Inverse cosine isn't built in but can be derived from atan()
This is covered in Chapter 8 of Lingo in a Nutshell. If you don't own LiaN,
you can download what you need from:
>Is there an inverse cosine function in lingo?
>I've looked and did
>How should a non-programmer learn Lingo?
See Lingo in a Nutshell. The first long, free chapter named "How Lingo
thinks" introduces basic programming concepts.
Looking for an ActionScript book as good as Lingo and Direct
>> >When I click on sprite(2) then sprite(3) moves to sprite(2) using this
>> >sprite(3).rect sprite(2).rect
>> >That works fine, except that sprite(3) quickly moves back to its original
>> >location.
I assume you mean:
sprite(3).rect = sprite(2).rect
Maybe there is some other code reset
>Just to let you all know - I sorted out my NetError() problem: Seems
>that running Director under OSX prevents you from being able to query
>the net work operation for errors - not a problem if you are fore-warned.
I don't understand what you are saying about it failing un OS X.
Please clarify
Allegedly there is an ipix Xtra at I've never used it.
>I'm currently working on a project where the clients requirements are
>ipix's panoramas through a projector. I've never tried to embed a ipix
>panorama before -
>do i need to download a XTRA, or can it be coded
At 11:52 AM -0400 06/15/01, Lingo-L Digest wrote:
> cvalue1 = float(1.0 * (s * exp(-(divi1) * timeperiod)) *\
> cum1_comput(1.0 * d1)) -- this part calls the function
The above line has a typo. It should be "cum1_compute" not "cum1_comput"
That may well just have been an error in th
"The moviePath" represents the path to the current DIR movie, which may or
may not be the same as the path to the Projector.
"The applicationPath" is the path to the Projector (or to Director.EXE
during authoring).
You also might try adding parentheses, such as:
open (the moviePath & "myfile.tx
I use FileIO for several reasons:
1. If I want to make a Mac version, I can use similar code on both platforms.
2. It is easier to delete preferences files (or tell users to) if the files
are external rather than simply registry entries.
3. I can have a user send me their preferences file if I
>does that work with shocwave too? should it be called shockwave.ini?
Yes and yes (at least for SW 8.x. I don't know about earlier versions.
[To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to To post messages to the list,
IMNSHO it is insane to ship a project with a known bug by disabling the
error message. How can any of *us* predict whether it will affect the
project when we don't know what is causing the error or the nature of your
I repeat my advice from the other day:
Create a text file called .INI
Here is a fancier utility that finds the last symbol automatically. I also
created a revised version of the dumpsymbols utility. You can abort it by
clicking the mouse as it takes a long time to print out 1800+ symbols
on lastSymbol
emptySym = symbol(EMPTY)
repeat with x = 0 to the maxInteger
Here it is:
put interface (xtra "DumpSymbolXtra")
-- "xtra DumpSymbolXtra -- blabla from Holland!
* DumpSymbol integer index -- returns symbol at index from 0 to ?
Here is some sample code to print out a range of symbols
on dumpSymbols startIndex, endIndex
repeat with x = star
At 12:26 PM -0400 06/08/01, "Panta, Ram" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> What is "Dir Opener"? (Do you have a url)
>Here is URL or Dir Openor
>> I have a cracker tool that I made a while ago, but I only use it to help
>> rescue people who lost a DIR in a disk c
>>How can I set the users monitor resolution to a set size that I want ?
>You gotta have an Xtra. Buddy is my favorite
On the Mac, the Buddy API Xtra might not include the function he needs.
Last I checked it was contained in the free baSetDisplay Xtra.
If there is a God, s/he is c
What is "Dir Opener"? (Do you have a url)
I have a cracker tool that I made a while ago, but I only use it to help
rescue people who lost a DIR in a disk crash.
I consider it unethical to disassemble someone else's work even if it is
only for learning purposes. Instead, you should ask the person
> I want to make a pendulum. the motion should involve
>physical principles. It should be possible to change
>the lenght of the cord for example. If somebody did this
>before, please help me with the formula.
>i tried:
>T = 2*pi *sqrt(cordLength/g)
>but how do i get the coordinates of the swing
Macromedia has an XDK that lets you create Xtras. There are some
Xtras-specific lists, one run my Macromedia, XDK-L, and one run by
TreviMedia, Xtras-L.
Does that answer the question?
>However, I am looking deeper. I need to know how xtras communicate with the
>Windows and Mac OS. How the
At 5:39 PM -0400 06/06/01, Lingo-L Digest wrote:
>Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 15:04:58 -0400
>From: "John Horn (Home)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: OT. Other groups
>I know other email lists like Lingo-L exist for Flash, and I know there is
>Director-L, anyone point me to where I can sign up f
Create a text file called .INI with the following in it:
That will at least give the user a more meaningful error message that might
help diagnose it. Ask the user to take a screen shot of the exact error
>Here's an odd one. Still waiting to he
At 4:07 AM -0400 06/07/01, giles :: [ loadselection ] wrote:
>> You can use the baSetDisplay Mac Xtra (the name may be mistaken), free from
>> the makers of Buddy API
>> See
>Thanks but I wanted a way that didn't involve an extra
That is a meaningless statement. It
You can use the baSetDisplay Mac Xtra (the name may be mistaken), free from
the makers of Buddy API
>I want to use my stub movie to set the users monitor resolution to 1152x870
>this will be a MAC only app so I think it can be done
[To remove yourself from this
At 9:05 AM -0400 05/27/01, Lingo-L Digest wrote:
>So, I'm sticking to my current approach for controlling the cursor,
>because I really believe that a microsecond and a half per frame is a
>reasonable expense for the peace of mind of knowing that the cursor
>looks how I want it to.
Fair enough. I
From: Colin Holgate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>My method is very fast, and takes care of the needs of custom cursors
>for different areas of the same sprite.
I'm definitely not understanding something. What are you referring to? How
does your method implement different custom cursors for a single sprit
>So, what xtras do I need to include for local SWA playback? Any other ideas?
>From page 527 of Director in a Nutshell:
To play SWA from a local drive include the MIX Services, Sound Import
Export, SWA Streaming, SWA Decompression, and NetFile Xtras with your
Projector. (Netfile is needed even
>>Is it possible to play multiple sounds (i.e. soundChannel(1) &
>>soundChannel(2)) simultaneously on Windows NT?
Generally, yes.
>>Also, on NT, is it possible to play a sound on channel (2) while a
>>Quicktime is playing?
>>Director 7 (PC obviously).
>You can easily play normal sounds at
Colin, are you joking? Unless there is something that you are trying to do
which I don't understand, your method is entirely inefficient and
unnecessary. Your method also won't necessarily work fast enough depending
on the number of sprite and frame rate.
The appropriate way to set a cursor over
At 8:52 AM -0400 05/24/01, Gjose wrote:
> Hi: I built a palette of 256 colors starting from an indexed
>color image using A. Photoshop 6.0, and then, saved it with .PAL and .ACT
>format (p.e. Palette1.ACT and Palette1.PAL). But it is impossible that
>Director 8 can import these palettes
>I have a problem with baPrintFile on MAC.
>I have to print a .PDF file, I use Buddy API with the baPrintFile function.
>Everything work well on PC, but on MAC I have weird thing happening.
>When I test the print function inside Director, it print...OK!
>When I test the print function on a CD-RO
>Just checked
>and strangely enough, it seems that the non-3d 8.5 has lighter
>requirements than 8.0 - is that true?
Other people have mentioned that performance has improved in D8.5, so that
might explain the
In my limited experience with the popup Xtra, the primary cause of such
problems is that some versions of the xtra respond to mouseDown and some
respond to mouseUp. Try changing your mouseDown handler to a mouseUp
handler or vice-versa.
>I am working on improving a project made with Direct
Below is a version you might find less cryptic. It is from the url I cited
the other day. The asin() and acos() functions return void for invalid
-- The inverse sine and cosine, known as the arcsine and arccosine
-- can be derived as follows. Note the special handling of the end condition
Don't bundle your Xtras in the projector. Put them in a separate Xtras
folder instead. (BTW, I don't think you need the BMP Agent.X32 Xtra at
runtime. It is for authoring only, I believe)
>Working on a projector for a client with Win NT. We test on our machine
>here, and it's fine, on their machi
>Does anybody know how to do inverse sin, tan, cosin in Director??
These are covered in Chapter 8 of LiaN. Arctangent (i.e. the inverse
tangent) is built-in (see atan() in the Lingo dictionary.
The others must be derived. See
which includes
>Anyone have a script or link? Unfortunately any of the bit operations return
>integers, not the 8-position binary number...
Below is some old code (D6.5) I wrote that converts between various number
systems (see convertBase below). Some of these routines rely on functions
that may be missing, s
>Yeah, I'm gonna have to go the 50 sprites route-- but seriously-- 50 sprites
>is the best way? 50? ok, then. I just thought I'd come up with a unique
>way of doing things. oh well.
In general, anything that is clickable should be its own sprite. 50 sprites
is not an excessive number. Excepti
There are lots of Xtras that handle opening PDFs. Suffice to say that
MasterApp is not necessarily the easiest nor the cheapest (and keep in mind
that Al works for updateStage, the publisher of that Xtra--I'm not knocking
Al, I'm just making sure you knew that his opinion may not be unbiased).
>I want to run a Director show at a certain resolution, I do this using
>dmchangeres. If a user alt-tabs out I want to detect this and change the
>resolution back to their original, and when they go back to the program I
>want the resolution restored to what I specify.
>Can anybody help point m
I don't know if any way to convert Java to Lingo. You can write Xtras that
incorporate extensible functionality into Director. Most Xtras are written
in C/C++. I don't know if you could wrap your Java in some sort of wrapper
to gain access to it from Lingo.
It might be easiest to find an existing
At 8:26 AM -0400 05/17/01, Lingo-L Digest wrote:
>Is there a way to change the color of a palette by palette index? In other
>words, I want to have a map of the 50 states. Each state has its own color
>& palette index (even though they will all have the same RGB values) So, I
>would want to cli
>Hi- I've been using Director and Lingo for around a year now and I've not
>done much programming- we have been given a project to do at college which
>involves designing a touch-screen kiosk. Before I begin it, has anyone got
>any hints/tips/tricks based on their own experiences using Lingo, or
>Hi, can someone please give me the scripting for the following and would I
>BuddyAPI xtra to make this work:-
>when the user clicks the "print" button in my Director 8 movie, the user's
>printer will be found, the document in question will open up in MS Word and
>will print immediately and
many other ways to do it, such as using a MIAW or an Xtra
like the Web Xtra.
How that helps.
>Well, we need to make a window with text and images integrates like a issue
>Somebody knew some like this?
-- Scrolling Graphic Behavior.
-- Copyright Bruce Epstein, Zeus Production
I misspoke. I meant to write:
You can check and store the old refresh rate before switching the
resolution. When switching to a new resolution, I don't specify a refresh
rate. I let the monitor do that itself (that is, I accept the default rate).
I typically ask the user whether they want to cha
Gary Smith, makes of buddy, has a version of baSetDisplay that sets the
monitor refresh rate too. I guess it would be best to check the old refresh
rate and use that as the new refresh rate when changing the resolution. Ask
Gary for more info. (
>>>to my knowl
>>>When I start My projector.exe that time i want to change monitor size &
>>>color palette
>>>like screen size 800*600 & color setting is 32 bit.
>>The budAPI xtra can do this.
>On the PC, at least... This is not cross-platform.
Not quite correct. There *is* a Mac version available for fre
At 2:41 AM -0400 05/02/01, Lingo-L Digest wrote:
>I'm looking for a quick and dirty tutorial on how to set the contents of
>a Flash editable text with Lingo. Also, I need info on how to set the
>action/variables up in Flash, as I know next to nothing about Flash
>action scripting.
I was fortunat
Pardon my ignorance, but what is id3 (or id3 tags) and why have you been
waiting for it to be supported?
>Finally id3 support for 8.5.
[To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to To post messages to the list,
>I suggest that you read more about how Director
>handle sound mixes. Its on the Chapter 15 of
>Bruce Epstein's Director in a Nutshell.
>This is how generous Bruce is...
>Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 07:37:21 -0600
>From: "Mark R. Jonkman" <
I've had trouble with Director being able to drives across a network
before. I think I've had best luck when using "Map Network Drive" instead
of just using the network neighborhood browser.
>> Hi all - I have a furniture catalogue on CD which uses a list - driven
>> database, the data being situ
At 9:07 PM -0400 04/27/01, Lingo-L Digest wrote:
>If not importing, and you have the sprite already on stage with the
>placeholder, use 'set the member of sprite' to set it to whatever new
>castmember you want. If images are different sizes, you'll also need 'set
>the rect of sprite' to change i
alled on the Mac.
I hope that helps.
At 3:03 PM -0400 04/20/01, Bruce Epstein - Zeus Productions wrote:
>>From: Slava Paperno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Can some kind soul tell me what the QuickTimeVersion() function in D8
>>returns under Windows and Mac OS, when no QT is i
>From: Slava Paperno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Can some kind soul tell me what the QuickTimeVersion() function in D8
>returns under Windows and Mac OS, when no QT is installed? None of the
>books that I have state that, and I'm trying to avoid uninstalling my QT to
>find out. Thanks!
Then you don't
[Apologies for the cross-post and to those who are not interested in Flash
or ActionScript.]
Many of you have asked me about updates to my Lingo and Director in a
Nutshell books and I'm sad to say that I still haven't had the time to
revise them.
But the good news is that I've just finished edit
f the above leaves you
Bruce Epstein, Zeus Productions, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 732-940-2800
Check out LAST CALL - The Ultimate Bartending Sim:
Director and Lingo in a Nutshell (DiaN/LiaN) kick butt.
Free Sample Chapters: http://www
the fade out has finishend and then go to
>the new location.
>I am having a similar problem ! - I have a puppet sound playing - then the
>user clicks on an avi to watch it - but when I fade the sound / pause the
>sound / stop the sound - ( I've tried many ways ) - the avi
>my hands on, (maybe I really am thick??!?!)
Bruce Epstein, Zeus Productions, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 732-940-2800
Check out LAST CALL - The Ultimate Bartending Sim:
Director and Lingo in a Nutshell (DiaN/LiaN) kick butt.
Free Sample Chapters: http://ww
-- 0
On both D7.0.2 and D8 for Windows, it works fine
set the preloadRAM = 2 * 1024 * 1024
put the preloadRAM
-- 2097152
Anyone else confirm this? Can someone test it on D8 Mac (I don't have it handy)
Bruce Epstein, Zeus Productions, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 732-940-2800
> if the machinetype=256 then
The machineType is obsolete. I recommend using:
if the platform contains "Windows" then
-- blah, blah, blah
end if
[To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to To post messages to the list,
>Another factor to weigh in heavily with all of this is the fact that just
>because one Windows OS contains the key at the specified place in the
>registry, doesn't mean the next version will have the same info located in
>the same place.
Agreed. That is why I checked in multiple ways. You can/s
1 = (French or) Japanese?
-- 2 = (Japanese or) French?
-- 3 = German
-- 4 = Italian?
-- 5 = Dutch?
-- 7 = Swedish?
--8 = Spanish?
-- 9 = Danish ?
--11= French Canadian?
--12 = Norwegian?
--17 = Finnish?
check out the Lingo and Director Authorized by Macromedia Press
for a more gentle introduction.
Bruce Epstein, Zeus Productions, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 732-940-2800
Check out LAST CALL - The Ultimate Bartending Sim:
Director and Lingo in a Nutshell (Di
>The thing to take into notice is that the 'quit' command does quit the
>Director application while you are authoring, and sometimes it can be
>annoying while you are testing it. Instead, use 'halt' command. In Director,
>the 'halt' command stops the movie. In projectors, it acts just like 'quit'
Thanks for your cooperation.
Bruce Epstein, Zeus Productions, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 732-940-2800
Check out LAST CALL - The Ultimate Bartending Sim:
Director and Lingo in a Nutshell (DiaN/LiaN) kick butt.
Free Sample Chapters: http://www.zeusp
>Hi list I'm working on a project where all scripts I used are protected at
>enddelivery. Now after debugging the client has find some minor bugs. The
>problem is that I don't have a Back-up anymore caused by a HD crach of my
>computer. Anyone knows how to open protected scripts?
To the best of
At 8:14 AM -0400 10/26/00, Lingo-L Digest wrote:
>What would that make clients??
Backseat drivers.
>Hi Lingo Fellows! goodnight!
For reasons I can not explain, in English "Good Evening" means "Hello" and
"Good Night" means "goodbye."
And to the best of my knowledge, in Hebrew, Shalom is
LiaN for more insights.
Bruce Epstein, Zeus Productions, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 732-940-2800
Check out LAST CALL - The Ultimate Bartending Sim:
Director and Lingo in a Nutshell (DiaN/LiaN) kick butt.
Free Sample Chapters: http://www.
; Now if i play the exe file, the sound is very low on NT machines.When
>i am playing the exe file machine's default volume control option is
>getting automatically set to very low volume.Still no luck. Is it machine
>problem??I will check it with my Admin.
Bruce Epstein, Zeus Producti
>Cyberian Design
>415 440 9590
>1530 Fulton St.
>San Francisco, CA 94117
That certainly isn't an exhaustive round up, but maybe it gets you going in
the right direction.
I hope that helps.
Here's Macromedia's TechNote on the soundDevice optio
he first time isn't in anyone's interest.
If anything, it makes us think that your email is broken, not that you are
more sincere or that your question more urgent.
Bruce Epstein, Zeus Productions, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 732-940-2800
Check out LAST CALL - The Ultimate Bart
You can download demo versions from our web site at:
Bruce Epstein, Zeus Productions, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 732-940-2800
Check out LAST CALL - The Ultimate Bartending Sim:
Director and Lingo
u repeatedly instantiating the
instance or using a single instance throughout? I'd recommend the latter.
If you have a simple test you want to send over, I'll try it out.
Bruce Epstein, Zeus Productions, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 732-940-2800
Check out LAST CALL - The Ultimate Bartendin
quirk of Acrobat. It doesn't occur with most other applications).
Bruce Epstein, Zeus Productions, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 732-940-2800
Check out LAST CALL - The Ultimate Bartending Sim:
Director and Lingo in a Nutshell (D
>From: Carl West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: setfiltermask on a Mac
>> My tests confirm what you are seeing, and you're not doing anything wrong.
>> Try shutting off the "Automatic File Translation" in the Mac OS Easy Open
>> control panel and that should solve your problem. The OS is sho
At 10:57 AM -0400 10/18/00,
>From: Luke Wigley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Note that there is a nasty bug in FileIO Xtra which will crash Director is
>you try repeating through a large list creating files.
What is your basis for this claim. I've used FileIO extensively and not had
this problem. What ve
lterMask (foo, "MooV") -- Show QT files
setfilterMask (foo, "TEXT") -- Show Text files
Don't use "TVOD" and "ttxt". Those are creator codes and not file types.
Looks like I need to add that to Lingo in a Nutshell... ;)
Bruce Epstein, Zeu
>> out of curiosity, how many of you would be interested in a real
>> audio/video streaming xtra?
>Unfortunately I missed the start of this therad, but I'd be very interested
>in an update to this Xtra, expecially if it were cross platform. In the
>past I've had to use RealPlayer ActiveX contro
types matching the expression, such as "*.*". If
you specify up to four strings and four expressions, they appear in the
file browser. The user can switch between the options, but can't say, view
the TXT, PCT and BMP files all at once to my knowledge.
There are probably third party Xt
7 then
return #okay
return #old
end if
end checkVersion
Not that you don't manually "define" the symbols #old and #okay. You just
use them like constants and director handles the housekeeping.
Bruce Epstein, Zeus Productions, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 732-940-2800
At 12:36 PM -0400 10/16/00, Lingo-L Digest wrote:
>>I have a popup menu that is activated on a right mouse click, the AVI
>>digital video is paused and the directoToStage of the video set to 0,
>>however, even though the popup menu sprites are in the higher channels and
>>the video is no longer di
ay to wait, because it locks out other interactivity.
See the following for a Lingo-based behavior that replaces the Tempo
channel option:
Bruce Epstein, Zeus Productions, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 732-940-2800
Check out LAST CALL - The Ultimate Bartend
or something?
You're confusing their ascii value (which can be obtained using
chartoNum(the key) with their keycodes.
Appendix A of LiaN lists all the keycodes and ASCII values.
Chapter 10 of LiaN has more details on keyboard stuff.
Bruce Epstein, Zeus Productions, [EMAIL PROTECT
obals", it is still shown when you do:
See page 23 of LiaN (free online).
FYI, you can also check out
the productVersion
the environment
Those don't need to be declared as globals.
FYI, "the productVersion" returns a string without the word "net
e helpful but not exactly help
>>ful to me as i feel them to be complicated just try to
>>help if possible for you
>>i will be verymuch thankful to you
Bruce Epstein, Zeus Productions, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 732-940-2800
Check out LAST CALL - The Ultimate Bartending Si
Make sure "Animate in background" is turned on under File>Preferences>General.
At 5:11 PM -0400 10/05/00, Lingo-L Digest wrote:
>Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2000 16:27:16 +0100
>From: Jon Rowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: web xtra
>anybody with experience of using Tabulero webXtra (v2.1)? I'm in D
Don't set the cursor within a mouseWithin handler. MouseWithin gets called
REPEATEDLY while the mouse is over the button and it is very wasteful.
If you must change the cursor on rollover, use "on mouseEnter" instead of
"on mouseWithin". I prefer using the cursor of sprite property and setting
Please quote sparingly. (That is, don't repeat hundreds of lines of the
previous post in order to make a one-line reply).
[To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to To post messages to the list,
email [EMAIL PR
e upgraded already, the best source of current information
is the daily discussion groups, such as this one, cited at
Again, I thank you for your inquiry and look forward to your feedback and
suggestions for the next revision.
Bruce Ep
each here, and Director is priced 20% higher usually.
> ... and Macromedia's tech support here is ... h flaky?. I've
>had a few conversations with MACR people in the US about this *issue*.
> certainly Santiago is not clear he's in a developers' list. But he
(test,2,getAt(test,2) + 99)
>it returns
>test = [1,100,1,1]
>why doesn't it work with rect lists? how can i change each rect list
>property (#left,#top,#right,#bottom) individually? i've searched in
>director in a nutshell, and it's said that it should work. a
lick in the Message window,
Debugger Window, or a Script window to find a handler or go to it. You can
also use the Edit>Find>Handler command.
All three windows also have a "Go To Handler" button.
Bruce Epstein, Zeus Productions, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 732-940-2800
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