Re: ACP, One of the Oldest Open Source Apps

2009-08-23 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to alt.folklore.computers, as well. Anne Lynn Wheeler writes: some old email indicates that even 9083 hand-picked only came in marginally faster than 3083 (not even on the order

Re: ACP, One of the Oldest Open Source Apps

2009-08-22 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to alt.folklore.computers, as well. John A Pershing Jr writes: At the time (I'm pretty sure this was with the 308x processor family) IBM offered special TPF machines for a

Re: ACP, One of the Oldest Open Source Apps

2009-08-22 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
John A Pershing Jr writes: At the time (I'm pretty sure this was with the 308x processor family) IBM offered special TPF machines for a premium price, or so I was told when I was working with TPF Development. As I recall, they sorted the critical chips and constructed

ACP, One of the Oldest Open Source Apps

2009-08-21 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to alt.folklore.computers, as well. ACP, One of the Oldest Open Source Apps from above: The Airline Control Program

Re: ISPF Counter

2009-08-21 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (John McKown) writes: I think this is an artifact that the 3270 data stream is really designed to be half duplex, like the old walkie-talkies. Each side tells the other that it has control of the transmission. This is especially true in TSO. Now, I do remember z/VM's or maybe

Re: ISPF Counter

2009-08-21 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Anne Lynn Wheeler) writes: disk controllers. Moving the 3270 controllers directly off the mainframe channels ... replacing them with HYPERChannel boxes ... which were much faster and had much lower channel busy for identical 3270 channel operations ... resulted in increase

Re: IBM halves mainframe Linux engine prices

2009-08-19 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
John A Pershing Jr writes: However, it's all a very fuzzy area. E.g., is CP an Operating System, since it is dependent on CMS for development? Or, is it, perhaps, merely a Kernel on steroids? -jp And, yes, TPF transactions clearly can drive a printer -- e.g., to

Re: SNA: conflicting opinions

2009-08-18 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
John A Pershing Jr writes: Lynn clearly meant to say one of the internal networks: specifically, VNET which mostly connected the various VM systems. There were several other internal networks (e.g., HONE) which were all SNA-based. re:

Re: SNA: conflicting opinions

2009-08-18 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
John A Pershing Jr writes: Yeah, and it was a poor implementation, Talk about pathlengths! I worked with a couple guys in Endicott in the early '90s on a hyper-optimized implementation of SNA on VM. We left VTAM up there in its virtual machine, and let it do its PU5

Re: SNA: conflicting opinions

2009-08-18 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Anne Lynn Wheeler writes: i had to do something similar in the early 80s when I was doing HSDT project re: SNA: conflicting opinions except, instead of moving it from the virtual

Re: SNA: conflicting opinions

2009-08-18 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
., in the IMS versus CICS wars), and was generally bemused by the political machinations that went on within the SNA ARB. I remember bumping into Lynn Wheeler way back then (I'm talking very early '80s), although I doubt that he remembers me (I was one of Andy Heller's guys back then). re: http

Re: SNA: conflicting opinions

2009-08-18 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
John A Pershing Jr writes: Hmmm... I never got that memo. Sounds fishy to me, since the US government didn't own The Internet any more, so wouldn't have been in a place to mandate such a thing. re: SNA: conflicting opinions

Re: The Death of Servers and Software

2009-08-18 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Timothy Sipples) writes: Yes, servers, software, and perhaps even services are dead. Everything is dead. Thus I suggest unplugging every HP X86, distributed HP/UX, and NonStop Kernel server you own, now, before it's too late. there have been a number of articles over the

Re: SNA: conflicting opinions

2009-08-11 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
re: VTAM security issue VTAM security issue VTAM security issue SNA: conflicting opinions a network layer with feature like ARP ...

Re: SNA: conflicting opinions

2009-08-11 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
re: SNA: conflicting opinions SNA: conflicting opinions part of the terminal communication heritage was things like LU6.2 having 160,000 instruction pathlength and 15 buffer copies thru VTAM. The execution of

Re: VTAM security issue

2009-08-10 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Patrick O'Keefe) writes: Well, the N is Network, not Networking, but I don't think that clarifies anything. Lynn apparently has some very specific defibition of Networking in mind. His comment may be accurate (His comments usually are.) but I'm not sure what that

Re: VTAM security issue

2009-08-10 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
re: VTAM security issue VTAM security issue the communication division did provide the basis for rapid uptake of personal computers via terminal (communication) emulation. A customer could get an ibm/pc with

Re: SNA: conflicting opinions

2009-08-10 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Chris Mason) writes: Probably the architects had one in mind to be rolled out eventually. After all, OSI was supposed to take over the world - starting with the governments.[2] Incidentally, you are guilty of violating the ISO model here. A layer is placed

Re: VTAM security issue

2009-08-09 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Chris Mason) writes: There is no universal SNA network - as some in IBM imagined could be created in the early '80s - and so the access to these supposedly vulnerable VTAM systems is going to be via the universal IP network.[1] Thus one of the protocols whereby the IP

Re: Hercules; more information requested.

2009-08-06 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Gerhard Postpischil) writes: It simulates anything from a S/370 to a modern machine. However, modern software requires a license and the chance of getting that are essentially nil (unless you're working for IBM?). The web has various sites that provide downloads for legal

Re: Z/VM support for FBA devices was Re: z/OS support of HMC's 3270 emulation?

2009-08-04 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Steele, Phil) writes: Well no-one has answered, so I had better! The 3345 was really a 3350 that was re-partitioned so that each 3350 spindle looked like four 3340-70MB spindles/disks. It was a cheaper way of getting (maybe?slower) 3340s if you could not handle

Re: Hercules; more information requested.

2009-08-04 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Shmuel Metz , Seymour J.) writes: Except for TSO. Also, SVS dropped some features of OS/360 MVT, e.g., GJP, RJE, and reimplimented others, e.g., loading transient SVC routines. at various times, there were various degrees about killing off both cp67 and vm370

Re: Java question

2009-08-04 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Paul Gilmartin) writes: But, I was envisioning that for performance and sharability it might be desirable to keep it in LPA. Sort of like a VM DisContiguous Shared Segment. HONE was online vm370 based system that grew into (the internal IBM) world-wide sales marketing

Re: Hercules; more information requested.

2009-08-03 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Timothy Sipples) writes: Many people date UNIX's origins to Multics. Development of both Multics and MVT started in 1964, so they are contemporaries of one another by that reasonable measure. re: Hercules; more information

Re: Hercules; more information requested.

2009-08-03 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Anne Lynn Wheeler) writes: a couple recent posts in a.f.c. ng ... in a fairly active thread (thread even includes post by one of the people that originated unix) re: Hercules; more information requested.

Re: Hercules; more information requested.

2009-08-03 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Timothy Sipples) writes: Many people date UNIX's origins to Multics. Development of both Multics and MVT started in 1964, so they are contemporaries of one another by that reasonable measure. But... does anybody really care? Seriously? :-) re:

Re: Hercules; more information requested.

2009-08-01 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Paul Gilmartin) writes: No, but it's hard to call z/OS modern while it's hobbling along with the equivalent of the model T engine. Too much legacy baggage. Retain RM=31 and RM=24 for code requiring it, but also provide RM=64 for newer code. I believe users are already

Re: Mainframe Utility for EBCDIC to ASCII conversion

2009-07-30 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
for the fun of it ... a recent post in a.f.c. ng A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing referencing this article about why 360s came out as EBCDIC machines rather than ASCII EBCDIC and the P-BIT (The Biggest Computer Goof Ever)

Re: [Fwd: ORACLE :When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get ???]

2009-07-30 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
part of similar thread from (linkedin) mainframe discussion Oracle Database Abandons z/OS old post referencing making Oracle available on 370 initially only on vm/cms ... same platform used for

Re: Z/VM support for FBA devices was Re: z/OS support of HMC's 3270 emulation?

2009-07-30 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Clark Morris) writes: z/VM also supports FBA and SCSI devices. It would be great if z/OS could learn to do that for all FBA type data sets (VSAM, PDSE, HFS, zFS, linear and maybe a couple of others). They might have to sign a non-disclosure agreement but I think

Re: Z/VM support for FBA devices was Re: z/OS support of HMC's 3270 emulation?

2009-07-30 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Rick Fochtman) writes: I seem to recall support for both 3370 and 3375 on MVS. I can't remember exactly when. IIRC, one was a CKD device and the other was a FBA device. Don't ask me which was which. re: Z/VM support for FBA devices

Re: Z/VM support for FBA devices was Re: z/OS support of HMC's 3270 emulation?

2009-07-30 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (W. Kevin Kelley) writes: Nope, at least not the ones that MVS supported. I vaguely recall some 3345's that might have been FBA and we didn't support? That was a long time ago and my memory is getting fuzzy... re: Z/VM support

Re: Mainframe hacking (getting back on topic)

2009-07-21 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Sebastian Welton) writes: There is an article on the 2600 archives (and replicated elsewhere) on how to break into VM/370 systems but really requires you to know the maint password. I have (bows head in shame) 'hacked' into a system. This was open to the internet and was

Re: Mainframe hacking

2009-07-21 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Bruce Richardson) writes: Getting back on target Doesn't anyone remember the Christmas Tree viral worm? As I recall, it was an e-mail with an attachment; the reader was instructed to save the attachment as a EXEC, and run it to see the Christmas

Re: Bulletproof

2009-07-21 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (John Eells) writes: We prefer the phrase bullet resistant. ;-) (Sorry, I couldn't resist.) misc. past posts mentioning getting to play disk enginneer in bldg. 14 15 we i 1st started playing they had all these test cells

Re: My Green Screen IBMLink is still working

2009-07-04 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. (Barry Merrill) writes: You reminded me that back in 1976 when I had just joined Sun Oil, and we were a big IBM datacenter, I requested a new feature in our 3270s that

Re: Any one using JDBC type 4 to access IMS DB??

2009-06-24 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. Tom Longfellow writes: This sounds like an entirely different situation. The thing being replaced in your picture is the communications, not the database

Re: Another one bites the dust

2009-06-24 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. (Bob Shannon) writes: IBM used to give huge discounts to universities. About 15-20 or so years ago they did away with the discounts

Re: dynamic allocation

2009-06-10 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. (Frank Swarbrick) writes: I can think of several ways that JCL could be improved to help me here. Unfortunately I get the feeling no one at IBM is

Re: Why are z/OS people reluctant to use z/OS UNIX? (Are settlements a good argument for overnight batch COBOL ?).

2009-06-09 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. Anne Lynn Wheeler writes: somewhat related recent post (mentions that long ago and far away my wife had been con'ed into going to POK to be in charge of mainframe

Re: SEs History Lessons

2009-06-07 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (P S) writes: Actually HONE was Hands-On Network Environment, not Experience. At least, that's what I was always told, and Google seems to support it, albeit only 41 to 13. re: Why are z/OS people reluctant to use z/OS UNIX? yes,

Re: SEs History Lessons

2009-06-07 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
re: Why are z/OS people reluctant to use z/OS UNIX? SEs History Lessons Early on, the HONE cp67 systems, deployed csc/vm cp67 (large body internal/csc changes) with a subset of the H system updates. Before 370

Re: Why are z/OS people reluctant to use z/OS UNIX?

2009-06-05 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. (Arthur Gutowski) writes: Guess I drank the kool-aid. IBM hired me in at the time they were jumping into the services business (another unmitigated disaster, IMHO,

Re: Why are z/OS people reluctant to use z/OS UNIX?

2009-06-04 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. (Barbara Nitz) writes: My point of contention is that most of the 'programmers' (That's why I called that 'clicking') don't care that their code is poor. My neighbour

Re: Why are z/OS people reluctant to use z/OS UNIX? (Are settlements a good argument for overnight batch COBOL ?).

2009-06-04 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. (Brendan Friel) writes: It's interesting to link (trade) settlements to overnight batch COBOL. That's not really an option(sic) in today's trading world - you

Re: Why are z/OS people reluctant to use z/OS UNIX?

2009-06-04 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. (Steve Comstock) writes: That's the other windmill I'm tilting at these days: the benefits of insourcing - using local people for local work. Working to once


2009-06-03 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. (Bruno Sugliani) writes: Larry Elison : I make fun of a lot of other databases—all other databases, in fact, except the mainframe version

Re: Book on Poughkeepsie

2009-05-29 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. (Jodi Everdon) writes: Did you happen to read the last issue of z/OS Hot Topics? I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by the story of page

Re: Book on Poughkeepsie

2009-05-28 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. TrailingEdgeTechnologies writes: Another use for the 1mm-hole form factor for cards would have been a step between the original 80-column and

Re: Punched Card Combinations

2009-05-28 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. (Clark Kidd) writes: If a particular column didn't get punched correctly, you could always patch the card by putting it back in the keypunch

Re: Book on Poughkeepsie

2009-05-27 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. (Ted MacNEIL) writes: We used to joke about how IBM found a way to get rid of all their olld 96-column stock. In Canada (I don't know if

Re: Book on Poughkeepsie

2009-05-27 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. (Shane) writes: So long as it wasn't an object deck. Very early on I got into the habit of diagonally marking (the edge of) decks with a

Re: Book on Poughkeepsie

2009-05-27 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. (Scott T. Harder) writes: VBG. Too funny. I've heard many stories about card decks being dropped every which-way, but what did you

Re: Book on Poughkeepsie

2009-05-26 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. (Rick Fochtman) writes: Consider, if you will, the sweet innocence of childhood. ;-) How many of us remember the days of punched cards, either

Re: Book on Poughkeepsie

2009-05-26 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. (Ted MacNEIL) writes: I remember two models -- KP-26 KP-29. I had my own (as probably did others) card 'programmed' for certain stops, so I

Re: IBM Mainframe: 50 Years of Big Iron Innovation

2009-05-19 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. (Patrick O'Keefe) writes: But getting back to the memory lane slide show, I'm a bit surprised the 650 is not included. It may not have

Re: z/Journal Does it Again

2009-05-16 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. (Scott T. Harder) writes: I rather think that they (client/server model... we're getting rid of the mainframe) tried that in the 90's. there were lots of

Re: z/Journal Does it Again

2009-05-16 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
Anne Lynn Wheeler writes: overnight batch window. The problem was that the parallel distribution object-oriented technologies introduced a factor of 100 times (two orders of magnitude) increase in processing overhead ... totally swamping any anticipated throughput benefits

Re: Mainframe articles

2009-05-12 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. (Scott T. Harder) writes: Very cool. Funny, though... I remember first logging onto TSO on what I thought was a 3082 (although I didn't know what even DASD

Re: Mainframe articles

2009-05-12 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. re: Mainframe articles Mainframe articles IT Infrastructure

Re: Fw: Re: 308x Processors - was Mainframe articles

2009-05-12 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. (Patrick Falcone) writes: Correction they were 3081K 32's, one of the other posts jolted my memory back into focus. Sorry for the drift. re:

Re: Mainframe articles

2009-05-12 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
re: Mainframe articles Mainframe articles IT Infrastructure Slideshow: The IBM Mainframe: 50 Years of Big Iron Innovation

Re: Fw: Re: 308x Processors - was Mainframe articles

2009-05-12 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Thompson, Steve) writes: SNIP 3033 and 3081 in 370 mode were 24bit (16mbyte) addressing (real virtual). SNIPPAGE Didn't the 30xx machines have 26 bit addressing (the 3033 mode) when operating in S/370 mode? Starting with the 3033MP? re:

Re: Data masking/data disguise Primer 1) WHY

2009-04-21 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. (Phil Smith) writes: Why can't you debug a production issue, if you're using Format-Preserving Encryption? Does the application need the real data? Most do not. Or

Re: Lisp

2009-04-20 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. (Patrick O'Keefe) writes: I haven't thought about Lisp for about 40 years. Just out of curiosity, is it actually used outside of academia? Is it used at all

Re: A foolish consistancy or 3390 cyl/track architecture

2009-03-31 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. (Patrick O'Keefe) writes: I think that logic may not apply. It all depends on how the emulation works. The wasted track space may not take any space on the

Re: A foolish consistancy or 3390 cyl/track architecture

2009-03-27 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. (Tom Marchant) writes: Indeed, one could build a 3390 with only one recording surface and an arm that has 15 heads. IAC, the emulation of such a large number

Re: Cost of CPU Time

2009-03-22 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. Christopher Keller writes: Isn't one of the advantages of cloud computing the avoidance of over- or underprovisioning? e.g. Above the clouds: A Berkeley View of Cloud

Re: IBM in talks to acquire Sun Microsystems

2009-03-18 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. (Eric Chevalier) writes: This morning's Wall Street Journal is reporting that IBM is in talks to buy Sun Microsystems for as much as $6.5 billion. A deal could

Re: Can TOD (STCKE) be compressed into 12 bytes

2009-03-08 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. (Don Williams) writes: From a practical view point, I disagree. I believe that a usage note in the POP can imply a programming interface is likely to exist. Here’s

Re: Can TOD (STCKE) be compressed into 12 bytes

2009-03-06 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. (Walt Farrell) writes: There are many hardware architectural features described in the PoP that z/OS does not consider programming interfaces for programs running

Re: Assembler Question

2009-02-16 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folkore.computers as well. (Bill Fairchild) writes: I should have checked Wiki_knows_all first. But there was a connection between

Re: Assembler Question

2009-02-11 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. (Ted MacNEIL) writes: I believe they stopped after 3350-compatible drives. We were one of the last users in the Greater Toronto Area (Ontario

Re: Assembler Question

2009-02-11 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. (Farley, Peter x23353) writes: CDC certainly made processors. DOD used CDC 6600's extensively for defense planning in the late 60's

Re: Assembler Question

2009-02-11 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.foklore.computers as well. (Patrick O'Keefe) writes: I don't know what the C was for, but CDC definitely made computers in the 1960s. There was a least a 6000

Re: Z11 - Water cooling?

2009-02-07 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to, as well. (R.S.) writes: I don't believe! I know pure H2O is dielectric, but it is virtually impossible to keep it so clean especially in

Re: Z11 - Water cooling?

2009-01-30 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. (Jousma, David) writes: Without commenting on the actual topic, I can just hear the folks in the Intel space claim that we dino's are now copying their technology

Re: ICSF and VISA/MasterCard?amex reference list

2009-01-23 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. (J R) writes: As Ted mentioned, Canadian banks use it. It is also used extensively by European banks and those in the Antipodes. What do these banks have

Re: Amid Economic Turbulence, Mainframes Counter IT Cost-Cutting Trend

2009-01-21 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. (John McKown) writes: Single word: greed. On the part of management and the investors. To the nether world with the future, give me an immediate payoff. That explains

Re: Amid Economic Turbulence, Mainframes Counter IT Cost-Cutting Trend

2009-01-21 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (Anton Britz) writes: Your first article was created by KPMG , an audit, tax and advisory firm in the USA.. that we all can trust, such as ACCENTURE... registered in BERMUDA so that they pay no taxes in the USA legally. re:

SHARE copyright

2009-01-15 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. I'm looking at scanning some old documents from the 70s ... and looking at getting them put up in the ibm section: on bitsavers: I'm

Re: SHARE copyright

2009-01-15 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. (Walt Farrell) writes: This seems rather obvious, so perhaps you've already tried it or rejected it for some reason, but the SHARE web page at

Re: the Z/10 and timers.

2009-01-07 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. (Timothy Sipples) writes: And it's a little tough to pin down when SMP began, because engineers are going to quibble about the

Re: the Z/10 and timers.

2009-01-07 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. (Tony Harminc) writes: In particular, the 65MP did not have a programmable prefix register to relocate low storage for each CPU the way S/370

Re: mvs preemption dispatcher

2009-01-02 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. (Rick Fochtman) writes: Actually, I think that preemptive dispatching and timer pops existed long before MVS. Can we say Time Slicing ?? CTSS

Re: Computer History Museum

2008-12-26 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. (Rick Fochtman) writes: I could sure use a copy of that BPS Loader source code, if anyone has it and is willing to share.. re:

Re: Computer History Museum

2008-12-26 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. (Rick Fochtman) writes: I could sure use a copy of that BPS Loader source code, if anyone has it and is willing to share.. re:

Re: Computer History Museum

2008-12-26 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. re: Computer History Museum Computer History Museum

Re: Computer History Museum

2008-12-25 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. (Rick Fochtman) writes: I don't remember all the mods we made at NCSS, but one change that made a BIG difference on the simplex and duplex

Re: Computer History Museum

2008-12-24 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. (Kelman, Tom) writes: That is interesting. I would like to visit the museum some day. Here's descriptions from a couple of the

Re: Computer History Museum

2008-12-24 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. (Rick Fochtman) writes: And if you opened the covers of the old 2880 Block Multiplexor Channel box, you found a downsized version of the 360/44 front panel. Fancy

Re: Computer History Museum

2008-12-24 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. (Rick Fochtman) writes: We called them Gap Records at NCSS and they worked very well for paging on 2305 devices. We'd use the first exposure

Re: Memory Instrumentation - was largest parallel sysplex around?

2008-12-15 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler (R.S.) writes: I'm talking about *practice*. BTDT. Again: well signed cables are the key. re: Curiousity: largest parallel sysplex around? Curiousity: largest parallel sysplex

Re: Curiousity: largest parallel sysplex around?

2008-12-12 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. (John McKown) writes: Thanks for the info. The reason that I ask is a bit weird. I'm on a list similar to this one, but for the iSeries

Re: Curiousity: largest parallel sysplex around?

2008-12-12 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. (Scott Rowe) writes: Well, I've never heard of a large PowerPC server, I think you are referring to POWER. re:

Re: OCO, documentation, support from IBM-Main, etc.

2008-12-11 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to,alt.folklore.computers as well. (Arthur T.) writes: It's been a long time since IBM went OCO. When they did, didn't they promise better documentation to make up for the

Re: CPU time/instruction table

2008-12-02 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (John McKown) writes: On the current machines, there are two classes of instructions. The simple instructions (like SR and LA and so forth) are hard wired. The more difficult instructions (such as MVCLE) are millicoded. So, if you can replace a millicoded instruction with a

Re: Mainframe files under AIX etc.

2008-11-26 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John McKown) writes: This is strictly for z/Linux use. I really doubt that you can connect mainframe DASD to your AIX system. The interface is different. The

Re: EAL5 Certification for z10 Enterprise Class Server

2008-11-26 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to as well. [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Walt Farrell) writes: But personally, I would not call it an operating system (I would call it a hypervisor) nor would I claim it as EAL6+. above EAL4 gets kind of

Re: EAL5 Certification for z10 Enterprise Class Server

2008-11-26 Thread Anne Lynn Wheeler
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Walt Farrell) writes: I'll agree that things are generally different above EAL4, but in my experience typically because the mutual recognition agreements apply only at EAL4 and lower. And because (I think) in the US you may need the NSA involved in evaluations at EAL5 and

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