> Just refresh the page, then do "view source" and search for
> "cell_id_list".  That will give the ordered list of cells by id
> number.

Were you suggesting that I do this or Jason or someone else?

> To Dana -- you might want to try Firefox if possible -- that's what us
> dev's use the most, so it is the most reliable for using the notebook.
>    Just to emphasize this, note that I think right now everybody who
> has done much work on the notebook in the last few months is using
> Linux, and Safari isn't available on Linux, so Firefox as a notebook
> client tends to be more well tested.


I'm guessing that it is hopeless to "fix" my current worksheet.
However, I really want to have the worksheet that I intended to have.
I really don't want to recreate it.  Is there a way that I can copy
some of the content from the existing fubar-ed worksheet to save me
some effort?  Ideas?

Instead of having my students work on the worksheet this morning, I
spent a few minutes demoing Sage before lecturing.  I made a point of
telling them that despite the fact that I had to change plans that one
of the cool things about Sage is the community.  I told them that I
had people all over the country trying to help me out at all hours of
the night.



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