In a message dated 11/20/2007 7:09:28 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

how  about analyzing the population shift in general over that period. ...
AP  has had the OPPORTUNITY with over 1 billion in state aid to build a 
superior  program 
but failed for one reason or the other. Skip the race issue. No  reason a 
single race school 
can't excel. You don't need white kids to make  the rest smarter.
Good points.

ll  kids have the SAME opportunity for a HIGHER level of education/programs  
offered i the speciality schools which, as you pointed out, IS NOT open to  
all residents. 
You have to apply and hope your kid didn't f-up along the  way.
A slippery slope with that one -  Doesn't M.A.S.T. also have a  application 
procedure?  Entry tests?  Otherwise how do you  choose?

Make  all the schools strict and fund more programs and enforce strict 
policies as  to learning and discipline instead of letting kids skate  along?

Parent responsibility is somewhere in there I hope....

The  issue has nothing to do with race. I
It shouldn't.  Unfortunately, it does.  But I think our country,  as a whole, 
has come a long way.  Still a way to go.
Happy Thanksgiving

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