Re: OUCB usage

2011-09-18 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Eric Jackson writes: > For MVS, unlike most other platforms, the terms "swapping" and > "paging" refer to distinct operations. Paging is for a page of memory > in an address space, and swapping is when the entire address space is > swapped out to secondary storage. TSO address spaces waiting for

Re: CLOCK change problem

2011-08-23 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
re: CLOCK change problem 32bit value with 15hr duration ... different models decrement bits depending on timer resolution of the model. re: pg. 29, Interval Timer The Model 30

Re: CLOCK change problem

2011-08-23 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Herring, Bobby) writes: > TOD Clock switch AFAIK came in with the 370. I remember it > specifically on the 168 my memory is iffy on the 155/158 but I think > it was there, no experience on the 14X . > > If it was there on the 360s I never heard/saw anything about it. TOD

Re: Last card reader?

2011-08-18 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Shmuel Metz , Seymour J.) writes: > You really mean 709 and not 7090? That's a big jump! re: Last card reader? univ. supposedly had something like #3 709, thousands of tubes that constantly required maintenance ... something l

Re: Last card reader?

2011-08-18 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Chris Mason) writes: > The 2540 was an enormously versatile machine in that it not only > supported the card reading function but also the card punching > function. > > > > Google ad: first hit with search words "IBM 254

Re: Last card reader?

2011-08-17 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Ed Gould) writes: > Wasn't there a card reader as a requirement for 3090 and before > so the CE could install the OLTEP program and a rudimentary IOCDS to > run his diagnostics? 3092 (3090 service processor) was a pair of 4361s running a special custom vm370 release 6 off of 3

Re: Last card reader?

2011-08-17 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Steve Dover) writes: > Phil, we had one at Allstate Insurance until 1990. 2540 reader/punch. > I sure miss the chads, they were great fun in desks and cars. But I > do not miss hauling the 50 pound boxes around. as undergraduate in the 60s ... univ. was using sense-marked

Re: Opcode X'A0'

2011-08-09 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (John Baker) writes: > The X'A0' opcode provided various VS APL Assist functions. this was done at palo alto science center for 370/145. 370/145 had loadable microcode from floppy disk ... and would start to take away high real storage (from processor memory) for microcode.

Re: Suffix of 64 bit instructions

2011-08-08 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Shmuel Metz , Seymour J.) writes: > The B2 opcodes came later. Some of the emulator features on the S/360 > had longer opcodes. diagnose (x'83') is supervisor instruction defined as model specific. common mechanism was the displacement field was used as "extended op-c

Re: assembler help!

2011-08-07 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Farley, Peter x23353) writes: > ITYM RL/S (Rand Language for Systems). I was at the SHARE in NY that > year and managed to score a copy of the RL/S manual, but I never had > my hands on a tape. Still have the manual around here somewhere > though. > > If I remember th

Re: disclosing "business" information on the internet

2011-07-29 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Steve Conway) writes: > From a security standpoint, the less you expose to the outside world, the > better. Join a few security newsgroups / mailing lists, and see what > (justified) paranoia REALLY looks like. we were tangentially involved with the cal. state data

Re: disclosing "business" information on the internet

2011-07-29 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Ted MacNEIL) writes: > Recently, I worked at a shop where our VP told us we must have all > that info in our signature block -- quite the opposite! a group of us were the first to have business cards made up with our internal newtwork email address (as well as arpanet email add

Re: disclosing "business" information on the internet

2011-07-29 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Rick Fochtman) writes: > My two cents' worth: that auditor needs to find a more challenging > shop. He's "nit-picking" on trivia and showing just how paranoid he > really is. Too much time on his hands. one of the biggest challenges when we started doing the (internal) online te

Re: Check out June 2011 | TOP500 Supercomputing Sites

2011-07-20 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Ed Finnell) writes: > _June 2011 | TOP500 Supercomputing Sites_ > ( > > That's a whollottaflops... and a whole lot of sparcs ... regardless of what sun/oracle is doing. recent comment (in linkedin) thread that possibly a blade mega-dat

Re: NYTimes: IBM, helped by new mainframe sales, exceeds analysts' expectations

2011-07-19 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (john gilmore) writes: > This morning's New York Times, which perhaps not quite all of you see, > contains a piece attributing IBM's unexpectedly good financial results > to sales of new mainframes. from bloomberg/businessweek IBM Gains After Raising Profit Forecast on Soft

Re: Making Z/OS easier - Effectively replacing JCL with Unix like commands

2011-07-18 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Charles Mills) writes: > Somewhat OT but why? Why not C on the mainframe? Why two code bases, one > fairly easy to debug and one relatively hard to debug? > > I am thrilled with writing software for the mainframe in C (C++ actually) > after years of laboring in assembler. the los

Re: FW: Mysterious Email (original had no subject)

2011-07-15 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Barry Merrill) writes: > "PROFS was Ollie North's downfall" > > Actually, it was the site's VERY GOOD backup philosophy that > kept backups long-term, and the PROFS implementation at that > site that when the user "deleted" a message, it wasn't deleted. almost every such datacenter

Re: Web version of mainframes

2011-07-07 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (jagadishan perumal) writes: > Just wanted to know whether a web version of mainframe can be implemented. > One of our user is trying to access from a remote location using a wireless > internet in which the IP changes everytime. first web server outside cern on slac vm/cms (

Re: Vector processors on the 3090

2011-07-04 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Kirk Talman) writes: > If this is the beast I think it is, it attached only to 360s as a channel > that had outboard channels. Memory (no bit correction) says that was 44, > 65, 75, 91, and 165/8 on 370. May be more. The "programs" were channel > programs. I was told that

Re: Vector processors on the 3090

2011-07-01 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Anne & Lynn Wheeler) writes: > try search "linkpak 3090 vf" for various other refs finger slip ... that should be linpack (not linkpak) first top 500 doesn't have ibm mainframe

Re: Vector processors on the 3090

2011-07-01 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Timothy Sipples) writes: > That's not really true. For example, there was the IBM Engineering and > Scientific Subroutine Library (ESSL) Vector and Scalar/370 software. That > software provided a library of mathematical functions you could call from > FORTRAN, C, PL/I, A

Re: Vector processors on the 3090

2011-06-30 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Ed Gould) writes: > All the google searches are mute (or Cost $$$) > > As to the mega flops the facility had. Anyone have the numbers? > > Sorry to ask these semi off topic question but I was asked about them > and am at a loss to find documentation that doesn't. Cost $$ > > As a

Re: IBM Mainframe (1980's) on You tube

2011-06-30 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Anne & Lynn Wheeler) writes: > IBM TSS/360 pubs at bitsavers: > re: IBM Mainframe (1980's) on You tube IBM Mainframe (1980's) on

Re: IBM Mainframe (1980's) on You tube

2011-06-30 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Mike Schwab) writes: > Vector processors. Instruction Op-codes were re-used for z/Series. > > So Hercules was consolidated into 3 models. Latest S/370 with 64MB > real, XA through S/390 with vector, and z/Series. Earlier models > would run on the last model, just the sof

Re: IBM Mainframe (1980's) on You tube

2011-06-30 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Ed Gould) writes: > Another topic. What was the IBM # for the specialized processor engines that > were something like AP's (but weren't) on the 3090. I keep coming up with a > 3088, but I know thats not correct. If I could remember more I could google > but > the number is ju

Re: DR Plans

2011-06-22 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Ted MacNEIL) writes: > Considering the circumstances of a disaster, it wouldn't amaze me. In > 1969, the Canadian government started forcing all financial > institutions, over a certain size, to implement a DR plan, and test > it. In the 90s, major ATM transaction processing c

Re: OT The inventor of Email - Tom Van Vleck

2011-06-22 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Shmuel Metz , Seymour J.) writes: > It's older than that. re: OT The inventor of Email - Tom Van Vleck besides: other CTSS reference pages by Tom

Re: OT The inventor of Email - Tom Van Vleck

2011-06-20 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Ed Gould) writes: > more off-topic ... some number of people from CTSS went to the science center on 4th flr, 545 tech sq. and did (virtual machine) cp40 (on 360/40 with hardware modifications to support virtual memory) ... which t

Re: An upbeat story

2011-06-16 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Bill Fairchild) writes: > A long time ago a friend of mine told me that the mental abilities to > do computer programming, music, and foreign languages are probably > linked genetically. Since then I have noticed a lot of anecdotal > evidence to support this theory, including m

Re: When is performance really an issue? Was: Running an ISPF applicction from one pds

2011-06-13 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Scott Rowe) writes: > If it bothers you that much you are going to have to go back to running on > older (slower) hardware. It is just not possible without throwing out all > the innovative features that allow current processors to run at the speeds > they do. If you think i

Re: When is performance really an issue? Was: Running an ISPF applicction from one pds

2011-06-13 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Bill Fairchild) writes: > So what is the "exact" location, velocity, and/or mass of one particular > electron? well ... they did manage to recently report that the shape is spherical Electron is surprisingly spherical, say scientists following 10-year study

Re: We list every company in the world that has a mainframe computer

2011-06-06 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Charles Mills) writes: > Also is not fiber preferred over copper for secure applications because it > does not act as an antenna? the internal network was larger than the arpanet/internet from just about the beginning until possibly late 85 or early 86. the corporation required e

Re: We list every company in the world that has a mainframe computer

2011-06-04 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Anne & Lynn Wheeler) writes: > old '89 email with copy of the spring '85 announcement > re: We list every company in the world that has a mainframe computer http://

Re: We list every company in the world that has a mainframe computer

2011-06-04 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Ed Gould) writes: > Funny you mentioned that. He was part of the team that looked through > the watergate email (profs) and he was also involved in trying to get > data from some of the drives. He didn't go into a lot of detail but > there was some effort to try and recover overwr

Re: We list every company in the world that has a mainframe computer

2011-06-04 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Ed Gould) writes: > I am not sure any numbers you can come up with would tell a story (thats > accurate). I suspect even IBM (in some cases) does not have a clue as to what > is > running on any given machine. Especially in the "sensitive areas" of the > government. I knew of

Re: What is the current feeling for MVC loop vs. MVCL?

2011-06-02 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (David Crayford) writes: > > > There is one programming aspect that is relevant, although only > slightly linked to the use of a split cache. For many years, it has > been an axiom among S/360 - S/390 users that assembly lan

Re: z/OS System Programmer Needed East Coast

2011-06-01 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Eric Chevalier) writes: > Why do the letters "N S A" keep popping into my mind??? :-) from long ago and far away: one of the "benefits" of cp67 and then vm370 was complete source as well as tradition of doing

Re: What is the current feeling for MVC loop vs. MVCL?

2011-06-01 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
re: What is the current feeling for MVC loop vs. MVCL? other recent gcc reference: My first mainframe experience ... and recent reference to out-of-order pipeline introduced

Re: What is the current feeling for MVC loop vs. MVCL?

2011-06-01 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (john gilmore) writes: > These optimizations are also devised by groups whose full-time job is > to optimize code skeletons that are used stereotypically in > compiler-generated code; and these groups inevitably come to have a > vested interest in cleverness, i.e., non-standa

Re: My first mainframe experience

2011-05-29 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Ed Gould) writes: > Hehe Gerhard, obviously a type that of course should have been 25 years ago. > I have no experiance on LINUX but would guess it does not come with a FORTRAN > compiler. > My memory is iffy here but IIRC both (three) source programs had to be babied > to > wo

Re: My first mainframe experience

2011-05-29 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Lindy Mayfield) writes: > I seem to recall one OS had a command to crash the computer. Kill > command or some such. Took the fun out of everything I guess, or I > perhaps that was their intention. internally, in the 70s&80s, large percentage of systems ran vm ... that

Re: My first mainframe experience

2011-05-27 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Gerhard Postpischil) writes: > The 2260s were attached to a 2848 control unit. I worked at ADR when > they were announced, and a couple of us used them for playing games > (e.g., a battleship game by Dave McBride). {partly as a result of our > experience, we won a CIA contract f

Re: My first mainframe experience

2011-05-27 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Petersen, Jim) writes: > How about 2260's was a terminal control unit for terminals which only > had 12 lines by 80 Cut my teeth on 360/65 and a 360/50 and a 360/40 > and they had a 360/20 down at one of our sites for RJE. re: h

Re: My first mainframe experience

2011-05-27 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Ed Gould) writes: > Back in the 70's & 80's the place I worked had 1500 (or so) local 3270's off > of > a 168MP. > We were truly at the UCB # limit for MVS. We were forever having to do > sysgens > as our VP was a hungry for drives. The conversion to 3350's did save us a bit.

Re: z/OS SYSLOG to UNIX syslog daemon?

2011-05-26 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Rick Fochtman) writes: > Rumor had it at one time: the MSS cartridges contained all the > left-over tape from the 2321 strips. Seems that the tape was > over-stocked 'cuz the 2321 never took off like someone hoped it would. re: 2321 ca

Re: My first mainframe experience

2011-05-26 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Chris Mason) writes: > > > Table 8 has all the numbers. > > 3174 was a 3270 control unit. > > 4341 was a processor, a "mainframe". 3272 was controller for 3277 3274 was introduced as controller for

Re: z/OS SYSLOG to UNIX syslog daemon?

2011-05-23 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Steve Comstock) writes: > Ahhh! The memorable Mass Storage System. Pluck, shuck, and play. > ISTR it was the 3950, but I could be wrong. I wrote training for > it back when I was with IBM; even had it translated into German. > But I can't find the books now (this was 1974-

Re: Running z/OS On Your Laptop

2011-05-16 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Dan Skomsky, PSTI) writes: > It is obvious IBM has a different direction they are pursuing. I have > been re-hosting CICS applications onto Windows platforms for over ten > years. From what I have seen, all the smaller accounts have been > converted with only the "Big Bo

Re: SV: USS vs USS

2011-05-04 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Mike Schwab) writes: > > IBM wrote TSS/370 in 1980 then VM/IX then AIX/370 in 1988 then AIX/ESA > until 1999 when it merged into MVS/ESA Open Edition. tss/360 was done in the 60s (official system for 360/67) ... was decommited and lived

Re: TSO Profile NUM and PACK

2011-05-03 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
re: TSO Profile NUM and PACK Note: UNIX traces some of its history back to CTSS by way of MULTICS done on 5th flr of 545 tech sq. VM370/CMS also traces history back to CTSS by way of CP67/CMS and CP40/CMS done (at science center) on 4th flr of 545 tech

Re: TSO Profile NUM and PACK

2011-05-03 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Paul Gilmartin) writes: > I've long wondered, if sequence numbers are so valuable, why > haven't they spread outside the progeny of unit record systems? cms multi-level source update infrastructure relied on sequence numbers ... started out with cp67/cms and the cms "update"

Re: Overloaded acronyms

2011-05-02 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
at one point there was almost PCO (personal computing option) ... sort of TSO for VS/1 ... however it was eventually pointed out that PCO was also initials for political party in europe ... and PCO morphed into VS/PC. there was one plan to have VS/1 machines already preloaded with vm/cms (sort of

Re: Mixing Auth and Non-Auth Modules

2011-04-26 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler (Jeff Holst) writes: > I think that when I was later in an MVS shop, our auditors used that same > playbook, but I also think that they read slowly, as they seemed to find one > new thing in the book each year. when corporate came in for audit of SJR datacenter in the early

Re: Dyadic vs AP: Was "CPU utilization/forecasting"

2011-04-25 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
In <005a01cbff6c$b63dded0$22b99c70$>, on 04/20/2011 at 08:07 AM, Ron Hawkins said: >I remember spending some time playing with CPU affinity trying to >keep the CPU bound jobs away from the AP re: Dyadic vs AP: Was "CPU utilizat

Re: Dyadic vs AP: Was "CPU utilization/forecasting"

2011-04-20 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (Anne & Lynn Wheeler) writes: > DYADIC was term introduced with 3081 ... where it wasn't possible to > split the configuration and run as two separate independent processors > (wanted to draw distinction between past 360/370 multiprocessor that > c

Re: Dyadic vs AP: Was "CPU utilization/forecasting"

2011-04-20 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (Martin Packer) writes: > Ron, care to remind us of the modelling difference? It's been a while. :-) 360 & 370 dual-processors shared memory but each processors had its own dedicated channels ... and the configuration could be split and run as two separate processors. 370

Re: CPU utilization/forecasting

2011-04-18 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (David Andrews) writes: > Once upon a time I found it useful to condense a month's worth of RMF > data into a single graph showing the average CPU utilization over the > course of a day, plus-or-minus one standard deviation. That drop-bar > chart made it easy to visualize two-t

Re: TCP/IP Available on MVS When?

2011-04-15 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (Anne & Lynn Wheeler) writes: > part of the issue was that the base support shipped with a box that was > basically a channel-attached bridge (similar but different to 3174 boxes > that supported LANs) ... so the host stuff had to do all the ARP/MAC/LAN > layer

Re: TCP/IP Available on MVS When?

2011-04-14 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (Anne & Lynn Wheeler) writes: > the company product was done on VM and implemented in vs/pascal > (5798-FAL). it had a number of thruput issues ... but I did the RFC1044 > enhancements and in some testing at Cray research ... between a 4341 and > cray ... g

Re: TCP/IP Available on MVS When?

2011-04-14 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (Steve Conway) writes: > OK, let's invoke Jaffe's Law (Any ibm-main discussion will eventually > become a history lesson) immediately. > > In this case, I need a history lesson, preferably with citable references. > > When (year and OS release, if available) did TCP/

Re: Fear the Internet, was Cool Things You Can Do in z/OS

2011-04-13 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (Scott Ford) writes: > Well 1987 wow before the real firewalls. Security was on the inbound/outbound > dial devices. Also worked VM, cut my teeth on VM/SP1 > , loved VM, still do, I can how a exec would cause major pain in a VM system, > no > doubt. z/OS would be a bit tou

Re: Fear the Internet, was Cool Things You Can Do in z/OS

2011-04-13 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (Scott Ford) writes: > > ??? whats it XMASCARD recent post mentions: there was xmas exec on bitnet in nov87 ... vmshare archive and was almost exactly a year bef

Re: Fear the Internet, was Cool Things You Can Do in z/OS

2011-04-13 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (Mike Schwab) writes: > Writing the SE Linux was done with a National Security Agency (No Such > Agency) (NSA) research grant. > also from long ago and far away: -- virtu

Re: New job for mainframes: Cloud platform

2011-04-12 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (Shmuel Metz , Seymour J.) writes: > Access registers were ESA; they were announced for the 3090. Was the > 3081 a testbed for them, or was that a typo? re: New job for mainframes: Cloud platform

Re: New job for mainframes: Cloud platform

2011-04-12 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (Graeme Gibson) writes: > Well, let's not skew the kiddie's brains too much.. re: New job for mainframes: Cloud platform yes, well ... I thot it was also interesting that 2702 (IBM line scanners) managed to (also) reverse bits within byt

Re: Identifying Latest zOS Fixes

2011-04-11 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (Mike Schwab) writes: > Most of your Micro$oft and Linux errors are due to the C language > defining an end of string as x'00', and the programmer forgetting to > check the lenght of the input against the buffer. The the hacker > sends a malformed string to that function an

Re: New job for mainframes: Cloud platform

2011-04-11 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (Timothy Sipples) writes: > I've known HP in its sales pitches to make a lot of fuss about > endianness as reason why it would be oh-so-difficult for an HP-UX > customer to move to Linux on X86, or for a Linux X86 customer to move > to (or add) Linux on System z, dependin

Re: New job for mainframes: Cloud platform

2011-04-08 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (Shane Ginnane) writes: > And how is any of this news ?. > (comment aimed at the wider community, not Lynn specifically) re: previous was from several days ago ... more recent items from today: IBM Jumps Into Cloud, Customers Tip-toe B

New job for mainframes: Cloud platform

2011-04-08 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
New job for mainframes: Cloud platform from above: As companies take steps to develop private clouds, mainframes are looking more and more like good places to house consolidated and virtualized servers. Their big

Re: Cool Things You Can Do in z/OS

2011-04-06 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (Tony Harminc) writes: > The criteria are quite different. A public phone system that connects > 0.0001 percent of calls to the wrong place and drops a similar number > in mid call is perfectly acceptable. A phone system (even a single > local switch serving 10,000 lines) that is d

Re: Cool Things You Can Do in z/OS

2011-04-06 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (Sam Siegel) writes: > Please consider the RAS on the US domestic phone switching network. > It is a distributed system that (to my knowledge) does not use z/OS or > zSeries hardware. You also have service providers like Google, the > global DNS servers, etc. The list can be easily

Re: coax (3174) throughput

2011-04-06 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (R.S.) writes: > Yes, however my curiosity is related only to coax port - coax port > "channel". In this scope any other bottleneck does not apply. Of > course in real word the weakest link of chain is the most important. > BTW: 3174 can be channel-attached, and I gue

Re: coax (3174) throughput

2011-04-05 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (R.S.) writes: > What is the throughput of coax connection? > I'm aware hat it's usually used for "hard" terminal connectivity, > i.e. 3278 to 3174 and speed is simply good enough. > However let's imagine PC with coax card connected to 3174 and IND$FILE > transfer. Wh

Re: Mainframe Fresher

2011-04-04 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (Steve Comstock) writes: > But I am curious as to why the mainframe doesn't just go > away: there must be one or more z/OS applications that the > Windows folks just can't beat. Can you describe what applications > are keeping the mainframe around? And why Windows folks can

Re: Mainframe passwords synced to active directory.

2011-04-04 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (Bill Johnson) writes: > We are trying to sync up (and expand) our mainframe passwords to match > what the user has in active directory. So far so good. The problem is > when the AD password is longer than 8 characters. Anyone shed some > light as to how this can be handled? a

Re: Internet pioneer Paul Baran

2011-03-28 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (Anne & Lynn Wheeler) writes: > the majority of the internal nodes had always been VM ... but starting > in the late 70s there was an explosion in the number of vm/4341 nodes. re: Internet pioneer Paul Baran There a huge number

Re: Internet pioneer Paul Baran

2011-03-28 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (Ed Finnell) writes: > Was it Walt Dougherty(sp) that used to give the networks update at SHARE > early eighties? Started with a two page binder and mid-eighties was about an > inch and half of Fanfold... re: Internet pioneer Paul Ba

Re: Internet pioneer Paul Baran

2011-03-28 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (Mike Schwab) writes: > Internet pioneer Paul Baran passes away, March 28, 2011. Designed > Packet switching that was incorporated into Arpanet in 1969 later IP. > > > After reading that, I found interesting this article, Celebr

Re: junking CKD; was "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence"

2011-03-25 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
from long ago and far away, IBM Jargon: FS - n. Future System. A synonym for dreams that didn't come true. That project will be another FS. Note that FS is also the abbreviation for functionally stabilized, and, in Hebrew, means zero, or nothing. Also known as False Start, etc. ... snip ... I ha

Re: Downloading PoOps?

2011-03-25 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (Bonno, Tuco) writes: > Graduate, College of Conflict Management; > University of SouthEast Asia; > "I partied on the Ho Chi Minh Trail - tiến lên !! " Friday PoOps trivia ... was one of the first mainstream IBM pubs to move to cp67/cms script. The motivation was PoOps was a subset

Re: junking CKD; was "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence"

2011-03-23 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
John Chase wrote: > Actually, it's "favorite son" operating system; as in "most favored" > or "takes precedence over all others" or "gets all the attention". > Might also be an oblique reference to the dead "Future System" that > was to be the "be all and end all" of operating systems. re: http://

Re: junking CKD; was "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence"

2011-03-23 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (Bill Fairchild) writes: > It was. ECKD was announced in the early- to mid-80s, which was 25+ > years ago, which is several decades ago. Not all users respond > quickly. as expected ... they were using "eckd" ... and just not bothering to fully qualify ... since the transition

Re: junking CKD; was "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence"

2011-03-23 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
re: "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence" junking CKD; was "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence" junking CKD; was "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence"

Re: junking CKD; was "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence"

2011-03-23 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (McKown, John) writes: > Perhaps "not financially viable". "We" complain about how much z/OS > costs right now. Imagine the howls of rage if IBM were to increase the > cost of z/OS by 10% (to pick a round, random, number) and say that it > was to allow z/OS to use FBA

Re: junking CKD; was "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence"

2011-03-22 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (Ed Gould) writes: > Lyn: > > I bow to your expertize and have not read your paper on the 3725. > > My sort of well lets say home grown experience with trial and error (sigh a > lot > of errorr). > Gut instinct said the limiting factor was the byte channel (which I > understood)

Re: junking CKD; was "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence"

2011-03-22 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (Bill Fairchild) writes: > Lynn, > > I signed in to LinkedIn and was unable to find the reference, so > thanks for including the URL for the missing LinkedIn reference. I > read through that reference and saw 16 comments, only one of which > mentioned very bad throughput for CKD

Re: junking CKD; was "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence"

2011-03-22 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (Bill Fairchild) writes: > It was. ECKD was announced in the early- to mid-80s, which was 25+ > years ago, which is several decades ago. Not all users respond > quickly. re: "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence" oh, the missing

Re: "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence"

2011-03-22 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (R.S.) writes: > SSA? It's obsoleted by FC and SAS. Even IBM don't use SSA anymore. > (sorry couldn't resist) ;-) old post about 9333/Harrier (serial copper) turning into SSA. I had been working on getting them to turn into FCS (fiber channel standard) compatibilit

Re: Maybe off topic

2011-03-09 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (Ed Gould) writes: > Thanks... > > My memory seemed too jump when I saw QBE... I think that was it. > THE BIG block letters on the screen were QBE. > > I do not know How I ever forgot those initials but I did. > Now onto QBE. Was it iBM code or an IUP or ... . A quick google sa

Re: Maybe off topic

2011-03-08 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (Hal Merritt) writes: > I seem to recall working on a product called SLR (Service Level > Reporter). My (very poor) memory is of databases that looked a lot > like those later introduced by DB2. re: Maybe off topic http://www.g

Re: Maybe off topic

2011-03-08 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (Anne & Lynn Wheeler) writes: > System/R reunion discussion of SQL/DS mentions that massive EAGLE > project in STL kept attention away from RDBMS ... allowing System/R to > get out as SQL/DS > >

Re: Maybe off topic

2011-03-07 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (Ed Gould) writes: > I was reading some article today about IBM & DB2 today. I think it > said something like DB2 was IBM's real first try into relational > databases. My memory is foggy here something in the back of my mind > says that is not quite correct. Back in the 70's (?)

Re: z/OS 1.13 preview

2011-02-20 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (Ed Gould) writes: > I cannot remember where my first run in with VSE was. It was a LONG > time ago. Probably im the mid 70's (???). I think it was in St Louis > at an IBM school there.We were trying to set up a 4331 for our New > York Office. It was either there or out in the LA I

Re: IBM 100: System 360 From Computers to Computer Systems

2011-02-20 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
Allodoxaphobia writes: > There are a number of anecdotal stories about companies taking the > covers off and sending them to a paint shop to achieve their own > corporate color scheme. the science center had five 2314 8drive strings and one 2314 5drive string ... connected to the 360/67 (runnin

Re: Custom programmability for 3270 emulators

2011-02-08 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (Charles Mills) writes: > Last one that I wrote was in about 1990. Anyone remember SNA? > > There are several 3270 vendors around. Some of the emulators have a macro > capability. internal parasite/story predated ibm/pc and relied on vm370 psuedo device and "passthru virtual mach

Re: Long-running jobs, PDS, and DISP=SHR

2011-01-25 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (Shmuel Metz , Seymour J.) writes: > No. None of his scenarios involved concurrent updates. The danger > comes from scenarios other than the ones he presented. Of course, the > ABEND S213 will prevent corruption of the directory in that case. for a long time, CKD disks

Re: Testing hardware RESERVE

2011-01-25 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (Paul Gilmartin) writes: > Long ago, circa MVS 3.8 without GRS, in our little lab we got > sporadic deadlocks when one job allocated SYSLIB on VOL001, > SYSLMOD on VOL002, and another allocated SYSLIB on VOL002, > SYSLMOD on VOL001. long ago and far away ... discussion of the

Re: digitize old hardcopy manuals

2011-01-18 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (Andreas F. Geissbuehler) writes: > I believe you once posted / answered a post about digitizing old hardcopy > manuals. I have some 30 volumes 1980..1995 vintage, about 8'000 B&W pages to > convert to PDF. bitsavers is somewhat ad-hoc ... although they do have software that t

Re: Date representations: Y2k revisited

2011-01-18 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler (Frank Swarbrick) writes: > Or COBOL! Or Pascal. there are large number of characteristics of C language that result in programmers tending to shoot themselves in the foot ... that are not there in other languages. the original mainframe tcp/ip implementation had b

Re: subscripti ng

2011-01-16 Thread Anne &amp; Lynn Wheeler
popular press has people using less than 5% of their brains. there has been extensive advances in knowledge of the brain over the last decade from MRI studies. recent book discussing structure in some detail (also available on kindle)

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