Re: Custom UserManager.

2001-03-16 Thread jbirchfield
When using a custom user manager with an application, you must make sure you are getting your DataSource references in the constructor. This is extremely important. If you try to lookup the DataSource outside of the constructor, you will have all sorts of problems. Do something like this...

RE: Has anyone written an EJBDoclet impl for Orion?

2001-03-06 Thread jbirchfield
We were able to use EJBDoclet out of the box with no problems. We have extended it quite a bit, but nothing Orion specific, only project specific. Anyone using Orion should be able to use EJBDoclet with no problems, and I would highly recommend doing so. James Birchfield Ironmax a better way

Re: Has anyone written an EJBDoclet impl for Orion?

2001-03-05 Thread jbirchfield
We use EJBDoclet. We have it set to generate all our Homes and Remotes, our descriptiors, and our utility classes that return handles to all our Homes. Sweet tool ,and easy to extend. James Birchfield Ironmax a better way to buy, sell and rent construction equipment 5 Corporate Center 9960

RE: Extending Orion with JCE 1.2.1

2001-02-27 Thread jbirchfield
We use OpenJCE and just add the appropriate zip/jar files to the bootclasspath(i.e. java -Xbootclasspath/p:\lib\ -jar orion.jar)James BirchfieldIronmaxa better way to buy, sell and rent construction equipment5 Corporate Center9960 Corporate Campus Drive, Suite 2000Louisville, KY 40223Dean

Re: NamingException using custom UserManager with stand alone applications

2001-02-05 Thread jbirchfield
The problem lies in getting a connection to the database. You can only get a connection to the database using JNDI in the constructor of the UserManager. Nowhere else. This is supposed to be fixed in 1.4.6, but I haven't had a chance to test it. The limitation to this is that the connection

Re: Oracle database and connection pooling

2001-02-01 Thread jbirchfield
Try this: DataSource dataSource = (DataSource)context.lookup("jdbc/OraclePooledDS"); Connection con = dataSource.getConnection(); orion will return a pooled connection to you. James Birchfield Ironmax a better way to buy, sell and rent construction equipment 5 Corporate Center 9960 Corporate

Custom UserManager JNDI problem

2001-01-23 Thread jbirchfield
We have been using a custom UserManager for sometime now in our web application. It works extremely well, and is very easy to implement. However, we are now in need of some stand alone applications that need access to our EJB's. When we attempt to access an EJB, we are having problems. I have

Re: Adding JCE to Orion

2001-01-17 Thread jbirchfield
Start orion like this and see if it helps. java -Xbootclasspath/p:lib\ -jar orion.jar We use the JCE without a problem. James Birchfield Ironmax a better way to buy, sell and rent construction equipment 5 Corporate Center 9960 Corporate Campus Drive, Suite 2000 Louisville, KY 40223

RE: Urgent: Orion/SSL with Thawte-Cert

2001-01-09 Thread jbirchfield
orion can handle 128 bit certificates, at least from Verisign. But you must have the latest version of the JSSE. James Birchfield Ironmax a better way to buy, sell and rent construction equipment 5 Corporate Center 9960 Corporate Campus Drive, Suite 2000 Louisville, KY 40223

RE: SV: Off topic: development tools

2000-12-11 Thread jbirchfield
EJBDoclet is awesome. We have taken it and extended it to meet our needs. It automatically generates the home, remote, the deployment descriptors, and we also auto gen a utility class that allows to access all of the availabe home objects. Couldn't recommend it higher! James Birchfield

UserManager shutdown hook?

2000-11-13 Thread jbirchfield
We have implemented our own usermanager, and it all works great. But we would like to know when the server is restarted at least, if not shutdown. We start up a 'raper' thread, which is responsible for cleaning up expired user references. When the orion is restarted, it creates a new instance

Re: UserManager shutdown hook?

2000-11-13 Thread jbirchfield
The problem is the creation of the new Thread will happen, and two threads will be running. Restart again, and now I have 3 threads running. I have played around with different ways to get it to run more efficiently, but I still have no way of knowing when to stop(or destroy) the other

RE: UserManager shutdown hook?

2000-11-13 Thread jbirchfield
Luckily, we are using *NO* stateful session beans for this user. For each user, we keep track of a timestamp of when the last time the getUser method was called. If it has been more than an hour, we remove them and the next call will pull that user back from the database, and back into the

Re: Orion + Weblogic via JNDI?

2000-11-13 Thread jbirchfield
perhaps you should try to load the WebLogic classes with your bootstrap classpath(we have to do this for our encryption packages). try somehing like java -Xbootclasspath/p:lib\some.jar -jar orion.jar James Birchfield Ironmax a better way to buy, sell and rent construction equipment 5

RE: UserManager shutdown hook?

2000-11-13 Thread jbirchfield
Sorry, Slip of the fingers, I meant to type 'reaper'. A 'reaper' thread is a thread that does a clean-up chore of some kind.Better start using the spell check option...:)James BirchfieldIronmaxa better way to buy, sell and rent construction equipment5 Corporate Center9960 Corporate Campus Drive,

Re: Obtaining an SSL Certificate

2000-10-26 Thread jbirchfield
Is there any specific 'type' of certificate you requested from Verisign? We are in desperate need to get 128 bit running on our production site, but so far, I have only gotten the 40 bit test cert from thawte to work correctly. I could not get keytool to successfully import the test cert that

Re: Obtaining an SSL Certificate

2000-10-26 Thread jbirchfield
Actually, after installing the newer version of the JSSE, I was able to get the test certificate form Verisign to work properly, running 128 bit. Even after setting the shared attribute to true, IE still seems to renew the session every 2 minutes or so, but Netscape seems to do fine. I think

UserManager and the log file

2000-10-16 Thread jbirchfield
We have implemented our own usermanager, and everything works as expected, except logging. After logging in using FORM based authentication, we can successfully perform a 'request.getRemoteUser()' call to retrieve the users login information. I would expect that if the server knows the

RE: XSLT processors

2000-10-11 Thread jbirchfield
The processing instruction : ?xml-stylesheet href="doc.xsl" type ="text/xsl"? tells the processor to use the style sheet of doc.xsl to transform this xml document(or jsp). To do conditional processing dependent on the client, you need to do some logic in the jsp to figure this out, and display

Re: JUnit with Orion, source included

2000-09-28 Thread jbirchfield
This is pretty cool...We are already using JUnit with a stand alon client, but I like this since I don't have to keep open an extra dos window, and remember what to type. I put an html page with all our unit test in fron of the servlet and can pick and choose which ones to run. Thanks! BTW,

Re: XSL Parser Error

2000-09-15 Thread jbirchfield
I believe this is a problem with Xalan, not orion. I replaced the default xsl servlet with the xsl servlet available fro using saxon, and it works like a beauty. James Birchfield Ironmax a better way to buy, sell and rent construction equipment 5 Corporate Center 9960

Re: XSL example

2000-09-08 Thread jbirchfield
I ran into this with IE yesterday too. Since IE hit the page the first time, and displayed raw xml, it is probably cached. At least it was in my case. After getting the content-type right(the same way you did), I cleared my cache, and all went fine. James Birchfield Ironmax a better way to

Problem with welcom-file list

2000-09-08 Thread jbirchfield
I am running into a problem with the welcome file list. I have mapped an extension to be ran through a particular servlet like this: servlet-mapping servlet-namedispatch/servlet-name url-pattern*.ojsp/url-pattern /servlet-mapping and defined 'dispatch' with all necessary

Device dependent xsl translation recommendation

2000-09-08 Thread jbirchfield
As our organization continues to move forward with XML and XSL, it would be great if Orion provided a built in feature to allow for device dependent XSL translation, similar to Cocoon. This email lays out one possible approach. Forgive me if Orion already has something planned. My suggestion

Re: Device dependent xsl translation recommendation

2000-09-08 Thread jbirchfield
After posting the original message this morning, I went to work putting together a custom tag to do what I suggested this morning. A zip file containing all the source, and instructions is attached to this email. Please feel free to use it. If you run into any problems, let me know. (See

Big problem with latest orion.jar 1.3.2

2000-09-07 Thread jbirchfield
There seems to be a big problem with the latest update of orion. The JSP's are being compiled with the following code: public class __jspPage0_examples_jsp_dates_date_jsp extends com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage { but there seems to be no com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage, rather

Re: XSL example

2000-09-06 Thread jbirchfield
We are having an issue with XSL transformations. Here is the following .jsp we are using: ?xml version="1.0" ? % int type =

Strange error with Netscape

2000-09-06 Thread jbirchfield
In netscape, I am sometimes getting this error when posting to a page. Any ideas? No problems in IE. HTTP/1.1 413 Request Entity Too Large Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2000 13:17:26 GMT Server: Orion/1.3.1 Connection: Close Content-Type: text/html 413 Request Entity Too Large James Birchfield Ironmax

Strange problem in netscape...

2000-09-06 Thread jbirchfield
Should have included more information: Orion 1.3.1 Jdk 1.3 The error occurs only in netscape, but the actuall page works, and all HTML is out put to the screen(with the error at the bottom) James Birchfield Ironmax a better way to buy, sell and rent construction equipment 5 Corporate

Transaction problems...

2000-08-22 Thread jbirchfield
We have been using transactions successfully for a while nowor so we thought. Here is the scenario. We have a series of registration pages on our site. We gather all the information we need, and at the end we create a stateless session bean passing it all the information we need. In this

Re: Transaction problems...

2000-08-22 Thread jbirchfield
Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately, this seems to have no affect. I have tried to set the exclusive-write-access to false, and have played with different isolation levels as well. I will keep plugging away i guess. Thanks again! James Birchfield Ironmax a better way to buy, sell and rent

Re: Entity bean creation

2000-07-14 Thread jbirchfield
Pramati has an excellent tool for this. James Birchfield Senior Software Engineer LLC a better way to buy, sell and rent construction equipment 5 Corporate Center 9960 Corporate Campus Drive, Suite 2000 Louisville, KY 40223

Complex Primary Key problem

2000-06-20 Thread jbirchfield
I have a Primary Key class defined for my entity bean. The table only has one primary key, and the key class only has one attribute. When I deploy and attempt to invoke 'findByPrimaryKey(pk)', I get an abstractMethodError. Deploying an entity bean with a table of two primary keys and a class

Error accessing Entity Bean

2000-06-19 Thread jbirchfield
I am deploying an entity bean generated from within TogetherJ. I am accessing the entity bean as follows: ejbtest.ORGANIZATIONSPK orgPK = new ejbtest.ORGANIZATIONSPK(); orgPK.ID = new java.math.BigDecimal("1"); ejbtest.ORGANIZATIONS org = orgHome.findByPrimaryKey(orgPK); The above code when