
On 5/2/23 00:10, Courtney wrote:
I believe that my team's research project

Can you clarify who "your team" in this context is? You were introduced in Marjan's initial post as "OSMF Communication Working Group Member" and were the only of four names without a TomTom affiliation. You are posting this neither from an OSMF nor from a TomTom address but from a gmail one.

Is "your team" a corporate TomTom endeavour? Is it the OSMF Communications working group? Or...?

Unclear affiliations are a problem, as I pointed out in this thread a few days ago. Has everything I said been filed away under "pushback" and ignored?


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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