to Kinetica revealed that they've got a private exhibition 
starting this week, which is not curated by Kinetica. It will be open to the 
public from Thursday and last all the way through from the 5th to the 13th, 
but unfortunately they can't say anything about it.

This hasn't been verified, but Kinetica is just a phone call away... 020 7392 
9674. Anyone on here living in London, willing to peek in Kinetica's windows? 
(Or scout the sidewalk for a smoking CEO?)


Also there's a new video of Sean McCarthy:

Rather interesting, as this could turn out to be the biggest day in history.

Paul Lowrance

Re: [VO]:Steorn SPDC caution!

2007-07-03 Thread Paul Lowrance

Horace Heffner wrote:

On Jul 1, 2007, at 10:43 AM, Paul Lowrance wrote:

Horace Heffner wrote:

On Jun 29, 2007, at 1:06 PM, Paul Lowrance wrote:
There's a lot of talk about the verbiage used in Steorns NDA. I'd 
bet this NDA would kill any chance of me patenting any future 
successful Free Energy machine.
Hopefully you are aware that anything patentable that you have 
created and you publicly disclose, by posting here or placing on your 
web site for example, without first having a patent application, 
instantly becomes public domain in most countries, and starts a one 
year clock for a patent application in the US. After that one year 
you will be unable to obtain a valid patent in the US.  At least 
that's the way things used to be. I haven't kept up with changes in 
recent years.

Lets try this again. Thanks for the info! As far as I know it becomes 
Prior Art in the U.S., and open-source/public-domain in various other 

My stated goal is to freely give away such a device to the world and 
patent it in the U.S.  Furthermore I would encourage people to build 
such a device to personal use and/or build such units for others 
incapable of building such a device for free or for profit.

Yes indeed.  There is a huge worldwide need.  If you have a patent you 
can stipulate such things in the license.  It appears to me the only way 
to make inventions and their progeny freeware is to patent them and 
then protect the free nature through the licensing.  Unlike copyright, 
which is automatic, there is considerable cost and diligence required up 
front.  Unfortunately, though public disclosure on the web may 
disqualify the inventor from obtaining a valid patent, it may not 
prevent another inventor from patenting the same.  Posting is a public 
disclosure, but not necessarily considered publication by the PTO, so 
there is a grey legal area now with respect to exactly what is prior 
art.  It might be a good thing if the international patent system made 
available a low expense freeware or freepat registration database to 
establish prior art.  This seems to me to be a good thing for a company 
like Google to attempt if they want to do something a bit altruistic, 
though, like Wiki, it would end up being high traffic.  I think it might 
require some of serious funding, though, because instead of examiners 
there would be a need for patent writing assistants to cull over the 
more important inventions and give them the best protection possible.

It's my impression the court merely wants proof of Prior Art. Perhaps web 
forums, yahoo  google websites, and wikis don't count as much proof. What if I 
handed out a few thousand xeroxed papers to various people?

Paul Lowrance

Re: [Vo]:Steorn will demonstrate the Orbo in ~ a few days

2007-07-03 Thread Paul Lowrance

Jed Rothwell wrote:
I wish people would refrain from doing these grand orchestrated 
introductions. Two reasons:

1. It might fail, and thereby backfire.

2. It seems like something P. T. Barnum would do, rather than science.

A series of low-key, matter-of-fact demonstrations in the laboratory 
would be better. This is how Edison introduce the incandescent light to 
the public. He strung lights outside the lab, and people came to see 
them at night. He overcame enormous resistance from the establishment. 
He did not try to defeat the naysayers in a single day, but gradually, 
over a period of weeks.

There have been a few single, grand demonstrations that instantly 
convinced large numbers of people, notably:

Westinghouse's unplanned demonstration of the airbrake during a test 
run, in which the train narrowly avoided colliding with a wagon on the 

Wilbur Wright's flight in France on August 8, 1908, which convinced the 

Orville Wright's flight of September 3, 1908, which convinced Americans 
and Pres. Roosevelt's son. The Americans paid no attention to the 
European press, which was already gaga over the Wrights.

The plutonium fission bomb test of July 16, 1945, and the uranium bomb 
attack on August 6, 1945. The latter was more-or-less a sure thing in 
the minds of most physicists, but I think there were some doubts about 
the feasibility of implosion bombs. This is kind of history we could do 

I agree.  Here's my method --

Goal: To freely spread the precise build instructions as quickly as possible:

* Type a short document containing precise details how to build such a device, 
encouraging others to replicate such a device for personal use and/or for sale.

* Xerox a few thousand copies of such document.
* Hand out the documents to various people (university professors, students, 
* Publish the details at various wikis; e.g.,
* Publish the details at various forums; google groups, Vo,
* Send emails to interested parties.
* Spend ~$200 to publish in an authorized Prior art magazine.
* Obtain a provisional patent.

Next step:
* Spend appreciable time to significantly improve the device-- version 2.
* Start a company to mass produce and sale version 2.

What do you think?

Paul Lowrance

Re: [Vo]:50,000kW/h 57000eur costing water vortex power plant..

2007-07-01 Thread Paul Lowrance

Horace Heffner wrote:

 On Jul 1, 2007, at 5:51 AM, Terry Blanton wrote:

 On 6/30/07, Esa Ruoho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The diameter of the vortex basin is 5 meters.
 The head - difference between the two water levels - is 1.6 meters.

 The turbine produced 50.000 kw/h in its first year of operation.

 Construction cost was 57.000 Euro

 Works out to about $13.48 per W capital cost.

 Expensive, but without the generator it is a work of art.  What a
 beautiful thing.  If the turbine were mounted only on underwater
 structures it would still be artful.  The overhead wood structure for
 the generator makes it ugly.  If built only for aeration then an
 underwater mounted set of Venturi tubes, or a slotted cone, might be
 artfully achieved, maybe along with some integrated sculpture.

 That structure with turbine is easily adapted to driving an underwater
 pump for water lifts for irrigation.

Come on Horace, perhaps you're being a bit sensitive. Personally what I consider 
being civilized is seeking truth and logic. Being brief should not be an insult.

I was brief because of our last encounter, in which you assumed error in my 
sentence. Fact is my sentence did not contain enough information to make such a 
determination, and therefore you should have asked. Although, I'll have you know 
that a well respected on full time Vo member sent me a private email stating 
that he believed my interpretation was correct. Furthermore, you made some other 
scientific statements which IMHO were clearly incorrect, but you would not 
address those issue even though I asked several times.

Anyhow, that's all water under the bridge.

Paul Lowrance

Re: [VO]:Steorn SPDC caution!

2007-07-01 Thread Paul Lowrance

Horace Heffner wrote:

 On Jul 1, 2007, at 5:51 AM, Terry Blanton wrote:

 On 6/30/07, Esa Ruoho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The diameter of the vortex basin is 5 meters.
 The head - difference between the two water levels - is 1.6 meters.

 The turbine produced 50.000 kw/h in its first year of operation.

 Construction cost was 57.000 Euro

 Works out to about $13.48 per W capital cost.

 Expensive, but without the generator it is a work of art.  What a
 beautiful thing.  If the turbine were mounted only on underwater
 structures it would still be artful.  The overhead wood structure for
 the generator makes it ugly.  If built only for aeration then an
 underwater mounted set of Venturi tubes, or a slotted cone, might be
 artfully achieved, maybe along with some integrated sculpture.

 That structure with turbine is easily adapted to driving an underwater
 pump for water lifts for irrigation.

Come on Horace, perhaps you're being a bit sensitive. Personally what I consider 
being civilized is seeking truth and logic. Being brief should not be an insult.

I was brief because of our last encounter, in which you assumed error in my 
sentence. Fact is my sentence did not contain enough information to make such a 
determination, and therefore you should have asked. Although, I'll have you know 
that a well respected on full time Vo member sent me a private email stating 
that he believed my interpretation was correct. Furthermore, you made some other 
scientific statements which IMHO were clearly incorrect, but you would not 
address those issue even though I asked several times.

Anyhow, that's all water under the bridge.

Paul Lowrance

Re: [VO]:Steorn SPDC caution!

2007-07-01 Thread Paul Lowrance

Horace Heffner wrote:

On Jun 29, 2007, at 1:06 PM, Paul Lowrance wrote:

There's a lot of talk about the verbiage used in Steorns NDA. I'd bet 
this NDA would kill any chance of me patenting any future successful 
Free Energy machine.

Hopefully you are aware that anything patentable that you have created 
and you publicly disclose, by posting here or placing on your web site 
for example, without first having a patent application, instantly 
becomes public domain in most countries, and starts a one year clock for 
a patent application in the US. After that one year you will be unable 
to obtain a valid patent in the US.  At least that's the way things used 
to be. I haven't kept up with changes in recent years.

Lets try this again. Thanks for the info! As far as I know it becomes Prior Art 
in the U.S., and open-source/public-domain in various other countries.

My stated goal is to freely give away such a device to the world and patent it 
in the U.S.  Furthermore I would encourage people to build such a device to 
personal use and/or build such units for others incapable of building such a 
device for free or for profit.

Anyhow, getting back to my post, people who are researching or developing any 
possible so-called Free Energy machine or who may one day want to do so should 
take caution in signing Steorns NDA.

Paul Lowrnce

Re: [VO]:Steorn SPDC caution!

2007-07-01 Thread Paul Lowrance

Horace Heffner wrote:

On Jul 1, 2007, at 10:43 AM, Paul Lowrance wrote:

Horace Heffner wrote:

On Jun 29, 2007, at 1:06 PM, Paul Lowrance wrote:
There's a lot of talk about the verbiage used in Steorns NDA. I'd 
bet this NDA would kill any chance of me patenting any future 
successful Free Energy machine.
Hopefully you are aware that anything patentable that you have 
created and you publicly disclose, by posting here or placing on your 
web site for example, without first having a patent application, 
instantly becomes public domain in most countries, and starts a one 
year clock for a patent application in the US. After that one year 
you will be unable to obtain a valid patent in the US.  At least 
that's the way things used to be. I haven't kept up with changes in 
recent years.

Lets try this again. Thanks for the info! As far as I know it becomes 
Prior Art in the U.S., and open-source/public-domain in various other 

My stated goal is to freely give away such a device to the world and 
patent it in the U.S.  Furthermore I would encourage people to build 
such a device to personal use and/or build such units for others 
incapable of building such a device for free or for profit.

Yes indeed.  There is a huge worldwide need.  If you have a patent you 
can stipulate such things in the license.  It appears to me the only way 
to make inventions and their progeny freeware is to patent them and 
then protect the free nature through the licensing.  Unlike copyright, 
which is automatic, there is considerable cost and diligence required up 

Unfortunately, though public disclosure on the web may 
disqualify the inventor from obtaining a valid patent, it may not 
prevent another inventor from patenting the same.

Are you saying that if the inventor freely publishes it on the web that it can 
actually prevent the inventor from obtaining a patent, but anyone else can 
obtain a patent on the invention??? If true (God help the silly government) then 
how about the inventor getting a family member to obtain to patent?

Posting is a public 
disclosure, but not necessarily considered publication by the PTO, so 
there is a grey legal area now with respect to exactly what is prior 
art.  It might be a good thing if the international patent system made 
available a low expense freeware or freepat registration database to 
establish prior art.  This seems to me to be a good thing for a company 
like Google to attempt if they want to do something a bit altruistic, 
though, like Wiki, it would end up being high traffic.  I think it might 
require some of serious funding, though, because instead of examiners 
there would be a need for patent writing assistants to cull over the 
more important inventions and give them the best protection possible.

Paul Lowrance

Re: [VO]:Steorn SPDC caution!

2007-07-01 Thread Paul Lowrance

That's a good idea. Last time I checked the provisional fee was ~$200.

Also there are companies that charge about the same, which they will publish 
your work in a paper magazine issue and an online magazine, which legally holds 
up in the U.S. court of law.

Paul Lowrance

Terry Blanton wrote:

You should consider:


On 7/1/07, Paul Lowrance [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Horace Heffner wrote:

 On Jul 1, 2007, at 10:43 AM, Paul Lowrance wrote:

 Horace Heffner wrote:
 On Jun 29, 2007, at 1:06 PM, Paul Lowrance wrote:
 There's a lot of talk about the verbiage used in Steorns NDA. I'd
 bet this NDA would kill any chance of me patenting any future
 successful Free Energy machine.
 Hopefully you are aware that anything patentable that you have
 created and you publicly disclose, by posting here or placing on your
 web site for example, without first having a patent application,
 instantly becomes public domain in most countries, and starts a one
 year clock for a patent application in the US. After that one year
 you will be unable to obtain a valid patent in the US.  At least
 that's the way things used to be. I haven't kept up with changes in
 recent years.

 Lets try this again. Thanks for the info! As far as I know it becomes
 Prior Art in the U.S., and open-source/public-domain in various other

 My stated goal is to freely give away such a device to the world and
 patent it in the U.S.  Furthermore I would encourage people to build
 such a device to personal use and/or build such units for others
 incapable of building such a device for free or for profit.

 Yes indeed.  There is a huge worldwide need.  If you have a patent you
 can stipulate such things in the license.  It appears to me the only 

 to make inventions and their progeny freeware is to patent them and
 then protect the free nature through the licensing.  Unlike copyright,
 which is automatic, there is considerable cost and diligence 
required up


 Unfortunately, though public disclosure on the web may
 disqualify the inventor from obtaining a valid patent, it may not
 prevent another inventor from patenting the same.

Are you saying that if the inventor freely publishes it on the web 
that it can
actually prevent the inventor from obtaining a patent, but anyone else 
obtain a patent on the invention??? If true (God help the silly 
government) then

how about the inventor getting a family member to obtain to patent?

 Posting is a public
 disclosure, but not necessarily considered publication by the PTO, so
 there is a grey legal area now with respect to exactly what is prior
 art.  It might be a good thing if the international patent system made
 available a low expense freeware or freepat registration 
database to

 establish prior art.  This seems to me to be a good thing for a company
 like Google to attempt if they want to do something a bit altruistic,
 though, like Wiki, it would end up being high traffic.  I think it 

 require some of serious funding, though, because instead of examiners
 there would be a need for patent writing assistants to cull over the
 more important inventions and give them the best protection possible.

Paul Lowrance

Re: [VO]:Steorn SPDC caution!

2007-06-30 Thread Paul Lowrance

Horace Heffner wrote:

On Jun 29, 2007, at 1:06 PM, Paul Lowrance wrote:


As a side note there was a major update to my research outline page.

Yesterday I provided two of my Free Energy designs, one being a 
mechanical version. This was published in Steorn forum, which I 
commented on the possibility that the Steorn Orbo could use the same 
technique. Not long after, someone approached me asking to join the 
Steorn SPDC group. There's a catch though. You have to sign an NDA and 
disclose personal information.  There's a lot of talk about the 
verbiage used in Steorns NDA. I'd bet this NDA would kill any chance 
of me patenting any future successful Free Energy machine.

Hopefully you are aware that anything you publicly disclose, by posting 
here or placing on your web site for example, without first having a 
patent application, instantly becomes public domain in most countries, 
and starts a one year clock for a patent application in the US.  AT 
least that's the way things used to be. I haven't kept up with changes 
in recent years.

Prior art.

Re: [VO]:Steorn SPDC caution!

2007-06-30 Thread Paul Lowrance

Horace Heffner wrote:

On Jun 30, 2007, at 7:45 AM, Paul Lowrance wrote:

Horace Heffner wrote:

On Jun 29, 2007, at 1:06 PM, Paul Lowrance wrote:


As a side note there was a major update to my research outline page.

Yesterday I provided two of my Free Energy designs, one being a 
mechanical version. This was published in Steorn forum, which I 
commented on the possibility that the Steorn Orbo could use the same 
technique. Not long after, someone approached me asking to join the 
Steorn SPDC group. There's a catch though. You have to sign an NDA 
and disclose personal information.  There's a lot of talk about the 
verbiage used in Steorns NDA. I'd bet this NDA would kill any chance 
of me patenting any future successful Free Energy machine.
Hopefully you are aware that anything you publicly disclose, by 
posting here or placing on your web site for example, without first 
having a patent application, instantly becomes public domain in most 
countries, and starts a one year clock for a patent application in 
the US.  AT least that's the way things used to be. I haven't kept up 
with changes in recent years.

Prior art.

I'm not sure what the above is intended to say, especially since it is 
not a sentence. However, let me be more specific.

Hopefully you are aware that anything patentable that you have created 
and you publicly disclose, by posting here or placing on your web site 
for example, without first having a patent application, instantly 

becomes public domain in most countries,

Open source

and starts a one year clock for 
a patent application in the US.

Prior art

After that one year you will be unable
to obtain a valid patent in the US.  At least that's the way things used 
to be. I haven't kept up with changes in recent years.

Re: [VO]:Steorn SPDC caution!

2007-06-30 Thread Paul Lowrance

Horace Heffner wrote:

On Jun 30, 2007, at 10:06 AM, Paul Lowrance wrote:

Open source

Prior art


Well isn't that special. Your future mud bath plans Horace?

[Vo]:Steorn SPDC caution!

2007-06-29 Thread Paul Lowrance


As a side note there was a major update to my research outline page.

Yesterday I provided two of my Free Energy designs, one being a mechanical 
version. This was published in Steorn forum, which I commented on the 
possibility that the Steorn Orbo could use the same technique. Not long after, 
someone approached me asking to join the Steorn SPDC group. There's a catch 
though. You have to sign an NDA and disclose personal information.  There's a 
lot of talk about the verbiage used in Steorns NDA. I'd bet this NDA would kill 
any chance of me patenting any future successful Free Energy machine.

Just be careful. We'll have to see what comes of Steorn. After some reading, now 
I have my doubts of it's true original purpose.

Is it or Isn't It? Friday, June 29, 2007

I for one am looking forward to discovering the truth.

Paul Lowranc

[VO]:Steorn SPDC caution!

2007-06-29 Thread Paul Lowrance


As a side note there was a major update to my research outline page.

Yesterday I provided two of my Free Energy designs, one being a mechanical 
version. This was published in Steorn forum, which I commented on the 
possibility that the Steorn Orbo could use the same technique. Not long after, 
someone approached me asking to join the Steorn SPDC group. There's a catch 
though. You have to sign an NDA and disclose personal information.  There's a 
lot of talk about the verbiage used in Steorns NDA. I'd bet this NDA would kill 
any chance of me patenting any future successful Free Energy machine.

Just be careful. We'll have to see what comes of Steorn. After some reading, now 
I have my doubts of it's true original purpose.

Is it or Isn't It? Friday, June 29, 2007

I for one am looking forward to discovering the truth.

Paul Lowranc

Re: [Vo]:Test

2007-06-28 Thread Paul Lowrance


leaking pen wrote:


On 6/27/07, Jed Rothwell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Messages not getting through, or not coming back . . .

Re: [Vo]:Neutron Properties

2007-06-28 Thread Paul Lowrance

IMHO, such a task is similar to find the boundaries  size of --

One would need to define the critical threshold; e.g., 70% max could be 
considered the boundary of the wave/particle.

Paul Lowrance

Jones Beene wrote:
BTW - For those who might harbor a lingering suspicion that many things 
in physics, from the basics to the complex, are not well known in 2007 - 
consider something as basic as the diameter and geometry of the 
particles of matter: electron, proton, and neutron.

There is no firm agreement (or even close approximation) on this, AFAIK! 
We kind of assume they are spherical, but even that is debateable.

So-called authoritative references for the neutron's diameter, for 
instance, can be found from about 10^(-15) meters to about about 
10^(-10) meters, a variation of 5 orders of magnitude ! Of course, there 
are no firm boundaries for these entities anyway, and often one hears 
the particles (esp the electron) described as a smear. Little more 
than a cop-out. College textbooks are notoriously in disagreement with 
current results, and can be off by orders of magnitude over information 
coming from some national labs. There are reasons for this relating to 
publication costs, but still

Just now, in response to reading a reference claiming a surprisingly 
large discrepancy between the diameter of the proton and neutron, I have 
been looking at various online resources, which vary all over the place. 
To be honest, I cannot find a satisfactory answer, but that is not the 
purpose of this posting.

In the process of surfing for info - a new (new-to-me) theory (TOE) has 
been found which has some alluring ideas (and obvious problems) but I 
have not read nor seen the inevitable criticism of it - so I will simply 
throw out the reference for anyone whose interests may be tickled by the 
idea of an underlying photonic basis for all matter:

The main idea of the paper is that an electron is created when two 
gamma ray of very high frequency interact and bend so strongly that a 
stable resonating 'circle' results. An equation to find the diameter of 
the electron from its mass is derived from three other basic equations. 
The diameter of the electron is found to be several orders of magnitude 
larger than previously accepted.

First of all: There are other similar wave theories, and there is 
arguably 'nothing new under the sun' here... and other theories can add 
or improve on some of these ideas: the best of which sites is the site 
maintained by Geoff Haselhurst and mentioned a few years ago:

which relates to Milo Wolff's theories:

and also there is another :

... and The Photonic Theory of Everything by Vernon Brown

.. and if the wave is the equivalent of motion then the ideas of 
Dewey Larsen are in play.

Anyway the basic idea (of Willis H. Thompson) is that an electron is 
created when a gamma ray of very high frequency interacts with a similar 
ray. The gamma rays are bent so strongly that they forms a stable 
resonating paired circle. An equation to find the diameter of the 
electron from its mass can be derived from three other basic equations. 
The diameter of the electron is found to be several orders of magnitude 
larger than previously accepted.

I am left with the gut feeling that if anyone with a strong math 
background (and unlimited patience) could/would revise and resolve all 
of these similar theories (including R. Mills without his numerous 
errors) that an adequate TOE would emerge from such a melange. But - 
since it is unclear who would deserve the credit - that TOE will never 

BTW - back to size. A neutron, which might or might not consist of a 
proton, an electron plus some extra mass energy assumed to be a 
neutrino, is most often said to be about 2.2 proton diameters in 
diameter. An electron is about 5.6 proton diameters. Although the proton 
is ~1836 times more massive than the electron, the electron is larger in 
volume, no problem; and so, and so the neutron being about ~1838 times 
more massive a hydrogen atom might be expected to somehow average-out 
that size difference. Hydrogen has the electron orbiting 53,000 proton 
diameters from the proton. Somehow that electron can be brought nearer 
to the proton without any kind of charge anihilation, and can form a 
neutron with a diameter 2.2x  ... or not, if one prefers to look at this 
from a quark perspective which is like opening up another can of worms.

For some kinds of visualization of nuclear interactions - it would be 
helpful to have these relative sizes in mind ... too bad that is not yet 


[Vo]:Capturing Ambient Energy by Magnetic Viscosity

2007-06-28 Thread Paul Lowrance
I am highly hesitant in releasing the following details of incomplete research, 
which basically consists of years of work. The research revealed a method of 
capturing ambient energy by means of magnetic material.

The following web page is just a quick thrown together first attempt web page to 
provide a small outline of the research, which is mostly based on computer 
simulation software that I wrote. Surely there are various errors, some small, 
some big. Hopefully we can work together and correct any of such errors, if they 

I'm expecting far too much criticism, so I'll probably take a momentary step 
back and just watch. If not, then great. On the other hand, a lot of people have 
packed their bags headed toward Steorn demo land. So perhaps just a few 
physicist will read the following research. It's my goal to work with civilized 
people, to seek truth.

As usual I post the following notice: This project and research requires no 
funding or payments of any kind. No payment is requested nor has any ever been 
accepted for this project and research. This researcher has the necessary 
equipment and money to continue this project and research.

The following web page is vague, probably far too many insinuations, so over 
time I'll have to fill in the missing links.


Paul Lowrance

Re: [Vo]:diode array recycles ambient heat

2007-06-26 Thread Paul Lowrance

Charles M. Brown wrote:
The diode array is progressing. A backer is willing to invest in 
nanoprototyping. There is some difficulty in that electron beam 
lithography is slow at ~ 1 / 3 second per 50 nm spot so the prototype 
will be microscopic with ~ 10,000 diodes. In the future, a stamp pad of 
millions of electron emitters will make many diode spots quickly. I 
found conference calls to be a powerful way to persuade people that we 
mean serious business. InSb can be electroplated as either small 
crystals or a organized deposition of alternate In and Sb layers. 
Fabricators can now make 4 InSb wafers but they are unnecessarily thick 
at ~900 um. However, they are expensive at hundreds of times the cost of 
Si. I think that diode arrays will produce cheap electricity while 
absorbing ambient heat. Elctricity tends to return as heat when used so 
an industrialized cave using diode arrays would not heat up or cool 
down.  An estimated power density of 100 watts / cm2 @ 300K seems 

And I bet such a board could be made ultra flat and stackable. Eventually this 
technology will prove to provide more current than any material is capable of 
handling. In which case the goal will become to design a unit capable of 
handling more current while flowing appreciable amount of liquid or gas over the 
unit. Although remember, such a unit wants to remove energy from the material 
(ambient - electricity). So there will be small hot areas and cold areas. 
Eventual goal will be two keep both cold  hot areas as near room temperature as 

Paul Lowrance

Re: [Vo]:free ambient energy

2007-06-19 Thread Paul Lowrance

Nick Palmer wrote:

Paul is an extraordinarily arrogant thug. If it 
is possible to effectively cohere Nyquist noise, I hope Charles can do 
it. Similarly,

I hope Paul never succeeds.

Neither is ever likely to get 
useful power from ambient temperature. By the way,
the ridiculous debate about the radiation from both 
sides has mutated slightly - Paul originally said it radiates

X watts PER SQUARE METRE from both sides.

He is now leaving out the capitalised part (because

 he secretly realises his mistake and is hoping that we

won't notice...).

I'm sorry dear brother, but IMHO you sure warp your reality. You place thoughts 
in your head thinking you know what I'm thinking.

I wish you the best, as IMHO you have a world of anger  hate inside you.

Paul Lowrance

As both sides of the object have twice the surface 
area of one side plus a small bit extra from the edges (but this is 
getting silly...) it logically follows that the amount of radiation 
should be twice the figure Paul used (as Horace immediately pointed 
out). Paul was guilty of fuzzy logic Q.E.D. Michel pointed out that 
Paul's phraseology was ambiguous and he is French!! Why should we need 
an English major to verify something that is obvious (except to an 
arrogant troll). Crawl away back under your rock Paul, re-read John 
Winterflood's comprehensive demolition of your idea, and stop bothering us.

Emotionally, but correctly, yours

Re: [Vo]:free ambient energy

2007-06-19 Thread Paul Lowrance

Horace Heffner wrote:

On Jun 19, 2007, at 2:00 AM, Nick Palmer wrote:

   By the way, the ridiculous debate about the radiation from both 
sides has mutated slightly - Paul originally said it radiates X watts 
PER SQUARE METRE from both sides. He is now leaving out the 
capitalised part (because he secretly realises his mistake and is 
hoping that we won't notice...).

Yes, Paul's web site is indeed in serious need of correction.  He should 
correct it lest someone might think he is an idiot.

Horace Heffner, it matters very little what most people think of me. What 
matters is truth and logic.

It says: Blackbody 
radiation: At a room temperature of 297 Kelvin (74.93 F, 23.85 C) both 
sides of a thin sheet of opaque material radiates 882.4 Watts per square 
meter.   See:

I patiently await its correction.

It will be updated today, just for you. :-)  BTW, I sent an email to a qualified 
individual, so we'll see what the final word is.

Riddle: Bob and John both run at 10 MPH. How fast does Bob run?

Riddle: Both Bob and John run at 10 MPH. How fast does Bob run?

IMHO that's an inaccurate example. This seems far more accurate, Bob and John 
both weigh 882.4 pounds.  Or even, Bob and John weigh 882.4 pounds.  Notice 
there's no word each, just as in my original text.

Paul Lowrance

Re: [Vo]:free ambient energy

2007-06-19 Thread Paul Lowrance

thomas malloy wrote:

Paul Lowrance wrote:

Horace Heffner wrote:

On Jun 19, 2007, at 2:00 AM, Nick Palmer wrote:

   By the way, the ridiculous debate about the radiation from both 
sides has mutated slightly - Paul originally said it radiates X 
watts PER SQUARE METRE from both sides. He is now leaving out the 
capitalised part (because he secretly realises his mistake and is 
hoping that we won't notice...).

Yes, Paul's web site is indeed in serious need of correction.  He 
should correct it lest someone might think he is an idiot.

If you want to settle the matter, and make Horace eat his words, build a 
working O U machine.

I get your drift, but this has nothing to do with making anyone eat their words, 
or making someone look bad. Again it has everything to do with truth  logic, 
and a small attempt to perhaps one day catch the attention of a gifted mind. 
Surely there are other minor reasons.

It's ok, you people don't understand people such as myself ... not even remotely 
close. Perhaps you *feel* like I get upset, when in actuality I'm probably the 
calmest person here-- just going by previous social experiences with other 
people. I don't tippie toe around, or fear I'm might hurt someone's feelings by 
stating truth. If there's a need then I'm blunt.  I could easily be making 
millions of dollars for myself, but it's my decision to live in poverty spending 
my life working full time on creating a Free Energy machine for the world-- 
public domain. There's no self pity here, just joy. You see these comments as 
ego, lol. These words are here to set a seed in some people so they'll begin to 
grow up, and learn to control their emotions.

You people may see me as troll, lol. That's ok, all that matters to me is that I 
know who I am and why I'm here.

It is now very clear why this is a world of war  killing, anger  negative 
emotions, pollution  ignorance.

Poor world! :-(

Paul Lowrance

Re: [Vo]:free ambient energy

2007-06-18 Thread Paul Lowrance

Horace Heffner wrote:

On Jun 17, 2007, at 9:35 PM, Paul Lowrance wrote:

Horace, my time here is to spread truth and logic to a dark world.

OK, it appears you really aren't here trolling for money then.

Indeed that is correct. From the start of this research I have posted at the top 
of all my Wiki pages, Note This project and research requires no funding or 
payments of any kind. No payment is requested nor has any ever been accepted for 
this project and research. This researcher has the necessary equipment and money 
to continue this project and research. --

My signature at, Smoking Gun will be posted at Conventional physics acknowledges 
Magnetic entropy. Megawatts of energy exchanges occur in certain magnetic 
materials. Normally magnetic entropy converts to lattice entropy as heat, but 
it's possible to capture such radiation given the correct circumstances  
material. Energy exchanges occurring in 1cc @ 100KHz +-Bsat could power a small 
city. This research is based on conventional physics in a detailed step-by-step 
manner. Computer simulation analysis reveals what occurs within magnetic 
material on an atomic scale. THIS RESEARCH IS ENTIRELY SELF-FUNDED. Not a cent 
was accepted, nor will any be accepted. This is for the World! Learn about this 
science  help at;

Take note of the above upper case highlighted text that says, THIS RESEARCH IS 

No offense to readers, but how baffling to date modern so-called 
society still passively teaches and encourages one to save face rather 
than truth and logic. I would think that truth and logic should rule, 
but then again this is a world dominated by emotions.

Undisputed fact still remains that it is simple to capture ambient 
energy with present technology. My long time offer still remains. Put 
ones $$$ where their mouth is and I'll hand you a simple device that 
generates free energy without any source of power other than from 
ambient temperature. Present task still remains to complete an 
appreciably small device to capture significant ambient energy.

Say, isn't the above just plain old not so thinly veiled solicitous 
spam?  How many times does the above have to be repeated here before it 
becomes spam?

Perhaps until people (hint hint) will begin to graciously admit their errors so 
others of lesser scientific knowledge may make a valid conclusion. :-)  Rather 
the common tactic appears to be hit  run.

Paul Lowrance

Re: [Vo]:free ambient energy

2007-06-18 Thread Paul Lowrance

Horace Heffner wrote:
 On Jun 17, 2007, at 4:55 PM, Paul Lowrance wrote:

   The challenge is in building a machine that can capture significant
 ambient energy without building a ridiculously large machine. It will
 require nano scale technology or darn clever macro scale design. It's
 the later that I am working on, and will succeed single handedly.

 On Jun 17, 2007, at 9:53 PM, Paul Lowrance wrote:

 We need more people entering the research of ambient energy machines.
 Any intelligent person should never trust that you or anyone has
 everything under control.
 Again, this yet another plea for people to enter this valid field of

 On Jun 17, 2007, at 9:35 PM, Paul Lowrance wrote:
  Put ones $$$ where their mouth is and I'll hand you a simple device
 that generates free energy without any source of power other than
 from ambient temperature.

 You really should be more consistent in your comments Paul.  People will
 get the impression you are trolling for $$$ or for folks to do your work
 for you, or benefactors to supply you, rather than struggling to be a
 genuine contributor.  If you will succeed single handedly, why do you
 need more people, or ask for money for an impractical device?  If you
 expect to succeed single handedly why are you wasting time here
 trolling?  Go succeed.

I just can't understand such fuzzy logic Horace. One word, time.  Have you 
heard the term, The more the merrier?  More people equates to saving time. 
Again, this research could use as many people researching ambient energy as an 
alternative energy source as possible.

 If you are only working for humanitarian purposes, post your ideas in
 detail.  Show us something that hasn't been around since Maxwell's
 time.  Let's see your engineering, your numbers.  Let's see some
 specific devices, and some experimental results.  Show us how it is
 done.  Teach.

On many occasions I have provided numbers  equations, described the science and 
such methods in an detailed step-by-step process. As far as mathematics, I've 
evolved beyond pencil pushing to computer key pushing, as my mathematics is 
contained in the computer in the form of software. I firmly believe computer 
software algorithms, functions, and programs are the future of science. Computer 
simulations are complex. It would be insane to even attempt to write down an 
equation of such a simulation.

 If you are working for profit shouldn't you be busy
 filing for patents and building demonstrators?  Good grief, I can
 imagine how someone funding your efforts would feel about you wasting
 your time debating instead of working diligently!  Your objective
 appears to be argument and heckling rather than making a genuine
 contribution to the list, or the art.  Prove me wrong! 8^)

 Hopefully we won't see the old persecuted genius scam emerge from
 you.  It is so boring hearing from yet another genius who sets himself
 up as an unappreciated persecuted martyr who's only need is an
 appreciative patron.
 It is so irritating to watch it happen while real
 genius, and true contributors to the list, like Ed Storms, work away
 diligently, without fanfare or adequate funding.

That indicates you still don't get it. How many times and in how many ways do I 
need to keep telling you? It's always been about spreading truth  logic and 
searching for other capable individuals who may be interested in this research. 
I could die tomorrow, and quite frankly I don't like the thought that my 
research will go to waste.

Furthermore, believe it or not, sitting on the computer and typing these emails 
is not only an attempt to find certain gifted individuals to join this research, 
but also it's my break time away from such research.  Additionally, at this very 
moment I am running a computer simulation in the background even though such 
simulations have reached their present limit without a serious upgrade. The 
other day an idea came to me that may allow such simulations offer further 
assistance. ... let me guess, you don't believe me. Here's a compressed gif 
screen shot of the present simulation running in the background taken a few 
minutes ago --


R.C.Macaulay wrote:
 Paul wrote...

 that is correct. From the start of this research I have posted at the top
 of all my Wiki pages, Note This project and research requires no
 funding or
 payments of any kind. No payment is requested nor has any ever been
 accepted for
 this project and research. This researcher has the necessary equipment
 and money
 to continue this project and research. --

 Howdy Paul,

 Gosh , golly, gee Paul, why didn't you say so to begin with.  How wuz we
 to know?

On various occasions I have mentioned it here at Vo.

Paul Lowrance

Re: [Vo]:free ambient energy

2007-06-18 Thread Paul Lowrance

Paul Lowrance wrote:
Furthermore, believe it or not, sitting on the computer and typing these 
emails is not only an attempt to find certain gifted individuals to join 
this research, but also it's my break time away from such research.  
Additionally, at this very moment I am running a computer simulation in 
the background even though such simulations have reached their present 
limit without a serious upgrade. The other day an idea came to me that 
may allow such simulations offer further assistance. ... let me guess, 
you don't believe me. Here's a compressed gif screen shot of the present 
simulation running in the background taken a few minutes ago --


Some basic snapshot description was just added:

Paul Lowrance

Re: [Vo]:free ambient energy

2007-06-18 Thread Paul Lowrance

Horace Heffner wrote:

On Jun 18, 2007, at 7:44 AM, Paul Lowrance wrote:

 If you are only working for humanitarian purposes, post your ideas in
 detail.  Show us something that hasn't been around since Maxwell's
 time.  Let's see your engineering, your numbers.  Let's see some
 specific devices, and some experimental results.  Show us how it is
 done.  Teach.

On many occasions I have provided numbers  equations, described the 
science and such methods in an detailed step-by-step process.

What information have you provided that hasn't been around for decades?

What's matter? You can't recall?  For one, you can use magnetic material as a 
means of capturing and keeping ambient energy during one full cycle. Furthermore 
I've provide various methods of capture ambient energy by other means than 
magnetic materials.

As far as mathematics, I've evolved beyond pencil pushing to computer 
key pushing, as my mathematics is contained in the computer in the 
form of software. I firmly believe computer software algorithms, 
functions, and programs are the future of science. Computer 
simulations are complex. It would be insane to even attempt to write 
down an equation of such a simulation.

As a person who has written complex deterministic and stochastic 
simulations for a living,

What computer language do you write in?

I am compelled to waste the time to say the 
statement It would be insane to even attempt to write down an equation 
of such a simulation is total bunk, even though most everyone on this 
list is probably keenly aware of the seriousness of being incompetent to 
clearly describe a simulation method being applied.

LOL, you think you can write a mathematical equation on paper that took a 
computer simulation program weeks to complete.  LOL. Now that is hilarious. 
Sorry, your pen pushing days are coming to an end, to be replace by more 
intelligent methods such as computer software. :-)

 If you are working for profit shouldn't you be busy
 filing for patents and building demonstrators?  Good grief, I can
 imagine how someone funding your efforts would feel about you wasting
 your time debating instead of working diligently!  Your objective
 appears to be argument and heckling rather than making a genuine
 contribution to the list, or the art.  Prove me wrong! 8^)

 Hopefully we won't see the old persecuted genius scam emerge from
 you.  It is so boring hearing from yet another genius who sets himself
 up as an unappreciated persecuted martyr who's only need is an
 appreciative patron.
 It is so irritating to watch it happen while real
 genius, and true contributors to the list, like Ed Storms, work away
 diligently, without fanfare or adequate funding.

That indicates you still don't get it. How many times and in how many 
ways do I need to keep telling you?

Talk is cheap.  Repetitious talk is meaningless.  Inconsistent 
repetitious talk is ...

I've already repudiated your fuzzy logic claims that I'm inconsistent.  I 
challenge you to show us my inconsistency. If you can't then you have no 
business accusing people of cheap talk.

It's always been about spreading truth  logic and searching for other 
capable individuals who may be interested in this research.

This list has been full of people with their own lines of research or 
theory.  Why do you think your approach is any better?

I could die tomorrow, and quite frankly I don't like the thought that 
my research will go to waste.

Well, then, why not get busy documenting your research in detail and 
distributing it?  Why bother wasting time on petty debate and trolling?

I already told you the reason.

Furthermore, believe it or not, sitting on the computer and typing 
these emails is not only an attempt to find certain gifted individuals 
to join this research, but also it's my break time away from such 
research.  Additionally, at this very moment I am running a computer 
simulation in the background even though such simulations have reached 
their present limit without a serious upgrade. The other day an idea 
came to me that may allow such simulations offer further assistance. 
... let me guess, you don't believe me. Here's a compressed gif screen 
shot of the present simulation running in the background taken a few 
minutes ago --

Why would I not believe you?  So you wrote a computer simulation.  Not a 
big deal.  Is it meaningful?  Time will tell.

Sounds like you're just bitter because I keep finding errors in your statements. 
For example, when I clearly wrote *BOTH* sides of a material radiates and you 
replied I was wrong, when in actuality you were incorrect. My answer was correct.

Paul Lowrance

Re: [Vo]:free ambient energy

2007-06-18 Thread Paul Lowrance

Horace Heffner wrote:

On Jun 18, 2007, at 9:54 AM, Paul Lowrance wrote:

I've already repudiated your fuzzy logic claims that I'm inconsistent.

Do you even know what fuzzy logic is?


I challenge you to show us my inconsistency.

I feel thoroughly satisfied I have done that - yourself excluded of 
course.  No need to waste even more time on that.

IMHO you've showed us nothing but an undeveloped mind, relatively speaking. I 
detailed precisely why you were incorrect. Feel free jump in and defend your 
answer. Again, let's analyze your fuzzy logic. You said, 'If you will succeed 
single handedly, why do you need more people, or ask for money for an 
impractical device?'  Do you really think that proves me inconsistent? One more 
time, lol --  Can you comprehend that more people joining this research could 
help, lol.  No offense guy, but your logic is really flawed. Gee, I could 
single handedly accomplish this task in perhaps 4 months, so therefore my fuzzy 
logic states I should not seek help.  Very silly, huh?

Yet one more time. I can accomplish such a task alone, but I will not give up on 
seeking further help regardless of your efforts.

If you can't then you have no business accusing people of cheap talk.

I didn't accuse anyone of cheap talk.  I said talk is cheap.  I should 
know.  I do plenty of it.  Blah blah blah 

For example, when I clearly wrote *BOTH* sides of a material radiates 
and you replied I was wrong, when in actuality you were incorrect. My 
answer was correct.

So is 42.

I stand by my answer: Each side of the square meter radiates 
(5.6705119E-8 kg/(s^3 (deg. K)^4)) * (297 deg. K)^4 * (1 m^2) =  441.2 

Your language is misleading.  Not only that, you use the same language 
on your web site. You state both sides of a thin sheet of opaque 
material radiates 882.4 Watts per square meter.  That gives 1764.8 
watts total.  The correct answer is half that.  I suggest you improve 
the language on your web site, otherwise some people might think you are 
an idiot.  How will you ever manage to troll folks into your private 
news group?  I patiently await the editing of your  8^)

That's funny. both sides of a thin sheet of opaque material radiates 882.4 
Watts per square meter means without question that both sides, not one side, 
radiates 882.4 watts.

You seem good at dodging questions. I'll ask you again since you seem to 
insinuate you're an authority on the topic. Again, you said, As a person who 
has written complex deterministic and stochastic simulations for a living, 
What computer language do you write in?

Another topic you dodged: Do you think you can write a mathematical equation on 
paper that took a computer simulation program weeks to complete?

Paul Lowrance

Re: [Vo]:free ambient energy

2007-06-18 Thread Paul Lowrance

Horace Heffner wrote:

 On Jun 18, 2007, at 11:32 AM, Paul Lowrance wrote:

 Yet one more time. I can accomplish such a task alone, but I will not
 give up on seeking further help regardless of your efforts.

 Of course not!  Why would you want to stop your effort yo troll folks to
 your group.  I can't imagine why anyone would want to work with you though!

Since IMHO it's obvious you have no interest in truth and logic, lets sum this 
thread --

* Horace Heffner brought up the old trolling, scam, and seeking money trick. I 
repudiated Horace Heffner attempts by providing links to project 
that contains time stamps from years ago up to today where I clearly state at 
the top of my wiki pages I never have and never will accept donations for my 
research. Furthermore I quoted my signature, which also clarifies.

* Horace Heffner tried a quick stab at trying to disprove my mathematics. Horace 
Heffner would have you believe both sides should be interpreted as radiating 
1764.8 watts LOL.

* Horace Heffner would have people believe my ability to write scientific 
computer simulation software is no big deal. Quote, So you wrote a computer 
simulation. Not a big deal.

* Horace Heffner would have people believe I'm inconsistent. His logic -- I can 
accomplish it single handedly, and therefore Horace logic dictates I cannot ask 
for further help, LOL. Horace Heffner should consider simple logic -- More 
people may accomplish the task in a shorter period of time.

More can be said, but that's enough.

Paul Lowrance

Re: [Vo]:free ambient energy

2007-06-18 Thread Paul Lowrance

Nick Palmer wrote:
Horace, you might as well give up. Jerks like Lowrance, with their 
inflated egos and solipsistic interpretations of the validity of their 
own ideas and language are undefeatable with mere words - they 
desperately need repeated hard slaps around the face until they stop. 
His pathetic, extraordinarily fuzzy logical defense of his originally 
(highly ambiguous) statement about black body radiation from a surface 
is a smoking gun that shows he is incapable of realising his own 
objectionable idiocy. He should realise that the function of language is 
to accurately communicate to another what you mean - not to write 
ambiguous phrases that obfuscate clear interpretation. He is undoubtedly 
an adolescent who thinks he is pretty hot stuff. He is no better than 
the Red Queen, in Alice in Wonderland, who said that words mean exactly 
what I want them to mean.
   I once tried to point out the error in his thinking that so-called 
thermal noise could be rectified to produce useful power but he was so 
thick or egotistical, and in love with his own imagined genius, that he 
was incapable of seeing it...
Anyone who seems to believe that computer simulations trump reality is 
beyond help.

LOL, it seems the thugs are all out in force backing each other up now. Retreat, 
retreat, lol.

Paul Lowrance

Re: [Vo]:free ambient energy

2007-06-18 Thread Paul Lowrance

Horace Heffner wrote:
 Gosh Nick, you don't think I take this seriously do you?  8^)  Actually,
 I do take to the smell of scam quite seriously and my nose is bothering
 me for some reason.  I have in the past needled potential scammers just
 to see what they are made of.  The scammers always take the bait.

All the way back to April 2th 2005 I stated at the top of my wiki pages, Note 
This project and research requires no funding or payments of any kind. No 
payment is requested nor has any ever been accepted for this project and 
research. This researcher has the necessary equipment and money to continue this 
project and research.

Me and my friends have a nickname, thug. It's basically a person that has a 
hidden agenda to suppress global free energy.  Are you are a thug Horace Heffner?

 You are consistently self-contradictory.

Well, let me know anytime you want to debate this. I repudiated your claims with 
logic. All you do is repeat your claims backed by nothing.

There have been many trolls that have come and gone here,
 and I suspect you won't be the last to come and go.

Troll: A newsgroup post that is deliberately incorrect, intended to provoke 
readers; or a person who makes such a post.

I'll debate you anytime based on truth and logic.  You're just upset because I 
immediately found an error in your post. Sorry buy, both sides does not mean 4 
times, lol. It does not mean one side. Lets get an unbiased English major and 
see what he or she says?  I say that both sides radiates X watts means that 
both sides (not one side, not four sides, not 1.5 sides) radiates X watts.

... LOL, thug logic.

Paul Lowrance

Re: [Vo]:free ambient energy

2007-06-18 Thread Paul Lowrance

Nick Palmer wrote:

Jerks like Lowrance


they desperately need repeated hard slaps around the face


His pathetic, extraordinarily fuzzy logical

He is undoubtedly an adolescent who thinks he is pretty hot stuff.


He is no better than the Red Queen, in Alice in Wonderland,


Anyone who seems to believe that computer simulations trump reality is 
beyond help.

Such an emotional state of being. :-(

Re: [Vo]:free ambient energy

2007-06-18 Thread Paul Lowrance


I disagree. If I meant each then I would have included it.  To interpret it as 
2X watts per side it would have to say, both sides radiate(s) X watts EACH. 
My original statement did not include the word each.   Either way with or 
without the s has the same interpretation. BTW, my MS Word grammar checker is 
fine with radiates.

Do you know an unbiased English major?  I'd be interested in hearing what an 
unbiased qualified person say.

Paul Lowrance

Michel Jullian wrote:

Paul, the phrase is ambiguous. The s at the end of radiates is not correct, subject 
being plural, so it will likely be taken as a typo, and the statement will be understood as both sides 
radiate X watts (= each side radiates X watts)


- Original Message - 
From: Paul Lowrance [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2007 2:27 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:free ambient energy

I say that both sides radiates X watts means that 
both sides (not one side, not four sides, not 1.5 sides) radiates X watts.


Re: [Vo]:free ambient energy

2007-06-17 Thread Paul Lowrance

Horace Heffner wrote:

On Jun 13, 2007, at 4:14 PM, Paul Lowrance wrote:

Some basic facts present standard physics fully understands and accepts:

Blackbody radiation: At a room temperature of 297 Kelvin (74.93 F, 
23.85 C) both sides of a thin sheet of opaque material radiates 882.4 
Watts per square meter.

Actually, the above is off by half.  Each side of the square meter 
radiates (5.6705119E-8 kg/(s^3 (deg. K)^4)) * (297 deg. K)^4 * (1 m^2) 
=  441.2 watts.


Horace Heffner

Horace Heffner,

You missed the key words. I will quote my above words and highlight the key 
words, ***BOTH SIDES*** of a thin sheet of opaque material radiates 882.4 Watts 
per square meter.  Surely you know what the words both sides means brother?

My number was correct.

 The difficulty with trying to capture this energy is
 that an antenna at the same temperature will be similarly radiating.

That is completely irrelevant to the task of capturing such energy. Connected to 
the antenna would be a low voltage solid-state switch that conducts when the 
antenna's voltage is positive and turns off when negative. This creates a DC 
voltage that may be pumped to a device that amplifies the voltage; e.g., pumped 
to an inductor, which then the inductors current is suddenly removed, which 
causes a voltage spike (collapsing field) to charge the battery. The amplified 
voltage charges a DC battery. The DC battery does indeed emit blackbody 
radiation and thermal noise, but that does not drain the battery. The battery is 
a DC source.

No offense intended to you brother, and indeed IMHO you are obviously above 
average intelligence, but I'm beginning to understand why humanity has yet to 
achieve global free energy.  People just don't seem to see what I've always 
thought to be the obvious.

Paul Lowrance

Re: [Vo]:A sound way to turn heat into electricity

2007-06-17 Thread Paul Lowrance
Just noticing some real obvious patterns in the alternative energy community. 
There seems to be a lot of hit  run, lol. It has some negative impact, and 
therefore from here after I would like to have people close the discussion by 
confirming their error.

You said,
Your idea is viable if we had the ability to heterodyne down from the Thz range 
with an efficiency that would make sense in recovered useable energy.

Your key word, if places nearly 100% probability that you are suggesting my 
idea would only work if we could heterodyne down from the Thz range.  Could 
you please confirm that you read my reply to your above statement and that you 
now understand heterodyne down from the Thz range is not required to capture 
appreciable energy from room temperature gradients?

Paul Lowrance

Paul Lowrance wrote:

Hi Stiffler,

On a macro scale all matter contains a sea of temperature gradients. 
View two 15 cent millimeter size thermistors separated by say 1 inch and 
you'll clear see temperature gradients any place on Earth. Such 
gradients is usable energy, even with old heat-electricity technology. 
Such a device does not need to reach THz temperature gradients to 
capture free energy. In fact a slow reacting DMM is fast enough to see 
the evidence. That in itself is free energy. Not much, but some 
nonetheless. If you want more energy then make the heat-electricity 
device smaller, and more of them to cover the same area of course.

Stiffler, there is no magic reaction time where such a device suddenly 
captures free energy from such temperature gradients. I'm a little 
baffled you would say, Your idea is viable if we had the ability to 
heterodyne down from the Thz range with an efficiency that would make 
sense in recovered useable energy. Just below twenty THz is merely the 
average blackbody radiation frequency at room temperature. Indeed it's 
probably next to impossible to measure 0.1 Hz blackbody radiation with 
even the best leading edge equipment, but there is indeed easily 
measurable temperature gradients in the 0.1 Hz region. Perhaps you were 
thinking of blackbody radiation. My previous post discussed temperature 
gradients, not blackbody radiation.

This is very obvious and simple physics. Of course it would require 
expensive equipment capable of making such nano size heat-electricity 
devices to produce significant electrical energy flow. Presently such 
devices are not so efficient, but good enough nonetheless. Here's one 
well known company that's about to release such an efficient solid state 
chip -

Paul Lowrance

Stiffler Scientific wrote:


Your idea is viable if we had the ability to heterodyne down from the Thz
range with an efficiency that would make sense in recovered useable 

It is becoming more difficult than every to know what has been and is 
researched due to the issue of now 'We Must Sell' our research papers. 
hundreds of middlemen resellers of research and the US Government 
wanting to
suppress everything because they are clueless, it is a wonder we even 

research left in the US.

We have plenty of bio research, but I think that has a different bent 
if you

look at big pharma.

So my 1/2 cents worth is, what can we give the common man now that is not
under the control of some big corp? The TAPM is one such device as it 
can be
build with some copper pipe and a hack saw, (maybe a few other minor 
:-) ), your 800W/m2 sounds great, but is there that you know of a way 
to tap


-Original Message-
From: Paul Lowrance [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2007 11:31 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:A sound way to turn heat into electricity

No offense intended to anyone, but something must be said about the 
Did it ever occur to you people that such a device if made small 
enough and

react fast enough could draw significant continuous energy *anywhere* on
day and night?  On a micro scale there's a vast sea of significant
gradients everywhere. On a nano scale even more so. Just a few days ago I
info on such an obvious fact of science.

I'm just baffled how everyone misses the obvious! It is intentional? I 

it, LOL. What's going on ... did/do universities play subliminal messages
day programming poor students at a young age to never consider such
thoughts, LOL???

Paul Lowrance

Stiffler Scientific wrote:

Far from a new idea indeed, what is new is that it is moving closer to

a viable technology. A thermo acoustic refer has been developed and 

in HOT undeveloped parts of the world and found to work. The device is
placed in the sun during the day and it produces ice, then it is moved
indoors at night and keeps foods cold until the next day. What one must


is that there are NO moving parts. The device can be built from material
that is not super

Re: [Vo]:free ambient energy

2007-06-17 Thread Paul Lowrance

Horace Heffner wrote:

 On Jun 17, 2007, at 6:28 AM, Paul Lowrance wrote:

 Horace Heffner wrote:
 On Jun 13, 2007, at 4:14 PM, Paul Lowrance wrote:
 Some basic facts present standard physics fully understands and

 Blackbody radiation: At a room temperature of 297 Kelvin (74.93 F,
 23.85 C) both sides of a thin sheet of opaque material radiates
 882.4 Watts per square meter.
 Actually, the above is off by half.  Each side of the square meter
 radiates (5.6705119E-8 kg/(s^3 (deg. K)^4)) * (297 deg. K)^4 * (1
 m^2) =  441.2 watts.
 Horace Heffner

 Horace Heffner,

 You missed the key words. I will quote my above words and highlight
 the key words, ***BOTH SIDES*** of a thin sheet of opaque material
 radiates 882.4 Watts per square meter.  Surely you know what the
 words both sides means brother?

 It is ambiguous at best.  If John and Bob each have hair then both John
 and Bob have hair.  If both John and Bob each spend $10 then John and
 Bob both spend $10.  If both John and Bob spend $10 then John and Bob
 both collectively spend $20.  It is a lot more clear (to me) to simply
 say John and bob each spent $10, and a little less specific to say John
 and Bob collectively spent $20.  It is at best unclear when you say John
 and Bob both spent $10.

 My number was correct.

 So is 42.  But what does it mean?  8^)

Let's clarify one thing. You said, Actually, the above is off by half.  You 
were wrong. My answer was not off by half.  Here is the full quote:

Horace Heffner wrote:

 Paul Lowrance wrote:

 Some basic facts present standard physics fully understands and accepts:

 Blackbody radiation: At a room temperature of 297 Kelvin (74.93 F,
 23.85 C) both sides of a thin sheet of opaque material radiates 882.4
 Watts per square meter.

 Actually, the above is off by half.  Each side of the square meter
 radiates (5.6705119E-8 kg/(s^3 (deg. K)^4)) * (297 deg. K)^4 * (1 m^2)
 =  441.2 watts.  The difficulty with trying to capture this energy is
 that an antenna at the same temperature will be similarly radiating.

I will kindly wait for you to admit your error.

  The difficulty with trying to capture this energy is
  that an antenna at the same temperature will be similarly radiating.

 That is completely irrelevant to the task of capturing such energy.
 Connected to the antenna would be a low voltage solid-state switch
 that conducts when the antenna's voltage is positive and turns off
 when negative. This creates a DC voltage that may be pumped to a
 device that amplifies the voltage; e.g., pumped to an inductor, which
 then the inductors current is suddenly removed, which causes a voltage
 spike (collapsing field) to charge the battery. The amplified voltage
 charges a DC battery. The DC battery does indeed emit blackbody
 radiation and thermal noise, but that does not drain the battery. The
 battery is a DC source.

 This is nonsense.  You imply the blackbody radiation is uniform over the
 surface of an antenna like the signal from a radio station,

No I did not. I have yet to find anyone who understands antenna theory better 
than I.

 that there is a way to obtain a signal that is proportional in some way to
 antenna area.  Various frequencies of photons are absorbed or emitted
 from small (but collectively acting in a quantum sense) adjacent areas
 of the antenna at the same time.  Plank's Radiation Law gives the energy
 spectrum (of both the incoming and outgoing photons at equilibrium):

E(lambda,T) = ((2 h c^2)/lambda^5) / (e^(h c / (lambda K T)) - 1)

 which is a distribution of energies but which does have a peak at

lambda_max = (3x10^7 angstroms/(deg. K))/T

 At thermal equilibrium, at which any perpetual motion machine must
 eventually operate due to the infinite time constant, the effect of
 black body radiation nets out to zero,

Your statement the effect of black body radiation nets out to zero is wrong. 
Blackbody radiation effect never nets out to zero. Show me one example where 
blackbody radiation nets out to zero.

 but the antenna effect for large
 areas is always zero.

I never said anything about large areas. I'm talking about wide THz bandwidth 
antennas. Regardless, such radiation wouldn't even net out to zero for a one 
mile antenna, LOL.

 What you are left to work with is ordinary
 ambient temperature kinetic heat.

Well, there are so many issues in your previous assumptions that we cannot even 
begin to comment on your above statement, as it becomes irrelevant.

 No offense intended to you brother, and indeed IMHO you are obviously
 above average intelligence, but I'm beginning to understand why
 humanity has yet to achieve global free energy.  People just don't
 seem to see what I've always thought to be the obvious.

 If it were so obvious and easy you and hundreds of others would have
 practical working machines for sale at Sears, WalMart, etc.  That of
 course hasn't stopped many lunatic

Re: [Vo]:diode array recycles ambient heat

2007-06-17 Thread Paul Lowrance

Charles M. Brown wrote:
The diode array is progressing. A backer is willing to invest in 
nanoprototyping. There is some difficulty in that electron beam 
lithography is slow at ~ 1 / 3 second per 50 nm spot so the prototype 
will be microscopic with ~ 10,000 diodes. In the future, a stamp pad of 
millions of electron emitters will make many diode spots quickly. I 
found conference calls to be a powerful way to persuade people that we 
mean serious business. InSb can be electroplated as either small 
crystals or a organized deposition of alternate In and Sb layers. 
Fabricators can now make 4 InSb wafers but they are unnecessarily thick 
at ~900 um. However, they are expensive at hundreds of times the cost of 

I'm glad to see you're going to use InSb over InAs. Although I have no idea what 
your design is, you'll find that a direct band gap InSb 0.17 eV will generate 
significantly more thermal noise voltage than InAs. There are far better 
materials than even InSb I've detailed here at Vo, but they're extremely expensive.

I think that diode arrays will produce cheap electricity while 
absorbing ambient heat. Elctricity tends to return as heat when used so 
an industrialized cave using diode arrays would not heat up or cool 

Indeed, it's called energy *flow*. For most applications energy would merely 
flow from immediate environment to device to appliance and back to immediate 
environment. No energy is added to environment-- closed loop energy flow.

One great option of such technology is the ability to move vast amounts of 
energy away from Earth by capturing ambient energy and then radiating such 
energy to space by means of electromagnetic radiation.

Paul Lowrance

Re: [Vo]:free ambient energy

2007-06-17 Thread Paul Lowrance

Horace Heffner wrote:

On Jun 17, 2007, at 4:55 PM, Paul Lowrance wrote:

Please allow me to enlighten you brother. It is not difficult to build 
a machine that captures such ambient energy, period!  The challenge is 
in building a machine that can capture significant ambient energy 
without building a ridiculously large machine. It will require nano 
scale technology or darn clever macro scale design. It's the later 
that I am working on, and will succeed single handedly.

Then you should have no need to waste your time with trifling 
discussion.  Go forth and invent ... the world is in great need.

StifflerScientific wrote:
 I would love to answer, but I think Bill Beaty might be a tad upset with me.

 Just consider me one of those below average intellect people and ignore what
 I say and build you device based on your 'almighty correct theory'?

Horace, my time here is to spread truth and logic to a dark world.

No offense to readers, but how baffling to date modern so-called society still 
passively teaches and encourages one to save face rather than truth and logic. 
I would think that truth and logic should rule, but then again this is a world 
dominated by emotions.

Undisputed fact still remains that it is simple to capture ambient energy with 
present technology. My long time offer still remains. Put ones $$$ where their 
mouth is and I'll hand you a simple device that generates free energy without 
any source of power other than from ambient temperature. Present task still 
remains to complete an appreciably small device to capture significant ambient 

Paul Lowrance

Re: [Vo]:free ambient energy

2007-06-17 Thread Paul Lowrance

Charles M. Brown wrote:
I want many people to be ready with talents, means, and applications in 
mind to share the great social change of a quick and definitive 
introduction of cheap, clean, and decentralized energy. I welcome 
versions of the diode array and its production equipment becoming low 
cost, thin profit commodities quickly.

We need more people entering the research of ambient energy machines. Any 
intelligent person should never trust that you or anyone has everything under 

The people in this industry are very interesting. I lost count how many people 
offered to handle part of my research, but oddly enough they take forever or 
never complete the task. One of many examples, one person offered to obtain a 
free Finemet core sample. Every few days to a week the person would update me of 
their attempts. Supposedly they even had a EE friend request the samples, and 
nothing. This went on for several months. The day was arriving when I would need 
the core, so I contacted Metglas, and after roughly a few minutes I had a 
confirmed sample order of a Finemet core.

Again, this yet another plea for people to enter this valid field of research.

Paul Lowrance

Re: [VO]: Future energy predictions

2007-06-16 Thread Paul Lowrance

Robin van Spaandonk wrote:
 Horace Heffner wrote:
 The infrastructure of a country the size of Iran can probably be
 knocked out using a few 20 megaton bombs and lots of underground
 burst weapons followed up with periodic neutron bombs and
 conventional weapons.

 Why would it even be desirable to do this? What is it exactly about little 
 that has America so terrified? Surely you are no longer sucked in by the words
 of a President that has already proven that much of what he says is pure
 propaganda designed to mislead his own people?

I would tend to agree with the thoughts of Robin. My thoughts on the matter is 
preemptive strike on the middle east was highly unintelligent. These people will 
NEVER forget. Our president bush created a living nightmare for future 
generations. Instead of spending what will soon approach ONE TRILLION dollars on 
this war my country should have spent such money on leading edge defense. Gee, 
how many scientists could you hire for one trillion dollars, lol. Here's a 
thought, what if our country would have never stuck our unintelligent aggressive 
nose in other countries business from the start.

One great cost effective method is a challenge. Look who won the DARPA $2 
million government challenge and what they achieved:

It's amazing what they achieved.

Another great challenge was the X prize:

Anyhow, people baffle me! Perhaps politicians don't understand the law of cause 
and effect. Someone owes the poor younger generations the apology of a lifetime!

Paul Lowrance

Re: [Vo]:A sound way to turn heat into electricity

2007-06-15 Thread Paul Lowrance

Hi Stiffler,

On a macro scale all matter contains a sea of temperature gradients. View two 15 
cent millimeter size thermistors separated by say 1 inch and you'll clear see 
temperature gradients any place on Earth. Such gradients is usable energy, even 
with old heat-electricity technology. Such a device does not need to reach THz 
temperature gradients to capture free energy. In fact a slow reacting DMM is 
fast enough to see the evidence. That in itself is free energy. Not much, but 
some nonetheless. If you want more energy then make the heat-electricity device 
smaller, and more of them to cover the same area of course.

Stiffler, there is no magic reaction time where such a device suddenly captures 
free energy from such temperature gradients. I'm a little baffled you would 
say, Your idea is viable if we had the ability to heterodyne down from the Thz 
range with an efficiency that would make sense in recovered useable energy. 
Just below twenty THz is merely the average blackbody radiation frequency at 
room temperature. Indeed it's probably next to impossible to measure 0.1 Hz 
blackbody radiation with even the best leading edge equipment, but there is 
indeed easily measurable temperature gradients in the 0.1 Hz region. Perhaps you 
were thinking of blackbody radiation. My previous post discussed temperature 
gradients, not blackbody radiation.

This is very obvious and simple physics. Of course it would require expensive 
equipment capable of making such nano size heat-electricity devices to produce 
significant electrical energy flow. Presently such devices are not so efficient, 
but good enough nonetheless. Here's one well known company that's about to 
release such an efficient solid state chip -

Paul Lowrance

Stiffler Scientific wrote:


Your idea is viable if we had the ability to heterodyne down from the Thz
range with an efficiency that would make sense in recovered useable energy.

It is becoming more difficult than every to know what has been and is being
researched due to the issue of now 'We Must Sell' our research papers. With
hundreds of middlemen resellers of research and the US Government wanting to
suppress everything because they are clueless, it is a wonder we even have
research left in the US.

We have plenty of bio research, but I think that has a different bent if you
look at big pharma.

So my 1/2 cents worth is, what can we give the common man now that is not
under the control of some big corp? The TAPM is one such device as it can be
build with some copper pipe and a hack saw, (maybe a few other minor thing
:-) ), your 800W/m2 sounds great, but is there that you know of a way to tap

-Original Message-
From: Paul Lowrance [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2007 11:31 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:A sound way to turn heat into electricity

No offense intended to anyone, but something must be said about the obvious.
Did it ever occur to you people that such a device if made small enough and
react fast enough could draw significant continuous energy *anywhere* on
day and night?  On a micro scale there's a vast sea of significant
gradients everywhere. On a nano scale even more so. Just a few days ago I
info on such an obvious fact of science.

I'm just baffled how everyone misses the obvious! It is intentional? I don't
it, LOL. What's going on ... did/do universities play subliminal messages
day programming poor students at a young age to never consider such
thoughts, LOL???

Paul Lowrance

Stiffler Scientific wrote:

Far from a new idea indeed, what is new is that it is moving closer to


a viable technology. A thermo acoustic refer has been developed and tested
in HOT undeveloped parts of the world and found to work. The device is
placed in the sun during the day and it produces ice, then it is moved
indoors at night and keeps foods cold until the next day. What one must


is that there are NO moving parts. The device can be built from material
that is not super expensive.

Something (I'm not aware of anyone doing it yet) is to use this device to
reclaim potable water from the air. Granted the load is greater than doing
the ice, but it can be done, and is an interesting idea as all one does is
get to the dew point and dump the resulting latent heat which with proper
design can be used by the prime mover.

Not new indeed, but better than some of the other hair brained schemes


proposed by many...

-Original Message-
From: Michael Foster [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2007 12:41 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:A sound way to turn heat into electricity

Harry Veeder wrote:

A sound way to turn heat into electricity

University of Utah physicist Orest Symko holds a match to a small heat
engine that produces a high-pitched tone

Re: [Vo]:wassup wid D2 ?

2007-06-15 Thread Paul Lowrance
Could everyone please set their computer date?  Steven Krivit's email/post has 
been lurking at the top of my email list for ~ a week and will continue to stay 
they until 7/4/2007, as his computer is over one month ahead!  Stiffler 
Scientific clock is only ~ half hour ahead of time.

Paul Lowrance

Re: [Vo]:wassup wid D2 ?

2007-06-15 Thread Paul Lowrance
The reason I mentioned your name was because your emails are staying on top of 
the list ~half hour even though emails from other people arrive after yours.

I set my computer to the live atomic clock in Denver, CO, USA.

If anyone wants to check their clocks:

Paul Lowrance

Stiffler Scientific wrote:

Stiffler Scientific computer time is -3 minutes of WWVH so where are you
seeing ~ 1/2 hour???

-Original Message-
From: Paul Lowrance [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2007 1:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:wassup wid D2 ?

Could everyone please set their computer date?  Steven Krivit's email/post
been lurking at the top of my email list for ~ a week and will continue to
they until 7/4/2007, as his computer is over one month ahead!  Stiffler
Scientific clock is only ~ half hour ahead of time.

Paul Lowrance

Re: [Vo]:wassup wid D2 ?

2007-06-15 Thread Paul Lowrance

Good. The main issue is with Steven Krivit's who's clock is ~ a month ahead.


Stiffler Scientific wrote:

All fine and good we sync when 'Bill Gates' product gets around to it from
'' and like I said when I read your post we
were -3 minutes of the same clock. I did a manual sync and it is now right
on the money...

-Original Message-
From: Paul Lowrance [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2007 3:09 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:wassup wid D2 ?

The reason I mentioned your name was because your emails are staying on top
the list ~half hour even though emails from other people arrive after yours.

I set my computer to the live atomic clock in Denver, CO, USA.

If anyone wants to check their clocks:

Paul Lowrance

Stiffler Scientific wrote:

Stiffler Scientific computer time is -3 minutes of WWVH so where are you
seeing ~ 1/2 hour???

-Original Message-
From: Paul Lowrance [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2007 1:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:wassup wid D2 ?

Could everyone please set their computer date?  Steven Krivit's email/post
been lurking at the top of my email list for ~ a week and will continue to
they until 7/4/2007, as his computer is over one month ahead!  Stiffler
Scientific clock is only ~ half hour ahead of time.

Paul Lowrance

[Vo]:free ambient energy

2007-06-13 Thread Paul Lowrance

Some basic facts present standard physics fully understands and accepts:

Blackbody radiation: At a room temperature of 297 Kelvin (74.93 F, 23.85 C) both 
sides of a thin sheet of opaque material radiates 882.4 Watts per square meter. 
Such radiation is well understood and is called blackbody radiation. The peak 
frequency of such radiation is just under 20 THz (2 GHz). It would require 
leading edge technology to collect such energy.

Temperature gradients: All matter surrounding you is a sea of fluctuating 
temperatures. Measure the temperature at two locations by means of two quick 
reacting millimeter size thermistor chips and you'll discover constant 
temperature gradients. This is a sea of noise, temperature fluctuations, similar 
to the ocean. Such temperature gradients exists in all matter, including the 
air. Such temperature gradients equate to usable energy. The average temperature 
gradient increase with a decrease in separation distance. The average 
temperature gradient between 1 inch (2.54 cm) of air is easily measurable with 
two $0.15 extremely small thermistor chips. On an molecular scale the average 
temperature gradient is significantly greater. On the atomic scale such 
temperature gradients approach full scale, which at 297K the gradient could 
approach 297K. For example, one atom might be traveling at 5000 m/s (11000 mph), 
but a neighboring atom could easily be at a momentary standstill.

Paul Lowrance

[Vo]:Tom Bearden on suppression of overunity systems

2007-06-08 Thread Paul Lowrance

Some recent articles by Tom Bearden on the suppression of overunity systems --



2007-05-18 Thread Paul Lowrance
I'm not taking sides, but IMHO there's very little logic in your statement 
Michel. I would tend to agree Mr. Newman appears to not understand certain 
physics, but that is by no means proof Newman has not invented or stumbled upon 
a major discovery. That's like saying the Wright Brothers could not have 
invented the first heavier than air powered plane to fly under sustained control 
because they clearly did not understand certain laws of physics, lol.

According to one video documentary engineers from Mississippi State University 
tested Mr. Newman's device and representatives of the State Department of Energy 
were on hand to observe the testing. For 6 days tests were ran with perplexing 
results. WWL Engineers conducted and confirmed one of such tests done by the 
engineers at Mississippi State University. I would suggest you watch to video 

Skip to 2 minutes and 20 seconds time mark.

Paul Lowrance

Michel Jullian wrote:

Apart from his own evidence being clearly insufficient (the burden of proof 
should be his), some of his arguments are clearly deceptive. For example, he 
claims the pump is running with a 10ft head, using this as an argument that it 
is doing work. In reality the output hose does go up 10 ft, but then it goes 
down 10ft (it's just flung over a 10 ft ladder), so the pump runs with zero 
head in fact, it doesn't do any work against gravity.


- Original Message - 
From: William Beaty

Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 4:19 AM

On Thu, 17 May 2007, Michel Jullian wrote:

You seem to be running a very nice scam, Joseph :-) You're a great
showman in any case, so spectators aren't entirely robbed.

Accusation of a scam, but without evidence, is a very serious matter.
It's not reasoning, it's just ad-hominem (and is banned by vortex-L
Rule #2: NO SNEERING.  Ridicule, derision, scoffing, and ad-hominem is
banned.)  Don't make the same mistake that Robert Park et. al. have
constantly made.  Simply state why you believe Newman to be a scammer, and
your arguments will have impact.

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 3:46 AM

The Energy Machine of Joseph Newman



The link below features a new demonstration of
Joseph Newman's revolutionary
energy machine technology and fulfills the promise made by Joseph
Newman in April 2007.

The amazing results of this new energy technology as shown in the
video speak for themselves!

Contact Joe Nolfe at (205) 835-9022 for further details about the
energy machine technology.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

(( ( (  (   ((O))   )  ) ) )))
William J. BeatySCIENCE HOBBYIST website
billb at amasci com
EE/programmer/sci-exhibits   amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair
Seattle, WA  425-222-5066unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci

Re: [Vo]:Sprain Magmo

2007-05-18 Thread Paul Lowrance
Please include his full name-- Harry Paul.  Anyhow, was this an accidental 
effect H.Paul discovered or was it a prediction by means of physics or is it an 
offshoot of another free energy machine?

Paul Lowrance

Terry Blanton wrote:

Paul had never been able to drive an electrical load before.  With
such small torque, the motor would stall due to loading once even the
smallest current was drawn from the generator.  PM generators load a
source even when open circuited due to core attraction and Lenz effect
eddy currents.  The loading is heavy at coil core edges resulting in
an effect called cogging.

With the Ecosmart generator he had to sand down the coil core edges to
minimize cogging.  I also suggested that he lift the rotor of the
generator so that it is not entirely inserted within the stator PM

Finally, it would run open circuited on a two magnet rotor but stalled
once a current demand was added.  So, Paul put on the four magnet
rotor which gave the additional torque.  Based on power measurements
this configuration had a COP of over 3.0, INCLUDING THE GENERATOR


On 5/17/07, Jones Beene [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

One overriding question...

Why are there two Pringles left?

No seriously ...why the focus on the small bulb? Assuming that it is not
self-powered yet, what difference could the bulb make?

Terry Blanton wrote:
 Paul just posted a new video on youtube:

 It shows a four magnet rotor and a generator driving a load.  The
 energy per pulse did not change but the COP did (upward as would be

 Better hurry, I don't know how long the BoD will allow it to remain.


Re: [Vo]:Sprain Magmo

2007-05-18 Thread Paul Lowrance
Please include his full name-- Harry Paul.  Anyhow, was this an accidental 
effect H.Paul discovered or was it a prediction by means of physics or is it an 
offshoot of another free energy machine?

Paul Lowrance

Terry Blanton wrote:
 Paul had never been able to drive an electrical load before.  With
 such small torque, the motor would stall due to loading once even the
 smallest current was drawn from the generator.  PM generators load a
 source even when open circuited due to core attraction and Lenz effect
 eddy currents.  The loading is heavy at coil core edges resulting in
 an effect called cogging.

 With the Ecosmart generator he had to sand down the coil core edges to
 minimize cogging.  I also suggested that he lift the rotor of the
 generator so that it is not entirely inserted within the stator PM

 Finally, it would run open circuited on a two magnet rotor but stalled
 once a current demand was added.  So, Paul put on the four magnet
 rotor which gave the additional torque.  Based on power measurements
 this configuration had a COP of over 3.0, INCLUDING THE GENERATOR


 On 5/17/07, Jones Beene [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One overriding question...

 Why are there two Pringles left?

 No seriously ...why the focus on the small bulb? Assuming that it is not
 self-powered yet, what difference could the bulb make?

 Terry Blanton wrote:
  Paul just posted a new video on youtube:
  It shows a four magnet rotor and a generator driving a load.  The
  energy per pulse did not change but the COP did (upward as would be
  Better hurry, I don't know how long the BoD will allow it to remain.


2007-05-18 Thread Paul Lowrance
I'm not taking sides, but IMHO there's very little logic in your statement 
Michel. I would tend to agree Mr. Newman appears to not understand certain 
physics, but that is by no means proof Newman has not invented or stumbled upon 
a major discovery. That's like saying the Wright Brothers could not have 
invented the first heavier than air powered plane to fly under sustained control 
because they clearly did not understand certain laws of physics, lol.

According to one video documentary engineers from Mississippi State University 
tested Mr. Newman's device and representatives of the State Department of Energy 
were on hand to observe the testing. For 6 days tests were ran with perplexing 
results. WWL Engineers conducted and confirmed one of such tests done by the 
engineers at Mississippi State University. I would suggest you watch to video 

Skip to 2 minutes and 20 seconds time mark.

Paul Lowrance

Michel Jullian wrote:
 Apart from his own evidence being clearly insufficient (the burden of proof 
should be his), some of his arguments are clearly deceptive. For example, he 
claims the pump is running with a 10ft head, using this as an argument that it 
is doing work. In reality the output hose does go up 10 ft, but then it goes 
down 10ft (it's just flung over a 10 ft ladder), so the pump runs with zero head 
in fact, it doesn't do any work against gravity.



2007-05-18 Thread Paul Lowrance

Jed Rothwell wrote:
It should be noted that some educated observers have examined the Newman 
device, and they feel there may be something to it.

IMHO your above statement should have been placed at top of your post, as it's 
by far the most meaningful.

... I would tend to agree Mr. Newman appears to not understand certain physics, 
but that is by no means proof Newman has not invented or stumbled upon a major 
discovery. That's like saying the Wright Brothers could not have invented the 
first heavier than air powered plane to fly under sustained control because they 
clearly did not understand certain laws of physics, lol.

According to one video documentary engineers from Mississippi State University 
tested Mr. Newman's device and representatives of the State Department of Energy 
were on hand to observe the testing. For 6 days tests were ran with perplexing 
results. WWL Engineers conducted and confirmed one of such tests done by the 
engineers at Mississippi State University. I would suggest you watch to video 

Skip to 2 minutes and 20 seconds time mark.

Paul Lowrance


2007-05-18 Thread Paul Lowrance

Jed Rothwell wrote:
 It should be noted that some educated observers have examined the Newman 
device, and they feel there may be something to it.

IMHO your above statement should have been placed at top of your post, as it's 
by far the most meaningful.

... I would tend to agree Mr. Newman appears to not understand certain physics, 
but that is by no means proof Newman has not invented or stumbled upon a major 
discovery. That's like saying the Wright Brothers could not have invented the 
first heavier than air powered plane to fly under sustained control because they 
clearly did not understand certain laws of physics, lol.

According to one video documentary engineers from Mississippi State University 
tested Mr. Newman's device and representatives of the State Department of Energy 
were on hand to observe the testing. For 6 days tests were ran with perplexing 
results. WWL Engineers conducted and confirmed one of such tests done by the 
engineers at Mississippi State University. I would suggest you watch to video 

Skip to 2 minutes and 20 seconds time mark.

Paul Lowrance

Re: [Vo]:Runaway Breakdown ionospheric energy tap

2007-05-18 Thread Paul Lowrance
I'm not taking sides, but IMHO there's very little logic in your statement 
Michel. I would tend to agree Mr. Newman appears to not understand certain 
physics, but that is by no means proof Newman has not invented or stumbled upon 
a major discovery. That's like saying the Wright Brothers could not have 
invented the first heavier than air powered plane to fly under sustained control 
because they clearly did not understand certain laws of physics, lol.

According to one video documentary engineers from Mississippi State University 
tested Mr. Newman's device and representatives of the State Department of Energy 
were on hand to observe the testing. For 6 days tests were ran with perplexing 
results. WWL Engineers conducted and confirmed one of such tests done by the 
engineers at Mississippi State University. I would suggest you watch to video 

Skip to 2 minutes and 20 seconds time mark.

Paul Lowrance

Michel Jullian wrote:
 Apart from his own evidence being clearly insufficient (the burden of proof 
should be his), some of his arguments are clearly deceptive. For example, he 
claims the pump is running with a 10ft head, using this as an argument that it 
is doing work. In reality the output hose does go up 10 ft, but then it goes 
down 10ft (it's just flung over a 10 ft ladder), so the pump runs with zero head 
in fact, it doesn't do any work against gravity.


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