[MCM] Does Rove have a good friend on Team Obama?

2009-03-06 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*From:* Roger Shuler Alabama attorney and GOP whistleblower Jill Simpson presents compelling evidence that Obama White House Counsel Greg Craig has significant conflicts regarding the Bush administration and Karl Rove. Does Rove have a friendly in the Obama White House, trying to protect him?

[MCM] Query re: the judges who've kept Siegelman in chains (email only)

2009-03-06 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*From:* Jill Simpson: Pam I would like to ask your readers a favor today if that is ok? I would like for ya'll the citizens to do a little investigating for me. Then maybe post what you find out. Iam a country lawyer from Rainsville and need a little help looking at these Judges in Atlanta

[MCM] New Yorkers, ACT NOW to save out levers (We're making progress!)

2009-03-10 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
From Andi Novick: Dear friends, Keep those resolutions in support of the levers coming! Yesterday Schuyler County became the fourth county to pass a unanimous resolution to save our levers. That's 4 counties plus the Association of Towns resolution! Thanks to those of you who wrote or

[MCM] 4 to 5 MILLION voters disenfranchised in 2008, MIT study finds

2009-03-11 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
And this refers only to those who encounted registration problems or failed to receive absentee ballots. The former category would include, along with those sidelined by the voter ID laws in Indiana and Georgia, all those who were registered, but showed up at the polls only to find that they'd

[MCM] Bloomberg columnist comes out for single-payer

2009-03-11 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
No Reason to Demonize U.S. Single-Payer Health: John F. Wasik Commentary by John F. Wasik http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchivesid=ao58otXrmrPMhttp://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchivesid=ao58otXrmrPM March 11 (Bloomberg) -- It's time to stop kicking sand in the face of

[MCM] Bob Parry on the threat to Obama's presidency

2009-03-11 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
From Robert Parry, Editor of Consortiumnews.com Salsa HQ: Less than two months into Barack Obama's presidency, it has become clear that the top threat to his ability to accomplish his goals - from reversing the recession to reforming health care to building a greener economy - is not just an

[MCM] Cheney ran elite assassination squad, says Hersh

2009-03-12 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Investigative reporter Seymour Hersh describes 'executive assassination ring' By Eric Black | Published Wed, Mar 11 2009 11:17 am REUTERS/Fadi Al-AssaadJournalist Seymour Hersh speaking in Doha at an Al Jazeera forum on the media in 2007. At a Great Conversations event at the University of

[MCM] Dan Froomkin (WashPost) on Freeman's departure

2009-03-12 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Posted at 1:20 PM ET, 03/11/2009 A Departure That Leaves a Debate in Its Wake Chas Freeman leads a panel discussion last year. (http://www.mepc.org/forums_chcs/51.aspMiddle East Policy Council photo)

[MCM] Obama's Lani Guinier

2009-03-12 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
As Max Blumenthal says below (quoted in the piece from Al Jazeera English), Chas Freeman's fate is a catastrophic defeat for the Obama administration. For, as rikyrah puts it bluntly in her blog (also below), Obama didn't move a muscle to defend his nominee. Our president must come to

[MCM] What's killing US newspapers? The conglomerates that own them....

2009-03-12 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
http://www.stopbigmedia.com/blog/2009/03/11/newspaper-cuts-cost-the-public/Newspaper Cuts Cost the Public Posted March 11th, 2009 by Jordan Berg http://www.stopbigmedia.com/blog/2009/03/11/newspaper-cuts-cost-the-public/ Dying newspapers are not the result of a failure of journalism or a

[MCM] Matching grant challenge for Consortiumnews!

2009-03-12 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
From Bob Parry: A donor has offered to contribute $2,000 toward Consortiumnews.com's spring fund drive if we can raise a matching amount in the next week. So, please make a donation now so our journalistic operation can benefit from this matching grant. It means each dollar you give will

[MCM] Interview with Andi Novick on election reform (and NY's lever machines!)

2009-03-12 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
that he won. I didn't know about you or Bev [Harris, of http://blackboxvoting.org/Black Box Voting ] or Nancy [Tobi, of http://www.democracyfornewhampshire.com/Democracy for New Hampshire and EDA] or Sally [Castleman of EDA] or Mark [Crispin Miller, author of http://www.amazon.com/Fooled

[MCM] Obama's choice for CIO resigns after FBI raids

2009-03-13 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5hMT9GSjeFeuiRWPCUKflpfkvfw3QD96SN9S002charged after search of DC tech office By DEVLIN BARRETT and NEDRA PICKLER - 1 hour ago WASHINGTON (AP) - A District of Columbia employee and a technology consultant were charged with corruption Thursday

[MCM] Global Water Awareness Action Campaign

2009-03-13 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
. If you help spread the word, we can list your link(s) as one of our Media Co-Sponsors (of which WBAI is one). Thanks! Rick Ulfik Founder and Board Chair We, The World http://www.WeTheWorld.orgwww.WeTheWorld.org 212 867-0846 Mark Crispin Miller wrote: Water, water everywhere (and US coverage

[MCM] Peter B. Collins going off the air (commentary by MCM)

2009-03-14 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
We may have to get progressive talk shows put on the Endangered Species List, now that the president has reinstated it. Otherwise there won't be any voices on the air except the voices of the right, whether centrist (corporate) or explicitly far-right (corporate). As Brad Friedman notes in his

[MCM] MSNBC blacks out Stewart/Cramer story

2009-03-14 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Stewart/Cramer Fallout: MSNBC Ordered to Keep Silent; Street.com CEO Quits By Gregg Levine, Firedoglake Posted on March 14, 2009, Printed on March 14, 2009 http://www.alternet.org/bloggers/http://www.firedoglake.com//131573/http://www.alternet.org/bloggers/http://www.firedoglake.com//131573/

[MCM] Tiny town fights giant Nestlé (over water)

2009-03-15 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
@googlegroups.commailto:newsfromundergro...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Mark Crispin Miller Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 7:30 AM To: mailto:newsfromunderground@googlegroups.comnewsfromunderground@googlegroups.com Subject: [MCM] Global Water Awareness Action Campaign From Rick Ulfik: Hey Mark! Don't know

[MCM] Repubs interfering in El Salvador election

2009-03-15 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Election Dirty Tricks Again in Washington and El Salvador Robert Naiman Posted March 12, 2009 | 06:45 PM (EST) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/robert-naiman/election-dirty-tricks-aga_b_174486.html Last week, more than 30 Members of Congress joined Rep. Raul Grijalva in asking President Obama to

[MCM] Freeman mess puts AIPAC (et al.) in the spotlight

2009-03-15 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Freeman Affair Puts Israel Lobby in Spotlight March 13, 2009 by http://ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=46103Inter Press Service by Daniel Luban and Jim Lobe http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2009/03/13-8http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2009/03/13-8 WASHINGTON - Although the successful

[MCM] US (and Monsanto) spraying poison on Colombia

2009-03-15 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
From Jenny Huston, via Shelley Rogers: NOTE: Monsanto has received millions from the US government for providing a glyphosate formulation for the US spraying campaign in Colombia. Not mentioned in this article is the evidence published in the journal Genetics and Molecular Biology that aerial

[MCM] Over a million names on FBI's watch list

2009-03-15 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government 12 Mar 2009 http://www.legitgov.org/http://www.legitgov.org/ All items are here: http://www.legitgov.org/#breaking_newshttp://www.legitgov.org/#breaking_news http://www.wsws.org/articles/2009/mar2009/watc-m12.shtmlFBI terrorist

[MCM] Help Peter B. Collins tell the truth about US elections

2009-03-15 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
As Dale Axeldrod points out (below), Peter would stay on the air if he can raise the funds-- so we should help him find a way, because he's been one of the very few progressives who have paid attention to the issue of election fraud. He's often had Brad Friedman on to talk, and Brad has

[MCM] Jeff Sharlet's new essay on Christianist insanity

2009-03-16 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
From Jeff: http://killingthebuddha.com/mag/kamasutra/naked-and-guilty/Naked and Guilty is a story about a hell house in Texas bound up in an essay about sex and evangelicalism, published this winter in the print-only edition of Lapham's Quarterly. It draws on my last book, but most of it is

[MCM] Two cheers (or less) for a WashPost editorial

2009-03-16 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
It's great to see that paper face the fact--based on a new study from MIT, and reported last week in the New York Times--that millions of Americans were disenfranchised on Election Day, and great that they're upset about it, and want Congress to address the problem. And yet this editorial

[MCM] The US is facing a Weimar moment

2009-03-16 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
The US Is Facing a Weimar Moment by Robert Freeman http://www.commondreams.org/view/2009/03/15 In early 1919, Germany put in place a new government to begin rebuilding the country after its crushing defeat in World War I. But the right-wing forces that had led the country into the War and lost

[MCM] To save Coleman's seat, GOP eyes Bush v. Gore

2009-03-17 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
What the hell, it worked in 2000, right? And desperate times call for desperate measures-- and things have actually been desperate for the Party since the start of the millennium, as they could never have prevailed without a lot of help from their judicial members (among other anti-democratic

[MCM] Lawyers group wants Bush kept out of Canada (or jailed)

2009-03-17 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Lawyers Group Urges Bush Be Arrested or Barred from Canada in First Trip Abroad Since Leaving Office http://www.democracynow.org/2009/3/17/lawyers_group_urges_bush_be_arrested As former President George W. Bush heads to Canada today for his first trip abroad since leaving the White House, a

[MCM] A.I.G.'s suicide strategy

2009-03-17 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
http://www.truthout.org/ TUESDAY 17 MARCH 2009 http://www.truthout.org/031709JA.I.G. Using Suicide Strategy to Push Bonuses by: Matt Renner, t r u t h o u t | Report Washington, DC - As nationwide populist anger boils after the news that hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars may be

[MCM] Press corps defends Dick Cheney from Robert Gibbs

2009-03-17 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
They are beneath contempt. And that's exactly where they've been for quite a while. So let's be shocked, but not surprised, since this is how the liberal media has been performing since before the Gipper was in office. MCM Press Corps Defends Dick Cheney From Robert Gibbs by Jason Linkins

[MCM] Senate (quietly) kept bankers' bonuses in bailout law

2009-03-18 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Senate quietly stripped measure restricting bonuses from bailout legislation by John Byrne -- Wednesday March 18, 2009* http://rawstory.com/news/2008/Senate_quietly_stripped_measure_restricting_bonuses_0318.html The measure, introduced by Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), was removed by negotiators in a

[MCM] Must-read stories from Consortiumnews.com

2009-03-18 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Salsa HQ Editor's Note: Because we've been publishing more stories, some readers say they miss some that fly by. So, each month, we'll point out some special stories from the previous month. Salsa HQ Salsa HQ Here is a selection from February 2009, focusing on the challenges and the battles

[MCM] Organic brands are often corporate fronts

2009-03-18 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Burt's Bees, Tom's of Maine, Naked Juice: Your Favorite Brands? Take Another Look -- They May Not Be What They Seem By Andrea Whitfill, AlterNet Posted on March 17, 2009, Printed on March 17, 2009 http://www.alternet.org/story/131910/http://www.alternet.org/story/131910/ My first introduction

[MCM] The REAL scandal at A.I.G. (More truth from Eliot Spitzer)

2009-03-18 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
THE BEST POLICY The Real AIG Scandal It's not the bonuses. It's that AIG's counterparties are getting paid back in full. By Eliot Spitzer Posted Tuesday, March 17, 2009, at 10:41 AM ET http://www.slate.com/id/2213942/http://www.slate.com/id/2213942/ Everybody is rushing to condemn AIG's

[MCM] Obama (quietly) gave Blackwater $70 million

2009-03-18 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
News Updates from Citizens For Legitimate Government 18 Mar 2009 http://www.legitgov.org/http://www.legitgov.org/ All items are here: http://www.legitgov.org/#breaking_newshttp://www.legitgov.org/#breaking_news Obusha quietly gave Blackwater (Xe) $70M in February:

[MCM] Watch out for Quiverfull (and why does TLC not mention it?)

2009-03-18 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Extreme Motherhood Understanding Quiverfull, the antifeminist, conservative Christian movement that motivates popular reality-TV families like the Duggars. Kathryn Joyce Newsweek Web Exclusive http://www.newsweek.com/id/189763 If there is a wholesome counterpoint to the gossip-rich travails

[MCM] Interview w/ Kathryn Joyce re: Quiverfull

2009-03-18 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Crispin Miller mailto:mark.mil...@nyu.edumark.mil...@nyu.edu wrote: Extreme Motherhood Understanding Quiverfull, the antifeminist, conservative Christian movement that motivates popular reality-TV families like the Duggars. Kathryn Joyce Newsweek Web Exclusive http://www.newsweek.com/id

[MCM] California's Central Valley dries up

2009-03-18 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
A natural catastrophe for the US--covered by French media. MCM Despair as California's Central Valley dries up by Tangi Quemener - Wed Mar 18, 5:06 am ET AFP/Getty Images/File - A farm canal is seen at sunrise near El Centro, California, March 12. The Central Valley, a vast expanse Š

[MCM] ALL systems fail to note deleted ballots, Diebold admits

2009-03-18 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
DIEBOLD ADMITS ALL SYSTEMS FAIL TO NOTE BALLOT DELETIONS ons of Their Software Fail to Record Ballot Deletions Startling admission made during public hearing in CA to consider decertification of the company's voting and tabulation software... Guest Blogged by Mitch Trachtenberg, with Brad

[MCM] Felipe Sixto gets off easy (while Siegelman and Minor went down HARD)

2009-03-18 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
From Pam Miles: Former Special Assistant to Bush, Felipe Sixto stole almost 600k and received a 30-month prison sentence. In the Don Siegelman Case, neither Siegelman nor his co-defendant was convicted of any personal enrichment, yet Siegelman was sentenced to 7 years. Likewise, in the Paul

[MCM] Obama et al. shrug off single-payer

2009-03-18 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
From John Stauber: Obama and HCAN Marginalize Single Payer Health Care Reform (For internal links in this article click http://www.prwatch.org/node/8272 Most western democracies guarantee their citizens a right to medical services through their own version of government managed single payer

[MCM] Strong NYTimes editorial on '08 election

2009-03-18 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Still Broken The New York Times March 18, 2009 Editorial http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/18/opinion/18wed1.html In last year's presidential election, as many as three million registered voters were not allowed to cast ballots and millions more chose not to because of extremely long lines and

[MCM] US marijuana policy and the ordeal of Charles C. Lynch

2009-03-18 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
The following pieces were compiled by Ana Renee Jones: Attorney general signals shift in marijuana policy By DEVLIN BARRETT Wednesday, March 18, 2009 (03-18) 18:16 PDT WASHINGTON (AP) -- http://www.wtop.com/?nid=116sid=1627523 Attorney General Eric Holder signaled a change on medical

[MCM] Yes, they can--in France, Martinique and the Czech Republic

2009-03-19 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
A general strike in France: http://www.upi.com/Emerging_Threats/2009/03/18/Walkers_World_Frances_general_strike/UPI-71361237385195/ A successful general strike in Martinique: http://www.socialistproject.ca/bullet/bullet195.html And a great grass-roots victory in the Czech Republic: For

[MCM] A strategy for single-payer

2009-03-19 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
that if the Obama people know it won't pass Congress, and it's distracting from what they can do, then they want to focus on what they can get done. Laws and sausages, as they say. Tracey On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 6:30 PM, Mark Crispin Miller mailto:mark.mil...@nyu.edumark.mil...@nyu.edu wrote

[MCM] Today's the last day for a matching grant for Consortiumnews!!

2009-03-19 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Hey, we need Consortiumnews.com to keep on going. So please help Robert Parry, if you can. MCM From Bob: Thursday is the last day to qualify for a matching grant offered by a donor to support the independent reporting at Consortiumnews.com. So, please make a donation now so our journalistic

[MCM] Why Cheney must be tried as a war criminal

2009-03-19 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
From Juan Cole's blog: Cheney's Mission Accomplished! http://www.juancole.com/2009/03/cheneys-mission-accomplished.html Dick Cheney: I guess my general sense of where we are with respect to Iraq and at the end of now, what, nearly six years, is that we've accomplished nearly everything we

[MCM] BBC: Israeli troops admit Gaza abuses

2009-03-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
This is also covered extensively in today's New York Times. MCM Israel troops admit Gaza abuses Israel frequently claims to possess the most moral army in the world An Israeli military college has printed damning soldiers' accounts of the killing of civilians and vandalism during recent

[MCM] Petition in support of Joel Kovel

2009-03-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Below is a petition in support of Joel Kovel, whom Bard fired for his critiques of Israel and Zionism. As you may recall, I sent out the news of Kovel's firing when it happened; and then I sent out the response that Leon Botstein, Bard's president, was sending those who had contacted him

[MCM] Team Coleman sidling up to Bush v. Gore....

2009-03-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
From Paul Lehto: Coleman Lawyer Predicts Franken Win in Trial Court; Pushes Constitutional Argument to Be Raised in State Supreme Court (and/or beyond, of course--PL) http://hotlineoncall.nationaljournal.com/archives/2009/03/is_norm_coleman.php A snippet: Q. Well, when you say quick

[MCM] Coverage of the Israeli soldiers' charges, by Ha'aretz Channel 4

2009-03-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
It is remarkable to see the soldiers of the IDF themselves deploring what their own commanders urged and/or approved against civilians in Israel's attack on Gaza. (These guys are truly brave, recalling those of our troops--like Ron Ridenhour--who have spoken out against such massacres in lands

[MCM] John Anderson on Geithner/Summers at 5:00 p.m. today!

2009-03-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Mark, Could you maybe give this a shout-out? I'll be on http://www.firedoglake.com, talking about Geithner and Summers in light of Krugman's excellent, devastating blog this a.m. Thanks. John --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are

[MCM] Flaw in Diebold software used in 34 states!

2009-03-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
forwarded message: From: Mark Crispin Miller mailto:mark.mil...@nyu.edumark.mil...@nyu.edu Date: March 20, 2009 11:47:58 AM PDT To: Richard Salzman mailto:richard.w.salz...@gmail.comrichard.w.salz...@gmail.com Subject: Re: Flaw in Diebold software used in 34 states I got to this, and it says

[MCM] A bouquet of articles (and one Bronx cheer) on Spitzer Redux

2009-03-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Compiled by magginkat: Was Eliot Spitzer Taken Out Because He Was Going to Bust AIG? http://www.alternet.org/blogs/peek/132547/was_eliot_spitzer_taken_out_because_he_was_going_to_bust_aig/ alternet.org Eliot Spitzer is back and he's talking. The thought of this, no doubt, brings a small

[MCM] Free Paul Minor!

2009-03-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Another shocking case of persecution by Karl Rove's hitmen at the DoJ. MCM Free Paul Minor Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Brendan DeMelle Posted March 19, 2009 | 03:04 AM (EST) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/robert-f-kennedy-jr-and-brendan-demelle/free-paul-minor_b_176696.html Paul Minor did his

[MCM] UN panel will urge world to ditch the dollar

2009-03-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
U.N. panel says world should ditch dollar Wed Mar 18, 2009 By Jeremy Gaunt, European Investment Correspondent http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ef5OmZkzjDI http://www.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUSTRE52H2CY20090318?sp=truehttp://www.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUSTRE52H2CY20090318?sp=true

[MCM] Democratic process isn't working to halt climate change, says NASA's Hansen

2009-03-21 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
The brave James Hansen, who blew the whistle on Bush/Cheney's efforts to black out the facts re: global warming, has told the Guardian that the democratic process-- i.e., the electoral process--hasn't helped slow climate change. He's therefore calling for protest and other forms of direct

[MCM] Robert Reich: Obama's bailout a fiasco

2009-03-21 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Specifically, the most expensive taxpayer-supported fiasco in history. MCM Obama's Wall Street bailout failure Before it can clean up Wall Street or do much of anything else, the administration has to clean up the way it's been trying to clean up Wall Street. By Robert Reich Mar. 20,

[MCM] Great interview with Eugene Jarecki

2009-03-23 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Interview with Eugene Jarecki, about his new book The American Way of War: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXwgrubzMqchttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXwgrubzMqc MCM --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to Mark Crispin Miller's

[MCM] No surprises yet from Wall Street's president

2009-03-23 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
It sure is horrifying--to use Paul Krugman's word--that Obama will not seize those foundering banks, but is instead proposing to blow billions of our money on their toxic assets, far in excess of the latters' worth. It's horrifying, but it shouldn't be surprising, considering Wall Street's long

[MCM] Spitzer speaks out (plus the latest from Arianna Huffington)

2009-03-23 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
. A month ago... when Geithner crossed swords with Axelrod, winning the battle and losing the war. On Mar 23, 2009, at 1:57 PM, Mark Crispin Miller wrote: It sure is horrifying--to use Paul Krugman's word--that Obama will not seize those foundering banks, but is instead proposing to blow

[MCM] Geithner's last stand

2009-03-23 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/robert-kuttnerRobert Kuttner Co-Founder and Co-Editor of The American Prospect Posted March 22, 2009 | 09:31 PM (EST) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/robert-kuttner/geithners-last-stand_b_177850.htmlGeithner's Last Stand The political and pundit classes have

[MCM] NY, NY--a hell of a town, and a police state!

2009-03-24 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
THE CRIMINALIZATION OF EVERYDAY LIFE Are anyone's days entirely free of offenses that can get you arrested? By Robert Neuwirth http://www.citylimits.org/content/articles/viewarticle.cfm?article_id=3718 I spent 24 hours in the slammer the other day. My crime? Well, the police couldn't tell me

[MCM] Why Do You Kill? --Jürgen Todenhöfer at McNally Jackson , NYU

2009-03-24 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
. MCM I. First Tuesdays Series: Jürgen Todenhöfer Author of Why Do You Kill? (The Disinformation Company) Tuesday, April 7 2009, 7:00pm - 8:00pm This monthly series hosted by author and activist Mark Crispin Miller features authors whose books tackle political and public issues from a stance

[MCM] 400 individuals control 22% of the wealth!

2009-03-24 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Tempo of Audits Drops for Wealthy By http://query.nytimes.com/search/query?ppds=bylLv1=LYNNLEY%20BROWNINGfdq=19960101td=sysdatesort=newestac=LYNNLEY%20BROWNINGinline=nyt-perLYNNLEY BROWNING March 23, 2009

[MCM] Something that you may have missed

2009-03-24 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Here's a harrowing item I sent out today, but that may well have been blocked by your spam detector, because of certain phrases in it: http://tinyurl.com/dbgzyrhttp://tinyurl.com/dbgzyr MCM --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are

[MCM] Democracy in Afghanistan

2009-03-25 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
http://www.guardian.co.uk/ http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/mar/22/us-afghan-plan-to-bypass-karzaihttp://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/mar/22/us-afghan-plan-to-bypass-karzai US will appoint Afghan 'prime minister' to bypass Hamid Karzai White

[MCM] Florida wants to make elections LESS transparent

2009-03-25 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
ELECTIONS BILL A THREAT TO TRANSPARENT VOTING Daytona Beach News-Journal Community Voices Column By Susan Pynchon and Kitty Garber March 24, 2009

[MCM] That CIA expert got it wrong

2009-03-25 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
BE workable. And that's bullshit. They can not possibly be workable in a real democracy. Paul Lehto, Juris Doctor On 3/25/09, Mark Crispin Miller mark.mil...@nyu.edu wrote: This is a bombshell--even though the argument is, in one important sense, ridiculous. According to this CIA cybersecurity

[MCM] A must-see documentary on Rove's political prosecutions

2009-03-25 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Wednesday, March 25, 2009 http://legalschnauzer.blogspot.com/2009/03/political-prosecutions-of-karl-rove.htmlThe Political Prosecutions of Karl Rove: An Update We posted yesterday about the Project Save Justice video,

[MCM] Obama claims state-secret privilege, just like Bush

2009-03-25 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
And so George Washington is still the only US president to yield authority. MCM Handling Of 'State Secrets' At Issue Like Predecessor, New Justice Dept. Claiming Privilege By Carrie Johnson Washington Post Staff Writer Wednesday, March 25, 2009; A01

[MCM] Why HJC wanted Rove behind closed doors ( more)

2009-03-25 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
March 25 EXCLUSIVE: Why House Committee wanted Rove behind closed doors Larisa Alexandrovna -- Wednesday March 25, 2009 http://rawstory.com/news/2008/House_Committee_wanted_Rove_behind_closed_0324.htmlhttp://rawstory.com/news/2008/House_Committee_wanted_Rove_behind_closed_0324.html The

[MCM] A Senate bill to save US newspapers

2009-03-26 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
http://www.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUSTRE52N67F20090324U.S. bill seeks to rescue faltering newspapers Tue Mar 24, 2009 3:05pm EDT By Thomas Ferraro http://www.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUSTRE52N67F20090324 WASHINGTON (Reuters) - With many U.S. newspapers struggling to survive, a

[MCM] In defense of Jennifer Brunner

2009-03-27 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
The following comes from Cliff Arnebeck, the lead attorney in the King Lincoln suit (a/k/a the Connell case). Cliff wants it to be wholly clear that this correction is not meant to question or impugn Michael Collins's motives. He (Cliff) believes that what the latter wrote was based on

[MCM] Who counts our votes? The GOP! (On Hart InterCivic)

2009-03-28 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Hart InterCivic is a big e-voting company: the third-largest in the country, after Diebold/Premier and ESS. And, like those two, Hart InterCivic is a partisan concern. As this piece from the Austin Chronicle makes clear, the company sits in the pocket (or the holster) of the Texas GOP. Now,

[MCM] PDA planning to endorse Rush Holt's bill

2009-03-28 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Although many of its members are opposed, PDA is planning to endorse Rush Holt's new bill (which I for one regard as unacceptable). Rather than go on and on myself, I am sending you this email from Paul Lehto, and a link to various writings pro and con (including his, which is against the

[MCM] The right is still hallucinating

2009-03-28 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
From John Ennis: I sat down to allow an ardent conservative the chance to make his case about how the media is completely driven by a liberal bias, and how Sarah Palin was robbed in the last election. I did this with an open mind, hoping to find common ground on media failures. I share this

[MCM] Michael Collins answers Cliff Arnebeck (re: Jennifer Brunner)

2009-03-29 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
The other day, I posted Michael Collins's piece opposing Jennifer Brunner's Senate bid, on the grounds that she's done nothing to combat the GOP's election fraud throughout Ohio in 2004. Cliff Arnebeck, the lead attorney in the King Lincoln suit, then sent an email protesting Michael's piece,

[MCM] Pinochet judge seeking criminal probe of Gonzales, Yoo, Addington et al.

2009-03-29 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Also see coverage by AP: http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5gw5KhIf6dRlptgQeY7ytP_39edTQD9779UM00 and by the Guardian: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/mar/29/guantanamo-bay-torture-inquiry and by the Washington Monthly:

[MCM] How Obama Dems co-opted the peace movement

2009-03-29 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
From John Stauber: Here are some recent brief blog postings of mine. It is fascinating to watch the Obama/Dem co-option of the peace movement, a process that has been going on now for years through MoveOn and its assorted liberal allies. Democratic liberals have defined themselves as the

[MCM] Holt's bill will make a lousy voting system even worse

2009-03-29 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
March 29, 2009 2009 Holt Bill. E-Voting: Making a bad system worse By Nancy Tobi http://www.opednews.com/articles/2009-Holt-Bill-E-Voting--by-Nancy-Tobi-090329-832.htmlhttp://www.opednews.com/articles/2009-Holt-Bill-E-Voting--by-Nancy-Tobi-090329-832.html Congressman Rush Holt (D-NJ) is

[MCM] Will Obama regulate GM crops--the biggest threat to food safety?

2009-03-29 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Promoted to Headline (H2) on 3/28/09: Will Obama's Food Safety Team Finally Regulate the Biggest Food Safety Hazard of Our Time by Jeffrey M. Smith http://www.opednews.com/articles/Will-Obama-s-Food-Safety-T-by-Jeffrey-M-Smith-090328-708.html If President Obama's new Food Safety Working Group

[MCM] Feel free to weigh in on the Holt bill

2009-03-29 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
http://markcrispinmiller.com/2009/03/pda-planning-to-endorse-rush-holts-bill.html/comment-page-1#comment-40147 --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to Mark Crispin Miller's News From Underground newsgroup. To unsubscribe,

[MCM] A deadly superbug in pork

2009-03-29 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
From Gianni Ortiz: NAIS, as it is written, wouldn't improve this situation. A couple of related links below. http://gristmill.grist.org/story/2009/1/27/63221/5325Pork superbug documented As evidence mounts of deadly bacteria from CAFO pigs, will the FDA and the USDA act? Posted by

[MCM] Join Amnesty in saying NO to Bush/Obama's counter-terrorism policies

2009-03-30 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
From Gianni Ortiz: Hi Gianni, Just a reminder this is the very last day that you can sign up to lobby your Senators and Representatives while they're home on recess. We've trained someone in your community to lead this group and they'll need strong advocates to back them up. Help us get to

[MCM] SCOTUS's plan to gut the Voting Rights Act

2009-03-31 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
This is but of the part of the Republicans' not-so-stealthy drive in preparation for the next election. There are also the voter ID laws winning passage in state after state. Through such measures they will do much better than expected (and, in fact, much better than they really did). The

[MCM] Tax subsidies for journalism? CJR

2009-04-01 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
From Mike Hoyt: Dear reader, The idea of tax subsidies to aid journalism is beginning to bubble up, but it's controversial. Do the potential positives outweigh the potential negatives? Join our conversation in this week's CJR News Meeting. Meanwhile, as chairman of the Senate Finance

[MCM] Cheney left a stay-behind in Obama's govt., says Sy Hersh

2009-04-01 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_alladdress=102x3809193Seymour Hersh: Cheney 'Left A Stay Behind' In Obama's Government, Can 'Still Control Policy Up To http://thinkprogress.org/2009/03/31/hersh-cheney-behind/ In an interview on NPR's Fresh Air yesterday, host

[MCM] Cheney's assassins operated in a lot of countries

2009-04-01 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Hersh elaborates. MCM Seymour Hersh: Secret U.S. Forces Carried Out Assassinations in 'a Lot of' Countries, Including in Latin America By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now! Posted on March 31, 2009, Printed on April 1, 2009 http://www.alternet.org/story/134347/ Amy Goodman: Pulitzer Prize-winning

[MCM] SCOTUS poised to strike at Voting Rights Act

2009-04-02 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
High Court to Weigh Relevance Of Voting Law in Obama Era By Robert Barnes Washington Post Staff Writer Wednesday, April 1, 2009; A01

[MCM] Stevens skates--and justice is denied

2009-04-03 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
On April Fool's Day, NPR's Nine Totenberg reported that AG Holder will drop all charges against the felonious Sen. Ted Stevens. Too bad this wasn't just a bit of April Fool's hilarity on Holder's part; because, while letting Stevens skate, Obama's AG hasn't moved a muscle (publicly) about the

[MCM] The (handy) myth of liberal bias at the ABA

2009-04-03 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Judicial Nominees, the ABA and the Liberal Bias Geoffrey R. Stone The Huffington Post APRIL 3, 2009 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/geoffrey-r-stone/judicial-nominees-the-aba_b_182621.html In a piece in Tuesday's New York Times (March 31, 2009), Adam Liptak addressed the alleged liberal bias of

[MCM] Help complete an EXCELLENT DOCUMENTARY about organic food!

2009-04-03 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
My student, Shelley Rogers, has very nearly finished her terrific documentary, What's Organic About Organic?--a work that everyone who cares about the food supply should see, and spread the word. Here she's reaching out for funds. (She doesn't need that much.) So please do try to help, even if

[MCM] Hey, social scientists--WAKE UP!

2009-04-03 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
We Have the Facts and We're Voting Yes Friday 27 March 2009 by: Heather K. Gerken | Visit article original @ The American Prospect http://www.truthout.org/040209VAhttp://www.truthout.org/040209VA We cannot achieve meaningful electoral reform until we can quantify exactly what is wrong

[MCM] ObamaCo is trying to waive the rules

2009-04-05 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Administration Seeks an Out On Bailout Rules for Firms Officials Worry Constraints Set by Congress Deter Participation By http://projects.washingtonpost.com/staff/email/amit+r.+paley+and+david+cho/Amit R. Paley and David Cho Washington Post Staff Writers Saturday, April 4, 2009; Page A01 The

[MCM] A strong response to Bill Black's argument on Moyers' show

2009-04-05 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
(UPDATED) Please be smarter than the Freepers. by Geekesque Sat Apr 04, 2009 at 08:23:24 AM PDT [See end of diary for clarification of why Bank Holding Company status matters] http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2009/4/4/716470/-Please-be-smarter-than-the-Freepers. PLEASE BE SMARTER THAN THE

[MCM] It's going to be bad, very bad, Stiglitz tells Der Spiegel

2009-04-05 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Joseph Stiglitz: It's going to be bad, very bad In an interview, the Nobel Prize-winner and former chief economist at the World Bank talks about the Great Depression, Obama's stimulus package and today's financial crisis. By Spiegel staff Editor's note: This article originally appeared in Der

[MCM] In Japan, world's fastest broadband costs $20 per home

2009-04-05 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
So why is it that America needs cable companies? No doubt for the same good reason that we need the oligopoly of healthcare companies, and other costly, gouging, giant firms. MCM April 3, 2009, 5:01 PM World's Fastest Broadband at $20 Per Home By

[MCM] REMINDER: Jürgen Todenhöfer speaks in NYC th is week

2009-04-05 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Author of Why Do You Kill? (The Disinformation Company) Tuesday, April 7 2009, 7:00pm - 8:00pm This monthly series hosted by author and activist Mark Crispin Miller features authors whose books tackle political and public issues from a stance outside the mainstream. In his new book, author

[MCM] The world's largest democracy is at grave risk

2009-04-05 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
because they use e-voting machines. And this two-stage randomisation plan will not make that machinery any more secure. If any of you know who makes and maintains the machines in India, please let me know. MCM EC to undertake EVM randomisation for the first time Press Trust of India / New

[MCM] The greening of Sarah Palin

2009-04-06 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
See how this bit of propaganda tries to kill all thought of Palin's actual toxic stance on the environment, by making it appear as if she has herself sprung up out of Alaska's green and pleasant land: a well-groomed, forward-looking, giant (Christian) wood nymph. It's pretty good, as such

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