William Beaty wrote:

It's either the nobel prize, **OR** it's just tapping into the AM radio

Or something else.  Horace pointed out figure 22 on this page:


I think that page deserves a very careful reading, and then I think we really, really need a clear, yes-or-no answer, from Ron, to the question:

   Is the signal generator turned on, or turned off?

As far as I can tell from that web page it is TURNED ON and is capacitively coupled to the circuit. In the instructions for tuning the circuit when reproducing the effect, the last step I see on the page is:

8) With the generator frequency set to the maximum response point,
reduce the generator output level to where the LED just begins to
indicate the decrease. Leave the generator in place and start adding
additional LEDS in series. Once you have about ten LEDS you can place
and test the next coil.

Nowhere on the page does Ron say, "Now turn the signal generator off, and observe that the LEDs continue to glow".

I will be very happy to be shown wrong, and will not mind being made to look stupid, if someone can point out someplace on that page where he says the circuit will run unpowered (I'm used to having my mistakes pointed out, I make lots of them ;-) ).

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