Re: Mainframe Executive article on the death of tape

2010-03-24 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
snip I haven't seen a bona-fide tape I/O error since my shop installed 3480 drives, lo these many years ago. What's this guy smoking? Whatever it is, I'm sure it's illegal! :-) Rick /snip I have to agree with the list, the last error on a tape (MF) was a duplex tape where the physical tape was

Re: Installing a z10 EC Processor

2009-12-28 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Lizette, One gotcha that got us, was classic eztrieve (prior to 6.4), though out of support CA did provided a PTF that fixed the problem. There was also a problem with concurrent copy of dfhsm, but this was an issue with our shop running STK and IBM dasd. Weird, they expect a fix first quarter of


2009-12-08 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
snip Where do I find it to download now that it is GA? Do I need to talk to the License and Marketing people first.? I can't seem to find it at Dave Gibney Information Technology Services Washington State University /snip This is currently listed for specific customers

Re: CA mainframe install software

2009-12-08 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
snip Does it still require a direct Internet connection between the user's mainframe and the CA server? That is a drop dead for us. To use ShopzSeries, I must use DownloadDirector on my Linux desktop to get the data to it. I then use NFS to get the data to the mainframe. -- John McKown Systems


2009-12-08 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
snip Hmmm... did you look under Mainframe Software Manager? It also comes with every product I try to download now (just like CA Common Services). Mark /snip Mark, This only will show up (as of 4 weeks ago) on specific customers lists, ironically now that I have it up and going I have the


2009-10-22 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
I have to second Mr. Rowe's comment on building your own PC. The one I built in 2003 is the best PC (out of 3, one a Dell :-( ) in my house. Built it around a P4 chip. I built mine around the theory that you PC is only as fast as the slowest piece of hardware (CD, disk drive, video, etc.) So the

Re: Fwd: Is There Such a Thing as a Mainframe Monopoly?

2009-10-19 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
So would an unscheduled IPL be like GOTO DIRECTLY TO JAIL, DO NOT PASS GO, DO NOT COLLECT $200. :-) (sorry for the all CAPS, not trying to yell). Thanks, Kevin Fletcher (317) 817-3545 Transition Coordinator z/OS, DB2, AS400 support Conseco, LLC

Re: 33 Years In IT/Security/Audit

2009-09-02 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Who was mother Fletcher...been called a MF'er before, not sure if this is the same context. :-) BTW, my first computer was a VIC 20, 16K of ram and only a tape drive...or I should say cassette. Took me 12 years to get to the big iron. ---snip--


2009-02-18 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Maria, You may need to add a DISP(SHR) to your ALLOC. I also do not see where you are updating a particular member, that could also be a problem. I do not know the exact syntax for updating a member, but would be worth you while to investigate it. Just my 2 cents worth. HTH Fletch snip I am


2009-02-18 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Based on other posts and my RTFM, the DISP(SHR) is incorrect, you just need to add SHR to you ALLOC. I apologize for the faux paus in the syntax. Maria, You may need to add a DISP(SHR) to your ALLOC. I also do not see where you are updating a particular member, that could also be a problem. I

Re: SMF Subtype 132 record

2008-08-14 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Rogers, you said subtype 132, do you mean type? if so, I see references to NETSPY. If you really do mean subtype I saw references to type 102 (DB2) with a suptype of 132. Thanks, Fletch snip We are trying to research what software is producing SMF subtype of 132? We see these records

APF authorization question

2008-08-13 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Greetings, We have a job running a db2 utility DSNUTILB and we are getting the generic db2 abend of S04E. Further probing determines this module is not APF'd. The SDSNLOAD lib is APF'd and is in the linklst. The job has a JOBLIB with non APF'd libraries and the db2 lib SDSNLOAD is not in the

Re: APF authorization question

2008-08-13 Thread Fletcher, Kevin

Re: APF authorization question

2008-08-13 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
my boss came up with this 00E40002 Explanation: The caller of the database services portion of the utility was in the wrong protect key. This abend reason code is issued by the following CSECTs: DSNUGBAC, DSNUGRAR System Action: The utility job step that caused the function to be requested

Re: APF authorization question

2008-08-13 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Doran, this is defined in parmlib with KEY(7) :-(. Thanks, Fletch snip Hi since your boss came with - 00E40002 check if DSNUTILB is in the PPT (member SCHEDxx in the sys1.parmlib). It has to be define with *KEY(7)* /snip

Re: APF authorization question

2008-08-13 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
All, Thanks for you input, but I must have been vague about my orginal post. I do understand that if you have a steplib or joblib if you have one library in the concatenation that is not apf'd then none of them are, I get that. I found that out when I started doing systems 15 years ago. What I

Re: APF authorization question

2008-08-13 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Will, I think I get it now, I finally looked up the message IEF188I and this supports all the posts I received. Please forgive and me and do not confuse my ignorance with stupidity :-). Ted, this horse finally took a drink and it did quench my thirst. Sorry to take so long I was delirious with

Re: embarresing request

2008-08-06 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
John, Do you have a job scheduler like CA-7 or Zeke? If so do they schedule good and bad jobs? If you do then you may want to have one for each type of jobs. I assume you would have user submitted jobs go to the bad lpar. You may shameless, no compensation plug want to look at ThruPut Manager

Re: Do you protect your power switch with a lock?

2008-08-05 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
snip I was asked by a customer if there is a standard IBM mainframe power switch lock. I checked and there is no such lock. I wonder how do you protect your mainframe power switches other then access control to the computer room. /snip We do not have a lock on our get fired button (aka

Re: Outsourcing dilemma or debacle, you decide...

2008-06-12 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
snip maybe he read a book and declared himself an expert. /snip You can do that? I just have been giving myself random titles. Maybe we can use his time travel abilities to ask him about the pitfalls of a z/OS 1.10 install. PS. Sorry for the added noise on the list. Fletch Director of

Re: CICS/TS 2.3 and z/OS 1.7

2008-05-13 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
snip I have an open PMR with IBM not having much luck getting them to call me back. Under z/OS 1.7 it looks like map storage is not being cleared causing garbage to be displayed. This works fine under z/OS 1.4. Have applied all maintenance to CICS/TS 2.3 and z/OS 1.7 but have not been able

Re: Probably a basic TCP/IP question

2008-05-12 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
snip Sorry for a basic question, but where does the FTP client get it's timestamp information from? I have a programmer who just performed an FTP GET command to a PDS member. The ISPF statistics were updated with the FTP GET. Unfortunately, the timestamp placed on the member is 5 hours into

Re: Probably a basic TCP/IP question

2008-05-12 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
snip Jack, I forgot to mention one item. It's being run as a batch job so /etc/profile isn't a player. Rex /snip Rex, I still believe it runs through the FTP (usually called FTPD) STC, and that will use the TZ envrionment variable. Fletch

Re: SHOWZOS output.

2008-04-11 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Claude, I believe the author frequents this list (Mark Zelden? maybe) and it may not be zOS 1.9 compatable. I would wait for the author to reply. Fletch snip This has been installed on our sandbox lpar running z/OS 1.9. After wrestling with it to get it working, I have run up against a

Re: clock, daylight savings time

2008-03-12 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
snip I have no issue with time zones. But, I really don't like the semi-annual confusion caused by switching between Daylight Saving and Standard Time. Yes, it's been proved to save energy. However, it's also been proved to cost more in the end. -- Edward E Jaffe /snip Ed, Here in

Re: CA-FAVER to DFDSS conversion

2008-03-03 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
snip Fletch, I would like to know! Are you planning to stop using CA-FAVER? Is there any major pitfalls in this product? Please let me know and appreciate your help on this. Thanks. Mani /snip Mani, We are planning to stop using CA-Faver, not because of any product defects or problems

Re: CA-FAVER to DFDSS conversion

2008-03-03 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
snip? I'm curious - did you do any performance comparisons? dd keller /snip Mr. Keller, Yep we did benchmarks and as you will expect DFDSS was not even close to Faver, but the volume of our usage did not cost justify it's continued usage. Thanks, Fletch Sr. Systems Analyst Conseco, LLC

Re: CA-FAVER to DFDSS conversion

2008-03-03 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
snip Kevin, When you ran your DFDSS benchmark, did you use OPT(4) and the ADMIN parameters? These should reduce your I/O considerably. snip Mr. Obrien, I used OPT(4), but not the ADMIN. Is there an advantage to use the ADMIN parm? Thanks, Fletch (317) 817-3545 Sr. Systems Analyst

Re: ZOS V1R9 and Old APPS

2008-02-26 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
snip Found out this week that DB2 will be retiring this year, so that is out of the equation. Then there are a few oddities like Nomad, but that made the trip from OS/390 2.10 through ZOS 1.4 and ZOS 1.7. Have y'all seen the new IBM mainframe announcement? /snip Dan, if you are talking

Re: IFAURP Measured Usage problem

2007-12-17 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
snip Since November 2007, our Measured Usage report for DB2 V8 is wildly inaccurate. For those who may not recall, IFAURP is a program built in to z/OS which reports on certain products which were instrumented to measure their CPU consumption and based upon consumption, the charges for the

Re: The future of PDSs

2007-12-12 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
snip unsnip-- It depends. Are we now allowed to use a PDSE in LINKLIST or LPALIST? Unless or until that restriction is lifted, the PDS will continue to exist. Rick /snip Rick, You can use PDSE in LINKLIST (not sure about LPALIST). We do this for DB2.

Re: I Got a Job

2007-11-28 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
snip I will tell you this... There is something about Iowa and the way they grow their women... ;) Can I get instructions and some seeds, or shoots? /snip John, I do not think women of this quality can or want to be transplanted. Fletch

Re: Automatic LRECL in JCL

2007-10-04 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
snip In addition to all others' comments not to code LRECL, don't forget that you _should_ code BLKSIZE=0 to get system-determined block size (or perhaps omitting BLKSIZE now works the same way?) /snip One thing I have not see here is have you thought about making it a variable length record?

Re: Automatic LRECL in JCL

2007-10-04 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
snip One thing I have not see here is have you thought about making it a variable length record? fletch Be careful. If you have any programs that are already reading the dataset you don't want to have to recode them to deal with record and block descriptors and variable lengths.

Re: Define Linear VSAM Failure

2007-09-13 Thread Fletcher, Kevin

Re: Issuing TSO commands from MVS console

2007-08-31 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
snip How can I issue TSO commands from the Console. I heard using some special characters (in place of TSO ) tso commands can be issued on the MVS console. how is it possible ? Jacky /snip Jacky, IIRC there is something on the CBT TAPE that maybe help you, maybe file #25.

Re: Redbooks site having problems?

2007-08-31 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
snip I'm unable to proceed beyond the Redbooks homepage; everything returns 404 not found. Direct links to specific Redbooks also fail with 404 not found. Anybody else? -jc- /snip jc, I get the Moved to Atlanta message. fletch

Re: LE jcl override?

2007-08-28 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
snip How do I over-ride some language environment parameters with jcl for a quick test? /snip Joe, I think you can do this on the EXEC PGM=PARM='LE OPTIONS/USER PARMS' but there is a length restriction (I think 100 bytes). here is a sample //PS010EXEC PGM=FWA00502,

Re: linklisted load library failing

2007-08-14 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
snip I am having various abends (S0c1, S0c4) with modules accessed through a linklisted library. The library itself appears to be fine. If I steplib to the library instead of accessing it through the linklist, my job runs without issue. I have recycled both LLA and VLF and still have the same

Re: Db2 Listserv

2007-08-08 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Ron, I believe this was part of the Hostway server move snafu last week. go to this Willie Favero blog about this, watch for wrapping. personally I thought it would have been back by now. u-cant-move-3700-servers-18087

Re: Distance between primary and DR site ( to the moon )

2007-08-08 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Maarten, if the vehicle can reach the velocity of 7 mi/s, could Ken not just coast most of the way therefore making millions of dollars in milage. g Thanks, Fletch snip Ken, Is your car able to reach a velocity of ~6.96 mi/s? Furthermore, I hope the pay for mileage ( ~230.000 miles )

Re: Distance between primary and DR site ( Doctor Who)

2007-08-08 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
snip Of course if we had Doctor Who's TARDIS, then we could just travel back in time just before the event, collect our data, then scoot back up to the future timeline (after the data center is rebuilt) and just unload our data. Up and running in minutes not days. Lizette /snip with the

Re: QUIESCE'd job automatically RESUME'd

2007-08-07 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
snip If I issue RESET jobname,QUIESCE,A=asidx the job becomes quiesced but after a short time it starts running againg without any intervention. What is it that is causing the job to be resumed. Jim McAlpine /snip Jim, Are you running TMONCICS? if so you need to tell it not to scan for batch

Re: How to fine IBMLINK

2007-08-07 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Lizette maybe on to something here, you get paid for not using what you can not use anyway..g Thanks, Fletch -- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message:

Re: OT query, but related to m/f -s

2007-08-03 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
snip I read that the company hosting the servers decided to move them and haven't been able to get them running again. /snip Read Willie Favero's blog at u-cant-move-3700-servers-18087 you will probably get wrap so

Re: How old are you?

2007-08-03 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
How did all of you keep your sanity... Sane? I am on the wrong list? BTW - 45 Fletch -- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search

Re: Unicode Code Dynamic Table Loading

2007-08-03 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
-Original Message- From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List On Behalf Of Mark Jacobs SYS1.SCUNIMG is only needed [in the linklist] if you expect DB2 to load its default unicode image without having to build and load it at ipl time There is also an APAR (OA19072) if you try to start

Re: COBOL Group moves

2007-08-01 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
snip It could be worse. We had a guy on here last week asking how to convert a string of hex characters into a binary number. He was given the *two* instructions that he needed. He then had to get back to us to find out how to extend his program's addressability beyond 4KiB. We also had to

Re: MVS - Z/OS Job Market, What should the rates be?

2007-07-30 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
snip This just came across my email as an example of some salaries for various (not necessarily DP) areas. It was amusing. Though I guess if we lost our technical skills and became a paper pusher we would be worth more ;-) /snip Liz, how do I get elected to be President and CEO? :-) I can

Re: z/OS job market (I could just scream!)

2007-07-27 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Unless you are garfield. :-) Fletch snip You guys are making me nervous. I actually want to be a z/OS systems programmer. Some day. )-: My second choice is to be a cat, but that doesn't pay well these days. /snip --

Re: How much do you value Share ( Was Spam from SHARE)

2007-07-27 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
snip I'm so old, I can remember when the 49ers and Raiders were contenders, LA had a team and my slobberkill file was 2 names! /snip raiders 2003, they lost to NE via the tuck rule (I have another name for it, but in involves substituting a letter). 2004, lost to TB in the SB as for the


2007-07-27 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
snip Let me know if you've had problems like this in IDCAMS, so I can flesh out the requirement. War stories, comments, etc. also appreciated. /snip Tom, When we went for z/OS 1.6 to z/OS 1.8 we had a similar problem with the LISTCAT function of IDCAMS. We had quite a few jobs that had a

Re: XMIT loses the AC(1) attribute

2007-07-26 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
snip I just XMITted a load module and it lost the AC(1) attribute. Anybody know if that's a bug or a feature? snip if it was M$, it would be a feature, with IBM that would be hard to say :-) Fletch -- For IBM-MAIN subscribe

Re: Dynamically Disabling ISV Products

2007-06-29 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Ken, I apologize for misunderstanding your post. I did not originally install TM (just minor changes to the JAL code), it was that way when I got here (ala Homer Simpson). IIRC there is no set value/default for YOURDD, but I could be wrong. Sorry for being totally worthless for help with your

Re: Dynamically Disabling ISV Products

2007-06-28 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
) exit requeue endif Thanks, Fletch (317) 817-3545 On Wed, 27 Jun 2007 15:21:01 -0400, Fletcher, Kevin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I do not know if this counts, but THRUPUT Manager has a DD to disable

Re: Dynamically Disabling ISV Products

2007-06-28 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
I seem to recall a ACCIGN, I believe it was for an allocation product, maybe DIF aka SRS/ACC. If someone can confirm or clarify if I have the right product. Thanks, Fletch -- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access

Re: Dynamically Disabling ISV Products

2007-06-27 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Alan, For Softworks (Performance Essential) is //PSPOFF DD DUMMY Thanks, Fletch SNIP Has anyone compiled a list of all the DD DUMMY ddnames used to dynamically disable various products? I want to generate a comprehensive jcl set that I can include if I want to make sure I'm running

Re: Dynamically Disabling ISV Products

2007-06-27 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Bill, You make a very accurate statement. When I was working with the vendor on a problem they had me put some special DD's to trace the operation of Softworks (Performance Essential). Even though I had the product disabled it still had to execute the vendor code to see it did not need to do the

Re: Dynamically Disabling ISV Products

2007-06-27 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
I do not know if this counts, but THRUPUT Manager has a DD to disable it, but it is site defined, eg. can be whatever you want. Thanks, Fletch SNIP Has anyone compiled a list of all the DD DUMMY ddnames used to dynamically disable various products? I want to generate a comprehensive jcl

Re: Dynamically Disabling ISV Products

2007-06-27 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Mark, Sorry I should not of included the quotes for the your dd. Thanks, Fletch SNIP Mark, AFAIK there is no default, you have to code it in your JAL control member... something like this $ddref techddn ddname(your dd) evaluate spcddn (tech_users techddn) . . . . . /* special rule to


2007-06-22 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Mark, If it means anything, we went the other way, eg. PDSFAST - PDSMAN (not sure what FMO is). The negative I would see is PDSFAST has a lot less functionality than PDSMAN, especially if you use the EZYEDIT facility, shameless plug which BTW rocks. end shameless plug. If you use it just to

Re: IMS DB2 list

2007-06-20 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
another good db2 listserv [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thanks, Fletch snip Try [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] Pelle /snip -- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: IBMLINK-SEV1 32141089

2007-06-11 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
It maybe down, but they are very apologetic about it. Thanks, Fletch -- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at

Re: IBMLINK-SEV1 32141089

2007-06-11 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
I agree -jc-...i forgot to set the sarcasm flag to on. Thanks, Fletch It maybe down, but they are very apologetic about it. But apologies don't bring home the bacon. The call-bot says to try it again at/after 09:15 EST -jc- -

Re: IBMLINK-SEV1 32141089--now 11:15 maybe

2007-06-11 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Did they specify what day? Thanks, Fletch snip hmm, 9:15, then 10:15, now 11:15 anyone seeing a trend here? /snip) -- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with

Re: mainframe acces using shared id

2007-06-06 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
borrowed snip from mr. fochtman. ---snip- We have an issue in one our project. The project is deveopled to see who are using the system using the shared mainframe id. scenario. 1. There are some users who logon to the mainframe using the

Re: CICS Abends at startup AKEA

2007-06-05 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Lizette, You have someone stepping on your CICS area (well you already knew that). what you need is a SVC dump. I know of at least a few places where a dump can be suppress. 1. with in CICS (CEMT S DU...), Abendaid FX (or other dump reading product), DAE, or maybe you have a forgotten SLIP

z/OS 1.8 upgrade

2007-05-24 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Good morning, We upgraded to z/OS 1.8 and have had a few bumps on the way. We have had allocation problems, numerous JES2 issues, and other miscellanous problems. If anyone has upgraded to 1.8 and had problems could you please share them here. Thanks, Fletch

Re: z/OS 1.8 upgrade

2007-05-24 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
snip Can you share your experiences with us? We are just starting a zOS 1.6 - 1.8 migration ourselves. /snip) Mark, These are the issues we have had so far. 1. allocation problems when the allocation for the primary is greater than one volume, SMS does not do space reduction as it should.

Re: Any way at all to detune JES2MON?

2007-05-23 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
snip Running z/OS V1R8 with JES2MON, and this puppy seems to take an alarming amount of CPU compared to other system address spaces. Is there any way to detune this thing so that it doesn't take so much CPU? Are JES2 hangs so prevalent that we need to pay such a high price for prevention? I

Re: Abend S0C7 in PL1 program

2007-05-23 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Michael, We had a similar problem, but this was cobol and S0C4. The program would run fine on one system and abend on the other (different boxes), then it would go away and come back (sometimes, not always the same box) after an IPL. After one IPL the program would not run on either and forced

Re: z/os publications...can't get to wanted

2007-05-17 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
No problems in Indiana. Thanks, Fletch Dilbert - I ask for so little..and boy do I get it. -Original Message- From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Day Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 8:58 AM To: IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU Subject: z/os

Re: 3350 failures

2007-05-17 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
snip No, but you might look here /snip Never a good thing when your device shows up in the history section of IBM's website. :-) Thanks, Fletch Dilbert - I ask for so little..and boy do I get it.

Re: DB2 version 8 SPUFI and ISPF

2007-05-16 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
set then I'll just restore the DB2 ptf that issues the message. Will SPUFI be using code page 1146 or 37 is what I need to know. Jim McAlpine On 5/15/07, Fletcher, Kevin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Jim, The PTF you describe (putting out message DSNE345I) was a part of DB2 V7

Re: DB2 version 8 SPUFI and ISPF

2007-05-15 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Jim, The PTF you describe (putting out message DSNE345I) was a part of DB2 V7, this was an enforcement PTF, eg. The exposure was always there now DB2 is telling you. We had a similar problem using CCSID 1140 (US plus euro). If you cruise IBM link or DB2-L looking for DSNE345I you will find a

Re: Top 10 software install gripes

2007-05-11 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
/SNIP It's Friday, I know... And it's Mother's Day weekend. Did everyone get an appropriate gift for their mother? /END SNIP Under penalty of death I did and the golf clubs are put away until next week. Thanks, Fletch ( Dilbert - I ask for so little..and boy do I get it.

Re: Top 10 software install gripes

2007-05-11 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
it. -Original Message- From: Fletcher, Kevin Sent: Friday, May 11, 2007 12:53 PM To: 'IBM Mainframe Discussion List' Subject: RE: Top 10 software install gripes /SNIP It's Friday, I know... And it's Mother's Day weekend. Did everyone get an appropriate gift for their mother? /END SNIP Under

Re: TASID Question

2007-04-02 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Are you running TASID version 5.11? Do not know about zOS 1.7, but works as advertised on zOS 1.8. Thanks, Fletch (317) 817-3545 SNIP We just moved to z/OS Release 1.7 and a zBox 703 the below field is reporting incorrectly CPU utilization 0% (incorrect) CPU 2094-S08 ( 3 CPUs)

Re: DST Again-7 April Boomerang....

2007-03-30 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Rex, I thought it was April 1 also, but my team mate says it would have been April 7. Is there a definitive answer to this nearly OT controversy. Thanks, Fletch (317) 817-3545 SNIP Wasn't it the first Sunday in April? I have AIX boxes here that have a year-by-year showing of DST dates,

Re: DB2 V7.1 with Z/OS 1.7 cant update

2007-03-27 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Walter, We recently went from z/OS 1.6 to 1.8 and DB2 v7.1 ran fine, sorry can not speak about 1.7. Are you current with you maintenance for DB2? There may also be some toleration maintenance for 1.7. I bet if you open an ETR with IBM they can get you in the proper direction, I would probably

Re: 20 Years of IBM-MAIN

2006-09-27 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
I have to concur with Tom, without Darren there would not be an IBM-MAIN. Thank you Darren for all your hard work, and I personally apologize if you received any rejected email notification caused by me. Thanks, Fletch (317) 817-3545 -Original Message- From: IBM Mainframe

Re: Speaking of SDSF

2006-09-22 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Ted, Look at the filter command. There is a good description of format in the help section. Thanks, Fletch (317) 817-3545 -Original Message- From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ted MacNEIL Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 5:39 PM To:

Re: Another BIG Mainframe Bites the Dust

2006-09-06 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Isn't that what makes the open systems stuff so good, no people...;-) Thanks, Fletch Yeah, I saw that comment too, about running HP-UX without admins. I support both a superdome and the mainframe (z9BC) here - and the 'dome is physically twice the size of the z9, as well as taking

Re: Unable To Find Error Message - ADSDM192

2006-08-28 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Just a thought, have you tried CA support? Thanks, Fletch -Original Message- From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of John Dawes Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 12:15 PM To: IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU Subject: Unable To Find Error Message - ADSDM192 Hi

Re: Strobe

2006-08-11 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Steve, I do not have a cheat sheet, since this is pretty easy to use. If you have access to Compuware's (registration required) web site there is great documentation on Strobe. The best way to start is to get your hands dirty and play with it, explore the options. The first time I used Strobe, I

Re: WLM classification of UNIX (OMVS) work.

2006-06-06 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
John, I believe you can use the _BPX_JOBNAME=FTPD, you can set this in you environment (probably some etc directory). This will essentially give you FTP jobs just use FTPD as the job, then you can key WLM to act on it accordingly. You will have to recycle the FTPD to make this take effect. If you

Re: Friday Topic...

2006-03-24 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Gary, Great post and has more to do with MF jobs than you think. Do not tell me know one remembers juggling 3480 carts? ;-) Thanks, Fletch -- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to

Re: Data conversion from 3380 to 3390 - H E L P

2006-03-22 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Wally's purpose? To quote Wally, That coffee cup does not get around by itself. snip That is just so Dilbert... What is Wally's purpose in life? Now why didn't we just do this for Y2K? Thanks, Fletch -- For IBM-MAIN

Re: RACF Structure and Performance

2006-02-28 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Alan, We did this years ago and found no appreciable performance difference. It did improve our security adminstration as there was only one point of maintenance. As always depending on your setup UMMV. Thanks, Fletch 817-3545 -Original Message- From: IBM Mainframe Discussion

Re: TASID Command

2006-02-23 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Howard, IIRC the IBM-MAIN archives would probably have the answer. This question was answered within the last month or so. You know you are in the right spot if you get TASID 5.11. Thanks, Fletch -Original Message- From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On

Re: PROTECTION EXCEPTION 0C4 - Job Doesn't Work When Dataset Used

2006-02-23 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Robert, One thing you may want to ask, do you run any file buffering software (Performance Essential and others) 'under the covers'? I have seen '(un)predictable' S0C4's with them and the particular one we work with will handle temporary files different than permanent ones. If you do you may want

Re: IBM-MAIN's 20th Birthday

2006-02-23 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
We all must have hobbies. ;-) Thanks, Fletch -Original Message- From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Edward E. Jaffe Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2006 4:02 PM To: IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU Subject: Re: IBM-MAIN's 20th Birthday Mark Zelden wrote:

OT post RE: SDSF profile.

2006-02-14 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
LOL. The first Abbot and Costello post I have seen. Thanks, Fletch -Original Message- From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Richard Pinion Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 2:02 PM To: IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU Subject: Re: SDSF profile. No, who's

Re: Mainframe Jobs Going Away

2006-02-10 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Silvio, Keep the hat close, you may (most likely) need it again. Things change, especially the cost of a MF - Server conversion..;-) Fletch -Original Message- From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Silvio Camplani Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006


2006-02-08 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Jorge, There is a 5.11 version of TASID. I forgot where at IBM I got it from, I think I had to do a google search, maybe a poster can give the correct link. Thanks, Fletch -Original Message- From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jorge Arueira


2006-02-08 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Mark, I love your IPLINFO program. I thought the name looked familiar. Thanks, Fletch -Original Message- From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark Zelden Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 3:53 PM To: IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU Subject: Re: PSA

Re: State of the Mainframe - News Article

2006-01-24 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
I have to agree with Tom and Chuck, looks like a couple of guys with there own opinion and they are very much entitled with it. Ironically I think Chuck and I have the same negotiator working for both our companies, because our costs keep going down while the open systems costs go up. You do not

Re: Operator Training Scenarios

2006-01-19 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
Is that ONE better than an IEFBR14? ;-) Fletch -Original Message- From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark Zelden Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 8:54 AM To: IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU Subject: Re: Operator Training Scenarios On Thu, 19 Jan 2006

Re: zAAP estimation

2005-12-21 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
I believe that version excel has a 64K limit on the number of rows. Thanks, Fletch -Original Message- From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Aaron Walker Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2005 10:09 AM To: IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU Subject: zAAP


2005-11-29 Thread Fletcher, Kevin
You can bet someone is on vacation still. ;-). I am still waiting for the acquisition of GM. Thanks, Fletch -Original Message- From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of McKown, John Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 4:29 PM To:

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