
whats it like being a white boy in trinidad?


On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 12:38:58 -0400, Angel Stewart
> ?
> Excuse me?
> I'm holding myself down?
> Look boy ketch yuh falling self eh!
> I don't live in America, and in Trinidad society circles I'm certainly not 
> 'held down' by anything or anyone.
> Nice rant btw. Pity it doesn't address the key issues of the debate,
> your anectdotal offerings not withstanding.
> The facts say that it is White people who have held and continue to try to 
> hold minorities down.
> Quit writing your own sob stories that boo hoo I don't get money to go to 
> hoo I don't get scholarships and loans.
> You're only holding yourself down.
> Laters,
> -Gel
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Phill B [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> This is my point. Minorities get special treatment that I don't get. I don't 
> get money to go to school because I'm white. I don't
> have large organizations watching out for my white ass.
> Opportunities are given out EVERY DAY to minorities. Scholarships and loans 
> are available in abundance to every ethnic group out
> there. Yet they still complain that there isn't enough being done to help 
> them out. What more do we need to do?
> Am I supposed to feel guilty for things I've never done? Do I need to give up 
> MY rights and every thing I HAD to work for? Is this
> supposed to easy race relations for a better tomorrow?
> Do you realize that kids in rural America have less opportunities than 
> minorities? Do you know what its like to grow up a hundred
> miles from no where with NO opportunities while the President speaks of "No 
> child left behind"? Imagine being told that the only job
> you need is working in a factory. That education isn't important.
> Stop perpetuating the sob story and start writing a new one! You are holding 
> your self down by buying into that crap. You are what
> you believe you are. If you think you are oppressed, you will be. If you 
> think you don't have opportunities, you wont.

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