Re: [Talk-GB] HeiGIT Data Comparison

2025-02-03 Thread Warin
On 3/2/25 20:10, Chris Andrew wrote: Hi, all. You'll have seen an article in "WeeklyOSM 758", from the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT): The article explained how relatively simply, OSM 'completeness' c

Re: [Talk-GB] HeiGIT Data Comparison

2025-02-03 Thread Warin
On 3/2/25 20:10, Chris Andrew wrote: Hi, all. You'll have seen an article in "WeeklyOSM 758", from the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT): The article explained how relatively simply, OSM 'completeness' c

Re: [Talk-GB] U-Turn guidance in London

2024-10-01 Thread Warin
On 30/9/24 03:08, Michael Tsang wrote: Hi Chris, There is a no right turn sign. U turn is a kind of right turn, so it is legally prohibited. Err I think you are mistaken? A right turn may not be permitted as to do so would enter a one way street the wrong way, while a U turn could be per

Re: [Talk-GB] Rockall

2020-06-15 Thread Warin
On 16/6/20 7:43 am, Colin Smale wrote: On 2020-06-15 23:14, barry b wrote: Hi Folks, I made the below changes to rockall. snip I don't know the exact procedure here. I feel i didn't do it right. Don't worry too much about "not doing it right", just about everybody here has "been there done

Re: [Talk-GB] City centre landuse tagging

2020-05-01 Thread Warin
On 1/5/20 9:22 pm, Nick Whitelegg wrote: Hi, Meant to include this in my other post, but...I'm noticing that several cities in the UK (Bristol, Bath and Chester are good examples) don't seem to tag the city centre area with an appropriate landuse tag (presumably retail, commercial or resident

Re: [Talk-GB] CWGC: worldwide, war graves

2020-04-26 Thread Warin
On 26/4/20 10:50 pm, Colin Smale wrote: On 2020-04-26 14:26, Tony OSM wrote: If we generate a tag schema it clearly needs to be applicable to other grave organisations - e.g. German War Graves Commission - /Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge/ in German. So we need a more abstract conc

Re: [Talk-GB] Ficticious embankments? Vandalism.

2020-03-21 Thread Warin
On 21/3/20 11:02 pm, ael wrote: On Sat, Mar 21, 2020 at 10:45:53AM +1100, Warin wrote: On 18/3/20 1:42 am, ael wrote: On Tue, Mar 17, 2020 at 11:25:24AM +, Devonshire wrote: On Tue, Mar 17, 2020, at 2:08 AM, Warin wrote: On 17/3/20 8:02 am, ael wrote: The inability to mark an object&#

Re: [Talk-GB] Ficticious embankments? Vandalism.

2020-03-20 Thread Warin
On 18/3/20 1:42 am, ael wrote: On Tue, Mar 17, 2020 at 11:25:24AM +, Devonshire wrote: On Tue, Mar 17, 2020, at 2:08 AM, Warin wrote: On 17/3/20 8:02 am, ael wrote: The inability to mark an object's location as "authorititive" has always seemed like a massive shortcoming

Re: [Talk-GB] Ficticious embankments? Vandalism.

2020-03-17 Thread Warin
On 17/3/20 8:53 pm, John Aldridge wrote: On 17-Mar-20 02:08, Warin wrote: A single GPS trace is fine if that is all there is, better to average many GPS traces, in some locations I have 50+. Though, AIUI, once you've reached this level of precision, remaining errors are likely

Re: [Talk-GB] Ficticious embankments? Vandalism.

2020-03-16 Thread Warin
On 17/3/20 8:02 am, ael wrote: I have only just got around to looking in more detail, and discovered that it is much worse than I had realised: vandalism. I have taken waypoints on nearly all of the individual stones, and then refined those positions with waypoint averaging on multiple visits.

Re: [Talk-GB] Tagging showgrounds

2020-02-24 Thread Warin
It was I who raised the issue. Interest to see others thoughts, and some ideas on some sort of consistence, if that can be obtained? From an Australian perspective of 'our' showgrounds' in the countryside. Most of the year they are vacant. They do get some use from equestrian activities.. s

Re: [Talk-GB] Landuse between fences?

2020-01-01 Thread Warin
On 01/01/20 20:31, Martin Wynne wrote: On 01/01/2020 09:21, Warin wrote: OSM - any tags you like. (that includes landuse=highway, sport=cricket_nets etc) So what is the significance of having proposed changes, voting, etc.? Community input rather than a single persons idea. There

Re: [Talk-GB] Landuse between fences?

2020-01-01 Thread Warin
On 01/01/20 18:13, Martin Wynne wrote: On 01/01/2020 05:11, Warin wrote: I would map the area around the road as landuse=highway. I would do the same for the lane/track between farm fields, while it supports the use of the farm it is not a field. Thanks, but the problem is that landuse

Re: [Talk-GB] Landuse between fences?

2019-12-31 Thread Warin
On 01/01/20 12:20, David Woolley wrote: On 01/01/2020 00:49, Dave F via Talk-GB wrote: I was trying to intimate, *personally*, I wouldn't bother obsessing with mapping every *square inch* of land. I also don't think you should be mapping in that detail, but if you really want to, I would sugg

Re: [Talk-GB] New Entertainment venue - what tags?

2019-12-30 Thread Warin
I think 3 nodes. While all operated by the one company .. do they all have the same fees, opening hours, contact details? The building can have the address .. and the company if it has all of the building. But each facility can have its own node or area (if you have that detail). The bar and

[Talk-GB] Roundabouts one piece or segregated

2019-12-22 Thread Warin
I'm looking at Wivenhoe B1028 way 477263099. This is a segment of a roundabout. Would it not be better for the way to be a single feature in OSM? I think the route relations now handle roundabouts so there should be no problem there. Thoughts? ___

Re: [Talk-GB] Fw: Appeal for Help - Amending a Route Relation - NCN Route 51

2019-12-20 Thread Warin
p;af_sub3=EmailSignature> - Forwarded message - *From:* "Peter Neale" *To:* "Talk-gb OSM List" *Cc:* *Sent:* Thu, 19 Dec 2019 at 13:54 *Subject:* Fw: [Talk-GB] Appeal for Help - Amending a Route Relation - NCN Route 51 Many thanks to @Ric

Re: [Talk-GB] Fw: Appeal for Help - Amending a Route Relation - NCN Route 51

2019-12-19 Thread Warin
On 20/12/19 00:54, Peter Neale via Talk-GB wrote: Many thanks to @Richard Fairhurst, @Warin and @ Paul Berry for their encouragement and help.  I will have a go at making the amendments using the iD Editor. I'm not sure how soon that will happen, though, as I hear that Christmas is c

Re: [Talk-GB] Appeal for Help - Amending a Route Relation - NCN Route 51

2019-12-19 Thread Warin
On 19/12/19 19:49, Richard Fairhurst wrote: Peter Neale wrote: I would love to amend the Route Relation, but have no idea how to go about it. Brilliant. Thanks for taking this on! You can do it from iD - no particular need to use JOSM for this. Essentially the trick is, for each way that needs

Re: [Talk-GB] Disused or empty apartments

2019-12-18 Thread Warin
On 19/12/19 13:01, Dave F via Talk-GB wrote: On 19/12/2019 01:41, Andy Townsend wrote: Aside from this particular question, that's actually a problem that happens all the time with things like "amenity=pub; tourism=hotel" - I'd rather the mapper make a clear choice as they know what is there,

Re: [Talk-GB] Disused or empty apartments

2019-12-18 Thread Warin
On 19/12/19 00:41, Mike Baggaley wrote: Perhaps setting both building=yes and disused: building=apartments would fulfill all the needs. Err no. Having both tags on the one object is contradictory. How is it determined which tag to render? A building=* is rendered one way. A disused:building=

Re: [Talk-GB] Disused or empty apartments prior to demolition

2019-12-17 Thread Warin
My understanding? If the feature is disused then place disused: in front of the existing tag; so building=apartments becomes disused:building=apartments or building=yes becomes disused:building=yes Having both disused:building=* and disused:building=* is a conflict, it is disused or not

Re: [Talk-GB] What is farmland?

2019-12-14 Thread Warin
On 15/12/19 04:12, John Aldridge wrote: On 14-Dec-19 16:52, SK53 wrote: Like Dave I have come to the view that mapping individual fields as farmland is a good way to do it. I too concur. Here's the diary entry I wrote when I was doing the fields round here... I have at least some crop field

Re: [Talk-GB] accurate GPS

2019-10-12 Thread Warin
On 10/10/19 00:40, Simon Ritchie wrote: The real question, really, is why you're aiming for that level of precision That's what the emerging equipment does. For 'precision' i.e. repeatability then simply monitor the indicated position over a short time frame - where the satellites u

Re: [Talk-GB] Subject: Re: Thomas Cook shops

2019-10-09 Thread Warin
On 09/10/19 21:21, Martin Wynne wrote: On 09/10/2019 11:11, Dave F via Talk-GB wrote: Not so fast... The current Company is still bust. The shops are closed. "Sunderland-based Hays said it planned to reopen all the shops under its own brand with immediate effect." "planed' "are to be" "talk

Re: [Talk-GB] accurate GPS

2019-10-09 Thread Warin
On 09/10/19 22:57, Simon Ritchie wrote: > You'll need a GPS receiver with the capability of outputting carrier phase data (u-blox receivers will do this) and ideally a well-characterised external antenna (these are quite expensive). That's very useful.  Thanks.  I am indeed using a uBlox devic

Re: [Talk-GB] accurate GPS

2019-10-09 Thread Warin
On 09/10/19 22:03, Dave F via Talk-GB wrote: 2cm? I'm intrigued, what model are you using? What were the atmospheric conditions on the day you took your reading? I'd think to get that level of accuracy you 'd need readings over some considerable time... days? Otherwise you get bias from, as

Re: [Talk-GB] accurate GPS

2019-10-09 Thread Warin
On 09/10/19 22:42, Peter Neale via Talk-GB wrote: ... and if you had 2 devices, how would you know which is right? You would need at least 3 devices, so that you could take a majority vote. Actually 5 would better 6 is general taken as a minimum number to get a good student's T And they

Re: [Talk-GB] non-squared buildings

2019-09-30 Thread Warin
On 30/09/19 20:55, Andy Townsend wrote: On 30/09/2019 11:15, Jez Nicholson wrote: Some people seem quite animated about non-squared buildings in OSMcan anyone tell me why it matters so much? because 'accuracy'? A possible (slightly contentious) view might be that: * some people have bee

Re: [Talk-GB] Subject: Re: Thomas Cook shops

2019-09-29 Thread Warin
On 30/09/19 00:30, Dave F via Talk-GB wrote: On 29/09/2019 14:30, David Woolley wrote: I think too much effort goes into these big changes. The actual change is dead easy in JOSM. It's all this faffing about having to discuss it that takes up all the time. +1 As I said in another thread th

Re: [Talk-GB] Subject: Re: Thomas Cook shops

2019-09-25 Thread Warin
A liquidator will try to maximalise money returned. This could/should mean sale of fixtures and fitting of leased premisses and then terminating leases.  On 25/09/19 22:03, Edward Bainton wrote: Legal situation of leases, fixtures and fittings as far as I'm aware: - Lease continues and rent

Re: [Talk-GB] Copyright in OS-derived maps

2019-09-04 Thread Warin
On 5/9/19 12:26 am, Jez Nicholson wrote: The curse of derived data! So much effort to be able to share the boundary of a property. **sigh** If they had derived their data from OSM .. then all would be fine. ___ Talk-GB mailing list Talk-GB@opens

Re: [Talk-GB] RNLI Dunkirk Memorial

2019-09-03 Thread Warin
On 4/9/19 9:16 am, Edward Catmur via Talk-GB wrote: The Uffington White Horse is tagged as man_made=geoglyph, which seems apposite and is documented (if underused). +1. Not all on hills, small .. or historic Adding a natural=bare_rock  tag to reflec

Re: [Talk-GB] RNLI Dunkirk Memorial

2019-09-03 Thread Warin
On 4/9/19 7:58 am, Andy Mabbett wrote: On Tue, 3 Sep 2019 at 17:03, Dan S wrote: Op di 3 sep. 2019 om 16:06 schreef Michael Booth : Even though the wiki doesn't say you can use historic=memorial on a relation, I would tag it as that. Done; though "historic" seems inapt. The "type=*" tag on

Re: [Talk-GB] National Trust Paths organised edit page

2019-09-02 Thread Warin
On 3/9/19 8:22 am, David Woolley wrote: On 02/09/2019 23:13, Warin wrote: On 3/9/19 2:53 am, Dave F via Talk-GB wrote: On 02/09/2019 14:58, David Woolley wrote: This could conflict with a trend that I believe is developing, at least for more formal roads, of removing signage, because it

Re: [Talk-GB] National Trust Paths organised edit page

2019-09-02 Thread Warin
On 3/9/19 2:53 am, Dave F via Talk-GB wrote: On 02/09/2019 14:58, David Woolley wrote: This could conflict with a trend that I believe is developing, at least for more formal roads, of removing signage, because it distracts drivers, and relying on satellite navigators to provide the informati

Re: [Talk-GB] Gates open/closed by default

2019-07-27 Thread Warin
On 26/07/19 22:14, Martin Wynne wrote: The tag is *barrier*=gate. A permanently open gate isn't a barrier, so I don't think it should be tagged as such. At least not across a way. It is a barrier ready for use. You could add a separate node to one side of the way, and tag that as a gate.

Re: [Talk-GB] Gates open/closed by default

2019-07-26 Thread Warin
tened I have spent a good 10 minutes figuring out how to open then close the thing! Most are a minute, but .. The more difficult one can be seen as an intelligence test, if you pass the test you can enter :) Anything else? Good luck. On 2019-07-26 12:58, Warin wrote: To bring a

Re: [Talk-GB] Gates open/closed by default

2019-07-26 Thread Warin
To bring a little international perspective to this. In outback Australia the convention is "leave the gate as you found it". Unfortunately there are some who don't. To cope with this problem some gates are hung so that they close under gravity. To keep these open the farmer locks the gate open

Re: [Talk-GB] Adjacent nature reserves

2019-06-27 Thread Warin
On 27/06/19 22:11, Martin Wynne wrote: seen this done in various places, but I've never understood the point it. The two representations are identical in terms of the data, but the latter requires 2.5 times as many objects and is much more of a pain to work with in the editors. This happens a

Re: [Talk-GB] SuDS (Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems)

2019-06-19 Thread Warin
The area I would tag as a landuse=basin, basin=detention/retension/infiltration. That is what I have done around me. Most of these are larger than your example, the largest one that I know of is Some sports field are used as a detention pond when hig

Re: [Talk-GB] Adjacent nature reserves

2019-06-09 Thread Warin
On 09/06/19 23:58, Martin Wynne wrote: we now have 2 natural=heaths named  as nature reserves and with operator tags but without nature reserve tags. Hi Adam, But they are now nested within a larger area which does have a nature reserve tag. Much of the publicity material for this area treat

Re: [Talk-GB] Adjacent nature reserves

2019-06-06 Thread Warin
I am reminded of at least one single way I have edited (there could be more, it was some time ago)... it is a single way used for; boundary of 2 states of Australia boundary of 2 councils boundary of 2 National Parks - note that these 'National Parks' are administered by the individual states a

Re: [Talk-GB] Playground age limits

2019-06-04 Thread Warin
On 05/06/19 09:35, David Woolley wrote: On 04/06/2019 16:09, Martin Wynne wrote: The main reason for the fence would seem to be the several NO DOGS signs, which I have tagged. I've always assumed that such fences and the "adults must be accompanied by a child sign", that often accompany them,

Re: [Talk-GB] Preston Park, Brighton

2019-06-04 Thread Warin
On 04/06/19 20:13, Jez Nicholson wrote: I have to admit that Preston Park is my personal micromapping playground. I walk the hound there nearly every day and I can capture excruciating detail (so shoot me!). Any su

Re: [Talk-GB] max_age=toddler? | Re: Playground age limits

2019-06-04 Thread Warin
Rather than enter text into a value where a number is expected .. why not use the description tag? Description=For supervised younger children. Description=For unsupervised older children. ?? On 05/06/19 03:51, SK53 wrote: It might be germane to this discussion to consider minheight & maxheigh

Re: [Talk-GB] Tagging farmland in the UK

2019-06-02 Thread Warin
On 23/05/19 04:52, James Derrick wrote: Hi, For about three years I've been adding field-level detail to Northumberland spreading out from the main conurbations, into to the rural network of farms and up into the higher hill areas where I walk and cycle. As well as adding field boundaries a

Re: [Talk-GB] Farmland (crop or animals)?

2019-05-25 Thread Warin
Humm, warning, pedantic hat on... If you  cannot determine what it is used for .. don't use the tag landuse. For the presence of vegetation use the key 'natural' (it applies to both natural and unnatural things!) and if you have problems with that (like me with unnatural things being tagged 'n

Re: [Talk-GB] Farmland (crop or animals)?

2019-05-24 Thread Warin
Humm What is it that needs to be tagged? Possibly some sub tags for tillage=yes/no/yearly/* ? to indicate if ploughed and if known how frequently produce:category=animal/plant to indicate the broad group of produce? This could then be applied to any 'landuse' ... no matter how it is tagged.

Re: [Talk-GB] How to tag this?

2019-05-11 Thread Warin
amenity=notice_board??? On 08/05/19 22:22, Philip Barnes wrote: Also building=phonebox which I use. The most common usage is defibrillators and bookshares. Phil (trigpoint) On Wednesday, 8 May 2019, Martin Wynne wrote: On 08/05/2019 12:46, Andy Townsend wrote: It's a bit of a stretch, but

Re: [Talk-GB] RFC: Solar panel mapping in the UK

2019-04-04 Thread Warin
Don't use landuse=grass. Use surface=grass and/or landcover=grass to state the land cover, I'd use these with the power=plant tag. (For those that don't know .. I hate the tag landuse=grass) On 05/04/19 02:38, SK53 wrote: Yup, I don't think industrial is appropriate in many circumstances, an

Re: [Talk-GB] Milton Keynes Redways - How to Tag Consistently

2019-03-21 Thread Warin
On 22/03/19 02:35, Peter Neale via Talk-GB wrote: Thanks to all for the helpful responses. I have looked (again) at the OSM Tags for Routing at from which it is clear that foot=yes (for example) is implie

Re: [Talk-GB] Milton Keynes Redways - How to Tag Consistently

2019-03-20 Thread Warin
On 21/03/19 04:58, Peter Neale via Talk-GB wrote: I am relatively new to OSM, but am trying to contribute in a useful way, particularly in my local area (Milton Keynes). Milton Keynes enjoys (among many benefits) an extensive network of joint-use Cycle Paths / Foot Paths, known as “Redways” h

Re: [Talk-GB] Measuring building height

2019-03-20 Thread Warin
ns start to get uncertain. Here I'd be using other methods. Is it maybe possible to get building heights from lidar data? Too much clutter (multiple reflections) in a city for that to work well I'd think. Kevin On Tue, Mar 19, 2019, at 11:17 PM, Warin wrote: On 20/03/19 07:51, Ne

Re: [Talk-GB] Measuring building height

2019-03-19 Thread Warin
On 20/03/19 07:51, Neil Matthews wrote: So, I just tried this and I think it has a reasonable chance of giving a reasonable result. Take a photo of a car outside the building. Measure number of pixels for the car and number of pixels for the building and the height can be approximated by:

Re: [Talk-GB] Invalid building levels and building (part) height license compatibility

2019-03-18 Thread Warin
On 19/03/19 11:22, Andy Townsend wrote: On 18/03/2019 23:41, Warin wrote: For a chimney that is surrounded by a building  I used the shadow of the chimney vs the shadow of the building. That may be more feasible more of the time where you live than where I do! Point. :) Some satellite

Re: [Talk-GB] Invalid building levels and building (part) height license compatibility

2019-03-18 Thread Warin
On 19/03/19 10:13, Andy Townsend wrote: On 18/03/2019 21:05, Neil Matthews wrote: P.S. Any suggestions  on how I can measure buildings "on-foot" greatly apreciated... If you can't get hold of one of these*: , and if you're after

Re: [Talk-GB] Bridleway or track?

2019-03-14 Thread Warin
Path and footway are the same .. to me. When I first joined OSM I was told they had different default permissions to allow UK people to do a short way of tagging those permissions, true or false I don't know. Seemed like a nasty way of doing it to me. In Australia .. the view was taken - countr

Re: [Talk-GB] Lake District NationalPark

2019-03-13 Thread Warin
There is a start on the 'standard' map rending The larger something is the longer it takes of the renders to see it. And if it is a change the renders are slower to see that too. Something new and small gets ren

Re: [Talk-GB] Bridleway or track?

2019-03-12 Thread Warin
On 12/03/19 19:38, Martin Wynne wrote: On 11/03/2019 12:53, Devonshire wrote: I have personally deprecated highway=bridleway|byway etc. as the combination of highway=footway|track|service and designation=public_footpath etc. contains more useful information both for map rendering and for activ

Re: [Talk-GB] Bridleway or track?

2019-03-10 Thread Warin
On 11/03/19 10:45, Martin Wynne wrote: There's clearly no evidence of 4 wheeled vehicles, so it should be marked as a bridleway, but It's advisable to check the whole length as sections can be used by vehicles such as agricultural ones to get between adjacent fields. It's a public bridleway,

Re: [Talk-GB] Bridleway or track?

2019-03-10 Thread Warin
On 11/03/19 10:03, Dave F via Talk-GB wrote: On 10/03/2019 22:37, Martin Wynne wrote: Thanks for the comments. I'm surprised some folks can be so dogmatic, A surprising comment considering on your 'rarity' claim. Comment? If a clear distinction between two things is wanted then there nee

Re: [Talk-GB] Survey date

2019-03-10 Thread Warin
On 11/03/19 09:02, Martin Wynne wrote: On 10/03/2019 21:33, Edward Catmur wrote: Changesets have a timestamp attached (the time when you hit upload in the editor, I guess), so the community (other mappers and data consumers) can usually assume that the survey date is more or less the same as t

Re: [Talk-GB] Bridleway or track?

2019-03-04 Thread Warin
On 04/03/19 10:22, Dave F via Talk-GB wrote: On 03/03/2019 22:54, Warin wrote: If a field is used for a helicopter landing .. should you tag it as a heliport? If a one off, no, but if occasional then Helipad is appropriate in that case. My answer is - what is it regularly used for and is

Re: [Talk-GB] Bridleway or track?

2019-03-03 Thread Warin
On 04/03/19 03:11, Martin Wynne wrote: What is the dividing line between:  highway=bridleway  designation=public_bridleway and  highway=track  designation=public_bridleway The wiki says a track must be suitable for farm vehicles, but it's a rare bridleway that is only wide enough for a horse

Re: [Talk-GB] We're missing changes to M1 Junction 36 which have apparently been in place for a year.

2019-02-13 Thread Warin
On 14/02/19 03:42, Ed Loach wrote: Paul wrote: Jerry, No worries. I think I'll still pop down for a survey anyway because I now want to try the GPS + car trick and see how it turns out. We'll compare changesets later :) Much of Clacton was originally mapped using that method, when there was

Re: [Talk-GB] Rendering Problems

2019-01-18 Thread Warin
On 18/01/19 20:49, Brian Prangle wrote: Has anyone else noticed problems with edits failing to render?. Stuff I did 2 days ago still not showing up I find a new entry goes through (zoomed in) fairly quickly Changed old stuff takes it time .. and is not consistent with the zoom level. If you

Re: [Talk-GB] Notice from Bedford Borough Council about Church Lane, Yielden

2019-01-16 Thread Warin
On 16/01/19 18:39, Frederik Ramm wrote: Hi, Bedford Borough Council has sent a letter to the OSMF regarding the "Application for the Stopping Up of Public Vehicular Rights over Part of Unclassified Road U6 (Church Lane; Yielden) in the Parish of Melchbourne and Yielden, in the Country Of Bedford

Re: [Talk-GB] account disabled due to bounces

2019-01-14 Thread Warin
On 14/01/19 20:09, Jez Nicholson wrote: I get the occasional email from Talk-GB telling me that my email address has excessive bounces. I'm using gmail. Am I the only one with problems? Is there something I need to change? I get the same. I enquired once and was told it was something to do

Re: [Talk-GB] I have a philosophical question...

2019-01-13 Thread Warin
On 14/01/19 10:09, BD wrote: Hi All, I do make my little contribution to the effort of OSM. Recently I added some data to Mapillary and consider adding more (for the use of other mappers). After reading someone's OSM profile I started to think and now have some doubts... We (mappers) are co

Re: [Talk-GB] Property extents

2019-01-09 Thread Warin
Even if it were open .. does OSM want it? I don't see any specific tags for it? And you do want to have them accurate and up to date. --- Example of inaccurate property extent problems .. from Australia -

Re: [Talk-GB] Mapping Mobility Stockport

2019-01-09 Thread Warin
On 10/01/19 07:17, Andy Townsend wrote: On 09/01/2019 18:11, Jez Nicholson wrote: Seeking your input... One thing that struck me when I had to start planning for getting from A to B with someone on a mobility scooter or in a wheelchair was that the "obvious" things (kerbs etc.) weren't the bi

Re: [Talk-GB] OS Boundary-Line - Manchester political wards and related boundaries, dealing with inconsistent data

2018-12-13 Thread Warin
I have faced formal learning things by using tool A at first because it 'is easy', then the next year learning tool B because 'we' needed to do more complex things, then the next year learning tool C because 'we' needed to do the most complex things... on numerous subjects... taught in formal s

Re: [Talk-GB] 'historic' county boundaries added to the database

2018-09-20 Thread Warin
On 20/09/18 22:00, Martin Wynne wrote: The argument against the historic county boundaries is that they can't be verified on the ground. No, Martyn. It's that they are not current. Make up your minds! :-) There is more than one mind to be 'made up'. On some issues there may be many differ

Re: [Talk-GB] 'historic' county boundaries added to the database

2018-09-20 Thread Warin
On 20/09/18 20:53, Martin Wynne wrote: How can you verify it's the same stream? I can't.  I've deleted it. This raises the question of the maximum length of a culvert under a road, beyond which it is no longer permissible to map it as such. Under a country lane is ok? But under a motorway?

Re: [Talk-GB] 'historic' county boundaries added to the database

2018-09-18 Thread Warin
On 27/08/18 06:05, Martin Wynne wrote: I don't think it's for those who have mapped something in OSM to demonstrate majority support for its retention. I think it is for those seeking to have others' contributions removed to demonstrate a clear consensus in favour of deletion. Should this conse

Re: [Talk-GB] Wickham Market, Suffolk

2018-09-07 Thread Warin
On 07/09/18 21:04, Mark Goodge wrote: On 07/09/2018 11:35, Martin Wynne wrote: You were suggesting identifying them by observation, using street lights as a distinguishing factor. Yes, in the event that you are uncertain. I said it was a useful indicator. But it's not a useful indicator,

Re: [Talk-GB] Coastline and tidal rivers

2018-09-02 Thread Warin
On 29/08/18 01:46, Colin Smale wrote: On 2018-08-28 16:43, David Groom wrote: whilst in theory I'd say yes, in practice I'd say consensus is hard to achieve. OK, I might as well give up now then. If everybody started thinking "I don't know why I bother," like I am now, where would we be? To

Re: [Talk-GB] Mapping horse steps?

2018-08-27 Thread Warin
On 27/08/18 23:28, Andy Townsend wrote: On 27/08/18 13:32, Edward Catmur wrote: amenity=horse_dismount_block has 4 occurrences, all in the north of England. I think I'm responsible for half of those - happy to pick a different tag if someone's got a better idea! There are actually a selecti

Re: [Talk-GB] When is a hedge a wood?

2018-08-27 Thread Warin
On 28/08/18 04:00, Chris Hill wrote: On 27/08/2018 18:09, Martin Wynne wrote: Landuse=highway does have some usage, and certainly the term forbidden does not exist in OSM. There is no such thing as available, if you think a new tag is needed then you can use it. https://wiki.openstreetmap.

Re: [Talk-GB] 'D' class roads references.

2018-08-05 Thread Warin
On 06/08/18 06:10, Martin Wynne wrote: Copyright doesn't work like that. But you can't copyright names, addresses and similar material. Road names and numbers would surely fall within that. I'm not suggesting copying the document and posting it verbatim. There was a long and costly court ca

Re: [Talk-GB] 'C' class roads references.

2018-08-04 Thread Warin
On 04/08/18 20:06, Andy Townsend wrote: "Public right of way references, along with stiles and kissing gates, are for example rendered on Andy Townsend's specialist walking map." That already has an idea about "unsigned names and refs" and at some point I'll add various unsigned road refs in b

[Talk-GB] landuse=scrub wood

2018-07-28 Thread Warin
Hi, I'm presently targeting low use, inappropriate and non rendering values of landuse. Presently looking at landuse=scrub .. as a human use of the land I don't think scrub is one. It is a land cover and would be better tagged as natural=scrub, it makes sense and it renders! While doin

Re: [Talk-GB] University of Northampton new campus - mapper required

2018-07-13 Thread Warin
Rather than point as to what not to do .. it would be best to point to what to do. So where is the 'best' OSM mapped university? Use that as an example of what to do. On 14/07/18 08:26, Dan S wrote: I hope this is not too much of a side-issue, but: one hopeful request - plase don't use a

Re: [Talk-GB] Toys R Us

2018-05-05 Thread Warin
On 06/05/18 00:24, Andy Mabbett wrote: On 5 May 2018 at 14:24, Adam Snape wrote: I too disagree with intentionally ignoring outdated information. +1 However, we cannot know from our armchairs whether a store is disused but still signed What if t is? It is no longer an outlet for that brand

Re: [Talk-GB] Bottle Kilns

2018-04-06 Thread Warin
There are more building=industrial so that may get some rendering eventually. And a kiln/bottle making is an industry so it does fit. On 06/04/18 16:40, Russ Phillips wrote: Forgot to add: Elsewhere, someone suggested using kiln=bottle_kiln and building=industrial instead of building=bottle_

Re: [Talk-GB] Bottle Kilns

2018-04-05 Thread Warin
On 06/04/18 03:04, Adam Snape wrote: Hi, How about disused as a lifecycle prefix rather than a simple tag eg. disused:man_made=kiln +1 I don't think much of disued=yes * building=industrial * kiln=bottle_kiln * man_made=kiln * product=pottery * disused=yes * historic=building Which bit is dis

Re: [Talk-GB] Edits in Wales

2018-03-26 Thread Warin
Hummm There area number of places around me that have name:ru ... yet there are no signs with this language on them. And there are some in other languages too... I see nothing wrong with that. These names do not have to be present on a local sign. So I see nothing wrong with having nam

Re: [Talk-GB] FHRS info when pub has been taken over.

2018-01-20 Thread Warin
On 21-Jan-18 09:46 AM, Colin Spiller wrote: I have similar near here. Keep the address at least! Remove the fhrs:I'd seems sensible. old:name would seam sensible too. Colin Sent from TypeApp On 20 Jan 2018, at 22:42, Andrew Black

Re: [Talk-GB] Importing Shell fuel stations

2017-12-28 Thread Warin
On 29-Dec-17 07:28 AM, Mark Goodge wrote: On 28/12/2017 19:31, Lester Caine wrote: Get the return address right ... On 28/12/17 16:12, Colin Spiller wrote: I've been adding postcodes in the Bradford BD area using Robert & gregrs useful tools. I've just noticed that the Shell station at the

Re: [Talk-GB] Importing Website Data

2017-12-21 Thread Warin
On 21-Dec-17 09:28 PM, Frederik Ramm wrote: Hi, A lot is wrong with capitalism; large chains are one of those things. Small independent shops, booksellers, or pubs *already* face difficulties against the marketing and purchasing power of big corporations. Your approach will ultimately lead to e

Re: [Talk-GB] Importing Website Data

2017-12-18 Thread Warin
On 19-Dec-17 05:42 AM, Ilya Zverev wrote: 18.12.2017 19:14, Frederik Ramm пишет: Hi, On 12/18/2017 03:09 PM, SK53 wrote: Personally, I'd also be chary of turning OSM into a repository of scraped data rather than one of surveyed geodata. And more: the more imports you do, the more OpenStreetM

Re: [Talk-GB] Reception desks

2017-11-16 Thread Warin
would think further instruction would be gained.  So I am not too worried about mapping it. So I leave it up to those concerned? On 16-Nov-17 11:58 PM, Edward Catmur wrote: On 16 Nov 2017 01:01, "Warin" < <>> wrote:

Re: [Talk-GB] Reception desks

2017-11-15 Thread Warin
From tag info amenity=reception_desk 121 uses tourism=reception_desk 3 uses office=reception_desk 0 uses There are a few buildings named 'Reception', I think those are not named but used to indicate where the reception function is. I have one of these myself. On 15-Nov-17 10:03 PM, Marc Gemi

Re: [Talk-GB] Tagging Schools with fhrs:id

2017-10-21 Thread Warin
On 21-Oct-17 07:13 PM, Lester Caine wrote: On 21/10/17 08:55, Gregrs wrote: Bottom line ... there should be separate objects where that is necessary and it would be nice if the larger operations such as Rugby School helped with detailed campus maps as many of the collage and university sites hav

Re: [Talk-GB] Teaching OSM

2017-09-12 Thread Warin
The audience plays a major role in the presentation too! The presentation to teenagers with little to no mapping experience vs GIS professionals would be vastly different for instance. So consider your audience as well as your 'style'. Some basic rules for teaching: Tell them what to do first .

Re: [Talk-GB] Edits in Wales

2017-08-15 Thread Warin
On 16-Aug-17 05:27 AM, Philip Barnes wrote: The wiki is after all intended to document how people map not dictate how they should map. I would think that the wiki should guide to the best mapping method, not what people have done in the past (as found using taginfo for example!). ___

Re: [Talk-GB] Edits in Wales

2017-08-14 Thread Warin
On 14-Aug-17 11:49 PM, Richard Fairhurst wrote: On 14/08/2017 14:47, Miguel Sevilla-Callejo wrote: I do not agree your change of the Wiki. You should ask before to do it. Ask who?? Don't think there is a formal process to change the wiki, and I have made a few changes without comment. I'm d

Re: [Talk-GB] Multiple coincident boundary nodes. Data quality issue ?

2017-08-11 Thread Warin
Basic agreement with Colin. The 'problem' is better described as 'data bloat' rather than 'quality' which implies inaccuracy. I add the following observation I am beginning to see that the ways should have a source tag. This then means that where ways are coincident that the sources can

Re: [Talk-GB] Building that have been replaced

2017-08-03 Thread Warin
How different is the footprint of the new building? I would think that the new building will be of a similar size to the old one - given the planing permissions. So unless you intend to put in the new building .. I would leave it alone - that gives at least an indication that there is a buildi

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