Mayberry moment

2007-09-25 Thread rande roth
I just got back from a conference in GA where I received an ag magazine (Great Agriculture Agencies - Southern edition) which had an article from Arkansas. It was written by a fellow named Andy Mayberry!!! Amazing. Rande - Sweet Juanite chapter in Chilly Montana... Just had our first frost. ___

Mayberry Moment

2007-09-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I had a wonderful Mayberry Moment and knew I had to "Mess Up the Bulletin Board"! Who can figure out which show this came from? My daughter had called my mom to tell her about the govenor of our state visiting her she told her she said "The govenor is coming here-t

Mayberry Moment

2007-09-12 Thread bcq145
I guess this goes under my "Mayberry Moment" category. This past Saturday, four-year old John Clay was playing "football coach" and he was heard making the following remarks: "I will be your football coach.? I know everything about football. Rule Number One:? If you hav

Mayberry Moment

2007-09-04 Thread Nancy Loadholt
Just wanted to tell all of you how much I enjoy reading the posts. Some of you are detail watchers extrodinaires I had the blessing of babysiting my little 1 yr old grandson over the holiday weekend and we had the chance to watch TAGS together. I wish that all of you could have seen his fac

Mayberry Moment

2007-09-03 Thread Chuck
My wife and I were involved in what could have been a serious accident in Garrison, Texas last week. All were ok but our car was totaled. The good people of Garrison offered us rides and even a place to sleep in their homes--no motels as it is a very small East Texas town. But we rode back to

mayberry moment

2007-07-05 Thread Ted Kamprad
Was watching All in the Family the other night. An older couple that were friends of the Bunkers was played by Burt Mustin and the lady that played Mrs Pendleton. -- "Serenity now...insanity later." Lloyd Braun. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmutbb.c

Mayberry moment

2007-05-16 Thread kemps222
Fellow Mayberrians: I so enjoy my little "lunch break visit to Mayberry" everyday!! You all such special people. I just had to share with you a Mayberry moment I experienced last night -- My 9-year-old daughter and I were returning from her dance class when we saw three of ou

Mayberry Moment

2007-04-24 Thread rlogsdon1
My twin boys, 5th grade, were a part of their annual school musical tonight. It was part "Grease", what with the girls in poodle skirts, etc & part country-my guys were part of a group that sung "Thank God I'm a Country Boy". Anyway to make a long story short, after hearing the monotone boys, th

Mayberry moment

2007-04-23 Thread Kim
I'm a member of an e-mail group called Freecycle. I was looking over the offers and saw "Barney VHS tapes". The first thought that came to my mind was Barney Fife tapes. But alas it wasn't Barney Fife tapes, just some big purple dinosaur. How disappointing! Kim Wylie, TX

Mayberry Moment

2007-03-27 Thread rlogsdon1
Reading this reminded me of something similar. In summer of  '93 was visiting my aunt in Albuquerque. While there was visiting a shopping district called "Old Town". Making a long story short, the proprietor from who I bought the tee shirts said he'd been in business long enough that he could re

Mayberry Moment!

2007-03-25 Thread Paul Jennings
The wife and I were walking down a paved road at a state park here in Texas. It was about sund down. I said"Walk on the left side after dark...or you'll wind up playing a harp!" Her response"You're always throwing your education at me!" Take care.and HEY"Ain't you got a jack?"

Mayberry Moment

2007-02-20 Thread dwrogers
A co-worker asked me today if I knew Al Becker, who works at a local ad agency. Of course, I kind of rubbed my chin and said, "Al Becker. Al Becker. No, I don't think I know him." Even though he didn't make the connection, it made for a nice little Mayberry moment for me!

Mayberry moment

2007-02-01 Thread Kim
Last night my husband and I were watching the news and they announced that the police have decided to try to use hypnosis to solve crimes. I looked over at Kit and said, "Barney already tried that with Otis". Just another example of Mayberry's forward thinking. Kim - Wylie, TX

Mayberry moment

2006-12-31 Thread rande roth
I just returned from a trip on Delta Airlines. Their "Sky" magazine has an interesting article about a book entitled "Who are you people?". It is about fanatical passion in America - i.e. "Grobanites" - fans of singer Josh Groban. In the article she also refers to the unbelievable ends that Barb

Mayberry Moment

2006-12-09 Thread Pastor Ed
Today at lunch, my wife asked if I had seen the soup ladle – without even noticing, I said: “don’t you mean loup sadle?” … only to realize afterward that she was right all along (me, I was just in Mayberry!). Rev. Ed Mease, Sr. Pastor St. Paul Lutheran Church & School 311 N. 7th St. - Leave

Mayberry moment

2006-11-09 Thread dwrogers
Had to share my latest Mayberry moment. My daughter's school choir sang in a choir festival this week, along with another choir from her school. I went down to hear the program, and the second song sung by the other choir was "Old Dan Tucker." They did it almost as well as Andy

Mayberry Moment

2006-09-14 Thread Cheryl
I had to travel last week. I was checking in at one of those automated kiosks to get my boarding pass. Normallly, I don't like to conduct business with a machine; but that's another story. When the machine spit out my boarding pass, I glanced down at my seat assignment and it read "14A". Good o

Mayberry Moment

2006-08-25 Thread Cheryl
Those people fleeing the law weren't driving that fast with a trailer attached to their car were they? Cheryl Marietta, GA "Dog hairs, nothing but dog hairs! This is the second suit I've seen today covered in dog hairs!" ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMU

Mayberry Moment

2006-08-24 Thread Fgfrankling
Hello Friends, In our hometown paper today, there was an article about a couple fleeing the law. It was a man and wife who had been involved in some kind of "malfeasance." The write-up stated, "They were being pursued by police and were going over 90 mph on a gravel road.That's fast on

Mayberry Moment

2006-08-21 Thread jflockerzie
I wanted to share a Mayberry moment with all of you that gave me a good laugh. My husband and I were out shopping over the weekend and as we left the store, my husband said that the security guard was looking at him. I told him that maybe the security guard liked him, and he then said "Well

Mayberry Moment

2006-08-11 Thread rande roth
Last night on Discovery Channel there was one of those crime shows - "48" I think - where they try to solve a murder in the first 48 hours because it is the critical time for collecting evidence etc. During one of the sessions in the squad room they interviewed one of the detectives. On the wal

Mayberry moment

2006-08-09 Thread EASY-T
I work at a car dealership. We have a calendar on the wall from one of our distributors called "Montgomery Automotive." Someone (not me) scratched out the M-O-N-T and the last "Y". It now reads---you guessed it "GOMER AUTOMOTIVE!!!" Ted in MD

mayberry moment

2006-07-26 Thread Joey Martin
we had a barney moment at our place of business. someone threw five rock through our window over the weekend (OK, an ernest T moment too). the police chief came in, tried to pick up the rock twice with a piece of tape only to have it drop back to the floor and then picked it up and said, "Well, it

Mayberry Moment

2006-07-17 Thread Harry Brewbaker
I had a minor Mayberry moment this weekend. I was watching a show on the History Channel about the Titanic. They mentioned that the lookout in the forward crow's nest who was the first person to spot the iceberg was named Fred Fleet. It made me wonder if he had survived and begat

Mayberry Moment

2006-07-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
There was a Mayberry Moment in my local paper the other day. On the same page there was an article about a town on the east coast that had a Civil War cannon that the town council sold. Then right below was a picture of some men in a town near me who helped rebuild the bandstand for the town

Mayberry Moment

2006-06-22 Thread Fgfrankling
Hi You'all I just want to share another Mayberry moment. Frank and I went in to town today to visit his Uncle and Aunt. Their daughter from Texas is visiting here in Indiana and we wanted to get in some visiting time with her. While we were en rout to their place the sky got really

Mayberry moment

2006-06-20 Thread Pamela Cantrell
I took a call last week from a customer named Mr. Fife, I resisted the urge to mention Barney, when my salesman returned from his home he told me that on the wall was the metal sign "Protected by Fife" So the next time he called I had to ask if he was a fan and of course he is. It was kind of neat

Mayberry Moment

2006-06-19 Thread dwrogers
My wife, Lori, and I were working out in the yard over the weekend and part of the job included putting up a bird bath. Lori made a comment about how much the birds were chirping, and she figured they were getting the word out about the new bird bath in the neighborhood. Of course, I couldn't he

Mayberry Moment

2006-06-08 Thread Jeff Reed
Yesterday I was going down the road, when in the middle of a bunch of campaign signs I saw this sign: "Vote for Barney Fife for Sheriff" I couldn't help but laugh! Jeff Reed ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Moment

2006-06-07 Thread dudleygl
We have a bulletin board in the breakroom at work. Someone recently had the nerve to remove all the old memos and expired coupons and arrange the remaining items in a neat, orderly manner. Of course my immediate reaction when seeing this was "Who's Been Messin' Up The Bulletin Board?!" Newto

Mayberry moment

2006-06-01 Thread ROBERT PHILLIPS
One of the subjects that has been discussed in the digest is small towns like Mayberry. This past weekend I stopped in at a restaurant in Benson, Arizona. Instantly everyone in there purked up when i walked in, but one waitress in particular came to me and said, A little while ago someone as

Mayberry Moment

2006-05-26 Thread Kevin and Dawn Roberts
Hey everybody. I had a Mayberry Moment today. Our local post office has a stop sign at the exit of the parking lot. The top nail or screw has come out and been this way for some time now leaving it hanging upside down. I was leaving out of the parking lot today and was thinking just like Andy

Mayberry moment

2006-05-23 Thread Fgfrankling
Hey fellow Mayberrians, We took our granddaughter to lunch this past Sunday. She is a sophomore in high school. She told us in one of her classes they had a quiz and at the end of it there were several questions tacked on for extra credit. They were all related to "The Andy Griffith Show" Sh

Mayberry Moment

2006-05-20 Thread Jacqueline Russell
I had a Mayberry moment a couple of days ago as I sat in my beauty shop waiting my turn. There was a little boy about three years old keeping me entertained as his mother was having her hair done. The weather outside was threatening storms. The little boy, Jackson, told me that at his

Mayberry Moment

2006-05-14 Thread dwrogers
I drove by a roadside stand near my home today which was advertising "50 Ribeyes for 50 Dollars." Couldn't help but think of Aunt Bee and her freezer. Sometime tells me there are going to be some folks around here who are going to need to "call the man!" Doug in Montgomery

Mayberry moment

2006-05-07 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
Yesterday I had to go out and do some hedge trimming. As I pondered a couple options as to how to shape them--I remembered the sage wisdom of Opie Taylor--"Paw usually just lops of the top"--so that's exactly what I did..though I thought about going fishin'. The Untrained Voice ___

Mayberry moment

2006-02-24 Thread Kim
I had a Mayberry moment on my way to work this morning. I was listening to a news story about "phishing" on a local radion station and they mentioned this wasn't pleasant fishing like Andy and Opie did. They also played the show's theme in the background.

Mayberry Moment

2006-02-15 Thread Julie Bowers
My husband & I had a Mayberry Moment over the weekend. We went to a nice Italian restaurant to celebrate our anniversary and when we walked in, the song playing over the intercom was "Santa Lucia". Of course we both immediately thought of Gomer! Julie in TN NOTICE: This e

Mayberry Moment

2006-02-14 Thread rande roth
We sometimes play cribbage during breaks at work. We play for a penny a point. The other day, I won by one point (it was a hollow victory) - I told my opponent "I'll take it in cash" - Just like the Mayberry bond, except he was able to pay his debt... He's ugly, but he ain't stupid. Sweet Jua

Mayberry moment

2006-01-28 Thread Doug Graham
Mayberry moment here. I work as a training captain for the Phoenix fire department. During the first week of the academy, the recruits are instructed and then evaluated on the use of there breathing apparatus. After the excercise I could'nt resist myself and blurted out " I'

Mayberry Moment

2006-01-26 Thread Jacqueline Russell
As my son and I were driving home from school today we experienced a Mayberry Moment. We pulled up to a stop sign behind a state cop. When the intersection cleared the cop proceeded to make a U-turn. My son and I looked at each other and at the same time said, "Citizen's arrest!

Mayberry Moment

2006-01-16 Thread Keith Oliver
About a month ago, I was with my 21 year old son at the city court. We were there for a hearing concerning a traffic accident he was involved in. His attorney had worked out a plea agreement and he was going over it with us. One of the stipulations in bold letters on the official city letterh

mayberry moment

2008-04-04 Thread fgordon
Hey to all, Frank and I had a nice visit with our grand-daughter Meghan yesterday. She's being raised right, Mayberry life concepts and all. While we were playing a board game we heard someone come in the front door. Frank and Meghan went to see who it was. I heard them talking, and went to se w

Mayberry Moment

2008-04-07 Thread BCunnin107
My wife, daughter and I were recently dining in one of those fine steakhouses where they bring fresh bread to the table as an appetizer while you wait for your order. When we ran out, my daughter (she's nine years old) softly and politely yelled "BREAD!" We couldn't help but laugh! (But,

Mayberry moment

2008-08-20 Thread Kim Heiden
On my way into work, I saw one of those little hybrid cars. It was red and looked kinda like a space pod. Then I noticed the license plate said "Shazaam" and I realized if Gomer were to have got a look at that car, that's exactly what he'd have said. Kim - Wylie, TX _

mayberry moment

2009-02-03 Thread Ted Kamprad
Two of my co-workers, Steve and Walter were talking. Walter: "Steve, I took the keys off your toolbox" Steve: "You took my keys! Don't take my keys, Walt. I can't stand it when people take my keys. My mother was the same way." Me: "Yeah, I remember that about your Mother." I love my job!!! -- Ted

Mayberry Moment

2009-05-11 Thread
Just another Mayberry Moment to report. My husband and I were in the grocery store Sat. night. Going down an aisle, he said "What else is on the list?" I paused, looked at the list and said "BREAD!" Then, I said "MEAT!" Then he said, "TATORS!".

Mayberry Moment

2009-09-03 Thread chuck talley
While getting ready to tee off on the first hole at a local golf course tonight, two guys who I didn't know were approaching the club house from the parking lot when all of a sudden one of them started yelling "Citizens Arrest, Citizens Arrest". Needless to say it took me several minutes to comp

Mayberry moment

2009-11-29 Thread RBlanke1
I went to a bluegrass festival yesterday in Dade City, Florida, and one of the bands had a young man who played the fiddle (violin for you classical folks. hehe).At the end of their set, they said that he was taught the fiddle with classical training, and his mother loved it when they

Mayberry moment

2010-02-17 Thread BLear
I was sitting in a really boring meeting a few weeks ago and we came to agenda item 14A. It immediately brightened my day as I heard Barney singing. Seth Taylor ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

mayberry moment

2010-11-12 Thread Lee Cooper
i had a mayberry moment this morning at work. i was shipping an order to toledo ohio. my mind fondly drifted back and i wondered if that old cascade club was still there. it was a warm memory. have a mayberry weekend and keep a good thought

Mayberry Moment

2010-12-14 Thread Bcunnin107
I had a funny Mayberry Moment last Sunday. We are doing a Christmas play at church, and I am one of the three wisemen. Well, last week we received our costumes and I am the wiseman carrying gold. They handed me a box, and I put it aside. Later, I opened it and it was empty. I immediately

Mayberry Moment

2011-04-21 Thread Ken Anderson
This past Tuesday I was a presenter on Medicare fraud at an area health fair. One of the vendors had a medical device that would measure the amount of strength in your hands. I was being tested when I had a sudden Mayberry moment. When the therapist told me to squeeze the device as hard as I

Mayberry moment

2011-04-22 Thread Janet Anderson
I shared a "Mayberry moment" yesterday with my daughter. We were on the highway in the left-turn lane waiting for the light to turn green. A sheriff's car was ahead of us. When the light changed, the sheriff's car did a U-turn to head back in the opposite direction. In

Mayberry Moment

2011-06-09 Thread kim
At lunch I drove by the Richardson City Hall and Library complex nearby and saw a sign saying "Community Band Concert Sunday 7:00pm". I was relieved they have several days notice in order to get the uniforms fixed, and the band members rehearsed. It should be a relaxing evening under the stars (b

Mayberry moment

2011-06-12 Thread
My hair stylist told me that he is moving to a "two chair shop". I said "a two chair shop?" But, I did not explain any further. I kept my Mayberry moment to myself. I think he has the magazines to swing it. Bee in New Concord, OH

Mayberry Moment

2011-08-16 Thread dewey lamb
While attending church this past Sunday,our choir director informed us that another church had purchased new robes and offered us their old ones,of which she gladly accepted.She said some of them were a little tattered and would require some mending.I immediately though of Aunt Bee & Clara tryin

Mayberry Moment

2011-08-26 Thread Chuck Talley
How cool it was today to see Goober on Gunsmoke. - The Gollywobbler ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry moment

2011-09-15 Thread
I ironed a pair of pants this morning before work. When I put them on I had "hot knees." "Andy's got hot knees." Bee in New Concord, OH Brenda J. Higgins Colonial Cottage 120 Arch Hill Rd. Zanesville, OH 43701 1-877-871-1856 Do NOT B

Mayberry moment

2011-10-15 Thread dewey lamb
My wife and I had lunch at The Cracker Barrel today.I'm sure everyone knows that this chain restaurant decorates with a variety of antiques/replicas.Well,lo and behold,I spotted an axe hanging from the ceiling.I looked around to see if there were a pair of roving eyes behind an old framed pain

Mayberry moment

2011-10-20 Thread dewey lamb
I am a medical courier for my hometown hospital.I service several satellite clinics in a three county area.Yesterday,one of the clinics was vandalized/robbed.Someone gained entry by throwing a large rock through a window. Ernest T immediately came to mind,with one exception...this person also

Mayberry Moment

2012-06-02 Thread CTMIDWAY58
I had a Mayberry Moment a couple days ago. We had been cleaning out some old VHS tapes and found some I had taped off TV of Pres. Reagan's Funeral, from California to DC to National Cathedral back to CA for the burial. After the 4 or 5 days at the Nations Capitol Rotunda, there was a c

Mayberry moment

2012-06-06 Thread Paul Mulik
Yesterday I was watching "The Color of Money" starring a young Tom Cruise and a not-so-young Paul Newman. This film is sort of a sequel to Newman's earlier film "The Hustler." Both films are about young hotshot pool (billiards) players. Anyway, in the film Newman's character (Fast Eddie) presen

Mayberry moment

2012-10-14 Thread dewey lamb
As my wife and I were walking to our church this morning,we passed a tree full of chirping birds. Yep,my first thought was "but don't the trees seem nice and full".Mayberryit's everywhere. Dewey in NC Ladies,if a man says he will fix it,he will.There is no need to remind him every six mo

Mayberry moment

2013-04-22 Thread paulmulik
We had a Mayberry moment at church yesterday. The pastor was making an announcement about sending kids to camp, and he asked if those who didn't have kids of their own might consider paying for "a whole kid" to go, then he realized that sounded odd so he added "I guess you c

Mayberry Moment

2013-06-07 Thread Travis K. Miller
We had a family get-together over a fish fry this week.  My great uncle was telling a story about a man in town that my great-grandfather didn't have much appreciation for.  A guy who fell into money and liked to flaunt it around town.  He said, "I mean this guy, he would go to the barber shop,

Mayberry Moment

2013-06-25 Thread DAVID QUINN
I saw all the postings about people now a days forgetting about TAGS and Mayberry. Then tonight I was watching TV with Martha.One of the first things Martha does in the evenings when she comes home from work is to watch her soap opera that she has TiVoed from earlier in the day.I do

Mayberry Moment

2013-06-27 Thread DAVID QUINN
Here lately, in the late afternoons, I have been watching a new show (new to me, actually made in the 70's) on our local PBS station.The name of the show is "Last Of The Summer Wine".It is a show about nothing basically, except 3 old men who walk around the English countryside, talk

Mayberry moment

2013-07-10 Thread Alice
I belong to a Facebook page where we discuss the history of the county where I live. There was a comment made about them having to call "Sarah" to reach their party. I commented to the guy that he must have some Mayberry blood. He replied--"Doesn't everyone? I replied that I hoped everyone did.

Mayberry moment

2014-01-04 Thread (Ted) Easy-T "Straight Outta Delhi!"
I attended an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting and a fellow was talking about his problems with alcohol. He had said he had named his higher power "Otis." This generated a lot of laughter, and he added "I named him after the elevator company because of all the ups and downs in my life, not that drunk o

Mayberry moment

2014-05-24 Thread jlj9675
I had a Mayberry moment recently in moving up the road about 15 miles. I had my handyman unload my pistol (kept on my nightstand) in order to transport it up here. When we got here and I went to re-load it, he handed me one bullet and said "Here Barney." I about fell off my chair! A

Mayberry moment

2014-05-27 Thread jlj9675
I had another Mayberry moment today at my first visit to the grocery store in my new home area. The lady taking my purchases to the car was named Judy so when I asked her if she ever watched Mayberry, she said "yeah, I know, Judy, Judy, Judy! copied by Goober from Cary Grant." As I

Mayberry moment

2014-06-04 Thread
A Mayberry moment. I was leaving the house the other evening and my husband was reclining in his recliner. I went in to tell him good-bye and give him a quick kiss. However, I decided that either I would have to reach him or he would have to raise the chair up. So, I just stuck my hand out

Mayberry Moment

2015-03-10 Thread Brian Kaufman
After church this past Sunday, my wife and I decided to have brunch at IHOP.  When the waitress came over to take our order I took the opportunity to create a Mayberry Moment.  In true Barney Fife fashion I claimed that I really wasn't that hungry and proceeded to order two eggs over ea

Mayberry Moment

2015-04-14 Thread Brian Kaufman
There was a fire recently to a old brick building built in 1897.  The building is part of a quaint and historic downtown area in Nelsonville, Ohio where my family and I lived for 3 years.  This is a quote from an article about rebuilding the old structure..."Ms. Oakley is hoping that any new con

Another Mayberry moment...

2007-10-05 Thread Brearry
Well,,, we bought a new car, and was trying to make that new-fangled "homelink" thingy work. No matter what the instructions said, and how well we followed them, my hubby could not make it work. Example: push the remote for the left garage door and the right garage door went up, or

A Mayberry Moment...

2007-08-09 Thread Brearry
Hi Everyone, While at a quilting class today ( I need to get ready for those cold whistlin' winter winds), one of the woman in class was talking about her daughter and the state fair. She said her daughter didn't do as well this year as last year in the horse showing arena, as her

A Mayberry Moment

2007-07-14 Thread Brearry
Me and the Hubby drove into town this morning (Danville, IN) to the Farmers Market. Bought some freshly picked cuc's and new taters. Grabbed us a bench across from the Mayberry Cafe. We knew that Andy and Barney were there getting a bite of something for the squad car was there. We sat a lon

nostalgia & Mayberry moment

2007-05-16 Thread Kim
Another Mayberry moment last night. I was reading the lesson out of my Sunday School book and the writer mentions his favorite episode of TAGS when Barney was singing in the choir. About how Barney offered to walk around and listen to find out who was sounding the sour notes, when it was

Real Mayberry Moment

2007-03-26 Thread Deborah Glover
t the time Andy appeared with Elvis Pressley. I didn't have time to read it all and have not been able to locate it online so if any of you know how I can get a copy of it I would be forever grateful! The real Mayberry Moment came right after this. I decided to go back to a new store called Opie&#x


2007-03-20 Thread DONNA AND DAN GRADY
Just wanted to share a "Mayberry Moment" I had the other day at work. Hope it will bring a smile to your face, as it did to me. Picture this. I work at the local Home Depot in Wilmington, NC, and while copying a key at the key machine for a customer, I looked up and, lo a

another mayberry moment

2006-12-29 Thread CAPT .
And this smacks of who and what kind of ppl we are. This last summer Tom Brokaw was in town stopping on his trip to Cody WYO Tom lost his wallet containig $319 and one of our local residents found it with money intact and turned it into the sheriff's office They in turn contacted Mr. Brokaw and

re: Mayberry Moment

2006-07-27 Thread dudleygl
>> we had a barney moment at our place of business. someone threw five rock >>through our window over the weekend (OK, an ernest T moment too). the police >>chief came in, tried to pick up the rock twice with a piece of tape only to >>have it drop back to the floor and then picked it up and said, "

My Mayberry Moment

2006-07-19 Thread Cheryl
I was reading yesterday's Atlanta Journal/Constituition - an obit about a genuine war hero of WWII and Korea. He was a navy deep sea diver and later became a patent attorney with a degree in chemical engineering. He was helping a veterinarian secure a patent for a furniture polish he created. W

Re: Mayberry Moment

2006-02-17 Thread Don Good
> >1. re: Mayberry Moment ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) >2. Pedro Gonzales Gonzales -- RIP (Paul Gilkes) >3. "It Seems to Me" (K. Darden) >4. Kent McCord on TAGS? (Lori Foust) >5. RE: Funny Lines (Alves, Anna M AMCOM G6) > >>My husband & I ha

re: Mayberry Moment

2006-02-16 Thread dudleygl
>>My husband & I had a Mayberry Moment over the weekend. We went to a >>nice Italian restaurant to celebrate our anniversary and when we walked >>in, the song playing over the intercom was "Santa Lucia". Of course we >>both immediately thought of Gomer!

My Mayberry Moment

2006-02-15 Thread Marie
I belong to several Tag groups. No, not groups about our fave show, but for sig tags like this one: One of the taggers offered this tag: PURPLE ANEMONES TAG and all I could think of was Ernest T telling Barney "I can't hear no amenities!" Marie _

re: Mayberry Moment

2008-04-08 Thread dudleygl
>>When we ran out, my daughter? (she's nine years old) softly and >>politely yelled "BREAD!"?? We? couldn't help but laugh! (But, of course, we >>don't like for her to raise her? voice at the table) Oh, you've got to watch that! Briscoe Darling Up Beyond The Robert E. Lee Natural Bridge ___

re: Mayberry Moment

2008-08-21 Thread dudleygl
>>On my way into work, I saw one of those little hybrid cars.? It was red and >>looked kinda like a space pod.? Then I noticed the license plate said >>"Shazaam" and I realized if Gomer were to have got a look at that car, >>that's exactly what he'd have said. I bet those things don't have 8 cylin

A Mayberry moment

2009-05-08 Thread Ben Sandifer
I was helping my 11-year old pack his lunch for school this morning. He's been taking chili-cheese flavored potato chips the last few days, and here's how the conversation went: Dad: Do these chips really taste like chili and cheese? Son: Yea, Dad, if they didn't, you know what it would be,

My Mayberry moment

2009-07-01 Thread Theresa Smith
Today, I was driving home from work, when my 16-year-old daughter called. She informed me that our house had been broken into! She wasn't home at the time, and I was only about 10 minutes from the house. When I got home, I inspected the damage. My back door out to my deck has a large window in i

a mayberry moment

2010-06-09 Thread Daniel Santos
I was watching tv on the one station we get since we don't have cable when a commercial for a local furniture store came on. It was a Mayberry takeoff. It was set in the barbershop and the characters were "Lloyd and Arney" Lloyd the barber of course and Arnery was in his Deputy uniform gett

A Mayberry moment

2010-10-20 Thread Rene S
I live in Murrells Inlet, SC and today I saw a car with NC tags that read HEY2GUBR. I tried to get the drivers' attention but it was AC weather so she had her window up and was chatting on her cell. A nice Mayberry moment. Rene

Hofbrau - Mayberry Moment

2011-04-25 Thread Bcunnin107
We recently made a trip to Helen, GA. For those who don't know, it is a small Georgia mountain town with German heritage, and is set up to look like an Alpine village. It is quite fun, and the food and German shops are great. While riding through town, my wife spied a restaurant called the Hof

RE: Mayberry Moment

2011-06-10 Thread Good, Don
>At lunch I drove by the Richardson City Hall and Library complex nearby and saw a sign saying "Community Band Concert Sunday 7:00pm'... -- Of course when people hear the music, they'll know it's a concert. Don Good "Forget the sign?" "I would."

Ken's Mayberry moment

2011-06-15 Thread Sheryl McBride
Ken, it's always so good to hear about your Mayberry moments. I couldn't help but smile when I read about your Mayberry moment at the medical clinic. It's really nice that you were recognized from an earlier presentation. How wonderful that you keep the spirit of Mayberry

A Mayberry Moment

2011-10-10 Thread dewey lamb
Cotton is a huge crop in my neck of the woods.Each year we have a cotton festival,and this past weekend was a very successful one.During church Sunday,the choir dressed in period clothing.Our preacher donned a pair of bib overalls,shirt and tie,coat and work boots.I'm sure by now you know where

a mayberry moment

2011-12-31 Thread Daniel Santos
My husband and I had a mayberry or more accurately a Howard Sprague moment at the bowling alley last night. The lane we were on kept screwing up, so the manager moved us over a lane. Daniel joked with him that he had screwed up his perfect game he had going. The manager told that just a few

RE: Mayberry Moment

2012-06-06 Thread Good, Don
...I wonder if the All Souls Church of Mayberry ever put a pool table in the basement, as Elmo suggested? -- And losers buy the beer. Don Good (who wouldn't look good even in a new choir robe) ___ WBMUTBB mailing list WBMUTBB@wbmu

Another Mayberry moment

2012-06-15 Thread Tom Lawrence
i am reading "The Presidents Club," an insightful look at the bond formed by former and current presidents. As I watched "Andy" episodes lately, it made me think of President Jimmy Carter, a southern man who has long served the nation and the world. Andy's intelligence, gentle humor and wacky frien

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