Re: lingo-l how to reverse and fastforward flash movie in director

2001-08-22 Thread pranavn
Hi Kavitha, You can use the Constrain to Line behavior from the library to build your slider. Then, on your Flash sprite, put the following behavior: property mySprite property myFrameCount on beginSprite me mySprite = sprite(me.spriteNum) myFrameCount = mySprite.member.frameCount end

lingo-l Message window in shockwave

2001-08-21 Thread pranavn
Can someone tell me how to open the message window in Shockwave? I've made an ini file called shockwave.ini and put this in it: [Settings] MessageWindow=1 [Lingo] DisplayFullLingoErrorText=1 The errors pop up great. But there is no message window opening. What am I missing? I'm running this

Re: lingo-l dragging a non-moveable sprite

2001-08-20 Thread pranavn
You're right Slava. Repeat loops suspend _all_ other animation in Director. Frame scripts won't work well either when the frame rate drops down too much. However, courtesy of timeOut objects, you can have smooth motion without the lockout of repeat loops. Here's some code over the top of my

Re: lingo-l Avi cue point

2001-08-17 Thread pranavn
AFAIK, avi files do not have cue points. If you need cue points in your digital video use QT. Cordially, Pranav Negandhi New Media Applications. Learnet India Limited, Mumbai. Phone: 91-22-859 8042 Ext: 410 snip How can i set cue point in avi file by lingo. go to that cue point. snip

RE: lingo-l OOP and ancestor access

2001-08-13 Thread pranavn
snip 1) have the object publish the data publicly to a global variable? this will work fine, tho I just try to keep globals down. snip This one works just fine if speed is the issue here. Kerry had mentioned a project he tackled a while back which illustrates this point very nicely. He had a

RE: lingo-l File IO - how do I erase text in a file? SOLVED...

2001-08-10 Thread pranavn
Gosh! Wouldn't it just be easier to delete the file and then rewriting to it rather than going through all those repeats and stuff? Cordially, Pranav Negandhi New Media Applications. Learnet India Limited, Mumbai. Phone: 91-22-859 8042 Ext: 410 snip I figured out a workaround, clunky as it

RE: lingo-l File IO - how do I erase text in a file? SOLVED...

2001-08-10 Thread pranavn
If you really have to do this stuff often, and your strings aren't too long (64k, if I remember correctly) you can try the setPref command. Cordially, Pranav Negandhi New Media Applications. Learnet India Limited, Mumbai. Phone: 91-22-859 8042 Ext: 410 snip Deleting the file requires

Re: lingo-l volume up and down buttons

2001-08-09 Thread pranavn
You haven't declared 'vol' as a global in the scripts for the volume up and volume down. You can also shorten your scripts like so: For volume [+] on mouseUp me global vol vol = max(7, vol + 1) the soundLevel = vol end mouseUp me For volume [-] on mouseUp me global vol vol = min(0, vol

RE: lingo-l Update-- Still need help.

2001-08-07 Thread pranavn
Frankly speaking...I don't. Not for FileIO atleast. Now if you're talking about Networking Lingo, then we've got plenty of code libraries on that. : -) Cordially, Pranav Negandhi New Media Applications. Learnet India Limited, Mumbai. Phone: 91-22-859 8042 Ext: 410 snip the thing to do here

Re: lingo-l Entry point not found in projector file run by cd

2001-08-05 Thread pranavn
Check that your WinNT system has the latest service pack (i.e. SP6). Cordially, Pranav Negandhi New Media Applications. Learnet India Limited, Mumbai. Phone: 91-22-859 8042 Ext: 410 snip Hi friends, I have created one project before one mount in window 95 system at that time it was work in

Re: lingo-l sprite(FlashSprite).stop()

2001-08-03 Thread pranavn
Personally speaking, I avoid Flash sprites that contain movie clips inside. However, you might check out the static property of the Flash member to see if it stops the animation from playing inside the movie clip. Look up the syntax in the docs. Cordially, Pranav Negandhi New Media

Re: lingo-l digi vid problem

2001-08-03 Thread pranavn
QT has this tendency to hog away file associations on Windows. You might need to open Media Player and reassociate it with mpg's You can reset file associations from ViewOptionsFormats in Media Player. Cordially, Pranav Negandhi New Media Applications. Learnet India Limited, Mumbai. Phone:

RE: lingo-l sprite(FlashSprite).stop()

2001-08-02 Thread pranavn
You're welcome. Cordially, Pranav Negandhi New Media Applications. Learnet India Limited, Mumbai. Phone: 91-22-859 8042 Ext: 410 snip Yep, fully agree with you reg. the flash movieclips, unfortunally I did not have a say in this matter... The static works! THANKS -Natalia snip [To remove

RE: lingo-l .dxr

2001-08-01 Thread pranavn
You cannot update movies that have been compiled into executables. To be saved during runtime, the movie must be separate from the .exe file as either a .dxr or .dcr And ofcourse, it cannot be on a read-only media a.k.a. cdroms (but you already knew that, didn't you?) Cordially, Pranav

Re: lingo-lno video playback on Win2000

2001-07-31 Thread pranavn
You haven't mentioned what kind of videos you're playing. If it's avi, then you'll need to install that specific codec on your system. Check the properties of the video files in Media Player. If you're using QT movies, you're going to have to install QuickTime on your system. Cordially, Pranav

Re: lingo-lno video playback on Win2000

2001-07-31 Thread pranavn
Try importing the AVI's as QT cast members. Although you'll need to install QuickTime to make them run, you'll be sure that they'll work without any anomalies. Don't forget to ship the QT Asset Xtra's too. Cordially, Pranav Negandhi New Media Applications. Learnet India Limited, Mumbai. Phone:

Re: lingo-lno video playback on Win2000

2001-07-31 Thread pranavn
I thought you said that WM player correctly plays the files on Win2k also. If you're getting the unknown format error for only a few files check that they are indeed rendered with Cinepak and have not been corrupted somehow. Try using a different codec too. I've used Indeo 5.4 (I think that

Re: lingo-l how do I get the QTmov to play all the way through?

2001-07-30 Thread pranavn
Try comparing the movieTime property with the duration property of the cast member on every exitFrame. Regards, Pranav --- Samuel Colt - the inventor of the point and click interface. snip I am needing to know how to get the QT movie

Re: lingo-l mac stub dir 8.5

2001-07-25 Thread pranavn
Actually Florian, that is not allowed either. The runtimes that you distribute can only be used to playback movies that you have authored yourself. I had queried the chaps at Macr. about this and they made this point pretty clear. Regards, Pranav

Re: lingo-l music player [x-post]

2001-07-25 Thread pranavn
It stutters a few seconds into the song (after the who you gonna call...) P3 500/128MB RAM/Plenty of free disk space WinNT 4 SP6/IE5.5 And I've got a dual ISDN... I'll try the dialup at home. Regards, Pranav --- Samuel Colt - the

Re: lingo-l Screen capture

2001-07-25 Thread pranavn
All that is ok, but I found a funny thing happening while I tried to capture the stage. If the size of the stage is changed, (the stage).image continues to return an image whose size is the same as the original stage width and height. Changing the size, saving the movie and restarting Director

lingo-l (the stage).image quirk?

2001-07-23 Thread pranavn
Does anyone know why the size of the image of the stage refuses to get updated when I change the size of the stage? If I change the stage size and reposition some sprites on stage, then try updating a bitmap member to the image of the stage, it gets the new sprite positions, but not the new size.

Re: lingo-l copy files to disk?

2001-07-23 Thread pranavn
Try FileXtra3. Its available at Regards, Pranav --- Samuel Colt - the inventor of the point and click interface. snip Is there any other way of copying files from the cd-rom to disk (not text files), besides

Re: lingo-l mission impossible!

2001-07-23 Thread pranavn
Me too! Any openings for someone who's been working for about a year and a half with Director and Lingo, knows graphic design and has prior experience working in an animation studio? ...not just in Sweden, ofcourse. :-) Regards, Pranav

Re: lingo-l South Africa

2001-07-23 Thread pranavn
Uh-ohTabs gonna throw the book at us now... :-P Jus' Lingo here guys. Use Direct-L post job offers. I think I'll follow my own advice from now on. Regards, Pranav --- Samuel Colt - the inventor of the point and click interface.

Re: lingo-l strange thing in the property window

2001-07-23 Thread pranavn
Tried restarting Director? Regards, Pranav --- Samuel Colt - the inventor of the point and click interface. snip any other suggestions? snip [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to

Re: lingo-l FILE IO xtra - how to?

2001-07-23 Thread pranavn
Oh but you can use FileIO too, Kerry. Just attempt to open a file and if it fails, the open method returns a 0. We use that always to detect the cdrom in our software. Macr has a nice technote on FileIO on their site. Just visit them and hit a search. Regards, Pranav

Re: lingo-l Cast behaviour's icon

2001-07-20 Thread pranavn
Pretty easy to do that. Import an image file into Director, right click on its thumbnail in the property inspector and click copy. Similarly select the behavior script, right click on its thumbnail and click paste. Regards, Pranav ---

Re: lingo-l directoryToList in FileXtra3

2001-07-19 Thread pranavn
Hi... In FX3 directoryToList() goes by the name fx_FolderToList(). Regards, Pranav --- Samuel Colt - the inventor of the point and click interface. snip I took a glance into a documentation of FileXtra3. But I could not find out an

Re: lingo-l integer to RGB

2001-07-19 Thread pranavn
Here's something Colin had posted on the list a while back... on inttorgb int b = int mod 256 int = int / 256 g = int mod 256 int = int / 256 r = int mod 256 return rgb(r,g,b) end Regards, Pranav --- Samuel Colt - the

RE: lingo-l integer to RGB

2001-07-19 Thread pranavn
Ur welcome Chris I think Colin deserved some thanx too...he _wrote_ it! :-) Regards, Pranav --- Samuel Colt - the inventor of the point and click interface. snip Thanks Pranav, I knew I saw it somewhere... snip [To remove yourself

Re: loading + Re: lingo-l Fwd: Cruelty Untold--Are we really human!!

2001-07-16 Thread pranavn
You can set your movie to stream (ModifyMoviePlayback) and use the library streaming behaviors. If you're more ambitious then whip up your own behaviors. You'll need to look up the basics of streaming in the Lingo dictionary. Regards, Pranav

Re: lingo-l Resizing images

2001-07-11 Thread pranavn
It's not too clear if you want to resize images at runtime or while authoringbut, ah well... To resize images while authoring, open them in the paint window and double click on the bit depth displayed on the lower left. During runtime, you can resize images by using copyPixels. Just

Re: lingo-l goToNetPage always opens in Netscape?

2001-07-10 Thread pranavn
Look up browserName() in the Lingo dictionary. It lets you specify which browser Director will use. Regards, Pranav --- Samuel Colt - the inventor of the point and click interface. snip Why does the goToNetPage command always open in

Re: lingo-l HTML Xtra extension

2001-07-05 Thread pranavn
I've gone through the HTML Xtra documentation and I think that its a wonderful solution for displaying html pages in Director...except, it doesn't support images. Does anyone know of a cross platform solution to displaying images and text together in one sprite? And ofcourse, the sprite should

RE: lingo-l HTML Xtra extension

2001-07-05 Thread pranavn
WebXtra is not cross platform...sigh Thanx anyway Regards, Pranav --- Samuel Colt - the inventor of the point and click interface. snip I once used Webxtra from Tabuleiro to display html pages with VRML objects (sure, it was in a


2001-07-04 Thread pranavn
Try this handler. It's untested...I might've missed an end if someplace... on UCase vChar -- Convert the character to ascii vAscii = charToNum(vChar) -- The lower case alphabet lies between -- ASCII values of 97 and 122 if vAscii = 97 AND vAscii = 122 then -- The value of the uppercase alphabet

lingo-l Was simultaneous getNetText ops (or something similar)

2001-07-03 Thread pranavn
I had written this set of two parent scripts a while back to do all my network operations. Didn't really get time to document it. I've just completed a very rough readme. And if someone asks me a specific how-to question, I can help you out. I've uploaded the files on

Re: lingo-l user entry..

2001-06-28 Thread pranavn
I'm not too clear about what you want, but if it's something like posting the form data to a web page, yes you can. Look up postNetText and getNetText. But if you want to _email_ the form data to someone then you can use the Multiuser Xtra. It can send emails through SMTP. There was an open

Re: lingo-l Multi tread with Lingo

2001-06-26 Thread pranavn
What do you want to multi-thread Miguel? Media playbacks, net ops, bake cookies? :-P Regards, Pranav --- Simply stated, it is sagacious to eschew obfuscation. --Norman Augustine snip What's multi-tread?? Do you mean multi-THRead? At

RE: lingo-l Sending a large group params

2001-06-26 Thread pranavn
Thanx Jakob. Seems Terry already beat me to my reply. sigh I _never_ get to be first. Regards, Pranav --- Simply stated, it is sagacious to eschew obfuscation. --Norman Augustine snip objects, in this case sprite behaviors in a

Re: lingo-l Multi tread with Lingo

2001-06-26 Thread pranavn
If I remember, there was some Xtra which displayed a progress bar while copying files. ProgressCopy or something... Regards, Pranav --- Simply stated, it is sagacious to eschew obfuscation. --Norman Augustine snip What I want is to do a

Re: lingo-l URGENT : Problem with Macromedia Splash Screen

2001-06-25 Thread pranavn
That is a bug with Director 8 that occurs on WinNT boxes. If you need a splash screen, use an Xtra or maybe MasterApp or something can help you bring the projector in front of other apps. Regards, Pranav --- Simply stated, it is sagacious

Re: lingo-l Lingo/MU server Question

2001-06-17 Thread pranavn
Hi Matthew, Welcome to the list. I'm sorry I'm a little late with this thread, but I figured you could still use some help since I didn't notice any other replies posted. Your problem lies in sending too many messages at one time. Even if you are running at a comfortable 15 frames per second,

Re: lingo-l fileIO irregularity

2001-06-15 Thread pranavn
Hi Steve Are you using long filenames? Sometimes they can cause a problem with older Windows apps such as Write which have been upgraded to Win9x. If you really must have a long name, consider using the DOS 8.3 version of the path and file when passing it to open. e.g. open My

Re: lingo-l One Sprite with Two RegPoints...

2001-06-12 Thread pranavn
Now why would you want two regpoints to a sprite? You cant have that, but there might be a workaround if you explain what you want. Regards, Pranav --- Simply stated, it is sagacious to eschew obfuscation. --Norman Augustine snip Can a

Re: lingo-l search a word in a field

2001-06-12 Thread pranavn
Have a look at the Lingo keywords offset and contains. Regards, Pranav --- Simply stated, it is sagacious to eschew obfuscation. --Norman Augustine

lingo-l MUS Peer to peer connections

2001-06-12 Thread pranavn
I have 2 movies, one acting as the host, the other as the peer. The host has a wait button in it, with the following script: global gconn on mouseUp me gconn = new(xtra multiuser) gconn.setnetmessagehandler(#defaultHandler, me) gconn.waitForNetConnection(Pranav, 1626) end on

Re: lingo-l MUS Peer to peer connections

2001-06-12 Thread pranavn
Ok...I replied myself. I wasn't returning an acknowledgement to the peer movie with a when I got the connection request. Regards, Pranav --- Simply stated, it is sagacious to eschew obfuscation. --Norman Augustine snip I have 2 movies,

RE: lingo-l Set monitor resolution on MAC projector

2001-06-11 Thread pranavn
Let me rephrase that. Macromedia should _ship_ one of those Xtras with Director rather than making people go hunting for one all over. Regards, Pranav --- Simply stated, it is sagacious to eschew obfuscation. --Norman Augustine snip

Re: lingo-l Imaging Lingo (still)

2001-06-08 Thread pranavn
Hi Kerry, When assigning images to members from the memory buffer, Director automatically creates a duplicate of the image. However, when reversing the process, i.e. if you assign the image of a member to an image object, thats when a pointer is used. Heres what the message window had to say:

Re: lingo-l convert .dxr file to .dir file

2001-06-07 Thread pranavn
You can try dir Opener. Lets you open the dxr, and entirely rebuilds the dir for you in unprotected form'cept for the scripts, ofcourse. It does seem rather unethical to pry around in someone elses work, but as long as you dont use his media assets and simply learn his techniques, I guess

Re: lingo-l Set monitor resolution on MAC projector

2001-06-07 Thread pranavn
Seems like its high time such a widely used function was built into Lingo itself, rather than being dependant on Xtras. Regards, Pranav --- Simply stated, it is sagacious to eschew obfuscation. --Norman Augustine snip You can use the

Re: lingo-l Set monitor resolution on MAC projector

2001-06-07 Thread pranavn
Whoops! Forgot to mention that. :-P Try BudAPI, DMRes, AniRes(I think...)..there's a lot of them and many are free. Run a search on updateStage's Mile High Table for the urls. Regards, Pranav --- Simply stated, it is sagacious to eschew

Re: lingo-l director 8.5 serial :-)

2001-06-06 Thread pranavn
Our mail server has been down and I missed all the fun!! :( Why do such furores happen only when I'm not around what Bhakti saying, true? If it isn't legal to give out your serial number, then why is it displayed on the splash screen everytime Director opens? Someone can just look

RE: lingo-l director 8.5 serial :-)

2001-06-06 Thread pranavn
Bingo. I say we knock him out. I support software companies against piracy too. We all write software. The least we can do is prevent outright robbery of other peoples work. Regards, Pranav --- Simply stated, it is sagacious to eschew

RE: lingo-l Password entry fields

2001-06-04 Thread pranavn
Precisely why I said that it's a good solution for occasions when security is not all that essential. I would use this for my next project. Irv wants to use it for his current project. If it suits immediate needs, I think it is good. And one start a debate now on security is prime

Re: lingo-ldot syntax problem with MuktiuserSever

2001-06-01 Thread pranavn
Hi Martijn, Since getpeerconnectionlist is a function and not a property, you need to put two parenthesis at the end of it e.g. gConn.getPeerConnectionList() HTH Regards, Pranav --- Simply stated, it is sagacious to eschew obfuscation.

Re: lingo-l ripple effect

2001-05-31 Thread pranavn
I saw a nice ripple effect on You might have to dabble with imaging lingo since you are using text members. Or you could simply create bitmaps of the text in Photoshop and get it in Director. Regards, Pranav

Re: lingo-l Variable leak?

2001-05-30 Thread pranavn
This is my checklist for debugging Director-ASP communication - The property names in the parameter list match the form variables expected by the ASP page - Set the data type explicitly to string - Recheck the ASP code to make sure it is correct Sometimes, especially when you're testing the

Re: lingo-l want help about lingo

2001-05-29 Thread pranavn
Try gotonetpage (c:\your html filename.htm) Regards, Pranav --- Simply stated, it is sagacious to eschew obfuscation. --Norman Augustine obliterated I have project on cd presentation i have to link some ofline(On harddisk)html pages in

Re: lingo-l FW: [director7] check net connection with lingo

2001-05-29 Thread pranavn
Victor, is that your query or have you forwared someone else's post here? Any which ways, the solution is simple. All you need to do is try to retrieve a file from a remote server using the network xtra's. If the operation completes successfully, you'll know that the user is connected to the

Re: lingo-l Sending a image to the server

2001-05-29 Thread pranavn
If I remember correctly, you could transport any media that Director supported over the network with MUS 2.1 too. You dont need MUS 3 for that. However, you can't write an external file from the server application itself. Atleast not with version 2.1 What you can do is set up a host movie on

Re: lingo-l floating window projector

2001-05-29 Thread pranavn
Theres a big section dedicated to MIAWs on the macromedia site. Besides, the online help covers MIAWs. And usually, all Director books have a whole chapter on them. What more can u ask for? :-P Regards, Pranav --- Simply stated, it is

Re: lingo-l delimiters

2001-05-23 Thread pranavn
I love using XML for transferring ASCII data. It's easy to build, transport and parse. Regards, Pranav --- Simply stated, it is sagacious to eschew obfuscation. --Norman Augustine obliterated when sending data to a text file via a cgi

Re: lingo-l multi user xtra + lingo

2001-05-21 Thread pranavn
Yes. I have. You could be more specific with your problem tho. Does the MUS throw an error? Does your movie throw an error? Do you try to connect 2 users from the same machine? Pitch that one again bud. Regards, Pranav --- Simply stated,

RE: lingo-l OT: Off-list contacts

2001-05-18 Thread pranavn
Look at the brighter side Karinathat guy really really thinks you're smart...even smarter than everyone else on the list put together!! :- Does that bring a smug grin on your face? Regards, Pranav --- Simply stated, it is sagacious to

Re: lingo-l intersect any shape

2001-05-17 Thread pranavn
I'm afraid intersect is the only way to go about what you want to do. Set the ink of both sprites to matte and keep their backgrounds to white. When you use the intersect function then, it'll use the actual outlines rather than the rect. The drawback of this method is that the visuals leave a

Re: lingo-l Adding a value to a list if it's not already there

2001-05-17 Thread pranavn
Look at getPos. It returns a 0 when a value doesn't exist in a list. Something like so... vList = [Oranges, Watermelons, Grapes] if NOT vList.getPos(Apples) then vList.add(Apples) end if Regards, Pranav --- Simply stated, it is

lingo-l MUS user levels

2001-05-14 Thread pranavn
Does anyone know all user levels available in the Shockwave MUS(I'm talking of version 2.1 here) along with the permissions for each level? Regards, Pranav --- Simply stated, it is sagacious to eschew obfuscation. --Norman Augustine

RE: lingo-l Lingo-L Archive (was: retrieving data from the internet)

2001-05-10 Thread pranavn
Tab, can you place the archives address at the bottom of every post? It'll be helpful I bet. Regards, Pranav --- Simply stated, it is sagacious to eschew obfuscation. --Norman Augustine obliterated There's a Lingo-L archive at:

Re: lingo-l multiuser game - approach?

2001-05-09 Thread pranavn
Hi Clars, The MUS is definately a good choice to develop a game like that. I have done a fair bit of programming with it and found it to be very stable, reliable and easy to use. As far as documentation goes, MUS has been treated like a foster child by Macromedia. However, it's been around long

Re: lingo-l retrieving data from the internet

2001-05-09 Thread pranavn
Hi, Try a netTextResult() after the getNetText operation is complete. Something like this on beginSprite me myNetID = getNetText( end beginSprite me on exitFrame me if netDone(myNetID) then put netTextResult(myNetID) end if end exitFrame me Regards, Pranav

Re: lingo-l ... between movies

2001-05-01 Thread pranavn
You can use the tell command for that. e.g. tell the stage to set the text member scrore to string(gScore) tell the stage to mAnimateBall() In these cases, both the Score member and the mAnimateBall handler are in the movie running on the stage. You can also use tell to pass commands between

Re: lingo-l Proxy server madness

2001-05-01 Thread pranavn
Wots SOL? Regards, Pranav --- Simply stated, it is sagacious to eschew obfuscation. --Norman Augustine obliterated ...Director doesn't support this (not even using undoc'd features or hacks) so you are SOL. end visitWebsite obliterated

Re: lingo-l How to create a button that PRINT the content of the movie

2001-04-30 Thread pranavn
You'll need an Xtra for that kind of functionality. Try PrintoMatic. We had used one called the MPrint Xtra earlier. They sell for the same price, so it's up to you about which one to buy. mPrint is available at Printomatic is available at

Re: lingo-l delurk - text question

2001-04-30 Thread pranavn
Oh but there is! It goes by the name of the keyBoardFocusSprite. Do look it up in the Lingo Dictionary. Regards, Pranav --- Simply stated, it is sagacious to eschew obfuscation. --Norman Augustine obliterated I naively assumed there

Re: lingo-l desactive movie or score scripts by Lingo

2001-04-27 Thread pranavn
Thanx Ramesh. Regards, Pranav --- Simply stated, it is sagacious to eschew obfuscation. --Norman Augustine [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to To post messages

Re: lingo-l shockwave in dir

2001-04-27 Thread pranavn
Wouldn't Flash throw an error if a movie with the new action scripts commands is exported into Flash 4 format? Regards, Pranav --- Simply stated, it is sagacious to eschew obfuscation. --Norman Augustine obliterated * am using .swf

Re: lingo-l Checking if an application is open

2001-04-26 Thread pranavn
Hi Karina, A shot in the dark...can you use Glu32 to call a dll that returns the process list? I've never used Glu32, but I figure it should. Regards, Pranav --- Simply stated, it is sagacious to eschew obfuscation. --Norman Augustine

Re: lingo-l stepFrame and enterFrame... whats the real score?

2001-04-26 Thread pranavn
Thanx Jakob. I've learnt this trick too, but I forgot to mention it. :-] Regards, Pranav --- Simply stated, it is sagacious to eschew obfuscation. --Norman Augustine obliterated Yeah but these days I would forego the actorList and

Re: lingo-l desactive movie or score scripts by Lingo

2001-04-26 Thread pranavn
Ummmcommenting the scripts, maybe. I dont think there is one. I'd rather use a flag to decide whether to run a particular bit of code or not. BTWis there a keyboard shortcut to comment and uncomment lines in the script editor? Regards, Pranav

lingo-l Raw integers in imaging

2001-04-26 Thread pranavn
Does anyone have a working example of how to use raw integers during getpixel and setpixel operations in imaging? I was reading an article by Tim Banks on Director Online but the example uses regular color objects. Regards, Pranav ---

Re: lingo-l shockwave in dir

2001-04-25 Thread pranavn
Are you saying that you're importing a .dcr into another movie? I don't know if that is a very good idea. You might also check that your Flash members have been exported from Flash in version 4 format. Regards, Pranav --- Simply stated, it

Re: SV: lingo-l Dynamic jigsaw puzzle builder, but a ink problem on somemachines

2001-04-24 Thread pranavn
Oh yaI use IE 5.5 too with SW3D Preview. Regards, Pranav --- Simply stated, it is sagacious to eschew obfuscation. --Norman Augustine obliterated WinME IE 5.5 Shockwave 3d prewiev Matrox G450 obliterated [To remove yourself

Re: lingo-l How to STOP the projector from HALTING when minimising

2001-04-23 Thread pranavn
When making the projector, go to the options dialog box and turn on Animate in background Regards, Pranav --- A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station..

Re: lingo-l color chip in behavior dialog - Karina?

2001-04-18 Thread pranavn
Use the #color tag. But you can see the color chip only in the property inspector palette, not in the gpdl box. Regards, Pranav --- A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work


2001-04-18 Thread pranavn
Hi George You need to open the text cast member in the text editor(from the window menu or Ctrl-6). Then open the tools palette(again the menu or Ctrl-7) Change the background color in the tools palette. Regards, Pranav --- A bus station

Re: lingo-l SMUS Problem...

2001-04-17 Thread pranavn
Can you send the code please? It might help... Regards, Pranav --- A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station.. obliterated For the life of my I cannot get simple

Re: lingo-l Problem with antialiasing in Director Trial version

2001-04-17 Thread pranavn
You're missing the Font Xtra or the Font Asset XtraI dont remember. Just check that out. Regards, Pranav --- A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station..

Re: lingo-l Activex with director

2001-04-14 Thread pranavn
Try the FileXtra instead. Regards, Pranav --- A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station.. obliterated Does anyone know the syntax for using common dialog box

Re: lingo-l Problem When Importing Wav I found the problem

2001-04-12 Thread pranavn
Can you share it with us? So the rest of us don't make that goof-up Regards, Pranav --- A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station.. obliterated i found what the

Re: lingo-l equations in director

2001-04-11 Thread pranavn
Sure you can use equations... Where are they coming from? Wot do you want to do with them? Wot happens to them in equation editor? Regards, Pranav --- A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk,

Re: lingo-l equations in director

2001-04-11 Thread pranavn
UI guess you wanna plot those equations. Yes you can. A nice resource would be was it explorescience?). It's got some fine examples. If, on the other hand, you're talking about displaying the equations in text fields, then you'll have to find a font that has all those

RE: lingo-l Drawing vectors

2001-04-10 Thread pranavn
Thanx Seb, The reason why we are not using vectors is the jaggies that are inevitably formed when they are scaled. Besides, the user needs to save his drawings to a remote server. It's a whole lot easier to just save a vertex list to the database. Regards, Pranav

RE: lingo-l Xtra Download--hmmm

2001-04-09 Thread pranavn
Non-disclosure agreement, I believe. Regards, Pranav --- A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station.. obliterated What's an NDA?... obliterated [To remove

Re: lingo-l Drawing vectors

2001-04-09 Thread pranavn
The mouseLoc. I store it in a property and check the distance the mouse has been moved on every exitFrame. I dont think I can use the clickLoc bcoz the user doesnt click to begin creating the shapes. He just presses the button, drags the mouse and then releases it. Regards, Pranav

Re: lingo-l Message window in projector

2001-04-04 Thread pranavn
No Ramesh, the file has a .ini extension. Besides, if it didn't then the "DisplayFullLingoErrorText" setting wouldn't work either. Can someone mail me a copy of the .ini file with those settings in place? I might be making a really silly mistake and not being able to notice it. Regards, Pranav

lingo-l Message window in projector.

2001-04-04 Thread pranavn
Thanx for the .ini, Ramesh. Works great. I found out the problem too. Seems that all projectors created with the commercial version of Director _fail_ to obey this command while the non-commercial ones do. Does anyone know of a decimal release of Director? Or a minor update or something which

Re: lingo-l Re: Message window in projector

2001-04-04 Thread pranavn
Smiled? Hardly'twas more like an ugly scowl. Anyways. It works ok now. Doesn't work in Shocked projectors with SW3D beta. Thanx to Mark for pointing that out. Regards, Pranav --- A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is

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