Re: [Aus-soaring] Air France A330 Flight 447

2013-05-14 Thread gstevo10
Thanks Macca. It is certainly very difficult to get a mixed message here: Sullenberger makes his viewpoint crystal clear. Talking about mixed messages, I was earlier trying to make some sense out of the last bit of the transcript from the flight without much luck. However one of the other

Re: [Aus-soaring] Air France A330 Flight 447

2013-05-13 Thread gstevo10
Hi All, A rather dark and depressing - it should never have happened - event, from which obviously lessons have been learnt: Pity about the cost in human lives! I didn't see the TV program that Ross refers to, so maybe some of what I mention below, may have been touched on. Whilst it is a bit

Re: [Aus-soaring] NSW Come Get It Trophy

2013-05-09 Thread gstevo10
Good try buddy, but you slipped up on one vital point. We all know that Ingo flies (and flew) out of TOCUMWAL - not Benalla. - Original Message - From: james dutschke To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia. Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2013 10:21 PM Subject: Re:

Re: [Aus-soaring] Old Peschges vario

2013-04-18 Thread gstevo10
Mike's question is a fair one. As I recall, the saying at the time was that you needed to own 3 units for one installation: One in the glider, one at the factory, and one in transit! Maybe Griffo will pay you to take them away? Yeah, I agree with Macca. Griffo might also have manual or two in

Re: [Aus-soaring] Aus-soaring Digest, Vol 115, Issue 13

2013-04-14 Thread gstevo10
Yeah, Just right click on her name, and you have it. ...!! Gary - Original Message - From: To: Sent: Sunday, April 14, 2013 8:34 PM Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Aus-soaring Digest, Vol 115, Issue 13 Tim,

Re: [Aus-soaring] Back to the AIS Article in March -April isue ofGA

2013-04-01 Thread gstevo10
Hi All, This is really a BS issue of little relevance to anything, given that the scales served their purpose, in establishing that it was essential to keep hydrated whilst flying gliders. However the point here is just exactly where are the scales today? given that they are without doubt GFA

Re: [Aus-soaring] Scales Weight Loss

2013-03-31 Thread gstevo10
Hi Ann, Thanks for getting back to me. I note the name spelling mistake! Don't worry about digging out the old files. However do you know if Maurie came to any conclusions from the heart rate info? Cheers, Gary - Original Message - From: Ann Woolf To:

Re: [Aus-soaring] Bad air/Outlandings

2013-03-18 Thread gstevo10
Yeah Mark, I agree that a good working wheel-brake is essential. I seem to recall that something similar to what you described with the Arrow also happened on the Benalla airfield - I think it was about the time of the last pre-worlds. Maybe some old Benalla hand can supply the details? The

Re: [Aus-soaring] Bad air/Outlandings

2013-03-17 Thread gstevo10
Further to my earlier posting, I recall that something similar happened to one of our Ozzie pilots in a pre-worlds in Italy, quite some years ago. I may not have the story exactly right, but as I understand it, the ship he was flying had a tail wheel, and after he had done his ground run up the

Re: [Aus-soaring] Bad air/Outlandings

2013-03-16 Thread gstevo10
As I remember, it went more like this ...NEVER FLY THROUGH THE SAME BAD AIR TWICE! which gives the advice a whole new depth of meaning, seeing that this was one of the few pieces of information in the book - and the book is full of useful information - to be so notated, and is the ONLY axiom

Re: [Aus-soaring] Ventus 3.

2013-03-12 Thread gstevo10
Hi Adam, Glad you are only hearing things, as opposed to seeing things i.e. hallucinating! Perhaps this V3 will be a worthy successor to the legendary Nambus 4 which was reputed to have a glide ratio flatter than the curvature of the earth! ??? Gary - Original Message - From: Adam

Re: [Aus-soaring] Boring

2013-03-08 Thread gstevo10
Hi Mike, Thank God - He used it you know, for communicating with Moses - that you did not use SLATE as your medium! Thanks for the translation. Gary - Original Message - From: Mike Timbrell To: 'Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.' Sent: Friday, March 08,

Re: [Aus-soaring] Boring

2013-03-07 Thread gstevo10
Peter, That is an interesting suggestion! I wonder if it could be practically (and fairly), done? Re poor task setting, I tend to think that your objection 'having to start early/finish late is actually as a general principle, just the opposite - at a National level and probably a State level

Re: [Aus-soaring] Boring

2013-03-07 Thread gstevo10
Hi Tim, Roaming hands are common worldwide, but the Romans are now gone, and except for specialists - have you read the ultimate text (The Specialist), on dunny building by the way? - {another example of lost knowledge}, so is the Latin language! Thank God for google fish, but I am a bit

Re: [Aus-soaring] Boring

2013-03-06 Thread gstevo10
Ron, It is because they have flaps, of course! However if you invert the question, Standard Class gliders may fly in 15 m (Racing) Class. Gary - Original Message - From: Ron Sanders To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia. Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2013 1:23

Re: [Aus-soaring] Car damage

2013-03-05 Thread gstevo10
Nicely put Bernard! I see that you now fully understand the implications of your initial email to which I strongly objected! All this aside, I for one, freely acknowledge the huge effort that you have made to firstly improving the status of XC gliding in SA, and to a lesser extent, within

Re: [Aus-soaring] Coaching issues

2013-03-05 Thread gstevo10
Hi All, Here is an interesting post, that has not got any response - to date. It seems to me that there might be issues well worth considering further, by members of this forum. I would hope that Terry Cubly, as Chairman of the Development Committee, might respond appropriately. Emilis's

Re: [Aus-soaring] Simple question straw poll, (offlist reply)

2013-03-05 Thread gstevo10
Ian, I've got it! A very good reminder. Don't do this unless it is a means of last resort. If it is the latter, the question is how did you get into the situation in the first place? Thanks. Gary - Original Message - From: Ian Mc Phee To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring

Re: [Aus-soaring] Coaching issues

2013-03-03 Thread gstevo10
Bernard, I am horrified by this story. I have no reason to doubt the facts as you have presented them! Having said that, I am keeping in mind, the following .. your story, her story, and the right story! I consider that this is NOT a topic suitable UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES that needs to be

Re: [Aus-soaring] Simple question straw poll, you can reply offlist

2013-02-28 Thread gstevo10
Hi, May I ask why you are conducting this poll? Regardless of the answer to this question, I fully agree with the answer given by Tom Claffey. However, all things being equal, the primary question remains, why land behind a row of parked gliders, when you have MULTIPLE other options available

Re: [Aus-soaring] LiFePo4

2013-02-27 Thread gstevo10
Nice one Arie. You do bring a bit of costing perspective into the argument here. The YouTube footage is interesting (horrific?), but I suspect basically irrelevant. I think that any glider pilot who knows anything about the problem, does not want to experience an inflight cockpit fire UNDER

Re: [Aus-soaring] 100% electric VTOL

2013-02-27 Thread gstevo10
Mike, Spot on! Has the Co actually produced a prototype? It seems highly doubtful. Lots of engines there - to go wrong. What happens if you loose 1, 2 , 3, all of them at the same time? How much? I like the concept of flying it from the back yard to the local club for a game of golf.

Re: [Aus-soaring] glider register

2013-02-27 Thread gstevo10
Ron, There is a bit more to it than that! The files also can take some time to load so be patient. Once you have got to the CASA site select search Civil aircraft register scroll down and select Search the Aircraft register. This is under a sub-heading Aircraft register data. Once the Search

Re: [Aus-soaring] AIRBUS has abandoned its plans to uselithium-ion batteries for its new A350 airplanes

2013-02-25 Thread gstevo10
Hi John, It is obvious that you have gone to some trouble and time to investigate the situation, and to make this post. Your post seems well reasoned. Do any other members of this forum have any constructive criticisms of John's post, or can add to the information that John has supplied?

[Aus-soaring] OLC triangles

2013-02-22 Thread gstevo10
Hi All, On several flights I have done a flight that seems (by inspection), to includes a nice (FAI), triangle, and indeed shows up on the SeeYou site as a substantial - say 200 - 400 km - FAI triangle, and yet the OLC site manages to find a max FAI triangle of about 6 km or so for this very

Re: [Aus-soaring] OLC triangles

2013-02-22 Thread gstevo10
Hi Adam All, Sigh! When all else fails, I guess one needs to read, absorb, understand, and apply the rules! As many a glider pilot has found out to their cost, what a difference a metre or ten can make! Thank you all. Gary - Original Message - From: Adam Webb To:

Re: [Aus-soaring] harmonised turnpoint list

2012-11-11 Thread gstevo10
Hi Mike, I agree entirely. Re girly men tasks, having read this comment, I instantly sent your email to the recycle bin. However I have now reconsidered and I would like your opinion, given that (amazingly), competition tasking is one topic that does not seem to have been discussed on this

Re: [Aus-soaring] Fwd: FW: Safety Cushions

2012-10-11 Thread gstevo10
An electric carving knife does the job. Gary - Original Message - From: Roger Harrop To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia. Sent: Friday, October 12, 2012 3:37 PM Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Fwd: FW: Safety Cushions Ian, We are about to experiment

Re: [Aus-soaring] Wing covers

2012-09-28 Thread gstevo10
You will find that Maddog Composites in Qld are the Australian Agents. Gary - Original Message - From: Christopher McDonnell To: Sent: Friday, September 28, 2012 8:42 PM Subject: [Aus-soaring] Wing covers Hi, Has anybody had any

Re: [Aus-soaring] Importing glider trailers: another twist

2012-09-20 Thread gstevo10
Pam, That is hard to credit. Did the person you were dealing with give you an exact reference to the appropriate legislation (Act) to support this contention? As a matter of principle, have you tried contacting the Commonwealth Government Ombudsman on this?[I assume such a position exists] In

Re: [Aus-soaring] Something to make you laugh - this is true!

2012-09-17 Thread gstevo10
Slightly off subject. There are two towns in Pennsylvania, USA, about 4 km apart. Travelling roughly N to SW, to get from one town to the other, we have this situation: You go through Intercourse to get to Paradise. - Original Message - From: Pam Kurstjens To: 'tom claffey' ;

Re: [Aus-soaring] Bugga the Olympics - Bunyan goes Gold

2012-08-04 Thread gstevo10
Nice one Stuart. Love the Olympic association that you made here. My congratulations to the winners.{I hope they notched the barographs?} As to the tuggie: Give the poor ol' bugga a beer and a feed, and send him to bed, so that he can do it all again tomorrow and tomorrow ... and

Re: [Aus-soaring] Importing trailers

2012-07-25 Thread gstevo10
Ron, Why do you want the empty weight? If you are importing a trailer into Australia it is not required information. Some of what follows was covered in my more general article on Importing a Glider, which appeared in Gliding Australia Issue 3 November - December 2011. What you must do, is

Re: [Aus-soaring] Importing trailers

2012-07-25 Thread gstevo10
Ron, In the supporting documentation, also include a copy of the purchase document - invoice, receipt, or bill of sale for the trailer. Remember that this particular document will also be used by another Department to calculate the Sales Tax and GST that you must pay. Have a look at that

Re: [Aus-soaring] Importing trailers

2012-07-25 Thread gstevo10
Hi Christopher, You are not taking into account the mass on the towball. Are you sure that your understanding of the question that the QLD people are asking is correct? It seems to be a backwards looking question. The three things normally required in a perfect world, (and maybe less in

Re: [Aus-soaring] The use of GPS in gliding

2012-07-20 Thread gstevo10
Opps! I must amend one of the task TPs. Substitute Jerilderie A/F for Deniliquin A/F. I could say just testing (Deniliquin gives 904 km - I wish), but I would be lying. Sorry about that! Incidentally, before GPS, and I can't pin the date when I got my first machine, we had to measure distances

Re: [Aus-soaring] Club Class Records: unofficial

2012-07-19 Thread gstevo10
Hi Patch, I am for sure NOT knocking Wooden/Vintage gliders as such. Carefully note that in my recent post I was referring to 1-26 gliders only - mostly constructed of metal: What are their fatigue limits I wonder?. Have any tests been done to establish a base? HOWEVER despite your disclaimers

Re: [Aus-soaring] Club Class Records: unofficial

2012-07-18 Thread gstevo10
Very good Simon! WPP certainly has some support for his 7 year theory there. Many would say that if it is in the Bible it must be true. Now where is that dratted cup of mine? I have to consult the tea leaves. Gary - Original Message - From: Simon Holding To:

Re: [Aus-soaring] Club Class Records: unofficial

2012-07-18 Thread gstevo10
Hallo Simon, Did you notice if you drop the y off year, you get ear, which is of course very relevant to Genesis 41. However when it comes to ears, I prefer Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, Act III, Scene II, with includes Mark Antony's speech beginning Friend's Romans, countrymen, lend me your

Re: [Aus-soaring] Club Class Records: unofficial

2012-07-18 Thread gstevo10
Hi Patch, Please enlighten me. What are the achieved benchmarks - both official and unofficial - for a Boomerang/Super Arrow, that you know about? I seem to recall that a couple of SA pilots were doing flights of 600k plus, many years ago, including at least one flight across Spencer Gulf. Do

Re: [Aus-soaring] Club Class Records: unofficial

2012-07-17 Thread gstevo10
WPP, I think the weather cycle goes in 7 yr increments. Now that is a very brave statement indeed! Memory is a fallible thing, but I seem to recall (from many -30/40? -years ago), that the Dutch had to hand at that time, over 400 years worth of continuous weather records. This data (exactly

Re: [Aus-soaring] Horsham Week 2013

2012-07-13 Thread gstevo10
Hi Tom, Hopefully one of the members of the HW Committee will see your email, take up your suggestion, and let us all know that it is done. Cheers, Gary - Original Message - From: tom claffey To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia. Sent: Friday, July 13,

Re: [Aus-soaring] 20M Nationals

2012-07-12 Thread gstevo10
Hi Tom, Re Horsham Week dates: Think Starts on the first Saturday in February and you are 99% there! A quick glance at the calendar then gives you the dates: 2 February 2013 - 9 February 2013, inclusive. This calculation method has not changed in 40+ years! I totally agree that the Horsham

Re: [Aus-soaring] MORE: Hypoxia / chamber run video

2012-07-08 Thread gstevo10
Hi All, In the good old days I did a couple of runs in the RAAF hypobaric chamber at Pt Cook, with another nineteen glider pilots. This chamber was much later relocated to Edinburgh SA airforce base, and as far as I know is still in use there today, by the military. As Ian says, it was an

Re: [Aus-soaring] MORE: Hypoxia / chamber run video

2012-07-08 Thread gstevo10
Thanks Rob. That confirms Ian M's post. I wonder if the rationale has been documented, and if so, is the document available to us taxpayers? Can you add some background/detail? Gary - Original Message - From: Rob Moore To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.

Re: [Aus-soaring] ABC radio transponder story

2012-07-04 Thread gstevo10
Hi Mike, Thanks for that information. Very clear and logical. Anthony Smith's earlier forecast on this site, seems to me to have a ring of truth, validity, and inevitability about it sigh! And all this, despite the great statistical work that was done on the subject by Dr Bob Hall (ex

Re: [Aus-soaring] Argentinian Worlds

2012-07-01 Thread gstevo10
Mike, Nicely put. I was hoping that you would get around to putting pen to paper. Thanks for the update. Gary - Original Message - From: Mike Durrant To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia. Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2012 6:15 PM Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring]

Re: [Aus-soaring] Argentinian Worlds

2012-06-30 Thread gstevo10
Hi Ron, Have you made it to WA yet? Tut, tut, tut. Graft and corruption in Argentina; how can you possibly say that? In this case, I think that what you really meant to say was that a certain party has been granted a special franchise to handle the customs arrangements. I am sure you

Re: [Aus-soaring] Goals

2012-06-30 Thread gstevo10
Paul, Greetings. Your comment might be true, but it is meaningless in the present context. From your statement I suspect that you have not flown a PW 5 for 100 hours or so, and probably not even for 1 hour. We are talking quite different orders of (REDUCED), magnitude of performance here

Re: [Aus-soaring] Garmin 12 xl repairs / GPS wanted

2012-06-12 Thread gstevo10
Stu, I looked into this a year or two back. I think there was somebody (not Garmin), in the US who offered do something (but very expensive -$100 plus?, and shipping on top of that) - otherwise bad luck old chap! If I remember correctly the factory was in Thailand. Units had to go back to the

Re: [Aus-soaring] Glider from Cape Town to Brisbane Australia

2012-05-29 Thread gstevo10
Peter, I am tempted to say put it into a container, launch the container into the Ocean, and start paddling. Probably just a little better than the proverbial barbed wire canoe, so make sure all your insurance covers are up to date! More realistically, what you need to do is to get in

Re: [Aus-soaring] Best colour for visibility?

2012-05-21 Thread gstevo10
Brian, Similar to my thoughts too! In addition we all know that the skyscape can have many colours, if we are talking about anything other than a perfectly cloudless day at high noon. Gary - Original Message - From: Brian Du Rieu To: Sent:

Re: [Aus-soaring] CASA gliding licence

2012-05-18 Thread gstevo10
Nicely said Bernard. Now let us see how it works in practice! {On first glance it seems very clear and straightforward, with no fine tuning required.This seems almost too good to be true.} Gary - Original Message - From: To:

Re: [Aus-soaring] Mid Air collision risk

2012-04-29 Thread gstevo10
Peter, I think you have got to the nub of it, but I am somewhat surprised that you feel it necessary to bring this topic up again. Whilst Stu's figures are no doubt valid for actual strikes, the near misses hardly ever get reported, and therefore tallied up into (yet another), set of

Re: [Aus-soaring] Mid Air collision risk

2012-04-29 Thread gstevo10
Sean, With respect, I posit that you totally miss PS 's point. What he is suggesting is that EVERY recreational aircraft (GA, RAAus, Gliding), be fitted with flarm. No flawed logic there! I earlier drew comparison with the mandating of compulsory use of seat belts in motor vehicles -somewhat

Re: [Aus-soaring] GFA Site/accident

2012-04-27 Thread gstevo10
Terry, Very well said. There is little else that needs saying here, other than there seems to be a certain degree of paranoia apparent in the comments you have gathered together and so nicely laid out below. I had intended to totally ignore them when they first appeared, but let me now make

Re: [Aus-soaring] GFA Site/accident

2012-04-25 Thread gstevo10
Hi Mike, Mike Borgelt in particular, and All, Very nicely put. I note in particular your comment ...and the amount of knowledge gained from NZ investigations is not significantly higher than here. I suspect that you could widen NZ to Worldwide. At the risk of seeming outrageous, let me say

Re: [Aus-soaring] GFA Site/accident

2012-04-25 Thread gstevo10
Matt, Some good stuff there. Another thing that can work against a pilot is getting QNE and QNH confused - ie the pilot thinks he is higher than he actually is. I suspect that this has been a contributing factor in at least a couple of fatalities over the years. In the Ararat case the glider

Re: [Aus-soaring] GFA Site/accident

2012-04-23 Thread gstevo10
Hi Mike, I have today found out that Leigh was referring to something else - namely the GFA President's job in a rather tongue-in-cheek fashion. However at the time of his death Maurice was still doing good work for the GFA, so my first line stands. It is never easy to replace dedicated

Re: [Aus-soaring] GFA Site

2012-04-22 Thread gstevo10
Yeah. Maurice Little is dead. Want the job? I suggest that this thread be terminated NOW, unless you have something positive to contribute. Gary - Original Message - From: Leigh Youdale To: Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2012 8:22 PM

[Aus-soaring] Fibreglass 2 seat training glider

2012-04-07 Thread gstevo10
Hi All, As most of you know we (Grampians Soaring Club), lost a couple of members last weekend in a tragic accident. Our Puchacz 2 seater was also written off, and will need replacing, preferably (but not necessarily) with another Puchacz. Can anyone help here, or even suggest a possible lead?

Re: [Aus-soaring] Ararat - double fatality

2012-04-01 Thread gstevo10
Hi All, As an eye witness, I can say that (maybe unfortunately), for once these reports are basically correct! However there is no mystery here whatsoever. In order to stop rampant speculation, let me tell you that the glider was at times out of station for much of the tow, to the point where

Re: [Aus-soaring] Problem solving

2012-03-26 Thread gstevo10
Right on Mark! There was a property owner with a considerable land holding who lived about 20 k north of Horsham, Victoria. He hated gliders and glider pilots - my understanding is that he had a bad experience or two.Glider pilots new to Horsham were given a briefing on the location of this

Re: [Aus-soaring] Gliders - transponders - USA - new recommendation

2012-02-23 Thread gstevo10
Talking of riding: When you think about it, participation in vigorous sex - especially for aged males - is probably far more dangerous, with or without either a horse or helmet . although I think helmet in this context has a slightly different meaning. Cheers Gary - Original Message

Re: [Aus-soaring] Gliders - transponders - USA - new recommendation

2012-02-23 Thread gstevo10
Mark, That is very Zen, just like contemplating getting the clap the sound of a one handed clap. Gary - Original Message - From: Mark Newton To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia. Cc: Discussion of

Re: [Aus-soaring] UK glider pilot parachutes

2012-02-20 Thread gstevo10
Hi Anthony, Plausible that he was over unlandable terrain without landing options . However your postulate raises the question as to how/why this could come about. Your last supposition is somewhat debatable, given that the image shows the glider in mature growth trees. in this situation my

Re: [Aus-soaring] Youngest 1000km pilot in AUS?

2012-01-24 Thread gstevo10
Hi Adam, looks like I've got some catching up to do over the coming 25 years ... ME TOO! Shall we just grow younger with each passing year, or in my case anyway, maybe that should read ...just regress? Good luck in Round 2 at Narromine. See you there soon. I look forward to congratulating

[Aus-soaring] Underrated sites - Ararat

2012-01-24 Thread gstevo10
Hi All, Couldn't get a launch today, or earlier in the month on the 16 January. On the 16th the thermals started mid-morning and were VERY audible all day .They continued until late evening. This day was definitely a once a year day. Plenty of potential for an easy 1000 km, in almost any

Re: [Aus-soaring] Youngest 1000km pilot in AUS?

2012-01-23 Thread gstevo10
The flight is written up in AG - May 1982. Flown on 17 Jan 1982: Mildura -Lascelles-Ivanhoe- Broken Hill- Mildura - 1042 km. 1001 km actually achieved.Some interesting country overflown there! Take off at 10.35, landing (in a paddock 15 km north of Wentworth) at 9.00 pm. He flew 954 km (1025

Re: [Aus-soaring] SZD-48 Jantar main tyre

2011-10-17 Thread gstevo10
Thanks Macca. That is handy information. I suspected that there might be variations, between brands, so it is good to have this confirmed. Gary - Original Message - From: ian mcphee To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia. Sent: Monday, October 17, 2011 5:35

Re: [Aus-soaring] Diamond height flights at Bunyan

2011-10-10 Thread gstevo10
Stuart, As a matter of interest, can you please list the pilots and their aircraft? Was it a first (official), diamond climb for any of these pilots? Regards, Gary - Original Message - From: Stuart Kerri FERGUSON To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia. Sent:

Re: [Aus-soaring] Details for gas struts ordered online

2011-10-10 Thread gstevo10
Tom, If you get no joy here, I am sure that David Sheridan at Gas Strut Engineering will be able to look after you, and custom build you something if necessary, without breaking the bank. Address is 11 Leo Street Fawkner Victoria 3060, ph 03 9357 2821, mobile 0408 334 411, email:

Re: [Aus-soaring] NSW Gliding Logo

2011-09-25 Thread gstevo10
Yeah, you are right, it does look like a Lotus Flower . but it is supposed to be a Waratah! Gary - Original Message - From: Justin Couch To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia. Sent: Sunday, September 25,

Re: [Aus-soaring] Glider visibility-UK-BGA

2011-09-20 Thread gstevo10
John, Your last 7 words sum the situation up nicely but possibly some genius may be able to turn this to advantage. As I recall the original research (and of course as we know from our own experience), the only useful positive finding was that the reflected flash of sunlight off a highly

[Aus-soaring] Australian Atmospheric Soundings

2011-09-16 Thread gstevo10
Anybody else having recent trouble connecting to this site? Anybody got Mark Newton's contact details? Please advise details offline. Regards, Gary___ Aus-soaring mailing list To check or change subscription details,

Re: [Aus-soaring] German version of my book

2011-09-11 Thread gstevo10
Congratulations Bernard. Well done. That is a great cover photo too. Can you please post up an English translation of Ingo's and Michael's words? Gary - Original Message - From: Future Aviation To: 'Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.'

Re: [Aus-soaring] Gliding - Past and Future

2011-09-09 Thread gstevo10
Jeeze JR, stop dreaming up good ideas: You is likely to end up wit brain damage! I suspect that even the Insurance Pros are having trouble making their 100% profit, from gliding related premiums. I think that Mike Borgelt {greetings Mike} might agree that if the GFA became involved, then

Re: [Aus-soaring] AEF fees, Funding, and the Demise of Gliding

2011-09-07 Thread gstevo10
Hi Macca, JR, All, A couple of very nice postings, that gives some perspective, on this vexing subject. Yeah the AEF fee to GFA is large, but I have never heard of any AEF person bucking about this. I very much suspect that much of this is because they really don't understand just what is

Re: [Aus-soaring] AEF fee

2011-09-07 Thread gstevo10
Cath, Remember, that as things stand, this $30 fee gives the lucky AEF person 3 days membership of the GFA. I therefore suggest to you that it is a measure of YOUR club's nous, as to how you market this. Hint - the more you winch launches you give, the cheaper (on average), each individual

Re: [Aus-soaring] Alice Springs

2011-09-01 Thread gstevo10
JR, Yes ...I agree ... but WPP is not a mind reader!. What about giving him some contact details for these people - I suggest off list - but with a posting to indicate that you have done this. If you don't have the details, please say so, as of course how to make contact these pilots

Re: [Aus-soaring] Alice Springs Challenges, and HWG

2011-09-01 Thread gstevo10
Re old blokes I am tempted to make a few comments. It is certain that when HWG started on the path that he blazed, he was in fact a young bloke. We were once all young blokes. So what differentiates HWG, from you and me? 1. He was totally dedicated and committed to achieving challenging

Re: [Aus-soaring] Handicaps

2011-08-18 Thread gstevo10
Hi Mike and All, If you really want to buy one, I have HDY (15/16.6m configurations), with many extras ready to go, with a fresh Form 2, at around $60,000! Google Mike Maddock's site at Maddog Composites, and check out Trading Post for basic details and a photo. If this appeals, either email me

Re: [Aus-soaring] Handicaps

2011-08-17 Thread gstevo10
Hi Ross, I understand that the HC was reviewing handicaps, mainly to update and/or correct anomalies resulting from incorrect original input data, new data, manufacturer's changes to designs, and such like, rather than making radical changes. In a volunteer organisation, it is not surprising

Re: [Aus-soaring] Cheat Trophy

2011-08-17 Thread gstevo10
Hi Mal, Please note my subject line! Re the Cheat Trophy, - given that you felt/still feel so strongly about this - I sent you an email some time back (as you well know), outlining some positive steps that you could take to legally and impartially resolve this issue (one way or another) - EVEN

Re: [Aus-soaring] Handicaps, and other heavy subjects

2011-08-17 Thread gstevo10
Thanks Ross. Yeah winning the trophy is a heavy cross to bear, but I guess Bruce will cope! Incidentally I liked Butch's alternative take on winning - keep a low profile this year, and then come from nowhere and win. Lets hope that Bruce, and other Aussies can repeat the performance next year,

Re: [Aus-soaring] Ground Clocks - a little bit of history

2011-08-10 Thread gstevo10
Hi Terry, Vey interesting. I gave Max a call earlier tonight, and you are right! Are you aware that he has built two of these infernal devices? He told me building the Horsham one kept him amused for weeks. His memories of the whole thing are now a bit vague, but he obviously remembers

Re: [Aus-soaring] Ground Clocks - a little bit of history

2011-08-10 Thread gstevo10
Hi Terry, I think for both clocks it was fully manual (as opposed to fully automatic), by the use of the Mk 1 eyeball and a watch set to official time. In the first case, on cue the appropriate valves would be manually opened or closed. In the second case the panel team would manually either

Re: [Aus-soaring] Cirrus 75B wrecks in AUS?

2011-08-08 Thread gstevo10
Hi WPP, Sorry, can't help you, but as a matter of interest, can you please describe to me exactly what a 15m or 16m stub is? Looks like S-H itself made only 11 of the 75B model gliders in Germany, but of course they subbied much of their work out too, to factories in other countries. If you are

Re: [Aus-soaring] 'A' model glider fuselages

2011-08-07 Thread gstevo10
Hi Mart, First let me say that Tim Shirley's response to your email should give you about 99% of the background, and as Tim says size does matter, for reasons that I discuss below. I do not know for how long you have been gliding, but I have been doing it for a while! Most of what follows does

Re: [Aus-soaring] 'A' model gliders

2011-08-07 Thread gstevo10
Spot on. Re parachutes; not only picked, but also packed. Good riggers can alter the way the parachute material is placed in the pack to make you more comfortable. Gary - Original Message - From: tom claffey To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia. Sent:

[Aus-soaring] Team flying - what is it worth?

2011-08-07 Thread gstevo10
Hallo All, Preamble For years, there has been robust debate in this country, on the subject of team flying in Australian Competitions. Some pilots are strongly for it, some strongly against it, and some are ambivalent. Some pilots have been known to change their viewpoint, when their own

Re: [Aus-soaring] Team flying - what is it worth?

2011-08-07 Thread gstevo10
Hi Tom, Good to hear from you. Re your earlier post on Mac and the Diana 2, my understanding of this situation is that landing problems are about par for the course! Take-offs too in this ship are also supposed to be quite interesting, probably for exactly the same reasons you alluded to. I am

Re: [Aus-soaring] Team flying - what is it worth?

2011-08-07 Thread gstevo10
Hi Rolf, I see that you entirely missed the point of this post. The heading should have given you your first clue. To my knowledge, there has not been ANY discussion on trying to put some numbers on the value of team flying. So .. do YOU think that good team flying (on average), gives the team

Re: [Aus-soaring] Tasking

2011-08-07 Thread gstevo10
Untitled DocumentRolf, I am almost certain that the possibility of being able to set fixed tasks (and run tasks), as well as AAT's is contained in the general rules. Tasking can of course be modified by the local rules, which I think is what happened last time. Even if all tasking options are

Re: [Aus-soaring] GFA Website (iMIS)

2011-08-07 Thread gstevo10
No problems. I am using the same browser as yourself. Gary - Original Message - From: Kevin Rodda To: Sent: Monday, August 08, 2011 1:22 PM Subject: [Aus-soaring] GFA Website (iMIS) I have consistently had problems using the GFA website

Re: [Aus-soaring] Sydney Morn Herald article

2011-07-27 Thread gstevo10
Good to hear from you Bruce. Nice story. Under these circumstances I wonder how/why Paul was credited with the Photo? It raises the further point about royalty payment. Did Paul receive a payment from the SMH for the use of his photo? What do you lawyers out there say? Re the photo being a

Re: [Aus-soaring] Junior World Gliding Championships Musbach

2011-07-17 Thread gstevo10
Hi Mandy, Good luck to you and Peter, and especially to the selected pilots - they are without doubt the cream of the OZ Junior crop. I am certain they will give it their all. It will be interesting to see what weather Musbach turns on for the comp, and how our boys handle the conditions.

Re: [Aus-soaring] Yorkshiremen hitting boundaries

2011-07-04 Thread gstevo10
I say old chap, anyone for cricket? GS - Original Message - From: Christopher Mc Donnell To: Gliding mail list Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 7:10 AM Subject: [Aus-soaring] Yorkshiremen hitting boundaries These are two seperate incidents on Sunday. Mobile phones of

Re: [Aus-soaring] Gallant Steed

2011-06-16 Thread gstevo10
Poetry on Aus-Soaring? What is the world are we coming to? Heaven forbid such things as couth and culture on this site! Aus-soaring is for invigorating rough and tumble discussion and uncensored debate [on matters sometimes?? aviation related] ..isn't it? And yet rough tumble;

[Aus-soaring] Cloud flying, Wave flying, Artificial horizons, and such like instruments in gliders

2011-06-14 Thread gstevo10
Hi All, I would very much like to know the process/history on how 'cloud flying came to be banned for gliders (in Australia), and when. I am somewhat surprised that as an ex British Colony - read we used to do what the Brits did even long after Federation - and cloud flying in gliders is, and

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