[MCM] Did McCain lose Arizona?

2008-11-18 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
A prefatory note from John Brakey: Many of us know that Jim Crow lives in Maricopa County, Arizona and that affects the rest of the state: **17 out of every 100 voters that voted at a precinct in Maricopa County had to vote a provisional ballot. In Maricopa County, Phoenix, AZ **This made

[MCM] Open letter from Tim Robbins to NYC Board of Elections

2008-11-18 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
And let's be clear: Tim Robbins is but one of countless good Americans who found that their names had been purged from the voter rolls on Election Day. In any case, the Board's behavior in this case is reprehensible. MCM An Open Letter to the New York City Board of Elections from Tim Robbins

[MCM] How Saxby Chambliss won in 2002: a must-see video!

2008-11-18 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
From Dorothy Fadiman: We re-edited the segment from STEALING AMERICA that tells the Chambliss/Cleland story and posted it on YouTube. The two-minute piece provides a concise, piercing look at the 2002 Senator race in Georgia. http:// http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYjR_EBhSRk

[MCM] Specter lashes telecom immunity, and more from Rawstory Wire

2008-11-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Too bad Specter won't be in Obama's cabinet. MCM The Rawstory Wire Sen. Specter: Telecom immunity is 'festering wound' David Edwards and Nick Juliano; Wednesday November 19, 2008

[MCM] Maybe Specter WILL be in Obama's cabinet!

2008-11-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
He sure knows how to talk the talk (and fake the walk). MCM From Josh Mitteldorf: Too bad Specter voted for telecom immunity when he had the power to make a difference:

[MCM] The wisdom of Thomas Friedman

2008-11-25 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
From Bruce J. Miller: Thomas Friedman's Wise Words http://brucejmiller.wordpress.com/2008/11/25/thomas-friedmans-wise-words/ New York Times columnist Tom Friedman has always struck me as a buffoon. I know it's unkind to comment on his double chin, but, with the Thanksgiving holiday on the

[MCM] Ohio's Mary Jo Kilroy--defeated in '06--wins it in '08

2008-12-14 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
http://www.truthout.org/121208VALast US House Seat Filled on Grave of Stolen 2004 Election Tuesday 09 December 2008 by: Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman, The Free Press http://www.truthout.org/121208VA The last US House seat has been filled by a Democratic county commissioner in a vote

[MCM] DoD propaganda group stole millions!

2008-12-14 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Exclusive: Pentagon Pro-Troop Group Misspent Millions, Report Says By Noah Shachtman December 12, 2008 | 4:12:00 PmCategories: Cash Rules Everything Around Me, Info War, Money Money Money http://blog.wired.com/defense/2008/12/asy.html While the Pentagon preps for a new administration, a

[MCM] The Holocaust is Over: We Must Rise from its Ashes

2008-12-16 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Invoking the Holocaust to Defend the Occupation By John Mearsheimer 10 December 2008 A Review of Avraham Burg's The Holocaust is Over: We Must Rise from its Ashes. http://sabbah.biz/mt/archives/2008/12/10/john-mearsheimer-invoking-the-holocaust-to-defend-the-occuption/ For American readers,

[MCM] What's really happening in Congo

2008-12-17 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Here is an excellent analysis, by Ken Anderson, of what's really going down in Congo-- where, according to the MSM, the dreadful violence is but the latest consequence of the aboriginal ethnic tension in that region. As you may remember, the US press, back in the Clinton Years, deployed the

[MCM] A plea for children in Malawi

2008-12-17 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
From Danielle Holke: I'm writing today to ask for your help. I don't usually like asking for help, but in this case I feel it's important and I hope you don't mind. My sister-in-law Jennifer traveled to the village of Chitungu in Malawi this summer to open an orphan care

[MCM] Where--and how--is Muntadar al-Zaidi?

2008-12-17 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Muntadar Shoe-Tossing Iraqi Guy al-Zaidi: Jailed, Beaten, Status Unknown POSTED BY XENI JARDIN, DECEMBER 17, 2008 11:57 AM | PERMALINK http://www.boingboing.net/2008/12/17/mumtar-shoetossing-i.html I've been posting some funny internet ephemera related to the Bush Shoe-Tossing Incident over

[MCM] Joe Biden asked me for my money today: Jane Smiley

2008-12-19 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Joe Biden Asked Me For Money Today Jane Smiley Posted December 18, 2008 | 07:18 PM (EST) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jane-smiley/joe-biden-asked-me-for-mo_b_152237.htmlhttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/jane-smiley/joe-biden-asked-me-for-mo_b_152237.html Every week or so, Joe Biden sends me an

[MCM] Paul Weyrich dies

2008-12-19 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Without Paul Weyrich, there would surely be no place in our political theatrics for Rick Warren and his cult, and all the other cults allied with it. MCM Conservative icon Paul Weyrich dies By MIKE ALLEN | 12/18/08 11:08 AM EST Text Size:

[MCM] Obama = Lincoln??

2008-12-19 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
This piece on Politico.com addresses what's been making me uneasy re: the recent hoo-ha over President-elect Obama's every step. Take his choice of Rick Warrren to deliver the invocation at his swearing-in. Not only is the guy a raging homophobe--oops, did I say raging? No, he's far more

[MCM] A detailed update on the MN race (which Franken seems about to win)

2008-12-19 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
From Jerry Policoff: The Minnesota Review Board went through about 1600 ballots today and Franken went from a 5-vote deficit to a 249-vote edge. Clearly most of the ballots examined today were Coleman challenges, and most were frivolous. There were also apparently some that were

[MCM] More on Connell's death

2008-12-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
- The BRAD BLOG - http://www.bradblog.com - BREAKING: Mike Connell, GOP 'IT Guru' Reportedly Killed in Solo Plane Crash! Yes, THAT Mike Connell, key witness in the Ohio election fraud case, King-Lincoln v. Blackwell Posted By Emily Levy On 19th December 2008 @ 23:27 In (Uncategorized), J.

[MCM] OH press, others, on Connell's death

2008-12-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Pilot killed as plane crashes in Lake Twp. By Jewell Cardwell, John Higgins and David Knox Beacon Journal staff writers POSTED: 11:30 p.m. EST, Dec 19, 2008 http://www.ohio.com/news/break_news/36482529.html LAKE TWP.: A single-prop, private airplane crashed next to a vacant house on

[MCM] Connell was getting ready to talk. He was frightened.

2008-12-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
From Larisa Alexandrovna: One of my sources died in a plane crash last night... http://www.atlargely.com/ I don't usually reveal sources, but I think this is incredibly important. Michael Connell died in a plane crash last night. He was a key witness in the Ohio election fraud case that I

[MCM] Troops cops are mobilizing....

2008-12-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Here are three items re: the preparations by our troops, and by the nation's cops, for dealing with a mass explosion of civil unrest. MCM US military mobilizes troops for inauguration http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20081217/pl_afp/uspoliticsinaugurationsecurity/print The US military plans to

[MCM] VR on Mike Connell's death

2008-12-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
December 20th, 2008 Bush Insider Who Planned To Tell All Killed In Plane Crash: Non-Profit Demands Full Federal Investigation Michael Connell, the Bush IT expert who has been directly implicated in the rigging of George Bush's 2000 and 2004 elections, was killed last night when his single

[MCM] Correction re: Connell's death

2008-12-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Connell was not flying a Piper Cub. He was flying a Piper Lance Saratoga, a sophisticated airplane with de-icing capabilities. MCM From: newsfromunderground@googlegroups.com [mailto:newsfromundergro...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Mark Crispin Miller Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2008 4:57

[MCM] AP: Connell's plane hit a flagpole

2008-12-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Officials: Plane crashes near Ohio home, killing 1 21 hours ago http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5iv1YXgRc_JuC50GZ7oqT1tcBGF0QD95685M00 UNIONTOWN, Ohio (AP) - A small airplane hit a flagpole and crashed on the front lawn of a vacant Ohio home, killing the pilot, authorities

[MCM] Bloody Karl

2008-12-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Back in the Nineties, the right compiled a Clinton death list, and kept it circulating as a part of their long propaganda drive against that president. They also spread a lot of rumors of a coming federal crackdown, muttering of black helicopters in the skies, and jack-booted thugs preparing to

[MCM] Connell, Rove and Alabama

2008-12-21 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
, and a likely cause is not expected to be known for months. Mark Crispin Miller, reporting at his blog News From Underground, writes about a growing list of people who have met untimely ends while getting close to information about alleged dirty tricks during the Bush/Rove era. The title

[MCM] Recap of Karl Rove's threats against Mr. and Mrs. Mike Connell

2008-12-21 Thread Mark Crispin Miller


2008-12-22 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24TCUbKFnh0This is from Ohio: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24TCUbKFnh0 --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to Mark Crispin Miller's News From Underground newsgroup. To unsubscribe, send a

[MCM] Connell was warned not to fly

2008-12-22 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
http://onlinejournal.com/artman/publish/article_4158.shtmlThis detailed piece by Wayne Madsen is based on information from reliable sources. MCM Mike Connell was warned not to fly before plane crash Mike Connell was warned not to fly before plane crash By Wayne Madsen Online Journal

[MCM] The man who knew too much

2008-12-22 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
A piece in the Telegraph (UK): http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/3885913/George-Bush-aide-dies-in-plane-crash.htmlhttp://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/3885913/George-Bush-aide-dies-in-plane-crash.html Scott Horton's take: A Troubling Black Box

[MCM] Vigilante killings after Hurricane Katrina?

2008-12-22 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Greetings KIN, We wanted to make sure we forwarded this very important http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2c=tmTYZmPU6t2BiQtGUA2xsX8ZLn5TGHGtcall to action that demands that White vigilantes in Algiers and the police officers who turned a blind eye to their shooting of Black

[MCM] Cliff Arnebeck on Connell's death

2008-12-22 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
http://www.bradblog.com/?p=6768EXCLUSIVE: OH Election Fraud Attorney Reacts to the Death of Mike Connell Fraud Attorney Reacts to the Death of Mike Connell Cliff Arnebeck, lead attorney in the growing federal election conspiracy case tells The BRAD BLOG that the loss of a key witness will not

[MCM] A food agenda for Obama

2008-12-29 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Tom Vilsack, Obama's choice as Secretary of Agriculture, would not support this program, as he's known to be a champion of the very practices that must, as Cook notes here so lucidly, be stopped ASAP. So, in this case (as in many others), we will soon see if it's true, as the

[MCM] Consortiumnews.com NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT!

2008-12-29 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
These are tough times: times in which it's hard to give--but also times in which we need real journalism more than ever. Please donate what you can to Robert Parry's indispensable resource. MCM From Editor Robert Parry: Our year-end fundraiser is down about 75 percent from last year,

[MCM] ComputerWorld blogs (nervously) on Connell's death

2008-12-29 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
This blogger is so eager not to sound like he subscribes to woolly notions that he ends up fabricating tales himself--specifically, that it's just wild-eyed liberals who've been looking into Connell's death. So it's necessary to read past this blog, and through the sober, well-informed and

[MCM] Troops might quell widespread civil violence

2008-12-29 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
The US Army War College is reporting that the defense establishment may have to reorient priorities, and crack down on the widespread civil violence likely to erupt, perhaps, because of various triggering events--a terrorist attack, or unforeseen [sic] economic collapse, or loss of functioning

[MCM] Politico (inadvertently) reveals how bad our press is

2008-12-30 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Greenwald lists those stories that the media should have covered--and fails to mention the Ohio lawsuit over Bush/Cheney's election fraud, and/or Mike Connell's death. There's a(nother) clear sign of the Bush regime's success at burying the most important story of them all. MCM Politico

[MCM] TVA coal ash pics video

2008-12-30 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
http://dirtycoaltva.blogspot.com/2008/12/kingston-ash-containment-area-blowout.html --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to Mark Crispin Miller's News From Underground newsgroup. To unsubscribe, send a blank email to

[MCM] Vote for real election reform NOW!

2008-12-30 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Please go to change.org at once and help to raise the profile of Hand-Counted Paper Ballots as a vital change to be considered in post-Bush America. There's also, as you'll see below, the need for a return to citizen oversight of our elections. MCM Here's how to generate the proper buzz,

[MCM] Connell declared emergeny before fatal crash

2008-12-30 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Connell declared emergency before fatal crash 12/30/2008 @ 12:14 pm Filed by Larisa Alexandrovna and Muriel Kane http://rawstory.com//printstory.php?story=13613 Republican IT consultant Michael Connell, who was killed on December 19 when his Piper Saratoga crashed near the Akron-Canton Airport,

[MCM] Rather hopes to tell his Bush story in court

2008-12-30 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Dan Rather Hopes To Tell His Bush Story In Court by David Folkenflik Listen Now [5 min 36 sec] add to playlist http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=98451972http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=98451972 Saul Loeb Dan Rather, the former CBS News anchor and host

[MCM] Yet another bastard in the Palin clan

2008-12-30 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
See how tactfully AP reports this story. Also, don't miss the penultimate 'graph, about Levi's mom's drug bust. Now, how would Sarah Palin's fans respond if they heard that some black family behaved this way? There is no way to satirize this stuff. MCM Palin's daughter gives birth to son named

[MCM] Our ace reporters on the job!

2008-12-30 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
From Steve Rosenfeld: This is one of the press pool reports sent out by the Obama Transition press office. I get perhaps 5 or 6 of these a day. They are written by a rotating team of national staff reporters who have been camped out in from of Obama's vacation home and feel it their job to

[MCM] Election Protection needs your help by midnight!

2008-12-31 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Dear Mark, https://secure.nationalcampaignforfairelections.org/page/contribute/eoy08gen?source=eoy4DEADLINE: Midnight tonight! Election 2008 problems are still fresh... There's new leadership in Washington... The time for election reform is here. Don't miss this opportunity for change!

[MCM] Where are the protests by American gentiles?

2009-01-02 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
CounterPUNCH Weekend Edition January 2 - 4, 2009 Are All Americans Guilty? Whatever Happened to Western Morality? By PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS http://www.counterpunch.org/roberts01022009.html On the last day of the old year in CounterPunch, two Israelis, Jeff Halper who heads the Israeli peace

[MCM] Where to VOTE for a Special Prosecutor

2009-01-02 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
From Chris Jonsson: After signing in, I found the question to vote on at this web site: http://change.gov/page/content/openforquestions_20081217_private_urlhttp://change.gov/page/content/openforquestions_20081217_private_url Chris From Mark Crispin Miller: This should get blasted everywhere

[MCM] Marylanders watched by State Police

2009-01-02 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Time for the General Assembly to act on state police surveillance of political dissidents Daily Record Editorial Advisory Board December 29, 2008 http://www.mddailyrecord.com/article.cfm?category=2page=5id=151193type=Daily The revelations about the Maryland State Police's activities

[MCM] Another brutal year for liberty: Glenn Greenwald

2009-01-02 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
http://sacdcad02.salon.com/RealMedia/ads/click_lx.ads/www.salonmagazine.com/opinion/content/large.html/1426398558/TopLeft/default/empty.gif/7a627830526b6b56424a4d41412b4430http://www.salon.com/opinion/feature/2009/01/01/civil_liberties/print.html Another brutal year for liberty The good news is

[MCM] Obama and Bush/Cheney's DoJ

2009-01-02 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Two items on Bush/Cheney's DoJ. The first tells us that Obama will be smart and cautious in dealing with the regime's US Attorney's. That is, he will not sack the lot of them, or most of them, as Janet Reno did in 1993. The second, more substantial piece concerns the legacy of lawlessness at

[MCM] With Bush's OK, Israel mounts full-scale invasion

2009-01-03 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Breaking News Alert The New York Times Saturday, January 3, 2009 -- 1:46 PM ET - Armored Column Seen Moving Into Gaza Israeli television showed a column of tanks moving into the Gaza Strip on Saturday evening, in what appeared to be the beginning of a ground offensive against Hamas. The

[MCM] Israel's recipe for endless war

2009-01-03 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
A voice of reason. Who will listen? RDPulpit: Israel in Gaza: Right but not Smart By http://www.religiondispatches.org/authors/michaellerner/Rabbi Michael Lerner January 2, 2009 Israel is still using a strategy of domination in its struggle with Hamas, trying to use force to gain security.

[MCM] The US role in Hamas's rise to power

2009-01-04 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
So, as with Osama bin Laden and his heroic Mujehaddin--hailed as freedom fighters back when the US armed and funded them against the Soviets--and just as with so many other of America's official enemies (like Manuel Noriega and Saddam Hussein), Hamas was initially empowered by US foreign policy


2009-01-04 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
From: \thet...@peaceteam.net\ thet...@peaceteam.net Add sender to Contacts To: activist.the...@gmail.com SPECIAL PROSECUTOR QUESTION NUMBER ONE NOW ON THE OBAMA SITE Thanks to your valiant participation, the question we told you about, asking about a special prosecutor for the gravest crimes of

[MCM] Will the GOP fight Franken's win?

2009-01-04 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
And another, even more important question: Will Al Franken now change his tune vis-a-vis election fraud? (Something tells me that he won't--even though there's solid evidence that the Repubs tried, in various ways, to steal it from him.) MCM Franken leads as Minn. recount nears finish line By

[MCM] ABC refuses ad for clean energy

2009-01-04 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Sam Worthen has just read and signed the petition: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/tell-a-friend/2709685ABC Refused to Air Clean Energy Ad - Speak Out! You can view this petition at: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/tell-a-friend/2709685http://www.thepetitionsite.com/tell-a-friend/2709685

[MCM] On Burris, Franken and the law

2009-01-04 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
From Michael Collins: No wonder things don't work. The entire Senate seems unaware of the Constitution and precedents on seating U.S. Senators. Amazing, but true. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Michael Collins http://www.apj.us/index.php?option=com_contenttask=viewid=2121Itemid=2Franken, Burris and

[MCM] Franken's lead insurmountable

2009-01-04 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
. On Jan 4, 2009, at 8:12 PM, Mark Crispin Miller wrote: Original-recipient: rfc822;mailto:m...@mail.nyu.edum...@mail.nyu.edu DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=http://gmail.comgmail.com; s=gamma;h=domainkey

[MCM] Photog threatened with arrest in NYC (3 years ago)

2009-01-05 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Mark, Three years ago, I was almost arrested also--for taking photos from the deck of an Amtrak station on the way to Kennedy Airport. When he saw me shooting a photograph, a cop yelled for me not to move and rushed to my side of the platform. He demanded to see the photos I had taken, told

[MCM] MCM hosts Win McCormack and Dagmar Herzog, Tues. night in NYC!

2009-01-05 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
First Tuesdays at McNally Robinson Booksellers: Win McCormack and Dagmar Herzog, hosted by Mark Crispin Miller Win McCormack, author of You Don't Know Me: A Citizen's Guide to Republican Family Values (Tin House) Dagmar Herzog, author of Sex in Crisis: The New Sexual Revolution and the Future

[MCM] US has a vested interest in perpetual mayhem in the US

2009-01-05 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
The following comes from Barry Sussman. (To it I replied that, aside from the big money to be made from endless war, there's also the Christianist/Zionist zeal to see Israel expanded to its Biblical proportions, and the neocons' desire for a strong proxy in the region, to enforce the Pax

[MCM] Amtrak cops bust photographer in Amtrak photo contest

2009-01-05 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Amtrak police arrest photographer participating in Amtrak photo contest http://forum.prisonplanet.com/index.php?action=printpage;topic=77084.0 27 December 2008 Armed with his Canon 5D and his new Lensbaby lens, photographer Duane Kerzic was out to win Amtrak's annual photo contest this week,

[MCM] Help the people of Tennessee!

2009-01-06 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
-- From: Matt Landon mailto:mattlandon2...@yahoo.commattlandon2...@yahoo.com Date: Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 8:13 PM Subject: [MJ info] Updates and requests from United Mountain Defense To: mailto:mountainjusticesum...@lists.riseup.net mountainjusticesum...@lists.riseup.net,

[MCM] MCM to speak on minority voting rights in NYC

2009-01-07 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
next committee meeting on Wednesday, January 14 7pm Dewey LeBoeuf 1301 Avenue of the Americas (52-53rd St.) Guest Speaker: MARK CRISPIN MILLER RSVP to debra.coo...@nydlc.org If you would like to join us by phone: Call-in number: (218) 936-7999 Passcode: 263144# We will continue

[MCM] House overturns BushCo's most Nixonian order

2009-01-07 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Here is some great news: Congress has overwhelmingly revoked BushCo's notorious Executive Order that permitted former presidents to keep their papers from the public indefinitely. Below is Reuters' article, followed by some suitably exultant emails from some activists in the National Coalition

[MCM] Jimmy Carter makes good sense (and will no doubt be savaged for it)

2009-01-08 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Jimmy Carter By Todd Gitlin - January 8, 2009, 4:14PM http://tpmcafe.talkingpointsmemo.com/2009/01/08/jimmy_carter/index.phphttp://tpmcafe.talkingpointsmemo.com/2009/01/08/jimmy_carter/index.php Jimmy Carter makes a powerful case in the WP that the devastating invasion of Gaza by Israel could

[MCM] AIPAC wins in Congress

2009-01-09 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
http://www.jpost.com/which is not a huge surprise. MCM AIPAC praises Senate support of Israel Jan. 8, 2009 Elana Kirsh , THE JERUSALEM POST AIPAC on Thursday praised a bipartisan US Senate resolution which expressed support for Israel in its fight against terrorism. The resolution,

[MCM] The case of Bernie Ward

2009-01-09 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Here's yet another startling case of Bush Co.'s selective targeting of inconvenient figures --like, say, Eliot Spitzer, who went down hard, ostensibly for screwing whores, but, it seems more likely, for having dared to speak out loud and clear re: Wall Street. Meanwhile, David Vitter also got

[MCM] CIA's handling of the Washington Post, by Melvin Goodman

2009-01-09 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
The CIA's Handling of The Washington Post By Melvin A. Goodman The Public Record Thursday, 08 January 2009 16:45 http://www.pubrecord.org/commentary/605-the-cias-handling-of-the-washington-post.htmlhttp://www.pubrecord.org/commentary/605-the-cias-handling-of-the-washington-post.html On

[MCM] Tampering with Connell's plane unlikely, says NTSB

2009-01-09 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
It's possible, of course, that Connell's death was really accidental. It's no surprise, however, that the NTSB would make that determination, since, if Connell did die at Karl Rove's and/or Bush/Cheney's hands, the NTSB be likely to downplay, or hide, all pertinent evidence. There is an

[MCM] Dem election reform bills now officially listed

2009-01-09 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
The election reform bills are Nos. 3, 4 and 6: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/?Db=d111query...@field(fld0...@4((@1(Rep+Conyers++John++Jr.))+00229)) --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to Mark Crispin Miller's News

[MCM] Jews say, Not in Our Name! tomorrow (Monday) at 5:30 p.m., NYC

2009-01-11 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
PLEASE JOIN US TOMORROW Monday, January 12 from 5:30-6:30 P.M., as we stand together in front of the Israeli Consulate at 800 Second Ave., between 42nd and 43rd Streets. We are Jews who say Not in Our Name to the Israeli Government. We ask you to stand with us as we call for: - an immediate

[MCM] This month's MUST-READ stories from Consortiumnews!

2009-01-13 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
From Robert Parry: Editor's Note: Because we've been publishing more stories, some readers say they miss some that fly by. So, each month, we'll point out some special stories from the previous month. Here is a selection from December 2008, focusing on Barack Obama's transistion, troubling

[MCM] Obama names Raytheon lobbyist for top Defense post

2009-01-14 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Obama names Raytheon lobbyist for defense post by Rita Beamish and Anne Gearn The Associated Press http://www.azstarnet.com/allheadlines/275119http://www.azstarnet.com/allheadlines/275119 WASHINGTON - President-elect Barack Obama appointed a Raytheon Co. lobbyist Thursday to become the No. 2

[MCM] MCM speaks in NYC tonight!

2009-01-14 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
next committee meeting on Wednesday, January 14 7pm Dewey LeBoeuf 1301 Avenue of the Americas (52-53rd St.) Guest Speaker: MARK CRISPIN MILLER RSVP to debra.coo...@nydlc.org If you would like to join us by phone: Call-in number: (218) 936-7999 Passcode: 263144# We will continue

[MCM] Please help the families in Gaza

2009-01-15 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Dear Reader, The conflict in Gaza is a horrible humanitarian crisis that's getting worse by the day. Families are suffering without food and electricity as the invasion by the Israeli army takes its toll. CARE is doing essential work, distributing medical supplies and food to families in

[MCM] WH emails in true emergency conditions, says federal judge

2009-01-15 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
As this thing hurtles toward its climax, let us not forget that Mike Connell was very heavily involved in this affair. From Stephen Spoonamore we've learned that Connell once asked him for advice on how best to destroy WH emails (to which Spoonamore replied, This conversation is over). Since

[MCM] Gaza shifting Jewish views on Israel

2009-01-15 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
From Danny Postel: Unprecedented Numbers of Americans Question Israel's Actions in Gaza http://www.alternet.org/audits/117568www.alternet.org/audits/117568 War on Gaza pushing more young Jews to the left http://www.nationalpost.com/story.html?id=1158883www.nationalpost.com/story.html?id=1158883

[MCM] Conyers: Why we have to look back

2009-01-16 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/01/15/AR2009011503152.htmlWhy We Have to Look Back By John Conyers Jr. Friday, January 16, 2009; A19 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/01/15/AR2009011503152.html

[MCM] Many US troops abroad not given time to vote

2009-01-16 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Study Finds Not Enough Time to Vote for Many Overseas Military Personnel Friday 09 January 2009 http://www.southernstudies.org/2009/01/voting-rights-study-finds-not-enough-time-to-vote-for-many-overseas-military-personnel.htmlby: Desiree Evans, Facing South A new report from the Pew Center

[MCM] Chronic malnutrition in Gaza blamed on Israel

2009-01-16 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Chronic malnutrition in Gaza blamed on Israel Donald Macintyre reveals the contents of an explosive report by the Red Cross on a humanitarian tragedy Saturday, 15 November 2008

[MCM] No, let's NOT move on, writes Krugman

2009-01-16 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/16/opinion/16krugman.html?th=emc=thpagewanted=printForgive and Forget? By http://topics.nytimes.com/top/opinion/editorialsandoped/oped/columnists/paulkrugman/index.html?inline=nyt-perPAUL KRUGMAN http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/16/opinion/16krugman.html Last

[MCM] Pew does NOT support on-line voting

2009-01-16 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
. And that system was actually run by a Spanish corporation, with all votes gathered in Barcelona before being transmitted to the county. Is this what we want? I don't think so. The report discusses other options that make much more sense. Mark Crispin Miller wrote: Many US troops abroad

[MCM] Feds drop case against accused Iraqi agent

2009-01-16 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
This is a very good sign. It's the first of many injustices that need to be corrected and it's about time. Please note (as indicated at the end of the article): Permission to reproduce in whole or in part with attribution of authorship and a link to this article Michael Collins Scoop

[MCM] King's Dream

2009-01-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Here's a great review of King's Dream by Eric Sundquist. This book is an excellent study of King's visionary speech; and I'm especially proud of it, as it's the latest volume in the series Icons of America, which I edit for Yale University Press. The book is obviously timely, but would be must

[MCM] Big money paid for this inaugural bash

2009-01-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
... not to be a wet blanket, but we really need to keep our eyes wide open. MCM Study finds battered Wall Street tops Obama inaugural donors Sat Jan 17, 2009 6:41pm GMT By Kevin Drawbaugh http://uk.reuters.com/article/topNews/idUKTRE50G24320090117?sp=true WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Wall Street may

[MCM] NBC ABC repeat old anti-Clinton lies

2009-01-21 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Apparently the propaganda myth that Clinton's people vandalized the White House before leaving it to Bush Co. (I remember hearing it from Bob Novak on CNN) has become the truth, at least according to both NBC and ABC News. From Stephen Schneider: MCM: Yesterday, I personally heard both NBC

[MCM] Roberts's Bush moment

2009-01-21 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
With the whole world watching, Chief Justice Roberts garbled up Obama's oath of office yesterday--deliberately, some say, since the new president must speak his piece precisely, and Roberts made that quite impossible (unless Obama had decided to ignore his clumsy prompts, and do it right

[MCM] Overseas Vote Foundation to release Election Day findings on 2/5

2009-01-21 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Mark Your Calendar Overseas Vote Foundation hosts the Summit 2009 Press conference to announce the results of our 2008 Post Election Surveys Please Join Us! Date: Thursday, February 5th, 2009 Time: 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. Location: Winston Strawn 1700 K St. NW, Washington, D.C. Further event

[MCM] Voice of the Voters tonight!

2009-01-21 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
The Tipping Points in Election Integrity The 80/20 Rule: Making a Difference in 2009 Tonight on Voice of the Voters! America has a new President and a new Congress facing historic challenges. What are the Top Challenges facing the Election Integrity movement? Join a round table of Election

[MCM] Airwaves we can believe in

2009-01-21 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
A whole-hearted AMEN to this clarion call by my good friend Brad Friedman. MCM Airwaves We Can Believe In We Can Believe In Or, The Return of Fairness... by Brad Friedman http://www.bradblog.com/?p=6832 Promises on the campaign trail are one thing, as are position statements posted on

[MCM] Media PUTZ of the Week: The corporate press

2009-01-22 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Honoring reporters who just can't handle the truth! January 22, 2009 The corporate press For reporting that is an embarrassment to the profession of journalism, and for being beholden to corporate paymasters rather than the citizens of America. We had an end of an era this past week:

[MCM] Executive Order on Guantanamo

2009-01-22 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Subject: Copy Draft of Guantanamo Order ... Executive Order - - - - - - - Review and Disposition of Individuals Detained at the Guantánamo Bay Naval Base and Closure of Detention Facilities By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of

[MCM] The battle for the ballots in Pima County, AZ

2009-01-22 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
ELECTION INTEGRITY UPDATE, PART 348 The Skinny By http://www.tucsonweekly.com/gbase/archives/index?author=oid:101399MARI HERRERAS mailto:mail...@tucsonweekly.com PUBLISHED ON JANUARY 22, 2009:

[MCM] Obama calls Mahmoud Abbas

2009-01-22 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Palestinians stunned by first presidential phone call PATRICK MARTIN From Thursday's Globe and Mail January 21, 2009 at 8:09 PM EST

[MCM] The death of US newspapers: Pt. I (by Ed Baker)

2009-01-22 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Wednesday, January 21, 2009 The Future of News, Part One: The Problem C. Edwin Baker University of Pennsylvania http://balkin.blogspot.com/2009/01/future-of-news-part-one-problem.html Massive layoffs of journalists at most newspapers, continuing and increasing circulation declines, sharp

[MCM] Why newspapers WILL survive (John R. MacArthur)

2009-01-22 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
The catalog factor: Why investors should buy newspaper stocks 01:00 AM EST on Wednesday, January 21, 2009 JOHN R. MacARTHUR http://www.projo.com/opinion/contributors/content/CT_rick21_01-21-09_AQD05OV_v22.427d136.html NEW YORK NOTING the imminent death of newspapers is all the rage, fast

[MCM] New reports on antitrust and media policy

2009-01-22 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Dear Mark, The American Antitrust Institute completed its transition report for the next administration on competition policy. http://www.antitrustinstitute.org/archives/transitionreport.ashxhttp://www.antitrustinstitute.org/archives/transitionreport.ashx Allen Grunes and I have also completed

[MCM] Say NO to Gillibrand, New Yorkers!

2009-01-23 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
From Raw Story: http://rawstory.com/news/2008/Patterson_picks_Gillibrand_to_succeed_Clinton_0123.html And from Jeff Cohen: In a state with as many progressives as New York, are we getting yet another tepid, corporate-friendly Senator...this time APPOINTED, this time a big ally of the

[MCM] A new piece on Mike Connell--with a caveat

2009-01-23 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Here's an article about Mike Connell's death, from the Cleveland Free Times, an alternative weekly. It's well worth reading, but you should take it with a giant grain of salt. The piece starts strong, with plenty of dramatic detail re: the night of Connell's death; and, throughout, it also

[MCM] What Heather Connell Told Me (an interview with Larisa Alexandrovna)

2009-01-24 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Yesterday I sent out Point of Impact, the article, in Cleveland Scene, about Mike Connell's death (http://www.freetimes.com/stories/15/90/point-of-impact). As I noted, there is much new information in James Renner's piece, which anyone who cares about all this should read ASAP. But it's also a

[MCM] More on NSA's surveillance for Bush/Cheney

2009-01-24 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Bush's Illegal Wiretaps Included Financial Data January 23rd, 2009 http://blog.locustfork.net/2009/01/23/bushs-illegal-wiretaps-included-illegal-financial-data/http://blog.locustfork.net/2009/01/23/bushs-illegal-wiretaps-included-illegal-financial-data/ NSA whistleblower Russell Tice returned to

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