Re: [freenet-chat] FW: Please help with a Global Vigil for Peace

2003-03-13 Thread Mark J Roberts
Nicholas Sturm: Glad to know you want people to be defrauded. I don't happen to agree with that desire. You're our savior! Thank you so much! ___ chat mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [freenet-chat] FW: Please help with a Global Vigil for Peace

2003-03-13 Thread Mark J Roberts
Nicholas Sturm: Seems that with a few billion residence of this planet, some have not yet become aware of the strategy being used -- and hope they can make a killing. I still favor education for those who might be a little gullible -- as obvious as the scam may be to most. We are truly in

Re: [freenet-chat] Legal History on Natural vs. Statutory Exclusive Rights

2002-10-24 Thread Mark J Roberts
Seth Johnson: a bunch of stuff about laws or something Will you be my Space Leprechaun? Your affectionate correspondent, mjr ___ chat mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [freenet-chat] Microsoft freenet clone?

2002-10-18 Thread Mark J Roberts
As I understand it (and I don't profess to have any special knowledge), these products are straightforward replacements for traditional static file servers on corporate computer networks. I doubt they will find many customers. Serving static files is easy and inexpensive. Show me a distributed

[freenet-chat] Re: [freenet-support] my view on the project...

2002-08-10 Thread Mark J Roberts
Peter Koellner: so i would opt for an emergency break. revise the project organization, try to prepare a sound development environment and write enough initial documentation to get people on the train. also think about the prototype implementation platform. I should point out that there are

Re: [freenet-chat] freenet wont start for me

2002-07-16 Thread Mark J Roberts
Josh Steiner: when i try to start freenet i get this in my error log. i'm running latest autoupdate builds on windows 2000. any suggestions? Delete your store, it's corrupt. ___ chat mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [freenet-chat] VERY IMPORTANT

2002-07-12 Thread Mark J Roberts
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Yes, and being the victim of such spoofing, the only honorable way to respond is the following: Mark, I can no longer live in a world of such evil as you have described. I have just taken an overdose of PCP (animal tranquilizer) and have directed than my body be donated

Re: [freenet-chat] VERY IMPORTANT

2002-07-10 Thread Mark J Roberts
A close friend of mine, and a devoted advocate of animal rights, once visited one of these inhuman cat factories. This one was located in an industrial area near a train yard, set up in the basement of an abandoned building. He got news of the discovery through an animal-rights mailing list, and

Re: [freenet-chat] Recent spam to the list

2002-06-30 Thread Mark J Roberts
Reed Hedges: Can someone please do something about the span to the tech and chat lists? Close the list completely (allow only subscribers to post), or send messages from non-subscribers to the moderator. Oh, that's easy for you to say, you insensitive jackass. A drive through the

[freenet-chat] Real ZOO web site, welcome! ID

2002-06-19 Thread Mark J Roberts
David T-G: > Hi, all -- > > ...and then Farmgirl16834 said... > % > % > %The BEST zoo site on the @net! > > spamcopped (carefully :-) and razored What a freak. ___ chat mailing list chat at

[freenet-chat] Why don't any dystopian plots feature Big Brother teleporting people around?

2002-06-12 Thread Mark J Roberts
It's pretty compelling, isn't it? ___ chat mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [freenet-chat] Re: Describing Freenet

2002-06-07 Thread Mark J Roberts
Timm Murray: No. The web is all about storage of data. Freenet is about routing. You can lie to average people all you want (people are lied to enough for the sake of dumbing down), but it is *not* a web analogue. Sure it is. What would you prefer to compare it to?

Re: [freenet-chat] Re: Describing Freenet

2002-06-07 Thread Mark J Roberts
Chris Vogel: Why not compare freenet to a distributed filesystem? Because nobody (to my knowledge) has ever implemented a Freenet filesystem. ___ chat mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [freenet-chat] Re: Describing Freenet

2002-06-07 Thread Mark J Roberts
Timm Murray: RIP, IGRP, OSPF, etc. Not very convienant for your non-techie, but more accurate, IMHO. I'm so happy to not know what those abbreviations mean. Though I suspect they have something to do with IP itself. Tell me, can I look at HTML or publish files with them? Do you access them

Re: [freenet-chat] Re: Describing Freenet

2002-06-07 Thread Mark J Roberts
Timm Murray: No, a regular user wouldn't touch them at all. Which is my point: the web is just one application of the Internet. The web (and e-mail, I suppose) is probably the most visible application of the net, and many people believe that Internet and WWW are synonyms. However,

[freenet-chat] Re: [freenet-tech] Targeted Sales Leads potb

2002-05-01 Thread Mark J Roberts
Timm Murray: > Personally, I prefer to spider women and fast cars. Can you provide that? Unusual fetish ___ Chat mailing list Chat at

[freenet-chat] Re: [freenet-devl] Current Status

2002-04-23 Thread Mark J Roberts
Edgar Friendly: > promote freenet for distribution of unlicensed Anime. These fansubbers insist that they're actually doing the artists a favor by pirating anime! That's trivially absurd: if it was profitable, they would do it for you. I can only conclude that those who offer this argument - and

[freenet-chat] Re: [freenet-devl] Re: April Fools Day

2002-04-02 Thread Mark J Roberts
David Allen: > Maybe I'm just a humorless bastard, but I didn't think that one in > particular was very funny. Last year's was just incomparably better: Neither of them fooled anyone, but at least that was funny. > IMHO a

[freenet-chat] Numconv

2002-04-02 Thread Mark J Roberts
Mark J Roberts: > static inline char *integer_to_string(unsigned int n, unsigned int base) > { > static char s[33]; > char *p = s + sizeof(s) - 1; > if (!n) > *--p = '0'; > else > do *--p = integer_to_char(n % base); &

[freenet-chat] Numconv

2002-04-01 Thread Mark J Roberts
Mark J Roberts: > exersize God, I'm starting to spell like Ian. ___ Chat mailing list Chat at

[freenet-chat] Numconv

2002-03-31 Thread Mark J Roberts
Mark J Roberts: > They require bit-level manipulation (shifts, masks, etc) so you > should be comfortable with doing that sort of thing before diving > in. Oops. As Aaron pointed out, they don't. (Only power of 2 bases can use that sort of thing.) Wump

[freenet-chat] Numconv

2002-03-31 Thread Mark J Roberts
krepta at > I don't understand C or C++ well enough to know what this source code > means. Sorry. I need it in QBasic, at least till I learn C and C++. :) INPUT: hex, binary, octal, decimal, whatever || \/

[freenet-chat] Re: [freenet-devl] How about the -clients mailinglist?

2002-03-24 Thread Mark J Roberts
Sebastian Spaeth: > But although I am very interested in the Freenet development, the > fcptools/put/get *development* interests me not very much and I already > have to cope with a high amount of mails per day. And who doesn't fondly remember life before email? The leisurely pace of a world

[freenet-chat] Re: [freenet-tech] Re: Crash in new Fred code?

2002-03-11 Thread Mark J Roberts
Aaron Ingebrigtsen: > I tried just going to the port 80, then I tried 8080 then and 8081 > too, and nothing worked. First it said that access to port 80 was not > allowed, then for all the other ports it said cannot find server. Its node is down, unfortunately. > And the telnet method of

[freenet-chat] Web Chat

2002-03-11 Thread Mark J Roberts
krepta at > So instead of typing /msg nickserv ghost [name] [password] in order to > kill my user name I would type MSG NICKSERV GHOST [NAME] [PASSWORD]? In > other words, no / before the command and all caps for all IRC commands, > yes? PRIVMSG nickserv :ghost name password Don't

[freenet-chat] Web Chat

2002-03-07 Thread Mark J Roberts
Aaron Ingebrigtsen: > Ok, I have access to Telnet, but what addressing do I use? Read the RFC. The server is ___ Chat mailing list Chat at

[freenet-chat] Web Chat

2002-03-07 Thread Mark J Roberts
Aaron Ingebrigtsen: > Is there any way to access the Freenet Chat IRC without installing any > software on the School Workstations? Or can anyone get onto a Website chat > room? Like MSN chat or something? Telnet? ___ Chat mailing list Chat at

[freenet-chat] Re: packaging fcptools for debian

2002-03-04 Thread Mark J Roberts
> RM> Hello! > RM> I've been looking at you program, which looks very nice. > RM> Is it okay for you if I package it for the Debian > RM> distribution? The various freenet-related debian packages have caused some confusion in the past, since freenet's so wildly unstable.

[freenet-chat] Useing Freenet without a Local Client

2002-02-27 Thread Mark J Roberts
Timm Murray: > The person has to say to give public access in their configuration. There > have been > some public nodes around, but their use is strongly discouraged. Transient "nodes" are hardly more anonymous. ___ Chat mailing list Chat at

[freenet-chat] Censorship

2002-02-07 Thread Mark J Roberts
Timm Murray: > ADD is quite often diagnosed among hackers and other techies. This may > explain why hackers often cite strongly caffinated beverages as a > drink-of-choice, because caffeine has a simlar melcular shape to ritalin > (sp?). Many hackers also agree with the CoS in this respect

[freenet-chat] Censorship

2002-02-06 Thread Mark J Roberts
Tavin Cole: > One is that we all know that WhackAMole(tm) key censoring software > simply won't work. Its effectiveness depends on how quickly they whack the moles. I can imagine a one hour window between link publication and whacking. > The other is that at least under the DMCA (and probably

[freenet-chat] War on Internet Freedom (was: About Me!)

2002-01-21 Thread Mark J Roberts
David McNab: > Interestingly, in the 90s, geekiness started to become quite hip Only on Slashdot. Next time you're at the supermarket, take a look at the fashion magazines by the checkout. See Linus Torvalds? See Richard Stallman? See Eric Raymond? Now I'll admit that power, wealth, and

[freenet-chat] About Me!

2002-01-21 Thread Mark J Roberts
Kevin Atkinson: > What does the Internet really mean? It means uncensored instant > access to any sort of information. The Internet means no such thing. The notion that the development of technology will thwart censorship is nothing more than a historical prophecy, and its proponents employ it to

[freenet-chat] Does Content on Demand have a Future?

2002-01-19 Thread Mark J Roberts
Kevin Atkinson: > With the reality that copy protection is going to fail and the fact that > once everyone gets high speed internet connections entire movies will we > able to be swapped much like music is now Why? > if people can get the show they want when they want with little to > no cost

[freenet-chat] terrorism and Freenet

2002-01-11 Thread Mark J Roberts
Timm Murray: > Digital Rights Management. In theory, it stops "pirates" from illicitly > copied software. In practice, it is likely to stop you from using software > that was legaly copied (like mp3s you ripped from a CD you already own, or > Free Software like GNU/Linux). Your "my right to

[freenet-chat] The Coming Storm

2002-01-07 Thread Mark J Roberts
g'o'tz ohnesorge: > How can you earn a doctorate with sexual favours, and be a > pedophile at the same time? The depravity of communism knows no limits. For every morally reprehensible thing we know about those godless communists, we're ignorant of a dozen.

[freenet-chat] The Coming Storm

2002-01-07 Thread Mark J Roberts
Travis Bemann: > And did you forget all the stuff he did with linguistics... Talk > about ad hominem - those two words adequately describe at least this > whole paragraph of yours. You insolent pinko. How dare you libel me with your baseless communist accusations of intellectual dishonesty. >

[freenet-chat] The Coming Storm

2002-01-06 Thread Mark J Roberts
Glenn McGrath: > Dmitry Skylarov Comrade Skylarov is a known communist and former KGB officer. > Your government murders its prisoners (capital punishment), your > government dictates to the world via your foreign policy, how is the US > government not murdering totalirians ? Are you jealous

[freenet-chat] The Coming Storm

2002-01-06 Thread Mark J Roberts
Ian Clarke: > I took the accusation from a representative of the Church of > Scientology that *I* was a pedophile as quite a compliment in this > light Oh, I agree entirely, those half-wit commies inevitably resort to such petty childish name-calling. They also seem quite fond of brainwashing and

[freenet-chat] The Coming Storm

2002-01-06 Thread Mark J Roberts
Travis Bemann: > government is amoral and has no ethics Why, then, does our government punish criminals and not innocent people? Why does it fight murderous totalitarian communism, and not wage war on democracy and our free market? Despite whatever paranoid, drug-induced ramblings the admitted

[freenet-chat] deep philosophical question

2002-01-01 Thread Mark J Roberts
g'o'tz ohnesorge: > Josh wrote: > > > Is spam free speech? > > No, it's trespassing and computer sabotage. In fact, spamming is best viewed as a sort of contemporary Nazism. Really. ___ Chat mailing list Chat at

Re: [freenet-chat] Slashdot needs Freenet category with Hops

2001-10-19 Thread Mark J Roberts
Timm Murray: Large datastores tend to centralize the network. Datastores don't fill up as quickly and your node caches more data and less data falls out. On the surface, this seems like an advantage; indeed, for a node operator's short term gain, it is an advantage. However, over the

Re: Re: [freenet-chat] Slashdot needs Freenet category with Hops

2001-10-19 Thread Mark J Roberts
Timm Murray: Over time, the large node simply accumulates more data from Freenet. This means there should be more nodes which point to data on the large node. Thus, there will be more requests routed to the large node. Uhh... so? The node's big; it can handle lots of requests. That's not a

Re: Re: [freenet-chat] Slashdot needs Freenet category with Hops

2001-10-19 Thread Mark J Roberts
Mark J Roberts: Timm Murray: Over time, the large node simply accumulates more data from Freenet. This means there should be more nodes which point to data on the large node. Thus, there will be more requests routed to the large node. Uhh... so? The node's big; it can handle lots

Re: [freenet-chat] Slashdot needs Freenet category with Hops

2001-10-18 Thread Mark J Roberts
Greg Wooledge: Timm Murray ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: Sorry Mark, but the one computer, one node rule is something I picked up from Oskar (I think), and I decided I agreed with him (and not just because he's Oskar). Does Freenet routing _really_ seem all that attractive to you for the

Re: Re: [freenet-chat] Slashdot needs Freenet category with Hops

2001-10-17 Thread Mark J Roberts
Timm Murray: Yes, in fact if you hang around long enough, you will find a lot of people suggesting using Freenet to overcome the Slashdot Effect. Freenet is still slower then HTTP in the sense that it will use more bandwidth. An HTTP server under normal bandwidth load will

Re: [freenet-chat] Slashdot needs Freenet category with Hops

2001-10-17 Thread Mark J Roberts
Michael: Would/is it be possible to serve files in place? Rather than packing them into cache files? Something more Napster/Gnutella like just because it seems painful to have to have two copies of the same files on my hdd. Why do you think Freenet would ever ask your node for that data?

Re: [freenet-chat] Slashdot needs Freenet category with Hops

2001-10-17 Thread Mark J Roberts
David McNab: Freenet encrypts the datastore and consolidates it into one or more large files for very good reasons: I don't see many good reasons at all. (Does anyone else?) 1) No one can determine exactly what's on your disk, not even you. Not unless you request a given key at htl 0 while

[freenet-chat] Re: Re: [freenet-devl] if ((WTC != exist) idiotRunsCountry) encryption = 0;

2001-09-28 Thread Mark J Roberts
Ian Clarke: I would advocate that people start to email each other with random data, just for the hell of it. Allow me to begin, these are hex numbers generated by radioactive decay... of course, if they were encrypted plans for the destruction of the world - nobody would know... : LXXII

[freenet-chat] Re: [freenet-tech] anonymity questions

2001-07-29 Thread Mark J. Roberts
On Sun, Jul 29, 2001 at 08:46:22AM -0500, Timm Murray wrote: Police are absolutely not to entrap people (like hiding a bag of crack on someone just before you search them). This is not a grey area at all; if a judge found out about it at all, she would not only throw out the case, but

Re: [freenet-chat] Throttling Fred

2001-06-27 Thread Mark J. Roberts
On Thu, Jun 28, 2001 at 09:45:44AM +1200, David McNab wrote: Are there any esoteric tricks or settings to make sure bandwidth settings are actually adhered to? I recommend my ten session course in Reinstalling, an exceptionally powerful spiritual technique for bringing to the surface

Re: [freenet-chat] Finding a key on your node

2001-06-27 Thread Mark J. Roberts
On Wed, Jun 27, 2001 at 05:58:15PM -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote: Chad Phillips ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: One what if I was thinking about is lets say the RIAA compiles a list of keys of copyrighted works and then randomly picks node operators and tries to legally force them to check for

Re: [freenet-chat] Reasonable use Issues.

2001-06-21 Thread Mark J. Roberts
On Thu, Jun 21, 2001 at 07:31:24PM -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote: Mark J. Roberts ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: The goal of Freenet is anonymous publishing and reading. What use do law-abiding people have for anonymity? Not much. Not much compared to the many uses thought-criminals have

Re: [freenet-chat] OK - fess up

2001-06-15 Thread Mark J. Roberts
On Fri, Jun 15, 2001 at 12:52:02AM -0400, Mark J. Roberts wrote: On Fri, Jun 15, 2001 at 05:40:56PM +1200, David McNab wrote: Alright alright, Who planted the *$%@ spider-repellant in Freenet? Namely, the [EMAIL PROTECTED] file, configured to exclude everything? It's coded

[freenet-chat] Only criminals need anonymity, silly.

2001-06-02 Thread Mark J. Roberts
| 7.2 Is publishing to Mojo Nation absolutely anonymous? | | No. The Mojo Nation technology is not designed for pirating stuff. It is | designed to be an efficient and scalable demand-driven content | distribution system. | | Only criminals need

Re: [freenet-chat] Anarcast!

2001-05-29 Thread Mark J. Roberts
On Tue, 29 May 2001, Aaron P Ingebrigtsen wrote: Is anyone interested in testing this? It's not as magical as Freenet, which means it stands a good chance of actually working. I will test it, but I would like it better if such a thing were implemented in freenet. You mean the splitfile

Re: [freenet-chat] One Doubt

2001-05-24 Thread Mark J. Roberts
On Thu, 24 May 2001, Francisco M. Marzoa Alonso wrote: Joining the network is simply a matter of first discovering the address of one or more existing nodes through out-of-band means, then starting to send messages. [...] Surely the problem is that I've no idea what 'out-of-band means'

Re: [freenet-chat] Remuneration for artists via Freenet...etc.

2001-05-08 Thread Mark J. Roberts
On Tue, 8 May 2001, Mikus 29 wrote: Obviously. Property requires a government to enforce it (anything less is barbarism). But who said he was an anarchocapitalist? How so? It's not quite so obvious to me. My idea of the concept of property is that most people on this planet find it

Re: [freenet-chat] Remuneration for artists via Freenet...etc.

2001-05-07 Thread Mark J. Roberts
On Mon, 7 May 2001, Travis Bemann wrote: To argue in favor of what you feel is right is good. But to enforce what you feel is right upon others through violence is not. And WHERE did I say that I'd use violence to force no currency on everyone else? Um, what we need to do is to destroy

Re: [freenet-chat] Remuneration for artists via Freenet...etc.

2001-05-07 Thread Mark J. Roberts
On Mon, 7 May 2001, Travis Bemann wrote: Anarchism (not that anarchocapitalism shit, which really isn't anarchism) is socialist, [...] Obviously. Property requires a government to enforce it (anything less is barbarism). But who said he was an anarchocapitalist? -- must be held that

Re: [freenet-chat] Best flavour of Linux?

2001-05-06 Thread Mark J. Roberts
On 6 May 2001, Mr.Bad wrote: The Freenet package is part of Debian now, and can be installed using this command: apt-get install freenet Which, like, how can that get easier? My Pure Concept Linux system is way easier. I simply *think* about having an anonymous, uncensorable

[freenet-chat] Re: [Fairshare] Remuneration for artists via Freenet...etc.

2001-05-06 Thread Mark J. Roberts
On Sun, 6 May 2001, Michael Albert wrote: Consider the aim to move various industries in which digitized information is the central product to more sane, rational, humane, and just methods of operation based on freenet-ish distribution schemes. My knowledge of his that option, promptly

Re: [freenet-chat] Quick C Question

2001-05-03 Thread Mark J. Roberts
On Fri, 4 May 2001, David McNab wrote: But is there an equivalent function which converts a *GMT* time in (struct tm) format into seconds since the epoch GMT? No. You can use the global timezone var to correct th.tm_hour (the strange results will be normalized by mktime; run localtime() to

Re: Child Porn (was: Re: [freenet-chat] Thoughts about Freenet)

2001-04-20 Thread Mark J. Roberts
On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, Travis Bemann wrote: Travis, I think it would be great if Congress cut President Bush's throat. Am I implicitly supporting Congress? Am I implying that the U.S. is free? Would you denounce a fellow anarchist as a "liberal capitalist" for making that statement?

Re: Child Porn (was: Re: [freenet-chat] Thoughts about Freenet)

2001-04-20 Thread Mark J. Roberts
On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, Travis Bemann wrote: You can portray protesters as both violent people randomly destroying stuff and passive sign-wavers and still bias things in favor of the capitalists. I bet they biased things by saying stuff like "the protesters *believe* that free trade is bad".