[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-08-13 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    Twenty meters was open but filled with contesters.  I was unable to find an open spot to run the net there.  On forty meters there was room.  There was also QRN from storms and moderate to deep QSB.  I am grateful for my alarms; the heat was making me sleepy.  The temperature

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2023-08-12 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    I searched for the name of the shrub outside my window.  It feeds a lot of birds.  I found oceanspray on the gardening link below.  I have mentioned thimbleberries and huckleberries.  The next link has a photo of thimbleberries.  I found a few sites for red huckleberries too.

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-08-06 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    Both bands were better than last week.  There was at least one storm on twenty meters with a few louder ones on forty.  More QSB on forty meters but neither band was too bad.  Mild weather reports with two incidents of rain in the Midwest.  Both Ken and Roy mentioned

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2023-08-05 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    It was a pleasant week.  Temperatures rose to the low 80s. Humidity is high for the summer, around 60%.  There was no rainfall but clouds touched the mountain for a while which is sufficient.  Thimble berries and huckleberries are doing well.  I have been sampling them one by

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-07-30 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    Twenty meters had moderate QSB with one distant storm.  On forty meters there were more, closer storms.  Static crashes wiped out letters now and then.  40 had less QSB with weaker signals. It felt good to listen to silence after the net.   On 14050.5 kHz at 2200z: W0CZ -

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2023-07-29 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    The sun has been active this week.  Earlier today there was a radio black out due to a cloud of protons hitting the ionosphere. An earth directed CME will follow in a couple of days.  Spot 3384 may flare soon.  I hope to hear a few thunderstorms tomorrow.   Weather has been

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-07-23 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    Both bands supported contacts.  Twenty meters had a persistent hiss while forty meters had one distant thunderstorm.  Roy mentioned no rain for an extended period.  That explains the absence of thunderstorms; I was probably hearing dry lightning on 40.  Here the forest gets

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2023-07-22 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    It was sunny and warm this week.  I spent four days with saws improving my 2.4 GHz signal path.  When we reset the dish earlier this year the alder did not have leaves.  They grew to full size blocking the path.  Now they are felled, limbed, and stacked; ready for the wood

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-07-16 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    QSB was slow on both bands.  Fairly deep too: S1 to S7 or S2 to S6.  There were a few thunderstorms, none of them very loud. Copy was mostly good.  It was fun digging into the noise.   On 14050.5 kHz at 2200z: W0CZ - Ken - ND K6XK - Roy - IA K0DTJ - Brian - CA AB9V -

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2023-07-15 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    It was a cool week, until Wednesday.  Now temperatures are flirting with triple digits.  Foxgloves and fireweed are both in bloom.  Raspberries are still red, not yet ready.  Salmon-berries are ripe but I'm not a fan.  Thimble-berries will be ready in a few weeks.    The

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-07-09 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    QSB was prevalent on both bands.  I gave one signal report of S2 to S9 and another of ESP to S7.  There was static on 20 meters, with more than one thunderstorm on 40 meters.  However, I was able to dig out a few on each band.  Weather was milder except for Idaho, where it

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2023-07-08 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    There has been no rain this week.  The last three mornings have been foggy but it was not dense enough to condense rain from the trees.  The forest did gathered some of it; the air smells better.  Looks like a mild week ahead so the fire danger should stay low.    The large

Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-07-02 Thread Brian Hunt
Kevin, You were good on 20 meters with some deep QSB but OK copy. Then we got whacked by the sun pretty hard between nets and the story changed on 40 meters. I could hear you at first but your signal was below the noise peaks so your CW was getting chopped up and nearly uncopyable. Hoping for

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-07-02 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    Twenty meters was fairly quiet but minimally productive. There was little thunder storm noise on either band.  That should give me a hint.  On forty meters Dwight, WM5F mentioned a solar storm.  When I signed off I came in here to check.  Sure enough that roaring sound drove

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2023-07-01 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    Sun, with a little rain, has made the forest green.  It smells great.  More new birds arrived.  The young Gray jays have learned to fly.  I noticed them falling onto the roof until they gained control.  Now they have joined the flock flying around.    The sun has a very

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-06-18 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    Twenty meters had slow, medium QSB.  The band was quiet which is never a good sign.  Very few storms on either 20 or 40.  Forty meters had a little QSB with more noise.    Next week is Field Day so there will be no net.  In two weeks we will try this again.   On 14050.5

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2023-06-17 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    The fir trees have two to three inches of bright green new growth.  The ferns are between six and ten feet tall but not done unrolling.  The hummingbirds returned and brought friends.  It is quite busy right now, I have to duck when I walk out the door. They enjoy flying at

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-06-11 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    Twenty meters had low to medium noise with some QSB; slow on most, fast on others.  There seemed to be one thunderstorm to the southeast.  On forty meters there were more storms.  Sometimes the crashing obliterated parts of words.  Mostly it added pointy shaped dits now and

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2023-06-10 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    It rained yesterday.  Very slow though very little, mostly fog condensing on the trees.  The forest is much more green today. More birds have moved in but the hummingbirds seem to have moved off.  Their newly filled feeder hangs untouched.   The sun is active and promises

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-06-04 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    Twenty meters had moderate QSB with fair to weak signals. Forty meters was weak except to Moscow, ID :)  Topics ranged from yard work, to wind, then smoke due to wildfires.  There was a thunderstorm between me and the Southeast on twenty meters.  On forty the storms were in

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2023-06-03 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    It was a sunny, mild week; the forest smells dry.  The ferns are not done unrolling but it is getting harder to see the burrows.  Today I had a Steller's jay follow me around on my hike.  Normally a few Grey jays keep tabs but today they were absent.  Pollen is not absent,

[Elecraft] CW Decode/Display system for your beloved K2

2023-06-01 Thread Alan Geller via Elecraft
For sale: 1. K2 fixed audio output board; professionaly built by W8FGU.. Unused.$37 plus shipping 2. A complete newish K42 CW Decoder/Display System from www.hamcrafters.com and professionaly built and tested by me. Includes Keyboard, cables with software and

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-05-28 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    Conditions were good on twenty meters.  So good that the band was filled with eager contesters.  I searched for an open spot but couldn't find one wide enough.  Then I scanned the bands.  Forty was dead while twenty, fifteen, and ten were open.  Later, on forty meters, I was

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2023-05-27 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    Only a few weeks ago there was a foot of snow on the ground. Now the ferns are six feet tall and unrolling.  The second, larger species of hummingbird has returned.  Compared to the Anna's the Rufous seem huge.  They do share the feeder though.    The sun is active at the

Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-05-26 Thread kevin
Good Morning,    I appreciate the pleasant propagation report you imagined for me.  The critters were a nice touch.  No QRN without QSB sounds like living in RF paradise.  I am consistently amazed at net activity; only once have I called a net to no response. Propagation was terrible on a

Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-05-24 Thread Victor Rosenthal 4X6GP
I've tried to check in. I haven't heard anyone. Some day perhaps. 73, Victor, 4X6GP Rehovot, Israel Formerly K2VCO CWops no. 5 http://www.qsl.net/k2vco/ On 24/05/2023 15:31, Al Lorona wrote: Kevin's perseverance is astonishing. Week after week, suffering through poor conditions. He never

Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-05-24 Thread Al Lorona
Kevin's perseverance is astonishing. Week after week, suffering through poor conditions. He never seems to catch a break. So here is THE KD5ONS CW NET REPORT I HOPE TO READ BEFORE I DIE. "Signals were fantastic. There was no hint of noise nor QSB. At one point, I laid the headphones down and

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-05-21 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    I know I lost at least one of you on 20 meters; the band just went away on me.  Forty meters was also challenging. Thunderstorms caused loud QRN crashes.  QSB was lower than it had been on 20 meters.  There it varied from moderate and slow to light and fast.  I think the

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2023-05-20 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    The warm weather has caused a riot of growth.  It is like watching a time-lapse movie at double speed.  I took a brisk walk through the woods this morning.  The pace was enforced by a healthy crop of ravenous flies.  Higher temperature is drying out Western forests.  Much of

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-05-14 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    Conditions were not good on either band.  QSB was moderate, signals were weak, and the noise levels were high.  Between that, and the holiday, I got about as many emails as I did check ins :) While it is growing drier here in the Northwest Roy said his vertical was performing

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2023-05-13 Thread kevin
Good Evening,     The sun was moderately active this week.  A CME hit today. There are a couple unstable sunspot groups so more of them are expected.  There should be time for the ionosphere to settle down so we can take advantage of it.    Currently there is a heat wave in Oregon.  The

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-05-07 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    Conditions were challenging.  It was work digging out the next check in.  Moderate to deep QSB on both bands.  Weak signals became ESP and below.  The sun is not being helpful.  But it can't take all the blame.  There were thunderstorms crashing in the background.  Here it is

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2023-05-06 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    It was a good day for a hike.  Warm enough to not wear a jacket, but cold enough to limit the biting flies.  The soil is decompressing from the snow; the sword fern are springing up. Some bracken fern are pushing free, but mostly the forest floor is open.  The seasonal stream

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-04-30 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    Twenty meters had moderate QSB with some hissing noise.  Forty meters was fairly local with less QSB.  Weather has gone back to normal: 50 degrees with rain.  Too much sun has me up before dawn ready to cut brush by first light :)  I sleep well if I don't move.  I need a few

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2023-04-29 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    Two days of 80 degree weather made the snow disappear.  Buds are becoming leaves while flowers are blooming quickly.  There were no daffodils open Wednesday, today there are fifty of them interspersed with trilliums and yellow violets.  I filled the hummingbird feeder last

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-04-23 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    Conditions were not good on either band.  Mild to moderate QSB was prevalent.  I got reports of high QRN but I was not hearing it.  I scanned forty meters before the net.  I found three very faint signals.  The noise level was slightly higher.  Dwight confirmed a solar storm

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2023-04-22 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    The forest is waking up.  Scents are changing.  A few hummingbirds reminded me to put up their feeder.  More woodpecker species are back.  There is a variety of drumming calls.  Grouse will find good logs soon.  I wondered if each woodpecker had a resonant frequency to

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-04-16 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    Neither band was very strong but both had QSB.  Low noise and weak signals did not work well.  However, I gathered a few QNI and found next week will have a wedding and family visits.  So next Sunday's turnout will be affected :)  That's OK there are more weeks in the year. 

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2023-04-15 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    Very little snow remains.  A little sun, a lot of rain, and higher temperatures melted the 1/2 foot of new snow from early in the week.  My daffodils are finally seeing sunlight.  They will bloom in a few weeks.  I saw a line of Varied Thrush working their way across the

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-04-09 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    There was moderate QSB on everyone, on both bands.  Noise was low but signals were not strong.  Many reports of sun with mild temperatures.  Here spring starts with rain and fog.  It is much like winter, only the gray part of the day is longer than the black part.   On

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2023-04-08 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    It has not snowed in three days.  Rain has melted most of what is left.  This year there is little runoff; it is soaking into the ground rather than causing floods.  I did not know the ground was so dry up here.  The forest should have good growth.  Golden crowned kinglets

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-04-02 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    Neither band was very good.  Twenty had some noise, a little QSB, and some storms in the Southeast.  Forty meters had a little more QSB, more noise, with a little better signals.  Some parts of the US are experiencing a snow free spring.  Others are not.   On 14050.5 kHz

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2023-04-01 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    It has been a snowy day.  A fawn walked out of the forest soaked by the slush.  She shook to get rid of the water, but was still dark brown.  Then the sun popped out and she stood still. For about fifteen minutes she stood outside this window enjoying the sun.  At a few

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-03-26 Thread kevin via Elecraft
Good Evening,    Twenty meters had moderate QSB with light noise.  Forty meters was noisy with deep QSB.  At first it was noisy, but as the net progressed it lessened.  California is getting ready for the next series of storms.  Some moved through here yesterday and this morning with more

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2023-03-25 Thread kevin via Elecraft
Good Evening,    The sunny days melted snow, the other days built it back up. Overall there has been a net loss.  A doe and two fawns took advantage by eating all the fallen lichen exposed in the area. They spent over an hour cleaning up.   The sun has reawakened with a number of active

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-03-19 Thread kevin via Elecraft
Good Evening,    Twenty meters had stronger signals than forty meters.  It also had deeper QSB.  Some fast flutter on a few of you.  Spring is almost here.  Another foot of snow and the ground can start warming.  A number of bark inspector bird species showed up when the snow was deep. 

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2023-03-18 Thread kevin via Elecraft
Good Evening,    Snow stopped falling early this week.  Now it is slowly melting.  Only a foot is left, but it is dense.  I don't see a lot of runoff so it is soaking the ground.  I heard a Pileated woodpecker this afternoon and a Barred owl at dusk.  Some birds are returning but it will take

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-03-13 Thread kevin via Elecraft
Good Evening,    Conditions were not good on either band.  Twenty meters had weak signals with moderate QSB.  Forty meters had worse signals with similar QSB.   On 14050 kHz at 2200z: NO8V - John - MI K4TO - Dave - KY NS4V - David - NC K6XK - Roy - IA K4JPN - Steve - GA K0DTJ - Brian

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2023-03-11 Thread kevin via Elecraft
Good Evening,    Another snowy week left the road looking like a bobsled run. In 4WD it was fun negotiating the turns.  A recent clear cut has exposed a steep cliff.  Two corners have an excellent view, I'm sure a passenger would enjoy it.    The sun is well spotted and stable for now. 

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-03-05 Thread kevin via Elecraft
Good Evening,    Twenty meters was better than forty.  But neither was first rate.  QSB was deeper and more prevalent on forty meters.  Twenty was a bit more noisy.  However, it is still fun to hear the news. Two J-38s, a bug, and a variety of paddles.  Good code practice at varied speeds.  

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2023-03-04 Thread kevin via Elecraft
Good Evening,    Snow storms ceased intermittently this week, with a short gap yesterday.  I spent that time shoveling.  Today there is no sign of my work.  March came in like a Turner study of fog, snow, and wind.   One last X class flare from spot #3234 caused a short RF black out.  That

Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-02-27 Thread Rick M0LEP
On Mon 27 Feb Kevin KD5ONS wrote: > There was another layer of noise, similarly varied. There was quite a good aurora active at around 2300z, seen over this side of the Atlantic at latitudes as low as the south of England. That might have added something to the noise... -- 73, Rick, M0LEP

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-02-26 Thread kevin via Elecraft
Good Evening,    Conditions were unsettled on both bands but comms were successful.  QSB as a fast flutter, laid on top of slow QSB. There was another layer of noise, similarly varied.  During the first net it wasn't snowing here.  Then more started falling.  The same storm was bringing rain

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2023-02-25 Thread kevin via Elecraft
Good Evening,     Dry, powder snow fell throughout the week.  Today it got sunny so most of it fell from the trees.  There is still about two feet left with another few feet on the way.  Depending upon the temperature I may need to shovel the roof.  If I have a lot of snow when it starts

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-02-19 Thread kevin via Elecraft
Good Evening,    Conditions were much better than I had expected.  The sun really charged up the ionosphere, lots of contest activity on twenty meters.  On forty meters there was a little more QSB and the band changed during the net.  At the end I was hearing something that reminded me of

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2023-02-18 Thread kevin via Elecraft
Good Evening,    The last inch of snow melted today.  The forecast is for more but I am near snow line so it doesn't last long.  The clouds dropped below me just before sunset as the temperature fell.    The sun has been active.  An X class flare struck yesterday. Solar flux is at 343.  The

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-02-12 Thread kevin via Elecraft
Good Evening,    There was some QSB on both bands.  Mostly it was weak and slow.  But on forty, just around sunset, it became a fast flutter.  There was some noise but it did not get in the way. Weather reports were of sunny, mild days.  There was a warning about Tuesday.  Looks like ice

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2023-02-11 Thread kevin via Elecraft
Good Evening,    Two sunny days during winter, I took advantage of both of them.  I went for a walk.  Today I was wondering about the lack of wildlife when I kicked up two Black-tailed does.  They showed me a new path through the forest, so I followed it.  They had been sleeping so I am

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-02-05 Thread kevin via Elecraft
Good Evening,    Both bands had less noise.  There was a little QSB on twenty meters but more on forty.  Forty meters had some odd noises sweeping through.   On 14050.5 kHz at 2300z: W0CZ - Ken - ND NO8V - John - MI K6XK - Roy - IA K0DTJ - Brian - CA K4JPN - Steve - GA W8OV - Dave - TX

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2023-02-04 Thread kevin via Elecraft
Good Evening,    The sun popped out on Ground Hog day.  The Pacific Northwest will get another six weeks of fog and rain.  Luckily there will be some snow for variety.    The sun is almost bare this week.  Fewer sunspots and lower flux.  That should mean lower noise and less QSB.  It could

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-01-29 Thread kevin via Elecraft
Good Evening,    Noise was low on both bands.  QSB was slow and mild.  The temperature reports were not mild.  Winter has come back to most of the country.  The forty meter net began shortly before sunset. Propagation changed within a few minutes.   On 14050.5 kHz at 2300z: NO8V - John -

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2023-01-28 Thread kevin via Elecraft
Good Evening,    A mild, rainy week helped me clear a few things off of my to do list.  The sun has fewer, less active sunspots than the last few weeks.  I expect less QSB.  We will test this hypothesis. Please join us on (or near) : 14050 kHz at 2300z Sunday  (3 PM PST Sunday)  7047 kHz

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-01-22 Thread kevin via Elecraft
Good Evening,    I announced the net early, as usual, but got no response.  Next, no one replied to my call up.  Then I saw no needles bouncing on my tuner nor the red, blinking LED for transmit.  Gears started turning in my head, I started pushing buttons :)  Then a dim, misty memory popped

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2023-01-21 Thread kevin via Elecraft
Good Evening,    A mostly gray week ended today when a spot of sun came out, then it started snowing.  An inch of snow fell and fog rolled in. Good day to sit by the fire and read.  The sun remains active with large sunspots and repeated flares.  QSB should be varied. Please join us on (or

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-01-15 Thread kevin via Elecraft
Good Evening,    Propagation was fairly good.  QSB was both fast and slow while QRN was low.  No thunderstorm noise is nice.  Weather reports were mild for mid January.  Only a little snow.   I saw a doe browsing her way through between nets.  She was soaked and did not look happy.  Wind

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2023-01-14 Thread kevin via Elecraft
Good Evening,    The winds have slowed a bit but the rain continues.  I lost a few large fir trees to wind in the SW corner of my land.  The trees were exposed to the neighboring clear cut and the SW wind. Douglas Fir trees do not have a tap root; they have surface roots which are not very

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-01-08 Thread kevin via Elecraft
Good Evening,    Propagation was OK on both bands.  40 meters had fast QSB but noise was low.  Weather is milder almost everywhere except out west.  The winds are still blowing here, and it is pretty wet.   On 14050 kHz at 2300z: W0CZ - Ken - ND K0DTJ - Brian - CA K6XK - Roy - IA K4JPN

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2023-01-07 Thread kevin via Elecraft
Good Evening,    The new year has been windy and wet thus far.  Flying limbs have not eaten either of my antennas.  The power outages have been only seconds long.    Sunspot 3182 has been very active.  Three X class events this week causing RF blackouts over large areas of the world. 

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2023-01-01 Thread kevin via Elecraft
Good Evening,    Both bands had rapid QSB.  Signals ranged from S3 to S9, within a character in some cases.  It caused some chirping effects at times.  Weak signals got wiped out, but I did log a call sign out of them.  Weather reports were warmer across the board, though the sun was shining

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2022-12-31 Thread kevin via Elecraft
Happy New Year,    It was an exciting week.  I got to see trees flying past my house.  Now there is a stack of green alder chunks next to the driveway.  After a day or two the exposed wood oxidizes to an orange hue.  The roof is fine though I have ceased resetting my clocks.  Power drops out

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2022-12-25 Thread kevin via Elecraft
Good Evening,    Both bands were fairly quiet with adequate signals.  QSB was rapid but not too deep.   On 14050.5 kHz at 2300z: W0CZ - Ken - ND K4JPN - Steve - GA   On 7047.5 kHz at 0100z: W0CZ - Ken - ND KG7V - Marv - WA WI6O - John - CA K0DTJ - Brian - CA WM5F - Dwight - ID   

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2022-12-24 Thread kevin via Elecraft
Merry Christmas,    Winter came in like a lion.  Two nights ago it dropped to 5 degrees; it is much colder in the Midwest.  My well acted up for a day, I am glad I had water stored.  For some reason it was raining well below freezing.  The trees got a coating of ice then a layer of hoar

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2022-12-18 Thread kevin via Elecraft
Good Evening,    Conditions were OK.  Noise was present but signals cut through it well.  QSB ranged from an S unit warble to a stronger picket fence effect.  Luckily the latter mode was not prevalent.  Winter is taking hold.  Lots of cold temperatures, some snow and clouds. Mostly talk

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2022-12-17 Thread kevin via Elecraft
Good Evening,    I had a sunny, chilly week.  Wind brought in clouds and shut off the power yesterday.  I expect some snow, but won't get much of it over the next week.  Christmas may or may not be white; often it is pouring rain.    The sun is moderately active.  A few sunspots have had C

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2022-12-11 Thread kevin via Elecraft
Good Evening,    Propagation was better than I had expected.  On twenty meters QSB was only present on the eastern-most stations.  On forty meters there was more QSB on most everyone.  Noise was low so it was easier to copy weak signals.  When there are collisions I depend on a letter or two

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2022-12-10 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    Six inches of fresh snow covered the ground as ~30 elk moved through.  They were not even looking for food, they wanted to drop into a nearby canyon for some quiet.  Hunting season has them a little on edge.  Since then it has been quite foggy with a lot of rain.  Yesterday

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2022-12-04 Thread kevin
Good Evening,     Conditions were OK on both bands.  QSB varied from rapid to slow, but it was never too deep.  Not much noise either, some storm crackles on 40 m.     ❄️    ❄️    ❄️   On 14050.5 kHz at 2300z: NS4V - David - NC K0DTJ - Brian - CA AB9V - Mike - IN K4JPN - Steve - GA

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2022-12-03 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    Three inches of fresh snow reveals a lot.  I saw a family group of four coyotes against the white backdrop.  They entered the more open areas of my land covered with grasses, shrubs, and ferns under the canopy of fir and hemlock.  They split into two pairs; I lost track of

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2022-11-27 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    Conditions were not as good as last week.  There was a fast QSB warble on a few stations on both bands.  Noise was moderate while copy was OK.    Fog has been moving through while the temperature drops.  My wireless connection to the Internet is blocked when it is most

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2022-11-26 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    A steady rain of fir needles fell from a windless sky.  I looked up into the foggy tree to see a flock of Gray jays fluffing their feathers, shaking the branches.  The temperature was  near the dew point most of the day, the birds were having a hard time staying dry.    The

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2022-11-20 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    Propagation was better.  The noise level was higher, QSB was lower, and signals were stronger.  The forty meter net worked a wide swath of the country.  Winter is taking hold in many areas. Cold but not much snow unless you're out east.  They have plenty.   On 14050.5 kHz

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2022-11-19 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    It was a busy, chilly week.  On Tuesday I found myself in a field of elk.  They are surprisingly noisy.  As they diffuse through my property they test the rotted slash.  Now I have more paths to walk and there is less forage.  On Wednesday I saw a large covey of California

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2022-11-13 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    Both bands had low levels of static.  QSB was present but not strong.  I did not hear any thunderstorms.  I did hear reports of frost, ice, and snow.  Winter seems early this year but Thanksgiving is only a few weeks off.  Squash and pumpkins should be ready for harvest soon.

Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2022-11-13 Thread James Walker
Every Sunday, I look forward to your description of conditions there in your neighborhood as a part of your invitation to participate in the CW nets. You have a thoughtful eye for the conditions and an accomplished talent for expressing what you see. Thank you for your energy and support of the

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2022-11-12 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    After a snowy week it is nice to see the sun again.  On Wednesday a bird got my attention from about ten feet away.  He gave me enough time to look him up on three websites.  I watched a Red-breasted sapsucker make his characteristic row of holes around a tree.  First one

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement and time change

2022-11-05 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    It was rainy and cool this week.  Many color changes in the ferns and shrubs.  Yesterday the rain fell heavily, then the wind kicked up.  After hours of fir cones bouncing off the roof smaller branches started falling.  Within an hour the power was out. Twelve hours later

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2022-10-31 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    Conditions were better than last week.  There was some rapid QSB on everyone.  I scanned twenty meters before the first net. There was one DX pileup with a few casual contacts but not much more.    It is rainy and cool along the coast.  Fall colors are fading in the Midwest

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2022-10-29 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    It was a cool, wet week.  Wet enough for them to burn the slash in a clear cut.  The clear cut spans a canyon on the way to Buxton.  The canyon, and the road above it, was covered with smoke.  Normally the slash is either collected for chipping, or left to feed the next

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2022-10-23 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    Propagation was poor on both twenty and forty meters. Thunderstorm static crashes covered any weaker signals.  Those I did work had moderate levels of QSB.  What a change from last week.   On 14050.5 kHz at 2200z: W0CZ - Ken - ND   On 7047.5 kHz at z: K0DTJ - Brian

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2022-10-22 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    Friday morning started foggy and gray, then it slowly started raining.  There was a break earlier today but there were no puddles.  Everything soaked straight in.  Fire danger dropped quickly.  The smoke has cleared out of the air too.  Hopefully some fires were slowed or

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2022-10-16 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    Conditions were better than they have been in a long while. Both bands had fast, fluttering QSB but there was less noise. Forty meter signals had me turning down the gain.  The steady hiss was absent, making copy easier.  Splitting wood made sending harder;  I need to swing

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2022-10-15 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    It was a mild, smokey week.  Wind moves the smoke around though you can still taste it.  The wind also causes a steady rain of fir needles.  Dry weather has caused more of them to die off. Black berries are not doing very well.  The jays have a lean and hungry look.    The

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2022-10-09 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    Both twenty and forty meters had noise with moderate QSB.  WES contesters were active on twenty meters so I moved down 1 kHz.  I was S3 to S5 to those who found me.  On forty meters there were few other signals when I chose a frequency.  Similar to last week, propagation

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2022-10-08 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    I spent my week practicing Y-turns in the forest.  My truck still has side mirrors and tail lights :)  Morning fog helped soften the deep ruts left from the thinning.  Its high humidity made the soil softer but made lifting wood into the box harder. When the sun came out it

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2022-10-02 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    Both bands were full of noise of various kinds.  A little QSB too, just enough to alter tone.  Twenty meters was weaker than last week while forty meters was good for more local operators. There was a radio black out today.  I'm not sure of the time because I heard the CA QSO

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2022-10-01 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    Seasons changed abruptly.  It started with light rain; the next day it poured.  Now the plants and trees are starting to change color.  The storm center was followed by hot weather with moderate winds.  The fir trees are sloughing years old needles. They are falling like

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2022-09-25 Thread kevin
Good Evening,     Conditions were so so on both bands.  Noise was down, QSB was moderate, and signals were medium too.  Forty meter was not as strong as I had expected.  Fire danger is high in Oregon, less so in California.  They had some rain last week.  The smoke came back this morning when

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2022-09-24 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    Happy autumn.  I hiked around today scouting out the next few loads of firewood.  I did not get a spider web in the face, it's not cool enough for that yet, but single strands crossed the trail.  I collected wood this week and found splitting it counteracts hours at a

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report

2022-09-18 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    Neither band was quiet.  Some thunderstorm noise but there was some interesting noise coming from elsewhere.  Near the end of the first net a wall of noise hit, making copy difficult.  The second net had mixed propagation; I could hear them but they could not hear me which

[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2022-09-17 Thread kevin
Good Evening,    The season quickly changed to fall.  Night time temperatures hover around 40, with cool days around 60.  The smoke is mostly gone but sunsets are still red.  With no real rain fire danger is still high.  Birds have started to move,  I heard a few strands of geese moving

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