[CTRL] FL: Governor Changes Executive Order Four Days Before Attack

2001-09-29 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-


FL: Governor Changes Executive Order
Four Days Before Attack
(Paragragh added that mentions 'terrorism')
Sierra Times 09.28.01

Executive Orders by state Governors are made in cases of state
emergencies wherein martial law is declared and authority needs to
be delegated. These Executive Orders are on the books and are
revised from time to time.
In the State of Florida Governor Jeb Bush (R), an Executive
Order was signed on January 19, 2001, wherein authority was
delegated in case of emergencies and in cases of drug smuggling.
At the end of the order, it said that it would be revised in June of
2003 unless earlier revoked. Jeb Bush is the brother of President
George W. Bush.

On September 7, 2001, Florida's governor revoked the old
Executive Order and issued a new one. In the new one he added
one additional paragraph, i.e. Section 3 (the old Section 3, now
became Section 4), and it speaks of acts of terrorism on ports in

... The Florida National Guard may order selected members on to
state active duty for service to the State of Florida pursuant to
Section 250.06(4), Florida Statutes, to assist FDLE in performing
port security training and inspections. Based on the potential
massive damage to life and property that may result from an act of
terrorism at a Florida port, the necessity to protect life and property
from such acts of terrorism, and inhibiting the smuggling of illegal
drugs into the State of Florida, the use of the Florida National
Guard to support FDLE in accomplishing port security training and
inspections is extraordinary support to law enforcement as used
in Section 250.06(4), Florida Statutes. ..

What is interesting is that the old Executive Order anticipated a
revision in the year 2003, unless revoked sooner. It was revoked
sooner on September 7, 2001, 4 days before the attack on World
Trade Center and Pentagon, and the new Executive Order is
identical to the old Executive Order, with the one exception of the
new paragraph that speaks of acts of terrorism.

Best wishes

...war itself is a moral substitute for many things that are far
worse. While the late combat to free the world from Wagner, Koch
Nietzsche was being fought, no one heard anything about the Ku
Klan, or, indeed, about Prohibition. These horrors descended upon
when the Armistice was signed, and millions of morons found
without entertainment. - H. L. Mencken

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[CTRL] I was one of the Taliban's torturers: I crucified people

2001-09-29 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-



Best wishes

Before a war military science seems a real science, like
but after a war it seems more like astrology. -Rebecca West

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] (Fwd) Thirty attacks against West are still to com, says Italy

2001-09-29 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

The Times (U.K.)


ITALY’S secret services told US and British intelligence in July that
Blair and President Bush were the targets of an Islamic terrorist
plot to
assassinate them, from the air, at the Genoa G8 summit. They
believe that a
further 30 attacks, including “some form of airborne assault”, are
planned against London and other Western capitals.
A report by SISDE, Italy’s equivalent of MI5, warned its
counterparts in
London, Washington and European capitals that Osama bin Laden
had devised a
plan to attack the Genoa summit with the specific aim of killing Mr
Bush and
Mr Blair, according to the newspaper La Repubblica yesterday.
“His target
was and is the Anglo-American alliance above all,” one intelligence

La Repubblica said that the report, sent to SISDE’s Western
counterparts and
all Italian anti-terrorist units on July 6, two weeks before the
contained “many details not only of what actually happened on
September 11,
but also of what may happen in the US and in Europe”. It said that
Italy had
been one of the first countries to focus on the terrorist threat
because of
security fears before Genoa.

The Italian assessment had not been given sufficient attention by
Western nations in the two months between Genoa and the attacks
in America.
Italian officials said they could confirm that the deployment in
Genoa of
special forces, radar and anti-aircraft missiles had not just been a
reaction to the violent antiglobalisation protests.

President Mubarak of Egypt confirmed this week that there had
intelligence warnings of an airborne threat at Genoa, although “no
one had
imagined this might take the form of Boeings full of passengers
into buildings”.

It is not clear why the Genoa plot was abandoned. Gianfranco Fini,
Deputy Prime Minister, said that many people had scoffed at Italian
measures at Genoa as melodramatic, “but perhaps those people
will now

La Repubblica quoted intelligence sources as saying that they had
tipped off originally that bin Laden was seeking to develop “some
kind of
plane or airborne device” which could avoid detection by radar and
thus be used to evade anti-aircraft defences and attack Genoa, and
subsequently Western capitals.

It said that the under-valued report had stated that the terrorists
meant to
strike US and British targets “including the American and British
This phrase in the SISDE report had been in bold type and

Italian anti-terrorism experts agreed that it seemed unlikely that bin
’s organisation could have developed a radar-invisible device or
But they said that Italy’s information was that he still had more than
suicide terrorists in the West. They claimed that there were as
many as
1,200 members of al-Qaeda, the bin Laden terrorist network, in

Since September 11, Italian police have arrested dozens of
terrorists in Rome, Milan, Turin, Cagliari and Bari and raided
mosques and
Islamic foundations suspected of using charities as a cover for
for terrorists.

Police said that a Syrian suspect held in Sardinia, named as
Hassaim Lailed,
had taken part in a machine-gun attack on the British Airways office
in Rome
18 years ago, when he was 17. He had been deported after a jail
but had re-entered Italy illegally. When arrested at Nuoro he had
wearing a T-shirt with an image of bin Laden on it.

According to the Italian assessments, the attacks in the US were
part of an
enormous terrorist operation which includes planned outrages
against Italy
and the Vatican.

The Pope returned yesterday after a tour of Kazakhstan and
Armenia, during
which he appealed for peace and the avoidance of “catastrophic
but also condemned terrorism. Police are on high alert for
tomorrow’s Mass
at St Peter’s Basilica.

Italian officials say that the country has been in the forefront of the
fight against terrorism, not least during the 1970s and 1980s when
the Red
Brigades engaged in murder and kidnapping.

Italian experience in anti-terrorism and the monitoring of illegal
immigrants was being put at the disposal of the global coalition.

Copyright 2001 Times Newspapers Ltd. This service is provided on
Newspapers' standard terms and conditions. To inquire about a
licence to
reproduce material from The Times, visit the Syndication website.

--- End of forwarded message ---

Best wishes

War is not 'the best way of settling differences; it is the only way of
preventing their being settled for you.
- G.K. Chesterton, Illustrated London News, 7/24/15

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[CTRL] W.'s Paper Chase

2001-09-30 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-



Bush Attempts to Have His State Papers Declared Federal
W.'s Paper Chase

September 28, 2001:

Where Is Angelina Eberly When We Need Her? According to the
Handbook of Texas, in 1842 Republic of Texas President Sam
Houston tried to move the Texas capital to the city of Houston.
Austinites fiercely opposed the move, and when Texas Rangers
came to transport the state's papers out of Austin, innkeeper Eberly
fired a cannon at them, setting off what became known as the
Archive War. As George W. Bush attempts to abscond with his
gubernatorial papers, Eberly's cannon might come in handy again.
illustration by Doug Potter

In January, while the eyes of the world were on recounts in Florida
and the never-ending U.S. presidential election, a convoy of trucks
left the state Capitol complex in Austin. The trucks were on a 110-
mile trip to the southeast, to College Station and Texas AM
University -- specifically, to the George Bush Presidential Library
on the AM campus. Carrying 60 shrink-wrapped pallets of
documents, the convoy was removing Gov. George W. Bush's
gubernatorial records from direct state control and passing them
into the hands of federal archivists, already working to catalog the
papers of the elder Bush's government service.

The move was not remarked upon or apparently even announced
in Austin. But as early as 1997, the younger Bush had made clear
his intention to store his gubernatorial records at the library
devoted to his father's government service, instead of at the state
archives in Austin. Frustrated at first by a Texas law that would
have in theory barred him from housing his papers at the
presidential library at AM (a federal facility, managed by the
National Archives and Records Administration), Gov. George W.
Bush had successfully sought state legislation which would allow
him to designate an institution of higher education or alternate
archival institution in the state, in lieu of the Texas State Library
and Archives, as the repository for the records of the executive
office of the governor.

But what began in 1997 as an effort by the then-governor simply to
house his public papers with those of his father has, step by step --
with some assistance from the current occupant of the Governor's
Mansion -- led to a legal struggle conducted behind closed doors.
The final outcome, intended or not, may be to keep the record of
George W. Bush's six-year term in Austin out of reach of historians
and journalists -- and the public -- at least until Bush's term in the
White House ends, and perhaps longer.

There is some doubt about who has ownership [of the Bush
documents] now, State Archivist Chris LaPlante told the State
Library Commission at a meeting earlier this year, in which the
impasse between the state and federal governments was
discussed. (The discussions are available to the public on
audiotape.) And because of the difficulty of accessing these
records, it's entirely possible that at some point, someone could
take legal action under the Texas Public Information Act for failure
of the Bush Library to provide the information that one has
requested, in accordance with the Public Information Act. Of course
on their hand, [the archival staff of the Bush Library] is saying
'That's a state law, that doesn't apply to us.' They're only liable for
the Freedom of Information Act, a federal law. It's really important
that this issue be resolved.

George W. Bush is not the first former Texas governor to consign
his papers to a repository other than the state archives. John
Connally, for example, left his papers to the Lyndon Baines
Johnson Presidential Library at UT. Bill Clements' archives are also
at AM, although not housed in the federal archives. But a crucial
difference separates these past cases from what President Bush is
now attempting to do. The state of Texas retained title to the official
papers of Connally and Clements, and the State Library and
Archives kept copies of the documents as well. In the case of the
Bush papers, state archivists have never been permitted even to
sort through the complete documents, or arrange or classify them.
President Bush's private attorney, supported by Gov. Perry's office,
is apparently now taking the position that the records no longer
belong to the state.

State archivists have offered to catalog the records for the Bush
Library either at College Station or during a temporary return to
Austin. I think we have more agreement with the National Archives
and Records Administration than we do with other units of state
government, said one State Library official, alluding to the
difference of opinion between the state agency and Gov. Perry.
We can deal with [NARA] as archival professionals, and they know
the kind of work that needs to be done. They know they can't do it.
They know they're not 

[CTRL] Stories that have gone missing

2001-09-30 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

1.  The collapse of the Queen Isabella Causeway connecting Padre
with the mainland.
  This occurred on 9/11 and was said to be caused by an off course
tug towing a barge.
  Has anyone heard or read any more about this?  Who was
piloting the tug?  Has there been any investigation?
  If you have any recent links, I'd appreciate your  sharing them with

2.  Yesterday there was an article titled Bin Laden's Son Warns
US  - I'm pretty sure it was in The Telegraph - in which his 10 year
old son was quoted as saying Hatred of Americans is the basis of
the faith.  Fifteen minutes later I went back to archive the article
and it was no longer there. It's frightening how rapidly our news is
being sanitized.  Did anyone else see it?  Does anyone have a

3.  The recent explosion at a chemical factory in France a few days
ago which was initially said to be an accident.   I heard briefly on
the radio that it is now thought not to be accidental, but there hasn't
been any news coverage as far as I can tell.  Do any of you have
any additional information on this?

Best wishes

 Another pervasive -- and dangerous -- sign of the mushy
of our time are the flagrantly fraudulent phrases that pass muster in
the media and in politics.á None is more fraudulent than the word
'asking' in discussions of public policy issues.
 Liberals love to say things like, 'We're just asking everyone to
pay their fair share.'áá But government is not about asking.á It is
about telling.á The difference is fundamental.á It is the difference
between making love and being raped, between working for a living
being a slave.  The Internal Revenue service is not asking anybody
do anything. It confiscates your assets and puts you behind bars if
don't pay. - Thomas Sowell

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] (Fwd) [AlasBabylon] Dutch-North African Muslim Hooligans

2001-09-30 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

International Terrorist Support Groups Thrive in
Belgium and Netherlands
Adriana Stuijt
Monday, Sept. 24, 2001

ROTTERDAM Top international anti-terrorism experts
have identified two of
Europe's most legally tolerant regions namely, the
Dutch-language areas
around Europe's most important west coast harbors,
Antwerp and Rotterdam
as the main breeding ground for Muslim-fundamentalist
terrorist groups.
Osama bin Laden 's organization even runs shipping
companies as fronts
from Amsterdam.

The British researcher Dr. R. Gunaratna warned that,
especially in The
Netherlands, because of its total lack of anti-
terrorism laws and its very
high level of religious, cultural and judicial
Muslim-fundamentalist terrorist groups are allowed to
thrive. They use
Amsterdam and Rotterdam as central bases in the West
from which they
garnish funds, recruit activists from the local Muslim
youth cultural
groups, and purchase highly sophisticated arms in the
world's largest
trading hub: Rotterdam harbor.

The Kurdish PKK, the Tamil Tigers and the Philippines'
New People's Army
all use the liberal Dutch territory, from which they
garnish new converts,
turn them into activist supporters, launder and raise
funds and purchase
sophisticated equipment. These Dutch-based groups,
especially, also create
waves of propaganda material and, being based in
Amsterdam, Rotterdam and
Antwerp, also have no difficulty in purchasing any
weapons and other
high-tech support materials with which to mount
terrorist attacks abroad.

A New Form of Terrorism

Another new, disturbing pattern pointing to a new form
of terrorism
against the civilian population at large has been
detected in both harbor
towns of Antwerp and Rotterdam: Muslim cultural
organizationshave also
turned the streets of Antwerp and Rotterdam into main
battlegrounds for
Muslim-fundamentalist male criminal youth gangs who
deliberately attack,
rob and invade ethno-European cultural events and
throngs of shoppers in
the large shopping districts.

These well-organized attacks are leaving the local
ethno-Europeans totally vulnerable and defenseless
because their
governments have no anti-terrorist laws with which to
stop such highly
aggressive youth groups from forming in the first

For instance, about 5.1 percent of Rotterdam's
population is of Moroccan
origin yet about 10 percent of all the city's arrested
criminal suspects
are of Moroccan origin, according to Rotterdam's
latest police statistics
issued by chief inspector J. Verbeek and Erasmus

In the Dutch-speaking region's latest criminal youth
gang attack in
Belgium, in the suburb of Hasselt in Antwerp on Sept.
24, large groups of
Algerian-Moroccan youths, centrally organized by cell
phones and armed
with batons and insecticide spray, attacked hundreds
of local Flemish
citizens holding their traditional end-of-summer fair
and circus event at
Kruger market square.

Many eyewitnesses who described the terror and
destruction at the usually
jolly and peaceful Flemish circus fair said the
Algerian and Moroccan
youths targeted especially women and girls as the
youth gangs tore into
the carnival goers, spraying people's eyes with
insecticides and
deodorants; spitting at and insulting especially the
Flemish; ordering the
girls and women to wear headscarves and calling them
whores; cursing the
men as Flemish pork-eaters; spitting on and
befouling with urine and
soil the carnival's traditional pancake dinners and
destroying the
antique, highly valuable carousel and circus equipment
hired for the
Hasselt community carnival.

Flemish old-age pensioners and children alike were
forced to flee in fear
of being blinded by spray, and were beaten up and
kicked. The Flemish
carnival goers all local residents had to flee from a
steady stream of
loud, rude verbal abuse from the young Algerians and
Moroccans invading
their neighborhood. Many witnesses also said the
youths chanted popular
slogans used by the Muslim-terrorist organization GIA.
Some of these
events were described in a local Antwerp newspaper.

Carnival goers who tried to remain and finish their
traditional pancake
meals or who tried to protect the antique circus
equipment were physically
attacked by kick-boxing youths. The equipment and
musical instruments were
destroyed during the racist rampage. There were very
few police in
attendance. The mainstream Belgian news media briefly
described the event
as a scuffleat a local carnival without mentioning
the racist overtones.

In Rotterdam, only about 60 miles north of Antwerp, a
similar pattern has
also been developing over the past year, with
widespread reports of
assaults by Moroccan-Algerian youth gangs described by
Dutch police as
criminal youth gangs of North African descentbut who
are described by
the news media as being highly centrally organized
through cell phones.

These gangs target major shopping districts and
traditional European

[CTRL] (Fwd) [AlasBabylon] Fwd: From the Wall Street Journal

2001-09-30 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---



Whooping It Up
In Beirut, even Christians celebrated the atrocity.

Saturday, September 22, 2001 12:01 a.m. EDT

BEIRUT--Where were you on Sept. 11, when terrorists
changed the world?
I was at the National Museum here, enjoying the
wonders of the ancient
Phoenicians with my husband. This tour of past
splendor only magnified
the shock I received later when I heard the news
and saw the reactions
all around me. Walking downtown, I realized that
the offspring of this
great civilization were celebrating a terrorist
outrage. And I am not
talking about destitute people. Those who were
cheering belonged to
the elite of the Paris of Middle East:
professionals wearing
double-breasted suits, charming blond ladies,
pretty teenagers in
tailored jeans.

Trying to find our bearings, my husband and I went
into an
American-style cafe in the Hamra district, near Rue
Verdun, rated as
one of the most expensive shopping streets in the
world. Here the
cognitive dissonance was immediate, and direct. The
sophisticated clientele was celebrating, laughing,
cheering and making
jokes, as waiters served hamburgers and Diet Pepsi.
Nobody looked
shocked, or moved. They were excited, very excited.

An hour later, at a little market near the U.S.
Embassy, on the
outskirts of Beirut, a thrilled shop assistant
showed us, using his
hands, how the plane had crashed into the twin
towers. He, too, was

Once back at the house where we were staying, we
started scanning the
international channels. Soon came reports of
Palestinians celebrating.
The BBC reporter in Jerusalem said it was only a
tiny minority.
Astonished, we asked some moderate Arabs if that
was the case.
Nonsense,said one, speaking for many. Ninety
percent of the Arab
world believes that Americans got what they

An exaggeration? Rather an understatement. A couple
of days later, we
headed north to Tripoli, near the Syrian border. On
the way, we read
that Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, who donated
blood in front of
the cameras, was rejecting any suggestion that his
people were
rejoicing over the terrorist attack. It was less
than 10 children in
Jerusalem,he said.

In the bustling souk of Tripoli we started looking
for the Great
Mosque, a 1294 building with a distinctive Lombard-
style tower. But in
that labyrinth, nobody spoke anything but Arabic,
which we don't
speak. Finally, in a dark shop, we found an old
gentleman who knew
French. His round white cap showed that he was a
devout Muslim.
Leaning on his stick, he managed to get on the
street and with most
exquisite manners gave us directions. Common
decency survives all.

Once at the mosque I donned a black chador, but our
Lonely Planet
guide attracted the attention of a hard-looking
bearded guy all the
same. Are you Americans?he asked in a menacing
tone. Our quick
denial made him relax. He gave us the green light
to go in. But very
soon afterward we were again approached, by a fat
young man. He turned
out to be one of the 350,000 Palestinians who live
in Lebanon,
unwelcome by most of the population and subject to
severe hardships.
Hearing we were Italians, first he recited like a
prayer names of
Italian soccer players. We were relieved at first
that he wanted to
talk about sports, but he soon moved on to politics
and the events.

My people have been crushed under the heel of
American imperialism,
which took away our land, massacred our beloved and
denied our right
to life. But have you seen what happened in New
York City? God
Almighty has drawn his sword against our enemies.
God is great--Allah
u Akbar,he said.

I heard these appeals to religion so often that I
needed some
theological help. How can God do evil?I later
asked an Arab friend,
a businessman with an international background.
According to what I
learnt in my catechism, God lets evil happen. He
doesn't do it,I
said, and he answered: The Koran has the same
teaching, but blood
calls for blood.

What about compassion? I asked, pointing out that
Jesus had turned the
other cheek. Isn't Allah also always called the
Merciful? He is, but
when a people has been begging for a piece of land
for 52 years and it
has experienced only bloodshed, what can you
expect?But the victims
of the World Trade Center were civilians, I
insisted. In the new
intifada, 500 Palestinians have been killed.
America didn't give a
damn, so why should Muslims care now about those
who died in the twin
towers? It's hard, but that's the way they see it.

I couldn't help it. I kept remembering how a day
earlier, in Germany,
Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder had talked about clash
of civilizations.

On Thursday night, in the Christian northern part
of Beirut, we heard
some loud noises. Probably they are celebrating
the attacks,someone
told us when we asked.

You mean the Maronite Christians are also
celebrating? I asked.

Yes, they also feel 

[CTRL] (Fwd) [AlasBabylon] Fwd: Dispatches From a Dying Country

2001-09-30 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Democracy is a recent experiment.It is barely over 200
years old in the
USA, and less than two hundred years old in the rest of
the world.In
many, maybe most, European countries, it is less than a
century old--that's
less than 4 generations.In Germany, Japan,India, and
Israel, only 2
generations old.In half of Europe, and in the rising
young capitalist
democracies of East Asia, it is less than 1 generation
old.In Latin
America and Africa, it is an on again, off again
affair.Even the world's
oldest democracy, the USA, has experimented with
universal suffrage only
for 36 years.Since the emergence of democracy is
coincident with rapidly
expanding economies, I expect that the eventual arrival
of steady-state
economics will witness the end of democratic systems of
governance; but
democracy shows signs of fragility already in some
western countries.

In my batch of materials I received today from the
Libertarian Alliance
in London is a promo piece for a book, Dispatches
From a Dying Country:
Reflections on Modern England,by Sean Gabb.Here is
the back cover

Dispatches From a Dying Countryis an ascerbic
account of the gradual
deconstruction of the essentially liberal traditions
of England, a
country that the author argues--and documents--is
moving ever closer to
a police state. England is becoming a nation of serfs
surveillance, harried for their own alleged good by
governments and
special interests that make use of assorted moral
panics to establish
their hegemony.

The alleged menage of religious cults, of drugs, drunk
drivers, demonic
gun owners, paedophiles, pornographers and the spectre
of racismare
just parts of the plague of mythological and socially
pseudo-menaces that are used to engineer the
legitimation of our rulers.

Dr. Gabb further exposes the sordid power lusts,
tactics and hypocrisies
of what he terms the Enemy Class--the parasitic
class of politicians,
administrators, lawyers, experts,educators, media
people and state
employees--who are constructing their new order on a
trumped-up basis of
post-socialist corporatism and politically
correctpieties. He is no
less virulent, however, against what he calls the
Quisling Right,
those Tory politicians and their media cronies who
posture as defenders
of freedom, but who do nothing effective to defend it
in practice.

The publisher is:

The Hampden Press
London, England

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Best wishes

It is hard to make government representative when it is also
- G K. Chesterton,ILN, 8/17/18

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Stories that have gone missing

2001-10-01 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

On 30 Sep 2001 at 17:55, Euphorian wrote:

 Read my post To Lose in Toulouse (this list) dated 29th Sept

Your post apparently didn't make it into the archives.

Here is a new article on the subject that just arrived.



MYSTERY deepened yesterday around the massive explosion
that ripped
through a chemical plant on the outskirts of Toulouse
last Friday, leaving
29 people dead, over 2,500 injured and thousands more

The official explanation, that it was an accident is
being challenged by
witnesses, chemical experts and the media, who lean
towards a deliberate
attack on the AZF factory, France’s largest producer of

Witnesses cited in the daily Le Figaro yesterday say
they saw a flash of
light moving towards the factory, quickly followed by a
small explosion
and then the second, devastating, blast.

An 18-year-old hairdresser named only as Emilie who
lived less than
200yd from the factory was in the garden just before
the blast.

Suddenly, I saw a sort of flash, like a shaft of
light, heading towards
the factory warehouse in the space of just a few
seconds. There was a
first explosion. Panic-stricken, I took refuge in my
bedroom and put my
head under the covers. Almost immediately, there was a
massive blast.

Her father, an electrician and fire officer at a
neighbouring explosives
factory, saw the same thing - a sort of projectile
flying at a good
height over the roof-tops. Their accounts were
confirmed by Emilie’s
brother and other factory employees.

However, Emilie and her family told Le Figaro her
father’s and brother’s
statements have been ignored. The police already
believed only in the
theory of an accident. However, lots of people in
Toulouse are thinking it
and we saw it: it was a terrorist attack and nothing
else, she told the

Experts have also called into question the authorities’
insistence on
accidental causes. Louis Médard, an engineer, has
analysed the world’s ten
worst explosions over the last 80 years. He concludes
these disasters
have always been the result of an explosive charge in
a hardened
substance or of a prolonged fire ... in confined
conditions. However, as
Le Figaro and Le Monde have both pointed out, there was
no fire in the
warehouse before the blast.

As for an explosive charge, the manager of the AZF
factory, Serge Biechlin
told Le Figaro: The remains of all sensitive equipment
located near the
warehouse were inspected after the blast - not one of
them had exploded.
If there was a projectile, it could only have come from
outside the

Investigators have referred to the compost effect,
saying that heat at
the base of the 200 to 300 tons of ammonium nitrate
stored in the
warehouse could have triggered the explosion. The heat
could have been
generated by decomposing nitrates mixed with impurities
which acted as a
catalyst. However, temperatures inside the warehouse
would have had to
reach at least 150C to set off an explosion, and this
would have activated
the heat detectors.

Susan Bell In Paris
Saturday, 29th September 2001
The Scotsman


Best wishes

Behavior that would rank as clincal paranoia in
ordinary life, becomes
pragmatic caution in the world of intelligence.
-Jesus James Angleton, former director of counter-
intelligence for the CIA.

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Re: [CTRL] Stories that have gone missing

2001-10-01 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

On 30 Sep 2001 at 17:05, thew wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 it can be found hidden in the new york times

No kidding it's hidden.  I've put every search term I can think of  in
the Times' archive search and still haven't found it.

Best wishes

...secrecy is the keystone of all tyranny.  Not force, but secrecy . . .
censorship.  When any government, or any church for that matter,
undertakes to say to its subjects, 'This you may not read, this you
not see, this you are forbidden to know,' the end result is tyranny
oppression, no matter how holy the motives.  Mighty little force is
needed to control a man whose mind has been hoodwinked;
contrariwise, no
amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free.
not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything -- you can't conquer a
free man; the most you can do is kill him.
 ~~Robert Heinlein:  Revolt in 2100

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] (Fwd) Some Good News RE: Anthrax

2001-10-01 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

From:   Dallas O Tohill [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Some Good News!
Date sent:  Sun, 30 Sep 2001 18:26:42 -0400

New Agent Destroys Anthrax, Safe For Animals And Environment
From Patricia
Doyle, PhD [EMAIL PROTECTED] The University of Michigan
9-28-1 SAN DIEGO - BCTP looks like skim milk.  Laboratory rats
gain weight
when they eat it.  Spray it on your lawn and the grass will thrive.
according to tests conducted by University of Michigan scientists,
seemingly benign material could be a potent weapon against
anthrax---one of
the deadliest bacteria on Earth.

In a presentation at the Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial
Agents and
Chemotherapy (ICAAC) on Sept.  26, Michael Hayes, research
associate in the
U-M Medical School, presented experimental evidence of BCTP's
ability to
destroy anthrax spores both in a culture dish and in mice exposed
to anthrax
through a skin incision.  James R. Baker Jr., M.D., professor of
medicine and director of the Center for Biologic Nanotechnology in
the U-M
Medical School, directed the research study.

BCTP was developed by D.  Craig Wright, M.D., chief research
scientist at
Novavax, Inc.---a bio-pharmaceutical company in Columbia, Md.---
president of Novavax Biologics Division.  According to Wright, the
is made of water, soybean oil, Triton X 100 detergent and the
tri-n-butyl phosphate.

One of the most remarkable characteristics of this material is its
to rapidly destroy a wide variety of dangerous bacteria and viruses,
remaining non-toxic to people, animals or the environment, Baker

BCTP's effectiveness against anthrax spores is especially
because they are so difficult to kill.  Spores are like freeze-dried
bacteria, Baker explained.  Their tough outer coat is resistant to
disinfectants, freezing, drought, virtually anything we can throw at
Spores can survive in the environment for many years and still
generate live
bacteria when given the right combination of water, nutrients and

Concentrated doses of strong disinfectants like bleach or
formaldehyde will
kill anthrax spores, according to Baker.  Unfortunately, they also
are toxic
to people and the environment, which makes them useless for
a person, a piece of land or equipment exposed to the bacteria.

Since the Persian Gulf War, military authorities have become
concerned about the threat anthrax and other biological warfare
agents pose
both to our armed forces and civilian populations. Anthrax is often
and easily dispersed through air or water,
Baker said.  We know that countries hostile to the United States
developed strains of anthrax which are resistant to antibiotics and
vaccines.  To counter that threat, the Defense Advanced Research
Agency (DARPA), is testing several possible new weapons against
biologic agents---including BCTP.

When properly formulated, the components in BCTP form an
emulsion of tiny
lipid droplets suspended in solvent, said Wright.  These lipids
fuse with
anthrax spores causing the spore to revert to its active bacterial
During this process, which takes four to five hours, the spore's
tough outer
membrane changes allowing BCTP's solvent to strip away the
membrane.  BCTP's detergent then degrades the spore's interior
contents.  In
scanning electron microscope images, the spores appear to

In his conference presentation, Hayes described how even low
of BCTP killed more than 90 percent of virulent strains of Bacillus
anthracis spores in a culture dish.  We observed sporicidal activity
dilutions as high as one part BCTP per 1,000 parts culture media,

To determine its toxicity to animals, U-M scientists fed large
amounts of
BCTP to laboratory rats and injected mice with the material
The animals gained weight, remained healthy and suffered no
adverse effects.

To determine BCTP's effectiveness at treating animals exposed to
spores, Baker's research team subcutaneously injected mice with
cereus---a closely related species of bacteria that can be safely
handled in
a university laboratory setting.  Like B. anthracis, its lethal relative,
cereus produces large, ulcerous areas of dead tissue if it
penetrates the
skin through a cut or injury.  If untreated, these skin infections
systemically, producing severe illness and death in 80 percent of
laboratory mice in the study.

When we washed the animal's skin lesions with BCTP, the
wounds began to
heal, Baker said.  Mice receiving BCTP either simultaneously with
B. cereus
spores or whose wounds were washed with BCTP an hour after
exposure had a 95
percent reduction in lesion size.  The death rate for mice receiving
was only 20 percent.

Rapid inactivation of anthrax bacteria and spores combined with
toxicity makes BCTP a 

[CTRL] Bin Laden told mother to expect ‘big news’

2001-10-01 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

In call before attacks, Bin Laden told mother to expect ‘big news’

Intelligence service taped incriminating call two days before
hijackings, sources tell NBC

Oct. 1 —  Osama bin Laden called his mother two days before the
Sept. 11 terror attacks and told her, “In two days you’re going to
hear big news and you’re not going to hear from me for a while,”
NBC News has learned. Word of the phone call came as President
Bush reported “good progress” in the battle against terrorism,
saying authorities around the world had frozen $6 million in assets
linked to terrorist activities and arrested or detained “about 150
terrorists and their supporters.”

Best wishes

Violence is interesting. This is a great obstacle to world peace and
also to more thoughtful television programming. ~ P.J. O'Rourke

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Companies 'are paying protection money' to terrorists

2001-10-01 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-


01 October 2001 21:39 GMT+1

Companies 'are paying protection money' to terrorists
By Paul Peachey
01 October 2001
Campaigns waged by terrorist organisations are being partly
financed through protection rackets that extort money from
respected large corporations across the world, it was claimed
Oil companies in South America and Middle Eastern airlines are
among those paying to prevent their businesses being damaged,
according to the magazine Forbes Global. It claimed timber
companies in South-east Asia have also made protection payments
and until recently, a Jewish-owned bank was paying off the
Lebanese Islamist group Hizbollah.
An executive in the financial division of a state-owned oil company
in southern Europe claimed that donating money to Islamic groups
was a cost of doing business in the Middle East. He said: I have
been more and more worried about these transactions over the last
seven or eight years, because friends in our government's secret
service have told me that a number of these intermediaries have
direct links to terrorist organisations.
Reports have suggested that the 11 September attacks cost the
terrorists about $500,000 (£340,000), which was in part spent on
renting cars, flights and large cash withdrawals.
Last week, President George Bush issued the equivalent of a
financial most-wanted list of groups and individuals in an attempt
to starve them of funding. The move was seen as a largely
symbolic gesture.  Money-laundering experts have dismissed as
unworkable attempts to control the terrorists' movements of funds.
The man accused of being behind the outrages, Osama bin Laden,
is thought to earns hundreds of millions of pounds every year from
both legal and illegal activities. Al-Qa'ida, the organisation that he
helped establish in Afghanistan 12 years ago, employs some 3,000
civilians and maintains 2,000 armed troops. The group operates
communications equipment, training bases and safe houses
around the world, which are used by extremists from Egypt to the
Philippines. Frank Cilluffo, of the Washington-based Centre for
Strategic and International Studies, said: I look at bin Laden as the
chief financial officer of a very loose coalition of radicals. It's not a
monolithic, hierarchical organisation. But he is the glue that holds
these groups together with money, training and support.
The financing for his network comes partly from his inheritance of
up to £42m and from a cut of the profits from Afghanistan's
lucrative heroin trade. Further funding comes from charities, stock
market investments and stakes in a variety of businesses in Sudan.
The magazine found that Mr bin Laden also controls an Islamic
bank and has a majority stake in a plantation. He is likely to use
tools such as offshore internet banks to help keep his financial
activities secret, experts said.


Best wishes

Wars are caused by undefended wealth.
- Douglas MacArthur, New York Daily News, November 18, 1945.

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[CTRL] Court Passes on Scientology Libel Case

2001-10-01 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

Court Passes on Scientology Libel Case
The Associated Press
Monday, Oct. 1, 2001; 11:40 a.m. EDT
WASHINGTON ––  Ten years after Time magazine ran an award-
winning article portraying the Church of Scientology as a greedy
cult, the Supreme Court refused Monday to consider reinstating the
church's libel case.
Time Warner Inc. had steadfastly defended the 10-page article and
said it refused to be intimidated by the church's apparently
limitless legal resources.
The church contended that the writer was biased and only
interviewed critics.
Scientology, founded by science-fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard,
requires members to take classes and counseling that can cost
thousands of dollars.
The May 1991 article entitled, Scientology: The Cult of Greed,
said that the so-called religion is really a ruthless global scam.
Time said the cover story was awarded the Gerald Loeb Award for
distinguished business and financial journalism, the Worth
Bingham Prize and the Conscience in Media Awards from the
American Society of Journalists and Authors.
The church had said the story had multiple defamatory comments.
While in the past certain church officials concededly committed
improper acts ... most of the allegations of past misconduct were
false and distorted, the result of the misunderstanding, suspicion
and prejudice that typically greet a new religion, the church told
the Supreme Court.
A judge had dismissed the lawsuit and the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of
Appeals ruled that Time was not guilty of writing the report with
actual malice, which is the standard for libel cases involving public
groups or people.
The church told the Supreme Court that the rulings rather than
encouraging the search for truth, provide a safe harbor for biased
The case is Church of Scientology International v. Time Warner
Inc., 00-1683.
On the Net:
U.S. Supreme Court: http://www.supremecourtus.gov
© Copyright 2001 The Associated Press
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Best wishes

Lesson for life number one: If it moves, kill it.
Lesson for life number two: If you can't kill it,
for God's sake don't talk about it to the Associated
Press.   - Cecil Adams

Maybe if more people challenged the status quo and demanded
more from
politicians and newsmen there would be better understanding of
things work (or don't).  Children manage to do this daily, yet many
adults give way without question.  This is worrisome to many of us
believe asking tough questions is the best way to live and remain
-Paul M. Rodriguez

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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2001-10-01 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Mon, 1 Oct 2001 20:01:25 -0400

by David M. Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Exclusive to TLE

Are there no libertarians in foxholes?

In a recent op-ed first published by the _Boston Globe_, reprinted
by _Reason Magazine_ at their web site, then reprinted by the
electronic newsletter _Freematt's Alerts_, Cathy Young opines that
maybe individual rights and human freedom aren't so sacrosanct
after all -- not if we're in a foxhole and the terrorists are lunging at
us with box-cutters in their teeth.

Just as there are no atheists in foxholes, perhaps there are no
libertarians in them either, Young suggests.

I don't know. It's a theory. Perhaps no foxhole residents possess
any convictions of any kind. Perhaps the human spirit simply
shrivels and withers in foxholes. But I doubt it.

Do I like the idea of people being able to encrypt electronic
communications so that they are beyond surveillance? Cathy
Young asks. Frankly, I found it scary even before September 11 --
precisely because of the threat of terrorism. It is said that there
are no atheists in foxholes; perhaps there are no true libertarians
in times of terrorist attacks. Even in the Declaration of
Independence, the right to liberty is preceded by the right to life.

How sad to read these comments. Is Cathy Young implying that if I
don't want the government to be able to open my mail at will, I'm an
enabler of terrorism?

I agree that the right to liberty is _grounded in_ the right to life.
It pertains to what my right to life entails in a social context --
what others owe to me and what I owe to them, if we are to be able
to function in support of our own individual lives and also get along
with each other. It's true that the right to liberty doesn't mean the
right to do any old which thing I choose to do. I don't have the
right to threaten my neighbors or do arbitrary violence to them. If I
act as a criminal, I do forfeit the right to walk as a free person.
And if government has (true) probable cause to suspect me of
criminality, yes they should have every reasonable power to

But how can I be asked to forfeit my right to protect my own
personal privacy in advance of _any_ reasonable evidence of
_any_ rights-violating wrongdoing or planning of same?

When I am in a public context like an airport, whose managers
might reasonably request the ability to search my suitcase as a
condition of my doing business with them, I can understand
submitting to an inspection ... though I might not agree with it and
might even think it's offensive and obtuse, depending on how long
they linger over the underwear.

But Cathy Young is talking about another case altogether. She is
suggesting that I must give up a particular right to act on my own
behalf when the private enterprise involved is entirely willing to
sell (or give me) the particular good which Young says I have no
right to possess: robust encryption software.

Why? Because I might act as a criminal? Or does encrypting my
private stuff per se constitute a violation of somebody's rights?

And if so, whose?

Young also says that it would be okay to check out my electronic
mail as long as there is due process. Well, that sounds okay,
though with the FBI's notorious Carnivore technology, my private
email may well be read in full if the Carnivore system gleans one or
two suspect words. No warrant required.

Surely Cathy Young is aware that the government does not always
have good reasons for the things it does. At least if the feds and
the cops must apply for a warrant, they has to give a court _some_
before prying into my personal things. But from what I gather,
Carnivore is premised on the notion of _not_ having to bother
about warrants before inspecting the email of particular individuals.
It supposedly can gulp and scan every single piece of email that
goes through a particular electronic hub, without any differentiation
between one individual and another. That is the point. Are
probable cause warrants going to be granted to scan the email of
all the millions of email users -- and if so, doesn't that destroy the
notions of probable cause and warrants?

I don't suppose such considerations even apply to making it illegal
for people to effectively encrypt their email and documents so as to
head Carnivore off at the pass, as well as other possible info
thieves. That's some other kind of violation of constitutional
protections and basic rights.

Young's rationale for violating my rights seems to be the same
rationale offered by the critics of bearing arms and other methods
of protecting yourself. Gun control is also a violation of liberty in
the name of safety. Of course, far from ensuring safety, gun control
deprives people of a means to provide for their personal safety.
Don't believe me? Well, think about 

[CTRL] Govt. Crop Duster Missing from Bahamas Area

2001-10-02 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-


 Tuesday, October  2

Government Plane Missing Near the Bahamas
The Associated Press
Published: Oct 1, 2001
MIAMI (AP) - A two-seat State Department plane bound for a
Florida air force base from islands near the Bahamas was missing
late Monday, officials said.
The last contact with the plane was at 10:20 a.m. Monday, Federal
Aviation Administration spokeswoman Kathleen Bergen said. It
departed from Turks and Caicos Islands southeast of the Bahamas
and was destined for Patrick Air Force Base in Melbourne on
Florida's east coast.
Coast Guard and Air Force planes were searching an area 50
miles southeast of Freeport, Bahamas late Monday, said Petty
Officer Robert Suddarth, Coast Guard spokesman. Pilots that
returned from searching this afternoon reported poor weather and
visibility, he said.
Bergen said the aircraft is an Ayers AY-65, which is an agricultural
or crop-dusting type of aircraft, and owned by the State
Only the pilot, a 20-year veteran of the State Department, was
aboard the plane, Suddarth said. Suddarth and Bergen did not
release the name of the pilot.
They also said they did not know of any connection to the recent
terrorist hijackings.
AP-ES-10-01-01 2311EDT
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Best wishes

 Living dangerously:
I will break the CIA into a thousand pieces and
scatter them to the four winds.
-President John F. Kennedy  (Nov. 1963)

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] (Fwd) Instant Messages To Israel Warned Of WTC Attack

2001-10-03 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---


September 28, 2001
Instant Messages To Israel Warned Of WTC Attack

NEW YORK -- OFFICIALS at instant-messaging firm Odigo
confirmed today
that two employees received text messages warning of an attack on
World Trade Center two hours before terrorists crashed planes into
the New York landmarks. Citing a pending investigation by law
enforcement, the company declined to reveal the exact contents of
message or to identify the sender.

But Alex Diamandis, vice president of sales and marketing,
that workers in Odigo's research and development and
sales office in Israel received a warning from another Odigo user
approximately two hours prior to the first attack. Diamandis said the
sender of the instant message was not personally known to the
employees. Even though the company usually protects the privacy
users, the employees recorded the Internet protocol address of the
message's sender to facilitate his or her identification.

Soon after the terrorist attacks on New York, the Odigo employees
notified their management, who contacted Israeli security services.
In turn, the FBI was informed of the instant message warning. FBI
officials were not immediately available for comment today. The
service includes a feature called People Finder that allows users to
seek out and contact others based on certain interests or
demographics. Diamandis said it was possible that the attack
was broadcast to other Odigo members, but the company has not
received reports of other recipients of the message.

In addition to operating its own messaging service network, Odigo
licensed its technology to over 100 service providers, portals,
wireless carriers, and corporations, according to the company.
is online at http://www.odigo.com .

© 2001 The Washington Post Company

--- End of forwarded message ---

Best wishes

If war is ever lawful, then peace is sometimes sinful. ~~C.S. Lewis

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] (Fwd) LP RELEASE: Anti-terrorism legislation

2001-10-04 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Wed, 3 Oct 2001 09:47:59 -0400 (EDT)
Subject:LP RELEASE: Anti-terrorism legislation
From:   Libertarian Party Announcements owner-
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
Washington DC 20037
World Wide Web: http://www.LP.org
For release: October 3, 2001
For additional information:
George Getz, Press Secretary
Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222

New compromise Patriot Act
is still a threat to civil liberties

WASHINGTON, DC -- Congress should reject the proposed anti-
terrorist Patriot Act -- which would greatly expand the federal
government's surveillance, wiretapping, and detention authority --
because no new police powers are needed to effectively fight
terrorism, the Libertarian Party said today.

There's no evidence that these new police powers will actually
stop terrorists -- but there is a clear and present danger that they
will curtail the fundamental civil liberties of Americans, said Steve
Dasbach, the party's national director.

That's why this bill should worry Americans more than it will worry
terrorists. And that's why Congress should reject it.

The Patriot Act -- which will be considered by the U.S. House
Judiciary Committee on Wednesday -- is the result of two weeks of
closed-door negotiations between Congress and the Bush

While the bipartisan compromise made some concessions to civil
libertarian concerns, the bill:

* Gives any U.S. Attorney or state attorney general the power to
install the Carnivore e-mail snooping system in emergency
situations without obtaining a court order.

* Allows telephone voice mail messages to be obtained by law
enforcement with a mere search warrant, which is issued with less
court scrutiny than the previously required wiretap warrant.

* Expands the definition of terrorist so broadly that it could
include non-violent protesters at an anti-war rally.

* Makes it easier for the government to tap multiple phones as part
of a roving wiretap warrant.

* Allows the government to detain legal immigrants for seven days
based on a mere accusation of terrorist activity.

On Saturday, President Bush urged Congress to approve the
provisions in the Patriot Act, saying it gives law enforcement every
necessary tool to fight terrorists.

But politicians made that promise before, noted Dasbach.

For example, in 1978, Congress passed the Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Act (FISA), which created secret federal courts to
approve clandestine wiretaps of suspected spies and terrorists. In
1995, Congress expanded the FISA courts' authority to include
searches of homes and computers.

During its first 21 years in operation, FISA courts authorized 11,950
secret searches and wiretaps -- while rejecting only one search
warrant, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.

In 1996, Congress passed the Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death
Penalty Act in the wake of the Oklahoma City bombing, which
created courts with the power to deport foreigners based on secret
evidence; gave the Secretary of State the authority to arbitrarily
designate groups as terrorist; and allowed the government to
freeze the assets of suspected terrorist groups.

In 1998, after the bombings of American embassies in Africa,
Congress passed legislation that authorized roving wiretaps for
the first time and increased the maximum Counterterrorism
Rewards Program from $2 million to $5 million.

That same year, President Clinton also issued two Presidential
Decision Directives: PDD-62, which established the office of the
National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection and
Counter-Terrorism, and PDD-63, which created the National
Infrastructure Protection Center.

A senior FBI agent told Time magazine in 1998: Any one of these
extremely valuable tools could be the keystone to successful
operations against terrorists.

But none of those additional powers did a thing to stop terrorists
from killing 6,000 Americans on September 11, noted Dasbach.

That's why, instead of demanding ever-expanding powers, the FBI
and other federal law enforcement agencies should simply do their
jobs -- by acting on credible warnings of terrorist attacks, he said.
If they had done so, 6,000 Americans might still be alive today.

According to a September 27 column by Robert D. Novak,
Philippine police arrested several Islamic terrorists in 1995 and
discovered plans to use commercial airliners to attack targets in
America, including the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. That
information was passed on to the U.S. government.

In August 2001, a flight school in Minnesota contacted the 

[CTRL] Cracks appear in Al Aqsa Mosque

2001-10-04 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-


Cracks appear in Al Aqsa Mosque
Muslim construction project blamed for damage to shrine
Editor's note: DEBKAfile's electronic news publication is a news-
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© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com
A small protrusion forming ominously in the 2000-year-old
Southern Wall of the Temple Mount and spreading cracks in the
fabric of the Al Aqsa Mosque are the result of an extensive Islamic
construction project opposed but not stopped by the Israeli

The alarming damage to the ancient sites developed from five
years of unsupervised Islamic construction work aimed at turning
“Solomon’s Stables” and the adjoining chambers under Al Aqsa
into the biggest mosque in the Middle East.

Carried out by the Islamic religious authority, called the Waqf, and
the Israeli Islamic Movement under its leader, Sheik Raed Salah,
the project appears to have been overly ambitious. According to
DEBKA-Net-Weekly sources in Israel, it now proves to have been
marred by serious engineering mistakes.

No Israeli or international engineers, historians or scholars were
allowed to inspect the work on a site as required by Israel
municipal regulations and national laws governing the protection of
historical and religious monuments.

Successive Israeli governments, fearing an international Islamic
backlash, allowed the underground excavations and construction to
go forward, unchecked and unsupervised. Every demand by the
Israeli authorities and international archeologists to access the
project was met with angry refusals.

Two weeks ago, Sheikh Salah told his congregation in Umm al
Fahm about the cracks and crumbling patches in the Al Aqsa
Mosque wall. But, he added suggestively, the “neighbors” had
heard mysterious sounds of digging in the small hours. The
mosque has no neighbors.

Palestinian Authority spokesman Ahmed Abdul Rahman
announced gravely over Radio Palestine yesterday that Israel
planned to exploit a small stone that fell off the top of the Western
Wall of the Temple Mount, the Jewish prayer place, to move in and
take control of the entire Muslim site. He also mentioned the
cracks, but declared, without explaining how, that they were part of
an Israeli plot.

Al Aqsa, which like the rest of Jerusalem, is located in the
earthquake-prone African Rift Valley region, has been destroyed by
earthquake seven times since it was built by the city’s first Muslim
conquerors in the seventh century. The new construction has
weakened the structure, so that a tremor could well compound the

Some in Israel fear the right kind of propaganda, alleging Jewish
culpability, and the repeated call to “Defend Al Aqsa!” might rally
the Islamic world in a flash against Israel – which Yasser Arafat’s
intifada has so far failed to do.

The Palestinian leader has now begun to hope that a catastrophe
on the Haram might even be built up to outdo the impact of Osama
bin Laden’s assaults in the United States.

Meanwhile, the Muslim builders are not yet done. Using forbidden
heavy earth-moving equipment, they are now excavating a
northerly channel on the Temple Plaza heading in the direction of
the Dome of the Rock, whose gilt and blue faience façade
dominate the Jerusalem skyline. Breaking into the bedrock in this
area, archeologists warn, would also harm the gold-topped Dome,
which sits on that rock.

The damage to the Islamic sites comes on top of the destruction of
unique relics and artifacts from Jewish Temple, Byzantine,
Crusader and medieval times, that the Muslim builders smashed
and dumped, in defiance of protests from scholars around the world
and warnings from engineers.  The Palestinian mufti of Jerusalem
and Sheikh Salah simply echoed Arafat’s assertion that the Temple
Mount, including the Western Wall, is a Muslim site and no Jewish
temples ever existed.

Ergo – no relics.

To make sure this was true, Salah’s builders did what they could to
obliterate every trace of an historic Jewish presence above and
below the ground of Temple Mount, according to Israeli observers.

But they forgot to take this into account: The Islamic structures
were built on the early foundations of that presence and were
supported by them. Therefore, by their acts of vandalism, the new
Muslim builders have also wrought irreparable damage to sites holy
to Islam.


Best wishes

The purpose of Compulsory Education is to deprive the common
people of
their commonsense. -G. K. Chesterton

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[CTRL] (Fwd) RE: [AlasBabylon] The End Game

2001-10-04 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
I found this article very interesting. Thanks for posting it.

From: alypius m. skinner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:Sunday, September 30, 2001 11:52
Subject:[AlasBabylon] The End Game


The End Game

September 14, 2001

That collector from Northern Virginia who introduced me to Sir
Arthur Keith has admonished me to outline for you the debate
going on in the halls of government between various factions of
the inner party.

Op Ed pieces are beginning to appear in our national newspapers
which reflect that debate. Numerous articles are floating the
trial balloon of ending stateswhich harbor terrorists. In
addition, several other press organs are breathing life back
into a notion born of our most excellent imperial adventure over
the skies of Serbia. In the words of an op-ed piece in the Wall
Street Journal of 9-14-01, any state that harbors or abets
terrorists - or abuses its own citizens - forfeits its sovereign

In order to examine exactly what such a statement might mean in
actual practice we must understand that the attack on the twin
towers in Manhattan occurs within the context of a clearly
defined imperial structure of rewards and punishments.

The multi-racial empire of the old Soviet Union fragmented into
its ethnic and racial components (collapsed to a lower order of
complexity) because its centrally planned economy could not
provide enough tangible benefits to all the constituent groups
within that empire to purchase their continued allegiance. The
young turks of the KGB decided that they would be better off and
have more power with a smaller, ethnically cohesive Russian
nation state.

See Pillar 7, The Collapse of Complex Societiesby Joseph

The same exact thing will happen to the United States if the
empire can no longer provide tangible benefits to its citizens
that justify the expense of the imperial adventure. And the
expense of maintaining that empire has just increased
dramatically - at least $20 billions in lost real estate, a $40
billion anti-terrorism appropriation, plus untold costs
associated with shutting down air travel and the financial
markets for a week.

Until now, the empire has been ruled by a financial system of
rewards and punishments.

The American consumer benefits from imports manufactured with
cheap foreign labor. In addition, American consumers benefit
from the availability of cheap credit to purchase those goods -
cheap credit made possible by the recycling of the dollars we
pay for those imported goods back into U.S. securities by the
importing countries. Because of this basic circular money flow,
Americans have been allowed to consume far beyond their means
for decades, and it feels good. It is one hell of a seductive

In addition, our intellectual property laws (patent and
copyright) guarantee a stream of payments from our trading
partners in perpetuity that resemble tribute, and guarantee that
our trading partners within the empire can never compete with
the U.S. on an equal economic footing. Indeed, we cripple their
ability to innovate and obtain patents of their own by hiring
away their best and brightest at our overseas subsidiaries
(thereby gaining ownership of their innovations) and by removing
talented innovators from their native lands through 16(b) visas
and immigration.

Our trading partners are, in effect, permanent vassal states.

Now you might reasonably ask, why do they put up with this
unbalanced system?

First, they are reasonably comfortable for the time being,
largely because the United States debt balloon provides them
with a large export market which allows them to provide
employment for their people.

Second, because the dollar is used to settle so many trade
transactions between nations other than the United States,
non-U.S. participants in the empire are forced to hold very
large dollar reserves - meaning that they have no choice but to
buy our debt - so that they can trade with other nations (buy

Third and last are the financial punishments.

A number of countries possess cheap labor and compete for the
U.S. export market. Thus, we have the power to reduce access or
close our markets to one country and open them to another and
invest in that other country simultaneously so as to shift
production from the country being punished.

Next, our Asian trading partners have much higher savings rates
than we do, meaning that the capital structures of their
companies must have much higher ratios of debt to equity than
ours in order to absorb and utilize that pool of savings. Thus,
they become vulnerable to sudden withdrawals of foreign capital
and attacks on their currencies despite their high domestic
savings rates because of the leverage that those high savings
rates create in their domestic financial structures. The inner
party has demonstrated on many occasions that they know how to
pull the 

[CTRL] Reports Swirl Out of Afghanistan of Panic and Taliban Defections

2001-10-04 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-


October 4, 2001

Reports Swirl Out of Afghanistan of Panic and Taliban Defections

 SLAMABAD, Pakistan, Oct. 3 — The Taliban's top Islamic clerics
have left their headquarters in the southern Afghan city of
Kandahar to escape the risk of American bombing, and other
senior Taliban officials have fled to Pakistan or sent their families
across the border as refugees, according to reliable accounts
reaching Pakistan.

Other accounts depict gathering panic among the population and
the disappearance from major cities of many Taliban soldiers and
policemen, and raise the possibility of a mass defection by Taliban

The accumulating signs could indicate the beginning of a wider
disintegration of Taliban power. But because the reports are
scattered, and in some cases from refugees arriving in Pakistan
who are hostile to the Taliban, it is uncertain whether the Taliban
are starting to break up as a governing force or are regrouping for
a guerrilla war.

A top official of the anti-Taliban alliance based in northern
Afghanistan said today that dozens of senior Taliban officers
commanding as many as 10,000 troops might be willing to switch
loyalties, some of them based in key provinces.

They are willing to change sides today or wait until something
starts and then coordinate their efforts with us, said the official, Dr.
Abdullah Abdullah, who is nominally the foreign minister of the
Northern Alliance. It's quite possible there will be a popular
uprising in Kabul before we can move forces into Kabul.

He also claimed to have received pledges of continuing support
from Iran and Russia, and to have held his first meeting with
American officials. We are discussing every aspect of the present
situation and cooperation, he said, without disclosing the
meeting's location.

The alliance, which has fought a long and losing war against the
Taliban, has a reputation for exaggerating its claims. There was no
way to tell whether Dr. Adbullah was overstating the extent to which
Taliban fighters could be tempted into a mass defection — a
development that would dramatically alter the strategic landscape
in the country. Other alliance commanders suggested Dr. Abdullah
was making exaggerated claims.

But the statements together with the flurry of reports that have
leaked out of the isolated country in the past 48 hours — from
Afghan cities hundreds of miles apart, as well as from provincial
towns that have been fortresses of Taliban power — suggest that
tensions building since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in the United
States are reaching a breaking point.

With the Taliban leaders refusing to hand over Osama bin Laden,
named by the United States as the prime suspect in the attacks,
many within the Taliban's ranks appear to have concluded that war
with the United States is inevitable.

United Nations officials and refugees say looting of shops and
homes has begun. In Kandahar, Taliban fighters have stormed into
a United Nations compound and driven off with vehicles used in an
American- financed program that has been disarming millions of
land mines left over from the guerrilla war against Soviet forces in
the 1980's. Shops in the capital, Kabul, as well as in Kandahar and
the eastern city of Jalalabad have emptied of food.

On the streets of all three cities the religious police — notorious for
beating women for the most trivial offenses against the Taliban's
repressive social codes — are reported to have virtually

Intelligence agents have burst into homes and arrested anyone
who so much as mentions the name of Mohammad Zahir Shah, the
exiled Afghan king who has emerged as a possible figurehead for a
post-Taliban government, according to some reports.

Religious schools that have indoctrinated young Taliban fighters
have been closed, and the students sent off to be inducted into the
army. But many have joined the flood of refugees heading for
Pakistan, only to be pulled from their families at gunpoint and
pressed into service in the Taliban's front-line units.

Alongside such accounts, claims by the Northern Alliance of large
numbers of front-line Taliban field commanders being prepared to
defect had echoes elsewhere.

In another region crucial to Taliban power, along Afghanistan's
eastern border with Pakistan, Taliban commanders in three key
provinces that control the southern approaches to Kabul —
Paktika, Paktia and Logar — were reported today to have been in
contact with opposition groups that have come together in a loose
alliance against the Taliban.

According to officials in Pakistan's military intelligence agency,
mostly tribal chiefs have shown some interest in defecting to the
new alliance on condition that it be led by the exiled Zahir Shah.

These reports, if true, would explain why the Taliban's supreme
leader, Mullah Muhammad Omar, has directed several of his

[CTRL] Will Suggests Suspect Had Long Planned to Die for Beliefs

2001-10-04 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-


October 4, 2001
Will Suggests Suspect Had Long Planned to Die for Beliefs


— Mohamed Atta, described by law enforcement officials as the
ringleader of the Sept. 11 hijackers, left a will in which he said he
wanted to be buried next to good Muslims, with his corpse
pointed east toward Mecca, the officials said.

They said the will was found in a suitcase that Mr. Atta, a 33-year-
old Egyptian, left at Logan Airport in Boston, where he boarded an
American Airlines jet that later slammed into the north tower of the
World Trade Center in New York, possibly with Mr. Atta at the

The will was dated April 1996, which would suggest that Mr. Atta
had been planning for years to die for Islam and that he wanted his
final actions to be understood as an effort to serve God.
At his funeral, everybody should mention God's name and that I
died as a Muslim, which is God's religion, he wrote, adding that
everyone who attends my funeral should ask that I will be forgiven
for what I have done in the past — although not this action.

The will was written in broken English. Details of its contents were
first reported by the German magazine Spiegel.

Mr. Atta was a student in the mid- 1990's at a technical university in
Hamburg, Germany, where he was seeking a degree in urban

Law enforcement officials would not say why Mr. Atta's luggage
had remained at Logan Airport, where he transferred onto the
American Airlines jet bound for Los Angeles after flying to Boston
earlier that morning from Portland, Me.

It was not clear if Mr. Atta had checked the bag only to Boston — in
the knowledge that its contents would be seized by the police after
his death — or if he intended the bag to make the connection and
to be destroyed in the crash. The suitcase also held a five-page
letter in Arabic offering final instructions to the hijackers.

Friends and other students have said that while studying in
Germany, Mr. Atta underwent a profound change in his religious
beliefs and temperament. He embraced Muslim fundamentalism
and surrounded himself with other devout followers.

Also today, administration officials confirmed that weeks before the
terror attacks in New York and Washington, Washington-based
supervisors at the Justice Department and the Federal Bureau of
Investigation turned down a request for a surveillance warrant for a
Frenchman who is now being questioned in New York about any
knowledge he might have of the hijacking plot.

The man, Zacarias Moussauoi, was taken into custody in August
after officials at a Minnesota flight school warned the bureau that
he was acting suspiciously.

Officials confirmed an account in Newsweek magazine that bureau
agents in Minnesota had requested a warrant to review his
computer hard drive but that they had been turned down by Justice
Department officials in Washington. The Washington officials, they
said, believed that the request did not provide enough evidence to
suggest a crime to support a warrant under terms of the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Act.

The officials would not confirm reports elsewhere that the drive was
later inspected and found to contain information about crop-
dusters, which law enforcement officials have feared could be used
by terrorists for attacks with chemical or biological weapons.
Earlier this year, the judge who oversees enforcement of the
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act complained to the Justice
Department over whether prosecutors were presenting enough
information to the court to justify wiretaps.

Government officials also offered new details today about
negotiations several years ago between the United States and
Sudan in which the Sudanese government offered to turn over
Osama bin Laden, who is reported to be the mastermind of last
month's terror attacks.

The officials said the United States turned down the 1996 offer
because American prosecutors had little hard evidence at the time
to use against Mr. bin Laden. Details of the negotiations were first
reported by The Washington Post.

Mr. Atta's will made clear that he wanted his funeral to be carried
out according to strict Muslim tradition.

The people who will prepare my body should be good Muslims
because this will remind me of God and his forgiveness, he wrote.
Those who will sit beside my body must remember Allah, God, and
pray for me to be with the angels.

When you bury me, the people with whom I will be buried should
be good Muslims. I want to face east toward Mecca.

There were detailed instructions for the preparation of his body
before burial. He wanted only good Muslims to wash his corpse,
and he asked that his body then be wrapped in three pieces of
white cloth not to be made from silk or expensive material. He
asked that the person who will wash my body near the genitals
must wear gloves on his hand so he 

[CTRL] (Fwd) LP RELEASE: Tennessee bus hijacking

2001-10-04 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Thu, 4 Oct 2001 12:28:27 -0400 (EDT)
Subject:LP RELEASE: Tennessee bus hijacking
From:   Libertarian Party Announcements owner-
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
Washington DC 20037
World Wide Web: http://www.LP.org
For release: October 4, 2001
For additional information:
George Getz, Press Secretary
Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222

Tennessee bus hijacking shows need
for 50-state concealed-carry gun laws

WASHINGTON, DC -- In the wake of the Tennessee bus hijacking
that left six people dead, every state should immediately pass
style concealed-carry gun laws so Americans can defend
against terrorists or deranged murderers, the Libertarian Party said

Let's put the Second Amendment to work to protect Americans,
said the
party's national director, Steve Dasbach. The best defense against
hijackers -- or run-of-the-mill copycat madmen -- is to give every
American the legal right to own a gun and carry it everywhere.

Early Wednesday, a Croatian man used a box cutter to slash the
of a Greyhound bus driver just outside Manchester, Tennessee.

The man then grabbed the steering wheel and attempted to drive
the bus
into oncoming traffic. The bus tipped over, killing at least six people
including the hijacker, and injuring 34 others.

Greyhound temporarily suspended bus service following the attack,
the U.S. Justice Department said the hijacking was probably not
to the September 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center
and the
Pentagon. Police speculated that the hijacker was a mentally
copycat criminal.

Whatever the man's motivation, the attack points out that no form
transportation is safe from potential attack, said Dasbach -- which
why every law-abiding American needs the right to carry a

After terrorists hijacked four airliners on September 11, the
consensus was that greater airport security could stymie such
he said. That may be true, but a similar solution won't protect
Americans who use buses, trains, taxicabs, or other forms of travel.
There are simply too many modes of public transportation.

The only way to keep Americans safe is to decentralize protection:
Give every law-abiding citizen the right to carry a weapon at all

No, that won't stop every attempted hijacking -- and may not even
stopped the tragedy in Tennessee -- but criminals and terrorists will
be far less likely to attack if they know they'll be staring down the
business end of a dozen American guns.

Currently, 31 states have shall-issue concealed-carry laws, which
require the state government to issue a gun permit to any resident
is not disqualified by a felony conviction, mental illness, or similar

Tennessee has a shall-issue law, but its permit is reciprocally
honored in only 12 other states, and Tennessee honors only nine
states' permits.

That's a problem, said Dasbach, because the bus that was hijacked
Tennessee originated in Chicago, Illinois and was heading for
Georgia. Only one of those states (Georgia) had a reciprocal
agreement with Tennessee -- making it impossible for passengers
legally carry a weapon for the duration of the trip.

America needs 50-state reciprocity, he said. A gun permit valid in
one state should be equally valid in all 50 states. That's the only
to protect people on interstate trips.

To make that protection as easy as possible to acquire, every state
should pass gun permit legislation modeled after Vermont's gun
said Dasbach.

In Vermont, any citizen can carry a firearm without getting a permit,
without paying a fee, and without any government-mandated

Despite the ease with which people can acquire guns -- or perhaps
because of it -- Vermont enjoys the 49th lowest crime rate in
noted Dasbach.

The conventional wisdom is that more guns equal more crime, he
But Vermont is stark proof that more guns, and easier access to
are the best possible deterrent to crime.

However, evidence of the More Guns/Less Crime principle
beyond Vermont, said Dasbach.

In October 2000, the FBI released a report showing that gunshot
inflicted during crimes decreased by 40% from 1992 and 1997 --
from 64,100 to 39,400 nationwide.

During the same five years, the number of guns in America
increased by
12% -- surging from 205 million to 230 million, according to the
National Association of Federally Licensed Firearms Dealers.

Also, according to a study by John Lott and 

[CTRL] A Very Bad Idea

2001-10-05 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

Review of Military's Domestic Role Urged 
By Vernon Loeb
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, October 5, 2001; Page A26 

Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz
said yesterday that to
enhance the nation's ability to counter terrorism, he strongly favors
reviewing a legal doctrine that has kept the U.S. military from
engaging in domestic law enforcement activities since 1878.

Testifying before the Senate Armed
Services Committee, Wolfowitz
said the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the
Pentagon have made it possible for Americans to envision terrorist
attacks -- particularly those involving chemical or biological
weapons -- in which the military would have unique response

Wolfowitz's comment came in response
to a question from Sen.
John W. Warner (R-Va.), the committee's ranking Republican.
Warner told Wolfowitz that he believes it is time to reexamine the
legal doctrine of posse comitatus and asked the Pentagon's
second-ranking official whether he agreed.

I agree very strongly,
Wolfowitz said. He added that it would be
much better to determine in advance how the military would
function under civilian control in the event of terrorist incident.

While much of the questioning involved
the Pentagon's response to
the Sept. 11 attacks and its new plans for homeland defense,
Wolfowitz appeared before the committee to discuss the
Quadrennial Defense Review, a congressionally mandated
codification of military strategy, force requirements and

The 71-page document, completed Monday
after months of
preparation, makes homeland defense the Pentagon's highest
priority and embraces transformational new technologies in
information warfare, intelligence and space.

In a critical revision, the document
does away with the military's
long-standing requirement to be able to win two major theater wars
simultaneously. Under the new plan, the military is expected to win
one major war decisively, meaning that it could occupy the enemy's
capital, if necessary. At the same time, the military would be able to
swiftly defeat a second adversary, engage in peacekeeping
operations and invest in advanced defense technologies.

Wolfowitz said the document represents
a paradigm shift in
planning the nation's future fighting force, defining six key priorities
for military transformation.

But the committee's chairman, Sen.
Carl M. Levin (D-Mich.),
criticized the document, calling it a vision statement that lacked
specifics about how Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld will
proceed beginning with next year's budget.

While the document makes homeland
defense the Pentagon's
highest priority, Levin said, it lacks detail on how the military will
rearrange itself to prevent terrorist attacks on U.S. soil and support
civilian authorities in managing their deadly consequences.

One specific initiative favored by
some transformation advocates
inside the U.S. Air Force -- the purchase of more B-2 stealth
bombers -- arose when Sen. Jean Carnahan (D-Mo.) asked
whether the Pentagon is considering an expansion of the fleet.

Previously, top Air Force officials
have said the answer is no. But
Air Force Lt. Gen. Bruce A. Carlson, a top planner on the
Pentagon's Joint Staff who appeared with Wolfowitz, said
expanding the B-2 fleet will be one of the options that the Air
Force considers.


Best wishes

A totalitarian state thrives on propaganda,
and there is no more 
effective way to limit thought than
to control the language itself. By 
changing definitions of words through
continual association, any
discussion involving the concepts
that the words represents
hopelessly muddled. The words democracy,
hate and racism 
immediately comes to mind. -Thomas

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fresh Doubt Is Raised About French Explosion

2001-10-05 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-


Fresh Doubt Is Raised
About French Explosion 


International Herald Tribune 
Friday, October 5, 2001
Minister Speculates on Possibility
of Terrorism 
As speculation continued swirling
in France about the causes
of a deadly, massive industrial blast last month in Toulouse,
the French environmental minister, Yves Cochet, said
Thursday that the blast might not have been an accident and
speculated that it might have a terrorist origin. .But no
actual evidence of terrorism has been uncovered yet,
according to other French sources with access to police
inquiries. They said that a slow, accidental chemical reaction
remained the probable cause of the explosion, which killed 29
people, injured 3,200 and devastated a swath of the
southwestern French city. .Mr. Cochet's comments, citing an
undisclosed new piece of information, coincided with media
disclosures about the identity of a body found in the rubble.
 The corpse was reportedly that
of a North African-born
worker named Hassan Jandoubi, 35, who is said to have
rejoiced about the Sept. 11 suicide bombings against New
York and Washington. Five days after those attacks, on Sept.
16, Mr. Jandoubi obtained a temporary job via a local
employment agency at the sprawling fertilizer complex owned
by ATZ, a subsidiary of TotalFinaElf, the French
petrochemical giant. According to official sources cited in
French newspaper reports, he had been working at the
complex for five days when the explosion occurred Sept. 21.
 So little was known about him that
he did not figure in the
initial lists of workers killed in the blast. The night before,
witnesses said, Mr. Jandoubi had quarreled loudly with truck
drivers outside the plant over the American flags decorating
their cabs in sympathy with the U.S. victims of the terrorist
attacks. French investigators are said to believe this may have
been a sign of his extremist views and sympathy for Islamic
When his body was uncovered, Mr.
Jandoubi was clad in two
pairs of trousers and four pairs of underpants, according to an
autopsy leaked to the French press. Other Muslim suicide
bombers have worn special garb covering their private parts,
according to the French newspaper Le Figaro, which
speculated in an article Thursday that he might have been a
trained Islamic terrorist. 
So far, investigators have not linked
him to the Osama bin
Laden organization or other terrorist groups, a connection that
would send a shock wave through France. An investigator in
Toulouse complained that a search of Mr. Jandoubi's
apartment for clues was spoiled because magistrates took
five days to issue a search warrant. 
The apartment had been completely
cleaned out - no clothes,
no photos, nothing - by the time the police got in, according
to an official who spoke to the daily Le Parisien on condition
of anonymity. 
Prime Minister Lionel Jospin has
promised legal changes to
facilitate police work aimed at combating terrorism, but few
changes have come into effect yet. 
French officials have appeared to
struggle since Sept. 21 in
trying to manage public perceptions about the Toulouse
explosion, France's worst industrial disaster since World War
II. It came at a moment of acute international apprehension
about major terrorist acts. France has special worries about its
large Muslim minority, which includes many fundamentalists
like Mr. Jandoubi, whose views have been shaped in poor and
isolated Arab-populated suburbs. 
In trying to calm apprehensions
among the French public,
officials have to deal with a legacy of mistrust about their
reassurances regarding the security of nuclear reactors and
toxic industrial processes. French skepticism is nourished by
memories of official deception in France about the Chernobyl
nuclear accident in 1986: For years, Paris insisted, falsely, it
was later admitted, that there had been no radioactive fallout
on French soil. 
In Toulouse, government officials
have steadily denied
finding any evidence of terrorism so far, and last week the
French prosecutor handling the case said publicly that he was
99 percent certain that the explosion was an accident. When
he failed to substantiate the assertion, it triggered fresh
speculation across France about the remaining point of doubt.
 Mr. Cochet, the cabinet minister
who evoked the possibility
of terrorism, is a member of the Green party who was recently
named head of a government ministry partly responsibility for
industrial safety. He said in a television interview Thursday
that the authorities were not ruling out any hypothesis.
 Suggestions of terrorism were played
down by Jean-Michel
Baylet, the publisher of the main Toulouse newspaper, the
Depeche du Midi. A ring of conspirators would have been
needed to ignite the chemicals, but no one has come up with a
shred of evidence after two weeks of investigations, he 

[CTRL] The Rifle and the Veil

2001-10-19 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-


October 19, 2001
The Rifle and the Veil

 Anyone who has paid attention to the situation of women in
Afghanistan should not have been surprised to learn that the
Taliban are complicit in terrorism. When radical Muslim movements
are on the rise, women are the canaries in the mines. The very
visible repression of forced veiling and loss of hard-won freedoms
coexists naturally with a general disrespect for human rights. This
repression of women is not about religion; it is a political tool for
achieving and consolidating power.

Sher Abbas Stanakzai, then the Taliban regime's deputy foreign
minister, admitted as much in a 1997 interview. Our current
restrictions of women are necessary in order to bring the Afghan
people under control, he said. We need these restrictions until
people learn to obey the Taliban.

In the same way that many Islamic extremist crusades use the
oppression of women to help them gain control over wider
populations, the Taliban and Osama bin Laden are now employing
the tactics of terrorism to gain control.

The Taliban did not start the oppression of Afghan women, nor
have they been its only practitioners.

In 1989, Arab militants working with the Afghan resistance to the
Soviet Union based in Peshawar, Pakistan — and helping to
finance the resistance fighters — issued a fatwa, or religious ruling,
stating that Afghan women would be killed if they worked for
humanitarian organizations. At that time, a third of the Afghan
population of 15 million were displaced from their homes, and many
were heavily dependent on humanitarian groups for food and other
necessities. Among the 3.5 million of these refugees who were then
living in Pakistan, many were war widows supporting their families
by working for the aid groups. After the fatwa, Afghan women going
to work were shot at and several were murdered. Some
international aid groups promptly stopped employing Afghan
women, and though many women were infuriated, most complied
after being intimidated by the violent attacks. Soon afterward,
another edict in Peshawar forbade Afghan women to walk with
pride or walk in the middle of the street and said they must wear
the hijab, the Arab black head and body covering and half-face veil.
Again, most women felt they had no choice but to comply.

In 1990, a fatwa from Afghan leaders in Peshawar decreed that
women should not attend schools or become educated, and that if
they did, the Islamic movement would meet with failure. The
document measured 2 feet by 3 feet to accommodate the
signatures of about 200 mullahs and political leaders representing
the majority of the seven main mujahedeen parties of Afghanistan.
The leading school for Afghan girls in Peshawar, where many
Afghan refugees still lived, was sprayed with Kalashnikov gunfire. It
closed for months, and its principal was forced into hiding.

When an alliance of mujahedeen groups took over in Kabul in
1992, it forced women out of news broadcasting and government
ministry jobs and required them to wear veils. But it was the Taliban
who institutionalized the total oppression of women after Kabul fell
to them four years later, and who required the total coverage of the
now familiar burqa.

Now, as Afghans, Pakistanis and Americans look to the future of
Afghanistan, most plans call for a broad-based new government
giving representation to all of Afghanistan's ethnic groups and
major political parties, including the Taliban. No one, however, has
called for the participation of women, even though women, after
many years of war, now almost certainly make up the majority of
the adult Afghan population.

Afghan women gradually gained rights in the first decades of the
20th century. Women helped write their country's Constitution in
1964. They served in parliament and the cabinet and were
diplomats, academics, professionals, judges and even army
generals. All of this happened well before the Soviets arrived in
1979, with their much-touted claim of liberating Afghan women.
Many of the forces now opposing the Taliban include signatories of
the later fatwas that deprived Afghan women of their rights. History
is repeating itself.

Any political process that moves forward without the representation
and participation of women will undermine any chances that the
principles of democracy and human rights will take hold in
Afghanistan. It will be the first clue that little has changed.

Jan Goodwin is author of Price of Honor, a book on women and
Islamic extremism. Jessica Neuwirth is president of Equality Now,
an international women's rights group.

Best wishes

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are
good people and the bad peopleYou're wrong, of course.  There
always and only, the bad people, *but some of them are on
ùThe Patrician, character in  _Guards, Guards_, Terry Pratchett

[CTRL] F.B.I. Asks if Hijacking Plot Included Plane at Kennedy

2001-10-20 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-


October 20, 2001

F.B.I. Asks if Hijacking Plot Included Plane at Kennedy

 ASHINGTON, Oct. 19 — The Federal Bureau of Investigation is
looking into whether a United Airlines flight scheduled to leave
Kennedy International Airport for San Francisco was a target of
hijackers on Sept. 11, aviation and law enforcement officials said.
The United plane, Flight 23, was late pushing back from the gate
and was seventh in line for takeoff when Kennedy was closed
because of the terrorist attacks.

When the captain announced that the plane was returning to the
gate, four male passengers described as Middle Eastern in
appearance stood up and began urgently consulting with each
other, two aviation officials said. The men refused orders from flight
attendants to return to their seats, the officials said.

The cockpit crew did not wait for the men to be seated but decided
to taxi back to the gate anyway, the officials said. As soon as the
door opened, these four guys bolted, said one of the officials. The
other added that the F.B.I. later interviewed the crew about the

Law enforcement officials confirmed that the F.B.I. is investigating
the incident. A United spokesman refused to comment, except to
say that the passenger list had been turned over to investigators.

Like two of the four planes that were hijacked that day, the
Kennedy plane was a Boeing 767, and like all four, it was
scheduled for a transcontinental flight. Its scheduled departure
time, 8:30, was within the time range of the four hijacked flights.

The question of whether hijackers had intended to take over more
than four flights on Sept. 11 has been the subject of confused
speculation in the last few days. On Wednesday, the head of the
Federal Aviation Administration, Jane F. Garvey, said in a speech
that her agency's quick grounding of commercial air traffic
nationwide had thwarted other hijackings. But later in the day she
said she had no evidence of other planned attacks and was relying
partly on news reports of knives being found on other airplanes.

Other flights using Boeing 757's and 767's are under scrutiny
because all four planes hijacked were of those two models. On the
morning of Sept. 11, when the number of planes hijacked was still
not clear, federal officials took a quick count of 757's and 767's still
airborne and told air- traffic controllers to watch them for any
unusual behavior.

In the days after Sept. 11, rumors and reports have swept the
F.A.A. and airlines about possible additional targets, including an
Air Canada flight scheduled to go from Toronto to La Guardia
Airport, and an American Airlines flight at Kennedy waiting to take
off for London, although the evidence for those cases appears to
be circumstantial.

The Air Canada plane was scheduled to fly from Toronto to La
Guardia but was caught on the ground by the closing of American
airspace. On Sept. 14, when the plane was scheduled to fly to
Calgary, Alberta, a passenger spotted two knives in an overhead
baggage compartment.

But speaking to reporters in Washington on Tuesday, Herb Gray,
the deputy prime minister of Canada, said that it was not clear
when the knives were put on the plane, and that they weren't the
big box cutters believed to be used by the hijackers of the other

An Air Canada spokesman described them as X-acto-type knives,
saying that they had small, retractable blades.

The Air Canada plane was impounded by the Royal Canadian
Mounted Police but then released. It was an Airbus A-320, which is
considerably smaller than the 757's and 767's that were hijacked,
and has a far different control system.

Some aviation officials also believe that American Airlines Flight
142, which was due to take off from Kennedy for London at 8:30
a.m. on Sept. 11, was also a target.

That plane was delayed at the gate when the cockpit crew asked
for a mechanic to check a valve in an engine. When a delay was
announced, one passenger asked to leave, so the cabin door was
opened for him and closed again. Then, according to aviation
officials, a second passenger also demanded to leave, and became
rude and indignant when the door could not be opened

A cockpit crew member wanted to alert the F.B.I. immediately but
did not know the passenger's name, the officials said. The flight
attendants knew the man's identity, but they had been escorted out
of the airport with the passengers.

That plane was a Boeing 777, which would have had an explosive
force similar to a 767, but has a slightly different cockpit from the
planes that were hijacked.

Best wishes

If  only there were evil people somewhere, insidiously committing
deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of
and destroy them.  But the line dividing good and evil cuts through
heart of every human being.  And who is willing to destroy a piece


2001-10-24 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

October 24, 2001 -- WASHINGTON - Terror master Osama
bin Laden bought samples of anthrax by mail from shady
laboratories in Eastern Europe and Asia for as little as $10,000,
a former follower has told authorities in Egypt.
The astonishing claim of how easily - and cheaply - the world's
most wanted terrorist was able to acquire anthrax and other
deadly germ agents was made in a 143-page confession of
former extremist Ahmad Ibrahim al-Najjar at a recent trial of
more than 100 members of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad.
Al-Najjar, serving a life sentence in Egypt, was among several
Islamic Jihad operatives arrested in Albania in 1999 and
brought home to Egypt to face trial for a series of attempts to
destabilize the pro-Western government of President Hosni
According to translated accounts of his testimony obtained by
The Post, al-Najjar told authorities there was nothing cloak-
and-dagger about bin Laden's transactions involving deadly
biological agents.
Factories in the Czech Republic and elsewhere in Eastern
Europe supplied deadly bacteria, including e-coli and
salmonella, by mail without checking the identities of the
purchasers as long as bin Laden's agents paid $7,500 up front,
al-Najjar said.
Bin Laden's group was able to get the anthrax germ from
another factory in Southeast Asia, which supplied it to the
Indonesian-based Islamic Moro Front, a terror group closely
associated with bin Laden.
The price for the anthrax spores, al-Najjar said, was $3,685,
plus shipping costs.
U.S. officials say they don't yet know whether bin Laden is
responsible for the anthrax scare gripping the nation, although
President Bush and other senior officials say they are
Bin Laden is known to have contacts with Iraqi officials and
mafia groups in former Soviet republics - nations that have
extensive chemical- and biological-weapons programs and that
are known to have experimented with anthrax.

Best wishes

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[CTRL] FloridaTrooper Overcome With Fumes

2001-10-26 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-


Trooper Overcome With Fumes
The northbound lanes of the Florida Turnpike were shut down
south of St. Cloud late Friday morning. The Florida Highway Patrol
is very concerned about a trooper who became very sick after
making a traffic stop.

The people inside the car he stopped drove off after making some
sort of threat.

The trooper is being decontaminated in the emergency room at
ORMC. He had pulled over a black Nissan on the turnpike. The
trooper gave the driver a ticket, the driver laughed and drove off.
The trooper was overcome by some kind of fumes, could not
breathe and became disoriented.

The driver and passengers are reportedly two men of Middle
Eastern descent. The car tag is registered in Cape Coral.

The trooper is reportedly in stable condition.

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[CTRL] Israel Finds Radiological Backpack Bomb

2001-10-26 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-


Israel Finds Radiological Backpack Bomb

RICHARD SALE, UPI Terrorism Correspondent,  United Press
International, October 14, 2001

WASHINGTON, Oct 14, 2001 (United Press International via
COMTEX) -- Israeli security last month arrested a man linked to
suspected terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden armed with a
radiological backpack bomb, as he attempted to enter Israel from
the Palestinian Territories via a border checkpoint at Ramallah,
according to U.S. government officials.

The arrest took place during the last week of September, according
to one knowledgeable official who spoke on condition of anonymity.
He declined to give the exact date of arrest. Two other sources
interviewed by UPI confirmed the incident, but also declined to give
further details.

People know how to walk a dog back, one said, meaning that
relating too exact an account could lead to the identification of the
source of the information.

Regarding the arrest, a U.S. government official said: There was
only one individual involved. He was from Pakistan.

Another source said U.S. officials believed that the suspect had
probably gotten to the territories via Lebanon.

Information on the arrest went immediately to U.S. President Bush
and a close circle of advisors, another U.S. official said. He
described the appearance and character of the top-secret report
circulated among the Cabinet members and signed by each official

Former Pentagon terrorism expert, Peter Probst, described a
radiological bomb as a device with a small explosive core that is
encased in radioactive material.  It would not kill a great many
people, but it would contaminate a considerable area with
radiation, he said.

A U.S. government expert said that the weapon captured by Israel
was a backpack device that CIA officials learned about through
Russian intelligence agents in
place in 1995.

He emphasized it was not a so-called nuclear suitcase bomb.
The CIA had intelligence reports from senior Arab intelligence
officials alleging that in October 1998 bin Laden had obtained one
or two nuclear suitcase weapons from a Central Asian republic in
return for $30 million in cash and two tons of heroin worth $70
million - a deal brokered by the Chechen mafia.

Russian Gen. Aleksandr Ivanovich Lebed, a former national
security advisor to then-President Yeltsin acknowledged publicly in
1997 that several nuclear suitcase bombs had disappeared from
Russia's arsenal.

But former CIA counter-terrorism official Vince Cannistraro has no
patience with such accounts: All talk of bin Laden having a nuclear
suitcase bomb is crap, he said.

Cannistraro could not be reached for comment about the backpack

Nuclear suitcase bombs were designed for Soviet Speznatz or
special operations troops to assault and destroy NATO command
and control bunkers in Europe in the event of a NATO-Soviet war.
The devices could not be detonated without matching codes held in
strictest security by Moscow, a former CIA official said.

Backpack bombs have no such codes, but they were also designed
for Spetznetz forces and have such an intricate and complex
system of activation that the ability of a terrorist to detonate one
would be incredibly limited, according to one U.S. government

There is such a complicated sequence you have to perform that
some terrorist isn't going to be able to get it to work. You have to be
very highly trained, an intelligence official agreed, describing the
chances that the device could have been activated as practically

Probst is nevertheless convinced that radiological bombs are still a
danger for New York City. Bin Laden is fascinated by Wall Street.
My fear is that he will attempt to smuggle in some dirty bomb that
wouldn't kill many people but would dangerously contaminate the
area, he said.
Copyright 2001 by United Press International.

Best wishes

Only ugly and filthy Western cultures allow women to be insulted
and dishonoured as a toy.
~~Mohammed Omar  (What he means is that only the West allows
women to be treated as equals.)

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Arrest of second Pak n-expert exposes jehadi bomb trail

2001-10-26 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-


Arrest of second Pak n-expert exposes jehadi bomb trail

HTC and Agencies
(Islamabad/Moscow, October 25)
There is now a nuclear dimension to the Afghan war. A second
retired Pakistani atomic scientist was picked up by Islamabad on
Tuesday night on the suspicion that he was developing a nuclear
device for Osama bin Laden and the Taliban. The arrests followed
tip-offs by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation to the Pakistani

Sultan Bashiruddin Mehmood and Abdul Majeed, both scientists
who had retired from the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission
(PAEC), were picked up after the FBI provided evidence of their
links to jehadi outfits.

The Pakistan Interior Minister, Moinuddin Haidar, said on Thursday
that Bashiruddin was being taken into protective custody. Military
spokesman, Rashid Qureshi, only said the scientist was being

After retirement, Bashiruddin had formed an NGO called Ummah
Tameer-e-Nau (Reconstruction of the Muslim Ummah). This NGO
was affiliated to the Al Rasheed Trust, an organisation banned for
its links with Al-Qaeda network. The NGO was one of the few
allowed by Mullah Muhammad Omar to carry out relief work in

Majeed was the chief engineer of PAEC until last year. Pakistani
press reports said he had been trying to get a hold of supplies of
plutonium and enriched uranium to send to the Taliban.

Bashiruddin was with the PAEC for 35 years. He held many senior
positions, including director of the Kahuta Enrichment Project. He
was also one of the designers of the Khusab nuclear plant in
Punjab. He took early retirement in 1998 to protest moves by
the then Nawaz Sharif government to sign the CTBT, a treaty he
strongly opposed.

Bashiruddin founded Ummah Tameer-e-Nau after vowing to rebuild
Afghanistan. Most of its membership consisted of nuclear scientists
and military officers. Bashiruddin's Islamic fervour was well known,
catching even the attention of Mullah Omar.

The Taliban gave him permission to conclude business agreements
on their behalf. This   strengthened suspicions that Bashiruddin's
NGO was looking for nuclear hardware for Kabul.

He and Majeed had been under investigation by a joint US-
Pakistani intelligence team.

The West is reportedly also concerned about A.Q. Khan, the father
of Pakistan's nuclear bomb. Khan resigned as head of the country's
nuclear programme in March this year. Because he had publicly
expressed sympathy for the jehad movement, it was rumoured
he was joining the fundamentalists.

The detention of the two scientists follows statements by Pakistani
officials, including President Pervez Musharraf, that the country's
nuclear installations and assets were secure.

There have been persistent rumours Bin Laden has sought
weapons of mass destruction —chemical, biological and nuclear.

Pakistan is increasingly seen as a possible source of such
weaponry for the Taliban or Bin Laden. One reason is the large
number of scientists employed by its nuclear programme. The other
is the creeping popularity of the fundamentalist cause among
educated, urban Pakistanis.

In the past, the most likely source was one of the loose nukes
scattered about the ex-Soviet Union. Seven years ago, Russian
agents stopped a planeload of Russian nuclear scientists heading
off to North Korea.

Says Michael Krepon of the Henry Stimson Centre in Washington,
which does research on nuclear security, It is easy to get
fissionable material, but difficult to make a bomb. He points out the
Taliban could just mix nuclear material with RDX. This would
not produce an atomic explosion. But, say other experts, the very
knowledge Kabul has weapons-grade nuclear material could deter
US bombing as Washington would have to fear a terrorist strike
that could leave nuclear contaminants.

Osama’s chain reaction
* Bin Laden has spent $3 million since 1996 to acquire Soviet-
made nuclear suitcase bombs.

* Vladimir Orlov of the Pir Centre, a nuclear security think tank in
Moscow, says one Central   Asian atomic bomb expert works for
Bin Laden.

* US intelligence reports say Bin Laden's agents tried buying
nukes, chemical weapons from Russian mafia groups post
September 11.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] FBI Seeking to Wiretap Internet

2001-10-27 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

Hello to all my friends and fans in domestic surveillance

FBI Seeking to Wiretap Internet



Friday, October   26, 2001
By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos

WASHINGTON — The Federal Bureau of Investigation is seeking
to broaden considerably its ability to tap into Internet traffic in its
quest to root out terrorists, going beyond even the new measures
afforded in anti-terror legislation signed by President Bush Friday,
according to lawyers familiar with the FBI’s plans.

Stewart Baker, an attorney at the Washington D.C.-based Steptoe
 Johnson and a former general consul to National Security
Agency, said the FBI has plans to change the architecture of the
Internet and route traffic through central servers that it would be
able to monitor e-mail more easily.

The plans goes well beyond the Carnivore e-mail-sniffing system
which allows the FBI to search for and extract specific e-mails off
the Internet and generated so much controversy among privacy
advocates and civil libertarians before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
“From the work I’ve been doing, I’ve seen the efforts the FBI has
been making and it suggests that they are going to unveil this in
the next few months,” Baker said of the plan.

FBI Spokesman Paul Bresson said he was unaware of any
development in the e-mail surveillance arena that would require
major architectural changes in the Internet, but acknowledged that
such a plan is possible.

Any new efforts would “would be in compliance with wiretapping
statutes,” Bresson said. “We would be remiss if we didn’t.”
Such a move might have been unthinkable before Sept. 11.
Last year, privacy groups and civil libertarians howled in protest
when the FBI trotted out plans to start using the Carnivore system.
The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) in Washington
was ready to go full rounds with the government in court over
Carnivore, and House Majority Leader Dick Armey, R-Texas, asked
Attorney General John Ashcroft to take another look at its

Now, though, the country is asking for more, not less, law
enforcement on the Internet, and even those who once complained
are coming around.

“I have two minds on this,” says Fred Peterson, vice president of
government affairs for the Xybernaut Corporation, which
manufactures computer technology for military and law
enforcement. The past six weeks have left little doubt in most
peoples’ mind, he said, that new measures must be taken.
“I think that the threat has increased and while (FBI) demands were
unreasonable at a time when the threat was less immediate and
less fatal – it’s just not the same story anymore,” he said.
Others are still skeptical, though not as much.

“I don’t think (FBI) motives are bad, but I do think they’re using
people’s current state of mind – they’re using it to their advantage,”
said Mikal Condon, staff attorney for EPIC.

The new FBI plans would give the agency a technical backdoor to
the networks of Internet service providers’ like AOL and Earthlink
and Web hosting companies, Baker said. It would concentrate
Internet traffic in several central locations where e-mail and other
web activity could be wiretapped.

Baker said he expects the agency will approach the Internet
companies on an individual basis to ask for their help in the

But Jim Harper, staff counsel for privacy advocate Privacilla.org
said the FBI may have a hard time convincing some companies to
redesign the Internet on its behalf. “It’s not really surprising, but I
would be shocked to see if it gets done,” he said. “Restructuring the
Internet? I don’t think so.”

Others say the Internet companies will not put up much of a fight.
Sue Ashdown, executive director of the Washington-based
American ISP Association, an Internet company trade group, said
most Internet companies aren’t healthy enough financially to take
on the government in court to protect their subscribers’ privacy
rights. And no one, she says, wants to appear hostile to law
enforcement right now.

“I know there are a lot of members in the association with feelings
on both sides,” said Ashdown.

“In the current patriotic climate, enterprises of all types will likely
play along with the FBI in order to avoid a public relations disaster,”
said Gene Riccoboni, an Internet attorney with the Stamford,
Connecticut-based Grimes  Battersby.


Best wishes

F.B.I. - Fellowship of Baby Incinerators -???

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[CTRL] Mailed Anthrax Confirmed in Pakistan

2001-10-27 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-


Saturday October 27, 4:50 AM

First case of anthrax linked to suspicious mail confirmed in

A local employee at a foreign bank in the southern Pakistani city of
Karachi has contracted anthrax, the doctor treating him told AFP.

The man was admitted to the private Aga Khan hospital this week
after coming in contact with a suspicious letter at the bank, the
doctor, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said.

The doctor said the patient's contition was not life threatening.

He definitely will not die. His condition is okay. He will be out in a
week or so, the doctor said.

The anthrax case is the first in Pakistan linked to suspicious mail
following a series of similar apparent biological weapon attacks in
the United States.

Fourteen people in the United States have contracted the disease
through either inhalation or the less serious manifestation, skin
anthrax, after spores were sent in the mail.

The attacks began after the September 11 suicide plane terrorist
attacks on New York and Washington but US authorities have not
been able to determine who is behind them.

Aga Khan hospital officials confirmed this week it had received
three possible anthrax samples delivered in letters to at least two
foreign banks in Karachi.

The doctor said early Saturday the man he was treating was the
only person at the hospital to have contracted the disease.

He did not name the bank but said it was a branch of a major
international financial institution located in the business district of
southern Karachi, Pakistan's biggest city and commercial hub.


Best wishes

I believe in compulsory cannibalism. If people were forced to eat
what they killed, there would be no more wars.   ~~ Abbie Hoffman

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Driver questioned, `reeked of suspicion,' but FBI disinterested

2001-10-27 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

Now this is more like the FBI I remember - too busy to worry with
legitimate leads when there are cults  to be tracked down and
burned out of their homes.


Driver questioned, `reeked of suspicion,' but FBI disinterested
by Lance Coleman
of the Daily Times Staff

An Atlanta man of Middle Eastern descent was stopped and
questioned after he almost hit a Blount County Sheriff's Office
cruiser on Hall Road Tuesday night.

What deputies found and how the man acted ``reeked of the odor
of suspicion,'' Chief Deputy Tony Crisp said.

Deputies searched his vehicle and found several valid driver
licenses from Georgia and Tennessee, a Social Security card and
receipts from several cash wire transfers to Pakistan and

Alcoa police had questioned the man earlier in the day at Kroger in
Alcoa when he made a $10,200 wire transfer to Pakistan, the report

Deputy Angie Condee reported at 9:30 p.m., a black Toyota Celica
driving erratically on Hall Road and slowly in the passing lane.

When the vehicle jerked back into Condee's lane and almost struck
the cruiser, Condee stopped the vehicle and spoke with the driver,
her report said.

``The deputy was behind him and he bowed up and stopped in the
road. The vehicle behind the deputy almost hit her by having to
make an abrupt stop, too,'' Crisp said.

Deputy Steve Anderson arrived, then Condee asked and was given
consent to search the man's vehicle.

The deputies found several passports with different names and
several wire transfer records with dates over the last year and
funds sent to Pakistan and Indonesia. He had three different
Georgia licenses -- one temporary, one permanent and one for
identification only -- one Tennessee driver's license (for I.D. only)
and a Social Security card with a different name. The Social
Security number came back not on file.

The 36-year-old man said he was driving his brother's vehicle and
told deputies he was in town to work at an Alcoa restaurant,
officials said.

Crisp said deputies didn't have any idea why the man drove four
hours to work at an Alcoa restaurant, ``and he couldn't articulate
why he was doing that, either.''

The money transferred Tuesday from the Alcoa Kroger was four
different transfers, three for $3,000 and one for $1,000, Crisp said.

The man denied making the transfers, even though his vehicle tag
number matched the tag number of the man who made the Alcoa
Kroger cash transfers, Crisp said.

Sheriff James Berrong, Capt. Jim Long and Sgt. Tim Wilson came
to the scene of Condee's traffic stop. Federal Bureau of
Investigation officials were contacted, but never responded.

Crisp said the man acted suspiciously.

``He never did ask why we stopped him. He could speak English
pretty fluently, but when he felt uncomfortable answering, he would
indicate he couldn't speak very good English,'' Crisp said.

Crisp said the man had records of monthly money transfers to
Indonesia from 1999.

The man followed deputies to the Blount County Jail where he was
photographed, fingerprinted and released as part of the
investigation for criminal impersonation due to information given
about the wire transfers, the report said.


Best wishes

Abuse of any one generally show that he has marked traits of
The stupid and indifferent are passed by in silence.
- Tryon Edwards

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[CTRL] (Fwd) Clintonized FBI Fingers 'Right-Wing Hate Groups' i

2001-10-28 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Saturday Oct. 27, 2001; 2:31 p.m. EDT

Clintonized FBI Fingers 'Right-Wing Hate Groups' in Anthrax Probe

In a move reminiscent of the botched FBI investigations of the
Clinton era, the
bureau is actively pursuing weak leads suggesting right-wing hate
groups are
involved in the recent wave of anthrax attacks on the U.S.

Meanwhile, clear circumstantial evidence pointing to Saddam
Hussein and Osama bin
Laden appears to have been placed on the back burner.

Before the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 the U.S. hadn't suffered a
single case of
inhalation anthrax since 1976.

Still probers continue to insist they see no connection between the
events of that
day and the anthrax-laden letters sent out the next week to every
branch of the U.S.
government, the CIA, the big three network news divisions and the
prominent newspapers from New York to Florida.

Everything seems to lean toward a domestic source, one senior
FBI official told the
Washington Post Saturday. Nothing seems to fit with an overseas
terrorist type

For some victims, such a claim seems more than a little absurd.

Steve Coz, for instance, whose National Enquirer headquarters in
Florida was the
first to be hit with an anthrax attack, complained two weeks ago that
al Qaeda terror
kamikaze pilot Mohamed Atta had been spotted in a local drugstore
with reddened hands
-- a condition he thought could be a symptom of cutaneous anthrax.

Another detail the FBI seems anxious to overlook: The widely
reported visits by Atta
and his coconspirators to Florida airfields where they inquired
about renting
cropdusters and the size of the chemical loads the planes could

The bureau seems none too interested in other potential evidence
that could tie Atta
to the anthrax assault.

In Florida, agents haven't tested cars or residences used by some
of the hijackers,
including those of Mohamed Atta, reported the Wall Street Journal
Thursday. FBI
officials said testing isn't a priority, because they assume that by
now, the
hijackers' cars and apartments would have been cleaned, removing
any trace of

Ken Alibek, who headed up the Soviet Union's biological weapons
program said the
FBI's assumption is wrong. He told the Journal that investigators
should be
conducting extensive testing for anthrax traces in vehicles used by
suspects and in
all places that a suspect resided.

Alibek's advice notwithstanding, Special Agent Rene Salinas told
the paper, At this
time, there are no plans to go back and check (Atta's car and
apartment) for traces
of anthrax.

The FBI's belief that so-called domestic terror groups are behind
the bioterror
scourge is also belied by Friday's reports that anthrax found in a
letter sent to
Sen. Tom Daschle contained bentonite, a substance weapons
experts say is Iraq's

While some analysts point out that bentonite was also used in U.S.
production, the Journal reported Friday that those stocks were
destroyed in the

Dr. Khidhir Hamza, a former top official in Iraq's weapons of mass
program, also disagrees with the FBI's domestic terrorism hunch.

This is Iraq, Hamza told CNBC.

This is Iraq's work. Nobody (else) has the expertise outside the
U.S. and outside
the major powers who work on germ warfare. Nobody has the
expertise and has any
motive to attack the U.S. except Saddam to do this. This is Iraq.
This is Saddam.
(Read NewsMax.com's exclusive report on Dr. Hamza's

Saturday's news that the Czech government now confirms several
meetings betweeen Atta
and a top Iraqi intelligence official in Prague last June -- combined
with reports
last week that bin Laden was able to purchase anthrax from a
factory in the Czech
Republic -- add further legitimacy to suspicions of a foreign
bioterror tie. (See:
Osama Bought Anthrax)

Still, as the evidence mounts of al Qaeda and Iraqi involvement,
the FBI seems
hellbent on looking the other way.

Ultra right-wing organizations -- including a particular West Coast
Group -- have
become a key focus of the massive federal investigation into the
murderous anthrax
attacks, the New York Post reported Thursday.

Our feeling is the anthrax does not point to an international
terrorist group, an
FBI source told the Post for its front page report.

The sentiment was echoed by a Washington Post front page report
two days later:

The FBI and U.S. Postal Inspection Service are considering a wide
range of domestic
possibilities, including associates of right-wing hate groups and
U.S. residents
sympathetic to the causes of Islamic extremists, reported Post star
Bob Woodward.

What actual evidence does the FBI's have of a homegrown anthrax
plot? Not much, at
least if published reports are any indication.

Charges against suspected domestic bioterrorist Larry Wayne
Harris, who was thought
to be targeting Las Vegas with weapons grade anthrax earlier this
year, had to be
dropped after the 

[CTRL] Bin Laden's roots in South Africa

2001-10-28 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-



Bin Laden's roots
in South Africa
Osama's wealth family gives millions to spread fundamental Islam

By Anthony C. LoBaido
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

Recent reports in the Afrikaans language newspaper Rapport
indicate that Osama bin Laden's wealthy family has worked for
years to increase the influence of Islam in South Africa, specifically
in the Zulu-speaking community.

This activity includes giving millions to translate the Koran into Zulu
and converting Zulus in key legal and law-enforcement positions to
Islam fundamentalism.

Yousouf Deedat, 45, of Durban, South Africa confirmed that his
Islamic center received substantial funding from the bin Laden
family and that Deedat family members often traveled to Saudi-
Arabia and had met Osama bin Laden there over the years. They
also claim bin Laden is being turned into a scapegoat by American

Deedat, who triggered a storm when he distributed thousands of
anti-Semitic handbills featuring a picture of Adolf Hitler during the
World Conference Against Racism in Durban last month, said he
and his father first met bin Laden in 1989 in Saudi Arabia and
again in the 1990s while the Deedats were drumming up support
for the Islamic Propagation Center International in Durban.

The Deedats have had close links with the bin Laden family since
first meeting Osama's elder brother, Sheikh Bakr bin Laden, in
1986. Since then, many of the 27 Bin Laden brothers have
contributed generously to the center. The sheikh alone gave the
center $3.1 million over eight years to buy a building, print the
Koran in English and Zulu, and print and distribute Islamic
literature. At least 100,000 Zulu translations of the Koran were
distributed in South Africa, say both Islamic and government

In appreciation, the Deedats named their building on Durban's
Victoria Street after the family in 1988.

Deedat told the South Africa media that bin Laden had also invited
him on a number of occasions to attend his lectures in Saudi

He moved me to tears. He was a man of few words, but when he
spoke in public, he had this magnetic effect on all who listened to
him. Whether he was guilty or not, Deedat said, the U.S. would
always use him as a scapegoat.

Other Muslims in Durban also told the newspapers that they
frequently met bin Laden in Saudi Arabia, where he reportedly
holds regular lectures and maintains close ties with his entire bin
Laden clan.

This information from Durban contradicts claims from U.S.
government sources that bin Laden had been estranged from his
Saudi tribe for many years – and had in fact been living in
Afghanistan. Evidence coming out of South Africa suggests that bin
Laden's entire Saudi family backs his activities completely.

Anthony C. LoBaido is an international correspondent for


Best wishes

God said in the holy Koran that men are better than women.  Why
we settle for that?
-Ahmad al-Baqer, Kuwaiti MP, on announcement that Kuwait's
highest court voted
against women's right to vote and hold public office. (Jan 16, 2001)

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[CTRL] Postal Clerk Dies From Legionnaire's Disease

2001-10-28 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-


Postal Clerk Dies From Legionnaire's Disease
Posted: 9:13 p.m. EDT October 27, 2001
Updated: 9:20 p.m. EDT October 27, 2001

BOCA RATON, Fla. -- A female clerk at a Palm Beach County post
office has died from Legionnaire's disease, but the case appears
isolated and is not a threat to the community, health officials said.
Rosa Anderson, 55, a distribution clerk at the Boca Rio post office,
died at Boca Raton Community Hospital, said Judy Johnson, head
of the American Postal Workers in Miami.

Legionnaire's disease is a respiratory infection that generally
spreads through the inhalation of mist from contaminated water. It
does not spread from person to person.

The disease is treatable, but Anderson arrived at the hospital very,
very sick,'' director of the Palm Beach County Health Department
Dr. Jean Malecki said.

Since Anderson was hospitalized a few days after a man died from
anthrax, she was also tested for the bacteria. Bob Stevens, who
worked for American Media, Inc., in Boca Raton, died of the inhaled
form of anthrax in early October.

Anderson's tests for anthrax came back negative. It was only after
she died that health officials determined she had Legionnaire's

There's no obvious source'' for the disease and there are no new
cases in the area, Malecki said.

We're all very saddened,'' postal service spokeswoman Ellen B.
Bohde said. She was a wonderful employee and she'll missed by
all of our employees.''

Legionnaire's disease was discovered in 1976, when 34 people
died and 221 became ill at an American Legion convention in

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention identified the
bacterium responsible for the outbreak in January 1977, calling it
Legionella pneumophilia.

Copyright 2001 by The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This
material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or

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[CTRL] (Fwd) NYTimes.com Article: Pakistani Intelligence Had Links to

2001-10-29 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

This article from NYTimes.com
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Pakistani Intelligence Had Links to Al Qaeda, U.S. Officials Say

October 29, 2001


WASHINGTON, Oct. 28 - The intelligence service of Pakistan,
a crucial American ally in the war on terrorism, has had an
indirect but longstanding relationship with Al Qaeda,
turning a blind eye for years to the growing ties between
Osama bin Laden and the Taliban, according to American

The intelligence service even used Al Qaeda camps in
Afghanistan to train covert operatives for use in a war of
terror against India, the Americans say.

The intelligence service, known as Inter-Services
Intelligence, or I.S.I., also maintained direct links to
guerrillas fighting in the disputed territory of Kashmir on
Pakistan's border with India, the officials said.

American fears over the agency's dealings with Kashmiri
militant groups and with the Taliban government of
Afghanistan became so great last year that the Secret
Service adamantly opposed a planned trip by President
Clinton to Pakistan out of concern for his safety, former
senior American officials said.

The fear was that Pakistani security forces were so badly
penetrated by terrorists that extremist groups, possibly
including Mr. bin Laden's network, Al Qaeda, would learn of
the president's travel route from sympathizers within the
I.S.I. and try to shoot down his plane.

Mr. Clinton overruled the Secret Service and went ahead
with the trip, prompting his security detail to take
extraordinary precautions. An empty Air Force One was flown
into the country, and the president made the trip in a
small unmarked plane. Later, his motorcade stopped under an
overpass and Mr. Clinton changed cars, the former officials

The Kashmiri fighters, labeled a terrorist group by the
State Department, are part of Pakistan's continuing efforts
to put pressure on India in the Kashmir conflict. The
I.S.I.'s reliance on Mr. bin Laden's camps for training
came to light in August 1998, when the United States
launched a cruise missile attack against Al Qaeda terrorist
camps near Khost, Afghanistan, in response to the bombings
of two American Embassies in East Africa. The casualties
included several members of a Kashmiri militant group
supported by Pakistan who were believed to be training in
the Qaeda camps, American officials said.

Since the attacks on the World Trade Center and the
Pentagon on Sept. 11, the Pakistani government, led by Gen.
Pervez Musharraf, has turned against the Taliban and Al
Qaeda in favor of the United States.

One element in that shift was General Musharraf's decision
to oust the chief of the intelligence service, Lt. Gen.
Mahmood Ahmed, who may have been reluctant to join an
American-led coalition against the Taliban government that
his organization helped bring to power.

Still, American officials said the depth of support within
elements of the I.S.I. for a war on the Taliban and Al
Qaeda remained uncertain, and a former chief of the agency
has become one of the most vocal critics of American policy
in Pakistan.

The former director general, Hameed Gul, complained in an
interview with a Pakistani newspaper that the Bush
administration was demanding that the agency be placed at
the disposal of the Americans, as if it were a mercenary

The I.S.I. is a national intelligence agency, whose
potential and ouput should not be shared or rented out to
other countries, Mr. Gul said.

American officials acknowledged that recent American
policies toward Pakistan had fueled such attitudes. In the
1990's the Central Intelligence Agency failed to maintain
the close ties it had developed with the I.S.I. in the
American agency's covert action program to support the
Afghan rebels fighting the Soviet army of occupation in the

The close personal relationships that had developed between
C.I.A. and I.S.I. officials - General Gul among them -
during the war against the Soviets withered away.

After the Soviets were forced out of Afghanistan, said
Shamshad Ahmad, Pakistan's ambassador to the United Nations
and a former foreign secretary, you left us in the lurch
with all the problems stemming from the war: an influx of
refugees, the drug and gun running, a Kalashnikov culture.

In recent years, in fact, American officials said, the
United States offered few incentives to the Pakistanis to
end their relationship with the Taliban. Washington gave
other issues, including continuing concerns about
Pakistan's nuclear weapons program and its human rights
record, much greater emphasis than the fight against

Those priorities were illustrated by the apathetic reaction
within the United States government to a secret memorandum
by the State Department's chief of counterterrorism in 1999
that called for a new approach to containing Mr. bin Laden.

Written in the the wake of the bombings of 

[CTRL] FBI Missed White Powder in Atta's Car

2001-10-29 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

Monday, Oct. 29, 2001 12:57 p.m. EST

FBI Missed White Powder in Atta's Car

FBI investigators performing anthrax tests on vehicles used by
kamikaze terror pilot Mohamed Atta failed to discover a suspicious
spot of white powder in a rental car he used just two days before the
Sept. 11 attacks.

A Pompano Beach rent-a-car company owner told the Miami Herald
Monday that Atta had rented the 1995 Ford Escort twice - once in
August and again in September.

When the kamikaze terror pilot returned the vehicle, its trunk
contained a teaspoon of unidentified powder, he told the paper.
I don't know what [the powder] is, said Bradley G. Warrick, 48,
owner of Warrick Rent-A-Car and Budget Truck Rental.  I don't
know if it's anything I need to be concerned about.

The 1995 Escort had been in FBI custody for two weeks after the
attacks, but went unchecked for anthrax during that time.

Warrick told the Herald he hadn't alerted the bureau to the white
powder in Atta's vehicle earlier because he assumed they had
discovered it on their own and analyzed it.

But FBI Miami spokeswoman Judy Orihuela was surprised to hear
about the white powder. We were not called out on that, she told
the paper.  I find it hard to believe.

Over the weekend the FBI examined two cars owned by Atta and
another hijacker after reports surfaced revealing investigators had
failed to do so.  Both vehicles tested negative for presence of the
deadly bacterium.

Based on the negative test results for the two vehicles, investigators
had decided not to test Atta's Florida residence for anthrax.
But that decision is expected to change in the wake of news of the
suspicious powder in Atta's rental car.

There's no way to rule innocent men. The only
power government has is the power to crack down on
criminals. When there aren't enough criminals, one
makes them. One declares so many things to be a
crime that it becomes impossible for men to live
without breaking laws.
-- Ayn Rand

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] The Next Pig Thing

2001-10-29 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-


The Next Pig Thing

Canadian researchers have developed a genetically-engineered
pig that could help clean up a major source of water pollution -- but
environmental groups want the swine squelched.
by Leora Broydo Vestel October 26, 2001

Once upon a time there were three little pigs. They were very
special pigs. Their genes were engineered by scientists to make
them less damaging to the environment than any of their swine
brethren. And everybody lived happily ever after.

Or maybe not. The three pigs in question, developed by
researchers in Canada and already patented as 'Enviropigs,'
represent a unique dilemma for environmentalists. Major green
environmental organizations are virtually unanimous in the view
that genetically-modified products should be banned. But the
Enviropigs address a major environmental problem -- one those
same groups have been fighting for years.

At this point, while researchers and pig farmers have extolled the
environmental benefit Enviropigs present, most of the leading
environmental groups aren't following suit. While the hogs' virtues
may be attractive to the green groups, their modified genes
represent a vice too significant to overlook.

The crux of the debate centers around the manure pigs produce.
Modern pig farming often involves raising thousands of swine in a
single facility -- which can in turn generate thousands of tons of
manure every year. That manure is then spread in fields or stored
in lagoons. The contaminants in the manure can spread from
either fields or lagoons into water sources. In 1995, for instance, an
eight-acre hog-waste lagoon in North Carolina burst, spilling 22
million gallons of manure into a nearby river and killing enormous
numbers of fish. Concentrations of manure rank among the
greatest threats to our nation's waters and drinking water supplies,
according to a recent Environmental Protection Agency study.

The Enviropig, developed at the University of Guelph in Ontario
and introduced to the world in August, have been modified so that
their manure contains up ot 75 percent less phosphorus than the
average swine. Several substances in pig manure cause
environmental damage, but phosphorus is one of the major culprits.
The presence of phosphorus in waterways can cause fish kills,
biodiversity loss and foster the growth of toxic organisms,
according to the EPA.

Unlike their predecessors, such as a salmon that are designed to
grow faster, the Enviropig is the first animal engineered for
environmental benefit. Not surprisingly, scientists and pork
industrialists are thrilled, since proposed government limits on
phosphorus output threaten the industry's growth. Ontario Pork, a
trade association representing pig farmers in the Canadian
province, calls the Enviropig the biggest breakthrough in pig
farming since the invention of the trough.

The environmental barriers are the largest in terms of growing as
an industry, says Clare Schlegel, chairman of Ontario Pork, which
represents 4,400 hog farmers in the province and has been a
primary funder of the Enviropig research. [Pork producers] are
being looked at as polluters -- this is one technology to show that
we do care.

Environmentalists aren't buying it. The Sierra Club, which has
made lobbying for controls on pig manure pollution a centerpiece of
its clean water campaign, calls the Enviropig a load of hogwash.

This is just another quick fix, says Laurel Hopwood, chair of
Sierra Club's genetic engineering committee. The way to reconcile
[the problem] is to stop factory farming. Greenpeace and other
environmental groups have echoed the Sierra Club message,
arguing that the only real solution is moving away from massive
industrial-style hog-growing and instead raising fewer pigs in
bigger outdoor spaces.

Other technical fixes also exist. Pigs don't digest most of the
phosphorus in their grain-based diet, so it ends up in their manure.
A new breed of corn, developed by a USDA researcher, reduces
phosphorus in manure by up to 50 percent. A widely practiced
strategy of adding the enzyme phytase to feed can also reduce
phosphorus content by 56 percent.

There are a lot of sustainable agriculture programs that offer real
benefits to food security and to the environment that take far less
resources than the biotech solutions being proposed, says
Michael Khoo of the Union of Concerned Scientists.

The Guelph researchers addressed the problem by modifying the
pigs' digestive abilities. They combined a bacterial gene which
makes an enzyme that breaks down the form of phosphorus found
in pig feed with a mouse gene that causes the enzyme to be
secreted from an animal's mouth. The composite gene was then
injected into one-celled pig embryos that were subsequently
surgically implanted into a surrogate mother.

The results were the first three Enviropigs, which researchers
named Wayne, Jacques and Gordie after famous Canadian hockey
players. Today, Guelph houses more 

[CTRL] (Fwd) Trust the government?

2001-10-30 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

Trust the government?

By Joseph Farah

© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

There's so much news breaking, these days, it's hard to keep up.

It's overwhelming. There's just no precedent for it in my 25 years in
the news business.

One of the recent stories that didn't have legs because of
information overload was one broken by the New York Times Oct.
4. (Too bad that paper's registration doesn't permit direct hotlinks
to important stories like this.)

Security for domestic shipments of surface-to-air missiles, cruise
missiles and other explosives has been so poor that terrorists could
easily obtain them for use in an attack in this country, according to
a classified government report and other confidential records, the
story said.


The article went on to explain that the General Accounting Office
had found stunning lapses in the system for shipping military
explosives around the United States by truck. The GAO
characterized those lapses as posing substantial national security
or public safety risks.

The report was issued in July, but, since Sept. 11, takes on new

Listen to some of the details and conclusions:

  a.. Terrorists could obtain weapons of the U.S. military that are
moved and  temporarily stored in private trucks with little difficulty.

  b.. The U.S. military, unlike Federal Express, often cannot even
identify where  weapons and explosives are when they are being

  c.. Investigators found that a shipment of 192 Stinger missiles was
left in a  civilian storage area without the knowledge of the military
or the contractor who  shipped them.

  d.. Trucking companies transporting weapons are allowed to
leave trucks in  commercial-carrier terminals with few safeguards
from intruders.

  e.. Investigators were able to access missiles and rockets in
storage terminals by  simply flashing phony Defense Department

  f.. Investigators who deliberately tried to raise suspicions were not

  g.. Gates protecting dangerous materials were left unlocked.

  h.. None of the facilities had alarms to detect intrusions.

  i.. A site responsible for storing Hawk surface-to-air missiles left
open its  garage door.

  j.. Five sites containing a full military arsenal – including cruise
missiles,  SAMs, anti-tank rockets, 72 bombs, 14,000 rounds for
howitzers and other explosives  and munitions – were accessible.
Such irresponsibility on the part of government would lead me to
believe it's not aquestion of whether terrorists have obtained such
deadly firepower … it's a question of how much.

It also puts the lie to the assertion that only more federal
government authority and regulation can make us safe.

These people are the problem.

They are inept at best, co-conspirators with the terrorists at worst.

Just so I'm not accused of using 20-20 hindsight to make my case,
let me remind you about the 14 Syrian pilots who were permitted to
attend flight schools in Texas recently. This story was broken by
WorldNetDaily's Washington bureau chief Paul Sperry and widely
disseminated (with little credit, I might add) after Sept. 11. This
incredible oversight took place amid the new awareness of the
terrorist threat.

I submit to you only the federal government could be that dumb or
that corrupt or that complacent about national security threats of
this magnitude.

But, to make matters worse, to my knowledge these Syrians have
still not been given the boot.

Neither has the federal government done a thing yet to secure its

Neither has the federal government done anything to clean up
corruption in the Customs Department that permits trainloads of
material to enter the United States without inspection.

And I'll bet you a dollar to a donut America's military weaponry is
still not under proper guard when it is in transit.

On and on it goes.

Do you think the answer is more centralized authority and more
federal bureaucracy? I don't. I think that's the problem.

But what's the solution?

The American people need to become more self-reliant. They need
to hold their government accountable. They need to take matters
into their own hands. They need to arm themselves and be
prepared to defend themselves. They need to stop looking to
Washington for help and start asserting their proper authority in
local governments.  They need to realize the federal government is
a great albatross around their necks – even, unfortunately, in times
of crisis.


--- End of forwarded message ---

Best wishes

This underground empire is controlled by a handful of people for
money -
that's the only secret of the temple.
 - Investigative reporter Danny Casolaro, prior to his murder by the

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[CTRL] (Fwd) Arab-Christians attacked in Israel

2001-11-01 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---


TEL AVIV, Oct 31, 01 (FIDES/CWNews.com) -- Several students
from a Catholic school in the Holy Land were injured, and three
hospitalized, when they were assaulted and beaten by Jewish
teenagers, the Fides news service has reported. Israeli officials
reportedly declined to press charges against the assailants.

Students from the Terra Santa School in the old town of Jaffa,
adjacent to Tel Aviv, were on a field trip last week when their bus
stopped at a McDonald's restaurant in Beersheba for a lunch break.
Soon several buses of students from a Jewish school arrived, and--
upon hearing the younger Christian children speaking in Arabic--
provoked a fight that soon escalated to include the use of sticks,
stones, and knives.

Father Arturo Vasaturo, OFM, the pastor of the parish where the
Terra Santa School is located, protested that the adults supervising
the Jewish teenagers did not intervene to stop the beating, and
Israeli police who arrived to break up the melee refused to help the
victims identify their attackers.

--Best Wishes

The police aren't here to create disorder, they are
here to preserve disorder. -Mayor Richard Daley

--- End of forwarded message ---

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] New York Post Article on Anthrax Mailings

2001-11-01 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

On 1 Nov 2001 at 13:25, Al Hidell wrote:

 I don't understand
 how anthrax mailed prior to 9/11 would necessarily lead the feds
to think
 it was a domestic group.

It's very necessary if you have someone in your sights and need an
excuse to burn them alive in their homes.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Iraq smuggles agents into Germany via Prague

2001-11-01 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

Iraq smuggles agents into Germany via Prague
By Hugh Williamson and Philipp Jaklin in Berlin
Published: October 31 2001 20:10 | Last Updated: November 1
2001 08:23

Iraq has moved secret agents into Germany as part of illegal
people-smuggling operations, German authorities confirmed on
The agents had been smuggled from eastern European
countries in an operation co-ordinated by Iraqi diplomats in
Prague, the Czech capital.
There is evidence that Iraqis with secret service backgrounds
have infiltrated Germany, helped by professional smuggling
gangs, according to a spokesman for Germany's Agency for
the Protection of the Constitution, Berlin's internal intelligence
The confirmation, and the connection to Prague, may reinforce
allegations of Iraqi involvement in the terrorist attacks in the
US in September.
Stanislav Gross, the Czech interior minister, said last week that
Mohammed Atta, one of the alleged ringleaders of the attacks,
met an Iraqi diplomat in Prague earlier this year.
The diplomat, Ahmad Khalil Ibrahim Samir al-Ani, was later
expelled from the Czech Republic for spying. Prague is
allegedly an important base for the Iraqi secret service.
The German internal intelligence agency had in 1999 identified
efforts by Iraq to move spies into the country, the spokesman
said. There's nothing to suggest that Iraq's approach has
changed since then, he added.
The main activity of Iraqi agents in Germany is to monitor
groups opposed to Saddam Hussein's regime, according to the
internal intelligence agency. No details were available on how
many spies may have entered Germany.
The illegal smuggling of nationals from Iraq, Afghanistan and
other countries via eastern Europe into Germany and other
parts of western Europe has become a main security concern in
recent years. The German-Czech border is a common crossing
point in this process.
A spokesperson for the BND, Germany's international secret
service, said the agency was investigating the problem and was
in contact with the Czech authorities.
German investigators into the terrorist attacks in September
have not published any evidence linking Iraq to the incidents.
Three of the hijackers, including Mr Atta, recently lived in the
northern city of Hamburg.
Some US officials, and other terrorism experts, have pointed to
links between the terrorism network of Osama bin Laden - the
chief suspect behind the attacks - and Iraq.
The Czech government confirmed last week that Mr Atta had
visited Prague at least twice. His most recent visit was by bus
from Germany, arriving in Prague on July 2. He left the city by
air for the US the following day.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Yes, This Is About Islam By SALMAN RUSHDIE

2001-11-02 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

November 2, 2001
Yes, This Is About Islam

LONDON -- This isn't about Islam. The world's leaders have been
repeating this mantra for weeks, partly in the virtuous hope of
deterring reprisal attacks on innocent Muslims living in the West,
partly because if the United States is to maintain its coalition
against terror it can't afford to suggest that Islam and terrorism are
in any way related.

The trouble with this necessary disclaimer is that it isn't true. If this
isn't about Islam, why the worldwide Muslim demonstrations in
support of Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda? Why did those 10,000
men armed with swords and axes mass on the Pakistan-
Afghanistan frontier, answering some mullah's call to jihad? Why
are the war's first British casualties three Muslim men who died
fighting on the Taliban side?

Why the routine anti-Semitism of the much-repeated Islamic
slander that the Jews arranged the hits on the World Trade
Center and the Pentagon, with the oddly self-deprecating
explanation offered by the Taliban leadership, among others, that
Muslims could not have the technological know-how or
organizational sophistication to pull off such a feat? Why does
Imran Khan, the Pakistani ex-sports star turned politician, demand
to be shown the evidence of Al Qaeda's guilt while apparently
turning a deaf ear to the self-incriminating statements of Al Qaeda's
own spokesmen (there will be a rain of aircraft from the skies,
Muslims in the West are warned not to live or work in tall
buildings)? Why all the talk about American military infidels
desecrating the sacred soil of Saudi Arabia if some sort of
definition of what is sacred is not at the heart of the present

Of course this is about Islam. The question is, what exactly does
that mean? After all, most religious belief isn't very theological.

Most Muslims are not profound Koranic analysts. For a vast
number of believing Muslim men, Islam stands, in a jumbled,
half-examined way, not only for the fear of God — the fear more
than the love, one suspects — but also for a cluster of customs,
opinions and prejudices that include their dietary practices; the
sequestration or near-sequestration of their women; the sermons
delivered by their mullahs of choice; a loathing of modern society in
general, riddled as it is with music, godlessness and sex; and a
more particularized loathing (and fear) of the prospect that their
own immediate surroundings could be taken over —
Westoxicated — by the liberal Western-style way of life.

Highly motivated organizations of Muslim men (oh, for the voices of
Muslim women to be heard!) have been engaged over the last 30
years or so in growing radical political movements out of this mulch
of belief. These Islamists — we must get used to this word,
Islamists, meaning those who are engaged upon such political
projects, and learn to distinguish it from the more general and
politically neutral Muslim — include the Muslim Brotherhood in
Egypt, the blood-soaked combatants of the Islamic Salvation Front
and Armed Islamic Group in Algeria, the Shiite revolutionaries of
Iran, and the Taliban. Poverty is their great helper, and the fruit of
their efforts is paranoia. This paranoid Islam, which blames
outsiders, infidels, for all the ills of Muslim societies, and whose
proposed remedy is the closing of those societies to the rival
project of modernity, is presently the fastest growing version of
Islam in the world.

This is not wholly to go along with Samuel Huntington's thesis
about the clash of civilizations, for the simple reason that the
Islamists' project is turned not only against the West and the
Jews, but also against their fellow Islamists. Whatever the public
rhetoric, there's little love lost between the Taliban and Iranian
regimes. Dissensions between Muslim nations run at least as deep,
if not deeper, than those nations' resentment of the West.

Nevertheless, it would be absurd to deny that this self-exculpatory,
paranoiac Islam is an ideology with widespread appeal.

Twenty years ago, when I was writing a novel about power
struggles in a fictionalized Pakistan, it was already de rigueur in the
Muslim world to blame all its troubles on the West and, in
particular, the United States. Then as now, some of these criticisms
were well-founded; no room here to rehearse the geopolitics of the
cold war and America's frequently damaging foreign policy tilts, to
use the Kissinger term, toward (or away from) this or that
temporarily useful (or disapproved-of) nation-state, or America's
role in the installation and deposition of sundry unsavory leaders
and regimes. But I wanted then to ask a question that is no less
important now: Suppose we say that the ills of our societies are not
primarily America's fault, that we are to blame for our own failings?
How would we understand them then? Might we not, by accepting
our own responsibility for our problems, begin to learn to solve
them for ourselves?


[CTRL] Nazis tied to anthrax attacks

2001-11-10 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-


Nazis tied to anthrax attacks
FBI sources see links between Hezbollah, fugitive Germans

Editor's note: DEBKAfile's electronic news publication is a news-
cum-analysis live wire, online round the clock seven days a week. A
weekly edition, DEBKA-Net-Weekly, is now available through
WorldNetDaily.com. Drawing on DEBKAfile's unique sources,
analytical talents and forward-looking insights, it is presented as a
compact, intelligence-angled weekly package. It is available as a
direct e-mail feed or via the Internet.

© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

Fresh foreign leads in the FBI's anthrax investigation point to the
involvement of one or more German or Austrian biological or
chemical researchers with pro-Nazi leanings – part of a complicated
South American web linked to the Hezbollah and fugitive Nazi
communities, some of whom are also connected to Iraqi military
intelligence, say intelligence sources of DEBKA-Net-Weekly.

One or more researchers are thought to have entered the United
States and found jobs with American industrial laboratories or
research institutes, setting up clandestine private biological warfare
labs in their spare time, the report says.

Last month, a group of 10 terrorists was caught in Mexico City on its
way to assassinate Mexican President Vicente Fox and carry out a
mass strike in the Mexican Senate. They were found by U.S. and
Mexican investigators to be a Lebanese Hezbollah gang, preparing
to celebrate the first month’s anniversary of their ally’s feats in New
York and Washington by hitting one of America’s foremost allies on
the continent.

The terrorists reached Mexico from the Brazil-Uruguay-Paraguay
triangle, fresh from training at the hands of German neo-Nazis. They
could not say if their instructors were linked to Arab or Islamic
intelligence agencies, but a description of one of those instructors
rang a bell – he sounded like one of the suspects long sought in
connection with the Hezbollah bombings of the Israeli Embassy and
Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires in 1993 and 1994.

Imad Mugniyeh, the notorious hostage-taker and bomber of Beirut in
the 1980s, is now believed to have masterminded those strikes.
Currently a senior commander of al-Qaida, Mughniyeh is thought to
have developed neo-Nazi contacts in Latin America through local
Lebanese expatriate businessmen. Various agencies, including the
FBI, are now probing his possible complicity in the bioterror attack
on America, in view of the evidence of his involvement in the Sept.
11 atrocities in New York and Washington and his links to neo-Nazi
elements in South America.

At the same time, Iraqi military intelligence is also known to be very
active in Latin America throughout the Arab and Nazi expatriate

Subscribe to DEBKA-Net-Weekly


Best wishes

Beware of isms, for they breed ists. - Stewart Brand

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Times of India Online

2001-11-10 Thread klewis
Title: TOIonline

TOIonlineWhile surfing I found this click that made me tick at The Times of India online. This site offers us complete Access to the World of News and Information.I thought you too might wanna check it out!ISI is treacherous, Bhutto warns West Check This Out!!!

[CTRL] Digital moles in White House

2001-11-10 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-


Digital moles in White House?
Terrorists had top-secret presidential codes
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

Air Force One is next, read the message received by the U.S.
Secret Service at 9 a.m. Sept. 11, after two hijacked planes struck
the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York.

Three minutes later, Secret Service agents grabbed Vice President
Dick Cheney from his seat opposite a television set in the White
House and hustled him down to the president's emergency
operations center, a bunker built to withstand a nuclear blast.

The terrorists' message threatening Air Force One was transmitted
in that day's top-secret White House code words. As the clock
ticked away, the Secret Service reached a frightening conclusion:
The terrorists had obtained the White House code and a whole set
of top-secret signals.

This made it possible for a hostile force to pinpoint the exact
position of Air Force One, its destination and its classified
procedures. In fact, the hijackers were picking up and deciphering
the presidential plane's incoming and outgoing transmissions.

The discovery shocked everyone in the president's emergency
operations center – Cheney, National Security Adviser Condoleezza
Rice and Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta. Their first
question was: How did the terrorists access top-secret White House
codes and procedures? Is there a mole, or more than one enemy
spy in the White House, the Secret Service, the FBI, the CIA or the
Federal Aviation Administration?

In the week after the attacks in New York and Washington, more
hair-raising facts emerged. The terrorists had also obtained the
code groups of the National Security Agency and were able to
penetrate the NSA's state-of-the-art electronic surveillance systems.
Indeed, they seemed to have at their disposal an electronic
capability that was more sophisticated than that of the NSA.

This startling observation came as no surprise to those tracking the
globe-spanning investments of Saudi Arabia's bin Laden family and
those of its exiled son, Osama, in some of the world's biggest and
most advanced satellite and telecommunications companies.

Bin Laden also has the NSA beat on the employment front, hiring
the best computer experts on the market. One such is Nabil Khan
Kani, a Syrian who lived in Barcelona with his Spanish wife, Jenna
Florine, in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

No one ever suspected what the amiable Syrian was really up to
until January 2000, when FBI agents found two apartments he used
thousands of miles from Barcelona, in the Bab el-Shabaa district of
Saana, Yemen. The apartments served as transit points for
Egyptians suspected of operational links with the Egyptian Islamic
Jihad and Algerians connected with the Armed Islamic Group, or
GIA. There, investigators turned up nine fake identity cards in
different names, all with Kani's photo, Spanish, Italian, French and
Sudanese passports, likewise with the same photo but in different
names, and two pistols fitted with silencers.

Kani must have used yet another alias for his getaway. His
whereabouts are unknown to this day. Computer and terrorism
experts suggest that the missing Syrian computer whiz was the
author of the technology known as steganography, as first described
in the Washington Post yesterday. This technology enables users to
bypass electronic monitoring by hiding messages randomly in
seemingly innocent digital files, such as music files, those of the
popular online marketplace eBay, pornographic files or even e-mail
headers. Scrambled with the help of basic encryption tools, they can
only be read by those with a key. These messages leave no trace
of their presence.

U.S. intelligence has been unable to trace their authors and
recipients in the three years since first detecting evidence of their
existence in the files of the bin Laden organization. U.S. agencies
now believe that the attacks in New York and Washington were
coordinated through those encrypted electronic messages, which
were opened by key holders.

They also believe that terrorists are in possession of all or part of the
codes used by the Drug Enforcement Administration, the National
Reconnaissance Office, Air Force Intelligence, Army Intelligence,
Naval Intelligence, Marine Corps Intelligence and the intelligence
offices of the State Department and Department of Energy.

Intelligence and counter-terror sources report that, while rescuers in
New York and Washington were sifting through rubble inch by inch,
US government experts were changing codes one-by-one – and
even more difficult, replacing procedures and methods of
encryption. The nagging question of a mole in the highest reaches
of the U.S. government and intelligence community – with direct or
indirect links with bin Laden – remains. Since no single individual
has access to every top-level code at any given time – a single mole
would not answer the case; it would have to be a 

[CTRL] (Fwd) 4000 Zimbabwe Farmers to be Evicted

2001-12-05 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
According to this article, the government of Zimbabwe
is moving to destroy domestic agriculture while
simultaneously requesting millions of dollars worth of
food aid from the UN.

4,000 Zimbabwe farmers to be evicted

ZIMBABWE announced new measures yesterday to enable the
Government to nationalise up to 90 per cent of all
white-owned land at the stroke of a pen -- a move
expected to wipe out next year's crops almost totally.

With immediate effect, 800 farmers have been given
three months' notice to get off their land. The owners
will be confined to their homes during the three
months while their properties are occupied by black
settlers, Patrick Chinamasa, the Justice Minister,

Every other white-owned farm that has been formally
notified -- about another 3,700 properties -- that the
Government intends to take will also be issued with
eviction orders, he said.

The first result will be that nearly all Zimbabwe's
commercial farmers will cancel their cropping and
livestock plans for the cropping season just started,
experts said. About 22 million acres, nearly all of it
intensively farmed, will fall out of production almost

It is suicide, John Robertson, an independent
economist, said. Anything that has been planted will
go to waste. Gross domestic product will be cut
by half. It will make us equal to the poorest countries
in the world. These are the actions of madmen.

On Friday the Government passed a decree under
President Mugabe's sweeping presidential powers that
provided almost state-of-emergency authority.

Any farm issued with a notice of acquisition becomes
state property immediately. The Government can move
settlers in and the owner is immediately banned from
any farming. Mr Chinamasa refused to say how long it
would take for the regime to sign all the orders for

The Commercial Farmers' Union would not comment
immediately, but one senior official said privately:
This is very, very serious.

The announcement came as the United Nations prepared to
respond to the Government's appeal two weeks ago for
nearly $365 million in emergency relief for serious
famine that has already begun. With food stocks due to
run out by the end of January, one million people are
already in dire need of food.

The decree is seen as the final act in Mr Mugabe's
campaign effectively to end any significant white
presence in the countryside and to avenge the
confiscation of land from blacks by white settlers, who
began arriving 110 years ago.

Copyright 2001 Times Newspapers Ltd.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2001-12-07 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

By Jim Rarey

December 6, 2001


It has too often been the case in the last decade or so, the truth
important events is first published either on the Internet or in a
newspaper. And it usually is in direct contradiction to the
leaks from knowledgable but unidentified government officials
by the mainstream media. The subject of mailed anthrax has
followed this

Many (too many) Americans will only accept facts when they see
them on the
eleven o’clock network news or read them in the establishment
e.g. The New York Times, Washington Post or Los Angeles Times.
One of the
earliest bits of misinformation that probably resulted in several
deaths was
the assurance that those not in the vicinity where the envelope
the anthrax spores was opened had nothing to worry about.

That had to be revised when victims hundred of miles from the
capitol came
down with anthrax poisoning. Cross contamination was finally
but the danger was downplayed contending that treatment with
Cipro (and
later other antibiotics) was 100% effective in those cases.

We were told that inhalation of anthrax would require a
concentration of
eight to ten thousand spores in the lungs to be potentially fatal. We
told initially that the anthrax mailed was crude in form and could
have been used by foreign terrorists. This was reinforced by
showings of the crude lettering on the envelopes on TV.

As test results began to filter out, the focus of the media changed to
weaponization of anthrax spores, i.e. milling them down to a
diameter of
one to three microns. (A micron is one millionth of a meter.) This
a degree of expertise beyond that of a single individual without
access to a
fairly sophisticated laboratory.

After a spate of speculation in the media that a right wing fanatic
might have been responsible, the FBI released a profile of its
Predictably, they postulated a loner who may have worked in a
and acquired a couple of test tubes of anthrax he kept in his
basement for
all these years. After the 911 tragedy this person, for his own
might have mailed the anthrax.

As test results confirmed the (Ames) strain of anthrax used in the
attention began to focus on the army’s top-secret bioweapon
laboratory at
Fort Detrick, Maryland. The Ames strain is one of the most virulent
strains available and was in high demand both for developing
weapons and
vaccines to protect against all strains. Ft. Detrick’s records are
incomplete but it is known to have furnished the Ames strain to
Porton Down laboratory, a number of university and private labs and
to Iraq.

During the cold war, Ft. Detrick, Britain’s Porton Down, Russia and
Africa produced and stockpiled large amounts of toxic biological and
chemical weapons including anthrax. In 1969, in contemplation of a
signed in 1972, President Nixon ordered Ft. Detrick to cease
production and
destroy the stockpiles. Although research and development was
done at Ft.
Detrick, the actual production and storage was at the army’s facility
in the
Pine Bluffs Redstone Arsenal in Arkansas.

Now, some thirty years later, the U.S. Government appears to be
relying on
the expertise of two cold war bioweapon veterans, Dr.’s William C.
III, and Kenneth Alibek, President and CEO of Advanced
Biosystems Inc.

Patrick was in charge of the anthrax weaponization program at Ft.
He developed a process that resulted in anthrax far more potent
than that
known to have been produced by Britain or Russia. He holds five
patents on the process. The army’s anthrax comprised up to one
spores per gram, double the amount other programs reached. To
put that in
perspective, if 10,000 spores is a lethal dose, then the two grams
said to
have been in the envelope addressed to Senator Daschle had
enough for 200
million lethal doses. A gram is just one-twenty-eighth of an ounce.

But even the 8 to 10 thousand spore number is misleading the
according to Edgar W. Bud Larson, one of several other Ft. Detrick
veterans who granted on the record interviews to Scott Shane of the
Baltimore Sun. Larson says that number (which he helped develop)
is an
average for lethal doses. Depending on several factors, 100 spores
or less
could be fatal. Larson was head of the aerobiology division at
Another veteran of the biowars, Norman M. Covert, adds that their
experiments showed that spores of one to four microns easily
escaped from
ordinary envelopes, which have pores of ten microns.

Another former Detrick expert is Manuel S. Barbeito who was in
charge of
decontaminating 75 to 100 buildings at Ft. Detrick after the program
shut down. He has doubts about the chlorine dioxide cleanup
method that the
EPA has chosen 

Re: [CTRL] Illuminati- Prime Directives

2001-09-03 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

On 2 Sep 2001 at 22:20, William Shannon wrote:

 all forms of bacteria, diseases and microbes.
 can eventually produce a soup of the most deadly viruses

The author obviously is not one of those with the required biology

Best wishes

PETA - People Eating Tasty Animals

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] US walks out of racism conference

2001-09-03 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-


World News : last updated, September 03, 2001 18:17
 US walks out of racism conference
The US has walked out of the World Conference Against Racism
after failure to reach a compromise over moves to condemn Israel
and Zionism.
US Secretary of State Colin Powell has issued a
statement denouncing language proposed for the UN meeting's
final declaration which condemned Israel.
Israel is also
withdrawing its delegation, says Foreign Minister Shimon Peres.
US delegate Tom Lantos, a Democratic congressman said he
expected several other nations to also withdraw from the
conference in Durban, South Africa.

Sharon to explain role to Putin
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon aims to enlist support over the
Middle East peace crisis as he starts a four-day visit to
The prime minister wants to build on the relationship
between the two nations and explain Israel's outstanding need to
fight against terror during talks with Russian President Vladimir
Putin, says aide Raanan Gissin.
Russia has largely left the Middle
East stage to the United States despite being co-sponsor of the
peace process. Arab leaders including Jordan's King Abdullah II, in
Moscow last week, have urged Russia to get more involved.

 Court go-ahead to move boat people
The Australian military operation to remove 438 refugees from a
cargo boat off Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean is expected to
begin within hours.
The refugees, mainly Afghans will be
transferred from the boat to a troop ship that will then depart for
Papua New Guinea.
The transfer and departure have been given
the go-ahead after an Australian federal court lifted an injunction
which had been stopping the transfer of the boat people and their
removal from Australian waters.

Government HQ blast kills one
An explosion has ripped through the headquarters of the Russian-
backed government in Chechnya during a Cabinet meeting, killing
at least one person.
Several wounded people have been taken to
hospital although no news of their condition has emerged. No one
in the Cabinet meeting was injured, according to the Interfax news
The blast appears to have been timed to coincide with a
meeting of top officials in the building, situated in the capital

War crimes chief seeks more suspects
The chief UN war crimes prosecutor is in Belgrade to seek more
extraditions of suspects, including Serbian figurehead president
Milan Milutinovic.
But Carla Del Ponte faces a daunting mission -
Serbian officials have indicated they are unwilling to comply with
her demands to extradite all of the 15 war crimes suspects who are
still at large in Serbia.
Del Ponte can demand whatever she
wants, but the Serbian government doesn't have to discuss it, says
the dominant Yugoslav republic's justice minister Vladan Batic.

Ethnic Albanian politician murdered
Gunmen in Kosovo have shot and killed an ethnic Albanian
politician with alleged ties to Slobodan Milosevic and other
Yugoslav authorities.
Qerim Ismajli was killed when unknown
assailants shot through the front door of his house in the village of
Gornje Godance, 25 kilometres miles southwest of Pristina.
47-year-old was a member of the Kosovo Democratic Initiative, a
political group that had close links to Milosevic, the former
Yugoslav president.

Community shocked after shark kills boy
The Virginia Beach community is in a state of shock after a shark
killed a 10-year-old boy in the first fatal shark attack in the US this
Beachgoers are staying ashore and authorities are patrolling
local waters following the weekend tragedy - the first in the area in
30 years.
David Peltier, of Richmond, Virginia, suffered a 17-inch
gash to his left leg in the attack and lost a huge amount of blood
from a severed artery. He died in a Norfolk hospital.

South Korean sympathiser loses vote
South Korea's parliament has passed a no-confidence motion
against the Cabinet minister in charge of policy towards North
The vote is a blow to President Kim Dae-jung's so-called
sunshine policy of engaging North Korea, which helped him win
the Nobel Peace Prize last year.
It follows a North Korean
proposal to resume stalled talks, which the South says will help
restore the reconciliation process that began with an inter-Korean
summit last year.

 Man charged over Arctic ship death
A Norwegian with a history of mental illness has been charged with
murdering a 69-year-old tourist who fell from a ship cruising in
Arctic waters.
Myrtha Vogt, from New Mexico, was quickly pulled
out of the icy waters of the Norwegian Sea but was already
Police first believed the death was accidental until
witnesses described a man who had been acting strangely and had
been seen near the woman.

 Minister's Majorcan frolic is excused
Germany's defence minister, caught frolicking with his girlfriend in a
Majorca after a flight at taxpayers' expense, appears secure in his

[CTRL] The Fix Is In: Police Tell Intern's Brother, Your Sister May Have Committed Suicide

2001-09-03 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-


The Fix Is In: Police Tell Intern's Brother, Your Sister May Have
Committed Suicide
News/Current Events Breaking News News Keywords:
Source: EtherZone
Published: 08/04/01 Author: Todd Brendan Fahey
Posted on 09/03/2001 09:20:37 PDT by gobshite
The Fix Is In:
D.C. Cops Tell Intern's Brother, Your Sister May Have Committed
by Todd Brendan Fahey
The cover-up has begun. It was only ever a question of how.
My stomach dropped this morning, upon reading that Washington
D.C. police have met for the first time with the brother of another
dead, dark-haired, 20something intern, Joyce Chiang, who had
become an attorney for Department of Immigration and
Naturalization Services (INS), to tell him: Your sister may have
committed suicide.
As reported August 31 by WJLA TV, Channel 7 (an ABC affiliate),
Roger Chiang--whose sister's decayed corpse was found along a
stony embankment on the Potomac River, three months after she
had gone missing at 1:00am from a Dupont Circle-area Starbucks
coffeehouse--was summoned to a meeting with D.C. police. There,
in their first meeting since Ms. Chiang's disappearance in 1999,
Assistant D.C. Police Chief Terrance Gainer also had the temerity
and recklessness to state to Mr. Chiang that there is no
connection between your sister's death and the disappearance of
Chandra Levy.
Where I come from, and where I've been, this says to Mr. Chiang:
Son, stay away from this; you are not wanted here; go quietly and
you'll be much better off.
Further, police sources are now trotting out the theory that Ms.
Chiang was distraught upon the sudden breakoff of her relationship
with an INS investigator, and that Ms. Chiang was spreading
scurrilous information about her lost-lover (the Clintonian nuts-and-
sluts routine rears its head again). (Recall, that, for a time, Chandra
Levy told friends and relatives that she was dating an FBI agent,
who, in fact, turned out to be Gary Condit.) Roger Chiang, who
shared a Dupont Circle area apartment with his sister, stated
recently to Greta Van Susteren on CNN that the relationship-in-
question was an old one, that it had ended months before her
disappearance, and that his sister displayed no signs of sadness in
the recent days and up to the very morning of her disappearance,
when he last saw her--nor was he ever interviewed by D.C. police,
in the months following her disappearance.
Mr. Chiang, for his part, rejects police speculation of suicide,
One -- the tear in my sister's jacket; two -- the hair DNA samples
that were found on the jacket, three -- the anonymous page she
received from a pay phone at Dulles Airport the night she turned up
missing, Chiang says. [Of this last point, on Joyce Chiang's
beeper, which remained in her apartment after her disappearance,
was a call which D.C. police eventually traced to a pay phone at
Washington's Dulles International Airport; the caller was never
He also points to the message that was painted on the wall of a
building behind the Dupont Circle Starbucks where Joyce was last

It reads, 'Good day J.C. May I never miss the thrill of being near
you.' And Gainer didn't know about it, Chiang says. I don't think
that the analysis and investigation into my sister's case was good
and thorough. And so that was what our meeting was about. And
Gainer was very receptive. (italicized text via Horace Holmes,
reporter, WJLC Channel 7)
Chandra Levy's body has not been found; FBI sources report that
there are no new leads being considered in the Joyce Chiang
death (read: The Case Is Closed), and D.C. police are confident
enough about the outcome of these matters to be able to report to
Roger Chiang that there is no connection between his sister's
death (a bizarre disappearance of a vivacious young woman, who
had just returned from dinner with friends and insisted upon being
let out of the car, so that she could walk the rest of the way home,
on a frozen January evening in D.C.; who stopped into Starbucks,
intersection of Connecticut and R streets, to make a phone call and
whose living entity was never seen again, the corpse being
discovered by a paddling canoeist in Fairfax county months later)
and that of Chandra Levy.
Which is so much bunkum. Shattering the suicide theory:
--Joyce Chiang's government identification card and torn jacket
were found in Anacostia Park the day after her disappearance.
--Ms. Chiang's office during much of her internship with Rep.
Howard Berman (D-CA) was directly adjacent to that of the office of
Congressman Gary Condit.
--Chandra Levy was (also) told by Gary Condit to keep any
identification off her person during their rendezvous.
No person with two functioning neurons left in his skull should
ignore the glaring portion of Gary Condit's letter to constituents,
which reads:
I pray that she has not met the same fate as the other young
woman who have disappeared from the same neighborhood.
Crime-TV show host 

[CTRL] Campground Owner Fatally Shot by FBI Agent After Four-Day Standoff

2001-09-04 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

Campground Owner Fatally Shot by FBI Agent After Four-Day Standoff
The Associated Press
Published: Sep 3, 2001

VANDALIA, Mich.  (AP) - A campground owner facing drug and weapons charges
was fatally shot by an FBI agent Monday night after a four-day standoff,
authorities said.

Grover T.  Crosslin, 47, was shot and killed after he walked out of a
building with a rifle and pointed it at the agent, Cass County Sheriff
Joseph Underwood Jr.  said in a news release Monday night.  The FBI did not
immediately return calls for comment.

Crosslin became agitated after authorities brought a phone to him in an
attempt to begin negotiations, Underwood said.  Crosslin asked to speak with
a third party, and when authorities denied the request, he began making
threatening remarks and gestures, the sheriff said.

Crosslin left the building with another man and began walking around outside
the building with his weapon.

Crosslin approached an area where an FBI observer had been stationed, and
upon seeing the FBI observer, Crosslin immediately raised the weapon to
shoulder height and pointed it directly at the agent, Underwood said.

The FBI agent shot Crosslin once, the sheriff said.

A judge had signed a warrant Monday charging Crosslin with attempted
destruction of an aircraft and using a firearm in a felony, Clenney said.

Authorities alleged Crosslin, who owns the southwest Michigan campground
called Rainbow Farm, shot a news helicopter from WNDU-TV in nearby South
Bend, Ind., as it flew overhead Friday.  Shots also were fired at an
unmarked state police plane Saturday but missed, police said.  Both aircraft
landed safely without injuries.

The situation began Friday when deputies went to the farm after neighbors
said Crosslin was burning buildings on his property, which is the target of
civil forfeiture proceedings.  It appears a house and four main buildings on
the campground property have been burned since then, Underwood said.

Deputies said they believe Crosslin was upset about a bond revocation
hearing scheduled for Friday.  It was set because police believed he was
violating the terms of his release on bond on previous drug and weapon
A bench warrant was issued for his arrest when he didn't show up at the

Authorities arrested Crosslin and five others in May after a two-year
investigation into allegations of marijuana use at the 34-acre campground,
Underwood said.

Crosslin was charged with felony possession of a firearm, growing marijuana
and maintaining a drug house.

A court order issued in June prohibited Crosslin from having festival
gatherings at the farm, whose Web site says it supports the medical,
spiritual and responsible recreational uses of marijuana for a more sane and
compassionate America. Police allege he violated the order by holding a
festival August 17-18, which prompted the bond hearing.

About a mile away from the campground, about a half-dozen people displayed
placards in support of Crosslin and Rainbow Farm.

Crosslin's attorney, Dori Leo, said her client was upset because a child he
helped raise has been taken from the home he shares with a friend.

The boy was placed in foster care about a month or two ago after Crosslin
and the friend, Rolland Rohm, were charged with the drug counts, Leo told
the South Bend (Ind.) Tribune.

Related links:





Best wishes

Well all of my friends are stoned lord
All of my friends are stoned
Janie got stoned cause she couldn't get boned
But we're all gonna die someday
~~Kasey Chambers

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] The Illuminati Strikes Back

2001-09-04 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

  When the Vatican decided to have the VIA (Vatican Intelligence
   ordered the liquidation of one of our dear friends, John F.
   he was preparing to expose the Church and the Jesuits,

Another story is that he was preparing to put the US back on the
gold standard and revoke the Federal Reserve's charter.

Best wishes

'Say what you like about my bloody murderous government,' I says,
don't insult me poor bleedin' country.' -Edward Abbey

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2001-09-04 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-


By: Barbara Stanley

I watched in horror as the BATF sacrificed a motorcycle cop to excuse their
burning down a house with a suspect in it. That’s right: a suspect! Not a
murderer, not someone who wasn’t easy to nab on the street (like Koresh
could have been nabbed) while going for the daily paper. And to top it off, the
home of this ‘suspect’ was burned to the ground, while robot water cannons
sprayed the neighbors’ homes. Will I ever know just who’s bullet was taken
from the slain officers head; will I ever know why he was called in to assist
a SWAT team when it is usually the other way around? I always thought if the
local p.d. couldn’t get the job done, they called in the SWAT team, but not
in this case, if the reporting sequence is to be believed. Did the BATF need
a reason and this officer’s life was it, to apply their own kind of justice?
I saw several tear gas canisters tossed into the house and what appeared, by
the flash of bright, quick light, to be a flash-bang grenade and soon
thereafter, the house was involved in fire. Did the firefighters work to
extinquish the flames with their safely distanced water hoses? Nope. After
all, the BATF cannot afford any evidence, can they? Is this the instant
justice that awaits anyone who is on their list?

Ok, W, time to step up to the plate and scrap the bullyboys in black shirts.
Reno ain’t at DOJ anymore and the corrupt Clinton team isn’t in charge. How
did this happen? Was the suspected cache of guns illegal? Is anyone who
owns more than one gun safe in their homes? Is he really a felon as the BATF
claim? Is anyone comfortable taking anything the BATF says as gospel? Will
the fire department stand by and watch an American citizen burn alive as they
become complicit in this street justice? Will your neighborhood be next? Did
the BATF consider the neighbors while they fired live rounds in their

Maybe the BATF first put up a red-haired, pony-tailed black woman to spout
their nonsense because no one would say anything about that protected
minority class and maybe the BATF later put up what looked like a muscle man
to give some non-answers and, perhaps, propagandize with, finally, a
spokesman for the local police, but I’m not buying it. A suspect is dead. His
property is burned to the ground. The evidence is as gone with the wind as
was in the case of Waco and the Murrah Building… so many questions, so few
answers but too much bad conduct. This should scare the bejeezus out of

How interesting that the suspect is not around to give his side of the story.
How convenient that the evidence is rubble. I completely expect the ashes to
yield only what the BATF want them to yield and their investigation is surely
suspect from here on out. As suspect as from the very beginning, shades of
Waco and Oklahoma City. Only this time, the actual trial was scrapped for the
instant burn-down after the dust-up.

Will Americans stand for this? Will Americans even know? I checked around
the major media at the six o’clock news hour, and aside from Hillary Clinton
discussing produce and supermarkets (as if she would know), heard nothing
about this travesty. What I would have thought was a first story, never even
showed up on the radar as local news bumped the Santa Clarita pogrom.

Even Fox news is saying, “This is nothing like Waco”. Oh, really? And just
what leads them to make this claim? Haven’t we had enough of police
standoffs? Haven’t we had enough of shoot first and ask questions later? Is
any American safe? While Rita Cosby continues on about Condit, sounding
like Dan Ackroyd doing Julia Childs, will anyone get to the bottom of this horror
and make the BAFT accountable? I’m not holding my breath if the first reports
are any indication of what is to come. Will this story cool on the ashes of
someone’s home and life?

We all know about the goon squad’s penchant to get an address wrong and
destroy the innocent lives of non-criminals. But, with the current gun laws
that obviate the Constitutional protections to own firearms, is anyone safe
anymore? What happened to getting a day in court? Would you not defend
your own home should the BATF goons break down your door? Is it time for
Americans to scream down the rafters and demand answers? Will some illiterate
Goon squad misread your address and destroy your life someday?

Innocent until proven guilty? Not as long as the BATF has their way. Break
out the tear gas and let’s get it on, their new motto. 

[CTRL] China offers access deal to News Corp and AOL

2001-09-04 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-


China offers access deal to News Corp and AOL
By James Kynge and Robert Thomson in Beijing
Published: September 4 2001 18:42GMT |Last Updated:
September 4 2001 23:29GMT

China is set to allow News Corporation and AOL Time Warner
access to its domestic television audiences in return for their
agreeing to distribute a Chinese government-sponsored channel in
the US.
International broadcasters have fought for more than two decades
to gain access to the Chinese market. Approval would be a
particular triumph for Rupert Murdoch, chief executive of News
Xu Guangchun, the Chinese minister responsible for radio, film and
television, said that it was his intention to allow both companies
access to cable viewers in southern China. We should say that
[broadcasting by News Corp and AOL Time Warner] in a restricted
area in Guangdong province would be fine, Mr Xu said.
He said the only outstanding issue was whether News Corp and
AOL Time Warner would ensure that a China Central Television
channel would be widely available in the US.
It is understood negotiations are far advanced for a general
entertainment channel from News Corp's Star TV network to be
carried in Guangdong, China's most prosperous province, which
neighbours Hong Kong. Permission to broadcast in China will be
particularly sweet for Mr Murdoch, who has spent the past eight
years repairing a reputation damaged by his 1993 statement that
satellite TV represents an unambiguous threat to totalitarian
He dropped the BBC from the Star network in 1994 after a series of
unflattering documentaries on China's politics and social problems
invoked the government's wrath. Earlier this year, James Murdoch,
his younger son and head of operations for News Corp in Asia,
pleased the Chinese authorities with strong criticism of the
outlawed mystic movement, Falun Gong.
Foreign companies have been banned from directly broadcasting
into China, apart from in some tourist hotels and foreign residential
China's intention to allow News Corp and AOL Time Warner
access to the domestic television market represents an
unprecedented liberalisation in one of its most closed industries.
AOL Time Warner said: We've been in positive and constructive
discussions with the Chinese government to get increased access
for China Entertainment Television in China.


Best wishes

The evil that men do lives on the front pages of greedy
newspapers, but
the good is oft interred apathetically inside.
 -Brooks Atkinson (1894-1984)
  _Once Around the Sun_ [1951], December 11

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] White House Acknowledges Germ-Warfare Research

2001-09-04 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-


White House Acknowledges Germ-Warfare Research, Says Aim
Was to Develop Vaccine
Tuesday, September 04, 2001

WASHINGTON — The United States has spent years conducting
secret research on biological weapons with the goal of developing
a vaccine to protect U.S. soldiers from chemical attacks, the White
House said Tuesday.
White House spokesman Ari Fleischer cast the research as purely
defensive in nature and in keeping with a 1972 treaty banning
biological weapons.
The New York Times reported Tuesday that the research, begun
under the Clinton administration, pushes the limits of that treaty,
which allows nations to work on vaccines and other protective
measures. Citing government officials, the Times said the secret
research mimics the major steps a state or terrorist group would
take to create a biological arsenal.
Fleischer said the U.S. program is designed to protect our
servicemen and women in particular. He did not say how long the
research has been under way, but noted concerns during the 1991
Gulf War that American soldiers were vulnerable to a chemical
attack by Iraq.
That was a real issue, Fleischer said. The United States does
have a program, it's been around for a while, to develop vaccines
and protective measures in case we are attacked.
National security spokesman Sean McCormack said the research
did not mean the United States wants to move away from the global
chemical weapons ban. He noted that the United States did away
with its offensive biological weapons years ago.
We fully support the biological weapons program, McCormack
said. This is purely biodefense research, which is allowed.
Bill Harlow, a CIA spokesman, told the Times that the agency
conducted laboratory or experimental work to assess the
intelligence it had gathered about biological warfare.
Everything we have done in this respect was entirely appropriate,
necessary and was briefed to the National Security Council staff
and appropriate congressional oversight committees, Harlow said.
The secret U.S. work included a Pentagon project to assemble a
germ factory in the Nevada desert from commercially available
materials, the newspaper said. It quoted Pentagon officials as
saying the project demonstrated the ease with which a terrorist or
rogue nation could build a plant that could produce pounds of
deadly germs.


Best wishes

Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations -
alliance with none.
  ~~ Thomas Jefferson
  The Spirit of 1776,
   A letter to Thomas Lomax,
Monticello, Mar. 12, 1799

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2001-09-05 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-


By: Paul Fallavollita
President Bush condemned anti-globalization protesters targeting the G-8
summit in Genoa, Italy. According to Reuters, Bush stated that those who
protest free trade seek to deny [the] best hope for escaping poverty. Bush’s
plug for free trade, reminiscent of the prattle of the child’s toy, speak-n’say, is
wholly unremarkable. The event  prompting his comments, however, indicates
that the elites are taking more notice of the discontent their policies generate. A
key rule for patriots should always be that when the elites are disturbed by
something and don’t want it done, then we should investigate that thing and do
it more.
The nationalist approach to trade policy suffers from two key
handicaps. The first is that the bulk of active protest against free trade
comes from the
Left, especially from anarcho-communists of various stripes. By active
protest, this often means direct confrontation with the authorities, due to the
desire of
the anarchists to shut down the meetings by blocking the streets and
otherwise creating an
unsafe environment for the elites. Of course, we on the Right have an
excellent excuse for
our reticence: we tend to be clean-cut types, respectful of legitimate
authority, and we
endeavor to conduct ourselves in a dignified manner. Our general lack of
nose rings and
other such piercings attests to this, as does our regular use of items
including shoes and
soap. The second handicap is implicit in the first: those of us on the Right
are prone to
rely exclusively on words, even when we turn our attention to the problems
caused by free
It is important that this second handicap of the Right not be misunderstood.
Words mean
things, as we learned from Richard Weaver’s classic Ideas Have
They represent ideas, and appeal to man’s exclusive domain of reason.
Ideas are
capable of serving as a powerful motivator, one that interacts with man’s
element and keeps him fighting strong even when the odds seem
overwhelmingly against him.
The complications arising from over-reliance on words become evident in
pre-revolutionary climate in a nation, such as present day America. In
such a climate, a
sizeable proportion of the population expresses important ideas, yet are
ignored by the
elites in power. A prime example of this situation is the passage of NAFTA
and its threatened expansion into the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA),
despite the protests
of many unionized workers who are threatened by the Janus-faced demon
of liberal
cosmopolitanism and exploitative global pan-capitalism.
Given the fact the current power structure ignores the concerns and welfare of
Americans, is it any wonder that a trend of people physically lashing out is
on the rise?
The pen and the sword might yet combine and enhance their power. This
is the reason why
the Bush Administration’s Zionist silver-tongue, Ari Fleischer recently
it’s becoming an unfortunate part of summitry that violence is becoming a
standard…that distorts the goals of the summit. It is difficult to fathom
Fleischer, who is presumably politically savvy, can fail to appreciate how
the goals
of the summit create the very conditions that spur discontented people to
try to distort those goals.
Fleischer seems offended that the peons on the Global Plantation have the
audacity to
complain. His attitude is symptomatic of the appalling arrogance of power
our ruling class
indulges in, and it is indicative of a sycophant who at last can enjoy his
position and
the ability to talk down to the average citizen.
Those of Fleischer’s ilk do not have the right to feel welcome or comfortable as
they go about their nefarious business. They can count on resistance, and
they can expect
it to increase. Fleischer is a modern-day Marie Antoinette, and we know
from history that
such figures earn themselves places on the list of elites deserving special
consideration by patriots when revolution or civil war breaks out.
Speaking of which, how long can the liberals and mega-corporations continue
to lull
their victims to sleep with beer and football? Has Fleischer’s motley crew
these variables yet? Eventually, our second-rate rulers are going to slip up
and push too
far, too soon. With each outrage perpetrated against White Americans, the
ranks of
citizens awaiting the opportunity to strike a retaliatory blow increase.
Fleischer’s friends should view his concerns as a clear warning. As the elites
usher in their brave new world, the rightfully indignant discontents it
creates will rise

[CTRL] New solid oxide fuel cell from Penn State runs on diesel

2001-09-07 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

Source:   University Of Pennsylvania (http://www.upenn.edu/)

Penn Engineers Develop Fuel Cell That Uses Liquid Diesel, The First Such
Device To Run On A Widely Available Fuel

PHILADELPHIA - Chemical engineers at the University of Pennsylvania have
developed a prototype fuel cell that's the first to run on a readily
available liquid fuel source, in this case ordinary diesel fuel. The work
nudges fuel cells closer to viability, offering the promise of compact,
portable power sources that offer much more bang for the buck than
combustion engines or existing batteries. Scientists, corporations and the
military are all interested in fuel cells, which are far more efficient and
less polluting than other energy sources. Work to develop commercial fuel
cells, however, has been hindered by the limited fuel sources on which they
have been known to run.
There used to be a saying that you could run a fuel cell on any fuel as
long as it's hydrogen, said Raymond J. Gorte, professor of chemical
engineering at Penn and the lead author of a Journal of the Electrochemical
Society paper reporting the finding.

Gorte and colleague John M. Vohs, professor and chair of chemical
engineering at Penn, shook the fuel cell world in March 2000 with the
publication of a Nature paper in which they reported developing a fuel cell
that could run on butane, the first fuel cell to operate on a fuel other
than hydrogen. With the development of a fuel cell that runs directly on
liquid diesel of the type sold at gas stations, the team has sidestepped the
thorny problem of reforming fuels to hydrogen to run fuel cells.

In our earlier work, we were unable to feed liquid diesel to the fuel cell
because we did not have a means for vaporizing fuels that have a low vapor
pressure at room temperature, Gorte said. This paper demonstrated that we
could feed these liquids to a fuel cell using a method analogous to a fuel
injector in an internal combustion engine and still get stable operation of
the fuel cell.

Much past research with fuel cells has focused on the messy question of how
best to process, or reform, available hydrocarbon fuels such as diesel
into pure hydrogen, an expensive and inefficient proposition. The Penn fuel
cell is the first to run directly on hydrocarbons, without requiring
complicated reforming into hydrogen either within the device itself or at
specialized filling stations. Generating electric power through controlled
electrochemical reactions rather than combustion, its only emissions are
water, carbon dioxide and heat.

Smaller than a penny, the prototype fuel cell developed by Gorte, Vohs,
graduate student Hyuk Kim and postdoctoral researcher Seungdoo Park
in a furnace set at 700 degrees Celsius. A commercial, self-contained fuel
cell would ideally generate that heat itself using the fuel placed in it.

Although unlikely to replace household batteries for small appliances and
portable electronics, researchers have suggested that fuel cells might be
appropriate for powering cars and laptop computers.

We are excited by the progress that Professor Gorte and his colleagues are
making in the area of direct oxidation of hydrocarbon fuels using solid
oxide fuel cells, said David Bauer, team leader for the Solid Oxide Fuel
Cell project at the Ford Research Laboratory in Dearborn, Mich. The ability
to utilize conventional fuels with little or no reforming is particularly
important in transportation applications where fuel storage and system
packaging are such critical issues.

Fuel cells could also make possible electric generators that operate on
propane or butane. Gorte's team is interested in developing a relatively
small, five-kilowatt fuel cell. Such a unit, placed in a home's basement,
could be used to generate electricity from natural gas, using the excess
energy to heat the home or its hot water.

It's much more efficient to produce energy on-site than it is to make it
many miles away, Gorte said.

The U.S. military regards fuel cells as a possible source of portable palm
power for soldiers carrying electronic devices. Together with Honeywell,
Penn researchers have recently been awarded $1.8 million by the U.S. Army
and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Administration to develop a
coffee-can-sized fuel cell capable of generating power equivalent to 50
D-cell batteries. The military is particularly interested in diesel-run fuel
cells because diesel's low vapor pressure makes it less explosive and
therefore safer; the Penn fuel cell also runs on the hydrocarbons toluene
and n-decane.

DARPA has indicated to the team that it would like fuel cell technology to
find civilian applications. We believe this is very doable and that this
technology should be very easily modifiable for many applications, Gorte

Gorte, Vohs, Kim and Park's work with solid oxide fuel cells was funded by
the Office of Naval Research and published in the July issue of JECS.


Best wishes

America will tolerate 

[CTRL] Self-assembling organic thin-film photovoltaics

2001-09-07 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

Photovoltaics Researchers Developing Self-Assembling Solar Cells

TUCSON, Ariz. -- Photovoltaics - the high-tech approach to converting
sunlight directly into electricity - could be low cost and widely practical
if based on organic self-assembling thin film technologies, say scientists
at the University of Arizona.
UA chemists and optical scientists have been funded by two separate new
grants totaling more than $1 million to develop organic molecules that self
assemble, or self-organize, from liquid into efficient solar cell coatings.

Neal R. Armstrong, Bernard Kippelen, David O'Brien, Seth Marder and Jean-Luc
Bredas together have previously pioneered breakthroughs in such related
areas as organic light-emitting diode and holographic storage technologies.

They are now applying their discoveries and new materials to unconventional
photovoltaics (PV) -- organic solar cell thin films. They are designing,
synthesizing and characterizing molecules that will self-organize from
solution into coatings about 100 nanometers thick, or about one-thousandth
the thickness of a human hair. Molecules in the layer must be very highly
ordered to efficiently transport electrical charge.

What you'd really like is a solar panel array that would come on a flexible
plastic substrate which would be extremely inexpensive and which you could
roll out on your roof like wall paper, said chemistry Professor Neal R.
Armstrong. It would be efficient enough at energy conversion to
economically generate power.

Armstrong is principal investigator on a 3-year, $490,000 grant from the
Department of Energy's National Energy Research Laboratory (NREL). The grant
is aimed at developing new organic liquid crystal PV materials that could
be inexpensively wet-processed into large area panels.

Ninety-nine percent of the photovoltaic market today is based on single
crystal silicon, an efficient and reliable but expensive material for solar
cells. Silicon PV powers satellites and space missions, but cost, mainly,
limits how much it does in meeting the world's energy demands.

According to Department of Energy statistics, Americans currently pay 6-to-7
cents per kilowatt-hour for conventionally generated electricity and
20-to-30 cents per kilowatt-hour for solar-generated electricity.

That sounds discouraging, but the cost of solar-generated power was about
90 cents per kilowatt-hour 10 to 15 years ago, and can be expected to drop
even more, Armstrong noted.

Efficient new inorganic thin films such as cadmium telluride and
cadmium-indium-galleium-selenide are entering the PV market, he said, and
their efficiencies and potentially lower cost are impressive. But the heavy
metals, tellurium and selenium, in these PVs raise environmental concerns,
both during their manufacture and ultimate disposal.

New organic solar cells would potentially be a less-toxic, Earth-friendly
way to tap energy from the sun, he emphasized, because most of the target
organic materials are environmentally benign when processed and when
discarded in devices.

Armstrong was among hundreds of scientists world-wide interested in organic
PV thin films when he joined the UA in the late 1970s. But until recently,
these films were only one to one-and-a-half percent efficient at converting
solar power to electrical power. There also were serious concerns about the
long term stability of such thin organic films. Not surprisingly, funding
agencies from the late 1980s to the mid-1990s weren't interested in organic
solar cell research.

The discouraging thing was that these materials could be tailored to absorb
most of the solar spectrum, they were very cheap, and they were easy to
spread as a thin film on a transparent electrode. But their electrical
properties were very bad. Even if you could generate a lot of electrical
charge inside a thin film you couldn't transport it, and you couldn't
harvest it efficiently, Armstrong said.

But the last decade has seen a big change in how people feel about organic
technologies in general, and, specifically, about how you make them better
electrical materials, he added.

Optical sciences Associate Professor Bernard Kippelen agreed. Ten years
ago, if you went to the Department of Energy and said you wanted to make an
organic solar cell, they would have been very skeptical. But a lot of
research has been done in the emerging field of organic electronics in the
past 10 years, and it has completely changed the way people think.

Kippelen is principal investigator on a 3-year, $580,000 grant from the
Office of Naval Research that involves Armstrong, Marder and Bredas . Their
goal for Kippelen's grant is to develop self-assembling polymer (plastic)
liquid crystals for lightweight, flexible and shock-resistant light-emitting
diodes and devices needed by the military, as well as for PV use.

Even a few years ago, people thought that any organic material for optical
or optoelectronic application was unstable, that it could have only a 

Re: [CTRL] Fw: The World's Most Unselfish Act (For Tenorlove)

2001-09-07 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

On 7 Sep 2001 at 6:11, Tenorlove wrote:

  My neighbor was telling me yesterday that they would not allow
 her daughter to eat her lunch because she had a peanut butter
 They did not provide a substitute lunch either, so by the time she
 home she was so hungry she was sick. 

I do hope she reported this blatant child abuse to the DSS. :}

Best wishes

Let our pupil be taught that he does not belong to himself, but that
is public property ... He must be taught to amass wealth, but it must
only to increase his power of contributing to the wants and
demands of
the state... [Education] can be done effectually only by the
interference and aid of the Legislature. - Benjamin Rush, 1786

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] 700,000 Salmon Destroyed in Maine

2001-09-07 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

and the sabotage of our food supply continues


700,000 Salmon Destroyed in Maine
The Associated Press
Thursday, Sept. 6, 2001; 2:10 p.m. EDT
PORTLAND, Maine ––  More than 700,000 farm-raised salmon in
Maine have been destroyed this year to stop the spread of a deadly
The disease, which has wreaked havoc on the Canadian and
European salmon industries, was discovered in New Brunswick
salmon pens in 1997. It was identified in Maine last March and has
been spreading ever since.
The virus is harmless to humans but can cause internal bleeding in
fish and destroy their organs.
Farmers expected to kill 130,000 more fish Thursday after new
cases of the disease, infectious salmon anemia, were found in
Cobscook Bay at the state's eastern tip. Officials quarantined the
area, banning aquaculture boats from entering or leaving unless
they are cleaned and certified.
We feel that because of the good management that's being
employed, that the continuing risk is minimized, said Penn
Estabrook, deputy commissioner of the Marine Resources
So far, salmon worth an estimated $12 million have been destroyed
in Maine, most of them made into fish meal or buried in a landfill.
Some Maine companies want the federal government to
compensate them.
On the Net:
Maine Department of Marine Resources


Best wishes

Humans are exploiters and destroyers, self-appointed world
around whom the universe seems to revolve.
-Sydney Singer, director, the Good Shepherd Foundation,
The Neediest of All Animals, The Animals Agenda, Vol. 10, No. 5
(June 1990), p. 50.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] E-Bomb

2001-09-07 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-


Best wishes

I believe in compulsory cannibalism. If people were forced to eat
they killed, there would be no more wars. - Abbie Hoffman

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] At long last, signs of a BSE breakthrough

2001-09-07 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-


At long last, signs of a BSE breakthrough

We may soon know the size of the CJD epidemic and how to treat it
Special report: the BSE crisis
Stephen Dealler
Wednesday September 5, 2001
The Guardian
As a scientist, it feels as if I have been holding my breath for 13 years
while the BSE epidemic took hold, was exported to much of the world,
and then the human form got going. Now at last, it looks as if breathing
can start again: the good news is starting to come through.
Only a few weeks ago things were still looking fairly dire. In the UK, we
have had 181,294 cases of BSE. It hit a peak in 1993 and we don't
expect to see our last cases until after 2006. The disease is now rising
rapidly on mainland Europe with, for instance, seven cases in
Germany in 2000 and 94 already this year. We had exported 25,000
tons of the infectious meal and bone meal (MBM) - by then banned for
feeding to cattle in the UK - to Europe in 1989, and consequently their
BSE epidemics may not be over until after 2010.
In the UK, one of the major problems was that we did not know which
cow was infected before it had any symptoms. As a result we ate six
out of every seven of them. This represents over 800,000 infected
cattle entering the human food chain and the population eating 50
meals each made of their tissue.
So far, 106 cases of variant CJD have been identified, with between
1,000 and 10m potential cases incubating the disease. We don't know
who to treat, whose blood to avoid at blood transfusion, who
represents a risk at surgery or dentistry, or which asymptomatic cattle
to dispose of. A diagnostic test is urgently needed, but we would need
to be able to look for less then 1,000 molecules of the infectious agent
in blood or urine - less than one thousandth of the amount that can be
sought by the best test available so far.
The BSE inquiry report last year showed how, through inadequacy
rather than villainy, the government convinced itself that the risk to
humans was minimal. Why, then, waste money on research?
Early in the epidemic it was difficult for scientific researchers to get
hold of BSE tissue samples just to use for tests. The government
refused to fund any research to look for treatment because it would
suggest to the population that there may be a risk to them.
In the early 1990s I was the only researcher looking for treatments for
the disease and had to do the work in my garage. One scientist, Iain
McGill, quit the government research group after warning of risks
being taken. He was told it would be illegal to tell anyone what he had
found. When vCJD appeared, the government still considered whether
or not to tell the public.
But at last the hiding of information, blocking of research, denying of
facts and damning of anyone speaking out in this field appears to be
A group in Switzerland has now found a way to increase the number of
prion molecules in a sample - perhaps enough to be able to identify
these triggers for vCJD. From Israel we have data showing that urine
contains lots of the prion molecules and that these appear long before
any symptoms. A London company can now look for 1,000 molecules
of other proteins and is using this to look for prions. There is now an
official supply of tissues and blood fractions to try out on any new
Companies around the world have realised just how much money they
could make if they had a test for vCJD in its incubation period - and
ideas are appearing out of the woodwork. I would be surprised if we
did not have one by this time next year. But what could doctors do
then? Will it be like the test for HIV in the 1980s? Thank you for
donating your blood, Mr Smith, but I am afraid that you have vCJD and
we will not be able to treat you.
In fact, a treatment is also on the way, too. In 1997 the UK government
invited the pharmaceutical industry to a meeting with the BSE/vCJD
scientists. Only three companies turned up - there was no money to be
made, so why should they? In 1999 Laura Mannuelidis at Yale showed
that an anti-leprosy drug, dapsone, increased the incubation period of
scrapie in mice dramatically. Last year, an anti-malarial drug,
quinacrine, was demonstrated in the US to stop prions growing in cell
The story of Rachel Forber, the British woman treated for symptomatic
vCJD in the US with quinacrine, has just been published. A patient in
London has also started the treatment. There are now over 40 drugs
that are active against prion infection and we have some that are of
adequately low toxicity to permit testing on patients.
We expect that some of these drugs and diagnostics will also be
useful against Alzheimer's disease, a condition that is extremely
difficult to experiment on with animals or in test tubes. So we may well
find, in the end, that BSE had a silver lining. We might even end up
with government that does not deny bad news and avoid research in
case of what it may 

[CTRL] Sioux fight Feds, this time over hemp

2001-09-08 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

Sioux fight Feds, this time over hemp

Non-potent version could be a cash crop, tribe argues
Federal agents cut down hemp stalks in Alex White Plume's field in
Manderson, S.D. Though agents stormed his property in 2000, last
July's visit from the Drug Enforcement Agency was arranged in

By Jon Bonné

Sept. 7 —  As Alex White Plume tells it, the raid began with the
rising sun and the whir of helicopter blades. Agents from the Drug
Enforcement Administration spread out across his property on
Dakota's Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, nestled by the Black Hills
the Sioux consider sacred, looking for drugs. One of them came
running towards me, and he pointed his gun and told me to halt,
White Plume says. In my mind, I was going to jail.

HE WASN'T headed for jail, and has not been charged with a
crime, but the raid last year was heartbreaking to him. It ended
what had otherwise been a charmed attempt to grow a crop that
would help White Plume, an Oglala Sioux, and his family supplant
their meager income from raising horses, herding buffalo and
offering pony rides.
   Of course, White Plume was growing hemp — the durable
weed known in some forms as marijuana. All marijuana is hemp;
not all hemp is marijuana, at least not in the psychotropic sense.
So-called industrial hemp, which lacks pot's chemical potency, has
been used for centuries in everything from clothing to lip balm.
   Marijuana usually has at least 5 percent or more of the
hallucinogen tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), but industrial hemp
contains less than 1 percent — far from enough to give even a mild
high. And while marijuana remains illegal in most countries, the
industrial hemp movement has gained momentum in recent years,
especially in North America, though it's unclear how large a market
exists for hemp products.


 Canada has begun licensing industrial hemp. State
legislatures in 19 states, including agricultural centers like North
Dakota and Minnesota, have compiled legislation backing industrial
hemp. Hawaii now allows private hemp research, and former
tobacco farmers in Kentucky successfully pushed the legislature
and governor to pass a bill last March creating an Industrial Hemp
Commission to regulate research.
   Despite pressure from states, the federal government makes
little distinction between industrial hemp and the potent variety.
According to DEA officials, the Controlled Substances Act of 1970
bars not only marijuana but also THC — so that all hemp, even
varieties with only faint traces of the chemical, is considered
Federal authorities would not discuss the seizure on White
Plume's land. (I can't make any comment, says Michelle Tapken,
the U.S. Attorney for South Dakota.) Nor would the DEA discuss
new regulations it says are in the works.
   But when the DEA did another seizure this past July, it
negotiated with White Plume in advance and came without guns


 The seizures at Pine Ridge were largely business as usual,
except for one thing: The DEA flexed its muscle on a tribal
reservation. For White Plume and others in the Oglala tribe,
growing these plants has become a basic issue of tribal rights.
Theis tribe, they argue, has a history with hemp and a right to
uphold their traditions.
   There's a word for the plant in the tribal language, which
means it's got a history here that precedes contact with the
Europeans, says Tom Ballanco, White Plume's attorney.
   Indeed, White Plume says there is a single word — wahupta
— for both hemp and marijuana. But he says he's not interested in
growing the potent variety. Instead, he hopes to turn hemp into a
cash crop, selling both the finished products and seeds to others
eager to harvest a plant revered in past times for its versatility
and its ability to endure harsh climates and gritty soil.
   It was hemp's economic potential that drew White Plume's
attention. He was impressed by the range of hemp products,
usually imported from nations such as Canada and Germany, but
the high prices of hemp items stunned him.
   Most of it is import-export taxes, which drives the market up
high, White Plume says. People in the country could pay less for
a good article, and we could make some money.

Hemp's economic potential is unclear, but its uses are manifold.

The seeds are used to make animal feed and are edible by humans
in much the same way as sunflower seeds. They have been made
into snacks, cookies, porridge and trail mix. They can be ground
into flour and have been used as a grain to make beer.

The plant's seed is about 30 percent oil, which can be used for
cooking, lubrication and medicinal purposes. In Russia, it also was
used as a butter.

The presence of fatty acids in the oil make hemp a useful material
for health and beauty products. It has been made into soaps,
lotions, creams, shampoo, lip balms and more. 


2001-09-09 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

(or subtitled another way, No Establishment News is Good News.)

by Fritz Springmeier

It is possible that certain technology is like the release of a genie
from the bottle (or something from Pandora's box, depending on your
perspective). For instance, digital movie cameras may be enough to
give Big Brother a mid-life crisis. It appears that way from two
bloody incidents where they were used. Recently, in the anti-
globalist riots in Rome, two groups were bloodied by the police:
those who battled the police with sticks  captured some of their
vehicles, and the other group were those who were sending digital
photos over the internet. Another example comes from the L.A. riots
where an establishment propaganda news crew had a camera aimed at
them by some black kids. The newsmakers activities could not stand
the light of exposure, and they were embarrassed by what these black
kids did. Their spinmaking was caught red handed.

Big Brother has a better idea than God, its censorship. (By the way,
this article rates G, no dirty movie here.) While we have been busy
buying better ways to communicate with new fax machines, new cell
phones with automatic digital dialing, satellite dishes, new word
processing software, and last but not least digital cameras, Big
Brother has been working overtime to control our every communication
and thought.

There's a kind of hush, all over the world, so listen very
carefully, you know what I mean, it isn't a dream We love to see
singers express themselves in song. We love to see athletes express
their energy on the field and on the court. Music and art are
expressions of who we are. However, when I heard this song it didn't
make me think of lovers in love but how there is a hush (Big
Brother's censorship) all over the world. It's enough to bring tears
to any signer of the Declaration of Independence. The World Order has
been turning the clock back on our civil rights. Personal
sensitivities don't concern them, unless it happens to be offensive
to those in political power.

You can commit genocide against millions of Christian people during
the 1980's and '90's, and it can go unreported, but don't you dare
criticize homosexuality. How, you might ask, can the genocide of
millions of Christians go unreported, and a graffiti swastika or rude
homosexual joke make the news? There's a kind of hush, all over the
world tonight, all over the world you can hear the sound of
censorship in action. You know what I mean?

You communicate with people, and you do it in part so that you can be
part of something bigger than yourself. You can change other people's
lives for the good with your words. You can give them a vision of
what God has planned for them, and what their purpose is on this
planet. Words can give life. They can inspire. They have power, and
their power, if uncontrolled, scares Big Brother. Christ was never
afraid of words. He never found it necessary to tell someone to shut
up. But some of us might be more careful in how we throw words
around. Matthew (12:37) states, By thy words thou shalt be

But God was never afraid of words. He lets humanity blather on, curse
Him, speak with a forked tongue, exaggerate, mutter repetitious pagan
rituals, or insult someone. For some of us, it might be better if we
shut up, but God still gives us the freedom to decide for ourselves.
Rush Limbaugh once suggested we practice Safe Talk' like Safe Sex.
This makes me wonder if the schools in the future will pass out safe
talk condoms like they pass out safe sex condoms. God may give us
freedom of speech, but not the World System. Since the World System
is founded upon deception, it cannot tolerate freedom of
communication. They like people to check in their critical thinking
like hats and coats, before you enter their audience. They proudly
proclaim that all the news that is news they print. This article is
some that they missed, and there is a lot more.

It's a popular pastime to think our government is here to protect us.
Many Americans relax their entire lifetimes thinking that their mail
and telephone conversations are unmonitored. Somehow reality hasn't
broken through. Was the reader aware that the Post Office Act of 1908
gave the British government the legal right to open and examine the
contents of any mail, and it had the same rights with telegraph
communication? The newspapers have repeatedly reported how the U.S.
government examines mail. You may have thought that this happened to
the other guy but not you. Unfortunately, there are mail-reading
machines that can read your letter's contents without it being
opened, and millions of pieces of mail are read everyday. How does
this relate to censorship?

In the United States and the U.K., the World Order prefers to
use voluntary censorship. In other words, if you misbehave you lose
your job, or your marriage goes sour, or some accident happens. If
you misbehave the IRS may close your 

[CTRL] Coca keeps poor Peru farmers hooked

2001-09-09 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-

Coca keeps poor Peru farmers hooked -- to survive

APURIMAC-ENE VALLEY, Peru (Reuters) -- For 10 hours a day, Lucia
Huarca strips green coca leaves off bushes with callused hands and
collects her harvest in her wide blue skirt alongside fellow women
day-laborers and their children in ragged, filthy T-shirts in a field
in Peru's southern jungle.

Her day's haul -- typically 66 lbs (30 kilos), for which she will get
paid around $3 -- will probably end up in the hands of drugs
traffickers to be transformed into cocaine.

Despite a decade-long, U.S.-backed crackdown to strangle the drug
trade at source in the world's No. 2 cocaine producing country, coca
cultivation is thriving -- even spreading -- where Huarca works in
the lush Apurimac-Ene valley across the Andes, some 520 miles (830
km) southeast of Lima.

We live off coca because we're poor. Without it, our children can't
eat, said Huarca, 52, as she harvested a field in Pichari where
stray coffee plants nestling among the coca bushes bear witness to
the plot's now-abandoned crop.

A few yards away, men with picks cleared ferns ready for replanting
with coca -- a sacred plant for Peru's Inca emperors and still
enthusiastically -- and legally -- chewed by Andean people as a cure
for altitude sickness and to alleviate hunger, and harvested as an
ingredient in Coca Cola.

Coca can be sold legally to the State Coca Co. but it offers lower
prices than do drug traffickers.

Meanwhile, glutted markets and plunging world prices for traditional
coffee and cocoa output have turned coca leaf into the only viable
cash crop and backbone of the local economy.

Such a picture is not likely to cheer U.S. Secretary of State Colin
Powell when he visits Peru and Colombia, the world's cocaine capital,
from Monday to Wednesday for a visit in which fighting the drug trade
will be high on the agenda.

Peru is already complaining that its skies are inundated with drug
smugglers after Washington halted joint surveillance flights in
April, when Peru's air force killed an American missionary and her
baby after mistaking their plane for traffickers.

Stark reality

Peru's eradication efforts in the 1990s made it a key ally in
Washington's regional drug war. But analysts say the illicit trade
here has been boosted by the U.S.-backed anti-drug Plan Colombia,
spurring prices which coffee, cocoa and alternative crops such as
fruit and palm hearts cannot hope to match and leaving dirt-poor
farmers little choice but to depend on coca.

Producers say export-ready coffee fetches just 60 cents a kilo, a big
loss on the $1.52 each kilo costs to produce. Coca goes for up to
$2.30 on the black market. Farmers say they would have to sell eight
kilos of coffee to buy one of beef.

Despite official figures, experts say the stark reality is that
Peru's coca production is rising again.

Some hills are literally covered with closely-packed, vivid green
coca bushes and in villages and on many roadsides, carpets of leaves
left out to dry in the sun are common.


Best wishes

I hold it to be the inalienable right of anybody to go to hell in his
own way. -Robert Frost (1874-1963), 1935

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[CTRL] Sarandon's Mom, Getting Battle Support

2003-03-21 Thread klewis
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Sarandon's Mom, Getting Battle Support

• Self-described rabid Republican Lenora Tomalin, the 79-year-old
mother of left-wing actress Susan Sarandon, has been getting her
15 minutes since Tuesday's item about her stout support for
President Bush and the war against Saddam Hussein -- and her
lament that her famous daughter doesn't respect her enough.

Radio and television stations have been calling to interview her, and
friends and neighbors have been offering congratulations. A lot of
good has come out of it, she told us yesterday.

Yesterday morning, Florida Gov. Jeb Bush phoned Tomalin at home
in Lakeland, Fla., to offer his help in arranging a tour of the White
House on her next trip to Washington sometime in May. Jeb said,
'We're going to make sure you get a very good visit,'  Tomalin said.

She added that her eldest daughter's companion, actor Tim
Robbins, also called -- but apparently that conversation wasn't as

I didn't talk to Susan, but I did hear from Tim, let's just leave it at
that, Tomalin said. I know there's a war on, but let's just say I'm in
the middle of my own private war.

Robbins, the father of three of Tomalin's 19 grandchildren, declined
to comment yesterday. But Bush told us through a spokeswoman: I
called to thank her for supporting the president and for supporting
me on my last campaign. She's a great American.

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[CTRL] U.S. strike killed terror-group member

2003-03-21 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-


Friday, March 21, 2003

U.S. strike killed terror-group member
Palestinian Liberation Front says officer 'fell as a martyr' in air raid

Posted: March 21, 2003
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2003 WorldNetDaily.com
A Palestinian terrorist group announced that one of its officers was
killed in the initial U.S. missile attacks on Iraq.

The Palestinian Liberation Front, headquartered in Baghdad, said in
a statement from Lebanon that 1st Lt. Ahmed Walid Raguib al-Baz
fell as a martyr facing the American air raids on Iraq.

His martyrdom illustrates the links between Palestinians and
Iraqis, the group said, according to Agence France-Presse.

Known for its seizing of the Italian cruise ship Achille Lauro and
murder of a Jewish American passenger, the PLF is one of several
terrorist organizations that maintain offices in Baghdad, according to
the U.S. State Department.

Secretary of State Colin Powell said in his speech to the United
Nations on Feb. 5 that Baghdad trains Palestine Liberation Front
members in small arms and explosives.

The group's leader, known as Abu Abbas, has been on the run from
authorities since the 1985 Achille Lauro hijacking. He returned to the
Gaza Strip after the Oslo agreement and is believed to have fled to
Iraq due to Israeli crackdowns on militants in the disputed territories.

The PLF is a primary channel for Saddam Hussein's payouts to
Palestinian families that lose a member in the Intifada, or uprising,
against Israel.

Saddam gives $25,000 to the family of a suicide bomber and
$10,000 to other families, the PLF says. The group claims Saddam
has contributed an estimated $35 million since September 2000.

The slain PLF officer al-Baz was employed as a taxi driver with a
Jordan-based company. He had stopped at a roadside rest area
about 190 miles west of Baghdad when he was struck by a missile
from a helicopter while using a satellite phone, Agence France-
Presse said.

The attack reportedly occurred just after midnight this morning, said
a colleague, Akram Abu Samaha.

Al-Baz, 34, had a house in Baghdad but moved with his family to
Amman, Jordan, in recent weeks ahead of the anticipated war. Born
in Jenin, in the West Bank, al-Baz was married with an infant son.

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[CTRL] (Fwd) Trying To Help - By Dennis Miller

2003-03-21 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

Donna  Larry Steed  wrote

Trying To Help - By Dennis Miller (Noted Radio/TV personality)

All The Rhetoric On Whether Or Not We Should Go To War Against Iraq Has
Got My Insane Little Brain Spinning Like A Roulette Wheel. I Enjoy
Reading Opinions From Both Sides But I Have Detected A Hint Of confusion
From Some Of You.

As I Was Reading The Paper Recently, I Was Reminded Of The Best Advice
Someone Ever Gave Me. He Told Me About The Kiss Method (Keep It Simple,
Stupid!) So, With This As A Theme, I'd Like To Apply This Theory For
Those Who Don't Quite Get It. My Hope Is That We Can Simplify Things A
Bit And Recognize A Few Important Facts.

Here Are 10 Things To Consider When Voicing An Opinion On This
Important Issue:

1) Between President Bush And Saddam Hussein ... Hussein Is The Bad Guy.

2) If You Have Faith In The United Nations To Do The Right Thing Keep
This In Mind, They Have Libya Heading The Committee On Human Rights And
Iraq Heading The Global Disarmament Committee. Do Your Own Math Here

3) If You Use Google Search And Type In French Military Victories,
Your Reply Will Be Did You Mean French Military Defeats?

4) If Your Only Anti-War Slogan Is No War For Oil, Hire a pit bull
lawyer and sue Your School District For Allowing You To Slip Through The
Cracks And Robbing You Of The Education You Deserve.

5) Saddam And Bin Laden Will Not Seek United Nations Approval Before
They Try To Kill Us.

6) Despite Common Belief, Martin Sheen Is Not The President. He Plays
One On T.V.

7) Even If You Are Anti-War, You Are Still An Infidel! And Bin Laden
Wants You Dead, Too.

8) If You Believe In A Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy But Not In The
Danger That Hussein Poses, Quit Hanging Out With The Dell Computer Dude.

9) Even multi-culturalists who try to browbeat us into believing that
all cultures are equally deserving of respect have trouble explaining
the past 500 years of Islam.

10) Whether You Are For Military Action Or Against It, Our Young Men And
Women Overseas Are Fighting For Us To Defend Our Right To Speak Out. We
All Need To Support Them Without Reservation

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[CTRL] ‘Chemical Ali’ Dead

2003-03-21 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-


March 21, 2003

Ali Hassan al Majid earned the nickname Chemical Ali for using
chemical weapons to suppress the Kurds in northern Iraq. (Jockel
Finck/AP Photo)

‘Chemical Ali’ Dead
Three Key Iraqi Leaders Believed Killed; Explosions Shake Baghdad

B A G H D A D, Iraq, March 21 — Three top Iraqi leaders —
including Saddam Hussein's cousin, the infamous Chemical Ali —
are believed to have been killed in what would be a major blow to
the regime's defense against the U.S.-led onslaught, CIA officials

ABCNEWS' Brian Ross reported that the three critical Iraqi officials
— Taha Yasin Ramadan, Izzat Ibrahim al Douri, and Ali Hassan
Majid, known as Chemical Ali — are believed to have died in
Wednesday night's decapitation attack, the opening salvo of the

A spokesman said the CIA had no information to confirm the report
that the three men had been killed but government officials,
speaking on condition of anonymity, told ABCNEWS they had
reason to believe the three men were dead.

The officials said they reached this conclusion from analysis of radio
traffic and after watching who went where, and who didn't arrive
where they were expected.

Chemical Ali, Saddam's cousin and governor of southern Iraq,
earned his chilling nickname by using chemical weapons to
suppress a Kurdish rebellion in northern Iraq in the late 1980s,
killing thousands.

Both Ramadan and Ibrahim were longtime advisers to Saddam.
Along with Saddam himself, the two men were the only surviving
plotters who carried out the coup that brought the Baath Party to
power in 1968.

The three men did not appear in a videotape of Saddam meeting
with advisers released today. Also absent was Saddam's eldest son
Odai. There are suspicions he also may have been killed, but this
could not be confirmed.

In Baghdad, sirens sounded another warning following hours of
U.S.-led bombings that pummeled the city, and bombs and missiles
continued to rain over targets across the country.

This is much, much, more than anything we've had earlier,
ABCNEWS' Richard Engel reported from Baghdad as attack aircraft
were heard over the Iraqi capital for the first time in this war. It's
hard to even see the western side of the city through all the smoke.

Elsewhere, as many as 1,500 Turkish troops crossed over into
northern Iraq. The United States has told Turkey that it would not
welcome incursions into the Kurdish-dominated territory, but Ankara
fears a weakened Baghdad would encourage the Kurds to create
their own state.

Turkey also says the troops are also needed to control refugees.

Air War Under Way
While the string of devastating bombings appeared to have paused
over Baghdad, sirens soon blared again, and there were reports of
new explosions near the northern Iraqi cities of Mosul and Kirkuk
and in Saddam's hometown of Tikrit.

Defense officials said the air campaign would continue for 24 hours,
until approximately 1 a.m. ET Saturday, as a continually rolling
operation involving 1,500 total sorties by missiles and strike aircraft.

Meanwhile, in another major development, U.S. military sources
said the commander of Iraq's 51st Division and his top deputy
surrendered to U.S. Marines today. The 51st was the division
charged with defending Basra, a strategic city south of Baghdad. It
was the first time that the commander of an Iraqi division has
surrendered to allied forces.

Blasts Slam Western Baghdad
Engel said he was sure nearly all of the large government
buildings on the western side of Baghdad had been destroyed by
repeated hits and the ensuing fires. The Iraqi information minister,
appearing on al Jazeera television, said the Zahir Government
Palace had been bombed and destroyed.

At one point the bombs were so powerful that Engel said he could
feel a strong blast of hot wind against his face, even though he was
about a mile away from the site of impact.

He also expressed concern for his fellow journalists, many of whom
are staying at the Al Rashid hotel, which is located on the western
side of the city.

I really hope my colleagues are OK, he said.

In Washington, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld sought to
reassure those who feared today's bombings may have caused
massive collateral damage.

The weapons being used today have a greater precision than any
used in prior conflict, he said.

The CIA believes that three top Iraqi leaders — including Saddam
Hussein's cousin, the infamous Chemical Ali — were killed. The
commander of an Iraqi division surrenders to allied forces for the
very first time.

The air war for Iraq begins as 1,500 bombs and missiles fall on
Baghdad and the key cities of Kirkuk, Mosul and Tikrit.

Two U.S. Marines die in combat and another dozen U.S. and British
Marines die in a helicopter crash.

A Turkish commando force of around 1,500 troops crosses into
northern Iraq but U.S. officials oppose a large incursion.

Iraq's U.N. envoy angrily 

[CTRL] Fwd: [I-S] (fwd) [osint] Dreher: Ex-Friends

2003-03-22 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

On 22 Mar 2003 at 7:39, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From National Review --

Casualties of this war.
by Rod Dreher

We're already moving toward Baghdad in our war against Iraq, one I
believe with all my heart is just and necessary. We dont know how long
it will last, or what the fallout will be. When the smoke clears, I am
afraid that one home-front casualty will be some friendships.

Weve seen this coming. Stephen Pollard, writing in the Times of London,
says a number of his friendships have broken up because he supports war
to disarm Saddam Hussein and his friends dont.

In all my 38 years, I have never before felt such a sense of personal
shock. I am shocked that so many of my friends would rather a brutal
dictator remained in power  for that would be the direct consequence if
their views won out  than support military action by the United States.

I am ashamed that they would rather believe the words of President Saddam
Hussein than those of their own Prime Minister. I am nauseated that they
would rather give succor to evil than think through the implications of
their gut feelings.  I have many friends with whom I disagree
politically; it would be a small-minded person who could not say that.
But this goes beyond mere politics. This is about fundamentals. And what
makes it truly shocking is how many normal, apolitical, otherwise decent
people are so deeply wrong, so stridently misguided.

Ive not had that same sense of outrage, but thats probably because long
ago I quit talking about the war to most friends who disagree with me.
It wasnt my choice, but it was necessary if we were still to be friends.
It shouldnt be this way. Ive tried to think through my pro-war position
carefully, and if Im wrong in my facts or analysis, I want to know. But
in my (deeply unpleasant) experience, theres simply no point in talking
to most antiwar people, left and right, because theyre lost in a fever
swamp of emotionalism.

If its not leftists obsessing about blood for oil, corporate plots and
Iraqi children, its rightists going off about imperialism, Israel and
Jewish conspiracies. Now, I dont think its unfair to discuss the role,
if any, corporate interests, Israeli government policy, the potential
suffering of Iraqi civilians, or a number of other issues have in the
development of U.S. policy towards Iraq. Its just that so many people
concerned with these things have given themselves over to the kind of
hysteria that makes rational debate impossible. On MSNBC earlier this
week, Republican pollster Frank Luntz said hes found that about one in
four Americans hes focus-grouped are hard-core anti-war types, are much
more committed to their position than Bush supporters, and are
incandescently angry.

You expect this from the ideological left, for whom, as The Manhattan
Institutes Myron Magnet points out, every war is Vietnam. My
conservative anti-war friends have been much more troubling to me
personally, because we agree on so many fundamental principles. Some
educated, sophisticated professionals  have given their good hearts and
fine minds over to anti-Semitic conspiracy mongering. And Ive also heard
conservatives trash-talking this country in terms previously associated
with America-hating campus radicals. Its as if the world has been turned
upside down by this war  and this was long before the fighting started.

When I blogged something about this in The Corner earlier this week,
many readers from across the country wrote to say they too had been
nonplussed by the inability to have a civil discussion with antiwar
friends and family.

I have lost, probably forever, at least four, and maybe more friends,
including my college roommate from almost 45 years ago, one wrote.
Another reported: I have lost a friend I have had for 30 years over the
war argument. I cant believe she can say the things she does  no war for
oil, etc.  without even thinking about making a logical argument for or

Friends for over four decades. Friends for three decades. Gone, just
like that. Many marriages dont last that long.

Its ripping up families too. I actually hung up on my own mother
yesterday after getting into a discussion about the war, a young woman
wrote. I got angry after she asserted that our government was just as
bad as Saddams. What do you say to a statement like that? The woman said
she and her mother agreed not to discuss the war again, for the sake of
their relationship, but she fears that things may rupture between them
if theyre not careful.

A Canadian reader writes to say everybody she knows except her
significant other is angry at her for supporting the war. Here we are in
the wonderful world of Bush Is Retarded/Michael Moore Is My Hero e-mail
coffee klatches. Im wearing a US/Canadian flag pin. In public. In
downtown Toronto. The countdown to my ass-beating starts now.

One New Yorker who supports the president says hes had it with 

[CTRL] Fwd: [American_Liberty] The Rage and the Pride

2003-03-22 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

On 22 Mar 2003 at 4:43, Mike Schneider wrote:


Battle cry from a biased heart

March 22 2003

Death threats don't faze best-selling author Oriana Fallaci, which is
just as well now she's taken on the world's Muslims, writes George Gurley.

On a recent afternoon, the telephone rang in Oriana Fallaci's
Manhattan townhouse. The tiny, blue-eyed 72-year-old writer put down
her cigarette and picked up the receiver. Oh, it is you! she said.
She assured the caller she was all right, then thanked him and hung up.

He calls to see if I'm alive. To see if I need something. The caller
was a police officer, who has been checking in on Fallaci since the
publication of her most recent book, The Rage and the Pride, which she
wrote in New York during the weeks following September 11. The book, a
passionate cry in which she accuses the West of being blind to the
true threat of Islam, caused a scandal when it was published in Europe
last year, but has raised barely a murmur in the US.

In her native country of Italy, the book has sold more than 1million
copies and at least 500,000 in the rest of Europe. In America, it had
sold just 40,000 copies by the beginning of this year. The relative
silence with which Americans have greeted the book is puzzling: it is
they who have the most evidence, in downtown New York, of the danger
that Fallaci lays out.

In The Rage and the Pride, she compares Islam to a mountain which in
1400 years has not moved, has not risen from the abyss of its
blindness, has not opened its doors to the conquests of civilisation,
has never wanted to know about freedom and democracy and progress. In
short, has not changed. In France, a group called the Movement
Against Racism and for Friendship Between People tried to have the
book banned. A French court rejected the request. In Italy, a booklet
titled Islam Punishes Oriana Fallaci, written by the president of the
Italian Islamic Party, called for Muslims to go and die with
Fallaci. Fallaci sued the author for slander and instigation to

My life, Fallaci wrote in her book's preface, is seriously in
danger. And not only from terrorists. In 1992, she underwent surgery
for breast cancer; she says she could die any day. But she still moves
about like a spunky teenage girl, leaping up and down, making faces.
She drinks fine wine and smokes two packets of cigarettes a day - her
oncologist allows it, she says.

Before her new book, La Fallaci had achieved international fame as a
journalist and author. She covered the Vietnam War and conducted
spirited interviews with celebrities as well as world leaders - Indira
Gandhi, Golda Meir, the Shah of Iran, Ariel Sharon, the Ayatollah
Khomeini, Yasser Arafat and Deng Xiaoping (or, as she called some of
them, those bastards who decide our lives). Henry Kissinger said his
interview with Fallaci was the most disastrous conversation I ever
had with any member of the press.

Her writing has made her life comfortable. In addition to her
Manhattan townhouse, she owns a home in Florence and a 23-room house
in the Tuscan countryside, though comfort has not dulled her edges.

I have been months and months and months of bestseller No.1, Fallaci
says in her strong Florentine accent. I do not say this to make
self-congratulations. I say this to underline my thesis - that the
moment was mature. That I have put the finger on the nerve of
something: the Muslims' immigration, which grows and grows without
inserting itself in our way of life, without accepting our way of life
and, on the contrary, trying to impose on us its way of life ...

People in Europe are so exasperated by the arrogance of most of these
'invaders', and being blackmailed with the unfair term 'racist' when
they protest, that there was a kind of thirst for a book like this ...
There is no other explanation for the book's success. I have written
better books. This is a scream rather than an essay - a book written
in two weeks, come on. Why? It was not the book itself. It was the
thirst, the hunger.

The West, she says, is under assault and doesn't realise it. If we
stay inert, if we let ourselves be scared, then we become
collaborationists. If we are passive ... then we lose the war that has
been declared against us.

We can talk for centuries about the word 'racist', Fallaci says.
'Racist' has to do with race and not with religion. Yes, I am against
that religion, a religion that controls the life of people in every
minute of their day, that puts the burqa on women, that treats women
as camels, that preaches polygamy, that cuts the hands of the poor
thieves ... I am not religious - all religions are difficult to accept
for me - but the Islamic one is not even a religion, in my opinion. It
is a tyranny, a dictatorship - the only religion on earth that has
never committed a work of self-criticism ... It is immoveable.

I ask about the death threats she receives. You put the finger on the

[CTRL] Backpack full of Molotov cocktails found in S.F.

2003-03-22 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-


Backpack full of Molotov cocktails found in S.F.
Discovery near planter box at 11th and Howard streets
Peter Fimrite, Chronicle Staff Writer

Saturday, March 22, 2003

San Francisco -- A backpack full of Molotov cocktails was found
Friday where anti-war demonstrators had earlier been dodging San
Francisco police, and authorities said they suspected a protester of
stashing the explosive devices.

About a dozen bottles filled with gasoline and equipped with
makeshift fuses were discovered at 10 a.m. by a developmentally
disabled man who was tending a planter box on the corner of 11th
and Howard streets, near an outreach center.

The weapons, which are designed to explode when the gasoline
fumes hit the lit fuse after the bottle is broken, were probably hidden
in the bushes by a demonstrator Thursday night, police said. No
one, however, was immediately arrested in connection with the find.

The man who found the explosives brought them to a friend who
works around the corner at a printing plant. The man, Carl Hester,
43, immediately realized the danger and called police.

Peace protesting with Molotov cocktails? Hester said angrily after
police had cordoned off the area and sent in hazardous materials
specialists. What . . . is that?

Lt. Larry Minasian said most of the weapons were fashioned out of
beer bottles, but one quart-size bottle may have been an olive oil
container. They were wrapped in newspaper and rags and stuffed
with a wrench in a black backpack.

Minasian said they were probably stashed when riot police swept
through to break up roving groups of protesters in the area.

Molotov cocktails are extremely dangerous, Minasian said.
Flammable gasoline is almost like napalm. These are created to
hurt people or cause significant damage.

Hester, who works in shipping and receiving at Biss Printing Inc. on
Natoma Street, said stashing explosives where developmentally
disabled people are likely to find them is worse than shameful.

My friend has Down's syndrome and he doesn't talk very well, so he
brought it to me because I understand him, Hester said. He's so
innocent. He has a smile every day. To jeopardize his life like that is

Investigators interviewed the witnesses, photographed the evidence
and processed the bottles for fingerprints before handing them over
to the Fire Department for disposal.

This is a big find, Minasian said. It raises the level of caution for
the demonstrations.

E-mail Peter Fimrite at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[CTRL] (Fwd) [I-S] (fwd) Conscripts shoot their own officers rather than fight

2003-03-22 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

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The Times of London

March 22, 2003

Conscripts shoot their own officers rather than fight

From Tom Newton Dunn with 40 Commando near al-Faw, southern Iraq

IRAQI conscripts shot their own officers in the chest yesterday to avoid
a fruitless fight over the oil terminals at al-Faw.  British soldiers
from 40 Commando’s Charlie Company found a bunker full of the dead
officers, with spent shells from an AK47 rifle around them.

Stuck between the US Seals and the Royal Marines, whom they did not want
to fight, and a regime that would kill them if they refused, it was the
conscripts’ only way out.

In total, 40 Commando had collected more than 100 prisoners of war
yesterday from the few square miles of the al-Faw peninsula that they
controlled.  Two of them were a general in the regular Iraqi Army and a
brigadier.  They came out from the command bunker where they had been
hiding after 40 Commando’s Bravo Company fired two anti-tank missiles
into it.  With them was a large sports holdall stuffed with money.  They
insisted that they had been about to pay their troops, to the disbelief
of their captors.

These were the men who had left their soldiers hungry, poorly armed and
almost destitute for weeks, judging by the state we had seen them in,
while appearing to keep the money for themselves.

It was only as dawn broke that the 900 Royal Marine commandos, who had
moved forward during the night, realised the pitiful shape of the
enemy.  The first white flag was hoisted by three soldiers in a trench
just outside the complex’s north gate, which had been surrounded by
heavy machinegunners from Command Company.

They were taken prisoner by Corporal Fergus Gask, 26, who may have
accepted the first surrender of the war.  “We started engaging their
positions with GPMGs (general purpose machineguns) when I noticed this
white flag go up,” he said.  “I didn’t know whether it was a trick or
not, but I approached the trench anyway, probably a pretty silly thing
to do if I think about it.

“But as soon as I saw their faces I knew they were genuine.  They
actually looked very relieved they didn’t have to fight any more.  And
they became very pleased to see us when they realised we weren’t going
to do them any harm.”

The dawn light appeared to have provoked an exodus.

Small groups of dishevelled Iraqis were standing up all around us with
their hands in the air, or with a dirty white T-shirt tied to a stick
waving above them.  Every time you turned around, a new trickle of
silhouettes emerged from the horizon walking slowly towards us.  One
Marine joked: “Oh no.  They’re surrendering at us from all sides.”

Each prisoner was thoroughly searched before he was accepted into
captivity in a procedure that the commandos had clearly practised many
times.  The injured were quickly treated and a handful received almost
immediate helicopter evacuation from the oil terminal to HMS Ocean,
where a temporary hospital for PoWs has been set up.

As a new day began, so did the Marines’ gradual expansion outwards into
the large expanse of waste ground that is still pockmarked with shell
craters from the Iran-Iraq War.To save them having to translate from
Arabic maps, 40 Commando named the clear paths they had established or
wanted to seize with London street names: Downing Street, Abbey Road or
Fulham Road.

Engineers, meanwhile, began the work of shutting down the many oil
pipeline valves.

This is a pooled dispatch for the British press

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[CTRL] (Fwd) [I-S] I was a naive fool to be a human shield for Saddam

2003-03-23 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Sun, 23 Mar 2003 08:51:08 -0500
Subject:[I-S] (fwd) [American_Liberty] I was a naive fool to be
a human shield for Saddam

On Sat, 22 Mar 2003 23:57:40 -0800, Tim Starr


I was a naive fool to be a human shield for Saddam
By Daniel Pepper
(Filed: 23/03/2003)

I wanted to join the human shields in Baghdad because it was direct
action which had a chance of bringing the anti-war movement to the
forefront of world attention. It was inspiring: the human shield
volunteers were making a sacrifice for their political views - much more
of a personal investment than going to a demonstration in Washington or
London. It was simple - you get on the bus and you represent yourself.

So that is exactly what I did on the morning of Saturday, January 25. I
am a 23-year-old Jewish- American photographer living in Islington,
north London. I had travelled in the Middle East before: as a student, I
went to the Palestinian West Bank during the intifada. I also went to
Afghanistan as a photographer for Newsweek.

The human shields appealed to my anti-war stance, but by the time I had
left Baghdad five weeks later my views had changed drastically. I
wouldn't say that I was exactly pro-war - no, I am ambivalent - but I
have a strong desire to see Saddam removed.

We on the bus felt that we were sympathetic to the views of the Iraqi
civilians, even though we didn't actually know any. The group was less
interested in standing up for their rights than protesting against the
US and UK governments.

I was shocked when I first met a pro-war Iraqi in Baghdad - a taxi
driver taking me back to my hotel late at night. I explained that I was
American and said, as we shields always did, Bush bad, war bad, Iraq
good. He looked at me with an expression of incredulity.

As he realised I was serious, he slowed down and started to speak in
broken English about the evils of Saddam's regime. Until then I had only
heard the President spoken of with respect, but now this guy was telling
me how all of Iraq's oil money went into Saddam's pocket and that if you
opposed him politically he would kill your whole family.

It scared the hell out of me. First I was thinking that maybe it was the
secret police trying to trick me but later I got the impression that he
wanted me to help him escape. I felt so bad. I told him: Listen, I am
just a schmuck from the United States, I am not with the UN, I'm not
with the CIA - I just can't help you.

Of course I had read reports that Iraqis hated Saddam Hussein, but this
was the real thing. Someone had explained it to me face to face. I told
a few journalists who I knew. They said that this sort of thing often
happened - spontaneous, emotional, and secretive outbursts imploring
visitors to free them from Saddam's tyrannical Iraq.

I became increasingly concerned about the way the Iraqi regime was
restricting the movement of the shields, so a few days later I left
Baghdad for Jordan by taxi with five others. Once over the border we
felt comfortable enough to ask our driver what he felt about the regime
and the threat of an aerial bombardment.

Don't you listen to Powell on Voice of America radio? he said. Of
course the Americans don't want to bomb civilians. They want to bomb
government and Saddam's palaces. We want America to bomb Saddam.

We just sat, listening, our mouths open wide. Jake, one of the others,
just kept saying, Oh my God as the driver described the horrors of the
regime. Jake was so shocked at how naive he had been. We all were. It
hadn't occurred to anyone that the Iraqis might actually be pro-war.

The driver's most emphatic statement was: All Iraqi people want this
war. He seemed convinced that civilian casualties would be small; he
had such enormous faith in the American war machine to follow through on
its promises. Certainly more faith than any of us had.

Perhaps the most crushing thing we learned was that most ordinary Iraqis
thought Saddam Hussein had paid us to come to protest in Iraq. Although
we explained that this was categorically not the case, I don't think he
believed us. Later he asked me: Really, how much did Saddam pay you to

It hit me on visceral and emotional levels: this was a real portrayal of
Iraq life. After the first conversation, I completely rethought my view
of the Iraqi situation. My understanding changed on intellectual,
emotional, psychological levels. I remembered the experience of seeing
Saddam's egomaniacal portraits everywhere for the past two weeks and
tried to place myself in the shoes of someone who had been subjected to
seeing them every day for the last 20 or so years.

Last Thursday night I went to photograph the anti-war rally in
Parliament Square. Thousands of people 


2003-03-23 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

Mar. 23, 2003
An Najaf, Iraq


About 30 Iraqi troops, including a general, surrendered today to US
forces of the 3rd Infantry Division as they overtook huge installation
apparently used to produce chemical weapons in An Najaf, some 250
kilometers south of Baghdad.

One soldier was lightly wounded when a booby-trapped explosive went off
as he was clearing the sheet metal-lined facility, which resembles the
eery images of scientific facilities in World War II concentration

The huge 100-acre complex, which is surrounded by a electrical fence, is
perhaps the first illegal chemical plant to be uncovered by US troops in
their current mission in Iraq. The surrounding barracks resemble an
abandoned slum.

It wasn't immediately clear exactly which chemicals were being produced
here, but clearly the Iraqis tried to camouflage the facility so it
could not be photographed aerially, by swathing it in sand-cast walls to
make it look like the surrounding desert.

Within minutes of our entry into the camp on Sunday afternoon, at least
30 Iraqi soldiers and their commanding officer of the rank of General,
obeyed the instructions of US soldiers who called out from our jeep in
loudspeakers for them to lie down on the ground, and put their hands
above their heads to surrender.

Today's operation is the third engagement with Iraqi forces by the First
Brigade of the US army's 3rd Infantry Division, since Saturday

So far in the campaign, the brigade has suffered no losses. But two were
wounded Saturday night in an ambush on the outskirts of As-Samwah in
southern Iraq.

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2003-03-23 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

Can you believe it? - the UN weapons inspectors say they were totally unaware of
this 100 acre chemical weapons facility 90 miles outside of Baghdad.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] (Fwd) Group Shows Iraqis Welcoming US

2003-03-24 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

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From another list

  Group shows Iraqis welcoming U.S.
By Arnaud de Borchgrave



 AMMAN, Jordan — A group of American anti-war demonstrators, part
 of a Japanese human-shield delegation, returned from Iraq
 yesterday with 14 hours of uncensored video, all shot without
 Iraqi government minders present, with Iraqis eager to tell of
 their welcome for American troops. Top Stories

 The Rev. Kenneth Joseph, a young American pastor of the Assyrian
 Church of the East, said the trip to Iraq had shocked me back to

  Some of the Iraqis he interviewed on camera, he said, told me they
  would commit suicide if American bombing didn't start. They were
  willing to see their homes demolished to gain their freedom from
  Saddam [Hussein]'s bloody tyranny.

 Mr. Joseph said the Iraqis convinced him that Saddam is a monster
 the likes of which the world had not seen since Stalin and Hitler. He
 and his sons are sick sadists.
 Their tales of slow torture and killing made me ill, such as
 people put in a huge shredder for plastic products, feet first so
 the [torture masters] could hear their screams as bodies got
 chewed up from foot to head. The pastor and others making it
 across the border into Jordan tell harrowing stories about their
 journey. The only gasoline station between Baghdad and the
 border, a distance of 400 miles, was blown up by U.S.
 fighter-bombers. The station, in the one-camel village of Ramadi,
 had the only telephone booth on the road across the desert and a
 Jordanian, who had stopped to call his parents in Amman to let
 them know he was on his way home, was killed in the explosion.
 The few taxi drivers in Baghdad willing to drive to the Jordanian
 border are charging $1,500 per passenger. Very few Iraqis can
 afford the fare, and only about 300 third-country nationals,
 mostly Sudanese and Egyptians, have reached the border post since
 the shock and awe campaign began. Travelers have to struggle
 with their luggage across the last two miles on foot to Al
 Karama, the first Jordanian outpost. From there, they are taken
 by bus to a tent city at the Ruwaished refugee camp, 36 miles
 inside Jordan. The Baghdad-Jordan highway was busy with
 commercial traffic before the beginning of the war, with some 700
 tanker-trucks shuttling daily with part of the 12,000 tons of oil
 consumed by Jordan every day. All of it comes from Iraq at
 discounted prices under the U.N. oil-for-food program. Some 2,600
 Jordanian and 1,500 Iraqi tankers have been involved in the
 overland oil traffic. Movement was down to 140 tankers the day
 before the bombing started. It stopped abruptly two days ago.
 Jordan had made plans for a quick switch to tankers anchored off
 Aqaba. Qatar had pledged to replace whatever shortfall Jordan
 experienced. Jordanians see one favorable omen. Every day, almost
 a thousand white storks arrive at a supermarket parking lot on
 one of Amman's seven hills, a pit stop on their way from Africa
 to their East European breeding grounds. About 100,000 storks are
 expected to stop here over the next month, numbers not seen in 10
 years. Jordanians take this as a sign of ample rain and a good
 harvest ahead. The difference between official and private views
 of some ranking Jordanian officials may be an omen, too.
 Officially, they condemn the war and say they are deeply
 troubled by the prospect of repercussions of the war on the
 region, and describe the situation as critical. Privately, they
 say, the war is developing a new opportunity for peace in the
 Middle East. Says one former prime minister: If the U.S. can get
 a new Iraq to recognize Israel as a quid pro quo for a final
 Palestinian settlement, others will fall into place — Syria,
 Saudi Arabia, and the other Gulf states. Iran would then have to
 pull back its military support for Hezbollah. •Arnaud de
 Borchgrave is editor at large of The Washington Times and of
 United Press International. This dispatch was distributed by UPI

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[CTRL] (Fwd) Troops find hidden Iraqi cruise missiles (Brit and Russian munitions)

2003-03-24 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

FromMichael Doughty [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From an LP list...

-- Forwarded message --
now this,
London Guardian 3/24/03
Troops find hidden Iraqi cruise missiles

British soldiers stumble upon bunkers full of arms and ammunition
including sophisticated Russian-made rockets

Gethin Chamberlain of the Scotsman, with the Black Watch outside Basra
Monday March 24, 2003 The Guardian

British troops mopping up Iraqi opposition outside Basra have
discovered cruise missiles hidden in bunkers abandoned by Saddam
Hussein's disintegrating southern army. The massive arsenal includes
cases of rockets, giant anti-shipping mines and other ammunition piled
from floor to ceiling in dozens of bunkers at what is marked on maps
as the Zubayr heliport.

Some of the boxes are clearly marked with the names of British
manufacturers. One pile of boxes in a store housing rocket-propelled
grenades bears the name of Wallop Industries Limited, based in Middle
Wallop, Hampshire.

But the most disturbing find was two Russian-made Harith cruise
missiles, each six metres (20ft) long, and nine warheads hidden in two
enormous, reinforced-concrete bunkers.

Another missile, as yet unidentified, was found still in its crate.

The scale and possible implications of the weapons find took British
forces by surprise and raised fresh questions about the extent of the
Iraqi war machine and the ability of weapons inspectors to cope with
the task of scouring such a vast country for prohibited ordnance.

The discovery of the missiles - which were stamped with the year 2002
- came as British troops from the Black Watch regiment fought to
secure the area around Iraqi's second city, Basra, in preparation for
the capture of the city.

Several units were involved in skirmishes with pockets of Iraqi troops
and with civilians who have seized abandoned weaponry.

One unit from the Black Watch came under attack from rocket-propelled
grenades four times yesterday morning, but there were no casualties.

It was while trying to secure the area around the heliport that units
from the Black Watch stumbled upon the missiles and other weapons.

The vast complex, surrounded by barbed wire, stands to the south-west
of the town, defended by tanks. The defenders fled after coming under
attack from coalition forces.

Outside the perimeter fence about 40 bunkers were packed with
rocket-propelled grenades and other ammunition. Inside, 22 larger,
fortified bunkers contained larger weaponry including the Harith

The missiles, with al-Harith 2002 stencilled in red paint on the side
and covered with Cyrillic writing, were housed in 60ft-long bunkers
protected by steel double doors 1ft thick.

Painted grey, the missiles have two wings, each with a span of about
2ft, and three tail fins. There was no indication of the nature of the
warheads fitted and experts have been called in to examine them.

Also housed inside the reinforced bunkers were what appeared to be
large anti-shipping mines, and a host of other munitions. On one box,
written in English, were the words: Contract AS Navy. 5/1980 Iran.

Corporal Iain Robertson said troops had discovered the missiles when
they spotted children breaking into the heliport. We came to see what
they were looking at and found the bunkers with their doors wide open.
When we went inside we came across those things.

Corporal Steven Airzee added: The initial sight was a shock. We were
trying to figure out what they were. You have to wonder whether the
weapons inspectors have been there because they looked pretty big.

The entrance to the heliport was decorated with a picture of Saddam
Hussein in military uniform. The area was surrounded by wrecked
vehicles and abandoned, sandbagged fox holes, some flying white flags,
and was overlooked by a network of watchtowers.

Many of the buildings had already been looted by local people who took
anything that could be carried by truck.

There were also fears that weapons may have been taken from some of
the bunkers that lay open outside the perimeter fence.

Inside one, troops discovered open boxes containing rocket-propelled
grenades. In the same building were a large pile of wooden weapons
crates, unopened, marked Wallop Industries Limited. The boxes had red
stickers warning: Danger - do not load in passenger aircraft.

Lieutenant Angus Watson said soldiers had found the haul when they
arrived on Saturday night. The complex is massive and we were
surprised to find a lot of the kit intact, easily enough for a whole
brigade, he said.

They also discovered hundreds of leaflets lying on the floor, dropped
by coalition planes, urging the defenders to surrender. The leaflets,
and evidence of a bombardment from the air or by artillery, appeared
to have persuaded the defenders to abandon their posts without a

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[CTRL] (Fwd) Re: Someone Needed to Say It

2003-03-24 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---


Ahhh, Michael Moore. I grew up basically around the corner from him in the
Flint area and can tell you we are all amazed at the coverage he has
gotten. Essentially, he was and is a very rude, ego-centric power monger.
He tries to win arguements through verbal intimidation, basically of the
school ground variety, the same thing he has always done. If you don't
think the way he wants you to, you must be a moron and are open to any form
of public humiliation he can dream up. Let's look at this bit of drivel and
see whether this is a fact driven argument, or opportunity to name call and
get himself a little play..

1. There is virtually NO ONE in America (talk radio nutters and Fox News
aside) who is gung-ho to go to war. Trust me on this one.

74% according to last nights news do support this, and in Atlanta, the
support demonstration outnumbered the anti bush protesters.

Why? 'Cause NO Iraqis have ever come here and killed any of us! No Iraqi
has even threatened to do that.

Hmm, do we ONLY think that a fight is necessary if a knife is held to each
of our throats on our own soil? How many of us did Hitler kill on our soil
before we declared war? none. And the Iraqis have not threatened to bring
this fight to us on our soil, they have promised to do so on multiple

2. The majority of Americans -- the ones who never elected you..

Get over it Michael, they counted those votes every way the oppostion
thought they might have an advantage and still couldn't make 4 become 1.

the stock market having become a cruel joke, no one knowing if their
retirement funds are going to be there, gas now costs almost two dollars 

A little change of subjects, normal for Michael, revealing his true agenda.
This is an attack on bush, not a cry for peace. Of course, the stock market
is rebounding strongly now, and gas here dropped between 16 and 22 cents
per gallon this week.

3. As Bill Maher said last week, how bad do you have to suck to lose a
popularity contest with Saddam Hussein? The whole world is against you, Mr.
Bush. Count your fellow Americans among them.

A quote from a comedic monologue from the only man in media to lose his
show over attacking the President offered here as if it were an impartial
nugget of truth from a valid source.

4. The Pope has said this war is wrong, that it is a SIN. The Pope!

Duhhh, Michael, what does he expect the pope to say about war?

5. Of the 535 members of Congress, only ONE (Sen. Johnson of South
Dakota) has an enlisted son or daughter in the armed forces! 

Traditionally, the military is not overflowing with the children of the
rich and powerful, Michael. None of the children of congress and Senate
went to Kosovo for Clinton, but Michael didn't care about that. I don't
think he realizes that this whole portion of his arguement is valid if we
are drafting, but right now, we have a volunteer army, comprised of men and
women far better educated than at any time in our history. 96% possessing
either a high school or college degree. They made informed decisions and
chose the risk when they joined.

6. Finally, we love France ... have you forgotten we wouldn't even have
this country known as America if it weren't for the French? That it was
their help in the Revolutionary War that won it for us? 

Possibly, but the French did not join sides with us technically and never
saw this as the fight for American independence. They made small loans of
weapons and cash so we would be able to make trouble for the Brits and draw
attention away from other areas the French were interested in to the south,
and buy time until they could attack to regain the lost territory of the
French and Indian wars. They voted to not get involved, but Lafayette chose
independantly to come to America and funded personally the initial
involvement here. Then the French declared war on England and pitched in
with us with the understanding they would get choice of land.

That our greatest thinkers and founding fathers -- Thomas Jefferson, Ben
Franklin, etc. -- spent many years in Paris where they refined the concepts
that lead to our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution? 

 Franklin and Jefferson got their ideas from many sources, with Voltaire
being the lone Frenchman with a great deal of influence in their later
work. The French, built their own revolution and subsequent documents on
the back of ours, not the other way around.

Your ignorance of the world has not only made you look stupid, it has
painted you into a corner you can't get out of.

Another bit of name calling from the childish Mr. Moore. He wrapped it up
with a sarcastic paragraph of namecalling, which I need not repeat, and
another intimation that we are just after oil, etc. etc. his usual
pandering to the extreme left.

Why he is not a bit critical of the French an their 60 billion dollar oil
agreement with Saddam that 

[CTRL] FW: Scientist hid nukes in Iraq 20 years ago

2003-03-25 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

From another list

-Original Message-

Tuesday, March 25, 2003

Scientist hid nukes in Iraq 20 years ago

Oakland Township man says he later lived in fear
By Jennifer Brooks / The Detroit News

OAKLAND TOWNSHIP -- Gazi George is certain that Iraq is hiding weapons
of mass destruction, because he used to be one of the people hiding

Two decades ago, while he was employed by the Iraqi Atomic Energy
Commission, George says he hid 39 rods of enriched uranium -- enough
to build two nuclear bombs -- in a hastily converted swimming pool
near the grounds of the Osirak nuclear power plants at Tuweitha.

Israeli fighter jets destroyed the plants in 1981. But to his
knowledge, no one ever discovered or destroyed the uranium.

Instead, when an international inspector came to visit the ruined
site, George said he was ordered to contaminate the grounds with alpha
emitters, materials that mimic a uranium spill. The inspector, he
said, went away satisfied that the plant's nuclear material had been

We faked the whole thing, said George, who fled the country soon

Today, he runs a chemical and environmental consulting company and
lives comfortably in Oakland Township. But he has not forgotten the
five years he spent in the Iraqi nuclear program and has never stopped
looking over his shoulder, for fear Iraqi agents might appear to carry
out his sentence.

The former nuclear scientist, who was in charge of health and safety
programs at the Osirak plants, recalls harrowing years with his
country's fledgling nuclear plant. Perhaps the worst experience was a
secret bunker he visited -- hidden beneath a government agriculture
building -- where he was asked to test for radiation levels. He found
radioactive residue in syringes surrounded by bloody swabs and in
cages too small for a person to stand up.

He says political prisoners were locked up in those cages, injected
with radiation and exposed to an external bombardment of cobalt 60
radiation until their mouths bled, their skin blistered and they died.

--- End of forwarded message ---

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] (Fwd) NM- Global Crossing, Iraqi Defenses and the Chinese

2003-03-25 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

from another list

--- Forwarded message follows ---


Global Crossing, Iraqi Defenses and the Chinese Connection
Charles R. Smith
Tuesday March 25, 2003

There is one Iraqi weapon system with U.S.A. stamped on it; the NATO
code-named Tiger Song air defense system. Much of Tiger Song is U.S.
made fiber-optic network systems sold to China by the Clinton

The fiber-optic Tiger Song air defense network was installed in Iraq
during the 1990s by China in violation of the U.N. ban on weapons
sales to Baghdad. Tiger Song is a distributed network and it is
similar to the Internet, allowing Iraqi mobile radars and missile
units to link into the network from pre-positioned fiber optic sites.

Ironically, the Bush administration has so far denied an even greater
sale of sensitive U.S. fiber-optic systems to China. The Defense
Department opposes the sale of Global Crossing to Chinese billionaire
Li Ka-Shing and his Hutcheson Whampoa company for obvious national
security reasons.

Although, the U.S. Defense Department opposes the sale of the
fiber-optic giant Global Crossing to Hutcheson Whampoa, Li Ka-Shing is
fighting back.

Bush defense advisor Richard Perle, who was hired to advise Global
Crossing on security to satisfy the U.S. government's concerns,
conceded that the Chinese Army is in business with Hutcheson Whampoa
providing military communications for the PRC and that China has
provided fiber-optic systems to Iraq.

I am not surprised, he stated. I do not trust the Chinese
government on these matters. They have sold dangerous things to Iraq
and other nations.

It was very clear that the previous Global Crossing proposal was not
going to meet U.S. government requirements. The U.S. government is
concerned that the Hutcheson ownership will give them the ability to
do injury to U.S. national security. Hutcheson Whampoa will now end up
with 20% ownership. I have been retained to help Global Crossing find
a structure to protect U.S. national security, said Mr. Perle.


As this reporter has previously written, Li Ka-Shing has a history of
helping the Chinese military erect communications networks using U.S.
made equipment. For example, in 1989 Li Ka-Shing raised $120 million
to buy a HUGHES built communications satellite for AsiaSat.

AsiaSat is also a front company for the People's Liberation Army
(PLA). According to Aviation Week and Space Technology, AsiaSat is
part owned by the Chinese Army unit COSTIND or the Commission on
Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense. The AsiaSat
Hughes satellite regularly carries military communications traffic
for PLA units and Chinese military owned companies.

A 1996 report written by then U.S. Ambassador to China James Sasser
alleges that the Chinese Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications
(MPT) and Chinese billionaire Li Ka Shing were both directly involved
with the PLA in financing the communications networks for the Chinese

The report also states that the PLA was directly involved in the
so-called civilian Chinese fiber optic communication systems.
Sasser's report noted that the PLA actively worked on a Ministry of
Posts and Telecommunications (MPT) fiber optic network that the
Clinton administration stated was civil for the House National
Security Committee.

For example, wrote Sasser, in laying long distance fiber optic
lines for the MPT's telephones and digital data network, the PLA has
provided soldiers to do much of the work. The PLA cadres are
considered disciplined and hard working. Once the cable has been laid,
the MPT typically allocates some of the bandwidth to the PLA.

In 1997, the Rand Corporation wrote a secret report on the Chinese
Defense Industry and it also included a section on billionaire Li Ka
Shing and his business with the Chinese Army. The Rand report was
obtained in a successful federal lawsuit against the Commerce

The Rand Corporation report highlights Li Ka-Shing's direct
connections to the Chinese military. According the Rand report,
Hutchison Whampoa of Hong Kong, controlled by Hong Kong billionaire
Li Ka Shing, is also negotiating for PLA wireless system contracts,
which would build upon his equity interest in [Chinese army]
Poly-owned Yangpu Land Development Company, which is building
infrastructure on China's Hainan Island.

U.S. and allied forces are now fighting a Clinton-era mistake made in
1994 allowing the fiber-optic systems to be sold to China. The same
Tiger Song fiber optic system is now sending the commands of the Iraqi
military to fight our soldiers.

The Chinese Army would love to get its hands on Global Crossing. It is
clear from previous sales of such U.S. made systems to Li Ka-Shing
that the Chinese Army will benefit from that technology. It is just as
clear that - if given the opportunity - the Chinese Army will use
Global Crossing technology and assets against the national 

[CTRL] Donors Freeze Money To Palestinian Group After Audit

2003-03-25 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

Donors Freeze Money To Palestinian Group After Audit
Source: DJI - Dow Jones International News

Mar 25 07:25
JERUSALEM (AP)--International donors have frozen funding for a
leading Palestinian human rights group after an independent audit
raised suspicion that millions of dollars in grants has been
mismanaged, the European Union said Tuesday.

The group under scrutiny is called Law Society. Which has been
monitoring Israeli and Palestinian human rights abuses in the West
Bank and Gaza Strip since 1990.

An audit by the accounting firm Ernst  Young indicated that Law
Society funneled at least $1.5 million in donor money into a savings
account without the donors´ knowledge. The group did this by
overstating wages and other expenses and by falsifying annual
budget statements and audits, according to an initial report.

Israel´s Haaretz newspaper, citing the audit report, said Tuesday
that $4 million is unaccounted for. A partial copy of the report
obtained by The Associated Press makes note of about $2 million
that was apparently mismanaged.

The audit spans the period from September 1997 through August
2002, a time when LAW received nearly $10 million in grants.

The report names LAW´s former director, Khader Shkirat, as being
involved in the mismanagement of funds.

In a telephone interview Tuesday, Shkirat acknowledged setting up
savings accounts without the donors´ knowledge, but denied any
money disappeared.

The accounts were set up to make sure the group would have
money in the future, should donors decide one day to stop the
funding, Shkirat said.

'We wanted to secure the future,' Shkirat said. 'The donors would
not have agreed to allow us to save money for the future which is
why we didn´t tell them.'

The European Union said in a statement that the audit´s initial
findings 'indicate considerable mismanagement within LAW.' It said
it was continuing to examine the legal and financial implications of
the audit and 'in the meantime, the donors have decided to freeze all
contributions' to the group.

The audit said LAW´s 'accounting records and the accounting
system were not reliable.'

In addition to setting up the savings account, the audit says LAW
misused donor money to give no-interest loans to one of Shkirat´s
relatives and to buy cars that members of the group weren´t eligible

The audit said it has been unable to account for all the grant money.
'It cannot be ruled out that assets have been disposed of,' the report

In September 2002, LAW informed the donors that some $1.5
million had been set aside in savings accounts without the donors´
knowledge. Shkirat said all the money was found intact in the bank.

(Copyright (c) 2003, Dow Jones  Company, Inc.)


Received Id DJI0308401980 on Mar 25 2003 07:32

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] (Fwd) (fwd) The Dems' Michael Moore Problem

2003-03-26 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---


Jewish World Review March 25, 2003 / 21 Adar II, 5763

Laura Ingraham

The Dems' Michael Moore Problem

http://www.NewsAndOpinion.com | …[W]e live in fictitious times-a time
when we have fictitious election results that elect a fictitious
president-a time when a man is sending us to war for fictitious
reasons. --Michael Moore, accepting his Academy Award for Best
Documentary Feature.

Don't get suckered into believing that Moore's anti-Bush, anti-war rant
is an isolated viewpoint on the far-left of the Democrat party.  The
dirty little secret is that most Dem-elite intellectuals agree with
stupid white man Moore but are afraid to say so publicly.

The truth is that leading Democrat thinkers have at one time or
another explicitly or implicitly conveyed the same sentiments.  Take the
fictitious election comment.  Bill Clinton, still the titular head of
the Democrat Party, has made similar cracks.  Ditto for recovering
politician Al Gore.  At a speech in the Dominican Republic in December,
Gore asked the crowd, In your presidential election here, does the
candidate who gets the most votes win the election?

As for Moore's fictitious reasons for war comment, Senators Ted
Kennedy and Robert Byrd have made comparable charges in recent weeks.
When Moore refers to Bush as a fictitious president, what he really
means is that he is a stupid president.  When Tom Daschle last week
blamed the President's miserable failure in diplomacy for forcing war,
he too was really saying that Bush is dunce.  Tom the Towering Intellect
believes President Bush is woefully incapable of maneuvering in our
complex, interconnected world.  He's no Jacques Chirac.

The Dem-elites in Hollywood and Washington, utterly convinced of their
intellectual and moral superiority, are hopelessly out of touch with the
public whose welfare they claim to care so much about.  Take the
Oscars.  On a day when we learned that American POWs were being
humiliated before Iraqi television cameras, ABC decided the Academy ad
revenues were too big to pass up.  For the Academy, toning down the red
carpet was an adequate sacrifice.  Chef mogul Wolfgang Puck, who was
catering the big after-party bash for the Academy, wailed that if the
awards were cancelled, hundreds of pounds of imported sea bass would go
to waste.

Well, Americans spoke last night.  Ratings for the broadcast were down
23 percent from last year.  Some proudly boycotted the Oscars, others
opted to focus on what was happening in the real world.  Turns out that
the 70+ percent of those stupid Americans who support the President and
the war in Iraq were smart enough to tune out Hollywood's ill-timed
narcissistic exercise.  Actor Tom Hanks was classy enough to bow out,
undoubtedly uncomfortable with the spectacle.  On this channel, see our
brave military men and women in harms way, donning chemical suits.  Flip
to ABC and see Oscar nominees and presenters air-kissing one another for
their artistic sacrifices, clutching their $25,000 goodie bags, decked
out in couture.  Their idea of an MRE is a take-out order of capellini
with white truffles from the Ivy.

Democrats' confused, muddled foreign policy message isn't playing any
better with the American public than the Oscar ceremony played with
American television viewers.  The reason is that, except maybe for Joe
Lieberman and Dick Gephardt, Democrats have made it clear that they
believe that France should have veto authority over US national security
decisions.  Listen to Rep.  Nancy Pelosi before for war, and it's clear
that if France had agreed to the war, then she would be for it, too.

To heck with the fact that the American president, the intelligence
community, the entire Cabinet, believe the war is necessary for our
security!  To heck with the American people who support President Bush's
decision!  Guinea and Cameroon aren't on board!

That so many liberals see this as an illegitimate or even illegal
war is why liberalism is on life-support.  The Michael Moore
sympathizers in the Democrat party actually believe that the French (who
helped Iraq build a nuclear plant) and the Russians (who sell
unauthorized radar jamming equipment to Iraq) are acting in good
faith, but the President Bush and Vice-President Cheney are not.

The Dem-elites trust the judgment of the international community on
foreign policy.  Americans trust the judgment of their president.  The
Dem-elites are enamored with the UN.  Americans see the UN as a forum
for America-bashing.  The Dem-elites believe America has become too
arrogant. Americans think France is too arrogant.  The Dem-elites
don't like the idea of America as a super-power. Americans are proud
to be the strongest, freest country in the world.  The Dem-elites think
this war is our fault.  Americans think that it's Saddam's fault.

It would be refreshing if more in the entertainment industry confronted
the idiocy of Michael Moore. 

[CTRL] Fwd: Saddam Hussein's Ongoing War Against the Iraqis

2003-03-28 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

On 28 Mar 2003 at 8:05, someone from another list wrote:

[Iraq has violated sixteen UN Security Council resolutions, most of
which were passed under the rarely used Chapter VII, which makes them
legally biding on all UN members to enforce by military means if
necessary. What is the point of these resolutions if the member nations
of the UN do not show the will to enforce them?]

Saddam Hussein's Ongoing War Against the Iraqis
By Safia Taleb Al Souhail

Safia Taleb Al Souhail is Advocacy Director for the Middle East and
Islamic World at the International Alliance for Justice (www.i-a-j.org),
and the publisher of the independent newspaper Al Manar Al Arabi. Al
Souhail participated in a delegation of nine Iraqi women who met with
British Prime Minister Tony Blair on December 2nd 2002, to brief him on
the persecution of their communities in Iraq. This perspective is based
on the delegation's remarks.

As we watch UN inspectors search Iraq for weapons of mass destruction, I
ask, why are there no UN inspectors investigating Saddam Hussein's
crimes against the Iraqi people? Along with hidden caches of biological
and chemical weapons, Iraq also has hidden torture chambers, prisons and
mass graves.

In Saddam's Iraq, women are especially vulnerable pressure points -
victims who can be used to influence other victims. They are harassed,
abused, raped, tortured and gassed both for their resistance to the
regime and as a means to control their families. For reasons like this,
other Iraqi women and I have been organizing to get our voices heard in
the international arena. Last December we met with Prime Minister Tony
Blair of Britain to brief him on the Ba'th regime's systematic abuse of
women in Iraq, and how our families and communities have been persecuted
by Saddam's regime.

Zahraa Mohammed is a Shi'a, Feyli Kurd from Baghdad.  She described to
Mr. Blair how she was imprisoned with her family for three months in
1980, during a mass deportation campaign of Feyli Kurds from Iraq to
Iran. Saddam's regime has conducted three such campaigns, in 1969, 1971
and 1980, in which hundreds of thousands of Feyli Kurds were expelled
and lost all their property.

Saddam's agents took away Mohammed's four brothers and eight cousins,
and dumped the rest of her family on the heavily mined Iranian border.
To this day, she does not know what happened to her brothers and
hundreds of other relatives who have also disappeared.   In total, seven
thousand young men of the Feyli Kurdish community were taken hostage in
April 1980, and twenty-three years later their fate remains unknown.

Berivan Dosky, a Kurd from northern Iraq, described how her mother was
forced to flee her village in Duhok province in the 1961 Iraqi war
against the Kurds, merely two hours after giving birth to Berivan.
Berivan herself was later forced to repeat the scenario with her
three-month-old son.  In 1988, during a chemical attack against the
Kurds, Berivan had to make a Faustian choice:  She had only one gas
mask, and had to decide whether to use it for herself, or give it to her
then two-year-old son. She decided neither would wear it; they would
either live or die together. Berivan is worried that Saddam will once
again use chemical weapons against the Iraqi Kurds who live in the
British and American-protected Kurdish safe haven. She asked Mr. Blair
to make sure that there are enough gas masks for everyone.

Fatima Bahr-al-Ulum is a Shi'a from a respected religious family in
Najaf, in Southern Iraq.  She listed over twenty clergy members in her
immediate family who are in prison; none of them were released in the
recent amnesty. Scores of others have been killed.  The Iraqi Shi'as
have suffered greatly from the discriminatory policies of Saddam's
regime, which has massacred over two hundred thousand Shi'as, murdered
five of their religious leaders (Al Maraji'), and destroyed their Marsh
lands, known as the Venice of the Middle East.   All the great Sh'ia
religious families in Iraq, like Fatima Ulum's, have been targeted by
Saddam's regime for their opposition to its brutal policies.

Layla Kelenchy, a Turkoman from Kirkuk, in Northern Iraq, described how
she was expelled from her home during the 1990's as part of Saddam's
Arabization campaign in which Sunni Arab Iraqis are resettled around
the country to disrupt other Iraqi ethnic communities.  There are an
estimated one million non-Arab refugees within Iraq who have been
displaced by Saddam's ethnic cleansing campaign and live in refugee
camps or scattered in various cities in Iraqi Kurdistan.

Melina Bakhos, an Assyrian poet, told the Prime Minister how Saddam's
regime has destroyed more than two hundred villages, and dozens of
ancient churches and monasteries, in her small Christian Assyrian
community. Only this summer, his agents beheaded a 72-year-old nun in a
Mosul Church. Hundreds of Iraqi women have been beheaded in the last 

[CTRL] Al-Jazeera Web hijack

2003-03-28 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-


Friday March 28, 09:35 AM

FBI to investigate Al-Jazeera Web hijack
By Robert Lemos, CNET News.com

Visitors to both the Arabic and English versions of the Al-Jazeera
Web site on Thursday were greeted with an American flag and a
pro-US message, the work of an apparent online vandal.

The FBI has opened an investigation into the attack on Al-Jazeera's
Web site, a representative with the bureau has said. The Middle
Eastern news service was the victim of a domain hijacking. The
actual defacement appeared on a free Web site service provided by
NetWorld Connections. Technically known as a redirect, the hack
caused Web browsers that attempted to go to www.aljazeera.net --
as well as the English-language site -- to be surreptitiously
redirected to the content hosted on NetWorld's servers.

The NetWorld service detected a spike in traffic early on Thursday
morning, and an email from a security specialist confirmed that
visitors to Al-Jazeera were being redirected to NetWorld's service,
said Ken Bowman, chief executive of the Salt Lake City company.
We pulled down the content immediately, Bowman said. He added
that VeriSign, which administers the domain registry, eliminated the
redirect later in the morning. They never even touched (Al-
Jazeera's) site, he said.

The problem has been corrected by eliminating the redirect and
reinstating the correct addresses for Al-Jazeera's sites. However,
the changes take time, up to three days, to filter throughout the
Internet. Moreover, even without the redirect issue, Al-Jazeera's
sites may remain unreachable as they continue to come under
attack by online vandals flooding the news outlet's network with

A representative of VeriSign couldn't immediately answer questions
regarding how the domain had been hijacked.

VeriSign maintains the Internet registry for the .com, .net, .cc and .tv
top-level domains and administers the authoritative database for all
domain names registered in those top-level domains.

The records from the whois database -- the distributed directory that
holds information about each domain -- indicated early on Thursday
that online vandals had managed to forge new domain records.
Such records typically describe the services that are offered by a
particular domain, such as Web, mail and file hosting.

Instead, VeriSign's records pertaining to Al-Jazeera had apparently
been replaced by data that pointed to name servers hosted by
MyDomain.com. Those name servers in turn referred Web requests
to the defacement site located at NetWorld.

MyDomain has learned from NavLink, the company that hosts the
aljazeera.net Web site from its data centres in France, that Al-
Jazeera's domain name account at Network Solutions (a subsidiary
of VeriSign) was compromised, MyDomain.com said in a statement
on Thursday. NavLink has confirmed...that it has regained access
to the account at Network Solutions and changed the name servers
back to the correct settings.

Email messages to NavLink requesting comment weren't
immediately answered. MyDomain believed that changes would take
as long as 72 hours to filter out to all parts of the Internet.

The defacement is the latest in a flurry of activity surrounding the
Middle Eastern news service.

Al-Jazeera has had to contend with both technical problems and
attacks this entire week.

The Arab satellite TV network launched its English-language Web
site on Monday, attracting significant media coverage. The site
hosts the station's controversial video coverage, which has included
images of US soldiers killed and taken prisoner.

The controversy and resulting media coverage has also made the
site a target of a number of online miscreants.

Let Freedom Ring! stated Thursday's defacement, featuring a
large American flag and signed by a vandal with the handle Patriot
and claiming to be part of a group called the Freedom Cyber Force

NetWorld's Bowman said the site had been created using a free
hosting service that the company offers. He also explained that,
because the service is free, the company doesn't keep very rigorous
watch on the activities.

All the supplied information was fictitious, he said, quashing any
possibility of aiding in a law enforcement investigation. It's is a free
site, so we don't track any data. We don't track the Internet
addresses or anything else. It would take a staff of about 500 to do

Bowman said they are analysing what happened and may change
the way the free portion of the site is administered to prevent future

One security expert familiar with the defacement scene said that he
had never heard of a group called Freedom Cyber Force Militia.
We didn't hear about many other defacers who hacked right
(before) the war, the administrator of Zone-H.org, a popular
security and defacement news site, said in an email interview. I
guess a lot of IT (security) professionals took the chance of this war

[CTRL] fWD: Tony Blair's unlikely partnership

2003-03-28 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

On 28 Mar 2003 at 11:38, toni howard wrote:

Tony Blair's unlikely partnership

By Paul Reynolds
BBC News Online world affairs correspondent
Last Updated:  Friday, 28 March, 2003, 15:25 GMT

The question is often asked, and is being asked even more frequently now
that things are getting rough in Iraq: Why has Tony Blair hitched his
wagon to that of George Bush and the Republican Party?

On the face of it, a moderate left of centre British Labour Party prime
minister who was a pal of the Democrat leader Bill Clinton has little in
common with the born again conservative Republican president.

Even less so when you consider the kind of figures who surround Mr Bush.

The option was open to him to do what the then British Prime Minister
Harold Wilson did with President Lyndon Johnson over the Vietnam war.

He did not publicly criticise the Americans but did not send troops.
Tony Blair is not however Harold Wilson.

And yet, going back to an earlier Camp David meeting shortly after Mr
Bush was elected president, the signs were there that Tony and George
would be an item as much as Tony and Bill were.

They made a joke at the news conference they held - in shirt sleeves on
that day, not in the suits they wore after their latest talks - that
they used the same brand of toothpaste.

It became a symbol of their closeness.

The British ambassador in Washington at the time, Sir Christopher Meyer,
who had been to Texas to see George Bush when he was still governor,
became a fan of Mr Bush as well.

He and Tony Blair saw in the new American president a more thoughtful
man than the media caricature had suggested.

They believed their assessment to be confirmed after the attacks on New
York and Washington of 11 September.

Christopher Meyer recounted later how on the evening of 20 September,
before President Bush went to Congress to deliver his war on terror
speech, the two men spoke in the White House.

The British side was impressed at how calm the president was, and how he
readily agreed that there should be no attack on Afghanistan until there
had been an ultimatum to the Taleban.

Here, they felt, was a man of reason as well as determination.

The following weekend, again at Camp David, Mr Bush ruled out an
immediate attack on Iraq.

Those events, and the subsequent decision by George Bush to go to the
Security Council over Iraq, have fed Tony Blair's belief that the
American president is not a Texas cowboy.

'Visionary and opportunist'

But that in itself is not enough to explain Tony Blair's position.

A large part of the answer to the question lies in his own character.

There is a visionary side to Tony Blair which cannot be underestimated

Those who are surprised at his role over Iraq should remember what
happened four years ago over Kosovo.

It was Tony Blair who was pressing for ground troops - 50,000 British
soldiers if necessary - to be sent into Kosovo if the bombing campaign
against Serbia failed to move the then Yugoslav leader Slobodan

He was way out in front of the cautious Mr Clinton.

There is a visionary side to Tony Blair which cannot be underestimated.
After all, he revolutionised his own party.

He talks about right and wrong. And he has staying power.

A columnist for the London Times, Michael Gove, compared him to William
Pitt, who fought against Napoleon.

He is the pilot who weathered the storm. Tony Blair may not appreciate
the comparison with William Pitt but the prime minister is a leader who
has seen through a war and emerged with his international reputation
enhanced, wrote Gove two years ago.

Michael Gove now says that events since 11 September have enhanced Tony
Blair's role with the Americans and have shown that he is neither a
geopolitical gnat nor a poodle.

Others however see a more opportunistic side to Tony Blair, a leader who
has cosied up too close to Russian President Vladimir Putin, and who has
all but ignored what is going on in Chechnya.

There is also the suspicion that Mr Blair likes to be a figure on the
world stage which he could not be if he settled quietly into the
conformity of a common European foreign and security policy.

He is also seen as an American salesman.

Nelson Mandela dismissed him with the comment: He is the foreign
minister of the United States.

The war is going to test the relationship.

There are tensions about the exact role of the United Nations in a
future Iraq, over contracts for reconstruction, over American reluctance
to press Israel to make concessions to the Palestinians.

Major decisions lie ahead about the conduct of the battles and Mr
Blair's voice might have to be raised in order to be heard. --

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[CTRL] Fwd: CAS: British Link Iraq to al-Qaeda

2003-03-28 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

On 28 Mar 2003 at 9:13, DOC wrote:

 Unfortunately, this will not change anyone's mind.

As we all know, radlibs conveniently ignore facts
that are contrary to their agenda.


British Link Iraq to al-Qaeda

NewsMax.com Wires Friday, March 28, 2003

British intelligence officials said they now had evidence of a direct
link between the Iraqis and Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda terrorist network.

British intelligence officers have learned that up to a dozen al-Qaeda
volunteers were fighting alongside the pro-Baghdad guerrilla forces in As
Zubaya, a town outside Basra.

After a British raid on the Baath Party headquarters in As Zubaya
Wednesday to capture paramilitary leaders, Arabic-speaking intelligence
officers interrogated the captured defenders. They were told that
volunteers from al-Qaeda were taking part in the town's defense and
helping to organize the pro-Baghdad resistance.

Transcripts of the interrogations have been shared with U.S. military


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You will recall that head UN weapons inspector Hans Blix
nattered on that he expected Saddam Hussein would not deploy
chemical weapons out of fear of international public
disapproval.  We doubt the Iraqi regime's fear of public
disapproval. What such fear causes them to kill Basra citizens
who are simply trying to escape the war zone? What fear kept
them from executing some of our POWs and displaying their
corps on Arab TV network, Al-Jazeera? More likely, Saddam has
yet to use chemical weapons because most of his chem-warfare
commanders were taken out in the first 48 hours of the war. -
Federalist Digest

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] (Fwd) [American_Liberty] A visit to relatives in Baghdad radically changed my mind

2003-03-29 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

Mike Schneider [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on Fri, 28 Mar 2003 16:47:01 -


By Ken Joseph Jr.
 From the Life  Mind Desk

Published 3/27/2003

AMMAN, Jordan, March 27 (UPI) -- I was wrong. I had opposed the war on
Iraq in my radio program, on television and in my regular columns --
and I participated in demonstrations against it in Japan. But a visit
to relatives in Baghdad radically changed my mind.

I am an Assyrian Christian, born and raised in Japan, where my father
had moved after World War II to help rebuild the country. He was a
Protestant minister, and so am I.

As an Assyrian I was told the story of our people from a young age --
how my grandparents had escaped the great Assyrian Holocaust in 1917,
settling finally in Chicago.

There are some 6 million Assyrians now, about 2.5 million in Iraq and
the rest scattered across the world. Without a country and rights even
in our native land, it has been the prayer of generations that the
Assyrian Nation will one day be restored.

A few weeks ago, I traveled to Iraq with supplies for our Church and
family. This was my first visit ever to the land of my forefathers.
The first order of business was to attend Church. During a simple meal
for peace activists after the service, an older man sounded me out

Finally he felt free to talk: There is something you should know --
we didn't want to be here tonight. When the priest asked us to gather
for a Peace Service, we said we didn't want to come because we don't
want peace. We want the war to come.

What in the world are you talking about? I blurted.

Thus began a strange odyssey that shattered my convictions. At the
same time, it gave me hope for my people and, in fact, hope for the

Because of my invitation as a religious person and family
connections, I was spared the government snoops who ordinarily tail
foreigners 24 hours a day.

This allowed me to see and hear amazing things as I stayed in the
homes of several relatives. The head of our tribe urged me not to
remain with my people during its time of trial but instead go out and
tell the world about the nightmare ordinary Iraqis are going through.

I was to tell the world about the terror on the faces of my family
when a stranger knocked at the door. Look at our lives! they said.
We live like animals -- no food, no car, no telephone, no job -- and,
most of all, no hope.

That's why they wanted this war.

You can not imagine what it is to live like this for 20, 30 years. We
have to keep up our routine lest we would lose our minds.

But I realized in every household that someone had already lost his or
her mind; in other societies such a person would be in a mental
hospital. I also realized that there wasn't a household that did not
mourn at least one family member who had become a victim of this
police state.

I wept with relatives whose son just screamed all day long. I cried
with a relative who had lost his wife. Yet another left home every day
for a job where he had nothing to do. Still another had lost a son
to war and a husband to alcoholism.

As I observed the slow death of a people without hope, Saddam Hussein
seemed omnipresent. There were his statues; posters showed him with
his hand outstretched or firing his rifle, or wearing an Arab
headdress. These images seemed to be on every wall, in the middle of
the road, in homes.

Everything will be all right when the war is over, people told me.
No matter how bad it is, we will not all die. Twelve years ago, it
went almost all the way but failed. We cannot wait anymore. We want
the war, and we want it now.

When I told members of my family that some sort of compromise with
Iraq was being worked out at the United Nations, they reacted not with
joy but anger: Only war will get out of our present condition.

This reminded me of the stories I heard from older Japanese who had
welcomed the sight of American B-29 bombers in the skies over their
country as a sign that the war was coming to an end. True, these
planes brought destruction -- but also hope.

I felt terrible about having demonstrated against the war without
bothering to ask what the Iraqis wanted. Tears streamed down my face
as I lay in my bed in a tiny Baghdad house crowded in with 10 other
people of my own flesh and blood, all exhausted, all without hope. I
thought, How dare I claim to speak for people I had not even asked
what they wanted?

Then I began a strange journey to let the world know of the true
situation in Iraq, just as my tribe had begged me to. With great risk
to myself and those who had told their stories and allowed my camera
into their homes, I videotaped their plight.

But would I get that tape out of the country?

To make sure I was not simply getting the feelings of the oppressed
Assyrian minority, I spoke to dozens of other people, all terrified.
Over and over, they told me: We would be killed for speaking like

Yet they did 

[CTRL] Militants Gone, Caves in North Lie Abandoned

2003-03-30 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-


March 30, 2003
Militants Gone, Caves in North Lie Abandoned

ILIP, Iraq, March 29 — Some of the cave entrances were slung low
and obscured by shadows, waist-high openings in cool, moss-
cloaked rock. Others were door-sized slots, tall enough for the
passage of upright men.

The caves, penetrating the darkness under the ridge at Dari
Baramaran, were among warrens of defenses in this remote valley
along northern Iraq's border with Iran, which until this weekend had
been controlled for nearly two years by Ansar al-Islam, a militant
Islamic group.

An American-coordinated ground offensive against the group
continued today with intensive fighting in small pockets in the
mountains, but officials said the military battle against Ansar al-
Islam was nearly over.

It began with cruise missile strikes a week ago and escalated on
Friday when about 100 United States Special Forces soldiers and
10,000 local Kurdish fighters seized a network of villages from
Ansar and drove the militants from their bases to nearby caves and

The United States contends that Ansar is a terrorist group that links
Al Qaeda and Baghdad, and cited the group's operations in the
largely autonomous Kurdish zone of northern Iraq as one of the
justifications for the war against Saddam Hussein.

The Kurds said at least 176 Ansar fighters had died. About 150
more were said to have surrendered to the Iranian authorities at the
border. Pockets of resistance in the mountains could be heard
returning fire, but Kurdish military officers said the outcome seemed

They will all be finished because there is no choice, said Gen.
Mustafa Said Qadir, commander of military forces in the eastern
Kurdish zone. There is just death.

Kurdish and American soldiers also captured two Islamic fighters
alive, including a Palestinian man who appeared to provide further
proof of the group's connections to the international jihad. The
Palestinian, Ahmed Muhammad Tawil, from Rafah in the Gaza
Strip, was taken into custody near here.

He was a large and dirt-caked man with a filthy beard, a cracked-
toothed smile and a bullet wound in his left calf. He limped into the
company of three American journalists tonight, handcuffed and
escorted by guards.

He gagged repeatedly, as if to vomit, and then was cheerfully
defiant, saying the United States was an Israeli toy.

I struggle against you, fight against you, he said. If I die, or kill, or
am arrested, it is because of you. You are the criminals, the
American people.

His Kurdish guards presented him as evidence of what seemed a
nearly total victory. Signs of a rout could be seen here, in this
network of hastily departed caves, where Ansar fighters abandoned
food, clothing and ammunition, and fled for higher ground.

It was a setting reminiscent of Afghanistan, a mix of natural caves
and those improved by man. Some were large, others small.

The most sophisticated was about 50 feet wide by 20 feet high.
Inside, Ansar had built two rooms resembling subterranean houses,
complete with plastered walls, thatched roofs and paned windows
— accessible only through a simple slot of unfinished stone.

The cave entrances offered paradoxical sights throughout the day.

A few hundred yards away, American Special Forces fighters called
in heavy machine guns mounted on Humvees, and the column of
guns began firing in the valley, at the remnants of Ansar. The
canyon boomed intermittently all afternoon.

But here, Kurdish fighters lounged and chatted, napping and eating
after a night of mountain fighting. Some slept deeply, afloat on the
spring's surge of fresh clover and bright red wildflowers.

Other Kurds fired rockets, taking aim at positions where remaining
Ansar fighters had taken refuge in the local peaks and gorges.

Having been pushed from their positions with great speed on Friday,
the Ansar fighters had also abandoned their heavy weapons.

Ansar and its 650 or so fighters had been feared in northern Iraq
since 2001, when they ambushed a column of Kurdish fighters near
here. It has since deployed assassins and suicide bombers, and
succeeded in infantry raids against the secular Kurdish authorities,
whom it rejects as infidel rulers.

But today Ansar seemed on the verge of military insignificance. We
are very excited, said Dr. Barham Salih, the Kurdish region's prime
minister. It will be over before too long.

Even as skirmishes raged, Kurdish official said they were sifting
through intelligence collected at Ansar's offices and command
posts. Lots of documentation and computers have been captured,
Dr. Salih said.

But not all the news was cheerful. No Americans were wounded in
the fighting, but 22 Kurdish fighters were killed and 73 were
wounded, local officials said.

As Kurds grieved for their dead, and Special Forces fighters
crisscrossed the newly claimed territory in pickup trucks and 

[CTRL] Fwd: A stop-the-war stance I could accept

2003-03-30 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

On 30 Mar 2003 at 6:31, Tim Parker wrote:

How about:

''Stop Hanging teenage girls who disagree with you''

-Original Message-

A stop-the-war stance I could accept

Even the stubbornest antiwar types must've come to the conclusion by now
that marching and shouting isn't going to dissuade the coalition from doing
whatever it wants.

Time for a change of tactics, then.

Seems to me the war will end when Saddam surrenders, right?  Hence, some
signs worth waving:





...feel free to share these thoughts with your antiwar friends.



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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: A teenage girl waved at our troops... she was hanged within the hour

2003-03-30 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

On 29 Mar 2003 at 23:43, toni howard wrote:

GULF WAR II: Brit support grows for conflict + Officer reveals brutality


A teenage girl waved at our troops... she was hanged within the hour

By Ian Kirby, Political Editor

A SMILING teenage girl who waved at patrolling British soldiers and
accepted a big-hearted squaddie's gift of chocolate was HANGED by agents
of Saddam.

The butchers of the dictator's corrupt Ba'ath party had spied on the
Muslim youngster from an alleyway in Az Zubayr near Basra.

Battle-hardened troops of the 1st Batallion, The Royal Irish Regiment
choked back tears when they later saw her limp beaten body swaying from
a lamp-post in the ramshackle south Iraq town held by Allies.

And yesterday their grim-faced commander, Lt Colonel Tim Collins chewed
on a cigar and confirmed:

A teenage girl who waved at my troops was hanged within the hour.

These daily outrages have made us more determined than ever to crush
Saddam's evil regime. There's still much fear among the people we're

Our mission is to assuage it, to fill the power vacuum left by the
decapitation of the Ba'ath Party.

You have to understand that nobody under the age of 45 has ever known
life without it. They have no concept or inkling of freedom-and that's a
heavy weight on our shoulders.

 We came into this area hard and at no little risk. We've had great
success in cutting off the Ba'ath Party here.

 Its chief who was Lord God On High in these parts is currently
considering his options in a Prisoner of War cage.

 I'd reserved judgment on him-and then I found the knuckleduster in his

 One of the few good things I can say about the party is that they keep
meticulous records.

 We established all the names of local members. We knew they were
threatening people co-operating with us, so we paid some of them a visit

 It's not straightforward but it works. One man found a shot through
his kitchen floor helped him remember where his weapon was hidden.

Belfast-born Lt Col Collins (pictured above) wears trendy Ray-Ban
sunglasses and a kukri-the blade he is entitled to carry as a Gurkha
commander. His troops are distributing food and medical supplies and
restoring water and power while Ba'ath thugs terrorise the population.

The soldiers have seen the mass graves Saddam's henchmen dug for their
countrymen murdered for co-operating with US troops during the last Gulf
War in 1991.

This time round, in an unspeakable act of barbarism, children had their
throats slit.

And yesterday families fleeing Basra were fired on by Iraqi troops.
Compassionate US marines picked up children and took them to safety.

Royal Irish Regiment soldiers foiled a plot by the Ba'ath monsters to
assassinate one of their comrades as 'reprisal' for their liberation of
the town.

Lt Col Collins, who gave a rousing speech to his men at the start of the
war, stormed: There will be no murders on my watch. We came into this
area with excellent intelligence and have since made first-class local
contacts. At the risk of their lives local people offered information to
my patrols and it was spot-on. It saved the life of one of my men.

Lt Col Collins based himself in the Ba'ath party HQ as a psychological

On the front door, one of his men has defiantly scrawled: Welcome to
Free Iraq.


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [I-S] Exclusive: 'Terrified of Saddam Hussein'

2003-03-30 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

On 30 Mar 2003 at 0:03, daisy meme wrote:

[When we finally made it to Safwan, Iraq, what we saw was utter chaos.
Iraqi men, women and children were playing it up for the TV cameras,
chanting: With our blood, with our souls, we will die for you Saddam.

I took a young Iraqi man, 19, away from the cameras and asked him why
they were all chanting that particular slogan, especially when
humanitarian aid trucks marked with the insignia of the Kuwaiti Red
Crescent Society, were distributing some much-needed food.

His answer shouldn't have surprised me, but it did.

He said: There are people from Baath here reporting everything that
goes on. There are cameras here recording our faces. If the Americans
were to withdraw and everything were to return to the way it was before,
we want to make sure that we survive the massacre that would follow as
Baath go house to house killing anyone who voiced opposition to Saddam.
In public, we always pledge our allegiance to Saddam, but in our hearts
we feel something else.]

Exclusive: 'Terrified of Saddam Hussein'
Essam Al-Ghalib, Arab News War Correspondent

UMM QASR/BASRA, 30 March 2003 - Four days ago my friend, Mohammed
Al-Deleami and I were invited by Abdul Rahman Almotawa, a journalist at
our sister publication Asharq Al-Awsat, to accompany him on a trip
organized by the Kuwaiti Ministry of Information to report on the
humanitarian relief effort at Safwan, an Iraqi town at the Kuwaiti

I jumped at the opportunity to get past the Kuwaiti Army checkpoint at
Mutla', which was the biggest obstacle keeping me from entering Iraq. As
we raced to catch up to the convoy heading out of Kuwait, I told
Almotawa that if the opportunity presented itself for us to break away
from the ministry's convoy once we got into Iraq, that we should, as
such an opportunity may not present itself again.

When Mohammed and I left our hotel, we had no idea that that would be
exactly what happened. We were ill-prepared for we had nothing but our
gas masks, which we carried everywhere, the clothes on our backs, my
cameras, a satellite phone, a Kuwaiti mobile and laptop.

After 75 minutes of driving in a manner likely to get me arrested in
most countries, we were able to catch up to the convoy as it passed
through the dreaded checkpoint at Mutla', where we had been turned back
several times in the days before.

When we finally made it to Safwan, Iraq, what we saw was utter chaos.
Iraqi men, women and children were playing it up for the TV cameras,
chanting: With our blood, with our souls, we will die for you Saddam.

I took a young Iraqi man, 19, away from the cameras and asked him why
they were all chanting that particular slogan, especially when
humanitarian aid trucks marked with the insignia of the Kuwaiti Red
Crescent Society, were distributing some much-needed food.

His answer shouldn't have surprised me, but it did.

He said: There are people from Baath here reporting everything that
goes on. There are cameras here recording our faces. If the Americans
were to withdraw and everything were to return to the way it was before,
we want to make sure that we survive the massacre that would follow as
Baath go house to house killing anyone who voiced opposition to Saddam.
In public, we always pledge our allegiance to Saddam, but in our hearts
we feel something else.

Different versions of that very quote, but with a common theme, I would
come to hear several times over the next three days I spent in Iraq.

The people of Iraq are terrified of Saddam Hussein.

I broke away from the hundreds of people literally climbing over one
another and fighting to get a box of the rations being distributed. What
ended up happening is that the weak and the elderly who needed the food
most were getting nothing, whereas the young and fit were getting up to
six boxes each.

I broke away from this disgusting scene and wandered into the desert to
take some pictures of the elderly and young children picking through the
heaps of trash, having given up on getting any of the rations, searching
for food. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a British Army convoy
driving through Safwan heading north being followed by one, then two,
then three SUV's marked TV.

I ran back to Arab News' SUV and yelled at Abdul Rahman and Mohammed to
get in. Of course, they asked why I was screaming at them like a mad
man. I explained that the opportunity to get into Iraq was driving away
from us.

I turned to Abdul Rahman and said: Decide right now. Are you in or

He thought of his wife and children and how volatile and unpredictable
the situation in Iraq and working with me could be, and opted to stay.

My friend, Mohammed Al-Deleami, jumped right in without hesitation.

We caught up to the convoy of TV crews and army vehicles and just drove
behind them. Within minutes we were on an Iraqi freeway, with signs
directing us to Umm Qasr, Basra and Baghdad.

I was ecstatic. 

[CTRL] An Open Letter to Robin Cook

2003-03-30 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-


An Open Letter to Robin Cook
by Yoram Halberstam
March 27, 2003

Mr Cook,

On March 17 you made the decision to resign from Tony Blair's
government. Your statement on this occasion in the House of
Commons was used as a platform to misinform the House and the
British public. You stated that you have heard that Iraq has not
had months but 12 years in which to complete [compliance with UN
resolutions]... Yet it is over 30 years since resolution 242 called on
Israel to withdraw from the occupied territories. This analogy
between Iraq and Israel is not only wrong, it is a premeditated
attempt to mislead on your part.

Mr Cook, your statement does not attempt to redress the strong
sense of injustice throughout the Muslim world, it only helps them in
their attempt to continue to mislead world opinion at large. UN
Resolution 242 is not under Chapter VII of the United Nations
Charter, unlike most of the 17 UN Resolutions against Iraq. You
should know that only the resolutions under this Chapter allow the
use of force to impose the will of the international community.

Mr Cook, UN Resolution 242 only applies to countries that were
taking part in the war with Israel, which started on June 5th 1967.
Those countries were Egypt, Jordan and Syria. Palestine was not
at war with Israel, as it did not exist on paper, in history or in the
hearts and minds of the Jordanian and Egyptian population that,
today, call themselves Palestinians. Judea and Samaria were
annexed by Jordan in 1950. They were renamed the West Bank
by the Jordanians - that is west of Jordan, not east of a country that
supposedly was taken over by the Jewish state. This annexation
was never recognized by the United Nations, only by Britain and
Pakistan. The reason why the annexation of this land was not
recognized is because it was not a definite border. The so called
1967 borders were no borders. On the contrary, they were an
armistice line drawn up by the UN and which ended the 1948-49 war
launched by the Arabs to destroy the State of Israel. Again no
reference to Palestine's borders. Should you care to look in a
dictionary you shall see that armistice means a temporary
cessation of fighting by mutual consent or a truce. Again, no
reference to defined borders. Nevertheless, Britain decided in 1950
to go along with Pakistan and recognize the legitimacy of the new
border of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Under UN Security Council Resolution 242, Israel is only expected
to withdraw from territories to secure and recognized boundaries
and not ‘from all of the territories’ captured in the Six-Day War. This
language was the result of months of negotiations within the United
Nations. Therefore, the Security Council recognized that Israel was
entitled to part of these territories for new defensible borders. The
later UN Resolution 338 made it clear that such peace must be
achieved through negotiations not though military imposition. Iraq
resolution 660, on the other hand, demands that Iraq withdraw
immediately and unconditionally all its forces to the positions in
which they were located on 1 August 1990. This demand was
passed under Chapter VII with UN Resolution 678.

Mr Cook, under the UN Resolution you are referring to and under
UN Resolution 338, the negotiations would determine from which
territory Israel must withdraw. You seem to have forgotten that the
result of peace agreements between the parties must result in
termination of all claims and respect for and acknowledgment of
the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence . A
peace agreement has been signed with Egypt in 1979 and Jordan in
1994; therefore, there cannot be any claim of territories, because
the only ones that can claim it where the countries that formerly held
these territories before the Six-Day War and until such time as they
signed peace pacts with Israel.

UN Resolution 242 did indeed refer to these territories as
occupied; however, you have once again mislead the House of
Commons into calling them as such in 2003. The term occupied
was and is only used to refer to the responsibility for the well-being
of a civilian population where the 1949 Geneva Convention applies.

This convention states that the Occupying Power shall be bound
by the Convention rules to the extent that such Power exercises the
functions of government in such territory. Since the Declaration of
Principle signed at Oslo, Israel has given up these functions of
government and transferred power to the Palestinian Authority in
areas where most of the Arab civilians live. In March 1994, U.S.
Ambassador to the UN, Madeleine Albright, stated: We simply do
not support the description of the territories occupied by Israel in the
1967 War as occupied Palestinian territory. On May 4 1998, James
Baker was interviewed by Hoda Tawfik from the newspaper al-
Ahram. He was asked, What do you think is right? That these are
occupied Arab 

Re: [CTRL] Why Liberals Hate America

2003-03-31 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

March 20, 2003 at 19:28:48

Why Liberals Hate America
Ron Marr / Troutwrapper -- In Bruce Springsteen's tune Glory
Days, The Boss weaves the tale of a guy whom we all know. He
sings of a middle-aged fellow whose life peaked as a high school
sports hero. The former jock's evenings are now spent at the local
bar, regaling all with stories of his brief success and synthetic
heroics.Such describes perfectly the liberal philosophy generally,
and Tom Daschle particularly.

Liberals suffer from a number of maladies and delusions, but
several are painfully obvious. First, not only are they incapable of
taking care of themselves, they cannot comprehend why they
should be FORCED to take care of themselves. They are terrified of
everything that is not pre-processed, homogenized and approved by
an official governmental entity. Governmental Entity, by the way, is
defined as Martin Sheen, a guy who's not the President but plays
one on TV.

That the recycling truck might be an hour late propels liberals into a
state of near hysteria. That someone might actually own a gun
sends them running to the therapist for Prozac, grief-counseling and
Deepak Chopra seminars. They seek order, safety and security at
any cost, rather than individuality, liberty and freedom.

The goals of a totalitarian, Fascist state are reflected in the
ramblings of liberal politicians and Hollywood idiots. They say they
want peace, but the sort of peace they seek is more akin to slavery
then it is the ideals upon which America was founded.

Following the Glory Days scenario, liberals are bitter, angry and
dogmatic. They cannot believe they lost the 2000 and 2002
elections. They feel the conservative ascendancy is an anomaly,
and wax nostalgic over the administration of a lecherous sociopath
who offered soothing words but never a vestige of reality, substance
or results. They yearn for a choreographed fantasy world which
disputes human nature. They swoon at the idea of standing on the
side of the hill while reciting poetry with talking raccoons and
drinking decaffeinated Coke.

Liberals want to play happily in a field of daisies, unable to accept
that we live in a time of daisy cutters. True, if their desires were the
rule of the land they would get their wish. Our enemies would gladly
provide that field of daisies, and make certain every single American
- liberal or conservative - was pushing them up.

The garden variety leftist attacks our country with every breath,
oblivious to the fact that their ability to speak out, to acquire their
toys, to travel and protest and whine, are provided by the very
system they despise. They know only hate for those who disagree
with their Utopian vision of unchecked liberalism. They immediately
label as racists any who counter their nonsensical ramblings with
the logic of protecting our sovereignty and future. They want but one
thing...for their fellow travelers to control Congress and the White

The personification of this ideology is Tom Daschle. Shortly after the
President gave Saddam Hussein his ultimatum, the diminutive
Daschle donned his elevator shoes, climbed a tall stepladder and
stood on his soapbox. I am saddened that this president failed so
miserably at diplomacy that we're now forced to war, said Senator
Shortcake. I'm saddened that we have to give up one life because
this president couldn't create the kind of diplomatic effort that was
so critical for our country.

South Dakota should be embarrassed. Daschle, still in shock over
his loss of the undeserved power and prestige he once held, never
misses an opportunity to engage in character assassination. He
doesn't ask questions. He blubbers. He is an angry little man who
cares far more about his party than he does his country.

Diplomacy? The President worked for months to try and bring a
speck of rationality to those who openly despise the US. Diplomacy
failed due to the irrelevant UN weasels who refused to enforce 12
years worth of their own mandates. They were led by France, a
country that sold Iraq nuclear materials and stands to risk billions of
dollars in oil contracts if their friendly neighborhood butcher is

But the second half of Daschle's quote is far worse than the first. As
a government leader, Daschle should know that Saddam will
portray his moronic words as a sign that the American government
is in disarray at the highest level. He should know the Butcher will
use those words for propaganda purposes, hoping to fire up troops
that, perhaps, were losing their morale.

Tom is saddened? Well boo hoo. I'll be saddened if we lose one
American life because Daschle's self-serving attempt to stain
George Bush might convince a single Iraqi soldier that we are not
united, might lead him to think there's a chance of winning. I'm
saddened that giving such comfort to the enemy might convince one
of Saddam's minions to shoot a brave American soldier in the back,
rather than laying down his rifle in fear. I'm saddened 

[CTRL] Another missile Hans Blix missed

2003-03-31 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

Another missile Hans Blix missed
Baghdad was mass-producing, possibly exporting, 'al-Fatah'

© 2003 G2 Bulletin

Publishing date: 27.03.2003 18:45

Military experts examining the debris of an Iraqi artillery missile fired
on Kuwait were surprised to find the missile carried the name al-
Fatah – in English characters.

The missile system, also known as a-Babil-100, was manufactured
at the al-Maamun site southwest of Baghdad, and in other locations
such as the al-Haytham Missile Center. Hundreds of Iraqis, as well
as foreign technicians were, until recently employed in a mass
production project for the new missile.

In those facilities and others the Iraqis copied, developed and
manufactured weapons systems of the Frog (Free Rocket
Overground) Russian type, known also as Tochka-9-K-79 or in
NATO code SS-21-Scrab.

The markings on the downed missile were clearly in English,
suggesting two possibilities -- that Iraqis intended to export the
weapon system or that the a-Babil missile was partly produced
outside of Iraq.

Hans Blix

U.N. weapons inspectors, lately nicknamed by military officers as
the Hans Blix Gang, knew about but never issued a confirmation
on the existence of the missile. According to Global Security
Publication: In February 2003, U.N. weapons inspectors evaluated
the al-Fatah and, using computer models, assessed that the missile
is capable of flying 150 kilometers. One configuration was declared
by Iraq to have flown 161 kilometers in tests. However, the U.N.
inspectors declined to announce a formal conclusion on the missile
pending verification of Iraqi declarations. The inspectors also noted
that 32 al-Fatah had already been deployed with army units.

The fact that Iraq managed to develop the missile, a project which
started before the adoption of U.N.1991 resolution 687, is not only
proof of the inability of UNSCOM to enforce its mandate, but also to
the flexibility, ingenuity and adaptability of the Iraqi military industry
to new conditions and restrictions.

It is now clear the al-Maamun facility managed to deliver the al-
Fatah to the army and that the 400 mm missile is fully operational.
 Some sources estimate the number of operational al-Fatah missiles
at anywhere between 50 and 100 units. It is mainly based on the
Frog-7 system, but computer simulations suggest the missile
incorporates technologies from a number of countries, including
western. The Iraqis, like the Egyptians with whom they cooperated
before the first Gulf War and the Argentineans, managed to use
many components of the Russian Volga-SA2 surface-to-air missiles
and modify them into a surface to surface weapon.

The al-Fatah missile fired at the U.S. forces in Kuwait is described
as very mobile, a rocket launched from a special Zil-131 truck
chassis. This special vehicle can carry and launch a multiple
number of missiles, apparently up to six units, and is capable of
traveling fast on paved and dirt roads, as well as on hard surface
desert terrain. The system can easily be camouflaged, misleading
electronic satellite eyes to appear as a large trailer. It can be
successfully sheltered in garage bunkers, underground hangars and
other temporary fortifications.

Some information coming from Baghdad suggests the Zil trucks
were hidden in industrial and commercial buildings. Central
Intelligence Agency analysts are aware of live tests conducted in
Russia during October 1999, where at least 2 Frog-K-79 (NATO
code SS-21) were launched under real battlefield conditions. The
launchers were deployed in the Mosdak region, some 100
kilometers northwest of Grozny in Chechnya, and the missiles were
launched at Grozny, killing at least 143 people. Information and
complete data of the results of the tests were delivered to the Iraqis,
who translated them into the al-Fatah system.

The Iraqis used this technique of conducting tests abroad, or buying
test results from foreign countries and private enterprises, so as to
bypass U.N. restrictions. By doing so they prevented thorough U.S.
monitoring of their progress. Some of those tests were conducted in
Russia, Ukraine, North Korea, Pakistan, Sudan and maybe also in
some laboratories in the west, predominantly France, Italy, Germany
and Argentina. Until recent days Iraq has been maintaining excellent
technological-scientific relationships with other countries. Iraqi
experts were reported in dozens of countries involved in the
production of missiles and electronics.

The importance of the information on al-Fatah, as deriving from the
missiles fired on Kuwait, is the conclusion that other weapon
systems were not only being developed but also reached the
production level. There is no doubt that many of those weapons are
deployed in and around Baghdad.

Basic analysis of the al-Fatah suggests that it crossed the 150
kilometer range barrier, and through changes in its warhead, the
Iraqis may have developed the capability to launch 

[CTRL] (Fwd) AP: Raid Finds al-Qaida Tie to Iraq Militants

2003-04-01 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---


Raid Finds al-Qaida Tie to Iraq Militants

Raid on Iraqi Militant Group Indicates Ties to al-Qaida but
Leadership on
the Run to Iran

The Associated Press

March 31‹

A U.S.-led assault on a compound controlled by an extremist Islamic
turned up a list of names of suspected militants living in the United
and what may be the strongest evidence yet linking the group to al-
coalition commanders said Monday.

The cache of documents at the Ansar al-Islam compound, including
discs and foreign passports belonging to Arab fighters from around
Middle East, could bolster the Bush administration's claims that the
groups are connected, although there was no indication any of the
tied Ansar to Saddam Hussein as Washington has maintained.

There were indications, however, that the group has been getting
help from
inside neighboring Iran.

Kurdish and Turkish intelligence officials, some speaking on
condition of
anonymity, said many of Ansar's 700 members have slipped out of
Iraq and
into Iran putting them out of reach of coalition forces.

The officials also said a U.S. missile strike on Ansar's territory on
second day of the war missed most of its leadership which crossed
into Iran
days earlier.

U.S. officials said the government had reports some Ansar fighters
have made it into Iran and have been shuttling back and forth with

According to a high-level Kurdish intelligence official, three Ansar
identified as Ayoub Afghani, Abdullah Shafeye and Abu Wahel were
among those
who had fled into Iran. The official said the three were seen being
by Iranian authorities Sunday.

We asked the Iranian authorities to hand over to us any of the
Afghan Arabs
or Islamic militants hiding themselves inside the villages of Iran,
Boorhan Saeed, a member of the pro-U.S. Patriotic Union of
Kurdistan. We
asked them about it Sunday, and still don't have a response.

Last week, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld warned the
Iranians to stop
meddling in the war. Tehran denied any involvement.

Using airstrikes and ground forces, Kurdish soldiers and U.S. troops
cooperated in the past week to dislodge and crush Ansar militants in
villages surrounding the Iraqi city of Halabja about 160 miles
northeast of

We actually believe we destroyed a significant portion of the Ansar
al-Islam force there, Maj. Gen. Stanley McChrystal, vice director of
operations on the Pentagon's Joint Staff, said Monday. He said
forces were
investigating the finds.

Among a trove of evidence found inside Ansar compounds were
passports and
identity papers of Ansar activists indicating that up to 150 of them
foreigners, including Yemenis, Turks, Palestinians, Pakistanis,
and Iranians.

Coalition forces also found a phone book containing numbers of
Islamic activists based in the United States and Europe as well as
number of a Kuwaiti cleric and a letter from Yemen's minister of
The names and numbers were not released.

What we've discovered in Biyare is a very sophisticated operation,
Barham Salih, prime minister of the Kurdish regional government.

Seized computer disks contained evidence showing meetings
between Ansar and
al-Qaida activists, according to Mahdi Saeed Ali, a military

It was unclear how strong Ansar remains.

Officials from the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, one of two parties
share control of an autonomous Kurdish enclave in northern Iraq,
say they
killed 250 Ansar members during two days of intense fighting and

There was ferocious fighting, Saeed said. He said he chased 25
militants across the Iranian border and captured nine Ansar
belonging to a group called the Islamic Movement of Kurdistan.

The remaining Ansar fighters are thought to be in the mountains
along the
Iraq-Iran border, U.S. and Kurdish military officials have said.

Kurdish soldiers on Monday continued sporadic fighting in several
around Halabja and along the Iran-Iraq border near the village of
site of a destroyed building once allegedly used by Ansar militants to
produce poison.

Gen. Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said
Sunday the
Sargat compound was probably the site where militants made a
toxin, traces of which were later found by police in London.

We think that's probably where the ricin that was found in London
(from) he told CNN's Late Edition. At least the operatives and
some of the formulas came from this site.

British police raided a London apartment in January and found
traces of
ricin, a powerful poison made from castor plant beans. U.S. officials
believe the poison and those arrested were linked to Ansar.

The group's leader, Mullah Krekar, is being held in Norway on
charges of


2003-04-02 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---


A torture chamber used by Saddam Hussein's henchmen has been
discovered by British troops in Iraq, according to reports.

Cells in a police station contained a meat hook attached to a ceiling
and a live cable said to be used to give electric shocks.

Royal Marines found it in a suburb of Basra, reported the Daily
Mirror's Tom Newton Dunn, who is with the troops.

Dozens of Iraqi national ID cards were spread across the Chief of
Police's abandoned large oak desk, he wrote.

Troops captured the Abu Al Khasib suburb after 13 hours of fighting.

The police station was empty when the marines arrived.

One local said: The Ba'ath Party were bad people, they used to hurt
people inside the police station. You say bad words about Saddam, they
take you in there and you never come out.

Everybody also knew not to ask what happen to them there, then they
disappear too.

Newton Dunn wrote everything we saw inside that building yesterday
suggested that it was wasn't really a house of law and order at all,
but used instead to torture possibly hundreds of local civilians.

The police sation was also said to be used by the Mukhabarat - by far
the most infamous of Saddam Hussein's internal security services.

Last Updated: 11:49 UK, Wednesday April 02, 2003

--- End of forwarded message ---

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