Re: [Vo]:"Private information" about Rossi was the Ampernergo tests described by McKubre

2011-12-19 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 19.12.2011 15:43, schrieb Jed Rothwell:

Susanna Gipp  wrote:

Do we have something else excepts a bunch of words ?

Yes, data.

Do you know who they are ?

Yes, I said I did. Please read my message more carefully.

Same what Allan Sterling says about the Penderev Magnet Motor.
He knows very reliable and credible people who have seen it works.
So he continues to promote it and he is sure it works.
He never says he has seen it working himself.

Posssibly Allan Sterling or people like him are Jed's trustable 
witnesses? ;-) ;-)


Re: [Vo]:"Private information" about Rossi was the Ampernergo tests described by McKubre

2011-12-19 Thread peter . heckert
You write too much. A lot of citations and it is unclear in which context there 
where made.
A citation from Westinghouse, who where a competitor. 
(If this citation was about AC, then Westinghouse was correct. Not anything 
that Edison did or propagated, was a success)

I think your other statements are worse.
Confindential informations out of confidential and secret sources is almost 
ever wrong.
This is this stuff that is used at stockmarkets to get the money of 
unexperienced investors.

I give you some private information:
I got a lot of mail for soon to explode tips after I sent a mail to you, using 
another (commercial business) adress.
All was about questionable HHO devices that are known not to fullfil their 
This was months ago before I joined this list. Never used this mail adress for 
something similar.
I think you are in this business. You are not believed.

As soon as I hear the word "confidential" or "private" all my alarm bells ring.
If its private, then please keep it private or get permission to publish. If 
you dont have permission then stay quiet.


- Original Nachricht 
Von: Jed Rothwell 
Datum:   19.12.2011 15:43
Betreff: Re: [Vo]:"Private information" about Rossi was the Ampernergo tests
 described by McKubre

> Susanna Gipp  wrote:
> > Do we have something else excepts a bunch of words ?
> Yes, data.
> > Do you know who they are ?
> >
> Yes, I said I did. Please read my message more carefully.
> > These guys are all friends or in someway related to Rossi.
> >
> No, they are not.
> Sorry but in my world "independent test" has a different meaning.
> >
> You know nothing about this, except for McKubre's slide. You cannot judge.
>  wrote:
> > If Edison had invited Kullander and Essen, then he had not sent them home
> > without definitive results.
> >
> He did send them home with definitive results. They are convinced. You may
> not be, but they are.
> If you think people were convinced by Edison, you need to read history.
> Some observers and investors were convinced. Others, especially those who
> refused to go and look, said:
> "It would be almost a public calamity if Mr. Edison should employ his great
> talent on such a puerility" - letter to Scientific American from a noted
> scientist
> Edison's claims are "So manifestly absurd as to indicate a positive want of
> knowledge of the electric circuit and the principles governing the
> construction and operation of electric machines." - Edwin Weston, arc-light
> and electrical equipment manufacturer, Newark, NJ (a short distance from
> Edison's lab)
> "One must have lost all recollection of *American hoaxes* to accept such
> claims. The sorcerer of Menlo Park appears not to be equated with the
> subtleties of the electric science. Mr. Edison takes us backwards." - the
> distinguished Prof. Du Moncel
> After Edison displayed dozens of lights, impressed huge crowds of people,
> and was lauded in the mass media, a professor who had worked with him
> previously from the nearby Stevens Institute said he felt compelled "to
> protest in behalf of true science" that "the results were a conspicuous
> failure, trumpeted as a wonderful success. A fraud upon the public."
> > Edison did never instrumentalize scientists to support his claims, he had
> > not the necessity to do so.
> >
> He used the best instruments in the world, which he purchased for large
> sums of money, or invented himself. He was able to measure a vacuum to ppm
> levels.
> (When I say "purchase" I mean he issued a purchase order, accepted
> delivery, but he never actually paid in several cases. That was his way of
> doing business.)
> If Edison had promised to give a device to UniBo or Uppsala, he had done
> so.
> If Edison had invited the european patent office for a test in a lab of
> > UniBo with international high level scientists and journalists, then he
> had
> > made this as announced in a lab of UniBo . . .
> I suggest you learn something about Edison.
> - Jed

Re: [Vo]:"Private information" about Rossi was the Ampernergo tests described by McKubre

2011-12-19 Thread peter . heckert

- Original Nachricht 
Von: Jed Rothwell 
Datum:   19.12.2011 03:03
Betreff: [Vo]:"Private information" about Rossi was the Ampernergo tests 
described  by McKubre

> Here is a key issue. Rossi's personality is an open book thanks to his
> website. That is unique to the 21st century. People who dismiss him because
> of his personality should think about that. Suppose in 1879 Edison had a
> kept an Internet blog while he invented the incandescent light. Suppose
> everyone could follow along with his trials and tribulations and his
> frequent crazy ideas.

The comparison to Edison is a good one.
What you forget, are the differences and there are many:

If Edison had multiply announced a closed loop flow calorimetry test with all 
details to be made in University of Uppsalla, then he had done so.
If Edison had invited Kullander and Essen, then he had not sent them home 
without definitive results.
Edison did never instrumentalize scientists to support his claims, he had not 
the necessity to do so.
If Edison had promised to give a device to UniBo or Uppsala, he had done so.
If Edison had invited the european patent office for a test in a lab of UniBo 
with international high level scientists and journalists, then he had made this 
as announced in a lab of UniBo and not a doubtful test in his own shed.
Edison had invited his worst pathological sceptics and enemies to the demo.

If Edison had invented this device then he had made a demonstration as good as 
possible and would sell to known customers.
It must also been said, Edison was a clever genius amateur, but he never made a 
really grundbreaking invention.
The self excited generator was invented by Siemens. All really groundbreaking 
inventions where made by others.
He made applications and improvements, but no groundbreaking inventions.
Even the thermal electron emission, what he has discovered,  was finally 
explored and developed by others.


Re: [Vo]:Kick starter for funding?

2011-12-18 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 18.12.2011 05:17, schrieb Sean True:

If Dr. Miley is in need of low thousands of dollars to get to a breakthrough, 
is there a possibility of using to raise the money? I'd kick in 
a thousand dollar pledge if Jed said it would get the good doctor over the hump.

Miley is closely working together with CETI ( Clean Energy Technologies, 
Incorporated) and has without doubt created a lot of free advertisement 
for them.

I think CETI or their investors should give him the money, because these 
will also get the results, and if true, then they will all get very, 
very rich.


Re: [Vo]:Twenty-Year History of Lattice-Enabled Nuclear Reactions (LENR) - Hiding in Plain Sight

2011-12-16 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 16.12.2011 21:59, schrieb Aussie Guy E-Cat:

It is interesting and looks very convincing.
However, it is unclear to me how performant this is.

For example they measure neutrons. So far I know the neutrons from 
cosmic rays are 20 neutrons /(cm^2*s) respective 72000 neutrons per hour 
per cm^2. There are also cosmic muons.
If they measure many hours, then spurious nuclear reactions in this 
reactive environment should not be too surprising. These could even 
release more neutrons, but not enough for selfsustaining.
Possibly they invented a neutron multiplier? They should try to put many 
of these cells close together and see if the reaction is amplificated, 
and the efficiency improved.


[Vo]:LENR and Cold Fusion from a critical logical point of view.

2011-12-16 Thread Peter Heckert

LENR - Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, is this possible?

If we see physics as a statistical phenomenom, then energy is another 
word for probability.
So, Low Energy reactions are low probability reactions - reactions that 
dont happen frequently ;-)

It is therefore improbable to get energy out of them ;-)
From a logical and scientific point of view "LENR" is a contradiction 
in itself.
The acronym was invented purposefully to avoid the stigma of cold 
fusion, but it was not made by scientifically and logically thinking people.

"Cold" means low temperature, but it doesnt mean low energy. There can 
still be high energy in

 form of tension, pressure or voltage.

Therefore "LENR" is not a good idea. It is very misleading.  It is very 
"Cold Fusion" is a better idea, even if it might be not a correct 

Arent there better words?

Re: [Vo]:Possible Proof of Peter's theory of gravity and New Matter Accrual

2011-12-16 Thread peter . heckert

- Original Nachricht 
Von: "Wm. Scott Smith" 
Datum:   16.12.2011 00:26
Betreff: [Vo]:Possible Proof of Peter's theory of gravity and New Matter Accrual

> Peter, your thoughts about matter "sucking" ZPE and accruing mass may be
> extremely important. Your theory is a fascinatingly possible explanation for
> how the Earth has grown to its present size.

Scott, thank you very much for this encouraging comment.
I am now at work and will read it at evening, have no time now.

I wanted to add this: If matter converts ZPE into matter, then this explains 
why matter exists.

If this happen, then it is of course a ZPE process also.
This means, LENR cannot only produce energy, it can store virtually unlimited 
amounts of energy by a nuclear or quantum process and release it at a later 
point in time.

This explains why many experiments only work after a lot of preparations and 
trials and why electrodes that worked before, also work later.
So I think, LENR resesearchers should consider and experimentally if energy can 
be lost in LENR processes.
This does of course not mean it is really lost, it means energy is stored as an 
atomar or quantum state of matter and it can be released later.

If this is the case, it would be a great discovery that also solves global 
energy problems.
There is sun- and windenergy more than enough, the only problem is storage and 

So far I know, nobody has yet considered or researched this possibility.

best regards,


[Vo]:Thoughts about Mass and Gravitation and zeropoint.

2011-12-15 Thread Peter Heckert


my thesis is that matter sucks up energy and this is the reason for gravity.
I dont know in which frequency range this happens, but I think matter 
sucks up zeropoint energy and converts it to matter.

There was a similar theory that was discussed by Clerk Maxwell and 
Boltzmann and others. They had the idea gravity is caused by radiation 
pressure. Matter absorbs this radiation and so we get an attraction 
force, which is a pressure force from outside.
Maxwell calulated this and finally came to the conclusion, that under 
this condition matter must infinitely heat up, and so this idea was 
finally rejected.
Now, he did not know "e=m*c^2". What happens if the energy is converted 
into mass?

Lets use air as an example for energy. Speed of sound is independent 
from pressure, but it is dependent from temperature.
c ~ sqrt(T).  If c is speed of sound and T is temperature, then c is 
proportional dependent from squareroot of temperature.

c^2 ~ T.  c squared is proportional to temperature.
T = p* c^2. p is the proportional factor.

Now, lets replace t by energy and p by mass, then we get e =m*c^2.

Because mass sucks up energy, the energy density near to a mass must be 
lower than far away.

With lower temperature in air we get lower speed of sound.
With lower energy density in space we get slower speed of c.
Therefore light is bent by gravitation.

But c is always measured constant! How this?
This is, because we use c to measure space and time. Distance is 
measured by an electromagnetic wavelength and time is measured from a 
resonancy frequency of atoms. So c is constant by definition of the 
measurement method.

So, instead measuring slower speed of c we must measure dilated time and 
dilated space as Einsteins relativity theory predicts.


Re: [Vo]:Defkalion tells a reader : visit us

2011-12-15 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 15.12.2011 19:50, schrieb Alan J Fletcher:

At 10:32 AM 12/15/2011, Peter Heckert wrote:

The mechanism is constructed in such a way that any hard x-rays

so far, so good ...

or external gamma measurements are detected and it will trigger.

How can you detect an EXTERNAL gamma measurement?

This is a proprietary secret and not disclosed.
It will even detect bad emanations of pathologic sceptics by pheromon 
analysis and self destroy.

As I said, it is an 101% secure mechanism.

Or do you mean that an attempt to probe the inside from outside with 
gamma rays? I'm not sure that would give you any useful information 

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion tells a reader : visit us

2011-12-15 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 15.12.2011 19:12, schrieb Peter Heckert:

Am 14.12.2011 21:05, schrieb Mary Yugo:

On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 11:38 AM, Charly Sistovaris

That's in Athens, not Xanthi which is a town in the North.
You often bring up good arguments, but the bickering is a tiresome.

I simply copied the information given by Defkalion and indeed it's 

Questioning the veracity of Defkalion is hardly bickering.  Nothing they
ever said ever checked out!  And much of it, for example their self
destruct mechanism and the design for Hyperion power plants that rely 
continuing to operate on a telemetry link with their mothership that 

to be continuously functional, seem fanciful at best.

This principle was invented by Mike Brady years ago.
Description in detail is here, unfortunately in german language.

BTW, I have better ideas.
I would invent a security mechanism that injects an (harmless) acid into 
the device that destroys and pollutes everything, so that neither by 
chemical analysis nor by microscopic inspection the working principle 
can be revealed.
I guarantee, everybody who opens the device will find it destroyed, 
polluted and unusable.
The mechanism is constructed in such a way that any hard x-rays or 
external gamma measurements are detected and it will trigger.

This is an absolutely secure method and much cheaper.


Re: [Vo]:Defkalion tells a reader : visit us

2011-12-15 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 14.12.2011 21:05, schrieb Mary Yugo:

On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 11:38 AM, Charly Sistovaris

That's in Athens, not Xanthi which is a town in the North.
You often bring up good arguments, but the bickering is a tiresome.

I simply copied the information given by Defkalion and indeed it's Athens.

Questioning the veracity of Defkalion is hardly bickering.  Nothing they
ever said ever checked out!  And much of it, for example their self
destruct mechanism and the design for Hyperion power plants that rely for
continuing to operate on a telemetry link with their mothership that needs
to be continuously functional, seem fanciful at best.

This principle was invented by Mike Brady years ago.
Description in detail is here, unfortunately in german language.


Re: [Vo]:Statistics and LENR and Thermodynamics - a new theory.

2011-12-14 Thread peter . heckert

- Original Nachricht 
Datum:   14.12.2011 12:06
Betreff: [Vo]:Statistics and LENR and Thermodynamics - a new theory.

> Lets assume we play in lottery. Sometimes we win, mostly we dont win.
> Is this a scientific proof that lottery delivers excess money?
> No, it is not. I think this is clear to everybody, no explanation is
> necessary.
> Of course, only those people who have won, report. 
> Those, who have lost, dont report. 
> So we find (mad) people, who seriously think they can make a living as
> soldiers of 
> fortune and modern medicine has acknowleged that fortune games are as 
> addictive as drugs and addiction to fortune games is a mental health
> problem
> like drug and nicotine addiction.
> I smoke, so I know what I say. I dont play fortune games, possibly this 
> would be healthier ;-)
> How can it happen, that some people have this luck and win very high?
> This is because lottery is an artificially created structure that distorts
> the laws
> of probability.
> Possibly the same situation can exist in condensed matter systems.
> Sometimes energy is converted into matter and sometimes matter is 
> converted into energy.
> To proof this theory, it would be required to look out for unexplained
> losses
> of energy. I have the theory that the sum of losses and wins is near to
> zero.
> This explains the poor reproducibility of LENR excess energy events.
> This explains the high energy production under rare circumstances.
> This does not violate the laws of thermodynamics and nuclear physics,
> because
> these laws basically are statistical laws. This means, under rare and
> special
> circumstances a local violation is possible, but it is not possible to win
> always.
> The wins must always equal the losses.
> Best regards,
> Peter
I want to add, I mean this serious.

This theory is brand new and it is a Grand Universal Theory that explains 
It explains why matter exists: Matter has a tendency to suck up energy and to 
convert it
into matter. Because this tendency is very small, it has not been discovered 
until now.
Under normal circumstances this tendency is unmeasurable small.
But it can been proven: Gravity is the proof. It explains the existence of 
It explains nuclear and LENR effects, but it excludes consistent energy 
production out 
of LENR reactions. So it explains what we observe.

It explains the existence of everything and it is completely tautological and 
(All good natural science theorys are like this)
It has the capability to enlighten the human mind and to change the world into 
a better
world with more humbleness and rationality and love.

best regards,


[Vo]:Statistics and LENR and Thermodynamics - a new theory.

2011-12-14 Thread peter . heckert
Lets assume we play in lottery. Sometimes we win, mostly we dont win.
Is this a scientific proof that lottery delivers excess money?

No, it is not. I think this is clear to everybody, no explanation is necessary.
Of course, only those people who have won, report. 
Those, who have lost, dont report. 
So we find (mad) people, who seriously think they can make a living as soldiers 
fortune and modern medicine has acknowleged that fortune games are as 
addictive as drugs and addiction to fortune games is a mental health problem
like drug and nicotine addiction.
I smoke, so I know what I say. I dont play fortune games, possibly this 
would be healthier ;-)

How can it happen, that some people have this luck and win very high?
This is because lottery is an artificially created structure that distorts the 
of probability.

Possibly the same situation can exist in condensed matter systems.
Sometimes energy is converted into matter and sometimes matter is 
converted into energy.

To proof this theory, it would be required to look out for unexplained losses
of energy. I have the theory that the sum of losses and wins is near to zero.

This explains the poor reproducibility of LENR excess energy events.
This explains the high energy production under rare circumstances.
This does not violate the laws of thermodynamics and nuclear physics, because
these laws basically are statistical laws. This means, under rare and special
circumstances a local violation is possible, but it is not possible to win 
The wins must always equal the losses.

Best regards,


Re: [VO]: ENEA endorses the phenomenon

2011-12-13 Thread peter . heckert

- Original Nachricht 
Von: Moab Moab 
Datum:   13.12.2011 21:51
Betreff: [VO]: ENEA endorses the phenomenon

> my first post ...
> Mary Yugo wrote
> > As Carl Sagan was fond of pointing out, the more extreme the claim, the
> > better the evidence has to be.  Anyone can claim anything and there are
> > plenty of strange and not wonderful web sites that demonstrate the
> > phenomenon.  The interesting thing to me is always the evidence and not
> the
> > claim, especially when it comes to Rossi.
> In their 2009 book *"COLD FUSION The history of research in Italy"*
> The Italian National agency ENEA present an overview of the research
> in ENEA departments, CNR Laboratories, INFN,
> Universities and Industrial laboratories in Italy.
> In the foreword of the book Luigi Paganetto, president of ENEA says: *"In
> other words, two government programs ? carried out in close interaction
> and with check of results ? have proved the existence of this
> phenomenon in terms that are not ascribable to a chemical process. This
> must be considered a starting point. The results achieved so far
> represent an obligation to continue on the scientific path already
> started with the aim of achieving a complete definition of the studied
> phenomenon."*

Yes, the proof is in the pudding.
The problem is: There is no pudding.

I looked up Piantelli in this document.
Piantelli reports neutrons 2000 times above natural background and gamma 
radiation that darkenes a photographic film.
Remember, Bequerel discovere radiactivity by accident, when he used urane as a 
paperweight for a photographic film.
He also had a scissor on the film and he found its shadow picture at the film.
This experiment was repeated many times and changed history of science.

So, if Piantelli where able to give definitive proof about this, he could 
change history of science again.
Why doesnt he do it? I dont know his reasons, but probably he wants to protect 
his secrets. This is always the problem with these LENR guys, they must protect 
their industrial secrets. So nobody knows, do they industrial R&D or 
unversitary fundamental research. They are always between two chairs, you dont 
know what they want. Of course they cannot get public funding and scientific 
acknowledgement, if they keep their methods secret and dont show definitive 
So they think they can do without public funding, then they should not 
complain, if they get none.

> My question to Mary Yugo:
> Why would the president from ENEA endorse the existance of the phenomenon ?
Possibly because he is professor in economics, but not professor in physics?

> What would be is the rationale for that in your opinion ?
> If you use rhetoric to dismiss the ENEA as competent research agency
> or to dismiss its
> president as a loony then I will know that you have no real answer.
> Thank you
> Moab

Re: [Vo]:Fwd: check out this 10,000 volt single cell battery near end of lecture

2011-12-13 Thread peter . heckert

- Original Nachricht 
Datum:   14.12.2011 07:22
Betreff: Re: [Vo]:Fwd: check out this 10,000 volt single cell battery near end 
of lecture

> In reply to's message of Tue, 13 Dec 2011 23:30:30
> -0500
> (EST):
> Hi,
> [snip]
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Subject: check out this 10,000 volt single cell battery near end of
> lecture
> >
> >
> >I see it but I still don't believe it.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> fs-rules
> The water picks up a static charge as it travels through a hollow can, and
> transfers it to the bucket. Because of the crossed wires, the charge on the
> bucket increases the charge on the opposite hollow can. IOW the two streams
> end
> up carrying opposite charges and reinforcing the charge carried by the
> other
> stream. This continues until the voltage is high enough to cause a spark.
> Nature uses a similar method to create lightning. (Falling charged
> raindrops
> carry charge from cloud to ground until the voltage is so high that a
> lightning
> strike shorts out the stored potential.)

I am unable to view this at work, but according to your description, this is 
the historical water electricity experiment invented by Lord Kelvin more than 
100 years ago. Its a classic experiment of electrostatics physics, and of 
course it works with any conductive media, water is not required (but easiest 
to do). The principle is charge separation.

A modern machine that uses the same principle is the pelletron made by NEC. It 
is used as high voltage source for article accelerators.


Re: [Vo]:Replication News from Chan

2011-12-13 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 13.12.2011 23:21, schrieb ecat builder:

Hi All,

Just a brief update on the replication attempt by "Chan". Chan is an
anonymous poster who claims to have replicated the Rossi reaction
using powders on two builder sites, and

He uses an RFG connected to a induction coil to heat the contents of a
copper reaction vessel that he fills with a mixture of MgH2, Ni, and
Fe. He provides molar percentages and possible catalysts.
This is rather exactly what they use at Max Plank Institute for their 
high temperature

heat storage system.

Quoting: "Experiment with RFG to determine sweet spot for initial
heating and then sweet spot for maintaining reaction, modulating pulse
rate, frequency and power. Wave shape is important. Half wave sweet
spots also exist. Key is sending Hydride ion into oscillations (e+p+e
=>  n+e =>  e + Fusion)"

Standard disclaimers apply: This is unconfirmed. No videos, images,
documented results, or peer reviewed papers to substantiate. Just

This RFG approach is also used by Brian Ahern in his recent patent:

- Brad

Re: [Vo]:Cold Fusion Economic Effects

2011-12-13 Thread peter . heckert
Bushnell had the vision to make Mars habitable. Ok, thats an utopy.
But can make deserts green and siberia habitable.
Its unclear what this does to global climate.
It can solve the water problems in far east and israel and can prevent wars for 

But this all must be seen with care. Each new technology has unwanted effects.

The fertility of biological life, vegetables, animals and humans grows 
in time when the resources are available.
Space can only grow cubic in best case, when we increase our radius.
This is the basic problem of biological live and it is purely mathematical.

Even if space where filled with habitable paradisic planets, infinite growth is 
There is no heaven in this side of reality where we live physically.

There is always a purely mathematical limit of growth and if this is not seen 
and handled with care
and with ratio, then it will produce new conflicts, this is foreseeable.

best regards,


- Original Nachricht 
Von: Jouni Valkonen 
Datum:   13.12.2011 08:10
Betreff: Re: [Vo]:Cold Fusion Economic Effects

> Cold fusion will solve every major global problems. And they can be defined
> with two words:
> For environmental problems: _vertical agriculture_
> For political problems: _global basic income_
> And ALL known political, economical and environmental problems are solved
> and we live in the age of Star Trek more than 100 years earlier than in
> Star Trek time line.
> We could do this already without cold fusion, but I would say that people
> are slow, so they need a little push. Cold fusion will render anyway all
> conventional thinking useless. Therefore with cold fusion new ideas are
> easier to accept.
> ?Jouni

Aw: [Vo]:God Revealed Tomorrow?

2011-12-12 Thread peter . heckert
So far I have read, they got strong evidence, but not this high evidence that 
is needed for such a fundamental discovery.
They are not like Rossi. They will test it again and again and doubt and harden 
it by all possible methods, before they confirm it.

Scientific evidence is yet not reached.  

- Original Nachricht 
Von: Terry Blanton 
Datum:   13.12.2011 00:50
Betreff: [Vo]:God Revealed Tomorrow?

> Has the 'God Particle' Been Found? Major Announcement Expected Tuesday
> Published December 12, 2011
> A proton-proton collision at the Large Hadron Collider particle
> accelerator at CERN laboratory in Geneva that produced more than 100
> charged particles.
> The world of physics is abuzz with speculation over an announcement
> expected Tuesday, Dec. 13, from the CERN laboratory in Geneva -- home
> of the world's largest particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider
> (LHC).
> The announcement, planned for 8 a.m. EST (2 p.m. CET), will address
> the status of the search for the elusive Higgs boson particle,
> sometimes called the "God Particle" because of its importance to
> science.
> Read more:
> announcement-expected-tuesday/#ixzz1gMqOkd19

Re: [Vo]:The dark side of cold fusion

2011-12-12 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 12.12.2011 23:16, schrieb Peter Heckert:

Allan Sterling has an interesting article about it:
Sorry, I was in error, this article is not by Sterlin Allan. I found it 
linked, when searching for his religious articles.

But I think, it reflects his strange believes. He thinks, believing 
against all natural evidence and against the truth caqn create energy.
This might be true, but believe cannot been sold as a secret catalyzer 
or as fuel.


Re: [Vo]:The dark side of cold fusion

2011-12-12 Thread Peter Heckert

Allan Sterling has an interesting article about it:

The article is very long and I citate only the end.

Handing this over to human beings now would be like giving a child a set 
of big red buttons for launching nuclear missiles.

What could be a possible solution for all this? *An energy device that 
only works in conjunction with high-vibration intention from 
open-hearted individuals*. If a device could amplify positive human 
intention into cheap energy -- while not working at all for those with 
dark hearts -- it could change everything for the positive. Love, after 
all, is the highest vibratory energy in the universe. It's not beyond 
imagination that love might someday be tapped as a conduit for clean, 
renewable electromagnetic energy. Need to recharge your laptop computer? 
Just send it some love!

end citation.

So he wants a machine that only works with the right high vibration 
energy from true believers.
I do of course respect his religious mormon belief, but he seems to 
think he has powers like Jesus.
If, then I must say, such powers cannot been monetarized. Everybody who 
thinks this it is paranoid and mad

Possibly he thinks the secret catalyst is strong believe and it stops 
working as soon as persons with negative vibrations (Krivit) are around.

I dont know Rossis believes.

Possibly they are fanatic believers and this is a sect and they want to 
build a theocratic. They think this is possible and they are mad.
I respect believers, but true believe cannot been sold, patented and 
drive machines.

Also true believers dont give false promises and lie the whole day long.


Am 12.12.2011 22:43, schrieb Axil Axil:

In economics, competitive advantage is defined as the strategic advantage
one business entity or country has over its rival entities within its
competitive industry.

Achieving competitive advantage strengthens and positions a business or
country better within the business environment and achieving this business
advantage is currently the major preoccupation of countries worldwide as
well as just about every international conglomerate.

It is currently thought by some informed analysts of the international
business environment that in the coming age of expensive power brought on
by peak oil and coal, the increased expense of local labor would be less
than the greatly increased expense of energy used to import fossil fuels as
well as transporting foreign made products to local markets.

In more specifics, as the price of energy increases as a fraction of a cost
of a product, the increased cost of local labor is washed out as a
competitive advantage.

However in this age of rampant globalization, when cold fusion can produce
energy at essentially zero cost, cheap labor remains and in point of fact
proportionately increases as the only factor able to provide a country with
a Competitive advantage.

Multi-national companies will look increasingly to the countries whose
populations will work for subsistence wages and below and the continuing
race to the bottom associated with labor costs will be redoubled.  No
matter what Jed Rothwell says, poisoned by the deepest failings of uncaring
and debased human nature, Cold fusion could usher in a new dark age of
human exploitation and misery for all mankind.

Cold fusion will result in a world where slavery is brutally reinstated as
the business strategy of choice for the international corporate oligarchy.



Re: [Vo]:The 6 Oct Rossi test heat exchanger model

2011-12-11 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 11.12.2011 22:57, schrieb Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint:

There's a bit of a language barrier here...

I was not suggesting that you actually repeat the analysis, or do something a 
little different... but I think most readers will understand my point.

I dont understand your point.
If I could test the ecat I would do it in the same way. If it works I 
would confirm it.

If it does not work I would not confirm it.

This is what I did with the heatexchanger software, inside the frame of 
my possibilities.
If I understand you right, you dont want anything being tested this way. 
And Rossi does not want it. This is strange.

At some day, however, it must happen.


Re: [Vo]:The 6 Oct Rossi test heat exchanger model

2011-12-11 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 11.12.2011 21:51, schrieb Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint:

Thanks for taking time to RAISE the SNR!

What can we conclude from your analysis?  Well, at first reading, it seems 
reasonable, so it is at least helpful and might swing the 'accuracy meter' a 
little over to Rossi's favor, however, I don't think its conclusive. But that 
seems to be the norm in this case, that the only conclusive thing we can 
conclude from what facts we do have, is that nothing is conclusive!

I APPLAUD your efforts here since what you did is EXACTLY what this discussion 
group is for... tomorrow you could run some more test cases with this software 
and come to the opposite conclusion, which I would also applaud!  It's 
unfortunate that some people on this list just don't understand that...
No. I can say you, that I did not test exactly the same model, because I 
could not find this.
I tested if the orders of magnitude are possible with water and nothing 
more and I confirmed it.
And no, I cannot do other tests. Say I use double the flow rate, then I 
get an efficiency of 98% instead of 99%.
This doesnt matter. Im not interested in peanut counting and will not do 
Any test with similar magnitudes will give similar results. Why should I 
repeat it? The result is plausible.
Only an experiment with the real thing could bring new findings, but i 
doubt it.


-----Original Message-
From: Peter Heckert []
Sent: Sunday, December 11, 2011 12:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:The 6 Oct Rossi test heat exchanger model

Yes, I do now think, the heat exchanger should do it in the horizontal 
I tested this as follows:
I downloaded and installed the heatexchanger calculation software from SWEP.
It is unregistered and in demo mode. Registering is free bust must be approved, 
so I have none.  In this mode the application supports only water-water 
applications, so far I found.

So I inserted the primary water flow multiplied by 5, this gives about the 
thermal energy of the steam.

Under this conditions I get secondary delta_t of 5°  and the difference between 
primary out and secondary in is about 0.5 degrees.  Lewan reported about 1 

So if this exchanger can do it with water, then it should also be able to do it 
with the equivalent energy in steam.
Apparently horizontal orientation is not a problem here.

BTW, the difference between primary out and secondary in was about 1 degrees in 
Lewans report.
If the primary delta_t was 100° then this means, the energetic efficiency of 
the heatexchanger was 99 %.
This is pretty good and is probably because this exchanger is designed for 
higher flow rates.



Re: [Vo]:The 6 Oct Rossi test heat exchanger model

2011-12-11 Thread Peter Heckert
Yes, I do now think, the heat exchanger should do it in the horizontal 

I tested this as follows:
I downloaded and installed the heatexchanger calculation software from  
It is unregistered and in demo mode. Registering is free bust must be 
approved, so I have none.
In this mode the application supports only water-water applications, so 
far I found.

So I inserted the primary water flow multiplied by 5, this gives about 
the thermal energy of the steam.

Under this conditions I get secondary delta_t of 5°  and the difference 
between primary out and secondary in is about 0.5 degrees.

Lewan reported about 1 degree.

So if this exchanger can do it with water, then it should also be able 
to do it with the equivalent energy in steam.

Apparently horizontal orientation is not a problem here.

BTW, the difference between primary out and secondary in was about 1 
degrees in Lewans report.
If the primary delta_t was 100° then this means, the energetic 
efficiency of the heatexchanger was 99 %.
This is pretty good and is probably because this exchanger is designed 
for higher flow rates.



Am 11.12.2011 21:06, schrieb Alan Fletcher:

"Peter Heckert"

Here is a screenshot about condensing applications:

I think Rossi did it perfectly wrong and the exchanger cannot work in
horizontal orientation.

I think that the combination of using it horizontally AND with a low team 
volume will work against Rossi -- any pooling of water in the HE which creates 
a blockage would rapidly result in a temporary fall in the secondary output 

But which wins .. a blockage, or negative pressure from condensation?

Any negative pressure from condensation (vacuum relief valve) feeding back into the eCat 
would result in a lower pressure and greater evaporation. Also, this argues against the 
"input pump" blockage -- negative pressure would increase the flow.

All of which makes the 120C reading less  understandable.

SWEP has also a software to calculate heatexchangers. ...

I'll try to give it a shot next week.

Maybe I'll also try to get the Elmer FEM system working again.

Re: [Vo]:The 6 Oct Rossi test heat exchanger model

2011-12-11 Thread Peter Heckert
I downloaded an image from Ny Teknik and enhanced contrast and 
brightness and sharpened it, to make the thermoelement visible:

Re: [Vo]:The 6 Oct Rossi test heat exchanger model

2011-12-11 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 11.12.2011 17:12, schrieb David Roberson:

Peter, Mats Lewan measured the output water temperature at two points in time 
and it was quite low.  Review his report.  What evidence do you have that the 
heat exchanger did not transfer the heat?

I did not say that.
Of course it transferred the heat. This is proven.  But it was filled 
with condensate.
The primary outflow was surprisingly low in temperature, so it must have 
transferred all heat that was available in this unfortunate configuration.
I have not seen an example in the SWEP handbook that exposed so good 
performance under normal operation conditions.
Therefore there was not hot steam, but hot water and the actual 
secondary delta_t was much lower than measured..

Re: [Vo]:The 6 Oct Rossi test heat exchanger model

2011-12-11 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 11.12.2011 16:49, schrieb David Roberson:

The exchanger did work in the horizontal position.  All it has to do is to 
condense and cool the vapor/water mixture that enters into the primary.  The 
temperature of the exiting liquid was low enough and that is proof that the 
device transferred the heat.

The temperature of the exiting liquid was not measured.
The temperature of the secondary out pipe was measured too close to the 
steam/hot water inlet.

The heatexchanger was horizontal and therefore had no condensate 
drainage. I must fill up with condensate.
It could not produce more than 2° delta_t in this situation, because the 
primary delta_t was 80° and the primary/secondary water flow ratio was 
1:40. So it is proven, that the secondary delta_t measurement was wrong 
due to wrong thermoelement placement.


Re: [Vo]:The 6 Oct Rossi test heat exchanger model

2011-12-11 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 11.12.2011 15:15, schrieb Robert Lynn:

The key is the brass manifold - the heat exchanger is unimportant.  But I
have not seen the Brass manifold anywhere on their website.

I dont think the heatexchanger is unimportant.
I got the heater applications handbook from SWEPS website.
It comes as an exefile.

Here is a screenshot about condensing applications:

I think Rossi did it perfectly wrong and the exchanger cannot work in 
horizontal orientation.
SWEP has also a software to calculate heatexchangers. It calculates 
everything, flowrates,delta_t and pressures.

Possibly somebody could try it, it is free.


[Vo]:What is so special abbout Rossi?

2011-12-11 Thread Peter Heckert

There are scientists that report much better results:
- Run #64b gave 1500% excess heat over a duration of 80 hours with a 
total excess energy of 4.6 Megajoules

So, why do they all stare at Rossi and his poor COP and questionable 


Re: [Vo]:Why not duplicate Rossi's setups and see how they work without LENR?

2011-12-10 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 11.12.2011 01:57, schrieb David Roberson:

Peter, don't you think your statement is a little extreme?  I suspect you 
should have more evidence before you condemn everyone who believes in this 
Now, I am not a fanatic believer, but often I tend to believe, it should 
be possible.
I dont condemn everybody, for example not Brian Josephson. He had 
recommended some books to me, some time ago, we had some nice 
information exchange.

But seeing people supporting an obvious testable scam or justifying 
obvious junk& chaos measurements with demagogic argumentations does 
really hurt my confidence into this field.

I begin to understand why it is ignored by mainstream.


-Original Message-----
From: Peter Heckert
To: vortex-l
Sent: Sat, Dec 10, 2011 7:32 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Why not duplicate Rossi's setups and see how they work 
without LENR?

Am 11.12.2011 00:53, schrieb Jed Rothwell:
  Peter Heckert   wrote:
...snip...Of course, if we see the e-cat as an unimportant scam out of many
thers, then everything is important.
ithout Levi&  Kullander&  Essen&  Focardi, Rossi where a nobody. He
ould be ignored.
  find Rossi funny in a refreshing way.
he real mischief this are the scientists and journalists that support
im and make money from this.
hese should all be fired and jailed.

Re: [Vo]:Why not duplicate Rossi's setups and see how they work without LENR?

2011-12-10 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 11.12.2011 01:46, schrieb Aussie Guy E-Cat:
This is silly. There was a clamp on amp meter on the mains cord and on 
the heater wires going into the E-Cat. Power consumption was recorded 
during the self power run. Refer to the Higgins data. Are you 
suggesting that during the self powering period NONE of the MANY 
people in the room would have failed to see the clamp on amp meter 
showing high levels of power consumption? Also present was the LENR 
guy from SPAWAR. There is no way power could have been supplied to the 
E-Cat heaters without someone seeing the amps meter increase. Just not 

Look here:
I dont see a meter that seems to be capable to record data without a 
realtime computer connection.
I dont remember if any amperage recording instruments where mentioned in 
the report.


Re: [Vo]:Why not duplicate Rossi's setups and see how they work without LENR?

2011-12-10 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 11.12.2011 00:53, schrieb Jed Rothwell:

Peter Heckert  wrote:

You should know, I have said it can be done with a secret wireless heater
switch and/or with a vacuum sucking out water.

I suggest you prove that. Build something with wires large enough to
produce this much heat yet which remain invisible when people open the
reactor or pick it up from the table and put it on a scale. Trigger these
wires with your wireless heater switch.

Make a reactor remain too hot to touch for 4 hours by using a vacuum to
suck out the water.
Easy. I use a hidden wireless heater switch and activate it, when nobody 
The vacuum reduces the energy needed and the big heat intertia of the 
device smoothes the variations in boiling.

Do this, and I will believe you are right.

I will not do it. I dont have money, space and time.
I could do it from the technical point of view. But not from the 
psychological point of view.

Do not waste your time trying to show that trivial aspects of this claim
might be wrong.
If you think, thermoelement placements and heatexchanger efficiency are 
trivial aspects then you are wrong.

This are central aspects, this is where the final output is measured.
If you dont understand this, why do you write books about cold fusion?

Sometime ago I wanted to buy a book about cold fusion, but when I 
noticed, you wrote the foreword, I preferred not to buy it.
Your arguments are impossible and you delete my arguments and the you 
put other words into my mouth and disprove them.

This is so demagogic and inacceptable.

Of course, if we see the e-cat as an unimportant scam out of many 
others, then everything is important.
Without Levi & Kullander & Essen & Focardi, Rossi where a nobody. He 
would be ignored.

I find Rossi funny in a refreshing way.
The real mischief this are the scientists and journalists that support 
him and make money from this.

These should all be fired and jailed.

Re: [Vo]:Why not duplicate Rossi's setups and see how they work without LENR?

2011-12-10 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 11.12.2011 00:04, schrieb Jed Rothwell:

Peter Heckert  wrote:

By this, I mean to make

devices as similar as possible as Rossi's and to show that the
results K&E and Lewan got could be obtained by mismeasurement rather than
LENR heat production.

Possibly it is sufficient to test the heat exchanger.

No, that is not sufficient. Even if you can prove the heat exchanger is
flawed and the thermocouple is positioned incorrectly, that is an
unimportant side issue.

It depends on the result of the test.
If it turns out, the pressure rises too high in horizontal position, 
then this is a definitive proof.
If it turns out, the claimed delta_t cannot been reached in horizontal 
position, then this is a definitive proof.

If it turns out, the heatexchanger works as claimed in horizontal 
position then the claims are hardened.

  If you wish to disprove these claims, you must
demonstrate by conventional means that you can keep a reactor of this size
at boiling temperatures for 4 hours, while it remains too hot to touch.

Skeptics should confront the facts head on, instead of raising
petty objections to unimportant aspects of the test.

Thats what I do.

  If you seriously
believe these results are in error,

or that this can done with conventional
stored energy or some sort of hidden chemical device, prove it. You claim
violates so many established laws of physics, you will win the Nobel prize.
You should know, I have said it can be done with a secret wireless 
heater switch and/or with a vacuum sucking out water.
Please dont lay words onto my tongue, that I never said. I know that 
hidden sources are improbable. These are too easy to detect in a serious 
I dont think, Rossi is so stupid to do primitive and common tricks, that 
every dummy would suspect first.


Re: [Vo]:Das Spiegel Article

2011-12-10 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 10.12.2011 23:03, schrieb Alan Fletcher:,1518,801836,00.html
(google translate is tolerable)

Not TOO bad ... of course, they call a Plasma Physicist at Max Planck Institute to say 
the mandatory "defies the laws of physics".

This will reach many readers. "Spiegel" is the biggest or second biggest 
political magazine here.

Re: [Vo]:The 6 Oct Rossi test heat exchanger model

2011-12-10 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 10.12.2011 23:06, schrieb Alan Fletcher:

With the 1:40 primary:secondary flows there's most likely not a problem. And 
any problems (steam not condensed) would give a lower calculated power (as 
pointed out, in Rossi's -- ie less likely fake-- favour.)

The question is, if it works in horicontal position.
The condensate will fill up the heatexchanger horicontal position. This 
reduces the effective area and rises the steam pressure.

- Original Message -

It should be tested, if this exchanger can handle the claimed flow of
steam in horicontal position.


Re: [Vo]:The 6 Oct Rossi test heat exchanger model

2011-12-10 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 10.12.2011 22:46, schrieb Robert Leguillon:

But the "E" class is listed specifically as a single-phase heat exchanger. Does 
it double as a condenser?
I dont know, if this matters. Possibly it has only to do withthe 
pressure. It is also listed for low pressure boiler applications.

Another citation from installation manual:
In single-phase applications, e.g. water-to-water or water-to-oil, the 
direction has little or no effect on the performance of the heat 
exchanger, but in

two-phase applications, the orientation of the heat exchanger becomes very
important. In two-phase applications, SWEP's BPHEs should be mounted
vertically, with the arrow on the front plate pointing upwards.

It should be tested, if this exchanger can handle the claimed flow of 
steam in horicontal position.


Re: [Vo]:Why not duplicate Rossi's setups and see how they work without LENR?

2011-12-10 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 10.12.2011 17:51, schrieb Mary Yugo:

I wish someone had taken the considerable trouble to duplicate Rossi's
small E-cat and "Ottoman" (Oct 6) experiments.  By this, I mean to make
devices as similar as possible as Rossi's and to show that the experimental
results K&E and Lewan got could be obtained by mismeasurement rather than
LENR heat production.

Possibly it is sufficient to test the heat exchanger.

For condensation applications the heatexchanger must be mounted vertical.
If mounted horicontal the heat exchanger would fill up with condensate 
and the active crossectional area will be reduced.

If there was not much steam, it doesnt matter.

It could be sufficient to test, if this heatexchanger can handle the 
claimed amount of steam in horicontal position.

I doubt it.

citation from installation manual 1st page:



The refrigerant (gas) should be
connected to the upper left connection,
F1, and the condensate to
the lower left connection, F3. The
water/brine circuit inlet should be
connected to the lower right connection,
F4, and the outlet to the
upper right connection, F2.

end citation


Re: [Vo]:The 6 Oct Rossi test heat exchanger model

2011-12-10 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 10.12.2011 21:08, schrieb Colin Hercus:

Did you see in the specs that the heat exchanger should be mounted
vertically when used for phase change. Having it horizontal should reduce
effectiveness and err in Rossi's favour

Yes. It must be vertical.
But I think the error should be in Rossi's disfavour, if there was a lot 
of steam.
The heat exchanger would fill up with condensate and the active 
crossectional area will be reduced.

If there was not much steam, it doesnt matter.

citation from installation manual:



The refrigerant (gas) should be
connected to the upper left connection,
F1, and the condensate to
the lower left connection, F3. The
water/brine circuit inlet should be
connected to the lower right connection,
F4, and the outlet to the
upper right connection, F2.

end citation

On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 3:58 PM, Horace Heffnerwrote:

The heat exchanger is Swedish, make and model: SWEP E8T-SC-S**tpl=productsheets&lang=en&id=**

The installation manual is here:**php?file=1300709490

The brass manifold is also from SWEP.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner**hheffner/

Re: [Vo]:Tests with thermoelements and tape.

2011-12-10 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 09.12.2011 22:11, schrieb Horace Heffner:

Photos are from Alan Fletcher's site, the page with the nifty FEA 

If air bubbles are collected at the blue side, this would produce rather 
large errors in thermal coupling:

I believe, there are so many possibilities for more or less important 
errors with this arrangement, that even a precise simulation or 
calculation cannot give a conclusive result.

Only improvement of the experiment and repetition can clear this situation.


Re: [Vo]:Tests with thermoelements and tape.

2011-12-09 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 09.12.2011 19:40, schrieb Jed Rothwell:
Heckert can also test for this with some insulation. - Jed 

Sorry, its only possible when the boss is not around ;-)
We are rather busy now, at end of year many customers must use up their 
budget, if they dont do this they get less next year...


Re: [Vo]:Tests with thermoelements and tape.

2011-12-09 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 09.12.2011 18:59, schrieb Jed Rothwell:

Peter Heckert  wrote:

The thermoelement on the tape has a bad contact to the metal and measures

preferrably the air temperature.

This is not a valid test. You have to cover up the thermocouples. Rossi did
not leave them open to the air.

I assume that under the surface of the insulation warm air can distribute.
Probably the air has the average temp of input and output. The 
thermoelement would be exposed to this air even if it might be 
separately glued on with adhesive tape, but not tightly, or if 
glassfiber was between thermoelement and metal.
Remember, for this measurement in Rossis setup there was a typical 
delta_t measured of 5 degrees. This means, 0.5 degrees is 10% error.

The problem would be avoided, if a reasonable delta_t of 30° would be 
chosen. This is typical for domestic heat radiators and so this would 
also give a nice customer-oriented demo.

rossi has missed this chance.

Of course leaving them open will pick up the air temperature. That is
obvious. Yesterday when I removed the foam pipe insulation, the temperature
dropped 1.4 to 3°C, even though the TC was still covered with adhesive
tape. It began fluctuating, no doubt due to air currents.

Putting a layer of tape under the TC in open air might well increase this
problem. You have put everything under insulation.

I see no point to testing for problems that Rossi cannot possibly have.

- Jed

[Vo]:Tests with thermoelements and tape.

2011-12-09 Thread Peter Heckert


Where I work:
Measuring Arrangement:
Macro detail - tape:
(It is worth to note, that a small air gap or spurious glassfiber 
isolation material had the same effect as the tape.)
The thermoelement on the tape has a bad contact to the metal and 
measures preferrably the air temperature.
I used warm air here, so it displays more than the other element, which 
is in direct touch with the metal)

Control measurement:
Calibration labels on instruments:

I post this without comment as is. Some explanations are embedded into 
the images.
Everyone can have his own opinion if this is relevant for calorimetric 
measurements and if it can be applied to Rossis heat exchanger.

The experiment itself cannot been doubted. It is real.

Best regards,


Re: [Vo]:Yo: Peter Heckert! Is a 0.1 mm gap a problem or not?

2011-12-08 Thread peter . heckert
I have now done it.
I did it different as announced, because this was faster and is better 
comparable to Rossis situation.
I used a warm airblow on an aluminium board and "Tesafilm" for the isolation 
This simulates the heat distribution in Rossis experiment.
It was a full success and I got good photos that prove every detail.

One of my instruments has fresh calibration by Testo, and I have photos that 
show both display the same temperature under the same conditions.
With Tesafilm the difference is 4-5° in a 35° warm airblow.

But dont ask, I have not much time to answer. This was about 40 minute of work 
to do and I will upload the images in evening.
The photos explain everything.
It is better documented than Rossis demonstration.

Its now 8:30 here and I am at work. I hope I can upload the photos in evening 
after 20:00

best regards,

- Original Nachricht 
Von: Jed Rothwell 
Datum:   09.12.2011 03:54
Betreff: Re: [Vo]:Yo: Peter Heckert! Is a 0.1 mm gap a problem or not?

> Peter Heckert  wrote:
> One thermocouple will be in close metallic contact to the resistor and the
> > other will be isolated by a piece of duct tape.
> >
> Ah, ha. Maybe you mean the other will be attached to the metal with a piece
> of duct tape. That would be interesting. A sub-standard way to attach it.
> In a proper calorimeter that would be a terrible way to do things.
No the duct tape (Tesafilm) is on the metal and simulates an air gap. You will 
see it in the photos.

> I thought you meant there would be duct tape between the TC and the metal
> surface. Not so interesting.
> I was surprised today to find that ordinary adhesive tape works well enough
> to keep the two TCs remarkably in sync with one another. It was uncanny. I
> decided to start by eliminating the bias with the screw adjustment, rather
> than just pressing REL.
> - Jed

Re: [Vo]:Yo: Peter Heckert! Is a 0.1 mm gap a problem or not?

2011-12-08 Thread Peter Heckert

Jed, if I find the time tomorrow during work, I do the test myself.
This is better. I fear your test will not be correct.

I will use a resistor in an aluminium housing as a heat source and two 
thermoelements and two instruments.
One thermocouple will be in close metallic contact to the resistor and 
the other will be isolated by a piece of duct tape.
I will provide a macrophotography. I will also provide an overall 
photography that shows both thermometers and the measuring instrument in 

I upload this to my home page, when ready.

best regards.

Am 08.12.2011 23:17, schrieb Jed Rothwell:

Mary Yugo  wrote:

There is no problem in measuring temperature on a pipe in general
especially if the thermocouple is properly bonded to the pipe and somewhat
insulated from the surroundings.

I have shown there is no problem even if the thermocopule is improperly
bonded. With a Band Aid! That was deliberate. It was the worst method of
bonding I could come up. I improved it with better tape and insulation. It
made no measurable difference.

Today I shall try to measure the difference in temperature between the
outside of the pipe and the fluid on the inside. I predict that no matter
how badly I bond the thermocouple, it will be reasonably accurate. We'll

   There is a big problem if the way the thermocouple is attached
No, there isn't.

and its proximity to the pipe are questionable . . .

  Prove it. Do a test and prove it.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Yo: Peter Heckert! Is a 0.1 mm gap a problem or not?

2011-12-08 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 08.12.2011 22:49, schrieb Jed Rothwell:

Peter Heckert  wrote:

So what are you saying? Is there a problem with a 0.1 mm gap, or is there
not? Are you asking me to waste my time doing a test that will not prove

I have never asked you to do this. It was your wish.
It is a simple problem for me. Tere are two heatt resisteances in series 
and the heat resistance of a 0.1 mm air gap is much larger than the 
resistance of a metal-metal connection. I know what happens when a 
transistor is not firmly connected to the heatsink.

This all depends on the thermal flow. If there is no thermal flow, then 
it has of course no effect.

If you have a good reason to believe there is a problem with measuring
temperature by putting a thermocouple on a pipe, please tell us what it is.

I have always said this is perfectly fine, if it is correctly done.

Do not make up reasons in the morning and then in the afternoon -- after I
offer to test your hypothesis -- suddenly withdraw your ideas.

I spent an hour and a half on this actually testing skeptical ideas. Okay,
that isn't much time, and the test was rudimentary, but that is still 1.5
hours more than all of the skeptics combined have spent. I showed that
trapped air is not a problem, and that cold metal next to hot metal cannot
produce a measurable effect, where the metal temperature difference is ~40
deg C.

If you want me to try something else that is fine, but please do not waste
my time with tests that you know will prove nothing.

You waste your time. You try to support Rossis crappy measurements.
Nobody asked you to do this.
If anybody needs a proof, then you need it, to support your businesses.

I have never asked you. Can you show a posting where I asked?
I know how to calculate multiple heat sources and multiple heat 
resistances in combination.

Please see it: Rossi is unable to proof a COP of 6.
But he says he has a billion dollar invention.
Isnt this ridiculous?

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Will tests surface mounted thermocouples on pipe

2011-12-08 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 08.12.2011 22:17, schrieb Jed Rothwell:

If somebody does not admit this, then he must be a blind mouse.

I not only admitted it, I emphasized it in my report. However, these
problems -- bad as they are -- do not negate the findings.
They do negate the findings. To prove a billion dollar invention, a 
little bit more care is required.

This is not acceptable and triggers unnecessary doubts.
I pay not ten dollars for this.
I use more care and brain when I measure a semiconductor with 5° accuracy.

If you think
they do, I suppose you do not know much about measuring temperatures.
I know enough. This is a simple measurement. Not much accuracy is 
required to prove a COP of 6.

But he did not manage to solve this simple problem.

invite you to demonstrate your assertions with actual tests, rather than

No. Rossis methods are so crappy, he must proof the correctness.

I will check your claim about plastic wrap. I do not think it will
cause a measurable difference.
I also dont think. It does not matter, because the precise construction 
of Rossis arrangement and the temperature gradient is unknown.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Will tests surface mounted thermocouples on pipe

2011-12-08 Thread Peter Heckert

Jed, seriously:

If you say, Rossis thermomeasurements are fine, does this mean that you 
dont see the possibility for easy and cheap improvements?
All points that are discussed here can be eliminated by better 
thermoelement placement almost without efforts and costs.

If somebody does not admit this, then he must be a blind mouse.
Rossi has chossen an arrangement that is complicated to verify and to 
analyse. A little bit more worse, and it would not deliver any 
reasonable results. So he has choosen the most worse and doubtful 
placement that was possible.

Your experiments will not change anything about this fact.


Re: [Vo]:Will tests surface mounted thermocouples on pipe

2011-12-08 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 08.12.2011 21:31, schrieb Jed Rothwell:

Peter Heckert  wrote:

Can you suggest a way to deliberately introduce such a small gap? Perhaps

with a thin piece of paper instead of an air gap?

A thin piece of plastics. This is also good for electrical isolation.

Like Saran wrap? (What you wrap sandwiches with.)

IDont know. The thermoelement must not make a hole into it.
When I measure electronic PCB's then I have sometimes to avoid, that the 
thermoelement makes a shortage.
I cover it with a thin piece of silicon hose and apply a thermal 
isolation. This works. Because the wires of the element also conduct 
heat to the ambient, the isolation must cover some cm of the wire.

Of course, I dont do precision measurements. An error of 5 degrees would 
not hurt much if the semiconductor has 100°.

We have a thermal security headroom of 25-50% under worst case conditions.

I know, what happens when the thermoelement has good or has bad contact, 
and I know if I need additional isolation or not.
So you need not to do this experiment for me. I do not measure 
waterpipes, but semiconductors, but the problem is the same.

I will try it on a copper pipe.

Your other assertions about bubbles of air in the pipe are untrue. The

metal of a steel or copper pipe averages out the temperature quite nicely.Dont 

Yes, this is true. And if there is another heat source nearby, the pipe
will average this also ;-)

Nope. Not upstream or downstream very far. The air trapped in the pipe has
only a tiny thermal mass and it is the same temperature as the water so it
cannot affect things. In an axial area whole pipe is the same temperature,
even if there is air in part of it. That is what you see with Miles'
calorimeter, which is essentially a copper pipe open at the top. Fig. 4, p.

If you measure the temperature of a pipe with a great deal of water flowing
through it a short distance from a hot boiler, the water temperature

I expect that Miles and others had installed the thermoelement in an

equilibrium place without heatgradient as required.

He installed several thermocouples at various locations in the copper
sheath. They all registered the same temperature to better than 0.01°C as I
Then there was no gradient. This is fine. If you heat one end of the 
pipe and cool the other end, then you get a gradient and another 
temperature at each location. A water flow would partially smear this 
gradient, but if you have air in the pipe, the gradient will increase.

Re: [Vo]:Will tests surface mounted thermocouples on pipe

2011-12-08 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 08.12.2011 20:53, schrieb Jed Rothwell:

Peter Heckert  wrote:

If there is an air gap of 0.1mm between metal and thermoelement, then it is

not nonsense.

I doubt that. I would like to see you prove it. I do not think this would
cause even a 0.1°C difference.

Can you suggest a way to deliberately introduce such a small gap? Perhaps
with a thin piece of paper instead of an air gap?

A thin piece of plastics. This is also good for electrical isolation.
Of course this will have no effect, if there is not another heatsource 
nearby and if the thermoelement is covered with thermosisolation.

Dont you see that Rossis arrangement was horrible and disqualifies him and
Levi and Focardi to do such measurements?

No, I do not. I have measured temperatures on pipes several times. As far
as I know, this method works fine. Actually Rossi did a better job than
most people do.

Your other assertions about bubbles of air in the pipe are untrue. The
metal of a steel or copper pipe averages out the temperature quite nicely.
Yes, this is true. And if there is another heat source nearby, the pipe 
will average this also ;-)

Miles and others showed this with a copper sheathed calorimeter with an air
space at the top and thermal gradients inside. Probably braided pipe does
not work as well.
I expect that Miles and others had installed the thermoelement in an 
equilibrium place without heatgradient as required.

This is correct.
Dont forget, there was another heat source (the steam input) nearby. 
Thermoelements must be installed in an area where a thermal equilibrium 
can be expected.

If you are so sure this was "horrible" I suggest you do a test and prove
it. Even a rudimentary test such as the one I did shows it is not horrible.
Rossi's methods were much better than mine.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Will tests surface mounted thermocouples on pipe

2011-12-08 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 08.12.2011 20:19, schrieb Jed Rothwell:

Mary Yugo  wrote:

Jed's well intentioned experiments won't help either unless he gets
himself a heat exchanger or properly simulates it with a nice heavy
steam-heated copper . . .

My tests were rudimentary. But in my opinion, they helped a hell a lot more
than weeks and weeks of blabbing, handwaving, and empty speculation. For
example, people here imagine that trapped air under the insulation might
have a measurable effect on a thermocouple. That is nonsense. I knew it was
nonsense. I have now demonstrated it is nonsense.
Yes this is nonsense, if the thermoelement is in close thermal contact 
to the metal.
If there is an air gap of 0.1mm between metal and thermoelement, then it 
is not nonsense.

If the thermoelement is electrically isolated, then it is also not nonsense.

Dont you see that Rossis arrangement was horrible and disqualifies him 
and Levi and Focardi to do such measurements?

Everybody who defends this is in danger to disqualify himself.

There was a heck of a lot more trapped air with the foam pipe insulation I
used than there would be with Rossi's black tape, but it still did not make
any measurable difference.

Frankly, I have no doubt Houkes is right and the rest of you do not know
what you are talking about.

He is right only if his wellmeaning assumptions are all true.


Re: [Vo]:Will tests surface mounted thermocouples on pipe

2011-12-08 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 08.12.2011 20:13, schrieb Jed Rothwell:

Peter Heckert  wrote:

Thermal insulation can be used to avoid heat loss, but because the absolute

temperature was not much above ambient, not much loss is expected. Anyway,
thermal isolation is cheap and would eliminate the influence of ambient air.

1. Rossi's thermocouple was well insulated.

Yes, of course.

2. Ambient air has little influence even when you use only a Band Aid to
insulate the thermocouple. The water temperature dominates. Perhaps if you
had a fan blowing on the thing that would have a measurable effect.

Yes, as I wrote it is cheap and easy and therefore it should be done. 
When it is cheap and easy to do then I am a perfectionist ;-)
It avoids mismeasurements when there are airbubbles at the measuring 
This is another problem with Rossis arrangement. The measuring point was 
close to the highest point in the water flow and it can happen that air 
bubbles accumulate at this point. This increases the thermal resistance 
against the water and increases the effect of thermal crosstalk.


Re: [Vo]:Article - Quantum Entanglement Allows Diamonds to Communicate

2011-12-08 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 08.12.2011 19:49, schrieb David Roberson:

Is the entanglement robust enough to survive a long shaky trip?  I recall 
reading that it is not easy to keep the effect for a long time.

The entanglement of macroscopic objects is probably not stable enough.
It is possible to slow down entangled photons and store them in a 
glassfiber loop. This should be stable.



-Original Message-
From: peter.heckert
To: vortex-l
Sent: Thu, Dec 8, 2011 10:37 am
Subject: Aw: [Vo]:Article - Quantum Entanglement Allows Diamonds to Communicate

 Original Nachricht 
on: Michele Comitini
n:  ""
atum:   08.12.2011 14:29
etreff: [Vo]:Article - Quantum Entanglement Allows Diamonds to Communicate


  Researchers have managed to get one small diamond to communicate with
  another small diamond utilizing "quantum entanglement," one of the more
  mind-blowing features of quantum physics.

he problem is: Entanglement means the diamonds are in connection, but the
ntanglement is destroyed as soon as an external influence kicks in.
herefore this cannot been used for communication.
f one diamond is on mars and another is on earth then two observers one at
arth and one at mars make the same observations without time delay, but they
annot interchange messages.
The two diamonds behave like synchronized clocks.
he mechanism could possibly been used for a precise one-way measurement of

Re: [Vo]:Will tests surface mounted thermocouples on pipe

2011-12-08 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 08.12.2011 17:20, schrieb Robert Leguillon:

Unfortunately, it's not quite that simple for two reasons:
1) the secondary flow rate was much higher than the primary, moving the 
equilibrium point closer to the hot side
2) the primary flow rate is unknown, and quite possible variable, moving the 
equilibrium point back and forth
3) the primary flow is sometimes steam, sometimes water, sometimes both. If the 
steam were to immediately condense in the brass fitting, it would impart the 
same energy as water at hundreds of degrees celsius, driving the equilibrium 
closer to the cold side.
Yes this is true. If the thermal resistance against the massflow is not 
symmetric, then there is no precise symmetry.
But we have seen hot water outflow before. Also air bubbles can make 
problems. if the heat exchanger is partially filled with air, the 
thermal coupling increases. So we have other unknown parameters discovered.
This arrangement is not good enough to do an industrial test for a gas 

Its therefore a waste of time to calculate this precisely, too much 
unknown factors.
These problems can be easily avoided. Fit 30 cm of copper pipe to the 
heat exchanger or insert a piece of copper pipe into the hose at a 
reasonable distance and measure the temperature there. Thermal 
insulation can be used to avoid heat loss, but because the absolute 
temperature was not much above ambient, not much loss is expected. 
Anyway, thermal isolation is cheap and would eliminate the influence of 
ambient air.


Date: Thu, 8 Dec 2011 17:09:53 +0100
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Will tests surface mounted thermocouples on pipe

- Original Nachricht 
Von: Jed Rothwell
Datum: 08.12.2011 17:00
Betreff: Re: [Vo]:Will tests surface mounted thermocouples on pipe wrote:

How can you say this is incorrect? Do you know everything, great master?

I can say that because Houkes knows what he is doing, other experts
agree with him, and it has been my experience that the water temperature
in a pipe dominates the surface temperature even when there is another
pipe or hot body nearby. As for example, in a calorimeter where the
inlet and outlet sensors are close, and both under insulation. Or in the
tests I did last night. Air temperature and heat conducted by the pipe
do not play much of a role.

There is symmetry, and so the temperature distribution must be


This is EASY to see.

Evidently not.

If your experts dont see this simple fact, then they are not experts but buggy 
calculation machines.
I have calculated many linear networks, by hand, 35 years ago, when computers 
could not do this.
I know how to simplify a linear network.

best, Peter

Re: [Vo]:Will tests surface mounted thermocouples on pipe

2011-12-08 Thread peter . heckert

- Original Nachricht 
Von: Jed Rothwell 
Datum:   08.12.2011 17:00
Betreff: Re: [Vo]:Will tests surface mounted thermocouples on pipe

> wrote:
> > How can you say this is incorrect? Do you know everything, great master?
> I can say that because Houkes knows what he is doing, other experts 
> agree with him, and it has been my experience that the water temperature 
> in a pipe dominates the surface temperature even when there is another 
> pipe or hot body nearby. As for example, in a calorimeter where the 
> inlet and outlet sensors are close, and both under insulation. Or in the 
> tests I did last night. Air temperature and heat conducted by the pipe 
> do not play much of a role.
> > There is symmetry, and so the temperature distribution must be
> symmetrical.
> > This is EASY to see.
> Evidently not.
If your experts dont see this simple fact, then they are not experts but buggy 
calculation machines.
I have calculated many linear networks, by hand, 35 years ago, when computers 
could not do this.
I know how to simplify a linear network.

best, Peter

Re: [Vo]:Will tests surface mounted thermocouples on pipe

2011-12-08 Thread peter . heckert

- Original Nachricht 
Von: Jed Rothwell 
Datum:   08.12.2011 15:59
Betreff: Re: [Vo]:Will tests surface mounted thermocouples on pipe

>  wrote:
> >
> > It is necessary to think about unexpected effects:
> > It is clear, in Rossis setup there was a thermal flow and an unwanted
> >  temperature difference close to the thermoelement.
> > If the steam inlet was 100 degree and the water outlet was 20 degree then
> > inbetween in the middle symmetry point the temperature MUST be (100+20)/2
> =
> > 60 degrees. This is simple to see from the symmetry.
> >
> That is incorrect. See:
> ce%20of%20Tin%20on%20Tout.xlsx
How can you say this is incorrect? Do you know everything, great master?
There is symmetry, and so the temperature distribution must be symmetrical.
This is EASY to see.

If the calculation comes to another result then the calculation is wrong or 
uses unusual assumptions about geometry and temperature flow.

Aw: [Vo]:Article - Quantum Entanglement Allows Diamonds to Communicate

2011-12-08 Thread peter . heckert

- Original Nachricht 
Von: Michele Comitini 
An:  "" 
Datum:   08.12.2011 14:29
Betreff: [Vo]:Article - Quantum Entanglement Allows Diamonds to Communicate

> -to-Communicate-120511.aspx?xmlmenuid=51
> Researchers have managed to get one small diamond to communicate with
> another small diamond utilizing "quantum entanglement," one of the more
> mind-blowing features of quantum physics.
The problem is: Entanglement means the diamonds are in connection, but the 
entanglement is destroyed as soon as an external influence kicks in.
Therefore this cannot been used for communication.
If one diamond is on mars and another is on earth then two observers one at 
earth and one at mars make the same observations without time delay, but they 
cannot interchange messages.

The two diamonds behave like synchronized clocks.
The mechanism could possibly been used for a precise one-way measurement of 

Re: [Vo]:Will tests surface mounted thermocouples on pipe

2011-12-08 Thread peter . heckert

- Original Nachricht 
Von: Jed Rothwell 
Datum:   08.12.2011 15:59
Betreff: Re: [Vo]:Will tests surface mounted thermocouples on pipe

>  wrote:
> >
> > It is necessary to think about unexpected effects:
> > It is clear, in Rossis setup there was a thermal flow and an unwanted
> >  temperature difference close to the thermoelement.
> > If the steam inlet was 100 degree and the water outlet was 20 degree then
> > inbetween in the middle symmetry point the temperature MUST be (100+20)/2
> =
> > 60 degrees. This is simple to see from the symmetry.
> >
> That is incorrect. See:
> ce%20of%20Tin%20on%20Tout.xlsx
> I did some tests last night with a flexible hot water pipe tied to a cold
> water pipe, under insulation, with the sensor on the outside of the hot
> water pipe. Tying the two together and putting them under the insulation
> had no measurable effect on the surface temperature. The only thing that
> affects the temperature is the hot water flowing through the pipe.
This depends from the thickness of the pipe wall. If the wall is thin, the 
coupling to the water is very strong and other factors can be neglected. If the 
wall is thick, then the crosscoupling increases.

If the geometry is unknown, then the crosscoupling is unknown.
The easiest way to avoid this problem, is: make the distance much longer than 
the pipe diameter. 
Then everybody sees there is no relevant crosscoupling.


Re: [Vo]:Will tests surface mounted thermocouples on pipe

2011-12-08 Thread peter . heckert
I think it is not necessary to test something that is known and expected from 
theory and experience.
If there is no thermal flow, then there are no temperature differences, this is 
known from physics.
So especially when the measurment location is wrapped with thermal isolation a 
thermoelement fitted on a tube or on a hose will measure the water temperature. 
The only necessary condition for this is: the thermal coupling to the water 
must be stronger than the thermal coupling to environment.

It is necessary to think about unexpected effects:
It is clear, in Rossis setup there was a thermal flow and an unwanted  
temperature difference close to the thermoelement.
If the steam inlet was 100 degree and the water outlet was 20 degree then 
inbetween in the middle symmetry point the temperature MUST be (100+20)/2 = 60 
degrees. This is simple to see from the symmetry.
This 60 degree location was definitely too close to the thermoelement.
It is a waste of time to discuss this, because a skilled engineer would easily 
recognize and would avoid such a unclear situation.

It is also clear, a thermoelement must not have /multiple/ undefined and 
unknown electrical contact to the environment in a multichannel measurement 
Its a waste of time to discuss this, because it can be easily avoided.

Best regards,

- Original Nachricht 
Von: Jed Rothwell 
Datum:   08.12.2011 00:04
Betreff: [Vo]:Will tests surface mounted thermocouples on pipe

> I wrote:
> > Try placing at thermocouple on a hot pipe, in various spots, under
> various
> > covers. You will find the differences are insignificant.
> >
> I did this years ago, working at Hydrodynamics. I happen to have a nice
> dual input thermocouple, with a T1 - T2 mode, so I will try it again with a
> copper hot water pipe, with and without insulation and so on. I will do
> this under the kitchen sink. Varying water temperatures do not matter
> because I am looking for a difference between T1 and T1 (when they are
> mounted differently), and the response is quick.
> I have insulated all of the hot water pipes in my house foam pipe
> insulation. Look it up at Lowe's. It works remarkably well. Anyway, I'll
> try it with and without that, in air, under bubble wrap and a few other
> ways.
> I have different kinds of probes too. I use a shielded probe for cooking
> turkey. I'll just use the regular ones for this test.
> I can compare the actual fluid temp to the pipe temp if you like. I'll bet
> it is the same to within 0.3 deg C.
> You people should do stuff like this, instead of blabbing for weeks at a
> time about magic pots full of water that do not cool down.
> - Jed

Re: [Vo]:Mesauremtn of gamma without shielding

2011-12-07 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 07.12.2011 19:59, schrieb Ahsoka Tano:

Your sense of morality is not to talk about possible gamma radiation that
could kill the observers?  All of whom were assured by Rossi that it was

Of course it is safe. Look at Rossi & his coworkers. They look healthy.
Why discuss something that obviously does not exist, and generate and 
spread false rumours?

This is against my morality.

It is a pity that no observers with real oldfashioned filmcameras where 
If there was a strong gamma burst, they should have had black and noisy 
Also a pity that no oldfashioned computer screen was there. This should 
But wait! Where not fluorescent lamps there? What do these? Shouldnt 
they flash?

How does a laptop react to gamma bursts that can kill?

best regards,

On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 11:09 AM, Peter Heckert 

Am 07.12.2011 16:03, schrieb Jed Rothwell:

  Mattia Rizzi wrote:

  No gamma radiation was measured over background The burst he

measured was very brief. If it had continued for a fraction of a second it
would have killed everyone.

  It is immoral to discuss this because it is a trial to reveal Rossis

proprietary hard earned secrets...


Re: [Vo]:Mesauremtn of gamma without shielding

2011-12-07 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 07.12.2011 16:03, schrieb Jed Rothwell:

Mattia Rizzi wrote:

No gamma radiation was measured over background.
If inside the reactor there was a 10kW gamma source, with a hole in 
shielding, everybody had died.

All these data is inside the Bianchini report, in January.

I do not think that contradicts Celani's findings. Celani discussed 
Bianchi's detector. I do not recall what he said. (I could ask him.) 
The burst he measured was very brief. If it had continued for a 
fraction of a second it would have killed everyone.

It is immoral to discuss this because it is a trial to reveal Rossis 
proprietary hard earned secrets.
Celani is a snake and a competitor spreading false rumours, because he 
wants Rossi's ruin.

Rossi has already accused Celani about stealing his secrets.
All people who are discussing this seriously are snakes and imbeciles.
If there is anything important to know for us about gamma radiation or 
steam generation or energy production, Rossi will without doubt tell us.


Re: [Vo]:Celani: gamma spike during ignition of Rossi reactor

2011-12-07 Thread peter . heckert

- Original Nachricht 
Von: Berke Durak 
Datum:   07.12.2011 14:48
Betreff: Re: [Vo]:Celani: gamma spike during ignition of Rossi reactor

> Francesco Celani is a professor at the Italian National Institute of
> Nuclear Physics.  He performed measurements on the Rossi device.
> Sergio Focardi, emeritus professor physics, confirms what Celani said:
> there were gamma emissions during the functioning of the device.
> --- 00:23:37 | Focardi
> > During the first experiments, when we were working in Bondeno, we
> > were using an open experimental system, and on those occasions I was
> > using a Geiger detector, set for the gamma scale, through which I
> > verified the presence of gamma emissions during its functioning.
Focardi said also "not much above environment".
Possibly there was a dentist or internist doctor or a antique colortv in 
Possibly there where suneruptions.

He did not give more details, and so everything can be believed or not believed.

An multiply observed fact is: No Gamma above environment are measured with 
Rossis's e-cat during operation.
None is measured with 50 ecats in operation.
Even if screened, a little bit must come through and must be measureable. 
So there is no high energy radiation inside.


Re: [Vo]:Celani: gamma spike during ignition of Rossi reactor

2011-12-07 Thread peter . heckert
Probably Rossi used some duct tape to repair the reactor. This makes Gamma rays 

Honestly, after all was happened, better: NOT happened, such a singular 
observation is without worth.
Of course there might be a strange mechanism producing gamma rays, possibly a 
welding apparatus or another industrial x-ray apparatus in neighbourhood, but 
this proves nothing. It is an industrial location and the source of the rays is 
unknown and so it is ridiculous to discuss this.

- Original Nachricht 
Von: Berke Durak 
Datum:   07.12.2011 14:08
Betreff: [Vo]:Celani: gamma spike during ignition of Rossi reactor

> On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 1:52 PM, Mary Yugo  wrote:
> >> Remember that guy who measured a gamma spike while Rossi was adjusting
> >> a reactor in the other room?
> >
> > I don't.  Is there a link or citation? (thanks)
> Now there is: see my transcript of the LENR documentary:
> It was Celani.  Here is the relevant part.
> > After various vicissitudes, because the reactor was having major
> > problems, some inner resistors had broken down, Mr. Rossi came out
> > of the room delighted: "The reactor has started".  Before he came
> > out, a few minutes before, I had independently measured that both
> > the gamma detector and the mini Geiger had hit the top of the scale,
> > whereas the two detectors of electromagnetic interference were not
> > showing anything.
> > This meant that a short but intense emission of gamma radiation had
> > taken place.
> -- 
> Berke Durak

Re: [Vo]:[Rossi] University R&D has gone away?

2011-12-07 Thread peter . heckert

- Original Nachricht 
Von: Aussie Guy E-Cat 
Datum:   07.12.2011 08:57
Betreff: Re: [Vo]:[Rossi] University R&D has gone away?

> It is about which nation controls LENR as it has the capability to 
> reshape the world. As for living happily ever after, well that may be 
> the fairy story.

As soon as there is a definitive proof and it works, worldwide research will 
start and others will find it.
If Piantelli & Focardi & Patterson & Rossi & Defkalion can find it, do you 
really think, others cannot, when they do serious research?
Its nonsense what you say, sorry.


> On 12/7/2011 6:13 PM, Axil Axil wrote:
> >
> > Rossi?s fairy tale:
> >
> > The US military is the customer. The DOD R&D guys bought the Big-cat 
> > to see how it works. When they find out, they will keep it quiet as a 
> > post. Why give another country the benefit of their well spent 
> > procurement money?
> >
> > The US military will take the E-Cat to pieces, see what makes it tick, 
> > and improve on the E-Cat; way more than Rossi could have ever done on 
> > his own. Rossi has a boatload of money, his baby is improving and he 
> > is happy. All Rossi?s secrets are protected in perpetuity by the DOD, 
> > people who really know how to keep secrets. Everyone has everything 
> > that they ever wanted and they all live happily ever after.
> >

Re: [Vo]:[Rossi] University R&D has gone away?

2011-12-07 Thread peter . heckert

- Original Nachricht 
Von: Aussie Guy E-Cat 
Datum:   07.12.2011 08:36
Betreff: Re: [Vo]:[Rossi] University R&D has gone away?

> Rossi has said the 1st customer is a US military research contractor and 
> that the first plant is installed in the US. 
If this where true they would jail him for telling it.

Dont you see how ridiculous his claims are?
University R&D cannot go away because it never existed.
Only a contract exists and it is broken. If he made a contract, he must fulfill 
It was promised and announced for a much earlier time.
A lot of Rossi Fan websites have said in July it is a fact and Rossi got a lot 
of advertising from it.
NASA verification did not happen.
Upsalla verification did not happen. He has multiply in BIG LETTERS written, 
this will happen and how it will be precisely done.
International high level scientists and high level scientific press was not 
there for the 1MW demonstration.
Now he has definitely exceeded the deadline.
He can be called a liar. It is proven.


> Why would Rossi need to pay 
> a local Italian university to do research when that is probably already 
> happening in the US and at no cost to Rossi. You did read, in the 3 LENR 
> workshop slide presentations, the benefits that LENR would deliver? You 
> think the US would want to share that technology leap with other countries?
> On 12/7/2011 5:36 PM, Susan Gipp wrote:
> > A.R. like a wet piece of soap, is a master in answering with void
> answers.
> > The user asked why he doesn't start the University R&D program and he 
> > answer that it's already started by the *Customer*. So there's no need 
> > anymore to waste half a million euros to start wit the U: the 
> > *Customer *is happy !

Re: [Vo]:Re: Krivit article on NASA Forum

2011-12-05 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 05.12.2011 23:25, schrieb Jed Rothwell:

Peter Heckert wrote:

Watch this magician:
At 6:00 he makes steam and he allows more access than Rossi ;-)

His Japanese is pretty good.

Do you seriously think that a chemist examining that cup would not 
find the source of heat? Get real. Once you look inside the magic 
trick stage prop, the trick is always instantly obvious.

I think he uses a secret catalyst and will not disclose it.
At least he lets us look inside ;-)

Re: [Vo]:Re: Krivit article on NASA Forum

2011-12-05 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 05.12.2011 22:56, schrieb Jed Rothwell:

Stephen A. Lawrence  wrote:

Have you read nothing of how psychics operate?
Actually, I have read a lot about that, possibly more than Yugo has. I have
also read about stage magicians. In both cases their methods could not
begin to fool anyone looking inside a fake cold fusion device. Any engineer
or scientist would see the method at a glance. It is not possible to hide a
source of energy on this scale. The components are macroscopic and
instantly identifiable.

Watch this magician:
At 6:00 he makes steam and he allows more access than Rossi ;-)

[Vo]:Kullander & Essen -have they analyzed the unused nickel powder?

2011-12-05 Thread Peter Heckert
According to the report of Kullander & Essen Rossi has given to them a 
sample of unused Nickel powder and a sample of used powder.

It was often said, they found only natural isotope distribution in the 
used powder.

I could not find reports about the new powder.
Rossi has multiply claimed that he has a proprietary confidential cheap 
method to enrich the powder with a nickel isotope and this enriched 
material is used as e-cat fuel.

Was the unused powder analyzed and the results published?


Re: [Vo]:Ni producer

2011-12-05 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 05.12.2011 22:03, schrieb Alain dit le Cycliste:

not so false.
according to Rossi's E-cat figures, it would consume 25% of annual Ni
production to produce the annual energy.
in my opinion, according to defkalion info,  the powder seems simple.
the reactor and the H bottle seems the most expensive
So far I understood, the Nickel is contaminated and the powder degrades, 
but most is not consumed and can be recycled.
Anyway, it is possibly cheaper to get the nickel out of recycled NiMH 

|nb: assuming it works, as told.

Yes. We have seen in another thread here, the x-ray generation of duct tape.
Why cannot Rossi or other LENR researchers do such an impressive 


Re: [Vo]:Ni producer

2011-12-05 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 05.12.2011 21:44, schrieb


The (private?) Swiss company Glencore has acquired all the shares of the largest
Australian Nickel producer Minara.

This is not a problem. The e-cat does not use much nickel. We can 
extract it from Euro coins or from others.

They contain 25% Nickel.


Re: [Vo]:LENR Presentation by Joseph Zawodny, NASA Langley Research Center Edit

2011-12-05 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 05.12.2011 19:50, schrieb Robert Lynn:

It is clearly demonstrable that there exist mechanisms (of unknown type) in
room temperature condensed matter to create at least 10's of keV, check out
the rather fascinating following video:
They should use glue made out of deuteriumcarbon, instead of 
hydrogencarbon and see if they get neutrons ;-)

RE: [Vo]:Speaking of MAHG

2011-12-05 Thread peter . heckert

- Original Nachricht 
Von: Jones Beene 
Datum:   05.12.2011 02:39
Betreff: RE: [Vo]:Speaking of MAHG
> The 15 kHz frequency is in the low ultrasonic range, and has been seen in a
> number of claimed gainful (or very efficient) devices: most recently the
> "Joule Thief" or the Stiffler or Kugushov circuits, but before that-
> Stanley
> Meyer, and importantly - a number of cavitation LENR devices and Bearden's
> MEG. Not sure about Griggs. Probably others are in this low ultrasound
> range. Coincidence?
The coincidence could be this: Higher frequencies are difficult to handle.  
> There are dozens of videos on YouTube of CFL lamps operating to produce
> significant light at 100 times less input power than specs (milliwatt
> range). In most of them the video cam will pick up the ultrasonic hum (very
> annoying) which is not evident to the builder, until he sees the video. It
> is just above audible.
I have seen these demos. The problem is this: The sensitivity of human eye is
the logarithm of photon count.

For example, if you have a LED and you reduce the current by 50%, then, without
direct comparison, you would not see a difference in brightness.
Also, in videos, the camera will change the exposure, if brightness changes, and
this has the same effect.

It is not possible to estimate the power from the visual experience of 
Without power measurements these lamp and LED demonstrations are meaningless
and  misleading.

Added to this, we have resonance transformation effects, and this makes 
precise electrical power measurements difficult if not impossible without very 


Re: [Vo]:How to make a 100 kV Lenard valve for deuterium fusion - idea

2011-12-04 Thread peter . heckert

- Original Nachricht 
Datum:   05.12.2011 03:31
Betreff: Re: [Vo]:How to make a 100 kV Lenard valve for deuterium fusion - idea

> BTW exactly which reactions are you looking for, and do you expect them to
> be
> brought about by high energy electrons or high energy ions?
> (If the former, please explain.)
I dont know.
It is known that fusion with pyroelectric crystals in a low pressurized 
Deuterium gas works.
This has been shown. It generates some 1000 neutrons on each stroke.

My thought is to improve the efficiency of this process. Generate 100 keV 
electrons or protons in a vacuum and shoot them directly in a lossless way into 
a /pressurized/ deuterium /stream/.
I dont aim to discover something new, I just try to improve the efficiency of 
this known process.
Both electrons or protons could be tried by reversing the polarity or by using 
AC high voltage.


Re: [Vo]:How to make a 100 kV Lenard valve for deuterium fusion - idea

2011-12-04 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 04.12.2011 21:57, schrieb

In reply to  Peter Heckert's message of Sat, 03 Dec 2011 01:36:18 +0100:

The other problem is, where to get deuterium in pressurized bottles ;-)

That one isn't really a problem. Electrolysis can easily produce high gas
pressures. You could do the entire experiment in the D collecting side of a DC
electrolysis setup.

The problem is, the athmosphere must be absolutely dry.
I have seen D2O costs about 1-3 Euro per milliliter. Possibly it works 
with dry D2O steam?

The other problem is, when I get 2-3 Watt energy out of it, will I 
survive the neutrons and gammas?

This is not cold fusion or LENR. Neutrons and radiation are expected ;-)


Re: [Vo]:desktop hot fusion concept

2011-12-04 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 04.12.2011 14:30, schrieb Horace Heffner:

Some relevant quotes of interest from Bill Beaty at:

"The "threads" can survive in a zero-field region. I made a crude 
"thread gun" and passed a thread through an accelerator ring composed 
of an aluminum bundt pan. I didn't expect this to work, since the hole 
in the pain is shielded and relatively field-free. Yet the thread did 
come out the other side. Once I've set up a thread-emitter, I find 
that I can cup my hands very closely around the path of the invisible 
thread, yet this does not eliminate the furrow in the fog. Evidentally 
the threads either have enough inertia to survive the zero-field 
regions temporarily, and to traverse several inches of zero-field 
space... or they need no fields at all once they have been created. 
Their behavior is not simply that of ionized wind. They act WEIRD! "

If the thread is electrically conducting, like a high resistance wire, 
it is never in a zero field region, because there is always a voltage 
drop along the conductive thread.
The thread will carry its own field with it. Its impossible to surpress 
the field.

Let's assume we have 1 m of thread length and 10 kV. This equals 100V 
per centimeter and is enough to move air molecules.
In an air ion measuring instrument, the positive and negative air ions 
are separated in a 60 V field and counted separately.

The thread will carry its own field with it.

It is reasonable to assume that a needle will inonize molecules that are 
easy to ionize.
These are charged and repelled and form a conductive path in air that 
has a current and a voltage drop along it.
This might be radioactive molecules or water molecules. The thread does 
therefore not consist out of arbitrary air molecules but consists out of 
a nonrepresentative collection of conductive molecules. Of course this 
can be water molecules.

If true, this mechanism could be used to collect radioactive gases out 
of the athmosspere.


Re: [Vo]:desktop hot fusion concept

2011-12-04 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 04.12.2011 13:40, schrieb Horace Heffner:

I am familiar with air ions.  The phenomenon measured by Bill Beaty in 
the presence of much water vapor, and having nano-amp current, I think 
is not made of non-polarized air molecules, but of a contiguous string 
of polarized molecules.  Here is one way to tell:

Note: the water bridge lost stability in the presence of carbon 
dioxide, due to ion conduction.  Bill Beaty's air bridge worked better 
in the presence of carbon dioxide. I think this is because it is the 
structure of the thread that permits proton conduction, and the CO2 
molecule works just as well as an H2O molecule in that structure for 
that purpose.

Yes the CO2 effect in water is easyly explained:
CO2 dissolves in water and makes it conductive. The current will increase.
This causes breakdown of voltage and electrostatic forces.
If the HV supply is stron enough to maintain the voltage, the water will
boil and this interrupts the thread.

I have observed the air threads in dry air. Of course they are not visible,
but the effects can be observed.
The air blow, if directed on easy to move objects like hair or feathers or
wool moves them.

I believe this are threads in air, that are charged and also are 
electrically conductive.
This means, as soon as the tread is interrupted, there will be a strong 
voltage difference
at the interrupted position. This generates electrostatic forces that 
again close the gap.

It is very similar to the water thread mechanism, it is a flow-force 

The currents in air are microamperes and nanoamperes, I have measured 
them too.

This is more easy to do than most people think.
You can easily use a DVM to measure nanoampere currents.
Typically a DVM has an inner resistance of 10 MOhm.
If it displays a voltage of 1 millivolt, then this equals a current of 
0.1 nanoamperes.

The instrument must be protected with a neonbulb and filter capacitors , to
avoid destruction by HV and to avoid mismeasurements caused by RF 

100 Nanoampere * 10 kV = 1 mW. This is enough energy to make a 
considerable air blow.

Calculate the mechanical equivalent.

I have done these experiments and I think experiments have more evidency 

calculations, sorry ;-).

best regards, Peter

Re: [Vo]:Energy Catalyzer Wiki : FLAT EARTH! FLAT EARTH! FLAT EARTH!

2011-12-04 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 04.12.2011 06:56, schrieb Alain dit le Cycliste:

I've look a gain, and I'm still suspect about using ZPE, because ZPE is
only an energy that you cannot use to go below... by definition.

There are new reports that photons where extracted from ZPE:

This however requires as much energy as the photons contain.

I personally believe, that hydrogen atoms can be made from ZPE.
The mechanism to do this, is gravity.
There is no other mechanism to compress ZPE than gravity.
Therefore this can only happen in the intergalactic space in unimaginable
large dimensions of absense of matter.
This "empty" space is a billion times larger than the galaxys themselfes.
Most people are not aware about this fact, because we always only look
to the visible matter, but not the invisible space.

Therefore I think, it is impossible to tap the ZPE on earth.
But it can be engineered and used as a medium if it exists.


Re: [Vo]:[Vo] : Rossi to show e-cat live... like Defkalion...

2011-12-04 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 04.12.2011 08:04, schrieb Alain dit le Cycliste:

after defkalion who say they will install a webcam to show
an hyperion working

it seems that rossi agree too for a 24x7 show

Note to MY : I agree that this is not a proof. Best regards (We need you
like the DA in US court).

He also promised a webcam for the 1MW demo and online power meters and 
this stuff.

The mechanism is this: Somebody asks him "could you do this or that, 
could you invite this honest sceptic or set up a webcam" and of course 
he can not say "no". So he says "yes this is a nice idea, I will do it".
So people are happy and distribute the good news over the internet, and 
he gets new advertising from this.

This does not mean, that he really will do it.

His "Yes" is a "yes" without value.
Same for Defkalion.


Re: [Vo]:desktop hot fusion concept

2011-12-04 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 04.12.2011 05:07, schrieb Horace Heffner:

That is because Bill did not call them "water thread" experiments. My 
mistake, and bad memory.  The above wasser.html reference was indeed 
about water bridge experiments, not Bill Beaty's air thread 
experiments, which are a very different thing - thread lengths up to 
60 cm.

Thank you for confirmation.
Yes, it is miraculous that these threads are so sharply focussed.

"Air Ions" behave strangely, this was known before. I think they follow 
the electrical lines of field, but because they are charged, they also 
distort the field. It should be expected they repell and distribute, but 
they dont.
Possibly they follow only the strongest maximum in the field, this might 
explain it partially.

Now, an electron beam also does not diffuse, physics is often 

I have often made the experince, that 50 cm away from a charged 
electrode, I can suddenly feel a cool flow and smell ozone.
With these air threads this is easily explained. I also by accident 
pointed with a charged needle on an microamperemeter from 50 cm distance.
Suddenly the meter displayed a current and this current was there 
without cables connected.
It was a conventional analog meter and had a plastic glass (plexiglass) 
at the front. It turned out, that this plexiglass was permanently 
charged. The charges where embedded into the plastic and it was 
impossible to remove them. Finally I removed the glass and washed it a 
minute under warm water. Then they went away.

There are also reports that air ions can charge an isolated object 
meters away.

Air ions are not necessarily identical with those ions, that we have in 
modern physics. It is a historical name, "Ion" is the greek name for 
"wanderer". The name existed more than hundred years ago, when the 
modern concept of "Ion" was unknown.
"Air Ions" are simply charged amounts of air and this can be charged 
molecules or clusters of molecules or whatever. The precise structure is 
unknown, because the lifetime is only some minutes.
Biophysicists and architectural physicists and weather physicists know 
more about them than chemists or particle physicists.

They are important for climate and there are measurement instruments for 

Here is a company that makes this instruments and they have a very good 
article about natural air ions:

For example these ions can exist in a positive negative-mixture without 
discharging and this can be measured.
They behave very strangely and miraculous. I believe there is a lot of 
fluid dynamic effects involved and in fluid dynamic, which is a multi 
body problem, there are often effects observed that are counter intuitive.

best regards,  Peter

Re: [Vo]:desktop hot fusion concept

2011-12-03 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 04.12.2011 01:41, schrieb Horace Heffner:

This is about the water bridge experiment, not Bill Beaty's water 
thread experiments.

His fine threads extended multiple times the length of the water 
bridge, and were sustained indefinitely, with orders of magnitude less 
current. Read the archive references.

Possibly there is a misunderstandment.
I have seen many of his experiments, especially the experiment with dry 
ice nebula on a water surface.
It is clearly visible that a stream of focussed air ions flow to the 
water surface and draws traces into the steam.

Air ions make the nebula coagulate and vanish, this makes them visible.
I would however call this air threads, and not water threads. There are 
focussed and laminar threads of ions flowing in air and this 
demonstration really impressed me. I have seen this last year or 
earlier. I have read everything about air ions, that I could get at this 
time and discovered his site also.

I have not found any water thread experiments made by him, sorry.
If there is something else, a pointer would be welcome.


Re: [Vo]:desktop hot fusion concept

2011-12-03 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 04.12.2011 01:16, schrieb Peter Heckert:

Another video (62 minutes) about the water thread experiment:

Its from SETI and demonstrates the science behind.
It coveres everything from flow to conductivity to bubbles to 
thermographic measurements and heavy water experiments.
Very interesting are the Schlieren photograpy demos where the water 
flow is made visible.

Here is the same experiment, made with castor oil.
This proves, it is not a water anomaly.

Remarkable is, they use 25 kV and the current is about 0.02 µA. This 
gives 0.5 milliWatt.

Oil isolates quite well. So this should be possible at home.

Re: [Vo]:desktop hot fusion concept

2011-12-03 Thread Peter Heckert

Another video (62 minutes) about the water thread experiment:

Its from SETI and demonstrates the science behind.
It coveres everything from flow to conductivity to bubbles to 
thermographic measurements and heavy water experiments.
Very interesting are the Schlieren photograpy demos where the water flow 
is made visible.


Re: [Vo]:desktop hot fusion concept

2011-12-03 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 04.12.2011 00:29, schrieb Horace Heffner:

On Dec 3, 2011, at 2:24 PM, Peter Heckert wrote:

Am 04.12.2011 00:01, schrieb Peter Heckert:

I dont believe, he used this for the water thread experiment.
This needs more current.
I tried with deionized water, but my supply was too week. It should 
deliver about 100µA.
Its a TV split diode flyback transformer driven by a selfbuild 

He writes here, he did not do the experiment himself:

Again, you confuse this with Bill Beaty's experiments.  They are 
related but not identical at all. Very different linear range, thread 
diameter, and currents.

I cannot find a water thread experiment made by him.
Here is an water thread experiment with a closeup macro video:
It can be seen, there is a fast flow and some turbulence inside the 
water thread.

It is a dynamic equilibrium and not an static equilibrium.

Of course for air experiments there is not much power required and I 
have seen and admired Bill Beatys experiments before.
And yes, he is right, there are threads in air. He demonstated this very 
well and it impressed me.

Again, this are dynamic flowing threads, not static threads.
And if the flow is fast enough there can be a local µm sized vacuum at 
the needles tip.

This is what I tryed to explain.


Lets assume the electrical resistance of the water thread is some 
Then the current at 10 kV is some milliampere and the required power 
is in the 50 to 100 Watt range.
I have read everything about this sometime ago and calculated the 
expected resistance.

A resistance from some ten MegOhms upto 1 Gigaohm must be expected
It cannot work if the water does not conduct, because in this case 
the electric field does not propagate over the thread.
Also there is a steady water flow from one glass into the other, 
caused by the current. Without this it does not work.
There are many videos, in some it is visible, that the water thread 
is hot.

The experiment is fun, but I dont think it is a water anomaly.



There was a huge amount of discussion of this on vortex-l. Is see no 
reason to repeat it.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:desktop hot fusion concept

2011-12-03 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 04.12.2011 00:01, schrieb Peter Heckert:

I dont believe, he used this for the water thread experiment.
This needs more current.
I tried with deionized water, but my supply was too week. It should 
deliver about 100µA.
Its a TV split diode flyback transformer driven by a selfbuild 

He writes here, he did not do the experiment himself:

Lets assume the electrical resistance of the water thread is some megaohm.
Then the current at 10 kV is some milliampere and the required power is 
in the 50 to 100 Watt range.
I have read everything about this sometime ago and calculated the 
expected resistance.

A resistance from some ten MegOhms upto 1 Gigaohm must be expected
It cannot work if the water does not conduct, because in this case the 
electric field does not propagate over the thread.
Also there is a steady water flow from one glass into the other, caused 
by the current. Without this it does not work.

There are many videos, in some it is visible, that the water thread is hot.
The experiment is fun, but I dont think it is a water anomaly.


Re: [Vo]:desktop hot fusion concept

2011-12-03 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 03.12.2011 23:51, schrieb Horace Heffner:

On Dec 3, 2011, at 1:30 PM, Peter Heckert wrote:

Am 03.12.2011 23:00, schrieb Horace Heffner:

Say, Bill Beaty's experiments made it as a reference on wikipedia!

Yes, this experiment was made by others too and published in science 

It must be seen that a strong current flows through the water thread.
This means there is a voltage gradient in the water thread. If the 
threa becomes thinner, the resistance will increase and at this 
position the voltage will increase and electrostatic forces pull the 
thread together.
So the thread is in an dynamic equilibrium of electrostatic forces 
and pinching.

In some videos it can be seen that the thread becomes boiling hot.

Ethanol does also conduct some electricity, also glycol and glycerine.
The resistance is some megohm between to wires in the fluid.
I believe, the effect is not specific to water and could be done with 
these fluids also.

I tried it, but my HV source did not deliver enough power.
This experiment consumes some ten to hundred Watts.


Bill Beaty's water threads consumed very little power. He used an 
about 10 micro-amp negative ion generator power supply, at 10-15 kV.

I dont believe, he used this for the water thread experiment.
This needs more current.
I tried with deionized water, but my supply was too week. It should 
deliver about 100µA.

Its a TV split diode flyback transformer driven by a selfbuild electronics.


Re: [Vo]:desktop hot fusion concept

2011-12-03 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 03.12.2011 22:57, schrieb Horace Heffner:

Here are some URLs related to Bill Beaty's air threads:

He has another desktop hot fusion experiment, it is interesting, it 

(This is not cold fusion, it is D-D bubble fusion. It is well known to 
me that ultrasonic makes bubble cavitation and sonoluminicense in water. 
If the water is saturated with gaseous deuterium, /hot/ fusion could 

Re: [Vo]:desktop hot fusion concept

2011-12-03 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 03.12.2011 23:00, schrieb Horace Heffner:

Say, Bill Beaty's experiments made it as a reference on wikipedia!

Yes, this experiment was made by others too and published in science 

It must be seen that a strong current flows through the water thread.
This means there is a voltage gradient in the water thread. If the threa 
becomes thinner, the resistance will increase and at this position the 
voltage will increase and electrostatic forces pull the thread together.
So the thread is in an dynamic equilibrium of electrostatic forces and 

In some videos it can be seen that the thread becomes boiling hot.

Ethanol does also conduct some electricity, also glycol and glycerine.
The resistance is some megohm between to wires in the fluid.
I believe, the effect is not specific to water and could be done with 
these fluids also.

I tried it, but my HV source did not deliver enough power.
This experiment consumes some ten to hundred Watts.


Re: [Vo]:desktop hot fusion concept

2011-12-03 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 03.12.2011 22:14, schrieb Harry Veeder:

On Sat, Dec 3, 2011 at 3:38 PM, Peter Heckert  wrote:

I believe there is a vacuum for these reasons:

1) I placed a charged needle 1-2 cm above a water surface. The air blow
makes a sharp, mm deep and mm wide hole into the water surface.
If I assume, that the air stream originates from the needle's tip, wich is
measured in ľm, the blowing pressure and the repulsion at the needles tip in
a ľm distance must be 100 to 1000 times stronger.
The sudden electrostatic acceleration of electrons and ions must create a

Is it possible the water hole is caused by repulsion?
No, the water was attracted, because it was connected to the other 
terminal of the generator and grounded.


Re: [Vo]:desktop hot fusion concept

2011-12-03 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 03.12.2011 16:20, schrieb Horace Heffner:
I suggest that the dark zone at the tip of the needle is not due to a 
vacuum there. It is more likely due to the average delay for 
recombination of the ions and electrons.  Electron recombination with 
ions is likely what produces most of the light.

I believe there is a vacuum for these reasons:

1) I placed a charged needle 1-2 cm above a water surface. The air blow 
makes a sharp, mm deep and mm wide hole into the water surface.
If I assume, that the air stream originates from the needle's tip, wich 
is measured in µm, the blowing pressure and the repulsion at the needles 
tip in a µm distance must be 100 to 1000 times stronger.
The sudden electrostatic acceleration of electrons and ions must create 
a vacuum.

This experiment was done with some kV only. I had to turn the voltage 
down to avoid sparks, because I had only 1 or 2 cm distance to the water.

In pressurized air the voltage can be some 100 kV.

2) The electrostatic repulsion is strong enough to drive the electrons 
out of the metal.
I believe the force required for this must be many times stronger than 
the air pressure.

A side note:
It is interesting that a positive needle blows and also a negative 
needle blows.
One should expect that a negative needle would attract the nuclei and 
repel the electrons and should suck instead blow.

This does not happen, both needles blow.

So I think, directly at the needles surface, if it is negatively 
charged, there should be a vacuum, but not empty, the vacuum must 
contain a dense electron cloud.


Re: [Vo]:national research program for cold fusion

2011-12-03 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 03.12.2011 20:57, schrieb Jed Rothwell:

Mary Yugo>> wrote:

We need more robust, long running, high output, credible experiments.

SRI and the ENEA have done robust, long running, credible experiments 
for 20 years, albeit at low output. Skeptics, the DoE and most of 
academia have paid no attention to them. They could do another 20 
years and no one would hear about it. What we need are people like 
Rossi to blow the skeptics out of the water. Despite my disagreements 
with Rossi, I think he is fundamentally on the right track, 
emphasizing commercial development, and I think he has the best chance 
of success. The academic approach is hopeless.

They should buy an e-cat and a hyperion and see if it works.
If not, stop the research and put anybody who recommended Rossi on a 
blacklist ;-)
This could save the taxpayer a lot of money, it is much faster and 
cheaper than a research program.


[Vo]:desktop hot fusion concept

2011-12-03 Thread Peter Heckert


my idea is this:
place a needle in a pressurized deuterium stream and charge it to some 
100 kV.

My previous experiments have shown, that a stream of nonconductive gas 
is able to conduct electricity.
For example a ordinary needle placed in dry air will cause an ion wind, 
if charged to 10 kV.
No sparks develop. A current flow of some µA starts at 5kV and it 
increases when the voltage is increased.

I measured this in air, using a selfmade HV supply.
My experiments have shown, that due to airflow and static repulsion 
there is a vacuum at the tip of the needle. Also according tothe laws of 
Bernoulli, the pressure should be low, where the speed of gas is high.

So my idea is this:
Place a needle, charged to some 100 kV into a fast pressurized 
electrical neutral deuterium flow.
The electrons should reach a speed of some 100 km/second, so the speed 
of the gas doesnt matter, but the gas stream carries charges away that 
would block the current from sustained flowing and it prevents and 
deletes spark discharges.
This makes it possible to feed an electron current up to some mA into 
the deuterium. If correctly done, no spark discharges should happen.

1mA* 100kV = 100 W. The gas should heat up at the tip of the needle.
We should get a µm thin layer of vacuum at the needles tip and hot 
conductive plasma above this vacuum layer. This means we should get a 
voltage drop of some 100 kV at a µm thin layer of vacuum. This equals a 
field strength of some gigavolts per meter, and pyroelectric fusion was 
already successfully done with this strength of field!
Accelerated electrons are supposed to fly into the electrical neutral 
hot deuerium plasma.

Assumed, this all is possible, how much voltage would be needed at 
minimum to get hot D-D fusion?


[Vo]:How to make a 100 kV Lenard valve for deuterium fusion - idea

2011-12-02 Thread Peter Heckert


some time ago I investigated the effects of ion wind in air.
Possibly you know this effect: A needle is charged to 5 kV or more and 
this needle will blow a stream of charged air, that is rather strong.

I made experiments and blew the air into a water surface so see how 
strong the flow is and how it is focussed.
I found it to be sharpely focussed, it seems that the air molecules 
follows the lines of the electrical field.

I also investigated the tip of the needle in darkness and I have seen a 
faint blue glow around the tip.
Directly at the tip there is a dark zone. This is nothing new, it was  
Michael Faraday who first investigated this and described it, but he had 
no theory to explain it.

My explanation is this: Lets assume the needle is negatively charged.
Air molecules are charged by this and repelled by the tip of the needle. 
Because the resulting air stream is rather strong, and the active area 
of the needle tip is very small, there will be a vacuum at the tip at 
the needle. This is the observed dark zone.

Basically this is a Lenard "tube", but without glass and without diaphragm!

For a good vacuum it is necessary to have a electrostatic repelling 
force that is stronger than the air pressure. Of course this is only 
possible with a µm sharp needle.
It should be possible to optimize the shape of the needle tip to get 
better vacuum.

Now lets do this experiment in a pressurized deuterium athmosphere. At 
20 bar pressure, it should be possible to use voltages above 100 kV 
without sparks developing.
If a vacuum develops at the tip of the needle, electrons should be 
accelerated to 100 keV and more, and without any diaphragm inbetween 
these should then hit surrounding deuterium atoms and release the energy 
into the atom.
Possibly the needle could be heated, to improve electron emmision and 

A similar experiment "pyroelectric fusion" was done by Putterman and 
this is scientifically proven.

It works and produces neutrons.

The problem is, pyroelectric crystals cannot make much uninterrupted 
energy, the other problem is, Putterman did this in a low pressure 
athmosphere, and so the probability for electron-atom collision is low.
Could it be possible to do this with better efficiency in a high 
pressurized athmosphere as described above?

The big unsolved problem is: If this really produces measurable energy, 
then it will also produce really dangerous amounts of x-rays and neutrons.

The other problem is, where to get deuterium in pressurized bottles ;-)

best regards,

Re: [Vo]:Rossi clarification on Bianchini

2011-12-02 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 03.12.2011 00:20, schrieb Jed Rothwell:
Peter Heckert>> 

Everybody knows that I believe there was definitive excess energy
measured in the Essen Kullander demo and in other demos, because
the water flow was too high to been heated to 100°.
Also everybody knows that I suspect Rossi doing tricks with input
energy and with a vacuum at the output hose.

This raises an interesting question that I do not believe you have 

If Rossi made real heat during the E&K demo, why do you suppose he 
made fake heat in subsequent demos?

Oh lord, please dont let me be misunderstood

When I had analyzed the PDF document, that Kullander & Essen wrote I was 
ready to believe in Rossis claims.
Even more so when Rossi announced a closed circuit mass calorimetry test 
done at university of Uppsala at november.

This all didnt happen, and also the oct 6 demo and the 1 MW demo was a 
faint shadow of this what was initially announced.

This is why I stopped believing and now I think, that Rossi also did 
tricks for the Kullander & Essen demo.
This means, I am aware, given the water flow, there must be more energy 
than was measured at the input.
I dont believe anymore that this energy was made by LENR, but I think, 
there are tricks possible to give a false impression about the energy 
generation : Wireless switch to activate a heater in unwatched moments 
and a vacuum to suck out the water and steam and reduce the energy needs 
for boiling.

I believe Rossi does tricks and he cares not to overdo it. If he does 
too much tricks it will be discovered.
So he does a little bit of scam, just enough to convince unbiased 
observers, but not enough to convince a honest but critical observer.

This is why all his demos are so inconclusive. He is shy to show real 
proven energy balances because then his scams can been detected and 

best regards,

Re: [Vo]:Rossi clarification on Bianchini

2011-12-02 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 02.12.2011 23:33, schrieb Jed Rothwell:
Peter Heckert>> 

Why didnt you write: "I believe in the Rossi device, because
observers have noticed the surface heated up and because of this
poor insulation it must cool down over 4 hours without power.
Of course this assumes that Rossi did not use tricks with the
input power, but I dont see any possibility how to do this".

Because I have already said that numerous times and everyone knows 
that is what I have in mind. When you introduce a new point, such as 
the fact that extremely well insulated vessels can be used to cook 
food, you should not use this as a way to confuse the issue to imply 
that Rossi may have done that.
Everybody knows that I believe there was definitive excess energy 
measured in the Essen Kullander demo and in other demos, because the 
water flow was too high to been heated to 100°.
Also everybody knows that I suspect Rossi doing tricks with input energy 
and with a vacuum at the output hose.

So, because everybody knows that, why should I repeat it over and over?
People would complain, if I would do this.

I am suggesting that you and Yugo be a little more observant of the 
rules of academic discourse. This would be to your advantage. Your 
arguments would go over better instead of rubbing people the wrong way.

Ok, lets handle this a little bit more relaxed.
Please understand, I am not against CF in general. I dont want to 
destroy the idea.
But I dont trust Rossi and Defkalion. I fear they will destroy it, if 
the truth becomes apparent.
I would like to hear more about the Patterson cell and the Mizuno 
I am most interested in experiments without hidden secrets that 
definitely work and want to learn about it.
I would be also interested in concrete zeropoint energy experiments that 
definitely work.
I have quite good skills and fun with high voltage generation and would 
like to do something myself.

So let us repect each others different opinion in peace.

best regards,

Re: [Vo]:LENR presentation by Dennis Bushnell

2011-12-02 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 02.12.2011 22:35, schrieb Jed Rothwell:

ecat builder wrote:

Hi All,

I posted the contents of a slide presentation by Dennis Bushnell that
he gave at at the LENR conference at Glenn Research Center, NASA.

Thank you! But please start a new thread when you change the topic. 
Let me change the title now, to bring this to people's attention.

My favorite quote from Dr. Bushnell is:
"In Short, LENR , depending upon the TBD performance, appears to be
capable of Revolutionizing Aerospace across the board. No other single
technology even comes close to the potential impacts of LENR upon
Agency Missions." 

I believe, Bushnell is not an active chief scientist anymore  but a 
former chief scientist.

He is growing old and at NASA they gave him a jester's license.
They did this with many other merited old scientists when they started 
to develop strange theories about aliens and UFO's in the past.

best regards,

Re: [Vo]:Rossi clarification on Bianchini

2011-12-02 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 02.12.2011 22:31, schrieb Jed Rothwell:

1. There is no such thing as perfect insulation.
Yes. Especially not, when the surface is 60-80° hot. This is so poor, 
that I dont understand why did they isolate it at all. This reduces the 
thermal losses by less than 50%.

2. The insulation around the E-Cat reactor was far from perfect. A 
great deal of heat was coming through it. The surface was  ~80°C. 
someone touched the pipe nearby and was burned three hours into the 
heat after death event.

80% means about 20% efficiency of the insulation.
Without insulation the surface where about 100%.
How can you assume Rossi is a good engineer if he cannot do it better? A 
plumber does this better.

I believe you are aware of these two facts. I have a feeling you may 
have been playing dumb, or bringing up irrelevant points to confuse 
the issue. Please do not do that. When you know that your example does 
not apply to the situation, you should start by pointing that out. You 
should write something like this:

 I believed you might be in error about these facts.

"It is true that Rossi's reactor would cool to room temperature 
because it was poorly insulated, but it is interesting to note that 
with a much better insulated container, you can cook food over 4 
hours. For example during the Berlin blockade . . ."

Why didnt you write: "I believe in the Rossi device, because observers 
have noticed the surface heated up and because of this poor insulation 
it must cool down over 4 hours without power.
Of course this assumes that Rossi did not use tricks with the input 
power, but I dont see any possibility how to do this".

Why should I be 150% accurate and complete, when your majesty is allowed 
to be 50% accurate and complete?


best regards,

Re: [Vo]:Rossi clarification on Bianchini

2011-12-02 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 02.12.2011 21:21, schrieb Jed Rothwell:

I believe that when you bring 5 gallons of water to boil, insulate the 
pot and leave it for 4 hours it must cool down to room temperature.

This defys rules of physics.
And it defys rules of experience:

Berlin Blockade: To Save Energy, Meals were Cooked in a "Cooking Chest" 

If the insulation is perfect, it will stay hot forever.

best regards,

Re: [Vo]:Lenard tube or X-Ray tube in Rossi/Defkalion device?

2011-12-01 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 02.12.2011 07:40, schrieb Andrea Selva:
Are you folks talking about a device like THIS 
fitted in the Jan 14th demo e-cat ?

Thanks for posting.
Here is the data sheet:

Possibly it is a little bit large.
I think more about accelerated electrons than about x-rays.
It could be something as simple as a spark gap. Remember, there is 
another device that makes D-D Fusion with pyroelectric crystals in a low 
pressure deuterium athmosphere.

This is hot fusion.

In high pressure 20 bar, there is much more voltage possible before 
sparks discharge and the electron energy could be higher than in low 

regards, Peter

-- Forwarded message --
From: *Jones Beene*>>
Date: 2011/12/1
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Lenard tube or X-Ray tube in Rossi/Defkalion device?

-Original Message-

> I'm not sure whether any of these are correct, but if LENR is real, does
anyone have other explanations for the missing gammas?

You are familiar with the Hagelstein, et al hypothesis for coupled 

This concept has pretty much been the default for LENR deuterium fusion -
for answering your question - for some time; and derives from the work
Preparata...  including major input from Chubb, Kim, Storms and Swartz and
others. It does not fit well to explaining Rossi, however.

There should be lots of information on the LENR/CANR site. Perhaps Jed 

suggest the best written paper.


Re: [Vo]:Defkalion's changing stance on whether this is cold fusion

2011-12-01 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 01.12.2011 21:44, schrieb Terry Blanton:

On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 3:05 PM, Peter Heckert  wrote:

I think, they mean the "Wilson chamber" (aka nebula chamber).
Obviously their translator has no clue about technics and physics.

Ah!  aka "cloud chamber"!  Yes, we made those in high school physics
using supersaturated alcohol.

Yes, I did not know the proper english word. The german word is 

The latin word for "chamber" is "camera". Probably the same in italian.
We nowadays say "camera" for a photographic apparatus, but this is an 
abbreviation for "camera obscura".

If a translator does not now the scientific and technical language, then 
he is easily confused ;-)


Re: [Vo]:Defkalion's changing stance on whether this is cold fusion

2011-12-01 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 01.12.2011 20:53, schrieb Terry Blanton:

On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 2:15 PM, Jed Rothwell  wrote:

The data was obtained from conventional,

non-specifically designed for LENR instrumentation, such as
mass-spectrometer, gas-chromatographer, Wilson camera, SEM spectra and

I'm not familiar with the "Wilson camera".  Do you know its purpose?

I think, they mean the "Wilson chamber" (aka nebula chamber).
Obviously their translator has no clue about technics and physics.


Re: [Vo]:Lenard tube or X-Ray tube in Rossi/Defkalion device?

2011-12-01 Thread Peter Heckert

Am 01.12.2011 20:51, schrieb Mary Yugo:

On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 11:40 AM, Peter Heckert  wrote:


This could be
1) A x-ray tube, and the hydrogen is atomized by x-rays.

I don't know how small X-ray tubes go but that's hard to imagine for
the small E-cats.  If you allow for a path for coolant, they barely
seemed to have room for the catalyst.  And then remember, the stranger
outer heater could only heat the coolant!  What was that about?
Now, then take this idea with the Lenard tube as my original Cold Fusion 
Possibly it is not necessary to bring all the material to very high 
temperatures, it could be enough, to bring individual atoms to high 
speed (aka temperature), when electrons are shot at them.

This idea is hereby put into the public domain and cannot been patented.
A homemade Lenard tube:
But beware, without proper shielding this is dangerous!


[Vo]:Lenard tube or X-Ray tube in Rossi/Defkalion device?

2011-12-01 Thread Peter Heckert


lets assume this works and it emits gamma radiation.
Gamma thermalization is improbable.

There could be a helper device inside, that produces gamma radiation as 
a main product or as a by-product.

This could be
1) A x-ray tube, and the hydrogen is atomized by x-rays.

2) It could be a Lenard tube, that sends accelerated electrons through a 
thin foil into the pressurized hydrogen.

What happens, if an accelerated electron, produced by a Lenard tube is 
shot into pressurized hydrogen? Could this produce low energy neutrons?
It seems to generate heat, at least at these random positions, where the 
electrons hit an atom.

I found by -by accident- an interesting historic article written by 
Nicola Tesla:

 where he writes:

/"First. /There is the thermal effect. The temperature of the electrode 
or impact body does not in any way give us an idea of the degree of heat 
of the particles, but, if we consider the probable velocities only, they 
correspond to temperatures which may be as high as 100,000 degrees 
Very interesting to read. He made -as we know today- very dangerous 
experiments with those super strong tubes, that he has built.


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